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This Saturday, Earth’s got our number p13

October 21-28, 2009 Vol. 1, No. 25

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october 21-28, 2009


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A/<B/1@CH 1=; october 21-28, 2009 1=<B3<BA

Contents. P OSTS












p36 p38








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c t o b e r 221-28, 1 - 2 8 , 2009 2 0 0 9 A/<B/1@CH 1=; A/<B/1@CH 1=; >=ABA ooctober " j >=ABA

Posts. P osts. Messages M essages &

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EDITOR E D I TO R B@/ B@/17 6C97:: 17 6C97:: 6 (traci@santtacruzw a eeekly.com) (traci@santacruzweekly.com) STAFF WRITERS WRITERS STAFF @716/@2 D=< 0CA/19 @716/@2 D=< 0C CA/19 (richarrd@santtaacruzweeekly.com m)) (richard@santacruzweekly.com) 1C@B7A 1/@ / B73@ 1C@B7A 1/@B73@ (curtis@santtacruzw a eeekly.com) (curtis@santacruzweekly.com) 83AA71/ :CAA3 3<6=> 83AA71/ :CAA3<6=> (jessica@santtacruzw a eeekly.com) (jessica@santacruzweekly.com) CONTRIBUTING EDITOR E D I TO R CONTRIBUTING 16@7AB7</ E/B3@A 16@7AB7</ E/B3@A CALENDAR EDITOR E D I TO R CALENDAR >/C: E/5<3@ >/C: E/5<3@ (calendar@santtacruzw a eeekly.com) (calendar@santacruzweekly.com) POETRY EDITOR E D I TO R POETRY @=03@B AE/@2 @=03@B AE/@2 P RO O F R E A D E R PROOFREADER 83/<<3 A16CAB3@ 83/<<3 A16CAB3@ EDITORIAL INTERN INTERN EDITORIAL @C:/ /: </A@/ A /E7 @C:/ /: </A@/E7 0@7/< 6/ /@93@ 0@7/< 6/@93@ /CAB7< A/@ @23::/ /CAB7< A/@23::/ CO N T R I B U TO R S CONTRIBUTORS @=0 0@3HA<G @=0 0@3HA<G ;/C@33< 2/D72A=< ;/C@33< 2/D72A=< >/C: ; 2/D7A ;716/3: A 5/<B >/C: ; 2/D7A ;716/3: A 5/<B /<2@3E 57:03@B 83<< 7@3:/<2 /<2@3E 57:03@B 83<< 7@3:/<2 AB3>63< 93AA:3@ A1=BB AB3>63< 93AA:3@ A1=BB ;/11:3::/<2 <CBH:3 ;/11:3::/<2 <CBH:3 AB3D3 >/:=>=:7 >3B3 A63/ AB3D3 >/:=>=:7 >3B3 A63/ 1/@:73 AB/BA9G 1/@:73 AB/BA9G >/C: E/5<3@ ;=::G H/>> >/C: E/5<3@ ;=::G H/>>

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Send let letters teerrs ttoo Santa Santa Cruz Weekly, Weekly e y, let letters@santacruz.com teerrs@san s nttaacruz.com or ttoo A Attn: ttn: LLetters, ettteeerrs, 115 Co ett et C Cooper ooper e St., Sant San Santaa Cruz, uz 95060. 060. Inclu Include udee cit city ittyy and phone clarity inaccuracies known us. phone number number or email address. address. Submissions Subm missions mayy be be edited editteed for for or length, length cl le leng laritt y or or factual factual ac a inac a curacies racies know nown ttoo us s.

ABC23<B B/<B@C;A A BC23<B B/<B@C;A IN A RECENT IN RECENT T LETTER LETT TER to to Santa Santa Cruz Cruz Weekly Weekly ((Oct. Oct. 114), 4), Ka athy Cheer Cheer bemoaned bemoaned tthe he ffact act tthat hat Kathy tthe he recent recent ttakeover akeover o the ccommons ommons b uilding off the building aatt U CSC w as n on-eventful. Her Her hope hope w as ffor or UCSC was non-eventful. was a greater greater “show “show of of force� force� and and that that the the “UC “UC aagitators gitators [[would] would] sseriously eriously p ut fforth orth d emands put demands aand nd bo ycott w ith vvigor. igor.� S he llikened ikened tthe he sserious erious boycott with She m oney p roblems ffacing acing tthe he UC UC system system as as a money problems cclass lass w ar ssimilar imilar tto o tthe he ““civil civil w ar.� S he eended nded war war. She h er letter letter suggesting suggesting an an “Up “Up against against the the wall� wall� her m entality ttoward oward tthe he ccollege ollege aand nd tto o ““stare stare mentality d own tthe he aadministration dministration d aily; m ake tthem hem down daily; make q ueasy.� queasy. My reaction reaction to to this this lletter etter iiss p robably tthe he My probably ssame ame aass m ost w ho rread ead iit: t: M s. Cheer, Cheer, U CSC most who Ms. UCSC iiss n ot a jjail. ail. The The UC UC system system is is a gift gift ffrom rom tthe he not ccitizens itizens o California by by the the aalready lready o vertaxed off California overtaxed p ayers, p rimarily tthe he rrich ich ttaxpayers. axpayers. Th he payers, primarily The p urpo p se o he UC UC system system iiss tto op rovide tthe he purpose off tthe provide


citizenry o citizenry off California California with with the the o opportunity pportunity tto o rreceive eceive a h igh-quality ssubsidized ubsidized ccollege ollege high-quality eeducation ducation ffor or w hich it it iiss the the eenvy nvy o ost which off m most sstates. tates. H owever, as as I stated stated before, before, the the tax tax However, b ase o California is is reliant reliant on on the the taxes taxes paid paid base off California b he rrich. ich. In In a recession, recession, the the rich rich make make less less byy tthe m oney aand nd ttherefore herefore p ay lless ess ttaxes. axes. The Th he sstate tate money pay h as rreduced educed tthe he UC UC system system b udget, rresulting esulting has budget, iin n ccuts uts b ased on on priorities. priorities. While While tthere here m ight based might be vigorous vigorous debate debate on on these these priorities, priorities, o ne one ccannot annot blame blame tthe he lack lack o funding on on tthe he off funding R egents. T he ccurrent urrent UC UC agitators agitators may may w ell be Regents. The well p rotesting m oney d iverted ffrom rom tthe he UC UC system system protesting money diverted tto op ay ffor or p rograms tthat hat ssubsidize ubsidize m edical pay programs medical ccare are ffor or iindigent ndigent ffamilies amilies o hat p ay ffor or tthe he orr tthat pay h ousing o onvicts iin n sstate tate p rison. E ither w ay, housing off cconvicts prison. Either way, eencouraging ncouraging a h ostile eenvironment nvironment o nU C hostile on UC ccampuses ampuses is is n ot going going tto o iincrease ncrease tthe he m oney iin n not money tthe he sstate tate ccoffers. offfers. During the the Vietnam Vietnam era era violent violent protests protests and and During d emonstrations rresulted esulted iin n a U.S. U.S. president president n ot demonstrations not

running ffor running or rre-election e-election aand nd aan n eexpedited xpedited eend nd tto o aan nu npopular w ar. These These protests protests got got ttheir heir unpopular war. sstart tart o n ccollege ollege ccampuses, ampuses, aand nd w ere q uickly on were quickly jjoined oined b arxist rrevolutionaries evolutionaries w ho n ot byy M Marxist who not o nly w anted aan n eend nd tto o tthe he w ar, b ut u sed tthe he only wanted war, but used aantiwar ntiwar ssentiments entiments tto o ttry ry aand nd fforward orward ttheir heir aagenda genda o iolent o verthrow o he U nited off a vviolent overthrow off tthe United S tates. However However iitt was was tthe he antiwar, antiwar, m inus tthe he States. minus rrevolutionary, evolutionaryy, aagenda genda tthat hat w on o ut. Itt w ould won out. would sseem, eem, however, however, tthat hat the the ssome ome o he sstudents tudents off tthe w ho are are n ow ccollege ollege professors professors h ave n ever who now have never ggotten otten o ver their their 110 0 minutes minutes o ame aand nd ttry ry over off ffame aand nd fall fall b ack on on p rotests aand nd d emonstrations back protests demonstrations tto o right right aall ll the the pe rceived w rongs tthey hey ssee ee iin n perceived wrongs ttoday’s oday’s ssociety. ociety. This Th his of of course course iiss a rright ight rrooted ooted iin no ur ccountry’s ountry’s h istory aand nd gguaranteed uaranteed our history iin no ur Constitution. Constitution. The The problem problem iis, s, w hen our when vviewed iewed tthrough hrough Vietnam Vietnam era era glasses, glasses, yyou ou eend nd u pw ith rradical adical iidealism dealism eespousing spousing eescalated scalated up with iintimidation ntimidation aand nd vviolence. iolence. Right or or w rong, UCSC UCSC students students are are often often Right wrong,

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A/<B/1@CH 1=; A /<B/1@CH 1=; ooctober c t o b e r 221-28, 1 - 2 8 , 22009 0 0 9 >=ABA >=ABA

THE BULLHORN EEE A/<B/1@CH40 1=; E EE A/<B/1@CH40 1=; A A/<B/1@CHE339:G /<B B/1@CHE339: :G

Why tthe Why he D Dow ow IIss Hitting H itting 110,000 0,000 0G @=03@B 0 @3716 0 G @ = 0 3 @ B 0 @ 3 7 1 6

looked u looked upon pon aass aadults dults by by statute statute only, only, with with only orr llimited imited llife ife experience experience and and o nly a ssummer ummer o older high ttwo wo o lder then then their their h igh school school ggraduation. raduation. knee-jerk protests with IIn n eessence, ssence, k nee-jerk p rotests w ith eescalating scalating vviolence iolence is is tthe he functional functional eequivalent quivalent to to a cchild hild tthrowing hrowing a tantrum tantrum when when they they don’t don’t way. What’s here, off course, gget et their their w ay. W hat’s missing missing h ere, o course, having dialogue. no other iiss h aving a d ialogue. A radical radical sees sees n oo ther but own vview iew b ut ttheir heir o wn aand nd attempts attempts to to silence silence any any dissenting boycotts d issenting vview. iew. I’m I’m thinking thinking while while bo oycotts has had aand nd eescalating scalating violence violence h as h ad some some llimited imited hopefully ssuccess uccess in in a jjail ail setting, setting, that that h opefully success success iin n higher higher education education can can be aachieved chieved tthrough hrough dialogue d ialogue aand nd intelligence; intelligence; iitt is, is, after after aall, ll, a place place off higher o higher learning. learning. Brad B rad G Goodwin, oodwin, Cruz SSanta anta C ruz

;7A5C7232 723/A ; 7A5C7232 723/A DID A DID ANYONE NYONE eelse lse h have ave that that ssense ense o off dĂŠjĂ dĂŠjĂ vvu? u? off the I refer refer tto o tthis his editorial editorial ssection ection o the llast ast few few weeks. w eeks. A hysterical hysterical letter letter from from a cyclist cyclist starts starts iit, t, tthen hen ccome ome the the rresponses espo onses to to it, it, then then comes comes patronizing, politicizing, ap atronizing, po liticizing, “bad “bad carâ€? carâ€? llast-word ast-word Posner People Power rresponse esponse ffrom rom Micah Micah P osner of of P eople P ower Oct. happened ((Posts, Posts, O ct. 114). 4). Itt seems seems tthis his h appened a ffew ew months m onths ago. ago. I resent resent his his implying implying my my evading evading motorist rresponsibility esponsibility aass a m otorist ((I’m I’m a cyclist cyclist as as well). w ell). I resent resent his his likening likening the the situation situation to to blaming b laming aand nd ffurther urther vvictimizing ictimizing tthe he vvictim. ictim. Off ccourse, person O ourse, aany ny ssane ane aand nd rreasonable easonable pe rson would w ould ssay ay tthat hat tthrowing hrowing ssomething omething aatt a ccyclist yclist wrong dangerous. However, Erin Copp’s iiss w rong aand nd d angerous. H owever, E rin C opp’s off “crying lletter etter (Posts, (Posts, Sept. Sept. 330) 0) ssmacked macked o “crying wolf wolf â€? much off most sso om uch as as tto o rreduce educe tthe he credence credence o most of of was what iit. t. IItt w as obvious obvious she she had had no no idea idea w hat tthose hose dotted bike mean orr h her d otted lines lines iin n the the b ike llane ane m ean o er place place on Responsible aass a vvehicle ehicle o n tthe he rroad. oad. R esponsible ccyclists yclists off their byy learning ttake ake ccare are o their ssafety afety b learning what what is is off them eexpected xpected o them as as a vehicle vehicle on on the the rroad oad and and behave be have aaccordingly ccordingly aand nd act act as as iiff ttheir heir life life iiss at at sstake, take, ffor or iitt is. is. As As for for the the reconsideration reconsideration of of the the bike bike boulevard bo ulevard on on King Kiing Street Street by by the the city city council, council, tthe he only only Westsiders Westsiders that that are are ffor or iitt are are tthose hose on orr cclose because lliving iving o no lose tto o be ecause iitt will will increase increase ttheir heir property property values. values. People People living living on on streets streets where diverted not w here traffic traffff ic would would bee d iverted aare re n ot iin n ffavor avor of bike o tthis h s idea. dea I had had strongly strong y favored avored a b ke lane ane built bu t with w th the the new new construction construct on on on Mission M ss on Street. did not Street Unfortunately, Un ortunate y this th s d dn ot happen. happen But But the the ideas deas of o the the bike b ke boulevard bou evard and and taking tak ng the the right r ght hand hand lane ane on on Mission M ss on Street Street are are just Please ust plain p a n wrong wrong and and misguided. m sgu ded P ease vote vote out who out those those members members of o the the ccouncil ounc w ho favor avor

these Lane, Mike these maneuvers—Don maneuvers—Don L ane, M ike Rotkin, Rotkin, Katherine Katherine Beiers—and Ka Beiers—and vote vote in in those those who who will will not not tolerate tolerate such such radical radical fringe fringe antics. antics. Bikes bee h harmful well. Bikes can can b armful aass w ell. I was was mauled mauled by by a bike bike while while walking walking in in a ccrosswalk rosswalk aand nd a ccyclist, yclist, traveling 40 mph down traveling about about 4 0m ph d own Bay Bay Street, Street, totaled totaled my my car car and and walked walked away away shaken shaken but but with with just just scratches scratches and and a usable usable bike. bike. Mr. Mr. Posner, Posner, you not you do do n ot sspeak peak ffor or aall ll ccyclists. yclists. I feel feel that that you you are our Santa are damaging damaging o ur iimage mage iin nS anta Cruz. Cruz. Please Please move move to to Berkeley, Berkeley, or or better better yet, yet, Japan. Japan. Ja Mike M ike Speviak, Speviak, Santa Cruz Cruz Santa

>@=0:3; 07553@ >@=0:3; 07553@ B 6/< D719 B6/< D719 VICK’S V ICK’S HANDS HANDS h holding olding dog’s dog’s h head ead u nderwater ((“Vick “Vick B esmirches tthe he G ame,� underwater Besmirches Game, P osts, O ct. 114)? 4)? I think think this this is is a little little extreme. extreme. Posts, Oct. V ick o wned tthe he h ouses tthat hat tthe he d og ffights ights Vick owned houses dog w ere ttaking aking p lace aatt aand nd sshould hould b eld were place bee h held rresponsible esponsible ffor or tthe he aactions ctions ccommitted ommitted tthere, here, b ut h ersonally w as n ot k illing tthese hese d ogs. but hee p personally was not killing dogs. II’m ’m n ot d efending tthe he gguy, uy, I think think w hat h not defending what hee d id w as wrong, wrong, but but when when you you ccompare ompare h is did was his p unishment tto oo ther llegal egal p roblems tthat hat N FL punishment other problems NFL p layers have have gone gone through through recently recently you you will will players n otice V ick’s p unishment was was eextreme. xtreme. notice Vick’s punishment Donte Stallworth Stallworth killed killed a man man in in March March Donte w hile d riving d runk after after a n ight o artying. while driving drunk night off p partying. H eceived a ttwo-year wo-year jjail ail ssentence. entence. If If D UI Hee rreceived DUI m anslaughter and and rrunning unning aan no rganization manslaughter organization iinvolving nvolving animal animal cruelty cruelty carry carry the the ssame ame p enalties, we we sseriously eriously n eed to to ttake ake another another penalties, need llook ook aatt tthe he legal legal ssystem. ystem. Human life life and and animal animal life, life, although although both both Human p recious, sshould hould not not be be m entioned iin n tthe he precious, mentioned ssame ame ssentence. entence. Instead Instead of of focusing focusing our our w rath wrath o n a celebrity celebrity w hose wrongdoings wrongdoings have have been been on whose m agnif ied by by the the m edia, w hou d ttake ake a look ook magnified media, wee sshould aatt the the bigger bigger picture picture and and realize realize itt iss b gger bigger tthan han M ichael V ick. Michael Vick. Ryan R yan Josephson, Josephson San a C ruz Santa Cruz

1=@@31B7=< 1 =@@31B7=< LLast as w week eek in n the he introduction n roduc on too ‘Earthquake Ear hquake C o age bbyy R ober SSward ward w a ed that ha aan n eexcerpt xcerp Collage’ Robert wee sstated oof the he ppiece ece rran an in nP a hways too the he P as the he journal ourna Pathways Past, oof the he M useum oof A r aand nd H s ory IIn n fact ac the he Museum Art History. ooriginal r g na v ers on rran an in n itss eentirety n re y in nP a hways W version Pathways. Wee rregret egre the he error. error


OH HOW OW ccan an tthe he Dow Dow Jo Jones ones Industrial Industrial Average Average hit hit 10,000 10,000 w when heen e cconsumers, onsumers, w ho m ake u p 770 0p ercent o he eeconomy, conomy, h ave who make up percent off tthe have h ad tto o ccut ut w ay b ack o nb uying b ecause tthey hey h ave n om oney? had way back on buying because have no money? J bs ccontinue Jo ontinue tto od isappear. One One out out o ix Americans Americans are are either eit i he h r Jobs disappear. off ssix unemployed o nderemployed. Homes Homes can can no no llonger onger ffunction unction aass unemployed orr u underemployed. piggy banks banks because because they’re they’re worth worth almost almost a tthird hird less less tthan han tthey hey were were piggy two yyears ears aago. go. A nd ffor or tthe he ffirst irst ttime ime iin nm ore tthan han a d ecade, Americans Americans two And more decade, are now now having having to to p ay d own their their d ebts aand nd start start to to ssave. ave. are pay down debts Even more more ccurious, urious, h ow ccan an tthe he Dow Dow be be so so far far up up when when eevery very Even how business aand nd W all S treet eexecutive xecutive I come come across across tells tells me me government government business Wall Street is crushing crushing the the eeconomy conomy with with iits ts h uge deficits, def icits, aand nd its its supposed supposed is huge “takeover� o ealth ccare, are, aautos, utos, h ousing, eenergy nergy aand nd ffinance? inance? T heir “takeover� off h health housing, Their anguished cries cries o socialism� are are aalmost lmost drowning drowning o ut all all their their anguished off ““socialism� out cheering o ver tthe he ssurging urging D ow. cheering over Dow. Th he explanation explanation iiss ssimple. imple. The Th he great great consumer consumer retreat retreat ffrom rom tthe he The market is is be ing offset offfset b government’s aadvance dvance iinto nto tthe he m arket. market being byy government’s market. Consumer d ebt is is w ay down down ffrom rom iits ts pe ak iin n2 006; ggovernment overnment d ebt iiss Consumer debt way peak 2006; debt way up. up. Consumer Consumer spending spending is is down, down, government government spending spending is is up. up. Why Why way have n ew h ousing sstarts tarrts be gun? B ecause tthe he F ed iiss b uying u pF annie have new housing begun? Because Fed buying up Fannie and F reddie’s p aper, aand nd ggovernment-owned overnment-owned F annie aand nd F reddie aare re and Freddie’s paper, Fannie Freddie now just just aabout bout the the o nly m ortgage ggames ames rremaining emaining iin np lay. now only mortgage play. Why are are h ealth-care sstocks tocks b ooming? Because Because the the government government iiss Why health-care booming? about tto o eexpand xpand ccoverage overage tto o ttens ens o illions m ore Americans, Americans, and and the the about off m millions more White H ouse h as aassured ssured Big Big Pharma Pharma and and health health insurers insurers that that ttheir heir White House has prof its w ill ssoar. oar. W hy aare re aauto uto ssales ales u p? Because Because tthe he ccash-for-clunkers ash-for-clunkers profits will Why up? program h as b een ssubsidizing ubsidizing n ew ccar ar ssales. ales. W hy iiss tthe he ffinancial inancial ssector ector program has been new Why surging? B ecause tthe he Fed Fed is is keeping keeping interest interest rates rates near near zero, zero, and and tthe he surging? Because rest o he ggovernment overnment iiss sstill till gguaranteeing uaranteeing tthat hat aany ny b ank ttoo oo b ig rest off tthe bank big to fail fail w ill b ailed o ut. W hy aare re ffederal ederal ccontractors ontractors d oing sso ow ell? to will bee b bailed out. Why doing well? Because tthe he sstimulus timulus h as k icked iin. n. Because has kicked In other other words, words, the the Dow Dow is is up up despite despite the the biggest biggest consumer consumer retreat retreat In from tthe he m arket ssince ince tthe he Great Great Depression Depression because because of of the the very very thing thing from market so m any eexecutives xecutives aare re ccomplaining omplaining aabout, bout, w hich iiss ggovernment’s overnment’s so many which expansion. A nd rregardless egardless o hat yyou ou ccall all iit—Keynesianism, t—Keynesianism, ssocialism ocialism expansion. And off w what or just just p ragmatism—it’s d oing w onders ffor or b usiness, eespecially specially b ig or pragmatism—it’s doing wonders business, big business aand nd W all S treet. Consumer Consumer spending spending is is falling falling back back to to 60 60 to to 65 65 business Wall Street. percent o he eeconomy, conomy, aass ggovernment overnment sspending pending eexpands xpands tto o ffill ill tthe he ggap. ap. percent off tthe Th he problem problem is, is our our n ewly eexpanded xpanded ggovernment overnment iisn’t sn’t d oing m uch The newly doing much or aaverage verage w ork ng Americans Amer cans who who continue cont nue to to lose ose their the r jobs obs aand nd for working whose belts be ts ccontinue ont nue tto o ttighten, ghten aand nd w ho aare re ggetting ett ng aalmost most n oth ng whose who nothing out o he rrising s ng Dow Dow because because they they own own few ew if any any shares shares of o stock. stock out of tthe Desp te tthe he h appy Dow Dow and and notwithstanding notw thstand ng the the upbeat upbeat corporate corporate Despite happy earn ngs m ost ccorporations orporat ons aare re sstill t sshedding hedd ng w orkers aand nd sslashing ash ng earnings, most workers payro s A nd tthe he b anks sstill t aaren’t ren t lending end ng tto oM anS treet payrolls. And bigg b banks Main Street. Tr ck e down economics econom cs didn’t d dn t w ork w hen tthe he ssupply-siders upp y s ders w ere Trickle-down work when were n ccharge. harge And And it’s t s not not working work ng now, now at at a time t me w hen—desp te aall ttheir he r in when—despite cr es o soc a sm�—b g b us ness aand nd W a S treet aare re m ore p o t ca y cries of ““socialism�—big business Wall Street more politically potent tthan han eever. ver potent Rober R e ch former ormer SSecretary ecre ary oof LLabor abor in n the he C n on aadministration, dm n s ra on iss Robert Reich, Clinton pro essor oof P ub c P o cy aat the he U n vers y oof C a orn a aat B erkee ey aand nd the he professor Public Policy University California Berkeley au hor oof ‘Supercapitalism. Supercap a sm ’ author


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Digital D igital graphics/publishing. graphics/publishing. EVOb R] g]c R] W\ g]c` T`SS bW[S- E VOb R] g]c R] W\ g]c` T`SS bW[S-

Play P lay basketball, basketball, b bike ike and and vvideo ideo ggames. ames. EVOb P`]cUVb g]c b] AO\bO 1`ch- E VOb P`]cUVb g]c b] AO\bO 1`ch-

Myy p M parents arents ((raised raised iin nW Watsonville). atsonville). EVOb¸a g]c` TOd]`WbS ab`SSb- E VOb¸ b a g]c` TOd]`WbS ab`SSb-

Pacif ic A Pacific Avenue venue and and L Laurel aurel (near (near the the K rate). Krate). <O[S a][SbVW\U g]c¸`S SfQWbSR OP]cb < O[S a][SbVW\U g]c¸`S SfQWbSR OP]cb

Halloween. H alloween. <O[S O ^Sb ^SSdS < O[S O ^Sb ^SSdS

Tourists. T ourists. EVOb O`S g]c `SORW\U- E VOb O`S g]c `SORW\U-

@C2G 5CH;/< @ C 2G 5 C H ; / < Owner, Owner r, T Shirt Sh hirt Mafia Maffiia EVOb R] g]c R] T]` O ZWdW\U- E VOb R] g]c R] T]` O ZWdW\U-

Own m Own myy o own wn sscreenprinting creenprinting b business, usiness, w ork aatt W algreens and and ccoach oach w restling work Walgreens wrestling ffor or A ptos schools. schools. Aptos

The T he Bro Bro C Code ode by by Barney Barney Stinson. Stinson. EVOb¸ EVOb¸a bVS []ab W[^]`bO\b bVW\U b a bVS []ab W[^]`bO\b bVW\U g ]c¸dS ZSO`\SR W\ bVS ZOab bV`SS gSO`a- g]c¸dS ZSO`\SR W\ bVS ZOab bV`SS gSO`a-

Th That hat yyou ou d don’t on’t h have ave tto o ggraduate raduate ffrom rom ccollege ollege tto om ake ssomething omething o ourself make off yyourself o ive yyour our d ream. orr llive dream. @SQS\b ^S`a]\OZ T]]R b`S\R- @ SQS\b ^S`a]\OZ T]]R b`S\R-

Bacon B acon o on n eeverything. verything.

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) ssubmit u b m i t your y o u r public p u b l i c eye e y e photo p h o t o to t o publiceye@santacruz.com p u b l i c e y e @ s a n ta c r u z . c o m (


Night N ight ooff tthe he LLiving iving TThrill hrill


ICTU ICTURE URE TH T THIS: HIS: aabout bout 330 0 bod bodies ies aare re llying ying o on n tthe he gground round ssomewhere omewhere iin nd owntown S anta C ruz downtown Santa Cruz o n a ssunny unny aafternoon. fternoon. S uddenly tthey hey rrise ise aass o n , ne on Suddenly one, dozens of of zombies zombies ready ready to to d ance tto oM ichael Ja ackson’s dozens dance Michael Jackson’s “Th hriller.� It’s It’s not not a dream, dream, not not a h allucination. “Thriller. hallucination. Th his is is one one of of many many d ance rrehearsals ehearsals ffor or tthe he tthird hird This dance annual Thrill Th hrill the the World—a World—a worldwide worldwide simultaneous simultaneous annual perfformance of of Michael Michael Jackson’s Jackson’s beloved beloved ccreepy reepy performance dance. dance. ain’t easy easy being being zombie zombie funkadelic. funkadelic. Dance Dance Itt ain’t instructor and and local local event event organizer organizer Quelddy Quelddy A ngelina instructor Angelina leads the the class class through through pivots, pivots, turns turns aand nd llurching urching leads body twists. twists. Rehearsals Rehearsals begin begin with with a w armup aand nd tthe he body warmup stretching of of dead dead bones. bones. Then Th hen tthe he d ancing be gins. stretching dancing begins. Th he eerie eerie neck neck twitch twitch and and pounding pounding ffootsteps oo o tsteps u p aand nd The up down the the cement cement says says this this is is sserious. erious. down

Angelina says says there there aare re zzombies ombies w ho sshow how u p Angelina who up cconsistently, onsistently, aass w ell aass m any n ew ffaces aces eeach ach w eek. Th his well many new week. This S aturday, tthousands housands o ombies ffrom rom aall ll o ver tthe he w orld Saturday, off zzombies over world w ill eemerge merge aand nd iinfest nfest tthe he sstreets, treets, aass tthey hey h ave eever ver will have ssince ince 2 006 w hen tthe he ffirst irst T hrill tthe he W orld h appened 2006 when Thrill World happened iin nT oronto. Th here w ill b owhere tto o rrun un aand nd n owhere Toronto. There will bee n nowhere nowhere tto oh ide ffrom rom tthe he ccountless ountless zzombie ombie d ancers ccrowding rowding hide dancers C ooper S treet d owntown aand nd p ossibly eeven ven b eyond. Cooper Street downtown possibly beyond. “We’re closing closing off off C ooper S treet, b ut w ay gget et a “We’re Cooper Street, but wee m may b igger ccrowd rowd tthan han eexpected, xpected,� A ngelina ssays, ays, aadding dding tthat hat bigger Angelina P acific A venue w ould m ake a tthrilling hrilling P lan B Pacific Avenue would make Plan B.. The workshop workshop lasts lasts aabout bout aan nh our aand nd h alf, aand nd b The hour half, byy tthe he eend, nd, zzombie ombie w annabes o ll aages ges h ave llearned earned wannabes off aall have tthe he eentire ntire m odified vversion ersion o he d ance ffor or S aturday. modified off tthe dance Saturday. W hile n one o hese d ancers iiss yyet et iin nu ndead aattire, ttire, tthat hat While none off tthese dancers undead w ill aall ll cchange. hange. A nd tthe he ffresh, resh, h ealthy ccomplexions omplexions w ill will And healthy will

be history history too; too; llocal ocal vvolunteers olunteers ffrom rom M ariposa’s A rt be Mariposa’s Art will provide provide face face p ainting tthroughout hroughout tthe he aafternoon. ft f ernoon. will painting At 5:27pm 5:27pm Angelina Angelina and and her her fellow fellow volunteers volunteers will will At receive a conference conference ccall all w ith tthe he o fficial ccountdown. ountdown. receive with official And then, then, for for tthe he ssix ix m inutes tthat hat ffollow, ollow, tthe he ccity ity o And minutes off Santa Cruz Cruz will will b uled b he d ancing d ead. Santa bee rruled byy tthe dancing dead. Angelina tells tells me me that that in in 2007, 2007, the the city city o os Angelina off L Los Angeles participated participated in in tthe he ssecond econd aannual nnual eevent vent aand nd Angeles Jaackson himself himself watched watched ffrom rom aabove bove iin nah elicopter. Jackson helicopter. Th his year, year, with with Jackson’s Jaackson’s u ntimely d eath, iitt iiss ccrucial rucial This untimely death, that Jacko Jaacko fans fans tthrow hrow o n ttheir heir rred ed lleather eather jjackets ackets aand nd that on arise from from the the d ead o nce aagain. gain. ““It Itt iiss sso o iimportant mportant tto o arise dead once get all all kinds kinds o eople tto od ance ttogether ogether aand nd h elp eeach ach get off p people dance help other,� Angelina Angelina says says with with a llaugh. augh. ““It’s Itt’s tthe he zzombie ombie other, dance of of our our ttime. ime.� dance —Rula al-Nasrawi al-Nasrawi —Rula

8 |

october 21-28, 2009


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1C@B7A 1/@B73@ 1 C@B7A 1/@B73@

Currents. C urren ents.

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A/<B/1@CH 1=; A /<B/1@CH 1=; ooctober c t o b e r 221-28, 1 - 2 88,, 22009 0 0 9 1C@@3<BA 1C@@3< <BA

repo man, hee ccould a re po m an, aalthough lthough h ould jjust ust pass forr aan mechanic orr aass eeasily asily p ass fo n aauto uto m echanic o haul Devoted Christian, llong ong h aul ttrucker. rucker. D evoted C hristian, husband off 2 277 ye years off ffive h usband o ars aand nd ffather ather o ive kids, he’s been ggrown ro r wn k ids, h e’s b een a ttow ow ttruck ruck driver forr 2 24 years d river fo 4 ye ars aand nd a llicensed icensed California Repossession Agent C alifornia R ep ossession Ag ent ssince ince 2001. With his wife business 2 0 01. W ith h is w ife f aand nd b usiness partner, Kathy, p ar tner, K athy, aalways lways rriding iding sshotgun, hotgun, Leach maintains Happy Hooker Le ach sstill till m aintains H appy H ooker Towing, doing forr llaw T owing, d oing ssimple imple jjobs obs fo aw private on eenforcement nforcement aand nd p rivate ccustomers ustomers o n occasion. o ccasion. His His bread bread and and butter butter these these days, days, however, banks h owever, ccomes omes ffrom rro om tthe he b anks tthat hat him 20 255 re requests week ffax ax h im 2 0 tto o2 equests eeach ach w eek folks who two months tto o ffind ind fo lks w ho aare re tw om onths orr m more on vehicle llate ate o ore o n ttheir heir ve hicle lloan oan p ayments. H is jjob ob iiss tto o ta ke b ack tthe he payments. His take back motorcycles ggoods—everything o o ds— everything ffrom rrom m otorcycles aand nd ccars ars tto o jjet et sskis, kis, b oats, A TV TVs aand nd boats, ATVs eeven, ven, re cently, a $ 125,0 00 ro ad-paving recently, $125,000 road-paving m achine. Le ach h as re po’d jjust ust aabout b out machine. Leach has repo’d eeverything verything a p erson ccan an p urchase o n person purchase on ccredit. redit. Lately he’s he’s got got all all the the business business he he Lately ccan an handle. handle. Since Since 2007, 2007, he he says, says, the the

number of number of bank bank repossessions repossessions he he has has aaveraged veraged has has nearly nearly doubled. doubled. Indeed, Indeed, tthough hough ggiving iving a sslightly lightly m ore m o dest more modest eestimate, stimate, spokesman spokesman Mike Mike Stoller Stoller of of G MAC Financial Financial Services, Services, the the nation’s nation’s GMAC ttop op auto auto lender, lender, says says his his company’s company’s rrepossessions epossessions have have increased increased 22 22 percent percent iin n that that time. time. That’s That’s a huge huge number number for for a lender lender that that already already repossessed repossessed about ab out 770,000 0,000 vehicles vehicles per per year year before before the the ccurrent urrent eeconomic conomic m eltdown. meltdown. On this this foggy fogg y Saturday, Saturday, Leach Leach has has On cconfiscated onf iscated tw o motorcycles motorcycles without without two iincident. ncident. T he first, f irst, a 2 0 07 Suzuki Suzuki The 2007 ““crotch cro r tch rocket�-style rocket�-style street street bike bike with with a ssmashed mashed front frront eend nd and and a ssticker ticker re ading ““unlucky� unlucky� o n tthe he rear rear sseat, eat, w as reading on was p urc r hased by by a S and C ity cabinetmaker cabinetmaker purchased Sand City n amed A rt Brost Brost aass a gift gif t fo is sson on named Art forr h his A .J. aand nd A .J.’s ““douchebag� douchebag� friend friend E ric A.J. A.J.’s Eric D onwell. B rost knew knew Leach Leach b ame Donwell. Brost byy n name w hen h rrived, having having m et h im a when hee aarrived, met him ye ar eearlier arlier w hen he he h ad ccome ome tto o year when had ccollect ollect a different dif fferent motorcycle motorcycle o nw hich on which A rt h ad d efaulted. B oth A rt aand nd A .J. Art had defaulted. Both Art A.J. ssaid aid tthey hey w ere re lieved tto ob id o he were relieved bee rrid off tthe m achine. machine.

3 3

@=:: ;3 /E/G Bill LLeach @=:: ;3 /E/G Bill each ttakes akes ppossession ossession ooff a ddefaulted efa f u l te d Kawasaki while father K awasaki Vulcan Vulcan w hile tthe he oowner’s wner’s fa ther llooks ooks oon. n.

TThe he R Repo epo D Diaries iaries

A da day ay on the t job with a California Califfo ornia rrepossession epossesssion agent agent 0G 1C@B7A 1/@B73@ 0G 1 C @ B 7 A 1 / @ B 7 3 @


RESSED R ESSED DEEP DEEP into into the the ffront ro r nt sseat eat ccushion ushion of of aan n unmarked unmarked Chevy Silverado, C hevy S ilveerado, Bill Bill Leach Leach wheel ggrips rips tthe he steering steering w heel with with pudgy, hands p udg y, ccalloused alloused h ands aand nd cchecks hecks tthe he rearview mirror. behind his doere ar view m irror. IIn n iit, t, b ehind h is d o ewife back, eeyed yyed w ife ssmiling miling iin n tthe he b ack, ssways ways a wood w o o d aand nd ssteel teel f llatbed atb ed ttrailer railer lloaded oaded with pair off m motorcycles. Neither one w ith a p air o otorccycles. Ne ither o ne belongs to him. Neither one belongs belongs to him. Neither one b elongs tto o men who had parked tthe he m en w ho h ad tthem hem p arked iin n ttheir heir off h hours before, ggarages arages a ccouple ouple o ours b efore, eeither. ither. Both, in fact, belong to the bank, Both, in fact, b elong to the b ank, aand nd only one happy tthe he o nly o ne h appy aabout b out tthat hat aatt tthis his

p oint iiss tthe point he m man an aatt tthe he w wheel. heel. Le Leach ach iiss a re repo po m man, an, aand nd b business usiness iiss b booming. o oming. “I “I told told you you Saturday Saturday was was a good go o d day d ay tto o catch catch ’em,� ’em,� he he says says with with a lippy lippy ssmile, mile, accelerating accelerating onto onto Highway Highway 1 and and heading his h eading back back to to h is home home office off ice in in Watsonville. do Lord’s W atsonville. ““II try tr y aand nd d o tthe he Lo rd d’s work. w ork. I’ll I’ll llisten isten to to tthem, hem, I’ll I’ll be be their their but ffriend, riend, b ut they they ggot ot tthemselves hemselves iin n this this ssituation ituation aand nd I sstill till gotta gotta pick pick up up their their vehicle.’� ve hicle.’� Leach—who Leach—who is is short short and and heavyset, heavyset, with mesh w ith a ffrizzled rizzled white white ggoatee, oatee, m esh hat hat and and oily oily jjeans—looks eans—lo oks the the part part of of

THE BREAKDOWN 1/@0=< A3?C3AB@/B7=< 1 /@0=< A3?C3AB@/B7=< /a eS QO`SS\ b]eO`R O aeO[^g Tcbc`S eWbV]cb WQS QO^a ]` ^]ZO` /a eS QO`SS\ b]eO`R O aeO[^g Tcbc`S eWbV]cb WQS QO^a ]` ^]ZO` PSO`a a][S aQWS\bWaba VOdS ^cb bVSW` abOYS W\ QO`P]\ aS_cSab`ObW]\´ P SO`a a][S aQWS\bWaba VOdS ^cb bVSW` abOYS W\ QO`P]\ aS_cSab`ObW]\´ SaaS\bWOZZg ab]`W\U Ob[]a^VS`WQ QO`P]\ a][S^ZOQS eVS`S Wb QO\\]b S aaS\bWOZZg ab]`W\U Ob[]a^VS`WQ QO`P]\ a][S^ZOQS eVS`S Wb QO\\]b Q]\b`WPcbS b] bVS U`SS\V]caS UOa STTSQb ]` b] QZW[ObS QVO\US Q ]\b`WPcbS b] bVS U`SS\V]caS UOa STTSQb ]` b] QZW[ObS QVO\US ÂľBVW\Ua ZWYS bOYW\U 1= ]cb ]T bVS OW` O\R ^cbbW\U Wb W\b] US]Z]UWQ Âľ BVW\Ua ZWYS bOYW\U 1= ]cb ]T bVS OW` O\R ^cbbW\U Wb W\b] US]Z]UWQ T]`[ObW]\a [O\g [WZSa c\RS` bVS ac`TOQS ]T bVS SO`bV ^c[^W\U T]`[ObW]\a [O\g [WZSa c\RS` bVS ac`TOQS ]T bVS SO`bV ^c[^W\U POQY W\b] ]ZR RSQ][[WaaW]\SR ]WZ eSZZa ]` ]bVS` YW\Ra ]T RSS^ 1= 1= POQY W\b] ]ZR RSQ][[WaaW]\SR ]WZ eSZZa ]` ]bVS` YW\Ra ]T RSS^ ^ Z]QObW]\a ZWYS bVOb Âś aOga 2` ;WQVOSZ :]WY O\ Oaa]QWObS ^`]TSaa]` ]T Z]QObW]\a ZWYS bVOb Âś aOga 2` ;WQVOSZ :]WY O\ Oaa]QWObS ^`]TSaa]` ]T QZW[ObS QVO\US SQ]Z]Ug Ob C1A1 ÂľG]c QO\ caS a]RO ZW[S eVWQV Wa QZW[ObS QVO\US SQ]Z]Ug Ob C1A1 ÂľG]c QO\ caS a]RO ZW[S eVWQV Wa []ZSQcZSa ORVS`S O bg^S ]T QOZQWc[ POaSR acPabO\QS b] VOdS 1= O bg^S ]T QOZQWc[ POaSR acPabO\QS b] VOdS 1= []ZSQcZSa ORVS`S b] bVS ac`TOQS G]c bOYS OW` O\R ^c[^ Wb bV`]cUV O Q]\bOW\S` ]T a]RO b] bVS ac`TOQS S G]c bOYS OW` O\R ^c[^ Wb bV`]cUV O Q]\bOW\S` ]T a]RO ZW[S 7b¸a [cQV []`S Q][^ZSf bVO\ bVOb´bVS`S O`S dO`W]ca QVS[WQOZ ZW[S 7b¸a [cQV []`S Q][^ZSf bVO\ bVOb´bVS`S O`S dO`W]ca QVS[WQOZ O\R ^VgaWQOZ ^`]QSaaSa Âś O\R ^VgaWQOZ ^`]QSaaSa Âś 0cb ]T Q]c`aS bVS Q]\QS^b VOa Wba TOW` aVO`S ]T b`]cPZSa Âľ@WUVb \]e 0cb ]T Q]c`aS S bVS Q]\QS^b VOa Wba TOW` aVO`S ]T b`]cPZSa Âľ@WUVb \]e bVS`S O`S \] ]^S`ObW\U ^`]b]bg^Sa W\ bVS C\WbSR AbObSa PSQOcaS bVS`S O`S \] ]^S`ObW\U ^`]b]bg^Sa W\ bVS C\WbSR AbObSa PSQOcaS W\ac`O\QS OUS\QWSa O`S\¸b eWZZW\U b] c\RS`e`WbS bVS `WaY ]T O ZSOY W\ac`O\QS OUS\QWSa O`S\¸b eWZZW\U b] c\RS`e`WbS bVS `WaY ]T O ZSOY 7b Q]cZR OQbcOZZg PS ZSbVOZ b] Vc[O\a O\R ZWdSab]QY O\R W\ 1= W\ 1= 7b Q]cZR OQbcOZZg PS ZSbVOZ b] Vc[O\a O\R ZWdSab]QY O\R SdS`gbVW\U SZaS Âś aOga :]WY Âľ7¸[ ZSS`g PSQOcaS ]T c\W\bS\RSR SdS`gbVW\U SZaS Âś aOga :]WY Âľ7¸[ ZSS`g PSQOcaS ]T c\W\bS\RSR Q]\aS_cS\QSa O\R bVS Q]ab O\R V]e [cQV S[WaaW]\a R] g]c Q]\aS_cS\QSa O\R bVS Q]ab O\R V]e [cQV S[WaaW]\a R] g]c `SZSOaS´bVSaS bVW\Ua O`S U]W\U b] bOYS S\S`Ug b] OQQ][^ZWaV Âś `SZSOaS´bVSaS bVW\Ua O`S U]W\U b] bOYS S\S`Ug b] OQQ][^ZWaV Âś —Jessica — Jessica e Lussenhop Lussen nhop

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october 21-28, 2009



A/<B/1@CH 1=; october 21-28, 2009 1C@@3<BA

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B3/;E=@9 Kathy and Bill Leach drop off two repossessed motorcycles at a holding facility in Salinas.

“Get this stupid thing out of here,� said A.J., a shirtless, swearing twentysomething as he wheeled out the damaged motorcycle from a covered garage. “My buddy needed some help. My dad helped out and bought him a bike, put it in his name, you know, then he just f laked out, quit making payments, met up with some chick and took off on me. Fucker took it one night; he was all coked up and he crashed

it. Trying to kill himself or something. I wish he had died. Never buy shit for your friends.� After loading up the bike with the help of his wife and making his standard “I hope I don’t see you again� goodbye, Leach had set his Garmin GPS locater to an address in Salinas and hit the road again. There, he’d met an elderly Hispanic couple at their apartment, who, after some difficulty with the language barrier, opened

A C T I VAT E E6/B 7B 7A( AQ]bba DOZZSg :WP`O`g B]e\ 6OZZ ;SSbW\U E63< 7B 6/>>3<A( ;]\ROg =Qb %(! ^[

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a small garage and handed over their son’s mint-condition Kawasaki Vulcan, a stunning midnight blue cruiser with barely 2,000 miles on the odometer. Making short but thorough work of tying down the bike and contacting the local sheriff ’s office to report the pickup—a step he’s legally required to complete within an hour of repossession—Leach and his wife hit In-NOut Burger, then set a course for home, their job completed. And now, as Leach expertly backs up the trailer to a temporary holding pen where he’ll unload his payload until the bank sends a diesel truck to pick it up, he lets out a satisfied chuckle and throws his truck into park. “I love this job,� he says. “I’m not their enemy. But people enter into a contract and they need to understand they have to hold up their end of it. Otherwise, they’re gonna see me.� 0

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october 21-28, 2009


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A/<B/1@CH 1=; october 21-28, 2009 1=D3@ AB=@G

None Like It Hot

Activist Bill McKibben thinks you should know that global warming isn’t coming—it’s already here 0G 5@3B163< 57:3A

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OME 600 people, many with gray ponytails, fill the auditorium at the Sonoma Country Day School. Their earnest metal water bottles clank as they settle into their seats. A short film plays, featuring ugly potato puppets portraying John and Yoko in bed. Instead of protesting the Vietnam War, the two are protesting climate change. Even as a tuber, Yoko remains a fresh object of derision to boomers. Her little potato mouth promises to “scream a song to Mother Nature.� The audience howls delightedly. They remember John and Yoko. A short documentary screens, showing area high school students working for climate change. The audience claps heartily. They’re proud of their grandchildren. An elderly musician in Birkenstocks is ushered on. Dreary songs about the earth’s demise commence, the musician exhorting the dutiful audience to sing along. Sitting in the front row, author and climate change activist Bill McKibben is game. “Save some trees for me,� he mouths, his head bobbing. The musician thankfully finishes and, after a brief introduction, McKibben quickly mounts the stage steps. The feeling in the room changes instantly. Having flown down from Alaska that morning, McKibben has been on five continents during the last nine days. “If the planet isn’t warming up,� he jokes, “it’s not for lack of me trying.� But the planet is warming up. Unable to stop it personally, McKibben is instead the relentless messenger of its alteration. Like food activist Michael Pollan, McKibben is tall, lean, ascetic, ridiculously well educated and somewhat ill at ease in his role of scientific soothsayer. Like Pollan, he’d rather be in his home office writing than lecturing on our imminent demise. Unlike Pollan, he’s still stuck—on this night at least—with the earnest, the gray ponytails, the activists who remember John and Yoko. He’s preaching to the converted, as the Prius-packed

parking lot attests. He’s telling educated, concerned citizens what they already know. Nothing, other than the plain dire facts of his humor-laced presentation, is new to them. His message couldn’t be more important, yet he’s not a household name. Not yet, at least. While Pollan’s meme can be memorized like a short poem—eat food, not too much, mostly plants— McKibben’s is even easier. It’s simply a number: 350. Three hundred and fifty, the amount of carbon parts per million in the atmosphere that NASA’s top climate scientist Jim Hansen has counseled will most closely support the earth upon which human civilization arose. McKibben has organized an international day of action in countries as disparate as Yemen and Croatia slated for Oct. 24 and known as 350 Day to highlight the number because 350 parts per million (ppm) is 37 numbers lower than the 387 ppm level that the atmosphere is currently at. In other words, we’ve already crossed what McKibben calls “the red line� for succoring the climate upon which human civilization arose. By a lot.

Missionary Man The author of 12 books, including the seminal 1989 global-warming text The End of Nature, McKibben, 49, is the kind of easy intellectual who joined the staff at The New Yorker magazine just after graduating from Harvard. He has written about subjects ranging from Hundred Dollar Holiday, in which he outlines spending just that amount on winter festivities, to Maybe One: A Case for Smaller Families, which advocates having just one child, as he and his wife, the novelist Sue Halpern, have done with their daughter, Sophie. But all is not simply an orange stuck in a stocking for the lonely Christmas of an only child with McKibben. His relentless sense of humor and his indefatigable energy make him a fascinating magnet.

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1=D3@ AB=@G j <=<3 :793 7B 6=B A religious man who teaches Sunday school at the Methodist church near his Vermont home, McKibben needs that energy to survive the task he has set himself this year, one in which he will have spent 355 of the annum’s 365 days on the road, away from his wife and daughter, spreading the word about climate change. For McKibben, it is a moral necessity. He knows the truth about global warming—he’s seen it firsthand from Bangladesh to Pakistan to Phuket to Mongolia to China. Global warming and climate change are not coming, he counsels: they’re here. The 10 feet—feet—of water that fell last month on Taiwan is just one of an alarming number of natural calamities that attest to that. McKibben has had dengue fever in Bangladesh, seen a rock new to human eyes suddenly emerge from a Mongolian glacier and knows that rising sea levels are already salinating the fresh Ganges River. If he doesn’t personally deliver this truth to every person he can possibly grab by the lapels, he will have failed himself. He will have, in fact, harmed his own soul. And so, with red-rimmed eyes and a practiced presentation, McKibben finds himself on yet another stage in yet another town in yet another country trying to convince some 600 people at a time that this is something they should be concerned about.

Broken Chain As comfortable in front of the microphone as at the dinner table, McKibben has told his tale hundreds of times, changing it only to include the newest natural tragedy briefly grabbing international headlines—all of it, save Katrina, in far-off nations that, he passionately declares, “did nothing to deserve it!� But even with an audience of the Prius-driving graybeards reasonably versed in the actual way of the world, McKibben must explain the petty basics of the earth’s ecology. A plant that has for the millennia flowered at a certain week in April when the light and heat conspire perfectly and has been a fecund food source for an insect whose life cycle is keyed to the plant and is itself a delicious meal for an amphibian which awakens from the mud just as the insect is at its plumpest, which is itself a gorgeous lump of protein for a bird whose migration pattern is in part set by the availability of frogs in the area and whose eggs are a yummy treat for a mammal that has come to live yearround there due to the certainty on the

eggs for its own breeding, and which is in turn eaten by another mammal larger and more adept. Its remains are ravaged by scavengers, its gristle dissolved by bugs (which in turn are eaten by the migrating birds whose excrement nourishes the April-blooming plant). All of this rapacious blooming and pollinating and eating and excreting and reproducing and dying has eventually led humans, we of the big brains, to the establishment of such unnatural wealth as is found within any provincial supermarket. It is a cycle so seemingly robust that we simply take it for granted. But this life chain can be—and already has been—enormously upset by something as seemingly simple as a Fahrenheit degree, by an extra centimeter’s worth of water, by a wind that should never have been whipped. “The thing I am doing today is the single most important thing I can be doing,� McKibben says. “We’re going to find out in the next few years whether this big brain [that humans have] was a good idea and if it’s linked with a big enough heart.�

‘We can’t solve it one bulb at a time, not one state at a time, not even one country at a time. We have to deal with it one planet at a time.’ Arctic Alarm A scholar-in-residence at Vermont’s Middlebury College, McKibben has plenty of access to young people and their sturdy energy. In 2006, he led a group of students and colleagues on a five-day walk through the Vermont woods that began at the poet Robert ¨ $

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Frost’s cabin (“‘The road not taken’ seemed apropos,� he says) to make a global-warming statement that would end in Burlington. There, his group was joined by others until its ranks swelled to a thousand people marching upon Burlington’s city hall. It was, he realized sadly, the largest public protest for climate change ever yet staged. Astonished that the plight of the globe was so little remarked by its inhabitants, McKibben formed Step It Up in 2007. Using his student team from Middlebury and the endless swathe of the Internet, Step It Up promoted some 1,400 climate-change actions worldwide in April of 2007. McKibben was feeling pretty good about his work. And then the summer came, and then the Arctic melted. “The Arctic sea was slowly melting, and then it suddenly fell off a cliff,� he says. “We were losing ice sheets the size of California every month, at a rate 200 percent above what was predicted. My scientist friends panicked. This was on, and not just Arctic ice; there is 25 percent less sea ice than ever before. Satellite photos revealed that there was a lot less ice up top. Glacial ice is the most unsettling loss of all.� McKibben estimates that 300,000 people will die annually from global warming with just a one-degree temperature rise. “But we expect the planet to warm by five to six degrees more in this century if we do nothing. “We have the technology to imagine what the future will look like,� he

continues. “The scientific method has worked, but so far the political method has utterly failed. We’ve had a 20-year bipartisan effort to do nothing, and it’s succeeded brilliantly.�

Chill for a Day Asher Miller, executive director of the Post-Carbon Institute, a global think tank that counts McKibben and peak oil theorist Richard Heinberg among its fellows, looks at fossil fuels almost fondly, as in thoughtful reminiscence. “The big human story is that we won the lottery,â€? Miller says. “We found this amazing energy source that fueled our society and changed it completely, giving us luxuries and altering the course of human history entirely. Can you blame us for going nuts over it? “But it’s now a moot point. We’re living in a difficult time. We’re changing, and it’s being dictated by climate. We have to be realistic, and we can’t live the way we’ve been living.â€? Perhaps the most sobering part of McKibben’s work is that those worried about climate change can swap out all the light bulbs they like, grow every bit of lettuce that they’ll ever eat themselves, ride their bikes everywhere—and none of it will mean a thing unless our political leaders act. “How do we muster the will to get a global agreement that puts a price on carbon?â€? he asks. “We can’t solve it one bulb at a time, not one state at a time, ¨ '

SANTACRUZ.COM october 21-28, 2009

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october 21-28, 2009


New at... 1=D3@ AB=@G j <=<3 :793 7B 6=B not even one country at a time. We have to deal with it one planet at a time. “How do we muster the political power to make it happen? We have to build a movement. I say that as if I know what I’m talking about. I don’t. No one really knows how we’re going to muster it.� 350 Day is his latest idea, a creative, almost joyful attempt to unite people the world over in protest against the lethargy of large, First World governments to alter policies, agreements, coal and oil consumption. Miller isn’t pessimistic—exactly. “The environmental movement has failed,� he says. “Guilting people, talking about abstractions like polar bears. Boiling down complex stuff into a simple number like 350 is a good way to use what otherwise has become a battle of data and talking points. “It would be great if people take to the streets on Oct. 24,� he says. “But that’s just one day. This is going to be every day. And it’s already started.� McKibben could be said to agree. “There are no guarantees that any of this will work,� he tells the Sonoma Country Day School audience. “There are scientists who think that the machination we’ve put in process is unstoppable. But the best science says that we still have a window. Because we have that window, we have to fight. For 20 years, I wondered what this fight would look like—and it’s very beautiful. We’re an amateur movement. This is a homemade operation, and that’s the best thing about it.� McKibben’s next focus after 350 Day is the December climate-change conference planned in Copenhagen. The United States will attend, as will other powerful and polluting countries. “Whatever we do at Copenhagen isn’t enough. We know what the bottom line is, and we have to keep at it. The negotiations are occurring between human beings and physics and chemistry. Physics and chemistry have stated their bottom line: ‘350 is our demand.’�

Where There’s a Wallet, There’s a Way The most promising bit of national legislation, according to Ann Hancock, executive director of the Climate Protection Campaign, is something called “cap and dividend.� “It means putting a cap on carbon and every year reducing that cap so that every year, and rapidly, we meet the scientific imperative,� she explains. So-called gross polluters—think Exxon

and its ilk—will have the option to purchase rights to use fossil fuels. Cap and dividend will raise energy prices, it’s true, but the current proposal, put forward by Democratic Rep. Christopher Van Hollen of Maryland, would also offer customer rebates on energy use. Those who use less fossil fuel would receive more money back; those who use more, less. “I think that cap and dividend is the most powerful solution we need to have and that’s worldwide,� Hancock says. “I think that [’60s activist] Sal Alinsky said that most people will do the right thing for the wrong reasons. We’re more concerned with our comfort and mortgage than we are with the climate. Pricing is the way to do it. The option of the right to pollute will generate perhaps trillions of dollars,� Hancock says. “It will torque the whole economy in a green direction. If people have to pay more money for fossil fuel and they aren’t made whole, they won’t reelect those people.�

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Passing the Torch Bill McKibben is exhausted. After rallying the audience for an hour of passionate speech, his voice drops. “We set out to organize the world, a ludicrous proposition. Only McDonald’s and Coca-Cola have succeeded. The only part of the climate change movement that’s been left out is the movement part.â€? But the key, he stresses, is the newest generation. “The real leaders of the moment are young people,â€? he tells the sea of gray ponytails. A handful of students on the top tier applaud. Asher Miller agrees. “There’s this generational gap in the larger environmental movement,â€? he says, “and Bill is helping to close that.â€? The next generation has every reason to be involved, as it’s their adult lives, their children and probable grandchildren that are most affected. Climate change is here, and even if every coal facility in the world stopped production today, McKibben estimates that it will take two generations before we can return the earth’s atmosphere to 350 ppm. Miller, who has a toddler, chooses to be sanguine. “I fully expect that the next 10 years will be significantly different than the last 10 years,â€? he says. “Things are different, and the sooner we can internalize that, the sooner we can make changes. “The world is going to be different, but it may not be all bad.â€? 0 1O`P]\ 1]\dS`aObW]\ ¨

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A/<B/1@CH 1=; october 21-28, 2009 1=D3@ AB=@G

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Carbon Conversation A 30-year veteran of the climate battles considers a clean-tech future 7<B3@D73E 0G 83AA71/ :CAA3<6=>


R. STEPHEN Schneider is a climatologist, a senior fellow at the Woods Institute for the Environment at Stanford University and a 1992 MacArthur Foundation “genius grant� recipient. He has been in the trenches of the climate change battle since the 1970s and has advised presidents from Nixon to Obama on how to manage the threat posed by global warming. The insanely busy Schneider (the following interview was cobbled together from four separate phone calls during which he was at the airport, grabbing a bite to eat, waiting in a doctor’s office and rushing to class) is also a member of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, which won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2007. His new book, Science as a Contact Sport: Inside the Battle to Save Earth’s Climate, will be published next month by the National Geographic Society. Writer Jessica Lussenhop caught up with him to discuss the 350 concept—which refers to reducing our current carbon dioxide load to the sustainable figure of 350 parts per million—and more.

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There’s no doubt we already have, and we will go far before we go back.

STEPHEN SCHNEIDER: Since back in the 1970s. We were well below 350, and I was trying to get us off the pathway of the mega increases, and we failed. The issue will [now] be: how much are we going to overshoot the safe target?

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The kids told me, “Well, you may be frustrated, but at least you can give them ¨

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october 21-28, 2009 A/<B/1@CH 1=;

1 = D 3 @ A B = @ G j 1 / @ 0 = < 1 = < D 3 @ A /B 7 = < an I-told-you-so.� Now an “I told you so� is just an “I failed you so.� We just didn’t get it done. Yes, it’s very frustrating. /a eS Z]]Y b] `SRcQS bVOb \c[PS` eVOb \Se bSQV\]Z]UWSa O`S g]c SfQWbSR OP]cb-

We have to work across a whole spectrum and see who wins. I call it a “learning-by-doing feeding frenzy.â€? Let’s see how much carbon we can take out of smokestacks and coal plants so that we have a smooth transition towards renewables. And can we put it underground permanently and safely? Not clear. Let’s work on that. How about putting it in high concentrations into algae and the algae can be used for biofuels? Great idea. How about biochar? Let’s take agricultural waste or forest plantation waste, cook them at 300 degrees for an hour and get the natural gas off of the top, and then get char—which is sort of charcoal at the bottom—which you can add to the soil and sequester carbon. There are even crazy ideas to build artificial trees, a chemical process where you run water by certain kinds of chemicals. And then there’s a little company in Silicon Valley called Calera, and they’re going to try and actually see if they can make real cement by a different chemical process that, instead of giving CO2 up when it hardens, it takes it up. So now, will it work? Will any of these things work? We don’t know yet, but we’ve got to give all these clever ideas a chance. Problem is, can you can you scale it up from the thousands of tons in current demonstrated experiments to the hundreds of billions of tons it has to be to offset a significant fraction of potential CO2 emissions eventually. So the big problem is the S-word: scalability. EVOb O`S a][S WRSOa bVOb g]c¸`S \]b a] SfQWbSR OP]cb-

I’m unexcited about throwing dust in the stratosphere. It’s called “radiative forcing offset.� Instead of controlling the CO2, you’re controlling the number of watts per square meter beating on the earth. There are three reasons and yet, in the end, I’m going to say we ought to study it. The reason it’s very unexciting to me is there is a degree of inadvertent climate modification. The second problem is, who do you trust? We now know that the extra CO2 we have in the air—a significant amount of it, 20, 30 percent—are going to last a thousand years in the air. That means we have to have a group of climate controllers for centuries. Do you think that we can

trust this planet to have world peace for that long? I mean, to have cooperation, where there’s not going to be a lapse? And the final reason is, it doesn’t stop ocean acidification.

‘For those people with low incomes, it’s going to be very difficult. For me, it’s going to affect the quality of the pinot noir I drink. A poor person, it’s going to affect the quality of the protein their family eats.’

The only way I could conceive of that they would want to do radiative forcing management would be if the world proves to be so morally bankrupt and does absolutely nothing in the next 25 years, and megacatastrophic outcomes start to occur. You know, super hurricanes and all that stuff. People say, “Oh my God, what have we done?� It takes another 30 years to slow down the supertanker, and then we used this kind of stuff for a few decades while we invent carbon removal geo-engineering. I might reluctantly say, “Well, if you have a heroin addict and you initially get them on methadone on the way to the hospital, it’s probably better than dumping them.�

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A/<B/1@CH 1=; october 21-28, 2009 1=D3@ AB=@G

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One is performance standards. California has the lowest energy use and the lowest carbon dioxide footprint per capita. It’s a big footprint, but per capita it’s the lowest in the United States. Europe and Japan are around California. So how could that happen? There’s always been a culture of public protection. California has had, for the last 40 years, rules, and these rules are very strict building codes on double pane windows and insulation and air conditioners and refrigerators and lots of other things. The states have to set up an energy commission and the energy commissions set the rules. The U.S. must do this; the rest of the world must do this. It’s what we call the low-hanging fruit. It’s the cheapest way. Then there’s the tax on carbon. That’s the market solution. It could be a direct price—meaning you just have a tax, $50 per ton of carbon dioxide emitted—or a shadow price, which is a cap. You’ve heard of cap and trade. What cap and trade means is that you cap the emissions, X number of million tons, for the whole economy. Now that means every power plant and every other person has some limit. And you’re not going to cap an individual driving a car, so what you’re going to do is cap the gasoline purchasers. It’s got to be mandatory—either cap or price. I prefer price, I could live with a cap. I’ll manage. The last part of it—for me, I will pay more money. So will you. Everybody will pay more money. But we’re already paying money in the form of burneddown forests and children’s hospitals with asthma. That’s what we call external cost. You’ve got to make the price of energy include all the costs. There’s one side problem. We’ve got a world used to the current price, and for those people with low incomes, it’s going to be very difficult. For me, it’s going to affect the quality of the pinot noir I drink. A poor person, it’s going to affect the quality of the protein their family eats. So not only do you have to protect the commons by having a fee for dumping your waste in the atmospheric sewer, but you also have to deal with the people who would be differentially hurt. I do not believe you hold the sustainability agenda of the planet hostage for poverty. You’ve got to cure poverty, but not by artificial low prices and energy. So what you would have to do is two things: protect the commons through increasing the price of energy, and

then deal with poverty through, say, vouchers for people to buy a very highly efficient new hybrid car, free or low-cost improvement to the energy efficiency of their homes or a cash return. We have to deal with equity, and we have to deal with environmental effectiveness, and this means two acts of good governance in a world that has trouble getting one act of good governance. So I’m not pretending what I’m saying is easy. But there’s no defensible reason we couldn’t do everything I just said. The only thing is political will and people’s awareness. 2] g]c aSS bVOb YW\R ]T ^]ZWbWQOZ eWZZ W\ bVS =PO[O OR[W\Wab`ObW]\-

Dramatically. Relative to the past, dramatically. Remember, in the previous administration we were going in the wrong direction. In this administration, what we’ve got is the political will to get things done. They’ve put their money where their mouth is. They got with the stimulus bill $100 billion—that’s a lot of money—for green tech development. They still have congress in bed with all the special interests in their districts. Every coal mine, every power plant, all the farmers who wants to use fertilizer at the lowest price. These people only think about their own bottom line and their own backyard, never concerned about the country and less about the planet. So the difficulty is, he’s got to fight with the pork barrel lions in congress, including Democrats, and it takes major leadership. He’s got to make compromises, but he’s got to turn the ship around. You don’t turn a tanker around quickly. EVOb R] g]c aSS Oa bVS []ab W[^]`bO\b `]ZS T]` g]c W\ bVS Tcbc`S-

The most important role . . . it depends on whether we’re talking short term or long term. In the short term, it’s to try to explain to people how not to be fooled by the cacophonous and often fraudulent opinions out there. There’s all this nonsense out there and you can’t make good decisions if you don’t have some idea about what’s reality. Then, of course, there’s research and working inside the [Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change]. Long-term role, Crosby, Stills and Nash: “Teach your children well.â€? In my case, I include my academic children, which is where I’m about to go right now to meet with them. 0 /QbWdWbWSa ¨ #

october 21-28, 2009



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A/<B/1@CH 1=; october 21-28, 2009 1=D3@ AB=@G

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All the Cool Kids Are Doing It 350 Day activities for the life-on-Earth lover in you 0G 83AA71/ :CAA3<6=>


CT. 24 was officially declared “Climate Action Day� by the Santa Cruz County Board of Supervisors, along with much of the rest of the world, so naturally it will be possible to do nothing but eat, sleep and (someday) breathe the number 350 from sunup to sundown. Local organizations including People Power, Transition Santa Cruz and the city’s Climate Action Team (which wants to reduce Santa Cruz’s carbon output 30 percent by 2020) have all joined together to put on events that will have locals thinking 350 for the other 364 days of the year.

Thursday, Oct. 22 >@3 3D3<B >/@BG People Power

is hosting a cape- and banner-making party at its downtown offices. Bring plenty of green paint. 2:30–5pm. People Power, 703 Pacific Ave., Santa Cruz. 831.425.0665.

Saturday, Oct. 24 /: 5=@3¸A /< 7<1=<D3<73<B B@CB6 A1@33<7<5 The Museum of

Art and History will be screening the former vice president’s riveting hourand-a-half-long PSA on a continuous loop. 10am–5pm. Museum of Art and History, 705 Front St., Santa Cruz. Free. 831.429.1964. 6=7AB7<5 B63 A/7:A B= !# For once, a day at the beach will not permit us to forget all our troubles, when three sailboats display banners with the number 350 as they cruise between Santa Cruz harbor and the West Cliff lighthouse. 11am–noon.

!# /<2 >@/1B71/: /1B7D7A; /B C1A1 The student-run conference

will include a workshop titled “Shrinking Your Footprint One Step at a Time� on making smart choices for the planet in everyday life. 11am– 5pm. College Nine and College Ten, 1156 High St., Santa Cruz. Free. ;/@16 B= B=E< 1:=19 Starting

at the tip of the Municipal Wharf, a procession of sign wavers will make its way down Pacific Avenue to the Clock Tower. 1pm. 831.331.3072. ;=19 B@7/: =4 7<B3@</: 1=;0CAB7=< 3<57<3 County

Treasurer Fred Keeley will preside over a trial of the private automobile, with People Power cyclists bringing in the defendant on two wheels. District 5 Supe Mark Stone will also speak. 2–4pm. Corner of Water and Pacific Streets. To volunteer, call 831.425.0665. @32C13 G=C@ 1/@0=< 4==B>@7<B B6@=C56 273B Santa

Cruz Vegetarian Meet-up will be hosting an information booth on how a meatfree diet can dramatically lower one’s personal carbon contribution. 2–4pm. Memorial Plaza in front of Jamba Juice, Santa Cruz. >=B:C19 Tuck into some good vittles (BYO utensils!) at the solar-powered Live Oak Grange and stick around for speakers and a showing of the film A Convenient Truth: Urban Solutions From Curitiba, Brazil. The filmmakers will be there for discussion. 4–9pm. Live Oak Grange, 1900 17th Ave., Santa Cruz. 831.246.3466. 0

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october 21-28, 2009


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A/<B/1@CH 1=; A /<B/1@CH 1=; ooctober c t o b e r 221-28, 1 - 2 8 , 2009 2 0 0 9 / 3 / 3

TThe he FFemale emale G Gaze aze Pain Painter nter Ann nn turns Thiermann Thierman creaative eye eye her creative on w omeen artis ts women artists 0G 16@7AB7</ E/B3@A 0G 1 6 @ 7 A B 7 < / E/B 3 @ A


ERHAPS best ERHAPS best known known for for her her h igh-key colors, colors, historic historic murals murals high-key aand nd consummate consummate plein-air plein-air p astels, Ann Ann Thiermann Thiermann is is pastels, tireless connoisseur connoisseur o ther p eople’s a tireless off o other people’s artwork— —especially of of tthe he vvibrant ibrant vvariety ariety o artwork—especially off women’s artwork. artwork. Putting Putting her her considerable considerable women’s energies where where her her personal personal commitments commitments energies lie, Thiermann Thiermann has has just just finished finished an an lie, ambitious series series of of original original pieces, pieces, “Visual “Visual ambitious Conversations with with Women Women in in the the Arts, Arts,� Conversations which will will be be on on exhibit exhibit at at the the Eloise Eloise which Pickard Smith Smith Gallery Gallery through through Dec. Dec. 4. 4. Pickard The twist twist is is this: this: the the show show of of The Th hiermann’s portraits portraits will will be be displayed displayed Thiermann’s along with with the the objects objects and and implements implements along of her her subjects’ subjects’ artmaking. artmaking. A multimedia multimedia of bouquet of of visuals, visuals, artifacts, artifacts, sound sound and and bouquet digitized offerings offerings will will accompany accompany the the 20 20 digitized pastel and and acrylic acrylic portraits portraits of of outstanding outstanding pastel local artists artists in in the the midst midst of of their their work. work. local Many of of these these richly richly wrought wrought images, images, Many created over over a four-year four-year period, period, are are created particularly striking striking in in their their ability ability to to particularly capture the the poses poses and and settings settings in in which which capture the artists artists work. work. Even Evven the the expression expression the of being being lost lost in in the the creative creative process process is is of captured by by Thiermann, Th hiermann, for for example example in in captured the evocative evocative portrait portrait of of clay clay sculptor sculptor the Christianna Hunnicutt. Hunnicutt. Christianna It was was well-known well-known weaver weaver Ann Ann Dizikes, Dizikes, It as Thiermann Th hiermann recalls, recalls, who who inspired inspired the the as new show. show. “I “I did did a portrait portrait of of Ann Ann in in new 2005, and and it it was was displayed displayed next next to to her her 2005, weavings at at an an Open Open Studio Studio tour, tour,� she she says. says. weavings Th he portrait portrait and and the the weavings weavings seemed seemed to to The complete each each other. other. “So “So I thought, thought, why why complete not do do more—a more—a series?� series?� not She began began to to choose choose women women she she She admired to to be be the the next next subjects, subjects, and and the the admired

AB@7<5 B63=@G Thiermann’s A B@7<5 B63=@G Thiermann’s portrait portrait of of bookbinder bo okbinder and and papermaker papermaker Jody Jody Alexander Alexander is is a study study in in concentration. concentration.

llist ist ggrew. rew. “Most “Most o off tthe he p pieces ieces aare re p pastels, astels,� T hiermann n otes, ““although although n ot aall. ll.� Thiermann notes, not T hiermann’s llighting ighting iiss iintimate ntimate aand nd Thiermann’s p ersonal, aass aare re tthe he p oses of of her her subjects. subjects. personal, poses W ee D izikes aabsorbed bsorbed iin nh er w ork, Wee ssee Dizikes her work, aabout bout to to aadd dd strands strands to to ccloth loth o n her her on lloom. oom. A d ramatic llimited imited p alette sshows hows dramatic palette llacemaker acemaker M argaret M ore aabsorbed bsorbed iin nh er Margaret More her iintricate ntricate ccraft. raft. Th he posing posing often often required required several several The ssessions, essions, Th hiermann eexplains. xplains. ““Tandy Tandy Thiermann [[Beal] Beal] started started m oving aand nd d ancing w hen moving dancing when I came came tto o vvisit, isit, aand nd I jjust ust p hotographed photographed ffor or aan n hour. hour.� That Th hat p rocess, iin n tturn, urn, gave gave process, w ay to to aanother nother ccomponent omponent o he sshow: how: a way off tthe D VD of of B eal d ancing. S ince T hiermann iiss DVD Beal dancing. Since Thiermann ap ianist aand nd o rganist, m usical aartists rtists were were pianist organist, musical iincluded ncluded aass w ell. “There “Th here w ill be be h eadsets well. will headsets

next tto next om many any o off tthe he p portraits, ortraits,� sshe he ssays, ays, “so “so yyou ou ccan an llisten isten tto o tthem hem p erform.� perform. Drawing up up a list list that that would would include include a Drawing b alance o women from from various various ffields— ields— balance off women m usicians, sculptors, sculptors, llacemakers, acemakers, dancers, dancers, musicians, m etalworkers, cceramicists—Thiermann eramicists—Thiermann metalworkers, tthen hen aapproached pproached Smith Smith G allery d irector Gallery director L inda P ope, w ho had had ad already already eexpressed xpressed Linda Pope, who iinterest nterest iin n sshowing howing h er w ork. “She’s “She’s tthe he her work. ccurator, urator, sso o she she could could h ave p icked aand nd have picked cchosen, hosen, b ut iin n tthe he eend nd L inda d ecided tto o but Linda decided iinclude nclude aall ll o he aartists rtists I h ad d one.� off tthe had done. Thiermann says says all all of of the the past past four four Thiermann yyears ears o inspiration h ave come come together together off inspiration have iin n a show show eeven ven m ore ssubstantial ubstantial tthan han sshe he more h ad bargained bargained ffor. or. IIn n fact, fact, the the show show will will had ttravel ravel iin nM arch to to tthe he P ajaro Valley Valley A rt March Pajaro Art G allery iin nW atsonville. B eyond tthat, hat, w ho Gallery Watsonville. Beyond who

knows? k nows? ““II am am working working o on n a ggrant rant tto oh have ave iitt eexhibited xhibited aatt tthe he N ational M useum o National Museum off W omen in in the the Arts, Arts,� she she says. says. Women Those intrigued Th intrigued by by Thiermann’s Thiermann’s images images Those w ill b nterested in in tthe he N ov. 8 Jo ohn will bee iinterested Nov. John D izikes cconcert oncert aatt C owell C ollege D ining Dizikes Cowell College Dining H all. M usic SShe he W rote w ill b erformed b Hall. Music Wrote will bee p performed byy m usicians sshowcased howcased iin n tthe he S mith G allery musicians Smith Gallery sshow. how. VISU UAL A CONVERSATIONS CONVERSATIONS WITH WIT TH H VISUAL WO OMEN IN THE ARTS ARTS is at thee WOMEN E Pickard Smith Gallery Gallerry at Eloise Pickard ough Coowell C ollege o e, UCSC C, thr Cowell College, UCSC, through D . 4, Tuesday–Sunday, Dec Tu uesday –SSundayy, 11am–5pm. 11am–55pm. Dec. Reeception is Sunday, Sundayy, Oct. 25, 2–4pm; 2–4 4pm; Reception 831.459.2953.

& j / 3 october 21-28, 2009 A/<B/1@CH 1=; / 3

Chamber Fever Two chamber music outfits, one glorious weekend 0G A1=BB ; /1 1:3::/<2


N SEASONS PAST, a weekend like the one coming up—with two chamber music concerts on the same day by groups bearing nearly identical names—could have caused mayhem among the classical cognoscenti. Fortunately for both the Santa Cruz Chamber Players and the Santa Cruz Chamber Orchestra, the latter has changed its name to Cadenza, and so order reigns again as a fine season opens for both. Kevin Jordan opens the Santa Cruz Chamber Players season with music for brass quintet. While the program includes a canzon by Giovanni Gabrieli (music often heard in brass programs since the 1950s), that late 16th-century composer had no access to these instruments as we know them today. Quintets made popular by the Canadian Brass and Empire Brass were invented in the 19th century, first by a Frenchman called JeanFrançois Bellon, whose works are now virtually forgotten, and then by the St. Petersburg amateur Victor Ewald, whose Russian-f lavored Quintet in Bflat, op. 5, is included in Jordan’s lineup. The program opens with Benjamin Britten’s Fanfare for St. Edmundsbury, for three valveless trumpets (one part here assigned to horn). Without valves, some of the notes will sound out of tune, exactly the sort of challenge Britten so cleverly designed for the International Trumpet Guild in 1979. Ingolf Dahl’s Music for Brass Instruments from the early ’50s is a highly regarded staple of the quintet repertoire, as is Malcolm Arnold’s Quintet for Brass, a work that ref lects the composer’s own trumpet virtuosity along with the tricks and techniques familiar to all brass players. French Christmas carols will be recalled in Morley Calvert’s charming quintet written for the band

93G >:/G3@ Pianist Brenda Tom performs a Shostakovich concerto this Saturday with the newly christened Cadenza ( formerly the Santa Cruz Chamber Orchestra).

program he directed at Montreal’s McGill University. Meanwhile, opening the 2009–2010 season, Maya Barsacq has changed the name of her string orchestra to Cadenza, and performs three 20th-century masterpieces. Dmitri Shostakovich was 27 when he wrote Piano Concerto no. 1, which encapsulates the many expressive facets—sarcasm, wit, theatricality and pathos—that recurred throughout his creative career. Soloist Brenda Tom is joined by trumpeter Owen Miyoshi in a prominent concertante part. Miyoshi gets a similar role in the concluding movement of Arthur Honegger’s haunting and anxious wartime Symphony no. 2 when he plays a heroic chorale melody over the frantic strings. Now 63, Latvian composer Peteris Vasks ranks among the best of today’s composers. His Cantabile f latters the strings with a rich tapestry of textures and, at one passage, simultaneous

improvisation by all players. “Cantabile is a stunning piece,� says Barsacq. “Its various climaxes and large diminuendo sections are like the mountains of an inner world, the emotional highs and lows that we humans experience throughout our lives.�

SANTA CRUZ CHAMBER PLAYERS perform Saturday, Oct. 24, 8pm, and Sunday, Oct. 25, 3pm, at Christ Lutheran Church, 10707 Soquel Dr., Aptos. Tickets at the door are $20 general/$15 seniors/$10 youth. For more information, 831.425.3149. CADENZA plays Saturday Oct. 24, 8pm, at Holy Cross Church, 126 High St., Santa Cruz. Tickets are $20 general/$15 seniors*/ $10 students with ID* (*available at the door only), or Streetlight Records, call 800.838.3006 or 831.429.1973.

SANTACRUZ.COM october 21-28, 2009

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! j AB/53 /@B 3D3<BA october 21-28, 2009 A/<B/1@CH 1=; :7AB G=C@ :=1/: 3D3<B 7< B63 1/:3<2/@

Email it to calendar@santacruzweekly.com, fax it to 831.457.5828, or drop it by our office. Events must be received by Wednesday at noon one week prior to publication. Placement cannot be guaranteed.



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Stage Art

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A/<B/1@CH 1=; october 21-28, 2009 AB/53 /@B 3D3<BA

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>7F/@ E339 In honor of Pixar and Disney Animation Studios president Ed Catmull, who receives the UCSC Foundation Medal this Friday for being so Santa Cruz–like, animated critters and the people who make them are popping up all over town. Mark Henne, a UCSC alumnus who worked on Toy Story, A Bug’s Life and more, gives a lecture titled “The Making of Toy Storyâ€? on Wednesday, Oct. 21, at 6pm at NextSpace, 101 Cooper St., Santa Cruz; tickets $10 at 831.420.0710. Michael B. Johnson, head of the Moving Pictures Group at Pixar, gives a talk called “Making Movies ĂŽs Hard Fun: Building Tools for Telling Storiesâ€? Thursday, Oct. 22, at 4pm at Oakes College, Room 105, UCSC Campus; free. The film The Pixar Story shows Thursday, Oct. 22, at 7pm at the Del Mar Theatre, 1124 Pacific Ave., Santa Cruz; 831.469.3320. Catmull’s speech, “Creativity: What I Don’t Know and What I Know,â€? is Friday, Oct. 23, at 3pm at the Music Recital Hall, UCSC. Tickets are free, but reserve them at santacruztickets.com. ejih ^i Vaa dji i]ZgZ Vi dcXZ [dg i]Z ldgaY id hZZ# 7ZcZ[^ih BVg^edhVÉh 6gi! l]^X] WZcZ[^ih Vi"g^h` `^Yh l^i] [gZZ Vgi ^chigjXi^dc VcY egd_ZXih# HVi! DXi ')! */(%eb# ;gZZ# AVjgZa EVg`! AVjgZa VcY LVh]^c\idc higZZih! HVciV 8gjo! -(&#'),#&'*.# C1A1 1SZSP`ObSa >WfO` 6 lZZ` d[ aZXijgZh VcY [^ab hXgZZc^c\h [ZVijg^c\ heZX^Va^hih [gdb E^mVg 6c^bVi^dc HijY^dh VcY J8H8# CZmi/ LZY DXi '&! +eb! Vi CZmiheVXZ! E^mVgÉh BVg` =ZccZ heZV`h dc ÆI]Z BV`^c\ d[ ĂˆIdn HidgnÉÇ0 i^X`Zih &%# Id [daadl/ Dc I]j DXi '' Vi )eb ^c DV`Zh 8daaZ\Z Gddb &%*! B^X]VZa 7# ?d]chdc d[ E^mVg heZV`h dc ÆBV`^c\ Bdk^Zh >h =VgY ;jc/ 7j^aY^c\ Iddah [dg IZaa^c\ Hidg^Zh#Ç I]Zc/ I]j DXi '' Vi ,eb! i]Z 9Za BVg I]ZVigZ ]dhih i]Z YdXj[^ab I]Z E^mVg Hidgn [daadlZY Wn F 6 l^i] ^ih bV`Zg! AZha^Z >lZg`h0 i^X`Zih *# ;^cVaan/ E^mVg egZh^YZci :Y 8Vibjaa heZV`h dc ;g^ DXi '( Vi (eb! ^c Bjh^X GZX^iVa =Vaa! dc Æ8gZVi^k^in/ L]Vi > 9dcÉi @cdl VcY L]Vi > @cdl0Ç [gZZ Wji VYkVcXZ i^X`Zi [gdb hVciVXgjoi^X`Zih#Xdb gZfj^gZY# I]gj DXi '(! +eb# -(&#)*.#').+#

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A/BC@2/G "

13@<C2/ 7< B@/<A:/B7=< In an evening of poetry rendered in a second tongue, Santa Cruz Weekly contributor Stephen Kessler and Romanian-born poet Alta Ifland read at Felix Kulpa for the New Cadence Poetry Series. Kessler reads from his most recent book, Desolation of the Chimera: Last Poems by Luis Cernuda, a collection of works by the 20th-century Spanish poet, a contemporary of Federico Garcia Lorca and Salvador Dali. Ifland’s book of French and English prose poems, Voice of Ice, won the 2008 Louis Guillaume Prize for Prose Poems. Saturday, Oct. 24, at 7pm at Felix Kulpa Gallery, 107 Elm St., Santa Cruz; 408.373.2854. ,/(%eb# ;gZZ# 7dd`h]de HVciV 8gjo! &*'% EVX^[^X 6kZ! HVciV 8gjo! -(&#)'(#%.%%# >]Sb A^SOY =^S\ @SORW\U ;ZVijgZY gZVYZg 6YZaV CV_Vggd l^aa gZVY0 ViiZcYZZh VgZ lZaXdbZ id [daadl# Hjc! DXi '*! 'eb# ;gZZ# HVciV 8gjo 8ZcigVa 7gVcX] A^WgVgn! '') 8]jgX] Hi! HVciV 8gjo! -(&#)'%#*,%%# @]PS`b 1]VS\ O\R 0SbbW\O /^bVSYS` 7di] ^aajhig^djh heZV`Zgh VYYgZhh BVg^d HVk^d d[ 7Zg`ZaZn Ăˆh ;gZZ HeZZX] BdkZbZci0 8d]Zc i]gdj\] ]^h Wdd` ;gZZYdbÉh DgVidg VcY 6ei]Z`Zg i]gdj\] ]Zg Wdd` >ci^bViZ Eda^i^Xh# Bdc! DXi '+! ,/(%eb# ;gZZ# 7dd`h]de HVciV 8gjo! &*'% EVX^[^X 6kZ! HVciV 8gjo! -(&#)'(#%.%%# Ab]`WSa T]` 9WRa GZVYZgh 7^aa^Z =Vgg^h VcY ?^aa GdhZ igZVi `^Yh id [jc hidg^Zh# Bdc! &&Vb# 8Ve^idaV 7dd`

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A/<B/1@CH 1=; october 21-28, 2009 AB/53 /@B 3D3<BA


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@32E==2 AC@40=/@2 3FB@/D/5/<H/ Strange but true: most of the surf boards in Waikiki in the 1910s and 1920s were made from San Lorenzo Valley redwood—our thank-you gift, you might say, to Hawaii for choosing Santa Cruz as the place to introduce surfing to the mainland. The San Lorenzo Valley Museum kicks off a new show celebrating this fact with a shindig tonight complete with free refreshments and booksigning by local surfer/author Thomas Hickenbottom. (Pictured above at left, David Kahanumoku shapes a redwood board on Waikiki in 1926; at right, Santa Cruz shaper Johnny Rice goes retro with a big tree board of his own.) Saturday, Oct. 24, at 6pm, San Lorenzo Valley Museum, 12547 Hwy. 9, Boulder Creek; 831.338.8382.

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KRIS KRISTOFFERSON One Man Armed Only With A Mic and Guitar!

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3 !"





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!" j AB/53 /@B 3D3<BA october 21-28, 2009 A/<B/1@CH 1=;

y n o h p Sym ! i r a f a S SurďŹ n’

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Surf’s up! Come to a beneďŹ t concert for the


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Sport your best Hawaiian shirt and come hear your favorite Surf tunes performed with the Santa Cruz County Symphony!


For tickets www.santacruztickets.com or call 831-420-5260

;caWQWO\a( AO\bO 1`ch 1Wbg 0O\R I]Z HVciV 8gjo 8^in 7VcY ^h deZc id VcndcZ l]d eaVnh V WVcY ^chigjbZci VcY ^h egd[^X^Zci Vi gZVY^c\ bjh^X! VcY bZZih BdcYVnh ,/(%"./(%eb ^c i]Z HVciV 8gjo =^\] 7VcY Gddb0 hide dc Wn# Bdc! ,/(%eb# ;gZZ# -(&#)'*#%&&%#

For special “cabaret style� seating call 831-462-0553, ext.10 Sponsored in part by

AO\bO 1`ch AObc`ROg ;O`YSb AdXVa VcY ^ciZgcVi^dcVa XgV[i WVoVVg! XZgi^[^ZY [VgbZgh bVg`Zi! a^kZ bjh^X! [ddY VcY `^Yh eaVn odcZ# HVi! &%Vb" +eb# ;gZZ# HVc AdgZcod EVg`! WZilZZc LViZg Hi VcY HdfjZa 6kZ! HVciV 8gjo! -(&#*&*#)&%-# AO\bO 1`ch AZO[ K^h^i i]Z aZ\ZcYVgn HVciV 8gjo HaVb id hZZ iVaZciZY edZih eZg[dgb gdjh^c\! hi^bjaVi^c\ VcY i]dj\]i"egdkd`^c\ XdbeZi^i^kZ hed`Zc ldgY ^c V XaVhh^X >g^h] ejW# ;djgi] Hjc d[

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4:G7<5 9/@/;/H=D 0@=A /<2 B=; <=22G The pride of Santa Cruz juggling and the Bubble Guy step away from the national spotlight to take the Catalyst stage in a rare sitdown show to benefit Tagaway, the gang tattoo removal program at Dominican Hospital. Saturday, Oct. 24, at 8pm at the Catalyst, 1011 Pacific Ave, Santa Cruz. Tickets are $45 general/$75 Golden Circle. www.catalystclub.com or 831. 423.1338. ZkZgn bdci]! -"&&eb# EdZi VcY EVig^di >g^h] EjW! ('% 8ZYVg Hi! HVciV 8gjo! -(&#*&%#&&*.#

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A/<B/1@CH 1=; october 21-28, 2009 AB/53 /@B 3D3<BA

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6=;3:3AA 5/@23< 03<347B Charlie Parker, chef at Cellar Door CafĂŠ in the Bonny Doon Vineyard tasting room, serves up mad tasty treats for this fundraiser for the Homeless Garden Project. Bonny Doon wine, too: mmm-good. Tuesday, Oct. 27, at 6pm at Cellar Door CafĂŠ, 328 Ingalls St., Santa Cruz. Tickets are $50 at 831.426.3609, ext. 2. 9^\^iVa 6gih GZhZVgX] 8ZciZg# I]j! DXi ''! )/(%",/(%eb VcY ;g^! DXi '(! ./(%Vb",/(%eb# ;gZZ# J8H8 6gih ;VX^a^i^Zh! HVciV 8gjo#

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03/BA1/>3 ooctober c t o b e r 221-28, 1 - 2 8 , 22009 0 0 9 A/<B/1@CH 1=; A/<B/1@CH 1=; !$ ! $ j 03/BA1/>3

Jazz Presenters since 1975



â€œâ€Śfrom crisp Ellingtonian swing into cacophonous group improvisation.â€?- New York Times $20/Adv $23/Dr • FREE to Kuumbwa Members! Support for this concert comes from the Consulate General of the Netherlands in NewYork MON. OCTOBER 26 • 7 PM

MARCUS ROBERTS TRIO Roland Guerin - bass Jason Marsalis - drums $25/Adv $28/Door Sponsored by Dale O’Rourke


QUASIMODAL Power trio in an eclectic jazz format! CD RELEASE CONCERT! $12/Adv $15/Door Jazz & Dinner: $24.60/Adv MON. NOVEMBER 2 • 7 PM

TRIO 3: OLIVER LAKE, REGGIE WORKMAN, ANDREW CYRILLE $25/Adv $28/Door 1/2 Price Night for Students At the door only with I.D. Made possible by David & Kate Hartzell and William & Cloy Codiga Family Foundation

THURS. NOVEMBER 5 • 7 & 9 PM Premiere jazz violinist!


$28/Adv $31/Dr, No Jazztix/Comps Sponsored by Soif Wine Bar & Merchants Pulse Productions & Kuumbwa Jazz Present: MON. NOVEMBER 9 @ THE RIO THEATRE

MILTON NASCIMENTO w/special guest Claudia AcuĂąa opening $50 Gold Circle, $35 General No Jazztix/Comps Tix at: Logos, kuumbwajazz.org, pulseproductions.net,

075 0=G 0:C3 0 75 0=G 0:C3 Sonny Landreth Landreth plays Moe’s Moe’s Alley A ey on Friday. Alle Friday.



Sponsored by Santa Cruz Sentinel

MON. NOVEMBER 16 • 7 & 9 PM


7 PM: $27/Adv $30/Door 9 PM: $22/Adv $25/Dr, No Jazztix/Comps Sponsored by Travels with Romney

Nov. 19 Nov. 30 Dec. 7

Fred Hersch - solo Kim Nalley “The Heart of Lady Day� Dan Hicks and the Hotlicks “Holidaze in Hicksville�

THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29 • ALL DAY SHOP New Leaf & SUPPORT Kuumbwa Jazz! Downtown, Westside & 41st Ave. stores (5% sales donated) Dinner served Mondays & Thursdays beginning at 6pm, serving premium wines & microbrewed beers. Snacks & desserts available all other nights. All age venue.

Advance tickets at Logos Books & Records and online at kuumbwajazz.org Tickets subject to service charge and 5% S.C. City Admission Tax.



4 27 - 2 2 27

E32<3A2/G j E 32<3A2/G j

B6C@A2/G j B 6 C @ A 2/G j

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To T o gget et a ssense ense o off K Kurt urt V Vile’s ile’s ssound, ound, iimagine magine listening listening tto o a llost ost ’’60s 60s p sychedelic 77-inch -inch w hile ssubmerged ubmerged psychedelic while b eneath a p articularly d ank p ool beneath particularly dank pool o ong water: water: eelements lements o olk aand nd off b bong off ffolk p sych-rock make make themselves themselves h eard psych-rock heard tthrough hrough llayers ayers o uzz aand nd rreverb. everb. A off ffuzz sself-recorded, elf-recorded, home-taping home-taping p rodigy, prodigy, V ile h as b een ccatapulted atapulted tto on ational Vile has been national aattention ttention b igning tto om ajor iindie ndie byy ssigning major llabel abel Matador, Matador, b ut d espite tthe he but despite iincreased ncreased aattention, ttention, he’s he’s u nlikely to to unlikely m ake m any cconcessions. oncessions. F or many many make many For aartists, rtists, this this sort sort o ural obfuscation obfuscation ccan an off aaural b ask tto oh ide o ther d ef iciencies, bee a m mask hide other deficiencies, b ut V ile’s ssongwriting ongwriting ssavvy avvy iiss cclearly learly but Vile’s eevident vident eeven ven b eneath a fflood lood o oise beneath off n noise aand nd effects. effects. Crepe Crepe Place; Place; $8 $8 advance/$10 advance/$10 d oor; 9 pm. ((Paul Paul M avis) door; 9pm. M.. D Davis)

The T he M Michelle ichelle B Branch ranch o off M Morgan organ H Hill, ill, A prylle G ilbert iiss a ffresh resh vvoice oice iin n tthe he Aprylle Gilbert w orld o op rrock ock aand nd ffolk. olk. H er n ew world off p pop Her new d isc, Diamond Diamond in in the the Rough, Rough, quietly quietly disc, screams for for attention attention and and is is worth worth a screams listen, to to say say the the least. least. She’s She’s also also pulling pulling listen, some veteran veteran talent talent from from around around some Central California California to to help help her her translate translate Central it live. live. Chief Chief among among the the contracted contracted help help it is Ben Ben Lomond’s Lomond’s homey homey folk folk rocker rocker is Ben Laney Laney and and the the multitalented multitalented Jim Jim Ben Lewin, best best known known as as the the guitarist guitarist Lewin, for local local country country icon icon Lacy Lacy J. J. Dalton. Dalton. for Throw in in a couple couple of of surprise surprise guests guests Throw and you’ve you’ve got got quite quite a coming-out coming- out and party for for this this ambitious ambitious starlet. starlet. Cayuga Cayuga party Vault; $10 $10 advance/$12 advance/$12 door; door; 8pm. 8pm. Vault; (Curtis Cartier) Cartier) (Curtis

Phil M Phil Mogg, oggg, tthe he o original riginal vvocalist ocalist aand nd llyricist yricist o ritish rrock ock ggods ods U FO, o nce off B British UFO, once ccompared ompared ssongwriting ongwriting tto ob aking a baking ccake: ake: individual individual ideas ideas need need to to come come ttogether oggether just just right. right. UFO UFO knows knows all all aabout bout tthe he m agic o pecial iingredients. ngredients. magic off sspecial W hen M ichael S chenker o he When Michael Schenker off tthe S corpions jjoined oined tthe he b and iin n 11973, 973, Scorpions band h elped cchauffeur hauffeur ttheir heir sspace pace rrock ock hee h helped ssound ound o he eearly arly ’’70s 70s iinto nto tthe he h azy off tthe hazy ’’80s 80s w ith ccommercially ommercially ssuccessful uccessful h its with hits llike ike ““Doctor Doctor D octor,� b ut llike ike a p esky Doctor, but pesky eex-boyfriend, x-boyfriend, S chenker aabandoned bandoned Schenker aand nd tthen hen ccrawled rawled b ack tto o tthe he ggroup roup back m ultiple ttimes imes ffor or n early tthree hree d ecades. multiple nearly decades. IIn n tthe he eend, nd, tthough, hough, iitt w as tthis his aand nd was o ther iinternal nternal ttensions ensions tthat hat h elped ffuel uel other helped tthe he vvoracious oracious sslide lide rriffs iffs aand nd llegendary egendary m etal h ooks o his iinfluential nf luential gguitaruitarmetal hooks off tthis d riven o utf it. C atalyst; $ 22 aadvance/ dvance/ driven outfit. Catalyst; $22 $ 26 d oor; 8 pm. ((Jaime Jaime N abrynski) $26 door; 8pm. Nabrynski)

!% j !%

A/<B/1@CH 1=; A /<B/1@CH 1=; ooctober c t o b e r 221-28, 1 - 2 8 , 2009 2 0 0 9 03/BA1/>3 03/BA1/>3 3

1=<13@BA 1 = < 1 3 @ B A =H=;/B =H=;/B:7 /B B:7 OCT T. 30 A T CA ATA TA YSST TAL ST OCT. AT CATALYST 4@3 4@3?C3 < G 8= <1 =< <3 3A 4@3?C3<1G 8=<3A OCT T. 31 AT AT CREPE CR REPE RE REPE EPEE PLACE PLA PL LACE OCT.

4@72/G j 4 @ 7 2/G j !

A=<<G A=<<G :/<2@3B6 : /<2@3B6 No N oo other ther p player layer ffrets rets q quite uite llike ike S Sonny onny L andreth. His His style—a style—a distinctive distinctive Landreth. aamalgam malgam of of fingerpicked f ingerpicked and and slide slide gguitar—might uitar—might be be nearly nearly impossible impossible to to rre-create, e- create, and and for for this this and and his his extensive extensive ssession ession work, work, Landreth’s Landreth’s songwriting songwriting sskills kills are are often often overlooked. overlooked. Inspired Inspired b outhern G othic aauthors uthors ssuch uch byy S Southern Gothic aass W illiam F aulkner aand nd F lannery William Faulkner Flannery O ’Connor, L andreth’s ssongs ongs cconstitute onstitute O’Connor, Landreth’s a fform orm o aroque rreportage eportage o n tthe he off b baroque on B ayou cculture ulture tthat hat sspawned pawned h im. Bayou him. T he ffact act tthat hat tthese hese o bservations aare re The observations d elivered w ith ffull-bodied ull-bodied ggusto usto b delivered with byy a p layer w ho iiss ccomfortable omfortable n avigating player who navigating tthe he b lues, zzydeco ydeco aand nd rrock ock & rroll oll o nly blues, only ccements ements L andreth aass a ttrue rue sson on o he Landreth off tthe L ouisiana sswamps. wamps. M oe’s A lley; Louisiana Moe’s Alley; $ 25 aadvance/$30 dvance/$30 d oor; 9 pm. ((PMD) PMD) $25 door; 9pm.

A/BC@2/G j A /B C @ 2/G j "

075 0/;0C 0 75 0/;0C Local blues-rock Local blues-rock b band and B Big ig Bambu Bambu iiss n ormally aall ll aabout bout the the ggood ood ttimes: imes: normally ffunk unk grooves, grooves, wry wry lyrics lyrics aand nd boogieboogiew ooggie blues blues jjams. ams. T his sset et at at D on woogie This Don Q uixote’s adds adds a ssocial ocial ccomponent omponent to to Quixote’s tthe he partying, partying, sserving erving aass a benefit benef it ffor or tthe he nonprofit nonprof it F inding Sophia Sophia and and iits ts Finding eefforts fforts tto ob uild homes homes for for destitute destitute build ffamilies amilies in in Mexico. Mexico. E ven though though the the Even sshow how is is b enef iting a ggood ood ccause, ause, d on’t benefiting don’t

eexpect xpect m mu uch ssermonizing ermonizing ffrom rom tthe he much sstage: tage: B ig B ambu iiss aall ll aabout bout ggetting etting Big Bambu iits ts aaudiences udiences w orked u p aand nd ssweaty weaty worked up o n tthe he d ance ffloor, loor, aand nd tthis his iiss tthe he rrare are on dance o pportunity tto od ance tthe he n ight aaway way opportunity dance night w hile d oing ggood. ood. D on Q uixote’s; $ 15; while doing Don Quixote’s; $15; 8 pm. ((PMD) PMD) 8pm.

A/BC@2/G j A /B C @ 2/G j "

/1=CAB71 / 1 = C A B 7 1 4 @ 7 3 < 2 A 4@73<2A 4 / ; 7 :G 4/;7:G Th The he n name ame ssays ays it it aall ll for for this this weekend’s weekend’s unplugged u nplugged sound-off sound-off at at Studio Studio E near Costco. Folks David n ear C ostco. Fo olks like like Etienne Etienne D avid will bring w ill b ring a jjazzed-up azzed-up funky funky vibe vibe while husband-and-wife w hile h usband-and-wife Serenity Serenity Krishna aand nd Arindam Arindam K rishna Das Das will will join join ttheir heir somehow-normally-named somehow-normally-named sson on Christopher C hristopher Levy Levy to to eeach ach give give their their on ttake ake o n sspiritual, piritual, psychedelic, psychedelic, ffolk olk and and Chalked rrock ock jjams. ams. C halked up up also also on on the the bill: bill: UCSC U CSC thespian-turned-songwriter thespian-turned-songw writer Kendra McKinley, queen K endra M cKinley, comedy comedy q ueen Moreah Walker M oreah W alker and and local local “Greese� “Greese� Rhythm. sstar tar Harmony Harmony R hythm. Add Add it it up up aand nd yyou’ve ou’ve ggot ot a rare rare all-local all-local lineup lineup at at an an Studio eeven ven rarer rarer nonprofit nonprof it venue. venue. S tudio E, E, Harvey 1151E 51E H arvvey West West Blvd., Blvd., $10; $10; 8pm. 8pm. ((CC) CC)

AC<2/G j A C < 2/G j #

B7; 3@79A3< B 7; 3@79A3< Instruments? T Instruments? Tim im E Eriksen riksen d don’t on’t need n eed no no stinking stinking instruments. instruments. This This

AB@723@ A B@723@ R Ragtime aagtime andd rhythm with the Mar Marcus cus Roberts Rooberts T Trio rrio

B@7= B@7= ! B@7= ! NO V. 2 A T KU U UU UUMBW BW WA NOV. AT KUUMBWA 07:: :: 97@ 7@ @163< /<2 / 2 /< 07:: 97@163< /<2 B= B == ;C C16 4C< B== ;C16 4C< NO V. 4 A T DO ON QUIXOTE’S QUIXO XOTE’S ’SS NOV. AT DON B@ /<13 : := =D3 /7@ @E/D D3A B@/<13 :=D3 /7@E/D3A NO V. 7 AT AT CAYUGA CA AYUGA YU VAUL U T NOV. VAULT D /;>7@3 E3393 E 93 3<2 < D/;>7@3 E3393<2 NO V. 8 A T CA TA ALLY LY YST YS T NOV. AT CATALYST ;7: :B :B B=< =< </A17;3<B= ;7:B=< </A17;3<B= NO V. 9 A T RIO RIO O THEA TH HEATRE ATREE NOV. AT THEATRE 93::3@ E7::7/;A 93::3@ E7::7/;A NO V. 17 7, 18 A T MOE’S ALLEY LLEY E NOV. 17, AT

old-time ffolk old-time olk eenthusiast nthusiast ccan an cconvey onvey h is haunting haunting N ew E ngland ballads ballads a his New England ccappella—though appella—though he he usually usually favors favors a lone lone strumming strumming gguitar uitar o reepy orr a ccreepy vviolin. iolin. A fformer ormer D artmouth m usic Dartmouth music p rofessor and and n oted Northeast Northeast h istory professor noted history b uff, Eriksen’s Eriksen’s ggot ot roots roots in in m usic buff, music sstyles tyles rranging anging ffrom rom Balkan Balkan d ance tto o dance eelectropop lectropop aand nd even even h ardcore p unk. hardcore punk. T outing h is ccredentials redentials aass tthe he o nly Touting his only m an tto o appear appear onstage onstage with with both both D oc man Doc W atson and and Kurt Kurt Cobain, Cobain, E riksen puts puts Watson Eriksen o n a sshow how sure sure tto o eelude lude convenient convenient on llabels. abels. Cayuga Cayuga Vault; Vault; $14 $14 advance/ advance/ $ 17 door; door; 77:30pm. :30pm. (CC) (CC) $17

;=<2/G j ; = < 2/G j $

; / @ 1 C A ;/@1CA @=03@BA B@7= @ = 0 3 @ BA B @ 7 = Musical d Musical dynamite ynamite iiss h hard ard tto o sspark, park, eespecially specially iin n tthe he ssubtle ubtle ccontainment ontainment o off jjazz, azz, b ut M arcus R oberts, Ja ason M arsalis but Marcus Roberts, Jason Marsalis aand nd R oland G uerin llight ight u pb eautifully. Roland Guerin up beautifully. R oberts, w orld-renowned o n tthe he p iano Roberts, world-renowned on piano aand nd a p hilosopher o mprovisation, h as philosopher off iimprovisation, has ccultivated ultivated tthe he ccohesion ohesion w ithin tthe he ggroup roup within ffor or tthe he b ass ((Guerin) Guerin) o rums ((Marsalis) Marsalis) bass orr d drums tto o sseamlessly eamlessly llead ead aand nd d etonate tthe he o ther detonate other m asters aatt w ill, p laying eentirely ntirely ffrom rom masters will, playing m emory o nventing o n tthe he ffly. ly. R oberts, memory orr iinventing on Roberts, ffirst irst ssigned igned iin n 11988 988 aatt tthe he aage ge o 4, ssays ays off 2 24, tthat hat w hen tthe he ggroup roup ggets ets ttogether, ogether, ““the the when m usic ssounds ounds ccomplete. omplete. I d on’t iimagine magine music don’t tthat hat aanything nything eelse lse sshould hould h ave h appened have happened o n tthe he b andstand o ther tthan han w hat d id.� on bandstand other what did. Th he rresulting esulting ssound ound ssimply imply ccannot annot b The bee ccreated reated b nly tthree hree iinstruments, nstruments, aand nd yyet et byy o only M arcus R oberts T rio d oes. K uumbwa; $ 25 Marcus Roberts Trio does. Kuumbwa; $25 aadvance/$28 dvance/$28 d oor; 77pm. pm. ((Austin Austin S ardella) door; Sardella)

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october 21-28, 2009


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A/<B/1@CH 1=; A /<B/1@CH 1=; ooctober c t o b e r 221-28, 1 - 2 8 , 22009 0 0 9 47:; 47:; ;

Byy Her B Her Own Ow n D Design esign 16/<B/: B6=;7<3 23A;/HC@3A 1 6/<B/: B6=;7<3 23A;/HC@3A

Chanel biopic Chanel Au udrey suitss Audrey Taut a tou Tautou 0G 16@7AB7</ E/B3@A 0G 1 6 @ 7 A B 7 < / E/B 3 @ A


EW H EW HAVE AVE E EARNED ARNED tthe he llabel abel “originalâ€? “originalâ€? as as Gabrielle Gabrielle ““Cocoâ€? Cocoâ€? Chanel Chanel did. did. The The eembodiment mb odiment of of pre-feminist pre-feminist ssexual exual freedom, fre r edom, she she came came to to know know eevery very ccultural ultural icon icon of of her her era era and and tturned urned tthe he little little black black dress dress into into a must-have. Coming m ust-havve. C oming of of age age at at the the turn turn off the o the 20th 20th century, centur y, Chanel’s Chanel’s odyssey odyssey began b egan iin n an an era era when when women women wore wore ttight ight ccorsets, orsets, hats hats the the size size of of wedding wedding ccakes akes and and skirts skir ts with with long long trains. trains. By By tthe he time time of of her her death death in in 1971, 1971, she she had had helped h elp ed tto o overthrow overthrow such such restrictions, restrictions, women eempowering mp owering w omen to to cut cut their their hair, hair, refuse matrimony re fuse m atrimony and—gasp— and—gasp — seek seek out o ut ccreative reative careers. careers. In Coco Before Chanel, handsomely In C oco B efore C hanel, a h andsomely forr m modern women, iillustrated llustrated ffable able fo o dern w omen, director Anne Fontaine d irector A nne F ontaine ccrosscuts rosscuts myths off fe female with m yths o male ssexuality exuality w ith tthose hose off cclass taboos. The o lass ta bo os. T he re rresult sult iiss a ccrisp risp portrait off a llifestyle whose p or trait o ifestyle aanarchist narchist w hose noncompliance with quo n oncompliance w ith tthe he sstatus tatus q uo won her place history. Well, w on h er a p lace iin nh istor y. W ell, tthis his tale. And while we’re iiss a ffairy airy ta le. A nd w hile w e’re aatt iit, t, iitt woman’s For baby boom iiss aalso lso a w oman’s ffilm. ilm. F or b aby b o om wickedly dee rrigueur—and will ggals, als, iitt iiss w ickedly d igueur—and w ill help how former model h elp eexplain xplain jjust ust h ow a fo rmer m o del bee Fi First Lady off F France ccan an b rst La dy o rance ttoday. oday. After Af ter childhoods childhoods spent sp ent in in an an orphanage, Coco her o rphanage, C o co aand nd h er ssister ister sstarted tar ted dance halls when ssinging inging iin nd ance h alls aatt a ttime ime w hen only women who worked were, tthe he o nly w omen w ho w orked w ere, well, All others w ell, ““working working ggirls.â€? irls.â€? A ll o thers ssought ought respectability husbands, or, re sp ectability vvia ia rrich ich h usbands, o r, barring b arring tthat—since hat—since class class distinctions distinctions were w ere aabsolute—at bsolute—at lleast east a husband. husband. Nott Coco. No Co co. In In a performance performance as as severe severe as as one one off Chanel’s o Chanel’s suits, suits, Tautou Tautou erases erases her her past ggamine amine p ast (AmĂŠlie) (AmĂŠlie) and and constructs constructs a taut taut portrait portrait of of an an aesthetic aesthetic rebel rebel

6=B 1=1= Audrey 6 =B 1=1= Audre y T Tautou autou sscandalizes candalizes ppolite olite ssociety o ciet y iin n ‘‘Coco Co co B Before effore C Chanel.’ hanel.’

and emotional and emotional cynic. cynic. More More show show than than ttell, ell, the the movie movie plunges plunges the the penniless p enniless C hanel into into the the midst midst of of an an uppercrust uppercrust Chanel w orld, w here she she is is ssheltered heltered by by world, where w ealthy h orse breeder breeder E tienne Balsan Balsan wealthy horse Etienne ((played played with with dash, dash, bravura bravura and and ssensitivity ensitivity by by Benoit Benoit Poelvoorde). Poelvoorde). B alsan’s world world is is decadent decadent in in the the Balsan’s eextreme, xtreme, and and Coco Coco is is kept kept away away from from h is gentrified gentrif ied friends friends and and their their lives lives of of his b oredom and and excess excess (shades (shades of of Balzac!). Balzac!). boredom Laced through through with with working-class working- class Laced h eroism, the the film f ilm shows shows Coco Co co rebelling reb elling heroism, aagainst gainst the the oceanic o ceanic gulf gulf between b etween those those b orn into into money money and and titles titles and and the the born re st of of her her generation generation by by making making a rest fe w deft def t alterations alterations in in the the uniforms uniforms few o staatus. Women Women of of wealth wealth can’t can’t off status.

gget et eenough nough o off h her er rradical adical iideas. deas. The The b lack h abits o he o rphanage nuns nuns black habits off tthe orphanage ffind ind ttheir heir w ay iinto nto h er ssophisticated ophisticated way her ggowns owns aand nd ssuits. uits. M en’s w hite sshirts hir ts Men’s white aare re ssoftened of tened iinto nto w omen’s d aywear, women’s daywear, aand nd tthe he ccinched inched w aist ta kes a hike. hike. waist takes F or ssheer heer ffashion ashion instincts, instincts, Chanel Chanel For h ad fe wp eers, aand nd h er iideas deas still still llook o ok had few peers, her aastonishingly stonishingly ffresh. rresh. There are are occasional o ccasional lapses lapses into into art ar t There ffilm ilm p reciousness— Co co ttransfixed ransf ixed preciousness—Coco b er ffirst irst gglimpse limpse o he o cean, byy h her off tthe ocean, C oco llying ying aalone lone iin n a ffield ield o utumn Coco off aautumn lleaves. eaves. But But even even aass they they ttelegraph elegraph ttheir heir p ublic ttelevision elevision llineage, ineage, tthese hese public iimages mages re inforce just just how how ssingular ingular aand nd reinforce fo cused sshe he h ad tto o be be iin no rder tto o push push focused had order tthrough hrough tthe he ssocially o cially aapproved pproved milieu. milieu.

Only O nly aatt tthe he vvery ery eend nd does does tthe he film f ilm wander biopic predictability. On w ander iinto nto b iopic p redictability. O n off h her Coco tthe he vverge erge o er ffirst irst rrunway unway sshow, how, C oco muses over past, her her m uses o ver tthe he p ast, h er cchildhood, hildhood, h er men has sstruggles, truggles, tthe he m en sshe he h as lloved oved aand nd order become Chanel. rrejected ejected iin no rder tto ob ecome C hanel. But obligatory B ut eeven ven tthe he o bligatory fflashbacks lashbacks ccan’t an’t dampen beauty off tthis d ampen tthe he sspare pare b eauty o his ffilm, ilm, a French kiss ccinematic inematic F rench k iss tto o tthe he ffashionista ashionista woman. iin n eevery very w oman. COCO BEFORE COCO BEFORE CHANEL CHANEL (PG-13; (PG-13; 1105 05 min.), min.), directed directed by by Anne Anne Fontaine Fontaine aand nd starring starring Audrey Audrey Tautou, Tautou, Benoit Benoit Poelvoorde P oelvoorde and and Alessandro Alessandro Nivola, Nivola, oopens pens Friday Friday at at the the Nickelodeon. Nickeelodeon. In In French with F rench w ith ssubtitles. ubtitles.

44 |

october 21-28, 2009


j "#

A/<B/1@CH 1=; october 21-28, 2009 47:;


Problem Child 1=C@B3AG E/@<3@ 0@=A

Jonze and Eggers’ version of ‘Where the Wild Things Are’ will leave fans at a loss 0G @716/@2 D=< 0CA/19


HE BEASTS are touchy, certainly not touchy-feely, and not very touching. The Spike Jonze/Dave Eggers live-action adaptation of Maurice Sendak’s Where the Wild Things Are won’t tread on many people’s dreams, but you may leave at a loss. The film is staged in an Australian forest, dusty and ringed by a cliff; this island is the domain of seven or eight depressed creatures who talk like Elaine May and Mike Nichols monologues. They’re cautious and fretful; they nurse passive little grudges and snipe at each other. When baffled, they make urbane little humming sounds, like someone at a museum trying to understand a particularly difficult painting. Where the Wild Things Are doesn’t talk down to kids. It gives them all due respect for the towering moods in small bodies, all acknowledgment of that miasma of depression that sensitive children wander through. But children’s moods change, and this film’s mood doesn’t. It’s essentially gloomy, like Peanuts strips clipped of their punch lines. Any moment of physical elation gets its counterpoint: the rumpusing beastliness ends with some injury, as per Mom’s warning about how it’s all fun and games until someone gets hurt. Sometimes the incidents of violence get extreme—against birds, for instance— and this fulfills the promise of a Harmony Korine children’s special seen in the first shaky images. Max Records seems just right as Max, the little boy whose father is out of the picture; he’s being raised by a loving but tired mother (Catherine Keener). After a snowball fight goes against him, the boy

;33B B63 <3E 0=AA Max lords it over the beasts in ‘Where the Wild Things Are.’

throws a tantrum, hopping up on the kitchen counter and bellowing, Richard Harris–wise, “Feed me, woman!� (Come to think of it, the funniest bit in Eggers’ Away We Go was the husband trying to talk macho sports-smack.) After a particular extreme bit of bad behavior, Max runs away to a local pond, where a sailboat waits. When he arrives on the island, Sendak’s 388-word plot is acted out: Max is made king not because of his size but because of his storytelling. He gets the most trust from the rage-prone beast Carol (voiced by James Gandolfini). The other wild things are faithful copies of Sendak’s bestiary—something between Chagall and Goya. They accept their newly crowned and sceptered king with muted enthusiasm, forming ever-shifting cliques. Judith (Catherine O’Hara), a rhino-horned anthropoid, is the most cutting and dangerous; KW (Lauren Ambrose) is the most maternal. The beasts aren’t always violent, but they always stare. They’re always sizing Max up; and they’re rough beasts, with mucousy noses and battle scratches. They are scarier than the book’s creatures. Then again, when he was a kid, this Universal

Monsters fan never thought those Wild Things were quite scary enough. Those Sendak beasts were such dumplings. Being the whimsical birthday clown of American letters, Eggers has made a career of trying to oppose the critical impulse in himself and others—of trying to get in tune with an inner child who must never be silenced by adult concerns. (We see this kind of storytelling in Max’s scene of weaving a tale of vampires and skyscrapers.) The problem of that approach is obvious: work that’s formless and cute and drifty. There’s no artistic force behind this movie, only whims and anxieties. A parting word from the beasts—“When you go home, will you say good things about us?�—seems addressed to a baffled audience. WHERE THE WILD THINGS ARE (PG; 94 min.), directed by Spike Jonze, written by Jonze and David Eggers, based on the book by Maurice Sendak, photographed by Lance Acord and starring Max Records and James Gandolfini, plays countywide.

"$ j 47:; october 21-28, 2009 A/<B/1@CH 1=;

SHOWTIMES FOR FRIDAY OCT 23 – THURSDAY OCT 29 STARTS FRIDAY 10/23 ON 2 SCREENS! “A truly impressive portrait of Amelia Earhart that captures the wild sensation of flying free as a bird!� –The Hollywood Reporter

Hilary Swank Richard Gere Ewan McGregor Virginia Madsen A


Based on the true story of Amelia Earhart .

(PG) Daily on 2 Screens: (1:45),

(3:45), (4:30), 6:15, 7:00, 8:45, 9:30 (R) plus Sat, Sun (11:30am), (1:00)

“One of the scariest movies of all time. – Bloody-Disgusting.com Nightmares are guaranteed!�

(R) Daily: (2:00), (4:00), 6:00, 8:00, 10:00 plus Thurs, Fri, Sat Midnight and Sat, Sun (12 noon)



Fri 10/23 & Sat 10/24 @ 11:00pm Midnights @ The Del Mar Fun! Prizes! Boom-Stick!

Army of Darkness (R)

Fri 10/23 & Sat 10/24 @ Midnight Next Week: Shaun of the Dead

Film Capsules <3E 1/>A /;3:7/ (PG; 119

min.) Arthouse director Mira Nair somehow landed this big-budget biopic starring Hilary Swank as Amelia Earhart and featuring Richard Gere and Ewan McGregor in supporting roles. (Opens Fri at Del Mar.) (SP)

energy of the first two and ends up campy and goofy instead of funny and scary. A lot of fans still love it for the addition of action-adventure into the series’ already barely describable mix of genres and for Ash lines like “Gimme some sugar, baby.�(Plays at the Del Mar on Fri and Sat at midnight.) (SP)

/AB@= 0=G (PG; 94 min.) Film remake /@;G =4 2/@9<3AA of the first Japanese (1992) Third anime TV show from installment of Sam the 1960s, about Raimi’s Evil Dead series a robot kid with can’t maintain the superpowers. For those

who found Speed Racer too relevant. (Opens Fri at Cinema 9, Scotts Valley and Green Valley.) (SP) 17@?C3 2C 4@3/9( B63 D/;>7@3¸A /AA7AB/<B (PG-13;

109 min.) Not being able to sit through an entire movie is one thing, but when you can barely sit through the title of a movie, that’s not a good sign. This movie is based on a series of young-adult books about a teenager who goes to the circus, where a vampire blackmails him into

Movie reviews by Steve Palopoli and Richard von Busack

becoming his assistant. Is it so hard to come up with a catchier title? How about “Holy Crap, The Guy at the Circus Is a Vampire!� I would go see that. (Opens Fri at Aptos, Riverfront and Green Valley.) (SP)

super creepy, and then suddenly was incredibly popular again because he died and people forgot that they thought he was creepy. No, not Nixon. (Opens Tue at 41st Ave and Scotts Valley.) (SP)

1=1= 034=@3 16/<3: (PG-13; 113

@3/@ E7<2=E

(1954) There was perhaps no theme closer to Hitchcock than voyeurism, and ;716/3: 8/19A=<¸A if the 8,000 books that have been written B67A 7A 7B (PG; 112 about him are to be min.) Documentary believed, the way it about a guy who was played itself out in his incredibly popular, working life was only until everybody marginally less creepy thought he was

min.) See review, page 43. (Opens Fri at the Nick.)

than the way it does in his movies. Rear Window, one of the five Hitchcock films that couldn’t be seen for 30 years after its release (the others are Vertigo, Rope, The Man Who Knew Too Much and The Trouble With Harry), is among the most brilliant high-concept movies of all time: Laid up after an accident, Jimmy Stewart begins peeping on his neighbors and believes he witnesses a murder. Literally hundreds of movies have stolen this helpless-murder-


SHOWTIMES STARTS FRI 10/23! “An absorbing & uniquely fetching drama about the most influential fashion icon of the 20th century!�

1Z]cRg EWbV O 1VO\QS ]T ;SObPOZZa – Wed-Thu 2:30; 4:30; 6:30; 8:30.

(5:10), 7:20, 9:35 plus Fri, Sat, Sun (12:50)

" AB /D3<C3 17<3;/A

1475 41st Ave., Capitola 831.479.3504 www.culvertheatres.com




;WQVOSZ 8OQYa]\¸a BVWa 7a 7b – (Opens Tue) Tue 9; Wed-Thu 11:15; 1:45; 4:15; 7; 9:30. >O`O\]`[OZ /QbWdWbg – Fri-Wed 11:30; 1:30; 3:30; 5:30; 7:30; 9:30; plus Fri-Sat 11:30pm. EVS`S bVS EWZR BVW\Ua /`S – Wed-Thu 11:55; 1:45; 4:15; 6:45; 9:15; Fri-Wed

11:15; 1:45; 4:15; 6:45; 9:15.


1]c^ZSa @Sb`SOb – Wed-Thu 11:55; 2:30; 5; 7:30; 9:55; Fri-Mon 11:45; 2:15; 4:45;

(5:00), 7:10, 9:30 plus Fri, Sat, Sun (12:40)


7:15; 9:45; Tue 11:45; 2:15; 4:45. H][PWSZO\R – Wed-Thu 11:30; 1:30; 3:40; 5:40; 7:45; 9:45.


Daily: (1:50), (4:20), 6:50, 9:20 FROM THE DIRECTOR OF





Daily: (2:40), (4:50), 7:00 plus Fri, Sat, Sun (12:30)

FINAL WEEK! Once Nightly:



( ) = Bargain Shows Before 5:30pm

23: ;/@

1124 Pacific Ave., Santa Cruz 831.426.7500 www.thenick.com /[SZWO – (Opens Fri) 1:45; 3:45; 4:30; 6:15; 7; 8:45; 9:30; plus Sat-Sun 11:30am; 1. BVW`ab – Wed-Thu 2:40; Fri-Sat 11pm. 1O^WbOZWa[( / :]dS Ab]`g – Wed-Thu 1:45; 4:15; 6:45; 9:15. >O`O\]`[OZ /QbWdWbg – Wed-Thu 2; 2:30; 4; 4:50; 6; 7:15; 8; 9:30; 10; Fri-Wed 2;

4; 6; 8; 10; plus Sat-Sun noon; plus Thu-Sat midnight. /`[g ]T 2O`Y\Saa– (Fri and Sat only) midnight.

<7193:=23=< STARTS FRI 10/23! “Magical! An eye-popping fantasy that’s simply a lot of fun!� –Cinema Blend

John C. Reilly Ken Watanabe Salma Hayek Willem DaFoe A


Lincoln and Cedar streets, Santa Cruz 831.426.7500 www.thenick.com 1]Q] 0ST]`S 1VO\SZ – (Opens Fri) 3; 5:10; 7:20; 9:35; plus Fri-Sun 12:50. / AS`W]ca ;O\ – (Opens Fri) 2:50; 5; 7:10; 9:30; plus Fri-Sun 12:40. ;]`S BVO\ O 5O[S – Wed-Thu 2:20; 4:40; 7; 9:20. BVS 0OORS` ;SW\V]T 1][^ZSf – Wed-Thu 3; 6; 9. BVS 0]ga /`S 0OQY– Wed-Thu 1:50; 4:20; 6:50; 9:20; Fri-Wed 2:40; 4:50; 7; plus

Fri-Sun 12:30. (PG-13) Daily: (1:40), (4:10), 6:30, 8:45 plus Sat, Sun (11:30am)

1O^WbOZWa[( / :]dS Ab]`g – Fri-Wed 1:50; 4:20; 6:50; 9:20. 0`WUVb AbO` – Wed-Thu 1:50; 4:20; 6:45. 7\UZ]c`W]ca 0OabS`Ra – Wed-Thu 9:10.


@7D3@4@=<B AB/27C; BE7<


155 S. River St, Santa Cruz 800.326.3264 x1701 www.regmovies.com 1W`_cS 2c 4`SOY( BVS DO[^W`S¸a /aaWabO\b – (Opens Fri) 4:15; 7:15; 9:50;

Daily: (1:50), (4:20), 6:50, 9:15


COMING SOON! Juliette Binoche in ‘Paris’ 10/30

Children under 5 admitted only on Mondays & Weekend Matinees

1405 Pacific Ave., Santa Cruz 800.326.3264 x1700 www.regmovies.com

plus Fri-Sun 12:05.

STARTS FRI 10/23! “A comic, tart, brilliantly acted fable of life’s little cosmic difficulties!� –Chicago Tribune


;WQVOSZ 8OQYa]\¸a BVWa 7a 7b – (Opens Tue) Tue 9; Wed-Thu 1:45; 4:30; 7:15; 9:55. AOe D7 – (Opens Thu) Thu midnight; Fri-Wed 12:50; 3:05; 5:25; 7:50; 10:10. /ab`] 0]g – (Opens Fri) 2:10; 4:40; 7:10; 9:35; plus Fri-Sun 11:55am. EVS`S bVS EWZR BVW\Ua /`S – Daily 2; 4:30; 7; 9:30; plus Fri-Sun 11:30am. BVS AbS^TObVS` – Wed-Thu 2:25; 4:55; 7:20; 9:50; Fri-Tue 2:25; 4:55; 7:25; 9:45;

6:50; 9:15.


Clive Owen

1W`_cS 2c 4`SOY( BVS DO[^W`S¸a /aaWabO\b – (Opens Fri) 1:40; 4:10; 6:30; 8:45; 1O^WbOZWa[( / :]dS Ab]`g – Wed-Thu 1:45; 4:15; 6:45; 9:15; Fri-Wed 1:50; 4:20;


Daily: (2:50),

A/<B/ 1@CH 17<3;/ '

plus Sat-Sun 11:30am.

Audrey Tautou Daily: (3:00),

/>B=A 17<3;/A

122 Rancho Del Mar Center, Aptos 831.688.6541 www.culvertheatres.com

–Roger Ebert


Showtimes are for Wednesday, Oct. 21, through Wednesday, Oct. 28, unless otherwise indicated. Programs and showtimes are subject to change without notice.

plus Fri-Sun 1. :Oe /PWRW\U 1WbWhS\ – Wed-Thu 4; 7; 9:50; Fri-Wed 4; 7; 9:40; plus Fri-Sun 1. EVW^ 7b – Wed-Thu 4:15; 6:45; 9:15.

1]c^ZSa @Sb`SOb – Wed-Thu 12:45; 1:40; 3:50; 4:45; 6:40; 7:30; 9:25; 10:10; FriWed 1:30; 4:45; 7:30; 10:15. H][PWSZO\R – Wed-Thu 1; 2:20; 3:15; 4:25; 5:25; 6:50; 7:50; 9:15; 10:15; Fri-Wed 1; 3:15; 5:20; 7:45; 10. BVS 7\dS\bW]\ ]T :gW\U – Wed-Thu 2:10; 4:40; 7:10; 9:40; Fri-Wed 1:15; 4; 6:50; 9:20. Ac``]UObSa – Wed 12:50; 3:05; 5:15; 7:40; 10; Thu 12:50; 3:05; 5:15; 10; Fri-Wed 9:50. 1Z]cRg EWbV O 1VO\QS ]T ;SObPOZZa – Daily 1:50; 4:10; 6:30; 8:50; plus FriSun 11:35am; Thu and Tue no 8:50 show. EVW^ 7b – Fri-Wed 1:20; 4:15; 7:15. @SO` EW\R]e— Thu 8pm

A1=BBA D/::3G $ 17<3;/A

226 Mt. Hermon Rd., Scotts Valley 831.438.3261 www.culvertheatres.com ;WQVOSZ 8OQYa]\¸a BVWa 7a 7b – (Opens Tue) Tue 9; Wed-Thu 1:30; 4; 6:45; 9:15. /ab`] 0]g – (Opens Fri) 2; 4:20; 6:30; 8:45; plus Fri-Sun 11:30am. >O`O\]`[OZ /QbWdWbg – Fri-Wed 1:15; 3:15; 5:15; 7:20; 9:20; plus Fri-Sat 11:15am;

11:15pm; plus Sun 11:15am. EVS`S bVS EWZR BVW\Ua /`S – Daily 1:45; 4:10; 6:45; 9:10; plus Fri-Sun 11:10am. BVS AbS^TObVS` – Wed-Mon 2:30; 5; 7:40; 10; plus Fri-Sun 11:55am; Tue 2:30; 5. :Oe /PWRW\U 1WbWhS\ – Daily 1:55; 4:30; 7:10; 9:45; plus Fri-Sun 11:20am. 1]c^ZSa @Sb`SOb – Daily 2:10; 4:45; 7:30; 9:55; plus Fri-Sun 11:40am. BVS 7\dS\bW]\ ]T :gW\U – Wed-Thu 2. 1Z]cRg EWbV O 1VO\QS ]T ;SObPOZZa – Wed-Thu 1:05; 3:10; 5:15; 7:20; 9:20. EVW^ 7b – Wed-Thu 4:20; 7; 9:30.

5@33< D/::3G 17<3;/ &

1125 S. Green Valley Rd, Watsonville 831.761.8200 www.greenvalleycinema.com 1W`_cS 2c 4`SOY( BVS DO[^W`S¸a /aaWabO\b – (Opens Fri) 1:30; 4:30; 7; 9:25;

plus Sat-Sun 11:10am. AOe D7 – (Opens Fri) 1:15; 3:15; 5:15; 7:15; 9:35; plus Sat-Sun 11:15am. /ab`] 0]g – (Opens Fri) 1:10; 3:15; 5:15; 7:15; 9:15; plus Sat-Sun 11:15am. >O`O\]`[OZ /QbWdWbg – Fri-Wed 1:10; 3:10; 5; 7; 9:20; plus Sat-Sun 11:10am. EVS`S bVS EWZR BVW\Ua /`S – Daily1:15; 4:30; 7; 9:25; plus Sat-Sun 11:05am. :Oe /PWRW\U 1WbWhS\ – Daily 1:30; 4; 7; 9:35; plus Sat-Sun 11am. BVS AbS^TObVS` – Daily1:15; 4:30; 7; 9:25; plus Sat-Sun 11:05am. 1]c^ZSa @Sb`SOb – Daily 1:30; 4:30; 7; 9:25; plus Sat-Sun 11:05am. 4`][ ;SfWQ] EWbV :]dS – Wed-Thu 7:30; 9:35. B]g Ab]`g ! 2– Wed-Thu noon; 3:45; 7:15. H][PWSZO\R – Wed-Thu 1:10; 3:10; 5:10; 7:20; 9:30. 1Z]cRg eWbV O 1VO\QS ]T ;SObPOZZa – Wed-Thu 1:15; 3:15; 5:15; 7:15; 9:15. 7\dS\bW]\ ]T :gW\U – Wed-Thu 1:30; 4:45.

j "%

A/<B/1@CH 1=; october 21-28, 2009 47:;

A/E D7 (R; 91 min.)

Blah blah blah Saw movie every October blah blah blah Jigsaw blah blah blah blah Detective Hoffman blah blah blah sadistic traps blah blah blah blah blah ongoing saga blah blah blah blah please make it stop blah blah blah I never used to think the stories in your magazine were true blah blah blah blah East End boys and West End girls blah blah blah ka-ching. (Opens Fri at Cinema 9 and Green Valley.) (SP) / A3@7=CA ;/<

(R; 113 min.) All the themes in the Coen brothers’ previous films blend harmoniously in this terrific tale of comedic woe and horror. Minneapolis, 1967: a meek professor Larry Gopnik (stage actor Michael Stuhlbarg, looking like a dispirited Harold Lloyd) teaches physics at a small college. Gopnik is tantalized with the possibility of tenure, betrayed by his wife with their neighbor Sy Ableman, a clammy, polyesterclad swine (Fred Melamed, brilliant). Gopnik’s son Danny (Aaron Wolff ) has a cowlike indifference to his father’s plight. And Larry must take charge of his unemployable brother Arthur (Richard Kind), an obese holy fool. The postmodern moments give A Serious Man a vaudeville kick: a prologue about the appearance of a demon in the old-time Jewish ghetto is staged like a lost episode of Mario

Bava’s Black Sunday. In another of this film’s parables, a Hebrew message is carved by God into the teeth of a gentile to teach—what? some indecipherable lesson, like the physics equations on Larry’s chalkboard, like the Hebrew letters Danny is too dumb to learn. Photographer Roger Eakins and composer Carter Burwell do outstanding work making these episodes coalesce into a fever dream of persecution and encroachment. (RvB)

industry adaptation. Bright Star has blood and sweetness in it, but the limpid, f lowerchildish nature of this vision may make some viewers sneeze from the pollen. (RvB) 1/>7B/:7A;( / :=D3 AB=@G (R; 128 min.)

It’s been 20 years since Michael Moore made Roger & Me, about the layoffs that devastated Flint, Mich. The only thing that has changed today is that Flint is worse, and its woes have spread throughout the United States. Moore makes a nationwide tour of today’s wreckage. He follows the collapse of B63 0//23@ the real estate market ;37<6=4 1=;>:3F and sits with the (R; 150 min.) Idealism victims of a family farm done gone wrong again. eviction in upstate New A look at the rise of York. When Moore the Red Army Faction, is at his best, it is not an anti-American, antias defense lawyer but Nazi terrorist group prosecutor. And what’s that gained notoriety been worthwhile since in Germany in the 1989 is his tendency to late 1960s and 1970s sass back to corporate for kidnappings and spokesmen instead of bombings. taking their statements B63 0=GA /@3 0/19 at face value. (RvB) (PG-13; 104 min.)


0@756B AB/@ (PG;

127 min.) There are some great kisses in it. It’s an unusually f lowery film from this thorny director Jane Campion, suggesting the troubled relationship of Fanny Brawne (Abby Cornish) and the poet John Keats (Ben Whishaw) as an idyll of hyacinths and daffodils, birdsong and butterf lies surrounded by slums. Circa 1820, Keats is loved by Fanny, an independent-minded girl who made some money through sewing and design. Acting as a brake on this romance: Charles Armitage Brown, Keats’ friend, fellow poet and selfappointed watchdog. Paul Schneider’s salty and scene-stealing performance as this ironist matches Keats’ poem “Character of Charles Brown.� The sad fact is that poetry read onscreen seems f lat, and the better the poetry is, the f latter it sounds. Campion’s approach is far more interesting than the customary MerchantIvory or Jane Austen–

1:=C2G E7B6 / 16/<13 =4 ;3/B0/::A (PG; 90

min.) Animated tale of a town where food tumbles from the sky. Featuring the voices of James Caan, Mr. T, Bill Hader, Andy Samberg and Will Forte. 1=C>:3A @3B@3/B

(PG-13; 114 min.) This ensemble comedy, the title of which is such a genuine masterpiece of high-concept that it renders further plot description completely pointless, stars Vince Vaughn, Jason Bateman, Jon Favreau, Kristen Bell and Kristin Davis. More importantly, as far as I’m concerned, it was directed by Peter Billingsley, better known to all of us as Ralphie in A Christmas Story. He was one of those child stars I kept hearing was dead or working in porn. Congrats, Peter, for either avoiding both of those pitfalls, or being the most successful zombie porn star in Hollywood! (SP) 4@=; ;3F71= E7B6 :=D3 (PG-13; 97

min.) Illegal migrant

93< E=@=<3@

witness concept since; the best is probably Dario Argento’s Bird With a Crystal Plumage, the guiltiest pleasure among the bunch is Brian DePalma’s Body Double. But even five decades later, none of them can match this for sheer suspense. Though Vertigo takes the voyeurism theme to deliriously higher levels, this is tighter, more fun and just plain better—one of the best of all time. (Plays at Cinema 9 on Thu at 8pm.) (SP)

worker by day, hungry young boxer at night, a young upstart finds a mentor and trainer in a grumpy, crusty former star. If it sounds like Rocky with immigration issues, it doesn’t hurt that director Jimmy Nickerson was the fight coordinator for the first two Rocky films, as well as Raging Bull and Fight Club. (SP) 7<5:=C@7=CA 0/AB3@2A (R;

160 min.) Quentin Tarantino’s Holocaust film is the shouldhave-been true story of Operation Kino, the plot to destroy Hitler’s Gang through their own love for cinema. The Basterds themselves are a band of homicidal Jewish guerrillas indebted to their leader, Brad Pitt’s Aldo Raine, for 100 Nazi scalps. Yet this is a genuine art movie. Here in cinema form is an essay about Tarantino’s fascination with and distate for the war film. (RvB) B63 7<D3<B7=< =4 :G7<5 (PG-13; 100

min.) Ricky Gervais, Jennifer Garner, Rob Lowe and Tina Fey inhabit a world where nobody lies, and then they do. :/E /0727<5 17B7H3< (R; 119 min.)

Gerard Butler plays a man cheated by the court system, which let his family’s killers go free. Is he gonna take that? Hell no! Lady justice, you just messed with your first and last middle-class white guy! (SP)

/7@ 63/2A!!!Sjdibse!Hfsf!boe!Ijmbsz!Txbol!qmbo!hsfbu!uijoht!jo!Ă•Bnfmjb-Ă–!pqfojoh!Gsjebz/

Micah Sloat, believes something unusual and disturbing is going on in their house. Micah buys a handheld camera to try to capture it on film, recording day and night, which leads to a lot of genuinely creepy footage. It is certainly the scariest movie anyone will see this year. (SP) B63 AB3>4/B63@

(PG-13; 101 min.) Remake of the ’80s cult-horror favorite will have to work hard to be accepted by fans who loved the original’s loopy story of the ideal Reagan “family values� man gone wrong—the ;=@3 B6/< / 5/;3 only perfect family he (PG-13; 113 min.) could imagine was a Documentary follows dead one. This version LeBron James’ journey appears to take a more to NBA stardom, via Fatal Attraction–type his now-famous years thriller angle, with playing high school the movie’s publicity basketball in Akron, Ohio. Alternate ending asking “Is he really the man of her dreams—or has him signing with the Knicks in 2010. (SP) could David be hiding a dark side?� Gee, I don’t >/@/<=@;/: know—yes? Although /1B7D7BG (R; 99 how awesome would min.) It’s being labeled it be if the big twist “the next Blair Witch was that his insane Project,� but here’s the obsessions are washing thing about Paranormal the dishes and being Activity: people were a really cool stepdad. actually scared. They (SP) screamed. They were AC@@=5/B3A (PGfreaked out. A young 13; 89 min.) In the couple, played by near future, all human Katie Featherston and

beings will be pale shut-ins, experiencing life through cybersimilacra. Late one night, the son of the man who made this technical breakthrough possible is murdered, fried by electrical surge after his avatar is killed by a strange new weapon. Investigating the crime is an FBI agent (Bruce Willis) and his partner (Radha Mitchell). They believe the crime is linked to a large reservation of Luddites, led by a charismatic leader called the Prophet (Ving Rhames). Based on a graphic novel. (RvB) B67@AB (R; 133 min.) Korean director Chanwook Park has been on a roll all the way through his Vengeance trilogy—Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance, Oldboy and Lady Vengeance. The man is a visual genius, an expert craftsman and a fascinating storyteller, and his movies are unique works of art shaped from the same core issues of power, revenge and the struggle of every human being not to fail miserably. It’ll be interesting to see how he applies them to this story of a priest

turned into a vampire by a botched medical experiment. (SP) B=G AB=@G ! 2

(G; 81/92 min.) Not actually a sequel to the Toy Story films (one is coming in 2010), but a rerelease of the first two, packaged as a double-feature and shown in 3-D. (SP) E63@3 B63 E7:2 B67<5A /@3 (PG;

101 min.) See review, page 45. E67> 7B (PG13; 111 min.) Drew Barrymore’s whengirls-collide roller derby movie is bliss; actually, Ellen Page plays Bliss, a Bodeen, Texas, tomboy who takes the name “Babe Ruthless.� Director and bon vivant Drew Barrymore (who plays a rolling calamity of a teammate) has rescued Page from the career-killing move of repeatedly playing the smartest person in the room. The acting is superior on down the line. As the parents, Marcia Gay Harden and Daniel Stern have a fond rapport, and in a noteworthy comeback role Juliette Lewis smolders away as the well-motivated villain on a rival team. Scriptwriter Shauna

Cross’s wit lets Page hold the screen like never before. (RvB) H=;073:/<2 (R; 88 min.) Under a plague of the living dead, the United States is in ruins, and the nervous college-age hero ( Jesse Eisenberg) calls the dreadful landscape Zombieland. He joins three reluctant companions: a Twinkies-loving cowboy called Tallahassee (Woody Harrelson), a fast female loner named Wichita (Emma Stone) and her little sis, Little Rock (Abigail Breslin). They head to a place where they think the light at the end of the tunnel still shines: Disneyland, renamed “Pacific Playland.� There’s merit to the idea of a turkey-shoot zombie-killing finale amid colored lights and spinning rides, but the film doesn’t get more imaginative than anything seen in the previews. Under Ruben Fleischer’s bare-bones direction, Zombieland is slathered with narration. Harrelson is a fierce-looking party, but he doesn’t get Western-lyrical enough. (RvB)

48 |

october 21-28, 2009


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Epicure. Ep picure. e

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A/<B/1@CH 1=; A /<B/1@CH 1=; ooctober c t o b e r 221-28, 1 - 2 8 , 22009 0 0 9 3>71C@3 3>71C@3

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Avanti’s A van nti’s chef fresh kkeeps eep ps it fr esh

0G 16@7AB7</ E/B3@A 0G 1 6 @ 7 A B 7 < / E/B 3 @ A


HE SEASO SEASONS ONS each ttake ake turns show wing up on the showing ear thenwar a e plates of A vanti. v earthenware Avanti. Beet ra violis in winter and raviolis fa avva b eans and lamb in the spring fava beans spring.. An astonishing cr eation of o lentils etta creation lentils,, panc pancetta and rroast oast Brussels spr routs has winter sprouts patr ons ccoming oming back ffor or mor o e. And patrons more. heirlo om tomato es, shell s b eans and heirloom tomatoes, beans padr on p eppers splas sh gor geous ccolors olors padron peppers splash gorgeous thr oughout Ben Sims s’ late har vest throughout Sims’ harvest menu. A ffixture iixture at se veral of the lo cal several local farmers mark ets, A vvaanti’s chef ffills ills his markets, Avanti’s cr eation with the fr om esshest items fr creation freshest from lo cal ffields ields and or chaards. ““And A And at least local orchards. one da t go to the cit y, or dayy a week I tr tryy to city, to the East Ba y,� he sa ayys. While ther e, Bay,� says. there, Sims go es to eat, ho oking up with goes hooking fformer ormer o ccolleagues olleagues fr o Piz om zaiolo and from Pizzaiolo Che anisse and sam mpling ne w ideas Chezz P Panisse sampling new fr om the kitchens he most rrespects. espects. from Local and and seasonal: seasonal: those those are are Sims’ Sims’ key key Local iingredients. ngredients. ““II ccame ame h ere ffour our yyears ears aago go here aand nd tthe he o wners, P aul aand nd C indy, aalready lready owners, Paul Cindy, h ad a d eep rrelationship elationship w ith llocal ocal had deep with ggrowers, rowers,� S ims eexplains. xplains. ““They They introduced introduced Sims m o tthe he ffarmers—Windmill armers—Windmill F arms, mee tto Farms, M eder S treet, D irty G irl.� Meder Street, Dirty Girl. nimal, a Sant Sims is that rar raree an animal, Santaa Cruz nativ e. Af fter t culinar school in San native. After culinaryy school Francisc o, an internsh hip turned into a Francisco, internship job at Chez Chez Panisse, Panisse, where w e he cooked wher cooked ffor or o thr ee years. years. Then there there was was a period period three of tra vel and cooking cookingg in Italy, Italyy, France France travel and L ondon, which turned t yearLondon, into a yearand-a-half o dyssey that hat included a stint th odyssey at Sally Clark’ s. “It’s “It’s a very very expensive expensive Clark’s. cit y,� he says saayys of London. Londo on. “It’s “It’s very very tough city,� to liv e, even even though though the people people livee ther there, ar ful. It was wass time to come come aree wonder wonderful. back to C aliffornia.� o � California.� realized e was time When he did, he realized it was ffor or o a transition. “As “As a line cook, cook, every every da ay is simple. simple. It’s It’s a fresh fresh start, start, a chance chance day

;/AB3@7<5 B63 ;3<C Since taking ;/AB3@7<5 B63 ;3<C Since taking tthe he hhelm elm aatt A Avanti vanti iin n2 2005, 005, B Ben en SSims ims hhas as u updated p d a te d menu while fans with Avanti tthe he m enu w hile keeping keeping llongtime ongtime fa ns hhappy a p py w ith a sselection election ooff A vanti cclassics. lassics.

to ple please ease p people eople with a ne new w dish. But B about out as a chef cchef, f, yyou’re ou’re having haavving to think ab moree rresponsibility, wear the h fu ffuture, uture, mor esponsibilit ibili y, wea ar moree hats hats,, ha have moree plannin planning mor ave to do mor ng less was and le ess actual ccooking.� ooking.� It w as timee to makee that mo move, Avanti mak ve, and the job at A va vanti opened up.. op eneed up Sims Sim ms dines out looking looking for fo or ideas, ideas, and translattes then brings them back and translates likes what he lik es into his own menu. He H describes Avanti descri ibes the cuisine at A vvanti as “aa California Italian, C aliffornia o brand of It alian, using what w have locally.� yyou ou ha h ave lo callyy.� He inf lects the menu m with his training in country country French French h styles st yless of ccooking. ooking. Sims Sim ms is a brand-new brand-new husband and d admits admit ts that marriage has changed things life—for better. thinggs in his lif fe—ffo or the b etter. “It does make life happier, do oes make liffe happier, rremoves emovess pressure. The p essu pr u e. It mellows ur e ows tthings gs out.� out � Th hee

grin broadens. broadens. “We “W We rreally eally lik likee to cook cook together home.� to gether at home .� At keeps things creative At work, k Sims Si keeps e hi creativ i e specials ecials ffor o or himself by by offering offfeerring nightly sp that rref ef lect a sudden suddeen windfall of produce culinaary inspiration pr oduce or a culinary rrecently ecently experienced. experienced. e “But I need to makee sure stay mak sure certain certain things t stay on the rregular egular menu. The chicken chicken ccacciatore acciatore never ccan an ne ver come come off offf the menu.�� He meatballs.. pauses and adds: ““And A And the meatballs chicken The rroasted oasted chick en n and fusilli.�� These have achieved status dishes ha ve achie ved e cult st atus with Avanti’s manyy rregulars, patrons A vvanti’s man egu ulars, patr ons who ccome ome in weekly ffor orr certain o certain favorite faavorite items.. items Sims is happy happy with witth new new items coming coming from Farms, source from Marin Sun Fa arms, the sour ce of the pork he’s love pork he ’s currently curren ntly using. using. “I lo ve the grass-fed aspect of their meats. ect grass-ffed e asp t meats. At At

f irsst I wasn’t first wasn’t sup super er into it, and th then hen we st arted eating grass-fed grass-ffeed beef beef at ho ome. started home. N o I lo ow llove ve it. i It I tastes tastes yyounger ounger and a d Now mu uch fresher. fresher. I feel feel e that it’s it’s healthier healtthier much to o. The vvegetarian egetarian thing is rrelaxing, elaxxingg, too. esp pecially with b etter meat handling hand dling especially better and d with mor ed and gras ss-ffed e moree pastur pastured grass-fed me eats. meats. “ ’s fun. It’s “It It’s really really fun in a tactile, tacttile, “It’s che emistry set sort sort of way.� way.� He gri ins chemistry grins aga ain. again.

@ 7AB=@/<B3 /D/<B7 @7AB=@/<B3 /D/<B7 11711 711 M ission SSt., t., Santa Santa Cruz Cruz Mission O pen 11:30am–2pm 11:30am–2pm Monday–Friday; Monday –Friday; Open 55–9pm –9pm Sunday–Thursday; Sunday –Thursday; 5–9:30pm 5–9:30pm F riday –Saturday Friday–Saturday 8 31.427.0135 831.427.0135

50 |

october 21-28, 2009


j #

A/<B/1@CH 1=; october 21-28, 2009 27<3@¸A 5C723

Diner’s Guide

Our selective list of area restaurants includes those that have been favorably reviewed in print by Santa Cruz Weekly food critics and others that have been sampled but not reviewed in print. All visits by our writers are made anonymously, and all expenses are paid by Metro Santa Cruz. AG;0=:A ;/23 A7;>:3( + C\RS` + # + $ + O\R c^

Price Ranges based on average cost of dinner entree and salad, excluding alcoholic beverages

/>B=A $$ Aptos

/;0@=A7/ 7<27/ 07AB@=

$$ Aptos

0@7B/<<7/ /@;A

$$$ Aptos $$$ Aptos

$$ Aptos

207 Searidge Rd, 831.685.0610

8017 Soquel Dr, 831.688.1233 :/ 03::/ D7B/ 07AB@=

257 Center Ave, 831.685.8111 A3D3@7<=¸A 5@7::

7500 Old Dominion Ct, 831.688.8987

Indian. Authentic Indian dishes and specialties served in a comfortable dining room. Lunch buffet daily 11:30am-2:30pm; dinner daily 5pm to close. www.ambrosiaib.com American and specialty dishes from the British and Emerald Isles. Full bar. Children welcome. Happy hour Mon-Fri 2-6pm. Open daily 11am to 2am. Italian. Ambience reminiscent of a small trattoria in the streets of Italy, serving handmade lasagna, pasta dishes, gnocchi and fresh fish. Wed-Sun, Lunch 11am-2pm, Dinner 5-9pm. Continental California cuisine. Breakfast all week 6:30-11am, lunch all week 11am-2pm; dinner Fri-Sat 5-10pm, Sun-Thu 5-9pm. www.seacliffinn.com.

H/;33< ;327B3@@/<3/< Middle Eastern/Mediterranean. Fresh, fast, flavorful. Gourmet

7528 Soquel Dr, 831.688.4465

meat and vegetarian kebabs, gyros, falafel, healthy salads and Mediterranean flatbread pizzas. Beer and wine. Dine in or take out. Tue-Sun 11am-8pm.

1/>7B=:/ $ Capitola


1/43 D7=:3BB3

104 Stockton Ave, 831.479.8888

All day breakfast. Burgers, gyros, sandwiches and 45 flavors of Marianne’s and Polar Bear ice cream. Open 8am daily.

>/@/27A3 ACA67 Japanese. This pretty and welcoming sushi bar serves 200 Monterey Ave, 831.464.3328 superfresh fish in unusual but well-executed sushi combinations. Wed-Mon 11:30am-9pm.

California Continental. Swordfish and other seafood specials. Dinner Mon-Thu 5:30-9:30pm; Fri 5-10pm; Sat 4-10:30pm; Sun 4-9pm.



1750 Wharf Rd, 831.475.1511

AB=19B=< 0@7253 5@7::3 Mediterranean tapas. Innovative menu, full-service bar,


231 Esplanade, 831.464.1933

international wine list and outdoor dining with terrific views in the heart of Capitola Village. Open daily.

$$$ Capitola


203 Esplanade, 831.475.4900

California cuisine. Nightly specials include baby back ribs, prime rib, lobster and mahi mahi. Daily 7am-2am.

A/<B/ 1@CH $$ Santa Cruz


1116 Pacific Ave, 831. 426.7588

Mexican/Seafood/American. Traditional Mexican favorites. Best fajitas, chicken mole, coconut prawns, blackened prime rib! Fresh seafood. Over 50 premium tequilas, daily happy hour w/ half-price appetizers. Sun-Thu 11am-10pm, Fri-Sat 11am-11pm.

# j /AB@=:=5G october 21-28, 2009 A/<B/1@CH 1=;

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Benefiting Non-profit Activities for the Global Coherence Initiative and Gateways Books

Mon, Oct. 23 at 7 pm Marije Miller

Mon, Nov. 2 at 7 pm Laura Davis

Global Coherence Initiative: Activating Global Heart

Journey Through Writing November's Theme: Forgiveness No Pre-regis-

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A Guided Tour through the Tarot's Major Arcana Nov. 11/Lara Owen:

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By Rob Brezsny

For the week of October 21 /@73A (March 21–April 19): “The clouds are the most fertile part of the sky,� writes Guy Murchie in his book The Seven Mysteries of Life. Microbes with short life cycles live there in abundance, “eating, breathing, excreting, floating, swimming, competing, reproducing.� Next time you look up at a puffy cumulus, see it as a large city that hosts a teeming host of living things. Speaking of invisible fecundity, let’s turn our attention to you. According to my analysis of the astrological omens, you are largely unaware of how much creative energy has been building up within you. Your homework is to tap into it and unleash it. B/C@CA (April 20–May 20): My friend Alcea, the pagan priestess who leads group rituals, is a responsible sort who has humble respect for the power of the spirit realms. She thinks there can be value in seeking help from the beings who dwell on the other side of the veil, but you’ve got to be careful. They can be as clueless and misguided as the less evolved characters who live on the material plane. That’s why Alcea is especially impeccable around this time of year, when the veil between the worlds is thinner and our dimension is more accessible to the spirits. Having said all that as a caveat, Taurus, I want to let you know that this would be an excellent time for you to call on the help of your most intelligent, interesting and loving ancestors.

53;7<7 (May 21–June 20): “He who loves 50 people has 50 woes,� said Buddha. “He who loves no one has no woes.� Even if you agree with this sour observation, I urge you to override the warning it implies. Now, more than ever, you can and should attract rich benefits into your life by expanding the frontiers of your empathy—even if it means you will feel the hurts of others more deeply. And what exactly are those rich benefits? Here’s one: Getting close-up views of the ways people suffer will help you avoid suffering like that yourself in the future. 1/<13@ (June 21–July 22): In the film Postcards From the Edge, the character played by Meryl Streep made a monumental declaration: “Instant gratification takes too long.� I know exactly what she meant. Sometimes I wish I could have what I want before I have to endure even a moment of frustrated longing. I bring this up, my fellow Cancerian, because in the coming week we may get our yearnings satisfied before we fully express them. Of course, there could be a downside to this situation: Since the magic will be materializing so quickly, you’d better be very sure you really want what you even start to wish for.

:3= (July 23–Aug. 22): Cement is the most common human-made material in the world. Combined with water to make concrete, it is a fundamental ingredient in many buildings and roads. And yet no one knew its precise structure until recently. Then a group of scientists figured out that its strength comes not from its orderliness but rather from its messiness. At the atomic level, cement’s molecules display both regular geometric patterns and areas of random variation. It’s in these chaotic areas that water molecules bind with the cement, creating a structure that’s both flexible and robust. This is the kind of foundation I urge you to work on in the coming weeks, Leo—a configuration that will endure exactly because it has a lot of give.

D7@5= (Aug. 23–Sept. 22): In my dream last night, the High Priestess from the Tarot deck came to life and gave me the following message: “Tell Virgos that when their deep hunger starts to stir, they should not eat from the bowl of delicious seeds. That meager meal would not satisfy their deep hunger. Rather, they should plant those seeds and let them grow up. The resulting harvest will satisfy their deep hunger.� :70@/ (Sept. 23–Oct. 22): It’s an excellent time to see if you can remove some of the neurotic twitches from your erotic itches. For example, you could use all your ingenuity to talk yourself out of the silly guilt you feel for having a certain idiosyncratic desire—a desire that, if acted out, would hurt no one, and that is therefore, by definition, healthy. Here’s another possibility: You could invoke the full powers of your imagination as you free yourself from things that prevent you from experiencing maximum pleasure, like old wounds, simmering anger, rank egotism and limiting beliefs. A1=@>7= (Oct. 23–Nov. 21): The astrological vibes

suggest that you open yourself wide, try everything, and give freely. I urge you to adapt as your motto an exhortation that once came out of the mouth of the seven-year-old cartoon character Dennis the Menace: “Hey! Wake up! Let’s go everywhere and do everything!� More than any other phase in many moons, Scorpio, this is your moment to make YES your battle cry. The world is asking you to be bigger than the old you, wilder than five blood oaths put together, and as strong as the full moon rising over a mountain.

A/57BB/@7CA (Nov. 22–Dec. 21): The average middle class person alive today has more goodies than the kings and queens of times past. In fact, even during this time of economic retrenchment, most of us have a higher standard of living than 99 percent of all the humans who’ve ever walked the planet. In pointing this out, I don’t mean to discount the suffering of those who’ve lost their jobs and homes. But I think it’s helpful to keep our collective deprivations in perspective. Similarly, I like to remember that no matter how much our personal trials may test us, they are more bearable than, say, the tribulations of the generation that lived through the Great Depression and World War II. Keep this in mind, Sagittarius. As you wander in the limbo between the end of one chapter of your life story and the beginning of the next chapter, it’ll really help to stay conscious of how blessed you are. Halloween costume suggestion: a saint tending to the needs of the dispossessed and underprivileged. 1/>@71=@< (Dec. 22–Jan. 19): It’s prime time for intense and momentous social events. Of the gatherings you may attend, I hope you’ll find at least one that fits the following descriptions: 1. a warm fluidic web of catalytic energy where you awaken to new possibilities about how to create close alliances; 2. a sweet, jangly uproar where you encounter a strange attractor—a freaky influence that makes the hair on the back of your neck rise and lights up the fertile parts of your imagination; 3. a sacred party where you get a novel vision of how to connect with the divine realms more viscerally. Halloween costume suggestion: something that incorporates a hub, wheel, or web. /?C/@7CA (Jan. 20–Feb. 18): The members of the congregation at St. Peter-at-Gowts Church in Lincoln, England, had a minor crisis a few years ago. For years, they had prayed to a very old stone sculpture they assumed was a likeness of the Virgin Mary. Then a nosy archaeologist came poking around and informed them that the figure was actually Arimanius, the god of the underworld in the ancient Mithraic religion. I encourage you to make sure you’re not under a comparable misimpression, Aquarius. This is an excellent time, astrologically speaking, for you to seek the help of higher powers, but it’s crucial that you direct your invocations to the right source. >7A13A (Feb. 19–March 20): Some of history’s worst tyrants have been terrified by kittens. Napoleon, Genghis Khan and Mussolini all had ailurophobia, a morbid and irrational fear of domestic felines. Alexander the Great and Julius Caesar were also discombobulated by cats. I bring this up, Pisces, because it reminds me of a certain situation in your life. I’m betting that a pushy or domineering influence that distorts your emotions will soon be susceptible to being spooked by a seemingly harmless little thing. Maybe you could turn this into a permanent advantage. How skilled are you at purring?

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Desirable Area of Seascape

This sweet 1 BR/ 1BA home in Snug Harbor has been well cared for & landscaped for privacy. Be a homeowner in Santa Cruz for under $100K with all the amenities of Pleasure Point living: Gorgeous surf and sun down the street, a great coffeehouse & restaurants around the corner- walk or bike to all your favorite places. $99,000. MLS#80947703. 730 30th Avenue, Space 69, Santa Cruz. Terry Cavanagh, Pacific Sun Properties 831-345-2053. http://www.snugharbor-sc.com

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STUCK AT 85 As I was putting away my open house signs, an elderly gentleman approached and asked if I would mind opening back up and showing him the house on display. Of course I readily agreed. He introduced himself as Dexter. Wearing a baseball cap (properly placed, not backwards ) he had a pleasant face, was dressed in a jaunty manner, and the possessor of gentle eyes. His vital spirit was apparent. People can be 20 or 95 and you can tell if they are really alive by this spirit. Hard to describe. Maybe it’s more of an interest and vitality for life. In any case, he had it.



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A Great Value So Close to the Surf!


Pacific Sun Properties

setting is perfect for those wanting nothing between them and the Monterey Bay. This single unit is offered as a tenant in common share in building being upgraded to delight ocean lovers. Great opportunity for the savvy buyer. MLS#80932540. Call Terry 831.345.2053 Pacific Sun Properties.

Judy Ziegler ph: 831-429-8080 cell: 831-334-0257


Dexter then explained that his home was in foreclosure. I did not want to ask about the details as this was obviously difficult for him to talk about. He said he was 85 and his wife was 78. She was experiencing a lot of grief over the situation. He seemed more resigned. I showed him around the manufactured home in Vista del Lago in Scotts Valley. This is a great park with seven beautiful lakes including a resident swan. A great deal may I add, for $244,000. I thought it might work for him. A further encumbrance for him is their large old dog, Shane. Most parks have weight restrictions for dogs of around 35 pounds. Vista del Lago is an exception. I was told by the management they use a dog by dog judgment call. However, upon further discussion, it looked like Dexter would not qualify financially. I enquired why he did not want to consider renting and he said the same restrictions apply for most rentals, they don’t want dogs, and especially large dogs. The weight dividing dog-line has always puzzled me. Small dogs can be wonderful. They can also be irritatingly yippy and bite. Or not. Big dogs can be lazy, quiet and loving. Dogs are like people – they vary and should be judged on their demeanor not size, in my opinion. Dexter said he had enough money to buy a cheap trailer in another area but all his medical helpers were here and he had built up trust in them and did not like the idea of starting with others. He went on his way but I thought, don’t let this happen to you! The big you out there. For him, slippage occurred, you must build walls of options and tend them faithfully. A big economic tip: for fun and good food, what a deal! Sundays from 3:30 to 7:30 take in the Santa Cruz Jazz group at Bocci’s Cellar while enjoying a delicious $7 meal. That’s seven dollars folks. Lots of great jazz players and singers. Start humming about your next real estate investment and hurry hurry if you want to get the $8,000 stimulus….call for details.

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