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February 17-24, 2010

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Vol. 1, No. 42




Curtis Cartier captures the epic rides and brutal wipeouts of Mavericks p13

Big Brains Ponder the Future p9 | ‘Fish Tank’ a Less Creepy ‘Lolita’ p37 | Cava Chic


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february 17-24, 2010 SANTACRUZ.COM

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A/<B/1@CH 1=; february 17-24, 2010 1=<B3<BA

Contents. P OSTS












p30 p32








ON THE COVER Photograph by Curtis Cartier

115 Cooper St, Santa Cruz, CA 95060 831.457.9000 (phone) 831.457.5828 (fax) 831.457.8500 (classified) SCW@santacruz.com Santa Cruz Weekly, incorporating Metro Santa Cruz, is available free of charge, limited to one copy per reader. Additional copies of the current issue of Santa Cruz Weekly may be purchased for $1, payable at the Santa Cruz Weekly office in advance. Santa Cruz Weekly may be distributed only by Santa Cruz Weekly’s authorized distributors. No person may, without permission of Metro Publishing, Inc., take more than one copy of each Santa Cruz Weekly issue. Subscriptions: $40/six months, $76/one year. Entire contents Š 2009 Metro Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in any form prohibited without publisher’s written permission. Unsolicited material should be accompanied by a stamped, self-addressed envelope; Santa Cruz Weekly is not responsible for the return of such submissions.

>=ABA ffebruary e b r u a r y 17-24, 1 7 - 2 4 , 2010 2 0 1 0 A/<B/1@CH 1=; A/<B/1@CH 1=; " j >=ABA

Posts. P osts. Messages M essages &

327B=@7/: 327B = =@7/: EDITOR E D I TO R B@/17 6C97:: B@/ 17 6C97:: 6

(traci@santacruzweekly.com) (t raci@santtacruzw a eeekly.com) STAFF WRITERS S TAFF W RITERS @716/@2 D=< 0CA/19 @716/@2 D=< 0C CA/19 (richard@santacruzweekly.com) (richarrd@santtaacruzweeekly.com m)) 1C@B7A 1/@B73@ 1C@B7A 1/@ / B73@ (curtis@santacruzweekly.com) (curtis@santtacruzw a eeekly.com) 83AA71/ :CAA3<6=> 83AA71/ :CAA3 3<6=> (jessica@santacruzweekly.com) (jessica@santtacruzw a eeekly.com) CONTRIBUTING CONTRIBUTING EDITOR E D I TO R 16@7AB7</ E/B3@A 16@7AB7</ E/B3@A CALENDAR EDITOR CA L E N D A R E D I TO R >/C: E/5<3@ >/C: E/5<3@ (calendar@santacruzweekly.com) (calendar@santtacruzw a eeekly.com) POETRY POETRY EDITOR E D I TO R @=03@B AE/@2 @=03@B AE/@2 EDITORIAL EDITORIAL INTERN INTERN ;/@7/ 5@CA/CA9/A ;/@7/ 5@CA/CA9 C /A 1/B 8=6<A=< 1/B 8=6<A=< CONTRIBUTORS CO N T R I B U TO R S @=0 0@3HA<G @=0 0@3HA<G ;/C@33< 2/D72A=< ;/C@33< 2/D72A=< >/C: ; 2/D7A ;716/3: A 5/<B >/C: ; 2/D7A ;716/3: A 5/<B /<2@3E 57:03@B 83<< 7@3:/<2 /<2@3E 57:03@B 83<< 7@3:/<2

>7?C3 =D3@ / >7?C3 =D3@ / > /@97<5 :=B >/@97<5 :=B LAST W LAST WEEK’S EEK’S Bullhorn Bullhorn column column ((“Walk “Walk Talk on opinion tthe he T alk o n Tolerance�) Tolerance�) featured featured aan no pinion questioning q uestioning tthe he location location of of the the Museum Museum of of Tolerance officials, T olerance in in Jerusalem Jerusalem aand nd one one of of iits ts o ff icials, Rabbi Cooper, who Aptos. R abbi C ooper, w ho ggave ave a sspeech peech iin nA ptos. was off Iw as aatt tthe he llecture ecture aand nd I did did not not hear hear aany ny o opinion writers tthe he o pinion w riters aask sk tthe he rabbi rabbi about about tthe he cconstruction onstruction site. site. The Th he public public was was welcome welcome have Cooper. Why aand nd tthe he tthree hree ccould ould h ave aasked sked C ooper. W hy didn’t d idn’t they? they? They They didn’t didn’t ask ask because because they they don’t hear off d on’t llike ike tto oh ear tthe he aanswer. nswer. Rabbi Rabbi Hier Hier o Simon Wiesenthal Center has tthe he S imon W iesenthal C enter h as eexplained, xplained, Museum off Tolerance not being built ““The The M useum o Tolerance is is n ot b eing b uilt on Mamilla being built on o n tthe he M amilla Cemetery. Cemetery. It It is is b eing b uilt o n where JJerusalem’s Je erusalem’s fformer ormer municipal municipal ccar ar park, park, w here day nearly half eevery very d ay ffor or n early h alf a ccentury, entury, tthousands housands off M Muslims, o uslims, Christians Christians and and Jews Jeews parked parked ttheir heir ccars ars without without aany ny protest protest without without any any protest protest Muslim The burials ffrom rom the the M uslim community. community.� T he llast ast b urials were before World War iin n tthe he ccemetery emetery w ere b efore W orld W ar II II aand nd

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Send let letters teerrs ttoo Santa Santa Cruz Weekly, Weekly e y, let letters@santacruz.com teerrs@san s nttaacruz.com or ttoo A Attn: ttn: LLetters, ettteeerrs, 115 Co ett et C Cooper ooper e St., Sant San Santaa Cruz, uz 95060. 060. Inclu Include udee cit city ittyy and phone clarity inaccuracies known us. phone number number or email address. address. Submissions Subm missions mayy be be edited editteed for for or length, length cl le leng laritt y or or factual factual ac a inac a curacies racies know nown ttoo us s.


all rremains all emains have have been been rreinterred einterred aatt a n nearby earby M uslim ccemetery. emetery. Muslim W hen tthe he p arking llot ot w as built, built, there there were were When parking was n oo bjections ffiled. iled. II’m ’m ssure ure tthat hat iiff R abbi no objections Rabbi C ooper been been aasked sked h ould h ave p rovided Cooper hee w would have provided ad etailed analyis analyis o he ssituation. ituation. S cott detailed off tthe Scott K ennedy, S ami Abed Abed aand nd S allye B oyer ccould ould Kennedy, Sami Sallye Boyer h ave p resented a b alanced d iscussion o he have presented balanced discussion off tthe iissue ssue h ad tthey hey d esired iinstead nstead o efaming aan n had desired off d defaming iinstitution nstitution d edicated tto o ffighting ighting b igotry aand nd dedicated bigotry tterrorism. errorism. P erhaps iitt iiss b ecause tthey hey d on ot Perhaps because do not sshare hare tthe he ggoals oals o ighting aanti-Semitism nti-Semitism aand nd off ffighting gglobal lobal tterror. error. Gilbert Gilb ert St Stein, teein, Aptos Apt tos o

3D3<6/<232 3D3<6/<232 / >>@=/16 <33232 />>@=/16 <33232 THANK Y THANK YOU OU ffor or p publishing ublishing ““Walk Walk tthe he T Talk alk o nT olerance.� The Th he Palestinian Palestinian side side of of the the on Tolerance.

story h story has as b been een iignored gnored b byy U.S. U.S. m mainstream ainstream media more 60 m edia ffor or m ore tthan han 6 0 yyears. ears. The The general general public on history p ublic iiss eentirely ntirely iill-informed ll-informed o n tthe he h istory off tthe o he region. region. One-sided One-sided news news coverage coverage makes makes iitt iimpossible mpossible tto o attain attain a fair fair settlement—for settlement—for both public opinion biased. b oth sides—because sides—because p ublic o pinion iiss b iased. Iff your your rreaders eaders aagree gree tthat hat an an eevenhanded venhanded aapproach pproach to to the the conflict conf lict is is the the best best way way fforward, orward, I recommend recommend reading reading The The Ethnic Ethnic Cleansing Palestine byy Israeli C leansing of of P alestine b Israeli scholar scholar aand nd historian Pappe. This well-documented h istorian IIlan lan P appe. Th his w ell-documented book describes detail what happened b ook d escribes iin nd etail w hat h appened iin n how planned 11948, 948, h ow it it was was p lanned aand nd eexecuted, xecuted, aand nd why w hy it it resulted resulted in in the the refugee refugee camps camps that that exist exist Gaza, West Bank Lebanon. ttoday oday iin nG aza, tthe he W est B ank aand nd L ebanon. The T he aauthor uthor simply simply lays lays out out tthe he ffacts acts aand nd llets ets rreaders eaders judge judge for for themselves. themselves. Solving Solving tthis his make harder our iissue ssue will will m ake it it h arder ffor or o ur ffoes oes to to recruit recruit Middle East, ultimately eextremists xtremists in in the the M iddle E ast, and and u ltimately will our w ill make make o ur ccountry ountry safer. safer. Gigo de Silv Silvas, ass, Santa Sa anta Cruz C uz

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A/<B/1@CH 1=; A /<B/1@CH 1=; ffebruary e b r u a r y 17-24, 1 7 - 2 4 , 2010 2 0 1 0 >=ABA >=ABA

THE BULLHORN EEE A/<B/1@CH40 1=; E EE A/<B/1@CH40 1=; A/<B/1@CHE339:G A/<B B/1@CHE339: :G

Governor’s Gas Governor’s Gas Tax Tax ‘‘Flip’ Flip’ IIss Trouble Trouble 0G 07:: ;=<<7<5 0 G 07:: ;=<<7<5

7@@3A>=<A70:3 7@@3A>=<A70:3 8 =C@</:7A; 8=C@</:7A; THE F THE FEB. EB. 110 0W Weekly eekly printed printed a letter letter from from Wilt Wilt Whatman, obvious which Gary W hatman, aan no bvious aalias, lias, iin nw hich G ary Young’s poetry Y oung’s p oetry fform orm iiss ccriticized riticized ((“Poetry “Poetry iin n Emotion, Posts). uneducated E motion,� P osts). Itt iiss aan nu neducated lletter; etter; prose poetry old p rose p oetry iiss aan no ld fform, orm, aand nd tthe he fform orm which aadvocated dvocated iin n tthe he lletter, etter, tthat hat w hich eengages ngages tthe he ““skill skill aand nd effort� effort� o hyme, w as not not a favorite favorite off rrhyme, was off W Walt Whitman himself. his orr o alt W hitman h imself. But But each each has has h is o her bee h heard. What h er rright ight tto ob eard. W hat I object object to to most most iiss printed That tthat hat yyou ou p rinted aan n aanonymous nonymous lletter. etter. Th hat iiss iirresponsible rresponsible journalism. journalism. Killarneey Clar Killarney Clary, ry, By email

You’re upp oon masked Y ou’re rright, ight, Killarney. Killarney. The The jig jig iiss u nm asked llit it ccrit. rit. —Editor — Editor

;3/B AB=@G 5=B ;3/B AB=@G 5=B 63@ 5=/B 6 3@ 5=/B WHEN T WHEN TRACI RACI H HUKILL UKIILL contacted contacted us us (TLC (TLC Ranch) photos R anch) ffor or iinformation nformation aand nd p hotos ffor or was doing on off aan n aarticle rticle she she w as d oing o n tthe he rrevival evival o butchering, but b utchering, we we were were skeptical skeptical aatt ffirst irst b ut sstill till Cruz Weekly photographer aallowed llowed tthe he SSanta anta C ruz W eekly p hotographer tto o come out photos off o our come o ut aand nd ttake ake p hotos o ur llatest atest cchicken hicken harvesting workshop. But harvesting w orkshop. B ut tthe he Feb. Feb. 3 ccover over story Carnivore’s story “The “The C arnivore’s Agenda� Agenda� disappoints disappoints in ways uss o off w why wee w were in many many w ays aand nd rreminds eminds u hy w ere skeptical place. Wee tthought skeptical in in the the ffirst irst p lace. W hought tthe he article bee about how article was was going going to to b about h ow eeveryday veryday people people are are seeking seeking to to relearn relearn the the lost lost arts arts of butchering of killing killing and and b utchering the the aanimals nimals tthey hey intend Maker� was intend tto o eat. eat. Instead, Instead, ““Meat Meat tthe he M aker� w as about about out-of-touch out-of-touch urbanites urbanites participating participating in in voyeuristic voyeuristic “meat “meat watching. watching.� What TLC Ranch offers has nothing do W hat T LC R anch o ffers h as n othing tto od o with with standing standing by by the the sidelines, sidelines, sipping sipping bacon bacon whiskey, whiskey, and and whispering whispering to to your your friends friends about hot over about the the h ot butcher butcher sstanding tanding o ver tthe he ggoat oat carcass. carcass. Instead, Instead, we we are are teaching teaching classes classes for for people people to to participate participate in in the the entire entire process process of butcher build of slaughter slaughter and and b utcher aand nd to to b uild their their hands-on butchering hands-on eexperience xperience iin nb utchering aanimals nimals themselves. wine themse ves There There are are no no w ne gglasses asses in n hand, hand only on y sharp sharp knives. kn ves We We also a so show show participants part c pants how provenance how the the animals an ma s are are rraised, a sed as as the the p rovenance of o the the animal an ma iss as as paramount paramount as as its ts sacrifice. sacr ce Many of tthese watching� parties don’t Many o hese ‘�meat �meat w atch ng� p art es d on t even even give g ve credit cred t to to the the farmer armer who who raised ra sed the the animal nor way which an ma n or talk ta k about about tthe he w ay in nw h ch tthe he

animal So animal was was rraised. aised. S o iinstead, nstead, tthese hese eevents vents are are about about seeing seeing and and being being seen seen rather rather than than anything The other anything to to do do with with sustainability. sustainability. T he o ther article on new article o n Chris Chris La La Veque’s Veque’s n ew eenterprise nterprise is is interesting, interesting, but but including including a quote quote about about a gentleman one off o our butchering gentleman who who took took o ne o ur b utchering classes has nothing do with what classes h as n othing tto od ow ith w hat Chris Chris iiss doing. doing. Itt should should have have appeared appeared in in the the other other article, which have been more article, w hich sshould hould h ave b een m ore aabout bout people off h harvesting people rre-learning e-learning tthe he ccraft raft o arvesting aand nd cutting cutting up up their their own own meat meat rather rather than than the the short-lived short-lived fad fad of of “meat “meat watching. watching.� Rebecca R eebeccca Thistlethwaite, Thistlethwaite, TL CR aanch TLC Ranch

E6= 231723A =< E 6= 231723A =< >3AB71723A> 3AB71723AIIT T IIS S TR TRUE RUE w what hat Dick Dick Andre Andre ssays ays iin n ““Goo Goo Fighters� Feb. CDFA F ighters� ((Currents, Currents, F eb. 110), 0), tthe he C DFA iiss hatching more plans h atching m ore p lans tto o rain rain poison poison on on our our lland. and. Not Not only only do do they they intend intend to to resume resume ttheir heir LBAM program, but have 20 other L BAM sspray pray p rogram, b ut tthey hey h ave 2 0o ther ““invasive invasive pests� pests� in in their their sights sights for for treatment treatment well. Santa City aass w ell. In In tthe he aarticle, rticle, S anta Cruz Cruz C ity Councilmember Don Lane C ouncilmember D on L ane ssays ays tthat hat tthe he rreal eal pesticide programs aanswer nswer tto o stopping stopping tthese hese p esticide p rograms iiss tto o gget et tthe he sstate tate Legislature Legislature to to cchange hange ttheir heir pesticide preemption p esticide p reemption llaw. aw. This This unjust unjust llaw aw basically wee ““locals� b asically ssays ays tthat hat w locals� ccannot annot iinterfere nterfere with do bodies! w ith what what tthe he state state wants wants to to d o tto o our our b odies! Only O nly tthe he state state gets gets to to decide decide if if we we are are tto o be be off ttheir programs. ttargets argets o heir sspray pray p rograms. But But what what aare re off tthat tthe he chances chances o hat cchange hange happening happening aatt tthe he sstate tate level, level, where where lobbyists lobbyists “rule?� “rule?� The only T he o nly way way we we are are going going to to get get the the pesticide preemption p esticide p reemption llaw aw cchanged hanged iiss tto o sstart tart byy cchallenging The b hallenging iitt aatt tthe he ggrassroots rassroots llevel. evel. Th he proposed City of S Santa Control, p roposed C ty o anta Cruz Cruz Local Loca C ontro Pesticide Ordinance P est c de aand nd Chemical Chem ca Trespass Trespass O rd nance does d oes just ust that. that words of Howard Zinn, Legality IIn n tthe he w ords o Howard Z nn L ega ty iss not on Santa n ot morality. mora ty� We We are are ccounting ount ng o n tthe he S anta Cruz Council C ruz City C ty C ounc to to protect protect its ts residents res dents and and down on of m morality byy p passing ccome ome d own o n tthe he sside de o ora ty b ass ng ordinance—instead of ccaving tthis hso rd nance— nstead o av ng in n aand nd unjust pesticide wee eendorsing ndors ng aan nu n ust sstate tate p est c de law. aw If I w protect bodies of o our ccan’t an t take take aaction ct on tto op rotect tthe he b od es o ur of p poisons, cchildren h dren from rom forced orced aapplication pp cat on o o sons what might wee ever up tthen hen w hat eelse se m ght w ever sstand tand u p for? or? This bring Doing T Th h s ordinance ord nance ccan an b r ng rreal ea rresults. esu ts D o ng nothing n oth ng will w aalso so bring br ng real rea results—bad resu ts—bad ones—which will go on on o nes—wh ch w go o n and and o n until unt we we say say ““No!� No!� Mary Mar ry Graydon Graydon-Fontana, G Foon ana San a Cruz Santa


N JJANUARY, ANUARY, aass p part art o off aan n eeffort ffort tto o ttackle ackle tthe he b budget udget d deficit, ef icit, Gov. Schwarzenegger proposed percent G ov. S chwarzenegger p roposed eeliminating liminating California’s California’s 6 p ercent with per ggasoline asoline ssales ales ttax ax aand nd rreplacing eplacing iitt w ith a 110.8 0.8 ccents ents p er ggallon allo l n excise excise ttax. ax. While ax While that that at might migh ght seem seem llike ike go ggood ood news news fo ffor or cconsumers, onsumers, iitt comes high price. drop comes aatt a h igh p rice. In In the the short short run, run, drivers drivers ccould ould ssee ee a sslight light d rop in but would byy 2 2020 in gas gas prices, prices, b ut tthe he eexcise xcise ttax ax w ould iincrease ncrease aanother nother 6 ccents ents b 020 and up pump. and vvery ery llikely ikely sshow how u p aatt tthe he p ump. The The governor’s governor’s rationale rationale ffor or the money designated the ggas as ttax ax flip f lip is is to to rredirect edirect m oney d esignated ffor or ttransportation ransportation ((by by Prop. 42 Prop. 4 2 vvoters) oters) aand nd use use iitt tto o fund fund other other programs. programs. The proposal, will have devastating T he ggovernor’s overnor’s p roposal, iiff iimplemented, mplemented, w ill h ave a d evastating impact on Santa impact o n tthe he S anta Cruz Cruz Metropolitan Metropolitan Transit Transit District District in in the the short short term while undermining CO term w hile u ndermining llonger-term onger-term eefforts fforts tto o rreduce educe C O2 emissions emissions under A.B. Under proposal, Santa Cruz Metro u nder A .B. 332. 2. U nder tthe he ggovernor’s overnor’s p roposal, S anta C ruz M etro sstands tands $6.5 million nearly 20 percent tto o llose ose $ 6.5 m illion aannually nnually iin n sstate tate aand nd llocal ocal ffunds, unds, n early 2 0p ercent off iits budget. will o ts b udget. According According to to Metro, Metro, the the proposed proposed cut cut w ill rresult esult iin n tthe he off b bus Santa rreduction eduction o us sservice ervice iin nS anta Cruz Cruz County County from from 39 39 ffixed ixed rroutes outes iin n operation ffull ull o peration to to four. four. ParaCruz, ParaCruz, which which shuttles shuttles people people with with disabilities disabilities health potentially tto oh ealth aappointments, ppointments, would would be be cut cut from from 3377 tto o 110 0 vans, vans, p otentially Metro would bee rreduced jjeopardizing eopardizing llives. ives. M etro sstaffing taffing w ould b educed from from 375 375 employees employees 80 on many tto o8 0 and and would would result result in in the the elimination elimination of of 24-hour 24-hour service service o nm any off ssubsidized College rroutes outes aand nd a ccessation essation o ubsidized ffares ares ffor or UCSC UCSC aand nd Cabrillo Cabrillo C ollege Residents Doon orr Live Oak bee sstudents. tudents. R esidents iin n rrural ural aareas reas llike ike Bonny Bonny D oon o Live O ak ccould ould b When workers work, our sstranded. tranded. W hen w orkers ccan’t an’t gget et tto ow ork, o ur eeconomy conomy ssuffers uffers ffurther. urther. Another off tthe plan A nother cconsequence onsequence o he ggovernor’s overnor’s p lan is is tthe he prospective prospective lloss oss off u union Santa byy tthe o nion jjobs. obs. S anta Cruz Cruz Metro Metro employees employees are are rrepresented epresented b he United Transportation Union. When union workers U nited T ransportation U nion. W hen u nion jjobs obs aare re llost, ost, w orkers health benefits without work need on public benefit llose ose h ealth b enefits aand nd w ithout w ork n eed tto o rrely ely o np ublic b enefit programs p rograms for for health-care health-care coverage coverage for for themselves themselves and and their their families. families. Linked devastating L inked to to these these proposed proposed cuts cuts will will be be a d evastating impact impact on on the the Metro’s Metro’s upgrading with ccurrent urrent ccommitment ommitment tto ou pgrading iits ts ffleet leet tto o ccomply omply w ith A.B. A.B. 332’s 2’s CO C O2 eemission mission rreduction eduction o objectives. bjectives. Itt iiss iironic ronic iindeed ndeed tthat hat tthe he ““Green Green Governor� balance budget byy ttargeting public G overnor� sseeks eeks tto ob alance tthe he b udget b argeting p ublic ttransportation, ransportation, proven ap roven tool tool in in tthe he fight fight against against carbon carbon emissions.Another emissions.Another adverse adverse off tthe iimpact mpact o he ggovernor’s overnor’s plan plan will will be be a reduction reduction of of funding funding for for public public under Prop. 98, which based on The eeducation ducation u nder P rop. 9 8, w hich iiss b ased o n ssales ales ttax ax rrevenues. evenues. Th he Legislative Analyst’s Office has noted would L egislative A nalyst’s O ffice h as n oted tthat hat tthe he ggas as ttax ax fflip lip w ould rreduce educe public byy aaround $800 million. ffunding unding tto op ublic sschools chools tthis his yyear ear b round $ 800 m illion. note budget proposal Itt iiss iimportant mportant tto on ote tthat hat tthe he ggovernor’s overnor’s b udget p roposal iiss ffacing acing opposition Legislature. Last week, member of tthe sstrong trong o ppos t on from rom tthe he sstate tate L eg s ature L ast w eek aass a m ember o he Assembly Budget Sub Committee on Transportation A ssemb y B udget S ub C omm ttee 5 o nT ransportat on aand nd IInformation n ormat on Technology, myy cconcern of ttransit T echno ogy I eexpressed xpressed m oncern aabout bout tthe he impacts mpacts o rans t funding und ng Santa ccuts uts tto o jobs obs in nS anta Cruz Cruz County. County I asked asked Mr. Mr Mark Mark Monroe, Monroe an an analyst ana yst with of Finance, had w th tthe he Department Department o F nance whether whether they they h ad ccalculated a cu ated tthe he increased unemployment ncreased ccosts osts tto o tthe he sstate tate from rom u nemp oyment cclaims a ms for or tthe he tthousands housands of p public who will lose The o ub c ttransit rans t eemployees mp oyees w ho w ose ttheir he r jobs obs sstatewide. tatew de T he aanswer nswer was directly w as “No. “No� I eencourage ncourage cconstituents onst tuents tto o vvoice o ce yyour our cconcerns oncerns d rect y tto o tthe he office. Hee aargues no other options. disagree. ggovernor’s overnor s o ce H rgues tthat hat tthere here aare re n oo ther o pt ons I d sagree Ass C Californians wee h have of tthe want A a orn ans w ave to to articulate art cu ate a vvision s on o he sstate tate we we w ant tto o live ve in bee p prepared options, options, n aand nd b repared tto o cconsider ons der aall o pt ons including nc ud ng rrevenue evenue o pt ons tto o decline of o our most rreverse everse tthe he d ec ne o ur sstate’s tate s m ost ccritical r t ca institutions. nst tut ons Bill M Monning District 27, which B onn ng iss the he aassemblymember ssemb ymember rrepresenting epresen ng D src 2 7w h ch includes nc udes Cruz, Clara Monterey pparts ar s oof SSanta an a C ruz SSanta an a C ara aand nd M on erey ccounties. oun es



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february 17-24, 2010 SANTACRUZ.COM

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ffarmland!), armland!), tthe he ggenerosity enerosity o off sspirit pirit aand nd ggeneral eneral lliveliness iveliness o he p lace. off tthe place. EVOb¸a g]c` TOd]`WbS ab`SSb- E VOb¸a g]c` TOd]`WbS ab`SSb-

Th Third hird sstreet treet iin n L.A. L.A. be because cause I remember remembe b r ttaking aking A ngel’s F light ((the the ffunicular) unicular) Angel’s Flight u p tthe he side side o the h ill to to visit visit m greatup off the hill myy greatggrandmother. randmother. I lloved oved the the jjuxtaposition uxtaposition of of tthe he Victorian Victorian b uildings aand nd funicular funicular w ith buildings with tthe he busy busy m odern traffic. traffff ic. modern <O[S a][SbVW\U g]c¸`S SfQWbSR OP]cb < O[S a][SbVW\U g]c¸`S SfQWbSR OP]cb

@=0G< ;17<BG@3 @ =0G< ;17<BG@3

Using U sing social social m media edia tto od do o good. good o .

EVOb R] g]c R] T]` O ZWdW\U- E VOb R] g]c R] T]` O ZWdW\U-

Misplaced M isplaced aapostrophe’s postrophe’s ((LOL). LOL).

I’m a w I’m writer/artist/social riter/artist/social m media edia eenthusiast nthusiast with off tthings. w ith aan n iinterest nterest iin n a llot ot o hings.

EVOb O`S g]c `SORW\U- E VOb O`S g]c `SORW\U-

EVOb e]cZR g]c PS R]W\U WT g]c eS`S\¸b EVOb e]cZR g]c PS R]W\U WT g]c eS`S\¸b R ]W\U bVOb- R]W\U bVOb-

Im might ight llike ike tto o be aan n aattorney ttorney iin n tthe he ffield ield off h health-care policy. o ealth-care po licy. EVOb R] g]c R] W\ g]c` T`SS bW[S- E VOb R] g]c R] W\ g]c` T`SS bW[S-

I get get caught caught up up on on m myy favorite favorite aanimes nimes ((Gintama Gintama and and Bleach), Bleach), read read aand nd research research on o n tthe he Internet Internet and and vvolunteer. olunteer. I sspend pend with ttime ime w ith ffriends riends and and ggive ive attention attention to to my my dachshund, ttweenie weenie d achshund, Buffett. Bufffett.

<O[S O ^Sb ^SSdS < O[S O ^Sb ^SSdS

II’m ’m now now rreading eading Made Made to to Stick Stick by by Chip Chip & Dan Heath, Heath, rereading rereading Swords Swords and and Ice Ice Magic Magic Dan by Fritz Frritz Leiber Leiber and and The The Roominghouse Roominghousee by Madrigals by by Charles Charles Bukowski. Bukowski. Madrigals EVOb¸a bVS []ab W[^]`bO\b bVW\U g]c¸dS EVOb¸a bVS []ab W[^]`bO\b bVW\U g]c¸dS ZZSO`\SR W\ bVS ZOab bV`SS gSO`a- SO`\SR W\ bVS ZOab bV`SS gSO`a-

Th The he o only nly rreal eal tthing hing I h have ave ccontrol ontrol o over ver iiss m ttitude. myy aattitude. @SQS\b ^S`a]\OZ T]]R b`S\R- @ SQS\b ^S`a]\OZ T]]R b`S\R-

EVOb P`]cUVb g]c VS`S- E VOb P`]cUVb g]c VS`S-

Last n Last night ight I w warmed armed u up p a gglazed lazed d donut onut aand nd p ut ccrispy rispy b acon b its aand nd a llittle ittle put bacon bits m aple syrup syrup on on top. top. Wasn’t Wasn’t bad, bad, but but I maple d on’t tthink hink iit’s t’s ggoing oing tto o be a ttrend rend ffor or m e. don’t me.

The aartistic The rtistic community, community, tthe he geographic geographic diversity ocean d iversity ((mountains, mountains, oc o ean aand nd

Read R ead ffull ull rresponses espo p nses aatt hhttp://news.santacruz.com. tttp://news.santacruz.com.


A719 E/D3A A 719 E/D 9 E/D3A Kpvso KKpvsobmjtut!po!uif!qsftt!cpbu!bu!Nbwfsjdlt!Tbuvsebz!tusvhhmfe!opu!up!ifbwfĂ’ps!hbwf! obmjtut!po!uif!qsftt!cpbu!bu!Nbwfsjd mj u ui c u uN j lt!Tbuvsebz!tusvhhmfe!opu!up!ifbwf l T u e u hhm e u u i Ă’ h Ă’ps!hbwf

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) ssubmit u b m i t your y o u r public p u b l i c eye e y e photo p h o t o to t o publiceye@santacruz.com p u b l i c e y e @ s a n ta c r u z . c o m (

IInn the the Elephant’s Elephant’s FFlight light PPath ath

Dispatches Dispat c ches fr from om thee bl blogosphere l gosphere by Tai lo Taai Moses Mosess /RdS\bc`Sa W\ E]\RS`ZO\R /Rd S\bc`Sa W\ E]\RS`ZO\R M.. aand M nd I w were ere d driving riving d down own P Pacific acif ic C Coast oast H Highway ighway yyesterday. esterday. ““Are Are w nS anta C ruz C ounty yyet?� et?� h wee iin Santa Cruz County hee aasked. sked. JJust ust tthen hen w assed a m an sstanding tanding b he sside ide wee p passed man byy tthe o he rroad. oad. H ad a w hite rrabbit abbit ssitting itting o n ttop op o is off tthe Hee h had white on off h his h ead. head. ““Yes, Yes,� I ssaid. Ye aid. ““II be b lieve ve w re.� believe wee aare.

==`\WbV]ZO^]Z]Ug =`\WbV]ZO^]Z]U WbV Z Z Ug Dear D ear m mockingbird ockingbird w who ho u used sed tto o ssing ing aall ll n night ight o outside utside m indow iin nS anta C ruz: myy w window Santa Cruz: I aam m ssorry orry ffor or aall ll tthe he tterrible errible tthings hings I ssaid aid aabout bout yyou. ou. I ttake ake iitt aall ll b ack. I w as ssuch uch a ffool! o ool! I w ould rrather ather be back. was would

aawakened wakened b housand m ockingbirds tthan han b byy a tthousand mockingbirds byy a ssingle ingle ffreight reight ttrain. rain. I h ope w an be ffriends riends ssomeday. omeday. hope wee ccan S incerely, Sincerely, T he n itwit ffrom rom 77th th A venue The nitwit Avenue

EV] 9\]ea EVWQV EOg bVS EW\R 7a 0Z]eW\UEV] 9\]ea EVWQQV EOg bVS EW\R 7a 0Z]eW\UMyy ffriend M riend D Doug oug C Cleckner, leckner, w who ho w was as a ggreat reat ssailor ailor aand nd a ggreat reat h uman b eing, o nce ggave ave m ailing human being, once mee ssailing llessons essons iin n eexchange xchange ffor or ssome ome w riting I d id ffor or h im. writing did him. B efore w ver w ent o ut o n tthe he w ater, D oug ttaught aught Before wee eever went out on water, Doug m bout tthe he w ind. H howed m he w ind lline ine mee aabout wind. Hee sshowed mee tthe wind aand nd tthe he d ifferent w ays tthe he w ind lleaves eaves iits ts ffootprint ootprint different ways wind o n tthe he w ater ((pretty). pretty). H aught m bout ttrue rue w ind on water Hee ttaught mee aabout wind aand nd aapparent pparent w ind ((confusing). confusing). A nd h ried tto o tteach each wind And hee ttried

me w me where here tthe he w wind ind w was as ccoming oming ffrom, rom, b but ut tthis his w was as a llesson esson I jjust ust ccould ould n ot ggrasp. rasp. not remember the the two two of of u tanding o n tthe he b reakwater I remember uss sstanding on breakwater iin n Santa Santa Cruz, Cruz, ggusts usts o ind b lowing our our hair hair iinto nto our our off w wind blowing eeyes. yes. “Point “Point iin n tthe he direction direction o he w ind,� Doug Doug would would off tthe wind, ssay, ay, and and II’d ’d p oint obediently obediently toward toward tthe he wind, wind, or or w here point where I tthought hought the the wind wind was. was. He’d wa He’d always always take take my my finger finger and and m ove it it a fraction fraction to to tthe he left left o the rright. ight. I could could tell tell move orr the ggenerally enerally where where tthe he wind wind was was coming coming from; from; just just not not p recisely. And And he’d he’d laugh laugh because because that that fraction fraction of of an an precisely. iinch nch mattered mattered a llot ot if if yyou ou wanted wanted tto o be be a ggood ood sailor, sailor, w hich, d espite Doug’s Doug’s heroic heroic efforts, efforts, I never never was. was. which, despite Tai T ai M Moses oses was was the the managing managing editor editor ooff Metro Metro Santa Santa Cruz Cruz from from October 2000 April O ctober 2 000 to to A pril 2002. 2002. She She bblogs looggs at at www.aerophant.com. www.aerophant.com.

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february 17-24, 2010 SANTACRUZ.COM

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A/<B/1@CH 1=; A /<B/1@CH 1=; ffebruary e b r u a r y 17-24, 1 7 - 2 4 , 2010 2 0 1 0 1C@@3<BA 1C@@3< <BA

Currents. C urren ents. B63 <3E <3E B67<5 T B63 <3E <3E B67<5 The he N Newman’s ewman’s O Own wn O Organics rgganics bbrand rand sstarted ta r te d Aptos when was iin nA ptos 1177 yyears ears aago, go, w hen oorganics rgganics w as aanything nything bbut ut a ssure ure bbet. et.

Brave B rave New New World World Off Business O B u s i n e ss A ne new w lec lecture cture series br brings rings big think ers and a sociall m thinkers sociallyy minded entr epren neurs tto o ttown own n entrepreneurs 0G B@/17 6C97:: 0 G B @ /1 7 6 C 9 7 : :


ETER MEEH MEEHAN HAN rremembers emembers when the on nly ttwo wo ccompanies only ompanies making or gaanic cho colate wer organic chocolate weree N ewman’s Own O Or ganics, the Newman’s Organics, ccompany ompany he cco-founded o -ffound o ded in Aptos with his business par tner N ell N ewman, partner Nell Newman, and the Swit zerland-b based Rapunzel. Switzerland-based In what some might cconsider onsider an unf fo ortunate if princip pled decision, unfortunate principled Rapunzel w as ssweetening weeten ning its cho colate was chocolate with molasses rather than t rrefined eff iined sugar sugar..

“It was was a vvery ery challenging piece piece of o cho colate o to eat,�� Meehan rrecalls. ecalls. chocolate eehan and Newman Newman wanted wanted a Me Meehan delici ious cho colate made with rreal eal delicious chocolate sugar r. But the sear ch ffor o or a sour ce of o sugar. search source or gan nic sugar rrevealed evealed something ab aabout out organic the st tate of the sust ainable ffood ood ch hain state sustainable chain in thee mid-19 90s: the only plac mid-1990s: placee to get it w ny island natio on in ass Mauritius was Mauritius.. A tin tiny nation the In ndian Oc ean of ff the eastern ccoast o oast Indian Ocean off of Afr frica, Mauritius w as p erhaps b e est Africa, was perhaps best

known as the hom omed homee of the do doomed do do and p erhaps sec ssecond ond b est known dodo perhaps best ffor or its high rate of def o fo orestation. U nited deforestation. United Nations aid had en nabled a rrecovery ecovery of enabled sor ts in the fform orm off an infant or o ganic sorts organic sugar industr y. industry. T o day, tthe he ssituation ituation re minds M eehan Today, reminds Meehan o ow ffar ar tthe he o rganic fo od iindustry ndustr y off h how organic food h as ccome. ome. has ““Imagine,� Imagine,� h ays. ““You’re You’re tthe he o nly hee ssays. only d omestic o rganic cchocolate hocolate ccompany ompany domestic organic aand nd yo u’re o ne ttyphoon ypho on aaway way ffrom rrom n ot you’re one not b eing aable ble tto om ake cchocolate! hocolate! No w being make Now yo u ccan an gget et o rganic ssugar ugar iin nF lorida. you organic Florida. T hat’s h ow m uch iit’s t’s ggrown.� ro r wn.� That’s how much IItt d o esn’t ta ke aan nM BA tto o doesn’t take MBA u nderstand tthat hat ssustainable ustainable fo od understand food p roduction aand nd ggreen reeen eenergy nerg y aare re production lleading eading ggrowth rowth ssectors ectors rright ight n ow. B ut now. But fo o d aand nd ffuel uel aare re jjust ust tthe he b uilding food building b lo cks o ew w ay o oing b usiness blocks off a n new way off d doing business tthat hat a n ew ffive-part ive-par t llecture ecture sseries eries w ill new will eexplore xplore iin n ccoming oming m onths. C o -hosted months. Co-hosted b xtSpace, U CSC aand nd tthe he ccity ity o byy Ne NextSpace, UCSC off S anta C ruz, tthe he W hat’s Ne xt Le cture Santa Cruz, What’s Next Lecture S eries k icks o ff T hursday, F eb. 118, 8, w ith Series kicks off Thursday, Feb. with ap anel d iscussion ttitled itled ““Sustainability Sustainability panel discussion aand nd S o cial IInnovation.� nnovation.� S ubsequent Social Subsequent p anels, h eld eevery very fe ffew wm onths, w ill panels, held months, will aaddress ddress iinnovations nnovations iin n eenergy, nergy, tthe he w orkplace, re search aand nd d evelopment workplace, research development aand nd ggaming aming aand nd ssocial o cial m edia. T he media. The tterm erm ““innovation� innovation� iiss k ey. key. ““We We w anted tto o fo ffocus cus o n iinnovation nnovation wanted on b ecause w hink S anta C ruz iiss aan n because wee tthink Santa Cruz iinnovative nnovative ccommunity, ommunity, b ut tthere’s here’s but aalways lways a llot ot o lk, ssort or t o bstractly, off ta talk, off aabstractly, aabout bout iinnovation nnovation iin nS anta C ruz,� Santa Cruz,� ssays ays Ne xtSpace cco-founder o -founder aand nd C ity NextSpace City C ouncilman R yan C o oner ty. ““We We Councilman Ryan Coonerty. w anted tto o gget et cconcrete oncrete aand nd d ive iin.� n.� wanted dive E ach llecture ecture w ill b ring ttogether o gether b igEach will bring bigp icture tthinkers hinkers aand nd eentrepreneurs ntrepreneurs picture tto o jjump-start ump -start conversation conve v rsation and and b usiness iideas deas w ith aan n eeye ye ttoward oward llocal ocal business with eeconomic conomic d evelopment. C oonerty development. Coonerty ssays ays tthe he ta ctic iiss tw wofold. T he sseries eries tactic twofold. The w ill iintroduce ntro duce S anta t C ruz tto on ew will Santa Cruz new eentrepreneurial ntrepreneurial iideas deas aatt tthe he ssame ame ttime ime iitt iintroduces ntro duces eentrepreneurs ntrepreneurs tto o S anta C ruz—and m aybe, jjust ust m ayb e, Santa Cruz—and maybe, maybe, p ersuade ssome ome o hem tto od ob usiness persuade off tthem do business h ere. here. ““We We ccan an llearn earn a llot ot ffrom ro r m tthese hese sspeakers,� peakers,� C o oner ty ssays, ays, ““but but iit’s t’s Coonerty iincredibly ncredibly vvaluable aluable tto oh avve tthem hem have ccome ome h ere aand nd ssee ee tthere’s here’s a vvibrant, ibrant, here

interested community interested community w working orking o on n ssome ome of of these these iissues. ssues. W hen tthey hey ggo o When b ack over over the the hill hill to to ttheir heir [[venture venture back ccapital] apital] ffriends riends tthey’ll hey’ll ssay, ay, ‘‘II ccouldn’t ouldn’t b elieve tthe he eenergy nergy in in the the room.’� room.’� believe

Doing D oing W Well, ell, D oing G ood Doing Good One O ne of of the the newish newish p phrases hrases b buzzing uzzing aaround ro ound tthis his b lo oming b usiness blooming business eecosystem cosystem iiss tthe he ““triple triple b ottom lline.� ine.� bottom T he iidea dea iiss tthat hat ttoday’s oday’s b usinesses aare re The businesses w ise tto o cconsider onsider tthree hree ccomponents omp onents wise iin n ttheir heir d ef inition o uccess: p eople, definition off ssuccess: people, p lanet aand nd p rof its, w hereas tthe he b ad planet profits, whereas bad o ld b usinesses o sterday tthought hought old businesses off yye yesterday o nly o rof its. T hink P eab o dy C oal, only off p profits. Think Peabody Coal, b usting k neecaps aand nd sscraping craping o ff busting kneecaps off m ountaintops b ut rraking aking iin n tthe he ccash. ash. mountaintops but T oday iit’s t’s a m atter o nlightened Today matter off eenlightened sself-interest, elff interest, tthe he tthinking hinking ggoes, oes, tto o ttreat reat eemployees mployees w ell aand nd cconsider onsider tthe he well aavailability vailability o atural re sources w hen off n natural resources when b uilding a p rof itable b usiness. building profitable business. C oncern w ith the the triple triple b ottom lline ine Concern with bottom u nites tthe he tthree hree p anelists aatt T hursday’s unites panelists Thursday’s ““Sustainability Sustainability aand nd S o cial IInnovation� nnovation� Social eevent. veent. E ach re presents a d if fferent Each represents different aaspect sp ect o oing b usiness iin n tthe he n ew off d doing business new cclimate, limate, ffrom rrom tthe he m icro tto o tthe he m acro. micro macro. M eehan, aass cco-founder o -founder o uccessful Meehan, off a ssuccessful ssustainable ustainable b usiness, ccan an sspeak peak tto o tthe he business, sspecial p ecial rrisks isks ffacing acing tthe he eentrepreneur ntrepreneur w ho ssets ets o ut w ith a ttriple riple b ottom lline ine who out with bottom iin nm ind. K oAnn S krzyniarz, C EO o mind. KoAnn Skrzyniarz, CEO off S ustainable L ife M edia, sspecializes pecializes iin n Sustainable Life Media, h elping eestablished stablished b usinesses m ake helping businesses make tthe he ttransition ransition tto o tthe he n ew m o del. A nd new model. And JJoshua oshua Le vine, vvice ice p resident o he Levine, president off tthe S RI ((Socially So cially R esp onsible IInvesting) nvesting) SRI Responsible W ealth M anagement G roup aatt R BC Wealth Management Group RBC ((Royal Royal B ank o anada), sspends p ends h is Bank off C Canada), his d ays u shering iinvestment nvestment ccapital apitaal iinto nto days ushering p ro of itable ffirms irms w ith ggood ood ssocial o cial aand nd profitable with eenvironmental nvironmental p ractices. T he p anel w ill practices. The panel will b o derated b andy S kees o anta bee m moderated byy S Sandy Skees off S Santa C ruz–based C ommunications4Go od. Cruz–based Communications4Good. E ach o the panelists panelists brings brings ttheir heir Each off the eexpertise xp er tise tto ob ear o n tthe he ssubject ubject aatt bear on h and. W ithout ggiving iving aaway way tthe he eending, nding, hand. Without M eehan w ill ttouch ouch o n tthe he n eed tto o Meehan will on need b alance iidealism dealism w ith p ragmatism balance with pragmatism ((“Nobody “No N b o dy b uys a p ro duct b ecause buys product because 3 3

j 1C@@3<BA february 17-24, 2010 A/<B/1@CH 1=; 1C@@3<BA

A Berry Bad Thing How bad does a pesticide have to be before the California 9ZeVgibZci d[ EZhi^X^YZ GZ\jaVi^dc locks it up and throws away the key? We’ll soon find out. Last week a hX^Zci^[^X gZk^Zl Xdbb^iiZZ released a report on the fumigant bZi]na ^dY^YZ, created by chemical company 6gnhiV as an alternative to bZi]na Wgdb^YZ in strawberry fields. And what did that report say? A lot of things, many of them alarming in spite of the mannerly and scientific tone of the paper. We took a whack at translating a few key passages. “It is abundantly clear from basic chemistry that methyl iodide reacts readily with macromolecules, including with DNA, creating long lasting changes. In DNA, the effects of these methylated additions are mutagenic events that ultimately give rise to cancer.� Translation: This shit causes cancer! That’s really obvious! “[L]arge variability in achieved protection is observed even through rigorous respirator application (e.g., under controlled experimental conditions).� Translation: You can’t guard against it. Even the guy in the lab with the well-fitting respirator got a blast of it in the tests. “From [farmworker] testimony (predominantly from a group organized by growers), it was abundantly clear that respiratory protection, despite strict regulations on paper, is commonly inappropriate, inadequate, or inaccessible.� Translation: The farmworkers brought in by their bosses to testify before us last September didn’t know what a respirator was, much less how to use one. Respirators won’t save the farmworkers. “Based on the data available, we know that methyl iodide is a highly toxic chemical and we expect that any anticipated scenario for the agricultural or structural fumigation use of this agent would result in exposures to a large number of the public and thus would have a significant adverse impact on the public health.� Translation: Spraying this uncontainable poison around oh, say, a town where people are trying to breathe will make a lot of people very ill. 9g# HjhVc @Z\aZn, a consulting scientist with EZhi^X^YZ 6Xi^dc CZildg`, says methyl iodide is more acutely toxic than methyl bromide and could cause cancer, thyroid disease and late-term miscarriages. She was also at the hearing in September 2009 when a group of field workers brought in by their employers, presumably to testify about the sufficiency of the safety training they’d received, inadvertently revealed just the opposite. “What became clear during the hearing is that the workers didn’t know what a respirator was. It was a very telling moment

when they said, ‘What kind of mask did you use?’ And they said, ‘Oh, one of those ones made of paper.’ The growers got more than they bargained for.� The report will help the DPR decide whether to register methyl iodide as an allowable pesticide in California. That decision could in turn affect whether or not the DPR’s federal counterparts at the :ck^gdcbZciVa EgdiZXi^dc 6\ZcXn will revoke their approval of methyl iodide, granted in October 2007. The EPA announced last September it would reopen its consideration of the pesticide pending the scientific review panel’s report. Stay tuned. —Traci Hukill

Overtime Blues It may be the dead of winter, but summer is already on the minds of LVihdck^aaZ X^in ZbeadnZZh—specifically the June budget and the potential $5 million hole in it. At the Feb. 9 city council meeting, financial director BVgX E^bZciZa blamed declining property taxes and the state and national budget crisis, but he also pointed out that police and fire overtime were a major stress on the city coffers. The fire department is projected to go $759,000 over budget and the police department $294,000, according to the report, and Pimentel estimates this is almost entirely due to overtime costs exceeding $1.5 million. Overtime hours have nearly doubled since 2007 and Pimentel called the trend “unsustainable.� There’s not much wiggle room at the fire department, says LVihdck^aaZ ;^gZ 8]^Z[ BVg` 7^hWZZ. “We’re doing everything we can with what we’ve got,� he says, adding that overtime hours are a given as long as the fire departments keeps “minimum constant staffing.� That means whether someone takes a vacation or gets sick or injured, someone must be paid in overtime to pick up the slack. “We’ve calculated that if everybody just takes their minimum vacation, no sick leave or anything, that takes about $300,000,� he says. Then of course there are those pesky conditions under which overtime is a necessity—you know, fires. “We’re going to do everything we can over the issues we have inf luence over,� he says. Things are slightly less tricky over at the LVihdck^aaZ Eda^XZ 9ZeVgibZci, where the overtime excesses are easily explained by the 2007 decision to switch to a three-day, 12-hour shift schedule for officers. “We went to an emergency schedule to help put more officers on the streets while low on staff,� says 8]^Z[ BVccn HdaVcd. “This 12-hour shift comes with built-in overtime.� With eight hours built-in overtime per month paid at time and a half, the leap in overtime costs in the last three years is no mystery. Now, with eight new patrol officers trained and filling

that gap, the force has been able to switch back to a more normal four-day, 10-hour shift, eliminating the built-in overtime. Solano estimates that should essentially do away with $300,000 worth of overtime, not to mention give officers a break.

‘We’ve calculated that if everyone just takes their minimum vacation, no sick leave or anything, that takes about $300,000’ “Twelve-hour days are very long days. Some officers have expressed, you know, appreciation to be able to go back to the 10hour shift,� he says. —Jessica Lussenhop

Great Jumping Jaguars! This Labor Day weekend, Surf City will play host to the first HVciV 8gjo 8dcXdjgh YÉ:aZ\VcXZ Vi 8]Vb^cVYZ, drawing fancy cars from all over the Bay Area and giving Pebble Beach one less thing to lord over everyone else. The benefit for Children’s Hospice of Santa Cruz will take place Sept. 3–5 and feature all the necessary components of a sprawling lawn party: wine, good food, a fashion show, possibly an art show, maybe Rolls Royces. Definitely Ferraris. Almost certainly some beauties from the collection of local fancy car aficionado Bruce Canepa. All that appear to be missing are the croquet sets and lawn whites. “It’s still in the preliminary stages,â€? says Chaminade sales director H]Zgg^Z =jcZ`Z. “We just came up with the dates. Hopefully this will be something that goes on year after year, but we’re just getting our feet wet.â€? The idea, hatched by the communityminded people at 8]Vb^cVYZ and DXZVc =dcYV, bears close comparison to the Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance held each August on the Monterey Peninsula. Unlike that annual advertisement for the lifestyles of the rich and famous, however, this show will include muscle cars. So start polishing the GTO, kids. It’s showtime. —Traci Hukill


A/<B/1@CH 1=; february 17-24, 2010 1C@@3<BA

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A=C<2 7<D3AB;3<B Joshua Levine left a career as a New York investment banker to get a master’s in environmental science and management. Now he does socially responsible investing for people and institutions.

of the mission�), while Skrzyniarz, whose company puts on an annual conference dubbed the “TED of sustainable branding,� will discuss new business models based on sustainable precepts. “Product-to-service innovation,� she says, “Zipcar being an example, where rather than buy a car, you borrow one. Or connecting neighborhoods who have products like camping gear they’re willing to coop.�

Levine, the SRI consultant, wants to drive home a couple of ideas. One is that SRI already gives returns on a par with traditional investing; in the future, he thinks socially responsible businesses will outperform old business models thanks to their farsightedness. Just look at the Big Three automakers, he says. “A lot of those businesses, why they got into so much trouble is they were quarter-toquarter organizations,

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just looking at what was hot. In the early 2000s, what was hot was SUVs. But they weren’t focusing, like Toyota and Honda, on fuel efficiencies. And you see in the long term that they have underperformed against those peers.� A second message is about putting your money where your mouth is. “Learning is one thing,� Levine says. “You have to go out and act upon a lot of these measures. Otherwise you’re lipsmacking and doing nothing. I see it all the time; the top environmental nonprofits—you’d be surprised—don’t do social investing. I just want to emphasize that you really have to integrate this in as many ways as possible.� THE WHAT’S NEXT LECTURE SERIES starts Thursday, Feb. 18, at 7pm at Kuumbwa, 320-2 Cedar St., Santa Cruz. Tickets are $15 at 831.459.2495. To learn more about the panelists see www.newmansownorganics.com and www.sustainablelifemedia .com, or contact Joshua Levine at joshua.levine@rbc.com.

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A/<B/1@CH 1=; february 17-24, 2010 1=D3@ AB=@G

Belly of the

Mavericks pounds surfers and spectators with record waves

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IKE SOME old mariner’s nightmare, the Pacific swell that rose up around Half Moon Bay last week brought the sort of waves that sink ships and swamp islands. It also brought the sort of surfers who willingly paddle out into such monsters and the sort of fans who travel for hundreds of miles just to watch from a squinting distance. By all accounts, the 2010 Mavericks Surf Contest was one for the record books. And though not every surfer walked away with a huge cash prize, and few of the 50,000 fans relegated to the shore could see any actual surfing, when all was said and done, few left disappointed.


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“I never thought I would be standing here today,� said a jubilant Chris Bertish of South Africa, who won the contest and the $50,000 first prize after mounting two frightening curls in the final heat. “What a lot of people don’t understand is that it’s just such a great honor to put on a Mavericks jersey and participate in this contest.� For the contestants, simply surviving the day was a tall order. Surfers faced arguably the largest waves in paddle-in surf contest history—40- to 50-foot abominations of white and blue foam that crashed unpredictably to the west and the north. Even holding the competition was not a unanimous decision; several of the 24 surfers who

vote on whether conditions are good enough to give the green light to compete worried that the swell might simply be too big and too dangerous. Yet after last year’s contest cancellation and a tumultuous off-season that saw event founder and big wave legend Jeff Clark fired by Mavericks Surf Ventures from his position as contest director, nobody wanted to go another year without a contest. And it was dangerous, in fact. Bertish, who arrived in Half Moon Bay fewer than eight hours before the contest started and without a toothbrush or a surf board after an airline misplaced his gear, said he nearly drowned after being ¨ $

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sucked under a bone-crushing breaker in the first heat. Other surfers suffered bloody lungs and lacerated scalps. “I just remember finally seeing the blue sky. It was the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen,� Bertish told reporters, recalling his near-death experience after his win. Spectators were not spared nature’s wrath, either. Around 9am, the first reports began rolling in that a “rogue wave� had crashed into the shore where thousands of fans had set up to watch the action. Emergency officials said 13 people were injured, one with a broken leg and another with a fractured ankle. A sound booth that had been erected for an awards ceremony following the contest was also ruined by the wave, and the award ceremony was subsequently moved to a hotel nearby. David Espino of Redwood City was on the beach at the time and described the scene as “complete chaos.� “I’ve never seen anything like it,� said Espino, sporting a Mavericks T-shirt and clasping a Budweiser. “No one could

really see anything going on with the surfers, so everyone was just chilling, hanging out and having a good time. Next thing I know, this huge wave comes ripping through and knocks everyone off their feet and people start screaming. It was pretty crazy, but that’s what happens if you come to watch the biggest waves in the world.�

Santa Cruzans Go Big Though a South African won overall, Santa Cruz was well represented at Mavericks. Shane Desmond and Anthony Tashnick took second and third place, winning $25,000 and $15,000, respectively. Tashnick also picked up a $5,000 prize for the “gnarliest drop.â€? Other locals, like three-time Mavs winner Darryl “Fleaâ€? Virostko, advanced through the first heat, as did crowd favorite Peter Mel. Yet as Desmond explained after the contest, just surviving waves that powerful was an accomplishment all its own. ¨


february 17-24, 2010

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For For Relaxation R elaxation & Rehabilitation Rehabilitation Restorative R estorative & Nurturing Massage Nurturing M assage Swedish, D Swedish, Deep eep Tissue, Tissue, Shiat u A cupressure Shiatsu, Acupressure

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february 17-24, 2010

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“Those were the biggest waves I’ve ever seen anyone paddle into,� said the highball-clutching, barefoot Westsider, sporting his red Mavericks jersey. “This was a special day and I’m really proud to have come out here and competed with all these guys.� In anticipation of huge crowds, Mavericks event planners had encouraged fans to head to AT&T Park in San Francisco where, for $25, they could catch the action close-up on the Jumbotron. Regardless, some fans arrived at the Pillar Point beaches and cliffs as early as 4am with high-powered binoculars and lawn chairs, looking to lay claim to prime viewing spots. Closer to the action, scores of boats, yachts, dinghies and jet skis jockeyed for position a few hundred feet from the break zone. The colossal waves made for nearly six hours of stomach-churning misery for seasick-prone spectators and journalists as the vessels bobbed up and down ceaselessly. On the press boat, reporters and photographers from

around the country and the world popped Dramamine and clung to the boat’s railing, steadying their cameras and microphones to catch the action and occasionally leaning over the side to wretch. The massive waves seriously damaged two boats, shattering windows and cracking hulls. The violence of the surf, however, only further convinced onlookers and surfers that they were watching history being made. After the competition, a shirtless, grinning Dave Wassell, the fourth-place finisher and recipient of the coveted Jay Moriarity Award, said that even at home on Oahu’s North Shore he’d never seen waves quite like what broke that day. “This was undoubtedly the largest surf that any paddle-in contest has ever seen,� he said to the great cheers of fans gathered for the awards ceremony. “The contestants have set the bar so high today it’s unbelievable, and I don’t know if it will ever be topped.� View more Mavericks photos at http://news.santacruz.com.


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february 17-24, 2010 SANTACRUZ.COM

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Author A uthor Z Zach ach Mason b ends Mason bends time and and space space in in time surreal variations variations surreal on the the Odysseus Odysseus on tale tale 0G D/:3@73 @=AA 0G D/ : 3 @ 7 3 @ = A A


E’VE A E’VE ALL LL h heard, eard, iin np part art orr iin whole, off o nw hole, tthe he ttale ale o Homer’s H omer’s Odyssey—how Odyssey—how Odysseus, Odysseus, the the clever, clever, long-suffering long-sufffering hero hero of of the the Trojan Trojan War, War, takes home his takes 10 10 years years tto o gget et h ome tto oh is ffaithful aithful wife, Penelope, having wife, P enelope, h aving a sseemingly eemingly endless endless series series of of life-threatening life-threatening and and erotic erotic adventures adventures along along the the way. way. It’s Itt’s an an epic epic feast feast of of Freudian Freudian symbolism, symbolism, a middle-aged middle-aged fantasy off rresilient potency, fantasy o esilient iingenuity ngenuity aand nd po tency, a tale tale of of identity identity lost lost and and regained. regained. Now Now The The Odyssey Odyssey has has come come tto o us us in in another another form, form, disguised disguised as as cleverly cleverly and and strategically strategically as as Odysseus Odysseus himself himself when when cloaked cloaked by by the the goddess goddess Athena’s Athena’s concealing mists. Only neither Odysseus concealing m ists. O nly n either O dysseus nor were writers orr p poets, nor Athena Athena w ere w riters o oets, aand nd Zachary Zachary Mason, Mason, author author of of The The Lost Lost Books Books of of the the Odyssey Odyssey (Farrar, (Farrar, Straus Straus and and Giroux; Giroux; 240 240 pages; pages; $24 $24 hardback), hardback), is is both. both. The The Lost Lost Books Books takes takes the the form form of of a series series of of carefully carefully crafted crafted vvignettes ignettes that that rework rework the the well-worn well-worn paths paths of of The The Odyssey Odyssey with with a deftly deftly innovative innovative lyrical lyrical style philosophical, style and and a compelling compelling p hilosophical, eeven ven metaphysical, metaphysical, sslant. lant. Framed Framed by by the the pretense pretense of of “translating� “ttranslating� recently recently discovered discovered fragments fragments of of “pre“prePtolemaic Ptolemaic papyrus papyrus excavated excavated from from the the desiccated desiccated rubbish rubbish mounds mounds of of Oxyrhynchus� Oxyrhynchus� aand nd containing containing dozens dozens of of variations variations on on the the Odysseus Odysseus story, storyy, Mason’s Mason’s narrative narrative is is at at times times playful playful in in its its revisions revisions and and at at others others darkly darkly chilling. chilling.

67B / 6=;3@ 6 7B / 6=;3@ Z Zach ach M Mason’s ason’s ‘‘The The LLost ost Books Bo oks of of the the Odyssey’ Odysse yy’ is is a playful playful twist t wist on on Homer’s Homer’s epic. epic.

IIn no one ne episode, episode, aafter fter d defeating efeating tthe he Trojans wandering Trojans aand nd w andering tthe he sseas eas ffor or yyears ears in home, in an an effort efffort to to gget et h ome, a sshipwrecked hipwrecked Odysseus Odysseus finds f inds himself himself in in a time time slip: slip: his his rescuer Agamemnon, who on his rescuer iiss A gamemnon, w ho iiss o nh is way way to to Troy Troy to to fight f ight the the war war that that has has not begun. below on not yet yet be gun. Locked Locked be low decks decks o n Agamemnon’s Agamemnon’s sship hip aand nd iimprisoned mprisoned in in the off ttime, Odysseus discovers the labyrinth labyrinth o ime, O dysseus d iscovers a book Ass h hee be begins boo ok called called The The IIliad. liad. A gins to to read read the the story story of of the the famous famous war— war— featuring featuring himself—he himself—he notices notices tthat hat tthe he author author ggets ets many many of of the the details details wrong. wrong. Time nature Ti ime and and its its variable, variable, ironic ironic n ature is is a central central theme theme in in Mason’s Mason’s work; work; almost off tthe almost eevery very one one o he vvignettes ignettes bends bends or or refracts refracts time time in in order order to to imagine imagine alternative mythical alternative destinies destinies for for tthe he m ythical heroes heroees whose whose archetypal archetypal quests quests form form the the foundation Besides foundation of of Western Western culture. culture. B esides Odysseus, Mason Odysseus, M ason reworks reworks sscenes cenes from from legends Agamemnon, legends about about Theseus, Theseus, A gamemnon, Achilles Alexander off Achilles aand nd A lexander the the Great—all Great—all o which which shatter shatter any any previous previous fixed f ixed notions notions

wee m might have had w ight h ave h ad aabout bout tthese hese ffigures. igures. Some off the S ome o the most most interesting interesting characters characters Mason’s ssubjected ubjected tto oM ason’s rradical adical rrevisions evisions The aare re the the women women of of T he Odyssey. Odyssey. Odysseus’ Odysseus’ wife, Penelope, many different w ife, P enelope, ttakes akes m any d iffferent fforms orms tthroughout hroughout tthe he vvignettes, ignettes, most most memorably off a sshape-shifting wild m emorably tthat hat o hape-shifting w ild woodland w oodland creature. creature. Odysseus’ Odysseus’ witchy witchy Circe out off llover over C irce tturns urns o ut tto o be tthe he lleader eader o Bacchae. byy tthe he B acchae. He He is is also also propositioned propositioned b Athena, tthe he ggoddess o oddess A thena, and—unbeknownst and—unbeknownst him—hapless Ariadne, her tto oh im—hapless A riadne, aafter fter h er byy Th Theseus, on new aabandonment bandonment b heseus, ttakes akes o nan ew Calypso. iidentity dentity aass tthe he sseductress eductress C alypso. Before Odysseus on Calypso’s B efore O dysseus llands ands o nC alypso’s becomes her iisland sland aand nd b ecomes h er llover, over, Mason Mason has him overhear blind Fates h as h im o verhear the the three three b lind F ates discussing his destiny. Should make d iscussing h is d estiny. S hould tthey hey m ake Calypso C alypso a ““horror� horror� to to punish punish him? him? Hiding Hiding outside o utside ttheir heir ggrisly risly ccave, ave, Odysseus Odysseus perfectly perfectly one off ttheir iimitates mitates o ne o heir vvoices oices aand nd iinterjects, nterjects, her bee b beautiful kind ““No, No o, llet et h er b eautiful aand nd k ind aass ssummer. ummer.� Thinking Th hinking that that one one of of the the other other hags has made Fates h ags h as m ade tthis his ssuggestion, uggestion, tthe he F ates

assent, b assent, but ut ccomment, omment, ““Do Do n not ot fforget orget ...... h hee hee iiss b bound us, iis, s, ffor or aall ll tthat hat h ound tto ou s, aallowed llowed once direct his Let uss h hope jjust ust o nce tto od irect h is fate. fate. . . . L et u ope hee d does not himself h oes n ot meddle meddle enough enough tto o gget et h imself home. Odysseus has wasted his one h ome.� O dysseus h as jjust ust w asted h is o ne cchance hance to to change change his his destiny, destiny, but but aatt lleast east Calypso will bee a b beauty. C alypso w ill b eauty. Reading Mason’s R eading M ason’s book book is is a journey journey tthrough hrough the the imagination imagination vvia ia llush, ush, prose will off eeloquent loq o uent p rose tthat hat w ill rreignite eignite a llove ove o mythology within or—if m ythology w ithin iits ts rreaders, eaders, o r—if tthey hey weren’t before—inspire w eren’t tthere here be fore—inspire entirely entirely myths ffresh resh insights insights into into tthe he ways ways tthat hat m yths sshape hape aand nd iinform nform tthe he way way we we ttell ell the the off o our sstories tories o ur llives. ives.

ZACHARY ZACHARY MASON MASON reads reads from from ‘The Odyssey’ ‘The Lost Lost Books Books of of the the O dyssey’ on on Tuesday, Tuesday, Feb. Feb. 23, 23, at at 7:30pm 7:30pm at at Kepler’s, Kepler’s, 1010 1010 El El Camino Camino Real, Real, Menlo Menlo Park. 650.324.4321. Park. Free. Free. 6 50.324.4321.

" j AB/53 /@B 3D3<BA february 17-24, 2010 A/<B/1@CH 1=; :7AB G=C@ :=1/: 3D3<B 7< B63 1/:3<2/@ Email it to calendar@santacruz.com, fax it to 831.457.5828, or drop it by our office. Events need to be received a week prior to publication and placement cannot be guaranteed.


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27<<3@ 7A A3@D32 SHE WAS going for a homey, warm name—something like sitting down for a meal with the neighbors. At the time, Lucille Tepperman had left Santa Cruz and moved to Paris, disgusted with the re-election of George W. Bush and looking to get serious with her music. A jazz and soul vocalist with glassy, Tori Amos-y pipes, she linked up with electrobeat chef and hip-hop junkie Fablive and a backup band and called their act “Dinner at the Thompsons�—as apple-pie a name as one could ask from a disenchanted, pond-hopping Yankee. “I met Fab on the coast of France and I really liked the music he was into and thought it would be cool to work together,� says Tepperman, caught while on her way to Los Angeles for a gig at The Viper Room. “Everything from hip-hop to jazz, funk and breakbeat, we try to mix it up with a historical view from the ’80s to today.� The laid-back luck and ease with which Tepperman and Fablive assembled their set has stayed with the group since they started in 2005. And on the duo’s debut LP Off the Grid, the group finds itself working with artists like famed Detroit rapper and J Dilla associate Guilty Simpson, as well as deep funk icon Lee Fields. The sound is somewhere between a Sun Ra jazz freakout, a rough cut on a Wu-Tang Clan B-side and a full-on disco coke party. And with hearty helpings of thick-as-gravy bass and fresh soul chops, Dinner at the Thompsons is making fans from Santa Cruz to Paris get up for seconds. (Curtis Cartier)

DINNER AT THE THOMPSONS cuts beats Wednesday, Feb. 17, at 9pm at Moe’s Alley, 1535 Commercial Way, Santa Cruz. Tickets are $7 advance/$10 at the door. For tickets visit www.moesalley.com or call 831.479.1854.

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;CA71 4@=; ' 0G 27 EC Van Cliburn piano competition prizewinner Di Wu alights on the stage of the new, acoustically sterling Cabrillo Music Recital Hall for an evening of music from 1911 by Debussy, Schoenberg and Prokofiev. Part of the Distinguished Artists Series. Friday, Feb. 19, 8pm at Cabrillo Music Recital Hall, 6500 Soquel Dr., Aptos. Tickets $10–$25 at the door.

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B63 ;CA71 =4 A6/93A>3/@3¸A :=<2=< The Santa Cruz Baroque Festival presents the music of Elizabethan England with lutes, virginals (a relative of the harpsichord) and the rich, seasoned vocal stylings of soprano Julianne Baird. Concert Saturday, Feb. 20, at 7:30pm at UCSC Music Center Recital Hall. Tickets $22 general/$16 senior/$5 student. A locavore dinner fundraiser with Ms. Baird follows Sunday, Feb. 21, at 5:30pm. Tickets $65; call 831.457.9693 for reservations and location. ;g^! ;ZW &.! ,".eb# *# 8Ve^idaV 7dd` 8V[Z! &),* )&hi 6kZ! 8Ve^idaV! -(&#)+'#))&*# 8]gQS 9`O[S` I]Z Xd"Vji]dg d[ HVk^c\ I]Z 7Zhi ;dg AVhi l^aa heZV` dc XgZVi^c\ \gZVi a^kZh V[iZg i]Z V\Z d[ *%# I]j! ;ZW &-! ,"-/(%eb# ;gZZ# <ViZlVnh 7dd`hidgZ! &&'+ HdfjZa 6kZ! HVciV 8gjo! -(&#)'.#.+%%# :O\QS 1O`bS` I]Z heZV`Zg l^aa VYYgZhh ÆA^\]iWdYn 6Xi^kVi^dc VcY EhnX]^X Hjg\Zgn#Ç LZY! ;ZW &,! ,"-/(%eb# ;gZZ# <ViZlVnh 7dd`hidgZ! &&'+ HdfjZa 6kZ! HVciV 8gjo! -(&#)'.#.+%%# :Oc`O BOgZ]` I]Z Vji]dg iVa`h VWdji BZbd^gh d[ V ?VX`Vhh! V cdkZa d[ ild ldbZc VcY i]Z^g Vci^hdX^Va Vci^Xh Wdgc d[ WdgZYdb ^c V gjgVa D]^d idlc# Hjc! ;ZW '&! */(%eb# ;gZZ# 8Ve^idaV 7dd` 8V[Z! &),* )&hi 6kZ! 8Ve^idaV! -(&#)+'#))&*#

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Wn What’s next lectures

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/13 =4 0/AA “WEIRD� doesn’t begin to describe the bizarre mind of rock’s most brilliantly eccentric bassist, but it’s a good place to start. Les Claypool, the gangly bass spanker known for leading hillbilly prog metal trio Primus, is as odd as it gets when it comes to artists of any media. He’s also arguably the greatest living wielder of the modern bass guitar. A virtuoso among virtuosos, his hybrid flamenco slap style is as unmistakable as it is insanely complex, and famously got him turned down from a job as Metallica’s bassist for being “too good.�

Featuring Peter Meehan, CEO of Newman’s Own Organics, KoAnn Skrzniarz, CEO of Sustainable Life Media, Joshua Levine, Vice President of the SRI Wealth Management Group at RBC, and Sandy Skees, CEO of Communications4Good, the panel will explore trends and success factors in triple bottom line companies. Tickets: General Admission: $15 / NextSpace Members: $10 / Students: Free with valid ID & Eventbrite ticket When:

February 18, 2010 from 7:00 — 9:00 pm (Doors open at 6:30)


Kuumbwa Jazz Center 320-2 Cedar Street, Santa Cruz CA 95060

Some folks may have thought Claypool’s wackometer would have been maxed out through his work with Primus, his five side project bands or the movie directing, winemaking and novel writing he’s undertaken to fill in the blanks. But it’s through his solo work that we see Claypool at his weirdest— and perhaps at his best.

For tickets and information visit www.whatsnextlectures.com

His latest album, Of Fungi and Foe, is the follow-up to 2006’s Of Whales and Woe and was born out of a soundtrack he made for the Nintendo Wii and DS game Mushroom Men. Entirely guitar-free, the disc is a wet and swampy voodoo spell of an album with hard, marching drums and Les’ signature stringrattlings. It also features collaborations with Gogol Bordello’s gypsy punk frontman Eugene Hßtz, Cake drummer Paulo Baldi and a handful of other musical oddballs.

succeeding in the next decade. UCSC, NextSpace Coworking + Innovation, and the City

Performing live, Les promises plenty of solo material as well the odd Primus track and perhaps some cuts of his Oysterhead and Fearless Flying Frog Brigade projects. Add that to a show that’s sure to feature more than its share of redneck imagery and anthropomorphically festooned musicians, and you’ve got a night somewhere between a Arkansas hoedown, a South Park episode and a circus freak show. (Curtis Cartier)

The What’s Next Lecture Series takes a provocative look at innovation from business, policy and social change vectors, providing inspiration, insight and the tools needed for of Santa Cruz will host five topics that include Sustainability and Social Innovation (Feb 18), Energy (April), The New Workplace (June), Research & Development (October), and Gaming & Social Media (December). Located at the Kuumbwa Jazz Center, the series will be open to students, faculty, businesses and the general public.



LES CLAYPOOL plays Sunday, Feb. 21, at 8pm at the Catalyst, 1011 Pacific Ave., Santa Cruz. Tickets are $23 advance/$26 door. 831.423.1338.

& j AB/53 /@B 3D3<BA february 17-24, 2010 A/<B/1@CH 1=; 1 %


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4@33 /B :/AB WHEN Virginia Hamilton died in 2002, she did so as perhaps history’s most influential author of African American children’s literature. Yet the stories in her 1993 classic The People Could Fly were told long before she tapped keys on any typewriter, having been whispered and sung aloud by Africans as they became Americans through the long lament of slavery. Don Williams, director of UCSC’s African American Theater Arts Troupe and of the troupe’s upcoming performance of playwright Deborah Ferguson’s adaptation of Hamilton’s book, These People Can Fly, says he hopes the stories will inspire audiences. “Basically this play deals primarily with a griot who tells the story of a magical group of people in the motherland of Africa,â€? says Williams, using the West African term for “storyteller.â€? “These people had the power to fly. So we are looking at the backdrop of Africa as a full-fledged marketplace, and we have music and dance that moves forward the story of people being bought and sold through the slave trade and eventually becoming free.â€? Williams says the play has an upbeat theme, through there are some controversial scenes he calls “jaw-dropping.â€? Allison Bell plays the lead acting role of the griot and Antonio Glass is the featured dancer in his role as Toby. Music is by the 30-member cast and two drummers from fabled Santa Cruz funk band SambaDĂĄ. (Curtis Cartier)

THESE PEOPLE CAN FLY runs Thursday–Saturday, Feb. 18–20, at 7pm and Sunday, Feb. 21, at 3pm at the UCSC Theatre Arts Second Stage, and continues Feb. 26–27 at 7pm at Santa Cruz High, 415 Walnut Ave., and March 7 at 7pm at the Oldemeyer Center, 6 Hilby Ave., Seaside (free). Tickets are $14 general/$11 students and seniors at www.santacruztickets.com or 831.459.2159.

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Because you deserve more...

february 17-24, 2010

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03/ /BA1/>3 ffebruary e b r u a r y 17-24, 1 7 - 2 4 , 2010 2 0 1 0 A/<B/1@CH 1=; A/<B/1@CH 1=; ! ! j 03/BA1/>3

J a z z P re s e n te rs s i n ce 1 9 7 5


DAVID SANBORN TRIO FEATURING JOEY DEFRANCESCO $30/Adv $33/Door, No Jazztix or Comps Sponsored by Pacific Sun Properties, Alan & Susan Goldstein


HOLD TIGHT FEATURING NICOLE WILSON Concert only: $12/Adv $15/Door Jazz & Dinner: $24.60/Adv Sponsored by Santa Cruz Sentinel

FRI. MARCH 5 • 7 & 9 PM


$27/Adv $30/Door, No Jazztix or Comps Sponsored by High Notes



MAR 11 • KATE McGARRY / KEITH GANZ DUO MAR 15 • JOHN SCOFIELD NEW JAZZ QUARTET feat Mulgrew Miller, Ben Street & Kendrick Scott MAR 18 • GILBERTO GIL: The String Concert featuring Jaques Morelenbaum & Bem Gil @ the RIO THEATRE ADVANCE TICKETS: Logos Books & Records and Kuumbwajazz.org CafÊ Kuumbwa serves dinner Mondays & Thursdays beginning at 6pm, along with beer and wine. All ages welcome. Tickets subject to service charge & 5% admission tax.




1011 PACIFIC AVE. SANTA CRUZ 831-423-1336 7KXUVGD\ )HE ‡ $// $*(6 Good Vibez presents


<C;03@¸A C> < C;03@¸A C> 311 plays

Catalyst Tuesday the C aatalyst T uesday night u night.


LQ $GY 'U ‡ 'UV S P 6KRZ S P


)ULGD\ )HEUXDU\ ‡ $*(6

# (EL; /F;9?7B /7K9; SOXV Redeye


$GY 'U ‡ 'UV S P 6KRZ S P 6DW )HE ‡ $*(6 ‡ Lions Den & Ineffable present

The Kingdom of Zion Tour



$20 Adv./ $25 Dr. • Drs. 8 p.m., Show 9 p.m. 6XQ )HE ‡ $*(6 ‡ Pulse Productions presents

Les Claypool

SOXV Beats Antique $23 Adv./ $26 Dr. • Drs. 7 p.m., Show 8 p.m.

7XHVGD\ )HE ‡ $*(6

$38 Adv./ $42 Dr. Drs. 7:30 p.m., Show 8:30 p.m. )HE Still Time/Forrest Day Atrium (Ages 21+) )HE Tater Famine/Old Man Markley Atrium (Ages 21+) )HE Visqueen Atrium (Ages 21+) )HE Tarrus Riley/Sherieta Lewis (Ages 16+) )HE Santa Cruz TME “Jersey Shore� (Ages 18+) )HE Epic Entertainment’s “Runnin’ Wild� Atrium (Ages 21+) 0DU The Pack/ DEV (Ages 16+) 0DU Andre Nickatina (Ages 16+) 0DU Trombone Shorty/ New Mastersounds (Ages 21+) 0DU New Found Glory/ Saves the Day (Ages 16+) 0DU Iration (Ages 16+) 0DU Hank III/Assjack (Ages 21+) $SU Yonder Mountain String Band (Ages 21+) $SU Collie Buddz (Ages 16+) 8QOHVV RWKHUZLVH QRWHG DOO VKRZV DUH GDQFH VKRZV ZLWK OLPLWHG VHDWLQJ Tickets subject to city tax & service charge by phone 866-384-3060 & online


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Th Though hough h hee sstarted tarted aass a laid-back laid-back sslinger linger o blues-inf lected, hip-hop-referencing hip-hop -referencing off blues-inflected, ffolk, olk, G. G. Love’s Love’s unlikely unlikely amalgamation amalgamation h as evolved evolved o ver time time into into ssomething omething has over m uch m ore w eighty. Since Since tthe he eearly arly much more weighty. ccomparisons omparisons to to Beck—due Beck— due m ostly mostly tto o ttime ime and and p roximity, aass G ove proximity, G.. L Love sshared hared llittle ittle o Beck’s D adaist gglee—he lee—he off Beck’s Dadaist h as in in rrecent ecent years years o pted for for a m ore has opted more rruminative uminative rroute, oute, exploring exploring tthe he ffolk olk aand nd rock rock end end of of tthe he equation equation m ore tthan han hip-hop. hip-hop. Still, Still, aass G. G. L ove’s more Love’s vvoice oice h as m atured, many many tthings hings has matured, h ave remained remained tthe he same, same, iincluding ncluding have tthe he sstripped-down tripped- down economy economy o his off his sspare pare aarrangements. rrangements. Catalyst; Catalyst; $ 20 $20 aadvance/$25 dvance/$25 d oor; 9 pm. ((PMD) PMD) door; 9pm.

If yyou’re If ou’re ggoing oing tto oaF Fred red E Eaglesmith aglesmith sshow, how, yyou’d ou’d b etter b n yyour our ttoes. oes. better bee o on H e’ll h ave yyou ou rrolling olling w ith llaughter aughter He’ll have with ffrom rom a rridiculous idiculous sstory tory aand nd h olding holding b ack ttears ears d uring a p rofoundly back during profoundly ttouching ouching ssong. ong. T hen, ssatisfied atisf ied tthe he Then, aaudience’s udience’s d efenses aare re d own, h e’ll defenses down, he’ll ttoss oss iin n aan nu nderhanded ccomment omment underhanded aabout bout ssomething omething yyou ou ccare are aabout, bout, llike ike vegetables vegetables o anta C ruz, jjust ust tto o orr S Santa Cruz, rreassert eassert h is ttough-guy ough-guy p ersona. W ith a his persona. With p layful ssmile mile aand nd sseasoned easoned sstrum, trum, tthis his playful m aster ssongwriter ongwriter d raws yyou ou iinto nto tthe he master draws w orld aass h nows iit, t, d elivering d eeply world hee k knows delivering deeply p ersonal ssongs ongs p ulled ffrom rom a p lace personal pulled place o reat iinsight, nsight, sstrength trength aand nd b eauty. off ggreat beauty. K uumbwa; $ 23; 7 aand nd 9 pm. ((Cat Cat Kuumbwa; $23; 9pm. JJohnson) ohnson)

Perhaps be Perhaps better tter known known by by iits ts o original riginal n ame, tthe he A nimal L iberation Orchestra, Orchestra, name, Animal Liberation A LO rose rose ffrom rom the the aashes shes o umber ALO off a n number o less ssuccessful uccessful but but be loved Bay Bay A rea off less beloved Area b ands aand nd ssurfed urffed to to greater greater recognition recognition bands tthanks hanks tto o tthe he p atronage of of ffolk-folk olk-folk patronage m aven Ja ack Jo ohnson, who who signed signed tthe he maven Jack Johnson, b and tto oh is llabel abel ffollowing ollowing a 2 005 joint joint band his 2005 ttour. our. Now Now a ffavorite avorite o n tthe he jam jam band band on ccircuit, ircuit, A LO ggenially enially meanders meanders be tween ALO between ffunk-rock unk-rock ffreakouts, reakouts, p astoral ffolk, olk, ssturdy turdy pastoral rrock ock & rroll oll and and iimprovisatory mprovisatory rrelease. elease. Th he band band h as sstreamlined treamlined iits ts eexpansive xpansive The has ssound ound in in rrecent ecent years, years, particularly particularly ssince ince tthe he 2 0 7 rrelease 00 elease Roses Roses & Clover, Clover, but but 2007 eeven ven though though the the aapproach pproach is is sslightly lightly m ore rradio-friendly adio-friendly tthan han before, before, the the more rresult esult rremains emains aass h eady aand nd m indheady mindeexpanding xpanding as as eever. ver. Tonight’s Tonight’s sshow how be nef its H aiti rrelief elief efforts. effforts. M oe’s Alley; Alley; benefits Haiti Moe’s $ 20; 9pm. 9pm. (Paul (Paul M. M. Davis) Davis) $20;

! j !

A/<B/1@CH 1=; A /<B/1@CH 1=; ffebruary e b r u a r y 17-24, 1 7 - 2 4 , 2010 2 0 1 0 03/BA1/>3 03/ /BA1/> >3

1=<13@BA 1 = < 1 3 @ B A B/@@CA @7:3G B / /@@CA CA @7 @7: :3G 3G FEB T CA ATA TALY YST YS T FEB.. 24 A AT CATALYST 0 7:: : 9@3CB 3 BH;/<< H /< /<< B@7= B@ 07:: 9@3CBH;/<< B@7= FEB. 26 FEB 6 AT AT MOE’S MO M O OEE’S ALLEY OE’S ALLEY

A/BC@2/G j A /B C @ 2/G j

;323A97 ;/@B7< ;323A97 ;/@B7< /<2 E==2 / <2 E==2 What W hat sstarted tarted out out as as three three gguys uys playing playing au nique blend blend of of jjazz, azz, h ipp hop and and unique hip-hop eextended xtended improvisational improvisational jams jams aaround round N ew Y ork City City iin n the the ’’90s 90s lled ed tto om ultiple New York multiple eengagements ngagements at at llegendary egendary hotspots, hotspots, ttours ours around around tthe he Eastern Eastern U .S. and and the the U.S. iindependently ndependently released released N otes F rom Notes From tthe he Underground. Underground. Nineteen Nineteen years years later, later, M edeski, Martin Martin & Wood Wood h ave played played Medeski, have aaround round the the w orld, eestablished stablished an an iintensely ntensely world, lloyal oyal following, following, rreleased eleased several several albums albums ffor or jjazz azz monolith monolith B lue Note Note and and ccircled ircled Blue b ack around around tto o ccreative reative iindependence. ndependence. back W ith tthe he formation formation of of their their own own llabel, abel, With In ndirecto R ecords, the the m embers o Indirecto Records, members off M M&W h ave liberated liberated themselves themselves from from MM&W have ccontractual ontractual obligations obligations and and are are happily happily p laying ““their their o wn m usic, their their o wn playing own music, own w ay, iin n its its own own time. time.� Rio Rio Theatre; Th heatre; $26.25 $26.25 way, aadvance/$30 dvance/$30 door; door; 8 pm. (CJ) (CJ) 8pm.

A/BC@2/G j A /B C @ 2/G j

/:0=@=A73 / :0=@=A73 Sicilian-born Alberto Sicilian-born Alberto D’Ascola D’Ascola m made ade rreggae’s eggae’s h oly hajj hajj to to K ingston iin n2 001 holy Kingston 2001 aand nd in in the the p rocess b ecame A lboroise. process became Alboroise. S ince then, then, h e’s been been on on tthe he short short list list Since he’s o the island’s island’s m ost up-and-coming up-and-coming off the most aacts—or cts—or aatt lleast east one one of of the the m ost exciting exciting most n onnatives to to h oist the the K ingston d ub nonnatives hoist Kingston dub fflag. lag. Specializing Specializing in in roots roots reggae reggae rhythms rhythms w ith gritty gritty u rban tthemes, hemes, tthe he multimultiwith urban iinstrumentalist nstrumentalist and and ssinger inger relies relies on on a

ssandpaper-throated andpapeerr-throated vvocal ocal ccannon annon tto o llob ob llyrical yrical sshrapnel hrapnel aabout bout JJah, ah, w ar, w omen war, women aand nd w eed. B acking u p tthe he It talian sstallion tallion weed. Backing up Italian iiss tthe he eeight-piece igh ght-piece rreggae eggae o rchestra tthe he orchestra S hengen C lan. Catalyst; Catalyst; $ 20 aadvance/$25 dvance/$25 Shengen Clan. $20 d oor; 9 pm. ((Curtis Curtis C artier) door; 9pm. Cartier)

;=<2/G j ; = < 2/G j

2/ 2/D72 /D 7 2 A /<0=@< B@7= A/<0=@< B@7= Fo For or a m man an m most ost ccommonly ommonly aassociated ssociated w ith rradio-friendly adio-friendly ssmooth mooth jjazz, azz, aalto lto with ssax ax sstar tar D avid S anborn ggoes oes o ut o is David Sanborn out off h his w ay tto od ecry tthe he ggenre. enre. N ot tthat hat h e’ll b way decry Not he’ll bee ggiving iving b ack tthe he ssix ix G rammy A wards h back Grammy Awards hee w on ffor or ssmooth mooth jjazz azz cclassics lassics llike ike V oyeur won Voyeur aand nd Double Double Vision, Vision, but but still, still, Kenny Kenny G iiss n ot ssomeone omeone S anborn w ants iin nh is not Sanborn wants his ““sounds sounds llike� ike� llist ist o n iiTunes. Tunes. A nd ffor or on And aall ll iintents ntents aand nd p urposes, S anborn h as purposes, Sanborn has ssucceeded ucceeded b eautifully. No ot o nly h as beautifully. Not only has h ashed iin no n tthe he b oatloads o ash hee ccashed on boatloads off ccash w aiting ffor or jjazz azz m usicians w ho ccan an ggo o waiting musicians who m ainstream, h e’s a ccritical ritical d arling aand nd mainstream, he’s darling h as w orked w ith tthe he b iggest n ames iin n has worked with biggest names m usic. M aybe iit’s t’s b ecause h oesn’t music. Maybe because hee d doesn’t rrock ock a p erm . . . K uumbwa; $ 30 perm Kuumbwa; $30 aadvance/$33 dvance/$33 d oor; 7 aand nd 9 pm. ((CC) CC) door; 9pm.

BC3A2/G j B C 3 A 2/G j !

! ! Supporters of Supporters of hip-hop, hip -hop, rock, rock, funk, funk, marijuana, rreggae, eggae, m arijuana, sex sex and and space space have well aaliens liens h ave always always been been w ell served served

E7:23@ B6/< CA E 7:23@ B6/< CA Fr Fred F reed Eaglesmith blows the town town aw away way this Friday Friday..

B63 B63 4@3A6 @ =<: =<:G = =< <: :GA :G B63 4@3A6 =<:GA FEB AT BROOKDALE BR ROOKD OOKD DA ALE LODGE LODGE DG GE FEB.. 277 AT 32 E/ /@2 @2 A6 6/@>3 @> /<2 / 32E/@2 A6/@>3 /<2 B B63 6 63 ;/ /5<3 5 3B71 H3@= H3@= H =A B63 ;/5<3B71 H3@=A MAR CH H1A T RIO R THEATRE THEA HEATRE REE MARCH AT 67::A B=;> ;> > 67::AB=;> MAR CH 4 AT AT CREPE CR PLLACE MARCH PLACE A:33> G AC< < A:33>G AC< MAR CH 9 AT AT CATALYST CATA ALLY YSST ST MARCH 8=6< 6< A1 A =4 473:2 3 <3E 8=6< A1=473:2 <3E 8 /HH ?C C/@ /@ @B3B B3B B 8/HH ?C/@B3B MAR CH 15 AT AT KUUMBWA KUUMBW UU WA MARCH @=5C3 E/D3 D @=5C3 E/D3 APRIL 7 AT AT RIO RIIO THEATRE THEATRE

byy O b Omaha maha q quintet uintet 3311. 11. F For or m more ore tthan han 2 0 yyears ears n ow, N ick H exum, P -Nut, 20 now, Nick Hexum, P-Nut, T im M ahoney aand nd tthe he rrest est o lan Tim Mahoney off C Clan C ornhusker h ave b een sshucking hucking o ut Cornhusker have been out ffeel-good eel-good vvibes ibes aand nd h igh eenergy nergy sshows hows high tto o ttheir heir ggluttonous luttonous h erds o ans. A fter herds off ffans. After a four-year four-year sstudio tudio h iatus, which which saw saw hiatus, m ore tthan han a ffew ew n asty rrumors umors ffly ly tthat hat more nasty p erhaps tthe he ffunk unk ffarmers armers h ad h ung perhaps had hung u p ttheir heir p itchforks, tthe he b oys rreturned eturned up pitchforks, boys iin n ’’09 09 w ith Up plifter aand nd aare re u sing with Uplifter using ttheir heir ggig ig aatt tthe he C at tto ok ick o ff a sspring pring Cat kick off ttour. our. A ll tthat’s hat’s lleft eft tto o ssay ay n ow iis: s: ““Yo Yo All now P -Nut, b eat tthat hat tthing!� hing!� C atalyst; $ 38 P-Nut, beat Catalyst; $38 aadvance/$42 dvance/$42 d oor; 9 pm. ((CC) CC) door; 9pm.

BC3A2/G j B C 3 A 2/G j !

8=@;/ 8=@;/ 9 /C 9= < 3 < 9/C9=<3< 5 3 A;7B6 5 3 A;7B6 Guitarist JJorma Guitarist orma K Kaukonen aukonen o off JJefferson efferson A irplane aand nd H ot Tu una ffame ame h as Airplane Hot Tuna has aalways lways sseemed eemed tto o rrevel evel iin nab it o bit off w illful o bscurity. IIn n rrecent ecent yyears ears h e’s willful obscurity. he’s cconcerned oncerned h imself p rimarily w ith himself primarily with rrunning unning a jjoint oint rranch-guitar anch-guitar ccamp amp iin n rrural ural O hio, o ccasionally eemerging merging Ohio, occasionally tto oh it tthe he rroad. oad. T he rrelative elative rrarity arity o hit The off K aukonen ssightings ightings m akes tthis his ttour our Kaukonen makes a ttreat reat ffor or ffans ans o uitar ffireworks, ireworks, off gguitar p articularly b ecause iitt aalso lso ffeatures eatures particularly because tthe he m ean-mugging, b lond-ponytailed mean-mugging, blond-ponytailed G .E. S mith, w ho h as b een rremarkably emarkably G.E. Smith, who has been p rolif ic ssince ince h eft h is iiconic conic ggig ig aass prolific hee lleft his tthe he lleader eader o he SSaturday aturday N ight LLive ive off tthe Night b and. R io T heatre; $ 22; 8 pm. ((PMD) PMD) band. Rio Theatre; $22; 8pm.

! j 1:C0 5@72 february 17-24, 2010 A/<B/1@CH 1=;


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Gilberto Gil The String Concert featuring Jaques Morelenbaum and Bem Gil







THURS. MARCH 18, 8 PM RIO THEATRE Tickets at Logos Books & Records, downtown Santa Cruz and online at kuumbwajazz.org • Info: 831.427.2227 Sponsored by Redtree Properties Presented by Kuumbwa Jazz • Celebrating 35 Years in 2010

!" j 1:C0 5@72 february 17-24, 2010 A/<B/1@CH 1=;


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february 17-24, 2010 SANTACRUZ.COM

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Film. Fi ilm lm.

!% j !%

A/<B/1@CH 1=; A /<B/1@CH 1=; ffebruary e b r u a r y 17-24, 1 7 - 2 4 , 2010 2 0 1 0 47:; 47:; ;

EEssex ssex LLolita olita Andrea Arnold’s Andrea Arnold’s ‘Fish Tank’ Tank’ recalls recalls ‘Fish ‘Lolita’ in in a hardhard‘Lolita’ sscrabble crabble E nglish English h ousing p roject housing project 0G @716/@2 D=< 0CA/19 0G @ 7 1 6 / @ 2 D= < 0 C A /1 9


HILE Fish HILE Fish Tank Tank iiss a ffilm ilm aabout bout tthe he k ind o eople kind off p people who name dog w ho n ame ttheir heir d og brand off llager, aafter fter a b rand o ager, there ouncee off patr patronization there isn’t isn’t an ounc onization in it. Dir Director Andrea Arnold’ss ffilm ector Andr eaa Arnold’ ilm is the furthest from furthest thing fr o a slumming om expedition, expedition, although the material is lurid: the illegal rromance between omaance b etween an adult and a 15-year-old 15-year- olld girl named Mia (Katie Jarvis) Jarvis) living in n a public housing project project on the east ccoast o of England. oast Mia is a small, thin, odds thin n, feral feral e girl at odds with everyone. everyone. She’s She’s a dropout dropout and a delinquent, and the special-ed s ecial- ed school sp school gates are are gaping widee for for o her. her. At At home, home, her lounging mother, motherr, Joanne Joanne (Kierston Wareing), Wareing), barely barely tolerates toleerates her; Tyler Tyyler (Rebecca (R Reebecca Griffiths), Grifff iths), her h little little sister, sister, isn’t isn’t a fan either. either. Miaa is always alwayys ready ready to have have it ha i out with i h the th h pack he k off teenage girls who roam project’s roam the housing h project’s corridor. therap corridor. Mia’s Mia’s therapy py for for o the stress stress is dancing: practicing until she’s u she’s breathless breathless in her hideout, the living livving room room of an abandoned f lat in this thiis concrete concrete tower. tower. Her mother has just jusst made a real real find: f ind: Connor Connor (Michael Fassbender), Fasssbender), a man with a job. job. We We know this because because Mia discovers she helps discovers a pay paay stub when w herself to a fiver f iver out of his wallet. wallet. allet He can can do things; he knows kno ows how to snatch fish wiith his bare f iish out of a pond pond with bare hands. hands. And the bedroom bedroom action acttion between between Joanne Joanne and him is good—we go ood—we can can hear that through through the thin n walls walls and see it at the orgiastic orgiastic party party Joanne Joanne hosts. hosts. Fassbender, of Inglourious Fassbender, Inglourrious Basterds Bastteerds and

/53 5/> / 53 5/> Katie Katie Jarvis’ Jar vis’ M Mia ia catches catches tthe he aattention ttention ooff hher er m mother’s other’s bboyfriend, oy f r i e n d , M Michael ichael F Fassbender’s assb ender’s C Connor. onnor.

Hunger, Hung ger, is making fast pr progress ogress to A A-list -list leadin ng-man status. status. leading-man Fasssbender is extremely extremely good-looking good-looking o Fassbender with his shirt shirt off, offf, and he has a soft sofft ac cen nt that almost sounds lik ew accent likee a N New Y o orker eer’s (I doubt if he’ll he’ll ll need an Yorker’s anyy vvocal ocall coaching coaching to do Americ an films). f iilm ms). American All this th his is gossip ccompared ompared to whatt he really really e has: a serious actor’ mor actor’ss hum humor and humanity. h humanit y. He ’s taking taking a risk, too, to oo, He’s pla yin ng a character many many would b playing bee rready eadyy to ccondemn ondemn as a molester. molester. Bu ut bravery braavery is what marks Arnold, Arnolld, But to o. Only O feemale director director would too. a female know w how to char otions chartt the mixed emo emotions b ehin nd such a f lir tation, ation or know behind lirtation, how to make make the se xual tension erotic erotic o sexual instea ad of cr eepy, or to be be able to instead creepy, mak young girl like like makee it clear what a young Mia might m anted, whilee think she w wanted, rreally eallyy not knowing what she mightt get. Weirdly, Weir e dlyy, b ecause of the film’s f ilm’s because ffinale, inale a e, critics c t cs have haave been been ee likening likening e g it to

An Education Education—a —a much mu uch more more dist distanced anced and rrefined eff iined piec o work. T o use a piecee of To met aphor fr Fissh Tank, Tank a , the difference difffer e ence om Fish metaphor from b etween these ttwo wo o mo vies is lik between movies likee the dif ffeerence b etween n a liv ish difference between livee gasping ffish and a box box of Mrs. Mrs. Paul’s. Paul aul’s. Jarvis was was a nonprofessional nonproffeessional Katie Jarvis pick ed off offf a railway railway platform platfo orm by by Arnold, picked and she is chillinglyy good. good. It also helps that Jarvis Jarvis isn’t isn n’t a trained dancer. dancer. arts can can be be a pathway path hway out Although the arts for o kids, kid ds, films f ilms rarely rarely deal of the slums for haave artsy artsy dreams dreams and with those who have energy butt only a bit of talent. talent. loads of energy comffo orts the mass maass audience audience to believe believe It comforts talent will w always always y have haave its that sheet talent way. We We can can see the th he neighborhood neighborhood girls way. moves; e some of them are are busting their moves; even better better at it than th han Mia. One girl even practices that walking-up-the-wall walk king-up -the-wall move move practices O’Con nnor did in Singin’ in that Donald O’Connor Raain. Arnold sto ops to watch watch some the Rain. stops hallway doing d musicteens in a hallway their music-

vid video deo danc dances: es: harem harem girls in sear search c of ch one with a navel jewel a pasha, p navel je wel lolling lo olling belly likee a tongue. outt of her plump b ton elly lik ngue. There’s T e’s nothing delicate Ther delicate in thiss world: encircling thee concrete, concrete, the highways high hwayys encir c cling nonstop thee project, project, oject the TV spilling nonst top bilge. bilg ge. Mia’s Mia’s mother is as negligent negligen nt as she’s presence, an animal, and yyet et she ’s a real real pr esence, too: she’s nature. to o she o: ’s true to her own natur e. What amazes about Fish Tank, am out F mazes me most ab ish T aankk, raw It’s rare ffinally, iinallyy, is its ra aw hedonism. It ’s ra are that director suree eeye a dir d ector who has such a sur ye and sensitivityy ccan understand earr and such sensitivit an unde erstand hard party. thee bliss of a har d par ty.

FISH F ISH TANK, TA T ANK, directed directed and and written written Andrea bbyy A ndrea Arnold, Arnold, photographed photographed bbyy Robbie Robbie Ryan Ryan and and starring starring Katie Katie Jarvis Michael Fassbender, J arvis aand nd M ichael F assbender, Friday Nickelodeon. oopens p ens F riday aatt tthe he N ickeelodeon.

!& j 47:; february 17-24, 2010 A/<B/1@CH 1=;

Film Capsules



“Helen Mirren is a lusty, roaring wonder‌simply astounding!â€? –Rolling Stone

Helen Mirren Christopher Plummer Paul Giamatti James McAvoy (R)

Daily: (2:00), (4:30), 7:00, 9:20 plus Sat, Sun (11:40am)



Jeff Bridges Maggie Gyllenhaal Robert Duval Colin Farrell (R) On 2 Screens! Daily:

(1:30), (2:30), (3:50), (4:50), 6:10, 7:15, 8:30, 9:30 plus Sat, Sun (12:10)

Paul Bettany

Jennifer Connely


Sat 2/20 & Sun 2/21 Only at (11:15am)

Midnights @ The Del Mar Fun! Prizes! Fishnets!

The Rocky Horror Picture Show (R) w/ Live Cast Slugs in Fishnets! Fri 2/19 & Sat 2/20 @ Midnight Next Week: Benny & Joon


<3E 1/>A 1/@@73 (1976) In one

of his indispensable books on cult movies, Danny Peary wrote that he likes John Carpenter’s Halloween because the director’s genuine affection for his teen-girl characters comes through. He then compares that to Carrie, implying director Brian DePalma seems to be working out some issues in his depiction of cruel and vicious highschool girls. He’s right about Halloween, but I’m not sure he gives Carrie its due. First of all, DePalma was working from Stephen King’s book. Secondly, it was long after this movie was made that there started to be some honest discussion

in the mainstream about the “mean girl� phenomenon, and now Carrie seems rather ahead of its time. In any case, Sissy Spacek’s portrayal of a misfit girl abused by her mother and classmates is still gut-wrenching, and our collective consciousness can’t seem to shake the images from this film—from the locker room to the pig’s blood on prom night to the shocking ending that has inspired thousands of copycats since (although I’ve never understood why Wait Until Dark never gets credit for using the same trick eight years earlier). (Plays Thu at the Santa Cruz 9.) (SP) 47A6 B/<9 (123 min.)

See review, page 37.

(Opens Fri at the Nickelodeon.) B63 :/AB AB/B7=<

(R; 112 min.) Christopher Plummer is Lev Tolstoy in this historical drama about the tempestuous life of the Russian writer, who finds he can’t always live up to his own high ideals. Then he builds a giant, time-traveling cannon and blows up the screenwriters who have other characters calling him by the Westernized name “Leo� despite the fact that the movie is set in his native country. (Opens Fri at the Del Mar.) (SP) @=19G 6=@@=@ >71BC@3 A6=E (1975)

Let’s run up to the lab for a minute and see what’s on the slab. Well,




>S`Qg 8OQYa]\ O\R bVS =Zg[^WO\a( BVS :WUVb\W\U BVWST – Daily 1:30; 4; 6:30; 9. BVS 0ZW\R AWRS – Daily 3:40; 6:10. C^ W\ bVS /W` –– Daily 1:20; 8:40.

(1:50), (4:20), 6:50, 9:20 plus Sat, Sun (11:30am)


Heath Ledger Christopher Plummer Johnny Depp (PG-13)

Daily: (2:10), (4:40), 7:10, 9:40

BVS E]ZT[O\ – Wed-Thu call for showtimes. Fri-Wed 2:30; 5; 7:40; 10:10;




(R) Daily: (12:50), (5:15), 7:20, 9:30



( ) = Bargain Shows Before 5:30pm


Pierce Brosnan

“Entertaining, vibrant� –U.C.

Sean Bean

Rosario Dawson


155 S. River St, Santa Cruz 800.326.3264 x1701 www.regmovies.com


Daily: (3:40),


COMING SOON! The 2010 Academy Award Nominated Short Film Programs - 2/26

Children under 5 admitted only on Mondays & Weekend Matinees

4WaV BO\Y – (Opens Fri) 1:50; 4:20; 6:50; 9:20; plus Sat-Sun 11:30. BVS EVWbS @WPP]\ – Daily 1; 3:50; 6:40; 9:30. 1`Ohg 6SO`b – Wed-Thu 1:20; 3:40; 6; 8:20. >`SQW]ca – Wed-Thu 9:20; Fri-Wed 3. <W\S – Wed-Thu 4:20; 6:50. / AW\UZS ;O\ – Fri-Wed 12:50; 5:15; 7:20; 9:30.

@7D3@4@=<B AB/27C; BE7<

Daily: (1:30), (4:00), 6:30, 9:00

Daily: (1:20), 8:40

(R; 138 min.) In the latest collaboration between director Martin Scorsese and Leonardo DiCaprio, DiCapro plays a 1950s U.S. Marshal investigating how a woman convicted of murder could have escaped from an insane asylum on a remote island. As he digs deeper into the case, it becomes obvious that everything is exactly as it seems.

@3D73EA B63 0:7<2 A723 (PG-

13; 126 min.) The film focuses on Michael Oher (Quinton Aaron), who overcame homelessness as a teenager to received a football scholarship to the University of Mississippi and later played in the NFL. Oher succeeded with the help of a wealthy Christian couple, Ole Miss grads Leigh Anne (Sandra Bullock) and Sean Tuohy (Tim McGraw), who took Oher in and

>S`Qg 8OQYa]\ O\R bVS =Zg[^WO\a( BVS :WUVb\W\U BVWST – Wed-Thu 1:50; 4:35; 7:25; 10:10; Fri-Wed 1:25; 4:15; 7:05; 9:50. DOZS\bW\S¸a 2Og – Wed-Thu 1; 1:40; 3:40; 4:25; 6:30; 7:15; 9:20; 10; Fri-Wed 12:45; 1:40; 3:40; 4:30; 6:40; 7:25; 9:30; 10:10. BVS E]ZT[O\ – Wed-Thu 1:25; 2:30; 4; 5:05; 6:45; 7:40; 9:30; 10:20. Fri-Wed 1:15; 2:30; 3:50; 5:05; 6:45; 7:40; 9:15; 10:05; plus Fri-Sun 12. BVS 0]]Y ]T 3ZW – Wed-Thu 4:50; 10:05. 3RUS ]T 2O`Y\Saa – Wed-Thu 2:10; 7:30. EVS\ W\ @][S – Wed-Thu 2; 4:10; 6:50; 9:15. (No 9:15 on Thu). /dObO` – Wed-Thu 1:10; 4:45; 8:10. Fri-Wed 12:50; 4:35; 8. C^ W\ BVS /W` – Wed-Thu 1:45; 4:15; 7; 9:40. Fri-Wed 1:35; 4:20; 6:55; 9:25. (No 7 show on Thu). 1O``WS – Thu 8pm.

A1=BBA D/::3G $ 17<3;/A

226 Mt. Hermon Rd., Scotts Valley 831.438.3261 www.culvertheatres.com AVcbbS` 7aZO\R – (Opens Fri) 3:45; 6:45; 9:45, plus Fri-Sun 12:45. 1`Ohg 6SO`b – (Opens Fri) 2:10; 4:45; 7:30; 10; plus Fri-Sun 11:40. 2SO` 8]V\ – Wed-Thu call for showtimes. Fri-Sun 2; 4:40;7:10; 9:40; plus Fri-Sun 11:30. BVS E]ZT[O\ — Wed-Thu call for showtimes. Fri-Wed 2:20; 5; 7:20; 9:40;

plus Fri-Sun 11:45. >S`Qg 8OQYa]\ bVS =Zg[^WO\a( BVS :WUVb\W\U BVWST – Wed-Thu call for

showtimes. Fri-Wed 1:30; 4:15; 7; 9:30; pus Fri-Sun 11. DOZS\bW\S¸a 2Og – Wed-Thu call for showtimes. Fri-Wed 1:45; 4:30; 7:15; 9:55; plus Fri-Sun 11:10.

Lincoln and Cedar streets, Santa Cruz 831.426.7500 www.thenick.com


Uma Thurman

23: ;/@

BVS :Oab AbObW]\ — (Opens Fri) 2; 4:30; 7; 9:20; plus Sat-Sun 11:40. 1`SObW]\ – Wed-Thu 2:15; 4:30; 6:45; 9. Sat-Sun 11:15am. 1`Ohg 6SO`b – Fri-Wed 1:30; 2:30; 3:50; 4:50; 6:10; 7:15; 8:30; 9:30; plus Sat-Sun 12:10. / AW\UZS ;O\ – Wed-Thu 2:45; 5; 7:15; 9:20. BVS 7[OUW\O`Wc[ ]T 2]Qb]` >O`\Oaaca – Wed-Thu 4:20; 7; 9:30. BVS 0ZW\R AWRS – Wed-Thu 1:50. @]QYg 6]``]` >WQbc`S AV]e – Fri-Sat midnight.

Julianne Moore

A6CBB3@ 7A:/<2

Oh wait, that’s not right. I mean nothing is as it seems! That’s better. (Opens Fri at 41st Ave, Santa Cruz 9, Scotts Valley 6 and Green Valley Cinema.) (SP)

plus Fri-Sun 11:55.

1124 Pacific Ave., Santa Cruz 831.426.7500 www.thenick.com


Colin Firth

1475 41st Ave., Capitola 831.479.3504 www.culvertheatres.com

plus Fri-Sun 11.


(3:50), 6:40, 9:25

" AB /D3<C3 17<3;/A

AVcbbS` 7aZO\R – (Opens Fri) 3:45; 7; 10; plus Fri-Sun 12:30. DOZS\bW\S¸a 2Og – Wed-Thu call for showtimes. Fri-Wed 1:40; 4:30; 7:20; 10;

plus Sat, Sun (11:40am)

Daily: (1:00),

/>B=A 17<3;/A

122 Rancho Del Mar Center, Aptos 831.688.6541 www.culvertheatres.com


the kink those earlier films weren’t allowed to show, plus a postmodern, satirical edge that would within a few years time become all the rage, from Airplane! to Simpsons to Scream. (Plays Fri-Sat midnight at the Del Mar.) (SP)

Showtimes are for Wednesday, Feb. 17, through Wednesday, Feb. 24, unless otherwise indicated. Programs and showtimes are subject to change without notice.

STARTS FRIDAY 2/19! “An explosive female coming-of-age story‌absolute dynamite!â€? –Salon.com

what do you know, it’s the original midnight movie! The popularity of this film with total freaks for some reason scared Rocky Horror virgins everywhere into thinking this was more of a sick joke than a movie. Thus was born the tradition of bringing along a normal whose cherry you could pop at one of the gabillions of late-night screenings of this movie over the last three decades. Once you finally see it, you can (hopefully) understand why it inspired such total insanity: it really does have everything. It’s as wide-eyed and charming as the science fiction double features and monster movies it idolizes, but with all

Movie reviews by Steve Palopoli, Mel Valentin and Richard von Busack


EVS\ W\ @][S – (Opens Fri) 4:15; 6:45; 9; plus Fri-Sun 1:15. 2SO` 8]V\ – Daily 4; 7; 9:30; plus Fri-Sun 1. 4`][ >O`Wa EWbV :]dS – Wed-Thu 4:15; 7:15; 9:45.

A/<B/ 1@CH 17<3;/ '

1405 Pacific Ave., Santa Cruz 800.326.3264 x1700 www.regmovies.com AVcbbS` 7aZO\R – (Opens Fri) 1; 3:20; 4:05; 6:30; 7:15; 9:40; 10:20;

plus Fri-Sun 12:15. Plus midnight Thu.

5@33< D/::3G 17<3;/ &

1125 S. Green Valley Rd, Watsonville 831.761.8200 www.greenvalleycinema.com AVcbbS` 7aZO\R – (Opens Fri) 1; 4; 6:45; 9:30. >S`Qg 8OQYa]\ O\R bVS =Zg[^WO\a( BVS :WUVb\W\U BVWST – Daily 1:30; 4:30;

7; 9:30; plus Sat-Sun 11am. DOZS\bW\S¸a 2Og – Daily 1:35; 4:20; 7; 9:30; plus Sat-Sun 11am. BVS E]ZT[O\ – Daily 1:15; 4:45; 7:15; 9:30; plus Sat-Sun 11am. 1`Ohg 6SO`b – Daily 1:30; 4:30; 7; 9:25; plus Sat-Sun 11:05am. 2SO` 8]V\ – Daily 1:30; 4:30; 7; 9:20; plus Sat-Sun 11:05am. 4`][ >O`Wa EWbV :]dS – Wed-Thu 1:05; 3:15; 5:20; 7:20; 9:30. Fri-Wed 7:20; 9:30. B]]bV 4OW`g – Wed-Thu 1:15; 3:30; 5:15; 7:10; 9:15. Fri-Wed 1:15; 3:30; 5:15; plus Sat-Sun 11:05. /dObO` ! 2 – Wed-Thu 1; 4:15; 7:30. Fri-Sun 12:20; 3:25; 6:40; 9:40; Mon-Wed 1; 4:15; 7:30.

j !'

A/<B/1@CH 1=; february 17-24, 2010 47:;

made him a part of their family. (MV) B63 0==9 =4 3:7

(R; 118 min.) Denzel Washington stars as the usual wanderer on the usual postapocalyptic wastes. The Hughes brothers’ Bible-flogging apocalypso could be read as a Western, but it’s a monomaniacal one. Washington underplays the part of a soft-spoken drifter who deals with a vicious yet zany town boss (Gary Oldman). The film is blessed with actors (Tom Waits, Michael Gambon and a probably synthesized but touching Mr. Bigglesworth cat), but the movie has this pious streak that can’t be overcome. Scriptwriter Gary Whitta, as in the IMDb sentence, “Gary Whitta was editor of PC Gamer for several years,� seems to have retrofitted this film from a video game. (RvB) 1@/HG 63/@B (R;

119 min.) Crazy Heart gives Jeff Bridges a belly-baring role, with his slit-eyed country singer Bad Blake as a kind of Bad Lebowski, a morose sweet-talking satyr drinking his way to the grave. On tour in his ancient 1978 Chevy Suburban, he meets a former Oklahoma newspaper reporter, Jean (Maggie Gyllenhaal). What truly concerns Jean is the influence this charismatic wreck of a man will be on her young son. Robert Duvall, who co-produced, plays a clean and sober bar owner in Houston who is also Bad’s mentor. Ultimately, it may be that Bridges is more fun to watch as a drunkard—his Bad has a hostile, coolly funny mean streak that goes away when he gets dry and sensitive. (RvB) 1@3/B7=< (PG-13;

108 min.) Without the crescent-shaped beard, Charles Darwin (Paul Bettany) is not just a romantic but also a quivering neurotic. The script by John Collee shows us Darwin in the period leading up to the publishing of On the Origin of Species. He’s a nervous wreck,

tormented by the declining health of his beloved daughter Annie (Martha West) and unable to confront his religious wife, Emma (Jennifer Connelly), about his scientific findings. Creation is unstuck in time; we have to judge the hairline on Bettany’s toupees to tell us where we are in the tale. Here, then, is one of those biopics that make you want to run straight out of the theater and go find a good book on the subject. Creation tries to remind us of the price Darwin paid for his genius, but here is a father of evolution fit to please any smooth religious sadist; they can look and say, “We always told you Darwin was insane.â€? (RvB) 23/@ 8=6< (PG-13; 108 min.) Dear John is based on Nicholas Sparks’ epistle romance between a big, shy lug of a Green Beret named John Tyree (Channing Tatum) and Savannah Curtis (Amanda Seyfried), a well-off college girl who lives by the beach in South Carolina. She is a good girl who doesn’t drink, doesn’t smoke and doesn’t sleep around. Despite the good breeding, upon the first kiss with Tatum, she wraps her legs around him like he’s a brass stripper pole. Tyree begs Savannah to wait for her while his tour of duty ends. Then Sept. 11 strikes: a choice between his country and Amanda Seyfried. The Forever War is cornstarch to hold this batter together—the movie shuns female curves and goes full porno on the fuselages of cargo planes instead. Director Lasse HallstrĂśm does a few things neat—a matching shot between a fountain of brass shell casings and tumbling of coins at the mint. (RvB) 3253 =4 2/@9<3AA

(R; 117 min.) Scriptwriters William Monahan and Andrew Bevel have shaped this remake of a 1985 British TV series for Mel Gibson. There’s an inside joke about the actor/ director’s knowledge

of Latin, for example, and Gibson’s character, Boston police detective Thomas Craven, sums up his moral stance: “Either you’re hanging from the cross, or you’re banging in the nails.� Craven is a bereaved dad, as well as judge, jury, executioner and bailiff, so he likes to do a bit of both hanging and hammering. The cop’s daughter, Emma (Bojana Novakovic), gets shot by parties unknown; Craven goes on search for the killers. The trail leads to Emma’s workplace, a sinister governmentrun nuclear facility. Craven is hindered by the plant’s operator (Danny Huston) and helped by knowing government functionary Ray Winstone, by miles the best thing in this movie. Until the final shootouts, which are brisk as firecrackers, Edge of Darkness plods through its one-clue-perscene story. (RvB) B63 7;/57</@7C; =4 2=1B=@ >/@</AACA (R; 117

min.) For Terry Gilliam, Don Quixote is still the ur-text. Despite the various stops and starts he has had adapting the Cervantes classic, Gilliam repeatedly makes films about fantasy as an escape from a cruel world. The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus, a very personal and notso-coherent fantasy, has Christopher Plummer in the Man of la Mancha role this time, with Verne Troyer as Percy, a dwarf Sancho Panza. Plummer plays Doctor Parnassus, an immortal sage reduced to busking in a horse-drawn Gypsy wagon. He and his crew set up their stand in the streets of modern-day London at its vilest, trying to lure patrons in to a world beyond the doctor’s mirror. On board is his daughter, who doesn’t know that she has been promised to the devil on her 16th birthday; Mr. Nick (Tom Waits) is sniffing around already. During their travels, the group rescues a hanged man named Tony (an irresolute Heath Ledger). Certainly, Gilliam’s love for antique theater is true—

although the greasepaint and cardboard make one wonder why he didn’t stage this story instead of filming it. (RvB) <7<3 (PG-13; 117 min.)

Federico Fellini’s 8 1/2 (1963) is boiled down to a musical series of celebs in pushup bras. An Italian film director, Guido (Daniel DayLewis), has announced an ambitious new film project. But Guido has no idea what the film is going to be, and the time to start shooting is coming up. Director Rob Marshall (Chicago) has calmed the camerawork down—he’s previously been an addict of fast cutting to make a group of mostly nonsingers and nondancers to look like lightfooted showstoppers. But only Marion Cotillard, as Guido’s much-spurned wife, delivers a number that leaves an aftereffect. (RvB)

271/>3@ Mfpobsep!EjDbqsjp!jt!po!b!rvftu!up!gfssfu!pvu!b!njttjoh!


>3@1G 8/19A=< /<2 B63 =:G;>7/<A( great, but Precious has a judgmental streak B63 :756B<7<5 that won’t quit. And B6734 (PG; 119 min.)

If you’re not a kid, and don’t have kids, you are no doubt thinking this is a sports movie about some track and field hero you never heard of. Close! It’s based on the teen bestseller about a modern-day kid who discovers he’s the descendant of a Greek god and that it’s his destiny to be drawn into a battle between the ancient figures of Greek mythology. Did I say close? I meant way off. (SP) >@317=CA 0/A32 =< B63 <=D3: >CA6 0G A/>>67@3 (R; 110

min.) Much lauded, but it’s a bulldozer. It’s 1987, during some of Harlem’s most suffering years. A girl of immense girth, 16-year-old Claireece (Gabourey “Gabby� Sidibe) makes her way through life. She has intelligence, but she can’t focus, and we learn why in flashback; she was serially raped by her mother’s boyfriend. Her scathing, angry mother, Mary (Mo’Nique), blames Precious for this and her resulting pregnancy), urging her to stop this foolishness about school and go on welfare. Mo’Nique is

that’s been essential to a success worthy of its sensationalism. (RvB) / A7<5:3 ;/< (R; 109 min.) Based on Christopher Isherwood’s early-1960s novel, canonical in gay literature but slightly dusty today. A British professor (Colin Firth) teaching in L.A. loses his longtime companion in a car accident and has decided he can no longer stand the pain. He finds some consolation with a hard-drinking old friend (and ex-lover) called Charley (Julianne Moore); on his route, he encounters young men who are both interesting and interested. Noteworthy as a great comeback performance by Firth, who has had much substandard work to deal with lately. Firth plays George with sensitivity and grace, and a sense of the era that most of the performers here lack. Director Tom Ford shows his roots as a fashion designer, focusing on surfaces. The clothes don’t make the men. (RvB) C> 7< B63 /7@ (R; 109

min.) As the predatory Ryan Bingham, George Clooney delivers

a startlingly good performance. Sadly, the film is compromised by director Jason Reitman, who shows signs of morphing into Cameron Crowe. Bingham is a hired terminator—a man brought in to fire people; he tolerates this job with benefits of an executive life with plenty of travel. Enter a young, seemingly equally callous rival (Anna Kendrick). Having this inexperienced girl along interrupts Ryan’s regularly scheduled no-strings flings with a fellow constant business traveler, Alex (Vera Farmiga). The acrid first half is the best part—Clooney makes us admire Ryan’s gamesmanship. The film wants us to equate two different kinds of toxicities—to draw a line between the corporate bloodletting that juices up stock portfolios and the wrongness of the present-tense sex life that Ryan and Alex enjoy. Too bad that Farmiga and Clooney are such a scintillating pair that you don’t want to see them pay the piper. (RvB) B63 E67B3 @700=<

(R; 144 min.) In the

insignificant village of Eichwald (“Oakwood�), just before World War I, we hear a series of stories. These stories concern acts of violence that disturbed the orderly progression of the years. The events are narrated by an old man who was, long ago, the town’s vacant-looking schoolteacher (Christian Friedel). He advises us that everything we will see is based on things half-heard and halfremembered. We can take this ineffectual man’s word for it. Clues pass him by, and he can’t provide a solid resolution for the story. He doesn’t seem to understand that Eichwald is poisoned, root and branch. The schoolteacher comments that what we see will help us understand “the events that came after.� By “the events,� director Michael Haneke may mean Germany’s next 30 years after 1914. Eichwald is a serpent’s-egg hatchery: the village’s obedient children will be participants in the kaiser’s war and Hitler’s crime wave. (RvB) B63 E=:4;/< (R; 102 min.) It’s not a perfect film, but The Wolfman is a loving

remake, made by people who understood the romance, pathos and torment of the original 1941 film. This new animal has speed on his side, and there’s more viscera flying around. In 1891, after the horrific death of his brother, the noted Shakespearean actor Lawrence Talbot (Benicio del Toro) returns home to his family’s mansion. This means a re-encounter with his estranged father Sir John (Anthony Hopkins). The town gossip has it that Lawrence’s brother was killed by a tame dancing bear owned by a band of Gypsies; when investigating on a moonlit night, Lawrence himself is nearly killed by the real culprit. The fiancÊ of the late brother (Emily Blunt) stays to nurse Lawrence back to health And when the next moon rises, well, you know. Probably you could hire a makeup man just to make Del Toro look less like a wolf. But the Talbot scenes suggest Del Toro was cast for his resemblance to Lon Chaney Jr., with his clouded, thick features and his air of suffering. We see the human under the fur. (RvB)

40 |

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A/<B/1@CH 1=; A /<B/1@CH 1=; ffebruary e b r u a r y 17-24, 1 7 - 2 4 , 2010 2 0 1 0 3>71C@3 3>71C@3

Wine W ine B Bar ar bbyy tthe he Sea Sea 1C@B7A 1/@B73@ 1 C@B7A 1/@B73@

Unpretentious U npretentious n atmosphere atm mospher p e and a dynamic d host ho ost make make Cava Caava a village village destination des stination 0G 16@7AB7</ E/B3@A 0G 1 6 @ 7 A B 7 < / E/B 3 @ A


OT C OT COUNTING OUNTING tthe he cchance hance tto oh ang o ut with with o wner aand nd hang out owner rraconteur aconteur C lif f L ivingston, Cliff Livingston, tthe he ttop op re eason fo isit reason forr a vvisit to Capitola’s Capitola’s cozy cozy wine wine bar bar is is the the long long to list of of tasting tasting f lights lights available available every ever y list day. After Af ter all, all, sampling sampling a trio trio of of 22day. ounce pours pours of of intriguing intriguing domestic domestic ounce and global global wines wines can can help help expand expand any any and palate, from fro r m beginner beginner to to aficionado. af icionado. palate, “I really really like like to to let let people people enjoy enjoy the the “I wines without without a lot lot of of direction, direction,â€? says says wines Livingston, whose whose smile smile is is as as broad broad as as Livingston, his shoulders. shoulders. “Once “Once they they start start tasting tasting his and like like a wine, wine, if if they they want want a real real and discussion,â€? he he pauses, pauses, “I’ll “I’ll be be happy happy to to discussion, talk about about it it as as much much and and in in as as much much talk depth as as they they want. want. But But I believe believe they they depth shouldn’t be be bombarded bombarded with with data. data.â€? shouldn’t Livingston and and business business partner par tner Livingston Zach Worthington Wor thington started started Cava Cava four four Zach years ago ago in in the the front fro r nt slot slot of of the the years Capitola Mercantile. Mercantile. Born Born in in Panama, Panama, Capitola Livingston came came to to the the United United States States Livingston to sample sample college college life lifee as as well well as as to restaurants and and wineries. wineries. After Af ter a visit visit restaurants to the the Bay Bay Area, Area, things things fell fell into into place. place. to “I got got serious serious about ab out wines wines “I during a year year in in Napa,â€? Napa,â€? he he recalls, recalls, during “then I went went to to San San Francisco Francisco and and “then eventually worked worked at at Zuni Zuni CafĂŠ CafĂŠ with with eventually Judy Rogers.â€? Rogers.â€? That’s That’s where where he he and and Judy Worthing ton met met and and hatched hatched their their Worthington plan for for a wine wine bar. bar. Capitola Capitola supplied supplied plan the location. lo cation. the

=443@A E3 1/<¸B @34CA3 W =443@A E3 1/<¸B @34CA3 When hen C Cliff liff LLivingston ivingston ooffers ffe f rs yyou ou a ttaste aste ooff M.. C Chapoutier CĂ´tes Du M hap outier Bila-Haut Bila-Haut C Ă´ te s D u Roussillon Roussillon 2008, 2008, you you don’t don’t dither. dither.

Sipping S ipping a f linty linty Chateau Chateau de de L’AulĂŠe bubbly L ’Au A lĂŠe b ubbly aand nd cconsidering onsidering tthe he boquerones on handwritten b oquerones llisted isted o nah andwritten bar menu, Worthington b ar m enu, I llearn earn tthat hat W or thing ton recently returned re cently re turned tto o sschool cho ol tto o ffinish inish MBA. Livingston now aan nM BA. L ivingston iiss n ow tthe he ssolo olo off tthis well-stocked ccaptain aptaain o his w ell-sto cked ship, ship, where devoted w here a d evoted cclientele lientele eenjoy njoy ttiny iny plates off aappetizers orr ffull-on p lates o pp etizers o ull- on IItalian talian pizzas next-door Caruso’s with p izzas ffrom ro r mn ext- do or C aruso’s w ith off ttempranillo. Refusing ttheir heir gglasses lasses o empranillo. R efusing on region, tto o cconcentrate oncentrate o n a ssingle ingle re gion, Livingston wall off w wines L ivingston sstocks to cks a w all o ines fr ffrom r m ro over world. aall ll o v r tthe ve he w orld. ““There There aare re jjust ust sso o many many great great wines wines out hee iinsists. o ut tthere,â€? here,â€? h nsists. ““We’re We’re lliving iving iin n Golden Agee o off w wine.â€? And while tthe he G olden Ag ine.â€? A nd w hile hee aavoids picking Cava’s host h vvoids p icking ffavorites, avorites, C ava’s h ost will admit to a special fondness for will admit to sp ecial fondness for pink bubblies. have ccrisp risp p ink b ubblies. ““II h avve a ccouple ouple

in the in the shop shop aatt aall ll times. times. Right Right n now ow tthe he Gruet Gruet is is my my current current favorite.� favvorite.� He He New ggestures estures toward toward d tthe he Ne N w Mexico Mexico wine wine nestling on Veuve n estling o n the the shelves shelves next next to to V euve Clicquot. C licquot. Boasting Boasting one one of of the the finest f inest locations locations on o n tthe he coast—Cava coast— Cava is is steps steps away away ffrom rrom many beachfront tthe he Esplanade’s Esplanade’s m any b eachfrront restaurants—the brings re staurants—the wine wine bar bar b rings during iin n winemakers winemakers d uring ““Meet Meet Your Your Maker� Tuesday nights, while Winter M aker� T uesday n ights, w hile W inter Wednesdays feature W ednesdays fe ature r a live live jazz jazz band band discount on aand nd a 330 0 percent percent d iscount o n bottles. bottles. Livingston L ivingston recalls recalls that that many many patrons patrons off tthat hefty llike ike tto o take take aadvantage dvanta t ge o hat h ef ty discount pricey bottles d iscount on on p ricey b ottles tthey hey might not usually m ight n ot u sually consider. consider. “It’s “It’s an an opportunity new opp ortunity to to ttry ry something something n ew aand nd more hee says. more costly,� costly,� h says. A glance glance at at the the Cava Cava menu menu

makes abundantly makes abundantly cclear lear tthe he o owner’s wner’s p hilosophy of of serious serious p lay. Local Local w ines philosophy play. wines aare ree listed listed as as “Backyard “Backy k ard dV arietals,� Varietals,� aand nd tthe he f llights ights aare re n oted u nder noted under tthe he menu menu h eading “The “The First First R ule heading Rule o light Club.� Club.� IItalian, talian, F rench aand nd off F Flight French S panish vvarietals arietals are are ccollected ollected u nder Spanish under ““Hannibal’s Hannibal’s R oute.� Route.� It’s impossible imp ossible not not to to enjoy enjoy a It’s vvisit isit tto oC ava and and its its eextensive xtensive w ine Cava wine p ossibilities, not not to to m ention iits ts ccozy ozy possibilities, mention sseating eating area area aand nd iinviting nviting ffireplace. ireplace. A nd, o ourse, Cliff. Cliff. And, off ccourse, 1/D/ 1 /D/

1115 15 SSan an J Jose ose Ave., Ave., Capitola Capitola 831.476.2282 8 31.476.2282 4–11pm, SSun–Mon un–Mon 3–9pm; 3–9pm; Tue–Thu Tue–Thu 4 –11pm, Fri–Sat F ri–Sat noon–midnight no on–midnight

" j 27<3@¸A 5C723 february 17-24, 2010 A/<B/1@CH 1=;

Sat. & Sun.

7:30am — 11:00am

Diner’s Guide

Our selective list of area restaurants includes those that have been favorably reviewed in print by Santa Cruz Weekly food critics and others that have been sampled but not reviewed in print. All visits by our writers are made anonymously, and all expenses are paid by Metro Santa Cruz. AG;0=:A ;/23 A7;>:3( + C\RS` + # + $ + O\R c^

Price Ranges based on average cost of dinner entree and salad, excluding alcoholic beverages

/>B=A $$ Aptos

/;0@=A7/ 7<27/ 07AB@=

$$ Aptos

0@7B/<<7/ /@;A

$$$ Aptos $$$ Aptos

$$ Aptos

207 Searidge Rd, 831.685.0610

8017 Soquel Dr, 831.688.1233 :/ 03::/ D7B/ 07AB@=

257 Center Ave, 831.685.8111 A3D3@7<=¸A 5@7::

7500 Old Dominion Ct, 831.688.8987

Indian. Authentic Indian dishes and specialties served in a comfortable dining room. Lunch buffet daily 11:30am-2:30pm; dinner daily 5pm to close. www.ambrosiaib.com American and specialty dishes from the British and Emerald Isles. Full bar. Children welcome. Happy hour Mon-Fri 2-6pm. Open daily 11am to 2am. Italian. Ambience reminiscent of a small trattoria in the streets of Italy, serving handmade lasagna, pasta dishes, gnocchi and fresh fish. Wed-Sun, Lunch 11am-2pm, Dinner 5-9pm. Continental California cuisine. Breakfast all week 6:30-11am, lunch all week 11am-2pm; dinner Fri-Sat 5-10pm, Sun-Thu 5-9pm. www.seacliffinn.com.

H/;33< ;327B3@@/<3/< Middle Eastern/Mediterranean. Fresh, fast, flavorful. Gourmet

7528 Soquel Dr, 831.688.4465

meat and vegetarian kebabs, gyros, falafel, healthy salads and Mediterranean flatbread pizzas. Beer and wine. Dine in or take out. Tue-Sun 11am-8pm.

1/>7B=:/ $ Capitola


1/43 D7=:3BB3

104 Stockton Ave, 831.479.8888

All day breakfast. Burgers, gyros, sandwiches and 45 flavors of Marianne’s and Polar Bear ice cream. Open 8am daily.

>/@/27A3 ACA67 Japanese. This pretty and welcoming sushi bar serves 200 Monterey Ave, 831.464.3328 superfresh fish in unusual but well-executed sushi combinations. Wed-Mon 11:30am-9pm.

California Continental. Swordfish and other seafood specials. Dinner Mon-Thu 5:30-9:30pm; Fri 5-10pm; Sat 4-10:30pm; Sun 4-9pm.



1750 Wharf Rd, 831.475.1511

AB=19B=< 0@7253 5@7::3 Mediterranean tapas. Innovative menu, full-service bar,


231 Esplanade, 831.464.1933

international wine list and outdoor dining with terrific views in the heart of Capitola Village. Open daily.

$$$ Capitola


203 Esplanade, 831.475.4900

California cuisine. Nightly specials include prime rib and lobster. Daily 7am-2am.

A/<B/ 1@CH $$ Santa Cruz


$ Santa Cruz

16/@:73 6=<5 9=<5

$$ Santa Cruz

1116 Pacific Ave, 831. 426.7588

1141 Soquel Ave, 831. 426.5664


110 Church St, 831.429.2000

$$ Santa Cruz

B63 1@3>3 >:/13

1@=E¸A <3AB

Santa Cruz

2218 East Cliff Dr, 831.476.4560

$ Santa Cruz

460 Seventh Ave, 831.477.2908

1134 Soquel Ave, 831.429.6994

4/<2/<5= ;3F71/<

$$ Santa Cruz


$$ Santa Cruz


303 Soquel Ave, 831.426.7770

1102 Pacific Ave, 837.420.0135

Mexican/Seafood/American. Traditional Mexican favorites. Best fajitas, chicken mole, coconut prawns, blackened prime rib! Fresh seafood. Over 50 premium tequilas, daily happy hour w/ half-price appetizers. Sun-Thu 11am-10pm, Fri-Sat 11am-11pm. California organic meets Southeast Asian street food. Organic noodle & rice bowls, vegan menu, fish & meat options, Vietnamese style sandwiches, eat-in or to-go. Consistent winner “Best Cheap Eats.� Open daily 11am-11pm American, California-style. With a great bar scene, casually glamorous setting and attentive waitstaff. Full bar. Mon-Sat 11:30am-10pm, Sun 1-10pm. Crepes and more. Featuring the spinach crepe and Tunisian donut. Full bar. Mon-Thu 11am-midnight, Fri 11am-1am, Sat 10am-1am, Sun 10am-midnight. Seafood. Fresh seafood, shellfish, Midwestern aged beef, pasta specialties, abundant salad bar. Kids menu and nightly entertainment. Harbor and Bay views. Lunch and dinner daily. Mexican. Serving breakfast all day. Popular for our street tacos and handmade Salvadorian pupusas. Vegetarian options made w/ local fresh vegetables & organic tofu. Daily 9: 30am-9:30pm. Americana. Ribs, steaks and burgers are definitely the stars. Full bar. Lunch Mon-Sat 11:30am-2:30pm; dinner Sun-Thu 5:30-9:30pm, Fri-Sat 5:30-10pm. California/full-service bakery. Breakfast, lunch, dinner. “Best Eggs Benedict in Town.� Happy Hour Mon-Fri 5-6pm. Halfprice appetizers; wines by the glass. Daily 8am-9pm.

j "!

A/<B/1@CH 1=; february 17-24, 2010 27<3@¸A 5C723

6C:/¸A 7A:/<2 5@7::

Santa Cruz

221 Cathcart St, 831.426.4852

$$ Santa Cruz

7 :=D3 ACA67

$$ Santa Cruz

516 Front St, 831.421.0706 8=6<<G¸A 6/@0=@A723

493 Lake Ave, 831.479.3430

$$$ :/ >=AB/ Santa Cruz 538 Seabright Ave, 831.457.2782 $$ Santa Cruz


$$ Santa Cruz

>/17471 B6/7

Japanese Fusion. Sushi bar, sake bar, vegetarian, seafood, steak in fun atmosphere; kids play area; karaoke every night. Open seven days 5-10pm; Mon-Fri 11:30am-2:30pm. Seafood/California. Fresh catch made your way! Plus many other wonderful menu items. Great view. Full bar. Happy hour Mon-Fri. Brunch Sat-Sun 10am-2pm. Open daily. Italian. La Posta serves Italian food made in the old style— simple and delicious. Wed-Thu 5-9pm, Fri-Sat 5-9:30pm and Sun 5-8pm.

Fine Mexican cuisine. Opening daily at noon. 49-B Municipal Wharf, 831.458.9393 1319 Pacific Ave, 831.420.1700

@7AB=@/<B3 7B/:7/<=

Santa Cruz

555 Soquel Ave, 831.458.2321

$$ Santa Cruz

@=A73 ;11/<<¸A

1220 Pacific Ave, 831.426.9930

$$ Santa Cruz

105 Walnut Ave, 831.423.2020

$$ Santa Cruz

2415 Mission St, 831.423.9010

$$ Santa Cruz

’60s Vegas meets ’50s Waikiki. Amazing dining experience in kitchy yet swanky tropical setting. Fresh fish, great steaks, vegetarian. Full-service tiki bar. Happy-hour tiki drinks. Aloha Fri, Sat lunch 11:30am-5pm. Dinner nightly 5pm-close.


C>>3@ 1@CAB >7HH/

E==2AB=19¸A >7HH/

710 Front St, 831.427.4444

Thai. Individually prepared with the freshest ingredients, plus ambrosia bubble teas, shakes. Mon-Thu 11:30am-9:30pm, Fri 11:30am-10pm, Sat noon-10pm, Sun noon-9:30pm. Italian-American. Mouthwatering, generous portions, friendly service and the best patio in town. Full bar. Lunch Mon-Fri 11:30am, dinner nightly at 5pm. Irish pub and restaurant. Informal pub fare with reliable execution. Lunch and dinner all day, open Mon-Fri 11:30ammidnight, Sat-Sun 11:30am-1:30am. Wine bar with menu. Flawless plates of great character and flavor; sexy menu listings and wines to match. Lunch Wed-Sat noon2pm; dinner Mon-Thu 5-10pm, Fri-Sat 5-11pm, Sun 4-10pm; retail shop Mon 5pm-close, Tue-Sat noon-close, Sun 4pm-close. Pizza. Specializing in authentic Sicilian and square pizza. Homemade pasta, fresh sandwiches, soups, salads and more. Hot slices always ready. Sun-Thu 10am-9:30pm, Fri-Sat 10am-11pm. Pizza. Pizza, fresh salads, sandwiches, wings, desserts, beers on tap. Patio dining, sports on HDTV and free WiFi. Large groups and catering. Open and delivering Fri-Sat 11am-2am, Mon-Thu 11am-1am, Sun 11am-midnight.

A/< :=@3<H= D/::3G $$ Felton

@32E==2 >7HH3@7/

6205 Hwy 9, 831.335.1500

Organic Pizza. Everything organic: pizza, lasagna, soup, salad, beer and local wine. Always organic, local produce. Party room seats 32. Weeknights 4-9pm (closed Tue), Fri 4-10pm, Sat 1-10pm, Sun 1-9pm. See menu at www.redwoodpizza.com.

A1=BBA D/::3G $ 63/D3<:G 1/43 American. Serving breakfast and lunch daily. Large parties Scotts Valley 1210 Mt. Hermon Rd, 831.335.7311 welcome. Mon-Fri 6:30am-2:15pm, Sat-Sun 7am-2:45pm. $ 87/ B3::/¸A Scotts Valley 5600 #D Scotts Valley Dr, 831.438.5005

Cambodian. Fresh kebabs, seafood dishes, soups and noodle bowls with a unique Southeast Asian flair. Beer and wine available. Patio dining. Sun-Thu 11am-9pm, Fri-Sat 11am-10pm.

"" j /AB@=:=5G february 17-24, 2009 A/<B/1@CH 1=;

Astrology Free Will

By Rob Brezsny

For the week of February 17 /@73A (March 21–April 19): I personally don’t believe we’re living in the worst of times, although I know many people who do. While there are indeed reasons to despair, our current state of affairs is actually in many ways quite glorious. And our struggles are puny compared to those of the generation that lived through the two World Wars and the Great Depression. Having said that, I think it’s fine to believe that civilization is in a terrible mess if it motivates you to shed all your trivial distractions and inessential wishes so as to dedicate yourself to living an exciting, generous life that’s rich with love and meaning. Now is a prime time for you, Aries, to dedicate yourself to such a path. B/C@CA (April 20–May 20): Throughout 2010, you’re most likely to be consistently in the right place at the right time if you cultivate an amused skepticism toward what’s in vogue. In fact, I suspect that only one trend will be of any use to you at all. You heard me correctly, Taurus: Of all the fashionable obsessions that may tempt you, just one will be in sweet alignment with your authentic needs. And guess what? Right now happens to be the perfect moment to get hooked up with it.

53;7<7 (May 21–June 20): When I was lead vocalist in the band Tao Chemical, I sang a tune whose chorus went as follows: “I want the truth/ the whole truth/ nothing but the truth/ I want the truth/ Don’t beat around the bush.� Shortly after we started performing the song, my girlfriend broke up with me. And she felt free—given what I proclaimed in those lyrics—to share with me every excruciating detail about her new relationship. It was painful, and I felt tempted to forswear the song and never utter those brave words again. But I was ultimately glad I didn’t weaken. To this day, I prefer knowing the full facts. Now I’m recommending to you, Gemini, that you pledge yourself to the same intention in the coming weeks. It should be much easier for you than it initially was for me. Most of the truths rushing in will be interesting and enlivening, with just a little angst mixed in. 1/<13@ (June 21–July 22): “Jane Austen was the spinster daughter of a clergyman who led an uneventful life,� wrote Geoffrey Wheatcroft in The Guardian. “She just happened to write half a dozen f lawless masterpieces, which came perfectly formed, not from experience but from imagination.� Most of us don’t have anything close to the inconceivably potent imagination that Austen possessed. But I believe 2010 will be a year when you can access at least a portion of that wondrous capacity. You’ll be able to fantasize about vast possibilities in exquisite detail. You will have great skill at smashing your way free of limiting expectations through the power of your expansive vision. And the coming weeks will be a time when it should all kick into high gear.

:3= (July 23–Aug. 22): Of all the symbols in the world, the swastika is the most horrendous. As the logo for Hitler’s Nazi movement, it will forever smack of evil. But it didn’t used to be that way. In many cultures throughout history, from the Greeks to the Hindus to the Native Americans, the swastika was a representation of the sun’s path across the sky, and was regarded as highly auspicious, even a good luck charm. Can you think of a more modest equivalent of this phenomenon in your own life, Leo? A formerly wonderful thing that got spoiled somewhere along the way? The coming weeks will be a good time to determine whether you could redeem and rehabilitate it. D7@5= (Aug. 23–Sept. 22): I need a break from watching you work your psyche to the bone. At least for now, I’m not willing to indulge you in your inclination to do your duty so exhaustively that you suffer. And as much as I admire your drive to get things perfect, I cannot in good conscience encourage you to do that, either. It is therefore with a sense of relief that I counsel you to take at least a week off from the behavior I described. Instead, try playful, messy experiments that are in service to your own needs. Be a freewheeling explorer, a wandering improviser. :70@/ (Sept. 23–Oct. 22): “Whatever gets in the way of the work,� wrote poet Jason Shinder, “is the work.� His counsel will serve as a good reminder for you if you meet with obstacles in the coming days. If you ever catch yourself thinking, “Damn!

I’d be making such good progress if it weren’t for these inconvenient complications,� consider the possibility that the inconvenient complications aren’t distractions, but rather crucial clues; they’re not pains in the assets, but medicinal prods that point the way to the real opportunities.

A1=@>7= (Oct. 23–Nov. 21): Have you ever watched the TV show The Office? If so, you may remember when Darryl from the warehouse was going out with customer service rep Kelly. “You need to access your uncrazy side,� he told her at a turning point in their relationship. “Otherwise, maybe this thing has run its course.� I’d like to invite you to do the same, Scorpio: Tap into, draw up to the surface, and abundantly express your uncrazy side. I predict that you will have a whole lot of fun if you do, thereby proving that you don’t need to be marinating in chaos and torment in order to experience high adventure. A/57BB/@7CA (Nov. 22–Dec. 21): The game you’ve been enmeshed in has reached a sticking point, or soon will. I recommend that you call for a suspension of action. If that’s not possible, hide from the other players for a while, or jokingly tell them you have to excuse yourself because it’s time for your regular bout of cleansing escapism. Then, during the break, scour your brain free of clutter so you can gain a more dispassionate view of your own strategy. I also suggest that you seek the advice of a smart and impartial observer. If all goes well, you’ll be able to return to the fray refreshed within ten days.

1/>@71=@< (Dec. 22–Jan. 19): Being scrupulously ethical can be taxing and timeconsuming. It involves high levels of ongoing selfexamination, which many people are too selfish and lazy to bother with. On the upside, pursuing a path with integrity ultimately reduces one’s suffering. It also attracts the kind of assistance that is most likely to aid and abet one’s quest for liberation. As a bonus, it makes it unlikely that one will be a cockroach in one’s next incarnation. I’m bringing this up, Capricorn, because I’m sensing that you’re about to be tempted to be less than your best self. Please don’t succumb.

/?C/@7CA (Jan. 20–Feb. 18): “The only function of economic forecasting is to make astrology look respectable,� said renowned economist John Kenneth Galbraith. If that’s true, I’m doubling the damage to my dignity by using astrological analysis to make an economic forecast in this horoscope. But that’s OK. My job is to report the raw truth as I see it, not worry about my reputation or social status. And the raw truth as I see it is that you are more likely than all the other signs of the zodiac to prosper in 2010, even if the economy as a whole continues to limp along. The next four weeks will be an ideal time to launch a master plan to take advantage of this potential.

>7A13A (Feb. 19–March 20): Historians trace the origin of Poland as a nation to the year 966. It mostly thrived for hundreds of years, but was extinguished in 1795, when three imperialistic invaders—Russia, Prussia, and Austria—claimed different parts of it as their own. Throughout the 19th century, when there was no Poland, the Poles fought to restore self-rule. Their dream came true on November 11, 1918, when Poland once again became an independent nation. I regard the phase you’re now in, Pisces, as having certain similarities to the state of the Polish people in October 1918. Congratulations in advance for the imminent return of your sovereignty.

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february 17-24, 2010 S a n t a c r u z .co m

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At the old homestead, a roof leak which manifested itself on a bathroom wall, repaired, and painted a lovely Robin’s egg blue color, significantly cheered up the rather dull previous color. In the process, everything had to be removed from that wall. I then noticed how uncluttered and more open the space was with nothing lingering on any flat surface available, the normal condition.

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Somehow this combo was inspirational and I viewed the freshly painted and emptied space with new eyes, so to speak. Conrad advocates, somewhat tongue in cheek, that people should take all their possessions and pile them up outside the front door. Then take a look at the shell that remains. He advises to first sort out the basic structure, surfaces and finishes. Then bring back belongings that contribute something positive to their lives whether aesthetically, emotionally or practically. In other words, work from the inside out. Start with where you are and who you are to make your home as comfortable as a favorite piece of clothing. Lighting and flooring may be the two most important elements in your home. We are in constant touch with the floor, lighting can enhance or diminish our moods. When on vacation, we live well without most of our possessions. We are reminded that machines break down, need servicing and maintenance and possessions need organization, storage and being looked after. Being offered too much brings on petty choices that can obscure the advantages of practicality and beauty. We can restore and enhance quality to everyday living with things that work well, look beautiful, evoke memories and express our unique personalities. With the complexities and fast pace of modern life, our homes must act as antidotes to the stress and tensions of daily life, provide place and space for relaxation, rejuvenation, contemplation—where we can unwind and be ourselves. This need for space, privacy and comfort is more acute now than ever before. How to do this is a question of recognition. First focus on the simple pleasures that you enjoy- things that stand out in your life, triggers like sounds, smells, sights, intangibles which identify what makes you feel good. Simple things like draperies that open smoothly, a drawer that glides open, walking through leaves in autumn, the smell of damp earth or fresh coffee. A place that feels like yours and no one else’s, where you can stay in touch with what you enjoy. How we live is fundamental to our well-being.


Pacific Sun Properties

At the same time I was given a book by an English designer, Sir Terence Conran, founder of Habitat, a popular English store which brought good, affordable, modern design to the general public. He also wrote House Book, an international best seller.

Santa Cruz Weekly


Just some pre-spring thoughts stimulated by aromatic blossoms landing on sidewalks, sunnier days, blooming acacias, a repaired wall, a reassessment of the status quo. Of course, a home is necessary to begin with, and if you are lacking in this valuable asset, do call and we will be most happy to provide you with one.

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february 17-24, 2010 C L ASS I F I E DS

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