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January 6-13, 2010 Vol. 1, No. 36

Stir It Up

Critics say Jamaican reggae’s ‘murder music’ incites violence against gays. David Sason looks for some of the Jah in all of the hate. pg11

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january 6-13, 2010 SANTACRUZ.COM



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A/<B/1@CH 1=; january 6-13, 2010 1=<B3<BA

Contents. P OSTS












p30 p32








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a n u a r y 6-13, 6 - 1 3 , 2010 2 0 1 0 A/<B/1@CH 1=; A/<B/1@CH 1=; >=ABA jjanuary " j >=ABA

Posts. P osts. Messages M essages &

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EDITOR E D I TO R B@/17 6C97:: B@/ 17 6C97:: 6 (traci@santacruzweekly.com) (traci@santtacruzw a eeekly.com) STAFF STAFF WRITERS WRITERS @716/@2 D=< 0CA/19 @716/@2 D=< 0C CA/19 (richard@santacruzweekly.com) (richarrd@santtaacruzweeekly.com m)) 1C@B7A 1/@B73@ 1C@B7A 1/@ / B73@ (curtis@santacruzweekly.com) (curtis@santtacruzw a eeekly.ccom) 83AA71/ :CAA3<6=> 83AA71/ :CAA3 3<6=> (jessica@santacruzweekly.com) (jessica@santtacruzw a eeekly.com) CONTRIBUTING CONTRIBUTING EDITOR E D I TO R 16@7AB7</ E/B3@A 16@7AB7</ E/B3@A CALENDAR CALENDAR EDITOR E D I TO R >/C: E/5<3@ >/C: E/5<3@ (calendar@santacruzweekly.com) (calendar@santtacruzw a eeekly.com) POETRY POETRY EDITOR E D I TO R @=03@B AE/@2 @=03@B AE/@2 PROOFREADER P RO O F R E A D E R 83/<<3 A16CAB3@ 83/<<3 A16CAB3@ EDITORIAL EDITORIAL INTERN INTERN @C:/ /: </A@/E7 @C:/ /: </A@/ A /E7 0@7/< 6/@93@ 0@7/< 6/ /@93@ CONTRIBUTORS CO N T R I B U TO R S @=0 0@3HA<G @=0 0@3HA<G ;/C@33< 2/D72A=< ;/C@33< 2/D72A=< >/C: ; 2/D7A ;716/3: A 5/<B >/C: ; 2/D7A ;716/3: A 5/<B /<2@3E 57:03@B 83<< 7@3:/<2 /<2@3E 57:03@B 83<< 7@3:/<2 AB3>63< 93AA:3@ A1=BB AB3>63< 93AA:3@ A1=BB ;/11:3::/<2 <CBH:3 ;/11:3::/<2 <CBH:3 AB3D3 >/:=>=:7 >3B3 A63/ AB3D3 >/:=>=:7 >3B3 A63/ 1/@:73 AB/BA9G 1/@:73 AB/BA9G >/C: E/5<3@ ;=::G H/>> >/C: E/5<3@ ;=::G H/>>

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Send let letters teerrs ttoo Santa Santa Cruz Weekly, Weekly e y, let letters@santacruz.com teerrs@san s nttaacruz.com or ttoo A Attn: ttn: LLetters, ettteeerrs, 115 Co ett et C Cooper ooper e St., Sant San Santaa Cruz, uz 95060. 060. Inclu Include udee cit city ittyy and phone clarity inaccuracies known us. phone number number or email address. address. Submissions Subm missions mayy be be edited editteed for for or length, length cl le leng laritt y or or factual factual ac a inac a curacies racies know nown ttoo us s.

AB3>4=@2 /2A A B3>4=@2 /2A ABOUT tthe ABOUT he aarticle rticle ““Synthetic Synthetic Turf: Turf: A r tif icial G rass o tepford L awns?� Artificial Grass orr S Stepford Lawns?� ((Bullhorn, Bullhorn, D ec. 2 3): it it iiss ironic ironic how, how, o nline, Dec. 23): online, tthe he p iece I wrote wrote fo or Santa Santa Cruz Cruz Weekly Weekly piece for aabout bout synthetic synthetic tturf ur f ((not not overall overall in in ffavor avo v r o he sstuff tuff ) iiss aaccompanied ccompanied by by aads ds for— for— off tthe ssynthetic ynthetic turf. turf. Is it it that that the the product pro duct is is marketed marketed by by Is ro bots and and tthe he robots rob ots n ever re ally re ad robots never really read tthe he article, ar ticle, they they just just ssaw aw the the k eywords keywords ““synthetic synthetic turf tur f �? �? Of course, course, plastic plastic turf tur f just just starts star ts repeating repeating Of ““II tthought hought w eree ffriends, riends, I tthought hought wee w were w ere ffriends� riends� aafter f ter I stabbed stabbed iitt w ith wee w were with m accusations o b eing a p seudo ggreen re r en myy accusations off being pseudo p ro duct. IItt jjust ust d o es n ot get get iit. t. W are n ot product. does not Wee are not ffriends, riends, n ever h ave been been aand nd never never will will be. be. never have


Here’s H ere’s tthe he ttext ext o off o one ne o off tthe he aads ds n next ext tto o tthe he aarticle: r ticle: H Huge uge S Selection election o off S Synthetic ynthetic T Turf ur f S ynthetic G rassLawns, P laygrounds, P utting Synthetic GrassLawns, Playgrounds, Putting G reens. L o oks R eal. F eels R eal. N oH assle. Greens. Looks Real. Feels Real. No Hassle. Ken K en F Foster, oster, Santa Santa Cruz Cruz

=>3< :3BB3@ B= =>3< :3BB3@ B= A>=@BA 4/< 7< A >=@BA 4/< 7< 16734 1 6734 SPEAKING tto SPEAKING o yo you u aass o one ne ssports p orts ffan an tto o aanother, nother, yo ur ccount ount iiss 2 aand nd 0 Your your 0.. Your ffirst irst sstrike trike w as a sswing wing aand nd a m iss iin n was miss A fghanistan; a naive naive and and cclumsy lumsy lurch lurch at at Afghanistan; ap itch sso o ffar ar o ut o he sstrike trike zzone one tthat hat pitch out off tthe

you should you should have have re recognized cognized it it aass a lost lost rookie mistake. was ccause. ause. A ro okie m istake. Your Your ssecond econd w as a ccalled alled sstrike trike iin n Copenhagen. Copenhagen. You You ssimply imply while opportunity whizzed sstood tood tthere here w hile tthe he o pp ortunity w hizzed byy yo you you remember what b u aass yo u ttried ried tto o re memb er w hat your batting yo ur ccorporate orp orate b atting ccoaches oaches ttold old yo yyou u do. Your Pachyderms) tto od o. Y our tteam eam ((the the P achyderms) aare r aall re ll dugout waiting what sstanding tanding iin n tthe he d ugout w aiting tto o ssee ee w hat you will do with next one. more yo uw ill d ow ith tthe he n ext o ne. One One m ore major blunder you will bee o out off tthere. m ajor b lunder aand nd yo uw ill b ut o here. No but what N o ggreat rreat lloss, oss, b ut w hat aabout bout tthe he ggame? ame? Pieter P ieter SS.. M Myers, yers, Occidental Occidenta t l

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A/<B/1@CH 1=; january 6-13, 2010 >=ABA


Not Enough Latex Gloves? 0G 5EG<<3 2G3@


T IS the duty of all public officials to “do something� whenever a new threat appears, even if there is nothing sensible to be done. If they don’t make a show of solving the problem, the media will punish them severely. So we have had a vigorous U.S. government response to the recent apprehension of the Underpants Bomber. Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab was from Nigeria, and he was Muslim. Therefore, Washington has announced that all travelers to the United States from Nigeria, Pakistan, Syria, Iran, Sudan, Yemen and seven other Muslim or partly Muslim countries will face extra checks at airport security. They will be patted down by hand, and their carry-on bags will also be searched by hand. So that’s all fixed, then. No more exploding underpants. Except that Abdulmutallab’s underpants were on his body, so hand searches of cabin baggage aren’t going to help much. Moreover, it is far from certain that a physical pat-down of Abdulmutallab would have detected the guilty underpants. Then there are the curious additions and omissions in the list of countries affected. Cuba is included, but Britain, France and the Netherlands are not, although Britain was the home of Richard Reid, the unsuccessful Shoe Bomber, and Abdulmutallab passed through Dutch airport security on his way to Detroit. Why are these countries exempt? This is starting to sound like a rant, but I’m not actually demanding more stringent security measures. I am arguing in favor of less “security� at the airport, and a lot more emphasis on real security work before the would-be bombers check in. With the sole exceptions of Richard Reid and Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, all the plots to blow up airliners bound for the United States since 9/11 have been thwarted by the intelligence services, not by the hundreds of thousands of poorly paid “security� personnel who staff the gates at the airports. And they didn’t catch either Reid or Abdulmutallab. What conclusions should we draw from that? We should conclude that further “enhancements� to airport security are a total waste of time and money, although basic security that stops people from smuggling guns and knives aboard aircraft should be maintained. Don’t reward the politicians for submitting to the idiotic measures that the media demand of them. Accept that nothing is perfect, and remember that you are still 50 times more likely to die in a car crash than in an aircraft crash. The alternative is to try to close every loophole—and the obvious hole in airport security today is the fact that they do not check for anal bombs. The first suicide bomber with an explosive device in his rectum has already struck, although not on an aircraft. Four months ago, an al-Qaeda-linked militant passed through all the security checks and blew himself up during an audience with Prince Mohammed bin Nayef, Saudi Arabia’s deputy interior minister. If Abdulmutallab had boarded the Detroit-bound aircraft with the explosive device inside his body rather than sewn into his underpants, how were the security staff going to find it? Only by the time-tested method that prison guards regularly use: the “body cavity search.� This could obviously be done at airports too. Just bend over, please, sir or madam. Yet nobody has proposed putting this policy into effect, and that is not because they are worried about a shortage of latex gloves. The whole airport security mania is largely symbolic, and body cavity searches would upset far more people than they would reassure—so in this case, common sense trumps “security.� It should do so in many other cases too. Gwynne Dyer is a London-based independent journalist whose articles are published in 45 countries.


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january 6-13, 2010 SANTACRUZ.COM

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My o My own—Mystery wn—Mystery S Spot pot R Road. oad. Everyone Everyyone h as a sstory tory tto o ttell ell w hen they they hear hear my my has when aaddress. ddress. <O[S a][SbVW\U g]c¸`S SfQWbSR OP]cb < O[S a][SbVW\U g]c¸`S SfQWbSR OP]cb

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Building B uilding ttreehouses. reehouses. EVOb R] g]c R] W\ g]c` T`SS bW[S- E VOb R] g]c R] W\ g]c` T`SS bW[S-

Rock R ock cclimb, o limb, rrun un aaround round outside, outside, construct construct home ffrivolous rivolous h ome art art projects. projects. EVOb P`]cUVb g]c b] AO\bO 1`ch- E VOb P`]cUVb g]c b] AO\bO 1`ch-

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Iw was as jjust ust w working orking iin n Ne New ew Z Zealand ealand aand nd w was as iintroduced ntroduced tto oh okey p okey. IIt’s t’s a k ind o hokey pokey. kind off h oneycomb ccandy. andy. II’m ’m n ow ttotally otally o bsessed. honeycomb now obsessed.


5= E7B6 B63 4:=E 5= E7B6 B63 4:= =E The mighty mightt y San LLorenzo orenzo Riv River, err,

December rains.. Photo Harker. rrestored esttoored bbyy Dec ember rains Photo bbyy Brian Hark err.

) ssubmit u b m i t your y o u r public p u b l i c eye e y e photo p h o t o to t o publiceye@santacruz.com p u b l i c e y e @ s a n ta c r u z . c o m (

LLocal ocal Poets, Poets, LLocal ocal IInspiration nspiration

¡¡A/<B/ 1@CH 6/A 3D3@GB67<5´0CB G=C¸ A / < B/ 1 @ C H 6 / A 3 D 3 @G B 6 7 < 5 ´ 0 C B G= C ¸ Here Here are are mountains—wondrous mountains—wondrous m mountains— ountains— W ith a tthousand housand tones tones of of ggreen; reen; With Here aare re canyons—deep, canyons—deep, d ark ggorges— orges— Here dark L ending m yst’ry tto o the the scene; scene; Lending myst’ry Here aare re crooked croo oked trains trains aa-winding -winding Here U p aand nd over over tthrough hrough the the view— view— Up Santa Cruz Cruz has has everything— everyything— Santa E veryything, b ut yyou! ou! Everything, but Here’s tthe he ocean—placid ocean—placid oc ean— Here’s ocean— With its its emerald-tinted emerald-tinted bay; bay; With Here aare re breakers—mighty breakers—mighty breakers— breakers— Here S ending h eavenward ttheir heir spray; spray; Sending heavenward Here iiss boating, boating, here here iiss fishing, f ishing, Here H ere are are abalones, abalones, ttoo— oo— Here

Santa Cruz Cruz has has everything— everyything— Santa Everyything, but but you! you! Everything, Here are are flowers—gorgeous f lowers—gorgeous flowers— f lowers— Here Blooms that that cheer cheer us us all all year year long; long; Blooms Here are are fruits fruits from from every every climate, climate, Here In a land land of of smiles smiles and and song; song; In Here are are big big trees—giant trees—giant redwoods— redwoods— Here Older then then Assyria’s Assyria’s Jew; Jeew; Older Santa Cruz Cruz has has everything— everyything— Santa Everyything, but but you! you! Everything, Here the the cold cold winds—icy winds—icy winter— winter— Here Finds no no place place to to lay lay its its head; head; Finds Here the the hot hot winds—sultry winds—sultry summer— summer— Here

Leaves a cooling cooling breeze breeze instead: instead: Leaves Th hen comes comes longing—silent longing—silent longing— longing— Then When the the sky’s sky’s a golden golden hue; hue; When Seems like like here here there’s there’s everything— everyything— Seems Everyything, but but you! you! Everything, —Frank R. R. Bretlinger Bretlinger —Frank According to to local local historian historian Sandy Sandy Lydon, Lydon, Frank Frank According R. Brentlinger Brentlinger was was a Socialist Socialist candidate candidate for for mayor mayor R. of Santa Santa Cruz Cruz in in 1911. 1911. “Frank “Frank had had a plurality plurality in in the the of primaryy, but but lost lost in in the the run-off. run-offf. The Th he poem poem is is not not dated, dated, primary, though I would would guess guess in in the the teens, teens,� Lydon Lydon writes. writes. though Poet Robert Robert Sward Sward edits edits ‘Local ‘Local Poets, Poets, Local Local Inspiration, Inspiration,’ Poet which appears appears in in this this space space the the first first week week of of each each month. month. which

1C@@3<BA jjanuary a n u a r y 6-13, 6 - 1 3 , 2010 2 0 1 0 A/<B/1@CH 1=; A/<B/1@CH 1=; & j 1C@@3<BA &

Currents. C urren ents. AC16 A6=197<5 :/<5C/53 A n AC16 A6=197<5 :/<5C/53 new ew sstudy tudy co confirms nf irms w what hat iiss pperhaps erhaps oobvious: bv i o u s : tthe he aanonymity nonymit y aafforded ffforded by by tthe he IInternet nternet aallows llows ppeople eople ttoo bbehave ehave bbadly adly oonline. nline.

Mediating the Mediating the Message M e ss a g e

Offfiicials ccall Officials all ffor o or be better tter monit monitoring oring of Sentine el online fforums o orum ms Sentinel 0G 1C@B7A 1/@B73@ 0G 1 C @ B 7 A 1 / @ B 7 3 @


IIT T TH THROUGH HROUGH tthe he ““public public portion ccomment� omment� p ortion of of any any Santa Santa Cruz City Council C ruz C ity C ouncil meeting—or, meeting—or, ffor or a quick quick llaugh, augh, Y ouTube ssearch earch YouTube “Santa “Santa Cruz� Cruz� and and click click the the first first result—and result—and one one thing thing becomes becomes very very clear: clear: there there is is no no shortage shortage of of strong strong opinions opinions among among the the locals. locals. But But when when does does healthy healthy public public discourse become become offensive offensive and and harmful harmful discourse hate Cruz hate speech? speech? It’s Itt’s a question question that that SSanta anta C ruz Sentinel Sentinel editor editor Don Don Miller Miller and and his his staff staff try try to to answer answer every every day day on on the the online online forums forums connected connected to to their their newspaper. newspaper. Hundreds Hundreds of of readers readers post post hundreds hundreds of of comments comments online online each each day day in in response response to to articles articles published published by by the while majority pen the SSentinel, entinel, aand nd w hile tthe he m ajority p en ccivil ivil and and insightful insightful remarks, remarks, many many others others post post

homophobic, rracist homophobic, acist o orr o otherwise therwise o offensive ffensive And many, rrants ants aand nd iinsults. nsults. A nd m any, iincluding ncluding ttwo wo public now better p ublic officials, officials, aare re n ow ccalling alling ffor or b etter m onitoring b ewspaper sstaff. taff. monitoring byy n newspaper “There’s “Th here’s a group group of of people people who who post post on boards o n tthese hese b oards and and ttheir heir negativity negativity aand nd permeates Santa ccraziness raziness p ermeates eeverything, verything,� ssays ays S anta Cruz Vice Mayor Ryan Coonerty, who C ruz V ice M ayor R yan C oonerty, w ho ssays ays h met w ith M iller iin n November November to to hee met with Miller discuss d iscuss tthe he iissue. ssue. ““II tthink hink tthe he newspaper newspaper has off responsibility h as a llot ot o responsibility because because they they aare re ccreating reating tthe he forum forum aand nd profiting profiting from from it. it. public Iff yyou ou aare re ggoing oing to to ccreate reate a p ublic fforum orum ffor or speech, speech, then then you you have have a rresponsibility esponsibility keep kinds hateful tto ok eep these these k inds of of h ateful ccomments omments out out of of it. it. Otherwise, Otherwise, yyou ou sshouldn’t houldn’t run run it it at all. � at all.

Offensive is Offensive posts posts in in a newspaper’s newspaper’s online online is a spade. spade.� Topix Topix automatically automatically censors censors hardly unique common fforum orum aare re h ardly u nique tto o tthe he SSentinel. entinel. common swear swear words words and and racial racial slurs, slurs, but but Publications blogs users P ublications aand nd b logs aaround round tthe he ccountry ountry users find find easy easy ways ways around around the the process process by by keep hate out off ttheir using sstruggle truggle tto ok eep h ate sspeech peech o ut o heir using odd odd spellings spellings or or extra extra spaces spaces in in their their online discussions. Many, favorite o nline d iscussions. M any, iincluding ncluding SSanta anta favorite cusses. cusses. A user user named named “Pathetic, “Pathetic,� for for C ruz W eeklly, require require that that comments comments example, writes writes in in response response to to an an article article Cruz Weekly, example, b pproved b ewspaper sstaff taff b efore about the the alleged alleged murder murder of of 29-year-old 29-year-o - ld bee aapproved byy n newspaper before about tthey hey ggo o llive. ive. T he SSentinel, entinel, w hich u ses Elias Sorokin Sorokin in in July July that, that, “Sorokin “Sorokin is is just just The which uses Elias tthe he w ebsite T opix.com tto oh ost iits ts rreader eader aggot who who is is just just a complete complete waste waste website Topix.com host a F aggot fforums, orums, d oes n ot rrequire equire ccomments omments of life!!� life!!� Hundreds Hundreds of of examples examples of of odious odious does not of tto ob eviewed p rior tto op osting, aand nd speech on on these these message message boards boards exist, exist, and and bee rreviewed prior posting, speech aanonymous nonymous u sers ccan an ssee ee ttheir heir sstatements, tatements, in some some cases, cases, according according to to Santa Santa Cruz Cruz users in n om atter h ow b rilliant o ow ffoul, oul, p ost Police spokesman spokesman Zach Zach Friend, Frriend, the the posts posts no matter how brilliant orr h how post Police iinstantly. nstantly. M iller d efends tthe he p aper’s o nline can even even affect affect active active police police investigations. investigations. Miller defends paper’s online can p olicy, ssaying aying tthat hat aattempts ttempts tto op re-screen “Th he forums forums have have sometimes sometimes provided provided policy, pre-screen “The ccomments omments ccan an aamount mount tto o ccensorship, ensorship, hindrances to to our our cases, cases, as as victims victims and and hindrances aand nd tthat hat sstaff taff m embers w ho m onitor tthe he witnesses can can misconstrue misconstrue the the comments comments members who monitor witnesses b oards aare re d oing tthe he b est jjob ob tthey hey ccan. an. as reflective ref lective of of the the police police department’s department’s boards doing best as “We have have several several people people on on staff staff that that do do opinion on on a case—which case—which couldn’t couldn’t be be “We opinion llook ook at at the the boards, boards, but but we’re we’re aalways lways p laying further from from the the reality reality of of the the situation, situation,� playing further ccatch atch u p,� ssays ays M iller. ““We We d elete w ell o ver says Friend. 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A/<B/1@CH 1=; january 6-13, 2010 1=D3@ AB=@G

One Hate, One Fear With the rise of homophobic dancehall and ‘murder music,’ reggae has gone from Jamaica’s possibility to its brutal reality 0G 2/D72 A/A=<

Everyman fi have a gal And every gal grab a man Man to man, gal to gal, that’s wrong Scorn dem —“RAMPING SHOP,� VYBZ KARTEL FEATURING SPICE, 2009


NDY SAMBERG’S brilliant Saturday Night Live character “Ras Trentâ€? navigates a day in the life of a reggae-loving college student, from the “shanty dormâ€? to his part-time job at “Jah Cold Stone Creameryâ€? and, of course, his DVD of Cool Runnings. The skit is hilarious because everyone knows a suburban “rude boy,â€? complete with the blond dreadlocks and Bob Marley silkscreen, who smokes way too much weed. Reggae music is pervading our culture like never before, from annual festivals to skanking reggae remakes of Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band and Dark Side of the Moon. But even the clownish Ras Trent can’t escape the ugly side of modern reggae. “Oh, fire pon Babylon,â€? he croons in an exaggeratedly American accent, “and fire pon a batty boy.â€? The satire gains surprising accuracy with the term “batty boy,â€? a Jamaican slur for a gay man that’s appeared in many incendiary songs over the past 20 years, each shifting further the genre’s image of love and harmony toward a reality of violence and bigotry. At the center of recent controversy is dancehall superstar Buju Banton, whose fall tour was beleaguered by a wellorganized boycott campaign that led to 23 cancellations, including shows in Berkeley and San Jose. In 1992, Banton broke Bob Marley’s record for most No. 1 singles in a year, but he also released a song called “Boom Bye Byeâ€? whose catchy melody belied its lyrics: Boom bye bye, inna batty bwoy head [mimicking a gunshot sound “in a batty boy’s headâ€?] Rude bwoy no promote no nasty man, dem haffi dead [“Rude boys don’t promote no queer men, they have to dieâ€?] (Two man) Hitch up on an rub up on, an lay down inna bed [“Two men connect, then rub each other, then lay down in a bedâ€?] Hug up on another, anna feel up leg [“They hug each other, then feel up the legâ€?] Send fi di matic an di Uzi instead [“Send for the automatic [gun] and the Uzi insteadâ€?] Shoot dem no come if we shot dem [“Shoot them, don’t come if we shoot themâ€?] Guy come near we, then his skin must peel [“If a man comes near us, then his skin must peelâ€?] Burn him up bad like an old tyre wheel ¨

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Having been dropped from Peter Gabriel’s WOMAD tour that year due to the international uproar, Banton issued an apology and then a retraction, thus beginning nearly two decades of amends-making that at best can be called schizophrenic and, at worst, disingenuous. The singer claimed he had “moved on� from a song he wrote as a 15-year-old, supposedly about a specific, well-known case of man/boy rape. But Banton continues to perform the song. (His microphone was switched off at New York’s Reggae CariFest in 2007 when he began it.) He also claims he makes no money from “Boom Bye Bye,� but all U.S. copyright records show his name. In June 2007, Banton finally signed the Reggae Compassionate Act (RCA), which language reads in part, “It must be clear there’s no space in the music community for hatred and prejudice, including no place for racism, violence, sexism or homophobia. We do not encourage or minister to hate but rather uphold a philosophy of love, respect and understanding toward all human beings as the cornerstone of reggae music.� Just a few weeks later, though, he denied signing it and denounced the act extensively throughout the Jamaican media. “His signing of the

RCA is worthless,â€? says Peter Tatchell, the renowned British activist who co-founded OutRage!, part of the organization Stop Murder Music, and who coined the term “murder music.â€? “Banton has been given so many chances to drop his incitements to kill LGBT people,â€? Tatchell says. “He has refused, or agreed and then gone back on his word.â€? Cementing Banton’s reputation were reports from Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch about his involvement in a 2004 attack on six gay men near his Kingston recording studio. The victims were called “battymenâ€? by the group of armed attackers, and the savage beating left one 44-yearold victim blind in one eye. After an investigation and trial that bordered on farce—it took about a year and a lot of international pressure to even issue a warrant—Banton was acquitted. Still, many of his fans buy his persecution tale. Tim Nuss of Napa, 23, is one of them. “Two years ago, I was going to his show in Oakland, but they shut it down,â€? he says. “We can’t leave a stigma on artists who have evolved. Buju has moved on from that stage in his life; they should move on as well.â€? ¨


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‘No End to the War’ That’s just what Bay Area LGBT leaders tried on Oct. 12 when they arranged a meeting with Banton and his reps at a Larkspur hotel. San Francisco County Supervisors Bevan Dufty and Eric Mar as well as S.F. LGBT Community Center executive director Rebecca Rolfe were among the officials who met with Banton to discuss the singer’s lyrics and community protests against them. Hopes were high, what with the passage of the Matthew Shepard Act that same week and President Obama’s equally noteworthy speech on gay rights.

But after grievances were expressed and a request for a town-hall meeting in Kingston was refused, no resolution was reached. “I’m not starry-eyed, and I don’t have rose-tinted glasses,� says attendee Andrea Shorter of Equality California. “It’s just a step in the right direction.� Herself a dreadlocked African American, Shorter grew up on Bob Marley and continued her love of Jamaican music with Ziggy Marley and the ska revival of the 1980s, but she’s appalled by what it’s become. “Reggae music has had great meaning to me, whether it’s about positivity and uplifting spirit and creating more unity amongst people,� she says. “That’s what real reggae is about.� That night at Banton’s show at San Francisco’s Rockit Room, a blast of pepper spray dispersed the audience. Activist groups deny orchestrating the attack, but it nonetheless quelled any remaining hopes for progress. “As I said in one of my songs, ‘There is no end to the war between me and faggot,’� Banton told a Jamaican talk show the next day. “After I met with them, they pepper-sprayed the concert. So what are you trying to tell me? I owe dem nothing, they don’t owe I nothing.� A couple weeks later at a show in New Jersey, Banton reiterated the comment. As seen on YouTube, in a medley he yells, “There is no end to the war between me and faggots!� He then rails against the gay marriage efforts in California, before berating “battymen� SpongeBob and Beavis and Butthead. It would be laughable if it weren’t for the rapturous cheers of the crowd, who waved two fingers in the air like guns and chanted “Boom boom, boom boom.� Jamaica is plagued by extreme poverty, AIDS and homicide. As recently as 2005, the island nation had the highest murder rate in the world, and still averages one murder every six hours. Homosexuality remains a crime in this British commonwealth.

With a recent survey cited by Amnesty International showing that 96 percent of Jamaicans are opposed to any move to legalize homosexual relations, much of that violence is directed at the LGBT community. “The challenge is that the violence [gays and lesbians] face is one that is culturally and socially sanctioned and expected,� says Jason MacFarlane of J-FLAG, Jamaica’s LGBT rights organization. Under the antiquated “buggery� law, sodomy is a felony punishable by imprisonment with hard labor for up to 10 years. Additionally, says MacFarlane, “any sexual intimacy between men short of that is a misdemeanor punishable by up to two years. Furthermore, neither major political party in Jamaica has expressed any support for gay rights.� Since January 2007, reports to J-FLAG have shown at least eight men alleged to be homosexual have been murdered, and more than 35 have sustained serious injuries from mob attacks. The list of incidents is harrowing. In early 2009, two lesbian couples were raped by men who had threatened them earlier, as a form of “corrective therapy.� In 2006, Nokia Cowan died after a mob shouting “Batty boy!� chased him off a pier in downtown Kingston; he couldn’t swim. In 2004, a teen was nearly killed when his own father learned his son was gay and invited a mob to lynch the boy at his school. The stories go on and on and on. Despite international support, J-FLAG must keep the location of its headquarters a secret. The constant threats against the organization are taken seriously since the 2004 stabbing death of Brian Williamson, J-FLAG’s founder. Human Rights Watch researcher Rebecca Schleifer arrived at Williamson’s home after his body was discovered and found a small crowd gathered to celebrate—with some singing “Boom Bye Bye.�

Patois Disconnect Why is support for such atrocities largely ignored by U.S. reggae fans? MacFarlane feels it’s nothing sinister. “Patois is not easily understood,â€? he says. “Sometimes people get caught up in the rhythm of a song and not so much its lyrics, and this has been what dancehall has been able to use.â€? More misconceptions stem from Rastafarianism, the religious movement of many reggae artists. Though seemingly radical, with marijuana as ¨ '

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a sacrament and a vegetarian diet, at its core it’s based on Judeo-Christian traditions. Rastafarians believe Haile Selassie I, the final Emperor of Ethiopia, is the incarnation of God or Jah Rastafari. Followers believe his death in 1974 was a hoax. The lion in the iconic red, yellow and green flag represents Jesus, who was known as the Lion of Judah. Along with the 65 percent Christian majority in Jamaica, it’s easy to see where the nation’s values come from. Reggae star Pato Banton, a Britishborn veteran of the genre, calls himself a “follower of Christ,� and at one point during his recent euphoric show at Petaluma’s Mystic Theatre, urged the audience to spread love to a stranger next to them. “I am fully aware of the Jamaican community’s concerns about homosexuality from a religious point of view, but I think the line is drawn when anyone pushes for homosexuals to be hurt or to be violently attacked,� he says. “Personally, I try my best to live in a way of acceptance. The Bible and spiritual teachings have taught me not to judge.� Raised in Birmingham, England, where his Jamaican DJ stepfather introduced him to the music, Pato wasn’t immune to similar bigotry. “Everything that was going on in Jamaica was exactly going on in our community,� he remembers. “I had friends in England who [are] very homophobic. It’s the few rather than the

more who are accepting. “I’ve tried my best to educate myself about homosexuality,� he continues, “regarding the genetics of someone who’s masculine feel as if they want to be feminine, and vice versa, and through that, I have a deeper understanding. All people are God’s children, whether they’re straight or gay. I’ve got friends that are gay. I’ve got spiritual friends that are gay. It’s only by getting close to those people that you truly understand the depth of what they are about.� Pato Banton feels Buju Banton is missing out, but he is hopeful for the future. “More acceptance of gayness will be the case in the future, with human progress and human development,� he says. “I believe it will put us in a position of being more accepting and understanding and inclusive.�

Reggaedar Stop Murder Music’s “Dancehall Dossierâ€? translates Jamaican patois slang and shows that Banton is not alone. There’s Bounty Killer (“Mi ready fi go wipe out this [faggot with a] pure laser beamâ€?), Capleton (“Capleton burn battymen, dem same fire apply to di lesbianâ€?), Elephant Man (“Battymen [must be] dead, [take them] by surpriseâ€?), Sizzla (“Boom boom! Batty boys [must be] deadâ€?) and Vybz Cartel (“Oral sexer, lesbian [and] batty man ¨

january 6-13, 2010 SANTACRUZ.COM

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A/<B/1@CH 1=; january 6-13, 2010 1=D3@ AB=@G

1 =D 3 @ A B= @ G j = < 3 6 /B 3 = < 3 4 3 / @ [must be] assassinated�). Dr. Evil is a newer artist who’s come under fire for his self-explanatory song “Jah Don’t Like Gay.� Like Banton, Capleton and Sizzla have both signed the Reggae Compassionate Act. Dancehall singer Beenie Man (also an RCA signee) just had his upcoming Australian and New Zealand shows canceled, including an upcoming gig at the Big Day Out Festival. “He has never apologized for urging the killing of gay people. In fact, he put out a hit song called ‘I No Apologise,’� charges activist Tatchell. “These cancellations will hit Beenie Man hard in the pocket. He has lost tens of thousands of dollars. The success of this campaign sends a warning message to all murder music artists.� Unlike Banton, Beenie Man proudly performs his controversial songs, including “Damn,� which has him “dreaming of a new Jamaica� where he can “execute all gays.� But perhaps it’s just a matter of semantics. In a 2006 statement, Beenie Man explained his point of view: “Jamaica is not against gay people. Gay means consented sex. What we have in Jamaica is not what it is in England, where two men live together. That’s not it in Jamaica, and these people fail to understand that. In Jamaica, gay is rape. It’s a big man with their money going into the ghetto and picking these little youth who ain’t got nothing. And then give them money and then involving them. “There were 550 youths who got raped inna Jamaica, you know? And nobody seems to speak of that. Nobody sees the youth get raped and throat cut because the man who raped him, he knows him, and he doesn’t want him to go back and say he did it. And these things still happening.� The gay rights movement is the civil rights struggle of our time. Some reggae fans are still deciding which side of history they—and their money—want to be on. Gary Pratt of Sonoma, 19, a regular at the Reggae Rising festival each year, calls Buju Banton and Sizzla his favorite artists but doesn’t agree with their viewpoints on gays. “You don’t have to agree with everything they’re singing,� he says. “No one takes it to heart too much, their stances on things. They’re from a completely different culture from us.� On the flipside sits a forum post on New Jersey–based DancehallReggae.com. Entitled “Biggest Battybwoy Killing Anthems of all Time,� the thread has collected over 300 different songs. One user insists Jigsy King’s “Rapapampam�

is the best of all time: “I played this song one day, next thing you know I turned on the news and Luther Vandross was dead.� Has it always been this way? Perhaps no one in the world knows more about reggae’s golden age than writer and historian Roger Steffens. Ras Rojah, as Bob Marley nicknamed him, says that he never encountered such hatred back in the ’70s. “Never. Not even a hint of it,� he says. “If they did, it was more as something of humor and not telling people to go out and beat up batty boys and [rape] lesbians, as a lot of these people are doing these days. It’s despicable.� An early example of the humor Steffens cites is “Two Lesbians Hitch,� a 1981 song by Johnny Ringo describing two lesbians getting stuck on a sexual aid. But even back then, local DJ Drepemba of KPFA-FM (94.1) was kicked off the air for playing it. “It was meant as a joke, you know, but people are very, very sensitive, and I can’t blame them,� Steffens says. “There’s so much hatred in the world. It ain’t right.� Equality California’s Andrea Shorter thinks a movement toward tolerance is possible. “Sometimes, there’s an inclination to excuse ignorance and hatred of other minority groups because they haven’t had a fair shake themselves,� she says. “But Mr. Banton is a man of the world at this point; he can’t have it both ways.� “Would these venues host a concert by a neo-Nazi singer who called for the murder of black and Jewish people?� asks Peter Tatchell. “We are not against reggae, just against these few artists who incite homophobic violence and murder. Inciting violence and murder is a criminal offense everywhere.� Steffens reminds that reggae inherently serves a greater purpose. “It teaches people how to live a giving, happy, fruitful and praising life, aware of the influence of the deity in our lives and that there’s a broader world out there that we have to engage with,� he says. Despite the music’s seemingly progressive nature, no reggae artists, roots or otherwise, have publicly supported respect for gays. “It’s very hypocritical because there are gay clubs that everybody knows about,� Steffens says, “and some of the best-known artists and academics are obviously gay.� Any names? “Not that I’d be willing to tell you,� he replies with a nervous laugh. “I want to protect their lives.� To find out how you can help the LGBT community in Jamaica, please visit www.jflag.org.

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january 6-13, 2010 SANTACRUZ.COM

SHOWTIMES FOR FRIDAY JAN 8– THURSDAY JAN 14 STARTS THURSDAY 1/7 @ MIDNIGHT! “A one-of-a-kind fantasy…entertaining and visually dazzling!” –Los Angeles Times

Heath Ledger

Johnny Depp Christopher Plummer Lily Cole Colin Farrell Tom Watts

Jude Law (PG-13)



Advance Midnight Show Thurs 1/7 (4:20), 7:00, 9:40 plus Fri, Sat @ Midnight & Sat, Sun (11am) STARTS THURSDAY 1/7 @ MIDNIGHT! “A rollicking, whip-smart comedy!” –The Hollywood Reporter Starts Fri 1/8 Daily: (1:40),

Michael Cera Portia Doubleday Fred Willard Steve Buscemi Ray Liotta Zach Galifianakis BASED ON THE CULT NOVEL BY


Advance Midnight Show Thurs 1/7 Starts Fri 1/8 Daily: (2:00), (4:00), 6:00, 8:00, 10:00 plus Fri, Sat @ Midnight & Sat, Sun (12 noon)


Viggo Mortensen Daily (2:30), (4:50), 7:15, 9:30 plus

Sat, Sun (12:15)

Midnights @ The Del Mar Fun! Prizes! 2 Midnights To Choose From!

The Imaginarium of Youth in Dr. Parnassus (PG-13) Revolt (R) Both Play Fri 1/8 & Sat 1/9 @ Midnight Next Week: The Dark Knight


Golden Globe Nominee

Best Foreign Language Film!

Penélope Cruz IN A


BROKEN EMBRACES(R) Daily: (1:40),

(4:10), 6:50, 9:20 ”.

Golden Globe Nominee Best Actress - Emily Blunt! FROM THE WRITER OF


Daily: (2:00),

(4:20), 6:40, 8:50 plus Sat, Sun (11:50am)

Golden Globe Nominee Best Animated Film!

(PG) Daily:

(2:30), (4:30), 6:30, 8:30 plus Sat, Sun (12:30)

Globe Nominations 3 Golden Best Picture & Best Actress!


(R) Daily: (2:40),

(5:00), 7:20, 9:35 plus Sat, Sun (12:20)

( ) = Bargain Shows Before 5:30pm

Globe Nominations 6 Golden Best Picture & Best Actor George Clooney! including


Daily: (1:50),


(4:10), 6:30, 8:40 plus Sat, Sun (11:30am) (R)

Globe Nominations 3 Golden Best Director Clint Eastwood!


Morgan Freeman Matt Damon A CLINT EASTWOOD FILM

Daily: (3:30),

6:10, 8:50 plus Sat, Sun (12:45) COMING SOON! ‘Crazy Heart’ 1/15 ‘A Single Man’ 1/15 ‘The Loss of a Teardrop Diamond’

Children under 5 admitted only on Mondays & Weekend Matinees


A E! E!

j !

A/<B/1@CH 1=; A /<B/1@CH 1=; jjanuary a n u a r y 6-13, 6 - 1 3 , 2010 2 0 1 0 / 3 / 3

PPop op Q Quiz uiz How w How well ell do you you kno w thee Y eear in know Year Musi ic 2009? Music 0G 5/03 ;3:7<3 0G 5 / 0 3 ; 3 : 7 < 3


HARPEN Y YOUR O OUR PENCILS PENCILS,, trivia hound ds. The yyear ear that hounds. just ended w was as a banner one ffor or music o i bi bizz drama. d T Test eest yyour our knowledge of it with our little little quiz. Answers Answers are are on page 24. 2 AV]`bZg OTbS` 0Sg]\Q{ AV]`bZg OTbS` 0Sg]\Q{ aO\U ] aO\U Âľ /b :OabÂś T]` bVS =PO[Oa P ]\ Âľ/b :OabÂś T]` bVS =PO[Oa ]\ W\OcUc`ObW]\ \WUVb 3bbO 8O[Sa W\OcUc` ObW]\ \WUVb 3bbO 8O[Sa O\U`WZg Q][^ZOW\SR Rc`W\U O ASObbZS O\U`WZg Q][^ZOW\SR R Rc`W\U O ASObbZS Q]\QS`b bVOb 0Sg]\Q{ ÂľVOR \] Q ]\QS`b bVOb 0Sg]\Q Q{ ÂľVOR \] PcaW\Saa aW\UW\U [g a]\U bVOb 7 PcaW\Sa a aW\UW\U [g a]\U bVOb 7 P PSS\ aW\UW\U W W T]`SdS` S Âś O\R R bVO bV b bVS bV PSS\ aW\UW\U T]`SdS`Âś O\R bVOb bVS ^]^ abO` eOa ÂľU]\\ \O USb VS` Oaa ^]^ abO` eOa ÂľU]\\O USb VS` Oaa eVc^^SR Âś EVOb RWWR 8O[Sa U] ]\ b] eVc^^SR Âś EVOb RWR 8O[Sa U] ]\ b] aO g OP]cb >`SaWRS\bb =PO[OaOg OP]cb >`SaWRS\b =PO[O-

(a) “He gonna make mak ke up ffor or o it by by dancing with me.� me.� (b) “Let’s “Let’s see his da damn amn birth birth ccertificate.� ertif icate.� (c) “He ain’t ain’t my my president.� president.�� (d) “He’s “He’s taking taking over over e the banks and the car car industry. industry. Hee wants wants the ccountry ountry to fail.�� EVWQV ]T bVS T]ZZ]eW\U aW\US`a RWR EVWQV ]T bVS T]ZZ] ]eW\U aW\US`a RWR \]b Q]ZZO^aS ]\abOUS W\ \]b Q]ZZO^aS ]\abOU US W\ '-

(a) Morrisse Morrisseyy (b) Am inehous i se Amyy W Winehouse ohen (c) L Leonard eonard C Cohen (d) Drak Drakee ! 7\ bVS V]c` ! 7\ bVS V]c` OTbS` ;WQVOSZ ! V]c` OTbS` S` ;WQVOSZ 8OQYa]\¸ a RSObV eOa O O\\]c\QSR 8OQYa]\¸a RSObV eOa O\\]c\QSR eVWQV ]\S ]T bVS T]ZZ]eW\U eVWQV ]\S ]T bVS T]ZZ]eW\U [Wa a^SZZW\Ua ]T bVS ^]^ abO` ¸a [Waa^SZZW\Ua ]T bVS ^]^ abO`¸a \O[S ]QQc``SR T`S_ _cS\bZg S\]cUV \O[S ]QQc``SR T`S_cS\bZg S\]cUV bb] PSQ][S O ¾B`S\RW\U B]^WQœ ]\ ] PSQ][S O ¾B`S\R RW\U B]^WQœ ]\ BeWbbS`B eWbbS`-

(a) Mikhael JJackson ackson n

=C@ :/2G =4 >3@>3BC/: E/@2@=03 16/<53A = C@ :/2G =4 >3@>3BC/: E/@2@=03 16/<53A LLady ady G Gaga aga aagonizes gonizes oover ve r w what hat ttoo w wear ear ttoo tthe he O Oscars. scars.

(b) Mickael Mickael Jackson Jackson (c) Micheal Jackson Jackson acksen (d) Michael JJacksen " 0ST]`S 8]S AOb`WO\W¸a QZOW[ bVOb " 0ST]`S 8]S AOb`WO\W¸a QZOW[ bVOb 1]ZR^ZOg VOR ab]ZS\ VWa [caWQ 1 ]ZR^ZOg VOR ab]ZS\ VWa [caWQ TT]` bVSW` VWb a]\U ¾DWdO ZO DWRO œ ]` bVSW` VWb a]\U ¾DWdO ZO DWRO œ O a[OZZS` 0`]]YZg\ PO\R \O[SR a[OZZS` 0`]]YZg\ PO\R \O[SR O 1`SOYg 0]O`Ra RWa[WaaSR bVSW` ]e\ 1 `SOYg 0]O`Ra RWa[WaaSR bVSW` ]e\ ^ZOUWO`Wa[ QZOW[ OUOW\ab 1]ZR^ZOg ^ ZOUWO`Wa[ QZOW[ OUOW\ab 1]ZR^ZOg acUUSabW\U bVOb P]bV 1]ZR^ZOg a cUUSabW\U bVOb P]bV 1]ZR^ZOg O\R 1`SOYg 0]O`Ra VOR ^S`VO^a O \R 1`SOYg 0]O`Ra VOR ^S`VO^a acPQ]\aQW]caZg ZWTbSR bVS [caWQ T`][( a cPQ]\aQW]caZg ZWTbSR bVS [caWQ T`][(

(a) The Legend Legend of Zelda Zelda e Richard Wagner (b) Richard (c) WKRP In Cincinnati (d) “F Foreigner Suite at Ste vens “Foreigner Suite�� b byy C Cat Stevens # EVOb Sf^ZO\ObW]\ RWR A\]]^ # EVOb Sf^ZO\ObW]\ RWR A\]]^ 2]UU UWdS T]` RSQWRW\U b] d]WQS O 2]UU U UWdS T]` RSQWRW\U b] d]WQS O 5>A \OdWUObW]\ agabS[5>A \OdWUObW]\ agabS[-

(a) “I b bee get gettin’ tin’ sick of tellin tellin’’ m myy aufffeur e when to turn. Y’know? Y’know w? JJus’ us’ chauffeur cha do it once.� o ce.� onc

(b) “I be be rollin’ rollin’ o on n th’ th’ streets, streets, ne never ver know where where I’m goin’.â€? goin’.â€? (c) “I be be ridin’ ridin’ in cars, cars, and I b hearin’ bee hearin’ that b oring-ass la ady that b boring-ass lady bee doin doin’’ it all the time .â€? time.â€? (d) “I be be get tin’ paid p ffor o or the stupidest gettin’ shit these da ys.â€? days.â€? $ 2Sa^WbS bVS PO $ 2Sa^WbS bVS PO\R¸a VWab]`g ]T O\R¸a VWab]`g ]T bOYW\U ]\ UWO\b Q]`^]`ObS W\bS`Saba bOYW\U ]\ UWO\b Q]`^]`ObS W\bS`Saba ZWY S BWQYSb[OabS`` O\R /B B eVWQV ZWYS BWQYSb[OabS` O\R /B B eVWQV PWU P] f ab]`S RWR R >SO`Z 8O[ aWU\ O\ PWU P]f ab]`S RWR >SO`Z 8O[ aWU\ O\ S fQZcaWdS RSOZ eWbV b] QO``g bVSW` SfQZcaWdS RSOZ eWbV b] QO``g bVSW` OZPc[ 0OQYa^OQS`S OZPc[ 0OQYa^OQS`-

(a) Best Buy (b) Target Tar a get (c) Wal-Mar Wal Mart Wal-Mart (d) C ostco Costco % EVOb¸a bVS ' OZPc[ bVOb % EVOb¸a bVS ' OZPc[ bVOb \]b QVSR bVS VWUVSab TW`ab eSSY \]bQVSR bVS VWUVSab TW`ab eSSY aOZSa ]T bVS gSO`` eWbV ]dS` % aOZSa ]T bVS gSO` eWbV ]dS` % Q ]^WSa a]ZRQ]^WSa a]ZR-

(a) The Fame Monster Mon nstteer by by Lady Lady Gaga

((b) I Dr Dreamed eamed a Dr Dream reeam b byy Susa Susan an Bo Boyle yle ( Hannah Montana: (c) Monttaana: The Movie Moviee by by M Mile Mileyy Cyrus ( This Is It by (d) by Michael JJackson ackson n & EVS\ & EVS\ C E C ^ZOgSR O T`SS <]dS[PS` ^ZOgSR O T`SS <]dS[PS` Q ]\QS`b W\ 0S`ZW\ b] Q][[S[] ]`ObS Q]\QS`b W\ 0S`ZW\ b] Q][[S[]`ObS bVS S bV O\\WdS`aO`g ]T bVS TOZZ bVS bV O\\WdS`aO`g ]T bVS TOZZ ]T bVS 0S`ZW\ EO OZZ eVOb RWR ]T bVS 0S`ZW\ EOZZ eVOb RWR Q ]\QS`b ]`UO\WhS`a S`SQb b] YSS^ S Q]\QS`b ]`UO\WhS`a S`SQb b] YSS^ \] \bWQYSbV]ZRS`a ]cb\]\bWQYSbV]ZRS`a ]cb-

((a) A Gr Greenpeace eenpeace banner with h Bono Bono’s ’s ffacee on it fac ( An abstract St (b) yroffo oam scul lpture Styrofoam sculpture ( A mural of Horst KÜ (c) Ühler, th he KÜhler, the p pr esident of Germany Germany president ( Aw (d) all wall ' /TbS` 9O\gS ESab W\bS``c^bSR ' /TbS` 9O\gS ESab W\bS``c^bSR S B OgZ]` g AeWTb Ob bVS ;BD DWRS] ;caWQ BOgZ]` AeWTb Ob bVS ;BD DWRS] ;caWQ / eO`Ra VS b]]Y b] VWa PZ]U be eWQS /eO`Ra VS b]]Y b] VWa PZ]U beWQS bb] WaacS O\ O^]Z]Ug EVWQV ]T bVS ] WaacS O\ O^]Z]Ug g EVWQV ]T bVS TT]ZZ]eW\U abObS[S\ba eS`S \]b ^O`b ]ZZ]eW\U abObS[S\ba eS`S \]b ^O`b ]T VWa O^]Z]UWSa]T VWa O^]Z]UWSa3 "

" j / 3 january 6-13, 2010 A/<B/1@CH 1=; 1 !

(a) That was Taylor’s moment and I had no right in any way to take it from her. I am truly sorry. (b) BEYONCE’S VIDEO WAS THE BEST OF THIS DECADE!!!!! (c) EVERYBODY WANNA BOOOOO ME BUT I’M A FAN OF REAL POP CULTURE!!! (d) LIKE I SAID ON MY LAST RECORD I CAN’T KEEP MY COOL, SO I KEEP IT TRUE!!!!! /TbS` bVS 9O\gS BOgZ]` W\QWRS\b TO\a e]`ZReWRS ^ZSRUSR b] Pcg BOgZ]` AeWTb¸a OZPc[ W\ ac^^]`b 6]e [O\g a^OQSa RWR Wb Xc[^ c^ bVS 0WZZP]O`R QVO`b bVS T]ZZ]eW\U eSSY-

(a) None (b) 5 (c) 13 (d) 26 EVS\ bVS PO\R ;5;B OQQcaSR 4`S\QV ^`SaWRS\b <WQ]ZOa AO`Y]hg¸a Q]\aS`dObWdS ^O`bg ]T caW\U bVSW` a]\U ¾9WRaœ W\ ]\ZW\S dWRS]a eWbV]cb ^S`[WaaW]\ eVOb RWR bVS ^O`bg ]TTS` bVS PO\R W\ RO[OUSa T]` Q]^g`WUVb W\T`W\US[S\b-

(a) A guest verse from Sarkozy’s wife, Carla Bruni, a French pop star of renown. (b) The key to the Louvre. (c) An invitation to perform in the courtyard at the Palace of Versailles, where Pink Floyd played in 1988. (d) One euro. EVOb RWR :ORg 5OUO eSO` eVS\ aVS ^S`T]`[SR T]` bVS ?cSS\ ]T 3\UZO\R-

(a) A red-latex Elizabethan-style gown and sequined eye patches. (b) A spaghetti-strap dress made from real, uncooked spaghetti. (c) A replica of the dress Liza Minnelli wore in Cabaret. (d) An abstract outfit of aluminum foil, Heinz 57 ketchup and frayed twine. ! Âľ@WUVb @]c\RÂś Pg 4Z] @WRO b]^^SR bVS C A aW\UZSa QVO`ba T]` aWf ab`OWUVb eSSYa EVWQV '& a U`]c^ R]Sa Wb VSOdWZg aO[^ZS-

(a) Lisa Lisa & Cult Jam (b) Dead or Alive (c) L’Trimm (d) Information Society " 7\ O ZSbbS` b] 1]\U`Saa W\ ;O`QV 0WZZg 1]`UO\ ]T bVS A[OaVW\U >c[^YW\a e`]bS b] ac^^]`b bVS ^`]^]aSR BWQYSb[OabS` :WdS <ObW]\ Q]`^]`ObS [S`US` abObW\U bVOb ¾BVWa

Wa O \Se []RSZ bVOb ^cba ^]eS` W\b] bVS VO\Ra ]T Âś

(a) “the artist.â€? (b) “the people.â€? (c) “the fans.â€? (d) “my manager, Irving Azoff, the CEO of Ticketmaster.â€? # /b bVS 5`O[[g /eO`Ra ; 7 / ¸a ZWdS ^S`T]`[O\QS ]T ÂľAeOUUO :WYS CaÂś eWbV :WZ¸ EOg\S B 7 8Og H O\R 9O\gS ESab eOa \]bSe]`bVg PSQOcaS(

(a) She has publicly announced that all four men are assholes. (b) She performed while nine months pregnant. (c) She threatened to bow out in solidarity with Bollywood composer A.R. Rahman. (d) The Grammy committee offered her $100,000 to use Mary J. Blige instead. $ 7\ 8O\cO`g ;O`gZO\R ZO\R]e\S` EWZZWO[ HO\bhW\US` RS[]\WhSR W\ O\ SO`Zg 0]P 2gZO\ a]\U RWSR EVWQV a]\U eOa Wb-

(a) “Motorpsycho Nitemare.â€? (b) “Spanish Harlem Incident.â€? (c) “The Lonesome Death of Hattie Carroll.â€? (d) “Oxford Town.â€? % BVS ac`dWdW\U [S[PS`a ]T bVS 5`ObSTcZ 2SOR bVWa gSO` TW\OZZg OU`SSR b] ZWQS\aS bVSW` TW`ab SdS` aO\QbW]\SR aO[^ZS >VWZ :SaV ÂľZ]dSR bVS b`OQYÂś Wb eOa caSR T]` EVWQV O`bWab OQ_cW`SR bVS `WUVba-

(a) Vincent Gallo (b) Outkast (c) Animal Collective (d) Soulja Boy & BVS Q]c\b`g ]T ;OZOgaWO [ORS VSORZW\Sa bVWa gSO` eWbV Wba `Sab`WQbW]\a ]\ b]c`W\U O`bWaba ZWYS @WVO\\O 4S`UWS O\R 0Sg]\Q{ eV] QV]]aS b](

(a) Support the United States. (b) Praise Jesus Christ. (c) Show their legs. (d) Eat red meat. ' B`cS ]` 4OZaS- 7\ AS^bS[PS` BVS 0SObZSa—( @]QY 0O\R— dWRS] UO[S ]cba]ZR bVS Z]\U OeOWbSR `S[OabS`SR 12 `SWaacSa ]T OZZ bVS 0SObZSa¸ ]`WUW\OZ OZPc[a Q][PW\SR

(a) True (b) False EVOb RWR >OcZ ;Q1O`b\Sg QOZZ ÂľO ^`W[S Q]\bS\RS` T]` [WabOYS ]T bVS RSQORSÂś-

(a) The continued unavailability of the Beatles’ music on iTunes. (b) Michael Jackson’s decision to leverage his publishing share in the Beatles’ catalog against a $300 million advance from Sony for his unsuccessful album, Invincible. (c) Ringo Starr’s YouTube video demanding no more autograph requests from fans. (d) His marriage to Heather Mills. /b bVS PSUW\\W\U ]T bVS gSO` /^^ZS O\\]c\QSR bVOb WBc\Sa e]cZR ]TTS` a]\U R]e\Z]ORa eWbV]cb 2@; S\Q]RW\U eVWQV ZW[Wba bVS \c[PS` ]T bW[Sa O a]\U QO\ PS Q]^WSR /^^ZS Q]\Xc\QbWdSZg ]TTS`SR b] `S[]dS SfWabW\U 2@; S\Q]RW\U ]\ a]\Ua OZ`SORg R]e\Z]ORSR T]` O TSS /\ SfWabW\U [caWQ ZWP`O`g Q]\bOW\W\U ! #$ 2@; S\Q]RSR a]\Ua T]` SfO[^ZS e]cZR Q]ab V]e [cQV b] `S[]dS bVS aQ`O[PZS-

(a) $976.80 (b) $325.60 (c) $65.12 (d) $3.26 7\ 2SQS[PS` O [OX]` C A \Sea^O^S` WaacSR bVS Q]``SQbW]\ bVOb O <]d $ O`bWQZS ÂľW\Q]``SQbZg aOWR O >cPZWQ 3\S[g a]\U RSQZO`SR ' O X]YS BVS a]\U `STS`a b] ' bVS S[S`US\Qg ^V]\S \c[PS` Âś EVWQV ^O^S` eOa Wb-

(a) The New York Times (b) The Chicago Tribune (c) The Washington Post (d) The Onion ! 7\ /cUcab 0]P 2gZO\ eOa ^WQYSR c^ Pg <Se 8S`aSg ^]ZWQS OTbS` O QOZZ `S^]`bW\U O\ ¾SQQS\b`WQ Z]]YW\U ]ZR [O\œ eO\RS`W\U W\ ^S]^ZS¸a T`]\b gO`Ra EVOb RWR bVS ]TTWQS` eV] RWR\¸b PSZWSdS VS eOa OQbcOZZg 0]P 2gZO\ aOg OTbS`eO`R-

(a) “Now, I’ve seen pictures of Bob Dylan from a long time ago and he didn’t look like Bob Dylan to me at all. So I put him in the back of the car.� (b) “I wasn’t sure if he came from one of our hospitals or something.� (c) “He was acting very suspicious. Not delusional, just suspicious. You know, it was pouring rain and everything.� (d) All of the above. /\aeS`a( Q P ! Q " O # Q $ P % P & R ' R O R O ! P " O # P $ Q % Q & Q ' P R O Q ! R

/ 3

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A/<B/1@CH 1=; january 6-13, 2010 AB/53 /@B 3D3<BA

:7AB G=C@ :=1/: 3D3<B 7< B63 1/:3<2/@ Email it to calendar@santacruz.com, fax it to 831.457.5828, or drop it by our office. Events need to be received a week prior to publication and placement cannot be guaranteed.

Stage B63/B3@ 4`SSTOZZ 7[^`]dWaObW]\OZ BVSObS` I]Z dcan &%% eZgXZci jchXg^eiZY adc\"[dgb eaVn igdjeZ egZhZcih ^ih YgVbVi^X VcY XdbZY^X XgV[i# HVi! ?Vc .! -eb# &%# 7gdVYlVn EaVn]djhZ! *'+ 7gdVYlVn! HVciV 8gjo#

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<gZ\dg^jh VcY AncYV LVihdc ]VkZ _jg^ZY i]^h h]dl d[ Vgi^hih [gdb VXgdhh i]Z cVi^dc ldg`^c\ ^c bVcn bZY^jbh# ;gZZ VYb^hh^dc# LZY"HVi! cddc"*eb! Hjc cddc")eb# *'+ 7gdVYlVn! HVciV 8gjo! -(&#)'+#*,-,#

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;=<B3@3G 0/G E@7B3@A ABC27= ;33B ¸<¸ 5@33B Finish the freaking novel, already! The faculty members at the nascent Monterey Bay Writers Studio (Ryan Matthews, pictured, and Lindsey Alexander and Elizabeth Bull) are tired of listening to the world complain about unfinished literary projects and are hereby offering their services in the form of several classes designed to turn dreamers into doers. Dip a tippytoe into the pool with today’s meet ’n’ greet. Saturday, Jan. 9, 3pm–5pm at Lulu Carpenter’s, 1535 Pacific Ave., Santa Cruz; repeats next Saturday at the Abbey (350 Mission St., Santa Cruz); www.montereybaywriters.com.

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4C<5CA 4/7@3 Can’t tell your Witch’s Butter from your Chicken of the Woods? Sashay on down to Louden Nelson Center for the 36th annual Fungus Faire and learn how to put the “my� in mycology. Cooking demonstrations and expert advice on mushroom identification make this a goodtasting, good-for-you kind of event. Saturday–Sunday, Jan. 9–10, 10am–5pm at Louden Nelson Center, 301 Center St., Santa Cruz. $7 general/$6 Santa Cruz Natural History Museum members/$5 seniors and students/free kids 12 and under. 831.684.2275. <Se EOba]\dWZZS G;1/ 1ZOaaSa I]Z Hdji] 8djcin N ]Vh V cZl WjcX] d[ d[[Zg^c\h! ^cXajY^c\ VfjVi^Xh [dg `^Yh ("&)! WVh`ZiWVaa Xa^c^X [dg V\Zh )"&)! YVcXZ [dg V\Zh +"&& VcY W^iin hedgih [dg V\Zh ("+# GZ\^higVi^dc ^h deZc0 XVaa id \Zi ndjg X]^aY ^ckdakZY# LVihdck^aaZ ;Vb^an NB86! ', HjYYZc Hi! LVihdck^aaZ! -(&#,'-#.+''# =ZR 5`]ebV @SRe]]R EOZYa ?d^c Vc ZmeZgi dc gZYlddY ZXdad\n dc i]^h dcZ"]djg \j^YZY lVa` i]gdj\] i]Z iVaaZhi a^k^c\ i]^c\h dc ZVgi]! i]Z XdVhiVa gZYlddYh# HVi"Hjc! &eb# =Zcgn 8dlZaa GZYlddYh HiViZ EVg`! =ln .! ;Zaidc! -(&#((*#,%,,#

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8/;3A A1C::G /<2 /2@73<<3 @716 Laureled West Coast poets James Scully and Adrienne Rich—he has published 11 books of poems and been awarded a Guggenheim, she has authored 24 books of poetry and won the National Book Award—slip out from behind their desks for a rare reading. Tuesday, Jan. 12, at 7pm at Capitola Book CafĂŠ, 1475 41st Ave., Capitola. Free. 831.464.8983. Ajaj 8VgeZciZgÉh! &*)* EVX^[^X 6kZ! HVciV 8gjo# 4`SS 9WRa¸ Ab]`g 6]c` I]Z hidgZ ]daYh i]^h ZkZci lZZ`an0 X]^aYgZc d[ Vaa V\Zh lZaXdbZ# ;g^! &%/&*Vb# ;gZZ# 7dd`ldg`h 6eidh! (+ GVcX]d 9Za BVg 8ZciZg! 6eidh! -(&#+--#)**)# 9WRh 9]`\S` 8]^aYgZcÉh Xadi]Zh h^oZ W^gi] id * # 9dcViZ! e^X` je! ZmX]Vc\Z# :kZgn i]^gY HVi! &%Vb"&&/(%eb# Hi# 6cYgZlh :e^hXdeVa 8]jgX]! &%& G^kZgh^YZ! 7Zc AdbdcY! )%-#-,*#()*%# 9W`bO\ 1VO\bW\U 8]Vci i]Z <gZVi BVcigV# ;^cY ]Vee^cZhh VcY eZVXZ# ;gZZ kZ\ZiVg^Vc [ddY# I]j# KZih =Vaa! -)+ ;gdci Hi! HVciV 8gjo! -(&#)+'#),&'# :WdS ;caWQ I]Z GV^cWdlh egdk^YZ bjh^X [dg lVaio! hl^c\! [dm igdi VcY AVi^c YVcX^c\# ;g^! ,/(%"&%/(%eb# 9dcVi^dc hj\\ZhiZY# B^Y"8djcin HZc^dg 8ZciZg! -'. 7Vn 6kZ! 8Ve^idaV! -(&#),+#),&&# :WdS =OY 4O`[S`a ;O`YSb I]^h nZVg"gdjcY bVg`Zi d[[Zgh a^kZ WajZ\gVhh bjh^X! WgZV`[Vhi Xdd`ZY id dgYZg! [gZh] adXVa dg\Vc^X [gj^ih VcY kZ\ZiVWaZh! bZVih! [^h]! [adlZgh VcY [Vgb"[gZh] Z\\h# &*i] 6kZ VcY EdgidaV 9g^kZ# Hjc! .Vb"&eb# ;gZZ ZmXZei WgZV`[Vhi # ;OabS` Ab]`gbSZZW\U L^i] G^X]VgY <Vj\]Vc# HX]dda V\Zh# IjZ! ,eb# 7djaYZg 8gZZ` A^WgVgn! &((.% L# EVg` 6kZ! 7djaYZg 8gZZ`! -(&#)'%#*(&.#

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1/0/@3B 4C<2@/7A3@ The Youth Resource Bank needs ducats in order to continue its mission of supporting poor and working-class kids, so it is raising money the old-fashioned way: throwing an irresistible party. Tonight’s shindig features a slate of particularly talented local acts, including high-energy Moroccan fusion band Aza, Grammy-nominated soul siren Tammi Brown and the duo of chanteuse Nancy LeVan (of the late-’90s phenom Dresden) and stage-seasoned guitarist Bill Walker. Saturday, Jan. 9, at 7pm at Kuumbwa, 320-2 Cedar St., Santa Cruz. Tickets are $20 at Gateways and BookWorks. gVc\^c\! XgZVi^kZ nd\V XaVhhZh! hZkZc YVnh V lZZ`! l^i] hZi [ZZh/ Ygde"^ch! &' eZg XaVhh0 `^YhÉ nd\V! &%0 Y^hXdjcih VcY jca^b^iZY eVhhZh VkV^aVWaZ0 Vahd OZc VcY di]Zg bZY^iVi^dc XaVhhZh0 XVaa [dg hX]ZYjaZ# EVX^[^X 8jaijgVa 8ZciZg! &(%, HZVWg^\]i 6kZ! HVciV 8gjo! -(&#)+'#--.(# >WZObSa 1ZOaaSa 6aa aZkZah lZaXdbZ# Bdc VcY LZY! .Vb VcY )eb# E^aViZh HVciV 8gjo! &'i] VcY 8Ve^idaV 6kZ! HVciV 8gjo# AOZaO 2O\QS 1ZOaaSa 8VaVWVh] 6lVgY l^ccZgh GjZYV HVciV 8gjo ]dhi i]ZhZ 8Vh^cd GjZYV hinaZ XaVhhZh0 cd eVgicZg gZfj^gZY# BdgZ ^c[d/ -(&#)*,#,)('# Bdc! ,eb VcY LZY! ,eb# HijYZcih *0 Ygde"^c ,# 8Vnj\V KVjai! &&%% HdfjZa 6kZ! HVciV 8gjo! -(&#)'&#.),&# AOZaO 2O\QS 1ZOaaSa O\R >O`bg 6 ,/(%eb ^ciZgbZY^ViZ hVahV aZhhdc0 -/&*eb WZ\^cc^c\ hVahV aZhhdc0 ."&&/(%eb! hVahV YVcXZ eVgin# ;g^# ( [dg YVcXZ eVgin0 &% [dg aZhhdch VcY eVgin# EVadbVg 7Vaagddb! &()) EVX^[^X 6kZ! HVciV 8gjo! -(&#)'+#&''&# AS\W]`a¸ 2`]^ W\ 0OZZ`]][ 1ZOaaSa IZVX]Zg OV` XnXaZh i]gdj\] i]Z [dmigdi! hl^c\! lVaio VcY gjbWV ^c [djg"lZZ` hZfjZcXZh0 cd eVgicZg gZfj^gZY# Bdc! &%/(%"&&/&*Vb# -# EVadbVg 7Vaagddb! &()) EVX^[^X 6kZ! HVciV 8gjo! -(&#)'+#&''&# AV]S >OW\bW\U E]`YaV]^ 7g^c\ dg Wjn V eV^g d[ XVckVh

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03/ /BA1/>3 jjanuary a n u a r y 6-13, 6 - 1 3 , 2010 2 0 1 0 A/<B/1@CH 1=; A/<B/1@CH 1=; ! ! j 03/BA1/>3

Jazz Presenters since 1975



Concert only: $12/Adv $15/Door Jazz & Dinner: $24.60/Adv Sponsored by Santa Cruz Sentinel

TUES. JANUARY 12 • 7 & 9 PM


ROBIN MCKELLE $18/Adv $21/Door

MON. JANUARY 18 • 7 & 9 PM


$23/Adv $26/Door 9PM ONLY • $12 1/2 Price Night for Students At the door only with I.D. Made possible by David & Kate Hartzell and William & Cloy Codiga Family Foundation


JAZZ BIRDS – CD RELEASE PARTY! Concert only: $12/Adv $15/Door Jazz & Dinner: $24.60/Adv Sponsored by Santa Cruz Sentinel

MON. JANUARY 25 • 7 & 9 PM

DJANGO REINHARDT FESTIVAL “DJANGO AT 100� 7 PM: $25/Adv $28/Door 9 PM: $20/Adv $23/Dr, No Jazztix/Comps Sponsored by Ow Family Properties



SOPHIE MILMAN $22/Adv $25/Door

Sponsored by Bob Bickal


AE33B 6=<3G 1/< AB7:: @=19 A E33B 6=<3G G 1/< AB7:: @=19


Original Delt Delta ta bl bluesman luesman Hone Honeyboy eyyboy Edw Edwards ards Quixote’s afternoon. plays Don Quixot te’s this Sunday afterno on.

FEB. 15 TUCK & PATTI MON. APRIL 26 • 8 PM AT SANTA CRUZ CIVIC Tix: 420-5260 & santacruztickets.com


the orchestrion tour

Dinner served Mondays & Thursdays beginning at 6pm, serving premium wines & microbrewed beers. Snacks & desserts available all other nights. All age venue.

Advance tickets at Logos Books & Records and online at kuumbwajazz.org. Tickets subject to service charge and 5% S.C. City Admissions Tax.

Independently Produced Events SAT. JANUARY 9 • 7 PM

AZA TAMMI BROWN BILL WALKER & NANCY LEVAN Tickets: $20 Tickets: Gateways & Bookworks in Aptos YRB Benefit SUN. JANUARY 17 • 7 PM

MUSICSCOOL SHOWCASE To Benefit Scholorship Program $10/Adv $12/Door Tickets: More Music, Streetlight & tix.com



4 27 - 2 2 27

B6C@A2/G j % B 6 C @ A 2/G j %

B6C@A2/G j % B 6 C @ A 2/G j %

4@72/G j & 4 @ 7 2/G j &

1/<<=<A 1/<<=<A 1 := C 2 A 1:=C2A

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2/D 7 2 6 7 : :G/ @ 2 2/D72 67::G/@2 2 /<2 B63 / <2 B63 @=19AB3/2G % @ = 1 9 A B 3 / 2G %

San F San Francisco rancisco ffolk olk sset et C Cannons annons & C louds’ M yspace p age h as a scrolling scrolling Clouds’ Myspace page has llist ist of of no no lless ess than than 300 300 bands, bands, ffrom rom A rcade Fire Fiire tto o Zion Zion I, I, tthat hat tthey hey say say have have Arcade iinfluenced nf luenced ttheir heir style. style. W e’d b oil the the We’d boil llist ist down down tto o a ssolid olid 110, 0, but but they’d they’d all all b ood o nes. S inger Z achary B lizzard, bee ggood ones. Singer Zachary Blizzard, ffor or example, example, h as a ffull-range ull-range ccroon, roon, has o ccasionally d rifting iinto nto a h igh ffalsetto, alsetto, occasionally drifting high aand nd b ringing h ints o en G ibbard and and bringing hints off B Ben Gibbard D eath C ab ffor or C utie. A nd rest rest o he Death Cab Cutie. And off tthe q uintet’s u nderstated iinstrumentation— nstrumentation— quintet’s understated eespecially specially Brittany Brittany G ale’s addition addition o he Gale’s off tthe w istful electric electric h arp—invokes Seattle Seattle wistful harp—invokes iindie ndie blues blues q uintet B and o orses. B ut quintet Band off H Horses. But aatt tthe he eend nd o he d ay, C annons & C louds off tthe day, Cannons Clouds h ave a ssound ound aall ll ttheir heir o wn, aand nd o ne have own, one tthat’s hat’s ggetting etting a llot ot o ttention iin n tthe he B ay off aattention Bay A rea tthese hese d ays. Crepe Crepe P lace; $8; $8; 9 pm. Area days. Place; 9pm. ((Curtis Curtis Cartier) Cartier)

Even tthough Even hough h he’s e’s a C California alifornia n native, ative, S anta Cruzan Cruzan R on Kaplan Kaplan h as a llot ot o Santa Ron has off llove ove ffor or tthe he Big Big A pple. O n this this ttour— our— Apple. On ttitled itled ““Ron Ron Ka aplan Sings Sings N ew Y ork!�— Kaplan New York!�— Ka aplan u ses his his signature signature b aritone Kaplan uses baritone tto op ay tribute tribute tto o tthe he city’s city’s great great pay m usical institutions, institutions, ffrom rom the the B rill musical Brill B uilding tto oB roadway. W hile K aplan’s Building Broadway. While Kaplan’s p rimary iinterest nterest iiss with with tthe he sstandards, tandards, primary h has a musicologist’s musicologgist’s k nowledge hee has knowledge o New Y ork’s musical musical history, history, aand nd off New York’s h as unearthed unearthed ssome ome long-forgotten long-forgotten has cchestnuts hestnuts tto op erform aside aside instantly instantly perform rrecognizable ecognizable n umbers ssuch uch aass ““New New numbers Y ork, New New Y ork� or or “On “On Broadway. Broadway.� York, York� K uumbwa; $ 12 aadvance/$15 dvance/$15 d oor; 77pm. pm. Kuumbwa; $12 door; ((Paul Paul M avis) M.. D Davis)

Ap player layer w with ith jjazz azz cchops hops w who ho iiss d doing oing h is d amnedest tto o rrevitalize evitalize sska, ka, D avid his damnedest David H illyard iiss rreminding eminding ffolks olks tthat hat tthe he Hillyard ggenre enre ccan an d om ore tthan han sscore core ccomedy omedy do more m ontages iin nW ill F arrell m ovies. F or montages Will Farrell movies. For tthe he p ast ttwo wo d ecades, H illyard h as b een past decades, Hillyard has been a vveritable eritable sscholar cholar o he ggenre, enre, d oing off tthe doing sstints tints iin n tthe he D onkey S how aand nd H epcat. Donkey Show Hepcat. W ith h is llatest atest o utf it tthe he R ocksteady 77,, With his outfit Rocksteady H illyard b rings jjazz azz iimprovisation mprovisation tto oa Hillyard brings rroots oots rreggae eggae ssound ound rreminiscent eminiscent o he off tthe S katalites aand nd B urning S pear. It t’s vvital, ital, Skatalites Burning Spear. It’s vvirtuosic irtuosic sstuff tuff tthat hat m eant ffor or sskanking, kanking, meant n ot yyuks. uks. C repe P lace; $ 8; 9 pm. ((PMD) PMD) not Crepe Place; $8; 9pm.

! j !

A/<B/1@CH 1=; A /<B/1@CH 1=; jjanuary a n u a r y 6-13, 6 - 1 3 , 2010 2 0 1 0 03/BA1/>3 03/ /BA1/> >3

1=<13@BA 1 = < 1 3 @ B A @=07< ;19 @=07< ;193::3 93:: 3::3 JAN N. 14 A T KU U UUMBW WA WA JAN. AT KUUMBWA B63 B63 3 2=E< 033B 3BA 3B B63 2=E< 033BA J JAN N. 155 A T CR REPE PL REPE P LACE LA JAN. AT CREPE PLACE

A/BC@2/G j ' A /B C @ 2/G j '

AC<2/G j A C < 2/G j

8 /1973 1973 3 5@3 33<3 3 8/1973 5@33<3 JAN N. 16 6 AT AT CATALYST CA ATA TA ALLYS YST JAN.

A6/<3 2E756B A 6 / < 3 2E 7 5 6 B

6 = < 3 G 0 =G 6=<3G0=G 3 2E/ @ 2 A 32E/@2A

2C;> >AB/ B/>6 />6 6C 6C<9 2C;>AB/>6C<9 JAN N. 19 A T MOE’S M ’S ALLEY A LEE JAN. AT

Even though Even though he he looks looks as as iiff h hee jjust ust sshowed howed up up ffrom rom a Guitar Guitar C enter photo photo Center sshoot, hoot, Shane Shane D wight iiss a serious serious player. player. Dwight A rroots-rock oots-rock gguitarist uitarist iimbued mbued with with the the rrighteous ighteous fflame lame of of tthe he blues, blues, Dwight Dwight h as b een marked marked aass a young young talent talent to to has been w atch by by rroots oots m usic aaficionados f icionados tthe he watch music n ation o ver. Fans Fans of of G eorge Th horoggood nation over. George Thorogood aand nd Tommy Tommy Castro Castro will will find f ind m uch much tto o llike ike iin n Dwight’s Dwight’s muscular muscular b lend o blend off rrock, ock, country country aand nd the the eelectric lectric blues. blues. V erve L ounge; price price TB T BD; 8pm. 8pm. (PMD) (PMD) Verve Lounge; TBD;

A/BC@2/G j ' A /B C @ 2/G j '

/:07<= / :07<= Laying iitt d Laying down own h heavy, eavy, S San an Fr Francisco’s rancisco’s A lbino rreignites eignites tthe he rrevolutionary evolutionary Albino A frobeat fire fire o riginally llit it b Feela K uti. Afrobeat originally byy Fela Kuti. In nstead o aking a m annered, aacademic cademic Instead off ttaking mannered, aapproach pproach tto o tthe he fform, orm, A lbino rresurrects esurrects Albino iitt w ith tthe he m ad gglee lee o itch d octor: with mad off a w witch doctor: iit’s t’s m anic, d ensely llayered ayered d ance m usic manic, densely dance music tthat hat aaims ims tto o engage engage tthe he m ind aass iitt m oves mind moves tthe he h ips. Th he b and’s p rofessed m ission hips. The band’s professed mission sstatement tatement iiss ““music music iiss tthe he w eapon,� weapon, rremaining emaining ttrue rue tto oK uti’s vvision ision o opular Kuti’s off p popular d ance music music that that ccould ould m ove m ountains, dance move mountains, o east regimes. regimes. Fr resh o ff aappearances ppearances orr aatt lleast Fresh off aatt tthe he bacchanalian bacchanalian d esert ffrenzy renzy tthat hat iiss desert B urning M an, A lbino iiss ssure ure tto o rrip ip iinto nto Burning Man, Albino iits ts ccompositions ompositions with with the the p recision o precision off a ffinely inely ttuned uned m achine. M oe’s A lley; $ 10 machine. Moe’s Alley; $10 aadvance/$12 dvance/$12 d oor; 9 pm. ((PMD) PMD) door; 9pm.

On JJan. On an. 330, 0, 2 2010, 010, B Blues lues H Hall all o off F Fame ame Mississippi music iinductee nductee aand nd M ississippi m usic David Edwards llegend egend D avid ““Honeyboy� Honeyboy� E dwards will Grammy Lifetime w ill rreceive eceive a G rammy L ifetime Achievement Award. Att aage 94, A chievement A ward. A ge 9 4, do. iitt sseems eems tthe he lleast east tthey hey ccould ould d o. Honeyboy, with H oneyboy, aalong long w ith ffriend riend aand nd ffellow ellow nonagenarian, nonagenarian, the the 96-year-old 96-year- old pianist p ianist Pinetop Pinetop Perkins, Perkins, lays lays cclaim laim being tto ob eing one one of of the the ttwo wo llast ast original original practitioners off M Mississippi blues, p ractitioners o ississippi Delta Delta b lues, off the many tthe he oldest oldest o the ggenre’s enre’s m any schisms. schisms. Belting out B elting o ut exactly exactly tthe he kind kind of of ggravely ravely tthroated, hroated, string string rattling rattling yyarns arns aabout bout ccatfish, atf ish, whiskey whiskey and and tthe he devil devil himself himself tthat hat come come tto o mind mind when when tthinking hinking of of a 94-year-old bluesman 9 4-year- old b luesman doing doing his his thing, thing, deal when tthis his gguy uy iiss tthe he rreal eal d eal w hen iitt ccomes omes American music tto o aauthentic uthentic A merican m usic ffrom rom South. Note: tthe he S outh. N ote: sshow how sstarts tarts eearly, arly, iin n ttime ime for for Bingo! Bingo! Don Don Quixote’s; Quixote’s; $12 $12 aadvance/$14 dvance/$14 door; door; 2pm. 2pm. (CC) (CC)

BC3A2/G j B C 3 A 2/G j

;C@/:7 ; C@/:7 1 = @G 3 : : 0 / < 2 1=@G3:: 0/<2 Born in Born in N New ew York York to to ttwo wo m musicians, usicians, iincluding ncluding famous famous jazz-fusion jazz-fusion guitarist guitarist L arry Coryell, Coryell, Murali Murali C oryell h as Larry Coryell has m usic iin nh is b lood. W anting to to escape escape music his blood. Wanting

4=@2 B=C56 4 =@2 B=C56 L Legendary egenddarry guitarist guitarist Robben Roobben F Ford oord plays Kuumbwa Ku uumbwa with blues outďŹ t Trial Trial r bbyy F Fire. ire.

B63 @3A723 3A A 3<BA B63 @3A723<BA JAN N. 23 A T RI IO THEA TR TRE JAN. AT RIO THEATRE /47 JAN N. 28 AT AT CATALYST ATA TA ALYST ST CA JAN. A /<B B/ / 1@CH C 1=C<BG = =C A/<B/ 1@CH 1=C<BG A G;>6=<G G AG;>6=<G J JAN AN N. 30 AT AT CIVIC CIIVIC VIC AUDITORIUM AUDIT TO OR M ORIUM JAN. ;323A97 97 ;/@B7< /@B B7< < E E= ==2 == ;323A97 ;/@B7< E==2 FEB T RIO O THEA TH T TREE FEB.. 20 A AT THEATRE

comparison aand comparison nd competition competition w with ith h is father father aand nd brother brother (also (also a ffamous amous his m usician), Murali Murali Coryell Coryell started started musician), p laying a more more m ainstream style style of of playing mainstream b lues and and soul soul to to the the d elight o fans blues delight off fans aacross cross the the ccountry. ountry. W hile h e’s eescaped scaped While he’s tthe he shadows shadows of of h is rrelatives, elatives, M urali his Murali C oryell h as drawn drawn comparisons comparisons tto o Coryell has llegends egends like like C arlos S antana aand nd JJimi imi Carlos Santana H endrix. A very sstop top iin nh is ttour our Hendrix. Att eevery his d ifferent local local session session musicians musicians b ack different back u p Murali’s Murali’s ttender ender ssoulful oulful vvoice oice and and up ccatchy atchy guitar guitar licks, licks, m aking each each show show making ssomething omething unique. unique. D on Q uixote’s; $ 10; Don Quixote’s; $10; 77:30pm. :30pm. (Brian (Brian H arker) Harker)

BC3A2/G j B C 3 A 2/G j

@=003< 4=@2 @=003< 4=@2 B@7/: 0G 47@3 B @ 7 / : 0G 4 7 @ 3 Robben R obben F Ford’s ord’s complex complex jazz jazz and and blues blues gguitar uitar riffs riffs have have earned earned him him four four G rammy nominations, nominations, aalong long w ith Grammy with p ositions on on different different gguitarist-ofuitarist-ofpositions tthe-century he-century llists. ists. Born Born tto o a ccountry ountry & w estern ssinger/guitarist inger/guitarist aand nd a p iano western piano p layer, Ford Ford is is tthe he third third o four m usical player, off four musical b rothers. H picked u p the the ssax ax aatt aage ge brothers. Hee picked up 110, 0, taught taught himself himself gguitar uitar at at aage ge 1133 aand nd went went ttouring ouring w ith h is b rother’s with his brother’s b lues band band sstraight traight out out o igh sschool. chool. blues off h high F ord then then went went on on to to play play w ith m usic Ford with music llegends egends such such as as G eorge H arrison George Harrison aand nd Joni Joni M itchell b efore becoming becoming Mitchell before a blistering blistering gguitar uitar llegend egend iin nh is o wn his own rright. ight. Tonight Tonight h erforms w ith hee p performs with fformer ormer R ay Charles Charles gguitarist uitarist M ichael Ray Michael L andau, Yellowjackets Yellowjackets b assist JJimmy immy Landau, bassist H aslip and and drummer drummer Gary Gary N ovak aass Haslip Novak p art of of Trial Trial By By F ire. Kuumbwa; Kuumbwa; $ 23 part Fire. $23 aadvance/$26 dvance/$26 d oor; 7 aand nd 9 pm. ((BH) BH) door; 9pm.

1:C0 5@72 jjanuary a n u a r y 6-13, 6 - 1 3 , 2010 2 0 1 0 A A/<B/1@CH 1=; / < B/1 @ C H 1 = ; ! j 1:C0 5@72


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Film. Fi ilm lm. 47:; jjanuary a n u a r y 6-13, 6 - 1 3 , 2010 2 0 1 0 A/<B/1@CH 1=; A/<B/1@CH 1=; !$ ! $ j 47:;

Brain B rain D Drained rained

:7/; 2/<73: : 7/; 2/<73:

Former visual Former virtuo so T eerry virtuoso Terry Gilli misplaces mi l es misplac Gilliam his mag gic w and magic wand 0G 16@7AB7</ E/B3@A 0G 1 6 @ 7 A B 7 < / E/B 3 @ A


ROPELLED R OPELLED b byy eexotic xotic p araphernalia, a horse-drawn horse-drawn paraphernalia, midst ccontraption ontraption unfurls unfurls iin n the the m idst o ontemporary L ondon. Th his off ccontemporary London. This arcane “imaginarium� “imaginarium� offers offers theatrical theatrical arcane magic—and magic—and perhaps perhaps something something more—to more—to any bystanders bystanders willing willing to to step step right right up up any and take take a chance. chance. At At the the center center of of the the and underconceptualized The The Imaginarium Imaginarium of of underconceptualized Doctor Parnassus Parnassus is is Christopher Christopher Plummer Plummer Doctor as Doctor Doctor Parnassus, Parnassus, a con con man man with with astral astral as gifts. Assisted Assisted by by his his daughter daughter Valentina Valentina gifts. (Lily Cole) Cole) and and frontman-of-all-trades frontman-of-all-trades (Lily Anton (Andrew (Andrew Garfield), Garfield), Parnassus Parnassus invites invites Anton the audience audience to to slip slip through through a silvery silvery mirror mirror the into realms realms where where dreams dreams come come true. true. into After 15 15 minutes minutes of of the the sort sort of of visual visual After opulence we we have have come come to to expect expect from from opulence the staggeringly staggeringly gifted gifted Gilliam, Gilliam, whose whose the gifts to to cinematic cinematic folklore folklore include include Time Time gifts Bandits, Brazil Brazil and and The The Adventures Adventures of of Baron Baron Bandits, Munchausen, not not only only does does one one player, player, Munchausen, Heath Ledger, Ledger, tragically tragically disappear, disappear, but but Heath Gilliam himself himself seems seems simply simply to to have have Gilliam run out out of of ideas. ideas. A pity pity too, too, since since the the late late run Ledger adds adds charismatic charismatic focus focus to to the the film’s film’s Ledger first hour, hour, playing playing a charming charming ne’er-done’er-dofirst well who who joins joins up up with with the the imaginarium imaginarium well troupe. troupe. Gilliam has has enough enough invention invention and and Gilliam burnished nostalgia nostalgia for for 19th-century 19th-century burnished sleight-of-hand to to seduce seduce us us for for a halfhalfsleight-of-hand hour. The The rich rich textures textures of of silvered silvered mirrors, mirrors, hour. velvet kimonos kimonos and and twinkling twinkling carnival carnival velvet lights resonate resonate deeply. deeply. Ledger Ledger is is resourceful resourceful lights enough, vocally vocally and and physically, physically, to to hold hold us us enough, for another another half-hour. half-hour. What What a loss. loss. Itt is is for to Gilliam’s Gilliam’s credit credit that that he he turns turns necessity necessity to iinto nto clever clever advantage, advantage, enlisting enlisting three three other other actors—JJo ohnny Depp, Depp, Jude Jude Law Law and and a actors—Johnny

A3<7=@ AB3/;>C<9A Christopher P A3<7=@ AB3/;>C<9A Christopher Plummer lummer aass D Doctor o c to r P Parnassus arnassus aand nd Tom Tom W Waits aits Mr. Nick Doctor Parnassus.’ aass M r. N ick gget et ddown own ttoo ssurreality urrealit y iin n ‘‘The The IImaginarium maginarium ooff D o c to r P arnassus.’

particularly eengaging particularly ngaging C Colin olin F Farrell—to arrell—to ffill ill iin n as as d ashing ““other other T onys.� But But the the blame blame dashing Tonys. ffor or this this film’s film’s llimp imp aand nd tiresome tiresome final final h our cannot cannot b laid aatt L edger’s grave. grave. The Th he hour bee laid Ledger’s ffailure ailure belongs belongs tto o writer/director writer/director Gilliam. Gilliam. Th he film film hobbles hobbles along along on on one one of of the the The o ldest scenarios scenarios iin n tthe he b ook. As As the the weary weary oldest book. P arnassus, P lummer iiss a magnificent magnificent Parnassus, Plummer rruin, uin, face face full full o ollows, depths depths and and off h hollows, n uance that that transform transform the the old old carnie carnie iinto nto nuance ssomething omething almost almost S hakespearean. As As his his Shakespearean. n emesis Mr. Mr. Nick, Nick, Tom Tom Waits Waits (in (in b lack nemesis black b owler, o mnipresent cigarette cigarette and and pencil pencil bowler, omnipresent m ustache) is is obviously obviously h aving a llot ot o un. mustache) having off ffun. Th hese ttwo, wo, it it seems, seems, have have been been engaged engaged These iin n a tired tired F austian b argain for for m illennia. Faustian bargain millennia. P arnassus agreed agreed tto o sign sign away away his his daughter daughter Parnassus o n her her 16th 16th b irthday in in exchange exchange ffor or a on birthday n ew life, life, new new youth youth and and a cchance hance for for llove. ove. new W ell, that that was was 16 16 yyears ears ago, ago, and and now now the the Well, d evil has has ccome ome ccalling. alling. devil Along this this well-worn well-worn path path to to perdition, perdition, Along tthe he sscreen creen b ulges with with G illiam signatures, signatures, bulges Gilliam

including aanimated including nimated ccloudscapes, loudscapes, sswirling wirling fflatulent latulent ffairies airies and and ggiant iant h eads tthat hat b reak heads break iin nh alf, spilling spilling fforth orth m ore h eads (see (see aany ny half, more heads eepisode pisode of of Monty Monty Python Python ffor or rrefresher). efresher). E very hackneyed hackneyed sight sight ggag ag o ritish Every off B British b urlesque iiss h ere, including including a cchorus horus lline ine burlesque here, o olicemen iin n sstockings tockings aand nd high high h eels, off p policemen heels, ffor or chrissakes. chrissakes. We’ve We’ve b een h ere b efore, been here before, T erry! And And the the recycled recycled m agic ssimply imply Terry! magic ffails ails tto o work. work. Given Given his his eenormous normous llegacy, egacy, I ccan’t an’t help help b ut wonder wonder w hy G illiam ffelt elt but why Gilliam tthe he n eed make make tthis his ttarted-up arted-up b it o old need bit off ccold tturkey. urkey. Amid the the clutter clutter and and chaos chaos of of this this Amid ccreaky reaky tale—ironically, tale—ironically, one one o the off the ffilm’s ilm’s self-proclaimed self-proclaimed subtexts subtexts iiss tthat hat o off sstorytelling, torytelling, and and the the fabulous fabulous rrealm ealm o off tthe he iimagination magination tthat hat ccan an eeclipse clipse the the rreal eal w orld—there are are some some m omentary gems. gems. world—there momentary A arnassus’ devoted devoted ggo-fer, o-fer, Andrew Andrew Ass P Parnassus’ G arfield iiss a rremarkably emarkably aadroit droit aactor. ctor. Garfield P assionate aand nd smart, smart, he he aadds dds iincalculable ncalculable Passionate eenergy—much-needed nergy—much-needed eenergy—to nergy—to tthe he

ffilm’s ilm’s eearly arly sscenes. cenes. Lily Lily C Cole ole aadds dds p plenty lenty o off ffire ire to to h er p art aass tthe he b udding ggirl/woman irl/woman her part budding w ho b egins tto o ffall all ffor or tthe he b ad b oy T ony. who begins bad boy Tony. Gilliam seems seems to to have have lost lost his his way way Gilliam rrather ather aabruptly bruptly w ith The The Imaginarium. Imaginarium. with W ever ffind ind o ut w hat tthe he iimaginarium maginarium Wee n never out what iis, s, w hy tthe he w orlds tthrough hrough tthe he llooking ooking why worlds gglass lass aare re ssometimes ometimes gglorious, lorious, ssometimes ometimes n efarious. E very m oment o he ffilm’s ilm’s nefarious. Every moment off tthe ssecond econd h our aappears ppears tto ob nu nrealized hour bee aan unrealized vvignette, ignette, a ggleam leam iin nG illiam’s eeye ye tthat hat Gilliam’s d evolves iinto nto n othing m ore tthan han a sspeck peck devolves nothing more o ust. off d dust. THE T HE IIMAGINARIUM MAGINARIUM O OF FD DOCTOR OCTOR PARNASSUS min.), P ARNASSUS ((PG-13; PG-13; 1122 22 m in.), ), ddirected irected Terry Gilliam, written Gilliam bbyy T erry G illiam, w ritten bbyy G illiam Charles McKeown, aand nd C harles M cKeown, pphotographed hotographed bbyy Nicola Pecorini Christopher N icola P ecorini aand nd sstarring tarring C hristopher Plummer, Heath Johnny Depp, P lummer, H eath LLedger, edger, J ohnny D epp, Colin Farrell Tom Waits, C olin F arrell aand nd T om W aits, oopens pens Friday Del Mar Theatre. F riday aatt tthe he D el M ar T heatre.

j !%

A/<B/1@CH 1=; january 6-13, 2010 47:;


Streep Lights Nancy Meyers hews to romcom traditions in triangular affair with Streep, Baldwin and Martin 0G @716/@2 D=< 0CA/19


N SANTA BARBARA, Jane (Meryl Streep), a successful restaurateur, hooks up with her ex-husband Jake (Alec Baldwin), despite the fact that Jake is married to a younger woman. Meanwhile, a shy, sad sack of an architect, Adam (Steve Martin), also shows some interest in her. It’s Complicated serves its core audience well—women of a certain age who wouldn’t be caught dead at Avatar. Certainly, classic-era romcom bones are visible under the expensive skin of Nancy Meyers’ newest, and she had the inspiration to make Martin into Ralph Bellamy, not to mention making Alec Baldwin into Jack Nicholson. Commentators often note the rich staging in Meyers’ films, largely because there isn’t enough going on in the foreground. The film may f launt chocolate croissants and croque monsieurs and in several other ways indicate French farce as its source, but it’s about as French as French’s mustard. Meyers (Something’s Gotta Give, What Women Want) puts the solidly practical, American view of what the kids will think of this affair (even though the kids are grown up). And Meyers frets over the possibility of offending the sensibilities of the audience; Jake’s injured spouse, Agness with an extra “s,� is portrayed as a harpy. Lake Bell plays Agness, and Meyers photographs this powerful-looking woman’s teeth and jaw to make Bell appear as ruthless as Burt Lancaster.

B63 972 AB/GA =CB =4 B63 >71BC@3 Grand dame Meryl Streep soaks it up while funny boy Alec Baldwin waits to be of service in ‘It’s Complicated.’

Baldwin’s low-down comedy is delightfully uninhibited; the man will do anything for a laugh, including pants-down jokes. It’s strange, though, to see Meyers’ vision of what it’s like when an older woman gets romantic: a reversion to girlhood with loads of consumption of chocolate. (Even bearing in mind that eating sweets is a metaphor for sex in the movies, there’s a lot of it going on here.) Jane’s good points are her ability to cook and to cultivate very expensive real estate, but this doesn’t involve what most of us men really like in women past 40—the wisdom, for one

thing, and the lack of coquetry. The movie has its moments, including a pretty hilarious marijuana-smoking scene, but It’s Complicated is overly complicated—it lasts too long, and it ends with an audible thud.

IT’S COMPLICATED (R; 118 min.), directed and written by Nancy Meyers, photographed by John Toll and starring Meryl Streep, Alec Baldwin and Steve Martin, plays countywide.

!& j 47:; january 6-13, 2010 A/<B/1@CH 1=;

SHOWTIMES FOR FRIDAY JAN 8– THURSDAY JAN 14 STARTS THURSDAY 1/7 @ MIDNIGHT! “A one-of-a-kind fantasy‌entertaining and visually dazzling!â€?

Film Capsules

Movie reviews by Steve Palopoli, Mel Valentin and Richard von Busack

–Los Angeles Times

Heath Ledger

Johnny Depp Christopher Plummer Lily Cole Colin Farrell Tom Watts

Jude Law (PG-13)



Advance Midnight Show Thurs 1/7 (4:20), 7:00, 9:40 plus Fri, Sat @ Midnight & Sat, Sun (11am) STARTS THURSDAY 1/7 @ MIDNIGHT! “A rollicking, whip-smart comedy!� –The Hollywood Reporter Starts Fri 1/8 Daily: (1:40),

Michael Cera Portia Doubleday Fred Willard Steve Buscemi Ray Liotta Zach Galifianakis BASED ON THE CULT NOVEL BY


Advance Midnight Show Thurs 1/7 Starts Fri 1/8 Daily: (2:00), (4:00), 6:00, 8:00, 10:00 plus Fri, Sat @ Midnight & Sat, Sun (12 noon)

2/G0@3/93@A (R; 98 min.) Chilling futuristic tale about vampires who lose their fear of the sun when they discover the best part of waking up is Folger’s in your cup. Later they celebrate the moments of their unlife with General Foods International Coffees. (Opens Fri at Cinema 9.) (SP) B63 7;/57</@7C; =4 2=1B=@ >/@</AACA (R; 117


Viggo Mortensen Daily (2:30), (4:50), 7:15, 9:30 plus

<3E 1/>A

min.) See review, page 36. (Opens Fri at Del Mar.)

Sat, Sun (12:15)

Midnights @ The Del Mar Fun! Prizes! 2 Midnights To Choose From!

The Imaginarium of Youth in Dr. Parnassus (PG-13) Revolt (R) Both Play Fri 1/8 & Sat 1/9 @ Midnight Next Week: The Dark Knight


:3/> G3/@ (PG;110

min.) An animated kangaroo in sunglasses boxes his way to a

title bout against Manny Pacquiao, aided by a flatulent hippo, a purple gorilla named Professor Kookoobananas and an obnoxious seagull voiced by Ray Romano. OK, that’s not really what this is about, but you were ready to believe it, weren’t you? See what Hollywood has done to us? The real story is that this is a romantic comedy starring Amy Adams, who wants to propose to her boyfriend on the Irish “leap day,� but finds her plane is delayed by bad weather. So she boxes her way to a title bout against Manny Pacquiao, aided by a flatulent hippo, a purple gorilla

named Professor Kookoobananas and an obnoxious seagull voiced by Ray Romano. (Opens Fri at Cinema 9, Scotts Valley and Green Valley.) (SP)

know what this is all about, others will have to decide if they can stand a double-helping of the C-Man, even in a black comedy. (Opens Fri at Del Mar.) (SP)

G=CB6 7< @3D=:B


(PG; 112 min.) It’s true, youth are revolting! And particularly revolting is Michael Cera, who has in a few short years become the most irritating actor of his generation. Here he tries to stammer his way out of the box he’s acted himself into by playing not only his typical socially awkward, syrupy sweet virgin-dweeb, but also that character’s Fight Clubby alter ego. Fans of C.D. Payne’s Nick Twisp novels will


/D/B/@ (PG-13; 162

min.) In the future, Earthling mercenaries are shipped to the planet Pandora, where 9-foot-tall, blue-skinned noble savages called Na’vi live in a phosphorescent forest full of saurian beasts. Jake (Sam Worthington) is the paraplegic brother of a dead soldier hooked up to a Na’vi shell; the program is under the direction of a chain-

smoking biologist (Sigourney Weaver). The politics play it both ways; letting us swoon over the military hardware and still lament for the plundered forests. If you’re going to see it, see it in 3-D. (RvB) B63 0:7<2 A723

(PG-13; 126 min.) The film focuses on Michael Oher (Quinton Aaron), who overcame homelessness as a teenager to received a football scholarship to the University of Mississippi and later played in the NFL. Oher succeeded with the help of a wealthy Christian couple, Ole Miss grads Leigh Anne (Sandra Bullock) and Sean

Tuohy (Tim McGraw), who took Oher in and made him a part of their family. (MV) 0@=93< 3;0@/13A

(R; 135 min.) A sleek, twisty mystery, illuminated by the stunning PenĂŠlope Cruz, the new Pedro AlmodĂłvar is also a sprawler. The James M. Cain–style plot involves a blind film director from Madrid (LuĂ­s Homar). After losing his sight, the filmmaker took the ballsy new name “Harry Caineâ€? and became a writer. News of the death of a corrupt tycoon sends Caine back to confront unfinished business—to retrieve the moment 16 years previously

Showtimes are for Wednesday, Jan. 6, through Wednesday, Jan. 13, unless otherwise indicated. Programs and showtimes are subject to change without notice.

/>B=A 17<3;/A

122 Rancho Del Mar Center, Aptos 831.688.6541 www.culvertheatres.com

A/<B/ 1@CH 17<3;/ '

Golden Globe Nominee

PenĂŠlope Cruz

C^ W\ bVS /W` – Daily 1:50; 4:10; 6:30; 8:40; plus Sat-Sun 11:30am. 7\dWQbca – Wed-Thu 3:30; 6:15; 9; Fri-Wed 3:30; 6:10; 8:50; plus Sat-Sun 12:45.

2OgP`SOYS`a – (Opens Fri) 12:40; 3; 5:20; 7:45; 10:10. :SO^ GSO` – (Opens Fri) 2:25; 4:50; 7:20; 9:45; plus Fri-Sun noon. AVS`Z]QY 6]Z[Sa – Wed-Thu 1:30; 4:30; 6:30; 7:30; 9:45; 10:25;

" AB /D3<C3 17<3;/A

Fri-Wed 1:20; 4:30; 7:30; 10:20. 7b¸a 1][^ZWQObSR – Wed-Thu 1:15; 4; 7:15; 10:05; Fri-Wed 1:10; 4; 7:10; 9:55. /dObO` – Wed-Thu 12:45; 3:20; 4:15; 7; 8; 10:20; Fri-Wed 1; 3:15; 4:20; 6:45; 8; 10:05. 2WR G]c 6SO` /P]cb bVS ;]`UO\a- – Wed-Thu 2:30; 5; 7:45; 9:30; Fri-Wed 12:55. /ZdW\ O\R bVS 1VW^[c\Ya( BVS A_cSOY_cSZ – Wed-Thu 2:15; 4:45; 7:10; 9:30; Fri-Wed 2:20; 4:45; 7; 9:20; plus Fri-Sun 11:50am. 7\dWQbca – Wed-Thu 12:50; 3:40; 6:45; 9:40; Fri-Wed 12:45; 6:30. BVS >`W\QSaa O\R bVS 4`]U – Wed-Thu 1:50; 4:05; 6:50; 9:10; Fri-Wed 1:50; 4:05; 6:50; 9:10; plus Fri-Sun 11:30am. BVS 0ZW\R AWRS – Wed-Thu 2:55; Fri-Wed 3:40; 9:25.

Best Foreign Language Film! IN A


BROKEN EMBRACES(R) Daily: (1:40),

1475 41st Ave., Capitola 831.479.3504 www.culvertheatres.com

(4:10), 6:50, 9:20 �.

Golden Globe Nominee

AVS`Z]QY 6]Z[Sa – Daily 11:15; 2; 4:45; 7:30; 10:15. /dObO` – Daily 11:45; 3:15; 6:45; 10. 7b¸a 1][^ZWQObSR – Daily 11; 1:30; 4:15; 7; 9:45.

Best Actress - Emily Blunt! FROM THE WRITER OF


Daily: (2:00),

(4:20), 6:40, 8:50 plus Sat, Sun (11:50am)

Best Animated Film!

BVS 7[OUW\O`Wc[ ]T 2` >O`\Oaaca – (Opens Fri) 1:40; 4:20; 7; 9:40; plus Sat-Sun 11am; plus Fri-Sat midnight. G]cbV W\ @Sd]Zb – (Opens Fri) 2; 4; 6; 8; 10; plus Sat-Sun noon; plus Fri-Sat midnight. BVS @]OR – Wed-Thu 2:15; 4:30; 7; 9:30; Fri-Wed 2:30; 4:50; 7:15; 9:30; plus Sat-Sun 12:15. 0`]YS\ 3[P`OQSa – Wed-Thu 1:15; 4; 6:45; 9:20. >`SQW]ca – Wed-Thu 2:45; 5; 7:15; 9:40.

(PG) Daily:

(2:30), (4:30), 6:30, 8:30 plus Sat, Sun (12:30)

Globe Nominations 3 Golden Best Picture & Best Actress!


(R) Daily: (2:40),

(5:00), 7:20, 9:35 plus Sat, Sun (12:20)

( ) = Bargain Shows Before 5:30pm

Globe Nominations 6 Golden Best Picture & Best Actor George Clooney! including


Daily: (1:50),

23: ;/@

1124 Pacific Ave., Santa Cruz 831.426.7500 www.thenick.com

Golden Globe Nominee


Morgan Freeman Matt Damon

5@33< D/::3G 17<3;/ &

;S O\R =`a]\ ESZZSa – Wed-Thu 2:40; 7. BVS ;S\ EV] AbO`S Ob 5]Oba – Wed-Thu 5; 9:20. EVS`S bVS EWZR BVW\Ua /`S – Wed-Thu 1:50; 6:50. >W`ObS @ORW] – Wed-Thu 4:10; 9.

<W\S – Wed-Thu 4; 7; 9:55; Fri-Wed 3:35; 6:30; 9:10; plus Fri-Sun 12:45. C^ W\ bVS /W` – Wed-Thu 2:15; 4:45; 7:15; 9:45; Fri-Wed 4; 6:45; 9:20; Daily: (3:30),

6:10, 8:50 plus Sat, Sun (12:45) COMING SOON! ‘Crazy Heart’ 1/15 ‘A Single Man’ 1/15 ‘The Loss of a Teardrop Diamond’

Children under 5 admitted only on Mondays & Weekend Matinees


:SO^ GSO` – (Opens Fri) 2; 4:15; 6:45; 9; plus Fri-Sun 11:15am. C^ W\ bVS /W` – Daily 1:45; 4:30; 7:15; 9:55; plus Fri-Sun 11:15am. /dObO` – Daily 3; 6:30; 9:45; plus Fri-Sun 11:30am. /ZdW\ O\R bVS 1VW^[c\Ya( BVS A_cSOY_cSZ – Daily 1; 3:10; 5:15; 7:20; 9:30;

0`]YS\ 3[P`OQSa – Fri-Wed 1:40; 4:10; 6:50; 9:20. BVS G]c\U DWQb]`WO – Daily 2; 4:20; 6:40; 8:50; plus Sat-Sun 11:50am. >`SQW]ca – Fri-Wed 2:40; 5; 7:20; 9:35; plus Sat-Sun 12:20. 4O\bOabWQ ;` 4]f – Wed-Thu 2:30; 4:30; 6:30; 8:30; Fri-Wed 1:30; 3:20;

155 S. River St, Santa Cruz 800.326.3264 x1701 www.regmovies.com


226 Mt. Hermon Rd, Scotts Valley 831.438.3261 www.culvertheatres.com

plus Fri-Sun 11am.

@7D3@4@=<B AB/27C; BE7<


A1=BBA D/::3G $ 17<3;/A

Lincoln and Cedar streets, Santa Cruz 831.426.7500 www.thenick.com

5:10; 7; 8:50.

(4:10), 6:30, 8:40 plus Sat, Sun (11:30am) (R)

Globe Nominations 3 Golden Best Director Clint Eastwood!


1405 Pacific Ave., Santa Cruz 800.326.3264 x1700 www.regmovies.com

plus Fri-Sun 1.

AVS`Z]QY 6]Z[Sa – Daily 2; 4:45; 7:30; 10:10; plus Fri-Sun 11:10am. 7b¸a 1][^ZWQObSR – Daily 1:40; 4:20; 7; 9:40; plus Fri-Sun 11am. BVS >`W\QSaa O\R bVS 4`]U – Wed-Thu 2; 4:15; 6:45; 9.

1125 S. Green Valley Rd, Watsonville 831.761.8200 www.greenvalleycinema.com :SO^ GSO` – (Opens Fri) 1:30; 4:30; 7; 9:25; plus Sat-Sun 11:05am. C^ W\ bVS /W` – Daily 1:30; 4:30; 7; 9:25; plus Sat-Sun 11:05am. 7b¸a 1][^ZWQObSR – Daily 1:30; 4:30; 7; 9:30; plus Sat-Sun 11:10am. AVS`Z]QY 6]Z[Sa – Daily 12:30; 3:30; 6:30; 9:30. /ZdW\ O\R bVS 1VW^[c\Ya( BVS A_cSOY_cSZ – Daily 1:15; 3:15; 5:15; 7:15; 9:15;

plus Sat-Sun 11:15am. /dObO` ! 2 – Daily 12:20; 3:25; 6:40; 9:40. 2WR G]c 6SO` /P]cb bVS ;]`UO\a- – Wed-Thu 1:35; 4:45; 7:10; 9:30. BVS >`W\QSaa O\R bVS 4`]U – Wed-Thu 1:05; 3:05; 5:10; 7:15; 9:15; Fri-Wed 1:05; 3:05; 5:10; 7:15; plus Sat-Sun 11am. BeWZWUVb AOUO( <Se ;]]\ – Fri-Wed 9:30. BVS 0ZW\R AWRS – Daily 1:35; 4:45; 7:10; 9:30; plus Sat-Sun 11:15am.

j !'

A/<B/1@CH 1=; january 6-13, 2010 47:;

where he lost both love and sight. The dead tycoon in question, a cuckolded millionaire named Ernesto Martel (JosÊ Luis Gómez), unwillingly shared the love of Caine’s life. Lena, known as Magdalena, was an actress, secretary and part-time prostitute who took as her working-girl name Severine. She, of course, is played by Cruz. No one but Almodóvar knows how to make Cruz really fascinating. (RvB) 272 G=C 63/@ /0=CB B63 ;=@5/<A- (PG-13;

103 min.) A New York couple see a murder and must be relocated to a small Western town for their safety. Stars Hugh Grant and Sarah Jessica Parker. 4/<B/AB71 ;@ 4=F (PG; 87 min.) In

switching gears entirely from live action to stop-action animation, director Wes Anderson has created his most consistently enjoyable film. Based on a Roald Dahl children’s book, Fantastic Mr. Fox is a fairy tale, but it’s a realistic, slightly bleak one. Fox (voiced by George Clooney) is living a straight life with his wife (Meryl Streep). A midlife crisis rouses the beast; he decides to turn hunter once again. Retaliation comes fast and hard: the Fox is robbed of his tail by a shotgun blast. In the war that follows, Fox and his family—and, soon, all the creatures in the woods—become refugees. (RvB) 7<D71BCA (PG-13;

143 min.) Based on John Carlin’s book Playing the Enemy, Clint Eastwood’s film tells of South African president Nelson Mandela (Morgan Freeman) exhorting the South African Springboks to greatness in the Rugby world cup as a publicrelations move to heal the racial divisions. Team captain Francois Pienaar is not much of a role, but Matt Damon makes it a model of recessive, intelligent interpretation. (RvB) 7B¸A 1=;>:71/B32

(R; 118 min.) See review, page 37.

;3 /<2 =@A=< E3::3A (PG-13;

122 min.) Zac Efron’s Richard is a high school student who literally wanders into a small part in Orson Welles’ late-’30s production of Julius Caesar at the Mercury Theater. Dealing with the moods of the already notorious Welles, Richard is drawn by two women: one is Welles’ assistant Sonja (Claire Danes); the other is a yearning would-be writer (Zoe Kazan) who longs to get into The New Yorker. Shooting at a restored old theater in Douglas, on the Isle of Man, director Richard Linklater re-creates Welles’ New York staging of Julius Caesar in fascist blackshirt costumes. The stage scenes are the most compelling. Linklater’s unforced handling of the cast is a plus—as Welles’ expression has it, Linklater doesn’t push the river. (RvB)

attention to the surfaces of Italian film. What we see in Nine is not an artist in peril of his soul; what we’re really seeing in these musical fantasies is essentially the problems of a creatively blocked choreographer. (RvB)

>7@/B3 @/27= (R; 135 min.) Director/ writer Richard Curtis’ Pirate Radio wastes a roster of first-rate actors, including Philip Seymour Hoffman, Bill Nighy, Nick Frost and January Jones. Curtis also rubbishes a fascinating story, the history of how shipto-shore radio shortcircuited the BBC’s ban on rock music during the 1960s. Taking this interesting David and Goliath story, Curtis’ inspiration was to put pontoons under Animal House and float it. Kenneth Branagh plays the John Cleese–like fussy inspector, who determines to use the British government to B63 ;3< E6= AB/@3 shut down the musical /B 5=/BA (R; 100 madcaps afloat on a min.) George Clooney boat, broadcasting in the war comedy about North Sea. Nighy plays Army experiments with the saturnine owner psychic powers in Iraq. of the boat, and he <7<3 (PG-13; 117 min.) has the proper louche Federico Fellini’s 8 1/2 1960s air but nothing (1963) is boiled down to do with it; he stands to a musical series of around, making the sour celebs in pushup bras. persimmon face, and we An Italian film director, wait for something to Guido (Daniel Dayhappen. Hoffman is the Lewis), has announced legend-in-his-own-mind an ambitious new film American DJ called the project. But Guido has Count. Some rivalry no idea what the film is established when a fellow Yank DJ arrives is going to be, and the on the boat: repeattime to start shooting is coming up. Director Rob offender Rhys Ifans playing the silky Gavin Marshall (Chicago) has Cavanaugh. (RvB) calmed the camerawork down—he’s previously >@317=CA 0/A32 been an addict of fast =< B63 <=D3: >CA6 cutting to make a group 0G A/>>67@3 (R; 110 of mostly nonsingers min.) Much lauded, but and nondancers to it’s a bulldozer. It’s 1987, look like lightfooted during some of Harlem’s showstoppers. But only most suffering years. A Marion Cotillard, as girl of immense girth, Guido’s much-spurned 16-year-old Claireece wife, delivers a number (Gabourey “Gabbyâ€? that leaves an aftereffect. Sidibe) makes her way As Guido’s mistress, through life. She has PenĂŠlope Cruz is edible intelligence, but she (if slightly self-conscious) can’t focus, and we learn sliding down a satin why in flashback; she banister. Nicole Kidman was serially raped by her is the pedestal girl, mother’s boyfriend. Her inserted into a strapless scathing, angry mother, evening gown that Mary (Mo’Nique), makes her look like a blames Precious for single arrow in a quiver. this and her resulting Kate Hudson is the Yank pregnancy), urging her journalist who only pays to stop this foolishness

about school and go on welfare. Mo’Nique is great, but Precious has a judgmental streak that won’t quit. And that’s been essential to a success worthy of its sensationalism. (RvB) B63 >@7<13AA /<2 B63 4@=5 (G; 97

min.) In New Orleans of the 1920s, a hardworking AfricanAmerican girl, Tiana (Noni Rose), falls for the myth that a princess’s kiss can turn a frog back to a prince, but the curse turns out to work both ways, and soon the couple—now both frogs—are running for their lives from a voodoo conjurer (voiced by Keith David, reprising the malevolent silkiness of his Cat in Coraline). The attempt to make a multiculti story is suitably enchanting. The full-length cartoon is a tribute to a centurylong history of cellular animation. (RvB) B63 @=/2 (R; 119

min.) Two figures, half-starved on a perilous road to the sea, are the survivors of some thorough but indefinite holocaust. All civilization has broken down utterly; long-pig consumption is on the rise. The film offers a serious vision of a world without warmth, humor or sex, and only a lightweight, one thinks, would flee from it. The Road’s postapocalyptic center is a moral struggle: even as his strength wanes, Vigo Mortensen’s Man tries pass on the spirit of “the good guys� to his son. The son is called, as in Tarzan movies, “Boy� (Kodi Smit-McPhee). The film has its moments. Mortensen’s real-to-the-pith suffering is unimpeachable, and a sightless Robert Duvall’s tales of apocalypse have some genuine weight to them. (RvB) A63@:=19 6=:;3A

(PG-13; 128 min.) There are moments during Sherlock Holmes when you wish you could hit director Guy Ritchie with his own storyboard; there are bone-crushing fights that you feel like applauding for just to celebrate the fact that

>CBB7<¸ =< B63 @7BH Lbuf!IvetpoĂ–t!kpvsobmjtu!)tfdpoe!gspn!sjhiu*!


they’re over at last. Yet all in all, Sherlock Holmes is ripping fun. Robert Downey Jr.’s expert acting reflects Aldous Huxley’s thought that if you could open the doors of perception, you would see the world as it is: infinite. This insight sums up the mind of the world’s greatest detective—it also sums up the mind of a schizophrenic. Downey’s Holmes is a dandy in high Victorian regalia, smoked glasses, ascots and the kind of slanted hats worn in Oscar Wilde’s circle. But we also see another side of Holmes—a hermit crab in a dank flat, huddled under a silk dressing gown so raveled it looks shaggy as a bear skin. The movie keeps coming back to a serene partnership—when Holmes says “The game’s afoot,� Jude Law’s formidable Watson picks up the rest of the Henry V quote. (RvB) C> 7< B63 /7@ (R; 109 min.) As the predatory Ryan Bingham, George Clooney delivers a startlingly good performance. Sadly, the film is compromised by director Jason Reitman, who shows signs of morphing into Cameron Crowe. Bingham is a hired terminator—a

man brought in to fire people; he tolerates this job with benefits of an executive life with plenty of travel. Enter a young, seemingly equally callous rival (Anna Kendrick). Having this inexperienced girl along interrupts Ryan’s regularly scheduled no-strings flings with a fellow constant business traveler, Alex (Vera Farmiga). The acrid first half is the best part—Clooney makes us admire Ryan’s gamesmanship. The film wants us to equate two different kinds of toxicities—to draw a line between the corporate bloodletting that juices up stock portfolios and the wrongness of the present-tense sex life that Ryan and Alex enjoy. Too bad that Farmiga and Clooney are such a scintillating pair that you don’t want to see them pay the piper. (RvB) E63@3 B63 E7:2 B67<5A /@3 (PG;

101 min.) The beast suits—part costumes, part CGI—are accurate versions of the Sendak illustrations. Max Records seems just right as Max, the little boy whose father is out of the picture, who flees to a monster island. The feature film gives

children due respect for their towering moods. But children’s moods change, and this film’s mood doesn’t. It’s essentially gloomy, like a collection of Peanuts strips clipped of their punch lines. The film is staged in an Australian forest, the domain of seven or eight depressed creatures (Lauren Ambrose, James Gandolfini and Catherine O’Hara, among others). They’re cautious and fretful; they form cliques and snipe at each other. The rumpusing beastliness always ends with some injury, as per Mom’s warning about how it’s all fun and games until someone gets hurt. Scriptwriter Dave Eggers’ work is typically formless, cute and drifty. There’s no artistic force behind this movie, only whims and anxieties. A parting word from the beasts, “When you go home, will you say good things about us?,� seems addressed to a baffled audience. It’ll be a cult item for aging-children hipster types, the ones who would wear their terrycloth wolf-suits to work if they could. (RvB) B63 G=C<5 D71B=@7/ (PG; 104

min.) Unforgivably static, despite the

fascinating subject: the early and often unpopular years of the longest-reigning and most iron-bottomed British royal who ever lived. As Victoria, the lovely and suitably aristocratic Emily Blunt is the best part of this story. Treated with brutal overcaution and surveillance by her mother, the Duchess of Kent (Miranda Richardson), and her friend (perhaps with benefits) Lord Conroy, the girl is kept locked up and escorted down all stairs as if she were a brittle-boned child. When she grows older, her cousin Albert (Rupert Friend) comes to court, and this starts a romance, tainted with scheming by the power in Albert’s family, the perfidious Belgian king (Thomas Kretschmann). Director Jean-Marc ValÊe slows things down and smooths over the complexities of history; matters get simplified to the point where it seems like nothing is going on in the world outside the problem of Victoria trying to get some time alone with Albert. The sketchy background and the slow pace bring on the familiar PBS-watcher’s narcosis. (RvB)

40 |

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A/<B/1@CH 1=; A /<B/1@CH 1=; jjanuary a n u a r y 6-13, 6 - 1 3 , 2010 2 0 1 0 3>71C@3 3>71C@3

SStrange trange Brew Brew

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Uncommon U ncommon Brewers is is poised poised Brewers to unleash unleash bacon bacon to b eer u pon tthe he beer upon w orld, aand nd llots ots o world, off iitt 0G /:/AB/7@ 0:/<2 0G / : / A B/ 7 @ 0 : / < 2


LEC S LEC STEFANSKY TEFANSKY Y llearned earned tto o make beer his UC–Santa m ake be er iin nh is U C–Santa Cruz dorm where hee C ruz d orm rroom, oom, w here h hid batches h id 55-gallon -gallon b atches ffrom rom homeccampus ampus aauthorities uthorities aand nd sshared hared h omebrewed pints his b rewed p ints aamong mong h is rroommates. oommates. IItt was way begin. w as a ccommon ommon eenough nough w ay tto o be gin. But But today today the the 31-year-old 31-year-old is is a professional brewer quickly p rofessional b rewer q uickly aascending scending off W West Coast weird-beer iinto nto tthe he rranks anks o est C oast w eird-beer Since Uncommon sstardom. tardom. S ince ffounding ounding U ncommon Brewers 2007, hee h has make B rewers iin n2 007, h as sstriven triven tto om ake up name. The tthe he ccompany ompany llive ive u p tto o iits ts n ame. Th he Siamese Twin Ale brewed with Kaffir S iamese T win A le b rewed w ith Ka affff ir has become llimes imes lleaves eaves aand nd llemon emon ggrass rass h as be come off tthousands, a ffavorite avorite o housands, aand nd ffar ar sstranger tranger brews now bubbling down pipe. b rews aare re n ow b ubbling d own tthe he p ipe. Most Most recently, recently, Uncommon Uncommon Brewers, Brewers, operated byy S Stefansky Reed o perated b tefansky aand nd aassistant ssistant R eed Vander Schaaf, Rubidus Red Ale, V ander S chaaf, rreleased eleased R ubidus R ed A le, brewed with dried a sstrong trong aale le b rewed w ith d ried ccandy andy ccap ap mushrooms. Stefansky, m ushrooms. S tefansky, a rrecreational ecreational mushroom hunter, has m ushroom h unter, h as aamassed massed a dried ffive-year ive-year d ried sstash tash of of this this potent potent and and which eexpensive xpensive ffungus, ungus, w hich ssmells mells sstrongly trongly off m maple portioning o aple ssyrup, yrup, aand nd iiss ssteadily teadily po rtioning mushrooms batches off tthe brew. tthe he m ushrooms iinto nto b atches o he b rew. A beer beer even even queerer queerer is is about about to to go go public. The Bacon Brown Ale, p ublic. Th he B acon B rown A le, ccurrently urrently undergoing u ndergoing ssecondary econdary ry ffermentation, ermentation, iiss aass brown brewed with b rown aass iitt ssounds; ounds; iit’s t’s b rewed w ith rreal eal bacon. b acon. Also Also on on the the calendar calendar for for release release barleywine with tthis his sspring pring iiss a b arleywine aaged ged w ith branches. Stefansky rredwood edwood b ranches. S tefansky ssays ays tthe he wood’s bridge between w ood’s ttannins annins b ridge tthe he ggap ap be tween bitter hops malt. tthe he b itter h ops aand nd tthe he ssweet weet m alt. This hee d discovered quite byy aaccident T his h iscovered q uite b ccident aatt

4:/D=@ A/D7=@ Assistant brewer 4:/D=@ A/D7=@ Assistant b rewe r R Reed eed V Vander ander SSchaaf chaaf mission iiss oon nam ission ttoo kkeep eep bbeer eer ffrom rom bbeing eing bboring. oring.

an Oakland an Oakland A A’s ’s game game iin n2 2004, 004, when when h ope p ned a h ome-brewed vversion ersion o hee opened home-brewed off tthe he beer, b er, w be hich rruns uns aalmost lmost 1155 pe rcent which percent aalcohol lcohol by by vvolume, olume, aand nd ffound ound a vvolunteer olunteer rredwood edwood b ud ffloating loating iin n tthe he bo ttle. bud bottle. “Itt tasted tasted great, great,� he he recalls. recalls. “The “Th he beer’s beeer’s “It fflavor lavor h ad be en m issing ssomething, omething, aand nd had been missing tthe he redwood redwood filled f illed the the gap. gap.� Stefansky counts counts among among his his Stefansky iinspirations nspirations D ogf ish H ead C raft A les iin n Dogfish Head Craft Ales D elaware, rrenowned enowned ffor or its its u nusual beers beers Delaware, unusual aand nd m alt be verages, aand nd h eels it’s it’s time time malt beverages, hee ffeels tthat hat more more American American b rewers deviated deviated brewers ffrom rom ttraditional raditional E uropean sstyles tyles aand nd European d eveloped ttheir heir o wn. F or n ow, S tefansky’s developed own. For now, Stefansky’s be ers aare re aall ll b rewed tto o sstandard tandard style style beers brewed gguidelines, uidelines, b ut tthe he sstrange trange ccomplements omplements but aadded dded to to eeach ach beer beer ttoe oe tthe he llines ines o off cconformity. onformity. While flavor, f lavor, aroma aroma and and mouthfeel mouthfeel While

may gain may gain a b brewer rewer p praise, raise, success success can can be aaptly ptly m easured iin nn umbers, so so ttaste aste measured numbers, tthese: hese: U ncommon B rewers m ade 1194 94 Uncommon Brewers made b arrels of of beer beer in in 2008 2008 0 aand nd 4 50 iin n2 009, barrels 450 2009, b ut iin n2 010, ssays ays S tefansky, h is n ew but 2010, Stefansky, his new ffacility acility in in Capitola Capitola w ill generate generate 6 ,000 will 6,000 b arrels of of beer. beer. P ut another another w ay, by by April April barrels Put way, U ncommon B rewers’ new new ttank ank capacity capacity Uncommon Brewers’ w ill be able able to to hold hold what what p reviously w as will previously was tthree hree m onths’ w ortth o er. months’ worth off be beer. Is Stefansky Stefansky brewing brewing more more than than he he can can Is cchew? hew? H ays n ot. Hee ssays not. “People want want the the beer, beer, but but I just just can’t can’t “People m ake eenough. nough.� make

Find U Find Uncommon ncommon Brewers Brewers beer b eer aatt better better beer beer bars bars and and retailers retailers tthroughout hroughout Santa Santa Cruz Cruz County. Count y.

" j 27<3@¸A 5C723 january 6-13, 2010 A/<B/1@CH 1=;

Diner’s Guide

Our selective list of area restaurants includes those that have been favorably reviewed in print by Santa Cruz Weekly food critics and others that have been sampled but not reviewed in print. All visits by our writers are made anonymously, and all expenses are paid by Metro Santa Cruz. AG;0=:A ;/23 A7;>:3( + C\RS` + # + $ + O\R c^

Price Ranges based on average cost of dinner entree and salad, excluding alcoholic beverages

/>B=A $$ Aptos

/;0@=A7/ 7<27/ 07AB@=

$$ Aptos

0@7B/<<7/ /@;A

$$$ Aptos $$$ Aptos

$$ Aptos

207 Searidge Rd, 831.685.0610

8017 Soquel Dr, 831.688.1233 :/ 03::/ D7B/ 07AB@=

257 Center Ave, 831.685.8111 A3D3@7<=¸A 5@7::

7500 Old Dominion Ct, 831.688.8987

Indian. Authentic Indian dishes and specialties served in a comfortable dining room. Lunch buffet daily 11:30am-2:30pm; dinner daily 5pm to close. www.ambrosiaib.com American and specialty dishes from the British and Emerald Isles. Full bar. Children welcome. Happy hour Mon-Fri 2-6pm. Open daily 11am to 2am. Italian. Ambience reminiscent of a small trattoria in the streets of Italy, serving handmade lasagna, pasta dishes, gnocchi and fresh fish. Wed-Sun, Lunch 11am-2pm, Dinner 5-9pm. Continental California cuisine. Breakfast all week 6:30-11am, lunch all week 11am-2pm; dinner Fri-Sat 5-10pm, Sun-Thu 5-9pm. www.seacliffinn.com.

H/;33< ;327B3@@/<3/< Middle Eastern/Mediterranean. Fresh, fast, flavorful. Gourmet

7528 Soquel Dr, 831.688.4465

meat and vegetarian kebabs, gyros, falafel, healthy salads and Mediterranean flatbread pizzas. Beer and wine. Dine in or take out. Tue-Sun 11am-8pm.

1/>7B=:/ $ Capitola












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1/43 D7=:3BB3

104 Stockton Ave, 831.479.8888

All day breakfast. Burgers, gyros, sandwiches and 45 flavors of Marianne’s and Polar Bear ice cream. Open 8am daily.

>/@/27A3 ACA67 Japanese. This pretty and welcoming sushi bar serves 200 Monterey Ave, 831.464.3328 superfresh fish in unusual but well-executed sushi combinations. Wed-Mon 11:30am-9pm.

California Continental. Swordfish and other seafood specials. Dinner Mon-Thu 5:30-9:30pm; Fri 5-10pm; Sat 4-10:30pm; Sun 4-9pm.



1750 Wharf Rd, 831.475.1511

AB=19B=< 0@7253 5@7::3 Mediterranean tapas. Innovative menu, full-service bar,


231 Esplanade, 831.464.1933

international wine list and outdoor dining with terrific views in the heart of Capitola Village. Open daily.

$$$ Capitola


203 Esplanade, 831.475.4900

California cuisine. Nightly specials include baby back ribs, prime rib, lobster and mahi mahi. Daily 7am-2am.

A/<B/ 1@CH $$ Santa Cruz

$$ Santa Cruz


1116 Pacific Ave, 831. 426.7588


110 Church St, 831.429.2000

$$ Santa Cruz

B63 1@3>3 >:/13

1@=E¸A <3AB

Santa Cruz

2218 East Cliff Dr, 831.476.4560

$ Santa Cruz

460 Seventh Ave, 831.477.2908

1134 Soquel Ave, 831.429.6994

4/<2/<5= ;3F71/<

$$ Santa Cruz


$$ Santa Cruz


303 Soquel Ave, 831.426.7770

1102 Pacific Ave, 837.420.0135

6C:/¸A 7A:/<2 5@7::

Santa Cruz

221 Cathcart St, 831.426.4852

Mexican/Seafood/American. Traditional Mexican favorites. Best fajitas, chicken mole, coconut prawns, blackened prime rib! Fresh seafood. Over 50 premium tequilas, daily happy hour w/ half-price appetizers. Sun-Thu 11am-10pm, Fri-Sat 11am-11pm. American, California-style. With a great bar scene, casually glamorous setting and attentive waitstaff. Full bar. Mon-Sat 11:30am-10pm, Sun 1-10pm. Crepes and more. Featuring the spinach crepe and Tunisian donut. Full bar. Mon-Thu 11am-midnight, Fri 11am-1am, Sat 10am-1am, Sun 10am-midnight. Seafood. Fresh seafood, shellfish, Midwestern aged beef, pasta specialties, abundant salad bar. Kids menu and nightly entertainment. Harbor and Bay views. Lunch and dinner daily. Mexican. Serving breakfast all day. Popular for our street tacos and handmade Salvadorian pupusas. Vegetarian options made w/ local fresh vegetables & organic tofu. Daily 9: 30am-9:30pm. Americana. Ribs, steaks and burgers are definitely the stars. Full bar. Lunch Mon-Sat 11:30am-2:30pm; dinner Sun-Thu 5:30-9:30pm, Fri-Sat 5:30-10pm. California/full-service bakery. Breakfast, lunch, dinner. “Best Eggs Benedict in Town.� Happy Hour Mon-Fri 5-6pm. Halfprice appetizers; wines by the glass. Daily 8am-9pm. ’60s Vegas meets ’50s Waikiki. Amazing dining experience in kitchy yet swanky tropical setting. Fresh fish, great steaks, vegetarian. Full-service tiki bar. Happy-hour tiki drinks. Aloha Fri, Sat lunch 11:30am-5pm. Dinner nightly 5pm-close.

j "!

A/<B/1@CH 1=; january 6-13, 2010 27<3@¸A 5C723

$$ Santa Cruz $$ Santa Cruz

7 :=D3 ACA67

516 Front St, 831.421.0706 8=6<<G¸A 6/@0=@A723

493 Lake Ave, 831.479.3430

$$$ :/ >=AB/ Santa Cruz 538 Seabright Ave, 831.457.2782 $$ Santa Cruz


$$ Santa Cruz

>/17471 B6/7

Seafood/California. Fresh catch made your way! Plus many other wonderful menu items. Great view. Full bar. Happy hour Mon-Fri. Brunch Sat-Sun 10am-2pm. Open daily. Italian. La Posta serves Italian food made in the old style— simple and delicious. Wed-Thu 5-9pm, Fri-Sat 5-9:30pm and Sun 5-8pm.

Fine Mexican cuisine. Opening daily at noon. 49-B Municipal Wharf, 831.458.9393 1319 Pacific Ave, 831.420.1700

@7AB=@/<B3 7B/:7/<=

Santa Cruz

555 Soquel Ave, 831.458.2321

$$ Santa Cruz

@=A73 ;11/<<¸A

1220 Pacific Ave, 831.426.9930

$$ Santa Cruz

105 Walnut Ave, 831.423.2020

$$ Santa Cruz

2415 Mission St, 831.423.9010

$$ Santa Cruz

Japanese Fusion. Sushi bar, sake bar, vegetarian, seafood, steak in fun atmosphere; kids play area; karaoke every night. Open seven days 5-10pm; Mon-Fri 11:30am-2:30pm.


C>>3@ 1@CAB >7HH/

E==2AB=19¸A >7HH/

710 Front St, 831.427.4444

Thai. Individually prepared with the freshest ingredients, plus ambrosia bubble teas, shakes. Mon-Thu 11:30am-9:30pm, Fri 11:30am-10pm, Sat noon-10pm, Sun noon-9:30pm. Italian-American. Mouthwatering, generous portions, friendly service and the best patio in town. Full bar. Lunch Mon-Fri 11:30am, dinner nightly at 5pm. Irish pub and restaurant. Informal pub fare with reliable execution. Lunch and dinner all day, open Mon-Fri 11:30ammidnight, Sat-Sun 11:30am-1:30am. Wine bar with menu. Flawless plates of great character and flavor; sexy menu listings and wines to match. Lunch Wed-Sat noon2pm; dinner Mon-Thu 5-10pm, Fri-Sat 5-11pm, Sun 4-10pm; retail shop Mon 5pm-close, Tue-Sat noon-close, Sun 4pm-close. Pizza. Specializing in authentic Sicilian and square pizza. Homemade pasta, fresh sandwiches, soups, salads and more. Hot slices always ready. Sun-Thu 10am-9:30pm, Fri-Sat 10am-11pm. Pizza. Pizza, fresh salads, sandwiches, wings, desserts, beers on tap. Patio dining, sports on HDTV and free WiFi. Large groups and catering. Open and delivering Fri-Sat 11am-2am, Mon-Thu 11am-1am, Sun 11am-midnight.

A/< :=@3<H= D/::3G $$ Felton

@32E==2 >7HH3@7/

6205 Hwy 9, 831.335.1500

Organic Pizza. Everything organic: pizza, lasagna, soup, salad, beer and local wine. Always organic, local produce. Party room seats 32. Weeknights 4-9pm (closed Tue), Fri 4-10pm, Sat 1-10pm, Sun 1-9pm. See menu at www.redwoodpizza.com.

A1=BBA D/::3G $ 63/D3<:G 1/43 American. Serving breakfast and lunch daily. Large parties Scotts Valley 1210 Mt. Hermon Rd, 831.335.7311 welcome. Mon-Fri 6:30am-2:15pm, Sat-Sun 7am-2:45pm. $ 87/ B3::/¸A Scotts Valley 5600 #D Scotts Valley Dr, 831.438.5005

Cambodian. Fresh kebabs, seafood dishes, soups and noodle bowls with a unique Southeast Asian flair. Beer and wine available. Patio dining. Sun-Thu 11am-9pm, Fri-Sat 11am-10pm.

A=?C3: $$ Soquel

3: 167>=B:3 B/?C3@7/

4724 Soquel Dr, 831.477.1048



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"" j /AB@=:=5G january 6-13, 2010 A/<B/1@CH 1=;

Astrology Free Will

1126 Soquel Ave. Santa Cruz, near the Crepe Place and Rio Theatre At your service everyday from 10-9 since 1978

Free Public Parking at Cayuga & Soquel O (831)429-9600

Be the Hero of Your Own Sacred Quest Wed, Jan. 6 at 7 pm

Catherine Athans,Ph.D. Make Your Dreams Come True Now — How to Manifest Your Wishes, Dreams and Desires. (Angels Island Press)

Thu, Jan. 7 at 7 pm

Lama Lakshey Zangpo Finding Peace in Troubled Times – The Benefits of Meditation

Calendars for Every Path

Monday, Jan. 11 at 7 pm

Astro Night Leigh Wunce NC Medical Intuitive

Cosmology 2010 ... Countdown to 2012

Saturday Jan. 16 Noon - 5 pm


Tales of Transcendence Monthly evenings of inspired stories by storytellers and musicians, hosted by

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Gain insight to your life's challenges. Experience our gifted Psychics, Astrologers and Healers.

Laugh, soar, and then take the next step toward your dreams.

By Rob Brezsny

For the week of January 6 /@73A (March 21–April 19): According to my reading of the astrological omens, it’ll be a hairon-fire kind of week for you—and yet also a heartin-repose kind of week. In other words, you have the potential to be fierce and relaxed, vigorously ambitious and sublimely poised. In fact, this might be one of those rare times when you can be both a justice-dispensing warrior and an enlightenmentseeking magician. Want to turn water into wine when the pressure’s on? Find the pearl of great price in the heat of the battle? Feats like these are quite possible.

B/C@CA (April 20–May 20): Can you pull off a midcourse correction while hurtling through the air across a chasm during a leap of faith? If anyone is capable of such a feat, you are. However, I’d prefer it if that wasn’t necessary. I’d rather see you prepare a little better, like by procuring the help you’d need to create a safety net or sturdy bridge that will stretch across the chasm. Or by getting one of those jet packs to strap across your back and allow you to f ly. Or by taking as much guesswork as possible out of the details about how you’re going to get from the edge of one cliff to the edge on the other side.

53;7<7 (May 21–June 20): This is one of those rare times when you can get abundant access to insider secrets, unauthorized information, taboo knowledge and forbidden wisdom. Proceed carefully. As much as I’m an advocate of you getting to the whole truth and nothing but the truth, it’s also my duty to remind you that it could be disruptive to find out all of the truth in one big swoop. You should ask yourself if you’re fully prepared to change what needs to be changed once the previously hidden stuff emerges. If you’re not, it might be better to wait until you are. 1/<13@ ( June 21–July 22): Which metropolitan areas in America have the most brainpower? Not the best sports teams or the richest businessmen or the most powerful politicians, but the smartest people? “The Daily Beast� did a study and declared that the top two were the Raleigh-Durham area in North Carolina and the San Francisco Bay Area. Now it so happens that those are the two places where I’ve spent much of my adult life. It doesn’t mean I’m brilliant, but it does suggest I have an instinct for knowing where the brilliant people congregate. And I’m quite sure that they have been a very good inf luence on me. My recommendation to you in 2010, Cancerian, is to cultivate this knack. Gravitate toward genius. Surround yourself with deep thinkers and innovative dreamers. Hang out in the vicinity of brainstorms.

:3= ( July 23–Aug. 22): “The more you complain,� says an old adage, “the longer God lets you live.� If that’s true, I hope you will be adding many years to your lifespan in the coming week. Would you like to live to the age of 100? There are many rich and colorful opportunities for you to lodge protests right now. You have cosmic permission to rouse a ruckus in the name of improving the way everything works. But try to concentrate on constructive criticism that really helps transform what’s stuck. The Divine Wow is more likely to give credit for that approach than for mere narcissistic grousing.

D7@5= (Aug. 23–Sept. 22): A reader calling herself Rebellioness collaborated with me to come up with five revolutionized approaches to the art of rebellion. I present them here for your use, as they identify the kinds of behavior that will be most nurturing for you to cultivate in the coming weeks. 1. Experimenting with uppity, mischievous optimism. 2. Invoking insurrectionary levels of wildly interesting generosity. 3. Indulging in an insolent refusal to be chronically fearful. 4. Pursuing a cheeky ambition to be as wide-awake as a dissident young messiah. 5. Bringing reckless levels of creative intelligence to all expressions of love.

:70@/ (Sept. 23–Oct. 22): I want to tell you about Harj, a character in Douglas Coupland’s novel Generation A. He’s an enterprising young Sri Lankan man who sells “celebrity room tones� over the Internet. Each hour-long recording purports to convey the sound of the silence that pervades the homes of luminaries like Mick Jagger and Cameron Diaz when they’re not there. I think that you Libras

are now primed to learn from Harj’s example. Like him, you have the power to capitalize on nothingness and absence and emptiness.

A1=@>7= (Oct. 23–Nov. 21): A guy I know broke up with his girlfriend recently. He used a timehonored strategy: making it sound as if he wasn’t worthy of her. “It’s like you’re a grandmaster at a chess tournament,� he told her, “while I just got my first checkerboard and am still figuring out how to play checkers.� He was implying that she was much more skillful than he was in the arts of relationship. I have a feeling that there’s a situation like this in your world, Scorpio—an alliance in which the two parties are at different levels of maturity. I’m not necessarily saying you should sever the connection. But you should at least acknowledge the gap and decide what to do about it.

A/57BB/@7CA (Nov. 22–Dec. 21): In a million years, I would never authorize you to unleash your naked greed and give it unconditional license to careen through the world gobbling and acquiring and appropriating. However, due to an odd blip in the astrological configurations, I am at liberty to give you permission to unleash your discerning, elegant greed and grant it a temporary dispensation to sample more than usual of anything that captivates your ravenous imagination. 1/>@71=@< (Dec. 22–Jan. 19): “You are what you love, not what loves you,� says the character Charlie Kaufman in the film, Adaptation. (Kaufman is played by Nicolas Cage, who has three planets in Capricorn.) I urge you to work hard to make that perspective your own, Capricorn. Ideally, it will become a permanent addition to your philosophy of life. But please at least try to install it as your primary words to live by for the next three weeks. To do so will smooth out a distortion in your energy field, making it easier for people to love you. /?C/@7CA ( Jan. 20–Feb. 18): I suspect you have to go down into the underworld for a while. But you have a choice about how it will play out. You shouldn’t wait for some random goblin to come along and pull you down into the miserable abyss. Instead, be proactive. Shop around for a more useful abyss—a womblike pit with halfdecent accommodations and a good learning environment—and go there under your own power. That way you won’t have to slog your way through musty fogs and creepy pests and slimy muck. You’ll keep your suffering to a minimum and attract adventures that are more intriguing than demoralizing.

>7A13A (Feb. 19–March 20): When my acupuncturist pushes a needle into my chest, my feet sometimes twitch involuntarily. A jab in my earlobe can cause my hand to leap off the table; when she pokes the bridge of my nose, my liver may throb. The lesson for me is that parts of the body are linked in ways that aren’t obvious. I invite you to expand this principle as you use it to evaluate the interconnections between different areas of your life. How do your attitudes about love affect your ability to attract money? (And vice versa.) Are there any ways in which your capacity for happiness is affected by your political views? How do your judgments about other people impact your physical health? More than even you farseeing Pisceans imagine, everything’s linked to everything. 6][Se]`Y( BV]caO\Ra ]T O[OhW\U W\Sf^ZWQOPZS SdS\ [W`OQcZ]ca SdS\ba ]QQc` SdS`g ROg @S^]`b g]c`a( Vbb^( PWb Zg /[OhS[S\b

Go to @3/:/AB@=:=5G 1=; to check out Rob Brezsny’s Expanded Weekly Audio Horoscopes and Daily Text Message Horoscopes. The audio horoscopes are also available by phone &%% &%! "&&& or 1.900.950.7700

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