Q: What main factors have allowed Nissan and other
the 37 percent growth in the SUV segment is still small
Japanese companies to gain a strong foothold in Mexico?
compared to the size of the compact segment. I do not
A: Japanese companies have found Mexico to be a
think this will change in the short term; both segments are
strategic partner and a second home. Though Japanese by
complementary and we will continue to offer innovative
origin, Nissan is a Mexican competitor with over 53 years in
proposals for compacts and SUVs.
the market. Quality is another factor that has given Nissan an additional advantage over competitors.
Q: What have been Nissan’s strategies to maintain its leadership in the market after a slight decrease in
Nissan vehicles are synonymous of quality, durability and
market share?
reliability and that has been one of our main differentiators
A: We ended 2017 with a 23.4 percent market share and
to established as sales leader in the country for nine
we could not be more pleased. We remain the market
consecutive years. That being said, we are now expanding
leader with a difference of 7 points of market share, or
this mindset by giving innovation and emotion much
more than 100,000 units, against our closest competitor.
bigger roles in our corporate image and products. We are
The year, however, was very different from what we had
present in most market segments and each of our vehicles,
experienced after nine years of continuous growth for the
from March to Kicks to GT-R, offers its own version of
industry, sometimes in the double-digit range.
technology, innovation and emotion along with quality and reliability.
The market is reaching a stabilization period and the challenge for Nissan was greater after halting production
Q: What is the “wow” factor that will ensure the brand’s
of Tsuru, which was a representative model and sales
continued growth?
leader for the brand in Mexico for over 30 years. Tsuru
A: Our strategy of innovation and emotion has been
gave much to Nissan and to Mexico and we ended its
a continuous process that started with the launch of
production after 2.4 million units sold. We also announced
GT-R and Nissan Motorsports (NISMO). We have also
Tiida’s exit from the market, so it was no surprise to see
made advances beyond our high-performance segment,
a decrease in market share. This was a necessary step to
including the development of the hybrid version of X-Trail
take the company to the next level and to implement the
launched in 2017 and the second generation of our full-
concept of Nissan Intelligent Mobility, our vision toward a
electric LEAF model launched in the end of summer 2018.
zero-emissions and zero-accidents future. Tsuru fulfilled
We are renewing our entire lineup and we also have new
its purpose and now we are betting on new models
releases. Murano, for example, was officially launched on
such as GT-R, Murano and X-Trail in its hybrid version,
June 18, 2018. This model will crown and complement our
as well as special editions such as Kicks Dark Light, a
SUV lineup, which is the sector with the most dynamic
commemorative edition that reflects our sponsorship with
development in the country.
the Star Wars franchise.
Q: Considering that the SUV segment is the only growing
Q: How have you recaptured those clients who preferred
segment domestically, how have your priorities shifted
and bought the Tsuru model?
regarding SUV and compact vehicle production?
A: We tried to offer more affordable versions of our entry
A: Beyond betting on a specific segment, what we want
models to attract customers that would normally go
is to offer different mobility options through innovation
for a Tsuru. We released Drive versions of Nissan Versa
and technology. Although the SUV segment is growing,
and other models, supported by an aggressive financing
Mexico is a compact-vehicle market and Versa is the best-
strategy and comprehensive marketing plans so clients
selling model in the industry. In terms of pure volume,
could understand the benefits of acquiring these models.