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Season’s Eating

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december 1-8, 2010 SANTACRUZ.COM

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Contents. P OSTS










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ON THE COVER Chris Miroyan, ‘Forget-Me-Not,’ 2008, acrylic

115 Cooper St, Santa Cruz, CA 95060 831.457.9000 (phone) 831.457.5828 (fax) 831.457.8500 (classified) SCW@santacruz.com Santa Cruz Weekly, incorporating Metro Santa Cruz, is available free of charge, limited to one copy per reader. Additional copies of the current issue of Santa Cruz Weekly may be purchased for $1, payable at the Santa Cruz Weekly office in advance. Santa Cruz Weekly may be distributed only by Santa Cruz Weekly’s authorized distributors. No person may, without permission of Metro Publishing, Inc., take more than one copy of each Santa Cruz Weekly issue. Subscriptions: $65/six months, $125/one year. Entire contents Š 2010 Metro Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in any form prohibited without publisher’s written permission. Unsolicited material should be accompanied by a stamped, self-addressed envelope; Santa Cruz Weekly is not responsible for the return of such submissions.

december ember 1-8, 1-88 , 2010 201 0 A/<B/1@CH 1=; A/<B/1@CH 1=; >=ABA dec " j >=ABA

Posts. P o ts. os t Messages M eessaggees &

327B=@7/: 327B = =@7/: EDITOR E D I TO R B@/ 17 6C97:: 6 B@/17 6C97::

(thukill@santtacruzw a eeekly.com) (thukill@santacruzweekly.com) STA AFF WRITERS WR RITERS STAFF B3AA/ ABC/@B B3AA/ ABC/@B (tstuart@santtacruzw a eeekly.com) (tstuart@santacruzweekly.com) @716/@2 D=< 0C CA/19 @716/@2 D=< 0CA/19 (richarrd@santtaacruzweeekly.com m)) (richard@santacruzweekly.com) CONTRIBUTING EDITOR E EDIT OR CONTRIBUTING 16@7AB7</ E/B3@A 16@7AB7</ E/B3@A POETR RY EDITOR EDITOR POETRY @=03@B AE/@2 @=03@B AE/@2 EDITORIAL INTERN IN NTERN EDITORIAL 9/B3 8/1=0A=< 9/B3 8/1=0A=< CONTRIB BUTORS CONTRIBUTORS @=0 0@3HA<G @=0 0@3HA<G ;/C@33< 2/D72A=< ;/C@33< 2/D72A=< >/C: ; 2/D7A ;716/3: A 5/<B >/C: ; 2/D7A ;716/3: A 5/<B /<2@3E 57:03@B 1/B 8=6<A=< /<2@3E 57:03@B 1/B 8=6<A=< AB3>63< 93AA:3@ 83AA71/ :G=<A AB3>63< 93AA:3@ 83AA71/ :G=<A A1=BB ;/11:3::/<2 A1=BB ;/11:3::/<2 AB3D3 >/: / =>=:7 >/C: E/5<3@ AB3D3 >/:=>=:7 >/C: E/5<3@

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Send letters letteerrs to to Santa Santa Cruz Weekly, Weeeklyy, let letters@santacruz.com teerrss@san nttaacruz.com or ttoo A Attn: ttn: LLetters, ettteeerrs, 115 Co ett et C Cooper ooper e St., Sant San Santaa Cruz, uz 95060. 060. Inclu Include udee cit city ittyy and phone inaccuracies phone number number or email address. address. Submissions Subm missions mayy be be edited editteed for for or length, length clarity le leng cllaritt y or or factual factual ac a inac a curacies racies known know nown to to us. uss.

B63 B@C3 B63 B@C3 ;3/<7<5 3 ;3/<7<5 =4 :=1/: =4 :=1/ /: IR READ EAD yyour our article articlee “Chairman “Chairman of the Board� story, B oard� ((Cover Cover stor y, Nov. Nov. 17) and wanted wanted to theree is a huge dif difference ccomment omment that ther ffeerence in Local� marketing using ““Buy Buy L ocal al� ass a mark eting gimmick people stuff from to get p eople to buyy stuf ff fr om yyour our practicing preach ccompany ompany and practi icing what yyou ou pr each and yyour our ccompany ompany actually buying lo local cal onsolidated Sk itself f. C ateboards shir ts ma ay itself. Consolidated Skateboards shirts may b Cruz but their pr oducts bee printed in Sant Santaa Cruz products aren’t theyy ar aren’t aren’t made locally, locallyy, the en’t eeven ven made in U.S.A. the U .S.A. The The whole concept concep pt of supporting supporting local local is have products, not ot just to ha ave people peo op e buy your ople your ou pr p oducts,

it is ffor or people o people to buy your your locally lo ocally made pr oducts. I ha ave a shop in San nta Cruz Cruz and products. have Santa m T-shirt line and all m ts and myy own T-shirt myy shir shirts je welry in m i the U.S.A. U.S.A. (in jewelry myy line ar aree made in C aliffo ornia). II,, howe ver, also ssell ell some items in California). however, m n the U .S.A. and myy shop that ar aree not made in U.S.A. if someone is in m d buys something myy shop and made d in i China China hi from f om me I don’t fr d n’t do ’ cconsider onsider id that h “buying local.� local.�� Yees, it supports supports the local local economy ecconom my but if Yes, yyou ou ar eople to t buy lo cally aree going to ask p people locally fr om yyou ou and mak hu uge deal ab out from makee such a huge about lo cality then yyou ou should also o buy lo cally so it locality locally ay down the line lline.. works all the w way Jen J en e McMillan, Watsonville W atsonville a

B63 6=@@=@A B63 6=@@=@A =4 :/0A =4 :/0A WHILE WHILE E se several veral news news outlets recently recently rreported eported on a UCLA UCLA animal eexperimenter xperimeenter who alle egedly rreceived eceived a thr eatening note n allegedly threatening in the mail, m the media is of ftten rreluctant eluctan nt often to tell th he public what is rreally eally going on o the inside la aboratories acr oss the ccountry. ountry. T hey laboratories across They rar ely rreveal eveal eexactly xactly what is b eing don ne to rarely being done animals s, how man es the animals, manyy thousands of time times same eexperiments x eriments ha xp ave b een rrepeated epeated do ver have been over the yyears, earrs, nor how much of the public c’s ttax ax public’s dollars ar aaree b eing sp ent on eexperiments xperimentts that being spent ha ve no o iot ver helpin ng have iotaa of a chanc chancee of eever helping p eople. people. perssonally was was involved involved in animal I personally eexperiments—including xperim iments—including i l di eexperiments xperiments i on primate es ((II ““trainedâ€? trainedâ€? under a pr otĂŠgĂŠ of the primates protĂŠgĂŠ infamou us H arry H arlowe)—in ps ych(o o) labs infamous Harry Harlowe)—in psych(o) man e ago and ccan ears an sp eak to the horr h ors. manyy yyears speak horrors. h that I would’ve would’ve had the compassion comp passion I wish ffor or anim o mals that I ha ave now h that animals have now,, and I wish I ccould ould ha ave now the one thing that I had have back the en: the k ey to the ps ych lab here then: key psych lab,, wh where unsp eak kable tor tures wer n so unspeakable tortures weree inf licted o on man ad animals manyy sa sad animals.. believe that if the public w as I trulyy believe was allowed d to know what is actually o ccu urring occurring (not def fending e what the as defending theyy wish w was happ ning) that these eexperiments xperiments wo ould en happening) would end tom morrow, and no one would ha ve to tomorrow, have eeven ven thi ink of doing something so aawful wfful as think sendingg thr eats in the mail. threats Jayn J aayn Meinhardt, M Meinhar dt, Cincinn nati, Ohio Cincinnati,


december 1-8, 2010

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december 1-8, 2010 SANTACRUZ.COM

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Currents. C urrent n s. E6G 1/<¸B E3 /: E6G 1/<¸B E3 /:: 8CAB 53B /:=<5 E7B6=CB >3AB71723A- :: 8CAB 53B /:=<5 E7B6= =CB >3AB71723A- A ccoalition oalition of envir environmental onmeental justic justicee gr groups roups o is pr pressing essing the ooutgoing uttgoing g and inc incoming oming administrations iodide. administrations ttoo bban an methyl m io dide.

PPoison oison o Control Contr t ol

Groups ch Groups challenge hallenge ggovernor overnor e tto o outlaw pesticide outla aw sstrawberry trrawberry b pes t ticide 0G 83AA71/ :G=<A 0G 8 3 A A 7 1 / :G= < A


SC CALIFORNIA ALIFORNIA m moves oves ttoward oward aapproving pproving tthe he pesticide ccarcinogenic arcinogen nic p esticide methyl m ethyl iiodide, odide, a ccoalition oalition mwork w er, childr e ’s health and en of farm farmworker, children’s environmental groups Tuesday asked environmental gr oupss on T u uesdaay ask ed Gov. Gov. A Arnold rnold S Schwarzenegger chwarzenegger tto ob ban an tthe he fumigant and set the st sstage age to ttake ake their plea plea tto oG Gov.-elect ov.- elect Je Jerry erry B Brown rown sshould hould tthe he current ignoree them. current administration n ignor ““Gov. Gov. S Schwarzenegger chwarzenegger aand nd tthe he California California D Department epartment o off P Pesticide esticide Regulation Regulation m must ust d deny eny tthe he aapproval pproval o off this ccancer-causing ancer- causing str strawberry raaw wberry p pesticide, esticide, methyl Pesticide Watch methyl iiodide, odide,� ssays ays P esticide W atch community community o organizer rganizer D Dana ana P Perls. erls. ““We We have science, have farmers,, haave the scienc e, we ha h ave the farmers we we h have ave p public ublic h health ealth d doctors, octors, w wee h have ave

chem chemists h mists i acr across oss the h nation i on our si side. i . id ide Farmworkers, people F armworkers, cchildren hildren aand nd p eople iin n tthe he where bee ccommunities ommunities w here tthis his cchemical hemical will will b used u sed aare re aatt sserious, erious, serious serious rrisk, isk, and and we we ccannot anno ot subject them to this this..� Nov. Santa Weekly’s On nN ov. 30, past Sant ta Cruz W eekly e ly’s deadl deadline, line, Perls, Perls, along with AssemblyAssemblyymem member mber Bill Monning (D-Monterey), (D-Monterey), y S Swanton wanton Berry Berry Farms Farms president president Jim Jim Cochran, C ochrran, Jacobs Jacobs Farm/Del Farm m//Del Cabo Cabo coco ffounder ounder Larry Larry Jacobs, Jacobs, UC–Santa UC–Santa Cruz Cruz pr professor offessor emeritus Steve Steve Gliessman and Dr Dr.. Ann A Lopez, Lopez, founder fo ounder of the Center Centter ffor or Farmworker Farmworker Families, Families, gathered gathered at at Wilder W ilder Ranch Ranch State State Park Park to to protest protest m methyl ethyl iodide, iodide, an an industry industry replacement replacement ffor or methyl o m hyl meth y bromide, bromide, an ozone-harming ozone-harm ming stra strawberry awb w erry pesticide pesticide being being phased out. o

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management ma anagement technolo technologies gies and jo jobs, obs, and T The he ggroup roup aalso lso aannounced nnounced iits ts ““Healthy Healthy p rioritize h ealthy cchildren hildren aand nd h ealthy prioritize healthy healthy Childr en and Gr een n Jobs: Jo obs: A Plat tfo orm for fo or Children Green Platform Pesticide Reform� which it will P esticide R ef efo orm� ccampaign, a ampaign, farming. farm ming.� pr esent to Go ov..-electt Br own. Intended present Gov.-elect Brown. If tthe If he S chwarzenegger aadministration dministration Schwarzenegger farmworker to protect protect child and d farm mwork w keer aapproves pproves tthe he p esticide, Brown, Brown, w ho pesticide, who h ealth through through tighter tighter rrestrictions estrictions o n health on ttakes akes o ff ice iin n JJanuary, anuary, ccould ould rreopen eopen office pesticides, plan pe sticides, tthe he p lan aalso lso eencourages ncourages tthe he tthe he rregistration egistration p rocess and and rule rule tthat hat iitt process administration to se et the goal of shif ftting set shifting ccannot an nnot b aliffo ornia. However, How wever, bee used in C California. 20 percent off C California’s 2 0 pe rcent o alifornia’s aagricultural gricultural sstrawberry trawberry ffarmers armers would would be be aable ble to to land into organic organic pr roduction by by 2020. production sspray pray the the dangerous dangerous chemical chemical u ntil the the until priority, however, Its top priorit y, ho owever, is stopping B rown aadministration dministration rrules ules o n its its use use iin n Brown on meth hyl y iodide, iodide, whic ch has been been banned methyl which thee st ate. state. New York Washington state. in N ew Y ork and Washing o W gtton st ate. Organic Cochran doesn’t buy O rganic ffarmer armer C ochran d oesn’t b uy A rysta L ifeScience, tthe he llargest argest p rivate Arysta LifeScience, private tthe he iindustry ndustry argument argument tthat hat sstrawberry trawberry pesticide p esticide ccorporation orporatio on in the world, methyl ffarmers armers need need m ethyl iodide iodide to to rremain emain w ants tto o ssell ell iits ts p esticide p roduct wants pesticide product ccompetitive. om mpetitive. MIDAS, methyl iodide, MID AS, which ccontains onttains meth hyl y io dide, pesticide particularly ““This This cchemical hemical p esticide iiss p articularly California strawberries. ffor or use on C o alifforni o ia stra aw wberries. dangerous d angerous aand nd a big big sstep tep backward backward from from Scientists who on Department off S cientists w ho ssat at o n tthe he D epartment o direction California tthe he d irection tthat hat C alifornia aagriculture griculture Pesticide Regulation’s P esticide R egulation’s sscientific cientif ic rreview eview needs bee moving Cochran rreally eally n eeds to to b moving iin, n,� C ochran ccommittee ommittee rraised aised cconcerns oncerns aabout bout tthe he ssays. ays. “Hundreds “Hundreds of of organic organic farmers farmers cchemical’s hemical’s llinks inks tto o ccancer ancer aand nd llate-term ate-term aaround round tthe he sstate, tate, from from small small ffarms arms tto o miscarriages m iscarriages aand nd a llack ack of of iinformation nformation vvery ery llarge arge ffarms, arms, h ave p roven tthat hat iit’s t’s have proven about neurodevelopment problems. ab out neur odevelop pment pr oblems. eentirely ntirely p ossible tto o grow grow all all k inds o possible kinds off They has potential T hey aalso lso ssaid aid iitt h as tthe he p otential tto o ffood ood including stra aw wberries and other o strawberries ccontaminate ontaminate groundwater. groun ndwater. Still, in April, cr o without meth ops hyl y io dide. Approving App proving crops methyl iodide. DPR proposed tthe he D PR p roposed approving approving methyl methyl thiss chemic al is not nec essary.� chemical necessary. iodide fumigant. io dide as a soil fum migant. H ikens tthe he C alifornia aagriculture griculture Hee llikens California Ass p part off tthe process, A art o he aapproval pproval p rocess, iitt iindustry ndustry to to the the U. U.S. .S. automobile automobile iindustry ndustry solicited li it d public bli ccomment mmentt and d rreceived eceiv i ed d om off the th ’70s ’’70s.. 53,000 a staggering staggering 53,0 00 ccomments—the omments—the U.S. industryy “ “The U .S. automobile industr number off ccomments on llargest argest n umber o omments o na make cclaimed laimed it it was was impossible impossible to to m ake small small pesticide department’s p esticide in the dep partment’s history. history. better mileage ccars ars tthat hat ggot ot b etter m ileage and and were were The hasn’t made T he aagency gency h asn’t yyet et m ade a ffinal inal ssafer afer and and that that people people w ould want want to to would last announced decision, but late la ast week it announc ed buy. b uy. T The he industry industry rrefused efused to to cchange hange will decide whether pesticide tthat hat iitt w ill d ecide w hether tthe he p esticide w ith the the times times and and they they ssuffered uffered the the with used California byy tthe off ccan an be be u sed iin nC alifornia b he eend nd o cconsequences. on nsequences. A Agriculture griculture is in da danger anger the yyear. eear. off ggoing down path. o oing d own the the same same p ath. So So tthis his “We’re that Gov. “W We’re hoping th hat Go v. iiss aan no opportunity pportunity ffor or agriculture agriculture to to ssee ee Schwarzenegger sees Sch Sc hwaarzenegger e egge see es tthee out outrage age writing on tthe he w riting o n the the wall wall aand nd llisten isten to to tthe he outcry understands aand nd tthe he o utcry aand nd u nderstands tthat hat ccustomers ustomers and and the the health health eexperts xperts aand nd tto o will bee sserious tthere here w ill b erious cconsequences onsequences shif ft their dir ection ac cordinglyy.� 0 shift direction accordingly. iiff this this iiss aapproved, pproved,� Perls Perls hee d doesn’t ban ssays. ays. ““And And iiff h oesn’t b an methyl meth hyl y iodide, iodide, then n we aree going to b bee ttargeting ar argeting g ON THE BEACH Brown. Hee ccan ban JJerry erry B rown. H an b an aree goingg to it and we ar On the Beach iss a report reeport from from Save Save Our Shores Shores thatt on making ffocus ocus o nm aking ssure ure tthat hat appears week app earrs the ffirst ir irsst w eek of each month ont happens. Hee h has h appens. H as a unique unique opportunity make o pportunity tto om ake ssure ure The his office iin nh is tterm erm iin no ff ice tthat hat dirtiest beach beach in Sant SSanta ta Cruz County, Count o t y, bbased ased on 2009 we’re not people w e’re n ot ssubjecting ubjecting p eople Shores. bbeach datta ccompiled ompiled bbyy Save Save Our Shor res e. each cleanup data Panther, to dangerous dangerous pesticides. pesticcides. The next ffour, oourr, in order, o derr, are: or are: Panther r, Davenport Davenport Main, Main n, Santa Main. Palm and Sant ta Cruz C Hee h has opportunity H as tthe he o pportunity tto o byy sstrengthen trengthen tthe he eeconomy conomy b pest iinvesting nvesting iin n ggreener reener p est

4 =C@ ;7 =C@ ; ; :3 03/16 3 03/16 16 4=C@ ;7:3 03/16

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december 1-8, 2010 SANTACRUZ.COM

Live Local ā Shop Local

Happy Holidays!



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A/<B/1@CH 1=; december 1-8, 2010 1=D3@ AB=@G

B63 8CAB 7< 1/A3 Lfmmz!Tbodif{! pg!LfmmzĂ–t!tipxt!pgg!uif!ipmjebz!hppet-! jodmvejoh!b!cÂ&#x;dif!ef!OpÂ’m!bu!upq!mfgu/


Sweetest Month Four weekends. Three major holidays. Endless reasons for cake.


HE BAKERS of Santa Cruz don’t agree on all things, but on the subject of holiday desserts there is some consensus: pecan pie filling should not be too sweet; people don’t eat much fruitcake anymore; and stollen—the rich German yeast bread studded with candied orange peel, raisins and almonds and dusted with powdered sugar—is the Best. Thing. Ever. “The stollen—I make that myself,â€? says Kelly Sanchez of @ZaanÉh ;gZcX] 7V`Zgn, who declares the buttery holiday bread her absolute favorite item all year. “I don’t let anyone else except my husband make it.â€? From across town at <VnaZÉh 7V`Zgn Gdhi^XXZg^V comes this testimony from bakery

co-owner Luisa Beers: “The first bake of the stollen of the year—you can’t even believe the smell. It smells like the holidays. The real decadent way to have it is to toast it with a little butter. More butter!â€? December is here and with it a flurry of parties, drop-bys and celebrations, most involving some kind of butter-and-sugar course. Luckily for us, local bakeries are working overtime to make party hosts’ lives easier and potluck-attending guests more popular with seasonal pies, festive cookies and oncea-year treats like bĂťche de NoĂŤl and steamed puddings. Everyone’s got a specialty. “I love our pumpkin pie; it’s not too sweet,â€? says I]Z 7jiiZgn’s Janet Platin. “I think the spices are just right. I don’t like it to get bitter

0G B@/17 6C97::

with the spices. And our pecan pie is a really good version—it’s custardy. I’m very particular about mouthfeel.â€? Like other bakeries, the Buttery offers a version of fruitcake that includes chocolate and fruit (dried cranberries, in this case), as well as lots of decorated cookies and the all-toorare mincemeat pie (nonvegetarian, it actually contains the beef fat known as suet, though the flavor is anything but meaty). For Chanukah there are macaroons and rugalach, and all month long the bakery has yule logs (another name for bĂťche de NoĂŤl) made with flourless chocolate cake rolled and filled with hazelnut whipped cream and then iced in chocolate ganache. “It’s always really popular,â€? says Platin in what must be a massive understatement.

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december 1-8, 2010 SANTACRUZ.COM

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A/<B/1@CH 1=; december 1-8, 2010 1=D3@ AB=@G

1 = D 3 @ A B = @ G

Seasonal Suds Strong and spicy winter brews from Santa Cruz and beyond

0G /:/AB/7@ 0:/<2 8]^e HX]ZjZg

2/GA =4 E7<3 /<2 57<53@!Jg!Tboub!Dsv{!Npvoubjo!Csfxjoh!! nbef!b!Nbszboof!cffs-!ju!xpvme!qspcbcmz!cf!hppe!upp/


IS THE SEASON of wintry things: a sun that hardly rises, gloom and gray all day, farmers markets f looded with kale and the anguish of gift shopping. But with December, at least, we also enter the months of the big-boned malt bombs, often billed by brewers as their “winterâ€? or “Christmasâ€? beers. Such brews currently on shelves at local supermarkets and better beer stores include <^c\ZgÉh L^ciZg LVgbZg from Santa Cruz Mountain Brewing, Sierra Nevada’s annual 8ZaZWgVi^dc 6aZ and Anchor Brewing’s yearly 8]g^hibVh 6aZ. San Francisco’s 21st Amendment has released ;^gZh^YZ 8]Vi, a strong brown beer named after Franklin Roosevelt’s weekly radio talks with a nation that was then burning its furniture to keep warm. And from breweries further afield, beers like Deschutes’ ?jWZaVaZ and Avery’s DaY ?jW^aVi^dc 6aZ have arrived with the rains and the nasty north swell. So what makes a beer a “Christmas beerâ€?? According to the Beer Judge Certification Program guidelines, a lengthy online document of history, sensory descriptors and ingredients,

the brew, whether ale or lager, should be “reminiscent of Christmas cookies, gingerbread, English-type Christmas pudding, spruce trees, or mulling spices. Any combination of aromatics that suggests the holiday season is welcome.â€? To achieve such ends, brewers often add spices to their Christmas beers. Ginger’s Winter Warmer, for example, was brewed with 2 pounds of dried ginger, 2 pounds of fresh ginger and crushed whole lemons. Fireside Chat contains the warm and sugary essence of “spices.â€? Anchor’s Christmas Ale also carries an undisclosed mix of ingredients. Uncommon Brewers makes nothing but strong ales spiced for effect; there’s the curry-flavored Belgian-style, the redwood branch barleywine, the poppy seed golden and the candy cap mushroom. But our holiday picks from this homegrown Santa Cruz brewery would have to be the oil-black 7Vai^X EdgiZg with licorice, available on draft at the Parish Publick House, and the 7VXdc 7gdlc, a smoky, maple-hued ale brewed with cuts of smoked swine and pouring now at the Avenue and ¨ %

BV`]cUV O 5ZOaa 0cPPZg ¨ #

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A/<B/1@CH 1=; december 1-8, 2010 1=D3@ AB=@G

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Through a Glass, Bubbly Every holiday party deserves a sparkler ;MG! 8gZVi^kZ 8dbbdch

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YNONYMOUS with New Year’s Eve, weddings and every celebratory event in between, champagne is less a drink than an affirmation of life. Planted long ago by thirsty Romans, the vineyards of France became the crucible for what would become the world’s most popular holiday elixir. A labor-intensive creation of the pinot and chardonnay grapes and filled with breathtaking effervescence, the sparkling wine labeled “champagneâ€? must by law be produced in the northeastern French region of the same name. Thanks to a Benedictine monk named Perignon and his attention to bubbles created by residual sugar fermentation, we are all the beneficiaries of mĂŠthode champenoise, the hallmark of authenticity separating every decent sparkling wine from cheap swill artificially injected with carbon dioxide. Two fermentations and two bottlings add to the complexity of making this heady tipple. And to the price tag. Considered the ne plus ultra of its type, French champagne is the priciest, with vintage bottlings of Roederer Cristal hitting the $200 mark. But there are wonderful bubblies to be had for considerably less from California, Spain and Italy as well as nonchampagne districts of France itself. In Santa Cruz, VinoCruz is one of the smart shops carrying the elegant, earthy brightness

of AjX^Zc 6aWgZX]iÉh 8gZbVci YÉ6ahVXZ, a champagne-style sparkling wine for $22 packaged in a beautiful glossy red gift box. VinoCruz, New Leaf and other fine stores also carry Santa Cruz’s only locally created mĂŠthode champenoise sparkler, from :fj^cdm ($40). Made from Trout Gulch chardonnay and pinot grapes, Equinox is a crisp number surging with very tiny bubbles and makes a delicious and effervescent “made in Santa Cruzâ€? gift to give, or to toast. Shopper’s Corner, long a magnet for aficionados, features no fewer than 70 different champagnes, cava, proseccos, sparklers and bubblies from all over the world, priced from the humble yet serviceable Bjbb CVeV ($16) to the noble GdZYZgZg 7gji EgZb^Zg ($45). In between dance a range of wonderful holiday sparklers, such as a trio of Gruet beauties, including a rosĂŠ, a blanc de blanc and a blanc de noir, all under $15. For affordable bubbles in a sexy blush hue, look no further than New Mexico’s surprising <gjZi Gdh‚. This is a bubbly to be poured unapologetically. And since it is made in New Mexico, it’s also a guaranteed conversation piece. The reliable HX]Vg[[ZcWZg\Zg ($20) joins the glacierdry HX]gVbhWZg\ 7aVcX YZ 7aVcX ($35) as a California vintage worthy of toasting. From the champagne house that helped to perfect the entire concept

of sparkling wines late in the 18th century, KZjkZ 8a^Xfjdi pours forth reliable ecstasy—zippy acidity and fruit/ mineral balance—delivered by vigorous microbubbles. This fine champagne, made from a blend of pinot noir and chardonnay, suggests stone fruit and hints of vanilla in a pale golden liquid. Available in the couple-friendly split ($25) as well as the party-size 750 milliliters ($40), it’s my house bubbly. Yes, there can be recession parties— especially since HZ\jgV K^jYVh makes an unapologetic Brut Reserva for under $10 a bottle. This respectable Spanish cava pumps out bubbles filled with citrusy freshness. From its dry, yeasty opening to a very crisp mineral finish, this is a surprising value. Soif is carrying close to 50 sparklers for the holidays, notably rare and littleknown labels from the heart of European champagne country. Of note—and perfect for rich, fatty appetizers like salame—is an organic sparkler from Italy’s Emilia-Romano district, a tannic dark red lambrusca from K^\cZid HVZii^ ($18) A beautiful deep crimson wine, the lambrusca is made of organic grapes whose light frizzante delivers enough bite to happily partner with the richest holiday meats and appetizers. Full of the unmistakable top notes of apple cider is a lively 8gZbVci YZ ?jgV ($24), a mĂŠthode champenoise made from the Jura district of eastern France. Part chardonnay, part savagnin, it’s a very creamy, savory tipple from Berthet-Bondet. For something wildly distinctive, try :g^X 7dgYZaZiÉh Ed^g‚ <gVc^i ($16), a sparkling pear cider made from 300-year-old pear trees in France. Finally, one of my new favorites is a German G^Zha^c\ G]Z^c\Vj HZ`i '%%+ from Solter ($20), loaded with tiny bubbles, green apples and minerals with a rounded, yeasty finish. The bottom line for hosts and guests alike this holiday season is that sparkling wine goes with anything, from osso buco to pasta and salmon to Camembert. Bone-dry champagne adores salty companions, from niçoise olives to nachos, and is a wonderful accompaniment to after-dinner biscotti and fruit desserts. Sweeter Italian prosecco is a natural with appetizers such as smoked salmon and sweet desserts, while Spanish cava is perfect with Marcona almonds and cured meats such as salames and prosciutto. Make no mistake—there isn’t a food known to woman that doesn’t go with sparkling wine. There simply are no serving errors when it comes to bubbly. It goes quite well with kisses, too. 0

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Sanchez says her lighter version of bĂťche de NoĂŤl—velvety chocolate soufflĂŠ cake rolled with Gran Marnier whipped cream and dusted with cocoa—was inspired by the realization that the traditional buttercreamfilled-and-frosted version left her cold. “What got me is I never wanted to take it home,â€? she says. The adaptation is spectacular—perfect for people who don’t like too-sweet desserts. (It should be ordered a day or two ahead.) Kelly’s also makes excellent pecan pies minus the gloppy filling (“it’s more like pecans suspended in caramelâ€?) and decorated cookies galore, including dreidels, wreaths, stars of David and, for New Year’s, special pig-shaped cookies harkening back to a girlhood holiday trip to Salzburg, where pigs signify wealth for the new year. Kelly’s also has a limited supply of stollen starting around Dec. 10. Gayle’s offers a hugely rich, festive bĂťche de NoĂŤl with vanilla sponge cake, chocolate ganache filling and semisweet and hazelnut chocolate frosting, perfect for eight to 12 people. In other offerings, a dried apricot, chocolate and walnut loaf replaces fruitcake, peppermint stick pie combines mint chocolate mousse and whipped cream in a chocolate crust, and a seasonal variation on Gayle’s famous Princess Cake results in offwhite marzipan decorated with green

holly and a red rose. The bakery also makes a honey cake with coffee and spices for Chanukah. Like Sanchez, Beers advises calling a day or two ahead for all involved desserts. Traditionalists who hanker after real fruitcake shouldn’t despair: they should get down to the farmers market for a loaf of 7ZX`bVccÉh holiday fruitcake or else place an order with the CZl 8VbVaYda^ =Zgb^iV\Z in Big Sur, which makes a 3-pound brandy-soaked classic packed with candied cherries and nuts. In downtown Santa Cruz, B^hh^dc =^aa 8gZVbZgn tips its hat to the season with ice cream flavors like spiced chai, pumpkin, ricotta with caramelized fig and roasted chestnut, while OdXXda^Éh deli has established itself as one of the few places in the county to find panettone, an Italian sweet bread similar to stollen. Not to be outdone, the EZccn >XZ 8gZVbZgn is in on the holiday act with pints of hand-packed gourmet ice cream in intriguing flavor combinations like date, crème fraĂŽche and toffee. Pastry chef Kendra Baker also makes bon-bons (ice cream balls dipped in chocolate), a large array of cookies including gingerbread, macaroons and meringue, and sea salt caramels. Not least are more elaborate desserts like steamed gingerbread pudding, bread pudding and chocolate hazelnut tart, all available with a three-day pre-order. Happy feasting!

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Bluewater Steakhouse. At Seabright Brewery, spiced winter beers have historically been financial duds, according to brewer Jason Chavez. So what can we expect instead? A 10 percent alcohol HZVWg^\]i WVgaZnl^cZ on draft beginning Dec. 23. Another Bay Area wintertime beer worth tasting is Shmaltz Brewing Company’s ?ZlWZaVi^dc ;djgiZZc. Of 14 malts, 14 hops and a 14 percent alcohol reading, this beauty is a layered, chewy ale of fudge, toffee, butterscotch and dried fruit flavors—but if it reminds you of a fat man in a sleigh and gifts heaped under a wilting fir tree, the brewers missed their mark. Shmaltz, based in San Francisco, is the nation’s most irreverently Jewish brewery: don’t expect a pig-flavored beer from these guys. Well-known for its “He’brew: The Chosen Beer� label, Shmaltz released

Jewbelation Bar Mitzvah last December when the brewery turned 13. Fourteen is the latest in the Jewbelation birthday series. Available in 22-ounce bottles, it will also be paired to kosher cuisine on Dec. 6 at 515 Kitchen & Cocktails. Call the restaurant (831.239.8615) to reserve. Finally, we leave you with word of the fanciest winter release in town:

HVciV 8gjo BdjciV^c 7gZl^c\ 8dbeVcn WVgaZn l^cZ, available in champagne bottles only at the Westside brewery— and it’s worth the trip. It was aged in French chardonnay barrels for eight months, a technique intended to impart a buttery smooth texture and flavors of vanilla, oak and faint coconut. Visions of Santa Claus and sugar plums, however, were never intended as part of the package—but if they start dancing in your head, well, it is Christmas. Have another drink.0 ¸BWa bVS ASOa]\ b] 0S @Sb`]¨ '

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Persona rs naalized Gift G Certificates Certificat rt caat rt ates Personalized Ava Av vaila lablle for Stand Stta tand Up U Paddling Paddling Pa Available Cla lasses, Rentals Reenta tals & Gear Gea eaar Classes,

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’Tis the Season To Be Retro Chefs look to the past for holiday inspiration 0G 16@7AB7</ E/B3@A


OSTALGIC for the holiday foods of yesteryear? Me too. And amid the contemporary menus for Chanukah, Christmas and New Year’s, look for comforting “back in the dayâ€? dishes to please your inner child. <VnaZÉh 7V`Zgn has already started catering to our sense of tradition with a Chanukah dinner starting tonight (Dec. 1) that includes wine-braised brisket and indulgent potato latkes with sour cream. All week long you’ll be able to take home traditional latkes (with 24 hours’ notice), housemade applesauce, matzo ball soup, rugalach, challah twist, poppy seed cake and honey cake with orange and almonds. For New Year’s cocktail parties, Gayle’s can load your buffet tables with such shameless mementoes of yesteryear as Italian-style cocktail meatballs, stuffed mushroom caps and a trio of those massive cheese balls like one of my mothers-in-law used to proudly serve, right after the gin and tonics and before the turkey and raviolis. Lionel Le Morvan of Aptos’ proudly Gallic BV BV^hdc admits he’s already looking forward to his traditional Christmas menu. “Starting the second week of December,â€? he says, “we will begin offering filet mignon, rack of lamb, maybe some venison or lobster, depending on the market.â€? Le Morvan invokes the Christmas Eve custom of his native France by ceremoniously bringing an actual yule log—whence “bĂťche de NoĂŤlâ€?—into the main dining room and placing it in the fireplace, “where it will burn through the night on Christmas Eve.â€? He will also whip up an edible dessert bĂťche. 6kVci^ will showcase a labor-intensive masterpiece for New Year’s. “We do a special cassoulet,â€? reveals chef Ben Sims, anticipating the prospect. “Most of our New Year’s clientele want comfort foods, and so we like to make the cassoulet using special bowls made just for this dish by Santa Cruz Pottery across the street.â€? Duck legs, sausages, a lamb shank and of course the white beans with

lots of bread crumbs on top add plush comfort to Avanti’s holiday showpiece. Sims also plans to feature “a lot of crab dishes,â€? as well as a few luxury cuts of beef (think large ribeye for two to share). Scott Cater, longtime chef and manager at the historic 8VhVWaVcXV GZhiVjgVci, will offer festive retro specialties such as prime rib and lobster throughout the holidays. For New Year’s Eve, Cater plans to reach back into his grandmother’s recipe book for authentic, richer-than-Bill-Gates eggnog. “I remember she always made it from scratch, with real whipped cream, lots of alcohol, some whiskey, rum and brandy, and then egg whites folded in. I’m thinking of running that,â€? he says. Sounds like dessert and sweet dreams all rolled into one. AV EdhiV’s Katherine Stern is dreaming up a holiday menu that will likely include authentic Italian specialties such as housemade torrone nougat. She’s also thinking about the much-loved panettone Christmas bread (“This time of year Italian cooks use a lot of citrus,â€? she explains). Look for unusual seasonal sausages as well as tortellini in brodo on Stern’s December menu. Up at 8]Vb^cVYZ, chef Beverlie Terra plans to put her own retro family Christmas specialties—cracked crab and ravioli—on the menu for Christmas Eve dinner and Christmas Day brunch, along with cioppino. Chef Ross McKee of 6fjVg^jh, the Dream Inn’s oceanfront dining room, says his kitchen is planning a gala and very classic Christmas buffet and a prix fixe New Year’s Eve menu as well. On the menu are Tomales Bay oysters, smoked salmon, natural Diestel turkey, Corralitos hams, prime rib with Yorkshire pudding and more. Traditionalists will love Aquarius’ bĂťche de NoĂŤl, pumpkin pie and eggnog cheesecake as well. ’Tis the season to embrace the retro flavors of yesteryear. And with any luck you’ll be able to find red, green and white pozoles—the specialties of true feliz Oaxacan navidad—on the menu at your favorite Mexican restaurant. Buon natale und prosit Neujahr! 0

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Bluegrass Blue egrass W Wonderland oondderlandd Banjo al alert! lert! The dhopper pp s clodhoppers clod are invading invading in are Brook o dale! Brookdale! 0G >/C: ; 2/D7A 0G >/C : ; 2/D 7 A


HERE’S a m myth yyth that the era of ffree fr ee music and a d nightlong i hl jams iiss a tthing hing o he p ast. B ut tthat’s hat’s off tthe past. But aall ll iitt iis: s: a m yth, iits ts llie ie p roven myth, proven eevery very ttime ime aan n aall-night ll-night M C ffreestyle reestyle b attle MC battle rrocks ocks a w arehouse or musicians m b oth warehouse both p rofessional aand nd aamateur mateur ssit it aaround round a professional ccampfire ampf ire aatt a b luegrass m usic ffestival. estival. It t’s bluegrass music It’s this ccommunal ommunal spirit that t show or ganizer organizer Eric Burman has ffostered o osterred during the 17 yyears ears h as o rganized b luegrass ffestivals estivals hee h has organized bluegrass ar ound N orthern C aliffornia. ornia o around Northern California. Burman’s 2010 2010 Winterfest Winterffest Bluegrass Bluegrass Burman’s F estival, held this week kend e at the Festival, weekend B rookdale IInn nn & S pa, iiss aan n eexpression xpression Brookdale Spa, o his eethos, thos, b ringing ttogether ogether tthe he B ay off tthis bringing Bay Ar eaa’s leading bluegra ass acts and amateur Area’s bluegrass aaficionados. f icionados. IIn n aaddition ddition tto o tthe he iimpressive mpressive lineup of acts on the bill, b Burman pr omises music thr ougghout the week end promises throughout weekend aand nd llate-night ate-night jjam am ssessions essions be tween tthe he between st age musicians and th heir fans stage their fans.. In recent recent years years the the Winterfest Winterffest was was In orphaned due to the Br B ookdale’s Brookdale’s cconstruction onstruction aand nd o ngoing ttransition, ransition, b ut ongoing but this yyear eear it rreturns eturns to its i right tful home rightful home.. “I kept kept it it alive alive by by having having it it in in my my own own “I b arn, aand nd tthen hen d ecided tto o sspread pread iitt tto o barn, decided Boulder Cr eek,� Burm man sa ays y . “This yyear ear Creek, Burman says. tthe he B rookdale L odge aapproached pproached m o Brookdale Lodge mee tto do it ther theree again.� Wiinterfeest was waas originally inspired inspired The Winterfest b is o wn w edding, w hich ffeatured eatured a byy h his own wedding, which numb er of bluegrass bands b ays y. number bands,, Burman sa says. ““The The w hole tthing hing sstarted tarted w hen m ife whole when myy w wife aand nd I ggot ot m arried iin n tthe he B rookdale L odge married Brookdale Lodge w ith b luegrass b ands. T he pe ople w ho with bluegrass bands. The people who w orked tthere here eenjoyed njoyed iitt sso om uch tthey hey worked much said we should get ma arried mor ften. t � married moree of often. Draawing w con ntacts he earned Drawing on the contacts

97<2 97<2 =4 0:C35@/AA From 2 =4 0:C35@/AA From lef left, ft, t Stephanie Stephanie Sakasai, Shumaker Common Cents. Eric Burman B and LLaurey aure y Shumak er of C oommon C eents.

organ organizing nizing the annual Good Good Old Fashioned Festival Holliister, Fashi oned Bluegrass F estival in Hollister, Burman been B urman has has be en aable ble to to cconsistently onsistently attract top-tier Brookdale. at tttracct top -tier ttalent alent to the Br ookdaale. notable Somee of the most not able this yyear eear include Brothers, hard-driving includ de the Earl Br others, a har d-drivving amalgam bluegrass, amalg gam of honky-tonk honk ky--tonk and bluegra ass, Rainy Escobar, whose music Burman aand nd R ainy E scobar, w hose m usic B urman hails poignant—she’s h ails as as “very “very po ignant—she’s a woman woman who’s world. Burman w ho’s seen seen tthe he w orld.� B urman iidentifies dentif ies Ben Upcreek B en Lomond’s Lomond’s U pcreek Drifters, p Drifters, a ggroup roup up-and-comers his of up -and-comers that dominated hi is August watch. atch A ugu ust ffestival, eestival, as the band to w h. “They “They do do about about 90 percent percent traditional traditional music, but m usic, b ut tthey’re hey’re sspellbinding—they pellbinding—they gget et people p eoplle jumping and dancing and doing do oing hee ssays. had ccrazy razy tthings, hings,� h ays. ““They They h ad a gguy uy doing when d oing handstands handstands iin n ffront ront of of tthem hem w hen August. The Saturday tthey hey played played in in A ugust.� Th he S aturday night will n ight sshow how w ill be rrounded ounded out out with with aan n byy B Burman’s own outfit, aappearance ppearance b urman’s o wn o utf it, tthe he Common Cents C omm mon C ents Band. There Th here will will be plenty plenty of of other other whimsical whimsical novelties notably no veellties on hand, hand most not ably the banjo ffestival’s estival’s infamous infamous underwater underw water b anjo off morning ccontest, onteest, which kicks of ff Sunday Sundaay morn ning Mermaid Room aatt 111am. 1am. ““We We ggo o into into tthe he M ermaid R oom o people water play aand nd pe p ople jump jump in in tthe he w ater aand nd p lay banjo tricks.. P People the b anjo and do tricks eople wearr other ccostumes ostumes aand nd o ther sstrange trange tthings—one hings—one person on.� perso e so o jumped on ju ped in with nothing jump ot g o

It’s It t’s a cconsiderable onsiderable amount amount o off w work ork together, to pull an eevent veent of this t size to getherr, b ut B urman iiss m otivated b he ssense ense but Burman motivated byy tthe o ommunity tthat hat a b luegrass ffestival estival off ccommunity bluegrass ffosters. o osters. “W We’ll b ayying music all o ver “We’ll bee pla playing over tthe he p lace—in tthe he b ar, iin n tthe he llobby, obby, iin n tthe he place—in bar, llog og ccabin, abin, aall ll o ver tthe he p lace,� h ays. ““We We over place, hee ssays. ttake ake o ver tthe he eentire ntire p lace. A b luegrass over place. bluegrass ffestival estival ggives ives eeveryone veryone tthe he o pportunity opportunity tto op lay ttheir heir o wn m usic aafter fter tthe he b ands play own music bands lea ave the st age. Ther re’s 150 musicians leave stage. There’s musicians,, and tthat hat d oesn’t ccount ount tthe he pe ople w ho h ave doesn’t people who have br ought g their own instruments iinstruments..� brought It t’s aall ll aabout bout tthe he llove, ove, ssays ays B urman. ““I’ll I’ll It’s Burman. ttell ell yyou ou ssomething: omething: n obody ttalks alks aabout bout nobody w hat tthey hey d o ffor or lliving, iving, tthey hey d on’t ttalk alk what do don’t ab out p olitics, the ey just ar about politics, they aree sharing the lo ve. I’m an intensiv ve ccare are nurse [b by da ay], y love. intensive [by day], so ffor o or me this is justt gr eat therap py.� great therapy. 0@==92/:3 E7<B3@43AB 0@==92/:3 E7<B3@43AB 0:C35@/AA 43AB7D/: 0 :C35@/AA 43 3AB7D D/ /:

Friday–Sunday Friday –Sunday S Br ookkddale Inn & Spa, S a, 11570 Hwy Sp Brookdale Hwy.. 9, Brookdale Br ookkddale T iickeets $25 Friday y/$40 Satur day/ Tickets Friday/$40 Saturday/ free fr ee Sunday 831.338.1300 or www.brookdale w w..brrookkddale www bluegrass.com bluegrass .com


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The Sound of Santa Cruz A new Internet TV show documents the local music scene for all the world to hear 0G B3AA/ ABC/@B


WO WEEKS after Hurricane Katrina hit, folk singer Ginny Mitchell and her husband, Marty Collins, activated their extensive network of connections in the Santa Cruz music scene to pull together a benefit concert at the old Wrigley’s factory on Mission Street. Despite the fact that the factory houses the couple’s business, a film production facility called the Digital Media Factory, it wasn’t until the day of the event, Mitchell says, that the two of them noticed the opportunity they were being presented with. “We looked around and said, ‘We have to film this!’� That night 17 local artists took the stage, and Mitchell and Collins filmed six hours’ worth of live performances. The footage, along with much more that Mitchell has collected since, is housed on eight external hard drives that together make up a gold mine of live performances and interviews with homegrown talent and big-name stars that have passed through Santa Cruz since 2005—everyone from banjo virtuoso Bela Fleck to longtime Santa Cruz singer Mary McCaslin. Now Mitchell is mining her archives to create Santa Cruz Live, a magazine-format television show that she hopes will further establish the reputation of Santa Cruz’s live music scene internationally. With that in mind, the show will stream over the Internet, accessible to anyone anywhere with a computer and a connection. According to Mitchell, there are already viewers in Germany, Sweden “and a couple hundred people in Canada who are chomping at the bit to see it live.� Each half-hour episode will give exposure to an emerging artist, look

B67A 7A <=B / B3AB Singer and Digital Media Factory co-owner Ginny Mitchell hosts the premiere of ‘Santa Cruz Live’ this Friday.

back at the career of an established artist, feature a local performance from a major touring act as well as an interview with a supporting character behind the music and a performance by Mitchell herself, who hosts. The first episode of Santa Cruz Live will be simulcast this Friday on SantaCruzLive.tv, on DigitalMediaFactory.com and on the Cruzio homepage. For those in town for the festivities, there will be a launch party at the factory with performances by Hot Club Pacific and Kemo Sabe and a preview of the second episode following a screening of the first. In addition to providing material for the show (Mitchell plans to use at least six more performances from that night in upcoming episodes), the Katrina benefit was the inspiration for Santa Cruz Live. To hear her tell it, the concert served as a catalyzing event for the singer. Mitchell grew up in Santa Cruz and studied music at Cabrillo College before moving to Canada, where she was named Best New Artist by the Canadian Country Music Association and was nominated for a Juno, the Canadian Grammy. As her career wore on, though, Mitchell began to question whether touring was the best use of her musical

ability and experience. She grew weary of the unforgiving schedule and disenchanted with the idea that the success of her music was quantified by “how much alcohol I was selling, which is how it is in a bar.â€? It’s a common enough sentiment that Mitchell has received encouragement for the show from a number of like-minded artists, including the queen of bluegrass, Alison Krauss. Four years ago, Mitchell and Collins were backstage at a concert in San Francisco when Mitchell told Krauss of her idea. “She looked at me and she said, ‘Ginny, I’ll do what I can do to help, but I really want you to do this because the music business is changing and artists really don’t have a platform right now.’â€? It all starts this week. For more info, go to www.santacruzlive.tv. ¡A/<B/ 1@CH :7D3¸ :/C<16 >/@BG

Friday, 7pm Digital Media Factory 2809 Mission St., Santa Cruz $5


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PUBLIC NOTICE ATTEND SCOPING MEETINGS ON DECEMBER 8, 2010 FOR THE scwd2 REGIONAL SEAWATER DESALINATION PROJECT The City of Santa Cruz and the Soquel Creek Water District have partnered to implement the scwd2 Regional Seawater Desalination Project (proposed project). The City and District have issued a Notice of Preparation (NOP) and Initial Study (IS) for the proposed project, which would be located in the greater Santa Cruz area and provide up to 2.5 million gallons per day (mgd) of potable drinking water.


Two public scoping meetings on the Environmental Impact Report will be held on Wednesday, December 8 for the community to hear presentations and provide comments on the scope and content of the forthcoming Environmental Impact Report (EIR). The same information will be provided at both meetings. s 3ANTA #RUZ 12:00 – 2:30 pm, First Congregational Church, 900 High Street s #APITOLA 6:30 to 9 pm, New Brighton Middle School, 250 Washburn Avenue


The Notice of Preparation (NOP) and Initial Study (IS) is available for public review and comment from November 15, 2010 – January 10, 2011. Copies of the NOP can be reviewed at the following locations: www.scwd2desal.org, public libraries within the agencies’ service areas, and offices of the Soquel Creek Water District and the City of Santa Cruz Water Department. For more information or to request special accommodations or translation services please contact Melanie Mow Schumacher, scwd2 Public Outreach Coordinator, at (831) 475-8501 x153, email melanies@soquelcreekwater.org, or visit the project website at WWW SCWD DESAL ORG

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Horseplay >3B3@ 5@37BH93

Equine splendor and people too in ‘Cavalia’ 0G ;/C@33< 2/D72A=<


APUNZELINE manes, braidcrimped and gleaming, drape over magnificent heads held in best finishing-school alertness atop arched necks rippling with muscle—and that’s just the acrobats, those bit players in Cavalia whom nobody really comes to see. A fantasy equine circus with an impressive cast of animals and humans, the show that “explores the relationship between man and horse� is unapologetically about the ponies. The show has toured worldwide since 2003; the last time it came to the Bay Area was 2004, shortly after the production was created by Cirque du Soleil co-founder Normand Latourelle. This time around the big top shines and flutters like an ivory mirage of Camelot amid the asphalt parking lots of China Basin in the San Francisco Embarcadero. Upon entering the complex of connected tents, the fantasy deepens: giant poles push the roof to soaring peaks to create rooms surrounded by dramatic, muralsize photographs of horses. The 160-footwide stage runs deep to a wide, elevated ledge that joins the front to become a tilted oval track large enough for a score of galloping horses to circle the space and high enough for aerialists to swoop and fly above the crowd. The walls behind are the canvas for lush projections that place the action in history—the painted caves of Lascaux, the Tang dynasty of China, the arena of the Coliseum. Airy scrims house slo-mo projections of a towering ghostly silver stallion rearing and plunging with holographic dimensionality—technology well employed to provide a loose narrative connecting vignettes that follow the long relationship between human and horse. Snorting, prancing and bucking, suddenly dropping to their backs for a satisfying roll in the sand, shaking themselves, skin twitching as if

<= 67B16 7< B67A 5722G/> (Left) Fairland Ferguson’s Roman riding in ‘Cavalia,’ through Dec. 12

deliberately showing off their polished coats, the horses perform gorgeously, and often with no evident human intervention. Two colts canter across the stage in the beginning, stopping like human toddlers to explore toys left in the sand while above them a projection of a mare giving birth lingers on the struggle of the newborn foal trying mightily to stand. Stretching its neck with exertion, it finally balances, surprised, on four splayed ladderlong legs. The audience bursts into spontaneous applause. A sentimental crowd, these horse lovers; they filled the house to near capacity on a freezing Tuesday night in the middle of a storm. Many had come from out of state to see the spectacle that stops at only a few major cities in Europe and the United States each year. Come the weekends, families pack the house in spite of very steep ticket prices. The story of Cavalia begins as a spring appears within the sand at center stage and Marianella Michaud moves into a dance with Orion, a white stallion that steps directly out of the illustrations in children’s storybooks. In a push and pull of growing trust, the two form a bond. Lovely, but the performance seems surprisingly listless, missing the intensity that projects character and leads the

audience along with the story. Perhaps because it was an off night (Tuesday), or maybe because it’s the second week of a long San Francisco run of a multiyear marathon, I was disappointed that most of the humans displayed no individual character nor authentic relationship with each other or with the horses. A significant exception was trainer Sylvia Zerbini, who worked her magnetism with individual and multiple stallions loose on the stage. Otherwise, the lack of oomph in the human performers made the two-plus hours of vignettes somewhat lifeless displays of skill. Such discontent, though, never reached the young people I spoke with, whose “Awesome!� reviews were consistent with the standing ovation at the end of the show. Children and horse-lovers of all ages demonstrated unbridled enthusiasm—almost as rare a phenomenon as the sight of leaping, plunging horses in our midst.


China Basin, San Francisco Tuesday–Sunday through Dec. 12 Tickets $45–$240; www.cavalia.net

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574B 0/H//@ /B B63 /003G Ten local artists are selling original works of art for under $200 each at this gift bazaar, which runs through Jan. 9. Opening reception Friday, Dec. 3, 5–9pm. Free. The Abbey, 350 Mission St., Santa Cruz.

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B63 #B6 /<<C/: :756B32 0=/B >/@/23 Prepare to see yachts, rowboats, outrigger canoes, kayaks and any manner of other watercraft brighter than Rudolf bobbing at sea—more than 50 boats will strut around the bay, strung with lights for the parade’s 25th year. Saturday, Dec. 4, at 5:30pm. Free. Santa Cruz Yacht Harbor. h`^aah# K^h^idgh VgZ ZcXdjgV\ZY id Wg^c\ i]Z^g dlc [dg ^YZci^[^XVi^dc# Hjc! 9ZX *! &/(%")/(%eb# ;gZZ# gddb ''&! HVciV 8gjo#



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EON is one of those noble gases that hang out looking sexy and drinking cocktails around Group 18 of the periodic table while the other gases sweat in the kitchen, cooking. Representing the fantasy-inducing family of neon, argon, xenon, krypton and helium gas, each with its distinct qualities and color, “neon� is usually captured in glass tubes that have been bent into artful shapes, then stimulated by currents of electricity until it glows. The bright lights can be seen from great distances—perfect for desert casinos—or through windshields streaming with rain in dark northern cities, where the comforting pink and ultramarine glow of the international sign for cocktails is a beacon of hope for the weary traveler.

Travelers making their way through downtown Santa Cruz might stop in their tracks at 107 Elm St., where a wild procession of colorful illuminated lines and curves marches toward the door of the 43:7F 9C:>/ 5/::3@G. “And Then There Was Light� features works by 15 neon artists including local neon guru 0@C13 AC0/, the instigator for this exhibit and most things neon in the region. He also currently exhibits at the ;CA3C; =4 <3=< /@B 7< :=A /<53:3A. Here, one of Suba’s crackled domes of crackling electricity enlivens a corner while an elegant wooden fixture provides the architecture for In the Out Door nearby, with twitchy lightning spiraling from one aperture to another. Not far away, Snake In by :/@@G /:0@756B, whose work illuminates theme parks worldwide, confines a long spark within an elegant dome-bottomed beaker for a hypnotizing meditation on energy. The challenge of bending fragile glass tubes into complex shapes intrigues such artists as @=53@ 2/<73::A, whose freestanding Cube is a Picasso-esque evocation of a figure. 0:/93 A6/E’s Clothes Make the Man draws a continuous white-glowing outline of a touring car encased within a small coffin. 9/HC;7 AD3<A=<’s Ranchu is a playful koi in orange and white leaping off the gallery wall, while ;716/3: 4:316B<3@’s Seagoat, a giant multicolored shark, swims above the heads of gallery visitors. AB3>6/< 9@/A<3@’s Reach is more poetic: beneath its plexiglass surface, a fuzzy growth emanates in pink and violet blue; a circular orifice reveals a worrisome cluster of spikes; a hand is gradually distinguishable from the chaos within as it reaches out to touch the surface. Never mind; nearby one of 0@7/< 1=:3;/<’s cheerful lightworks stands as a tour de force of glass blowing and bending using multiple noble gases for their distinctive colors. This Bell Jar Magic is one of a dozen Coleman pieces that help make “And Then There Was Light� a delight. Felix Kulpa is open late Thursdays and Fridays to show off the wares. (Maureen Davidson) B63 3F6707B7=<7AB 7A 4C<232 7< >/@B 0G / 5@/<B 4@=; B63 1C:BC@/: 1=C<17: =4 A/<B/ 1@CH 1=C<BG

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Jazz Presenters since 1975



“Cool Yuleâ€? Holidaze Gypsy Jazz style! $20/Adv $23/Door MON. DECEMBER 6 • 7 & 9 PM


Breaking down the walls of jazz! $22/Adv $25/Door 9 PM: 1/2 Price Night for Students. Tickets at the door with valid I.D. THURS. DECEMBER 9 • 7 PM

ALLISON MILLER’S BOOM TIC BOOM Allison Miller - drums, Myra Melford - piano, Jenny Scheiman - violin, Todd Sickafoose - bass $20/Adv $23/Door

Rising Star Drummer!


Trailblazing musical & spiritual experience!


$40/Gold Circle, $30/General No Jazztix or Comps Sponsored by Fitz Fresh SUN. DEC. 12 • 7:30 PM @ THE RIO THEATRE

Nine Time Grammy Winning Kings of Western Swing!


$35/Gold Circle, $25/General No Jazztix or Comps Sponsored by Gayle’s Bakery & Rosticceria MON. DECEMBER 13 • 7 & 9 PM Multi-string master!


>7B AB=> Rocktronica heroes Passion Pit

hit the Civic this Friday.

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$22/Adv $25/Door Dinner served Mondays & Thursdays beginning at 6pm, serving premium wines & microbrewed beers. Snacks & desserts available all other nights. All age venue.

Advance tickets at Logos Books & Records and online at kuumbwajazz.org. Tickets subject to service charge and 5% S.C. City Admissions Tax.

Independently Produced Events SAT. DECEMBER 4 • 8 PM

PLANET CRUZ COMEDY HOUR WITH RICHARD STOCKTON $20/Adv $25/Door Tickets: Streetlight Records & www.planetcruz.org SUN. DECEMBER 5 • 1 PM

JAZZ! JAZZ! JAZZ! AUCTION! FEAT. CABRILLO JAZZ BANDS & SC HIGH JAZZ BAND $20/Gen. $15/Seniors $10/Students Tickets: Logos Books & at the door Info: cardinalmusic.org

320-2 Cedar St • Sa nta C r u z 427-2227


As a young man, Dick Dale moved to Southern California and fell in love with surfing and playing music. His attempt to combine the two and re-create with his guitar the sounds and feelings he experienced on his surf board led to the creation of the surf music craze and a sea of fans and imitators. Still celebrated as “King of the Surf Guitar,� the 73-year-old Dale has a rich history of shredding axes, blowing up amps and putting on outrageous stage shows. In town with his son Jimmy Dale and Bay Area favorites the Mermen, the evening— which benefits Santa Cruz Surfrider— is shaping up to be a toes-on-the-nose party, indeed. Moe’s Alley; $20 adv/ $25 door; 8pm. (Cat Johnson)

The durability of the music of Django Reinhardt and Stephane Grappelli’s Hot Club de France is remarkable and entirely justified. The duo’s Gypsy jazz has inspired numerous hot clubs the world over, keeping their music relevant and vital into another century. San Francisco’s appropriately named Hot Club of San Francisco, the country’s longest-running Gypsy swing band, is a member of the top tier of bands that pay tribute to Reinhardt and Grappelli’s considerable legacy. The musicians—guitarists Paul Mehling, Isabelle Fontaine and Jeff Magidson, bassist Clint Baker and violinist Evan Price—are impressive players who do their heroes proud. Kuumbwa; $20 adv/ $23 door; 7pm. (Paul M. Davis)

Firmly established in their roles as elder statesmen of roots reggae, the Abyssinians have been bringing their conscious lyrics, tight three-part harmonies and minor key melodies to the masses for longer than many of today’s Jamaican superstars have been alive. Formed when reggae was more closely associated with cheerful pop vocals than Rastafarianism, the Abyssinians have contributed massively to the Jamaican musical soundscape, and their smash -hit single “Satta Massagana� has taken on no less than anthemic status for the roots faithful around the world. Moe’s Alley; $20 adv/$25 door; 9pm. (CJ)

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Passion Pit occupies the same tier of electro-pop as MGMT, and the auditory relatives even share distinctive falsettos. But a Casio has never had such range as with Passion Pit, and yelping vocalist Michael Angelakos keeps his boys busy with varying synths over drums and guitar. The complexity of their electronica is almost baroque, and the beeps and thrills are multiple orchestral similes pulling for the same grand theme. Civic Auditorium; $38.85; 8pm. (Kate Jacobson)

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3:D7< 07A6=> Elvin Bishop doesn’t necessarily spring to mind when listing the blues legends of the past half-century, but he should. Bishop has performed with a murderer’s row of great blues players, including Eric Clapton, Jimi Hendrix and B.B. King, and has always held his own. Since getting his start with the Butterfield Blues Band in the early ’60s, Bishop has amassed a considerable body of work, most recently with Red Dog Speaks. On the album he collaborates with the likes of John Nemeth, Buckwheat Zydeco and Tommy Castro, and explores not only blues and soul but also doo-wop, zydeco and gospel. Catalyst; $16 adv/ $20 door; 7:30. (PMD)

:=<5 @723 Surf rock legend Dick Dale plays

Moe’s Alley with the Mermen this Thursday.

Rock & roll and the atomic bomb evolved in parallel, so it’s not surprising that there’s a long tradition of rock songs paying ambivalent tribute to Oppenheimer’s great destroyer of worlds. Yet it’s rare for a band to mold its entire identity around the paleofuturistic iconography of the atomic age. If only for doing that, San Francisco’s Phenomenauts would be notable, but it certainly helps that their amalgam of pop, punk, New Wave and surf guitar is so intoxicating. The musical equivalent of the future’s-so-bright idealism of ’60sera Tomorrowland, the Phenomenauts’ shtick manages to be both arch and exhilarating. Crepe Place; $8; 9pm. (PMD)

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6=<3G;==< Americana generally boils down to resin and strings, and indie means interesting lyrics or meshing incongruities. Put them together and you’ve got the makings of Honeymoon. What started as a jam session between friends grew to include an adoring audience with a phase that’s only waxing. The four voices warble and thrill in the wistful

6756 =< 47@3 Dec. 30 at Brookdale Lodge E7::73 <3:A=< Jan. 7 at Catalyst /:0C; :3/4 Jan. 11 at Crepe Place ;716/3: @=A3 Jan. 29 at Moe’s Alley 1/:74=@<7/ 5C7B/@ B@7= Feb. 9 at Don Quixote’s /<7 274@/<1= April 3 at Rio Theatre

folk way, and the light breeze is actually whichever of the four is taking a turn at backup vocals. Their singing sounds like it grew before instruments were in fashion, sometimes a cappella and maybe practiced while doing chores on the old homestead. Don Quixote’s; $10; 7pm. (KJ)

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2=2=A Skirting the edges of indie, folk, rock and psychedelic pop music, the San Francisco–based Dodos are a picture of creative evolution. What began as a one-man-plays-everything, country blues-esque project has grown into an experimental three-piece complete with feedback, drums, harmonies, an occasional horn and a full-time vibraphone player. A bit elusive in the genrefication department, the Dodos manage to stay balanced on the elements that have been powering them all along: skilled songwriting, catchy melodies, original instrumentation and a keen awareness of when to rein it in and when to let it rip. Brookdale Lodge; $15; 9pm. (CJ)

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Kuumbwa K uum mbwa Jazz Pr Presents esen nts

Johnn McLaughlin and the

4thh Dimension Trailblazing Musical and Trailblazing Spiritual Spiritu ual Jour Journey ney

Frida Friday, ay y, December 1 10th 0th 8pm at the h Rio i Theatre h $40/Gold Circle


$30/General $30/Gen neral


No Jazztix or Comps

t Sponsored t

by Fitz Fresh

Nine-TTime Nine-Time Ni i G Grammy Winning Wi i Kings of W Western ester e n Swing

Sunda Sunday, ayy, December 12th 12th 7:30pm 7 :30p : pm at the Rio Theatre $35/Gold Circle t $25/General t No o Jazztix Jazzttix or Comps Sponsored d by Gayle’s Gayle s Bakery Bakerry & Rosticceria Rostticceria Tickets available at Logos s Books & Records and online e at kuumbwajazz.or kuumbwajazz.org g More info: 83 831.427.2227 1.427.2227 or kuumbwaja kuumbwajazz.org azz.org

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1011 PACIFIC AVE. SANTA CRUZ 831-423-1336 ;O\ +LJ ‹ In the Atrium ‹ ALL AGES POPULATION 5 (K] +YZ ^ :[\KLU[ 0+ ‹ +VVYZ ! :OV^ W T

-YPKH` +LJ ‹ AGES 16+ ‹ Vital SC welcomes


plus Vaski/ Mark Instinct PU HK]HUJL ‹ +YZ W T :OV^ W T

-YPKH` +LJLTILY ‹ In the Atrium ‹ AGES 21+ FRIDAY NIGHT FUNCTION: DJ Aspect. DJ Tone Sol, Nima Fadavi plus MONTEREY BAY FIGHT CLUB presents



:H[\YKH` +LJ ‹ AGES 21+ ‹ KPIG Humbug Hoedown

Elvin Bishop & Band

(K] +YZ ‹ +VVYZ ! W T :OV^ ! W T :H[\YKH` +LJLTILY ‹ In the Atrium ‹ AGES 21+


(K] +YZ ‹ ! W T

:\UKH` +LJLTILY ‹ In the Atrium ‹ AGES 16+

THE VANDALS plus Versus the World

also Assorted Jellybeans

(K] +YZ ‹ ! W T

;\LZKH` +LJLTILY ‹ In the Atrium ‹ AGES 21+


with DJs

Don-ette & Lion-S

+ weekly guest DJs Models/Dancers

56 *6=,9 ) 74 ‹ 3HKPLZ -YLL .\`Z HM[LY 74 ‹ :OV^ W T

+LJ The Expendables (Ages 16+) +LJ Departure (A Tribute to Journey) Atrium (Ages 21+) +LJ Rasta Cruz Reggae Atrium (Ages 21+) +LJ Los Lobos (Ages 21+) +LJ SambaDĂĄ (Ages 21+) 1HU Willie Nelson (Ages 21+) 1HU Vital SC: Diesel Boy (Ages 16+) 1HU Railroad Earth (Ages 16+) -LI BadďŹ sh a Tribute to Sublime (Ages 16+) -LI Trombone Shorty Los Amigos Invisibles (Ages 21+) -LI Less Than Jake (Ages 16+) -LI B.B. King (Ages 21+) -LI Streetlight Manifesto (Ages 16+) -LI Robin Trower (Ages 21+) <USLZZ V[OLY^PZL UV[LK HSS ZOV^Z HYL KHUJL ZOV^Z ^P[O SPTP[LK ZLH[PUN Tickets subject to city tax & service charge by phone 866-384-3060 & online


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!$ j 47:; december 1-8, 2010 A/<B/1@CH 1=;

Film Capsules <3E 1/>A 03< 6C@ (1959) A love

triangle between two men and Imperial Rome. Charlton Heston stars as the Jewish hero Ben-Hur, whose close friendship with a nobleman, Marcelus (Stephen Boyd), turns ugly when political differences grow between them. It is a troubled epic, with multiple rewrites, bad weather, the producer dropping dead of a heart attack—and yet the film is big Hollywood in a way that won’t ever be quite as big again. Though the stories Gore Vidal tells of a stodgy epic subverted by a subliminal gay love plot are appealing, they may not wash in the light of Heston’s memoirs, where he describes much struggle over motivation and acting—and hard work—to bring himself up to director William Wyler’s high standards. (“Willy’s the toughest director I’ve ever worked for.�) Shot in Cinecitta on the scale of the ancient Roman carnivals, including a galley fight and the famous chariot race. “The four-horse

Movie reviews by Traci Hukill, Kate Jacobson, Tessa Stuart, Mel Valentin, Richard von Busack and Shiva Zahirfar

team gave me less trouble than I remember in Egypt with two. Maybe it’s like a lot of other things: the first two are the hardest,� wrote Heston in The Actor’s Life. (Plays Fri and Sat at Aptos.) (RvB)

middle school history class, complete with blackboard and uncomfortably forced metaphors. (Plays Thu Dec 2 and Wed Dec 8 at Cinema 9.)

by Kate Bosworth (the local circus knife-thrower) and Geoffrey Rush (the town drunk). (Opens Fri at Cinema 9 and Green Valley.)

B63 <756B;/@3 034=@3 16@7AB;/A (1993) Tim

2=< >/A?C/:3 (165 min.)

Burton’s clay animation classic about a case of holiday envy. The residents of Halloween Town, led by their spindly “pumpkin king� Jack Skellington, plot to take over Christmas and put their own spin on it. Jack enlists the help of three local youths to kidnap Santa, but things go awry when he tries to fill the big man’s boots. (Plays Fri and Sat midnight at Del Mar.)


This presentation of “The Met: Live in HD� is a production of Donizetti’s Don Pasquale. Anna Netrebko plays penniless Norina, whose marriage to her love, Ernesto, has been forbidden by his uncle, Don Pasquale (John Del Carlo). Norina, Ernesto and Don Pasquale’s physician devise a scheme to convince him to allow the couple to wed. (Plays Wed Dec 1 at 6:30 at Cinema 9.) 5:3<< 0319( 0@=93

(PG-13; 120 min.) In an event subtitled “Re-Starting America’s Engine,� the Fox News host compares America’s economy to a 1965 Mustang. The show, simulcast in theaters across the country, is an extended format version of Beck’s TV program. Think a dramatic interpretation of


B63 E/@@7=@¸A E/G

(R; 100 min.) Korean action star Dong-gun Jang plays an elite Ninja warrior forced into hiding in the American West when he refuses to kill an enemy’s young son in this visually dazzling mashup of the Western, martial arts and fantasy genres. When his enemies finally catch up with him, Jang’s character receives help from new friends, played

min.) Christina Aguilera stars in a musical about a smalltown girl with dreams of stardom. Aguilera’s character takes a job as a cocktail waitress at a once-legendary Los Angeles burlesque club that has lost its luster. Also starring Cher as the club’s proprietress and aging star, Kristin Bell as a spotlight-hogging rival, Stanley Tucci as the club’s stage manager and Alan Cummings as the revue’s MC. 2C3 2/B3 (R; 100 min.)

Forced to drive from Georgia to Los Angeles, a pair of men try to get along. One is a deluded would-be actor named Ethan (Zach Galifianakis), a half-bright stoner bearing a lapdog. The other is a mean executive, Peter (Robert Downey Jr.), trying to get home to be there

4/7@ 5/;3 (PG-13; 108

min.) Doug Liman’s account of the felonious Valerie Plame business is a model of exciting, intelligent espionage lore. It’s shot with braced but fluid camerawork. Naomi Watts’ performance as Plame is one of the year’s best. Between the

Showtimes are for Wednesday, Dec. 1, through Wednesday, Dec. 8, unless otherwise indicated. Programs and showtimes are subject to change without notice.

/>B=A 17<3;/A

122 Rancho Del Mar Center, Aptos 831.688.6541 www.thenick.com :]dS O\R =bVS` 2`cUa – Daily 2:45; 5; 7:20; 9:35 plus Sat-Sun 12:30pm. ;]`\W\U 5Z]`g – Wed-Thu 2:40; 4:50; 7; 9:10; Fri-Wed 2:40; 7. BVS A]QWOZ <Sbe]`Y – Fri-Wed 4:40; 9. 0S\ 6c` – Sat-Sun 10:50am.

" AB /D3<C3 17<3;/

1475 41st Ave., Capitola 831.479.3504 www.cineluxtheatres.com 6O``g >]bbS` O\R bVS 2SObVZg 6OZZ]ea >O`b – Daily 12:30; 3:45; 7; 10:10. ;SUO[W\R !2 – Daily 11:15; 1:30; 4:10; 6:30; 8:45. BO\UZSR – Daily 11:30; 2; 4:30; 7:10; 9:30.

23: ;/@

1124 Pacific Ave., Santa Cruz 831.426.7500 www.thenick.com 4OW` 5O[S – Daily 2:15; 4:45; 7:15; 9:30 plus Sat-Sun 11:50am. BO\UZSR 2 – Daily 1:15; 3:45; 6:15; 8:30 plus Wed-Sun 11am. BO\UZSR !2 – Daily 2; 4:30; 7; 9:20 plus Wed-Sun 11:30am. BVS <WUVb[O`S 0ST]`S 1V`Wab[Oa – Fri-Sat midnight.


Lincoln and Cedar streets, Santa Cruz 831.426.7500 www.thenick.com % 6]c`a – Daily 1:40; 2:40; 3:50; 4:50; 6; 7; 8:10; 9:10 plus Sat-Sun 11:30am and 12:30pm. BVS <Sfb BV`SS 2Oga – Daily 1:50; 4:30; 7:10; 9:45 plus Sat-Sun 11:15am. BVS 5W`Z EV] 9WQYSR bVS 6]`\Sb¸a <Sab – Daily 3:20; 6:20; 9:20 plus Sat-Sun


@7D3@4@=<B AB/27C; BE7<

155 S. River St, Santa Cruz 800.326.3264 x1701 www.regmovies.com 0c`ZSa_cS – Daily 3:45; 7; 9:40 plus Fri-Sun 12:45pm. 4OabS` – Daily 4; 7:20; 10 plus Fri-Sun 1pm.

A/<B/ 1@CH 17<3;/ '

1405 Pacific Ave., Santa Cruz 800.326.3264 x1700 www.regmovies.com BVS EO``W]`¸a EOg – (Opens Fri) 2:30; 5; 7:30; 10 plus Fri-Sun 12:05pm. 2cS 2ObS – Wed-Thu 2:45; 5:15; 7:45; 10:05; Fri-Wed 2:45; 5:15; 7:50; 10:10 plus Fri-

Sun 12:15pm. (No Wed Dec 1 5:15 or 7:45; No Wed Dec 8 7:50)

0C@:3A?C3 (PG-13; 100

in time for his wife’s C-section. Uneven, in a word. Indeed, the movie is just as middling as it was when it was called Planes, Trains and Automobiles; it’s a road-trip movie with nowhere to go, emotionally speaking, and director Todd Phillips may not be as handy with the Laurel and Hardy dynamic as he was with the Three Stooges vibe in The Hangover. We get the post-Apatow method— extended improv may result in something you can keep; meanwhile, keep throwing up good comedians as if they were skeets. Not a total loss. Photographer Lawrence Sher provides some fine landscapes and nightscapes, Downey explores some really deep rancor and Phillips demonstrates admirable comedic ruthlessness. (RvB)

6O``g >]bbS` O\R bVS 2SObVZg 6OZZ]ea >O`b – 1:15; 3:10; 4:30; 6:30; 7:45; 9:45

plus Fri-Sun 11:45am. :]dS O\R =bVS` 2`cUa – Wed-Thu 1:55; 4:35; 7:15; 9:55; Fri-Wed 2; 4:45; 7:20; 9:55 ;SUO[W\R !2 – Wed-Thu 2:15; 4:45; 7:10; 9:30; Fri-Wes 2:15; 4:35; 7; 9:20 plus

Fri-Sun 11:55am. ;]`\W\U 5Z]`g – Wed-Thu 1:10; 6:45; Fri-Wed 1:25; 6:45. @SR – Daily 4; 9:15 (No Wed Dec 1 9:15) AYgZW\S – Daily 4:20; 9:40. BVS A]QWOZ <Sbe]`Y – Wed-Thu 1:15; 6:50; Fri-Wed 1:30; 6:45. C\ab]^^OPZS – Wed-Thu 2:25; 5:05; 7:40; 10; Fri-Wed 2:25; 4:50; 7:15; 9:35 plus Fri-Sun noon. BVS ;Sb :WdS W\ 62( 2]\ >Oa_cOZS – Wed Dec 1 6:30pm. 5ZS\\ 0SQY( 0`]YS – Thu Dec 2 8pm; Wed Dec 8 7:30pm.

A1=BBA D/::3G 17<3;/

226 Mt. Hermon Rd., Scotts Valley 831.438.3260 www.cineluxtheatres.com 0c`ZSa_cS – Daily 1:40; 4:20; 7:10; 9:45 plus Fri-Sun 11am. 6O``g >]bbS` O\R bVS 2SObVZg 6OZZ]ea >O`b – Daily 3:30; 6:45; 10 plus Fri-

Sun 12:15pm. ;SUO[W\R !2 – Daily 1:45; 4:10; 6:30; 8:45; plus Fri-Sun 11:30am. ;]`\W\U 5Z]`g – Wed-Thu 2; 5:20; 7:45; 10:10; Fri-Sun 11; 1:30; Mon-Wed 1:30. BO\UZSR 2 – Daily 1:30; 4; 6:30; 9 plus Fri-Sun 11:10am. BVS <Sfb BV`SS 2Oga – Fri-Wed 4:10; 7; 9:50. C\ab]^^OPZS – Daily 3; 5:20; 7:40; 10 plus Fri-Sun 12:45pm.

5@33< D/::3G 17<3;/ &

1125 S. Green Valley Rd, Watsonville 831.761.8200 www.greenvalleycinema.com BVS EO``W]`¸a EOg – (Opens Fri) 1:05; 3:10; 5:15; 7:25; 9:30 plus Sat-Sun 11am. 0c`ZSa_cS – Daily 1:30; 4:15; 7:05; 9:30 plus Sat-Sun 11:05am. 2cS 2ObS – Wed-Sun 11; 5:20; 9:35; Mon-Wed 5:20; 9:35pm. 4OabS` – Wed-Thu 3:15; 5:20; 7:30; 9:30; Fri-Wed 1:05; 3:15; 7:30. 6O``g >]bbS` O\R bVS 2SObVZg 6OZZ]ea >O`b – Daily 1; 3:50; 6:50; 9:35. :]dS O\R =bVS` 2`cUa – Daily 1:30; 4:15; 7:05; 9:30 plus Fri-Sun 11:05am. ;SUO[W\R 2 – Daily 1:20; 3:20; 5:20; 7:20; 9:20 plus Wed-Sun 11:20am. ;]`\W\U 5Z]`g – Wed-Thu 1:05. >O`O\]`[OZ /QbWdWbg – Wed-Thu 9:35. AYgZW\S – Wed-Thu 1:05; 3;05; 5:10; 7:15; 9:20. BO\UZSR !2 – Daily 1:30; 4:30; 7; 9:15 plus Fri-Sun 11:10am. BVS <Sfb BV`SS 2Oga – Wed-Thu 1:30; 7:05.

j !%

A/<B/1@CH 1=; december 1-8, 2010 47:;

Sept. 11 attacks and the Iraq invasion, members of the CIA ask the independent consultant Joseph Wilson (Sean Penn) to go to Niger to confirm confidential reports of uranium being sent to Saddam Hussein. Wilson quickly discovers there was no such shipment. In a Nixonian attempt to silence a whistleblower, high Bush administration figures leak the name of Wilson’s wife, Victoria Plame, to columnist Robert Novak, a move that destroys her career and puts her operations in jeopardy. It’s hard for a film to be all things to all people. Fair Game’s script is less surefooted with the domestic drama than it is with the paranoid/political tale-telling. Penn gets to play a different kind of character: decidedly upper-class, peremptory and with little patience for fools. He gives one of his strongest and slyest performances. (RvB) 4/AB3@ (R; 95 min.)

Not half bad, but that other half is real bad. It’s scripted by po-mo trashistas the Gayton Brothers (The Salton Sea) and directed with robust obviousness by George Tillman Jr. Duane “The Rock� Johnson stars as “Driver,� a man just out of the joint after 10 years. He is loose in Bakersfield hunting the people who killed his bro while being hunted in turn by a fey and yacky killer for hire (the whimsically cast Oliver Jackson-Cohen of Lark Rise to Candleford). Meanwhile, two cops, one of whom is smackaddicted (Billy Bob Thornton; excellent, actually) try to solve the case. Warden Tom Berenger’s farewell speech to the sizable convict exemplifies the film’s aspirations to reach high C over E, and is the first of several “Oh, no, they didn’t!� incidents in the script. The important spiritual statement of it all is mitigated by a roaring Chevelle and a rousing, all-backward getaway in the beginning: the best car chase I’ve seen in months. Fine Thelma Rittering by Annie Corley as Driver’s Mom. Most of the film is dominated

by the ever-perplexed, physically inconceivable Rock himself: dwelling in some harmonious space beyond seriousness and humor, beyond irony or moral importance. (RvB) B63 57@: E6= 971932 B63 6=@<3B¸A <3AB (R;

148 min.) The glowing harbor and country views of the last entry are replaced by a televisionistic series of close-ups of baleful Swedes frowning at each other over tables or sitting fidgeting at press conferences. The survivors of the government cabal that planned to silence the troublesome Lisbeth (Noomi Rapace) are still afoot and grumpier than ever. Our hero, Mikael (Michael Nyqvist) of Millennium magazine, is trying to get Lisbeth’s side of the story. But his co-editor Erika (Lena Endre) is menaced by anonymous emails and a brick through the window. Lisbeth is also cornered by yet another smirking civil servant: her former shrink, Dr. Peter Teleborian (Anders Ahlbom). The film pedantically insists on the realistic aftereffects of some gunshot wounds, and it makes a very, very long journey from hospital bed to very unmoving last goodbye. 6/@@G >=BB3@ /<2 B63 23/B6:G 6/::=EA >/@B

(PG-13; 147 min.) A second Battle of Britain has broken out between the mortals and the wizards; the Hogwarts alumni (Rupert Grint, Emma Watson and Daniel Radcliffe) flee through a blitzed-out land. Unfortunately, the single most flabbergasting part comes early on: an armada on broomsticks breaking through the cloud ceiling, straight into a dogfight of death-eaters. In the middle, the trio hides in the countryside amid blasted heaths and burned-out trailers, and things start to resemble Twilight before the film gets on its feet again. The startling Balinese-style puppet animation of the title’s fable is a highlight of the series. Grint, the clumsy/suave best pal Ron Weasley, seems to

be growing into another Malcolm McDowell. Our beautiful Snape (Alan Rickman) towers over his evil cohort. Helena Bonham Carter is almost as nasty as Margaret Hamilton. (RvB) :=D3 /<2 =B63@ 2@C5A (R; 113 min.)

Pseudo-sophisticated romance by Edward Zwick, loosely adapted from Hard Sell: The Evolution of a Viagra Salesman by Jamie Reidy. In the 1990s, a breezy Pittsburgh-based pharma-salesman (Jake Gyllenhaal) and a freespirited lady (Anne Hathaway) meet in a doctor’s office. A hot yet hostile relationship breaks out. But Jamie quickly diagnoses what’s eating Maggie: she has stage one Parkinson’s and is determined to have a reckless good time while her body holds out. Hathaway could have carried this as light comedy, but she comes on furious and knocks this unsteady movie flat. And she’s not a sweeping force meeting an equal, opposite reaction in Gyllenhaal, who is about as deep as Jason Biggs from the American Pie movies. The official use of the Pfizer name here tells us the filmmakers are not going to be all that harsh on Big Pharma. Under the direction of the nice guy who created Thirtysomething, it carries the kind of happy ending you’d need a happiness drug to accept. (RvB) ;35/;7<2 (PG; 96 min.) Rivals from the moment their planets were destroyed and they were sent to Earth, Megamind (Will Ferrel) and Metro Man (Brad Pitt) have competed in the usual battle of good vs. evil in the new animated film Megamind. The movie has an enjoyable twist when Metro Man is eliminated, and Megamind is left to rampage Metro City with his best friend, Minion (David Cross). Following the unconventional yet delightful storyline, Megamind seeks to fill his boredom of having no one to fight by creating a new good superhero, Tighten (Jonah Hill). However, Tighten has other plans;

he intends to use his newly acquired laser vision, superstrength and ability to fly for his own interests. Megamind, Metro Man and even Tighten all have their sights on Roxanne Ritchi (Tina Fey), a newswoman in the Lois Lane mold. Ferrell and Pitt should have given Fey and Hill lessons on ways to alter their voices, because it took me out of the movie when their characters were onscreen sounding like their reallife selves. The themes— never taking things for granted and being careful about what you wish for—offer lessons for people of all ages. (SZ) ;=@<7<5 5:=@G

(PG-13; 102 min.) Chirpy Becky (Rachel McAdams) is on her way /A7/< 4CA7=< !Epoh.hvo!Kboh!jt!b!ojokb!xbssjps!boe!Lbuf!Cptxpsui!b!djsdvt! up as the producer of lojgf.uispxfs!jo!uif!Xftufso.nbsujbm!bsut.gboubtz!Ă&#x;mn!Ă•Uif!XbssjpsĂ–t!Xbz/Ă– a despondent morning news show, essentially and unsuccessful appeals, of this ghastly story as Timberlake, excellent as Spitting Image. As for fourth-ranked in a field Brennan decides there’s some kind of triumph of a happy wastrel. Aaron actual hero Maximus the of three networks. Becky only one alternative the human spirit. (RvB) Sorkin’s wild, witty script horse, there hasn’t been takes a celebrated but left: breaking Lara out hands out punishment such a hilarious steed @32 (PG-13; 111 min.) now languishing former of prison. Haggis can that goes beyond the since Chuck Jones died. Bruce Willis is a retired anchorman, Mike direct tense, suspenseful financial penalties: this is (RvB) black-ops CIA agent at Pomeroy (Harrison Ford), action scenes. Despite a comedy in the Balzac loose ends until a highC<AB=>>/0:3 (PG-13; and partners him with the sermon-ready subject tech assassin comes to sense, a balancing act; 111 min.) Only Tony Scott the current AM show matter, The Next Three the mockery and the pick him off, at which would het up a runaway host, Colleen (Diane Days doesn’t feel like a disgust for greed matches train movie, a subject het point he assembles his Keaton). Colleen knows movie-with-a-message the essential lightness of old team and gets the up enough on its own. Pomeroy of old, and for most of its two-hour the situation. It’s only brass at Langley all in In Unstoppable, old dog loathes him. As Pomeroy, running time. Director Facebook, after all. (RvB) (Denzel Washington) a tizzy. With Morgan Ford is a very amusing Paul Haggis proves that Freeman, Helen Mirren, B/<5:32 (PG; 153 and young pup (Chris grumpus—a newsman he can direct tense, Richard Dreyfuss, Marymin.) Directors Nathan Pine) race a single frozen in distaste for the suspenseful action scenes. Louise Parker and Karl Greno and Byron engine to catch up with parade of exotic animals, (MV) Urban. Howard stress the most an unmanned train cooking tips and celebrity % 6=C@A (R; 94 min.) B63 A=17/: resonant interpretation heading for catastrophe; chat. Ford and Keaton (R; 94 min.) 127 Hours is of the tale: Rapunzel as news helicopters buzz have a comedic rapport <3BE=@9 (PG-13; director Danny Boyle’s a myth for all parts of around the runaway that’s like an elegant 120 min.) Fiendishly version of the true-life the world where girls train as it speeds down version of the “Jane, you clever and funny movie story of climber Aron aren’t allowed to run the track. Scott crowds ignorant slutâ€? routine about the creation of Ralston. In spring 2003, free. The imprisoning the location changes between Dan Aykroyd an Internet monster. Ralston was pinned witch Gothel is a curvy with captions, including and Jane Curtin in As Facebook founder under a half-ton boulder Mark Zuckerberg, villainess feeding on my new all-time ancient episodes of SNL. in a remote Utah canyon; Jesse Eisenberg gives a the youth and hopes favorite: “Zinc Plant, The film has terminal what he did to survive of the girl whom she Southern Pennsylvania.â€? third-act problems, the master class on recessive imprisons. Remodeled as Pennsylvania in the full kind that force a trip into became worldwide news. acting: he’s beady eyed 127 Hours records an a Disney princess (voiced Amazonian green-hell sudden-death overtime, and covert, with the ordeal so singular, Poe by Mandy Moore), this of summer would be a just to reassure us that occasional pit-viper-like couldn’t improve on it. Rapunzel is freed by a perfect background for Becky has a choice in her sway of a truculent, Unfortunately, Boyle rakish young thief. Third- a hell-bound train, but career. (RvB) lowered forehead. The (Slumdog Millionaire) this is forlorn, waning film shuttles between the act developments take B63 <3FB B6@33 tries to blow up the the plot into a different fall. Computer animation present-day deposition 2/GA (PG-13; 122 min.) A story’s elemental horror resolution than the allows the bad train of the now arrogantly remake of Fred CavayÊ’s through pyrotechnics. Brothers Grimm charted, into something able to rich Zuckerberg, as he’s 2008 French thriller He starts with a burst adding to the surprise do things trains can’t sued by a quartet of Pour Elle (Anything for of relentless motion, of the cartoon. You can ordinarily do, like dance burned partners (among Her), The Next Three Days as in his Trainspotting. see the influences and sideways on the rails them his former best centers on John Brennan Unfortunately, this ADD salute them as they pass: like the circus train in friend Eduardo, played (Russell Crowe), a college style has been thoroughly the antique charm of Dumbo. This impedes the by Andrew Garfield). In professor happily married appropriated for sports3D Viewmaster fairy-tale free enjoyment of the flashback, we see his own to Lara (Elizabeth Banks). drink commercials. James slides, Romanian villages, heavy-machinery porn, history—a Jewish student Brennan’s seemingly Franco’s visceral acting in at WASP-ridden Harvard, Utah’s Canyonlands, the something Scott usually idyllic existence gets the service of this horror floating lanterns of the does very well. Every a social reject whose turned upside down story probably should be grudge-hacking was his Japanese Obon festival; Scott film is heavy on when Lara is arrested for praised, even if it’s not a the block-headed yobs the exclamation points, entry into fame. Later, the murder of her boss. pleasure to watch. One at the Snuggly Ducky but this one is as worn Zuckerberg meets the Circumstantial evidence would have to be fairly out as America’s rail founder of Napster, Sean tavern look as if they strongly suggests Lara’s simple-minded to think infrastructure. (RvB) Parker—played by Justin modeled for Britain’s guilt. After three years

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december 1-8, 2010 SANTACRUZ.COM

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Diner’s Guide

Our selective list of area restaurants includes those that have been favorably reviewed in print by Santa Cruz Weekly food critics and others that have been sampled but not reviewed in print. All visits by our writers are made anonymously, and all expenses are paid by Metro Santa Cruz. AG;0=:A ;/23 A7;>:3( + C\RS` + # + $ + O\R c^

Price Ranges based on average cost of dinner entree and salad, excluding alcoholic beverages

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december 1-8, 2010 SANTACRUZ.COM

j "

A/<B/1@CH 1=; december 1-8, 2010 /AB@=:=5G

Astrology Free Will

By Rob Brezsny

For the week of December 1 /@73A (March 21–April 19): Physicist Stephen Hawking believes it would be dangerous to get in touch with extraterrestrial creatures. “If aliens visit us,� he says, “the outcome would be much as when Columbus landed in America, which didn’t turn out well for the Native Americans.� Those who’ve studied the teeming evidence for UFOs would say that Hawking’s warning is too late. Some mysterious non-human intelligence has been here for a long time, and the fact that we are still around proves they’re no Spanish conquistadors. Aside from that, though, let’s marvel at the stupidity of Hawking’s lame advice. As any mildly wise person knows, exploring the unknown is not only an aid to our mental and spiritual health— it’s a prerequisite. That’ll be especially true for you Aries in the coming weeks. B/C@CA (April 20–May 20): “At times, although one is perfectly in the right, one’s legs tremble,� wrote philosopher V.V. Rozanov. “At other times, although one is completely in the wrong, birds sing in one’s soul.� That may have been the case for you last month, Taurus, but these days it’s the exact reverse. If your knees are wobbly, you’re off-center, missing the mark, or far from the heart of the matter. If, on the other, birds are singing in your soul, it’s because you’re united with the beautiful truth. There are a couple of caveats, though: The beautiful truth won’t be simple and bright; it’ll be dense, convoluted, and kaleidoscopic. And the birds’ songs will sound more like a philharmonic orchestra pounding out Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony than a single flute playing a quaint folk song.

53;7<7 (May 21–June 20): Are there any actors who have impersonated as many different types of characters as Gemini chameleon Johnny Depp? From rogue agent to chocolatier, from psychotic barber to astronaut, he is a model of inconsistency—a master of not imitating himself. (To glimpse 24 of his various personas, go here: http://bit.ly/GeminiActor.) According to my reading of the omens, you now have a poetic license to follow his lead. There have been few times in the last two years when you’ve had this much freedom and permission to be so multiple, mercurial, and mutant. 1/<13@ (June 21–July 22): A tattoo now adorns the neck of pop star Rihanna. It says “rebelle fleur,� which is a French phrase meaning “rebel flower.� The grammar police protested her new body art. They wished she would have rendered it correctly—as “fleur rebelle�—since in French, adjectives are supposed to follow, not precede, the nouns they refer to. But I’m guessing Rihanna knew that. In reversing the order, she was double-asserting her right to commit breezy acts of insurrection. Let’s make “rebelle fleur� your keynote in the coming days, Cancerian. Break taboos, buck tradition, and overthrow conventional wisdom— always with blithe grace and jaunty charm. :3= (July 23–Aug. 22): Research by German psychologists suggests that positive superstitions may be helpful. Reporting in the journal Psychological Science, they discovered that people who think they are in possession of good luck charms outperform people who don’t. “Superstition-induced confidence� seems to act in ways akin to how placebos work to heal sick people: It can provide a mysterious boost. (More here: tinyurl.com/LuckCharm.) Just for the fun of it, Leo— and in accordance with the astrological omens—put this finding to the test. Get yourself a magical object that stimulates your power to achieve success. D7@5= (Aug. 23–Sept. 22): Psychologist Carl Jung said that we are all connected to each other via the collective unconscious. Your psyche and my psyche have taproots that sink deep into the memories and capacities of the entire human race. According to my reading of the omens, your taproots are now functioning more vigorously than they have in a long time. You’re in more intimate contact than usual with the primal pool of possibilities. And what good is that, you may ask? Well, it means you have the power to draw on mojo that transcends your personal abilities. Could you make use of some liquid lightning, ambrosial dreams, or healing balm from the beginning of time? :70@/ (Sept. 23–Oct. 22): If you want to get a gallon of milk directly from the source, you have to squeeze a cow’s udder over 300 times. I recommend you use that as a metaphor for your task in the days to come. It’s going to take a lot of squirts or tugs or tweaks to get

the totality of what you want. Be patient and precise as you fill your cup little by little. There’s no way you can hurry the process by skipping some steps.

A1=@>7= (Oct. 23–Nov. 21): “Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth,� says the Bible. That doesn’t mean what most people think it does. The word translated as “meek� is the Greek word praus, which in ancient times didn’t mean “weak-willed, passive, mild.� Rather, it referred to great power that was under rigorous control. For example, soldiers’ warhorses were considered praus. They heeded the commands of their riders, but were fierce warriors that fought with tireless fervor. In this spirit, Scorpio, I’m predicting you’re about to get very “meek�: offering your tremendous force of will and intelligence in disciplined service to a noble cause. (Thanks to Merlin Hawk for the info I used in this ’scope.) A/57BB/@7CA (Nov. 22–Dec. 21): Philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche wrote a book called Ecce Homo: How One Becomes What One Is. I’d love it if in the next few weeks you would think a lot about how you are on your way to becoming what you were born to be. Current astrological omens suggest you will have special insight into that theme. For inspiration, you might want to borrow some of Nietzsche’s chapter titles, including the following: “Why I Am So Wise,� “Why I Am So Clever� and “Why I Am a Destiny.�

1/>@71=@< (Dec. 22–Jan. 19): During some of her concerts, Capricorn singer Hayley Williams (lead vocalist of Paramore) has worn a tank top that bears the phrase “Brand New Eyes.� I encourage you to consider making that your own guiding principle for a while. By pointedly declaring your intention to view the world with refreshed vision, you will be able to tune in to sights that have been invisible to you. You will discover secrets hidden in plain view and maybe even carve out a window where before there had been a thick, blank wall. /?C/@7CA (Jan. 20–Feb. 18): Much of my recent book, Pronoia Is the Antidote for Paranoia, is rated PG. Some is R. But there’s one story that’s X. Not in the same way that porn is. While it’s uninhibited in its rendering of ecstatic eroticism, it’s a feminist meditation on spiritual intimacy, not a heap of vulgar stereotypes. Still, when the book came out, I couldn’t bear the thought of sending copies to certain relatives of mine who are a bit prudish. So I came to an honorable compromise: Using a razor blade, I sliced out the nine pages in question and gave my loved ones the mostly-intact remainder. May I suggest you consider a comparable editing of your efforts, Aquarius? Your main object right now is to win friends and influence people.

>7A13A (Feb. 19–March 20): In the waters off the southwest coast of Africa, the small fish known as the bearded goby has always been preyed upon by jellyfish—until recently. Now this formerly mildmannered species, whose diet used to consist of phytoplankton, has overthrown the ancient status quo: It is feasting on the jellyfish that once feasted on it. Scientists aren’t sure why. I foresee a metaphorically comparable development in your life, Pisces. How it will play out exactly, I’m not sure. Maybe you’ll gain an advantage over someone or something that has always had an advantage over you. Maybe you will become the topdog in a place where you’ve been the underdog. Or maybe you’ll begin drawing energy from a source that has in the past sucked your energy. 6][Se]`Y( EVOb WT g]c RWR\¸b TSSZ Q][^SZZSR b] VOdS O\ ]^W\W]\ OP]cb SdS`g V]b Pcbb]\ WaacS- B`g ZWdW\U ]^W\W]\ T`SS T]` O eSSY @S^]`b `SacZba Pg U]W\U b] 4`SSeWZZOab`]Z]Ug Q][ O\R QZWQYW\U Âľ3[OWZ @]P Âś

Go to @3/:/AB@=:=5G 1=; to check out Rob Brezsny’s Expanded Weekly Audio Horoscopes and Daily Text Message Horoscopes. The audio horoscopes are also available by phone &%% &%! "&&& or 1.900.950.7700

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this quiet and serene site. Beautiful view and plenty of sun. Off grid. Owner Financing. $189,000. Donner Land & Mortgage Co., Inc. www.donnerland.com 408-395-5754

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