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October 28-November 4, 2009

BE7BB3@ ( A/ < B/1@ CH E339:G j 4/130 ==9( A/ < B/1@ CH 40 1=;

Vol. 1, No. 26

Road to The Future Northern California is at the automobile revolution’s epicenter with clean, green and screamingly fast machines BY ERIC JOHNSON p14

Looking Out for Gramps


| Interview With the Vampires


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october 28-november 4, 2009


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A/<B/1@CH 1=; october 28-november 4, 2009 1=<B3<BA

Contents. P OSTS












p36 p38








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>=ABA ooctober c t o b e r 228-november 8 - n o v e m b e r 44,, 22009 0 0 9 A/<B/1@CH 1=; A/<B/1@CH 1=; " j >=ABA

Posts. P osts. Messages M essages &

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EDITOR E D I TO R B@/17 6C97:: B@/ 17 6C97:: 6 (traci@santtacruzw a eeekly.com) (traci@santacruzweekly.com) STAFF WRITERS WRITERS STAFF @716/@2 D=< 0CA/19 @716/@2 D=< 0C CA/19 (richarrd@santtaacruzweeekly.com m)) (richard@santacruzweekly.com) 1C@B7A 1/@ / B73@ 1C@B7A 1/@B73@ (curtis@santtacruzw a eeekly.com) (curtis@santacruzweekly.com) 83AA71/ :CAA3<6=> 83AA71/ :CAA3 3<6=> (jessica@santtacruzw a eeekly.com) (jessica@santacruzweekly.com) CONTRIBUTING EDITOR E D I TO R CONTRIBUTING 16@7AB7</ E/B3@A 16@7AB7</ E/B3@A CALENDAR EDITOR E D I TO R CALENDAR >/C: E/5<3@ >/C: E/5<3@ (calendar@santtacruzw a eeekly.com) (calendar@santacruzweekly.com) POETRY EDITOR E D I TO R POETRY @=03@B AE/@2 @=03@B AE/@2 P RO O F R E A D E R PROOFREADER 83/<<3 A16CAB3@ 83/<<3 A16CAB3@ EDITORIAL INTERN INTERN EDITORIAL @C:/ /: </A@/ A /E7 @C:/ /: </A@/E7 0@7/< 6/ /@93@ 0@7/< 6/@93@ /CAB7< A/@ @23::/ /CAB7< A/@23::/ CO N T R I B U TO R S CONTRIBUTORS @=0 0@3HA<G @=0 0@3HA<G ;/C@33< 2/D72A=< ;/C@33< 2/D72A=< >/C: ; 2/D7A ;716/3: A 5/<B >/C: ; 2/D7A ;716/3: A 5/<B /<2@3E 57:03@B 83<< 7@3:/<2 /<2@3E 57:03@B 83<< 7@3:/<2 AB3>63< 93AA:3@ A1=BB AB3>63< 93AA:3@ A1=BB ;/11:3::/<2 <CBH:3 ;/11:3::/<2 <CBH:3 AB3D3 >/:=>=:7 >3B3 A63/ AB3D3 >/:=>=:7 >3B3 A63/ 1/@:73 AB/BA9G 1/@:73 AB/BA9G >/C: E/5<3@ ;=::G H/>> >/C: E/5<3@ ;=::G H/>>

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Send letters letteerrs to to Santa Santa Cruz Weekly, Weeeklyy, letters@santacruz.com letteerrs@san s nttaacruz.com or ttoo A Attn: ttn: LLetters, ettteeerrs, 115 Co ett et C Cooper ooper e St., Sant San Santaa Cruz, uz 95060. 060. Inclu Include udee cit city ittyy and phone inaccuracies known us. phone number number or email address. address. Submissions Subm missions mayy be be edited editteed for for or length, length clarity le leng cllaritt y or or ffactual ac aactual inac a curacies racies know nown ttoo us s.

@/271/: B7;3A @/271/: B7;3A 1 /:: 4=@ 7B 1/:: 4=@ 7B IF FIND IND IT T morbidly morbidly amusing amusing that that the the Weekly’s Weekly’s ““350� 350� iissue ssue be gins w ith Brad Brad G oodwin’s begins with Goodwin’s lletter etter ccautioning autioning UC UC undergraduates undergraduates aagainst gainst yyouthful outhful urges urges of of “radical “radical idealism� idealism� (“Student (“Student T antrums,� P osts, Oct. Oct. 2 1). By By 11990, 990, w hen Tantrums, Posts, 21). when ttoday’s oday’s u ndergraduates came came iinto nto tthis his undergraduates iimperiled mperiled race race of of h umans, tthe he environmental environmental humans, m ovement w as solidly solidly entrenched entrenched iinto nto movement was m ainstream’s b udding eeco-consciousness. co-consciousness. mainstream’s budding T oday’s youngsters o youngsters k now almost almost no no other other Today’s know llife ife experience experience than than that that of of witnessing witnessing our our ssociety’s ociety’s willful willful crossover crossover ffrom rom p re-apocalyptic pre-apocalyptic eemissions missions llevels evels to to the the ccurrent urrent 3387 87 p pm ppm ssaturation. aturation. T he p hrase ““waiting waiting tto o eexhale� xhale� The phrase ttakes akes on on a very very rreal eal aand nd traumatic traumatic m eaning meaning ffor or yyoung oung people people who who have have be en waiting waiting their their been eentire ntire llives ives for for the the ccarbon arbon eemissions missions issue issue to to sstabilize tabilize under under older older ggenerations’ enerations’ lleadership. eadership.


To T o ssocialize ocialize d diplomatically iplomatically into into this this p particular art r icular eenvironment nvironment ccan an be rreasonably easonably perceived perceived opposite off ssanity. aass tthe he o pposite o anity. I perceive perceive tthat hat cconvincing onvincing ttwentysomethings wentysomethings o he lluxury uxury off tthe off d o diplomacy iplomacy aand nd the the virtues virtues of of faith faith and and p atience aare re themselves themselves tthe he very very rradical adical iideals. deals. patience Anna A nna V Vaage, aage, C Capitola apitola

>:/G7<5 0G @C:3A >:/G7<5 0G @C:3A / E/AB3 =4 B7;3 E/AB3 =4 B7;3 / WHY IS WHY IS IT T aalways lways u up p to to the the lleft eft tto o cclean lean u up p non-left? aafter fter tthe he n on-left? I refer Mr. refer tto oM r. Goodwin’s Goodwin’s rebuttal rebuttal regarding regarding UC’s protest over U C’s ssputter putter of of a p rotest o ver salaries salaries aand nd First off aall, one would ttuition. uition. F irst o ll, ssir, ir, o ne tthing hing I w ould Rhetoric, wherein one ssuggest uggest iiss a cclass lass iin nR hetoric, w herein o ne using modicum llearns earns how how to to argue argue a ccase ase u sing a m odicum off llogic presenting off aarguments. o ogic when when p resenting a series series o rguments. Ass ffar maintaining heat off A ar as as m aintaining calm calm during during the the h eat o

verbal eexchange, verbal xchange, pe perhaps rhaps tthe he n non-left on-left ccould ould u use se ssome ome h elp iin n tthis his aarea rea d uring ttown own m eetings. I help during meetings. u se the the p hrase ““non-left� non-left� tto o ccover over llibertarians, ibertarians, use phrase b irthers, Republicans, Republicans, teabaggers, teabaggers, eetc. tc. birthers, never coined coined the the phrase phrase “class “class war� war� for for I never tthe he agitation agitation aattempt ttempt u po n ccampus. ampus. S ome up on Some gguy uy q uoted iin n tthe he SSentinel entinel u sed tthat hat p hrase, quoted used phrase, w hich w as aalso lso p ainted o n tthe he eentry ntry ssign ign tto o which was painted on tthe he u niversity. I tthought hought ““class class w ar� w as a llittle ittle university. war� was h eavy-handed, b ut iitt sserves erves w ell aass rrich ich k ids w ill heavy-handed, but well kids will ccontinue ontinue tto o be eeducated ducated aand nd tthe he lless ess rrich ich n ot. not. M r. G oodwin ssuggests uggests d ialogue aand nd Mr. Goodwin dialogue iintelligence ntelligence w ill w in tthe he d ay. Th he u niversity will win day. The university iiss vvery ery ggood ood o aatt ssetting etting u p ttask ask fforces, orces, sstudy tudy up ggroups, roups, ccommittees, ommittees, h iring iindependent ndependent hiring cconsultants onsultants tto od eal w ith k notty p roblems. deal with knotty problems. Th his m ay be m ore ccivilized, ivilized, b ut iitt iiss a w aste o This may more but waste off ttime. ime. W hat d oes w ork iiss a sschedule chedule o p aceful What does work off pe peaceful d emonstrations aand nd ssit-ins, it-ins, sstopping topping tthe he fflow low demonstrations o ctivity aand/or nd/or m oney; eespecially specially m oney. off aactivity money; money. A nd tthe he sstatement tatement tthat hat “t he U C ssystem ystem iiss a ggift ift And “the UC

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A/<B/1@CH 1=; A /<B/1@CH 1=; ooctober c t o b e r 228-november 8 - n o v e m b e r 44,, 22009 0 0 9 >=ABA >=ABA

THE BULLHORN EEE A/<B/1@CH40 1=; E EE A/<B/1@CH40 1=;

Why W hy W We’re e’re Suing Suing Caltrans Caltrans

A A/<B/1@CHE339:G /<B B/1@CHE339: :G

0G >/C: 3:3@719 0 G >/C : 3 : 3 @ 7 1 9

ffrom rom ccitizens itizens o off C California� alifornia� iiss p pure ure h hogwash. ogwash. A usually ggift ift iiss u sually ggiven iven ffor or ffree, ree, not not ffor or tthousands housands off dollars o dollars each each school school year. year. Kathy Cheer, Cruz K athy C heer, Santa Santa C ruz

D719 /<2 D719 /<2 A>3173A7A; A >3173A7A; DAMN, I h DAMN, hate ate tto o rrise ise tto o tthe he b bait, ait, b but ut I tthink hink Ryan Josephson Vick, R yan Jo osephson ((“Problem “Problem Bigger Bigger Than Than V ick,� Posts, Oct. 21) has wrong. P osts, O ct. 2 1) h as iitt w rong. According According to to some some off tthe Michael Vick o he sstories tories II’ve ’ve rread ead aabout bout tthe he M ichael V ick Mr. hands-on player ccase, ase, M r. Vick Vick was was a very very r h ands-on p layer iin n deaths his tthe he beating/drowning/hanging beating/drowning/hanging d eaths of of h is dogs. Dogs who, no d ogs. D ogs w ho, by by tthe he way, way, had had n o iidea dea that that unconditional would ttheir heir offer offfer of of u nconditional love love w ould be rrewarded ewarded with with a horror horror sshow how of of a llife. ife. “I’m “I’m not not defending defending the the guy, guy,� writes writes Josephson, when Jo osephson, but but he he comes comes pretty pretty cclose lose w hen he he ggripes ripes aabout bout Vick’s Vick’s punishment punishment ((“extreme�) “extreme�) because, be cause, aafter fter aall, ll, ““human human llife ife aand nd aanimal nimal llife ife not mentioned . . . sshould hould n ot be m entioned iin n tthe he ssame ame ssentence. entence.� OK, OK, now now I’m I’m getting getting ssteamed. teamed. This Th his tired tired our off eexcuse xcuse ffor or o ur misbehaving misbehaving ways ways smacks smacks o sspecieism, pecieism, which which iin n part part r iiss the the aability bility to to look look a ffellow ellow sentient sentient being being in in the the eye eye and and ssay, ay, “I’m “I’m ggoing oing to to hurt hurt you you (or (or work work yyou ou or or eat eat yyou) ou) because but not much be cause yyou ou matter, matter, b ut n ot nearly nearly as as m uch aass Well, I do. do.� W ell, sshow how me me a human human writhing writhing in in pain pain ffrom rom a ccompound ompound ffracture racture aand nd I’ll I’ll show show yyou ou pain pit bull with his back broken tthe he ssame ame p ain iin nap it b ull w ith h is b ack b roken byy a b baseball bat. b aseball b at. The The capacity capacity to to ssuffer, ufffer, tto o ffeel eel physical p hysical and and eemotional motional pain—this pain—this iiss where where tthe he different-worlds made. d iffferent-worlds cconnection onnection iiss m ade. Or Or lost, lost, aass with Mr. w ith M r. Vick. Vick. But But “different “diffferent than� than� does does not not eequate quate tto o ““better better tthan. han.� Assuming Assuming this this conceit, conceit, we we lose lose our way. Mr. o ur w ay. M r. Vick Vick has has a great great opportunity opporttunity to to make hee ttakes m ake aamends; mends; I hope hope h akes aadvantage. dvantage. Tim T iim Rudolph, Rudolph, u Santa Santta Cruz

;/@A 7A B6/B / E/G ; /@A 7A B6/B / E/G MIKE S MIKE SPEVIAK PEV VIA AK cclaims laims ““Erin Erin Copp’s Copp’s lletter etter off crying wolf much ssmacked macked o crying w olf sso om uch as as tto o rreduce educe Misguided tthe he ccredence� redence� ((“Wrong “Wrong aand nd M isguided IIdeas, deas,� Posts, Oct. 21). P osts, O ct. 2 1). Then Then he he claims claims to to have have been been hit hit byy a 4 40 mph bicycle with no damage b 0m ph b icycle w ith n od amage tto o tthe he bicycle. Methinks hee d doth protest much. b cyc e M eth nks h oth p rotest ttoo oo m uch I have Santa have ccommuted ommuted aacross cross S anta Cruz Cruz for or the the past p ast five ve yyears. ears In In tthat hat ttime: me 1. dead bicyclist 1 I have have seen seen a d ead b cyc st in n tthe he intersection of Bay Mission ntersect on o Bay and and M ss on 2. diverted dead 2 I had had my my route route d verted for or aanother nother d ead bicyclist. b cyc st

was hit byy a 5 m mph unrideable 33.. I w as h it b ph ccar ar ((with with u nrideable damage myy b bike) d amage tto om ike) 4.. C Cars bike numerous 4 ars sswerved wervved iinto nto tthe he b ike llane ane n umerous uncomfortably me. One ttimes imes u ncomfortably cclose lose tto om e. O ne ttime ime I had pound on with myy h hand h ad tto o po und o n a vvan an w ith m and tto o aalert lert driver was tthe he d river I w as tthere. here. had door open off m mee fforcing 55.. I h ad a d oor o pen iin n ffront ront o orcing mee iinto with bonus driver m nto ttraffic, rafff ic, w ith tthe he bo nus tthat hat tthe he d river me. tthen hen llaughed aughed aatt m e. 6.. I h have no progress on Rail Trail. 6 ave sseen een n op rogress o n tthe he R ail T rail. Mike Speviak damaging IIn n cclosing, losing, I think think M ike S peviak iiss d amaging our Santa Cruz. Please move o ur iimage mage iin nS anta C ruz. P lease m ove tto o Detroit, orr be better Mars. D etroit, o tter yyet, et, M ars. John J ohn o Don Donohue, nohuee, Sant Santa ta Cruz

63@3¸A /< 723/ 6 3@3¸A /< 723/ IINTRODUCING NT TRODUCING a n new ew po political litical p party: arty: Never Never R e-Elect Anyone Anyone (NRA). (NRA). Never Never Re-Elect Re-Elect Re-Elect A nyone is is the the new new political political party partty seeking seeking your your Anyone vvote. ote. We We d on’t ask ask for for any any membership membe b rship dues, dues, don’t d on’t eend nd you you any any material material in in the the mail, mail, have have don’t n o solicitation solicitation of of funds, funds, will will never never phone phone you, you, no h ave no no meetings. meetings. We We only only ask ask you you to to never never rerehave eelect lect aanyone. nyone. Remember, a new new broom broom sweeps sweeps clean. clean. Remember, Walter W alt a ter e Schivo, Schivo, No Novato vatto

=0/;/ 4/7:7<5 = 0/;/ 4/7:7<5 ;7A3@/0:G ; 7A3@/0:G REALITY R EALIT TY C CHECK: HECK: P President resident Obama Obama recently recently fflew lew 6 ,000 m iles rround ound ttrip rip tto oS an F rancisco 6,000 miles San Francisco aand nd b ack o n Air Air F orce O ne, a b ig B oeing 7747, 47, back on Force One, big Boeing tto oh elp rraise aise m oney ffor or a po litical ccampaign. ampaign. help money political If tthe If he p resident w as rreally eally cconcerned oncerned aabout bout president was gglobal lobal w arming, w hy d idn’t h o tthe he vvideoideowarming, why didn’t hee d do cconferencing onferencing tthing? hing? I suppose suppose iiff aanyone nyone ccould ould eever ver gget et cclose lose eenough nough tto o tthe he p resident president tto o aask sk h im aabout bout tthat, hat, h ould m ake him hee w would make ssome ome ccomment omment aabout bout po llution ccredits. redits. pollution U nfortunately, po llution ccredits redits d o aabsolutely bsolutely Unfortunately, pollution do n othing aabout bout tthe he C O2 tthat hat iiss ggoing oing iinto nto nothing CO tthe he aatmosphere tmosphere rright ight n ow. The Th he po p llution now. pollution ccredit redit p hilosophy iiss aall ll aabout bout b uilding philosophy building ““environmentally environmentally ffriendly� riendly� po wer p lants aatt power plants ssome ome ffuture uture po int iin n ttime. ime. P resident O bama point President Obama ccampaigned ampaigned o nap latform o ope aand nd cchange. hange on platform off h hope Iw as h op ng tthat hat tthe he p res dent w ou d h e p tto o was hoping president would help cchange hange A mer ca s w aste u cconsumption onsumpt on h ab ts America’s wasteful habits. I sstill t ssee ee lots ots o Obama b umper sstickers t ckers o n of Obama bumper on tthe he b ack o Ford E xp orers sso ow th rregards egards tto o back of Ford Explorers, with cchanging hang ng A mer ca s cconsumption onsumpt on h ab ts from rom America’s habits, w here I aam m ssitting, tt ng h a ng m serab y where hee iss failing miserably. Ducloo (Doug) Haymaker, Duc Haym makerr Santa San a Rosa Roosa


HE C HE CAMPAIGN AMPAIGN ffor or S Sensible ensible Transportation Transportation (CFST) Tr (CFST) ffiled iled a llawsuit awsuit iin nS acramento llast ast w eek cchallenging hallenging tthe he $ 22 m illion Sacramento week $22 million w idening o Highway 1 be tween S oquel Avenue Avenue aand nd M orrissey widening off Highway between Soquel Morrissey Boulevard. Caltrans Caltrans aapproved pproved tthe he sso-called o-called ““Auxiliary Auxiliary L anes P roject� iin n Boulevard. Lanes Project� September, claiming claiming tthat hat tthe he w idening w ould ccause ause n o eenvironmental nvironmental September, widening would no damage and and tthat hat n oE nvironmental Impact Impact Report Repo p rt (EIR) (EIR) was was needed. needed. damage no Environmental CFST sseeks eeks tto o sstop top tthe he sserial erial w idening o ighway 1, 1, which which began began CFST widening off H Highway with the the “Merge “Merge Lanes� Lanes� project, project, now now is is proposed proposed to to continue continue with with the the with “Auxiliarry Lanes� Lanes� project, project, and and will will then then go go on on with with the the ccomplete omplete nine nine “Auxiliary miles of of the the “HOV “HOV [high-occupancy [high-occupancy vehicle] vehicle] Lanes� Lanes� project. project. miles CFST has has repeatedly repeatedly asked asked Caltrans Caltrans to to produce produce one one comprehensive comprehensive CFST EIR aanalyzing nalyzing tthe he iimpacts mpacts o he Auxiliary Auxiliarry Lanes Lanes project project as as part part o he EIR off tthe off tthe HOV L anes p roject. Our Our community community needs needs a ccomplete, omplete, ccomprehensive omprehensive HOV Lanes project. EIR on on the the full full length length of of the the remaining remaining widening widening proposed, proposed, w ith EIR with quantif ied analysis analysis of of greenhouse greenhouse gas gas emissions, emissions, vvisual, isual, n oise aand nd a quantified noise biological impacts impacts and and full full consideration consideration of of transportation transportation aalternatives lternatives biological that plan plan for for a sustainable sustainable transportation transportation future. future. that Th he “Auxiliary “Auxiliary L anes P roject� iiss aactually ctually p art o he HOV HOV L anes The Lanes Project� part off tthe Lanes project. Itt n early d oubles tthe he w idth o he rroadcut oadcut aatt tthe he L onda project. nearly doubles width off tthe Laa Fo Fonda overcrossing tto o aaccommodate ccommodate a ffuture uture eeight ight llanes anes ffor or tthe he HOV HOV overcrossing Lane Project Project before before the the EIR EIR now now being being prepared prepared on on that that project project is is Lane completed. W elieve tthis his aaction ction iiss a fflagrant lagrant vviolation iolation o he C alifornia completed. Wee b believe off tthe California Environmental Quality Quality Act Act (CEQA). (CEQA). Moreover, Moreover, the the ““Aux Aux L anes� p roject Environmental Lanes� project will n ot eeven ven ffix ix tthe he ccurrent urrent ““bottleneck� bottleneck� jjust ust ssouth outh o orrissey. The Th he will not off M Morrissey. bottleneck w ill ssimply imply m ove a m ile d ownstream. H ighway ccongestion ongestion bottleneck will move mile downstream. Highway will not not be be reduced reduced by by this this proposed proposed $22 $22 million million band-aid. band-aid. will Th he project project does does not not fix f ix the the current current problems problems of of the the Morrissey– Morrissey– The Highway 1 interchange interchange (no (no bike bike access, access, d ifff icult pe destrian ccrossing), rossing), Highway difficult pedestrian does not not provide provide a sidewalk sidewalk on on the the Soquel Soq o uel overpass overpass or or deal deal w ith rramp amp does with congestion at at that that interchange, interchange, does does not not include include the the identified identif ied need need for for congestion ike-pedestrian ccrossing rossing o ver tthe he h ighway at at Trevethan. Trevethan. The Th he project project ab bike-pedestrian over highway will remove remove four four acres acres of of existing existing mature mature vegetation vegetation and and many many native native will Coast Live Live Oak Oak trees. trees. Coast Transportation accounts accounts for for 51 51 percent percent of of the the greenhouse greenhouse gas gas Transportation emissions p roduced iin n tthe he ccity ity o anta Cruz, Cruz, and and the the emissions emissions aare re emissions produced off S Santa rising. We We expect expect our our tax tax monies monies to to be be spent spent on on real real transportation transportation rising. solutions that that reduce reduce greenhouse greenhouse gas gas emissions emissions and and create create a brighter brighter solutions future ffor or o ur cchildren hildren aand nd o ur p lanet. This Th his lawsuit lawsuit seeks seeks to to w ork ttoward oward future our our planet. work these real real solutions, solutions, discourage discourage a flawed f lawed transportation transportation project project that that these wastes our our tax tax dollars dollars and and provide provide our our community community with with the the chance chance to to wastes choose the the best best transportation transportat on solutions so ut ons with w th all a the the facts acts on on the the table. tab e choose Iff we we w ant tto o ““green� green� tthe he ssolutions o ut ons tto o ccongestion ongest on o n Highway H ghway 1 (as (as want on our Regional Reg ona Transportation Trransportat on Commission Comm ss on iss now now considering), cons der ng) the the first rst our step is is to to halt ha t the the “Aux “Aux Lanes� Lanes� widening w den ng project pro ect and and include nc ude itt in n the the step EIR for for tthe he HOV HOV Lanes Lanes project. pro ect EIR Th he Campaign Campa gn for or Sensible Sens b e Transportation Transpo p rtat on was was formed ormed in n 2001 2001 w th The with three main ma n goals: goa s educating educat ng the the community commun ty about about the the ineffectiveness ne ect veness three of highway highway widening w den ng as as a method method of o reducing reduc ng congestion, congest on promoting promot ng of alternat ves to to highway h ghway widening, w den ng and and persuading persuad ng agency agency decision dec s on alternatives makers o he vvalue a ue o ternat ve m o es o od ransportat on Th he C FST makers of tthe of aalternative modes of ttransportation. The CFST mainta ns aan n aactive ct ve w ebs te aatt www.SensibleTransportation.org, www Sens b eTransportat on org w here maintains website where add t ona material mater a and and references re erences m ay be found. ound additional may Pau Elerick E er ck iss a 39-year 39 year A p os rresident es den aand nd sserves erves aass cchairman ha rman oof the he Paul Aptos Campa gn for or Sensible Sens b e Transportation. Transpor a on Campaign


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october 28-november 4, 2009


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EVOb e]cZR g]c PS R]W\U WT g]c eS`S\¸b EVOb e]cZR g]c PS R]W\U WT g]c eS`S\¸b R ]W\U bVOb- R]W\U bVOb-

I aam m lucky. lucky. II’m ’m kind kind of of doing doing what what I would would be d oing iin n my my sspare pare ttime!! ime!! doing EVOb R] g]c R] W\ g]c` T`SS bW[S- E VOb R] g]c R] W\ g]c` T`SS bW[S-

Swim iin Swim n tthe he oc ocean, ean, h hang ang w with ith m myy k kids ids aand nd o bsess aabout b ut b bo aseball. G iants b aseball. obsess baseball. Giants baseball. EVOb P`]cUVb g]c b] AO\bO 1`ch- E VOb P`]cUVb g]c b] AO\bO 1`ch-

Good G ood d eenvironment nvironment ffor or D Deadheads. eadheads. EVOb¸a g]c` TOd]`WbS ab`SSb- E VOb¸a g]c` TOd]`WbS ab`SSb-

Laurel/Murray/East L aurel/Murray/East C Cliff. lifff. IIss tthat hat ccheating? heating? <O[S a][SbVW\U g]c¸`S SfQWbSR OP]cb < O[S a][SbVW\U g]c¸`S SfQWbSR OP]cb

Restorative R estorative justice. justice. <O[S O ^Sb ^SSdS < O[S O ^Sb ^SSdS

2/D72 B@C3 2/ D 7 2 B @ C 3 EVOb R] g]c R] T]` O ZWdW\U- E VOb R] g]c R] T]` O ZWdW\U-

Program d Program director, irector, C Community ommunity R Restoration estoration P rogram ((aa p rogram o ommunity Program program off C Community A ction B oard). W rovide p athways o ut Action Board). Wee p provide pathways out o ncarceration, p rovide jjob ob ttraining, raining, w ork off iincarceration, provide work eexperience xperience o n ssupervised upervised ccrews rews aand nd jjob ob on p lacement. W re d oing eenvironmental nvironmental placement. Wee aare doing rrestoration estoration w ork aand nd ccontributing ontributing tto o tthe he work ggrowing rowing green green economy. economy.

Th The he demand demand ffor or more more aand nd better better ccommunity ommunity sschools chools aand nd sservices ervices m ade by by made tthe he same same ffolks olks that that d emand llow ow taxes taxes and and demand ““less� less� ggovernment. overnment. EVOb O`S g]c `SORW\U- E VOb O`S g]c `SORW\U-

Teaching T eaching H Hope ope b byy E Erin rin G Gruwell. ruwell. EVOb¸a bVS []ab W[^]`bO\b bVW\U g]c¸dS EVOb¸a bVS []ab W[^]`bO\b bVW\U g]c¸dS ZZSO`\SR W\ bVS ZOab bV`SS gSO`a- SO`\SR W\ bVS ZOab bV`SS gSO`a-

How tto How o llisten isten tto o yyoung oung pe people, ople, aand nd tthen hen tto o aact ct o n iit. t. T o llearn earn . . . on To @SQS\b ^S`a]\OZ T]]R b`S\R- @ SQS\b ^S`a]\OZ T]]R b`S\R-

Kettle K ettle H Honey oney D Dijon ijon po potato tato chips. chips.


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) ssubmit u b m i t your y o u r public p u b l i c eye e y e photo p h o t o to t o publiceye@santacruz.com p u b l i c e y e @ s a n ta c r u z . c o m (

JJunk unk SSick ick


AST S AST Saturday, aturday, on on 3350 50 D Day, ay, tthe he International International D ay o limate A ction, w hich forward-thinking forward-thinking Day off C Climate Action, which p eople eeverywhere verywhere celebrated celebrated with with ccarbonarbonpeople neutral acts acts of of faith faith in in a sunshine-powered sunshine-powered future, future, I was was neutral awash in in a sea sea of of smelly smelly detritus detritus from from the the past, past, flailing f lailing awash around in in musty musty tides tides of of old old shoes, shoes, T-shirts, T-shirts, plastic plastic around Christmas decorations, decorations, screws, screws, Tupperware, Tupperware, plastic plastic soap soap Christmas caddies, collectible collectible figurines. figurines. Possibly Possibly even even at at the the moment moment caddies, th hat at Micah at Miicca cah Posner Posner was was defending wa defe fending an an old old wrecked wrreecke wr ked Honda Ho H onda that against charges charges of of racketeering racketeering and and disturbing disturbing the the peace peace against in People People Power’s Power’s trial trial of of the the automobile, automobile, I was was regarding regarding in vacuum-sealed package package of of something something from from circa circa 1989 1989 a vacuum-sealed called Garage Garage Door Door Lubricant Lubricant and and quietly quietly despairing despairing for for called myself and and all all the the living living things things of of the the earth. earth. myself Th he occasion occasion was was a garage garage sale. sale. Our Our imminent imminent move move The from a house house with with a two-car two-ccar garage garage to to one one with with no no garage garage from

at all all is is necessitating necessitating a purge. purge. It’s It’s been been a long long time time coming. coming. at My husband husband and and I are are packrats, packrats, which which is is bad bad enough, enough, My but in in addition addition we’ve we’ve inherited inherited my my late late mother-in-law’s mother-in-law’s but modest household. household. And And it it turns turns out out that that her her admirable admirable modest frugality—so rrefreshing efreshing iin n aan n aage ge o xcess—has iits ts o wn frugality—so off eexcess—has own dark underbelly. underbelly. She She threw threw nothing nothing away away and and prepared prepared dark obsessively for for repairs. repairs. Every Every bit bit of of string, string, every every picture picture re obsessively hanger was was saved saved against against future future inconvenience inconvenience or or hanger calamity (see (see Garage Garage Door Door Lubricant, Lubricant, above). above). calamity But even even more more interesting int nteresting than than what what it it said said about about her her But psychology, her her habit habit of of hanging hanging on on to to things things provided provided a psychology, window to to broader broader trends trends in in the the late-capitalist late-ccapitalist economy. economy. window dozen times times that that day day my my husband husband looked looked up up from from A dozen his own own labors labors and and commented commented that that the the ladle/salad ladle/salad his bowl//blanket in in my my hands hands was was the the one one he he grew grew up up with. with. bowl/blanket These were were solidly solidly crafted crafted items items made, made, for for the the most most part, part, These

from materials materials occurring occurring in in nature, nature, and and they they were were few few from in number. number. In n the the more more plentiful plentiful items items from from the the 1970s, 1970s, in more petroleum petroleum products products show show up—plastic up— —plastic belts belts on on more dresses, plastic plastic bangles—until bangles—until we we arrive arrive at at the the age age of of dresses, discount store store shopping shopping and and such such treasures treasures as as a plastic plastic discount soap caddy caddy with with a suction suction cup cup that that is is supposed supposed to to stick stick to to soap the wall wall but but which, which, for for 99 99 cents, cents, probably probably wouldn’t wouldn’t have have the worked even even if if anyone anyone had had bothered bothered taking taking it it out out of of its its worked molded plastic plastic packaging. packaging. molded finished the the weekend weekend depressed, depressed, pissed pissed off off and and I finished wishing I’d I’d watched watched the the trial trial of of the the automobile automobile instead. instead. wishing We’re Americans; Americans; we we would would always always rather rather start start a We’re potentially prosperous prosperous new new project project than than deal deal with with the the potentially wreckage of of a misguided misguided old old one. one. But But there there are are good good wreckage lessons in in our our junk, junk, even even if if they they do do make make us us a little little bit bit sick. sick. lessons —Traci — Trraci Hukill Hukkill

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october 28-november 4, 2009


Currents. C urren ents.

03B@/G32 Bob LLee 03B@/G32 Bob ee aand nd hhis is llate ate fa father, ther, Ja James mes ‘‘Pops’ P Poops’ LLee. ee. T The he eelder lder LLee’s ee’s hhealth ealth ddeclined eclined pprecipitously recipitously aafter fter authorities authorities started started investigating investigating his his caregiver caregiver on on financial f inancial abuse abuse charges. chargges.

FFriends riends iinn N Need eed

A textbook textbook case case of of financial financial eelder lder aabuse buse 0G 83AA71/ :CAA3<6=> 0G 8 3 A A 7 1 / : C A A 3 < 6 = >


OOKIING BACK, OOKING BACK, JJames ames “Pops� “Pops� L ee’s loved loved ones ones say say they they now now Lee’s rread ead a llot ot more more into into things things that, that, aatt tthe he time time they they were were happening, happening, sseemed eemed llike ike n othing sspecial. pecial. L ee’s sson on B ob nothing Lee’s Bob d wells o n tthe he ffirst irst ttime ime h et Fe enita dwells on hee m met Fenita C aldwell, a m edical ssupplies upplies ssaleswoman aleswoman Caldwell, medical iin nh er eearly arly 4 0s w ho llived ived d own tthe he sstreet treet her 40s who down ffrom rom h is ffather ather o nD olphin D rive iin nA ptos. his on Dolphin Drive Aptos. ““She She sseemed eemed llike ike a ssweet weet llady, ady, p rofessional, professional, h ighly eeducated, ducated,� h ays. ““She She ssaid, aid, ‘‘Oh, Oh, I highly hee ssays. llove ove o ld p eople.’ I llook ook b ack o n tthat. hat.� old people. back on S even yyears ears llater, ater, iin nM ay 2 008, B ob Seven May 2008, Bob L ee sstood tood iin n ffront ront o ourtroom, aafter fter Lee off a ccourtroom, C aldwell h ad p led gguilty uilty tto om isdemeanor Caldwell had pled misdemeanor ffinancial inancial eelder lder aabuse, buse, aand nd rread ead a

statement h statement he’d e’d p prepared, repared, though though h hee says says h as aalmost lmost ttoo oo aangry ngry tto od eliver iit. t. hee w was deliver ““Your Your aactions ctions b etrayed ssomeone omeone w ho betrayed who ggenuinely enuinely lloved oved aand nd ccared ared aabout bout yyou, ou,� h hee rread. ead. ““You You n ot o nly b roke h is sspirit, pirit, yyou ou not only broke his b roke h is h eart.� broke his heart. Less than than two two weeks weeks later, later, James Jaames Less L ee d ied aatt 9 5, h is h ealth having having Lee died 95, his health rrapidly apidly d eclined o ver tthe he ccourse ourse o he declined over off tthe iinvestigation nvestigation aagainst gainst h is fformer ormer ccaregiver. aregiver. his Last week, week, Congress Congress heard heard the the story story Last iin n a sshort hort d ocumentary ffilm ilm p repared documentary prepared b he E lder Ju ustice N ow ccampaign, ampaign, a byy tthe Elder Justice Now p artnership o he N ational C ouncil o n partnership off tthe National Council on A ging aand nd W ITNESS, a human human rrights ights Aging WITNESS, vvideo ideo d ocumentary ggroup, roup, iin n an an eeffort ffort documentary

' j '

A/<B/1@CH 1=; A /<B/1@CH 1=; ooctober c t o b e r 228-november 8 - n o v e m b e r 44,, 22009 0 0 9 1C@@3<BA 1C@@3< <BA

tto op ush tthe he p assage o he sso-called o-called E lder push passage off tthe Elder A buse Ju ustice A ct. S ays L ee, ““II h ope I Abuse Justice Act. Says Lee, hope aaccomplished ccomplished o ut o his ttwo wo tthings: hings: I out off tthis h ope, n umber o ne, I m ake p eople aaware ware hope, number one, make people o his, aand nd aalso lso I h ope tthat hat sshe’ll he’ll n ever off tthis, hope never d o iitt aagain. gain. S he w as rreal eal ggood ood aatt tthis. his. Iff do She was Ih adn’t ttaken aken o ver m ad’s ffinances, inances, I hadn’t over myy d dad’s tthink hink sshe he w ould h ave ffleeced leeced h im.� would have him. Lee’s case case was was just just one one of of the the 542 542 cases cases Lee’s o lder aabuse buse aand nd n eglect tthat hat ccame ame off eelder neglect aacross cross S andy S kezas’s d esk iin n2 008. Sandy Skezas’s desk 2008. A rogram m anager ffor or S anta C ruz Ass p program manager Santa Cruz C ounty’s A dult P rotective S ervices ((APS), APS), County’s Adult Protective Services sshe he h andles a tteam eam o ase w orkers w ho handles off ccase workers who iinvestigate nvestigate iissues ssues ssurrounding urrounding tthe he u gly ugly sside ide o ging, ffrom rom eelderly lderly h oarders tto o off aaging, hoarders vvictims ictims o hysical aabuse. buse. B ut sshe he ssays ays off p physical But tthat hat m ore aand nd m ore h er aagency gency iiss d ealing more more her dealing w ith ccases ases o inancial aabuse. buse. S ince with off ffinancial Since 2 001, tthe he S anta C ruz C ounty F inancial 2001, Santa Cruz County Financial A buse S pecialist T eam, m ade u po aw Abuse Specialist Team, made up off llaw eenforcement, nforcement, ccounty ounty ccounsel, ounsel, tthe he d istrict district aattorney, ttorney, A dult P rotective S ervices aand nd Adult Protective Services tthe he p ublic gguardian, uardian, h as rrestored estored o public has orr p revented tthe he lloss oss o ore tthan han $ 42 prevented off m more $42 m illion w orth o roperty aand nd aassets. ssets. million worth off p property S kezas ssays ays tthe he h igh p roperty vvalues alues iin n Skezas high property S anta C ruz m ake tthe he ttheft heft o eal eestate state Santa Cruz make off rreal eespecially specially eenticing. nticing.

““It’s Itt’s their their ggreatest reatest aasset. sset. It’s Itt’s llong ong p paid aid o off ff and they have $300,000 worth of equity and they have $300,000 worth of equity pen ssomebody omebody ccan an ssteal, teal,� sshe he ssays. ays. ““A Ap en iiss more dangerous m ore d angerous tthan han a ggun. un. Iff yyou ou ssign ign property over me, yyour our p roperty o ver tto om e, II’ve ’ve jjust ust sstolen tolen half million dollars. Unfortunately, ah alf m illion d ollars. U nfortunately, iitt iiss do. rreally eally eeasy asy tto od o.�

Helping H elping O Out ut According A ccording to to Lee, Lee, APS APS originally originally became b ecame iinvolved nvolved iin n the the case case because because Caldwell him. C aldwell rreported eported h im. “[She] “[She] was was trying trying harass me, hee says. tto oh arass m e,� h says. Byy that B that time, time, what what had had started started as as a had ffriendly riendly rrelationship elationship h ad ssoured. oured. In In 2006, 2006, Lee Caldwell began L ee rrecalls, ecalls, C aldwell b egan renting renting one one of of his units, h is ffather’s ather’s ttriplex riplex u nits, one one that that shared shared a wall with his. The w all w ith h is. T he elder elder Lee, Lee, a gregarious gregarious old-school o ld-school Italian Ittalian who’d who’d lost lost his his second second wife 2000, w ife iin n2 000, had had endeared endeared himself himself to to the the neighbors with his n eighbors w ith h is stories stories about about surviving surviving Pearl Harbor P earl H arbor aand nd almost almost making making it it to to the the big with b ig lleagues eagues w ith the the New New York York Yankees. Yankees. So was no S o iitt w as n o surprise surprise that that as as his his health health began decline, Drivers, b egan tto od ecline, tthe he ““Dolphin Dolphin D rivers,� neighbors aass tthe he n eighbors called called themselves, themselves, were were happy h appy tto o llend end a hand. hand. (The (The younger younger 3 3

THE BREAKDOWN >=:713 AB/B3 > =:713 AB/B3 =T bVS # b] ! UV]cZa UV]aba \W\XOa ^W`ObSa O\R aSfg ^W`ObSa =T bVS # b] ! UV]cZa UV]aba \W\XOa ^W`ObSa O\R aSfg ^W`ObSa aaSb b] []P R]e\b]e\ bVWa eSSYS\R T]` AO\bO 1`ch¸a W\TO[]ca 6OZZ]eSS\ Sb b] []P R]e\b]e\ bVWa eSSYS\R T]` AO\bO 1`ch¸a W\TO[]ca 6OZZ]eSS\ Q SZSP`ObW]\ Wb¸a O UcO`O\bSS bVOb aSdS`OZ R]hS\ eWZZ a^S\R bVS \WUVb Z]]YW\U QSZSP`ObW]\ Wb¸a O UcO`O\bSS bVOb aSdS`OZ R]hS\ eWZZ a^S\R bVS \WUVb Z]]YW\U ``WRWQcZ]ca Ob bVS Q]c\bg XOWZ /\R aW\QS SdS\ bVS [WZR [O\\S`SR PSZZWUS`S\ba WRWQcZ]ca Ob bVS Q]c\bg XOWZ /\R aW\QS SdS\ bVS [WZR [O\\S`SR PSZZWUS`S\ba e V] R]\¸b eW\R c^ W\ bVS QZW\Y QO\ TOQS b`W^ZS ¿\Sa "& ^Zca T]` bVW\Ua a eV] R]\¸b eW\R c^ W\ bVS QZW\Y QO\ TOQS b`W^ZS ¿\Sa "& ^Zca T]` bVW\Ua ZZWYS ]^S\ OZQ]V]Z Q]\bOW\S`a b`Sa^OaaW\U O\R c`W\ObW\U W\ ^cPZWQ Wb e]cZR WYS ]^S\ OZQ]V]Z Q]\bOW\S`a b`Sa^OaaW\U O\R c`W\ObW\U W\ ^cPZWQ Wb e]cZR P SV]]dS e]cZR PS `SdSZS`a b] TO[WZWO`WhS bVS[aSZdSa eWbV bVS ^]ZWQS abObS PSV]]dS e]cZR PS `SdSZS`a b] TO[WZWO`WhS bVS[aSZdSa eWbV bVS ^]ZWQS abObS bbVOb¸a a]]\ b] PS W[^]aSR ]\ bVS ¾6OZZ]eSS\ aOTSbg S\VO\QS[S\b h]\Sœ VOb¸a a]]\ b] PS W[^]aSR ]\ bVS ¾6OZZ]eSS\ aOTSbg S\VO\QS[S\b h]\Sœ P ]`RS`SR Pg 1S\bS` EObS` @WdS` O\R AgQO[]`S ab`SSba P]`RS`SR Pg 1S\bS` EObS` @WdS` O\R AgQO[]`S ab`SSba = 9 eS¸`S YWRRW\U 9W\R ]T ;]`S bVO\ ^]ZWQS ]T¿QS`a RSbSQbWdSa O\R =9 eS¸`S YWRRW\U 9W\R ]T ;]`S bVO\ ^]ZWQS ]T¿QS`a RSbSQbWdSa O\R U O\U a^SQWOZWaba eWZZ PS ]\ VO\R T`][ AO\bO 1`ch C1A1 O\R EOba]\dWZZS UO\U a^SQWOZWaba eWZZ PS ]\ VO\R T`][ AO\bO 1`ch C1A1 O\R EOba]\dWZZS / RRWbW]\OZZg AO\bO 1`ch 1]c\bg aVS`WTT¸a RS^cbWSa 1OZWT]`\WO 6WUVeOg >Ob`]Z /RRWbW]\OZZg AO\bO 1`ch 1]c\bg aVS`WTT¸a RS^cbWSa 1OZWT]`\WO 6WUVeOg >Ob`]Z ] T¿QS`a 1OZWT]`\WO AbObS >O`Y `O\US`a O\R /ZQ]V]ZWQ 0SdS`OUS 1]\b`]Z ]T¿QS`a 1OZWT]`\WO AbObS >O`Y `O\US`a O\R /ZQ]V]ZWQ 0SdS`OUS 1]\b`]Z ] T¿QS`a eWZZ PS ]\ bVS U`]c\R O\R W\ bVS OW` Z]]YW\U T]` b`]cPZS[OYS`a >]ZWQS ]T¿QS`a eWZZ PS ]\ bVS U`]c\R O\R W\ bVS OW` Z]]YW\U T]` b`]cPZS[OYS`a >]ZWQS S a^SQWOZZg eWZZ PS Z]]YW\U T]` aca^SQbSR UO\U [S[PS`a eV] W\ ^`SdW]ca Sa^SQWOZZg eWZZ PS Z]]YW\U T]` aca^SQbSR UO\U [S[PS`a eV] W\ ^`SdW]ca g SO`a VOdS PSS\ `Sa^]\aWPZS T]` [cZbW^ZS abOPPW\Ua O\R ¿UVba :Oab gSO`´Pg g gSO`a VOdS PSS\ `Sa^]\aWPZS T]` [cZbW^ZS abOPPW\Ua O\R ¿UVba :Oab gSO`´Pg [ ]ab OQQ]c\ba O ^SOQSTcZ 6OZZ]eSS\´aOe "" O``Saba ! b`W^ZS ¿\S dW]ZObW]\a []ab OQQ]c\ba O ^SOQSTcZ 6OZZ]eSS\´aOe "" O``Saba ! b`W^ZS ¿\S dW]ZObW]\a O \R !& QOZZa T]` aS`dWQS HOQV 4`WS\R a^]YSa[O\ T]` A1>2 aOga Wb¸a \]b ZO`US O\R !& QOZZa T]` aS`dWQS HOQV 4`WS\R a^]YSa[O\ T]` A1>2 aOga Wb¸a \]b ZO`US Q `]eRa VS¸a e]``WSR OP]cb Pcb ¾ZO`US W\b]fWQObSR Q`]eRa 7T g]c O`S U]W\U b] Q`]eRa VS¸a e]``WSR OP]cb Pcb ¾ZO`US W\b]fWQObSR Q`]eRa 7T g]c O`S U]W\U b] Q ][S R]e\b]e\ g]c \SSR b] ^ZOg aOTS O\R ^ZOg a]PS` /\R WT g]c¸`S U]W\U b] Q][S R]e\b]e\ g]c \SSR b] ^ZOg aOTS O\R ^ZOg a]PS` /\R WT g]c¸`S U]W\U b] WW\QWbS dW]ZS\QS eS¸`S U]W\U b] bOYS SO`Zg abS^a b] USb g]c ]TT bVS OdS\cS œ \QWbS dW]ZS\QS eS¸`S U]W\U b] bOYS SO`Zg abS^a b] USb g]c ]TT bVS OdS\cS œ

—Curtis — Curtis Cartier Car artier

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october 28-november 4, 2009



A/<B/1@CH 1=; october 28-november 4, 2009 1C@@3<BA

1 C @ @ 3 < B A j 4 @ 7 3 < 2 A 7 < < 3 3 2 1 ' Lee spent much of his own retirement living in Hawaii.) In October 2007, Bob Lee says he began paying Caldwell a modest $250 per month to take his father grocery shopping or to doctor’s appointments. “It was getting to be a lot more work,� says Cherie Hervey, another Dolphin Driver and eventual caregiver, recalling the months leading up to that point. “When he was forgetful he’d say, ‘How many children do you have?’ and I’d say, ‘Remember Pops, seven?’ and he’d say, ‘Holy shit!’� By February, when it became clear that James was suffering from dementia, Bob Lee took responsibility for his father’s financial affairs. He says the first inkling of trouble came when he discovered that Caldwell had bounced a rent check in October 2007. The next month Lee says he discovered some strange activity on his father’s credit card—a $485 plane ticket to Chicago, and the next month a $1,350 down payment on a time-share in Las Vegas, both in Caldwell’s name. Attempts to contact Caldwell for this article were unsuccessful. “I approached my dad. He was stunned. ‘How did she get my credit card?,’� he says. “After that, I did an audit and found out she hadn’t paid rent for months.� Lee still has a copy of a check that Caldwell eventually wrote for $4,500, with a note that says “past due rent.� Lee says Caldwell then agreed to move out, but when he received another rent check the following month, he realized she was staying. Lee began interviewing the Dolphin Drivers about his father’s relationship with Caldwell, and says he discovered that she had about $15,000 worth of jewelry she said Pops had bought her, including a 1.38-carat diamond ring and a Rolex watch. “Who would ever accept a gift like that?� Lee says. But he adds there was evidence that the relationship had become more than friendly. “At one point, he asked me for Viagra,� says Lee. “That should have been a red flag.�

Courting Trouble According to Lee, once he told Caldwell to have no further contact with his father, things escalated. He says she continued to have the elder Lee over to her house, which prompted Bob Lee to call the sheriff twice, and later to file for a restraining order. Hervey says she had to repeatedly remind her elderly neighbor that he shouldn’t have contact with Caldwell. “I told him, ‘Remember, Pops? She stole your money,’ and he’d say, ‘Oh yeah, why would she do that?’ and he would cry, not just a couple of tears. Sobbing,� she says. “His health took a downward spiral. He was depressed. My dad was a very proud man,� says Lee. “He said, ‘Because I’m old, she thinks I’m stupid.’ I almost wish his dementia had been bad enough that he didn’t understand that.� In March 2008, Lee says APS called to speak to him about neglecting his father, but the agency turned its investigation to Caldwell after learning about the credit card purchases. Soon, the APS team gave what it had to the DA’s office, according to Assistant District Attorney Kelly Walker. In April, after Lee was granted a restraining order against her, Caldwell was arrested outside of the courtroom. “I’m not real concerned about using a credit card to go out to dinner with the victim,� says Walker. “That’s not as concerning as a Rolex watch and a diamond ring. It became obvious that the defendant was victimizing him. She had endeared herself to him.� Though she was charged with a felony, Caldwell pled out to a misdemeanor. As part of her deal, Walker says she admitted to the two credit card charges for the trip and the timeshare, returned the ring and watch and served a 30-day jail sentence. She was also ordered to have no financial agreements with anyone over the age of 65. Walker says he thought it was necessary for Caldwell to

write Bob Lee a letter of apology, which she did. In it, she called the credit card charges “mistakes and bad judgment,� but described them as the result of an agreement she had with Pops when she was having money trouble. “The nonpayment of the rent coupled with the two credit card charges made me look like I was taking advantage of you [sic] dad when this was not my intention at all,� she wrote. “I’m deeply sorry Bobby, please forgive me.�

“What was beneficial in Bob Lee’s case was that he was on top of his father’s finances. That’s not always the case,� says Marci Phillips, director of Public Policy and Advocacy for the National Council on Aging in Washington, D.C. “The key part [of the Elder Abuse Act] is that it creates a federal commitment, and a federal coordination and a stream of funding to help address, prevent and in some cases prosecute elder abuse.�

Hervey says she had to repeatedly remind her elderly neighbor that he shouldn’t have contact with Caldwell. ‘I told him, “Remember, Pops? She stole your money,�and he’d say, “Oh yeah, why would she do that?�’ Lee, who still has some unresolved anger, says the sentence for Caldwell was too light. “I felt justice wasn’t served,� he says. “I felt like she had contributed highly to his death.� Walker, however, says that there was no way he could pursue a charge on those grounds. “He spoke to me regarding that, and there’s no way that can be pursued. I don’t disagree with his feeling, but, no, I couldn’t prove that in a court of law,� he says.

Long Overdue In some ways the family was lucky. Lee was involved in his father’s life and had power of attorney. He had the means to cover his $10,000 legal bill, and prevented what he believes was the end goal—to get possession of his father’s triplex, which the family sold in one week for $1,175,000. The Elder Abuse Act would create federal money and oversight for those whose families are not as astute.

Some of those federal dollars would go directly to local APS, so that Skezas would no longer have to rely on state funding. In the last two fiscal years, she says the APS budget has been “slaughtered.� She currently has only three caseworkers. The bill has been languishing in Congress since 2002, but was recently added as an amendment to one of the health-care reform bills approved by the Senate Finance Committee. Phillips says this is why the coalition chose to show the documentary film to Congress last week. “It really is our best shot in years to finally get this moving,� she says. Lee says helping to pass an Elder Abuse Act is a small source of comfort. “This is the only sector of the population that’s been ignored,� he says, pointing to the fact there is federal protection for children, battered women and animals, but none for the elderly. “These Congress people, they’re going to be there one day. It’s something no one will avoid.� 0

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6=B ;/;/ A stylish Mardi Wormhoudt, the epitome of ageless California cool, was photographed in April for the 15th anniversary issue of Metro Santa Cruz.

Madame Mayor

Mardi Wormhoudt, 1937–2009 0G B@/17 6C97::


NEVER met Mardi Wormhoudt. In the late 1990s, when I was getting my start in journalism and relegated to the sandbox of features writing, I would hear her name uttered in the newsroom and wonder at the hallowed tone employed by my usually cynical hero-colleagues. In the same way children take cues from their parents, espousing essentially baseless opinions about frivolous aunts or shiftless uncles, I came to understand that Mardi Wormhoudt was one of the good politicians. I didn’t know why. I just accepted it. By 2007, when I returned to Santa Cruz in a professional capacity, Wormhoudt had finished her 12 years on the Board of Supervisors, capping a 21-year career of public service that included the mayoralty of Santa Cruz during the Loma Prieta earthquake. Her accomplishments, it seemed, were measured more by what hadn’t happened than by what had: gorgeous Wilder Ranch hadn’t been overtaken by subdivisions, Pogonip and Coast Dairy hadn’t been developed, Lighthouse Field didn’t have a conference center. But there was a flip side to the protectionism that had secured those important victories: not enough good hotels to balance out the cheap ones, a strident and oversimplified public discourse, a staggering price of admission to life in Santa Cruz. People referred to Mardi—always by first name—as the

godmother of an elitist, some might say real estatist, cabal. She had successors, protÊgÊs, causes, enemies. When she was photographed by Dina Scoppettone for the 15th anniversary of Metro Santa Cruz, this paper’s predecessor, her pixieish appearance came as a surprise. Petite and coifed in a fashionable blonde shag, clad in jeans and peasant blouse, she seemed too diminutive, too casual and stylish, to be a political powerhouse. Only the hint of steel in her eyes gave that part away. We ran a photo of her leaning on John Laird’s shoulder, as if about to whisper in his ear. I worried that it gave short shrift to them both, but looked at another way it acknowledged the undeniable lineage of the Santa Cruz progressive movement. Lately there’s been much reminiscing about Mardi Wormhoudt and her legacy. Of the many things she left Santa Cruz—a beautiful greenbelt, a potent sense of its unique place in the world, a vibrant downtown—maybe the most important is the confidence to just say no to a future it didn’t want, because that makes it possible to say yes to one it does. The boundaries have been drawn, the template set for smart growth and a denser, greener future several steps beyond what Mardi herself envisioned. History may decide that Mardi Wormhoudt was a woman far ahead of her time—more so than even she herself may have realized. 0

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Power Play Lean, clean and green, Silicon Valley’s nascent automotive industry is on a roll 0G 3@71 8=6<A=<


HE ELECTRIC CAR— quiet, fast and clean—has captured some media attention since the release of the sleek Tesla Roadster 18 months ago. But it’s not a new idea. Some of the first cars ever built, going back to the 19th century, were batterypowered. And the contemporary push to break away from the internal combustion engine dates back more than 40 years. The Electric Auto Association, a national club, was founded in San Jose in 1967 by a bunch of Lockheed engineers. Today it is still a going concern with chapters throughout the world, including one in Aptos, furthering its mission “to encourage experimentation in the building of electric vehicles, particularly to improve energy and resource efficiency, reduce emissions and improve vehicle safety.� For most of its 42 years, the club has served as a clearinghouse for hobbyists and small entrepreneurs who use a variety of kits to convert gasoline-powered vehicles to EVs. Club member Mike Brown has been at it from the beginning. A longtime Volkswagen mechanic, Brown built his first electric vehicle in 1979: a FiberFab Aztec kit car on a VW Beetle chassis. Then he started experimenting, converting Porsches, other kit cars and, finally, his biggest success—a VW Rabbit he named the “Voltsrabbit.� He founded his own company, Electro Automotive, in 1981. In 1989, he and his partner Shari Prange published the book Convert It, which still circulates in electric-car culture.

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1 = D 3 @ A B = @ G j > = E 3 @ > : /G Since that time, Brown, who lives and works in Bonny Doon, may have been responsible for the production of more electric cars than any other company. By his own estimation, there are something like 2,500 cars on the road today running Electro Automotive conversions. Beneath the hood of each, a bank of batteries supply power to a series-wound DC motor, which feeds the power through a gearbox straight to the drive wheels. Several times a week, working from his little shop in the Santa Cruz Mountains, Brown ships kits to owners of Rabbits, Porsche 914s or, recently, the Beck’s Spider, a cool little reproduction kit-car modeled after a 1965 Porsche. During the time that Brown has been retrofitting hundreds of vehicles to run on an electric power source, many car companies, including the Big Three, have experimented with building EVs from scratch. So far, none have really succeeded. GM’s EV1, built from 1996 to 1999, was popular with its small band of owners, but ultimately the company killed the model, recalled all of the cars and crushed them. Toyota went a different route—more like Brown’s—converting its own miniSUV, the RAV4, to run on an electric motor. In production from 1997 to 2003, the model was discontinued with little fanfare. The big manufacturers’ failure to launch a viable plug-in vehicle prompted the 2006 documentary Who Killed the Electric Car?, but rumors of the EV’s demise have been greatly exaggerated. Over the hill from Brown’s shop, the germ of a new clean automotive industry is sprouting from the same matrix that yielded the semiconductor and the network router. Electric cars are alive and well, and Silicon Valley is the reason why.

Fancy Amps For Silicon Valley’s passionate car lovers, Club Auto Sport is a combination country club, museum and temple. Its showroom is filled with some of the most beautiful, powerful and expensive automobiles ever made. On a recent Saturday afternoon, a rare Porsche Carrera GT sat alongside an even rarer Ford GT40 race car. The Porsche, flat-black and still recognizable as a Carrera despite a bulge behind the rear windshield housing a 10-cylinder, 612-horsepower rear-mounted engine, is one of the fastest production cars ever made, capable of traveling from zero to 60 mph in under four seconds. It

was priced at a bargain $325,000. The GT40, built in 1965, was the machine that reasserted American automotive technological dominance in the Le Mans circuit—a Ferrari killer. More than 40 years old, it still does a sub-four-second zero to 60 and typically sells for around $150,000.

‘Right now, there is a level playing field. We’re living through a time like the 1920s, when there were 100 car companies. And I believe that I have as much chance as anybody to design the car that succeeds.’ —Simon Saba Down the hall from the showroom, in a tiny garage stall that’s part of a business incubator, sits a small twoseater that, when finished in a few weeks, will be able to beat both cars off the line. The car is being built by the one-man startup company Saba Motors and is designed to sell for $40,000. The Saba Spider is a sharp-looking roadster, but it looks nowhere near as impressive or intimidating as the two vehicles that it will one day be able to blow away. That’s because the Spider is a different kind of car. With an aluminum frame, carbon-fiber body and other proprietary technologies I am not supposed to mention, the car weighs about as much as an old Schwinn beach cruiser. But what really makes the car fast is that the Saba is electric, driven ¨ &

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uorescent lighting to these Retail Recycling Partners:

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Riverside Lighting 300 Soquel Av. Santa Cruz, CA 831-423-7211

by a motor about the size of a 3-gallon pail, powered by a bank of Thundersky lithium batteries. Simon Saba, software engineer by day, revolutionary automotive designer at night and on weekends, is building the car because he believes he is living in a unique moment in history. “There is a perfect storm happening right now,� he says. “For one thing, technologies have evolved to make something like this possible. At the same time, the Obama administration has stepped up and declared its commitment to green technology and is putting money behind that commitment. Private VC money is also becoming available. And meanwhile, the old automotive companies are nearly bankrupt. “Right now, there is a level playing field. We’re living through a time like the 1920s, when there were 100 car companies. And I believe that I have as much chance as anybody to design the car and launch the company that succeeds.� Saba’s strategy is simple—to dispel what he calls the two myths of electric cars—“that they’re slow and that they’re ugly.� To accomplish this, he decided to build a high-performance sports car rather than a glorified golf cart. He has run scores of calculations plotting curb weight, rolling resistance coefficient,

drag coefficient, air density and other metrics, and experimented with various materials and off-the-shelf devices. “Efficiency,� he says, “equals power.� Saba’s primary goal is to win the X Prize, an international competition “designed to inspire a new generation of viable, super-fuel-efficient vehicles.� The contest, set up a by a nonprofit and funded by the Progressive Insurance Company, involves designing, building and bringing to market 100 MPGe (miles-per-gallon energy equivalent) vehicles “that people want to buy and that meet market needs for price, size, capability, safety and performance.� More than 100 teams have entered the competition for three prizes totaling $10 million. Saba believes his lack of automotive experience and expertise gives him an edge on the competition. “Automotive engineers are looking for ways to rebuild vehicles that already exist. I’m looking for brand-new ways to solve the problem,� he says. Saba’s confidence does not appear to be too misplaced. A month ago, he attended Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Global Climate Summit at the invitation of EPA chief Lisa Jackson. He proudly shows off photos of himself talking to Schwarzenegger and Jackson, who visited his display booth for 15 minutes. While he has not spent a lot of time yet actively seeking any government

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ACUPUNCTURE assistance or even venture capital— focusing instead on building his prototype—Saba has indeed entered a fertile field. In the past 12 months, green technology in general and automotive tech in particular have become the fastest-growing sectors of the American economy. In August, the Department of Energy dispersed $2.4 billion in grants to companies to spur green development in the automotive field. While most of that went to the rust-belt states where the recession has hit the hardest, two California companies—Tesla and Fisker—received $465 million and $528.7 million, respectively. But the government money is the tip of the iceberg. The real money is in the private sector, where the prospect of a new, sustainable automotive industry has already sparked a gold rush.

Driven to Change Steve Jurvetson, a partner in the Sand Hill Road venture-capital fund Draper Fisher Jurvetson, is heavily invested in the clean-tech revolution. His company, one of the iconic investment firms to emerge from the Internet boom, has funded startups from Hotmail to Ooma, and made a strong move into the green sector several years ago. With holdings in companies including Brightsource Energy, a builder of solar power plants, DFJ is banking on a renewable future. One of the firm’s most high-profile clients is Tesla Automotive, the San Carlos-based builder of the mediadarling Tesla Roadster. Jurvetson also drives a Tesla—one of the first 20 ever built—and sits on the company’s board of directors. He says the potential offered by the new breed of nonpolluting vehicles cannot be exaggerated. “It’s one of the largest opportunities we’ve ever looked at,� he says. Jurvetson points out that the prospect of a new green automotive industry opens up to competition not only the entire automotive transportation industry but also the multibillion-dollar petrochemical industry. “It’s a trillion-dollar market,� Jurvetson says. “We have never seen a market of this size. The whole [information technology] market was a few hundred billion. This—it’s kind of mind-bending.� Jurvetson has seen plenty of evidence that this is not just a pipe dream. Brightsource, which his company backed in its early stages, just inked a $10 billion solar deal. What was until recently a dream held

by many environmentalists and some forward-thinking scientists has, in just the past couple of years, turned into money. That’s good for DFJ’s startups— and good for Silicon Valley. “Startups do well in markets where there’s been a disruption—when something changes in the market,â€? Jurvetson says. “In a stable market, the big get bigger, and the little startups don’t have much of a chance.â€? The recent disruptions have included skyrocketing oil prices and much bigger forces, from terrorism to global climate change. Other changes are the new administration in Washington, D.C., and the resultant changes in the regulatory landscape. Much of the action is focused on Silicon Valley. But confronted with the question of whether Silicon Valley is set to become the next Detroit, Jurvetson says that’s the wrong question. “My first reaction is that I don’t think Detroit is a good role model,â€? he says. “Silicon Valley is going to do what Silicon Valley does. We will do what we did with IT, in the way that Silicon Valley uniquely can. This is going to be something completely different, in a completely different space, that becomes a substitute for what came before.â€? Jurvetson credits the explosion in the alternative-vehicle market to more than an accident of history. He says “engineering and design elegance,â€? combined with business innovations, have forced the change. He points to Tesla’s sales strategy, which dispenses with independent dealers, allowing Tesla to sell directly to consumers and “control the brand experience.â€? “We can talk about selling in a whole new way,â€? Jurvetson says, “which only really makes sense because this car has a lot of cachĂŠ.â€? A more significant business innovation is the one that allowed Tesla co-founder Elon Musk to start a car company without having hundreds of millions of dollars on day one. Tesla was able to do that by building its Roadster around the guts of a Lotus Elise. “With this, [Musk] isn’t just selling a dream,â€? Jurvetson says. He contrasts this business model with the old way. Henry Ford, he points out, owned everything that went into the production and sales of his cars, from rubber plantations to dealerships. “That’s a staggeringly expensive way to build a car company,â€? Jurvetson says. While Detroit automakers and other upstarts were building mostly variations ¨




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GREEN MEANS GO !Tjnpo!TbcbĂ–t!Tqjefs!jt!eftjhofe!up!cf!qsjdfe!bu!kvtu!%51-111-!!


on the golf cart, Musk and his team decided to build a high-performance vehicle and to work with an established, but smallish, auto builder. The effort paid off. With its Roadster, Tesla was first to market—and delivered a product that has impressed everyone who’s driven or even seen it. “It’s a singular experience,� Jurvetson says. “The sheer acceleration—it’s like being shot out of a rail gun. I used to tell people, ‘Zero to 60 in under four seconds’ and watch their eyes glaze over. Now I just say, ‘It goes like a bat out of hell.’�

Future Fast To start the Tesla Roadster, you push a button in the middle of the console. Press D, and the one-speed transmission is engaged. At a standstill, the car is silent. Step on the accelerator and it makes a high-pitched, rapidly modulating whine. It’s a very cool sound—like the sound spaceships make in sci-fi movies. Slip out onto the road and press hard on the pedal, and the whine modulates very rapidly until the car is emitting a nice soft scream. At that point, the car is

probably doing 80 mph—and not even straining. The Tesla Roadster is explosively fast. It can go from a cold stop to 60 miles per hour in about the time it took you to read this sentence. It is unlike anything on the road. As a former mechanic, I have driven some fast cars. I worked for years in a shop that serviced Porsches. We had a customer with a race-tuned Carrera; on several occasions, I drove that Carrera 160 mph. The Tesla would kick that Carrera’s ass off the line. Mike Falcone, a salesman at the dealership in Menlo Park, knows about fast cars, too. His personal car is a 1969 Pontiac GTO with a 400-cubic-inch V-8 and a four-barrel carb. On our test drive, I asked him how the two cars compared. He just laughed. The stretch of Sand Hill Road that runs from El Camino Real to Highway 280 is 2.6 miles long and has six stoplights. Between each of those stoplights, I took the Tesla straight up to 80 and then, out of prudence, backed off. Each time, it felt remarkable. I noticed something else I liked about the car—because it uses regenerative


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braking, the Tesla slows itself down immediately when your foot comes off the accelerator, as the motor draws energy. This is done in the name of efficiency, but as it happens, it makes for a better driving experience. Without the driver stepping on the brake, the car will slow itself to from 80 mph to 3 mph, quickly and smoothly. At the 280 onramp, things got really fun. The Tesla’s front end and suspension are 100 percent Lotus Elise. That means old-school unassisted rack and pinion. Which means you can literally feel the road in your hands—none of that powersteering mush. The heavy battery pack is located in the center of the car, giving the Roadster 60–40 weight distribution—a good thing—and the motor and tranny are located just behind the rear wheels, which causes the vehicle to dig in hard under acceleration. And the thing about explosive acceleration is that it, too, just plain feels good. On the cloverleaf Sand Hill Road onramp, I couldn’t help but let out a shout. Falcone, my co-pilot, said, “All clear,� and I jetted out over to the fast lane and hit 100-something in no time at all. By the time I gathered myself enough to look in the rear-view mirror, I saw nothing but empty road with a bunch of BMWs and big Mercedes in the distance. “In the Tesla, you end up driving alone a lot,� Falcone said. “Nobody can keep up with you.� Feeling a professional obligation to put the car through its paces, I exited at Alpine Road and headed up into Portola Valley. This is the kind of road the Lotus chassis was designed for, and the Tesla loved it, exploding through the gentle curves. But when I checked the rear-view again, I was surprised and then doubly surprised: there was a car just off my back bumper; it was another Tesla. The driver was grinning and waving through his windshield, and I waved him over. We pulled into a turnout. Matt Devin, on a Sunday drive with his daughter, seemed elated. This, I thought to myself, is the look of a man who owns a highly efficient, ecologically responsible automobile. The look on his face told me that this is the kind of thing that could save the world from the polluting deathgrip of the gasoline-powered automotivepetrochemical complex. Assuming an electric car will be brought to market for significantly less than the Roadster’s $109,000 price tag. On the way back down Sand Hill Road, another fortunate event: at a stoplight just west of the Stanford Shopping Mall, I looked to my right,

and sitting there was a new Corvette. I honked the horn. The driver, a handsome woman in a golf cap, turned to us with a grin and asked: “What’ve you got in there?� “A battery and a little electric motor.� Pointing at the road ahead, I asked the time-honored question: “Wanna run?� She kept grinning. “Sure.� The light turned green. It was over in a hurry.

Selling a Dream When Tom Price learned that Henrik Fisker was getting into electric cars, he took notice. He knew Fisker as one of the world’s leading designers of luxury coaches, the man who had designed the BMW Z8 and the Aston Martin DB9, two of the most beautiful cars to hit the road in the past couple of decades. Price was ideally positioned to win the first Fisker dealership in Northern California, which is set to open in Sunnyvale next year. Price owns Toyota of Sunnyvale, which is the nation’s second-biggest Prius dealer, so he has a firsthand knowledge of what “greenâ€? can mean to the bottom line. He also owns Marin Luxury Cars in Corte Madera, one of the region’s top sellers of Aston Martins. “The more I learned about the car and how it was put together,â€? Price says, “the more comfortable I became.â€? Price is speaking of the Fisker Karma, which is poised to be the first plug-in hybrid luxury sedan to hit the market. Fisker himself designed the car’s body. Almost everything else in the vehicle has been subcontracted out to experienced manufacturers. The power train is being built by Quantum, a Southern California–based manufacturer of fuel cells and fuel systems. The interior is being built by Magna Steyr, a Torontobased global supplier. Almost every component in the car is being built by a similarly well established company. In the end, the pieces will be shipped to Finland, where they’ll be assembled by Valmet Automotive—the company that assembles the Boxster and Cayman for Porsche. “It’s easy to have confidence in the vehicle, knowing all of these vendors,â€? Price says. Price is equally confident the car will sell. “When we had it here,â€? Price says, “we showed the car to friends and asked them what they figured the price would be. Most said $200,000.â€? The Karma will retail for $87,500. Subtract out the federal rebate of $7,500 and, the way ¨

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1 = D 3 @ A B = @ G j > = E 3 @ > : /G Price figures it, the car is competitive with the Audi A8, Jaguar XJ and Mercedes-Benz S-Class. Like Tesla, Fisker has attracted serious money from Silicon Valley investors. The giant of Sand Hill Road, Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, has made Fisker one of the pillars of its spectacularly ambitious “Greentech� fund, which is managed by a team including KPCB partner and former Vice President Al Gore. Gore is slated to get one of the first Karmas to roll off the production line. And as this article goes to press, current Vice President Joe Biden is expected to announce that a shuttered GM plant in his home state of Delaware will be retrofitted to build Fisker’s upcoming midpriced mystery car, codenamed “project Nina.� Not much is known about the Nina, but unlike the Tesla, the Fisker Karma is a hybrid, running a 2.0-liter fourcylinder gasoline engine that generates power for its patented “Q-Drive� electric motor. The combination produces more than 400 total horsepower; the car has tested 0–60 in under six seconds. Not as fast as the Tesla Roadster, but then it seats five. And unlike other hybrids on the road today, the Karma offers a plugin option. It can travel up to 50 miles before the charging motor kicks in. Price has driven the car and believes he’ll have no trouble convincing some high-end car buyers to give up their big Euro-sedans. “I don’t think you sacrifice anything in terms of agility or power,� Price says. “There’s a solar panel on the roof, so you don’t have a sun roof. But that’s probably about it.� Tesla, meanwhile, is also preparing to enter the luxury sedan market, albeit at a significantly lower price point. The Tesla Model S, an equally stunning, nicely appointed five-plus-two-seater, is scheduled to ship in late 2011. It was Tesla’s Elon Musk, in fact, who gave Henrik Fisker the idea that the time of the plug-in automobile has arrived. Musk hired Fisker to design Tesla’s first sedan, which at the time was code-named WhiteStar. (After a year or so, Fisker quit and was followed out the door by a lawsuit charging him with theft of proprietary information. Fisker announced plans to start his own company some time later; the lawsuit was decided in his favor.) The Model S differs from the Karma in a couple of ways. First, the Model S is fully electric. Second, it’s priced $20,000 less than the Fisker. After the $7,500 tax break, the Model S will start at $49,900. Not exactly a “Tesla for the

rest of us,� but it does represent a big step toward the time when electric cars will be commonplace, because it will come equipped with a battery that can be swapped out in five minutes. That would make driving a Model S about as convenient as driving a gas-powered car. All that remains is to build a vast network of charging spots and battery swap-out stations. And another Silicon Valley company is well on the way toward achieving that ambitious goal.

Deutsche Bank analysts concluded that Better Place’s approach could be a ‘paradigm shift’ that has ‘the potential to eliminate the gasoline engine altogether’ The Big Idea At the World Economic Forum in 2005, Klaus Schwab, the founder of the international organization that has gathered business, political and intellectual leaders in Davos, Switzerland every year since 1971, posed a question: “What’s the most important thing you could do to make the world a better place by 2020?� Shai Agassi, who had been invited to attend the event as one of the inaugural class of Young Global Leaders, was part of a working group assigned to look at climate change. A 37-year-old engineer and entrepreneur, Agassi was on the board of directors of SAP, the Germanbased software development firm, and had come to be interested in the problem of global warming. Agassi led his team to the conclusion that gasoline-

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powered cars were the biggest threat to the planet, and—because of their vast numbers—the most difficult problem to solve. After returning to his job in California, Agassi produced a succinct nine-page white paper on the subject. It contained an argument for building national-scale infrastructures to support mass adoption of electric cars and a blueprint for making it happen. The piece took as a given that the era of oil is ending. It called for largescale solar energy plants sending energy to the batteries of electric cars via an “intelligent Electric Recharge Grid (ERG)� using hardware and software to connect utilities, charging stations and drivers. Driving itself wouldn’t change much. A ubiquitous infrastructure would allow cars to charge up when parked. The main difference would come on long trips. When out of juice, drivers would pull into exchange stations where they would get into automated lanes, as in a car wash, and have their empty battery swapped out for a full one. “We for the first time look at the car battery as part of the infrastructure system, not part of the car,� he wrote, “much like the SIM card inside a cell phone is part of the network infrastructure which is residing inside the phone.� Conditions were ripe to make the change, he argued. At the time he was writing, the cost of new-generation lithium iron phosphate batteries was starting to drop. For the first time, Agassi reported, the total cost of energy for electric transportation had crossed under the cost of fossil fuel. The “cross-under point� had gone almost unnoticed in the world of automotive design, which was focused on the hybrid-car race. Yet, Agassi concluded, its effect would result in “the most disruptive economic shift ever experienced in history.� He devoted some effort in his white paper to demonstrating that his idea would make money. A lot of it. Fuel at the pump represents a market of $1.5 trillion every year. Cars and components add up to roughly the same amount: $1.5 trillion a year. He predicted that clean electricity generation for cars will reach $150 billion a year. The construction of the grid—the ERG— was projected at $500 billion. Battery manufacturing will reach similar levels of $500 billion a year. Carbon credits alone will be worth roughly $300 billion when all cars are driven on clean electricity. “In the aggregate, we are looking at an annual dislocation reaching

roughly $6T a year,� Agassi wrote. Keep in mind: Agassi was putting this idea together in his spare time, while he was running the 10,000-member engineering team for a big multinational corporation. He seems to have written the paper for the sheer joy of solving a hugely perplexing problem, or as an act of global community service. “Regardless of who wins or loses economically, there is one sure winner—the sustainability of our planet and humanity,� he concluded. “If we desire to sustain the planet and our current way of living, we stand in front of a decision that has no alternative.... The time is now, and the change is already in motion. In the words of Lee Iacocca, ‘It’s time to lead, follow or get out of the way.’�

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The Big Money Agassi delivered his white paper to the World Economic Forum in 2007, two years after he had begun investigating Klaus Schwab’s question. According to Sidney Goodman, VP of Automotive Alliances for the Palo Alto–based Better Place, at the time Agassi was next in line for the top job at SAP and was not very interested in starting the company that would build the grid he was envisioning. Ultimately, it was Shimon Peres, the former prime minister of Israel, who convinced him otherwise. “Shai was hoping to pass the idea along to a government, hoping they would take up the challenge,â€? Goodman reports. And Peres was interested. He issued Agassi two challenges. One: Get a buy-in from a major car company (known in the biz as an original equipment manufacturer, or OEM). Two: Get the money. Agassi wasted no time. He brought in Carlos Ghosn, president of the RenaultNissan alliance, one of the world’s top five carmakers. Goodman says Renault-Nissan “differs from any other OEM in the marketâ€? in its interest in plug-in cars. “They decided quickly that there was a strategy fit— and said, ‘Let’s do it.’â€? In October 2007, Project Better Place was launched. Agassi had also met condition No. 2—he had raised $200 million, from VantagePoint— another big Silicon Valley VC firm—as well as from Israel Corp., Morgan Stanley and a smaller group of private investors. The deal has been called one of the largest and fastest seed rounds in history. Meanwhile, Peres had taken the idea ¨


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to then-Israeli prime minister Ehud Olmert. Strings were pulled, deals were made, and in two years Better Place will have its infrastructure in place and Renault will have its fleet of cars ready for delivery. “We already have metal in the ground,� Goodman reports. More than 1,000 charging stations have been put together in several Israeli cities. Later in 2011, the same thing will happen in Denmark. Australia will follow in 2012. And then: California. In April 2008, Deutsche Bank analysts concluded that the company’s approach could be a “paradigm shift� that causes “massive disruption� to the auto industry, and which has “the potential to eliminate the gasoline engine altogether.� The head-spinning speed at which this idea has caught on certainly accounts for the fact that most Americans are practically unaware that such a radical power shift could be in the offing. There is one curious fact, again from Agassi’s white paper, that makes the transition seem almost inevitable—even before the dozens of required solar power plants are built.

Every energy-generating plant and grid system produces excess power capacity, called “active reserve.� This is used to guarantee immediate availability of power in demand spikes. The active reserve is usually wasted, as power stations have no ability to store it. According to Agassi, the active reserve alone could power more than a third of the cars in developed countries. “The smart recharge grid provides a ‘distributed storage facility,’� he writes. “Taking the concept one step further, the cars and batteries can even feed back electricity to the grid.� Steve Jurvetson offers another piece of evidence that this dream is real. He points to the fact that many of the most talented young engineers, bankers and other professionals are being drawn into the clean-energy sector. He attributes this to something fundamental. “It just feels good to know you’re part of a significant change,� he says. “For young people just out of college, they get to feel like they’re contributing something important to the world. “For those of us who have been around a while, for the first time, our kids think we’re cool.� 0

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HEY D HEY DON’T ON’T d drink rink b blood. lo o d. T hey d on’t w ear ffake ake ffangs angs o They don’t wear orr b lack ttrench rench ccoats. oats. T hey d on’t black They don’t read A nne R ice n ovels aand nd read Anne Rice novels they w ouldn’t b aught d ead w atching they wouldn’t bee ccaught dead watching Twilight. What What tthey hey d o iiss rride ide ssoupedoup edTwilight. do up motorcycles motorcycles at at ridiculous ridiculous speeds, speeds, up party like like rock rock stars stars and and occasionally occasionally party forget to to wear wear clothes clothes while while doing doing forget either. They’re They’re the the Vampires. Vampires. And And either. they’re probably probably Santa Santa t Cruz’s Cruz’s best b est they’re known motorcycle motorcycle club. club. known people say say when they they “What do people Vaampires? e Probably, Probablyy, ‘Oh, think of the Vampires? you mean those hooligans hoolligans on bikes,’� bikes,’� you saays y Keith Keeith Seric, Seric, sergeant-at-arms sergeeant-at-arms for for o the says Vampir a es Motorcycle Motorcyclee Club and a 10Vampires year veteran veteran of the group. grroup. “We’re “W We’re really really year about the riding. ridiing. We We ride hard hard just all about Everrything else is just and we ride fast. Everything cake.� icing on the cake.� founded o d in San Bruno in Originally founded Vampir a es, like several other liike several 1954, the Vampires, time, took took o its name from from clubs of the time, decade’s most popular pop pular horror horror f lick the decade’s genre. The Th initial i i i l group grou up eventually eventually ll genre. ’60s, but in 1988, 1988, disbanded in the late ’60s, from what was was left lefft of with a blessing from school Vamps, Vaampss, a small group group of the old school motorcyclists resurrected resurreccted the club from from motorcyclists grave. the grave. Todaay, the Vampires Vaampires e have haave chapters in Today, Santa Cruz, San Luis Luis Obispo Obispo and San Santa Francisco, and they they boast boast a membership membership Francisco, several hundred—though, hundred—tthough, for for o tax tax of several purposes, they they don’t don’tt like l e to give lik give out purposes, exact numbers. numbers. The group g oup organizes gr organizes or exact participates in about about a dozen events events participates every year, year, including barbecues, barbecues, public every rides, a members-only members- onlyy camping camping trip rides, called the “Stackholio “Stackholio o Ride� Ride� and the called “Naked Ride,� Rid de,� which is exactly exactly infamous “Naked like and nd draws draaw ws more more an what it sounds like

1=C<B =< 7B Once a yyear 1=C<B =< 7B Once ear tthe he m members embers ooff tthe he V Vampires a m p i re s M Motorcycle o to rc y c l e C Club lub llose ose tthe he lleathers eathers aand nd rride ide n naked aked aass jjaybirds a y b i rd s ddown own Pacific Pacif ic Avenue, Avenue, but but most most of of the the time time they’re the yy’re eeasily asily iidentified dentif ied by by the the ppatches atches oon n their their jackets. jackets.

than a ffew ew curious stares stares when it rroars o oars down Avenue. unlikee n Pacific Paciff iic A venue. The group, group, unlik u clubs,, has no bik bikee brand or st style most clubs tyle rrequirements. equiirements. Its members members ride HarleyHaarleyDavidson hogs, Kawasaki Da avvid dson ho gs, Ka wasaki crotch-rockets crotch-rockets dirt bikes. it’s and Honda H dirt bik es. ““As As long as it t’s it’s good got ttwo w wheels and a motor, wo motor, it ’s go ood Seric,, who rides a with us,� us,� eexplains xplains Seric BMW W R-1150. R-1150. Thee membership membership is similarly eclectic. ecleectic. Professions ranks Pr offessions e rrepresented epresented in the rank ks rangee from from physical physical therapist and IT I technician manufacturer techn nician to ffirearms iirearms manufactur e er and military m ary officer—anyone milit offf icer—anyone with a love love of motorcycles. motorcycles. But perhaps perhaps unifying club’s the most m unif fyying trait of the club ’s members, besides affection mem mbers, b esides their af ffeection ffor o or two-wheeled machines, two -w w ee ed death wheeled deat machines ac es, is the ttheir eeir

assortment assor tment of crash crash-related h-rrelated injuries. h injuries. From Fr om Seric’s Seric’s ttwo wo metal m al plates, met plates, 22 screws screws another member’s and ttwo wo pins to an nother memb er’s “powdered� “p owdered� wrist and a hand and another’ss shat shattered another’ tered d knees and legs, legs, not a single Vampire spared Vaampire has haas been been spar ed his blood od ffor or her pint of blo o or the sake sake of the hobby. hobb y. “That’s “That’s the difference difffeerrence between between real real riders and SQUIDS S [a slang term ffor or o beginning b eginning and reckless reck kless riders that’s that’s shortt ffor Underdressed shor o or Stupid, Quick, Q U nderdressed and Imminently Dead],� says D � sa ayys James James Penick, P enick, a UNIX systems systems administrator who,, at nearly 7 ffeet 300 who eeeet ttall all and 30 0 pounds, qualifies p ounds, qualif ies as mountain of a as a mountain always bikes, man. “We “W We alw ayys get g back on our bik es, no mat matter what happens.� ter haappens.�

Fang F ang Gang G Becoming B ecoming a V Vampire ampire d doesn’t oesn’t rrequire equire b eing b itten o onsuming tthe he b lood being bitten orr cconsuming blood o nother m ember. IItt d oes, h owever, off aanother member. does, however, ttake ake aabout bout a yyear ear o anging aaround round off h hanging aand nd aanother nother yyear ear aass a ““prospect. prospect.� E asily Easily iidentified dentif ied b oth b he llarge arge ssquare quare p atch both byy tthe patch rreading eading ““Prospect� Prospect� o n ttheir heir jjackets ackets aand nd on b heir ffrequent requent ttrips rips tto ob uy d rinks aand nd byy ttheir buy drinks ssnacks nacks ffor or tthe he o ther m embers, p rospects other members, prospects aare re b rutally h azed iin n ttheir heir q uest tto o brutally hazed quest eearn arn a ““full full p atch� aand nd b ecome o ff icial patch� become official m embers. members. T om Payne, Payne, a young young outdoor outdoor ssurvival urvival Tom gguide, uide, iiss ccoming oming u po no ne yyear ear aass a up on one V amps p rospect. H e’s h opeful tthat hat tthe he Vamps prospect. He’s hopeful 3 &

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;=<AB3@A 0/:: Vampires savor their java at Pergolesi.

other members will eventually vote him in and says he was simply looking for friends to ride with when he decided to join. “I had been hanging out with the guys for a while,� he says. “I’m into motorcycles, they’re into motorcycles, it just seemed like a good fit.� As in the 1950s, Vampires are once again America’s favorite monster. From feature films like the aforementioned Twilight series to HBO’s True Blood and CW’s The Vampire Diaries, it’s never been a better time to be a bloodsucker. For the Vampires Motorcycle Club, however, all that popularity translates into some annoying and often-hilarious confusion. “Every now and then, we’ll get someone who will pop up on the website forum and want to be ‘turned [into a vampire],’� says Penick. “It’s usually some deranged 16-year-old who saw the teeth on the logo or something. They have no idea that the Vampire Motorcycle Club has nothing to do with teenagers drinking Clamato.�

Once Bitten Swallowing what must have been a cantaloupe-size ball of pride, the Vampires agreed to let a Santa Cruz Weekly reporter ride “bitch� on the back of a bike for a weekend run. The day started, as it almost always does with the Vampires, at Caffe Pergolesi. Arriving late and blisteringly hung-over, the crew straggled in to the coffeehouse around noon. And after an hour of caffeinated concoction consumption, engine talk and debate on the whereabouts of a lovestruck Vamp who had disappeared the night before, it was time to hit the road. My chauffeur for the afternoon

was Penick, the giant biker, and our steed was a Yamaha YZF-R1, which, he promised, was “faster than a Lamborghini.� The day was sunny and warm and the air perfumed with the smell of dead leaves as we coasted through town and merged onto Highway 1. It took about two minutes of cruising at the speed limit before Penick decided to show off his machine’s cajones, instantly blasting forward and nearly leaving me behind. Traffic seemed at a stop while Penick expertly weaved between cars, often riding the center line before topping off at a speed that, for legal reasons, we’ll just say was not quite 150 miles per hour. “You all right, man?� He shouted when he finally exited the freeway, to which I shakily responded in the affirmative. Off the highway, we headed north on Old San Jose Road. Flowing through the leaf-laden curves and waving at any fellow bikers we passed, the trip took us through Laurel Glen Road to Highway 17 and eventually back to downtown Santa Cruz. Leaning into turns and accelerating through straightaways, the “beautiful dance� described by Penick before we left took on vivid new meaning as we f lew through the forest, the road seemingly laid out for maximum motorcycling enjoyment. Arriving back at Pergolesi, my limbs were still shaky and my heart still racing when Penick summed up the day with an offer that has likely turned plenty of other decent, hard-working folks into full-on leather-clad bikers. “If you liked what you saw, go get a bike and we’ll go again,� he said. “Think about it this way: for $7,000 to $15,000 you can go faster than any sports car on the market.� 0

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8/;/71/ 2G3@ After bagging a degree in illustration and animation at San Jose State University, local-girl-madegood Jamaica Dyer took a copy of her first graphic novel, Weird Fishes, to a comics convention in San Francisco and had it picked up by Slave Labor Graphics. Today she signs copies of the 120page creation, which features quirky, dreamy scenes from our very own seaside burg. Wednesday, Oct. 28, 10am–6:30pm. Atlantis Fantasyworld, 1020 Cedar St., Santa Cruz. 831.426.0158. EgZeVgVidgn HX]dda! )'* :cX^cVa Hi! HVciV 8gjo! -(&#)'(#%+*-# BVS 7\ab`c[S\ba BdciZgZn Hnbe]dcn ^h hedchdg^c\ i]^h [djg" LZYcZhYVn XdjghZ ^c l]^X] ZchZbWaZ bZbWZgh [gdb ZVX] d[ i]Z [djg ^chigjbZci \gdjeh WgVhh! l^cYh! hig^c\h VcY eZgXjhh^dc Y^hXjhh i]Z^g gdaZh ^c hnbe]dc^X ldg`h VcY eZg[dgb h]dgi YZbdchigVi^dc e^ZXZh id h]dl l]Vi i]Zn Xdcig^WjiZ# ;ZZ XdkZgh i]Z XdjghZ! gZ[gZh]bZcih! VcY bViZg^Vah0 ZVX] LZY d[[Zgh V[iZgcddc dg ZkZc^c\ hZhh^dc# LZY! DXi '-! &/(%"( VcY */(%",eb# &%%# BdciZgZn Hnbe]dcnÉh 8dc[ZgZcXZ Gddb! '*+% <VgYZc GY &%&! BdciZgZn# Id gZ\^hiZg ^c VYkVcXZ gZfj^gZY XVaa -(&#+)*#&&'+# AbcTTSR B]ga T]` 1VWZR`S\ 2`WdS 86H6! kdajciZZg dg\Vc^oVi^dc [dg Y^heaVXZY X]^aYgZc! ^h XdaaZXi^c\ cZl hij[[ZY idnh [dg X]^aYgZc gZbdkZY [gdb VWjh^kZ dg cZ\aZXi[ja ]dbZh0 Ygde i]Zb d[[ Vi Vcn 7Vn ;ZYZgVa WgVcX]# I]gj DXi (&# 7Vn ;ZYZgVa 8gZY^i Jc^dc! +*%% HdfjZa 9g! 6eidh! -(&#),,#-)',# C<7134 0]fSa <]e /dOWZOPZS GZbZbWZg i]Z JC>8:; =VaadlZZc Ig^X` dg IgZVi WdmZh [gdb nZVgh V\d4 LZaa! aVg\Z cjbWZgh d[ WdmZh VlV^i iZVX]Zgh [dg i]Z^g XaVhhZh VcY eVgZcih l]dhZ X]^aYgZc lVci id ]Zae di]Zgh ldgaYl^YZ# 6i i]Z JC6$JC>8:; hidgZ ^ch^YZ i]Z L#J# d[[^XZ! deZc &%Vb" +eb YV^an# ;gZZ# LZhiZgc Jc^dc d[[^XZ! .%( EVX^[^X 6kZ! HVciV 8gjo# BdgZ ^c[d! -(&#)'+#(&%&#

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A/<B/1@CH 1=; october 28-november 4, 2009 AB/53 /@B 3D3<BA

4@72/G !

A1@7>B3/A3 7;>@=D 7< ¡B63 3F=@AB@7>¸ One more time for the ScripTease virgins out there: the members of this improv troupe gather onstage, let the audience tell them what games to play and then take their clothes off when they screw up a line. Shows are rowdy, lewd and pee-your-pants funny. Plus, even though the “naked onstageâ€? part combines two of the worst nightmares a human can contemplate, they’re both happening to someone else! How funny is that? Friday, Oct. 30, at 7 and 9pm, Actors Theatre, 1001 Center St., Santa Cruz. $10 without costume/$9 with. 831.435.6080. Vi HjcYVn hZgk^XZh0 XVaa [dg [jaa hX]ZYjaZ VcY YZiV^ah# 8ZciZg ;dg 8dchX^djh A^k^c\! &-&- ;Zai Hi! HVciV 8gjo! -(&#)+'#.(-(# 2O\QSa ]T C\WdS`aOZ >SOQS HVciV 8gjo Hj[^ 8dbbjc^in d[[Zgh i]gZZ gZ\jaVg ZkZcih/ 9VcXZh d[ Jc^kZghVa EZVXZ! WZ\^ccZgh lZaXdbZ! A^kZ DV` <gVc\Z =Vaa! ZkZgn Hjc ,".eb VcY ZkZgn [^ghi I]j Vi i]Z Jc^iVg^Vc Jc^kZghVa^hi ;Zaadlh]^e =Vaa Vi ,/(%eb# :kZgn i]^gY ;g^YVn Vi ,/(%eb! O^`g hZViZY VcY bdk^c\ egVXi^XZh Vi i]Z EVX^[^X 8jaijgVa 8ZciZg# Hjc! ,".eb# 9dcVi^dc gZfjZhiZY# -(&#)+*#&&'(# 3dS\W\Ua W\ bVS C\Y\]e\ 8dbZ [dg i]Z Xdbea^bZciVgn bjh^X VcY Xdbbjc^in VcY hiVn [dg i]ZbZh [gdb Æ7jh^cZhh ^c i]Z Jc@cdlcÇ id ÆEdZign [gdb I]Z Jc@cdlc0Ç XVaa [dg adXVi^dc# Bdc! ,eb# &% YdcVi^dc# 8ZciZg ;dg 8dchX^djh A^k^c\! &-&- ;Zai Hi! HVciV 8gjo! -(&#*(.#((((# 4`SS 9WRa¸ Ab]`g 6]c` I]Z hidgZ ]daYh i]^h ZkZci lZZ`an0 X]^aYgZc d[ Vaa V\Zh lZaXdbZ# ;g^! &%/&*Vb# ;gZZ# 7dd`ldg`h 6eidh! (+ GVcX]d 9Za BVg 8ZciZg! 6eidh! -(&#+--#)**)# 8]P ASSYS`a E]`YaV]^a I]Z Ldg`[dgXZ >ckZhibZci 7dVgY ]Vh iZVbZY je l^i] 8VWg^aad 8daaZ\Z id d[[Zg V hZg^Zh d[ [^kZ ldg`h]deh [dg i]dhZ lVci^c\ ZbeadnbZci! ^cXajY^c\ hZhh^dch dc hZa[" VhhZhh^c\ h`^aah! hZVgX] iZX]c^fjZh VcY gZhjbZ VcY ^ciZgk^Zl i^eh# ;gZZ# I]ZnÉgZ ]ZaY ^c i]gZZ adXVi^dch0

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From now through Nov. 22 the Santa Cruz Art League pays tribute to the furry ilk with a wild and woolly all-media-welcome exhibition. Curated by George Rivera of the Triton Museum of Art in Santa Clara, “Beasts on Broadway� features two- and three-dimensional pieces depicting critters real or imagined. Reception Saturday, Oct. 31, 3–5pm at Santa Cruz Art League, 526 Broadway, Santa Cruz. 831.426.5787.

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A/<B/1@CH 1=; october 28-november 4, 2009 AB/53 /@B 3D3<BA


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E63@3 B63 E7:2 B67<5A /@3 Uif!Cfbtujf!Cpzt!ibe!b!


4@756B <756B HALLOWEEN is finally on a Saturday! Pull together those Blubbering Glenn Beck and Octomom costumes and stop in for a spell at these Halloween hot spots, “witch�-ever sounds most fun. B@719 =@ B@3/B7<5 2=E<B=E< In the market for an early sugar rush? Kids trundling down Pacific will kick off the Halloween festivities by stuffing their adorable faces full of candy from participating shops, 2–5pm. Just look for bright orange signs in the windows. 6/::=E33< /B B63 E6/@4 Kids in costume will swarm

the wharf, ready for the costume contest and loads of treats from participating merchants. The evening will conclude with a spook-tacular Halloween parade. 4–5pm. Santa Cruz Wharf, Santa Cruz. 1=ABC;3 0/:: /B B63 1/B/:GAB A downtown party would not be complete without the positive vibrations of the Catalyst spilling into the street. Tonight the main stage features Rebelution, plus the Tribal Seeds and the Hallway Ballers. Catalyst, 1011 Pacific Ave., Santa Cruz. Ages 16 and over. $25. 831.423.1336. 1=ABC;3 1=<B3AB /B 2=< ?C7F=B3¸A Just up Highway

9 things get scary when Extra Large stops playing long enough for the costumes to come into focus. 8pm. 6275 Hwy. 9, Felton. $10. 831.603.2294. 28 /<2 2/<17<5 /B B63 0:C3 :/5==< A Halloween institution. This year the Blue hosts DJ Tripp and others on two dance floors. 923 Pacific Ave., Santa Cruz. 831.423.7117. 43/@ 43AB7D/: 6/::=E33< <756B Ravers Ballroom

presents Santa Cruz’s Fear Festival, the largest local Halloween Fright Fest. There will be three themed dance floors with music by the Spys, Vivid, Tony C, Danney Thunderz, Switchblad, Crackjack and much more. Must arrive in costume! Ages 16+, Vets Hall, 846 Front St., Santa Cruz. $25 advance/$30 door. 831.454.0478. 6/::=E33< 7< 1/>7B=:/ Live music and costume contests dominate this little city by the sea on All Hallows Eve. The Fog Bank will host the Lou Deluca Band and a costume contest. Margaritaville will be rockin’ to DJ Tanner, and their costume contest will have all participants vying for a Hornito’s Surfboard and other great prizes. (Catherine Gildea)

KRIS KRISTOFFERSON One Man Armed Only With A Mic and Guitar!




03/BA1/>3 ooctober c t o b e r 228-november 8 - n o v e m b e r 44,, 22009 0 0 9 A/<B/1@CH 1=; A/<B/1@CH 1=; !$ ! $ j 03/BA1/>3

Jazz Presenters since 1975



Power trio in an eclectic jazz format! CD RELEASE CONCERT! $12/Adv $15/Door Jazz & Dinner: $24.60/Adv MON. NOVEMBER 2 • 7 PM


$25/Adv $28/Door 1/2 Price Night for Students At the door only with I.D. Made possible by David & Kate Hartzell and William & Cloy Codiga Family Foundation



$28/Adv $31/Dr, No Jazztix/Comps Sponsored by Soif Wine Bar & Merchants


Presented by Pulse Productions & Kuumbwa Jazz



<3E E=@:2 =@23@ <3E E=@:2 : =@23@ Ozomatli mixes it up at the Catalyst Cat ataalyst this Friday. Friday.

$12/Adv $15/Door Jazz & Dinner: $24.60/Adv

Sponsored by Santa Cruz Sentinel

MON. NOVEMBER 16 • 7 & 9 PM


7 PM: $27/Adv $30/Door 9 PM: $22/Adv $25/Dr, No Jazztix/Comps Sponsored by Travels with Romney



Dinner served Mondays & Thursdays beginning at 6pm, serving premium wines & microbrewed beers. Snacks & desserts available all other nights. All age venue.

Advance tickets at Logos Books & Records and online at kuumbwajazz.org. Tickets subject to service charge and 5% S.C. City Admissions Tax.

Independently Produced Events SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 7 • 8 PM


$20/Adv $25/Door Tickets at Streetlight Records & Gateways Books & PlanetCruz.org



4 27 - 2 2 27

B6C@A2/G j B 6 C @ A 2/G j '

4@72/G j ! 4 @ 7 2/G j !

4@7 A/B j ! ! 4 @ 7 A /B j ! !

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A local local ttrio rio w with ith aass many many tties ies tto o D ublin aand nd Tel Tel Aviv Aviv aass to to Santa Santa Dublin C ruz, Quasimodal Quasimodal is is a d iverse ggroup roup Cruz, diverse o musicians b rought together toggether b off musicians brought byy a ccommon ommon llove ove o he Central Central C oast. off tthe Coast. M ade u po Sweeney S chragg o n Made up off Sweeney Schragg on gguitar, uitar, Chris Chris H askett on on drums drums aand nd Haskett P ete Novembre Novembre o nb ass, the the ggroup roup Pete on bass, sspecializes pecializes iin n ttraditional raditional ffolk olk numbers numbers w ith a strong strong jjazz azz iinfluence. nf luence. C lassically with Classically ttrained rained and and eextremely xtremely w ell ttraveled, raveled, well tthe he crew crew h as ttoured oured tthe he world world aass has b oth musicians musicians and and sstudents, tudents, aand nd the the both eexperience xperience h as m ade tthem hem o ne o the has made one off the m ost p olished acts acts tto o ccome ome out out o most polished off S anta C ruz in in ssome ome time. time. K uumbwa; Santa Cruz Kuumbwa; $ 12 advance/$15 advance/$15 d oor; 77pm. pm. $12 door; ((Curtis Curtis Cartier) Cartier)

Stand o Stand on n aany ny sstreet treet corner corner iin n d owntown L os A ngeles aand nd from from tthe he downtown Los Angeles p assing cars, cars, street street p erformers and and passing performers o pen sshop hop w indows w ill iissue ssue eevery very open windows will k ind o usic u nder tthe he ssun. un. E ightkind off m music under Eightp iece cconsortium onsortium O zomatli ccelebrates elebrates piece Ozomatli tthis his m usical m elting pot pot b squeezing musical melting byy squeezing eelements lements o ock, funk, funk, h ip -hop, jjazz, azz, off rrock, hip-hop, T ejano aand nd rreggae eggae iinto nto its its ssound ound w hile Tejano while sstill till m aintaining the the ssun-kissed un-kissed SoCal SoCal maintaining vvibe ibe o he C ity o ngels. The The ggroup, roup, off tthe City off A Angels. iin nb oth m usic aand nd membership, membership, iiss both music iin n ffact act sso od iverse tthat hat it it w as recently recently diverse was n amed a Cultural Cultural Ambassador Ambassador b he named byy tthe U .S. S tate D epartment. B ut aatt tthe he eend nd U.S. State Department. But o the day, day, Ozomatli Ozomatli is is m ore than than jjust ust off the more a spattering spattering of of eethnic thnic iinfluences. nf luences. It t’s a It’s ffantastically antastically ttalented alented sset et of of m usicians musicians w ith a G od-given knack knack for for m oving tthe he with God-given moving d ance ffloor. loor. C atalyst; $ 24 advance/ advance/ dance Catalyst; $24 $ 28 d oor; 9 pm. (CC) (CC) $28 door; 9pm.

Masterfully M asterfully ccombining ombining tthe he fflavors lavors o off ssamba, amba, rreggae eggae aand nd ffunk unk ffor or a ssmooth mooth ccocktail ocktail w ith a h eavy k ick aand nd ssubtle ubtle with heavy kick aaftertaste ftertaste iiss S ambaDĂĄ. W ith p opping SambaDĂĄ. With popping rrhythms hythms tthat hat d raw iinfluence nf luence ffrom rom draw h ip-hop aand nd rreggae eggae sstyles tyles p opular iin n hip-hop popular C alifornia aand nd p ercussion sstyles tyles ffrom rom California percussion B razil, tthe he m usic u nites tthe he A mericas Brazil, music unites Americas aass iitt llifts ifts ffeet eet iinto nto d ancing aand nd vvoices oices tto o dancing ssinging. inging. T heir m ost rrecent ecent aalbum, lbum, Salve Salve Their most a Bahia, Bahia, was was produced produced by by Grammy Grammy n ominee G reg L andau aand nd ffeatures eatures nominee Greg Landau ““CadĂŞ CadĂŞ C adĂŞ,â€? tthe he ssong ong gguaranteed uaranteed n ot CadĂŞ, not tto o gget et o ut o our h ead o rom u nder out off yyour head orr ffrom under yyour our sskin kin ffor or d ays—not tthat hat yyou’d ou’d days—not w ant iitt tto. o. M oe’s A lley; $ 15 F riday; want Moe’s Alley; $15 Friday; $ 20 S aturday; 9 pm. ((Austin Austin S ardella) $20 Saturday; 9pm. Sardella)

!% j !%

A/<B/1@CH 1=; A /<B/1@CH 1=; ooctober c t o b e r 228-november 8 - n o v e m b e r 44,, 22009 0 0 9 03/BA1/>3 03/BA1/>3 3

1=<13@BA 1 = < 1 3 @ B A 7<<3@ 17@1 7<<3@ 17@1:3 1:3 NO V. 4 A T MO O ALLEY OE OE’S NOV. AT MOE’S B B6 3A3 C<7B < B32 AB/ B/ /B B3A B63A3 C<7B32 AB/B3A NO V. 5 AT AT CREPE CRE CR REEPE E PLACE PLA PL LACE NOV.

A/BC@2/G j ! A /B C @ 2/G j !

4@3?C3<1G 4@3?C3<1G 8=<3A 8 =<3A Funk F unk and and ggood ood o ttaste aste have have ggenerally enerally be en the the aabsolute bsolute inverse inverse o one been off one aanother. nother. Funk Funk h as aalways lways be en based based on on has been tthe he spectacle spectacle and and its its own own indulgences, indulgences, aand nd over over ttime, ime, the the n ovelty has has curdled curdled novelty tto o cheese. cheese. Itt could could use use a llittle ittle ffreshening reshening u p. Fortunately, Fortunately, Santa Santa Cruz’s Cruz’s Frequency Frequency up. JJones ones knows knows just just h ow tto o aair ir iitt out. out. Upon Up pon how rreturning eturning from from a ttrip rip to to New New Orleans, Orleans, b andleader Renzo Renzo Staiano Staiano was was iinspired nspired bandleader tto o form form a funk funk outfit outf it tthat hat sidesteps sidesteps tthe he kitsch kitsch aand nd instead instead harks harks back back tto o tthe he genre’s genre’s golden golden years. years. Itt is is lean lean and and llimber imber d ance music music certain certain to to keep keep tthe he dance H alloween gghouls houls aatt bay. bay. Crepe Crepe Place; Place; Halloween $ 10; 9 pm. (Paul (Paul M avis) $10; 9pm. M.. D Davis)

A/BC@2/G j ! A /B C @ 2/G j !

@303:CB7=< @ 3 0 3 :C B 7 = < Itt sseems eems tthat hat every every contemporary contemporary lleft-coast eft-coast reggae reggae act act ffeels eels the the n eed tto o need d rape iits ts act act iin n novelty novelty o atter-day drape orr llatter-day rrock ock elements, elements, making making S anta B arbara’s Santa Barbara’s R ebelution an an o utlier. This This is is sstraighttraightRebelution outlier. u p roots roots reggae, reggae, as as ffresh resh aand nd crisp crisp as as a up 112-inch 2-inch o ut of of JJamaica amaica in in tthe he late late ’70s. ’70s. out C ombining economical economical arrangements arrangements Combining w ith ccan’t-stop an’t-stop ttwo-step wo-step rreggae eggae with rrhythms, hythms, Rebelution Rebelution p ays tribute tribute tto oa pays b ygone era era w ith eenough nough exuberance exuberance bygone with tto o avoid avoid sounding sounding llike ike a n ostalgia act. act. nostalgia It t’s a rrefreshing efreshing rreturn eturn tto ob asics that that It’s basics

emphasizes a true true fact: fact: you you don’t don’t need need emphasizes gimmicks when when you you can can rock rock steady. steady. gimmicks Catalyst; $25; $25; 8:30pm. 8:30pm. (PMD) (PMD) Catalyst;

A/BC@2/G j ! A /B C @ 2/G j !

3FB@/ :/@53 3 FB@/ :/@53 Extra Large Extra Large sshows hows aare re always always aan n occasion but Extra o ccasion tto o party, party, b ut aan nE xtra Large Halloween night L arge show show on on H alloween n ight iiss gguaranteed uaranteed to to go go off. off. This Th his Santa Santa Cruz Cruz band’s off rreggae, b and’s energetic energetic ffusion usion o eggae, ffunk unk music keep aand nd world world m usic iiss ttailor-made ailor-made tto ok eep ffeathers eathers shaking shaking on on tthe he dance dance ffloor loor until Expect u ntil tthe he roosters roosters ccrow. row. E xpect tthe he ssixixpiece p iece outfit outf it to to have have a few few special special ttricks ricks up holds u p its its proverbial proverbial sleeve sleeve aass iitt h olds ccourt ourt Eve aatt this this All All Hallows Hallows E ve ccelebration, elebration, which w hich features features a ccostume ostume ccontest ontest tthat hat puts Seven p uts others others tto o sshame. hame. S even grand grand prizes p rizes will will be be awarded awarded tto o ccostumes ostumes iin n vvarious arious ccategories, ategories, iincluding ncluding scariest, scariest, Don ffunniest unniest aand nd ssexiest exiest ccostume. ostume. D on Quixote’s; Q uixote’s; $10; $10; 8pm. 8pm. ((PMD) PMD)

AC<2/G j A C < 2/G j

; GA B 7 1 8 / ; ; A ;GAB71 8/;;A 0/<2 0 /<2 The d The diverse iverse b backgrounds ackgrounds o off the the eight eight m embers o the Mystic Mystic Jamms Jamms B and members off the Band ccould ould eexplain xplain the the dynamic dynamic energy energy o off eeach ach p erformance. At At the the core core is is tthe he performance. aanimated nimated duo duo Maya Maya and and Sage, Sage, who who sspent pent a year year in in southern southern India India at at Sri Sri Ka aleshwar’s Soul Soul University University m ajoring Kaleshwar’s majoring

53B @7= 53 B @7= SambaDå SambaDå throws throows a two-night two -night pparty artt y at Mo Moe’s e’s Alley. Alleey.

6= B 0CBB B 0C 3@3 3 32 2 @C; C 6=B 0CBB3@32 @C; NO V. 6, 7 AT AT MOE’S MO S ALLEY NOV. D / /; ;>7@3 @ E33 E 393<2 2 D/;>7@3 E3393<2 N NO OV. 8 A T CA TA ALLY YST T NOV. AT CATALYST ;7: :B=< </A17;3<B= ;7:B=< </A17;3<B= NO V. 9 A T RIO R O THEA TRE NOV. AT THEATRE 8C5 B=E< C A / A / 8C5B=E< C A / NO V. 13 A T DO ON QUIXO QU QUIX TE’S NOV. AT DON QUIXOTE’S A<== A < > 2=5 55 5 A<==> 2=55 NO V. 17 A T CATALYST CA ATA TA ALYSST NOV. AT H/ >> >/ / >:/ /GA H/ /G H >>/ H/>>/ >:/GA H/>>/ DEC T RIO O THEA EATRE TR RE DEC.. 2 A AT THEATRE

in w in what hat tthey hey ccall all ““heart-rocking� heart-rocking� m music. usic. IIn nS anskrit aand nd E nglish, ttheir heir h ymns Sanskrit English, hymns aare re d elivered aass sspiritual piritual llove ove ssongs, ongs, delivered m editation aand nd d evotional m usic, aall ll meditation devotional music, w rapped iin n a sscintillating cintillating cchorus horus o wrapped off d rums, gguitar uitar aand nd rrighteous ighteous m anifold drums, manifold h armonies tthat hat w ill k ick yyour our b utt harmonies will kick butt aall ll tthe he w ay tto oN irvana. C ayuga V ault; way Nirvana. Cayuga Vault; ttickets ickets b onation aatt tthe he d oor; byy d donation door; 77:30pm. :30pm. ((Jaime Jaime N abrynski) Nabrynski)

;=<2/G j ; = < 2/G j

B@7= ! B @7= ! New Jersey New Jeersey jazz jazz q quintet uintet T Trio rio 3 ttakes akes a b it o Marxist aapproach pproach tto om aking bit off a Marxist making m usic. B iving eeach ach m ember eequal qual music. Byy ggiving member ffreedom reedom to to eexperiment xperiment aand nd ssolo olo at at will, will, tthe he tteam eam iiss aable ble tto op ut eegos gos aaside side aand nd put aachieve chieve a m ore ffluid luid aand nd ccollaborative ollaborative more ccool ool jjazz azz ssound. ound. C elebrated m usicians Celebrated musicians iin n ttheir heir o wn rright, ight, O liver L ake o n own Oliver Lake on m ultireeds, R eggie W orkman o nb ass, multireeds, Reggie Workman on bass, aand nd d rummer A ndrew C yrille h ave drummer Andrew Cyrille have eeach ach p layed w ith m onolithic jjazz azz played with monolithic n ames llike ike JJohn ohn C oltrane, L ou R eed names Coltrane, Lou Reed aand nd M ary L ou W illiams. Y et iit’s t’s tthe he Mary Lou Williams. Yet ggroup’s roup’s ccombined ombined eefforts fforts tthat hat h ave have llanded anded tthem hem tthe he m ost p raise aand nd sseen een most praise tthem hem sshipped hipped o ff tto o tthe he ffar ar ccorners orners o off off tthe he ccontinent ontinent tto op lay. K uumbwa; play. Kuumbwa; $ 25 aadvance/$28 dvance/$28 d oor; 77pm. pm. ((CC) CC) $25 door;

1:C0 5@72 ooctober c t o b e r 228-november 8 - n o v e m b e r 44,, 22009 0 0 9 A A/<B/1@CH 1=; / < B/1 @ C H 1 = ; !& ! & j 1:C0 5@72


E32 E32 j & B B6C 6C j '

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KUSP PLAYS WORLD 1:00pm—5pm Saturday Continental Drift Cindy Odom Musical Migrations Gypsy Flores Sunday Latin Quarter Brett Taylor It Takes All Kinds Jeff Grubb/Bruce Larsen



Saturday Soul Shack Charlie Lange/JT Skylarkin’ Lousie Salazar Sweet Power


Sponsored by Complete Mailing Service

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Film. Fi ilm lm.

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A/<B/1@CH 1=; A /<B/1@CH 1=; ooctober c t o b e r 228-november 8 - n o v e m b e r 44,, 22009 0 0 9 47:; 47:; ;

IIn-Flight n - F l i g ht M Movie ovie 93< E=@=<3@ 9 3< E=@=<3@

Hilarry Swank Hilary Swank kind of looks lo ooks like like Ameliaa Earhart that’ss it —and d that’ 0G @716/@2 D=< 0CA/19 0 G @ 7 1 6 / @ 2 D= < 0 C A /1 9


FT THE HE B Bible ible aand nd aall ll w world orld re ligions d idn’t p rohibit u nmanly religions didn’t prohibit unmanly w eeping, JJoni oni M itchell’s ttune une weeping, Mitchell’s ““Amelia� Amelia� w ould p robably h ave would probably have me sniveling sniveling every every time. time. By By contrast, contrast, me the Hilary Hilary Swank–starring, Swank–starring, Mira Mira Nair– Nair– the directed biopic biopic Amelia Amelia didn’t didn’t even even get get me me directed to the the verge verge of of red-eye. red-eye. Iff there there ever ever was was to f igure who who deserved deservved a postmodern postmodern bio, bio, a figure it’s Amelia Amelia Earhart, Earhart, who who left left so so many many it’s questions behind. behind. questions The film f ilm Amelia Amelia spins spins the the time time frame frame The around, but but it’s it’s done done in in the the standard standard around, fashion: incidents incidents of of her her final f inal worldworldfashion: circling flight, f light, cutting cutting back back to to the the circling beginning of of the the aviator’s aviator’s career. career. Amelia Amelia beginning is very very much much the the canned canned biopic biopic that that is exists solely solely because because a celebrated celebrated actress actress is is exists playing on on a physical physical resemblance. resemblance. playing Swank does does look look like like Earhart, Earhart, grinning grinning Swank large, with with freckles freckles and and bleached bleached hair; hair; in in large, truth, Swank Swank also also looks looks a lot lot like like Jimmy Jimmy truth, Carter. But But repeat repeat offender offfender Ron Ron Bass’ Bass’ Carter. prolix script script keeps keeps underlining underlining every every prolix relationship with with a yellow yellow highlighter. highlighter. relationship Characters introduce introduce themselves themselves by by Characters telling us us who who they they are, are, what what their their hopes hopes telling are and and what what interesting interesting quirk quirk they they are might have. have. might Amelia tells tells the the story story of of her her childhood childhood Amelia in a first f irst meeting, meeting, confessing confessing that that her her in father drank. drank. He He was was more more than than just just father drunk, the the father; father; he he was was a kind kind of of a drunk, Micawber, a lawyer lawyer with with big big ideas ideas and and Micawber, inventions that that didn’t didn’t sell. sell. Amelia Amelia was was no no inventions farm girl, girl, even even if if this this movie movie tries tries to to sell sell farm her as as one. one. her The film f ilm is is a little little more more frank frank about about The Earhart’s life life than than previous previous versions versions Earhart’s of the the story. storyy. Itt teases teases us us with with the the of

E7<5 /<2 / >@/G3@ E 7<5 /<2 / >@/G3@ H Hilary ilar y SSwank wank ttries ries ttoo gget et ooff ff tthe he gground round iin n ‘‘Amelia.’ Amelia.’

possibilities o possibilities off h her er ssexuality. exuality. ““You’re You’re only woman know who points tthe he o nly w oman I k now w ho po ints out other beautiful notes her o ut o ther be autiful women, women,� n otes h er husband, George F.. P Putnam, played byy h usband, G eorge F utnam, p layed b undermojoed Richard tthe he sstill till sseriously eriously u ndermojoed R ichard Gere. have G ere. Earhart Earhart r sseems eems tto oh ave aasked sked ffor or open marriage, had aan no p nm pe arriage, aand nd sshe he h ad aan n aaffair ffffair with West w ith the the Washington Washington ssocialite ocialite and and W est Point Eugene Vidal P oint iinstructor nstructor E ugene V idal ((Ewan Ewan McGregor). M cGregor). One One of of the the few few interesting interesting aspects aspects off Amelia o Amelia is is that that it it gives gives us us one one of of the the only off G Gore sscreen’s creen’s o nly cchildhood hildhood accounts accounts o ore Vidal, Ass p played William V idal, Eugene’s Eugene’s sson. on. A layed by by W illiam Cuddy, one C uddy, Gore Gore llooks ooks llike ike o ne of of those those overmannered, o vermannered, overbred overbred children children from from movie. Gore’s big a 1950s 1950s m ovie. Young Young G ore’s b ig sscene cene iiss Earhart being off ttalking alking to to E arhart aabout bout be ing sscared cared o some wallpaper with on some w allpaper w ith ttigers igers o n iit—the t—the

song ccue song ue h here ere o ought ught tto o be “I “I W Whistle histle a Happy Tune� H appy T une� ffrom rom The The King King and and I. I. Surely, Surely, even even the the child child Vidal Vidal had had something something interesting interesting to to say? say? The Th he flying f lying scenes scenes aren’t aren’t ugly, ugly, but but there’s there’s only only so so long long you you can can look look at at cloudscapes cloudscapes and and stampeding stampeding animals animals in in Africa Africa (“What (“What are are those?� those?� “Those “Th hose are are oryx!�). oryyx!�). The The images images give give way way to to stampeding stampeding sheep sheep in, in, I’m I’m going going to to say, say, Ireland. Irreland. Titles Titles are are flashed, f lashed, illustrating illustrating places places and and times; times; made-up made-up newspaper newspapeer headlines headlines remind remind us us that that Earhart Earharrt elevated elevated people’s people’s spirits spirits during during the the Depression. Depression. The The script script is is rife rife with with anachronisms: anachronisms: “I’ve “I’ve got got this�—when this�—when “this� “this� refers refers to to a situation. situation. In In another another moment, moment, Amelia Amelia flies f lies to to Pakistan, Pakistan, a neat neat trick trick since since Pakistan Pakistan wasn’t wasn’t anything anything more more than than a proposed proposed country country in in the the 1930s. 1930s.

The T Th he movie movie h has as its its m moments, oments, ssuch uch aass a off A Amelia Eleanor Roosevelt sscene cene o melia ttaking aking E leanor R o sevelt oo her plane ((Cherry Cherry JJones) ones) ffor or h er ffirst irst p lane rride ide over Washington dawn. The o ver W ashington aatt d awn. T he sstaging taging off tthe over Pacific dramatic o he ffinale inale o ver tthe he P acif ic iiss d ramatic Still, weren’t eenough. nough. S till, iiff iitt w eren’t ffor or tthe he eending, nding, Amelia would off A melia w ould be tthe he eexemplification xemplif ication o the tedious in-flight movie. the tedious in-f light movie.

AMELIA A MELIA (PG; (PG; 111 111 min.), min.), directed directed bbyy Mira Mira Nair, Nair, written written by by Ronald Ronald Bass B ass and and Anna Anna Hamilton Hamilton Phelan, Phelan, pphotographed hotographed by by Stuart Stuart Dryburgh Dryburgh aand nd starring starring Hilary Hilary Swank Swank and and Richard R ichard Gere, Gere, plays plays at at the the Del Del Mar. Mar.

44 |

october 28-november 4, 2009


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A/<B/1@CH 1=; october 28-november 4, 2009 47:;



E7:A=< E300

The Coen brothers explore downside of not being God in ‘A Serious Man’ @716/@2 D=< 0CA/19


T’S A VERY SERIOUS movie, A Serious Man. All the themes in the Coen brothers’ previous films blend harmoniously. Here they reconcile the warring impulses to create apocalyptic tragedy and screwball comedy. Here, as in Raising Arizona, is the startling cartoon f latness of the United States. Here is the hideocomic wrath of Americans and the way the temper f lares up so suddenly in whimsical, friendly men. Here is the balance—as in Fargo—of what morality costs and what it’s worth. A Serious Man is a vast Jewish joke that follows Kaf ka’s suggestion that in the struggle between you and the world, back the world. The action unfolds in suburban Minneapolis in 1967, close to the place and the time in which the Coen brothers grew up. In high-angle shots, the neighborhood is as remote as Mars: wide empty streets, square houses embedded in crabgrass and seething neighbors. A meek professor, Larry Gopnik (stage actor Michael Stuhlbarg, looking like a dispirited Harold Lloyd), teaches physics at a small college. As was the case for “Lucky Jim� Dixon, Gopnik is tantalized with the possibility of tenure by the head of the math board, a monster of passive aggressiveness. One afternoon, a Korean exchange student tries to bribe Gopnik into a passing grade. Thus begins the siege against Larry. Larry’s wife announces that she’s deeply in love with their neighbor Sy Ableman, a clammy, polyester-clad swine; Fred Melamed’s unforgettable acting depends heavily on an oleaginous voice, though this touchy-feely home wrecker is appalling on so many other levels. Larry must

7< 1/A3 =4 3;3@53<1G Michael Stuhlbarg’s Larry Gopnik tries to make his case in an absurd world.

move to the Jolly Roger Motel. With him comes his unemployable brother, Arthur (Richard Kind), an obese holy fool with weaknesses of the f lesh. For reverse angles, the Coens follow Larry’s son Danny (Aaron Wolff ) and the boy’s cowlike indifference about his father’s woes. The marital struggles are but interferences from Danny’s own routines of watching FTroop, smoking marijuana and trying cheat his way through his upcoming bar mitzvah. Larry gets the promise of mercy from his next-door neighbor (Amy Landecker), a bronzed, deadpan siren who, like Danny, is tuned in to the San Francisco sound. Some postmodern moments give A Serious Man a vaudeville kick: a prologue about the appearance of a

demon in the old-time Jewish ghetto is staged like a lost episode of Mario Bava’s Black Sabbath. In another of this film’s parables, a God carves a Hebrew message into the teeth of a gentile to teach—what?—some indecipherable lesson, like the physics equations on Larry’s chalkboard, like the Hebrew letters Danny is too dumb to learn. Even the leer of the Red Owl drugstore sign, peering out of the screen, seems pregnant with terrible meaning. What seemed like caricature in the earlier Coens is softer here. A Serious Man suggests very lightly that there might be some hope in the old rituals, something basic and kind. Photographer Roger Deakins and composer Carter Burwell do wonderful work making these episodes

coalesce into a powerful fever dream of persecution and encroachment. As in Kaf ka, every avenue of escape is displayed just so the workers can rush over and nail up the “No Exit� sign. And as when reading Kaf ka, what keeps one from sinking into despair is the rich, heady humor. A Serious Man throbs with age-old mysteries to which one can only succumb, with the hope of being released into pain-free nothingness.

A SERIOUS MAN (R; 105 min.), directed and written by Ethan and Joel Coen, photographed by Roger Deakins and starring Michael Stuhlbarg, plays at the Nick.

"$ j 47:; october 28-november 4, 2009 A/<B/1@CH 1=;

SHOWTIMES FOR FRIDAY OCT 30 – THURSDAY NOV 5 “One of the scariest movies of all time, nightmares guaranteed!� – Bloody-Disgusting.com

(R) Daily: (2:00), (4:00), 6:00*, 8:00*, 10:00 *No 6:00, 8:00 Shows Wed 11/4 plus Fri, Sat 11:45pm & Sat, Sun (12 noon) STARTS FRIDAY 10/30! “Delectible‌ it’s an Altmanesque ensemble that whizzes (R)Times of London around the French capitol!â€? –The

Juliette Binoche Romain Duris MĂŠlanie Laurent Francois Cluzet

(R) Daily: (1:15),

(3:50), 6:30, 9:10 “A truly impressive portrait of Amelia Earhart that captures the wild sensation of flying!� –The Hollywood Reporter

Hilary Swank Richard Gere Ewan McGregor Virginia Madsen A


Based on the true story of Amelia Earhart .

Daily: (2:15),

(4:30), 6:45, 9:00 plus Sat, Sun (11:45am) (PG)



Fri 10/30 & Sat 10/31 @ 11:10pm Midnights @ The Del Mar

Film Capsules <3E 1/>A B63 6=@A3 0=G

(Unrated; 101 min.) Documentary follows the family of a boy with extremely severe autism who seek a cure from tribal healers in Mongolia. (Opens Fri at the Nick.) (SP) 97:: 07:: D=:

(2004) When Quentin Tarantino is at his most fast and exhilarating, his lack of a moral compass doesn’t mean much. But in Kill Bill: Vol. 2—more scenes from a director’s notebook—it’s hard to get into the old pulse-

pounding rhythms of the action cinema Tarantino adores. One reason I prefer Leone is that the characters don’t talk each other to death. In the Kill Bill movies, Tarantino’s gone gargantuan, and this movie is full of empty space. While this is a much better time than the first one, it’s badly overblown. Tarantino has no filter—it’s all basically equally cool to him, either B-movies like The Wicked Dreams of Paula Schultz, or the Wim Wenders–ish blackand-white sequences

at the film’s beginning where Bill and the Bride stare meaningfully at each other. When you suggest this Bride as an elemental figure of wronged womanhood, having an actor of about the weight of John Forsyth going against her isn’t doing the yin-yang balance of the movie any favors. (Plays at Cinema 9 on Thu at 8pm.) (RvB) >/@7A (R; 137 min.)

Juliette Binoche stars in this latest film from French writer-director Cedric Klapisch about a dancer waiting for a heart transplant whose

Movie reviews by Steve Palopoli and Richard von Busack

sister moves in to take care of him. (Opens Fri at Del Mar.) (SP)

spoof of genre. Maybe misjudge. Now, Zombie Critic want to say sorry. A6/C< =4 B63 23/2 Zombie Critic want to hug all fans who like (2004) Hello, person Shaun of the Dead. Free living! Zombie Critic hug, real friendly for take break from fevered movie fans with big, big lust for human brains brains who get irony! to make very special So now no run when message about Shaun see Zombie Critic! No of the Dead. You know, Zombie Critic been hard say “Oh, there Zombie on Shaun of the Dead over Critic, he no like Shaun of the Dead and also he the years. Some people probably want to eat say “Zombie Critic, you my brain!� That all in no understand! Movie past! Just . . . come . . . no laugh at zombies! closer . . . rarrrrrrrrrr! Movie laugh with Braiiiiiiiiinnnnnnsss! zombies!� Oh, geez, Damn, almost have you Zombie Critic so dumb, there! Have to admit, no get postmodern

sometimes wish new fast zombie instead of old-school slow zombie. Yeah, yeah, it all big ruse for get you brain. Zombie Critic still hate Shaun of the Dead. Rate no brains. (Plays on Fri and Sat at midnight at the Del Mar.) (SP)

@3D73EA /;3:7/ (PG; 119 min.)

See review, page 43. /AB@= 0=G (PG; 94

min.) This smart, fast CGI cartoon is faithful to Osamu Tezuka’s endearing star of manga and anime. In the future,

Fun! Prizes! Shaun!

Shaun of the Dead (R)


Fri 10/30 & Sat 10/31 @ Midnight

Next Week: Labyrinth w/ David Bowie Costume Contest!


Showtimes are for Wednesday, Oct. 28, through Wednesday, Nov. 4, unless otherwise indicated. Programs and showtimes are subject to change without notice.

/>B=A 17<3;/A

A/<B/ 1@CH 17<3;/ '

1W`_cS 2c 4`SOY( BVS DO[^W`S¸a /aaWabO\b – Wed-Thu 1:40; 4:10; 6:30; 8:45;

;WQVOSZ 8OQYa]\¸a BVWa 7a 7b – Daily 12:45; 1:45; 3:45; 4:30; 6:30; 7:15; 9:10; 9:55; plus Fri-Sun 11:15am AOe D7 – Daily 1; 3:10; 5:20; 7:50; 10:10. /ab`] 0]g – Daily 2:10; 4:35; 6:50; 9:25; plus Fri-Sun 11:50am. EVS`S bVS EWZR BVW\Ua /`S – Daily 2; 4:20; 7; 9:30; plus Fri-Sun 11:30am. BVS AbS^TObVS` – Daily 12:55. 1]c^ZSa @Sb`SOb – Daily 1:30; 4:45; 7:30; 10:15. H][PWSZO\R – Daily 1:15; 4:45; 7:30; 10:15; Thu no 7:30 show. BVS 7\dS\bW]\ ]T :gW\U – Daily 6:45; 9:15; Thu no 9:15 show. Ac``]UObSa – Wed-Thu 9:50. 1Z]cRg EWbV O 1VO\QS ]T ;SObPOZZa – Daily 1:55; 4:10; plus Fri-Sun 11:40am. EVW^ 7b – Wed-Thu 1:20; 4:15; 7:15. 9WZZ 0WZZ D]Z — Thu 8pm

122 Rancho Del Mar Center, Aptos 831.688.6541 www.culvertheatres.com Fri-Wed 1:50; 4:10; 6:30; 8:45. 1]c^ZSa @Sb`SOb – Fri-Wed 4:20; 6:40; 9. 1O^WbOZWa[( / :]dS Ab]`g – Wed-Thu 1:50; 4:20; 6:50; Fri-Wed 1:40. ;]`S BVO\ O 5O[S – Wed-Thu 9:20.

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–Roger Ebert

11:30; 1:30; 3:30; 5:30; 7:30; 9:45.

Audrey Tautou IN AN

EVS`S bVS EWZR BVW\Ua /`S – Wed-Thu 11:15; 1:45; 4:15; 6:45; 9:15; Fri-Wed


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Daily: (1:50), (4:20), 6:50, 9:20 FINAL SHOWS! THE Once Daily: (2:40)

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11:15; 1:40; 4:10; 6:45; 9:15.

23: ;/@

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6:45; 9; plus Sat-Sun 11:45am. BVW`ab – Fri-Sat 11:10pm. >O`O\]`[OZ /QbWdWbg – Daily 2; 4; 6; 8; 10; plus Fri-Sat 11:45pm; plus Sat-Sun noon; Wed Oct. 4 no 6; 8 show. AVOc\ ]T bVS 2SOR– (Fri and Sat only) midnight.


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1W`_cS 2c 4`SOY( BVS DO[^W`S¸a /aaWabO\b – Daily 4:15; 7:15; 9:50; plus Fri-Sun 1. :Oe /PWRW\U 1WbWhS\ – Daily 4; 7; 9:40; plus Fri-Sun 1.


Daily: (4:20), 6:40, 9:00 FINAL WEEK! MICHAEL


Once Daily: (1:40)

BVS 6]`aS 0]g – (Opens Fri) 4:50; 7; 9; plus Sat-Sun 12:30. 1]Q] 0ST]`S 1VO\SZ – Daily 3; 5:10; 7:20; 9:35; plus Sat-Sun 12:50. / AS`W]ca ;O\ – Daily 2:50; 5; 7:10; 9:30; plus Sat-Sun 12:40. BVS 0]ga /`S 0OQY– Wed-Thu 2:40; 4:50; 7; Fri-Wed 2:40. 1O^WbOZWa[( / :]dS Ab]`g – Daily 1:50; 4:20; 6:50; 9:20.


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A1=BBA D/::3G $ 17<3;/A

226 Mt. Hermon Rd., Scotts Valley 831.438.3261 www.culvertheatres.com ;WQVOSZ 8OQYa]\¸a BVWa 7a 7b – Daily 1:30; 4; 6:45; 9:15; plus Fri-Sun 11am. /ab`] 0]g – Daily 2; 4:20; 6:30; 8:45; plus Fri-Sun 11:30am. >O`O\]`[OZ /QbWdWbg – Wed-Thu 1:15; 3:15; 5:15; 7:20; 9:20; plus Fri-Wed 1:15;

3:15; 5:15; 7:30; 9:45; plus Fri-Sun 11:15am. EVS`S bVS EWZR BVW\Ua /`S – Daily 1:45; 4:10; 6:45; 9:10; plus Fri-Sun 11:10am. :Oe /PWRW\U 1WbWhS\ – Wed-Thu 1:55; 4:30; 7:10; 9:45. 1]c^ZSa @Sb`SOb – Wed-Thu 2:10; 4:45; 7:30; 9:55; Fri-Wed 2:10; 7:15. 1Z]cRg EWbV O 1VO\QS ]T ;SObPOZZa – Fri-Wed 1; 3; 5; plus Fri-Sun 11am. 1O^WbOZWa[( / :]dS Ab]`g – Fri-Sun 11:20; 4:30; Mon-Wed 9:30. 8cZWS /\R 8cZWO – Fri-Wed 7; 9:40.

5@33< D/::3G 17<3;/ &

1125 S. Green Valley Rd, Watsonville 831.761.8200 www.greenvalleycinema.com 1W`_cS Rc 4`SOY( BVS DO[^W`S¸a /aaWabO\b – Daily 1:30; 4:30; 7; 9:25; plus Sat-Sun 11:05am. AOe D7 – Daily 1:15; 3:15; 5:15; 7:15; 9:35; plus Sat-Sun 11:15am. /ab`] 0]g – Daily 1:10; 3:15; 5:15; 7:15; 9:15; plus Sat-Sun 11:15am. >O`O\]`[OZ /QbWdWbg – Daily 1:10; 3:10; 5; 7; 9:20; plus Sat-Sun 11:10am. EVS`S bVS EWZR BVW\Ua /`S – Daily 1:15; 4:30; 7; 9:25; plus Sat-Sun 11:05am. :Oe /PWRW\U 1WbWhS\ – Daily 1:30; 4; 7; 9:35; plus Sat-Sun 11am. BVS AbS^TObVS` – Wed-Thu 1:15; 4:30; 7; 9:25. 1]c^ZSa @Sb`SOb – Wed-Thu 1:30; 4:30; 7; 9:25. 4`][ ;SfWQ] EWbV :]dS – Wed-Thu 7:30; 9:35. /[SZWO – Fri-Wed 1:30; 4:30; 7; 9:15; plus Sat-Sun 11:05am. ;WQVOSZ 8OQYa]\¸a BVWa 7a 7b – Fri-Wed 1:30; 4; 7; 9:30; plus Sat-Sun 11:10.

j "%

A/<B/1@CH 1=; october 28-november 4, 2009 47:;

B63 0=GA /@3 0/19

(PG-13; 104 min.) A crying-on-the-inside sort of movie, based on Simon Carr’s memoir. “Joe Warr� (Clive Owen) seemingly has it all—a good marriage, a job as a newspaper sportswriter, a young son and an offthe-road bungalow not too far from the beach in South Australia. Then, at a party, his wife (Laura Fraser) falls into a faint and thus into a short but credibly harrowing bout with cancer. After her death, Joe holds away intruders and decides to try to raise his young son, Artie (Nichols McAnulty), by himself, eventually sending for his other son, Harry (George MacKay), from a British boarding school. Out of grief, distraction and compassion, Joe decides to let his kids run wild—a “just say yes� policy that manifests itself with bike riding in the house, pizza in bed and chickens strutting indoors. Director Scott Hicks (Shine) tends to lay everything on the line—complete with regular appearances by the wife’s ghost. The film can’t escape the sitcom mawkishness of the premise, no matter how much restrained

sensitivity Owen radiates. (RvB) 1/>7B/:7A;( / :=D3 AB=@G (R; 128 min.)

It’s been 20 years since Michael Moore made Roger & Me, about the layoffs that devastated Flint, Mich. The only thing that has changed today is that Flint is worse, and its woes have spread throughout the United States. Moore makes a nationwide tour of today’s wreckage. He follows the collapse of the real estate market and sits with the victims of a family farm eviction in upstate New York. When Moore is at his best, it is not as defense lawyer but prosecutor. And what’s been worthwhile since 1989 is his tendency to sass back to corporate spokesmen instead of taking their statements at face value. (RvB) 17@?C3 2C 4@3/9( B63 D/;>7@3¸A /AA7AB/<B (PG-13; 109

min.) Paul Weitz (About a Boy, American Dreamz) directs the adaptation of the young adult series about a vampire (John C. Reilly) moonlighting as a sideshow performer; Chris Massoglia stars as the teenage chronicler Darren Shan. 1:=C2G E7B6 / 16/<13 =4 ;3/B0/::A (PG; 90

min.) Animated tale of a town where food tumbles from the sky. Featuring the voices of James Caan, Mr. T, Bill Hader, Andy Samberg and Will Forte. 1=1= 034=@3 16/<3: (PG-13; 113

min.) Audrey Tautou plays the designer as modernist in the years before World War I—a woman who assumed male privilege by assuming the simplicity and directness of their clothes. After a stint as a saloon singer, Coco calculates her way into bed with a wealthy rouÊ named Etienne Balsan (Benoit Poelvoorde). Director Anne Fontaine reminds us that this is a movie from the country that gave us The Rules of the Game. What could have been a dull birdin-the-gilded-cage story turns urbane, with the ever-changing flow of power between the

slightly wizened but sporty decadent. When Balsan realizes that another man has stolen Coco, he only murmurs, “I’m smiling, because I’m the one who let the fox into the hen house.� The fox in question: a British businessman nicknamed “Boy� (Alessandro Nivola). The end titles call the house of Chanel an empire, but Tautou—last seen, cigarette on lip, in a cage of mirrors, surrounded by models wearing her gowns—makes it look like mostly hard work. Tautou is perhaps aged for the young Coco but she’s unusually sharp: it’s easy to imagine why someone would love admire such a moody, direct woman. (RvB) 1=C>:3A @3B@3/B

(PG-13; 114 min.) Vince Vaughn stars as one of a quartet of couples who get the group rate to a Bora Bora–like resort; when they arrive, the men are chagrined to learn it’s a marital encounter session. Co-stars Jon Favreau, Kristin Davis, Kristen Bell and Malin “Kirsten� Akerman. Peter Billingsley directs. 4@=; ;3F71= E7B6 :=D3 (PG-13; 97 min.)

Illegal migrant worker by day, hungry young boxer at night, a young upstart finds a mentor and trainer in a grumpy, crusty former star. If it sounds like Rocky with immigration issues, it doesn’t hurt that director Jimmy Nickerson was the fight coordinator for the first two Rocky films, as well as Raging Bull and Fight Club. (SP) B63 7<D3<B7=< =4 :G7<5 (PG-13; 100 min.)

Ricky Gervais, Jennifer Garner, Rob Lowe and Tina Fey inhabit a world where nobody lies, and then they do. 8C:73 /<2 8C:7/ >5 !) ;7<

Meryl Streep kicks up her heels, leaving Amy Adams in the dust in this bifurcated biopic about the great Julia Childs and the whining, blogging, fame-obsessed child Julie. :/E /0727<5 17B7H3< (R; 119 min.)

Gerard Butler plays a man cheated by the court system, which let his family’s killers go free.

Is he gonna take that? Hell no! Lady justice, you just messed with your first and last middle-class white guy! (SP) ;716/3: 8/19A=<¸A B67A 7A 7B (PG; 112

min.) Documentary about a guy who was incredibly popular, until everybody thought he was super creepy, and then suddenly was incredibly popular again because he died and people forgot that they thought he was creepy. No, not Nixon. (SP) ;=@3 B6/< / 5/;3 (PG-13; 113 min.)

Documentary follows LeBron James’ journey to NBA stardom, via his now-famous years playing high school basketball in Akron, Ohio. Alternate ending has him signing with the Knicks in 2010. (SP) >/@/<=@;/: /1B7D7BG (R; 99

min.) It’s being labeled “the next Blair Witch Project,� but here’s the thing about Paranormal Activity: people were actually scared. They screamed. They were freaked out. A young couple, played by Katie Featherston and Micah Sloat, believes something unusual and disturbing is going on in their house. Micah buys a hand-held camera to try to capture it on film, recording day and night, which leads to a lot of genuinely creepy footage. It is certainly the scariest movie anyone will see this year. (SP) / A3@7=CA ;/< (R;

113 min.) See review, page 45. B63 AB3>4/B63@

(PG-13; 101 min.) Remake of the ’80s cult-horror favorite will have to work hard to be accepted by fans who loved the original’s loopy story of the ideal Reagan “family values� man gone wrong—the only perfect family he could imagine was a dead one. This version appears to take a more Fatal Attraction– type thriller angle, with the movie’s publicity asking “Is he really the man of her dreams—or could David be hiding a dark side?� Gee, I don’t know—yes? Although how awesome would it be if the big twist was that his insane obsessions are washing the dishes

8CAB7< 63<</@2

the art deco Metro City floats in the sky like Jonathan Swift’s Laputa. Its dictatorial president (Donald Sutherland does the voice) is trying to arrange a war to ensure his victory in the upcoming election. During a demonstration of a new form of atomic power, the son of the city’s greatest scientist (Nicolas Cage) is vaporized. The scientist tries to reincarnate the boy in powerful robot form. Like Dr. Frankenstein, he rejects the creature that results. Stranded in an underworld of the poor and discarded, Astro (Freddie Highmore) learns how the other half lives before returning to the city of his birth to defeat the power-mad leader. The film’s antimilitarism is robust. Astro Boy all but namechecks Obama when the evil dictator uses as his election slogan “It’s Not Time for a Change.� (RvB)

and being a really cool stepdad. (SP) AC@@=5/B3A (PG-13;

89 min.) In the near future, all human beings will be pale shut-ins, experiencing life through cybersimilacra. Late one night, the son of the man who made this technical breakthrough possible is murdered, fried by electrical surge after his avatar is killed by a strange new weapon. Investigating the crime is an FBI agent (Bruce Willis) and his partner (Radha Mitchell). They believe the crime is linked to a large reservation of Luddites, led by a charismatic leader called the Prophet (Ving Rhames). Based on a graphic novel. (RvB) B67@AB (R; 133 min.)

Korean director Chanwook Park has been on a roll all the way through his Vengeance trilogy—Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance, Oldboy and Lady Vengeance. The man is a visual genius, an expert craftsman and a fascinating storyteller, and his movies are unique works of art shaped from the same core issues of power, revenge and the struggle of every human being not to fail miserably. It’ll be interesting to see how he applies them to this story of a priest turned into a vampire by a botched medical experiment. (SP) B=G AB=@G ! 2 (G;

81/92 min.) Not actually a sequel to the Toy Story films (one is coming in 2010), but a rerelease of the first two, packaged as a double-feature and shown in 3-D. (SP) E63@3 B63 E7:2 B67<5A /@3 (PG;

101 min.) The beast suits—part costumes, part CGI—are accurate versions of the Sendak illustrations. Max Records seems just right as Max, the little boy whose father is out of the picture, who flees to a monster island. The feature film gives children due respect for their towering moods. But children’s moods change, and this film’s mood doesn’t. It’s essentially gloomy, like a collection of Peanuts strips clipped of their punch lines.

@37<233@ 5/;3A!!Bo!bvujtujd!cpz!obnfe!Spxbo!jt!xijtlfe!pgg!up! Npohpmjb!gps!tpnf!frvjof!uifsbqz!)boe!tvqfswjtfe!bdujwjujft!xjui!puifs! vohvmbuft*!jo!Ă•Uif!Ipstf!Cpz-Ă–!pqfojoh!Gsjebz!bu!uif!Ojdl/ The film is staged in an Australian forest, the domain of seven or eight depressed creatures (Lauren Ambrose, James Gandolfini and Catherine O’Hara, among others). They’re cautious and fretful; they form cliques and snipe at each other. The rumpusing beastliness always ends with some injury, as per Mom’s warning about how it’s all fun and games until someone gets hurt. Scriptwriter Dave Eggers’ work is typically formless, cute and drifty. There’s no artistic force behind this movie, only whims and anxieties. A parting word from the beasts, “When you go home, will you say good things about us?,â€? seems addressed to a baffled audience. It’ll be a cult item for aging-children hipster types, the ones who would wear their terrycloth wolf-suits to work if they could. (RvB)

E67> 7B (PG-13; 111 min.) Drew Barrymore’s when-girls-collide roller derby movie is bliss; actually, Ellen Page plays Bliss, a Bodeen, Texas, tomboy who takes the name “Babe Ruthless.� Director and bon vivant Drew Barrymore (who plays a rolling calamity of a teammate) has rescued Page from the career-killing move of repeatedly playing the smartest person in the room. The acting is superior on down the line. As the parents, Marcia Gay Harden and Daniel Stern have a fond rapport, and in a noteworthy comeback role Juliette Lewis smolders away as the well-motivated villain on a rival team. Scriptwriter Shauna Cross’s wit lets Page hold the screen like never before. (RvB) H=;073:/<2 (R; 88

min.) Under a plague of the living dead, the United States is in

ruins, and the nervous college-age hero (Jesse Eisenberg) calls the dreadful landscape Zombieland. He joins three reluctant companions: a Twinkiesloving cowboy called Tallahassee (Woody Harrelson), a fast female loner named Wichita (Emma Stone) and her little sis, Little Rock (Abigail Breslin). They head to a place where they think the light at the end of the tunnel still shines: Disneyland, renamed “Pacific Playland.� There’s merit to the idea of a turkeyshoot zombie-killing finale amid colored lights and spinning rides, but the film doesn’t get more imaginative than anything seen in the previews. Under Ruben Fleischer’s bare-bones direction, Zombieland is slathered with narration. Harrelson is a fiercelooking party, but he doesn’t get Westernlyrical enough. (RvB)

48 |

october 28-november 4, 2009


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"' j "'

A/<B/1@CH 1=; A /<B/1@CH 1=; ooctober c t o b e r 228-november 8 - n o v e m b e r 44,, 22009 0 0 9 3>71C@3 3>71C@3

PPearl earl iinn aann O Ocean cean

1C@B7A 1/@B73@ 1 C@B7A 1/@B73@

Spicce-laden Spice-laden vegetarian vegetariaan dishes are are the specialty s specialt ty at this tin tiny ny Srii Lankan dining diniing rroom oom 0G 16@7AB7</ E/B3@A 0G 1 6 @ 7 A B 7 < / E/B 3 @ A


MALL and MALL and intimate, intimate, aan n aattractive ttractive assortment assor tment o off aartwork rtwork aadorning dorning the the ccoraloralh ued walls, walls, this this llittle ittle S ri hued Sri La nkan d ining ro om m akes a sspecial p ecial Lankan dining room makes iinvitation nvitation tto o tthose hose w ho llike ike ve getarian who vegetarian d ining. B ut tthere here iiss p lenty o amb aand nd dining. But plenty off llamb cchicken hicken o no fffer aass w ell. on offer well. Ser vice is is warm warm and and sporadic, sporadic, Service aalmost lmost aass iiff p atrons h ad d ropped patrons had dropped iinto nto a p rivate h ome w here n ot eevery very private home where not aaspect sp ect o inner iiss re eady aatt tthe he ssame ame off d dinner ready ttime. ime. S till, ttiming iming iiss iimportant mpor tant iin n tthe he Still, cculinary ulinar y w orld, aass iin no ther d omains world, other domains o ife, aand nd iit’s t’s d iff icult tto o fe el tthat hat off llife, difficult feel tthe he m anagement iiss eentirely ntirely iin n ccontrol ontrol management o ts o p eration w hen eentrees ntrees aarrive rrive off iits operation when b efore aappetizers ppetizers aand nd fo o d aarrives rrives before food b efore d rinks. before drinks. plate filled f illed with with four four very ver y fat fat A plate sspring pring ro lls (($8.75) $8.75) aarrived rrived b efore o ur rolls before our w ater o ine. IItt ccame ame w ith a ve ry water orr w wine. with very ssweet weet m ango jjam am aand nd aaustere ustere iinterior nterior mango iingredients. ngrredients. E ach ttransparent ransparent rrice ice Each w rapp er ccontained ontained a h uge q uantity o wrapper huge quantity off sshredded hredded llettuce, ettuce, b its o weet ttempeh, emp eh, bits off ssweet llots ots o ulienned ccarrots arro r ts aand nd n ot m uch off jjulienned not much eelse. lse. W ere d isappointed tthat hat tthe he Wee w were disappointed ssweet weet m ango re lish d id n othing tto o mango relish did nothing b o ost tthe he aappetizer’s pp etizer’s f llavor. avor. boost Our meal meal really really began, b egan, eventually, eventually, Our w ith IIrene’s rene’s aappetizer pp etizer o hile cchickpea hickp ea with off cchile (($6) $6) aand nd m ntree o ri La nkan–style myy eentree off S Sri Lankan–style n o odles, p lus ggriddle-baked riddle-baked p aan (($5), $5), noodles, plus paan ah uge f llat at b read m uch llike ike p ita, o nly huge bread much pita, only

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ssofter. of ter. T These hese aarrived rrived ttogether. ogether. T The he dip aaccompanying ccompanying ggarlic arlic d ip ggave ave tthe he bread welcome oomph. Served b read ssome ome w elcome o omph. S erve v d white bowl, had iin naw hite b owl, tthe he cchickpeas hickp eas h ad been milk b een ssimmered immered iin n cchile, hile, ccoconut o conut m ilk mustard with kick aand nd m ustard sseeds, eeds, w ith aadded dded k ick plenty off ggarlic. was nice ffrom rrom p lenty o arlic. IItt w as a n ice dish, but might have worked better d ish, b ut m ight h ave w orked b etter dish aass a sside ide d ish tto o ssome ome llarger arger ccentral entral The proved monoiidea. dea. T he f llavors avors p roved ttoo oo m ono dimensional work d imensional tto ow ork aass a sstand-alone tand-alone off E Ernst Company aappetizer. ppetizer. A gglass lass o rnst & C ompany South African Sauvignon Blanc S outh A frican S auvignon B lanc was quite dry (($6.50) $6.50) w as q uite d ry aand nd f llavorful, avor ful, tardy, halfway our iiff ta rd dy, aarriving rriving h alfway tthrough hrough o ur meal. The Pacific Oasis pinot noir m eal. T he P acif ic O asis p inot n oir Santa Barbara was ffrom rrom S anta B arbara w as aalso lso a ffine ine accompaniment to the meal ($8). accompaniment to the meal ($8).

Myy S M Sri ri La Lankan–style nkan–style noodles no o dles with plate off (($18) $18) aarrived rrived w ith a llarge arge p late o cchopped hopp ed ttomatoes, omatoes, ccucumbers ucumb ers aand nd The was plate llettuce. ettuce. T he eentree ntree w as a vvast ast p late off n noodles o o o dles ttossed ossed iin n ccoriander oriander aand nd gginger-intensive inger-intensive sspices pices aand nd iinf nf llected ected with Chicken, $2 w ith ccarrots arrots aand nd ttomatoes. omato es. C hicken, $ 2 heavily eextra, xtra, aarrived rrived iin nah eavily sspiced piced ssauce. auce. Our other off llamb O ur o ther eentree ntree o amb ccurry urr y byy (($16.50) $16.50) ffinally inally aarrived, rrived, jjoined oined b braised kale, tthinly hinly cchopped hopp ed aand nd b raised ka le, rrice ice delicious off llamb roasted aand nd d elicious cchunks hunks o amb ro asted powder iin n ccurry urr y p owder aand nd aalmond lmond ssauce. auce. Yellow dhal Y ellow llentil entil d hal aand nd eextremely xtremely other ssweet weet eeggplant ggplant ssautÊ autÊ jjoined oined tthe he o ther veggies, papadam ve ggies, aand nd a tthin, hin, ccrisp risp p apadam ssat at on off tthe making o n ttop op o he eentree, ntreee, m aking a jjaunty aunty note forr tthe dish. ttop op n ote fo he d ish.

While W hile iitt w was as n not ot o our ur m mission ission tthat hat eevening, veening, tthe he q uest fo picy ve gan quest forr sspicy vegan ccooking ooking ccan an eeasily asily llead ead tto oP earl’s Pearl’s ve getarian-intensive m enu, aand nd I vegetarian-intensive menu, iimagine magine tthat hat fo gan d ishes aalone, lone, forr ve vegan dishes tthere here m ust b ocal fo llowing. T he must bee a llocal following. The aatmosphere tmosphere w as p leasant aand nd iintimate, ntimate, was pleasant aand nd tthe he sstaff taff w as o f ten ccordial ordial aand nd was often ffriendly. riendly.

>3/@: =4 B63 =13/< > 3/@: =4 B63 =13/<

7736 36 Water Water St., St., Santa Santa Cruz Cruz 831.457.2350 8 31.457.2350 111:30am–2:30pm 1:30am–2:30pm and and 5:30–9pm 5:30–9pm Tue–Sun 9:30pm T ue–Sun ((open open till till 9 :30pm Fri–Sat) Fri–Sat)

# j 27<3@¸A 5C723 october 28-november 4, 2009 A/<B/1@CH 1=;

Diner’s Guide

Our selective list of area restaurants includes those that have been favorably reviewed in print by Santa Cruz Weekly food critics and others that have been sampled but not reviewed in print. All visits by our writers are made anonymously, and all expenses are paid by Metro Santa Cruz. AG;0=:A ;/23 A7;>:3( + C\RS` + # + $ + O\R c^

Price Ranges based on average cost of dinner entree and salad, excluding alcoholic beverages

/>B=A $$ Aptos

/;0@=A7/ 7<27/ 07AB@=

$$ Aptos

0@7B/<<7/ /@;A

$$$ Aptos $$$ Aptos

$$ Aptos

207 Searidge Rd, 831.685.0610

8017 Soquel Dr, 831.688.1233 :/ 03::/ D7B/ 07AB@=

257 Center Ave, 831.685.8111 A3D3@7<=¸A 5@7::

7500 Old Dominion Ct, 831.688.8987

Indian. Authentic Indian dishes and specialties served in a comfortable dining room. Lunch buffet daily 11:30am-2:30pm; dinner daily 5pm to close. www.ambrosiaib.com American and specialty dishes from the British and Emerald Isles. Full bar. Children welcome. Happy hour Mon-Fri 2-6pm. Open daily 11am to 2am. Italian. Ambience reminiscent of a small trattoria in the streets of Italy, serving handmade lasagna, pasta dishes, gnocchi and fresh fish. Wed-Sun, Lunch 11am-2pm, Dinner 5-9pm. Continental California cuisine. Breakfast all week 6:30-11am, lunch all week 11am-2pm; dinner Fri-Sat 5-10pm, Sun-Thu 5-9pm. www.seacliffinn.com.

H/;33< ;327B3@@/<3/< Middle Eastern/Mediterranean. Fresh, fast, flavorful. Gourmet

7528 Soquel Dr, 831.688.4465

meat and vegetarian kebabs, gyros, falafel, healthy salads and Mediterranean flatbread pizzas. Beer and wine. Dine in or take out. Tue-Sun 11am-8pm.

1/>7B=:/ $ Capitola


1/43 D7=:3BB3

104 Stockton Ave, 831.479.8888

All day breakfast. Burgers, gyros, sandwiches and 45 flavors of Marianne’s and Polar Bear ice cream. Open 8am daily.

>/@/27A3 ACA67 Japanese. This pretty and welcoming sushi bar serves 200 Monterey Ave, 831.464.3328 superfresh fish in unusual but well-executed sushi combinations. Wed-Mon 11:30am-9pm.

California Continental. Swordfish and other seafood specials. Dinner Mon-Thu 5:30-9:30pm; Fri 5-10pm; Sat 4-10:30pm; Sun 4-9pm.



1750 Wharf Rd, 831.475.1511

AB=19B=< 0@7253 5@7::3 Mediterranean tapas. Innovative menu, full-service bar,


231 Esplanade, 831.464.1933

international wine list and outdoor dining with terrific views in the heart of Capitola Village. Open daily.

$$$ Capitola


203 Esplanade, 831.475.4900

California cuisine. Nightly specials include baby back ribs, prime rib, lobster and mahi mahi. Daily 7am-2am.

A/<B/ 1@CH $$ Santa Cruz

$$ Santa Cruz


1116 Pacific Ave, 831. 426.7588


110 Church St, 831.429.2000

$$ Santa Cruz

B63 1@3>3 >:/13

1@=E¸A <3AB

Santa Cruz

2218 East Cliff Dr, 831.476.4560

$ Santa Cruz

460 Seventh Ave, 831.477.2908

1134 Soquel Ave, 831.429.6994

4/<2/<5= ;3F71/<

$$ Santa Cruz


$$ Santa Cruz


303 Soquel Ave, 831.426.7770

1102 Pacific Ave, 837.420.0135

6C:/¸A 7A:/<2 5@7::

Santa Cruz

221 Cathcart St, 831.426.4852

Mexican/Seafood/American. Traditional Mexican favorites. Best fajitas, chicken mole, coconut prawns, blackened prime rib! Fresh seafood. Over 50 premium tequilas, daily happy hour w/ half-price appetizers. Sun-Thu 11am-10pm, Fri-Sat 11am-11pm. American, California-style. With a great bar scene, casually glamorous setting and attentive waitstaff. Full bar. Mon-Sat 11:30am-10pm, Sun 1-10pm. Crepes and more. Featuring the spinach crepe and Tunisian donut. Full bar. Mon-Thu 11am-midnight, Fri 11am-1am, Sat 10am-1am, Sun 10am-midnight. Seafood. Fresh seafood, shellfish, Midwestern aged beef, pasta specialties, abundant salad bar. Kids menu and nightly entertainment. Harbor and Bay views. Lunch and dinner daily. Mexican. Serving breakfast all day. Popular for our street tacos and handmade Salvadorian pupusas. Vegetarian options made w/ local fresh vegetables & organic tofu. Daily 9: 30am-9:30pm. Americana. Ribs, steaks and burgers are definitely the stars. Full bar. Lunch Mon-Sat 11:30am-2:30pm; dinner Sun-Thu 5:30-9:30pm, Fri-Sat 5:30-10pm. California/full-service bakery. Breakfast, lunch, dinner. “Best Eggs Benedict in Town.� Happy Hour Mon-Fri 5-6pm. Halfprice appetizers; wines by the glass. Daily 8am-9pm. ’60s Vegas meets ’50s Waikiki. Amazing dining experience in kitchy yet swanky tropical setting. Fresh fish, great steaks, vegetarian. Full-service tiki bar. Happy-hour tiki drinks. Aloha Fri, Sat lunch 11:30am-5pm. Dinner nightly 5pm-close.

j #

A/<B/1@CH 1=; october 28-november 4, 2009 27<3@¸A 5C723

$$ Santa Cruz $$ Santa Cruz

7 :=D3 ACA67

516 Front St, 831.421.0706 8=6<<G¸A 6/@0=@A723

493 Lake Ave, 831.479.3430

$$$ :/ >=AB/ Santa Cruz 538 Seabright Ave, 831.457.2782 $$ Santa Cruz


$$ Santa Cruz

>/17471 B6/7

Seafood/California. Fresh catch made your way! Plus many other wonderful menu items. Great view. Full bar. Happy hour Mon-Fri. Brunch Sat-Sun 10am-2pm. Open daily. Italian. La Posta serves Italian food made in the old style— simple and delicious. Wed-Thu 5-9pm, Fri-Sat 5-9:30pm and Sun 5-8pm.

Fine Mexican cuisine. Opening daily at noon. 49-B Municipal Wharf, 831.458.9393 1319 Pacific Ave, 831.420.1700

@7AB=@/<B3 7B/:7/<=

Santa Cruz

555 Soquel Ave, 831.458.2321

$$ Santa Cruz

@=A73 ;11/<<¸A

1220 Pacific Ave, 831.426.9930

$$ Santa Cruz

105 Walnut Ave, 831.423.2020

$$ Santa Cruz

2415 Mission St, 831.423.9010

$$ Santa Cruz

Japanese Fusion. Sushi bar, sake bar, vegetarian, seafood, steak in fun atmosphere; kids play area; karaoke every night. Open seven days 5-10pm; Mon-Fri 11:30am-2:30pm.


C>>3@ 1@CAB >7HH/

E==2AB=19¸A >7HH/

710 Front St, 831.427.4444

Thai. Individually prepared with the freshest ingredients, plus ambrosia bubble teas, shakes. Mon-Thu 11:30am-9:30pm, Fri 11:30am-10pm, Sat noon-10pm, Sun noon-9:30pm. Italian-American. Mouthwatering, generous portions, friendly service and the best patio in town. Full bar. Lunch Mon-Fri 11:30am, dinner nightly at 5pm. Irish pub and restaurant. Informal pub fare with reliable execution. Lunch and dinner all day, open Mon-Fri 11:30ammidnight, Sat-Sun 11:30am-1:30am. Wine bar with menu. Flawless plates of great character and flavor; sexy menu listings and wines to match. Lunch Wed-Sat noon2pm; dinner Mon-Thu 5-10pm, Fri-Sat 5-11pm, Sun 4-10pm; retail shop Mon 5pm-close, Tue-Sat noon-close, Sun 4pm-close. Pizza. Specializing in authentic Sicilian and square pizza. Homemade pasta, fresh sandwiches, soups, salads and more. Hot slices always ready. Sun-Thu 10am-9:30pm, Fri-Sat 10am-11pm. Pizza. Pizza, fresh salads, sandwiches, wings, desserts, beers on tap. Patio dining, sports on HDTV and free WiFi. Large groups and catering. Open and delivering Fri-Sat 11am-2am, Mon-Thu 11am-1am, Sun 11am-midnight.

A/< :=@3<H= D/::3G $$ Felton

@32E==2 >7HH3@7/

6205 Hwy 9, 831.335.1500

Organic Pizza. Everything organic: pizza, lasagna, soup, salad, beer and local wine. Always organic, local produce. Party room seats 32. Weeknights 4-9pm (closed Tue), Fri 4-10pm, Sat 1-10pm, Sun 1-9pm. See menu at www.redwoodpizza.com.

A1=BBA D/::3G $ 63/D3<:G 1/43 American. Serving breakfast and lunch daily. Large parties Scotts Valley 1210 Mt. Hermon Rd, 831.335.7311 welcome. Mon-Fri 6:30am-2:15pm, Sat-Sun 7am-2:45pm. $ 87/ B3::/¸A Scotts Valley 5600 #D Scotts Valley Dr, 831.438.5005

Cambodian. Fresh kebabs, seafood dishes, soups and noodle bowls with a unique Southeast Asian flair. Beer and wine available. Patio dining. Sun-Thu 11am-9pm, Fri-Sat 11am-10pm.

A=?C3: $$ Soquel

3: 167>=B:3 B/?C3@7/

4724 Soquel Dr, 831.477.1048

Mexican. Open for breakfast. We use no lard in our menu and make your food fresh daily. We are famous for our authentic ingredients such as traditional mole from Oaxaca. Lots of vegetarian options. Mon-Fri 9am-9pm, weekends 8am-9pm.

# j /AB@=:=5G october 28-november 4, 2009 A/<B/1@CH 1=;

Astrology Free Will

By Rob Brezsny

For the week of October 28 /@73A (March 21–April 19): You may be as flooded with briny emotion as a Pisces on a meandering binge. You might be as embedded in a labyrinth of your own creation as the Geminis who verge on being too clever for their own good. You may be as cagey a listener as a Scorpio who’s searching for a hidden vulnerability in an ally. In other words, Aries, you’re not exactly yourself. But it’s one of those rare times when that’s a good thing. Halloween costume suggestion: the opposite of what you think you are.

B/C@CA (April 20–May 20): In my ideal version of Halloween, we wouldn’t scare ourselves with images of ghoulish skeletons, eyeballs floating in cauldrons, and hissing, three-headed snakes. Rather, we’d confront more realistic fears, like the possibility that the effects we have on the world are different from our intentions ... or that we have not yet reached our potential ... or that people we like might completely misread and misunderstand us. Then Halloween would serve a more spiritually useful purpose. It would bring us face-to-face with actual dangers to our psychic integrity, whereupon we could summon our brilliant courage and exorcize the hell out of them. Costume suggestion: exorcist. (Begin by exorcising yourself.)

53;7<7 (May 21–June 20): During this phase of your cycle, you’ll generate good fortune if you brainstorm and meditate about your relationship with work. I urge you to empty your mind of everything you think you know about the subject. Adopt a fresh and innocent perspective. Here are some questions to prime your investigations. 1. What’s the quality of the experience you want to have as you earn a living? 2. What gifts do you want to give to life as you toil at challenging tasks that are interesting to you? 3. What capacities do you want to develop in yourself while doing your work? (P.S. For your Halloween costume, why not pretend you’re doing your dream job?) 1/<13@ (June 21–July 22): Israeli poet Yehuda Amichai (1924–2000) witnessed the full range of experiences that life on this planet has to offer, from war to love and everything in between. During an interview he gave in Jerusalem in 1994, he said, “I can stand on my balcony and tell my children, ‘Over there I was shelled for the first time, and over there, to the right, just beneath those trees, I was kissed for the first time.’� I suspect his words will soon be meaningful for you, Cancerian. It’s likely you’ll have a breakthrough or epiphany near a place where you once suffered disappointment. Halloween costume suggestion: the phoenix.

:3= (July 23–Aug. 22): Author Gary Smalley says that the sexual nature of men is like a microwave oven, while women resemble a crockpot, the device that cooks food at low heat for a long time. Right about now, I’d advise you Leo men to be like crockpots not only in the bedroom but everywhere else, too. To spot the subtle opportunities that will be available, you’ll have to be gradual, deliberate, and thorough. Leisurely foreplay should be your all-purpose metaphor. As for you Leo women: I’m betting there are ways that you have fallen under the sway of the microwave meme. If I’m right, it’s time to fully re-embrace the spirit of the crockpot. Halloween costume clues: the tortoise, not the hare; a 400-page novel, not Twitter; the Pyramid of Khufu, not a sandcastle. D7@5= (Aug. 23–Sept. 22): “The more beautiful the bird, the poorer the singer,� wrote L. M. Boyd. “Peacocks scream, macaws screech. Birds of Paradise croak.� Among the most interesting singers, on the other hand, are birds that are far less spectacular in appearance: the Black-capped Chickadee, the Willow Thrush, and the White-throated Sparrow. Keep that in mind as you navigate your way through the coming week’s dilemmas. My personal inclination is to favor inspiring singing over comely appearance, but you may have a different bias. The important thing is to recognize the nature of the options before you. Halloween costume suggestion: Incorporate the themes of plain beauty, secret genius, disguised power, and open secrets.

:70@/ (Sept. 23–Oct. 22): At a family planning conference in Beijing, a researcher from Ghana presented testimony about tribal issues that he had in part gleaned through interviews with dead ancestors. He said that spirit mediums had acted as his “translators.� When he was met with skepticism from colleagues, he was defensive. “If I only heard from the living,� he explained, “I wouldn’t get a very good balance.� His perspective would be smart for you to

adopt right now, Libra. To make the wisest decisions and take the most righteous action, draw inspiration from what has passed away as much as from what’s alive and in your face. Halloween costume suggestion: a spirit medium.

A1=@>7= (Oct. 23–Nov. 21): “Behind every face, there are a thousand faces,� says film director Bryan Singer, who worked on two of the X-Men movies. He deals with professional actors, who specialize in revealing the myriad faces beneath the surface. But I think his assessment applies to lots of people, especially you Scorpios—although it must be said that you do have mad skills at hiding all the action going on beneath your surface. This Halloween, I urge you to make a break with tradition and show five or six of the real you’s lurking below your poker face. Costume suggestion: be inspired by Joseph Campbell’s “hero with a thousand faces.� A/57BB/@7CA (Nov. 22–Dec. 21): The Da Vinci Code author Dan Brown has a unique way of stimulating his imagination: He dons his gravity boots and meditates on complex storylines while he’s inverted. It’s also a good way to overcome writer’s block. “You think differently upside-down,� he says. Do you have an equivalent method for providing gentle shock therapy to your perspective, Sagittarius? This is a good time to use it. If you don’t already have a creative aid like that, hunt around for one. In the days ahead, it will come in handy. 1/>@71=@< (Dec. 22–Jan. 19): When Sheelah Ryan won $55 million in the Florida lottery, she used the money to create an organization dedicated to helping the disadvantaged. “I guess I’ve disappointed a lot of people,� she told a reporter. “I could be traveling all over the world, or have a beautiful mansion on the ocean, or have a chauffeur-driven Rolls-Royce. But that’s not my style.� She’s your role model for the coming weeks, Capricorn. When good fortune comes to you— and I’m almost positive it will—I recommend that you look for ways to share it. The ironic fact of the matter is that if you’re generous as you tap in to your gift, there’ll be more of the gift.

/?C/@7CA (Jan. 20–Feb. 18): When I did a performance in Santa Fe a few years ago, a woman in the audience came up to me after the show and made a sardonic proposal: Would I like to join her twelve-step program for writers who are overly fond of vivid adjectives and adverbs? With all the uppity mock politeness I could summon, I told her that I was preposterously happy with my scintillating addiction to brazen language, and didn’t regard it as a raggedy problem that needed invasive correcting. Now I’m advising you to be like me and follow your heart when it tells you to be bigger, bolder, and brasher than ever before. Right now, shiny intensity is your sacred duty! Halloween costume suggestion: the sun.

>7A13A (Feb. 19–March 20): I hope you won’t merely wander around the frontier. I hope you’ll undertake a meticulous yet expansive exploration of that virgin territory. Here are some tips on how to proceed: 1. Formulate specific questions about what you’re looking for. 2. Develop a hypothesis for the experiments you want to carry out. 3. Ignore what doesn’t interest you and pounce only on what stirs your fascination. Halloween costume suggestion: an alien anthropologist visiting Earth from another planet; a time-traveler from the future who’s doing a documentary on this historical moment; a religious pilgrim who’s keeping a detailed journal. 6][Se]`Y( EVOb Wa g]c` U`SObSab TSO`- ;OYS Tc\ ]T Wb bVWa 6OZZ]eSS\ BSZZ [S OP]cb Wb Ob [g 4OQSP]]Y ^OUS( Vbb^( bW\gc`Z Q][ \YOg \

Go to @3/:/AB@=:=5G 1=; to check out Rob Brezsny’s Expanded Weekly Audio Horoscopes and Daily Text Message Horoscopes. The audio horoscopes are also available by phone &%% &%! "&&& or 1.900.950.7700

S a n t a c r u z .co m october 28-november 4, 2009 C L ASS I F I E DS


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Judy Ziegler, GRI, CRS Cornucopia Real Estate 1001 Center Street - Suite 5 Santa Cruz, CA 95060 Phone: 831-429-8080 Fax: 831-429-2898 judy@cornucopia.com URL: www.cornucopia.com


All real estate advertised in Metro Newspapers is subject MET YOU AT THE to the State and Federal Fair OPEN HOUSEHousing Act, which makes it We talked about real estate illegal to advertise any prefand you asked for a list of erence, limitation, or discrimServices homes. Wow, so many more ination based on race, color, great homes are on the mar- religion, sex, handicap, famiWHAT IS A SHORT ket since we met! Call me and ly status (the presence of we’ll go look at some homes children), or national origin, SALE? together! or the intention to make any A short sale is negotiating a Town and Country Real Estate such preference, limitation, or lower price for a home than TEAM THOMAS discrimination. State and what is owed to the lender. locate laws forbid discriminaNEED HELP? HAVE QUESTIONS? (831) 402-2442 townandcountrysantacruz.com tion in the sale, rental, or Call Josh (831) 402-2442 advertising of real estate. We or visit our website will not knowingly accept any townandcountrysantacruz.com advertising for real estate which is in violation of the FirstStepEquity.com law. All persons are hereby Lease a home with the option informed that all dwellings to buy. Choose through thouadvertised are available on sands of properties from our an equal opportunity basis to nationwide database. Shared Housing the best of our knowledge. Pictures included!! Call for more information ALL AREAS - RENT805/683-8600. (AAN CAN) Homes

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First-time home buyer workshop Saturday November 14, 2009 from 2-4pm. US Bank Home Mortgage, 10381 S. De Anza Blvd. Cupertino, CA. 95014. www.LeannaScottHomes.com /HBW.php


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Capitola The best of easy ocean front living in this unit right on the water in Capitola. Steps to Rio Del Mar beach & a short stroll to Capitola Village, this low maintenance unit in a peaceful setting is perfect for those wanting nothing between them and the Monterey Bay. This single unit is offered as a tenant in common share in building being upgraded to delight ocean lovers. Great opportunity for the savvy buyer. MLS#80932540. Call Terry 831.345.2053 Pacific Sun Properties.

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Santa Cruz Mountain Estate 5 bedroom, 5 baths, 4200 square feet, 3 acres, $1,795,000. 831/234-6227

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There’s a new broker in town that offers OLD FASHIONED CUSTOMER SERVICE! Josh Thomas with townandcountrysantacruz.com broker/owner (831) 402-2442

This sweet 1 BR/ 1BA mobile home in Snug Harbor has been well cared for & landscaped for privacy. Be a homeowner in Santa Cruz for under $100K with all the amenities of Pleasure Point living: Gorgeous surf and sun down the street, a great coffeehouse & restaurants around the corner- walk or bike to all your favorite places. $99,000. MLS#80947703. 730 30th Avenue, Space 69, Santa Cruz. Terry Cavanagh, Pacific Sun Properties 831-345-2053. http://www.snugharbor-sc.com

Desirable Area of Seascape Walk to Seascape Beach. 4BR, 2.5 BA on quiet cul-de-sac near green belt. Asking $985,000. MLS #80944420. Call Gordon Autio, broker. 650.722.2116

Spectacular in Santa Cruz Inspirational spaces and harmonious landscaping characterize this special home featuring custom stained glass and built in bronze and copper accents. 3br/2ba, convenient location in a quiet neighborhood. $799,000. MLS # 80944152. Call Terry Cavanagh at Pacific Sun Properties 831-345-2053. Visit www.114sutphen.com.

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Sweet & Central Only $139,000 · Central spot in El Rio Mobile Home Park · One Bedroom + office nook · Cathedral ceilings for spacious feel · Owner financing possible · Beautiful spacious, kitchen · Co-op park, you own share · Minutes to downtown Santa Cruz Judy Ziegler GRI, CRS, SRES ph: 831-429-8080 cell: 831-334-0257

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STUCK AT 85 As I was putting away my open house signs, an elderly gentleman approached and asked if I would mind opening back up and showing him the house on display. Of course I readily agreed. He introduced himself as Dexter. Wearing a baseball cap (properly placed, not backwards ) he had a pleasant face, was dressed in a jaunty manner, and the possessor of gentle eyes. His vital spirit was apparent. People can be 20 or 95 and you can tell if they are really alive by this spirit. Hard to describe. Maybe it’s more of an interest and vitality for life. In any case, he had it. Dexter then explained that his home was in foreclosure. I did not want to ask about the details as this was obviously difficult for him to talk about. He said he was 85 and his wife was 78. She was experiencing a lot of grief over the situation. He seemed more resigned. I showed him around the manufactured home in Vista del Lago in Scotts Valley. This is a great park with seven beautiful lakes including a resident swan. A great deal may I add, for $244,000. I thought it might work for him. A further encumbrance for him is their large old dog, Shane. Most parks have weight restrictions for dogs of around 35 pounds. Vista del Lago is an exception. I was told by the management they use a dog by dog judgment call. However, upon further discussion, it looked like Dexter would not qualify financially. I enquired why he did not want to consider renting and he said the same restrictions apply for most rentals, they don’t want dogs, and especially large dogs. The weight dividing dog-line has always puzzled me. Small dogs can be wonderful. They can also be irritatingly yippy and bite. Or not. Big dogs can be lazy, quiet and loving. Dogs are like people – they vary and should be judged on their demeanor not size, in my opinion. Dexter said he had enough money to buy a cheap trailer in another area but all his medical helpers were here and he had built up trust in them and did not like the idea of starting with others. He went on his way but I thought, don’t let this happen to you! The big you out there. For him, slippage occurred, you must build walls of options and tend them faithfully. A big economic tip: for fun and good food, what a deal! Sundays from 3:30 to 7:30 take in the Santa Cruz Jazz group at Bocci’s Cellar while enjoying a delicious $7 meal. That’s seven dollars folks. Lots of great jazz players and singers. Start humming about your next real estate investment and hurry hurry if you want to get the $8,000 stimulus….call for details.

S a n t a c r u z .co m october 28-november 4, 2009 C L ASS I F I E DS


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