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September 2-9, 2009 Vol. 1, No. 18

Meet the

No Boss Freelancing and the future of work p17

School Lunch Funk p7 | The King of Skateboard Art p29 | Fall Films


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september 2-9, 2009


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A/<B/1@CH 1=; september 2-9, 2009 1=<B3<BA

Contents. P OSTS














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ON THE COVER Photograph by Iris Kavanagh

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Posts. P osts. Messages M essages &

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1=<A3@D/B7=< 1=<A3@D/B7=< < =B 3<=C56 <=B 3<=C56 WHILE IT WHILE T IIS ST TRUE RUE tthat hat o our ur llocal ocal w water ater u users sers h ave cconsiderably onsiderably rreduced educed cconsumption onsumption have w ithout ggreat reat d ifficulty, aand nd w pplaud ttheir heir without difficulty, wee aapplaud m indful cconservation onservation eefforts, fforts, iitt iiss iimportant mportant mindful tto op ut tthis his yyear’s ear’s d rought iin n ccontext. ontext. Despite Despite a put drought tthird hird sstraight traight yyear ear o elow aaverage verage rrainfall, ainfall, tthe he off b below m ore ssevere evere d roughts o 976–77 aand nd 11987–1992 987–1992 more droughts off 11976–77 ccreated reated a m uch m ore d ifficult ssituation ituation ffor or much more difficult rresidents esidents aand nd b usinesses tto o ccope ope w ith w ater businesses with water rrestrictions. estrictions. IItt iiss d uring p eriods llike ike tthose hose o during periods off m ore ccritical ritical sshortages hortages tthat hat a d esalination more desalination o ption iiss n eeded. option needed. Another important important role role o he d esalination Another off tthe desalination p lant iiss tto o aallow llow S oquel C reek W ater D istrict plant Soquel Creek Water District tto o rreduce educe iits ts aannual nnual pumping pumping o n tthe he sstressed tressed on ccoastal oastal aquifers, aquifers, w hich are are ccurrently urrently iits ts o nly which only w ater ssource. ource. By By supplementing supplementing groundwater groundwater water ssupplies upplies w ith d esalination, tthe he District District will will be be with desalination,

able tto able o llimit imit ggroundwater roundwater p pumping umping tto ow within ithin tthe he ssustainable ustainable yield yield aand nd p revent sseawater eawater prevent iintrusion ntrusion ffrom rom ccontaminating ontaminating tthe he aaquifers. quifers. We agree agree that that more more conservation conservation is is possible, possible, We b ut w hen yyou ou compare compare tthe he 770 0 ggallons allons p er ccapita apita but when per p er d ay used used b ur w ater ccustomers ustomers w ith tthe he per day byy o our water with sstatewide tatewide aaverage verage o 30 ggallons allons p er d ay p er off 1130 per day per p erson, iitt iiss clear clear tthat hat rreliance eliance o n cconservation onservation person, on aass tthe he sole sole ssolution olution tto o ffuture uture w ater sshortages hortages iin n water tthis his rregion egion o he state state iiss n ot a p ractical sstrategy. trategy. off tthe not practical Conservation will will remain remain a cornerstone cornerstone for for Conservation b oth w ater agencies agencies aass w lan ffor or tthe he ffuture, uture, both water wee p plan b ut iitt ccannot annot b he o nly o ption w ursue. but bee tthe only option wee p pursue. Desalination is is a reasonable reasonable component component of of a Desalination d iversified w ater p ortfolio tthat hat iincludes ncludes eexisting xisting diversified water portfolio w ater ssupplies upplies aand nd cconservation, onservation, aand nd iiss eessential ssential water iin np lanning ffor or a sustainable sustainable w ater ssupply upply ffor or planning water tthe he C i t y o f S a n t a C r u z a n d S o q u e l C r e e k W ater City of Santa Cruz and Soquel Creek Water D istrict. District. Rather than than sidestepping sidestepping the the issue issue of of adapting adapting Rather tto o cclimate limate cchange, hange, tthe he p rocess o xploring tthe he process off eexploring

ffeasibility easibility o off desalination desalination iincludes ncludes aan n eevaluation valuation o how effectively effectively tthe he two two agencies agencies ccan an m ake off how make tthis his a “no-net-carbon “no-net-carbon iincrease� ncrease� p roject w ith project with eenergy nergy minimization minimization tthrough hrough iinnovative nnovative d esign, design, rrenewable enewable eenergy nergy u se aand nd eenergy/carbon nergy/carbon o ffsets. use offsets. Our local local water water supplies supplies aare re n ot ssustainable ustainable Our not ffor or tthe he ccurrent urrent p opulation, aand nd ccertainly ertainly w ould population, would b nadequate tto om eet tthe he n eeds ffor or aany ny m odest bee iinadequate meet needs modest aamount mount o rowth tthat hat ccould ould o ccur w ithin eeach ach off ggrowth occur within o ur w ater sservice ervice aareas. reas. off o our water n the the end, end, the the q uestion iiss n ot w hether In question not whether aadditional dditional w ater iiss n eeded tto op ass o na water needed pass on ssustainable ustainable ssupply upply tto o ffuture uture ggenerations. enerations. Th he The q uestion iiss w hich p roject tto op rovide tthat hat question which project provide aadditional dditional w ater m akes tthe he b est ssense. ense. O ur water makes best Our rrigorous igorous eexamination xamination o ll ffactors actors h as lled ed o ur off aall has our ttwo wo aagencies gencies tto o tthe he eevaluation valuation o esalination aass off d desalination tthe he m ost ffeasible easible o ption. most option. An Informational Informational Meeting Meeting about about tthe he An p roposed 2 .5 m illion ggallon allon p er d ay d esalination proposed 2.5 million per day desalination p lant aand nd tthe he sstudies tudies tthat hat w re ccurrently urrently plant wee aare


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A/<B/1@CH 1=; A /<B/1@CH 1=; sseptember e p t e m b e r 2-9, 2 - 9 , 22009 0 0 9 >=ABA >=ABA

THE BULLHORN EEE A/<B/1@CH40 1=; E EE A/<B/1@CH40 1=; A A/<B/1@CHE339:G /<B B/1@CHE339: :G

Time ffor Time or an an Oceans Oceans PPolicy olicy Overhaul Overhaul 0G 87; /G3@A 0 G 8 7 ; /G 3 @ A

conducting w conducting will ill b bee h held eld Thursday, Th hursday, Sept. Sept. 2 24, 4, 8pm Middle ffrom rom 6 tto o8 pm aatt tthe he New New Brighton Brighton M iddle School Performing Center. Representatives S chool P erforming Arts Arts C enter. R epresentatives off S Santa Soquel Creek ffrom rom tthe he City City o anta Cruz Cruz aand nd S oquel C reek Water District, W ater D istrict, aand nd technical technical eexperts xperts from from tthe he off C CDM will cconsulting onsulting ffirms irms o DM aand nd CH2MHILL CH2MHIL LL w ill bee m making presentations. bee aan b aking p resentations. There There will will also also b n opportunity questions. More o pportunity tto o aask sk q uestions. M ore iinformation nformation www.scwd2desal.org. iiss aavailable vailable aat: t: w ww.scwd2desal.orgg.. Bill B ill K Kocher, ocher, D Director irector SSanta anta C ruz W ater D epartment Cruz Water Department LLaura aura B rown, G eneral M anager Brown, General Manager SSoquel oquel C reek W ater D istrict Creek Water District

E6= 2=3A E6= 2=3A >C<7A6;3<B A3@D3> C<7A6;3<B A3@D3IT TS SCARES CARES m mee tthat hat o our ur DA, DA, a man man who who is is uphold ssupposed upposed tto ou phold the the llaw, aw, sspeaks peaks aabout bout way hee d does ““lifers� lifers� the the w ay that that h oes ((“No “No Exit, Exxit,� Cover Cover Story, Aug. S tory, A ug. 119). 9). Indeterminate Indeterminate life life sentences sentences aare re offer parole ssupposed upposed tto oo ffer the the possibility possibility of of p arole if if the the prisoners meet p risoners m eet the the criteria criteria eestablished stablished by by llaw. aw. must Itt m ust be be illegal illegal for for the the parole parole board board aand nd the the ggovernor overnor tto o repeatedly repeatedly deny deny prisoners prisoners aan n honest honest hearing. Maybe pay h earing. M aybe tthe he $100,000 $100,000 a year year we we p ay eeach ach parole byy p arole board board member member (who (who aare re appointed appointed b tthe he governor: governor: can can you you say say conflict conf lict of of iinterest?) nterest?) would w ould be be better better used used elsewhere. elsewhere. One One reason reason sentencing sentencing laws laws exist exist is is because because our o ur emotional emotional reactions reactions are are not not tthe he best best guide guide decisions mother ffor or d ecisions rrelated elated tto o jjustice. ustice. As As a m other I ccan an was murdered, iimagine magine tthat hat iiff ssomeone omeone I llove ove w as m urdered, would not want murderer Iw ould n ot w ant tto o ssee ee ttheir heir m urderer eever ver bee ffree. b ree. That’s That’s why why I am am glad glad that that we we have have laws laws uphold moral not want tto ou phold a m oral sstandard. tandard. I would would n ot w ant myy pain m pain aand nd suffering suffering to to gguide uide ssuch uch important important decisions. It’s who does d ecisions. It t’s aan n age-old age-old question: question: w ho d oes tthe he punishment p unishment sserve? erve? How How do do we we rrecover ecover ffrom rom Can debt bee p paid? believe tterrible errible lloss? oss? C an ssuch uch a d ebt b aid? I b elieve iitt ccan an be. be.

listened listened to to NPR NPR and and to to television television accounts. accounts. I won’t but won’t enumerate enumerate all all of of his his achievements achievements b ut I was was amazed amazed at at his his rrole ole iin n ggovernment overnment aand nd iin n the made past the social social progress progress we we have have m ade iin n tthe he p ast 550 0 years. years. I also also looked looked into into accounts accounts of of the the Chappaquiddick Chappaquiddick incident. incident. My My conclusion conclusion is is that hee d did: hee ttried that he he did did what what he he ssaid aid h id: h ried tto o ssave ave Mary Mary Jo. Jo o. Then Th hen he he got got others others (two (two friends) friends) to to try try to not do to save save her. her. When When they they ccould ould n ot d o iitt aand nd iitt was bee aalive, hee w went was obvious obvious she she could could not not sstill till b live, h ent to to pieces pieces and and evidently evidently aand nd iirrationally rrationally ttried ried tto o cover obviously cover up up the the accident, accident, an an o bviously iimpossible mpossible task. have task. He He was was investigated investigated and and ffound ound tto oh ave committed not prosecuted. committed misconduct misconduct but but was was n ot p rosecuted. From From what what I have have seen seen and and heard heard of of him, him, and and from from innumerable innumerable testimonials testimonials aand nd tthe he biographical biographical information information I’ve I’ve seen, seen, he he was was good and and compassionate compassionate man, man, aand nd aalso lso a good physically brave brave and and capable capable of of d oing w hat h physically doing what hee said he he did did at at the the aaccident ccident sscene, cene, aand nd m orally said morally incapable of of leaving leaving anyone anyone to to d ie iiff h ould incapable die hee ccould possibly help help them. them. That Th hat doesn’t doesn’t excuse excuse what what possibly he did did in in driving driving drunk drunk o rying tto o ccover over u p he orr ttrying up what happened, happened, but but he he has has rrehabilitated ehabilitated h imself what himself by his his dedication dedication to to serving serving the the people people of of our our by country, especially especially the the underprivileged underprivileged and and country, middle class. class. middle Ted Kennedy Kennedy was was right right about about the the need need for for Ted health care care reform reform and and the the innumerable innumerable other other health social reforms reforms he he was was so so important important in in enacting, enacting, social including parental parental leave leave for for family family m edical including medical crises. He He w as rright ight tto oo ppose tthe he Iraq Iraq war war and and crises. was oppose he was was almost almost alone alone among among S enators w hen h he Senators when hee first did did that. that. And And h as a h ero ffor or ffighting ighting sso o first hee w was hero hard and and so so well well for for w hat h elieved iin. n. hard what hee b believed mourn his his passing passing and and pray pray that that o thers w ill I mourn others will carry forward forward his his and and his his b rothers’ ccrusade rusade tto o carry brothers’ extend the the benefits benefits of of our our d emocracy aand nd ssocial ocial extend democracy and technological technological progress progress to to eeveryone veryone in n tthe he and United States States and and the the world. world. United Carol C aro LLong, ong SSanta an a C ruz Cruz

SS.. SSmiley, miley, SSanta anta Cruz Cruz

93<<32G E/A @756B 9 3<<32G E/A @756B IIN N TH THE HE d dialogue ialogue aaround round tthe he p passing assing o off S Senator enator Ted Kennedy, him on T ed K ennedy ssome ome ssay ay tthat hat tthey hey aassess ssess h mo n one Chappaquiddick. ““only on y o ne tthing�—meaning h ng�—mean ng C happaqu dd ck I want but w ant tto o aaddress ddress that, that not not aass an an eexpert xpert b ut aass who ssomeone omeone w ho iss concerned concerned about about ssuch uch a narrow narrow vview. ew I looked ooked into nto his h s history h story by by listening sten ng tto o of what of what rrecordings ecord ngs o what he he said sa d and and aaccounts ccounts o what hee d did, did on Internet h d aand nd I d d rresearch esearch o n tthe he In nternet aand nd

RUNNING METER / U]ZRS\ S`O VS`S O\R ^OaaSR / U] RS\ S`O VS`S O\R ^OaaSR BVS aWZdS` ZW]\¸a `]O`SR VWa ZOab B VS a dS` ]\ a `]O`SR V a Oab


AST W AST WEEK, EEK, rrepresentatives epresentatives o off tthe he m many any Californians Californians that that llive ive aand nd w ork aalong long tthe he ccoast oast m et iin n tthe he M onterey Bay Bay aarea rea tto o work met Monterey d iscuss p ractical w ays o rotecting tthe he h ealth o he o cean w hile discuss practical ways off p protecting health off tthe ocean while allowing for for ssustainable fo ustainable eeconomic conomic gr ggrowth. ro owt wth. This wt This M Th aayo ay yyo orss’’ Ocean Ocean Summit, Summit, allowing Mayors’ the ffirst irst o ts k ind iin n California, California, included included the the m ayors, ccity ity m anagers aand nd the off iits kind mayors, managers councilmembers from from 114 4 California California ccities ities iincluding ncluding S anta Cruz, Cruz, as as w ell councilmembers Santa well as Congressmember Congressmember S am Farr Farr aand nd Assemblymember Assemblymember Bill Bill M onning. as Sam Monning. Many of of these these leaders leaders have have had had success success mitigating mitigating our our impacts impacts on on Many the ocean, ocean, including including ways ways to to eliminate eliminate the the use use of of polystyrene polystyrene and and the single-use plastic plastic bags. bags. Such Such containers containers kill kill hundreds hundreds of of thousands thousands of of single-use seabirds, marine marine mammals mammals and and turtles turtles a year year through through ingestion ingestion and and seabirds, entanglement. They Th hey are are an an eyesore eyesore and and a detriment detriment to to human human health. health. entanglement. Plastic b ag ccleanup leanup aalone lone ccosts osts C alifornians ssome ome $ 25 m illion a yyear. ear. A Plastic bag Californians $25 million Ass the executive executive d irector o he United United Nations Nations Environment Environment Program Program the director off tthe Achim Steiner Steiner notes, notes, single-use single-use plastic plastic bags bags “should “should be be banned banned or or Achim phased out out rrapidly apidly eeverywhere. verywhere. There Th here is is simply simply zero zero justification justification ffor or phased manufacturing them them anymore, anymore, anywhere. anywhere.� manufacturing The Mayors’ Mayors’ Summit Summit w as aabout bout m ore tthan han jjust ust p lastic llitter. itter. Itt was was The was more plastic about recognizing recognizing that that we we all all have have a shared shared past past and and future future dependent dependent about on healthy healthy oceans, oceans, and and that that efforts efforts to to protect protect them them are are now now paramount paramount on in tthe he fface ace o limate cchange hange aand nd o cean aacidification. cidification. The The multiple multiple in off cclimate ocean threats of of pollution, pollution, unsustainable unsustainable fishing fishing and and habitat habitat destruction destruction reduce reduce threats the natural natural resilience resilience of of ocean ocean ecosystems, ecosystems, undermining undermining their their natural natural the ability tto ob uffer tthe he eeffects ffects o arming, CO CO2--heavy heavy atmosphere. atmosphere. ability buffer off a w warming, We do do not not yyet et ffully ully u nderstand tthe he m agnitude o hange w e’re llikely ikely tto o We understand magnitude off cchange we’re ssee ee w ith cclimate limate cchange hange aand nd o cean aacidification, cidification, tthough hough m any eeffects ffects aare re with ocean many aalready lready o no ur d oorstep. The The Arctic Arctic Ocean Ocean is is among among the the first first to to feel feel these these on our doorstep. eeffects, ffects, sseen een iin nad rastically rreduced educed ssea ea iice ce eextent xtent tthat hat tthreatens hreatens w ildlife drastically wildlife aand nd tthe he vvery ery llivelihoods ivelihoods o ndigenous ccommunities. ommunities. As As the the ice ice m elts, off iindigenous melts, m ore d ark o cean iiss rrevealed. evealed. The The darker darker surface surface absorbs absorbs more more ssolar olar eenergy nergy more dark ocean tthan han tthe he rreflective ef lective iice, ce, lleading eading tto o aan n eever-increasing ver-increasing p ositive ffeedback eedback positive lloop oop tthat hat w ill llikely ikely iimpact mpact a ffar ar ggreater reater aarea rea tthan han tthe he A rctic aalone. lone. In n will Arctic C alifornia, w inter sstorm torm ttracks racks aand nd p recipitation p atterns m ay cchange, hange, California, winter precipitation patterns may ssea ea llevel evel ccould ould rrise ise iiff tthe he Greenland Greenland ice ice shelf shelf melt melt aaccelerates, ccelerates, aand nd w ildlife wildlife m igration p atterns ssuch uch aass tthose hose o he California California gray gray whale whale ccould ould aalter. lter. migration patterns off tthe In addition addition to to regional regional efforts efforts like like those those of of our our mayors mayors and and In rrepresentatives epresentatives iin n Congress Congress and and tthe he Legislature, Legislature, efforts efforts m ust b aken b must bee ttaken byy tthe he O bama A dministration tto o sset et tthis his n ation o nap ath o ustainable Obama Administration nation on path off ssustainable v ng tthrough hrough sscientifically c ent ca y ssound, ound rresponsible espons b e m anagement o ur o cean living management of o our ocean rresources, esources aand nd ccontinuing ont nu ng a sstewardship tewardsh p eethic th c b ased o n rreason eason aand nd w sdom based on wisdom, w th tthis h s aand nd future uture ggenerations enerat ons in nm nd The The aadministration dm n strat on iss ccurrently urrent y with mind. ggathering ather ng p ub c ccomments omments o n just ust ssuch uch aan n Ocean Ocean P o cy The Th he C a orn a public on Policy. California h ear ng iss o nS ept 1177 in nS an Francisco. Frranc sco O ceana h as rrecommended ecommended tthey hey hearing on Sept. San Oceana has mp ement a ccomprehensive omprehens ve o cean p o cy b ased o n sscience c ence tthat hat w implement ocean policy based on will p rotect m a nta n aand nd rrestore estore tthe he h ea th o ur o cean ccoastal oasta aand nd G reat protect, maintain health of o our ocean, Great L akes eecosystems. cosystems W rge aall Californians Ca orn ans to to aadd dd yyour our vvoices o ces tto o tthe he Lakes Wee u urge d scuss on T me iss rrunning unn ng o ut for or o ur o ceans b ut itt iss n ot ttoo oo late. ate Fo or discussion. Time out our oceans, but not For tthe he ssake ake o he n ext ggeneration, enerat on w eed tto om ake w aves n ow of tthe next wee aall n need make waves now. Jim J mA Ayers yers iss v vice ce ppresident res den oof O Oceana ceana aand nd w was as a ppresenter resen er aat the he M Mayors’ ayors O Ocean cean Su umm B ased in nJ uneau A aska hhee ppreviously rev ous y sserved erved aass cchief h e oof sstaff a too Summit. Based Juneau, Alaska, G ov T ony K now es aand nd hheaded eaded the he EExxon xxon V a dez ccleanup. eanup Gov. Tony Knowles Valdez


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Currents. C urren ents. 63@3¸A B63 0334 IIn 63@3¸A B63 0334 n tthe he P Pajaro a j a ro V Valley alle y U Unified nif ied SSchool cho ol D District’s istrict’’s ce central ntral kkitchen, i tc h e n , Paulette forr ddistribution P aulette Carson Carson sstacks tacks bburgers urggers fo istribution to to schools. scho ols.

Wherre’s thee Where’s Kitchen Kit chhen Sink Sink? k?

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NSIDE the NSIDE the ccentral entral k kitchen itchen aatt P ajaro V alley U nif ied S cho ol Pajaro Valley Unified School D istrict iin nW atsonville, fo od District Watsonville, food sservice er vice w orkers aarrive rrive aatt 6 am workers 6am tto op repare tthe he d aily llunch unch sshipment. hipment. prepare daily D onning aaprons prons aand nd h air n ets, tthe he Donning hair nets, llunch unch lladies adies sstand tand iin n aassembly-line s s e m b l y- l i n e ffashion ashion aass tthey hey re move v iindividually ndividually remove w rapped ffrozen rrozen cchicken hicken p atties ffrom rrom wrapped patties ccardboard ardb oard b oxes, ssandwich andwich tthem hem boxes, b etween tw ob uns aand nd p lace tthem hem between two buns place aalong long a cconveyer onveyer b elt w here tthey hey aare re belt where sshrink-wrapped hrink-wrapped fo elivery tto o tthe he forr d delivery d istrict’s sschools. chools. district’s Nary a pan pan is is dirtied dir tied in in the the Nary p rocess—neither ttoday o day n or o nm ost process—neither nor on most d ays. C ast-iron sstoves toves aand nd cconvection onvection days. Cast-iron

ovens aare ovens re o on-site, n-site, but but they they aare re sseldom eldom ffired ired u p iin np reparation fo tudent up preparation forr sstudent llunches. unches. F o o d sservice ervice eemployees mployees u sed Food used tto op at o ut h amburger p atties b and pat out hamburger patties byy h hand aand nd ccook ook tthem hem iin-house, n-house, b ut h igh but high llabor abor ccosts osts h ave fo rced tthe he d epar tment have forced department tto o sscale cale d own aand nd ccentralize. entralize. T he sstaff taff down The n o llonger onger h as ccapacity apacity tto ow hip u p no has whip up 9 ,00 0 llunches unches ffrom rrom sscratch cratch aand nd d eliver 9,000 deliver tthem hem tto o 332 2 sschools cho ols iin n ttime ime fo he forr tthe llunch unch b ell tto o ssound. ound. bell The rising rising ccost ost o ab or, ccoupled oupled The off llabor, w ith o utdated ffacilities, acilities, h as lled ed with outdated has m any llocal ocal d istricts tto o ccontract ontract w ith many districts with ccommercial ommercial p rocessors llike ike Ad vance processors Advance aand nd T yson, w hich cchop, hop, p re- co ok aand nd Tyson, which pre-cook p ackaage fo o d fo epartments llooking o oking package food forr d departments

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tto o re duce sstaffing taff ing h ours. D istricts reduce hours. Districts ccan an ta ke tthe he rraw aw m eat tthey hey re ceive take meat receive tthrough hrough tthe he fe deral ccommodity ommodity federal d onation p rogram aand nd p ay a m inimal donation program pay minimal fe oh ave iitt p ro cessed iinto nto n uggets, feee tto have processed nuggets, p atties, d inosaur b ites, yo un ame iit, t, patties, dinosaur bites, you name ssaid aid d irector o ood S er vices N icole director off F Food Services Nicole M eschi. Meschi. “It’s d ef initely a vvalue alue tto ou ecause “It’s definitely uss b because o ur llabor ab or iiss tthe he b iggest ccost,� ost,� sshe he ssays. ays. our biggest S pace iiss aanother nother iissue. ssue. ““Even Even iiff w id Space wee d did h a v ve e n o u g h m o n e y t o p a y e ve r y b o d y, have enough money to pay everybody, a llot ot o ur k itchens aare re llike ike cclosets.� losets.� off o our kitchens Now tthe he cclosest losest tthe he d istrict ccomes omes tto o Now district ccooking o oking iiss aadding dding w ater tto od ehyydrated water dehydrated b eans aand nd m ashed p otatoes o aking beans mashed potatoes orr b baking p izza ffrom rrom p re-made d ough. M ost pizza pre-made dough. Most eentrees ntrees aare re ffrozen rrozen aand nd aare re w armed u p warmed up aatt tthe he iindividual ndividual ssites ites b efore sserving. er ving. before While re formers aare re ffighting ighting tto o While reformers ssee ee m ore ffresh, rresh, llocally ocally ggrown rrown fo od more food sserved erved aatt ttheir heir n eighb orho od sschools, chools, neighborhood tthey’re hey’re rrunning unning u p a g a i n s t d e c a des up against decades o ndustrial-style m eal p roduction off iindustrial-style meal production tthat hat h avve lleft ef t sschool cho ol k itchens n early have kitchens nearly iincapable ncapable o eliveering aany ny tthing hing eelse. lse. off d delivering

The T he R Rise ise o off tthe he ‘‘Satellite’ Satellite’ Kitchen Kitchen According A ccording tto o a rrecent ecent ssurvey urvey b byy tthe he Student Nutrition Association, more S tudent N utrition A ssociation, m ore tthan han 80 percent off sschools 8 0p ercent o chools ccook ook ffewer ewer tthan han half off ttheir Not h alf o heir eentrees ntrees ffrom rom sscratch. cratch. N ot nearly percent off sschools ssurprising, urprising, n early 550 0p ercent o chools use u se tthe he ccommodity ommodity aallocations llocations tthey hey based on rreceive eceive ffrom rom tthe he ggovernment overnment b ased o n number off rreimbursable meals tthe he n umber o eimbursable m eals sserved, erved, mainly processed m ainly ffor or p rocessed ffoods. oods. According Cynthia Hawthorne, A ccording tto oC ynthia H awthorne, off tthe Santa Cruz City School cchairman hairman o he S anta C ruz C ity S chool District’s Wellness Committee, many D istrict’s W ellness C ommittee, m any districts have d istricts h ave sslashed lashed ffood ood sspending pending tto o money cconserve onserve m oney iin n sstrained trained ggeneral eneral ffunds. unds. The has meant T Th he rresult esult h as m eant llower-quality ower-quality degraded ffood ood aand nd d egraded ffacilities—either acilities—either ffrom rom neglect, orr b being n eglect, rrenovation enovation o eing aaltogether ltogether out off cconstruction projects. lleft eft o ut o onstruction p rojects. Santa Cruz City Schools S anta C ruz C ity S chools aallocated llocated $30,000 winter $ 30,000 llast ast w inter ffor or aan n eextensive xtensive off tthe department. rreview eview o he ffood ood sservices ervices d epartment. The January, T he rreport, eport, rreleased eleased iin n Ja anuary, eexposed xposed dishwashing iinadequate nadequate d ishwashing ffacilities, acilities,


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—Curtis — Curtis Cartier Caarrtier

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refrigeration, storage and temperature holding equipment, among other challenges. “They no longer have anywhere for the kids to sit down and eat,� says Beth Collins, one of the food system consultants who conducted the assessment. “The kitchens are in very poor condition, if you can even call them kitchens.� Pajaro Valley Unified School District faces similar obstacles, according to Sue Brooks, who held the position of food service director from 1994 until last year. In the process of building the central kitchen, other kitchens were transformed into “satellites,� primarily responsible for storing and reheating meals, she says. At some schools, dishwashers were ripped out and replaced with freezers. In others, freezers were converted to refrigerators. Newer schools were built without fullyequipped kitchens to save costs and square footage.

Unhappy Meals After paying for labor, which often accounts for about 60 percent of a food service department’s budget, districts are left with a little over $1 to prepare a nutritious meal of meat or protein, grains,



$408,906 The amount received by clients of the Watsonville Law Center’s Economic Justice Project (EJP) over the last 12 months for wrongful debt refunds, negotiated settlements or payment of owed wages.

fruits and vegetables and milk. Deciding what goes on the menu is often an act of juggling pennies, where spending 30 cents extra on an entree could wipe out the entire budget for fruits and vegetables. “The dollar for an entree is usually the breaker,� Meschi says. “Once in a while, we might put on something that’s a dollar, but we could not afford to do that every day.� Most of what the district can scrape together are processed items like chicken tenders, corn dogs and hamburgers that they can get for 50 to 60 cents from large distributors. However, there is a daily vegetarian option, and all entrees are served with a choice of fresh fruits, vegetables and milk. While some would argue that the district is still serving what looks like fast food to the most needy students, kitchen manager Paula Barajas said

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meals have to meet certain federal guidelines that regulate fats, carbohydrates, sodium and cholesterol. The state has gone even further by banning the sale of candy and soda and raising reimbursement rates for districts that eliminate transfat, the nonessential fat that has been linked with higher risk of heart disease, and fried food from their lunches. “When people see a corn dog on our menu, they’re thinking, ‘Oh my God, that’s terrible,’� Barajas says, “but it’s not deep fat fried, it has some whole grain cornmeal in it. We’re using a chicken or turkey dog, so we’re trying to be as healthy as we can in those areas.� Still others like Hawthorne maintain that schools can do better in addressing the country’s childhood obesity and Type-II diabetes epidemic by introducing kids to more nutritious foods at an earlier age. “Schools are absolutely key in changing our national health crisis and providing the educational tools for students, families and communities to pave the pathway to wellness,� she says.

Kitchenless Chef In response to growing concerns about processed food, Santa Cruz City Schools recently hired 3

SANTACRUZ.COM september 2-9, 2009

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A=;3 /AA3;0:G @3?C7@32 Sue Hohman makes salami and cheese sandwiches for the district cafe, open to teachers, administrators and the public, while Bryon Wallace cuts chicken for chicken salad.

James Smith to head the nutrition services department and help move the district away from the heat-and-serve food model in favor of a scratch-cooking system. Although Smith has a background in culinary arts, he will have to wait some time before the infrastructure is in place to start sautĂŠing student lunches. In the meantime, the district has decided to outsource elementary and middle school meals to Revolution Foods, an Oakland-based vendor dedicated to offering fresh-cooked entrees comprised of organic and local ingredients whenever possible. Revolution Foods’ 17,000-square-foot Oakland kitchen opens at 3am, but preparation like grating cheese and mixing vinaigrettes could begin as early as the day before delivery. Meals are cooked on-site then chilled for the daily ride over the hill to Santa Cruz before being reheated again upon serving. Some critics worry about complications en route from Oakland or question whether the district could produce similar meals itself, but Hawthorne maintains that the contract is an interim step to ensure quality food while the district assesses how to improve its facilities. “We need someone to help us create options to provide healthier foods,â€? she says. “Right now we didn’t have another option.â€? Founder and CEO of Revolution Foods Kristin Richmond said the company’s mission is to transform school meals nationwide and raise expectations for how students are fed. “I think bringing real food back into schools is so important as we try to build life-long healthy eating habits among our

students,� Richmond says. “They can see the food they’re eating and identify it and recognize that it doesn’t come from a package or the freezer at a convenience store.� While Stephanie Raugust, nutrition coordinator at Pacific Elementary School District in Davenport, agrees that scratch cooking is the best way to offer healthy meals, she thinks outsourcing ignores the real need to put kitchens back in schools. Raugust runs the “food lab� at Pacific Elementary, which uses the kitchen as an opportunity to teach kids nutrition education and life skills as they prepare daily meals for students and staff. “Students learn to apply skills they will use throughout their lives,� Raugust says. “They won’t have to rely on processed food, or fast food to meet their needs. They learn to do it for themselves.� Parents, food service staff and educators alike are looking toward the reauthorization of the Child Nutrition Act Sept. 30, 2009, to provide needed support for struggling departments trying to include more scratch-cooked food, fruits, vegetables and local ingredients in their programs. The Child Nutrition Act, which governs federal child feeding programs including the National School Lunch Program, is renewed every five years to address funding levels, health standards and ways to improve child nutrition. For Meschi and others like her in the trenches, nothing will happen until the public funds its schools. “We all want to do what’s right for kids,� Meschi says, “but it always comes down to: what is it going to cost?� 0


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Ban Not Yet in the Bag Cities move cautiously on banning single-use plastic bags 0G B@/17 6C97::


T’S HARD TO BELIEVE that Rwanda, a nation nearly destroyed by civil war 15 years ago, has it over Santa Cruz in the eco-conscious department, but there it is: it and 18 other developing nations have banned plastic bags. We haven’t. At least not yet. Last Friday mayors and councilmembers from 13 coastal California cities gathered at West Marine in Watsonville for a closed-door session on how to eradicate polystyrene containers and single-use plastic bags. A half-dozen marine protection NGOs and prominent business leaders—including Walter Rob, co-president of the Whole Foods chain—chimed in. U.S. Rep. Sam Farr, Assemblyman Bill Monning and former Assemblyman John Laird lent their clout to the proceedings. After polystyrene, plastic bags are the next target for many coastal communities. The flimsy sacks we take groceries home in—552 of them each year if you’re a Californian—don’t degrade, they just break up into tiny pieces. They get in the waterways and choke marine life. They may be changing the ocean’s chemistry. All good reasons, one might think, to ban them outright. The resulting resolution from the summit, though, is mildly worded, pledging the signatories to “work together and in our communities reduce and eliminate polystyrene and single-use plastic bags.� Pacific Grove Mayor and summit organizer Dan Cort, who sits on a key council of the nonprofit Oceana, explained why the cities are moving cautiously (for one thing, the event was closed to reporters). “The industry is so rough,� he said, referring to the plastic bag manufacturers. “They’re suing Palo Alto, Manhattan Beach. I’m not afraid of a battle,� he added. “I’m afraid of 10 million plastic bags in the ocean.� Monning says the industry senses a threat and is gearing up for a battle royal. “The American Chemistry Council has a $10 million campaign—‘Plastics Are Cool’—targeting kids,� he says. “Because today it’s plastic bags and Styrofoam. Tomorrow it’s all the plastic packaging.� The war is already on. Last year the

Save the Plastic Bag Coalition—not a joke—sued Manhattan Beach over its implementation of a plastic bag ban on grounds that the city hadn’t done an Environmental Impact Report on the increased use of paper bags (again, not a joke). The news hit the Santa Monica City Council just as it was readying a draft ban of its own, says Santa Monica Mayor Ken Genser. “Our attorney said, ‘Let’s just do [the EIR],’ and we decided to work with a consortium of cities creating a Master Environmental Assessment,� says Genser. That process, which involved eight cities—Palo Alto, San Clemente, Richmond, Manhattan Beach, Pasadena, San Francisco, Los Angeles and Santa Monica—came temporarily to a halt when the state governmental body preparing the assessment lost its funding in the California budget bloodbath. Some of the mayors at Friday’s summit are planning to join the coalition in the hopes that having a master report available to all California cities will forestall CEQA-related lawsuits by the industry. A number of lively discussions reportedly peppered the day—whether biodegradable plastic is acceptable, what to do with dog poop—but one thing attendees seemed to agree on is that the environmental effects of plastic pollution are far-reaching. “We need to link the environmental debate to the health care debate,� said Monning. “We can have a public option, but if asthma rates are spiking because of all the stuff in the air.� Jim Ayers, vice-president of Oceana, put the debate in a larger context. Switching to paper isn’t enough, he said. Recycling isn’t enough. Even carrying a canvas bag isn’t enough. “We need to change as people. And this is the debate,� he says. “We want people to tell us that we can keep doing what we’re doing and have it be OK. That’s a lie. We can’t keep consuming the way we’re consuming and leave behind a world that’s habitable. “Recycling is a good idea, but the answer is to consume less and reuse. People have to change more rapidly than they want to.� Read more news, opinion and features at www.santacruz.com/news.

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LLocal ocal Poets, Poets, Local Local Inspiration Inspiration :]ab 2]U :] ab 2]U IIt’s t’s jjust ust ggetting etting d dark, ark, ffog og d drifting rifting iin, n,

damp ggrasses damp rasses fragrant fragrant w with ith aanise nise aand nd mint, mint, aand nd tthough hough I ccall all h is n ame his name u ntil m oice ccracks, racks, until myy vvoice tthere’s here’s no no ffaint aint ttinkling inkling o ag aagainst gainst ccollar, ollar, n o sleek sleek off ttag no b lack ssilhouette ilhouette w ith ttall all eears ars rrushing ushing black with ttoward oward m hrough tthe he w ild radish. radish. mee tthrough wild A urns o ut, h e’s ttrotted rotted h ome, Ass iitt tturns out, he’s home, ttracing racing the the rroute oute o is ttrusty rusty urine. urine. off h his

Now he he sprawls spraaw wls on on the the deep deep red red rug, rug, not not dead, dead, Now not stolen stolen by by a car car on on West West Cliff Cliff Drive. Drive. not

—Ellen — Ellen B Bass, ass, ffrom rom Mules Mules of of Love Love (BOA (BOA Editions, Editions, 2002) 2002)

Every time time I look look at at him, him, the the wide wide head head Every resting on on outstretched outstretched paws, paws, resting joy does does another another lap lap around around the the racetrack racetrack joy of my my heart. heart. Even Even in in sleep sleep of when I turn turn over over to to ease ease my my bad bad hip, hip, when I’m suffused suffused with with contentment. contentment. I’m

Ellen Bass’s Bass’s ppoetry oetry books bookks include ‘The Human Line’ Line’ (C (Copper Coopperr Canyon andd ‘Mules of Love’ Editions, C aanyon Press, Prreesss, 2007) an Love’ (BOA (BO OA Editions s, een published in many journals 2002). Her ppoems oems have have bbeen Republic, including the Atlantic Atlantic Monthly, M Monthly y, the New New R eepublicc, The Progressive Pr oggrressiv e e and American Americcan Poetry Poetry Review. Review. She tteaches eeaches in the the MFA locally MF FA poetry poetry program prrogram att PaciďŹ c University Univerrssitt y and lo cally in Santa www.ellenbass.com. Sant ta Cruz; www .ellenbbass.com.

If If I could could lose lose him him like like this this every every day day I’d I’d be be the the happiest happiest woman woman alive. alive.

‘Local Poets, Inspiration’ edited Robert Sward. ‘L ocal P oets, LLocal ocal Inspir ration’’ is edit ted e bbyy R oobert Sw ard. It appears ďŹ rst app earrs in the ďŹ r rsst issuee of each month.

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/< C<:793:G /::7/<13 The Mission San Juan Bautista plays a key role in Santa Cruz culture.

Pilgrimage A writer ponders the bond between modern Santa Cruz and historic Mission San Juan Bautista 0G 2=< @=B6;/<


DROVE to San Juan Bautista for the final Cabrillo Music Festival concert on a Sunday night several weeks ago. It was a rousing, loud, stimulating performance of four modern pieces. But the real charge for me was the gathering of so many people, many of whom I know, in and around the mission church. We began watching for familiar faces at Los Jardines, the restaurant started

by music festival supporter and artist Manny Santana decades ago, where we’ve often eaten. Walking from there to the huge 19th-century village square in front of the mission, the twilight cooled by fog and tinged by the slight scent of smoke from the Lockheed fire, we returned to a friendly place where our young children once romped around on the grass. Standing at the lookout above the

San Andreas Fault, across farms that lay in a valley of orderly beauty, we are also peering down at the original El Camino Real, the trail used by Spanish missionaries as they enforced their faith and religious practices on the Ohlone and other native people living in what became California. The San Juan Bautista Mission church is a stunning building, a palimpsest of both this history of zealotry and of Alfred Hitchcock’s Vertigo, whose final scene takes place in the belfry of the mission and in a studio facsimile. One cannot be there without seeing through these competing, overlapping scrims. The facade of the mission church reminds me of New Mexico, Georgia O’Keefe’s f lat pastels and Ansel Adams’ patiently earned hard-edged shadows with their memento mori evanescence. My eye searches the orifices of the belfry for evidence of details in the stucco texture brought into relief by the inevitable progress of

dark shadows. I sit on a stone bench covered with piquÊ assiette, tesserae of colored glass and tile adjacent to rose bushes that grow improbably from dry sandy soil. The benches orient me to pay attention to the failing light on the vertical white column of f latness above the mission entrance—yet other evidence of how interested the mission’s architects are in scripting experience, pointing out fault lines and sight lines, promoting inscriptions and offering an understated peek into a rugged graveyard where poor brownskinned people lie buried, a reminder, by its locked gate, that not everything in history is accessible. I am in a place used for prayer, modern music concerts and a sort of mediation of the two in the form of El Teatro Campesino, whose winter shows, La Pastorella and La Virgen de Tepeac, fill the polished umber clay tiled inner sanctum with a raucous reenactment of mystery, miracle, and the affirmation of music and dance as the tools of our salvation. The mission, like a theater, is adorned with statues of saints and disciples, accompanied by their iconic animals: ram, sheep, lion. Like unlettered pilgrims before the talking walls of churches throughout the world, visitors here are reminded by these images of loyal faith; educated college graduates are awed by the simple dignity of sacred iconography and the naïve wonder many are denied. I sit in awe of the spectacle on the walls, in the alcoves, the rough-hewn pulpit—empty tonight—that juts out above the congregation, the conductor, the renowned Marin Alsop, standing on her three-tiered podium, in her black slacks and jacket, leading a full orchestra whose members spill over from the nave into the side pockets of the resounding apsidals. Throughout this concert, I see only a few violinists and some percussionists, because most of us are sitting at the same level. The music explodes over us, but I pay most attention to the people sitting around me. Nothing can happen in this church, however, to distract one from the church itself. It’s always been this way for me in Mission San Juan Bautista, which is why I have always felt that the performances here pose no threat to the Catholic mass. Nonetheless, when John Corigliano’s music was performed here one summer in the Cabrillo Festival, the new priest, it was rumored, had trouble with the possible defilement of his church by

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modern compositions. Dressed in black, Corigliano looked like a priest as an acquaintance of mine approached him during intermission. Asking him how he was enjoying his new position as leader of the church, my acquaintance was embarrassed when Corigliano, redolent with Brooklyn accent, burst into loud laughter. As they parted, the composer promised to regale his New York friends with a California story to top all California stories. Inside the mission, I am no longer in the California I know. It is no longer the present, either, although the time/ space I occupy is more mythic than historical, even when my mind drifts to the bodies in the adjacent locked graveyard and to our own children 25 years ago playing on a kite-filled lawn, or to my mother accompanying me to a performance of Beethoven’s Ninth, my mother and father-in-law enjoying a concert with the golden, rolling hills of California in the distance. My own memories become as immense as myth. This is a site of reunions, not just in memory, but for neighbors and friends who have driven the 40 minutes south from Santa Cruz. These people annually renew their membership in a culture that includes San Juan Bautista as a site of mediation. The Catholic Church opens its old wooden doors to new, orchestral music, and to a largely secular audience who live forty miles away in a university town known more for its green politics, its gay and lesbian activism and its resistance to reckless growth than for its piety. But we meet here, as we meet our diverse neighbors at performances of Shakespeare plays, drawn together by a desire to experience art in each other’s presence. San Juan Bautista represents a moment of centrifugal force in our summer community. For decades, the final two concerts have occurred outside of town, as though the energy generated for two weeks in the WPAera Civic Auditorium explodes beyond the north-south borders that so often seem impermeable. The final concert transcends our city boundaries, and the caravans of music lovers that head south on the final Sunday witness an old trail. Instead of seeking converts or trying to save pagan souls along the Camino, we are looking for a different kind of transcendence and a different sort of camaraderie from the missionaries. To achieve both, it occurs to me, we need to leave our homes and be welcomed into art’s sanctuary.0

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Land of The Freelance Self-employment takes hold in Santa Cruz


HEY’VE come from around the country and the world to gather on the bare concrete floor of an empty office building and talk shop. A sea of laptopclutching writers, photographers, graphic designers, IT specialists, engineers, public relations officials and advertisement representatives with one thing in common: they never want to work for another boss again. “Welcome to Freelance Camp,� says Shane Pearlman as the folks file

in to the second annual seminar at the vacant Rittenhouse Building in downtown Santa Cruz. Pearlman, along with business partner Peter Chester, are freelance “problem solvers�—technology experts and contractors for hire who work with companies to streamline their communications and web services. And as evangelists for the freelance way, they are practicing what they preach. Their company, austerely dubbed Shane & Peter, is a kind of “freelance

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co-opâ€? in which they recruit teams of self-employed professionals to tackle whatever problem a company might throw at them. By keeping a thick Rolodex of vetted specialists, Chester and Pearlman are able to tailor a staff to the needs of a particular project. And since the workers aren’t full-time employees, the duo can avoid paying health insurance, 401k’s and other costly employee benefits for a savings, they say, that’s passed on to their clients. ¨ '

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Chester says his company only hires reputable full-time freelancers, not “people looking to do something since they got fired.� “I’d say out of 10 people we interview for a gig, one or two are serious freelancers,� says Chester. “The co-op thing is kind of like communism—it can work great under the right circumstances, but you either need someone to keep everyone in line, or only use people that are good at keeping themselves in line. I sometimes think of us as more of a dictatorship, because Shane is always there to make sure things are on track.� Whether part of a co-op or not, the 200 or so freelancers at the Aug. 15 Freelance Camp are part of a growing sector of the workforce. Thanks to technology like laptops and wireless Internet, individual workers are trading cubicles, copy machines and suits and ties for coffeehouses, Blackberries and sweat pants as more people find they’re able to package, market and deliver

products all on their own—or find themselves downsized out of traditional employment (see sidebar, page 26). In Santa Cruz, the move toward freelancing is especially striking. Shared office spaces like NextSpace in Santa Cruz and the Satellite in Felton provide Internet, shipping reception and meeting spaces on a part-time schedule, and for a fraction of the cost of traditional office space rentals.Teresa Thomae, director of the Central Coast Small Business Development Center, says she’s seen a huge increase in selfstarters over the last year. The boom, she says, stems from the slumping economy and unstable corporations that offer little in the way of job security. “In every economic downturn we see an increase in people looking to become freelancers,â€? says Thomae. “Instead of being an employee, they want to be their own boss. Not necessarily to hire a bunch of employees and grow a real business, but to create a job for ¨

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themselves. Our parents taught us that if you get a good job, keep it even if you hate it, because it’s health care and a salary. But now, for the Gen Xers and Gen Yers, if they don’t like a job, they’re gone.� The co-op model that Pearlman and Chester use is also catching on. Parachute Creative, a graphic design outfit run by Davy Reynolds and Ruby Anaya out of NextSpace, maintains a network of freelancers that can be mobilized when a job is too big or multifaceted to for Anaya and Reynolds to accomplish on their own. For some of the freelancers, it’s ideal. Web designer and mother of two Carey Bradfield says that if a gig will detract from her time with her kids, she’ll either

decline the work or bring in help from a fellow freelancer. Reynolds and Anaya say they’re comfortable having a small operation and have no intentions of bringing any of their freelancers in on a full-time basis. “Most of the freelancers we see are looking for full-time jobs. Still, I think if we expanded too much, we might lose some of the vision we started with. I think most of them realize this and don’t expect us to hire them full-time,â€? says Reynolds, lounging on a beanbag chair inside his company’s colorful NextSpace cubicle. “We definitely try to hook up the freelancers we use, though. For any work we can’t do in-house, we use them. And we’ve got plenty of work to do.â€? 0 BVS 4`SS ;O`YSb^ZOQS ¨ !

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The Free Marketplace Freelancers need habitat, too 8jgi^h 8Vgi^Zg

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OU’D THINK the easiest way to find out about the effectiveness of “co-working�—the phenomenon whereby work-at-homers, freelancers and other indie business strangers elect to set up shop in a building and find out what happens—is to ask the co-workers (not to be confused with the traditionbound drones known as “co-workers�) themselves. Trouble is, they’re all too busy working. Ryan Coonerty, Santa Cruz Council member and one of the founders of NextSpace in downtown

Santa Cruz, taps on a member’s shoulder in the cafe. As she turns she reveals a smartphone pressed to her ear. “Oops,â€? he says, and looks around for another source of testimony, but the NextSpacers are all glued to laptops or hustling on cell phones. He eventually manages to drag Jacob Knobel, one of the founders of 12seconds, away from his monitor. “The sucky thing about a startup is, there’s two of you. You can go crazy,â€? Knobel says. “But I love it here. I even sleep here once in a while.â€? ¨


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1=D 3 @ j 4@ 3 3 : / < 1 3 The sleek-yet-cozy interior dĂŠcor of the year-old business at the corner of Pacific and Cooper streets, site of the old Cisco offices, is meant to encourage that. The electrifyingly strong pots of free coffee are not. “We think, to date, two pots of decaf have been brewed,â€? says co-founder and CEO Jeremy Neuner. “And we’re not sure how the decaf got in here.â€? As technology continues to evolve at breakneck speed, a new breed of physical space has emerged to accommodate the workers who can sometimes find themselves paralyzed by their own freedom. “Working at home, I knew how isolated I felt and how hard it was to make myself work sometimes,â€? says Barbara Sprenger, CEO of the Satellite Telework Center in Felton. “We wanted to create a place that allowed people to use remote tools productively, [while] separating out work life and home life.â€? Co-working hubs have sprung up all over the country to meet that need, from Silicon Valley to D.C. to Denver. At their most basic levels of membership, both NextSpace and the Satellite offer access to cafelike space, coffee and highspeed Internet. Dedicated NextSpacers can claim office space or their own carrel workstation, and the Satellite offers cubicles and offices with telephones and printing capabilities all hooked up “hotelâ€?-style to an account. All you need to bring is a laptop. Cruzio also hosts less formal, free monthly co-working events called “jelliesâ€? in their downtown office, where laptop-toting locals can spend the day working side-by-side, mercifully free from sipping the same cold latte at Starbucks for four hours or slipping into the time-wasting WoW vortex.

After opening in May, Satellite has 30 members, and after over a year in business, NextSpace has seen a total of 180 members who’ve elected to ditch their pajamas and show up somewhere. “We need to get up, get dressed and go to work. It’s a human instinct,â€? says Coonerty. The trend has emerged for many reasons, not least among them the swelling ranks of newly laid-off workers who’ve decided it’s high time they got their own. “For the last 150 years or so, talent resided in firms. You were loyal to a company,â€? says Neuner. “Now the trend is you’re going to have eight to 10 different jobs, or you’re never going to work for an employer, period. The means of production are no longer so expensive, so we no longer need to organize labor around big companies.â€? Neuner and Coonerty discovered Santa Cruz in particular is full of tiny companies, but only has big retail spaces. “Freelancing is really popular in Santa Cruz, and tons of people do it,â€? adds Cruzio marketing manager Mike Brogan. “At the same time people are realizing you can’t do everything yourself.â€? After all, no man is an island. The other C-word that comes up a lot in this conversation is “community,â€? a very quaint notion for such a supposedly technophilic crowd. “We need to create a 21st-century version of village life,â€? says Sprenger. She says more co-working spaces means an end to the over-the-hill commute, with more time for family and less at the pump. It can also facilitate reaching out ¨

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A/<B/1@CH 1=; september 2-9, 2009 1=D3@ AB=@G

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Get in. Get out. Get ahead. ÂŽ


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to fellow freelancers sitting at the seat just adjacent. “Call it co-petition,� says Brogan. And therein lies the importance of community. NextSpace hosts brown bag lunches and “Blog and Breakfasts,� while Satellite has its own movie night and insists co-working must happen steps from “coffee, drinks and lunch.� “People need the infrastructure, but more than ever they need the community,� says Neuner. “I don’t just want friends on Facebook, I want real friends,� says Coonerty. Jessica Johnson, a cafe member at NextSpace and the head of her own nonprofit empowermentToday, says that after only a short time, she’s not only found the perfect financial curriculum she was searching for, she also got an apartment from other NextSpacers’ tips. “You just walk in and you feel like

you’re part of a community,� she says. “It’s good energy.� That energy has not gone unnoticed outside of Santa Cruz. “We’ve gotten emails [asking about NextSpace] from Cleveland, Charlottesville, Madison, Wisconsin, and—wait for it— Katmandu,� says Neuner. “I think there will be places like this everywhere.� Sprenger says The Satellite will likely know where its second location is going in the next few months. Under consideration are sites in Live Oak and Santa Cruz’s Westside. “I bet the next big thing is going to come out of co-working,� says Brogan. “There’s just something about it that you don’t get from regular working.� Simply put, people need people. “As long as human beings don’t change, they will need places like this,� says Coonerty. 0


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september 2-9, 2009


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A/<B/1@CH 1=; A /<B/1@CH 1=; sseptember e p t e m b e r 2-9, 2 - 9 , 2009 2 0 0 9 / 3 / 3

Back B ack to to the the Grind Grind The king of Santa Cruz skateboard skaateboard art returns retu urns with a new new retro retro line and a display dissplaay in a new ne w art art exhibit exhibit 0G B@/17 6C97:: 0 G B @ /1 7 6 C 9 7 : :


NAG GARAGE ARA AGE iin nam middle-class iddle - class neighborhood off n eighb orhood aatt tthe he eedge dge o Santa Cruz, S anta C ruz, tthe he iimprobable mprobable iiss happening. Decades hee h appening. D ecades aafter f ter h created off tthe most created some some o he m ost eenduring nduring images whose images in in the the ggenre, enre, tthe he aartist r tist w hose name with name is is virtually vir tually ssynonymous ynonymous w ith Santa Skateboards once Santa Cruz Cruz S kateb oards iiss o nce aagain gain drawing monsters, warhorses drawing pop-eyed pop - eyed m onsters, w arhorses and mermaids forr sskateboard and nubile nubile m ermaids fo kateb oard decks youth off ttoday decks so so tthe he yo uth o oday ccan an tthrash hrash in Phillips back. in style. style. JJim im P hillips iiss b ack. Even Even next next to to his his old old work, work, the the new new designs designs are are intense intense and and appropriately appropriately over over the the top. top. They’re They’ree also also recognizable recognizable even even to to nonskaters, nonskaters, as as in in the the case case of of the the bloodshot-eyed, bloodshot- eyed, razor-fanged razor-fanged cartoon car to on monster monster Slasher. Slasher. It’s It’s like like months months have have v elapsed elapsed since since Phillips’ Phillips’ last last skateboard skateb oard design, design, not not years. years. Santa Santa Cruz Cruz Skateboard’s Skateb oard’s upcoming up coming fall fall catalog catalog shows shows four four of of his his models; models; they they want want him him to to do do two two sets sets of of designs designs a year, year, presumably presumably for fo or as as long long as as the the wave wave of of vintage vintage cool cool keeps keeps on on peeling. p eeling. “It’s “It’s just just crazy,� crazy,� says says Phillips, Phillips, shaking shaking his his head. head. He’s He’s tall, tall, with with iron-gray iron-gray hair hair combed comb ed back back from frrom his his forehead forehead and and a gentle gentle demeanor. demeanor. “I’m “I’m really really excited excited to to be b e able able to to relate relate as as an an old old guy guy to to these these kids kids in in their their teens.� teens.� It’s hard It’s hard to to square square the the man man with with his his artistic output. Standing in his ar tistic output. Standing in his garage garage studio studio with with dozens dozens of of decks decks on on the the walls, each festooned with a walls, each festooned with comically comically

B63 ;/AB3@ Jim B 63 ;/AB3@ Jim Phillips Phillips with with the the Face, Face, ffrom rom a sseries eries ooff decks decks he he created created for for Rob Rob R Roskopp, oskopp, p aand nd tthe he Screaming Screaming Hand. Hand.

gory character gory character or or other other hardcore hardcore design, d esign, he he looks lo oks more more Jedi Jedi knight knight tthan han Pied Pied Piper Pip er to to a generation generation of of sskate kate rats rats obsessed obsessed with with grinding grinding any any aand nd all all unattended unattended curbs. curbs. But But though though Phillips, P hillips, who’s who’s literally literally a grandpa, grandpa, jokes jokes aabout bout being b eing old, old, those those long long years years have have sserved erved him him well. well. By By the the time time he he left lef t tthe he industry industry in in 1990, 199 0, he he was was a legend, legend, aand nd he he remains remains so so today. today. This This Friday, Friday, when w hen a new new exhibit exhibit of of skateboard skateb oard art ar t aand nd design design opens op ens at at the the Museum Museum of of Art A r t and and History, History, Phillips’ Phillips’ work work will will be be honored h onored alongside alongside the the contributions contributions off engineers o engineers at at NHS NHS and and skaters skaters like like Keith K eith Meek, Meek, Judi Judi Oyama Oyama and and Don Don Bostick, B ostick, not not to to mention mention other other artists ar tists iincluding ncluding his his son son Jimbo. Jimbo. Phillips’ Phillips’ work work goes go es back back to to skateboarding’s skaateb oard ding’s early early days. days. In In 1975, 1975, he he

drew his drew his first f irst Santa Santa Cruz Cruz Skateboards Skateb oards llogo ogo for for a new new wheel wheel called called the the Road Road Rider. R ider. It It was was an an innocent-looking inno cent-lo oking iimage: mage: a wheel wheel with with wings wings on on either either sside. ide. Skaters Skaters would would f ly, ly, that that image image said, said, but b ut there there was was more more r to to it. it. It It was was iconic iconic aand nd it it was was humorous—two humoro ous—two things things tthat hat marked marked Phillips’ Phillips’ work. work. Soon Soon after af ter ccame ame the the distinctive distinctive v slanted slanted “Santa “Santa Cruz� C ruz� logo logo that that eventually eveentually wound wound up up iinside nside the the red red dot dot (Phillips (Phillips gives gives credit credit forr the fo the dot dot to to Jay Jay Shuirman, Shuirman, the the “S� “S� iin n NHS, NHS, now now the the parent parent company company of of Santa S anta Cruz Cruz Skateboards. Skateb oards. “My “My most most ffamous amous logo,� logo,� Phillips Phillips says says in in mock mo ck despair, d espair, “and “and I can’t can’t even even take take credit credit forr it!�). fo it!�). In In 1979, 1979, asked asked to to come come up up with w ith an an image image for for the the company’s company’s new new ggroundbreaking ro r undbreaking Independent Indep endent trucks, trucks, Phillips Phillips suggested suggested the the iron iron cross. cross. It It was was

rejected as rejected as too to o N Nazi, azi, b but ut when when P Phillips hillips w ent b ack through through his his sscrap crap p ile aand nd went back pile fo und an an issue issue of of Ti me magazine magazine with with found Time P op e John John Paul Paul II II wearing wearing tthe he iiron r n ro Pope ccross ro oss on on h is vestments, vestments, tthe he b osses ggave ave v his bosses iitt tthe he tthumbs humbs up. up. And then, then, in in 1985, 1985, Phillips Phillips drew dreew the the And S cre r aming Hand. Hand. An An intense intense tturquoise, urq r uoise, Screaming eexcept xcept fo dark rruby uby w here ssevered evered forr dark where ccartoon arto on aarteries r teries d angle aand nd a ttongue ongue dangle p ro otrudes from frrom a ggaping aping m outh iin n tthe he protrudes mouth p alm, tthe he h and b ecame h is ssignature ignature palm, hand became his iimage. mage. “The screaming screaming hand hand is is debatably debata t bly “The o ne o he m ost famous famous sskateboard kateb oard one off tthe most iimages, mages, I would would say, say,� ssays ays M att B ass, a Matt Bass, V enice Beach–based Beach–based filmmaker filmmaker w orking Venice working o nad ocumentary about about skateboard skateboard aart rt on documentary 3! !

! j / 3 september 2-9, 2009 A/<B/1@CH 1=; / 3

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6/<2 7B =D3@ Phillips’ Screaming Hand collection will be on display at MAH starting Friday.

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called Sk8face (the trailer will run at as part of this month’s MAH exhibit).“I would say that thing is eternal. They’ll be selling that thing forever.� Today a small empire has sprung up of plastic Screaming Hand figurines, stickers, posters and, most recently, oven mitts and barbecue aprons. “To be able to market this stuff makes a big difference,� says Phillips. Asked how he came up with the image, Phillips flips to a page in one of his three published books and points to a drawing done when he was just a kid. It’s a sketch of a busy surf town scene. There, in the back, a lone hand rises from behind a wall, threatening or begging for help, it’s hard to know. “It’s somebody back there yelling or drowning, you know, ‘AAAH!’� Phillips says. “Your hands are the things you see the most in your life. Michaelangelo used them—God and Adam. It’s just the angst of everything. It expresses the unexpressible.� The hand is also kind of funny. A lot of Phillips’ work has a streak of dark or insane humor, which makes for a form of irreverence that’s more mischievous than malevolent. It’s part of the reason he was drawn to fleshy monsters while his Southern California counterparts, like VC Johnson of Powell Peralta, were drawing skulls and bones. “They have more personality,� Phillips says of his bugeyed, big-toothed gory creations. He adds, “I like to have fun with it. I think humor is uplifting.� In the ’80s, when the rivalry between Southern California and Northern California skateboard companies was at its height, Johnson and Phillips collaborated on a design called MC Who. Modeled after an Escher painting, it featured a

skeletal hand and a blue screamy hand drawing each other. “They were our biggest competition,� says Phillips, “so for us to come together as artists was really something. And we really got along. I went down there and painted it with him.� That was a time when images stayed around, says filmmaker Bass. “When Santa Cruz and Jim Phillips were really on top of their game, their graphics would be on the shelves for a year or two,� he says. “They were really iconic. Whereas board graphics made today don’t stay on the shelf or your psyche long enough to sink in.� Phillips is still making his designs the old-fashioned way, at least partly: drawing on paper, then making his way through a system of tracing and enlargements until finally it’s time to lay down the colors. For that he goes to the computer. But the result is still careful, rich and original—rare quality in a clip-art world. Phillips is carrying the torch for quality, lasting design. “Santa Cruz is one of the oldest living, breathing skateboard companies,� says Bass. “They have true authentic roots. You can still look at it as a hardcore skater and say, ‘That’s mom and pop skateboard art.’ That’s a lineage. I look at Santa Cruz more as a lineage and a heritage than a skateboard company.�

PRAISE THE BOARD: 35 YEARS OF SKATEBOARD DESIGN & INNOVATION opens Friday, Sept. 4, with a free 6:30–8:30pm reception at the Museum of Art and History, 705 Front St., Santa Cruz. 831.429.1964. Exhibit ends Sept. 27.

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A/<B/1@CH 1=; september 2-9, 2009 AB/53 /@B 3D3<BA

:7AB G=C@ :=1/: 3D3<B 7< B63 1/:3<2/@ Email it to calendar@santacruz.com, fax it to 831.457.5828, or drop it by our office. Events need to be received a week prior to publication and placement cannot be guaranteed.

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27443@3<B 27@31B7=<A 77 This month’s First Friday Art Tour shines a spotlight on a unique new installation at Louden Nelson Center. Four local photographers—Susan Hillyard, Susan Lysik, Gail Nichols and Virginia Scott—have formed a collective, Different Directions, as a platform from which to explore the medium. From Susan Hillyard’s romantic Wild West sepia-toned pieces to Susan Lysik’s whimsical images of local landmarks captured by a toy camera, the four take familiar ingredients and propel them into the realm of the delightfully unexpected. Reception Friday, Sept. 4, 5-8pm at Louden Nelson Center, 301 Center St., Santa Cruz. Through Sept. 29. 0`OhWZWO\ AO[PO 2O\QS 1ZOaa EaZVhZ _d^c 8^YV K^Z^gV! [gdb 7gVo^a! [dg V [jc VcY jea^[i^c\ hVbWV YVcXZ# LZY! +/(%",/)*eb# AdjYZc CZahdc 8dbbjc^in 8ZciZg! (%& 8ZciZg Hi! HVciV 8gjo! -(&#),&#.-('# 0cRRVWab 7\aWUVb ;SRWbObW]\ K^eVhhVcV Y^gZXi egVXi^XZ d[ bdbZci id bdbZci

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A/<B/ 1@CH AC;;3@ 0357<A WITH THE yearly exodus of summer tourists from Santa Cruz, locals can finally kick back and relax. No more overcrowded beaches and no more bumper-to-bumper traffic anywhere within a 30-mile radius. In September we finally get our city back, and what better way to celebrate than a month’s worth of festivals in the best weather of the year? Flower aficionados can get their floral fix at the 57th Annual 1O^Wb]ZO 0SU]\WO 4SabWdOZ on the Capitola Esplanade, Sept. 4–7. The festival’s acclaimed Nautical Parade will take place on Sunday, Sept. 6, with several barges covered head to toe in begonias of every color. The barges float down Soquel Creek, ending at the lagoon, and even after the parade, live concerts and rowboat races complete this historic festival by the bay. Festival starts Friday at dusk with a movie and continues all day Saturday–Monday. Capitola Esplanade, Capitola. www.capitolabegoniafestival.com. Take a big fat Greek wedding and multiply it by a hundred, and you get a big fat 5`SSY 4SabWdOZ. From Sept. 11 to Sept. 13, the Prophet Elias Orthodox Church in downtown Santa Cruz will host a free festival of everything Greek. From authentic gyros and dolmas to traditional bouzouki music, this award-winning festival consistently proves worthy of the gods. Friday–Sunday, Sept. 11–13; Friday 5–10pm, Saturday 11am–10pm, Sunday noon–8pm. 223 Church St., Santa Cruz. With the 27th annual 1O^Wb]ZO /`b O\R EW\S 4SabWdOZ just around the corner, visitors should have nothing to whine about. The event will be held at Esplanade Park Sept. 12–13. With countless local performances and the help of various Santa Cruz Mountain wineries, the event promises to be just grape. Saturday– Sunday, Sept. 12–13, 10am–6pm. Stockton Avenue and Esplanade, Capitola. There’s only place where one can party with Blue Oyster Cult, racing pigs and pro-wrestlers all at the same time, and that’s the 114th Annual AO\bO 1`ch 1]c\bg 4OW` Sept. 15–20, 60,000-plus expected attendees will flock to the fairgrounds for live music, rides, corn dogs and brewing demonstrations. Tuesday–Sunday, Sept. 15–20, noon–11pm daily. 2601 E. Lake Ave., Watsonville. It’s September, but that won’t stop the Tyrolean Inn in Ben Lomond from celebrating =Yb]PS`TSab Held Sept. 25–27, the celebration will include traditional German food and beer as well as a polka-worthy floor and bounce house. Friday–Sunday, Sept. 25–27; Friday 4–10pm, Saturday 2–10pm, Sunday 2–9pm. 9600 Hwy. 9, Ben Lomond. Rula al-Nasrawi

SANTACRUZ.COM september 2-9, 2009

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¡;725@=C<2¸ >@3;73@3 Three years ago two Santa Cruz locals decided to make a feature film. Problem: they had no money. Solution: get volunteer actors, shoot locally and work for free. The result is Midground, a full-length film in the running for the Guinness Book of Records title of lowest-cost feature film ever made. The budget of $150 went to tape for the camera and a few props. Tonight Jordan Graham and Trevor Adrian premiere their film with a screening at the Rio preceded by a show by their band, the Realities. Wednesday, Sept. 9, at 6:30pm at the Rio Theatre, 1205 Soquel Ave., Santa Cruz. Tickets are $5 at Streetlight Records or the theater box office. AOZaO 2O\QS 1ZOaaSa O\R >O`bg 6 ,/(%eb ^ciZgbZY^ViZ hVahV aZhhdc0 -/&*eb WZ\^cc^c\ hVahV aZhhdc0 ."&&/(%eb! hVahV YVcXZ eVgin# ;g^# ( [dg YVcXZ eVgin0 &% [dg aZhhdch VcY eVgin# EVadbVg 7Vaagddb! &()) EVX^[^X 6kZ! HVciV 8gjo! -(&#)'+#&''&# AS\W]`a¸ 2`]^ 7\ 0OZZ`]][ 1ZOaaSa IZVX]Zg OV` XnXaZh i]gdj\] i]Z [dmigdi! hl^c\! lVaio VcY gjbWV ^c [djg"lZZ` hZfjZcXZh0 cd eVgicZg gZfj^gZY# Bdc! &%/(%" &&/&*Vb# -# EVadbVg 7Vaagddb! &()) EVX^[^X 6kZ! HVciV 8gjo! -(&#)'+#&''&# AV]S >OW\bW\U E]`YaV]^ 7g^c\ dg Wjn V eV^g d[ XVckVh h]dZh VcY i]Z hidgZÉh Vgi^hi l^aa hjeean bViZg^Vah VcY WZ dc ]VcY id ]Zae0 Vaa V\Zh lZaXdbZ0 XVaa [dg gZhZgkZY hedi# HVi! '/(%" */(%eb# &%# DaY HX]dda H]dZh! &%&, EVX^[^X 6kZ! HVciV 8gjo! -(&#)'(#',%%# BVS A^SOYS`¸a 5g[ CdZa Bjge]n egZhZcih i]^h lZZ`an X]VcXZ id ^begdkZ ejWa^X heZV`^c\ egZhZciVi^dch0 XVaa id gZ\^hiZg# LZY! ,"-/(%Vb# 6XidghÉ I]ZVigZ! &%%& 8ZciZg Hi! HVciV 8gjo! -(&#'(-#&'()# AeW\U 2O\QS 1ZOaaSa O\R >O`bg 6 ,/(%eb ^ciZgbZY^ViZ hl^c\ aZhhdc0 -/&*eb WZ\^cc^c\ hl^c\ aZhhdc0 ."&%/(%eb! hl^c\ YVcXZ eVgin# LZY# ( [dg eVgin0 &% [dg XaVhhZh VcY eVgin# EVadbVg 7Vaagddb! &()) EVX^[^X 6kZ! HVciV 8gjo! -(&#)'+#&''&# BOW 1VW( 7\b`] 8aVhhZh ^cigdYjX^c\ NVc\ hinaZ IV^ 8]^ 8]ÉjVc# IjZ! ,/(%" -/(%eb# &* dcZ XaVhh$ )* [djg"lZZ` XaVhh hZg^Zh# KZih =Vaa! -)+ ;gdci Hi! HVciV 8gjo! -(&#'.*#('*%# BOW 1VW 0SUW\\W\U 1ZOaa <gZ\ VcY 8]^c\ 7gdYh`n iZVX] NVc\ HinaZ! h]dgi"[dgb IV^ 8]^

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SANTACRUZ.COM september 2-9, 2009

| 37

03/ /BA1/>3 sseptember e p t e m b e r 2-9, 2 - 9 , 2009 2 0 0 9 A/<B/1@CH 1=; A/<B/1@CH 1=; !& ! & j 03/BA1/>3

Jazz Presenters since 1975


GAIL DOBSON LATIN JAZZ SEXTET Gail Dobson - vocals, Patrick Morehead - piano, Smith Dobson V vibes, Melecio Magdaluyo - sax/flute, Steve Herrera - bass, Pepe Jacobo drums, Louie Romero - percussion Concert: $12/Adv $15/Door Jazz & Dinner: $24.60/Adv THURS. SEPTEMBER 10 • 7 PM


MON. SEPTEMBER 14 • 7 & 9 PM

THE BAD PLUS $22/Adv $25/Door



Fiery Gypsy brass, soulful Balkan anthems & hip groovin’ funk! $20/Adv $23/Door 1/2 Price Night for Students At the door only with I.D. Made possible by David & Kate Hartzell and William & Cloy Codiga Family Foundation


LORI RIVERA IN SMOKE AN EVENING OF CABARET Music and Lyrics by Joe Ortiz Concert only: $15/Adv $18/Door Jazz & Dinner: $30/Adv Featuring Guest Chef David Jackman of Chocolate

MON. SEPTEMBER 28 • 7 & 9 PM

World-Class Guitarist STANLEY JORDAN TRIO 7PM: $25/Adv $28/Door 9PM: $20/Adv $23/Door Sponsored by Dale O’Rourke THURS. OCTOBER 1 • 7 PM


Concert only: $12/Adv $15/Door Jazz & Dinner: $24.60/Adv

77@=< ;793 @=< ;793 Michael Burks at Moe’s Moe’s Alley Alleey Friday


Rising Star Vocalist! SOPHIE MILMAN $22/Adv $25/Door

Sponsored by Kuumbwa Jazz Board of Directors


TERRY DISLEY EXPERIENCE Swinging jazz bop to funk & salsa grooves! Former Acoustic Alchemy keyboardist! Concert only: $12/Adv $15/Door Jazz & Dinner: $24.60/Adv MON. OCTOBER 12 • 7 & 9 PM

REGINA CARTER QUINTET 7PM: $25/Adv $28/Door 9PM: $20/Adv $23/Door Sponsored by Staff of Life Oct. 15 Oct. 19 Oct. 22 Oct. 26


Dinner served Mondays & Thursdays beginning at 6pm, serving premium wines & microbrewed beers. Snacks & desserts available all other nights. All age venue.

Advance tickets at Logos Books & Records and online at kuumbwajazz.org Tickets subject to service charge and 5% S.C. City Admission Tax.



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You Y ou know know yyou’ve ou’ve h hit it iitt big big when when T he SSimpsons impsons satirizes satirizes your your image image on on The tthe he telly. telly. Blistering Blistering p olka purveyors purveyors polka tthe he Brave Brave Combo Combo became became p art of of part tthe he Matt Matt G roening legacy legacy aafter fter 2 8 Groening 28 yyears ears of of coloring coloring m anic C entral manic Central E uropean d ance m usic a D enton, European dance music Denton, T exas, h ue. S ince 11979, 979, ffounding ounding Texas, hue. Since m ember C arl F inch and and h is rromping omping member Carl Finch his aand nd rrevolving evolving q uintet h ave ccrafted rafted quintet have 2 8 albums albums o doughty ccovers overs and and 28 off doughty o riginal ccompositions ompositions using using cha cha cha, cha, original ssamba, amba, ssalsa, alsa, zydeco zydeco and and eeverything verything iin n between. between. Their Their aaccomplishments ccomplishments rrange ange ffrom rom ttaking aking h ome Grammys Grammys in in home 11999 999 and and 2 004 to to playing playing the the u ltimate 2004 ultimate h ouse p arty: T alking H ead D avid B yrne house party: Talking Head David Byrne aasked sked tthem hem tto o perform perform aatt his his wedding wedding rreception. eception. Don Don Q uixote’s; $ 15; 77:30pm. :30pm. Quixote’s; $15; ((Jaime Jaime N abrynski) Nabrynski)

Cut ffrom Cut rom a ttattered, attered, aaged ged ccloth, loth, E ric L indell’s m usic ccould ould h ave Eric Lindell’s music have ssat at ccomfortably omfortably aamong mong tthe he rrootsy ootsy b lues aand nd ssoul oul o he ’’70s. 70s. T hough blues off tthe Though h wes aan nu nmistakable d ebt tto o hee o owes unmistakable debt V an M orrison, L indell iiss vvery ery m uch Van Morrison, Lindell much h is o wn m an, w ith a sset et o riginal his own man, with off o original ccompositions ompositions tthat hat aare re jjust ust aass ccredible redible aass aanything nything M orrison cconjured onjured iin nh is Morrison his h eyday. A nd tthough hough h ails ffrom rom S an heyday. And hee h hails San M ateo, L indell’s sspiritual piritual h ome iiss o n Mateo, Lindell’s home on tthe he b ayou, aass h elves iinto nto ssoul, oul, b lues bayou, hee d delves blues aand nd cclassic lassic R &B rrave-ups ave-ups tthat hat eevoke voke R&B aL ouisiana b lues b ar 330 0 yyears ears p ast. Louisiana blues bar past. M oe’s A lley; $ 12 aadvance/$15 dvance/$15 d oor; Moe’s Alley; $12 door; 9 pm. ((Paul Paul M avis) 9pm. M.. D Davis)

The T he llively ively vviolin, iolin, w weeping eeping gguitar uitar aand nd h aunting rreverb everb o his jjazz azz ffusion usion haunting off tthis o utf it cconjure onjure iimagery magery aass eethereal thereal outfit aass ttheir heir m oniker. Th he aadrenalinedrenalinemoniker. The p umped o puses o ive E yed H and pumped opuses off F Five Eyed Hand iinclude nclude tthe he ffinger-picking inger-picking p eals o peals off ““Rumpshaker� Rumpshaker� tto oo ver eeight ight ccelestial elestial over m inutes o TTIS,� ttwo wo ttracks racks ffrom rom minutes off ““TTIS, ttheir heir m ost rrecent ecent aalbum, lbum, C hurned A live. most Churned Alive. T he vversatile ersatile q uartet ggathered athered ssteam team The quartet w hen o ld h ands ffrom rom a m edley o when old hands medley off sseparate eparate llocal ocal aacts, cts, iincluding ncluding ““Fiddler Fiddler M ikey� H enderson o rampa’s C hili, Mikey� Henderson off G Grampa’s Chili, ccame ame ttogether oggether iinto nto a p ower ggroup roup o power off B ay A rea vvirtuosos. irtuosos. L oose, iimprovised mprovised Bay Area Loose, tthreads hreads in in a n etwork o uphorianetwork off eeuphoriab uilding riffs riffs b lended w ith rrelentless elentless building blended with ttechnical echnical sskill kill aare re tthe he ttrick rick tto o tthe he p sychedelic b lanket they they spread spread o ver psychedelic blanket over S anta C ruz. D on Q uixote’s; $ 10; 8 pm. Santa Cruz. Don Quixote’s; $10; 8pm. ((JN) JN)

!' j !'

A/<B/1@CH 1=; A /<B/1@CH 1=; sseptember e p t e m b e r 2-9, 2 - 9 , 2009 2 0 0 9 03/BA1/>3 03/ /BA1/>3

1=<13@BA 1 = < 1 3 @ B A A97<<G A97<<G A7<53@A G A7< <53@ 53@A SEPT T. 10 AT AT MOE’S M MOE Y SEPT. ALLEY B 63 3 A6== =9 BE7< E <A E7<A B63 A6==9 BE7<A SEPT T. 11 AT AT CREPE CR REPE RE REPE EPE PLACE PLA PL LACE SEPT.

4@72/G j ' " 4 @ 7 2/G j ' "

;716/3: 0C@9A ; 716/3: 0C@9A It ttakes It akes some some serious serious chops chops to to earn earn an ickname llike ike ““Iron Iron M an� iin n the the nickname Man� b lues world. world. For For L ittle R ock, A rkansas’ blues Little Rock, Arkansas’ M ichael B urks, iitt took took eeight ight years years o Michael Burks, off n early n onstop ttouring ouring and and a p enchant nearly nonstop penchant ffor or llaying aying down down epic, epic, m ultihour sets sets for for multihour h im tto o lland and tthe he monolithic monolithic m oniker. him moniker. N ow that that h e’s ggot ot it, it, he’s he’s keeping keeping it it b Now he’s byy d elivering a brand brand o electric, amplifieramplif ierdelivering off electric, o verloading b lues and and rrock ock tthat hat would would overloading blues p ut aan n ear-to-ear ear-to-ear grin grin o n the the faces faces of of put on B .B. King Kiing and and JJimi imi H endrix alike. alike. So So B.B. Hendrix iiff yyou ou like like your your guitar guitar sstings tings bent bent and and yyour our cchoruses horuses howled, howled, put put a little little iron iron iin n your your diet diet aatt Moe’s Moe’s tthis his Friday. Friday. M oe’s Moe’s A lley; $ 15 advance/$20 advance/$20 door; door; 9pm. 9pm. Alley; $15 ((Curtis Curtis C artier) Cartier)

A/BC@2/G j ' # A /B C @ 2/G j ' #

2/::/A 6=253 2/ ::/A 6=253 Santa C Santa Cruz’s ruz’s D Dallas allas Hodge Hod o ge p plays lays tthe he k ind o rockin’ blues blues that that gets gets tthe he cops cops kind off rockin’ ccalled alled when when iit’s t’s jammed jammed too too loud loud or or too too llate ate aatt night—the night—the kind kind that that rrequires equires llittle ittle m ore than than a d ecent sset et of of sspeakers peakers more decent aand nd some some rroom oom to to swing swing tthe he hips hips iin n o rder to to be fully fully eenjoyed. njoyed. It’s Itt’s been been tthis his order ssimple, imple, high-energy high-energy approach approach that, that, over over h is 40-year 40-year ccareer, areer, h as h elped H odge his has helped Hodge ggarner arner ccollaborations ollaborations w ith m embers o with members off ssome ome of of tthe he most most celebrated celebrated ggroups roups iin n cclassic lassic rrock, ock, like like Humble Humble Pie, Pie, Aerosmith Aerosmith aand nd Bob Bob Seger. Seger. A nd it’ll it’ll be the the ssame ame And

ffun-loving un-lovin ngg fformula, ormula, p lus ssix ix o ther llikeikeplus other m inded rrockers, occkers, tthat hat h e’ll be b h ave iin n minded he’ll have ttow ow w hen h hows u p tto o rrock ock D on when hee sshows up Don Q Qu uixote’s tthis his w eekend. D on Q uixote’s; Quixote’s weekend. Don Quixote’s; $ 10; 8 pm. ((CC) CC) $10; 8pm.

A/BC@2/G j ' # A /B C @ 2/G j ' #

2/ 2/<8C;/ /<2 / < 8 C ; / / < 2 = <=:/ =<=:/ How m How many any musicians musicians d does oes iitt take take sstart tart a p roper W est African African d ance proper West dance party? p arty? For For Nigerian-turned-proud– Nigerian-turned-proud– Santa Danjuma his S anta Cruzan Cruzan D anjuma and and h is new n ew band band Onola, Onola, tthe he answer answer iiss 12. 12. That’s horns, bass, T hat’s ffive ive h orns, ttwo wo guitars, guitars, b ass, drums, master d rums, keyboards, keyboards, a conga conga m aster up Nigeria, aand nd a dancer. dancer. Growing Growing u p in in N igeria, Danjuma D anjuma would would ccrowd rowd around around a player his rrecord ecord p layer with with dozens dozens of of h is LPs ffriends riends and and listen listen to to Beatles Beatles L Ps until out. he’s u ntil they they wore wore o ut. Today Today h e’s ggot ot on MP3, but he’s used tthose hose ssongs ongs o nM P3, b ut h e’s u sed his his cchildhood hildhood eexperiences xperiences tto o iinspire nspire big big world beats diversity w orld b eats that that celebrate celebrate tthe he d iversity off A African music while displaying o frican m usic w hile d isplaying plenty off C California Moe’s p lenty o alifornia fflavor. lavor. M oe’s Alley; $9 door; 9pm. A lley; $ 9 aadvance/$12 dvance/$12 d oor; 9 pm. ((CC) CC)

AC<2/G j ' $ A C < 2/G j ' $

2@ 8=6< 2 @ 8=6< Dr. John Dr. John is Jo is accomplished accomplished enough enough point qualify aatt this this p oint to to q ualify aass an an eelder lder hard him sstatesman, tatesman, tthough hough it’s it’s h ard tto o ssee ee h im tthat hat way. way. Gritty, Gritty, ebullient ebullient and and aatt times times

;CA71/: ;32717<3 A6=E ; CA71/: ;32717<3 3 A6=E Dr Dr. r. John Joohn plays the Catalyst Cat ataly a yst this Sunday. Sunday.

@33: 075 47A6 0 075 @33: 075 47A6 SEPT T. 133 A T CA ATA ALYS YST SEPT. AT CATALYST B 63 3 0/2 /2 >:CA B63 0/2 >:CA SEP SEPT T. 14 A T KUUMBWA KU UUMBW WA WA SEPT. AT > 3B3 03@< @ 6/@2 >3B3 03@<6/@2 SEPT T. 17 AT AT CREPE CREPE CR R PLLACE C SEPT. PLACE > 3>>3@ >3>>3@ SEPT T. 24 AT AT CATALYST CATA ALLY LY YST YS T SEPT. /<7 / < 274@/< <1 1= /<7 274@/<1= OCT T. 13 A T RIO O THEA T TH TRE OCT. AT THEATRE B 63 E/ /7:7< <5 5 A=C:A B63 E/7:7<5 A=C:A OCT T. 17 AT AT MOE’S MO OE’S ALLEY ALL Y OCT.

confounding, D confounding, Dr. r. Jo John ohn can can ccome ome o off ff m ore as as eccentric eccentric crank crank tthan han sstately tately more o ld b lues llion, ion, which which o nly aadds dds tto oh is old blues only his w ayward charm. charm. In In recent recent yyears, ears, D r. wayward Dr. JJohn ohn has has gotten gotten much much o is m ojo back back off h his mojo ffollowing ollowing a llong ong walk walk through through the the w ilderness d uring tthe he ’’90s. 90s. H is llatest, atest, wilderness during His T he C it y That That Care Care Forgot, Forgot, iiss a b listering The City blistering iindictment ndictment o the p olitical and and ssocial ocial off the political ffallout allout in in New New O rleans ffollowing ollowing Orleans Ka atrina, a tragic tragic sset et of of ccircumstances ircumstances Katrina, aand nd policies policies that that h ave inspired inspired D r. JJohn ohn have Dr. tto o ccreate reate ssome ome of of h is m ost p assionate his most passionate aand nd immediate immediate music music in in yyears. ears. C atalyst; $20 $20 aadvance/$24 dvance/$24 door; door; Catalyst; 8 pm. (PMD) (PMD) 8pm.

BC3A2/G j ' & B C 3 A 2/G j ' &

% 67>>73A % 67>>73A Th Those hose o off us us w who ho aare re reflexively ref lexively w wary ary o anything bearing bearing tthe he ttitle itle ““hippies� hippies� off anything sshould hould llook ook past past o ur prejudices prejudices in in tthe he our ccase ase of of B erlin’s 1177 H ippies. Th he b and has has Berlin’s Hippies. The band b een a sensation sensation iin n Europe Europe ffor or n early been nearly 1155 years, years, b ut iiss less less known known here here o n but on tthe he other other sside ide of of tthe he pond. pond. Given Given the the eenthusiasm nthusiasm for for Balkan-tinged Balkan-tinged m usic o music off llate, ate, the the band’s band’s stateside stateside ffortunes ortunes aare re cchanging, hanging, as as A mericans come come aaround round Americans tto o the the charms charms of of 1177 Hippies’ Hippies’ unlikely unlikely m ixture o alkan b eat, W estern p op mixture off B Balkan beat, Western pop m usic, C ajun-zydeco aand nd eeven ven b aroque music, Cajun-zydeco baroque cclassical. lassical. O n paper paper iitt sounds sounds llike ike a On m ess, b ut iin n execution execution it’s it’s sseamless, eamless, mess, but ccelebratory elebratory aand nd eeven ven rrevelatory. evelatory. N ot Not b ad for for a bunch bunch o self-styled hippies. hippies. bad off self-styled M oe’s Alley; Alley; $ 9 aadvance/$12 dvance/$12 door; door; 8pm. 8pm. Moe’s $9 ((PMD) PMD)

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All You Need Is Love

The White Album Ensemble with members of the Monterey Symphony perform songs from the Beatles “White Album� and beyond, selected with themes of peace and community spirit.


Conducted by John Larry Granger

B Saturday, September 12, 7:00 PM

Sherwood Hall, 940 North Main Street, Salinas


Always a sell-out, buy your tickets early. Tickets: $10, $20, $30, $40, VIP Section $75 in advance. (+$5 at the door)

B www.montereysymphony.org


BeneďŹ tting Community Partnership for Youth and Monterey Symphony Music/Education Programs with the generous support of the City of Salinas and Monterey Mattress Marquee.

Get into the best bars, clubs and lounges! SantaCruzFB.com

Get into the best bars, clubs and lounges! twitter.com/santacruzweekly

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Get into the best bars, clubs and lounges!


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1011 PACIFIC AVE. SANTA CRUZ 831-423-1336 Saturday, Sept. 5 • AGES 21+ • in the Atrium



No Cover Show 9 p.m.

Sunday, Sept. 6 • AGES 21+

Dr. John

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Lower 911

$20 Adv./ $24 Dr. Drs. 7 p.m., Show 8 p.m.

&! $&& &! $&& !! !!

O\R T]]R O\R eW\S ^OW`W\U O \R T]]R O\R eW\S ^OW`W\U

& the

0 0@7B/<<7/ /@;A @7B/<<7/ /@;A

Sunday, Sept. 13 • AGES 16+

Reel Big Fish Suburban Legends plus


One Pin Short

$17 Adv./ $20 Dr. Drs. 7 p.m., Show 8 p.m. Wednesday, September 16 • AGES 16+

Sugar Ray plus

Aimee Allen

$20 Adv./ $25 Dr. Drs. 7 p.m., Show 8 p.m. Sep 17 Steel Pulse (AGES 16+) Sep 18 Michael Franti & Spearhead (AGES 16+) Sep 22 Mason Jennings (AGES 16+) Sep 23 Rebelution (AGES 16+) Sep 24 Pepper (AGES 16+) Sep 29 Trivium/ White Chapel (AGES 16+) Sep 30 Beenie Man (AGES 16+) Oct 2 Zion I (AGES 16+) Oct 3 Collie Buddz/ Devin the Dude (AGES 16+) Oct 9 Andre Nickatina (AGES 16+) Oct 10 State Radio (AGES 16+) Oct 16 Brother Ali (AGES 16+) Oct 17 The Devil Makes Three (AGES 21+) Unless otherwise noted, all shows are dance shows with limited seating. Tickets subject to city tax & service charge by phone 866-384-3060 & online


44 |

september 2-9, 2009


Film. Fi ilm lm.

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A/<B/1@CH 1=; A /<B/1@CH 1=; sseptember e p t e m b e r 2-9, 2 - 9 , 22009 0 0 9 47:; 47:; ;

TThe he EEnd nd IIss N Nigh igh This year’ This year’s fall fall films films w arn o cological warn off eecological aand nd eeconomic conomic ccollapse, ollapse, u nless unless tthey hey sstar tar vvampires ampires 0G @716/@2 D=< 0CA/19 0G @ 7 1 6 / @ 2 D= < 0 C A /1 9


BRING NEWS of o cinematic destruction. Thi is season is sk ewed This skewed toward apocalypse tow ard ap ocalyp pse and messages of planetary summer’ss planet ary peril. peril. Once Once the summer’ over, over, the fall crop crop of films f iilms is guaranteed to send people people back to to school school whether they’re not. esult they’re students or no ot. Such is the rresult of a plethora of do documentaries cum mentaries and ffilm ilm festivals trying spaces festivals e trying to ffill ill in the blank spac es Hollywood Murdochified news Hollywood and the Mur M dochif ied ne ws leave leaave out. The big-name prestige presttige items are are all in place, place, though. A S Serious erio ous Man (Oct. 2) is the new new Coen Coen Brothers Brotthers offering, offfering e , another sort set in a sort of noncomedy noncomedy o cow cow college, college, where where a physics ph hyysics professor proffeessor (Michael Stuhlbarg) Stuhlbarg) gets g the works from from students, students, familyy and friends. friends. George George Clooney Clooney is back in the Wes Wes e Anderson/Noah Anderson /Noah Bambauch stop-motion stop -motion i animation animatio i ion F Fantastic antastic Mr. Mr. Fox Fox (N (Nov. ov. 13), whi which ich ffeatures eeatures ttwo wo filmmakers f iilmmakers who have haave a bit of trouble trouble getting over childhoods getting o ver their chi ildhoods doing an out-and-out children’s storyy (b (byy Roald out -and- out childr en’s stor Ro oald Dahl). Clooney Clooney in ffox ox ox fform o orm seems right; so does Murrayy as does Bill Murra a a badger. badger. But But the the really really big big box box office off ice should should go go to to N New ew M Moon oon ((Nov. Nov. 20), 20), the the sequel sequel to to Twilight T wilight ffeaturing eaturing tthe he ssteadily teadily iimproving mproving Kirsten Kiirsten Stewart, Stewart, since since anyone anyone will will f lock lock to to see see vampires vampires doing doing anything. anything. More More bloodsuckers bloodsuckers bare bare their their fangs fangs in in C Cirque irque du Vampire’s Assistant du Freak: Freak: The The V ampire’s A ssistant ((Oct. Oct. 23), 2 3), with with the the ever-amusing ever-amusing John John C. C. Reilly Megan Fox R eilly aass a vamp. vamp. M egan F ox stars stars aass a high Diablo ccannibal annibal h igh sschool chool cchick hick iin n tthe he D iablo Cody–scripted C ody–scripted JJennifer’s ennifer’s B Body ody ((Sept. Sept. 118). 8).

8C;> 8C;> 8 C;> 8C;> M Michael ichael Moore Moore hhas as a m message essage fo forr A America’s merica’s financiers f inancierss in in ‘Capitalism: ‘Capitalism: A Love Love SStory.’ tor yy.’ Zombieland Z ombieland ((Oct. Oct. 9 9), ), a ccomedy omedy d despite espite its its dire dire title, title, co-stars co -stars Abigail Abigail Breslin Breslin among among the the munched munched and and munchees. munchees. The T he Road Road ((Oct. Oct. 16), 16), John John Hillcoat’s Hillcoat’s aadaptation daptation o ormac M cCarthy’s off C Cormac McCarthy’s prestigious p restigious ggut-muncher, ut-muncher, iiss jjust ust tthe he u plifting b ummer yyou’d ou’d eexpect—even xpect— even uplifting bummer iiff tthe he zzombie ombie o gres iin n iitt aaren’t ren’t pper er se se ogres zzombies, ombies, jjust ust p postapocalyptic ostapocalyptic cannibals. cannibals. V iggo Mortensen Mortensen limps limps tthrough hrough Viggo Abe tthe he action, action, iindomitable; ndomitable; only only A be ““Grandpa� Grandpa� S impson could could properly properly read read Simpson aaloud loud McCarthy’s McCarthy’s llamentations amentations aand nd b iblical warnings. warnings. We’re We’re doomed, doomed, I biblical ttells ells ya! ya! As one can can see from from the nuclear As winter, skulls winte er, piled-up human sk ulls and weir d pr oduct placements placements for fo or Coke Coke weird product Road and Jack Jack Daniels in The R oad, Ear Earth th h reallyy has it coming. comingg. Only Roland Roland o really Emmerich Emm merich can can properly properly discipline the t impending e doom: 2 2012 012 (N (Nov. ov. 13) gives g es giv impending doom: Deutschland’s Deuttschland’s Duke Duke of Demolition na chance chancce to blow up the planet as John John Cusack Cusack looks looks properly properly aghast; the ancient a c eentt Mayan ancie Maayan ya y prophecy p ophecy pr op ecy is fulfilled, fulf u f iilled ed d,

and we all lose ourr cleaning dep deposit. osit. Cloudy With With a Chance Ch hance of of Meatballs Meatballs

rogue g inventor inventor nigh (Sept. 18) has a rogue destroying destroying the planet plan net with good good intentions. The CGI-animated CGI-animated G 9 intentions. bee cconfused (Sept. 9), not to b onfused with the Rob musical R ob o Marshall musi ical Nine (Nov. (Nov. 25) 25) or District District 9, 9, may may be be one of the year’s year’s highlights, highlights, considering considerring how adultadultcompu ulsively watchable watchable friendly and compulsively Coraline and Up were. Coraline o weere. In a wasteland wasteland affter t the age of o man, mechanical/ mechanical/ long after et biotic creatures secret creatures quest quest for fo or the secr liffe. of life. Planet 51 (N (Nov. ov. 20) 2 is lik likee a comedy comedy vversion ersion of Ra dbury’s “Mars Is Rayy Bradbury’s Brad Heaven!� planet Hea aven!� with a pl lanet full of 1950s suburban aliens aliens.. More More plausible demolition—the demolition the d at tempted crushingg of one fat girl in attempted late-1980s Harlem—takes placee in late -1980s Harlem— —takes plac the ac claimed but dir d Precious recious acclaimed diree indie P (Nov. adaptation one-named (N ov. 6), the adapt ation of one -named novelist Sapphire’s no velist Sapphir e’s Push. It It’s ’s a realist realist film f ilm with Italian Italian touches: to ouches: a bit of Juliet of the Spirits f lavoring laavoring and a clip

from from m De Sica’s Sica’s Two Two Women. Women o . A drabdraab lo o oking Carey, as a seemingly seemin ngly looking Mariah Carey, sen nsitive so cial worker, worker, and a very very good good sensitive social Mo o’Nique as the world’s world’s worst mom, m Mo’Nique b egg us not to judge them. Too Too bad baad beg dir e ector Lee Daniels is judge, judge, jury jury and director Lee eexecutioner. xeecutioner. Oprah is going to weep weeep buc ckets. buckets. As the film f ilm i year year progresses, progresses, I’m m As ffinding ind ding that documentaries documentaries and ccartoons arto t ons ar look the most aree what look pr o omising . As As Met ro’s Don Hines onc promising. Metro’s oncee putt it, “The rromance omance ccomedies omedies do on’t don’t omediees ha ave an x, and the se have anyy se sex, sexx ccomedies don n’t ha ave an omance.� The dra amas don’t have anyy rromance.� dramas ttake ake plac visionized vacu uum of placee in a tele televisionized vacuum pr o erity, as unr osp elated to 20 09 rrealities ealities prosperity, unrelated 2009 as the t esc apist ccomedies omedies of the 19 930s escapist 1930s wer re to the Gr eat Depr ession. were Great Depression. “Energy and the World� Wo orld� is the theme “Energy of the t st alwart UNAFF F ilm F esttival, stalwart Film Festival, run nning Oct. 17–2 alo Alto (and ( running 17–255 in P Palo oth her Ba ay Ar ea lo cations). The lin neup other Bay Area locations). lineup thiss yyear ear is par ticularly str ong. Sl ated particularly strong. Slated 3" "$ $

"$ j 47:; september 2-9, 2009 A/<B/1@CH 1=; 1 "#

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07B3 ;3 The dead stalk again in ‘Zombieland.’

is work by Dogtown and Z-Boys’ Stacey Peralta, The Garden, the riveting true story of a fight over a community garden in south Los Angeles; The Age of Stupid, starring Peter Postlethwaite as a man of the mid–21st century looking back at us, his stupid globalwarming-denying grandfathers. Also on view will be Sally Ingleton’s Seed Hunter, about the search for heirlooms, and The Yes Men Fix the World, a sprightly documentary about two provocateurs who beard corporate suits in their dens. Good Hair (Oct. 23), by ace comedian Chris Rock, takes its title from an African American expression: translated it means “as nonkinky as possible.� People of color still spend millions on gross chemicals and expensive procedure. The old-time corrosive methods of hair relaxation—lye, gasoline or other caustics—have changed but not the essential meaning of this war on nappiness. (Fun fact: Billie Holiday’s trademark gardenia is something she picked up to cover a hole burned in her hair.) Capitalism: A Love Story (Oct. 2) is Michael Moore’s bouquet to the only system that could ever possibly work, world without end, amen. Twenty years after the fall of the Berlin Wall—and the capitulation of the much-feared competition—the system is, well, just as you see it around you. Moore’s focus is more on this last year right after Wall Street got the U.S. government to find its checkbook for them. Get out your handkerchiefs: Moore tells a sad tale of poverty-stricken CEOs and bankers mewling for sustenance like abandoned kittens.

Speaking of our overlords, Crude (Sept. 25) is Joe Berlinger’s

documentary concerning the $27 billion lawsuit that Ecuadorian natives brought against Chevron and Texaco (the company Chevron engulfed). And Earth Days (Sept. 11) charts the almost 40 years of Earth Day celebrations, with notes on the eco movement from astronauts to biologists. And the almost-documentary The Informant! (Sept. 18) presents Steven Soderbergh’s comedic version of a serious story about the unlikely whistleblower (played by Matt Damon) who helped nail Big Ag’s Archer Daniels Midland. Similarly, The Men Who Stare at Goats (Nov. 6) takes a true story and skews it a bit; it’s based on Guardian reporter Jon Ronson’s book about the U.S. Army’s attempts to create psychic assassins and soldiers who can walk through walls like Sprite from the X-Men. In dutiful response to the calendar, Robert Zemeckis’ adaptation of A Christmas Carol (Nov. 6) pushes back the unavoidable holiday six weeks with a performance-captured animated version of Dickens, and Jim Carrey playing Scrooge and the three ghosts. The digitized London—with a Big Ben under construction scaffolds—is essential to this extravaganza. And lastly, served up for Thanksgiving, The Princess and the Frog (Nov. 25)—a New Orleans–set version of “The Frog Prince� in traditional animation by Disney—may either be the continuation of a 75-year-old tradition of quality cartooning or the tombstone of it. And do we want to live in a world without flat animation? 0

SANTACRUZ.COM september 2-9, 2009

| 47

"& j 47:; september 2-9, 2009 A/<B/1@CH 1=;

SHOWTIMES FOR FRIDAY SEPT 4 – THURSDAY SEPT 10 ADVANCE MIDNIGHT SHOW THURS 9/3! REGULAR ENGAGEMENT STARTS FRI 9/4! “A comedy tour-de-force on par with Office Space!� –Ain’t It Cool News

Jason Bateman Mila Kunis Kristen Wiig Ben Affleck (R) Daily: (2:00),


(4:00), 6:00, 8:00, 10:00 plus Fri-Mon (12 noon)

“Surprising, nutty, entertaining, audacious, masterpiece! A completely distinctive American pop art fairy tale.� –Variety



(2:40), (3:20), 5:40, 6:20, 8:40, 9:20 plus Fri-Mon (11:40am), (12:20), and Fri, Sat Night 11:30 Midnights @ The Del Mar Fun! Prizes! Necromicon!

On 2 Screens Daily:

Evil Dead 2 (R)

Film Capsules <3E 1/>A /:: /0=CB AB3D3

Thus is Paris Hilton finally explained. (Opens Fri at the Nick.) (SP)

(PG-13; 99 min.) Sandra Bullock plays a stalker who tries to win the affection of Bradley Cooper. And it’s a comedy, of course— because what’s funnier than stalkers? (Opens Fri at Riverfront and Green Valley.) (SP)

Jason Bateman plays a put-upon factory boss in writer-director Mike Judge’s first foray into the working world since Office Space. (Opens Fri at Del Mar.) (SP)

1=:2 A=C:A (PG13; 108 min.) Surreal, Charlie-Kaufmanesque comedy features Paul Giamatti playing himself, in a world where souls can be removed and traded.

Raimi broke all the rules for this nonstop mix of horror and the Three Stooges. This is often misidentified as a remake because it repeats some of the same set pieces as the

3FB@/1B (R; 98 min.)

3D7: 23/2 ( 23/2 0G 2/E< (1987) Sam

first film, but in truth it’s just a really weird take on the standard sequel setup. And it’s totally nuts, too. Bruce Campbell makes himself into a walking, chainsaw-wielding cartoon, and legions of fans love him for it. Finally, a movie both the French and normal people can agree on. (Plays Fri and Sat at midnight at the Del Mar.) (SP)

control the actions of enslaved convicts, who are forced to fight to the death. The producers either stole their ideas from James Cameron’s upcoming Avatar, or an actual plan drawn up by the former Bush administration— nobody’s quite sure which. (Opens Fri at Cinema 9 and Green Valley.) (SP)

5/;3@ (R; 95 min.)

;@ A;7B6 5=3A B= E/A67<5B=< (1939)

Gerard Butler and Dexter’s Michael C. Hall star in this scifi actioner, in which video-game junkies

Possibly the greatest triumph of director Frank Capra, this movie has gained a sort of genteel, old-fashioned

Movie reviews by Steve Palopoli and Richard von Busack

reputation over the years. But watch it again and you’ll remember why it actually shook the halls of power when it was released. Countries around the world banned it for its populist, pro-democracy message, but it was hated by politicians here too, for the way it savaged corruption in American politics. Not only does it still have bite, it remains one of the best movies about the ideals of American politics ever filmed. (Plays at Cinema 9 on Thu at 8pm.) (SP)

@3D73EA /2/; (PG; 99

min.) Hugh Dancy stars as Adam, a New Yorker with Asperger’s Syndrome, a highfunctioning autistic with empathy disorders. Rose Byrne is Beth, his upstairs neighbor; except for a few melancholy jokes this gloomylooking date movie for very, very shy people doesn’t go farther than boy meets girl. Director Max Mayer stays on topic; Adam’s love of outer-space exploration and the galaxies mirrors

Fri 9/4 & Sat 9/5 @ Midnight Next Week: Spaceballs



Showtimes are for Wednesday, September 2, through Wednesday, September 9, unless otherwise indicated. Programs and showtimes are subject to change without notice.

/>B=A 17<3;/A

122 Rancho Del Mar Center, Aptos 831.688.6541 www.culvertheaters.com

“Irresistibly entertaining & outrageously funny ‌ one of the year’s best!â€? –CBS

7\UZ]c`W]ca 0OabS`Ra — Daily noon; 3; 6; 9. BOYW\U E]]Rab]QY – Fri-Wed 1:15; 3:45; 6:15; 8:45. BVS BW[S B`OdSZS`¸a EWTS – Wed-Thu 1:45; 4; 6:30; 8:45.

Demitri Martin Eugene Levy Emile Hirsch Liev Schreiber Immelda Staunton AN


" AB /D3<C3 17<3;/A

1475 41st Ave., Capitola 831.479.3504 www.culvertheaters.com


Call theater for showtimes.

STARTS FRIDAY 9/4! “A darkly funny, smart, twisty-cool existential tragicomedy!�


Cold Souls

23: ;/@

Call theater for showtime.

3fb`OQb – (Opens Fri) 2; 4; 6; 8; 10; plus Fri-Mon noon. 7\UZ]c`W]ca 0OabS`Ra — Wed-Thu 12:15; 2:30; 3:15; 5:30; 6:15; 8:30; 9:15; Fri-

4=F B63/B@3

(3:00), (5:10), 7:30, 9:40 plus Sat (11:50am) and Sun, Mon (12:50)

Wed 2:40; 3:20; 5:40; 6:20; 8:40; 9:20; plus Fri-Mon 11:40am; 12:20pm; plus Fri-Sat 11:30pm. >]\g] – Wed-Thu 12:30; 2:45; 4:50; 7; 9. 3dWZ 2SOR ( 2SOR Pg 2Oe\ – (Fri and Sat only) midnight.



<7193:=23=< (G)

(4:50), 7:10, 9:10 plus Sat-Mon (12:40)


Lincoln and Cedar streets, Santa Cruz 831.426.7500 www.thenick.com 1]ZR A]cZa – (Opens Fri) 3; 5:10; 7:30; 9:40; plus Sat 11:50am; Sun-Mon 12:50. BOYW\U E]]Rab]QY – Wed-Thu 1; 2; 3:30; 4:30; 6; 7; 8:30; 9:30; Fri-Wed 2; 4:30;

Zooey Deschanel (PG-13)

Joseph Gordon-Levitt

(5:00), 7:20, 9:20 plus Sat-Mon (12:20)

( ) = Bargain Shows Before 5:30pm

7; 9:30; plus Sat-Mon 11:30am. /RO[ — Wed-Thu 3:10; 5:20; 7:30; 9:40. # 2Oga ]T Ac[[S` – Daily 2:40; 5; 7:20; 9:20; plus Sat-Mon 12:20. >]\g] – Fri-Wed 2:50; 4:50; 7:10; 9:10; plus Sat-Mon 12:40.

@7D3@4@=<B AB/27C; BE7<

155 S. River St, Santa Cruz 800.326.3264 x1701 www.regmovies.com “Cinematically dazzling fantasia ‌ glorious, colorful fun!â€? –EntertainmentWeekly


(R) Daily: (12:00),

(3:00), 6:00, 9:00

“A wonderful love letter to the time!� –Baltimore Sun

Demitri Martin Eugene Levy Emile Hirsch Liev Schreiber Immelda Staunton AN

226 Mt. Hermon Rd., Scotts Valley 831.438.3261 www.culvertheaters.com

1124 Pacific Ave., Santa Cruz 831.426.7500 www.thenick.com

Free Film Discussion with Morton Marcus Sat 1:40

Daily: (2:40),

A1=BBA D/::3G $ 17<3;/A

Paul Giamatti David Strathairn Emily Watson Lauren Ambrose

–Entertainment Weekly

Daily: (2:50),

Fri-Tue 1:15; 4:30; 8. BVS 6O\U]dS` – Wed 2:40; 5:10; 7:35; 10; Thu 2:40; 5:10; 10; Fri-Tue 2:45; 5:10; 7:35; 10; plus Fri-Mon 12:15. BVS 5]]Ra( :WdS 6O`R ASZZ 6O`R – Wed-Thu 4:55; 9:35. ;` A[WbV 5]Sa b] EOaVW\Ub]\ — Thu 8pm


(2:00), (4:30), 7:00, 9:30 plus Sat-Mon (11:30am)


AV]`ba – Daily 2; 4:20; 6:45; 9; plus Fri-Mon 11:50am. >]ab 5`OR – Wed-Thu 2:45; 7:10. 8cZWS 8cZWO – Daily 1; 4; 7; 9:50. 6O``g >]bbS` O\R bVS 6OZT 0Z]]R >`W\QS – Wed-Thu 1:15; 4:30; 8;


(R) (1:15), (3:45), 6:15, 8:45 COMING SOON! ‘It Might Get Loud� 9/11 “World’s Greatest Dad� 9/11


Children under 5 admitted only on Mondays & Weekend Matinees

/ZZ /P]cb AbSdS – (Opens Fri) 2:20; 4:40; 7; 9:30; plus Fri-Mon noon. BVS BW[S B`OdSZS`¸a EWTS – Wed-Thu 4; 7; 9:40; Fri-Wed 2:20; 4:40; 7; 9:30;

plus Fri-Mon noon. 5 7 8]S – Wed-Thu 3:45; 6:45; 9:30.

A/<B/ 1@CH 17<3;/ '

1405 Pacific Ave., Santa Cruz 800.326.3264 x1700 www.regmovies.com 5O[S` – (Opens Fri) Fri-Mon 12:10; 2:35; 4:55; 7:30; 9:55; Tue 2:15; 4:45; 7:20;

9:55. 6OZZ]eSS\ – Wed-Thu 2:15; 4:45; 7:20; 9:55; Fri-Tue 2:15; 4:45; 7:15; 9:40; plus

Fri-Mon 11:45am. 4W\OZ 2SabW\ObW]\( 2SObV B`W^ – Daily 1:25; 3:30; 5:40; 7:50; 10:10. 2Wab`WQb ' – Wed 1:10; 2:30; 3:45; 5; 6:50; 7:40; 9:30; 10:15; Thu 1:10; 2:30; 3:45; 5; 6:50;

7:40; 10:15; Fri-Tue 1:10; 2:30; 3:45; 5:05; 6:50; 7:45; 9:30; 10:15; plus Fri-Mon noon.

Maple and Main streets, Watsonville 831.724.1220 Closed.

5@33< D/::3G 17<3;/ &

1125 S. Green Valley Rd, Watsonville 831.761.8200 www.greenvalley cinema.com 5O[S` – (Opens Fri) 1:10; 3:15; 5:20; 7:30; 9:35; plus Sat-Mon 11:05am. /ZZ /P]cb AbSdS – (Opens Fri) 1; 3:10; 5:15; 7:25; 9:35; plus Sat-Mon 11:05am. 4W\OZ 2SabW\ObW]\ ! 2 – Daily 1; 3; 5:15; 7:15; 9:15; plus Sat-Mon 11am. 6OZZ]eSS\ – Daily 1:15; 4:45; 7:15; 9:30; plus Sat-Mon 11am. 7\UZ]c`W]ca 0OabS`Ra – Daily12:30; 3:30; 6:30; 9:30. AV]`ba – Wed-Thu 1; 3; 5:15; 7:15; Fri-Wed 1; 3; 5:05; plus Sat-Mon 11am. >]ab 5`OR – Wed-Thu 9:30. 2Wab`WQb ' – Daily 1:30; 4:30; 7:10; 9:35; plus Sat-Mon 11am. BVS BW[S B`OdSZS`¸a EWTS – Wed-Thu 1:30; 4:30; 7; 9:25. 5 7 8]S( BVS @WaS ]T bVS 1]P`O – Wed-Thu 1:30; 4:30; 7; 9:30; Fri-Wed 7:05; 9:35. 8cZWS 8cZWO – Daily 12:30; 4:30; 7:10; 9:35.

j "'

A/<B/1@CH 1=; september 2-9, 2009 47:;

27AB@71B ' (R; 113 min.) Humans and alien refugees live in close and uncomfortable proximity in Johannesburg in dystopian sci-fi thriller by Neill Blomkamp. The story is told documentary style, as we follow the mysterious disappearance of Wikus (Sharito Copley), a human employee of Multi-National United. Included in this mix of images is also some kind of private footage, heavily digitally watermarked, that a secretive company like MNU wouldn’t want aired. During a raid on the alien camp, Wikus is sprayed with some alien fluid. After this incident, we can cut and paste in much of David Cronenberg’s version of The Fly, as the smarmy Wikus begins to mutate, losing his fingernails and teeth. The massive corporation he works for makes him a wanted man, and he’s forced to get the help of one of the prawns. Producer Peter Jackson’s hand is visible in the flawless animation of the bug creatures. All of the most interesting parts of this story— about the otherness of the aliens—are kept offcamera. (RvB) 47</: 23AB7</B7=< ! 2 (R; 81 min.) A 60

Minutes–style exposĂŠ on America’s crumbling infrastructure, cast with characters for whom one feels about as much empathy as one would if they were crash-test dummies. Certainly, they ask for it, going to a race track at the beginning (“Tell me again why

we came here instead of going to a movie�). When the premonitionwracked Nick (Bobby Campo) saves his friends from flying engine blocks and race car wheels, a frustrated Death goes after them all in more baroque ways. I admired the scene of a mother at a beauty parlor being tended by a pair of beauticians acting like they’re in Sartre’s The Maids, among a riot of malfunctioning machinery. Then, also, there’s a swastikatattooed tow-truck driver immolated in the middle of trying to organize a cross-burning. The film’s one character worth sparing is George (Mykelti Williams), a security guard who tries to kill himself: “I’m just trying to give God what I think he wants.� That God hates us and wants us all dead is the underscored message of this unusually unpretentious and honestly misanthropic snuff film; the elationproducing death mechanisms in 3-D are worthy of the Coyote and the Roadrunner. The demise of the film’s total macho butthole Hunt (Nick Zano), staged at the swimming pool of the “Forest Lawn Country Club,� is pretty ingenious even by the standards of the franchise. Director David R. Ellis films in a composite of Florida and Quebec, creating one blandsville semiMidwestern nowhere, where death is clearly a release. (RvB) # 2/GA =4 AC;;3@ (PG-13; 95

min.) Tom (Joseph Gordon-Levitt), a greeting-card writer, has his heart broken by a girl he knew for about two years. She was called Summer (Zooey Deschanel). As Tom recalls this tale in random-accessed moments, we begin to see the bigger picture. (500) Days of Summer is allegedly an antiromantic film, but the result is yet another alterna-date movie—a little brighter, a little more referential, than usual. The scenes don’t go on so long that they wear out their welcome.

And yet it’s so full of negative space—places where jokes could have been planted, places where the characters could have been deepened. If only director Marc Webb had spent as much time thinking how to fill in the blanks as he spent murmuring, “It’s going to be Annie Hall for our generation.� (RvB) 5 4=@13 (PG; 88 min.)

In the ’80s, there was an anime film that was called G-Force in America. It was an American version of the Japanese TV series Gatchaman, about superhero ninjas. Hollywood is now making a live-action film based on that same series. However, none of this really has anything to do with anything, since this is not that film. I just couldn’t think of anything to say about a stupid Jerry Bruckheimer spy comedy starring computer-animated guinea pigs. (SP) 6/::=E33< (R;

103 min.) Writer-director Rob Zombie returns with a sequel to his ponderous, grim remake of John Carpenter’s classic, Halloween. The funny thing is that the original Michael Myers sequel, 1981’s Halloween 2, was pretty hilariously bad, so at least he has a lot less to live up to. Remember how Jamie Lee Curtis got taken to the hospital where apparently no one worked? I don’t know if leaving near-victims of serial killers at unsecured, practically empty hospitals is still standard procedure, but Zombie’s sequel does follow the same storyline for a while before veering off in another direction. (SP) 6/@@G >=BB3@ /<2 B63 6/:4 0:==2 >@7<13 (PG; 153

min.) Hogwarts’ decay is showing, against lowering weather that looks like January in Iceland. The new potions professor, Horace Slughorn (Jim Broadbent), holds in his memory a key conversation with the young Tom Riddle, later to become the Hitler of the world of magic. Dumbledore (Michael Gambon), the magicworld’s Churchill, needs

to know what Slughorn knows, but the world’s greatest wizard is starting to decay. Young Potter (Daniel Radcliffe) is now comfy enough with being called the Chosen One that he can joke about it (even if Emma Watson’s Hermione gives him an whack on the head when he does). Rupert Grint is showstealing in his perennial role as ginger-nut comedy relief. (RvB)

;7@/;/F 47:; 1=@> A/; C@2/<9

his own alienlike responses (it’s as if Mayer is telling us, “What’s the matter, don’t you like Mr. Spock?�); the reference to the children’s tale about the emperor’s new clothes is also supposed to celebrate Adam’s pitilessly honest responses to the world around him. Comic bits by Jeff Hiller as a supercilious waiter and Mark Linn-Bale as a fauxfriendly boss help this out. The subplotting of Peter Gallagher and Amy Irving as Beth’s parents is just filler. Byrne’s channeling of the young Diane Keaton is more uncanny than anything Max does. (RvB)

7< B63 :==>

(Unrated; 113 min.) Armando Iannucci, a well-known figure in British television comedy, does a scathing sort-of version of the dawn of the Iraq invasion. James Gandolfini’s Lt. Gen. George Miller is a more wrathful version of Colin Powell. Mimi Kennedy plays Miller’s best ally, Karen Clarke, a career State Department diplomat with dandruffy hair and teeth that seem to be disintegrating during the middle of a crisis. Gandolfini and Kennedy’s characters are the film’s moral center—the two people operating with goodwill. We want to follow them through this sonata of collapsing spines and raving, swearing political careerists. But too often Iannucci just won’t let us. The fierce verbiage pours forth like a gusher, but the smartness outsmarts itself. (RvB) 7<5:=C@7=CA 0/AB3@2A (R;

160 min.) Quentin Tarantino’s no-doubt Oscar-winning Holocaust film is the shouldhave-been true story of Operation Kino, the plot to destroy Hitler’s Gang through their own love for cinema. Participants in the plot include sweetheart of the Reich Bridget von Hammersmark (Diana Kruger, never better); a mysterious Parisian movie-theater owner known as Emmanuelle Mimieux (Melanie Laurent) and a drawling British film critic-turnedcommando (Michael Fassbender). Opposing these flawed heroes is the smiling-serpent Christoph Waltz as Hans “The Jew Hunter� Walda. The loose cannons running around are the Basterds themselves, a

63/@ /<2 <=E!!K/L/!Tjnnpot!bt!Csjbo!boe!Kbtpo!Cbufnbo!bt!Kpfm!


band of homicidal Jewish guerrillas indebted to their leader, Brad Pitt’s Aldo Raine, for 100 Nazi scalps. Yet this is a genuine art movie; nothing is as rapt here as Tarantino’s swoon over a beautiful girl on a ladder. Here in cinema form is an essay about Tarantino’s fascination with and distate for the war film. (RvB) 8C:73 8C:7/ (PG-

13; 123 min.) Meryl Streep’s greatness—her facility with accents, her plasticity and that uncompromising quality every really lasting actress has to have—has been used to portray the limits of human suffering. In Julie & Julia, Streep gets to kick up her heels. She has such fun with the part of the cookbook writer Julia Child that she’s consistently intoxicating to watch. Streep continues at full sail through the film, elevated a bit on a high heels and trotting with the happy clunkiness of a Clydesdale. Childs’ distinctive voice—the whoop of surprise, the trill and warble when she talked—makes Streep’s part of the film enthralling. But there had to be some way to hold the film together, and sure enough disaster

befalls. Half of this film is based on the hustled-into-print book version of a blog by Julie Powell about replicating all of Childs’ recipes. Amy Adams, the most charming young actress alive, plays Julie, and she’s still a horror. Director Nora Ephron tries for frankness in her script by having Julie Powell call herself a bitch. That isn’t enough to rehab her. (RvB) >=<G= (G; 107 min.) The wizardly Hiyao Miyazaki’s beautiful, gentle animated entertainment for children. On a Japanese beach of today, 5-yearold Sosuke (voiced by Frankie Jonas) finds a magic talking goldfish with a human head. Ponyo (Noah Lindsey Cyrus) is happy to live in a bucket, but she sickens in captivity. A mystical rogue wave takes her back home. We learn that Ponyo’s father is a weary undersea wizard, Fujimoto (Liam Neeson). This former human seeks to heal the oceans with magic. Fujimoto was once the lover (or husband) of the colossal sea goddess Gran Mamare (Cate Blanchett). Ozuworthy moments of enchantment appear

story of Elliot (Demetri Martin) trying his best to keep the family’s decaying Catskills motel open in the summer of 1969. After hearing that a nearby community is going to cancel a huge rock concert because of fear of rampaging hippies, Elliot has the inspiration to contact the local dairy farmer Max Yasgur (Eugene Levy) to see about renting his pastures for a concert. Lee keeps the big event mostly offscreen. The festival’s chaos helps Elliot take the cork out of his bottled-up sexuality. It’s not easy to make a good movie about this event; the younger the viewer, the sicker they are of hearing about it. Taking Woodstock’s B/97<5 E==2AB=19 serene appreciation for a (R; 128 min.) Ang Lee passing time makes this and James Schamus one of the best fictional bring their customary movies about the 1960s. historical density to It’s the history lover in this view of the threeSchamus and Lee that day-long music festival appreciates Woodstock’s in upstate New York, uniqueness, and its August 1969. There ultimately transitory are no significant nature. (RvB) anachronisms to B63 B7;3 B@/D3:3@¸A throw you back into E743 (PG-13; 107 min.) 2009, and the slightly Eric Bana plays a man faded colors and the who can’t keep to the split-screen honor our present; things don’t go traditional view of the festival, learned from the well for those around him when he keeps zooming documentary Woodstock. off chronologically. Also Based on Elliot Tiber’s memoir, the film tells the stars Rachel McAdams.

throughout. Avoiding clear stories of good and evil, Miyazaki is both Buddhist and animist, telling of the opposition of creative and destructive forces. (RvB) A6=@BA (PG; 89 min.) Director Robert Rodriguez returns to making kid’s movies with this tale of a rock that grants wishes and how everyone in one small town goes nuts trying to get their hands on it. Rodriguez says it’s “like Pulp Fiction for kids.� Here’s my question: what the hell could that possibly mean? Unlike so many summer movies, however, it’s only 89 minutes. Who likes short Shorts? (SP)

50 |

september 2-9, 2009


Epicure. Ep picure. e

# j #

A/<B/1@CH 1=; A /<B/1@CH 1=; sseptember e p t e m b e r 2-9, 2 - 9 , 2009 2 0 0 9 3>71C@3 3>71C@3

A Better Better B Breakfast reakfast

1C@B7A 1/@B73@ 1 C@B7A 1/@B73@

Att H A Hoffman’s o offman’ s day begins the da ay be ggins with well-made well-made e dishes that give t give ‘breakfast’ ‘ breakfas e t’ a good goo od name 0G 16@7AB7</ E/B3@A 0G 1 6 @ 7 A B 7 < / E/B 3 @ A


OTAT OTATOES TO OES aatt b breakfast reakfast aare re u sually ggratuitous, ratuitous, a sstarchy tarchy usually w ay of of filling f illing u p tthe he p late, a way up plate, ccarbo-charged arbo - charged afterthought. afterthought. The p otatoes aatt H offman’s aare re w orth The potatoes Hoffman’s worth eating right right down down to to the the last last bite. bite. We We eating discovered tthis his h appy ffact, act, aand nd m ore, llast ast discovered happy more, week aatt a p ost-workout b reakfast tthat hat week post-workout breakfast left us us full full and and satisfied. satisf ied. left Some people people aare re jjust ust ffine ine w ith aan n Some with omelette, b ut m dea o reakfast omelette, but myy iidea off b breakfast wanders into into schizophrenic schizophrenic territory. territory. wanders always want want pancakes. pancakes. But But I also also I always always want want eggs eggs done done the the way way I love love always them— over m edium. T he aanswer nswer iiss them—over medium. The Hoffman’s T wo b wo, w hich p rovides Hoffman’s Two byy T Two, which provides two b uttermilk p ancakes, ttwo wo eeggs ggs aand nd two buttermilk pancakes, two p ieces o acon. A ll tthe he ffood ood ggroups roups two pieces off b bacon. All for $9. $9. for Hoffman’s sshowcases howcases ttempting empting Hoffman’s European p astries iin n iits ts llong ong gglass-front lass-front European pastries counters. B ut llots ots o ocals f llock ock tto o counters. But off llocals the sspacious, pacious, u pholstered b ooths ffor or the upholstered booths breakfast ggatherings. atherings. T he ssunny unny yyellow ellow breakfast The walls, h igh cceilings eilings aand nd b eautifully walls, high beautifully framed m irrors aall ll aadd dd sspecific pecif ic tterroir erroir framed mirrors that’s m issing ffrom rom tthe he ggrowing rowing gglut lut that’s missing of ggeneric eneric d ining p laces tthreatening hreatening of dining places authentic local local color. color. authentic As w ipped o ur C afÊ A mericanos As wee ssipped our CafÊ Americanos ($2) and and waited waited for for our our breakfast breakfast plates, plates, ($2) we cchecked hecked o ut tthe he H offman’s H appy we out Hoffman’s Happy Hour p lacard aatt tthe he ttable. able. H mm, tthis his Hour placard Hmm, looks iinteresting, nteresting, w hought. C rab looks wee tthought. Crab cakes for for $6. $6. Steak Steak quesadilla quesadilla for for $4. $4. cakes

>/@BG =< B63 >/B7= C >/@BG =< B63 >/B7= Chef hef J Jimmy immy Gorman, Gorman, left, left, and and restaurant restaurant proprietor proprietor Ed Ed Hoffman Hoffman live live large largge on on Hoffman’s Hoffman’s outdoor outdoor dining dining area area on on Pacific. Pacif ic.

Pilsner U Pilsner Urquell rquell ffor or $ $2.50? 2.50? A All ll o off tthat hat aand nd m more ore o on nw weekdays eekdays ffrom rom 5 tto o6 6pm? pm? Not N ot b bad. ad. Jack’s Spanish omelette was Jack’s S panish o melette (($9) $9) w as without being huge. aabundant bundant w ithout b eing scary scary h uge. The made omelette— T he ffreshly reshly m ade tthree-egg hree- egg o melette— with black olives ffilled illed w ith ggreen reen cchiles, hiles, b lack o lives not why hee aand nd JJack ack ccheese heese ((no, no, tthat’s hat’s n ot w hy h ordered down off o rdered iit)—held t)—held d own tthe he ccenter enter o plate, with one tthe he p late, w ith ssalsas alsas aalong long o ne sside ide home on aand nd tthe he ggolden-hued olden-hued h ome ffries ries o n tthe he other. quartet off w whole wheat o ther. A q uartet o hole w heat ttoast oast perched potatoes. ttriangles riangles p erched aalong long tthe he p otatoes. Hee eespecially H specially lliked iked tthe he ssalsa alsa tthat hat ttasted asted llike ike a piquant piquant tomato tomato and and cilantro cilantro jam. jam. There were perhaps many T here w ere p erhaps a ffew ew ttoo oo m any olives, but o lives, b ut JJack ack jjust ust rremoved emoved a ffew ew aand nd Myy ffork This ccontinued ontinued tto o eenjoy. njoy. M ork aagreed. greed. T his was omelette worth was aan no melette w orth eeating, ating, rrather ather

than jjust than ust a cconcept oncept ssurrounded urrounded b by ya yyellow ellow h haze. aze. My My pancakes pancakes b brought rought m mee ttrue rue breakfast Full off f llavor rrestaurant estaurant b reakfast jjoy. oy. F ull o avor being moist, aand nd firm f irm while while sstill till b eing m oist, pancakes were miles tthese hese p ancakes w ere m iles aaway way ffrom rom balloons one tthose hose aairy iry b alloons o ne ggets ets aatt ccertain ertain pancake They were p ancake cchains. hains. T hey w ere sserved, erved, llet et mee aadd, with off m dd, w ith a ssubstantial ubstantial sscoop coop o butter. Enough butter, b utter. E nough b utter, rrather ather tthan han tthe he predictably butter.� p redictably ““too too llittle ittle b utter.� As were perfect. Too As ffor or tthe he eeggs, ggs, tthey hey w ere p erfect. T oo often o ften I rreceive eceive ssomething omething tthat hat iiss jjust ust a nano past Orr w worse—hard n ano p ast ““over over eeasy.� asy.� O orse—hard Hoffman’s, aass a rock. rock. At At H offman’s, ““over over medium� medium� means were m eans just just tthat. hat. The The eeggs ggs w ere ffirm, irm, had own tthey hey h ad ttheir heir o wn eemerging merging iidentity dentity were pliant aand nd yyet et tthey hey w ere sstill till p liant aand nd viscous. Fabulous. Especially with one viscous. F abulous. E specially w ith o ne

of Jack’s of Jack’s potatoes potatoes dipped dipped into into the the yolk. yolk. T he b acon w as iintensely ntensely b acony, llean ean The bacon was bacony, aand nd ccrisp. risp. IIn n sshort, hort, o ur b reakfast aatt our breakfast H offman’s w as eexactly xactly w hat b reakfast Hoffman’s was what breakfast sshould hould b e. T he ssweet weet aand nd tthe he ssalty, alty, tthe he be. The p liant aand nd tthe he ccrisp. risp. E xcellent ccoffee offee aand nd pliant Excellent sswift wift sservice—thank ervice—thank yyou, ou, H offman’s. Hoffman’s.

H OFFMAN’S B AKERY C AFÉ HOFFMAN’S BAKERY CAFÉ 11102 102 Pacific Pacif ic Ave., Ave., Santa Santa Cruz Cruz 8 31.420.0135 831.420.0135 w ww.hoffmansbakery.net www.hoffmansbakery.net B reakfast weekdays weekddays 8–11:30am; 8–11:30am; Breakfast llunch unch 111:30–5pm; 1:30–5pm; bbrunch runch Sat–Sun, Sat–Sun, 8am–2pm. 8 am–2pm. Dinner nightly D inner n ightly 55pm-close. pm- close.

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#$ j /AB@=:=5G september 2-9, 2009 A/<B/1@CH 1=;

Astrology Free Will

By Rob Brezsny

For the week of September 2 /@73A (March 21–April 19): Your assignment is to get angry in the most unique, brilliant and constructive way possible. Merely being annoyed and muttering generic curses will definitely not be sufficient. Nor will it work for you to get consumed in knee-jerk rage or to be peeved about the same old boring targets that everyone reacts to. What the cosmos needs from you this week, Aries, is a controlled explosion of liberated, compassionate, laser-sharp fury that will fuel your ingenious drive to change everything for the better. B/C@CA (April 20–May 20): Are you having intense cravings for candy? Do you find yourself leaning in the direction of sappy emotions and syrupy words? That’s what my astrological projections suggest. And if that’s indeed the case, I’d like to steer you in a different direction. It’s not that an extravagant involvement in chocolate and sentimentality is wrong or bad. But what you truly need, in my opinion, is a more muscular, provocative sweetness. A wilder, more vibrant sweetness. A sweetness that can smash obstacles and incite high magic. 53;7<7 (May 21–June 20): I won’t protest if you try to conceal yourself from bullies or gossips or critics or narcissists. You have cosmic permission to hunker down and keep a low profile. But please don’t hide from yourself. In fact, I encourage you to make yourself extra available to yourself. Listen respectfully to the questions and comments that your shadow murmurs in your inner ear. Be eager to tune in to the messages your body is longing to tell you. These communications might sometimes be a minor pain in the ego, but the long-term benefits to your soul could be substantial.

1/<13@ (June 21–July 22): I have tuned in to your yearning for resolution, O Seeker. I know that your heart fervently wants the riddles to run their course, the mysteries to be revealed, the uncertainties to be quelled. And I have ransacked my imagination in search of what consolation I might provide to appease your quest for neat, simple truths. But what I have concluded, O In-Between One, is that any solutions I might try to offer you would not only be fake, but also counterproductive. What you actually need, I suspect, are not answers to your urgent questions, but rather, better questions; more precisely formulated questions; more ruthlessly honest questions. Dig deeper, please. Open wider. Think fatter.

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D7@5= (Aug. 23–Sept. 22): I dare you to say yes to a possibility you’ve said no to in the past. I double dare you to try an impossible thing before lunch each day. I triple dare you to imagine you’re a genius at inspiring people to like you and help you. I quadruple dare you to drive overly stable people crazy for all the right reasons. I quintuple dare you to fantasize that your so-called delusions of grandeur have begun to contain more than a few grains of truth. :70@/ (Sept. 23–Oct. 22): I know a 19-year-old

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:3= (July 23–Aug. 22): No one knew there was coal in the United States until 1790. A hunter who was wandering near Pennsylvania’s Broad Mountain stumbled upon it accidentally when his campfire lit up an outcropping of pure anthracite. That discovery was both a blessing and a curse; since then, the mining of coal has yielded abundant energy but also environmental degradation. I predict a metaphorically similar event for you in the coming days, Leo. You will inadvertently find a potentially enormous source of valuable fuel that will, like coal, present you with both rich opportunities and knotty dilemmas.

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woman who has been going through an especially vivid phase of living on the edge between yes and no. She told me that yesterday morning she woke up with the feeling that in the next 12 hours she could either commit suicide or else perform some epic deed in which she surpassed all of her previous limits. She chose the latter path, completing an 18-mile bike ride that tested her endurance and drove her into the heights of exhilaration. As she pedaled, she drove herself onward with the throbbing thought that this was a perfect way to silence the self-destructive voice within her. I offer her victory to you, Libra, as being worthy of imitation.

A1=@>7= (Oct. 23–Nov. 21): Let’s take inventory

of your harvest, Scorpio. What blossomed for you these past months? Which of the seeds you planted last March and April sprouted into ripe, succulent blossoms? Which seeds grew into hard, spiky clumps? And what about weeds, pests and predators? Were you tireless about keeping them away from your beauties? Finally, what did you learn about growing things that could give you a green thumb when you cultivate your seeds in the next cycle?

A/57BB/@7CA (Nov. 22–Dec. 21): Before she became a rock goddess, Gwen Stefani cleaned the f loors at an ice cream parlor. Prior to ascending to stardom, Ellen DeGeneres was an oyster shucker, Keanu Reeves worked as a janitor and Brad Pitt performed as a giant chicken mascot. As for me, my gig as an internationally syndicated astrologer was not my first. Among many other things, I washed enough pots and pans in cheap restaurants to fulfill my dishwashing karma for my next five incarnations. I hope these examples serve to inspire you, Sagittarius. Even during the down economy, the next six months will provide you with ripe astrological conditions for upgrading your job. And the coming weeks will be prime time to brainstorm about how to go about it. 1/>@71=@< (Dec. 22–Jan. 19): I know some brave pioneers who make responsible use of psychotropic drugs as they map out the borderlands of consciousness. I’m glad they’re doing that work, but my path is different. I don’t indulge in marijuana, LSD, ayahuasca or psilocybin. However, my many years of doing meditation, dream work and various spiritual practices have nevertheless transformed me into a radical mystic with some of the same knowledge that the psychedelic experimenters have. Keep that disclaimer in mind as you ruminate on my advice for you, which is this: Blow your own mind, baby. Raise your expectations, supercharge your fantasy life and make forays out into the frontiers. Get high in ways that are appropriate to your ethical code. /?C/@7CA (Jan. 20–Feb. 18): I love the new neighborhood I just moved to. It’s insanely eclectic. Modern suburbanlike homes with impeccable emerald-green lawns stand right next door to bedraggled 1950s-style ranch houses with unfinished plywood for garage doors and high brown weeds blanketing the front yards. A rusty mustard-yellow 1977 Cadillac Seville sporting a McCain-Palin bumper sticker is parked on the street next to a shiny 2007 Volvo with a sticker that advises, “Be the change you want to see in the world.� Aging rednecks with fishing gear scattered in the driveway live next door to hipster musicians who blast psychedelic folk songs from their garage rehearsal space. I urge you to hang out in places like this in the coming weeks: where diversity rules, where the pigeonholes are exploded, where variety is not just the spice of life but the main course. >7A13A (Feb. 19–March 20): The month of August brought you some peculiar advances. You got a reward that didn’t mean as much to you as it might have had you received it earlier. You outgrew an enigma that had puzzled and frustrated you forever. And you finally wriggled free of a shadowy game that you had been attached to long after it lost its power to educate you. As curious as these wistful breakthroughs have been, they are prologue to what’s headed your way. Get ready to solve a problem you didn’t even know you loved.

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Go to @3/:/AB@=:=5G 1=; to check out Rob Brezsny’s Expanded Weekly Audio Horoscopes and Daily Text Message Horoscopes. The audio horoscopes are also available by phone &%% &%! "&&& or 1.900.950.7700

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Still in plastic. Full sets $229. Queen set $259. Call 831/338-0321.

April Ash Designer Outlet


Classes & Instruction

Day and Swing Shifts Available *Must have an open schedule Fluent in English required Must have reliable transportation Temp-To-Hire $8.50/hr. KELLY SERVICES, 425-0653 e-mail: vermije@kellyservices.com *Never A Fee*

New prenatal, asana only class at Yoga Center. $13 drop in/$10 series. 428-C Front Street, Santa Cruz, CA 95060 www.candicegarrettyoga.com for more information

Chapter 7 - Bankruptcy $1250 + Costs Robert M. Haight, Attorney 831/438-6610

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Furniture, accessories, matIncome-Sensitive tresses and consignments. Sliding Scale 2800 South Rodeo Gulch Rd., Soquel. Friday, Saturday, and is a social responsibility. Psychotherapy for those who Sunday 10am-5pm. want or need it. Addiction, relationships, anxiety, depression. Chevalisa Bruzzone, MFT Miscellaneous Trainee at the Process Therapy Institute. 831.247-6711, Have Art For Sale? We will help you sell your art. 408.358.9892 x410. Don’t sacrifice too much let Get Rid of “Baggage” us help you make some by taking out a classified ad in money from your art! Email: the Santa Cruz Weekly! To liberation515@yahoo.com advertise both in print and Phone: 831-325-1081 online call 831.457.9000 (Ask for Gabriel or Brian)


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Your Personality Determines Your Happiness

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New prenatal class at Yoga Center Santa Cruz

Watsonville 7am-3:30pm M-F $10/Hr. Fluent English Required. Must have Reliable Transportation 1-2 years experience, soldering skills Resumes Required Temp & Temp-To-Hire KELLY SERVICES, 425-0653 e-mail: vermije@kellyservices.com *Never A Fee*

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Food production in Watsonville

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Pregnant? Considering Adoption? Talk with caring agency specializing in matching birthmothers with families nationwide. Living expenses paid. Call 24/7 Abby’s One True Gift Adoptions. 866/413-6293 (AAN CAN)

Wedding or Event Photography I work anywhere is the Bay Area, South Bay, East Bay or the Central Valley. Please check my website for more information and samples of my work: thegregorygroupstudios.com kgregory@theRedwoods.net 831-338-6431

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Looking for Female Lead Vocalist. Weekend 10/piece band possibly looking for a female vocalist. The band is high - energy into R&B funk. 3 front singers with horns. Must be good with harmony & a team player. Permanent member only. Prefer southbay located. Reply to 510-797-4782.

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Homes Notice To Readers

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Murals for Home or Business Skilled and experienced artist offers painting services for mural projects, creative home projects and murals for businesses. Prices depend upon size and complexity. Contact Laurel.

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Cabinets and Furniture Elegance and beauty for the discriminating homeowner/contractor. Paul Sable, Master Craftsman, 44 years experience, Creating amazed and contented clients. Free design consultation and estimate. References. 831/3453540 www.sablestudios.com

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Quezada’s Tree Service Affordable prices, free estimates, view enhancement, trimming and topping, tree and stump removal, lot cleaning, tree planting, and brush chipping. State Licensed and Insured CA LIC 910101. Contact (831) 236-5368 or e-mail: isacquezada@att.net

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Carmel Valley Beauty and privacy can be yours with this Carmel Valley cabin on over 13 acres with incredible views over the bay, ocean and mountains near Tassajara springs. Rare opportunity to own this special retreat property bordering the Ventana wilderness. Listed at $395,000. Visit tassajara-ridgeretreat.com. Terry at Pacific Sun Properties 831/345-2053

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