Metsä Board Magazine 1-13 English

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STAKEHOLDER magazine 1/2013

Smooth steps

the cover Material: Carta Integra 190 g/m2 Effects: Magicwhite metallic gloss lacquer Model: Auri Ahola, dancer, Finnish National Opera Dress: SAGA Cooking Paper Photo: Pekka Holmstrรถm


Magazine | issue 1/2013

The global market share of modern, ecological folding boxboard is still rather low compared to heavier, less ecological grades, especially outside Europe. Europe, Metsä Board’s domestic market, is growing nicely. However, it hasn’t gone unnoticed that there’s good business potential in Asia, where ecological folding boxboard’s share of the total cartonboard market is very low at about one fifth of total consumption. Even better potential can be seen in North America, where the share is just a few per cent. While we’re maintaining the positive trend in Europe, we’ll continue to strengthen our position in these big markets. In North America, our high-quality linerboards have maintained a leading position for decades. We’re now strengthening our position both in linerboards and folding boxboard. We’ll also grow our folding boxboard business in Asia to support our customers’ growth and further enhance their sustainability. We’re considered a local player on these continents thanks to our long history in both – for example, we’ll celebrate the 60th anniversary of our Chinese sales office this autumn. Please read on to find out what Metsä Board has in store for these continents.    Our investment programme, carried out in 2011–2012, has proved successful. The added folding boxboard capacity is now in full use and order inflows have strengthened in the first part of 2013. It’s clear that these investments were necessary. Our linerboard business has also developed very well and the new double-coated Kemiart grades have been a great success. Metsä Board has good further growth opportunities through maximising the capacity of existing mills. When the market so demands, we’ll further increase our paperboard capacity with moderate investments. An important part of our investment programme is product development. In folding boxboards, we’ve been able to further reduce the weight and improve the board shades. We’ve started production of lightweight fully bleached linerboards at our Husum mill in Sweden. This will enable further growth of our linerboard business and

complement our existing product range. We’re also introducing renewed wallpaper base products from Kyro mill with a promising outlook. Lastly, we’ve started a new supply chain and service concept development programme that will help us serve our customers better and achieve a best-in-class supply chain. Read more about these on pages 14, 22 and 33.    Today, we offer a simpler choice of products with optimised quality for consistent performance. With streamlined production and sales, we’re able to improve both availability and lead times. This simplicity allows us to focus on the essential and helps us to achieve greater reliability, flexibility and efficiency. We’ll continue to develop our products, services and sustainability every step of the way – ensuring smoother steps to our customers. Take a look at any survey on consumption and it’ll probably say that there’s increasing demand for ecological products and production. In my opinion, the simplest way for a brand owner to improve sustainability is to choose our paperboards. They are up to 30 per cent lighter than competing products. This has a significant impact for the environment and cost competitiveness. This is where we are experts: innovative and ecological high-quality paperboards. Mikko Helander CEO, Metsä Board

Demand for good packaging is increasing heavily. We have global sales network to serve our customers and modernised mills for better availability. Magazine | issue 1/2013




making of Behind the scenes of Magazine.



Taking strides in growing markets.

METSÄ BOARD Magazine issue 1/2013 ISSN 2323-5500 Publisher: Metsä Board Communications P.O. Box 20 FI-02020 METSÄ, Finland

Editor-in-chief: Juha Laine, vice president, investor relations and communications Managing editor: Tytti Hämäläinen Editorial board: Tytti Hämäläinen, Juha Laine, Nicole Lowartz, Ritva Mönkäre, Edmund Rück, Susanna Siira Production and graphic design: Otavamedia Customer Communication; Sirpa Levonperä, Jaana Pakkala, Taru Virtanen, Riina Walli English language editing: Tenfour Communications Oy Translations: AAC Global Oy Print: Erweko Oy

smooth steps

Metsä Board Magazine (circulation: 15,000) is published in English, French, German and Russian. English online version: All languages: Opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of Metsä Board.


out of the box The latest trends in men’s cosmetics.

Paper trail – what we are made of Cover: Carta Integra 190 g/m2 Interior: Galerie Art Silk 130 g/m2


Magazine | issue 1/2013


tracks Cherishing our biodiversity hotspots.

contents 1/2013 global experts, local know-how


North America and Asia offer huge potential for folding boxboard products. The key to success in these diverse, growing markets is a combination of global expertise, in-depth local knowledge and an intimate understanding of customers’ needs.


all aboard Lighter, brighter folding boxboard.




Effective communication now and then.

colour white Winning simplicity in design and material selection.


pure talent Simplicity makes life easier for everyone.


success factor


What makes the perfect packaging?


three questions What does ensuring purity mean in practice?


in the box Read all about the latest hot topics.


infographics Getting the most of every tree.

Magazine | issue 1/2013



making of Behind the scenes of Magazine

smooth steps


This issue’s theme

We want working with Metsä Board to feel like a dance. Our goal is the smooth fulfilment of our customers’ paperboard needs – every step of the way from our mills to locations around the globe.


ur manufacturing process is lengthy – it’s a looooong way from the forest to the consumer’s bag. Nevertheless, we can trace every step of the process. We know from which forest owner the wood has been bought. We know who drove the wood to the pulp mill and at what time the customer’s order came out of the board machine. We know that deliveries will arrive at the right time – because we know every step. We also know the so-called side steps: where the logging residue goes to be turned into energy, and in which district that energy was used. There


Magazine | issue 1/2013

are many steps and opportunities to use wood efficiently. These steps are traceable all the way to every one of our customers, whether they are in Asia, North America or Europe. There are a few essentials for Metsä Board: high-quality and ecological products and services, responsible manufacturing, and highquality raw material from northern forests. In this issue you will find articles covering all these key issues. Hope you enjoy them!

Tytti Hämäläinen

Managing editor

Photographer Pekka Holmström, dancer Auri Ahola, art director Riina Walli and make-up artist Pia Makkonen working on the cover shoot.

SAGA Cooking Paper transformed!

Wind, camera, dance!

Smooth steps on our cover

Text: taru virtanen Photos: riina walli and sirpa levonperä


ance. What could be more flowing and graceful, yet still seem effortless and elegantly efficient? This was the realisation of Riina Walli, art director at Otavamedia, when brainstorming what the theme of this issue, Smooth steps, should look like. Inspired by dance, she contacted one of the best: dancer Auri Ahola from the Finnish National Ballet, who gladly agreed to demonstrate her beautiful, flawless steps for our cover shoot. Walli’s inspiration didn’t stop there. She wanted to highlight Ahola’s lightweight movements by creating an equally lightweight dress for her – out of paper. She cut and folded SAGA Cooking Paper,

an innovative product by Metsä Tissue, to make a beautiful dress with a hem like the petals of a daisy. “Paper has always been my favourite material. It’s both sensitive and strong, and it feels gentle when you touch it. It’s such a versatile and innovative material: you can always think of new ways to use it. This time, it was cooking paper with a new life,” says Walli. The transformation was completed at the photo studio. Ahola was lit from behind as she danced, emphasising the transparency and lightness of her dress. Take a look at our cover – she certainly makes grace and beauty seem effortless!

Paper daisy petals, waiting to be added to the dress.

Magazine | issue 1/2013


Global experts,

local know-how You might think a box is just a box, whether it’s in Europe, North America or Asia. But if you want to succeed in different markets around the world, it pays to look closely at how you package your products. Text: Lena Barner-Rasmussen Photos:, ROB Wilkinson and shutterstock


rozen food, both for lunch and dinner, is a big thing in the North American market. No matter what the food, it always has an attractive paperboard box to tease your appetite. “Our Simcote boxboard is very suitable for frozen food,” says Jorma Sahlstedt, vice president, paperboard sales, Americas. Metsä Board has been a leader in the North American white top kraftliner segment for decades. Since the 1980s, the company has also been selling folding boxboard in North America, initially mostly to the cosmetics industry. Today, in addition to the growing food industry, Metsä Board provides packaging for the entertainment market – mainly boxes for DVDs and games. Another growing market, currently at about 2.5 per cent per year, is the pharmaceutical industry. Metsä Board mainly delivers packaging for over-the-counter products, a huge market in North America compared to Europe.


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In North America, consumers want boxes that can be opened effortlessly. “The boxes need to be easy to open and reseal, and especially when it comes to pharmaceuticals, safety is important. You don’t want your children to be able to open up a box by accident,” says Sahlstedt. The market for folding carton in North America is about six million tonnes annually. Of this, two million is recycled paperboard. Coated unbleached kraft (CUK) is slightly less than two million tonnes of the total, and solid bleached board (SBS) accounts for the rest. The greatest potential for Metsä Board in the North American market lies with its lightweight folding boxboard. Currently, this grade is hardly used in North America, and all of it is imported. Achieving the desired lightness is all about mastering fibre technology. “Our packaging solutions are up to 30 per cent lighter than current solutions on the market, leading to considerable savings for our customers and the environment,” says Sahlstedt. American customers appreciate swift action. “Americans are not inclined to wait three months for their deliveries. They demand delivery times of about five to ten days,” explains Sahlstedt. To meet this demand, local stocks are a must. But getting the rolls – most of the printers have their own sheeting machines – to Philadelphia or Baltimore isn’t enough. Some rolls need to be delivered all the way to California. Transport costs are higher in North America as trucks are only allowed to carry up to 18 tonnes, compared to 25 tonnes in Europe. Intermodal freight transport is used for longer distances.


Another large market area for folding boxboard is, of course, Asia. “About 50 per cent of all demand for consumer goods comes from Asia, so strategically it is important for us to be here for our customers,” says Mika Manninen, vice president for paperboard sales in APAC.



Jorma Sahlstedt, vice president, paperboard sales, Americas


Magazine | issue 1/2013

“Americans appreciate fast deliveries. Whether to New York or to Los Angeles, it’s five to ten days.” In fact, in 2013 Metsä Board is celebrating 60 years in Asia – the first office was opened in Beijing in 1953. Today the office has moved to Shanghai with another office in Hong Kong to serve customers in northern and eastern Asia. “As a company we’ve witnessed China’s phenomenal growth, especially in the last 30 years, and its positive consequences for the print and packaging industry,” says Manninen. In addition to its Chinese offices, Metsä Board also has offices in Singapore, in Mumbai, India, and a new one in Melbourne, Australia to serve customers in Australia and New Zealand. During these years, Asia – with China at the forefront – has undergone rapid urbanisation. Consumption habits have become westernised and a growing

“You can’t talk about one Asian market, as the countries differ in terms of economy, society and market behaviour.”



Mika Manninen, vice president, paperboard sales, APAC

Magazine | issue 1/2013


number of active young consumers have spurred the demand for more food, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals and electronics. While the growth rate has levelled out somewhat in northern and eastern Asia, underlying growth is still strong. “We anticipate a growth rate of about six to eight per cent throughout Asia,” says Manninen. The south and south-east of Asia is also enjoying a high level of economic growth, particularly in Indonesia, Bangladesh and the Philippines. Vietnam, Cambodia and Myanmar are new emerging markets. In India, Asia’s third largest economy, the consumer goods industry is poised for growth. “Advances in education, a fast-growing middle class, strong growth in sectors like fast-moving consumer goods, and organised retailing are the main drivers of demand for packaging products. India’s packaging industry is expected to grow at 22 to 25 per cent annually,” says Manninen. The rapid growth in Asia has attracted a lot of players – the paperboard market is characterised by strong competition, and overcapacity is to some extent becoming a challenge. However, the new capacity is typically targeting high-volume markets instead of the high-quality segments that Metsä Board operates in.


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“In our key segments where the total value of our offering is highly appreciated, we have several long-standing customers. We need to work consistently in close cooperation with all supply chain partners to improve our future position,” says Manninen. NO ONE-SIZE-FITS-ALL STRATEGY

While the North American market is relatively homogenous, the same cannot be said of the Asian market. “You can’t talk about one Asian market, as the countries differ in terms of economy, society and market behaviour,” says Manninen. There can be big differences within countries too. Preferences in Shanghai tend to be different from those of inland China, and the same goes for the rest of the Asian market. “Packaging strategy changes a lot depending on the end product, whether it’s for everyday foodstuffs or luxury cosmetics. The same brand might need different strategies for different parts of China. In inland China, the products are less expensive, and this also has implications for the packaging,” says Jussi Roine, business development director of Metsä Board packaging services (IBP). Metsä Board packaging services (IBP) help international brand owners understand the necessary local preferences and subtleties. “We enhance Metsä Board’s paperboard offering by providing creative design, prepress and one-stop-shop customer service and solutions,” says Mark Beamesderfer, head of Metsä Board packaging services (IBP). There’s much more to the design phase than just choosing the right colour – which more often than not tends to be red in China because it’s considered lucky.

“We start by analysing the brand identity, and then we look at current trends and what’s going on in the market. We develop a brand strategy for the packaging and create a design that maintains that brand identity,” explains Cyril Drouet, technical innovation director, Metsä Board packaging services (IBP). Packaging services have a validated and certified network of converting partners throughout the Asia Pacific region, who also provide manufacturing services. “You don’t want to give the paperboard to a printer who doesn’t know how to convert or print it,” says Roine.

The Metsä Board packaging services team meets in Shanghai. Clockwise from left: Jussi Roine, Cyril Drouet, Lawrence Xu and Mark Beamesderfer.

European client who wanted to produce packaging in India to support their Indian manufacturing operations. WORKING TOGETHER FOR GREAT RESULTS “In this part of the country very few printers have packaging services, but customers still expect top-notch solutions. Together with Metsä Mr. V. Ramesh, founder of Chennai Microprint Board we managed to find the solution our customer was looking for,” and a Metsä Board customer, was approached by says Ramesh. Metsä Board packaging services looking for a local Ramesh was particularly happy with Metsä Board’s strong technical packaging manufacturer and print partner for a skills in all areas of production. “The packaging services team was able to take care of our equipment, including maintenance. We also got a lot of help with colour management,” he says. The added value of packaging services has rubbed off on his own employees as well, taking the skills of his company to a whole new level. “We have learnt so much from dealing with packaging services with this particular customer. Our customer satisfaction is at another level and we now feel more confident to handle high-end customers,” he says.

In 2013 Metsä Board is celebrating 60 years in Asia – the first office was opened in Beijing in 1953.

Ramesh is able to utilise this new know-how to conquer new territories. It’s a winwin for both Metsä Board and Chennai Microprint. “This case defuses the myth that a paperboard supplier offering packaging solutions would be in competition with its printer customers. By working together, we are helping Mr. Ramesh and his company win more work. This means more opportunities for Metsä Board as well,” says Mark Beamesderfer. The goal is to extend packaging services globally to the whole of Metsä Board. The services are currently available for customers in North America and Asia Pacific.

Magazine | issue 1/2013



all aboard Together we are more

lighter and

brighter Successful investments and systematic development are bearing fruit – Metsä Board’s folding boxboards are now lighter and even better optimised. Text: asta hirvonen Photos: metsä BOARD


Magazine | issue 1/2013


n 2012, Metsä Board completed its board business investment programme to improve the availability and properties of its products. The annual folding boxboard capacity was increased from 785,000 tonnes to 935,000 tonnes, and this new capacity has been in use since the beginning of 2013. “The investments laid the foundation upon which we can continue our product development. We have systematically worked to develop lighter board products without compromising their excellent performance and printing properties. Now we have taken another step forward,” says Petri Vakkilainen, vice president of production in Metsä Board’s Paperboard business area. Savings from lighter weight

For customers, the improvements mean products that are more lightweight and optimised for their respective end uses. The current improvements concern products manufactured at Kyro and Simpele: Avanta Prima, Carta

lightweight boards provide savings throughout the value chain: in raw materials, transportation and the amount of waste. Elega and Simcote. The product range and brand names haven’t changed. The already-low grammages of Avanta Prima and Simcote have been reduced by a further five grammes, while board properties such as thickness and stiffness remain unchanged. “Our lightweighting concept has proven to be the right solution,” Vakkilainen explains. He stresses that lightweight boards provide savings throughout the value chain by decreasing the need for raw material, the weights transported and the amount of waste. “In addition, we’ve improved the shade of Kyro’s folding boxboards, Carta Elega and Avanta Prima, to better meet customers’ needs. The new shade has been optimised for the needs of the beautycare and healthcare industries,” he continues. Focusing on customers’ needs

Metsä Board’s folding boxboards now respond to customers’ needs and meet the requirements for the properties of packages better than ever before.

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2D data matrix coding is increasingly common on pharmaceutical packages.

Brighther “The lightweigth concept has proven to be

the right solution.”

Made to match your packaging – read more and see the video.

Magazine | issue 1/2013

Flexible deliveries




Of the improved folding boxboards, Simcote is used particularly for food packaging. Carta Elega has been specially developed for demanding end uses, such as the packaging of beautycare products, while Avanta Prima meets the requirements of the healthcare industry. “When we’re talking about food packages, product safety is critically important. Metsä Board’s folding boxboard is pure and made from fresh forest fibres. No contaminants will migrate into food,” explains Markku Romano, vice president of cartonboard sales in Europe, Middle East and Africa at Metsä Board. A food package must also be rigid to protect the contents against damage throughout the supply chain. “In addition, a light weight and good converting properties are essential features.” Romano explains that excellent surface quality and printing properties are required for packages so that globally marketed brand products will look exactly the same and be equally attractive on store shelves wherever they are. “In response to customers’ wishes, Carta Elega’s shade has now been optimised to enhance visual whiteness, which is an important characteristic in the beautycare industry,” says Romano. 2D data matrix coding is increasingly common on pharmaceutical packages to prevent falsifying and counterfeiting. Therefore Avanta Prima’s surface properties have been improved to suit to this method. “Packages of pharmaceuticals often have large, unprinted white areas, and the package must convey the message of a clean and hygienic product. n recent years, Metsä Board has also Therefore, it’s important to make the strengthened its folding boxboard board look visually white, which we sheeting capacity in response to inhave done by optimising the shade of creased customer demand. In 2012, a Avanta Prima.” sheeting centre for express deliveries Development won’t stop with these was started at the Gohrsmühle mill in improvements. Germany. Its annual capacity is 60,000 “It looks like we’ll never reach tonnes, with a possibility for further inthe limits of our engineering skills,” creases. laughs Romano. “Today, the same “The Express Board Centre at machines produce many times the Gohrsmühle was designed to respond to unexpected delivery needs, such quantity of board they did 25 years as quick product launches,” explains ago, and the quality just keeps improvMarkku Romano, vice president of caring. And, as forerunners in lighttonboard sales in EMEA. weighting, we’ve been able to develop “The location of the service centre is ever lighter boards.“ ideal: we can flexibly serve our customers all around Europe.”

column tom eklund Managing director, Metsä Board Ireland Ltd. Retiring in the autumn after working in Metsä Board for over 40 years.

The art of conversation “Humans are social creatures and we’re energised by the people we meet.”


n the surface, a lot has changed in Metsä Board since 1971; we have e-tenders and electronic support systems and fewer office locations, for example. There were also a lot more people back then: we had 20 people in Dublin in those days and now there’s only one. But for all the differences between then and now, the paperboard business itself hasn’t really changed. That’s because it’s not a complicated model. We have a product to sell and the customer wants to buy it at the right price and the right time. We can get blinkered by computer systems, but without sales, none of that matters. The big thing that has changed is communication. When I started in Finland in 1971, we were communicating day to day by telex. There were no emails or faxes. You wrote out a message, a secretary typed it up and it went through instantly over the phone lines. We used phones and we wrote letters to customers. Everything went by post; orders were posted to Finland and order confirmations were returned by post. There were also lots of physical meetings. Business was done in a more physical way: lunches, dinners and meetings. You were on the go all the time. Now we have email and teleconferencing and you

save time and money by not travelling to meetings as much. But personal relationships have perhaps suffered because of electronic communication. Some people can express themselves well over email and some can’t. People can also say things that are picked up in an unintended way. You can get annoyed over email and then you meet people in person and they are nothing like you thought. Some people also take the easy way out and send an email when they should have a conversation. If you pick up the phone you can discuss things directly and the matter can be sorted in half the time. You have to be a proactive communicator because deals are always made between people. It’s vital that you grow and develop personal relationships. For me as a salesperson it would be out of the question to only communicate by email. I send a lot of emails but that’s only part of the way I communicate. It’s also important for personal development that you work with other people. Humans are social creatures and we’re energised by the people we meet. I’ve met so many different people from different countries and it makes you realise how similar people are. Technology can be a distraction. Things like e-tenders are only tools; you still have to convince customers to buy your product and get it there at the right time and for the right price. Ultimately, you still have to shake hands and do the deal.

Magazine | issue 1/2013



colour white White paper for a colourful world

Viktor Balko, graphic designer: A Myriad Possibilities – a photo book showcasing the work of Japanese photo minimalist Kyohei Abe. Japanese binding with banderole and blind embossing. Jury’s comments: “The book features a sensually appealing harmony between content, material and design.”


Magazine | issue 11/2013 # 2013


Chromolux, Metsä Board’s premium board for packaging and graphics applications, challenged the marketing, printing and packaging community to showcase powerful examples of great design and material selection. “The More with less challenge picked up on the trend towards a more resource-efficient and eco-friendly future. This new minimalism is more than just a style – it’s an expression of a more sustainable economy,” says Christian Drissler, marketing manager at Metsä Board Zanders. The challenge attracted 269 innovative and diverse entries, with 19 making the final shortlist. We’re proud to present the five winners, whose work embodies simple elegance and proves that less is often more.


simplicity Photos: metsä group

Magazine Magazine| issue | issue1 1/2013 # 2013


Carlitos y Patricia idea boutique: Poster campaign for a Spanish hairdresser Jury’s comments: “Probably the world’s first combable mini poster. It addresses the student target group in a way that is both whimsical and attention-grabbing.”

Karin Lucas, graphic designer, Iconic: Enfant gâté, a baby clothing label Jury’s comments: “This is a brand that’s fun for everyone.”

Boris Brumnjak design agency: Image brochure for Gallery Print Jury’s comments: “Advertising can be this simple and this beautiful.”

Eberl Print: Annual report for Zumtobel Group Jury’s comments: “The text and images are consistently kept separate. The concept and implementation, as well as the outstanding photography and typography, instantly convinced us.”


Magazine | issue 1/2013 1 # 2013

The five winning projects will be featured in a publication to be released later in 2013. Visit to see more pictures and find out more!

More with less challenge QR code generated on

A Myriad Possibilities

Magazine Magazine| issue | issue1 1/2013 # 2013



pure talent More than the sum of its parts

Redefining choices Text: Lena Barner-Rasmussen Photo: Tommi Tuomi

Simplicity is key when planning cartonboard orders.

This statement is as true for the buyer as it’s for the supplier. Following a thorough analysis of its services, Metsä Board took the decision to streamline its offering to make life easier for everyone.


e’re drowning in choices. Just walking down an aisle in your local supermarket to buy a box of cereal can be an overwhelming experience: there’s so much to choose from. Buying cartonboard is not much


Magazine | issue 1/2013

different: although different grades of cartonboard and differing delivery options are needed for different purposes, too much choice can become overwhelming. But this is about to change. For the last two years Metsä Board has been working on streamlining its services with the aim of making customers’ lives easier. “We want to take our service level to new heights by optimising our planning processes and deliveries. By doing this, we want to make sure that our customers get the right product at the right moment and in the right quantities,” says Matti

Ketonen, Metsä Board’s vice president, supply chain. Clearer choices

The ultimate aim of the Lean Supply Chain Management (Lean SCM) project is to enhance customer satisfaction by making it even easier for Metsä Board to keep its promises to customers. Keeping promises has always been high on the agenda, of course, but the abundance of choices has sometimes made life more difficult for customers. “We’ve had dozens of different supply

“We’ll introduce a clear, structured set of supply options towards the end of 2013. The aim is to make life easier for our customers.”

options, each of them with different features and promises, and not necessarily always very clear ones,” Ketonen says. “We’re working on simplifying our supply options, and will introduce a much clearer set towards the end of 2013. Customers will be able to choose from a clear, structured portfolio of services.” Smooth processes

The supply options have been planned so that customers don’t need to compromise on their wishes and demands.

Change is on the horizon. The Lean SCM project will be introduced in more detail in the next issue of Magazine!

“Internally we will spend less time planning orders and production, which will also minimise lead times for our customers,” promises Ketonen. Metsä Board employees have been eager to get on board. “This project is inspiring our people to take a new look at how we do our work. There’ve been lots of initiatives from our employees on how to make processes better,” says Lean SCM project manager Outi Aho.

By redefining its supply options, Metsä Board can make sure that customers always get what they need. “This is particularly important in cycles of high demand. With our new supply options customers can be sure that they will receive what they order. It’s also easier for us to plan our activities,” says Matti Ketonen.

Magazine | issue 1/2013



success factor Investigating latest solutions, technology and research

At the store and during transportation: • durable • not too big or heavy • easy to stack • no sharp edges • no wasted space

The perfect In use: • easy to open and reseal • excellent usability (dispensing, pouring) • preserves food • durable


Magazine | issue 1/2013

After use: • recyclable • combustible • doesn’t take up much space in the bin

“Practical packaging is easy to open and close and makes dispensing easy. Packaging made out of paperboard is the best.”

“Not too big, fits on the shelf. It’s easy to reseal and it preserves the contents. The shape is symmetrical and it doesn’t waste space.” – Man

– Woman

packaging Text: TYTTI HÄMÄLÄINEN


he characterisations above come from a study by the Finnish Association of Packaging Technology and Research (PTR) into people with lifestyles of health and sustainability (LOHAS). Metsä Board is one of the companies funding the study. The LOHAS demographic isn’t small. Studies have shown that it includes one in four adult Americans; in Japan, roughly

12 per cent of the population are LOHAS consumers. The segment can also be seen in western Europe and other Asian territories, including for example Hong Kong, Singapore and Taiwan. “The number of people in this segment is increasing. More and more people are looking for products related to health and fitness, the environment, personal development and sustainable living. Eight out of ten consumers are motivated

to purchase so-called green products,” says Heli Kuorikoski, Metsä Board’s technical marketing manager for the Paperboard business area. No plastic bags in packaging

According to PTR’s research, LOHAS consumers most appreciate that packaging is durable and easy to open and close. According to consumers, ecological packaging is recyclable, made out of paper or

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Are you living a LOHAS?


ake this quiz to find out if you are living a lifestyle of health and sustainability. Take a stand on the statements below with a number from one to seven, where one = disagree completely and seven = agree completely. Add up your points to discover how well you fit in the LOHAS demographic.


If available I always prefer organically manufactured products.

2. I take notice of the ecology of the products I purchase. 3. I prefer locally produced products rather than products manufactured far away.

4. When purchasing, I pay attention to the environmental friendliness of product packaging.

5. In my household, waste is sorted carefully. 6. When buying chemicals such as detergents or fertilisers, I pay attention to their burden on the environment.


I have given advice to friends on ethical and ecological consumption.

8. I try to eat healthily and ecologically. 9. Ethical grocery manufacture is important to me.


If you scored over 45 points, you’re definitely living a LOHAS: you are ecologically minded and value nature. If you scored 30–44 points, you have a LOHAS in some aspects but not in others. Perhaps you’re interested in nature conservation, climate change, ethically produced or organic products. If you scored 29 points or below, having a LOHAS is obviously not a primary concern for you, though you may still share many of the same beliefs.


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paperboard, manufactured sustainably, uncoloured, and doesn’t use any unnecessary extra materials. When asked about the best possible packaging for organic muesli, the answers flowed: “Paperboard with natural colours such as light green, brown or grey. No extra text, just the name and the ingredients in big letters with a straightforward photo of the product,” said one participant. The others had ideas such as “a paper bag that could be closed with stitching” and “just paperboard packaging, with no plastic bag inside.” This is music to Kuorikoski’s ears: Metsä Board’s paperboards are safe to use in direct contact with foodstuffs. “With our fresh forest fibre paperboards, there’s no need to use a plastic bag inside.” Black means expensive

LOHAS consumers aren’t willing to pay for a design from a famous designer – especially if it costs more. “One respondent said that the contents were of more interest than the packaging. She was interested in the ecology of the packaging, not the design. There was one exception though – if the product is a gift, then the design of the packaging is considered,” says Kuorikoski. The perceived price is always of interest. Black was considered a colour of quality and, when combined with glass, the most expensive-looking packaging colour. When packaging is made out of plastic and the colours are washed out, then the product is considered ugly and cheap. “Reading through the answers, a happy medium would be paperboard packaging with fresh colours and a nice design,” concludes Kuorikoski.

Read more about the study in the next issue of Magazine.

The research studied the expectations, images and feelings consumers associate with packaging. The study was conducted via an online co-creation blog, where 137 participants were asked 13 packagingrelated questions.

Photo: Tommi tuomi


Three questions about the paperboard business

Ensuring purity

Nina Happonen, sustainability manager, Metsä Board

Product safety, fresh forest fibres and complete traceability are key issues for Metsä Board. What do they mean in practice?


How do you ensure the safety of Metsä Board’s folding boxboards in food packaging?

“We only use fresh forest fibres in our boards and these are clean by nature and of identifiable composition. All raw materials used in Metsä Board’s production are of known origin, traceable, and meet all relevant standards. Everything we use, from wood and chemicals to wrapping materials, comes from carefully selected and approved suppliers. We’ve studied the migration of different substances in food packaging for many years. This includes not only mineral oils, but also chemical contaminants, microbes, optical brightening agents, odour and taint. We believe it’s of the utmost importance to have a deep understanding of the whole value chain process, and we combine our experience with knowledge gained from R&D.”


How do you carry out research? Does Metsä Board develop its own methods for monitoring mineral oil migration?

“We gather information and develop know-how in two ways: our own R&D, and R&D cooperation with universities and research institutes. The combination of these two is important

as the knowledge grows and we can exchange ideas freely. When measuring mineral oil migration we base our analysis on published methods, BfR and FABES, but we’ve developed it even further. We combine understanding of the whole board production process with our R&D knowledge. All materials used in carton packaging are investigated, including inks and glues, not just the board.”


What do you recommend for complete safety?

“I have four recommendations. The first thing to do is to choose cartonboard made with fresh forest fibre – preferably Metsä Board’s. It’s safe for food packaging without using a barrier – adding an unnecessary barrier makes recycling more difficult and increases carbon footprint and cost, for both the producer and consumer. It also goes against material efficiency and waste reduction targets. Secondly, print with low-migration or mineral-oil-free inks. Thirdly, pay attention to all packaging components, not just the cartonboard. Finally, make good use of the best possible packaging design.”

Magazine | issue 1/2013


out of the box Exploring the world

Fabienne Trouvé-Hermouet Purchasing Director, Packaging Pierre Fabre Dermo Cosmétique Laboratories

“In terms of packaging, men are more sensitive than women to textures and the feel of a surface. For us, the male segment represents three per cent of sales. The best-selling products are anti-ageing and hydrating creams. Men generally seek practicality and quick care rituals. They don’t want different day and night care products like women, but rather fast, energising skin care. The packaging principles underline the practical aspects: we analyse how the product opens, how it is handled and, for example, the soft press of the push button.”

Gérard Serra Creative director, Pastel Creations

Sabine Durand Editor-in-chief, Formes de Luxe trade magazine

“I’m the creative director at Pastel Creations, a design studio integrated into Pierre Fabre Laboratories. The results of our marketing briefs vary: a cartonboard box, a texture, a colour, sometimes the form of a push button. Men are reassured by the noise generated when they close the lid on their gel or cream dispenser so I use front-braking techniques to ensure that the sound is clearly audible. Our three skincare brands that have products for men and are sold in pharmacies are Klorane, Ducray and Avène. Eighty-five per cent of these products are bought by women, including those for men. For Avène, only seven of their 130 products are for men. It remains a fairly traditional niche market, with no vast innovations in trends: shaving products, skin creams, and healthy complexion and anti-shine products. We know that men borrow their wives’ anti-wrinkle products, but it’s a secret. Don’t tell the ladies!”

“In recent years, society’s increasing regard for those who are seen as active and dynamic has made appearance more important than ever – and turned energising, anti-fatigue products into top sellers. Male grooming products represent between five and ten per cent of the market, with aftershave balms the most popular product by far. I think that men are less concerned than women with packaging design. They need to see their own style principles in the product colours: blues, blacks, greys or metallics. Attempts have been made to introduce red, but outside the core target audience. The language is direct, product benefits are no-frills, scents are neutral and packaging is compact, made from such cartonboard as Metsä Board’s Carta Elega. Otherwise we’d be encroaching into female territory.”

Looking good, Text: Christophe Riedel Photos: Thibault Stipal


Magazine | issue 1/2013

Christophe Baudry Commercial Director Beautycare & Healthcare, Metsä Board

“We work with almost everyone in the cosmetics industry. Colour codes are important when using our light cartonboard for printed packaging, as they serve to distinguish male and female territories in the bathroom. Men like the same hi-tech universe of colours as they have on the dashboard of their car. And the primary packaging, be it tube, pump, bottle or box, must be efficient, functional and ergonomic – and definitely not glamorous!”

, men!

We got a dream opportunity to find out more about the latest trends in men’s cosmetics, so we asked some industry leaders what they think is coming up next.

Magazine met the industry leaders in February in Paris at PCD. The Packaging for Perfumes, Cosmetics and Design (PCD) exhibition promotes packaging innovation for perfumes and cosmetics, with 2,500 experts representing brands and their suppliers. Magazine | issue 1/2013



tracks Metsä Board leading the way

Measures to conserve biodiversity are deeply integrated into forestry planning and wood supply practices across Metsä Group. Text: Fran Weaver Photo: RAUNO NOKELAINEN

Cherishing nature ooking after the ecological health of forests is a vital issue for major paper and board producers, for both ethical and business reasons. “Forests are renewable resources, so we have to take good care of them to ensure we can still use them in the future,” says Armi Purhonen, an environmental manager with Metsä Group. “Especially here in Northern Europe, we value our forest roots and want to keep forests naturally healthy. In Finland, forests cover 75 per cent of the land, and we also use them for recreational activities like walking, hunting and picking berries and mushrooms.”

“Forest biodiversity is protected at different levels in Finland, starting on the largest scale with the many valuable forest areas protected by the state. The share of forests under strict protection is much higher here than elsewhere in Europe,” explains Purhonen. “Most other forests belong to small-scale forest owners, including many who supply us with wood,” she adds. Such owners can now protect ecologically diverse parts of their own forest and receive compensation for lost income through the groundbreaking METSO Forest Biodiversity Programme. “Our field personnel make forestry management plans with forest owners and advise them about this option wherever they notice that forests have ecological features that make them eligible for the scheme,” explains Janne Soimasuo, an environmental manager with Metsä Group.

Many levels of protection

Harvesting with care


Almost three quarters of Metsä Group’s wood comes from forests in Finland.


Magazine | issue 1/2013

Even in areas where wood is harvested, great care is taken to protect features with rich biodiversity. “Through our

The photo of the Siberian Jay (Perisoreus infaustus) was taken by retired Metsä Board’s sustainability manager Rauno Nokelainen near Metsä Board’s Simpele mill. He took a snowshoe walk in the forest in January 2013 and spotted the bird some 16 km from the mill. What makes Siberian Jay special? In Finland, especially in the south, the bird is an excellent indicator of healthy old-growth forest and biodiversity.


n Jay

Looking after biodiversity hotspots


annual environmental programmes for wood supply we provide training for everyone from wood purchasers to harvesting machine operators, helping them recognise ecologically valuable features and avoid damaging them,” says Soimasuo. Progress on protecting forest biodiversity is regularly assessed both internally within Metsä Group and by the authorities and official auditors for the environmental management and forest certification systems the company works under. “In Finland, 95 per cent of commercially utilised forests are covered by PEFC forest certification, with only some two per cent certified according to the FSC scheme. In 2012, some 82 per cent of Metsä Group’s wood supply came from certified forests in Finland and around the Baltic Sea,” says Purhonen. These high levels of forest certification give Metsä Board’s customers a welcome opportunity to use environmental labelling on their products. In addition, all wood used by Metsä Group is covered by a thorough chain of custody scheme from the forest to the

ertain forest features are especially important for biodiversity. Forest planners and harvesters are trained to identify and protect these features in areas where wood can still be sustainably harvested.

mill. “This means our customers can be assured that we’re a responsible supplier, and that all the wood that goes into our products – and theirs – comes from sustainably managed forests where biodiversity is carefully considered,” says Purhonen. Soimasuo adds that the latest redlist survey of Finland’s threatened species reflects the positive impacts of forest conservation. “The status of many forest species has improved over the 15 years we’ve been using these nature management measures,” he says. “That proves that they really work!”

• Decaying wood: Fallen logs and dead standing trees are left to provide homes for rare fungi, insects and birds. • Hardwood trees: Ecologically valuable hardwood tree species are purposefully spared during logging in mixed forests. • Water features: Great care is taken to avoid damaging the soil and vegetation around small streams, springs and marshes. • Key habitats and species: Areas with diverse habitats such as old-growth forest, herb-rich woodland and tree stands where protected birds nest, are carefully spared. • Protective buffer zones: Strips of forest alongside streams, lakes, rivers or marshes are designated protected to preserve water resources and maintain green corridors for wildlife.

Magazine | issue 1/2013



in the box A glance at current topics

Photos: metsä group


ome consumers see packaging as negative and unnecessary even though, from a sustainable development perspective, not using packaging is rarely the best option. In fact, well-designed packaging is an ecological, cost-effective solution that protects food, prevents spoilage, and reduces the amount of harmful organic waste. The Finnish Association of Packaging Technology and Research (PTR) has launched a campaign to promote the benefits of packaging products. Six campaign videos introduce food and beverage packaging in a new way by explaining the benefits it provides. The videos can be found on


Magazine | issue 1/2013

Metsä Board’s YouTube channel. One of the videos features Myllyn Paras quick-cook porridge oats, which are packaged in Metsä Board’s Simcote. Myllyn Paras is the second largest marketer of flour and flakes in Finland. Simcote, made from fresh forest fibre, is the optimal choice for food packaging as it is pure paperboard – meaning Myllyn Paras can safely package their oat flakes without a separate inner bag. “We’ve never had any problems with Simcote. It is a light but rigid cartonboard, which ensures our packaging line works well,” says Jouni Virta, purchasing manager at Myllyn Paras.

Watch the video on YouTube:



etsä Board has produced its first Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) on Simcote. “Simcote is very popular among the owners of major brands – they were asking for verified LCA (life cycle assessment)-based environmental data, so we carried out the EPD,” says Eija Saski from Metsä Group’s sustainability and corporate affairs. The EPD is based on LCA calculations and communicates the product’s potential environmental impacts during its entire lifetime. This approach distinguishes it from Paper Profile or carbon footprint calculations, which are more limited in their scope. “The information communicated by Paper Profiles and EPDs does overlap, but there is one fundamental difference. Although both aim to show the resources used in the product’s manufacturing process, the EPD goes even further by covering the environmental impact of sourcing the product’s components. The EPD shows the potential environmental impacts caused by the sourcing process, for example if minerals have been mined in South America,” explains Saski. The EPD was verified by Inspecta against the International EPD® System’s product category rules for processed paper and paperboard, and is valid for three years. The Simcote EPD is available to all our customers on request. We value all feedback and welcome any comments you may have.



hanks to the newly introduced EU Timber Regulation, it is now more difficult to import illegally logged wood into the EU. In March 2013, the EU Timber Regulation entered into force in all 27 European Union member states. The core objective of the law is to prohibit illegally harvested timber products from being circulated in the European Union. It covers a broad range of timber products, including roundwood and solid wood products as well as plywood, pulp, paper and paperboard. Read more on



etsä Board Paperboard mills in Finland have now received ISO 50001 energy management certification, replacing the existing European Standard EN 16001. Like other well-known standards, such as ISO 9001 and ISO 14001, ISO 50001 is based on a management model of continuous improvement. This makes it easier for organisations to integrate energy management into their overall efforts to improve quality and environmental management. ISO 50001 supports mills in their efforts to develop energy management systems and use energy more efficiently.

TWO NEW HIGHPERFORMANCE LINERBOARDS Hooray! There are new Metsä Board linerboards for eyecatching and multi-color food packaging.


etsä Board has launched two new linerboards: uncoated fully bleached linerboard Modo Northern Light and coated linerboard Carta Selecta. We can now offer our customers the benefit from a significant broadening of our product offering. “Husum and Kyro mills are joining Kemi as suppliers of high-performance containerboard products. We offer new products for lightweighting, purity and safety in food packaging, and further improvements in printability and consumer appeal,” says Risto Auero, vice president of Metsä Board, linerboards and wallpaper base. Modo Northern Light is produced in Husum in 80– 100 g/m2, as well as the more standard substances of 110 g/m2 and above. Modo Northern Light can also be used as fluting – the wavy middle ply in corrugated board. Kyro mill’s Carta Selecta is a litho-lamination liner with a basis weight of 185 g/m2. Carta Selecta has been previously sold in the USA but is now also available in Europe and Asia.

Sustainability report 2012 available


etsä Group’s second sustainability report is available at sustainability. It can also be ordered also as a digiprinted version. In the report, we’ve focused on communicating our sustainability agenda and issues related to our operations. We’ve also highlighted our bioenergy investments, material efficiency and stakeholder relations. We believe in transparency in everything we do and welcome all feedback on both our sustainability work and this report.

Magazine | issue 1/2013



To the last branch We use the wood raw material we procure in full – right down to the very last branch. We find the best possible end use for every part of a tree, whether it becomes pulp to make paper or paperboard, or wood for various structures or energy. At the end of their life cycle, every product we manufacture can be recycled or burned to produce energy. Forest energy is mainly generated from tree tops. By-products include for example bark. In 2012, we harvested forest energy


million m3


In Finland, the timber raw material required for making one tonne of paper grows back in less than one second.

Pulpwood is raw material for pulp and panels made of wood fibre. In 2012, we harvested pulp wood


million m3


Roundwood is processed at sawmills and plywood mills. In 2012, we harvested these

Paper and paperboard can be recycled approximately five times. Thereafter, they can still be utilised for energy.


million m3


Energy is generated throughout the value chain. We supply energy wood to power plants, and our own production units are also significant producers of bioenergy.



toilet papers for one year for

chocolate boxes




Magazine | issue 1/2013

sheets of A4 copy paper pcs





board for




Watch the video on YouTube:

The energy-efficiency of mills has improved by 20% since 2007.


Bioenergy covers 55% of the total energy consumption of mills. The majority of bioenergy is byproducts from our own production.


The company’s energy selfsufficiency is 151%. For example, the amount of surplus bio electricity generated by one pulp mill would satisfy the electricity needs of a Finnish town of 50,000 people.


Sawmill by-products can be more than just by-products: Hunter bedding is made from planing chips by recovering the fractions best suited for bedding from the chips. The remainder are used for energy production.




Fibre sludge, a by-product of tissue paper manufacturing, is used in landscaping and sports field construction as a substitute for other natural materials. It offers benefits such as light weight, low water permeability and good frost resistance.

Using cooking paper can halve the amount of food waste and cut costs. After use, cooking paper can be utilised for energy.



Production of paperboard for food packaging is meticulous, since the paperboard must be clean. For example, forklifts used at the mills run on natural gas or electricity to avoid exposing paperboard to exhaust fumes.

By optimising the use of certain raw materials for certain office paper, up to 20% less wood can be used in production, compared to the production of competing products.

PULP In addition to energy, important side products of pulp production are tall oil and turpentine. Tall oil is used in the manufacture of tall oil soap and as raw material in the paint and adhesive industries.

WOOD PRODUCTS AND SOLUTIONS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY Using wood is an overall economical choice: Thanks to the light weight of wood products, the environmental impact of transportation is also small but they also act as carbon sinks throughout their entire life cycles.

According to studies, compared to a building with a concrete structure, the carbon dioxide footprint of a wooden multi-storey building is 45% smaller, and producing materials consumes 4% less energy.

Magazine | issue 1/2013


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