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MARCH 10-16, 2010 · VOL . 25, NO. 54 · SAN JOSE, CA · FREE

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MARCH 10-16, 2010 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y


MARCH 10-16, 2010



MARCH M A R C H 10-16, 1 0 - 1 6 , 2010 2 0 1 0 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA VA L L E Y

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MARCH 10-16, 2010



MARCH 10-16, 2010 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y

solve some of the issues caused by antisocial drivers. Kenny from SanJoseInside.com

Pier Pressure Pier, you just don’t get it. This is exactly why business does not locate in San Jose and yet you would like to have even more regulations. It was all these feel-good programs and the wasteful spending of money that got us here in the ďŹ rst place. I think your idea to show an environmental documentary at City Hall is total hypocrisy on your part. You are asking people to drive their cars to City Hall, then use lots of electricity to show this documentary, and then drive home using more fossil fuel. Just provide a link so that if people are interested they can watch it at home on their computer. Steve From SanJoseInside.com

Smart Minds I applaud Councilmember Campos’ efforts to further

mfuufst Cuddle Positive I attended a cuddle party in Sebastopol last month and had an incredible experience there. I was disappointed in the recent article you published about these events (“Playing Footsie,� MetroArts, Feb. 10), since it sounded like the author had made up her mind long before she even attended the event. Maybe it’s my age or the location that made the difference, but I found this event to be incredibly



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nurturing, safe and a wonderful way to ďŹ ll my tactile reservoir, since I am choosing not to date for a while. I urge your readers to check it our for themselves and make up their own minds.

the example I would use to defend this guy’s position (“Why Free Parking Is a Bad Idea,� SanJoseInside, March 3). Most drivers demonstrate a total inability to participate in civilized society when parking in Santana Row. They are perfectly content to create a three-minute bottleneck in a parking deck to save themselves 15 seconds of walking. The loss of everyone’s collective time is unbelievable. Graduated pay parking would

Renee Santa Rosa

Parking Manners While Santana Row is much better since they opened the new sixstory digs, Santana Row is precisely

Tina Morrill From SanJoseInside.com


>c aVhi lZZ`Éh XdkZg hidgn! ÆI]Z 8dbb^hh^dcZg!Ç i]Z eZgXZciV\Z d[ WjY\Zi VaadiiZY id Xdbb^hh^dc [ZZh Wn HiVc[dgY A^kZan 6gih lVh ^cXdggZXian hiViZY# >i ^h &% eZgXZci id &* eZgXZci d[ Vgi^hi egd\gVbb^c\ ZmeZchZh! cdi dkZgVaa WjY\Zi# 6ahd! ^i lVh ?Zccn 7^aÒZaYÉh Wgdi]Zg"^c"aVl! cdi bdi]Zg! l]d ViiZcYZY HiVc[dgY 7jh^cZhh HX]dda#

Nfusp!xfmdpnft!mfuufst/!Mjlf!boz!hsfbu!xpsl!pg!bsu-!uifz!tipvme!cf!psjhjobmtĂ’opu!dpqjft!pg!nbufsjbm!tfou! fmtfxifsf/!Qmfbtf!jodmvef!zpvs!obnf-!djuz!pg!sftjefodf!boe!ebzujnf!ufmfqipof!ovncfs/!)Qipof!ovncfs!xjmm! opu!cf!qvcmjtife/*!Mfuufst!nbz!cf!fejufe!gps!mfohui!boe!dmbsjuz!ps!up!dpssfdu!gbduvbm!jobddvsbdjft!lopxo!up!vt/!


reduce gang violence in our city (“Campos Wants to Expand Gang Injunction,â€? SanJoseInside, March 3). Gang violence and illegal activity is a problem for our city, period. Now, as to how to achieve this goal—as they say, the devil is in the details. However, what we know is that gangs and gang violence are spreading. Sadly, it will only get worse if the City Council votes to further cut neighborhood services that offer alternative, positive activities (parks, pools, libraries for example) where kids can hang out and families can bond. Instead of taking potshots at one councilmember, in this case Ms. Campos, how about the smart minds on SanJoseInside offering realistic solutions and suggestions on how effective gang or potential gang member outreach can be achieved? If you don’t like the injunction idea, how about suggesting alternatives? Everyone stands to beneďŹ t.


J!Tbx zpv

I see you, somehow always in the proximity of my girlfriend, claiming to be “just friendsâ€? while you hope for a chink in the armor of our relationship, so you can weasel your way in. Well, I’ll tell you what, buddy. It’s getting old. Maybe you haven’t “crossed the line,â€? but you’re certainly thinking about it, and that’s enough. Maybe I seem like the mellow “oh, whateverâ€? type, but I will whup your ass something ďŹ erce next time I catch you hanging around my gal. You’ve been warned. Now get the f-lost and stay the f-lost! See? SEND US your anonymous rants and raves about your co-workers or any badly behaving citizen—or about citizens you admire. I SAW YOU, Metro, 550 S. First St., San Jose, 95113, or via email to Isawyou@metronews.com.



MARCH 10-16, 2010


GRAND OPENING - MARCH 13th! Check out what’s happening at the

Art Glass Center of San Jose Classes * Demonstrations * Gallery Supplies * Gift Shop * Corporate Events Workshops * Birthday Parties 465 South First Street downtown San Jose Open to the public 7 days a week! For more information: www.sjgaa.org Member of www.svArts,org


MARCH 10-16, 2010 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y




A Valley Eden


HE SYNCHRONICITIES just keep revealing themselves. At San Jose Mayor Chuck Reed’s State of the City address a few weeks ago, Rabbi Leslie Alexander opened the show with an obligatory invocation, recalling an ancient Jewish tale about the creator’s encounter with Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. You see, God was showing them around to see the “beauty, creativity and potential of their home.” As she told it, God said: “Everything that I have created I made for humanity, so be careful with it. Do not destroy it or corrupt it, for it is up to you to maintain and develop your world.” Of San Jose, the rabbi proclaimed, “Our city is our Eden,” adding that doing what is good and right for San Jose is not only important but holy as well. Alexander then said, “What we do today in San Jose began with Eden, as a charge to protect and to create, to see with open eyes and to dream.” I cackled under my breath, because just one week before the State of the City address— and I’m not making this up—I was perusing a book from 1982 titled Like Modern Edens: Winegrowing in Santa Clara Valley and Santa Cruz Mountains 1798–1981. Written by Charles Sullivan, the book documents what the valley was like, especially in the last half of the 19th century when vineyards dominated the landscape. With gorgeous historical photographs and tirelessly compiled endnotes, Like Modern Edens contains a wealth of anecdotes about forgotten winemakers and vineyardists—from French settlers straight down to the folks who sold jug wine from casks in their backyards. The book opens with an 1863 quote from J.Q.A. Warren that inspired its title: “The whole valley of San Jose seems one great garden. . . . In and around the city are beautiful gardens and vineyards, like modern Edens.” The book rams home the fact that before the valley was characterized by its orchards, it was characterized by its vineyards. We see a photo of the Lone Hill Vineyard, which sat on land that is now the park of the same name near Harwood and Los Gatos–Almaden Road. In fact, David Harwood was the owner of the vineyard in the 1860s, when it was the largest in the county. Many of the valley’s original vineyardists also have streets or monuments named after them—pioneers like Antoine Delmas, the Pellier brothers and Henry Morris Naglee, the legendary Civil War veteran and brandy maker whose statue graces St. James Park to this day. The valley’s history is soaked in booze, to say the least. Perhaps the most arresting aspect of the book is the attention it gives to the phylloxera epidemic that emerged in the Santa Clara Valley in the last few decades of the 19th century. Similar to an aphid, the phylloxera is a North American root louse massively destructive to vineyards and the ‘The whole valley of wine industry in general. In San Jose, San Jose seems one according to Like Modern Edens, the great garden. . . . In insect first appeared in 1883 on the East Side and wreaked significant havoc and around the city throughout the valley. The phylloxera are beautiful gardens epidemic is what caused many local and vineyards, like vineyards to die and eventually be modern Edens.’ replaced by prune orchards. Maybe that’s why San Jose became the Prune Capital of the World. For me, the synchronicities didn’t end there. Just one day before the rabbi’s invocation, I was also revisiting Timothy Leary’s blasphemous comedy routine about how the Garden of Eden was the site of the first drug bust in history. Originally told to him by Aldous Huxley during a psilocybin session in the early ’60s, the routine stated that “original sin” was the intelligent use of drugs in the Garden of Eden. The forbidden fruit from the Tree of Knowledge was the first controlled substance—that is, God established the first food and drug regulations. Adam and Eve weren’t supposed to partake, because if they did they might actually see beyond good and evil and achieve immortality. But they partook, and they got busted, which, of course, explains why the Christian church to this day is hysterically anti-drugs. It came from the Bible. So if “What we do today in San Jose began with Eden,” then all I can say is maybe God also sent the phylloxera to San Jo, sentencing all of us to consume prune juice instead of wine. We were doomed from the start. Send me an email at SiliconAlleys@metronews.com

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M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y MARCH 10-16, 2010 MASHUP


best of the local web

A roundup of news, commentary and opinion from around the valley. Opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect Metro’s editorial views.

The Myth of Originality . . . C^cV EVaZn VaZgih jh id V cZVi lg^iZje i]Vi h]Z Y^Y! Y^hXjhh^c\ i]Z XdcXZei d[ dg^\^cVa^in! VcY l]n ^iÉh hd d[iZc b^hXdchigjZY# ;^ghi! i]^c\h i]Vi bVcn eZdeaZ i]^c` VgZ Ædg^\^cVaÇ jhjVaan VgZcÉi kZgn dg^\^cVa Vi Vaa# I]Zn iZcY id WZ YZg^kVi^kZ ^c hdbZ lVn dg Vcdi]ZgÅV ed^ci i]Vi lZÉkZ bVYZ ]ZgZ bVcn i^bZh# 6cY nZi! bVcn eZdeaZ hZZb id i]^c` i]Vi i]ZgZÉh hdbZ hdgi d[ dW_ZXi^kZ hiVcYVgY ART ILLUSTRATED Dpqzsjhiu!mbx!fjuifs! [dg dg^\^cVa^in! VcY hdbZi]^c\ qspnpuft!ps!ijoefst!uif!dsfbujpo!pg!bsuxpsltÒuif! i]Vi ^ckdakZh V Y^gZXi Xden d[ efcbuf!dpoujovft/ hdbZi]^c\ ZahZ Vh eVgi d[ i]Z egdXZhh XVcÉi Xdjci Vh dg^\^cVa i]dj\]! i]Zn XdckZc^Zcian ^\cdgZ ^i l]Zc Æi]Z \gZVihÇ a^`Z BdoVgi dg H]V`ZheZVgZ Y^Y V Y^gZXi Xji"VcY"eVhiZ ineZ d[ Xden^c\ ^c i]Z^g dlc ldg`h # EVaZn i]Zc \dZh dc id bV`Z V hZXdcY ed^ci/ l]^X] ^h i]Vi i]Z igVY^i^dcVa \ViZ`ZZeZgh d[ XjaijgZ! [dg Vaa i]Z^g iVa` d[ i]Z ^bedgiVcXZ d[ dg^\^cVa^in l]ZcZkZg i]Zn iVa` Ydlc Vcn `^cY d[ Xden^c\ VgZ VXijVaan bdgZ a^`Zan id hidbe dc Vcni]^c\ igjan dg^\^cVa! WZXVjhZ i]ZgZ ^h cd ÆegdkZc bVg`ZiÇ [dg ^i# 6 bdk^Z ]Vh id Ò i V XZgiV^c [dgbjaV# 6 ]^i ede hdc\ bjhi bZZi V hZg^Zh d[ egZ"egd\gVbbZY XdcY^i^dch# Cd dg^\^cVa^in VaadlZY# Hd l]ZgZ ^h dg^\^cVa^in gZVaan4 >iÉh cdi Vc ^cig^ch^X kVajZ ^c i]Z ldg`! Wji ^c i]Z eZgXZei^dc d[ ]dl eZdeaZ k^Zl V ldg`# ÅB>@: B6HC>8@! I:8=9>GI#8DB >ÉkZ WZZc ^c XdjciaZhh YZWViZh Wdi] ^c Vgi XdaaZ\Z VcY ^c gZVa"a^[Z Wji C^cV VXZh l]Vi > i]^c` ^h i]Z WZhi YZhXg^ei^dc d[ l]Vi Vgi Æ^hÇ ^c [Zl hZciZcXZh/ Æ6gi \^kZh di]Zgh V X]VcXZ id hZZ # # # gZVa^in gZÓ ZXiZY WVX` Vi i]Zb! VcY ^[ i]Zn gZXd\c^oZ ^iÅ^[ ^i gZÓ ZXih l]Vi i]Zn VagZVYn `cdlÅi]Zn l^aa adkZ ^i#Ç ÅIdb AVcYgn >i ^h kZgn ine^XVa d[ IZX]Y^gi id ign id bV`Z ed^cih Wn \d^c\ id ZmigZbZh# I]ZgZ ^h eaZcin d[ heVXZ WZilZZc djig^\]i Xden VcY ^che^gVi^dc# 6 BVoYV B^ViV ^h ^che^gZY Wn É+%h 7g^i^h] hedgih XVgh Wji ^h cdi V Xden# Å6cdcnbdjh 8dlVgY Æ8deng^\]i Xdcigda ZmiZcYh cdi _jhi id kZgWVi^b Xde^Zh! Wji id ÆYZg^kVi^kZ ldg`h#Ç I]^h ]Vh aZY id XZchdgh]^e dc V \gVcY hXVaZ# ;dg ZmVbeaZ! i]Z hZb^cVa <ZgbVc h^aZci Ò ab ÆCdh[ZgVijÇ lVh YZZbZY V YZg^kVi^kZ ldg` d[ Æ9gVXjaVÇ VcY Xdjgih dgYZgZY Vaa Xde^Zh YZhigdnZY# ÅC^cV EVaZn

iPad to Be Released on April 3 GET thee to the clickery! The iPad is hitting the streets on April 3 and you can start pre-ordering on March 12.



As far as we can tell there was no XfÖmm!tppo!tff/ real “delay” here, per se. As we discussed this week there was no month delay as promised and instead they picked a nice spring Saturday for the launch. The question is, however: will they have enough for all of us?

“CUPERTINO, Calif.—Apple today announced that its magical and revolutionary iPad will be available in the US on Saturday, April 3, for Wi-Fi models and in late April for Wi-Fi + 3G models. ‘iPad is something completely new,” said Steve Jobs, Apple’s CEO. ‘We’re excited for customers to get their hands on this magical and revolutionary product and connect with their apps and content in a more intimate, intuitive and fun way than ever before.’ —JOHN BIGGS, CRUNCHGEAR.COM

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Why Google Keeps Your Data Forever

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MASHUP MARCH 10-16, 2010 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y



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M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y MARCH 10-16, 2010 NEWS

“We’ve Been Tributing Farrah Fawcett in Our Minds for Years.”

Santa Clara Valley, California

March 10-16, 2010 ;Za^eZ 7j^igV\d



Rumor of Rep’s Demise Greatly Exaggerated HVc ?dhZ GZe bVcV\^c\ Y^gZXidg C>8@ C>8=DAH bVn ]VkZ YZkdiZY ]^h XVgZZg id i]dhZ l]d higji VcY [gZi jedc i]Z hiV\Z! Wji ]Z lVh eji d[[ Wn i]Z bZadYgVbVi^X idcZ d[ V BZgX Vgi^XaZ aVhi HjcYVn! l]^X] hZZbZY id egZY^Xi i]Z (%"nZVg"daY i]ZViZgÉh ^bb^cZci YZb^hZ/ ÆAVhi 8jgiV^c [dg i]Z GZe4Ç i]Z ]ZVYZg lV^aZY# ÆLZaa! i]Z [VXi d[ i]Z bViiZg ^h! lZÉgZ ]ZgZ! lZÉgZ deZc^c\ djg cZmi h]dl! STAGE LEFT Uif!Sfq lZ lZgZ hjXXZhh[ja ^c i]Z [jcYgV^h^c\ lZ cZZYZY id YdÅlZÉgZ ^c WZiiZg ÒcVcX^Va h]VeZ i]Vc lZÉkZ WZZc ^c V l]^aZ!Ç C^X]dah hVnh# 6ai]dj\] ]Z XdcXZYZh i]Vi i]Z Ò\jgZh X^iZY ^c i]Z Vgi^XaZ VgZ VXXjgViZ VcY eV^ci V e^XijgZ d[ V igdjWaZY XdbeVcnÅaV\\^c\ i^X`Zi hVaZh! Vc deZgVi^c\ adhh d[ )%+!-&' [gdb É%.Å]Z ed^cih dji i]Vi hjWhXg^ei^dch VgZ je &) eZgXZci XdbeVgZY id aVhi nZVg! VcY [jcYgV^h^c\ ^h je , eZgXZci# 8djeaZY l^i] i]Z [VXi i]Vi i]Z GZe ]Vh bVYZ ^i i]gdj\] l]Vi VgZ igVY^i^dcVaan ^ih idj\]Zhi bdci]hÅ9ZXZbWZg! ?VcjVgn VcY ;ZWgjVgnÅC^X]dah hVnh ]Z ^hcÉi hjgZ l]n i]Z Vgi^XaZ hZZbh id ^cY^XViZ i]Z i]ZViZg ^h gV^h^c\ YZVi]Éh eVaZ ÓV\! ZheZX^Vaan h^cXZ i]Z VjY^i fjdiZY ^c i]Z e^ZXZ XVbZ dji lVn WVX` ^c CdkZbWZg# Dji d[ XdcXZgc i]Vi i]Z Vgi^XaZ &'

Got a Tip for The Fly? fly@metronews.com

MARATHON MAN!!Qsjps!up!mfbwjoh!gps!Boubsdujdb-!Sphfs!Tbogpse!xbt!npsf!dpodfsofe!bcpvu!


Southern Exposure

For Roger Sanford, the Antarctica Marathon is about more than adventure and competition By Randy Frey


Y GOAL is to run a marathon on every continent,” Roger Sanford said last week, a day before flying to Argentina. With 99 other runners, Sanford then traveled from the southern tip of South America on the Russian ice breaker Lyubov Orlova, past Ushuaia, the capital of the Argentine province of Tierra del Fuego, through the Beagle Channel, across Drake Passage, through the South Shetland Islands and along the Antarctic Peninsula. And last Sunday, March 7, he took the third step toward his global goal, by competing in the Antarctica Marathon. It had been a long journey. Three years ago—overweight and consumed with professional pursuits—Sanford, 54, was at a crossroads in his life. His mother had suffered a fatal stroke. Six months later, his sister had a stroke. Realizing

he easily could be headed down the same path, Sanford did some soulsearching. He started to run. And Sanford has been running ever since. “The strokes really galvanized in my mind that I had some things I needed to fix,” said Sanford, who was well over 300 pounds at the time. “I needed something for my identity. Up until then, my life was all about the business I had started. I asked myself what was it I doing just for me?” The answer was nothing. So Sanford registered for a half marathon and started training. Then he progressed to a full marathon. Now weighing in at svelte 225 pounds, he competes against himself in each race—his goal is a better time than he posted in the previous marathon. Sanford’s initial marathons were all in North America. Then, last summer, he ran the Marathon des

Châteaux du Médoc in France. It was after that race that he got the idea of running a marathon on every continent. “There is just something peaceful about running marathons,” he says. It is just the moment in time when I can just be.”

Epiphany A few months back, Sanford, who admits to a schmaltzy streak, was running the Los Gatos Creek trail when he saw a feather floating in the air. He reached out and let it land in the palm of his hand. “I held the feather to my heart and asked myself, ‘What are your life’s ambitions?’ he recalls. “I thought, I want to visit Antarctica. I know this sounds too flaky to be true, but it was then that I decided that’s where my next race would be.” There was only one small


problem. Where was he going to come up with the $20,000 needed to make the trip? “That same night I was at a party where I met Jeff Mains,” Sanford says. “I told him the story, and he said he was going to be in Antarctica already installing a transponder, and that he would like to sponsor me.” Mains, who also lives in Los Gatos, is CEO of ANPC, an Oregon company that provides all-weather approach and landing capabilities to regional and municipal airports surrounded by rugged terrain or obstacles. ANPC is currently installing a Transponder Landing System at Teniente Marsh Base Antarctica on King George Island. Completion of the project just happened to coincide with the 11th Antarctica Marathon. Not only did Sanford gain a sponsor, he got a running partner as well. Mains also competed in the event, which takes runners past icebergs, penguins, seals and whales while exploring the most pristine corner of the planet. Sanford really had no fear about running on the ice of Antarctica. But last week, he was not so sure about the boat ride to the event. “The last ship sank,” he said with a smile. “We sleep on the boat and eat on the boat. There are no hotels in that part of the world.” Sanford said the boat would be powering through waves up to 20 feet high en route to Antarctica. Sanford will spend five days on the continent. The event was followed by lectures from historians and scientists, as well as wildlife excursions in remote areas among seal colonies and penguin rookeries and at research bases. It is summer in Antarctica, but that does not mean it will be warm. Sanford watched the weather daily, in the weeks leading up to his departure, and predicted that the temperatures could be in the 40s—or in the low 20s. For the race, Sanford wore three layers of tights and jerseys made of polypropylene, a face mask, a North Face jacket, gloves, wool socks and trail running shoes with a thin coat of silicone to protect his feet from getting wet and freezing. He said he was actually hoping for colder, not warmer, &'


NEWS MARCH 10-16, 2010 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y


weather because that will ensure that the trail is not cold, wet mud. As he does in all races, Sanford ran this marathon for a cause. He is raising money for the nonprofit Oceanities with this event. In his last marathon, he ran for Free Wheel Chair Mission, an international nonprofit organization that makes inexpensive wheelchairs for the impoverished disabled in developing nations. Sanford said the wheelchairs are constructed out of recycled plastic patio chairs and mountain bike tires. Oceanities is a science and educational foundation that hopes to foster the conservation of the world’s oceans, islands and their wildlife, as well as provide a better appreciation of the sensitive connections humans have to these parts of the world. Sanford, who works as vice president of media services for Scotts Valley–based Mediatile, will also be wearing a Flip camera on his forehead as he runs the 26.2 miles. He is working on a documentary called The



Sacred Continent, and this will be some of his film’s first footage. Sanford had spent the last few weeks talking to major corporations about his film, hoping to get enough financing to make it a reality. He thinks he finally has the backing, but it did not come in time to implement his plan this year. “The idea is to equip each runner and the spectators, who are mostly scientists studying Antarctica, with Flip cameras,” said Sanford. “We will then interweave this at Georgia Tech with crowdcasting.” Sanford said he needs about $250,000 more in financing to make his dream a reality. And, of course, he will need about 100 Flip phones for all the runners. He hopes to be able to do the filming at the 2011 marathon. He is currently making plans to run the Mount Kilimanjaro Marathon in 2011. In 2012, he is thinking perhaps Peru. That will leave just two continents—Asia and Australia. M

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a look inside san jose politics and culture

Students Rally at SJSU Jessica Fromm

Mitchell Colbert lifted a copy of his student transcripts above his head. With his free hand, he raised a lighter. “During the Vietnam War, soldiers would burn their draft cards to protest the war,” the senior San Jose State University political science major shouted into the microphone. “Well, I have for you today a copy of my transcript.” Npsf!uibo!811!tuvefout!boe!tvqqpsufst!nbsdife!uispvhi! As 700-plus students and supporters epxoupxo!Tbo!Kptf!mbtu!Uivstebz!bt!qbsu!pg!b!tubufxjef! Ebz!pg!Bdujpo!gps!Qvcmjd!Fevdbujpo/ wielding signs and pumping fists cheered him on in front of the César Chávez memorial arch at San Jose State University, Colbert flicked a lighter with his thumb. The papers erupted into flames and the crowd went wild.

That was the scene at SJSU [Thursday] as hundreds of students, faculty and union members marched through downtown San Jose as part of a statewide Day of Action for Public Education. The CSU system has lost over $1 billion in funding, causing them to lay off over 2,000 faculty members and slash course offerings. Meanwhile, student fees have been jacked up dramatically. >ÉY [ZZa WVY VWdji i]^h! Wji bn iVm YdaaVgh i]Vi [jcY ejWa^X jc^kZgh^i^Zh eVn [dg adih d[ cdchZchZ a^`Z Æ"hijY^ZhÇ XdjghZh i]Vi VgZ [jaa d[ cdi]^c\ Wji aZ[i"l^c\ egdeV\VcYV VcY \g^ZkVcXZ bdc\Zg^c\# Å =j\] ?VgYdcc LZ Vi H?HJ ]VkZ gZVa^hi^X \dVah VcY VgZ jh^c\ ad\^XVa bZi]dYh id VX]^ZkZ i]Zb# LZ ]VkZ VagZVYn hZZc hjXXZhh! WZ[dgZ nZhiZgYVnÉh bVgX]# 6[iZg bVgX]^c\! lZ l^aa ]deZ[jaan hZZ [jgi]Zg hjXXZhhZh# Å B^iX]Zaa 8daWZgi

Keep the Airport Curfew Pierluigi Oliverio

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City’s Deficit Rises Yet Again Silicon Valley Newsroom

I]ZgZÉh bdgZ WVY cZlh [dg i]Z 8^in 8djcX^a# I]Z YZÒ X^i ^h je &+ eZgXZci VcY cdl hiVcYh Vi &&+#' b^aa^dc# I]Z egdWaZb! hVnh 8^in BVcV\Zg 9ZWgV ;^\dcZ! ^h ZbeadnZZ eZch^dc Xdhih! VcY ZheZX^Vaan i]Z eZch^dc Xdhih [dg gZi^gZY eda^XZbZc VcY Ò gZbZc# 6bdc\ i]Z Ò mZh i]Vi lZgZ kdiZY dc nZhiZgYVn lZgZ ^cXgZVh^c\ i]Z iVm dc i]Z X^inÉh XVgY iVWaZh [gdb &( id &* eZgXZci! Vaadl^c\ i]Z XVgY XajWh id ^cXgZVhZ i]Z cjbWZg d[ iVWaZh Wn '* eZgXZci VcY ZVh^c\ WZii^c\ gZhig^Xi^dch# 6i i]Z hVbZ i^bZ! i]Z X^in Vahd kdiZY XadhZ Ydlc ^ih [Vb^an XVbe ^c i]Z H^ZggVh! X^i^c\ YZiZg^dgVi^c\ XdcY^i^dch# >i ^h Vahd Xdch^YZg^c\ Y^hXdci^cj^c\ i]Z egd\gVb# 6h LViX] 9d\ H^a^Xdc KVaaZn ed^ciZY dji! i]Z bZhhV\Z i]Vi 8^in 8djcX^a ^h \Zii^c\ VXgdhh ^h Æ<VbWa^c\ <ddY# ;Vb^an 8Vbe 7VY#Ç

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MARCH 10-16, 2010



MARCH 10-16, 2010 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y

;Za^eZ 7j^igV\d

Restart BACK TO SCHOOL Bgufs!Dbjo!Sbnjsf{!mptu!b!hppe!hjh!nboojoh!bo!JU!ifmq!eftl-!if!fospmmfe!bu!Ef!Bo{b!Dpnnvojuz!Dpmmfhf!! up!mfbso!tpnf!ofx!tljmmt/!Opx-!ifÖt!ibwjoh!b!ibse!ujnf!hfuujoh!joup!uif!dmbttft!if!offet/!


Battling record unemployment, Silicon Valley professionals adjust to a new economic landscape By Diane Solomon


MAR MANN, a regional economist with the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, says high-tech workers, who make up about 15 percent of Silicon Valley’s total workforce but earn nearly 30 percent of the region’s wages, are famously flexible. “Tech workers are renowned for their ability to switch jobs, find new work, adapt to new technology, push the edge and increase efficiency,” Mann says. “I think the future is still bright here. As much as other countries are churning out engineers, the productivity of Silicon Valley’s employees is extremely high. “When we look at future job demand, Silicon Valley has all the resources in place to benefit from coming trends—great research universities, a base of innovative companies and one of the most highly skilled, educated and technical workforces in the world.” But while the future may be bright, the present is pretty hard. The valley has lost more than 130,000 jobs since 2008. Unemployment is among the highest in the nation and the worst in the region since the dotcom implosion. Even those companies that have recently begun hiring again are turning to independent contractors, or are hiring abroad. Many skilled workers, for the first time in their

careers, are not able to find work. Like polar bears on melting ice floes, they spend their days searching job sites, updating their skills and networking— hunting for their next gig as their savings disappear.

Working Life “I won’t think the economy is getting better until I have a 60-hour work week again,” says T.J. Sims. Sims, an R&D hardware engineer, has been looking for a new gig since January 2009. She had been with Accuray in Sunnyvale since its startup days, when the company developed its signature product, a robotic surgery device called CyberKnife. After 10 years, she says, she was pulled out of a crowded product release meeting and told she would have to leave that day. “When I got back to my desk, they had disconnected my computer and my phone,” Sims recalls. “I couldn’t call home to tell my family this had happened.” Sims lives in Los Altos with her husband, who’s a physicist at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC). They have two grown sons. “This is the longest I’ve been without work since college,” Sims says. Back in the 1980s, she had been recruited by Varian while she was attending the College of San Mateo. The money looked good so she dropped out to pay for her young sons’ private schools. She easily jumped

from Varian to SLAC and then to Accuray without a bachelor’s degree. “Now it’s completely different,” she says. Not long ago, she saw an opening at SLAC for exactly what she used to do there. She applied and was told that 143 people were ahead of her. She applied for another job that was similar to what she had been doing at Accuray, but she says that company wanted someone with a Ph.D.—and the job paid 30 percent less than what she used to earn. Sims has signed up with ProMatch, a career resource center for Silicon Valley professionals. Sponsored by the California Employment Development Department (EDD) and Sunnyvale’s NOVA Workforce Investment Board, ProMatch offers networking opportunities, workshops and career coaching. She’s also working with a recruiter and search engines like DICE, Craigslist, Monster, Indeed, Linked In and Ladders. “I’m targeting medical device companies because I’d like to stay in that field,” says Sims. Sims says she spends at least six hours a day six days a week job hunting and customizing cover letters and résumés. “My husband didn’t believe I spent so much time doing this,” she says. “We spent a holiday weekend at home, and that’s all I did. He said, ‘Aren’t we going 18



MARCH 10-16, 2010 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y




;Za^eZ 7j^igV\d


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somewhere?,’ and I said, ‘I gotta apply for jobs!’” With no paycheck, Sims has cut back on spending. She’s delayed a car purchase and now buys her family’s clothes at WalMart and Target instead of Macy’s. They no longer eat out six times a week, and they’re not going to plays or the theater. “I don’t dry-clean anymore, and I cut out my regular manicure. I had to cut back on the housekeeper and gardener—all of those people that I used to have do things for me, not because I’m lazy but because I was at work for so many hours. Those people have lost their income because I’ve lost mine. “My work was my life, and I don’t have that anymore. It’s a good feeling knowing you are out there inventing or designing or creating something that might help a person who’s ill. I think what I miss most about Accuray is working. I really enjoy working.”

The New Frugality Polished, professional and with just a touch of hipster computer geek about her, Joy Tani looks like the job-hunting Silicon Valley engineer that she is. After 11 years of

60-hour work weeks, early-morning calls to India and gobs of weekend hours before new product releases, Sun Microsystems laid off Tani, a software manager for Java SE. That was one year ago this month, and she’s been looking hard for work ever since. Even with relevant experience and a bachelor’s degree from UC-Davis in electrical engineering and computer sciences, she is now struggling. With far fewer jobs and lots more candidates going after them, employers can have their pick—and Tani says they don’t seem to want managers. She says this is the first time she’s been out of work since graduation. College contacts got her in at Amdahl, where she stayed for almost 10 years. Then she went to Taligent, an Apple and IBM project. “Taligent was the place to be for object-oriented design, and that’s where I wanted to take my career,” Tani says. When Taligent was absorbed into IBM and then dissolved, Tani went on to Sun. After a reduction in force there, she took a short break to rest and to spend time with her family. She lives in Saratoga with 21


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Stellar bassist McBride and ensemble in a fresh take on the works of pianist, composer, and jazz living legend Herbie Hancock.

“Fierce, athletic, and compulsively sensual.� — The Village Voice

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This performance made possible in part by the


A new and electrifying force in dance, Cedar Lake combines classical ballet with edgy, up-tothe-minute physicality.

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MARCH 10-16, 2010



MARCH 10-16, 2010 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y



;Za^eZ 7j^igV\d


IIff iit's t's creative... reative... c t’s iit’s here! ere! h

NETWORKER Kpz!Uboj!tqfoet!51!ipvst!b!xffl!bu!ifs!ofx!kpc;!! dpnqptjoh!kpc!bqqmjdbujpot!boe!kpc.ivoujoh/!

her pharmacist husband and their two young daughters. Then she went to work with Right Management, an outplacement firm that Sun provided. Tani says they helped her update her résumé and interviewing skills but after three months they weren’t able to help her find a job so she moved on, creating a 40-hour-week job-hunting regime. She says she systematically searches Internet job sites and attends Android and FaceBook meet-ups and goes to ProMatch two days a week. Tani has sent out hundreds of résumés, but so far they’ve yielded seven phone screens and two in-house interviews. Last September, Tani met the CEO of Mindset Works at a JobNob.com fair. That led to a part-time job that pays about 20 percent of what she used to make. She loves it. “What they’re doing is amazing,” Tani says. “My passion is this kind of technology. But I’ve got to find a decentpaying job and one that’s constant.” Meanwhile, her family has cut way back on spending. Tani thinks they can go on for another year, but then they’ll have to

make some tough choices. “You want to make sure your kids don’t go without, and you want them to have the best education possible,” she says. “I’d rather go without a new car for many more years than tap into my children’s college funds. If that means me going without—that’s fine. “This is clearly disruptive, not only to my pay, but to my identity—because I think of myself as a working person, someone with a career. But this recession is bigger than all of us. It’s not just me.”












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Going Green? Edward Ebert’s career has weathered a lot of economic downturns. He knows the signs that mean things aren’t going well and wasn’t surprised to be laid off after his company’s revenue took a nosedive and stayed there. “My team was a pretty mature team; they really didn’t need a manager,” Ebert admits. “I knew I was pretty vulnerable.” 22

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MARCH 10-16, 2010 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y

UNEMPLOYMENT 21 Ebert, 51, was the director of sustaining engineering at SumTotal Systems in Mountain View. Laid off last May, he ran a team of software engineers who troubleshoot and fix bugs in the field. He had been there eight years. He lives in San Mateo with his wife and three daughters, ages 17, 14 and 11. “It’s a mixed blessing,” Ebert says of unemployment. “I have 300 fewer emails a day and more time for my family, but now I’m worrying about how I’m going to pay for my kids’ college educations.”

‘This is clearly disruptive, not only to my pay, but to my identity—because I think of myself as a working person, someone with a career. But this recession is bigger than all of us. It’s not just me.’—JOY TANI

Ebert hasn’t been out of work since 1981 when Lockheed recruiters flew him out to Silicon Valley from the University of Tennessee. He was laid off during the dotcom crash but found a job right away at SumTotal through his network of business contacts. Now Ebert scans job-search sites and checks the career sites of companies he’s interested in. Networking has gotten him jobs before, so he attends technologyrelated events, as well as Meetup.com and SDForum. He says he’d like to work for a cleantech company. “One of the reasons I volunteer at Sustainable Silicon Valley is to try to meet more people in that area, but I’m not having better luck there either. They’re using technologies that I just haven’t been working in directly for a while, but I’m sure I could pick it up successfully, so I’ve been applying for project management and professional

services work. Those are things I know I can do well. But that’s not what my résumé says I’ve done, so I don’t think I’m making it past the first cut.” Last September, he found part-time work at Adaptive Planning in Mountain View. Former co-workers remembered him and brought him on board to help with a project—but it’s temporary and pays half of what he used to make. “Now I’m able to pick my kids up at school or go off to soccer games, which I couldn’t do when I was working at SumTotal, but I’m not enjoying the anxiety of not having a steady paycheck, and sometimes that gets to be a sort of a bad moment. “I get myself all worked up and convinced that I’m really the guy that these people need, and I spend the time to write a cover letter and send a résumé off, and I don’t hear anything. It just drops into a black hole and this happens over and over and over again. I’m trying all of the things that you’re advised to do. It’s just really hard being on the wrong side of the statistics.”

The Beginner Two years ago, 22-year-old De Anza College student Cain Ramirez was living the good life. The wages from his IT helpdesk job at Granite Rock Construction Company enabled him to share a cool house in Aptos with his buddies and paid for the concerts and musical instruments that supported his songwriting jones. Then in October 2008, it all crashed. His boss at Granite Rock told him he was being laid off as a precautionary measure as business slacked off. Ramirez spent a couple of months traveling around California, but when he returned, IT support work was impossible to find. He moved in with his grandmother and aunt in San Martin. After more fruitless job searches, he enrolled at De Anza for training that would make him more employable. Now, freelance computer-tech support work provides money for gas and school expenses, but it doesn’t always provide enough for meals when he’s on campus. “Before [the recession] I’d have three meals a day, and I wouldn’t have to worry about it. I’d go out whenever with friends.” He now cuts his own hair, limits his driving and sold most of his musical instruments to make ends meet. Ramirez enjoys the classes he’s taking, but he says that because budget cuts have downsized the curriculum at De Anza he’s found it impossible to enroll in math and science classes. He says the same is true of engineering and business courses. “When I tried to get into the science program, 250 people were on the wait list just for basic chemistry. Before the recession, five would be on the wait list, and they’d get

;Za^eZ 7j^igV\d


SOFTWARE’S HARD TIMES Fe!Fcfsu!jt!ipqfgvm!uibu!uif!fnfshjoh!dmfbo.ufdi!tfdups!!


in because people drop out. Classes are full with 250 waiting for a spot in a class that’s normally 30 to 40 students depending on the size of the room. “Two years ago, I didn’t have to worry about this” he chuckles, “I got accepted to community college—it’s a community college, they have to accept me! Now, it’s like we don’t have the room for you or the resources.” If there are more budget cuts, tuition will likely increase from $16 per unit to $60 per unit, which Ramirez says he can’t pay. “So now, I can barely go to college.” With three friends, Ramirez formed Concerned Student Leaders at De Anza, which quickly grew to number 150 students. They work with other Bay Area student groups and organized the

demonstration against budget cuts that was held in Sacramento last week. “There’s no reason why we should be putting up with this,” he says. “I had dreams when I was younger, ‘You’re going to go to Santa Clara University like your uncles; you’re going to go to UC–Santa Cruz like your mother; you’re going to have a great time and find a great job, etc., etc., etc.’ Now it’s like college won’t do anything. “I have a lot of friends who are in the same position. Some are in school, some are out of school and some have graduated.” Ramirez meets weekly with these friends to pool resources and to share a meal. “As long as we have that we don’t have to think about all of the bad things that are going on.” M


MARCH 10-16, 2010 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y

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M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y MARCH 10-16, 2010 SPORTS

;Za^eZ 7j^igV\d

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MARCH 10-16, 2010 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y

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MARCH 10-16, 2010

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[30] STYLE

MARCH 10-16, 2010 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y

;Za^eZ 7j^igV\d

URBAN EDGY Bvesfz!Tijmmjoh!npefmt!uif!Spdltubs!cmbdl!cjlfs!kfbot!cz!uif!Cmvft!Kfbo!Cbs-!! Upsz!Cvsdi!Kvmjbob!tboe!xfehft!boe!Cvsdi!Sfwb!hpme!dmvudi-!àbolfe!cz!Qbmp!Bmup!ßsfßhiufst<!! )jotfu*!Tufqibojf!Cjfmbotlj.Gfis!tipxt!pgg!b!pof.tipvmefs!{jqqfs!esftt!cz!Dpvuvsf!cz!B{befi/

Eye Candy


ASHION was front and center at the Fairmont Hotel last Friday, when hundreds of women filled the hotel’s ballroom as part of the :N: 86C9N, the ?JC>DG A:6<J: D; H6C ?DH:’s 2010 fundraising fashion show. Glitzy, sumptuous evening gowns by 8DJIJG: 7N 6O69:= shared the runway with preppy styles by 8DA: =66C! I:9 76@:G! 6CC: ;DCI6>C:! :A> I=DB6H! I=: 7AJ:H ?:6C 76G and 7GDD@H 7GDI=:GH# B68NÉH provided the teen and children’s styles, while gigantic Sunday-go-to-meeting hats by 7A68@ HL6C and chunky statement necklaces by K6G9NÉH were modeled to much “oohs” and “ahs” from the audience. Money raised at the annual luncheon, auction and fashion show went to support the league’s community program, which helps prepare underprivileged children to enter elementary school ready to learn and thrive. Jessica Fromm


M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y MARCH 10-16, 2010 MENU



tjmjdpo!wbmmfzĂ–t!hvjef!up!Ă&#x;of!ejojoh Mjwf!Gffe Five great lunch spots in downtown San Jose_38

Niles Apart 9VkZ 8VWZWZ

The Essanay Cafe offers wine-country cuisine in a historic pocket of Fremont By Stett Holbrook

SAVORY NOTION Uif!spbtufe!! pshbojd!dijdlfo!bu! Fttbobz!Dbgf/!!

Essanay Cafe 6YYgZhh/ (,*(( C^aZh 7akY#! ;gZbdci# E]dcZ/ *&%#,.'#%&&'# =djgh/ +Ä.eb LZY! */(%Ä.eb I]jÄ;g^ VcY &%VbÄ(eb VcY *Ä.eb HViÄHjc# 8j^h^cZ/ 8Va^[dgc^V# Eg^XZ GVc\Z/ :cigZZh &*Ä &-# LZWh^iZ/ ZhhVcVn XV[Z#Xdb#


REMONT’S historic Niles neighborhood is one of Silicon Valley’s little-known gems. Most people think of Fremont as a place full of shopping centers and suburban congestion, but Niles is an island of quaint. The sevenblock downtown district looks like a movie set from early-20thcentury America or a setting for a Norman Rockwell painting. The East Bay hills touch down just a few blocks away and make for a striking backdrop. The tidy district parallels the Union PaciďŹ c rail line and is loaded with antique shops, quirky stores and a few restaurants. The railroad junction that connects the San Jose–toOakland line to the Altamont Pass was the last link of the ďŹ rst transcontinental railroad and served as the only Bay Area connection to the East Coast until the 1870s. On weekends, a tourist train runs from Niles through Niles Canyon to Sunol. Niles’ biggest claim to fame is its legacy as America’s â€œďŹ rst Hollywood.â€? Chicago’s Essanay Film Manufacturing Company

opened a silent-movie studio in Niles in 1913 and hired Charlie Chaplin the next year to help make movies. He stayed in town for a year and made seven ďŹ lms, including The Little Tramp. The city of Fremont has recognized Niles’ historic value and recently completed a greatlooking plaza project that ties into the downtown district. Hats off to Fremont for keeping it real and preserving one of the city’s true assets. So where do you eat in Niles? A one-of-a-kind neighborhood deserves something as distinctive as the area itself. My ďŹ rst pick would be the Buddhanusorn Thai Temple. On Sundays, the grounds around the temple are transformed into a Thai food bazaar with a dozen or so food stalls selling some of the best Thai food in the Bay Area. More recently, I checked out the Essanay Cafe situated in the middle of Niles. The small restaurant is perfectly suited to the town. It has about a dozen tables and a beautiful stamped-tin ceiling. Chef Matthew Close, who worked at 71 St. Peter and the Firehouse

Grill in San Jose before coming to Niles, calls the restaurant’s food “wine-country cuisine.â€? By that, he means a short, French-inspired menu of familiar dishes. In terms of execution, the results are mixed. The menu is pleasingly small, just six or so starters and appetizers. Roasted-beet salads are almost a given on Bay Area menus, so I can’t give chef Close any points for originality, but his version ($7) satisďŹ ed nevertheless. Golden chiogga beets are paired with creamy goat cheese, slivered almonds and a bright-orange vinaigrette. The almonds gave the dish a pleasing crunch. The â€œďŹ eld of greensâ€? salad ($6) impressed me with its simplicity and garden-fresh ingredients, including a handful of fresh herbs. The grilled hanger steak with pommes frites is a bistro classic, but here it came up short. The steak ($17) itself was cooked as requested but needed more robust seasoning or marinade to make it stand out as something other than a hunk of meat. The cold plate didn’t help either. By the time it arrived at the table, the fries and steak were tepid.

The menu says that the beef is “naturalâ€? (as opposed to unnatural?) but doesn’t offer any details on the source of the meat. I say drop the term natural altogether, since it has no legal meaning. “Grass-fed,â€? “corn-fedâ€? or “organicâ€? would be more meaningful. Better was the hearty ragout of winter vegetables ($15), a jumble of roasted acorn and butternut squash, carrots, leeks and cabbage served on creamy and rich mushroom polenta. The dessert list is predictable and uninspired. I ordered the carrot cake ($6), which was serviceable but unremarkable. There’s also a small but valuepriced wine list. On the ďŹ rst Wednesday of the month, Essanay Cafe offers a recession-busting “family dinner.â€? Twelve dollars gets you a threecourse meal. Twelve bucks. I’ve had cocktails that cost more than that. If there’s a lower-priced meal deal at a midtier restaurant like this, I haven’t found it. On my visit, the special menu consisted of a green salad, a choice ((


MARCH 10-16, 2010 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y



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M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y MARCH 10-16, 2010 MENU



of the vegetable ragout or coq au vin and house-made raspberry-pineapple ice cream. The portions were a bit small, but at $12 it’s hard to complain. But complain I will. The salad greens were blackening at the edges and a day or two from being inedible. I liked the ragout on my previous visit, but the second time around, the vegetables were mushy and bland—a bad combination. Worse still was the flavor-challenged, strangely glutinous polenta. Even a liberal sprinkling of salt couldn’t bring the gloop to life. Yes, money is tight and times are hard, but no one wants to be reminded of it when they go out to eat.

The city of Fremont has recognized Niles’ historic value and recently completed a great-looking plaza project that ties into the downtown district. Hats off to Fremont for keeping it real and preserving one of the city’s true assets. Fortunately, the coq au vin option— chicken stewed in red wine with lots of bacon—was better. I was so hungry, I asked for a second plate. The three-course meal ended better than it started. The ice cream was creamy and smooth, but best of all were the little pistachio shortbread cookies. Make more of these! In addition to the regular dinner and family menus, the cafe serves a goodlooking weekend brunch and Sunday “farmers market” dinner menu that may pull me back. The Essanay Cafe has plenty going for it: an attractive dining room, an enthusiastic staff and a location in the middle of Niles. All it needs to become the distinctive dining destination the area needs is more consistency and quality control from the kitchen. Chef Close has a real opportunity to make something of his little restaurant, and I hope he does it.



MARCH 10-16, 2010 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y

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Yoga Classes!

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Walk to Fight Hunger, Sight and Hearing Loss Join the San Jose East Valley Lions Club and the Rock Bottom Foundation for their inaugural St. Patrick’s 5K Walk!

Saturday, March 20 at 10am To pre-register, visit Rock Bottom Restaurant & Brewery located in the Pruneyard Plaza Shopping Center or visit www.rockbottom.com/san-jose

1875 South Bascom | 408.377.0707 | rockbottom.com

MARCH 10-16, 2010



MARCH 10-16, 2010 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y


EjofsĂ– hvjeft


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VER FAMILY VINEYARDS’ ?D=C 6K:G named his agship wine “Blessingsâ€? as a way of acknowledging his good fortune as a winegrower in Gilroy’s Uvas Valley. But he could have named it serendipity, too. Blessings is the winery’s petite sirah, but Aver didn’t set out to produce the deep and dark grape as a stand-alone wine. Most of the vineyard was planted to cabernet sauvignon and only a fraction of it was petite sirah. After purchasing the eight-acre vineyard in 2005, he planned to blend some of the petite sirah into his Rhone blend “Hope.â€? (Aver’s big on lofty names for his wines; his syrah is called “Homage,â€? and his cabernet sauvignon is named “Heritage.â€?) But the summer of 2006 was a scorcher, particularly the month of July, which meant that his petite sirah ripened much sooner than he anticipated. He harvested and barreled it and ďŹ gured that he would add it to the blend later. But as the wine developed, Aver’s consulting winemaker @>6C I6K6@DA> said the wine was too good to blend. In fact, he refused to do so. Aver was resistant at ďŹ rst but he came around. And he’s glad he did. The wine quickly sold out (OK, so they only made 25 cases, but still) and went on to win a gold medal at the Critics Challenge Wine Competition in San Diego. “For some reason petite sirah does really well here,â€? says Aver. Recognizing that he was on to something, Aver decided to graft over a quarter of his vineyard to petite sirah and make it his specialty. The rest of the vineyard will be planted or grafted over to other Rhone varieties: syrah, mouvedre and grenache. Aver loves Rhone-style wines, and he ďŹ gured that keeping the vineyard in cabernet sauvignon would make it tough to compete with the cabs in the better-known Napa Valley. “I’m looking for something that will differentiate me,â€? he says. “But I had no idea ďŹ ve years ago that I’d be growing petite sirah.â€? He’s also making a chardonnay from Sonoma County’s famed Durell vineyard. He plans to call it “Inspiration.â€? Aver is relatively new to winegrowing, but it’s been a dream of his that began 15 years ago when he started growing grape vines in his Marin County backyard. In his former life, he was a ďŹ nance and operations guy for Apple, Raychem and the restaurant industry. But the grape farmer bug bit him hard, and he ultimately ended buying the South County vineyard with his wife, Carolyn. They just ďŹ nished building a home on the site. He is largely self-taught but did take viticulture classes at UC-Davis. He grows his grapes organically but is not yet certiďŹ ed—that’s coming. His winery is pretty much a one-man show, and these things take time, don’t you know. I didn’t get a chance to try his Blessings, since it was all snatched up, but I did sample his 2007 Homage and 2007 Hope. Both wines are immensely appealing and share similar structure and qualities. The all-syrah Homage was my favorite. It’s a juicy, wellstructured wine with spicy, complex avors of raspberry, mint, vanilla and earth. I can’t wait to try the 2007 Blessings once it’s released later this year. For more information, go to Averfamilyvineyards.com. Stett Holbrook (Twitter.com/Stett_Holbrook)

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MARCH 10-16, 2010 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y

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Live Feed


OWNTOWN San Jose’s lunch scene has always outshined its dinner possibilities. The quantity and quality of the area’s evening offerings are getting better, but lunch is really where the action is. For me, the sandwich is the perfect lunch. So here then are some of my favorite sandwich outlets in downtown San Jose. : D IG69>C< 8D# I was pleasantly surprised by the quality of the banh mi at E&O Trading Co. There are scores of mom-and-pop banh mi shops around San Jose, but E&O holds its own even if the spicy mayonnaise was applied a too thickly last time I was there. Although it costs about ďŹ ve times more than the typical strip-mall banh mi joint, the banh mi is still a good deal at $10. The excellent French roll and use of Niman Ranch pork on the barbecue pork sandwich is a plus, too. 96 S. First St., San Jose; 408.938.4100. B:M>8D 76@:GN CD# ' This establishment devotes most of its business to an array of fresh-baked Mexican pastries, but the tortas are the real stars. The restaurant bakes its own sesame-topped telera and bolillo rolls. Tortas are served on telera rolls unless you request a bolillo, and you may want to if you’re not really hungry. The regular version is quite large. Mexico Bakery offers a number of torta options and also lets you mix and match. I went for a chorizo and ham torta ($4.50), and the two-ďŹ sted sandwich came loaded with avocado, pickled green jalapeĂąos and onions. The vinegary bite of the jalapeĂąos helps cut the richness of the sandwich. Wash it all down with a creamy mango licuado (smoothie) for the complete experience. 87 E. Santa Clara St., San Jose; 408.920.2518. HE:8>6AINÉH 86;: 76@:GN I ďŹ rst discovered Specialty’s in downtown San Francisco 15 years and loved their hulking, multilayered sandwiches on fresh-baked bread. It’s a chain, but one I can live with. I was pleased to see the restaurant open in downtown San Jose. I rediscovered my old favorite: the Cobb: turkey, bacon, crumbled blue cheese, pickles and red onion on uffy but substantial potato poppy seed bread. Specialty’s loungelike setting, selforder/pay kiosk and online ordering add to the appeal. So does the fact it shares space with Peet’s. 115 S. Market St., San Jose; www.specialtysdirect.com. ;G:H=AN 76@:9 :6I:GN This deli bakes its own sourdough and dark rye bread. Try the rye with the Reuben, a fat, triple-decker sandwich served with a great big dill pickle. They also cook their own meats, a touch that separates them from other delis. Eat outside on tables on across the street in St. James Park. As you sit on a park bench munching your sandwich, this place feels like an oasis just a few blocks north of busy Santa Clara Street. 152 N. Third St., San Jose; 408.298.9370. I6C9DDG> DK:C The line for lunch can extend out the door, but it moves pretty rapidly. Tandoori Oven’s naan wraps look more like burritos than sandwiches, but I’m still claiming them. Choose from lamb, ground lamb, chicken, shrimp or vegetables. I like the tandoori chicken wrap ($7.49), well-charred but still juicy chunks of tangy yogurt-marinated chicken rolled up with lettuce, tomatoes, onions and a smear of chutney. It’s even better with a little spicy mint chutney poured inside. 150 S. First St., San Jose; 408.292.7222. Stett Holbrook (Twitter.com/Stett_Holbrook)

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Walk to Fight Hunger, Sight and Hearing Loss Join the San Jose East Valley Lions Club and the Rock Bottom Foundation for their inaugural St. Patrick’s 5K Walk!

Saturday, March 20 at 10am To pre-register, visit Rock Bottom Restaurant & Brewery located in the Pruneyard Plaza Shopping Center or visit www.rockbottom.com/san-jose

1875 South Bascom | 408.377.0707 | rockbottom.com

MARCH 10-16, 2010


MARCH M A R C H 10-16, 1 0 - 1 6 , 2010 2 0 1 0 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA VA L L E Y

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Fri $10 F ri – 9pm; $1 0

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3 Nbsdi!22

The C The Classic lassic Crime C rime The Study 6445 Camden Camden Ave, Ave, San San Jose Jose Fri F ri – 6pm; $12 408.268.1133 408.2 68.1133

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4 Nbsdi!2

Undergone The Refuge 19624 Homestead Rd, Cupertino 408.253.0751 Sat – 6pm; $12

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4 Nbsdi!2

Ain’t Misbehavin’ San Jose Rep 101 Paseo de San Antonio 408.367.7255 Previews March 13-18, opening March 19; $31 and up

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7 Nbsdi!2

Duane Peters VooDoo Lounge 14 S. Second St, San Jose

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I6NADG HL>;I 6eg &% Vi =E EVk^a^dc



Legally Blonde: The Musical


San Jose Center for the Performing Arts

Tue – 8pm; $7

255 Almaden Blvd, San Jose

9jVcZ EZiZgh ^h WZhi `cdlc Vh i]Z [gdcibVc d[ i]Z hZb^cVa 7g^i"ejc`" gZk^kVa WVcY J#H# 7dbWh! Wji ]ZÉh ValVnh gZ^ckZci^c\ ]^h bjh^XVa b^hh^dc# =ZÉh [gdciZY 9jVcZ EZiZgh i]Z =jcch! l]^X] bdge]ZY ^cid 9^Z =jcch l^i] i]Z VYY^i^dc d[ EZiZghÉ l^[Z VcY CVh]k^aaZ Ejhhn WVhh^hi 8dgZn EVg`h# =Z hiVgiZY i]Z 9jVcZ EZiZgh <jcÒ\]i Vh Vcdi]Zg h^YZ egd_ZXi# 6cY d[ XdjghZ ]Z VeeZVgh Æhdad!Ç Vh ]Z l^aa Vi i]^h h]dl# L]ViZkZg! ^iÉh Vaa 9jVcZ EZiZgh# I]Vi eZg[ZXi ejc` \gdla! i]Vi XZgiV^c gZigd"hXjoon _Z cZ hV^h fjd^! i]Z XViX]n daY"hX]dda Vci]Zbh i]Vi VgZ eVgi E^hidah! eVgi Hi^aa A^iiaZ ;^c\Zgh VcY bdhian 8aVh]# I]Z bVc lVh Wdgc ejc` VcY Y^hdgYZgan# GZheZXi# HE

866.395.2929 Tue-Thu – 7:30pm, Fri – 8pm, Sat – 2 and 8pm, Sun – 1 and 6pm; $20-$88

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MARCH 10-16, 2010 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y

M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y MARCH 10-16, 2010 ARTS




Gjmn ‘Ajami’ tracks all quarters of the hard life in Tel Aviv_49

Day of the Greens

Silicon Valley doesn’t stint on the corned beef and cabbage when it comes time to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day Events are on Wednesday, March 17, unless otherwise indicated CELTIC NOTES Gpvs!Tijmmjoht! Tipsu!qmbzt! Sfexppe!DJuz!gps! uif!ipmjebz/

Concerts The Black Brothers Band A pre-St. Patrick’s Day show presented by the Celtic Society of Monterey Bay. Sun, Mar 14, 7pm. $20. Theatre on San Pedro Square, 29 N. San Pedro St, San Jose, 408.847.6982.

Four Shillings Short Irish music, with a dinner. Also Irish dancing with the Rosemary Turco Irish Dance Troupe. Reservations required. Sat, Mar 13, 5:45-9pm. St. Albert the Great Church, 1095 Channing Ave, Palo Alto, 650.321.6179.

Clubs Alex’s 49er Inn Wed: The club starts services corned beef and cabbage at a special price starting at 2pm until it’s gone. 2214 Business Circle, San Jose, 408.279.9737.

Angelica’s Bistro Wed, 8pm: Four Shillings Short, specialists in Celtic melodies. 863 Main St, Redwood City, 650.365.3226.

The Bank Wed: Corned beef and cabbage plus Big Daddy BBQ. 14421 Big Basin Way, Saratoga, 408.867.5155.

Blinky’s Can’t Say Wed: Irish food and draft specials. 1031 Monroe St, Santa Clara, 408.985.7201.

The Blue Chip Wed: Irish drink specials all day. 325 S. First St, San Jose, 408.971.2898.

Boswell’s Wed: Jack Ripoff with an Irish twist. 1875 S. Bascom Ave, Campbell, 408.371.4404.

Britannia Arms Almaden

Fibbar Magee’s

Wed: Irish dancers, live music by Love Stoned and Irish stew and green beer. 5027 Almaden Expwy, San Jose, 408.266.0550.

Wed: Irish jigs, plus corned beef and cabbage. 156 S. Murphy Ave, Sunnyvale, 408.749.8373.

(5:30pm) and Jerry Sauceda (6:30pm). Montgomery and San Fernando, San Jose, 408.998.4566.

Britannia Arms Cupertino

Firehouse #1

Poor House Bistro

Wed: Irish food and bagpipe music. 69 N. San Pedro Square, San Jose, 408.287.6969.

Wed, 6-9pm: Ron Thompson and corn beef po’ boys. 91 S. Autumn St, San Jose, 408.292.5837.

Wed: Irish food and Irish band Princess and the Pirate, 7-11pm. 1087 S. De Anza Blvd, San Jose, 408.252.7262.

Goosetown Lounge

Redi Room

Wed: The Los Gatos Pipe Band and dancers. 173 W. Santa Clara St, San Jose, 408.278.1400.

Wed: Complimentary corned beef and cabbage; green beer party favors. 1072 Lincoln Ave, San Jose, 408.292.4835.

British Bankers Club

Grand Dell Saloon

Rosie McCann’s

Britannia Arms San Jose

Wed: Irish dancers, food and drink. 1090 El Camino Real, Menlo Park, 650.327.8769.

Wed: A party with Irish cuisine and live music. 1040 Dell Ave, Campbell, 408.378.3970.

C.B. Hannegans

Hip hugger

Wed: Irish food and drinks. 4340 Moorpark Ave, San Jose, 408.257.7770.

Wed: The Piping Circle band 5:30-7:30pm. 355 Santana Row, San Jose, 408.247.1706.

South First Billiards

Wed: The party includes Irish food and beer and live bands. 208 Bachman Ave, Los Gatos, 408.395.1233.

Wed: Drink specials. 948 W. El Camino Real, Sunnyvale, 408.736.8585.

J.J.’s Blues Cafe

Wed, 6:30pm: Talky Tina and Dirty Odd Seven. 420 S. First St, San Jose, 408.294.7800.


Wed: Get Your Green on party. 3439 Stevens Creek Boulevard, San Jose, 408.243.6441.

Stephen’s Green

Katie Bloom’s Irish Pub

Wed: Green beer and Irish food; Rosin the Bow at 5pm. 223 Castro St, Mountain View, 650.964.9151.

Wed: A complete Irish feast and Celtic music and dancers all day long, starting at 11:30am. 1300 First St, Gilroy, 408.848.5050.

Coach’s Extreme Sports Bar Wed: Irish food, drink specials and Irish dancers. 2240 S. Winchester Blvd, Campbell, 408.379.2654.

Dive Bar Wed: Featuring a wide variety of drink specials, including Irish milkshake shots. 78 E. Santa Clara St, San Jose,

Duke of Edinburgh Wed: The Rosemary Turco Irish dancers perform at 6:30pm. 10801 N. Wolfe Rd, Cupertino, 408.446.3853.

Fahrenheit Ultra Lounge Wed: Drink specials. 99 E. San Fernando St, San Jose, 408.998.9998.

Faultline Brewing Company Mon-Fri (Mar 15-19): A week of green beer and more, with live music 6-9pm on big day. 1235 Oakmead Pkwy, Sunnyvale, 408.736.BREW.

Wed: Celtic Soul, 8pm-1am. 369 Campbell Ave at Central, Campbell, 408.379.9687.

Khartoum Wed: Drinks, dancing and Irish debauchery with DJ Davey K. 300 Orchard City Dr, Campbell, 408.379.6340.

Los Gatos Brewing Co. Wed: Corned beef and cabbage. 130-G N. Santa Cruz Ave, Los Gatos, 408.395.9929.

Murphy’s Law Tue-Thu (Mar 16-18): Corned beef and cabbage; Vegas Nights at 8pm. 135 S. Murphy Ave, Sunnyvale, 408.736.3822.

O’Flaherty’s Irish Pub Wed: Party with live music and Irish menu. 25 N. San Pedro St, San Jose, 408.947.8007.

Patty’s Wed: Noon-7pm, Irish food. Hit Man Dave (noon), Hip Shake (4:30pm), bagpipes

The Temple Bar & Lounge Wed: Party starts at 5pm. Red Sunday at 8pm. 52 S. First St, San Jose, 408.288.8518.

Tied House Wed: Green beer and corned beef. 954 Villa St, Mountain View, 650.965.2739.

Toon’s Irish-themed DJs all week. 52 E. Santa Clara St, San Jose, 408.292.7464.

The Venuez Wed: St. Patrick’s Day karaoke at 9pm. 3546 Flora Visa Ave, Santa Clara, 408.244.6909.

Wahoo’s Wed: Free green enchiladas. Santana Row; 2035 El Camino Real, Palo Alto; 19626 Stevens Creek, Cupertino.


MARCH 10-16, 2010 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y

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MARCH 10-16, 2010



MARCH 10-16, 2010 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y

UPCOMING EVENTS AT MONTALVO Ladysmith Black Mambazo :: Mar 10, 7:30 pm :: $50/45, Members $45/40 The legendary South African vocal ensemble, performing for more than 40 years, won a 2009 Grammy for “Ilembe: Honoring Shaka Zulu.” “It isn’t merely the grace and power of their dancing or the beauty of their singing that rivets the attention, but the sheer joy and love that emanates from their being.” - Paul Simon

Women of the Blues: A Tribute to Koko Taylor :: Mar 19, 8 pm :: $32/27, Members $29/24 A tribute to the late Grammy-winning blues genius Koko Taylor presented by J.C. Smith featuring Sista Monica Parker, Pat Wilder & Sharon Lewis. The Chicago-Sun Times said of Koko Taylor...”Chicago’s best blues singer… she has fire in her lungs.”

Anoushka Shankar Project :: Apr 29, 7:30 pm :: $40/35; Members $36/31 Sitar Master Ravi Shankar’s daughter is a leading figure in World Music today. On her latest record she teamed up with sister Norah Jones! The Chicago Tribune raved about Anoushka’s stellar talent “... sounding every bit the equal of her illustrious father.”

Asia America Youth Orchestra David Benoit, Music Director & Conductor w/ID $10 :: May 9, 3 pm :: $35/25; Members $31/22; Students (Box Office only)

Celebrate Mother’s Day listening to one of southern California’s most talented youth orchestras. Led by legendary jazz pianist David Benoit, the ensemble performs the northern California premiere of “Native Californian” written for the orchestra by Benoit while in residence at Montalvo.

All events at the Carriage House Theatre

Tickets: Montalvo Box Office 408.961.5858 M-F, 10am-4pm or ticketmaster.com :: montalvoarts.org

JOIN NOW :: montalvoarts.org/membership


The Bay Show



VERY well-known artist in the music industry had a humble beginning. Being recognized locally is the key first step for any up-and-coming musician. “I think that every community should have a platform for talent,” says Hugh Dawson, producer and father of The Bay Show. The program currently airs on local cable KFTY (Channel 50) early Sunday mornings at 2am. The Bay Show is the brainchild of Dawson, who also goes by the nickname Hugh Heff, who developed ILLUSTRATED MAN!!Uif!Dbej.Nbo!dbsuppo! the concept back when he was a concert jt!b!sfhvmbs!qbsu!pg!ÕUif!Cbz!Tipx/Ö promoter in the club scene. Dawson says that he came up with the idea one night when he was promoting a show that was going to be videotaped at a local venue. Dawson was amazed at how the performers kept vying for the spotlight, both onstage and in front of the cameras. It was an observation that planted the seed for what was to become the start of his television production. The show took its first baby-steps in the garage of a friend’s home and has since gone from taping at public access television stations in San Jose and Mountain View to the Media Center, a production company based on the San Francisco peninsula. The Bay Show is described by Dawson, who is also the host, as a vehicle for both aspiring as well as established hip-hop artists who need an outlet for their music. Talent such as Dem Hoodstarz and Nump come to him from all around the Bay Area, some of whom are categorized as being in the top Billboard 100 based on radio play and CD sales. Working in unison to promote the show’s message is a cartoon accompaniment, modeled specifically to emulate Dawson and the entire sequence of the program. Cadi-Man is an illustration created by Kevin Amodia, who during the course of the cartoon is relied upon to provide performers for the show. The two have an interesting partnership that exists through a series of antics and pranks initiated by Cadi-Man lulling the host into foolishly believing his acts are genuine bigname stars, when in reality they are look-alikes. Dawson views the cartoon as an opportunity to present different musical themes and as a way to bridge the separation between musicians who may not be aware of one another, but share the same umbrella as aspiring musicians. The skeleton of the program is what he attributes to a “three-prong” format. He, along with other members of the show’s staff, filters through various acts who have submitted their material to piece together a video countdown, which is accompanied by two live performances. The show also includes a featured artist with Dawson conducting a one-onone interview to highlight the musician, or bands, achievements. Dawson stresses the urgency of building up local musicians, because, essentially, neighborhood support is what drives the inspiration of his show. “Television is still the greatest platform for exposure,” he says. [The show] “reflects your community, and if you want to be a part of your community this is a great way to do so.” Angelo Scrofani

THE BAY SHOW airs on local cable KFTY (Channel 50) Sunday mornings at 2am.


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6th annual Vicki Genfan



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solo & ensemble

Festival * Friday, March 12, 7:30 PM

Carlos Perez

Great evening concerts: Le Petit Trianon Theatre virtuoso guitarist & singer 72 N. 5th St, San Jose tix each: $25/20/15 * Saturday, March 13, 8 PM on-line: www.sbgs.org or call 408 292-0704 from Chile, master guitarist

Vicki Genfan Carlos Perez

Sat, Mar 13, 9:30 AM - 4 PM & Sun, Mar 14, 11 AM - 4 PM


A celebration of the guitar with a full schedule including vendor exhibits, guitar workshops, demonstrations & adjudicated studio recitals. Music Center, Independence High School, 1776 Educational Park Dr, San Jose more info: www.sbgs.org or call 408 292-0704

Discover the Arts www.svArts.org

Event made possible in part by a Culture Affairs grant from the City of San Jose


MARCH 10-16, 2010 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y


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Chamber Concert Saturday, March 13, 8 PM

E]Vcidb <VaaZg^Zh <jn 7Zc_Vb^c 7gdd`h]^gZ ^aajhigViZh i]Z 7dd` d[ 9gZVbh l^i] Vgi XdaaV\Zh# 6ahd d^a eV^ci^c\h Wn @ViZ HiZlVgi d[ HVc ?dhZ# I]gj BVg '%# H]dlc ^c hidgZ[gdci l^cYdlh Vadc\ Hdji] ;^ghi HigZZi! HVc ?dhZ! lll# e]Vcidb\VaaZg^Zh#Xdb#

Wagner: Singfried Idyll F. Mendelssohn: Octet in E-flat major Emmanuel: Sonate Op. 11, for flute, clarinet & piano Villa-Lobos: Charos No. 2 for fulte & clarinet

E]^aa^eh <VaaZgn >ciZgcVi^dcVa Vgi^hih d[ Ă’cZ Vgi! hXjaeijgZ VcY ]VcY"Wadlc \aVhh Zm]^W^i i]Z^g ldg`h# 8Vaa [dg i^bZh# Dc\d^c\# ((( HVciVcV Gdl! HVc ?dhZ! )%-#')+#-%'%# 6gWdg GY! BZcad EVg`! +*%#('&#%''%#

Palo Alto Art Center Auditorium 1313 Newell Road, Palo Alto Tickets: $18/15/8 on-line: www.paphil.org

GZc\hidg[[ =djhZ :m]^W^ih VWdji i]Z ]^hidgn d[ i]Z ]djhZ VcY i]Z X^in d[ BdjciV^c K^Zl# (%,% C# H]dgZa^cZ 7akY! BdjciV^c K^Zl#

HVc ?dhZ 8^in =Vaa Æ>c ;jaa K^Zl/ =^hidg^X VcY 8dciZbedgVgn EVcdgVbVh#Ç ÆHVc ?dhZ/ <ZcZgVi^dch d[ >ccdkVi^dch VcY 9^kZgh^in#Ç >cXajY^c\ dW_ZXih! e]didh VcY YdXjbZcih ZmVb^c^c\ ejWa^X hZgk^XZ! HVciV 8aVgV KVaaZnÉh V\g^XjaijgVa eVhi! iZX]cdad\n VcY ^cYjhign VcY ZciZgiV^cbZci# Dc\d^c\# Bdc";g^! -Vb"*eb '%% :# HVciV 8aVgV Hi! HVc ?dhZ#

Discover the Arts www.svArts.org

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March 13 - 21 Mountain View Center for the Performing Arts corporate sponsors:

Summer camps and classes now available - register online! Tickets and Information:



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M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y MARCH 10-16, 2010 FILM




City Beaten Israeli multipart drama ‘Ajami’ offers good wishes from a bad neighborhood

By Richard von Busack


HE WORLD is a ghetto, and all parts of the ghetto world are starting to look alike: dried-up, crumbling buildings, vacant lots full of abandoned stained sofas, idle men sitting and staring at nothing— boredom punctuated by the sudden panic of a gun ambush. Are thugs copying the movies or is it the other way around? Scandar Copti and Yaron Shani’s Ajami shows a bad side of Tel Aviv that’s looking very familiar. The names are changed, but the problems are the same: illegal immigrants scraping by, horrible hospital bills, inexpert gunmen leaving their victims paralyzed, romance that isn’t allowed to cross ethnic boundaries. What does Ajami bring to the table, then? The Israeli contender for the best foreign film Oscar is framed with a child’s narrative of “the worst time of my life.” The boy who says this is Nasri (Fouad Habash), who sketches the murders taking place around him in a graphic novel. The tale begins with a shooting: Nasri’s uncle plugged a Bedouin gangster who was demanding protection money. Retaliation was swift: the family business was burned, and the uncle was paralyzed by bullets. Vengeance demands more blood. Nasri’s 19-yearold brother, Omar (Shahir Kabaha), is now the family’s oldest, hiding until he can beg for help from the Christian Arab fixer Abu Elias (Youssef Sahwani), a plump, unibrowed owner of a fancy restaurant and bar. Abu Elias has a sweet daughter, Hadir

(Ranin Karim), who is deeply in love with Omar. (Except for a mom and a passing-through girlfriend, Karim is the one female in the movie.) The story spins out: Omar and his family get drastically indebted in man-gelt to the Bedouins, who want $57,000 to call off the feud. A young illegal alien comes in to work for Abu Elias, and bad times cascade. A street scuffle between a gentrifying Israeli and the boys in the ’hood turns homicidal and brings in the police. Binj (co-director Copti), a carefree cook with an Ed “Big Daddy” Roth beard, winds up dead, and the whole neighborhood knows that the Hebrew speakers did it. Finally, we see—or think we see—two sides of a week in the life of Dando (Eran Naim), a plainclothes cop. The multiangled, four-chaptered story is held together with mood, coincidence, terrific little anecdotes and local color. The scene about buying a gun through a low hole in a cinderblock wall is instructive. A brief moment of teasing between Omar and the pretty, ponytailed Hadir has unforced sweetness to it. The documentarylike episode in which the price of a man’s life is decided at a Bedouin gangster council is something new. The process involves much lawyering, much calling out to Allah for blessing; fortunately, He gets his cut of the money at the end of the trial. I found it strange that the codirector gave himself the most lighthearted comic bit in the film, when Binj leads the chorus of a nonsense song from the side of the

stove in Abu Elias’ restaurant. When something like this happens, you always wonder if it’s because the director didn’t feel he could trust the rest of the cast to be funny. Where Ajami left me a little cold is in its televisionistic qualities. This darting style never gives the cast much of a chance. Sin Nombre, by contrast, had breathing room and made good use of the land around it, whereas Ajami merely looks out the window restlessly during a ride from one ghetto tio another—and borrows an idea from von Trier’s Zentropa for the last blackouts. Ajami strives to be the bio of a entire bad neighborhood. You feel like you’ve seen something. You visit a place where the violence never stops, where gunmen shoot each other’s brothers and then lament that fate or honor forced them to do it. Yet like so many of these ghetto movies, Ajami lacks a real core. Of course, such a core would pose—or even answer—the question “What is to be done?” There’s been debate over whether Ajami, and all Israeli films, should be boycotted in order to protest Israel’s conduct in the Gaza Strip. The Israeli encirclement of Gaza is hard-line retaliation for the kidnapping of the Israeli soldier, Gilad Shalit. Shalit’s kidnapping is obviously the source of the fictional story here of what happens to Dando’s brother. It’s never a good idea to use the Holocaust as a point of comparison for anything. As my colleague Don Hines says, that’s like being the juniorhigh-school kid who says the principal

is worse than Hitler. Certainly, Egypt is doing its part to keep Gaza bottled up. But parallels to the Warsaw Ghetto are valid when describing a situation in which Israeli military power seals off an urban population, depriving them of essentials, leaving them to choke on their own filth. For details, see the Nov. 9, 2009, article by George Packer—nobody’s Arab tool—in The New Yorker. Ajami itself is an open critique of the worst sectarian violence, of vengeful police and of the grinding government pressure on Palestinians. It’s hardly a Valentine to the hard work done in the peace process—or a protest that Israel is the United States’ best friend in the world, the one democracy in the Middle East, did you know women there have the vote? etc. To return to the boycott at the Toronto Film Festival, it seems a petty, even stupidly grandstanding, way to protest a country’s crimes. It’s too close to the dreaded secondary boycott, where you strike back at a vendor for selling something or other, instead of the manufacturer of that something or other. And what if everyone who was furious at America’s multiple fracturing of the Geneva Convention stopped going to the googleplex? James Cameron might be out of a job! AJAMI (Unrated; 120 min.), directed and written by Scandar Copti and Yaron Shani, photographed by Boaz Yehonatan Yaacov and starring Shahir Kabaha and Youssef Sahwani, opens March 12 at Camera 3 in San Jose.

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FILM MARCH 10-16, 2010 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y

FAR FROM HOME Njb!XbtjlpxtlbÖt!Bmjdf!fyqmpsft!! uif!sbccju!ipmf!jo!Ujn!CvsupoÖt!ofx!npwjf/

Tim Burton’s ‘Alice in Wonderland’ doesn’t go far enough down the rabbit hole AST YEAR’S Coraline by Henry Selick, with its locked tiny chambers and prowling sardonic cat, still feels like magic. Tim Burton’s Alice in Wonderland is more of a fashion show, which may be the point. This Alice in Wonderland will likely be the defining event of the gothic Lolitas’ generation. Burton, who worked with Selick and got most of the credit for The Nightmare Before Christmas, now does his 3-D live-action Alice as a sequel to Lewis Carroll’s original. Screenwriter Linda Woolverton (Beauty and the Beast) is sensibly trying to do a Wicked on the famous tale—within the safety zone of Disney, which would prefer Alice to be another Disney Princess. Mirroring Wicked is the rivalry between women, the Red Queen (Helena Bonham Carter) and the ghostly yet sugary White Queen (Anne Hathaway). The White Queen is a witch of sorts, working with grisly spells; the Red Queen is the execution-loving dictator of a plundered “Underland,” which the young Alice once mispronounced with a “W.” In early Victorian times, the fatherless Alice (Mia Wasikowska), almost 20, is about to be affianced to a chinless aristo, Hamish (Leo Bill), by family pressure. Alice’s (badly phrased) taste for fantasy is dismaying; Hamish urges her to keep it to herself. But then the familiar rabbit arrives to lead Alice to the world of her childhood reveries. The creatures are skeptical: she doesn’t look like the Alice they all remember. And the real Alice will have a quest to perform. The Oraculum, the Bayeux Tapestry of Underland, foretells that Alice will slay the Jabberwocky. (That should be Jabberwock, yes?) Once the dragon is dead, the land will be free of the dreaded, hydrocephalic Red Queen. The female power in this movie is worth celebrating. Carroll’s Alice appeals uniquely to adolescent girls who are never certain what size they are in real life: grown-up or childish. Using an older Alice removes questions of sexuality and menace that might prove sticky. And yet that unease is the very point that has drawn fans and postmodern rewriters alike. Wasikowska is a subtle, full-grown beauty who adds a physical reality to the tale of dreams. A touch of romance between her and Johnny Depp’s Mad Hatter arises. Depp’s marvelous flexibility comes through clearly. The makeup is unsettling: carrotcolored hair; staring, too-large tiger-green eyes; a dialect that changes at the drop of a hat. Depp is an actor who twines around our memories of actors gone before: here the memory seems to be of Peter Sellers. Alice in Wonderland revels in its cameos. Matt Lucas’ two Tweedles are Cockney Cabbage Patch kids. The blue-green Cheshire Cat, avatar of particle physics, has a portly, insinuating voice (by Stephen Fry) and several hundred teeth. Alan Rickman shows off a fine sneer as the Caterpillar. Bonham Carter’s snarling, willful queen is a brat whom custom never stales. I’m a helpless Tim Burton fan, and I’m not sorry I went to Alice in Wonderland. But the colors here aren’t state of the art; they go from tinted postcard to faded bed sheet. Compared to Coraline’s solitude and thoughtfulness, Alice in Wonderland is a forced march. The 3-D makes us jump with tossed crockery and the spears of the army of cards, but it doesn’t add real depth to the visuals. The finale turns out to be familiar dragon slaying; ultimately, it’s not just Alice who has been here before. Richard von Busack


ALICE IN WONDERLAND (PG; 108 min.), directed by Tim Burton, written by Linda Woolverton, photographed by Dariusz Wolski and starring Johnny Depp and Mia Wasikowska, plays valleywide.



M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y MARCH 10-16, 2010 FILM


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Reviews by Michael S. Gant and Richard von Busack.

New Ajami (Unrated; 120 min.) See review on page 49. (Opens Mar 12 at Camera 3 in San Jose.) Alice in Wonderland (PG; 108 min.) See review on page 50. The Art of the Steal (Unrated; 101 min.) See review on page 53. (Opens Mar 12 at Camera 3 in San Jose.) Green Zone (R; 115 min.) What Hurt Locker hath wrought: Matt Damon’s army ofďŹ cer goes off on his own in a search for weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. Paul Greengass of Bourne franchise directs. (Opens Mar 12.) Lord, Save Us From Your Followers (PG-13; 100 min.) A documentary with interviews with Al Franken, Michael Reagan, Rick Santorum and others on both sides of the cultural divide. (Opens Mar 12 at the Aquarius in Palo Alto.) Our Family Wedding (PG-13) A comedy of misunderstandings surrounding a blended marriage ceremony. Stars America Ferrera and Forest Whitaker. (Opens Mar 12.) Reclaiming Our Heritage A ďŹ lm festival for African American hsitory studies. This week, Race: The Power of an Illusion, Part 1. (Shows Mar 11, 6pm in San Jose at Martin Luther King, Jr. Library, Rm 525.) Remember Me (PG-13; 128 min.) A romantic drama about the desires of Robert Pattinson and Emilie de Ravin. (Opens Mar 12.) She’s Out of My League (R; 104 min.) An ordinary guy tries to woe a beautiful girl. With Jay Baruchel and Alice Eve. (Opens Mar 12.)

Revivals The Bad Sleep Well/Throne of Blood (1960/1957) Donald Richie claims that the title would translate better as “The Worse You Are, the Better You Sleep,â€? and he also comments that the opening sequence is one of the greatest in Japanese ďŹ lm. Against the background of a corrupt Japanese company full of dissembling executives and toadies, Akira Kurosawa stages a kind of Hamlet, with Toshiro Mifune as the revenger. BILLED WITH Throne of Blood. Macbeth— which Kurosawa saw in Welles’ version—is transplanted to Japan as a Noh-inuenced drama. (Plays Mar 17-19 in Palo Alto at the Stanford Theatre.) (RvB) High and Low/I Live in Fear (1963/1955) Ed McBain’s King’s Ransom is the source for this thriller about a shoe company executive (Toshiro Mifune) whose chauffeur’s son is kidnapped. While the crooks call and the police crawl all over his house, the executive must make a moral decision about how far he is willing to go to save someone else’s offspring. Includes a justiďŹ ably famous long shot that brilliantly segues from the world of the rich man’s house high on a hill to the shanty town far below. BILLED WITH I Live in Fear. A family man (Mifune) nearly loses everything over his mortal terror of atomic attack. (Plays Mar 10-12 in Palo Alto at the Stanford Theatre.) (RvB) The Hidden Fortress/Yojimbo (1958/1961) Every Star Wars fan has heard the story that the team of Minoru Chiaki and Kamatari Fujiwara were the inspirations for R2D2 and C3PO; the plot itself sounds much more like Raoul Walsh’s What Price Glory, in which a pair of rascals out for gold risk their necks in enemy territory. BILLED WITH Yojimbo. Akira Kurosawa’s most entertaining ďŹ lm and required viewing: a sly parody of the samurai adventure featuring a beautifully ratty ronin (Toshiro Mifune) who stumbles into a vicious gang war and plays both ends against the middle. Hugely inuential and often imitated—most felicitously by Sergio

Leone in A Fistful of Dollars; some trace the shrewd plot back to the time Dashiell Hammett’s Continental Op wandered into Personville. (Plays Mar 13-16 in Palo Alto at the Stanford Theatre.) (RvB) Lawrence of Arabia (1962) David Lean’s epic is a reminder of an age when movies weren’t just big, but smart, too. It tells of Col. T.E. Lawrence, the British agent provocateur who stirred up nationalist revolt in “Mesopotamiaâ€? during World War I. The plan was to protect both the Suez Canal and the oil supply from the hostile Ottoman Empire of the Turks. The Arab world as we know it was precipitated by Lawrence, and the world has been reaping the beneďŹ ts and suffering the consequences ever since. What this movie is about is a man, played by the messianically beautiful young Peter O’Toole, and his friend Ali (another looker, Omar Sharif). The two battle against the sadistic Turks, particularly the Bey Jose Ferrer, whose mistreatment of Lawrence is a little more clear in the uncensored versions. The photography in Super Panavision 70 by Freddie Young made this a monster hit. The ultrawidescreen technique is given a rare demonstration in the splendid California Theatre in downtown San Jose for a paltry $7. (Plays Mar 12-13 at 7pm and Mar 14 at 1pm at the Retro Dome in San Jose, 1694 Saratoga Ave.) (Rvb) Niles Film Museum Regularly programmed silent ďŹ lms. Mar 13, 7:30 pm: The Bank (1915), with Charlie Chaplin; Number Please (1920), Neighbors (1920) with Buster Keaton; The Sleuth (1925) with Stan Laurel. Judy Rosenberg at the piano. Mar 14, 4pm: An afternoon of sound-era Laurel and Hardy and Our Gang: Men O’ War (1929), Love Business (1930), Me and My Pal (1933) and Hearts Are Trumps (1937). (Plays Mar 13-14 in Fremont at the Edison Theatre, 37417 Niles Blvd) (RvB)

Reviews Avatar (PG-13; 162 min.) A victory for people who insist that science ďŹ ction has to be dumb. In

M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y MARCH 10-16, 2010 FILM the future, Earthling mercenaries are shipped to the planet Pandora, where 9-foot-tall, blueskinned noble savages called Na’vi live in a phosphorescent forest full of saurian beasts. Jake (Sam Worthington) is the paraplegic brother of a dead soldier hooked up to a Na’vi shell; the program is under the direction of a chain-smoking biologist (Sigourney Weaver). While it is a maxim of screenwriting that the plot ought to be the longest distance between two points, James Cameron’s terrible script for this putative end-of-the-decade experience really overworks the principle. The politics play it both ways; letting us swoon over the military hardware and still lament for the plundered forests. After an hour, the drugs wear off, and the appeal of synthespianism starts to drag; motion capture isn’t exactly motion release (compare the synthetic Weaver to the real thing), and the cobbledtogether story of eco-rebellion isn’t be eclipsed by the visuals. If you’re going to see it anyway, see it in 3-D. (RvB) The Book of Eli (R; 118 min.) Denzel Washington stars as the usual wanderer on the usual postapocalyptic wastes. The Hughes brothers’ Bible-flogging apocalypso could be read as a Western, but it’s a monomaniacal one. Washington underplays the part of a soft-spoken drifter who deals with a vicious yet zany town boss (Gary Oldman). The film is blessed with actors (Tom Waits, Michael Gambon and a probably synthesized but touching Mr. Bigglesworth cat), but the movie has this pious streak that can’t be overcome. Scriptwriter Gary Whitta, as in the IMDb sentence, “Gary Whitta was editor of PC Gamer for several years,” seems to have retrofitted this film from a video game. In the end, it’s hard to overlook the arbitrariness of what survives (sunglasses, high-powered ammo, Hummers, lingerie, cicadas, the Transamerica Pyramid) over what doesn’t (common sense, humans’ unique ability to invent and band together). (RvB) Brooklyn’s Finest (R; 140 min.) A gritty cops and crime drama with Richard Gere, Don Cheadle, Wesley Snipes and Ethan Hawke. Directed by Antoine (Training Day) Fuquq. Cop Out (R) A cop goes looking for a rare baseball card in a new comedy by Kevin Smith. Also stars Tracy Morgan (30 Rock).

The Crazies (R; 101 min.) Very bad things start to happen to the residents of a small town when their water supply is laced with poison. Stars Timothy Olyphant and Radha Mitchell. Crazy Heart (R; 111 min.) Jeff Bridges is the draw in Scott Cooper’s typical softball Sundancian exercise. It’s a belly-baring role for this terrific actor, playing Bad Blake, a morose satyr of an outlaw musician. He travels via an ancient 1978 Chevy Suburban and slaps together sets with pickup bands. In his few sober moments, Blake lives with the humiliation of having been commercially surpassed by a country superstar named Billy Sweet (Colin Farrell), who was once one of his backup musicians. Touring in Santa Fe, Bad meets a newspaper reporter named Jean (Maggie Gyllenhaal), who lets Bad pick her up. Despite the credited input by T-Bone Burnett, none of the tunes

are really memorable, but you sink into them anyway, and the encircling camera gives the scenes some rhythm. What integrity Crazy Heart doesn’t borrow from Bridges it picks up from the glorious wide-open-spaces cinematography by Barry Markowitz (Sling Blade). (RvB)



The Ghost Writer (PG-13, 128 min.) Roman Polanski’s freezer-burned comedy/thriller concerns former British Prime Minister Tony Blair, excuse me, Adam Lang (Pierce Brosnan), who has settled in a ghoulish modernist bunker of a seaside house to finish up his memoirs. The witty script has it that the PM got a $10 million advance for an absolutely unpublishable book. Enter a hired writer named the Ghost (Ewan McGregor). Meanwhile, the PM’s sexy shrew of a wife, Ruth (Olivia Williams), noses out her husband’s affair with his assistant (Kim


WILLFUL Bmcfsu!D/!Cbsoft!ibe!tusjdu!jefbt!bcpvu!ipx!!


Art Attack ‘The Art of the Steal’ is technically brilliant but has the soul of an attack ad N THE SUBJECT of a political snatch, The Art of the Steal is the post–Errol Morris documentary at its technical best and ideological worst. The film handles with skill and speed the complex subject of the Barnes Foundation, a small art gallery 41⁄2 miles from downtown Philadelphia. It’s the legacy of Dr. Albert C. Barnes, a physician and self-made millionaire. His invention Argyrol replaced the costly silver nitrate solution dabbed into newborn babies’ eyes to ward off blindness. Having saved the eyesight of countless thousands, Barnes decided to further improve the vision of humanity. He spent his money on the most important private collection of Impressionist and post-Impressionist art in the world. Barnes’ excursions to France allowed him to bring home seven van Goghs, six Seurats, Matisse’s The Joy of Life and dozens of Renoirs; he contextualized these paintings with an excellent selection of African sculpture. Barnes started his own academy in a suburb of Philadelphia, where he could control access and be the final arbiter. Barnes died in a car accident, in 1951, leaving no children; he willed the collection to be taken care of by a small African-American college. And here’s where the trouble began. The trustees of the school were no match for the pressure to administer what became, in the fullness of time, an astonishing $30 billion worth of paintings. That value attracted bigger museums, political envy and out-and-out greed. One understands The Art of the Steal’s umbrage as the collection began being pulled, as if by a magnet, from Barnes’ quiet space into Philadelphia’s museum row. Remember what H.L. Mencken said about Americans being unable to recognize ideas unless they have white wings or a forked tail? See interviewee Julian Bond of the NAACP photographed in a dignified milky glow of negative space (the negative space the crowded paintings at the Barnes never got, frankly). By contrast, Ed Rendell, governor of Pennsylvania and former Philadelphia mayor, is filmed in a medium close-up. He muscles into the side of the frame, like Tony Soprano confiding a crime. Dr. Barnes considered the Philadelphia Museum of Art “a house of prostitution” doing the bidding of the Main Line. Director Don Argott underscores this by filming the venerable museum to look like Castle Grayskull, crouched under lowering clouds. We’re meant to think of Dr. Barnes as a rebel—some John Lee Hooker licks on the soundtrack reinforce this idea. The real question is whether only a purchaser can contextualize a painting, and whether they get to do so beyond the grave. There’s an essential elitism concealed in this documentary, persuasive as it is. The modern museum megashow is an evil, perhaps a necessary one: head-phone-wearing herds, lines, surcharges, milling crowds and appalling gift shops. But blame the marketers, not the curators. The important thing is the moment of communion with an artwork, a moment that can occur even in the most crowded museum. That flash of insight: that’s what this documentary ignores. The Art of the Steal is well built, but it has the soul of an attack ad. Richard von Busack


THE ART OF THE STEAL (Unrated; 101 min.), a documentary by Don Argott, opens March 12 at Camera 3 in San Jose. (Follow Richard von Busack’s review on Movietimes.com)


FILM MARCH 10-16, 2010 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y


Whatever Lola Wants . . . A new Criterion set restores Max Ophüls’ last film to full color and design ERMAN-BORN director Max Ophüls spent the last and most productive years of his short life (he died at 54) making films in France. His exceptional run of camera-circling, emotions-parsing black-andwhite marvels included La ronde (1950), the magnificent Le plaisir (1952) and Madame de . . . (1953). Unfortunately, his last film, Lola Montès (1955), was almost literally the death of him. Cutting against all his instincts, Ophüls was talked into making this loose biography of the scandalous mid-19th-century courtesan who dallied with Franz Liszt and Ludwig I of Bavaria among many others. Switching to Technicolor and CinemaScope, shooting in German, English and French simultaneously for release in different countries and forced to cast Martine Carol (a ample-bosomed French star of the 1950s) all contributed to a tortured production that culminated in a disastrous premiere and subsequent butchering of the available prints. This gorgeous Criterion set presents the full restoration (done in 2006) of the film, including Ophüls’ chronologically fractured narrative structure. Ophüls’ primary invention is to set the story within the frame of an enormous circus act, as the once-famous Lola is forced to earn her living by selling her status as a celebrity to a ravenous crowd. An imperious ringmaster (Peter Ustinov in his best role) presides over this extraordinary (media) circus, declaring for the voyeuristic edification of the crowd that he will tell them “the truth, nothing but the truth” about Lola. Of course, his version falls far short of the truth, which we see in flashbacks from Lola’s perspective, as she moves from a brutish husband to artistic, rich and powerful lovers, ending up with the king of Bavaria (Anton Walbrook, the impresario from The Red Shoes). This last affair is her undoing as the peasantry revolts against their monarch for his indiscretions (impeachment headings, apparently, being off the table in Bavaria). The circus scenes are the best part, full of carefully choreographed legions of tumblers, horseback riders, clowns and tightrope walkers. Huge chandeliers descend from the top of the very, very, big big top. Lola is displayed like a hunk of trussed-up trophy, bathed in garish colored spotlights on rotating stages—Ophüls here anticipates the worst excesses of the paparazzi era to come. In a marvelous scene, Lola swings and climbs her way up a series of ladders. As the ringmaster recounts her rise in society, she ascends to a distant platform from which she will perform a swan dive, the inevitable fall from grace that awaits every celebrity. This unbroken tracking shot shows off Ophüls’ trademark fluid eye at its most breathtaking. The DVD comes with two documentaries boasting many interviews with Ophüls collaborators. Ustinov makes an astute observation about Carol: “The worse she is, the better for us [with her] completely blank personality.” Ophüls’ son, Marcel, recounts some of the difficulties with the production, which started with shady producers who may have had Mafia connections, and went on to a revolt by the union musicians on the circus set and a nightmarish opening night in which disgruntled audience members left early and told people waiting in line for the next showing not to bother. According to Marcel, “Afterward, [Max] went to a sanitarium. He fell ill because of this insane film.” Michael S. Gant


LOLA MONTÈS; two discs; Criterion; $39.95


Cattrall). One admires how much Polanski got out of two TV hobgoblins like Cattrall and Jim Belushi, as a swinish publisher who conducts himself like Lex Luthor. The surprise in this plot is revealed through some expertly played Boston Brahmin threat by Tom Wilkinson. Yet The Ghost Writer is a typical old director’s movie: slow, morbid, never quite sexy enough and full of self-reference. Trapping us in the house is a classic maneuver of Polanski; leaving us there is something like an act of forgetfulness. (RvB) The Hurt Locker (R; 131 min.) The soldiers of Bravo Company are stationed in Baghdad for the 2004 fighting. Central to the film is the mystery of Staff Sgt. James (Jeremy Renner) who comes in to replace a slaughtered demolition expert. James’ risktaking amazes and angers his subordinate, Sgt. Sanborn (Anthony Mackie). The suspenseful, grimly funny script is by coproducer Mark Boal. Renner is outstanding as the inhumanly brave demolition expert. Director Kathryn Bigelow does what Howard Hawks would do: she finds the cooperation between men of great competence in a killing trade, rather than pumping up rivalry. Bigelow breaks through the sense of anonymity that characterizes most Iraq war movies, where helmeted men move alike and talk the same terse slang. However, The Hurt Locker takes an essentially knightly view of the war, of men suiting up and closing their

Exhibit through March 31

visors. Thus this is the first Iraq film an American audience can feel good about. Boal’s script does discover the hollow inside the brave James: the missing part that made him never stop to realize why he did his job. That final revelation is smart filmmaking. It’s just that the hollow inside this movie—inside almost all war movies, even the good ones—isn’t as easily seen. If war is a drug, as The Hurt Locker claims, who’s pushing it? (RvB) The Last Station (R; 112 min.) Well cast, visually pleasant yet strangely toneless film about Tolstoy’s last days. Around 1910 in Moscow, Valentin (James McAvoy) is recruited by Chertkov (Paul Giamatti), who is dedicated to carrying out the author’s reformist ideas regarding celibacy and manual labor. Valentin will live on Tolstoy’s commune and record the great man’s thoughts. Tolstoy (Christopher Plummer) is enjoying a sort of Indian summer, watching his minifarm bloom and receiving the adulation of the world. But the count’s countess—Sofya, his wife of nearly 50 years, played by Helen Mirren—has tired of her husband’s utopian politics. Meanwhile, Valentin’s desire to stay pure and virginal is sorely tested by Masha (Kerry Condon). Mirren does the great lady thing with ease; Plummer plays Tolstoy with the gusto of a ham-loving actor tackling Fiddler on the Roof. Director Michael Hoffman gives us Tolstoy as a cracked, principled old grandfather, manipulated by outsiders. (RvB)

North Face (Unrated; 121 min.) Philipp Stölzl’s direction is stodgy, but the true story has some punch. Two German soldiers and mountaineers go to Switzerland for the fateful scaling of the Eiger’s North Face in the 1930s. Benno Fürmann plays Toni, Viggo Mortensenian in seriousness; Florian Lukas is Andi, the more playful one. Johanna Wokalek plays Luisa, who works for a newspaper under the toxic Nazi mentoring of Berlin (hiss) editor Henry (Ulrich Tukur). She will be the photographer when Andi and Toni attack the mountain: several thousand sheer feet of crumbly rock and slippery ice. The ordeal itself is all about incremental things: lives depending on a decision to leave a rope in place or not, or the chance of a July snowstorm. Christian Kolonovitz’s clumsy orchestral soundtrack out-avalanches the avalanche. (RvB) Percy Jackson and the Olympians (PG; 119 min.) A fantasy adventure about a young man caught up in the war between the gods of ancient Greece. Starings Logan Lerman, Uma Thurman and Pierce Brosnan. A Prophet (R; 155 min.) Jacques Audiard’s harrowing story of a 19-year-old whose life is redefined by a six-year stint in a French prison has been compared in some corners to The Godfather, and the comparison makes sense on some superficial level. Malik (Tahar Rahim) begins his journey as a fresh-faced petty criminal, a sheep condemned to live among the wolves. He loses what remains of his innocence in short order: Ordered by the Corsican mobster Luciani (Niels

M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y MARCH 10-16, 2010 FILM Arestrup) to murder a fellow Arab or suffer an equally gruesome fate himself, Malik reluctantly learns to kill. The episode stays with him, although it never seems to inform the choices he makes behind bars. Over time, Malik shrewdly injects himself into the prison drug trade. He works his way up the jailhouse food chain, climbing over the corpses of his competitors along the way. Malik is no Michael Corleone. He is graceless and resistant to introspection. But he is every bit the opportunist, a scrappy apprentice taught too well by Luciani. We are grateful for Malik’s survival, but the violence that becomes second nature to him is nothing to celebrate, something Audiard (The Beat That My Heart Skipped) understands. This no fairy tale— there are neither heroes nor villains, merely men married to a desperate career path, some by choice and others by necessity, all ďŹ ghting to eke out an existence. (RD) Shutter Island (R; 138 min.) In 1954, two federal marshals, Teddy and Chuck (Leonardo DiCaprio, Mark Ruffalo), are sent to a Skull Island–like promontory in Boston harbor. They match wits with the lord of the place: Dr. Cawley, the bald head psychiatrist (Ben Kingsley), and his assistant, a Mahler-loving Mitteleuropean (Max von Sydow). The two supervise a weird staff; we can’t tell them from the inmates without their uniforms. Bad storm, check; power outage, check; escaped lunatic, check. The traditions are honored: nightmare sequences, statues ickering in lightning and visits to Teddy by the ever-more persistent ghost of his dead wife, Dolores (Michelle Williams). The all-you-can-eat buffet of fruitcakes includes a disďŹ gured Elias Koteas, Patricia Clarkson as a tragic cavewoman, Emily Mortimer as a suburban Medea and Jackie Earle Haley. It’s all laid out with panache, if with stagy chunks of backstory. It’s an entertaining throwback, not a step forward—a stumbling block for a bafed audience trained to believe “it must be important, because it’s Scorsese.â€? (RvB) Valentine’s Day (PG-13; 125 min.) The ďŹ lm is as much about director Garry Marshall’s love of Los Angeles as it is about the popular pagan-inspired holiday. And give the man credit—he’s nothing if not thorough in showing it. Here, he has gone out of his way to make room for a cattle call of Hollywood stars in a fairy tale that makes a passing pretense of cynicism before giving most of its luminous cast their happily-everafters. Characters, some of whom seem to exist solely to justify tossing more stars in the mix, drift in and out of the story with such frequency it’s hard to keep up. Hector Elizondo plays a natural romantic who discovers his longtime wife’s inďŹ delity on the big day, and George Lopez shows up as a orist’s assistant and best buddy to Ashton Kutcher. The movie is commendable for its ambition. It has been popularly branded the American Love, Actually, and the similarities are obvious. Both feature allstar casts eshing out indulgently paced, saccharine love stories. Yet Valentine’s Day is the less cloying of the two, and the less predictable. It also boasts some of

the oddest cameos you’re likely to ďŹ nd, including a truly head-scratching turn by an uncredited Joe Mantegna. (RD) The Wolfman (R; 102 min.) It’s not a perfect ďŹ lm, but this is a loving remake, made by people who understood the romance, pathos and torment of the original 1941 ďŹ lm. This new animal has speed on his side, and there’s more viscera ying around. In 1891, after the horriďŹ c death of his brother, the noted Shakespearean actor Lawrence Talbot (Benicio del Toro) returns home to his family’s mansion. This means a re-encounter with his estranged father Sir John (Anthony Hopkins). The town gossip has it that Lawrence’s brother was killed by a tame dancing bear owned by a band of Gypsies; when investigating on a moonlit night, Lawrence himself is nearly killed by the real culprit. The ďŹ ancĂŠ of the late brother (Emily Blunt) stays to nurse Lawrence back to health. And when the next moon rises, well, you know. Probably you could hire a makeup man just to make Del Toro look less like a wolf. But the Talbot scenes suggest Del Toro was cast for his resemblance to Lon Chaney Jr., with his clouded, thick features and his air of suffering. We see the human under the fur. (RvB)

For showtimes, advance tix and more, go to


Best Theaters -- SJ Merc, Metro & Wave Readers Always Plenty of Free Validated Parking All Sites Seniors & Kids $6.75 / Students $7.50 • * = No Passes $7 b4 6pm M-F / 4pm S-S, Holidays • = Final Week = Presented in Sony 4K Digital (C7 only) • Pruneyard/Campbell • 559-6900 • Pruneyard/Campbell • 559-6900 *THE GREEN ZONE (R) CRAZY HEART (R) *THE GHOST WRITER (PG-13) *ALICE IN WONDERLAND in Disney Dig. 3D (PG) AN EDUCATION (PG-13)

• 41 N. Santa Cruz • 395-0203 GREEN ZONE (R) *ALICE IN WONDERLAND (in 2D) (PG)


• 288 S. Second, S.J. • 998-3300 *AJAMI (NR)








MARCH 10-16, 2010 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y



M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y MARCH 10-16, 2010 MUSIC


Ladysmith Black Mambazo_61 Voodoo Glow Skulls_65 Classical Moves_69

Tuning Folk South Bay Guitar Society’s sixth annual festival explores the instrument from every angle By Steve Palopoli TWIST AND SHOUT Wjdlj!Hfogbo!epftoÖu! qmbz!epxo!ifs!hvjubs! ufdiojrvf!boznpsf-! bgufs!mfbsojoh!uif! bvejfodf!jt!gbtdjobufe! cz!ifs!42!ejggfsfou! uvojoht/!Tif!qfsgpsnt! Gsjebz!bu!uif!Hvjubs! Gftujwbm/


ICKY GENFAN used to have a mute button that she would push while she twisted her guitar between the 31 different tunings she uses in her songs. The New Jersey singer/songwriter thought she was sparing the audience the drudgery of the technical details. Then she realized the details were exactly what they wanted. Now, she lets the audience in on everything they could possibly want to know about the offbeat, percussive “slap-tap” style that won her Guitar Player magazine’s Guitar Superstar title in 2008. She has a 31/2-hour instructional video. She talks to guitar nerds at length about her technique. And most importantly, the mute button is gone. “Depending on how I’ve ordered my set, going from one tuning to another may be particularly easy, or particularly challenging,” says Genfan. “Now I try to bring the audience into that, especially with the stranger tunings.” Her willingness to explain the method behind what is often shorthanded as guitar “magic” makes her a good match for this weekend’s sixth annual Guitar Festival, presented by the South Bay Guitar Society. Genfan will perform Friday at the festival, at Le Petit Trianon Theatre

in San Jose, while Chilean master guitarist Carlos Perez plays Saturday. “I don’t want it to be mystical to people,” says Genfan. Neither does the SBGS, whose members, for 24 years now, have made it their mission to demystify the guitar. The festival’s daylight hours are dedicated to workshops, lectures, exhibits, clinics and demonstrations dedicated to every imaginable facet of the instrument. The topics are as specific as a class on the proper use of one particular finger and as general as another on guitar improvisation. All the daytime events will be held on the campus of Independence High School, one of the many schools SBGS works with throughout the year. Although the festival is the Guitar Society’s biggest event, it’s really an offshoot of the group’s intense educational effort around the South Bay, at high schools like Independence, Santa Teresa and James Lick. At the center of this campaign is president and artistic director James Snyder. “The arts need more exposure in the schools for sure,” he says. “There’s been a lot of cutbacks. It’s great to take local and touring artists to these schools.” Snyder, who’s been involved with the society for the last decade, knows

a little something about guitar classes in high schools. In 1968, he taught what may have been the first such class in the country, in San Jose’s Piedmont Hills High School. “Back then, when you mentioned the word ‘guitar,’ it conjured up rock & roll,” he says. But Snyder convinced the administration that instruction in a range of basic techniques had a place in the school—and kids were lining up to learn. Soon other schools in the district wanted a guitar class, and Snyder spent a summer teaching other teachers how to teach it. In fact, the 72-year-old guitar educator is so known for his teaching—including dozens of educational publications, 27 of which are still in print and in use in schools—that the SBGS’ vice president Tom Ingalz remembers several occasions where Snyder has been treated more like a celebrity at school visits than the musician he has brought to class. “Yeah,” admit Snyder. “That’s pretty funny. I’ll run into some guy who’ll say, ‘I had your Bach for Classical Guitar, and that’s what made me want to learn.’” He loves meeting guitarists who grew up on his manuals, but considering how long he’s been putting them out, he thinks they’re

often surprised he’s still around. “They probably think I’m a 100 years old,” says Snyder. Because they know the educational bias against guitar all too well, the group puts a lot of value on the adjudicated recitals that are among the most popular events at the festival. Guitar students from all over the South Bay apply to be one of those elected to play for eight minutes for a professional musician (as well as the audience). The performers get feedback and pointers. Again, it’s an example of SBGS filling a hole. The Bay Area chapter of the California Music Educators Association has a solo and ensemble festival that offers the same opportunity for about every instrument but guitar. “If you’re a guitar player,” says Snyder, “they don’t know what to do with you.” THE SIXTH ANNUAL GUITAR FESTIVAL will be held Saturday (March 13), 9:30am–4:30pm, and Sunday (March 14), 11am–4:30pm, at Independence High School’s Music Department Building, 1776 Educational Park Dr., San Jose. VICKI GENFAN performs Friday (March 12) at 7:30pm at Le Petit Trianon Theatre, 72 N. Fifth St., San Jose. CARLOS PEREZ performs Saturday (March 13) at 8pm at Le Petit Trianon Theatre. Tickets for each show are $15–$25. (408.292.0704)


MARCH 10-16, 2010 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y




THE CELLAR!dfmfcsbuft!xjui!Tpvui!Cbz!Fmfdusp!Mpwf!Tbuvsebz/

TEMPLE BAR!mjhiut!vq!uif!ojhiu!Tbuvsebz/

THE BRITANNIA ARMS!jo!epxoupxo!Tbo!Kptf!ibe!uif! Dzqifs!Trvbe!jo!gvmm!fggfdu!Xfeoftebz/



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MARCH 10-16, 2010 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y


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Stellar bassist McBride and ensemble in a fresh take on the works of pianist, composer, and jazz living legend Herbie Hancock.

“Fierce, athletic, and compulsively sensual.� — The Village Voice

/ B@70CB3 B= 63@073 6/<1=19(

This performance made possible in part by the


A new and electrifying force in dance, Cedar Lake combines classical ballet with edgy, up-tothe-minute physicality.

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M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y MARCH 10-16, 2010 MUSIC

Nvtjd mjtujoht



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‘THAT’S RIGHT, AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL,!xfĂ–sf!po!dpvstf-!xjui!

opuijoh!cvu!cmvft!tljft!/ / /!ipmz!dsbq-!xibuĂ–t!uibu"!XfĂ–wf!hpu!Mbeztnjui! Cmbdl!Nbncb{p!bu!ifbejoh!Ă&#x;wf.gpvs.ojofs"!Nbzebz"!Nbzebz"Ă–

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?#?#Éh 7ajZh 8V[Z Hjc! )eb"'Vb/ ?Vb C^\]i# IjZ! */(%eb"'Vb/ 6bViZjg ?Vb C^\]i# ()(. HiZkZch 8gZZ` 7djaZkVgY! HVc ?dhZ! )%-#')(#+))&#

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Ladysmith Black Mambazo >C i]Z *% nZVgh h^cXZ &.+%! ^i hZZbh Vh ^[ i]Z ldgaY ijgcZY jeh^YZ Ydlc# Hdji] 6[g^XV! ]dlZkZg! lZci g^\]i"h^YZ je Vh i]Z aVhi \gZVi WVhi^dc d[ i]Z Xdadc^oZgh gZaZciZY V[iZg XZcijg^Zh d[ higj\\aZ# ;^[in nZVgh V\d i]^h 9ZXZbWZg! i]Z Zje]dc^djhan cVbZY ?dhZe] H]VWVaVaV hiVgiZY eZg[dgb^c\ Vh V X]dgVa h^c\Zg VcY \j^iVg^hi0 V egde]Zi^X YgZVb ^c &.+) XVjhZY ]^b id hiVgi V cZl \gdje cVbZY V[iZg ]^h ]dbZ X^in d[ AVYnhb^i]# ÆBVbWVodÇ bZVch ÆVm!Ç l]^X] gZ[Zgh id ]dl i]^h cZl X]dgVaZ \gdje eZg[dgbZY ^c l]Vi WajZh bjh^X^Vch XVaa ÆXjii^c\ hZhh^dcÇ i]Zn lZgZ hd \ddY ^c adXVa XdciZhih i]Vi i]Zn lZgZ WVggZY [gdb lZZ`an XdbeZi^i^dc # >c &.,*! i]Z egZk^djhan hZXjaVg H]VWVaVaV lVh Wdgc V\V^c Vh V 8]g^hi^Vc# I]jh ]Z ijgcZY i]Z l]^heZg"id" V"gdVg [dgXZ d[ ]^h X]dgVa \gdje id Ojaj kZgh^dch d[ ]nbch# EVja H^bdc lVh hc^[Òc\ VgdjcY add`^c\ [dg V cZl hdjcY! VcY i]Vi lVh i]Vi# H^bdcÉh <gVXZaVcY Wgdj\]i A7B id ldgaY [VbZ# I]Z egda^ÒX \gdje ]Vh gZaZVhZY *% VaWjbh h^cXZ &.,( VcY ]Vh WZZc hZci id djiZg heVXZ k^V HVijgYVn C^\]i A^kZ# Richard von Busack

I]Z KZcjZo IjZ! ,"&%eb/ DeZc B^X# (*)+ ;adgV K^hiV 6kZ! HVciV 8aVgV! )%-#'))#+.%.#

@6G6D@: , 7VbWdd @VgVd`Z Adjc\Z

LADYSMITH BLACK MAMBAZO performs Wednesday, March 10, at 7:30pm at the Montalvo Carriage House, Montalvo Arts Center, 15400 Montalvo Road, Saratoga. Tickets are $45/$50; 408.755.1617.

LZY"HVi! .eb"'Vb/ @VgVd`Z# IjZ! .eb"&Vb/ @VgVd`Z# &+' :# ?VX`hdc Hi! HVc ?dhZ! )%-#',.#..(,#

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;aVbZh 8d[[ZZ H]de I]j"HVi! .eb/ I]Z JcXaZ




MARCH 10-16, 2010 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y




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M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y MARCH 10-16, 2010 MUSIC

Nvtjd mjtujoht

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GZY^ Gddb I]j! .eb"&Vb/ @VgVd`Z# L^i] ?dhZe]# )()% BddgeVg` 6kZ! HVc ?dhZ! )%-#'*,#,,,%#

Gdh^Z BX8VccÉh IjZ! -/(%"&&/(%eb/ @VgVd`Z# Cd XdkZg# (** HVciVcV Gdl! &%+%! HVc ?dhZ! )%-#'),#&,%+#

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6kVadc HZXdcY LZY d[ ZkZgn bdci]/ EZgh^Vc AVY^Zh C^\]i# Dc\d^c\/ 9?h VcY a^kZ bjh^X#




MARCH 10-16, 2010 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y

M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y MARCH 10-16, 2010 MUSIC

Nvtjd mjtujoht




'& # ,,, AVlgZcXZ :meln! HVciV 8aVgV! )%-#')&#%,,,#

6ojXVg IjZ/ 7ZVih VcY 7ZZg Edc\# L^i] B^`!Z ?dcZh VcY ' iVXdh# ,& :# HVc ;ZgcVcYd Hi! HVc ?dhZ! )%-#'.(#-)-'#

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MR. OLD FART boe!gsjfoet!qfsgpsn!bu!uif!Cmbol!Dmvc!po!Tbuvsebz/

Voodoo Glow Skulls =6K: ndj WZZc id G^kZgh^YZ4 Cdi V egZiin e^XijgZ! ^h ^i4 Ndj XdjaY jcYZghiVcY V bVc i]^c`^c\! Æ>[ dcan bZ VcY bn Wgdi]Zgh XdjaY [dgb V h`V WVcY! lZÉY \Zi dji d[ ]ZgZ#Ç GZb^cYh bZ d[ dcZ IjZhYVn V[iZgcddc > lVh Vi i]Z 8ViVanhi ^c HVciV 8gjo# I]Z WVcYÉh Yd^c\ ^ih hdjcYX]ZX`! VcY >Éb i]^c`^c\! Æ<dY YVl\! i]ViÉh V iZgg^ÒX :c\a^h] 7ZVi XdkZg WVcY! i]Zn hdjcY ZmVXian a^`Z i]Z gZVa i]^c\ Ç Ijgch dji i]Zn lZgZ KddYdd <adl H`jaah! VcY ]Vee^an h`V Y^Y \Zi i]Zb dji d[ G^kZgh^YZ# Hdji]Zgc 8Va^[dgc^V HigZZi Bjh^X! i]Z cZlZhi VaWjb! ]Vh i]ZhZ hjVkZ edX]dh gdX`^c\ dji# Ild nZVgh V[iZg ejWa^Xan YZXaVg^c\ h`V lVh YZVY! i]Zn lZgZ YVcX^c\ dc ^ih \gVkZ# I]Z KddYdd <adl H`jaah XdjaY WZ ^cXajYZY ^c i]Z KZcc Y^V\gVb i]Vi ^h hZXdcY"\ZcZgVi^dc Hd8Va ejc` gdX`# I]Z^g ldg`^c\ YVn ^cXajYZh hVaji^c\ [Zaadl daY i^bZgh I]Z 9ZhXZcYVcih l^i] V iZgg^ÒX XdkZg d[ Æ>Éb Cdi V AdhZgÇ VcY eZg[dgb^c\ V hedi d[ eda^i^XVa egdiZhi ÆBdgc^c\ 6^g GV^Y H^gZchÇ # >[ i]Z^g bjh^X ^h Vc ^cY^XVidg! i]Zn heZcY i]Z gZhi d[ i]Z^g i^bZ l^i] Xdbbdc bVc ejghj^ih/ Yg^c`^c\ l]^h`Zn VcY gjb! \Zii^c\ iViiddZY! ]^ii^c\ i]Z i]g^[ih! Yg^k^c\ VgdjcY VcY add`^c\ Vi hij[[# Richard von Busack

7g^iVcc^V 6gbh 6abVYZc LZY! Hjc/ 9? =Vc`# L^i] `VgVdV`Z Vi &%eb# *%', 6abVYZc :meln! HVc ?dhZ! )%-#'++#%**%#

VOODOO GLOW SKULLS play Saturday, March 13, at 9pm at the Blank Club, 44 S. Almaden Ave, San Jose. Tickets are $10; 408.29.BLANK.

7g^iVcc^V 6gbh 8jeZgi^cd ;g^! HVi/ 9? 9VcXZ EVgin# &%-, 9Z 6coV 7akY! 8jeZgi^cd! )%-#'*'#,'+'#

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7g^iVcc^V 6gbh HVc ?dhZ

8ajW BVm

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Dc\d^c\/ 9?h VcY YVcX^c\# =^e" ]de! ]djhZ VcY igVcXZ# (% H# ;^ghi Hi! HVc ?dhZ! )%-#'.-#)(&-#

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BZai JaigV Adjc\Z I]j/ E^c` I]jghYVn# 9?h he^c ]djhZ! Ide )%! bVh]"jeh! YVcXZ! ,%h VcY -%h! XaVhh^X G 7 VcY ]^e"]de# Cd XdkZg# ;g^! HVi/ 9?h 9Vc LVaaVXZ VcY 9Vk^Y 9# &% XdkZg V[iZg &%eb# *)) :bZghdc Hi! EVad 6aid! +*%#('*#+(*-#

B^Vb^ 7ZVX] 8ajW I]j"HVi/ 9VcX^c\# KVg^djh hinaZh d[ YVcXZ i]gdj\]dji i]Z lZZ`! ^cXajY^c\ igde^XVa!



There’s a parking lot party at Patty’s on Wednesday March 17th. From noon to seven $6.95 gets you corn beef, cabbage, carrots and potatoes, ($8.50 to go.) Outside bar. Drink specials. Free giveaways. Music starting at 12:00 with Hit Man Dave‌ 4:30-6:00 Hip Shake 5:30 Bag Pipes‌6:30 on Jerry Sauceda & Friends NO COVER CHARGE.

And on Thursday March 18 come watch the NCAA Basketball Tournament Hot dogs, polish sausage, corned beef and drink specials.

A.P.P. Since 1933

A good old fashioned corner bar

Corner of Montgomery & San Fernando 408-998-4566

[66] MUSIC

MARCH 10-16, 2010 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y

Nvtjd mjtujoht


gZ\\VZidc VcY ide )%# I]j" HVi/ AVY^Zh C^\]i Dji# I]j! ,".eb/ HVahV 9VcXZ 8aVhhZh# ;gZZ# Hjc/ HVahV HjcYVn# )&, H# ;^ghi Hi! HVc ?dhZ! )%-#',.#(+,%#

Bdaan BV\ZZÉh I]j"HVi/ 9?h VcY YVcX^c\# EaVn^c\ idYVnÉh ]^i bjh^X# ')& 8Vhigd Hi! BdjciV^c K^Zl! +*%#.+&#%&%-#

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I]Z DaY LV\dc HVaddc VcY <g^aa LZY/ AVY^Zh C^\]i# IjZ/ >cYjhign C^\]i# ,* C# HVc EZYgd Hi! HVc ?dhZ! )%-#.,&#.()+#

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EZVga I]j/ I]Z EZci]djhZ# L^i] Yg^c` heZX^Vah WZ[dgZ &&eb VcY [gZZ l^i] XdaaZ\Z >9# ;g^" HVi/ 9?h VcY YVcX^c\# - H# ;^ghi Hi! HVc ?dhZ! )%-#',.#))))#

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GjYnÉh EjW ;g^"HVi/ A^kZ 9?# He^cc^c\ ]^e"]de VcY YVcXZ bjh^X# &&, Jc^kZgh^in 6kZ! EVad 6aid! +*%#('.#%.''#

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MARCH 10-16, 2010



MARCH 10-16, 2010 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y

M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y MARCH 10-16, 2010 MUSIC

Nvtjd mjtujoht



XdhijbZ eVgin# * jci^a &&eb0 &% \ZcZgVa# IjZ! ,eb"'Vb/ ' IjZhYVnh# 9g^c` heZX^Vah# Cd XdkZg# '*& 8Vhigd Hi! BdjciV^c K^Zl! +*%#.+.#)-),#

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A FELLA’S GAL Mjtb!Wspnbo!tjoht!tpnf!Mpfttfs!uvoft!!


Classical Moves ;DG I=: i]^gY ^chiVaabZci d[ ^ih cZl 7gdVYlVn ^c 8dcXZgi HZg^Zh! Hnbe]dcn H^a^Xdc KVaaZn ijgch id ;gVc` AdZhhZgÉh I]Z Bdhi =Veen ;ZaaV! i]Z hidgn d[ V CVeV \gVeZ \gdlZg VcY ]^h gdbVcXZ l^i] V HVc ;gVcX^hXd lV^igZhh# I]^h eZg[dgbVcXZ! XdbeaZiZ l^i] kdXVa^hi VcY [jaa dgX]ZhigV! [ZVijgZh i]Z hdc\h ÆD]! Bn ;ZZi!Ç Æ?dZnÇ VcY ÆHiVcY^c\ dc i]Z 8dgcZg#Ç L^aa^Vb A^WZgVidgZ XdcYjXih# I]Z h^c\Zgh ^cXajYZ A^hV KgdbVc! l]d eaVnZY BVg^Vc i]Z A^WgVg^Vc [dg i]Z hnbe]dcnÉh kZgh^dc d[ I]Z Bjh^X BVc# Michael S. Gant

<j^iVg Hdad VcY :chZbWaZ ;Zhi^kVa 6 lZZ`ZcY d[ \j^iVg ZkZcih hedchdgZY Wn Hdji] 7Vn <j^iVg HdX^Zin# HVi! BVg &(! ./(%Vb" )/(%eb VcY Hjc! BVg &)! &&Vb" )/(%eb# ;gZZ [dg bdhi ZkZcih# >cYZeZcYZcXZ =^\] HX]dda! &,,+ :YjXVi^dcVa EVg` 9g! HVc ?dhZ! )%-#'.'#%,%)#

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SYMPHONY SILICON VALLEY presents THE MOST HAPPY FELLA on Friday–Saturday (March 12–13) at 8pm and Sunday (March 14) at 2:30pm at the California Theatre, 345 S. First St, San Jose. Tickets are $39–$75. (408.286.2600)

BDG: 8A6HH>86A 8Va^[dgc^V Ndji] Hnbe]dcn

EVad 6aid E]^a]Vgbdc^X

AZd :naVg aZVYh i]Z \gdje ^c ldg`h Wn IX]V^`dkh`n VcY GZhe^\]^ l^i] hdad^hi HiZaaV 8]Zc# Hjc! BVg &)! '/(%eb# &*# ;a^ci 8ZciZg! '&'*% HiZkZch 8gZZ` 7akY! 8jeZgi^cd! )%-#..-#I>MH#

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MARCH 10-16, 2010 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y

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condition or “metabolic issues”; she just neglected to close her mouth when her hands were full of Ho Hos. When a woman snacks herself up 40 pounds and her boyfriend’s refusing to touch her, about the last thing she needs to hear is “Confidence is sexy!” Trust me, her girlfriends are already reassuring her, “It’s OK, you have a really pretty face” (while thinking that they’re having a little trouble finding her face in all that fat). It’s easier to say whatever makes somebody feel good in the moment, but that only prolongs their misery. It’s kinder to tell the truth, in stark terms—that the pot they see at the end of their rainbow is actually the kind that flushes. They can choose to change or accept the consequences, but at least they’re clear on the consequences; in this case, that keeping the weight probably means losing the boyfriend and having a really hard time landing another. Yes, there are many men who “find curves on a woman to be highly attractive and desirable,” but not a whole lot who feel the same way about folds.

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Just because they’re slobs doesn’t mean they’ll let the kid crawl through a field of rusty nails (on his way to lick all the outlets and get his little fist around Baby’s First Oxycodone). It is possible that their protective parent hard-wiring will fire up, and they’ll make their place more “shabby chic” than “recently ransacked.” In case they don’t, you and a few friends could offer your collective help to “babyproof ” the home (“babyproof ” being easier on the ego than “Why not just give the kid a nail gun to

play with and be done with it?”) On the bright side, being too clean (I’m talking to you, Purell freaks) might negatively affect a child’s defenses against pathogens. According to behavioral ecologist Marlene Zuk, kids with pets, kids who go barefoot, and kids living on farms get sick less and have a lower incidence of allergies and asthma. Unfortunately, researchers have yet to find evidence that snacking on wood glue or teething on a variety of Phillipshead screwdrivers bolsters the immune system.

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6g^Zh (March 21–April 19): Sarah Bernhardt

(1844–1923) was called “the most famous actress the world has ever known.” She did a few films in the early days of the cinema, but most of her work was in the theater. At age 70, she played the role of the 13-year-old Juliet in Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet. I commend her on her refusal to act her age, and recommend that you make a comparable effort in the coming weeks. For example, if you’re in your twenties, try something you thought you wouldn’t do until you were at a very ripe age. If you’re over 50, be 25 for a while. It’s an excellent time to do this kind of time-traveling.

IVjgjh (April 20–May 20): You might have to use primitive means to accomplish modern wonders. It may be necessary to hearken back to what worked in the past in order to serve the brightest vision of the future. Take your cue from Luis Soriano, a saintly teacher who carries a library of 120 books on the back of a donkey as he meanders around the back country of Columbia, helping poor kids learn how to read. <Zb^c^ (May 21–June 20): Humans have been baking and eating bread for at least 5,000 years. But it wasn’t until the 20th century that anyone figured out a fast and easy way to cut it into thin, precise pieces. Then Otto Rohwedder, who had been working on the project for 16 years, produced a machine that cut a loaf into individual slices. I bring him to your attention, Gemini, because I think you are in a phase of your life when you could very possibly create an innovation that would be as intimately revolutionary as Rohwedder’s was for the masses. In fact, why aren’t you working on it right now? 8VcXZg ( June 21–July 22): In order to heal deep-

seated problems, people may need to engage in long-term psychotherapy, patiently chipping away at their mental blocks for many years. But some lucky sufferers get their neuroses zapped virtually overnight, either with the help of a monumental event that shocks them out of their malaise or through the work of a brilliant healer who uses a few strokes of kamikaze compassion to creatively destroy their deluded fixations. I think you’re now a candidate for this type of correction, Cancerian.

AZd ( July 23–Aug. 22): To discover the most useful

truths, you will have to peek behind the curtains and root around to see what’s cloaked in the dark and maybe even explore messes you’d rather not touch. What complicates your task is that the fake truths may be extra loud and shiny, distracting you from the down and dirty stuff with their relentless come-ons. But I have confidence in your ability to outmaneuver the propaganda, Leo. You shall know the hype, and knowing the hype will set you free.

K^g\d (Aug. 23–Sept. 22): The evil geniuses of the advertising industry are hard at work in their labs dreaming up seductive new mojo to artificially stimulate your consumer lusts. Meanwhile, the media’s relentless campaign to get you to believe in debilitating fantasies and divert you from doing what’s really good for you has reached a fever pitch. And here’s the triple whammy: Even more than usual, some of your relatives and cohorts are angling to convince you that what pleases them is what pleases you. So is there any hope that you will be able to hone in on what truly excites you? (It’s especially important that you do so right now.) The answer, in my opinion, is a qualified yes—if you’re willing to conduct intensive research into the idiosyncratic secrets of what makes you happy; and IF you’re not scared to discover who you are when you’re turned on all the way. A^WgV (Sept. 23–Oct. 22): If you were living in Greece in the fifth century B.C., I’d urge you to bathe in the healing spring at the shrine of Asklepios in Athens. If you were in 19th-century France, I’d recommend that you trek to the sacred shrine at Lourdes—being sure to crawl the last halfmile on your hands and knees—and sip from the curative waters there. But since you’re a busy 21stcentury sophisticate and may have a limited belief in miracles, I’ll simply suggest that you visit the most interesting tree you know and spill a bottle of pristine water over your head as you confess your sins and ask the sky for forgiveness and sing songs that purify you to the bone. HXdge^d (Oct. 23–Nov. 21): It’s quite possible

that the nature of consciousness is in the midst

of a fundamental transformation. The human race seems to be getting more empathetic, more compassionate, and even more psychic. Many of us are having experiences that were previously thought to be the province of mystics, such as epiphanies that give us visceral perceptions of the interconnectedness of all life. Even as some traditional religions lose members and devolve into cartoony fundamentalism, there are ever-increasing numbers of intelligent seekers who cultivate a more discerning spiritual awareness outside the decrepit frameworks. If you haven’t been on this bandwagon, Scorpio, now’s a good time to jump on. If you’re already on board, get ready for an accelerated ride.

HV\^iiVg^jh (Nov. 22–Dec. 21): This week you’ll be working overtime while you sleep. Your dreaming mind will be playing around with solutions to your waking mind’s dilemmas. Your ally, the wild conjurer in the ramshackle diamond-encrusted sanctuary at the edge of the deep dark forest, will be spinning out medicine stories and rounding up help for you. So of course you should keep a pen and notebook by your bed to record the dreams that come. I suggest that you also try to keep the first part of your mornings free of busy work so you can integrate the full impact of the nights’ gifts. And don’t despair if you can’t actually remember any of your nocturnal adventures. Their tasty afterimages will remain with you subliminally, giving your logical mind an intuitive edge.

8Veg^Xdgc (Dec. 22–Jan. 19): There’ll be an

abundance of unambiguous choices for you to make in the coming days. I’m not implying they’ll be easy, just that the different alternatives will be clearly delineated. To get you warmed up for your hopefully crisp decisions, I’ve compiled a few exercises. Pick one of each of these pairs: 1. exacting homework or free-form research; 2. pitiless logic or generous fantasies; 3. precise and disciplined communication or heedless self-expression; 4. grazing like a contented sheep or rambling like a restless mountain goat.

6fjVg^jh ( Jan. 20–Feb. 18): Among Eastern

religions, some traditions preach the value of getting rid of your desires. To be righteously attuned to current cosmic rhythms, however, I think you should rebel against that ideal, and instead cultivate a whole host of excellent desires. Use your imagination, please! Here are a few I highly recommend: a desire for a revelation or experience that will steer you away from becoming more like a machine; a desire for a fresh blast of purity from a primal source; a desire for an imaginary pet snake that teaches you how to be more playful with your libidinous energy; and a desire for a jolt of unexpected beauty that reminds you how important it is to always keep a part of your mind untamed.

E^hXZh (Feb. 19–March 20): I used to have an

acupuncturist who, as she poked me with needles, liked to talk about her understanding of Chinese medicine. Once she told me that every human being needs a “heart protector,” which is a body function that’s “like a holy warrior who serves as the queen’s devoted ally.” But the heart protector is not something you’re born with. You’ve got to grow it by building your fortitude and taking care of your body. I think the heart protector will be an apt metaphor for you to play with in the coming weeks, Pisces. It’s going to be an excellent time for you to cultivate any part of your life that gives your heart joy, strength, peace, and integrity.

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You know me. I think it’s voodoo. But this is one wacky-sounding theory we can’t completely rule out. Hormesis is when limited exposure to something that’s generally harmful produces beneficial effects. Scientists have found many examples of this. One of the better known is fluoride: high doses are toxic, minute amounts prevent tooth decay. Other reported cases: mice exposed to dioxins show fewer cancers than normal at small doses, peppermint plants do better with a touch of herbicide, and fleas produce more offspring after exposure to the toxic heavy metal cadmium. High doses of radiation cause cancer, of course, but some research does suggest low doses may prevent it. The idea is that low-level ionizing radiation stimulates the body’s natural defense mechanisms, triggering protective processes that kill off precancerous cells and prevent cancers of all sorts. That’s the reverse of the conventional wisdom, known as the linear no-threshold model, which holds that any exposure to radiation is potentially harmful— there’s no threshold dose below which it’s safe, much less beneficial. Radium water tonics and such were sold in the 1920s as cures for all manner of ailments but were dismissed as quackery. Though a few researchers began to take another look in the 1970s, only in the last decade or so has the idea of radiation hormesis begun to attract wide attention. For example, a 2004 study claimed more than 10,000 Taiwanese accidentally exposed for a decade or more to radioactive recycled steel used in building construction showed much lower than expected rates of cancer and congenital heart defects. The cancer rate, for example, was 3.5 cases per 100,000, compared to a normal 116—this despite the fact that they’d gotten a pretty stiff dose of radiation, more than 1,000 times normal. A follow-up study clarified that while cancer risk declined overall, incidence of leukemia, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, and thyroid cancer went up. The radioactive gas radon has also attracted attention for its possible low-level benefits. A decay product of radium, radon can accumulate in buildings and in sufficiently high concentration is one of the leading causes of lung cancer. However, a 2008 study of residential

radon in Massachusetts found that people who’d experienced modest radon exposure had noticeably less cancer than those with little or no exposure. A 2000 German study found that spa therapy involving natural radon baths produced lasting pain relief in people with rheumatism. Due to the obvious risks, most hormesis research has been conducted on animals. Some researchers claim perhaps 40 percent of animal studies show some radiation hormesis, typically conferring protection against cancer. Critics claim these studies typically focus on a narrow range of possible cancers using short-lived animals over a brief period of time, and thus don’t tell you much. Though laboratory studies of low-level radiation on humans are rare, some work has been done with human tissue samples. One study found human tissue exposed to low-level radiation and then given a high dose of X-rays showed less DNA damage than would be expected after the X-rays alone. On the other hand, a study comparing two groups of people in China, one receiving three to four times as much background radiation as the other, found no differences in cancer rates. Then again, the radiation levels were so low that the expected difference was only around 1 to 2 percent. In short, research to date has been inconclusive. For now, research bodies such as the UN Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation and the National Academy of Sciences are sticking with the assumption that there’s no minimum safe level of radiation. My guess is that even if radiation hormesis turns out to be real, you’ll solve some problems at the expense of making others worse. Suppose you’re the surgeon general and a blue-ribbon panel tells you a modest dose of goboomium in the water supply will drastically reduce most cancers while increasing leukemia, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma and thyroid cancer. What do you recommend we do?

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places to live


MARCH 10-16, 2010



you’ll be heading there to pick up fresh fruits and veggies at the weekly Farmers Market. Bring them back home and prepare them yourself in a spacious kitchen—featured in each unit. They have granite countertops, hardwood cabinets, stainless steel (by GE Profile) and undermount sinks. There’s a built-in microwave oven in every unit. Also in each unit, the kitchen leads out to a spacious living and dining area, where you can relax or host your friends.

ART OF LIVING The Globe’s one-, two- and three-bedroom units come in a variety of floorplans, all of which feature bold design touches.

Global Community The Globe offers quiet luxury central to everything in downtown San Jose BY DANNY WOOL here’s more than just towering high-rises for people who want to call downtown home. Some of the finest residences are much more low key, like The Globe. Located in the heart of downtown San Jose, between Second and Third Streets and Santa Clara and San Fernando, it offers


sophisticated urban living with easy access to everything San Jose has to offer. It really is at the heart of the city, right beside City Hall.

Let’s face it. Downtown San Jose is an ideal place to work, but it’s also a nice place to relax. The Globe makes that idea its mission. “Stroll, don’t walk”— that’s the motto, and there are plenty of places to stroll. For the culturally minded, there’s the San Jose Museum of Art. For the technology minded there’s the Tech Museum of Innovation. Both are less than half a mile away. Or if you just want to hang out in the sun, you can always escape to Saint James Park, a

hop, skip and jump (or a quick bike ride) away. Looking for a night on the town? Try the Center for the Performing Arts or the HP Pavilion, both just a short walk away. On your way back home to the Globe, you may as well stop off in San Pedro Square for a bite or a beer (or tapas and wine). It’s a place you’ll learn to know well, and not just for the Old Spaghetti Factory. Every Friday from May to December,

The units come in multiple designs, with one, two and three bedrooms. Particular attention was paid to design, which was commissioned from Babey, Moulton, Jue & Booth, an award-winning interior design firm based in San Francisco. But even such details as lighting received special attention at The Globe, with Auerbach Glasow French, one of the country’s leading lighting design firms, bringing their expertise to every unit. For the environmentally conscious, there are dualpaned energy-saving windows in every unit, as well as individually controlled, energyefficient central heating and air conditioning. And you’ll get to know your neighbors too, whether it is in the executive fitness center, the beautifully landscaped courtyard or the delightful Paseo, open to all residents. The Globe is designed to offer more than just a home. It offers a community of like-minded singles and families who want to take advantage of all that downtown San Jose has to offer. This is one globe that revolves around you.



MARCH 10-16, 2010 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y

real estate gg Real Estate Rentals

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Boulder Creek

All real estate advertised in Metro Newspapers is subject to the State and Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, family status (the presence of children), or national origin, or the intention to make any such preference, limitation, or discrimination. State and locate laws forbid discrimination in the sale, rental, or advertising of real estate. We will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis to the best of our knowledge.

Los Gatos Mountains

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ALL AREAS - HOUSES FOR RENT Browse thousands of rental listings with photos and maps. Advertise your rental home for FREE! Visit: www.RealRentals.com

40 acres. Timber Preserve Zoning. Creek frontage. Wild and serene. Off grid. Private Road. Small ridge top site. Good owner financing offered. $295,000. Shown by appointment only. Contact Deborah J. Donner, Donner Land and Mortgage Co., Inc., Broker at 408/395-5754 or www.donnerland.com Highland Way. 5 acres. Double wide with wrap around deck. NICE. Spring and creek. Sunny. Private road. Off-grid. Possible owner financing. $289,000 Shown by appointment only. Contact Deborah J. Donner, Donner Land and Mortgage Co., Inc. 408/395-5754 or www.donnerland.com

Boulder Creek 10 acres. Rough and rugged and a beautiful spot right on top! Long private bumpy road. Private road association. Good owner financing. $215,000. Shown by appointment only. Contact Deborah J. Donner, Donner Land and Mortgage Co., Inc. 408/395-5754 or www.donnerland.com

Boulder Creek

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3 acres. Harmon Gulch. Creek. Private road. Quiet. Sunny possible site. Owner financing. Shown by appointment only. Contact Deborah J. Donner, Donner Land and Mortgage Co., 408/395-5754 or www.donnerland.com


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MARCH 10-16, 2010



You're invited to discover high-rise living in San Jose







Open House Event Friday, March 5



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Magnificent views, modern amenities, convenience – these are just some of the perks of high-rise living in downtown San Jose. On Friday, March 5, from 5-7:30 p.m., four new high-rises – Axis, City Heights, The 88 and Three Sixty Residences – invite you to discover and celebrate downtown living and the arts in San Jose. All high-rises will have receptions, pedicabs and will be open late for touring. Afterward, stop by film festival or the South First Fridays art gallery crawl in the SoFA District. Experience life as it’s meant to be lived! Visit www. sjdowntown.com or call (408) 279-1775 for more information.

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