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8.2. Key Challenges and Gaps
Sierra Leone, preventing pregnant girls from attending school and sitting for exams, violated girls’ right to education was discriminatory.83 Following the ruling, the government of Sierra Leone announced its intention to introduce new policies focusing on, among others, inclusion.
A review of constitutional reforms undertaken during the Decade show that countries such as, Angola, Comoros, Egypt and South Sudan adopted relevant provisions on eradicating illiteracy and promoting access to literacy.
In most African countries goals to eradicate illiteracy through literacy programmes are generally included in education sector plans or development plans. However, Mozambique, Tanzania and Uganda, for example, have also adopted plans that explicitly aim to improve adult literacy and education.
Two countries (Zambia and Zimbabwe) adopted legal reforms that provide for equality in access to education, including adult literacy education.
Regarding legal reforms concerning the contribution of female scientists and their participation in ICT, 3 countries (Egypt, Libya and Morocco) adopted constitutional provisions on scientific research during the AWD. Kenya passed the Science, Technology and Innovation Act in 2013. The review did not find other legal reforms elsewhere.
The review of policy reforms implemented during the AWD indicates that many countries incorporate science, technology and innovation in their national development agendas, as well as in their education sector plans.84 While in other countries such as Gambia (The National Science, Technology and Innovation Policy 2013–2022) and Malawi (2013 ICT Policy) have implemented specific policies that seek to enhance the training and access for women and girls in science and ICT. Other strategies to encourage girls and young women to take more interest in science, information, communication and technology include the national Miss Math, Miss Science and Miss Geek competitions launched in Malawi, Rwanda and Senegal have launched.85 Several countries have introduced scholarships for girls in the scientific fields.
Not all constitutions guarantee the right to education in general, or at the secondary and tertiary levels specifically. Moreover, few constitutions include provisions on eradicating illiteracy by providing free adult literacy programmes.
Few countries have adopted and implemented national strategies on literacy and campaigns specifically aimed at improving the literacy rates of women through adult education.