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B03 0=3 F8C7>DC 386=8CH I have spent the last 13 years participating in researching great white sharks at Ano Nuevo Island as a member of the Pelagic Shark Research Foundation. Never in my wildest dreams could I imagine such a heinous idea (â&#x20AC;&#x153;Great White Ways,â&#x20AC;? Oct.28). To put these animals at risk intentionally is reckless and smacks of showmanship. That National Geographic would sign on, well, I guess fishing shows are all the rage these days. This is indicative of the flawed judgment of sanctuary administrators. Sad and without dignity. Our sharks deserve better.
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witches as old, female and uglyâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;with green faces, missing teeth and hooked noses! Most peopleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ideas about witches are shaped by the media, in which many harmful, prejudicial, reinforcing images of witches are abundant. This has resulted in painful, embarrassing and physically harmful witch-bashing. In this liberal and conscious area, this should be as unthinkable as would be printing images of Mother Mary with a green face, missing teeth and a hooked nose, or allowing people to throw eggs at black peole who donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t sit at the back of the bus.
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For an update on this situation, see p9.
BC>? C74 F8C27 10B78=6 0;A403H Please stop accepting ads from people who think it is fun, innocent and not a problem to portray
F4 0;; ;>E4 18;; <2:8114= Thank you for a great article (â&#x20AC;&#x153;None Like It Hot,â&#x20AC;? Oct. 21). I sit on the Go Green committee for our company, Entertainment Partners, and picked up a copy of the magazine while on a four-day mini trip up north last weekend. I will be sharing this article with
the committee and the company as we continue to try to do our part to help the planet. I appreciate the story and what a great job Bill McKibben is doing by sacrificing his time away from his wife and daughter to make a difference in this world for our very existence on this planet.
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FA8C4 BCD55 Congratulations to Birgit Nielsen on her article (â&#x20AC;&#x153;Goodbye, Lenin!â&#x20AC;? Open Mic, Oct. 28) on the dismantling of the Berlin Wall. Not only does it brim over with first-hand experience of the events of the time, but unlike many political articles that canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t avoid self-righteous diatribe, her article clings to the earth with details. A rusted VW Rabbit travels through â&#x20AC;&#x153;a flurry of fat snowflakes,â&#x20AC;? as she first hears of the event on her car radio, â&#x20AC;&#x153;windshield wipers squealing.â&#x20AC;? Afterward, thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a celebratory beer with a friend. Looming over her tale are â&#x20AC;&#x153;the deserted gray booths of the former border crossing.â&#x20AC;? The formerly state-owned fields the Wall once divided are now fenced and owned by corporations, says Nielsen. Physical walls can come down quickly, but often one system replaces another, with the freedom to roam free through oneâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s life being much more elusive. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Belief systems,â&#x20AC;? she says, â&#x20AC;&#x153;have to be taken down one miserable brick at a time.â&#x20AC;? Well done!
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Robert Feuer does occasionally contribute to our music section, but we couldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t let that stop us from printing his sincere kudos.
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Gulf of the Farallones National Marine Sanctuary superintendent Maria Brown would like to correct the Bohemianâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s implication in last weekâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s news story, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Great White Ways,â&#x20AC;? that Dr. Pete Klimley, who spoke out against Dr. Michael Domeierâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s controversial shark research techniques, was consulted by the NOAA for his opinion. Brown says Klimley was not officially consulted but was merely spoken to on the telephone.
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B40 2DAE4 Blubber is attached to a large hook to lure the great whites before they are boated and tagged. The first fish caught reportedly couldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t breathe for eight minutes during the procedure.
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Clumsy tag-and-release fishing expedition hooks protected shark in the throat By Alastair Bland
he controversial shark-tagging project launched Thursday, Oct. 29, at the Farallon Islands and reported on in last weekâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Bohemian got off to a rocky start, according to sources. While witnesses watched with binoculars and telescopes from the Farallon Islands, a team of scientists with government research permits hooked, landed, tagged and released a 13-foot great white shark which, according to sources, appeared to be bleeding from its rear vent, or cloaca, during the procedure. Researcher Dr. Michael Domeier, president of San Diegoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Marine
Conservation Science Institute (MCSI), caught the animal using marine mammal blubber for bait and a hook the size of a large U-lock. The intention was to hook the fish in the mouth, pull it aboard a platform next to the vessel, bolt a specialized SPOT (smart position or temperature transmitting) tag onto its dorsal fin, release the shark and repeat the procedure on up to nine more individuals, to be observed for years via satellite correspondence. But the first operation didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t quite go as planned, according to Maria Brown, superintendent of the Gulf of the Farallones National Marine Sanctuary. The shark, a male, swallowed the bait and was hooked
deep in the throat, she says. Before its release, the hook was cut, leaving the business end lodged in the fishâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s throat tissue. Mick Menigoz, captain of the great white cage-diving boat Superfish, spoke to witnesses who work on the islands. They told Menigoz that a buoy serving as a giant fishing bobber had become jammed in the animalâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s mouth. After a 40-minute tussle at the end of the line, the researchers grappled with the shark, then onboard the floating platform, to remove the buoy from its jaws before they could place a hydrating hose in its mouth to direct seawater over its gills. But eight minutes passed in which the fish could not respirate, sources said. Once the water & %
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For more information about the program and upcoming Public Programs in Depth Psychology go to www.sonoma.edu/psychology/depth or call (707) 664-2682
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was flowing, nine more minutes passed while the team drilled a hole in the sharkâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s dorsal fin and bolted a SPOT tag in place. To finally release the animal, witnesses said, the scientists had to insert a pair of large bolt cutters through the animalâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s gill slits and into its throat cavity, and, through the force of three men, cut the giant hook. On Friday afternoon, Brown, concerned that the shark had been injured, suspended Domeierâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s project, which had been permitted under the agreement that it would be halted if a shark suffered injury during handling. Brown, Domeierâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s team, and government observers who had watched the procedure met over the weekend. They reviewed video footage and determined that the shark was not internally bleeding and that a shallow flesh wound had been the source of the blood reported by witnesses. Brown gave Domeier the go-ahead to resume fishing on Monday. Menigoz, with a boatload of sharkviewing clients, was nearby that day and watched as Domeierâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s team pulled in a 14.5-footer. â&#x20AC;&#x153;This time it went well,â&#x20AC;? Menigoz says. â&#x20AC;&#x153;It was hooked in the mouth, where it was supposed to be hooked.â&#x20AC;? The shark reportedly spent 12 minutes onboard the platform with a hose running water over its gills the entire time as the MCSI team bolted on the transmitter. â&#x20AC;&#x153;And with a little nudge, it swam away again,â&#x20AC;? Menigoz says. Yet he and other critics continue to question whether subjecting great white sharks to such stress is ethically appropriate or scientifically responsible. Dr. Pete Klimley, a professor of marine sciences at UC Davis, points out that other tagging techniques already in use by white shark researchers in California are far less invasive, stressful and violent. â&#x20AC;&#x153;They just use a seal-shaped decoy to bring the sharks to the surface and a piece of bait on a rope to lure them to the boat,â&#x20AC;? says Klimley. Sean Van Sommeran, an independent Santa Cruz researcher with the Pelagic Shark Research Foundation, has been tagging white sharks for more than 15 years in California using a hand-held lance to prick each animal in the back, leaving a transmitter lodged in the hide. He is baffled that the government bodies that placed a moratorium on great white shark fishing in state waters in 1994 would allow a scientist to hook the animals and pull them onboard a vessel. â&#x20AC;&#x153;If you were to hook a protected species of two-ton marine mammal and drag it onboard a boat, people would go through the roof.â&#x20AC;? Anyway, Van Sommeran doubts that the results to be gained by Domeierâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s techniques will reflect natural shark behavior. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Speaking facetiously, I might call his study â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Flight Behavior of White Shark with a Barbed Hook in Its Gut.â&#x20AC;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;? Brown says that the shark caught and released by Domeier on Thursday is still swimming. Great white sharks are negatively buoyant and will sink if they cease to swim. But on Monday night, the SPOT tag broke the surface of the Pacific Ocean and sent a â&#x20AC;&#x153;pingâ&#x20AC;? to a satellite above, Brown says. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The shark,â&#x20AC;? she assures, â&#x20AC;&#x153;is still alive and well.â&#x20AC;?
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A brief history of Sonoma Countyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s dirty dealings with the dump By Bruce Robinson
reshman Sonoma County Supervisor Efren Carrillo may have surprised his colleagues and numerous other observers with his vote against the proposed â&#x20AC;&#x153;divestitureâ&#x20AC;? of the county dump on Oct. 27, but he also did them a favor. Even if the full board had unanimously and enthusiastically embraced the 20-year, multibillion dollar deal with Arizonaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Republic Services, the pact had a snowballâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s chance in Phoenix of actually going through. Getting the countyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s approval would have been the easiest of the three steps needed to move it forward. Fulfillment of that contract also depended on getting most of the cities within Sonoma County to buy into it, as well as Republicâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s presumed ability to win the support of state water regulators to allow the private firm to reactivate the dormant landfill. Neither is anywhere close to a given, and both have been given short shrift up to now. At the public landfill forum in Santa Rosa last March, it was clear that Santa Rosa and other essential municipal players were not in the loop as the countyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s process crept forward, and were reluctant to make any meaningful commitment to participating in the deal when it was done. Yet the hard truth is that any plan the county pursues will depend on having a bankable stream of debris coming in, because trash flow equals cash flow when it comes to securing financing. And to elevate the numbers enough to take on the challenges posed by the Meacham Road facility, the county needs considerably more than the rubbish hauled in from the unincorporated areas. But they have done precious little to build support for that. Although he had briefed some local city managers about the emerging divestiture deal, county Public Works director Phil Demery admitted to the board last week, â&#x20AC;&#x153;We have not had direct contact with city elected officials.â&#x20AC;? But those council members have been hearing from their constituents, one reason that four of themâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;from Windsor, Santa Rosa, Healdsburg and Petalumaâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;each publicly questioned the proposal Tuesday. With a possible joint powers agreement as one of the remaining possibilities for the future management of the county dumpsite, it would seem that an overdue overture to their probable municipal partners should now be a priority. But at least they have interests that align, unlike the stateâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s water regulators. A contentious Oct. 23 letter from the California Integrated
Waste Management Board, demanding that â&#x20AC;&#x153;divestiture must proceed this year or the site must close,â&#x20AC;? provided a bitter subtext to the boardâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s meeting on the 27th. That letter, characterized by several critics as â&#x20AC;&#x153;bullying,â&#x20AC;? had actually been requested by county staff, Demery said, to clarify the stateâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s stance. This is just the most recent in a lengthy, unfortunate series of confrontational communications about the dump dating back to the discovery in May 2003 of a small amount of â&#x20AC;&#x153;leachateâ&#x20AC;? between layers of the liner beneath the garbage. The problem was promptly repaired, and none of the contaminate escaped into the surrounding groundwater, but the North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board called for costly remediation measures. Rather than seek a compromise, the county retained a â&#x20AC;&#x153;flamethrowerâ&#x20AC;? attorney to fight the requirement, whereupon positions hardened, the stakes escalated and the county, ultimately, lost. Significantly, other counties elsewhere, with similar issues, have found ways to work with regulators to keep their landfills operational. But Sonoma County got slapped down hard, and the resultant costsâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;environmental as well as economicâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;have been mounting ever since. Underlying each aspect of this sorry story is an unfortunate aura of administrative arrogance. Had the county built an effective and collegial team with local cities, a united front might have formed the basis for effective negotiations around mitigation measures to protect groundwater around the dump. But even after that window of opportunity had long since closed, key county bureaucrats persisted in the go-it-alone, take-it-or-leave-it approach that brought themâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;and usâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;to the present predicament. Hubris has dug this hole, and as the late Molly Ivins repeatedly reminded us, the First Law of Holes is: stop digging. In its dealings with both its neighbors and its nemeses, the county history in this matter shows decided deficits in respectful communication and a genuine desire for collaborative solutions. Maybe, even now, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s not too late to give them a try.
Trash flow equals cash flow when it comes to securing financing.
Bruce Robinson is the news director for KRCB public radio and television, 91.1-FM and channel 22, respectively. Open Mic is a weekly feature in the Bohemian. We welcome your contribution. To have your topical essay of 700 words considered for publication, write openmic@bohemian.com.
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Rob Nelsonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s quest to heal eco-depression By Juliane Poirier
6>8=6 6A44= Promote Your Green Business in our new section â&#x20AC;&#x153;Going Greenâ&#x20AC;? Call Today @ 707.527.1200 and ask for rates, sizes and expert tips! The Bohemian is â&#x20AC;&#x153;Going Greenâ&#x20AC;? Every Week!
new form of energy therapy is credited with helping even the most eco-depressed people recover their positive thinking. Developed by a Sonoma County local, emotional freedom techniques (EFT) is an East-West touch, or tapping, therapy that allegedly cures the depression that sensitive people feel in response to planetary crises. More significantly perhaps, for the past 15 years it has helped war veterans suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Help is in the fingers. Santa Rosa EFT practitioner Rob Nelson claims a half-hour of this guided tapping can often do the trick. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Some clients have come to me virtually paralyzed by anguish over the state of the earth. Some people reach such a level of hopelessness that they can hardly get out of bed in the morning,â&#x20AC;? Nelson says. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re talking serious depression.â&#x20AC;? To help folks, Nelson gives tapping sessions. Along the bodyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s chi meridians, mapped by Chinese physicians centuries ago, EFT therapists show clients how and where to rhythmically tap away whatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s bothering them. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We use about nine acupuncture meridian points, close to the surface,â&#x20AC;? Nelson explains. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Instead of inserting needles, we tap on these points while calling up whatever is disturbing the person. It may be an old trauma. But it doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t matter what the cause is. The tapping sequence will still work. Even young children can learn to use it.â&#x20AC;? Nelson claims the method can be selftaught at a basic level by using a manual downloadable for free at www.emofree.com. Other more advanced materials are â&#x20AC;&#x153;modestly priced and can be copied up to 100 times to give, not sell, to others,â&#x20AC;? says founder Gary Craig of Sea Ranch. Craig is a Stanford-trained engineer, self-described as an outsider to the field of psychology. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve always had an interest in personal psychology, but Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m not stuck in the conventions of someone trained in the field,â&#x20AC;? Craig says. Free, then, to experiment, Craig recast a complicated system taught to him by psychologist Roger Callahan. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Engineers take things apart and put them back to together,â&#x20AC;? Craig reminds. â&#x20AC;&#x153;So I simplified his system
and put it out to the public. Now Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve got hundreds of thousands of people doing this around the world. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s an emotional version of acupuncture, very simple in concept. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a fresh look.â&#x20AC;? Emotional freedom techniques differ from traditional Western psychotherapy by positing that negative emotions are disruptions in the bodyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s energy systems. Nelson claims the fix is fast. â&#x20AC;&#x153;It takes about half an hour to bring eco-depressed clients back to a comfort level, with a renewed sense of purpose and hope,â&#x20AC;? he says. War veterans with PTSD have proven to take a bit longer to cureâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;about five or six hour-long sessions. Craig and his colleagues worked in cooperation with the Veterans Administration in Los Angeles in the mid-1990s when EFT was new. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t really know what we were doing then,â&#x20AC;? Craig admits, â&#x20AC;&#x153;but after their sessions, veterans began sleeping better. A few even checked out of the facility. The techniques worked.â&#x20AC;? Craig and others, now including a group of EFT practitioners collaborating on an initiative called the Stress Project, have worked successfully with veterans, from those who served in Iraq to those who served in Vietnam. Their website (www.stressproject.org) streams a video depicting effects of tapping sessions on veterans (caution: footage of vets describing combat atrocities in graphic detail). The EFT sessions demonstrated measurable success, including cortisol levels reduced by an average of 25 percent. Published research shows that veterans, even those who have carried trauma in their bodies for decades, have tested negative for PTSD after completing sessions of EFT. The Stress Project has helped over 400 veterans of American wars, for free or at low cost. Compared to combat trauma, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s no surprise that eco-depression and gardenvariety anxiety are a cinch to fix with tapping. â&#x20AC;&#x153;One of the things I love about EFT is that it only eliminates the negative energies, the depression, phobias, anxiety or rage,â&#x20AC;? Nelson says. The good stuff, presumably, remains. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We could tap all day, and my activist clients are never going to lose their healthy levels of outrage or their caring,â&#x20AC;? he says. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll never lose concern for the earth.â&#x20AC;?
â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s an emotional version of acupuncture, very simple in concept. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a fresh look.â&#x20AC;&#x2122; â&#x20AC;&#x201D;Gary Craig
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;^eT P]S <PVXR Della Fattoriaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s bread is raised by farm and family By Tori Masucci
lisa Weber grew up on the 14-acre ranch in Petaluma that her grandfather bought back in 1940. To this day, the Webers continue to grow gardens and raise livestock on the land. Yet the Weberâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s real story should be told from the insideâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;where the smell of coffee and baked bread wafts through the kitchen of their Petaluma cafe, Della Fattoria. Entering Della Fattoria is like entering a home of sorts, where friends sit across from one another, telling stories and catching up on the latest chitchat over rich espressos and warm, flaky cinnamon rolls dripping with sweet syrup and crushed walnuts. As the morning sun shines through the front windows, the cowbell tied to the door chimes and regular patrons buzz by to grab a few baguettes or a loaf of their favorite artisan ciabatta. Della Fattoria has the charm of a small European cafe; its inviting atmosphere can be attributed to the Webersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; emphasis on upholding the basics: family and food. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We live together and work together,â&#x20AC;? Elisa says. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The cafe is like an extension of our home. Everyone cooks in our family; the kitchen is where everyone gathers. Thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s where the
love and magic happens. Cooking together is important, because itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s what we love to do.â&#x20AC;? Della Fattoria, appropriately translated as â&#x20AC;&#x153;from the farm,â&#x20AC;? is indeed a family affair. Elisa is the cafeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s general manager, her brother, Aaron, is the head baker, and their parents, Kathleen and Edmund, run the wholesale bread distribution on their farm, as well as the farmers markets where their bread is sold on Thursdays in Marin and Saturdays in San Francisco. A lengthy list of restaurants and grocery stores, from Santa Rosaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s chic Syrah Bistro to Whole Foods in Mill Valley, now carry Dellaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s bread for its organic, handmade quality. Straight from the wood-fired brick ovens that evenly cook the bread using retained heat, Della Fattoria makes anywhere from 300 to 1,000 loaves of bread each day, based on distribution needs. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We are quite a small production compared to most bakeries, but it takes a lot of hands and its very labor-intensive. You have to be very patient. You canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t rush the bread,â&#x20AC;? Kathleen explains. In 1994, she created a natural starter of organic flour, water and a cluster of grapes from their ranch. The next morning, the slurry was bubbling, the scientific foundation to an art that became their bread-baking business, which first ran from their home on the ranch, until Edmund
found the space downtown a decade later. What makes their bread so special? To that, Aaronâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;still wearing his apron as he steps out of the kitchenâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;responds, â&#x20AC;&#x153;The care that goes into it. We donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t pay a bunch of underwaged workers to come in and make our products for us. We all tend to it. I think that matters a lot. A lot of other bakeries use mixers, and dividers or shapers, or machines that put it in the oven. We do everything by hand, the way it was done for hundreds of years.â&#x20AC;? Baking the bread is a 24-hour cycle, from heating the ovens to infusing the dough with the original starterâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;or as the Webers refer to it, â&#x20AC;&#x153;the motherâ&#x20AC;?â&#x20AC;&#x201D; which is still used as a natural leaven for their breads. It is fed twice a day with organic flour and pure well water â&#x20AC;&#x153;to keep it happy,â&#x20AC;? as Aaron quips. The Webers are very careful with their bread; they know its behavior, down to the way it responds differently to the touch of a newly hired bakerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s hands. â&#x20AC;&#x153;So many things can go wrong that impact the bread, especially the weather, the temperature or even how it is handled,â&#x20AC;? Elisa says. Yet Kathleen points out the rare beauty of their loaves from the hearth. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Our customers know that our bread is consistently inconsistent,â&#x20AC;? she says. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s consistently good, but on some days it can be taller or darker, or the shape of loaves can be a little different, but itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s all done by hand, so they appreciate that.â&#x20AC;? &+ THE BOHEMIAN
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But bread isnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t the only thing Della Fattoria gets right. The cafe bustles with friends enjoying savory breakfasts, dinners and weekend brunches. â&#x20AC;&#x153;It comes down to starting with the best ingredients and locally, organically farmed produce. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s really important to us,â&#x20AC;? Elisa says. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We support our community, because without farms, weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d have no food. I wouldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t think of anything else. If youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re setting out so many wonderful products, you have to start with the best ingredients. We canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t cut corners.â&#x20AC;? As conscious protectors of the environment, the Webers take all of their compost, from coffee grounds to vegetable scraps, back to the ranch to feed the chicken and sheep or enrich the gardenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s soil. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a continual circle of nourishment. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Giving back to the earth and to the
community is a really key thing to have in your life. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s the idea of not being a taker and not adding to the landfills, but instead taking an active role and trying to make the world a better place,â&#x20AC;? Elisa says. Although the changes in the economy have impacted their businessâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;the price of flour has tripled in price within the last few yearsâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;the Webers deem themselves fortunate to have such a good standing in the community, enabling them to put that extra finesse into the quality of their food. Amid a bustling lunch crowd, Kathleen beams. â&#x20AC;&#x153;For all of us, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a lifestyle. Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re doing something we really enjoy. We enjoy people, we love preparing food, and we love baking our bread. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s just that sort of wonderment of doing something that someone else really appreciates. Food is kind of a social equalizer. If you can cook a good meal, anyone can appreciate that.â&#x20AC;?
4eTahcWX]V CWPc AXbTb Alexis Baking Company and Cafe Alexis excels at baked goods, like their â&#x20AC;&#x153;Best Damn Lemon Cakeâ&#x20AC;? and offers killer breakfasts and sensible soup â&#x20AC;&#x2122;nâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; salad lunches. Their diverse bread choices include tomato basil, walnut wheat, challah or buttermilk dill. 1517 Third St., Napa. 707.258.1827. Basque Boulangerie Cafe The Boulangerie serves up fresh grilled cheese and tomato sandwiches on toasted French bread like nobodyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s business. Local sweet tooths also swear by their cinnamon raisin bread. 460 First St. E., Sonoma. 707.935.7687. Bovine Bakery If the adage â&#x20AC;&#x153;you are what you eatâ&#x20AC;? is true, Bovine Bakery is unsuitably named, because everything about this small treasure on the main street of Pt. Reyes Station is the opposite of dull. Lured by the smell of coffee and delectable pastries, customers also line up each morning for a bite of their fresh, vegan bread. 11315 Shoreline Hwy., Point Reyes Station. 415.663.9420. Cousteaux French Bakery If a taste of Cousteaux French Bakeryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s multigrain batard does not leave its customers praising the dough gods â&#x20AC;&#x153;en Français,â&#x20AC;? the fact that it has won Best of Show for the last three consecutive years at the Sonoma County Harvest Fair will. Handcrafted and hearty, their famous loaves are risen proof that the French know their bread. 417 Healdsburg Ave., Healdsburg. 707.433.1913. Downtown Bakery & Creamery Old-fashioned is not always a bad thingâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;at least not when it comes to good bread. Downtown Bakery and Creamery in Healdsburg stands by this belief, with everything from hearty sandwich rolls to French sweet breads among their most popular fares. 308-A Center St., Healdsburg. 707.431.2719. Full Circle Baking Right over the railroad tracks in Penngrove lies this small treasure trove of a bakery. Their baking processâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;beginning with milling their own flour and ending with distributing to farmers markets and grocery stores like Oliverâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;sâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;truly does come full circle. 10151 Main St., Penngrove, 707.794.9445. The Model Bakery Keeping the carbomaniacs happy for over 80 years, the Model Bakery sets the standard for beautiful loaves of hearth-baked seeded sourdough and garlic cheese baguettes. 1357 Main St., St. Helena. 707.963.8192. Tomales Bakery Devotees know to get there early because they close when the good stuff â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s sold out. 27000 Hwy. 1, Tomales. 707.87.2429. Village Bakery The only place in wine country that makes Scandinavian goodies and organic Danish breads, Village Bakery is a rare treat. Try the Kernebrod, a honestto-goodness rye bread generously doused with poppy, flax and sunflower seeds. 1445 Town and Country Drive, Santa Rosa. 707.527.7654. Wild Flour Bread Set in the tiny town of Freestone on the way to Bodega Bay, Wild Flour Bread is an eclectic bakery well-known for its organic sourdough-based loaves. With names like â&#x20AC;&#x153;Jungle bread,â&#x20AC;? infused with bananas, walnuts and cardamom, Wild Flourâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s as wildly pleasing as its name denotes. 140 Bohemian Hwy., Freestone, 707.874.2938. â&#x20AC;&#x201D;T.M.
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a new era of cuisine and winemaking with romantic sunsets
I]Z <^ga i]Z ;^\
AjcX]! Bdc";g^0 Y^ccZg YV^an# &%. EaVoV Hi! =ZVaYhWjg\# ,%,#)((#&(-%#
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?Zcc^Z AdlĂ&#x2030;h
Special three-course, pre fixe menu for $28.95
38=8=6 6D834
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Family Night Italian menu on Monday, 5pmâ&#x20AC;&#x201C;8pm Thurs Nights: â&#x20AC;&#x153;Locals Nightâ&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x201D;No corkage fee
8]^cd^h 6h^Vc 7^higd
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Corks Fine Dining Wedâ&#x20AC;&#x201C;Sat 5pmâ&#x20AC;&#x201C;9pm Lunch: Mon-Fri 11:00amâ&#x20AC;&#x201C;2:30pm Sat & Sun Brunch: 10:30am-2:30pm Sunday Patio Party 4-7pm
5700 Gravenstein Hwy N Forestville For Reservations, Call 707-887-3344 Tasting Room Open 7 days a week 11am-5pm
visit russianrivervineyards.com for menu updates
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<44C C74 <40C<4= t used to be that in order to attract girls all a guy had to do was pick up an electric guitar. But these are back-to-the-land times, and now a sharpened meat cleaver is as likely to possess rock-star status as a Fender Stratocaster. While no one was looking, butchery has morphed overnight from a nearly lost art to a blazing urban phenomenon, with â&#x20AC;&#x153;slaughter partiesâ&#x20AC;? at apartments in Brooklyn and slicing demos at dive bars countrywide. Where once old butchers hoped for young apprentices to carry on the tradition nearly wiped out by factory farming, it seems that now they have nothing to fear. The art, if current trends continue, will survive.
This weekend, the Bay Areaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s best and brightest stars of the new butchery movement appear at Primal, a celebration of early cookingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s revival. With Taylor Boetticher of Napaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Fatted Calf Charcuterie and red-hot Ryan Farr from San Franciscoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 4505 Meats, butchers will give a side-by-side demonstration on how to break down a complete pig, cow, goat and lamb into cuts of meat. Afterward, chefs will create and cook meaty creations over a hickory, applewood or almond wood ďŹ&#x201A;ame for attendees, and a 100-pound pile of bones will be roasted to collect marrow served on artisan breads. Wine, wine, wine washes it all down, down, down. With an emphasis on heritage breeds and whole animal utilization, Primal is the antithesis of the factory farming exposed in ďŹ lms like Food, Inc., and a reminder that the best food is locally grown and prepared not by machines but human hands. Fifteen different wineries and nine different butchers and chefsâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;including Jeremy Fox, from Michelin-star vegetarian restaurant Ubuntu, preparing heirloom vegetablesâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;get out the knives and slice raw ďŹ&#x201A;esh on Saturday, Nov. 7, at Chase Cellarsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Hayne Vineyard. 2252 Sulphur Springs, St. Helena. 3â&#x20AC;&#x201C;7pm. $65â&#x20AC;&#x201C;$100. 404.849.3569.
Gabe Meline
6aZm^h 7V`^c\ 8d
8V[Z# " # 6aZm^h ZmXZah Vi WV`ZY \ddYh VcY d[[Zgh `^aaZg WgZV`[Vhih VcY hZch^WaZ hdje"Ă&#x2030;cĂ&#x2030;"hVaVY ajcX]Zh# &*&, I]^gY Hi! CVeV# ,%,#'*-#&-',#
6c\Â&#x192;aZ GZhiVjgVci 7Vg
;gZcX]# # I]dgdj\]an ;gZcX]! Wji cdi V\\gZhh^kZan hd# AjcX] VcY Y^ccZg YV^an# *)% BV^c Hi! CVeV# ,%,#'*'#-&&*#
7VgWZXjZ$8Va^[dgc^V# " # 6c jehXVaZ Ă&#x2030;XjZ _d^ci l^i] V ]^\]"ZcY X]Z[ VcY ]^\]"ZcY ^c\gZY^Zcih# <dg\Zdjh X]^ediaZ"WgV^hZY h]dgi g^Wh VcY ejaaZY edg`# AjcX] VcY Y^ccZg YV^an# (.%%"9 7Za 6^gZ EaVoV! CVeV# ,%,#'')#++%%#
7ddc[an 8V[Z
8Va^[dgc^V Xj^h^cZ# " # :migVdgY^cVgn [ddY ^c Vc ZmigVdgY^cVgn hZii^c\# EZg[ZXi eVhiV VcY bjhhZah# 7gZV`[Vhi! ajcX] VcY Y^ccZg YV^an# )%-% HdcdbV =ln! CVeV# ,%,#'..#).%%#
7djcin =jciZg
L^cZ Xdjcign XVhjVa# # L^cZ h]de VcY W^higd l^i] bVkZg^X` bdm^Z [dg i]Z l^cZ XdlWdn# EgZb^jb WdiiaZh [dg hVaZ! Vahd# AjcX] VcY Y^ccZg! IjZh"Hjc0 deZc aViZ! I]jgh"HVi# .,* ;^ghi Hi! CVeV# ,%,#'**#%+''#
<adWVa Xdb[dgi [ddY# # GZaVmZY hde]^hi^XVi^dc ^c ^ci^bViZ cZ^\]Wdg]ddY W^higd hZii^c\ Wn i]Z XgZZ`# HjeZg^dg l^cZ a^hi# AjcX]! Bdc" ;g^0 Y^ccZg! Bdc"HVi# *%% BV^c Hi! HiZ <! CVeV# ,%,#'*)#.+.%#
8daZĂ&#x2030;h 8]de =djhZ
6bZg^XVc hiZV`]djhZ# " # =VcYhdbZ! jehXVaZ &.*%h"ZgV hiZV`]djhZ hZgk^c\ X]de]djhZ XaVhh^Xh a^`Z Ygn"V\ZY edgiZg]djhZ hiZV` VcY 7aVX` 6c\jh [^aZi b^\cdc# LVh] Ydlc i]Z gZY bZVi l^i] V Ă&#x2020;cdhiVa\^VĂ&#x2021; XdX`iV^a# 9^ccZg! IjZh"HVi# &&'' BV^c Hi! CVeV# ,%,#'))#+('-#
?VeVcZhZ# " # <ddY! hda^Y hjh]^# I]Z ;j_^nV 9ZajmZ XdbWd ^h V hiVcYdji# AjcX] VcY Y^ccZg! IjZh"HVi# .'& ;VXidgn HidgZh 9g! CVeV# ,%,#'*,#%+(.#
;jbÂ&#x201A; 7^higd 7Vg
8Va^[dgc^V Xj^h^cZ# # 8Va^[dgc^V W^higd [VgZ i]Vi cZVgan ValVnh ]^ih i]Z bVg`# AjcX] VcY Y^ccZg YV^an# )%*% 7nlVn :! CVeV# ,%,#'*,#&...#
<^alddYh 8V[Z
9^cZg# " # 8aVhh^X ]dbZidlc Y^cZg! heZX^Va^oZh ^c i]Z ]dbZbVYZ# 7gZV`[Vhi VcY ajcX]! YV^an# &('% CVeV Idlc 8ZciZg! CVeV# ,%,#'*(#%)%.#
AV IdfjZ GZhiVjgVci
;gZcX]"^che^gZY# # HZi ^c V Xdb[dgiVWaZ ZaZ\Vcian gjhi^X Y^c^c\ gddb gZb^c^hXZci d[ V ;gZcX] adY\Z# I]Z ZaVWdgViZ l^cZ eV^g^c\ bZcjh VgZ ajmjg^djhan ^che^gZY# 9^ccZg! LZY"Hjc# &(&) BX@^chign Hi! CVeV# ,%,#'*,#*&*,#
E^ooV 6oojggd
>iVa^Vc# # Gjc Wn V [dgbZg IgV K^\cZ
VcY AVg` 8gZZ` >cc Vajb! i]Z e^ooV ^h h^beaZ VcY i]^c! VcY gVc`h Vh hdbZ d[ i]Z WZhi ^c i]Z Cdgi] 7Vn# AjcX]! Bdc";g^0 Y^ccZg YV^an# &'+% BV^c Hi Vi 8a^cidc ! CVeV# ,%,#'**#***'#
GZY GdX` 8V[Z 7VX`Yddg 77F
6bZg^XVc# " # 8V[Z heZX^Va^o^c\ ^c WVgWZXjZ VcY XaVhh^X Y^cZg [VgZ# BZhhn! YZa^X^djh# AjcX] VcY Y^ccZg YV^an# &%&% A^cXdac 6kZ! CVeV# ,%,#''+#'+((#
8Va^[dgc^V"IjhXVc# # Hde]^hi^XViZY! iZggd^g"^c[dgbZY Xdd`^c\ XZaZWgViZh i]Z adXVa VcY hZVhdcVa! l^i] ZaZXig^X XdbW^cVi^dch a^`Z hdggZa"lgVeeZY V]^ ijcV ejiiVcZhXV# 7gZV`[Vhi! ajcX] VcY Y^ccZg YV^an0 WgjcX]! Hjc# -,* 7dgYZVjm LVn! CVeV# ,%,#'*.#%+((#
KZ\ZiVg^Vc# # HdbZ d[ i]Z bdhi gZbVg`VWaZ heZX^bZch d[ ]^\]"ZcY kZ\ZiVWaZh VcY [gj^ih VkV^aVWaZ dc V gZhiVjgVci eaViZ# 7gZV`[Vhi! ajcX] VcY Y^ccZg YV^an# &&)% BV^c Hi! CVeV# ,%,#'*&#*+*+#
HeVc^h] iVeVh# # <gVoZ ndjg lVn i]gdj\] V hZaZXi^dc d[ iVhin iVeVh ^c V a^kZan gjhi^X X]^X hZii^c\ l^i] V edejaVg l^cZ WVg# 7^iZ"h^oZY HeVc^h] VcY AVi^c 6bZg^XVc heZX^Vai^Zh ^cXajYZ h^ooa^c\ egVlch VcY 7gVo^a^Vc hinaZ hiZVbZY bjhhZah# AjcX]! Bdc";g^0 Y^ccZg YV^an# -'. BV^c Hi! CVeV# ,%,#'')#-***#
D6;2?F 96@A6;4@
Bdhi gZk^Zlh Wn ?VbZh @c^\]i0 Xdbe^aZY Wn 7gdY^Z ?Zc`^ch# CdiZ/ I]dhZ a^hi^c\h bVg`ZY Ă&#x2C6;L8Ă&#x2030; YZcdiZ l^cZg^Zh l^i] XVkZh# I]ZhZ l^cZg^Zh VgZ jhjVaan dcan deZc id i]Z ejWa^X Wn Veed^cibZci#
North County 6aZmVcYZg KVaaZn K^cZnVgYh
6i [Vb^an"gjc 6aZmVcYZg KVaaZn K^cZnVgYh! i]Z LZioZah hZgkZ Vh XjgVidgh d[ adXVa ]^hidgn! ]Vk^c\ gZhidgZY 8ngjhĂ&#x2030; dg^\^cVa VYdWZ VcY hX]dda]djhZ# -+)) =ln# &'-! =ZVaYhWjg\# IVhi^c\ gddb deZc YV^an! &%VbĂ&#x201E;*eb# ,%,#)((#,'%.#
8# 9dcVi^Zaad L^cZgn
8]g^h 9dcVi^Zaad Ydlch^oZY i]Z [dgbZg 7ZakZYZgZ L^cZgn id ,!%%% XVhZh d[ i]Z gZ\^dcĂ&#x2030;h hiVg 7jg\jcY^Vc kVg^ZiVah! Wji i]Z `d^ [^h] hi^aa aVo^an hl^h]^c\ ^c i]Z^g [djciV^c ]VkZ ]VgYan cdi^XZY# :miZch^kZ aVcYhXVe^c\ egdk^YZh e^Xc^X hedih! VgdbV ]ZgW \VgYZc VcY gdhZ" hijYYZY eVi]h aZVY^c\ id heVX^djh! gZbdYZaZY iVhi^c\ gddb# 8aVhhn VcY VXXZhh^WaZ Gjhh^Vc G^kZg 8]VgYdccVn VcY E^cdi Cd^g id Zc_dn ^c i]Z ]ZgZ VcY cdl# )%(* LZhih^YZ GY#! =ZVaYhWjg\# DeZc YV^an! &&VbĂ&#x201E;*eb# IVhi^c\ [ZZ! *Ă&#x201E;&'# HjbbZg XdcXZgih dc HjcYVnh# -%%#)((#-'.+#
9Z AV BdciVcnV
HbVaa [Vb^an l^cZgn ijgch dji Y^kZghZ hbVaa adih XjaaZY [gdb i]Z WZhi d[ V aVg\Z k^cZnVgY deZgVi^dc! _jhi [dg `^X`h VcY \^\\aZh# IjX`ZY jcYZg LZhih^YZ GdVY ^c V XVhjVa WVgc hZii^c\! [jc iVhi^c\ gddb d[[Zgh \ddY l^cZh VcY X]ZZ`n Y^kZgh^dch/ 9Z AV BdciVcnV l^cZ XajW bZbWZgh \Zi Wdi] XVhZ Y^hXdjcih VcY i]Z deedgijc^in id edhZ ^c [^h]cZih dc Ă&#x2020;E^cJeĂ&#x2021; hZg^Zh aVWZah# ... ;dgZbVc AVcZ! =ZVaYhWjg\# BdcYVnĂ&#x201E;;g^YVn! &&VbĂ&#x201E;*eb# IVhi^c\ [ZZ *# ,%,#)((#(,&&#
9dlcidlc L^cZ
8VhjVa hedi l^i] AE gZXdgYh dc i]Z ijgciVWaZ VcY gZaVmZY k^WZ! [djcYZY Wn hjg[Zg"h`ViZg ijgcZY l^cZbV`Zg# D[[Zgh Vc ZXaZXi^X gVc\Z d[ l^cZh [gdb YZa^XViZ! I]V^"Xj^h^cZĂ&#x201E;^che^gZY 7VcnVc l]^iZh id gjhi^X! WgVbWan =dWd gZYh ^che^gZY Wn i]Z deZc gdVY# ;da` BVX]^cZ VcY 7gVc]Vb :hiViZ L^cZh! idd# 9dcĂ&#x2030;i h`^e i]Z gZ[gZh]^c\an Ygn HVciV AjX^V =^\]aVcYh G^Zha^c\# GVbWaZ dc ^c# &(' EaVoV Hi#! =ZVaYhWjg\# DeZc I]jghYVnĂ&#x201E;BdcYVn! &&Vb id +eb# IVhi^c\ [ZZ! *# ,%,#),(#%((,#
>cbVc ;Vb^an L^cZh
Jc^fjZ! h^c\aZ"k^cZnVgY Gjhh^Vc G^kZg E^cdi Cd^g ^h V \ddY gZVhdc id k^h^i >cbVc ;Vb^an L^cZĂ&#x2030;h iVhi^c\ gddb VcY lVgZ]djhZ hj^iZ! WZh^YZh i]Z adXVi^dc/ Vc ^cYjhig^Va eVg` XVgkZY dji d[ lZZYn gVc\ZaVcY hdji] d[ L^cYhdg VY_VXZci id HG?8Ă&#x2030;h eda^XZ VXVYZbn# 8]ZX` ^i dji WZ[dgZ i]Zn bdkZ id V cZl! \ZciZZa k^cZnVgY adXVi^dc0 VcY YdcĂ&#x2030;i b^hh i]Z I]dgc GdVY GVcX] E^cdi# *,.( H`naVcZ 7akY#! HiZ# 8! L^cYhdg# DeZc [dg iVhi^c\ ;g^YVnh VcY HVijgYVnh! &&VbĂ&#x201E;)eb! VcY Wn Veed^cibZci# ,%,#(.*#%+-.#
Bjge]n"<ddYZ L^cZgn
KVajZ ^h V egZb^jb# 7Z hjgZ id ign i]Z 7gZcYV 7adX` 8VWZgcZi VcY ;jbZ 7aVcX# I]Z cZl iVhi^c\ gddb ^h V XaVhhn! adl"`Zn ZmeZg^ZcXZ# '% BVi]Zhdc Hi#! =ZVaYhWjg\# DeZc YV^an! &%/(%VbĂ&#x201E; */(%eb# -%%#)..#,+))#
HZaWn L^cZgn
GZ\jaVgan hZgkZY Vi L]^iZ =djhZ hiViZ Y^ccZgh! HZaWn 8]VgY ]Vh WZZc i]gdj\] hZkZgVa VYb^c^higVi^dch# '&* 8ZciZg Hi#! =ZVaYhWjg\# DeZc YV^an! &&VbĂ&#x201E;*/(%eb# ,%,#)(&#&'--#
South County @VhiVc^V K^cZnVgYh
L]d `cZl i]Vi ]ZgZ dc i]Z WdgYZg d[ BVg^c lZĂ&#x2030;Y [^cY dcZ d[ i]Z bdhi ]dhe^iVWaZ! cd"cdchZchZ! [Vb^an" l^cZgn ZmeZg^ZcXZh ^c i]Z Xdjcin ))&* @VhiVc^V GdVY! EZiVajbV# 7n Veed^cibZci# ,%,#,+(#+()-#
Mid County
AVghdc ;Vb^an L^cZgn
7VgWZXjZ l^cZ VaZgi '((** B^aaZg^X` GdVY! HdcdbV# DeZc YV^an! &%VbĂ&#x201E;*eb# ,%,#.(-#(%(&#
AZYhdc L^cZgn K^cZnVgYh
=dd` AVYYZg
=Vk^c\ hdaY i]Z WgVcY id V 7jg\jcY^Vc XaVc! i]Z 9Z AdVX] [Vb^an gZdg\Vc^oZY i]Z^g deZgVi^dc! VcY =dd` AVYYZg ^h V [Vkdg^iZ# =ZgZĂ&#x2030;h V eaVXZ l]ZgZ i]ZnĂ&#x2030;aa egdjYan hZgkZ je ZhiViZ"\gdlc l]^iZ O^c[VcYZa# '&() Da^kZi GdVY! HVciV GdhV# DeZc YV^n! &%VbĂ&#x201E;)/(%eb# ,%,#*'+#''**#
Cdkn ;Vb^an L^cZgn
9V^an iVhi^c\h Wn Veed^cibZci ^c V cd"cdchZchZ lVgZ]djhZ! VcY ^h WZiiZg `cdlc Vh V XZaZWgViZY bZbWZg d[ i]Z Ă&#x2020;E^cdi edhhZĂ&#x2021; Wn ^ih di]Zg bdc^`Zg! H^Yjg^# .-% 6^glVn 8djgi! HiZ# 8! HVciV GdhV# ,%,#*,-#(--'#
West County
L]Vi lVgadX`! bVcn ]^\]"lVn igVkZaZgh ldcYZgZY! l^i]^c i]dhZ hidcZ lVaah WgddYh4 =Vee^an! AZYhdcĂ&#x2030;h l^cZ"l^oVgY ^h V O^c[VcYZa oZVadi! bV`^c\ &% [gdb i]Z oV[i^\ \gVeZ# ,((* HdcdbV =ln#! @ZclddY# DeZc YV^an! &%VbĂ&#x201E;*eb# ,%,#*(,#(-&%#
Hd_djgc 8ZaaVgh
8dbeaZm Wji a^hhdbZ HdcdbV KVaaZn 8VW ^h i]Z hiVg Vi Xdb[dgiVWaZ iVhi^c\ hVadc _jhi d[[ i]Z HdcdbV EaVoV i]ViĂ&#x2030;h Vh Xdb[dgiVWaZ Vh V a^k^c\ gddb# Cd cZZY id [ZVg h^i"Ydlc! Veed^cibZci" dcan iVhi^c\h0 _jhi [dXjh dc Hd_djgcĂ&#x2030;h aVlc X]V^g ad\d VcY gZaVm# &)& :# CVeV Hi#! HdcdbV# 8dbea^bZciVgn iVhi^c\ Wn Veed^cibZci# ,%,#.(-#,'&'#
<gVidc G^Y\Z 8ZaaVgh
;dgbZgan Vc VeeaZ h]ZY WZadkZY Wn gZ\jaVg XjhidbZgh l]d YgdkZ je id \Zi _j^XZ VcY VeeaZh! i]^h iVhi^c\ gddb ^h XaZVc VcY XdciZbedgVgn! l^i] V W^i d[ k^cZnVgYn l^cZ Xdjcign Vgi dc i]Z lVaah# DlcZgh 6gi VcY 7VgWVgV EVja ]VkZ ^ck^iZY ild di]Zg [Vb^an l^cZg^Zh id h]VgZ i]Z^g iVhi^c\ gddb/ DXX^YZciVa GdVY 8ZaaVgh VcY 6iVhXVYZgd 8gZZ`# I]ZgZ VgZ &+ l^cZh dc i]Z bZcj! hd i]ZgZĂ&#x2030;h V adi id X]ZX` dji# L^i] i]gZZ 8]VgYdccVnh! [^kZ E^cdi Cd^gh VcY i]gZZ O^c[VcYZah! edjg^c\ V [a^\]i ^h Xdbbdc# (*+& <gVkZchiZ^c =ln# C#! HZWVhideda# IVhi^c\ gddb deZc ;g^YVnĂ&#x201E;HjcYVn! &%VbĂ&#x201E;)/(%eb# Cd [ZZ# ,%,#-'(#(%)%#
BVg^bVg :hiViZ
6 \gZVi hide [dg adXVah dc V HjcYVn Yg^kZ# 6cY i]Z E^cdi ^h [VciVhi^X# &&)%% <gVidc GdVY! HZWVhideda DeZc YV^an! &&VbĂ&#x201E;)eb# ,%,#-'(#)(+*#
IV[i HigZZi L^cZgn
6lVgY"l^cc^c\ HVjk^\cdc 7aVcXh VgZ V \gZVi YZVa# '%(% 7Vgadl AVcZ! HZWVhideda# BdcYVnĂ&#x201E;;g^YVn! &&VbĂ&#x201E;)eb0 HVijgYVnĂ&#x201E;HjcYVn! &&VbĂ&#x201E;)/(%eb# ,%,#-'(#'%).#
9Vbc \ddY l^cZ# E^cdi! O^cĂ&#x201E;njb! njb! njb# *,%% G^kZg GdVY! ;dgZhik^aaZ# DeZc I]jghYVnĂ&#x201E;HjcYVn! &%/(%VbĂ&#x201E;)/(%eb# ,%,#--,#',%(#
East County 8VhiaZ K^cZnVgYh L^cZgn
DjiYddg hZVi^c\ dc V edejaVg higZiX] d[ Ydlcidlc gZVa ZhiViZ! eZg[ZXi [dg b^aY ^bW^W^c\ VcY eZdeaZ lViX]^c\# &'' L# HeV^c Hi#! HdcdbV# DeZc YV^an! &%VbĂ&#x201E;*eb YV^an# ,%,#..+#&.++#
:c`^Yj L^cZh
HVkV\Z! YVg` G]Â?cZ"hinaZ l^cZh VcY [adgVa! hZYjXi^kZ gdhÂ&#x201A; hiVg ^c i]^h HdcdbV l^cZgn cVbZY [dg V hjeedgi^c\ VXidg ^c i]Z Ze^X d[ <^a\VbZh]# :c`^Yj! V ]V^gn l^aY bVc l]d YgVc` [gdb lViZg^c\ ]daZh l^i] i]Z Vc^bVah! lVh YdbZhi^XViZY Wn
adkZ VcY ^cigdYjXZY id i]Z eaZVhjgZh d[ l^cZ# <Zi ^cigdYjXZY id iddi]hdbZ HngV] VcY di]Zg eaZVhjgZh Vi i]^h Xdb[dgiVWaZ iVhi^c\ gddb adXViZY ^c \ZciZZa @ZclddY# -.&% HdcdbV =ln#! @ZclddY# DeZc &&VbĂ&#x201E;+eb! IjZhYVnĂ&#x201E;HjcYVn# IVhi^c\ [ZZ &%# ,%,#.(.#(.(%#
Upvalley 7ZccZii AVcZ L^cZgn
I]Z daY igdeZ Ă&#x2020;WZZg"Yg^c`^c\ C6H86G [Vch kh# 8]VgYdccVn"h^ee^c\ ]^\]WgdlhĂ&#x2021; gjch dji d[ \Vh Vi V l^cZgn i]Vi hedchdgh Vc VccjVa C6H86G gVXZ VcY ]Vh ^ih dlc XVg! ZbWaVodcZY l^i] \gVeZh# 6 GdbVc ZbeZgdg l]d VeegZX^ViZY ]ZVgin k^cd Vh bjX] Vh V \ddY X]Vg^di gVXZ ^che^gZY BVm^bjh L]^iZ VcY GZY Ă&#x2020;[ZVhi^c\ l^cZh#Ă&#x2021; (()% =ln# &'-! 8Va^hid\V# ,%,#.)'#++-)#
8dg^hdc L^cZgn
L^cZbV`Zg 8Vi]n 8dg^hdc egdjYan YZhXg^WZh ]ZghZa[ Vh V Ă&#x2020;8VWZgcZi X]Vjk^c^hi#Ă&#x2021; .-, Hi# =ZaZcV =ln#! Hi# =ZaZcV# 7n Veed^cibZci# ,%,#.+(#%-'+#
;adgV Heg^c\h L^cZgn K^cZnVgYh
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he corporate wine trade likes to talk about a consumerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s relationship with a brand, but they have nothing on Duxoup Wine Works, a two-person outďŹ t where the relationship is truly inseparable from the wine. Andy and Deb Cutter might not have been thinking about building an alternative to the creed of ever-expanding corporatism when they ďŹ nished their cellar in 1981â&#x20AC;&#x201D;and besides, they were broke. But their ultimately successful venture embodies the artisan way.
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The Cutters have made basically the same reasonably priced lineup for over 20 years, using varietals sidelined by big wineries that canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t or wonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t risk experimentation: Gamay Noir, Charbono and Dolcetto. There is no extra capacity in their gravity-ďŹ&#x201A;ow winery that ďŹ ts together like a jigsaw puzzle, and they have no plans to expand. From the just-so ďŹ t of the removable fermenters to the network of pulleys and winches that do the heavy lifting, Duxoup is a custom-built system for doing exactly what they do, year after year. Making artisanal wine doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t require a lot of expensive toys, but it does require a lot of tinkering. Andy quips that a friend who retired from winery equipment sales thoroughly checked out his setup and concluded, â&#x20AC;&#x153;You know what? A small winery doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t need all that stuff I was trying to sell you.â&#x20AC;? Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a slower way of doing things, and a quieter way. Not surprisingly, the Cutters are cat people. Typical of this rare, enticing varietal, the 2006 Napa Valley Charbono ($18.50) only looks like a tough customer, dark and brooding with aromas of char and leather. Wild grape and plum juice take on chocolate notes on the easy, silky ďŹ nish. The Cutters added Dolcetto after a fact-ďŹ nding trip to Piedmont, Italy, where itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a beloved everyday quaff; the 2008 Dry Creek Valley Dolcetto ($20) has a lively palate of fresh blueberry and cherry following a pretty ďŹ&#x201A;oral nose with blueberry and sage. Duxoup will pour alongside other hard-to-ďŹ nd, local producers at the ďŹ rst annual Artisano event slated for Nov. 14. The Slow Foodâ&#x20AC;&#x201C;sponsored food, wine and art festival will feature over 50 small plates and winetastings from local purveyors from Zazu to Zin; cheese galore of the cow, goat and sheep variety; chef demonstrations, silent auctions, plus live music from the Steve Pile Band. Proceeds beneďŹ t Slow Food Sonoma Countyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s school garden projects. Get a plate, grab a glass and get local. Duxoup Wine Works, Healdsburg. Not open to the public. For information go to www.duxoup.com. Artisano: Saturday, Nov. 14, from noon to 5pm at the Geyserville Inn, 21714 Geyserville Ave., Geyserville. $75; $90 day of event. For info, call 888.878.6621 or go to www.artisano.org.
James Knight
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7867 5834;8CH John Cusack is the everyman caught by plausible apocalyptic destruction in â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;2o12.â&#x20AC;&#x2122;
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4]cTacPX]TS c^ 3TPcW. The end of the world just isnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t as much fun as it used to be By Hannah Strom-Martin
ccording to Roland Emmerich, director of such fine films as Independence Day and The Day After Tomorrow, the world ends like this: the American government, having failed to heed warnings about imminent alien invasion / global warming / ancient doomsday prophecy, finds itself presiding over a global holocaust. A torrent of nuclear-scale destruction rains down (the White House inevitably destroyed via laser or tsunami), and when the smoke clears, a handful of scrappy survivors come together for a last-ditch effort to restore the status quo. Enter Will Smith in a Range Rover. Or Jake Gyllenhaal in a frozen cargo freighter full of wolves. Or John Cusack in a motor home. Such quaint imaginings were once the bread and butter of the multiplex. Independence Day raked in over $800 million in 1996. The Day After Tomorrow took in around $540 million in 2004.
But that was five years and several bailouts ago. In succeeding years, global warming has gone from a sidebar to a headline. Evidence of secret Iranian nuclear facilities has soured our Cold War romanticism. From healthcare to finance, the prefix â&#x20AC;&#x153;brokenâ&#x20AC;? has been applied to every industrialized system humankind has had the gumption to design. When Emmerichâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 2012 opens on Nov. 13, the world that lapped up his last two end-time fables might not be so eager for part three. Think back to those cargo-ship wolves. They were silly at the time. Today, theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re downright insulting. From Al Goreâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Inconvenient Truth to the glut of green literature, humanity has now learned more about climate change than we ever wanted to know. In 1996, most newspapers didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t have a â&#x20AC;&#x153;greenâ&#x20AC;? sectionâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;shucks, in 1996, newspapers still mattered. Now concern over global warming and oil dependency are so common that President Obama speaks about them on a weekly basis, and the first lady keeps a vegetable garden. Sheâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s not alone. As phrases
like â&#x20AC;&#x153;peak oilâ&#x20AC;? cease to be late-night punch lines, vegetable gardens are once again popping up all over America. Some people hope to shrink their carbon footprint. Some have been terrified by record outbreaks of E. coli as inadequately regulated foodstuffs make their way to the dinner plate. Throw in a few viral outbreaks such as H1N1, a couple of brewing geo-political conflicts, and you no longer need to see John Cusack pitted against giant CGI tsunamis in order to score yourself a boatload of apocalyptic thrills. In time like these, the apocalypse needs a new hero.
On â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;The Roadâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; John-in-a-motor-home, meet Viggo-with-ashopping-cart. Coming fast on the heels of 2012, a fin-de-siècle shocker keyed to the supposed world end predicted by the Mayan calendar, is the filmic version of Cormac McCarthyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s The Road, slated to open Thanksgiving weekend, Nov. 25. The novel, detailing a never-named father and sonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ') THE BOHEMIAN
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journey through a post-apocalyptic America, won the 2007 Pulitzer Prize. It is a quietly devastating bookâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;one that would give you the willies even if it werenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t so eerily in step with current scientific forecasts of doom. While McCarthy never names the cataclysm that has rendered his fictional world into a series of â&#x20AC;&#x153;nights dark beyond darkness and days more gray each one than what had come before,â&#x20AC;? the landscape he creates is haunted by present-day anxieties. A kind of nuclear winter grips the planet. Unexplained ash rains from the sky. Plants and seasons have ceased to exist. All animals are extinct and those humans that survive must either scavenge from a dwindling pool of such urban resources as canned food or resort to cannibalism. Daily life in the post-apocalyptic era looks like this: â&#x20AC;&#x153;An hour later they were on the road. He pushed the cart and both he and the boy carried knapsacks. In the knapsacks were essential things in case they had to abandon the cart and make a run for it. Clamped to the handle of the cart was a chrome motorcycle mirror that he used to watch the road behind them. He shifted the pack higher on his shoulders and looked out over the wasted country. The road was empty. Below in the little valley the still gray serpentine of a river. Motionless and precise. Along the shore a burden of dead reeds. Are you okay? he said. The boy nodded. Then they set out along the blacktop in the gunmetal light, shuffling through the ash, each the otherâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s world entire.â&#x20AC;? Computer-generated meteor showers pale in comparison to McCarthyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s chilling, strippeddown prose (he uses no quotation marks in his dialogue, as if to imply the uselessness of such formalities in the post-civilized world), and the new movie starring a deeply disheveled Viggo Mortensen and directed by John Hillcoat (of the equally grim The Proposition) looks set to follow in his footsteps. Whatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s even scarier, of course, is that so many of our planetâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s brightest minds seem to think that The Road, is indeed, where weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re heading. From James Howard Kunstlerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s nonfiction work The Long Emergency: Surviving the End of Oil, Climate Change and Other Converging Catastrophes of the TwentyFirst Century, to the writings of awardwinning climate-scientist James Lovelock, the doomsday scenarios are pouring in.
Morbid Fevers
www.bohemian.com 24
Just how likely is a Road-like scenario, really? What could cause it? According to the new crop of environmental journalists like Alan Weisman (The World Without Us) and The Guardianâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s George Monbiot (who has called The Road â&#x20AC;&#x153;the most important environmental book ever writtenâ&#x20AC;?), climate change is a good place to start. And the scientific community agrees with them. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The earth is about to catch a morbid fever that may last as long as 100,000 years,â&#x20AC;? James Lovelock wrote in The Independent in 2006. In this essay, he declares, â&#x20AC;&#x153;We are
in a foolâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s climate, accidentally kept cool by smoke, and before this century is over billions of us will die and the few breeding pairs of people that survive will be in the Arctic where the climate remains tolerable.â&#x20AC;? Lovelock is known for such pronouncements. In a 2007 interview with Rolling Stone, he predicted that as global warming wreaks havoc on our atmosphere, â&#x20AC;&#x153;extreme weatherâ&#x20AC;? will become the norm, resulting in a mass exodus of people as formerly habitable places fall victim to rising tides and the encroachment of deserts. Such migrations, he predicts, will result in epidemics of disease as refugees mingle, killing off all but 500 million people by 2100. As world temperatures shift, survivors will discover that the most attractive real estate is in Oslo (where Lovelock currently resides). This sounds rather like the plot of one of Emmerichâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s movies, but Lovelock, creator of the electron capture detector, a device which enabled the discovery of dangerous levels of chlorofluorocarbons in our atmosphere and paved the way for the detection of ozone-layer depletion, is not so easily dismissed. Heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a former NASA scientist whose work analyzing planetary atmospheres led him to formulate the Gaia hypothesis: a theory viewing the earth as a super-organism, its interconnected systems (weather, energy, plant life, etc.) acting much like an immune system to maintain the planetâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s equilibrium. If you poison Gaia, say by pumping pollutants into the air, the planetâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s system of ecological feedback will devise a way to balance the damage. Gaia is a staple of the environmental movement, and though initially dismissed in the 1960s, the hypothesis has gained more respectability in the scientific community as awareness of climate change evolves. The idea that a planet in the grip of a â&#x20AC;&#x153;morbid feverâ&#x20AC;? might attempt to regulate itself through floods, droughts and changing weather patterns no longer seems like New Age mysticism when the U.N. acknowledges (in a recent Associated Press article) that natural disasters like the recent back-toback typhoons in the Philippines have contributed to food shortages in Third World countries, or when the U.S. Government Accountability Office authors a report warning of increased risk of flooding and droughts across the nation if current levels of greenhouse gasses are maintained. As in The Road, a time might come when a scattered populace, suffering from climactic upheaval, must make their way to safer climes or die.
Oil Eaters Freak weather, of course, isnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t the worst that could happen. In his book The World Without Us, Alan Weisman consults with nuclear scientists and chemical plant inspectors and concludes, as McCarthy has, that in the event of apocalypse a nuclear winter would definitely be part of the equation. The ash that floats perpetually across McCarthyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s blasted landscape could be caused by a chain reaction brought on by the failure of the electrical grid. If the human population found itself decimated and no one was left to
keep the lights on, Weisman writes, the electronic computer systems we use to regulate our country’s oil refineries would also fail. This could lead to explosions, as the pressure exerted by the refining process goes unvented. As Weisman sees it, a “mini chemical nuclear winter” could result from the release of built-up clouds of toxic chemicals. Actual nuclear winter might not be far behind as the uranium contained in the planet’s 441 nuclear power plants inevitably succumbs to uranium decay, melting reactor cores and spewing radioactive poison into the earth and sky. If Weisman’s scenario plays out, those of us who miraculously survive nuclear fallout and clouds of hydrogen cyanide might encounter actual mutants like the short-lived albino swallows who sprang up around Chernobyl only a year after its meltdown. Such animals have shortened life spans and perhaps die off more easily. This lines up nicely with McCarthy’s mythology: there are no animals in The Road, and at times the characters glimpse still-smoldering fires, as of distant machinery burning. Of course, Weisman’s experiment is based on the idea that we won’t be around to see the end. James Howard Kunstler, author of The Long Emergency knows we won’t be so lucky. “I view the period ahead as one of generalized and chronic contraction,” he writes. Kunstler describes a world in which our oil-rich suburban existence is gradually dismantled back to its agrarian roots. While sharing Lovelock’s view that climate change will drastically cull the human population, altering forever our way of life, Kunstler credits much of the coming catastrophe and loss of life to our inability to cope with the depletion of the oil reserves we rely on to supply us with cheap goods, transportation and, most importantly, food. (His predictions assume that the world reached peak oil production sometime in 2005 and that from now on we have only half the oil that ever existed to rely on for the duration of our tenure on earth. This is an idea supported by many scientists and energy authorities, including a number of former oil-company geologists.) “To put it simply,” he writes, “Americans have been eating oil and natural gas for the past century, at an ever accelerating pace. Without the massive ‘inputs’ of cheap gasoline and diesel fuel for machines, irrigation and trucking, or petroleum-based herbicides and pesticides, or fertilizers made out of natural gas, Americans will be compelled to radically reorganize the way food is produced, or starve.” That reorganization, Kunstler posits, will take the form of more centralized living arrangements—the abandonment of suburbia for “easily walkable,” close-knit towns and cities, and a focus on smallscale agricultural production among comparatively tiny communities, as espoused by the Transition communities springing up worldwide whose U.S. center is based in Sonoma County. Education, consumerism and all the other normal constructs of society will either cease to exist or take a firm back seat to the production of food and simple survival. Like McCarthy’s characters, we will mostly worry
about food. Always food. And of protecting what little we have. The competition for resources, Kunstler thinks, will be the scariest part of The Long Emergency. While he agrees with Lovelock that climate change will result in massive loss of life, he predicts even greater strife as oil supplies dwindle and the world’s governments vie for control of vanishing reserves. As he points out, much of the world’s oil is “located in places where the people hate us.” “A military contest over oil,” he warns, “could eventually inflame a theater of war stretching from the Middle East to Southeast Asia” as nuclear powers like India, China and America vie for control of vanishing oil reserves. A nuclear war would certainly result in the sort of blasted landscape McCarthy describes— and as bad as that sounds, Kunstler is also thorough in his dismantling of hope on a domestic scale. Post-oil America, he says, could face re-emergence of feudalism as limited resources draw people together in tight social enclaves. “People desperate for legitimate authority to assist them in organizing their survival,” he writes, “will probably accept more starkly hierarchical social relations in general and disdain democracy as a waste of effort.” Extreme religiosity might also reemerge as a frightened populace attempts to reconcile previous modes of existence with a new, stark reality. Religion also plays a part in The Road. And here is where the similarities between Kunstler and McCarthy part ways. Despite frequent passages in which the main character curses God and rejects His existence, the spirituality in McCarthy’s book is largely positive. In the face of extreme suffering, love becomes the character’s religion as the father continually, and selflessly, sacrifices for the good of his son. One would hope that if the ominous portents of Kunstler, Lovelock or Weisman come true, we would also adopt these charitable attitudes.
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hatever happens, we can no longer deny we’re in for some hard times. At the very least, the world will have to reckon with climate change, which in itself could radically alter how we live. The global financial meltdown has already turned several once prosperous industrial hubs into ghost towns right out of McCarthy’s imagination. Science aside, it isn’t hard for a growing population of foreclosed-upon families and laid-off workers to imagine themselves behind that rusty shopping-cart. Whatever our own personal suspicions about the end of the world, in times like these we tend to look for people we can relate to. When 2012 opens next week, ushering in the beginning of the fall movie season, less people may be interested in another high-tech, high-octane disaster epic with well-groomed A-list stars. By anyone’s standard, Viggo Mortensen’s nameless drifter is looking far more relatable. Like us, he’s haggard. Like us, he’s struggling. And in his careworn face we seem to read a sentiment that all of us share: It’s the end of the world as we know it. And we don’t feel fine. See you at the movies.
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Cinnabar Theaterâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s spare â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;La Bohèmeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; is heartbreakingly good
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By David Templeton
ucciniâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s La Bohème is one of those operas that means something even to people who have never seen it. Like Shakespeareâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Romeo and Juliet, and the movie Gone with the Wind, enough details have seeped out into mainstream culture that even among those whoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve never attended a live opera you are likely to find several individuals who can tell you that, in La Bohème, someone named Mimi dies penniless in a garretâ&#x20AC;&#x201D; whatever that is. The 113-year-old operaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s status as a beloved masterpiece is more than a result of its beautiful music; there is something in the story of poor artists struggling to survive, falling in and out of love, defying social expectations and making one mistake after another that establishes La Bohème as particularly human and down-to-earth. When the poor seamstress Mimi finally dies in that garret, her artist lover Rodolfo sobbing at her side, her death may lack the epic grandeur of Wagnerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Tristan und Isolde, or the poetic tragedy of the self-sacrificing Madame Butterfly; but in the end, it is La Bohèmeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s lack of hugeness that makes it so moving, so identifiably human. It has been several years since the Cinnabar
Theater has tackled La Bohème. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a shame, too, because itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s is exactly the kind of opera at which Cinnabar excels. Directed by Elly Lichenstein, with musical direction from Nina Shuman, this new production benefits from strong lead performers, who can both sing beautifully and act with tremendous depth and emotional truthâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;not always a given, based on some of Cinnabarâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s less successful recent operatic efforts. In four relatively short actsâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;staged fluidly with one intermission and a pair of brief â&#x20AC;&#x153;seventh inning stretchesâ&#x20AC;?â&#x20AC;&#x201D;and employing an English translation by Donald Pippin, Lichenstein uses the smallness of the space to effective advantage. The graceful set by Scott Barringer changes from the spare poverty of the artistsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; meager apartment to a busy street-side cafe to the imposing gates of Paris and back to the apartment. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s in that garret where most of the drama takes place. The Bohemians are represented by the foursome of Rodolfo, a poet, Marcello, a painter, Coline, a philosopher, and Schaunard, a musician. On Christmas Eve, as Rodolfo (played with puppy-dog sincerity by tenor Will Hart Meyer) prepares to burn his latest manuscript for heat, a series of events are set in place that will lead to his doomed romance with frail but large-hearted Mimi (superbly and sweetly played by soprano Leslie Sandefur), who knocks on Rodolfoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s door to borrow a match, and ends up falling in love. The story is told in scenes that resemble snapshots, with certain connective details left to the imagination, as the story compares and contrasts the love of Mimi and Rodolfo with Marcelloâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s steamy-stormy affair with the singer Musetta. Performed with admirable range by soprano Julia Hathaway, her Musetta is a delight, as sly and adaptable as Mimi is guileless and true, with a spry voice that turns the beloved waltz â&#x20AC;&#x153;Quando Me nâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;voâ&#x20AC;? into a flirtatious call to arms when she sees her former love Marcello (passionately performed, with excellent comic touches, by baritone Todd Donovan) celebratingâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;and spendingâ&#x20AC;&#x201D; the rare paycheck of musician Schaunard (baritone Eugene Walden). The early scenes of youthful love, friendship and petty larcenyâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;the Bohemiansâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; solution to a larger-than-expected cafe bill is especially funnyâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;eventually give way to tragedy, as Mimiâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s illness becomes apparent, and each make their own sacrifices to save her. For penniless Rodolfo, his plan is to break Mimiâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s heart so that she will leave him for a suitor with more money. When Mimi returns to the garret, in grave condition, the philosopher Colline (bass William Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Neill) decides to sell his beloved overcoat to buy medicine for her, and it is a testament to Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Neillâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s skill that his farewell song to the coat is so genuinely moving. The final act, which ends the way all great operas mustâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;with a truly excruciating death sceneâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;is played with such tenderness and calm beauty that even the hardest of hearts will surely feel something give way deep down. That after all, is what great operas do, and what this lovely La Bohème does better than most. â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;La Bohèmeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; runs through Nov. 21. Wednesday at 7:30pm; Fridayâ&#x20AC;&#x201C;Saturday at 8pm; Sunday, Nov. 15, at 3pm. Cinnabar Theater, 3333 Petaluma Blvd. N., Petaluma. $32â&#x20AC;&#x201C;$38. 707.763.8920.
BDA ;0 ?;064 Agnès Vardaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s new doc explores shores and inlets of her life.
Agnès Varda explores her own craft in â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Beachesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;
2009â&#x20AC;&#x201C;10 IInterdisciplinary Theme me
D A N C E s I N S T R U M E N T A L M U S I C s T H E AT R E A R T S s V O C A L M U S I C
s V I D E O A R T S s V I S U A L F I N E A R T S
gnès Varda opens her documentary The Beaches of Agnès with the comment, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m playing the role of a little old lady.â&#x20AC;? This is Vardaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s essay on herself, as a filmmaker startled to discover that sheâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s about to be 80 years old. What holds the film together is the theme of the watersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; edges; at beaches, riversides, canals or stone quays, she voyages out and returns home. In one instance (Varda describes it as â&#x20AC;&#x153;a flop,â&#x20AC;? because she canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t feel what she thought she would feel), the director revisits a childhood home in Brussels and walks along the rim of a dried-up pond in the backyard. By contrast, her favorite place growing up is Sete, on the Mediterranean. Varda and her family lived on a boat in the canals there. We see a dreamy Medieval landscape, a place with its own language. But Sete is also a poor fishersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; city, and Vardaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s first film was shot there, 1954â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s La Pointe Courte, a neorealist effort with shifting perspectives, influenced by Faulknerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Wild Palms. Varda films herself piloting a flatbottomed boat with an Arabian sail up to the Rhone to Avignon, and down the Seine. She visits old friends at Venice Beach in Los Angeles. She recreates her old place at the Rue Daguerre. Fancy being a photographer, living and working on the street named after the inventor of the camera! Every glimpse of Vardaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s work makes you want to see more. Here are excerpts from Cleo from 5 to 7, recently released on Criterion, and the documentary Daguerreotypes about her neighbors on the Rue Daguerre. Varda explains that she could only shoot that documentary in a 300-meter radius around her front door because no one wanted to pay for the electricity, so she ran the lights off an extension cord protruding from the mail slot on her gate. But the point is that Varda isnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t just reviving her old movies like a guest on a chat show. She has a wider gaze than that. I canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t
recall a film so honest about the pleasures and pitfalls of filmmaking. It seems that what drew Varda to the movie camera was a democratic eye and a doit-yourself mentality. This French New Wave veteran was always good at spotting talent, whether it was the young GĂŠrard Depardieu (seen in Vardaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s quay-side short titled Nausicaa), the lovely and severe Jane Birkin, Philipe Noiret or the young Harrison Ford. If thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d been a spot of pretense or greatladyisms, The Beaches of Agnès would be unwatchable. Varda is not afraid to look fond or ridiculous. In honor of the heart-shapedpotato sequence in her brilliant The Gleaners and I, she dresses in a potato costume as part of a multimedia piece on the spud. Varda loves flea markets, and her instincts as a recycler make her take the print of one of her failed filmsâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;a forgotten film â&#x20AC;&#x153;with beautiful actorsâ&#x20AC;?â&#x20AC;&#x201D;and construct it into a sheltering structure in a park. In Beaches, Varda includes the part that death plays in her life. At a photo exhibit, honoring her friend Jean Vilar, the creator of the Avignon Festival, she points to the lost friends in the photos. It prepares us, finally, for the tombstone reading â&#x20AC;&#x153;Ici Repose Jacques Demy.â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x153;The most cherished of the dead,â&#x20AC;? Varda says of her husband, the director of one of the most popular French imports of the 1960s, The Umbrellas of Cherbourg. Varda made another movie commemorating the 100th anniversary of cinema. She personified cinema as a grandmannered aristocrat of many names and a fading memory. From the vantage of The Beaches of Agnès, a better embodiment of cinema would be an old lady: frank, kind, fearless and full of charming and fascinating stories, one whoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d been with us at childhood and one who would somehow be there all the way to the end.
D I G I TA L A R 43 s P H O T O G R A P H Y
By Richard von Busack
Last Opportunity to Shadow this Fall! Shadowing Available through Nov. 20 By Appointment Only
707-528-5070 x6789 Santa Rosa High School 1235 Mendocino Ave., Santa Rosa
â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Beaches of Agnèsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; continues at the Lark Theater, 549 Magnolia Ave., Larkspur. 415.924.5111.
:<C62 0.=@ Bargain Tuesday All Shows Bargain Tuesday --- $7.50 $7.50 All Bargain Tuesday $7.00Thu, All Shows Shows Schedule Feb Schedule for for Fri, Fri, Feb Nov20th 6th â&#x20AC;&#x201C;â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Mon, Nov26th 9th Schedule for Fri, June 22nd - Thu, June 28th
Academy Award Nominee â&#x20AC;&#x153;A Superbly Written Satire Played By A Cast Best Foreign Language Film!
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Raw andOf Riveting!â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Rolling Stone At The Top Their Game!â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Variety WALTZ WITH HEART BASHIR A MIGHTY George Clooney Jeff Bridges Kevin Spacey (1:00) 3:00 5:00 7:00 9:15 (12:30) 2:45 5:00 7:20 9:45 RR
2 Academy Award Noms Including Best Actor! (12:30 1:30) 2:45 3:45 5:00
â&#x20AC;&#x153;A Triumph!â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 9:30 New York 6:00 7:15 THE 8:00WRESTLER R OnObserver 2 Screens! (12:20) 7:30 R LA2:45 VIE5:10 EN ROSE Additional 10:00p Show on 9:45 Fri & Sat! (12:45) 3:45 6:45 9:45 PG-13 10 Academy Award Noms Including Picture! Hilary Swank Richard Gere EwanBest McGregor SLUMDOG MILLIONAIRE â&#x20AC;&#x153;ä&#x2013;&#x;ä&#x2013;&#x;ä&#x2013;&#x;ä&#x2013;&#x; â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Really, Truly, Deeply â&#x20AC;&#x201C; AMELIA (1:15) 4:00 7:10 9:40 R One of This Yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Best!â&#x20AC;?9:20 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Newsday (1:20) 4:15 7:00 PG
ONCE 8 Academy Award Noms Including A 3:10 SERIOUS MAN R (1:00) Best Picture, Best5:20 Actor7:30 & Best9:40 Director! (2:00) 4:45 7:30 9:40 R
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Wise, Humble andBEFORE Effortlessly Funny!â&#x20AC;? (1:30) 4:10 6:45 CHANEL 9:30 R â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Newsweek COCO Please Note:4:30 No 1:30 7:20 Show Sat, No 6:45PG-13 Show Thu (1:40) 9:30 WAITRESS (1:30) 4:00 7:10 9:30 Best R Picture! 5 Academy Award Noms Including
TIMES TALKS LIVE: FROST/NIXON (2:15)With 7:20 Stephen R Aâ&#x20AC;&#x153;Swoonly Conversation King Romatic, Mysterious, Hilarious!â&#x20AC;? Tue, Nov 10th at 7pm Only! â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Slant Magazine REVOLUTIONARY ROAD For Tickets Visit Our Box OfďŹ ce at PARIS, JEVirtual Tâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;AIME (11:45) 4:45 9:50 R rialtocinemas.com Call 800 (1:15) 4:15or7:00 9:30595-4849 R
Kevin Jorgenson presents the California Premiere of
2009 Jewish Film Festival presents PURE: A BOULDERING FLICK Michael Mooreâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Thu, Feb at MATCH 7:15 BLESSED IS26th THE
Thu, Nov 12th at 1 & 7pm Only SICKO MOVIES IN THE MORNING Starts Fri, June 29th! Fri, Sat, Sun & Mon Advance Tickets On Sale Now at Box OfďŹ ce! MOVIES IN THE MORNING FROZEN RIVER (12:00)Fri, 2:30 Sat, 5:00 Sun &7:30 Mon 10:009:50 AM 10:15 VICKY CRISTINA 10:30 AM AM THE MEN WHOBARCELONA STARE AT GOATS 10:20 AM CHANGELING 10:45 AMELIA (NO SHOW SAT) Venessa Redgrave Meryl Streep Glenn CloseAM 10:40 RACHEL GETTING 10:50 AM AM BRIGHT STAR MARRIED 11:00 AM AM 2009 LIVE ACTION SHORTS (Fri/Mon Only)) 10:45 EVENING CAPITALISM: A LOVE STORY 10:45 11:10 AM AM 2009DAMNED ANIMATED SHORTS Only) THE UNITED Starts Fri,(Sun June 29th!
Ÿ1;4BB43 8B C74 <0C27½
Documentary of resistance fighter Hannah Senesh screens Nov. 10 as part of SC Jewish Film Fest. See Film, p38.
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X^in d[ ]^h W^gi] id YZ[ZVi i]Z edlZg"bVY aZVYZg# I]Z [^abÉh Vci^b^a^iVg^hb ^h gdWjhi# 6higd 7dn Vaa Wji cVbZ" X]ZX`h DWVbV l]Zc i]Z Zk^a Y^XiVidg jhZh Vh ]^h ZaZXi^dc had\Vc Æ>iÉh Cdi I^bZ [dg V 8]Vc\Z#Ç Gk7
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arts 2009
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Film capsules by Richard von Busack and Eloy Camacho.
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Playerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Ball With over a hundred advance tickets sold, it was a supreme letdown when the E-40 show at the Santa Rosa Armory back in August was shut down by police before even getting underway. Just like the Vallejo rapper got his second wind with his smash album My Ghetto Report Card after a long career languishing in obscurity, so the ill-fated show gets its second wind by moving to . . . the Odd Fellows Hall? You read it right. Underneath framed medals and portraits of past encampment officersâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;not to mention a hallway covered in garish photos of Rose Parade f loats from the 1960s to todayâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;the â&#x20AC;&#x153;Ambassador of the Bayâ&#x20AC;? makes a return to the area slanginâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; his trademark rapid delivery of crazyintellectual lingo. The Ambassadorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s subordinate lodge includes â&#x20AC;&#x153;noble grandâ&#x20AC;? Turf Talk, â&#x20AC;&#x153;chaplainâ&#x20AC;? Laroo Nump, â&#x20AC;&#x153;wardensâ&#x20AC;? the DBâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;z, â&#x20AC;&#x153;color bearerâ&#x20AC;? Cousin Fik, â&#x20AC;&#x153;vice grandâ&#x20AC;? Ant D.O.G. and a host of guardians and supporters on Saturday, Nov. 7, at the Odd Fellowsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Hall. 545 Pacific Ave., Santa Rosa. 8pm. $30. 707.843.6624.
Grievous Angel Certain voices never fail to provide an immediate sense of calm, and Gram Parsons, who died in 1973, may have possessed just about the most paradoxical. With a tumultuous life that ended in tragedy out in Joshua Tree, Parsons left behind a near-perfect catalogue of songs, each one a hazy window into carefree ease. Over the years, the legend of Parsons ebbs and flows in varying degrees (reaching an apex in 2003 with Grand Theft Parsons, a film based on the hilarious journey of Parsonsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; corpse after his death), but itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s never a bad time to resurrect his brilliant, emotional catalogue. No band in the area does Parsonsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; music better than Laughing Gravy, a supergroup featuring members of Solid Air, Under the Radar, the Ruminators and more.
Knowing better than to mimic Parsons, Laughing Gravy instead capture the essence of songs like â&#x20AC;&#x153;Hickory Windâ&#x20AC;? and â&#x20AC;&#x153;Hot Burrito #2â&#x20AC;? and runs it through their Northern California filter. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll be hearts on fire when Laughing Gravy play Friday, Nov. 6, at the Last Day Saloon. 120 Fifth St., Santa Rosa. 8:30pm. $8â&#x20AC;&#x201C;$10. 707.545.2343.
Bailando Cumbia
Man on Wire
We are human, and therefore we cannot be alone. A book, a movie, a catâ&#x20AC;&#x201D; these are nice
things to keep us company, but only up to a point. What we really need is other bodies, and preferably moving ones. The best bet for such escape this week is in the form of the Los Angeles Latin-hip-hop-rock ensemble Ozomatli, who for 10 years have gotten crowds on their feet with horns, turntables, harmonies, MCs and guitars. Begun as a fundraiser for a community center in L.A., Ozomatli has since toured the world with one of the most energetic live shows imaginable, and have brought people together under the banner of peace, freedom and music. On certain nights, the band has been known to hop off the stage, walk through the crowd while playing, and lead everybody out into the street for a parade of music and dancing. Some call it radical, but really itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s just human nature at its best when Ozomatli play on Wednesday, Nov. 4, at the Mystic Theatre. 23 Petaluma Blvd. N., Petaluma. 9pm. $30â&#x20AC;&#x201C;$32. 707.765.2121.
Let us praise the crazies, the dreamers, the artists who ask â&#x20AC;&#x153;Why not?â&#x20AC;? instead of â&#x20AC;&#x153;Why?â&#x20AC;? In other words, let us praise Philippe Petit, the man who admired the newly built World Trade Center towers in 1974 so much that he decided to honor them one morning by stringing up a tightrope and walking, without a net, from one tower to the other while a surprised downtown Manhattan populace gasped from below. As recounted in the excellent documentary Man on Wire, Petit was immediately arrested for his feat, but he has since gone down in history for one of the most daring acts of guerrilla acrobatics. If youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve ever rooted for ideas that seemed too absurd to be feasible, or if youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve ever dreamed of the impossible, the gut reaction after viewing is to find Petit, shake his hand, and say thank you. (As for himself, he went directly to bed with a stranger.) The film screens and Petit himself appears in conversation on Wednesday, Nov. 4, at the Napa Valley Opera House. 1030 Main St., Napa. 7pm. $35. 707.226.7372.
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Coyote Den
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;gZZ B^cY BZY^V 7ZcZ[^i
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;Zhi^kVa d[ =Vgeh 707-485-0700 â&#x20AC;˘ www.coyotevalleycasino.com 5 miles North of Ukiah, Hwy 101, West Rd. Exit
DiibVg AZ^WZgi Gdn Gd\Zgh
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0?6A60Âś@ 05<602
Reservations advised
8d[[ZZ 8Vio
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â&#x20AC;&#x153;A Historic West Marin Landmarkâ&#x20AC;?
6 9^k^cZ 6[[V^g
EST. 1941
THE RANCHO ALLSTARS Nov 6 Great Dance Band! 8:30pm
Nov 7
9VcXZ eVgi^Zh l^i] aZhhdch! Bdc";g^# ," &%# (*(* >cYjhig^Va 9g! HVciV GdhV# ,%,#*)*#+&*%#
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Cdk ,! ;gZZ B^cY BZY^V WZcZ[^i l^i] CZl Igjhi! Cdi id GZVhdc L]n! <ddYg^YYaZg! <jn =Zcgn! HXdjc\gZah VcY H^a^Vc GV^a# +,-) HZWVhideda 6kZ! HZWVhideda# ,%,#---#)-'#.'-)#
=^\]aVcY 9Zaa
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=debdc` IVkZgc
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:kZgn LZY! Egd ?Vb l^i] 9dccn BVYZgdh gdX`^cĂ&#x2030; WajZh # Cdk *! I]gdlWVX` I]jghYVn l^i] BVX BVaa! GVee^c )IVn! 6i 6aa 8dhih! H`ZZ"Ad! 6Vgdc Ă&#x2020;6NĂ&#x2021; Ndjc\ ]^e"]de # Cdk +! <gVb EVghdch ig^WjiZ l^i] AVj\]^c\ <gVkn hZZ 8dcXZgih # Bdc! `VgVd`Z# &'% ;^[i] Hi! HVciV GdhV# ,%,#*)*#'()(#
A^iiaZ Hl^ioZgaVcY
Nov 8
C78B 08=žC => ½6;44ž 2;D1 Sonos reinvents the modern indie rock songbook, a cappellaâ&#x20AC;&#x201C;style
en McLain is in a van in Kentucky, and heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s in a wonderful mood. His genre-bending a cappella group Sonos is on tour in support of their brilliant debut Verve release, SonoSings, featuring all-vocal versions not of musical theater or jazz standards, but of modern, indie rock songs by Bon Iver, Fleet Foxes, Bjork and The Bird and the Bee. Anyone tired of the cast from the television series Glee and their cover of Journeyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s â&#x20AC;&#x153;Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t Stop Believinâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;? will find welcome fresh air with Sonos, although the two share a love of spontaneity. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re singing all the time, in bathrooms, everywhere,â&#x20AC;? McLain says. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s one of the joys of being on the road.â&#x20AC;? The groupâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s concept of taking the oldest tool of music-makingâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;the human voiceâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;and applying it to new, hipster-radar bands has brought them wide acclaim. Justin Vernon of Bon Iver said he was â&#x20AC;&#x153;honoredâ&#x20AC;? by the Sonos version of â&#x20AC;&#x153;Re: Stacks.â&#x20AC;? Sara Bareilles joined the group in the studio for their version of â&#x20AC;&#x153;Gravity.â&#x20AC;? And in perhaps the groupâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s strangest and proudest moment, they even once sang their lush, multilayered version of the Fleet Foxesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; â&#x20AC;&#x153;White Winter Hymnalâ&#x20AC;? with Dennis Haskins, the actor who played Mr. Beldings on Saved by the Bell. Sonos began as a postcollegiate group. While performing an Imogen Heap song on the taste-making Los Angeles radio station KCRW, they immediately lit up the phone lines. â&#x20AC;&#x153;And then our manager heard it,â&#x20AC;? McLain says, â&#x20AC;&#x153;and said, â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Wait! Do a whole album of songs like this! Cutting-edge, kind of cool! Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s such a different sound than what a cappella usually portrays!â&#x20AC;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;? The result is an albumâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;released on CD and indie-friendly vinylâ&#x20AC;&#x201D; with innovative arrangements and subtle sensuality. Using sparse effects pedals, the groupâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s version of Radioheadâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s â&#x20AC;&#x153;Everything in its Right Placeâ&#x20AC;? makes a natural ďŹ t, and a drastic reworking of the Jackson 5â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s â&#x20AC;&#x153;I Want You Backâ&#x20AC;? showcases the groupâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s arranging prowess. McLain, along with band mates Jessica Freedman and Paul Peglar, grew up in Sonoma County, attending Maria Carrillo High School and studying with choir teacher Gail Bowers. Bowers was a huge inspiration: â&#x20AC;&#x153;We got to do progressive stuff,â&#x20AC;? McLain says, â&#x20AC;&#x153;and she gave us a head start on everything.â&#x20AC;? With a groundbreaking new album and reams of positive reviews, Sonos return for a hometown concert with the Maria Carrillo jazz choir opening on Sunday, Nov. 8, at the Spreckels Performing Arts Center. 5409 Snyder Lane, Rohnert Park. 4pm. $12â&#x20AC;&#x201C;$20. 707.588.3434. Gabe Meline
H]dgi 8Zai^X # Cdk &%! Dji d[ i]Z 7ajZ hl^c\ # &+'-% BV^c Hi! <jZgcZk^aaZ# ,%,#-+.#%*%&#
BZm^Xd A^cYd
BV\j^gZĂ&#x2030;h EjW
BVhVaV ?VX`Ă&#x2030;h
BdcgdZ 9VcXZ =Vaa
BV^c HigZZi HiVi^dc
Cdk )! 8Zai^X HZhh^dch# Cdk *! :Y LZiiZaVcY e^Vcd # Cdk ,! ;djg H]^aa^c\h
Breakfast â&#x20AC;˘ Lunch â&#x20AC;˘ Dinner BBQ â&#x20AC;˘ Pasta â&#x20AC;˘ Steak
4:00pm / In The Bar
WED 11/4 â&#x20AC;˘ 8:00PM DOORS â&#x20AC;˘ $30 ADV/$32 DOS â&#x20AC;˘ 18+ LATIN/HIP HOP/ROCK
Cdk ,! HVed <jVed 6[gd"8jWVc # &.%-% G^kZgh^YZ 9g! HdcdbV# ,%,#.(-#..&%# LZY Vi -! EjW Fj^o Ig^k^V# Bdc VcY ;g^! HZiVciV Hedgih# ;g^"HVi Vi ./(%! 9? 9VcXZ C^\]i# Hjc Vi *! `VgVd`Z# IjZh! 9Vgih# &)* @ZcijX`n Hi! EZiVajbV# ,%,#,+'#.-%%#
Mc Nearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Dining House
West Coastâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Premier Zydeco Band 8:30pm
;aVb^c\d Adjc\Z
Cdk +! GdkZii^ :meZg^ZcXZ# Cdk ,! A^X`ZYn Hea^i# +'*% ;gdci Hi! ;dgZhik^aaZ# ,%,#--,#'*.)#
:aa^c\idc =Vaa
;dgZhik^aaZ 8ajW
20 min from downtown Petaluma, 25 min from everywhere else!
HAP PY HOUR â&#x20AC;˘ M â&#x20AC;&#x201C;F â&#x20AC;˘ 4â&#x20AC;&#x201C;6PM
:kZgn ;g^ Vi ,/(%! 8VciV;adg# ((% =ZVaYhWjg\ 6kZ! =ZVaYhWjg\#
Bdc! LZY VcY I]jgh Vi .! `VgVd`Z# Cdk +! :aZXig^X 6kZcjZ# Cdk ,! 8gdhh[^gZ# Hjc! , id b^Yc^\]i! hVahV c^\]i l^i] aZhhdch# IjZh Vi ,! LZhi 8dVhi hl^c\ c^\]i l^i] aZhhdch# ',,, ;djgi] Hi! HVciV GdhV# ,%,#*)*#-*(%#
Take a scenic drive for a unique dining experience
Dinner and a Show
I]jgh! GV\Vh id G^X]Zh >cY^Vc # ,.-& DaY GZYlddY =ln! 8diVi^# ,%,#,.'#''*&#
BX IĂ&#x2030;h 7jaaeZc
LZY"I]jgh! EVig^X`# Cdk +! EViX]ldg` DgVc\Z# Cdk ,! 9gde Bdi^dc# Hjc Vi .! `VgVd`Z# &+')+ ;^ghi Hi! <jZgcZk^aaZ# ,%,#-+.#((,,#
Country Rock Extravaganza 8:30pm
JOHNNY ALLAIRâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S Nov 14 Gratitude Rockâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;n Roll Dance Party Sat
Nov 15
Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a CD Release Party! 4:00pm
Nov 20
SAT 11/7 â&#x20AC;˘ 8:00PM DOORS â&#x20AC;˘ $20 ADV/$22 DOS â&#x20AC;˘ 18+ REGGAE
Hot Honky Tonk and Country Rock 8:30pm
JIM LAUDERDALE Nov 21 Celebrated Singer/Songwriter Sun
WONDERBREAD 5 SAT 11/14 â&#x20AC;˘ 8:00PM DOORS â&#x20AC;˘ $25 â&#x20AC;˘ 21+ FOLK/CELTIC ROCK
+ Sweet Harmonies 4:00pm / In the Bar
Outdoor Dining 7 Days a Week
Bjge]nĂ&#x2030;h >g^h] EjW
LZY Vi ,/(%! ig^k^V c^\]i# Cdk *! EZiZ Dahdc h^c\Zg"hdc\lg^iZg # Cdk +! HdcdbV BdjciV^c 7VcY WajZh # Cdk ,! 6cYgZl ;gZZbVc 6bZg^XVcV # ( )
THUR 11/19 â&#x20AC;˘ 7:30PM DOORS â&#x20AC;˘ $25 â&#x20AC;˘ 21+ ACOUSTIC/FUNK/ROCK
On the Town Square, Nicasio www.ranchonicasio.com
KELLER WILLIAMS FRI 11/20 & SAT 11/21 â&#x20AC;˘ 7:00PM DOORS â&#x20AC;˘ $35 â&#x20AC;˘ 21+ ROCK
FRIDAY NIGHT ONLY / MEET & GREET AFTER SHOW FRI 11/27 â&#x20AC;˘ 7:00PM DOORS â&#x20AC;˘ $25 â&#x20AC;˘ 21+ COUNTRY/ROCK
:kZgn I]jgh! 8VciV;adg# .%(% <gVidc GY! <gVidc# ,%,#-'(#)&*)# I]jgh VcY Hjc! 8^gXaZh Ă&#x2030;c HfjVgZh 9VcXZ 8ajW# &)%% L 8daaZ\Z 6kZ! HVciV GdhV# ,%,#*'.#*)*%#
FRI 11/13 â&#x20AC;˘ 8:45PM DOORS â&#x20AC;˘ $17 â&#x20AC;˘ 21+ DANCE PARTY HITS
8:30pm Rancho Debut! Instrumental Virtuoso
TODD SNIDER For All Ages Shows â&#x20AC;˘ No Children Under 10 Allowed
23 Petaluma Blvd, Petaluma
707-765-2121 www.mcnears.com THE BOHEMIAN
the last day saloon
Bfrom rews the world &Tasty Paround ub Grub
nightclub & restaurant the best place for live music, dancing and dining
Bnhi^X I]ZVigZ
Cdk )! DodbVia^ hZZ 8dcXZgih # Cdk ,! EVid 7Vcidc hZZ 8dcXZgih # '( EZiVajbV 7akY C! EZiVajbV# ,%,#,+*#'&'&#
LZY Vi +/(%! 9dc <^dkVcc^h >iVa^Vc # Bdc Vi +! HiZkZ HlVc H^cVigV Xgddc^c\h # )'% BZcYdX^cd 6kZ! HVciV GdhV# ,%,#*',#%'''#
11/5 9:00 PM SHOW > $10/13 > R&B HIP HOP
EVeVĂ&#x2030;h IVkZgcV
Thursday, Nov 5 @ 6:30pm
David Huebner
Acoustic Folk www.myspace.com/davidhuebner
11/6 8:30 PM SHOW > $8/10 > AMERICANA
Friday, Nov 6 @ 7:30pm
a musical celebration of gram parsons by
Jennifer Tuker
Acoustic Folk www.myspace.com/jennifertucker2008
11/7 9:30 PM SHOW > $5/7 > DUB REGGAE
Saturday, Nov 7 @ 8pm
The Easy Leaves
Americana Folk Rock www.myspace.com/theeasyleaves
11/12 8:30 PM SHOW > $12/15 > ROCK & ROLL
Sunday, Nov 8 @ 12pm
Radio KBOB
11/13 8:30 PM SHOW > $10 > BLUES
707.874.9037 | www.barleynhops.com 3688 Bohemian Highway, Occidental
Wed, Nov 4 8:45-9:45am; 5:45-6:45 Jazzercise 10am-12:15pm Scottish Dance Youth and Family 7:00-10:00pmSingles & Pairs Square Dance Club
Fri, Nov 6 7:15pm
all shows are 21+ unless noted
8:45-9:45am Jazzercise DJ Steve Luther hosts a West Coast Swing Party with dance instructors Edna & Dick $10
Sat, Nov 7 8:00-9:00am; 9:15-10:15am Jazzercise 10:30-11:45am Salsa Workout with DJ Steve Luther 7:00pm Singles & Pairs Square Dance Club Hoedown Sun, Nov 8 8:30-9:30am Jazzercise 10:30â&#x20AC;&#x201C;11:30am Zumba Fitness with Anna 1:30-3:30pm Vintage Dance with Gary Thomas 5:00â&#x20AC;&#x201C;9:30pm DJ Steve Luther Country-Western Lessons & Dancing $10 Mon, Nov 9 8:45-9:45am; 5:45-6:45pm Jazzercise 3:30pm WEIGHTWATCHERS MEETING Weigh in 3:30, Meeting 4:00
7:00-10:00pm New Scottish Country Dancing
for reservations: 707.545.5876
Tues, Nov 10 8:45-9:45am; 5:45-6:45pm Jazzercise 9:30am WEIGHTWATCHERS MEETING
7:15-9:00pm AFRICAN DANCE with Victoria Strowbridge
Weigh in 9:30, Meeting 10:00
120 5th street @ davis street santa rosa, ca
lastdaysaloon.com 11.04.09-11.10.09
E^c` :aZe]Vci
I]jgh Vi ,! I]j\o# .-.* BV^c Hi! BdciZ G^d# ,%,#-+*#%*%%#
EaVoV 7^higd
Cdk +! ;^kZeaVn# ;g^ Vi ,! ?Voo ^c i]Z 7VX`# )'% ;^ghi Hi :! HdcdbV# ,%,#..+#))++#
Fj^cXnĂ&#x2030;h EjW 8V[Z
LZY! =jbe 9Vn l^i] 9?h 6gb^c! @dcZm VcY 7ZhZi# I]jgh! `VgVd`Z# HVi! CdX]Zh 8Va^ZciZh l^i] 9? ="HbddkZ# +*.% 8dbbZgXZ 7akY! Gd]cZgi EVg`# ,%,#*-*#&%,.#
Cdk ,! EjahVidgh# &)*)% 8Vcndc ' GY! G^d C^Yd# ,%,#-+.#%-'&#
Thur, Nov 5 8:45-9:45am; 5:45-6:45pm Jazzercise 7:25-10:30pm Circles & Squares Square Dance Club
11/19 8:30 PM SHOW > $10 > BLUES ROCK
LZY Vi +! _Voo _Vb# Cdk +! :meZcYVWaZh VcY IdbdggdlĂ&#x2030;h 7VY HZZYh# Cdk ,! 7ZcZ[^i [dg i]Z E]dZc^m l^i] '+BE=! HZZYh d[ =ViZ! 7jgc i]Z Gj^c! 6c 6gX]V^X Hb^aZ! 9Zkdjg i]Z BVhhZh! EjgeaZ BZgXn# Hjc Vi *! gdX` VcY WajZh _Vb# Bdc Vi ,! ndjc\ eZdeaZĂ&#x2030;h 66# IjZh Vi ,! VXdjhi^X 6bZg^XVcV _Vb# '%& LVh]^c\idc Hi! EZiVajbV# ,%,#,+'#(*+*#
G^d C^Yd GdVY]djhZ
11/17 7:30 PM SHOW > $12 > AMERICANA ROCK
E]dZc^m I]ZViZg
IjZh Vi ,! deZc b^X VcY edZign gZVY^c\# -')% DaY GZYlddY =ln! 8diVi^# ,%,#,.*#,-+-#
two time grammy winner
formerly with chicago
HVi! <gZZ` bjh^X VcY WZaanYVcXZ h]dl# Hjc Vi &/(%! <gZZ` YVcXZ aZhhdch0 Vi (/(%! a^kZ bjh^X VcY WZaanYVcXZ h]dl# *+-- AV`Zk^aaZ =ln! EZiVajbV# ,%,#,+.#-*)*#
GZYlddY 8V[Z
11/14 8:00 PM SHOW > $20/25 > BLUES
Bill champlin
0?6A60Âś@ 05<602
Cdk -! H]VYZh d[ <gZZc 8Zai^X # :kZgn hZXdcY IjZh! deZc b^X# )+) ;^ghi Hi! HdcdbV# ,%,#.(*#%++%#
Cdcc^Ă&#x2030;h G^hidgVciZ >iVa^Vcd
feat. West African and Congolese Dance
Santa Rosaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Social Hall since 1922 1400 W. College Avenue â&#x20AC;˘ Santa Rosa, CA 707.539.5507 â&#x20AC;˘ www.monroe-hall.com
GdX`Zg DnhiZg[ZaaZgĂ&#x2030;h
I]jgh! 6gVcc =Vgg^h# &))&* =ln &! KVaaZn ;dgY# ,%,#-,+#&.-(#
Gjhh^Vc G^kZg 7gZl^c\ 8d
Cdk ,! ;gdWZX` gdX` # Cdk -! IdbXVi B^aaZg H]dl gdX`VW^aan # Cdk .! HZgZcV GnYZg ede [da` # ,'* ;djgi] Hi! HVciV GdhV# ,%,#*)*#7::G#
Gjhh^Vc G^kZg GZhdgi
:kZgn I]jgh! ;Zai Je l^i] 9? ?;M gZigd! YVcXZ! Ide )% # ;g^"Hjc Vi .! 8djcign 9Vc `VgVd`Z# Cdk ,! 7ZWZ HlZZiWg^VgĂ&#x2030;h 9^kVh A^kZ# &+(.% ;djgi] Hi! <jZgcZk^aaZ# ,%,#-+.#%+.&#
H]^hd GZhiVjgVci
HVi! 9? IZaabd# *'' 7gdVYlVn! HdcdbV# ,%,#.((#.((&#
H^ooa^c\ IVcYddg
LZY! 8]g^h K^WWZgih h^iVg # )%. BZcYdX^cd 6kZ! HVciV GdhV# ,%,#*,.#*...#
B78=8=6 C7A>D67
Silian Railâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s two-piece epic instrumentalism breaks the cloudburst ike other two-member bands currently on the musical map (Lightning Bolt and Sleigh Bells come to mind), Robin Landry and Eric Kuhn, otherwise known as Silian Rail, manage to make a lot of beautiful noise with a limited amount of people power. A live performance by the Oakland-based duo contains enough drama to fuel a million soap operas, but this is the good, healthy kind of drama, the sort that derives from a driving combination of instrument and pedal-board manipulation instead of romantic entanglements. Landry excavates a wild array of combinations from the fret board, digging into deep reverb-drenched riffs that build from anthemic highs to rhythmic lows. Kuhn plays everything else: drums, synthesizers, guitar and even glockenspiel. It all comes together like a cathartic exercise in ascension, as the riffs build up a swooping tension only to swiftly descend into shimmering, ďŹ ngerpicked melodies. Silian Rail are the logical offspring of a lineage that began with the 1991 release of Spiderland by Slint, the legendary nearly instrumental group out of Louisville, Ky., who perfected the quiet-loud dynamic later built upon by Mogwai and then Explosions in the Sky (though some might argue that this type of heavy rifďŹ ng truly had its start with Black Sabbath, or if you want to dig really far back, with early Captain Beyond). This is music for erudite headbangers, who have more likely come from a study session at the library than smoking weed behind the gym. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s no surprise that Silian Rail have performed original live scores for the past four years at the Madcat Womenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s International Film Festival, or that their music was recently featured in the 10-minute short ďŹ lm The Recess Ends. Live, they are a cinematic, mesmerizing simmer of beats and riffs, one that conjures images of dark mountaintops and thunderous skies, rainbows shining through a break in the clouds, and all of the illustrious visions that arise from listening to epic, instrumental rock music. Silian Rail erupt with the New Trust, Goodriddler, Guy Henry, Not to Reason Why and Scoundrels in a beneďŹ t for Free Mind Media on Saturday, Nov. 7, at GuayakĂ Mate Bar. 6784 Sebastopol Ave., Sebastopol. 7pm. $5. 707.579.1605.
LZY! 9?h I^VcV VcY 8]Vg# I]jgh Vi .! 9? 9gVn AdeZo# Hjc Vi -! `VgVd`Z# -'%& DaY GZYlddY =ln! 8diVi^# ,%,#++)#%&+.#
HiVg`Ă&#x2030;h HiZV`]djhZ
;g^! NVcX^Z Ă&#x2020;K^WZhĂ&#x2021; IVnadg _Voo # *'& 6YVbh Hi! HVciV GdhV# ,%,#*)+#*&%%#
Hidji 7gdi]Zgh
LZY! a^kZ gZ\\VZ VcY Yg^c` heZX^Vah# *', ;djgi] Hi! HVciV GdhV# ,%,#+(+#%')%#
IVbV GVbVh 8dgcZg
Hjc Vi +! deZc b^X0 h^\cjeh Vi *# -'*' DaY GZYlddY =ln! 8diVi^# ,%,#,.*#&)'*#
Leilani Clark
I]V^ >hhVc
I]jgh! `VgVd`Z# ;g^! ]^e"]de! G 7 VcY hdja# HVi! \gddkZ VcY ]djhZ# '%- C EZiVajbV 7akY! EZiVajbV# ,%,#,+'#*.++#
Cdk +! 6aVbZYV 6aa HiVgh <gZ\ 6aabVcĂ&#x2030;h WVX`je WVcY # Cdk ,! EVi L^aYZg# Bdc! 9dccn BVYZgdhĂ&#x2030; Egd ?Vb# -'&% DaY GZYlddY =ln! 8diVi^# ,%,#,.*#,-,-#
'*+ Cdgi]
Hjc! >iVa 8dgcZg l^i] 9? 8dbVcX]Z =^\] EdlZg gZ\\VZ # Bdc! deZc b^X l^i] E]^a i]Z HZXjg^in <jVgY# &&+ ;^[i] Hi! HVciV GdhV# ,%,#*))#-+'(#
;dgbZgan @dY^V` ?VX`Ă&#x2030;h# IjZh"I]jgh! aZhhdch l^i] YVcX^c\# ;g^"HVi! 9? YVcX^c\# I]jgh VcY HVi! &- VcY dkZg# HVi Vi +! `VgVd`Z# '*+ EZiVajbV 7akY! EZiVajbV# ,%,#,+*#*,''#
I]Z K^cZ
IdVY ^c i]Z =daZ EjW
Cdk )! H]VYZ# Cdk *! L^i]dji V I]di#
HVi! HiVn <daY l^i] 9? Igji]a^kZ Ide )% #
*'- HZkZci] Hi! HVciV GdhV# ,%,#*'-#),%%#
VcY E]^a LddY# & 8Vhigd! ;dgZhi @cdaah# )&*#)--#.'(*#
L^aadlWgdd` 6aZ =djhZ
EZg^Éh H^akZg 9daaVg
I]jgh Vi +/(%! :Y CZ[[ VcY [g^ZcYh WajZ\gVhh # ;g^"HVi! `VgVd`Z# Hjc Vi ,! Hbd`^cÉ <ddhZÉh deZc b^X WajZh _Vb# (+%% EZiVajbV 7akY C! EZiVajbV# ,%,#,,*#)'('#
I]Z Odd
:kZgn Hjc! GdX` ÉcÉ Gdaa HjcYVn HX]dda# *', 7Vg]Vb 6kZ! HVciV GdhV# ,%,#*)'#%.-%#
Cdk )! L]^h`Zn E^aah ;^VhXd# Cdk *! 7dcZYg^kZgh# Cdk +! HlVbei]Vc\# Cdk ,! HeVg` c 8^cYZg# Cdk -! HZmn HjcYVn# Cdk &%! IZg^ 8Via^c# :kZgn Bdc! VXdjhi^X deZc b^X# '. 7gdVYlVn! ;V^g[Vm# )&*#)*.#..&%#
EZiZÉh --&
IjZh Vi ,/(%! GVn <gZZc _Voo # ,'& A^cXdac 6kZ! HVc GV[VZa# )&*#)*(#*---#
GVcX]d C^XVh^d
7gVccVcÉh <g^aa
;g^"Hjc! =ZgW <^Whdc _Voo # &(), A^cXdac 6kZ! 8Va^hid\V# ,%,#.)'#''((#
8Va^hid\V >cc
LZY! deZc b^X# I]jgh! gZ\\VZ 9? c^\]i# ;g^! daY"hX]dda 9? c^\]i# &'*% A^cXdac 6kZ! 8Va^hid\V# ,%,#.)'#)&%&#
9dlcidlc ?dZÉh
I]jgh Vi &%! 9? ?V`Z AV`Z# .%' BV^c Hi! CVeV# ,%,#'*-#'((,#
<d ;^h]
I]jgh! B^`Z <gZZch^aa VcY [g^ZcYh _Voo # +)& BV^c Hi! Hi =ZaZcV# ,%,#.+(#%,%%#
=nYgd <g^aa
7ZagdhZ I]ZVigZ
I]jgh Vi -! deZc b^X# &)&* ;^[i] 6kZ! HVc GV[VZa# )&*#)*)#+)''#
Cdk +! GVcX]d 6aahiVgh# Cdk ,! OnYZXd ;aVbZh# Cdk - Vi )! 9Vccn Jo^aZkh`n0 Vi ,/(%! 7^aa @^gX]Zc ;g^ZcYh# Idlc HfjVgZ! C^XVh^d# )&*#++'#''&.#
7d\^ZÉh 8V[Z
Gjhi^Xd G^hidgVciZ >iVa^Vcd
Cdk -! 9VcV AVcY# IjZh Vi +! AdXVah C^\]i# +&% ;^ghi Hi! CVeV#
I]jgh! deZc b^X# )- C HVc EZYgd GY! HVc GV[VZa# )&*#).'#&*(%#
8ajW &%&
Hjc! ?jYn =Vaa VcY [g^ZcYh eajh deZc b^X# Bdc! ?Voo AVW 7VcY# (. 8VaZYdc^V Hi! HVjhVa^id# )&*#(('#)*%%#
Hjc Vi ,! hl^c\ VcY 9^m^ZaVcY _Voo# &)%( A^cXdac 6kZ! 8Va^hid\V# ,%,#.)'#.,,,#
DmWdl EjWa^X BVg`Zi
EVX^[^Xd GZhiVjgVciZ BZm^XVcd I]jgh! VXdjhi^X \j^iVg# ;g^ Vi */(%! a^kZ bVg^VX]^# HVi! hVahV l^i] YVcXZ aZhhdch# &'(, A^cXdac 6kZ! 8Va^hid\V# ,%,#.)'#))%%#
LZY Vi -/'%! hVahV YVcX^c\ l^i] aZhhdch# ;g^! >c i]Z B^m 9? YVcXZ # -&* L ;gVcX^hXd 7akY! HVc GV[VZa# )&*#)+%#%&%&#
HVc 6chZabd 8d[[ZZ GdVhiZgh
8gj^h^c\ 8ajW
HVnadgÉh AVcY^c\
Cdk +! 8]g^h <dYYVgY VXdjhi^X # Cdk ,! BVXn 7aVX`bVc WajZh # '%%. 7g^Y\ZlVn! HVjhVa^id# )&*#(('#+&+&#
I]jgh Vi .! `VgVd`Z l^i] Æ9dXÇ BVgi^c 9jgVcY# ;g^"HVi Vi &%! 9? YVcX^c\# Hjc! HVahV HjcYVnh# -%+ ;djgi] Hi! CVeV# ,%,#'*'#)),&#
Bdc! 7ajZ BdcYVn WajZh _Vb# (%% CVeV Hi! HVjhVa^id# )&*#(('#..''#
LZY Vi +/(%! 9VkZ 7jgch Ig^d# IjZh Vi +/(%! 7dhhV CdkV IjZhYVnh l^i] 7dhhV BZ# *&% HVc 6chZabd 6kZ! HVc 6chZabd# )&*#)*)#'.)'#
LZY! `VgVd`Z# ;g^! 9? @Zc 6aidc# &*(* H CdkVid 7akY! CdkVid# )&*#-.'#*%*&#
;^ccZ\VcÉh BVg^c
;g^! AZdc 7g^hidl 7VcY# *)+ HVc 6chZabd 6kZ! HVc 6chZabd# )&*#'*-#.*).#
LZY VcY ;g^! ?jYn =Vaa _Voo # I]jgh! ?dZn :YZabVc# Bdc Vi */(%! Idb VcY ?Zggn# &%% NVX]i 8ajW 9g! HVc GV[VZa# )&*#)+%#+++.#
Cdk *! HVc\ BVi^o# Cdk +! Igdn AVbe`^ch Ig^d# Cdk# -! E^cZ CZZYaZh# . BV^c Hi! I^Wjgdc# )&*#)(*#'+,+#
GV^cWdl Gddb
Cdk )! HiZkZ 9jY\Zdc FjVgiZi# Cdk *! HZg[ VcY ?VbZh# Cdk +! ?d]ccn Hb^i] <gdje# Cdk ,! 7 HiVgh hl^c\W^aan # HVi Vi , VcY .! LZhaV L]^i[^ZaY VcY B^`Z <gZZch^aa XVWVgZi # *(% BV^c Hi! CVeV# ,%,#'*&#*-((#
H^akZgVYd 7gZl^c\ 8d
LZY! 9dc 9jWcdl ;g^ZcYh VXdjhi^X # (%'% C Hi =ZaZcV =ln! Hi =ZaZcV# ,%,#.+,#.-,+#
LZY! \ddY"i^bZ `VgVd`Z l^i] BVg` EdlZg# Bdc Vi -! deZc b^X l^i] @8 IjgcZg h^\c je Vi , # IjZh Vi -! ig^k^V c^\]i# -,, <gVci 6kZ! CdkVid# )&*#-..#&*&+#
>gdc Heg^c\h EjW 7gZlZgn
IjZh Vi ,! AVjgVaZZ 7gdlc VcY 9Zc^hZ AZ^\] VXdjhi^X # '* LVgY Hi! AVg`hejg# )&*#.')#').(#
JkV IgViidg^V
Cdk )! B^cYn 8VciZg WajZh # HVi Vi '! XVhjVa VcY Xdon bjh^X hZg^Zh# ,+* 8ZciZg 7akY! ;V^g[Vm# )&*#)-*#&%%*#
BVbVÉh GdnVa 8V[Z
HVi Vi &&! ;gZYZg^X` C^\]i]Vl` WajZh VcY _Voo # Hjc Vi &&! 8Vgdanc 9V]a Wdd\^Z"ldd\^Z e^Vcd # (-, B^aaZg 6kZ! B^aa KVaaZn# )&*#(--#('+&#
LZY Vi -! AVggnÉh `VgVd`Z# Hjc! deZc b^X# Bdc! 9? YVcX^c\# )& L]Vg[ GY! 7da^cVh# )&*#-+-#&(&&#
LVgY HigZZi 8V[Z
6cVÉh 8Vci^cV
I]jgh! `VgVd`Z# ;g^"HVi! a^kZ bjh^X# &'%* BV^c Hi! Hi =ZaZcV# ,%,#.+(#).'&#
H^akZgVYd GZhdgi
;g^"HVi! . id &! EVja BVgi^c 7VcY# &+%% 6iaVh EZV` GY! CVeV# ,%,#'*,#%'%%# ;g^! + id -! ?d]c @Zaan 7ajZ <gVhh 7VcY >g^h] # '.,, HdaVcd 6kZ! CVeV# ,%,#'')#(%.,# LZY Vi +/(%! E]^a^e Hb^i] <ZciaZbZc d[ ?Voo# ;g^ Vi */&*! 9dc BX8Vggdaa _Voo 0 Vi -/(%! E]^a^e Hb^i] <ZciaZbZc d[ ?Voo# Hjc Vi +! B^b^ ;dm# &%)% 8a^cidc Hi! CVeV# ,%,#'**#++)+#
BVg^c 7gZl^c\ 8dbeVcn
Bdc Vi *! deZc b^X l^i] HZVc EV\Zadl# &-%. AVg`hejg AVcY^c\ 8^gXaZ! AVg`hejg# )&*#)+&#)+,,#
BdnaVcÉh 7gZlZgn
I]jgh Vi -/(%! _Vb hZhh^dc# &* GdlaVcY LVn! CdkVid# )&*#-.-#=DEH#
0?6A60¶@ 05<602 Across the bridge
C^X`Za GdhZ
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Now OPEN! Wednesday thru Friday 3pm - 9pm Saturday & Sunday 1pm - 7pm
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EVeZgb^aa 8gZZ` HVaddc
LZY! @Zk^c BX8dccZaa! 9Vc 9^X`hdc
ga Blues Festival o t s i l a C
November 7th, 1pm-7pm
Chateau Montelena Envy Winery Grant Street Vinyards Lava Vine Vinyards Tudal Winery
Tristant Vinyards Twomey Cellars Solovino Wines Silver Rose Cellars Calistoga Wine Shop
Johnny Smith, Tia Carroll, Stan Erhart, Herb Gibson, Jimmy Smith, Susan Sutton & Levi Lloyd among many others
November 8th, 12pm-5pm Dutch Henry Winery, Envy Winery Lava Vine Vinyards, Madrigal Vinyards Siver Rose Cellars Tickets: Saturday: $25 for 16 tastings/per person (can be shared) Sunday Passport: $35/per person Weekend Pass: $50/per person
7>C 5DBB Girlymanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s fanbase continues to grow more rabid year by year.
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Girlyman bend genres, genders and hearts By Leilani Clark
eople donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t really like the Atlantabased pop-folk trio Girlyman. Truly, people donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t like the band that has opened for such folk icons as the Indigo Girls and Dar Williams, and guest-starred on comedian Margaret Choâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s upcoming album Guitarded. Nope, people donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t like Girlyman; people wholeheartedly love them, with unabashed glee. On the bandâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s homepage, Cho herself effuses ecstatically about the trio, saying that they â&#x20AC;&#x153;genre-bend as fearlessly and flawlessly as they gender-bend. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s the music of my heart and soul.â&#x20AC;? Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a sentiment thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s echoed by the bandâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s loyal fan base, one that began building soon after their first practice in a Brooklyn apartment in 2001. On the phone from his home in Atlanta, guitarist and vocalist Nate Borofskyâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;onethird of a band that also includes guitarist Doris Muramatsu and drummer and multiinstrumentalist Ty Greensteinâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;remains both incredulous and thrilled by the fan response. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I have a work ethic that makes me think in order to be successful you have to suffer somehow. You have to slave away,â&#x20AC;? Borofsky says. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s amazing to realize that
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what we do in the band is fun and joy-filled for us, that those are things that people are connecting with.â&#x20AC;? The best part, according to Borofsky, is that he would be making this music anyway. â&#x20AC;&#x153;In a lot of ways, thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s where the creativity comes from,â&#x20AC;? he says. â&#x20AC;&#x153;If I was thinking, â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Oh well, this many thousands of fans out there are going to buy this CD,â&#x20AC;&#x2122; I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t think I would be able to write a thing.â&#x20AC;? Heavily influenced by the vocal harmonizing of the Mamas & the Papas and Simon & Garfunkel (Greenstein says that she and Muramatsu â&#x20AC;&#x153;got into a huge hippie guitar kick and spent a lot of time playing songs from the â&#x20AC;&#x2122;60s late into the night in her parentsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; kitchenâ&#x20AC;?), the members share years of classical and jazz training, leading to a solid blend of acoustic, Americana and rock. The bandâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s genre-bending makes for a hard-to-categorize sound. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I try to get a gauge on what someoneâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s musical tastes are before I describe what we do,â&#x20AC;? Borofsky says. â&#x20AC;&#x153;To someone who listens to hip-hop or electronica, â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;folk musicâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; sums it up nicely. But for people who listen to folk, what we do is more pop. There are acoustic instruments, but thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s also a pop sensibility. Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re making the music that feels most natural to us; it doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t fit neatly into one category or another.â&#x20AC;? This refusal to follow strict musical categorization allows for a layered interplay between melody and tension in Girlymanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s songs. On â&#x20AC;&#x153;Easy Bake Ovens,â&#x20AC;? from the bandâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s fourth studio album Everythingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Easy, a sugar-spun harmony contrasts with upfront lyrics that challenge the false placidity of suburbia: â&#x20AC;&#x153;You were setting those Easy Bake Ovens on fire / I was carving my name on a chalkboard with nails / Waiting for somebody else to be there.â&#x20AC;? Playful performance is another ingredient in the bandâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s broad appeal; gender-queer visibility is a hallmark of Girlyman shows. Borofsky often takes the stage in mascara and lipstick, while Greenstein usually wears a masculine vest and tie, confounding societal expectations of gender conformity. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s what feels natural to us,â&#x20AC;? Borofsky says. â&#x20AC;&#x153;And certainly all of us would identify as queer, at least in the most general sense.â&#x20AC;? Girlyman fans, known as â&#x20AC;&#x153;Girlyfans,â&#x20AC;? showed their appreciation when it came time to record the self-produced and engineered Everythingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Easy. While the band had most of the equipment to be able to record the album on their own, they were missing one crucial element. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We sent an email out to our fans and said that anyone who wanted to contribute could, that we would thank people in the liner notes,â&#x20AC;? Borofsky remembers. In an incredible show of support, they collected enough to buy a $10,000 dollar microphone in less than two months. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t know if we are affecting a lot of people somewhat, or affecting a smaller amount of people incredibly. But, definitely, there are people that certainly connect with the music that we do, and itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s nice to realize that,â&#x20AC;? he says. Girlyman play on Friday, Nov. 6, at the Sebastopol Community Center. 390 Morris St,, Sebastopol. 8pm. $20â&#x20AC;&#x201C;$25. 707.823.1511.
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C6E6 8DJCIN 6gi^hih d[ i]Z KVaaZn Dc\d^c\! b^mZY"bZY^V ldg` d[ bZbWZgh ^c ild CVeV adXVi^dch# ,&% ;^ghi Hi VcY &(.- ;^ghi Hi! CVeV# ,%,#'+*#.%*%#
=Zhh 8daaZXi^dc L^cZgn Dc\d^c\! djihiVcY^c\ eg^kViZ XdaaZXi^dc
C8<4B C7A44 Catherine J. Richardson, Sasha Duerr and Corey Hitchcock open a new show at Artspace404 on Friday.
[ZVijg^c\ ldg` Wn 6cYn <daYhldgi]n! ;gVcX^h 7VXdc! ;gVc` HiZaaV VcY di]Zg bdYZgc bVhiZgh# 9V^an! &% id )# ))&& GZYlddY GY! CVeV# ,%,#'**#&&))#
> Lda` <VaaZgn Dc\d^c\! XdciZbedgVgn hXjaeijgZ! eV^ci^c\ VcY b^mZY bZY^V# &(*) BV^c Hi! Hi =ZaZcV# ,%,#.+(#--%% dg ,%,#.+(#..''#
AZZ Ndjc\bVc <VaaZg^Zh Dc\d^c\! \gdje Zm]^W^i d[ eV^ci^c\h VcY hXjaeijgZ# Bdc"HVi! &% id *# &(&+ A^cXdac 6kZ! 8Va^hid\V# ,%,#.)'#%*-*#
Bjbb CVeV 8jkZZ I]gdj\] BVg &(! Ă&#x2020;8]Vc\^c\ :Vgi]/ E]did\gVe]ZgĂ&#x2030;h 8Vaa id 6Xi^dc!Ă&#x2021; e]did\gVe]h Wn kVg^djh Vgi^hih# 9V^an! &% id *# -))* H^akZgVYd IgV^a! Gji]Zg[dgY# ,%,#.+,#,,)%#
CVeV KVaaZn BjhZjb Cdk ) Vi &! 8]Zgna 8VaaZg^ heZV`h hZZ AZXijgZh # I]gdj\] Cdk &-! Ă&#x2020;8dgejh EZghe^Xjjh/ 7dYn IgVcheVgZci!Ă&#x2021; ldg` Wn 8]Zgna 8VaaZg^! IdW^c @ZaaZg! I]Z`aV =VbbdcY# LZY"Bdc! &% id *# ** EgZh^YZcih 8^gXaZ! Ndjcik^aaZ# ,%,#.))#%*%%#
GdWZgi BdcYVk^ L^cZgn I]gdj\] Cdk &.! Ă&#x2020;EV^ci^c\hĂ&#x2021; Wn L^chidc 7gVcX]! XjgViZY Wn BVg\g^i 7^ZkZg BdcYVk^# 9V^an! &% id *# ,-%& Hi =ZaZcV =ln! DV`k^aaZ# ,%,#.+-#''%(#
2C2;A@ Comedy HDCDB6 8DJCIN LdgaYĂ&#x2030;h 7^\\Zhi 8dbZYn 9jd Je id &% eZdeaZ XdjaY iV`Z i]Z hiV\Z Vi dcXZ ^c i]^h ]^aVg^djh! [Vhi"eVXZY! ^begdk^hZY ^ciZgVXi^kZ ZmeZg^ZcXZ# I]jgh Vi .# (# 7aVX` GdhZ >g^h] EjW! '%,) 6gbdgn 9g! HVciV GdhV# ,%,#*)+#,+,(#
B6G>C 8DJCIN IjZhYVn :kZc^c\ 8dbZYn BVg` E^iiV ]dhih dc\d^c\ ZkZc^c\h l^i] ZhiVWa^h]ZY Xdb^Xh VcY je"VcY"XdbZgh# IjZh Vi -# &*" '%# &)' I]gdX`bdgidc I]ZVigZ! &)' I]gdX`bdgidc 6kZ! B^aa KVaaZn# )&*#(-(#.+%%#
Dance HDCDB6 8DJCIN 9VcXZ Wn C^cZ 6 bdhian"bdYZgc YVcXZ XdcXZgi
[ZVijg^c\ c^cZ Y^kZghZ adXVa X]dgZd\gVe]Zgh# Cdk - Vi '/(%# &*" &-# 7Zii^Z 8dcY^dii^ I]ZViZg! HegZX`Zah EZg[dgb^c\ 6gih 8ZciZg! *)%. HcnYZg AVcZ! Gd]cZgi EVg`# ,%,#-)(#)&)- #
B6G>C 8DJCIN <gVk^inĂ&#x2030;h 6c\Zah <jZhi Vgi^hih [gdb i]Z 7gVchdc 9VcXZ EZg[dgbVcXZ :chZbWaZ VcY HiVeaZidc HX]dda d[ 7VaaZi a^[i ndjg he^g^ih l^i] i]^h V^gn eZg[dgbVcXZ# NdjĂ&#x2030;aa WZ [an^cĂ&#x2030; ]^\] Cdk +", VcY &("&) Vi -# &%" &*# HijY^d I]ZVigZ! 8daaZ\Z d[ BVg^c! -(* 8daaZ\Z 6kZ! @Zci[^ZaY# )&*#)-*#.(-*#
E^adWdajh ;^\jgZh gZXdc[^\jgZ VcY [dgbh VgZ gZ[dgbZY ^c i]Z hXjaeijgVa eZg[dgbVcXZh egZhZciZY Wn i]^h jc^fjZ YVcXZ XdbeVcn# Cdk + Vi -# '%" ,*# BVg^c 8ZciZg! &% 6kZcjZ d[ i]Z ;aV\h! HVc GV[VZa# )&*#)..#+-%%#
Events HDCDB6 8DJCIN 6XXdgY^dc 7VWZh GZkjZ BZZi VcY ]ZVg WVWZh VcY i]Z^g hfjZZoZWdmZh [gdb i]Z '%&% e^c"je hZchVi^dc# 8VaZcYVg ^cXajYZY l^i] VYb^hh^dc# Cdk , Vi -# '%# HijY^d :! VYYgZhh egdk^YZY l^i] i^X`Zih! HZWVhideda# ,%,#-'(#*(&+#
7dYZ\V AVcY Igjhi 9^ccZg Adc\"hiVcY^c\ Xdbbjc^in ZkZci VcY aZ\ZcYVgn ediajX` Wj[[Zi hjeedgih aVcY VcY V\g^XjaijgZ XdchZgkVi^dc ^c LZhi HdcdbV 8djcin# Cdk , Vi */(%# &* dg &% l^i] ediajX` Y^h] VcY gZX^eZ id h]VgZ0 * `^Yh jcYZg &'# BX8Vj\]Zn ;^gZ =Vaa! &,&-) 7dYZ\V =ln! 7dYZ\V# ,%,#-,+#(%.(#
8Vi"V"I]dc 8djcinl^YZ YVn"adc\ VYdei^dc ZkZci id ign id VaaZk^ViZ i]Z jcegZXZYZciZY XVi"Vhigde]Z d[ dkZg[adl^c\ [Za^cZh XjggZcian dkZgl]Zab^c\ adXVa h]ZaiZgh# EVgi^X^eVi^c\ adXVi^dch/ =ZVaYhWjg\ 6c^bVa H]ZaiZg! EZiVajbV 6c^bVa H]ZaiZg! EZih A^[Za^cZ! Gd]cZgi EVg` 6c^bVa H]ZaiZg! HdcdbV 8djcin 6c^bVa 8VgZ 8dcigda VcY HdcdbV =jbVcZ HdX^Zin# Cdk ,! Vaa YVn XVaa [dg ]djgh Vi ZVX] adXVi^dc # (% heZX^Va VYdei^dc dg hedchdgh]^e [ZZ# 6c^bVa H]ZaiZgh! HdcdbV 8djcin! HVciV GdhV# ,%,#*)'#%--'#
;Vaa DeZc =djhZ =VgkZhi XdX`iV^ah! adXVa l^cZh VcY VeeZi^oZgh VcY '%%. <da[ 8aVhh^X Ha^YZ H]dl# Cdk *! * id ,# ;gZZ# HdcdbV 8djcin AZ\Va 6^Y! &&%* C 9jiidc 6kZ! HiZ 7! HVciV GdhV! EaZVhZ GHKE id/ ^c[d5aZ\VaV^YhX#Xdb#
;^ghi ;g^YVnh dc ;djgi] LVcYZg i]gdj\] Wjh^cZhhZh VcY \VaaZg^Zh ^c 8djgi]djhZ HfjVgZ VcY =^hidg^X GV^agdVY HfjVgZ VcY iV`Z ^c hdbZ d[ HVciV GdhVĂ&#x2030;h [^cZhi Vgih Vadc\ l^i] [ddY! Yg^c`h VcY ZciZgiV^cbZci# ;^ghi ;g^ bdci]an! ) id -# ;gZZ# 9dlcidlc HVciV GdhV! ;djgi] VcY 7 higZZih! HVciV GdhV# ,%,#*,%#%&'-#
=VgkZhi 9VcXZ VcY :med EZVXZ ^c BZY^X^cZ WZcZ[^i [dg HZWVhideda 8dbbjc^in 8ZciZg VcY 6bZg^XVch [dg HV[Z 6XXZhh XZaZWgViZh XVccVW^h Vh V hdX^Vaan VXXZeiVWaZ bZY^X^cZ VcY kVajVWaZ cVijgVa gZhdjgXZ# DkZg )% Wddi]h l^i] kZcYdgh! Vgi^hVch! ZmeZgi \jZhi heZV`Zgh VcY ^c[dgbVi^dc# @^Y OdcZ l^i] Vgih VcY XgV[ih! a^kZ eZg[dgbVcXZh# 6c^bVa A^WZgVi^dc DgX]ZhigV ]ZVYa^cZh i]Z ZkZc^c\ XdcXZgi l^i] =jbVc GZkdaji^dc! AĂ&#x2030;;^VhXd! HZgVe]^c VcY <VWWn AVAV# Cdk , Vi &&0 XdcXZgi Vi +# :med ^h [gZZ0 XdcXZgi '% ^c VYkVcXZ# HZWVhideda 8dbbjc^in 8ZciZg! (.% Bdgg^h Hi! HZWVhideda# ,%,#.-&#))%,#
=ZVaYhWjg\ 6gi LVa` IV`Z V higdaa VgdjcY i]Z eaVoV VcY k^Zl \gZVi Vgi l^i] gZ[gZh]bZcih! [^ghi ;g^ ZVX] bdci]! * id -# BVe VkV^aVWaZ Vi eVgi^X^eVi^c\ \VaaZg^Zh VcY iVhi^c\ gddbh# EaVoV 6gih! &(% EaVoV Hi! =ZVaYhWjg\# ,%,#)(&#&.,%#
G^eeaZ i]Z LdgaY ;jcYgV^h^c\ WgZV`[Vhi [dg 9V^an 6Xih# Cdk *! - id ./(%# 9dcVi^dc# EZiVajbV KZiZgVch 8ZciZg! &%.) EZiVajbV 7akY H! EZiVajbV# ,%,#,-.#.++)#
HdcdbV 8djcin H]dlXVhZ 6 l^YZ kVg^Zin d[ '%% Wjh^cZhh VcY cdc"egd[^i Zm]^W^idgh XZaZWgViZ Vaa i]Z VgZV ]Vh id d[[Zg# A^kZ ZciZgiV^cbZci! hiV\Z eZg[dgbVcXZh! Yddg eg^oZh! [ddY VcY WZkZgV\Zh# Cdk ,! && id *# ;gZZ# HdcdbV 8djcin ;V^g\gdjcYh! <gVXZ EVk^a^dc! &(*% 7ZccZii KVaaZn GY! HVciV GdhV# ,%,#*',#,*+(#
KZiZgVch 9Vn 8ZaZWgVi^dc =dbZbVYZ gZ[gZh]bZcih VcY a^kZ eVig^di^X bjh^X [gdb i]Z Ă&#x2030;)%h VcY Ă&#x2030;*%h# B8 AVggn EgjY]dbbZ egZhZcih heZV`Zgh ;gVc` HZcZaad! 7jY H^bbdch VcY ?VbZh 8jig^Z# Cdk . Vi (# ;gZZ# HZWVhideda HZc^dg 8ZciZg! &+, =^\] Hi! HZWVhideda# ,%,#-'.#-))%#
B6G>C 8DJCIN 9VcX^c\ [dg i]Z 7ZVgh HVahV YVcXZ eVgin id WZcZ[^i 6c^bVah 6h^V ;djcYVi^dcĂ&#x2030;h Z[[dgih id ]Zae ZcYVc\ZgZY VcY Zmead^iZY Bddc 7ZVgh# ;ddY VcY Yg^c`h! a^kZ bjh^X! YVcXZ aZhhdch VcY h^aZci VjXi^dc# Cdk +! , id &%# 8Vaa [dg i^X`Zih# HiV\Z 9ddg EZg[dgbVcXZ HeVXZ! &% A^WZgin H]^e LVn! HiZ ()%! HVjhVa^id# ()&*#+,,#.+%&#
9Vn d[ i]Z 9ZVY 8ZaZWgVi^dc 6gi ldg`h]deh! [ddY! bjh^X# Cdk + Vi *# *" &%# 9VcXZ EVaVXZ! ;^[i] VcY 7 higZZih! Ei GZnZh HiVi^dc# )&*#++(#&%,*#
C6E6 8DJCIN 8dbbjc^in H]gZY 9Vn EgdiZXi ndjghZa[ V\V^chi ^YZci^in i]Z[i! hV[Zan Y^hedhZ d[ ndjg Xdc[^YZci^Va YdXjbZcih VcY gZXnXaZ eVeZg Vi i]^h hZXdcY VccjVa Xdc[Zii^ eVgin# EVeZg dcan eaZVhZ! * Wdm a^b^i# Cdk +! && id (# ;gZZ0 ' XVc YdcVi^dc id HVakVi^dc 6gbn EVcign hj\\ZhiZY# 8]VgiZg DV` 7Vc`! +%% IgVcXVh HigZZi! CVeV# ,%,#'+*#'%%%#
BZgXVYd <adWVa ;V^g igVYZ cdcegd[^i i]Vi jhZh bVg`Zih id ZbedlZg ^cY^\Zcdjh ldbZc Vgi^hVch ^c gjgVa <jViZbVaV jckZ^ah ^ih L^ciZg 6gi^hVc 8daaZXi^dc Vi i]^h l^cZ"VcY"X]ZZhZ gZXZei^dc WZcZ[^i [dg a^iZgVXn VcY Wjh^cZhh igV^c^c\ egd\gVbh l^i]^c <jViZbVaV# Cdk *! +/(% id -/(%# CVeV KVaaZn BjhZjb! ** EgZh^YZcih 8^gXaZ! Ndjcik^aaZ# ,%,#'*,#&*&(#
F&D 9>7= :0=4
HDCDB6 8DJCIN 8]^a^ 8dd`"D[[ ;jcYgV^hZg [dg BdciZ G^d HX]dda# ;^ghi! hZXdcY! i]^gY"eaVXZ IVhiZgĂ&#x2030;h 8]d^XZ 6lVgY VcY 7Zhi CVbZ 6lVgY# Cdk - Vi '# &* VYjaih! * `^Yh! [gZZ [dg a^iiaZ `^Yh# G^d C^Yd GdVY]djhZ! &)*)% 8Vcndc ' GY! G^d C^Yd# ,%,#-+*#.&,'#
:aZkZci] 6ccjVa ;ddY L^cZ 6[[V^g Gjhh^Vc G^kZg L^cZ GdVY \Vi]Zgh +) adXVa l^cZg^Zh [dg Vcdi]Zg YZa^X^djh ZmigVkV\VcoV# Cdk ,"-! && id )# '*" +%# 6aZmVcYZg! 9gn 8gZZ` VcY Gjhh^Vc G^kZg kVaaZnh! kVg^djh adXVi^dch! HVciV GdhV# -%%#,'(#+((+#
=dbZaZhhcZhh 7ZcZ[^i IlZcin"[^kZ eZgXZci d[ Vaa egdXZZYh YdcViZY id HdcdbV 8djcin IVh`[dgXZ dc i]Z =dbZaZhhcZhh# Cdk )! * id &%# ?d]ccn <Vga^XĂ&#x2030;h! &)+% ;VgbZgh AVcZ! HVciV GdhV# ,%,#*,&#&-%%#
Hdje C^\]i ;gZZ ]dbZbVYZ hdje l^i] ejgX]VhZ d[ \aVhh d[ l^cZ# Cdk &.! 7aVX` 7ZVc 8]^a^# 9ZX &,! AHJ <VbZYVn <jbWd# <djgbZi Vj 7Vn! .&( =ln &! 7dYZ\V 7Vn# ,%,#-,*#.-,*#
L^cYhdg ;VgbZgh BVg`Zi I]jgh! * id -0 Hjc! &% id &# L^cYhdg Idlc <gZZc! 7Zaa GdVY VcY BX8aZaaVcY 9g^kZ! L^cYhdg# ,%,#)((#)*.*#
C6E6 8DJCIN <ddhZXgdhh 8ZaaVgh :c_dn i]ZbZY [ddY VcY l^cZ eV^g^c\h IjZh"LZY! cddc id (# &%# Cdk &%! Ă&#x2020;BZY^iZggVcZVc 9^eh l^i] Ndjg L^cZ H^eh#Ă&#x2021; Cdk &&! Ă&#x2020;9^hXdkZg i]Z LdgaY d[ L^cZ 8]ZZhZ#Ă&#x2021; <ddhZXgdhh 8ZaaVgh! &&&. HiViZ AVcZ! Ndjcik^aaZ# ,%,#.))#&.-+#
Eg^bVa CVeV KVaaZn 7Vn 6gZV WjiX]ZgĂ&#x2030;h eVgin [ZVijgZh `c^[Zn YZbdh! &%%"edjcY"e^aZ"d["WdcZh hegZVY! =jYhdc gVcX] bZVi! BV\cda^V WZZg! 9Vc^Za =nViiĂ&#x2030;h XdX`iV^ah VcY! [dg K>EH! i]Z 6aaVc 7Zcidc 7VXdc 7Vg# Cdk ,! ( id ,0 K>E VYb^hh^dc Vi '# +* \ZcZgVa! &%% K>E# 8]VhZ 8ZaaVgh Vi =VncZ K^cZnVgY! ''*' Hjae]jg Heg^c\h! Hi =ZaZcV! )%)#-).#(*+.#
ŸC74 A>2:½ Pilobolus perform stunning human transformations Nov. 6 at the Marin Center. See Dance, p37.
Field Trips HDCDB6 8DJCIN 7djkZg^Z ;Vaa LVa`h <j^YZY ild" id [^kZ"b^aZ ]^`Zh i]gdj\] 7djkZg^Z EgZhZgkZ d[ 6jYjWdc 8Vcndc GVcX]# Cdk ,! Cdk '&! 9ZX *! ./(% id &/(%# &*# 7djkZg^Z EgZhZgkZ! &(.(* =ln &'! <aZc :aaZc# ,%,#.(-#)**)#
G:> G^Y\Z IgV^a HZgk^XZ 9Vn Bdgc^c\ kdajciZZg dji^c\ id gZhidgZ hZXi^dch dc i]Z 7Vn 6gZV G^Y\Z IgV^a! V eaVccZY **%"b^aZ XdccZXi^dc d[ dkZg ,* eVg`h VcY deZc heVXZh [dg ]^`Zgh! XnXa^hih VcY ZfjZhig^Vch# GZ[gZh]bZcih VcY ]VcY iddah egdk^YZY# Cd ZmeZg^ZcXZ cZXZhhVgn# Cdk ,! . id &# ;gZZ# =ddY BdjciV^c GZ\^dcVa EVg` DeZc HeVXZ EgZhZgkZ! 8Vaa [dg l]ZgZ id bZZi! HVciV GdhV# )&*#*+&#'*.*#
hZXi^dch dc i]Z 9lVg[ DV` IgV^a! eVgi d[ i]Z 7Vn 6gZV G^Y\Z IgV^a! V eaVccZY **%"b^aZ XdccZXi^dc d[ dkZg ,* eVg`h VcY deZc heVXZh [dg ]^`Zgh! XnXa^hih VcY ZfjZhig^Vch# GZ[gZh]bZcih VcY ajcX] egdk^YZY# Cd ZmeZg^ZcXZ cZXZhhVgn# Cdk ,! . id cddc# ;gZZ# Bdjci 7jgYZaa DeZc HeVXZ EgZhZgkZ! 8Vaa [dg l]ZgZ id bZZi! CdkVid# )&*#*+&#'*.*#
H^ZggV 8ajW =^`Z :Vhn ]Va["YVn ]^`Z [gdb GdX` Heg^c\h id AVjgZa 9Zaa# Cdk *! ./(% id &/(%# H]VgZ XVgedda Xdhih# 7jh Hide! B^aaZg VcY AdXjhi! B^aa KVaaZn# )&*#)+&#.'**#
C6E6 8DJCIN LdbZc L]d AZ[i I]Z^g BVg` 8ZbZiZgn idjg [ZVijg^c\ CVeV 8djcin =^hidg^XVa HdX^Zin WdVgY bZbWZg ?ja^Z 9VagnbeaZ Vh >kn AdZWZg# H^min b^cjiZh# GV^c dg h]^cZ Cdk , Vi &/(%! ' VcY '/(%# &%# Hi =ZaZcV 8ZbZiZgn! ')+& Heg^c\ Hi! Hi =ZaZcV# ,%,#.+,#**%'#
=ZVgiĂ&#x2030;h 9Zh^gZ E^Xc^X VcY =^`Z EdiajX` ajcX]! hl^b VcY hjc Vi =ZVgiĂ&#x2030;h 9Zh^gZ 7ZVX] dc IdbVaZh 7Vn! l^i] ZVhn ]^`Zh idlVgYh H]Zaa 7ZVX] VcY >cY^Vc 7ZVX]# 7g^c\ V Y^h] [dg + id h]VgZ! eajh hdbZi]^c\ id 77F [dg ndjghZa[# LZ eVg` Wn i]Z e^Xc^X iVWaZh hd ndj XVc Wg^c\ [gV\^aZ Y^h]Zh# Cdk -! XVgeddah [gdb EVg`VYZ Vi ./(%! WVX` Wn *# &% eZg XVg eVg` ZcigVcXZ [ZZ# ;V^g[Vm EVg`VYZ! H^g ;gVcX^h 9gV`Z 7djaZkVgY deedh^iZ ;V^g[Vm I]ZViZg ! ;V^g[Vm# )&*#)+&#.'**#
BVg^c Bddch]^cZgh =^`Z ?d^c bdci]an i]gZZ"b^aZ ]^`Z id ZmeZg^ZcXZ hjchZi! bddcg^hZ! e^Xc^X VcY heZXiVXjaVg k^Zlh# 7g^c\ [ddY! WZkZgV\Z! WVX`eVX` VcY [aVh]a^\]i# HZXdcY IjZh ZkZgn bdci] Vi ,/(%# &*# EZa^XVc >cc! &% EVX^[^X LVn! Bj^g 7ZVX]! GHKE# )&*#((&#%&%%#
G:> G^Y\Z IgV^a HZgk^XZ 9Vn Bdgc^c\ kdajciZZg dji^c\ id gZhidgZ
Film HDCDB6 8DJCIN ?Zl^h] ;^ab ;Zhi^kVa ?Zl^h] 8dbbjc^in 8ZciZg d[ HdcdbV 8djcin egZhZcih YgVbV! XdbZYn VcY YdXjbZciVgn [^abh [gdb Vaa dkZg i]Z ldgaY# Cdk ) EZiVajbV ! Cdk * HVciV GdhV ! Ă&#x2020;GZ[jhZc^`#Ă&#x2021; Cdk &% EZiVajbV ! Cdk &' HVciV GdhV ! Ă&#x2020;7aZhhZY ^h i]Z BViX]#Ă&#x2021; EZiVajbV Vi ,/&*! HVciV GdhV Vi & VcY ,/&*# ," &%# G^Vaid 8^cZbVh AV`Zh^YZ! **& HjbbZg[^ZaY GY! HVciV GdhV# 7djaZkVgY 8^cZbVh! '%% 8 Hi! EZiVajbV# lll#_XXhdXd#dg\#
DWa^k^dc =ZYYn =dc^\bVcc gZijgch id A^bV [dg i]^h ine^XVaan fj^g`n VcY YZZean ]jbVc^hi ZmeadgVi^dc d[ ZkZgnYVn gZh^a^ZcXZ VcY gZh^\cVi^dc# Cdk + Vi , VcY Cdk - Vi )# '" +# HdcdbV
;^ab >chi^ijiZ! LVggZc 6jY^idg^jb! HHJ! &-%& : 8diVi^ 6kZ! Gd]cZgi EVg`# ,%,#++)#'+%+#
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Huge names swarm the North Bay pace is tight, so hereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s the breathless rundown of amazing literary names just sort of casually dropping into our area this week. All details are contained in our Readings section, p40: Michael Chabon The handsomest married father-offour to win the Pulitzer in some good time reads from and discusses his parenting tome Manhood for Amateurs on Thursday, Nov. 5, at 6pm at Copperfieldâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Santa Rosa and again on Saturday, Nov. 7, at 7:30pm in Pt. Reyes. Jonathan Safran Foer Everything Is Illuminated author returns with his newest, Eating Animals, his personal look at factory farming on Friday, Nov. 6, at 1pm at Book Passage. John Irving (Above) Look for the missing body part, because with Irving, thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s always one! He reads from his newest, Last Night in Twisted River, on Friday, Nov. 6, at 7pm at Book Passage. Anne Lamott Marinâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s most spiritual recovering alcoholic and its wryest eye appears with Roger Housden and Nina Wise at a â&#x20AC;&#x153;Benefit to Bring Water to an African Villageâ&#x20AC;? on Sunday, Nov. 8, at 2pm at the 142 Throckmorton Theatre. Al Gore You might have heard of him. His new book is titled Our Choice and the former vice president says that he remains optimistic that humankind wonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t really carbonize itself out of existence. He appears on Monday, Nov. 9, at 7pm at Dominican University. $40; includes a signed book. Garth Stein Author of a legitimate New York Times bestseller, a literary novel, Art of Racing in the Rain, starring a dog (I know, right?), appears on Tuesday, Nov. 10, at 7pm at Copperfieldâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Santa Rosa. Ken Auletta The New Yorker magazineâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s media criticâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s new book is Googled: The End of the World As We Know It. Auletta spent some two years on the Google campus trying to determine such simple facts as how many engineers they employ (upwards of 10,000) and how much they earn (ainâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t no one talking), posing the question: What will happen whenâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;not ifâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;Google goes bad? Catch him on Tuesday, Nov. 10, at 7pm at Book Passage. Gretchen Giles
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Poet Carlos AndrĂŠs GomĂŠz visits SSU arlos AndrĂŠs GomĂŠz, a Harlem-born poet internationally renowned for his work, was ranked twice as a National Poetry SlamFinalist, collaboratively performed on Broadway with tap dancer Savion Glover and has starred in the Spike Lee joint Inside Man. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I moved like crazy growing up,â&#x20AC;? Gomez by phone from an Illinois hotel, part of a frantic fall tour schedule, listing off several East Coast states and nations such as Brazil and Switzerland as areas where he grew up. Being the child of a father who worked for the U.N. and mother who was an anthropologist, GomĂŠz moved quite frequently in his youth. Even with such educated parents, he recalls, â&#x20AC;&#x153;I used to dislike reading and writing. I didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t learn English until I was five, and I wasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t able to read until I was 10.â&#x20AC;? This changed when he was 16 and at school in Providence, R.I., when he heard poet Martin Espada perform. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I was entranced with reading and writing [after that], and havenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t stopped since.â&#x20AC;? GomĂŠz went on to graduate from the University of Pennsylvania at Philadelphia with a degree in American history, and spent a year and a half as a social worker and four years as a public school teacher in New York City. As a poet, Gomez is still influenced by Espada as well as by Pablo Neruda. He has taken cues from his favorite poets and also incorporates complex themes and conceptual ideas in his work. His goals are always to reveal a sense of clarity that allows a voice to be present in the piece, and to utilize said themes and concepts to in turn reveal himself. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I write every single day, could be five poems or little scraps, ideas, lines or concepts or journaling,â&#x20AC;? he says. GomĂŠz carries a moleskin notebook with him at all times to jot down thoughts or ideas. Having found national fame for his slampoetry performances, GomĂŠz is now able to be more selective with the shows he chooses to perform, be they paid positions or benefit shows for a good cause. Still, he is often on the road, and does been 100 and 150 shows a year. As a performer, Gomez will never do the same show twice. â&#x20AC;&#x153;You have to feel out the energy and vibe of the crowd. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s like teaching,â&#x20AC;? he says, where sometimes you have to â&#x20AC;&#x153;shift on a dime.â&#x20AC;? Carlos AndrĂŠs GomĂŠz appears at the SSU Student Unionâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s multipurpose room on Friday, Nov. 6 at 7pm. 1801 E. Cotati Ave., Rohnert Park. Free. 707.664.2382.
Rachael Cumbo
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For customer service, email bohemian@ placepersonal.com, or call 1-617-450-8773 Women Seeking Men SHEâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S A LADY Attractive SWF, 69, seeks gentleman, 65-75, for friendship and companionship. Letâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s talk and see what develops! 305310
LOCAL GAL WF looking for someone fun, nice, loyal, honest and intelligent who likes good conversation, wine tasting, art, barbecues, camping, hanging out at home and more. 40-55. 306414
ITâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S TIME Spiritual SWF, young 70s, petite, professional, employed, kids grown, ISO a fine, grounded gentleman, 65-70, for possible LTR. 240656
1949 CLASSIC SWF, tall, slender, active, enjoys swimming, bicycling, mysteries, hiking, cooking, barbecuing, symphony. Seeking well-mannered, caring S/DWM, 50-60, N/S, N/D, N/Drugs, with similar interests, for friendship and companionship. 415313
LOOKING FOR YOU SWF, 40, 5â&#x20AC;&#x2122;2â&#x20AC;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, reddish-brown hair, enjoys horseback riding, art, the ocean, going new places, shopping, antique stores, movies, going for drives, taking trips. Looking for SWM, 40-55, with similar interests. 323931
LETâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S GO OUT & HAVE FUN! Honest woman, 50s, very caring, compassionate, kind, my interests are long drives, walks, dancing, visiting new places, dinners. Seeking nice SM, 50s60s, for LTR. 297169
ADVENTUROUS WOMAN Attractive, creative, and energetic lady looking for warm-hearted, compatible seeker, 65-70, with good SOH, for dating, possible relationship. 300201
EDUCATED WOMAN SWF, in her 40s, N/S, seeks gentleman, 40-50, for friendship and LTR. Letâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s meet and talk! 300135
A BIG HEART Caring, loving SF, 39, movies, the outdoors, Looking for SW/HM, for friendship, maybe 305007
enjoys travel. 39-50, more.
TRADITIONAL VALUES SAF, 60, petite, very healthy, very active, secured, honest, sincere, hard-working, likes gardening, cooking, reading, home stuff, occasional drives to the countryside. Seeking SWM, 60-75, whoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s clean-cut, N/S, N/D, with similar qualities, for friendship first, possible LTR. 313785
PETITE BLONDE Educated and attractive, downto-earth WF would like to meet someone who shares some of my interests like metal music, concerts, learning and more. If you have an open mind, I definitely want to hear from your. 35-50. 314433
LETâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S MEET FOR DINNER SWF, 49, 5â&#x20AC;&#x2122;4â&#x20AC;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, H/W proportionate, blondish-brown layered hair, big blue eyes, down-to-earth, mellow, nice, kind, sweet, considerate, laid-back, seeks SM, 35-55, who has a good sense of humor. I enjoy cats, beaches, hiking, camping, movies. 310278
LETâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S MEET AND TALK SWF, 39, 5â&#x20AC;&#x2122;3â&#x20AC;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, loves music, dancing. Looking for a social SWM, mid 40s, for friendship first. 318133
LOOKING FOR A FRIEND SAF, 48, 5â&#x20AC;&#x2122;4â&#x20AC;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, looking for a friend who will eventually become my partner in life. 318943
PRETTY & SLENDER Bright and youthful SWF, 50+, enjoys listening to or playing music, travel, playing at the beach, and dating. Seeking nicelooking, kind, intelligent SM, 50s plus or minus, with senseof-humor, financially secure, to share fun indoors and out, concerts and movies, dining out and walks, cozy fireplaces and sometimes campfires. 303711
CARING AND COMPASSIONATE Friendly, adaptable, outdoorsy, caring, healthy SF, 40s, likes dancing, travel, dining, hiking, the beach. Seeking SM, 30-50, for casual dating possibly leading to LTR. 299368
OPTIMISTIC Friendly, ambitious, adaptable, outdoorsy, personable female, 50s, enjoys museums, dining, travel, coffee shops, the beach, taking walks. Seeking SM, 60s, for friendship and casual dating. 299370
Call costs $2.29/min. Must be 18+
CAPTIVATING Sophisticated, outdoorsy, friendly, mischievous SF, 50s, likes hiking, kayaking, taking walks. In search of SM, 50-70, for LTR. 301203
GOOD VALUES Shy, friendly, caring, compassionate SF, 60s, nurturing, motivated, enjoys walks, the beach, coffee shops, biking, dining, seeks similar man, 60+, for friendship leading to LTR. 301544
PERSONABLE Compassionate, bright, friendly female, 40s, likes music, dancing, dining, biking, coffee shops. Seeking similar male, 50s, for LTR. 302304
SHY AND ARTISTIC Single female in her 50s looking for a male who enjoys music, television. Letâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s meet and see if we connect! 308997
FRIENDS OR MORE Nurturing, artistic, bright, hardworking, compassionate, feminine female in her 50s, enjoys music, dancing, travel, the beach, kayaking, dining, taking walks. Seeking male, 50-69, for friendship with the possibility of more. 309768
ONE HONEST WOMAN LEFT Bright SF, 60s, with good values, flexibleandhonest, likes reading, camping, travel, taking walks. Seeking similar male, 50-69, for friendship, casual relationship, possible LTR. 309769
VERY PERSONABLE Motivated, bright, artistic, hardworking, health-conscious female, 50s, personable and flexible, seeks male, age open, who likes museums, travel, long drives, camping, hiking. 309770
LOOKING FOR LTR Outdoorsy, health-minded, clean-cut, honest woman in her 30s, who enjoys biking, dining, shopping, the beach, hiking, taking walks, wants to meet a male in his 30s for LTR. 309772
CAPTIVATING! Adorable, hard-working, classy female, 50s, enjoys museums, shopping, travel, coffee shops, the beach. Seeking SM, 50s, for friendship, casual relationship, or LTR. 309776
A CARING HEART Outdoorsy, flexible, nurturing, feminine woman, 50s, likes camping, long drives, travel, coffee shops, taking walks. Seeking male, 40-59, for LTR. 309777
GOOD VALUES Caring, personable, compassionate, classy, hard-working female, 50s, likes music, dancing, travel, reading, museums, dining, the beach. Seeking SM, 50s, for friendship, possibly more. 309780
WAITING ARMS Caring, educated, honest, optimistic, hard-working SF, 30s, enjoys travel, dining out, long drives, the beach, reading, walks, hiking, music and more. Would like to meet like-minded man, 30-40, for LTR. 313123
TAKE A CHANCE ON ME Motivated, outdoorsy, honest, health-conscious woman, with good values and optimistic attitude, likes most kinds of music, dining out, walks, camping, travel and relaxing time at home. Seeking a nice, honest, active man, 30-40, with similar interests, to spend time with, possible leading to LTR. 313124
MANY FINE QUALITIES Caring, outdoorsy, honest, artistic, hard-working SF, early 50s, optimistic homebody with good values, has many interests including music, dining out, museums, travel, long drives, reading, walks, camping, biking and more. Looking for an honest, down-to-earth SM, 50-70, for friendship and dating first, possibly leading to something more serious. 313126
ADORABLE AND BRIGHT Caring, friendly, goal-oriented, feminine, honest, compassionate woman, 60s, likes travel, exercise, music, hiking, long drives, dining out, the beach, reading and more. Seeking a great companion, 50-70, to share these activities and quiet times with. 313128
COMPASSIONATE Friendly, honest, artistic, outdoorsy, caring SF, 30s, likes watching tv, dancing, the beach, travel, walks, music, hiking, museums, dining out, more. Searching for a partner in life, 30-50, for possible LTR. 313131
OUTGOING AND FUN Compassionate, caring, friendly, honest SF, 20s, likes going to clubs, camping, hiking, reading, the beach, dining out, more. Looking for a down-to-earth, easygoing man, 22-35, for LTR. 313136
LIKE GOING OUT? Honest, goal-oriented personable, artistic, sophisticated, hardworking SF would like to meet a SM, 40-60, who enjoys travel, walks, the beach, music, reading, camping, long drives, museums, tv, dining out, dancing and more. Seeking LTR. 313138
SEEKING LTR Honest, compassionate, artistic, friendly, goal-oriented, caring SF, 50s, health-minded with good values, into music, the beach, dancing, tv, travel, museums, walks, reading and more. Would like to meet SM, around the same age, for companionship. 313139
LIKE PBS? Personable, caring, goal-oriented friendly, artistic, compassionate woman, with good values, likes coffee shops, music, reading, walks, travel, dancing, dining out and more. Looking for honest, respectful man, 50-70, for LTR. 313143
WOMAN WITH GOOD VALUES Friendly, caring, honest, compassionate, classy lady, 20s, wants to meet a man in his 20s for camping, shopping, travel, dining, long drives and walks, and more! Friendship possibly leading to more. 299374
LETâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S MEET FOR DINNER Caring, honest, flexible, compassionate woman, 60s, loves dancing, travel, reading, dining out. Seeking similar man, 60s, for LTR. 301189
LOOKING FOR LTR Friendly, feminine, nurturing, captivating, bright, personable woman in her 50s who enjoys night clubs, television, dining, dancing, surfing, music, seeks similar male, 40-60, for LTR. 301191
OUTDOORSY Bright, compassionate, honest, friendly, adaptable woman, 50s, seeks SM, 40-60, who enjoys dining, dancing, beaches, taking walks, for casual dating or LTR. 301192
HONESTY A MUST Hard-working, honest, optimistic, nurturing, flexible, motivated SF, 50s, likes biking, the beach, travel, dancing, hiking, reading, music, seeks similar man, 50s, who is ready for LTR. 301198
Men Seeking Women NO GAMES OR DRAMA WM, 6â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, 190lbs, brownish-gray, hazel, goatee, loves playing pool, the outdoors, football, trying new things. Looking for a lady, 25-55, who wants to meet a nice guy. 323674
HANDSOME BM... 65, seeks female for fun-loving adventures and relaxation. I love cooking, surprises, and giving gifts. 302811
LONG HAIR A PLUS Good-looking Native American male, 5â&#x20AC;&#x2122;8â&#x20AC;?, 220lbs, long hair, in search of a Hispanic or Native American woman, 50s, for friendship first and companionship. 304173
SEEKING AN OPEN MIND SBM, 33, 250lbs, smoker, enjoys cars, long walks, working out. Looking for SF, 20-65, kids ok, for possible relationship. 304990
PACIFIC NORTHWEST Casual guy, enjoys mountain and beach trips, walks, outdoors, moonlit nights, cuddling. Seeking SWF, 40-56, slim/ medium build, to come spend quiet times in Pacific Northwest. 954499
SHARED JOY SWM, 59, 5â&#x20AC;&#x2122;9â&#x20AC;?, 160lbs, nicelooking, with good SOH, seeking woman to have fun with, race/ age unimportant. I like dancing, partying, shows and dining out. Call me! 972627
HAPPILY EVER AFTER Single white male, 46, 5â&#x20AC;&#x2122;11â&#x20AC;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, 190lbs, brown hair, blue eyes, Aquarius, interested in music, film, literature. Seeking the real deal, the storybook, the fairy tale princess. 323596
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LETâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S MEET FOR COFFEE Single white male, 76, 5â&#x20AC;&#x2122;6â&#x20AC;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, funloving family man, likes camping, boating, etc. Looking for a similar woman, 68-73. No drugs. 323442
SEEKING A REAL WOMAN WM, 6â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, 200lbs, blond/blue, a few tattoos, very athletic, loves the beach, bike rides, romantic evenings at home, great conversation. Seeking honest woman, 18-50, no games. 322539
COLLEGE PROF-SUMMERS OFF! Tall, dark, handsome, positive, athletic SM, 60, 6â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, 200lbs, looks 45, feels 35, loves life! A seafood vegetarian, non-smoker and light drinker. Loves the outdoors, hiking, walking, mountain biking, tennis, acoustic music, volunteer work, walks on the beach, traveling, long road trips, cuddling, spending time with someone special. 322787
Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;M NOT THE GUY... ...for long walks on the beach, dancing the night away. Retiree, 48, moderately disabled with MS, SSU grad, into jazz, films, progressive talk radio. San Francisco native seeks caring, happy lady, 40-50, for companionship. N/S. Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m a good listener, talk to me. Tell me about yourself. 219612
SPECIAL WOMAN SM, 48, black hair, brown eyes, very outgoing, great personality, likes photography, basketball, music, travel. Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m looking for a woman whoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s interested in dating and possibly more. 287933
PERSONABLE Shy SM, 50s, with good values, likes long drives, hiking, walking, travel, dining out. Looking for similar female, 40-60, ready for LTR. 301538
LOVES HORSES Healthy senior WM, 165lbs, N/S, loves animals, especially horses, theater, PBS. Seeking slender female for romance. 302170
ARE YOU THE ONE? Bright, artistic, caring, flexible, adorable guy, 50s, likes music, dancing, travel, the beach, dining out. Looking for similar female. 302306
LETâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S HAVE FUN! SHM, 34, N/S, no children, looking for a SH/WF, 24-32, for dating, possibly more. 302392
FUN, INTROSPECTIVE SWM, 52, 6â&#x20AC;&#x2122;4â&#x20AC;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, in good shape, likes classic movies, reading, hiking, classical music, sailing, the outdoors, travel, the symphony. Looking for SF, 22-50, similar interests. 301801
STARTING OVER Separated WM, loves hockey, the outdoors, golf, staying in and watching movies, gardening and more. Would like to meet someone fun who wants to enjoy life. Call me and lift my spirits. 282029
GOOD SENSE OF HUMOR SWM, 59, 5â&#x20AC;&#x2122;11â&#x20AC;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, 180lbs, nonsmoker, blue eyes, sandy brown hair, enjoys fishing, beaches, dining out and more. Seeking female, 55-65, for possible relationship. 309857
FRIEND LOVER SOULMATE SWPJM, 56, 5â&#x20AC;&#x2122;10â&#x20AC;?, blue eyes, sandy brown hair, kind, passionate, artistic, sincere, committed and fun, enjoys ocean walks, travel, arts, food, wine and nature. Seeking SF, 50-62, kindred spirit, kind, soft, sensuous, for lifeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s adventures together. 309779
GET TO KOW ME SBM, 53, 6â&#x20AC;&#x2122;1â&#x20AC;?, 190lbs, looking for a fun, loving woman, 25-65, with a good personality, who likes having a good time, the beach, horseback riding, movies, walks and more. 314332
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Men Seeking Women LTR AND LOVE IN BOOTS Italian Taurus, SM, 45, 6’, 218lbs, N/S, N/Drugs, N/D, long hair, educated, published, financially/ emotionally secure, respectful, inspiring, tender, great sense of humor, enjoys alternative music, dancing, movies, animals, cooking, conversation, mountains. Seeking thin, dancing SWF, 1833, in boots for LTR. 315052
HOPE TO FIND YOU Sociable, good-hearted, compassionate, healthy gentleman, 63, published writer/poet, D/D-free, non-drinker, enjoys quiet times, home, sports, simple times. Seeking loving, happy, intelligent woman to share life, love, possible LTR. Bay Area preferred. 224839
LOOK NO FURTHER SWM, 30, 5’4’’, looking for a woman, 30-40, who wants to hang out and get to know each other. 317907
COOKING FOR YOU! SWM, 62, 5’10”, 170lbs, N/S, light drinker, clean shaven, hazel eyes, self-employed, loves cooking, jazz and traveling. Seeking a similar woman, 50-80, race unimportant, for possible LTR. 318883
ONE GOOD MAN LEFT SHM, 32, N/S, likes soccer, running. In search of SA/BF for friendship first possibly leading to more. 319059
JUST MOVED HERE SWM, 5’7’’, 190lbs, brown eyes, wants to meet soulmate in similar SF, 30-55. I love swing dancing, travel, gourmet cooking, animals, nature. 305800
SOMEONE LIKE ME SWM, youthful 51, 5’11’’, 200lbs, dark hair, hazel eyes, looking for a lady, 40-59, who likes to party, is outgoing, adventurous. 319319
EASY ON THE EYES Outgoing, good-looking WM, 6’, 175lbs, salt-n-pepper/blue, good sense of humor, spontaneous, romantic, adventurous, likes weekend getaways, concerts and more. Seeking honest, appreciative woman, 22-65, who has goals in life. 320839
JACK OF HEARTS Handsome dude, 57, good SOH, interesting, spontaneous, fun, adventuresome, looking for attractive woman. I enjoy dancing, concerts, dining out, hiking, beach combing and holding hands also loves animals, dogs, cats and horses. Happy trails! 201639
WELL-TRAVELED WRITER Sensitive, compassionate, honest WM, warm, open, considered attractive, wonderful listener, quiet entertaining, likes most kinds of movies, music, travel, more. Seeking WF, 52-71, for possible relationship. 323098
LOOKING FOR LTR SM, 31, outdoorsy, honest, compassionate, seeks SF, 22-35, who enjoys travel, television, camping, taking walks, the beach and more. 301200
SOPHISTICATED Caring, compassionate, hardworking, goal-oriented, artistic SM, 40s, likes camping, dancing, travel. Searching for similar male, 30s, for LTR. 301536
LOOKING FOR A SF WHO... is independent, confident and takes care of herself. I like good movies, dressing up for a nice dinner out, skiing, bike rides, hiking, scuba diving, swing dancing, cooking. I’m an honest person who doesn’t believe in playing games. 301540
READY FOR LTR Shy, friendly, caring, clean-cut, classy SM, 50s, enjoys music, camping, travel, long drives, hiking, beaches, seeks similar woman, 30-50, for LTR. 302300
LOOKING FOR LTR Hard-working, healthy, personable, honest, compassionate man, 40s, likes camping, travel, hiking, long drives, beaches. In search of similar female, 30s, for friendship leading to LTR. 302302
SOMETIMES MISCHIEVOUS Optimistic, honest, clean-cut, caring, outdoorsy man, 50s, likes music, walks, long drives, running, watching tv, museums, dining out. Seeking SF, 50s, for companionship. 313135
FRIENDSHIP FIRST Caring, honest, nurturing SM, 60s, enjoys music, watching tv, walks, camping, coffee shops, hiking and museums. Looking for SF, 30-70, for dating possibly leading to LTR. 313144
LTR AND LOVE IN BOOTS Italian Taurus, SM, 45, 6’, 218lbs, N/S, N/Drugs, N/D, long hair, educated, published, financially/ emotionally secure, respectful, inspiring, tender, great sense of humor, enjoys alternative music, dancing, movies, animals, cooking, conversation, mountains. Seeking thin, dancing SWF, 1833, in boots for LTR. 315055
LET’S MEET FOR COFFEE SM, 20s, bright, artistic, ambitious, optimistic, personable, likes dining, travel, the beach, walking, exercise. Seeking female, 20s, for possible relationship. 318319
COMPASSIONATE SM, 60s, with good values, likes camping, dancing, dining, reading, hiking, walking, biking. Looking for SF, 50s, for LTR. 318320
KISSING & CUDDLING Single man in Sonoma County, extremely romantic, looking for an equally romantic partner. I love soft kisses, snuggling on the couch, and making you laugh! 315225
NATURE LOVER Health-conscious, honest, wise, spiritual, artistic, friendly female, 50s, enjoys philosophy, psychology, walking, reading, the beach. Searching for similar female, 50s, for long-term relationship. 302296
Alternative Lifestyles JOIN US Bi couple looking for a stud, a muffin or both. Satisfaction guaranteed. 323336
SANTA ROSA AREA WM, 41, looking for open-minded people who enjoy adult fun. I like adult movies, toys and looking for a couples and females. I can be orally bi depending on the chemistry. 323130
LET’S TALK! SWM, mid 30s, looking for discreet guys in the Larkfield area for friendship and fun. Call me! 300359
LOOKING FOR LOVE Seeking one man to love and care for completely and forever. Me: SBM, 50ish, affectionate, supportive, genuine, lots to offer. You: just be yourself, imperfect, mature older man, 70-90, with some humor, some laughter. Are you the one? 299175
COMPASSIONATE GUY Hard-working, classy, clean-cut, caring, honest male in search of a male, 58-69, who likes night clubs, television, travel, dancing, the beach, taking walks, exercise. 308996
WHERE ARE YOU? You are 35-45, very feminine, dark, mystical, spiritual, with a sense of humor, know what you like, and want to enjoy life, but not alone. I’m trying to find you, where are you? 310085
LOOKING FOR YOU SWF, 41, Santa Rosa area, looking for a SWF, 30-45, to hang out and have fun with. 318644
GREAT LEGS! Tall, slender cross-dresser, very nice legs, looking for men or a group of men. Give me a call, let’s have some fun! 318996
BD/SM SWM, submissive, wants one or two females or young male for BD/SM, watersports, torture, anal. Never did any of this before, but curious to try now! 319455
SEEKING COUPLES Good-looking bi male, 50, would like to meet bi man/woman couples for erotic interlude. 319986
TRIPLE PLAY Handsome, easygoing, discreet, polite gentleman, 57, enjoys couples. I am a WM, 6’, 190lbs, athletic build, well hung and Bi. I also like dominant women. 232423
STRAIGHTFORWARD FUN SWM, 39, looking for SF, 18-50, who likes to try new things and isn’t afraid of having a little fun! 304707
LET’S HAVE SOME FUN Male looking for an older gentleman, 35-65, to teach me the ropes. I haven’t been with too many people. I like watching adult movies and trying new things. 321782
JOIN US White couple looking for a female, 18-25, for fun, discreet times together. Give us a call. 311573
I NEED HELP! Married HM, 49, 5’11”, goodlooking, doesn’t get it at home. Looking for a wild woman with a high libido for a discreet sexual encounter. 322196
READY FOR FUN? SWM, 30, feminine bottom, looking for a top WM, 20-60, for good times and fun. Let’s see where it goes! 311892
FREAKY MAN... looking for a freaky, spontaneous, wild, erotic woman, 18-55, to get together and have some fun, adult times together. 322361
SPANK YOU VERY MUCH Woman, thou shalt be spanked. Gentle or hard, clothed or naked, whatever you deserve, by a sexy man who knows how to do it. 288495
SHE-MALE SEEKS GOOD TIMES Want to spend time with a man or a woman. I am very affectionate, beautiful, and love to be held. Interested? 279657
Women Seeking Women
TURN THE TABLES Handsome, sane, married WM, 57 is looking for a woman, who knows how to use a strap on, for ongoing, mostly daytime play. I will please you in any way that you want and I take directions well. 318288
CALL ME BiWM, handyman artist in Marin, 52, 5’6”, 180lbs, dirty blond hair, pale blue eyes, seeks couple or singles for fun in Marin or nearby. 293610
Men Seeking Men
COUPLE SEEKS WOMAN Very attractive, middle-aged, married white couple, she’s 5’2”, 125lbs, 34D. He is 5’11”, 172lbs. Both and very sensual and she is multi-orgasmic. We are N/S, light drinkers, heal-conscious, pleasant, non-pushy. Please be N/S, H/W proportionate, white, Hispanic or Asian, under 55. Bi or bi-curious ok. Discretion assured. Let’s have fun. 314002
KEEP IT DISCREET WF, 30s, dark/dark, light complexion, fun-loving, bi-curious, seeks discreet female, 28-55, to have fun and party with. 314779
WHATEVER YOU DECIDE! SM, 5’11’’, 170lbs, light brown hair, blue eyes, athletic build, shaved, smooth and sexy, wellendowed, into a wide variety of pleasures. Anything goes; role play, fantasy fulfillment, toys, porn, lingerie. Seeking couples and females to party and play. 316161
Get ready to meet someone special.
Missed Connections AMAZON KINDLE Hello, I met you Friday June 27 at the Russian River Brewing Company on Fourth St. in Santa Rosa. She may be a computer programmer from St. Helena Hospital and watched on this day 3 movies back to back in the theater on Fourth St. in the town of Santa Rosa The Love Guru by Mike Meyers, Wall-E and another film. And she sipped a little beer and read from her Amazon kindle. I would like to get in touch with this girl and ask her to edit my book. She is a perfect candidate for my book. Hope to hear from you. Phil. 274972
CORINA IN OLIVER’S Saturday at 4:00PM, You had 15-year-old twins with blacks belts in karate. I have two cute little kids. We talked about children and kale. Lunch? 311695
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Love Wine? PT work for wine + commission. Healdsburg boutique winery. Days and weekends. Call 707-495-1873
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Director of Nursing Services Professional Consulting Company seeking a Director of Nursing Services or Assistant Director of Nursing Services. (956) 358-4297, professionalconsultants@rock etmail.com
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Tankless water heaters, high efficiency toilets, recirculation, general plumbing needs 707.528.8228
Bohemian Classifieds 847 5th Street Santa Rosa, CA 95404 Monday through Friday, 8:30a.m. to 5:30p.m.
â&#x2030;&#x2C6; Deadline Fridays, 2:00pm
Organic and Earth friendly foods and supplies Scott Goree - Entertainment coordinator and business manager. 707.795.7358 home, 707.479.5481 cell redgore23@aol.com
$19.99 per month. HBO & Showtime Free. Over 50 HD Channels Free. Lowest Prices no equipment to buy! Call now for details: 877/238-8413. (AAN CAN)
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Lesbian Forming New Household in Sunny Sonoma
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Rural Hollister Home Private lot with a clean turn key home on a fully landscaped nearly a 1/2 acre overlooking views of mountains and valley. 3 bedroom, optional 4th bedroom. 831-636-8858
general marketing materials
Mark Schaumann 707.795.0924
526-4888 Ser ving Sono ma County 24 hours a day Senio r Disc ount
UpRoar 2009 Art Exhibit/Sale & Opening Party Heart of Chaos (see http://www.heartofchaos.net) proudly presents their 3rd annual UpRoar event. South First Billiards & Lounge (21+ venue) in Downtown San Jose on Friday, November 6, 2009 at 7:30pm and will feature live music by local bands and djs, live painting and belly dancing.
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Custom Cabinetry by Expert Craftsman With 30 years of experience; classical training in London and Milan; and expertise in a variety of styles, I out perform my clients` expectations. Incorporating sustainable forested materials with exotic hardwoods, fine veneers, inlay carving and custom molding. From design to installation, my work is guaranteed. Call for a free initial consultation. Philip Bertelli Woodwork 707-280-5732. Painting
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Massage • Reflexology Swedish/Shiatsu Open 7 Days: 10am-10pm
1626 4th St. Santa Rosa 707.526.6888
A Provider of Pleasure In a safe, relaxing, comfortable space by a “mature”, compatible, easy-going gentleman! Since 1991 I`ve provided pleasure to women, men, couples. Good virtues. NW Santa Rosa, Jimmy, (C) 707-799-4467 or (L) 707-527-9497.
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Need a relaxing massage? Come in for Swedish, Deep Tissue, Tui Na, Reiki, Lifestream, Acupressure and see what a difference it can make. Call 707.665.9020. First Time Client Special! 90 minutes for $60. Cindy Cross, C.M.T. 665-9020 By appointment only
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Grand Opening
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Call 707.527.1200
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Jake Quihuis, DC 707-523-9850 1819 Fourth Street • Santa Rosa
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Therapeutic Massage Center Boody Massage $55/hr Open 7 days 9-10pm
Foot Massage $19.99/45 min
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2460 Mendocino Ave., Santa Rosa 11.03.09-11.09.09
?</3?22 /?2G@;F D699 .@A?<9<4F For the week of Nov. 4 6g^Zh ($'&Ä)$&. I]ZgZ lVh V i^bZ l]Zc lZiaVcYh lZgZ Xdch^YZgZY Y^hbVa VcY jcegdYjXi^kZ# 6i WZhi i]Zn lZgZ i]dj\]i id WZ V lVhiZ d[ heVXZ! VcY Vi ldghi hi^c`n WgZZY^c\ \gdjcYh [dg ^chZXi eZhih# ;dg dkZg '%% nZVgh! bVcn bVgh]Zh! Wd\h VcY hlVbeh lZgZ [^aaZY l^i] Y^gi VcY igVch[dgbZY ^cid eaVXZh hj^iVWaZ [dg [Vgbh! ]djhZh VcY gZXgZVi^dcVa VgZVh# 7ji Vaa i]Vi ]Vh X]Vc\ZY ^c i]Z aVhi (% nZVgh# HX^ZcXZ ]Vh gZ]VW^a^iViZY i]Z gZejiVi^dc d[ lZiaVcYh! h]dl^c\ ]dl XgjX^Va i]Zn VgZ# I]Zn XaZVc idm^ch [gdb lViZg! ]Zae Xdcigda [addYh VcY hd^a Zgdh^dc! VcY VgZ ]dbZ id bdgZ W^dad\^XVa Y^kZgh^in i]Vc Vcn di]Zg ZXdhnhiZb# I]Z Xdb^c\ lZZ`h ldjaY WZ Vc ZmXZaaZci i^bZ [dg ndj id bV`Z V XdbeVgVWaZ XdckZgh^dc! 6g^Zh# HdbZi]^c\ ndj dcXZ YZbZVcZY dg jcYZgZhi^bViZY XdjaY WZXdbZ Vc ^che^gVi^dcVa XViVanhi#
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Meet Little Cat • Kitty of the Week
Place your pet related ad here today! Call 707.527.1200
HI, I'M CALLED LITTLE CAT - but I don't have a little personality! I've got a BIG one! This little charmer lives up to all the great billing that Tuxedo cats always get – she's a clown at heart, and can charm the pants off you! To learn more about adopting Little Cat or many other homeless animals at the Sonoma Humane Society, please visit us at 5345 Hwy 12 West, Santa Rosa (@ Llano Rd), open everyday from 126pm, or check us out online at www.SonomaHumane.org The Adoption Center is open 7 days a week from 12PM - 6PM and is located at 5345 Highway 12 West, Santa Rosa (just 5 miles west of Hwy 101 @ Llano Rd) www.sonomahumane.org
Meet Raider • Dog of the Week
Meet Miley • Bunny of the Week
This little charmer – a oneyear old Dachshund mix - is a real bundle of energy who just exudes self-confidence. No shy and retiring dog here – he loves to meet everyone and everything but definitely wants to be the main guy. To learn more about adopting Raider or many other homeless animals at the Sonoma Humane Society, please visit us at 5345 Hwy 12 West, Santa Rosa (@ Llano Rd), open everyday from 12-6pm, or check us out online at www.SonomaHumane.org
MEET MILEY THE BUNNY! How cute is this guy? This absolutely adorable 3 year old American Fuzzy Lop is just waiting for someone to recognize his stunning good looks and charmingly relaxed personality and bring him home. To learn more about adopting Miley or many other homeless animals at the Sonoma Humane Society, please visit us at 5345 Hwy 12 West, Santa Rosa (@ Llano Rd), open everyday from 12-6pm, or check us out online at www.SonomaHumane.org
The Adoption Center is open 7 days a week from 12PM - 6PM and is located at 5345 Highway 12 West, Santa Rosa (just 5 miles west of Hwy 101 @ Llano Rd) www.sonomahumane.org
The Adoption Center is open 7 days a week from 12PM - 6PM and is located at 5345 Highway 12 West, Santa Rosa (just 5 miles west of Hwy 101 @ Llano Rd) www.sonomahumane.org
To place your ad call 707.527.1200
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We provide treatment for: Oxycontin, Vicodin and Heroin utilizing replacement medications. We also treat Methamphetamine and other stimulant dependence. s 3UBUTEX 3UBOXONE AVAILABLE s 0ROVIDING 4REATMENT SINCE s #ONFIDENTIALITY ASSUREd
Golden Star Grafix Need a quality designer? Business cards, brochures, flyers, posters, digital collage, cd covers, photographic restoration, general marketing materials. Mark Schaumann 707.795.0924
Santa Rosa Plumbing
Centering Prayer Retreat Day This retreat day will offer a variety of contemplative prayer practices (centering prayer, prayer walk, lectio divina, journaling). Beginners welcome. Cost: $25. Sat, Nov 14, 10am - 5 pm, Journey Center, Santa Rosa, 707-578-2121, www.journeycenter.org
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Mahakaruna Buddhist Meditation Center Offers ongoing introductory and advanced classes. Weds at noon, Tues & Weds evenings 7:30â&#x20AC;&#x201C;8:45pm Prayers for World Peace, Sun, 10:30â&#x20AC;&#x201C;11:45am Everyone welcome. 304 Petaluma Blvd., North, Petaluma www.meditationinnorcal.org
10 AM - 3:30 PM, Saturday, November 14, 2009 Mahakaruna Buddhist Meditation Center 304 Petaluma Blvd. North, Petaluma $25 donation (includes vegetarian lunch) Join us for a peaceful day of contemplation, meditation, and silence to meditate on the fundamental states of mind that lead to liberation and enlightenment.
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Hearn Rd.
Santa Rosa Shambhala Meditation Center Free instruction and practice opportunities Tuesday 4:30-5:30 PM, Wednesday 7 PM, Sunday 10 AM - 11:15 AM. www.santarosa.shambhala.org
6th Annual JCC Meditation Retreat Bittul haYesh: Uncovering the Authentic Self. ALL WELCOME in spiritual practices of meditation, sacred Hebrew chant, mystical storytelling, yoga, nature, more. Dec 4-6, Petaluma. www.jccsoco.org/meditation or call (707) 528-4222 x 330
Storage Master Self Storage
The Journey Center: Christ-centered Spirituality, Healing, & Wholeness Reading room, art gallery, prayer/ meditation gatherings, spiritual journey resources, bodywork, bookstore, free WiFi. 1601 Fourth Street, Santa Rosa. www.journeycenter.org 707.578.2121
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We provide treatment for: Oxycontin, Vicodin and Heroin utilizing replacement medications. We also treat Methamphetamine and other stimulant dependence. s 3UBUTEX 3UBOXONE AVAILABLE s 0ROVIDING 4REATMENT SINCE s #ONFIDENTIALITY ASSUREd
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For Holidaze Boutique at Crosswalk Community Church, 445 South Mary Avenue, Sunnyvale. Date: Dec 5 and 6, 9am to 5pm. Email: pgraves@crosswalkchruch.com for information and application or call 408-736-3120.
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Sonoma County Showcase Sat., Nov. 7, 11am - 5pm. Free admission and parking for public! Grace Pavillion, Sonoma County Fairgrounds, Santa Rosa. Exhibitions, entertainment, door prizes, art, gifts. Call 24/7 to negotiate price of exhibition booth for business, non-profit, arts, crafts and farmers. 707-527-7563. www.sonomacoeventsunlimited.com
Santa Rosa Treatment Program can help.(707) 576-0818.
Relapse Doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t Mean Failure Santa Rosa Treatment Program can help. (707) 576 0818
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Golden Star Grafix Need a quality designer? Business cards, brochures, flyers, posters, digital collage, cd covers, photographic restoration, general marketing materials. Mark Schaumann 707.795.0924
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