3 minute read
City Manager’s Update Gets New Look
By Christian Kallen
There are two openings on the city’s Planning Commission, a slurry-seal project to resurface downtown Healdsburg streets is now underway and the City Council unanimously adopted the 6th Cycle Housing Element, as required by state law.
These and other informational items about the work being done by the City of Healdsburg’s staff are outlined by City Manager Jeff Kay in his newest bi-monthly report, the City Manager’s Update (formerly the Friday Update).
On the cover: the city’s sustainability booth at the recent Climate Fest, held on Earth Day, April 22 at the Plaza.
Previously delivered to inboxes as a single scrolling message with graphics and illustrations to each item, with the current May 5 issue the Update is newly revised and redesigned as a page-through online PDF magazine that’s just a click away from the recipient’s email or the Healdsburg.gov home page.
New Administrative Analyst Allison Mattioli helped format the regular city manager’s report into this new presentation.
A Sonoma County native, she joined the city staff in November after most recently working on special projects and communications in the City Manager’s Office in Vallejo.
This issue—marked as Vol. 23, Issue 9, in newspaper style—includes overviews of several key city projects currently underway: the 2023 Local Hazard Mitigation Plan, the Climate Mobilization Strategy and the Housing Element update. QR codes are used to enable readers to link to deeper content on the website where appropriate.
As summer approaches, Community Services efforts are spotlighted, such as the Dollar Days Swim Program at the high school pool and an Activity Assistance Program to help area families take part in camps, youth sports and other activities through sliding-scale pricing.
The Slurry Seal Street Restoration project currently underway is resurfacing many downtown streets where PG&E gas line upgrades have been installed. The project concludes next week, according to the schedule in the Update, with permanent paving legends and street striping tasks.
Also detailed are plans for improvements of the entrance to the Healdsburg Senior Center, at 133 Matheson St., to include automatic sliding glass doors at both front and back entrances. Construction is set to begin on May 15 and last through June 5. During construction all classes and activities at the Senior Center will be relocated to the Healdsburg Community Center.
Many will want to learn the current staff openings with the City of Healdsburg, which include a full-time Police Officer for recruits, entry-level or lateral transfer applicants and a full-time Project Manager for capital improvements.
Available part-time jobs include openings for a lifeguard/swim instructor, parking enforcement officer, parks and facilities aide and recreation leader. The application process for these positions is found at www.healdsburg.gov/204/ Employment-Process
Also listed are two vacancies on the influential Planning Commission, the body that holds public hearings on proposed development plans, conditional use permits, subdivision maps and other landuse matters. Applicants for these volunteer positions should contact the City Clerk, Raina Allan, at rallan@healdsburg.gov
Anyone may sign up to receive the free, twicemonthly City Manager’s Update in their email in-box by visiting healdsburg.gov/subscribe. Under “Notify Me,” click the mail icon next to “City Manager Friday Update - Newsletter” to sign up. Or view the Update online at www. healdsburg.gov/805/ City-Manager-FridayUpdate.