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Bill McKibben’s s 350 Day may y be the most mo ost important importan a t political po olitical action action y ou’ v e ne v er you’ve never 3 RTS P2 O P E R S E L I G heard heard of. of. GRETCHEN




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1>>< E0 E>>< Great story on the Marin missile site (“The Nukes in Our Backyard,� Oct 7). I’ve been meaning for years to get to the first Saturday show. Soon. One thing you didn’t include is the enormous cost involved in the useless fortifications all over this area. Your emphasis on the presence of nucleartipped missiles was the right one.

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AD;4 >5 B8G I enjoyed the article describing Supervisor Steve Kinsey’s quest for a greener Marin and fully support its content (“Beyond the Trails,� Green Zone, Oct. 7). I have some further suggestions: 1. Let’s change some building codes and zoning regulation and build homes with cinderblocks reinforced with steel and topped with tile roofs. The advantages are fire resistance; saves trees; no termites; no toxic sprays; less painting; less oil-based polluting tar and gravel roofs or fire-prone asphalt and wood-shake roofs.

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2. Build single family homes that can, when the children move out, be easily converted into duplexes. 3. Build recast concrete apartment homes that are steel reinforced, earthquake resistant, architecturally pleasing and sound proof. 4. Support tree planting along highways and country roads. 5. Raise the gas tax by 25 cents a gallon, and expand train and bus service and build state-of-theart bike paths. 6. Support organic, local businesses whenever you can and avoid junk food, sugary soft drinks and unhealthy lifestyles.

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2>AA4B?>=34=24 2;40A8=67>DB4 Dear Rohnert Park City Council: I do not support the development of the Rohnert Park Wal-Mart into a grocery store. Please vote no on this proposal.

A Wal-Mart grocery store will compete directly with Safeway and Raley’s stores, and will eventually put them out of business. When that happens, local citizens will have fewer opportunities for good, union jobs. That will hurt Rohnert Park. The economic interests of working-class people are literally under siege. We are becoming poorer, many of us reduced to poverty. We are losing our homes, we’re going bankrupt, budget cuts are destroying our ability to properly educate ourselves. We are in bad shape. The further expansion of Wal-Mart into this community will exacerbate this reality by replacing precious good jobs with bad ones. The Rohnert Park City Council must use its authority to defend the economic welfare of citizens by defending decent jobs.

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34?C >5 C0:8=6 8C 5A>< 0;; B834B From the Writer, re “The Nukes in Our Backyard� : Your editing to the word “graveyard� was not quite accurate. The graveyard storage for the things is in Pueblo, Colo., in those vast military warehouses. This site is a living history center and the vets who created it are proud of that. From a Reader, re the Yoga Issue, Oct. 7: In your recent article on Bikram yoga, you failed to mention Red Dragon Yoga in Mill Valley in your list of studios that offer Bikram classes. Red Dragon has wonderful teachers and is a great place to practice Bikram. They should have been mentioned under the “Marin� studios where you only listed San Rafael Bikram Yoga. From Someone Who Identified Himself Only as ‘the King of Cheese’ and Who Tore Off the Top of this Letters Page to Use as Scrap Paper in Handwriting This Note: Dear Gretchen—I was wondering if you think it is a good idea to list the music calendar by date with the artists and locations under each day? I do. P. S., Sal’s Bistro [listed with fair regularity in our Dining Guide] is gone. From Some Anonymous Dude (Meant in a Gender-Neutral Way) Who Just Felt Pissy While Reading our Best Of Readers Poll 2009 Handbook, Oct. 14: Once again you’ve named Video Droid of Cotati, who have been out of business for at least three years. Got credibility?

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news for Sonoma, Marin & Napa Counties

“Official Newspaper of Realizing That Everyone’s a Scorpio�

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1>CC>< ;8=4 ‘Everybody will pay more money,’ Dr. Schneider says of future fuel prices predicted for climate change management. ‘But we’re already paying money in the form of burned-down forests and children’s asthma. That’s what we call “external cost.� You’ve got to make the price of energy include all the costs.’

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A 30-year veteran of the climate battles considers the possibility of a clean-tech future By Jessica Lussenhop


r. Stephen Schneider is a climatologist, a senior fellow at the Woods Institute for the Environment at Stanford University and a 1992 MacArthur Foundation “genius grant� recipient. He has been in the trenches of the climate change battle since the 1970s and has advised presidents from Nixon to Obama on how to manage the threat posed by global warming. The insanely busy Schneider (the following interview was cobbled together from four separate phone calls during which he was at the airport, grabbing a bite to eat, waiting in a doctor’s

office and rushing to class) is also a member of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, which won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2007. His new book, Science as a Contact Sport: Inside the Battle to Save Earth’s Climate, will be published next month by the National Geographic Society. Writer Jessica Lussenhop caught up with him to discuss the 350 concept—which refers to reducing our current carbon dioxide load to the sustainable figure of 350 parts per million—and more. The Bohemian: How long have you been on board with the 350-parts-per-million figure?

Stephen Schneider: Since back in the 1970s. We were well below 350, and I was trying to get

us off the pathway of the mega-increases, and we failed. The issue will [now] be, how much are we going to overshoot the safe target? There’s no doubt we already have, and we will go far before we go back. As we look to reduce that number, what new technologies are you excited about?

We have to work across a whole spectrum and see who wins. I call it a “learning-bydoing feeding frenzy.� Let’s see how much carbon we can take out of smokestacks and coal plants so that we have a smooth transition toward renewables. And can we put it underground permanently and safely? Not clear. Let’s work on that. How about putting it in high concentrations into % .

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algae, and the algae can be used for biofuels? Great idea. How about bio-char? Let’s take agricultural waste or forest plantation waste, cook them at 300 degrees for an hour and get the natural gas off of the top, and then get char—which is sort of charcoal at the bottom—which you can add to the soil and sequester carbon. There are even crazy ideas to build artificial trees, a chemical process where you run water by certain kinds of chemicals. And then there’s a little company in Silicon Valley called Calera, and they’re going to try and actually see if they can make real cement by a different chemical process that, instead of giving CO2 up when it hardens, it takes it up. So now, will it work? Will any of these things work? We don’t know yet, but we’ve got to give all these clever ideas a chance. Problem is, can you scale it up from the thousands of tons in current demonstrated experiments to the hundreds of billions of tons it has to be to offset a significant fraction of potential CO2 emissions eventually? So the big problem is the s-word: scalability. What are some ideas that you’re not so excited about?

I’m un-excited about throwing dust in the stratosphere. It’s called “radiative forcing offset.� Instead of controlling the CO2, you’re controlling the number of watts per square meter beating on the earth. The reason it’s very unexciting to me is there is a degree of inadvertent climate modification. The second problem is, who do you trust? We now know that the extra CO2 we have in the air—a significant amount of it, 20, 30 percent—is going to last a thousand years in the air. That means we have to have a group of climate controllers for centuries. Do you think that we can trust this planet to have world peace for that long? I mean, to have cooperation, where there’s not going to be a lapse? And the final reason is, it doesn’t stop ocean acidification. The only way I could conceive of why they would want to do radiative forcing management would be if the world proves to be so morally bankrupt and does absolutely nothing in the next 25 years, and megacatastrophic outcomes start to occur. You know, super-hurricanes and all that stuff. People say, “Oh my God, what have we done?� It takes another 30 years to slow down the supertanker, and then we used this kind of stuff for a few decades while we invent carbon-removal geo-engineering. I might reluctantly say, “Well, if you have a heroin addict and you initially get them on methadone on the way to the hospital, it’s probably better than dumping them.� What about solutions on a policy level?

One is performance standards. California has the lowest energy use and the lowest carbon dioxide footprint per capita. It’s a big footprint, but per capita it’s the lowest in the United States. Europe and Japan are around California. So how could that happen? There’s always been a culture of public protection. California has had, for the last 40 years, rules, and these rules are very strict building codes on double-pane windows and insulation and air conditioners and refrigerators and lots of other things. The states have to set up an energy commission, and the energy commissions set the rules. The U.S. must do this, the rest of the world

must do this. It’s what we call the lowhanging fruit. It’s the cheapest way. Then there’s the tax on carbon. That’s the market solution. It could be a direct price— meaning you just have a tax, $50 per ton of carbon dioxide emitted—or a shadow price, which is a cap. You’ve heard of cap and trade. What cap and trade means is that you cap the emissions, x number of million tons for the whole economy. Now that means every power plant and every other person has some limit. And you’re not going to cap an individual driving a car, so what you’re going to do is cap the gasoline purchasers. It’s got to be mandatory—either cap or price. I prefer price, I could live with a cap. I’ll manage. The last part of it—for me, I will pay more money. So will you. Everybody will pay more money. But we’re already paying money in the form of burned-down forests and children with asthma. That’s what we call ‘external cost.’ You’ve got to make the price of energy include all the costs. There’s one side of the problem. We’ve got a world used to the current price, and for those people with low incomes, it’s going to be very difficult. For me, it’s going to affect the quality of the Pinot Noir I drink. A poor person, it’s going to affect the quality of the protein their family eats. So not only do you have to protect the commons by having a fee for dumping your waste in the atmospheric sewer, but you also have to deal with the people who would be differentially hurt. I do not believe you hold the sustainability agenda of the planet hostage for poverty. You’ve got to cure poverty, but not by artificial low prices and energy. So what you would have to do is two things: protect the commons through increasing the price of energy, and then deal with poverty through, say, vouchers for people to buy a very highly efficient new hybrid car, free or low-cost improvement to the energy efficiency of their homes or a cash return. We have to deal with equity, and we have to deal with environmental effectiveness, and this means two acts of good governance in a world that has trouble getting one act of good governance. So I’m not pretending what I’m saying is easy. But there’s no defensible reason we couldn’t do everything I just said. The only thing is political will and people’s awareness.

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Do you see that kind of political will in the Obama administration?

Dramatically. Relative to the past, dramatically. Remember, in the previous administration we were going in the wrong direction. In this administration, what we’ve got is the political will to get things done. They’ve put their money where their mouth is. They got with the stimulus bill $100 billion—that’s a lot of money—for green-tech development. They still have congress in bed with all the special interests in their districts. Every coal mine, every power plant, all the farmers who want to use fertilizer at the lowest price— these people only think about their own bottom line and their own backyard, never concerned about the country and less about the planet. So the difficulty is, he’s got to fight with the pork-barrel lions in congress, including Democrats, and it takes major leadership. He’s got to make compromises, but he’s got to turn the ship around. You don’t turn a tanker around quickly. THE BOHEMIAN



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By Hannah Strom-Martin


ast night, I watched Milk, that lovely Gus Van Sant biopic featuring gayrights activists who take their fight “out of the closet and into the street.� Today, I participated in our country’s raging healthcare debate by lighting a “virtual candle� at MoveOn.org. I then attempted to save farm animals from abuse by affixing my name to an internet petition. And I signed a second virtual petition to “Tell the President: Save Our Arctic Habitat!� At some point during all this, I realized there was a reason those ’70s activists were so svelte. Harvey Milk’s crew was really out there, marching in the street, working those calves, screaming their dissent. Today’s political activism is increasingly taking the form of point-and-click. Passing initiatives sure doesn’t burn as many calories as it used to. It’s hardly a secret that the same people who raised hell in the ’60s are often the only people raising hell today. Recent Huffington Post and Washington Post articles lament the lack of young people involved in the healthcare debate, and they’re right: you don’t see any hot Emile Hirsch lookalikes out there with a bullhorn. At a time when the hordes of this country’s uninsured college grads ought to be rioting en masse, you’re more likely to find them mucking about on Facebook. It’s not that they don’t care; it’s just that they’d rather save the world comfortably and in a hassle-free manner in between bouts of Jewel Quest and “Which Spiderman Character Are You?� memes. Facing the worst economic climate since the Dust Bowl, often working harder for far less than their parents made, it’s understandable that today’s crop of working stiffs would rather crawl home to Hulu after work than haul ass to the nearest protest. And my own efforts to get physically involved in the defining political battle of our time have been considerably hampered by the fact that no one is staging any significant counterrevolution to the Red Scare Teabag morons who continue to grab headlines across the

country. When Harvey Milk ran for supervisor, his campaign was a miracle of community organizing—and leadership. When was the last time anyone saw a political official out on the front lines, bullhorn in hand? “Progressive,� is about to become every bit as tainted a moniker as “liberal� or “feminist,� but this time it will be our own fault. Progressive is a dynamic word, implying motion, vitality—progress! Whoever is in charge of the current “movement� (hey, who the hell is in charge?) seems rather adverse to breaking a sweat. Outpaced by Jehovah’s Witnesses, not one canvasser has shown up on my doorstep to ask me to sign something. Not one of them has jumped up on a box outside of Safeway and harangued me into community service. And not one has had the balls to stand up in the middle of a Town Hall tirade and scream, “Hey, dickhead! Medicare is a government-run program!� Of course, it’s no good trying to guilt-trip anyone. Maybe, rather than incited, the revolution ought to be repackaged as our last best hope of shedding patriotic pounds. If we could just find a leader—a political Richard Simmons, if you will—to get us off of our asses and into the streets. If we could just participate in those group exercises our country so desperately needs. Teabaggers may be unsightly, but they’re looking a hell of a lot better than Barney Frank who, verbal calisthenics aside, is rapidly becoming the all-too fleshy face of a political movement undermined by Facebook-age passivism.

At a time when the hordes of this country’s uninsured college grads ought to be rioting en masse, you’re more likely to find them mucking about on Facebook.

Hannah Strom-Martin received her MFA in creative writing from the University of Southern Maine. A California native, she hopes to make her living by writing about elves, social justice and other imaginary creatures. Open Mic is a weekly feature in the Bohemian. We welcome your contribution. To have your topical essay of 700 words considered for publication, write openmic@bohemian.com.




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Can one utility block Marin’s climate-protection efforts?

By Juliane Poirier


t’s amazing what people will do for money. Woody Guthrie wrote “Roll On Columbiaâ€? for the Bonneville Power Administration in 1941. That was back when lyrics like “Your power is turning our darkness to dawnâ€? might persuade a naĂŻve public to celebrate hydroelectric dams (the way cement contractors were undoubtedly celebrating them). It was a clever marketing strategy—for that era. In this era of climate crisis, dumbing the public down takes a bit more than folk propaganda sung to the tune of “Goodnight Ireneâ€?; now it takes a well-funded confusion and fear campaign, similar to what PG&E has launched in Marin and aims to take all the way to the ballot in June. The utility wants to stop informed communities such as Marin—and other climate-protecting jurisdictions, including those in the San Joaquin Valley— from buying their own electricity through a Community Choice Aggregation plan. Why? The new citizencontrolled power purchasing will not only replace dirty electricity with cleaner power, give Marin the authority to negotiate its own energy contracts and significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the North Bay, but it will also divert millions of dollars from PG&E. No big surprise that the utility wants to keep jurisdictions out of the powerpurchasing business. Marin appears undaunted. So far, all cities in the county except Corte Madera, Novato and Larkspur have joined up to create a citizen-driven initiative to give people options. Ratepayers will be free to stay with the current PG&E product (85 percent nonrenewable energy from coal, nuclear, natural gas and large hydroelectric projects). Or participants may select from two renewable products to be offered by a new program, Marin Clean Energy: a Light Green product, between 25 and 50 percent renewable and increasing to 100 percent within seven years; and a Dark Green product already 100 percent renewable. The Light Green option will result in no additional charges to a ratepayer; the Dark Green option will cost a few dollars more for those who want to pay extra to help protect the climate. Marin

Clean Energy will cut up to 500,000 tons of greenhouse gas emissions per year. And it will cut PG&E’s profits. “This program,� says Marin Energy Authority interim director Dawn Weisz, “will take about $94 million per year away from PG&E. We will be taking that money to buy renewable energy, and the money left over will be used to fund local renewable and energy-efficiency projects.� To block the potential for other Community Choice Aggregation projects, PG&E is funding a ballot initiative for next June. “The initiative would require a two-thirds vote for any community that wants to launch a similar program,� Weisz explains. “PG&E has put $3 million into the initiative so far, and there are no other funders.� Government organizations, on the other hand, are not permitted to spend public dollars to support or promote ballot issues. According to Weisz, there has been a lot of lobbying by PG&E, represented by former assemblyman Joe Nation and former Marin County supervisor Gary Giacomini. “There was some confusion, possibly from PG&E’s reps,� Weisz says, “which led a few jurisdictions to believe there would be a burden on their general fund, which is not the case with this program. It is possible that Novato may reconsider their position. If they don’t join before this ballot initiative passes, we would not be able to expand our territory without a two-thirds vote.� Communities and climate will suffer if the ballot passes, but California’s three private utility companies—PG&E, Southern California Edison and San Diego Gas and Electric—will not be impacted. “The PG&E ballot initiative also attempts to have an impact on how the public energy providers spend revenue,� Weisz says. “Public utilities like SMUD will likely be impacted.� While PG&E dollars continue to buy fear and fuel a climate-violating ballot initiative, Marin Clean Energy is proceeding to circulate the final contract for purchase of renewables. Interestingly, this level of transparency is never practiced by private utility companies. Marin’s 90-day period for public review and comments is the kind of transparency practiced by communities serious about climate-protection goals.

PG&E wants to stop informed communities such as Marin from buying their own electricity through a Community Choice Aggregation plan.







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ed King sat sipping a cold Corona on the beach in Todos Santos, Mexico, waiting for the area’s storied green flash at sunset. He was on vacation with his wife, Suzanne, a high school Spanish teacher, taking time between jobs to ponder what his next move in the game of life might be. It was February of this year, and King, a freelance consultant for the organic food industry, had watched his client base dwindle with the economic downturn. He felt he had two choices: dust off his rĂŠsumĂŠ and struggle back into a suit to job-hunt or strike out on a venture of his own. “I was at that point in life where it was ‘now or never,’â€? King remembered recently, seated on the deck of his Forestville home. “The timing in

our lives seemed right. If I failed on my own, it would be back to the suit and tie.� King had quietly pondered a change for a while; his 25 years of experience in specialty organic food companies would be a good start. He also wanted a business he could run from his home—or from anywhere, for that matter— with wifi and a cell phone. Sitting on the beach, he experienced a f lash of another sort: the right idea for a business. “I wanted to do something I felt good about, something different, find a new product,� he says. Having attended dozens of food shows and having been exposed to hundreds of products, King knows what is out there and what not to try. “There always seems to be a star product of the year, whether it’s chocolate or coffee or a new flavored hot sauce with a catchy name. It’s a process of elimination,� he explains. “I thought of

salad dressings as a stale category. It’s not updated for today’s consumers. I realized I could make something unique.� King envisioned a product that would be a balance between homemade salad dressing, which can be time-consuming for busy cooks, and store-bought, bottled dressing, quick but not as satisfying. He also wanted it to be adaptable, able to complement whatever meal was being served. Open any fridge, and most hold a doorful of halfused condiment bottles. Hoping to avoid that unsavory scenario, King came up with the idea of a salad dressing kit that would hold two organic spice packets, a glass mixing jar for adding oil and vinegar, and a recipe sheet of dressing alternatives and marinades developed by his wife. The “Dress It Up� Naturally Organic Tuscan Dressing and Marinade Kit was born. At least in theory. Next came the hard part, making his dream a reality. Once back at home, King &+ THE BOHEMIAN




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started doing research at local food stores to see what was on the shelves and how it was priced. Other than Good Seasons, the Kraft salad dressing kit that has been around since 1958, King found little to compete with the product he had in mind, and certainly none both organic and kosher. He next considered whether the product could be profitable, so he could reinvest the income for the company’s growth. “I penciled in costs and found it was a potentially viable product,� King says. “It is slightly more expensive than conventional dressings, but I’m using all-organic ingredients: pure cane sugar, not processed sugar or fructose syrup, and herbs and spices from organic, sustainable farming co-ops throughout the world.� Any organic product must be certified by Quality Assurance International, an organic authority which monitors production from beginning to end to make sure the item meets its guidelines. King wanted the dressing to be kosher, and therefore needed the approval of the Rabbinical Council of America, part of the Orthodox Union. He feels that by making the item kosher, he can reach a wider market, and that public perception of kosher items is that they are purer and healthier. Both certifications add to the cost. “I did very creative financing,� King chuckles. Since his past ventures had been successful, he was able to put seed money toward the project. “It is part of the learning experience. I am aware that the budget and timelines expand on any project. I have my eyes open to the sacrifices it takes to get the ball rolling, like selling my midlife-crisis sports car, but I feel that passionate about it.� King has found budgeting a low point of the process. “I’ve had to make wild guesses. It’s not yet an established business, and there is no track record for potential backers to see.� King has negotiated to make future promises to suppliers to get things going now. For example, he has bought twice the number of boxes needed for the first production run in order to get a lower price. He won’t be billed for the boxes for six months, so has time to sell the first products to pay for the second run. “I’ve got to have faith and optimism, otherwise I might be shingling my roof with the excess boxes,� he jokes. Budget in place, King is in production and says he feels very fortunate to have a great resource pool. “My former co-workers and other individuals have given me a lot of outside help. They are key in making me feel good about what I am attempting.� Recognizing his business strengths and weaknesses, he has contracted much of the work out rather than attempting to develop each component of the project himself. After coming up with the basic spice blend, King turned the research and development over to an independent contractor for the final tasty product. This freed him up to attend to packaging. And to look south. “Southern California is the most costeffective place for packaging, but I’m still looking for local companies with the




capabilities to portion out the seasonings into envelopes and seal them,� King says. “Special equipment is needed, plus the plant has to be certified kosher and organic. Food manufacturers in the Bay Area are a declining breed, but Southern California has a strong food-manufacturing and packing base.� King has also audited the company’s facilities to make sure they have both the appropriate safety standards and exacting quality-assurance standards, and can meet the demand for quantities needed. “I have to feel comfortable that they are using good standard manufacturing practices without me being there every second,� he says. King tossed around different names for the dressing, finally settling on Dress It Up. “It gives the connotation of an upscale, well-made dressing. I had to research if the domain name was taken or if it’s been copyrighted, learning as I went. Google’s been my friend,� he laughs. A local graphic artist developed the “shelf attractive� packaging design while King wrote the copy. Past colleagues helped with the aesthetics of the packaging, giving it a clean look while including all the crucial information. With the dressing in production and a mocked-up kit, King is ready for the most important step: sales. “I’m looking forward to it,� he enthuses. “I have very good mentors who are helping me with what and what not to say during my presentation.� King has acquired his first clients through six degrees of separation, falling back on his experience in the food business and using his established networks of professional relationships to help him make contacts. “Getting an initial meeting was fairly easy, but then I had to sell them on why they need my product and the benefit of having it on their already crowded shelves. I let them taste the product and pitched my positives. You only get about 20 minutes. When I get my ‘yes’ I pack up and get out before they can change their minds.� What advice does King offer to other aspiring entrepreneurs who might be dreaming on a Mexican beach? “Other people’s help is the key,� he stresses. “It took my wife’s leap of faith to allow me to do this—I can’t say enough about that. Don’t hesitate to contact the experts in the field; you can take or leave their advice, but at least you have their words. Throughout the process, take a step back and keep the big picture in mind. I almost made a different product due to costs, but I stayed on course. Don’t change paths because it’s the easier one to take, and definitely be f lexible and open-minded. “You must have passion and really feel in your heart that what you’re doing is right. The passion will sustain you when you hit bumps,� he laughs, “and there are always going to be bumps.� For retail inquiries, contact Ted King at getkind@ aol.com. Dress It Up Naturally Organic Tuscan Dressing and Marinade Kit will be available at Petaluma Market and Pacific Market in Sebastopol soon. One percent of the company’s net proceeds are committed to the Conservation Fund.

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Free Wi-Fi “We serve organic local foodÉ › Rent our space for your next party Check out our twitter page twitter.com/GuayakiMateBar

Performing in the AchĂŠ Room Fri Oct 23rd,

7:00 PM - $ 5 00


All Ages

Iditarod | the helen kellers | exasperation missionary | body or brain | mog

Sun Oct 25th,

8:00 PM - $11 00


All Ages

“Meta-musical Show� | Live Performances by: Sasha Rosa & Adrien Sane, Tone of Orchid “This is a one of a kind musical event that fuses the cutting age metaphysical & Theta Healing Performed to live hip-hop.� The month of October The Mate bar is offering free Gourd Nite Every Wed 5pm-6:30pm We now have Yoga every Mon & Wed from 5 to 6:30 PM New students buy 2 classes and get one free!!!!


38=8=6 6D834

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6782 Sebastopol Ave, Sebastopol

707-824-6644 www.guayaki.com Mon–Fri 11am–3pm | Closed Sat & Sun


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a new era of cuisine and winemaking with romantic sunsets

H D C DB 6 K6 AA : N

Special three-course, pre fixe menu for $28.95

8VgcZgdh 7^higd L^cZ 7Vg

Family Night Italian menu on Monday, 5pm–8pm

8Va^[dgc^Vc# # 6h [VcXn Vh [d^Z \gVh"X]Zhicji [gdi] eVg[V^i [dg Y^ccZg! Vh h^beaZ Vh ]jZkdh gVcX]Zgdh [dg WgZV`[Vhi! VcY Vaa hjeZgW# 7gZV`[Vhi! ajcX] VcY Y^ccZg YV^an0 WgjcX]! Hjc# &('* 7gdVYlVn! HdcdbV# ,%,#.(&#'%)'#

Thurs Nights: “Locals Night� —No corkage fee

9ZaaV HVci^c^Éh

Corks Fine Dining Wed–Sat 5pm–9pm Lunch: Mon-Fri 11:00am–2:30pm Sat & Sun Brunch: 10:30am-2:30pm Sunday Patio Party 4-7pm 5700 Gravenstein Hwy N Forestville For Reservations, Call 707-887-3344 Tasting Room Open 7 days a week 11am-5pm

visit russianrivervineyards.com for menu updates

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4E4AHC78=6 6>4B f there’s any bright side to the durned Great Recession, it’s that terriďŹ c places have embraced some Great Recession prices, such as Stark’s Steakhouse, recently lauded in these pages for its crazy cheap weekday happy hour from 3pm to 6pm. Meanwhile, out on the shores of Tomales Bay, Nick’s Cove is offering a Local’s Combo at the bar every Thursday and Friday night composed of three barbecued oysters, a burger and fries, and a draft beer for a tidy $14.95. They call it a “three-course mealâ€?; we call it pure brilliance when beer counts as a full course.


On the pricier-but-for-a-better-cause-than-merely-yourown-stomach side of things, Marin Organic’s annual fundraiser is slated this year for Oct. 25 at Sausalito’s Cavallo Point Lodge. More than just a dinner, this is an experience, and it clocks in at the experiential price of $250 per person or $350 a couple. Five hundred dollars buys a chance to dine with either Italian master butcher Dario Cecchini, featured in Bill Buford’s book Heat, or artist Douglas Gayeton, author of Slow: Life in a Tuscan Town. Any ticket purchases entry to the art show preceding the dinner, beginning at 5:30pm; those not dining should expect to tithe $75 to Marin Organic for the pleasure. Wood-roasted, pasture-raised lamb, slow-cooked fall greens with black garlic au jus and coalroasted beets with quinoa, fresh ricotta and a trufe emulsion are among the promised menu items. That’s a charitably large yum. To learn more, go to www.marinorganic.org. . . . “Social Media Sommelierâ€? Gary Vanerchuk, owner of Wine Library TV, a video blog devoted to all things enophiliac that is somehow a $60 million dollar business, will be at V. Sattui Winery on Oct. 24 to read from and sign his newest, Crush It! Why Now Is the Time to Cash in on Your Passion, which details how businesses can harness the power of the web to endlessly expand. V. Sattui is donating a portion of the days’ proceeds to a local school. Learn more at www.vsattui.com. . . . Stryker Sonoma Winery takes a funny attitude toward business, pairing wine education with standup comics from the San Francisco Comedy College, launching the Comedy in the Cellar series on Oct. 24, staring with a wine-release party and food, followed by a light-hearted winetasting class and wrapping in the barrel cellar with comics Kellen Erskine and Jeff Applebaum. Call 800.433.1944 for details. . . . Graton Ridge Cellars hosts a Pink Party to honor breast cancer awareness on Oct. 25 with free wine and food and a “Pretty in Pink Wall of Fameâ€? featuring portraits and names of those affected by breast cancer. 707.823.3040. . . .


with this coupon


Valid after 4pm. Not for take-out. Exp. 11/4/09

128 N. Main St, Sebastopol




Longboard Vineyards hails surf legend Peter Mel, the waves of the legendary Mavericks surf spot near Half Moon Bay and those surf photographers collected in the traveling exhibit, “Mavericks: Everest of the Seas,� Oct. 23–25 at the tasting room, with an opening reception Oct. 23 from 5pm to 9pm. Mel is also the guest winemaker for Longboard’s new Cabernet, celebrated that night. Hook up with it at 707.433.3473.

Gretchen Giles dXXVh^dc Y^c^c\# I]Z ZaVWdgViZ l^cZ eV^g^c\ bZcjh VgZ ajmjg^djhan ^che^gZY# 9^ccZg! LZY"Hjc# &(&) BX@^chign Hi! CVeV# ,%,#'*,#*&*,#

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West County <djgbZi Vj 7Vn

HZV[ddY iV`Zh id l^cZ ZkZc WZiiZg i]Vc lViZg# L^cZ WVg VcY gZiV^a h]de d[[Zgh [a^\]ih hZgkZY dc Xjhidb lddYZc Æhjg[WdVgYh!Ç Vgi^hVc X]ZZhZ VcY XgVX`Zg eaViZ! VcY a^WZgVa Wg^c\"ndjg" dlc e^Xc^X eda^Xn# 8daY XgVW XV`Zh VcY heVg`a^c\ l^cZ Vi hjchZi dc i]Z WVn4 HdjcYh a^`Z V YViZ# .&( =ln# &! 7dYZ\V# L^cZ hjg[^c\! -# ,%,#-,*#.-,*#

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70D2: 24;;0AB he tasting room was only open by happenstance on Thursday afternoon for a group that had yet to materialize from the muggy gray day, but Greg Hauck was welcoming curious passersby in to sample his wines, no problem. Hauck had reason to be in a good mood: he had got most of his grapes in before the rain, and his wine had just won double gold medals at the Sonoma County Harvest Fair.


I joined some out-of-towner art aďŹ cionados who had just dropped in because of the artwork on Hauck’s label. What I had originally and mistakenly surmised was a disquieting artist’s rendition of Margaux, an earnest Weimaraner who appears on Hauck’s Sauvignon Blanc label, actually depicts a mountain lion and a deer—in what disquieting or perhaps surprisingly peaceful pairing Hauck says is open to interpretation. Although perhaps too often compared to art, wine is also open to interpretation, the grape being far less portable. Wine fans Greg and Jennifer Hauck became enamored of Sonoma County through their travels, convinced that they must make their own Bordeauxstyle wines. So they uprooted themselves from the peach tree state and landed in this 1948 Quonset hut just off the Healdsburg plaza. The tin-roofed hut has been many things over the years: laundry, army surplus store, and more recently, the Chateau Felice tasting room. It sports a long bar with plenty of elbow room.

Hauck Cellars, 223 Center St., Healdsburg. Open Friday– Tuesday 11:30am–5pm; until 7pm Friday and Saturday. $10 fee; one taste free. 707.473.9065.

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Please call the tasting room at 1-866-557-4970 to reserve this unforgettable experience! $10 per person tour and tasting only $35 tour, gourmet boxed lunch, and wine tasting Asti Winery 26150 Asti Post Office Road Cloverdale, CA Tours available 7 days a week 10 am - 5pm Š2009 Cellar No. 8, Napa, CA | www.CellarNo8.com

Hauck says they’re discontinuing their Syrah program, and not without good reason. The otherwise balanced 2005 Russian River Valley Syrah ($25) is marred by funky aromas of wet hay and chopped weeds. Hauck says they had wanted a simple table wine like they’ve enjoyed in French country inns, but have not been happy with it; indeed, if only it was not a California Syrah, it might be lauded for its rustic typicitÊ.

IgZ[Zi]Zc L^cZgn

IgjX]VgY K^cZnVgYh

We are now offering a public tour of our historic winemaking facility!

The 2006 Alexander Valley Cabernet Sauvignon ($48) has a pretty raspberry nose much like the Zin, with a plush structure, and garnered best of class at the 2009 Harvest Fair. With distinct notes of cranberry-cherry, and a hint of licorice, the 2006 Tableau ($49) Bordeaux style blend’s best feature is the sleek ďŹ nish of a claret some years its senior, only lightly astringent, not grippy or drying.

No matter. The Haucks’ self-stated aim is to be the “best Bordeaux house in Sonoma County.� That’s a tall order, but so far, not bad for kids from the Atlanta metropolitan area.

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Located at 308 B Center Street, Healdsburg 707-433-2822. Open 7 days a week, 11am - 6pm

They’ve only been at it since 2004, but Hauck’s wines are showing a well-deďŹ ned style. The 2007 Dry Creek Valley Zinfandel ($30) has a pretty nose of crushed raspberry fruit, with both vanilla and toasty cedar spice, from . . . a combination of American and French oak barrels? Yep, point for me. It’s not so much a typical Dry Creek Zin—more like a bright Merlot with no hint of greens—but it’s a delicious quaff.

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The Souverain Tasting Room on the square in Healdsburg invites you to stop by and enjoy our Harvest Special, 25% off on a purchase of 4 or more wines.

James Knight

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>= 58A4 Bill McKibben will have spent 355 of this year’s 365 days on the road alerting us to the challenges of global warming.

=^]T ;XZT 8c 7^c Activist Bill McKibben thinks you should know that global warming isn’t coming—it’s already here By Gretchen Giles


ome 600 people, many with gray ponytails, fill the auditorium at the Sonoma Country Day School. Their earnest metal water bottles clank as they settle into their seats. A short film plays, featuring ugly potato puppets portraying John and Yoko in bed. Instead of protesting the Vietnam War, the two are protesting climate change. Even as a tuber, Yoko remains a fresh object of derision to boomers. Her little potato mouth promises to “scream a song to Mother Nature.� The audience howls delightedly. They remember John and Yoko. A short documentary screens, showing area high school students working for climate change. The audience claps heartily. They’re proud of their grandchildren. An elderly musician in Birkenstocks is ushered on. Dreary songs about the earth’s demise commence, the musician exhorting the dutiful audience to sing along. Sitting in the front row, author and climate

change activist Bill McKibben is game. “Save some trees for me,� he mouths, his head bobbing. The musician thankfully finishes and, after a brief introduction, McKibben quickly mounts the stage steps. The feeling in the room changes instantly. Having flown down from Alaska that morning, McKibben has been on five continents during the last nine days. “If the planet isn’t warming up,� he jokes, “it’s not for lack of me trying.� But the planet is warming up. Unable to stop it personally, McKibben is instead the relentless messenger of its alteration. Like food activist Michael Pollan, McKibben is tall, lean, ascetic, ridiculously well-educated and somewhat ill at ease in his role of scientific soothsayer. Like Pollan, he’d rather be in his home office writing than lecturing on our imminent demise. Unlike Pollan, he’s still stuck—on this night at least—with the earnest, the gray ponytails, the activists who remember John and Yoko. He’s preaching to the converted, as the Prius-packed parking lot connotes. He’s telling

educated, concerned citizens what they already know. Almost nothing, other than the plain dire facts of his humor-laced presentation, is new to them. His message couldn’t be more important, yet he’s not a household name. Not yet, at least. While Pollan’s meme can be memorized like a short poem—eat food, not much, mostly plants—McKibben’s is even easier. It’s simply a number: 350. Three hundred and fifty, the amount of carbon parts per million in the atmosphere that NASA’s top climate scientist Jim Hansen has counseled will most closely support the earth upon which human civilization arose. McKibben has organized an international day of action in countries as disparate as Yemen and Croatia slated for Oct. 24 and known as 350 Day to highlight the number because 350 parts per million (ppm) is 37 numbers lower than the 387 ppm level that the atmosphere is currently at now. In other words, we’ve already crossed what McKibben calls “the red line� for succoring the climate upon which human civilization arose. By lots. '* THE BOHEMIAN




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he author of 12 books, including the seminal 1989 global-warming text The End of Nature, McKibben, 49, is the kind of easy intellectual who joined the staff at the New Yorker magazine just after graduating Harvard. He has written about subjects ranging from Hundred Dollar Holiday, in which he outlines spending just that amount on winter festivities, to Maybe One: A Case for Smaller Families, which advocates having just one child, as he and his wife, the novelist Sue Halpern, have done with their daughter, Sophie. But all is not simply an orange stuck in a stocking for the lonely Christmas of an only child with McKibben. His relentless sense of humor and his indefatigable energy make him a fascinating magnet. A religious man who teaches Sunday school at the Methodist church near his Vermont home, McKibben needs that energy to survive the task he has set himself this year, one in which he will have spent 355 of the annum’s 365 days on the road, away from his wife and daughter, spreading the word about climate change. For McKibben, it is a moral necessity. He knows the truth about global warming—he’s seen it first-hand from Bangladesh to Pakistan to Phuket to Mongolia to China. Global warming and climate change are not coming, he counsels: they’re here. The 10 feet—feet—of water that fell last month on Taiwan is just one of an alarming number of natural calamities that attest to that. McKibben has had dengue fever in Bangladesh, seen a rock new to human eyes suddenly emerge from a Mongolian glacier and knows that rising sea levels are already salinating the fresh Ganges River. If he doesn’t personally deliver this truth to every person he can possibly grab by the lapels, he will have failed himself. He will have, in fact, harmed his own soul. “The thing I am doing today is the single most important thing I can be doing,� McKibben says. “We’re going to find out in the next few years whether this big brain [that humans have] was a good idea and if it’s linked with a big enough heart.� And so, with red-rimmed eyes and a practiced presentation, McKibben finds himself on yet another stage in yet another town in yet another country trying to convince some 600 people at a time that this is something they should be concerned about.


s comfortable in front of the microphone as at the dinner table, McKibben has told his tale hundreds of times, changing it only to include the newest natural tragedy briefly grabbing international headlines, all of it, save Katrina, in far-off nations that, he passionately declares, “did nothing to deserve it!� But even with an audience of the Priusdriving graybeards reasonably versed in the actual way of the world, McKibben must explain the petty basics of the earth’s ecology. A plant that has for the millennia flowered



at a certain week in April when the light and heat conspire perfectly and has been a fecund food source for an insect whose life cycle is keyed to the plant and is itself a delicious meal for an amphibian which awakens from the mud just as the insect is at its plumpest, which is itself a gorgeous lump of protein for a bird whose migration pattern is in part set by the availability of frogs in the area and whose eggs are a yummy treat for a mammal that has come to live year-round there due to the certainty of the eggs for its own breeding is in turn eaten by another mammal larger and more adept. Its remains are ravaged by scavengers, its gristle dissolved by bugs (which in turn are eaten by the migrating birds whose excrement nourishes the Aprilblooming plant). All of this rapacious blooming and pollinating and eating and excreting and reproducing and dying has eventually led humans to the establishment of such unnatural wealth as is found within any provincial supermarket. It is a cycle so seemingly robust that we simply take it for granted. But this life chain can be—and already has been—enormously upset by something as seemingly simple as a Fahrenheit degree, by an extra centimeter’s worth of water, by a wind that should never have been whipped.


scholar-in-residence at Vermont’s Middlebury College, McKibben has plenty of access to young people and their sturdy energy. In 2006, he led a group of students and colleagues on a five-day walk through the Vermont woods that began at the poet Robert Frost’s cabin (“‘The road not taken’ seemed apropos,� he says) to make a global-warming statement that would end in Burlington. There, his group was joined by others until its ranks swelled to a thousand people marching upon Burlington’s city hall. It was, he realized sadly, the largest public protest for climate change ever yet staged. Astonished that the plight of the globe was so little remarked by its inhabitants, McKibben formed Step It Up in late 2006. Using a student team from Middlebury and the endless swathe of the internet, Step It Up promoted some 1,400 climatechange actions worldwide in April of 2007. McKibben was feeling pretty good about his work. And then the summer came, and then the Arctic melted. “The Arctic sea was slowly melting, and then it suddenly fell off a cliff,� he says. “We were losing ice sheets the size of California every month, at a rate 200 percent above what was predicted. My scientist friends panicked. This was on, and not just Arctic ice; there is 25 percent less sea ice than ever before. Satellite photos revealed that there was a lot less ice up top. Glacial ice is the most unsettling loss of all.� McKibben estimates that 300,000 people will die annually from global warming with just a one-degree temperature rise. “But we expect the planet to warm by five to six degrees more in this century if we do nothing. “We have the technology to imagine what the future will look like,� he continues.


“The scientific method has worked, but so far the political method has utterly failed. We’ve had a 20-year bipartisan effort to do nothing, and it’s succeeded brilliantly.�


sher Miller, executive director of the Post-Carbon Institute, a global think tank that counts McKibben and peak oil theorist Richard Heinberg among its fellows, looks at fossil fuels almost fondly, as in thoughtful reminiscence. “The big human story is that we won the lottery,� Miller says. “We found this amazing energy source that fueled our society and changed it completely, giving us luxuries and altering the course of human history entirely. Can you blame us for going nuts over it? “But it’s now a moot point. We’re living in a difficult time. We’re changing, and it’s being dictated by climate. We have to be realistic, and we can’t live the way we’ve been living.� Perhaps the most sobering part of the global warming message is that we can swap out all the light bulbs we like, grow every bit of lettuce that we’ll ever eat ourselves, ride our bikes everywhere—and none of it will mean a thing unless our political leaders act. “How do we muster the will to get a global agreement that puts a price on carbon?� McKibben asks. “We can’t solve it one bulb at a time, not one state at a time, not even one country at a time. We have to deal with it one planet at a time. “We have to build a movement. I say that as if I know what I’m talking about. I don’t. No one really knows how we’re going to muster it.� 350 Day is his latest idea, a creative, almost joyful attempt to unite people the world over in protest against the lethargy of large, First World governments to alter policies, agreements, coal and oil consumption. Miller isn’t pessimistic—exactly. “The environmental movement has failed,� he says. “Guilting people, talking about abstractions like polar bears. Boiling down complex stuff into a simple number like 350 is a good way to use what otherwise has become a battle of data and talking points. “It would be great if people take to the streets on Oct. 24,� he says. “But that’s just one day. This is going to be every day. And it’s already started.� McKibben could be said to agree. “There are no guarantees that any of this will work,� he tells the Sonoma Country Day School audience. “There are scientists who think that the machination we’ve put in process is unstoppable. But the best science says that we still have a window. Because we have that window, we have to fight. For 20 years, I wondered what this fight would look like— and it’s very beautiful. We’re an amateur movement. This is a homemade operation, and that’s the best thing about it.� McKibben’s next focus after 350 Day is the December climate-change conference planned in Copenhagen. The United States will attend, as will other powerful polluting countries. “Whatever we do at Copenhagen isn’t enough,� he admits. “We know what the bottom line is, and we have to keep at it. The negotiations are occurring between human

beings and physics and chemistry. Physics and chemistry have stated their bottom line: 350 is our demand.�


he most promising bit of national legislation, according to Ann Hancock, executive director of the Climate Protection Campaign, is something called “cap and dividend.� “It means putting a cap on carbon and every year reducing that cap so that every year, and rapidly, we meet the scientific imperative,� she explains. So-called gross polluters—think Exxon and its ilk—will have the option to purchase rights to use fossil fuels. Cap and dividend will raise energy prices, it’s true, but the current proposal, put forward by Democratic representative Christopher Van Hollen of Maryland, would also offer customer rebates on energy use. Those who use less fossil fuel would receive more money back; those who use more, less. “I think that cap and dividend is the most powerful solution we need to have and that’s worldwide,� Hancock says. “[Sixties activist] Sal Alinsky said that most people will do the right thing for the wrong reasons, and I agree. We’re more concerned with our comfort and mortgage than we are with the climate. Pricing is the way to do it. The option of the right to pollute will generate perhaps trillions of dollars. It will torque the whole economy in a green direction. If people have to pay more money for fossil fuel and they aren’t made whole, they won’t reelect those people.�


ill McKibben is exhausted. After rallying the audience for an hour of passionate speech, his voice drops. “We set out to organize the world, a ludicrous proposition. Only McDonald’s and CocaCola have succeeded. The only part of the climate-change movement that’s been left out is the movement part.� But the key, he stresses, is the newest generation. “The real leaders of the moment are young people,� he tells the sea of gray ponytails. A handful of students on the top tier applaud. Asher Miller agrees. “There’s this generational gap in the larger environmental movement,� he says, “and Bill is helping to close that.� The next generation has every reason to be involved, as it’s their adult lives, their children and probable grandchildren most affected. Climate change is here, and even if every coal facility in the world stopped production today, McKibben estimates that it will take two generations before we can return the earth’s atmosphere to 350 ppm. Miller, who has a toddler, chooses to be sanguine. “I fully expect that the next 10 years will be significantly different than the last 10 years,� he says. “Things are different, and the sooner we can internalize that, the sooner we can make changes. “The world is going to be different, but it may not be all bad.�

For 350 Day events in the North Bay , go to www.350.org or look in our Events calendar.

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A43 ;8?BC82: C>> 2007 Nobel Prize winner Doris Lessing’s ‘Golden Notebook’ is the subject of a new way of reading.

F^aS 7^bcPVT The future of reading in a digital world is bright, if you set books free By Clive Thompson


hen McKenzie Wark wrote Gamer Theory, an analysis of why people enjoy playing video games, Harvard University Press published it as a conventional hardcover. But Wark also put it online using CommentPress. The free blog theme blew the book open into a series of conversations; every paragraph could spawn its own discussion forum for readers. Sure enough, hundreds dove in, and pretty soon Gamer Theory had sparked erudite exchanges on everything from Plato’s cave to Schopenhauer’s ideas on boredom. It felt as much like a rangy, excited Twitter conversation as it did a book. “It was all because we opened it up and gave readers a way to interact with each other,� Wark says. “It changed the way they read the book.� Books are the last bastion of the old business model, the only major medium that still hasn’t embraced the digital age. Publishers and author advocates have generally refused to put books online for fear the content will be Napsterized. And you can understand their terror, because the publishing industry is in big financial trouble, rife with layoffs and restructurings. Literary pundits are fretting: Can books survive in this Facebooked, ADD, multichannel universe? To which I reply: Sure they can. But only

if publishers adopt Wark’s perspective and provide new ways for people to encounter the written word. We need to stop thinking about the future of publishing and think instead about the future of reading. Every other form of media that’s gone digital has been transformed by its audience. Whenever a newspaper story or TV clip or blog post or white paper goes online, readers and viewers begin commenting about it on blogs, snipping their favorite sections, passing them along. The only reason the same thing doesn’t happen to books is that they’re locked into ink on paper. Release them, and you release the crowd. BookGlutton, a site that launched last year, has put 1,660 books online and created tools that let readers form groups to discuss their favorite titles. Meanwhile, Bob Stein, an e-publishing veteran from the CD-ROM days, put Doris Lessing’s Golden Notebook online with an elegant commenting system and hired seven writers to collaboratively read it. Neither move should come as a surprise. Books have a centuries-old tradition of annotation and commentary, ranging from the Talmud and scholarly criticism to book clubs and marginalia. Stein believes that if books were set free digitally, it could produce a class of “professional readers,� people so insightful that you’d pay to download their footnotes. Sound unlikely? It already exists in the real world.

Microsoft researcher Cathy Marshall has found that university students carefully study used textbooks before buying them, because they want to acquire the smartest notes. The technology is here. Book nerds are now working on XML-like markup languages that would allow for really terrific linking and mashups. Imagine a world where there’s a URL for every chapter and paragraph in a book— every sentence, even. Readers could point to their favorite sections in a social networking update or instant message or respond to an argument by copiously linking to the smartest passages in a recent bestseller. This would massively improve what bibliophiles call “book discovery.� You’re far more likely to hear about a book if a friend has highlighted a couple brilliant sentences in a Facebook update—and if you hear about it, you’re far more likely to buy it in print. Yes, in actual print. The few authors who have experimented with giving away digital copies (mostly in sci-fi) have found that they end up selling more print copies, because their books are discovered by more people. I’m not suggesting that books need always be social. One of the chief pleasures of a book is mental solitude, that deep, quiet focus on an author’s thoughts—and your own. That’s not going away. But books have been held hostage off line for far too long. Taking them digital will unlock their real hidden value: the readers. THE BOHEMIAN



America’s First Family of Bluegrass


@A.42 “That’s really all I can tell you,� he continues. “Secrecy is extremely important because, well, I can’t tell you why, because that would spoil it. I can say that every act has a Halloween theme, and that we selected these 16 acts from more than 30 submissions. I can tell you that one of the acts is a repeat of something that was very popular last year— but I may have already said too much.�

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Raven Players unleash devilishly fun ‘Monster Bash’ benefit show By David Templeton


n the theater world, whenever an actor says “It’s curtains,� the word usually signals the imminent demise of whomever they are swapping dialogue with. When John DeGaetano, the director of the Raven Players’ upcoming Halloween-weekend Monster Bash, says “It’s curtains,� he is giving the specific reason for the popular annual variety show. “The Raven Theater needs curtains for the stage,� he laughs. “And heavy-duty curtains aren’t cheap.� Twelve thousand dollars, to be exact. The hope is that much of that cost will be raised by singing, dancing and joke-cracking monsters. Last year’s debut of the Monster Bash (which included a staged recreation of Orson Welles’ famous War of the Worlds radio telecast) was so successful that it was immediately obvious that the show would be an annual occurrence. This year’s program, however, without the radio show in the second act, will be able to feature twice as many performers. “We’ve got 16 separate performances,� says DeGaetano, who directs and appears onstage throughout the show. “I can’t really tell you what any of the acts are or what they’re made of, because the thing about the Monster Bash is that everything is a surprise. What happens from act to act is a surprise—and who those performers turn out to be is a surprise. All I can say is that we’ve got a lot of very recognizable people in the show, most of them actors and singers who’ve been performing on stages all over the North Bay.




‘Dead people always make a variety show more fun.’ OK, then. Unsubstantiated rumors have it that the “repeat performance� may be an enormous, colorful, unleashing of Michael Jackson’s Thriller, with a horde of zombie dancers in full creep-show array. DeGaetano neither confirms nor denies this, but does admit that zombies may have been seen rehearsing dance moves in and around the Raven Theater over the last few weeks. DeGaetano also confesses that some recognizable horror-show faces will likely make an appearance. “We do a little bit of a tribute to several of our horror-movie-type stars,� he says, “horrormovie icons who’ve been out there for years, and everyone has grown up with. But it’s a family show. There’s nothing too scary. “The idea behind the show was to create a slightly scary version of a community talent show. The full variety show ref lects a range of what the North Bay has to offer. Some of the acts are by professionals, and some are by less experienced people who just had a really fun idea of what they wanted to present. Are some of these acts somewhat questionable? Yes. Let’s just say we have put together a show with a lot of range. “Halloween,� he continues, “is such a wonderful time of year. There’s something about it that is just inherently theatrical. I go way back with Halloween. When I was in college in Ohio, way back when, some friends and I put together a Halloween-themed musical act, and we ran the circuit of Halloween parties, with talent contests, and we won money all over town with that act. That may have been part of the inspiration for the Monster Bash. I think there’s always room for outrageousness, and everybody needs an opportunity to show what they can do. Based on last year’s turnout, I think that there’s a desire in the community to see what our friends and neighbors are up to.� It’s simply added value that some of those friends and neighbors will be dressed like the walking undead. “Dead people,� DeGaetano laughs, “always make a variety show more fun.� ‘The Monster Bash’ takes place Friday–Saturday, Oct. 30–31, at the Raven Performing Arts Theater, 115 North St., Healdsburg. 8pm. $15. www.ravenplayers.org.

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10C40D Audrey Tautou plays the iconic Chanel.

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‘Coco’ explores the early life of the woman who liberated women’s bodies By Richard von Busack


ne of the most ardent pro-corset passages in literature is “The Old Chevalier,â€? a Gothic tale by Isak Dinesen. An old man remembers the 1870s: “In those days a woman’s body was a secret which her clothes did their utmost to keep. . . . They made it their object to transform the body they encircled, and to create . . . a mystery which it was a divine privilege to solve.â€? The Chevalier remembers undressing a lady, “her waist still delicately marked by the stays, as with a girdle of rose petals.â€? You can see why some of today’s hipsters have gone back to the laces and whalebone. But “privilegeâ€? is a loaded word, never to be used lightly. In the well-done biopic Coco Before Chanel, Audrey Tautou plays the designer as modernist, a woman who assumed male privilege by assuming the simplicity and directness of their clothes. Chanel is, in this account, almost a transvestite in the pre– World War I period, taking shears to modify men’s trousers, shirts and coats. Coco Before Chanel begins in an orphanage, where Gabrielle Chanel, the designer-to-be, is raised by immaculate nuns with pterodactylsize bonnets. After a rather vast leap to adulthood, the film shows Gabrielle and her sister, Adrienne (Marie Gillain), in new careers as saloon singers. Coco calculates her way into bed with a wealthy rouĂŠ named Étienne Balsan (BenoĂŽt Poelvoorde). Boldly, she pursues him back to his chateau and quickly steps into the life of a kept woman. Director Anne Fontaine reminds us that Coco Before Chanel is a movie from the country that gave us Rules of the Game. What could have been a dull bird-in-the-gilded-cage story turns urbane, with the ever-changing flow of power between Coco and the slightly wizened but sporty decadent. Balsan is the kind of self-amused playboy who nicknames

his prized coal-black racehorse “Snow White.â€? He’s a dedicated wastrel but an elegant one; when he realizes that another man has stolen Coco, he murmurs only, “I’m smiling, because I’m the one who let the fox into the henhouse.â€? Two of Balsan’s friends prove influential: one is a curvy stage-farce actress named Emilienne (Emmanuelle Devos), who enjoys the little straw hats Coco keeps whipping up; the other is a self-made British businessman nicknamed “Boyâ€? (Alessandro Nivola). Soon, Coco is mad about the Boy, even though he’s something of a cad. Sanely, the film makes no enormous claims for Coco Chanel’s legacy. The end titles call it an empire, but Tautou—last seen, cigarette on lip, in a cage of mirrors, surrounded by models wearing her gowns— makes it look mostly like hard work. Tautou is perhaps a little aged for the role (“You’re too old to be an ingĂŠnue,â€? Emilienne judges), but she’s unusually sharp; it’s plausible to imagine why someone would love such a moody and direct woman. Without speeches, Coco Before Chanel gives all due importance to the little black dress, here seen making its debut at the Deauville Casino. One feels a little sad at the French impressionist beach scene on its way out, witnessing women in full gowns and parasols. Meringues on their heads, Coco mutters, seeing the gauze-laden cartwheel hats, which look like pastries. The change Chanel wrought was indubitably feminist, bringing physical and sexual freedom and the death of the corset. “You’re so easy to undress,â€? Boy tells her. The downside, of course, is the ideal of ascetic leanness as the essence of glamour today, which is a different kind of tyranny all together. ‘Coco Before Chanel’ opens at the Rialto Lakeside Cinemas on Friday, Oct. 16. 551 Summerfield Road, Santa Rosa. 707.525.4840.

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THURSDAY 22 Corey Jennings & Richard Sumberg (blues) FRIDAY 23 Best damn karaoke party! SATURDAY 24 Burlesque from SF Bunny Pistol! SUNDAY BRUNCH Whiskey Thieves 1-3

Academy Award Nominee Hilary Swank Richard Gere Ewan McGregor Best Film! “Grand Entertainment InLanguage The–Best Tradition “Raw andForeign Riveting!� Rolling Stone Of The WALTZ WITH BASHIR Magazine Movies! Simply Soars!� – Backstage A MIGHTY HEART (1:00) 3:00 (12:30) 2:45 5:00 5:00 7:00 7:20 9:15 9:45 RR


(1:30) 4:15 7:00 9:20 Best R Actor! 2 Academy Award Noms Including “A Triumph!� – New York Observer “Rich, Sensuous & Inspiring! Audry Tautou Is THE WRESTLER Captivating In Every Frame!� (12:20) 2:45 7:30 R – 9:45 US Weekly LA VIE5:10 EN ROSE (12:45) 6:45 9:45 PG-13 COCO 3:45 BEFORE CHANEL

10 Academy Award Noms Including Best Picture!

(1:40) 4:30 7:20 9:30 PG-13 SLUMDOG MILLIONAIRE “ä–&#x;ä–&#x;ä–&#x;ä–&#x; – Really, Truly, Deeply – A New Film From 7:10 The Coen Brothers 4:00 9:40 R One of (1:15) This Year’s Best!â€? – Newsday “Audaciously Funny, Original, And Resonant! ONCE 8 Academy Award Noms Including Remarkable!â€? – Entertainment Weekly (1:00) 3:10 5:20 7:30 9:40 R Best Picture, Best Actor & Best Director!


(2:00) 4:45 7:30Funny!� 9:40 R “Wise, Humble and Effortlessly (1:30) 4:10 6:45 9:30 R – Newsweek Please Note: No 1:30 Show No 6:45 Show Thu CAPITALISM: ASat, LOVE STORY WAITRESS

(1:10) 3:45 7:10 9:40 R

(1:30) 4:00 7:10 9:30 Best R Picture! 5 Academy Award Noms Including


(1:00) 3:15 7:40Mysterious, R No R7:40 Hilarious!� Show Thu (2:15) 7:20 “Swoonly Romatic, – Slant Magazine THE INVENTION OF LYING REVOLUTIONARY ROAD (5:20)PARIS, 9:45 PG-13 No 5:20 Show Thu JE T’AIME (11:45) 4:45 9:50 R (1:15) 4:15 7:00 9:30 R

IRIE TUESDAY 27 DeeJay Guacamole Bday Bash Free before 10pm WEDNESDAY 28 Michael Castle (delta blues)

TIMES TALKS LIVE Premiere of Kevin Jorgenson presents the California A Conversation With John Irving PURE: A BOULDERING FLICK

Michael Moore’s Wed, Oct 28th at at 7pm Only! Thu, Feb 26th 7:15 Visit Our Virtual Box OfďŹ ce at rialtocinemas.com SICKO MOVIES IN THE MORNING Starts Fri, June 29th! MOVIES Fri, IN Sat,THE Sun &MORNING Mon Advance Tickets Fri, On Sat,Sale Sun Now & Monat Box OfďŹ ce! 9:50 AM AM FROZEN RIVER (12:00) 2:30 5:00 7:30 10:00 10:30 BRIGHT STAR 10:15 AM AM VICKY CRISTINA BARCELONA 10:40 THE BAADER-MEINHOF COMPLEX 10:20 CHANGELING 10:45 AM MY ONE AND ONLY (No Show Sat)Glenn Venessa Redgrave Meryl Streep Close 10:40 AM RACHEL GETTING MARRIED 10:45 THE BOYS ARE BACK 10:45 AM 2009SEPTEMBER LIVE ACTIONISSUE SHORTS (Fri/Mon Only)) 10:50 THE EVENING 2009 ANIMATED SHORTS Only) Starts Fri,(Sun June 29th! Sat 10:45 AM Note: No BADDER-MEINHOF Show



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Also Playing I]Z 7VVYZg BZ^c]d[ 8dbeaZm






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0CC0 1>H 0BCA> 1>H Wouldn’t it be cool if you had jets in your feet?.

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:migVXi G/ .' b^c# Lg^iZg"Y^gZXidg B^`Z ?jY\Z gZijgch id i]Z W^\ hXgZZc Vh ]^h adc\"gjcc^c\ @^c\ d[ i]Z =^aa h^iXdb l^cYh Ydlc dc i]Z hbVaa dcZ# I]Z b^cY WZ]^cY D[[^XZ HeVXZ ijgch ]^h ViiZci^dcÅVcY hnbeVi]^ZhÅ[gdb d[[^XZ YgdcZh id bVcV\ZbZci# ?Vhdc 7ViZbVc hiVgh Vh ?dZa! i]Z dlcZg d[ V [aVkdg"ZmigVXi [VXidgn l]d bjhi XdciZcY l^i] Vc ZhXVaVi^c\ hZg^Zh d[ b^h]Veh VcY b^h[dgijcZh# 6c VXX^YZci Vi ]^h [VXidgn aVcYh ]^b ^c [^cVcX^Va ]di lViZg! VcY ]^h [gdhin l^[Z @g^hiZc L^^\ _jhi bVn WZ X]ZVi^c\ dc ]^b! Wji i]ZhZ igdjWaZh VgZ _jhi i]Z WZ\^cc^c\ [dg i]Z ]VeaZhh ?dZa# 8d" hiVgg^c\ 7Zc 6[[aZX` VcY B^aV @jc^h# ?A

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6 HZg^djh BVc G0 &&* b^c# 9^gZXiZY Wn i]Z 8dZc 7gdi]Zgh# BZZi AVggn! V e]nh^Xh egd[Zhhdg Vi V B^YlZhiZgc jc^kZgh^in# AVggnÉh a^[Z WZ\^ch id jcgVkZa WZ[dgZ ]^h ZnZh! Vh ]^h l^[Z egZeVgZh id aZVkZ ]^b WZXVjhZ ]^h ^cXdbeZiZci Wgdi]Zg l^aa cdi bdkZ dji d[ i]Z^g ]djhZ# AVggn Vahd [^cYh ]^bhZa[ Xde^c\ l^i] i]Z [VXi i]Vi ]^h X]^aYgZc VgZ haVX`Zgh l^i] cd bdgVa Y^gZXi^dc# >c i]Z b^Yhi d[ Vaa d[ i]^h cZ\Vi^k^in! AVggn hZZ`h Vhh^hiVcXZ [gdb i]gZZ gVWW^h! Wji XVc i]Zn gZVaan ]Zae AVggn WZXdbZ V ÆhZg^djh bVcÇ4 :8

20 min from downtown Petaluma, 25 min from everywhere else!

EST. 1941

DAVID T. CARTER Oct 23 “A Strange Kind of Blue” Fri



SHANA MORRISON Oct 24 Original, Sly, Vocalist! Sat

i]Z VYkZcijgZ# 6ccV ;Vg^h egdk^YZh i]Z kd^XZ d[ eZg`n lZVi]Zg\^ga VcY adkZ ^ciZgZhi HVb HeVg`h# ?A

Bfrom rews the world &Tasty Paround ub Grub


Take a scenic drive for a unique dining experience

Dinner and a Show


JERRY HANNAN BAND Oct 25 Original Americana Sun

5:00pm / In The Bar


“Devils Night” Oct 30 LEE PRESSON AND THE NAILS Fri

! He’s back

SF’s Wildest Swing Big Band 8:30pm

Thursday, Oct 22 @ 7pm

THE SUN KINGS Oct 31 Costume Contest! Fabulous Prizes!



Come dressed as your favorite Beatle or Beatle song character 8:30pm

Coming in November


Nov 7 Sun

Nov 8 Fri Nov 13 Sat

Nov 14 Sun

Nov 15 Fri

Nov 20 Sat

Nov 21 Sun

Nov 22 Fri

Nov 27 Sat Nov 28


Outdoor Dining 7 Days a Week


On the Town Square, Nicasio www.ranchonicasio.com

Friday, Oct 23 @ 8pm

Rose Conner

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Saturday, Oct 24 @ 8pm

The Easy Leaves


Sunday, Oct 25 @ 12pm

Radio KBOB Acoustic Folk

707.874.9037 | www.barleynhops.com 3688 Bohemian Highway, Occidental

I]Z HiZe[Vi]Zg E<"&(0 &%& b^c# B^X]VZa EZcc 7VY\aZn gZijgch ]dbZ [gdb b^a^iVgn hX]dda id [^cY ]^h bdi]Zg ]ZVY"dkZg"]ZZah l^i] ]Zg cZl Wdn[g^ZcY C^e$IjX`Éh 9naVc LVah] ! l^i] l]db h]Z ^h XjggZcian a^k^c\# I]^c\h hiVgi d[[ lZaa Zcdj\]! Wji Vh B^X]VZa VcY ]^h bdbÉh Wdn[g^ZcY \Zi id `cdl ZVX] di]Zg! B^X]VZa WZXdbZh hjhe^X^djh i]Vi i]^h bVc ^h ]^Y^c\ hdbZi]^c\# EgZiin hddc! higVc\Z dXXjggZcXZh WZ\^c id ]VeeZc! VcY B^X]VZa VcY ]^h \^ga[g^ZcY WZXdbZ YZiZgb^cZY id Y^hXdkZg i]Z igji] ^c i]^h hjheZchZ[ja i]g^aaZg# :8

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Film capsules by Richard von Busack, Eloy Camacho and Jeff Latta. THE BOHEMIAN



the last day saloon nightclub & restaurant DON’T FORGET…WE SERVE FOOD TOO!

Mc Near’s Dining House Breakfast • Lunch • Dinner BBQ • Pasta • Steak WED 10/28• 7:30PM DOORS • $20 ADV/$25 DOS • 18+ JAM BAND




WED 11/4 • 8:00PM DOORS • $30 ADV/$32 DOS • 18+ LATIN/HIP HOP/ROCK



THE uptones

10/24 8:00 PM SHOW > $22/25 > BLUES






FRI 11/13 • 8:45PM DOORS • $17 • 21+ DANCE PARTY HITS






KELLER WILLIAMS FRI 11/20 & SAT 11/21 • 7:00PM DOORS • $35 • 21+


10/31 9:30 PM SHOW > $10/13 > DANCE HALLOWEEN PARTY




11/3 8:00 PM SHOW > $8/10 > ROOTS


a musical celebration of gram parsons by

LAUGHING GRAVY 11/14 8:00 PM SHOW > $20/25 > BLUES


two time grammy winner


Bill (RECORD RELEASE) champlin



formerly with chicago now booking holiday parties


all shows are 21+ unless noted


get reserved show seating with advance dinner reservations

For All Ages Shows • No Children Under 10 Allowed

for reservations: 707.545.5876

23 Petaluma Blvd, Petaluma



120 5th street @ davis street santa rosa, ca

www.mcnears.com THE BOHEMIAN


SAT 11/7 • 8:00PM DOORS • $20 ADV/$22 DOS • 18+ REGGAE







10/23 8:30 PM SHOW > $20/25 > SKA NEW WAVE


SAT 10/31 • 8:45PM DOORS • $20 ADV/$25 DOS • 21+ DANCE/PARTY BAND




FRI 10/30 • 8:00PM DOORS • $20ADV/$25DOS • 21+ BURLESQUE/CABARET


the best place for live music, dancing and dining


;\_aU /Nf 2cR[a`



Legacy Edition

Open Landscape

While Dave Brubeck’s son Matt has splintered off on an experimental path as cellist with Evan Parker, Tom Waits, the Club Foot Orchestra and his acclaimed spazz-jazz group Oranj Symphonette, his other sons, Chris and Daniel, are content to walk the straight jazz line as the Brubeck Brothers. Both accompanied their father for many years, playing classics like “Take Five� and “Blue Rondo a la Turk� around the world, and their chemistry is rhythmic as well as brotherly. In their quartet, the melodic pianist Chuck Lamb and the tasteful guitarist Mike DeMicco are often overlooked, but the quartet’s originals, plus a few well-placed compositions by Brubeck Sr., wouldn’t be as f luid with any other players. Take time out and see them on Thursday, Oct. 22, at the Lincoln Theater. 100 California Drive, Yountville. 8pm. $25–$35. 707.944.1300.

Most people know Jesse Olsen as the grandson of Tell Me a Riddle author Tillie Olsen, or as the tuba player and “leader� of the rambunctious Hubbub Club Marching Band. Most don’t know about his solo projects, like Ojito, which was recorded over a year in the high desert of New Mexico. With only a stream for water and limited solar electricity, Olsen used a hand-held cassette recorder to record pensive, smart, intricate compositions— sometimes with the rain falling in the background—and using those cassettes, the album was finalized with economically layered acoustic instruments and sparse, intimate vocals. Some of the songs sound like Guided by Voices outtakes, others recall the Mountain Goats; all of them evoke empty landscape and arid solitude with telltale sounds of the clunky “record� button being pushed. Olsen celebrates Ojito’s release with Reverent Sisters, a new duo with Joni Davis and Faun Fables’ Dawn McCarthy, on Saturday, Oct. 24, at Sebsatopol Center for the Arts. 8pm. $10. 707.829.4797.

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Real Astro Rock You know who you are. You pick up the Bohemian, f lip past the news stories and arts features and go straight to the back of the paper to Rob Brezsny’s Free Will Astrology column. The man has a way with words, if we may say so ourselves, both in print and in the years he fronted his agit-pop, off-kilter rock band World Entertainment War. It’s true! Brezsny, as lead singer, with songs like “Furnace of Nuclear Love,� “Pagan Jake’s Dream Girl� and “Kick Your Own Ass!� The band fizzled in the early 1990s, but since there’s now a rule that every band from the ’90s has to get back together, they’re merely following orders from on high— with all original members—when World Entertainment War bring their “pagan revival meeting mixed with a dance therapy session and a cynics’ pep rally and a tribal hoedown and a lecture at the ‘Anarchists Just Wanna Have Fun’ think tank� on Saturday, Oct. 24, at 19 Broadway. 19 Broadway, Fairfax. 9pm. $18–$20. 415.459.1091.


Behind the Drama There are just too many questions that longtime readers of the comic strip “Luann� would have for its creator, Greg Evans, that he can’t answer them all. When will Tiffany finally get her full comeuppance? When will Luann finally clean her room? Will Puddles ever stop peeing on the floor? Like Charlie Brown kicking the football, these things may never happen, but Evans is at least willing to discuss why. The artist appears in Santa Rosa for a special “Adult Master Class� on comic strips this weekend to reveal the methods that make Luann such a success. Advance registration is required when Evans teaches a class on Saturday, Oct. 24, at the Schulz Museum. 2301 Hardies Lane, Santa Rosa. 10am. $40. Registration required; 707.579.4452, ext. 263.

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Harmony was a capitalist plot to sell � pianos!


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One of the coolest things we’ve heard of all year he Oliver Ranch is one of those places you hear about but never see. Famously closed to the public but hosting a veritable who’s who of modern sculpture— Richard Serra, Bruce Nauman, Andy Goldsworthy—the 90-acre ranch is the local art world’s Wonka factory, with hordes of fans hoping for a golden ticket from its dedicated, reclusive owner. That owner is Steve Oliver, former chairman at the SFMOMA and avid art collector, and golden tickets have been released for an intriguing, enlightening concert inside the Oliver Ranch’s piece de resistance, the staggeringly bold 80-foot tower by artist Ann Hamilton. The concrete, cylindrical tower is massive, outďŹ tted with two intertwining staircases which spiral toward the open sky like double helixes. Below is a pool of water, and above is the tower’s open-air top story, boasting an incomparable view. And get this—the stairs serve as both seats for the audience and the performance stage for the Kronos Quartet this weekend. The insanely unique experience includes the world premiere of Purnati, by Indonesian composer Rahayu Supanggah. Supanggah himself will play the gendĂŠr, a metallophone instrument housed in wood which usually leads the traditional Balinese gamelan ensemble. Did we mention that it’s inside an 80-foot tower? And that the stage isn’t a stage but is actually this crazy staircase? We did? Good. A post-concert reception follows in downtown Geyserville at Terroirs Artisan Wines with hors d’oeuvres and wine; the composer and performers will be on hand to talk about—what else?—how bizarre and amazing it was to perform inside an 80-foot tower. This is something you might think is organized by an eclectic arts foundation out of New York, but in actuality it’s a beneďŹ t for the Santa Rosa Symphony, who redeem years of Broadway pops concerts with this one cutting-edge, exhilarating event. Unless you spent $500 to see Meredith Monk sing inside the Ann Hamilton tower last year, chances are this is something you have never done. Seize the opportunity to not only step inside the Wonka factory of art and support the Santa Rosa Symphony, but to also hear a world-renowned composer collaborate with the Kronos Quartet inside an amazing 80-foot tower on Friday, Oct. 23, the Oliver Ranch. Shuttles leave in various locations in Geyserville. 4pm. $125 includes reception; $75 taxdeductible. 707.546.8742. For more info and pictures of the 80-foot tower, see www.santarosasymphony.com.


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BZm^Xd A^cYd

:kZgn I]jgh! 8VciV;adg# .%(% <gVidc GY! <gVidc# ,%,#-'(#)&*)#


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DmWdl EjWa^X BVg`Zi

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B;834 C> B;834

No, Sonny Landreth does not have an invisible third hand laying slide guitar didn’t come easy for Sonny Landreth when he started learning at age 16. “I was really frustrated,â€? he remembers via phone from his Louisiana home. “I couldn’t make heads or tails of it, and certainly tortured the family, and our dog. My dog, I think, suffered the most. Sonically, for him, it had to be excruciating. It got to the point where I’d just pick the guitar up, and he’d start running.â€? These days, Landreth picks up the guitar and he’s the one off and running. Dazzling and inventive, he works the frets like a tap-dancing spider, both hammering the strings of his Stratocaster and nimbly weaving them into and out of each other with a slide on his pinky ďŹ nger. His endless spindles of technique have moved just about every major guitarist to sing his praises, and most who hear him swear he’s grown a third invisible hand. Growing up in Lafayette, La., Landreth worked selling marching band instruments at Professor Erny’s Music Co., where a co-worker turned him on to the ďŹ nger-picking of Chet Atkins. The next year, he discovered Robert Johnson; the year after that, B. B. King, Clifton Chenier and Jimi Hendrix hit his radar. It’s as good a summation as any for Landreth’s multifaceted style. “With all of that going on,â€? he says, “and with the backdrop of the culture here in Louisiana, it just made for a real rich environment.â€? While it would be fair for Landreth to join the ranks of stratospherically marketed “guitar godsâ€? like Joe Satriani, Steve Vai and Eric Johnson, the easygoing 58-year-old appears genuinely uninterested in the requirements for the role. He doesn’t wince his mouth into an aggro rock face when he solos, nor does he overly use effects pedals. He’s never quite ďŹ t the tag of a “musician’s musician,â€? appealing to nonguitarists as well as the Fender faithful. Known largely for his long association with John Hiatt, Landreth at last is seeing acclaim pouring in for his solo work. From the Reach, his latest album, features diehard fans Eric Clapton, Mark Knoper, Dr. John and Jimmy Buffett, and in 2008 he was given a long-overdue honor on the cover of Guitar Player magazine, which he’s avidly read since its ďŹ rst issue. Tendonitis hasn’t slowed him one bit, as he still develops new methods for his deep trick bag. See him when he plays on Saturday, Oct. 24, at the Last Day Saloon. 120 Fifth St., Santa Rosa. 8pm. $22–$25. 707.545.2343. Gabe Meline


GV^cWdl Gddb

I]jgh Vi .! `VgVd`Z l^i] Æ9dXÇ BVgi^c 9jgVcY# ;g^"HVi Vi &%! 9? YVcX^c\# Hjc! HVahV HjcYVnh# -%+ ;djgi] Hi! CVeV# ,%,#'*'#)),&#


0=6D;0A <><4=CD< Umphrey’s McGee heats up the Mystic Theatre Oct. 28. See Concerts, p34.




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;854 >5 <DB82 Teresa Tudury’s spiritual world is contained in song.

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Chanteuse Teresa Tudury savors her new lease on a musical life By Bruce Robinson



’ve been about to make it any minute now for 40 years,� Teresa Tudury says matter-of-factly as she prepares to celebrate the release of her new CD, Such Fine Things. It’s actually the fifth release for the Occidental singer-songwriter, if you count all the way back to the early 1980s, but only her second since 1992. “You cannot imagine the opportunities I’ve had that I’ve managed to eff-up,� she continues. “I used to think that I was terribly self-sabotaging, but in retrospect I realize I was self-preserving, because the mediadriven entertainment industry is so toxic, and they tell every artist, ‘You need to be in Nashville or Hollywood,’ and I dutifully showed up for that. But my soul was just in total rebellion to all of that.� That subconscious antipathy first took the form of “a big, long bout of alcoholism,� Tudury admits. But even after attaining and maintaining sobriety in 1983, she stayed on in Hollywood. “I had a big following in L.A., it was great. And then at the end of 2001, just as it seemed like I was getting very successful,� she recalls with a rueful laugh, “I had this really horrible neurological explosion, a thing that’s called global trauma, and it just

took everything. It was several years before I could even talk right. I never dreamed I’d be playing music again.� A chain of circumstances brought her to Sonoma County, where nearly six years later she was able to once again pick up a guitar and begin piecing together some of her old songs. Now fully recovered, she marvels that “it was almost like that illness recalibrated me. I believe with all my heart that my soul would rather have me dead than live an inauthentic life. So it did whatever it had to do to get me out of Hollywood and get grounded.� That turbulent history is in no way apparent when Tudury takes the stage these days. Adroitly accompanying herself on guitar, she moves smoothly between detailed folk balladry and broadly humorous songs with a political underpinning, her often hilarious off-the-cuff commentary providing the connective tissue that unifies the performance. “Being onstage is where I do my best work and my best thinking,� she says. “When you’re on stage, there’s nowhere to go. You have to be immediately present and working in the moment with what is going on in the room with the people there. It’s very intense to be plugged into that, and I really enjoy that about my work.� For Tudury, performing is the inverse of composing. “When I’m sitting and I’m trying to catch a song and its coming though me, it’s kinda the same place I go when I’m sitting onstage,� she says. “It’s the same sort of spontaneous, mysterious, unconscious world. “I never really know what I’m going to write about,� she continues. “If a song starts to come, I put down whatever else I’m doing and go sit with it. That’s the one big discipline that I’ve learned, to not turn my back on a song when it’s trying to come through. I just try and get out of the way and let it start to unfold.� Even more than her original material, Tudury’s voice commands attention, a bold, free-ranging contralto that soars from a whisper to a full-throated roar as it leaps between octaves, embracing nuance easily as it moves from a demure straight tone to a force-of-nature vibrato. It was a seventhgrade guitar teacher who awakened her recognition of this remarkable instrument, and sent her off to her first coffeehouse gigs, she recalls. “But I’d been singing to myself as a baby in the crib. I just came in making music, no question about it.� With a background that includes an opera-loving Creole father from New Orleans, and her own fondness for distinctive singers like Dinah Washington, Aretha Franklin, John Lee Hooker and Sarah Vaughn, Tudury embraces her current musical life gratefully. “Everything I could imagine has been given up to me in a life of music,� she affirms softly. “These songs and this lifestyle is my spiritual path. I take this work very seriously.�

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<VaaZgn 6gi 8daaZXi^kZ Teresa Tudury celebrates the release of ‘Such Fine Things’ on Saturday, Nov. 7, at the Last Record Store (1899-A Mendocino Ave., Santa Rosa; 8pm; free; 707.525.1963) and on Saturday, Nov. 14, at the San Geronimo Center for the Arts (6350 Sir Francis Drake Blvd., San Geronimo; 8pm; $15–$17; 415.488.8888).

0?6A60Âś@ 05<602


Dc\d^c\! XdciZbedgVgn Vgi VcY XgV[ih Wn LZhi 8djcin Vgi^hih# DeZc I]jgh" Bdc! &' id +# '%)%+ 8]jgX] Hi! BdciZ G^d# ,%,#-+*#.,)%#

<VaaZgn DcZ I]gdj\] Cdk &! Æ9jZi!Ç d^a eV^ci^c\h Wn IgVXn 7^\Zadl <g^hbVc VXXdbeVc^ZY Wn hig^c\ZY ^chigjbZcih# '%. LZhiZgc 6kZ! EZiVajbV# ,%,#,,-#-',,#

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Alice Walker benefits AIDS orphans in Kenya rom challenging racism and sexism in the Civil Rights–era Mississippi to exposing modern-day female circumcision throughout Africa and the Middle East, feminist hero Alice Walker has fought her battles far and wide. A household name since winning the Pulitzer Prize in 1983 for The Color Purple, Walker has addressed human rights issues through her writing in a dozen lightshedding books of both fiction and nonfiction. Now in her mid-60s, Walker’s unwavering dedication to social justice focuses on AIDS orphans in Kenya. According to UNICEF, there are currently over 1 million children orphaned from parental AIDS deaths in Kenya each year. This astounding number feels even larger when considering the limited resources developing countries like Kenya have to address such crises. As with many issues around the globe, the task of tackling the effects of AIDS lie in the hands of grassroots and human-interest organizations. One of such groups is the Margaret Okari Children’s Foundation in remote Kisii, Kenya. For over 13 years and with only $60 per month for each child, the Margaret Okari Children’s Foundation has provided shelter, education and healthcare for children who have been orphaned by AIDS. In addition to the orphanage, the foundation has recently built a boarding school for older children that opened its doors earlier this year. Walker raises funds and a joyful noise for the foundation with a reading from her newest collection of poetry, Hard Times Require Furious Dancing on Sunday, Oct 25, at the Raven Theater. 115 North St., Healdsburg. Doors open at 1:30pm. $45–$50; includes chocolate, tea and an art exhibit. 707.433.3365. Dani Burlison


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?djgcZn 8ZciZg <VaaZgn

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Fj^X`h^akZg B^cZ 8dbeVcn

G^kZg[gdci 6gi <VaaZgn I]gdj\] Cdk -! Æ;Vaa^c\ 6]ZVY!Ç eV^ci^c\h Wn BVg^aZZ ;dgY VcY ÆBV\^XVa BnhiZgn Idjg!Ç igVkZa e]did\gVe]h Wn ?Zgg^Z ?ZgcZ# IjZh"Hjc! &%/(% id +# &(' EZiVajbV 7akY C! EZiVajbV# ,%,#,,*#)6GI#

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9dccV HZV\Zg <VaaZgn I]gdj\] DXi (&! ÆI]Z ;^\jgZ!Ç Vgildg` Wn ?na^Vc <jhia^c! 9Zcc^h =VgZ! LVaYZbVg B^igdlh`^ VcY H]Vgdc EVhiZg0 Vahd! cZl ldg` Wn 6cc LZWZg# IjZh"LZY VcY ;g^"HVi! && id +0 I]jgh! && id -/(%# -*& ;djgi] Hi! HVc GV[VZa# )&*#)*)#)''.#

<VaaZgn GdjiZ DcZ I]gdj\] DXi '*! Æ>Éb 9VcX^c\ 6h ;Vhi 6h > 8Vc!Ç [^gZY XaVn VcY `^ac XVhi \aVhh Wn B^b^ 6WZgh! ÆGZbcVcih d[ =dbZ!Ç gZXZci eV^ci^c\h Wn HjoVccZ EVg`Zg VcY Æ;Vg [gdb =dbZ!Ç VhhZbWaV\Z Wn AjX^Zc @jWd# LZY"Bdc! && id *# &&&%& =ln &! Ei GZnZh HiVi^dc# )&*#++(#&(),#

A^cYV EZcojg HijY^d

=Zhh 8daaZXi^dc L^cZgn Dc\d^c\! djihiVcY^c\ eg^kViZ XdaaZXi^dc [ZVijg^c\ ldg` Wn 6cYn <daYhldgi]n! ;gVcX^h 7VXdc! ;gVc` HiZaaV VcY di]Zg bdYZgc bVhiZgh# 9V^an! &% id )# ))&& GZYlddY GY! CVeV# ,%,#'**#&&))#

> Lda` <VaaZgn Dc\d^c\! XdciZbedgVgn hXjaeijgZ! eV^ci^c\ VcY b^mZY bZY^V# &(*) BV^c Hi! Hi =ZaZcV# ,%,#.+(#--%% dg ,%,#.+(#..''#

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CVeV KVaaZn BjhZjb

I]gdj\] Cdk &*! eV^ci^c\h Wn HVcYn :VhidV`# DeZc YV^an! && id +# &*% C BV^c Hi! HZWVhideda# ,%,#-'.#,'%%#

I]gdj\] DXi (&! ÆI]Z H^aZci DcZh!Ç d^a eV^ci^c\h dc WdVgY VcY hZg^\gVe]h dc ]VcYbVYZ eVeZg Wn 6aV^c 7addb VcY hXjaeijgZh Wn GZWZXXV AdkZ# IjZh"HVi! cddc id *# ,& GZY]^aa 6kZ! HVc 6chZabd# )&*#)*,#)%,.#

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I]gdj\] Cdk ,! ÆHZYjXi^dcd d[ 9jX]Vbe/ 7Vn 6gZV 6gi^hihÉ GZhedchZ!Ç e^ZXZh Wn kVg^djh Vgi^hih# =djgh Wn Veed^cibZci dcan# '-% 8]^fj^iV GY! =ZVaYhWjg\# ,%,#)(&#&*&)#

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EZa^XVc HijY^d

I]gdj\] Cdk '.! ÆHKB6 7^Zcc^Va '%%.!Ç _jg^ZY Zm]^W^i^dc [ZVijgZh dkZg *% dg^\^cVa ldg`h Wn kVg^djh Vgi^hih# ;gZZ" -# I]jgh"Hjc! && id *# **& 7gdVYlVn! HdcdbV# ,%,#.(.#HKB6#

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GdWZgi <gZZc ;^cZ 6gih

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Jc^kZgh^in A^WgVgn 6gi <VaaZgn I]gdj\] DXi (%! ÆA^kZ"9VcXZ"EV^ci!Ç ldg`h Wn GdbVc^ Vgi^hi 8Z^_V Hid_`V# Bdc";g^! - id *0 HVi"Hjc! cddc id *# HHJ! &-%& : 8diVi^ 6kZ! Gd]cZgi EVg`# ,%,#++)#)')%#

JehiV^gh 6gi <VaaZgn I]gdj\] Cdk &! eaZ^c V^g aVcYhXVeZh Wn :aaZc 7djaVc\Zg! VWhigVXi eV^ci^c\h Wn A^ @Z^hZg VcY bdW^aZh Wn =d =jbe]gZn# Hjc"I]jgh! &% id +0 ;g^"HVi! &% id .# (%+ 8ZciZg 6kZ VWdkZ AZk^c 8d Wdd`hidgZ ! =ZVaYhWjg\# ,%,#)(&#)'&)#

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IdbVaZh <VaaZgn Dc\d^c\! eV^ci^c\h Wn ?dcc^Z 7VaYl^c! 9Zc^hZ 8]Vbe^dc! I^bdi]n 9Vk^Y 9^mdc! 8aVg` B^iX]Zaa VcY di]Zgh# ;g^" Hjc! &'/(% id *0 Vahd Wn Veed^cibZci# (.-* IdbVaZh"EZiVajbV GY! IdbVaZh# ,%,#-,-#'+-%#

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8VaYlZaa HcnYZg <VaaZgn Dc\d^c\! 6bZg^XVc! :jgdeZVc VcY AVi^c XdciZbedgVgn Vgi# DeZc YV^an! &% id +# &('- BV^c Hi! Hi =ZaZcV# )&*#*(&#+,**#

8]g^hide]Zg =^aa <VaaZgn Dc\d^c\! XdciZbedgVgn bdYZgc eV^ci^c\ d[ '%i] VcY '&hi XZcijg^Zh#


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Events HDCDB6 8DJCIN :a 9^V YZ adh BjZgidh EZiVajbV 6ccjVa 9Vn d[ i]Z 9ZVY XZaZWgVi^dc ]^\]a^\]ih Vgi Zm]^W^ih! VaiVgh VcY eZg[dgbVcXZh# I]gdj\] Cdk '! Æ6aiVgZh Xdc D[gZcYVh!Ç [^cZ"Vgi Zm]^W^ih Vi kVg^djh kZcjZh i]gdj\]dji idlc l^i] bVeh VkV^aVWaZ Vi EZiVajbV 6gih 8ZciZg! EZiVajbV A^WgVgn VcY =^hidg^X BjhZjb# DXi '( Vi */(%! ÆEdZbh d[ GZbZbWgVcXZ/ 6c :kZc^c\ d[ 7^a^c\jVa EdZignÇ gZVY^c\h l^i] edZih ?VWZo 8]jgX]^aa VcY <Zg^ 9^<^dgcd VcY Xdbbjc^in! eajh ediajX` Y^ccZg! EZiVajbV 6gih 8ZciZg# DXi '( Vi ,! ÆHVXgZY 8^gXaZ 9VcXZÇ l^i] ?dVc GVlaZh"9Vk^h! :a^b Aji]ZgVc 8]jgX] ;Zaadlh]^e =Vaa! ''% HiVcaZn Hi# DXi ')! ' id *! hj\Vg h`jaah ldg`h]de Vi ;VgbZgh BVg`Zi =VgkZhi ;Zhi^kVa! LVacji EVg`! EZiVajbV 7djaZkVgY VcY 9 HigZZi# lll#eZiVajbVVgihXdjcX^a#dg\#

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Barbara Ehrenreich bursts the bubble of positive thinking in America 2K be damned. Since the dawning of the 21st century, Americans have become obsessed with the power of positive thinking. From the New Age abundance fest of The Secret franchise to the “God wants you to be rich� brand of Christianity exhorted by evangelist Joel Osteen, the idea that we can change negative to positive through the sheer power of our minds has become a nearly unchallenged belief in the United States. With her new book, Bright-Sided: How the Relentless Promotion of Positive Thinking Has Undermined America (Metropolitan Books; $23), acclaimed feminist author Barbara Ehrenreich aims to pop the bubble of brightness that she says has led us down the road to recession and mass delusion. Ehrenreich has long been a literary rabble-rouser. Her bestselling book Nickel and Dimed saw the author going undercover to the true lives of the working poor. Her brilliant Witches, Midwives, and Nurses: A History of Women Healers pamphlet, co-written with Deidre English, has been a required text in feminist studies classes since its publication in 1972. On Oct. 23, Ehrenreich speaks about the themes in her latest book at Dominican University of California in an appearance sponsored by Book Passage. She was inspired to write Bright-Sided after being diagnosed with breast cancer, when she was overloaded with exhortations to think positively as a way to beat the disease. Ehrenreich decided to explore the origins of “the cult of cheerfulness,� that distinctly American way of being that encourages us to look at the bright side, despite the encroaching dark times surrounding us. Ehrenreich discovered the origins of systematic positive thinking among a collection of philosophers, mystics, lay healers and middle-class women of the 19th century. She traces the evolution of that line of thinking to today’s belief among the Christian right and many other “patriots� that Americans are chosen people and the United States is the greatest nation on earth, even as we dominate the global market for anti-depressants. Wall Street denizens and their ilk have a voracious appetite for positive thinking, according to Ehrenreich. In the book, she asserts that this making of lemons into lemonade is the very thing that has led us down the road to economic implosion. In a time when the answers to the world’s problems seem to lie always out of reach, Ehrenreich brings her own theory about the crummy state of American capitalism to the table, one that she hopes will helps us recover from the “mass delusion that is positive thinking.� That’s a secret, indeed. Barbara Ehrenreich speaks on Friday, Oct. 23, at Dominican University’s Angelico Hall, 50 Acacia Ave., San Rafael. 7pm. Free. 415.927.0960. Leilani Clark


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Naomi Klein takes on capitalism other Bonnie makes documentary movies. Father Michael is a doctor. Brother Seth presides over a think-tank. No wonder Naomi Klein is an overachiever. She’s the author of three in-your-face books, and she’s made stirring movies, too, with her husband Avi Lewis, such as The Corporation and The Take, about insurrectionary factory workers in Argentina. Her first book, No Logo, was a hit, but for years the Montrealborn author was largely a well-kept secret of the left in Canada, the United States and Europe. Then Klein wrote The Shock Doctrine, her noholds-barred bashing of contemporary capitalism, and critics the world over sat up and took notice. Larissa MacFaquhar snottily profiled Klein in the pages of The New Yorker in December 2008 in an article titled “Outside Agitator.� That media attention, though patronizing, didn’t hurt. Ever since, Klein has agitated furiously on both sides of the U.S.-Canadian border, and wherever the workers of the world are still in chains. Hey, she’s Marxist, and can’t help but fume about class and class conflict. Klein comes to Sonoma State University on Oct. 28 to talk about three of her favorite subjects— greed, globalization and disaster—and to answer questions from the audience. A careful researcher and an inspired propagandist, she writes for half a dozen newspapers, including The Nation, The Guardian, and The Globe and Mail. Born in Montreal in 1970, and only 39, she’s probably just at the start of a career that’s bound to make her even more famous than she is today. Now is the time to see her and hear her before she turns 40 and becomes a universally acclaimed icon of the global movement against capitalism. If Jack London were alive, he’d be sure to get a front row seat. “An Evening with Naomi Klein� is slated for Wednesday, Oct. 28, at 7:30pm. In the Cooperage, SSU, 1801 E. Cotati Ave., Rohnert Park. Free to SSU students, faculty and staff; $15, general. 707.664.2382. Jonah Raskin


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California Mermaid throws a fest to support fisherman ira Burgerman is California’s only licensed mermaid. “It makes people take me a little more seriously,� she explains of being officially registered as a trademark mermaid. And Vira wears her elaborate, hand-stitched tails for a worthy cause. For her day job, the mermaid cuts hair at her studio in Guerneville, but she grew up counting boats in Porto Bodega Marina with her father. She counted to make sure all who went out at first light were home safely by sunset. Growing up on the water kept the fishermen on the horizon close to her heart. “Every year there would be fewer and fewer boats,� she says. The fisheries were in decline. At age 19, Vira made her first appearance at the Fishermen’s Festival as a mermaid. “I traded my rubber boots for high heels and fins,� she says proudly. She took on the annual “blessing of the fleet� to ensure a good harvest and to honor the fallen fishermen. Over the years, Vira has lost friends to the sea and found herself to be a symbol of comfort for the families. “Mermaids take care of the fishermen lost at sea.� In 1998, Vira spent her life savings to launch the first Mermaidfest in order to spotlight independent fisheries. “I’m really dedicated to the fishermen,� she says. “They trust me.� The fishermen told her that true help begins with restoration of the rivers and tributaries. Everything ends up downstream. “I knew nothing about rivers or tributaries,� she admits. She went to work and hasn’t stopped. Vira’s Mermaidfest has evolved into a venue for marine and waterway conservation education for all ages. Slated this year for Sunday Oct. 25, from 11am to 7pm, Mermaidfest supports the nonprofit Community Clean Water Institute at the Monte Rio Amphitheater with live music by the Jug Dealers, Levi Lloyd and George Heagerty. Plenty of kids’ events, beer and food. Costumes welcome—bring your fins! Monte Rio Amphitheater, 9925 Main St., Monte Rio. $5 donation; under 12, free. 707.484.8767. Jennifer Moyer


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For customer service, email bohemian@ placepersonal.com, or call 1-617-450-8773 Women Seeking Men ATTRACTIVE, FUN ARTIST Seeking friend, late 60s-80s to do things with, like movies, concerts, opera, dinner, whatever. I am a good cook and I have a productive garden, vegetables, fruit trees etc. No smoking, maybe light drinks. 299194

SHE’S A LADY Attractive SWF, 69, seeks gentleman, 65-75, for friendship and companionship. Let’s talk and see what develops! 305310

LOCAL GAL WF looking for someone fun, nice, loyal, honest and intelligent who likes good conversation, wine tasting, art, barbecues, camping, hanging out at home and more. 40-55. 306414

IT’S TIME Spiritual SWF, young 70s, petite, professional, employed, kids grown, ISO a ďŹ ne, grounded gentleman, 65-70, for possible LTR. 240656

1949 CLASSIC SWF, tall, slender, active, enjoys swimming, bicycling, mysteries, hiking, cooking, barbecuing, symphony. Seeking well-mannered, caring S/ DWM, 50-60, N/S, N/D, N/Drugs, with similar interests, for friendship and companionship. 415313

LET’S GO OUT & HAVE FUN! Honest woman, 50s, very caring, compassionate, kind, my interests are long drives, walks, dancing, visitingnewplaces,dinners.Seekingnice SM, 50s-60s, for LTR. 297169

PRETTY & SLENDER Bright and youthful SWF, 50+, enjoys listening to or playing music, travel, playing at the beach, and dating. Seeking nice-looking, kind, intelligent SM, 50s plus or minus, with sense-of-humor, ďŹ nancially secure, to share fun indoors and out, concerts and movies, dining out and walks, cozy ďŹ replaces and sometimes campďŹ res. 303711

A BIG HEART Caring, loving SF, 39, enjoys movies, the outdoors, travel. Looking for SW/ HM, 39-50, for friendship, maybe more. 305007

GOOD VALUES Caring, personable, compassionate, classy, hard-working female, 50s, likes music, dancing, travel, reading, museums, dining, the beach. Seeking SM, 50s, for friendship, possibly more. 309780

TRADITIONAL VALUES SAF, 60, petite, very healthy, very active, secured, honest, sincere, hard-working, likes gardening, cooking, reading, home stuff, occasional drives to the countryside. Seeking SWM, 60-75, who’s clean-cut, N/S, N/D, with similar qualities, for friendship ďŹ rst, possible LTR. 313785

PETITE BLONDE Educated and attractive, downto-earth WF would like to meet someone who shares some of my interests like metal music, concerts, learning and more. If you have an open mind, I deďŹ nitely want to hear from your. 35-50. 314433

LET’S MEET FOR DINNER SWF, 49, 5’4’’, H/W proportionate, blondish-brown layered hair, big blue eyes, down-to-earth, mellow, nice, kind, sweet, considerate, laidback, seeks SM, 35-55, who has a good sense of humor. I enjoy cats, beaches, hiking, camping, movies. 310278

LET’S MEET AND TALK SWF, 39, 5’3’’, loves music, dancing. Looking for a social SWM, mid 40s, for friendship ďŹ rst. 318133

LOOKING FOR A FRIEND SAF, 48, 5’4’’, looking for a friend who will eventually become my partner in life. 318943

ADVENTUROUS WOMAN Attractive, creative, and energetic lady looking for warm-hearted, compatible seeker, 65-70, with good SOH, for dating, possible relationship. 300201

EDUCATED WOMAN SWF, in her 40s, N/S, seeks gentleman, 40-50, for friendship and LTR. Let’s meet and talk! 300135

CARING AND COMPASSIONATE Friendly, adaptable, outdoorsy, caring, healthy SF, 40s, likes dancing, travel, dining, hiking, the beach. Seeking SM, 30-50, for casual dating possibly leading to LTR. 299368

Call costs $2.29/min. Must be 18+

LOOKING FOR LTR Outdoorsy, health-minded, cleancut, honest woman in her 30s, who enjoys biking, dining, shopping, the beach, hiking, taking walks, wants to meet a male in his 30s for LTR. 309772

CAPTIVATING! Adorable, hard-working, classy female, 50s, enjoys museums, shopping, travel, coffee shops, the beach. Seeking SM, 50s, for friendship, casual relationship, or LTR. 309776

A CARING HEART Outdoorsy, exible, nurturing, feminine woman, 50s, likes camping, long drives, travel, coffee shops, taking walks. Seeking male, 40-59, for LTR. 309777

WAITING ARMS Caring, educated, honest, optimistic, hard-working SF, 30s, enjoys travel, dining out, long drives, the beach, reading, walks, hiking, music and more. Would like to meet like-minded man, 30-40, for LTR. 313123

TAKE A CHANCE ON ME Motivated, outdoorsy, honest, health-conscious woman, with good values and optimistic attitude, likes most kinds of music, dining out, walks, camping, travel and relaxing time at home. Seeking a nice, honest, active man, 30-40, with similar interests, to spend time with, possible leading to LTR. 313124

MANY FINE QUALITIES Caring, outdoorsy, honest, artistic, hard-working SF, early 50s, optimistic homebody with good values, has many interests including music, dining out, museums, travel, long drives, reading, walks, camping, biking and more. Looking for an honest, down-to-earth SM, 50-70, for friendship and dating ďŹ rst, possibly leading to something more serious. 313126

ADORABLE AND BRIGHT Caring, friendly, goal-oriented, feminine, honest, compassionate woman, 60s, likes travel, exercise, music, hiking, long drives, dining out, the beach, reading and more. Seeking a great companion, 50-70, to share these activities and quiet times with. 313128

COMPASSIONATE Friendly, honest, artistic, outdoorsy, caring SF, 30s, likes watching tv, dancing, the beach, travel, walks, music, hiking, museums, dining out, more. Searching for a partner in life, 30-50, for possible LTR. 313131

OUTGOING AND FUN Compassionate, caring, friendly, honest SF, 20s, likes going to clubs, camping, hiking, reading, the beach, dining out, more. Looking for a down-to-earth, easygoing man, 2235, for LTR. 313136

LIKE GOING OUT? Honest, goal-oriented personable, artistic, sophisticated, hardworking SF would like to meet a SM, 40-60, who enjoys travel, walks, the beach, music, reading, camping, long drives, museums, tv, dining out, dancing and more. Seeking LTR. 313138

SEEKING LTR Honest, compassionate, artistic, friendly, goal-oriented, caring SF, 50s, health-minded with good values, into music, the beach, dancing, tv, travel, museums, walks, reading and more. Would like to meet SM, around the same age, for companionship. 313139

LIKE PBS? Personable, caring, goal-oriented friendly, artistic, compassionate woman, with good values, likes coffee shops, music, reading, walks, travel, dancing, dining out and more. Looking for honest, respectful man, 50-70, for LTR. 313143

WOMAN WITH GOOD VALUES Friendly, caring, honest, compassionate, classy lady, 20s, wants to meet a man in his 20s for camping, shopping, travel, dining, long drives and walks, and more! Friendship possibly leading to more. 299374

LET’S MEET FOR DINNER Caring, honest, exible, compassionate woman, 60s, loves dancing, travel, reading, dining out. Seeking similar man, 60s, for LTR. 301189

LOOKING FOR LTR Friendly, feminine, nurturing, captivating, bright, personable woman in her 50s who enjoys night clubs, television, dining, dancing, surďŹ ng, music, seeks similar male, 40-60, for LTR. 301191

OUTDOORSY Bright, compassionate, honest, friendly, adaptable woman, 50s, seeks SM, 40-60, who enjoys dining, dancing, beaches, taking walks, for casual dating or LTR. 301192

HONESTY A MUST Hard-working, honest, optimistic, nurturing, exible, motivated SF, 50s, likes biking, the beach, travel, dancing, hiking, reading, music, seeks similar man, 50s, who is ready for LTR. 301198

CAPTIVATING Sophisticated, outdoorsy, friendly, mischievous SF, 50s, likes hiking, kayaking, taking walks. In search of SM, 50-70, for LTR. 301203

GOOD VALUES Shy, friendly, caring, compassionate SF, 60s, nurturing, motivated, enjoys walks, the beach, coffee shops, biking, dining, seeks similar man, 60+, for friendship leading to LTR. 301544

PERSONABLE Compassionate, bright, friendly female, 40s, likes music, dancing, dining, biking, coffee shops. Seeking similar male, 50s, for LTR. 302304

OPTIMISTIC Friendly, ambitious, adaptable, outdoorsy, personable female, 50s, enjoys museums, dining, travel, coffee shops, the beach, taking walks. Seeking SM, 60s, for friendship and casual dating. 299370

SHY AND ARTISTIC Single female in her 50s looking for a male who enjoys music, television. Let’s meet and see if we connect! 308997

FRIENDS OR MORE Nurturing, artistic, bright, hard-working, compassionate, feminine female in her 50s, enjoys music, dancing, travel, the beach, kayaking, dining, taking walks. Seeking male, 50-69, for friendship with the possibility of more. 309768

ONE HONEST WOMAN LEFT Bright SF, 60s, with good values, exible and honest, likes reading, camping, travel, taking walks. Seeking similar male, 50-69, for friendship, casual relationship, possible LTR. 309769

VERY PERSONABLE Motivated, bright, artistic, hardworking, health-conscious female, 50s, personable and exible, seeks male, age open, who likes museums, travel, long drives, camping, hiking. 309770

Men Seeking Women HANDSOME BM... 65, seeks female for fun-loving adventures and relaxation. I love cooking, surprises, and giving gifts. 302811

LONG HAIR A PLUS Good-looking Native American male, 5’8â€?, 220lbs, long hair, in search of a Hispanic or Native American woman, 50s, for friendship ďŹ rst and companionship. 304173

SEEKING AN OPEN MIND SBM, 33, 250lbs, smoker, enjoys cars, long walks, working out. Looking for SF, 20-65, kids ok, for possible relationship. 304990

PACIFIC NORTHWEST Casual guy, enjoys mountain and beach trips, walks, outdoors, moonlit nights, cuddling. Seeking SWF, 40-56, slim/medium build, to come spend quiet times in PaciďŹ c Northwest. 954499

SHARED JOY SWM, 59, 5’9�, 160lbs, nice-looking, with good SOH, seeking woman to have fun with, race/age unimportant. I like dancing, partying, shows and dining out. Call me! 972627

SEEKING A REAL WOMAN WM, 6’, 200lbs, blond/blue, a few tattoos, very athletic, loves the beach, bike rides, romantic evenings at home, great conversation. Seeking honest woman, 18-50, no games. 322539

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COLLEGE PROF-SUMMERS OFF! Tall, dark, handsome, positive, athletic SM, 60, 6’, 200lbs, looks 45, feels 35, loves life! A seafood vegetarian, non-smoker and light drinker. Loves the outdoors, hiking, walking, mountain biking, tennis, acoustic music, volunteer work, walks on the beach, traveling, long road trips, cuddling, spending time with someone special. 322787

I’M NOT THE GUY... ...for long walks on the beach, dancing the night away. Retiree, 48, moderately disabled with MS, SSU grad, into jazz, ďŹ lms, progressive talk radio. San Francisco native seeks caring, happy lady, 40-50, for companionship. N/S. I’m a good listener, talk to me. Tell me about yourself. 219612

SPECIAL WOMAN SM, 48, black hair, brown eyes, very outgoing, great personality, likes photography, basketball, music, travel. I’m looking for a woman who’s interested in dating and possibly more. 287933

LTR AND LOVE IN BOOTS Italian Taurus, SM, 45, 6’, 218lbs, N/S, N/Drugs, N/D, long hair, educated, published, ďŹ nancially/emotionally secure, respectful, inspiring, tender, great sense of humor, enjoys alternative music, dancing, movies, animals, cooking, conversation, mountains. Seeking thin, dancing SWF, 18-33, in boots for LTR. 315052

HOPE TO FIND YOU Sociable, good-hearted, compassionate, healthy gentleman, 63, published writer/poet, D/D-free, non-drinker, enjoys quiet times, home, sports, simple times. Seeking loving, happy, intelligent woman to share life, love, possible LTR. Bay Area preferred. 224839

LOOK NO FURTHER SWM, 30, 5’4’’, looking for a woman, 30-40, who wants to hang out and get to know each other. 317907

COOKING FOR YOU! SWM, 62, 5’10�, 170lbs, N/S, light drinker, clean shaven, hazel eyes, self-employed, loves cooking, jazz and traveling. Seeking a similar woman, 50-80, race unimportant, for possible LTR. 318883

ONE GOOD MAN LEFT SHM, 32, N/S, likes soccer, running. In search of SA/BF for friendship ďŹ rst possibly leading to more. 319059

JUST MOVED HERE SWM, 5’7’’, 190lbs, brown eyes, wants to meet soulmate in similar SF, 30-55. I love swing dancing, travel, gourmet cooking, animals, nature. 305800

SOMEONE LIKE ME SWM, youthful 51, 5’11’’, 200lbs, dark hair, hazel eyes, looking for a lady, 40-59, who likes to party, is outgoing, adventurous. 319319

EASY ON THE EYES Outgoing, good-looking WM, 6’, 175lbs, salt-n-pepper/blue, good sense of humor, spontaneous, romantic, adventurous, likes weekend getaways, concerts and more. Seeking honest, appreciative woman, 22-65, who has goals in life. 320839

JACK OF HEARTS Handsome dude, 57, good SOH, interesting, spontaneous, fun, adventuresome, looking for attractive woman. I enjoy dancing, concerts, dining out, hiking, beach combing and holding hands also loves animals, dogs, cats and horses. Happy trails! 201639

WELL-TRAVELED WRITER Sensitive, compassionate, honest WM, warm, open, considered attractive, wonderful listener, quiet entertaining, likes most kinds of movies, music, travel, more. Seeking WF, 52-71, for possible relationship. 323098

ABBREVIATIONS: A-Asian; B-Black; C-Christian; F-Female; G-Gay; H-Hispanic; J-Jewish; M-Male; N/S-Non-Smoker; P-Professional; S-Single; W-White Guidelines: Bohemian Romance is a community publication. Participants in the Bohemian Romance must be 18 years or older. Use of Bohemian Romance for any illegal purpose will be subject to prosecution. Bohemian Romance is not liable for the content of the personals advertisements or the response to such advertisements. Bohemian Romance encourages readers to take appropriate safeguards when responding to personal and arranging meetings. Screen all respondents carefully. Meetings with new companions should occur in public places and participants should not divulge their addresses. Be smart, not sorry. Not all boxes contain a voice greeting.

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Men Seeking Women PERSONABLE Shy SM, 50s, with good values, likes long drives, hiking, walking, travel, dining out. Looking for similar female, 40-60, ready for LTR. 301538

LOVES HORSES Healthy senior WM, 165lbs, N/S, loves animals, especially horses, theater, PBS. Seeking slender female for romance. 302170

ARE YOU THE ONE? Bright, artistic, caring, flexible, adorable guy, 50s, likes music, dancing, travel, the beach, dining out. Looking for similar female. 302306

LET’S HAVE FUN! SHM, 34, N/S, no children, looking for a SH/WF, 24-32, for dating, possibly more. 302392

FUN, INTROSPECTIVE SWM, 52, 6’4’’, in good shape, likes classic movies, reading, hiking, classical music, sailing, the outdoors, travel, the symphony. Looking for SF, 22-50, similar interests. 301801

STARTING OVER Separated WM, loves hockey, the outdoors, golf, staying in and watching movies, gardening and more. Would like to meet someone fun who wants to enjoy life. Call me and lift my spirits. 282029

GOOD SENSE OF HUMOR SWM, 59, 5’11’’, 180lbs, non-smoker, blue eyes, sandy brown hair, enjoys fishing, beaches, dining out and more. Seeking female, 55-65, for possible relationship. 309857

FRIEND LOVER SOULMATE SWPJM, 56, 5’10”, blue eyes, sandy brown hair, kind, passionate, artistic, sincere, committed and fun, enjoys ocean walks, travel, arts, food, wine and nature. Seeking SF, 50-62, kindred spirit, kind, soft, sensuous, for life’s adventures together. 309779

GET TO KOW ME SBM, 53, 6’1”, 190lbs, looking for a fun, loving woman, 25-65, with a good personality, who likes having a good time, the beach, horseback riding, movies, walks and more. 314332

LOOKING FOR LTR SM, 31, outdoorsy, honest, compassionate, seeks SF, 22-35, who enjoys travel, television, camping, taking walks, the beach and more. 301200

THOUGHTFUL, ROMANTIC Warm, sweet, affectionate, handicapped guy, loves humor, cuddling. Sweet-hearted, genuinely nice guy with fun attitude, easy-going, creative, silly, great sense of humor, very goofy at times, animal-lover, loves movies, music, museums and travel. Seeking female to share all my interests with. 315225

LET’S MEET FOR COFFEE SM, 20s, bright, artistic, ambitious, optimistic, personable, likes dining, travel, the beach, walking, exercise. Seeking female, 20s, for possible relationship. 318319

COMPASSIONATE SM, 60s, with good values, likes camping, dancing, dining, reading, hiking, walking, biking. Looking for SF, 50s, for LTR. 318320

SOPHISTICATED Caring, compassionate, hardworking, goal-oriented, artistic SM, 40s, likes camping, dancing, travel. Searching for similar male, 30s, for LTR. 301536

LOOKING FOR LTR Hard-working, healthy, personable, honest, compassionate man, 40s, likes camping, travel, hiking, long drives, beaches. In search of similar female, 30s, for friendship leading to LTR. 302302

SOMETIMES MISCHIEVOUS Optimistic, honest, clean-cut, caring, outdoorsy man, 50s, likes music, walks, long drives, running, watching tv, museums, dining out. Seeking SF, 50s, for companionship. 313135

FRIENDSHIP FIRST Caring, honest, nurturing SM, 60s, enjoys music, watching tv, walks, camping, coffee shops, hiking and museums. Looking for SF, 30-70, for dating possibly leading to LTR. 313144

READY FOR LTR Shy, friendly, caring, clean-cut, classy SM, 50s, enjoys music, camping, travel, long drives, hiking, beaches, seeks similar woman, 30-50, for LTR. 302300

Men Seeking Men LOOKING FOR LOVE Seeking one man to love and care for completely and forever. Me: SBM, 50ish, affectionate, supportive, genuine, lots to offer. You: just be yourself, imperfect, mature older man, 70-90, with some humor, some laughter. Are you the one? 299175

COMPASSIONATE GUY Hard-working, classy, clean-cut, caring, honest male in search of a male, 58-69, who likes night clubs, television, travel, dancing, the beach, taking walks, exercise. 308996

Women Seeking Women WHERE ARE YOU? You are 35-45, very feminine, dark, mystical, spiritual, with a sense of humor, know what you like, and want to enjoy life, but not alone. I’m trying to find you, where are you? 310085

LOOKING FOR YOU SWF, 41, Santa Rosa area, looking for a SWF, 30-45, to hang out and have fun with. 318644

NATURE LOVER Health-conscious, honest, wise, spiritual, artistic, friendly female, 50s, enjoys philosophy, psychology, walking, reading, the beach. Searching for similar female, 50s, for long-term relationship. 302296

Alternative Lifestyles SANTA ROSA AREA WM, 41, looking for open-minded people who enjoy adult fun. I like adult movies, toys and looking for a couples and females. I can be orally bi depending on the chemistry. 323130

STRAIGHT/BI GUY Frustrated with different need patterns at home? Understanding older gentleman, experienced, highly discreet, will provide time-tested stress relief for men, 30-50, in good shape; HWP, extremely private setting; no reciprocation expected. Curious? 136702

LET’S HAVE SOME FUN Male looking for an older gentleman, 35-65, to teach me the ropes. I haven’t been with too many people. I like watching adult movies and trying new things. 321782

LOOKING FOR A SF WHO... is independent, confident and takes care of herself. I like good movies, dressing up for a nice dinner out, skiing, bike rides, hiking, scuba diving, swing dancing, cooking. I’m an honest person who doesn’t believe in playing games. 301540

JOIN US Bi couple looking for a stud, a muffin or both. Satisfaction guaranteed. 323336

FREAKY MAN... looking for a freaky, spontaneous, wild, erotic woman, 18-55, to get together and have some fun, adult times together. 322361

LET’S TALK! SWM, mid 30s, looking for discreet guys in the Larkfield area for friendship and fun. Call me! 300359

CALL ME BiWM, handyman artist in Marin, 52, 5’6”, 180lbs, dirty blond hair, pale blue eyes, seeks couple or singles for fun in Marin or nearby. 293610

STRAIGHTFORWARD FUN SWM, 39, looking for SF, 18-50, who likes to try new things and isn’t afraid of having a little fun! 304707

JOIN US White couple looking for a female, 1825, for fun, discreet times together. Give us a call. 311573

READY FOR FUN? SWM, 30, feminine bottom, looking for a top WM, 20-60, for good times and fun. Let’s see where it goes! 311892

SPANK YOU VERY MUCH Woman, thou shalt be spanked. Gentle or hard, clothed or naked, whatever you deserve, by a sexy man who knows how to do it. 288495

SHE-MALE SEEKS GOOD TIMES Want to spend time with a man or a woman. I am very affectionate, beautiful, and love to be held. Interested? 279657

KEEP IT DISCREET WF, 30s, dark/dark, light complexion, fun-loving, bi-curious, seeks discreet female, 28-55, to have fun and party with. 314779

WHATEVER YOU DECIDE! SM, 5’11’’, 170lbs, light brown hair, blue eyes, athletic build, shaved, smooth and sexy, well-endowed, into a wide variety of pleasures. Anything goes; role play, fantasy fulfillment, toys, porn, lingerie. Seeking couples and females to party and play. 316161

COUPLE SEEKS WOMAN Very attractive, middle-aged, married white couple, she’s 5’2”, 125lbs, 34D. He is 5’11”, 172lbs. Both and very sensual and she is multi-orgasmic. We are N/S, light drinkers, heal-conscious, pleasant, non-pushy. Please be N/S, H/W proportionate, white, Hispanic or Asian, under 55. Bi or bicurious ok. Discretion assured. Let’s have fun. 314002

TURN THE TABLES Handsome, sane, married WM, 57 is looking for a woman, who knows how to use a strap on, for ongoing, mostly daytime play. I will please you in any way that you want and I take directions well. 318288

GREAT LEGS! Tall, slender cross-dresser, very nice legs, looking for men or a group of men. Give me a call, let’s have some fun! 318996

BD/SM SWM, submissive, wants one or two females or young male for BD/SM, watersports, torture, anal. Never did any of this before, but curious to try now! 319455

SEEKING COUPLES Good-looking bi male, 50, would like to meet bi man/woman couples for erotic interlude. 319986

TRIPLE PLAY Handsome, easygoing, discreet, polite gentleman, 57, enjoys couples. I am a WM, 6’, 190lbs, athletic build, well hung and Bi. I also like dominant women. 232423

I NEED HELP! Married HM, 49, 5’11”, good-looking, doesn’t get it at home. Looking for a wild woman with a high libido for a discreet sexual encounter. 322196



Get ready to meet someone special.

Missed Connections AMAZON KINDLE Hello, I met you Friday June 27 at the Russian River Brewing Company on Fourth St. in Santa Rosa. She may be a computer programmer from St. Helena Hospital and watched on this day 3 movies back to back in the theater on Fourth St. in the town of Santa Rosa The Love Guru by Mike Meyers, Wall-E and another film. And she sipped a little beer and read from her Amazon kindle. I would like to get in touch with this girl and ask her to edit my book. She is a perfect candidate for my book. Hope to hear from you. Phil. 274972

CORINA IN OLIVER’S Saturday at 4:00PM, You had 15-yearold twins with blacks belts in karate. I have two cute little kids. We talked about children and kale. Lunch? 311695

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Principal R&D Engineer Medtronic, Santa Rosa, CA. Requires Master`s in Mechanical, Materials, Structural, Civil, Biomechanical, or Biomedical Eng., & 5 yrs. exp. as R&D Eng. or in support of research and development, or a BachelorÕs & 7 yrs. exp. Must possess exp. in product dev.; mastery of finite element analysis methods incl. Abaqus in design of stents; exp. in CFD & FSI analysis methods; utilization of DOEs & DFLS tools; mastery of properties of nitinol & tradi tional alloys utilized in design

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Unique gifts. Toys, latest baby products, hunting clothes & accessories, fun kids furniture, swimwear, boss’gifts, and much much more.

Hand Blown Glass Art Makes a Great Gift Made by Local artists, One of a kind glass art pieces at incredible prices. Only at Tama Rama’s in Downtown Cotati. 8252 Old Redwood Hwy, Cotati (707) 795-1425

MacAdvantage Macintosh FREE Diagnosis, Friendly In-House Staff Hardware/






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Custom Cabinetry by Expert Craftsman With 30 years of experience; classical training in London and Milan; and expertise in a variety of styles, I out perform my clients` expectations. Incorporating sustainable forested materials with exotic hardwoods, fine veneers, inlay carving and custom molding. From design to installation, my work is guaranteed. Call for a free initial consultation. Philip Bertelli Woodwork 707-280-5732.

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LEIGH LAW GROUP TRAINING EVENT Rights To Related Services In The Public Schools Time: 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. November 14th, 2009. 870 Market Street, 11th Floor Conference Room. Mosaic Child and Family Therapy Services: www.mosaicchildandfamily.com

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NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE OF ABANDONED PROPERTY Notice is hereby given that the undersigned will sell at public auction pursuant to Section 1988 of the Civil Code of the Sate of California; the following personal property to-wit identified by the tenant name and storage unit number/description. ESTELLE L. SOTOMAYOR 3455 SANTA ROSA AVE #44 SANTA ROSA CA 95407 GREETREE FINANCIAL SERVICING CORP C/O VANDERBILT MORTGAGE & FINANCE INC P.O. BOX 9800 MARYVILLE, TN 37802 1985 SKYLINE/BAY SPRINGS DECAL # LAI6108 SERIAL # 33700300V LABEL # 318960 This sale will be by competitive bidding on the 17TH day of NOVEMBER , 2009, at 10:00 am on the premises where said property is stored and which is located at, 3455 SANTA ROSA AVE #44, SANTA ROSA, CA 95407. Purchases must be made with cash and paid for at the time of pur chase. This sale is subject to cancellation in the event of settlement between landlord and obligated party.

HEALTH&WELL-BEING gg g Counseling & Therapy


Massage & Relaxation


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by Ron,

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Strong Thorough and Intuitive 30 yrs experience. Excellent Rates! 1/2 hour, hour or 90 mins. Colin, CMT 707-823-2990.

Need a relaxing massage? Come in for Swedish, Deep Tissue, Tui Na, Reiki, Lifestream, Acupressure and see what a difference it can make. Call 707.665.9020. First Time Client Special! 90 minutes for $60. Cindy Cross, C.M.T. 665-9020 By appointment only


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?</3?22 /?2G@;F D699 .@A?<9<4F For the week of Oct. 21 6g^Zh ($'&Ä)$&. ÆI]Z XadjYh VgZ i]Z bdhi [Zgi^aZ eVgi d[ i]Z h`n!Çlg^iZh<jnBjgX]^Z^c]^hWdd`I]ZHZkZcBnhiZg^Zh d[ A^[Z# B^XgdWZh l^i] h]dgi a^[Z XnXaZh a^kZ i]ZgZ ^c VWjcYVcXZ! ÆZVi^c\! WgZVi]^c\! ZmXgZi^c\! [adVi^c\! hl^bb^c\! XdbeZi^c\! gZegdYjX^c\#Ç CZmi i^bZ ndj add` je Vi V ej[[n Xjbjajh! hZZ ^i Vh V aVg\Z X^in i]Vi ]dhih V iZZb^c\ ]dhi d[ a^k^c\ i]^c\h# HeZV`^c\ d[ ^ck^h^WaZ [ZXjcY^in! aZiÉh ijgc djg ViiZci^dc id ndj# 6XXdgY^c\ id bn VcVanh^h d[ i]Z Vhigdad\^XVa dbZch! ndj VgZ aVg\Zan jcVlVgZ d[ ]dl bjX] XgZVi^kZ ZcZg\n ]Vh WZZc Wj^aY^c\ je l^i]^c ndj# Ndjg ]dbZldg` ^h id iVe ^cid ^i VcY jcaZVh] ^i#

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HV\^iiVg^jh &&$''Ä&'$'& I]Z VkZgV\Z b^YYaZ"XaVhh eZghdc Va^kZ idYVn ]Vh bdgZ \ddY^Zh i]Vc i]Z `^c\h VcY fjZZch d[ i^bZh eVhi# >c [VXi! ZkZc Yjg^c\ i]^h i^bZ d[ ZXdcdb^X gZigZcX]bZci! bdhi d[ jh ]VkZ V ]^\]Zg hiVcYVgY d[ a^k^c\ i]Vc .. eZgXZci d[ Vaa i]Z ]jbVch l]dÉkZ ZkZg lVa`ZY i]Z eaVcZi# >c ed^ci^c\ i]^h dji! > YdcÉi bZVc id Y^hXdjci i]Z hj[[Zg^c\ d[ i]dhZ l]dÉkZ adhi i]Z^g _dWh VcY ]dbZh# 7ji > i]^c` ^iÉh ]Zae[ja id `ZZe djg XdaaZXi^kZ YZeg^kVi^dch ^c eZgheZXi^kZ# H^b^aVgan! > a^`Z id gZbZbWZg i]Vi cd bViiZg ]dl bjX] djg eZghdcVa ig^Vah bVn iZhi jh! i]Zn VgZ bdgZ WZVgVWaZ i]Vc! hVn! i]Z ig^WjaVi^dch d[ i]Z \ZcZgVi^dc i]Vi a^kZY i]gdj\] i]Z <gZVi 9ZegZhh^dc VcY LdgaY LVg >># @ZZe i]^h ^c b^cY! HV\^iiVg^jh# 6h ndj lVcYZg ^c i]Z a^bWd WZilZZc i]Z ZcY d[ dcZ X]VeiZg d[ ndjg a^[Z hidgn VcY i]Z WZ\^cc^c\ d[ i]Z cZmi X]VeiZg! ^iÉaa gZVaan ]Zae id hiVn XdchX^djh d[ ]dl WaZhhZY ndj VgZ# =VaadlZZc XdhijbZ hj\\Zhi^dc/ V hV^ci iZcY^c\ id i]Z cZZYh d[ i]Z Y^hedhhZhhZY VcY jcYZgeg^k^aZ\ZY#

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E^hXZh '$&.Ä($'% HdbZ d[ ]^hidgnÉh ldghi ingVcih ]VkZ WZZc iZgg^[^ZY Wn `^iiZch# CVedaZdc! <Zc\]^h @]Vc VcY Bjhhda^c^ Vaa ]VY V^ajgde]dW^V! V bdgW^Y VcY ^ggVi^dcVa [ZVg d[ YdbZhi^X [Za^cZh# 6aZmVcYZg i]Z <gZVi VcY ?ja^jh 8VZhVg lZgZ Vahd Y^hXdbWdWjaViZY Wn XVih# > Wg^c\ i]^h je! E^hXZh! WZXVjhZ ^i gZb^cYh bZ d[ V XZgiV^c h^ijVi^dc ^c ndjg a^[Z# >Éb WZii^c\ i]Vi V ejh]n dg Ydb^cZZg^c\ ^c[ajZcXZ i]Vi Y^hidgih ndjg Zbdi^dch l^aa hddc WZ hjhXZei^WaZ id WZ^c\ hedd`ZY Wn V hZZb^c\an ]VgbaZhh a^iiaZ i]^c\# BVnWZ ndj XdjaY ijgc i]^h ^cid V eZgbVcZci VYkVciV\Z# =dl h`^aaZY VgZ ndj Vi ejgg^c\4 In addition to this column, Rob Brezsny offers expanded weekly audio horoscopes and daily text message horoscopes. To buy access, go to www.realastrology.com. The audio horoscopes are also available by phone at 1.877.873.4888 or 1.900.950.7700.

WESTERN FARM CENTER 707.545.0721 21 West 7th St. Santa Rosa

Meet Princess • Kittys of the Week

Place your pet related ad here today! Call 707.527.1200

6fjVg^jh &$'%Ä'$&- I]Z bZbWZgh d[ i]Z Xdc\gZ\Vi^dc Vi Hi# EZiZg"Vi"<dlih 8]jgX] ^c A^cXdac! :c\aVcY! ]VY V b^cdg Xg^h^h V [Zl nZVgh V\d# ;dg nZVgh! i]Zn ]VY egVnZY id V kZgn daY hidcZ hXjaeijgZ i]Zn VhhjbZY lVh V a^`ZcZhh d[ i]Z K^g\^c BVgn# I]Zc V cdhn VgX]VZdad\^hi XVbZ ed`^c\ VgdjcY VcY ^c[dgbZY i]Zb i]Vi i]Z [^\jgZ lVh VXijVaan 6g^bVc^jh! i]Z \dY d[ i]Z jcYZgldgaY ^c i]Z VcX^Zci B^i]gV^X gZa^\^dc# > ZcXdjgV\Z ndj id bV`Z hjgZ ndjÉgZ cdi jcYZg V XdbeVgVWaZ b^h^begZhh^dc! 6fjVg^jh# I]^h ^h Vc ZmXZaaZci i^bZ! Vhigdad\^XVaan heZV`^c\! [dg ndj id hZZ` i]Z ]Zae d[ ]^\]Zg edlZgh! Wji ^iÉh XgjX^Va i]Vi ndj Y^gZXi ndjg ^ckdXVi^dch id i]Z g^\]i hdjgXZ#

Low Cost Vaccination Clinics every Sunday, 9:30-11am

Isn't she exquisite with her tiny little white painted toenails, her lovely round eyes, and her plaintive little cry? She's a charming kitty who loves to play coy, and be seduced by baby talk – but once she finally commits to your lap, she's a love.a To learn more about adopting Princess or many otherhomelessanimalsatthe Sonoma Humane Society, please visit us at 5345 Hwy 12 West, Santa Rosa (@ Llano Rd), open everyday from 12-6pm, or check us out online at www.SonomaHumane.org The Adoption Center is open 7 days a week from 12PM - 6PM and is located at 5345 Highway 12 West, Santa Rosa (just 5 miles west of Hwy 101 @ Llano Rd) www.sonomahumane.org

Meet Boots • Kittys of the Week

Meet Bear • Dog of the Week

Can you guess where my name came from? Boots! People are so unimaginative! I personally think I deserve something much, much more elegant. And I've heard the cat cuddlers say that I'm a lover as well – what more could you ask for? To learn more about adopting Boots or many other homeless animals at the Sonoma Humane Society, please visit us at 5345 Hwy 12 West, Santa Rosa (@ Llano Rd), open everyday from 12-6pm, or check us out online at www.SonomaHumane.org

This is one handsome dog, a 1 year old English Mastiff mix. There's a lot of dog to love here but he's really a bit of a “gentle Ben” or should we say “Bear”. Very easy going and playful and has fun with kids, cats, and other dogs and will happily work for food! To learn more about adopting Bear or many other homeless animals at the Sonoma Humane Society, please visit us at 5345 Hwy 12 West, Santa Rosa (@ Llano Rd), open everyday from 12-6pm, or check us out online at www.SonomaHumane.org

The Adoption Center is open 7 days a week from 12PM - 6PM and is located at 5345 Highway 12 West, Santa Rosa (just 5 miles west of Hwy 101 @ Llano Rd) www.sonomahumane.org

The Adoption Center is open 7 days a week from 12PM - 6PM and is located at 5345 Highway 12 West, Santa Rosa (just 5 miles west of Hwy 101 @ Llano Rd) www.sonomahumane.org


To place your ad call 707.527.1200


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We provide treatment for: Oxycontin, Vicodin and Heroin utilizing replacement medications. We also treat Methamphetamine and other stimulant dependence. s 3UBUTEX 3UBOXONE AVAILABLE s 0ROVIDING 4REATMENT SINCE s #ONFIDENTIALITY ASSUREd

Enneagram Exploration Group


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Need a quality designer? Business cards, brochures, flyers, posters, digital collage, cd covers, photographic restoration, general marketing materials. Mark Schaumann 707.795.0924

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Joe Louvar Productions

Photography by Paul Burke


707.664.0178 boomburke@hotmail.com

paid advertising section


Contemporary/Museum Framing

Finding inspiration and connecting with your community

Santa Rosa Shambhala Meditation Center Free instruction and practice opportunities Tuesday 4:30-5:30 PM, Wednesday 7 PM, Sunday 10 AM - 11:15 AM. www.santarosa.shambhala.org Mahakaruna Buddhist Meditation Center Offers ongoing introductory and advanced classes. Weds at noon, Tues & Weds evenings 7:30–8:45pm Prayers for World Peace, Sun, 10:30–11:45am Everyone welcome. 304 Petaluma Blvd., North, Petaluma www.meditationinnorcal.org

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Conceptual Art Gallery


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We provide treatment for: Oxycontin, Vicodin and Heroin utilizing replacement medications. We also treat Methamphetamine and other stimulant dependence. s 3UBUTEX 3UBOXONE AVAILABLE s 0ROVIDING 4REATMENT SINCE s #ONFIDENTIALITY ASSUREd

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