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D=B3 =<:7<3 4=@ B63 5=:2 /E/@2A /B A/<B/1@CH 1=;

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February 10-17, 2010

4= @;3 @:G ;3 B @= A/<B/ 1@C H

Vol. 1, No. 41

B E7BB3@ ( A/ < B/1@ CH E339:G j 4/130 ==9( A/ < B/1@ C H4 0 1=;


It’s the Year of the Tiger. Let the games begin.

Here, Kitty... p13

Keeley’s Stimulus Plan


| Rickie Lee Jones Returns p29 | Waters

La Posta


2 |

february 10-17, 2010 SANTACRUZ.COM

j !

A/<B/1@CH 1=; february 10-17, 2010 1=<B3<BA

Contents. P OSTS















p36 p38








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>=ABA ffebruary e b r u a r y 10-17, 1 0 - 1 7, 2010 2 0 1 0 A/<B/1@CH 1=; A/<B/1@CH 1=; " j >=ABA

Posts. P osts. Messages M essages &

327B=@7/: 327B = =@7/: EDITOR E D I TO R B@/ 17 6C97:: 6 B@/17 6C97::

(traci@santtacruzw a eeekly.com) (traci@santacruzweekly.com) STAFF WRITERS WRITERS STAFF @716/@2 D=< 0C CA/19 @716/@2 D=< 0CA/19 (richarrd@santtaacruzweeekly.com m)) (richard@santacruzweekly.com) 1C@B7A 1/@ / B73@ 1C@B7A 1/@B73@ ( ti @ tacruzw (curtis@sant a eeekly kl .com)) (curtis@santacruzweekly.com) 83AA71/ :CAA3 3<6=> 83AA71/ :CAA3<6=> (jessica@santtacruzw a eeekly.com) (jessica@santacruzweekly.com) CONTRIBUTING EDITOR E D I TO R CONTRIBUTING 16@7AB7</ E/B3@A 16@7AB7</ E/B3@A CALENDAR EDITOR E D I TO R CALENDAR >/C: E/5<3@ >/C: E/5<3@ (calendar@santtacruzw a eeekly.com) (calendar@santacruzweekly.com) POETRY EDITOR E D I TO R POETRY @=03@B AE/@2 @=03@B AE/@2 P RO O F R E A D E R PROOFREADER 83/<<3 A16CAB3@ 83/<<3 A16CAB3@ EDITORIAL INTERN INTERN EDITORIAL ;/@7/ 5@CA/CA9 C /A ;/@7/ 5@CA/CA9/A 1/B 8=6<A=< 1/B 8=6<A=< CO N T R I B U TO R S CONTRIBUTORS @=0 0@3HA<G @=0 0@3HA<G

6/>>G E7B6=CB 6/>>G E7B6=CB 9 7::7<5 97::7<5 REGARDING R EGARDING tthe he Feb. Feb. 3 cover cover sstory tory aarticle rticle b byy G abe M eline, “Meat “Meat tthe he M aker,� or, or, as as tthe he ccover over Gabe Meline, Maker, q uipped, ““The The C arnivore’s A genda� (in (in cclever lever quipped, Carnivore’s Agenda� aallusion llusion tto o Michael Michael Pollan’s Pollan’s T he O mnivore’s The Omnivore’s D ilemma): I aam m rreminded eminded o hen-governor Dilemma): off tthen-governor o Alaska Sarah Sarah Palin, Palin, when when she she p ardoned a off Alaska pardoned tturkey urkey aatt Thanksgiving Thanksgiving 2008 2008 and and w as tthen hen was iinterviewed nterviewed w hile sseveral everal o ther tturkeys urkeys were were while other b eing sslaughtered laughtered behind behind her. her. being agree that that iff one one is is going going to to eat eat m eat, o ne I agree meat, one should be be fully fully aware aware of of how how that that meat meat came came tto o should be and and be be entirely entirely conscious conscious and and responsible responsible for for be the karmic karmic consequences. consequences. The The vast vast majority majority of of the meat-eaters are are not. not. meat-eaters hasten to to add add that that a vegan vegan (or (or lacto-ovolacto-ovoI hasten vegetarian) diet diet can can be be complete, complete, nutritious nutritious and and vegetarian) delicious. We We can can be be healthy healthy and and happy happy without without delicious. killing for for food. food. As As humans humans we we do do have have a choice. choice. killing Jon J oon Bjornst Bjornstad, tad, a Sant ta Cruz C uz Santa

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Send let letters teerrs ttoo Santa Santa Cruz Weekly, Weekly e y, let letters@santacruz.com teerrs@san s nttaacruz.com or ttoo A Attn: ttn: LLetters, ettteeerrs, 115 Co ett et C Cooper ooper e St., Sant San Santaa Cruz, uz 95060. 060. Inclu Include udee cit city ittyy and phone clarity inaccuracies known us. phone number number or email address. address. Submissions Subm missions mayy be be edited editteed for for or length, length cl le leng laritt y or or factual factual ac a inac a curacies racies know nown ttoo us s.


B63 =44/: B@CB6 B 63 =44/: B@CB6 MY F MY FATHER ATHER ttook ook m mee h hunting unting ffrom rom aan n eearly arly honesty off k killing aage, ge, sso o I can can appreciate appreciate the the h onesty o illing butchering oneself aand nd b utchering aanimals nimals o neself rrather ather tthan han paying do do p aying ssomeone omeone eelse lse tto od o iit. t. But But what what tto od o pesky aabout bout tthat hat p esky inner inner vvoice? oice? When Myy Lai When the the M Lai massacre massacre iin n Vietnam Vietnam off u unarmed ccame ame tto o llight—hundreds ight—hundreds o narmed vvillagers illagers ggunned unned d own b U.S. Army Army unit—people unit—people down byy a U.S. w ere iincredulous: ncredulous: ““How How could could our our boys bo oys do do were ssuch uch a tthing?� hing?� E asy, I tthought; hought; II’d ’d ssuppressed uppressed Easy, q ualms o onscience iinnumerable nnumerable ttimes imes qualms off cconscience cchopping hopping off off cchickens’ hickens’ heads heads and and b lowing aaway way blowing ssquirrels, quirrels, rrabbits, abbits, groundhogs. groundhogs. And it’s it’s not not just just that that we we desensitize desensitize to to And ccruelty ruelty aand nd vviolence; iolence; w an gget et o ff o n iit. t. I wee ccan off on myy ccold hands rremember emembe b r the the ssensual ensual delight delight of of m old h ands plunging off p lunging iinto nto tthe he warm, warm, ssteaming teaming eentrails ntrails o deer, pungent a just-killed, just-killed, sslit-open lit-open d eer, the the p ungent ssmells mells rrising ising iinto nto tthe he ccrisp risp aautumn utumn aair. ir. I also also rrecall ecall which, aan n aacid cid ttrip rip years years llater ater in in w hich, ggazing azing aatt aan n poster off a b baby on aanti-war nti-war po ster o aby iimpaled mpaled o n a ssoldier’s oldier’s

bayonet, I bbecame bayonet, ecame tthat hat ssoldier, oldier, ffelt elt tthe he p pleasure leasure o wer-over, o mooth b lood rrunning unning d own off po power-over, off ssmooth blood down myy h hands m ands aand nd fforearms. orearms. Given our our alienation alienation from from the the basic basic processes processes Given off life, how wee d discount o life, ggiven iven h ow w iscount tthe he ssuffering ufffering o human aand nd other other beings beings ““not not llike ike u s,� aand nd off human us, ggiven iven our our eethical thical plasticity, plasticity, iit’s t’s n o ssurprise urprise no tthat hat butchering butchering cclasses lasses aand nd ccarcass-carving arcass-carving eentertainment ntertainment aare re enjoying enjoying ssome ome cchicdom. hicdom. When asked asked iiff Nazi Nazi atrocities atrocities made made her her When aashamed shamed o ing German, German, H annah A rendt off be being Hannah Arendt have iiss reported reportted tto oh ave ssaid, aid, ““No. No. I’m I’m ashamed ashamed of of being be ing human. human.� Billy Ray Ray a Boyd, Booyd, y Saanta Cruz Santa

>=3B@G 7< 3;=B7=< > =3B@G 7< 3;=B7=< A RECENT RECENT SSanta anta Cruz Cruz SSentinel entinel story story d escribed G ary Y oung aass ““one one o he described Gary Young off tthe foremost practitioners off tthe ccountry’s ountry’s fo oreemost p ractitioners o he

# j #

A/<B/1@CH 1=; A /<B/1@CH 1=; ffebruary e b r u a r y 10-17, 1 0 - 1 7, 2010 2 0 1 0 >=ABA >=ABA

THE BULLHORN EEE A/<B/1@CH40 1=; E EE A/<B/1@CH40 1=; A A/<B/1@CHE339:G /<B B/1@CHE339: :G

Walk W alk tthe he TTalk alk oonn ‘‘Tolerance’ Tolerance’ 0G A/;7 /032 A/::G3 AB37<3@ 0=G3@ /<2 A1=BB 93<<32G 0 G A/;7 /032 A/::G3 AB37<3@ 0=G3@ /<2 A1=BB 93<<32G

prose p prose poem.� oem.� P Prose rose p poem? o em? W Well, ell, w what hat tthe he h eck d o es h rite? P rose p oem ssounds ounds heck does hee w write? Prose poem llike ike ffictional ictional n onf iction. M ake u p yo ur nonfiction. Make up your m ind, G ar y. O ther wise, iitt ssounds ounds llike ike mind, Gary. Otherwise, tthe he n ew ccounty ounty p oet llaureate aureate llacks acks tthe he new poet sskill kill o atience tto o eexpress xpress h imself w ith orr p patience himself with aan no ccasional rrhyme; hyme; b ut w re a llaidaidoccasional but wee aare b ack n ation. T hough R ob er t F rost w rote back nation. Though Robert Frost wrote eexcellent xcellent b lank o rreee ve rse h imself, h blank orr ffree verse himself, hee ccompared ompared tthe he w riting o op laying writing off iitt tto playing ““tennis tennis w ithout tthe he n et.� without net.� In aagreement gre r ement w ith tthat, hat, II’ll ’ll o f ffer a In with offer llimerick imerick tto oG ar y Y oung. T hough p ure Gary Young. Though pure d oggerel, I sstill till fe el iitt d emanded ggreater reater doggerel, feel demanded sskill kill aand nd eeffort f ffor t tthan han aany ny o oung’s ““prose prose off Y Young’s p o ems� aaccompanying ccompanying yo ur F eb. 3 poems� your Feb. S treetsigns fe ature ((“Local “Local P oets, L ocal Streetsigns feature Poets, Local IInspiration: nspiration: P rose P o ems b ar y Y oung�). Prose Poems byy G Gary Young�). T here o nce w as a p o et n amed Y oung There once was poet named Young W ho w rote iin nan on-rhyming ttongue. ongue. Who wrote non-rhyming IItt ccouldn’t ouldn’t b adder bee ssadder T hat o n tthe he p oetry lladder adder That on poetry H eems o n tthe he b ottommost rrung. ung. Hee sseems on bottommost ““Wilt Wilt Whatman,� Whatman,� Sa anta C ruz Santa Cruz

</DG E/A 03BB3@ </DG E/A 03BB3@ 4=@ ;72E/G 4 =@ ;72E/G REGARDING R EGARDING ““Trouble Trouble o on nA Albatross lbatross IIsland� sland� ((Currents, Currents, F eb. 33): ): I w as sstationed tationed o n Feb. was on U SNS # 3080—The M idway IIslands—from slands—frrom USNS #3080—The Midway JJune une 1956 1956 tto o JJuly uly 11957 957 aand nd saw saw tthe he station station b egin its its transition transition from fro r m ccaretaker aretaker sstatus, tatus, begin w ith aapproximately pproximately 200 20 0 p ersonnel and and with personnel d ep endents, on on its its way way tto o tthe he hundreds hundreds dependents, b rought o ver iin n tthe he Barrier Barrier Flight Flight Program Program brought over aand nd aass a w ay sstation tation d uring Vietnam. Vietnam. way during Historically, and and statistically, staatistically, we we lived lived with with Historically, tthe he birds birds aand nd both b oth o did very very w ell. W hen off u uss did well. When I sserved erved o n tthe he island, island, iitt was was iin n caretaker caretaker on sstatus. tatus. T o my my eeyes, yes, tthe he denizens, denizens, aavian, vian, To h uman, and and m arine, co-existed co - existed quite quite well. well. human, marine, T he b irds were were a humorous humorous aaddition ddition tto o llife ife The birds o n aan n iisolated solated sstation. tation. Access Access to to tthe he llagoon ago on on fo or ssnorkeling norkeling and and ffishing ishing w as u nlimited for was unlimited. T here was was tthe he requirement requ reement to to bring br ng the the There 2 5 horsep ower o utb oard b oats back back tto o tthe he 2.5-horsepower outboard boats d o ck b e ore n oon cchow, how and and aagain ga n a h a dock before noon half h our b e ore sunset. sunset W saw tthe he turtles, tur t es hour before Wee saw tthe he sharks, sharks the the ssea ea snakes, snakes tthe he eels, ee s and and tthe he dolphins do ph ns aass interesting ntereest ng and and m ade our our made so ated lifee there there more more b earab e isolated bearable.

I sstill till re memb er a Fish Fish aand nd W ildlife remember Wildlife S ervice sspokesperson p okesperson re marking tthat hat aany ny Service remarking p ollution p roblems tthat hat aarose rose w ere tthe he pollution problems were N avy’s re sponsibility aand nd ““they they w ould h ave Navy’s responsibility would have tto o ccome ome aand nd cclean lean iitt u p.� up.� IItt w as o nly w hen tthe he B ase R ealignment was only when Base Realignment aand nd C losure ttook o ok eeffect fffect aand nd tthe he U .S. N avy Closure U.S. Navy o ff icially cclosed losed tthe he sstation tation tthat hat tthe he d ecline officially decline b egan. T here w as n ever a p roblem w ith began. There was never problem with llead-based ead-based p aint f llaking aking o ff tthe he b uildings paint off buildings w hen I w as tthere here fo imple re ason. W when was forr a ssimple reason. Wee m aintained tthe he iintegrity ntegrity o he b uildings maintained off tthe buildings b pairing aand nd p ainting tthem hem w hen byy re repairing painting when n ecessary. necessary. I returned returned in in May–June, May–June, 2 00 0, as as a 2000, sstudent tudent o he U niversity o awai’i-Hilo’s off tthe University off H Hawai’i-Hilo’s eeco-based co -based eeducation ducation p rogram o n tthe he iisland. sland. program on Iw as aappalled ppalled tto o ssee ee h ow tthe he h istoric was how historic b uildings h ad b een p ermitted tto od eteriorate buildings had been permitted deteriorate ssince ince I lleft ef t 4 ars eearlier. arlier. IItt w as iinfuriating nfuriating 433 ye years was tto o ssee ee tthe he re strictions FWS FWS p laced o no ur restrictions placed on our m ovement o n tthe he iisland. sland. movement on M idway-Phoenix d id eextend xtend tthemselves hemselves Midway-Phoenix did tto ok eep tthe he iisland sland ccleaned leaned u p, m owing tthe he keep up, mowing ggrass, rass, re moving tthe he w orrisome ve rbisema removing worrisome verbisema ((introduced introduced ssometime ometime aafter f ter I lleft) ef t) aand nd o p erating tthe he fo rmer sstation tation aass aan n eecoco operating former ttourism ourism ffacility acility w ith a re ally ssplendid plendid with really iinfrastructure nfrastructure iincluding ncluding tthe he tw wo q uaint two quaint rrestaurants, re staurants, T he C lipp er H ouse, aand nd C aptain The Clipper House, Captain B ro oke’s T avvern. Brooke’s Tavern. S ince tthey hey lleft, ef t, I re ally w onder aatt tthe he Since really wonder aamateurish mateurish eemphasis mphasis b WS o n iisolating solating byy F FWS on tthe he iisland sland ffrom rrom o utside iinf nf lluence, uence, tthe he outside rrestrictions re strictions o nm ovement aabout bout tthe he iisland, sland, on movement aand nd tthe he rrather ather aauthoritarian uthoritarian iintroduction ntroduction o reign sspecies, pecies, ccounter ounter tto o tthe he o riginal, off fo foreign original, p ublished iintent ntent tto o re move ssuch uch iinf nf lluence uence published remove ffrom rrom tthe he p reserve. preserve. T he ggroves ro r ves o ronwo o d ttrees rees aare re ggone, one, The off iironwood aass aare re tthe he llight ight sstandards, tandards, cclaimed laimed tto ob bee ah azard fo he b irds. T his iiss ssomething omething hazard forr tthe birds. This n either II,, n or aanyone nyone eelse lse I aassociated sso ciated w ith, neither nor with, eever ver saw. saw. T he ffact act tthat hat tthese hese iintroduced ntroduced L aysan The Laysan d ucks h avve ssuffered ufffered ffrom rrom aavian vian b otulism, ducks have botulism, iintroduced ntroduced iinto nto tthe he m ini-wetlands b ased mini-wetlands based o n tthe he ssewage-treatment ewage-treatment lleach-field, each-f ield, iiss on ssufficient uf f icient tto om ake aan no utside o bserver make outside observer w onder w hy tthese hese aactions ctions w ere r cconceived, onceived wonder why were tthen hen eexecuted. xecuted IIf tthe he FWS FWS iss so so cconcerned oncerned aabout b out tthe he s and w hy d o tthey hey p ers st in nm a nta n ng a island, why do persist maintaining p resence w h e introducing ntroduc ng aan n aalien en sspecies? p ec es? presence while Wayne W ayne a L. L Wh Whitee By ema email


T IS IS DISAPPOINTING DISAPPOINTING tthat hat R Rabbi abbi Abraham Abraham Cooper, Cooper, rrepresenting epresenting tthe he W iesenthal Center Center for for Tolerance Tolerance in in Los Los Angeles Angeles and and a sspeaker peaker Wiesenthal at Te at T emple Beth Beth El El llast ast w eek, iiss a cchief hief aadvocate dvocate fo ffor or b uilding a n ew Temple week, building new ““Museum Museum o Tolerance� on on top top o uslim ccemetery emetery iin n Je erusalem. off Tolerance� off a M Muslim Jerusalem. Th his h ardly sseems eems cconsistent onsistent w ith tthe he W iesenthal Center’s Center’s d eclared This hardly with Wiesenthal declared p urpose o worldwide p romotion o olerance eeducation. ducation.� purpose off ““worldwide promotion off ttolerance Gershon Baskin, Baskin, Israeli Israeli Jew Jeew and and co-CEO co-CEO of of the the Palestinian/Israeli Palestinian/Israeli Gershon C enter ffor or R esearch aand nd Action, Action, ccalled alled iin n tthe he N ovember 2 008 o nline Center Research November 2008 online eedition dition o he J erusalem P ost ffor or ““aa ccity ity o olerance, n ot a M useum o off T The Jerusalem Post off ttolerance, not Museum off T olerance.� Tolerance. Baskin commented commented that, that, ““There There is is no no doubt doubt whatsoever whatsoever that that the the Baskin M useum o Tolerance is is being being constructed constructed on on top top o ery iimportant mportant Museum off Tolerance off a vvery M uslim ccemetery. emetery. . . . p art o he m useum iiss b eing b uilt o nw hat w as Muslim part off tthe museum being built on what was ap arking llot ot cconstructed onstructed ssome ome 330 0 yyears ears aago go o ver tthe he ccemetery emetery b he parking over byy tthe Je erusalem M unicipality. This This is is the the area area where where most most o he ggraves raves h ave Jerusalem Municipality. off tthe have b een ffound ound sso o ffar. ar.� been He notes notes that that ��The The head head of of the the Antiquities Antiquities Authority Authority . . . has has He aalready lready rremoved emoved ffrom rom tthe he ssite ite 2 50 sskeletons keletons aand nd sskulls kulls [[from from a 250 ccemetery emetery tthat] hat] d ates b ack ccenturies enturies aand nd tthat hat tthere here aare re aatt lleast east ffive ive dates back llayers ayers o ensity o raves tthere. here. . . . M uslim rrepresentatives epresentatives sstated tated off d density off ggraves Muslim [[that] that] tthe he W iesenthal Center Center should should consider consider how how it it would would aact ct iiff iitt Wiesenthal w ere a Je ewish ccemetery emetery iin nq uestion.� were Jewish question. Even tthe he sspeaker peaker o he IIsraeli sraeli P arliament, aaccording ccording tto oB askin, h as Even off tthe Parliament, Baskin, has ““appealed appealed tto o tthe he W iesenthal Center Center to to move move the the museum museum tto oam ore Wiesenthal more ssuitable uitable llocation. ocation.� In Baskin’s Baskin’s opinion, opinion, approval approval to to build build on on top top of of the the cemetery cemetery “is “is In n ot a llegal egal iissue—anything ssue—anything ccan an b ade llegal. egal. This This is is a m oral iissue ssue not bee m made moral aand nd aan n iissue ssue cconcerning oncerning tthe he aability bility o eople o he tthree hree ffaiths aiths tto o llive ive off p people off tthe ttogether ogether iin n tthis his lland and aand nd iin n tthis his ccity. ity. . . . As As a JJew, ew, aass aan n Israeli Israeli aand nd aass a Je erusalemite I aam m eembarrassed mbarrassed b he iimpudence mpudence tto o eeven ven tthink hink aabout bout Jerusalemite byy tthe b uilding tthe he M useum o Tolerance on on that that site. site. . . . Where Where aare re tthe he building Museum off Tolerance rrabbis? abbis? W here aare re tthose hose JJerusalemites erusalemites aand nd Israelis Israelis who who believe believe that that iin n Where Je erusalem w an ttruly ruly ccreate reate a ccity ity o olerance, u nderstanding aand nd Jerusalem wee ccan off ttolerance, understanding p eace b etween ccivilizations?� ivilizations?� peace between Baskin and and others others have have appealed appealed in in vain vain to to the the Wiesenthal Wiesenthal Baskin C enter’s R abbi C ooper, h is b oss R abbi M arvin Hier, Hier, who who h as rraised aised Center’s Rabbi Cooper, his boss Rabbi Marvin has ttens ens o illions o ollars ffor or tthis his p roject, aand nd o thers tto o ffind ind a m ore off m millions off d dollars project, others more ssuitable uitable llocation ocation ffor or ttheir heir m useum. museum. We join join Gershon Gershon Baskin Baskin and and many many Israeli Israeli peace peace and and human human rights rights We ggroups roups iin n aasking sking Rabbi Rabbi C ooper aand nd tthose hose w ho ccame ame tto oh ear h im: Cooper who hear him: ““What What iiss ccompassion, ompassion, w hat iiss ttolerance, olerance, iiff n ot tthe he aability bility tto o rreconsider econsider what not o ne’s o wn aactions ctions iin n tthe he llight ight o he w ays iin nw hich tthey hey m ay iinjure njure one’s own off tthe ways which may o thers?� W dd o ur vvoices oices tto o tthose hose w ho aask sk tthe he W iesenthal C enter tto o others?� Wee aadd our who Wiesenthal Center sstop top tthe he p roject iimmediately mmediately b efore m ore d amage iiss d one. project before more damage done. Jerusalem should should be be the the center center of of tolerance, tolerance, without without a Jewish Jewish Jerusalem M useum o Tolerance built built o n ttop op o uslim ggraves. raves. Museum off Tolerance on off M Muslim SSAMI AMI A BED SSALLYE ALLYE SSTEINER TEINER B OYER aand nd SSCOTT COTT K ENNEDY aare re ABED, BOYER KENNEDY m embers oof the he local oca P a es ne Israe A c on C omm ee members Palestine-Israel Action Committee. GOT G OT A P POINT OINT TO TO MAKE? MAKE? SEND SEND YOUR YOUR BULLHORN BULLHORN IDEAS IDEAS TO TO THUKILL@SANTACRUZWEEKLY COM THUKILL@SANTACRUZWEEKLY.COM.


february 10-17, 2010 SANTACRUZ.COM

mighty arrow pale ale is brewed by new belgium brewing fort collins co

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playing, creating art or reading for fun. Oh, and I love to people-watch! EVOb P`]cUVb g]c b] AO\bO 1`ch-

I came to study at UCSC in 1991 and Santa Cruz grew on me. EVOb¸a g]c` TOd]`WbS ab`SSb-

OK, this I know this isn’t a city street, but I love Highway 1. <O[S a][SbVW\U g]c¸`S SfQWbSR OP]cb

Possibilities! <O[S O ^Sb ^SSdS

@3G</ @C7H


EVOb R] g]c R] T]` O ZWdW\U-

Right now I am reading the Stanford Social Innovation Review. Also, Jane Austen’s Persuasion, Alan Bennett’s The Uncommon Reader and Paul Tough’s Whatever it Takes.

I am the program director of the Beach Flats Community Center, where I have the distinct honor of working to improve the living and social conditions of families living in the Beach Flats neighborhood EVOb e]cZR g]c PS R]W\U WT g]c eS`S\¸b R]W\U bVOb-

There are so many possibilities . . . but I’d imagine that whatever I would be doing after BFCC will always involve effecting social change. EVOb R] g]c R] W\ g]c` T`SS bW[S-

I spend most of my free time with my kids,

EVOb O`S g]c `SORW\U-

EVOb¸a bVS []ab W[^]`bO\b bVW\U g]c¸dS ZSO`\SR W\ bVS ZOab bV`SS gSO`a-

In life, change happens and we get to go along for the ride—sometimes as passenger and sometimes as driver. Shotgun! @SQS\b ^S`a]\OZ T]]R b`S\R-

I can’t wait until my Food What!? CSA bag arrives in the spring, love crisp Fuji apples, and my latest find—San Felipe Fish Tacos from the Harbor Cafe.

53BB7<¸ >719G E7B6 7B Qbvm!boe!Fnjmz!Sbohfmm!qmbz!gps!qbttfst.cz!


) submit your public eye photo to publiceye@santacruz.com (

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february 10-17, 2010 SANTACRUZ.COM

Currents. C urren ents.

;=D7<5 ;=C<B/7<A F ;=D7<5 ;=C<B/7<A Furious urious w with ith ‘‘too too bbig ig ttoo fa fail’ il’ ffinancial inancial iinstitutions, nstitutions, more more moving community m ore aand nd m ore ccustomers ustomers aare re m oving ttheir heir ccash ash ttoo ssmall, mall, co mmunit y bbanks. anks.

CCounty ounty TThinks hinks LLocal ocal Keeley K eele e y be bets ets on banks tto o do right 0G 83AA71/ :CAA3<6=> 0G 8 3 A A 7 1 / : C A A 3 < 6 = >


VERYONE loves VERYONE loves to to hate hate tthe he big big banks banks these these days. days. S om uch sso o tthat hat a n ational So much national m ovement ccalled alled M ove Y our movement Move Your Money, which which encourages encourages iindividuals ndividuals Money, to take take ttheir heir m oney o ut o ur n ation’s to money out off o our nation’s biggest banks banks and and p lace iitt w ith biggest place with community banks banks aand nd ccredit redit u nions, community unions, has enjoyed enjoyed a ggroundswell ro r undswell o upp or t has off ssupport since it it ccame ame o ut a m onth aago. go. E ven since out month Even lo cal banks banks have have v n oticed. local noticed. “We’ve seen seen the the number number of of accounts accounts “We’ve [go up] up] as as a result result of of Move Move Your Your Money, Money,� [go says Mary Mary Anne Anne Carson, Carson, marketing marketing says director for for Santa Santa Cruz Cruz County County Bank. Bank. “It “Itt director is really really making making a difference difference for for us. us.� is

Armed A rmed with with the the old old IIt’s t’s A W Wonderful onder ful LLife ife p arable o n llocal o cal b anking, parable on banking, M YM h as ccaught aught tthe he aattention ttention o MYM has off sstate tate ggovernment overnment o ff icials iin n Ne w officials New M exico aand nd O regon. C learly, tthough, hough, Mexico Oregon. Clearly, ssomething’s omething’s iin n tthe he aair; ir; S anta C ruz Santa Cruz C ounty T reasurer F red K eeley ssays ays County Treasurer Fred Keeley h adn’t eeven ven h eard o hen h hee h hadn’t heard off iitt w when hee p resented a n ew iidea dea tto o tthe he ccounty’s ounty’s presented new T reasur y O versight C ommission eearlier arlier Treasury Oversight Commission tthis his m onth. month. T he cconcept oncept iiss ssimple: imple: iinvest nvest ssizeable izeable The cchunks hunks o ounty m oney iin n llocal ocal b ank off ccounty money bank b ranches. T he ccounty’s ounty’s lliquid iquid aassets, ssets, branches. The w hich o n aany ny ggiven iven d ay ttotal otal b etw ween which on day between $ 60 0 aand nd $ 800 m illion, aare re m ade u p $600 $800 million, made up

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o he ye ar’s aallotment llotment o oney fo item m on the sup supervisor’s ervisor’s agenda in i ttwo wo off tthe year’s off m money forr sschool, cho ol, ffire ire aand nd w ater d istricts. T ake we eks will appr ove a change to ccounty ounty weeks approve water districts. Take ap or tion o hat m oney o ut o he in vestment p olicy that will allow w Keeley Keeeley investment policy portion off tthat money out off tthe T reasur y b ills w here r iitt n ormally re sides to also a invest invest in lo cal credit credit unions, unio ons, local Treasury bills where normally resides aand nd p ut iitt iinto nto llocal ocal b anks, Ke eeley hich tend to mak wh which makee mor moree small loans put banks, Keeley eexplains, xplains, aand nd yo uh ave tthe he m akings o lo callyy. ““Any An A y time yyou ou can can get ou ur locally. our you have makings off a ffamiliar amiliar p rogram. mo oney to work ffor or the p o eople who w money people program. ““This This iiss o ne ttreasurer n a ssmall mall wo ork her e, that ’s go od public p ollicyy,â€? he reasurer iin work here, that’s good policy,â€? one ccounty ounty ttrying rying tto o ccreate r ate a b re it o sa y . “Y ys You o wonder wh hy it w asn’t done says. “You why wasn’t bit off a sstimulus timulus p rogram b roviding ear rlier.â€? earlier.â€? program byy p providing m ore ccapital apital tto o tthe he llocal ocal b anking C president of Lighthouse Lighthou use CEO and president more banking ccommunity,â€? ommunity,â€? Ke eeley ssays, ays, ““and and Ban nk Richar d Hofstet ter says saays y he has Bank Richard Hofstetter Keeley eencouraging ncouraging tthem hem tto op ush tthat hat ttalked alk ked to cities ounty and UCSC U cities,, the ccounty push m oney o ut tthe he d oor tto o ccreditworthy reditwor thy ab o in out vesting lo cally long b effor o e the about investing locally before money out door b orrowers.â€? Mo ove Y o our Mone vement. “S Seventy Move Your Moneyy mo movement. “Seventy borrowers.â€? IIn n tthe he n ext ccouple ouple o eeks, Ke eeley p errcent of the mark et in Santa Santa Cruz C percent market next off w weeks, Keeley ssays ays h nd h is sstaff taff w ill b alling is with w America, Chase eells Bank of America, Chase,, W Wells hee aand his will bee ccalling eevery very llocal o cal b ank b ranch tthat hat h as Far rgo and Comerica. Comerica. W w ’re a we Fargo Wee think we’re bank branch has F ederal D eposit IInsurance nsurance C orp oration Thi ink L ocal F irst ccommunity ommunity and d we’re we’re Think Local First Federal Deposit Corporation p rotection tto od iscuss iinvesting nvesting u p tto o rreally eaally not,â€?â€? he sa ays y . “One of the strange sttrange says. protection discuss up $ 240,00 0 iin n eeach. ach. IIff tthe he ffigure igure ssounds ounds asp pects of community community banking iss the aspects $240,000 aarbitrary, rbitrary, iit’s t’s n ot. IIn n re sp onse tto o tthe he sup pport has to be be mutual.â€?â€? support not. response eeconomic conomic ccrisis, risis, C ongress aallowed llowed W Hofstetter is supportive supportive While Hofstetter Congress tthe he F DIC’s ccoverage overage tto ow iden ffrom rrom of K eeeley’s plan, he does does p oint out ut ou Keeley’s point FDIC’s widen $ 10 0,00 0 tto o$ 250,00 0 tthrough hrough 2 013; at $240,000 $240,000 in new new ccapital apital wil ll tha that will $100,000 $250,000 2013; Ke eeley ssaw aw iitt aass a rrisk-free isk-frree o pp ortunity. onl ly translate to about about $20 0,000 only $200,000 Keeley opportunity. ““One One o he tthings hings p eople k eep in additional a loans etter loans.. “Which is b better off tthe people keep ssaying aying tto om e, eespecially sp ecially ssmall mall b usiness tha an zero,â€? zero,â€? he adds quickly y. “N w, if it ow than quickly. “Now, me, business fo lks, iiss iit’s t’s ve ry h ard tto o aaccess ccess ccredit,â€? redit,â€? get ts traction, then it’s it’s different. difffer e ent. If I the gets folks, very hard h ays. ““II tthought, hought, w ell, iiff tthe he uni i ersit iv ity did it, it and d the th cit ity off Scotts S ottts Sc t university city hee ssays. well, fe deral ggovernment overnment h as eexpanded xpanded tthe he V al alley did it, and the ccounty ounty did it, if Valley federal has ggovernment overnment u m b re l l a w here tthere here iiss all the jurisdictions within Sant Santaa Cruz umbrella where lliterally iterally n o rrisk, isk, II’m ’m w illing tto om ake C unty did it, then all those lit tlee dr ops ou County little drops no willing make iinvestments nvestments u p tto o$ 240,0 00 iin n eevery ver y wo ould help ffill ill a buck et. It ’s certainly certainly a would bucket. It’s a up $240,000 b anking iinstitution nstitution tthat hat d o es b usiness go od ffirst irst step.â€? step.â€? good banking does business iin nS anta C ruz C ounty.â€? Santa Cruz County.â€? Read R ead a llonger onger ve version rsion ooff tthis his aarticle rticle aatt A lthough Ke eeley ssays ays h an’t ssecure ecure Although Keeley hee ccan’t w ww.santacruz.com/news. www.santacruz.com/news. aany ny k ind o xplicit aagreement grreement w ith kind off eexplicit with tthose hose b anks tto o llend end llocally o cally banks w ith tthe he n ew iinjection njection o with new off ccapital, apital, w hich h stimates which hee eestimates A C T I VAT E cconservatively onservatively w ill b will bee $ illion o ver tthe he n ext $55 m million over next sseveral everal m onths, h ill months, hee w will eemphasize mphasize tthat hat h op e iin n eeach ach hope E6/B E6 /B 7B 7B 7A( / / 2S 2SdSZ]^S`¸a dSZ]^S` ¸a > >S`a^SQbWdS S`a^SQbWdS ]\ /TT]`ROPWZWbg / TT]`ROPWZWbg m eeting. meeting. E63< 7B 6/>>3<A( BVc`aROg 4SP %Âł'^[ E 63< 7B 6/>>3<A( BVc`aROg 4SP %Âł'^[ ““I’m I’m d oing a llittle ittle doing E63@3 B= 5=( C\WbSR ;SbV]RWab 1Vc`QV # E63 @3 B= 5=( C\WbSR ;SbV]RWab 1Vc`QV # n udging,â€? h ays. ““I’m I’m nudging,â€? hee ssays. 1OZWT]`\WO Ab AO\bO 1`ch 1OZWT ]`\WO Ab AO\bO 1`ch b ringing a b ell tto o aall ll tthese hese bringing bell E6G 0=B63@( bVW`R W\abOZZ[S\b ]T E6G 0=B63 3@( BVS BVS bVW` R W\a bOZZ[S\b ]T m eetings. ‘‘Look, Lo ok, aanother nother meetings. B`O\aWbW]\ AO\bO 1`ch¸a 6]caW\U EWbVW\ @SOQV B `O\aWbW]\ O\aWbW]\ AO\ \bO 1`ch 1`ch¸a a 6]caW\U 6]caW\U EWbVW\ WbVW\ @SO OQV OQV aangel ngel jjust ust ggot ot h is w ings!’â€? his wings!’â€? aS`WSa eWZZ TSObc`S RSdSZ]^S` 8]V\ aS`WSa TSObc`S Z]QOZ RS dSZ]^S` 8] ]V\ T reasur y O versight Treasury Oversight AeWTb O\R AO AO\ 8]aSÂłPOaSR RS RSdSZ]^S` A eWTb O\R O\ 8]aSÂłPOaSR dSZ]^S` 8STT 8 C ommission aalternate lternate Commission =PS`R]`TS` QO\ = PS`R]`TS` a^SOYW\U a^SOYW\U ]\ ]\ ^]ZWQWSa ^]ZWQWSa bVOb bVOb QO\ Q S up ervisor JJohn ohn Le eop old Supervisor Leopold []bWdObS PcWZRW\U OTT]`ROPZS []bWd ObS PcWZ RW\U OTT ]`ROPZS V]caW\U /Za] /Za] Z ssays ays tthat hat aalthough lthough tthe he aS`WSa ]`UO\WhS` @WQY :]\UW\]bbW eWZZ aVO`S VWa aS`WSa ]`UO\WhS` @WQY :]\UW\]bbW eWZZ aVO`S VWa p lan iiss ccurrently urrently fo o cused plan focused dWaW]\ ]T O QO` T`SS AO\bO 1`ch dWaW]\ ]T O QO` ` T`SS AO\bO 1`ch o nF DIC-insured b anks, aan n on FDIC-insured banks,

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february 10-17, 2010 SANTACRUZ.COM

“OVO is a remarkable and welcome return of Cirque to the Bay Area, and maintains the company’s high standards of quality.” – Mercury News





A/<B/1@CH 1=; february 10-17, 2010 1C@@3<BA


Goo Fighters Remember the A76B? It’s baack! Not the actual invasive flying pest, of course—it never left. But the fervent brouhaha sparked by the light brown apple moth over a community’s rights to keep state agencies from spraying pesticides is rearing its head once again. Two years ago, the city of Santa Cruz successfully sued to keep the 8Va^[dgc^V 9ZeVgibZci d[ ;ddY VcY 6\g^XjaijgZ from using planes to drop pesticides over Santa Cruz County in its effort to eradicate the moth. Now a group calling itself EZdeaZ 6\V^chi 8]Zb^XVa IgZheVhh is hoping to go one step further with an ordinance that would make it illegal for nonlocal governments to use any pesticides whatsoever on Santa Cruz soil without the blessing of her people. But why now? 9^X` 6cYgZ of PACT says the CDFA is in its dark lair as we speak, hatching more devious plans to rain poison on the land. “Talking to people, they always say, ‘I thought you already stopped the spray,’� says Andre. “The truth is, we stopped them in that instance, sure. But they can still come in and do ground spraying, or tie toxic twist-ties in the trees or use guns to shoot pesticide ‘splat goo’ on telephone poles and trees.� Andre’s efforts at getting the Santa Cruz City Council to approve an outside agency pesticide ban, however, may be doomed. A 1984 pre-emption law bars local governments from overriding the state’s power to spray pesticides where it sees fit. Santa Cruz Councilmember 9dc AVcZ, in fact, says he has reviewed Andre’s proposal with Santa Cruz City Attorney ?d]c 7Vg^hdcZ and concluded that such a law would be a magnet for expensive lawsuits. “My initial impression is that no, [such a law] couldn’t hold up,� says Lane. Andre says he wants the city to pass the law anyway, if only to test CDFA’s willingness to take on Santa Cruz again. “If the state sues, the city could easily just rescind the law,� Andre says. Lane’s not buying the tactic, which he says could sour residents who expect real results. “My sense is that the council is very interested in the issue and wants to do something,� says Lane. “I’d just like to have more confidence that if we draft something it would have an actual legal impact.� Whatever happens, since its 2008 victory over the CDFA, Santa Cruz has earned a reputation as a David who defeated Goliath. Now, counties from Monterey to Marin are watching closely to see if it can pull off another upset. “Everyone is looking to see if Santa Cruz will stand up to the state again,� says Andre. “I think that we can.� —Curtis Cartier

So Long, Sapone On Feb. 5, Santa Cruz Deputy Police Chief EViin HVedcZ turned in her gun and badge

for retirement, leaving as the first woman to be promoted all the way through the department’s ranks. “There was no me when I started,� says Sapone. “Back then there were policemen who were paid more and had more status, and there were policewomen who were paid less and had less status. Now, no one is the slightest bit surprised to see a female officer serving alongside them. In fact, I think the community demands it.�

‘There was no me when I started. Back then there were policemen who were paid more and had more status, and there were policewomen who were paid less and had less status.’ Santa Cruz City Manager 9^X` L^ahdc is one of the few city employees who can claim to know what Santa Cruz was like before Sapone wore blue. Wilson, who was hired in 1979 and recently announced his own retirement at the end of July, remembers her as an “extraordinary trailblazer� and says she’ll be sorely missed. “She’s part of an elite group of people,� says Wilson. “She’s patient, a good listener and can deal effectively between the city and the police department. She’s been very much a positive force in Santa Cruz.� —Curtis Cartier

A Day of MLK 6ccV 9ZVkZgZ Hb^i], a celebrated actress, author and playwright, will deliver the keynote address at UCSC’s 26th annual Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Convocation on Thursday, Feb. 11. The speech, titled “Race in America: Crossroads of Ambiguity,� will begin at 7pm at the Civic Auditorium. Also that night, Santa Cruz Vice Mayor GnVc 8ddcZgin will be presented with the Tony Hill Award for leadership and social justice. The award is named for the Santa Cruz civil rights activist and local basketball referee who died in 2007. —Curtis Cartier




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february 10-17, 2010 SANTACRUZ.COM

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A/<B/1@CH 1=; february 10-17, 2010 :=D3 A3F 7AAC3

Tiger, Tiger, Burning Bright It’s relationship fireworks, fights and nonstop drama in the Year of the Tiger 0G 83AA71/ :CAA3<6=>


HIS YEAR, Valentine’s Day happens to fall on the same day as the Chinese Lunar New Year, so while Westerners are holed up in dim restaurants or sobbing softly into their pillows at home alone, the Chinese will be out blowing shit up and ringing in the Year of the Tiger. Naturally, we had to wonder what year 4707—according to the Chinese calendar—has in store for love. We put it to Chinese astrologer, feng shui consultant and author Susan Levitt in San Francisco. Answer: It’s going to be hot and sort of nuts. “Tiger, passion, rawrrr,â€? Levitt growls. “There will be a lot of impulsive ‘I woke up drunk, what happened?’ a lot of ‘You love me, you love me not.’ Which can be exciting, but it’s also very volatile.â€? We’re coming off the year of the Ox, which is a slower spirit, and Tiger is a breath of fresh, albeit frenetic, air. That means lots of extremes, risk and capacity for disaster, which can all ¨ # lead up to one thing. “Infidelity,â€? says Levitt.

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@C< @/007B @C< Ujhfs!Xppet-!b!Sbccju-!xpvme!ep!xfmm!up!! ublf!b!spnboujd!ujnfpvu!jo!uif!Zfbs!pg!uif!Ujhfs/

The year’s element is metal, which also translates into a penchant for fighting—wars tend to break out in the year of the metal Tiger, both globally and domestically. Santa Cruz feng shui expert and owner of Shelter for the Soul Pamela Ticoulat says that those in relationships have to be mindful about arguing too much and cautious of gossip. “We have to be very careful with our tongues this year,� she warns. Well, some tongues will be put to good use anyway, especially Horses, Dogs and Pigs, who love the Tiger, and will fare quite well in love with them. Rabbits, Rats, Dragons, Roosters and Snakes, on the other hand, will be more apt to sit this year out. Monkeys absolutely hate the Tiger. “Some people should go for it, others should build on the foundation from Ox year: don’t blow it,� she says. “Wildest dreams can come true in Tiger year. They can also crash.� If the year of the Ox was a dud, Levitt advises paying off personal debts and doing a vigorous house cleaning to clear out stagnant chi. Ticoulat says the north is a lucky direction in love this year, so a bedroom in the north part of the house or

a north-facing bed might get things heated up. Placing things in pairs in a bedroom is also a handy tip for those wishing romance into their lives. The Chinese would opt for a images of pairs of Mandarin ducks, she says, but any bird will do. Now, our minds also wandered naturally to an entirely different type of Tiger: the lying, philandering, no-good cheatin’ kind. A quick Wikipedia search reveals that Tiger Woods was actually born in the year of the Rabbit. Ticoulat just sighs. “I have three Rabbit friends who have been going through divorces last year,â€? she says. “They had no stars to support them. Rabbit did not have an easy year last year.â€? Indeed, Rabbits are known to have big sex drives, and they also talk too much (remember the “Hey, it’s Tigerâ€? voicemail?), but Ticoulat says that the stars have shifted just enough that Woods may be able to resolve his, ahem, issues. Really? In a year ruled by infidelity and fiery emotions? “Well, he has to be careful about people gossiping about him,â€? she concedes. “He has to be careful about what he says.â€? 0 ¨ %

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:=D3 A3F


Tips From Tigers Lessons on love from the animal kingdom 0G B@/17 6C97::


UMANS having made such a mess of things, it’s natural to suspect animals know something we don’t about almost everything. So in honor of the cosmic alignment that has the Year of the Tiger beginning on Valentine’s Day, we turned to the animal kingdom to see what wisdom we might glean from the swimmingf lappingprowling set on the subject of love. As it turns out, not much. The “tigers� of the kingdom animalia are either thuggish brutes or unprincipled weasels in the sack (or on the sac, as it were). But study of their mating habits did yield some useful examples of what not to do when pursuing a human mate: DO NOT make sweet love in the springtime in the middle of a mountain biking trail at Wilder Ranch. The endangered Ohlone tiger beetle has tried, and it doesn’t work out well. From as early as January through late spring, this fierce little predator mates and lays its eggs in open spaces amid the grasslands in five Santa Cruz County locations. That means trails, and trails mean bikes, and bikes mean certain death when you’re a centimeter long.

DO NOT underestimate the powers of an androgynous rival. According to National Geographic, male tiger salamanders sometimes impersonate females in order to sneak in and lay their sperm sacs on top of another male’s. Then, in an impetuous fit of amphibious passion, the female tiger salamander slowly, very slowly, crawls over the spermatophore and picks it up, fertilizing her eggs in the process. Steamy stuff leading to heights of bliss

4C@ @3/:!!Gfmjy!qbouifsb!jt!opcmf-!cvu!


that may be experienced only once in a lifetime: tiger salamanders have just one chance in two of mating more than once. Ever. DO NOT, like the tiger shark, play too rough. To quote Wikipedia, the process of inserting a clasper into a female’s cloaca can be violent. “The male uses its teeth to hold the female still during the procedure, often causing the female considerable discomfort.â€? We trust no further comment is necessary. DO NOT, like the tiger, engage in frequent noisy copulation over a period of several days unless, like the tiger, you’re in a relatively secluded location. Multiple daily unions with someone you just met yesterday are your business; decibel levels become your neighbors’. 0 BVS 1VSSbOV¸a A^]b ¨ &

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february 10-17, 2010 A/<B/1@CH 1=;

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The Cheetah’s Spot AshleyMadison.com: Helping people cuckold their partners and feel good about it 0G 1C@B7A 1/@B73@

E/<23@:CAB BtimfzNbejtpo/dpn!fyfd!Opfm!Cjefsnbo!tbzt!!



HEN IT COMES to the business of cheating, Noel Biderman is boss. His website AshleyMadison. com—named, he says, after the two most popular monikers for baby girls— functions like any other dating site, with profiles, searches, messages and photos. But at Biderman’s site, the dating pool comes with baggage: namely girlfriends, boyfriends, wives and husbands. “We offer a good, honest affair.

Guaranteed,� says site president and founder Biderman, a husband of seven years and father of two children. “We’re no eHarmony, that’s for sure.� What AshleyMadison is, Biderman says, is a place where people can go to fulfill the needs that aren’t being met at home, a human buffet line where all the dishes know they’ll never be the main course. Users and fans say it’s a website that makes open what’s happening in secret on dating sites already. Critics say it’s an online

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cesspool that breeds infidelity—a 24/7 computerized home wrecking service that should be shut down for good. Biderman says they just wish they’d thought of it first. “We looked at data that showed 30 percent of the people on other dating sites were cheating or looking to cheat,� says Biderman, speaking from his office in New York. “We thought to ourselves that all these people that are posing as single is risky. Why not

come to a community where people can confess that they’re looking to cheat and people get it? We’re creating an honest community for cheating.â€? Biderman’s “honest communityâ€? was launched in 2001 and now boasts more than 5.2 million users. A mediasavvy seeker of controversy, the welldressed, balding 38-year-old has braved the booing from audiences at The View and The Tyra Banks Show to plug his site and preach his “it’s only sexâ€? spiel. The cavalier gentlemen’s-club approach translates to the online dynamic. On the site, women play mostly for free. Guys buy “creditsâ€? that are used for sending digital “giftsâ€? to other users and accessing private data. Everyone creates a profile that lists a photo, some stats on appearance and a list of things they’re into: spanking, threesomes, schoolgirl outfits or Polynesian albinos in football pads. A juicier collection of pics and stats are available when a user sends someone a “keyâ€? that provides access to his or her “private showcase.â€? “Brie,â€? a 32-year-old wife of five years, says she joined because things just weren’t working out at home. “To me it was either this or get a divorce. And getting a divorce is more drastic,â€? says the woman, who asked that her real name not be used. “I wanted an alpha male, someone who really gets it done. I don’t think my husband suspects.â€? Brie says she met her current fling six months ago. Before that, her dalliances amounted to “kissing a few guys, but that’s it.â€? The man, she says, is older and married as well. Their dates typically consist of dinner and drinks followed by a motel room pit stop, then a long, occasionally guilt-ridden ride home to their spouses. “It can’t go on forever,â€? she admits. “It’s fun while it lasts, though.â€? And the consequences? Carol Bass, a licensed marriage counselor in Santa Cruz, says more and more patients are coming in looking to overcome infidelity and put their marriages back on track. Sometimes it’s possible to save the relationship, she says. Many times it’s ¨

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not. But it usually isn’t the sex that ruins the union. It’s the lying and deceit. “When I’m working with a couple, quite frequently a person will say, ‘I had an inclination that something was going on, but my partner continued to lie, saying that nothing was going on,’� Bass says. “At that point, they’re not only damaging the relationship, they’re distorting their partner’s reality. And no one has the right to distort someone’s reality.� Bass says she won’t do couple’s therapy with a couple in which one partner is cheating until the affair is broken off, though she says she will still work individually with a cheater. Biderman, meanwhile, insists that cheating itself can be a sort of marriage therapy and that American culture puts too much importance on monogamy, which he


maintains is “against our DNA.â€? And as lovers nationwide stock up on chocolates and flowers for Valentines Day, adulterers on AshleyMadison will be stocking up on motel reservations and alibis for the day prior, a holiday Biderman heralds as “Mistress Day.â€? Either way, it’s hard to argue with the fact that philandering men and scandalous women have been around a lot longer than Biderman and AshleyMadison.com. “There are millions of people that are suffering through a sexless marriage,â€? Biderman says. “I say, don’t go visit a prostitute, don’t lie to someone else about whether you’re married or not. If you need that sexual element, come to AshleyMadison, and you can get it.â€? 0 BVS @cP 1ZcP ¨ !

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The ‘cuddle party’ phenomenon leaves our writer alone in a crowd

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DON’T KNOW if they have Valium at Target, but I will check,� read the text message. My friend Skye was at the store in search of a matching set of footie pajamas for us. “This is it,� I thought to myself as beads of sweat formed across my forehead. “We are actually going to a fucking cuddle party.� I first heard of cuddle parties from a friend who planned one as her divorce steadily approached finalization. “Apparently, it is a safe place to explore nonsexual touch,� she told me optimistically. I found myself both

intrigued and curiously disgusted as she explained the concept: A group of strangers come together in a safe space to give and receive affection. Perhaps this could be the next step in my life as an armchair anthropologist, a practice in furthering my experience in field research and an opportunity to test my own boundaries and practice saying “no.â€? Stepping into an environment so far out of my comfort zone that I might as well be visiting Pluto was both intriguing and horrifying. I needed some reassurance. ¨


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february 10-17, 2010 SANTACRUZ.COM

BEER DINNER WITH W CHEF BOB BOBBY BBY MADRID Chef Bobby obby Madrid Madrid and and Brewer Brewer Chad Chhad Brill Brill will be presenting presenting you you with a six paired withh an ix course meal. Each Each course coursse carefully carefull f lly ppa iiredd wit om Sant Cruz Moun tain Br ewing. organic ale frfrom Santaa Cruz Mountain Brewing. i

Monday, February February 8, 7 p.m. At Vida Res Restaurant staurant 1222 Pacific P Avenue, A downtown S.C. SC

$455 per person persoon

includes six course meal and beer pairing

For r the full menu or r updates: uppdates: scmb-on-tour r Reservations servations are recommended recom mmended (831) ( ) 425 - 7871

Strong Women W Bre Brew ew Day! Saturday, February Feb bruary 13, 10-6 p.m. p..m. Strongg women Strong women drink drink str strong ongg beer! W Wee also br brew! ew! Come and spend spe d tthe hee da ewing i g an organic orgganic belgian witt dayy bbr brewing the women santa brewing. with wit ith tth h w he omen off sant ta cruz cruz mountain mounttain i bbr ewing. wi We'll brewing W e'll be br ewingg upp a 5bbll batch batch of wit. brew dayy takes but come The br ew da takkes about 10 hours h come ffor or b t 10 whatever necessary. what w evver ppartt you you want. want. No No experience exper p ience nec essar y. outt with h Come hang with us, andd drink driinkk some good organic beers! beeers!

Dress warm for ha anging out in the brewer ry hanging brewery uy your own beers cost is free, but bbuy this event will ta take ake place in the brewery.


Santa Cruz Mounta Mountain ain Brewing. 402 Ingal Ingalls lls Street, Suite 27

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The information on the front page of on the cuddleparty.com website is straightforward and nonthreatening. Yet, I couldn’t erase the visions in my mind of middle-aged pony-tailed dudes cruising for young, pretty, affirmationthumping New Age women. As I poked around the Internet, however, photos of past parties, revealing bare arms intertwining indistinguishably in a sea of flannel-pajama bottoms and overstuffed pillows, tapped into a deep fear inside of me. Thoughts of germs and cold clammy hands running lightly across my back while moaning and sighing mixed with enchanted dolphin music invoked visions of what I imagined would be not unlike an unwilling visit to a couple’s tantra retreat. My blood pressure rose. I laughed nervously. I decided that I needed to go and see for myself.

Head to Toe As we drove the streets of San Francisco, Skye already sporting his completely awesome glow-in-the-dark footie pajamas, I prayed that we would be lost for so long that they would not admit our late arrival. Being one of the most grounded and open-minded of my friends, Skye was there to calm my nerves and talk me down from the extreme anxiety I was experiencing. “I bet you 20 bucks that there are silk scarves and batik sarongs on the ceiling,� I giggled to him as we arrived at our destination. We climbed the stairs and I took one last deep breath before marching up to introduce ourselves in the futon-filled room and pay the $30per-person entrance fee. I looked up. Scarves and sarongs draped the ceiling. As I slunk down the dark hallway to change into my pajamas, a tall, lanky man, dressed in a purple satin wraparound blouse, white short-shorts and purple opaque tights approached me. He stood against my slight frame with his hand on his hip and asked if this was my first cuddle party. “Do you get an edge from this kind of thing?� he asked. “I mean, like, do you really get an edge from this?� I replied that it was my first cuddle party, embarrassed to admit that I had no idea what edge meant. We chatted for a few minutes and I decided that this guy, who was flamboyantly gay and presumably not interested in women and therefore nonthreatening, would be my new pal; my Safe Buddy, so to speak. A sigh of relief escaped while imagining my new friend and me sitting back and chatting about the silliness of the whole situation. I slipped into

the bathroom and emerged a new woman—Dani, Champion of the Cuddle Party—dressed quite literally from head to toe in a set of boy’s dark blue footie pajamas, decorated with rocket ships and glow-in-the-dark stars. Skye and I matched perfectly, and as we entered the cuddle room, we were happily greeted by 20 other guests who were sitting haphazardly in a circle on a makeshift, pillow-laden bed.

Cape and Shield We began with introductions and a brief history of cuddle parties before continuing on to rules. Despite my original assumption that cuddle parties arose from a West Coast commune after residents ingested one too many psychedelic mushroom caps, the parties actually originated on the East Coast. Founded in 2004 in New York by relationship coaches Reid Mihalko and Marcia Baczynski as a place for people of all genders and walks of life to explore touch in a safe, sober and structured environment, cuddle parties have gained popularity around the globe. There are several rules: keep clothing on at all times, be completely alcohol- and drugfree and only make physical contact after receiving a verbal “yes� to a specific and clear request to touch. There are also “Cuddle Lifeguards,� trained cofacilitators placed on-site to ensure that everyone is comfortable and safe. After recovering from the shock of discovering that kissing, groping and erections were all acceptable at the party, we quickly moved on to boundary-setting exercises that revived my confidence and led me to practice giving an abundance of verbal “nos.� I proceeded to glide back and forth through the crowded room in my celestial jammies, repeating “no� over and over to nearly everyone in the room and their requests to touch, kiss or otherwise fondle me. I felt empowered, like I was sporting an invisible cape and shield to deflect any unwanted advances with pride and dignity.

Cuddle Puddle I have had my fair share of physical and emotional intimacy. I have stumbled into intriguing and boundary-testing situations in places like Burning Man, yoga retreats, cocktail parties and even once at a Super Bowl party in my own living room. I have been strewn across a mattress in the “chill roomâ€? of a 1990s rave with complete strangers massaging my every muscle while I puffed away ¨


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on menthol cigarettes. What sets these incidents apart from the format of a cuddle party is the lack of expectation, formal structure and, of course, the buffer of controlled substances. Entirely sober and surrounded by strangers, I had no way of knowing if the generous offers of hand-holding held deeper intentions. I made for the bathroom, tripping over a penis pillow on my way and rummaging through my bag for the last time in hopes of discovering one last overlooked Xanax before I sucked it up, accepted my fate and returned to poor, dear Skye, who had managed to cram his body—in full fetal position—into the smallest corner of the room. If my body language was saying “Please don’t touch me,� Skye’s read more like a serial killer ready to pull a chain saw on the first person to even look at him. His open mind seemed to have gone on strike as I squeezed into the corner with him, observing the active and diverse scene. Young polyamorous couples took turns caressing the hair of those next to them. A middle-aged, 6-foot-tall transgendered woman tangled herself up in the arms of a young, attractive South Asian immigrant man whose hands were groping the breasts of a thirtysomething yoga instructor. And just when I grew comfortable enough to accept an offer of a foot rub from a married cuddle party frequenter, I noticed my Safe Buddy, Mr. Purple Pants, groping and grinding a woman while they twisted their tongues in a fit of exhibitionist passion. (Apparently, I missed the “rule� stating that kissing, frottage and rubbing genitals are not sexual touch.) One of the rules did mention that attendees could get up and walk out at any time, but I was honestly too worried about calling attention to myself. I suddenly felt old-fashioned, boring and old. I just couldn’t let go of my inhibitions like everyone else in the room. I felt an almost palpable wall building itself up around me as the party-goers continued to push their boundaries by allowing stranger’s hands to wander and rub and caress in the most interesting ways. I was freaked and continued to nervously laugh and chat with anyone in the room who looked as horrified as I until an announcement came that the party was winding down. The facilitator invited everyone to join in for one last hurrah by piling up into a giant “cuddle puddle� for the remaining 20 minutes of the party. As Skye stood, paralyzed by the scene that played out before him, I made one last-ditch effort to open my mind. I crawled around the circle and was invited to lay my head on the

shoulder of the young South Asian man in the gender-bending three-way. I accepted and placed my head on his shoulder with my entire body on the outside of the circle, cold and constricted like an armadillo under attack. I attempted to relax into the moment. I failed.

After recovering from the shock of discovering that kissing, groping and erections were all acceptable at the party, we quickly moved on to boundary-setting exercises As we laughed and recapped the experience on our drive home, I realized that I had learned something fairly valuable during that party. While cuddle parties certainly provide the benefits of physical touch for those who may not regularly have access to affection for various reasons, I felt that this particular party was no more a practice in intimacy than the husband who refuses to be affectionate or sexual with his wife, yet forks over cash for sex or is otherwise promiscuous with strangers. The experience also confirmed in me that when it comes to affection and intimacy, I am indeed old-fashioned. I desire that sense of safety and closeness that comes from sustained relationships built on trust. And I will certainly never be attending a cuddle party again—at least, not without some hand-sanitizer and Valium on hand.

THE WINTER WARMTH CUDDLE PARTY, the next and nearest Cuddle Party, takes place Sunday, Feb. 28, at 2:30pm in Santa Clara. $40 individual/$30 each for two. To learn more visit www.cuddleparty.com.

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SUSTAINABILITY AND SOCIAL INNOVATION: DOING WELL BY DOING GOOD. Featuring Peter Meehan, CEO of Newman’s Own Organics, KoAnn Skrzniarz, CEO of Sustainable Life Media, Joshua Levine, Vice President of the SRI Wealth Management Group at RBC, and Sandy Skees, CEO of Communications4Good, the panel will explore trends and success factors in triple bottom line companies. Tickets: General Admission: $15 / NextSpace Members: $10 / Students: Free with valid ID & Eventbrite ticket When:

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The What’s Next Lecture Series takes a provocative look at innovation from business, policy and social change vectors, providing inspiration, insight and the tools needed for succeeding in the next decade. UCSC, NextSpace Coworking + Innovation, and the City of Santa Cruz will host five topics that include Sustainability and Social Innovation (Feb 18), Energy (April), The New Workplace (June), Research & Development (October), and Gaming & Social Media (December). Located at the Kuumbwa Jazz Center, the series will be open to students, faculty, businesses and the general public.



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Keeping K eeping Up Up With With JJones ones Rickie Lee Rickie Jones comes Jones o comes to to Santa C ruz ffor or a o Cruz V aalentiine’s Da ay Valentine’s Day lo veffes et lovefest 0G @716/@2 D=< 0CA/19 0 G @ 7 1 6 / @ 2 D= < 0 C A /1 9


ICKIE LEE E JONES w was as a wanderer from Chicago w anderer fr om Chic ago stayed who st ayed d ffor or a while o Venice, in V eenice, an island of intelligencee surr surrounded byy L Los intelligenc ound ded b os Angeles County. Shockingly, self-titled C ounty. Sho ckinglyy, her h ffirst irst self f--titled album—considering album— considering the t degraded ttaste aste time—became was of the time —became a hit. JJones ones w as easyy on the eeyes, likee JJoni eas yes, lik oni Mitchell, and accessorizing she had the same ac cessorizing e cig and beret. Rolling Stone and Saturday b eret. R oolling St tone o an nd Satur day Night Live her.. JJust Reagan Live jumped jumped on her u as Boss R ust eeagan brought ’50s, brought brought back the ’50s s, JJones ones br ought back the b beatnik eatnik girl. Her big hit “Chuck k E’s E’s in Loveâ€? Loveâ€? is what I would call call inoffensive, ino offfeensive, with a big inf luenc luencee of L Laura Nyro; safe aurra N yro; a saf fe hit entombed entombed in sluggish slugggish Varithaned Vaarithaned saxophones. saxophones. What I had h ears for fo or was was more raunchy more peppery: peppery: the th ra aunch hy 12-bar b blues about about L.A. pubcrawling pubcraawling w and hash-house harrowing harrowin ng titled “Danny’s “Danny’s All-Star tu All-Star Joint.â€? Joint.â€?â€? That tune une starts starts the Venice Venic e e f lashbacks as if i I’d I’d just had shock shock therapy: therapy: Brandywine Brand dywine CafĂŠ, CaffĂŠ, Fox Fox Venice, Venic e e, etc. etc. The lyricss alone to “Weasel “W Weeasel and the White Boysâ€? Boysâ€? show why wh hy JJones ones was was Beatnik Jeckle Jeckle to o Tom To om Waits’ Beatnik Heckle. Heckle. The two two had some kind of painful love love affair, afffair, and the crazy af crazy Dionysianness suggessts the pathways Dionysianness suggests pathways y to some troubled troubled times. times. Coming this Coming to town th his week, JJones ones brings tunes from new from herr ne w album Balm in Gilead. maturee JJones Gilead. The matur m ones is now very very much back to the land; the CD’s CD’s made of accordions accordiions and dobro, dobro, a

B@719G @71973 Thirty B@719G @71973 Thirt y years years after after she she exploded exploded onto onto the the scene scene with with her her self-titled self-titled album, album, Rickie R ickie Lee Lee Jones Jones returns returns with with a fresh fresh batch batch of of wonders. wonders.

little gurgle little ggurggle of synthesized syynthesized didgeridoo didgerid g doo and gospel g el organ, gosp organ, and of course course thee biblic cal rreference effeerence to healing biblical healing.. W Wee seee a suite suitte of photos of weathered weathered doors, doors o , a peacock peaacock and a pitbull, sandaled feet feet e and the t hood hood of a ’50s jalop y. W earn jalopy. Wee llearn else w e that JJones wher ones has b een doin ng her elsewhere been doing gar deening up in USDA USDA Zone Zone 5. Balm Balm gardening in Gil lead is sweetly sweetly dedicated dedicated “for “ffor o my my Gilead daugh hter and m daughter,� with some so ome daughter myy daughter,� mate rnal advic Wild Girl Girl� ((“W What W maternal advicee in “W “Wild (“What mak e yyou es ou beautiful beautiful doesn’t doesn’t come come out makes of a jar�). jar�). he Mo on is Made of Gold� is li ike “Th “The Moon like some ething beautiful beautiful you’d you’d hear on a something 78 rpm rp pm rrecord. ecord. Guests on the album m inclu de Ben Harp er, Alison Krauss and include Harper, the t e late laate a Vic Viicc Chestnutt. C est utt. But Chestnut ut this isn’t isn’t ’

violentlyy retro: retro: here herre is the hum and throb thr ob of modern modern production, p oduction, spokenpr spokensung lyrics dubbed over dubbed o ver the lilting R&B.. Balm in Gilead vvocals ocals as in today’s todaay’ y s R&B reminds what reminds you you of wh hat made JJones ones a star place: beret, star in the first f iirst plac ce: not the b eret, the coolness coolness or thee tease, tease, but the evereveryoung young voice, voice, a streety streeety softspoken soffttspoken sound, rich with alluring lisp loneliness.. l and loneliness

RICKIE RICKIE LLEE EE JONES JONES plays plays Sunday, Sunday, Feb. 8pm Rio Theater, Feb. 114, 4, aatt 8 pm aatt tthe he R io T heater, 1205 1205 Soquel Soquel Ave., Ave., Santa Santa Cruz. Cruz. Tickets Tickeets are are $28 $28 advance/$32 advance/$32 door, door, available available at at Streetlight Streetlight Records Records and and www.pulse www.pulse productions.net. productions.net.

! j AB/53 /@B 3D3<BA february 10-17, 2010 A/<B/1@CH 1=; :7AB G=C@ :=1/: 3D3<B 7< B63 1/:3<2/@ Email it to calendar@santacruz.com, fax it to 831.457.5828, or drop it by our office. Events need to be received a week prior to publication and placement cannot be guaranteed.

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E6/B 7A 3@=B71Oh, they’ve got an idea or two at this show, now in its fifth year. A burlesque variety show with music, aerial dance, spoken word and other sexy sexed-up sexiness, What Is Erotic? promises to get the love energy rolling. Friday–Sunday, Feb. 12–14, 7:30pm, 418 Project, 418 Front St., Santa Cruz. Tickets $18-25 at www.brownpapertickets.com. Show repeats Feb 19–20. 831.466.9770. Vgi^hih bV`^c\ hZih d[ i]gZZ ediiZgn Xjeh! dg eV^ci^c\ i]Z^g ^bV\Zh! VcY YdcVi^c\ i]Z ldg`# I]^h [^cVa VjXi^dc d[ i]Vi Vgi hiVgih l^i] V */(%" +/)*eb egZk^Zl! Xdci^cjZh l^i] heZV`Zgh! VcY ZcYh l^i] i]Z [^cVa -/(%".eb VjXi^dc! l]dhZ egdXZZYh l^aa WZXdbZ gjgVa hX]dda]djhZh# I]j! ;ZW &&! */(%eb# &%$ &*# G^d I]ZVigZ! &'%* HdfjZa! HVciV 8gjo! -(&#)'(#-'%.# ;WU`ObW]\ 2Og Ob <Obc`OZ 0`WRUSa AbObS 0SOQV 6 YVnadc\ XZaZWgVi^dc d[ i]Z l]VaZh! bdcVgX] WjiiZg[a^Zh VcY di]Zg bV\c^[^XZci Xg^iiZgh i]Vi eVhh i]gdj\] djg WVX` nVgY dc i]Z^g lVn id [ZZY^c\ VcY WgZZY^c\ \gdjcYh# 9ZbdchigVi^dch! idjgh! `^YhÉ VXi^k^i^Zh VcY ZkZc V WVcY VgZ Vbdc\ i]Z ViigVXi^dch# HVi! ;ZW &(! &&Vb")eb! CVijgVa 7g^Y\Zh HiViZ 7ZVX]# ;gZZ# AO\ 4`O\QWaQ] 0SS` ESSY BVcn adXVa kZcjZh VgZ eVgi^X^eVi^c\ ^c i]^h hiViZl^YZ hZi d[ ZkZcih! ^cXajY^c\/ *&* @^iX]Zc VcY 8dX`iV^ahÉ WZZg kh# l^cZ kVaZci^cZ! l^i] YZhhZgih! VbjhZ WdjX]Z VcY WZZg! ZkZgn YVn ;ZW -"&)! )eb"b^Yc^\]i VcY X]^X`Zc VcY XVccZY WZZg c^\]i! ;ZW &&! ,".eb# 6ahd/ HVciV 8gjo BdjciV^c 7gZl^c\Éh higdc\ ldbZc WgZl YVn! Vi ^ih >c\Vaah Hi adXVi^dc! ;ZW &( &%Vb"+eb#

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AC<2/G "

/< /:B/@32 D/:3<B7<3¸A Building on the success of the wildly popular An Altared Christmas show, the perversely humorous gang of merry musical pranksters led by Rhan Wilson presents An Altared Valentine’s, with all the dark humor and minor-key melodies you’d expect. Saturday, Feb. 14, 7pm at Kuumbwa, 320-2 Cedar St., Santa Cruz. Tickets $25 advance/$30 door at www.altared.com or Streetlight Records. lZVkZh nVgch0 ejWa^X lZaXdbZ# HZXdcY LZY d[ ZkZgn bdci]! ,eb# ;gZZ# 9db^c^XVc =dhe^iVa GZ]VW 8ZciZg! +&% ;gZYZg^X` Hi! HVciV 8gjo! -(&#),*#&-*(# Ac\ROg A^W`WbcOZ 4SOab 8]Vci^c\! he^g^ijVa Y^hXdjghZ VcY [gZZ kZ\ZiVg^Vc [ZVhi ZVX] HjcYVn ZkZc^c\# Hjc! +"&%eb# ;gZZ# Hg^ 8]V^iVcnV HVgVhlVi HZkV 6h]gVb! '.%% C# GdYZd <jaX] GY! HdfjZa! -(&#)+'#),&'# BOYS =TT >]c\Ra AS\aWPZg Hjeedgi \gdje egdk^YZh ZYjXVi^dc! ZcXdjgV\ZbZci VcY [jc id adhZ lZ^\]i hZch^Wan VcY `ZZe ^i d[[# Bdc! +"-eb# EaZVhjgZ Ed^ci 8dbbjc^in 8]jgX]! ,+& '+i] 6kZ! HVciV 8gjo! -(&#)'+#-'%,# B`WQV]bWZZ][O\WO Ac^^]`b 5`]c^ >[ ndj hj[[Zg [gdb ]V^g ejaa^c\ VcY$dg h`^c e^X`^c\ VcY hZZ` gZa^Z[! XdbZ [dg hjeedgi# ;dXjh ^h dc gZhdjgXZh! higViZ\^Zh VcY hjeedgi dc i]Z gdVY id gZXdkZgn# I]j! +/(%"-eb# Ig^X]di^aadbVc^V AZVgc^c\ 8ZciZg >cX#! '%, BXE]Zghdc Hi =! HVciV 8gjo! -(&#)*,#&%%)# E7:>4 ;]\bVZg ;SSbW\U L>AE;! LdbZchÉ >ciZgcVi^dcVa AZV\jZ [dg EZVXZ VcY ;gZZYdb! egZhZcih <> G^\]ih =dia^cZ kdajciZZg 6eg^a 7jgch heZV`^c\ dc hidee^c\ b^a^iVgn gZXgj^i^c\ VWjhZh# I]^gY IjZ d[ ZkZgn bdci]! ,eb# ;gZZ0 YdcVi^dch VXXZeiZY# ;g^ZcYh FjV`Zg BZZi^c\ =djhZ! ''* GddcZn Hi! HVciV 8gjo# E]]RQO`dS`a ;SSbW\U 8dbZ iVa` VWdji VcY XdbeVgZ lddYXVgk^c\ `cdlaZY\Z VcY iZX]c^fjZh0 Vaa V\Zh! Vaa lZaXdbZ# IjZ! &'/(%"(eb# ;gZZ# BVg`Zi HigZZi HZc^dg 8ZciZg! ''' BVg`Zi Hi! HVciV 8gjo# G]cbV 1]OZWbW]\ AO\bO 1`ch Ndji] &("'& bZZi id hdX^Va^oZ

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4:=G2 <=@;/< 27A<3G :353<2 As an animator and writer, Floyd Norman had a hand in some of the great Disney projects, including Sleeping Beauty, 101 Dalmations and The Jungle Book, where he came up with the kaleidescope eyes for the snake that tries to eat Mowgli. He went on to Fat Albert and Sesame Street before working for Hanna-Barbera and eventually returning to Disney to work on hits like Toy Story 2. Truly a legend, Norman gives a talk and slideshow of his work on Saturday, Feb. 13, at 1pm at Atlantis Fantasyworld, 1020 Cedar St., Santa Cruz. Free. 831.426.0158.

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B6@33 1C>A =4 16/@7BG WHAT started as one man’s ambitious attempt to climb K2 17 years ago has given rise to an impassioned campaign for peace through education in rural Pakistan and Afghanistan. Greg Mortenson, co-author of the New York Times bestseller Three Cups of Tea: One Man’s Mission to Promote Peace One School At A Time, has been building schools in regions where education, especially for girls, was unimaginable. Through communitybased education and literacy programs, Mortenson’s Central Asia Institute now provides education for more than 58,000 children, including 44,000 girls. Santa Cruz’s second annual silent auction in support of the effort culminates Thursday at the Rio Theatre. More than 65 artists have donated their art, which ranges from unique tea sets by the Santa Cruz Clay Community to the funky Metal Tea-Can Collage by Leanne Salandro, and plenty of mixed media in between. The art is posted online at www.3-cups-of-tea-santacruz.com, where the bidding has already begun. Julia Bergman, president of the Board of CAI, and Lou Renner, international mountain climber, will speak at the event. (Maria Grusauskas)

3 CUPS OF TEA FUNDRAISER is Thursday, Feb. 11, at 5:30pm for art preview and silent auction, 7pm for guest speakers and 8:30pm for final bids and artwork pickup. Rio Theatre, 1205 Soquel Ave., Santa Cruz. Tickets $10 advance/$15 at the door. (831.423.8209)

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february 10-17, 2010 SANTACRUZ.COM

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A/<B/1@CH 1=; february 10-17, 2010 AB/53 /@B 3D3<BA 1 !!

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;=<2/G #

57@: >=E3@ In her new book Girl Power, Marisa Meltzer explores the musical movement that originated with zines and riot grrrls, defined a new wave of feminism and inspired a generation of women to make their voices heard. The onetime Santa Cruz resident argues that the girl power revolution—at times dismissed as a marketing ploy—is indeed still on. Monday, Feb. 15, 7:30pm, Bookshop Santa Cruz, 1520 Pacific Ave, Santa Cruz. 831.423.0900. 8ZciZg! &(%, HZVWg^\]i 6kZ! HVciV 8gjo! -(&#)+'#--.(# >WZObSa 1ZOaaSa 6aa aZkZah lZaXdbZ# Bdc VcY LZY! .Vb VcY )eb# E^aViZh HVciV 8gjo! &'i] VcY 8Ve^idaV 6kZ! HVciV 8gjo# AOZaO 2O\QS 1ZOaaSa O\R >O`bg 6 ,/(%eb ^ciZgbZY^ViZ hVahV aZhhdc0 -/&*eb WZ\^cc^c\ hVahV aZhhdc0 ."&&/(%eb! hVahV YVcXZ eVgin# ;g^# ( [dg YVcXZ eVgin0 &% [dg aZhhdch VcY eVgin# EVadbVg 7Vaagddb! &()) EVX^[^X 6kZ! HVciV 8gjo! -(&#)'+#&''&# AS\W]`a¸ 2`]^ 7\ 0OZZ`]][ 1ZOaaSa IZVX]Zg OV` XnXaZh i]gdj\] i]Z [dmigdi! hl^c\! lVaio VcY gjbWV ^c [djg"lZZ` hZfjZcXZh0 cd eVgicZg gZfj^gZY# Bdc! &%/(%" &&/&*Vb# -# EVadbVg 7Vaagddb! &()) EVX^[^X 6kZ! HVciV 8gjo! -(&#)'+#&''&# AV]S >OW\bW\U E]`YaV]^ 7g^c\ dg Wjn V eV^g d[ XVckVh h]dZh VcY i]Z hidgZÉh Vgi^hi l^aa hjeean bViZg^Vah VcY WZ dc

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6bWZg ?VnVci^ d[[Zgh V [^kZ" eajh"nZVg Xjgg^Xjajb d[ lZZ`an XdjghZh [gdb WZ\^cc^c\ id VYkVcXZY aZkZah# HX]dda [dg IVgdi FVWVaV] HijYn! HVciV 8gjo! -(&#)'(#.,)'# C\WdS`aOZ G]UO L^i] BZaVc^Z K^oojh^# Bdc! LZY VcY ;g^! .Vb# &%# LZhi H^YZ HijY^d! *%.= Hl^[i Hi! HVciV 8gjo# DW^OaaO\O ;SRWbObW]\ =TTS`W\Ua HZkZgVa ineZh d[ ^chigjXi^dc ^c K^eVhhVcV Y^gZXi bZY^iVi^kZ dWhZgkVi^dc d[ i]Z b^cY VcY WdYn ^ch^\]i bZY^iVi^dc! Vh lZaa Vh Y]VgbV iVa`h# Bdc! IjZ VcY ;g^ Vi cddc VcY I]j Vi ,eb! bZY^iVi^dc hZhh^dch# LZY +/(%"-eb! ^cigd [dg WZ\^ccZgh# ;^ghi Bdc d[ ZVX] bdci]! cddc" &/(%eb! I]Z 9]VgbV d[ >aacZhh [dg i]dhZ a^k^c\ l^i] ^i0 ZVX] ;g^ &%"&&Vb! BZY^iVi^dc dc i]Z (' EVgih d[ i]Z 7dYn! VcY ZkZgn Hjc ./(%"&%/&*Vb! HjcYVn Bdgc^c\ 7jYY]^hi EgVXi^XZ0 XVaa -(&#'&'#++)& [dg YZiV^ah# 9dcVi^dch lZaXdbZ# K^eVhhVcV HVciV 8gjo! &%&% ;V^g 6kZ! HVciV 8gjo! -(&#)'*#()(&#

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ve i l e d


03/BA1/>3 ffebruary e b r u a r y 10-17, 1 0 - 1 7, 2010 2 0 1 0 A/<B/1@CH 1=; A/<B/1@CH 1=; !$ ! $ j 03/BA1/>3

Jazz Presenters since 1975




Dinner includes choice of dessert MON. FEBRUARY 15 • 7 & 9 PM


7pm: $25/Adv $28/Door 9pm: $20/Adv $23/Dr, No Jazztix/Comps Sponsored by Bob Jackson & Stuart Hurt

MON. FEBRUARY 22 • 7 & 9 PM

DAVID SANBORN TRIO FEATURING JOEY DEFRANCESCO $30/Adv $33/Door, No Jazztix or Comps Sponsored by Pacific Sun Properties, Alan & Susan Goldstein


HOLD TIGHT FEATURING NICOLE WILSON Concert only: $12/Adv $15/Door Jazz & Dinner: $24.60/Adv Sponsored by Santa Cruz Sentinel

FRI. MARCH 5 • 7 & 9 PM


$27/Adv $30/Door, No Jazztix or Comps Sponsored by High Notes



MAR 11 • KATE McGARRY / KEITH GANZ DUO MAR 15 • JOHN SCOFIELD NEW JAZZ QUARTET featuring Mulgrew Miller, Ben Street & Kendrick Scott

GILBERTO GIL: THE STRING CONCERT THURS. MARCH 18 • 8 PM AT THE RIO THEATRE $50/Gold Circle $35/General, No Jazztix/Comps Sponsored by Redtree Properties

MON. APRIL 26 • 8 PM AT SANTA CRUZ CIVIC AUDITORIUM Tix: 420-5260 & santacruztickets.com Sponsored by Barry Swenson Builder


the orchestrion tour

Dinner served Mondays & Thursdays beginning at 6pm, serving premium wines & microbrewed beers. Snacks & desserts available all other nights. All age venue.

Advance tickets at Logos Books & Records and online at kuumbwajazz.org. Tickets subject to service charge and 5% S.C. City Admissions Tax.

Independently Produced Events A weekend of Beatles Music! FRI/SAT. FEB. 12-13 • 8 PM • $25


Tickets at Streetlight Records & www.tix.com CafĂŠ open at 7pm for dinner



4 27 - 2 2 27

0/AA3A :=/232 0 /AA3A :=/232 Bassnect Bassnectar, arr, that crazy crazzy romantic rom mantic fool, fool, ol plays the Catalyst Caattaalyst on Valentine’s Valentine Va a ’s Day. Day.

4@72/G j 4 @ 7 2/G j

4@72/G j 4 @ 7 2/G j

4@72/G j 4 @ 7 2/G j

6 C C < 6 C C @ B C 6CC< 6CC@ BC C / < 2 1 / @ ; 3 < /<2 1/@;3< @ 7 H H= @7HH=

8 C A B 7 < B=E < 3 A 8CAB7< B=E<3A 3/@:3 3 /@:3

AB3>63< AB7::A A B 3 > 6 3 < AB 7 : : A

IIn n the the rrace ace tto o ccome ome up up w with ith n new ew m usical ssounds ounds u sing eelectronic lectronic ggadgets, adgets, musical using ccomputer omputer p rograms aand nd augmented augmented programs iinstruments, nstruments, a llot ot o usicians have have off m musicians fforgotten orgotten aabout bout ggood ood o o ld-fashioned old-fashioned h uman vocal vocal cords. cords. C orrecting this this human Correcting o versight iiss p roducer aand nd electronica electronica oversight producer gguru uru C armen R izzo, who’s who’s joined joined with with Carmen Rizzo, tthe he T uvan quartet quarrtet H uun H uur Tu Tu Tuvan Huun Huur o n aan n aalbum lbum o Tuv-tronica� b ased on off ““Tuv-tronica� based o n tthe he ancient ancient art arrt of of tthroat hroat ssinging. inging. on U sing ttraditional raditional iinstruments nstruments like like Using tthe he iigil, gil, khomus khomus and and doshpuluur doshpuluur tto o ccomplement omplement tthe he h umming h armonies, humming harmonies, tthe he ccollaboration ollaboration roams roams iinto nto ttrancelike rancelike eelectronic lectronic soundscapes soundscapes gguaranteed uaranteed tto o p lace iitt aamong mong tthe he sstrangest trangest aadditions dditions place tto o any any play play list. list. R io Th heatre; $ 21; 8 pm. Rio Theatre; $21; 8pm. ((Curtis Curtis Cartier) Cartier)

In m In most ost ccases, ases, the the w work ork of of a ffamous amous m usician’s k id is is n ature’s w ay o elling musician’s kid nature’s way off ttelling llisteners isteners tto o sstay tay aaway. way. T here’s ggood ood There’s rreason eason ffor or tthat: hat: rraised aised to to the the ttop op vvia ia n epotism aand nd name name recognition, recoggnition, nepotism m ost children children o notable aartists rtists h ave most off notable have b arely eearned arned ttheir heir sstripes. tripes. JJustin ustin barely T ownes E arle sstands tands as as o ne o he rrare are Townes Earle one off tthe eexceptions: xceptions: eestranged stranged ffrom rom his his father father S teve E arle ffor or m uch of of h is yyouth, outh, Steve Earle much his E arle m ade a name name for for himself himself in in Earle made ccountry ountry m usic tthe he h ard way. way. This This is is music hard eevidenced videnced iin nE arle’s w ork—road-weary Earle’s work—road-weary ssongs ongs tthat hat draw draw ffrom rom ’40s ’40s aand nd ’’50s 50s ffolk olk aand nd W estern sswing wing m ore than than tthey hey Western more d o tthe he ffamily amily trust. trust. D espite tthe he b rand, do Despite brand, Ju ustin T ownes E arle iiss u ndoubtedly h is Justin Townes Earle undoubtedly his o wn m an. C repe Place; Place; $15; $15; 9pm. 9pm. own man. Crepe ((Paul Paul M avis) M.. D Davis)

Stephen S tephen S Stills tills iiss o one ne o off tthe he ffew ew h ousehold n ames o he ’’60s 60s sstill till household names off tthe ttouring. ouring. A nd w hile h e’s ccertainly ertainly And while he’s eearned arned tthe he rright ight tto o rrest est o nh is on his llaurels—he aurels—he sstands tands aass tthe he o nly aartist rtist tto o only b nducted ttwice wice iinto nto tthe he R ock ’’n’ n’ R oll bee iinducted Rock Roll H all o ame, ffor or B uffalo S pringf ield Hall off F Fame, Buffalo Springfield aand nd ffor or C rosby, S tills aand nd N ash—he Crosby, Stills Nash—he ccontinues ontinues tto o cchallenge hallenge h imself. IIn n ffact, act, himself. iitt sseems eems tthat hat tthe he iirrepressible rrepressible gguitarist uitarist ccan’t an’t b eld d own: iin n Ja anuary 2 008 h bee h held down: January 2008 hee b eat aan n eearly arly p rostate ccancer ancer d iagnosis. beat prostate diagnosis. IInstead nstead o ying llow, ow, h e’s h as h it tthe he off llying he’s has hit rroad oad aand nd rreleased eleased ttwo wo aalbums lbums ssince ince tthen: hen: Pieces, Pieces, a collection collection of of o uttakes b outtakes byy h is ’’70s 70s o utf it M anassas, aand nd O ctober’s his outfit Manassas, October’s LLive ive aatt SShepherd’s hepherd’s B ush. Catalyst; Catalyst; $29 $29 Bush. aadvance/$33 dvance/$33 d oor; 8 pm. ((PMD) PMD) door; 8pm.

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A/<B/1@CH 1=; A /<B/1@CH 1=; ffebruary e b r u a r y 10-17, 1 0 - 1 7, 2010 2 0 1 0 03/BA1/>3 03/BA1/>3 3

1=<13@BA 1 = < 1 3 @ B A 5 :=D3 5 :=D3 A>317/: A/C13 D3 A>31 A>317/: A/C13 C1 C FEB T CA ATA TALYST ST FEB.. 19 A AT CATALYST ; ;3 23A97 2 3A97 ;/@B7< B77< 7 E== = 2 ;323A97 ;/@B7< E==2 FEB 20 A FEB. T RI RIO IO O THEA T TH H TRE AT THEATRE

A/BC@2/G j A /B C @ 2/G j ! !

B63 ;3@;3< B 63 ;3@;3< IItt m might ight sseem eem an an o obvious bvious comparison, comparison, b ut tthere here aare re few few better better ways ways tto op ut iit: t: but put T he Mermen’s Mermen’s furious furious gguitar uitar riffs riffs really really do do The ccome ome with with the the rolling rolling force force o tidal w ave, off a tidal wave, w ith heavy heavy sswells wells of of rreverb everb that that ccrash rash with iinto nto o ne aanother nother tto om arvelous effect. effect. one marvelous T he San San Fr rancisco trio trio has has found found a w ay to to The Francisco way ttake ake tthat hat most most economical economical of of fforms, orms, surf surf rrock, ock, and and ttie ie it it tto o its its theoretical theoretical antithesis, antithesis, p sychedelia. O n paper paper iitt shouldn’t shouldn’t psychedelia. On w ork, but but o ver the the past past two two decades decades the the work, over M ermen h ave proven proven tthat hat it it ccan. an. Though Though Mermen have tthe he band band performs performs regularly, regularly, it’s it’s ffar ar from from p rolific, aand nd it’s it’s llatest atest rrelease, elease, In In God God prolific, W rust, is is the the first first in in a decade. decade. A new new Wee T Trust, aalbum lbum b this o utfit is is reason reason enough enough tto o byy this outfit ccelebrate, elebrate, b ut tthe he Mermen’s Mermen’s special special ttalents alents but llie ie in in the the live live sserendipity erendipity o improvisation off improvisation aand nd scatterbomb scatterbomb guitar guitar lines. lines. Moe’s Moe’s A lley; Alley; $ 12 advance/$15 advance/$15 door; door; 9 pm. (PMD) (PMD) $12 9pm.

A/B AC< j A /B AC< j ! ! " "

8/ ; 3 A 8/;3A ;1;C@B@G ; 1 ; C @ B @G When Ja When James ames M McMurtry cMurtry w was as 77,, h his is m other ggave ave h im a gguitar uitar aand nd ttaught aught mother him h im tthree hree cchords. hords. ““The The rrest, est,� h ays, ““II him hee ssays, sstole tole as as I went went along. along.� The The guitar-slinging Th guitar-slinging T exan h as b een ccrafting rafting iinsightful nsightful aand nd Texan has been iilluminating lluminating ssongs ongs eever ver ssince, ince, b ridging bridging tthe he h uman aand nd tthe he p olitical, tthe he ssubtle ubtle human political, aand nd tthe he aabsurd. bsurd. T wenty yyears ears aand nd 110 0 Twenty aalbums lbums h ave eestablished stablished M cMurtry’s have McMurtry’s p lace iin n tthe he ““roots roots aand nd rroll� oll� sscene cene aand nd place

p roven h iim m tto ob apable ssongsmith ongsmith proven him bee a ccapable k nown ffor or h is aastute stute aand nd tto-the-point o-the-point known his llyrics. yrics. A ings iin n ““Too Too L ong iin n tthe he Ass h hee ssings Long W asteland,� ““II d idn’t m ean tto o ssay ay iit, t, b ut Wasteland, didn’t mean but Im eant w hat I ssaid. aid.� D on Q uixote’s; meant what Don Quixote’s; $ 20; 8 pm S at; 77pm pm S un. ((Cat Cat Jo ohnson) $20; 8pm Sat; Sun. Johnson)

AC<2/G j A C < 2/G j " "

0/AA<31B/@ 0 / A A < 3 1 B/ @ Attention, A ttention, consumers consumers iin n the the m market arket ffor or a n ew subwoofer subwoofer speaker! speaker! There’s Th here’s aan n easy easy new ttest est to to d etermine if if a product product will will live live u p determine up tto o the the demands demands of of tthe he modern modern urban urban m usic eenvironment. nvironment. S imply insert insert an an music Simply aalbum lbum b San Francisco Frrancisco freeform freeform electroelectrobyy San ccrunk runk o utfit Bassnectar Bassnectar iinto nto the the h ome outfit home P.A. .A. and and n ote h ow llong ong tthe he potential potential note how w oofer w oofs before before m elting, eexploding, xploding, woofer woofs melting, o ttracting tthe he attention attention of of aarmed rmed orr aattracting aauthorities. uthorities. IIff the the d oor iiss indeed indeed k icked door kicked iin n by by a S WAT team team aand nd tthe he sspeaker peaker SWAT rremains emains intact, intact, b uy iit. t. IIff not, not, extinguish extinguish buy fflames lames aand nd rreturn eturn ffor or rrefund. efund. E ither w ay, Either way, llisteners isteners and and neighbors neighbors will will witness witness severe severe aabuses buses of of low low ffrequencies requencies for for which which tthe he o nly ccures ures aare re rrepetitive epetitive h ip ggyrations yrations only hip aand nd long-term long-term ccounseling. ounseling. C atalyst; $ 20 Catalyst; $20 aadvance/$24 dvance/$24 d oor; 8 :45pm. ((CC) CC) door; 8:45pm.

;=<2/G j ; = < 2/G j # #

2 7 @ B G 2 =H 3 < 27@BG 2=H3< 0@/AA 0/<2 0 @/AA 0/<2 Itt ttakes akes ggreat reat fforce orce tto o sshake hake tthe he

031/CA3 B63@3 /@3 <= @32E==2A 7< /CAB7< 031 /CA3 B63@3 /@ @3 <= @32E==2A 7< /CAB7< T Texas exas e singer singer-songwriter r-ssongwriter

James Jaames McMurtry McMurtry plays two two dates dates in Felton. Feelton.

2 /D D72 A/<0=@< =@< = @< B@7= @< B 2/D72 A/<0=@< B@7= FEB 2A T KU U UU UUMBW BWA FEB.. 22 AT KUUMBWA A1 =C <7 =CB < 0:3BB : BB B A1=CB <70:3BB F FEB EB. 24 AT AT CREPE CR REPE PLACE PLLA LACEE FEB. D /5/0=<2 =>3@/ D/5/0=<2 =>3@/ FEB T MO M O ALLEY OE’S LEY FEB.. 25 A AT MOE’S <3E ;=<A A==< =< <3E ;=<A==< FEB AT DON ON QUIXOTE’S QU QUIXO UIX TE’S DO FEB.. 27 AT 32 3 2E/@2 A6 6/@>3 @ /<2 32E/@2 A6/@>3 /<2 B63 3; ;/ /5<3 3B71 B77 H3@=A B63 ;/5<3B71 H3@=A MAR CH 1 A AT T RIO R THEATRE TH THEA HEATRE TRE RE MARCH A:33> G AC< < A:33>G AC< MAR CH 9 AT AT CATALYST CATA ALLY YSST MARCH

weathered p weathered pillars illars o off New New Orleans’ Orleans’ ffabled abled jjazz azz aand nd funk funk sscene, cene, w here brass brass where b ands come come ccheaper heaper than than ccrawfish rawfish bands ggumbo umbo and and n ames llike ike N eville, M arsalis names Neville, Marsalis aand nd Armstrong Armstrong sstand tand aass monoliths monoliths o off iintimidation ntimidation tto ow ould-be h orn blowers blowers would-be horn h oping tto o leave leave ttheir heir mark. mark. S o in in 11977, 977, hoping So w hen a church church music music program program ffor or when d isadvantaged yyouth outh produced produced tthe he Dirty Dirty disadvantaged D ozen B rass B and, tthe he assumption assumption Dozen Brass Band, w as that that it it w ould go go down down as as a was would h eartwarming b ut u ltimately fforgettable orgettable heartwarming but ultimately m usical endeavor. endeavor. In nstead tthe he ggroup, roup, lled ed musical Instead b trumpet p layer Gregory Gregory Davis Davis aand nd byy trumpet player ffeaturing eaturing a rrotating otating cast cast o musicians, off musicians, iinstalled nstalled itself itself aass a premier premier horn horn act act in in a ccity ity ccarved arved ffrom rom b rass. Moe’s Moe’s A lley; $ 15 brass. Alley; $15 aadvance/$20 dvance/$20 d oor; 8 pm. ((CC) CC) door; 8pm.

BC3A2/G j B C 3 A 2/G j $ $

B63 3<B@/<13 B63 3<B@/<13 0/<2 0 /<2 The llatest The atest incarnation incarnation o off tthe he aartist rtist fformerly ormerly k nown aass E ntrance is is a ffreakreakknown Entrance ffolkadelic olkadelic three-piece three-piece band band tthat hat p lays it it plays sslow low aand nd llow ow with with fface-melting, ace-melting, sstonertonerrrock ock ggrooves. rooves. The The addition addition o az off P Paz L enchantin ((bass) bass) aand nd Derek Derek W. W. JJames ames Lenchantin ((drums) drums) tto oG uy B lakeslee’s gguitar uitar aand nd Guy Blakeslee’s vvocals ocals allows allows the the E ntrance B and tto o Entrance Band ccreate reate sonic sonic landscapes landscapes tthat hat B lakeslee, Blakeslee, w ho p layed for for years years as as a solo solo aact, ct, who played ccould ould o nly d ream of. of. Touring Touring in in only dream ssupport upport of of its its self-titled self-titled debut debut album, album, p ut o ut on on T hurston Moore’s Moore’s E cstatic put out Thurston Ecstatic P eace label, label, the the p ower trio trio is is rrolling olling a Peace power tthunderous hunderous ssound ound aacross cross tthe he ccountry ountry aand nd up up the the m ountain tto oB rookdale. mountain Brookdale. B rookdale Lodge; Lodge; $12; $12; 8pm. 8pm. ((CJ) CJ) Brookdale

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1011 PPACIFIC ACIFIC A C AAVE. VE. V SANTA SANTTA CRUZ 831-423-1336 831-423--1336 )ULGD\ )HEUXDU\ ‡ $ )ULGD\ )HEUXDU\ ‡ $*(6

Stephen p n Stills ll

$GY 'U ‡ 'UV S P 6KRZ S P $GY 'U ‡ 'UV S P 6KRZ S S P 6DWXUGD\ )HE ‡ $ 6DWXUG GD\ )HE ‡ $*(6 Ineffable Ineff abble Music Group presents

<=9< HJ=R < =9< HJ=R


DOVR D OVR Umi, Nima Fadavi, Fadavi,

V Vibrant ibrant Eyeris

$GY $GY 'U ‡ 'UV S P 6KRZ S P $ 'U ‡ 'UV S P 6KRZ S S P 6XQGD\ 6XQGD D\ )HE )HE $ $*(6 $GY 'U ‡ 'UV S P 6KRZ S P $ 'U ‡ 'UV S P 6KRZ S P $GY )HE )HE )HE The Gr Groggs ro oggs Atrium (Ages 21+) )HE )HE Fr Frequency equency Jones Atrium (Ages 21+) 21+) )HE )HE Gator Beat Band Atrium (Ages 21+) 21+ +) )HE )HE Michael Rose/T Rose/Twinkle Tw winkle Br Bros. os. (All Ages) A )HE )HE G. Love & Special Sauce (Ages 21+) 2 )HE )HE Albor Alborosie osie & The Shengen Clan (Ages 16+) )HE )HE Les Claypool/Beats Antique (Ages 21+) )HE )HE 311 (Ages 21+) )HE )HE T Tarrus arrus a Riley/Sherieta Lewis (Agess 16+) )HE )HE Epic Entertainment’ Entertainment’s’s “Runnin’ Wild� Atrium (Agess 21+) 0DU The Pack/ DEV (Ages 16+) 0DU 0DU 0DU Andr Andre e Nickatina (Ages 16+) 0DU 0DU T Trombone rombone Shorty/ New Mastersounds (Age (Ages es 21+) 0DU 0DU New Found Glor Glory/ ryy/ Saves the Day (Agess 16+) 0DU 0DU Hank III/Assjack (Ages 21+) $SU $SU $SU Y Yonder onder Mountain String Band (Agess 21+) o $SU $SU Collie Buddz (Ages 16+) $SU $SU The Devil Makes Thr Three ee 8QOHVV RWKHUZLVH QRWHG DOO VKRZV DUH GDQFH VKRZV ZLWK OLPLWHG VHDWLQJ 8QOHVV R WKHUZLVH QRWHG DOO VKRZV DUH GDQFH VKRZV ZLWK OLPLWHG VHDWLQJ V Tickets subject Tickets subject to city tax & service service charge charge by by phone 866-384-3060 & online

www.catalystclub.com w ww.catalystclub.com

j " "

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42 |

february 10-17, 2010 SANTACRUZ.COM

Film. Fi ilm lm.

"! j "!

A/<B/1@CH 1=; A /<B/1@CH 1=; ffebruary e b r u a r y 10-17, 1 0 - 1 7, 2010 2 0 1 0 47:; 47:; ;

FFade ade ttoo B Black lack ‘Th ‘The he Whit Whitee R Ribbon’ is a ggorgeous orgeous cinematic cinemat tic riddle of on the theme t rrepression ep pression 0G 16@7AB7</ E/B3@A 0G 1 6 @ 7 A B 7 < / E/B 3 @ A


ULVERIZINGLY b ULVERIZINGLY beautiful, eautiful, The White Ribbon T he W hite R ibbon has has won won big big aatt Cannes Cannes and and been been nominated nominated Oscars, ffor or ttwo wo O scars, aand nd yyet et even even those those honors honors scarcely scarcely convey convey the the magnitude of of this this cinematic cinematic achievement achievement magnitude by Michael Haneke. by the the Austrian Austrian director director M ichael H aneke. As As a forensic forensic allegory allegoryy of of hypocrisy, hyp pocrisy, longing, longing, and and disappointment, disappointment, The The White White Ribbon Ribbon owns owns a place place on on the the short short list list of of all-time all-time unforgettable unforgettable films. f ilms. In In a German German village village on on the the verge verge of of World World War War I, I, a series series of of random random events events ignites ignites suspicion, suspicion, violence violence and and strange strange punishment. punishment. The Th he ripening ripening mood mood of of paranoia paranoia and and retaliation retaliation tears tears apart apart r the the village village fabric, fabric, until until the the messes messes are are covered covered up up and and control control regained. regained. A story story of of psychological psychological oppression, oppression, this this new new film f ilm by by the the director director of of The The Piano Piano Teacher Teacher ttakes akes its its name name from from a symbol symbol of of innocence innocence and and purity purity tied tied around around the the arms arms of of village village children children as as a reminder reminder of of their their duties. duties. What What unfolds unfolds through through Christian Christian Berger’s Berger’s exquisite exquisite black black and and white white photography— photography— he he frequently frequently uses uses ambient ambient light light and and a stationary stationary camera camera to to thrust thrust us us into into the the secret secret heart hearrt of of each each scene—deepens scene—deepens our our own own sense sense of of political political foreboding. foreboding. The The village village schoolteacher, schoolteacher, now now an an old old man, man, recalls recalls the the events events of of a certain certain year year in in which which the the planting planting and and harvesting harvvesting rhythms rhythms of of village village life life have have begun begun to to unravel. unravel. Accidents Accidents begin begin to to occur, occur, each each one one leading leading to to recrimination recrimination and and unexpected unexpected revenge. revenge. No No one one seems seems

63/B¸A =< 6 3/B¸A =< SStrange trange hhappenings appenings tthrow h ro w a w wrench rench iin nv village illage llife iffe iin n ‘‘The The W White h i te R Ribbon.’ ibbon.’

to know to know what what h has as oc occurred curred o orr w who ho has don’t know�—Ich h as done done iit. t. ““II d on’t k now�— —IIch weiss weiss nicht—is disclaimer wee h hear over n ichtt— —is tthe he d isclaimer w ear o ver aand nd over delves methodically o ver aass tthe he ffilm ilm d elves m ethodically into into malicious beatings, m alicious ttaunting, aunting, be atings, aabuse buse aand nd psychological p sychological ccruelty ruelty sstaining taining the the neat, neat, orderly off village o rderly sstructure tructure o village llife. ife. James Jaames Cameron Cameron needed needed special special effects efffects aand nd 3-D. 3-D. IIn n The The White White Ribbon, Ribbon, Haneke Haneke does distraction d oes even even more more without without tthe he d istraction off color. Ravishing The o color. R avishing iin n eevery very detail, detail, T he White W hite Ribbon Ribbon might might have have been been designed designed byy Edvard Munch with b Edvard M unch iin n cconsultation onsultation w ith Bergman. Berger’s IIngmar ngmar B ergman. B erger’s ccamera amera gglides lides down d own hallways, hallways, stopping stopping iin n doorways doorw ways while whispers w hile we we listen listen tto o tthe he w hispers jjust ust out What happens behind o ut of of vview. iew. W hat h appens be hind tthe he obscured—we cclosed losed doors doors rremains emains o bscured—we hear Every h ear without without sseeing. eeing. E very ssensation ensation heightened. On iiss h eightened. O n tthe he iinfrastructure nfrastructure off taut, o taut, spare spare performances, perfformances, the the aastonishingly stonishingly composed composed shots shots gleam gleam llike ike marble white m arble sculpture. sculpture. Figures Figures in in long long w hite nightgowns disappear darkened nightgowns d isappear iinto nto d arkened

interiors tthat interiors hat iin n tturn urn ffade ade tto o black. black. The Th he polite, po lite, hygienic hygienic veneer veneer of of the the village village more cconceals onceals m ore than than eeven ven tthe he brooding brooding uncertainty Paring down u ncertainty iimplies. mplies. P aring d own script script hee removes aand nd ggesture, esture, jjust ust aass h removes ccolor olor iin n order more o rder tto om ore cclearly learly reveal reveal tthe he texture texture off rrepression, o epression, Haneke Haneke offers offfers us us a cycle cycle of of The rrigidly igidly defined def ined life. life. T he seasons, seasons, courtship, courtship, music, hormones, boredom—all m usic, h ormones, b oredom—all aare re played p layed out out aagainst gainst tthe he distinctions distinctions of of cclass, lass, eeducation ducation aand nd gender. gender. Women Women are are used peasants used lloved oved and and u sed by by men, men, pe asants aare re u sed neglected byy tthe wealthy, aand nd n eglected b he w ealthy, religion religion uplifts u plifts tthe he ssoul oul aand nd tterrorizes errorizes the the heart. heart. Disarming Disarming us us with with its its beauty, beauty, The White Ribbon unveils darker T he W hite R ibbon u nveils iits ts d arker purpose, off rrepression wee p urpose, a vview iew o epression tthat hat w ccouldn’t ouldn’t have have prepared prepared for. for. The Th he film’s f ilm’s prevailing mood p revailing m ood of of mystery mystery iiss so so effective efffective only do wee rrealize tthat hat o nly aatt tthe he eend nd d ow ealize we we have been off spiritual h ave be en lled ed iinto nto a ssnare nare o spiritual decay. With d ecay. W ith joy joy and and freedom freedom beaten beaten out off tthem, o ut o hem, tthe he yyoung oung vvillagers—these illagers—these children will Germany’s children who who w ill be b G ermany’s aadults dults

in 11933, in 933, 11941, 941, 11945—are 945—are primed primed for for lives lives which moral iin nw hich tthere here is is no no m oral compass, compass, no no The White eethical thical iimpulse. mpulse. They Th hey already, already, T he W hite Ribbon beyond R ibbon ssuggests, uggests, llive ive be eyond ggood o ood aand nd Anything And, eevil. vil. A nything ccould ould be allowed. allowed. A nd, as as German was. G erman history history revealed, revealed, aanything nything w as. Yet Yet the the power power of of this this film, f ilm, in in the the Haneke’s off eend, nd, also also lies lies iin nH aneke’s rrejection ejection o Wee rremain rreductionism. eductionism. W emain embedded embedded in in off eeffects a web web o fffects with with ccountless ountless causes. causes. IInnocence nnocence has has sseeped eeped aaway. way. Only Only gguilt uilt aand nd rrage age remain. remain. The The White White Ribbon Ribbon is is a beauty whose ffilm ilm of of malevolent malevolent be auty w hose aability bility our own tto o trouble trouble o ur o wn assumptions assumptions seems seems to to iincrease ncrease llong ong after after viewing. viewing.

THE T HE WHITE WHITE RIBBON RIBBON (R; (R; 144 144 min.) written m in.) ddirected irected aand nd w ritten bbyy Michael M ichael Haneke, Hanekee, photographed photographed Christian bbyy C hristian Berger Berger and and starring starring Christian C hristian Friedel, Friedel, opens opens Friday Friday at at Nickelodeon Cruz. tthe he N ickeelodeon iin n SSanta anta C ruz.

february 10-17, 2010 SANTACRUZ.COM

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february 10-17, 2010

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"$ j 47:; february 10-17, 2010 A/<B/1@CH 1=;

Film Capsules

SHOWTIMES FOR FRIDAY FEB 12 – THURSDAY FEB 18 “Paul Bettany is perfect as Darwin.�

Paul Bettany

–L.A. Weekly

Jennifer Connely

<3E 1/>A 1@3/B7=< (PG-13; 108


Daily: (2:15), (4:30), 6:45, 9:00 plus Sat, Sun, Mon (12:00)


Heath Ledger Christopher Plummer Johnny Depp (PG-13)

Daily: (4:20), 7:00, 9:30



Colin Firth

Julianne Moore

(R) Daily: (2:45), (5:00), 7:15, 9:20 plus Sat, Sun, Mon (12:30)



Daily: (1:50)

plus Sat, Sun, Mon (11:20am)


Midnights @ The Del Mar Fun! Prizes! Groovy Vinyl!

High Fidelity (R) Fri 2/12 & Sat 2/13 @ Midnight Next Week: The Rocky Horror Picture Show


min.) Period piece has Charles Darwin (Paul Bettany) quarreling with his religious wife (Jennifer Connelly) over their differing beliefs on the origin of the species. I’ll bet that was a good time. “Charlie, would you hurry up and open that pickle jar?� “I can’t get it! Why do they make these things so . . . freakin’ . . . hard . . . to open!� “Well, maybe I should have just married a monkey who could open my pickle jars!� “Well, if your god is so all-powerful, why doesn’t he just open the goddamned thing for you?� “Oh yeah? Well, why don’t you go sleep

in the zoo tonight with all your monkey friends!� “Oh, I have had it! Is this what our relationship has evolved into?“ “Ahhhh! I told you if you said that word one more time, I was out of here. I’m going to mother’s!� Slam! (Opens Fri at the Del Mar.) (SP) 27@BG 2/<17<5

(1987) Once upon a time, teenage girls everywhere had the time of their lives when they got their world rocked by Patrick Swayze’s dances with Jennifer Grey. Years later, teenage boys everywhere would have their world rocked by Patrick Swayze’s dances with Chris Farley. No one had their world rocked by the 2004 sequel, Dirty

Dancing: Havana Nights. The jury’s still out on the planned 2011 remake. (Plays Thu at Santa Cruz 9.) (SP) 6756 4723:7BG (2000)

There’s only one movie called Revenge of the Nerds (OK, four if you count the sequels), but there have been a hell of a lot of movies since then that could have been called that. This is one of the best ones. I mean, really, this is every music nerd’s wet dream: he’s as cool as John Cusack, as funny as Jack Black, and the thousand of useless things he knows about indie rock bands actually matter. Basically, this is a chick flick for guys—it is to geeky 18–34 males as Pretty Woman was


to Midwestern females who dream of being swept off their feet (and/or saved from a life of prostitution, but that’s not the point I’m trying to make here). In fact, I remember the first time I saw it, there were actually a group of girls standing in the lobby bitching about it the same way guys bitch about being dragged to Julia Roberts flicks. Nerd, take thy revenge. (Plays Fri-Sat midnight at the Del Mar.) (SP)

Movie reviews by Steve Palopoli, Mel Valentin and Richard von Busack

and field hero you never heard of. Close! It’s based on the teen bestseller about a modern-day kid who discovers he’s the descendant of a Greek god and that it’s his destiny to be drawn into a battle between the ancient figures of Greek mythology. Did I say close? I meant way off. (Opens Fri at the Aptos and Green Valley Cinema.) (SP) D/:3<B7<3¸A 2/G

(PG-13; 125 min.) Several couples in Los Angeles >3@1G 8/19A=< /<2 drive each other crazy B63 =:G;>7/<A( B63 in the best and worst ways around Valentine’s :756B<7<5 B6734 Day. Do their stories (PG; 119 min.) If you’re not a kid, and don’t have intertwine? Duh! (Opens Fri at Santa Cruz 9 and kids, you are no doubt Green Valley Cinema.) thinking this is a sports (SP) movie about some track

B63 E67B3 @700=<

(R; 144 min.) See review, page 43. (Opens Fri at the Nickelodeon.) B63 E=:4;/< (R;

102 min.) Aged wolfman comes out of retirement for one last big job. Well, that was my idea for this remake of the classic monster film, but Universal never got back to me. Apparently they went with Benicio Del Toro as a lycanthrope in Victorian England. Whatever. (Opens Fri at Santa Cruz 9 and Green Valley Cinema.)

@3D73EA /D/B/@ (PG-13; 162

min.) In the future, Earthling mercenaries are shipped to the planet

Showtimes are for Wednesday, Feb. 10, through Wednesday, Feb. 17, unless otherwise indicated. Programs and showtimes are subject to change without notice.



Jeff Bridges Maggie Gyllenhaal Robert Duval Colin Farrell

/>B=A 17<3;/A

BVS E]ZT[O\ – (Opens Fri) 1:25; 2:30; 4; 5:05; 6:45; 7:40; 9:30; 10:20; plus Fri-

>S`Qg 8OQYa]\ O\R bVS =Zg[^WO\a( BVS :WUVb\W\U BVWST – (Opens Fri)

BVS 0]]Y ]T 3ZW – Fri-Wed 4:50; 10:05; plus Fri-Mon 11:25. 3RUS ]T 2O`Y\Saa – Wed-Thu 2; 4:45; 7:30; 10:10; Fri-Wed 2:10; 7:30. EVS\ W\ @][S – Wed-Thu 2:10; 4:35; 7:10; 9:35; Fri-Wed 2; 4:10; 6:50; 9:15;

122 Rancho Del Mar Center, Aptos 831.688.6541 www.culvertheatres.com (R)

(1:20), (2:30), (3:40), (4:50), 6:00, 7:10, 8:20, 9:30 plus Sat, Sun, Mon (12:10) 2 ACADEMY AWARD NOMINATIONS

On 2 Screens! Daily:

Golden Globe Winner “One of the best pictures of the year!� –Time Magazine

THE WHITE RIBBON Daily: (1:00),


(3:50), 6:40, 9:30

(4:20), 6:50



1475 41st Ave., Capitola 831.479.3504 www.culvertheatres.com

9:20 plus Sat, Sun, Mon (11:40am)


Sat, Sun, Mon Only (11:10am)

1`SObW]\ – (Opens Fri) 2:15; 4:30; 6:45; 9; plus Sat-Mon 12pm / AW\UZS ;O\ – Daily 2:45; 5; 7:15; 9:20; plus Sat-Mon 12:30. BVS 7[OUW\O`Wc[ ]T 2` >O`\Oaaca – Daily 4:20; 7; 9:30; plus Wed-Thu 1:40. BVS 0ZW\R AWRS – Wed-Thu 2:10; 6:40; Fri-Wed 1:50; plus Sat-Mon 11:20am. G]cbV W\ @Sd]Zb – Wed-Thu 4:40; 9:10. 6WUV 4WRSZWbg – Fri-Sat midnight.

4`][ >O`Wa EWbV :]dS – Call for showtimes. 3RUS ]T 2O`Y\Saa – Call for showtimes. EVS\ W\ @][S – Call for showtimes. BVS 0]]Y ]T 3ZW – Call for showtimes. /dObO` – Call for showtimes. B]]bV 4OW`g – Call for showtimes. BVS 0ZW\R AWRS – Call for showtimes.

Lincoln and Cedar streets, Santa Cruz 831.426.7500 www.thenick.com

( ) = Bargain Shows Before 5:30pm

BVS EVWbS @WPP]\ – (Opens Fri) 1; 3:50; 6:40; 9:30. 1`Ohg 6SO`b – Daily 2:30; 4:50; 7:10; 9:30; plus Sat-Mon 12:10; plus Fri-Wed


“Entertaining, vibrant� –U.C. (PG)

Uma Thurman

Pierce Brosnan

Sean Bean

Rosario Dawson

Daily: (1:30), (4:00), 6:30, 9:00


BVS G]c\U DWQb]`WO – Wed-Thu 4:20; 6:40. Sat-Mon 11:15am. >`SQW]ca – Daily 2; Fri-Wed 9:20; plus Sat-Mon 11:40. 4O\bOabWQ ;` 4]f – Wed-Thu 1:50. Sat-Mon 11:10am. <W\S – Wed-Thu 1:40; 6:50. Fri-Wed 4:20; 6:50. 0`]YS\ 3[P`OQSa – Wed-Thu 4:10; 9:10.

@7D3@4@=<B AB/27C; BE7<

155 S. River St, Santa Cruz 800.326.3264 x1701 www.regmovies.com 2SO` 8]V\ – Daily 4; 7; 9:30; plus Fri-Mon 1. 4`][ >O`Wa EWbV :]dS – Daily 4:15; 7:15; 9:45; plus Fri-Mon 1:15.

Daily: (3:40),


A/<B/ 1@CH 17<3;/ '

1405 Pacific Ave., Santa Cruz 800.326.3264 x1700 www.regmovies.com Daily: (1:20), 8:40

plus Sat, Sun, Mon (11:10am)

Children under 5 admitted only on Mondays & Weekend Matinees


plus Fri-Mon 11:15am. BVS B]]bV 4OW`g – Wed-Thu 1:55; 4:15; 6:50; 9:20. (No 9:20 show Thu) BVS :]dSZg 0]\Sa – Wed-Thu 9:50. AVS`Z]QY 6]Z[Sa – Wed-Thu 1; 3:50; 6:45; 9:40. 7b¸a 1][^ZWQObSR – Wed-Thu 1:15; 4:05; 7. :SUW]\ – Wed-Thu 2:40; 5:10; 7:45; 10:05. (No 7:45 show Thu) 2W`bg 2O\QW\U – Thu 8pm.

A1=BBA D/::3G $ 17<3;/A



Sat, Sun, Mon Only (11:15am)

plus Fri-Mon 11:50. /dObO` – Wed-Thu 1; 4:25; 8. Fri-Wed 1:10; 4:45; 8:10. C^ W\ bVS /W` – Wed-Thu 2:20; 4:50; 7:25; 9:55; Fri-Wed 1:45; 4:15; 7; 9:40;

23: ;/@

1124 Pacific Ave., Santa Cruz 831.426.7500 www.thenick.com

(R) Daily: (2:00),

" AB /D3<C3 17<3;/A

2SO` 8]V\ – Call for showtimes.. 3RUS ]T 2O`Y\Saa – Call for showtimes. 7b¸a 1][^ZWQObSR – Call for showtimes. /ZdW\ O\R bVS 1VW^[c\Ya – Call for showtimes. BVS 7[OUW\O`Wc[ ]T 2]Qb]` >O`\Oaaca – Call for showtimes.


1:30; 4; 6:30; 9; plus Sat-Mon 11am. BVS 0ZW\R AWRS – Daily 3:40; 6:10; plus Wed-Thu 1:10; 8:50. C^ W\ bVS /W` – Wed-Thu 4; 8:40, plus Sat-Mon 11:10am. BVS G]c\U DWQb]`WO – Wed-Thu 1:45; 6:30.

Mon 11am. Also Thu midnight.

DOZS\bW\S¸a 2Og – (Opens Fri) 1; 1:40; 3:40; 4:25; 6:30; 7:15; 9:20; 10; plus Fri-Mon 11am.

226 Mt. Hermon Rd., Scotts Valley 831.438.3261 www.culvertheatres.com

5@33< D/::3G 17<3;/ &

1125 S. Green Valley Rd, Watsonville 831.761.8200 www.greenvalleycinema.com >S`Qg 8OQYa]\ O\R bVS =Zg[^WO\a( BVS :WUVb\W\U BVWST – (Opens Fri)

1:30; 4:30; 7; 9:30; plus Sat-Mon 11am. DOZS\bW\S¸a 2Og (Opens Fri) – 1:35; 4:20; 7; 9:30; plus Sat-Mon 11am. BVS E]ZT[O\ (Opens Fri) – 1:15; 4:45; 7:15; 9:30; plus Sat-Mon 11am. 1`Ohg 6SO`b (Opens Fri) – 1:30; 4:30; 7; 9:25; plus Sat-Mon 11:05am. 2SO` 8]V\ – Daily 1:30; 4:30; 7; 9:20; plus Sat-Mon 11:05am. 4`][ >O`Wa EWbV :]dS – Daily 1:05; 3:15; 5:20; 7:20; 9:30; plus Sat-Mon 11am. B]]bV 4OW`g – Daily 1:15; 3:30; 5:15; 7:10; 9:15; plus Sat-Mon 11:05. /dObO` ! 2 – Wed-Thu 1; 4; 7. Fri-Sun 12:20; 3:25; 6:40; 9:40; Mon-Wed 1;

4:15; 7:30. 3RUS ]T 2O`Y\Saa – Wed-Thu 1:30; 4:30; 7; 9:30. EVS\ W\ @][S – Wed-Thu 1; 3:10; 5:10; 7:15; 9:25. :SUW]\ – Wed-Thu 1:10; 3:15; 5:20; 7:30; 9:35. BVS 0]]Y ]T 3ZW – Wed-Thu 4:45; 7:15; 9:35 /ZdW\ O\R bVS 1VW^[c\Ya A_cSOY_cSZ – Wed-Thu 1; 3.

j "%

A/<B/1@CH 1=; february 10-17, 2010 47:;

Pandora, where 9-foottall, blue-skinned noble savages called Na’vi live in a phosphorescent forest full of saurian beasts. Jake (Sam Worthington) is the paraplegic brother of a dead soldier hooked up to a Na’vi shell; the program is under the direction of a chainsmoking biologist (Sigourney Weaver). The politics play it both ways; letting us swoon over the military hardware and still lament for the plundered forests. If you’re going to see it, see it in 3-D. (RvB) B63 0:7<2 A723 (PG13; 126 min.) The film focuses on Michael Oher (Quinton Aaron), who overcame homelessness as a teenager to received a football scholarship to the University of Mississippi and later played in the NFL. Oher succeeded with the help of a wealthy Christian couple, Ole Miss grads Leigh Anne (Sandra Bullock) and Sean Tuohy (Tim McGraw), who took Oher in and made him a part of their family. (MV) B63 0==9 =4 3:7

(R; 118 min.) Denzel Washington stars as the usual wanderer on the usual postapocalyptic wastes. The Hughes brothers’ Bible-flogging apocalypso could be read as a Western, but it’s a monomaniacal one. Washington underplays the part of a soft-spoken drifter who deals with a vicious yet zany town boss (Gary Oldman). The film is blessed with actors (Tom Waits, Michael Gambon and a probably synthesized but touching Mr. Bigglesworth cat), but the movie has this pious streak that can’t be overcome. Scriptwriter Gary Whitta, as in the IMDb sentence, “Gary Whitta was editor of PC Gamer for several years,� seems to have retrofitted this film from a video game. (RvB) 0@=93< 3;0@/13A

(R; 135 min.) A sleek, twisty mystery, illuminated by the stunning PenÊlope Cruz, the new Pedro Almodóvar is also a sprawler. The James M. Cain–style plot involves a blind film director from

Madrid (LuĂ­s Homar). After losing his sight, the filmmaker took the ballsy new name “Harry Caineâ€? and became a writer. News of the death of a corrupt tycoon sends Caine back to confront unfinished business—to retrieve the moment 16 years previously where he lost both love and sight. The dead tycoon in question, a cuckolded millionaire named Ernesto Martel (JosĂŠ Luis GĂłmez), unwillingly shared the love of Caine’s life. Lena, known as Magdalena, was an actress, secretary and part-time prostitute who took as her working-girl name Severine. She, of course, is played by Cruz. No one but AlmodĂłvar knows how to make Cruz really fascinating. (RvB) 1@/HG 63/@B (R;

119 min.) Crazy Heart gives Jeff Bridges a belly-baring role, with his slit-eyed country singer Bad Blake as a kind of Bad Lebowski, a morose sweet-talking satyr drinking his way to the grave. On tour in his ancient 1978 Chevy Suburban, he meets a former Oklahoma newspaper reporter, Jean (Maggie Gyllenhaal). What truly concerns Jean is the influence this charismatic wreck of a man will be on her young son. Robert Duvall, who co-produced, plays a clean and sober bar owner in Houston who is also Bad’s mentor. Ultimately, it may be that Bridges is more fun to watch as a drunkard— his Bad has a hostile, coolly funny mean streak that goes away when he gets dry and sensitive. (RvB) 23/@ 8=6< (PG-13; 108 min.) Romantic story from Lasse Hallstrom about a soldier who falls in love with a student while on leave, not long before 9/11, and the dramatic twists and turns their relationship takes over the course of several years. Finally answers the question: Does love suck? The answer may surprise you! (SP) 3253 =4 2/@9<3AA

(R; 117 min.) Scriptwriters William Monahan and Andrew Bevel have shaped this

remake of a 1985 British TV series for Mel Gibson. There’s an inside joke about the actor/director’s knowledge of Latin, for example, and Gibson’s character, Boston police detective Thomas Craven, sums up his moral stance: “Either you’re hanging from the cross, or you’re banging in the nails.� Craven is a bereaved dad, as well as judge, jury, executioner and bailiff, so he likes to do a bit of both hanging and hammering. The cop’s daughter, Emma (Bojana Novakovic), gets shot by parties unknown; Craven goes on search for the killers. The trail leads to Emma’s workplace, a sinister governmentrun nuclear facility. Craven is hindered by the plant’s operator (Danny Huston) and helped by knowing government functionary Ray Winstone, by miles the best thing in this movie. Until the final shootouts, which are brisk as firecrackers, Edge of Darkness plods through its one-clue-perscene story. (RvB)

Heath Ledger). Certainly, Gilliam’s love for antique theater is true—although the greasepaint and cardboard make one wonder why he didn’t stage this story instead of filming it. (RvB) B63 :=D3:G 0=<3A

(PG–13; 135 min.) Spielberg-produced supernatural thriller is an adaptation of Alice Sebold’s harrowing novel about a young murder victim who lingers between this world and the next. A miscast Stanley Tucci appears along with Rachel Weisz, Mark Wahlberg, Susan Sarandon and Saoirse Ronan. <7<3 (PG-13; 117 min.)

Federico Fellini’s 8 1/2 (1963) is boiled down to a musical series of celebs in pushup bras. An Italian film director, Guido (Daniel DayLewis), has announced an ambitious new film project. But Guido has no idea what the film is going to be, and the time to start shooting is coming up. Director Rob Marshall (Chicago) has calmed the camerawork down—he’s previously B63 7;/57</@7C; =4 been an addict of fast 2=1B=@ >/@</AACA cutting to make a group (R; 117 min.) For Terry of mostly nonsingers Gilliam, Don Quixote is and nondancers to still the ur-text. Despite look like lightfooted the various stops showstoppers. But only and starts he has had Marion Cotillard, as adapting the Cervantes Guido’s much-spurned classic, Gilliam repeatedly wife, delivers a number makes films about that leaves an aftereffect. fantasy as an escape (RvB) from a cruel world. The >@317=CA 0/A32 Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus, a very personal =< B63 <=D3: >CA6 0G A/>>67@3 (R; 110 and not-so-coherent min.) Much lauded, but fantasy, has Christopher it’s a bulldozer. It’s 1987, Plummer in the Man during some of Harlem’s of la Mancha role this most suffering years. A time, with Verne Troyer girl of immense girth, as Percy, a dwarf Sancho 16-year-old Claireece Panza. Plummer plays (Gabourey “Gabby� Doctor Parnassus, an immortal sage reduced to Sidibe) makes her way busking in a horse-drawn through life. She has Gypsy wagon. He and his intelligence, but she can’t focus, and we learn crew set up their stand why in flashback; she in the streets of modernwas serially raped by her day London at its vilest, mother’s boyfriend. Her trying to lure patrons scathing, angry mother, in to a world beyond Mary (Mo’Nique), the doctor’s mirror. On blames Precious for board is his daughter, this and her resulting who doesn’t know that pregnancy), urging her she has been promised to stop this foolishness to the devil on her 16th about school and go on birthday; Mr. Nick (Tom Waits) is sniffing around welfare. Mo’Nique is great, but Precious has already. During their travels, the group rescues a judgmental streak a hanged man named that won’t quit. And Tony (an irresolute that’s been essential to

A;==B6 =>3@/B=@!!Cfojdjp!efm!Upsp!jt!jo!b!ibjsz!tjuvbujpo!jo!Ă•Uif!Xpmgnbo-Ă–!pqfojoh!Gsjebz/

a success worthy of its sensationalism. (RvB) / A7<5:3 ;/< (R; 109 min.) Based on Christopher Isherwood’s early-1960s novel, canonical in gay literature but slightly dusty today. A British professor (Colin Firth) teaching in L.A. loses his longtime companion in a car accident and has decided he can no longer stand the pain. He finds some consolation with a hard-drinking old friend (and ex-lover) called Charley (Julianne Moore); on his route, he encounters young men who are both interesting and interested. Noteworthy as a great comeback performance by Firth, who has had much substandard work to deal with lately. Firth plays George with sensitivity and grace, and a sense of the era that most of the performers here lack. Director Tom Ford shows his roots as a fashion designer, focusing on surfaces. The clothes don’t make the men. (RvB)

who shows signs of morphing into Cameron Crowe. Bingham is a hired terminator—a man brought in to fire people; he tolerates this job with benefits of an executive life with plenty of travel. Enter a young, seemingly equally callous rival (Anna Kendrick). Having this inexperienced girl along interrupts Ryan’s regularly scheduled no-strings flings with a fellow constant business traveler, Alex (Vera Farmiga). The acrid first half is the best part—Clooney makes us admire Ryan’s gamesmanship. The film wants us to equate two different kinds of toxicities—to draw a line between the corporate bloodletting that juices up stock portfolios and the wrongness of the present-tense sex life that Ryan and Alex enjoy. Too bad that Farmiga and Clooney are such a scintillating pair that you don’t want to see them pay the piper. (RvB)

lovely and suitably aristocratic Emily Blunt is the best part of this story. Treated with brutal overcaution and surveillance by her mother, the Duchess of Kent (Miranda Richardson), and her friend (perhaps with benefits) Lord Conroy, the girl is kept locked up and escorted down all stairs as if she were a brittle-boned child. When she grows older, her cousin Albert (Rupert Friend) comes to court, and this starts a romance, tainted with scheming by the power in Albert’s family, the perfidious Belgian king Leopold (Thomas Kretschmann). Director Jean-Marc ValÊe slows things down and smooths over the complexities of history; matters get simplified to the point where it seems like nothing is going on in the world outside the problem of Victoria trying to get some time alone with Albert. (RvB)

B63 G=C<5 D71B=@7/ (PG; 104

G=CB6 7< @3D=:B

C> 7< B63 /7@ (R; 109

min.) Unforgivably static, despite the fascinating subject: the early and often unpopular years of the longest-reigning and most iron-bottomed British royal who ever lived. As Victoria, the

min.) As the predatory Ryan Bingham, George Clooney delivers a startlingly good performance. Sadly, the film is compromised by director Jason Reitman,

(PG; 112 min.) Michael Cera plays Nick Twisp in Miguel Arteta’s alternadate movie. Young Nick is a virgin in the leafier part of Oakland, and he can’t stand it. His mom’s boyfriend of the day, Jerry (Zach

Galifianakis), has to leave town suddenly. Jerry, Nick and the mom in question (Jean Smart) go vacationing at “Restless Axles,â€? a sad trailer park by a lake. There, Nick meets a girl who is too good to be real: Sheeni Saunders (Portia Doubleday), kept under lock and key by her parents. Nick is determined to get next to her at all costs—even if it means creating the identity of “François Dillinger,â€? a kind of Big Lots version of the breezy heel Belmondo played in Breathless. Small-scale mayhem follows in Francois’ wake. Based on a self-published novel by C.D. Payne, Youth in Revolt invokes numerous local sites, from Ukiah to Santa Cruz (though for budget reasons, the movie was shot in Louisiana and Michigan). The writing is so crisp that one ignores the incidents of dead air and the jokes that fail to build. Despite a nod to computers at the beginning, this is a film that carries out its scheme of rebel cool against a background of vinyl LPs, French New Wave references, pay telephones and a thinly veiled version of the book The Joy of Sex. (RvB)

48 |

february 10-17, 2010 SANTACRUZ.COM


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A/<B/1@CH 1=; A /<B/1@CH 1=; ffebruary e b r u a r y 10-17, 1 0 - 1 7, 2010 2 0 1 0 3>71C@3 3>71C@3

LLaa N Nuova uova PPosta osta

1C@B7A 1/@B73@ 1 C@B7A 1/@B73@

Chef K Katherine a atherine Stern Stern lights l g up p the culinary landscape landscape a with authentic authentiic Italian accents ac cents 0G 16@7AB7</ E/B3@A 0G 1 6 @ 7 A B 7 < / E/B 3 @ A


T WAS WAS A D DARK ARK and and sstormy tormy n ight w hen we we cozied cozied iin n to to night when L osta tto o ssample ample a m enu n ewly Laa P Posta menu newly iinvigorated nvigorated b chef Ka atherine byy chef Katherine Stern. Bringing Bringing an an impressive impressive rĂŠsumĂŠ rĂŠsumĂŠ Stern. to the the Italian Italian cuisine cuisine at at the the restaurant, restaurant, to Stern’s touch touch was was immediately immediately evident. evident. Stern’s Although her her designer designer portfolio portfolio includes includes Although San Francisco, Frrancisco, Ireland Irreland and and Italy, Italy, including including a San two o-star Michelin Michelin kitchen kitchen in in Montemerano, Montemerano, two-star Italy, her her approach approach is is also also seasoned seasoned by by Italy, two years years at at a small small hotel hotel dining dining room room in in two Scotland. The The expertise expertise and and fiscal fiscal savvy savvy to to Scotland. create the the locally locally sourced, sourced, sensibly sensibly priced priced create menus that that would would be be required required of of a hotel hotel menus chef is is exactly exactly what’s what’s needed needed here here and and chef now. Without Without sacrificing sacrificing either either flavor f lavor now. or visual visual excitement, excitement, Stern Stern has has shaped shaped a or menu that that showcases showcases design, design, execution execution menu and outstanding outstanding value. value. From From a “recession“recessionand bustingâ€? $7/quarter $7/quarter liter liter Montepulciano Montepulciano bustingâ€? d’Abruzzo to to a racy racy Meyer Meyer lemon lemon crostata, crostata, d’Abruzzo our meal meal at at La La Posta Posta was was flat-out f lat--out flawless. f lawless. our We were were dining dining in in Italy Italy and and the the authenticity authenticity We was so so obvious obvious that that we we began began mapping mapping was out another another trip trip to to Rome Rome over over starters starters of of out prosciutto and and puntarelle. puntarelle. prosciutto plate of of blatantly blatantly addictive addictive walnut walnut A plate bread was was brought brought along along with with a fat fat square square bread of butter butter and and the the house-made house-made sparkling sparkling of water. Struggling Struggling to to keep keep from from devouring devouring water. every trace trace of of the the chewy chewy bread, bread, we we changed changed every the subject. subject. The The sleek, sleek, dark dark interior interior of of La La the Posta recalls recalls the the Giubbe Giubbe Rosse Rosse on on Piazza Piazza Posta della Repubblica, Repubblica, we we both both agreed, agreed, thinking thinking della

<3E 5/;3 7< B=E< La < 3E 5/;3 7< B=E< La Po Posta sta cchef hef K Katherine atherine SStern tern iiss w winning inning a fo ffollowing llowing with mixed w ith dishes dishes llike ike hhanger anger ssteak teak ttagliata agliata aand nd m ixed cchicory hicor y ssalad. alad.

of M of Mussolini’s ussolini’s ffavorite avorite ccafe afe iin nF Florence, lorence, w hose ggleaming leaming w oodwork aand nd sspare pare whose woodwork aarchitecture rchitecture is is invoked invoked b osta. Our Our byy L Laa P Posta. w aiter—informative, skillful skillful aand nd sswift—also wift—also waiter—informative, eenhanced nhanced tthe he eevening’s vening’s enjoyment. enjoyment. A nd h And hee ssuccessfully uccessfully ttempted empted m ith tthe he evening’s evening’s mee w with sspecial pecial ssalad alad o farmers m arket puntarelle puntarelle off farmers market (($8). $8). P untarelle is is a ccrisp, risp, ccelerylike elerylike variant variant Puntarelle o he cchicory hicory family family aand nd a big big sspecialty pecialty in in off tthe R oman d ining. T he pale pale ggreen reen salad salad came came Roman dining. The ttopped opped w ith a w ell-poached egg. egg. Th he egg egg with well-poached The ccame ame ffrom rom L osta’s o wn chickens, chickens, we we Laa P Posta’s own w ere ttold, old, aand nd aadded dded tthat hat llittle ittle something something were eextra xtra tthat hat w as eespecially specially w elcome on on a cold cold was welcome n ight. T he eegg’s gg’s rrich ich yyolk olk also also d eepened night. The deepened tthe he b right ttone one o nchovy inflecting inf lecting tthe he bright off aanchovy ccurled urled sstrands trands o puntarelle. IItt was was utterly utterly off puntarelle. ccompelling ompelling yyet et ssimple. imple. I have have had had this this exact exact ssalad alad iin nR ome, aand nd La La Posta’s Posta’s version version was was a Rome, vvibrant ibrant eecho cho o that m emorable dish. dish. off that memorable Our other other antipasto antipasto was was a beautiful beautiful Our p late o rosciutto di di S an Daniella Daniella w ith plate off p prosciutto San with F uyu p ersimmons (($9)—a $9)—a gorgeous gorgeous Fuyu persimmons jjuxtaposition uxtaposition of of salty, salty, llean ean cured cured h am and and ham tthe he ssweet-tart weet-tart w inter ffruit. ruit. Th he ttwo wo starters starters winter The w ere ggorgeous orgeous ttogether, ogether, the the vvermillion ermillion were

tones p tones playing laying off off the the greens, greens, aand nd tthe he fflavors lavors ccomplemented omplemented eeach ach other other b eautifully. beautifully. M eanwhile, in in one one gglass lass the the excellent excellent N ero Meanwhile, Nero d ’Avola Planeta Planeta 2007 2007 ($8.50) ($8.50) expanded expanded iinto nto d’Avola ab owl o pice, velvet velvet and and earth, earth, w hile I bowl off sspice, while eenjoyed njoyed m ontepulciano, llayered ayered w ith myy M Montepulciano, with aappealingly ppealingly rounded rounded ttannins, annins, aand nd eeven ven m anaged tto o save save a ffew ew sips sips for for tthe he n ext managed next ccourse. ourse. Our three three main main dishes—two dishes—two entrees entrees and and Our a ccontorno ontorno of of fried fried chickpea chickpea p olenta with with polenta ggarlic arlic and and chili-braised chili-braised rrapini—arrived apini—arrived aall ll at at tthe he same same ttime ime and and freshly freshly p repared. O ozing prepared. Oozing jjuices, uices, my my rare rare d uck breast breast h ad b een duck had been aastutely stutely jjoined oined by by a rrustic ustic b raise of of lentils lentils braise iin n red red w ine aand nd ffresh resh Bloomsdale Bloomsdale sspinach pinach wine gglistening listening w ith garlic garlic ($24). ($24). N othing tricky tricky with Nothing o xperimental, these these fflavors lavors were were o ld orr eexperimental, old ccontinental ontinental ffriends riends aand nd d eeply satisfying. satisfying. deeply Our other other entree entree was was easily easily the the best best Our ssingle ingle p late iin n ttown: own: hanger hanger ssteak teak ssliced liced plate iinto nto ccrimson rimson sstrips trips w ith roast roast cannellini cannellini with b eans crisp crisp w ith a b readcrumb ttopping opping beans with breadcrumb aand nd moist moist with with ttomato omato ssauce. auce. Small Small w hite white tturnips urnips b earing ttheir heir d ark green green sstems tems bearing dark ttopped opped tthe he b eef ($23). ($23). Again, Again, the the season season beef

was w as brilliantly brilliantly ccaptured aptured iin n ssmart mart flavor f lavor ggroupings. roupings. A sshared hared gglass lass of of La La Spinetta Spinetta dii P Pian� Barbera 2006 ““Ca Ca d ian� B arbera d’Asti d’Asti 2 006 ($9.75) ($9.75) was w as complex complex enough enough and and bold bold enough enough tto o partner both delicious beef p artner b oth tthe he d elicious b eef aand nd tthe he duck. eearthy arthy d uck. A Meyer Meyer lemon lemon crostata crostata ($8) ($8) defied defied off aadornment dornment ssave ave transparent transparent sslices lices o preserved oval off vvanilla p reserved llemon emon aand nd aan no val o anilla mascarpone. Tart dish m ascarpone. T art aand nd ccreamy, reamy, the the d ish did what needed d id eexactly xactly w hat iitt n eeded tto: o: provided provided perfect dining tthe he p erfect ffinish inish tto o a rremarkable emarkable d ining Welcome Katherine eexperience. xperience. W elcome tto o chef chef K atherine Stern, whose menu S tern, w hose m enu I iintend ntend tto o eexplore xplore aagain gain aand nd aagain. gain.

:/ >=AB/ : / >=AB/

5538 38 SSeabright eabright A Ave., ve., SSanta anta Cruz Cruz 831.457.2782 8 31.457.2782 Dinner D inner Tue–Thu Tue–Thu 5pm–9pm; 5pm–9pm; Fri–Sat Fri–Sat 55–9:30pm; –9:30pm; SSun un prix prix fixe f ixe 5–8pm. 5–8pm. Closed C losed Mon. Mon. hhttp://lapostarestaurant.com ttp:// lapostarestaurant.com

# j 27<3@¸A 5C723 february 10-17, 2010 A/<B/1@CH 1=;

Diner’s Guide

Our selective list of area restaurants includes those that have been favorably reviewed in print by Santa Cruz Weekly food critics and others that have been sampled but not reviewed in print. All visits by our writers are made anonymously, and all expenses are paid by Metro Santa Cruz. AG;0=:A ;/23 A7;>:3( + C\RS` + # + $ + O\R c^

Price Ranges based on average cost of dinner entree and salad, excluding alcoholic beverages

/>B=A $$ Aptos

/;0@=A7/ 7<27/ 07AB@=

$$ Aptos

0@7B/<<7/ /@;A

$$$ Aptos $$$ Aptos

$$ Aptos

207 Searidge Rd, 831.685.0610

8017 Soquel Dr, 831.688.1233 :/ 03::/ D7B/ 07AB@=

257 Center Ave, 831.685.8111 A3D3@7<=¸A 5@7::

7500 Old Dominion Ct, 831.688.8987

Indian. Authentic Indian dishes and specialties served in a comfortable dining room. Lunch buffet daily 11:30am-2:30pm; dinner daily 5pm to close. www.ambrosiaib.com American and specialty dishes from the British and Emerald Isles. Full bar. Children welcome. Happy hour Mon-Fri 2-6pm. Open daily 11am to 2am. Italian. Ambience reminiscent of a small trattoria in the streets of Italy, serving handmade lasagna, pasta dishes, gnocchi and fresh fish. Wed-Sun, Lunch 11am-2pm, Dinner 5-9pm. Continental California cuisine. Breakfast all week 6:30-11am, lunch all week 11am-2pm; dinner Fri-Sat 5-10pm, Sun-Thu 5-9pm. www.seacliffinn.com.

H/;33< ;327B3@@/<3/< Middle Eastern/Mediterranean. Fresh, fast, flavorful. Gourmet

7528 Soquel Dr, 831.688.4465

meat and vegetarian kebabs, gyros, falafel, healthy salads and Mediterranean flatbread pizzas. Beer and wine. Dine in or take out. Tue-Sun 11am-8pm.

1/>7B=:/ $ Capitola


1/43 D7=:3BB3

104 Stockton Ave, 831.479.8888

All day breakfast. Burgers, gyros, sandwiches and 45 flavors of Marianne’s and Polar Bear ice cream. Open 8am daily.

>/@/27A3 ACA67 Japanese. This pretty and welcoming sushi bar serves 200 Monterey Ave, 831.464.3328 superfresh fish in unusual but well-executed sushi combinations. Wed-Mon 11:30am-9pm.

California Continental. Swordfish and other seafood specials. Dinner Mon-Thu 5:30-9:30pm; Fri 5-10pm; Sat 4-10:30pm; Sun 4-9pm.



1750 Wharf Rd, 831.475.1511

AB=19B=< 0@7253 5@7::3 Mediterranean tapas. Innovative menu, full-service bar,


231 Esplanade, 831.464.1933

international wine list and outdoor dining with terrific views in the heart of Capitola Village. Open daily.

$$$ Capitola


203 Esplanade, 831.475.4900

California cuisine. Nightly specials include prime rib and lobster. Daily 7am-2am.

A/<B/ 1@CH $$ Santa Cruz


$ Santa Cruz

16/@:73 6=<5 9=<5

$$ Santa Cruz

1116 Pacific Ave, 831. 426.7588

1141 Soquel Ave, 831. 426.5664


110 Church St, 831.429.2000

$$ Santa Cruz

B63 1@3>3 >:/13

1@=E¸A <3AB

Santa Cruz

2218 East Cliff Dr, 831.476.4560

$ Santa Cruz

460 Seventh Ave, 831.477.2908

1134 Soquel Ave, 831.429.6994

4/<2/<5= ;3F71/<

$$ Santa Cruz


$$ Santa Cruz


303 Soquel Ave, 831.426.7770

1102 Pacific Ave, 837.420.0135

Mexican/Seafood/American. Traditional Mexican favorites. Best fajitas, chicken mole, coconut prawns, blackened prime rib! Fresh seafood. Over 50 premium tequilas, daily happy hour w/ half-price appetizers. Sun-Thu 11am-10pm, Fri-Sat 11am-11pm. California organic meets Southeast Asian street food. Organic noodle & rice bowls, vegan menu, fish & meat options, Vietnamese style sandwiches, eat-in or to-go. Consistent winner “Best Cheap Eats.� Open daily 11am-11pm American, California-style. With a great bar scene, casually glamorous setting and attentive waitstaff. Full bar. Mon-Sat 11:30am-10pm, Sun 1-10pm. Crepes and more. Featuring the spinach crepe and Tunisian donut. Full bar. Mon-Thu 11am-midnight, Fri 11am-1am, Sat 10am-1am, Sun 10am-midnight. Seafood. Fresh seafood, shellfish, Midwestern aged beef, pasta specialties, abundant salad bar. Kids menu and nightly entertainment. Harbor and Bay views. Lunch and dinner daily. Mexican. Serving breakfast all day. Popular for our street tacos and handmade Salvadorian pupusas. Vegetarian options made w/ local fresh vegetables & organic tofu. Daily 9: 30am-9:30pm. Americana. Ribs, steaks and burgers are definitely the stars. Full bar. Lunch Mon-Sat 11:30am-2:30pm; dinner Sun-Thu 5:30-9:30pm, Fri-Sat 5:30-10pm. California/full-service bakery. Breakfast, lunch, dinner. “Best Eggs Benedict in Town.� Happy Hour Mon-Fri 5-6pm. Halfprice appetizers; wines by the glass. Daily 8am-9pm.

j #

A/<B/1@CH 1=; february 10-17, 2010 27<3@¸A 5C723

6C:/¸A 7A:/<2 5@7::

Santa Cruz

221 Cathcart St, 831.426.4852

$$ Santa Cruz

7 :=D3 ACA67

$$ Santa Cruz

516 Front St, 831.421.0706 8=6<<G¸A 6/@0=@A723

493 Lake Ave, 831.479.3430

$$$ :/ >=AB/ Santa Cruz 538 Seabright Ave, 831.457.2782 $$ Santa Cruz


$$ Santa Cruz

>/17471 B6/7

Japanese Fusion. Sushi bar, sake bar, vegetarian, seafood, steak in fun atmosphere; kids play area; karaoke every night. Open seven days 5-10pm; Mon-Fri 11:30am-2:30pm. Seafood/California. Fresh catch made your way! Plus many other wonderful menu items. Great view. Full bar. Happy hour Mon-Fri. Brunch Sat-Sun 10am-2pm. Open daily. Italian. La Posta serves Italian food made in the old style— simple and delicious. Wed-Thu 5-9pm, Fri-Sat 5-9:30pm and Sun 5-8pm.

Fine Mexican cuisine. Opening daily at noon. 49-B Municipal Wharf, 831.458.9393 1319 Pacific Ave, 831.420.1700

@7AB=@/<B3 7B/:7/<=

Santa Cruz

555 Soquel Ave, 831.458.2321

$$ Santa Cruz

@=A73 ;11/<<¸A

1220 Pacific Ave, 831.426.9930

$$ Santa Cruz

105 Walnut Ave, 831.423.2020

$$ Santa Cruz

2415 Mission St, 831.423.9010

$$ Santa Cruz

’60s Vegas meets ’50s Waikiki. Amazing dining experience in kitchy yet swanky tropical setting. Fresh fish, great steaks, vegetarian. Full-service tiki bar. Happy-hour tiki drinks. Aloha Fri, Sat lunch 11:30am-5pm. Dinner nightly 5pm-close.


C>>3@ 1@CAB >7HH/

E==2AB=19¸A >7HH/

710 Front St, 831.427.4444

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By Rob Brezsny

For the week of February 10 /@73A (March 21–April 19): “Hate leaves ugly scars,� wrote author Mignon McLaughlin, but “love leaves beautiful ones.� If I’m reading the astrological omens correctly, Aries, you’re scheduled to receive at least one of the beautiful kind of scars in the coming months—maybe even two or three. In fact, I think they’ll be such lovely booboos that they will markedly add to your overall attractiveness. Rarely if ever have you been privileged to hurt as good as you will in 2010—thanks to the benevolent jolts of love. Happy Valentine Daze! B/C@CA (April 20–May 20): In my view, 2010 is the year you should expand your world. That could mean enlarging your circle of allies or building a bigger web of connections. It might mean broadening your appeal or widening your frame of reference or opening your mind to possibilities you’ve been closed to. It may even involve extending your territory or increasing the range of your travels. However you choose to expand, Taurus, I urge you to put love at the heart of your efforts. Love should be the fuel that motivates you and the reference point that ensures you’re always making smart moves. For inspiration, memorize this line by poet Elizabeth Barrett Browning: “I love thee to the depth and breadth and height my soul can reach.� In your case, Taurus, “thee� should mean the whole world. 53;7<7 (May 21–June 20): Of all the signs of the zodiac, you Geminis are most likely to thrive if you experiment with new approaches to kissing in the coming weeks. To whip up your fervor, read incendiary texts like William Cane’s The Art of Kissing. Conspire with an imaginative partner to conjure up a new kissing game or even a sacred kissing ritual. And come up with your own interpretations of the following kiss techniques: the throbbing kiss, the sip kiss, the butterf ly kiss, the tiger kiss, the whispering kiss. Happy Valentine Daze!

1/<13@ (June 21–July 22): Happy Valentine Daze, Cancerian! After meditating about what advice would be most valuable for your love life in the coming months, I decided on this challenge from poet William Butler Yeats: “True love is a discipline in which each divines the secret self of the other and refuses to believe in the mere daily self.� In other words, create in your imagination a detailed picture of your loved ones at their best. Each day, make it a point to feel joy and gratitude for their most excellent beauty and power—as well as the beauty and power that are still ripening and will one day appear in full bloom. :3= (July 23–Aug. 22): A friend of mine has woven her life together with a Leo who doesn’t fully appreciate the ways she expresses her adoration. She asked me to use my bully pulpit as a horoscope writer to convey a message to her lover, and I agreed, because I think it’s excellent advice for all of the Leo tribe this Valentine season. Here’s what she said: “Just because somebody doesn’t always love you the way you wish they would, doesn’t mean they don’t love you the best they can and with all they have.� Are you willing to consider the possibility that maybe you should take that plea to heart, Leo? I hope so, because then you’ll be able to get some of the good loving you’ve closed yourself off from. D7@5= (Aug. 23–Sept. 22): Happy Valentine Daze, Virgo! I meditated on what message might best energize your love life, and what I came up with is a declaration by author Mignon McLaughlin: “Love unlocks doors and opens windows that weren’t even there before.� In other words, the love you should be most interested in during the coming months is the kind that opens your eyes to sights that were previously invisible and that creates new possibilities you’ve barely imagined.

A1=@>7= (Oct. 23–Nov. 21): Happy Valentine Daze, Scorpio! After meditating on what advice would best serve your love life, I decided to offer you the words of psychologist Carl Jung: “The creation of something new is not accomplished by the intellect but by the play instinct acting from inner necessity. The creative mind plays with the objects it loves.� As I see it, my dear, acting on Jung’s wisdom will help you carry out your primary task in the coming months, which is to bring novel experiences and fresh perspectives to your most engaging relationship. The best way to accomplish that is not with nonstop serious talk and intense analysis, but with a generous dose of playful improvisation and experimental fun.

A/57BB/@7CA (Nov. 22–Dec. 21): To prepare your Valentine horoscope, I did a lengthy meditation on your love life. I wish I could offer you a 20page treatise on my conclusions, but there’s not enough room. So instead I’ll give you the single most important piece of advice I came up with: The coming week will be an excellent time for you to survey the history of your love life, starting with the first moment you ever fell in love. I mean you should actually stream the memories across your mind’s eye as if you were watching a movie. Feel all the feelings roused by each scene, but also try to maintain some objectivity about it all. Watch for recurring themes. Be especially alert for unexpected insights that emerge about the past. And through it all, be wildly compassionate toward yourself and your co-stars. 1/>@71=@< (Dec. 22–Jan. 19): “If I love you, what business is it of yours?� wrote Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. Now I’m offering his words for you to use as your mantra in the coming months. Your main job, as I see it, is simply to be a lover of pretty much everything—to generate, cultivate, and express love in abundance—and not to worry about whether your love is reciprocated or how it’s regarded. It’s a tall order, I know—one of the most difficult assignments I’ve ever suggested. And yet I think you have the soul power and the crafty intelligence necessary to accomplish it. Happy Valentine Daze, Capricorn!

/?C/@7CA (Jan. 20–Feb. 18): Happy Valentine Daze, Aquarius! In my search for the counsel that would be of greatest help to your love life in the coming months, I decided on this observation by psychologist Albert Ellis: “The art of love is largely the art of persistence.� I hope you take that in the spirit in which I’m offering it. It’s not meant to suggest that you will be deprived of love’s burning, churning pleasures; I just want to make sure you know that your best bet for experiencing burning, churning pleasures is to be dogged and devoted and disciplined in your cultivation of burning, churning pleasures. >7A13A (Feb. 19–March 20): In 2010, you will have more cosmic assistance than you’ve had in a long time whenever you seek to increase your experience of pleasure. Do you want to get more sensual joy out of eating and drinking and dancing and listening to music? This is your year. Do you want to heighten your perceptiveness and find more beauty in the world and cultivate new ways to stimulate positive feelings and liberating emotions? This is your year. Do you want to intensify your orgasms and have more of them and learn how to use them to enhance your spiritual power? This is your year. And the coming weeks will be one of the best times in 2010 to move from charging up your pleasure to supercharging it. Happy Valentine Daze, Pisces! 6][Se]`Y( EO\b a][S W\a^W`ObW]\ Oa g]c Q][^]aS g]c` `][O\bWQ W\dWbObW]\a- 5] VS`S( Vbb^( PWb Zg :]dS/R

:70@/ (Sept. 23–Oct. 22): Happy Valentine Daze, Libra! My astrological hunch is that you’d benefit from the specific teaching that would come from exploring a three-way relationship. But wait. Don’t jump to conclusions. Here’s the form I think it should take: Fantasize that the merger of you and your lover or ally has created a third thing that hovers near you, protecting and guiding the two of you. Call this third thing an angel. Or call it the soul of your connection or the inspirational force of your relationship. Or call it the special work the two of you can accomplish together. And let this magical presence be the third point of your love triangle.

Go to @3/:/AB@=:=5G 1=; to check out Rob Brezsny’s Expanded Weekly Audio Horoscopes and Daily Text Message Horoscopes. The audio horoscopes are also available by phone &%% &%! "&&& or 1.900.950.7700

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