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December 2-9, 2009 Vol. 1, No. 31

JunkieTown Santa Cruz has a serious heroin problem BY CURTIS CARTIER p11 ‘The Humbling’ of Philip Roth p23 | De Niro’s ‘Fine’ Line p37

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december 2-9, 2009


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A/<B/1@CH 1=; december 2-9, 2009 1=<B3<BA

Contents. P OSTS












p28 p30








ON THE COVER Photograph by Felipe Buitrago

115 Cooper St, Santa Cruz, CA 95060 831.457.9000 (phone) 831.457.5828 (fax) 831.457.8500 (classified) SCW@santacruz.com Santa Cruz Weekly, incorporating Metro Santa Cruz, is available free of charge, limited to one copy per reader. Additional copies of the current issue of Santa Cruz Weekly may be purchased for $1, payable at the Santa Cruz Weekly office in advance. Santa Cruz Weekly may be distributed only by Santa Cruz Weekly’s authorized distributors. No person may, without permission of Metro Publishing, Inc., take more than one copy of each Santa Cruz Weekly issue. Subscriptions: $40/six months, $76/one year. Entire contents Š 2009 Metro Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in any form prohibited without publisher’s written permission. Unsolicited material should be accompanied by a stamped, self-addressed envelope; Santa Cruz Weekly is not responsible for the return of such submissions.

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Posts. P osts. Messages M essages &

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EDITOR E D I TO R B@/17 6C97:: B@/ 17 6C97:: 6 (traci@santacruzweekly.com) (traci@santtacruzw a eeekly.com) STAFF STAFF WRITERS WRITERS @716/@2 D=< 0CA/19 @716/@2 D=< 0C CA/19 (richard@santacruzweekly.com) (richarrd@santtaacruzweeekly.com m)) 1C@B7A 1/@B73@ 1C@B7A 1/@ / B73@ (curtis@santacruzweekly.com) (curtis@santtacruzw a eeekly.ccom) 83AA71/ :CAA3<6=> 83AA71/ :CAA3 3<6=> (jessica@santacruzweekly.com) (jessica@santtacruzw a eeekly.com) CONTRIBUTING CONTRIBUTING EDITOR E D I TO R 16@7AB7</ E/B3@A 16@7AB7</ E/B3@A CALENDAR CALENDAR EDITOR E D I TO R >/C: E/5<3@ >/C: E/5<3@ (calendar@santacruzweekly.com) (calendar@santtacruzw a eeekly.com) POETRY POETRY EDITOR E D I TO R @=03@B AE/@2 @=03@B AE/@2 PROOFREADER P RO O F R E A D E R 83/<<3 A16CAB3@ 83/<<3 A16CAB3@ EDITORIAL EDITORIAL INTERN INTERN @C:/ /: </A@/E7 @C:/ /: </A@/ A /E7 0@7/< 6/@93@ 0@7/< 6/ /@93@ CONTRIBUTORS CO N T R I B U TO R S @=0 0@3HA<G @=0 0@3HA<G ;/C@33< 2/D72A=< ;/C@33< 2/D72A=< >/C: ; 2/D7A ;716/3: A 5/<B >/C: ; 2/D7A ;716/3: A 5/<B /<2@3E 57:03@B 83<< 7@3:/<2 /<2@3E 57:03@B 83<< 7@3:/<2 AB3>63< 93AA:3@ A1=BB AB3>63< 93AA:3@ A1=BB ;/11:3::/<2 <CBH:3 ;/11:3::/<2 <CBH:3 AB3D3 >/:=>=:7 >3B3 A63/ AB3D3 >/:=>=:7 >3B3 A63/ 1/@:73 AB/BA9G 1/@:73 AB/BA9G >/C: E/5<3@ ;=::G H/>> >/C: E/5<3@ ;=::G H/>>

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Send letters letteerrs to to Santa Santa Cruz Weekly, Weeeklyy, letters@santacruz.com letteerrs@san s nttaacruz.com or ttoo A Attn: ttn: LLetters, ettteeerrs, 115 Co ett et C Cooper ooper e St., Sant San Santaa Cruz, uz 95060. 060. Inclu Include udee cit city ittyy and phone inaccuracies known us. phone number number or email address. address. Submissions Subm missions mayy be be edited editteed for for or length, length clarity le leng cllaritt y or or ffactual ac aactual inac a curacies racies know nown ttoo us s.

<=22G¸A <CBBG <=22G¸A <CBBG 4=@ <CBH 4 =@ <CBH WOW, W OW, I ssaw aw tthe he p premier remier o off Tandy Tandy B Beal’s eal’s M Mixed ixed Nutz on night. her N utz show show o n UCSC UCSC ccampus ampus llast ast n ight. It’s Itt’s h er on Nutcracker but without ttake ake o n the the ttraditional raditional N utcracker b ut w ithout aall ll of on of the the ffamiliar amiliar story story aand nd a ffocus ocus o n tthe he sspectacle, pectacle, the the ffun un performances performances and and eespecially specially tthe he acts. acts. Iff yyou’re off tthe Vaudeville orr V Variete ou’re a ffan an o he New Neew V audeville o ariete scene scene tthen hen I think think you’d you’d do do well well to to see see how how iitt ccan an be used musical pacing be u sed iin nam usical ttheater heater ssetting. etting. The The p acing was part me. moving was tthe he p art tthat hat ssurprised urprised m e. It It keeps keeps m oving and dancers, and sso o do do the the jjugglers, ugglers, acrobats, acrobats, d ancers, ccomics, omics, aerialist describable performances. aerialist aand nd other other less less d escribable p erformances. The The show show makes makes use use of of some some local local talent talent but but also performers also iinvolves nvolves p erformers ggathered athered ffrom rom distant distant exotic exotic aareas reas ((S.F., S.F., Seattle, Seattle, China, China, Watsonville Watsonville . . ..). myself off ). II’m ’m a Variete Variete performer performer m yself I see see a lot lot o shows. Santa blessed have Beal. shows. S anta Cruz Cruz iiss b lessed tto oh ave Tandy Tandy B eal. That’s magic holiday Th hat’s a m agic h oliday sshow. how. Tom T oom ‘Bubble Man’ Noddy, Noddyy, Sant ta Cruz Santa


B63 >/@3<B B@/> B 63 >/@3<B B@/> TO T OS SET ET T tthe he rrecord ecord sstraighter traighter rregarding egarding A Alastair lastair Bland’s Court� Nov. B land’s ““Disorder Disorder iin n tthe he C ourt� ((Currents, Currents, N ov. describes 118): 8): ““Parental Parental aalienation� lienation� d escribes tthe he rrelational elational problem obtaining when parent badmouths p roblem o btaining w hen a p arent b admouths other parent whom have ttheir heir cchild’s hild’s o ther p arent ((from from w hom tthey hey h ave places sseparated) eparated) tto o tthe he cchild, hild, aand nd p laces tthe he cchild hild iin n aan n bind, precluding iinextricable nextricable b ind, ffrequently requently p recluding tthem hem having with both parents. ffrom rom h aving a rrelationship elationship w ith b oth p arents. Common without C ommon ssense ense aalone, lone, w ithout aany ny aapplication pplication off aadvanced psychology, uss aall o dvanced ttraining raining iin np sychology, iinforms nforms u ll unfortunately happen. The tthat hat tthis his ccan an ccertainly, ertainly, u nfortunately h appen. Th he aassociated ssociated syndrome syndrome refers refers to to tthe he cchild hild eexhibiting xhibiting both one parent b oth aan n aaversion version tto oo ne p arent aand nd a perfervid perfervid degree off solicitude other, d egree o solicitude toward toward the the o ther, with with whom whom primarily tthey hey ttypically ypically p rimarily rreside—symptoms eside—symptoms highly highly disparagement ssuggestive uggestive that that a ccampaign ampaign of of d isparagement of of parent, direct off tthe tthe he p arent, if if not not d irect intimidation intimidation o he cchild, hild, iiss iin n fact fact occurring. occurring. The Th he most most courts courts do do in in response response is is place place the the doing cchild hild iin n therapy, therapy, while while paradoxically paradoxically d oing nothing behavior off the parent n othing tto o ccurb urb the the b ehavior o the p arent tthat’s hat’s

ccausing ausing tthe he cchild’s hild’s d distress. istress. W While hile C California alifornia llaw aw d oes p rescribe a p arent’s w illingness tto o does prescribe parent’s willingness eeffectuate ffectuate tthe he cchild’s hild’s rrelationship elationship w ith tthe he o ther with other p arent aass a ffactor actor ffor or tthe he ccourt ourt tto o cconsider, onsider, iin n parent p ractice p arental aalienation lienation iiss n ever d ispositive iin n practice parental never dispositive aawarding warding ccustody. ustody. Available mothers, mothers, i.e., i.e., tthose hose w ho aare re Available who n ot iincarcerated ncarcerated o iving iin nd etox ccenters, enters, not orr lliving detox w ho cchoose hoose tto od o sso o ccan an u sually eeffectively ffectively who do usually d isenfranchise a ggood ood ffather, ather, cconsigning onsigning tthe he disenfranchise cchildren hildren tto o sseeing eeing h im o nly a ccouple ouple o undays him only off S Sundays am onth, o ven m uch lless ess ffrequently. requently. Only Only iiff month, orr eeven much tthe he child child does does absolutely absolutely terribly—to terribly—to tthe he ttune une o falling several several years years behind behind iin n sschool chool aand nd off falling ssocial ocial aand nd emotional emotional development, development, o ecoming orr b becoming cchronically hronically involved involved with with jjuvenile uvenile aauthorities— uthorities— w ill the the court court rreverse everse and and ggive ive primary primary ccustody ustody tto o will tthe he ffather. ather. It’s It’s actually actually these these actions actions o he ccourts ourts off tthe tthat hat aare re aanimating nimating tthe he ccomplaints omplaints o embers off m members o athleen Russell’s Russell’s and and the the o ther o rganizations off K Kathleen other organizations ffeatured eatured iin n tthe he aarticle. rticle. William W illiam i L. L Spence, Spence, Sa anta Cruz Santa

j #

A/<B/1@CH 1=; december 2-9, 2009 >=ABA


Higher Ed Crisis Protects The Wealthy 0G >3B3@ >67::7>A


TUDENTS are protesting the 32 percent increase in tuition imposed by the UC regents in a time of severe state deficits. The Board of Regents claim that they have no choice. Students will now have to pay over $10,000 in tuition annually for a public university education that was free only a few decades ago. The corporate media spins the tuition protests as if we are all suffering during the recession. For example, the San Diego Union Tribune wrote on Nov. 20, “These students need a course in Reality 101. And the reality is that there is virtually no segment of American society that is not straining with the economic recession. With UC facing a $535 million budget gap due to state cuts, the regents have to confront reality and make tough choices. So should students.� Yet the reality is something quite different. Our current budget crisis in California and the rest of the country has been artificially created by cutting taxes on the wealthiest people and corporations. The corporate elites in the U.S., the top 1 percent who own close to half the wealth, are the beneficiaries of massive tax cuts over the past few decades, while at the same time working people are paying more through increased sales and use taxes and higher public college tuition. The wealthy hide their money abroad. Rachel Keeler with Dollars & Sense reports that, over the years, trillions of dollars in both corporate profits and personal wealth have migrated offshore in search of rock-bottom tax rates and the comfort of no questions asked. Offshore banks now harbor an estimated $11.5 trillion in individual wealth alone, and were a significant contributing factor to the international economic downturn in 2008. According to the California Budget Project, tax cuts enacted in California since 1993 cost the state $11.3 billion dollars annually. Had the state continued taxing corporations and the wealthy at rates equal to those 15 years ago, there would not be a budget crisis in California. Even though a budget deficit was evident last year, California income tax laws were changed in February of 2009 to provide corporations with even greater tax savings—equal to over $2 billion per year. Higher education has been cut in 28 states in the 2009–10 school year, and even more drastic cuts are likely in the years ahead. The California State University system is planning to reduce enrollments by 40,000 students in the fall of 2010. The CSU Trustees have imposed steep tuition hikes and forced faculty and staff to take nonpaid furlough days equal to 10 percent of salaries. The students who are protesting tuition increases know they are being ripped off. They know that we are bailing out the rich with hundreds of billions dollars for Wall Street and massive budget cuts for the rest of us. The corporate media doesn’t explain to overtaxed working families how they are paying more while the rich sock it away. The current economic crisis is a shock and awe process designed to undermine low-cost higher education, force labor concessions from working people and protect the wealthy. We need higher taxes on the corporations and the top 1 percent, combined with free public college education and tax breaks for working families. And we must have a media that tells us the truth about inequality and wealth. A true economic stimulus increases spending from the bottom up, not the top down. Peter Phillips is a professor of sociology at Sonoma State University, president of Media Freedom Foundation and recent past director of Project Censored.


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december 2-9, 2009











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My husband’s h husband’ s job job.. EVOb¸a g]c` TOd]`WbS ab`SSb- EVO b¸a g]c` TOd]`WbS ab`SSb-

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The wrapping w on a new new CD—you CD —you ave to br eak the ccase ase to op e it. en almost have break open almost ha Arrrr rrrrgh. Arrrrrrrgh.

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) ssubmit u b m i t your y o u r public p u b l i c eye e y e photo p h o t o to t o publiceye@santacruz.com p u b l i c e y e @ s a n ta c r u z . c o m (


LLocal ocal Poets, Poets, LLocal ocal IInspiration nspiration ¡¡A9/B30=/@2 @=;/<13¸ A 9 /B 3 0 =/ @ 2 @ = ; / < 1 3 ¸ Ab boy oy w with ith a sshaved haved h head ead aand nd a wiry wiry ggirl, irl,

of of their their supple, supple, muscular muscular legs, legs, sweet sweet limbs limbs later later

black ponytail past b lack p onytail ttrailing, railing, fflash lash p ast tthe he window window

to to be be entwined entwined on on a bed bed somewhere, somewhere, at at least least

on perfect May o n tthis his p erfect M ay aafternoon, fternoon, Monterey Monterey

as as I can can see see them them through through my my own own quick quick past. past.

purple outline bay, ap up ur ple o utline aacross c oss tthe cr he b ayy,, llike ay ike the the sslope lope

It It was was on on days days like like this, this, under under such such a sky, sky,

off a tthigh profile, o high iin np rof ile, a rreclining eclining nude’s nude’s

my my summer summer flowered f lowered without without my my knowing knowing how how

with ggift ift tto o tthe he llight ight iin n tthe he sspring pring ssky, ky, ccut ut w ith streaks streaks

fleeting f leeting it it was, was, like like those those kids kids who who just just whizzed whizzed by. by.

off b bird overhead wires, o ird fflight, light, o verhead w ires, ccar ar eexhaust xhaust kids on powered byy tthe aand nd k ids o n sskateboards kateboards p owered b he grace grace

—Stephen — St Steephen K Kessler e essler

St Stephen tephen e K Kessler’s essler’ e ’s most rrecent eecent bbooks ooks include ‘Burning Daylig Daylight’ ght’ (p oems), ‘Desolation of the t Chimera’ bbyy LLuis uis C eernuda (poems), Cernuda (t ranslation) and ‘Mo vin ng T ar arggets: On P oetss, P oetry & (translation) ‘Moving Targets: Poets, Poetry T rranslation’ (essays). His Hi edition of ‘The Sonnets off J or orge g LLuis u uis Translation’ Jorge Bor rgges’ is due in April 20 010 fr rom o P eenguin. Borges’ 2010 from Penguin. P oet R oobert Sw ard edits ‘L ocal P oets, LLocal ocal Inspiration, ch Poet Robert Sward ‘Local Poets, Inspiration,’’ whic which app earrs the ffirst ir irsst w eek off each month. appears week

8 |

december 2-9, 2009


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Karen Ne Nevis evis $ Calendar 2010 Cale endar


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Currents. C urren ents.

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woman ccompany ompany also a prides itself on go od en vironmental a practic es. good environmental practices. “I’ve always alwayys been been n interested interested in having haavving “I’ve m b Iw anted to do myy own business business,, but wanted something to giv b givee back to the world society way,� Brendlen says. or so ciety in some w ay,� Br endlen sa ays y. “Makee a p positive change.� “Mak ositive ch hange.� She says saays y the economic econ nomic troubles troubles that began September helped shape b egan last l t Septemb Se te ber help hel ed shap h e her he philosophy. philosoph y. “A their futures, “A lot of people people lost l futures, that’s wanted and that ’s kind of what w Iw anted to structuree m myy ccompany around, structur omp pany ar ound, so it’s way it ’s a w ay of giving back, of making sustainable.� Brendlen says. something sust ainaable.� Br endlen sa ys. wanted leave positive “I w anted to lea ve a p ositive ffootprint. ootprint. Brendlen Brendlen designss the screenprinted screenprinted patterns prepat terns and buys the t clothing pr efrom American made ade fr om Americ o e caan ccompanies, ompanies o pa e , in both traditional textile areas b oth the traditiona al te xtile ar eas of the seaboard and West Coast. Eastern seab oard an nd the W eest C oast. “A “A lot of the girl stuff stufff is made in California, buy from C aliffo ornia, and I bu uy a lot fr om back Brendlen says. don’t ’t East,�� Br endlen sa ayyss. “Right now I don sew anyy off the clothes m myself. cut and se w an yselff. I around other dig ar ound ffor o or othe er ccompanies.� ompanies.�

T clothing line The line,, which ranges rangees fr from om men’s women’s me en’s and women ’s wear to hats and hoodies, California style yle ho odies, has a laid-back C aliffo orniia st that keeps both trendy tha at k eeps the line b oth tr endy and a ccasual. asual. sells online and has a location D Doja location a Portola Drivee near 41st Avenue on P ortola Driv Avenu ue in Santa wheree Br Brendlen San nta Cruz, wher endlen provides provides v custom screening cus stom to scr ee i g and eening d graphic g hi design deesign e ig as well. we ll. Doja’s S plans to expand She expand Doja ’s organic organic g linee and eeventually ventually add hemp to the mostly clothing.. mo ostly ccotton otton clothing stake we “ “The rreal eal issue at st ake is not that t need organic clothing,, bu but nee ed to wear or ganic clothing ut that ablee and we need to put ffood ood on the ttable support jobs.� Brendlen says. sup pport our jobs .� Br endlen sa ayys. “The more local makee something something, mo ore lo cal we mak g, the t more we’re about mo ore we o e’re go goingg to o ccare aare aab out it.� ou i � bee a ccalling B all ccounts By ounts it seems to b alling Brendlen. “I’vee tra traveled over, ffor or o Br endlen. “I’v aveled all o ver, was and d if I w as living in another ccountry ou untry encourage thing,� I would w enc ourage the same thin ng,� says. shee sa ayys. ““And A And eeven ven though I’m a small I’d likee to think I ccan makee a ccompany, om mpany, I’ d lik an mak m bigg impact.�� 0

THE BREAKDOWN ;7AA </BC@/: ; 7AA </BC@/: Ja Jaylyn aylyn B Brendlen rendlen iin nD Doja’s oja’s sstorefront torefront oon n Po Portola r to l a D Drive. rive.

Business B u s i n e ss U Unusual nusual If you you don’t don n’t like like the w way ay business ay is done, ch hange it yyourself ourself s change 0G @C:/ /: </A@/E7 0G @ C : / / : < / A @ /E 7


N NOVEMBER NOVEMBER 2008, 2008, Jaylyn Jaylyn B rendlen finally f inally decided decided to to live live Brendlen h er dream dream and and sstart tar t her her own own her cclothing lothing ccompany. ompany. There There was was just just one problem: problem: how how to to do do it it without without one exploiting children, children, women women or or the the exploiting p eople of of a Third Third World World country. countr y. people So she she decided decided to to begin b egin her her own own So venture and and do do things things differently. diffferently. venture

Doja—which stands Doja—which stands for for Defining Def ining O ur JJobs obs as as Americans—is Americans—is a clothing clothing Our ccompany ompany b ased on on a sustainable sustainable based m odel, using using m aterials grown gro r wn and and model, materials p ro duced iin n tthe he U nited States States as as produced United w ell aass A merican labor, labor, w ith the the well American with ggoal oal of of supporting supp orting tthe he eeconomy conomy aand nd iimproving mpro oving m anufacturing sstandards tandards in in manufacturing tthe he clothing clothing industry. industr y. Brendlen’s Brendlen’s oneone -

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In the woods just outside Santa Cruz, heroin is laying waste to a hidden population


IMON* can’t find a vein. It seems that no amount of push-ups, pressure-point-holding, skin-slapping or finger-kneading will coax one to the skin’s surface. He’s got everything he needs otherwise: an isolated place in which to shoot up, some friends to keep a lookout, a syringe and three-quarters of a gram of hot,

freshly dissolved black tar heroin. But unless he can find a vein that hasn’t sunk too low into the f lesh from the weight of its own scar tissue, the wiry 38-year-old with a bristly brown beard and slightly yellow hue to his skin will start getting sick soon. “It’s like they’re scared of me,� he whispers. “Daniel,� a 36-year-old addict with a similar pallor, soon joins the hunt, poking and prodding the length of his companion’s limbs for any hints of

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blue. “Here’s one. . . . Shit. Never mind, that one’s no good.� *Names of current and former heroin users have been changed for safety or privacy.


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The two men and a third, “Tommy,â€? are in a leaf-littered cemetery in northern Santa Cruz with $60 worth of heroin purchased in the Pogonip. “Heroin Hill,â€? as it’s called by addicts and law enforcement, is a roughly 50-acre trash-strewn plot in the southeast section of the city-owned Greenbelt that’s known to addicts and cops as a substance abuse superstore with rock-bottom prices on heroin, methamphetamine, crack, marijuana, cocaine and pharmaceuticals. The $20 apiece that the three men scrounged together today recycling cans and doing what one calls “favorsâ€? bought them more than 3 grams of the drug, which almost everywhere else in the country would have cost between $150 and $400. Yet in Santa Cruz, and especially in Pogonip, savvy dealers—who police say are mostly SureĂąo gang members from Mexico—have found a way to flood the local market with cheap, readily available products, and they’re leaving a path of destroyed lives in their wake. “Fuck it. I’ll do it,â€? says Simon, brushing Daniel away and commencing with another round of push-ups. Daniel, meanwhile, turns the attention on himself, inching down his pants and

quickly finding one of two femoral veins that run on either side of his pelvis. For Daniel, these two 6-inch corridors are the last survivors in a three-year addiction that has cost him his home, his freedom, several friends and nearly his life on numerous occasions. All his other blood vessels, like his jobs, education, family and relationships, have sunk deep out of sight, covered by the scarred realities of a life chained to the needle. All except these two. He crunches the needle through the scab-crusted skin and slams the plunger down. Simon, still scouring for his own lucky vein, looks up from his task for a brief second. “At least you can find one,� he says, then tries his other arm.

Park Place Men like these are not new to Santa Cruz, and drugs being sold in Pogonip aren’t either. But the quantities at which both are increasing are, by all accounts, frightening. Santa Cruz Police Department records show a 41 percent spike in the number of arrests for narcotics possession and a 71 percent jump in arrests for narcotics distribution since 2008. Crimes like burglary, ¨


SANTACRUZ.COM december 2-9, 2009

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1=D3@ AB=@G j B63 6 0=;0 larceny (petty theft) and auto theft—all common ways that addicts fund their drug habits—have each increased by at least 20 percent since last year. Larcenies have, in fact, jumped 68 percent. Add that to the October murder of 16-yearold Tyler Tenorio, allegedly at the hands of the same SureĂąo gang that controls the Pogonip heroin trade and is known to finance its operations with drug sales, and it becomes clear that the network of violence, crime and money that swirls around the hard drug market affects more than those who ever come near a “20 bagâ€? of heroin.

An audit of death certificates shows that drug-related deaths in Santa Cruz County have increased 30 percent since 2008, with opiates playing a part in 89 percent of them.

“Many people who are using illegal drugs have limited income and are looking for quick ways to find ready cash to pay for their drugs,� says Santa Cruz Police Deputy Chief Patty Sapone. “In the parkland setting, people can go quickly into the park by the railroad tracks or by Highway 9 and exit the park quickly. It’s a convenient place away from the public eye and easily accessible.� More addicts are overdosing and more are dying in Santa Cruz County as well.

Drug overdoses treated at Dominican Hospital have increased 66 percent since 2005, with 201 cases already this year. An audit of death certificates provided by Santa Cruz County Office of Vital Records shows that drug-related deaths have increased 30 percent since 2008, with 22 such fatalities recorded from January through mid-November. And opiates are the No. 1 cause of those deaths, with heroin, methadone, hydrocodone and oxycodone listed as playing a part in 89 percent of narcoticsrelated deaths. Simon and Daniel both admit to two severe overdoses. One of Daniel’s was in a desert in Arizona where he nearly died of heat stroke. And Simon once OD’d at a house in Los Angeles, waking up barely breathing in a shower. Both say they’ve also witnessed friends dying in front of them. Yet both also remember a time when the drug was fun, when they did it with lovers and friends, going out to concerts and parties. Today, however, their brains have been altered. If following the typical course of addiction, the opiate receptors inside the men’s brains have been starved of natural pleasure-inducing dopamine, becoming instead dependent on heroin and its synthetic variety. Withdrawal triggers panic, and, as David Molina, a registered addiction specialist at the drug treatment center Janus of Santa Cruz, says, it jerks them into “an animalistic survival mode.� “The nature of addiction is survival,� Molina says. “Withdrawal is like the worst flu you’ve ever had, times a hundred. If you’ve ever looked into someone’s eyes who’s in full detox, it will chill you to the bone.�

The Buy It’s a brisk 15-minute walk north of Santa Cruz along the wooden railroad tracks and under the tall redwoods before the first heroin dealer makes himself known. “What you need? Chiva?â€? asks a short Latino man of about 25, rising from a squat along the side of the tracks and using a slang term for heroin, which also translates as “goat.â€? The man, who later says his name is Pedro, is sitting with two other Hispanic men and a white man. Between them is the bottom half of a Pepsi can, cut off and flipped over, its concave bottom functioning like a large spoon and still showing traces of a brown substance. The white man suddenly rises when another Latino man walks up the trail ¨ $

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and over to the gathering. Producing two bills of unknown denomination and handing them to the newcomer, he’s given a pea-size, plastic-wrapped item and immediately hustles down the tracks with it. “Sorry, man, can’t share,� he says quickly when caught up to a short distance away. “They got more up there, man.� A few days later, and nearly 15 hours since his last shot, Daniel is pale and shaky. Having just procured $20, he sets out on his well-trodden trek to Heroin Hill. He doesn’t get that far, however, as a block away from the Homeless Services Center on Coral Street an SUV slows down. One of the three Latino occupants waves at him, stopping and exiting the vehicle. Two men get out of the car, and, in plain sight, sell 1 gram of heroin to Daniel for $20. The drug, a sticky brownish black tar that reeks

sickly of vinegar with a hint of coffee, is wrapped in what appears to be shopping bag plastic. The dealers, who Daniel says often work out of Pogonip, are members of the SureĂąo gang. He says they’ll kill him if they find out he’s talking to a reporter. “Those guys are crazy. I’ve seen them make guys fight over dope before up at Pogonip. They’ll give the winner a $10 bag and the loser a $5 one. It’s sick,â€? he says. “But anyway, I’m gonna take this and go get myself straight. See you later.â€?

The Beat For officer Mike Medina of the Santa Cruz Police Department, Heroin Hill is a hellscape. A maze of escape trails and vantage points that’s littered with bloody rags, used needles and heaps of trash, it’s a setting in which all the chips are stacked in favor of the drug dealers. In order to catch anyone,

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search of her purse and jacket. Medina doesn’t find any drugs, but he notices a red, puffy blotch near her wrist that she seems unable to stop picking at. “You need to get that looked at,� he tells her after she admits that it’s from shooting heroin into her arm with dirty needles. “If it’s staph it can kill you.� Medina eventually lets both people off with a warning and tells them not to let him catch them up here again. It’s not the addicts police are targeting as much as the dealers, but on his own, the 20-year veteran knows he has little chance of catching one. Infinitely more capable of arresting dealers is the Santa Cruz County Anti-Crime Team, an elite squad of undercover and specially trained agents picked from the top ranks of the California Department of Justice, local police and sheriff ’s deputies. Commander Rich Westphal leads the team and routinely sends undercover agents to purchase drugs in the area and stage stings. Regardless, he says the dealers are often one step of ahead of him. “We’ll go up there one day and make a buy, no problem, then the next they’ll pretend they’ve never seen us before,� he says. “It’s frustrating for all law enforcement. It’s just an isolated place where the criminals have a lot of advantages.�


he’s got to get creative. “You see him? Watch this,� whispers the crouching officer, peering from behind a tree at a man pedaling his bike down the tracks, then suddenly whistling loudly. “The dealers will whistle at the guys when they come to buy. We’ve caught people before like this.� Today, however, the man on the bike isn’t buying the ruse and turns his bike around and pedals away. Medina shrugs and continues his afternoon patrol down the tracks. Soon, another man can be seen riding his bike toward the officer with a woman walking next to him. Before they can turn around, Medina calls out, asking them for identification and why they’re in the area. He knows the blonde woman, a 23year-old from Boulder Creek, by name. “You’re still on parole, right?� he asks. “Yeah,� she admits, and submits to a

One week after he couldn’t find a vein to shoot into, Simon finds himself bedridden at Dominican hospital with an IV tube wrangled into his blistered arm—his second time in two months. Sipping a bottle of Ensure, the now freshly shaven man lies with his scabbed legs elevated by the computer-controlled bed. He says he’s in a much better mood than the last time he came. Then, he’d been shooting into his femoral vein, like Daniel. Only, for Simon, the veins had become infected with deadly staph bacteria and the doctors had moved quickly to remove two abscesses from his pelvis that he says had 20 grams (“$400 worthâ€?) of unabsorbed heroin in them. Easily qualifying for Medi-Cal, Simon spent a month in the hospital with gauze packed in his open wounds and can no longer shoot in his femoral vein. “This time I just started feeling really bad and I wanted to be safe,â€? he says from his bed. “This time they found a blood clot in my arm. It’s something I really shouldn’t have at my age.â€? The blood clot isn’t quite as dangerous as the staph infection that could have ¨ '

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killed him two months prior. It will, however, require several days of intense antibiotics shots and up to a year of blood-thinning medication. Simon is also on 120 milligrams of methadone a day while he’s hospitalized. With his eyelids drooping low, he speaks with the same sluggish, gravelly cadence as he would on heroin. Indeed, methadone—like Vicodin, Percocet, morphine, Oxycontin and dozens of other common pharmaceuticals—is an opiate, and in Simon’s case is simply replacing one drug he normally takes in erratic binges with a similar one he takes like clockwork. “I have nothing but good things to say about the people here at Dominican, they’ve saved my life twice,� he says. “Does coming here make me want to quit? Not really.�

Clean It was 2am on a December night at Heroin Hill when “Mark� decided he wanted to give up heroin. He’d spent the better part of two hours looking for a useable vein that his 15-year addiction hadn’t ruined, and there, shivering in a wet tent and sleeping bag, surrounded

by his only remaining possessions, he says he met God. “I had just had enough,â€? says the tall 40-year-old musician, who has been clean now for 22 months. “I was camping up there, just living from one fix to another. I was either going to start robbing places again or give it up. And, yeah, whatever you want to call it, a ‘higher power’ or whatever, but I met God that night and I just said, ‘I can’t do this anymore.’â€? Mark puffs on Winston cigarettes furiously, but that and coffee are his only vices nowadays. He’s married to a woman he met in treatment. A woman he’s used with before, but whom he says is now as committed to staying sober as he is. He says he’s able to find joy in life again. “I pay bills now, I save money, you know?â€? he says, chuckling. “I think I got clean because I wanted to do things with my life. A lot of people don’t want to do anything, so I think I’m lucky in that way.â€? Mark, unless he relapses, is an ideal success story to those who treat addiction and to those looking to get ¨

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clean. Hopelessly addicted to alcohol and opiates and funding his habit with drug sales and theft, he has now run the gauntlet of treatment from methadone to 12-step programs and has emerged alive and looking forward. For counselors like Molina, who recently launched a virtual reality treatment program that allows addicts to join an online world where they connect with experts and practice refusal skills online, a recovered addict like Mark has been “reprogrammed.� “Addiction to opiates is not a moral failure. The brain has been changed,� says Janus Clinical supervisor Carol Morgan at her office on Emeline Avenue, which also houses the organization’s methadone clinic. “I believe it takes at least two years of methadone treatment to treat the addiction. The first year we need to stabilize their life and make it

not just about their next fix. Then we taper off their doses.� Simon and Daniel have both had stints of methadone treatment, and they’ve gone to 12-step meetings too. Their efforts, however, have always ended in relapse—usually after a quick trip to Pogonip. Even from his hospital bed, Simon says he’s much better off than his friend Daniel, who he calls “hopeless.� Yet it’s Daniel who says he wants to quit “more than anything.� “I want to get off this so bad, you have no idea,� he explains, his bones beginning to ache from the first pangs of withdrawal. “I see a lot of people that are clean and they have things. They have lives, you know? Just give me nine months of methadone and I could quit. I gotta do it soon, though, I only got a couple veins left.� 0

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december 2-9, 2009


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TThe he W Wrath rath of of R Roth ot h The princ princee of p American American a letters letters is in a dark darrk mood 0G AB3>63< 93AA:3@ 0G A B 3 > 6 3 < 9 3 A A : 3 @


VER THE VER TH HE LA LAST AST 20 20 years years or or sso o Philip Philip Roth Roth has has put put on on one one off tthe o he more more extraordinary extraordinary llate-season ate-season performances performances U.S. history. No bloomer, iin nU .S. lliterary iterary h istory. N o llate ate b loomer, Roth off h his with R oth ffrom rom tthe he vvery ery sstart tart o is ccareer areer w ith Goodbye, Columbus, G oodbye, C olumbus, which which nabbed nabbed the the National Book Award has won N ational B ook A ward iin n 11959, 959, h as w on high his h igh ccritical ritical aacclaim; cclaim; iin n 11969 969 h is ggreat reat novel Portnoy’s Complaint ccomic omic n ovel P ortnoy’s C omplaint was was a bestseller him ssensational ensational b estseller tthat hat vvaulted aulted h im iinto nto wide popular w ide p opular rrenown. enown. But But success success didn’t didn’t spoil spoil Roth. Roth. On On the the him on, ccontrary, ontrary, iitt sseemed eemed tto o sspur pur h im o n, aass hee p proceeded high-voltage middle h roceeded iinto nto a h igh-voltage m iddle with his off Z Zuckerman novels aage ge w ith h is sseries eries o uckerman n ovels Ghost Writer, Zuckerman Unbound, ((The The G host W riter, Z uckerman U nbound, The Anatomy The Counterlife) T he A natomy LLesson esson aand nd T he C ounterlif l fe) tthrough hrough tthe he llate ate 11970s 970s aand nd ’’80s. 80s. In In the the course course of of his his half-century-long half-century-long hee h has bagged major ccareer areer h as b agged eevery very m ajor lliterary iterary prize Nobel, off tthem p rize eexcept xcept tthe he N obel, ssome ome o hem ttwo wo orr tthree And o hree ttimes. imes. A nd ssince ince tthe he eearly arly 11990s 990s hee sseems not only have h eems n ot o nly tto oh ave aaccelerated ccelerated tthe he pace off h his production but out p ace o is p roduction b ut tturned urned o ut a off ffirst-rate books. His rremarkable emarkable rrun un o irst-rate b ooks. H is memoir m emoir Patrimony Patrimony and and such such knockout knockout novels Theater, Married n ovels aass SSabbath’s abbath’s T heater, I M arried a Communist, C ommunist, The The Human Human Stain Stain and and American American Pastoral have been new P astoral h ave b een ffollowed ollowed iin n tthe he n ew millennium byy a sseries off ttight, m illennium b eries o ight, iintense, ntense, wrought novellas The Dying ffinely inely w rought n ovellas llike ike T he D ying Animal, A nimal, Everyman Everyman and and Exit Exit Ghost. Ghost. It’s It’s not not that that he’s he’s necessarily necessarily gotten gotten better with but hee h has b etter w ith aage ge b ut tthat hat h as ssustained ustained off eenergy a cconsistent onsistent llevel evel o nergy aand nd aamplitude mplitude off aambition has made him his o mbition tthat hat h as m ade h im ffor or h is what Saul Bellow was ggeneration eneration w hat S aul B ellow w as ffor or tthe he previous one: dominant American p revious o ne: tthe he d ominant A merican novelist off h his n ovelist o is ttime. ime. Since Since the the much-overrated much-overrated countercounterhistorical The Plot Against America h istorical ffantasy antasy T he P lot A gainst A merica

6C;0:32 6 C;0:32 H His is latest latest novel novel hhas as P Philip hilip R Roth oth co considering nsidering hhis is m mortality ortalit y aand nd n not ot ppleased leased aabout b out iit. t.

in 2 in 2004 004 ((which which lliterate iterate lliberals iberals vvainly ainly w ished w ould ssomehow omehow d econstruct tthe he wished would deconstruct B ush regime), regime), R oth h as iissued ssued a string string Bush Roth has o hort n arratives, eeach ach u nder 2 00 off sshort narratives, under 200 p ages, which which ccontinue ontinue h is u nf linching pages, his unflinching eexploration xploration o he u ltimate ttheme, heme, off tthe ultimate D eath, culminating culminating ((for for n ow) iin nh is n ew Death, now) his new b ook, T he H umbling ((Houghton Houghton M iff lin book, The Humbling Mifflin H arcourt, 2 009, 1140 40 p ages, $ 22 h ardback). Harcourt, 2009, pages, $22 hardback). O nce aagain gain h ere, aass iin nh is o ther rrecent ecent Once here, his other eefforts, fforts, R oth ttackles ackles ssome ome o he m ost Roth off tthe most u npleasant b ut iinescapable nescapable rrealities ealities o he unpleasant but off tthe h uman ccondition, ondition, m ainly tthe he iimplacable mplacable human mainly ffact act tthat hat tthe he b ody ttires ires aand nd d ies eeven ven aass body dies tthe he sspirit pirit sstrives trives tto o ssurvive, urvive, m ourning iits ts mourning llosses osses w hile d esiring w hat iitt ccan’t an’t h ave: tthe he while desiring what have: p assionate iiff p assing p hysical vvigor igor o outh. passionate passing physical off yyouth. A ortnoy p roved, tthese hese p assions, Ass P Portnoy proved, passions, p rimarily ssexual, exual, ccan an b orment, b ut primarily bee a ttorment, but tthey hey iinfuse nfuse eexperience xperience w ith a vvital ital ccharge harge with tthat hat ffades ades ffor or m ost o ge. R oth most off u uss aass w wee aage. Roth h as rraged aged aagainst gainst ttime’s ime’s rravages avages ffor or has d ecades, b ut tthese hese llate ate b ooks ((the the aauthor uthor iiss decades, but books n ow 776) 6) ttake ake tthe he ffight ight tto o aanother nother llevel. evel. Iff now h is w riting iiss tto ob elieved, R oth iiss aangry ngry his writing bee b believed, Roth aatt n othing lless ess tthan han F ate, h umanity’s nothing Fate, humanity’s

primal doom, doom, each each person’s person’s personal personal death death primal sentence. The The heart heart of of the the matter matter is is how how sentence. one faces faces this this inexorable inexorable truth. truth. And And his his one protagonists seldom seldom do do it it with with grace. grace. protagonists In The The Humbling, Humblingg,, Roth’s Roth’s antihero antihero is is an an In aging actor actor named named Simon Simon Axler, Axler, a star star of of aging the Broadway Broadway stage stage who who now, now, in in his his midmidthe 60s, finds finds himself himself unable unable to to perform. perform. In n 60s, version of of stage stage fright, fright, or or what what athletes athletes a version call choking, choking, Axler Axler has has frozen frozen up up in in his his call latest plays plays and and come come to to the the conclusion conclusion latest that he’s he’s finished, finished, that that he he has has tarnished tarnished his his that reputation and and blown blown his his career, career, that that his his reputation blazing earlier earlier successes successes in in the the spotlights spotlights blazing have turned turned to to ash. ash. He He is is depressed, depressed, to to say say have the least, least, despairing despairing at at the the loss loss of of his his mojo, mojo, the charisma, genius, genius, juice, juice, whatever whatever you you call call charisma, the life life force force of of a performer. performer. the Into this this depression depression steps steps Pegeen Pegeen Into Stapleford, the the daughter daughter of of former former Stapleford, colleagues, a hot hot young young lesbian lesbian academic academic colleagues, who decides decides to to try try out out Axler Axler as as her her lover. lover. who Whatever gynogyno- or or homophobia homophobia Roth Roth Whatever may be be working working out out in in The The Humbling Humbling may feminist critics critics will will surely surely try try to to explain. explain. feminist What interests interests me me is is that that the the novelist novelist has has What

wrought aanother wrought nother high-tension high-tension ttale ale o off a m an p ast h is p eak w ho iiss ttrying rying to to ccope ope man past his peak who w ith h is d eclining p owers. Th he story story iiss with his declining powers. The ffat-free at-free ffor or aall ll 140 140 pages pages of of iits ts ggrim rim b ut but rrelentless elentless ttelling, elling, each each ssentence entence aan n eessential ssential sstep tep tto o tthe he next, next, tthe he n arrative sstripped tripped narrative o hetorical excess, excess, no no ttime ime tto ow aste o n off rrhetorical waste on eextraneous xtraneous detail. detail. Th he urgency urgency o oth’s The off R Roth’s aattack ttack on on tthe he fform orm m irrors tthat hat o is mirrors off h his tthematic hematic o bsessions. L ike eevery very m oment iin n obsessions. Like moment a ffleeting leeting llife, ife, every every w ord m ust ccount. ount. word must The Humbling Humbling is is strong strong and and stark, stark, from from The tthe he b eautiful jjacket acket design design by by M ilton beautiful Milton G laser tto o the the dark dark d ĂŠnouement o he Glaser dĂŠnouement off tthe ffinal inal p ages, aand nd iits ts vision vision iiss n othing iiff n ot pages, nothing not b leak. It t’s hard hard tto o say say w hether A xler iiss a bleak. It’s whether Axler ttragic ragic o athetic figure, figure, a Shakespearean Shakespearean orr p pathetic o hekhovian h ero, o just an an absurd absurd orr C Chekhovian hero, orr just eembodiment mbodiment o ife’s aarbitrary rbitrary b reaks. ““Yes, Yes,â€? off llife’s breaks. tthe he aactor ctor muses, muses, ““everything everything gruesome gruesome m ust b quarely ffaced. aced.â€? R oth tthe he aauthor uthor must bee ssquarely Roth m eets tthis his cchallenge hallenge w ith tthe he ssteel teel n erves meets with nerves o urgeon. off a ssurgeon. If you’re you’re looking looking for for comfort comfort or or If cconsolation, onsolation, llook ook eelsewhere. lsewhere. E xpect tto o Expect b unsettled b his ttroubling roubling b ook. 0 bee unsettled byy tthis book.

" j / 3 december 2-9, 2009 A/<B/1@CH 1=; / 3

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B63 :7<3C> Left to right are Jose Picazo, Mack Hesson and Derek Mather, the members of Almost Chaos.

Chaos Theory

A band of Santa Cruz teens looks to the national stage 0G 0@7/< 6/@93@


HILE THE members of Almost Chaos appear a little nervous between songs, the three young teens can’t help but smile when they start playing. And given their status as finalists in a national competition that will send them to Germany if they win, there’s a lot to grin about. The band, fronted by the talented 13-year-old singer Jose Picazo, plays an impressive mixed set of originals and covers. Mack Hesson, age 12, is all smiles as he keeps the rhythm for the band. He also shares backup vocal duties with guitarist Derek Mather. The confident 14-year-old plays technically complex and flawless, albeit a little lackluster, solos with a nonchalance that displays his eight years of experience. Noticing a group of giggling tween girls gathered around to watch Almost Chaos play at Streetlight Records in Santa Cruz, I asked them after the show if they started the band in order to impress the girls in their grades. After a resounding no, Derek insists that was “not the intention of it,� but his band mates admit that it has helped with the ladies. They started the band a year and a half ago after participating in Be in Your Own Band, a Parks and Rec program. In the short time they’ve been together, Almost

Chaos has played many fundraisers as well as some of Santa Cruz’s favorite venues. “We’ve played at the Crow’s Nest, we’ve played the Catalyst,� Jose says. The boys are optimistic about the future. Mack explains that Santa Cruz can look forward to “more originals,� while Derek boasts, “I have a lot of music and [Jose] has a lot of lyrics.� The teenage years that lie ahead will likely provide the angst and swagger lacking in their otherwise flawless set. As for now, the band is currently on a path to join nine other bands from across the nation to compete in the School Jam USA contest, where they’ll earn funding for new equipment for the band and their school as well. Santa Cruz is well represented in the contest. Almost Chaos is currently second in the West Region standings, while another Santa Cruz band, Jackie Rocks, is in a close third. A third local crew, Rapid Fire, is seventh out of 10 West Coast bands. The top two bands will go to Anaheim, where the winner will be sent to Germany to play in Frankfurt.

To vote for a band, log on to schooljamusa.com.

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A/<B/1@CH 1=; december 2-9, 2009 AB/53 /@B 3D3<BA

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Email it to calendar@santacruzweekly.com, fax it to 831.457.5828, or drop it by our office. Events must be received by Wednesday at noon one week prior to publication. Placement cannot be guaranteed.

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;CA71 4=@ B63 43/AB =4 16@7AB;/A Like the Mormon Tabernacle Choir, only smaller and without the belief in an afterlife spent on distant planets, the Cabrillo Symphonic Chorus makes a huge, glorious sound that seems custom-made for holiday nostalgia. Part carol sing-along and part performance of master works, tonight’s concert in the acoustically sublime Holy Cross Church is repeated Saturday night and Sunday afternoon. Friday, Dec. 4, and Saturday, Dec. 5, at 8pm; Sunday, Dec. 6, at 4pm. Holy Cross Church, 126 High St., Santa Cruz. Tickets $20 general/$18 seniors and students, available at 831.479.6331 or www.cabrillochorus.org. (&# ;gZZ VYb^hh^dc# 9V^an &%Vb" +eb# *&% 7Vn 6kZ! 8Ve^idaV! -(&#),*#'*%%# <SfbA^OQS 8^Zad$H`n# HZZ Æ8^Zad$H`n!Ç BjhZjb d[ 6gi VcY =^hidgn# I]gj 9ZX +# &%& 8ddeZg Hi! HVciV 8gjo# AO\bO 1`ch ;]c\bOW\a /`b 1S\bS` I]Z <^[i d[ 6gi# AdXVa Vgi^hihÉ Y^kZghZ hZaZXi^dc d[ ]VcYXgV[iZY \^[ih ^cXajY^c\ _ZlZagn! iZmi^aZh! XZgVb^Xh! lddY! \aVhh! WVh`Zih VcY bdgZ# LZY"Hjc! cddc"+eb# .()& B^aa Hi! 7Zc AdbdcY! -(&#((+#)',(# AO\bO 1`ch Ab]dSa O\R 4W`S^ZOQSa Hjg[Éh Je# ;ZVijgZh eV^ci^c\h Wn B^X]VZa BdiZ! e]did\gVe]h Wn 7ddih BX<]ZZ VcY \aVhh hXjaeijgZh Wn BVgh]V 7aV`Zg VcY EVja 9ZHdbbV i]Vi XVeijgZ i]Z he^g^i d[ i]Z hZV VcY hjg[ XjaijgZ# Bdc"HVi! &%Vb"*eb# I]gj 9ZX '+# ;gZZ# &%)( LViZg Hi! HVciV 8gjo! -(&#),+#-%%,



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0/@0/@/ 03<7A6 UCSC Visiting Artist in Residence Barbara Benish tailored an installation for the Sesnon Gallery exploring environmentalism and human desire. Benish speaks at today’s reception and reads from The Giving Tree, the Shel Silverstein children’s story that inspired the piece, in the gallery on Saturday, Dec. 5, 2p–5pm. Reception Friday, Dec. 4, 5–6:30pm. Sesnon Gallery, Porter College, UCSC. 831.459.3606.

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/@B7ABA :==9 /B 6C;/< @756BA In honor of the 61st anniversary of the Declaration of Human Rights, 21 local artists are showing 39 works addressing war, climate change, discrimination and other assaults on human dignity and well-being. Today’s reception coincides with the United Nations Association of Santa Cruz County’s Second Annual Human Rights Fair at Louden Nelson. Exhibit ends Dec. 17. Reception Saturday, Dec. 5, at noon, Louden Nelson Center, 301 Center St., Santa Cruz. Free.

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¡;7F32 <CBH B63 <CB1@/193@ @3;7F32¸ Tandy Beal’s unique take on The Nutcracker includes gymnasts, jugglers and a vaudevillian air of sly fun, with a cappella group SoVoSo standing in for the orchestra. Final weekend. Friday, Dec. 4, and Saturday, Dec. 5, at 7pm; Saturday, Dec. 5, and Sunday, Dec. 6, at 2pm. Mainstage Theatre, UCSC. Tickets $12.50–$30. 831.459.2159. BVcV\^c\ 8dc[a^Xi :[[ZXi^kZan ^c Ndjg GZaVi^dch]^e!Ç i]^h ldg`h]de d[[Zgh VcVani^XVa VcY egdWaZb"hdak^c\ iZX]c^fjZh [dg ]VcYa^c\ Xdc[a^Xi WZilZZc ^ci^bViZh# HVi! 9ZX *! +".eb# '% [dg dcZ eZghdc! (% [dg ild# HVciV 8gjo GZaVi^dcVa =ZVai] 6hhdX^ViZh! +&% 8Ve^idaV 6kZ! 8Ve^idaV! -(&#),,#,&-&# 4`WROg AVOYSa^SO`S 1ZcP HZZ`^c\ cZl ldbZc bZbWZgh VcY ^ck^i^c\ ndj id _d^c jh ^c i]Z hijYn d[ i]Z WVgYÉh eaVnh# 8Vaa [dg YViZh! i^bZh VcY adXVi^dc# -(&#)'&#%.(&# 7\b`]RcQbW]\ b] HS\ OZc bZY^iVi^dc ^chigjXi^dc! [daadlZY Wn V eZg^dY d[ bZY^iVi^dc! aZXijgZ VcY Y^hXjhh^dc# LZY! */)*eb# ;gZZ# HVciV 8gjo OZc 8ZciZg! &&* HX]dda Hi! HVciV 8gjo! -(&#)*,#%'%+# AS\W]`a¸ 2`]^ 7\ 0OZZ`]][ 1ZOaaSa IZVX]Zg OV` XnXaZh i]gdj\] i]Z [dmigdi! hl^c\! lVaio VcY gjbWV ^c [djg"lZZ` hZfjZcXZh0 cd eVgicZg gZfj^gZY# Bdc! &%/(%"&&/&*Vb# -# EVadbVg 7Vaagddb! &()) EVX^[^X 6kZ! HVciV 8gjo! -(&#)'+#&''&# BVS A^SOYS`¸a 5g[ CdZa Bjge]n egZhZcih i]^h lZZ`an X]VcXZ id ^begdkZ ejWa^X heZV`^c\ egZhZciVi^dch

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03/ /BA1/>3 ddecember e c e m b e r 2-9, 2 - 9 , 2009 2 0 0 9 A/<B/1@CH 1=; A/<B/1@CH 1=; & & j 03/BA1/>3

Jazz Presenters since 1975


2009 UCSC/ISIM INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL AND CONFERENCE $12/Adv $15/Door: Jazz & Dinner: $24.60/Adv MON. DECEMBER 7 • 7 & 9 PM

DAN HICKS AND THE HOTLICKS “HOLIDAZE IN HICKSVILLEâ€? PLUS SPECIAL GUEST BOB DOROUGH “BLUE CHRISTMASâ€? 7 PM: $25/Adv $28/Door 9 PM: $20/Adv $23/Dr, No Jazztix or Comps Sponsored by Erik’s DeliCafĂŠ Co-sponsored by KPIG 107.5 FM


ROY HARGROVE QUINTET $23/Adv $26/Door Sponsored by Joe & Kathy Appenrodt and Bob Zufall

9PM: 1/2 Price Night for Students DEC 14 • CHARLIE HUNTER with Eric Kalb, Alan Ferber,Ron Miles,and Curtis Fowlkes ADV TIX: Logos Books & Records and kuumbwajazz.org CafÊ Kuumbwa serves dinner. along with beer and wine. All ages welcome.Tickets subject to service charge & 5% admission tax.

Independently Produced Events FRI. DECEMBER 11 • 8 PM

A Winter Solstice Concert with DAVID ARKENSTONE & band An evening of Celtic inspired holiday music! $25/Adv $28/Door Tickets: Gateways, Logos, Streetlight Records & brownpapertickets.com KUUMBWA JAZZ CENTER 320-2 CEDAR ST • SANTA CRUZ WWW.KUUMBWAJAZZ.ORG


B63 4/<B/AB71 ;@ 4=F B 63 4/<B B/AB71 ;@ 4=F J J.. T Tillman illman i off Fleet Fl t Foxes Foxes o plays pl ys a solo play l show h att the th Brookdale Brrookdale on Thursday. Thu urrssday.

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J. T J. Tillman, illman, tthe he m mad ad ggenius enius b behind ehind F leet F oxes’ d izzyingly ccomplex omplex vvocal ocal Fleet Foxes’ dizzyingly aarrangements, rrangements, sstrikes trikes o ut o nh is out on his o wn ffor or a sset et o pindly, sspare pare ffolk. olk. own off sspindly, R eminiscent aatt ttimes imes o lues-infused Reminiscent off a b blues-infused IIron ron & W ine, T illman’s ssolo olo w ork b ears Wine, Tillman’s work bears o nly tthe he m ost ccursory ursory rresemblance esemblance only most tto oF leet F oxes’ o verwrought Fleet Foxes’ overwrought aarrangements—there’s rrangements—there’s a h int o hint off llap ap ssteel teel h ere, gglockenspiel lockenspiel eelsewhere, lsewhere, here, b ut iit’s t’s p rimarily a vvocalocal- aand nd aacousticcousticbut primarily gguitar-driven uitar- driven aaffair. ffair. IIt’s t’s llate-night ate-night b edroom m usic tthat hat iiss b racingly bedroom music bracingly p ersonal and and handmade, handmade, a shaggy-dog shaggy-dog o personal sside ide p roject tthat hat rrivals ivals T illman’s d ay ggig ig project Tillman’s day ffor or ssheer heer d epth o eeling. B rookdale depth off ffeeling. Brookdale L odge; $ 10.50; 8 pm. ((Paul Paul M avis) Lodge; $10.50; 8pm. M.. D Davis)

Th The he m multi-instrumentalists ulti-instrumentalists iin n llocal ocal jjam am b and F ive E yed H and h ave a band Five Eyed Hand have d izzying aarea rea o ools aand nd sstyles tyles aatt ttheir heir dizzying off ttools d isposal, rranging anging ffrom rom ssynthesizers ynthesizers tto o disposal, b anjo tto o eelectric lectric vviolin iolin aand nd b eyond. banjo beyond. Th his vversatility ersatility aallows llows tthe he b and tto o ttry ry This band ttheir heir h and aatt a w ide vvariety ariety o tyles, hand wide off sstyles, iincluding ncluding jjazz, azz, p sychedelic rrock, ock, ffunk unk psychedelic aand nd chill-out-tent-worthy chill-out-tent-worthy soundscapes. soundscapes. Th he band band is is able able to to pull pull all all of of these these The sstyles tyles off off equally equally well, well, and and often often within within tthe he same same song. song. This This set set at at the the Crepe Crepe P lace iiss a rrelease elease p arty ffor or tthe he b and’s Place party band’s llong-awaited ong-awaited d ebut sstudio tudio C D, tthe he sselfelfdebut CD, ttitled itled Five Five Eyed Eyed Hand. Hand. Crepe Crepe Place; Place; $ 10; $10; 9 pm. (PMD) (PMD) 9pm.

Fattah F attah A Abbou bbou aand nd M Mohamed ohamed A Aoualou oualou m oved ffrom rom M orocco tto oS anta C ruz moved Morocco Santa Cruz aand nd b rought 33,300 ,300 yyears ears o ulture brought off cculture w ith tthem. hem. T hen, b uilding o ff o with Then, building off off d ecades o heir o wn p ersonal m usical decades off ttheir own personal musical eexperience, xperience, tthey hey b egan A za aand nd began Aza rrecruited ecruited ffive ive o ther m embers tto o ffill ill other members o ut ttheir heir ssound. ound. T he rresult esult iiss a b and out The band b ased iin nN orth A frican b eats w ith based North African beats with b oatloads o esert ssoul. oul. T his p owerful boatloads off d desert This powerful ccombination ombination h as h elped b ring tthe he has helped bring m usic o he A mazigh, aalso lso ccalled alled tthe he music off tthe Amazigh, B erbers, tto o aaudiences udiences aacross cross tthe he gglobe, lobe, Berbers, p reserving a ffading ading h istory. W ith m any preserving history. With many iinteresting nteresting iinstruments, nstruments, ssuch uch aass tthe he ssentir entir aand nd tthe he o ud, p aired w ith m oving oud, paired with moving vvocals ocals aand nd a h ighly d anceable b eat, highly danceable beat, A za iiss ssure ure tto o ccram ram D on Q uixote’s Aza Don Quixote’s w ith cculture. ulture. D on Q uixote’s; $ 15; 8 pm. with Don Quixote’s; $15; 8pm. ((Brian Brian H arker) Harker)

j '

A/<B/1@CH 1=; A /<B/1@CH 1=; ddecember e c e m b e r 2-9, 2 - 9 , 2009 2 0 0 9 03/BA1/>3 03/ /BA1/>3


A/BC@2/G j A /B C @ 2/G j # #

574B =4 5/0 5 7 4 B = 4 5 / 0 Best-known ffor Best-known or h his is rrole ole aass a m member ember o tandard-bearing u nderground h ipoff sstandard-bearing underground hiph op d uo B lackalicious, G ift o ab iiss hop duo Blackalicious, Gift off G Gab am aster o fffyy-tapple-sticky rhyme rhyme master off aaffy-tapple-sticky sschemes chemes tthat hat tturn urn iin no n tthemselves hemselves on w ith tthe he eelegance legance o Übius sstrip. trip. with off a M MÜbius IIn nh is ssolo olo ccareer, areer, G ift o ab h asn’t his Gift off G Gab hasn’t d eparted ttoo oo rradically adically ffrom rom tthe he w ork departed work h id w ith B lackalicious, eevolving volving hee d did with Blackalicious, n ominally tto ok eep u pw ith tthe he ttimes. imes. nominally keep up with O nh is llatest atest rrelease, elease, EEscape scape p 2M ars, Gift Gift On his Mars, o Gab delves delves into into a m ore electronicelectronicoff Gab more m usic-inf luenced ssound, ound, which which music-influenced p rovides a ffittingly ittingly futuristic futuristic sonic sonic provides b ackdrop for for his his highly highly eevolved volved flow. f low. backdrop M oe’s Alley; Alley; $15 $15 aadvance/$18 dvance/$18 door; door; Moe’s 9 pm. (PMD) (PMD) 9pm.

AC<2/G j A C < 2/G j $ $

/ : : B 6 /B /:: B6/B B @3;/7<A @ 3;/7<A All That All That R Remains emains iiss bringing bringing iits ts o own wn b rand of of m elodic metalcore metalcore ffrom rom brand melodic M assachusetts tto o tthe he Catalyst Catalyst o n Massachusetts on tthe he Napalm Napalm & Noise Noise ttour our w ith ccoowith h eadliners The The Devil Devil Wears Wears Prada. Prada. One One headliners o the o riginal ffounders ounders and and ssinger inger o off the original off S hadows Fall, Fall, Phil Phil L abonte lleft eft tto o sstart tart Shadows Labonte a new new band, band, aand nd thus thus A ll T hat R emains All That Remains w as formed. formed. In In the the d after iits ts ecade after was decade cconception, onception, All All That That Remains Remains has has rreleased eleased four four sstudio tudio CDs, CDs, selling selling o ver over 4 86,000 ccopies. opies. A nd while while listening listening tto o 486,000 And tthe he b and’s h eavy-hitting yyet et m elodic band’s heavy-hitting melodic

m etal o nee w n on’t w onder w hy. A ll metal one won’t wonder why. All tthere here iiss tto od o iiss ssmash mash yyour our aair ir gguitar, uitar, do rraise aise a ffist ist aand nd m osh aalong long tto o tthe he mosh ggrowl rowl o ll T hat R emains. C atalyst; off A All That Remains. Catalyst; $ 20 aadvance/$22 dvance/$22 d oor; 77pm. pm. ((BH) BH) $20 door;


;=<2/G j ; = < 2/G j % %


2/ 2/< 6719A /< 6719A 6 7 A 6 =B : 7 1 9 A 67A 6=B :719A

A /;0/2Ăˆ A/;0/2Ăˆ DEC AT MOE’S OE’SS ALLEY A DEC.. 18, 19 AT

Th The he good-natured good o -natured acoustic acoustic swing swing o Django Reinhardt Reinhardt meets meets the the off Django vvaudevillian audevillian growl growl of of Leon Leon Redbone Redbone in in tthe he music music of of Santa Santa Rosa Rosa phenom phenom Dan Dan H icks, who’s who’s maintained maintained his his original original Hicks, sstyle tyle over over 40 40 years years of of performing. perfforming. F or h is ssongwriting, ongwriting, sshowmanship howmanship For his aand nd ssharp harp w it h e’s eearned arned p raise aand nd wit he’s praise aadulation dulation ffrom rom ssuch uch lluminaries uminaries aass E lvis C ostello aand nd R ickie L ee Jo ones. Elvis Costello Rickie Lee Jones. T onight H icks b lows iinto nto ttown own w ith Tonight Hicks blows with h is ttwo-woman wo-woman b ackup llineup, ineup, tthe he H ot his backup Hot L icks, o nh is rrambunctious ambunctious ““Holidaze Holidaze Licks, on his iin nH icksville� ttour. our. S pecial gguest uest iiss Hicksville� Special B ob D orough, tthe he gguy uy w ho b rought Bob Dorough, who brought u Schoolhouse R ock.� K o uumbwa; uss ““Schoolhouse Rock. Kuumbwa; $ 25 aadvance/$28 dvance/$28 d oor 77pm; pm; $ 20 $25 door $20 aadvance/$23 dvance/$23 d oor 9 pm. ((Traci Traci H ukill) door 9pm. Hukill)

BC3A2/G j B C 3 A 2/G j & &

@ =G 6 / @ 5 @ =D 3 @=G 6/@5@=D3 ?C7<B3B ? C7<B3B The path fr from om b bebop ebop to hip hip-hop -hop iss a well-trodden one,, and it w was walked well l-trodden one as w alked e before Roy Hargrove longg b effo ore R oy Har grove showed d up shinyy trump trumpet hipsterr with h his shin et and hipste

6/@2 5@==D3A 6 /@2 5@==D3A Th The he hard-driving hard- driving funk of R Roy oy H Har Hargrove rgr g ove ccomes omes ttoo K Kuumbwa uumbwa on T u Tuesday. uesday u y.

1 6/ /@:73 73 6C C<B3 B3@ 16/@:73 6C<B3@ D DEC EC. 14 A T KU UUMBW WA WA DEC. AT KUUMBWA

6/ 6 /@@G B6 63 3 67B 6 ;3< < 6/@@G B63 67B ;3< DEC C. 31 AT AT CREPE CR REPE EPE PLACE PLLACE DEC. /47 JAN N. 28 AT AT CATALYST CA ATA ALYS YST T JAN.

wardrobe. w ardrobe. But th the he def deftness fttness with which he blends har d horn notes hard a la R oy Eldridgee with str eetwise Roy streetwise lyric al musings of o A Trib alled lyrical Tribee C Called Quest and Er ykah Badu ccan an easily Erykah b alled “unpr eccedented.� N ot to bee ccalled “unprecedented.� Not n blows a soul and mention the man funk horn as wel ll as an yone in the well anyone business afffs f his quintet with business,, and st staffs solid musicians th hat ccould ould easily that headline their ow wn shows wo -time w own shows.. T Two-time Gramm my winnerr Har grove is the Grammy Hargrove ne w fac ttrumpet et and top new facee of jaz jazzz trump top-notch get ffor or K o uu uumbwa. K u uumbwa; Kuumbwa. Kuumbwa; $23 advanc or; 7 and 9pm. e/$26 do advance/$26 door; (Cur tis C artier) (Curtis Cartier)

E32<3A2/G j E 32<3A2/G j '

7713 1C03 13 1C03 Itt’s b It’s been een 2 211 yyears ears ssince ince N N.W.A. .W.A. rreleased eleased Straight Straight Outta Outta Compton Compton and and revolutionized hip-hop. hip-hop. Back Back then, then, revolutionized who knew knew group group members members Ice Ice Cube, Cube, who Easy-E aand nd D r. D re w ould b ecome Easy-E Dr. Dre would become household names names in in American American music? music? household The most most versatile versatile of of the the bunch, bunch, Cube Cube The has made made as as a big big of of a name name for for h imself has himself on the the silver silver screen screen as as the the hip-hop hip -hop on stage, acting, acting, writing writing and and producing producing stage, in 28 28 films, f ilms, from from classics classics like like Friday Friday in to bombs bombs like like Anaconda. Anaconda. And And though though to Ice’s hardcore hardcore gangster gangster image image has has Ice’s melted somewhat somewhat in in the the heat heat of of the the melted mainstream limelight, limelight, his his music— music— mainstream through eight eight solo solo albums albums and and five f ive through collaboration cuts—has cuts—has kept kept its its hardhardcollaboration nosed, booty-wiggling booty-wiggling aappeal. ppeal. C atalyst; nosed, Catalyst; $35 advance/$40 advance/$40 door; door; 9pm. 9pm. (CC) (CC) $35

! j 1:C0 5@72 december 2-9, 2009 A/<B/1@CH 1=;


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1011 PACIFIC AVE. SANTA CRUZ 831-423-1336 7KXUVGD\ 'HF ‡ $*(6







All That Remains

SOXV The Devil Wears Prada DOVR Story of the Year DQG Lovehatehero


$GY 'UV 'UV S P 6KRZ S P 'HF Joe Purdy Atrium (Ages 21+) 'HF Andre Nickatina (Ages 16+) 'HF Lee ‘Scratch’ Perry (Ages 16+) 'HF The Devil Makes Three (Ages 21+) -DQ Jackie Greene (Ages 21+) -DQ Rebelution/ Soja (Ages 16+) -DQ AFI (A Fire Inside) (Ages 16+) )HE Y & T (Ages 21+) )HE BadďŹ sh A Tribute to Sublime (Ages 16+) 8QOHVV RWKHUZLVH QRWHG DOO VKRZV DUH GDQFH VKRZV ZLWK OLPLWHG VHDWLQJ Tickets subject to city tax & service charge by phone 866-384-3060 & online


j !

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34 |

december 2-9, 2009


Film. Fi ilm lm.

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A/<B/1@CH 1=; A /<B/1@CH 1=; ddecember e c e m b e r 2-9, 2 - 9 , 2009 2 0 0 9 47:; 47:; ;

TThe he M Magnificent agnificent A Anderson n d e r so n Wes W ees An Anderson’s nderson’s aanimated animat ed ‘Fantastic Mr. ‘Fantaastic ti Mr M r. Fox’ Fox ’ sho sshows ws us where where the wild things really really are are 0G @716/@2 D=< 0CA/19 0 G @ 7 1 6 / @ 2 D= < 0 C A /1 9


RSON R SON W WELLES ELLES had had a ffamous amous ccomment omment aabout bout how h ow tthe he studio studio at at RKO RKO was was ““the the biggest biggest eelectric-train lectric-train set set boy had. Looking back Wes ab oy eever ver h ad.� L ooking b ack aatt W es A nderson’s ccareer, areer, iitt sseems eems aass iiff tthis his ccult ult Anderson’s director metaphor d irector ttook ook tthe he m etaphor lliterally. iterally. The Darjeeling T he D arjeeling LLimited imited was was clearly clearly an an eelectric-train-set lectric-train-set movie. movie. And And the the toylike toylike The Aquatic ssubmarine ubmarine iin nT he LLife ife A quatic With With Steve Steve Zissou Anderson derisive Z issou eearned arned A nderson tthe he d erisive nickname Neato. n ickname ““Capt. Capt. N eato.� A real real artist artist learns learns to to turn turn his his llimitations imitations iinto nto strengths. strengths. In In switching switching ggears ears eentirely ntirely from from live live action action to to stopstopaaction ction aanimation nimation for for Fantastic Fantastic Mr. Mr. Fox, Anderson has his most F ox, A nderson h as ccreated reated h is m ost Yet hee h hasn’t cconsistently onsistently eenjoyable njoyable ffilm. ilm. Y et h asn’t his sstinted tinted h is aappeal ppeal tto o tthe he iinner-childnner-childnurturing hipster, disillusioned n urturing h ipster, tthe he d isillusioned aadult dult who has w ho ffeels eels tthat hat llife ife ssince ince cchildhood hildhood h as been nothing but one off b broken b een n othing b ut o ne ttrail rail o roken promises. p romises. Fantastic Fantastic Mr. Mr. Fox Fox succeeds succeeds in in ways ways that that the the rival rival funny-animals-forfunny-animals-foraging-kids aging-kids film f ilm Where Where the the Wild Wild Things Things Are Are failed. failed. Anderson Anderson has has softened softened his his typical typical aura aura of of disappointment disappointment with with a sense sense of of rejuvenating rejuvenating play. play. What What has has sunk sunk Anderson Anderson before—the before—the lack lack of of a common common touch, touch, the the crucifying crucifying self-consciousness, self-consciousness, the the focus focus on on art art direction direction over over the the content—is content—is conquered conquered here here by by the the desire desire to to tell tell a popular popular story. story. Based Based on on a Roald Roald Dahl Dahl children’s children’s book, book, Fantastic Fantastic Mr. Mr. Fox Fox is is a fairy fairy tale, tale, but but it’s it’s a realistic, realistic, slightly slightly bleak bleak one. one. Fox Fox (voiced (voiced

FOREST F OREST G GUMPTION U M PT I O N M Mr. r. F Fox ox lleads eads hhis is pack pack oon n a mission mission of of revenge. revenge. e

by George by George Clooney) Clooney) settled settled down down after after ffathering athering his his first f irst cub, cub, Ash, Ash, and and is is now now lliving iving a straight straight life life with with his his wife wife (Meryl (Meryl Streep). S treep). Mrs. Mrs. Fox Fox appreciates appreciates calm, calm, but but tthere’s here’s something something chaotic chaotic inside inside her. her. The The ttwo wo of of them them narrowly narrowly escaped escaped a farmer’s farmer’s ttrap rap once, once, and and since since then then they’ve they’ve been been lliving iving in in an an underground underground den. den. A midlife midlife crisis crisis rouses rouses the the beast: beast: “How “How ccan an a fox fox be be happy happy without without a chicken chicken iin n his his teeth?� teeth?� Mr. Mr. Fox Fox asks. asks. He He decides decides tto o turn turn hunter hunter once once again. again. Retaliation Retaliation ccomes omes fast fast and and hard: hard: the the Fox Fox is is robbed robbed off his o his tail tail by by a shotgun shotgun blast. blast. In In the the war war tthat hat follows, follows, Fox Fox and and his his family—and, family—and, woods— ssoon, oon, aall ll tthe he ccreatures reatures iin n tthe he w oods— become Mr. Fox b ecome rrefugees. efugees. IIt’s t’s tthen hen tthat hat M r. Fo F ox way ffigures igures a w ay ttoward oward ssurvival—and urvival—and ttriumph riumph of of a sort. sort. Anderson Anderson supervises supervises British British animators animators who w ho downplay downplay reactions reactions and and eschew eschew deadpan. d eadpan. Fantastic Fantastic Mr. Mr. Fox Fox is is fairly fairly literal. literal. The The farmers farmers aren’t aren’t comedy comedy bumpkins; bumpkins; their their ringleader, ringleader, Bean Bean (Michael (Michael Gambon), Gambon), shows shows us us the the hard, hard, raw raw face face of of an an IRA IRA hit hit man. man. Fox Fo ox is is a natural natural leader, leader, a dashing dashing

predator iin predator nad dapper apper ssuit, uit, walking walking o on nh his is hee w wears ttoes. oes. But But at at home, home, h ears the the short short middle manager ssleeves leeves aand nd ttie ie of of tthe he m iddle m anager barely holding his Fox’s jjust ust b arely h olding onto onto h is jjob. ob. F ox’s kind off d delusion; ffantasticness antasticness iiss iitself tself a k ind o elusion; he’s mind, h e’s a llegend egend iin n his his m ind, eemitting mitting tthat hat wolf whistle. 11960s 960s sswinger’s winger’s w olf ((or or ffox) ox) w histle. There’s middle-aged panic T here’s an an aair ir of of m iddle-aged p anic iin n And tthis his ccritter. ritter. A nd tthere’s here’s strife, strife, ttoo. oo. When When Fox his nocturnal F ox cconfesses onfesses h is n octurnal aactivities ctivities tto o his wife, Mrs. Fox him h is w ife, M rs. F ox claws claws h im ggood. ood. So So Fox Fox is is a typical typical Wes Wes Anderson Anderson eelder, lder, longing longing to to make make a rrun un for for iit. t. Ass b both wild uneasy A oth w ild animal animal aand nd u neasy hee iiss unable ffather, ather, h unable to to intervene intervene iin n tthe he between Ash rrivalry ivalry b etween aawkward wkward A sh ((Jason Jaason Schwartzman) his S chwartzman) aand nd h is ttoo-perfect oo-perfect ccousin ousin Kristofferson Chase Anderson). Ash K ristofferson ((Eric Eric C hase A nderson). A sh who with modeliiss a rreject eject w ho plays plays w ith a lliteral iteral m odelbeen ttrain rain sset; et; iitt would would have have b een typical typical Anderson make Ash off tthe A nderson tto om ake A sh tthe he ccenter enter o he Fantastic ffilm. ilm. Yet Yet F antastic Mr. Mr. Fox Fox benefits benef its from from a rreally eally proactive proactive hero hero for for once. once. Clooney Clooney is is a fox fox in in full: full: we we see see both both the the humorous humorous ssuavity uavity and and the the realization realization of of possible possible ffailure. ailure. There’s There’s simmering simmering energy energy in in Clooney, Clooney, who who knows knows how how to to talk talk up up

heroism aand heroism nd h how ow tto od downplay ownplay iitt aatt tthe he ssame ame ttime. ime. Does Does it it all all work? work? The The previews previews for for make movie tthe he ffilm ilm m ake iitt llook ook llike ike a m ovie tthat’s hat’s huge ttrying rying ffor or h uge llaughs—and aughs—and tthat hat iisn’t sn’t Anderson’s The on A nderson’s iintention. ntention. T he ffinal inal cchase hase o n motorcycle, m otorcycle, where where the the ffilm ilm ggets ets cclosest losest tto o new off T The Wind Willows, an ew vversion ersion o he W ind iin n tthe he W illows, doesn’t have much orr m momentum. d oesn’t h ave m uch tthrill hrill o omentum. Fantastic Fantastic Mr. Mr. Fox Fox is is funniest funniest and and most most intelligent intelligent when when it it goes goes for for the the smallersmallerscale scale effect. effect. It It delights delights us, us, from from the the beginning beginning to to the the last last moments, moments, where where the the fox fox makes makes a virtue virtue out out of of his his nighnighfatal fatal capacity capacity to to outsmart outsmart himself. himself. And And that’s that’s a foxy foxy trait trait Wes Wes Anderson Anderson has has at at last last transcended. transcended. FANTASTIC FANTASTIC MR. MR. FOX FOX (PG; (PG; 87 87 min.), min.), directed Wes Anderson, written directed bbyy W es A nderson, w ritten by by Anderson Anderson and and Noah Noah Baumbach, Baumbach, based based on on the the book book by by Roald Roald Dahl, Dahl, photographed Tristan Oliver photographed bbyy T ristan O liver aand nd with voices George Clooney with tthe he v oices ooff G eorge C looney aand nd Meryl Meryl Streep, Streep, plays plays countywide. count ywide.

36 |

december 2-9, 2009


j !%

A/<B/1@CH 1=; december 2-9, 2009 47:;


Seething Bull Robert De Niro plays a lonely father trying to connect with his scattered kids in ‘Everybody’s Fine’ 0G @716/@2 D=< 0CA/19


ITHIN ITS LIMITS, Everybody’s Fine is an honorable holiday entertainment, sweetened by a happy ending. Robert De Niro expertly downplays the lead role of an upstate New York widower trying to investigate what became of his family. Every single one of his four children has canceled out of a family reunion via the telephone, citing work and other stresses. Left in solitude, Frank comes up with a bad plan: he’ll surprise his four children in the cities where they live. He’ll travel by land; his lungs, scarred from years with working with polyvinyl chloride, won’t let him fly. Frank arrives in New York City, but David, his eldest son, is nowhere to be found—the only evidence the son has been there is one of his paintings in the window of a local gallery. Moving on to Chicago via Amtrak, the old man interrupts the life of his high-powered advertising executive daughter Amy (Kate Beckinsale in a very unglam performance) and his grandson Jack (Lucian Maisel). There isn’t room for Frank there, either, so he heads off to Denver, where he’s told that his son Robert (Sam Rockwell) is conducting a symphony orchestra. En route, Frank is proud to see the telephone wires passing his train window, because it was his job to oversee the weatherizing of cables with PVC. He doesn’t know that the buzzing wires are carrying worried messages between his children. They have the word out that

>/B3@</: 7<AB7<1B Robert De Niro travels across the country to find Drew Barrymore.

the old man is trying to surprise them. Worse, the missing elder son, David, is in serious legal trouble in Mexico. In Las Vegas, where Frank stays with the Cordelia of the bunch, the film is at its warmest. Drew Barrymore plays daughter Rosie, picking Frank up and making him welcome, although her own story of success is just as false as the other offspring’s. Barrymore’s antiglamour and the cozy richness of her flesh are, as always, appealing. And after watching a likable, untroublesome man being passed off from child to child, it’s only human to want to see someone welcome him. However, when you watch someone as comfortable-looking as Barrymore, it’s hard to imagine why she would lie to a working-class father. We’re wrapping up a decade of diminished hopes and expectations, a decade when a father might find any child “fine� who has a job and a roof over their head. De Niro’s efforts to make Everybody’s Fine appealing also mean that the role was beefed up for him as a movie star. Frank is virile enough to fight off a mugger, for instance, and he gets flirted with by a truck driver played in a cameo by the superb Melissa Leo. We don’t see something essential in Frank—the push in him that made his

children decide that they would rather lie to him than admit that they haven’t lived up to his expectations. This sounds like I’ve torn the film apart. Actually, I was amused by its essential dignity: the light conversations on a train with a stranger, the rich welcome Rosie gives her traveling father. British director Kirk Jones (Waking Ned Devine) is a little myopic when it comes to class in America—blue-collar men don’t necessarily push their children into the arts. But one cuts holiday movies slack— and Everybody’s Fine makes the sensible choice to wrap the action up around snow, Christmas trees and good old C9 Christmas lights. We will forgive the film’s open ends when we ponder the family and how it inexplicably grows apart.

EVERYBODY’S FINE (PG-13; 100 min.), directed and directed by Kirk Jones, written by Jones, Masimo De Rita, Tonino Guerra and Giuseppe Tornatore, photographed by Henry Braham and starring Robert De Niro and Drew Barrymore, opens Friday countywide.

!& j 47:; december 2-9, 2009 A/<B/1@CH 1=;

SHOWTIMES FOR FRIDAY DEC 4 – THURSDAY DEC 10 STARTS FRIDAY 12/4! “DeNiro’s best role in years! A touching Christmas drama.� –Boxoffice

Robert DeNiro Drew Barrymore Sam Rockwell Kate Beckinsale Melissa Leo (PG-13) Daily: (2:20),

(4:40), 7:00, 9:10 plus Sat, Sun (12 noon) (R)

“Breathtaking, with an exhilarating sense of hope‌ the most painful, poetic and improbably beautiful film of the year!â€? –Washington Post (R) Daily: (2:00),

(4:30), 7:10, 9:30 plus Sat, Sun (11:30am) “A pulpy glorious blast!� –N.Y. Times

Nicolas Cage, Val Kilmer & Eva Mendes IN A


Daily: (1:50),

6:50 Show (11:20am)*NoThurs 11/6

(4:20), 6:50*, 9:20 + Sat, Sun Midnights @ The Del Mar

Fun! Prizes! Murder! Barbara Stanwyck Edward G. Robinson A Billy Wilder Film

Fred MacMurray

Double Indemnity (R)

Fri 12/4 & Sat 12/5 @ Midnight Next Week: THE BIG SLEEP


6:00, 9:00 plus Sat, Sun (12 noon) “Romantic and wonderfully entertaining!� –Roger Ebert

Carey Mulligan Peter Sarsgaard Alfred Molina Emma Thompson (4:50), 7:20, 9:30 (PG-13) plus Sat, Sun (12:30) “A comic, brilliantly acted fable of life’s little cosmic difficulties!� –Chicago Tribune


(5:00), 7:10 “Marvelously acted entertainment‌ a sweettempered movie with moments of explosive humor.â€? –The New Yorker

B63 0==<2=19 A/7<BA 77( /:: A/7<BA 2/G (R; 118

min.) The McManus brothers return from a quiet life in Ireland after learning their favorite priest has been waxed. (Opens Fri at 41st Ave.)

starring Sam Shepard and Mare Winningham. Directed by Jim Sheridan. (Opens Fri at Riverfront.) 2=C0:3 7<23;<7BG

(1944) Here are three reasons, among many, why Double Indemnity is my favorite movie of all time: (1) Billy Wilder is the greatest writer-director of all time, meaning he was that unique visual genius who was also a storytelling genius. Though their relationship was said to be stormy, he and co-writer Raymond Chandler crafted the best noir tale the cinema would ever see out of James M. Cain’s novel. (2) Edward G. Robinson gives the performance of a lifetime, and

Barbara Stanwyck gives the caliber of performance she delivered throughout her lifetime, making her the premiere example of why the Oscars are a joke (she was nominated for this role, but like the other three noms in her career, she lost). (3) Fred MacMurray, Mr. My Three Sons, turned out to be the coolest shlub to ever not get the money and not get the woman. I spent an entire summer in college getting sulfur burns under my nail from trying to light matches with my thumb the way he does in this movie. But when I finally got it down, it was so worth it. (Plays at the Del Mar on Fri and Sat at midnight.) (SP)


Bill Nighy

Kenneth Branagh

23: ;/@

1124 Pacific Ave., Santa Cruz 831.426.7500 www.thenick.com (R) Once NIghtly 9:20

( ) = Bargain Shows Before 5:30pm



Robert DeNiro Drew Barrymore (PG-13)

Daily: (2:10), (4:20), 6:30, 8:40

plus Sat, Sun (12 noon)

Robin Williams

John Travolta


Daily: (2:30), (4:40), 6:50, 9:00

3dS`gP]Rg¸a 4W\S – (Opens Fri) 2:20; 4:40; 7; 9:10; plus Sat-Sun noon. 0OR :WScbS\O\b( >]`b ]T 1OZZ <Se =`ZSO\a – Daily 1:50; 4:20; 6:50; 9:20;

Wed 12/9 no 6:50 show; plus Fri-Sun 11:20am. >`SQW]ca – Wed-Thu 1; 2; 3:30; 4:30; 6; 7; 8:30; 9:30; Fri-Wed 2; 4:30; 7:10; 9:30; plus Sat-Sun 11:30am. 2]cPZS 7\RS[\Wbg – Fri-Sat midnight.

plus Sat, Sun (12:20)

plus Sat, Sun (12:20)

Nickelodeon, Del Mar, & Aptos


Lincoln and Cedar streets, Santa Cruz 831.426.7500 www.thenick.com @SR 1ZWTT – (Opens Fri) 3; 6; 9; plus Sat-Sun noon. BVS ;SaaS\US` – Daily 2:10; 4:30; 6:50; 9:10; plus Sat-Sun 11:50am. /\ 3RcQObW]\ – Wed-Thu 2:40; 4:50; 7:15; 9:20; Fri-Wed 2:40; 4:50; 7:20; 9:30;

plus Sat-Sun 12:30. >O`O\]`[OZ /QbWdWbg – Wed-Thu 9:35. / AS`W]ca ;O\ – Wed-Thu 2:50; 5; 7:10; 9:30; Fri-Wed 2:50; 5; 7:10. ;WQVOSZ 8OQYa]\( BVWa 7a 7b – Wed-Thu 1:50; 4:20; 7. >W`ObS @ORW] – Fri-Wed 9:20; plus Sat-Sun 12:20.

Gift Cards

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Available online or at the Box Office! @ www.thenick.com COMING SOON! ‘Skin’ 12/11 ‘Invictus’ 12/11 (Aptos)

Children under 5 admitted only on Mondays & Weekend Matinees

@3D73EA 0/2 :73CB3</<B( >=@B =4 1/:: <3E =@:3/<A (R; 130

/`[]`SR – (Opens Fri) 12:45; 2:55; 5:10; 7:30; 9:50. 4O\bOabWQ ;` 4]f – Wed-Thu 2:25; 4:45; 7:10; 9:25; Fri-Wed 2:20; 4:40; 7:10;

Daily: (2:10),

Philip Seymour Hoffman

min.) Originally, this John Woo historical epic about the Battle of Red Cliffs in ancient China was released as a four-hour, two-part film in Asia, but cut by an hour and a half here. I’m told all the deleted scenes were of birds f lying away. Stars Tony Leung Chiu Wai, Takeshi Kaneshiro, Fengyi Zhang and Chen Chang. (Opens Fri at the Nick.) (SP)

Mostly, he’s a kind of flaneur of squalor, sticking his head through tattered screen doors or spending some relaxation time with his high-priced honey Frankie (Eva Mendes, never sweeter). Fine supporting work abounds, with Jennifer Coolidge as a frowz, soaking up all the beer in the bayou. She’s given a makeover at the end, so Coolidge can show off the finest prow this side of the USS Constitution. And the criminally underused Fairuza Balk is a dirty state trooper who can’t seem to keep the lieutenant awake for a tryst. Cage’s electric enthusiasm is bound to be downgraded by some. Truth is, he’s so

3dS`gP]Rg¸a 4W\S – (Opens Fri) 2:10; 4:20; 6:30;8:40; plus Sat-Sun noon. =ZR 2]Ua – Daily 2:30; 4:40; 6:50; 9; Fri-Sun 12:20. >ZO\Sb # – Wed-Thu 1:40; 3:50; 6; 8:10.

BVS 0]]\R]QY AOW\ba 77( /ZZ AOW\ba 2Og – (Opens Fri) 11:45am; 2:15; 5; 7:45; 10:15. BeWZWUVb( <Se ;]]\ – Daily 11:10am; 1:55; 4:40; 7:30; 10:10. BVS 0ZW\R AWRS –Daily 11am; 1:45; 4:30; 7:15; 10. – Wed-Thu 11:45; 3:15; 6:45; 10.

(4:30), 6:50, 9:10 plus Sat, Sun (11:50am) (R) “A rock-saturated comedy that’s a gas!� –Los Angeles Times

@32 1:744 (R; 148

min.) Werner Herzog’s shaggier-than-shaggy restatement of Abel Ferrara’s nouveaugrindhouse Bad Lieutenant of 1992. Karl Marx could have guessed it: first time tragedy, second time farce. Nic Cage’s Terence McDonagh walks with one shoulder hunched like Richard III, and he’s further impeded by the immense .44 handgun jutting out of the polyester waistband of his suit. Cage is on the case of a murderer who took out five African immigrants. He trails a drug dealer significantly named “Big Fate� (Xzbit). It’s hard work, and the lieutenant needs lots of fortification from evidence-room cocaine and pills.

A/<B/ 1@CH 17<3;/ '

1475 41st Ave., Capitola 831.479.3504 www.culvertheatres.com

Ben Woody Samantha Foster Morton Harrelson

(PG-13; 95 min.) See review, page 37. (Opens Fri at Aptos, Del Mar, Scotts Valley and Green Valley.)

/>B=A 17<3;/A

" AB /D3<C3 17<3;/A



3D3@G0=2G¸A 47<3

Movie reviews by Traci Hukill, Steve Palopoli and Richard von Busack

Showtimes are for Wednesday, Dec. 2, through Wednesday, Dec. 9, unless otherwise indicated. Programs and showtimes are subject to change without notice.

122 Rancho Del Mar Center, Aptos 831.688.6541 www.culvertheatres.com

Daily: (2:40),

Daily: (2:50),

/@;=@32 (PG-13; 88 min.) Matt Dillon and Laurence Fishburne star in the story of a crew that decides to steal an armored vehicle stuffed with cash. (Opens Fri at Cinema 9.)

min.) Jake Gyllenhaal proves most comforting to Natalie Portman when hubby Tobey Maguire goes off to war in Afghanistan. Also

STARTS FRIDAY 12/4! “Enthralling! A sweeping, vivid dramatization of ancient Chinese warfare.� –San Francisco Chronicle


<3E 1/>A

0@=B63@A (R; 110


Daily: (3:00),

Film Capsules

@7D3@4@=<B AB/27C; BE7<

155 S. River St, Santa Cruz 800.326.3264 x1701 www.regmovies.com 0`]bVS`a – (Opens Fri) 4; 7; 9:45; plus Fri-Sun 12:45. – Thu-Wed 3:30; 4:30; 6:45; 8:15; 10:05; Fri-Wed 3:30; 6:45; 10:05; plus Fri-Sun 12:10.

1405 Pacific Ave., Santa Cruz 800.326.3264 x1700 www.regmovies.com

9:25; plus Fri-Sun noon. =ZR 2]Ua – (Opens Wed) Wed-Thu 12:45; 2:50; 5:05; 7:20; 9:40; Fri-Wed 2:35; 4:50; 7:20; 9:35; plus Fri-Sun 12:15. <W\XO /aaOaaW\ – Daily 2:40; 5:15; 7:40; 10:10; plus Fri-Sun 12:10. BeWZWUVb( <Se ;]]\ – Wed-Thu 1; 1:30; 2; 4; 4:30; 5; 7; 7:30; 8; 10; 10:25; FriWed 1:05; 2:05; 4; 5; 7; 8; 10; plus Fri-Sun 11:15am. BVS 0ZW\R AWRS – Fri-Wed 12:50; 3:50; 6:50; 9:45. >ZO\Sb # – Daily 1:50; 4:15; 6:45; 9:10; plus Fri-Sun 11:35am. >W`ObS @ORW] – Wed-Thu 2:55. BVS ;S\ EV] AbO`S Ob 5]Oba – Wed-Thu 5:30; 7:50; 10:15; Fri-Wed 1; 3:10; 5:30; 7:50; 10:15.

A1=BBA D/::3G $ 17<3;/A

226 Mt. Hermon Rd, Scotts Valley 831.438.3261 www.culvertheatres.com 3dS`gP]Rg¸a 4W\S – (Opens Fri) 2:20; 4:30; 7; 9:15; plus Fri-Sun 11:55am. BVS 0ZW\R AWRS – Daily 2; 4:45; 7:30; 10:10; plus Fri-Sun 11:15am. BeWZWUVb( <Se ;]]\ – Wed-Thu 1; 1:45; 3:45; 4:30; 6:30; 7:15; 9:15; 10; Fri-Wed

1:45; 4:30; 7:15; 10; plus Fri-Sun 11am. >ZO\Sb # – Daily 1:10; 3:20; 5:30; 7:40; 9:45; plus Fri-Sun 11am. =ZR 2]Ua – Daily 2:10; 4:20; 6:45; 9; plus Fri-Sun 11:45am. – Daily 2:45; 6:30; 9:45; Fri-Sun 11:30am.

5@33< D/::3G 17<3;/ &

1125 S. Green Valley Rd, Watsonville 831.761.8200 www.greenvalleycinema.com 3dS`gP]Rg¸a 4W\S – (Opens Fri) 1:15; 3:15; 5:15; 7:15; 9:15; plus Sat-Sun 11:15am. =ZR 2]Ua – Daily 1:10; 3:10; 5:10; 7:10; 9:10; plus Sat-Sun 11:10am. <W\XO /aaOaaW\ – Daily 1:05; 3:10; 5:15;7:25; 9:30; plus Sat-Sun 11am. BeWZWUVb( <Se ;]]\ – Wed-Thu 12:15; 1:30; 3; 4:30; 5:40; 7; 8:30; 9:30; Fri-Wed

1:30; 4:30; 7; 9:30; plus Sat-Sun 11am. >ZO\Sb # – Daily 1:15; 3:15; 5:15; 7:15; 9:15; plus Sat-Sun 11:15am. BVS 0ZW\R AWRS – Daily 1:35; 4:45; 7:10; 9:30; plus Sat-Sun 11:15am. – Daily 12:30; 3:35; 6:40; 9:40. / 1V`Wab[Oa 1O`]Z ! 2 – Daily 1:05; 3:10; 5:15; 7:15; 9:15; plus Sat-Sun 11..

j !'

A/<B/1@CH 1=; december 2-9, 2009 47:;

much damn fun no one wants to see him shift gears and get into the soulfulness of the role, as he must. In short, it’s another movie that would be heralded as deeper if there had been subtitles. (See Metroactive.com for a longer review). (RvB) B63 0:7<2 A723

(PG-13; 126 min.) A well-off family discover a homeless teenager and help him make the football team. Stars Sandra Bullock, Tim McGraw and Quinton Aaron. / 16@7AB;/A 1/@=:

(PG; 96 min.) Robert Zemeckis, the guy who brought us 2004’s The Polar Express, vies with CVS for earliest seasonal statement with this pre-preseason release of the animated classic. Scrooge is voiced by Jim Carrey; also features the voices of Gary Oldman, Colin Firth and Robin Wright Penn. (TH) /< 32C1/B7=<

(PG-13; 103 min.) Lone Scherfig’s British coming-ofage film ends with a marathon session of tea brewing, but it has its good points. The look is cool—1960ish England may be more interesting than the full-blown and overexposed later ’60s. Twickenhamraised Jenny (Carey Mulligan) is studying for Oxford when she gets picked up by David (Peter Sarsgaard), a slightly older rotter; his slightly cruel eyes and f lat smile forecast trouble to come. Until then, Jenny gets to see London highlife and nightclubs, and voyages to Paris. Smelling class, and wanting to make their hard-working daughter happy, Jenny’s parents (Cara Seymour, Alfred Molina) relax the leash. And that’s when the young girl learns how David makes his money without working days. No one in the movie apparently saw one of those melodramas about the wealthy seducer who steals a poor but honest girl; letting that matter aside, Mulligan is charming,

the meet-cute is deft and Olivia Williams bears all the movie’s spine as a deliberately drabbed-down English teacher. Nick Hornby’s screenplay, from Lynn Barber’s memoir, might have meant he had input on the film’s excellent pre–Swinging London soundtrack. Singer Beth Rowley steals the show as the breathy canary at one nightspot. (RvB) 4/<B/AB71 ;@ 4=F

(PG; 87 min.) See review, page 35. B63 ;3< E6= AB/@3 /B 5=/BA

(R; 100 min.) George Clooney war comedy about Army experiments with psychic powers in Iraq promises hot goatstaring action. (SP) B63 ;3AA3<53@

(R; 120 min.) Woody Harrelson’s Capt. Stone is a CNO (Casualty Notification Officer), one of the pair of soldiers who turn up on doorsteps to regret to inform. Stone’s new partner, Sgt. Montgomery (Ben Foster), is a simmering, tattooed fan of punk rock; he’s scarred from the war and is boiling with his own contempt for the civilians around him. The two-man team keep the pity for themselves and not for the survivors. But we start to see celebrity actors playing the bereaved: Steve Buscemi as a spitting, furious father; Samantha Morton, plumped and cushiony, with hair swept back to look like lateperiod Ann-Margret. That’s when the film’s previous death’s-head irony starts to grow domestic. One can’t stop watching Harrelson, who—despite cartoony work this year—seems on the verge of something great. Writer-turned-director Oren Moverman did the research; the slang sounds right. He also uses ideas and symbols that could have been done without; the first shot of Sgt. Montgomery, putting eye drops in his wounded eye all but says, “This man cannot

weep.� The locations, in New Jersey’s aluminum-siding belt, give the story some kind of realism. Inside this movie is a much harsher and bigger film, and Harrelson, who is excellent, might have shown the way to it. (RvB) <7<8/ /AA/AA7<

(R; 99 min.) The shiny Orientalism of Ninja Assassin’s dialogue is more of a treat than the fight scenes, which consist, basically, of a lot of whipping razor chains and purÊed ninjas, who go up in what look like explosions in a ragu factory. James McTeigue, of V for Vendetta, tells of an apostate ninja named Raizo (Korean pop star Rain), who turned against the Clan of Black Sand and is hiding in Berlin. Suffering nobly, he tries to protect an Interpollike investigator (Naomie Harris) from the wrath of his seemingly hundreds of fellow warriors. In f lashbacks, we see the savage training: kidnapped children are beaten into the ninja lifestyle under the glare of Lord Ozuni (venerable martial artist Shô Kosugi). When McTeigue slows down the camera, the violence has an effect, and there’s the odd sick-artistic effect, like the calligraphy of blood sprawling on paper screens. More often, we get grotty stuff: an edit between a bisected fool and tomato sauce splotching on a paper dish of Berlinstyle curlywurst. The Wachowski brothers developed this comicbook-like film. Despite the playfulness of scripters Matthew Sand and J. Michael Straczynski, the story gets stuck in origins; the fountains of gore are not so much nauseating as lulling. (Read a full-length review online at Metroactive.com) (RvB) =:2 2=5A (PG) John

Travolta and Robin Williams’ madcap adventures as prisoners of two 7-year-old twins.

>7@/B3 @/27= (R; 135 min.) Director/ writer Richard Curtis’ Pirate Radio wastes a roster of first-rate actors, including Philip Seymour Hoffman, Bill Nighy, Nick Frost and January Jones. Curtis also rubbishes a fascinating story, the history of how shipto-shore radio shortcircuited the BBC’s ban on rock music during the 1960s. Taking this interesting David and Goliath story, Curtis’ inspiration was to put pontoons under Animal House and f loat it. Kenneth Branagh plays the John Cleese–like fussy inspector, who determines to use the British government to shut down the musical madcaps af loat on a boat, broadcasting in the North Sea. Nighy plays the saturnine owner of the boat, and he has the proper louche 1960s air but nothing to do with it; he stands around, making the sour persimmon face, and we wait for something to happen. Hoffman is the legend-in-his-own-mind American DJ called the Count. Some rivalry is established when a fellow Yank DJ arrives on the boat: repeatoffender Rhys Ifans playing the silky Gavin Cavanaugh. (RvB)

6=@A3 4:719!!Kpio!XppĂ–t!fqjd!bcpvu!uif!Sfe!Dmjgg!cbuumf! jo!nfejfwbm!Dijob!pqfot!Gsjebz!bu!uif!Ojdl/

this and her resulting pregnancy), urging her to stop this foolishness about school and go on welfare. Watching Sidibe, we see something of what this movie could have been if it hadn’t been so overcooked. Precious is practically a preClinton-era dream of the need for welfare reform: here, welfare is a generational evil that Precious might >:/<3B # (PG; fall heir to. As you’ve 91 min.) (PG) An heard, Mo’Nique is animated kids’ film. great, but Precious has When an earth a judgmental streak astronaut (voiced by that won’t quit. And Dwayne Johnson) that’s been essential arrives on an alien to a success worthy of planet, he causes a its sensationalism. By panic among the cozy the end of the movie, suburban inhabitants. you know who all >@317=CA 0/A32 the heroes and all the =< B63 <=D3: >CA6 villains are, and you can 0G A/>>67@3 (R; 110 go home comfortable. min.) Much lauded, (RvB) but it’s a bulldozer. It’s / A3@7=CA ;/< (R; 1987, during some of 113 min.) All the themes Harlem’s most suffering in the Coen brothers’ years. A girl of immense previous films blend girth, 16-year-old harmoniously in this Claireece (Gabourey terrific tale of comedic “Gabby� Sidibe) makes woe and horror. her way through life. Minneapolis, 1967: a She has intelligence, meek professor Larry but she can’t focus, Gopnik (stage actor and we learn why in Michael Stuhlbarg, f lashback; she was looking like a dispirited serially raped by her Harold Lloyd) teaches mother’s boyfriend. Her physics at a small scathing, angry mother, college. Gopnik is Mary (Mo’Nique), tantalized with the blames Precious for

possibility of tenure, betrayed by his wife with their neighbor Sy Ableman, a clammy, polyester-clad swine (Fred Melamed, brilliant). Gopnik’s son Danny (Aaron Wolff ) has a cowlike indifference to his father’s plight. And Larry must take charge of his unemployable brother Arthur (Richard Kind), an obese holy fool. The postmodern moments give A Serious Man a vaudeville kick: a prologue about the appearance of a demon in the old-time Jewish ghetto is staged like a lost episode of Mario Bava’s Black Sunday. In another of this film’s parables, a Hebrew message is carved by God into the teeth of a gentile to teach—what? some indecipherable lesson, like the physics equations on Larry’s chalkboard, like the Hebrew letters Danny is too dumb to learn. (RvB) (PG-13; 158 min.) Nutty but not crunchy rip-off of When Worlds Collide. A few minutes are absolutely high art: a lovingly detailed sequence of downtown L.A. wobbling on all sides of a mile-deep

fissure in the earth, the skyscrapers dancing around its brink or keeling over in slow faints. Being Roland Emmerich, the director must cut away from this splendor to John Cusack, his ex-wife Amanda Peet and his family (adorable daughter and bratty son), and the exwife’s new squeeze, an expendable plastic surgeon (Thomas McCarthy)—better the whole world be inundated than one American nuclear family should be sundered. No surprise, 2012 is a film of sequences and of wildly uneven tone. (RvB) BE7:756B( <3E ;==< (PG-13; 130

min.) Visually, New Moon improves on Twilight—the forest primeval is a little more natural (the better to shelter the supernatural). More of the same, though: the troubled True Love Waits romance of Bella Swan (Kristen Stewart) with the vampire Edward Cullen (Robert Pattinson), interfered with by the formerly geeky, now studly Native American werewolf Jacob Black, called

Jake (Taylor Lautner). Modeling Bella on the Jane Austen heroine— “loving longest . . . when hope is gone�— director Chris Weitz makes the mistake of letting the goods simmer until they’re soggy. Playing Bella, Stewart is consistently interesting. She has a very ambiguous mouth, and she plays everything way, way down, particularly her incrementally tiny reactions to the supernatural: “You’re not the first monster I’ve met.� The contrast here is f lesh vs. spirit— Jake the werewolf wears few clothes and has muscles in his ears, and Edward is a pale, sulky stripling. One is more creeped out by the passage about the fiancee Emily (Tinsel Korey), who had her face disfigured by her werewolf lover, yet she still serves the wolfman and his buddies the muffins she bakes herself. In Stephenie Meyer’s world, men never mean it when they lash out; the girl wants consummation, but the sensitive man delays it, and a father can still ground his daughter, even when she’s past 18. (RvB)

december 2-9, 2009


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Epicure. Ep picure. e

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A/<B/1@CH 1=; A /<B/1@CH 1=; ddecember e c e m b e r 2-9, 2 - 9 , 2009 2 0 0 9 3>71C@3 3>71C@3

Beyond B eyond Wassail Wassail Winter W iinter holidays holidaays provide pr p ovid de happy ppy occasions oc casionss tto o rraise aise a glass. glass. Make M e it a Mak ggood o one. ood 0G 16@7AB7</ E/B3@A 0G 1 6 @ 7 A B 7 < / E/B 3 @ A


HE S HE SEASON’S EASON’S rritual itual d dinners inners ccry ry o ut ffor or jjust ust tthe he rright ight w ine out wine tto om atch tthe he eentree. ntree. L et m match Let mee sstart tart o ut w ith a ssure-fire ure-f ire out with cconcept—champagne. oncept— champagne. IIff aall ll eelse lse ffails, ails, n ever fforget orget tthat hat a ccrisp, risp, d ry b ubbly ggoes oes never dry bubbly w ith aany ny aand nd eevery very ffood. ood. S o iiff yyou’re ou’re with So ffeeling eeling ggastronomically astronomically llazy azy o ust ccan’t an’t orr jjust d ecide w hat tto o sserve, erve, eeither ither a d ecent decide what decent F rench cchampagne hampagne (B BOWbbW\US` DScdS OWbbW\US` DScdS French 1ZWQ_c]b, @ @]SRS`S` ]SRS`S`— —all all w will ill do do nicely), nicely), 1ZWQ_c]b o ell-made C alifornia ssparkler parkler ssuch uch orr a w well-made California aass 5 5Z]`WO 4S``S` Z]`WO 4S``S`, A AQV`O[aPS`U QV`O[aPS`U o orr o our ur own local local 3 3_cW\]f _cW\]f, will will ccarry arry tthe he eentire ntire own meal ffrom rom ssmoked moked aalmonds lmonds tto op umpkin meal pumpkin pie. B ut ffor or tthose hose w ho eenjoy njoy tthe he h unt pie. But who hunt for a w ine tto o ggo ow ith aappetizers, ppetizers, aanother nother for wine with to ggo ow ith tthe he tturkey, urkey, o amb o oast to with orr llamb orr rroast beef, and and yyet et aanother nother ffor or tthe he ccheese heese beef, course—here aare re ssome ome ssolid olid iideas deas tto o gget et course—here you started. started. you Since you you do do live live in in wine wine country, country, Since and of of course course you’d you’d like like to to introduce introduce and out-of-town guests guests to to some some of of our our fine f ine out-of-town regional vintages, vintages, consider consider starting starting regional off with with a crisp crisp white white to to go go with with the the off relish tray, tray, the the olives, olives, almonds, almonds, crab crab relish dip, what what have have you. you. / /VZU`S\ VZU`S\’’ss ccomplex omplex dip, AS[WZZ]\ A S[WZZ]\ % % w works orks n nicely, icely, aass d does oes tthe he m ineral-intensive 1 1O¸ RSZ A]Z] O¸ RSZ A]Z] ] mineral-intensive /ZPO`Wƒ] & & o orr A Ab]``a b]``a’ elegantly elegantly d dry ry /ZPO`Wƒ] DWS\b] DW\SgO`R @WSaZW\U D WS\b] DW\SgO`R @WSaZW\U % % ffilled illed with aapricot pricot aaromas romas (around (around $17–$25). $17–$25). with J-P Correa Correa at at VinoCruz VinoCruz likes likes the the & & J-P BV][Oa 4]UO`bg @ @WSaZW\U WSaZW\U. ““It’s Itt’s d dry, ry, not not BV][Oa 4]UO`bg sweet and and great great with with appetizers, appetizers, or or to to sweet be nipping nipping while while cooking, cooking,â€? he he contends. contends. be

E=@2 =< B63 07@2 E =@2 =< B63 07@2 LLight ight rreds eds llike ike bbeaujolais eaujolais oorr ggrenache re n a c h e m make ake pperfect er ffect aaccompaniments ccompaniments ttoo tturkey urke y oorr dduck. uck.

Plus P lus iit’s t’s p priced riced aaccessibly ccessibly aatt $ $16. 16. Let’s Let’s say say we’ve we’ve moved moved on on to to turkey. turkey. Correa C orrea ssuggests uggests tthe he @ @WRUS AO\bO 1`ch WRUS AO\bO 1`ch ;]c\ \bOW\ 3abObS 1VO`R]\\Og— —with with ;]c\bOW\ 3abObS 1VO`R]\\Og 933 W Wine points—that hee 9 ine SSpectator pectator p oints—that h describes off b beautiful d escribes aass ““clean, clean, llush, ush, ffull ull o eautiful minerals off o oak m inerals aand nd a ttouch ouch o ak iin n tthe he pour $40. ffinish,� inish,� a cclassy lassy p our ffor or $ 40. ““Also, Also, jjust ust holidays,� Correa iin n ttime ime ffor or tthe he h olidays,� C orrea rrolls olls on, o n, ““we we jjust ust rreceived eceived tthe he $ AWZdS` $ AWZdS` ;]c\bOW\ 3abObS S >W\]b <]W`. The The ;]c\bOW\ 3abObS >W\]b <]W` made pinot, ffirst irst ttime ime tthey’ve hey’ve m ade aan n eestate state p inot, with Tony Craig winemaker. w ith T ony C raig aass tthe he w inemaker. IIt’s t’s a pinot, off eearthiness� llighter ighter p inot, zzesty esty yyet et ffull ull o arthiness� And do know pinot (($39). $39). A nd yyes, es, yyou ou d ok now tthat hat p inot noir with well with n oir iiss llovely ovely w ith tturkey, urkey, aass w ell aass w ith holiday ssuch uch aalternative lternative h oliday ffoods oods aass ssalmon almon orr d duck. o uck.

Patrice P atrice Boyle Boyle at at Soif Soif suggests suggests “light “light rredsâ€? edsâ€? tto op artner w ith tturkey. urkey. ““Gamay Gamay partner with w ith a llittle ittle b it o cid m akes a ffine ine with bit off aacid makes m atch. It t’s cclean, lean, n ot o verwhelming,â€? match. It’s not overwhelming,â€? sshe he ssays. ays. A nd iiff yyou’re ou’re tthinking hinking aahead head And tto od inners b uilt aaround round a ccenterpiece enterpiece dinners built o eef o am, B oyle ssuggests uggests ““aa b ig off b beef orr h ham, Boyle big p inot n oir, ffor or eexample, xample, E EW\Rg =OYa W\Rg =OYa pinot noir, 3abObS 2WO\S¸a 0Z]QY 3 abObS 2WO\S¸a 0Z] ]QY (($45). $45).â€? Iff yyou ou aare re thinking o ruly ssubstantial ubstantial w ine—a thinking off a ttruly wine—a “really b igâ€? w ine, aass B oyle p uts iit, t, tto o “really bigâ€? wine, Boyle puts accompany rred ed m eats aand nd eespecially specially a accompany meats festive h oliday llamb, amb, yyou ou w ill ccertainly ertainly festive holiday will want tto o cconsider onsider tthe he aaward-winning ward-winning want # 0WU 0OaW\ @ObbZSa\OYS @]QY # 0WU 0OaW\ @ObbZSa\OYS @]QY Ag`OV (($50), $50), w which hich tthe he vvicar icar o off vvintages intages Ag`OV

Robert 92 points, Robert Parker Parker ggives ives 9 2p oints, iiff yyou ou llike ike to buy buy by by the the numbers. numbers. to

Finally, F inally, o one ne o off m my y ffavorite avorite n new ew wines—the w ines—the A AO\bO 1`ch ;]c\bOW\ O\bO 1`ch ;]c\bOW\ D W\SgO`Ra $ 5`S\OQVS— —is is DW\SgO`Ra $ 5`S\OQVS possibly possibly one one of of the the most most versatile versatile food food wines wines you’ll you’ll find f ind out out there there ($16.99). ($16.99). It It opens opens swiftly swiftly into into a delicious delicious and and accessible pour with accessible p our ffilled illed w ith aaromas romas aand nd f lavors lavors of of red red berries berries and and white white pepper. pepper. Just Just complex complex enough enough to to romance romance those those green green olives, olives, manchego manchego and and bruschetta bruschetta apps, up dishes apps, iitt sstands tands u p tto o ggame ame d ishes aand nd even pasta But even tthe he p asta ccourse. ourse. B ut iitt ttruly ruly shines willing shines aass tthe he w illing llove ove sslave lave tto o tthe he traditional with traditional sstar—roast tar—roast tturkey urkey w ith aall ll the the trimmings. trimmings. You’ll most off tthe wines You’ll ffind ind m ost o he w ines suggested here wine suggested h ere aatt yyour our ffavorite avorite w ine stores. Enjoy! stores. E njoy! 0

" j 27<3@¸A 5C723 december 2-9, 2009 A/<B/1@CH 1=;

Diner’s Guide

Our selective list of area restaurants includes those that have been favorably reviewed in print by Santa Cruz Weekly food critics and others that have been sampled but not reviewed in print. All visits by our writers are made anonymously, and all expenses are paid by Metro Santa Cruz. AG;0=:A ;/23 A7;>:3( + C\RS` + # + $ + O\R c^

Price Ranges based on average cost of dinner entree and salad, excluding alcoholic beverages

/>B=A $$ Aptos

/;0@=A7/ 7<27/ 07AB@=

$$ Aptos

0@7B/<<7/ /@;A

$$$ Aptos $$$ Aptos

$$ Aptos

207 Searidge Rd, 831.685.0610

8017 Soquel Dr, 831.688.1233 :/ 03::/ D7B/ 07AB@=

257 Center Ave, 831.685.8111 A3D3@7<=¸A 5@7::

7500 Old Dominion Ct, 831.688.8987

Indian. Authentic Indian dishes and specialties served in a comfortable dining room. Lunch buffet daily 11:30am-2:30pm; dinner daily 5pm to close. www.ambrosiaib.com American and specialty dishes from the British and Emerald Isles. Full bar. Children welcome. Happy hour Mon-Fri 2-6pm. Open daily 11am to 2am. Italian. Ambience reminiscent of a small trattoria in the streets of Italy, serving handmade lasagna, pasta dishes, gnocchi and fresh fish. Wed-Sun, Lunch 11am-2pm, Dinner 5-9pm. Continental California cuisine. Breakfast all week 6:30-11am, lunch all week 11am-2pm; dinner Fri-Sat 5-10pm, Sun-Thu 5-9pm. www.seacliffinn.com.

H/;33< ;327B3@@/<3/< Middle Eastern/Mediterranean. Fresh, fast, flavorful. Gourmet

7528 Soquel Dr, 831.688.4465

meat and vegetarian kebabs, gyros, falafel, healthy salads and Mediterranean flatbread pizzas. Beer and wine. Dine in or take out. Tue-Sun 11am-8pm.

1/>7B=:/ $ Capitola


1/43 D7=:3BB3

104 Stockton Ave, 831.479.8888

All day breakfast. Burgers, gyros, sandwiches and 45 flavors of Marianne’s and Polar Bear ice cream. Open 8am daily.

>/@/27A3 ACA67 Japanese. This pretty and welcoming sushi bar serves 200 Monterey Ave, 831.464.3328 superfresh fish in unusual but well-executed sushi combinations. Wed-Mon 11:30am-9pm.

California Continental. Swordfish and other seafood specials. Dinner Mon-Thu 5:30-9:30pm; Fri 5-10pm; Sat 4-10:30pm; Sun 4-9pm.



1750 Wharf Rd, 831.475.1511

AB=19B=< 0@7253 5@7::3 Mediterranean tapas. Innovative menu, full-service bar,


231 Esplanade, 831.464.1933

international wine list and outdoor dining with terrific views in the heart of Capitola Village. Open daily.

$$$ Capitola


203 Esplanade, 831.475.4900

California cuisine. Nightly specials include baby back ribs, prime rib, lobster and mahi mahi. Daily 7am-2am.

A/<B/ 1@CH $$ Santa Cruz

$$ Santa Cruz


1116 Pacific Ave, 831. 426.7588


110 Church St, 831.429.2000

$$ Santa Cruz

B63 1@3>3 >:/13

1@=E¸A <3AB

Santa Cruz

2218 East Cliff Dr, 831.476.4560

$ Santa Cruz

460 Seventh Ave, 831.477.2908

1134 Soquel Ave, 831.429.6994

4/<2/<5= ;3F71/<

$$ Santa Cruz


$$ Santa Cruz


303 Soquel Ave, 831.426.7770

1102 Pacific Ave, 837.420.0135

6C:/¸A 7A:/<2 5@7::

Santa Cruz

221 Cathcart St, 831.426.4852

Mexican/Seafood/American. Traditional Mexican favorites. Best fajitas, chicken mole, coconut prawns, blackened prime rib! Fresh seafood. Over 50 premium tequilas, daily happy hour w/ half-price appetizers. Sun-Thu 11am-10pm, Fri-Sat 11am-11pm. American, California-style. With a great bar scene, casually glamorous setting and attentive waitstaff. Full bar. Mon-Sat 11:30am-10pm, Sun 1-10pm. Crepes and more. Featuring the spinach crepe and Tunisian donut. Full bar. Mon-Thu 11am-midnight, Fri 11am-1am, Sat 10am-1am, Sun 10am-midnight. Seafood. Fresh seafood, shellfish, Midwestern aged beef, pasta specialties, abundant salad bar. Kids menu and nightly entertainment. Harbor and Bay views. Lunch and dinner daily. Mexican. Serving breakfast all day. Popular for our street tacos and handmade Salvadorian pupusas. Vegetarian options made w/ local fresh vegetables & organic tofu. Daily 9: 30am-9:30pm. Americana. Ribs, steaks and burgers are definitely the stars. Full bar. Lunch Mon-Sat 11:30am-2:30pm; dinner Sun-Thu 5:30-9:30pm, Fri-Sat 5:30-10pm. California/full-service bakery. Breakfast, lunch, dinner. “Best Eggs Benedict in Town.� Happy Hour Mon-Fri 5-6pm. Halfprice appetizers; wines by the glass. Daily 8am-9pm. ’60s Vegas meets ’50s Waikiki. Amazing dining experience in kitchy yet swanky tropical setting. Fresh fish, great steaks, vegetarian. Full-service tiki bar. Happy-hour tiki drinks. Aloha Fri, Sat lunch 11:30am-5pm. Dinner nightly 5pm-close.

j "!

A/<B/1@CH 1=; december 2-9, 2009 27<3@¸A 5C723

$$ Santa Cruz $$ Santa Cruz

7 :=D3 ACA67

516 Front St, 831.421.0706 8=6<<G¸A 6/@0=@A723

493 Lake Ave, 831.479.3430

$$$ :/ >=AB/ Santa Cruz 538 Seabright Ave, 831.457.2782 $$ Santa Cruz


$$ Santa Cruz

>/17471 B6/7

@7AB=@/<B3 7B/:7/<=

Santa Cruz

555 Soquel Ave, 831.458.2321

$$ Santa Cruz

@=A73 ;11/<<¸A

$$ Santa Cruz

$$ Santa Cruz $$ Santa Cruz

Japanese Fusion. Sushi bar, sake bar, vegetarian, seafood, steak in fun atmosphere; kids play area; karaoke every night. Open seven days 5-10pm; Mon-Fri 11:30am-2:30pm. Seafood/California. Fresh catch made your way! Plus many other wonderful menu items. Great view. Full bar. Happy hour Mon-Fri. Brunch Sat-Sun 10am-2pm. Open daily. Italian. La Posta serves Italian food made in the old style— simple and delicious. Wed-Thu 5-9pm, Fri-Sat 5-9:30pm and Sun 5-8pm.

Fine Mexican cuisine. Opening daily at noon. 49-B Municipal Wharf, 831.458.9393 1319 Pacific Ave, 831.420.1700

1220 Pacific Ave, 831.426.9930 A=74

105 Walnut Ave, 831.423.2020

C>>3@ 1@CAB >7HH/

2415 Mission St, 831.423.9010 E==2AB=19¸A >7HH/

710 Front St, 831.427.4444

Thai. Individually prepared with the freshest ingredients, plus ambrosia bubble teas, shakes. Mon-Thu 11:30am-9:30pm, Fri 11:30am-10pm, Sat noon-10pm, Sun noon-9:30pm. Italian-American. Mouthwatering, generous portions, friendly service and the best patio in town. Full bar. Lunch Mon-Fri 11:30am, dinner nightly at 5pm. Irish pub and restaurant. Informal pub fare with reliable execution. Lunch and dinner all day, open Mon-Fri 11:30ammidnight, Sat-Sun 11:30am-1:30am. Wine bar with menu. Flawless plates of great character and flavor; sexy menu listings and wines to match. Lunch Wed-Sat noon2pm; dinner Mon-Thu 5-10pm, Fri-Sat 5-11pm, Sun 4-10pm; retail shop Mon 5pm-close, Tue-Sat noon-close, Sun 4pm-close. Pizza. Specializing in authentic Sicilian and square pizza. Homemade pasta, fresh sandwiches, soups, salads and more. Hot slices always ready. Sun-Thu 10am-9:30pm, Fri-Sat 10am-11pm. Pizza. Pizza, fresh salads, sandwiches, wings, desserts, beers on tap. Patio dining, sports on HDTV and free WiFi. Large groups and catering. Open and delivering Fri-Sat 11am-2am, Mon-Thu 11am-1am, Sun 11am-midnight.

A/< :=@3<H= D/::3G $$ Felton

@32E==2 >7HH3@7/

6205 Hwy 9, 831.335.1500

Organic Pizza. Everything organic: pizza, lasagna, soup, salad, beer and local wine. Always organic, local produce. Party room seats 32. Weeknights 4-9pm (closed Tue), Fri 4-10pm, Sat 1-10pm, Sun 1-9pm. See menu at www.redwoodpizza.com.

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A1=BBA D/::3G $ 63/D3<:G 1/43 American. Serving breakfast and lunch daily. Large parties Scotts Valley 1210 Mt. Hermon Rd, 831.335.7311 welcome. Mon-Fri 6:30am-2:15pm, Sat-Sun 7am-2:45pm. $ 87/ B3::/¸A Scotts Valley 5600 #D Scotts Valley Dr, 831.438.5005

Cambodian. Fresh kebabs, seafood dishes, soups and noodle bowls with a unique Southeast Asian flair. Beer and wine available. Patio dining. Sun-Thu 11am-9pm, Fri-Sat 11am-10pm.

A=?C3: $$ Soquel

3: 167>=B:3 B/?C3@7/

4724 Soquel Dr, 831.477.1048

Mexican. Open for breakfast. We use no lard in our menu and make your food fresh daily. We are famous for our authentic ingredients such as traditional mole from Oaxaca. Lots of vegetarian options. Mon-Fri 9am-9pm, weekends 8am-9pm.



"" j /AB@=:=5G december 2-9, 2009 A/<B/1@CH 1=;

Astrology Free Will

1126 Soquel Ave. Santa Cruz, near the Crepe Place and Rio Theatre At your service everyday from 10-9 since 1978

Free Public Parking at Cayuga & Soquel O (831)429-9600

Be the Hero of Your Own Sacred Quest Hundreds of Calendars for 2010

Laura Davis

including Maynard Astrological and We’moon ’10

New Books For Your Sacred Journey Guardians of Being

by Eckhart Tolle Dalai Lama

Deepak Chopra Reinventing the Body, Resurrecting the Soul

The Art of Happiness in a Troubled World

New Sounds True — Music & AudioBooks Get Happy While You Drive

Caroline Myss Channeling Grace

Carl Honore The Power of Slow

Mon, Dec. 7 at 7 pm

John O’Donohue To Bless The Space Between Us

Journey Through Writing December's Theme: Entering The Darkness; No Pre-Registration. Begins Promptly at 7 pm. Bring Pen & Notebook.

Tues, Dec. 8 at 7 pm

Sweet Jam An Evening of Music from the Heart with Global Recording Artists. Bringing light, love and joy to the planet.

Tue, Dec. 15 at 7 pm

The Gil Cadilli Trio Presents ... A Holiday Evening The Spirit of Jazz ... in a Mellow Mood. "We play with an open heart and let it happen."

Sat, Jan. 16 Noon - 5 pm Gateways Psychic Faire Gain insight to your life's challenges. Experience our gifted Psychics, Astrologers and Healers.

By Rob Brezsny

For the week of December 2 /@73A (March 21–April 19): When Carolee Schneeman was a kid, her extravagant adoration of nature earned her the nickname “mad pantheist.� Later, during her career as a visual artist, she described her relationship with the world this way: “I assume the senses crave sources of maximum information, that the eye benefits by exercise, stretch, and expansion towards materials of complexity and substance.� I hope that you’re attracted to that perspective right now, Aries. To be in most productive alignment with the cosmic rhythms, you should be in a state of nearly ecstatic openness, hungry to be stretched—like a mad pantheist. B/C@CA (April 20–May 20): “Dear Rob: Last night my son and I were star-gazing. When we focused on the constellation Cassiopeia, an owl started hooting. Then a brilliant shooting star zipped by as a huge bat f lew right over our heads. Was this a bad omen? Bats are creepy—associated with vampires. And in Greek mythology Cassiopeia got divine punishment because she bragged that she and her daughter were more beautiful than the sea god’s daughters. But I don’t know, maybe this blast of odd events was a good omen. Owls are symbols of wisdom and shooting stars are lucky, right? What do you think? Are we blessed or cursed?� —Spooked Taurus Dear Spooked: The question of whether it’s good or bad luck is irrelevant. Here’s what’s important: You Tauruses are in a phase when the hidden workings of things will be shown to you—the mysterious magic that’s always bubbling below the surface but that is usually not visible. 53;7<7 (May 21–June 20): The week ahead

working out pretty well for you. You’re not so much a dysfunctional contradiction as an interesting juxtaposition. You’re not being crushed by a squeeze of opposites so much as you’re getting massaged by the oscillating throbs of complementary inf luences. Keep doing what you’ve been doing, only more so.

A1=@>7= (Oct. 23–Nov. 21): Big shiny egos with f lashy tricks may be mucking around in everyone’s business, calling narcissistic attention to themselves as they pretend to do noble deeds. Meanwhile, I hope you’ll be doing the hard, detailed work that must be done to serve the greater good—quietly and unpretentiously improving people’s lives without demanding major tribute. That approach will stir up some sleek, silky karma that will come in handy when you undertake the building of your masterpiece in 2010. A/57BB/@7CA (Nov. 22–Dec. 21): “Dear Rob: I love to be proven wrong. That’s not an ironic statement. I actually get excited and feel creative when I acquire new information that shows me I’ve been operating under a misunderstanding. One of my very favorite life moments occurs when I am convincingly liberated from a negative opinion I’ve been harboring about someone. As you can tell, I’m quite proud of this quality. The way I see it, emotional wealth and psychological health involve having so much self-respect that I don’t need to be right all the time.� —Sagittarian Freedom Fighter Dear Freedom Fighter: Thanks for your testimony. The capacity you described is one that many Sagittarians will be poised to expand in 2010. And this is an excellent week for them to start getting the hang of it.

will be a ripe time to pull off magic reversals. May I suggest that you try to transform dishwater greys into sparkling golds? Or how about recycling the dead energy of a lost cause in such a way as to generate raw fuel for a fresh start? I’m confident, Gemini, that you’ll be able to discover treasure hidden in the trash, and that you’ll find a way to unleash the creative zeal that has been trapped inside polite numbness. Now ponder this riddle, please: Do you think there’s any mystical significance in the fact that the word “stressed� is “desserts� spelled backward?

1/>@71=@< (Dec. 22–Jan. 19): In an early

1/<13@ (June 21–July 22): Lately you remind me of the person Robert Hass describes in his poem “Time and Materials�: “someone falling down and getting up and running and falling and getting up.� I’m sending you my compassion for the times you fall down, and my admiration for the times you get up, and my excitement for the times you run. It has probably become clear to you by now that the falling down isn’t a shameful thing to be cursed, but rather is an instrumental part of the learning process that is teaching you marvelous secrets about getting back up and running.

/?C/@7CA (Jan. 20–Feb. 18): “There is light enough for those who wish to see,� wrote French philosopher Blaise Pascal, “and darkness enough for those of the opposite disposition.� I’m hoping you will align yourself with the first group in the coming week, Aquarius. More than ever before, what you choose to focus on will come rushing in to meet you, touch you, teach you, and prompt you to respond. Even if all the smart people you know seem to be drunk on the darkness, I encourage you to be a brave rebel who insists on equal time for the light.

:3= (July 23–Aug. 22): “I burn for no reason, like a lantern in daylight,� writes poet Joseph Lease. I think that’s a succinct formulation of one of your central issues, Leo. Burning for no reason, like a lantern in the daylight, can be the cause of either failure or success for you, depending on subtle differences of emphasis. This is how it can be failure: When you’re mindlessly and wastefully burning through your prodigious reserves of fuel without any concern for the benefits it may provide you and others. This is how it can be success: When you are exuberant and self-disciplined in shining your light and radiating your warmth just because it feels so good and so right and so healthy, and without any thought about whether it’s “useful� to anyone.

D7@5= (Aug. 23–Sept. 22): In one of his short poems, John Averill (twitter.com/wiremesa) describes a scene that I think captures the essence of your current astrological omens: “Today is the day of the photo of moonrise over Havana in a book on a shelf in the snowbound cabin.� Here’s a clue about what it means: The snowbound cabin is where you are right now in your life. The moonrise over Havana is where you could be early in 2010. How do you get there from here? :70@/ (Sept. 23–Oct. 22): An estuary is a bay where the salt water of a sea mixes with the fresh water of rivers. These days you remind me of such a place. You are two-toned, Libra. You’re dual-purpose and double-tracked. You’re a hybrid blend of the yes and the no, the give and the take, the extravagant and the traditional. And somehow this has been

version of the tale of Pinocchio, friendly woodpeckers chiseled his nose back to its original size after it had grown enormous from his incorrigible lying. From a metaphorical perspective, Capricorn, a comparable development may soon occur in your own life. A benevolent (if somewhat rough) intervention akin to the woodpeckers’ assistance will shrink an overgrown, top-heavy part of your attitude, allowing you to proceed to the next chapter of your story with streamlined grace.

>7A13A (Feb. 19–March 20): White dwarfs are small and extremely dense stars. They’re typically no bigger than the Earth but as heavy as the sun. You currently have a resemblance to one of those concentrated balls of pure intensity. I have rarely seen you offering so much bang for the buck. You are as flavorful as chocolate mousse, as piercing as the scent of eucalyptus, as lustrous as a fireworks display on a moonless night. Personally, I’m quite attracted to your saucy and zesty emanations, and I think most people with strong egos will be. But some underachievers with lower selfesteem may regard you as being more like astringent medicine. My advice: Gravitate toward those who like you to be powerful. 6][Se]`Y( ;SRWbObS ]\ bVS RWTTS`S\QS PSbeSS\ g]c` TSO`TcZ TO\bOaWSa O\R g]c` OQQc`ObS W\bcWbW]\a 4]` W\a^W`ObW]\ ZWabS\ b] [g T`SS ^]RQOab Ob Vbb^( PWb Zg c\_/X

Go to @3/:/AB@=:=5G 1=; to check out Rob Brezsny’s Expanded Weekly Audio Horoscopes and Daily Text Message Horoscopes. The audio horoscopes are also available by phone &%% &%! "&&& or 1.900.950.7700

S a n t a c r u z .co m december 2-9, 2009 C L ASS I F I E DS


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