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MARCH 31-APRIL 6, 2010 · VOL . 26, NO. 3 · SAN JOSE, CA · FREE

Win: W i La in: Lady L ady d Gag G Gaga a Tic Ti Tickets ck ketts | N Ne New w Moon M D DVD VD

Five’s on Fire Magdalena Carrasco injects excitement into district race p11

Celtic Cartoon ‘The Secret of Kells’ illuminates Irish artistry p36

Buck’s Fast Break And other Silicon Valley spots to get the morning going, in ‘On the Menu’ PLUS ;;Za^eZ 7j^igV\d Za^eZ 7j^igV\d




MARCH 31-APRIL 6, 2010 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y


MARCH 31-APRIL 6, 2010



MARCH M A R C H 31-APRIL 3 1 - A P R I L 6, 6 , 2010 2 0 1 0 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA VA L L E Y ;;Za^eZ 7j^igV\d Za^eZ 7j^igV\d


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MARCH 31-APRIL 6, 2010



MARCH 31-APRIL 6, 2010 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y

Reality Praise I thought it was cool how you guys went behind the scenes with MTV reality star Ashley Lindley (“Real World SV,� Cover Story, Feb. 10). It was interesting to hear all of the background information on her and what she thought about the show. When reading the article you really got to know her and her personality. I had no idea she was from the Bay Area. Really good article with a lot of good stories and information. Marissa Lovus, via email

Shouldn’t That Be ‘Dropped the Puck’?


Just read your 25th anniversary issue (Cover Story, March 24). I was amazed that in your yearby-year montage you didn’t mention the Sharks coming to San Jose. Really, Metro? Really? You just leave out what might be the most signiďŹ cant thing to happen to downtown in the past 25 years? From what I’ve heard from longtime San Jose residents,

Nfusp!xfmdpnft!mfuufst/!Mjlf!boz!hsfbu!xpsl!pg!bsu-!uifz!tipvme!cf!psjhjobmtĂ’opu!dpqjft!pg!nbufsjbm!tfou! fmtfxifsf/!Qmfbtf!jodmvef!zpvs!obnf-!djuz!pg!sftjefodf!boe!ebzujnf!ufmfqipof!ovncfs/!)Qipof!ovncfs!xjmm! opu!cf!qvcmjtife/*!Mfuufst!nbz!cf!fejufe!gps!mfohui!boe!dmbsjuz!ps!up!dpssfdu!gbduvbm!jobddvsbdjft!lopxo!up!vt/!


Gift Return If District 6 Councilman Pierluigi Oliverio thinks that legalizing the recreational use of marijuana would be “a gift to the citiesâ€? from the potential ďŹ nancial windfall because regulating medical marijuana could help the city’s budget shortfall through the liberal application of “sin taxes,â€? he is reaching even further for a coherent rationale for his stand



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on this issue than ever. It is one thing to tax the sale of legal products, like alcoholic beverages and tobacco products, and quite another to legalize the sale of a federally outlawed narcotic substance the acceptability of which is being promoted under the guise of medical beneďŹ cence (tobacco was once promoted as healthful, too). Mr. Oliverio is either crassly attempting to capitalize on the medical needs of

people with the chronic conditions which are said to respond to marijuana’s properties, or he is cluelessly falling for the marijuana lobby’s propaganda that the use of this dangerous substance is just a harmless recreational pastime. Either way, he is deluding himself, misleading his constituency— and is not the kind of person District 6 needs on the city council.


before the Sharks, no one came downtown after dark unless they were a drug addict or a hooker. You dropped the ball of this one. BK, via email Our timeline of signiďŹ cant events in the valley, under 1993 on page 25, mentioned the arrival of the San Jose Sharks. —Editor

Diabolical Cynicism Education is the great equalizer, and as society we must continually work toward improving equity for all students. A diabolically cynical statement (“Enforce Educational Equity,� SanJoseInside, March 17). Presuming that our resident educrat really means to say that “[universal public] educations is the great equalizer,� then I will point out that it is true that both: 1.) GOOD universal education is an equalizer, and also 2.) BAD universal education is an equalizer. The question is, what kind of education is the universal public education system providing? From SanJoseInside.com

J!Tbx zpv

I saw you. My whole team saw you. Yes, you, the humanlike creature who attempted to use an illegal bat in a recreational, adult slow-pitch softball game. You KNEW the bat was illegal, because you skittered into the dugout and hid it when someone questioned you about it. You also know WHY it’s illegal: because it’s dangerous. It’s been in the news that softball and baseball players have been killed because the balls pop off these bats at a velocity that can’t be handled by even the best hockey goalies (who have full-body protective gear). But winning a recreational softball game is so important to you that you’ll send $400 on an illegal bat and risk others’ lives using it. You are the scum of the earth. SEND US your anonymous rants and raves about your co-workers or any badly behaving citizen—or about citizens you admire. I SAW YOU, Metro, 550 S. First St., San Jose, 95113, or via email to Isawyou@metronews.com.

Gary McCormick, San Jose



MARCH 31-APRIL 6, 2010


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Courses Beginning mid-April


MARCH 31-APRIL 6, 2010 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y

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Clean Technology: Smart Grid, Energy Storage, and Green Building, 22749-001 Developing Applications for iPhone, 21938-007 Web Design, Introduction, 22609-002 Computer Networking Essentials, 2458-105 Adobe Illustrator: Introduction, 6497-097 PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor), 21343-012 MySQL Database for Developers, 22632-001 Q Education

Becoming a Professional Educator: Special Populations and Healthy Environments, 4317-042

FREE EVENTS Discover how professional education can help boost or retool your career. Attend any of our free program events through April 22. Register to reserve your seat. See our Web site at ucsc-extension.edu/events for more events. Q Monday, April 5 Web and Graphic Design, 22405-003

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Q Tuesday, April 6 Embedded Systems and VLSI Engineering, 22403-002

Q Monday, April 10 Early Childhood Education, 1923-051

See ucsc-extension.edu/tm for directions, course details and to enroll. Copyright © 2010 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.

Silicon Valley





Freelance Life


FEW WEEKS AGO, the anti-man-about-town went international and found himself in Chiang Mai, Thailand, at a spectacular haunt fittingly called the Writer’s Club and Wine Bar. Owned by British expat Bob Tilley and his Thai wife, Tong, the place is a big draw for traveling scribes of all sorts. You never know who you’ll run into. One day, someone will perch himself at the bar while working on a Lonely Planet Guide; the next day, a foreign correspondent might roll through town and stop in for a meal. All journalists are welcome. It’s essentially the unofficial press club of Chiang Mai. An ancient Underwood typewriter sits on the bar, and several books by local authors, including Tilley, can be seen behind a case on the wall. Tilley himself is up there in years. He has exactly five decades of experience as a stringer, mostly in Europe during the Cold War era, scavenging for stories for any number of newspapers. Like any true freelancer, he was a mercenary of sorts, often working for whichever publication had the dough. He wrote both for serious papers like the Daily Telegraph and also for tabloids like the Sun and the Daily Mirror. Now writing pocket-size books under the pen name Bob Andrews, he recently released the riotous No Mummy, No Money: Confessions of a Chequebook Journalist, in which he spills lurid details of the freelance stringer’s life. Self-published and available through his own outfit, the Writer’s Club Chiang Mai (www.chiangmaiwritersclub.com), the whole thing is exactly 100 pages, and one can easily blow through it in an hour. The reader takes home a side-splitting snapshot of the more lucrative aspects of Tilley’s decades-long career: fabricating expense accounts, gate crashing, freeloading countless lunches at press conferences, simultaneously working for competing newspapers to pay the rent and phoning in stories from behind the Iron Curtain to clueless copy editors who can’t spell umlaut. In one chapter, Andrews gets an assignment to track down a preacher’s daughter who had supposedly just slept with Mick Jagger. Another chapter explains a sting operation in which a bunch of British tabloid reporters were assigned to go to a bar in Germany and steal back an actual soccer ball from the 1966 World Cup Final, which was won by England. And there’s more than one brutally honest confession of how much cheating is really done when a writer lands a gig updating a travel guide and the pay isn’t enough to revisit the destination for as long as it takes to do the job right. “There’s this popular belief that journalists must be the guardians of honesty and probity,” Tilley told me. “And we’re not—at least, not Like any true freelancer, the ones I worked with. From my Bob Tilley was a experience, we’re just a bunch of mercenary of sorts, guys, and gals, trying to make a living while enjoying it.” often working for But the book is not just about whichever publication hackery. The author sheds light on the had the dough adrenaline rush that comes with every phone call, every new assignment, every new investigative adventure into the unknown: “That phone call,” he writes, “however inconvenient, is an invitation to enter a world where anything can happen—and to enter it with complete immunity and impunity, equipped with press card and credit card, passport and overnight case, prebooked hotel rooms and hire cars, contacts waiting to welcome you and perhaps, if they’re pretty and you’re lucky, share your bed. There’s the narcotic buzz of not knowing where you’ll end up, whom you’ll meet, with whom you’ll be sharing your days and nights—and finally, the promise of applause for a job well done, the byline above a story you managed to unearth against all the odds.” As I write this column—in a business class seat on a China Airlines flight from Bangkok to Taipei—I can safely say that I am inspired by this book. I see at least one of my future selves. Tilley says he is already at work on a revised version of No Mummy, No Money. “One of the additional chapters I shall be writing is ‘How to secure a business-class seat,’” he told me. “I wrote an article based on one or two experiences and Reader’s Digest used it!” Send an email to SiliconAlleys@metronews.com

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best of the local web

A roundup of news, commentary and opinion from around the valley. Opinions expressed do not necessarily reect Metro’s editorial views.

The ‘Bono Curse’ Strikes Yelp L]Zc ^i XdbZh id iV`^c\ XVgZ d[ ]^h bdcZn! 7dcd bVn Vahd WZ! ^c i]Z ldgYh d[ '),LVaaHi! Æi]Z ldghi ^ckZhidg ^c 6bZg^XV#Ç I]ZgZ lVh EVab# I]ZgZ lVh ;dgWZh# I]ZgZ lVh BdkZ#Xdb# 6cY i]Zc i]ZgZ lVh NZae! l]^X] hdbZ eZdeaZ hVn ^h bdgZ d[ Vc Zmidgi^dc gVX`Zi i]Vc V Wjh^cZhh# NZae 8:D ?ZgZbn HideeZabVc hVnh i]Vi ^iÉh Vaa V a^iiaZ b^hjcYZghiVcY^c\ VWdji ]dl ^ih VjidbViZY Va\dg^i]b^X gZk^Zl Ă’ aiZg ldg`hĂ… dg YdZhcÉi# 6h HideeZabVc hVnh! ÆI]Z lVn NZae ldg`h ^h kZgn XdjciZg^cij^i^kZ#Ç SILVER AND GOLD Zfmq!DFP! 6h [dg i]Z XaV^b i]Vi ]ZÉh Æi]Z bdhi ]ViZY Kfsfnz!Tupqqfmnbo!tbzt!uif!dpnqboz! uvsofe!b!qspĂ&#x;!u!/ / /!csjfĂ !z!/ / /!b!gfx! bVc ^c hbVaa Wjh^cZhh!Ç HideeZabVc hVnh i]Vi npouit!bhp/!Cvu!gps!opx!ifĂ–t!tqfoejoh! ÆbZZih Wjh^cZhh dlcZgh Vaa i]Z i^bZ! VcY i]Z gZVa^in ^h i]ZnÉgZ cdi Vaa Vc\gn#Ç 6h [dg i]Z i]gZZ CpopĂ–t!npofz/ XaVhh"VXi^dc aVlhj^ih! ÆI]ZnÉgZ _jhi V Ygde ^c i]Z WjX`Zi#Ç 7dcd bjhi WZ gZa^ZkZY id ]ZVg i]Vi# I]Z '* b^aa^dc i]Vi ]^h K8 Ă’ gb! :aZkVi^dc EVgicZgh! edjgZY ^cid NZae bVn WZ eji id \ddY jhZ V[iZg Vaa#

L]Vi ^i gZVaan XdbZh Ydlc id! i]dj\]! ^h l]Zi]Zg NZae ^h bV`^c\ V egdÒ i# LZaa! ?ZgZbn4 ÆI]ZgZ lZgZ V [Zl bdci]h l]Zc lZ hadlZY djg ZmeZchZh Yjg^c\ i]Z YZei]h d[ i]Z gZXZhh^dc VcY WZXVbZ XVh]"Ó dl edh^i^kZ# 7ji Vh i]^c\h hiVW^a^oZY! lZ hiVgiZY ^ckZhi^c\ V\V^c! VcY hd lZÉgZ cdi egdÒ iVWaZ g^\]i cdl#Ç =Z VYYh i]Vi ]Z ]Vh V adi d[ Æ[V^i]Ç i]Vi NZae XdjaY WZXdbZ egdÒ iVWaZ dkZg i]Z cZmi [Zl nZVgh# EZg]Veh ]Z h]djaY WZ gZb^cYZY i]Vi [V^i] VcY &#*% l^aa \Zi ]^b V Xje d[ Xd[[ZZÅ^[ Vcn gZhiVjgVcih l^aa aZi ]^b ^c# Å96CCN LDDA! HK)&&#8DB

New Threats to Sec. 230 HVciV 8aVgV Jc^kZgh^in AVl HX]dda egd[Zhhdg :g^X <daYbVc ]Vh lg^iiZc V hjXX^cXi ZhhVn VWdji XVaah id VaiZg HZX# '(% d[ i]Z 8dbbjc^XVi^dch 9ZXZcXn 6Xi 896 id VYYgZhh XdcXZgch VWdji dca^cZ ]VgVhhbZci# <ZcZgVaan heZV`^c\! HZX# '(% ^bbjc^oZh dca^cZ ^ciZgbZY^Vg^Zh [gdb ejc^h]^c\ a^VW^a^in [dg i]Z XdciZci i]Vi igVkZah dkZg i]Z^g cZildg`h$hZgk^XZh# HeZX^Ò XVaan! HZX# '(% hi^ejaViZh i]Vi Æcd egdk^YZg dg jhZg d[ Vc ^ciZgVXi^kZ XdbejiZg hZgk^XZ h]Vaa WZ igZViZY Vh i]Z ejWa^h]Zg dg heZV`Zg d[ Vcn ^c[dgbVi^dc egdk^YZY Wn Vcdi]Zg ^c[dgbVi^dc XdciZci egdk^YZg#Ç >c di]Zg ldgYh/ 9dcÉi h]ddi i]Z bZhhZc\Zg 6h lZÉkZ cdiZY ]ZgZ WZ[dgZ! ^i ^h egdWVWan cdi Vc dkZghiViZbZci id i]^c` d[ HZX# '(% Vh i]Z kZgn XdgcZghidcZ d[ >ciZgcZi [gZZYdb! h^cXZ ^i bV`Zh edhh^WaZ Vc dca^cZ Æjide^V [dg jide^Vh!Ç id Wdggdl V e]gVhZ [gdb djg [Vkdg^iZ bdYZgc eda^i^XVa e]^adhde]Zg! i]Z aViZ GdWZgi Cdo^X`# L^i]dji HZX# '(%! ^ciZgbZY^Vg^Zh ldjaY a^`Zan WZ [dgXZY id h]ji Ydlc bVcn VkZcjZh d[ Xdbbjc^XVi^dc VcY ldjaY ]VkZ id WZXdbZ YZeji^oZY XdcYjXi VcY bdgVa^in eda^XZ [dg ZkZgn XnWZg higZZi XdgcZg# <daYbVc! 6bZg^XVÉh aZVY^c\ ZmeZgi dc HZX# '(%ÄgZaViZY _jg^hegjYZcXZ! XdggZXian cdiZh i]Vi! Æ;gZfjZcian! '(%Éh Xg^i^Xh Yd cdi ViiVX` i]Z ^bbjc^oVi^dc \ZcZgVaan! Wji ^chiZVY VYkdXViZ V cZl a^b^iZY ZmXZei^dc [dg i]Z^g eZi XdcXZgc#Ç =ZÉh \di i]Vi g^\]i# >cYZZY! lZ VgZ ^cXgZVh^c\an ]ZVg^c\ XVaah [gdb cjbZgdjh fjVgiZgh i]ZhZ YVnh id ÆilZV`Ç '(% [dg dcZ eZi XdcXZgc V[iZg Vcdi]Zg# Å696B I=>:G:G 7:G>C HOD@6! I:8=A>7:G6I>DC#8DB

Facebook May Save Elevation Partners Things are not going great at Elevation Partners. Its initial $1.8 billion fund— which was met with great fanfare when it was raised by rock-star investor Roger McNamee, rock-star gaming executive John Riccitiello and actual rockstar Bono—is about 70 percent invested, and the two biggest deals are duds. MYSTERIOUS WAYS Fmfwbujpo!Qbsuofst!jt! pxofe!boe!svo!cz!qpxfsgvm!qmbzfst!jodmvejoh! Elevation invested some Cpop!ijntfmg-!cvu!jut!nptu!tvddfttgvm!jowftunfou! $300 million in Forbes and xbt!b!op.csbjofs/ a whopping $460 million in Palm—a company with a stock hovering around $4 per share, down some 75 percent since October. Yet, things aren’t quite as bad as they look from the outside for two reasons. First: Elevation has hedged its risky strategy of putting so much money behind a few bets by concocting a complex system of puts and convertible issues. The second reason? The fund secretly bought up some $90 million of Facebook shares on the secondary market late last year. One person with knowledge of the transaction told us: This deal—which anyone with $90 million could have struck—could be the only thing that tips the fund into the black. The price Elevation Partners paid for Facebook stock? We’ve heard it was around $30/share. That values Facebook at roughly $13 billion, double what DST paid for common stock just a few months earlier. It’s ironic that a team that was billed as an investing dream team with deep contacts in every facet of media and technology may be saved by a deal that required no contacts and little deal making or company-building expertise. —SARAH LACY, TECHCRUNCH.COM HdjcYh a^`Z :aZkVi^dc EVgicZgh YZX^YZY id Wjn g^\]i l]Zc i]Z eg^XZ lZci [gdb &( id (% $h]VgZ [dg ;VXZWdd`# Cdi hjgZ l]Zi]Zg i]Vi l^aa hVkZ i]Z [jcY0 b^\]i WZ V YjbW ^ckZhibZci Vi V YjbW eg^XZ [dg V XdbeVcn i]Vi ]Vh Vc VjY^ZcXZ i]Vi XdjaY hl^iX] id i]Z cZmi W^\ hdX^Va cZildg` fj^X`an#ÅIVabVY\Z > \jZhh i]Zn hi^aa ]VkZcÉi [djcY l]Vi i]ZnÉgZ add`^c\ [dg#ÅBVg` LVc\


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Santa Clara Valley, California

March 31–April 6 2010

“Mr. President, This is a Big F***ing Meal.”” ;Za^eZ 7j^igV\d




Vh lZaa Vh YZkZadeZg 8=6GA:H Æ8]deÇ @::C6C# >[ ZaZXiZY hjeZgk^hdg! L^aa^VbhÉ Y^hig^Xi l^aa ZcXdbeVhh i]Z 8dndiZ KVaaZn# 8dndiZ ^h V ]j\Z hlVi] d[ jcYZkZadeZY aVcY i]Vi i]Z egd"YZkZadebZci aVWdg"aZ[i^Zh lVci id ijgc ^cid V '*!%%%"]dbZ Xdbbjc^in! l]^X] ^h VWdji i]Z h^oZ d[ EVad 6aid# H^cXZ i]ZgZ bVn WZ V adi d[ bdcZn Vi hiV`Z ]ZgZ &% W^aa^dc! Vi aZVhi! Wn djg gdj\] Zhi^bViZh ! i]Z \adkZh VgZ Xdb^c\ d[[ ZVgan# 8]VkZo ]VY VYkVcXZ `cdlaZY\Z d[ V hiViZ aVWdg WaVX`WVaa^c\ d[ 6akVgVYdÉh XdchjaiVci! ?J9: 76GGN! [dg bV`^c\ V b^cdg^in ^ckZhibZci ^c Vc ZaZXigdc^X h^\cVijgZ iZX]cdad\n Ògb i]Vi [V^aZY id Veean V eda^i^XVa XdggZXicZhh iZhi id ^ih Xa^Zcih# &' OLD FRIEND Xjmmjbnt

Got a Tip for The Fly? fly@metronews.com

representing them is representing the best interests of District 5. “This is why we’re meeting in these kinds of forums. I want to have intimate conversations with people and hear what they’re thinking, and what their ideas for the future are.”

Uphill Battle

Coyote Ugliness Add`h a^`Z ;DGG:HI L>AA>6BH ^h i]Z hjeZgk^hdg^Va ]Z^g VeeVgZci id 8>C9N 8=6K:OÉh jchjXXZhh[ja '%%+ HVc ?dhZ bVndgVa W^Y# 8]VkZo eZghdcVaan VcY ]Zg ZbeadnZg! Hdji] 7Vn AVWdg 8djcX^a! ]VkZ a^cZY je WZ]^cY i]Z [dgbZg HVc ?dhZ 8^in 8djcX^abVc ^c ]^h gjc V\V^chi Adh <ViVc B>@: L6HH:GB6C VcY ]dbZ\gdlc HVc ?dhZVc I:G:H6 6AK6G69D# 6ahd edee^c\ je dc L^aa^VbhÉ ;VXZWdd` eV\Z VcY Xdcig^Wjidg a^hih VgZ 7j^aY^c\ IgVYZh \jn C:>A ÆBg# CdgV 8VbedhÇ


OUTSIDE CHANCE Nbhebmfob!Dbssbtdp!tljqqfe!b!dboejebuft!gpsvn!


Gimme Five

A political newcomer has turned the campaign to represent San Jose’s District 5 into a race By Jessica Fromm


LSIE ARANDA has not decided which San Jose City Council candidate she will endorse. Stopwatch in hand, she sits in the front row of the second District 5 candidates forum at the Mayfair Community Center, acting as moderator. Aranda makes sure that the four people currently battling to represent San Jose’s East Side don’t go beyond their allotted speech times. It is her job to holler at candidates Xavier Campos, Aaron Resendez, J. Manuel Herrera and Magdalena Carrasco if they take too long to make their points. As chair of the East Valley/680 Neighborhood Action Coalition and a main organizer of the March 15 forum, Aranda’s support would be a great asset to any of them. But for now, as she runs around putting away chairs and yelling at the 70-some event attendees that they need to leave the building by 8pm, Aranda says she’s still weighing her options.

“What concerns me is getting people to come out and hear everybody speak, hear all their answers and then walk away and formulate their own opinions,” Aranda says. “I think they’ve all got their positives. There are some candidates that have caught my interest more than others. There are some candidates that I feel aren’t giving what I call a three-by-five response.” One week later, Magdalena Carrasco is standing on a concrete slab at Capitol Park, talking in rapid-fire Spanish about her vision for the East Side community. While her competitors are at the National Hispanic University duking it out at another forum, Carrasco is speaking in front of about 20 residents and neighborhood leaders. They’ve gathered at the park to meet and chat with the District 5 candidate over sugar-dusted pan dulce and boxes of Starbucks coffee spread out on a picnic table. The voices of small children fill the air

behind her, shouting as they play on new playground equipment and kick soccer balls around the wellmaintained field. Over the incessant jingling of paleteros, Carrasco talks about the history of Capitol Park. A decade ago it was a haven for gangs and public drunkeness, she says, but it has been revitalized into a familyfriendly gathering place. The community members voice concerns about their children. They ask what Carrasco can do to improve the district’s poor graduation rate. They express worries about police, violence and guns in school, and most importantly, how their community will be affected by the city’s imminent budget cuts. “I want to make sure that the voice of the community is represented on the 18th floor,” Carrasco says. “I want to make sure that the community is sitting at the table making those decisions, and that the person that will be

Since announcing her candidacy last January, Magdalena Carrasco has been working to overcome several obstacles. She lacks the street cred of Resendez, the financial backing of Campos or Herrera’s decades of civic experience. In spite of this, she has managed to garner a significant amount of support, especially for a candidate most people had never heard of before the new year. Since October 2008, Carrasco has worked as a community advocate for First 5 Santa Clara County, a nonprofit that sponsors programs and services for young children and families. There, she did one-on-one interventions with victims and perpetrators of domestic violence, as well as implementing anti-gang programs. A relative outsider to the local political scene, 42-year-old Carrasco grew up on the East Side, where she attended Independence High School. Though she’s lived in San Jose for years, she moved back to District 5 itself just last year. She is fluently bilingual. She also knows politics: her ex-husband, Kevin de León, served as assemblyman for Los Angeles’ 45th Assembly District from 2006 to 2010. De León, who is now one of her campaign contributors, is currently making his own run for the state Senate. Carrasco has made strides in the last campaign fundraising quarter. Since February she has raised $20,647, which is $3,925 more than her closest competitor, Xavier Campos, who raised $16,722 since February. All told, she still trails Campos, who has long been the clear frontrunner for the soon-to-be vacant seat on the council, which is currently occupied by his sister, Nora Campos. Before joining the race last September, Campos had worked at &'




the Mexican American Community Services Agency (MACSA) for more than 20 years. Having started his career there as a childcare worker after college, he was eventually promoted to chief operations officer. He has spent almost eight years on the San Jose Planning Commission, and is currently a policy aide for county Supervisor George Shirakawa Jr. Campos was the second to officially announce his candidacy for the seat, after Herrera last April, but he had been hinting at his intention to run since last spring. In the opening fundraising period ending on Dec. 31, he reportedly raised $32,617. He’s still the most financially flush for the four, with $30,496.17 still in his campaign bank account. He has picked up many endorsements, including Shirakawa, state Assemblymembers Joe Coto and Ira Ruskin, and three San Jose councilmembers: Nancy Pyle, Ash Kalra and Madison Nguyen. On top of that, the South Bay Labor Council has sanctioned him, as have local police and firefighter associations. At the March 15 Mayfair Community Center forum, Campos talked of growing up on the East Side and mentioned his intention to continue the “renaissance” of the District 5 community, once regarded as the most blighted neighborhood in San Jose.

Troubled Neighborhood Between 1996 and 2007, the intersection of Story and King roads received an infusion of $101 million from the San Jose Redevelopment Agency. The three new shopping centers and park that now inhabit the area took 11 years to build and were officially completed in 2007, while Nora Campos was in office. The improved area now serves as an example of success on the part of City Hall in revitalizing the longtroubled East Side community. “I have seen the transition of this area,” Xavier Campos says. “East of 101 has been neglected for decades. People have pride in their community now, so one of my jobs is to continue to work on our business district and how our streets are kept. People want basic city services here.” Still, public safety continues to be the No. 1 concern of District 5 residents. The neighborhood is still plagued by crime and slumlords, and last Halloween’s gangrelated shooting and stabbing of two boys is still fresh in many residents’ minds. Campos points to transportation and gang intervention efforts as top priorities. MACSA, where Campos worked for two decades, is a service organization that works to help the local Latino community. MACSA is currently undergoing an investigation by the district attorney’s office for allegedly diverting money from its employees’ retirement funds. In August 2009, a review by state auditors found

evidence of “apparent illegal fiscal practices and misappropriation of funds.” Over several years, the nonprofit neglected to put $400,000 into its charter school employees’ retirement accounts. Instead, it used the money to compensate for operational shortfalls, according to the report. Campos, who is not charged personally with any wrongdoing in the report, refuses to even address the issue. “I’m proud of the work that I did at MACSA,” Campos says of his time at the nonprofit. “I’m proud of the work I did there.” Whoever wins the opportunity to represent the East Side has a tough job ahead of them. At recent candidate forums, many East Side residents stressed a feeling of disconnect with City Hall. Some of them and their neighbors still struggle with the basics: stable shelter, education, and access to healthy food and public transportation. The foundering economy has hit the community harder than any other area of San Jose. In addition to crime and gang violence, the district suffers high rates of home foreclosure, increasing school dropout rates and rampant childhood obesity. These issues have worsened recently, since the East Side relied so heavily on city services that are fast disappearing under San Jose’s mammoth budget deficit. “Historically, we see the perception that we’re looking at 30 to 40 years of neglect,” Aranda says. “Programs and services are going to be cut, and that affects the people who can afford it the least. For their part, the other two District 5 candidates have been playing up their grassroots leadership. J. Manuel Herrera, who grew up on the East Side, has a résumé of civic service that spans two decades. He’s been a longtime trustee for the East Side Union High School District as well as a county transportation commissioner and director of planning for United Way. He’s been on the boards of numerous nonprofits and political associations. His endorsements include the East Side Teachers Association, the San Jose Federation of Teachers and La Raza Roundtable. Herrera ran for the District 4 seat twice in the past, losing first to now-Mayor Chuck Reed in 2000 and then to nowCouncilmember Kansen Chu. In 2006, he threw his hat into the mayoral race, only to drop out before election day. Aaron Resendez is a neighborhood activist who chaired the East Valley/680 Neighborhood Action Coalition for five years. Born in Mexico, he earned his citizenship and has lived and raised his family on the East Side for the last 16 years. While working as a box-printing press operator, he’s found time to volunteer in the community. He coaches kids’ soccer and spends weekends walking neighborhoods erasing graffiti and picking up trash. He was also president of the Arbuckle Neighborhood Association from 2000 to 2005. Resendez and Herrera have focused their

campaigns’ attention on the man that they see as the frontrunner. “The Campos family, they think they are powerful, but they are not so powerful,” says Resendez. “I’m anticipating that he’ll be in last place. People are tired of the same. This is not like passing the crown. He might have all the money, he might have all the endorsements, but we’ll see what happens on June 8.” Herrera also has some sharp things to say about Campos. “I think it’s just going to become a question of grassroots resources vs. special-interest firepower,” Herrera says. “District 5 is probably one of the most grassroots communities in San Jose. They are not as easily influenced by big-money and power-broker endorsements. “I can only say that there are going be folks who believe that the legacy of Nora Campos is a basis for her brother to step in, and others who, at a gut level, find that not right.”

Local Gals Make Good There are several parallels between Carrasco and one of her biggest endorsers— outgoing District 9 Councilmember Judy Chirco. When Chirco first ran for City Council back in 2002, she was essentially an unknown in the local political infrastructure, having served 11 years on the Cambrian School Board. The shoo-in for the seat had been a man named Chris Hemingway, an aide for the then termed-out District 9 Councilmember John Diquisto. The




Carr v. Rosen: Split Decision >c l]Vi [Zai bdgZ a^`Z Vc ZaVWdgViZ ZY^idg^Va bZZi^c\ i]Vc aZ\Va egdXZZY^c\h! 96 XVcY^YViZ ?:;; GDH:C ZbZg\ZY [gdb Xdjgi dc BdcYVn bdgc^c\ l^i] V cZl YgV[i d[ ]^h XVcY^YViZÉh hiViZbZci! ]VbbZgZY ^cid h]VeZ Wn i]Z _jY\Z! ]^h aVlnZg ?6B:H IDL:GN VcY ]^h deedcZci 96 9dadgZh 8VggÉh aVlnZg! <jnidc ?^c`Zghdc# Æ>Éb kZgn eaZVhZY!Ç ]Z hV^Y# ÆLZ ldc#Ç I]ViÉh V hdbZl]Vi hjW_ZXi^kZ ^ciZgegZiVi^dc# 8Vgg ÒaZY V aVlhj^i aVhi lZZ` Vg\j^c\ i]Vi GdhZcÉh XVcY^YViZÉh hiViZbZci Y^Y ild i]^c\h ^c k^daVi^dc d[ 8Va^[dgc^V :aZXi^dc 8dYZ/ >i bVYZ V XdbeVg^hdc d[ XVcY^YViZh Wn hVn^c\ GdhZc ^h Æi]Z dcan XVcY^YViZ l]d ]Vh egdhZXjiZY ]jcYgZYh d[ YVc\Zgdjh Xg^b^cVah!Ç VcY ^i ^begdeZgan jhZY Xdbea^bZciVgn fjdiZh [gdb gZi^gZY 96 <:DG<: @:CC:9N VcY BZgX Xdajbc^hi H8DII =:G=DA9# GdhZc V\gZZY id X]Vc\Z Æi]Z dcan XVcY^YViZ l]d ]Vh egdhZXjiZYÇ id h^bean Æ> ]VkZ egdhZXjiZY!Ç Vai]dj\] ]Z \di je

33-year-old Hemingway had been well established around City Hall, and had acquired numerous power-playing endorsements. But to the surprise of many, when election day rolled around, Chirco won big. She had worked harder and gained more grassroots connections from her 40 years as a community volunteer and involved resident of the district. She also made clear in her campaign that she wasn’t being handed the seat by any political machine, and that she truly wanted to represent her district’s interests. Some East Side residents think it’s time for history to repeat itself. A week after the March 15 Mayfair Community Center forum, Elsie Aranda finally settled on the District 5 candidate she is endorsing: Magdalena Carrasco. “I didn’t want to come up with my support until I heard all three of them in a forum that satisfied my curiosity, where it wasn’t hosted by any supporting group,” Aranda says. She came out to support Carrasco at her March 22 Capital Park event. “She’s willing to bring people to the table, and that’s what impressed me,” Aranda says. “She’s invested. Her kids are in the district, they go to our district schools, so I know that what happens to this district is definitely of importance to her. “She has a clear understanding what people are going through, and that it’s going to take more then just sitting in a council seat and doing business from there. M

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Labor Group Blacklists Democratic Consultant

N.Y. Times’ Friedman on Hope in San Jose

Silicon Valley Newsroom

A statewide labor group sent out a sharply worded letter yesterday indicating that it has blacklisted local Democratic political consultant Jude Barry and his company, Catapult Strategies. In the letter, Art Pulaski of the California Federation of Labor (CFL) attacks Barry for “supporting the efforts of an antiunion committee” seeking to qualify a so-called “paycheck protection” initiative.

Pete Campbell

Barry recently helped found a technology firm, Verafirma, which allows initiative-backers to gather signatures electronically on computers and devices such as iPhones. That company—not Catapult Communications—has leased its technology for test runs to four initiative campaigns, including the Paycheck Protection Act. That initiative would require unions to get members’ approval before dues can be spent for political campaigns and is part of a nationwide movement to disrupt unions’ political power. Friday’s “Capitol Alert” from the Sacramento Bee reports that Barry has worked for CLF-backed candidates, such as Rep. John Garamendi in the past. It also points out that neither Barry nor his firm are involved with the initiative in question. “It’s unfortunate and inaccurate,” he said. “I have not now, nor have I ever, worked for that campaign.” An L.A. Times blog today points out that Barry has also worked for progressive stalwarts, including Howard Dean, Richard Gephardt and the late Sen. Edward Kennedy. The three other initiatives leasing Verafirma’s technology are all progressive causes: One would reinstate the right of samesex couples to marry, another would legalize, regulate and tax marijuana, a third would change the state’s legislative vote requirement to pass a budget or raise taxes from two-thirds to a simple majority. I]Z 7ZZ VcY A#6# I^bZh ldjaY ]VkZ cd lVn d[ `cdl^c\! Wji i]ZhZ iVXi^Xh l^aa hdjcY [Vb^a^Vg id adXVa eda^i^Xh lViX]Zgh# L]^aZ bVcn jc^dc dg\Vc^oVi^dch b^\]i [dg\Z Vaa^VcXZh l^i] \jnh a^`Z ?jYZ! i]Z H7A8 ^h gji]aZhh VWdji ViiVX`^c\ VcndcZ i]Vi YdZhcÉi idZ i]Z^g eVgin a^cZ# > ldjaYcÉi WZ hjgeg^hZY ^[ i]Z^g Ò c\Zgeg^cih VgZ Vaa dkZg i]^h jc[V^g hbZVg XVbeV^\c#ÅAZ[in HdjcYh a^`Z V gZVhdcVWaZ Wjh^cZhh egVXi^XZ# L]ViÉh i]Z W^\ [ ^c\ YZVa4 >h i]Z 8A; \d^c\ id WaVX`a^hi <dd\aZ WZXVjhZ GZejWa^XVc XVbeV^\ch jhZ i]Z hZVgX] Zc\^cZ4Å 6 ;Zaadl &)

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Carr Questions Rosen’s Use of Merc Clips Jessica Lussenhop

DA Dolores Carr is pointing an accusatory finger at challenger Deputy DA Jeff Rosen regarding the use of San Jose Mercury News articles on his campaign website. Carr released a statement today charging that Rosen may have violated state campaign finance rules and federal copyright laws. Her campaign also said the use of the articles might be seen as an in-kind contribution that exceeds campaign contribution limits. The statement from the Carr camp says that when her campaign manager, Phyllis Lazzarini, contacted the Merc earlier this month seeking permission to reprint an article on the Carr campaign website, she was told that permission for a six-month PDF reprint has a $1,855 price tag. Lazzarini noted that the Rosen campaign website has several Merc articles printed in their entirety online or in PDF form, but that nothing on Rosen’s campaign spending forms indicates that money was paid to the Mercury. Candidates are required by the California Political Reform Act to report all contributions and expenditures in their 460 forms.

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Since the Merc has long been cold on Carr and sweet on Rosen, the Rosen campaign had plenty of clips to choose from—about $17,000 worth, according to the calculations made from a price sheet provided to the Carr campaign. Emails posted to Carr’s website between Director of Online Content Keith Randall and Merc Publisher Mac Tully seem to indicate they had no idea Rosen was using the reprints. “Thank you for bringing this to our attention,” Tully wrote to Carr on March 12. “We have notified Mr. Rosen to remove our material.” Rosen said he simply didn’t know that it is illegal to repost copyrighted articles from a newspaper’s website. “We didn’t seek their permission,” he says. “We didn’t think we needed it.”


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MARCH 31-APRIL 6, 2010



MARCH 31-APRIL 6, 2010 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y


MARCH 31-APRIL 6, 2010


FAST FORWARD YOUR FUTURE! Begin a Bachelor’s Degree Completion program or a Master’s Degree in Fall 2010

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[26] STYLE

MARCH 31-APRIL 6, 2010 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y


Single? What are you waiting for? Fill your social calendar with exciting activities and meet great new friends to share them with. Events and Adventures is an activities club specializing in fun and friendship for singles. We have something for everyone, including: • Cultural Outings • Sporting Events • Hiking

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The Best New Way to Meet Singles!

WHITE WEDDING Uijt!tusbqmftt-!àpxfs.bepsofe!ÕtbggspoÖ!hpxo!xjui!àpps.mfohui!wfjm!! )mfgu*!dbo!cf!tfmfdufe!bu!Qsjtdjmmb!pg!Cptupo!vtjoh!uifjs!ofx!IQ!UpvdiTnbsu!QDt!)sjhiu*/

PC Nuptials


HOPPING for a wedding dress has gone high-tech. One wonders why it took so long. Just in time for the spring nuptials rush, luxury bridal boutique EG>H8>AA6 D; 7DHIDC opened a Santana Row branch last week. In an innovative turn, each of the ritzy gown salon’s dressing rooms are now outfitted with customized HP TouchSmart PCs that let brides shift through hundreds of dresses with the touch of a finger. As flipping through catalogs or rummaging through clothing racks by hand for a white cupcake creation is too time-consuming for the harried Silicon Valley bride, these flat-screen computers easily browse dress selections by silhouette, price, color and collection. Would-be brides can then scroll through the choices virtually, six at a time, and pick the gowns they want the salesperson to bring them to try on. They can even look at a video of a runway model in a specific dress beforehand to observe how the fabric would hang and flow on their special day. Once the wedding garment is selected, the Priscilla of Boston PCs will then help them find the latest bridesmaid styles to match. This new Priscilla of Boston location is the first on the West Coast to feature such an interactive in-store experience. Located at 356 Santana Row, Suite 1005, San Jose the boutique’s dresses range in price from the reasonable ($1,500 and above) to high end ($5,000 and above). Jessica Fromm


MARCH 31-APRIL 6, 2010



MARCH 31-APRIL 6, 2010 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y







<PM =VQ^MZ[Q\a WN >IT]M[ ‘Â?–ƒ…– ƒÂ? ĠÂ?‹••‹‘Â?• ƒ†˜‹•‘” –‘†ƒ› –‘ Ž‡ƒ”Â? Š‘™ ƒ–‹‘Â?ƒŽ Â?‹˜‡”•‹–› …ƒÂ? Š‡Ž’ ›‘— ”‡ƒ…Š ›‘—” ‰‘ƒŽ•Ǥ

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MARCH 31-APRIL 6, 2010



MARCH M A R C H 31-APRIL 3 1 - A P R I L 6, 6 , 2010 2 0 1 0 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA VA L L E Y

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HP Pavilion Pavilio on

Stanford University Stanf ord Univ ersiity

Clara 525 W. W. Santa Santa a Clara St, St, San San Jose Jose

650.725.ARTS 6 50.725.ARTS

408.287.9200 408 287..9 408.28 9200

Wed $10-$34 W ed – 8pm; $1 0-$ $34

Fri F ri – 7:30pm; 7:30pm; $47-$90 $47 7--$90

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408.29.BLANK 40 08.29.BLANK

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Fri $10 F rii – 9pm; $1 0

Fri F ri – 9pm; $25

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Spring 2010 2010

On the Menu Breakfasts Br eakf a asts | W Wine ine B Bars












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DECISIVE CHOICE!!Qpbdife!fhht!oftumf!bupq!b!Cfmhjbo!xbgàf!bu!Gmbnft!jo!epxoupxo!Tbo!Kptf/

Rise and Dine A convert to the first meal of the day samples the best breakfast spots in Silicon Valley By Stett Holbrook


AM A recent convert to eating out for breakfast. I’m pretty cranky in the morning and not big on sunrise conversation, so the thought of heading out to dine among a bunch of other people had no appeal to a matin grump like me. Even worse is having to wait for a table. My patience wears fiber-optic thin in the morning, so I don’t like outsourcing my first meal of the day to a harried waitress or short-order cook. I want my morning cup of tea on my own terms. And what’s up with pancakes? I like my dessert after dinner, not at 8am. Who has time for going out to breakfast, anyway? Wait to order. Wait for food. Eat. Wait for the check. Wait for change. There goes 90 minutes. I’ve got stuff to do. I’ll go out to eat at the end of the day when everything is done. For all the reasons above, in the more than five years I’ve been Metro’s restaurant critic I have never formally reviewed a breakfast place. My attention is always on lunch and dinner. Breakfast is something I eat at home, just cranky old me and a

bowl of oatmeal and a cup of green tea. It’s better that way. No one gets hurt. But I’ve evolved. I’ve come to enjoy going out for breakfast. There’s something luxurious about sliding into a plush booth and lingering for a while. I still avoid late-weekend breakfasts with all those slow-moving people clutching weekend newspapers, but my conversion to breakfast has made me a better man. I say hello to people. I slow down and collect my thoughts. I even eat the occasional pancake. I’ve come to see what I’ve been missing. Namely, a lot of good food. In my new appreciation for starting the day right, here are some of the places I discovered in the valley.

Southern Cats Los Gatos is a great breakfast town. What else are people going to do between yoga class and walks with the dogs up the creek trail? Tiny in size but big on portions, the Southern Kitchen is my favorite. I have Southern roots, so I figure it’s my birthright to order biscuits, gravy and eggs. That much

cholesterol doesn’t exactly put a spring in my step, but it does place a smile on my face. With its long Formica counter, the sizzle of the hash browns on the griddle and the little boxes of Kellogg’s Corn Pops and Apple Jacks that I thought they had stopped making during the Carter administration, Gilley’s is refreshingly old school. Check out the many scrambles, like the Mexican scramble with tomatoes, onions and bell peppers with surprisingly good salsa, and “Gilley’s special,” crispy hash browns fried up with grilled onions, American cheese and eggs. Sweet Peas is tiny and laid-back, a quieter location for a weekend brunch. The cafe specializes in crepes, but for something a bit off the beaten path, get the shrimp, mozzarella and ratatouille crepe with a white-wine-and-mushroom sauce on top—it’s really good. Also good is the crepes boulderado, a buckwheat crepe filled with poached eggs, beef, balsamic onions and hollandaise sauce. It’s rich and delicious, with the egg yolk leaking into the beef and the crepe. 7






















MULTIPLE-CHOICE MENU!!Csfblgbtu!bu!Tubdlt!jo!Dbnqcfmm!fyvmut!jo!pqujpot/

Everyone seems to love Los Gatos Cafe. By 8am, the place is crowded with happy, chatty customers. The waitresses are lovely (and with a decent tip, they will allow you to sit there even as more customers pile in), and the menu is packed with goodness. How’s this for a gilded breakfast: Oscar’s Benedict, a large omelette with crab, fresh tarragon, avocado, asparagus and a generous layer of hollandaise sauce. Vegetarians are catered to with the vegetables Roma made with tomato pesto, broccoli, spinach, herbed potatoes, jack cheese, sour cream and bright green onions. As good as those items were, the strawberry crepes and maple praline muffin fell flat on my visit.

Retro Gems In Campbell, Stacks reigns. Expect crowds on weekends and for good reason. The servers are snarky but unpretentious and friendly. Offering up breakfasts akin to a Denny’s for the upper-crust, traditional choices include varieties of crepes, pancakes, waffles and omelettes, along with Mexican flavors like huevos rancheros and Mexican frittatas. Another change from traditional diner fare is the substitution of a bagel or potatoes as a side, as opposed to the typical bacon or sausage. The macadamia, coconut, banana pancakes feel like a morning trip to paradise. No maple syrup necessary. I’ve been driving by Bobbi’s Coffee Shop in Cupertino all my life, and with my new affection for breakfast, I finally stopped in. It’s another retro gem, with a long, doglegged counter, cushy blue-vinyl stools and booths and a lingering crowd of what appear to be regulars, given their rapport

with the quick-to-pour-coffee waiter. The latkes reeled me in. They’re light and fluffy with a bit of diced onion to cut the richness of the sour cream on the side. I’m a big fan of corned beef hash, and Bobbi’s is respectable: browned and crusty outside and still moist inside. With a couple of fried eggs and a shot or two of ketchup, it’s a great breakfast.

World Beaters San Jose is rich with breakfast options. In Willow Glen, Bill’s is tops. The kitchen gives you what you always wanted for breakfast but never dared to order. The SBC omelettes use bacon, spinach and American cheese—not Swiss, not cheddar, American. Chicken fried steak with eggs is an option, not a punch line. There are cookies ’n’ cream–flavored pancakes and French toast made from bread pudding. This is what breakfast would be if your inner child were in charge. I visited Bill’s location on The Alameda and was surprised at how good the carnitas and eggs was. Bill’s menu ranges far and wide, and the fried pork can stand up to what’s served at the best taquerias. For a real departure from the typical bacon and eggs, there’s Selam, an Ethiopian restaurant with a great breakfast specialty—foul (pronounced “fool,” as in “I pity the fool who doesn’t try this”). Foul comes in a small, deep bowl with fava beans simmered with spiced butter, onions, tomatoes, crumbled feta cheese, powdered spicy red pepper and a dash of plain yogurt. You’re instructed to swirl it all together, but try each individually on its 8












BREAKFAST 7 ;Za^eZ 7j^igV\d

FAR-FLUNG FARE!!Tfmbn!tfswft!Fuijpqjbo!csfblgbtut!gfbuvsjoh!ljudib!ßu.ßu!boe!b!cpxm!pg!Õgpvm/Ö

own first and then fork an entire bite into your mouth. It’s warm and comforting and spicy, with a nice crunch of the pepper. Ethiopia is the birthplace of coffee, and Selam makes excellent espresso. Alexi’s Coffee Shop is a south San Jose favorite located in a blink-or-you’llmiss-it minimall. But don’t be fooled— locals flock here every morning. Alexi’s is the classic Sunday destination: walk inside, write your name on the clipboard and wait for a booth. All of the fluffy omelettes (55 of them) are made with four eggs, and the homemade pancakes—buttermilk or buckwheat—are superb. It’s a traditional diner with booth seating and two big men whipping up the dishes in the back. Servers aren’t rude, just busy. Become a regular, and you’ll be nodding “the usual” with everyone else. San Jose’s 24-hour Mini Gourmet (“Mini’s”) is a winner at anytime, but the breakfast really shines. The menu is huge. For those who can afford a midday nap, consider the biscuits and gravy—or go for the “build your own breakfast” special served Monday to Friday. Any four items are $8. Except for hotel restaurants such as the Fairmont and Il Fornaio at the Sainte Claire, downtown San Jose was once a black hole of breakfast options until Flames arrived in 2009. The homegrown chain is the area’s definitive coffee shop. Known for big portions, Flames epitomizes everything that’s right and good about coffee shops—generous portions, fast service and food that doesn’t amaze but usually satisfies. Flames has a lively, big-city feel, like a Las Vegas–ized Denny’s. The diner is big and usually crowded. The flatscreen monitors above the bar play ball games, and the vivid, almost garish décor

and lighting give the place a glitzy appeal. It’s filled with slices of downtown life— students, working stiffs, business types and a few shaggy punks. For me, the strength of the restaurant is breakfast. The breakfast selection is huge, but thankfully it is broken down by category—Benedicts, pancakes, omelettes, etc. I liked the New Orleans Benedict, two poached eggs covered with a spicy hollandaise and sautéed sausage and chile peppers. The downtown scramble—a fluffy mound of scrambled eggs with chorizo, avocado and jack cheese—is a standout, too. Meanwhile, Hobee’s has been a longtime mainstay of Silicon Valley’s breakfast landscape. Mention the restaurant, and someone’s going to ask about the coffee cake. The blueberry strudel is served with fresh whipped butter. Fun fact: Every so often they change the flavor to varieties like cherry almond or banana toffee to follow the fruit seasons. Although they are busy on the weekends, at some locations there is complimentary coffee while you wait (they only serve Tully’s). Walking in, the first thing you smell is their distinctive orangespiced tea. The breakfast menu is vast, with shoutouts to different cities, including the “Mountain View” omelette and “Santa Cruz scramble,” to prove that the restaurant is tailored to its local patrons. Portions and prices are reasonable. For an over-the-top, special-occasion dining experience the Hayes Mansion is the place. It’s not cheap at $40 per person, but the Sunday brunch at the historic Dolce Hayes Mansion has to be seen to be believed. If Thanksgiving were 10





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10 M E T R O | ON THE MENU | S P R I N G 2 0 1 0

BREAKFAST 8 served at breakfast, this is what it would look like: the usual breakfast staples of eggs, potatoes, bacon and sausage arrayed alongside hand-carved prime rib, Alaskan king crab, raw oysters, mussels and sweet peeled prawns. Did I mention the bottomless mimosas?

Bucking Trends Buck’s of Woodside is probably the most storied breakfast spot on the peninsula, if not in all of Silicon Valley. There’s no hard number available, but it wouldn’t be a stretch to say there have been billions of dollars of high-tech business deals done over plates of Woodsider omelettes (wild mushrooms, avocado, artichoke hearts, tomatoes and cheese) and the excellent croissant French toast. This is where the Silicon Valley heavies come to talk turkey. As my CEO friend (who has raised some serious seed money in Buck’s booths himself) explains it, the power breakfast has replaced the power lunch. In Silicon Valley, breakfast is where you talk business, and dinner is where you celebrate. Given the carnival-like décor at Buck’s (and the full bar), I bet there have been more than a few patrons who have celebrated their good fortune right here. But in spite of all those high rollers and billion-dollar deals, the waitresses still call you honey. Although it doesn’t have the mythology of Buck’s, the Palo Alto Creamery in downtown Palo Alto does boast plenty of history and good food. The restaurant was once owned by the Peninsula Creamery Ice Cream Co., which was founded in 1923. The business has changed hands, but it still exudes that 1950s soda-fountain chic. Peninsula Creamery is known for its milkshakes (you can get an egg tossed in and call it breakfast), but I went for the corned beef hash and eggs. Corned beef hash is a good measure of a restaurant’s breakfast acumen, and the Creamery excels with its house-made corned beef. The potatoes could have used some more grill time, but the big chunks of corned beef set it apart from the norm. For something quick and very good, Fraiche is the place. The sleek modern shop serves homemade, organic fresh yogurt and frozen yogurt. For breakfast, they offer steel-cut oats to which yogurt (frozen or regular) and other additional toppings can be added. The steel-cut oatmeal with whole-milk yogurt, homemade granola, farmers market olallieberry puree and locally sourced honey is excellent, although it can cool the oatmeal down rather rapidly. Their Blue Bottle coffee offerings are just as good as their artisanal yogurts. The best part about Fraiche is that you leave satisfied, not stuffed. No wonder those Stanford kids are so productive. M

Alexi’s Coffee Shop 445 Blossom Hill Road, San Jose; 408.226.5122.

Bill’s Cafe 1115 Willow St., San Jose; 408.294.1125; 2089 The Alameda, San Jose; 408.244.9085; 302 N. Bascom Ave., San Jose; 408.287.2455.

Bobbi’s Coffee Shop 1361 S. De Anza Blvd., Cupertino; 408.257.4040.

Buck’s of Woodside 3062 Woodside Road, Woodside; 650.851.8010.

Dolce Hayes Mansion 200 Edenvale Ave., San Jose; 408.362.2459.

Gilley’s Coffee Shoppe 47 N. Santa Cruz Ave., Los Gatos; 408.354.9710.

Flames Eatery and Bar 88 S. Fourth St., San Jose; 408.971.1960.

Fraiche 644 Emerson St., Palo Alto; 650.566.0055

Hobee’s Various locations, including 1875 S. Bascom Ave., San Jose; 408.369.0575

Los Gatos Cafe 340 N. Santa Cruz Ave., Los Gatos; 408.354.4647.

Mini Gourmet 599 S. Bascom Ave., San Jose; 408.275.8973.

Palo Alto Creamery 566 Emerson St., Palo Alto; 650.323.3131.

Selam 3120 Williams Road, San Jose; 408.984.9600.

Southern Kitchen 27 E. Main St., Los Gatos; 408.354.7515.

Stacks 139 E. Campbell Ave., Campbell; 408.376.3516.

Sweet Peas Cafe 453 N. Santa Cruz Ave., Los Gatos; 408.354.3144.





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BUCK’S UP!!Kbnjt!NbdOjwfo!tvddvnct!up!uif!mvsf!pg!dpoejnfout!bu!ijt!Xppetjef!sftubvsbou/

Power Breakfast At Buck’s


AST FRIDAY, Jamis MacNiven, owner of Buck’s restaurant in Woodside, was on his way to Damascus, where he and his son Tyler will visit the Damascus Gate—one of the world’s largest restaurants. “It seats 6,014 people,” MacNiven says. “Can you imagine that?” MacNiven explains that he and Tyler, 29, are on a mission to visit the 10 biggest restaurants in the world. “We’ve already seen all the Mt. Rushmores,” he says, explaining that he and Tyler are in possession of photographs of Mt. Rushmore replicas from all around the globe. MacNiven, it should be explained, is a collector, of experiences and of stuff. He’s also more like an impresario than a classic restaurateur. The food at Buck’s is pretty great, but everything else about the place is spectacular. The unofficial home of the Silicon Valley power breakfast, Buck’s looks like a museum of kitsch curated by an eccentric genius with a good eye. Every booth is home to a dozen framed images or items, including one photo of kazillionaire Warren Buffett handing MacNiven his wallet, which hangs next to the wallet itself. (It’s a fake.) The theme is primarily cowboy-chic but includes a nod toward ’60s sci-fi— there is a nice old rocket ship hanging from the ceiling in one of the dining areas above the cowhide-print furniture. But the coolest thing about Buck’s isn’t the plethora of tchotchkes adorning the walls and hanging from the ceilings—it’s MacNiven’s stories, which he tells with calm enthusiasm. Buck’s is a legend made up of hundreds of these stories. The most famous stories are of genuine significance—it is a fact that some of the biggest financial transactions in the world history have taken place in this unlikely setting. Netscape was funded during a meeting at Buck’s, and so was PayPal. According to MacNiven. Just before it became the first big Internet success story, Yahoo! was turned down by a Venture capitalist at Buck’s. (“I bet that guy feels stupid,” MacNiven says. Well, probably not as stupid as he felt five years ago.) The legend keeps Buck’s in the news. The restaurant has been the subject of hundreds of magazine articles and TV-news features. For a time, busloads of tourists visited the roadhouse, which is located in Woodside’s bucolic “downtown,” a mile west of 280. In the past week, Buck’s has been mentioned in at least two newspaper articles (besides this one). MacNiven credits his good fortune to the simple fact that Buck’s is located close to Sand Hill Road, where most of the big VC firms keep shop. It’s difficult to accuse MacNiven of modesty—the man is about as flamboyant as they come—but clearly, this is more than an accident of geography.

—Eric Johnson




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Friday, April 23, 7:00 pm

J. Lohr Spring Supper Join us as we celebrate Spring with a with five course wine-paired dinner catered by Restaurant O featuring 2005 J. Lohr Carol’s Vineyard Cabernet, Napa Valley with Wild Boar Chop. For the complete menu visit jlohr.com/events. Tickets $85.00/person Available at the J. Lohr San Jose Wine Center 10am to 5pm or phone Lisa at 408-918-2176.


CORK TORQUE !Uifsftf!Njmmfs!pg!Vodpslfe!jo!Tbsbuphb!pqfot!b!cpuumf!gps!ubtujoh/

Goblet Market A guide to the best wine bars in the valley HERE WAS a time not so long ago when the idea of going out for a glass of wine and a bite to eat meant choosing between the house red and the house white—and munching on whatever stale pretzels were left on the bar. Those days are over. In recent years, there has been an explosion of wine bars in Silicon Valley. Now the challenge is not finding a wine bar but deciding on which one to go to.



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GROANING BOARD Kbtpo!Sfjoibseu!pg!Mpt!Hbupt!Hpvsnfu!! lopxt!xibu!hpft!cftu!xjui!b!hmbtt!pg!sfe!xjof/

Cin Cin Wine Bar and Restaurant If you feel trapped in a chardonnay or merlot rut, Cin Cin is the place to break out. The wine list at this ever-lively Los Gatos wine bar and restaurant ranges far and wide to bring an eclectic array of varietals that is sure to include a few that one has never tried before. The list favors sustainably produced wines, an environmental ethic that extends to the superb food menu as well. Wines are available in 3-ounce tastes, 6-ounce glasses or by the bottle and many different flights. The happy hour prices on food and wine from 4 to 6pm, Monday through Saturday, make it easy to discover something new. 368 Village Lane, Los Gatos; 408.354.8006. (SH)

D’Vine Jazz and Wine D’Vine is located in a modern-day strip mall in Morgan Hill, sitting next to a Chipotle Grill. Sounds classy, right? Walk inside the door, and one’s opinion is immediately altered. D’Vine is elegant, spacious and upscale. To the right of the bar, four mini leather couches sit tucked by a fireplace, giving a more intimate setting and secluding you from the rest of the room. Local musicians play live music Thursday through Saturday starting at 7pm, with a one-drink minimum on Thursday and a two-drink minimum on Friday and Saturday. Try flights with clever names like “Bubble Yum” and “Call Me a Cab” or order a glass on its own. “Wine Down Thursdays” offer wine tasting between 6 and 8pm for only $1. The little bits, like the pepperoni pizza and barbecue

chicken panini, are pretty good, but skip dessert and stick to the wine. 775 Cochrane Road, Morgan Hill. 408.779.7755. (JS)

The Grapevine Like a Starbucks for wine lovers, the Grapevine is a perfect destination for meeting up with fellow oenophiles. Whether it’s a casual glass after work or a bottle and a board game, owner Valerie Evans makes people feel at home right away. From reds to bubbly, Grapevine has a flight for it. The shop even serves some amusing combinations, such as the Kathryn Kennedy mixed flight, a neighborhood favorite. Of course, one can always purchase by the glass. The Grapevine’s eclectic wine list showcases local and European vineyards. The Grapevine also boasts an array of salty and sweet plates (all around $6)—from the addictive truffle Piave popcorn to the savory Brie and figgy sauce. The Grapevine also specializes in gourmet cheeses. Its prized cheese list offers 50 or so varieties from all over the world. The Grapevine is popular for its “Cheap Date Night,” too, a flight of wine, a selection of appetizers and dessert for just $22. 1389 Lincoln Ave., San Jose. 408.293.7574. (KB)

Lavanda The grand wine bar at Lavanda beckons at the front door. The dark expanse of mahogany has a regal feel with a sophisticated charm. Its location next to the airy dining room allows light breezes 19





M E T R O 17

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Present P reesent this car card rd and a rreceive eceiv e ve a FREE Tasting Taasting Starter Starrter t Plate Plate or Beverage. Bevverage. e

(408) 998-1509

www.MoroccosRestaurant.com ww ww w.M .Mor orooccosR Restaurant.com et t

Deliveries t Catering t Family Style Dining t Reservations Recommended

Enjoy the magic.


WINE BARS 15 that are another form of refreshment. When asked for the wine list, the bartender brings out a three-ring binder. No modesty here: the list has earned Lavanda the Wine Spectator “Award of Excellence” for the past five years. Its wine cellar houses more than 800 wines, with another 40 available by the glass. Partnered with Lavanda’s Mediterranean menu, the combinations are endless. Live jazz on Thursdays. 185 University Ave., Palo Alto; 650.321.3514. (KB)

Los Gatos Gourmet Los Gatos Gourmet is everything one could want in a neighborhood wine shop and food specialty store. The aroma of fresh coffee beans from nearby Los Gatos Roasting Co. competes with the subtle but heady scent of artisanal cheese. The densely packed store squeezes in a small but wellcurated selection of wines hand-picked by owner Jason Reinhardt and his staff. The offerings are long on Santa Cruz Mountain wines but also include an eclectic list from far and wide. The store hosts Friday-night wine tastings from 6 to 9pm and monthly “meet the winemaker events.” You can belly up to the marble-topped bar or roam around the store and adjacent cafe for more elbow room. 109 W. Main St., Los Gatos; 408.354.5440. (SH)

The Morgan Hill Cigar Co. At first, the feel is that of a suave and savvy gentlemen’s cigar shop: nice carpet, leather couches in the center and handsome glass display cases containing lighters, cigars and pipes. Walking a couple more steps out of this room, one enters a sleek room with hardwood floors that seems to be a hybrid between a hunting bar and a pool hall. Apparently, the main attraction for regular customers is in fact the pool table that sits near the bar. And the regular customers are mostly men. The prices for a glass of wine are reasonable, though there are no special wine flights or nibbles to go along with the glass. 17430 Monterey St., Morgan Hill; 408.776.7667. (JS)

A Perfect Finish A Perfect Finish is a large and spacious wine bar in downtown San Jose. This elegant place for after-dinner drinks features an extensive wine list as well as a full bar and flights of not just wine but also bourbon, whiskey and other liquors. A Perfect Finish also has an extensive list of food. Toward the back of the room, there is hotel-like lounge seating that would make things a bit more private . . . if the restrooms weren’t directly opposite. A Perfect Finish is polished and aristocratic. It’s also open until 2am Friday and Saturday nights. 55 S. First St., San Jose; 408.288.6000. (JS)

San Pedro Square Bistro and Wine Bar Before visiting this destination, a trip to its neighbor is recommended; it is a hole-inthe-wall Mexican restaurant with plastic white chairs and tables with bright-red tablecloths. A single step then transports the visitor from Mexico to Greece. Elegant stone tables serve as outside seating for the wine bar, which is a good entry into the restaurant’s upscale atmosphere. The extensive wine list is presented in a cork binder accompanied by a small, well-chosen menu. At happy hour (weekdays from 5 to 7pm), food goes for $4–$8, four options of wine for $6 and beer for $3. 20 N. Almaden Ave., San Jose; 408.298.9463. (JS)

Tessora’s Barra di Vino Tessora’s Barra di Vino is a fun, noisy, little square of a place. A tall, beautiful display of wines cuts the corner of the left side while the packed bar on the right bursts with laughter from the customers and waitresses. Tessora’s might have a slight list of wine pickings, but the live music and two-page list of food and homemade desserts will make you happy to be there. Sitting inside provides a bit of a buffer for the music playing outside, although there is a tiny little fenced courtyard where you can sit if you want the music as your main attraction. Tessora’s menu describes each of the wines offered by the glass. Tessora’s also offers a small list of nonalcoholic items and beer. “Fondue Fundays” take place every Sunday. What’s not to love about melted cheese and wine? 1875 S. Bascom Ave., Campbell; 408.626.7711. (JS)

Uncorked! While waiting for a table at La Fondue, diners can warm up at Uncorked, a retail wine shop and tasting bar in Saratoga that specializes in Santa Cruz Mountain wines. Uncorked’s mission statement is “fine wines without the attitude,” and it does just that with Wine 101 classes and “meet the winemaker” events. Tasting flights change daily. Fridays and Saturdays usually hit close to capacity. Owner Patrick Rupert has been running the shop and tasting bar for nearly eight years. 14500 Big Basin Way, Saratoga; 408.741.9000. (KB)

Unwined Slip into one of Unwined’s high-seated tables and chairs and peruse the sheet of wine specials, which lists about 10 wines by the glass with 2.5-ounce tastes, glasses and bottles. The menu is comprised of white and red wine flights that can also be ordered as tastes or by the glass. The back page of the menu is dedicated to bites of food. The Marin triple cream brie with fig and orange jam, fresh strawberries and vinaigrette-drizzled walnuts was 21




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;Za^eZ 7j^igV\d


PICKS OF THE CROP Djo!Djo!Xjof!Cbs!jo!Mpt!Hbupt!pggfst!b!àjhiu!pg!xjof!boe!tbnqmfs!qmbuf/

very good, with plenty of wine choices to match. 6946 Almaden Expwy., San Jose; 408.323.WINE. (JS)

Vino Locale Set inside an old house, Vino Locale is a Palo Alto treasure. The living room is the dining area, family room and bar. There’s a surprise around every corner: a bathtub full of corks, wine-bottle vases. The staff does not hover, so one never feels rushed. The 30plus wine list is drawn from local wineries, and the food on the small plates menu is made from scratch with ingredients from local and organic producers. On Thursdays, Vino Locale hosts “mystery flights” night for $15—or free for those who guess right. People still live upstairs, so the bar usually closes early, around 9pm. 431 Kipling St., Palo Alto; 650.328.0450. (KB)

Vintage Wine Merchants The staff at Santana Row’s Vintage Wine Merchants knows its stuff inside and out. With one of the deepest and broadest selections in Silicon Valley, the shop and bar are wine-geek heaven. In spite of all the highbrow wine chatter going on, the vibe is one of friendly curiosity. Anyone who grabs a seat at the small but comfortable bar and orders a glass from the changing selection is bound to learn something new. 377 Santana Row Suite 1135, San Jose; 408.260.1115. (SH)

Wine Affairs The pedestrian-friendly stretch of The Alameda between Interstate 880 and Highway 87 is a perfect location for the wine bar, and Wine Affairs fits right in.

Wine lover Diane Chang-Laurent did what many disaffected tech workers would love to do: ditch the corporate world and go into the wine business. With her husband, Freddy Laurent, Diane opened Wine Affairs two years ago. The wine bar and retail shop concentrates on eclectic and small production wineries one is not likely to find elsewhere. The bar offers 50 wines by the glass dispensed from a high-tech machine that preserves the wines with nitrogen. The lineup of wines changes periodically and allows visitors to try before they buy. 1435 The Alameda, San Jose; 408.977.0111. (SH)

The Wine Room Off bustling University Avenue in downtown Palo Alto lies a squat, Spanishstyle villa discreetly named the Wine Room. Windows wide open, the dimly lit house buzzes with the quiet murmurs of couples sitting at the suave wooden bar and the relaxed chatter of wine lovers in cushioned arms chairs sipping on secrets and fingering elegantly prepared food. A small hallway displaying wine bottles separates the first and second rooms of the house; and the latter is a posher space where the younger crowd gathers. The wine list is minimal and a bit pricier than some places; the food selections veer toward high-end meals rather than tiny bites. Although the wine room advertises flights of wines, there weren’t any offered on the menu. 520 Ramona St., Palo Alto; 650.462.1968. (JS) Stett Holbrook (SH), Jessica Salans (JS) and Kristine Bautista (KB).




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tjmjdpo!wbmmfzĂ–t!hvjef!up!Ă&#x;of!ejojoh Mjwf!Gffe Pebble Beach Food and Wine_29

Sushi Monster 9VkZ 8VWZWZ

Lunch with sushi expert David Plotnikoff leads to superlative Akane in Los Altos By Stett Holbrook

HOW TO TASTE YOUR DRAGON Pof!pg!BlbofĂ–t! dsfbujpot!mpplt!sfbez!up! tubsf!epxo!ejofst/

Akane 6YYgZhh/ '*% I]^gY Hi#! Adh 6aidh# E]dcZ/ +*%#.)&#-&*%# =djgh/&&/(%VbÄ'eb IjZÄ;g^ VcY *Ä.eb IjZÄHVi# 8j^h^cZ/ ?VeVcZhZ# Eg^XZ GVc\Z/ Bdhi hjh]^ *Ä &%#


THOUGHT I knew my way around a sushi bar. I know my uni from my unagi. I know that ordering a California roll is like slapping a “I’m a sushi dummyâ€? bumper sticker on my forehead. But David “Sushi Monsterâ€? Plotnikoff taught me more than a few new tricks. Plotnikoff was a reporter and editor for the San Jose Mercury News from 1986 until 2004, when he got laid off and joined the great pool of cashiered Merc journalists. Suddenly ďŹ nding himself with a lot of free time on his hands, he decided to occupy the lunch hour before he picked up his daughter at school by eating sushi at various restaurants on the peninsula. He ate at a lot of sushi. His lunchtime ramblings grew to such an extent that he got systematic about them and decided to dine at every sushi-ya from Cupertino to Burlingame. Sushi Monster indeed. Plotnikoff is a bit of an extremist. This is a man who has a collection of 600 bottles of hot sauce on his diningroom wall; in his efforts to break his smoking habit, he took up walking and ended up hooďŹ ng it from the U.S./Mexican border to Canada along the PaciďŹ c Crest Trail over the course of several years, walking about 500 miles a year. “The whole idea of moderation is totally lost on me,â€? he says. The result of his extremism is an encyclopedic, one-of-a-kind website

devoted to sushi on the peninsula (www.emeraldlake.com/sushilist.html). The site not only includes reviews of 62 sushi restaurants but also a valuable glossary of sushi terms, some basic sushi bar Japanese, a short history of sushi and a checklist to determine whether you’re at a toprate sushi bar or a sushi assembly line. All the reviews were conducted anonymously, and he visited most restaurants at least twice. Talk about public-service journalism. It’s an extraordinary piece of work, especially since it was done on his own dime. And although Plotnikoff encountered plenty of delicious sushi, he suffered through a lot of bad sushi—and when sushi goes south it’s really bad. “I ate bad tuna so you don’t have to,â€? he says. Although he revised the site four times, it hasn’t been updated since 2008. (Subsequently, he completed a similar guide to Redwood City taquerias). Given the cost of the sushi project, the site probably won’t be updated again, but it’s still a great resource for sushi lovers. Plotnikoff is a purist. He only orders nigiri (sliced ďŹ sh atop a knob of rice) and always sits at the bar to ensure close interaction with the itamae (sushi chef). Flaming, pepperoni-ďŹ lled, macadamia-nut-crusted sushi rolls are not for him. He’s such a sushi geek that before he sets out for a sushi bar, he prints out a seafood order form from IMP that lists that day’s available

ďŹ sh (IMP is the primary ďŹ sh supplier for the Bay Area’s sushi restaurants). Looking at the day’s order form helps him decide what to order and allows him to crosscheck what the sushi bar claims is fresh. At the top of his list is Sakae in Burlingame. He writes: “Of the nearly 100 sushi restaurants I’ve patronized on this side of the PaciďŹ c Rim, nothing outside of Los Angeles beats Sakae. When it comes to providing an orthodox, traditional meal of unparalleled quality, Hiro Endo and Jun Ozawa are still the men to beat. Sakae is the total package—the best ďŹ sh, the best itamae, the broadest selection and the best overall experience.â€? Burlingame is a bit out of my territory, so I decided to have lunch with him at his No. 2 choice, Akane, a rather hidden and unpretentious Japanese restaurant in Los Altos. He calls Akane “my best example of great sushi experiences being built on relationships and trust.â€? Is the restaurant as good as he says? I’ve eaten at my share of sushi restaurants, and I put the restaurant in my top ďŹ ve. We started with an order of sake (salmon, $5). Salmon is one of my favorites, but Plotnikoff ordered it charred. It’s a simple technique that melts the subcutaneous fat in the ďŹ sh and adds a complexity of avor and texture. We ordered the hotate (scallop; $4.50) the same way, but with

the addition of a little lemon juice and sea salt, and it, too, was transformed by the ame into something greater and more delicious. On another visit, I tried the live scallop ($15) prepared three ways, and it was a treat, too. While the sushi owed, the servers reďŹ lled my mug with some great tea. One of the highlights of my visits to Akane was the engawa ($5), the ďŹ n muscle from halibut. It’s a cut you won’t ďŹ nd at lesser sushi bars. It can be sinewy if not expertly handled, but here the chef carefully scored it lengthwise to create a delicate, tender texture and a crisp avor accented with a light dribble of tangy ponzu sauce. My hands-down favorite was the hamachi sunazuri ($7), the fatty belly-cut from hamachi. It tasted like chilled butter and environmentally speaking is a far better option than thankfully soonto-be-banned blue-ďŹ n tuna belly. Although it veered a bit from Plotnikoff’s nigiri orthodoxy, the spicy scallop gunkan maki ($5)—scallops garnished with tobiko, avocado and a little Sriracha hot sauce sitting atop stout little cylinders of well toasted nori and rice—was a satisfying conclusion to some ďŹ ne sushi. Now that the Sushi Monster is no longer stomping across the peninsula I get the feeling that this is where he likes to stop and rest. It’s easy to see why.

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M E T R O 27

28 M E T R O | ON THE MENU | S P R I N G 2 0 1 0


mjwf! gffe Pebble Beach Food And Wine


HE WEST COAST’S biggest-deal food and wine event is coming to Carmel next month. E:77A: 7:68= ;DD9 6C9 L>C: brings the world’s top chefs and winemakers together for four days of over-the-top gastronomic indulgence April 8–11. With tickets starting at $100, the event isn’t cheap, but if high-end food and wine and hobnobbing with brand-name chefs are for you, Pebble Beach is the place to be. The opening-night reception at The Inn on Spanish Bay offers the biggest bang for the buck, with 20 chefs preparing food and 125 top winemakers pouring 200 different wines. Chefs include 6A6>C E6HH6G9 of L’Arpège in Paris, B6H6=6GJ BDG>BDID of Morimoto in New York City, ?68FJ:H EwE>C of Jacques PĂŠpin Inc., 8=6GA:H E=6B of the Slanted Door in San Francisco and ?DC6I=6C L6MB6C of Barbuto in New York City. The wineries are too many to mention. The cost is $225 per person. Following opening night are three more days of wine tasting, cooking demos with the likes of 8=6GA>: IGDII:G! I=DB6H @:AA:G! INA:G ;ADG:C8: and B>C< IH6> and special luncheons and dinners. The grand ďŹ nale dinner on April will feature a seven-course meal prepared by heavyweights LDA;<6C< EJ8@ of Spago, Los Angeles, A6JG:CI IDJGDC9:A of BLT in New York City and H=:GGN N6G9 of Spago at Club XIX at The Lodge at Pebble Beach. The cost? Only $1,250 per person. A la carte pricing for various events starts at $100. For the ďŹ nancially uninhibited, there is an “imperial package,â€? which starts at $4,750 and includes entrance to 14 events, access to chef and winemaker after-hours parties, two premium dinners, endless wine tastings and transportation by event sponsor Lexus. It’s not all about reckless consumption. One thousand dollars of the ticket price will go toward charity. The third annual event ďŹ lled the hole left in the bellies of food and wine lovers when the Masters of Food and Wine event at the nearby Carmel Highlands Hyatt called it quits four years ago after a 20-year run. By all accounts, the Pebble Beach event is bigger and even more decadent than the Masters. For more information go to pebblebeachfoodandwine.com. Stett Holbrook (Twitter.com/SVDining)

EjofsĂ– hvjeft


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M E T R O 29

30 M E T R O | ON THE MENU | S P R I N G 2 0 1 0


EjofsĂ– hvjeft


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All You Can Eat Pork or Beef



Wed.—Fri. 4pm–9pm



Includes: • 2 Side Dishes • Garlic Bread • Bottomless Soda


Rib Eye, New York & Pork Chops Baby Back Ribs • Spare Ribs • Meatballs Tri-Tip • Buffalo Wings • Burgers • Dogs BBQ Chicken • Sandwiches & Salads!

BdgdXXdÉh BdgdXXVc# # BdgdXXdÉh ^h i]Z `^cY d[ gZhiVjgVci Ydlcidlc HVc ?dhZ cZZYh bdgZ d[/ Y^hi^cXi^kZ [ddY Xdd`ZY VcY hZgkZY Wn eZdeaZ l^i] V eZghdcVa ^ckZhibZci ^c XjhidbZg ]Vee^cZhh# BdgdXXdÉh eZghdcVa idjX] ^h Vaa dkZg i]Z gZhiVjgVci# AjcX] &&Vb"(eb Bdc";g^! Y^ccZg *"&&eb Bdc"HVi VcY Hjc *".eb# -+ C# BVg`Zi Hi# )%-#..-#&*%.#

BdgidcÉh HiZV`]djhZ HiZV`]djhZ# # BdgidcÉh! V 8]^XV\d"WVhZY X]V^c d[ gZhiVjgVcih l^i] bdgZ i]Vc -%

15466 Los Gatos Blvd. (Next to Trader Joe’s) Los Gatos • (408) 356-5768 M-F 11am-9pm • Sat. Noon-9pm • Sun. 3pm-8pm





M E T R O 31

32 M E T R O | ON THE MENU | S P R I N G 2 0 1 0

EjofsĂ– hvjeft


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M E T R O 33

34 M E T R O | ON THE MENU | S P R I N G 2 0 1 0

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po!Tvoebz/ sbuft!41!zfbst!pg!qfsgpsnbodft!




South First Friday South First Street, downtown San Jose www.southfirstfridays.com Fri – 8pm till late; free

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Soul Stripper Streetlight Records 980 S. Bascom Ave, San Jose 408.292.1404 Sat – 4pm; free

L]d lVh i]Z ]VX` i]Vi hV^Y i]Vi Vaa d[ 68$98Éh hdc\h XdjaY WZ gZi^iaZY Z^i]Zg ÆAdd` Vi Bn 7^\ DcZÇ dg ÆNdj AdkZ >i L]Zc > 9^X` Ndj! 7VWnÇ4 6cnlVn! i]Z hVi^g^XVa gd\jZ XZgiV^can jcYZgZhi^bViZY i]Z aVhi^c\ VeeZVa d[ h]dgi eVcih VcY ine^XVa 6jhh^Z \ZcYZg eda^i^Xh l]^X] ]VkZ VYVeiZY lZaa! hZZ^c\ Vh hZkZgVa \^ga XdkZg WVcYh VgZ XjggZcian addhZ VcY WgZV`^c\ WVaah ^c XajWh hiViZl^YZ # I]Z ÆHdja Hig^eeZg!Ç l]d idd` 6c\jhÉ ]ZVgi jcYZg Vc daY VeeaZ igZZ VcY i]Zc ejaaZY V `c^[Z dc ]^b ^iÉh ^c É,)Éh Æ?V^aWgZV`Ç ! ^h ]dcdgZY ^c i]^h IVXdbV" VgZV 68$98 XdkZg WVcY# >iÉY WZ gdnVa [jc id \d XViX] i]Z WVg\V^c bVi^cZZ d[ =di IjW I^bZ BVX]^cZ VcY i]Zc gdjcY je i]Z cdhiVa\^V ]ZgZ# Gk7


Abhinaya Dance Company CET Sobrato Center 701 Vine St, San Jose 408.871.5959 Sun – 3pm; $10-$25

L]Zc ldg`^c\ ^c V YVcXZ [dgb l^i] YZZe gddih! adc\Zk^in ]Zaeh# Bni]^aa @jbVg! Vgi^hi^X Y^gZXidg d[ 6W]^cVnV 9VcXZ 8dbeVcn! ]Vh WZZc iZVX]^c\ VcY eZg[dgb^c\ ^c i]Z 7Vn 6gZV [dg (% nZVghÅV h^\cVa VX]^ZkZbZci i]Vi l^aa WZ gZXd\c^oZY ^c ?jcZ l]Zc LdgaY 6gih LZhi egZhZciZY ]Zg l^i] V A^[Zi^bZ 6X]^ZkZbZci 6lVgY Yjg^c\ i]Z HVc ;gVcX^hXd :i]c^X 9VcXZ ;Zhi^kVa# ;dg V \a^behZ Vi l]Vi @jbVg ]Vh VXXdbea^h]ZY! 6W]^cVnV egZhZcih Æ9VcX^c\ 9^k^c^i^ZhÅI]Z :iZgcVa 9VcXZ d[ i]Z <dYh!Ç i]Z XdbeVcnÉh heg^c\ XdcXZgi VcY hijYZci gZX^iVa# I]Z [ZVijgZY eZg[dgbZY ^h eg^cX^eVa YVcXZg GVh^`V @jbVg# BH<

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L.A. Guns VooDoo Lounge 14 S. Second St., San Jose 408.286.8636 Sun – 9pm; $10/$12

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[32] ARTS

MARCH 31-APRIL 6, 2010 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y




‘The Secret of Kells’ illuminates the big screen_36

Towering Drummer Ron E. Beck, who powered Tower of Power, now teaches a new generation of percussionists in San Jose By Angelo Scrofani

BEAT MASTER Spo/!F/!Cfdl!iboemfe! esvn!evujft!gps!Upxfs! pg!Qpxfs!bu!b!3119! dpodfsu!jo!Tbo!Nbufp/


AN JOSE resident and former member of Tower of Power Ron E. Beck is in the studio for a recording session. He is working with a student on a track using what he describes as an unconventional process: lying on the floor on the verge of deep slumber, doing nothing more than listening. Beck appreciates what he is hearing so far. The music is balanced; more importantly, it is in tune with an element he believes is just as important as talent. For him it would be a sin not to play with passion, and that’s something he understands cannot be taught. “I could hear what was developing, and it’s all about emotion, the feel to take it where it wants to go,” he explains. “Any great song that’s written is about the feel. It’s about the story you’re trying to tell and developing that story.” Beck was 19 years old when he first left his home in Omaha, Neb., to venture off and live out his dream of creating music by doing what he loves: playing the drums. Some of his most memorable moments came as a drummer for Tower of Power, an urban soul group from Oakland.

When Beck tried out for the band, in 1975, he admits not realizing how well respected they were as musicians worldwide. “When I first auditioned for the band, I didn’t even know what that meant. It was an opportunity of a lifetime.” Traveling on tour one year, the group made a stop in Japan, and to Beck’s surprise, fans were in the audience cradling banners emblazoned with Tower of Power’s name. People thousands of miles away knew Beck by name; to experience such adoration was a defining moment. Moving to the West Coast, he left behind a four-year scholarship to the University of Nebraska at Omaha, recognizing a life beyond his Midwestern upbringing and knowing that music was his ticket out. “As a drummer, you have the ability to elevate the band,” Beck explains. “You have control of dynamics; first of all, you have control of tempo—it maintains that rhythm. It’s a drummer’s responsibility to take the music where the singer wants it to go. You can have chops, but if you don’t know what your function is in the band, it ain’t working.” Demonstrating the technique,

ability and aptitude, the characteristics he defines as “chops,” is part of what Beck does as an instructor at his Drum Institute in San Jose. His philosophy, however, resides in instilling the significance of humility in his students. He stresses that without it, the consequence of losing focus is all the more apparent. “There’s a responsibility that comes with the notoriety you get,” he recalls, looking back on his own career. “One thing young guys have to remember is, Do not take it for granted. Don’t lose perspective of where you are. Because this stuff could end, and where the end is is up to you.” Beck has made a seamless transition over the last few years having found a new appreciation for music in the act of teaching. It is his way of giving back to the community. He believes that teaching and mentoring young children who are musically inclined will help in channeling their energy through a positive outlet. Beck sees their energy as a resource for him as much as it drives the kids’ own excitement. It reminds him of why drums have been so instrumental to his success. “My method of teaching is to

construct a unique regimen for each one of my students,” Beck says. “The first thing I do is I have a meet-andgreet with my guys and their parents, and I listen to them play. It’s about love; it ain’t about just teaching a guy how to play. I want to share my wealth and experience and give them a perspective on how to deal with this.” Now in his late 50s, Beck has been on a life’s journey with music that has taken him from Europe to Japan to Canada and back to the Bay Area where he is currently working with a 22-year-old drummer hoping to make a name for himself as an artist. Beck understands the struggle; he’s been there himself. “It’s my turn to give it back,” he says. “If I don’t pass the baton, who’s going to run the race?” Beck has reached a moment of reflection through the course of the afternoon. He sets his drumsticks down, sitting up to stretch after stringing together a few notes. “I feel like I’ve accomplished some goals in my life that I’m proud of,” he says. “If I was to die tomorrow, I would have no regrets.” RON E. BECK can be reached at ronebeck@aol.com or 408.832.0283.


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[36] FILM

MARCH 31-APRIL 6, 2010 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y



Animated Illumination

‘The Secret of Kells’: a sacred book, the fury of the Norsemen and a girl who runs with wolves By Richard von Busack


HE SUBJECT of the 75-minute animated film The Secret of Kells is Christendom’s greatest illuminated manuscript. It was, said one chronicler, the work of angels disguised as men. The Book of Kells survived a dozen centuries of war and occupation. Historian Will Durant described it: “Byzantine and Islamic styles of illumination entered Ireland, and for a moment reached perfection there. Here, as in Moslem miniatures, human and animal figures played an insignificant role; none was worth half an initial. . . . The spirit of this art lay in taking a letter or a single ornamental motive . . . and drawing it out with fanciful humor and delight till it almost covered the page.” It is an Irish treasure. Ireland is contained in its Celtic knots and lines, abstracted from the native vines and briars. But other influences and the artists’ tools link the book’s parts farther away; for instance, the blue lapis used as a pigment is reckoned to have come from the lands of the Afghans. The Secret of Kells celebrates the book’s creation as a gift to the world. Young Brendan (voiced by Evan McGuire) is a monk at his uncle’s abbey at Kells in 9th-century Meath. The merciless Viking raiders approach, and the humorless uncle, Abbot Cellach (Brendan Gleeson), is occupied in trying to fortify the monastery: “It is with the strength of our walls that they will learn to respect the strength of our faith.” Brendan is more interested in a

new arrival to the monastery: the aged brother Aidan (Mick Lally), who carries with him the last treasure from his island of Iona in Scotland: a magnificent illuminated manuscript. Aidan takes Brendan as an apprentice, much to the anger of Cellach. When Aidan sends the boy out into the wolf-haunted forest to seek pigments, he encounters a fairy named Aisling (Christen Mooney has one of those cracked, old-young voices you sometimes hear—Marianne Faithfull’s, for instance). The passages with Aisling make this film sing—her own song, sung when Aisling ensorcells a cat, is an unusually lovely Celtic air. The Secret of Kells stresses the book’s importance on its own, rather than because of the Latin gospels it contains. The film is the opposite of the “violence for the sake of Christianity” tale like The Book of Eli. What’s stressed here is art as the hope of civilization, representing something more than life. The love of nature also radiates from this movie. The action takes place at a time when the Christian veneer over pagan Ireland was very thin. The movie is at its best in the woods with its black wolves, their silhouettes as sharp as razors. Aisling herself is able to walk among them and lead them; sweeping her spiraling, ankle-length white hair and bell-bottom tunics, she swirls up and around tall, sacred trees. The Secret of Kells doesn’t get too airy-fairy. When the Vikings turn up to plunder the countryside, their horned helmets and red eyes make them Picasso Minotaurs, marching

in battalions. The curling dragons of their ship helms are seemingly alive and breathing fire—it’s a little touch of Tim Burton. The film resembles pen-and-ink animation, but directors Tomm Moore and Nora Twomey have used digital animation discreetly to fill the screen, to insert visions of microscopic details. They have abstracted the human figures to architectural shapes. Aisling’s hair makes its own labyrinths. The hardheaded Cellach is a human missile, posed against the thick concentric Romanesque windows. The arch-shaped monks, with their knobby Byzantine hands, look ready to fit into their own stained-glass windows. Few animators have worked with this medieval style, if you don’t count Terry Gilliam’s burlesques of old manuscripts in Monty Python and the Holy Grail. Certainly, The Secret of Kells’ overdue release is conclusive proof that 2009 was the finest year in the 106-year-old history of animation. There’s an official theory for this; the upcoming documentary Walking Sleeping Beauty suggests that Disney’s renaissance in the 1980s and the building of CalArts was what triggered the phenomenal year we just enjoyed. It’s an intriguing idea, but the visuals in The Secret of Kells owe more to animators who went to work independently after the 1941 Disney strike. The film recalls the cartoons of John Hubley and UPA of the late 1940s and 1950s, with their Matisselike embrace of flatness, the simplicity

of design, the panels of color and the patterned backgrounds, sometimes glowing through the translucent characters. There’s even a squinting, crabbed old monk who seems to be a tribute to UPA’s biggest star, Quincy Magoo. The UPA style is in the public memory hole now, and I hope that The Secret of Kells will rescue it. In addition to reviving this oncemodern limited animated look, it’s an economical way to make a cartoon. Nevertheless, Moore, Twomey and the rest of the artists at Cartoon Saloon have indeed made something unique. Beyond the good taste, there’s serious talent; they had the humor and freshness to animate the tale of a monk’s death in flashback as a joke of X’d eyes and last gasps. A realistic cat is the hardest animation challenge, and the animators meet it with a beast that glides, cowers and comforts like the real thing; this cat’s face is a simple circled X, and yet it’s very expressive. This tenderness is combined with light-fingered animation—a Daffy Duckish moment of a goose’s reaction to having some plumes plucked for quill pens. The goose’s tiny ordeal may offer up as much of a moral as this terrific film offers: one must suffer a little for the sake of illumination. THE SECRET OF KELLS (Unrated; 75 min.), directed by Tomm Moore and Nora Twomey, written by Moore and Fabrice Ziolkowski, with the voices of Brendan Gleeson and Christen Mooney, opens April 2 at the Los Gatos Cinema and the Aquarius in Palo Alto.

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Reviews by Michael S. Gant and Richard von Busack.

New Clash of the Titans (PG-13) See story at right. (Opens Apr 2.) Hot Tub Time Machine (R) See review on page 38. The Last Song (PG) The Miley Cyrus movie the world has been waiting for. Also stars Greg Kinnear— what more could a cineastĂŠ ask for? (Opens Apr 2.) The Secret of Kells (Unrated; 75 min.) See review on page36. (Opens Apr 2 at Los Gatos Cinema and the Aquarius in Palo Alto.) Why Did I Get Married Too? (PG-13) The latest comedy in the relentlessly proliďŹ c Tyler Perry’s oeuvre. With Perry and Janet Jackson. (Opens Apr 2)

Revivals Dodsworth/Make Way for Tomorrow (1936/1937) Walter Huston plays a retired automobile manufacturer taking his wife (Ruth Chatterton) to Europe in Bosworth. The sophisticates abroad turn the wife’s pretty head, and the estranged husband seeks solace from a widowed expatriate (Mary Astor, who later called this her favorite role). William Wyler directs, from a novel by Sinclair Lewis. BILLED WITH Make Way for Tomorrow. An old Yiddish proverb: a father can support ďŹ ve children, but ďŹ ve children can’t support one father. In Leo McCarty’s devastating drama, it’s both a mother and a father (Victor Moore and Beulah Bond) who have their home foreclosed—and can’t ďŹ nd a new lodging among their children. It’s reportedly the inspiration for Ozu’s Tokyo Story. Despite the camouage of the optimistic title and an ad campaign capitalizing on the actress Barbara Read, who had been in the hit Three Smart Girls, it was not a hit. It has, however, become a cult movie, though, partially because of the energetic championing of the ďŹ lm by Andrew Sarris, partially because of home viewing. As in the case of McCarty’s Love Story and its remake, An Affair to Remember, people can really go to pieces weeping at home, without fear of being rebuked for it. (“Make Way for Tomorrow would make a stone weep,â€? Orson Welles said.) No one, we trust, rebukes you at the Stanford Theatre. (Plays Apr 7-9 in Palo Alto at the Stanford Theatre.) (RvB) Mr. Smith Goes to Washington/Come Live With Me (1939/1941) A Boy Ranger leader (James Stewart) goes to Washington to clean up the Senate, with only his secretary (Jean Arthur) for help. Meanwhile, a chorus of cynics observes and predicts doom. Director Frank Capra has an all-star lineup of cynics: the great character actor Thomas Mitchell, Claude Rains, Eugene Pallette, Guy Kibbee and Edward Arnold (Avarice, Gluttony, Sloth and Wrath—that’s four of the Seven Deadly Sins right there). The ďŹ lm was thundered against by Senate Majority Leader Alben Barkley. Sen. James Byrnes of South Carolina was more speciďŹ c: “Here is a picture that is going to tell the country that 95 out of 96 senators are corrupt, that the federal, state and municipal governments are corrupt; that one corrupt boss can control the press of a state; that the newspapers are corrupt; the radios are corrupt; reporters are corrupt ...â€? (quoted in Joseph McBride’s The Catastrophe of Success). Today’s viewers may be less than shocked by these conclusions. The ďŹ lm’s intimate moments—such as the drunk scene between Mitchell and Arthur, supposedly coached by Howard Hawks—outdo the big patriotic heartstring-pullers like Stewart’s ďŹ libuster, a vague blob of populism. Yet there’s real bravery in this ďŹ lm, and Stewart is still our

M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y MARCH 31-APRIL 6, 2010 FILM fondest dream of a citizen/patriot, especially in these divisive times. BILLED WITH Come Live With Me. Hedy Lamarr stars as an illegal alien, a singer with the stage name “Johnny Jonesâ€? who is going to be deported; Stewart steps in as a low-rent author with a thing for the exotic girl. Clarence Brown directs, with the help of a title swiped from Kit Marlowe. (Plays Apr 3-6 in Palo Alto at the Stanford Theatre.) (RvB) Niles Film Museum Regularly scheduled programs of silent ďŹ lms. Sat, Apr 3: The Shock (1923) with Lon Chaney. A crippled San Francisco criminal underling is sent to spy on a small town bank and soon ďŹ nds the country life redeeming him. And then comes the Earthquake of ’06. Directed by Lambert Hillyer (Dracula’s Daughter). Also: Death’s Marathon (1913). Explaining cinema to a stranger, director Samuel Fuller in Godard’s Pierrot le Fou says, “Film is like a battleground—love, hate, action, violence, death. In one word, emotion.â€? This D.W. GrifďŹ th ďŹ lm has it all, in just under 15 minutes: “Partners in Business and Rivals in Loveâ€? are opposed when decadence sets in, leading to ruin. Title cards without dialogue tell us what we’re seeing, but it’s up to the viewer to interpret the depth of feeling. GrifďŹ th undercuts the actors’ fantods and greases the rails of what could have been a

melodrama. He ďŹ nds moments of clarity and incisiveness in this astonishing early ďŹ lm. The deranged husband (Henry B. Walthall), toying with a pistol as if offering it to the viewer, sits at the beginning of a long tradition of cinema of mixed emotions, surpassing what had mostly come before: struck poses, noble or comic attitudes. To be fair, the marathon of the title (a car chase across town) is sedate, but that kind of automotive cinema would be well developed by everyone from Harold Lloyd to H. B. Halicki, so it all worked out in the end. Also: Splash Yourself (1927). William “One-Shotâ€? Beaudine’s rumpus about a Swede named “Hans OfďŹ tâ€? (Bobby Vernon) who gets a job as a plumber’s helper. Judy Rosenberg at the piano. (Plays Apr 3 at 7:30 in Fremont at the Edison Theatre, 37417 Niles Blvd.) (RvB) Windrider Bay Area Film Forum A local branch of the Windrider Forum at Sundance Film Festival, dedicated to exploring progressive spirituality and social justice in ďŹ lms. The power behind it all is the multidenominational Fuller Theological Seminary (with many branches including one in Menlo Park). Films include: Sympathy for Delicious, Mark Ruffalo’s directorial debut in a story of a promising Los Angeles DJ who becomes paralyzed and embittered—until he’s redeemed by a priest (Ruffalo). Ruffalo




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Here’s to Harry Remake of ‘Clash of the Titans’ evokes thoughts of the great animator Ray Harryhausen


ATURALLY, since Clash of the Titans (1981) was a Ray Harryhausen ďŹ lm, I went to see it ďŹ rst at a drive-in, the Island in Alameda, with some humorous friends and some even funnier cigarettes. Typically poor visuals, but how can I complain? I was the one who insisted we go to a drive-in. A couple of decades later, when Harryhausen came to the Smith Rafael Film Center, I got a better look at his intentions when he screened the original Clash’s best sequence: his tribute to Ernest Haller’s chiaroscuro in Mildred Pierce during the Medusa-slaying scene. In his last ďŹ lm, the legendary Dynamationist wanted to make the lair of Medusa look like Mildred Pierce’s home, with its inky shadows and moonlight-pale highlights. (Can’t watch that ďŹ lm now without thinking that Joan Crawford would have been so much more effective with a wig of live snakes.) I’d missed the import of the ďŹ lm’s full visuals, but did it work, even in bad projection on the unwashed, smog-pitted screen of a moribund drivein? Of course it did. We were fully enthralled. There had been guffaws at the unfortunate clockwork owl Bubo, and Ursula Andress, as always, begged for a touch of the animator’s hand. Then came the scene of Perseus (Harry Hamlin) and his men dry-gulching Medusa, and the guffawing stopped. Director Desmond Davis had Perseus and his soldiers sneaking up on the monster in a demonstration of silent, efďŹ cient squad leading. The lair was a cross between a ruined Greek temple and a forlorn Arkansas reptile zoo. Dank, loudly dripping water and reptilian slithering make up the sounds; Laurence Rosenthal waits to turn up the trans-Danubian spine-tingle music until Medusa slithers in stage left. She’s as big as an anaconda and has a rattlesnake’s tail. She carries a bow and arrow, and she’s a crack shot with it. Twenty-nine years have been kind to most of this ďŹ lm, Harryhausen’s farewell to stop-motion animation. As an animator once told me, there’s no button on the keyboard that says, “Good Taste.â€? Harryhausen’s era consisted of not just a sense of respect for cinematic traditions and ďŹ ne art, but the kind of ďŹ lmmaking that gets denounced as cultural relativity. An introduction for millions of kids to the idea that the world had non-Christians in it, the Harryhausen/Charles Schneer Sinbad movies are unambiguously Muslim. (“Trust in Allah but tie your camel.â€?) Harryhausen was even culturally sensitive enough to note that a believer like Sinbad probably ought not to have had a female ďŹ gurehead on his ship. Of course, in the last major ďŹ lm go-round, in 2003, animators made Sinbad an ancient Greek from Syracuse. How will the producers of the new sequel (unscreened in time for our deadline) ďŹ nesse the strong paganism of Clash of the Titans in this era of religious jitteriness? The spotty track record of director Louis Leterrier (Transporter 2 and The Incredible Hulk) suggests that Clash of the Titans will likely do nothing to disturb the retirement of Harryhausen. He’s still in ďŹ ne possession of his marbles and dismissive, as he gets to be, of 3-D animation as a breakthrough. “We had 3-D in my day, too,â€? he told my former colleague Stephen Whitty. Better than that, in his day they had Ray Harryhausen. Richard von Busack CLASH OF THE TITANS (PG-13; 118 min.), directed by Louis Leterrier and starring Sam Worthington and Liam Neeson, opens April 2.




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Time Tunnel ‘Hot Tub Time Machine’ is the grimiest, funniest movie since ‘The Hangover’


LOVE low comedy. In moments of exaltation, it celebrates the freedom of humans from the will of God and the requirements of nature that the base clown will be ground underfoot. Hot Tub Time Machine wallows in its idiocy with a beautiful, high-concept narrative gag—promoted with the solemn Craig Robinson, showing all necessary Spielbergian awe at the phenomenon. Happily, the phenom is scientifically explained. Citing that explanation would count as a spoiler; but no, it wasn’t all a dream. Three depressed middle-aged men gather for a ski trip reunion. One, Nick (Robinson), is a dog groomer who once harbored some hopes as a musician. The bald-headed satyr Lou (Rob Corddry) has just been rescued from an apparent suicide attempt, which may have just been mere drunken idiocy. The newly broken-hearted Adam (John Cusack) packs up the car with his two old buddies and his 24-year-old nephew, Jacob (Clark Duke), a depressed middle-aged man in training. While hot-tubbing, they’re Jacuzzi-whirled through a time portal to an evening of sex and drugs they spent in the haut-Reagan era. The world of 1986 sees them as if they were young men. Jacob, who rightly believes that he wasn’t born yet and shouldn’t exist, is fading in and out of sight. Cusack gives the film soul, as in a moment when he is caught, baked on psychedelic mushrooms, writing love poetry. Director Steve Pink previously wrote the script that Americanized High Fidelity; that was the film that launched Jack Black, just as this film is bound to launch Duke, a soft-looking but razor-tongued comedian. Corddry’s comedic timing is murderous, even in spitballed semi-improv moments. Cusack and Corddry do things here that you’re certain you’ll still be laughing about 10 years from now. Hot Tub Time Machine doesn’t get mired in nostalgia jokes, and Pink and company make up for an unkindness done to Chuck Berry by Back to the Future in Robinson’s musical numbers. Speaking of Back to the Future raises the question of how much Hot Tub Time Machine yearns for an idealized past. The film, however, doesn’t completely lionize the 1980s. There is a line that goes, “This isn’t the time of free love, it’s of Reagan and AIDS”—with justice, the script links these two different disasters. Is this time-travel comedy really about women returning to trad roles? I’m unsure. There isn’t a bad female performance in the film. Lizzy Caplan shows the most spirit as an entertainment reporter coming through town fast. The four men are all walking-wounded types, hurt by women. Adam takes a plastic fork to the face, an incident reflecting the dining-related tragedy that ruined his life when he was a kid. The idea that women control the happiness of men is one kind of respect for their power, but the series of little emasculations is reversed, just like time’s arrow. Sadly, even in the craziest comedies there’s no room for the funny yet soulful woman who might have wanted to see some improvement in her life since the old days. That’s the difference between men and women in this comedic field, as far as female feelings and male feelings go. Comedy is what happens to them; tragedy is what happens to us. Richard von Busack HOT TUB TIME MACHINE (R), directed by Steve Pink, written by Josh Heald, Sean Anders and John Morris, photographed by Jack N. Green and starring John Cusack, Craig Robinson and Rob Corddry, opens March 26.

Showtimes for all the local theaters are available online 24/7 at www.movietimes.com



will be on hand. The opening documentary After the Storm concerns a group of actors coming to the rescue of Katrina sufferers. John Hindman’s The Answer Man has Jeff Daniels as a renowned pop theologian who has secret doubts; Lauren Graham and Nora Dunn co-star. Special guest: Ralph Winter (producer of the X-Men series and Star Trek 3-6). (Plays Apr 8-10 in Menlo Park at the Menlo-Atherton Performing Arts Center; www. windriderbayarea.org.) (RvB)

Reviews Alice in Wonderland (PG; 109 min.) The Alice-like Coraline by Henry Selick, with its tiny locked chambers and prowling sardonic cat, still feels like magic. Tim Burton’s Alice in Wonderland is more of a fashion show and a forced march. Screenwriter Linda Woolverton (Beauty and the Beast) is sensibly trying to do a Wicked on the famous tale, complete with rivalry between witchy queens: the Red Queen (Helena Bonham Carter) and the ghostly yet sugary White Queen (Anne Hathaway). The now 19-year-old Alice (Mia Wasikowska) is meant to quest for good in “Underland,” a place she misremembered as Wonderland. A touch of romance arises between her and the Mad Hatter (Johnny Depp). Depp’s marvelous flexibility comes through clearly, through the unsettling makeup. I’m a helpless Burton fan, but the colors here aren’t state of the art, and compared to Coraline’s solitude and thoughtfulness the finale turns out to be familiar dragon slaying; ultimately, it’s not just Alice who has been here before. (RvB) Chloe (R; 96 min.) Doubting the fidelity of her husband (Liam Neeson), a Toronto gynecologist (Julianne Moore) hires an expensive prostitute (Amanda Seyfried) to find out just how virtuous he is. Titillating movies are fair game for critics, but Atom Egoyan’s remake of 2003’s Nathalie ... by Anne Fontaine (Coco Before Chanel) is honestly seductive and sports acting way above the demands of erotica. Egoyan celebrates both the golden side and the brassy side of Seyfried, the glow and the calculation; here is Florentine beauty and a bit of Warner Bros. 1933. Egoyan lets Seyfried go large in the last scenes, and the young actress is up to it. Moreover, the movie gives Moore something to sink her fine teeth into. Expect a little starchy condemnation of Chloe as a male fantasy—though perhaps there are a few women who could handle the trysting here. (RvB) Crazy Heart (R; 111 min.) Jeff Bridges is the draw in Scott Cooper’s typical softball Sundancian exercise. It’s a belly-baring role for this terrific actor, playing Bad Blake, a morose satyr of an outlaw musician. He travels via an ancient 1978 Chevy Suburban and slaps together sets with pickup bands. In his few sober moments, Blake lives with the humiliation of having been commercially surpassed by a country superstar named Billy Sweet (Colin Farrell), who was once one of his backup musicians. Touring in Santa Fe, Bad meets a newspaper reporter named Jean (Maggie Gyllenhaal), who lets Bad pick her up. Despite the credited input by T-Bone Burnett, none of the tunes are really memorable, but you sink into them anyway, and the encircling camera gives the scenes some rhythm. What integrity Crazy Heart doesn’t borrow from Bridges it picks up from the glorious wide-open-spaces cinematography by Barry Markowitz (Sling Blade). (RvB) The Ghost Writer (PG-13, 128 min.) Roman Polanski’s freezerburned comedy/thriller concerns former British Prime Minister Tony Blair, excuse me, Adam Lang (Pierce Brosnan), who has settled in a ghoulish modernist bunker of a seaside house to finish up his memoirs. The witty script has it that the PM got a $10 million advance for an absolutely unpublishable book. Enter a hired writer named the Ghost

(Ewan McGregor). Meanwhile, the PM’s sexy shrew of a wife, Ruth (Olivia Williams), noses out her husband’s affair with his assistant (Kim Cattrall). One admires how much Polanski got out of two TV hobgoblins like Cattrall and Jim Belushi, as a swinish publisher who conducts himself like Lex Luthor. The surprise in this plot is revealed through some expertly played Boston Brahmin threat by Tom Wilkinson. Yet The Ghost Writer is a typical old director’s movie: slow, morbid, never quite sexy enough and full of self-reference. Trapping us in the house is a classic maneuver of Polanski; leaving us there is something like an act of forgetfulness. (RvB) The Girl on the Train (Unrated; 105 min.) It is not clear what holds the new André Téchiné film together besides craft and velocity. The story is about a pretty, shallow young girl and the national scandal she causes and is based on a true story. A girl goes to the police after being manhandled on

a commuter train by a group of Jew haters. Upon investigation, the incident turns out to be not what it seemed initially. Jeanne (Émilie Dequenne) is the careless daughter of a single mother, Louise (Catherine Deneuve). Jeanne gets involved with a fascinating but untrustworthy student named Franck (Nicolas Duvauchelle). Jeanne’s legal trouble calls forth a beautiful mind in a homely body, M. Bleistein (Michel Blanc), a renowned Jewish civil rights lawyer. In his army days, Bleistein had known Louise and had a mad crush on her. The film’s primary motif is the speed of trains. Téchiné tracks the sensuality of Jeanne as she races through the bike paths or along the Seine on roller blades, red hair flying. Téchiné explores a generation gap: two ways of seeing the way the world works. Like Louis Malle, Téchiné comes down in favor of the instantaneous, breathless approach to life. The second half of the film, ultimately, looses this urgency, even with provocative cutting. (RvB)






Bigger Than Life A Nicholas Ray classic is restored


LMOST 60 years on, the demon drug of Nicholas Ray’s 1956 medical drama Bigger Than Life appears well tamed. After all, who nowadays abuses cortisone? But as James Mason’s Ed Avery, a quintessential, bow-tie-wearing mild-mannered schoolteacher starts popping more and more of the thenexperimental drug in order to combat the crippling pain of a rare disease, he exhibits signs of megalomania verging on what we know call “roid rage.â€? The unintended but useful connection to the deleterious side effects of steroids is echoed in Ed’s intense nostalgia for his one moment of glory as a second-string high school football player—an athletic achievement that he hopes to replicate in his hapless young son, Richie (Christopher Olsen), in a backyard coaching session that makes Woody Hayes look like Mr. Rogers. At ďŹ rst, Ed’s mood takes a turn for the better as the cortisone kicks in; he’s more voluble and expansive—he even starts smoking. Some of his damped-down desires to be a kind of Superman (via Nietszche, not DC Comics) are freed. Soon, however, he teeters into mania, dragging Richie and his worried but weirdly docile wife, Lou (Barbara Rush), off on a shopping expedition that outstrips his modest salary. (Ordering both wife and saleswomen around, Ed eerily anticipates James Stewart’s obsessive makeover of Kim Novak in Vertigo.) But Ed isn’t really changing; he is actually becoming more and more his inner self. A telling subplot at the beginning covers the family’s tenuous hold on the middle class, as the underpaid teacher secretly moonlights as a cab driver to make ends meet. In the fullness of his unleashed persona, Ed delivers an excoriating and amusing speech at parents’ night about the woes of modern schooling: “Childhood is a congenital disease. And the purpose of education is to cure it. We’re breeding a race of moral midgets.â€? Most of the parents are shocked, although a few salute his candor. Eventually, Ed exhibit the traits of a virtual psychotic, abusing both wife and child, until ďŹ nally he conceives of himself as Abraham called upon by God to sacriďŹ ce his offspring—at which point medical science and the censors intervene for a happy ending the narrative has been pointing away from for 90 minutes. Mason, who produced the ďŹ lm, gives a scary performance as the bad dad, although it just doesn’t make quite make sense to conceive of the plummy-voiced English actor as an all-middle-American teacher. Rush’s wife is understanding to a fault—always willing to wait a few more days to call the family doctor even when Ed starts eyeing the kitchen knives. As the family friend, Walter Matthau’s comic tics are merely distracting. The ďŹ lm’s impact comes from Ray and cinematographer Joseph MacDonald’s use of color CinemaScope to create an atmosphere of domestic horror on an almost epic scale. As Ed grows more frenzied, the camera sits lower and lower, casting deep shadows on the walls of the Averys’ house. We are reduced to the cringing perspective of Richie as he sees Ed looming over him like a patriarchal tyrant. In the climax, Lou’s red dress is matched with the red gilt on the top edge of the bible that Ed sees as a source of murderous salvation. In these scenes, Ray brutally strips away the facade of the suburban ’50s family unit. This Criterion print is, as always, beautifully restored; the disc comes with a commentary track by author Geoff Andrew (The Films of Nicholas Ray), a somewhat tendentious 1977 interview between Ray and ďŹ lm critic Cliff Jahr, a insightful tribute by novelist Jonathan Lethem, a featurette with Ray’s widow Susan and a booklet with a critical essay by B. Kite. Michael S. Gant


The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo (Unrated; 152 min.) Stieg Larsson’s book is the hottest thing going in mysteries right now, and thankfully, director Niels Arden Oplev and screenwriters Nikolaj Arcel and Rasmus Heisterberg recognized that more important than any of the hype swirling around the book is the protagonist at its center, Lisbeth Salander. She is the girl with the dragon tattoo, and she’s maybe the best ďŹ ctional character to come around yet this century. Swedish actress Noomi Rapace is absolutely incredible in her ability to bring Lisbeth to life. She is a force of nature, pure and simple. Lisbeth is hired to dig up dirt on Mikael (Michael Nyqvist) but ends up helping him investigate the disappearance many years ago of Harriet, heiress to a creepy, feuding family of millionaires. Though it may use the U.S. title, the movie doesn’t shy away from the book’s unrelenting critique of the violence that society allows men to perpetuate against women, and though the scenes with certain unsavory characters may have been cut down in number, they are still surprisingly graphic. Luckily, Lisbeth is womankind’s ultimate revenge fantasy come true—sooner or later, her boots are gonna walk all over absolutely everyone. (SP) Green Zone (R; 115 min.) As U.S. Army Chief Warrant OfďŹ cer Roy Miller, Matt Damon roars around Baghdad in March 2003 looking for WMD sites. His instructions were vetted by a source called “Magellan,â€? whose info is ďŹ ltered through a State Department wonk (Greg Kinnear). Damon locks eyes with a CIA agent (Brendan Gleeson) who is entertaining similar doubts about the mission. In the ďŹ eld, Miller trails a Saddamite general, Al Rawi (Yigal Naor). Watching Miller watch Al Rawi is a black ops ďŹ gure (Jason Isaacs). Director Paul Greengrass executes Green Zone with the same visual technique as in his two Bourne movies. The problem is that it’s almost

impossible to reconcile a depressing war with smash-mouth action, at least while the war still rages. (RvB) Greenberg (R; 107 min.) Writer/director Noah Baumbach (The Squid and the Whale) is back after a three-year hiatus with another character study. A dysfunctional, emotionally unbalanced 40-something in full-on midlife crisis, Greenberg (Ben Stiller), to be blunt, is an asshole. He makes the nearly two hours we spend with him an unpleasant, disquieting experience, but Baumbach wouldn’t have it any other way. Roger Greenberg, a one-time musician down on his luck, arrives in Los Angeles from New York City after a sixweek stay in a mental institution. He plans to housesit for his more successful brother, Phillip (Chris Messina), and Phillip’s wife, Carol (Susan Traylor), while they go on vacation. Greenberg runs into the recently divorced Beth (Jennifer Jason Leigh), an old girl friend. While Greenberg tries to reconnect with a distant Beth, he strikes up a halting, hesitant relationship with his brother’s personal assistant, Florence Marr (Greta Gerwig). Baumbach fails to make Greenberg anything except an unpleasant, unlikeable character. (MV) The Hurt Locker (R; 131 min.) The soldiers of Bravo Company are stationed in Baghdad for the 2004 ďŹ ghting. Central to the ďŹ lm is the mystery of Staff Sgt. James (Jeremy Renner) who comes in to replace a slaughtered demolition expert. James’ risk-taking amazes and angers his subordinate, Sgt. Sanborn (Anthony Mackie). The suspenseful, grimly funny script is by coproducer Mark Boal. Renner is outstanding as the inhumanly brave demolition expert. Director Kathryn Bigelow does what Howard Hawks would do: she ďŹ nds the cooperation between men of great competence in a killing trade, rather than pumping up rivalry. Bigelow breaks through the sense of anonymity that characterizes most Iraq war

movies, where helmeted men move alike and talk the same terse slang. However, The Hurt Locker takes an essentially knightly view of the war, of men suiting up and closing their visors. Thus this is the ďŹ rst Iraq ďŹ lm an American audience can feel good about. Boal’s script does discover the hollow inside the brave James: the missing part that made him never stop to realize why he did his job. That ďŹ nal revelation is smart ďŹ lmmaking. It’s just that the hollow inside this movie—inside almost all war movies, even the good ones— isn’t as easily seen. If war is a drug, as The Hurt Locker claims, who’s pushing it? (RvB) The Runaways (R; 105 min.). The scene that sticks in the memory is Dakota Fanning’s Cherie Currie dancing, sort of, at a high school talent show to David Bowie’s “Lady Grinning Soulâ€?; it has the best music in the ďŹ lm, it scopes the judgment of a row of scornful Valley girls and the mixed emotions of the teachers watching, alarmed but touched by Currie’s raw need. Fanning’s take on Currie as unformed and modest of talent, ripe for the exploitation, is matched against her friendship (with beneďŹ ts) with Kristen Stewart’s Joan Jett, a focused, daring professional even at a young age. This biopic of a minor all-girl band of the 1970s makes the case for them as pioneers. Jett had that credibility, but the second best song in this ďŹ lm, “Bad Reputation,â€? not only comes over the credits but is better used in the upcoming Kick-Ass and came out after the Runaways were ďŹ nished as a band. Unfortunately, producer Kim Fowley (played as a double-dealing psycho by Michael Shannon) might not be far off the mark in describing the group as novelties. (RvB) Shutter Island (R; 138 min.) In 1954, two federal marshals, Teddy and Chuck (Leonardo DiCaprio, Mark Ruffalo), are sent to a Skull Island–like promontory in Boston harbor. They match wits with the lord of the place: Dr. Cawley (Ben Kingsley). We can’t tell the staff from the inmates without their uniforms. Bad storm, check; power outage, check; escaped lunatic, check. The traditions are honored: nightmare sequences, statues ickering in lightning and visits to Teddy by the ever-more persistent ghost of his dead wife, Dolores (Michelle Williams). It’s all laid out with panache, if with stagy chunks of backstory. It’s an entertaining throwback, not a step forward. (RvB)

For showtimes, advance tix and more, go to


Best Theaters -- SJ Merc, Metro & Wave Readers Always Plenty of Free Validated Parking All Sites Seniors & Kids $6.75 / Students $7.50 • * = No Passes $7 b4 6pm M-F / 4pm S-S, Holidays • = Final Week = Presented in Sony 4K Digital (C7 only) • Pruneyard/Campbell • 559-6900 • Pruneyard/Campbell • 559-6900 *THE CLASH OF THE TITANS 3D (PG-13) *HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON in 3D (PG) *GREENBERG (R) GHOST WRITER (PG-13) THE GIRL WITH THE DRAGON TATTOO (NR) ALICE IN WONDERLAND (in 2D) (PG) *CHLOE (R) THAIS (Opera in HD)--Sun at 11am/Wed at 7pm

• 41 N. Santa Cruz • 395-0203 *THE SECRET OF KELLS (NR) *HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON (in 2D) (PG)



BIGGER THAN LIFE; one disc; Criterion Collection; $39.95




MARCH 31-APRIL 6, 2010

South FIRST FRIDAYS an eclectic evening of arts and culture in downtown San Jose’s SoFA District (and beyond) on the First Friday of every month

APRIL 2nd ART WALK - 8pm ’til late

Anno Domini

Art Glass Center

Caffé Trieste


366 So. First Street

465 So. First Street

315 So. First Street

510 So. First Street

Cloud Empire debut solo exhibition of Dimitri Drjuchin

Lionel Chapital explores the experience of African women in his live torchworking demonstrations during the art walk at the Art Glass Center of San Jose. Kisima carries a vessel of water, held precious and valuable in the dry areas of that continent. Lori Peterson will create various flowers in soft glass as a preview to the Glass Flower Show coming in May.

Opening Reception: Venice Squared A Photographic Comparison of Venice, Italy and Venice, California by John Eric Paulson, Master Photographer. First Fridays are Opera Night at Caffé Trieste, with some of the Bay Area's best opera singers performing your favorite arias and duets.

The gallery is closed for installation of the 12th Annual Latino Art Auction opening, April 14, 2010. Check out the black box for free MACLA performances. I’m Still Jenny from the Block: A tribute to Latina pop stars featuring TurboMex video party, resident drag queen Donna Persona and sidewalk fire eater Ram Shackle Nicolas.

Drjuchin is an artist/musician who was born in Moscow, but grew up making images and sounds in New York City. His art is a hyperdimensional machine that invokes creatures who come bounding forward with affection and recklessness. Live music by Jhameel.

San Jose Museum of Quilts & Textiles 520 So. First Street In the Main Galleries: Poetic License: The Art of Joan Schulze is a retrospective of the prolific 40year career of innovative Bay Area collage artist Joan Schulze. Also on view: Navajo Weaving in the Present Tense: The Art of Lucy and Ellen Begay, a rare collection of a remarkable body of work by two contemporary Navajo weavers, a mother and daughter, whose work is deeply rooted in the traditional lifestyle they still lead. Above image (detail): Dinner at Eight by Joan Schulze

More Exhibitions: Phantom Galleries 386 & 388 So. First Street WORKS San José 451 So. First Street Downtown Yoga Shala 450 So. First Street

SLG Art Boutiki & Gallery

So. First Billiards

KALEID Gallery

420 So. First Street

88 So. Fourth Street

Good Karma Vegan Café 37 So. First Street

577 So. Market Street

Bringing Back The Color! an art exhibit celebrating color. showcasing four artists who know how to use color to its full potential. They will show you how beautiful color can be.

7-9pm Opening Receptions:

Metro Photo Exhibit 550 So. First Street

Wanda new paintings by Kurtis Rykovich. A tribute to Breast Cancer survivors and casualties.

Art Ark 1035 So. Sixth Street

GIANT MONSTERS!!!!! - SLG Art Boutiki shows off art from one of it's new graphic novels, Doris Danger Giant Monster Adventures. Live music and live drawing, all in the swankiest spot on Market Street! Live music by Boozewhackers.

Speaking Lines stories about people and their places by Kate Saturday.A chair, table and drawing materials will be provided. To read a story is to tell a story.

The South FIRST FRIDAYS art walk is FREE and open to the public!

visit www.SouthFirstFridays.com or call 408-271-5155 for more info


[42] MUSIC

MARCH 31-APRIL 6, 2010 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y



Blowfly_47 Los Tigres del Norte_49

Beat Poet ;Za^eZ 7j^igV\d

Whiskey Avengers and Trash Kannon drummer ‘The Guch’ has become one of the South Bay’s top percussionists By Beau Dowling

B STICKING TO IT! Lfwjo!Ijhvdij!xbout!! up!cf!bt!wfstbujmf!! bt!qpttjcmf/!

EST KNOWN as beat keeper for Whiskey Avengers, who with their populist and thoroughly boozed-soaked folkpunk are San Jose’s answer to the Pogues, Kevin Higuchi’s style doesn’t scream “highbrow.” But the 31-year-old JapaneseAmerican drummer’s long dreads, goofy faked mug shots online and nickname “The Guch” may mislead anyone who doesn’t know him as one of the most versatile percussionists in the South Bay scene. His technique varies from the reggae-rock of local fixture Insolence to the punk rock of his newest band, Trash Kannon. He played behind Gilroy’s hip-hop fusion group Salmon and in Neosoreskin, as well as the Bad Brains cover band Regulator. “I like to be a chameleon,” says Higuchi. And his first love? Jazz. Having taken up the drums at age 6, he discovered Chick Corea, John Coltrane and Miles Davis thanks to tapes made for him by St. Brunel Junior High School band director Randy Tyler. By 19, he had entered and won the regional level of a drum competition, where he met Dinah Gretsch of Gretsch Drums. From there, he attended NAMM

(National Association of Music Merchants) shows and started rubbing elbows with some of the greats. “There were all these drummers walking around at this thing,” he says. “People like Dennis Chambers; these ’90s fusion-jazz professional drummers that were just the cats back then. Dinah had endorsed this drummer named Vinnie Colaiuta, and he’s amazing. Dinah introduced me to Vinnie at the drum competition, and I said to myself, ‘This is one of the types of cats I want to be.’ But chasing a dream as a jazz drummer is ridiculous. Especially out here in San Jose; there’s no jazz scene.” While still in high school, Higuchi noticed that most of his friends were putting garage bands together. While at San Jose State University, he was gigging with bands on the side. “I still wanted to be a drummer, but my parents said, ‘You still need to get a degree. We don’t care what you get your degree in, just get the piece of paper.’ What could I correlate to my approach in music? Music is about creating something. What could I do? Performance art? I started reading a little bit more; I had to, in college. I realized you could actually do that in writing. You can be artistic and create things; make it awkward,

then make it cool. So, I went into journalism.” During his second year of college, Higuchi was playing with Salmon, which did some shows with Insolence. It turned out to be a turning point in his career. “When Salmon broke up, I was willing to take a break and thought that I would just focus on school and get the shit done,” he remembers. “On the third day of spring semester, Insolence called me and asked me to audition. They had fired their drummer, and it was the drummer’s practice space. So I auditioned at Billy Rosenthal’s, a.k.a. Mecha 1’s mom’s house, on his brother’s drumset.” Insolence was signed to Maverick Records at the time and had just gotten back from a tour in Japan. They liked what they heard and asked Higuchi to join the band. The only catch? “I had to tell my parents I was dropping out of school. I lived with them at the time, and I remember driving home from Billy’s house and thinking, ‘How the hell am I going to tell my parents I’m dropping out of school to play music?’ My parents’ reaction was, ‘What do you think?’ I said, ‘Give me five years.’” Despite leaving Maverick Records and troubles with Warner Bros. Japan, Insolence is working on a

new album. But that’s not enough for Higuchi. He got hooked up with Whiskey Avengers after meeting Clint Slick through Language Arts Crew. “We started getting more people involved, and it took on a life of its own,” he says. “People started to really react to it in a local sense. The amazing thing about this band is we just crank out music. Besides that, I’m involved in a punk band called Trash Kannon and a jazz trio. It’s what I’ve decided: I have to try to do everything. I try to be as versatile as possible, and hopefully it’ll pay off.” For Higuchi, what it really comes down to is playing so other people can enjoy it. “I don’t make music for myself; I don’t do it to get my rocks off. I already know I can play my instrument. I like playing it for people who can appreciate the technicality and the artistry of it. I feel I could play drums till the day I die. This is the path that was chosen for me. If I fought it, it’d be pointless.” KEVIN HIGUCHI plays with TRASH KANNON Thursday (April 1) at 8:30pm at the VooDoo Lounge, 14 S. Second St., San Jose. Tickets are $8. (408.286.8636). WHISKEY AVENGERS play April 16 at 9pm at the VooDoo Lounge; $5.

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8 ?Éh Hedgih 7Vg I]j/ @VgVd`Z# L^i] BZa^hhV



MARCH 31-APRIL 6, 2010



MARCH 31-APRIL 6, 2010 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y


Nvtjd mjtujoht



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:a Idg^id ;g^! -"&&eb/ L^aY C^\]ih @VgVd`Z# '.*% AV`Zh^YZ 9g! HVciV 8aVgV! )%-#,',#))'+#

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I]Z <ddhZidlc Adjc\Z ;g^"Hjc! ./(%eb"&/(%Vb/ @VgVd`Z# &%,' A^cXdac 6kZ! L^aadl <aZc! )%-#'.'#)-(*#

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PRETTY FLY FOR A CAPED GUY Cmpx├аz!dfmfcsbuft!


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DbZ\V GZhiVjgVci

E^dcZZg HVaddc

LZY! ;g^! HVi! .eb" &/(%Vb/ L^i] 9dj\# .*' :# :a 8Vb^cd! HjccnkVaZ! )%-#,(-#..*,#

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&'&) 6edaad LVn! HjccnkVaZ! )%-#,('#'&&%#

GZY HiV\ Adjc\Z Dc\d^c\! ./(%eb"'Vb/ @VgVd`Z# &,&& L# HVc 8Vgadh Hi! HVc ?dhZ! )%-#'.'#+,,,#

GZY^ Gddb I]j! .eb"&Vb/ @VgVd`Z#



[48] MUSIC

MARCH 31-APRIL 6, 2010 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y

Suzanne Westenhoefer

Nvtjd mjtujoht


L^i] ?dhZe]# )()% BddgeVg` 6kZ! HVc ?dhZ! )%-#'*,#,,,%#

Gdh^Z BX8VccÉh IjZ! -/(%"&&/(%eb/ @VgVd`Z# Cd XdkZg# (** HVciVcV Gdl! &%+%! HVc ?dhZ! )%-#'),#&,%+#




GjYnÉh EjW


LZY! &%eb"&/(%Vb/ L^i] 9? EjgeaZ# &&, Jc^kZgh^in 6kZ! EVad 6aid! +*%#('.#%.''#

7VX` 7Vg

8ajW EVabh

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7adlÒh] Hjh]^ LZY"HVi/ 9?h VcY YVcX^c\# (** HVciVcV Gdl! HVc ?dhZ! )%-#()*#(-)-#

7ajZ E]ZVhVci

IjZ! &%eb"XadhZ/ @Vb^`VoZ @VgVd`Z# -* H# HZXdcY Hi Vi HVc ;ZgcVcYd! HVc ?dhZ! )%-#'-+#'(.,#

IjZ"Hjc! ,eb"XadhZ/ 9? VcY YVcX^c\# 7^\ WVcY! hl^c\! È*%h! È+%h! È,%h VcY È-%h# Cd XdkZg# ''&%% HiZkZch 8gZZ` 7akY! 8jeZgi^cd! )%-#'**#((%%#

H]ZglddY >cc

7gVc]Vb Adjc\Z

HVc ?dhZ 7Vg <g^aa

I]j! ;g^! -/(%eb/ JcXaZ 9dj\^Z H]dl# '.-- 6abVYZc :meln! HVc ?dhZ! )%-#'++#')-%#

H]ddiZgh 7Vg <g^aa I]j! ./(%eb"&/(%Vb/ @VgVd`Z# ,+. C BVi]^aYV 6kZ! HjccnkVaZ! )%-#,(-#',-,#

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Hdji] ;^ghi 7^aa^VgYh 8ajW VcY Adjc\Z Hjc/ @VgVd`Z# )'% H# ;^ghi Hi! HVc ?dhZ! )%-#'.)#,-%%#




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6aWZgidÉh LZY! ,/(%eb/ AVi^c# 7VX]ViV aZhhdch Vi ,/(%eb0 hdX^Va YVcXZ Vi ./(%eb# L^i] EVciZV# IjZ VcY I]j/ HVahV L^i] EVciZV# AZhhdch Vi ,/&%eb [dg WZ\^ccZgh VcY -/&*eb [dg ^ciZgbZY^ViZ# 9VcX^c\ Vi ./(%eb# HVi/ AVi^c C^\]i# GZ\\VZidc! XjbW^V! bZgZc\jZ VcY bdgZ# Hjc"Bdc! *eb/ IVc\d# 6g\Zci^cZ hinaZ# ,(+ L# 9VcV Hi! BdjciV^c K^Zl! +*%#.+-#(%%,#

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;^gZ]djhZ <g^aa

I]Z KZcjZo


9VH^akVÉh 7gdcXdh

;g^! HVi/ 8ajW ;B# &*+ H# Bjge]n 6kZ! HjccnkVaZ! )%-#,).#-(,(#

LZY! ./(%eb/ GdX` 7VcY @VgVd`Z C^\]i# *' H# ;^ghi Hi! HVc ?dhZ! )%-#'--#-*&-# Hjc! (",eb VcY IjZ! LZY! -eb"&/(%Vb/ @VgVd`Z# (*)+ ;adgV K^hiV 6kZ! HVciV 8aVgV! )%-#'))#+.%.#

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9Vc 7gdlcÉh Hedgih 7Vg

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BZai JaigV Adjc\Z I]j/ E^c` I]jghYVn# 9?h he^c ]djhZ! Ide )%! bVh]"jeh! YVcXZ! ,%h VcY -%h! XaVhh^X G 7 VcY ]^e"]de# Cd XdkZg# ;g^! HVi/ 9?h 9Vc LVaaVXZ VcY 9Vk^Y 9# &% XdkZg V[iZg &%eb# *)) :bZghdc Hi! EVad 6aid! +*%#('*#+(*-#

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BdjciV^c 8]VgaZnÉh LZY! ,eb"'Vb/ =djhZ EVgin# I]j! ,eb"'Vb/ I]gdlWVX` I]jghYVnh# &* C# HVciV 8gjo 6kZ! Adh <Vidh! )%-#(.*#---%#

;g^! HVi/ DaY HX]dda# 8aVhh^X I]j/ 9?h VcY 9VcX^c\# ;g^! i]gdlWVX`h# (- C# BV^c Hi! HVi/ A^kZ WVcYh VcY 9?h# &%.% B^ae^iVh! )%-#'+'#%&..# :a 8Vb^cd GZVa! BZcad EVg`! +*%#(',#-,+.# I]Z =ji LZY! &%eb/ 8daaZ\Z C^\]i# 7g^m ('%% I]Z 6aVbZYV! HVciV LZY! .eb"'Vb/ L]^e >i Dji 8aVgV# LZYcZhYVnh# K? b^m^c\# I]j/ =jcigZhh I]jghYVnh# K? HjZ >`ZÉh Adjc\Z b^mZh# ;g^/ >c[Zgcd ;g^YVnh# ;g^"HVi! ./(%eb"XadhZ/ BddY ;ZVijg^c\ K? ?dZa# HVi/ Hl^c\h# L^i] gdiVi^c\ 9?h# H^c[ja HVijgYVnh# K? HjZ# Cd XdkZg# (%,* 9g^[ilddY 9g! Cd XdkZg# Hjc! .eb"'Vb/ HVc ?dhZ! )%-#(,.#,&(,# 8]^aa HjcYVnh# K? HjZ# Bdc/ BVgVi]dc BdcYVnh# K? he^ch >haVcY <g^aa$7VbWdd [gdb .eb"'Vb# IjZ/ IV`Z ^i Adjc\Z D[[ IjZhYVnh# L^i] K? HjZ! ;g^"HVi/ =di 9? c^\]ih# VbViZjg \d"\d XdbeZi^i^dc# 8aVg^dc =diZa HVc ?dhZ (). H# ;^ghi Hi! HVc ?dhZ! 6^gedgi! &(** C# ;djgi] Hi! )%-#.),#&.,*# HVc ?dhZ! )%-#(.'#')+-#

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8 ?Éh Hedgih 7Vg

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LZY! HVi! &%eb/ 9? ^c i]Z B^m# &**% AV[VnZiiZ Hi! HVciV 8aVgV! )%-#)'(#.%&(#

8VgY^cVa Adjc\Z LZY! .eb"&Vb/ 9? 8jgi^h# Eajh `VgVd`Z# :kZgn di]Zg I]j! .eb"&Vb/ 9? H]V[in# Bdc! Hjc/ 9? AK he^ch [Vkdg^iZh# IjZ! .eb"&Vb/ @? 6K# (&., BZg^Y^Vc 6kZ! HVc ?dhZ! )%-#'+.#,-.&#

I]Z 8ZaaVg Vi 6\ZcYV ;^ghi ;g^ d[ ZkZgn bdci]! .eb/ I]Z Ldg`dji# 6c ^cY^Z ZaZXigd eVgin# *# ;^ghi HVc HVakVYdg Hi! HVc ?dhZ#

8ajW BVm ;g^"HVi! -eb/ A^kZ WVcYh VcY ]djhZ 9?h# &'# 9djWaZigZZ =diZa! '%*% <ViZlVn EaVXZ! HVc ?dhZ! )%-#)(,#'&+,#

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@]Vgidjb LZY/ 9? 9VkZn @# (%% DgX]VgY 8^in 9g! 8VbeWZaa! )%-#(,.#+()%#

@^c\ d[ 8ajWh ;g^! ./(%eb/ CdX]Z KVfjZgV# L^i] 9? ?dhZ @jZgkd VcY 9?

;g^! 6eg '! .eb/ 9? ?^bbn# Hjc/ 9? ?^bbn# :Vgan ]Z he^ch daY^Zh# AViZg dc ]Z YdZh edejaVg YVcXZ hdc\h# ,)'& BdciZgZn Hi! <^agdn! )%-#-),#)*-%#

I]Z DaY LV\dc HVaddc VcY <g^aa LZY/ AVY^Zh C^\]i# IjZ/ >cYjhign C^\]i# ,* C# HVc EZYgd Hi! HVc ?dhZ! )%-#.,&#.()+#

EVggVcYV C^\]iXajW

EZVXdX` Adjc\Z ;g^! -eb/ 9? VcY 9VcX^c\# L^i] 9? 9j[jc`# Cd 8dkZg# HVi! .eb/ 9? VcY 9VcX^c\#

M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y MARCH 31-APRIL 6, 2010 MUSIC 8]^aa! G 7! Ide )% &%' :# ;gZbdci 6kZ! HjccnkVaZ! )%-#.+'#++.%#


EZVga I]j/ 6jY^d BVhh l^i] 9gj! Hdja+! 9Vk^Y F VcY ?FjZhi# ;g^/ ÆGZVa LdgaYÇ EVgin l^i] ?Zc# HVi/ >nVo a^kZ eZg[dgbVcXZ# 9?h VcY YVcX^c\# - H# ;^ghi Hi! HVc ?dhZ! )%-#',.#))))#

FjVgiZg CdiZ I]j! 6eg &! .eb/ ?W^ocZ EgZhZcih# 9?h VcY a^kZ ]^e" ]de# *# &'&) 6edaad LVn! HjccnkVaZ! )%-#,('#'&&%#

Gdh^Z BX8VccÉh LZY/ =djhZ bjh^X# I]j"HVi/ 9?h VcY YVcX^c\# (** HVciVcV Gdl! &%+%! HVc ?dhZ! )%-#'),#&,%+#

GjWn H`nZ ;g^! HVi/ 9?h VcY YVcX^c\# )'% BVhdc Hi! HVc ;gVcX^hXd! )&*#+.(#%,,,#

GjYnÉh EjW ;g^"HVi/ A^kZ 9?# He^cc^c\ ]^e"]de VcY YVcXZ bjh^X# &&, Jc^kZgh^in 6kZ! EVad 6aid! +*%#('.#%.''#

HVWdg IVeVh 7Vg VcY Adjc\Z I]j/ BV_dg I]jghYVnh# GdiVi^c\ 9?h# IjZ/ Ild 7jX` IjZhYVnh# 8daaZ\Z YVcXZ eVgin# ,' C# 6abVYZc 6kZ! HVc ?dhZ! )%-#'-,#&,(,#

I]Z HVYYaZ GVX` I]j! .eb/ 9? BVg`# ;g^! 6eg '! .eb/ 9? G^iV# )'%&& 7dhXZaa GY! ;gZbdci! *&%#.,.#%*(*#

HVc ?dhZ 7Vg <g^aa LZY/ IVc\d# HeZX^Vah dc Yg^c`h# I]j"HVi/ K^YZd @^aaZY i]Z 9?# Hjc! &%eb"XadhZ/ H^c HjcYVnh# Bdc! &%eb"XadhZ/ BVc^X BdcYVoZ# -* H# HZXdcY Hi Vi HVc ;ZgcVcYd! HVc ?dhZ! )%-#'-+#'(.,#

Hdji] ;^ghi 7^aa^VgYh 8ajW VcY Adjc\Z HVi/ <jZhi 9?# )'% H# ;^ghi Hi! HVc ?dhZ! )%-#'.)#,-%%#

HiVga^iZ 9VcXZ 8ajW I]j"Hjc! ."&&eb/ 9VcXZ EVgin# HVahV! AVi^c VcY ]jhiaZ YVcX^c\# &&+% C# ;V^g DV`h 7akY! HjccnkVaZ! )%-#,)*#,-',#

TIGER BEAT Mpt!Ujhsft!efm!Opsuf!xjmm!qbdl!Ă–fn!jo!bu!uifjs!! ipnfupxo!tipx!bu!uif!NdFofsz!Dpowfoujpo!Dfoufs/

Los Tigres del Norte BDG: I=6C )% nZVgh h^cXZ i]Z^g YZWji! HVc ?dhZÉh Adh I^\gZh YZa CdgiZ ]VkZ WZZc i]Z kd^XZ d[ Æi]Z di]Zg BZm^Xd!Ç Vh dcZ d[ i]Z^g i^iaZ VaWjbh ]Vh ^i# ;dg YZXVYZh i]ZnÉkZ heZX^Va^oZY ^c Xdgg^Ydh VWdji YZheZgViZ bZc VcY ldbZc! VcY XdjgV\Z VcY eg^YZ jcYZg Y^[ÒXjai! hdbZi^bZh aZi]Va! X^gXjbhiVcXZh# AV <gVc_V ^h i]Z fj^ciZiÉh cZlZhi! l^i] V XdcigdkZgh^Va! ]^\]an eda^i^XVa i^iaZ hdc\ i]ViÉh V XdcXZei VaWjb d[ ^ih dlc# BjX]d i]Vc`h id 9Vk^Y DgiZoÉh Wad\ [dg ]^h igVchaVi^dc VcY ^ciZgegZiVi^dc d[ i]^h [VWaZ ^c i]Z [Vb^a^Vg [jccn"Vc^bVah kZ^c# >iÉh V eVgVWaZ VWdji i]Z YZiZg^dgVi^c\ hiViZ d[ BZm^Xd Vh i]Z &%%i] Vcc^kZghVgn d[ i]Z GZkdaji^dc VeegdVX]Zh/ i]Z \ddY daÉ Jc^iZY HiViZhÉ hlZZi iddi] [dg Ygj\h VcY i]Z Ygj\" WVgdcÉh iZggdg i]ViÉh WZZc jcaZVh]ZY0 i]Z Ygn^c\ je d[ BZm^Xd WZXVjhZ d[ Ygdj\]i0 i]Z lVaa"Wj^aY^c\ dc i]Z WdgYZg0 K^cXZciZ ;dmÉh Xdbegdb^hZY ViiZbei id Ò\]i i]Z Ygj\ adgYh0 VcY i]Z ldg`^c\ hi^[[ Za \gVc_Zgd! i]Z [VgbZg XVj\]i ^c i]Z bZhh# HdjcYh a^`Z V ]ZVkn adVY id YgZhh je Vh 6Zhde! Wji ^[ i]Z WVcY Y^YcÉi ]VkZ i]Z XgjcX] VcY i]Z bZadY^Zh WZ]^cY i]Zb! i]Z VaWjb ldjaYcÉi ]VkZ hdaY a^`Z ^i Y^Y# Di]Zg VheZXih d[ Xdbb^ibZci/ i]Zn ]VY i]Z eg^cX^eaZh id Ygde dji d[ Vc VlVgYh h]dl Vi i]Z CVi^dcVa 6jY^idg^jb ^c BZm^Xd 8^in aVhi nZVg [dg WZ^c\ [dgW^YYZc id eaVn ÆAV <gVc_V#Ç :kZc aZhhZg `cdlc ^h :a I^\gZÉh YdcVi^dc d[ *%%!%%% id i]Z HigVX]l^io ;gdciZgV XdaaZXi^dc Vi J8A6! i]Z VgX]^kZ i]Vi VchlZgh i]Z bjh^XVa fjZhi^dc ÆHd l]Vi ^h 8]g^h HigVX]l^io d[ 9dlc =dbZ GZXdgYh \d^c\ id Yd l^i] Vaa i]dhZ i]djhVcYh d[ k^ciV\Z WdgYZg bjh^X ,- GEBh ]Z XdaaZXiZY4Ç

HiZe]ZcÉh <gZZc ;g^! &%eb/ 9? 8ZhVg# He^cc^c\ i]Z ]^ih# ;^ghi HVi d[ ZkZgn bdci]/ EZgjk^Vc C^\]i# ''( 8Vhigd Hi! BdjciV^c K^Zl! +*%#.+)#.&*&#

I]Z IZbeaZ 7Vg Adjc\Z I]j/ IZbeaZ I]jghYVnh# ;g^! &%/(%eb/ G 7 VcY =^e"]de# Jci^a XadhZ# HVi! -/(%"&%/(%eb/ IZbeaZ 6aa"HiVg 9?h# HVi! &%/(%eb/ G 7! ]^e"]de VcY ]djhZ# Jci^a XadhZ# *' H# ;^ghi Hi! HVc ?dhZ! )%-#'--#-*&-#

I]Z KZcjZo I]j/ 9?h VcY 9VcX^c\# L^i] 7ajZ 8]^aaV# ;g^! HVi! .eb/ A^kZ bjh^X# (*)+ ;adgV K^hiV 6kZ! HVciV 8aVgV! )%-#'))#+.%.#

I]gZZ ;aVbZh GZhiVjgVci HVi! .eb"&/(%Vb/ 9? <ZcZ =daa^YVn# &*), BZg^Y^Vc 6kZ! L^aadl <aZc! )%-#'+.#(&((#

6 I^c`ZgÉh 9Vbc C^\]ian! .eb/ 9?h VcY YVcX^c\# :kZgn lZZ`ZcY# )+ C# HVgVid\V 6kZ! HVciV 8aVgV! )%-#')(#)*.*#

IddcÉh LZY/ AjhX^djh AVY^Zh C^\]i# I]j/ =djhZ XaVhh^Xh# ;g^/ 9? I^idÉh 8dd`d[[# HVi/ Hj\Vg H]V`Z l^i] 9? I^id# Hjc/ =^e" >i":Z =de# Bdc/ 9? Ha^X`# IjZ/ Djg HlZZi 8jeXV`Z C^\]i# *' :# HVciV 8aVgV Hi Vi HZXdcY! HVc ?dhZ! )%-#'.'#,)+)#

Richard von Busack LOS TIGRES DEL NORTE perform Saturday (April 3) at 7pm at the San Jose McEnery Convention Center, 150 W. San Carlos St., San Jose. Tickets are $50. (408.792.4111)

IgZh <g^c\dh LZY/ 7ZZg Edc\# I]j! .eb/ IjZhYVn C^\]i A^kZ# A^kZ bjh^X# -( H# HZXdcY Hi! HVc ?dhZ! )%-#',-#.---#

Kdd9dd Adjc\Z ;g^! 6eg '! &%eb/ GZkZc\Z d[ i]Z 9?h# L^i] 9"HinaZh! 8jihd! :med VcY bdgZ# &) H# HZXdcY Hi! HVc ?dhZ! )%-#'-+#KD9D#

LZi C^\]iXajW ;g^! HVi/ 9?h VcY YVcX^c\# (.+ H# ;^ghi Hi! HVc ?dhZ! )%-#'-'#-.(-#

OZc Adjc\Z LZY! .eb/ HdjcYXaVh]# =djhZ bjh^X# Cd XdkZg# I]j/ HZYjXi^dc I]jghYVnh# 9VcXZ! ]^e"]de VcY bVh]"jeh# Cd XdkZg# ;g^/ ;jh^dc ;g^YVn# GdX`! ]^e"]de VcY hbVh]"jeh# * jci^a &&eb0 &% \ZcZgVa# HVi/ >aajh^dc# L^i] KddYdd[Zhi VcY XdhijbZ eVgin# * jci^a &&eb0 &% \ZcZgVa# IjZ! ,eb"'Vb/ ' IjZhYVnh# 9g^c` heZX^Vah# Cd XdkZg# '*& 8Vhigd Hi! BdjciV^c K^Zl! +*%#.+.#)-),#

8A6HH>86A 6aWVcn 8dchdgi 6 7VgdfjZ bjh^X XdcXZgi l^i] ldg`h Wn 7VX] VcY IZaZbVcc# Hjc! 6eg *! */(%eb# '%$ '*# 8dc\gZ\Vi^dc :io 8]Vn^b! )&+& 6abV Hi! EVad 6aid! +*%#-&(#.%.)#

:a 8Vb^cd Ndji] Hnbe]dcn H^c[dc^ZiiV 8dcXZgid ;Zhi^kVa [ZVijg^c\ hdadh Wn 6h]aZn =j]! <jc =d AZZ! ?VbZh EdZ! VcY =daan M^Vd HVi! 6eg (! ,/(%eb# &'# <jcc =^\] HX]dda! ,-% 6gVhigVYZgd GY! EVad 6aid! +*%#'&(#,&&&#

DeZgV C^\]i 6g^V hZaZXi^dch [dg Hdji] ;^ghi ;g^YVn# ;g^! -eb# 8V[[Z Ig^ZhiZ! (&* H# ;^ghi Hi! HVc ?dhZ! )%-#'-,#%)%%#

8DC8:GIH 7aVX`":nZY EZVh I]Z :#C#9# LdgaY Idjg# L^i]

AjYVXg^h# ;g^! 6eg '! ,/(%eb# ).#*% VcY je# =E EVk^a^dc! *'* L# HVciV 8aVgV Hi! HVc ?dhZ! -%%#,)*#(%%%#

Bjh^X! 6gi VcY =deZ Dh]bVc ;Vb^an ?88 ]dhih Vc ZkZci [dg =dadXVjhi GZbZbWgVcXZ 9Vn# >i ^cXajYZh i]Z deZc^c\ d[ V Y^heaVn d[ Vgi [dg &% adXVa =dadXVjhi hjgk^kdgh VcY V eZg[dgbVcXZ d[ bjh^X XdbedhZY Wn ?Zlh a^k^c\ ^c i]Z \]Ziidh VcY XdcXZcigVi^dc XVbeh# Hjc! 6eg )! 'eb# &%$ &*# HX]jaio 8jaijgVa =Vaa dc i]Z IVjWZ @dgZi 8Vbejh [dg ?Zl^h] A^[Z! (.'& ;VW^Vc LVn! EVad 6aid! +*%#'((#-,%%#

6 Ig^WjiZ id =ZgW^Z =VcXdX` HiVc[dgY A^kZan 6gih egZhZcih V _Voo h]dl l^i] 8]g^hi^Vc BX7g^YZ VcY ;g^ZcYh! XjgViZY Wn i]Z CVi^dcVa ?Voo BjhZjb ^c =VgaZb# LZY! BVg (&! -eb# &%" (-# 9^c`Zahe^Za 6jY^idg^jb! ),& AV\jc^iV 9g! HiVc[dgY Jc^kZgh^in#



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>ÉkZ WZZc hZZ^c\ i]^h \jn [dg dkZg ild nZVgh# 6ai]dj\] lZ heZcY adih d[ i^bZ id\Zi]Zg! lZ YdcÉi ]VkZ V Xdbb^iiZY gZaVi^dch]^e# LZÉkZ WZZc d[[ VcY dc i]gdj\]dji i]^h Zci^gZ ild"nZVg ÆXdbeaZmh]^e!Ç Vh > XVaa ^i# CdgbVaan! lZÉgZ ÒcZ jci^a > hiVgi Vh`^c\ VWdji jh WZ^c\ bdgZ id ZVX] di]Zg# =Z i]Zc e^X`h V Ò\]i VcY Y^hVeeZVgh# Dji d[ i]Z WajZ i]Z di]Zg YVn! ]Z idaY bZ > YZhZgkZY bdgZ VcY hV^Y ]Z Y^YcÉi lVci id lVhiZ bn i^bZ dg bV`Z bZ b^hh dji dc hdbZWdYn l]d XdjaY \^kZ bZ l]Vi > lVci# > idaY ]^b >Éb ÒcZ! VcY i]Vi >Éb YVi^c\ di]Zg eZdeaZ > Vb # Hi^aa! >Éb cdi hjgZ l]n ]Z Wgdj\]i ^i je ^[ ]Z Y^YcÉi lVci id Xdbb^i id bZ# > igjan adkZ ]^b! VcY ]VkZ h^cXZ i]Z bdbZci lZ bZi# 9d ndj i]^c` ]ZÉaa ZkZg WZ gZVYn! dg Vb > ]^h ÆiZbeÇ i^aa ]Z ÒcYh hdbZdcZ eZgbVcZci [dg i]Z _dW4 ÅHijX` You’re about three blocks past “way too pathetic” when the stuff your girlfriends got sick of telling you—“Dump him! He’s just using you! You deserve better!”—is coming from the guy you “deserve better” than. Amazingly, you take this as a sign he’s ready to commit, rather than the obvious—his guilt so overtook his selfinterest that he’s like the buzzard feeling sorry for the roadkill: “How ‘bout I just have a few pecks of your hindquarters and then be on my way?” Not surprisingly, you need to fancy up two years of hanging around not getting what you want by calling this a “complexship.” It isn’t complex in the slightest: You want a relationship with him; he doesn’t want one with you, but he’ll continue seeing you on what I call the Bag of Chips Principle, as in, if there’s a bag of chips within a man’s reach, he’ll probably help himself to some. To many, your situation might seem like a simple case of “He’s just not that into you.” And since you’d probably see a flicker of hope while blindfolded and

being lowered head-first into a pitch-dark cesspool, let me make this perfectly clear: No, he’s not. But, there’s such a thing as readiness for a relationship. Finding the right person isn’t enough. You have to have the right person at the right time. It’s possible your guy hasn’t been ready for anything serious with anyone. Instead of accepting that he can’t give you what you want and waving goodbye, you most likely sealed the deal that he’ll never be ready for you by being all over him like ants on potato salad. (Men don’t want what comes easy to them, with the exception of “FREE BEER!”) But, wait, there are mitigating circumstances here! You “truly love him!” Great—the universal excuse women give for doing something utterly stupid and self-destructive with a man. For a change of pace, show a little love for yourself. Take that old advice “If you love something, set it free.” If it comes back to you, and comes back to you, and comes back to you, and still won’t give you what you want, set it free again, and change the locks.

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6 bVc h^ii^c\ cZmi id bZ dc V adc\ Ó^\]i gZVaan deZcZY je id bZ! VcY > ZcYZY je h]Vg^c\ hij[[ > cZkZg iZaa VcndcZ# =Z Vh`ZY [dg bn cjbWZg! Wji > cZkZg ]ZVgY [gdb ]^b# =dl YdZh hdbZdcZ XdccZXi l^i] ndj hd VbVo^c\an! i]Zc lVa` VlVn [gdb ndj a^`Z ndjÉgZ Vcn di]Zg higVc\Zg dc i]Z eaVcZ4 ÅHZVi &(9 Welcome to the One-Flight Stand: Two total strangers, thrown together by airline seat assignment algorithms, sharing their deepest secrets over those little bags of pretzels and blankets that haven’t been washed since the Wright brothers took off. With somebody

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Business Listings


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Engineers NVIDIA Corporation, market leader in graphics and digital media processors, has engineering opportunities in Santa Clara, CA: Platform Engineering Lead (PEL01): Perform competJobs itive analysis; Systems SW Engr Working Supervisor (SSWE64): Design multimedia more than 5 years experience, drivers; ASIC Design Engr Carpet shampoo, strip & wax, (ASICDE64): Design graphics etc. Valid social security or processors; Graphics Architect work permit. 408/260-8066 (GA03): Develop algorithms; ASIC Design Engr (ASICDE54): Realtors Wanted Implement graphics procesCal Estates Realty. Now hiring sors; Product Engr (PE12): realtors, 80% commission start. Perform product yield analysis. Must have active real estate If interested, ref job code and license. Some experience necsend to: NVIDIA Corporation. essary. Tired of boring office Attn: MS04 (L. Molina). 2701 meetings? Be your own boss. San Tomas Expressway, Santa Work from home with full Clara, CA 95050. Please no Broker support. No hidden fees. phone calls, emails or faxes. Call Rich Rodino Broker/Owner. 408/260-2740; 650/948-3085 Bartender / Cocktail

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Servers Full Time or 6 AM Part Time shift available. Alex’s 49er Inn, San Carlos & Bascom. Apply mornings only.

our offices Monday through Friday, 8.30am Visit to 5.30pm at 550 South, First Street, San Jose.


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Cisco Systems, Inc. is accepting resumes for the following positions in San Jose/Milpitas /Santa Clara, CA: IT Analyst (Ref#: SJ6): Responsible for evaluating and documenting business needs, recommending business process and Information Technology solution alternatives and coordinating delivery of technical solutions to clients. Network Consulting Engineer (Ref # SJ9): Responsible for the support and delivery of Advanced Services to company’s major accounts. Manager, Advanced Services (Ref # SJ52)*: Supervise the activities of a technical team with responsibility for results in terms of customer satisfaction and delivery assurance. Please mail resumes with reference number to Cisco Systems, Inc., Attn: J51W, 170 W. Tasman Drive, Mail Stop: SJC 5/1/4, San Jose, CA 95134. No phone calls please. Must be legally authorized to work in the U.S. without sponsorship. EOE. www.cisco.com

Cisco Systems, Inc. is accepting resumes for the following positions in San Jose/Milpitas /Santa Clara, CA: Business Development Manager (Ref#: SJ1): Evaluate and manage new financial initiatives and business opportunities (e.g., leasing, working capital financing, etc.). Finance Business Analyst (Ref#: SJ20):* Applies forecasting, modeling and product marketing concepts to provide clients with analyses and recommendations required to make informed business decisions relating product pricing, product functionality and marketing strategy.

NVIDIA Corporation, market leader in graphics and digital media processors, has engineering opportunities in Santa Clara, CA: Systems Design Engr (SDE03): Perform systems design; ASIC Design Engr (ASICDE65): Design graphics processors; ASIC Design Engr (ASICDE66): Implement industry’s graphics & media communication processors; HW Engr (HW61): Apply complex engineering principles; Test Engr (TE04): Sustain test programs; Sr. Systems SW Engr (SSWE67): Develop software tools; Sr. ASIC Design Engr (ASICDE68): Design CAD tools. If interested, ref job code and send to: NVIDIA Corporation. Attn: MS04 (L. Molina). 2701 San Tomas Expressway, Santa Clara, CA 95050. Please no phone calls, emails or faxes.

Product Manager


Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. (NYSE: AMD) is a global semiconductor company that designs, develops, markets, and supports a wide range of microprocessors, graphic processing units, chipsets and related products and serves as a broad-based platform supplier with server, desktop, mobile, and embedded processing solutions. Resumes are being accepted for the following positions in Sunnyvale, CA: ASIC / Layout Design Engineer II- CA0110 Design Engineer II- CA0210 MTS ASIC/ Layout Design Engineer- CA0310 MTS Design Engineer- CA0410 MTS Software Development Engineer- CA0510 Sr. Design Engineer- CA0610 Software Engineer II- CA0710 Sr. ASIC/ Layout Design Engineer- CA0810 Sales Operations SpecialistCA0910 Send resume with job title and code referenced to: AMD, Mail Stop 101, One AMD Place, P.O. Box 3453, Sunnyvale, CA 94088.

Ericsson Inc. has employment opportunities in San Jose, CA for the following position: Product Manager (Job ID SJ0010ETA) Responsible for the definition & delivery of SmartEdge Multi Service Edge Router (MSER); Gather & analyze requirements from customers & field to produce definition and requirements for new hardware. Send your resume (must reference job title and ID code) to Ericsson Inc. Attn: HR, 100 Headquarters Drive, San Jose, CA 95134)

Please mail resumes with reference number to Cisco Systems, Inc., Attn: J51W, 170 W. Tasman Drive, Mail Stop: SJC 5/1/4, San Jose, CA 95134. No phone calls please. Must be legally authorized to work in the U.S. without sponsorship. EOE. www.cisco.com RF Hardware Engineer (Job ME012): design wireless RF products. Sr. DSP Software Engineer (Job ME009): design DSP software for wireless DSP systems. Product Manager (Job ME011): analyze global tech. stds. for mobile wireless technology; develop relationships w/OEMs; negotiate license agreemts. Reference Job No. & apply to: HR, Quantenna Communications, Inc., 3450 W. Warren Ave., Fremont, CA 94538.

Engineer Infotech Enterprises Electronic Design Services, Inc. in San Jose, CA has openings for Physical Design Engrs, Send Resumes to: HR Dept1190 Saratoga Ave,Ste 110, San Jose, CA 95129.

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MARCH 31-APRIL 6, 2010 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y




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6g^Zh (March 21–April 19): I’m worried about your ability to sneak and fake and dissemble. These skills seem to have atrophied in you. To quote Homer Simpson, “You couldn’t fool your own mother on the foolingest day of your life with an electrified fooling machine!” Please, Aries, jump back into the game-playing, BS-dispensing routine the rest of us are caught up in. APRIL FOOL! Everything I just said was a filthy lie. In fact, I admire the candor and straightforwardness you’ve been cultivating. My only critique is that maybe you could take some of the edge off it. Try telling the raw truth with more relaxed grace. IVjgjh (April 20–May 20): You’ll probably dream of falling off a cliff, or plunging out of a hot-air balloon, or skydiving without a parachute. I’m very disappointed in your unconscious mind’s decision to expose yourself to such unpleasant experiences, even if they are pretend. APRIL FOOL! I told you a half-truth. While it is likely that you will dream of diving off a mountaintop or tumbling out of a hotair balloon or flying through the big sky without a parachute, your unconscious mind has arranged it so that you will land softly and safely in a giant pile of foam padding and feathers next to a waterfall whose roaring flow is singing your name. Despite the apparent inconvenience in the first part of the dream, you will be taken care of by the end. <Zb^c^ (May 21–June 20): On the Ghost Hunters TV program, paranormal researchers investigate places that are thought to be haunted by supernatural entities. One commercial for the show urges us, the viewers, to “Get fluent in fear!” That exhortation happens to be perfect advice for you, Gemini. APRIL FOOL! I lied. This is not at all a good time for you to get fluent in fear. But more than that. It’s actually a momentous time to get un-fluent in fear. You have an unprecedented opportunity to stop casually exposing yourself to anxiety-inducing influences. You have amazing power to shut down that place in your imagination where you generate your scary fantasies. The conquest of your fears could be at hand!

8VcXZg ( June 21–July 22): Your gambling chakra

is conspiring with your inner roughneck to pull a fast one on your dignity chakra and your inner wuss. If they get away with their scheme you may find yourself having ridiculous yet holy fun in high places. And I wouldn’t be surprised if in the course of these hijinks, your spirit guides channeled some holistic karma into the part of your psychic anatomy that we in the consciousness business call your “spiritual orgy button.” APRIL FOOL! Sorry if that sounded a bit esoteric. I was invoking some faux shamanic jargon in the hope of bypassing your rational mind and tricking you into experiencing a fizzy, buoyant altered state, which would be an excellent tonic for both your mental and physical health.

AZd ( July 23–Aug. 22): “I eat pressure for breakfast,” says Leo-born James Cameron, director of Avatar and Titanic, the two highest grossing films ever made. Like many in your tribe, he has a very high opinion of himself. “Anybody can be a father or a husband,” he told his fourth wife Linda Hamilton. “There are only five people in the world who can do what I do, and I’m going for that.” He’s your role model. APRIL FOOL! I lied. While I do urge you to focus intensely on the quality or talent that’s most special about you, I strongly discourage you from neglecting your more ordinary roles. In Cameron’s case, I’d advise him to start working on his next fantastic project but also spiff up his skills as a husband and father.

jello covered with marshmallows, gumdrops, and chocolate kisses. And I knew immediately that it was a prime metaphor for your destiny right now. APRIL FOOL! I lied, sort of. Your imminent future may feature an unlikely offering from an unexpected source, but that offering will simply be like red jello from a possum—with no superhero costume, and no marshmallows, gumdrops, or chocolate kisses.

HXdge^d (Oct. 23–Nov. 21): I sincerely hope that

2010 will be the year you stop worshiping Satan for good. Luckily, the coming weeks will be an excellent time to get that worthy project in gear. Despite the odd pleasures your twisted devotion to the Evil One seems to bring you, it actually undermines your ability to get what you want. The ironic fact of the matter is that pure unrepentant selfishness—the kind that Satan celebrates—is the worst possible way to achieve your selfish goals. APRIL FOOL! I know you don’t really worship Satan. I was just hoping to jolt you into considering my real desire for you, which is to achieve your selfish goals by cultivating more unselfishness.

HV\^iiVg^jh (Nov. 22–Dec. 21): According to

Uncyclopedia.com, Riding the Snake is a book coauthored by Oscar Wilde and Jesus Christ in 1429 B.C. If you can find a copy, I strongly suggest you read it. You could really use some help in taming the unruly kundalini that has been whipping you around. APRIL FOOL! I lied. There is no such ancient book. But that doesn’t change the fact that you’d really benefit from getting more control over your instinctual energy. I’d love to see your libidinous power be more thoroughly harnessed in behalf of your creative expression.

8Veg^Xdgc (Dec. 22–Jan. 19): Supermodel Selita

Ebanks is your role model. In accordance with the astrological omens, I recommend that you arrange for the kind of special treatment she enjoys as she’s preparing for a runway show. That means getting five stylists to work for hours every day perfecting every aspect of your physical appearance. Please make sure they apply no less than 20 layers of makeup to your butt. APRIL FOOL! I lied. The omens say this is not a good time to obsess on your outer beauty. They do suggest, however, that attending to your inner beauty would be smart. So please do the equivalent of getting 20 layers of makeup applied to your soul’s butt.

6fjVg^jh ( Jan. 20–Feb. 18): Would it be a wise

idea for you to stage your own kidnapping and demand ransom money for your release? Should you appear on a reality TV show that will expose your intimate secrets to millions of viewers? Could you get your spiritual evolution back on track by joining a religious cult? APRIL FOOL! The questions I just posed were terrible! They were irrelevant to the destiny you should be shaping for yourself. But they were provocative, and may therefore be the nudge you need to get smarter about formulating your choices. It has never been more important than it is right now for you to ask yourself good questions.

E^hXZh (Feb. 19–March 20): It’s an excellent time to demonstrate how strong and brave and indomitable you are. I suggest you carry out some heroic feat, like lying on a bed of nails while someone puts heavy concrete blocks all over your body, then uses a sledgehammer to smash those blocks. APRIL FOOL! What I just said is only half true. While it’s an excellent time to prove your mettle, there are far more constructive ways to do it than lying on a bed of nails. For example, you could try shaking off a bad influence that chronically saps your energy.

K^g\d (Aug. 23–Sept. 22): Do NOT, under any

circumstances, express your anger at the mainstream media by taking a baseball bat into a superstore full of electronic gear and smashing 32 TV sets. Keep it to a minimum of 15 sets, please! APRIL FOOL! I lied. I definitely don’t recommend that you smash any TVs with a baseball bat. However, you do have permission to bash and smash things in your imagination. In fact I encourage it. Engaging in a fantasy of breaking inanimate objects that symbolize what oppresses you will shatter a certain mental block that desperately needs shattering.

=dbZldg`/ <Zi ^c i]Z bddY id hZZ ndjg a^[Z Vh V b^gVXaZ# A^hiZc id i]^h/ ]iie/$$W^i#an$Hdc\<adgn#


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The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: Event Planet Management, 4747 Atherton Ave., #E, San Jose, CA, 95130, Armando Millan. This business is conducted by a individual. Registrant has not yet begun transacting business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein on.. /s/Armando Millan This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Santa Clara County on 3/24/10. (pub Metro 3/31, 4/07, 4/14, 4/21/2010)


MARCH 31-APRIL 6, 2010

6 [g^ZcY gZXZcian idaY bZ VWdji hdbZi]^c\ XVaaZY i]Z 7d]Zb^Vc <gdkZ l]ZgZ hjeedhZYan i]Z aZVYZgh d[ djg Xdjcign bZZi VccjVaan id ]daY W^oVggZ hViVc^X g^ijVah ^cXajY^c\ Wjgc^c\ i]^c\h ^c [gdci d[ V )%"[ddi hiVijZ d[ Vc dla# 6h egdd[ h]Z ]VY bZ ZmVb^cZ V YdaaVg W^aa l]ZgZ ^c i]Z XdgcZg i]ZgZ VeeZVgh id WZ V i^cn dla# H]Z lZci dc id ZmeaV^c i]Vi ^[ ndj add` Vi i]Z J#H# 8Ve^ida VcY \gdjcYh ^i add`h a^`Z Vc dla# ;dg i]Z e^ XZ YZ g h^hiVcXZ h]Z hZci bZ a^c`h id k^YZdh dc NdjIjWZ Æegdk^c\Ç Vaa i]^h ^h igjZ# L]Vi ^c i]Z ldgaY ^h \d^c\ dc4 Å7^aa AZV]n The claim is that U.S. leaders hold bizarre satanic rituals, and the proof is that there’s an owl on the dollar bill? Call me picky, but that doesn’t strike me as ironclad logic. Nonetheless, this isn’t a story somebody just made up. In fact, if you replace “satanic” with “sophomoric,” you’ve got a reasonably accurate description of what evidently goes on. Yes, big shots have been known to participate. Yes, there are robes, candles, and incantations. Yes, featured prominently is a grisly rite in which a victim is brutally sacrificed, then rises from the dead . . . oh, wait, that’s not the Bohemian Grove, that’s Easter. Well, you know how easy it is to get these cults mixed up. The secrecy surrounding the Bohemian Grove hasn’t been what you would call impenetrable. Truth is, short of rigging up webcams in the toilet stalls, we’ve extracted virtually every fact of interest about this shadowy establishment. The basic setup is: old white guys drinking around a bonfire. Not doing much for you? Let’s see if we can goose it up: old white guys drinking around a bonfire plus costumes and mumbo jumbo. Hmm, now it sounds like summer camp with the Shriners. One more time: rich old white guys drinking around a bonfire plus costumes and mumbo jumbo they don’t want anybody to see. Ah, now we’ve got the basis of a first-class conspiracy theory. The Bohemian Club, a men’s club for artists and journalists, was formed in San Francisco in 1872. The group first headed north to the redwood forest camp now known as Bohemian Grove in 1878. They liked it so much they bought a 160-acre piece in 1899; this has now grown into a 2,712-acre retreat with more than 100 swank semiprivate campgrounds. The latest information I could find indicates the club has about 2,400 members, most of them well-heeled. The club’s mascot is the owl, symbol of wisdom. Into frat-house theatrics from the start, members constructed the notorious 40-foot concrete owl and its accompanying shrine in the 1920s. This is the scene of an annual ceremony called the “Cremation of Care,” where a “foul and pestilential demon” (apparently sometimes a human effigy) is exorcised with fire by “the avenging power of goodness and light.” This was captured on video by an intrepid infiltrator; my assistant Una watched the footage on YouTube. Her review: “High on stilted symbolism, low

on human sacrifice, and less threatening than the last time I saw Kiss in concert.” However, once you realize those in attendance are largely Republicans, you can see where the timid might get the creeps. As to the other claims: The club is a cabal of the rich and powerful. True, or at least truish. A 1991 study of members found 13 percent were on the boards of major companies. Several U.S. presidents have been either members or guests, as have Supreme Court justices, California officials, Henry Kissinger, and other heavy hitters. Richard Nixon belonged but was caught on tape in 1971 saying, “The Bohemian Grove, which I attend from time to time . . . it is the most faggy goddamned thing you could ever imagine.” Bill Clinton once said of the Grove, “That’s where all those rich Republicans go up and stand naked against redwood trees, right?” The club engages in drunken debauchery. We know they drink. And the Grove is near San Francisco. So I’m marking this one down as true too. Owls hidden on the dollar bill and around the U.S. Capitol prove the club’s influence. What’s supposedly a microscopic owl is perched on the scroll framing the numeral 1 in the upper right corner of the bill’s obverse—google “dollar bill Bohemian Grove” for an enlarged view. The streets and paths surrounding the Capitol, meanwhile, form an arguably owl-like pattern when seen from above. Cynics point out that the grounds were designed by Frederick Law Olmsted in 1874, a scant two years after the club’s founding. But let’s not get sidetracked. If you follow the news you know that any time the rich and powerful get together, chances are they’ll be up to no good. And who knows, maybe the Bohemian Grove is one of the places where they hatch their nefarious schemes. But don’t forget, to get any really serious dirty work done they have to fly back to D.C.

>h i]ZgZ HDB:I=>C< NDJ C::9 id \Zi HIG6><=I4 8ZX^a 6YVbh XVc YZa^kZg i]Z HigV^\]i 9deZ dc Vcn ide^X# Lg^iZ 8ZX^a 6YVbh X$d BZigd! **% H# ;^ghi Hi#! HVc ?dhZ! .*&&(! ZbV^a ]^b Vi XZX^a5bZigdcZlh#Xdb0 dg k^h^i i]Z HigV^\]i 9deZ VgZV Vi 6bZg^XV Dca^cZ! `ZnldgY/ HigV^\]i 9deZ# 8ZX^aÉh aViZhi XdbeZcY^jb d[ `cdlaZY\Z! ÈI]Z HigV^\]i 9deZ IZaah 6aa!É ^h VkV^aVWaZ Vi Wdd`hidgZh ZkZgnl]ZgZ#



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