A/<B/1@CH 1=; j 8C:G " j D=: <=
CLEAN Armed with expertise from the Exxon Valdez mop-up, Santa Cruzâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Denny Kelso is working to restore the Gulf p13
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july 14-21, 2010 SANTACRUZ.COM
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A/<B/1@CH 1=; july 14-21, 2010 1=<B3<BA
Contents. P OSTS
p26 p28
115 Cooper St, Santa Cruz, CA 95060 831.457.9000 (phone) 831.457.5828 (fax) 831.457.8500 (classified) SCW@santacruz.com Santa Cruz Weekly, incorporating Metro Santa Cruz, is available free of charge, limited to one copy per reader. Additional copies of the current issue of Santa Cruz Weekly may be purchased for $1, payable at the Santa Cruz Weekly office in advance. Santa Cruz Weekly may be distributed only by Santa Cruz Weeklyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s authorized distributors. No person may, without permission of Metro Publishing, Inc., take more than one copy of each Santa Cruz Weekly issue. Subscriptions: $65/six months, $125/one year. Entire contents Š 2010 Metro Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in any form prohibited without publisherâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s written permission. Unsolicited material should be accompanied by a stamped, self-addressed envelope; Santa Cruz Weekly is not responsible for the return of such submissions.
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Posts. P osts. Messages M essages &
327B=@7/: 327B = =@7/: EDITOR E D I TO R B@/ 17 6C97:: 6 B@/17 6C97::
(traci@santtacruzw a eeekly.com) (traci@santacruzweekly.com) STAFF WRITERS WRITERS STAFF @716/@2 D=< 0C CA/19 @716/@2 D=< 0CA/19 (richarrd@santtaacruzweeekly.com m)) (richard@santacruzweekly.com) 1C@B7A 7A 1/@ / B73@ 1C@B7A 1/@B73@ (curtis@santtacruzw a eeekly.com) (curtis@santacruzweekly.com) C ONTRIBUTING E D I TO R CONTRIBUTING EDITOR 16 @7AB7</ E/B3@A 16@7AB7</ E/B3@A C A L E N DA R E D I TO R CALENDAR EDITOR > /C: E/5<3@ >/C: E/5<3@ (calendar@sant tacruzw a eeekly.com) (calendar@santacruzweekly.com) P OETRY E D I TO R POETRY EDITOR @ =03@B AE/@2 @=03@B AE/@2 E DITORIAL IINTERN NTERN EDITORIAL A 3/< 1=< <E3:: A3/< 1=<E3:: 9/B3 8/1=0A=< 9/B3 8/1=0A=< C O N T R I B U TO R S CONTRIBUTORS @ =0 0@3HA<G @=0 0@3HA<G ; /C@33< 2/D72A=< ;/C@33< 2/D72A=< > /C: ; 2/D7A ;716/3: A >/C: ; 2/D7A ;716/3: A 5 /<B /<2@3E 57:03@B 83<< 5/<B /<2@3E 57:03@B 83<< 77@3:/<2 AB3>63< 93AA:3@ @3:/<2 AB3>63< 93AA:3@ 8 3AA71/ :CAA3<6=> A1=BB 83AA71/ :CAA3<6=> A1=BB ; /11:3::/<2 <CBH:3 ;/11:3::/<2 <CBH:3 A B3D3 >/:=>=:7 AB3D3 >/:=>=:7 > /C: E/5<3@ >/C: E/5<3@
Send let letters teerrs ttoo Santa Santa Cruz Weekly, Weekly e y, let letters@santacruz.com teerrs@san s nttaacruz.com or ttoo A Attn: ttn: LLetters, ettteeerrs, 115 Co ett et C Cooper ooper e St., Sant San Santaa Cruz, uz 95060. 060. Inclu Include udee cit city ittyy and phone clarity inaccuracies known us. phone number number or email address. address. Submissions Subm missions mayy be be edited editteed for for or length, length cl le leng laritt y or or factual factual ac a inac a curacies racies know nown ttoo us s.
2=<¸B AB/@D3 2=<¸B AB/@D3 B B63 6=@A3A 63 6=@A3A â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;WHY W â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;WHY WORK?â&#x20AC;&#x2122; ORK?â&#x20AC;&#x2122; aasks sks Leilani Leilani Clark Clark ((Cover Cover Story, Why 40-hour S tor y, JJuly uly 77). ). W hy not not jjust ust cut cut the the 4 0-hour workweek will bee w orkweek iin n half, half, aand nd everyone ever yone w ill b happier? h appier? basic off eeconomics our Ab asic llaw aw o conomics iiss tthat hat o ur off lliving depends on our output sstandard tandard o iving d ep ends o no ur o utput off ggoods wee ccan only o o ods aand nd sservices: er vices: w an o nly cconsume onsume what wee p produce. w hat w ro duce. Right Right now, now, the the reason reason many off tthe worldâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s sso om any o he w orldâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s eeconomies conomies aare re people iin n ttrouble rouble iiss tthat hat p eople aare re ttrying rying tto o more produce. Arguing cconsume onsume m ore tthan han tthey hey p roduce. A rguing health tthat hat tthings hings like like h ealth ccare are aand nd universal universal eeducation ducation and and ccheap heap housing housing aare re extremely extremely desirable moot. not producing d esirable iiss m o ot. If If we we are are n ot p ro ducing have tthem, hem, we we cannot cannot h avve them. them.
Reducing R educing b byy h half alf tthe he h hours ours we we sspend p end p ro ducing u seful tthings hings w ill h alve tthe he producing useful will halve n umb er o seful tthings hings fo istribution. number off u useful forr d distribution. T hat w ill h alve tthe he sstandard tandard do iving fo That will halve off lliving forr eeveryone. ver yone. T here iiss jjust ust n o ggetting etting aaround round There no tthat. hat. T o eeven ven m aintain o ur p resent sstandard tandard To maintain our present o iving, w eed tto o iincrease ncrease p ro duction, off lliving, wee n need production, n ot d ecrease iit. t. A nd n o, w anâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t m ake not decrease And no, wee ccanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t make eeveryone ver yone w ork h arder aand nd d o tthe he ssame ame jjob ob work harder do iin nh alf tthe he ttime. ime. That That is is not not realistic; realistic; tthat hat iiss half n ot h uman n ature. not human nature. IIff ggoing oing ffrom rrom 4 0 tto o2 ours w ill w ork, 40 211 h hours will work, w hy sstop top tthere? here? Letâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Letâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s have havve a 110-hour 0-hour why w orkweek! I aam m re minded o he o ld fo lk workweek! reminded off tthe old folk sstory tory aabout bout tthe he ffarmers armers w ho o ne d ay who one day fo rgot tto o fe ed ttheir heir p low h orses. T hey w ere forgot feed plow horses. They were w orried, b ut llo o aand nd b ehold, tthe he h orses d id worried, but behold, horses did tthe he ssame ame aamount mount o lowing tthat hat d ay. S o off p plowing day. So
they ttried they ried iitt aagain gain tthe he fo following llowing d day. ay. A Again, gain, off tthe he horses horses did did exactly exactly the the ssame ame aamount mount o work. w ork. The The farmers farmers thought thought tthat hat they they were were really onto went on forr a re ally o nto ssomething. omething. This This w ent o n fo while, one morning w hile, until until o ne m orning they they found found tthe he horses dead. out h orses aall ll d ead. They They couldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t couldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t ffigure igure o ut why. w hy. Garrett G arreett T Toren, oren, Bonny Doon B onny D o on
<3EA 4:/A6´<=B < 3EA 4:/A6´<=B IF FOUND OUND M Ms. s. Clarkâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Clarkâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s article ar ticle tto ob bee sshorthor tborderline She ssighted ighted and and b orderline offensive. of ffensive. S he writes 21-hour w rites aass though though it it iiss news news that that a 2 1-hour workweek our w orkweek would would iimprove mprove o ur lives lives and and make uss aall more healthy.â&#x20AC;? donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t m ake u ll m ore â&#x20AC;&#x153;â&#x20AC;&#x153;sane sane aand nd h ealthy.â&#x20AC;? I d onâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t disagree tthink hink aanyoneâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s nyoneâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ggoing oing tto od isagrree tthat hat iitt would bee n nice more with w ould b ice tto o sspend p end m ore ttime ime w ith our our bikes o ur ffamilies, amilies, rriding iding o ur b ikes aand nd ggrowing rro owing our own food. Except maybe off u uss fo forr o ur o wn fo o d. E xcept m ayb e tthose hose o whom Ms. w hom M s. Clarkâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Clarkâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s personal p ersonal lifestyle lifestyle choices choices uninteresting orr ((2) unattainable due aare re ((1) 1) u ninteresting o 2) u nattainable d ue our tto oo ur iimmigration mmigration sstatus, tatus, eeducation ducation llevel evel orr d disability. o isability. Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m pleased Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m p leased tto o ssee ee tthat hat tthe he aauthor uthor remembered off h health re membered iissues ssues o ealth ccare are aand nd aage. ge. Perhaps next writes will P erhaps tthe he n ext aarticle rticle sshe he w rites w ill mee o on how myy h husband eenlighten nlighten m nh ow m usband aand nd I wee w work over 90 hours per ((collectively collectively w ork o ver 9 0h ours p er week) move out off o our w eek) ccan an m ove o ut o ur sshitty hitty aapartment par tment aand nd aafford ffo ford ccable able ttelevision. elevision. Saarah Le Sarah Legg, egg, Petaluma Petaluma
B/07 H/@@7<<//: B/07 H/@@7< <<//: EDITORIAL E DITORIAL PRODUCTION P RO D U C T I O N A3/< 53=@53 A 3/< 53=@53 3 AD DESIGNERS AD D ESIGNERS 83<<G =/B3G 83<<G =/B3G G 27/<</ D/<3G193 27/<</ D/ /<3G193
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>C0:7A63@ >C 0:7A A63@ 230@/ E67H7< 2 30@/ E67H7<
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1=@@31B7=< 1 =@@31B7=< IIn n llast ast w weekâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s eekâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s aarticle rticle aabout b out P PG&Eâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s G&Eâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ssmart mart m meters eters Cheaters,â&#x20AC;? Currents), ((â&#x20AC;&#x153;Meter â&#x20AC;&#x153;Meter C heaters,â&#x20AC;? C urrents), we iincorrectly ncorrectly Franciscoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s iidentified dentif ied SSan an F ranciscoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ggoverning ove o rning bbody ody aass a ccity it y Francisco Board ccouncil. ouncil. SSan an F rancisco iiss ggoverned ove o rned by a B oard ooff Wee re regret SSupervisors. upervisors. W egret tthe he eerror. rror.
A few dozen acres. Thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s all the farmland in the world dedicated to Perique tobacco. But, thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s not the only reason itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s so sought after. A year long curing process in oak whiskey barrels creates the rich, robust taste that makes Perique unlike anything else. Perique Blend. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s not for everyone. But then, thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s the point.
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july 14-21, 2010
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july 14-21, 2010 SANTACRUZ.COM
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A/<B/1@CH 1=; A /<B/1@CH 1=; jjuly u l y 14-21, 1 4 - 2 1 , 2010 2 0 1 0 :=1/::G :=1/: :: :G
B@7AB/< 67193<0=BB=; B @7AB/< 67193<0=BB=;
10 QUESTIONS EVOb e]cZR g]c PS EVOb e]cZR g]c PS R]W\U WT g]c P R]W\U WT g]c e S`S\¸b R]W\U bVObb eS`S\¸b R]W\U bVOb-
I wouldn wouldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t â&#x20AC;&#x2122;t b bee doingg an anything ything else ... it itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s m feâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s passion an nd resonates resonates fr myy lif lifeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s and from om deep within me. me. EVOb R] g]c R] W\ g]c` T`SS bW[SEVO b R] g]c R] W\ \ g]c` T`SS bW[S-
My â&#x20AC;&#x153;fr â&#x20AC;&#x153;free ee time timeâ&#x20AC;?â&#x20AC;? is sp spent pent mountain mountain and rroad oad cy cling, gardening, garden ning, w alking on cycling, walking N orth C oast b eaches, spending spending as much North Coast beaches, time with my my famil ly as possible possible and family international travel. travel. I w as a former fo ormer was 52year lo cal sur feer until m tle 52-year local surfer myy bat battle with lar ynx ccancer ancer now has made it larynx imp ossible ffor or me to o t b cean. impossible bee in the o ocean.
Tri istan and Br yce b ecome aawesome wesom w me Tristan Bryce become yyoung ou ung men and sup er stok ed to ha h ave super stoked have suc ch a wonder ful wif fe, Susan Alli ison. such wonderful wife, Allison. <O[S O ^Sb ^SSdS < O[S O ^Sb ^SSdS
I rreally e eally hate p people eople who ar aree cconsciously onsciously me ean and harmful to others and mean ani imals animals ASQ`Sb abO` Q`caVA SQ Q`Sb abO` Q`caV-
Darryl Da arryl Hannah and Meryl Meryl Str Streep. eep p. EVOb O`S g]c `SORW\UEV VOb O`S g]c `SORW\U-
Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m m curr currently ently rreading eading Healthy Aging Agiing b ew W eeil and St taalinâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Ghos by byy Andr Andrew Weil Stalinâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Ghostt by Ma artin Cruz Smith. Martin
EVOb P`]cUVb g]c b] AO\bO 1`chEVO b P`]cUVb g]c c b] AO\bO 1`ch-
My family M famil mo moved ved to t Sant Santaa Cruz in 1954 to op en up thr ee dr rive-in rrestaurants open three drive-in estaurants in the Monter ey Ba ay ar ea. The Driv â&#x20AC;&#x2122;Nâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Monterey Bay area. Eat w as lo cated on the ccorner orner of Oc ean was located Ocean quel A venuee, wher affe L ucio is and So Soquel Avenue, wheree C Cafe Lucio now ourth--generation C o entral now.. I am a ffourth-generation Central C oast nativ e. Coast native. <O[S a][SbVW\U g]c¸`S SfQWbSR OP]cb < O[S a][SbVW\U g]c¸`S SfQWbSR OP]cb
B6=;/A B6=;/A 67193<0=BB=; 6 7193<0= =BB=; Author, A uthor, LLocal ocal T Tribes rribes (s (see see page 2 25) 5)
EVOb R] g]c R] T]` O ZWdW\UEVO b R] g]c R] T]` O ZWdW\U-
I am a full-time f ll writer off no novels, vels l , sho short hort ffiction, ictio on, p oetry and lo cal sur f ing his tory. poetry local surfing history.
Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m eexcited xcited to b bee a ccancer ancer sur survivor vivor with ap ositive attitude attitude ab aabout out m positive myy futur futuree long life liffe now happ py to see my my writings now,, happy get ting published, watching watching m getting myy sons
EVOb¸a bVS []ab W[^]`bO\b bVW\U EV VOb¸a bVS []ab W[^]`bO\b W[^]`bO\b bVW\U U g ]c c¸dS ZSO`\SR W\ bVS ZOab bV`SS gSO`ag]c¸dS ZSO`\SR W\ bVS ZOab bV`SS gSO`a-
The most imp The important ortant thing Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;v Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;vee le learned arned in the t past thr ee yyears ears is that yyou ou u ccan an three o ver e come an ything with a p ositivve overcome anything positive at tiitude and the b elief that yyou ou p ossess attitude belief possess thee inner p ower to heal yyourself ourself fr ffrom om power all of lif feâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s wounds ve is the lifeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s wounds,, and that lo love gr e eatest medicine of all. greatest @SQS\b ^S`a]\OZ T]]R b`S\R@ SQS\b ^S`a]\OZ T]]R b`S\R-
Mo Mostly M ostly l vvegetarian egetarian i diet di and d lo llove ve eexperimenting xp perimenting with ne w vveggie eggie rrecipes. ecipes. new
SSaturday aturday Among Among tthe he SSandcastles andcastles
T SEACLIFF SEACLIFF BEACH, BEACH, a battleship battleship rusts rusts aaway way at at the the eend nd of of the the pier pier and and a sandcastle sandcastle ttraining raining camp camp has has sprouted sprouted on on the the shoreline. shoreline. Instead of of seagulls seagulls there there are are parents parents milling milling and and Instead cclucking lucking aadmiration. dmiration. C hildren aare re tthe he d ay llaborers. aborers. Children day Th hey ccluster luster iin n ggroups, roups, ffluttering luttering aaround round tthe he be ach They beach w ith b uckets aand nd ttrowels: rowels: ffuture uture ccontractors ontractors o with buckets off A merica d eveloping tthe he m ost eexpensive xpensive rreal eal eestate state iin n America developing most tthe he ar aarea, rea, b uildiin ng fo ffor or tthe he po stteerity ty o he eev veniin ve ngg.. building posterity off tthe evening. Ittâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a country country of of barrel-shaped barrel-shaped keeps keeps surrounded surrounded Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s b elp ggardens. ardens. Y ou ccan an ttell ell w here tthe he llords ords llive, ive, aand nd byy k kelp You where w hat rreal eal eestate state m aybe b a llanded anded k night w ould h ave tto o what maybe knight would have ssettle ettle ffor. or. T he K ing aand nd Q ueen oc cupy tthe he ccenterpiece enterpiece The King Queen occupy o he m orning: a be hemoth o owers aand nd ttwisty wisty sstairs tairs off tthe morning: behemoth off ttowers ccarved arv r ed b n eexpert, xpeert, m aybe b tthe he â&#x20AC;&#x153;â&#x20AC;&#x153;Manuelâ&#x20AC;? Manuelâ&#x20AC;? w ho p rinted byy aan maybe who printed h is n ame o n tthe he ffront. ront. B ut a fflier lier iiss p laced be side tthe he his name on But placed beside
royal apartments, apartments, an an ad ad for for Manuelâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Manuelâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Mexican Mexican food. fo ood d. royal â&#x20AC;&#x153;Th hanks to to our our local local business business sponsor!â&#x20AC;? sponsor!â&#x20AC;? There Th here was was no no â&#x20AC;&#x153;Thanks Manuel in in sight sight by by the the time time the the castle castle began began to to dry dryy Manuel and crumble. crumble. and family of of teens teens and and pre-teens pre-teens pile pile sand sand for for 10 10 A family minutes before before they they have have enough enough to to start start carving carv r ing out out minutes around 30 30 layers layers of of a Mayan Mayan pyramid. pyramid. But But they they start start r around late, and and soon soon state state parks parks volunteers volunteers come come to to gather gather late, the borrowed borrowed trowels trowels and and five-gallon f ive-gallon buckets. buckets. There There the are a lot lot of of five-gallon-bucket-shaped f ive-gallon-bucket-shaped castles castles are Notoriously unstable, unstable, each each sand sand structure structure is is an an Notoriously individual 2012. 2012. They Th hey face face destruction destruction from from the the waves, waves, individual the wind, wind, the the sun, sun, the the girl girl lurking lurking with with an an I-wantI--wantthe to-smash-something look look in in her her eyes. eyes. A man man talking talking to-smash-something about professional professional castle castle building building mentions mentions spraying spraying about the sand sand with with a water water and and glue glue mixâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;which mixâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;which is is like like the
cheating nature, nature, like like duct-taping duct-taping the the joints joints of of a 95-year95-yearcheating old arthritis arrthritis patient. patient. old But I forget forget that that sand sand had had such such structural structural integrity, integrity, But even sans sans glue. glue. There There are are a lot lot of of arches arches and and stairs, stairs, even and some some clean clean work work coming coming from from nonprofessionals. nonprofessionals. and Scalloped and and more-or-less more-or-less Corinthian Corinthian arches arches are are Scalloped admired by by passing passing guardians, guardians, beachgoers beachgoers in in Capri Capri pants pants admired and sweatshirts. sweatshirts. and small dark-haired dark-haired girl girl realizes realizes that that moats moats donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t last. last. A small Sheâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll pour pour water water into into the the sand sand forever, forever, and and the the sun sun Sheâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll will go go down down a hundred hundred times times before before the the beach beach stops stops will drinking it it in. in. A boy boy draws draws a heart heart in in the the sand sand around around drinking his girlfriend, girlfriend, a younger younger girl girl etches etches her her name name into into a castle castle his wall. Sandcastles Sandcastles are are an an exercise exercise in in mortality, mortality, and and by by the the wall. end of of the the day day the the elaborate elaborate engineering engineering has has all all been been end abandoned and and waits waits in in crumbling crumbling piles piles for for the the ocean. ocean. abandoned Kate Kat te J Jacobson aacobsson
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july 14-21, 2010 SANTACRUZ.COM
1C@B7A 1/@B73@ 1 C@B7A 1/@B73@
Currents. C urren ents.
AB7:: 5@33<3@ Industrial AB7:: 5@33<3@ Industrial aagg hhas as rreaped eap ed u unlikely nlikely ppraise raise iin n rrecent ecent w weeks eeks aass bbeing eing eeco-friendly, co -friendlyy, but but ccritics ritics ssay ay ssmaller, maller, ssustainable ustainable fa ffarms rms aare re jjust ust aass feeding worldâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;without ccapable ap able ooff ffe eding tthe he w orldâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;without polluting p olluting it. it.
Big B ig A Agg B Boon oon New research New reseearch says says indu industrial ustrial agricultur re is slowing slowing climate c climat e agriculture chang e, but b not not everyone everyone o is change, sold on the he green green revolution revollution th 0G AB3BB 6=:0@==9 0G A B 3 B B 6 = : 0 @ = = 9
ESEARCHERS aatt Stanford ESEARCHERS Stanford University U niversity are are ttrumpeting rump eting new n ew findings f indings tthat hat they they say say sshow how agricultureâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s agricultureâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s sso-called o - called green green revolution revolution has has greatly greatly reduced reduced forest forest clear-cutting clear- cutting and and resulting resulting climateclimatewarming warming emissionsâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;an emissionsâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;an unforeseen unforeseen benefit benef it to to industrial industrial agriculture. agriculture. Because Because agricultural agricultural â&#x20AC;&#x153;advancementsâ&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x153;advancementsâ&#x20AC;? like like
ffertilizers, ertilizers, ggenetically enetically eengineered ngineered ccrops rops pesticides have boosted aand nd p esticides h ave b oosted yyields, ields, tthere here has been need burn h as b een lless ess n eed tto o sslash lash aand nd b urn ffor or has meant aadditional dditional ffields, ields, aand nd tthis his h as m eant ffewer ewer ccarbon arbon eemissions, missions, tthe he rreport eport ssays. ays. The The study, study, titled titled â&#x20AC;&#x153;Greenhouse â&#x20AC;&#x153;Greenhouse Gas Mitigation byy A Agricultural G as M itigation b gricultural was published IIntensification, ntensif ication,â&#x20AC;? w as p ublished llast ast month m onth in in tthe he Proceedings Proceedings of of the the National National
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Academy Academy of of Sciences Sciences and and posits posits that that advances advances in in high-yield high-yield iindustrial ndustrial agriculture agriculture over over the the latter latter part part of of the the 20th 20th century century have have prevented prevented massive massive amounts amounts of of greenhouse greenhouse gases gases from from entering entering the the atmosphereâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;the atmosphereâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;the equivalent equivalent of of 590 590 billion billion metric metric tons tons of carbon carbon dioxide. dioxide. The The researchers researchers of estimate that that if if not not for for increased increased yields, yields, estimate additional greenhouse greenhouse gas gas emissions emissions additional from clearing clearing land land for for farming farming would would from have been been equal equal to to as as much much as as a third third of of have the worldâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s worldâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s total total output output of of greenhouse greenhouse the gases since since the the dawn dawn of of the the Industrial Industrial gases Revolution in in 1850. 1850. Revolution The report report goes goes a step step beyond beyond The highlighting the the environmental environmental benefits benef its highlighting of high-yield, high-yield, iindustrial ndustrial aagriculture griculture aand nd of dismisses traditional traditional methods. methods. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Our â&#x20AC;&#x153;Our dismisses results dispel dispel the the notion notion that that modern modern results intensive agriculture agriculture is is inherently inherently worse worse intensive for the the environment environment than than a more more â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;oldâ&#x20AC;&#x2DC;oldfor fashionedâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; way way of of doing doing things, things,â&#x20AC;? said said fashionedâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Jennifer Burney, Burney, lead lead author author of of the the Jennifer paper. paper. Needless to to say, say, many many food food policy policy Needless analysts are are taking taking issue issue with with that that analysts assumption. While While reducing reducing greenhouse greenhouse assumption. gasses is is great, great, they they argue, argue, reliance reliance on on gasses the â&#x20AC;&#x153;green â&#x20AC;&#x153;green revolutionâ&#x20AC;? revolutionâ&#x20AC;? and and technological technologgical the solutions is is inherently inherently unsustainable unsustainable solutions because it it is is based based on on massive massive inputs inputs because of fertilizers fertilizers and and pesticides, pesticides, GMO GMO of technologgy, corporate corporate ownership ownership of of technology, seeds, global global transportation transportation and and the the seeds, destruction of of biodiversity. biodiversity. destruction In Oakland, Oakland, the the Institute Institute for for Food Food and and In Development Policy/Food Policy/Food First First has has some some Development very different different ideas ideas about about agriculture agriculture very and global global warming. warming. In In a comprehensive comprehensive and report titled titled â&#x20AC;&#x153;Smallholder â&#x20AC;&#x153;Smallholder Solutions Solutions to to report Hunger, Poverty Poverty and and Climate Climate Change, Change,â&#x20AC;? Hunger, the organization organization lays lays out out an an alternative alternative the to the the destructive destructive methods methods of of the the green green to revolution that that have have the the potential potential revolution to feed feed people people and and greatly greatly reduce reduce to greenhouse gas gas emissions. emissions. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Although â&#x20AC;&#x153;Although greenhouse conventional wisdom wisdom assumes assumes small small conventional family farms farms are are backward backward and and family unproductive, agroecological agroecological research research unproductive, has shown shown that that given given a chance, chance, small small has farms are are much much more more productive productive than than farms large farms, farms,â&#x20AC;? the the report report says. says. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Small, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Small, large ecologgical farms farms help help cool cool the the planet planet ecological and provide provide many many important important ecosystem ecosystem and services; they they are are a reservoir reservoir for for services; biodiversity, and and are are less less vulnerable vulnerable to to biodiversity,
pests, p ests, disease disease and and environmental environmental sshock. hock.â&#x20AC;? The report report cites cites research research by by the the The U niversity o ichigan that that examined examined University off M Michigan 2 93 eexamples xamples comparing comparing alternative alternative and and 293 cconventional onventional ((i.e., i.e., chemical chemical dependent) dependent) aagriculture griculture ffrom rom 9 studies aand nd 911 studies cconcluded oncluded that that ecological ecologgical aagriculture griculture
One O ne sstudy tudy cconcluded oncluded tthat hat eecological cological aagriculture griculture ccould ould iincrease ncrease global global production ffood ood p roduction byy aass m much b uch aass 50 percentâ&#x20AC;&#x201D; 5 0p ercentâ&#x20AC;&#x201D; without w ithout relying relying on on petroleum p etroleum iinputs nputs tthat hat ffueled ueled tthe he ggreen reen revolution revolution ccould ould increase increase global global ffood ood p roduction b production byy aass m uch aass 550 0p ercentâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;without rrelying elying much percentâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;without o n the the petroleum petroleum inputs inputs that that fueled fueled the the on ggreen reen revolution. revolution. A dditional rresearch esearch Additional h as suggested suggested that that the the conversion conversion of of has 110,000 0,000 small-to-medium-size small-to-medium-size farms farms to to o rganic p roduction would would store store carbon carbon organic production iin n tthe he ssoil oil equal equal tto o talking talking 11,174,400 ,174,400 cars cars o ff tthe he rroad. oad. off To be be fair, fair, the the researchers researchers say say To iintensive, ntensive, llarge-scale arge-scale agriculture agriculture should should b prominent aamong mong several several strategies strategies bee prominent tto o reduce reduce gglobal lobal greenhouse greenhouse gases gases eemissions. missions. B ut ssince ince tthereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s hereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s plenty plenty But o esearch sshowing howing that that small-scale, small-scale, off rresearch eecological cologgical agriculture agriculture is is as as productive productive o ore so so tthan han d estructive, p etroleumorr m more destructive, petroleumd ependent iindustrial ndustrial agriculture, agriculture, ssome ome dependent aare re ssaying aying iitâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s tâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ttime ime to to d ump the the green green dump rrevolution evolution iin n ffavor avor a ttruly ruly rrevolutionary evolutionary aapproach. pproach. 0
j 1C@@3<BA july 14-21, 2010 A/<B/1@CH 1=; 1 C @ @ 3 < B A j 0 @ 7 3 4 A
Middle Ground Pedestrians in Santa Cruz have claimed a victory. A hotly contested alleyway linking Mission Plaza with the High Street cul-desac will remain open to foot and bike traffic between the hours of at least 6am and 10pm. The court-arbitrated compromise marks the end of three-year struggle with absentee property owner 8=6< ;/6=<G on one side and neighbors supported by bike/pedestrian group People Power on the other. The alley is less than a quarter mile long, but itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s been the site of serious neighborhood drama. In 2007, citing theft to his rentals adjoining the walkway, Mahony bought the path and its property rights from Holy Cross Catholic Church and immediately boarded it up against public access. Residents soon called for help from nonmotorized transit advocates >3=>:3 >=E3@. Neighbors and activists tore down fences constructed at the entrance and exit after no more than a few days, arguing that after at least 80 years of use the alley should be considered a public easement. Attorney 5/@G @323<0/163@ was persuaded to work on the neighborsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; behalf for a discounted fee. The barriers were called a public nuisance; Redenbacher and People Power president ;71/6 >=A<3@ held that this argument gave the public a legal right to remove them. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We knew that we had a good case, and the law was on our side,â&#x20AC;? says Posner, citing a law that protects paths in use before 1975. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We were in no hurry.â&#x20AC;? Landlord John Mahoney was unable to be reached for comment. â&#x20AC;&#x153;All of us who lived there had never experienced any problems with [the walkway],â&#x20AC;? says 8C2G H735:3@, who led the initial neighborhood movement. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s part of the historical heart of the town, where the nuns walked on the way to the convent at the church.â&#x20AC;? Posner says having the alley open makes walking an easier choice, encouraging community building and alleviating traffic congestion at nearby Holy Cross Elementary School. â&#x20AC;&#x201D;Kate Jacobson
Fertilizer Neutralizer If a group of farmers test the runoff in their fields for nitrates but the results are confidential, has the public good been served? This was one of the questions underlying debate at the July 8 meeting of the 13<B@/: 1=/AB @357=</: E/B3@ ?C/:7BG 1=<B@=: 0=/@2 in Watsonville. At issue is a proposed law that would require all growers from Santa Cruz to Santa Barbara to monitor the runoff from their fields for chemical contamination that would make water harmful for drinking, swimming and other human activities. The issue of whether those tests should be confidential was a flashpoint. The 1/:74=@<7/ 4/@; 0C@3/C commended a current waiver that supports â&#x20AC;&#x153;confidential and voluntaryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;&#x2122; water
quality testing, which allows several growers to test and report cooperatively, or in groups, rather than individually. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Confidentiality is a very positive incentive because you realize the possibility to make improvements without a hammer over your head,â&#x20AC;? said one farmer. Another grower with both organic and conventional acreage said confidential testing had enabled him to comply without fear of repercussions.
â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Our highest priority is those impacts to human health. We have an increasingly urgent problem that needs to be addressed.â&#x20AC;&#x2122; But activists are leery of extending that proposal in the new law. AB3D3 A67;39 of ;=<B3@3G 1=/AB933>3@ suggested possible compromises that could be added to the draft to appease farmers, saying that perhaps their tests could remain confidential for the first two years. He also proposed a tiered approach that would allow those dischargers not in â&#x20AC;&#x153;hot spotsâ&#x20AC;? to continue to test cooperatively. But he remained opposed to allowing all growers to test cooperatively, saying they must be held responsible. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The most profitable land is the most impaired,â&#x20AC;? he said. Among those who came to voice their support for the new rule were residents of San Jerardo, a community outside Salinas that has suffered serious health problems from drinking contaminated water. Human health carried the most weight in the boardâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s considerations. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Our highest priority is those impacts to human health. Those require short-term action,â&#x20AC;? said Water Board member ;=<71/ 6C<B3@ in her closing remarks. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We have an increasingly urgent problem that needs to be addressed. We can no longer marginalize these issues.â&#x20AC;? The staff closed by pointing out that timber, landfills and wastewater treatment plants adhere to strict regulations, while agriculture hasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t been held to the same standards. â&#x20AC;&#x153;It is our aim to bring agriculture into similar compliance as those dischargers with a high degree of water quality impact,â&#x20AC;? said Water Board staff member :7A/ ;11/7<. â&#x20AC;&#x201D;Maria Grusauskas
july 14-21, 2010
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Petrol Patrol First the Exxon Valdez, now the BP gusher. Denny Kelso is getting uncomfortably familiar with cleaning up oil spills. 0G 83AA71/ :G=<A7
4@=; B63 @32E==2 4=@3AB B= B63 5C:4AB@3/; E/B3@A!!Pdfbo!Dpotfswbodz!wjdf!qsftjefou!Efooz!Lfmtp!opx!ejwjeft!ijt!ujnf!
HE SMELL hits first. As
and in various towns around the Gulf of
tanker Exxon Valdez ran aground in Prince
soon as the helicopter
Mexico as well, working feverishly to help
William Sound shortly after midnight on
lifts off the ground in
facilitate recovery from the disaster. He
March 24, he was one of the first people on
Venice, La.â&#x20AC;&#x201D; 60 miles
arrived in Louisiana within days of the
board assessing the magnitude of what had
away from the BP oil
Deepwater Horizon drilling rig explosion
just happened. He saw the iconic images
spillâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;the pungent odor settles in the back
that killed 11 workers on April 20. Initially,
of the catastrophe firsthand, the dead sea
of your throat and you can taste the toxic
the government estimated that between
otters and the oil-coated birds. He also saw
fumes. Once in view, the spill is a mĂŠlange
12,000 and 25,000 barrels a day of oil were
the human tragedy: fistfights breaking out
of bizarre shapes: thick bands, ribbons,
pouring into the sea. Officials have since
in his office doorway, crusty old fishermen
textured patches that look like hamburger
upped that number, saying it could be as
crying in the street. Drug and alcohol abuse
patties, sheens that stretch to the horizon.
high as 60,000. In other words, an amount
spiked and domestic violence and suicide
equivalent to the Exxon Valdez spill could be
increased as the fishing communities
gushing into the Gulf every four days.
watched their livelihoods coming to an end
Thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s how Dennis Takahashi Kelso, executive vice president of the Ocean Conservancy, describes it, and he would
That figure has special meaning for Kelso.
and Alaskan natives began to fear for their
know. Kelso lives and works in Santa
In 1989, he was Alaskaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Commissioner of
food supply. He worked on the cleanup for
Cruzâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;and now in Washington, D.C.,
Environmental Conservation; when the
two years.
july 14-21, 2010 SANTACRUZ.COM
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Bring Your Fashion SANTA CRUZ: 811 pacific av. 831.458.0555 SAN JOSE: 1959 w. san carlos 408.292.6100 SAN JOSE: blossom hill rd. 408.269.1000 www.crossroadstrading.com
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A/<B/1@CH 1=; july 14-21, 2010 1=D3@ AB=@G
LVaaVXZ ?# C^X]dah
1 =D 3 @ A B = @ G j > 3 B @ = : >/B @ = :
:743 =< B63 3253!!Tboub!Dsv{!nbsjof!cjpmphjtu!Xbmmbdf!K/!Ojdipmt!uppl!!
uijt!qipup!gspn!b!Dfttob!po!Kvmz!5/!If!tbzt!uif!cpsefs!cfuxffo!uif!tmjdl!boe!! dmfbo!xbufs!xbt!wjtjcmf!Ă&#x2022;bt!gbs!bt!uif!fzf!dbo!tff-!fwfo!bu!2-111!gffu/Ă&#x2013; But today, 21 years after Exxon Valdez, oil still fouls the beaches of Prince William Sound. So when Kelso heard the news about an explosion aboard a drilling rig working on a BP well one mile below the surface of the Gulf of Mexico, he felt a flash of urgency and outrage that continues to this day. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Here the oil spill continues with no end in sight,â&#x20AC;? he says. â&#x20AC;&#x153;How can it be 20 years later and we still have not made very much progress in spill technologyâ&#x20AC;&#x201D; especially when we are choosing much higher risk technologies? The gap between gains that have been made in extracting oil and the capacity we have for responding is huge.â&#x20AC;?
HE BP gusher is the largest oil spill in American history; President Obama has called it the
worst environmental disaster the county has ever faced. Flying over the Gulf in late April, Kelso saw patches of thick oil. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a deep rust, he saysâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;not blackâ&#x20AC;&#x201D; sitting on the surface. At the edges of the slick it breaks off into smaller streamers and glossy pools. The clean water next to it is stunningly blue and beautiful. Almost two months after that first view, on June 23, Kelso looked down on the spill again, this time from airspace over the Florida Panhandle, about 300 miles east. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The same kind of pattern: thick bands but not continuous wall-to-wall,â&#x20AC;? he recalls. He walked the beaches with Florida Gov. Charlie Crist, the white powdery sand laced with black oil. Since April, Kelso has flown to the Gulf four timesâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;right now heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ¨ %
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A/<B/1@CH 1=; july 14-21, 2010 1=D3@ AB=@G
1 =D 3 @ A B = @ G j > 3 B @ = : >/B @ = : in Barataria Bay, about an hour south of New Orleansâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;meeting with government officials, scientists, fishermen and community members. The BP spill, he says, brought back a flood of haunting memories of the Valdez and a dismaying sense of dĂŠjĂ vu.
â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;When the BP Deepwater Horizon disaster happened, it was a bitter confirmation that the Minerals Management Service was not taking these risks seriouslyâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;and the consequences were huge.â&#x20AC;&#x2122; â&#x20AC;&#x201D;DENNY KELSO â&#x20AC;&#x153;After Exxon Valdez, I had worked on a variety of things, including successfully prevailing in lawsuits against the Department of the Interiorâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;where the Minerals Management Service livesâ&#x20AC;&#x201D; because of the rubber-stamp decisions that the Minerals Management Service had been making,â&#x20AC;? Kelso says. The Minerals Management Service, the federal agency charged with regulating offshore drilling, repeatedly refused to act on advice from its experts on ways to minimize the risk of failed oil rig blowout preventers, according to a New York Times investigation. It also concluded that deepwater oil drilling in the Gulf posed no significant risk to wildlife. â&#x20AC;&#x153;So when the BP Deepwater Horizon disaster happened, it was a bitter confirmation that the Minerals
Management Service was not taking these risks seriouslyâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;and the consequences were huge,â&#x20AC;? Kelso says. Heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s also been reminded that basic precautionary measures have been ignored to a shocking degree. In order to ship oil from the Valdez Marine Terminal, Alaskan law required Exxon to formulate an oil spill â&#x20AC;&#x153;contingency plan.â&#x20AC;? Kelso approved the plan and says it provided a thorough response for specific scenarios, including detailed maps and input from fishermen and other locals. During the actual spill, Exxon didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t follow the plan. But at least there was one. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Compare this to the BP Deepwater case,â&#x20AC;? Kelso says. â&#x20AC;&#x153;There was no spill response plan.â&#x20AC;?
OON after the oil spill, the Ocean Conservancy deployed teams of scientists and other experts to the Gulf (it has regional offices in Austin and St. Petersburg) and to Washington. Their task: focusing on the three Rs: relief, restoration and reform. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s badâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;the Gulf is home to half of the wetlands in the continental United States, 40 percent of which are in Louisiana alone. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re remarkably productive,â&#x20AC;? Kelso says. â&#x20AC;&#x153;For example, 97 percent by weight of the commercially valuable fish and shell fish species come from the Louisiana wetlands for that state. So you have to take that pretty seriously.â&#x20AC;? The problem continues as oilâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;and marine speciesâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;move down the water columns. Kelso explains that some organisms that start life in the marshes move offshore and into different water levels corresponding with their life stage. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Some have a survival strategy that allows them to go to deep water during the daytime when thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s light and theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re more vulnerable to predators, and then they come up at night when itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s dark to feed,â&#x20AC;? he says. â&#x20AC;&#x153;So depending on where the oil is, if thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s an oil cloud, they may be traveling through it.â&#x20AC;? As Kelso witnessed in Alaska and now in the Gulf states, the oil spillâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a human tragedy, too. Eleven workers lost their lives, and countless othersâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;fishermen, restaurateurs, charter captains, innkeepersâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;have seen their source of income thrown into uncertainty. â&#x20AC;&#x153;It is really hard for the affected people to look beyond the immediate crisis,â&#x20AC;? he says. â&#x20AC;&#x153;They want the oil out of the water. Nothing short of that is going to feel good. But what has to happen nowâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;right nowâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;is the Natural Resources Damage Assessment has to be ¨ '
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1 =D 3 @ A B = @ G j > 3 B @ = : >/B @ = : on its way, and BP should be paying for the NRDA up front.â&#x20AC;? The NRDA measures the damage, sampling oiled areas of the Gulf and areas that are not yet oiled to assess the environmental impact of the spill. (Read the Ocean Conservancyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s June 3 letter to the Department of the Interior and the Department of Commerce about the NRDA at http://news.santacruz.com). It also takes into account the loss of tourism, fishing and other industries that depend on the ecosystem to determine BPâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s liability. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The damage assessment is the driver,â&#x20AC;? Kelso says. â&#x20AC;&#x153;If you donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t have that, you donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t have much. The restoration flows from that, and restoration is multiyear.
But if you donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t know whatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s broken, you canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t fix it.â&#x20AC;? And then thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s the matter of reforming the laws that led to the oil rig explosion in the first place. To that end, Kelso and other Ocean Conservancy staff recently testified before the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Natural Resources (read the full testimony online, also at http://news .santacruz.com). â&#x20AC;&#x153;If we do not take advantage of the learning from this,â&#x20AC;? he says, â&#x20AC;&#x153;then shame on us as a society. People have died. Peopleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s livelihoods are in grave danger. We need to understand what policies and legislation must change so this doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t happen again.â&#x20AC;? 0
Oh Snap!
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july 14-21, 2010 SANTACRUZ.COM
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In Golden n Gat Gatee P Park, ark, a P Parisian arisian eexhibit xhibit examines examines Impressionismâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Impressionismâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s origins hazy origi ins 0G @716/@2 D=< 0CA/19 0 G @ 7 1 6 / @ 2 D= < 0 C A /1 9
TT THE HE p press ress p preview, review, San Francisco Mayor S an F rancisco M ayor G avin N ewsom ggave ave tthe he Gavin Newsom b est jjustification ustif ication ffor or tthe he n ew best new sshow how at at the the de de Young Young museum, museum, â&#x20AC;&#x153;The â&#x20AC;&#x153;The B irth o mpressionism: M asterpieces Birth off IImpressionism: Masterpieces F rom tthe he M usee d â&#x20AC;&#x2122;Orsayâ&#x20AC;?: â&#x20AC;&#x153;â&#x20AC;&#x153;Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Ittâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s b etter From Musee dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Orsayâ&#x20AC;?: better tthan han sstoring toring tthem hem iin nab asement basement ggathering athering d ust.â&#x20AC;? G ood o lâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; G avin. dust. Good olâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Gavin. This expensive expensive ($21 ($21 advance advance ticket) ticket) This sshow how iiss tthe he ffirst irst of of two two helpings helpings from from the the d â&#x20AC;&#x2122;Orsay, w hich iiss ttemporarily emporarily closed closed for for dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Orsay, which rrefurbishing efurbishing ffor or iits ts 2 5th anniversary. anniversary. The The 25th P arisian m useum iiss k nown p rincipally Parisian museum known principally ffor or iits ts ccollection ollection o Impressionist works, works, off Impressionist b ut tthose hose eexpecting xpecting ssailboats ailboats and and but fflowers lowers w ill b n for for a surprise. surprise. Like Like will bee iin ttwo wo ccinematic inematic b lockbusters tthis his yyear, ear, blockbusters R obin H ood and and A lice iin nW onderland, Robin Hood Alice Wonderland, tthe he aadvertised dvertised sshow how tturns urns o ut tto ob out bee ap requel. It tâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a p rimer ffor or h ow tthe he prequel. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s primer how rrevolution evolution iin np ainting ((and and sseeing) eeing) ttook ook painting p lace. place. suppose the the show show aargues rgues tthat hat iiff tthere here I suppose iiss ssuch uch a tthing hing aass p ost-Impressionism, post-Impressionism, tthere here sshould hould b uch a tthing hing aass p rebee ssuch preIImpressionism. mpressionism. B ut tthose hose llooking ooking ffor or a But cclear lear n arrative p athway tto o tthe he B ridge aatt narrative pathway Bridge G iverny aare re ssure ure tto ob onfused. W hat Giverny bee cconfused. What b ecame IImpressionism mpressionism w as, ffirst irst o ff, tthe he became was, off, w ork o douard M anet ((represented represented work off E Edouard Manet h ere iin n 1111 p ieces), aan n iinternationally nternationally here pieces), ffamous amous ffigure igure w ith a p rivate iincome ncome with private w ho d idnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t h ave tto o ggroup roup w ith ssocially ocially who didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t have with w eaker aartists rtists tto o ssurvive. urvive. weaker That independent independent sstreak treak was was p icked That picked u pb roup o utsider aartists rtists w ith up byy a ggroup off o outsider with d istinctly n on-salon proclivities. proclivities. We We see see distinctly non-salon tthe he rroots oots o shcan ((in in F alguiereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 11875 875 off aashcan Falguiereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s T he W restlers) and and social social rrealism ealism ((Jules Ju ules The Wrestlers) B retonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 11877 877 T he H arvester, a ccolossal olossal Bretonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s The Harvester,
peasant b peasant brandishing randishing a ssheaf heaf o off w wheat heat big big eenough nough to to knock knock down down a horse). horse). Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Ittâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a ggroup roup of of winding winding roads roads w have leading leading wee have tto o tthe he llonely, onely, sstony tony h ills of of C ezanne and and hills Cezanne tthe he moody moody p astures of of P issarro. A nd pastures Pissarro. And w hatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s W histlerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s m other d oing h ere? whatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Whistlerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s mother doing here? ((Three Three p eople I m et aasked sked that that q uestion.) people met question.) Arrangement in in Gray Gray and and Black, Black, no. no. 1: 1: Arrangement P ortrait ooff tthe he A rtistâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Mother Mother ((1871) 1871) iiss Portrait Artistâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s m isunderstood as as a llampoon ampoon o he misunderstood off tthe ssubject. ubject. Seen Seen iin n flank f lank vview, iew, sheâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s sheâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a vvery ery o ld w oman, tthe he eepitome pitome o laceold woman, off laceccapped apped h omeliness. It tâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a much much llarger arger homeliness. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s p ainting tthan han youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d eexpect, xpect, aand nd tthis his painting ssize ize emphasizes emphasizes tthe he rradical adical aapproach: pproach: tthe he flatness f latness aassumed ssumed ffrom rom Ja apanese aart, rt, Japanese tthe he planes planes of of ccolor olor stark stark tto o tthe he p oint o point off m onochrome. IItt w as a drastic, drastic, divisive divisive monochrome. was p ainting, eexposed xposed tto o rridicule idicule in in iits ts day. day. painting, â&#x20AC;&#x153;â&#x20AC;&#x153;Poor Poor lady, lady, posed posed llike ike a sack sack o coal,â&#x20AC;? off coal, m ocked o ne ccartoonist. artoonist. mocked one The Whistler Whistler painting painting is is a The b reakthrough, aan n icon-blaster icon-blaster iin na breakthrough, ttime ime favoring favoring allegories allegories and and classical classical ssubjects. ubjects. I also also likedâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;maybe likedâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;maybe b etter than than better aanything nything iin n tthe he showâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;another showâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;another nonnonIImpressionist mpressionist work, work, G ustave Moreauâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Moreauâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Gustave 11865 865 rrejoinder ejoinder tto o standard standard cclassicism, lassicism, J ason & M edee. It tâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a ttroubling roubling p ainting Jason Medee. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s painting o he p air entwined entwined llike ike C hagall llovers. overs. off tthe pair Chagall T he m urderous w ife M edea swoons swoons aatt The murderous wife Medea tthis his tteenage eenage w arrior, who who iiss as as ggolden olden aass warrior, tthe he fleece f leece h stole. hee stole. There are are compare-and-contrast compare-and-contrast pieces pieces There tthroughout: hroughout: C ourbetâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 1873 1873 The The Trout Trout Courbetâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s shows the the instant instant of of a creature creature losing losing shows its life; life; the the context context of of the the Gulf Gulf disaster disaster its gives it it all all the the more more anguish. anguish. Everything Everything gives but the the fishy f ishy subject subject matter matter is is different different but in Antoine Antoine Villonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Villonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 1870 1870 Saltwater Saltwater Fish, Fish, in which exists exists only only to to show show light light reflecting ref lecting which
@/7: E=@:2 @ /7: E=@:2 M Monetâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s onetâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;The The G Gare are SSaint-Lazareâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; aint-Lazareâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; ce celebrates lebrates tthe he eeraâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s raâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s llove ove aaffair fffair w with ith ttrains. rains.
on shiny, shiny, dark dark sshapes. hapes. B astien-Lepageâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s on Bastien-Lepageâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 1877 Haymaking, Haymakiing, with with the the farmworker farmworker 1877 startled bolt bolt upright upright after after a nap nap in in the the startled f ield, shows shows a woman woman caught caught unawares, unawares, field, so hard-featured hard-featured she she looks looks like like a so troglodyte, wondering wondering at at the the world world to to troglodyte, which she she awakes. awakes. Smaller Smaller if if equally equally which fine f ine is is Tissotâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Tiissotâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s highly highly sensual sensual 1876 1876 The The Dreamer, Dreamer, depicting depicting a lady lady of of luxury luxury stirring stirring in in her her sleep. sleep. The The effect effect of of railroad railroad travel travel on on art art is is a subtext subtext of of this this show. show. Just Ju ust as as we we started started to to get get more more abstract abstract paintings paintings of of flat f lat fields f ields and and geographical geographical shapes shapes after after air air travel travel became became deregulated deregulated and and cheap, cheap, the the rise rise of of rail rail in in France France prepared prepared viewers viewers for for the the shimmer shimmer of of light: light: paintings paintings as as if if seen seen through through a window, window, traveling traveling fast. fast. Monetâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Monetâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 1877 1877 picture picture here here of of the the Gare Gare SaintSaintLazare Lazare crowned crowned in in steam steam suggests suggests this this love love of of rail. rail. Vacationers Vacationers now now had had cheap cheap access access to to the the cloudy cloudy French French beaches beaches to to become become bathers bathers and and of of course, course, sailors, sailors, as as we we were were to to see see in in painting painting after after painting. painting. The The popularity popularity of of photography photography caused caused
a rise rise in in the the informal informal image: image: Frederic Frederic B azilleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 1867 1867 portrait portrait of of Renoir Renoir crouched crouched Bazilleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s w ith his his heels heels on on a chair; chair; Degasâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Degasâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; study study with o lady getting getting a pedicure; pedicure; Gustave Gustave off a lady C aillebotteâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s somber somber 1875 1875 image image of of the the Caillebotteâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s h ardest kind kind of of work work you you can can do do indoors, indoors, hardest o workers scraping scraping a floor. f loor. off workers Impressionism exalted exalted the the informal, informal, Impressionism tthe he eearthy. arthy. M onetâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s d elightful 11876 876 Monetâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s delightful p ainting of of a crowd crowd of of sophisticatedsophisticatedpainting llooking ooking white white turkeys, turkeys, glowing glowing like like aangels ngels as as they they strut strut up up a hillâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;the hillâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;the rridiculous idiculous fowl fowl posed posed like like birds birds of of p aradiseâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;leaves us us firmly f irmly in in the the hands hands paradiseâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;leaves o the movement movement to to be be and and ready ready for for off the S eptemberâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ffollow-up. ollow-up. Septemberâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s
THE T HE BIRTH BIRTH OF OF IMPRESSIONISM: IMPRESSIONISM: MASTERPIECES M ASTERPIECES FROM FROM THE THE MUSEE M USEE Dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ORSAY Dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ORSAY shows shows at at the the ddee Young Young Museum Museum in in Golden Golden Gate Gate Park, P ark, San San Francisco, Francisco, through through Sept. Sept. 6. 6. Tickets T ickeets $21 $21 adult, adult, nonmember. nonmember. 415.750.3600. 4 15.750.3600.
j AB/53 /@B 3D3<BA july 14-21, 2010 A/<B/1@CH 1=; :7AB G=C@ :=1/: 3D3<B 7< B63 1/:3<2/@ Email it to calendar@santacruz.com, fax it to 831.457.5828, or drop it by our office. Events need to be received a week prior to publication and placement cannot be guaranteed.
Stage B63/B3@ 1]``WR]a( BOZSa ]T bVS ;SfWQO\ @Sd]ZcbW]\ 6 i]ZVig^XVa XZaZWgVi^dc d[ i]Z ldbZc! bZc VcY he^g^i d[ i]Z BZm^XVc gZkdaji^dc! ZmegZhhZY ^c i]Z igVY^i^dc d[ BZm^XVc [da`hdc\h [gdb &.&%" &.'%# 8Vaa [dg ZmVXi i^X`Zih eg^XZh VcY hX]ZYjaZ! l]^X] kVgn i]gdj\]dji ^ih gjc# I]j" Hjc! -eb# I]gj 6j\ &# *" &*# :a IZVigd 8VbeZh^cd! ,%* ;djgi] Hi! HVc ?jVc 7Vji^hiV! )%-#+'(#')))# BVS :W]\ 7\ EW\bS` H]V`ZheZVgZ HVciV 8gjo egZhZcih ?VbZh <daYbVcĂ&#x2030;h iVaZ d[ [Vb^an hX]Zb^c\ ^c V XdciZbedgVgn hZii^c\! nZi l^i] Vaa i]Z eadii^c\ VcY kZcdb ^ciVXi# H]dlh [^kZ VcY h^m YVnh V lZZ` cdcZ Bdc dc gdiVi^c\ hX]ZYjaZ# 8Vaa [dg YZiV^ah! i^bZh VcY i^X`Zih# ?ja '%"6j\ '.# J8H8 BV^chiV\Z I]ZViZg! &&*+ =^\] Hi! HVciV 8gjo! -(&#)*.#'&*.#
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4@72/G % $
@3:3/A3( :/2G @=0=B79/ Slinky guitarist Jane Wiedlin of the Go-Goâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s is back, this time with a sexy space-epic sci-fi tale illustrated by Simpsons series artist Bill Morrison. Both writer and artist will be at todayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s book release party to sign and schmooze. Friday, July 16, noonâ&#x20AC;&#x201C;2pm and 4â&#x20AC;&#x201C;6pm. Free. Atlantis Fantasyworld, 1020 Cedar St., Santa Cruz. 831.426.0158.
j !
A/<B/1@CH 1=; july 14-21, 2010 AB/53 /@B 3D3<BA
A/BC@2/G % % Âł A/BC@2/G % !
1/@;3: 0/16 43AB7D/: One of the worldâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s most prestigious annual music events features dozens of concerts of orchestral and vocal music from Bach, Beethoven, Brahms and virtually every other Baroque and classical great. Saturday, July 17â&#x20AC;&#x201C;Saturday, July 31. Most tickets $28 and up, $100 for 5; up to $157 for largest concerts. At various venues throughout Carmel, including Sunset Theater, Ninth Avenue and San Carlos Street, Carmel. Tickets, prices and schedules: www.bachfestival.org or 831. 624.1521. 2OdS\^]`b 5OZZS`g LddY >h <ddY# AdXVa hXjaeidgh! ^chigjbZci bV`Zgh! [jgc^ijgZ bV`Zgh VcY lddYbVhiZgh egZhZci Vhidc^h]^c\ VcY jcjhjVa [dgbh ^c g^X]! YZZe lddYh# GZXZei^dc HVi! ?ja &,! *"-eb# I]gj 6j\ &# ;gZZ VYb^hh^dc# LZY"Hjc &&Vb"*eb# )*% =ln &! 9VkZcedgi! -(&#)'+#&&..# 4SZWf 9cZ^O 5OZZS`g GZcZZ ;adlZg VcY ?^b BVX`Zco^Z# ;adlZghĂ&#x2030; h]dl CZl Ldg`h dc EVeZg iZVbh je l^i] BVX`Zco^ZĂ&#x2030;h IgVX`h$ IgVXZh$IgVch[dgbVi^dc# I]gj ?ja '*# ;gZZ VYb^hh^dc# I]j" Hjc cddc"*eb &%, :ab Hi! HVciV 8gjo! )%-#(,(#'-*)# ;O\g 6O\Ra 5OZZS`g 1O^Wb]ZO 7ZVX] EV^ci^c\h# HjhVc 9dg[Ă&#x2030;h hbVaa ZmegZhh^kZ d^a eV^ci^c\h h]dl^c\ i]Z _dn d[ hjbbZg YVnh dc i]Z WZVX]Zh d[ HVciV 8gjo# I]gj 6j\ (&# ;gZZ VYb^hh^dc# 9V^an &%Vb" +eb# *&% 7Vn 6kZ! 8Ve^idaV! -(&#),*#'*%%# ;]bWd CjioaZ VcY 8daZbVc# Adc\i^bZ VgZV Vgi^hi CjioaZ! l]dhZ ldg` ]Vh VeeZVgZY ^c ejWa^XVi^dch [gdb Gdaa^c\ HidcZ id i]Z ?VeVc I^bZh! h]dlh d^ah VcY YgVl^c\h# :migV ^aajb^cVi^dc egdk^YZY Wn 7g^Vc 8daZbVc! l]dĂ&#x2030;h h]dl^c\ ]^h cZdc Vgi# &'%. EVX^[^X 6kZ! HVciV 8gjo! -(&#),.#**,'# >OXO`] DOZZSg 5OZZS`g EaZ^c 6^g/ 8dccZXi^c\ id i]Z AVcY# H^min Vgi^hih l]d eV^ciZY djiYddgh! XVeijg^c\ i]Z^g k^h^dch d[ AVcY Igjhi egdeZgi^Zh i]gdj\]dji BVn VcY ?jcZ '%&%! egZhZci i]Z^g ldg`# I]j";g^! &&Vb")eb VcY HVi"Hjc! cddc")eb# I]gj 6j\ &*# (, HjYYZc Hi! LVihdck^aaZ! -(&#,''#(%+'#
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¡B= 97:: / ;=197<507@2¸ /<<7D3@A/@G >/@BG It was 50 years ago this month that Harper Leeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s To Kill a Mockingbird smacked the publicâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s class and racial consciousness; Bookshop reminds us of its impact with tonightâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s special event. Judge Ariadne Symons and Public Defender Larry Biggam will re-enact some courtroom scenes, with discussion to follow. Tuesday, July 20, 7:30pm. Free. Bookshop Santa Cruz, 1520 Pacific Ave., Santa Cruz. 831.423.0900. :WZg 6WZZa O\R 9O`S\ 6cRa]\ I]Z Vji]dgh VcY gVY^d h]dl Xd"]dhih VYYgZhh i]Z edlZg d[ i]Z [Zb^c^cZ h^YZ ^c aZVgc^c\ ]dl id a^\]iZc je VcY gZYjXZ higZhh Vh XdkZgZY ^c i]Z^g cZl Wdd` 6 ;Zb^c^cZ BVc^[ZhiV# I]j! ?ja &*! ,/(%eb# ;gZZ# 8Ve^idaV 7dd` 8V[Z! &),* )&hi 6kZ! 8Ve^idaV! -(&#)+'#))&*#
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AC@4 17BG AB=@G HAS ANYONE invented a word for the particular pleasure of reading a book set in a place you know and love? Whatever that word would be (geolexophilia? Ourtownism?), Local Tribes, the first novel by Santa Cruz poet and historian Thomas Hickenbottom, is a deeply satisfying source of it. Scenes set at Mitchellâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Cove, at the Boardwalk and on the wharf are instantly recognizable to any local contemporary reader, but they have the faded, sun-bleached quality of old home movies or Polaroids. With skillful pacing and liberal use of telling details, Hickenbottom reminds us constantly that Santa Cruz in 1966 was a sleepy working-class town populated by fishermen and their countrified, rowdy, surf-obsessed offspringâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;a world away from the increasingly unaffordable outpost of liberalism itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s since become. At the center of the tale is Marco, a surfer kid on the cusp of adulthood, torn apart by his fatherâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s death, raging hormones and the threat of conscription to fight in Vietnam. The only thing clear to this sensitive and ravaged soul is that the sea is his refuge and surfing his salvation. As he grapples with choices he feels ill prepared to make, the ocean is a reassuring constant. This book will resonate especially deeply for surfers and the surf-curious. Hickenbottom, who last summer published a book of local history titled Surfing in Santa Cruz, drops fascinating tidbits about surf history into the narrative. The bitter cold of the pre-wetsuit days, the huge boards, the arduous retrieval of said boards from the shallows in the absence of leashes, all make for seriously fun reading, while Marcoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s story serves as an unusually authentic glimpse into the mind and heart of youth. (Traci Hukill)
THOMAS HICKENBOTTOM reads from and signs copies of â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Local Tribesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Monday, July 19, at 7:30pm. Free. Capitola Book CafĂŠ, 1475 41st Ave, Capitola. 831.462.4415.
03/ /BA1/>3 jjuly u l y 14-21, 1 4 - 2 1 , 2010 2 0 1 0 A/<B/1@CH 1=; A/<B/1@CH 1=; $ $ j 03/BA1/>3
Jazz Presenters since 1975
THURS. JULY 15 â&#x20AC;˘ 7 & 9 PM
Critically acclaimed new CD â&#x20AC;&#x153;Petals on the Pathâ&#x20AC;? $27/Adv $30/Door No Jazztix/Comps Sponsored by the Codiga Family Foundation
MON. JULY 19 â&#x20AC;˘ 7 PM
$20/Adv $23/Door 1/2 PRICE NIGHT FOR STUDENTS. AT THE DOOR ONLY Supported by Western Jazz Presenters Network and the NEA
Rising Star Pianist!
THURS. JULY 22 â&#x20AC;˘ 7 & 9 PM
LEE RITENOUR/DAVE GRUSIN ALL-STARS Melvin Davis - bass Sonny Emory - drums $32/Adv $35/Door No Jazztix/Comps
Sponsored by The Print Gallery
MON. JULY 26 â&#x20AC;˘ 7 PM
â&#x20AC;&#x153;The most important vocal jazz work in Cuba in the past three decades.â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Chucho Valdez $22/Adv $25/Door Sponsored by Radiology Medical Group
THURS. JULY 29 â&#x20AC;˘ 7 PM
Blending classical, Latin and bebop influences. â&#x20AC;&#x153;4-STARS â&#x20AC;&#x153; â&#x20AC;&#x201C;DownBeat Concert: $12/Adv $15/Door Jazz & Dinner: $24.60/Adv Sponsored by Santa Cruz Sentinel
MON. AUGUST 2 â&#x20AC;˘ 7 & 9 PM
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Rock â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;n Ryhythmâ&#x20AC;? Tribute to Duke Ellington $25/Adv $28/Door, No Jazztix or Comps
1=E0=G 1C:BC@3 1 =E0=G 1 1C: :B BC@3 New New West West e
Sponsored by Drew Miller Insurance Services, Inc.
frontiers gi-tar pushes the fr o ontier rs of the gi-t taar Quixoteâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s. Friday at Don n Quixot teâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s.
THURS. AUGUST 5 â&#x20AC;˘ 7 PM
THE LE BOEUF BROTHERS Concert: $12/Adv $15/Door Jazz & Dinner: $24.60/Adv
B6C@A2/G j % # B 6 C @ A 2/G j % #
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Th Thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s hereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s aan n expansiveness expansiveness tto o tthe he m usic o ew W est: tthe he threethreemusic off N New West: p iece gguitar uitar eensemble nsemble eexplores xplores the the piece b oundaries o he instrument, instrument, b ut boundaries off tthe but n ot b eing fflashy lashy or or loud. loud. Instead, Instead, not byy b being N ew West West iiss as as iinterested nterested in in tthe he New ccontemplative ontemplative sspace pace b etween tthe he between n otes as as iin n the the n otes tthemselves. hemselves. T his notes notes This ssense ense of of u nderstatement iiss iintrinsic ntrinsic understatement tto o tthe he b andâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s m usical aapproachâ&#x20AC;&#x201D; pproachâ&#x20AC;&#x201D; bandâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s musical ccomparisons omparisons to to the the eearly arly work work o Wes off Wes M ontgomery aare re not not ffar ar off off tthe he m ark, Montgomery mark, aand nd tthe he trio trio apply apply a light light touch touch tto ob oth both sstandards tandards and and o riginal ccompositions. ompositions. original IIn n tthis his w ay, N ew W est demonstrates demonstrates way, New West tthat hat rrestraint estraint can can be be just just aass aarresting rresting aass o stentatious flair. f lair. D on Quixoteâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s; Quixoteâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s; $ 10; ostentatious Don $10; 8 pm. ((PMD) PMD) 8pm.
Jamaican ssinger Jamaican inger aand nd ccomposer omposer D Don on C arlos iiss p erhaps m ost n otable aass a Carlos perhaps most notable m ember o he rroots oots rreggae eggae b and member off tthe band B lack U huru, tthough hough h eâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s b een m ore Black Uhuru, heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s been more p rolif ic aass a ssolo olo aartist. rtist. C arlos h elped prolific Carlos helped fform orm B lack U huru iin n 11973, 973, b ut m ade Black Uhuru but made o nly o ne rrecording ecording w ith tthem hem b efore only one with before sstriking triking o ut o n a llengthy engthy ccareer areer o out on off h is o wn. A fter sscoring coring a sstring tring o op his own. After off T Top 110 0h its d uring tthe he â&#x20AC;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;&#x2122;80s 80s d ancehall eera, ra, hits during dancehall C arlos o nce aagain gain jjoined oined fforces orces w ith Carlos once with B lack U huru. H owever, h is ssolo olo ccareer areer Black Uhuru. However, his n ever eended, nded, aand nd h ontinues tto o tturn urn never hee ccontinues o ut q uality rreggae eggae jjams ams tto o tthis his d ay. out quality day. M oeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s A lley; $ 25 aadv/$30 dv/$30 d oor; 9 pm. Moeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Alley; $25 door; 9pm. ((Sean Sean C onwell) Conwell)
Sponsored by Santa Cruz Sentinel
MON. AUGUST 9 â&#x20AC;˘ 7 PM
Sponsored by William and Cloy Codiga Family Foundation
MON. AUGUST 16 â&#x20AC;˘ 7 & 9 PM
â&#x20AC;&#x153;â&#x20AC;Śthe greatest kora player on the planet.â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x201C;Boston Globe 7 PM: $25/Adv $28/Door 9 PM: $20/Adv $23/Door No Jazztix or Comps Aug. 23 Aug. 26 Aug. 29 Aug. 30
Christian Scott Lenny Whiteâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Anomaly featuring Jimmy Herring Kuumbwaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 35th Birthday Party Claudia Villela Group
Dinner served Mondays & Thursdays beginning at 6pm, serving premium wines & microbrewed beers. Snacks & desserts available all other nights. All age venue.
Advance tickets at Logos Books & Records and online at kuumbwajazz.org Tickets subject to service charge and 5% S.C. City Admission Tax.
320-2 Cedar St â&#x20AC;˘ Sa nta C r u z 427-2227
Among ccertain Among ertain jjazz azz aaficionados, f icionados, Ot tmar L iebert iiss persona persona non non Ottmar Liebert ggrata: rata: iin n tthese hese crowds, crowds, aany ny m ention mention o the p opulist flamenco f lamenco gguitarist uitarist off the populist w ill iinvite nvite u pturned n oses. L iebert will upturned noses. Liebert rremains emains u nfazed. W hatever rrespect espect unfazed. Whatever h eâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s llost ost aamong mong tthe he muso muso crowd crowd ffor or heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s p opularizing fflamenco lamenco aand nd ggiving iving iitt popularizing aan n aaccessible ccessible ssheen heen h eâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s m ade u p for for in in heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s made up aalbum lbum ssales ales aand nd loyal loyal llisteners. isteners. While While iitâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s tâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s true true tthat hat his his amalgam amalgam of of fflamenco, lamenco, jjazz azz and and b ossa n ova iiss something something other other bossa nova tthan han challenging, challenging, iitt serves serves a necessary necessary p urposeâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;the aaural ural eequivalent quivalent of of purposeâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;the ccomfort omfort ffood. ood. That That m ight n ot be be a might not rrecipe ecipe ffor or aartistic rtistic ttriumph, riumph, b ut tthereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s hereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s but n od enying tthat hat L iebert ssatisfies atisf ies no denying Liebert ah unger ffor or aaddictive ddictive flamenco. f lamenco. hunger K uumbwa; $ 27 adv/$30 adv/$30 door; door; 7 and and Kuumbwa; $27 9 pm. ((Paul Paul M. M. Davis) Davis) 9pm.
j %
A/<B/1@CH 1=; A /<B/1@CH 1=; jjuly u l y 14-21, 1 4 - 2 1 , 2010 2 0 1 0 03/BA1/>3 03/ /BA1/>3
1=<13@BA 1 = < 1 3 @ B A >/C: B6=@< > /C: B6=@ @< < JULY JUL LY 23 AT AT RIO RIIO I THEATRE THEA HEATREE E/@@7=@ 97<5 E/ E / /@@7=@ @@7=@ 97<5 9 <5 JULY JUL LY Y 24 AT AT MOEâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S M S ALLEY MO MOE A Y ALL AL
AC<2/G j % & A C < 2/G j % &
;=0 475/H ; =0 475/H Originally formed Originally formed b byy the the rrapper apper C-Bo, became C -Bo, this this Bay Bay Area Area ggroup roup b ecame minor hip-hop world am inor success success iin n tthe he h ip -hop w orld when iin n 1999, 1999, w hen its its debut debut album album sold sold off copies tthousands housands o copies and and reached reached No. 633 o on R&B N o. 6 n Billboardâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Billbboardâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s R &B cchart. hart. Current members Husalah C urrent m embers H usalah aand nd tthe he both JJacka acka aare re b oth cconverts onverts tto o IIslam, slam, aand nd ttheir heir religion religion provides provides much much of of the the ssubject ubject matter matter for for their their music, music, in in aaddition ddition tto o ttypical ypical hip-hop hip-hop tthemes hemes like like drugs Sharing d rugs and and vviolence. iolence. S haring tthe he sstage tage with Mob Figaz will bee tthe L.A. w ith M ob F igaz w ill b he L .A. rrappers appers Strong Arm Steady Watsonvilleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s S trong A rm S teady aand nd W atsonvilleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Sincere. door; S incere. Catalyst: Catalyst: $24 $24 aadv/$29 dv/$29 d oor; 8pm. 8 pm. (SC) (SC)
AC<2/G j % & A C < 2/G j % &
5@/<2 5@/<2 /@167D3A / @167D3A Singer M Singer Mat at B Brooke rooke m made ade a rrather ather unnoticed u nnoticed departure departure ffrom rom iindie ndie harmony darlings Band off H Horses h armony d arlings B and o orses back 2006. His new band Grand b ack iin n2 006. H is n ew b and G rand Archives, however, A rchives, h owever, is is ffinally inally sstarting tarting heads off iits own with tto o tturn urn h eads o ts o wn w ith a ssound ound Horsesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Southern tthat hat ttakes akes tthe he H orsesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; sspacey pacey S outhern down ssoundscapes oundscapes aand nd sstrips trips tthem hem d own tto o bare Brookeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s wisps tthe he b are eessentials. ssentials. B rookeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s vvoice oice w isps wind llike ike w ind tthrough hrough tthe he rreeds eeds aand nd tthe he off tthe quartet rrest est o he q uartet aadds dds jjust ust eenough nough
gguitar uitar and an nd d drum drum texture texture to to warrant warrant headphones. h eadphones. And And after after tthe he ggroupâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s roupâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s LPs, Grand Archives ttwo wo L Ps, the the G rand A rchives and and Keep Keep Frankenstein, iin n Mind Mind F rankenstein, ggained ained ssolid olid Pitchfork other hipster ttraction raction aatt P itchfork aand nd o ther h ipster blogs, b loggs, tthe he quartet quartet eearned arned a ccoveted oveted with Modest Mouse ttour our w ith M odest M ouse aand nd a rrecord ecord deal d eal with with SubPop. SubPop. Crepe Crepe Place; Place; $8 $8 9pm. aadv/$10 dv/$10 door; door; 9 pm. ((Curtis Curtis Cartier) Cartier)
;716/3: 5C:3H7/< ;716/3: 6/3: 5C:3H7/< 6/ C 3 JULY QUIXOTEâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S JU JUL ULY UL LY 29 9 AT AT DON D Q QUIXO TE TEâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S 4@C7B 0/BA 4@C7B B 0/ /BA JULY MILLER JUL LY 311 AT LY AT HENRY HE H M LIBRARY, LIBR R ARY ARY, BIG B G SUR BI SU UR 8=6< >7HH/@3::7 8=6< 8= =6 >7H 7 H/ /@3::7 :: AUG. AT KUUMBWA A UG. 2 A T KU UUMBW WA WA @3D 6=@B=< 63/B @3D D 6=@B =@ =< = 63/ /B AUG. AT CATALYST A UG. 11 A T CA C ATA ALLY YSST E/DD3A E /DD3A AUG. A UG. 17 AT AT CREPE CR REPE EP PE PLACE PLLACE B63G ;756B 03 57/<BA B63 G ;756B 03 3 57/<B 5 57 A AUG. AT RIO THEATRE A UG G. 20 A T RI IO THEA THE TR TRE
AC<2/G j % & A C < 2/G j % &
;/>A /<2 ;/>A /<2 / B:/A3A /B:/A3A The cclattering The lattering electric electric folk-rock folk-rock off Chicagoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s o Chicagoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Maps Maps aand nd Atlases Atlases iiss work off a fforceful orceful and and cconfident, onf ident, tthe he w ork o band with off its b and w ith a clear clear ssense ense o its career career ttrajectory. rajectory. Frontman Frontman Dave Dave Davison Davison has mellifluous baritone h as a rrich, ich, m ellif luous b aritone tthat hat aanchors nchors rough-hewn rough-hewn ssongs ongs iin n which which melodic tthe he guitar guitar llines ines sserve erve lless ess as as m elodic ttools ools tthan han rhythmic rhythmic punctuation. punctuation. On On debut Perch iits ts ffull-length ull-length d ebut P erch Patchwork, Patchwork, tthe he band band clutters clutters up up some some songs songs with with wonky prog-rock dross, eexcessively xcessively w onky p rogg-rock d ross, but b ut tthat hat reads reads more more as as an an ambitious ambitious band pushing yyoung oung b and p ushing iits ts llimits imits tthan han a ffatal atal flaw. f law. Even Even when when it it leads leads them them Maps aastray, stray, the the audaciousness audaciousness of of M aps aand nd Atlasesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Atlasesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; aartistic rtistic ambition ambition is is Kuumbwa; $13; 8pm. eexhilarating. xhilarating. K uumbwa; $ 13; 8 pm. ((PMD) PMD)
;=<2/G j % ' ; = < 2/G j % '
53@/:2 53@/:2 1:/GB=< B@7= 1 : /G B= < B @ 7 = Att age A age 26, 26, most most jazz jazz musicians musicians are are sstill till not decades, yyears, ears, iiff n ot d ecades, aaway way ffrom rom sseeing eeing ttheir heir name name iin n front front of of the the word word â&#x20AC;&#x153;Trioâ&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x153;Trioâ&#x20AC;? orr â&#x20AC;&#x153;Quartet. o â&#x20AC;&#x153;Quartet.â&#x20AC;? Gerald Gerald Clayton, Clayton, however, however, most musicians. off iisnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t snâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t m ost jjazz azz m usicians. Son Son o Grammy-winning bassist John Clayton G rammy-winning b assist Jo ohn C layton aand nd nephew nephew of of woodwind woodwind virtuoso virtuoso JJeff eff Clayton, C layton, the the young young musician musician exited exited the the womb off professional w omb into into tthe he world world o professional Even without his pedigree, however, jjazz. azz. E ven w ithout h is p edigree, h owever, Claytonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s C laytonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s unique unique blend blend of of complex complex and and heady h eady rhythms rhythms that that draw draw from from bebop, bebop, hard bop have helped h ard b op aand nd aacid cid jjazz, azz, h ave h elped him tto o distinguish distinguish h im aass one one of of tthe he most most naturally nun aturally ttalented alented practitioners practitioners of of n ujazz on jazz aand nd eexperimental xperimental jjazz azz o n tthe he rroad oad ttoday. oday. Kuumbwa; Kuumbwa; $20 $20 adv/$23 adv/$23 door; door; 77pm. pm. ((CC) CC)
BC3A2/G j % B C 3 A 2/G j %
3B@/< 47</B/E/ 3 B@/< 47</B/E/
075 0/<2 0 75 0/<2 Band of H Horses Hor rsses spinoff Grand Archives Archives ďŹ&#x201A;ip ďŹ&#x201A; through through the Crepe Crepe Place Pllace this Sunday. Sunday.
â&#x20AC;&#x153;The S â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Stars tars o off T Traditionâ&#x20AC;? raditionâ&#x20AC;? ffirst irst aappeared ppeared on horizon 2004 when o n tthe he h orizon iin n2 004 w hen tthey hey played Desert p layed ttogether oggether aatt tthe he aannual nnual D esert Festival near Timbuctou. Their music F estival n ear T imbuctou. Th heir m usic union off ssounds Wodaabe iiss a u nion o ounds ffrom rom tthe he W odaabe nomadic who aand nd Tuareg, Tu uareg, ttwo wo n omadic ccultures ultures w ho on off tthe llive ive side-by-side side-by-side o n tthe he ffringes ringes o he Sahara Niger. S ahara desert desert iin nN iger. Their Their unique unique musical off â&#x20AC;&#x153;Nomad m usical sstyle tyle o â&#x20AC;&#x153;Nomad Bluesâ&#x20AC;? Bluesâ&#x20AC;? iiss a off hand-clapping, ssoothing oothing blend blend o hand- clapping, rrich ich percussion hypnotic melodies p ercussion aand nd tthe he h ypnotic m elodies off a bluesy Their o bluesy gguitar. uitar. Th heir vvocals ocals echo echo different eeach ach other other in in ttwo wo d ifferent llanguages anguages iin n songs songs about about tthe he women, women, animals animals aand nd hardships hardships of of desert desert life. life. Don Don Quixoteâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s; $16 door, Q uixoteâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s; $ 16 aadv/$20 dv/$20 d oor, 77:30pm. :30pm. ((Maria Maria Grusauskas) Grusauskas)
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1011 PACIFIC AVE. SANTA CRUZ 831-423-1336 5L^ +H[L :\UKH` 1\S` Â&#x2039; AGES 16+
MOB FIGAZ Feat, The Jacka & Huslah plus Strong Arm Steady
AC< j % & ;=< j % ' BC3 j %
/>B=A 1/>7B=:/ @7= 23: ;/@ A=?C3:
Sincere with Nima Fadavi
(K] +Y Â&#x2039; +YZ W T :OV^ W T Tix for July 11 will be honored on this date or return to place of purchase for a refund.
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â&#x20AC;&#x153;Bombtracks N Cognacâ&#x20AC;?
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A/<B/1@CH 1=; A /<B/1@CH 1=; jjuly u l y 14-21, 1 4 - 2 1 , 2010 2 0 1 0 47:; 47:; ;
TThe he A Avenger venger Men gget Men et whatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; whatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ss ccoming omingg tto o them at the th hands h d off Lisbeth Lisbe th Salander S in â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;The Girl G Who Played With Fireâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Pla ayed W iith F ireâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; 0G @716/@2 D=< 0CA/19 0 G @ 7 1 6 / @ 2 D= < 0 C A /1 9
ISBETH S ISBETH Salander alander is is b back. ack. T That hat may bee m more ffact act m ay b ore important important tthan han the the ssometimes ometimes eyebroweyebrowplot off The rraising aising p lot o The Girl Girl Who Who Played Att a certain point, Played With With Fire. Fire. A certain p oint, Hitchcockâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Hitchcockâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Excuse Excuse (â&#x20AC;&#x153;Nobody (â&#x20AC;&#x153;Nobody calls calls the the police, police, because because it it wouldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t wouldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t be be fun fun if if they they didâ&#x20AC;?) didâ&#x20AC;?) can can only only go go so so far. far. This This second second installment installment in in the the Stieg Stieg Larsson Larsson series series brings brings back back Noomi Noomi Rapaceâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Rapaceâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ratty ratty but but invincible invincible urchin: urchin: 80 80 pounds, pounds, 5 feet feet tall, tall, black-dyed black- dyed hair, hair, wardrobe wardrobe by by CBGB. CBGB. Sheâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Sheâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s been been sorting sorting out out the the people people who who have have wronged wronged her her since since she she was was age age 12. 12. (The (The filmâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s f ilmâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s sick-joke sick-joke title title refers refers to to the the crime crime that that sent sent her her up up the the river: river: barbecuing barbecuing her her abusive abusive father father with with a can can of of gasoline gasoline and and a match.) match.) Salander Salander is is armed armed with with brilliant brilliant computer computer hacker hacker skills, skills, a pistol pistol and and a stun stun gun, gun, the the last last of of which which she she uses uses on on many many pairs pairs of of deserving deserving bollocks. bollocks. That Th hat this this movie movie has has tendency tendency toward toward bollockisms bollockisms isnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t isnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t quite quite her her fault. fault. This This time, time, Lisbeth Lisbeth comes comes back back from from her her wealthy wealthy exile exile and and tries tries to to reconnect reconnect with with her her old old life, life, first f irst dropping dropping in in to to call call up up the the mysterious mysterious girl girl (Yasmine (Yasmine Garbi) Garbi) she The Girl she was was found found sleeping sleeping with with in in T he G irl With With the the Dragon Dragon Tattoo. Tattoooo. Shortly Shortly after after Lisbethâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Lisbethâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s return return to to Stockholm, Stockholm, her her old old nemesis nemesis (and (and rapist) rapist) of of a parole parole officer off icer starts starts stirring stirring up up trouble; trouble; this, this, despite despite the the efficient eff icient way way Lisbeth Lisbeth handled handled him him in in the the last last movie. movie. Rape-revenge Rape-revenge films f ilms are are a little little too too basic basic for for me, me, but but one one has has to to
2736/@2 4/< 2 736/@2 4/< N Noomi o omi R Rapaceâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s apaceâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s LLisbeth isbeth SSalander alander bbrings rings tthe he hheat eat iin n â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;The The G Girl irl W Who ho P Played layed W With ith F Fire.â&#x20AC;&#x2122; ire.â&#x20AC;&#x2122;
admire L admire Lisbethâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s isbethâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s sskill kill with with a dildo dildo and and a ttattoo attoo gun. gun. Meanwhile, trustworthily trustworthily pockmarked pockmarked Meanwhile, iinvestigative nvestigative journalist journalist M ikael ((Michael Michael Mikael N yqvist) m eets a n ew yyoung oung w riter Nyqvist) meets new writer w orking for for M illennium m agazine. working Millennium magazine. He aand nd his his sociologist sociologist girlfriend girlfriend are are He trying to to expose expose the the sex-slave sex-slave trade trade trying conducted out out of of the the former former Soviet Soviet conducted Union, apparently apparently abetted abetted by by the the Sapo, Sapo, Union, the Swedish Swedish Secret Secret P olice. Both Both the the the Police. young writer writer aand nd his his girlfriend girlfriend aare re young soon liquidated. liquidated. The Th he authorities authorities suspect suspect soon Lisbeth o the killings, killings, and and she she must must go go Lisbeth off the on the the run run tto o find f ind the the real real cculprits. ulprits. on all comes comes together toggether with with help help from from Itt all the ever-clutching ever-clutching Hand Hand of of Coincidence. Coincidence. the Director Daniel Daniel Alfredsen Alfredsen is is trying trying tto o Director create a Euro-answer Euro -answer to to A mericanized create Americanized thrillers by by ggentling entling them them w ith thrillers with humanism. We We pause pause to to see see Mikael Mikael humanism. shaking his his heavy heavy head head over over every every d ead shaking dead body, and and stoutly stoutly maintaining maintaining that that body, Lisbeth iiss n ot a killer. killer. Lisbeth not Match this this with with the the kind kind of of sexual sexual Match politics unseen unseen since since the the 1970s 1970s in in film; f ilm; politics ornery even even before before she she was was raped, raped, ornery
Salander iiss aan Salander no old-fashioned ld-fashioned pulp pulp h eroine iin n a pulp pulp plot. plot. Her Her opponents opponents heroine aare re tthoroughly horoughly d irty: a hulking hulking dirty: h enchman whose whose strange strange medical medical henchman ccondition ondition m akes h im analogous analoggous tto o one one makes him o he m inor 0 07 vvillains illains (hint, (hint, T he off tthe minor 007 The W orld IIss N ot Enough). Enough). World Not The musclemanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s musclemanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s boss boss is is a scar-faced scar-faced The h ead vvillain illain â&#x20AC;&#x153;â&#x20AC;&#x153;who who sspeaks peaks ssix ix llanguages anguages head ffluentlyâ&#x20AC;? luentlyâ&#x20AC;? eeven ven iiff h hould h ave ssmarter marter hee sshould have h iring p ractices. W hen yyou ou ttry ry tto o hiring practices. When d ispatch a p air o eroes b ocking dispatch pair off h heroes byy llocking tthem hem iin nab arn aand nd ssetting etting iitt o n ffire, ire, iitâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s tâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s barn on n ot b ecause tthatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s hatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a llethally ethally eefficient ff icient w ay not because way o illing ssomeone. omeone. IItâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s tâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s b ecause eeveryone veryone off k killing because w ants tto o ssee ee a b arn b urning. wants barn burning. No one one can can say say they they havenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t havenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t seen seen this this No m ovie b efore, tthey hey jjust ust h avenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t sseen een iitt movie before, havenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t iin nS wedish b efore. S ome ffibrillating ibrillating Swedish before. Some vvistas istas o tockholm iin n tthe he ssummer ummer off S Stockholm ggloaming loaming m ake tthat hat ccity ity llook ook llike ike make n othing b ut w aterfront p roperty. W hen nothing but waterfront property. When w et ssurfeited urfeited w ith tthese hese sshots, hots, tthe he wee gget with aaction ction sswitches witches tto o tthe he m aritime ccity ity maritime o oteborg, w here tthe he sskies kies aare re m ore off G Goteborg, where more aappealingly ppealingly m elancholy. E ven tthe he ccar ar melancholy. Even cchases hases ffeature eature sspotless potless n ew vvehicles ehicles new
climbing curbs climbing curbs and and running running d down own off of. ssidewalks idewalks yyou ou could could eeat at o ff o f. Oddly, Oddly, this this series series about about the the stodginess stodginess off S Sweden, o weden, about about police police skullduggery skullduggery aand nd aabout bout ssavage, avage, racist, racist, rrapacious apacious patriarchs off tthe p atriarchs ssitting itting on on tthe he cchest hest o he modern m odern nation, nation, is is also also a feature-length feature-length postcard Maybe p ostcard ffor or the the country. country. M aybe Sweden Sweden wouldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t w ouldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t be be aattractive ttractive tto o ttourists ourists unless u nless it it seemed seemed a llittle ittle dangerous? dangerous? Yet Yet Peter Mokrosinskiâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s P eter M okrosinskiâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s cinematography cinematoggraphy Todd eexemplifies xemplif ies a current current trend: trend: what what T odd Miroâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Abyss describes M iroâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s IInto nto tthe he A byss blog blog d escribes aass â&#x20AC;&#x153;â&#x20AC;&#x153;that that ccolor-grading olor-grading virus virus that that is is teal teal aand nd orange. Wee p probably o range.â&#x20AC;? W robably canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t sstop top them them digitally ffrom rom d igitally iintermediating ntermediating every every ffilm ilm until duotone u ntil iitâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s tâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s almost almost d uotone blue blue aand nd ggold, old, but make b ut at at least least we we can can m ake them them sselfelfconscious about it. conscious about it.
THE T HE GIRL GIRL WHO WHO PLAYED PLAYED WITH WITH TH FIRE F IRE (Unrated; (Unrated; 129 129 min., min., with with Noomi Rapace, ssubtitles), ubtitles), sstarring tarring N o omi R apace, Friday Nickelodeon. oopens p ens F riday aatt tthe he N ickeelodeon.
34 |
july 14-21, 2010 SANTACRUZ.COM
j !#
A/<B/1@CH 1=; july 14-21, 2010 47:;
Independence Day Tilda Swintonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a stunner in â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;I Am Loveâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; 0G @716/@2 D=< 0CA/19
Wine shop 1/@@G7<5 / B=@16 Tilda Swinton falls for chef Edoardo Gabbrilini in â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;I Am Love.â&#x20AC;&#x2122;
later, with the old man dead and Tancredi completely consumed by the family business in London. His wife, Emma (Swinton), always solitary, is now more alone than usual amid the heavy stones and dismal paintings of the villa. Adding keenness to Emmaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s loneliness is the discovery of the secret love life of her grown daughter (Alba Rohrwacher). But Emma is distracted by a new character: a chef who caters the familyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s formal banquets. Antonio (Edoardo Gabbrilini) is a handsome devil with a tattooed bracelet. Unfortunately, this chef is her son Edoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s new best friend. Guadagnino touches upon the best novels about adultery: the name Emma, as in Bovary, is certainly significant. Thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a most explicit love scene in the mountains near San Remo thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll be too fulsome for some, but which is as pure a visualization of
Lady Chatterleyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Lover as weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll see: f lowers, fruit and drowsy insects surround Antonio and Emma as they make love in the grass. I Am Love is a rich movieâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;a banquet, certainlyâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;and the richness of it may seem off-putting; in these times, thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s so much financial suffering that many may be impatient with the problems of a luxuriously clad woman of leisure. But this classic drama of adulteryâ&#x20AC;&#x201C;spare in plot, fascinating in designâ&#x20AC;&#x201C;is a revenge of the world of art on the world of property. And we havenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t seen one this well framed in a long time.
I AM LOVE (R; 120 min., with subtitles), directed by Luca Guadagnino and starring Tilda Swinton, Pippo Delbono and Edoardo Gabbrilini, opens Friday.
Pacific Ave.
Annie Glass
Museum of Art and History
Abbot Square
Cooper Street
HE BEAUTY of I Am Love is perplexing; itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s as bewildering as the beauty of its star, the lean Scottish redhead Tilda Swinton. Like Julianne Moore, Swinton is a congenitally brave actress who has matured into a performer who is almost inhumanly free of selfconsciousness. Swinton, now nearing 50, is a vision: clear-eyed, short-haired and immaculately dressed for this expensive romance. Director Luca Guadagnino begins with arresting images of Milan in winter: locked tight under a foot of snow, the place is a city of fortresses suffused with icy mist. As John Adamsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; tense music from Nixon in China simmers away, we survey a villa of almost Soviet brutality: the home of the Recchis, a family that made its millions in the textile trade. The family is gathering for the big annual event, the birthday celebration of the patriarch. The pretentious old man is played by the legendary Gabriel Ferzetti, and his somewhat younger wife is Marisa Berenson, glazed as pottery and stretched with cosmetic surgery. Old Eduoardo plans to retire and pass on the business to the next generation. The heir presumptiveâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;the handsome and kind grandson Edo (Flavio Parenti)â&#x20AC;&#x201D;is bypassed for reasons only the Recchis would understand. He lost a race of some sort, in which it was a family tradition to compete and win. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s enough of a dishonor that they tease him about it throughout the dinner. But the decision is made; the direction of the company is given to Edoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s father, Tancredi, played by Pippo Delbono, a sinister party who looks like a hybrid of Richard Nixon and J. Edgar Hoover. The story resumes a few months
Gifts Accessories
Front Street
Downtown Santa Cruz on Abbott Square off Cooper Street (Near Annie Glass).
831-426-VINO (8466) www.vinocruz.com
!$ j 47:; july 14-21, 2010 A/<B/1@CH 1=;
Film Capsules <3E 1/>A
(PG) Daily: (2:10), (4:30), 7:00, 9:30 & Fri-Sun (11:50am)
Zany animated feature about a town where food falls from the sky. Voiced by Bill Hader, Will Forte, Andy Samberg and James Caan. (Plays Wed-Thu July 14-15 at 10am at 41st Ave and Scotts Valley.)
Daily: (1:30), (3:50), 6:30, 8:40
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Stunning!â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x201C;Edge (R) Daily: (2:40), (4:50), 7:10, 9:20 & Sat-Sun (12:30)
Online Ticketing Available @
STARTS FRIDAY 7/16! â&#x20AC;&#x153;A thrilling sequel to â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;The Girl with the Dragon Tattooâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; with even more treacherous villians and twisted mysteries!â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x201C;L.A. Times BASED ON
1:=C2G E7B6 / 16/<13 =4 ;3/B0/::A (2009)
Drew Barrymore. (Plays Wed July 21 at 10am at 41st Ave.) 3 B (1982) Steven
Spielbergâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s wildly popular tale of an alien botanist stranded on Earth stars Henry Thomas, Dee Wallace, Peter Coyote and Drew Barrymore. (Plays Wed July 21 at 10am at Scotts Valley.)
1C@7=CA 53=@53
/ 47AB4C: =4 2G</;7B3 (1972)
(2006) Animated tale about the Man in the Yellow Hat and his pet monkey is voiced by Will Ferrell, Frank Welker, Dick Van Dyke and
Also known as Duck, You Sucker, this is one of Sergio Leoneâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s best (and most overlooked) spaghetti Westerns, about a bandit and an
Irish explosives expert who team up to rob a bank in 1913 Mexico, but instead find themselves sucked into the Mexican Revolution. (Plays Sat-Sun at 11am at Aptos.) B63 57@: E6= >:/G32 E7B6 47@3
(R; 137 min.) See review, page 33. (Opens Fri at the Nickelodeon.) 7 /; :=D3 (R; 120
min.) See review, page 35. (Opens Fri at the Nickelodeon.) 7<13>B7=< (PG-13;
148 min.) Dom Cobb (Leonardo DiCaprio), a thief who steals secrets
from the subconscious minds of his victims, is sent on a dangerous mission: instead of stealing, he must use his futuristic technology to plant an idea. Directed by Christopher Nolan (The Dark Knight, Memento). (Opens Fri at 41st Ave, Santa Cruz 9, Scotts Valley and Green Valley.) :/ 0=63;3 (Unrated)
The Metropolitanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Summer HD Encores continue with Franco Zeffirelliâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s production of Pucciniâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s opera about two impoverished lovers living in a Parisian
Movie reviews by Sean Conwell, Traci Hukill, Scott Reyburn, Richard von Busack and Christina Waters
garrett and their fabulous friends. Starring Angela Gheorghiu as Mimi and Ramon Vargas as Rodolfo. (Plays Wed Jul 14 at Santa Cruz 9.) B63 :=AB 0=GA (1987) In this â&#x20AC;&#x2122;80s gem, Michael and Sam move with their mother to Santa Carla, Calif., a place which is supposedly the â&#x20AC;&#x153;Murder Capital of the World,â&#x20AC;? but turns out to be much worseâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;a breeding ground for vampires. And whatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s more, the town looks strangely familiar ... (Plays Thu at 8pm at Santa Cruz 9.) (SC)
A7B/ A7<5A B63 0:C3A (Unrated; 82
min.) An animated tale written, directed and produced by cartoonist Nina Paley, bringing to life episodes from the Ramayana, an ancient Indian epic poem, with songs by 1920s jazz singer Annette Hanshaw used as the voice of the goddess Sita. (Plays Wed Jul 21 at the Nickelodeon.) B63 A=@13@3@¸A />>@3<B713 (PG; 109
min.) Inspired by the segment of Fantasia in which Mickeyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s magic broomsticks get out of control, this live-
Showtimes are for Wednesday, July 14, through Wednesday, July 21, unless otherwise indicated. Programs and showtimes are subject to change without notice.
(R) Daily: (1:30), (4:10), 6:50, 9:30 & Sat-Sun (11:00am)
STARTS FRIDAY 7/16! â&#x20AC;&#x153;####! An amazing film â&#x20AC;Ś deep and rich with a daring turn by Tilda Swinton!â&#x20AC;?
/>B=A 17<3;/A
A/<B/ 1@CH 17<3;/ '
Call for Wed-Thu showtimes.
Call for Wed-Thu showtimes.
BVS A]`QS`S`¸a /^^`S\bWQS â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Fri-Wed 1:50; 4:10; 6:40; 9; plus Sat-Sun 11:30am. =\RW\S â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Fri-Wed 4:20; 6:50; 9:10. BVS :Oab /W`PS\RS` â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Fri-Wed 2:10. / 4WabTcZ ]T 2g\O[WbS â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Sat-Sun 11am.
7\QS^bW]\ â&#x20AC;&#x201D; (Opens Fri) 12:15; 1; 3:40; 4:25; 6:30; 7; 7:50; 9:50; 10:20;
" AB /D3<C3 17<3;/
(no 4:35 on Wed 7/21) 9\WUVb O\R 2Og â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Fri-Wed 11:50; 2:25; 5; 7:35; 10:10. B]g Ab]`g ! !2 â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Fri-Wed 11:20; 1:45; 4:15; 7:15; 9:40. B]g Ab]`g ! 2 â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Fri-Wed 11; 1:25; 3:50. 9O`ObS 9WR â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Fri-Wed 12:30; 6:35. :O 0]V|[S â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Wed Jul 14 6:30pm. Bc`O\R]b â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Wed Jul 21 6:30pm. BVS :]ab 0]ga â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Thu 8pm.
122 Rancho Del Mar Center, Aptos 831.688.6541 www.thenick.com
Daily: (1:20), (4:00), 6:40, 9:20 & Sat-Sun (10:50am)
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Intelligent & hilarious!â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x201C;Wall Street Journal
John C. Reilly Jonah Hill Marisa Tomei Catherine Keener (R) Daily: (1:00), (3:00), (5:00),
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Profanely hilarious! Fasten your seat belts!â&#x20AC;?
â&#x20AC;&#x153;A CONV
7:00, 9:00 & Sat-Sun (11:10am)
â&#x20AC;&#x201C;Peter Travers, Rolling Stone
*No 7:10 Show Wed 7/21
Daily: (1:10), (3:10), (5:10), 7:10*, 9:10 & Sat-Sun (11:20am)
SPECIAL EVENT WED 7/21! â&#x20AC;&#x153;Beautifully audacious â&#x20AC;Ś an enchanting, playfully funny cartoon for adults!â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x201C;Premiere
plus Q&A with Writer, Animator, Director
Wednesday July 21st @ 7:00
Jay Baruchel
Call for Wed-Thu showtimes. 7\QS^bW]\ â&#x20AC;&#x201D; (Opens Fri) 12:30; 3:45; 7; 10:10; plus midnight Thu. 2Sa^WQOPZS ;S !2 â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Fri-Wed 11:30; 1:45; 4:20; 6:45; 9. BVS BeWZWUVb AOUO( 3QZW^aS â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Fri-Wed 11:15; 2; 4:40; 7:20; 10.. 1Z]cRg EWbV O 1VO\QS ]T ;SObPOZZa â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Wed Jul 14 10am. 1c`W]ca 5S]`US â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Wed Jul 21 10am
1124 Pacific Ave., Santa Cruz 831.426.7500 www.thenick.com
BVS :Oab /W`PS\RS` !2 â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Fri-Wed 2:10; 4:30;7; 9:30; plus Sat-Sun 11:50am. BVS :Oab /W`PS\RS` 2 â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Fri-Wed 1:30; 3:50; 6:30; 8:40. EW\bS`¸a 0]\S â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Fri-Wed 2:40; 4:50; 7:10; 9:20; plus Sat-Sun 12:30.
Alfred Molina
plus Fri-Sat 11:05pm. BVS A]`QS`S`¸a /^^`S\bWQS â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Fri-Wed 11:25; 2; 4:50; 7:25; 10. 2Sa^WQOPZS ;S â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Fri-Wed noon; 2:20; 4:45; 7:10; 9:30. BVS BeWZWUVb AOUO( 3QZW^aS â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Fri-Wed 11:05; 1:50; 3:30; 4:35; 7:30; 9:35; 10:15
A1=BBA D/::3G 17<3;/
226 Mt. Hermon Rd., Scotts Valley 831.438.3260 www.cineluxtheatres.com
23: ;/@
Call for Wed-Thu showtimes.
( ) = Bargain Shows Before 5:30pm
Nicolas Cage
1475 41st Ave., Capitola 831.479.3504 www.cineluxtheatres.com
1405 Pacific Ave., Santa Cruz 800.326.3264 x1700 www.regmovies.com
Lincoln and Cedar streets, Santa Cruz 831.426.7500 www.thenick.com
Call for Wed-Thu showtimes. 7\QS^bW]\ â&#x20AC;&#x201D; (Opens Fri) 12:30; 3:45; 7; 10; plus midnight Thu. BVS A]`QS`S`¸a /^^`S\bWQS â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Fri-Wed 11:45; 2:15; 4:45; 7:20; 9:55. B]g Ab]`g ! â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Fri-Wed 11:10; 1:30; 4; 6:30; 9:10.. 2Sa^WQOPZS ;S â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Fri-Wed 11:30; 2; 4:20; 6:45; 9. BVS :Oab /W`PS\RS` !2 â&#x20AC;&#x201D; 11:55; 2:30; 4:55; 7:10; 9:30. BVS BeWZWUVb AOUO( 3QZW^aS â&#x20AC;&#x201D; 11; 1:45; 4:30; 7:15; 10. 1Z]cRg EWbV O 1VO\QS ]T ;SObPOZZa â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Wed Jul 14 at 10am. 3 B â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Wed 7/21 at 10am.
Call for Wed-Thu showtimes. (PG) Daily: (1:50), (4:10), 6:40, 9:00 & Sat-Sun (11:30am)
plus Sat-Sun 11am. 7 /[ :]dS â&#x20AC;&#x201D; (Opens Fri) 1:20; 4; 6:40; 9:20; plus Sat-Sun 10:50am. 1g`ca â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Fri-Wed 1; 3; 5; 7; 9; plus Sat-Sun 11:10am. 8]O\ @WdS`a( / >WSQS ]T E]`Y â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Fri-Wed 1:10; 3:10; 5:10; 7:10; 9:10; plus Sat-Sun 11:20am. AWbO AW\Ua bVS 0ZcSa â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Wed, 7/21, 7pm
BVS 5W`Z EV] >ZOgSR EWbV 4W`S â&#x20AC;&#x201D; (Opens Fri) 1:30; 4:10; 6:50; 9:30;
Daily: (4:20), 6:50, 9:10
@7D3@4@=<B AB/27C; BE7< FINAL WEEK!
155 S. River St, Santa Cruz 800.326.3264 x1701 www.regmovies.com
Once Daily: (2:10)
Tickets $6
A Fistful of Dynamite AKA
Duck,You Sucker!
Sat 7/17 & Sun 7/18 @ 11:00am Next Week: Lolita
Children under 5 admitted only on Mondays & Weekend Matinees
Call for Wed-Thu showtimes. >`SROb]`a â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Fri-Wed 1; 4:15; 7:15; 9:50. 5`]e\ C^a â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Fri-Wed 1:15; 4; 7; 9:25.
5@33< D/::3G 17<3;/ &
1125 S. Green Valley Rd, Watsonville 831.761.8200 www.greenvalleycinema.com Call for Wed-Thu showtimes. 7\QS^bW]\ â&#x20AC;&#x201D; (Opens Fri) 1:40; 4:20; 7; 9:40; plus Sat-Sun 11am. BVS A]`QS`S`¸a /^^`S\bWQS â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Fri-Wed 1:30; 4:30; 7; 9:20;
plus Sat-Sun 11:05am; 1:30. 2Sa^WQOPZS ;S â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Fri-Wed 1:05; 3:05; 5:05; 7:05; 9:05; plus Sat-Sun 11:05am. >`SROb]`a â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Fri-Wed 1:30; 4:30; 7; 9:25; plus Sat-Sun 11am. BVS BeWZWUVb AOUO( 3QZW^aS â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Fri-Wed 1:30; 4:30; 7; 9:30; plus Sat-Sun 11am. 5`]e\ C^a â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Fri-Wed 1:30; 4:30; 7:10; 9:25; plus Sat-Sun 11am. BVS :Oab /W`PS\RS` â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Fri-Wed 1:30; 4; 7; 9:15; plus Sat-Sun 11am. B]g Ab]`g ! â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Fri-Wed 1:30; 4:15; 7:15; 9:30; plus Sat-Sun 11:15am.
j !%
A/<B/1@CH 1=; july 14-21, 2010 47:;
@3D73EA 1G@CA (R; 92 min.)
John and Molly are perfect for each other, but one thing stands between them: Mollyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s jealous son Cyrus, who still lives with her. A maladjusted young man, Cyrus is bent on engaging John in an extremely awkward battle over Molly. Starring Jonah Hill, Marisa Tomei and John C. Riley. 23A>71/0:3 ;3
(PG; 94 min.) Even the second tier of animated filmmaking is fairly advanced, and Despicable Meâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s brisk and intelligent rephrase of the evil genius plot makes up for several cul de sacs. The bald, heavyeyebrowed and Akim Tamiroffâ&#x20AC;&#x201C;accented Gru (voiced by Steve Carell) is a mad scientist working on his latest plot. If he can steal a shrink-ray just being developed, the Bank of Evil will give him a loan to finance his magnum opus: the theft of the moon itself. But Vector, an unsightly nerd bearing a notable resemblance to Bill Gates, swipes the ray from Gru. The scheme to retrieve it depends on a trio of forlorn, cookieselling orphans who have been haunting his front door. The action may be silly, but the directors take it seriously. The 3-D is mostly a gimmick, though thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s one startling moment of a rocketâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s needle nose heading for the
AB3>63< D/C56/<
action fantasy film from director John Turteltaub (Cool Runnings, National Treasure) stars Nicolas Cage as the sorcerer, Jay Baruchel as the apprentice and Alfred Molina as the bad guy. (Opens Wed at Aptos, Scotts Valley and Green Valley.) BC@/<2=B (Unrated; 125 min.) Another entry in the Metâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s award-winning Live in HD series, this time a production of Pucciniâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s final opera, directed by Franco Zeffirelli. With Maria Guleghina as the evil Chinese princess Turandot and Marcello Giordani as CalĂ f, the prince who wins her heart. (Plays Wed Jul 21 at Santa Cruz 9.)
audience. (Read a fulllength review at www. metroactive.com) (RvB) 5@=E< C>A (PG-13; 102 min.) Lenny Feder (Sandler) and his gangâ&#x20AC;&#x201D; Eric (Kevin James), Marcus (David Spade), Rob (Rob Schneider), plus Kurt (Chris Rock)â&#x20AC;&#x201D; reunite when their childhood basketball coach (Blake Clark) passes away. Afterward, the five pals and their families stay together over the Fourth of July weekend at a lake house. Why are they there? To hang out for about 100 minutes of running time. Seriously, nothing of significant note happens. Juggling five stars in one film leads to too many underdeveloped characters. Only Sandlerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Lenny, a wealthy Hollywood agent, gets some of his due. Great comedians such as Rock are underutilized and not in their element. (SR) 8=/< @7D3@A( / >7313 =4 E=@9
2@3/; A</B163@!!Mfpobsep!EjDbqsjp!jt!Epn!Dpcc-!b!dsjnjobm!xip!tqfdjbmj{ft! (R; 92 min.) At just jo!qjmgfsjoh!jogpsnbujpo!gspn!qfpqmf!xijmf!uifz!esfbn-!jo!Ă&#x2022;Jodfqujpo/Ă&#x2013; under an hour and a half, Joan Rivers: A Piece of Work holds speaking in a majority not violence, is the key to end of the 1960s: Knight >@32/B=@A (R; 106 you captive in the way and Day is more redolent of the trailers. I hope, on min.) Adrien Brody, maturity. (SC) that a freeway accident of the spy capers filmed behalf of all moviegoiers, having spent last 9<756B /<2 2/G does. You cannot look when everyone was sick that this is the last summer in the gym, (PG-13; 130 min.) It is away, even as the film to death of making them, Airbender movie and the leads a team of elite hard to tell whoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s too old reveals its subjectâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s inner let alone watching them. last time a producer falls soldiers in their quest for for whom: the script for needs and obsessions in The two stars are trying for Shyamalanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s pitch to survival after an alien the stale slice-of-cake spy graphic detail. Maybe to coast when theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re on make a movie. (SR) kidnapping lands them movie Knight and Day the filmmakers outfoxed flat dreary ground. (RvB) =<27<3 (PG-13; 111 on an Earth-like gaming or the actors reciting it. her, or maybe Rivers The theory must have B63 :/AB /7@03<23@ min.) This saltwater fairy planet. Theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re prey for just didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t care, but a cruel, sporting race of been: If the plot arcs, tale by Neil Jordan (The (PG; 110 min.) It the eerily vulnerable aliens, see, with wicked the characters donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t Crying Game, Breakfast happened again. performer displays every technology and no have to, even if the plot on Pluto) glistens with Another M. Night unhealed grudge and mercy. (TH) couldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t fill a coke spoon. Shyamalan script was beautiful images, none wound for the camera. Boston garage owner more gorgeous than greenlighted by some B=G AB=@G ! (G; The filmmakers smartly June (Cameron Diaz) the opening shot of a movie producers who intersperse confessions 108 min.) Sit through about needing money, encounters mischievous solitary fisherman (Colin the pretty ordinary donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t have a clue about her rage against growing secret agent Roy (Tom what makes a watchable Farrell) gliding through grabber sequence at the old and insecurity about Cruise) in the Wichita movie. The movie, which the Irish coastal fog beginning of the filmâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;a her skill with shots of her airport. Soon the two and drawing up his net is an adaptation of the frontier adventure with a working the crowd at are flying a jet into a to find it contains not Nickelodeon animated runaway trainâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;because Manhattan comedy clubs, cornfield, after which FBI series, covers season one only fish but a woman once this latest Pixar giving us a splendidly agents pursue them from (Book One: Water) of as well. The sight of the effort gets started, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s unlikable woman who all directions. They head lovely Ondine (Alicja the TV show; it focuses perfection. Woody (Tom is just too tough to be to the Caribbean, then Bachleda) curled up a la on 12-year-old monk Hanks), the toy-size ignored. (CW) to Salzburg. Director and last Airbender Aang Klimt in a bed of silver avatar of a cinematic James Mangold (3:10 to fish is utterly primal. (Noah Ringer). Aang centuryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s worth of B63 9/@/B3 972 Yuma) shows his leaden The fisherman brings discovers that he is the action heroes, is the lone (PG; 140 min.) Jaden touch for gunfights. The her back to life and the new Avatar, a once-in-askeptic when the rest of Smith, son of Will key to the Bond movies, neo-fairy-tale mystery generation person who the gang is donated to Smith, plays a child Roald Dahl claimed, quickens. Jordanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s smart can control (bend) all a seemingly wonderful who moves to China was that you could kill script acquires sharp four elements and who day-care center run by with his mother and is as many people as you edges, both in its boneis tasked with bringing a too-friendly huggy tormented by bullies liked as long as you dry humor and in its balance to the world bear (Ned Beatty). What at his new school. The didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t do it sadistically. refusal to cave in to the and peace to the Four transpires is a Great schoolâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s maintenance Nations named after the sweetness of the story. Escape parody that is man (Jackie Chan) takes Mangold tries to revive the formulaâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;making When a villain shows up, less a joke and more four elements. Ringer the boy under his wing a winking shoot-â&#x20AC;&#x2122;em-up the ensuing crisis is both like a captivating (and looks the part, but his and teaches him martial among a slamdance of rough and surprising, acting is so atrociously terrifying) new version arts. This remake of the SUVsâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;but he seems to but the ending is pure boring itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s no wonder of an old myth. Things 1984 coming-of-age tale have seized the wrong fairy tale. (CW) he was omitted from shows that self-control, get very heavy indeed;
these talking walking toys end up on the edge of extinction, which is why the seasoned professionals doing the voice acting add the right note of mortality to this sequel. A stunner, all told, in color, action, humor and serious underpinnings. (RvB) B63 BE7:756B A/5/( 31:7>A3 (PG-13; 124
min.) Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart keep things looser than usual. The date of Bellaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s coming vampirical transformation is nigh, but itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s delayed by â&#x20AC;&#x153;newbornsâ&#x20AC;? created by the vengeful Victoria (Bryce Dallas Howard). Victoriaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s mission is to attack the peaceful boring Cullen clan. As Bella is unaccountably beloved by both Edward and Jacob, an uneasy pact is formed of vamps and lycanthropes. David Slade proves that the mark of a former music-video director is that the movie will be sustainable for three or four minutes at a time. Still the climactic battle of good vs. evil looks like a pick-up football game in which the players are
suddenly devoured by the mascots. There is a slight improvement this time around because of the humor and action. Still, Meyerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ransacking of a dozen Gothic novels gives one the depressing feeling of driving by a housing tract named â&#x20AC;&#x153;Wuthering Heights.â&#x20AC;? (RvB) E7<B3@¸A 0=<3
(R; 100 min.) The melodrama-free indie movie Winterâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Bone is like a Little Red Riding Hood story in which thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s nothing but wolves. In the outlaw culture of the Ozarks sprawling clans evade the law and deal out their own kind of justice. Adapted from Daniel Woodrellâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s novel, Debra Granikâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s spare, gripping film concerns 17-year-old Ree Dolly (a thoroughly believable Jennifer Lawrence) and her search for a father who has vanished. Winterâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Bone stays mysterious, even as it strays close to documentary. Lawrenceâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s own fierceness gives this survival story the kind of immediacy that the summerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s action movies can only grope at. (RvB)
!& j 27<3@¸A 5C723 july 14-21, 2010 A/<B/1@CH 1=;
Recession R ecessioon got yyou ecessio ou down? ou down? wn?
Dinerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Guide
Our selective list of area restaurants includes those that have been favorably reviewed in print by Santa Cruz Weekly food critics and others that have been sampled but not reviewed in print. All visits by our writers are made anonymously, and all expenses are paid by Metro Santa Cruz. AG;0=:A ;/23 A7;>:3( + C\RS` + # + $ + O\R c^
Price Ranges based on average cost of dinner entree and salad, excluding alcoholic beverages
Pints 3 All Dayy Longg
Mondays and Tuesdays
Santa Cruz county's first all organic brewery
$$ Aptos
/;0@=A7/ 7<27/ 07AB@=
$$ Aptos
0@7B/<<7/ /@;A
$$$ Aptos $$$ Aptos
$$ Aptos
207 Searidge Rd, 831.685.0610
8017 Soquel Dr, 831.688.1233 :/ 03::/ D7B/ 07AB@=
257 Center Ave, 831.685.8111 A3D3@7<=¸A 5@7::
7500 Old Dominion Ct, 831.688.8987
Indian. Authentic Indian dishes and specialties served in a comfortable dining room. Lunch buffet daily 11:30am-2:30pm; dinner daily 5pm to close. www.ambrosiaib.com. American and specialty dishes from the British and Emerald Isles. Full bar. Children welcome. Happy hour Mon-Fri 2-6pm. Open daily 11am to 2am. Italian. Ambience reminiscent of a small trattoria in the streets of Italy, serving handmade lasagna, pasta dishes, gnocchi and fresh fish. Wed-Sun, lunch 11am-2pm, dinner 5-9pm. Continental California cuisine. Breakfast all week 6:30-11am, lunch all week 11am-2pm; dinner Fri-Sat 5-10pm, Sun-Thu 5-9pm. www.seacliffinn.com.
H/;33< ;327B3@@/<3/< Middle Eastern/Mediterranean. Fresh, fast, flavorful. Gourmet
7528 Soquel Dr, 831.688.4465
meat and vegetarian kebabs, gyros, falafel, healthy salads and Mediterranean flatbread pizzas. Beer and wine. Dine in or take out. Tue-Sun 11am-8pm.
1/>7B=:/ $ Capitola
1/43 D7=:3BB3
104 Stockton Ave, 831.479.8888
All day breakfast. Burgers, gyros, sandwiches and 45 flavors of Marianneâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s and Polar Bear ice cream. Open 8am daily.
>/@/27A3 ACA67 Japanese. This pretty and welcoming sushi bar serves superfresh 200 Monterey Ave, 831.464.3328 fish in unusual but well-executed sushi combinations. Wed-Mon 11:30am-9pm.
California Continental. Swordfish and other seafood specials. Dinner Mon-Thu 5:30-9:30pm; Fri 5-10pm; Sat 4-10:30pm; Sun 4-9pm.
1750 Wharf Rd, 831.475.1511
AB=19B=< 0@7253 5@7::3 Mediterranean tapas. Innovative menu, full-service bar,
231 Esplanade, 831.464.1933
international wine list and outdoor dining with terrific views in the heart of Capitola Village. Open daily.
$$$ Capitola
203 Esplanade, 831.475.4900
California cuisine. Nightly specials include prime rib and lobster. Daily 7am-2am.
A/<B/ 1@CH $$ Santa Cruz
$ Santa Cruz
16/@:73 6=<5 9=<5
$$ Santa Cruz
1116 Pacific Ave, 831. 426.7588
1141 Soquel Ave, 831. 426.5664
110 Church St, 831.429.2000
$$ Santa Cruz
B63 1@3>3 >:/13
1@=E¸A <3AB
Santa Cruz
2218 East Cliff Dr, 831.476.4560
$ Santa Cruz
460 Seventh Ave, 831.477.2908
1134 Soquel Ave, 831.429.6994
4/<2/<5= ;3F71/<
$$ Santa Cruz
$$ Santa Cruz
303 Soquel Ave, 831.426.7770
1102 Pacific Ave, 837.420.0135
Mexican/Seafood/American. Traditional Mexican favorites. Best fajitas, chicken mole, coconut prawns, blackened prime rib! Fresh seafood. Over 50 premium tequilas, daily happy hour w/ half-price appetizers. Sun-Thu 11am-10pm, Fri-Sat 11am-11pm. California organic meets Southeast Asian street food. Organic noodle & rice bowls, vegan menu, fish & meat options, Vietnamese-style sandwiches, eat-in or to-go. Consistent winner â&#x20AC;&#x153;Best Cheap Eats.â&#x20AC;? Open daily 11am-11pm. American, California-style. With a great bar scene, casually glamorous setting and attentive waitstaff. Full bar. Mon-Sat 11:30am-10pm, Sun 1-10pm. Crepes and more. Featuring the spinach crepe and Tunisian donut. Full bar. Mon-Thu 11am-midnight, Fri 11am-1am, Sat 10am-1am, Sun 10am-midnight. Seafood. Fresh seafood, shellfish, Midwestern aged beef, pasta specialties, abundant salad bar. Kids menu and nightly entertainment. Harbor and Bay views. Lunch and dinner daily. Mexican. Serving breakfast all day. Popular for our street tacos and handmade Salvadoran pupusas. Vegetarian options made w/ local fresh vegetables & organic tofu. Daily 9: 30am-9:30pm. Americana. Ribs, steaks and burgers are definitely the stars. Full bar. Lunch Mon-Sat 11:30am-2:30pm; dinner Sun-Thu 5:30-9:30pm, Fri-Sat 5:30-10pm. California/full-service bakery. Breakfast, lunch, dinner. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Best Eggs Benedict in Town.â&#x20AC;? Happy Hour Mon-Fri 5-6pm. Halfprice appetizers; wines by the glass. Daily 8am-9pm.
j !'
A/<B/1@CH 1=; july 14-21, 2010 27<3@¸A 5C723
6C:/¸A 7A:/<2 5@7::
Santa Cruz
221 Cathcart St, 831.426.4852
$$ Santa Cruz
7 :=D3 ACA67
$$ Santa Cruz
516 Front St, 831.421.0706 8=6<<G¸A 6/@0=@A723
493 Lake Ave, 831.479.3430
â&#x20AC;&#x2122;60s Vegas meets â&#x20AC;&#x2122;50s Waikiki. Amazing dining experience in kitchy yet swanky tropical setting. Fresh fish, great steaks, vegetarian. Full-service tiki bar. Happy-hour tiki drinks. Aloha Fri, Sat lunch 11:30am-5pm. Dinner nightly 5pm-close. Japanese Fusion. Sushi bar, sake bar, vegetarian, seafood, steak in fun atmosphere; kids play area; karaoke every night. Open seven days 5-10pm; Mon-Fri 11:30am-2:30pm. Seafood/California. Fresh catch made your way! Plus many other wonderful menu items. Great view. Full bar. Happy hour Mon-Fri. Brunch Sat-Sun 10am-2pm. Open daily.
$$$ :/ >=AB/ Santa Cruz 538 Seabright Ave, 831.457.2782
Italian. La Posta serves Italian food made in the old styleâ&#x20AC;&#x201D; simple and delicious. Wed-Thu 5-9pm, Fri-Sat 5-9:30pm and Sun 5-8pm.
$$ Santa Cruz
Fine Mexican cuisine. Opening daily at noon.
$$ Santa Cruz
49B Municipal Wharf, 831.458.9393 >/17471 B6/7
1319 Pacific Ave, 831.420.1700
@7AB=@/<B3 7B/:7/<=
Santa Cruz
555 Soquel Ave, 831.458.2321
@=G/: B/8 1C7A7<3
Santa Cruz
270 Soquel Ave, 831.427.2400
$$ Santa Cruz
@=A73 ;11/<<¸A
$$ Santa Cruz
1220 Pacific Ave, 831.426.9930 A=74
105 Walnut Ave, 831.423.2020
$$ Santa Cruz
C>>3@ 1@CAB >7HH/
$$ Santa Cruz
E==2AB=19¸A >7HH/
2415 Mission St, 831.423.9010
710 Front St, 831.427.4444
Thai. Individually prepared with the freshest ingredients, plus ambrosia bubble teas, shakes. Mon-Thu 11:30am-9:30pm, Fri 11:30am-10pm, Sat noon-10pm, Sun noon-9:30pm. Italian-American. Mouthwatering, generous portions, friendly service and the best patio in town. Full bar. Lunch Indian. World-famous Indian curries, vegetarian and nonvegetarian dishes. Authentic Indian food at affordable prices. $8.95 lunch buffet Mon-Thu 11:30am -2:30pm; Fri-Sun 11am-3pm. Irish pub and restaurant. Informal pub fare with reliable execution. Lunch and dinner all day, open Mon-Fri 11:30ammidnight, Sat-Sun 11:30am-1:30am. Wine bar with menu. Flawless plates of great character and flavor; sexy menu listings and wines to match. Lunch Wed-Sat noon2pm; dinner Mon-Thu 5-10pm, Fri-Sat 5-11pm, Sun 4-10pm; retail shop Mon 5pm-close, Tue-Sat noon-close, Sun 4pm-close. Pizza. Specializing in authentic Sicilian and square pizza. Homemade pasta, fresh sandwiches, soups, salads and more. Hot slices always ready. Sun-Thu 10am-9:30pm, Fri-Sat 10am-11pm. Pizza. Pizza, fresh salads, sandwiches, wings, desserts, beers on tap. Patio dining, sports on HDTV and free WiFi. Large groups and catering. Open and delivering Fri-Sat 11am-2am, Mon-Thu 11am-1am, Sun 11am-midnight.
A1=BBA D/::3G $ 63/D3<:G 1/43 American. Serving breakfast and lunch daily. Large parties Scotts Valley 1210 Mt. Hermon Rd, 831.335.7311 welcome. Mon-Fri 6:30am-2:15pm, Sat-Sun 7am-2:45pm. 87/ B3::/¸A $ Scotts Valley 5600 #D Scotts Valley Dr, 831.438.5005
Cambodian. Fresh kebabs, seafood dishes, soups and noodle bowls with a unique Southeast Asian flair. Beer and wine available. Patio dining. Sun-Thu 11am-9pm, Fri-Sat 11am-10pm.
40 |
july 14-21, 2010 SANTACRUZ.COM
Art & Office Supply Because B ecause you you o deserve more...
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A/<B/1@CH 1=; july 14-21, 2010 /AB@=:=5G
Astrology Free Will
By Rob Brezsny
For the week of July 14 /@73A (March 21â&#x20AC;&#x201C;April 19): â&#x20AC;&#x153;Thou shalt not killâ&#x20AC;? is a crucial rule for you to follow, and not just in the literal sense. According to my reading of the astrological omens, you should also be extra vigilant as you avoid more metaphorical kinds of destruction. Please be careful not to unleash ill-chosen words that would crush someoneâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s spirit (including your own). Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t douse newly kindled fires, donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t burn recently built bridges and donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t deprive fresh sprouts of the light they need to keep growing. To put this all in a more positive frame: Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s time for you to engage in a reverent and boisterous celebration of life, nurturing and fostering and stimulating everywhere you go. B/C@CA (April 20â&#x20AC;&#x201C;May 20): The baseball game was over. TV announcer Mike Krukow was describing the â&#x20AC;&#x153;ugly victoryâ&#x20AC;? that the San Francisco Giants had just achieved. The teamâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s efforts were sloppy and chaotic, he said, and yet the win counted just as much as a more elegant triumph. He ended with a f lourish: â&#x20AC;&#x153;No one wants to hear about the labor pains; they just want to see the baby.â&#x20AC;? Thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s my message to you this week, Taurus. All that matters is that you get the job done. It doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t matter whether you look good doing it. 53;7<7 (May 21â&#x20AC;&#x201C;June 20): Hereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s the really good news: CIA director Leon Panetta says there are fewer than 100 Al Qaeda combatants in Afghanistan. Hereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s the utterly confusing news: The U.S has over 94,000 highly trained human beings in Afghanistan whose express purpose is to destroy Al Qaeda. I bring this up as a prod to get you to question your own allotment of martial force, Gemini. You definitely need to make sure you have a lavish reserve of fighting spirit primed to serve your highest goals. Just make sure, please, that itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s pointed in the right direction.
1/<13@ (June 21â&#x20AC;&#x201C;July 22): â&#x20AC;&#x153;Give us this day our daily hunger,â&#x20AC;? prayed French philosopher Gaston Bachelard. It was his personal variation on the â&#x20AC;&#x153;Give us this day our daily breadâ&#x20AC;? line from the Lordâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Prayer. I suggest you use his formulation as your own in the coming week, Cancerian. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s the high season for your holy desires: a time when your mental and physical health will thrive as you tune in to and express your strongest, most righteous longings. :3= (July 23â&#x20AC;&#x201C;Aug. 22): In a recent horoscope, I wrote about Christopher Owens, lead singer of the band Girls, and how he wore pajama bottoms during a show he did in San Francisco. A reader named Eric was disgusted by this, seeing it as evidence that Owens is a self-indulgent hipster. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Just another spoiled trustfund kid,â&#x20AC;? he said in his email, â&#x20AC;&#x153;whose excessively privileged life has given him the delusion that heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s uninhibited.â&#x20AC;? With a little research, Eric would have found the truth: Owens was raised in an abusive religious cult by a single mother who worked as a prostitute to earn a meager living. I bring this to your attention in hopes it will inspire you to avoid making any assumptions about anyone. More than ever before, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s crucial that you bring a beginnerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s mind to your evaluations of other human beings. D7@5= (Aug. 23â&#x20AC;&#x201C;Sept. 22): I want to see your willpower surge and throb and carry you to a ringing triumph in the next two weeks, Virgo. I hope to be cheering you on as you complete a plucky effort to overcome some long-standing obstacle . . . as you put the finishing touches on an epic struggle to defeat a seemingly intractable foe . . . as you rise up with a herculean f lourish and put the stamp of your uniqueness on a success that will last a long time. :70@/ (Sept. 23â&#x20AC;&#x201C;Oct. 22): The Italian word terribilitĂ was originally used by art critics to describe the sculptures and paintings of Michelangelo. According to various dictionaries, it refers to â&#x20AC;&#x153;a sense of awe-inspiring grandeur,â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x153;the sublime mixed with amazement,â&#x20AC;? or â&#x20AC;&#x153;an astonishing creation that provokes reverent humility.â&#x20AC;? In my astrological opinion, terribilitĂ is a prerequisite for the next chapter of your life story. You need be f labbergasted by stunning beauty. Where can you go to get it? A natural wonder might do the trick, or some exalted architecture, or the biography of a superb human being, or works of art or music that make you sob with cathartic joy. For extra credit, put yourself in the path of all the above.
A1=@>7= (Oct. 23â&#x20AC;&#x201C;Nov. 21): In a favorable review of Badger Mountain Riesling wine, Winelibrary. com said, â&#x20AC;&#x153;The sweet succulent aromas of bosc
pears are woven with lilacs and just a hint of petrol.â&#x20AC;? Meanwhile, Allure magazine named SĂŠcrĂŠtions Magnifique as one of the top five sexiest perfumes in the world, even though its fragrance is like â&#x20AC;&#x153;f loral bilge.â&#x20AC;? Petrol? Bilge? Both commentaries seem to suggest that greatness may contain a taintâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;or even that the very nature of greatness may require it to have a trace of something offensive. Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m guessing thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll be a theme for you in the coming week.
A/57BB/@7CA (Nov. 22â&#x20AC;&#x201C;Dec. 21): During the grace period youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re currently enjoying, you have a talent for tuning in to the raw potential of whatever situation is right in front of you; you just naturally know how to establish rapport with circumstances youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve never seen before. Thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s why your spontaneous urges are likely to generate fun learning experiences, not awkward messes. Youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll thrive as you improvise adeptly with volatile forces. It may therefore seem like your progress will be easy, even a bit magical. Some people may regard your breakthroughs as unearned. But you and I will know that youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re merely harvesting the benefits that come from a long period of honing your powers. 1/>@71=@< (Dec. 22â&#x20AC;&#x201C;Jan. 19): A few single friends of mine use the dating site OkCupid to meet potential lovers. One woman got the following notice: â&#x20AC;&#x153;We are pleased to report that you are in the top half of OkCupidâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s most attractive users. How can we say this with confidence? Because weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve tracked click-thrus on your photo and analyzed other peopleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s reactions to you . . . Your new elite status comes with one important privilege: You will now see more attractive people in your match results. Also! Youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll be shown to more attractive people in their match results. And, no, we didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t send this email to everyone on OkCupid. Go ask an ugly friend.â&#x20AC;? According to my analysis of the astrological omens, Capricorn, you will soon receive a metaphorically comparable message, not from OkCupid, but from the universe itself.
/?C/@7CA (Jan. 20â&#x20AC;&#x201C;Feb. 18): The liberation movement kindled in the 1960s wasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t all fun and games. It ushered in expansive new ways of thinking about gender, race, sexuality, spirituality, music, and consciousness itself, but it was fueled by anger as well as by the longing for pleasure and meaning and transcendence. A key focus of the rage was opposition to the Vietnam War. The adrenaline stirred by antiwar protests was an instrumental part of the mix that propelled the entire eraâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s push for freedom. Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m hoping that the oil hemorrhage in the Gulf of Mexico will become a similar beacon in the next ten years. Can you think of a comparable prod in your personal life, Aquarius? A gnawing injustice that will help awaken and feed your irresistible drive to emancipate yourself ? >7A13A (Feb. 19â&#x20AC;&#x201C;March 20): Hereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a thought from Piscean poet W.H. Auden: â&#x20AC;&#x153;The image of myself which I try to create in my own mind in order that I may love myself is very different from the image which I try to create in the minds of others in order that they may love me.â&#x20AC;? If what Auden describes is true for you, I suggest you try this experiment: Merge the two images; see if you can make them the same. Youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re entering a phase in your cycle when you will have a tremendous opportunity to unify the inner and outer parts of your life. (And if Audenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s description is not true for you, congratulations: You are either an enlightened saint or well on your way to becoming one.)
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