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January 20-27, 2010 Vol. 1, No. 38

World On A String Jazz masters celebrate Django Reinhardt’s undying legacy

Solar Perplexing



| The Wedding Planners p19 | Leary Betrayed p23

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january 20-27, 2010 SANTACRUZ.COM

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A/<B/1@CH 1=; january 20-27, 2010 1=<B3<BA

Contents. P OSTS












p28 p30








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>=ABA jjanuary a n u a r y 20-27, 2 0 - 2 7, 2010 2 0 1 0 A/<B/1@CH 1=; A/<B/1@CH 1=; " j >=ABA

Posts. P osts. Messages M essages &

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Send let letters teerrs ttoo Santa Santa Cruz Weekly, Weekly e y, let letters@santacruz.com teerrs@san s nttaacruz.com or ttoo A Attn: ttn: LLetters, ettteeerrs, 115 Co ett et C Cooper ooper e St., Sant San Santaa Cruz, uz 95060. 060. Inclu Include udee cit city ittyy and phone clarity inaccuracies known us. phone number number or email address. address. Submissions Subm missions mayy be be edited editteed for for or length, length cl le leng laritt y or or factual factual ac a inac a curacies racies know nown ttoo us s.

@3>@363<A70:3 @3>@363<A70:3 / <2 =CB@/53=CA /<2 =CB@/53=CA HOPEFULLY yyour HOPEFULLY our ccover over sstory tory cconcerning oncerning rreggae’s eggae’s hate-filled hate-f illed llyrics yrics d irected aatt tthe he gay gay directed ccommunity ommunity (“One (“One Hate, Hate, One One Fear, Fear,� Cover Cover S tory, Jan. Jaan. 6) 6) prompted prompted an an o utpouring of of Story, outpouring d isgust and and indignation indignation from from a m ajority of of disgust majority yyour our rreaders. eaders. Buju Banton Banton has has a right right to to be be incensed incensed by by Buju tthe he sexual sexual vviolence iolence the the p oor young young boys boys aand nd poor cchildren hildren endure endure in in his his country. country. Such Such tthings hings u nfortunately happen happen iin n every every country country w here unfortunately where p overty and and misery misery are are ccommonplace, ommonplace, p laces poverty places ssuch uch aass Brazil, Brazil, Thailand, Thailand, and and m any S outh many South A merican ccountries. ountries. Incredibly Incredibly and and ssadly, adly, American m any h eterosexual p arents o hose cchildren hildren many heterosexual parents off tthose p ut tthem hem iin nh arm’s w ay ffor or m onetary ggain. ain. put harm’s way monetary Since heterosexual heterosexual men men aass a m ajority Since majority p rey o n yyoung oung ggirls irls sso oo ften iitt h as b ecome a prey on often has become ccommonplace, ommonplace, aand nd w hen tthose hose yyoung oung ggirls irls when aare re ffound ound iitt iiss u sually n ot a p retty ssight. ight. I n ow usually not pretty now


aawait wait B Banton’s anton’s ccall all ffor or vviolence iolence aagainst gainst h hetero etero men. m en. For For aartists rtists llike ike Banton Banton to to single single out out ggay ay people people in in tthis his case case iiss rreprehensible eprehensible aand nd outrageous. hee ssteps Santa Cruz o utrageous. Iff eever ver h teps ffoot oot iin nS anta C ruz will bee aaround him know hee II,, for for one, one, w ill b round to to let let h im k now h not byy aanyone with off iiss n ot welcomed welcomed b nyone w ith aany ny ssense ense o decency morality. d ecency aand nd m orality. Joseph J oseph o ph Cortez Coorttez Jr., Jr.., Jr So quel Soquel

E67;A =4 B63 E67;A =4 B63 3 <4@/<167A32 3<4@/<167A32 GAY R GAY RIGHTS IGHTS aactivists ctivists h have ave aattempted ttempted tto o ssilence ilence JJamaican amaican d ancehall aartists rtists w ho w ill dancehall who will not n ot d desist esist ffrom rom ttheir heir sstrident trident ccriticism riticism o off ggay ay llifestyle ifestyle aand nd p ractices. The The o nly tthing hing practices. only ssurprising urprising aabout bout tthis his ccontroversy ontroversy iiss tthe he llack ack o analysis iin n the the ccontext ontext o ndividual off analysis off iindividual lliberties. iberties. E Every very h human uman b being eing h has as tthe he rright ight tto o be be p recisely w ho tthey hey w ant tto ob ithout precisely who want bee w without

the compulsion the compulsion o off the the sstate tate or or any any societal societal iinstitution nstitution upon upon them. them. Reggae and and dancehall dancehall music music has has always always Reggae ccontained ontained a strong strong and and d riving eelement lement of of driving sself-expression elf- expression aand nd lliberty. iberty. The The m usic h as music has h istorically iinspired nspired p eople iin n eexpressing xpressing historically people ttheir heir rresistance esistance tto om ainstream cculture ulture iin n mainstream w estern ssocieties ocieties iin nm yriad w ays. The The llegacy egacy western myriad ways. o acism aand nd ssegregation egregation iin n tthis his ccountry ountry w as off rracism was d emonstrated b he iinstitutionalization nstitutionalization demonstrated byy tthe o hite p ower aand nd tthe he ssystemic ystemic off w white power d isempowerment o lack p eople. disempowerment off b black people. Likewise what what we we are are seeing seeing n ow w ith Likewise now with tthis his ccontroversy ontroversy iiss tthe he ““migrant� migrant� w ork o work off ab lack fforeign oreign p eople ((Jamaican Jamaican ssingers) ingers) black people b eing sstepped tepped u pon b he m echanism o being upon byy tthe mechanism off w hite p ower iin n tthis his ccountry ountry w hich ssays ays white power which tthat hat tthe he w hims o nfranchised ffirst irst cclass lass whims off eenfranchised ccitizens itizens ((sexual sexual p references o ays) ttrump rump preferences off ggays) tthe he b asic rrights ights o econd o hird cclass lass basic off ssecond orr tthird ccitizens itizens ((immigrants, immigrants, eetc.) tc.) rrights ights tto o ttravel, ravel, w ork, sspeech, peech, eetc. tc. S omehow iitt d oes n ot sseem eem work, Somehow does not ssurprising urprising b ecause b lack aand nd b rown p eople because black brown people

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A/<B/1@CH 1=; A /<B/1@CH 1=; jjanuary a n u a r y 20-27, 2 0 - 2 7, 2010 2 0 1 0 >=ABA >=ABA

THE BULLHORN EEE A/<B/1@CH40 1=; E EE A/<B/1@CH40 1=; A A/<B/1@CHE339:G /<B B/1@CHE339: :G

Open Primary: Open Primary: SSolution olution TToo California’s California’s W Woes oes 0G 8/A=< =:A=< 0 G 8/A=< =:A=<

have h ave aalways lways m mattered attered lless ess iin n tthe he sstatus tatus q quo. uo. It It is is the the mechanism mechanism of of tthe he iinstitution nstitution w hich iinfringes nfringes u pon ttrue rue h uman lliberty iberty aand nd which upon human n ot tthe he ssongs ongs ssung ung aand nd rrecorded ecorded b ingers not byy ssingers o he m usic tthat hat p eople cchoose hoose tto o llisten isten orr tthe music people tto. o. S o ffor or tthe he ggay ay llobby obby tto o fflex lex tthe he w rath o So wrath off tthe he iinstitutions nstitutions w hich tthey hey h ave aaccess ccess tto o which have aand nd iinfluence nf luence iin n aass eenfranchised nfranchised ffirst irst cclass lass ccitizens itizens ((white white ffolks), olks), iiss a fform orm o nstitutional off iinstitutional rracism acism lleveraged everaged aagainst gainst a rrelatively elatively p owerless powerless ““immigrant� immigrant� ggroup roup o eople. And And w hen yyou ou off p people. when aare re a b lack “immigrant� “immigrant� you you aare re treated treated eeven ven black w orse, jjust ust aask sk a Haitian. Haitian. Or Or I could could really really say say worse, n ow jjust ust aask sk a JJamaican. amaican. now What is is much much m ore o ffensive tto om han What more offensive mee tthan aany ny eexplicit xplicit llyrics yrics o usic iiss eexplicit xplicit aactivity ctivity orr m music iin np ublic w hich sseems eems tto ob omewhat o n public which bee ssomewhat off aan eepidemic pidemic iin n tthe he Bay Bay Area. Area. Th here aare re p arts There parts o olden G ate P ark, Buena Buena V ista P ark, aand nd off G Golden Gate Park, Vista Park, tthe he Berkeley Berkeley A quatic Park Park tto on ame a ffew ew Aquatic name tthat hat have have aacknowledged cknowledged epidemic epidemic problems problems w ith p ublic male male sex, sex, d rugs and and p rostitution. with public drugs prostitution. T hankfully authorities authorities have have aass of of llate ate b een Thankfully been p ushed to to begin begin tto o cclean lean these these public public sspaces paces pushed u p, sso ow should eexpect xpect p roggress in in tthe he up, wee should progress ccleanup.Golden leanup.Golden G ate P ark iiss a jewel jewel treated treated Gate Park llike ike a d ump. dump. As far far as as the the gay gay lobby, lobby, people people make make it it As ssound ound llike ike tthey’re hey’re b eing water-boarded water-boarded being aand nd fforced orced tto o aattend ttend dancehall dancehall and and rreggae eggae cconcerts. oncerts. Iff you you d on’t llike ike iit, t, d on’t ccome ome don’t don’t aaround. round. T hat iiss your your individual individual right right as as a That ccitizen itizen aand nd a cconsumer. onsumer. Taking Taking one’s one’s claim claim sso o ffar ar b eyond tthe he rrational ational iiss only only an an eexample xample of of beyond w oeful political political iimmaturity, mmaturity, a silly silly political political woeful eexperiment xperiment that that iiss extremely extremely anti-liberty anti-liberty aand nd aanti-American nti-American to to boot. boot. Free up up now! now! Free Nate Nat te ‘Handle ‘Handle’’ C Collins oollins By email

5=2:793 57::7/; 5 =2:793 57::7/; SOME ffilm SOME ilm iiss imagination imagination p put ut iinto nto vvisual isual put aart rt aand nd few few have have p ut fforth orth more more excellence excellence iin n tthis his ffilm ilm ggenre enre tthan han Terry Terry Gilliam Gilliam iin n T he IImaginarium maginarium ooff D o tor Parnassus. oc Parnassus. T his The Doctor This iiss a d irector n ot tto ob lighted n or a ffilm ilm director not bee sslighted nor tto ob issed In In tthe he ttradition radition o Fellini and and bee m missed. off Fellini B ergman this th s w ork iss vvisual sua ssymbolism, ymbo sm a Bergman, work m ean ng u fantasia. antas a Remembering Remember ng the the sscope cope meaningful o now edge b eh nd Gilliam’s G am s work work and and h of k knowledge behind hiss h ard eearned arned film m eexperience, xper ence tthis hsw ork o ers hard work offers tthoughtful hought u p erspect ves This Th s iss a w onder u perspectives. wonderful mw th m uch tto o tteach each aand nd aaffirm rm aabout bout film with much tthe he h uman sspirit, p r t tthe he n ature o uman eevil, v human nature of h human

dreams that that when when pursued pursued rreveal eveal ssomething omething dreams other than than what what we we sought sought tto o eexperience, xperience, a other parent’s folly folly and and love love and and ssacrifice, acrif ice, m ystical parent’s mystical deception that that tricks tricks rational rational people people iinto nto deception heights of of delusion, delusion, the the questions questions tthat hat aarise rise heights when we we are are in in pursuit pursuit o ternal yyouth, outh, aand nd when off eeternal the challenges challenges of of aging, aging, death death aand nd m ortality. the mortality. There is is a displeasing displeasing uncomfortable uncomfortable eedge dge There to this this film f ilm as as the the d arker sside ide o ife rreveals eveals to darker off llife an underlying underlying tenderness tenderness and and compassion compassion an and the the all all too too human human n obility aassociated ssociated and nobility with innocence, innocence, helping helping humanity, humanity, and and with the spiritual spiritual quest quest revealing revealing aan nu nderlying the underlying subtext of of human human weakness weakness aand nd tthe he h arshness subtext harshness of selfish self ish m otive. W hether Gilliam Gilliam meets meets the the of motive. Whether expectations of of his his fans, fans, perhaps perhaps aafter fter sseveral everal expectations viewings such such would would hold hold no no cconcern oncern ffor or tthe he viewings viewer in in light light of of these these aand nd o ther ffar ar m ore viewer other more interesting questions questions offered offered for for o ur p leasure interesting our pleasure in this this extraordinary extraordinary film. f ilm. in D.. Dunham, D Crreek e Boulder Creek

;GAB74732 ;/< ;GAB74732 ;/< ;7AA3A 2317<H= ; 7AA3A 2317<H= FIRST F IRST THING THING I used used to to do do pre-Nutzle pre-Nutzle was was to to ggo od irectly to to page page four four and and b race myself myself ffor or directly brace am ild-to -moderate cchuckle. huckle. S ure, DeCinzo’s DeCinzo’s mild-to-moderate Sure, ccartoons artoons w ere o ften ccringe-worthy ringe-worthy aand nd were often rruffled uff led tthe he ffeathers eathers o ur llocal ocal p eacocks. B ut off o our peacocks. But C hrist, at at least least we we had had something something tto om oan Christ, moan aabout. bout. Nutzle’s Nutzle’s work, work, on on the the other other hand, hand, lleaves eaves m feeling . . . medicated. medicated. His His art art school school mee feeling d rawings should should come come with with a w arning: May May drawings warning: ccause ause drowsiness. drowsiness. May May cause cause unexplained unexplained b outs of of Whaa?? Whaa?? bouts But perhaps perhaps it’s it’s just just my my unsophisticated unsophisticated But p alate that that makes makes me me hungry hungry for for the the fullfullpalate sservice ervice llampooning ampooning tthat hat DeCinzo DeCinzo d ished u p. dished up. N utzle m ay b uitable ffor or fframing, raming, b ut h e’s Nutzle may bee ssuitable but he’s n ot eexactly xactly tthe he Good Good Humor Humor man. man. And And boy, boy, not ccould ould I u se a llaugh. augh. use Tim T iim Rudolph, Rudolph, Santta Cruz Santa

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LLast as week’s week s article ar c e about abou 8 Tens Teens @ Eight E gh contained con a ned an eerror. err ror or Wilma W ma Chandler Chand er Mar rccus was was ar aartistic s c director d reec oor Marcus oof the he festival ees va for oor 12 year rs followed o owed bbyy C or od years, Clifford H Hender rsson for oor one year and Br an Sp pencer for oor two. wo Henderson Brian Spencer W regrre the he error. errorr Wee regret


HILE C HILE CALIFORNIA ALIFORNIA Ao opens peens a n new ew d decade ecade w with ith u nprecedented p roblems aand nd a llack ack o litical lleadership, eadership, unprecedented problems off po political w lso h ave aan no pportunity tto o tturn urn iitt aall ll aaround round b wee aalso have opportunity byy eempowering mpo owering iindependent ndependent vvoters oters w ith tthe he Top Top T wo O pen P rimarry with Two Open Primary M easure tthis his JJune. une. N oo ne n eeds rreminding eminding o California’s m assive Measure No one needs off California’s massive p roblems. Th he sstate tate iiss b roke, sslashing lashing sservices ervices aand nd w atching iits ts eeconomy conomy problems. The broke, watching ssputter. putter. E veryy d ay sseems eems tto ob ring aadditional dditional b ad n ews aabout bout h ow tthe he Every day bring bad news how po litical d ecisions m ade iin n yyears ears p ast h ave h amstrung tthe he sstate. tate. political decisions made past have hamstrung n the the midst midst of of these these crises, crises, most most of of our our elected elected officials officials are are continuing continuing In tto o ccut ut sshort-term hort-term d eals aand nd llook ook o ut ffor or ttheir heir sspecial pecial iinterests nterests aand nd deals out p olitical p arties rrather ather tthan han p roviding lleadership. eadership. Th hat iiss w hy sstate tate S en. political parties providing That why Sen. A bel M aldonado’s m ove tto ou se h is b udget lleverage everage tto op ut tthe he T op T wo Abel Maldonado’s move use his budget put Top Two O pen P rimary M easure o n tthe he Ju une 2 010 b allot w as sso o sstunning. tunning. Open Primary Measure on June 2010 ballot was The Top Top Two Two Open Open Primary Primary would would effectively effectively make make our our statewide statewide The eelections lections ((including including ccongressional ongressional o nes) n onpartisan iin n tthe he ssame ame w ay o ur ones) nonpartisan way our llocal ocal eelections lections ffor or m ayor aand nd ccity ity ccouncil ouncil aare. re. Rather Rather than than rrunning unning iin np arty mayor party p rimaries h eavily ccontrolled ontrolled b nsiders, ccandidates andidates ffor or o ffice w ould aall ll primaries heavily byy iinsiders, office would rrun un o n tthe he ssame ame b allot aagainst gainst eeach ach o ther, rregardless egardless o arty. A ll vvoters— oters— on ballot other, off p party. All iincluding ncluding iindependents—could ndependents—could ssimply imply vvote ote ffor or tthe he b est ccandidate. andidate. Th he best The ttop op ttwo wo vvote ote ggetters etters w ould tthen hen ggo oo n tto o a ““runoff�-style runoff �-style election. election. would on Why iiss tthis his sso o iimportant? mportant? Because Because iitt eempowers mpowers iindependent ndependent Why vvoters—that oters—that ggroup roup o oters tthat hat ccares ares m ore aabout bout w hat iiss b est ffor or tthe he off vvoters more what best sstate tate aand nd ccountry ountry tthan han w hat iiss b est ffor or tthe he p olitical p arties—to eexercise xercise what best political parties—to sserious erious p olitical cclout. lout. A pproximately 2 0p ercent o alifornia vvoters oters political Approximately 20 percent off C California aare re rregistered egistered ““Decline Decline to to S tate,� California’s California’s version version of of independents independents State, w ith n op arty aaffiliation. ffiliation. W hen eempowered mpowered tto od o sso, o, iindependent ndependent with no party When do vvoters oters h ave a ttrack rack rrecord ecord o haking u p eelections. lections. In In 2 008, iindependent ndependent have off sshaking up 2008, vvoters oters p articipating iin no pen p rimaries aacross cross tthe he ccountry ountry p rovided participating open primaries provided B arack O bama’s m argin o ictory o ver H illary C linton aand nd eelected lected Barack Obama’s margin off vvictory over Hillary Clinton h im p resident. In n tthe he 2 003 rrecall, ecall, aan n eelection lection vvery ery ssimilar imilar tto oh ow tthe he him president. 2003 how n ew o pen p rimary w ould w ork, iindependent ndependent vvoters oters eelected lected A rnold new open primary would work, Arnold S chwarzenegger, a m an w ho ccould ould h ave n ever w on a Republican Republican P rimary. Schwarzenegger, man who have never won Primary. What would would iitt b ike iiff tthe he p oliticians k new tthey hey ccouldn’t ouldn’t ssimply imply What bee llike politicians knew rrely ely o n ttheir heir n arrow p artisan b ases tto o gget et tthem hem rre-elected? e-elected? S ome iin n tthe he on narrow partisan bases Some tthird hird p arties h ave d ecided tto oo ppose tthe he o pen p rimary b ecause iitt d oes parties have decided oppose open primary because does n ot ggive ive ttheir heir ccandidates andidates a ““guaranteed guaranteed sspot� pot� iin n tthe he ssecond econd rround ound o he not off tthe eelection. lection. T hey aalso lso ccomplain omplain iitt w ould rrequire equire tthem hem tto o rregister egister m ore vvoters oters They would more iin no rder tto om aintain ttheir heir p residential b allot sstatus. tatus. W hat tthese hese tthird hird order maintain presidential ballot What p arties iignore gnore iiss tthe he vvery ery cconcept oncept o he o pen p rimary tthat hat tthe he p eople— parties off tthe open primary: people— n ot aany ny party—have party—have tthe he rright ght tto o ccontrol ontro our our elections e ect ons process. process Today Today less ess not tthan han 11.55 p ercent o oters aare re rregistered eg stered in n tthe he G reen P eace aand nd Fr reedom percent of vvoters Green, Peace Freedom, aand nd L bertar an P art es ccombined. omb ned O ver tthe he last ast d ecade C a orn a Libertarian Parties Over decade, California iindependents ndependents h ave m ade itt cclear ear tthat hat w ant m ore tthan han just ust a p rotest have made wee w want more protest vvote; ote; w ant tto ob b e tto o eexercise xerc se o ur cclout out in n tthe he p o t ca m a nstream wee w want bee aable our political mainstream. Ca orn a like ke m uch o he ccountry, ountry ry iss p ay ng tthe he p r ce for or d ecades o California, much of tthe paying price decades of p arrtisan po t ca d ec s ons A pen a n ew d ecade tthere here iss a ggroup roup partisan political decisions. Ass w wee o open new decade, o oters rready eady tto o ttake ake tthe he m ant e o eadersh p aand nd d ow hat iss rright ght for or off vvoters mantle of leadership do what tthe he sstate tate aand nd tthe he ccountry. ountryy IIf C a orn ans p ass tthe he n ew T op T wo O pen Californians pass new Top Two Open P rimary M easure tthis h s Ju une tthey hey w mpower independent ndependent vvoters oters aand nd Primary Measure June, will eempower h e p ccontinue ont nue a w ave o e orm ssweeping weep ng aacross cross tthe he ccountry. ountryy help wave of rreform J ason O son iss the he ccoordinator oord na or oof IIndependentVoice.org, ndependen Vo ce org a C a orn a Jason Olson California aassociation ssoc a on oof independent ndependen v o ers w ork ng too cchange hange ppolitics. o cs voters working


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january 20-27, 2010 SANTACRUZ.COM

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EVOb P`]cUVb g]c b] AO\bO 1`chE VOb P`]cUVb g]c b] AO\bO 1`ch-

Th The he first f irst ttime ime iitt w was as tthe he U University niversity aass a sstudent tudent w hen iitt opened opened iin n 1965. 1965. When When I when rreturned eturned aagain gain it it w as for for the the ffamily amily sstyle tyle was ccommunity ommunity iin nw hich tto o rraise aise k ids. Now, Now, which kids. aafter fter sseeing eeing a llot ot o he w orld, I realize realize I’ve I’ve off tthe world, be en lliving iving in in p aradise aall ll tthese hese yyears. ears. been paradise EVOb¸a g]c` TOd]`WbS ab`SSbE VOb¸ b a g]c` TOd]`WbS ab`SSb-

Easy E asy Street. Street. <O[S a][SbVW\U g]c¸`S SfQWbSR OP]cb < O[S a][SbVW\U g]c¸`S SfQWbSR OP]cb

How n How networking etworking aand nd tthe he ttechnological echnological communication rrevolution evolution w ill iimprove mprove communication will llife ife o n eearth, arth, b ring pe ople ccloser loser ttogether ogether on bring people aand nd p romote u nderstanding. promote understanding.

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I’m tthe I’m he ffounder ounder o off a m media edia aagency, gency, IIMPACT, MPACT, direct HD aand nd I d irect aand/or nd/or sshoot hoot H D ccontent ontent world documentaries tthroughout hroughout tthe he w orld ffor or d ocumentaries business product aand nd b usiness p roduct ccampaigns. ampaigns. EVOb e]cZR g]c PS R]W\U WT g]c EVOb e]cZR g]c PS R]W\U WT g]c eS`S\¸b R]W\U bVObe S`S\¸b R]W\U bVOb-

Writing W riting aand nd d directing irecting ffeature eature ffilms. ilms. T That’ll hat’ll next be n ext yyear. ear. EVOb R] g]c R] W\ g]c` T`SS bW[SE VOb R] g]c R] W\ g]c` T`SS bW[S-

Hike H ike w with ith m myy p partner, arttner, h hang ang w with ith m myy k kids, ids, help move h elp m ove tthings hings aalong long ffor or ffriends. riends.

<O[S O ^Sb ^SSdS < O[S O ^Sb ^SSdS

Whoeever d Whoever dreamed reamed u up pn nylon ylon IID D ttags ags iin n sshirts hirtts aalong long w ith w hatever ccompanies ompanies with whatever u sing tthem. hem. Th hey sshould hould be fforced orced tto ow ear using They wear n ylon tthread hread h air sshirts hirts aand nd ssent ent sstraight traight nylon hair tto o hell. hell. EVOb O`S g]c `SORW\UE VOb O`S g]c `SORW\U-

Kevin K evin K Kelly. elly. C Check heck o out ut his his blog. blog. EVOb¸ EVOb¸a bVS []ab W[^]`bO\b bVW\U b a bVS []ab W[^]`bO\b bVW\U g ]c¸dS ZSO`\SR W\ bVS ZOab bV`SS gSO`ag]c¸dS ZSO`\SR W\ bVS ZOab bV`SS gSO`a-

Th That hat there’s there’s more more tto o be ggained ained by by be being ing h elpful tthan han aanything nything m oney can can buy. buy. helpful money @SQS\b ^S`a]\OZ T]]R b`S\R@ SQS\b ^S`a]\OZ T]]R b`S\R-

8CAB 3/B 7B 8CAB 8CAB 3/B B 7B A surfer surrfeer takes taakes a ffall all a last W Wednesday eednesday at St Steamer teeamer LLane, anee, wher wheree an Alaskan st storm torm

More M ore be beer er aand nd vveggies, eggies, less less meat. meat.

brought and 10-to-12-foot waves. Photo Curtis Cartier. br ought rain, wind an nd 10-t to -12-ffoot w aves. Phot to bbyy Cur rtis C artier a r.


) ssubmit u b m i t your y o u r public p u b l i c eye e y e photo p h o t o to t o publiceye@santacruz.com p u b l i c e y e @ s a n ta c r u z . c o m (

Rocking R ocking O Onn


FTER the FTER the baby baby earthquakes earthquakes two two weeks weeks ago ago iin nS an JJose, ose, it it seemed seemed serendipitous serendipitous that that San tthe he monthly monthly m eeting of of the the Santa Santa Cruz Cruz meeting Mineral and and G em Society Society was was having having a guest guest speaker speaker Mineral Gem from the the U.S. U.S. Geological Geological Survey—though Survey—though after after Haiti, Haiti, from “serendipitous� seemed seemed entirely entirely the the wrong wrong w ord. “serendipitous� word. Neevertheless, the the society society met met one one night night last last week week in in Nevertheless, the m ain rroom oom of of the the Masonic Masonic Temple Temple on on Branciforte. Branciforte. the main Seat ated at at long long tables, tables, members members peered peere red through thr hrro ou o ugh gh 3-D 3-D Seated glasses aatt posters posters of of famous famous rock rock formations. formations. The Th he glasses society’s fresh-faced fresh-faced president, president, 27-year-old 27-year-old Crystal Crystal society’s Byler, gave gave the the ““Rock Rock S tar o the Month� Month� award award to to Byler, Star off the particularly industrious industrious member member and and reminded reminded a particularly everyone of of their their dues dues before before the the meeting meeting broke broke for for everyone cookies and and the the raffle raff le of of “awesome “awesome rocks. rocks.� cookies As three three very very businesslike businesslike teenagers teenagers pulled pulled numbers numbers As

from a bingo bingo cage, cage, Byler Byler asked asked me, me, “Are “Are you you into into rocks?� rocks?� from had never never seriously seriously considered considered “rocks� “rocks� as as a thing thing you you I had could be be “into. “into.� This, This, apparently, apparently, is is not not an an uncommon uncommon could problem. Many Many similar similar clubs clubs around around California California are are problem. facing the the same same fate fate as as the the snails snails encased encased in in 450 450 millionmillionfacing year-old Wyoming Wyoming oncolite oncolite and and brought brought in in by by the the year-old USGS speaker. speaker. “There “Th here are are a lot lot of of other other groups groups like like USGS this where where the the older older people people die die off off and and there’s there’s no no one one this left,� said said 85-year-old 85-year-old M arion Fowler, Fo owler, a tiny tiny woman woman left, Marion with bobbed bobbed silver silver hair. hair. That That didn’t didn’t seem seem to to be be trouble trouble with here. Of Of the the roughly roughly 30 30 attendees, attendees, plenty plenty were were middlemiddlehere. aged, a handful handful were were young, young, and—surprising and—surprising to to me me at at aged, least—the women women outnumbered outnumbered the the men. men. “Maybe “Maybe least—the that’s the the jewelry-making jewelry-making side side of of it. it. It’s It’s half half art art and and half half that’s science,� said said Fowler, Fowler, who who falls falls on on the the science science side. side. Her Her science, late husband, husband, a geologist, geologist, started started taking taking her her to to meetings; meetings; late

she still still attends, attends, even even though though he he passed passed away away three three years years she ago. “Some “Some of of us us are are just just hooked, hooked,� she she said. said. ago. “Oh, four, four, two!� two!� one one of of the the teenagers teenagers called called “Oh, impatiently for for the the fourth fourth time time as as the the winner winner rushed rushed in in impatiently from an an adjacent adjacent room. room. “Well, “Well, I’m I’m doing doing rock rock stuff stuff over over from there,� she she said said huffily. huffily. Finally Fiinally the the USGS US SGS speaker speaker stood stood there, up and and began began his his lecture. lecture. Itt should should have have been been clear clear to to me me up by then then that that we we weren’t weren’t going going to to talk talk about about big-picture big-picture by geologic stuff stuff like like deadly deadly 7.0 7.0 quakes. quakes. We We were were there there to to geologic discuss the the rocks. rocks. “I “I love love rocks rocks because because every every rock rock has has a discuss story,� began began Phil Phil Stoffer, Stoff ffer, a fossil fossil expert expert with with the the agency, agency, story, before explaining explaining how how the the shifting shifting ground ground produces produces before all kinds kinds of of special special rocks. rocks. “How “How a rock rock can can go go from from the the all surface to to 50 50 miles miles down down and and back back to to the the surface surface is is just just surface mind-blowing. That’s That’s what what I like like about about rocks. rocks.� mind-blowing. —Jessica — Jessica e LLussenhop ussenhhop

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january 20-27, 2010 SANTACRUZ.COM

1C@B7A 1/@B73@ 1 C@B7A 1/@B73@

Currents. C urren ents. @==4B=> 27G LLive @==4B=> 27G i ve O Oak ak rresident esident G Greg re g G Ginner, inner, w who ho ssaved a ve d m money one y bbyy ssetting etting u upp hhis is worth cost. ssolar olar ppanels anels hhimself, imself, ssays ays ggoing oing ssolar olar iiss w orth iitt aatt aalmost lmost aany ny co st.

SSun un B Burn urn

Att 9 per A percent cent int interest, erest, ne n new w solar pr ogram is i less than id eal program ideal

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City planners planners and and environmental environmental City aadvocates dvocates w ho aare re w orking o n tthe he p lan who working on plan ssay ay a S tate E nergy P rogram ggrant rant ccould ould State Energy Program b warded n ext m onth tthat hat ccould ould b uy bee aawarded next month buy d own tthe he iinterest nterest rrate ate tto o7o ercent. down orr 8 p percent. Th hey aalso lso ssay, ay, h owever, tthat hat w inning They however, winning tthe he h ighly ccompetitive ompetitive ggrant rant iiss ffar ar ffrom rom highly aassured. ssured. S anta C ruz’s cclimate limate cchange hange Santa Cruz’s ccoordinator oordinator R oss C lark h as sspearheaded pearheaded Ross Clark has tthe he ccity’s ity’s eefforts fforts tto o jjoin oin tthe he p rogram program aand nd ssays ays tthat hat b esides llowering owering tthe he lloan oan besides iinterest nterest rrates, ates, w inning tthe he S EP ggrant rant m ay winning SEP may b ecessary jjust ust tto ok eep tthe he ccity ity aand nd bee n necessary keep ccounty ounty o anta C ruz o nb oard. off S Santa Cruz on board. “The grant grant money money would would also also cover cover “The ssome ome sstartup tartup aand nd aadministrative dministrative ccosts osts ffor or llocal ocal ggovernments, overnments, aand nd m oncern myy cconcern iiss tthat, hat, iiff w on’t rreceive eceive iit, t, tthat hat tthe he wee d don’t ccounty, ounty, aand nd tto o tthe he ssame ame d egree tthe he ccity, ity, degree ccould ould w alk aaway, way,� ssays ays C lark. ““But But I aalso lso walk Clark. tthink hink tthat hat o nce tthe he b ond m arket ggets ets once bond market ccomfortable omfortable w ith tthe he p lan, tthe he rrates ates w ill with plan, will ccome ome d own ssignificantly. ignificantly.� down The city city of of Berkeley Berkeley rolled rolled out out a The n early iidentical dentical p rogram iin nN ovember nearly program November 2 008, w hen iits ts 4 0o pen sslots lots ssold old o ut 2008, when 40 open out nine minutes Today, however, iin nn ine m inutes fflat. lat. T o oday, h owever, Dan Lambert, Berkeley’s D an L ambert, B erkeley’s ssustainable ustainable programs manager, eenergy nergy p rograms m anager, ssays ays rroughly oughly percent off tthose who up 80 pe rcent o hose w ho ssigned igned u p ffor or tthe he p rogram d roppeed o ut o ater w hen program dropped out off iitt llater when

they ffound they ound be better tter ssources ources o off ffunding. unding. And Berkeley’s off 77.75 percent A nd ssince ince B erkeley’s rate rate o .75 pe ercent proved unable woo participants over p roved u nable tto ow oo p articipants o ver hee ssays Santa Cruz tthe he llong ong rrun, un, h ays S anta C ruz iiss llikely ikely on outcome. o n ccourse ourse tto o ssee ee tthe he ssame ame o utcome. “People “People who who signed signed up up simply simply found found money hee says. ccheaper heaper m oney elsewhere, elsewhere,� h says. “What “What did, iitt d id, rreally, eally, was was steer steer people people ttoward oward home h ome eequity quity ffinancing inancing that that tthey hey hadn’t, hadn’t, up point, u p to to tthat hat p oint, looked looked into. into.� Berkeley Berkeley is is now now joining joining Santa Santa Cruz Cruz and and 1144 44 other other cities cities and and 114 4 ccounties, ounties, including including Monterey M onterey aand nd Santa Santa Clara Clara ccounties, ounties, in in tthe he ccurrent urrent proposal proposal iin n hopes hopes that that the the sheer sheer number n umber of of participating participating ggovernments overnments will w ill iimprove mprove the the investment investment rating rating of of tthe he eentire ntire program. program. But But ffor or solar solar system system users Greg u sers like like G reg Ginner Ginner of of Live Live Oak, Oak, a solar solar ssystem ystem that that ccuts uts eelectricity lectricity costs costs to to nearly nearly nothing worth n othing is is w orth eevery very dollar, dollar, even even if if off eeach 9 cents cents o ach goes goes ttoward oward iinterest. nterest. “I “I got got a system system financed financed at at 2.75 2.75 percent, percent, but definitely b ut eeven ven at at 9 iitt can can d efinitely be be worth worth iit, t,� Ginner, who Enphase ssays ays G inner, w ho has has a 4-kilowatt 4-kilowatt E nphase Energy on house hee E nergy ssolar olar system system o n his his h ouse that that h brought his ssays ays b rought h is monthly monthly energy energy costs costs ffrom rom $150 $150 to to aaround round $20. $20. “It “Itt all all depends depends on $150 o n yyour our electric electric bill. bill. Iff you’ve you’ve ggot ot $ 150 or or more m ore in in eelectricity lectricity ccosts, osts, it’s it’s a slam-dunk. slam-dunk. Plus P lus yyou ou ccan an write write off off aall ll yyour our iinterest nterest payments p ayments when when yyou ou do do your your taxes. taxes.� 0


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S SANTA SANTA C CRUZ’S RUZ’S muchmuchttrumpeted rumpeted Renewable Renewable Energy Energy A ssessment District District iinches nches Assessment ccloser loser to to implementation, implementation, iits ts ffate ate iincreasingly ncreasingly sseems eems ttied ied tto o tthe he 9 pe rcent iinterest nterest rrate ate p art r icipants w ould percent participants would p ay tto o jjoin. oin. T he p rogram, d ubbed pay The program, dubbed C aliforniaFIRST aand nd aadministered dministered b CaliforniaFIRST byy tthe he q uasi–public o rganization C alifornia quasi–public organization California C ommunities, w ould llet et h omeowners Communities, would homeowners p urchase aalternative lternative eenergy nergy ssystems ystems llike ike purchase ssolar olar p anels w ith lloans oans ffinanced inanced b he panels with byy tthe ssale ale o special d istrict�-issued bo nds. off ““special district�-issued bonds. Th he p lan ttargets argets h omeowners tthat hat llack ack The plan homeowners eenough nough h ome eequity quity o ood o ccredit redit tto o home orr ggood q ualify ffor or a b ank-issued lloan; oan; aadditionally, dditionally, qualify bank-issued iinstead nstead o lacing tthe he d ebt o bligation o n off p placing debt obligation on a sspecific pecif ic iindividual, ndividual, iitt w ould aattach ttach a llien ien would tto o tthe he p roperty iitself tself tthat hat w ould rremain emain property would

in p in place lace u until ntil tthe he lloan oan w was as rrepaid epaid tthrough hrough p ropeerty ttaxes. axes. property Th he loans loans would would be be made made at at a fixed fixed The rrate ate o percent iinterest, nterest, aabout bout d ouble off 9 percent double tthe he ccurrent urrent h ome eequity quity lloan oan rate rate o ffered home offered tto oh omeowners with with sufficient sufficient equity equity homeowners o redit through through b anks like like S anta C ruz orr ccredit banks Santa Cruz C ommunity C redit Union. Union. A nd aatt last last Community Credit And w eek’s S anta Cruz Cruz C ity Council Council meeting, meeting, week’s Santa City w here ccouncilmembers ouncilmembers vvoted oted to to o fficially where officially jjoin oin tthe he p rogram, m ore than than a few few ccity ity program, more lleaders eaders w orried tthat, hat, u nless the the rate rate is is worried unless llowered, owered, iitt m ay present present a bum bum d eal for for may deal rresidents esidents llooking ooking to to ggo o green. green. “Itt’s really really important important that that we we get get that that “It’s rrate ate d own ssomehow, omehow,� said said Santa Santa C ruz down Cruz M ayor M ike R otkin aatt tthe he Jan. Jaan. 112 2m eeting. Mayor Mike Rotkin meeting. ““We We have have to to m ake it it w orthwhile ffor or make worthwhile p eople looking looking to to gget et iinvolved. nvolved.� people

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—Jessica — Jessica e LLussenhop ussen nhop

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january 20-27, 2010 SANTACRUZ.COM


A/<B/1@CH 1=; january 20-27, 2010 1C@@3<BA


The San Jose Sentinel News?


EDIANEWS watchers, take note: more mergers are on the way for the conglomerate that owns the Santa Cruz Sentinel, the San Jose Mercury News and dozens of other papers. On Friday, Jan. 15, the holding company for MediaNews filed for bankruptcy protection. Under the new arrangement, a group of lenders headed by Bank of America will forgive $765 million of debt in exchange for 80 percent ownership of the holding company, Affiliated Media, Inc.—although MediaNews CEO Dean Singleton and company prez Joseph Lodovic will retain control of the sevenmember board. The move leaves MediaNews

technically intact but, no shocker here, looking for ways to shave costs. The Wall Street Journal reports that on the day of the announcement, Singleton said he wanted to be “aggressive� about merging newspapers. “Asked which newspapers or groups of newspapers might be combined,� the WSJ wrote, “Mr. Singleton answered, ‘You can look at the map.’� We don’t know exactly what Lean Dean meant by that, but we do know that the Merc’s offices are about 45 minutes thataway, and we have to wonder if the months-old rumors that the Sentinel’s operations are headed the way of its junked printing press have some substance after all. —Traci Hukill

NEXTies, Please


IGHT in the thick of award season, Santa Cruz NEXT is slowing down to appreciate Santa Cruz now with the first annual NEXTies Awards. “We want to emphasize there are people here that are world–renowned, who are making a life here in Santa Cruz and having a really posit ive impact on our community,� says Santa Cruz NEXT member and City Councilman Ryan Coonerty, pausing before adding, “and we also hope that it’s going to be the best party of the year.� He’s expecting plenty of local hotshots dressed to the nines for the Saturday, Jan. 23, ceremony honoring the four chosen winners: Danny Keith of Santa Cruz Skate and Surf Shop, astrophysicist Enrico Ramirez-Ruiz of UCSC, Reyna Ruiz of Beach Flats Community Center and Marina Sousa, owner of Just Cakes in Capitola.

“I’m definitely honored,� says Sousa. “I just think everybody else that is getting this award does amazing things, and there’s part of me that feels a little bit silly because I just make cakes.� Well, she “just makes cakes� for Oprah Winfrey and the Food Network, but Coonerty says Sousa embodies an important aspect of the NEXTies. “She’s a great example of someone who could choose to live anywhere they want, but makes their home here.� All four will receive their awards at the former Wrigley Building, which Santa Cruz NEXT spokesman Peter Koht says will be tricked out with a digital media makeover. “It’s not going to feel like an old gum factory,� he promises. Here’s to high NEXTpectations. —Jessica Lussenhop For the complete article and event info, go to www.santacruz.com/news.

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january 20-27, 2010 SANTACRUZ.COM

Wint Wi W Winter int ntter Dol Dold Doldrums? Doldr d ums? dr ums?

Recession R ecession got y ec you down? dow wn n?

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u Cruz! Tacos in Santa Cruz! ish Tacos Fish Best F

Open noon till 10 p.m. daily

(bring em’ on leash))


Swift street courtyard-402 Ingalls street, Suite 27. (831)425-4900

j !

A/<B/1@CH 1=; january 20-27, 2010 1=D3@ AB=@G

“Django the Frenchman was untouchable, like God�—JAMES JONES, ‘FROM HERE TO ETERNITY’

Gypsy Soul

100 years after the birth of Django Reinhardt, a cadre of musicians carry the torch of jazz manouche into the next century

0G @716/@2 D=< 0CA/19


HE FLOURISH of strings fans out into an exquisite patter of notes as sharp as icicles. Then a sad violin takes up the refrain. The music is age-old

yet fresh, accessible yet mysterious. The sound is a mĂŠlange of musics. It’s made up of jazz—that blend of Civil War–surplus brass instruments, of Armstrong and Ellington, of African roots and snazzy New York Jewish songwriters. As played by guitarist Django Reinhardt, violinist StĂŠphane Grappelli and the Quintet of the Hot Club of Paris during the 1920s and 1930s, it was a music that enraptured the world. Jan. 23 is the centenary of the birth of Jean Reinhardt, dit Django; the date will be celebrated in Santa Cruz two days later with a tribute concert at the Kuumbwa Jazz Center. The Hot Club was the main jazz conduit between the New World and the Old World. Historian and bassist Brian O. Torff, who will be playing at the show, calls the members of Hot Club “the first important European jazz musicians.â€?



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1=D3@ AB=@G 5G>AG A=C: Among Bay Area fans of Hot Club– style jazz is Jim Nadel, artistic director of the Stanford Jazz Workshop. “Django was very significant in the development of jazz guitar,â€? Nadel comments. “He was one of the first people to play a stringed instrument percussively. He brought a fresh lyricism to the guitar that hadn’t been heard to that point, and he also brought a cross-cultural influence to jazz—quite common today, something new then. He blended European music with the Gypsy-style impressionist qualities of Ravel and Debussy.â€? (“Maybe Debussy comes closest to my musical ideal,â€? Reinhardt once remarked.) The music is worth celebrating, Nadel observes: “The Hot Club was a departure for jazz. Prior to this band coming together, everything had been focused on brass and African American percussion. But the Hot Club were string-instrument players, and they still swung strongly. There was a lot of forward motion mixed with the lyricism. No room for clichĂŠ in Django’s music! And he was a fascinating character. He couldn’t read music: in fact, he couldn’t read at all. There are great legends about him, great lessons for persevering through adversity and limitations.â€?

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Fingered A primary source for information on Django’s life is the biography by Charles Delaunay, a journalist and the Hot Club’s promoter. The book seems a bit lordly in the way it characterizes the Romany as wild children, but the figure Delaunay paints seems real. Reinhardt was a big man physically, an avid, sometimes ruinous gambler, a flamboyant dresser, “a despot at home� with his women. Grappelli once said that Django was fascinated by the gangsters in American movies. Reinhardt never lived with a real roof over his head until he was age 20. When he was 18, the caravan that Django shared with his pregnant wife caught fire, badly injuring him and paralyzing two of his fingers. Later, like Jerry Garcia, Reinhardt flummoxed the world by playing better than men with complete hands. After recovery, Django moved from the banjo-guitar he had previously played to a standard guitar. Eventually, Reinhardt played a bespoke guitar with an extra-wide fretboard; Reinhardt used the first cutaway guitar, with a scalloped body, to enable him to play the highest notes up the neck. His instrument had a specially shaped sound hole—a sideways D like a cartoon frog’s mouth—to make the bass notes

thunder; it was about as loud as an acoustic guitar could be. “Like a church on Sunday morning,â€? one guitar maker says of the Reinhardt-style SelmerMaccaferri guitar. While Django is the well-remembered face of the Hot Club, violinist StĂŠphane Grappelli was just as important, according to Torff, who has toured with him. Torff has been in our area previously, playing with George Shearing and the San Jose Symphony. He will be among the performers celebrating Django’s centennial with a tour that leads from Kennedy Center in New York to the small yet sacred Kuumbwa. The ensemble on this tribute show includes guitarist/violinist Dorado Schmitt and his son Samson, along with renowned violinist Pierre Blanchard and ace accordionist Marcel Loeffler. Schmitt is one of the most celebrated players of jazz manouche, Gypsy jazz. He’s a striking figure who resembles Django, with his debonair moustache, pointed chin, high cheekbones and half smile. “Dorado is a great technician on the instrument,â€? says Torff by phone from New York, “but he’s not overly technical. Not every virtuoso makes contact with the audience, but he does. I love working

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with Dorado. He’s one of the best guys I’ve heard. And he’s got his own ideas, he’s doing his own thing.�

The Road to India Schmitt appeared in key scenes in Tony Gatlif ’s 1993 movie Latcho Drom, playing his guitar at the annual May festival honoring the Romany’s patroness, St. Sarah la Kali; her statue stands in Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer, a small French town where the Rhône hits the Mediterranean. Gatlif made a point in his unnarrated documentary. The source of jazz manouche can be traced a long ways away, both in time and space; it’s a road that leads all the way to India’s Rajasthan. One can hear India in the Hot Club’s notes: the same roots can be felt in the throb and drone of Hungarian violin and in the repetition of Andalusian arpeggios. Over the years, Gypsy jazz went in and out of style. Grappelli weathered the rockdrunk 1960s playing violin at the Paris Hilton. When he made his 1973 London appearance with guitarist Diz Disley, it revived interest in the Hot Club’s music and led to a Carnegie Hall date. (For

that matter, Dan Hicks and his Hot Licks brought newbies to the sound through the manouche-ish hit “I Scare Myself.�) Manouche jazz never went silent, though. Charles Delaunay noted that the Hot Club’s music could be heard “in the jukeboxes of Texas, in the cinemas of Chile and on the radio networks of Cairo or Saigon.� “It’s a very joyous, ebullient sound, and people just love that spirit,� says Torff.

Legends Torff ’s recent memoir, In Love With Voices, is a salty yet humble account of playing alongside luminaries like Dizzy Gillespie and Benny Goodman. Torff also describes of the problems and rewards of teaching jazz; he currently teaches appreciation for the music at Fairfield University in Connecticut. Born in the Midwest, Torff studied at Berklee and had a turbulent apprenticeship with Harlem pianist Mary Lou Williams. Torff was also apparently the last bassist to play live with Erroll Garner. The bass player writes of his first encounter with Hot Club music, seeing ¨ %

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1=D3@ AB=@G 5G>AG A=C: Grappelli at Carnegie Hall in the early 1970s. Later, he was hired to accompany Grappelli on tour. The partnership lasted an aggregate of four years; the friendship lasted longer than that. To prepare to play bass for Grappelli, Torff writes that he “made a desperate attempt to learn every tune ever written in musical history before Meet the Beatles.� He met Grappelli in a budget hotel room, where the rest of the band was hanging out. Clad in a bath towel, Grappelli brought out his violin and played “I Can’t Give You Anything but Love,� giving Torff a chance to follow. “I do not like rehearsing,� Grappelli added, concluding the audition on the spot.

‘Not every virtuoso makes contact with the audience, but Dorado does. He’s one of the best guys I’ve heard.’ Grappelli’s career lasted decades, and yet his legend isn’t as bright as Django’s—likely because he didn’t die young or generate scandals. Torff notes that “Grappelli behaved himself and showed up on time, so he didn’t make good copy. He was a natural. It was like watching Michael Jordan. You think, ‘He’s got it; don’t know what it is, but it’s there.’ He was an effortless musician on violin and piano, and I never saw him strain once. I love and respect Django, but StĂŠphane was an equal master, and you can ask any jazz violinist, and they’ll tell you the same thing.â€? One incident about the relative fame of Reinhardt and Grappelli turns up in Torff ’s book. “StĂŠph always had a good sense of humor about . . . his love/hate relationship with Django . . . whom he would often have to fetch from a bar or a pool hall just as he was about to perform. Sometimes onstage he would announce to the audience, ‘Ladies and gentlemen, we would like to play a composition by my dear late partner, Django Reinhardt.’â€? “Then,â€? Torff continues, “this

charming, dear and grandfatherly elder man would lean over to me with a smile on his face and whisper in a voice only I could hear. “That [pussy].�

The Set List Django died early, at age 43, of a stroke. The last “Djangology� recordings, made 1949–50 and released as The Indispensable Django Reinhardt, collected almost all of the 50 tunes recorded by Django, Grappelli and some Italian session musicians. It shows the musicians conversant with bebop. Django’s lateperiod experimentation with an electric guitar also suggests that he was looking toward the future. Says Torff, “Django was always seeking something else. Unfortunately, some Djangophiles imagine him encased in ice like a wooly mammoth. He wasn’t like that. Nothing’s pure; we’re all seeking new influences.� The Django tribute at Kuumbwa, Torff notes, is “probably going to include ‘Minor Swing’ and probably ‘Nuages.’ In addition to the typical Hot Club thing, we’ll do some original tunes, likely Dorado’s song ‘Bossa Dorado.’ ‘Souvenirs’—ah, we’re probably doing that. At some point, there’ll be a bass feature—likely the song ‘Manhattan Hoedown’ I did with George Shearing. Every show is different. We don’t call the tunes, and we don’t have a format, just like it was with Grappelli. Whatever is happening in the dressing room, we’ll bring it to the stage.� In concluding, Torff urges jazz students to go back to the roots of the music, to try to spend time with the stillliving innovators of jazz. “There’s something unique there. And that’s not to say there aren’t some American musicians who play it well. But jazz comes from the black Baptist gospel church, and you’ve got to go back to that or you’ll sound like a voyeur, a tourist. It’s the same thing with the Gypsy jazz. It’s deeply embedded, it is their blues. Dorado Schmitt is one of those people who did live on a caravan and did start playing a guitar at about 3 years old around campfires. The audience will be able hear those traditions in Dorado and his son, Samson. And I’m sure Samson will teach his son, and it’ll go on and on.�

THE DJANGO REINHARDT FESTIVAL is Monday, Jan. 25, at 7 and 9pm at Kuumbwa Jazz Center, 320-2 Cedar St., Santa Cruz. Tickets are $25 advance/$28 door (7pm) or $20 advance/$23 door (9pm), available at www.kuumbwajazz.org or 866.558.4253.

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happeened. L happened. Leary eary r aand nd Alpert Alpert eenvisioned nvisioned tthat hat LSD LSD could could give give people people m ystical mystical aand nd rreligious eligious eexperiences. xperiences. F or a p assing For passing m oment tthey hey eeven ven tthought hought iitt ccould ould h elp moment help ccure ure alcoholism. alcoholism. Number three three on on the the bill bill was was Huston Huston Number S mith, a sstudent tudent o orld religions. religions. Smith, off w world S mith, now now 90 ook p art r iin n tthe he iinitial nitial Smith, 90,, ttook part eexperiments, xp periments, b ut u ltimately went went his his o wn but ultimately own w ay, having having no no use use for for tthe he ensuing ensuing media media way, h ysteria that that L earry w as aactually ctually h elping hysteria Leary was helping aaccelerate. ccelerate. A eary w ent o n tto om ilk tthe he Ass L Leary went on milk p ublicity iin n aand nd out out o rison, Alpert Alpertt aalso lso publicity off p prison, eeventually ventually bailed bailed from from the the hoopla, hoopla, but but h went to to IIndia ndia aand nd came came b ack aass R am hee went back Ram D ass—still a world-renowned world-renowned spiritual spiritual Dass—still

guru spending spending his his final f inal days days in in Hawaii. Hawaii. guru The fourth fourth and and final f inal title title character character The is none none other other than than Andrew Andrew Weil, Weil, is everyyone’s favorite favorite bearded b arded holistic be holistic everyone’s health honcho. honcho. But But here’s here’s the the part part health never before before elaborated: elaborated: Weil Weil was was never an undergraduate undergraduate working working for for the the an Harvard school school newspaper newspaper when when Leary Leary Harvard and Alpert Alp pert first f irst unleashed unleashed their their drug drug and research project. project. Itt was was Weil Weil who who penned penned research hit pieces pieces denigrating denigrating the the two, two, articles articles hit that played played a significant signif icant role role in in getting getting that them booted booted out out of of Harvard. Harv r ard. Weil Weil them disingenuously investigated investigated the the drug drug disingenuously program as as a journalist journalist while while at at the the same same program time spilling spilling all all the the details details to to the the Harvard Harrvvard time

administration, w administration, which hich w was as ggunning unning ffor or d irtt o nL earry aand nd A lpert. IIn no ther w ords, dirt on Leary Alpert. other words, h atted o ut h is o wn ssources. ources. T o tthis his d ay, hee rratted out his own To day, D ass aappears ppears n ot tto oh ave fforgiven orgiven W eil Dass not have Weil ffor or w hat h id. what hee d did. Harvard Divinity Divinity School School graduate graduate and and Harvard S anta C ruz rresident esident P aul L ee w as aalso lso Santa Cruz Paul Lee was tthere here d uring tthose hose d ays. H ook p art during days. Hee ttook part iin n ssome ome o he drug drug eexperiments xperiments aand nd off tthe llikewise ikewise h arbo b rs a ttad ad o ancor aabout b ut bo harbors off rrancor W eil’s m achinations. L attin q uotes h im Weil’s machinations. Lattin quotes him eextensively xtensively iin n tthe he ffollowing ollowing p assage: passage: Nearly hhalf alff a ccentury entury aafter fter Weil Weil Nearly brought down down Leary Leary and and Alpert, Alppert, . . . brought 3 "

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E/A B63@3 B63< Baba Ram Dass (right) holds court in a garden at Harvard in the mid-’70s.

others involved in the affair were still mad about the whole series of events. “I hope Andrew Weil is ashamed about what he did,� said Paul Lee, sitting in his backyard in Santa Cruz, California, in the spring of 2008. “He is the top guy on my list to punch out if I ever meet him. He was a spy for the administration. He went around interviewing people, including me, then reported it to the administration. I told him things candidly and in confidence and he betrayed me. He submitted my interview to the authorities. That was dirty pool. He was just out to get fame by doing in Leary and Alpert.� Speaking over the phone last week, Lee briefly reflected on those days. “It was an odd assemblage, Alpert and Huston,� he told me. “Huston was an important critic of the whole thing, and he was good at it.� When it comes to Weil’s role, Lee says now, almost 50 years later, he’s relieved that the story is finally being told. He’s getting his revenge. “Now I don’t have to punch him out when I see him. Or pull his beard real hard.� Both Lee and Robert Forte—another current Santa Cruz resident—were instrumental in trying to get Leary’s son Jack to reconcile with his estranged father as Leary lay in his deathbed in 1996. Jack hadn’t seen his father in years. Forte accompanied Jack Leary on the plane to Los Angeles in order to see his dad, and Paul Lee paid for the flight. But things didn’t go well when son met father. “We were hoping that they would reconcile, or that Jack would at least show up,� Lee recalls in the book. “I’m

not sure it really worked. It was pretty frigid. Tim was pleased to see him, but Jack was real stiff.â€? All in all, instead of a straight-up journalistic approach, Lattin chose to write the book as creative nonfiction, noting up-front that most of the dialogue is his “renditionâ€? of what was actually said in conversations. Going against his innate journalistic instincts, he claims he re-created the dialogue based on other folks’ memories of what went down. In any event, the book successfully highlights the synchronistic arrival of four now-legendary figures at Harvard and how their interrelations provided some of the initial conditions for the large-scale chaos that the ’60s became. The result is a characteristically nonlinear history, and Lattin tells it the way it should be told, highlighting the interconnections between the nodes and exploring avenues just for the sake of exploring. And speaking of exploring, in the last chapters Lattin shares with us that the idea for the book started because he himself was newly sober and needed to do some self-renovation. “So, in the end, perhaps this book is about me,â€? he writes. “It might also be about you. It’s the story of four men whose lives provide a kind of master narrative—a template through which some of us may hear our own stories and, in the process, learn a little something about ourselves.â€? DON LATTIN reads from ‘The Harvard Psychedelic Club’ on Tuesday, Jan. 26, at 7:30pm at Capitola Book CafĂŠ, 1475 41st Ave, Capitola. (831.462.4415)

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:7AB G=C@ :=1/: 3D3<B 7< B63 1/:3<2/@ Email it to calendar@santacruz.com, fax it to 831.457.5828, or drop it by our office. Events need to be received a week prior to publication and placement cannot be guaranteed.

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C9C:3:3 2719 8/G;3 93::G 1C@B7A Ukulele Dick and Jayme Kelly Curtis swing into the Ugly Mug for the grand finale of the coffeehouse’s Fiddling Cricket fall concert series. Spanning genres from Tin Pan Alley and blues to “folkloric jazz,� tonight’s show also includes a set of beloved songs from the Great Depression performed by the Uke man himself. Wed, Jan. 27, at 7:30pm at the Ugly Mug. 4640 Soquel Ave., Soquel. Tickets are $10. 831.477.1341.s 6S[Z]QY 2WaQcaaW]\ 5`]c^ 9^hXjhh ZcY"d["a^[Z dei^dch [dg hZgZc^in VcY Y^\c^in# I]Z \gdje bZZih 'eb i]Z aVhi IjZ d[ ZkZgn bdci] ZmXZei 9ZX0 XVaa [dg adXVi^dc# 8Vaa [dg YZiV^ah VcY adXVi^dc# -(&#'*&#'')%#

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B63 4/<B/AB719A The Mountain Community Center of Ben Lomond presents The Fantasticks, a romantic musical loosely based on Edward Rostand’s The Romancers. Originally played off-Broadway nearly 50 years ago with music by Harvey Schmidt and lyrics by Tom Jones, this classic romantic comedy is the longest-running musical in the world. Friday, Jan. 22, and Saturday, Jan. 23, at 8pm, Park Hall, 9370 Mill St., Ben Lomond. Continues Fridays–Sundays through Feb. 14. Tickets are $20. 831.336.4777.

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1/B16 / 0CHH A BANJO SENSATION, two different national fiddle champions and a hammered dulcimer prodigy combined to form the Bee Eaters and have proceeded to astonish audiences and breathe new life into the world of stringed music. This group of young adults has a grace and elegance beyond its years, yet is refreshingly original. The rolling banjo, surging dulcimer and a cello and fiddle seemingly strung with heartstrings combine to form a sound that has resonated with critics and thrilled fans of the New Acoustic musical genre. Tonight their beautiful blend of innovation and tradition benefits the Community Music School of Santa Cruz. (Brian Harker)

THE BEE EATERS perform Thursday, Jan. 21, at 7:30pm at New St. John’s Episcopal Church, 125 Canterbury Dr,, Santa Cruz. Tickets are $10 advance/$15 door and available at 831.426.9155 or by emailing shelley@communitymusicschool.org.

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0==9 /A ;327C;( 6=:27<5 E7B66=:27<5 B3FB Books don’t have to be imprinted with words; images and textures can also express complex ideas within the confines of two covers. More than two dozen artists explore the concept in a show at the Mary Porter Sesnon Art Gallery. Co-curated by book artist and Rydell fellow Felicia Rice and gallery director Shelby Graham, the exhibit runs through March 6. Reception Wednesday, Jan. 27, 5–7pm at Sesnon Gallery, Porter College, UCSC. Free. 831.459.5667.


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;/72 B= :/AB WHAT HAPPENS when a bunch of guys who have been all over TV and radio just want to hang out and drink and jam in their spare time? And then what happens when those same guys, who have known each other for 25 years, finally decide to put out an album together? That’s the story of Maids of Honor. After years of private parties in a Santa Cruz studio, the group eventually whittled itself down to four dudes: former Smash Mouth guitarist Greg Camp, Survivor celebrity Lex van den Berghe, ex-Skycycle bassist Kelly Castro and John Barrett—all of whom have been around the block more than a few times. Tonight they throw a party over the hill celebrating the release of their new self-titled CD. (Gary Singh)

THE MAIDS OF HONOR CD RELEASE PARTY is Saturday, Jan. 23, at 9pm at the Blank Club, 44 S. Almaden Ave., San Jose. Tickets are $10. (408.29BLANK)

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JAZZ BIRDS – CD RELEASE PARTY! Concert only: $12/Adv $15/Door Jazz & Dinner: $24.60/Adv Sponsored by Santa Cruz Sentinel

MON. JANUARY 25 • 7 & 9 PM

DJANGO REINHARDT FESTIVAL “DJANGO AT 100� 7 PM: $25/Adv $28/Door 9 PM: $20/Adv $23/Dr, No Jazztix/Comps Sponsored by Ow Family Properties



SOPHIE MILMAN $22/Adv $25/Door

Sponsored by Bob Bickal


BOSSA NOVA & BEYOND JOBIM TO GUINGA Concert only: $12/Adv $15/Door Jazz & Dinner: $24.60/Adv Sponsored by Santa Cruz Sentinel

Feb 8 • Charisma! The Music of Lee Morgan Feb 11 • Loudon Wainwright III Feb 15 • Tuck & Patti + Valentine’s Dinner ADVANCE TICKETS: Logos Books & Records and Kuumbwajazz.org CafÊ Kuumbwa serves dinner Mondays & Thursdays beginning at 6pm, along with beer and wine. All ages welcome. Tickets subject to service charge & 5% admission tax.




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chanteuse Jesse Sykes chant teeuse J ess e se Syk es ttakes aakes oover ver the Brookdale Thursday. Br ookdale LLodge odge d on Thur rssday.

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Alt-country singer/songwriter Alt-country singer/songwriter Jesse Jesse S ykes specializes specializes in in dusky, dusky, seductive seductive Sykes ttwang. wang. A compelling compelling songstress songstress with with a ssharp harp ssense ense o rrangement, sshe he off aarrangement, h as a b road n umber o alettes aatt has broad number off p palettes h er d isposal: ccountry, ountry, b lues, ssoul, oul, her disposal: blues, p sychedelic ’’60s 60s p op aand nd m ore, b ut psychedelic pop more, but h as a d istinctive vvoice oice aand nd sstrong trong has distinctive p ersonality tthat hat iiss p resent n om atter personality present no matter w hat sstyle tyle sshe he tturns urns h er aattention ttention tto. o. what her H er m ost rrecent ecent rrelease, elease, 2 007’s Like, Likee, Her most 2007’s LLove, ove, Lust Lust and and tthe he O ppen H alls ooff tthe he SSoul, oul, Open Halls iiss her her m ost m ature effort effort yyet, et, ccouching ouching most mature h er singular singular voice voice aand nd clarion clarion ssongcraft ongcraft her iin n lush lush arrangements arrangements tthat hat bring bring to to m ind the the b est o the ’’60s. 60s. Though Though mind best off the S ykes u sually ttours ours w ith her her b acking Sykes usually with backing b and the the S weet Hereafter, Hereafter, this this iiss a band Sweet rrare are sstripped-down tripped-down sshow how in in w hich she she which p erforms as as a d uo w ith h er guitarist guitarist performs duo with her P hil W andscher. B rookdale Lodge; Lodge; Phil Wandscher. Brookdale p rice TBD; TBD; 8 pm. ((Paul Paul M. M. Davis) Davis) price 8pm.

A tthree-headed hree-headed b beast east ccomprised omprised o off b ig-gun gguitar uitar sslingers, lingers, tthe he C alifornia big-gun California G uitar T rio iiss aan n aaxx aaficionado’s f icionado’s d ream. Guitar Trio dream. C areening b etween cclassical, lassical, rrock, ock, Careening between b lues, jjazz, azz, w orld m usic, p roggressive blues, world music, progressive aand nd ssurf urf gguitar, uitar, tthe he b and w ows band wows aaudiences udiences w ith ffeats eats o uitar vvirtuosity irtuosity with off gguitar tthat hat m ust be be seen seen tto ob elieved. Th he must bee b believed. The iintercontinental ntercontinental ttrio—Paul rio —Paul R ichards Richards o Salt Lake Lake City, City, Bert Bert L ams o russels off Salt Lams off B Brussels aand nd H ideyo M oriya of of T okyo— Hideyo Moriya Tokyo— p erform w ith aaplomb plomb aand nd an an aaffecting ffecting perform with h umor tthat hat lends lends their their p erformances humor performances a buoyancy buoyancy ssimilar imilar guitar-fests guitar-fests llack. ack. Th hey aare re joined joined b ony L evin, a They byy T Tony Levin, ssteady teady sstudio tudio hand hand who who h as p erformed has performed w ith tthe he llikes ikes o ing C rimson, P eter with off K King Crimson, Peter G abriel aand nd T -Bone B urnett. D on Gabriel T-Bone Burnett. Don Q uixote’s; $ 15; 77:30pm. :30pm. (PMD) (PMD) Quixote’s; $15;

It w It would ould b bee o one ne tthing hing iiff S San an F Francisco rancisco q uartet H eartbreaker o nly ssounded ounded quartet Heartbreaker only llike ike Led Led Zeppelin, Zeppelin, b ut tthis his ccover over aact ct but llooks ooks aand nd aacts cts jjust ust llike ike tthem hem ttoo. oo. F rom From R obert P lant’s open-chested open-chested sshirts hirts aand nd Robert Plant’s p ackage-hugging jeans jeans tto o JJimmy immy P age’s package-hugging Page’s h ellacious gguitar uitar llicks icks aand nd ccurly urly p erm hellacious perm tto o JJohn ohn B onham’s b ombastic d rums Bonham’s bombastic drums aand nd p orn-star mustache, mustache, every every Tolkien Tolkien porn-star rreference eference aand nd ssexual exual iinnuendo nnuendo tthat hat m ade Z eppelin Z eppelin iiss ccondensed ondensed made Zeppelin Zeppelin ffor or eeasy asy cconsumption. onsumption. Y et eeven ven Yet tthough hough the the ggroup’s roup’s o nstage ttribute ribute iiss onstage fflawless, lawless, iit’s t’s ttheir heir m usical cchops hops aand nd musical rreverence everence ffor or tthe he ssource ource m aterial tthat hat material llets ets H eartbreaker llegitimately egitimately cclaim laim Heartbreaker tthat hat ““the the ssong ong rremains emains tthe he ssame. ame.� D on Don Q uixote’s; $ 15; 8 pm. ((Curtis Curtis C artier) Quixote’s; $15; 8pm. Cartier)

j '

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A/BC@2/G j A /B C @ 2/G j !

B63 @3A723<BA B 6 3 @ 3 A 7 2 3 < BA Question: Q uestion: ““Are Are tthe he R Residents esidents a m musical usical eensemble, nsemble, aan n aavant-garde vant-garde p erformance performance ttroupe, roupe, a m ultimedia vvisual isual aarts rts o utlet multimedia outlet o n aanonymous nonymous ggang ang o eirdoes?� orr aan off w weirdoes?� A nswer: ““Yes. Yes.� P erforming aand nd Answer: Performing p roducing nearly nearly every every conceivable conceivable producing aartistic rtistic medium medium available available since since 1962, 1962, tthe he R esidents aare re a rrotating otating ccast ast o Residents off aartists rtists k nown ffor or ttheir heir w ildly ccreative reative known wildly cconcerts oncerts aand nd o bnoxiously p rolif ic w ork obnoxiously prolific work o utput. A ll iinformation nformation aabout bout tthe he output. All R esidents ccomes omes vvia ia tthe he aaptly ptly n amed Residents named C ryptic C orporation aand nd iiss u sually Cryptic Corporation usually ccomplete omplete B S. T he o nly tthing hing k nown ffor or BS. The only known ssure ure iiss tthat hat tthere here iiss n othing q uite llike ike nothing quite tthem. hem. R io T heatre; $ 26.25; 8 pm. ((CC) CC) Rio Theatre; $26.25; 8pm.

A/BC@2/G j A /B C @ 2/G j !

0@G< :==A:3G 0 @G < := = A : 3 G Iff the the n name ame B Bryn ryn Loosley Loosley sounds sounds ffamiliar, amiliar, that that m ay b ecause, until until may bee b because, rrecently, ecently, L oosley was was b est k nown ffor or Loosley best known h is w ork fronting fronting m uscular roostroosthis work muscular rrock ock outfit outf it Buffalo Buffalo Creek. Creek. With With the the rrelease elease of of h is ssolo olo album album The The Wrecker, Wreckeer, his Loosley is is ttaking aking ccenter enter sstage. tage. A olo Loosley Ass a ssolo artist, he’s he’s m uch m ore rruminative uminative artist, much more

aand nd rrestrained estrraained tthan han h is B uffalo his Buffalo C reek w ork m ight ssuggest, uggest, o pting ffor or Creek work might opting sstripped-down tripped- down aacoustic coustic aarrangements rrangements o ver eelectrified lectrif ied b luster aand nd b ombast. over bluster bombast. T he C hico n ative ((who who n ow llives ives iin n The Chico native now P ortland) h as a llot ot o ountry m usic Portland) has off ccountry music iin nh is ssoul, oul, w hich iiss eevident vident ffrom rom h is his which his ffondness ondness ffor or ttear-in-my-beer ear-in-my-beer llaments, aments, b ut o verall h is ssound ound ssits its ccomfortably omfortably but overall his b etween ccontemporary ontemporary A mericana between Americana aand nd p op -rock. K uumbwa; $ 10; 8 pm. pop-rock. Kuumbwa; $10; 8pm. ((PMD) PMD)

AC<2/G j A C < 2/G j "

;/CA 6/CA ; /C A 6 /C A San F San Francisco rancisco eelectropop lectropop p pioneers ioneers Maus Haus have M aus H aus h ave a ssound ound ssomewhere omewhere between nightclub-hopping be tween tthe he n ightclub-hopping iindie ndie off tthe Arctic Monkeys aanthems nthems o he A rctic M onkeys aand nd tthe he off A Animal Collective. ssonic onic ggadgetry adgetry o nimal C ollective. The debut LP Marvels Th he ggroup’s roup’s d ebut L P LLark ark M arv vels is is kind off d disc tthe he k ind o isc yyou’d ou’d iimmediately mmediately overactive cconfiscate onf iscate ffrom rom aan no veractive ttween ween with prescription aand nd rreplace eplace w ith a p rescription ffor or Adderall possibly helmet. That A dderall aand nd po ssibly a h elmet. T hat doesn’t necessarily ssaid, aid, iitt d oesn’t n ecessarily rrequire equire aan n overactive personality disorder orr eeven o veractive pe rsonality d isorder o ven off eepilepsy order a ffull-blown ull-blown ccase ase o pilepsy iin no rder tto o Maus Haus, would help eenjoy njoy M aus H aus, iitt w ould jjust ust h elp iiff plan on dancing Crepe Place; yyou ou p lan o nd ancing tto o iit. t. C repe P lace; $8; 9pm. $ 8; 9 pm. ((CC) CC)

;=C<B <B B/7< / /<7;/: <7; ;/ ;/ ;=C<B/7< /<7;/: 6= A>7B B/ /: 6=A>7B/: JAN N. 30 0 AT AT CREPE CREPE PLACE CR PLLACE JAN. B63 B 63 5@3G0 @ 0=G /::A @3 /: ::A AB B/ /@A B63 5@3G0=G /::AB/@A JAN N. 31 AT AT MOE’S MO OE’S ALLEY LL JAN. A= >673 ;7: ;77:;/< : A=>673 ;7:;/< FEB T KUU UU UM WA UMBW FEB.. 1 A AT KUUMBWA <=CD3::3 D/5C3 5C C3 <=CD3::3 D/5C3 FEB T RIO O THEA HEATRE RE FEB.. 8 A AT THEATRE :3A A 1:/ /G>==: == == :3A 1:/G>==: FEB T CA C ATA TA ALLY LY YSST ST FEB.. 21 A AT CATALYST 5/:/ 1B71 5/:/1B71 MAR CH 2 AT AT MOE’S ALLEY LLEY EY Y MARCH

E32<3A2/G j E 3 2 < 3 A 2/G j %

3@71 :7<23:: 3 @71 :7<23:: 0/<2 0 /<2 After A ffter spending spending the the ’’90s 90s playing playing around around S onoma aand nd working working on on h is ffirst irst album, album, Sonoma his E ric L indell d ecided to to m ake the the m ove Eric Lindell decided make move tto o New New Orleans Orleans iin n 11999. 999. There Th here he he soaked soaked u p the the funk funk and and blues blues from from the the greats greats up h was p laying w ith and and went went on on to to hee was playing with rrelease elease seven seven albums albums in in the the next next decade. decade. H is formula formula of of blues, blues, soul soul and and funk funk has has His p roven tried tried aand nd true true on on the the road, road, so so proven ccatch atch h im aass h whirls tthrough hrough Moe’s Moe’s him hee whirls A lley. Moe’s Moe’s Alley; Alley; $12 $12 advance/$15 advance/$15 door; door; Alley. 8 :30pm. (Brian (Brian Harker) Harker) 8:30pm.

E32<3A2/G j E 3 2 < 3 A 2/G j %

B3B63@ 6=@A3 B 3B63@ 6=@A3

>= 0=7AB3@=CA >= 0=7AB3@=CA Er Eric ic Lindell ser serves ves up the soul at Mo Moe’s e’s Alle Alley. ey.

After A fter a p po potent tent m moment oment o off iidentification dentif ication w ith a h orse be ing with horse being h auled aaround round by by a ccute ute ggirl, irl, ssinger inger hauled M atthew Jo oe C haney d ecided tto o Matthew Joe Chaney decided n ame h is b and T ether H orse. Th he name his band Tether Horse. The w ay h ells it, it, h as ssimply imply ttired ired way hee ttells hee w was o ing pulled pulled aalong long with with no no say, say, sso o off be being h rabbed the the rreins eins and and h as be en hee ggrabbed has been m aking the the m usic he’s he’s wanted wanted to to ever ever making music ssince. ince. With With an an u pbeat ffolk olk rrock ock sound, sound, upbeat tthese hese llocals ocals have have be en compared compared been tto o aanother nother h ometown ffavorite, avorite, tthe he hometown D evil M akes Th hree. H owever, being being Devil Makes Three. However, a five-piece, f ive-piece, they they have have a ffuller uller ssound, ound, ccomplete omplete with with glockenspiel glockenspiel aand nd m andolin. As As tthis his show show d oubles aass mandolin. doubles ttheir heir C D rrelease elease party, part r y, these these Santa Santa CD C ruz boys boys are are ssure ure tto op ull out out aall ll tthe he Cruz pull sstops. tops. C repe P lace; $ 8; 9pm. 9pm. ((BH) BH) Crepe Place; $8;

! j 1:C0 5@72 january 20-27, 2010 A/<B/1@CH 1=;


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SUNDAY, JANUARY 31 2 PM 4LSSV *LU 4LSSV *LU[LY >H[ZVU]PSSL 4LSSV *LU[LY > [LY >H[ZVU]PSSL Concert co-sponsored by Susan Cony and Diane & Donald Cooley

&! " ! $ !

Concert sponsored by Rowland & Pat Rebele

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&! " $ !! "

John Larry Granger, Music Director

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Tickets $20-65. Call 420-5260 or www.SantaCruzTickets.com

www.santacruzsymphony.org Winter Special Ends Soon! 2 for 1 Mini-Subscriptions! Call 831.462.0553 ext. 10 for details. “It seems inevitable that Nakamatsu is destined to become one of the major pianists of our time.�

– Gale Bennett, News-Press


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Fluorescent Ligthing contains mercury and is not allowed in the garbage. The County of Santa Cruz and Cities would like to recognize and thank the Retail Recycling Partners who assist the County in the proper recycling of uorescent bulbs and lamps. The following retailers are providing a community service and helping protect the environment and your neighborhood. Take back your Please call the Santa Cruz County Household Waste at 831-454-2606 and the City of Santa Cruz Resource Recovery Facility at 831-420-6270 for other information on household hazardous waste. Message brought to you locally by the County of Santa Cruz and Paci c Gas and Electric Company.

uorescent lighting to these Retail Recycling Partners:

Ace Hardware 855 Almar Av. Santa Cruz, CA 831-426-7650

Probuild 235 River St. Santa Cruz, CA 831-426-1020

Scarborough Lumber 281 Mt. Hermon Rd. Scotts Valley, CA 831-438-0581

1984 Freedom Blvd. Watsonville, CA 831-724-4740

2345 41st Av. Soquel, CA 831-475-6100

9470 Highway 9 Ben Lomond, CA 831-336-5142

451 Main St. Watsonville, CA 831-724-4770

Orchard Supply Hardware 1601 41st Av. Capitola , CA 831-475-7701

12990 Highway 9 Boulder Creek, CA 831-338-6467

72 Rancho del Mar Aptos, CA 831-662-0222 Green Space 1122 Soquel Av. Santa Cruz, CA 831-423-7200

1060 S Green Valley Rd. Watsonville, CA 831-728-7701 Riverside Lighting 300 Soquel Av. Santa Cruz, CA 831-423-7211

20 El Pueblo Rd. Scotts Valley, CA 831-438-0331

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january 20-27, 2010 SANTACRUZ.COM

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34 |

Film. Fi ilm lm.

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A/<B/1@CH 1=; A /<B/1@CH 1=; jjanuary a n u a r y 20-27, 2 0 - 2 7, 2010 2 0 1 0 47:; 47:; ;

Dead D ead R Reckoning eckoning Peter P eter Jackson Jackson and and Steven Spielberg Spielberg Steven ccontrast ontrast h orrible horrible reality and and candycandyreality ccolored olored fantasy fantasy iin n ‘‘The The L ovely Lovely B ones’ Bones’ 0G @716/@2 D=< 0CA/19 0 G @ 7 1 6 / @ 2 D= < 0 C A /1 9


NY F NY FILM ILM adaptation adaptation o off a novel off ccelebrated elebrated n ovel iiss a ssort ort o X-ray; manipulation orr X -ray; aany ny m anipulation o sself-importance elf-importance iin n tthe he ttext ext will will be be laid laid bare. bare. The Th he success success of of the the book book The The Lovely Lovely Bones Bones is is easy easy to to understand. understand. The Th he horrific horrif ic subject subject matter matter has has substantial substantial Gothic Gothic appeal, appeal, and and it’s it’s an an irresistible irresistible fantasy fantasy of of a family family mourning mourning without without cease, cease, for for you you and and only only you. you. What What adolescent adolescent hasn’t hasn’t thought, thought, “If “Iff I were were dead, dead, they’d they’d be be sorry�? sorry�? And And the the appalling appalling way way the the 14-year-heroine, 14-year-heroine, Susie Susie Salmon, Salmon, is is brutalized brutalized before before she she dies dies sticks sticks with with the the reader: reader: the the worst worst thing thing in in the The byy aauthor Alice the world. world. T he iitalics talics aare re b uthor A lice Sebold, Sebold, who who experienced experienced this this worst worst thing, thing, as as she she noted noted in in her her memoir memoir Lucky. Lucky. Peter Peter Jackson’s Jackson’s film f ilm of of The The Lovely Lovely Bones Bones is is set set in in Pennsylvania Pennsylvania in in the the early early 1970s. 1970s. Susie Susie (Saoirse (Saoirse Ronan)—who Ronan)—who has has never never even even been been kissed—is kissed—is dealing dealing with with high high school school life. life. One One winter winter day, day, on on her her way way home home through through a stubbly stubbly cornfield, cornf ield, she she is is lured lured into into an an underground underground lair lair and and raped raped and and murdered murdered by by a neighbor. neighbor. From From the the antechamber antechamber to to heaven, heaven, Susie Susie watches watches what what else else happens happens to to her her family family in in the the years years that that come. come. She’s She’s serene, serene, if if lonely. lonely. The Th he way way station station to to heaven heaven is is her her own own invention, invention, a paradise paradise with with all all the the pet pet dogs doggs and and candy candy and and peppermint peppermint ice ice cream cream she she wants. wants. What What keeps keeps Susie Susie from from moving moving on on is is

BEAUTIFUL B E AU T I F U L C CREATURE REATURE Susie Susie (Saoirse (Saoirse Ronan) Ronan) lives lives on on from from beyond be yond the the grave grave in in ‘The ‘The Lovely Love l y B Bones.’ ones.’

her m her murderer. urderer. He He has has killed killed before before and and may m ay kill kill again: again: an an element element of of vigilantism vigilantism keeps The Bones k eeps T he Lovely Lovely B ones ffrom rom llooking ooking much off a JJehovah’s ttoo oo m uch llike ike tthe he ccover over o ehovah’s Witness pamphlet heaven. W itness p amphlet aabout bout h eaven. Jackson having Ja ackson ggoes oes iinto nto tthis his ffilm ilm h aving made Heavenly aalready lready m ade tthe he ssublime ublime H eavenly Creatures, off a p pair off C reatures, aabout bout tthe he rreveries everies o air o But tteen een ggirls. irls. B ut tthe he eexecutive-producing xecutive-producing Steven Spielberg ccredit redit ffor or S teven S pielberg ssays ays iitt aall— ll— here’s unhealable off h horrible h ere’s aan nu nhealable ccontrast ontrast o orrible eevent vent aand nd ccandyish andyish ffantasy, antasy, ssimilar imilar tto o The Color Purple. T he C olor P urple. Jackson production designer Ja ackson aand nd p roduction d esigner Naomi Shohan have built mall N aomi S hohan h ave b uilt a ’’70s 70s m all walk tthat hat yyou ou ccould ould w alk sstraight traight iinto nto aass iiff were polyester, Sears tthe he ffilm ilm w ere iin n 33-D; -D; tthe he p olyester, S ears Lemon Frog wardrobe makes The L emon F rog sshop hop w ardrobe m akes T he Bones The LLovely ovely B ones ssurpass urpass T he IIce ce SStorm torm aass tthe he ultimate dense u ltimate d ense ’’70s 70s vvisual isual ttime ime ccapsule. apsule. Ass iin most movies A nm ost m ovies aaimed imed aatt yyoung oung dressed aadults, dults, tthe he aadults dults aare re ffreakishly reakishly d ressed weirdoes. Stanley Tucci, up w eirdoes. S tanley Tu ucci, ffollowing ollowing u p tthe he most off h his m ost eendearing ndearing aacting cting o is ccareer— areer—

Julia C Julia Child’s hild’s dapper dapper husband husband in in Julie Julie Julia—is aand nd J ulia—is lamentably lamentably miscast miscast as as the the murderer: with blue m urderer: eequipped quipped w ith bug-eyed bug- eyed b lue ccontact ontact llenses enses aand nd a limp, limp, ccombed-over ombed-over Peter Mark P eter Stormare Stormare hairdo. hairdo. M ark Wahlberg, Wahlberg, aass tthe he ffather, ather, has has essentially essentially the the same same hair hee had Boogie Nights. h air h had in in B ooggie N ights. Mom Mom Rachel Weisz on weird hegira R achel W eisz ggoes oes o n ssome ome w eird h egira Sonoma County pick tto oS onoma C ounty tto op ick aapples; pples; tthe he orchard has pollen o rchard h as tthe he ssame ame aanimated nimated p ollen aass Susie’s heaven. Standing S usie’s h eaven. S tanding iin n tthe he ggap, ap, ffor or welcome broad moments off ccomedy w elcome iiff b road m oments o omedy Sarandon), rrelief, elief, iiss tthe he ggrandma randma ((Susan Susan S arandon), hitting h itting tthe he ccigs igs aand nd gguzzling uzzling tthe he ccooking ooking ssherry. herry. Really Really metaphysical metaphysical fantasies fantasies usually usually harsh ggive ive aall ll tthe he h arsh llogical ogical llines og ines tto o tthe he drunks: d runks: iit’s t’s ttheir heir jjob ob tto o tthrow hrow tthe he ccynics ynics bone. This happens iin n tthe he ttheater heater a b one. T his h appens when Sarandon’s Lynn Susie’s w hen S arandon’s L ynn ttells ells S usie’s brother, Buckley Thomas b rother, B uckley ((Christian Christian T homas Ashdale), his heaven. And A shdale), tthat hat h is ssister ister iiss iin nh eaven. A nd when Buckley her, Grandma w hen B uckley ccontradicts ontradicts h er, G randma dead, OK?� ssnaps, naps, ““She’s She’s d ead, O K?� IIn n tthis his iinstant, nstant,

the X the X-ray -ray quality quality I d described escribed earlier earlier sshines hines through through the the movie: movie: the the grieving grieving aand nd h aunting llooks ooks petulant petulant iinstead nstead of of haunting eeternally ternally sad. sad. Ronan makes makes an an effectively effectively macabre macabre Ronan sstaring taring angel, angel, b ut she’s she’s not not quite quite tthe he but m ousy n erdish girl girl turned turned into into a master master mousy nerdish o universe. One One can’t can’t ffeel eel what what iitt w as off a universe. was tthat hat m ade tthis his b ook sseem eem u nreadably made book unreadably ssad. ad. The The Ja anuary release release iiss ttelltale elltale o he January off tthe ffilm’s ilm’s off-putting off-putting nature; nature; strange strange that that T he Lovely Lovely Bones Bones didn’t didn’t get get wide wide release release The b hristmas, since since it’s it’s essentially essentially It’s It’s a byy C Christmas, W onderful Life Liffe w ith cchild hild m urder iin n iit. t. Wonderful with murder

T HE LOVELY LOVELY BONES BONES (PG-13; (PG-13; 135 135 THE m in.), ddirected irected bbyy P eter J acksson, min.), Peter Jackson, w ritten by by Jackson, Jacksson, Fran Fran Walsh Walsh and and written P hilipp a B oyens, pphotographed hotographed bbyy Philippa Boyens, A ndrew Lesnie Lesnie and and starring starring Saoirse Saoirse Andrew R onan, pplays lays ccountywide. ount ywide. Ronan,

36 |

january 20-27, 2010 SANTACRUZ.COM


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j !%

A/<B/1@CH 1=; january 20-27, 2010 47:;


River Blues ‘The Loss of a Teardrop Diamond’ is lesser Williams, but Ellen Burstyn has a showstopping moment 0G @716/@2 D=< 0CA/19


HE 1920s-era anti-heroine of The Loss of a Teardrop Diamond is named Fisher Willow; this is the most alluvial name since James Joyce’s Anna Livia Plurabelle. No surprise that Fisher (Bryce Dallas Howard) is drawn to the Mississippi River to sit and take good long stares at its majesty. Like the river, she tends to go crazy and jump the banks. Furthermore, her family name has been skunked by a river-related incident. Her father’s attempts to save his own crop by dynamiting a levee south of his land killed some farmers. (The incident is staged, badly, right at the beginning of the film.) To cope, Miss Fisher parties hearty, dancing by herself at juke joints and coming home in a roadster at dawn. She has spent time away from the Delta in Europe, where she gathers famous names to drop. The heiress to two fortunes, she could have any man who could stand the scandal. Fisher’s real interest, however, is the dirt-poor scion of a once famous line: Jimmy (Chris Evans, useless in the part), whose grandfather was a governor, whose mom is in the madhouse and whose father (Will Patton) is the kind of stage drunk who always carries around a halfempty bottle of whiskey. Fisher feels that Jimmy will clean up good if she slaps a tux on him. However, Jimmy may be poor but he has principles, and Fisher’s unorthodox behavior may be too much for him. Actress-turned-director Jodie Markell is a Southerner. Adapting this neverfilmed screenplay by Tennessee Williams (intended for Elia Kazan, but events intervened), she delivers a great deal of surface on a low budget. The Louisiana locations, captured by Giles Nuttgens (The Deep End, Bee Season), are just what you would expect from this top-drawer cinematographer. He gives us riverbank

reveries and moonlit cloudscapes and a haunting subjective view of an opiated Halloween party. He also deserves credit for getting Howard to look so unusually interesting. The tousled brown wig and the air of unnerved sleeplessness make her stand out in ways that she hasn’t in previous films. But 50 years in cold storage was no loss for the script. The arias and crescendos you look for in Williams aren’t here, except, that is, for some shivery passages with Ellen Burstyn. She plays a stroke-paralyzed invalid with balled fists, wasting away in her bedroom: “A chamber of horrors,� as Burstyn’s Miss Addie calls it. Markell takes a crazy risk that works; she puts an actual theatrical spotlight on the actors in the scene Howard and Burstyn share. We stop to take in a monologue about how Addie had lived in “the tolerant Orient,� far away from the cotton fields. Addie reaches out to Fisher for a mercy killing: “I could resume my travels . . .� This sequence shows Fisher’s unconcern for societal strictures, even the stricture against killing. What it really shows is that this retrieved script had some stirring moments in the midst of a crisis we can’t feel for: first, the problems of a brittle, snubbed and very wealthy woman who hates the South but can’t live anywhere else; second, the problems of a woebegone kid, too highminded to be a gigolo even to a woman who looks like a million dollars. THE LOSS OF A TEARDROP DIAMOND (PG-13; 102 min.), directed by Jodie Markell, written by Tennessee Williams, photographed by Giles Nuttgens and starring Bryce Dallas Howard, Chris Evans and Ellen Burstyn, opens Friday at the Nickelodeon in Santa Cruz.

!& j 47:; january 20-27, 2010 A/<B/1@CH 1=;

SHOWTIMES FOR FRIDAY JAN 22 – THURSDAY JAN 28 “A one-of-a-kind fantasy‌entertaining and visually dazzling!â€? –Los Angeles Times

Heath Ledger Christopher Plummer Tom Waits Johnny Depp Colin Farrell Jude Law (PG-13)

Daily: (1:50), (4:20), 7:00, 9:30 plus Sat, Sun (11:20am)

Michael Cera Portia Doubleday Fred Willard Steve Buscemi Ray Liotta Zach Galifianakis BASED ON THE CULT NOVEL BY


Daily: (2:00),

(4:00), 6:00, 8:00, 10:00 plus Sat, Sun (12 noon)

Colin Firth

Julianne Moore (R)

Daily: (2:45), (5:00), 7:15, 9:20 plus Sat, Sun (12:30)

Midnights @ The Del Mar Fun! Prizes! Nunchucks!

Black Dynamite (R)

Fri 1/22 & Sat 1/23 @ Midnight Next Week: Gentlemen Broncos

<3E 1/>A

coastline. (Plays Wed, Jan 20, at the Nick.)

0:/19 2G</;7B3

3FB@/=@27</@G ;3/AC@3A (PG; 105

(R; 100 min.) Blaxploitation comedy cult hit has a larger-thanlife superbrother sticking it to the man. You might be thinking Undercover Brother, but this is more outrageous, a take-off on Rudy Ray Moore’s rhyming, bragging Dolemite character. (Plays Fri-Sat midnight at the Del Mar.) (SP) 2@=> 7< 2@=> =CB( ;7:3A B= >/@/27A3 (Unrated)


2 Golden Globes

Film Capsules

Winner Best Actor - Jeff Bridges! “Jeff Bridges gives a powerful, moving performance!� including

–Roger Ebert

Jeff Bridges Maggie Gyllenhaal Robert Duval Colin Farrell

In the spring of 2008, musician Joseph Trivagno and a lovelorn buddy hiked the 11mile trail to Kalalau on Kauai’s Na Pali Coast in search of spiritual healing. The film documents their journey along the spectacular

min.) Extraordinary Measures is: (a) a sequel to the rather mundane Ordinary Measures; (b) one of those action movies where the hero says the movie’s title, as in “It looks like this will require . . . extraordinary measures�; (c) a documentary about the awesomeness of the inch, yard and kilometer; (d) a drama about one couple’s real-life search for a cure for their child’s genetic disorder. The answer is D, but you can be forgiven for thinking it’s B because Harrison Ford’s in it. (Opens Fri at Santa Cruz Cinema 9.) (SP) :357=< (R; 100 min.)

Humans battle angels

He finally recanted just last year, prompting the question of why anyone believed him in the first place. Director Billy Wilder, meanwhile, was the most versatile talent Hollywood has ever seen, and half a century B63 :=AA =4 / B3/@2@=> 27/;=<2 later this is still the greatest movie comedy (PG-13; 110 min.) See of all time. (Plays Thu at review, page 37. (Opens Santa Cruz Cinema 9.) Fri at the Nick.) (SP) in this fantasy film in which God starts hating humanity and decides to destroy us. Way to ruin it for everyone, atheists! (Opens Fri at Santa Cruz Cinema 9; Thu midnight preview.) (SP)

A=;3 :793 7B 6=B

(1959) Decades before it was cool, Tony Curtis and Jack Lemmon pulled off two of the funniest and mot interesting crossdressing performances ever. It didn’t make it any easier that they had to generate feminine wiles while playing opposite Marilyn Monroe. Fans may recall that Curtis once said kissing Monroe was “like kissing Hitler.�

B63 B==B6 4/7@G

(PG; 101 min.) Deep inside the secret fortress of global supervillains: “Gentlemen, our plan to destroy world culture and bring the Earth to its knees is failing. There seems to be no disaster or threat that can break these people’s spirit. Finally, though, I have conceived a plan so diabolical it will leave them begging for us to

Movie reviews by Steve Palopoli, Mel Valentin and Richard von Busack

take over and rule for 1,000 years! I ask you to consider . . . Dwayne Johnson. Yes, some of you know him as The Rock. Some of you may have never seen his movies. But for those who have, I don’t need to explain to you the magnitude of destructive power we are dealing with here. Now imagine what no mortal has dared imagine: Dwayne Johnson. Playing the tooth fairy. In a comedy. Where he’s a bad person, who . . . learns to be a better person! Silence! Yes, my friends, yes. You are saying, ‘This time, he has gone too far!’ But I present to you that this will be our hour of glorious victory, because . . . my friends . . . this time . . . there’s hockey! Bwahahahahaha!

Bwahahahahahahaha!� (Opens Fri at Santa Cruz Cinema 9; Thu midnight preview.) (SP)

@3D73EA /D/B/@ (PG-13; 162 min.) In the future, Earthling mercenaries are shipped to the planet Pandora, where 9-foottall, blue-skinned noble savages called Na’vi live in a phosphorescent forest full of saurian beasts. Jake (Sam Worthington) is the paraplegic brother of a dead soldier hooked up to a Na’vi shell; the program is under the direction of a chainsmoking biologist (Sigourney Weaver). The politics play it both ways; letting us swoon over the military hardware and still lament for the



(2:30), (4:50), 7:10, 9:30 plus Sat, Sun (12:10)


STARTS FRIDAY 1/22! “A lovely film that transports us back to a lyrical time!� –Los Angeles Times BRYCE DALLAS HOWARD CHRIS E VANS WITH ABryce NN -M ARGRET E LLEN B URSTYN DallasANDHoward

Chris Evans

Ellen Burstyn

(4:40), 6:50, 9:00 plus Sat, Sun (11:50am) FROM THE WRITER OF

Daily: (2:00),


Daily: (4:00),

3fb`O]`RW\O`g ;SOac`Sa – (Opens Fri) Call for showtimes. :SUW]\ – (Opens Fri) Call for showtimes. BVS B]]bV 4OW`g – (Opens Fri) Call for showtimes. BVS :]dSZg 0]\Sa – Call for showtimes. BVS A^g <Sfb 2]]` – Call for showtimes. 2OgP`SOYS`a – Call for showtimes. :SO^ GSO` – Call for showtimes. AVS`Z]QY 6]Z[Sa – Call for showtimes. 7b¸a 1][^ZWQObSR – Call for showtimes. /dObO` – Call for showtimes. /ZdW\ O\R bVS 1VW^[c\Ya( BVS A_cSOY_cSZ – Call for showtimes. 7\dWQbca – Call for showtimes. BVS >`W\QSaa O\R bVS 4`]U – Call for showtimes. A][S :WYS 7b 6]b – Thu 8pm.

BVS 0]]Y ]T 3ZW – Call for showtimes. BVS :]dSZg 0]\Sa – Call for showtimes. 7b¸a 1][^ZWQObSR – Call for showtimes. <W\S – Call for showtimes.


23: ;/@


1124 Pacific Ave., Santa Cruz 831.426.7500 www.thenick.com

Golden Globe Winner!

/ AW\UZS ;O\ – Daily 2:45; 5; 7:15; 9:20; plus Sat–Sun 12:30. BVS 7[OUW\O`Wc[ ]T 2` >O`\Oaaca – Daily 1:40; 4:20; 7; 9:30;

Best Actress - Mo’Nique!

plus Sat-Sun 11:20am. G]cbV W\ @Sd]Zb – Daily 2; 4; 6; 8; 10; plus Sat-Sun noon. 0ZOQY 2g\O[WbS – Fri–Sat midnight.

(R) Once Nightly 8:50

C^ W\ bVS /W` -– Daily 1:50; 4:10; 6:30; 8:40; plus Sat-Sun 11:30am. 7\dWQbca – Daily 3:30; 8:50; plus Wed-Thu 6:10 BVS 0ZW\R AWRS – Fri-Wed 1; 6:10.

1475 41st Ave., Capitola 831.479.3504 www.culvertheatres.com

(2:10), 6:30 plus Sat, Sun (12 noon)


A/<B/ 1@CH 17<3;/ '

" AB /D3<C3 17<3;/A


(4:20), 6:40

(PG) Daily:

/>B=A 17<3;/A

122 Rancho Del Mar Center, Aptos 831.688.6541 www.culvertheatres.com

(PG-13) Daily:

Showtimes are for Wednesday, Jan. 20, through Wednesday, Jan. 27, unless otherwise indicated. Programs and showtimes are subject to change without notice.

plus Sat, Sun (11:40am)



FINAL WEEK! Once Daily (2:20)

Lincoln and Cedar streets, Santa Cruz 831.426.7500 www.thenick.com

( ) = Bargain Shows Before 5:30pm

BVS :]aa ]T / BSO`R`]^ 2WO[]\R – (Opens Fri) 4:40; 6:50; 9;

1405 Pacific Ave., Santa Cruz 800.326.3264 x1700 www.regmovies.com

A1=BBA D/::3G $ 17<3;/A

226 Mt. Hermon Rd., Scotts Valley 831.438.3261 www.culvertheaters.com BVS 0]]Y ]T 3ZW – Call for showtimes. BVS :]dSZg 0]\Sa – Call for showtimes. BVS A^g <Sfb 2]]` – Call for showtimes. C^ W\ bVS /W` – Call for showtimes. /dObO` – Call for showtimes. AVS`Z]QY 6]Z[Sa – Call for showtimes. 7b¸a 1][^ZWQObSR – Call for showtimes.

plus Sat-Sun 11:50am.

Golden Globe Winner! Best Screenplay! George Clooney Vera Farmiga Anna Kendrick Jason Bateman A JASON


Daily: (1:50), (4:10), 6:30, 8:40 plus Sat, Sun (11:30am)


Golden Globe Winner!

2`]^ 7\ 2`]^ =cb – Wed, Jan 20 7pm 1`Ohg 6SO`b – Daily 2:30; 4:50; 7:10; 9:30; plus Sat-Sun 12:10. 0`]YS\ 3[P`OQSa – Wed-Thu 1:40; 4:10; 6:50; 9:20. Fri-Wed 4; 8:20. BVS G]c\U DWQb]`WO – Daily 2; 4:20; 6:40. >`SQW]ca – Daily 8:50; plus Sat-Sun 11:40. 4O\bOabWQ ;` 4]f – Daily 2:10; 6:30; plus Sat-Sun noon. BVS @]OR – Wed-Thu 4; 8:30; Fri-Wed 2:20.

Best Actress - Sandra Bullock! 6:10 FINAL WEEK!


Daily: (1:00), A


Daily: (3:30),


Morgan Freeman Matt Damon (PG-13)

Children under 5 admitted only on Mondays & Weekend Matinees

@7D3@4@=<B AB/27C; BE7<

155 S. River St, Santa Cruz 800.326.3264 x1701 www.regmovies.com BVS 0]]Y ]T 3ZW – Call for showtimes. C^ W\ bVS /W` – Call for showtimes.

5@33< D/::3G 17<3;/ &

1125 S. Green Valley Rd, Watsonville 831.761.8200 www.greenvalleycinema.com BVS 0]]Y ]T 3ZW – Call for showtimes. BVS A^g <Sfb 2]]` – Call for showtimes. BVS :]dSZg 0]\Sa – Call for showtimes. :SO^ GSO` – Call for showtimes. 7b¸a 1][^ZWQObSR – Call for showtimes. AVS`Z]QY 6]Z[Sa – Call for showtimes. /ZdW\ O\R bVS 1VW^[c\Ya( BVS A_cSOY_cSZ – Call for showtimes. /dObO` ! 2 – Call for showtimes. BVS 0ZW\R AWRS – Call for showtimes.

j !'

A/<B/1@CH 1=; january 20-27, 2010 47:;

B63 0:7<2 A723 (PG13; 126 min.) The film focuses on Michael Oher (Quinton Aaron), who overcame homelessness as a teenager to received a football scholarship to the University of Mississippi and later played in the NFL. Oher succeeded with the help of a wealthy Christian couple, Ole Miss grads Leigh Anne (Sandra Bullock) and Sean Tuohy (Tim McGraw), who took Oher in and made him a part of their family. (MV) B63 0==9 =4 3:7

(R; 118 min.) Denzel Washington stars as the usual wanderer on the usual postapocalyptic wastes. The Hughes brothers’ Bible-flogging apocalypso could be read as a Western, but it’s a monomaniacal one. Washington underplays the part of a soft-spoken drifter who deals with a vicious yet zany town boss (Gary Oldman). The film is blessed with actors (Tom Waits, Michael Gambon and a probably synthesized but touching Mr. Bigglesworth cat), but the movie has this pious streak that can’t be overcome. Scriptwriter Gary Whitta, as in the IMDb sentence, “Gary Whitta was editor of PC Gamer for several years,� seems to have retrofitted this film from a video game. In the end, it’s hard to overlook the arbitrariness of what survives (sunglasses, high-powered ammo, Hummers, lingerie, cicadas, the Transamerica Pyramid) over what doesn’t (common sense, humans’ unique ability to invent and band together). (RvB) 0@=93< 3;0@/13A

(R; 135 min.) A sleek, twisty mystery, illuminated by the stunning PenĂŠlope Cruz, the new Pedro AlmodĂłvar is also a sprawler. The James M. Cain–style plot involves a blind film director from Madrid (LuĂ­s Homar). After losing his sight, the filmmaker took the ballsy new name “Harry Caineâ€? and became a writer. News of the death

of a corrupt tycoon sends Caine back to confront unfinished business—to retrieve the moment 16 years previously where he lost both love and sight. The dead tycoon in question, a cuckolded millionaire named Ernesto Martel (JosÊ Luis Gómez), unwillingly shared the love of Caine’s life. Lena, known as Magdalena, was an actress, secretary and part-time prostitute who took as her working-girl name Severine. She, of course, is played by Cruz. No one but Almodóvar knows how to make Cruz really fascinating. (RvB) 1@/HG 63/@B (R;

119 min.) Crazy Heart gives Jeff Bridges a belly-baring role, with his slit-eyed country singer Bad Blake as a kind of Bad Lebowski, a morose sweet-talking satyr drinking his way to the grave. On tour in his ancient 1978 Chevy Suburban, he meets a former Oklahoma newspaper reporter, Jean (Maggie Gyllenhaal). What truly concerns Jean is the influence this charismatic wreck of a man will be on her young son. Robert Duvall, who coproduced, plays a clean and sober bar owner in Houston who is also Bad’s mentor. Ultimately, it may be that Bridges is more fun to watch as a drunkard—his Bad has a hostile, coolly funny mean streak that goes away when he gets dry and sensitive. (RvB)

set up their stand in the streets of modern-day London at its vilest, trying to lure patrons in to a world beyond the doctor’s mirror. On board is his daughter, who doesn’t know that she has been promised to the devil on her 16th birthday; Mr. Nick (Tom Waits) is sniffing around already. During their travels, the group rescues a hanged man named Tony (an irresolute Heath Ledger). Certainly, Gilliam’s love for antique theater is true— although the greasepaint and cardboard make one wonder why he didn’t stage this story instead of filming it. (RvB) 7<D71BCA (PG-13; 143

min.) Based on John Carlin’s book Playing the Enemy, Clint Eastwood’s film tells of South African president Nelson Mandela (Morgan Freeman) exhorting the South African Springboks to greatness in the Rugby world cup as a public-relations move to heal the racial divisions. Team captain Francois Pienaar is not much of a role, but Matt Damon makes it a model of recessive, intelligent interpretation. (RvB) 7B¸A 1=;>:71/B32

(R; 118 min.) In Santa Barbara, Jane, a successful restaurateur (Meryl Streep) hooks up with her ex-husband Jake (Alec Baldwin), despite the fact that Jake is married to a younger woman. Meanwhile, a shy, sad-sack of an architect, Adam (Steve B63 7;/57</@7C; =4 Martin) also shows 2=1B=@ >/@</AACA some interest in her. (R; 117 min.) For Terry Classic-era romcom Gilliam, Don Quixote bones are visible under is still the ur-text. the expensive skin of Despite the various Nancy Meyers’ newest. stops and starts he Commentators note has had adapting the the too-rich staging in Cervantes classic, Gilliam Meyers’ films because repeatedly makes films often there isn’t about fantasy as an enough going on in the escape from a cruel foreground. Baldwin’s world. The Imaginarium willingness to drop of Doctor Parnassus, a his pants for a laugh very personal and nottends to eclipse the so-coherent fantasy, has romanticism. And it’s Christopher Plummer in not just the pants that the Man of la Mancha get dropped; the film role this time, with ends with an audible Verne Troyer as Percy, thud. (RvB) a dwarf Sancho Panza. B63 :=D3:G 0=<3A Plummer plays Doctor (PG–13; 135 min.) See Parnassus, an immortal review, page 35. sage reduced to busking in a horse-drawn Gypsy wagon. He and his crew

<7<3 (PG-13; 117 min.)

Federico Fellini’s 8 1/2

(1963) is boiled down to a musical series of celebs in pushup bras. An Italian film director, Guido (Daniel DayLewis), has announced an ambitious new film project. But Guido has no idea what the film is going to be, and the time to start shooting is coming up. Director Rob Marshall (Chicago) has calmed the camerawork down—he’s previously been an addict of fast cutting to make a group of mostly nonsingers and nondancers to look like lightfooted showstoppers. But only Marion Cotillard, as Guido’s much-spurned wife, delivers a number that leaves an aftereffect. As Guido’s mistress, PenÊlope Cruz is edible (if slightly self-conscious) sliding down a satin banister. Nicole Kidman is the pedestal girl, inserted into a strapless evening gown that makes her look like a single arrow in a quiver. Kate Hudson is the Yank journalist who only pays attention to the surfaces of Italian film. What we see in Nine is not an artist in peril of his soul; what we’re really seeing in these musical fantasies is essentially the problems of a creatively blocked choreographer. (RvB) >@317=CA 0/A32 =< B63 <=D3: >CA6 0G A/>>67@3 (R; 110

min.) Much lauded, but it’s a bulldozer. It’s 1987, during some of Harlem’s most suffering years. A girl of immense girth, 16-year-old Claireece (Gabourey “Gabby� Sidibe) makes her way through life. She has intelligence, but she can’t focus, and we learn why in flashback; she was serially raped by her mother’s boyfriend. Her scathing, angry mother, Mary (Mo’Nique), blames Precious for this and her resulting pregnancy), urging her to stop this foolishness about school and go on welfare. Mo’Nique is great, but Precious has a judgmental streak that won’t quit. And that’s been essential to a success worthy of its sensationalism. (RvB) / A7<5:3 ;/< (R; 109 min.) Based on Christopher Isherwood’s

:3E7A 8/1=0A

plundered forests. If you’re going to see it, see it in 3-D. (RvB)

E7<5 27<5 Lfwjo!Evsboe!hfut!ijt!gfbuifst!jo!b!Ă vgg!jo!Ă•Mfhjpo-Ă–!pqfojoh!Gsjebz/

early-1960s novel, canonical in gay literature but slightly dusty today. A British professor (Colin Firth) teaching in L.A. loses his longtime companion in a car accident and has decided he can no longer stand the pain. He finds some consolation with a hard-drinking old friend (and ex-lover) called Charley (Julianne Moore); on his route, he encounters young men who are both interesting and interested. Noteworthy as a great comeback performance by Firth, who has had much substandard work to deal with lately. Firth plays George with sensitivity and grace, and a sense of the era that most of the performers here lack. Director Tom Ford shows his roots as a fashion designer, focusing on surfaces. The clothes don’t make the men. (RvB) A>G <3FB 2==@ (PG;

92 min.) Jackie Chan action comedy in which he has to use his CIA skills for baby sitting. C> 7< B63 /7@ (R; 109 min.) As the predatory Ryan Bingham, George Clooney delivers a startlingly good performance. Sadly, the film is compromised by director Jason Reitman,

who shows signs of morphing into Cameron Crowe. Bingham is a hired terminator—a man brought in to fire people; he tolerates this job with benefits of an executive life with plenty of travel. Enter a young, seemingly equally callous rival (Anna Kendrick). Having this inexperienced girl along interrupts Ryan’s regularly scheduled no-strings flings with a fellow constant business traveler, Alex (Vera Farmiga). The acrid first half is the best part—Clooney makes us admire Ryan’s gamesmanship. The film wants us to equate two different kinds of toxicities—to draw a line between the corporate bloodletting that juices up stock portfolios and the wrongness of the present-tense sex life that Ryan and Alex enjoy. Too bad that Farmiga and Clooney are such a scintillating pair that you don’t want to see them pay the piper. (RvB)

lived. As Victoria, the lovely and suitably aristocratic Emily Blunt is the best part of this story. Treated with brutal overcaution and surveillance by her mother, the Duchess of Kent (Miranda Richardson), and her friend (perhaps with benefits) Lord Conroy, the girl is kept locked up and escorted down all stairs as if she were a brittle-boned child. When she grows older, her cousin Albert (Rupert Friend) comes to court, and this starts a romance, tainted with scheming by the power in Albert’s family, the perfidious Belgian king (Thomas Kretschmann). Director Jean-Marc ValÊe slows things down and smooths over the complexities of history; matters get simplified to the point where it seems like nothing is going on in the world outside the problem of Victoria trying to get some time alone with Albert. (RvB)

B63 G=C<5 D71B=@7/ (PG; 104

(PG; 112 min.) Michael Cera plays Nick Twisp in Miguel Arteta’s alternadate movie. Young Nick is a virgin in the leafier part of Oakland, and he can’t stand it. His mom’s boyfriend of the day, Jerry (Zach

min.) Unforgivably static, despite the fascinating subject: the early and often unpopular years of the longest-reigning and most iron-bottomed British royal who ever

G=CB6 7< @3D=:B

Galifianakis), has to leave town suddenly. Jerry, Nick and the mom in question (Jean Smart) go vacationing at “Restless Axles,â€? a sad trailer park by a lake. There, Nick meets a girl who is too good to be real: Sheeni Saunders (Portia Doubleday), kept under lock and key by her parents. Nick is determined to get next to her at all costs—even if it means creating the identity of “François Dillinger,â€? a kind of Big Lots version of the breezy heel Belmondo played in Breathless. Small-scale mayhem follows in Francois’ wake. Based on a self-published novel by C.D. Payne, Youth in Revolt invokes numerous local sites, from Ukiah to Santa Cruz (though for budget reasons, the movie was shot in Louisiana and Michigan). The writing is so crisp that one ignores the incidents of dead air and the jokes that fail to build. Despite a nod to computers at the beginning, this is a film that carries out its scheme of rebel cool against a background of vinyl LPs, French New Wave references, pay telephones and a thinly veiled version of the book The Joy of Sex. (RvB)

40 |

january 20-27, 2010 SANTACRUZ.COM



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A/<B/1@CH 1=; A /<B/1@CH 1=; jjanuary a n u a r y 20-27, 2 0 - 2 7, 2010 2 0 1 0 3>71C@3 3>71C@3

IIron ron and and Wine Wi n e Help Helpful pful rules thumb of th humb for fo or pairing pairin ng winter winter vegetables vegetab bles with tasty tasty vintages v vintag es 0G 16@7AB7</ E/B3@A 0G 1 6 @ 7 A B 7 < / E/B 3 @ A


OST VEGETABLES, OST VEGETABLES, left left tto o their their own own devices, devices, w on’t sslide lide eeasily asily iinto nto a won’t fflavor lavor p artnership w ith partnership with wine. That’s That’s because because f lora lora iin n ggeneral, eneral, wine. and green green veggies veggies in in p articular, b ring and particular, bring their own own herbal, herbal, grassy, grassy, sometimes sometimes eeven ven their metallic bitter bitter tones tones to to the the ttable. able. W ines, metallic Wines, on the the other other hand, hand, love love tto op artner w ith on partner with lavors that that offer offer fruit, fruit, m eatiness, b utter, f lavors meatiness, butter, olive oil—in oil—in other other words, words, rich, rich, sstrong, trong, olive earthy attitudes. attitudes. Vegetables Vegetables are are known known earthy for other, other, well, well, virtues. virtues. And And tthat hat m eans, for means, as many many chefs chefs know know aall ll ttoo oo w ell, tthat hat as well, it can can be be challenging challenging to to m ake a w ineit make winefriendly dish dish of of Brussels Brussels sprouts. sprouts. friendly Worst offenders? offenders? Artichokes, Artichokes, Worst asparagus and and arugula. arugula. The The A-list A-list wreaks wreaks asparagus havoc with with most most wines. wines. They They fight f ight with with havoc your basic basic sangiovese sangiovese or or cab cab as as much much your as the the mother mother of of difficult diff icult seasonings, seasonings, as cilantro. One One strategy strategy is is to to pump pump up up the the cilantro. preparation. Roasting Roasting veggies veggies with with garlic garlic preparation. and olive olive oil, oil, for for example, example, will will help help to to and intensify their their essential essential earthiness. earthiness. Or Or intensify enhance them them with with sauces sauces that that add add enhance some fruit fruit or or cream cream to to the the experience. experience. some If you you prepare prepare vegetables vegetables in in a way way that that If accentuates their their richness—for richness—for example, example, accentuates by grilling– grilling– they they will will work work much much better better by with wines, wines, especially especially red red wines wines that that with have been been sculpted sculpted by by aging aging in in oak. oak. have In general, general, the the rule rule seems seems to to be be either either In to work work with with the the prevailing prevailing f lavor— lavor— to earthy with with earthy, earthy, tart tart with with tart—or tart— or earthy play against against it. it. Pair Pair a spicy, spicy, fruity fruity wine wine play such as as a pinot pinot noir noir with with spicy spicy cooking cooking such styles and and a dry, dry, mineral-laden mineral-laden riesling riesling styles

B63 =22 1=C>:3 B 63 =22 1=C>:3 A Asparagus sparagus is is notoriously notoriously difficult diff icult to to pair pair with with wine— wine— but but that that only only makes makes the the combo comb o sweeter sweeter when when it it works. works.

with a ccucumber with ucumber ssalad. alad. O Orr d do o ccontrast ontrast m atching—sweet roasted roasted carrots carrots with with matching—sweet a ttartly artly p erfumed aalbariùo, lbariùo, o weet perfumed orr a ssweet ssauternes auternes w ith ssalty alty aanchovies, nchovies, m arcona with marcona aalmonds lmonds o r—an o bvious m atch—a or—an obvious match—a p ungent C amembert. pungent Camembert. If you you like like the the idea idea of of accentuating accentuating the the If iinherent nherent f llavors avors o ertain vvegetables, egetables, off ccertain tthen hen eexperiment xperiment w ith w ines tthat hat with wines rresonate esonate aalong long w ith tthem. hem. M inerally, with Minerally, d ry w hites b ring o ut tthe he d elightfully dry whites bring out delightfully eeccentric ccentric m ineral q uality o sparagus, mineral quality off aasparagus, o ven ffennel. ennel. H igh-acid iitems, tems, ffor or orr eeven High-acid eexample xample ttomatoes, omatoes, m ight ggo ow ell w ith a might well with ccrisp risp ssauvignon auvignon b lanc. M ushroom ssauces auces blanc. Mushroom o ushroom llasagnes asagnes aare re b rilliant w ith orr m mushroom brilliant with aw ell-made, eearthy arthy p inot n oir. well-made, pinot noir.

The biggest pr problem oblem is in trying trying to match a vvegetable egetab ble that has b been een br ought to the ttable ery lit ablle with vvery tle brought little tink ering, such as a b eautiful or ganic tinkering, beautiful organic vvegetable egetable that has b een vvery ery simply been steamed. Ther a ans wer. Theree is an answer. Listen ccarefully. arefullyy. Ther T few Theree ar aree a few (v ery few) few) omni-versatile omni-verrsatile wine (very par tners in this wo orld. And one of partners world. them is champagne e. Ther ’tt a champagne. Theree isn isn’t ffish, iish, ffowl, o owl, cheese m vvegetable egetable cheese,, meat, or herb that ccan’t an’t ac aacquire quire added se sexx app eal in par tnersh hip with dr y, chilled appeal partnership dry, champagne othin ng in the bubbly champagne.. N Nothing rrequires equires an ans weriing rresponse esponse or a answering par ticular f la vor no ote in the ffood ood item. particular lavor note JJust ust lik ands likee cheese cheese,, thee bubbly st stands

alo alone. one. And an anyy ffood ood b becomes ecomes a sp sspecial ecial eevent vent e when joined b osted f lute byy a fr frosted of sparkling s wine ou’d be be wise wiise to wine.. So yyou’d wayys, always always k eep a bottle bottle of some ome alw so always, keep fa avorite champagne in the coldest coldesst spot spot favorite of yyour our fridge fridge.. T other oenological oenological rescue rescue remedy remedy The is a charming, charming, low-alcohol low-alcohol variet a al varietal fr o A om ustria—grßner vveltliner. eltliner. Light, L from Austria—grßner min nerallyy, citrus very low in n minerally, citrusyy and very alc ohol, grßner vveltliner eltliner hugs tig ght to alcohol, tight hatever the vvegetable egetable wants wants to do wh whatever do.. N o argument, argument, no dominant inte rfeering No interfering qua alities. It will even even get along with w qualities. cila antro. But don’t don’t just just take take my my word word cilantro. ffor or iit. t. Try it. Tr it. 0 Try

" j 27<3@¸A 5C723 january 20-27, 2010 A/<B/1@CH 1=;

Diner’s Guide

Our selective list of area restaurants includes those that have been favorably reviewed in print by Santa Cruz Weekly food critics and others that have been sampled but not reviewed in print. All visits by our writers are made anonymously, and all expenses are paid by Metro Santa Cruz. AG;0=:A ;/23 A7;>:3( + C\RS` + # + $ + O\R c^

Price Ranges based on average cost of dinner entree and salad, excluding alcoholic beverages

/>B=A $$ Aptos

/;0@=A7/ 7<27/ 07AB@=

$$ Aptos

0@7B/<<7/ /@;A

$$$ Aptos $$$ Aptos

$$ Aptos

207 Searidge Rd, 831.685.0610

8017 Soquel Dr, 831.688.1233 :/ 03::/ D7B/ 07AB@=

257 Center Ave, 831.685.8111 A3D3@7<=¸A 5@7::

7500 Old Dominion Ct, 831.688.8987

Indian. Authentic Indian dishes and specialties served in a comfortable dining room. Lunch buffet daily 11:30am-2:30pm; dinner daily 5pm to close. www.ambrosiaib.com American and specialty dishes from the British and Emerald Isles. Full bar. Children welcome. Happy hour Mon-Fri 2-6pm. Open daily 11am to 2am. Italian. Ambience reminiscent of a small trattoria in the streets of Italy, serving handmade lasagna, pasta dishes, gnocchi and fresh fish. Wed-Sun, Lunch 11am-2pm, Dinner 5-9pm. Continental California cuisine. Breakfast all week 6:30-11am, lunch all week 11am-2pm; dinner Fri-Sat 5-10pm, Sun-Thu 5-9pm. www.seacliffinn.com.

H/;33< ;327B3@@/<3/< Middle Eastern/Mediterranean. Fresh, fast, flavorful. Gourmet

7528 Soquel Dr, 831.688.4465

meat and vegetarian kebabs, gyros, falafel, healthy salads and Mediterranean flatbread pizzas. Beer and wine. Dine in or take out. Tue-Sun 11am-8pm.

1/>7B=:/ $ Capitola


1/43 D7=:3BB3

104 Stockton Ave, 831.479.8888

All day breakfast. Burgers, gyros, sandwiches and 45 flavors of Marianne’s and Polar Bear ice cream. Open 8am daily.

>/@/27A3 ACA67 Japanese. This pretty and welcoming sushi bar serves 200 Monterey Ave, 831.464.3328 superfresh fish in unusual but well-executed sushi combinations. Wed-Mon 11:30am-9pm.

California Continental. Swordfish and other seafood specials. Dinner Mon-Thu 5:30-9:30pm; Fri 5-10pm; Sat 4-10:30pm; Sun 4-9pm.



1750 Wharf Rd, 831.475.1511

AB=19B=< 0@7253 5@7::3 Mediterranean tapas. Innovative menu, full-service bar,


231 Esplanade, 831.464.1933

international wine list and outdoor dining with terrific views in the heart of Capitola Village. Open daily.

$$$ Capitola


203 Esplanade, 831.475.4900

California cuisine. Nightly specials include baby back ribs, prime rib, lobster and mahi mahi. Daily 7am-2am.

A/<B/ 1@CH $$ Santa Cruz

$$ Santa Cruz


1116 Pacific Ave, 831. 426.7588


110 Church St, 831.429.2000

$$ Santa Cruz

B63 1@3>3 >:/13

1@=E¸A <3AB

Santa Cruz

2218 East Cliff Dr, 831.476.4560

$ Santa Cruz

460 Seventh Ave, 831.477.2908

1134 Soquel Ave, 831.429.6994

4/<2/<5= ;3F71/<

$$ Santa Cruz


$$ Santa Cruz


303 Soquel Ave, 831.426.7770

1102 Pacific Ave, 837.420.0135

6C:/¸A 7A:/<2 5@7::

Santa Cruz

221 Cathcart St, 831.426.4852

Mexican/Seafood/American. Traditional Mexican favorites. Best fajitas, chicken mole, coconut prawns, blackened prime rib! Fresh seafood. Over 50 premium tequilas, daily happy hour w/ half-price appetizers. Sun-Thu 11am-10pm, Fri-Sat 11am-11pm. American, California-style. With a great bar scene, casually glamorous setting and attentive waitstaff. Full bar. Mon-Sat 11:30am-10pm, Sun 1-10pm. Crepes and more. Featuring the spinach crepe and Tunisian donut. Full bar. Mon-Thu 11am-midnight, Fri 11am-1am, Sat 10am-1am, Sun 10am-midnight. Seafood. Fresh seafood, shellfish, Midwestern aged beef, pasta specialties, abundant salad bar. Kids menu and nightly entertainment. Harbor and Bay views. Lunch and dinner daily. Mexican. Serving breakfast all day. Popular for our street tacos and handmade Salvadorian pupusas. Vegetarian options made w/ local fresh vegetables & organic tofu. Daily 9: 30am-9:30pm. Americana. Ribs, steaks and burgers are definitely the stars. Full bar. Lunch Mon-Sat 11:30am-2:30pm; dinner Sun-Thu 5:30-9:30pm, Fri-Sat 5:30-10pm. California/full-service bakery. Breakfast, lunch, dinner. “Best Eggs Benedict in Town.� Happy Hour Mon-Fri 5-6pm. Halfprice appetizers; wines by the glass. Daily 8am-9pm. ’60s Vegas meets ’50s Waikiki. Amazing dining experience in kitchy yet swanky tropical setting. Fresh fish, great steaks, vegetarian. Full-service tiki bar. Happy-hour tiki drinks. Aloha Fri, Sat lunch 11:30am-5pm. Dinner nightly 5pm-close.

j "!

A/<B/1@CH 1=; january 20-27, 2010 27<3@¸A 5C723

$$ Santa Cruz $$ Santa Cruz

7 :=D3 ACA67

516 Front St, 831.421.0706 8=6<<G¸A 6/@0=@A723

493 Lake Ave, 831.479.3430

$$$ :/ >=AB/ Santa Cruz 538 Seabright Ave, 831.457.2782 $$ Santa Cruz


$$ Santa Cruz

>/17471 B6/7

Seafood/California. Fresh catch made your way! Plus many other wonderful menu items. Great view. Full bar. Happy hour Mon-Fri. Brunch Sat-Sun 10am-2pm. Open daily. Italian. La Posta serves Italian food made in the old style— simple and delicious. Wed-Thu 5-9pm, Fri-Sat 5-9:30pm and Sun 5-8pm.

Fine Mexican cuisine. Opening daily at noon. 49-B Municipal Wharf, 831.458.9393 1319 Pacific Ave, 831.420.1700

@7AB=@/<B3 7B/:7/<=

Santa Cruz

555 Soquel Ave, 831.458.2321

$$ Santa Cruz

@=A73 ;11/<<¸A

1220 Pacific Ave, 831.426.9930

$$ Santa Cruz

105 Walnut Ave, 831.423.2020

$$ Santa Cruz

2415 Mission St, 831.423.9010

$$ Santa Cruz

Japanese Fusion. Sushi bar, sake bar, vegetarian, seafood, steak in fun atmosphere; kids play area; karaoke every night. Open seven days 5-10pm; Mon-Fri 11:30am-2:30pm.


C>>3@ 1@CAB >7HH/

E==2AB=19¸A >7HH/

710 Front St, 831.427.4444

Thai. Individually prepared with the freshest ingredients, plus ambrosia bubble teas, shakes. Mon-Thu 11:30am-9:30pm, Fri 11:30am-10pm, Sat noon-10pm, Sun noon-9:30pm. Italian-American. Mouthwatering, generous portions, friendly service and the best patio in town. Full bar. Lunch Mon-Fri 11:30am, dinner nightly at 5pm. Irish pub and restaurant. Informal pub fare with reliable execution. Lunch and dinner all day, open Mon-Fri 11:30ammidnight, Sat-Sun 11:30am-1:30am. Wine bar with menu. Flawless plates of great character and flavor; sexy menu listings and wines to match. Lunch Wed-Sat noon2pm; dinner Mon-Thu 5-10pm, Fri-Sat 5-11pm, Sun 4-10pm; retail shop Mon 5pm-close, Tue-Sat noon-close, Sun 4pm-close. Pizza. Specializing in authentic Sicilian and square pizza. Homemade pasta, fresh sandwiches, soups, salads and more. Hot slices always ready. Sun-Thu 10am-9:30pm, Fri-Sat 10am-11pm. Pizza. Pizza, fresh salads, sandwiches, wings, desserts, beers on tap. Patio dining, sports on HDTV and free WiFi. Large groups and catering. Open and delivering Fri-Sat 11am-2am, Mon-Thu 11am-1am, Sun 11am-midnight.

A/< :=@3<H= D/::3G $$ Felton

@32E==2 >7HH3@7/

6205 Hwy 9, 831.335.1500

Organic Pizza. Everything organic: pizza, lasagna, soup, salad, beer and local wine. Always organic, local produce. Party room seats 32. Weeknights 4-9pm (closed Tue), Fri 4-10pm, Sat 1-10pm, Sun 1-9pm. See menu at www.redwoodpizza.com.

A1=BBA D/::3G $ 63/D3<:G 1/43 American. Serving breakfast and lunch daily. Large parties Scotts Valley 1210 Mt. Hermon Rd, 831.335.7311 welcome. Mon-Fri 6:30am-2:15pm, Sat-Sun 7am-2:45pm. $ 87/ B3::/¸A Scotts Valley 5600 #D Scotts Valley Dr, 831.438.5005

Cambodian. Fresh kebabs, seafood dishes, soups and noodle bowls with a unique Southeast Asian flair. Beer and wine available. Patio dining. Sun-Thu 11am-9pm, Fri-Sat 11am-10pm.

A=?C3: $$ Soquel

3: 167>=B:3 B/?C3@7/

4724 Soquel Dr, 831.477.1048

Mexican. Open for breakfast. We use no lard in our menu and make your food fresh daily. We are famous for our authentic ingredients such as traditional mole from Oaxaca. Lots of vegetarian options. Mon-Fri 9am-9pm, weekends 8am-9pm.

"" j /AB@=:=5G january 20-27, 2010 A/<B/1@CH 1=;

Astrology Free Will

By Rob Brezsny

For the week of January 20 /@73A (March 21–April 19): Philosopher David

A1=@>7= (Oct. 23–Nov. 21): This would be an excellent time for you to do a lot less of everything. You’re entering a phase when you can actually help your long-term goals by being less ambitious. The point is not to give up your drive to succeed, but rather just put it to sleep for a while. Let it recharge. Allow it to draw energy from the deeper psychic sources that it tends to get cut off from when it’s enmeshed in the frenzy of the daily rhythm. Do you have the courage to not work so much, not try so hard, and not push so relentlessly?

B/C@CA (April 20–May 20): I don’t mean to

A/57BB/@7CA (Nov. 22–Dec. 21): Cartoon

sound melodramatic, and I certainly don’t want to encourage you to do something foolish, but if you’ve been pondering the possibility of storming the castle, this would be a good time to do so. What exactly am I implying with the phrase “storming the castle�? Well, anything that involves a brave effort to fight your way into the command center of the empire . . . or a heroic attempt to take back the sanctuary you were exiled from . . . or a playful adventure in which you work your way into the heart of the king or queen.

53;7<7 (May 21–June 20): “Let us not underestimate the privileges of the mediocre,� wrote Friedrich Nietzsche. “Life becomes harder and harder as it approaches the heights—the coldness increases, the responsibility increases.� I bring these thoughts to your attention, Gemini, because in the next two months you’ll be in a prime position to renounce some of the “privileges� of your laziness. Please hear me out. I’m not saying that your lackadaisical attitudes are any worse than mine or anyone else’s. But there come times in everyone’s cycle when he or she has a chance to outgrow those lackadaisical attitudes so as to reach a higher level that’s both more demanding and more rewarding. This will be one of those times for you.

Heald Student

1/<13@ (June 21–July 22): According to a poll

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Have you enhanced your seductiveness in any way during the last few months? Have you been working on boosting your ability to attract the bounty you need? I’m not just speaking about your power to corral love and sex and tenderness and thrills. I’m referring to the bigger project of enticing all the resources that would be helpful as you pursue your quest to become the best and brightest version of yourself. The coming weeks will be an excellent time to ramp up your efforts.

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conducted by the Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life, there are as many people who give credence to astrology as call themselves Catholic. Believers in reincarnation are another sizable minority; their numbers equal those who put their faith in the Pope and in the planetary omens. Based on this evidence, we can safely conclude that at least some supposedly woowoo notions are no longer just for woo-woo-ers. You can’t be considered a New Age weirdo or pagan infidel if you’re receptive to the possibility that the world is exceedingly mysterious and a long way from being all figured out. That’s good news for you Cancerians. According to my analysis, your belief system is ready to crack open and allow a surge—maybe even a flood— of new data to rush in.

:3= (July 23–Aug. 22): How are your wooing skills?


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designed to draw out and energize your tribe’s inner feline. It’s that time in your cycle when you have a mandate to be graceful and inscrutable and sleek.

Pearce is committed to the abolition of suffering. While he acknowledges that we’ve got a long way to go before accomplishing that goal, he believes it’s possible, mostly with the help of technology. (More at http://bit.ly/ 8oTsCV.) More than two millennia ago, Buddha also articulated a vision for the cessation of suffering. His methods revolve around psychological and spiritual work. In light of your current astrological omens, Aries, I think it’s an excellent time to contribute to this noble enterprise. Your level of suffering is rather low these days, which could give you a natural boost if you set in motion some long-term strategies for reducing the pain that you experience and the pain that you cause.

D7@5= (Aug. 23–Sept. 22): “We should feel excited about the problems we confront and our ability to deal with them,� said philosopher Robert Anton Wilson. “Solving problems is one of the highest and most sensual of all our brain functions.� I wholeheartedly agree with him, which is why I expect that in the coming weeks you will be getting even smarter than you already are. The riddles you’ll be presented with will be especially sexy; the shifts in perspective you’ll be invited to initiate will give your imagination the equivalent of a deep-tissue massage. :70@/ (Sept. 23–Oct. 22): “Dear Rob: I’ve been listening to your audio messages on my laptop in my bedroom. And I’ve noticed a curious thing: My cat goes NUTS trying to get to you. She never shows any interest in the other videos and music I play. But when your voice comes on, she does everything she can to try to get into my computer, to find the source of your voice. What’s going on? Libralicious.� Dear Libralicious: Maybe it’s because in all versions of my recent Libra horoscopes, I’ve been putting subliminal messages

character Homer Simpson is on record as saying that whenever he learns something new, it pushes some old stuff out of his brain. For example, when he took a course in home winemaking, he forgot how to drive. But I don’t see this being a problem for you as you enter the High-Intensity Educational Season, a time when your capacity to find and absorb new teachings will be at a peak. If you push hard to learn new lessons, you will certainly not cause the expulsion of old lessons. On the contrary, you’ll dramatically enhance the power and brightness of what you’ve already learned.

1/>@71=@< (Dec. 22–Jan. 19): Take what you really need, Capricorn, but don’t take what you just sort of want. That’s my advice to you. Haggle with life, yes, but insist only on the specific essentials and forgo irrelevant goodies. A similar principle applies as you seek the information you crave: Formulate precise questions that will win you the exact revelations that are necessary to help your cause and that won’t fill your beautiful head up with useless data. /?C/@7CA (Jan. 20–Feb. 18): One of the musical Jonas Brothers got married last month. Up until then, 22-year old Kevin Jonas was a virgin, having long ago pledged himself to abstinence until his wedding day. At Huffingtonpost.com, humorist Andy Borowitz reported that when Jonas and his bride returned from their honeymoon, he had some shocking news. “To be honest, sex was not worth the wait,� Borowitz quoted Jonas as saying. “After we did it, I was kind of like, that’s it?� I haven’t been able to verify that Jonas actually said what Borowitz claims, but if it’s true, I must protest. How could Jonas reach such a definitive conclusion based on so little experience? Wouldn’t it be wise to consider the possibility that over time he might uncover secrets and plumb mysteries that are unknown to him in his unripe state? Learn from his apparent mistake, Aquarius. In the coming weeks, cultivate a humble, innocent, curious attitude not just about sex, but about everything. >7A13A (Feb. 19–March 20): I have a Piscean friend who does modern-day cave paintings. She hikes out to underground caverns and abandoned gold mines, where she creates murals on stony walls. Only a few friends know about her unusual hobby. She shows us photos of her work, but otherwise keeps it secret. She says it’s a pleasurable spiritual practice to offer these beautiful mysteries as a gift to the earth, without any expectation of getting recognition or money. I don’t normally recommend such behavior for Pisceans; in general, I believe you should err of the side of being somewhat self-promotional to compensate for your self-deprecating tendencies. But I do suggest that you try it in the coming weeks. I think you’ll conjure up an epiphany or two if you offer life your favors without worrying about whether they’ll be returned. 6][Se]`Y( EO\b W\a^W`ObW]\ Oa g]c `SQZOW[ g]c` ]e\ c\W_cS `SZObW]\aVW^ eWbV bVS 2WdW\S E]e- 5] VS`S( Vbb^( PWb Zg @SP`O\R5]R Go to @3/:/AB@=:=5G 1=; to check out Rob Brezsny’s Expanded Weekly Audio Horoscopes and Daily Text Message Horoscopes. The audio horoscopes are also available by phone &%% &%! "&&& or 1.900.950.7700

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It’s a rare opportunity to be able to live in downtown Santa Cruz, walk everywhere, and live modestly in your own sweet home. Mobile home, that is. If you have not seen a new manufactured home, it’s nothing like the vision many of us have of low ceilings, leaky windows and cramped spaces of the older trailers. However, there is one like this if you prefer the retro feel. El Rio is a co-operative park at the top of Pacific Ave. It has a recreation room, children’s play park, laundry facilities and levee access. The monthly fees are $345 and you own a share in the park. It is ideal for singles, small families and students. Two small pets are allowed. It’s a great way to get a start on home ownership. It’s also possible that the $8,000 stimulus for first time buyers (or those not owning within the last 3 years) may apply. Most of the park residents are highly intelligent, eccentric, artistic, and enjoy the communal living aspect. Each member chooses a monthly task for an hour or two to promote the community spirit and to help care for the park. Usually there are only one or two units available but now there are 6 to choose from ranging from $85,000 to $195,000. Many offer owner financing and all will look at offers. Seize the day! If you are “Artsy” there is the art trailer, decorated with bottle caps, CDs, animal figures, and original art pieces of all kinds. The bathroom has mosaic tiling and mirrors and is definitely unusual. It also has a large workshop, outdoor seating area, and magnificent garden in a very private setting in a world of its own. Wonderful, whimsical. A place with a sense of humor. Then there is the long, long trailer which has been in the park for many years but is still holding its own. This is the least expensive unit for $85,000 and features 2 bedrooms and a harvest gold colored oven. If you like retro, it’s for you! Lucille Ball may be in it. Another offering is a nearly new home with a small office area in addition to the bedroom, lofty cathedral ceilings, and is spiffy and bright. There is excellent owner financing available and a big discount for cash, listed for $129,000. The largest home has 2 spacious bedrooms and an enormous gourmet style kitchen. A large garden area is filled with vines and fruit trees surrounded by a brick patio. High ceilings and a wide hallway make for a very spacious, open feel. Another unit has a pleasant side garden area to enjoy. Newer appliances include a stainless double door fridge and washer and dryer. The bathroom has a custom vanity, and tiling. This unit is offered for $148,000. Rather than ride out the economic storm, consider an investment now that could provide home ownership at a reasonable cost. This is a low income park – call for income guidelines.life.

We are here to help. Best wishes to all!!

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january 20-27, 2010 C L ASS I F I E DS

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