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Brewing Teastorm The fuss over kombucha’s alcohol content is ruining everybody’s favorite tea party p15 Local Hear-o p11 | ‘Swing!’ a Hit p25 | The Winemaker’s Apprentice p38

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june 30-july 7, 2010 SANTACRUZ.COM

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Contents. P OSTS











p30 p32








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B63 C<E7<</0:3 B63 C<E7<</0:3 E /@ E/@ OBAMA b OBAMA basically asically ccontinued ontinued w with ith Bush’s Bush’s p olicies. L et’s b lunt aabout bout tthis. his. IIn n policies. Let’s bee b blunt Afghanistan, h ent b eyond Bush. Bush. H Afghanistan, hee w went beyond Hee escalated tthe he w ar. He He went went along along w ith tthis his escalated war. with policy policy o off tthe he ssurge. urge. And And he he ordered ordered m more ore drone on Pakistan his d rone aattacks ttacks o n civilians civilians iin nP akistan iin nh is one office done during o ne yyear ear iin no ff ice tthan han Bush Bush had had d one d uring his So, people off tthat h is last last term. term. S o, for for the the p eople o hat rregion, egion, Obama’s has been O bama’s presidency presidency h as b een a ttotal otal disaster. disaster. And not A nd iit’s t’s n ot working. working. They have puppet Karzai, who’s T hey h ave a p uppet lleader, eader, Ka arzai, w ho’s d eveloping his his own own sort sort o ynamic, because because developing off d dynamic, h e’s ggrown rown vvery ery w ealthy tthrough hrough corruption corruption he’s wealthy aand nd tthinks hinks tthat hat h has genuine genuine support. support. hee has

One m One man’s an’s tterrorist errorist iiss aanother’s nother’s ffreedom reedom what ffighter, ighter, aand nd w hat ssome ome ggovernments overnments cconsider onsider potential who don’t p otential tterrorists errorists aare re ssimply imply tthose hose w ho d on’t with policies. aagree gree w ith ggovernment overnment p olicies. And ones who A nd tthe he o nes w ho aare re ssaying aying tthat hat tthis his iiss unwinnable war It’s aan nu nwinnable w ar aare re aabsolutely bsolutely rright. ight. It t’s a war. win unless sstalemated talemated w ar. They Th hey ccan’t an’t w in iitt u nless tthey hey destroy half population off tthe d estroy h alf tthe he p opulation o he ccountry. ountry. So what people why S o tthat hat iiss w hat p eople ssee. ee. And And tthen, hen, w hy aare re people hostile tthey hey ssurprised urprised tthat hat p eople aare re sso oh ostile tto o tthe he United States part off tthe world? U nited S tates iin n tthat hat p art o he w orld? Ted T ed R Rudow udow IIII, II, M enlo P ark Menlo Park

/<7;/: 1@C3:BG /<7;/: 1@C3:BG : 3/2A B= E=@A3 :3/2A B= E=@A3 KUDOS K UDOS tto o aauthorities uthorities ffor or p pursuing ursuing ccruelty ruelty

to animals to animals charges charges against against the the two two 17-year-old 17-year-o - ld b oys w ho aallegedly llegedly sstabbed tabbed aand nd b eat 112 2k oi aatt boys who beat koi S an Jo oaquin Delta Delta College College with with pipes pipes and and a knife, knife, San Joaquin k illing 1111 o he ffish. ish. killing off tthe Animal bullies who A nimal aabusers busers aare re b ullies aand nd ccowards owards w ho out on ttake ake ttheir heir iissues ssues o ut o n ““easy easy vvictims�—and ictims�—and hurting only tthey hey rrarely arely llimit imit tthemselves hemselves tto oh urting o nly aanimals. nimals. P sychiatrists, ccriminal riminal p rofilers aand nd Psychiatrists, profilers llaw aw eenforcement nforcement o fficials h ave rrepeatedly epeatedly officials have d ocumented tthat hat yyoung oung p eople w ho aare re ccruel ruel tto o documented people who aanimals nimals o ften tturn urn tthat hat vviolence iolence aagainst gainst h umans. often humans. C ruelty tto o aanimals nimals aappears ppears iin n tthe he h istories Cruelty histories o ll o ur n ation’s sserial erial k illers aand nd ttragic ragic sschool chool off aall our nation’s killers sshooters. hooters. T he F BI u ses rreports eports o ruelty tto o The FBI uses off ccruelty aanimals nimals tto o ggauge auge tthe he tthreat hreat p otential o nown potential off k known ccriminals. riminals. Ex xperts aagree gree tthat hat iitt iiss tthe he aabuser’s buser’s Experts vviolence—not iolence—not tthe he vvictim’s ictim’s sspecies—that pecies—that iiss a cconcern. oncern. IIt’s t’s vvital ital tthat hat p eople w ho h urt aanimals nimals rreceive eceive people who hurt iintervention—including ntervention—including ccounseling ounseling aand nd a b an o n ban on ccontact ontact w ith aanimals—to nimals—to p revent ttheir heir vviolence iolence with prevent ffrom rom ccontinuing. ontinuing. Visit Visit w ww.HelpingAnimals. www.HelpingAnimals. ccom om tto o llearn earn m ore. more. Martin M artin M Mersereau, ersereau, People for for the the Ethical Ethical Treatment Treatment of of Animals Animals (PETA) (PETA) People

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A/1@32 A/1@32 1=;;=</:7BG 1 =;;=</:7BG FOR T FOR THE HE M MOST OST p part, art, w wee h humans umans h have ave cceased eased rrecognizing ecognizing o ur ssacred acred ccommonality ommonality w ith tthe he our with rrest est o ature. Because Because w re nature, nature, w ave off n nature. wee aare wee h have ourselves. sstopped topped rrecognizing ecognizing tthe he sacred sacred iin no urselves. This has Th his h as ccreated reated a ssplit plit iin n cconsciousness onsciousness w ithin tthe he h uman aanimal. nimal. All All of of our our ccorrupt, orrupt, within human sself-serving elf-servving social social institutions institutions fasten fasten their their ffoundations oundations u pon tthis his m isperception. upon misperception. B ecause w umans aare re ttechnologically echnologically Because wee h humans off eearthbound nature, ssuperior uperior tto o tthe he rrest est o arthbound n ature, w eel iitt aautomatically utomatically ggrants rants u upeerior wee ffeel uss a ssuperior sspiritual piritual sstatus. tatus. Fixated Fixated in in aan n iintellectually ntellectually obese mind, wee h have o bese vverbal erbal m ind, w ave llost ost tthe he ccommunication ommunication rrevealing evealing tthat hat aall ll ccreation reation iiss ssacredly acredly eegalitarian. galitarian. All All creation creation is is sself-aware. elf-aware. IIn nm observation, iiff w ave o urselves a myy observation, wee ggave ourselves m oment to to ffall all iinto nto o ur iinstinctual nstinctual w isdom, moment our wisdom, tthe he head head aand nd tthe he heart heart w ould d elightfully would delightfully ffuse. use. O ur predatory predatory ttechnological echnological d istraction, Our distraction, cconfusing onfusing o ur ssacred acred bo nd w ith n ature, w ould our bond with nature, would eease. ase. S occial, ccultural, ultural, po litical aand nd sspiritual piritual Social, political iinjustice njustice w ould ssoften, often, jjust ust aass n aturally aass a would naturally w hite iiris ris tthrusts hrusts ffrom rom a po nd o ud. white pond off m mud. James J ames P Phillip hillip M Miner iner Author, ‘‘Honorable Honorable A nimal’ Author, Animal’

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A/<B/1@CH 1=; june 30-july 7, 2010 >=ABA


Hope and Disappointment 0G 2=@/6 @=A3<


AEL DAYAN, daughter of Gen. Moshe Dayan and a formidable member of one of Israel’s most inf luential families in her own right, recently spoke to a large audience at Temple Beth El in Aptos. Yael is an author, an activist for minority rights and a former Knesset member now on the city council of Tel Aviv-Jaffa. She is a longtime promoter of civil rights for all Israeli citizens, especially women, LGBT persons and Palestinians in Israel. She also supports Palestinians in occupied Palestine, as a member of both Women in Black and Peace Now. When Yael spoke to a rapt audience of over 200 Temple Beth El members and their friends, she warned against those who say any action is justified because Israel’s survival is precarious. She proudly stated that Israel has a strong military and its survival is not in doubt. Yael expressed concern about many of Israel’s policies, feeling that they are not aligned with Jewish principles. She explained that in the years following the 1967 War and the conquest of East Jerusalem, the West Bank and Gaza, many Israelis were sure that the land would be exchanged for peace. Her conviction is that Israel must exchange land for peace with its neighbors, including the Palestinians who have been unjustly treated for so long. For me, and many others in attendance, it was exhilarating to hear an Israeli politician clearly state that East Jerusalem must be part of a new Palestinian state and that the West Bank and control of Gaza must be relinquished, with negotiations to exchange some West Bank areas for land within the 1967 borders. Listening to Yael Dayan’s vision, and knowing that it came from an insider in Israel, gave many of us a sense of hope. Now that rosy glow has dissipated. The facts on the ground, and on the water, have proved that Israel is in the hands of people who feel that pre-emptive force, violence and propaganda are the way to ensure security. The Netanyahu government OKed the attack on the Free Gaza Flotilla, an attack that took place in international waters and left nine dead and dozens more wounded. Many knowledgeable experts say that constantly supporting Israel’s belligerent policies is highly dangerous to Israel and U.S. interests because it increases Israel’s unrealistic reliance on militarism. It is not only Israel, Palestinians, U.S. interests and people sailing against the Gaza blockade who are at risk. Abetting Israeli isolationism and its proclivity for preemptive strikes is rash in the extreme because Israel is known to have nuclear weapons. U.S. policy must take into account the possibility that an irresponsible Israeli government might use these weapons. Yet the Obama administration does not seem to be setting any curbs on Israel’s consistent reliance on military solutions. When I hear Israeli peace activists speak, they call on Americans to convince Congress and the president to put clear conditions on aid to Israel. This is what Yael Dayan called for when she spoke at Temple Beth El. It is what wiser minds than mine see as the responsible course. DORAH ROSEN is on the steering committee of the Resource Center for Nonviolence, working with their programs the Palestine-Israel Action Committee, Truth in Recruiting Network and the GI Rights Network Santa Cruz. She is also a member of Temple Beth El in Aptos.


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june 30-july 7, 2010

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june 30-july 7, 2010 SANTACRUZ.COM

1C@B7A 1/@B73@ 1 C@B7A 1/@B73@

Currents. C urren ents. 1/< G=C 63/@ ;3 1/< G=C 63/@ ;3 <=E3 <=E- Havingg ffinished iinished chiselin chiseling ng aw away ay the ext extra ra bbone one gr growth roowth left in a ppatient’s atient’s lef ft ear, earr, Dr. Drr. Douglas Hetzler Hettzzler begins begins on the right. righht.

SSurf urf EEar ar SSafari afari

A Santa Cruz C doct doctor or has h become become a world world expert expert at healingg a no torious pr p oblem notorious problem 0G 83AA71/ :G=<A 0G 8 3 A A 7 1 / :G= < A


LAME JACK LAME JACK O’NEILL O’NEILL and and h is nifty nifty 1952 1952 neoprene neoprene his iinvention. nvention. “Jack O’Neill O’Neill invented invented the the “Jack w etsuit, pe ople sstart tarrt sspending p nding m pe ore ttime ime wetsuit, people more iin n tthe he ccold old w ater aand nd tthat hat sstarted tarrted tthe he water p roblem,� ssays ays D r. D ouglas H etzler, aan n eear, ar, problem, Dr. Douglas Hetzler, n ose aand nd tthroat hroat sspecialist pecialist iin nS anta C ruz. nose Santa Cruz. The problem problem is is surfer’s surfer’s ear, ear, or or The ““exostosis exostosis o he eexternal xternal aauditory uditory ccanal, anal,� off tthe aass o torhinolaryngologgists ccall all iit, t, aand nd otorhinolaryngologists iit’s t’s ccaused aused b epeated eexposure xposure tto o ccold old byy rrepeated w ater aand nd w ind. E ssentially, tthe he ccold old water wind. Essentially, sstimulates timulates b one ggrowth rowth iin n tthe he eear ar ccanal. anal. bone T his n arrows tthe he o pening, ttrapping rapping This narrows opening, w ater, w ax aand nd d ead sskin kin iin n tthe he ccanal, anal, water, wax dead aand nd b locks tthe he eeardrum, ardrum, lleading eading tto o blocks p ainful iinfections nfections aand nd h earing lloss. oss. painful hearing “Per capita, capita, Santa Santa Cruz Cruz has has one one of of the the “Per h ighest rrates ates o urfer’s eear ar iin n tthe he w orld,� highest off ssurfer’s world, H etzler ssays. ays. ““People People ssurf urf yyear-round ear-round h ere.� Hetzler here. And Hetzler Hetzler has has operated operated on on And

hundreds o hundreds off tthem. hem. H Hee pioneered pioneered a d rill-less ssurgery urgery ffor or ffixing ixing ssurfer’s urfer’s eear ar drill-less a dozen dozen yyears ears aago go aand nd h as since since treated treated has ssome ome 8 00 ears. ears. H e’s also also o ne of of just just a 800 He’s one h andful C alifornia d octors w ho perform perform handful California doctors who tthe he minimally minimally iinvasive nvasive p rocedure, w hich procedure, which iiss w hy patients patients ccome ome ffrom rom L ong Island Island why Long aand nd b eyond tto o have have Hetzler Hetzler cchisel hisel ttiny iny beyond p ieces o one o ut o heir eears, ars, aand nd w hy pieces off b bone out off ttheir why h gives p resentations on on tthe he ttechnique echnique hee gives presentations iin nM exico, A ustralia and and Ireland. Irreland. Mexico, Australia R ecently, a ssurgeon urgeon ffrom rom B ordeaux, Recently, Bordeaux, F rance, came came tto o observe observe H etzler’s m agic, France, Hetzler’s magic, w ell-manicured h ands aatt w ork. well-manicured hands work. Hetzler himself himself has has only only surfed surfed four four Hetzler ttimes imes aand nd o nly iin nH awaii. H as ““aa only Hawaii. Hee h has ssevere evere aversion aversion tto o iimmersing mmersing b ody body p arts in in cold cold w ater,� aalthough lthough h does parts water, hee does ccompete ompete iin n ttriathlons, riathlons, some some of of which which rrequire equire sswimming wimming iin n tthe he M onterey aand nd Monterey S an Francisco Francisco b ays. B ut h e’s n ever sseen een San bays. But he’s never aan n eear ar h ouldn’t o perate o n. hee ccouldn’t operate on.


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He shows shows a video video of of a 30-year-old 30-year- old with with He aan no bliterated eear ar ccanal—it’s anal—it’s 1100 00 p ercent obliterated percent cclosed, losed, aand nd yyou ou ccan’t an’t ssee ee aany ny p art o is part off h his eeardrum. ardrum. T hen H etzler sstarts tarts ttap-tapap -tap Then Hetzler ttapping apping w ith ttiny, iny, ccustom-made ustom-made 1 m m with mm cchisels hisels ((Hetzler Hetzler w orked w ith iinstrument nstrument worked with m anufacturer B ausch & L omb S torz tto o manufacturer Bausch Lomb Storz d esign vvarious arious sshapes), hapes), tto ob reak o ff tthe he design break off eexcess xcess b one ggrowth. rowth. bone Bone grows grows in in layers, layers, like like an an onion, onion, so so Bone iit’s t’s eeasily asily ccleaved leaved b hisels. IIn n tthe he vvideo ideo byy cchisels. h ventually p ulls tthree hree p ieces o one hee eeventually pulls pieces off b bone o ut o he eear ar ccanal, anal, w hich h ill p ut iin n out off tthe which hee w will put ap lastic ccontainer ontainer aand nd ssend end h ome w ith plastic home with tthe he ssurfer. urfer. “He was was back back in in the the water water after after three three “He w eeks,� H etzler ssays, ays, aadding dding tthat hat tthe he weeks, Hetzler rrecovery ecovery ttime ime iiss ttypical. ypical. The speedy speedy healing healing and and return return to to The tthe he w ater iiss o ne o he aadvantages dvantages o water one off tthe off H etzler’s p rocedure ccompared ompared tto o tthe he Hetzler’s procedure w ay m ost ssurgeons urgeons ttreat reat ssurfer’s urfer’s eear, ar, way most

which ssounds which ounds akin akin tto o medieval medieval ttorture: orture: A surgeon surgeon m akes aan n iincision ncision behind behind the the makes eear, ar, p eels b ack tthe he eear, ar, skin, skin, m uscle and and peels back muscle ccartilage, artilage, tthen hen u ses a d rill tto o remove remove tthe he uses drill b one ffrom rom tthe he eear ar ccanal. anal. bone “Traditionally, in in the the surfing surf ing “Traditionally, ccommunity, ommunity, tthis his surgery surgery h as a h orrible has horrible rreputation, eputation,� H etzler ssays. ays. ““It’s It’s p ainful, it it Hetzler painful, ttakes akes ttwo wo tto o tthree hree m onths tto o heal. heal.� months And the the drill drill itself, itself, which which may may expose expose And p atients to to u p to to 130 130 d ecibels of of sound, sound, patients up decibels ccan an cause cause hearing hearing loss. loss. The The d rill, in in fact, fact, drill, iiss w hat got got Hetzler Hetzler tthinking hinking aabout bout what u sing chisels chisels in in the the first f irst place. place. ““If If we’re we’re using ssupposed upposed to to b the guardians guardians of of the the ear, ear, bee the w hy do do w ant to to iinflict nf lict tthat hat much much why wee w want d amage? damage? “Now, if if someone someone said said they’d they’d take take my my “Now, cchisels hisels aaway, way, I w ouldn’t do do the the surgery. surgery.� wouldn’t Ear surgeons surgeons have have performed performed surfer’s surfer’s Ear eear ar ssurgery urgery ssince ince the the 11870s 870s u sing a using d rill—although they they d idn’t k now w hat drill—although didn’t know what ccaused aused tthe he p roblem. S yphilis, alcoholism alcoholism problem. Syphilis, aand nd ggout out were were a few few ccommonly ommonly ssuspected uspected cculprits. ulprits. Anthropologists, too, too, have have studied studied Anthropologists, tthe he ccondition—it ondition—it w as eeven ven d iscovered was discovered iin n a 9,000-year-old 9,000-year-old skull—and skull—and it’s it’s been been ffound ound aaround round tthe he w orld, iincluding ncluding in in world, iinland nland aareas reas where where people people h unt ffor or fish f ish hunt b immersing tthemselves hemselves iin nw ater. byy immersing water. These days, days, Hetzler Hetzler sees sees few few hunters hunters These aand nd ggatherers atherers and and more more surfers surfers aand nd k ayakers. Gannon Gannon Myall’s Myall’s a ssurfer urfer aand nd kayakers. p rofessional ccyclist yclist who who ggrew rew up up on on tthe he professional b each aand nd iin n tthe he w ater. beach water. “My left left ear, ear, the the problem problem ear, ear, it it “My ttended ended tto o get get infected, infected,� Myall Myall says. says. ““II also also rrace ace bikes bikes professionally, professionally, iin n tthe he ssnow, now, in in tthe he ccold. old. C old water, water, ccold old w ind—it w as a Cold wind—it was d ouble whammy whammy ffor or me. me.� double Hetzler operated operated on on Myall’s Myall’s left left ear ear Hetzler JJune une 4 Two weeks weeks later, later, h gave Myall Myall 4.. Two hee gave tthe he O K to to ssurf urf again. again. OK Ryan Woodhouse, Woodhouse, who who once once went went Ryan ffour our w eeks w ith no no h earing iin nh is left left weeks with hearing his yyear, ear, jjust ust h ad h is three-week three-week post-op post- op had his ccheckup, heckup, at at which which time time H etzler cleared cleared Hetzler h im to to gget et b ack iin n tthe he w ater. ““It’s It’s a him back water. p retty eeasy asy recovery, recovery,� W oodhouse ssays. ays. pretty Woodhouse “I was was back back to to work work with with fairly fairly limited limited “I h earing aafter fter tthree hree days. days.� N ow tthat hat hearing Now H etzler’s given given h im the the green green llight ight to to Hetzler’s him ssurf, urf, h e’s p lanning on on w asting n o time. time. he’s planning wasting no ““I’ll I’ll b right iin n aatt tthe he n ext opportunity, opportunity,� bee right next h says. “Not “Not ttonight, onight, but but p ossibly hee says. possibly ttomorrow omorrow m orning.� 0 morning.

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Reality Bites Santa Cruz has more than its share of reality TV stars. The most famous, of course, is :3F D/< 23< 03@563, who rocked the third season of Survivor so hard he made Season 8’s All-Star cast. There was also the bluegrass-pickin’ /00=BB 4/;7:G, who starred in an episode of Trading Spouses in 2004. Add to this proud lineage B/H, brawling orange tabby of Opal Cliffs, and the family of B3@@G /<2 :=@</ 1/;>7=<. They star in an upcoming episode of Animal Planet’s Housecat Housecalls, described as “Supernanny for cats.� As the comparison implies, Taz had issues. A horrific car accident had left him minus a hip, but even so, he was a 20-pound bruiser with loads of ’tude. And in the space of a few years, the feline population of the Campion household had grown from one to five, including three exotics descended from wild Asian tree leopards. Big Taz was bent. “Now, Taz hates all these new cats,� says Terry Campion. “He would growl and lunge at ’em and chase ’em around. And all the cats were getting stressed out. And when cats are stressed out they spray and pee and everyone wants to mark their territory.� That stinks. But fate came knocking in the form of an email to Campion’s longtime associates at Santa Cruz Skateboards: a new TV show was looking for people in the board industry with cat problems. As owner of the Santa Cruz Boardroom, Campion qualified, and soon enough his phone was ringing. In no time the fetching feline behavioral expert Dr. 9/B@7</ E/@@3< was on the scene, along with an army of crew members. They returned three times to film. “Corralling cats for a TV show? Good luck,� says Campion. “It’s easy to say your lines, but to get a cat to do so anything for you is virtually impossible. It takes an amazing amount of patience.� We won’t ruin the ending—you’ll have to watch Saturday, July 3, at 10:30am or Sunday, July 4, at 8am—but here’s a hint. Says Campion of his formerly tetchy tom: “Last night he was asleep on my lap.�

Traci Hukill

Runoff Rundown After the ďŹ nal tally came in on Friday, Republican Assemblymember A/; 0:/93A:33 didn’t manage to cross the 50 percent threshold needed to give him the District 15 Senate seat outright. There was a brief window last week, as workers sorted through the last 17,000 mail-in and provisional ballots, when it was statistically possible for him to clinch it, but by Friday, the ďŹ nal count gave him 49.49 percent to Former-District 27 Assemblymember

8=6< :/7@2’s 41.73 percent. Blakeslee will face Laird, and long-shot candidates 87; 47BH53@/:2 and ;/@9 67<9:3, in an Aug. 15 runoff. Independent Fitzgerald took 5.88 percent and Libertarian candidate Hinkle won 2.89 percent of the pie, and it’s hard not to notice that if those votes had gone to Laird, he would have sailed into the seat with 50.5 percent.

‘For the run-off election we’ll ďŹ nally have a level playing ďŹ eld . . . without an election date devised by the Governor to confuse voters’ JOHN LAIRD The candidates carried the parts of the weirdly shaped district as expected—Laird prevailed in Santa Cruz and Monterey counties, while Blakeslee took San Luis Obispo and Santa Barbara. The part of Santa Clara County in District 15—including bits of Los Gatos, Almaden, Saratoga and Monte Sereno—considered to be a bit of a swing district, ultimately swung slightly for Blakeslee. And while Laird picked up strong Santa Cruz support, the turnout was the lowest of all ďŹ ve counties— only 27.85 percent as opposed to 37.87 in San Luis Obispo. “For the run-off election we’ll ďŹ nally have a level playing ďŹ eld . . . without an election date devised by the Governor to confuse voters,â€? wrote Laird in a statement released Friday afternoon. “We now have time to take our message to voters and engage in a serious debate about the issues facing California and the 15th Senate District.â€? The key word there is “debateâ€?—Laird said before June 22 that his opponent would not appear jointly with him, a luxury he said he would not allow Blakeslee in the lead up to the run-off. Sacramento will be watching the race closely, as a win for Laird means the Democrats would be a single vote away from a supermajority in the state Senate.

Jessica Lussenhop

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A/<B/1@CH 1=; june 30-july 7, 2010 1=D3@ AB=@G

Kombucha Kerfuffle

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Storeowners yank fermented tea from shelves as feds scrutinize the miracle tonic’s alcohol content 0G 1C@B7A 1/@B73@ 7


ANIC grips the beverage

of the kombucha,� says shopper Katya

and Drug Administration, released

aisle. A shopper at the

Hurwitz in a shaking voice, summing

a statement saying it had received

New Leaf in downtown

up the message on the laminated card

complaints from Arizona, Maine,

Santa Cruz reads a notice

posted on the beverage rack.

Minnesota and Vermont about the

explaining the situation

It started quietly, about two weeks

tea and that the alcohol-by-volume

once, twice, then grimaces and picks up

ago. First, megastore Whole Foods

levels in some instances were found to

two of the few remaining bottles. “For

announced it would join roughly a

“significantly exceed� the 0.5 percent

good measure,� he says. Another pair

dozen suppliers in stopping sales of all

allowed for products not registered as

walks up and takes in the depressing

unpasteurized kombucha tea products.

beers, wines or spirits. The FDA and

scene: sad, largely empty refrigerator

The issue: concerns that the fizzy,

TTB stopped short of issuing a recall but

space where usually sits an unbroken

fermented elixirs may contain more

promised that more testing would be

mosaic of glistening pink, olive and

alcohol than the “trace amounts� listed

done and that if products were found

amber bottles, ornately labeled and

on the label. Soon after, the federal

to be over the limit, the agencies would

swimming with bacteria.

Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade

“take appropriate steps to bring them

Bureau, at the behest of the Food

into compliance.�

“I can’t believe they’re getting rid

¨ %

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The high alcohol content is believed by many kombucha brewers to stem from a long shelf life; fermentation can sometimes continue inside the container, producing more and more alcohol as the bottle sits, making aged kombucha boozy kombucha. Since the dust-up began, New Leaf has said it would use up its remaining stock of unpasteurized kombucha, then follow Whole Foods’ lead with a temporary prohibition. Local grocers Staff of Life and Shopper’s Corner are taking a more defiant approach and still selling whatever they can get their hands on until an actual recall is ordered—although with United Natural Foods, the nation’s largest distributor of kombucha, holding out, what they can get isn’t a whole lot. In San Jose, Cosentino’s Market on Bascom Avenue still carries the Honest T brand, and pasteurized kombucha is still available at all the stores—though pasteurization typically kills most of the coveted probiotic bacteria in the drink. Meanwhile, a rumor of the most bizarre order inserts none other

than actress Lindsay Lohan, an avid consumer of the product, into the mix and has some people calling her the “kombucha killer� (see sidebar, page 21). Managers at all the local grocers, however, have less interest in who killed the kombucha buzz than they do with getting it back on the shelves so customers can continue shoveling cash at them to buy it. “All we know is there is some issue with the amount of alcohol in it,� says Soquel Avenue Whole Foods Manager Leora Merwin. “We hope we can bring it back within a few weeks.�

Brew Crew For the few Santa Cruzans not hip to the kombucha jive, here’s the 411. Kombucha is, quite literally, fermented tea. It traces its roots back to ancient China, Russia or Japan, depending on who’s asked, and is made by plopping a thick, slimy mass of yeast and bacteria called a “mushroomâ€? or a “motherâ€? on top of a container of black or green tea, ¨

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A Lohan Ban?


GOOGLE search for the words “Lindsay Lohan kombuchaâ€? brings up a glut of articles and blog posts from news sites like Huffington Post, TMZ and New York Daily News with titles like “Did Kombucha Tea Set Off Lindsay Lohan’s SCRAM?â€? and “Lindsay Lohan boozing it up with Kombucha tea?!â€? The articles point to a June 6 incident when the actress’s legally ordered alcohol monitoring anklet, or “SCRAMâ€? device, which monitors alcohol consumption through sweat, went off during an after-party for the MTV Movie Awards, automatically triggering a warrant for her arrest. Lohan, who is on probation for a 2007 DUI conviction and barred from booze, vehemently denied drinking alcohol but can quite regularly be found clutching a bottle of kombucha. Though she never blamed the tea specifically for the ankle device’s reading and was later cleared by a judge, the timing of the violation and the FDA’s interest in kombucha’s alcohol content was too much for the scandal-starved blogosphere to let slip by. For a time even the break room at the downtown Santa Cruz New Leaf sported a photo of the troubled actress with the words “kombucha killerâ€? scrawled across it. Lohan’s manager Jason Weinberg did not return calls seeking comment, but New Leaf manager Amber Willis was happy to weigh in. “It’s a pretty crazy story,â€? she says, fighting off giggles. “I’m really not sure if it’s true, but you can see where it would come from.â€? Whether the Parent Trap–actress-turned-cocaine connoisseur-and-spray-tansaleswoman played any part in the government’s decision to investigate kombucha, the FDA wouldn’t say. And while kombucha makers like GT Dave of the Ăźber-popular GT brand says he hopes to have products back on shelves in “a matter of weeks,â€? other more dire prognoses are offered by consumers. “The companies need to hurry up and get this thing sorted out,â€? says Jeremy Blevin, a shopper at Staff of Life who’s come to pick through the remains of the kombucha stash. “Because if the government actually makes a recall, who knows when we’ll see it again.â€? Curtis Cartier

then covering it and waiting a week or so until it ferments into a slightly fizzy, vinegary-smelling brew. Home brewers can be found all over the Bay Area, where the yeasty mothers and smaller yeast colonies called “babies� are bought, sold and traded like meatloaf recipes.

What everyone is after are the billions of bacteria touted by companies and consumers as being capable of doing everything from strengthening the immune system and improving skin condition to detoxifying the body and ¨

june 30-july 7, 2010 A/<B/1@CH 1=;

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National Photography

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91 Years of Imagination even preventing cancer. These claims are largely unsubstantiated in scientific study, however, and one medical journal, Research in Complementary Medicine, even says that the product can cause “liver damage, metabolic acidosis and cutaneous anthrax infections.� That, however, hasn’t stopped the kombucha industry from exploding into what totaled $295 million in U.S. sales last year, according to market researcher SPINS Inc. In 2006, Adam Goodman opened Kombucha Botanica, Santa Cruz’s very own kombucha brewery. Goodman declined to comment for this article, though Alan Peterson, the grocery buyer at Shopper’s Corner, says that Goodman’s product is more trustworthy than others because it’s made locally and has less chance of sitting on a shelf or in a warehouse for extended periods of time, where it can continue to ferment and gain alcoholic potency. Regardless, Goodman did confirm that he has stopped filling orders for Kombucha Botanica for the time being. “Kombucha really benefits from buying local,� says Peterson. “We’re going to bring back a couple of our pasteurized kombuchas for a while to fill in what we can’t get. But we want to get all the brands back as soon as we can. I think our customers probably do too.� 0


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A/<B/1@CH 1=; A /<B/1@CH 1=; jjune u n e 30-july 3 0 - j u l y 7, 7, 2010 2 0 1 0 / 3 / 3 3

‘‘Swing!’ Swing!’ a H Hit it 8/</ ;/@1CA 8 /</ ;/@1CA

Cabrilllo Stag Cabrillo Stagee pays hip-jiggling paays hip p p-jiggling p j gg g tribut o sswing wing tributee tto musi ic’s rroots oots music’s 0G A3/< 1=<E3:: 0G A 3 / < 1 = < E 3 : :


T’S GREAT T’S GREAT to to see see theater theater that that iiss culturally culturally enriching, enriching, but but ssometimes ometimes it’s it’s just just as as great great to to off sswitch witch o ff the the old old gray gray matter matter and and enjoy enjoy theater theater that’s that’s entertainment, entertainment, pure pure and and simple. simple. Cabrillo Cabrillo Stage’s Stage’s production production of of SSwing! wing! ffalls alls iinto nto tthis his llatter atter ccategory. ategory. A llavish off ssinging, music avish sspectacle pectacle o inging, m usic aand nd dancing, makes demands off iits dancing, iitt m akes ffew ew d emands o ts audience off ffun watch. audience aand nd iiss a llot ot o un tto ow atch. Att tthe heart off tthe music, A he h eart o he sshow how iiss sswing wing m usic, the the infectious infectious style style of of big-band big-band jazz, jazz, which which seized seized the the public’s public’s imagination—and imagination—and feet—during feet—during the the 1930s 1930s and and ’40s. ’40s. Although Although the was over byy tthe the swing swing eera ra w as llargely argely o ver b he eend nd of of World World War War II, II, a yyounger ounger ggeneration eneration has has come come to to know know swing swing music music through through the the renaissance renaissance iitt eenjoyed njoyed iin n tthe he ’’90s, 90s, with with bands Daddy bands like like Big Big Bad Bad Voodoo Voodoo D addy aand nd tthe he Brian Brian Setzer Setzer Orchestra. Orchestra. This Th his revival revival also also saw saw the the return return of of the the dancing dancing style style that that had had accompanied accompanied the the music music in in its its heyday. heyday. Both B oth eelements lements of of the the phenomenon, phenomenon, musical dance, musical aand nd d ance, aare re sshowcased howcased iin n Swing!, on Swing!, which which premiered premiered o n Broadway Broadway in in 1999 1999 aatt the the height height of of the the swing swing rrevival, evival, and and was was nominated nominated for for six six Tony Tony Awards, Awards, including musical. musical including one one for for best best m usical. A m usical revue, revue, it it is is comprised comprised of of a series series of of song song and numbers paying and dance dance n umbers p aying ttribute ribute tto o Louis Louis Armstrong, Armstrong, who who pioneered pioneered swing, swing, Benny Benny Goodman, Goodman, who who popularized popularized it, it, aand nd a host host of of others. others. With With llittle ittle overarching overarching storyline storyline or or characterization, characterization, each more orr lless on each scene scene m ore o ess sstands tands o n iits ts own. own. There There is is a vague vague plot plot of of sorts: sorts: we we see see tthe he birth birth of of swing swing iin n tthe he ffirst irst aact, ct, when when a woman woman (played (played by by Ashley Ashley Rae Rae Little) onstage opera. Little) aarrives rrives o nstage ssinging inging llight ight o pera. With With a llittle ittle gguidance, uidance, sshe he iiss ssoon oon ssinging inging

:3/2 AE7<53@ : 3/2 AE7<53@ EEleanor leanor H Hunter unter sshows hows ooff ff hher er w well-oiled ell- oiled ppipes ip es w with ith tthe he hhelp elp ooff tthe he ‘‘Swing!’ Swing!’ ddancers. ancers.

jazz and jazz and dancing dancing with with sexual sexual gyrations. gyyrations. Later, L ater, we we see see swing swing going going to to war war with with a performance perfformance of of “Boogie “Boogie Woogie Woo o gie Bugle most part, however, B ugle Boy. Boy.� For For tthe he m ost p arrt, h owever, off m music SSwing! wing! tells tells a sstory tory o usic and and dancing dancing divorced d ivorced from from historical historical context. context. Cabrillo C abrillo Stage’s Stage’s production production boasts boasts a dozen ffull ull jazz jazz band, band, five f ive ssingers ingers aand nd a d ozen dancers. d ancers. The Th he singers, singers, Eleanor Eleanor Hunter, Hunter, Ashley A shley Rae Rae Little, Little, Michael Michael Rhone, Rhone, Taylor JJennifer ennifer T aylor Daniels Daniels and and Jarrod Jarrod Washington, W ashington, do do an an especially especially fine f ine job. job. Hunter has big, many H unter h as a b ig, ffull ull vvoice, oice, aand nd m any off tthe o he best best sscenes cenes involve involve her. her. During During a duet Rhone perform, d uet that that sshe he aand nd R hone pe rfform, both both on ssingers ingers ccarry arry o n a cconversation onversation tthat hat mainly musical but what iiss m ainly m usical gibberish, gibberish, b ut w hat unclear. tthey hey are are talking talking about about is is never never u nclear. There Act 2—when T here is is a similar similar scene scene iin nA ct 2 —when Hunter Mee a River, more H unter ssings ings “Cry “Cry M River,� it’s it’s m ore between her llike ike a cconversation onversation be tween h er aand nd tthe he aaccompanying ccompanying ttrombone. rombone. Off the O the whole whole cast, cast, Jarrod Jarrod Washington Washingt g on has has the the ggreatest reatest sstage tage presence. presence. The The show show

opens with him playing o pens w ith h im ssinging inging aand nd p laying a ukulele, on hee d dominates u kulele, aand nd ffrom rom tthen hen o nh ominates nearly hee iiss iin, n early eevery very sscene cene h n, eeven ven a ggoofy o oofy barnyard hoedown which hee b arnyard h oedown sscene cene iin nw hich h dances on off a ttable d ances o n ttop op o able iin n ccowboy owbo oy boots. boots. Cabrillo Stage’s design minimal, C abrillo S tage’s sset et d esign iiss m inimal, iin n more backdrop ccontrast ontrast tto o tthe he m ore eelaborate laborate b ackdrop off tthe original Broadway production. o he o riginal B roadway p roduction. This puts on director Th his p uts ffull ull vvisual isual eemphasis mphasis o nd irector Janie Scott’s which Ja anie S cott’s cchoreography, horeography, w hich iiss vvery ery not percent ggood, o ood, iiff n ot aalways lways 1100 00 pe rcent ssmooth. mooth. The dancers move Th he d ancers m ove aabout bout tthe he sstage tage iin n aauthentic uthentic ’’30s 30s aand nd ’’40s 40s cclothing, lothing, ttheir heir dancing often peppered with what sswing wing d ancing o ften pe ppered w ith w hat difficult moves. llook ook llike ike d ifff icult aacrobatic crobatic m oves. Perhaps best P erhaps tthe he be st tthing hing tthat hat ccan an be ssaid aid aabout bout SSwing! wing! iiss tthat hat iitt cconveys onveys dynamism off sswing tthe he iintensity ntensity aand nd d ynamism o wing music. That’s not play m usic. T hat’s n ot tto o ssay ay tthat hat tthe he p lay iiss particularly Some off w what wee p articularly aauthentic. uthentic. S ome o hat w h ear, tthough hough ffrom rom tthe he sswing wing eera, ra, iiss n ot hear, not music, sstrictly trictly sswing wing m usic, aand nd tthe he ’’50s 50s vvocal ocal sstandard tandard ““Cry Cry M iver� h as n othing Mee a R River� has nothing tto od ow ith sswing wing aatt aall. ll. Th here aare re aalso lso do with There

contemporary influences contemporary inf luences in in the the music. music. IIn n ssome ome iinstances, nstances, tthis his ccan an be incongruous incongruous with aand nd sslightly lightly iirritating, rritating, aass w ith tthe he vvery ery unswinglike u nswinglike electric electric keyboard keyboard wah-wah wah-wah off tthe eeffects fffects tthat hat aappear ppear iin n ssome ome o he ssongs. ongs. Much more M uch m ore ssuccessful uccessful iiss tthe he ssetting etting of of Woogie Bugle Boy� hip““Boogie Boo o gie W oogie B o ugle B oy� tto oah iphoppish beat, which h oppish be at, w hich sseems eems ccompletely ompletely natural. n atural. production SSwing! wing! iiss a ffun, un, ssimple imple p roduction with off m musicians, w ith a ssolid olid ccast ast o usicians, ssingers ingers aand nd dancers. pounding drums, d ancers. Iff yyou ou eenjoy njoy po unding d rums, blaring woodwinds b laring w oodwinds aand nd tthe he eenergetic nergetic dancing with ssinging inging aand nd d ancing tthat hat ggo ow ith tthem, hem, well worth tthis his sshow how iiss w ell w orth yyour our ttime. ime.

SWING! SWING! runs runs through through July July 18 18 at at the the Crocker Crocker Theatre, Theatre, Cabrillo Cabrillo College, College, 6500 Drive, Building 4000, 6500 Soquel So quel D rive, B uilding 4 000, Aptos. Aptos. Tickets Tickets and and show show times times available available at at www.cabrillostage.com www.cabrillostage.com and and 831.479.6154. 831.479.6154.

$ j / 3 june 20-july 7, 2010 A/<B/1@CH 1=; / 3

E7:2 723/A Biographer James Haley illuminates Jack London’s passionate belief in socialism.

Multidimensional Man A new biography of Jack London maps the life and times of a complex figure 0G A3/< 1=<E3::


ACK LONDON is remembered today mainly for novels like Call of the Wild and White Fang, but he was more than a writer of great adventure tales, a point driven home by Western historian James L. Haley’s Wolf: The Lives of Jack London (Basic Books, 2010; $29.95 hardcover). Like scores of biographers before him, Haley follows one of America’s greatest writers from his illegitimate birth in San Francisco to his untimely death at his ranch in Sonoma County. What makes Haley’s Wolf different— and necessary—is that it reveals a Jack London who was many different things, and devotes attention to all of them. London’s part in the Klondike Gold Rush is recounted by Haley, as is the Pacific voyage of the Snark. Haley also discusses London’s major works and how they were colored by his experiences, but anyone looking for exhaustive literary analysis had best look elsewhere. This is a book about London’s life, or rather, his “lives.� To this end, each chapter represents a different facet of the man: “The Work Beast,� “The Prospector,� “The Celebrity� and so on. A precocious

child, a factory laborer, a social activist—London was all of these things as well as the author and adventurer of legend. He was also a man of contradictions. London wasn’t fond of alcohol, but virtually drank himself to death at the age of 40; he was a passionate socialist, yet spent his later life in luxury, attended by a Korean valet (who was eventually fired for failing to address London as “master�). Though clearly an admirer, Haley doesn’t neglect London’s unsavory side: his infidelity, his racism and at times, his mediocrity as a writer. London’s socialism, though forgotten by most, is especially important in Haley’s narrative. Having lived through the terrible depression of the 1890s, unemployed or fruitlessly toiling in factories, he knew firsthand the horrors of capitalism. Unfortunately, London was frustrated time and again by a public that his craved his fiction but greeted his political beliefs with apathy or outright hostility. Undeterred, he continued to expound the virtues of socialism, even stopping to lecture in Hawaii, Tahiti and Pago Pago during his 1907 cruise aboard the Snark.

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Indeed, his “un-American activities� were such that the FBI opened a dossier on him years after his death. Haley greatly enriches the story by f leshing out London’s many friends, acquaintances and family members— people who helped shape his life, and in many cases are just as interesting as London himself. We meet Ina Coolbrith, the Oakland librarian (and later, poet laureate of California) who nurtured young London’s reading habits; Cloudesley Johns, the postmaster of a tiny Southern California outpost who became London’s first fan; and Charmian Kittredge, London’s typist, travel companion, boxing partner and second wife. Haley also shows readers the exciting stage on which most of Jack London’s life unfolded, that of turn-of-thecentury California. San Francisco was vastly different from today’s city, Oakland unrecognizably so. Bay Area towns like Vallejo and Benicia, which today are bloated suburban eyesores, were once colorful places populated by oyster pirates and “wharf rats.� Central Coast residents will find interest in Carmel-by-the-Sea’s early history as an artist colony. “The Crowd,� San Francisco’s clique of bohemian artists, to which London belonged, began relocating to Carmel in 1905 when rising rents forced them out of their old haunts. Coincidentally, the southward migration saved many from the great earthquake that struck the following year. London and Charmian, who traveled to the city to report on the disaster, had several close calls with the fire that raged in the quake’s aftermath. The description of Carmel is charming, with London and other members of the Crowd, including photographer Arnold Genthe and London’s intimate friend George Streling, gathering on the beach to sing songs and feast on abalone. London, however, never resided permanently in Carmel, preferring to stay with Charmian at Beauty Ranch near the town of Glen Ellen in Sonoma County, where he died in 1916. The site is now Jack London State Park. Charm aside, Wolf is detailed, balanced, and above all, timely. As the gap between rich and poor widens to its greatest extent since London’s time and the public is f leeced of billions by a new breed of robber baron, London remains a powerfully relevant figure, as much for his politics as for the greatness of his art. 0

& j AB/53 /@B 3D3<BA june 30-july 7, 2010 A/<B/1@CH 1=; :7AB G=C@ :=1/: 3D3<B 7< B63 1/:3<2/@ Email it to calendar@santacruz.com, fax it to 831.457.5828, or drop it by our office. Events need to be received a week prior to publication and placement cannot be guaranteed.

Stage B63/B3@ BVS 1ZSO\ 6]caS AVcZ! V YdXidg l]d XVcÉi hiVcY id XaZVc ]Zg dlc ]djhZ! ig^Zh id bV`Z ]Zg i^Yn a^[Z Zci^gZan hediaZhh# :ciZg 7gVo^a^Vc ]djhZ`ZZeZg BVi^aYZ! l]d YdZhcÉi XVgZ! VcY ]^aVg^in [daadlh# I]j! ;g^! HVi ,/(%eb VcY Hjc 'eb# I]j"Hjc I]gj ?ja (# 8^gXaZ I]ZVigZ! 8VhVcdkV Hi! 8VgbZa"Wn"i]Z"HZV# 1]``WR]a( BOZSa ]T bVS ;SfWQO\ @Sd]ZcbW]\ 6 i]ZVig^XVa XZaZWgVi^dc d[ i]Z ldbZc! bZc VcY he^g^i d[ i]Z BZm^XVc gZkdaji^dc! ZmegZhhZY ^c i]Z igVY^i^dc d[ BZm^XVc [da` hdc\h [gdb &.&%" &.'%# 8Vaa [dg ZmVXi i^X`Zih eg^XZh VcY hX]ZYjaZ! l]^X] kVgn i]gdj\]dji ^ih gjc# I]j" Hjc! -eb# I]gj 6j\ &# *" &*# :a IZVigd 8VbeZh^cd! ,%* ;djgi] Hi! HVc ?jVc 7Vji^hiV! )%-#+'(#')))# 4`SSTOZZ 7[^`]dWaObW]\OZ BVSObS` <jZhi eZg[dgbZg Adg^ G^kZgV _d^ch i]Z igdjeZ ^c eZg[dgb^c\ ^ih jchXg^eiZY adc\"[dgb ^begdk eaVn# ;g^!

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;/B160=F AB=@G @3/27<5 /<2 @3:3/A3 Editor and creator Kyle Petersen collects and chooses short stories of 300 characters or less and prints and distributes the winners on matchbooks statewide. This is the release of the second story; other storytellers will read their miniworks too. Thursday, July 1, 7pm. Free. Santa Cruz Mountain Brewing, 402 Ingalls St. #27, Santa Cruz.

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¡:=AB 0=GA¸ A1@33<7<5 E7B6 1=@3G 43:2;/< The 1987 classic filmed-in–Santa Cruz bloodsucker The Lost Boys featured Corey Feldman and the recently departed Corey Haim. Feldman will play a set with his band Truth Movement at 6:30pm and pal around with the audience till 9pm, when the vampire movie screens. Wednesday, June 30, 6:30pm at Beach Boardwalk. Free. 4W`STZg 1OTS BjgVa JckZ^a^c\# I]Z Ndjc\ 6gi^hih HijY^dÉh egd\gVb d[ H]VgZY 6YkZcijgZh ]Vh WZZc eV^ci^c\ je V hidgb dc i]Z higZZi h^YZ d[ i]Z XV[Z! VcY i]^h ^h i]Z ejWa^X ^cigdYjXi^dc d[ i]Z^g XdaaZXi^kZ ldg`# ;g^! ?ja '! +"-eb# ;gZZ VYb^hh^dc# &(& ;gdci Hi! HVciV 8gjo# AO\bO 1`ch 7\bSU`ObWdS ;SRWQW\S O\R 1VW 1S\bS` :a^oVWZi] 8jcc^c\]Vb 7dhhVgi! B6# CZl XdciZbedgVgn eV^ci^c\h YZe^Xi^c\ X^gXjaVg VWhigVXi [dgbh b^mZY l^i] Xdadgh l]^X] Zkd`Z V hZchZ d[ YZei]! higZc\i] VcY a^\]i# GZXZei^dc Hjc ?jc ',! &'/(%"(eb# I]gj ?ja *# ;gZZ VYb^hh^dc# '&*&&7 :Vhi 8a^[[ 9g! HVciV 8gjo! -(&#)+*#.%--#

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A/<B/1@CH 1=; june 30-july 7, 2010 AB/53 /@B 3D3<BA

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<CBH:3 /<2 1=:3;/< /B ;=B7D Internationally published illustrator Futzie Nutzle and neon-art sculptor/fabricator Brian Coleman both do work that’s compellingly memorable. Works from both are on display at Motiv through July 31; advance word is it’ll be a happening place this First Friday in a reprise of last month’s bash. Friday, July 2, 5–9pm. Free. Motiv, 1209 Pacific Ave., Santa Cruz. d[ ZkZgn bdci]! -eb# &% ejWa^X! + hijYZcih# ;Zaidc 8dbbjc^in =Vaa! +&.& =ln .! ;Zaidc# AS\aObW]\OZ A\OYSa 7g^Vc <jcYn aZVYh ild egZhZciVi^dch dc i]Z ldgaY d[ l^\\an gZei^aZh l^i] Vgih VcY XgV[ih VXi^k^i^Zh# HVi! ?ja (! &%/(%Vb VcY cddc# '#*% \ZcZgVa! &#*% hZc^dgh! &- VcY jcYZg [gZZ# HVciV 8gjo BjhZjb d[ CVijgVa =^hidgn! &(%* :# 8a^[[ 9g! HVciV 8gjo! -(&#)'%#+&&*# AbO`ZWUVb B`OW\ B`W^a Ild VcY V ]Va[ ]djg igV^c ig^eh hiVgi^c\ Vi i]Z 7dVgYlVa` VcY hVh]Vn^c\ Vaa dkZg i]Z WZVjiZdjh eVgih d[ cdgi] Xdjcin# HdbZ deZc igV^c XVgh [dg YVcX^c\# :kZgn HVi ZkZc^c\ i]gj ?ja ') VcY HVi 6j\ &)# :mVXi i^bZh VcY VYkVcXZ i^X`Zih/ -(&#((*#))-)# HVi! ?ja (# &+" ''# GdVg^c\ 8Vbe! CVggdl <Vj\Z GV^agdVY! <gV]Vb =^aa VcY Bdjci =ZgbVc GdVY! ;Zaidc! -(&#((*#))-)#

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AB/@ A>/<5:32 ;/BB3@A There’s hot Fourth of July action from one corner of the county to another, and after this last year, going to all of it is definitely called for.

4`WROg 8cZg /CB= @/13A /<2 47@3E=@9A Ocean Speedway in Watsonville roars with independence from the Crown. Santa Cruz County Fairgrounds, Highway 152, Watsonville. Schedule: 831.476.9466.

AObc`ROg³Ac\ROg 8cZg !³" ¸# A 4/;7:G 43AB Two-day 1950s-style combo of sock hop, dance and hula hoop contests, sack races, balloon tosses, barbecue, live music, ambling adults, laughing parents and panting children. Roaring Camp Railroads, Graham Hill Road, Felton. 831.335.4484.

Ac\ROg 8cZg " 47@31@/193@ @/13 Kids 1K, 5 and 10K routes. The 10K starts and finishes in

Harvey West park and tours Pogonip; the shorter ones wheel around other areas. Register at 7am, and races start soon after. It’s all free; more info is at 831.439.7049 or www.santacruzfirecracker10k.org. E=@:2¸A A6=@B3AB >/@/23 Aptos Chamber of Commerce hosts the beloved

quarter-mile parade, occasionally with some of the nation’s largest f loats, through downtown Aptos. Pancake breakfast 7:30–10am, parade at 10am, festival, 11am– 4pm. Info: 831.688.1467 or aptoschamber.com. 4@33 1=;;C<7BG AE7; Entrance to all pools no charge; hambuggers ’n’ hot doggies for sale. Noon–4pm, Simpkins Family Swim Center, 979 17th Ave., Live Oak. =:2 4/A67=<32 7<23>3<23<13 2/G The parade starts at noon, and then come the f lag raising, live old-time music, crafts, ice cream making, games. 11am– 4pm. Free admission. Wilder Ranch State Park, Highway 1, 10 miles north of Santa Cruz. Info: 831.426.0505 or santacruzstateparks.org. 47@3E=@9A 13:30@/B7=< The Scotts Valley Chamber of Commerce sponsors

this combo of parade (1pm on Scotts Valley Drive) and hoopla (Skypark, 3pm) with live music, bounce house and food. And then, fireworks, 9:15pm. Tickets $6/$8. Scotts Valley Community Center and Skypark. Info: 831.438.3251. A>7@7B =4 E/BA=<D7::3 A celebration of both Independence Day and Watsonville’s 159th birthday. Parade starts on Main Street at 2pm and goes to the Plaza, and festival of music, dance and jes’ a little speechifying continues until 5pm.

03/ /BA1/>3 jjune u n e 30-july 3 0 - j u l y 7, 7, 2010 2 0 1 0 A/<B/1@CH 1=; A/<B/1@CH 1=; ! ! j 03/BA1/>3

J a z z P re s e n te rs s i n ce 1 9 7 5

FRI. JULY 2 • 8 PM An eclectic brand of Americana!


$25/Adv $28/Door • No Jazztix/Comps MON. JULY 12 • 7 PM


Puerto Rico’s Plena, Bomba & Beyond! $22/Adv $25/Door Sponsored by Plazita Medical Clinic

THURS. JULY 15 • 7 & 9 PM

OTTMAR LIEBERT & LUNA NEGRA New CD “Petals on the Pathâ€? $27/Adv $30/Door • No Jazztix/Comps

Sponsored by William & Cloy Codiga Family Foundation

MON. JULY 19 • 7 PM Rising Star Pianist!


$20/Adv $23/Door 1/2 PRICE NIGHT FOR STUDENTS. AT THE DOOR ONLY. THURS. JULY 22 • 7 & 9 PM One of the world’s leading jazz guitarists!

LEE RITENOUR/DAVE GRUSIN ALL-STARS $32/Adv $35/Door • No Jazztix/Comps Sponsored by The Print Gallery

7/26 SEXTO SENTIDO! Cuban vocalists! ADVANCE TICKETS: Logos Books & Records and Kuumbwajazz.org CafĂŠ Kuumbwa serves dinner Mondays & Thursdays beginning at 6pm, along with beer and wine. All ages welcome. Tickets subject to service charge & 5% admission tax.

320-2 Cedar St • Sa nta C r u z 427-2227


;=<2= 0=<5= ; =<2= 0=< <5= Zongo Zongo o Junction

Afrobeat stylings lets y the Afr obbeat st t yylings this Saturday Moe’s Alley. Satur day at Mo e’s Alle ey.

E32<3A2/G j $ ! E 32<3A2/G j $ !

B6C@A2/G j % B 6 C @ A 2/G j %

4@72/G j % 4 @ 7 2/G j %

B63 A>C@BA B6 63 A>C@BA

8=3 1@/D3< /<2 8=3 1@/D3< /<2 B 63 E7:: > >/BB=< B63 E7:: >/BB=< 3<A3;0:3 3 <A3;0:3

</932 3G3A < </93 2 3G3A

Harnessing the Harnessing the p primal rimal urge urge that that h has as d riven sweaty sweaty b lues aand nd rock rock & roll roll driven blues ffrom rom H owlin’ W olf tto oC huck B erry tto o Howlin’ Wolf Chuck Berry tthe he Stooges, Stoogges, S anta C ruz’s tthe he Spurts Spurts aare re Santa Cruz’s cclassicists lassicists iin n tthe he m ost lowbrow lowbrow ssense ense most iimaginable. maginable. A rrefreshing efreshing tthrowback hrowback tto o grimy grimy b lues-derived rrock ock iin n tthe he blues-derived aage ge of of P ro T ools, tthe he Spurts Spurts d escribe Pro Tools, describe tthemselves hemselves aass “punk� “punk� b ecause iit’s t’s the the because cclosest losest ccontemporary ontemporary cclassification lassif ication tthat hat fits. f its. But But w hat tthe he band band is is d oing iiss what doing ffar ar m ore ssteeped teeped in in tthe he early early rroots oots o more off rrock ock & rroll. oll. T hat tthey hey ccan an m ake ssuch uch That make w ell-worn iinfluences nf luences ffeel eel aass relevant relevant well-worn aand nd iimmediate mmediate aass a sslap lap in in tthe he face face iiss a ttestament estament tto o tthe he ccommitment ommitment they they b ring to to the the m aterial. Blue Blue L agoon; $ 5; bring material. Lagoon; $5; 9 pm. ((Paul Paul M Davis) 9pm. M.. Davis)

Th This his double double b bill ill m may ay aappear, ppear, aatt ffirst irst gglance, lance, tto ob n odd odd p airing: Joe Joe bee aan pairing: C raven, tthe he wacky wacky eeverything-butverything-butCraven, tthe-kitchen-sink he-kitchen-sink one-man one-man band, band, and and V ermont’s jjazz-cum-bluegrass azz-cum-bluegrass q uartet Vermont’s quartet tthe he W ill P atton E nsemble. IItt m akes a Will Patton Ensemble. makes ccertain ertain ssort ort o loggic, however, however, w hen off logic, when yyou ou cconsider onsider tthat hat C raven aand nd P atton Craven Patton sshare hare a b oundless enthusiasm enthusiasm ffor or boundless m usic tthat hat ttranscends ranscends genre. genre. W hile music While C raven ccracks racks w ise w ith h is ffiddle iddle aand nd Craven wise with his m andolin, Patton Patton and and h is eensemble nsemble mandolin, his n imbly m aneuver tthrough hrough a w ide nimbly maneuver wide vvariety ariety o enres iincluding ncluding B razilian off ggenres Brazilian ssamba, amba, ffolk olk waltzes waltzes and and G ypsy jjazz. azz. Gypsy It t’s tthe he sshared hared love love o wide variety variety It’s off a wide o forms tthat hat makes makes tthe he whole whole tthing hing off forms w ork. D on Q uixote’s; $ 13 aadv/$15 dv/$15 d oor; work. Don Quixote’s; $13 door; 77:30pm. :30pm. (PMD) (PMD)

Though T hough N Naked aked E Eyes yes d doesn’t oesn’t h have ave tthe he iinstant nstant n ame rrecognition ecoggnition eenjoyed njoyed b name byy ccontemporaries ontemporaries llike ike D uran D uran, Duran Duran, tthe he b and’s sstring tring o 80s h its aare re band’s off ’’80s hits u nforgettable. S ongs llike ike ““Promises, Promises, unforgettable. Songs P romises,� ““When When tthe he L ights G oO ut� Promises, Lights Go Out� aand nd iits ts ccover over o he B urt B acharach– off tthe Burt Bacharach– p enned ““Always Always S omething T here penned Something There tto oR emind M e� aare re iindelible ndelible m arks Remind Me� marks o the era. era. The Th he duo—vocalist duo—vocalist Pete Pete off the B yrne aand nd k eyboard p layer R ob Byrne keyboard player Rob F isher—disbanded iin n 11984, 984, aand nd F isher Fisher—disbanded Fisher p assed aaway way iin n 11999, 999, sso o tthis his iiss p rimarily passed primarily B yrne’s sshow how n owadays. S till, ffor or tthose hose Byrne’s nowadays. Still, w ho aare re m issing tthe he ggrandeur randeur o 80s who missing off ’’80s ssynth-pop, ynth-pop, tthis his iiss aan no pportunity tto o opportunity rrelive elive tthe he m usic o ne o he d ecade’s music off o one off tthe decade’s m ost m emorable h itmakers. B each most memorable hitmakers. Beach B oardwalk; ffree; ree; 6 :30 aand nd 8 :30pm. Boardwalk; 6:30 8:30pm. ((PMD) PMD)

! j !

A/<B/1@CH 1=; A /<B/1@CH 1=; jjune u n e 30-july 3 0 - j u l y 7, 7, 2010 2 0 1 0 03/BA1/>3 03/ /BA1/> >3

1=<13@BA 1 = < 1 3 @ B A B63 ;==< B63 ;==< :/<27<5 =4 ==< :/<2 :/< 7< <5 = =4 4 =C@ 53<3@ @/B @/ B7=< =< =C@ 53<3@/B7=< J JUL ULLY 7 AT AT CREPE CREEPE CR PE PLACE PLLA LAC CEE JULY 1 1/ 16C;0/ 1 / /;03 /; 3 1/16C;0/;03 JUL LY 8 A LY T KU UUMBW UU UUMBW UMB MBWA WA JULY AT KUUMBWA

4@72/G j % 4 @ 7 2/G j % %

A63:0G :G<<3 A63:0 G :G<<3 G When alt alt-country - country ic iconoclast o clast Shelb ono Shelbyy L y ynne won the Gram mm my ffor o or “Bestt Lynne Grammy N ew Ar A rtist� in 20 001, 01 it i w as wellw ll New Artist� 2001, was deser ved but ill-timed d, sinc ame in deserved ill-timed, sincee it ccame the middle —not the b eginning— of middle—not beginning—of an impr essive ccareer. areer. Thr T oughout it impressive Throughout all, L yynne has insisted d on p erforming o a Lynne performing ountry, soul, classic c rrock, ock, adult mix of ccountry, ccontemporary ontemporary and ot ther st yles, despite other styles, pr essure to b ecome le ess eclectic and pressure become less mor etable. In rrecent ecent yyears, ears, moree mark marketable. aken eeven ven gr e eater ccontrol ontrol of she has ttaken greater w al lbum, Tears, Teearrs, Lies her music: her ne new album, and Alibis selff--produ uced and self fAlibis,, is self-produced selfrreleased. eleased. F eaturing al Featuring alll original songs songs,, it is a minimalist ef ffor ort de void of effort devoid ccommercial ommercial gloss d it showc ases gloss,, and showcases h style her style l in i its i pur est fform. o orm. K uumbw u b a; purest Kuumbwa; $2 door; 9pm m. (Sean (Sean Conwell) Conwell) $255 adv/$28 door; 9pm.

4@72/G j % 4 @ 7 2/G j %

8/G :7<5= 8 /G :7<5= = The sshining The hining ssuccess uccess story story of of the the B ritannia Arms Arms S inger Songwriter Songwriter Britannia Singer S howcase, Santa Santa Cruz’s Cruz’s Jay Jay L ingo Showcase, Lingo w on tthe he contest contest back back iin n 2008 2008 and and won h as b een marauding marauding tthe he surrounding surrounding has been ccountryside, ountryside, ggee-tar ee-tar in in h and, ever ever ssince. ince. hand, B lurring western western country country rock rock with with Blurring o ld-time Americana, Americana, L ingo speaks speaks the the old-time Lingo

ssame ame w hiiskey-sipping, honky-tonk h honky-tonk whiskey-sipping, vvernacular ernacular of of a Hank Hank Williams Williams or or aW illie Nelson. Nelson. There’s There’s also also a raw raw Willie aand nd h onest vulnerability vulnerability that that comes comes honest tthrough hrough in in his his lyrics lyrics on on heartbreaks heartbreaks aand nd h andshakes as as well well as as a natural natural handshakes ssongcrafting ongcrafting know-how know-how that that belies belies his his aage. ge. A the end end of of the the day, day, however, however, Att the tthis his is is fun, fun, rowdy rowdy bar bar music music and and a sure sure b et ffor or a Friday Friday night. night. Crepe Crepe Place; Place; $6; $6; bet 9 pm. (Curtis (Curtis Cartier) Cartier) 9pm.

B63 B63 63 @=0 @= H/16 1 A6= =E E B63 @=0 H/16 A6=E JUL ULLY 10 0A T CA ATA ALLY LY YSST ST JULY AT CATALYST B63 3 HG H 231 31= 4:/;3A :/ / B63 HG231= 4:/;3A JUL LY 11 11 A T DO D ON QUIXO Q UIIX IX TE’S JULY AT DON QUIXOTE’S >:3</ > :3 : @3 :70@ >:3</ :70@3 JUL LY 12 A T KU UUMBW WA WA JULY AT KUUMBWA ;/:7;/ / 9=<3 = ;/:7;/ 9=<3 @3 55/4@7? @7?C3 @355/4@7?C3 JUL LY 15 A T MO O ALLEY OE’S LEY JULY AT MOE’S > /C: B6=@ @< < >/C: B6=@< JUL LY 23 A T RI IO THEA TH HEATRE HEA T JULY AT RIO THEATRE E =:4 >/@/ /23 E=:4 >/@/23 A UG. 29 AT AT CATALYST CA ATA TAL A YSST AUG.

A/BC@2/G j % ! A /B C @ 2/G j % !

AC<2/G j % " A C < 2/G j % "

H=< H=<5= = 5= 8C C<1B7=< 8C<1B7=<

:/@@G 6=A4=@2 :/@@ G 6= 6 A4=@ = 2

With W ith 13 13 h horn-blasting, orn-blasting, d drum-pounding rum-pounding Afrobeat maniacs aand nd bass-thumping bass-thumping A frobeat m aniacs on o n the the roster, roster, tthe he only only thing thing Zongo Zongo has do JJunction unction h as tto od o to to start start a legitimate legitimate dance party up plug d ance p arty is is sshow how u p and and p lug in. in. That T hat ssaid, aid, anyone anyone within within a square square block off this Ford-tough b lock earshot earshot o this F ord-tough ffunk unk would bee h hard pressed ffactory actory w ould b ard p ressed not not tto o hoopla. Charles jjoin oin iin n the the h oopla. Drummer Drummer C harles Ferguson band with F erguson formed formed the the b and w ith keyboard whiz Adam k eyboard w hiz A dam Coopersmith Coopersmith Ghana aafter fter a stint stint sstudying tudying iin nG hana off Afrobeat. eexposed xposed him him tto o tthe he world world o Afrobeat. And Brooklyn, A nd back back in in B rooklyn, the the eeager ager llads ads ffound ound more more than than eenough nough diversity diversity tto o sstaff taff the the village-sized village-sized act act and, and, off toting aapparently, pparently, a vvehicle ehicle capable capable o toting California Alley; tthem hem to to C alifornia ttoo. oo. Moe’s Moe’s A lley; $10 door; 9pm. $ 10 adv/$12 adv/$12 d oor; 9 pm. (CC) (CC)

A ggenuine enuine C Central entral C Coast oast iinstitution, nstitution, ssinger inger aand nd gguitarist uitarist L arry H osford Larry Hosford h as been been part part of of tthe he local local m usic scene scene has music ssince ince 1961. 1961. Though Though now now ssituated ituated iin n h is hometown hometown o Salinas, H osford h as his off Salinas, Hosford has sspent pent most most o his musical musical career career iin n off his S anta Cruz, Cruz, aapart part ffrom rom a brief brief fforay oray Santa iinto nto N ashville ((where, where, h ays, tthey hey Nashville hee ssays, ttold old him him he he w as “too “too ccountry�). ountry�). IIn n tthe he was ’’60s 60s Hosford Hosford played played w ith tthe he E -Types, with E-Types, a popular popular Salinas Salinas rrock ock & rroll oll b and. IIn n band. tthe he ’70s, ’70s, he he jjoined oined tthe he Santa Santa Cruz Cruz h ard hard rrock ock o utf it Snail Snail aand nd went went o n tto o rrecord ecord outfit on aan n album album with with G eorge Harrison. Harrison. George T oday, Hosford Hosford continues continues tto o aappear ppear aatt Today, llocal ocal venues, venues, playing playing country, country, rrock ock aand nd eeverything verything in in b etween. C repe P lace; between. Crepe Place; $ 8; 5pm. 5pm. (SC) (SC) $8;

E 3 2 < 3 A 2/G j % % E32<3A2/G j % %

A;7B6 A/<23@A A ;7B6 A A/<23@A Steve S Steve Smith mith aand nd Chris Chris Sanders Sanders p paths aths cconverged onverged in in the the desert desert ttown own of of L as Las C ruces, N.M., N.M., ffive ive yyears ears aago. go. Th hey’ve Cruces, They’ve be en reveling reveling in in their their unique unique m usical been musical aalchemy lchemy ever ever since. since. Smith’s Smith’s Virginia Virginia rroots oots provide provide the the base base elements elements o off ttraditional raditional Southern Southern bluegrass bluegrass to to m ore more tthan han 30 30 years years o mandolin p laying, off mandolin playing, w hile Sanders Sanders is is a Minnesota Minnesota songbird songbird while w hose voice voice still still traces traces the the be auty of of whose beauty h er childhood childhood choral choral ssinging. inging. The Th he duo duo her w ill be performing perfforming Americana Americana ggems ems will ffrom rom their their latest latest aalbum lbum SSigns igns A long tthe he Along R oad. D on Q uixote’s; $ 12 aadv/$12 dv/$12 d oor; Road. Don Quixote’s; $12 door; 77:30pm. :30pm. ((Maria Maria Grusauskas) Grusauskas) 2=<¸B 2=253 A63:0G 2=< ¸B 2=253 A63: :0G Y’allt Y’allternative ernative chant chanteuse teuse e Shelby Shelb by LLynne yynne is a must-see mustt-see at Kuumbwa Kuumbw u wa this Friday. Friday.

! j 1:C0 5@72 june 30-july 7, 2010 A/<B/1@CH 1=;


E32 j $ !

B6C j %

4@7 j %

A/B j % !

A/<B/ 1@CH B63 /003G

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Daily: (2:10), (4:30), 6:50, 9:10 & Fri-Mon (11:50am)

Film Capsules <3E 1/>A 1=1= 16/<3: 75=@ AB@/D7<A9G

(R; 120 min.) You might suspect a sequel from the title, but it’s just coincidence: Coco Chanel & Igor Stravinsky fits snugly into last year’s unrelated Coco Before Chanel. Chanel here is Anna Mouglalis, a knifelike, severe creature, with a wide scarlet mouth. The ChanelStravinsky love affair begins before World War I in Paris. Chanel goes to the ballet to see the debut of The Rite of Spring. The audience starts to riot. Stravinsky (Mads Mikkelsen) blames the dancers for not being able to move with the music. Sympathizing, Chanel invites Stravinsky and his equally poor family into her silk-lined chateau. Director Jan Kounen waltzes the camera around a plush house as Stravinsky pounds the keyboard and Chanel draws the composer closer to her. Love isn’t her sole occupation; she’s also supervising the creation of her namesake perfume. This olfactory task is hampered by the smell of burning emanating from Stravinsky’s wife (Yelena Morozova). From the art-nouveau

kaleidoscope titles to the nostril-flaring finish, Kounen presents a standard love triangle— rich-looking, spotless. It’s engrossing until it suddenly isn’t. (Opens Fri at the Nickelodeon.) (RvB) 1G@CA (R; 92 min.) The Duplass brothers have been forerunners in the indie game since their debut, The Puffy Chair, hit the scene in 2005. Now with Cyrus, they’ve officially entered the studio system. Their close-up documentary style remains intact, only it’s matured. Jay and Mark Duplass have retained what made their early films so endearing, but they have taken their storytelling to new levels. It’s a twist on the classic indie story of late. Down-and-out middle-aged guy John (John C. Reilly) has all but given up on the prospects of love. But then he meets Molly (Marisa Tomei). Things are finally looking up. Then he meets her son, Cyrus (Jonah Hill). Still in his 20s and living at home, his relationship with his mother is what you would call creepy. Hill’s portrayal of a sociopath intent on keeping the status quo is instantly classic. Reilly’s interplay with Hill is pitch perfect. The Duplass’ are skilled at capturing raw moments,

whether they are funny, sad or unbearable. (Opens Fri at the Nickelodeon.) (MM) 3C53<3 =<357<

(Unrated; 160 min.) The Met Summer Encore series continues with this production of Tchaikovsky’s opera starring soprano RenÊe Fleming and baritone Dmitri Hvorostovsky. Based on Pushkin’s novel, the opera tells a romantic story of mismatched lovers. (Plays Wed at Santa Cruz 9.) B63 :/AB /7@03<23@ (PG; 110

min.) As a reincarnation of the Avatar, Aang has the ability to “bend,� or manipulate, the four elements: earth, air, fire and water. Along with his friends, Aang embarks on a quest to bring peace to a world torn apart by war. M. Night Shyamalan directs this adaptation of Nickelodeon’s hit animated series. (Opens Wed at Aptos Cinemas and the Del Mar, Thu at Scotts Valley and Green Valley.) ;@ A;7B6 5=3A B= E/A67<5B=< (1939)

Jimmy Stewart plays a small town hero who goes to Washington, D.C., to fill a vacant Senate seat. Idealistic and naive, he must come to terms with the corruption and

cynicism that permeate real-life politics. A classic comedy-drama from director Frank Capra. (Plays Sat-Sun at 11am at Aptos.) B63 BE7:756B A/5/( 31:7>A3 (PG-13; 124

min.) In the third Twilight film, Bella (Kristen Stewart) must choose once and for all between vampire Edward (Robert Pattinson) and werewolf Jacob (Taylor Lautner). As if that weren’t enough, Bella is targeted by a vindictive vampire enemy, and Seattle is plagued by a string of mysterious killings. (Opens Wed at 41st Ave, Santa Cruz 9, Scotts Valley and Green Valley.) B63 E7H/@2 =4 =H (1939) Follow the

Yellow Brick Road with Dorothy, Toto, the Scarecrow, Tin Man and Cowardly Lion in this definitive adaptation of L. Frank Baum’s fairy tale. Though not an initial success despite its memorable songs and pioneering use of Technicolor, over the years it has become a true cultural landmark. (Plays Thu at 8pm at Santa Cruz 9.)

@3D73EA 17BG 7A:/<2 (PG-

13; 108 min.) Many movies are called

Movie reviews by Sean Conwell, Traci Hukill, Martin Malloy, Richard von Busack and Christina Waters

“The Little Film That Could�—Raymond De Felitta’s film deserves the name; the tale has tallness as well as heart. It concerns a tangle of confusion hitting the Rizzos, a suburban family that doesn’t realize how extended it is. Andy Garcia excels as Vince, a prison guard from a hidden waterside enclave in the Bronx. On the job, Vince encounters his own son Tony (Steven Strait) from a long-ago affair in Jersey and he decides to bring Tony home to do some day-labor without telling his wife his true identity. But Vince has another secret: he’s been taking acting classes in Manhattan, without informing his hostile, lynx-eyed wife, Joyce (Julianne Margulies, never better). The rest of the family have secrets of their own: son Vince Jr. (Ezra Miller) is a chubby-chaser with eyes for the 400pound woman next door, and daughter Vivian (Dominik Garcia-Lorido) has been moonlighting as a stripper. The tangle of lies is resolved nicely. City Island has fine waterscapes; Emily Mortimer is very soulful as the acting partner with whom Vince shares a deepening friendship; the ageless Alan Arkin

has six very good scenes as a weary acting teacher who has seen generations of Brando imitators come and go. Provoking a family feud at a dinner table, or gazing at a BBW porn site as if it were the Holy Grail, Miller is also outstanding. (RvB) 3F7B B6@=C56 B63 574B A6=> (R;

87 min.) A highlight of film in 2010. The documentary’s actual subject isn’t street art per se, or even the career of the director, the elusive graffitist Banksy. Instead, director Banksy narrates a truelife parable about the career of a boutique owner named Thierry Guetta. Guetta is a friendly, muttonchopped (and slightly mutton-headed) L.A. boutique owner whose video documentation of a covert scene led to his becoming a celebrity artist named “Mr. Brainwash.� Banksy’s art has soul as well as easily accessible political content. He takes on well-guarded subjects of oppression, from the British pound note to the Israeli security wall. Exit Through the Gift Shop is about anonymous craftsmanship eclipsed by the sun-gun of self-publicity, of illegal attacks on consensus reality, elbowed aside


Fri-Mon (11:30am)


( ) = Bargain Shows Before 5:30pm


Showtimes are for Wednesday, June 30, through Wednesday, July 7, unless otherwise indicated. Programs and showtimes are subject to change without notice.

/>B=A 17<3;/A

@7D3@4@=<B AB/27C; BE7<

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A/<B/ 1@CH 17<3;/ '

122 Rancho Del Mar Center, Aptos 831.688.6541 www.thenick.com



Daily: (2:10), (4:20), 6:30, 8:40 & Fri-Mon (12 noon) (PG-13) Tom Cruise Cameron Diaz FROM THE DIRECTOR OF

1475 41st Ave., Capitola 831.479.3504 www.cineluxtheatres.com




Tickets $6

Mr. Smith Goes to Washington

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23: ;/@

A1=BBA D/::3G 17<3;/

1124 Pacific Ave., Santa Cruz 831.426.7500 www.thenick.com

226 Mt. Hermon Rd., Scotts Valley 831.438.3260 www.cineluxtheatres.com

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Sat 7/3, Sun 7/4 & Mon 7/5 @ 11:00am Next Week: Mary Poppins

Children under 5 admitted only on Mondays & Weekend Matinees


Lincoln and Cedar streets, Santa Cruz 831.426.7500 www.thenick.com (NR)

1405 Pacific Ave., Santa Cruz 800.326.3264 x1700 www.regmovies.com

Call for showtimes.


Daily: (2:00), (4:20), 6:40, 9:00

155 S. River St, Santa Cruz 800.326.3264 x1701 www.regmovies.com

Call for showtimes.

5@33< D/::3G 17<3;/ &

1125 S. Green Valley Rd, Watsonville 831.761.8200 www.greenvalleycinema.com Call for showtimes.

j !%

A/<B/1@CH 1=; june 30-july 7, 2010 47:;

by fraudulence and hucksterism on a Dalilevel scale. Inevitably, hype, pandering and foolishness replaced the artist’s sacred tools of silence, exile and cunning. (RvB) 53B 67; B= B63 5@339 (R; 109 min.)

Russell Brand’s decadent rock star Aldous Snow proved popular enough in Forgetting Sarah Marshall that director Nicholas Stoller decided to make an entire film dedicated to him. Unfortunately, what made Jason Segel’s film such a success wasn’t solely Brand’s character. Get Him to the Greek sloppily copies Marshall with Jonah Hill in the title role as a record label intern acting as a babysitter for Snow. While there are definite laughs, it lacks the heart and soul its predecessor had in spades. Like any spin-off, it’s just a pale comparison of it’s original. Fortunately, Hill and Brand offer enough humor to make it a good second-class comedy. (MM) 5@=E< C>A (PG-13; 102 min.) Five friends who played basketball together in junior high (Adam Sandler, Chris Rock, Rob Schneider, David Spade and Kevin James) reunite after the death of their old coach. Deciding that adulthood shouldn’t prevent them from having fun like when they were kids, the group spends a rather immature 4th of July weekend together. 7@=< ;/< (PG-13; 125

min.) Struck by heavymetal poisoning from his atomic pacemaker, Tony Stark (a roguish Robert Downey Jr.) is besieged by enemies: a Russian ex-con with access to his technology (Mickey Rourke), a gladhanding competitor (Sam Rockwell) and last but not least the U.S. government. Despite a middle section that vamps for time, Jon Favreau is successful in making this an invigorating meld of screwball comedy and robot-fighting action; Scarlett Johansson is most decorative as the agent known elsewhere as Black Widow, and

Gwyneth Paltrow shows a nimbleness previously unseen (she has to act fast to get up to Downey’s speed). Broad, playful, well-cut and economically done, this movie isn’t just the first of the summer blockbusters—it’s the model for how they all should work. (RvB) 8=</6 63F (PG-13;

81 min.) The disfigured Western antihero from DC Comics arrives on the big screen in a film that combines gunslinging action with supernatural events. Starring Josh Brolin as Hex, Megan Fox as a saloon girl and John Malkovich as archvillain Quentin Turnbull, whom Hex is hired to hunt down. ;71;/1A (R; 105 min.)

A children’s movie for adults by Jean-Pierre Jeunet. Bazil (Dany Boon) was unmanned by the loss of his parents. At loose ends, Bazil is scooped up by a group of friendly scavengers at the dump. Giulietta Masina look-alike Julie Ferrier (doubled by contortionist Julia Gunthel) plays an Elastic Girl who keeps surprising us by unfolding out of nowhere. As a criminal with a good line of patter, JeanPierre Marielle has a Hugoesque story of how he escaped capital punishment. The gang decides to help him expose a pair of competing arms manufacturers: wealthy predators who have been selling weapons throughout Africa. Like Jacques Tati, Jeunet seeks out the old brown Paris, of canal bridges, railroad stations and elephantine 1950s factories. Despite the eye candy, this terminally cute clockwork toy is missing a mainspring. (RvB) =<27<3 (PG-13; 111 min.) This saltwater fairy tale by Neil Jordan (The Crying Game, Breakfast on Pluto) glistens with beautiful images, none more gorgeous than the opening shot of a solitary fisherman (Colin Farrell) gliding through the Irish coastal fog and drawing up his net to find it contains not

/:: //<5ABG Opbi!Sjohfs!jt!Bboh-!b!xijqqfstobqqfs!bwbubs!dibshfe!xjui!tbwjoh!uif!xpsme-!jo!Ă•Uif!Mbtu!Bjscfoefs/Ă–

only fish but a woman as well. The sight of the lovely Ondine (Alicja Bachleda) curled up a la Klimt in a bed of silver fish is utterly primal. The fisherman brings her back to life and the neo-fairy-tale mystery quickens. Jordan’s smart script acquires sharp edges, both in its bone-dry humor and in its refusal to cave in to the sweetness of the story. When a villain shows up, the ensuing crisis is both rough and surprising, but the ending is pure fairy tales. (CW) >@7<13AA 9/7C:/<7

(PG; 130 min.) The true story of a Hawaiian princess (played by Q’Orianka Kilcher) and her struggle to maintain her nation’s freedom in the late 19th Century. After a childhood in Hawaii, Kaiulani is sent to Victorian England for her education. However, when she learns that an

American-backed coup d’Êtat has occurred in her homeland, she sets out to convince the United States to restore her kingdom. @=07< 6==2 (PG-13;

130 min.) Robin Hood looks like three long movies spliced into one unwieldy feature. This prequel concerns Robin’s involvement in the end of the crusades, the civil war and the little-known French invasion of England in the early 1200s. “Robin Longstride� (Russell Crowe) decamps from Richard the Lionheart’s army and goes into the countryside to pose as a dead knight; the fatherin-law of the deceased (Max von Sydow) decides to do a Martin Guerre on this imposter, as does the widow Marian (Cate Blanchett in a wig nearly as tall as she is). This has to be the least-sylvan Robin Hood ever made. Crowe looks

less like a fox and more like a logy, depressed pit bull as the film tries to chug around him with more montages of burning villages and more meetings of angry Plantagenets. (RvB) B63 A31@3B 7< B637@ 3G3A (R; 127

min.) Elegant but staid murder mystery nibbles around the edges of the Dirty War, the search for justice evaporating in 1974 Buenos Aires, with present-day sequences to frame a reopened investigator. It’s leavened by a fine Mulder and Scully anti-romance between an attractive female criminal investigator for the government, Irene (Soledad Villamil), and her attractively crumbling, Mastroiannish male assistant, Benjamin (Ricardo Darín). Director Juan Jose Campanella is a regular director of House

M.D. The film is as restless and jokey as a cop procedural show; every scene is on the mark, but there aren’t enough counterpoints to the assured flow of the story. Villamil, an assured 40ish beauty, is the secret in this movie’s success; her covert smile is the film’s signature piece. It won the Oscar for best foreign film. (RvB) A=:7B/@G ;/< (R; 90 min.) Michael Douglas plays Ben Kalman, formerly the owner of a successful car dealership. He is a master salesman, but his ethical lapses have ruined his personal relationships and his business. Ben has a chance to make things right by escorting his girlfriend’s daughter to a college interview, but due to his usual indiscretions, things are soon falling apart. B=G AB=@G ! (G; 108 min.) Sit through

the pretty ordinary grabber sequence at the beginning of the film—a frontier adventure with a runaway train—because once this latest Pixar effort gets started, it’s perfection. Woody (Tom Hanks), the toy-size avatar of a cinematic century’s worth of action heroes, is the lone skeptic when the rest of the gang is donated to a seemingly wonderful day-care center run by a too-friendly huggy bear (Ned Beatty). What transpires is a Great Escape parody that is less a joke and more like a captivating (and terrifying) new version of an old myth. Things get very heavy indeed; these talking walking toys end up on the edge of extinction, which is why the seasoned professionals doing the voice acting add the right note of mortality to this sequel. A stunner,

all told, in color, action, humor and serious underpinnings. (RvB) E7<B3@¸A 0=<3

(R; 100 min.) The melodrama-free indie movie Winter’s Bone is like a Little Red Riding Hood story in which there’s nothing but wolves. In the outlaw culture of the Ozarks sprawling clans evade the law and deal out their own kind of justice. Adapted from Daniel Woodrell’s novel, Debra Granik’s spare, gripping film concerns 17-year-old Ree Dolly (a thoroughly believable Jennifer Lawrence) and her search for a father who has vanished. Winter’s Bone stays mysterious, even as it strays close to documentary. Lawrence’s own fierceness gives this survival story the kind of immediacy that the summer’s action movies can only grope at. (RvB)

Epicure. Ep picure. e 3>71C@3 jjune u n e 30-july 3 0 - j u l y 7, 7, 2010 2 0 1 0 A/<B/1@CH 1=; A/<B/1@CH 1=; !& ! & j 3>71C@3

TThe he A Apprentice pprentice M Makes akes H His is M Mark ark 1C@B7A 1/@B73@ 1 C@B7A 1/@B73@

Hand Hand-crafted d-crafted wines from win nes fr om Denis Deniis Hoey’s Hoey ’s Odonata Odon ata label aree at attracting ar ttracting aattention at tention 0G 16@7AB7</ E/B3@A 0G 1 6 @ 7 A B 7 < / E/B 3 @ A


NCE Y NCE YOU OU R RECOVER ECOVER ffrom rom tthe he b eauty o he llabel, abel, yyou ou beauty off tthe ffind ind yourself yourself intrigued intrigued by by tthe he name. name. Odonata, Odonata, the the b iologgical o rder ccontaining ontaining d ragonf lies biological order dragonflies aand nd d amself lies, n ow ccontains ontains one one more more damselflies, now ccomplex omplex ccreation: reation: w ine. A dmitting that that wine. Admitting tthe he n ame ccame ame tto oh im d uring a rromantic omantic name him during aafternoon fternoon iin n tthe he vvineyards ineyards w ith h is w ife, with his wife, w inemaker D enis H oey rreminded eminded m winemaker Denis Hoey mee tthat hat d ragonf lies aare re a cconstant onstant ffeature eature o dragonflies off tthe he C alifornia w inemaking llandscape. andscape. California winemaking “Dragonf lies and and damselflies damself lies are are “Dragonflies eeverywhere verywhere iin n tthe he w inery, iin n tthe he winery, vvineyards, ineyards,� h rins, fflashing lashing iinchnchhee ggrins, d eep d imples. S o tthe he eelegant legant n ame deep dimples. So name sstuck. tuck. A U CSC ggraduate raduate iin nb usiness UCSC business aadministration, dministration, H oey w as p ut iin n ttouch ouch Hoey was put w ith S anta C ruz M ountain V ineyard with Santa Cruz Mountain Vineyard w inemaker Je eff E mery iin n2 004. ““And And winemaker Jeff Emery 2004. ttwo wo w eeks llater ater I m et m ife,� h weeks met myy w wife, hee rrecalls ecalls o ife-altering m onth. off a llife-altering month. In cclassic lassic mentor/apprentice mentor/apprentice sstyle, tyle, In E mery ttook ook H oey u nder h is w ing. Emery Hoey under his wing. O riginally iintending ntending tto ob ecome a Originally become ffirefighter, iref ighter, H oey p ivoted q uickly iinto nto Hoey pivoted quickly w inemaking aand nd h as n ever llooked ooked b ack. winemaking has never back. A fter ttwo wo h arvests w ith E mery, H oey After harvests with Emery, Hoey ffollowed ollowed h is ggraduate raduate sstudent tudent w ife his wife u p tto oB erkeley ffor or a sseason, eason, w orking up Berkeley working ffor or B ison O rganic B rewery, w here Bison Organic Brewery, where h learned aabout bout cclean lean ffermenting ermenting hee ““learned p ractices�—technique h ow aapplies pplies tto o practices�—technique hee n now h is sscrupulous crupulous w inemaking o peration. his winemaking operation.

B63 0CHH After two B63 0CHH After t wo seasons seasons studying studying with with Santa Santa Cruz Cruz Mountain Mountain Vineyard’s Vine yard’s Jeff Jeeff Emery Emer y Denis aand nd a stint stint at at a Berkeley Berkele y bbrewery, rewer yy, D enis Hoey’s Ho e y’ y’s winemaking winemaking career career is is taking taking ooff. ff.

““II sstarted tarted ssmall mall w with ith m myy first f irst crush crush iin n2 2005—1 005—1 tton on o off ggrapes, rapes, w which hich tturned urned iinto nto 6 655 ccases ases o off w wine, ine,� h hee rrecalls. ecalls. N Now, ow, byy h his own he’s b is o wn aadmission, dmission, h e’s ““caught caught tthe he disease. Odonata production d isease.� O donata p roduction ccurrently urrently with sstands tands aatt 11,500 ,500 ccases, ases, w ith tthree hree vvintages intages on market. o n tthe he m arket. Local organic orr L ocal vvineyards—“mostly ineyards—“mostly o rganic o biodynamic, hee ccontends—form his b iodynamic,� h ontends—form h is This he’ll bee m making eexclusive xclusive ssources. ources. T his yyear ear h e’ll b aking Meyley Vineyard a cchardonnay hardonnay ffrom rom M eyley V ineyard Gilroy ggrapes rapes aand nd a ggrenache renache ffrom rom G ilroy ggrapes. rapes. his 2008 IIn n aaddition ddition tto oh is fflagship lagship 2 008 ggrenache, renache, 2007 durif 2008 a2 007 d urif aand nd a 2 008 cchardonnay, hardonnay, Hoey will his pinot noir H oey w ill rrelease elease h is ffirst irst p inot n oir tthis his week. whole hee eexults. w eek. ““Six Six w hole ccases!� ases!� h xults. Hoey hee llikes work H oey cconfesses onfesses tthat hat h ikes tto ow ork with off ggrapes. w ith ssmall mall llots ots o rapes. ““II ccan an ssource ource buy up whole ssmall mall vvineyards ineyards aand nd b uy u p ttheir heir w hole

harvest,� h harvest, hee eexplains. xplains. ““Then Then I gget et tto op play lay with w ith tthe he w wine, ine, d do o iitt aall ll m myself. yself. I w want ant tto o ssee ee w what hat I ccan an d do ow with ith ssmall mall b batches. atches.� S So o ffar ar his his eefforts—notably ffforts—notably the the supple, supple, ffullulltthroated hroated ggrenache—have renache—have aattracted ttracted eexpert xpert The 2008 Grenache aattention. ttention. Th he 2 008 8G renache jjust ust ttook ook Gold Medal Orange County Fair. aG old M edal aatt tthe he O range C ounty F air. why wine well; I ccan an ssee ee w hy this this w ine sshows hows w ell; II’m ’m byy iits perfume white ssmitten mitten b ts iinitial nitial pe rffume of of w hite pepper, berries pe pper, be rries and and something something eearthy arthy up with tthat hat ffinishes inishes u pw ith ttobacco. obacco. ““That’s Th hat’s percent hee ssays. ffrom rom the the 5 pe rcent ssyrah, yrah,� h ays. ““That That ggives ives ffoundation oundation tto o the the fruit. fruit.� As As he he works works to to ramp ramp up up to to larger larger production, plans keep his p roduction, Hoey Hoey p lans tto ok eep h is ffocus ocus on Rhones. with o nR hones. ““I’m I’m rreally eally iin n llove ove w ith tthe he Uvas Gilroy, hee ssays. U vas Creek Creek aarea rea aaround round G ilroy,� h ays. with ““And And II’m ’m rreally eally eexcited xcited w ith tthe he ssyrah yrah grapes Zayante Vineyard. grapes II’m ’m ggetting etting ffrom rom Z ayante V ineyard.�

Look L ook ffor or a llong-lived ong-lived n new ew p pinot inot n noir oir ffrom rom H oey—that iis, s, iiff yyou ou ccan an sscore core o ne Hoey—that one o he ffew ew b ottles h ade iin n2 008. ““I’d I’d off tthe bottles hee m made 2008. rreally eally llike ike tto om ake a ggrenache renache b lanc,� make blanc, h uses. H ere’s h oping h oes. B ut hee m muses. Here’s hoping hee d does. But ffor or n ow, tthe he h andmade m icro-lots now, handmade micro-lots o donata aare re ggiving iving D enis H oey a off O Odonata Denis Hoey ggrowing rowing rreputation eputation iin n a rrarified arif ied ffield. ield.

T HE ODONATA ODONATA TASTING TASTING ROOM ROOM THE iiss shared shared with with Santa Santa Cruz Cruz Mountain Mountain V ineyard at at 334A 334A Ingalls Ingalls St., St., Santa Santa Vineyard C ruz. It’s It’s open open to to the the public public the the first f irst Cruz. month, noon–5pm. SSaturday aturday ooff eeach ach m onth, n o on–5pm. 831.566.5147 8 31.566.5147 oorr hhttp://odonatawines ttp://odonatawines ..com. com.

j !'

A/<B/1@CH 1=; june 30-july 7, 2010 27<3@¸A 5C723

Diner’s Guide

Our selective list of area restaurants includes those that have been favorably reviewed in print by Santa Cruz Weekly food critics and others that have been sampled but not reviewed in print. All visits by our writers are made anonymously, and all expenses are paid by Metro Santa Cruz. AG;0=:A ;/23 A7;>:3( + C\RS` + # + $ + O\R c^

Price Ranges based on average cost of dinner entree and salad, excluding alcoholic beverages

/>B=A $$ Aptos

/;0@=A7/ 7<27/ 07AB@=

207 Searidge Rd, 831.685.0610

$$ Aptos

8017 Soquel Dr, 831.688.1233

$$$ Aptos

257 Center Ave, 831.685.8111

$$$ Aptos

$$ Aptos

0@7B/<<7/ /@;A

:/ 03::/ D7B/ 07AB@=

A3D3@7<=¸A 5@7::

7500 Old Dominion Ct, 831.688.8987

Indian. Authentic Indian dishes and specialties served in a comfortable dining room. Lunch buffet daily 11:30am-2:30pm; dinner daily 5pm to close. www.ambrosiaib.com. American and specialty dishes from the British and Emerald Isles. Full bar. Children welcome. Happy hour Mon-Fri 2-6pm. Open daily 11am to 2am. Italian. Ambience reminiscent of a small trattoria in the streets of Italy, serving handmade lasagna, pasta dishes, gnocchi and fresh fish. Wed-Sun, lunch 11am-2pm, dinner 5-9pm. Continental California cuisine. Breakfast all week 6:30-11am, lunch all week 11am-2pm; dinner Fri-Sat 5-10pm, Sun-Thu 5-9pm. www.seacliffinn.com.

H/;33< ;327B3@@/<3/< Middle Eastern/Mediterranean. Fresh, fast, flavorful. Gourmet

7528 Soquel Dr, 831.688.4465

meat and vegetarian kebabs, gyros, falafel, healthy salads and Mediterranean flatbread pizzas. Beer and wine. Dine in or take out. Tue-Sun 11am-8pm.

1/>7B=:/ $ Capitola


1/43 D7=:3BB3

104 Stockton Ave, 831.479.8888

All day breakfast. Burgers, gyros, sandwiches and 45 flavors of Marianne’s and Polar Bear ice cream. Open 8am daily.

>/@/27A3 ACA67 Japanese. This pretty and welcoming sushi bar serves superfresh 200 Monterey Ave, 831.464.3328 fish in unusual but well-executed sushi combinations. Wed-Mon 11:30am-9pm.



1750 Wharf Rd, 831.475.1511

California Continental. Swordfish and other seafood specials. Dinner Mon-Thu 5:30-9:30pm; Fri 5-10pm; Sat 4-10:30pm; Sun 4-9pm.

AB=19B=< 0@7253 5@7::3 Mediterranean tapas. Innovative menu, full-service bar,


231 Esplanade, 831.464.1933

international wine list and outdoor dining with terrific views in the heart of Capitola Village. Open daily.

$$$ Capitola


203 Esplanade, 831.475.4900

California cuisine. Nightly specials include prime rib and lobster. Daily 7am-2am.

A/<B/ 1@CH $$ Santa Cruz


$ Santa Cruz

16/@:73 6=<5 9=<5

$$ Santa Cruz $$ Santa Cruz

1116 Pacific Ave, 831. 426.7588

1141 Soquel Ave, 831. 426.5664


110 Church St, 831.429.2000 B63 1@3>3 >:/13

1134 Soquel Ave, 831.429.6994

1@=E¸A <3AB

Santa Cruz

2218 East Cliff Dr, 831.476.4560

$ Santa Cruz

460 Seventh Ave, 831.477.2908

4/<2/<5= ;3F71/<

$$ Santa Cruz


$$ Santa Cruz


303 Soquel Ave, 831.426.7770

1102 Pacific Ave, 837.420.0135

Mexican/Seafood/American. Traditional Mexican favorites. Best fajitas, chicken mole, coconut prawns, blackened prime rib! Fresh seafood. Over 50 premium tequilas, daily happy hour w/ half-price appetizers. Sun-Thu 11am-10pm, Fri-Sat 11am-11pm. California organic meets Southeast Asian street food. Organic noodle & rice bowls, vegan menu, fish & meat options, Vietnamese-style sandwiches, eat-in or to-go. Consistent winner “Best Cheap Eats.� Open daily 11am-11pm. American, California-style. With a great bar scene, casually glamorous setting and attentive waitstaff. Full bar. Mon-Sat 11:30am-10pm, Sun 1-10pm. Crepes and more. Featuring the spinach crepe and Tunisian donut. Full bar. Mon-Thu 11am-midnight, Fri 11am-1am, Sat 10am-1am, Sun 10am-midnight. Seafood. Fresh seafood, shellfish, Midwestern aged beef, pasta specialties, abundant salad bar. Kids menu and nightly entertainment. Harbor and Bay views. Lunch and dinner daily. Mexican. Serving breakfast all day. Popular for our street tacos and handmade Salvadoran pupusas. Vegetarian options made w/ local fresh vegetables & organic tofu. Daily 9: 30am-9:30pm. Americana. Ribs, steaks and burgers are definitely the stars. Full bar. Lunch Mon-Sat 11:30am-2:30pm; dinner Sun-Thu 5:30-9:30pm, Fri-Sat 5:30-10pm. California/full-service bakery. Breakfast, lunch, dinner. “Best Eggs Benedict in Town.� Happy Hour Mon-Fri 5-6pm. Halfprice appetizers; wines by the glass. Daily 8am-9pm. 3 "

" j 27<3@¸A 5C723 june 30-july 7, 2010 A/<B/1@CH 1=; 1 !'

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Santa Cruz

221 Cathcart St, 831.426.4852

$$ Santa Cruz

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$$ Santa Cruz

516 Front St, 831.421.0706 8=6<<G¸A 6/@0=@A723

493 Lake Ave, 831.479.3430

’60s Vegas meets ’50s Waikiki. Amazing dining experience in kitchy yet swanky tropical setting. Fresh fish, great steaks, vegetarian. Full-service tiki bar. Happy-hour tiki drinks. Aloha Fri, Sat lunch 11:30am-5pm. Dinner nightly 5pm-close. Japanese Fusion. Sushi bar, sake bar, vegetarian, seafood, steak in fun atmosphere; kids play area; karaoke every night. Open seven days 5-10pm; Mon-Fri 11:30am-2:30pm. Seafood/California. Fresh catch made your way! Plus many other wonderful menu items. Great view. Full bar. Happy hour Mon-Fri. Brunch Sat-Sun 10am-2pm. Open daily.

$$$ :/ >=AB/ Santa Cruz 538 Seabright Ave, 831.457.2782

Italian. La Posta serves Italian food made in the old style— simple and delicious. Wed-Thu 5-9pm, Fri-Sat 5-9:30pm and Sun 5-8pm.

$$ Santa Cruz

Fine Mexican cuisine. Opening daily at noon.

49B Municipal Wharf, 831.458.9393

$$ Santa Cruz

1319 Pacific Ave, 831.420.1700

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Santa Cruz

555 Soquel Ave, 831.458.2321

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Santa Cruz

270 Soquel Ave, 831.427.2400

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1220 Pacific Ave, 831.426.9930 A=74

105 Walnut Ave, 831.423.2020

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$$ Santa Cruz

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2415 Mission St, 831.423.9010

710 Front St, 831.427.4444

Thai. Individually prepared with the freshest ingredients, plus ambrosia bubble teas, shakes. Mon-Thu 11:30am-9:30pm, Fri 11:30am-10pm, Sat noon-10pm, Sun noon-9:30pm. Italian-American. Mouthwatering, generous portions, friendly service and the best patio in town. Full bar. Lunch Indian. World-famous Indian curries, vegetarian and nonvegetarian dishes. Authentic Indian food at affordable prices. $8.95 lunch buffet Mon-Thu 11:30am -2:30pm; Fri-Sun 11am-3pm. Irish pub and restaurant. Informal pub fare with reliable execution. Lunch and dinner all day, open Mon-Fri 11:30ammidnight, Sat-Sun 11:30am-1:30am. Wine bar with menu. Flawless plates of great character and flavor; sexy menu listings and wines to match. Lunch Wed-Sat noon2pm; dinner Mon-Thu 5-10pm, Fri-Sat 5-11pm, Sun 4-10pm; retail shop Mon 5pm-close, Tue-Sat noon-close, Sun 4pm-close. Pizza. Specializing in authentic Sicilian and square pizza. Homemade pasta, fresh sandwiches, soups, salads and more. Hot slices always ready. Sun-Thu 10am-9:30pm, Fri-Sat 10am-11pm. Pizza. Pizza, fresh salads, sandwiches, wings, desserts, beers on tap. Patio dining, sports on HDTV and free WiFi. Large groups and catering. Open and delivering Fri-Sat 11am-2am, Mon-Thu 11am-1am, Sun 11am-midnight.

A1=BBA D/::3G $ 63/D3<:G 1/43 American. Serving breakfast and lunch daily. Large parties Scotts Valley 1210 Mt. Hermon Rd, 831.335.7311 welcome. Mon-Fri 6:30am-2:15pm, Sat-Sun 7am-2:45pm. 87/ B3::/¸A $ Scotts Valley 5600 #D Scotts Valley Dr, 831.438.5005

Cambodian. Fresh kebabs, seafood dishes, soups and noodle bowls with a unique Southeast Asian flair. Beer and wine available. Patio dining. Sun-Thu 11am-9pm, Fri-Sat 11am-10pm.

j "

A/<B/1@CH 1=; june 30-july 6, 2010 /AB@=:=5G

Astrology Free Will

By Rob Brezsny

For the week of June 30 /@73A (March 21–April 19): How well are you capitalizing on this year’s unique opportunities, Aries? Since we’re halfway through 2010, let’s take an inventory. I’m hoping you’re well underway in the heroic task of conquering your past. It has been and will continue to be prime time for you to wean yourself from unresolvable energy-drains. So exorcise irksome ghosts, please! Pay off ancient debts! Free yourself from memories that don’t serve you! You’re finally ready to graduate from lessons you’ve had to learn and relearn and re-relearn. The coming months will bring you even more opportunities to finish up old business that has demanded too much of your time and energy. B/C@CA (April 20–May 20): Now that we’re midway through 2010, it’s time to assess how well you’re taking advantage of this year’s good fortune. So let me ask you, Taurus: Have you been expanding your web of connections? Have you honed and deepened your networking skills? Have you taken bold steps to refine your inf luence over the way your team or crew or gang is evolving? The first half of the year has been full of encouragement in these areas, and the coming months will be even more so. 53;7<7 (May 21–June 20): How well have you been attending to 2010’s major themes, Gemini? Since we’re midway through the year, let’s do a checkin. I hope that by now you are at least 15 percent sturdier, stronger, and braver than you’ve ever been in your entire life, and at least 20 percent better organized and disciplined. I hope that you have outgrown one of your amateur approaches and claimed a new professional privilege. Now write the following questions on a slip of paper that you will leave taped to your mirror for the next six months. “1. How can I get closer to making my job and my vocation be the same thing? 2. What am I doing to become an even more robust and confident version of myself ?�

1/<13@ (June 21–July 22): Let’s do a checkin on your progress so far in 2010, Cancerian. The year’s half over, and I’m wondering if you’ve been cashing in on the unique invitations that life has been sending your way. The way I understand it, you’ve been summoned to emerge from your hiding place and go wandering around in exotic and unfamiliar places. Events that in the past may have turned you inward toward thoughts of safety have in recent months nudged you out in the direction of the Great Unknown. Have you been honest enough with yourself to recognize the call to adventure? Have you been wild and free enough to answer the call? If not, I suggest you find it in yourself to do so. The next six months will be prime time to head out on a glorious quest. :3= (July 23–Aug. 22): The year’s half over, Leo. Let’s take an inventory to see whether you’ve been taking maximum advantage of the special opportunities life has been offering you. Consider these questions: Has the quality of your intimate alliances become especially intense, invigorating, and catalytic in recent months? Have you created lots of small miracles with the people you care about most? Have you been willing to risk more to get the most out of togetherness, even if it means dealing with shadowy stuff that makes you uncomfortable? If there has been anything missing from your efforts in these heroic tasks, get to work. Between now and January 2011, you’ll have a mandate to go even deeper than you have since January 2010. D7@5= (Aug. 23–Sept. 22): So how is 2010 going for you so far, Virgo? Have you been taking advantage of life’s offers to help you move into a dynamic new phase of your relationship life? Have you been willing to set aside tired old strategies for seeking intimacy so that you can discover approaches you’ve never imagined before? Have you been brave about overcoming the past traumas and hurts that scared you into accepting less than the very best alliances you could seek? I hope you’ve been pursuing these improvements, because this is the best year in over a decade to accomplish them. :70@/ (Sept. 23–Oct. 22): Have you been doing a lot of sweating and grunting from sheer exertion in 2010? Have you thrown yourself conscientiously into the hardest, smartest labor you’ve ever enjoyed? I hope so, because that would suggest you’re in rapt alignment with this year’s cosmic rhythms. It

would mean that you have been cashing in on the rather sublime opportunities you’re being offered to diligently prove how much you love your life. The next six months will provide you with even more and better prods, Libra, so please find even deeper reserves of determination. Intensify your commitment to mastering the work you came to this planet to do.

A1=@>7= (Oct. 23–Nov. 21): How’s that project coming, Scorpio? You know, that assignment the universe gave you at the beginning of 2010 to loosen up, play more, and periodically laugh like a tipsy Sagittarius. Have you been taking a sabbatical from the seething complications that in most other years are your rightful specialty? Did you throw some of your emotional baggage off a cliff ? Are you dancing more frequently? I hope you’ve been attending to all of this crucial work, and I trust that you’re primed to do even more of it during the next six months. To take maximum advantage of your appointments with relief and release, you’ll have to be even sweeter and lighter.

A/57BB/@7CA (Nov. 22–Dec. 21): Are you a dynamic bastion of stability yet, Sagittarius? Have you been growing deeper and deeper roots as you bloom in your power spot? Are you continuing to build your self-mastery as you draw abundant sustenance from the mother lode? You’re halfway through 2010, the year when these wonders should be unfolding with majestic drama. The best is yet to come, so I recommend that you declare your intention to make the next six months be a time when you come all the way home. 1/>@71=@< (Dec. 22–Jan. 19): What are the toughest pairs of opposites in your life, Capricorn? What are the polarities whose different sides rarely resonate with each other and too often threaten to split you in half ? One of the distinguishing characteristics of 2010 is the fact that you are getting unprecedented chances to bring them together in ringing harmony, or at least a more interesting tension. What have you learned so far about how to work that magic? And how can you apply it in even craftier ways during the next six months?

/?C/@7CA (Jan. 20–Feb. 18): You may still be gnawed by a longing for your life to be different from what it is. You might fantasize that you’re missing a crucial element that would, if acquired, usher you into a Golden Age. But I’ve been analyzing the big picture of your destiny, Aquarius, and here’s what I see: This year you’re being offered the chance to be pretty satisfied with the messy, ambiguous, fantastically rich set of circumstances that you’ve actually been blessed with. The first half of 2010 should have inspired you to flirt with this surprising truth. The second half will drive it home with the force of a pile of gifts left anonymously on your doorstep. >7A13A (Feb. 19–March 20): The journal Nature recently marked the tenth anniversary of a great scientific triumph: the complete mapping of the human genome. There was a cloud over the celebration, however, because few practical health benefits have yet to come out of this revolutionary accomplishment. It has proved unexpectedly hard to translate the deciphered code into cures for diseases. I offer this situation as a cautionary tale for you, Pisces. The first part of 2010 has brought you several important discoveries and breakthroughs. In the coming months, even as the novelties continue to f low, it’ll be your sacred duty to put them to use in ways that will permanently improve your day—today life. Unlike the case of the human genome, your work should meet with success. 6][Se]`Y( ES¸`S VOZTeOg bV`]cUV E`WbS O `S^]`b OP]cb V]e g]c` PWU ^`]XSQba T]` bVS gSO` O`S ^`]U`SaaW\U BSabWTg Ob B`cbV`]]abS`.U[OWZ Q][ Go to @3/:/AB@=:=5G 1=; to check out Rob Brezsny’s Expanded Weekly Audio Horoscopes and Daily Text Message Horoscopes. The audio horoscopes are also available by phone &%% &%! "&&& or 1.900.950.7700

42 |


june 30-July 7, 2010 S a n t a c r u z .co m


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