3 minute read
by Christian Kallen
Old televisions, computers and tablets, outdated cell phones and any number of other electronic devices that have passed their useful lifespan can be recycled at a three-day EWaste Disposal event this weekend at the Healdsburg Community Center.
“Electronic devices contain a variety of materials, including metals that can be recovered for recycling,” advises Zero Waste Sonoma, the public name of the Sonoma County Waste Management Agency. Recycling waste electronics saves resources, it maintains, because new metals don’t have to be mined.
“In addition, electronic devices contain high enough levels of certain materials, such as lead, to render them hazardous waste when disposed [of]. Hazardous wastes cannot be disposed of in the garbage,” ZWS adds.
The agency posts a helpful list of materials that it accepts for recycling on its website at zerowastesonoma.gov, as well as a downloadable PDF guide in both Spanish and English. Some common examples include TVs, office equipment, cell phones, tablets, printers, desktop computers and laptops, stereos and game consoles, including cords and medical equipment such as CPAP and Bi-PAP machines.
“I know garbage is not a hot topic, but it should be. It’s definitely part of our way to help reach climate goals,” said City Councilmember Evelyn Mitchell, who serves as Healdsburg’s representative on the ZWS board. “Zero Waste Sonoma is a great organization, doing a lot to help keep dangerous and bulky items out of our landfill, which directly helps reduce GhG [greenhouse gasses].”
The recycling event will be open from 9am to 6pm on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, May 12–14. The Healdsburg Community Center is located at 1557 Healdsburg Ave. Residents are asked to use the driveways on Healdsburg Avenue instead of the main parking lot near the Community Center building.
“The City is providing the space and assisting to make sure the event runs smoothly,” said Public Works Director Larry Zimmer. “We always support our partner ZWS in reducing waste and increasing reuse and recycling.”
Zero Waste Sonoma holds such events monthly in different communities throughout the county. Last month it held events in Sonoma and Monte Rio; next month, on June 16-18, it will hold an event at Luther Burbank Center in Santa Rosa.
Donors are asked to remove batteries from devices prior to recycling; batteries are in the Household Hazardous Waste category, and can be recycled at the agency’s Central Disposal Site at 500 Mecham Rd. in Petaluma.
More information is available at healdsburg. gov/Calendar. aspx?EID=2266.