Mexico Energy & Sustainability Review 2014

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The days that key areas of the Mexican energy sector were closed, or hard to access, for the private sector are about to be gone following the passing of the Energy Reform. Realizing that a time of unprecedented opportunity is arriving, Mexican and foreign companies alike are now starting to rethink how their products, technologies, and business models can be applied to transforming Mexico’s energy landscape. At the same time, the Mexican business community is accelerating its investment in sustainability practices that are not only going to create competitive advantages, but will also serve as a catalyst for the country’s renewable energy sector as it is gaining momentum.

As the Mexican energy sector is entering a period of structural change, reliable and relevant information is crucial for business and political leaders shaping the Mexican energy and sustainability sector. Mexico Energy & Sustainability Review 2014 provides a comprehensive overview of the latest developments, industry trends, legal and regulatory changes, and operational challenges in these crucial industries.The topics covered in this year’s edition of Mexico Energy & Sustainability Review are those that mattered the most over the past twelve months, and those that are destined to shape the development of the Mexican energy and sustainability industries at this time of change.

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Š New Energy Connections LLC, 2014. This annual publication contains material protected under International, United States and Mexican Laws and international Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from New Energy Connections LLC. Mexico Energy & Sustainability Review is a registered trademark of New Energy Connections LLC. The publisher has made all reasonable efforts to provide accurate information, and the information contained in this publication is derived from sources believed to be true and accurate. However, the information in this publication should not be considered to be complete or definitive, and may contain inaccuracies or typographical errors. The publisher accepts no responsibility regarding the accuracy of information and use of such information is at your own risk. The publisher will not be liable to any party for any direct, indirect, special or other consequential damages arising out of any use of information in this publication. The publisher provides no representations or warranties, express or implied, including any implied warranties of fitness for a particular purpose, merchantability or otherwise in relation to any information provided by the publisher in this publication.

ISBN-13: 978-0-9855346-3-9


TA B L E O F C O N T E N T S 1
























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1 Mexico’s ambitious Energy Reform was passed at the end of 2013. An anchor of President Peña Nieto’s political agenda, it seeks to give an impulse to the Mexican economy by taking full advantage of the country’s energy reserves and renewable energy potential. This follows on from Mexico opening up a new front in its fight against climate change, with the General Climate Change Law setting legally binding emission reduction and renewable energy targets.

This chapter provides a comprehensive overview of the current state of the Mexican energy sector, the impact the Energy Reform is expected to have on Mexico, its institutions and its industry, analyzes the regulatory changes that will follow, gives an in-depth look at the National Energy Strategy and the expected results of the government doubling down on sustainable economic growth.



The Year in Review


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Sustainability Priority for Economic Growth


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Long-Term Goals Set for Renewable Strategy


National Climate Change Strategy


Scientific Community Pushing Government to Take Action & Glossary of Terms


Climate Change: Essential to the Government Agenda


Global Carbon Emissions


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Breaking Up Monopolies, Freeing Up the Private Sector


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Building Complete Map of Mexico’s Renewable Energy Resources


Urgent Need for the Electricity Sector to Deliver


Priorities of the National Energy Strategy


Role of CRE in Reaching Renewable Energy Goals


VIEW FROM THE TOP: CFE Required to Act Against Its Own Interests


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Urgent Need to Diversify Mexico’s Energy Mix


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Long Mission to Change Government Policies


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Barriers to Real Sustainability


THE YEAR IN REVIEW 2013 marked the beginning of a new era for the Mexican


energy sector, with a new government shaping Mexico’s

The National Energy Strategy has identified natural gas

energy future and a landmark Energy Reform being

as Mexico’s major resource for the future due to its high

approved. President Enrique Peña Nieto’s administration

availability and low cost in the North American region.

dedicated its first year in office to advancing its ambitious

According to CRE, 216MW of new capacity was added last

reform agenda, which slowed down economic growth to

year through self-supply and cogeneration projects. CFE

1.2% as opposed to the forecast of 3.4%.

called for bids for the combined cycle power plants of Centro II (660MW in Morelos), Valle de Mexico II (601MW in the State


of Mexico), and Noreste (1,034MW in Nuevo Leon). Although

Last year’s milestone has undoubtedly been the Energy

natural gas is a fossil fuel, it is considerably cleaner than

Reform, which was approved in December 2013 and the

fuel-oil, coal, and petcoke, with CFE planning on replacing

specific changes to the secondary laws are scheduled to

heavily pollutant plants with this cleaner alternative. The

be announced in April 2014. The Energy Reform opens

main challenge in the natural gas sector remains bottlenecks

up the power generation market to private parties and

in transportation infrastructure, but more pipelines are

establishes an express constitutional prohibition on granting

being built to import natural gas from the United States

concessions to private parties for wheeling and distribution

and distribute it throughout the country, increasing its

of electricity, as well as for planning and operational control

participation in the energy mix to 72% by 2027. While natural

of the National Electricity System (NES). However, the

gas will remain the main component in the Mexican energy

private sector will be able to participate in the construction,

mix in the short and medium-term, it is considered to be a

maintenance and operation of the electrical grid. Wheeling

transition fuel in Mexico’s long term energy future.

and distribution rates, as well as the permits to generate electricity, will be regulated by the CRE. CFE will remain as the sole developer of transmission infrastructure but the


National Energy Control Center (CENACE) will become the independent organism that operates and controls the NES. Within this operating framework, Mexico will pursue its


ambitious goal of generating 35% of its energy from clean sources by 2024 while reducing greenhouse emissions by


30% by 2020.

help Mexico successfully face the

Total production

nation’s ownership of PEMEX and CFE, while opening up new



Source: CFE

HYDRO, GEOTHERMAL & NUCLEAR Hydropower already accounts for over 21% of the total power generation in Mexico. CFE called for a bid of 225MW for the Chicoasen hydroelectric project and four small hydroelectric projects in the states of Veracruz, Jalisco and

opportunities for the country.

Oaxaca, taking Mexico one step closer to capitalizing on

This reform opens the energy

power plant, Laguna Verde, has been in operation for more

its 56GW hydropower potential. The country’s only nuclear

sector to investment, technology,

than 20 years, with a capacity of 1,610MW. Using nuclear

and competition, allowing the

the environment and society. However, new technologies

country to have more energy at

reduced, which might clear the way for a second nuclear

lower costs.” 6


Independent power producers

challenges of the 21st century. It keeps and guarantees the






in the last five decades. It will

0 2005

the most transcendental reforms



“The Energy Reform is one of

energy remains controversial due to the associated risks to are being developed and the safety risks have been power plant in the future. CFE has several geothermal

President Enrique Peña Nieto

projects around the country with the largest facility at


of solid waste the country generates a year. SEMARNAT has determined that 112 landfills are needed and few


states already take full advantage of opportunities for the selective recollection of waste. The possibilities to create energy out of solid municipal waste can also become a viable solution to waste management and energy challenges in Mexico. On the other hand, there are still no


large-scale biofuels plants in Mexico. 6,300



Used in 2012

Obtaining financing is of the main challenges for renewable energy projects. LAERFTE allows private companies



obtain energy from renewable energy projects through






Solar PV




the self-supply scheme. Companies such as Peñoles, Cemex, Walmart, Femsa, Volkswagen, and Grupo Bimbo are examples of off-takers that have made the financing of

Potential for 2020

wind projects viable based on their credit ratings. However, the amount of companies with AAA credit ratings is limited,

Source: SENER & PwC

which has motivated companies to develop new models Cerro Prieto, Baja California, representing 720MW installed

to work with smaller off-takers, either from the public or

capacity. Mexico is the world’s fourth largest producer

private sector and potentially pooled together.

of geothermal energy with a total installed capacity of 980MW. Geothermal energy has received special attention


during the Energy Reform, and once the secondary laws


have been made public, it will become clear to which extent

infrastructure is essential for the development of energy

this sector will be opened up to private participation.

and renewable energy projects alike. The main challenges






posed by renewable energies are the fact that power WIND

generation and consumption are often in geographically

The Mexican wind industry had a total installed capacity

different locations, and that renewable energy sources

of 1,635MW as of September 2013, and remained largely

such as wind and solar are intermittent by nature.



Historically, CFE has been the only entity authorized to

inauguration of the Santa Catarina project in the state was

construct and operate energy transmission and distribution

an important milestone as it is the first project in Nuevo

infrastructure. However, with the Energy Reform the private

Leon, the first project which saw GE turbines were installed

sector will be able to participate in the development and

in Mexico, and the first case where several municipalities

construction of transmission lines, while CFE will remain as

became collective off-takers. Projects in states including

the planner of the grid. The operations will be handed to

Baja California, Tamaulipas, Zacatecas, Puebla, San Luis

CENACE, a former CFE division that will now become the

Potosi, Oaxaca, Chiapas, and Yucatan are in the planning

independent grid operator. During 2013, CFE built 729km

or development stage, with more states expected to follow

of transmission lines and further expansions are necessary

in the coming year.

in the coming years to support the growth of the electricity






sector in Mexico. SOLAR Mexico’s solar resources are considered to be among the


best in the world, especially in northern states such as Baja

Increasing generation capacity and energy efficiency

California and Sonora. The Mexican solar market consisted

are equally important to meet Mexico’s future energy

of 1MW of installed capacity in 2010, but increased to 6MW

demand. During 2013, energy efficiency projects for public

in the following years. In 2013, the first large-scale solar

administration facilities, states and municipalities and for

project, the 30MW Aura Solar I, started operations in Baja

small, medium and large companies and were supported

California Sur. Throughout the year, permits have been

by the National Commission for the Efficient Use of Energy.

awarded for the development of solar projects totaling

2013 was the last year in which incandescent light bulbs

434MW, creating a substantial solar project pipeline.

could be sold to the residential sector and only 40W and 60W light bulbs were available. The year 2014 will


be crucial to increase the energy efficiency due to the

Mexico has vast bioenergy resources and important

recent abolition of incandescent light bulbs in the market,

opportunities can be drawn from the over 41 million tonnes

promoting the use of LED lighting.




Q: What are your priorities in ensuring Mexico develops in

to experience their own local tragedies before they act.

an environmentally balanced way?

Mexico is taking action regarding climate change because

A: One of President Enrique Peña Nieto’s priorities for

we believe we need to be an example to other countries

this administration is sustainable and sustained economic

and demand they do their part. We are also working on

growth. SEMARNAT has to make sure this happens and

reforestation, a carbon tax and the Energy Reform, among

demonstrate how wrong the perception is that economic

many other areas, that will put us in a favorable position to

growth and sustainability cannot coexist. Mexico has to

reduce our greenhouse gas emissions.

seek economic growth without harming the environment. Mexico is one of the 17 megadiverse countries in the

Q: What role will SEMARNAT play in helping Mexico reach

world. This means that even though it only has 1% of the

the goals stated in the General Climate Change Law?

total surface of the planet, it contains 10% of the world’s

A: The targets for the reduction of emissions are established

biodiversity. One of our goals is to make the most out

in the General Climate Change Law and are not the sole

of the country’s biodiversity, while helping Mexicans to

responsibility of SEMARNAT. The goals are to reduce

improve their quality of life. One of the points we have

greenhouse gas emissions by 30% by 2020, and 50% by

repeated across many forums and conferences is that it is

2050. On the other hand, we must have 35% of our energy

vital to see how energy projects can help foster sustainable

generated from clean sources by 2024. These goals are part

economic growth.

of a public policy Mexico has established. Therefore, the Climate Change Inter-Secretariat Committee is composed

Q: How does environmental protection fit into the strategy

by 13 federal government agencies and ministries that are

of a country that also has to invest in jobs, healthcare,

working together to guarantee the reduction of emissions.

education and poverty reduction?


A: Each country has to learn from others. There is no doubt

Q: Are you concerned about the fact that those governing

that countries in northern Europe, North America and Asia

the country today will not be in government in 2024,

can serve as examples but there are areas in which Mexico

leaving no way to make them accountable?

has acquired a leading position all by itself. An example of

A: The basis for these reductions to happen came into

this can be found in the policies that Mexico has established

being through the Energy Reform. Currently, the country

to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Environmental

is still burning fuel oil to generate electricity and even

ministries from other countries as well as UN Secretary

though we have ideal conditions to generate renewable

General Ban Ki-moon have praised Mexico for its efforts

energy, the amount generated from these resources

in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Mexico is not one

is insignificant. However, this subject is on the federal

of the top greenhouse gas emitters but it has to reduce its

government’s agenda. Recently President Peña Nieto

emissions before it can demand others do the same. Being

inaugurated Aura Solar I, the first 30MW PV plant in

environmentally friendly fosters green businesses, which

Mexico. I am convinced that we will reach our goals with

adds value to the companies and to Mexico.

the current guidelines.

Q: Europe has reduced the scope of its climate change

Q: What message do you have for foreign companies

targets, while Mexico is becoming more ambitious. Is

about the future direction of the Mexican renewable

Mexico beginning to set an example?

energy and sustainability industries?

A: Unfortunately, many countries have not understood that

A: Foreign companies have to understand that Mexico

climate change is a reality. We experienced it throughout

is a country with great opportunities and that they are

2013 in Mexico during the hurricane season, and parts of the

welcome here. However, there is a clear legal framework

US that had historical levels of snow, while California was

that has to be complied with. SEMARNAT will guarantee

mired in drought. It seems that many countries are waiting

that environmental laws are fully complied with.


LONG-TERM GOALS SET FOR RENEWABLE ENERGY STRATEGY RODOLFO LACY TAMAYO Undersecretary for Environmental Policy and Planning at SEMARNAT Q: How have the goals of SEMARNAT changed under

this matter is of great concern for players in the sector.

the new administration and in light of the National

The chapters pertaining to renewable energy are modeled

Development Plan?

after Germany’s example. This country established a goal

A: The National Development Plan seeks to harness

of producing 70% of its electricity from renewable sources

natural resources through a new approach known as green

by 2050 and allows many producers to generate their own

development. We aim to achieve sustainable development

power. This is possible because solar energy is already a

within a green economy. This means increasing investments

commodity there. Thanks to the Energy Reform and carbon

for sustainable products and services. We will measure the

taxes, Mexico will have better opportunities to work on the

impact green investments have on GDP and promote the

supply of renewable energy. Households will also have to

creation of green jobs in renewable energy production.

generate some electricity, separate their waste, and treat

For example, employment opportunities that result from a

their water. We are trying to change the entire paradigm.

new wind farm are considered green jobs. If a community decides to build a dam or a mini hydro plant, we have to be

Q: In order to achieve this, what are your objectives for

able to quantify this effort in economic terms and ensure

the development of natural gas and renewable energy

that the people in charge of these projects are properly

projects in the coming years?

established and certified. Projects generating natural gas

A: Over the next five years, CFE will have some renewable

and those involving the capture and storage of CO2 in

energy projects but the larger ones will come from the

the subsoil, are also considered part of a green economy

private sector, mostly in wind power. We are more interested

because they close the carbon cycle.

in developing the geothermal energy industry, which is seen as a risky endeavor. It requires plenty of exploration,

SEMARNAT controls territories such as protected natural

which Mexico has not done yet. We are trying to eliminate

areas. However, not all hotels inside these protected areas

the risks linked to geothermal exploration by ensuring

are certified as sustainable buildings or as green hotels.

that we can count on exploration insurance policies with

We want to make sure that investments being made in

the support of the Inter-American Development Bank and

protected natural areas are sustainable and help fight

the Energy Transition Fund. Five years from now, more

climate change and pollution. There are also natural areas

exploration will have been done and investments will have

that foster economic activity, such as agriculture, and we

grown, possibly even surpassing those in the wind sector.

can make these activities entirely green. Q: What can SEMARNAT do to help speed up the Q: What can the government do to reconcile the National


General Climate Change Law and the National Energy

projects and ensure these comply with environmental

Strategy while making renewable energy targets clearer?


A: The National Energy Strategy deals with energy

A: We are developing a single-window scheme. Anyone

democratization, which means every segment of society

interested in developing a renewable energy project will

has access to energy and the chance to generate it for

be able to do all the paperwork at a single office. We are

self-consumption. Independence from CFE then becomes

also preparing a roundtable on environmental impact. We

possible. On the other hand, the law establishes that

have two important regulations in the environmental sector:

renewable energy sources have to comprise 35% of the

the environmental land management regulation and the

energy mix by 2024. These renewable energy goals are

environmental impact study. The single-window scheme

clearly laid out. The National Climate Change Strategy

will merge these two regulations to accelerate the permit

is fixed for the next six years but the National Energy

obtaining process. However, wind energy projects take up to

Strategy (NES) is going to be modified every year. The

a year, which is something everyone must keep in mind. Any

NES will clarify the role of renewable energy sources as

investment in renewable energy is a long-term investment.






NATIONAL CLIMATE CHANGE STRATEGY Mexico is the 13th largest greenhouse gas emitter, accounting for 1.6% of total emissions that contribute to an increase in global temperatures. In the case of Mexico, temperatures might increase 2oC by the year 2020 and 4oC by 2080 if climate change continues its current pattern, according to the Mario Molina Center. Mexico might not be one of the most important greenhouse gas emitters but it is highly vulnerable to the consequences of climate change. Aspects of Mexico’s geography make the country particularly vulnerable to certain effects of climate change. The country’s 11,000km of coastline and narrow shape attract high levels of humidity from the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. It is argued that as a consequence of climate change, the number and frequency of cyclones, hurricanes and tropical storms is increasing. Mexico is known for its desert ecosystems, which make the country vulnerable to seasonal droughts. Climate change is also said to be decreasing precipitation rates, which mainly affects the northern and northeastern Pacific regions, as well as basins in the center of the country and the Valley of Mexico. Periods of drought are expected to start becoming longer and more intense, since the amount of rain will remain the same but the rainy season will become shorter, increasing the probability of flooding too. Besides long-term changes in weather patterns, the consequences of climate change can also be seen in the economic realm. Agricultural activity could be negatively affected, as well as seasonal crops, and an increase in forest fires would undoubtedly impact silviculture. The number of fisheries would decrease if commercial species found themselves forced to migrate to regions with a more suitable water temperature. Furthermore, the poverty index will also rise if food production decreases or populations are displaced from areas affected by natural disasters. These concerns were among the drivers behind the presidential mandate to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and make Mexico an example for other countries, which it hoped to encourage to follow suit. The National General Climate Change Law establishes a legislative framework that regulates public policies aimed at adapting to climate change and also sets mitigation strategies. Many countries have accepted the need for, and taken part in, international agreements to fight climate change, but Mexico and the UK are the only nations with binding legislation pertaining to fighting climate change.


Reduce the vulnerability to climate change of Mexicans living in hazardous situations and strengthen their ability to adapt


Diminish the vulnerability of production systems and strategic infrastructure to climate related eventualities


Strengthen the capacity of ecosystems to adapt to the effects of global warming


Accelerate the transition towards clean energy sources


Reduce the intensity of energy consumption through rational energy efficiency schemes


Shift towards sustainable city models, with intelligent mobility systems, integral waste management, and low carbon footprint buildings


Drive better farming – agriculture and livestock – and forestry practices, using REDD Plus schemes (Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation)


Reduce the emission of short life climate pollutants, as well as black carbon and methane to improve the health and well-being of the Mexican people

The government’s efforts to fight climate change did not stop with the aforementioned law. In June 2013, the country’s Environment and Natural Resources Ministry (SEMARNAT) issued the National Climate Change Strategy, an instrument intended to shape the country’s shift towards a sustainable economy, with an emphasis on the reduction of carbon emissions. The strategy is meant to guide the nation’s course in its fight against climate change over 10, 20, and 40 years period. It is based on hard scientific data and sets goals that go beyond reducing greenhouse gas emissions, such as fostering better health conditions and quality of life for Mexican citizens, or suggesting mechanisms that will make the country more resilient. The strategy details key points and actions for tackling climate change and orients policies from the three government branches, while also fostering responsibility and accountability from all sectors of society. The document encompasses three main topics: national policies on climate change, adaptation to the effects of climate change (assessments and diagnostics on vulnerability and adaptation capacity), and the development of low emissions and mitigation schemes.


The National Climate Change Strategy stresses the importance of adaptability by allowing for immediate action to be taken concerning the local impacts of climate change on the most vulnerable segments of society. For example, in 2007, the state of Tabasco suffered intense flooding that covered 80% of its territory. The situation was particularly chaotic for people who lived in rural areas because the infrastructure in their communities had to be rebuilt from scratch. Adaptability has become a necessity rather than an option, a distressing consequence of environmental neglect. If preventive and reactive measures are taken, the adverse impact of climate change related phenomena can be reduced, if not entirely avoided. The latter is particularly important because Mexico has not been able to separate its economic growth from CO2 emissions or loss of biodiversity. This is most evident in relation to the country’s ecosystems, which are being transformed into agricultural or livestock areas. The main challenge for Mexico is to find a way to foster economic development without causing pollution or environmental damage, which is not easy given that the country is still growing and needs to use its resources in order to gain momentum. Sustainable growth is a key concept in Mexico’s development strategy. The government has reaffirmed its commitment to use its institutional capacity to include the authorities and wider society in long-term environmental policies. As it was issued by SEMARNAT, the strategy does not have legislative power, and enforces no sanctions or short-term action plans. The latter are established in the National Development Plan 2013-2018 and the State Programs for Climate Change. Despite these norms not being legally enforceable, the strategy is based on Article 4 and Article 5 of the Constitution. The former states that every person has the right to a healthy environment, while the latter makes the government responsible for ensuring integral and sustainable national development. The National Climate Change Strategy has received criticism for contradicting the National Energy Strategy, which is heavily focused on hydrocarbons, particularly the increasing prominence of natural gas as a transition fuel, and promotes controversial actions such as the use of shale gas and deepwater oil extraction. Additionally, the strategy does not distinguish between clean and renewable energy sources. Article 3 of the Renewable Energy Use and Energy Transition Financing Law defines the latter as “(…) originating from natural phenomena (…) that are naturally renewed, which means they are available continuously or periodically.” This definition encompasses wind, solar, tidal, geothermal and biomass energy. However, critics claim that a blurry distinction also includes nuclear and hydroelectric energy as clean sources, in spite of their environmental impact. The strategy has been praised in the international arena. The International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has stated that Mexico has taken an important step, and that other countries are likely to follow its example. The IPCC believes this is the right time for Mexico to develop its renewable energy sector. In order to achieve a successful energy transition, the government should consider the economic benefits of combining renewable energy sources with the use of fossil fuels. On the whole, there is international consensus regarding the immediate need to decrease greenhouse gas emissions, and the National Climate Change Strategy demonstrates Mexico’s commitment to this cause.


billion tonnes







2010 2011 2012






Source: Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency and the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre


SCIENTIFIC COMMUNITY PUSHING GOVERNMENT TO TAKE ACTION Scientists have been working to define the impact of

of the population, particularly segments with higher

climate change but tend to stumble when it comes to

income. This case provides an example of subsidies given

communicating their findings to the public at large.

to the people and industries that need them the least.

According to Dr. Mario Molina, President of the Mario Molina Center for Strategic Studies in Energy and the

Mexico depends to a very large extent on oil revenues

Environment, scientific findings on climate change have

for its economic progress, but the government has

been obscured by misleading efforts from PR campaigns

acknowledged that this needs to change. “It is not wise for

sponsored by the fossil fuel industry. “The fact is that the

a country to depend on a single natural asset, particularly

media brought attention to both sides of the debate and

a non-renewable resource. We know that we will run out of

that is not always justified, particularly when one side is not

fossil fuels and we have a situation in which the country is

providing evidence supported by scientific consensus. They

very vulnerable to climate change,” says Molina. Mexico is

succeeded in misinforming society saying that scientific

left vulnerable because of its dependence on oil, he states,

findings are not entirely certain, particularly when talking

while adding that a developing country like Mexico can

about possible risk projections,” says Molina. However, the

continue using fossil fuels, as long as it is undertaking a plan

effects of climate change are becoming evident and this

to change this situation. He adds that it would make sense

has changed people’s attitudes.

for Mexico to be part of a North American energy strategy, in which Mexico, the US and Canada form a joint goal of

“Economists cannot weigh up the costs of climate change

not importing fossil fuels. For that to happen, energy use

and its social and economic effects alone; they need

has to become more efficient and demand has to decrease.

scientists to make projections in order to choose suitable

“There are some simple minds that think that decreasing

alternatives,” says Molina. In order to properly address

fossil fuels would leave society unable to address poverty.

the problem, a multidisciplinary approach should be

But it is actually the other way around, as climate change

taken, gathering economic, social, political, and scientific

will impact poor people more directly,” explains Molina.







governments and policy-makers to adopt measures that

Molina also encourages incentives for hybrids to be used in

make sense with or without climate change. “Efforts

the transportation sector, on the condition that they cost

should focus on improving energy efficiency and rethinking

less for using less fuel. While this could result in higher

energy subsidies by trying to remove them, or at least to

fuel prices, it would mean less taxation on hybrids. The

slowly phase them out, because there a lot of significant

same applies for the construction industry where existent

resources are now being misused,” explains Molina. He

regulations and norms are necessary to ensure proper

gives the example of low fuel prices benefit a small portion

isolation systems on new buildings. The Mario Molina



AGM: Mexican Geothermal Association

CNSNS: National Nuclear Safety and Safeguards Commission

AMDEE: Mexican Wind Energy Association

CONACYT: Science and Technology Council

AMEH: Mexican Hydroelectric Association

CONAGUA: National Water Commission

AMNG: Mexican Natural Gas Association

CONUEE: National Commission for Energy Efficiency

ANES: National Solar Energy Association

DAC: High Residential Consumption Tariff

CDM: Clean Development Mechanism

Ejido: Areas of community owned land

CENACE: National Energy Control Center

EP: Equator Principles

CFE: Federal Energy Commission

IEA: International Energy Agency

CRE: Energy Regulatory Commission

IIE: Electrical Research Institute

CHP: Combined Heat and Power

INECC: National Institute of Ecology and Climate Change

CNG: Compressed Natural Gas

INFONAVIT: National Housing Fund for Workers

CNH: National Hydrocarbons Commission

ININ: National Institute of Nuclear Investigation

Center is already working with the private sector to develop

should promote the use of raw petroleum for industrial

isolation technology for social interest housing. This is due

development and not just as a power source. Despite

to proper isolation being a good investment because of its

certain links between them, Molina says an adequate

fast returns, particularly when energy or electricity are not

renewable energy strategy needs to consider each energy

subsidized. Similar obstacles impair a number of industries,

source separately. The case of biofuels, for example, has

says Molina. Even though the wind energy industry does

caused some controversy. Initially, there was a lot of

not need subsidies, the many barriers that hinder this sector

optimism surrounding this source but it backfired due to

and ensure its collaboration with CFE and SENER are in

poor implementation. “It is important to ensure that these

the process of being taken down. Wind farms tend to be

initiatives do not have negative effects on food prices or

located far from the grid although the aftermath of the

agriculture,” he warns. Proper planning, measurements,

Energy Reform should begin resolving this, as well as the

updated technology, and taking risk factors into account

similar situation of natural gas which lacks infrastructure.

can still shed positive results, particularly with second

“Solving infrastructure issues related to energy should be

generation biofuels.

seen as a single challenge, since there is an undisputable need for appropriate infrastructure across various energy

It may seem that the Mario Molina Center is taking on an

sources,” says Molina.

impossible task, seeking answers to such a broad range

“Economists cannot weigh up the costs of climate change and its social and economic effects alone; they need scientists to make projections in order to choose suitable alternatives” Dr. Mario Molina, President of Mario Molina Center for Energy and Environment

While the government knows it would make sense for

of Mexico’s energy and environmental challenges. “Our

Mexico to undergo a transition from fossil fuels to natural

goal is to impact public policy, but in a way that facilitates

gas and then to renewable energy sources, Molina points out

implementation. This is not limited to academic studies; we

such a process would depend on technological upgrades.

aim to have specific projects recommending public policy

This would be helped if PEMEX developed its future

changes, working towards a federal energy strategy while

priorities, not by only centering itself around oil extraction

taking into account the individual potential of each region,”

but by exploiting other fossil fuel reserves as well. This is

states Molina, who personally champions the potential of

something Mexico lacks which has to do with economic

hydro, geothermal, and wind energy. This leads the Center

interests, Molina believes, although the government is

for Strategic Studies in Energy and the Environment to be

moving ahead with tapping up Mexico’s shale gas reserves.

confident in providing precise recommendations for each

He adds that the current and subsequent administrations


IPCC: Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

NMX: Mexican Voluntary Norm

IPP: Independent Power Producer

NOM: Mexican Official Norm

ISO: Independent System Operator

PPA: Power Purchase Agreement

LAERFTE: Law on the Use of Renewable Energies and the

PPP: Public Private Partnership

Financing of the Energy Transition and its Regulation

PROFEPA: Federal Attorney’s Office for Environmental

LPDB: Law for the Promotion and Development of Bioenergy


LASE: Law for the Sustainable Use of Energy

SAGARPA: Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Rural

LEED: Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design

Development, Fisheries and Food

LNG: Liquified Natural Gas

SEMARNAT: Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources

LPG: Liquified Petroleum Gas

SENER: Ministry of Energy

LSPEE: Public Service Electricity Law

SHCP: Ministry of Finance and Public Credit

LSTPS: Law for Special Tax on Production and Services

SNM: Mexican Nuclear Society


CLIMATE CHANGE: ESSENTIAL TO THE GOVERNMENT AGENDA According to figures published by SEMARNAT at the end

Nieto strengthened this Commission by making the

of 2013, climate change costs Mexico the equivalent of

Mexican President its head, with the power to delegate

7% of GDP, or US$120 billion each year. Faced with this

responsibility to the Minister of the Interior or the Minister

scenario, the government has stated the importance of

of the Environment and Natural Resources.

environmental sustainability as a catalyst for economic development, and not the hurdle it was once seen as

From a broader perspective, the National Climate Change

being. “It has long been discussed how to make economic

Strategy integrates all efforts by the ministerial commission,

growth compatible with the preservation of natural capital,

state governments and INECC, as well as the private sector,

pollution alleviation, and carbon emission reduction

academia and NGOs. Barnés Regueiro stresses that this new

through sustainable development. The executive power,

composition is very relevant for INECC as it decentralizes

through SEMARNAT, is convinced it is feasible to achieve

control and provides it with budgetary autonomy. “We

both and foster economic growth while preserving

are part of SEMARNAT but our main governing body is a

Mexico’s natural capital for future generations,” explains

board integrated by state ministries and CONACYT. This

Francisco Barnés Regueiro, the current Director General

also fosters integration because INECC’s work is not only

of the National Institute of Ecology and Climate Change

focused on SEMARNAT, and has to be compatible with

(INECC). He emphasizes how President Enrique Peña

the sustainability needs of other government agencies,”

Nieto’s administration is working towards continuing the

he says. This strategy also establishes goals and financing

efforts and commitment of previous administrations.

mechanisms, such as the creation of a green fund, which is designed to channel foreign resources and provide


resources for specific projects in Mexico.

Barnés Regueiro argues that the General Law on Climate Change, published in 2012, has become a turning point not

INECC works with all Mexican states to complete their

only for Mexico, but on a global level, since Mexico is the

climate change plans. Barnés Regueiro adds that many

second country to have enacted such a law after the UK.

municipalities are also working on their own plans and have

He stresses that the law covers multiple issues but one of

put together their own vulnerability and risk maps. “The idea

its main goals is strengthening the planning tools to fight

is to focus on two broad issues: the route Mexico has to take

climate change. It mandated the creation of the National

to achieve economic growth while also lowering emissions

Climate Change Strategy and laid out its amendments for

in different economic sectors, and reducing Mexico’s

the next 10, 20 and 40 years, while detailing the concrete

vulnerability to climate change as it is currently one of the

actions to be taken on climate change during the current

most vulnerable countries in the world,” he emphasizes.

presidential term. It obligates states to carry out their own climate change planning. This will mean including the

As Barnés Regueiro underlines, economic growth and

creation of climate scenarios and vulnerability atlases to

sustainable development are not two opposing concepts. As

better understand the risk of different climate effects.

a developing country, Mexico has to take all necessary actions to achieve economic growth and a sustainable approach can

Barnés Regueiro notes that the law also formalizes a

yield many positive returns toward reaching the first goal.

number of goals that Mexico must reach. These include a

“For example, avoiding gas flaring has many environmental

30% reduction in carbon emissions by 2020 compared to

effects but it is also economically better as it reduces gas

2000, and a 50% reduction in carbon emissions by 2050,

consumption.” To identify the best portfolio of actions for

35% of energy generation must come from renewable

Mexico to get closer to its goals as well as the economic effect

sources by 2024, and the forestry sector must have net

they would have on job creation and income redistribution,

emissions of 0% by 2020. “In a way it is a compendium of

INECC develops general balance models. Barnés Regueiro

the commitments Mexico has made and their formalization

warns these models are not predictive of what will happen but

into law. Obviously these strategies have to be reflected on

set a direction for actions that are both economically sensible

the sectoral plans, but most importantly all are compatible

and compatible with sustainable development. “What we

with Mexico’s international obligations.”

have seen in the low carbon emission project portfolio is that we could even achieve economic growth of over 5% in the


Previously, the Ministerial Climate Change Commission,

trending scenarios, while generating up to 500,000 jobs a

formed by 13 state ministries that are involved in the

year. This has to be economically progressive as many of the

fight against climate change, fell under the responsibility

initiatives are directed towards the most vulnerable sectors

of SEMARNAT. However, in early 2013 President Peña

of the population.”


MEXICO AT RISK Mexico is particularly vulnerable to climate change because of the range of different climates that exist across its extensive territory, but also due to the living conditions of

Vehicular sources: 61%, cars, trucks and buses.

Natural sources: 22%, volcanoes, oceans, plants, bacterial activity.

its poorest citizens. Barnés Regueiro points out that 46% of the population in the country is poor, that 63% of the agriculture is seasonal, making it prone to frost, drought and

cleaning activities, industrial baking, LP gas

storms among many other natural disasters, and that most

storage, water treatment, landfills.

of the watersheds have been affected by land use. “The impact and intensity of these situations are worsened when

increased to 1,300 in 2008,” Barnés Regueiro says.

Fixed sources: 7%, electricity generation and other industrial activities.

combined with the effects of climate change. For example, in 1990, Mexico only had 200 extreme climate events, which

Area sources: 9%, solvent use, surface

Non-road vehicular sources: 1%, construction and agricultural vehicles, train engines,

The increase in extreme climate events has led to worsening

aircraft, and ships.

poverty in already poor communities, but approaches taken so far may not have been enough. “We need to determine the value of climate change risks. How much will a strong


hurricane in the Yucatan Peninsula cost for the tourism

Even though the Mexican authorities have taken decisive

industry? What is the risk of flooding in Mexico’s southeastern

steps to face climate change, there is still a lot to be done

cities? What is the risk to agriculture in the north if struck

regarding normativity, Barnés Regueiro says. “We need to

by drought, and which harvests will be affected? These are

change many regulatory frameworks. For example, changes

questions we have to ask ourselves to prepare for what is

in the regulatory framework have enabled the growth of

coming,” says Barnés Regueiro. Once the value of the total

renewable energy. The self-supply scheme defined by CRE

risk and the most vulnerable locations are known, the right

has made the use of renewable energies feasible.”

adaptation strategies can be established. “But we need to provide resources for adaptation, otherwise we will keep

But a large quantity of norms need to be adapted to Mexico’s

facing horrible disasters. It is a way of insuring ourselves,”

current situation. Barnés Regueiro is optimistic, pointing

he says

to the introduction of a norm regarding the efficiency of new automobiles, which looks to standardize the Mexican is

market with its American counterpart. “We will apply the

environmental pollution which, in Barnés Regueiro’s

same norms, not just regarding CO2 emissions but also

opinion, has mostly been left out of the agenda. “Our cities

energy safety, because it will reduce fuel demand in Mexico.”

are still very polluted, and the expansion of urban areas has

However, air quality and fuel quality norms still need to be

brought about a series of issues which have to be solved,









such as air quality. We have to strengthen monitoring to know when we are exceeding contamination levels and

Part of this agenda would be to tackle the revision of energy

create the required policies to reduce pollution.”

and water subsidies, which have strong economic implications and an environmental impact. In Barnés Regueiro’s opinion, if energy is almost free, there is no incentive for optimization,


usage goes up and subsidies are not directed to the most vulnerable sector of the population. “The poorest people of the country only receive 6-7% of the fuel subsidy, for example. 490

472 (est)














Subsidies are very costly for Mexico, they need to be revised while the government searches for a better way to provide them to those who really need them.”


In 2011, INECC analyzed fossil fuel and electricity subsidies 200

and the figure came to MX$289 million (US$25 million), which, according to Barnés Regueiro is more than all social


programs directed to the most vulnerable segment of the














population. “We need to modify the legal framework, but 0

the real challenge is creating economic and fiscal incentives, as well as providing the market with clear signals to move from polluting energy to clean, renewable energy,” he adds.

Source: United Nations Statistics Division




Source: Trends in Global CO2 Emissions: 2013 Report

CO2 EMISSIONS PER CAPITA While the United States can claim some solace in knowing

China is now beginning to cloud cities in neighboring

it is no longer the world’s biggest emitter of CO2, its per

countries, like South Korea and Japan, seems to be finally

capita emissions remain twice as high as China’s. The world’s

taken seriously. The Chinese central government, backed

leading economy pumped out 16.2 tonnes of emissions per

up by its major cities, announced a package in 2013 that

person in 2012, as opposed to 7.1 tonnes in China. Long-

will stretch into the billions of dollars to reduce carbon

standing environmental policies have helped the EU mitigate

emissions in its heavy industrial sector. Once again, the

its contributions, limiting itself to 7.4 tonnes per person,

Asian economic boom led to the region being a global

proving to other developed countries like Canada (16 tonnes

hotspot for pollution, as worsening conditions in many

per capita) and South Korea (13 tonnes) that it can be done.

of the continent’s cities attest to. But meanwhile, Latin

A stern finger can be pointed at Australia, whose long-term

American leaders performed creditably, with Mexico and

political tussle over forming and sticking to a real climate

Brazil putting out 4 and 2.3 tonnes per person. These per

change strategy seems to have stumbled, with the country

capita figures also seem to help reveal the disparity within the

topping the rankings with 18.8 tonnes of CO2 emissions

BRICS concept, as Brazil and India’s emissions are dwarfed

per capita. This exacerbating situation, where smog from

by their partners in the popular classification.



Whereas China may have led total CO2 emissions in

growth, the US put out 384kg, while Canada beat them

2012, with Australia contributing the highest total per

both with 446kg. This combined performance leaves the

capita, neither of these had the costliest economic

North American trio paling when compared to rivals like

growth in terms of pollution. With a massive 1,107kg of

the EU and Brazil, which emitted 265kg and 225kg of CO2

CO2 being emitted for each US$1,000 of GDP growth,

emissions respectively. But the combined performance

the Ukraine is found far outpacing the pack. A lack

of the NAFTA bloc remains positively pristine when

of firm environmental regulations or modernization

compared to Saudi Arabia and Russia. Thailand, Taiwan

policies left the country ranked 102 out of 132 countries

and South Korea also contribute to a grim Asian context.

in Yale University’s Environmental Performance Index

The traditional dominance of the northern hemisphere

2012. When CO2 emissions are divided by national GDP

in terms of pollutants remains the case, given the lion’s

growth, a truer picture about the state of industries in

share of major economies based there. However, the

various countries emerges. Where Mexico pollutes far

southern hemisphere is now seeing real contributors of its

less than the US when total or per capita emissions are

own. Africa is not spared the rod with its major economy,

taken into account, this third measure narrows the gap.

South Africa, putting out 659kg of CO2 emissions for

Mexico emitted 319kg of CO2 for each US$1,000 of GDP

every comparable unit of GDP growth.

Source: Trends in Global CO2 Emissions: 2013 Report

TOTAL CO2 EMISSIONS PER COUNTRY The complaints that accords like the Kyoto Protocol are

burden to fix the environment, due to past emissions, rings

meaningless unless ratified by major polluters are brought

hollow when looking at emissions in absolute terms. The

into sharp contrast when looking at which countries were

second-tier of emitters includes economic powerhouses

the largest CO2 emitters in 2012. China leads the world,

in both the developed and developing world. Mexico and

with its continued rapid pace of industrial growth, coming

Indonesia both emitted 490 megatonnes of CO2, ahead of

at a cost of 9,860 megatonnes of CO2 emissions being

Brazil and Saudi Arabia on 460, and Iran on 410. Whereas

belched out into the atmosphere. It also leads a polluting

some of this growth is down to countries finally having

pack across East and Southeast Asia, with India weighing in

economic clout but without the accompanying sense of

with 1,970 megatonnes of its own, and even Japan is found

environmental awareness, others cannot so easily shift

wanting with 1,320 megatonnes. Across the Pacific, the US

the blame. Australia contributed with 430 megatonnes,

was the 2nd largest polluter with 5,190 megatonnes, 28%

a total that is likely to worsen in future years, given the

more than the EU bloc combined. These figures do reveal

pro-business stance of the current administration. All this

an inconvenient truth, namely that the developing world’s

proves one major claim, the only way to reduce emissions

claims that developed countries should take on a heavier

is by doing it together.

Source: Trends in Global CO2 Emissions: 2013 Report



BREAKING UP MONOPOLIES, FREEING UP THE PRIVATE SECTOR DAVID PENCHYNA President of the Energy Commission of the Senate Q: What is your opinion regarding the role that renewable

and here is a frightening fact: 80% of Mexico’s electricity

energy plays in the energy debate?

comes from fossil fuels. This has to stop. If we have sun, wind,

A: A major flaw in the energy debate is the way it is

and air, we should take the next logical step.

centered around PEMEX. It is the duty of Congress to take this grand Energy Reform beyond PEMEX. Energy

Q: How can the Energy Reform help achieve goals such

encompasses oil, hydrocarbon fuels, gas, and electricity.

as reducing CO2 emissions and generating 35% of energy

But Mexico, due to its high dependence on fossil fuels, has

from clean sources by 2024?

completely abandoned a subject that should have been

A: Mexico will not be able to fulfill national and international

established as an economic paradigm. We now need to

commitments – such as the Kyoto Protocol, CO2 emission

create awareness about the non-renewable nature of oil.

reductions, or the use of clean energy resources – without

We are a country with great wind and photovoltaic energy

an energy reform. Mexico is not a country that is lagging

potential in some regions, while also having hydroelectric

behind in international agreements. It is very well-

and geothermal resources. There is no doubt the clean

positioned in terms of environmental agreements, but

energy agenda will be part of discussions in Congress as

without the reforms we cannot put these into practice.

the paradigm is easier to build because it does not require

This goes beyond signing international agreements and

a constitutional debate. Clean energy sources are part of

not fulfilling them.

a debate relating to secondary reforms that require fewer votes and therefore are easier to navigate politically.

Mexico needs to start encouraging the development of renewable energy resources to lower the 80% rate of fossil

Q: How will the Energy Reform support renewable energy

fuel use. Once we have the right legislation, we will reduce

resources without introducing subsidies or tariffs?

fossil fuel use, start fulfilling the agreements and work

A: Renewable energy resources belong to the topic of

on the mid and long term objectives. The second step is

power generation, which is currently in the hands of a state

to channel more investments, which we currently do not

monopoly. We need to foster competition against CFE. The

have because of the sector’s closed-mindedness. This will

private sector is now allowed to generate power and sell

give us more capital to do things right. If we assure the

the excess to CFE, which is an important step forward, but

wheeling of electricity from renewable energy, investment

the distribution and transmission of said energy is in the

will proliferate in this sector and CO2 emissions will diminish

hands of an inefficient state monopoly. This is the main

in consequence.

challenge when working to make renewable resources more viable and ensure that this sector receives an

Q: What would the private sector and renewable energy

increasing amount of national and international investment

operators like to see as part of the Energy Reform to make

capital. Once we solve the transmission and storage issues,

the industry grow?

the renewable energy industry will receive a boost without


the need for much legislation. However, we have to make

competitiveness. It demands a reform. Mexico needs

sure CRE gets involved in renewable energy affairs, taking

the private sector to become more active and involved.

care of arbitrage, competitiveness, and setting clear rules.

I strongly believe the Energy Reform’s best ally must be







the private sector. This has nothing to do with the private


The industry is already open. State monopolies are not

sector wanting to get oil revenues. It wants a reform as

competitive or productive and they are corrupt and costly.

currently, the energy sector is incapable of generating

Investment in renewable energy resources should be praised

the necessary resources needed for the country to be

as the investment costs involved are relatively high. However,

competitive. I really hope private sector companies will

renewable energy resources create jobs and reduce CO2

take an active role rather than simply grumbling as they

emissions. Mexico has been an oil country for over 100 years

have tended to do in the past.


BUILDING COMPLETE MAP OF MEXICO’S RENEWABLE ENERGY RESOURCES LEONARDO BELTRÁN Undersecretary for Energy Transition and Planning at SENER Q: What are the administration’s priorities to create the

is why we are developing a participatory process in which

required operating environment for emission reduction

the private sector can provide its views. Based on that, we

and clean energy generation goals to be reached?

are developing forecasts for the energy sector, wherein

A: The first target is to simplify the red tape that crowds

we incorporate the expected growth of the economy with

the power generation process. Projects have to comply

the level of available resources. We are about to complete

with 16 different permits, but without a roadmap showing

the inventory of renewable resources in Mexico, which will

them how to proceed or which institution to approach

quantify resources in each part of the country. There will also

first. SENER is currently developing a website in which

be a dedicated legal framework for geothermal activities to

the process for developing a generation project will be

dispel all doubts about how geothermal resources can be

clearly laid out, whether for hydro, wind, solar, bioenergy or

exploited. Beyond that, the National Energy Strategy will

geothermal. It will also list the specific requirements for the

provide a clear roadmap for the next 25 years. This might

permit application process. President Enrique Peña Nieto

sound like a simple process but last year, Mexico faced critical

launched the e-government initiative, a digital strategy

alerts almost every single day while also importing increasing

which will create a one-stop shop for all activities within the

volumes of natural gas. If participatory planning had taken

federal government. This e-government website will have a

place, it is likely that other choices would have been made to

dedicated sector for renewable energy. In the second stage

meet the expected growth in energy demand. This is what

of this simplification process, developers will only need to

we are now doing. We are beginning with a strong diagnosis.

have one single permit, instead of having 16 different ones.

From there, we will coordinate with the relevant stakeholders

That is our main plan to reduce the administrative costs

to create a policy, including mandatory targets, as well as

of developing a project. We also have the transition fund

instructions on how to best reach those targets.

which exists to promote projects that can demonstrate the benefits of clean technologies. Next year, we will invest

Q: What are the priorities for the development of the

around US$75 million in this fund. 80% of it will go toward

energy mix?

energy efficiency and the rest toward renewables, mostly

A: Our generation portfolio is mostly fossil fuel-based

solar for residential purposes in rural areas.

but we are shifting our hydrocarbon usage to natural gas, which has a lower CO2 content and is much more efficient.

Q: What would be the optimal impact of the Energy

Utilizing more natural gas also lowers the generation cost,

Reform on the renewable energy sector?

which will be directly reflected in the electricity tariffs.

A: Mexico is the fourth largest geothermal energy producer

We see natural gas as a transition fuel. In early 2013, we

but we are using only 10% of our resources. International

announced an investment in exploration to quantify shale

experience has taught us that dedicated regulation is needed

gas resources in the northern part of the country, but there

to promote geothermal activities. Right now, the government

is no conflict of opinion on what we should do with our

is developing such geothermal regulations and these were

natural resources.

a priority in the Energy Reform. Secondly, an independent system operator, the National Center for Energy Control

Q: What are the main priorities for the expansion of the

(CENACE), was empowered to oversee the national grid. It

hydro, geothermal, solar and wind sectors?

will have to comply with the rules of the market, including the

A: We see clear potential for growth in each of these

incorporation of the externalities of using fossil fuels.

resources. We expect to find that Mexico is using about 10% or less of its cogeneration opportunities, 5% of its

Q: What is this Undersecretariat doing to ensure that the

wind resources, 2% of its mini hydro potential and 1% of its

availability of energy does not limit economic growth?

bioenergy capacity. We have only 20MW of installed solar

A: The role of this office is to make sure the country can plan

capacity nationwide while having one of the best solar

ahead and guarantee its sustainable energy security. That

resources in the world.


URGENT NEED FOR THE ELECTRICITY SECTOR TO DELIVER During the Energy Reform proposal presentation in early

developing protocols to deal with agreements signed with

August 2013, President Enrique Peña Nieto said, “If we carry

indigenous people and members of other communities.

out this reform, gas and electricity prices will go down, and

It has technical groups in which different federal bodies

our countryside will benefit from higher fertilizer production.”

participate, such as SEMARNAT, the Ministry of the Interior

He also noted that even though a third of the electricity

and CFE, as well as governments from different states and

generated in Mexico is produced by the private sector, this

municipalities. The idea is to develop specific protocols

electricity is predominantly used by big companies that have

depending on the type of technology that will be used;

the capacity to enter the self-supply scheme.

namely different protocols for wind power, hydro power,

“We need to establish contracts with private companies through international tenders, and bring in new technologies to reduce technical and non-technical losses as rapidly as possible” Lourdes Melgar, Electricity Undersecretary at Mexico’s Energy Ministry (SENER)

Lourdes Melgar, Electricity Undersecretary of Mexico’s

and transmission lines. “We need a set of protocols that

Energy Ministry (SENER), notes that the Energy Reform

covers most of the developments that take place in the

aims to improve the competitiveness of Mexico’s power

power sector, and that can be approved as part of Mexico’s

sector and reduce the electricity rates, which are high both

general protocols,” Melgar says.

by local and international standards. “Getting lower power rates is a high priority for our government. Without those

Regarding the creation of a generation market, in which

we cannot achieve the growth that the country needs,”

CFE, PEMEX and private participants can take part, Melgar

she claims. Melgar explains there are three priorities that

stresses that an independent system operator (ISO),

will frame the Peña Nieto administration’s actions in the

CENACE, is being created separately from CFE. Former

electricity sector. The first is creating a generation market

regulation saw CFE run transmission and distribution,

in which all energy sources, particularly renewables, can

creating a potential conflict of interest if CFE was reluctant

be promoted. Expanding transmission infrastructure is

to allow perceived competitors equal access to the grid,

another pending issue and represents a huge challenge

according to Melgar. “There is a natural monopoly in

since, according to SENER figures, 47% of Mexico’s

transmission and distribution. We are allowing CFE to

transmission lines are more than 20 years old. Additionally,

continue being the owner of the transmission lines, but

there is discontinuity between the north and the south of

CFE does not decide on their expansion. CENACE will

the country; the grid is much denser in the southern part

decide where and how we connect and expand the lines.

of the country, leaving grid density in the north in need

It will also take care of feasibility studies to determine

of further development. Transmission lines that are able

where other participants are going to be interconnected,”

to connect renewable energies to the grid also have to

she says. The possibility of CENACE penalizing CFE if

be developed. Melgar says this is not only true for wind

it decides not to grant access to projects has also been

energy in areas like Oaxaca, Baja California or Tamaulipas,

discussed, Melgar added.

but also for solar and geothermal energy. The third priority is to improve and modernize the distribution side of the

CRE determines the wheeling rate for using transmission

power sector to reduce losses. “We suffer important

and distribution lines. The Energy Reform stipulates

technical losses, on average about 15.5% of total generated

that, even though transmission and distribution stays in

electricity, but there are areas of the country where losses

CFE’s hands, it will be able to hire private companies to

reach 30% or 35%,” Melgar stresses. Another challenge that

build and operate its transmission lines. This scheme will

Melgar says has to be faced is reducing the electricity debt

be cheaper than the current Open Season scheme for

and underpayment which is still common in certain regions

expanding transmission lines to renewable energy projects

of Mexico, due to a culture of not paying for electricity.

which Melgar sees as an expensive and slow way to build needed transmission lines. “According to CFE, Mexico


SENER must also address any social issues that may arise.

should be increasing its transmission lines by 1.1% over

The Undersecretariat of Electricity is working directly on

the next few years to match an increasing demand of 4.1%

per year. This rate is extremely low. In other parts of the world, if you increase your demand by 4.1%, you should expand your transmission infrastructure by at least 6%,”


15,000 15,053

be developed but it represents a huge investment that Melgar claims the Mexican government cannot make on its own. A similar scheme is being proposed for distribution, not only to modernize distribution lines but also to


she argues. There is no doubt transmission lines should


a significant way. CRE would have a fundamental role in

Usos Propios Continuos*


Small Energy Producer

up. As for CRE, “the main proposal is to strengthen it in


to introduce different types of contracts will be opened


Reform does not entail privatizing CFE, the opportunity


0 Independent Energy Producer

as rapidly as possible,” Melgar states. Since the Energy


technologies to reduce technical and non-technical losses




companies through international tenders, and bring in new


create the opportunity to establish contracts with private


implement international best practices. “We need to

overseeing the market, in establishing certain rates and

But what is required to meet the goal of having 35% of

15,000 12,000

Mexico’s energy coming from renewables by 2024? The Undersecretariat of Electricity is in charge of approving



says Melgar.



in granting permits. It would maintain a very active role,”

CFE’s investment program and it has emphasized the

generation in Mexico is based on hydrocarbons, including

has not yet been made regarding increasing nuclear power. “We will consider the nuclear side of the equation after the Energy Reform. We are working on strengthening our nuclear regulatory body, on defining nuclear policy, and on improving radioactive waste management. We are updating our nuclear policy, bringing it in line with the

476 Usos Propios Continuos*




20,000 0


of energy in Mexico. However, Melgar explains a decision

Usos Propios Continuos*

more than 6%, while being one of the cheapest sources


Independent Energy Producer

the installed capacity of the country but at times generates



Verde nuclear power plant. Laguna Verde represents 3% of


energy given Mexico’s positive experience with the Laguna



sources. SENER is thinking of promoting more nuclear

Small Energy Producer

achieve the 35% goal while using the full mix of energy



Part of the idea, Melgar emphasizes, is to be able to



times as expensive.



the amount of emissions as natural gas but is also four


22% on fuel oil. Melgar explains fuel oil not only has twice


gas has increased in the energy mix. 85% of power

Small Energy Producer

In order to reach this mandate, the prominence of natural


0 Independent Energy Producer

2024 and we are very far from that goal,” she says.


meets this challenge. “We must have 35% clean energy by




make sure that any proposal that it brings for approval


climate change and renewable energy targets. It has to



being selective. Melgar stresses that CFE has to meet with


importance of CFE complying with all the laws, without

conventions that Mexico has already signed. We are, at the moment, looking to increase our capacity, at least in Laguna Verde,” she adds.

Source: CRE *Self-supply permits granted before 1992


PRIORITIES OF THE NATIONAL ENERGY STRATEGY The National Energy Strategy (NES) 2013-2027, presented

In this context, it becomes vital for the country to focus on

in early 2013 by President Enrique Peña Nieto to the Senate,

energy efficiency elements that support economic growth,

outlines the federal government’s plan for the development

decrease energy losses across the value chain and allow

of the energy sector. Its two main strategic objectives are

consumers to choose higher efficiency alternatives with

economic growth and social inclusion. According to the

lower environmental impact. As a result, improvements in

strategy, both objectives are linked to energy demand,

energy efficiency may reduce the need for infrastructure

which itself stems from GDP growth, improving energy

investments, mitigate the risk associated with the volatility

access and efficient energy consumption. The NES

of fuel prices, increase the competitiveness of certain

identifies 22 strategic subjects within the energy sector

industries, and lower the dependency on fossil fuels, while

and presents a program to analyze the progress made

providing benefits such as reductions in emissions and

during three defined periods: respectively by the end of

pollutants. Energy tariffs are also taken into account. The

2018, 2024, and 2027. These are subsequently housed

main line of action is to create efficient tariff structures

under three principal objectives: Sustainability, Energy

for energy prices that reflect the opportunity cost of

Efficiency and Energy Security.

primary energy, including environmental externalities and implement billing schemes for households based on

Mexico has set itself the legally binding requirement of

income level and consumption ratio. On the other hand,

increasing the amount of electricity generated from non-

the strategy acknowledges the need to develop fiscal

fossil fuels to at least 35% by 2024. More advanced IT

incentive schemes for private users and companies that

infrastructure is enabling electricity systems to integrate

adopt energy efficient measures.

their distributed generation capacity, a phenomenon that is modifying the design and operation of grid infrastructure.


This has pushed Mexico to consider a broader energy

The NES acknowledges that access to energy is crucial

portfolio, as well as to take bold steps to reach the targets

to improve people’s quality of life. While 98% of the

defined in the National General Climate Change Law.

population is now connected to the electricity grid, many

This will require promoting renewable energy use on a

small communities in isolated areas do not have access to

large scale, as well as contemplating other non-fossil

electricity. The NES proposes strengthening the regulatory

technologies such as nuclear energy. Nuclear itself could

framework to allow the promotion of private investment

represent a viable option to achieve the 2024 target

in areas defined by law with the objective of increasing

and is beginning to see a measure of support within

energy coverage and diversifying the energy portfolio. The

SENER, despite lingering public anxiety. The energy

improvement and adjustment of regulatory instruments

transition process is not exclusive to the electricity sector,

would also provide certainty and incentivize private

but it is where the energy sector will face some of its

investment in renewable resources. The NES promotes

most significant challenges. The NES also establishes

self-supply schemes supported by public institutions

public policies for oil production, refining, distribution,

and operating companies, as well as the entrance of

transportation, and storage, although these issues will not

independent operators into regions not well attended by

be explored here. Its main relevant thrust for renewable

CFE. It also improves collaboration channels across all

energy is to establish a public policy for energy transition

levels of government for specific topics, such as the use

and a permanent shift toward clean technologies.

of biogas from landfills, as well as agricultural waste and treatment.

ENERGY EFFICIENCY During the last decade, energy consumption has ticked


along at an annual growth rate exceeding the country´s

Historically, Mexico’s energy mix has largely been focused

GDP growth. Today, more energy is required per capita to

on hydrocarbons. The NES acknowledges that Mexico’s

ensure economic growth compared to 10 years ago. If this

energy transition has to strike the right balance between

energy intensity per unit of GDP continues to grow at this

keeping the country competitive and technologically

pace, Mexico’s energy demand will increase by more than

innovative while diversifying its energy sources. The three

50% between 2011 and 2021.

defining issues for Mexico’s long-term energy transition are: optimizing the use of Mexico’s natural gas reserves,


According to the NES, energy efficiency not only

quantifying the potential and environmental benefits of

contributes to the reduction of the emission of greenhouse

renewable energy, and reevaluating nuclear energy as a

gases, but also supports growth and competitiveness goals.

clean energy source.

NATURAL GAS Natural gas is the preferred transition fuel in the NES,

availability, reliability and safety in its transmission and

which includes strengthening the operation and reliability

distribution systems, as well as the development of smart

of the natural gas transportation, storage and distribution

grids. Other steps that need to be taken include building

system as a priority objective. The expansion of the

more transmission lines and increasing their capacity

national pipeline system has advanced at a slow pace,

across different regions. This would enable the exchange

and is currently insufficient to meet the rising demand for

of electricity between control areas to meet requirements

natural gas imports, combined with low prices following

for system reliability and safety. The latter might, in some

the US shale gas boom. The national pipeline system

cases, avoid the need for the installation of new generation

is close to full capacity, and this essentially rules out an

capacity in certain regions. On the other hand, the

increase in imports in the short term. The NES encourages

expansion of transmission capacity is required to integrate

the private sector to invest in the construction of new

clean technologies into the energy mix of the country. The

pipelines and has modified the current legal framework

transmission infrastructure in Mexico’s windiest regions is

to create additional incentives. The strategy promotes the

not currently sufficient to maximize the use of available

use of pricing schemes that reflect the real conditions of

wind resources. The NES proposes the expansion and

supply and demand and the cost of transportation.

upgrading of the transmission network to optimize resource use and seeks to guarantee investments that


allow connections between regions to be improved

The NES aims to diversify and optimize the current

through smart grid technology. To foster renewable energy

energy mix, and prioritizes the construction of combined

interconnection, the NES suggests a strict enforcement of

cycle plants based on natural gas to substitute other

general rules concerning interconnection to the national

energy sources such as fuel oil. It suggests that plans for

grid, while facilitating transparent and non-discriminatory

this diversification must be based on the promotion of

access. It also fosters facilitating interconnection with

renewable energy and acknowledges the need for CFE

generation hubs for self-supply projects, independent

to optimize its back-up capacity for the incorporation of

producers and small power producers, using renewable

renewable energy. However, the NES also requires putting

energy. The NES also proposes coordination mechanisms

together a technical proposal with the purpose of reviving

between private developers and CFE that would facilitate

the country’s nuclear program. To do so, the NES calls for a

the construction of transmission lines to secure future

proper communication strategy, the training up of human

renewable energy projects.

talent and the strengthening of regulation. It also targets the permitting process that renewable energy projects


have to undergo, calling for this to be streamlined while

The development of a smart grid would boost reliability,

also laying out the economic requirements for renewable

safety, efficiency and flexibility across the electricity network.

auto-generation wheeling from CFE. The design and

It would also transform the traditional management and

creation of financial mechanisms and tariffs to incentivize

operation of the grid by acquiring and analyzing user data

renewable sources is also made a clear priority.

in real time to enhance decision-making, identify trends and improve predictions and strategic planning. In Mexico’s


case, the implementation of a smart grid could also help to

The NES acknowledges that the main challenges facing

reduce costs by lowering electrical losses and reducing the

the electricity sector are achieving increased efficiency,

overall environmental impact.


ROLE OF CRE IN REACHING RENEWABLE ENERGY GOALS Francisco Barnés de Castro, one of the five Commissioners

that SENER uses a methodology developed by the Mario

of Mexico’s Energy Regulatory Commission (CRE), explains

Molina Center to calculate the externalities but he believes

that the regulator has a fundamental role to play in the

it still lacks precision. “The law must be changed to decrease

country’s energy transition, since it has helped develop

emissions in Mexico to a precisely determined level, instead

the renewable energy sector in Mexico, even before the

of just setting a long-term goal. If a commitment is made to

related laws or subsidies existed. “We helped with the

decrease emissions to a specified level, achieving it would

development of the wind sector in Oaxaca, we helped to

entail setting very clear targets,” adds Flores García.

build it up on other sites, and we have done the same for solar and hydro. But there is still much more to do, such


as seizing the opportunities that small producers provide,”

The National Energy Strategy (2013-2027) fosters the use

he says. “We have to use private investment because the

of natural gas as a transition fuel and notes that “the use of

public sector cannot afford the funding and operation of

this fuel will bring benefits for the evolution of the energy

renewable energy plants.”

mix of Mexico.” The Mexican government has declared that

“Natural gas is seen as a transition fuel, until we can develop other energy alternatives. But it will take decades for these alternatives to be developed up to the required level” Francisco Barnés de Castro, Commissioner of Mexico’s Energy Regulatory Commission (CRE)

The Law on the Use of Renewable Energies and the

priority will be given to natural gas in the coming years

Financing of the Energy Transition and its Regulation

since it has become the cheapest fossil fuel available in

(LAERFTE), mandates that 35% of Mexico´s energy mix

North America. “The technological development of shale

has to be generated using renewable energies by 2024.

gas in the US already allows for bigger production while

For Rúben Flores García, another of CRE’s Commissioners,

Canada and Mexico have a great potential to join in. The

the real issue is not the percentage of energy coming from

cost of natural gas is lower than that of fuel oil. Fuel oil

renewables, but the amount of greenhouse gases emitted

prices still depend on oil while natural gas has become

into the atmosphere. “The US made the effort to change

cheaper, at least in North America,” Barnés de Castro

its main energy generation source from coal to natural gas

explains. Another reason for boosting natural gas use

and as a result, it is no longer the most polluting country

has to do with the fact that its greenhouse gas emissions

in the world. This happened by changing from a highly

are much lower than when burning fuel oil. “Its use in the

pollutant fossil fuel to a less polluting fossil fuel,” he says.

industrial and residential sectors is less harmful and much safer than other alternatives. It is also easy to use and

Flores García notes that renewable energies are more

transport,” claims Barnés de Castro. “This is why natural

competitive compared to fossil fuels in certain regions of

gas is seen as a transition fuel, until we can develop other

Mexico, such as Oaxaca and Tamaulipas. However, he stresses

energy alternatives. But it will take decades for these

that the main problem is that the 35% goal is at odds with

alternatives to be developed up to the level where they

the mandate of the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE)

can become viable replacements.”

to always produce or purchase electricity at the cheapest


possible price. “Energy should be purchased at the cheapest

One of the rules of any electricity system is to try to

cost for Mexico, not for CFE. The costs are calculated

diversify generation as much as possible, in order to avoid

mathematically, taking into account future expansion, but this

too heavily depending on one source. “The next factor is

law distorts the problem.” Externalities also have to be taken

the need to understand how the loss of any single energy

into account when calculating the cost of energy. Barnés

source would affect the economy,” says Barnés de Castro,

de Castro mentions the tax established to recognize the

citing the example of Brazil. The country depends massively

externalities from the use of fossil fuels, but acknowledges

on hydro resources for energy generation but found itself

difficulties remain. “It is complicated to determine the cost

forced to ration energy during periods of drought until it

of externalities because climate change is global, and not

developed a strategy to further diversify its energy mix. “In

just located in one country,” says Flores García. He explains

Mexico, it would be a mistake to let our energy generation

depend only on natural gas, but that does not change the

contract with CFE have not been clearly developed through

fact that natural gas remains the best option at this point.”

transparent legal instruments,” Zúñiga Martínez adds.

How will Mexico promote healthy competition between

Flores García stresses that given the cost differences

natural gas and renewables? Guillermo Zúñiga Martínez,

between energy sources, areas with large renewable

another of the five CRE Commissioners, acknowledges

energy resources are not often taken into account at

this is a thorny issue. As natural gas becomes cheaper,

the strategic planning level. “This has led to a lack of

CFE will allocate generation needs to natural gas plants,

transmission infrastructure connecting renewable energy

removing some renewables from the equation for being

sites to the customers because the grid was not designed

more expensive. Nevertheless, the mandate to produce

to accommodate them,” he says. Now regulators say

35% of Mexico’s electricity from renewable resources by

that any expansions have to be paid for by those that

2024, added to the sector’s continuous technological

will benefit from them. With that frame of mind, CFE is



seeking for the private sector to invest in expanding that

competitive as well. “The two have to complement each





grid, allowing investors to come together and jointly pay

other. Renewable sources are very profitable because

for development under the Open Season scheme. The cost

natural gas in Mexico is scarce, although this will change

attached to the last Open Season in Oaxaca was calculated

when we have abundant natural gas production. But even

at about US$250,000 per MW of newly installed capacity.

then, renewables will continue to become cheaper and will

But given the excellent conditions that state presents,

receive constant support from the government,” Zúñiga

investors have not balked at this price tag. On the other

Martínez says. However, due to the intermittent nature

hand, as part of the Energy Reform approved in December

of renewable resources such as wind and solar power,

2013, CENACE (National Energy Control Center) will be

back-up capacity is essential and must be considered as

created and will be in charge of providing open access

well. “Nuclear energy could provide a good base energy

so that all energy generators, private and CFE alike can

option, while geothermal is a very interesting renewable

transmit all the energy they generate. Cheaper energy

energy source from the base energy perspective. There are

will be given priority during the distribution process. The

studies that show that we have only been utilizing about

impact CENACE will have on the Mexican energy market

10% of our geothermal potential,” he adds.

will be fully defined in the upcoming months when the operating framework is defined.

TRANSMISSION INFRASTRUCTURE The development of transmission infrastructure exemplifies

Zúñiga Martínez believes the Energy Reform will enable

an ongoing concern between CFE and CRE. The Open

Mexico to become more competitive by decreasing costs.

Season scheme is mainly responsible for this as it enabled

“Currently, private companies are dependent on CFE

the acquirement of the funding needed to develop feasible

and cannot compete against it. The reform will enable

clean energy projects. “If CFE does not have the necessary

private companies to invest in generation infrastructure,

incentives to develop and create infrastructure, regulation

decreasing their dependence on the utility. It will also create

can help market forces find their own way,” Zúñiga Martínez

the necessary framework so a private firm can generate

says. Transmission capacity is often the main hurdle when

electricity and sell it to its customers, be it in a city or in an

developing a renewable energy project. “Up until now, the

industrial park. With this new framework, CFE will find itself

legal framework established that CFE has a monopoly

having to compete with private parties in the market. This



will be a huge incentive for it to invest in better resources and

regulatory instruments for interconnection put in place, the

technologies, which will result in lower prices for customers,”

processes and requirements for obtaining an interconnection

he concludes.





Smart grids provide instant two-way communication, allowing the supplier to watch consumption trends in real time and provide the consumer with key information. “Smart meters can help pinpoint where energy leaks are taking place and even remotely cut the electric supply to that area. Another advantage is self-healing, in which a grid can reorient transmission to avoid damaged areas and reestablish supply,” he describes. But Mexico still has a long way to go as only a small amount of smart meters are used in the country so far, mainly due to the large investment they represent. “Regulators in every country authorize a part of the cost to be included Rúben Flores García, Commissioner of CRE

in the tariffs, but if developments are expensive and do not provide an immediate cost-benefit, the regulator is not going to allow those costs,” Flores García explains.



CFE REQUIRED TO ACT AGAINST ITS OWN INTERESTS LEFT: Derek Woodhouse, Partner of Woodhouse Lorente Ludlow RIGHT: Giancarlo Schievenini, Associate of Woodhouse Lorente Ludlow

Q: Does the current legal framework meet the standards

The impact the reform will have on the renewable sector is

required to attract national and international investors?

still unclear. Renewable projects depend largely on long-

DW: The legal framework actually looks very good.

term PPAs to make them financially viable. It is expected

Problems do exist, not at the legal level but in the details,

that electricity rates for private generators will be lower

and the main problem is in the power held by CFE. Mexico

than current CFE rates, but the impact of the reform on

decided not to create a system based on feed-in tariffs or

CFE’s production costs also remains uncertain.

subsidies, so instead the responsibility of developing this industry hes been left to the private sector. A big effort has

On the other hand, the reform does not clarify how the

been made to create legislation that allows the development

participation of renewable generation in the new power

of renewable energy projects. New legislation and reforms

market will be ensured, given the fact that its production

were passed, and CRE created instruments, such as access

costs are considerably higher than those of conventional

to an energy bank and transmission infrastructure, that

technologies. Still, the reform acknowledges the 35%

changed the industry completely. Everything is in place to

renewable energy generation target by 2024, which certainly

create significant interest in Mexico’s energy sector, and

opens up a window of opportunity for renewables in Mexico.

the number of companies that are currently trying to make projects work in Mexico is incredible.

Q: What other legal challenges do your clients face and how can they be addressed?

Q: If the required legal framework is in place to foster

GS: An issue we have to deal with is that most banks

renewable energy projects, why has the industry not

are requesting certain kinds of guarantees. If you do not

taken off more rapidly?

have an AAA off-taker, it is going to be complicated to

DW: There is a flaw in the way the rule of law has been

find financing in Mexico. If we take into account that there

designed, which is that we rely on CFE for things that go

are very few AAA companies in Mexico, the opportunities

against CFE’s interests. This flaw is the main reason that

become even narrower. The issue is how we tackle such

projects have stopped moving ahead. Ultimately, only around

guarantee requirements from the banks to conduct projects

one in 10 projects will move ahead, with the remainder facing

that do not serve AAA companies. One of the things we

problems resulting from this flaw in the rules. CFE’s main

came up with at Woodhouse Lorente Ludlow to address

priorities are to be as efficient as possible and to provide

this concern was to work with municipalities as off-takers.

access to transmission infrastructure for newcomers. But

Municipalities are paying the highest electricity rates as

for CFE, this means doing more and receiving less. On top

the electricity for public lighting is the most expensive in

of that, the current operating framework allows private

the country. By using a PPP scheme, we create a way of

companies to focus on the CFE customers that are paying

making self-supply projects viable and bankable.

the most, which results in CFE losing those customers. CFE therefore has no interest whatsoever in getting private

Q: What are Woodhouse Lorente Ludlow’s ambitions

sector projects up and running, but the rules require CFE to

within the renewables sector in Mexico, given potential

sign off on many of these projects.

developments in the short and long-term? DW: Our objective is to become the number one boutique


Q: What are the major impacts you see the Energy Reform

law firm in this industry. Our intention is not to be perceived

having on the Mexican renewable energy sector?

as a very large law firm that covers every industry. We want

GS: Mexico is opening up the possibility for the private

to improve the way things work in our country – Mexico has

sector to generate electricity, since power generation

a lot of resources and it is a pity that they are not being put

is no longer defined as a public service, although the

to use. We will therefore seek to help the country make the

government keeps control of the national power system as

best of its resources. We want to make sure that whoever

well as exclusivity over transmission and distribution.

we are advising gets the best possible advice.


URGENT NEED TO DIVERSIFY MEXICO’S ENERGY MIX PABLO MULÁS Executive Director, Mexican Committee of the World Energy Council Q: What have been the defining factors for renewable

done what they can to reduce energy consumption, due to

energy development in Mexico in recent years?

financial reasons. Reducing energy consumption between 10-

A: The fact that Mexico is rich in hydrocarbons has made

15% and improving energy intensity is rather inexpensive and

the development of renewable energy projects slower than

has been done already. The problem is taking the huge leap

in other countries. However, this has been a good thing,

of reducing consumption by 30-40%, because this requires

despite the challenges renewables have faced. For example,

a large investment and complete process changes. As plants

the Isthmus of Tehuantepec has a high concentration of

become older, they will be replaced with much more efficient

wind energy, which is an interminable resource. But if a

facilities or with expansions that will use better technologies.

huge quantity of megawatts is installed, there will be a serious problem at times with limited wind for the rest of

Q: What are the main objectives of the World Energy

the grid, due to the high concentration of infrastructure


in one place. If this capacity is distributed over a larger

A: The World Energy Council is a large NGO in which both

area, no issues would arise when the wind dies down, since

companies and governments participate. Its main objective

other parts of the network can compensate.

is to promote the use of sustainable energy by everyone. Currently, the major worry is that 2 billion people in the

The same goes for nuclear energy which has not grown

world do not use commercial energy, and if measures are

since the construction of Mexico’s only nuclear power

not taken, that figure will grow. Other issues are climate

plant. Geothermal energy has had issues, even though it

change, energy security and social equity. However,

would be an easier option for CFE, requiring lower capital

the biggest worry for industrialized countries is energy

investment and offering high reliability and safety. The

security. In 2012, coal-fired power generation capacity

problems with geothermal and oil are similar: not every

increased in Europe, the champion of alternative energies,

well that is drilled will be a commercial success, and the

due to economic reasons.

behavior of a reservoir creates a degree of uncertainty during energy production.

Q: What is expected from the renewable energy sector in the coming years?

Q: What are the main challenges facing the Mexican

The diversification tendency of energy sources will

energy industry?

continue. Currently, the low natural gas prices have had a

A: The main challenge Mexico is facing is how to diversify its

big impact in North America, where coal is being displaced.

energy mix. It will be very difficult for a country with large

Coal is currently being sold cheaply to Europe and the

hydrocarbon resources to undergo diversification to such

continent has seen its carbon emissions increase over the

a degree that it is possible to reduce carbon emissions to

last year. Economists cannot predict what will happen in

required levels. The temptation of having a secure resource

the next six months, due to the volatility and instability

without threatening energy security is there. This is the

of the global economy. The world is purely reacting

reason why it is essential for Mexico to develop domestic

to economic indicators, even though the ecological

technology for better carbon capture and sequestration.

indicators are showing that this course of action might create future problems. Carbon emissions are a problem

Q: What is the importance of the renewable energy

that will not be solved until there is a global scheme that

industry for the Mexican economy?

puts a price on carbon emissions. At the current pace, the

A: The Mexican economy will continue growing and will

International Energy Agency is considering a potential

require a stable and cost competitive supply of energy. There

4°C increase in global temperatures, which is expected

will be a lot of pressure to make processes more energy

to have devastating effects. The precise impact of global

efficient, especially in the residential and industrial sectors.

warming is unknown and it is very difficult to predict what

This will be a slow process as many Mexican industries have

changes will take place.




Q: How serious is the commitment of the Mexican

the authorities do not facilitate investment in renewable

government to decreasing the country’s dependence on

energy, there will never be a shift in generation.

fossil fuels? A: Mexico needs to change the way it is looking at the

Q: How do you justify investments in renewable energy

sector. The authorities know the oil and gas sector very

being made by the government in a country that also

well and are continuing to invest in it. At the same time, the

needs to tackle poverty, education and security?

government’s public discourse could lead one to believe

A: Shifting investment to the right areas allows you to

that Mexico truly cares about fighting climate change. But

target problems like education and poverty. Betting on

if you contrast this discourse with the facts about where

renewables leads to an increase in the number of green jobs.

investment in the energy sector is being allocated, it

This process also entails identifying which technologies

becomes nothing but hot air. We are not seeing a real shift

and sources of energy should be relied on. Following on

from fossil fuels to renewable energy.

from that, investment is needed in infrastructure. We need engineers and technicians, which means that we have to

Q: What steps could President Peña Nieto take to boost

improve technical career options within universities.

the renewable energy sector? A: First of all, he should take advantage of all the potential

We have to challenge the idea that Mexico is just a poor

Mexico has to increase energy efficiency across different

country. Mexico is currently investing in drilling in the Gulf

sectors. This includes finding solutions for pumping water

of Mexico to obtain more oil. That oil is not being used to

in the agricultural sector and reducing CO2 emissions in the

solve energy problems; it is being exported to the US to

transportation sector, as the latter will soon be the main

bring in revenue. That revenue is not being used to create

cause of CO2 emissions. Boosting public transportation

jobs or feed the poor in rural areas.

systems like the Metrobus is the way to go. After having maximized that potential, President Peña Nieto should

Q: How does Greenpeace ensure that any potential plans

start replacing the coal share in the energy mix. This is

it presents to the government also factor in the loss of

a small part of the energy mix, with only two coal power

revenue your recommended actions might lead to?

stations accounting for 7% of Mexico’s power generation

A: This is a matter of concern for us. We believe that if we

capacity, which could easily be replaced by renewable

shift the subsidies to foster the needed infrastructure for

energy sources. He should also replace the share of nuclear

renewable energy sources, the numbers must make sense.

energy with solar and wind.

Of course, Mexico cannot abandon its oil policy from one day to the next. We have to look closely and evaluate how

Q: What is Greenpeace’s strategy to get its message across

and where we can best invest some of the revenues from

and promote sustainability among the key stakeholders in

the oil and gas sector. If we do not change the way Mexico

Mexico’s energy future?

generates its income, public finances will never be able to

A: Many people believe that the way Mexico is producing

change the country’s energy mix.

energy right now is fine because it is cheap. Our core


audience is the general public, who are not currently aware

Greenpeace does not have the capacity to present an

of the advantages of renewables and how much potential

entire reform for the whole of the Mexican government.

using them could unlock. Most of our work seeks to creatie

We are not experts on financial issues. We are very clear

awareness among the general public that Mexico has the

with the authorities regarding that. Confronting the

potential to produce energy much more efficiently than it

government does not mean that I am obliged to provide a

does today, but needs investment to do so. We also have

solution. The government is paid to do that. We show them

more detailed strategies for communicating technical

where they can improve, but officials have to come up with

reports to the authorities, such as SENER and CFE. If

the solutions.



Q: What were the main environmental achievements

The playing field should be leveled. Mexico spends at

under President Felipe Calderón’s administration?

least MX$3 billion (US$224 million) per year on subsidies

A: One of the things Mexico has done right is to become

for fossil fuels; it is impossible for the renewable industry

a pioneer in low carbon planning. Mexico has specifically

to realize its growth potential in such a distorted market.

looked at low carbon development from an economic point

However, subsidies are a sensitive issue in any country,

of view and has been able to communicate its efforts to

and making sure they reach the population that needs

international audiences. Mexico’s General Climate Change

them is a delicate topic. Public investment in transmission

Law is one of the most forward thinking legislations in the

infrastructure and smart grids can also help to level the

world, especially among developing countries. It has sent

playing field. The business community needs to be very

a clear signal to the world that Mexico wants to travel a

vocal about the need to level the rules of the game, such

different path. Mexico has shown it does not believe that

as ensuring fair terms for small producers and open access

there is a tradeoff between economic development and

to the grid. Companies could also be more outspoken in

low emissions.

terms of subsidies and tariffs.

Q: What is driving Mexico’s progressive approach?

Q: Did you push for the operation of the grid to be

A: It is a combination of political will at the highest level and

separated from CFE’s other activities?

the formation of a critical mass of civil society organizations

A: Definitely, but this does not mean that the operation

(CSOs) and businesses. We have a better organized CSO

of the grid had to be privatized. It is to be done by a

community and a forward-looking business community.

government entity separated from CFE. We need a true

The big catalyst to this critical mass was COP16, the 2010

re-alignment of institutions under a federal policy. If the

UN Climate Change Conference in Cancun. This critical

current administration wants to scale up renewables to

mass is still going strong and there are big opportunities

their full potential, it has to make a few critical changes:

for the current administration to implement Mexico’s plans

clear and escalating goals, investment in transmission

along with the business sector and CSOs.

infrastructure, smart grids, and an industrial supply chain policy.

COP16 resulted in the drafting of national climate change legislation, which serves as a great basis on which the

Q: What has to be achieved this year in order to ensure

current government can work, but the most interesting

that Mexico is on the right track?

times are yet to come. Structural changes must happen

A: In 2014, the renewable energy sector should be given the

within this presidential mandate. This government should

role it deserves in the National Energy Strategy. It should not

be clever enough to seize that platform and use the

be seen as a good alternative but as part of the core energy

international leverage it has gained to take the country to

mix of the country. A strong national renewable energy

a different level.

program should be published, calling for a minimum of 18GW generated from renewable energy by 2018, supported by

Q: What do you see as the key elements of a successful

transmission grid investment plans. This figure is based on

energy policy for Mexico?

a study undertaken by PricewaterhouseCoopers, supported

A: Renewable energy development should be part of

by the Climate Works Foundation and WWF and launched

Mexico’s industrial policy, which has not been wrong up

by IMERE, which shows that the 18GW potential can be

until now, it has just been insufficient. Artificial barriers

realized before 2018. Solar is already competitive with certain

to international trade are never a good solution. Mexico

commercial tariffs, and by 2020 it could be competitive in

should start crafting a clear industrial policy around

the medium voltage tariff. Meanwhile, increasing investment

renewables by identifying the products and services in

in the development of grid infrastructure can unlock the

which it has a competitive advantage.

development of large wind power capacity.




2 With the historical approval of the Energy Reform, 2013 will be seen as a turning point for the Mexican energy sector. Three constitutional articles were modified, with power generation being further opened up to private parties. The Ministry of Energy (SENER) remains the policy maker for energy, CRE’s responsibilities as a regulator are enhanced, while CFE must become competitive in the marketplace within two years. CFE retains its role as the planner for the electrical grid, but the operation of the grid itself passes to CENACE, an independent body spun off from CFE. Private investors will now also have the right to develop and build the transmission infrastructure, under CENACE’s supervision.

This chapter gives the perspective of the different government entities in charge of regulating clean energy, shows the intricacies of the changes sweeping the energy sector, and anticipates modifications to the regulatory framework through the change in 26 secondary laws.



Who’s Who in the Mexican Energy Sector


Operating Framework for Energy Projects


Main Uses for the Model Contract


Impact of Externalities


VIEW FROM THE TOP: How the Energy Reform Will Reshape CRE


Energy Demand Clashes With Restrictive Regulations


VIEW FROM THE TOP: The Importance of Constitutional Change


EXPERT INSIGHT: Luis Vera Morales, Vera & Carvajal


New Legal Structures for Future Energy Projects


Information for All Players in the Energy Sector


CFE Down the Years & The Unhealthy Finances of CFE


Understanding the Mexican Electricity Tariffs


PROJECT INSIGHT: Mareña Renovables: A Warning to Project Developers


Real Costs and Benefits of Renewable Energy


Commercial and Industrial Tariffs


PPPs: a Strong Ally for Project Developers


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Fostering Private Participation in Energy Matrix


Intricacies of New Energy and Environmental Laws


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Keeping Climate Change Actions Moving Forward


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Lack of Communication Impeding R&D for Renewables


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Government Action Sorely Needed to Unlock Renewables


PV Dilemma: When Connecting to the Grid is Not Enough


Pushing for Mexican Energy Efficiency Standards


Lack of Standards and Certifications in Mexico


VIEW FROM THE TOP: German Expertise in the Renewable Energy Sector


WHO’S WHO IN THE MEXICAN ENERGY SECTOR | PRESIDENT OF MEXICO Enrique Peña Nieto was born in Atlacomulco, an industrial city in the State of Mexico, as the son of an electrical engineer and a teacher. He is related to two former governors of the State of Mexico and the nephew of a former mayor of Atlacomulco, giving him an introduction to the world of politics from birth. After graduating with a BA in Law from the Universidad Panamericana, and an MBA from the Instituto Tecnologico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, Enrique Peña Nieto started his political career. He formally entered in 1993, when Enrique Peña Nieto

he was appointed as the Personal Secretary of Arturo Montiel Rojas, who was then the

Minister of Economic Development for the State of Mexico. He took a big step up to a higher level of government when Montiel Rojas became the State Governor and Peña Nieto was appointed as the Undersecretary of the Interior. He won his first elected position as Federal Deputy in 2003 representing his hometown of Atlacomulco in the Congress of the State of Mexico. Two years later, after a successful election campaign, he became the Governor of the State of Mexico, a position he occupied until September 2011. The crucial element of his mandate was the pledge to fulfill 608 promises made on the campaign trail, a pledge he signed in front of a notary to prove his capabilities to deliver results. After stepping down from the position of Governor in September 2011, Peña Nieto released his book ‘Mexico, The Great Hope’, in which he argued for the importance of expanding the economy to create formal jobs. He won the presidential election of July 1, 2012 and acquired 38.21% of the votes, followed by Andres Manuel López Obrador of the PRD with 31.59% after an intense campaign. Peña Nieto’s mandate runs from 2012 until 2018. He has already overseen a period of important changes during which long expected political changes, such as the Energy Reform, the Fiscal Reform and the Telecommunications Reform, have been approved. Peña Nieto’s presidential mandate runs from 2012 until 2018. To construct the consensus needed to get constitutional reforms anchoring his political agenda approved by Congress of the Union, Peña Nieto created the Pact for Mexico, a political arrangement under which the country’s three ruling parties came together to achieve the necessary changes. He has already overseen a period of important changes with landmark reforms such as the Energy Reform, the Fiscal Reform, Education Reform, and the Telecommunications Reforms.

| MINISTER OF ENERGY On December 1st, 2012, the 63-year-old Pedro Joaquín Coldwell was appointed as Energy Minister in President Enrique Peña Nieto’s cabinet, only hours after he resigned as President of the PRI. In this position, which he held for just under a year, Coldwell worked closely with campaign manager Luis Videgaray, the current Finance Minister, on the successful election campaign of that resulted in the PRI reclaiming the presidency after 12 years of rule by the Pedro Joaquín Coldwell

PAN. After graduating with a law degree from the Universidad Iberoamericana in Mexico City, Coldwell was elected deputy to the Congress of his home state Quintana Roo at the age of 25.

He served four years as Secretary General in the Quintana Roo government, and became a Federal Deputy in 1979. Two years later, Coldwell was elected Governor of Quintana Roo at only 31 years of age, a position that he held until 1987. He subsequently served as Director General of FONATUR (National Fund of Tourism Promotion), and was Mexico’s Tourism Secretary from 19901993 in the PRI-led government of President Carlos Salinas de Gortari. Coldwell’s long history of involvement and leadership in the PRI – which also included a post as Mexican Ambassador to Cuba between 1998-2000 and a term as Senator between 2006-2012 – has positioned him as a key member of the party. According to José Merino, a political science professor at ITAM, “If you open up a dictionary and look for the word PRI, the definition could include Pedro Joaquín Coldwell. He is distinguished by his bargaining, dialogue, and openness. It is an appointment that will lead to a honest and healthy discussion and debate with Mexican society, with the potential to build public policies that will help the country,” says Senator David Penchyna, President of the Senate Energy Commission. “Mexico needs someone who has a lot of political muscle to push through a comprehensive energy reform and make it a reality.” Coldwell will also have to deal with multiple issues during his tenure as Minister of Energy, which include maintaining and increasing current oil and gas production levels, improving and expanding transportation infrastructure, increasing Mexico’s refining capacity, and ensuring that Mexico’s power generation and transmission infrastructure is able to meet the rising demand to fuel the country’s forecasted economic growth.


| DIRECTOR GENERAL OF CFE Francisco José Rojas Gutiérrez was born in Mexico City and has served as the Director General of CFE since December 4, 2012. He has a BA in Public Accounting from UNAM and has been a member of the PRI since 1960. He served as Finance Secretary of the National Executive Committee and was part of the presidential campaign of Miguel de la Madrid. He was also Assistant Manager of Public Spending and Coordinator of Advisors in the Treasury until 1983 when former President Miguel de la Madrid named him as the representative of the Francisco José Rojas Gutiérrez

Federal Public Administration Ministry, a position he held until 1987 when he was appointed

as Director General of PEMEX. He retired from active politics after his term ended in 1994 but returned in 2003 as a PRI deputy, serving two terms from 2003-2006 and from 2009-2012. He was also the President of the Colosio Foundation from 20072010, and was Chairman of the Board of UNAM from 1995 to 2003. In the private sector, he served as Executive President of the Mexican Committee of the Consumer Products Industry from 1996 to 2003. The coming years will see CFE invest approximately US$14 billion in the development of infrastructure and power plants, complementing investments made by the private sector in gas pipelines and generation plants. As Director General of CFE, Rojas Gutierrez is tasked with lowering costs, improving profitability, and ensuring the efficient transition from fuel oil to natural gas, while guaranteeing a permanent power supply to every Mexican.

| COMMISSIONER PRESIDENT OF CRE Francisco Xavier Salazar Diez de Sollano was appointed as the Commissioner President of the Energy Regulatory Commission (CRE) in 2005, by Former President Vicente Fox, and was ratified in 2010 to remain in his post for a further term, ending in 2015. He was named as President of the Ibero-American Association of Energy Regulatory Entities in 2012. Francisco Salazar concluded his Chemistry Engineering studies at UNAM in San Luis Potosi and obtained Francisco Xavier Salazar Diez de Sollano

a Master’s degree in Economics from the London School of Economics & Political Science. He also holds a degree in Parliamentary Law from Universidad Iberoamericana.

His political background includes serving as Federal Deputy for the 6th district of San Luis Potosi from 1997 to 2000, being Secretary of the Ecology and Environment Commission and a member of the Budget and Hydraulic Affairs Commission during this period. He has also served on the Public Economic Council and the Economic Development Council. His objectives as Commissioner President are to regulate transparently, impartially and efficiently the energy industry including gas, refined hydrocarbons, derived products of hydrocarbons and electricity. He seeks to generate certainty to promote productive investment and healthy competition. It is also within his objectives to provide an adequate electrical coverage and attend the reliability, quality and security of the supply of energy and related services provided at competitive prices in order to benefit the final user. He is responsible for promoting the growth of the private power generation industry by efficiently issuing permits as well as regulating the transportation of natural gas through pipelines.

| MINISTER OF ENVIRONMENTAL AND NATURAL RESOURCES After Enrique Peña Nieto won the presidential election, Juan José Guerra Abud was appointed to become Mexico’s Minister of Environment and Natural Resources (SEMARNAT) as of December 1st, 2012. Guerra Abud, born in Toluca in the State of Mexico, is a member of the Mexican Green Party. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Industrial Engineering from Anahuac University and a Master’s degree in Economics from South California University. After 14 years working in the private sector, he entered politics in 1990. That year, he was named Minister of Juan José Guerra Abud

Economic Development for the State of Mexico by former Governor Emilio Chuayffet. In this

position, he supervised the early political career of Peña Nieto in the State of Mexico. Guerra Abud was also Director General of Krone Comunicaciones from 1990 to 1992 and President of Unitec Boelhoff from 1992 to 1994. After serving as Minister for four years, he held various positions in the state government, including Director General of Industrial Promotion at the State of Mexico’s Economic Development Ministry from 1994 to 1999. Guerra Abud was then named Executive President of the National Association of Bus, Truck and Tractor Producers (ANPACT) in 2001. He returned to politics in 2009, being elected as a congressman for the Mexican Green Party, after resigning from ANPACT. After three years as a congressman, he was appointed as Parliamentary Coordinator for the Mexican Green Party in Congress. His experience in the environmental sector also saw him become an advisor to the Mario Molina Center for Strategic Studies in Energy and the Environment.


OPERATING FRAMEWORK FOR ENERGY PROJECTS The renewable energy sector’s operating framework

considered to be part of the public service, such as self-

depends mainly on three government entities: the

supply schemes, small power producer schemes, and

Ministry of Energy (SENER), CRE, and CFE. SENER

cogeneration. CRE approves the regulatory instruments

oversees Mexico’s energy policy to guarantee competitive,

that lay out the relationship between permit holders and

economically viable, and environmentally sustainable

CFE as part of its objective to drive renewable projects

energy supply needed for national development. In other

forward. Planning the expansion of the national grid is

words, SENER establishes the long-term energy strategy,

one of CFE’s duties, along with carrying out the necessary

after which the entity works with other ministries to make

technical assessments for the interconnection of new

sure the regulations cover specific characteristics of each

power generation projects. Projects that use renewable

energy source and the costs associated with externalities.

energy sources have become increasingly important in Mexico’s strategy to diversify its energy mix. It is important

The Energy Regulatory Commission (CRE) was created by

to note that a significant amount of the private sector’s

decree in 1993 as a decentralized administrative agency


responsible for addressing matters, as defined in Article

The modalities under which the Electric Energy Public

27 of the Constitution, regarding energy. The commission’s

Service Law (LSPEE) allows private parties to participate

fundamental objective is to efficiently regulate the electricity,

in Mexico’s energy sector are self-supply, cogeneration,

hydrocarbon, and gas sectors providing legal certainty to

independent power producer, small producers, power

foster investment and promote healthy competition among

export, and power import. As energy generation activities

the different players, while ensuring coverage at competitive

are subjected to project approval, developers should

prices for the consumers; CRE’s regulatory character makes it

consider their maximum production capacity and the

essential. It is also in charge of approving budgets for power

maximum demand for imported electricity, as well as the

infrastructure requested by federal entities, municipalities,

final destination of the power. It is also worth pointing

and other users of this public service.

out that those interested in developing a cogeneration






or renewable energy project should take into account The Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) is the national

certain considerations. Article 21 of the Renewable Energy

utility in charge of power generation, transmission and

Development and Financing for Energy Transition Law

distribution as well as managing the national power grid.

(LAERFTE) states that projects over 2.5MW must ensure

The Electric Public Service Law (LSPEE) states that CFE

the participation of local and regional communities in

must produce the most affordable energy, while the

the consulting process and project development. The law

Law for the Energy Regulatory Commission states that

mandates that developers should also pay land owners the

CRE should verify that energy distribution entities offer

corresponding fees and promote social development in

their product at a low cost while maintaining quality and

the local communities where the projects are located.

keeping the national electric system stable and safe. CRE is in charge of determining tariffs for the supply and sale of

The legal framework for the electricity industry will see

electricity. Even though CRE is independent from SENER,

significant changes in the next few years due to the 2013

the commission’s regulatory framework states that it must

Energy Reform, which allows public and private investment

provide insights when SENER requests them. Some of the

for electricity generation and commercialization activities,

matters in which CRE advises SENER involve the energy

though the transmission and distribution of power will remain

sector program, expansion of the national electricity

strategic areas under the exclusive responsibility of the state.

grid, CFE’s projects, participation of

private parties in

Among other purposes, the reform is intended to transform

the electricity sector, and establishing the terms and

PEMEX and CFE, the national companies dedicated to

conditions for tenders and concessions. Natural gas is also

respectively hydrocarbons and electricity, into “productive

part of CRE’s responsibilities, so it must approve the terms

companies of the state.” In order to make this a reality, the

and conditions for the first-hand sale of natural gas and LP

Energy Reform approved by the Senate and the Chamber

gas unless the Federal Competitiveness Commission has

of Deputies amended constitutional articles 25, 27 and 28,

stated conditions that indicate otherwise, and approving

and established 21 transitory articles. A timeframe was also

the terms and conditions for the transportation, storage,

defined within which the secondary laws must be enacted.

and distribution of natural gas and LP gas.

The Mexican Energy Reform has been recognized as an important effort to increase the competitiveness of the


Regarding renewable energies, CRE grants and revokes

Mexican energy sector. The opening up of the Mexican


energy sector will bring new opportunities for Mexico in the







coming years, following 75 years of intense governmental control over oil and energy resources. The modifications made to the original energy reform document by Congress included different contracting schemes for oil and gas production, which will increase the attractiveness of the market for foreign companies, allowing greater private sector involvement in the funding of exploration and production as well as risk and profit sharing. Though the oil and gas industry will open the door to the private sector there will be no concessions for hydrocarbons, which will remain property of the Mexican State. PEMEX will also remain the priority company for exploration and exploitation activities, over private sector companies. The








decentralized public bodies: National Center for the Control of National Gas (CENAGAS), which will operate the





investment expectations in the country will broaden and there will be more job opportunities. We believe that Mexico will attract up to US$10 billion a year in direct foreign investment for the energy sector, in addition to the investment it already attracts” Pedro Joaquín Coldwell, Minister of Energy

national pipeline system and natural gas storage facilities, and the National Center for the Control of Electrical Power

benefits that are expected to derive from the Energy Reform

(CENACE), which will manage the national electric system.

include increased revenue for the federal government, a

Additionally, environmental protection activities will be

drop in electricity and natural gas prices, and the creation

incorporated through the creation of the National Agency

of a considerable amount of jobs, with a forecast of 2.5

for Industrial Safety and Environmental Protection, which

million to be generated by the year 2025. By opening up

will regulate environmental protection activities within the

the generation area of the electricity sector, increasing

hydrocarbons sector and waste management activities.

investment is expected to enter the Mexican economy,

As part of the reform, concerted efforts will be made

which will boost the renewable energy sector and provide

to prevent, identify and sanction corrupt activities. The

industry with access to cheaper energy sources.

MAIN USES FOR THE MODEL CONTRACT All power producers that

and efficient a model contract has shown itself to be.

intend to interconnect to

This instrument enables both the industry regulators and

the Mexican grid need to

producers to reach effective agreements under the current

celebrate a contract with

regulatory framework. It is this very flexibility that is being

CFE. The type of contract,

called for by a market in which the conditions for different

known as a model contract,

renewable sources can vary drastically.

depends on the installed energy

“We created the first generation of regulatory mechanisms

source. Its specifics vary

to foster renewables but the pace of change is set by the


capacity Guillermo Zúñiga Martínez, Commissioner of CRE



industry. For example, a sugar cane factory argued that its

aspects have already been

bioenergy scheme was designed on a yearly basis, while

fixed by the law and by regulatory instruments while CRE

its resources were useable for only six months of the year.

will also modify certain conditions. This foundation enables

This showed us that we had to modify the scheme and

the regulator and the producers to analyze each project

tailor it to a very important sector. We have to react rapidly

and design a contract that fits industry needs and the

and sensitively to such issues so a more adequate form of

project’s specifics. CRE Commissioner Guillermo Zúñiga

regulation is created,” says Zúñiga Martínez.


Martínez looks ahead to the implementation of these contracts. “The main uses for the model contract will have

Following the Energy Reform, model contracts will play a

to be communicated to the industry, but it will provide

primary role in the diversification of the Mexican energy market

certainty, uniformity and predictability. These elements are

but also in the development of transmission infrastructure by

the pillars of any regulatory instrument.”

public and private enterprises. Zúñiga Martínez stated that new legislation, including model contracts, will provide a

These contracts are periodically revised, with changes

more transparent model for developers, including issues such

and adjustments being made depending on how useful

as property rights and financing.


IMPACT OF EXTERNALITIES Being able to effectively determine the cost of externalities

sure these rules consider the specific characteristics of

is crucial to increasing the competitiveness of renewable

various forms of renewable energy and the costs associated

energy when compared to fossil fuels. However, this is no

with the externalities of electricity generation from fossil

easy task as calculating externalities goes beyond simply

fuels.” Nevertheless, he adds that confusion in the law

measuring the amount of CO2 emissions released into the

should not be left unattended. “First you need a proper

atmosphere. The factors that need to be considered vary

legal framework, or there will be contradictions. CFE has

tremendously depending on location, source, installed

to produce, transmit and distribute electricity at the lowest

capacity and short, medium and long-term effects. The

possible cost. If CRE does not recognize the externalities

problem inflates with an apparent contradiction in legal

that CFE does not pay, clearly there is a contradiction in

texts. The LSPEE states “the production of energy that

CFE having to pay the lowest price.”

results in the lowest short and long-term costs for CFE should be used for the provision of the electricity public

Currently, there are no clear incentives to implement

service, considering environmental externalities for each

less polluting but more expensive energy sources in the

technology.” However, the General Climate Change Law sets

Mexican energy mix. The methodology used to calculate

a clear mandate to diminish emissions and increase clean

externalities plays an important role in effectively estimating

energy production. CRE Commissioner Rubén Flores García

long term costs and consequently making renewables more

stresses the importance of such a contradiction. “We would

competitive. According to Flores García, the methodology

like change that mandate because you cannot establish

used by SENER and developed by the Mario Molina Center

the priorities of a company over that of a nation. The cost

to calculate externalities lacks precision, “determining

of electricity should be the cheapest for Mexico, not CFE.

the cost of externalities is complicated as the problem

The costs of externalities were calculated mathematically,

presented by climate change is a global issue.” This issue

taking future expansion into account, but this law distorts

could be partly solved by forcing private companies to

the problem.” According to Francisco Barnés de Castro,

calculate externalities while considering how many of these

another CRE Commissioner, the issue is passed on to various

are reflected in carbon emission taxes. According to Barnés

government agencies in charge of establishing Mexico’s

de Castro, “we must begin to distinguish between the

energy policy, tariffs, prices and permitting processes.

estimated costs, what methodologies have been validated

“SENER is in charge of establishing the rules of our long-

by the academic community, and how much of this has

term planning. It has to work with other ministries to make

been reflected in taxes on fossil fuels.”

Next Energy es una empresa mexicana con más de 23 años de experiencia en el desarrollo de proyectos de energía, ahora especializada en fuentes renovables de energía: Eólica, Solar y Geotérmica.

Brindamos nuestros productos y servicios a todos los sectores, público (gobierno federal, estatal y municipal) y privado (industrial, comercial, rural y vivienda), buscando darles la opción de generar su propia energía tanto eléctrica como térmica a un menor precio (descuentos del 15% o más de lo que actualmente están pagando), disminuyendo la dependencia que se tiene a las empresas que proveen estos servicios a la fecha.

Desarrollamos los proyectos desde Green field hasta la construcción, puesta en marcha, operación y mantenimiento. Si tiene un terreno disponible, mándenos las coordenadas y nosotros desarrollaremos el proyecto por usted. 38



Q: How will the Energy Reform help Mexico to meet its

the power provided by law. CRE needs to have a more

growing electricity demand in the future?

proactive role in promoting the sector and, as regulator,

A: Mexico’s power generation capacity will not be increased

it will have to translate legal certainties in specific actions.

only by opening the market to the private sector. The reason

One example is the energy transportation methodology,

why the approved Energy Reform is ideal is because it

which was adapted from international methodologies to

modifies the entire sector. For example, shale gas resources

the Mexican sector, but the truth is that it does not work.

in northeastern Mexico will generate jobs and attract new

We need a more transparent, dynamic methodology in

investment once development is underway. The Energy

which every player can go online into the transmission

Reform detonates productivity, which will have a positive

company or independent operator’s website, provide the

impact on other sectors and will attract investment. When

node where it will connect, the amount of energy it will

planning energy demand, it is important to take into

add to the grid, and know how much the wheeling will

consideration the country’s economic growth. With this

cost. We, as regulators, have the responsibility of making

reform, the country’s GDP will increase by two or three

this possible. We have to promote conditions that show

percentage points. Obviously this will be reflected in energy

legal certainty so that investors become aware it is safe to

demand, and when demand is growing, power generation

invest in the Mexican electricity sector.

has to increase. If the Energy Reform had only focused on hydrocarbons without involving the electricity sector, there

Q: What will be the role of off-takers in electricity

would have been a problem. Industrial growth would have

generation following these changes?

been fostered, but we would not have had an efficient way

A: On one hand, Mexico has the goal of generating 35%

to guarantee electricity supply. When the electricity market

of its electricity from clean sources by 2024. We have to

is restructured, it sends a message that markets are opening

comply with this mandate and renewable energy project

and are becoming attractive for investment.

developers are aware of this. On the other hand, there are consumers and socially responsible companies that

Q: How will the implementation of the Energy Reform

are interested in covering their energy requirements with

affect CRE?

clean energy. For renewables, the federal government has

A: With the Energy Reform, we will have to wait and see how

to integrate externalities into the regulatory framework

the new legal and political framework will work out. We are

governing supply, which will be reflected in electricity

expecting to take over all hydrocarbons regulation matters

prices, making renewable energies more attractive to all

concerning pipeline transportation. One of the most

market participants. The small power producer scheme

important modifications made by the reform is to have all

is mainly focused on conventional energy generation, but

transportation of hydrocarbon products by pipeline come

there is something that has to be taken into consideration

under CRE regulation. Future electricity market regulation

since investors find it very attractive to use this scheme

will also be the responsibility of CRE. The market will no

because Mexico’s natural gas supply is still limited. When

longer be ruled through bilateral contracts, and there will

there is no natural gas, energy has to be generated with

be increased access to the market. We will also strengthen

other more expensive sources and the short-term marginal

the legal framework for the natural gas sector. Right now,

cost increases, opening an opportunity for small power

that might seem like a smaller issue, but it is only a matter

producers. However, when the Los Ramones pipeline begins

of time before it becomes very important.

operating and Mexico has the capacity to import cheap natural gas from the US or when we begin extracting non-

Q: How can CRE act as a communication facilitator between

conventional gas, electricity prices will go down and so will

public and private players in project development?

the short-term marginal cost. Nowadays, the small power

A: More than facilitating communication, we are an

producer scheme is still very attractive, but that situation

authority in the sector that works transparently and applies

might change in the near future.


ENERGY DEMAND CLASHES WITH RESTRICTIVE REGULATIONS There is no single recipe that is certain to strengthen a

To deviate from the restrictive regulatory framework, the

country’s renewable energy sector. Each country presents

Open Season scheme was created. This public bidding

particular social, cultural, economic, physical and regulatory

process invites private interests to pay for the expansion

traits which require a tailor-made regulatory framework

of transmission infrastructure that CFE will eventually build

and planning. Emerging economies and developing

and own. This process aims to develop projects that would

markets that possess the quantity and quality of resources

otherwise not be financially viable for CFE to carry out

needed for renewable energy development often lack a

alone. The self-supply scheme can only provide growth

clear regulatory framework, long-term policies, or even

under certain conditions and is principally an option for

the needed infrastructure to ensure smooth progress for

large companies that can afford to invest millions of dollars

sector. A murky framework does not necessarily stifle the

to secure a source of renewable energy.

expansion of the industry but does make growth harder, riskier and more uncertain. Mexico is unique in its regulatory and cultural traits. Schemes that found success in Brazil or China would not have the same effect in Mexico. Any Mexican framework would have to contend with the country’s size, geographical position, diverse communities and regional conditions. Furthermore, the constitutional and regulatory implications of the energy sector are quite particular in Mexico. The constitutional conceptualization of public goods and energy resources stems from the actions of President Lázaro Cardenas in 1938 which led to the creation of two state monopolies: CFE and PEMEX. As a result, the Mexican government is

CFE needs to considerably expand its grid infrastructure in order to sustain further economic growth. However it lacks the resources – both human and economic – to facilitate such growth in tandem with meeting growing energy demand.

the only party that can be involved in so-called strategic areas of the energy sector.

Unlike some European countries, where feed-in tariffs and subsidies have played an important role in the

Another particular challenge facing the market is the

development of the renewable energy sector, the growth

regulation concerning usage rights and land ownership.

of the Mexican wind energy industry has been driven by

These regulations also derive from historical events,

market forces. However, the private sector is seeking for

starting with the Reform Laws promoted by Benito Juárez

the Mexican government to support growth via a scheme

more than 150 years ago. The reform in 1922 established

that works around existing restrictive regulations, allowing

the concept of ejidos, or communal lands, to protect

for expanded infrastructure and the creation of a long-

indigenous communities and their property. But as the

term planning strategy. The establishment of such a long-

lack of a clear framework was not resolved, the ejidos have

term plan would help to speed along the creation of a

become places where rights of ownership or land usage

local supply chain. However, without guarantees about

remain uncertain.

enforcement, it might not be enough to spark confidence in continued government support of the industry or dispel

The energy regulatory framework in Mexico is full of

uncertainty regarding future growth.

provisions which can act as barriers to growth. CFE has


a monopoly over the provision of electricity as a “public

Fortunately, Mexico’s GDP is expected to grow at more than

service” and handling transportation, which necessarily

3% in 2014, a rate that is expected to continue matched or

implies the building and designing of grid infrastructure.

exceeded in the years ahead. In order for this to happen,

This presents issues for CFE and for project developers

the energy supply needs to be guaranteed in the medium

alike. Many sites are located far from the grid, greatly

and long-term. Relying solely on hydrocarbons is neither

raising initial project costs, with many becoming downright

secure nor wise, given that Mexico has already become

financially unfeasible. At the same time, CFE needs to

a net importer of natural gas and can support its energy

considerably expand its grid infrastructure in order to

independence by transitioning towards a low-emission

sustain further economic growth. However it lacks the

energy industry. Therefore, ensuring the growth of viable and

resources – both human and economic – to facilitate such

competitive renewable energy sources is destined to be one

growth in tandem with meeting growing energy demand.

of the pillars of Mexico’s sustainable economic development.


THE IMPORTANCE OF CONSTITUTIONAL CHANGE MIGUEL JÁUREGUI ROJAS Partner of Jáuregui, Navarrete y Del Valle, S.C. Q: Why were constitutional changes essential for the

participating company. In many cases our law firm is

Energy Reform?

helping large companies that want to use renewable

A: The Energy Reform has amended Article 27 and

energy to do just that. However, this process still raises

Article 28. We have to respect the constitution, but if the

questions that need answering. First of all, the company

legal framework is not sustainable at the constitutional

has to determine how many megawatts it needs, which

level it will not be sustainable at any other level either.

determines what permits it needs. Then we have to

The constitutional basis for a clear and strong legal

navigate the government’s central planning, which sets

framework will remove doubts about the financeability of

limits on the amount of energy a project can generate, or

projects, which in turn guarantees that they can be built

demands that it generate no less than a certain amount.

and interconnected with the grid very quickly. A mass

Getting a private company to pledge to produce 100MW

of projects being developed would lead to a boom in

is a big commitment, which puts the private sector off.

suppliers, the floating of stock, the issuing of securities,

This is the type of centralized planning that should not be

and the creation of jobs.

done through agencies like CFE. The government should observe how the market is working and create public

Q: What aspects do you think will need to be covered by

policy based on those observations.

secondary laws? A: The current framework is too stringent and secondary

As for renewables, the world is passing CFE by, precisely

laws could pose a threat to the energy industry if they are

because of the ways natural resources are increasingly

left unclear, as is currently the case. The secondary laws

being used and the fact that CFE views them as

were likely drafted and negotiated along with the main text

competition. Another problem is seen in the way CFE

of the Energy Reform, and the issue now is to ensure that

wheels its electricity and delivers it to off-takers. It has

the Energy Reform and the secondary laws create a more

to deliver that energy at the price in the PPA and not at

level playing field.

its own price. You have to wonder what kind of margin is being lost there.

Q: Is it beneficial for Mexico to split CFE and create an independent grid operator?

Q: How do you see Mexico’s various renewable energy

A: It depends on the economics. Duplicating the grid

sources developing in the future?

infrastructure would require a lot of resources, concessions

A: All of them are the future. To unlock that future,

and permits. When our clients tell us they want CFE’s

technology is a great enabler, but you have to make sure

authority to be divided, we tell them there are several

that the right technology is being applied. If you look at the

ways of addressing this. Do they have the ability to pool

PV sector, the viable range for installations was between

together the resources of very large companies to finance

0.5 and 3.5MW for several years. Now we are seeing

this construction of an independent grid? If not, do they

30MW projects, and we will soon have 100MW projects.

want the government to privatize the grid? Privatization

However, I am concerned about the development of the

of the grid is impossible for the foreseeable future. The

wind industry since there have been a number of failures

opposition keeps talking about privatization but the

in areas with strong wind resources, mainly because of

Energy Reform is not about privatization. It is about

social problems and a lack of access to the grid. Today it

opening an area of the economy up to the participation of

is very difficult to design a wind project that can easily be

private capital, both Mexican and foreign.

connected to the Mexican grid. Geothermal energy is also going to have a great future, but the question remains

Off-takers are going down the self-supply route. The

how many exploratory wells companies can afford to drill.

reason for self-supply is obvious, as the productivity

The state of biomass is surprising as it should have taken

of any type of plant can be geared to the needs of any

off by now, at least in Mexico City.


| EXPERT INSIGHT Q: What do you see as the priorities that should be tackled

concerns about the projects they wish to develop, we start

regarding the Mexican regulatory framework?

by studying similar cases and projects that ran into trouble

A: Mexico has a rather complex law-making process, which

or were not approved. This enables us to suggest different

begins with the proclamation of a general law. Following

course of action for our clients to get the green light on

on from that, several specific secondary laws are made.

their projects, based on real examples.

As this creates various legal contexts for each subject, conflicting views can arise with different interpretations

Q: How can the concepts of environmental law be spread


among the Mexican public?






pertaining to the development of the energy sector are

A: We are now seeking for ways to spread this awareness

linked to the passing of environmental impact laws, which

among our clients and among the Mexican public. The firm

can also lead to considerable legislative uncertainty.

has dedicated a lot of its time to academic endeavors.

Mexico has very sophisticated laws but the country needs

We partner up with universities to teach courses on

homologation in order to eliminate such doubt. Regarding

environmental law, carry out research and publish papers.

environmental subjects, the very definition of technical

Passing on this information and creating awareness are

terms, such as pollution, is linked to a series of specific

essential to ensure that Mexico continues to grow in an

and technical assessments. Taking this into account, Vera

intelligent way.

& Carvajal’s priority is making sure that society at large is well-informed and understands the legislation.

Environmental law poses its own set of challenges. To fully deal with its complexities, our firm has a technical division

Q: What specific benefits does your firm bring to its

that works alongside our legal advisors. This allows to

clients’ projects?

provide efficient solutions in a fast and dynamic way that

A: We are developing several projects, mostly in the

differs other branches of law. The nature of environmental

energy and environmental sectors. We work in projects

law is changing the way we think about progress.

in Mexico, in the US, Central America and Peru, giving us a strong understanding of the region’s various regulatory

Luis Vera Morales,

frameworks. Once our clients approach us with their

Founding Member and Associate at Vera & Carvajal


a project. CFE’s contract and permit process can be

only natural to seek clarity

daunting to companies entering the Mexican market but

from trusted sources of

Goodrich Riquelme´s lawyers have made navigating this



process a specialty. From the outset, the firm seeks to ease


this process by ensuring that their clients’ pre-feasibility


studies are carried out in a complete fashion. This helps to

renewable energy sector,

smooth out the process with CFE by showing their clients

the law firm of Goodrich,

are to be taken seriously.




Diana Sasse, Partner at Goodrich Riquelme & Associates

and the

Riquelme seeks to be just such a source. Taking into

Much of Goodrich Riquelme’s recent work has been to

account the opportunities

provide support for legal issues relating to the growth of

the sector is offering, the firm has specialized in providing

the PV sector over the last two years. One major aspect

full legal services for renewable energy projects, as well as

of this work has been legal questions stemming from how

providing clients with “information, knowledge and advice

CFE could buy and distribute energy from small power

in taxation, forecasts and labor law issues”, among other

producers. “If financial institutions are willing to finance

topics, according to Junior Partner Diana Sasse. “We know

small power producers, CFE’s capacity to buy energy in

the market, we know the companies that are active in the

the development pipeline would be boosted,” says Sasse.

market, we know their projects, and we know what the

“One positive issue about PV development is that the

off-takers are trying to get.” Goodrich Riquelme’s ability

transmission infrastructure is still sufficient, the limitations

to work across several renewable energy sources and

facing wind power do not apply to PV yet.”

projects saw its Energy and Natural Resources practice group top Chambers & Partners’ 2014 ranking for Mexico.

This focus on PV projects has entailed Goodrich Riquelme working on new legal structures for the energy sector,

So, given the bonds of trust and reliance that Goodrich


Riquelme has developed with its clients, how does Sasse

partnerships with public entities, municipalities or states.

see her clients reacting to the expected impact that the

The legal framework to implement these projects is in place,

climate law and energy reform will have on the renewable

Sasse confirms, but this marks the first time such structures

energy sector? The answer is simple: they are waiting. The

would be put in place. The law firm is also working with

climate law has not had any impact for now, according to

industrial clients that are planning to implement bioenergy

Sasse. A major impact will be felt, should it be implemented,

projects as well as efficient cogeneration plants. The latter

in areas such as the creation of an emissions registry for

plants can start at a capacity of 12MW, which represents

municipalities but this is yet to be confirmed. As for the

a substantial amount when compared with PV plants,

Energy Reform, improvements to the current landscape

according to Sasse.






would be welcomed but companies are still working under the best schemes through which they will enter the market.

Another area that the law firm is on guard against covers any potential disputes with government institutions. Sasse

However, Sasse is encouraged by signs that lobbying is

is quick to dispel any doubts her clients might have about

working as the renewable energy sector fights its corner.

the Mexican judicial system. “We can find reasonable

“In the first version of the tax reform, the right to deduct

sentences in federal courts,” she confirms, stating a case

the 100% of investments in renewable energy equipment

where a company, represented by Goodrich Riquelme, won

and machinery was deleted. However, after its discussion

a decision against a municipality over a contract dispute.

and subsequent approval in Congress of the Union, the

“I do not agree with people that say that you cannot find

right to deduct the 100% was reinserted in the tax laws,

justice in Mexico, the main difference is the cultural issue.

while also granting the right to deduct 100% of investment

There is a culture here of not going to court.”

in efficient cogeneration equipment and machinery. This shows the renewable energy sector already has good

Ultimately, Goodrich Riquelme recommends that it is to be

lobbying in place,” she explains.

better safe than sorry. To ensure this, all clients are told to do their best to fulfill every requirement, even if said

Given this backdrop, it is not surprising that much of

compliance is not a legal must. In this way, by considering

Goodrich Riquelme’s strategies are aimed at dispelling

the needs of clients, CFE, CRE and even landowners, the

the uncertainty investors might have when developing

risk of litigation is drastically minimized.


INFORMATION FOR ALL PLAYERS IN THE ENERGY SECTOR Access to resources is important for the development of

clear and concise message: anyone interested in developing

any industry but that development will lag if the main actors

technologies for the energy sector requires pertinent

are unacquainted with the resources available to them. In

information in order to have access to these funds,” says

Mexico, SENER and the Science and Technology Council

Ortíz Gómez. Even if the energy sector can benefit from

(CONACYT) have financing schemes to foster the creation

SENER’s funds, these cannot alter the market alone. “Like

of new technologies and projects that can push renewable

any investment portfolio, we look for diverse projects,”

energy and clean technologies forward. These are supported

explains Ortíz Gómez. The Energy Sustainability Fund has

by dissemination strategies to let the private sector know

total assets of approximately MX$7 billion (US$538 million),

that they can count on the government’s support.

which is substantial but not enough to compete with leading markets. As with any other investment portfolio,

SENER’s Information and Energy Studies Department

SENER has short, medium and long-term investments.

(DGIEE) takes care of planning and managing research

Short-term investments are used to identify and invest in

and development funds. The most important financial

projects that increase locally generated technology. For

mechanisms managed by this department are the Energy

longer-term objectives, DGIEE is investing on developing a

Sustainability Fund and the Hydrocarbons Fund. Although

critical amount of skilled professionals to create the human

these funds were created in 2008, Carlos Ortíz Gómez,

capital infrastructure required that will eventually provide

Director General of Information and Energy Studies at

tangible results.

SENER, says they have remained underused until now, and that big efforts are taking place to turn this around. These

The funds are still at an early stage and Ortíz Gómez hopes

funds were designed as important instruments to help the

their contribution to science and development will be seen

energy sector to break technology chains and thus achieve

in the medium to long-term. One challenge for DGIEE is

its potential. Both funds have economic resources dedicated

demonstrating that science and technology are not to be

for investment in R&D to increase the domestic power

gauged through the same metrics as investments. At this

related technology supply. An important challenge towards

stage, initiatives and projects are ongoing and tangible

fostering increased participation from eligible candidates

results for the energy sector will require time, perseverance

to financing is a lack of knowledge about the funds, while

and patience. DGIEE has precise figures as to the amount

other actors do not know how to use them effectively.

of people who have been trained through the funds, the

Ideally, federal government mechanisms designed to help

number of patent request forms it has received and all

finance the development of technologies should not face a

publications. Despite not developing at a fast pace, the

situation in which only a small number of privileged parties

funds are gradually increasing the human capital and

have access to the right information. “There should be a

institutional capacity of the energy sector. Their greatest


The Hydrocarbon Fund intends to grow the number of projects focused on technological development to close xxxxxxxxxone of the best stock exchange systems in the world - the Toronto Stock Exchange - and approximately technology gaps and develop the Mexican technology base to support the extraction of more complex hydrocarbons. 80% of all money raised worldwide for mining takes place there. Financial institutions and banks are very comfortable Companies and institutions can submit their project proposals related to technology and innovation, which are investing through Canada because of the strength, transparency, and tough regulations that protect investors. This reviewed by a committee formed by SENER, CONACYT, and PEMEX. Approved projects are then provided with the has resulted in investors from around the world going through the Toronto Stock Exchange in order to access growing necessary funding to be developed. The Hydrocarbon Fund’s budget comes from 0.65% of the annual value of extracted companies that are active in foreign jurisdictions. Simply put, the Canadian financial system has made it easy for the crude oil and natural gas given to scientific research and development, of which 63% is allocated to this fund. Its total creation of mining companies, in the same way that the Mexican regulation system, NAFTA, and the Mining Law, make it accumulated budget had reached US$697.67 million at the end of 2012, which will go to help technological development attractive for foreign companies to invest in and create businesses in Mexico. It is a win-win situation for both countries. across universities, public and private educational institutions as well as research centers and laboratories in both the public and private sectors. In its almost seven years of existence, the fund has focused its scope providing financial resources to the creation of production enhancing technologies and catalysts for refining processes. The fund is aligned with PEMEX’s Strategic Technology Plan, and deepwater resources as well as shale oil and gas are critical issues that PEMEX will be addressing, with shale gas and oil exploration being seen as the fund’s priority. During 2013, US$244 million of the Hydrocarbon Fund’s budget was allocated to the search for shale gas with the goal of acknowledging Mexico’s prospective resources and laying the foundation for their sustainable exploitation.


strength lies in their ability to improve the position of the

is catered exclusively to universities and research centers.

players involved in the power industry. Ortíz Gómez claims

However, DGIEE is working on initiatives to promote the

the objectives stated in the National Development Plan and

industry’s participation in this process. Ortíz Gómez states

the National Energy Strategy could be achieved with or

that it is important to make additional efforts in making the

without these funds. However, the investments do make a

industrial sector see research centers as solution providers.

difference in how these goals are approached. For example,

“We want the industry to approach research centers to

Mexico has been importing technology for a long time.

help develop technological solutions that can be financed

“The country not only buys foreign equipment, but is also

through SENER’s funds. If companies can work hand in

dependent on foreign services throughout the life cycle

hand with universities or research centers, technological

of the technology as there are few local suppliers able to

advancements would speed up in Mexico.”

provide the required products and services. But when these funds are added to the mix along with strategic instruments,

DGIEE analyzes the gaps in the life cycle of technological

domestic participation and local contents can be created,

development to determine where the funds could be

bringing about more favorable conditions. These funds

destined. Prior to this, there were no mechanisms to

make the sector stronger and give it a more national focus,”

close the chain, according to Ortíz Gómez. But today a

explains Ortíz Gómez.

technological proposal may be supported by the federal

“We want the industry to approach research centers to help develop technological solutions that can be financed through SENER’s funds” Carlos Ortíz Gómez, Director General of Information and Energy Studies, SENER

The law states that funds should be destined to research

government from the basic or applied research stage, and

and educational institutions, excluding private companies.

all the way towards the production stage. If a profitable

That limits their profit scope and potential. “If we could

business results from such external funding, companies

take advantage of the knowledge and experience of large,

could secure better revenues. Technology companies could

well-established companies, we could develop interesting

then be allowed develop in a reduced-risk environment



through SENER’s funds. Ortíz Gómez sees Mexico as a rich

increasing their abilities. This would accelerate the

country in terms of funding resources devoted to research

assimilation process and the development of technology,”

and development. It is just a matter of tapping into the

says Ortíz Gómez, adding that the Mexican private sector

right resource and exploiting it. Information should not

has not enjoyed such incentives in the past since the funds

be an obstacle to such development, which is one of the

were very recently established and their legal framework

cornerstones of SENER’s mission.






The Sustainable Energy Fund is an instrument created to foster scientific research and development, as well as xxxxxxxxxone of the best stock exchange systems in the world - the Toronto Stock Exchange - and approximately the adoption, innovation, and assimilation and technological development in areas including energy efficiency, 80% of all money raised worldwide for mining takes place there. Financial institutions and banks are very comfortable renewable energy, clean technologies and diversification of primary energy sources. In 2008, it was decided that investing through Canada because of the strength, transparency, and tough regulations that protect investors. This 0.65% of the annual value of extracted crude oil and natural gas would go to support scientific research and has resulted in investors from around the world going through the Toronto Stock Exchange in order to access growing development concerning the energy sector. Since 2010, 20% of this budget has been allocated to the Sustainable companies that are active in foreign jurisdictions. Simply put, the Canadian financial system has made it easy for the Energy Fund. creation of mining companies, in the same way that the Mexican regulation system, NAFTA, and the Mining Law, make it attractive for foreign companies to invest in and create businesses in Mexico. It is a win-win situation for both countries. Since it was created and until 2012, the fund has published six calls for projects. The first went out in 2009, the second in 2010, and four more during 2012. These have supported 49 projects with a total of MX$380 million (US$29 million) in grants. 67% of the supported projects are dedicated to renewable energy, 14% to clean technology, 11% to the diversification of primary energy sources, and 8% to energy efficiency. UNAM has been one of the main recipients, which also include the Energy Research Center, the Electricity Research Institute (IIE), and the Mexican Petroleum Institute, as well as other private institutions. One of the most interesting projects was the creation of the Mexican Energy Innovation Center during 2012, which has the goal of establishing innovation alliances for renewable energy research. Nevertheless, the Sustainable Energy Fund has been named within the National Energy Strategy as a fundamental player to help Mexico reach the target of generating 35% of its energy from renewable sources by 2024.


CFE DOWN THE YEARS At the beginning of the 20th century, Mexico had a

from the 64kW it had just eight years earlier. Private utility

electric power generation capacity of 31MW which was

companies stopped investing, forcing CFE to generate and

owned and operated by private companies. But in 1933,

sell these private companies energy for distribution.

under the administration of President Lázaro Cárdenas, it was declared that power generation and distribution

In the late 1950s, CFE was contributing 54% of the 2,308MW

were public responsibilities. It took some time before this

of the national installed capacity. However, only 44% of the

decree became fully effective. By 1937, a crucial year in

population had access to electric services in spite of the

Mexico’s electricity industry, the country had 18.3 million

government’s efforts to expand the grid. This led President

inhabitants, out of which only seven million had access to

López Mateos to nationalize the electricity industry in

electric power. The three private enterprises that provided

1960. The President’s action led to the integration of the

this utility focused on profitable urban areas, supplying

National Electric System and accelerated the country’s

power with constant interruptions and at high tariffs, while

industrialization by extending power supply coverage.

62% of the population that lived in rural areas was left out

The installed generation capacity amounted to 35,385MW

of the coverage.

at the beginning of the 21st century, with CFE’s services reaching 94% of the population through a distribution

This marginalizing situation was hardly conductive to the

and transmission network of 614,653km. It is estimated

country’s development, leading the Federal Government to

that CFE now serves close to 27 million clients and adds a

create the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE). This entity

million new customers each year.

was entrusted with the task of directing a national system of electric power generation, transmission, and distribution

In 2009, the administration of former President Felipe

based on economic and technical principles. CFE did not

Calderón, issued a decree dissolving the state-owned

seek profit and was meant to deliver the best performance

company Luz y Fuerza del Centro (LyFC). CFE took on

for minimal costs to meet the interests of the larger

LyFC’s distribution operations in Mexico’s central region,

population. The state-owned utility began building power

expanding its operations and supplying electricity to the

plants and expanding transmission lines, contributing to

entire country. CFE is currently the largest utility company

the country’s development by enabling water pumping for

in Latin America and operates Laguna Verde, the only

irrigation purposes and powering mills. By 1946, CFE had

nuclear plant in Mexico. In 2013, the utility company’s gross

an installed capacity of 45,594kW, a staggering increase

power generation amounted to 157TWh.

THE UNHEALTHY FINANCES OF CFE In the past decade, CFE’s finances have weakened gravely,

in 2013, compared to just MX$10 billion (US$769 million)

according to a document presented by Francisco Rojas

in 2012. This is mainly due to fuel price increases, which

Gutiérrez, CFE’s Director General, in 2013. The utility

represent 40% of the utility’s total costs. The CFE allocated

company’s tariffs are not enough to cover its costs as the

MX$50 billion (US$3.8 billion) for fuel purchases in 2002,

subsidy given to electricity is higher than the company’s

compared to almost MX$160 billion (US$12 billion) in 2012.

profit. The difference between the subsidy and CFE profit’s

According to SENER’s figures, CFE faces losses of 12% of

reached its highest points in 2009, when its operating loss

generated energy at a national level, and 20% in the central

amounted to MX$42.855 billion (US$3.296 billion). Until

region of Mexico. This generated but not billed energy adds

1999, operating profit covered the total subsidy and even

to the operating costs. Liabilities must still be added to

left a positive balance. However, since 2000, the operating

this financial picture. The utility company’s liabilities grew

costs combined with the subsidy have consistently been

139.7% between 2003 and 2013, amounting to MX$884.261

higher than the revenue generated. CFE blames this financial

billion (US$68 billion), half of which are pension liabilities.

burden on energy losses incurred in Mexico’s central region. The Federal Budget for 2013 allocated CFE MX$269.250


In the last ten years, the company’s debt has grown by

billion (US$20.71 billion), but according to the company’s

371% while its equity has fallen by 82.2%. Additionally, the

Governing Board, this was not enough to cover its financial

company has overdue loans that amount to MX$44.14

requirements. As for 2014, CFE saw its budget lowered by

billion (US$3.395 billion), which are equal to 14% of its total

MX$7.5 billion (US$576 million) compared with 2013. This

2012 revenue. The company is facing a budget deficit that

year the CFE will devote MX$56 billion (US$4.30 billion) to

was estimated to amount to MX$54 billion (US$4 billion)

buy electricity to private producers, which is MX$8 billion

The Mexican legal framework details how the electricity

take CFE’s opinions and advice into account. CFE is ruled

sector operates. Article 27 of the Constitution states

by a Governing Board composed of the Minister of Energy,

that the electricity industry belongs to the State, which

who heads up the board, the Minister of the Treasury, the

is charged with controlling and developing it. There are

Minister of Social Development, the Minister of Economy,

several laws that further expand on Article 27. The Electric

the Minister of SAGARPA, as well as the General Director of

Energy Public Service Law (LSPEE), a legal document that

PEMEX and three representatives of the CFE trade union.

details CFE’s institutional and operational framework, was published in 1975. The LSPEE indicates that the State is

According to Article 36 of the LSPEE, self-supply is

responsible for electricity related affairs intended for public

permitted when the corresponding permits are granted.

services, such as generation, distribution, and supply.

This legislation also regulates the sale of energy outputs to

The regulatory framework emphasizes that concessions

CFE. It is not surprising that the utility company has grown

will not be given to private parties. Instead, the LSPEE

to be more in favor of cogeneration and renewable energy

appoints CFE as the sole provider of electricity for public

projects in recent years. A developer’s creation of a project

purposes while SENER dictates the policies and rulings

is followed by a request for permits submitted to CRE. CFE

related to electricity as a public service. These have to be

then conducts interconnection viability studies. If these are

observed by CFE and every person or entity that touches

positive, an interconnection contract is signed. In the case

upon power generating activities. CFE’s responsibilities

of larger projects where CFE calls for bids, the winning

include planning the national electricity system, being

party concludes a commitment and purchase capacity

the sole responsible party for generating, transforming,

agreement with CFE and then requests permits from CRE.

distributing, and selling electricity in Mexico, and carrying out works and installations that involve the national

CFE’s vision for renewable energy projects, as laid out on

electric system. Following the Energy Reform, CENACE

its website, is to have them develop Mexico’s industrial

was empowered to run the grid as an independent systme

capacity and create jobs, diversify the energy matrix,


while making use of the country’s renewable resources contributing to the health and well-being of its citizens.

Although CFE is the only company allowed to distribute

Other benefits include complying with international

energy, the generation of power for self-supply or to sell

agreements and environmental commitments, decreasing

electricity to CFE is permitted under several conditions

the variability of energy production costs, lowering

that have to be approved by several entities. Granting

dependence on hydrocarbons and fostering private

these permits falls to SENER, which nevertheless still has to


(US$615 million) more than in 2013. According to SENER,

carried out by the private sector, equivalent to US$5 billion

36% of generated electricity currently comes from private

in much-needed investments.

companies. With the Energy Reform mandating for PEMEX and CFE to CFE limited the use of cogeneration and hydroelectric plants

turn a profit within two years by becoming competitive in

due to natural gas critical alerts that PEMEX issued in the

the market, the utility is going to have to undergo a period

past few years as a result of insufficient pipeline capacity,

of adaptation. But in a market where the private sector has

as well as the droughts Mexico experienced between 2011

shown itself to be enthusiastic about helping out financially,

and September 2013. The cost for CFE of each million Btu of

and with many of the aces still in CFE’s hand, careful

fuel oil is US$17, compared to just US$4 of natural gas. This

planning and investments could lead it back to profitability.

situation forced the utility company to make extra expenses that amounted to MX$19 billion (US$1.46 billion) in 2012. CFE still operates 17 fuel oil power generation plants.


Despite competition, the private sector is also a financial




pillar of support for CFE. The need for improved transmission infrastructure in Mexico is an example of this. From 2006, when the first Open Season was carried




out in Oaxaca, to 2012, 141 licenses for the installation of 4,605.1MW of capacity had been given out by CRE.















transmission-related projects in that timeframe were


-50,000 1998

Statistics from the regulator show that over 70% of

Source: CFE


UNDERSTANDING THE MEXICAN ELECTRICITY TARIFFS Many different factors influence the electricity tariffs

consumption. Due to the heavy subsidies on domestic

that CFE applies to its wide range of users, including the

tariffs for basic users, renewable energies do not offer

type of user, the amount of electricity used, temperature,

a competitive alternative for supplying energy at this

tension, hour of the day and whether the electricity is for

domestic rate. However, the most expensive domestic tariff,

domestic or industrial use, to name just a few. Different

“Doméstica de Alto Consumo” (DAC or High Residential

combinations of these elements will determine the tariff

Consumption), is paid when any household surpasses

that the user has to pay. CFE has applied seven domestic

the locality’s consumption limit. According to the tariff

tariffs and 36 industrial tariffs in Mexico’s electricity

in place, this takes away the subsidies completely and

market, which also vary depending on the geographical

sometimes multiplies the cost of electricity by more than

zone in which the power is consumed. Some of the main

five times. This has come to represent the most important

categories into which the tariffs are divided are residential,

opportunity for renewable energy at the domestic level.

industrial, agricultural, and public lighting.

The solar industry has made a big effort to target this market, by installing rooftop-mounted solar power systems

Residential tariffs vary according to the minimum average

in households that consume high levels of electricity, thus

temperature of the locality, with seven different fares

placing them in the DAC category. Within this scheme, the

divided incrementally between 25°C and 33°C. The higher

households that usually acquire solar energy systems for

the temperature the lower the price of the electricity,

domestic consumption and using bi-directional meters are

with the consumer having the right either to consume a

able to reduce their tariff to 1-1F. By doing this, within five

larger quantity of energy on a lower tariff, or in the case

to eight years, these households can make a return on their

of Tariff 1F being offered a lower price per kWh. Tariff 1

investment in solar technology. Given that this equipment

offers a general price for the domestic use of electricity

tends to have a lifespan of 25 years, this allows them to

up to 250kWh, while Tariff 1F has a limit of 2,500kWh per

make important savings for 17 years. The domestic market

month, with consumers paying a subsidized fare for power

has been one of the main markets for photovoltaic power

TARIFFS FOR THE RESIDENTIAL SECTOR IN MEXICO Electricity tariffs vary widely across the residential, commercial and industrial sectors in Mexico and their conditions are also very variable. In Mexico, residential tariffs are subsidized by CFE in order to guarantee access to electricity for all Mexicans. Through such mechanisms, Mexico has achieved a 98% electrification rate for the population, with the remaining 2% largely representing communities in remote locations. The residential tariff is applied exclusively to domestic usage and connected individually to every residence, apartment, condominium or household. The tariffs that apply to the Mexican residential sector are “Tariff 1” and the rate for high residential consumption “DAC”. However, Tariff 1 varies depending on the consumption rate and the temperature of the geographic region, ranging from Tariff 1A to Tariff 1F. The base tariff for the residential sector is of MX$0.79/kWh for each of the first 75kWh, increasing to MX$0.967kWh for the next 65kWh and up to MX$2.82 for any additional kWh are consumed as long as the user is not considered a DAC user. It is important to mention that depending on the tariff, the upper limit to be considered a DAC user changes. The limit for Tariff 1 is 250kWh per month, increasing progressively reaching a limit of 2,500kWh with Tariff 1F. Temperature is also a crucial factor in determining what tariff will be charged to the residential sector in each area. As the average temperature rises in a region, the tariff will be modified within the range of 1A to 1F. Categories are set based on whether the temperature in a region reaches 25°C, 28°C, 30°C, 31°C, 32°C or 33°C for three or more years out of the last five. The measure is based on the average temperature exceeding these limits for two consecutive months, according to the reports issued by SEMARNAT. These services will always be provided in low tension voltage and cannot be applied to other general tariffs. However, as long as the domestic consumption of energy does not surpass the limit to become DAC, the tariff is subsidized. The main opportunity for the renewable energy sector comes from the unsubsidized DAC tariff that exceeds MX$3.1 per kWh in every region in Mexico, substantially increasing the competitiveness of renewable energies, especially for rooftop-mounted PV equipment. On the other hand, renewable energies are still not competitive with subsidized tariffs of CFE in the residential sector. For the time being, subsidizing electricity tariffs in Mexico represents an important load for the national power company, reducing CFE’s profits and generating losses for the state.


in Mexico in recent years, and there is huge potential for it to continue developing in this way.


Public lighting costs present another real tariff challenge for municipalities, as this type of electricity incurs one


of the highest tariff costs in Mexico - 5 and 5A. The high


prices that municipalities must pay for public lighting

The Mexican wind industry has had to learn some harsh

represent another important niche market for renewable

lessons from social and community issues that have

energies in Mexico, since in the long-term they can

arisen from projects being developed in the region of

offer more competitive prices to municipalities. Larger

the Isthmus of Tehuantepec. When a wind resource

scale renewable energy projects can be a cost-effective

is identified, land rights are needed to develop and

alternative for municipalities that wish to reduce their

build a project. The existence of ejidos and communal

electricity bills, while also contributing to the development

land ownership, dealing properly with communities

of renewable energy and reaching established renewable

has become an important a critical success factor for

energies targets. The competitiveness of large-scale

wind projects. Particularly, the poster child illustrating

renewable energy projects has been increasing in recent

such difficulties is the Mareña Renovables wind farm.

years and can offer alternative ways of saving resources

This 396MW project in Oaxaca was meant to become

among different municipalities. This has been the case in

the largest wind park in Latin America. However,

Nuevo Leon, where the Santa Catarina wind farm provides

local communities went into an uproar, going as far

energy to several municipalities around Monterrey.

as blockading roads to stop construction from going





ahead. The main issue raised by the community is that Renewable energy projects are also becoming a more

they signed a contract based on what they felt was

competitive alternative for the industrial sector, the majority

incomplete information. News reports said that the

of which operates under Tariff 2. The wind farms that are

developers increased the planned number of turbines

currently operating in Oaxaca offered a cost-effective

without the consent of the community. This project

solution for off-takers that were paying Tariff 2 prices

was funded by the Inter-American Development

through PPAs signed for 25 years. In the coming years such

Bank, Macquarie and several other banks with FEMSA

investments will represent important savings in electricity

set to participate as an off-taker. The wind turbines

consumption for companies like Grupo Bimbo, Peñoles

have already been delivered and are sitting in the port

and Cemex, and will make a major contribution towards

of Salina Cruz, waiting for installation. But the locals

reducing the level of CO2 emissions in the country. Small

have kept up their resistance, claiming irregularities

energy producers have found another opportunity by

and the violation of the rights of the communities

providing energy directly to CFE, a scheme under which the

of San Dionisio del Mar, San Mateo del Mar and San

national power company pays for energy at the short-term

Francisco del Mar, among other indigenous localities.

total cost. Off-takers are key players in the development of the renewable energy sector in Mexico. It is off-takers that

The use of land has been a matter of great importance

will guarantee demand for energy produced and thereby

for many years in Mexico with companies growing

provided a fixed income that enables project developers to

increasingly aware of the consequences of not

obtain the necessary financing.

negotiating continued

adequately stalling








Private renewable energy projects have proven to be

millions of investment dollars at risk. The wind

successful in competing with CFE for clients whose electricity

industry has learned a lesson from this experience

tariffs fall into the DAC, Tariff 2 and Tariff 5 categories.

however. Negotiation know-how with ejidatarios and

It is thanks to these areas of opportunity for Mexico’s

communities is widely needed by companies that are

energy sector that the established emission reduction and

planning on developing a project. Several developers

renewable energy targets can be reached. Major markets fall

have come up with their own strategies to form long-

into these categories that could support the development to

term ties to the communities they work with. Mareña

the renewable energy sector in Mexico, including high energy

Renovables, having now been frozen for well over

consuming households, major industries that fall under

a year, has become a key incident in the Mexican

the Tariff 2 category, and a large amount of public lighting

renewable energy landscape, having somewhat halted

infrastructure throughout the country. The renewable energy

the hype of wind energy projects. Companies are

sector must focus its attention on these potential clients

becoming more cautious when developing a project

in order to grow at the quickest rate possible. The small

that involves dealing with local communities. This

producer scheme is becoming an increasingly viable way of

is not limited to wind but to every project with any

doing that, which will provide an important opportunity for

potential social or environmental impact.

the renewable energy industry going forward.


REAL COSTS AND BENEFITS OF RENEWABLE ENERGY Ten years ago, renewable energy projects in Mexico were

is not. These sources will become truly competitive once

inexistent with the exception of hydroelectric plants. It was

generation costs, including externalities related to CO2

not until recent administrations that renewable energy

emissions and their social and economic consequences, are

sources began getting more attention and a decided

calculated and taken into account.

push from the government. Sergio Alcocer Martínez, former Coordinator of Innovation and Development at

Carbon emissions, according to Alcocer, are in particular

the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM),

need of attention, given the shifting of weather patterns.

applauds certain government strategies such as the Law

Alcocer suggests that considerable human and economic

for the Use of Renewable Energy Sources and Law for the

losses caused by climate change should be considered

Financing of Energy Transition (LAERFTE). However, he

externalities of CO2 emitting technology. The prices

reasons that the country is still far from being able to fully

of natural gas production and distribution make them

exploit the sector’s potential. He believes Mexico needs to

favorable right now, but externalities raise the value of

act faster by initially mapping opportunities. For instance,

other competitive energy sources. Alcocer mentions

the potential of solar, wind, and geothermal energy needs

geothermal energy as an example of a power source that

further definition.

requires high investments but has a competitive cost per kWh. “In order for renewable energy sources to keep

Charting the national potential for renewable energy

advancing, the government must make different decisions

will help establish if the objectives stated in the General

and promote them.”

Climate Change Law, such as reaching a 35% participation of renewable energy in the energy mix by 2024, are truly

The promotion of renewable energy use needs concrete

achievable, says Alcocer. Other issues, including possible

actions beyond mere intent. “The 35% use of renewable

tariff costs, need to be addressed. The fact that natural

energy sources stated in the General Climate Change

gas is available at affordable prices at the moment makes

Law is a political statement. I applaud it, but we have to

thermoelectric projects more feasible than renewables. The

realize its implications,” Alcocer says, while adding that it is

law established that CFE has to provide energy at the lowest

unclear how the country will afford the energy transition. “I

cost, but said cost is not specified. However, the lowest

doubt this percentage will be reached without significant

cost has been interpreted as meaning the most affordable

investments and increasing tariffs.” The importance of

fuel, which points to natural gas. As for renewable energy,

nuclear energy in fulfilling these national objectives has

Alcocer says that solar radiation is free, but PV technology

also been underestimated, with the UNAM representative

COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL TARIFFS While Mexican households are segmented into eight

There are also special tariffs for electricity destined to pump

different tariffs, the commercial and industrial sectors are

water for agricultural purposes. Tariff 9, as the base tariff, is

divided into 36. This increases the complexity of the system,

applied exclusively to low voltage electricity provided for

in which electricity tariffs depend on the use, the region,

water pumps as well as public lighting located in the area

the voltage and the type of service. Public lighting is an

where the equipment is installed. Tariff 9M is a slightly more

important user of electricity and has been assigned a tariff

expensive variation of the base tariff for medium voltage

of its own, Tariff 5. This tariff is only applied to energy that

electricity supplied for the same services and objectives.

is used to power street lights, and ornamental lighting of

Furthermore, Tariff 9CU is a significantly cheaper stimulus

plazas, parks and public gardens in the urban zones of the

tariff for the same purposes provided to individuals that are

Federal District, Monterrey and Guadalajara. The tariff that

registered as beneficiaries within the agricultural field, within

is applied for public lighting in the rest of the country is

a limit established by SAGARPA. Under this same scheme,

defined as Tariff 5A, which is lower than the tariff applied

Tariff 9N is the night time stimulus tariff that reduces cost

to the aforementioned highly populated cities. This tariff is

by more than half in order to promote productive activities

particularly relevant since public lighting is one of the main

in the Mexican agricultural sector.

costs for a municipality, and renewable energies within a self-


supply model have proven to be a competitive alternative to

The main opportunity for renewable energy is competing

CFE supplied electricity under the public lighting tariff.

with Tariff 2 rates for industrial and commercial energy

explaining that a combination of gas, oil, nuclear, and wind

decide whether it will continue taking advantage of low cost

energy raised the cost per kWh, which was passed on to

hydrocarbons and sacrifice the development of renewable

the public in the form of taxes or tariffs.

energy sources, or invest in the development of these sources at a higher short-term economic cost. Considering

The clean energy industry can be very profitable without

the country’s economic inequity, it is likely that the



government will opt for the most affordable option,” says

contributes more to the GNP than the food or pharmaceutical





Alcocer. Renewable energy sources should be stimulated in

industries at the international level, and should be a national

subtle ways that make sense, such as environmental reasons.

priority. CFE has a team of experts on renewables but the

Energy efficiency could be an important step to bringing

institution has seemed to have certain doubts about energy

this process forward. For example, the transportation

sources that are outside its traditional areas of expertise.

sector represents 50% of Mexico’s energy intensity. Alcocer

CFE is well-versed in geothermal energy because it operates


geothermal plants, and it has plenty of experience with

through mandatory practices and regulations, he sees this

hydroelectric plants as well. However, Alcocer calls for CFE

as potentially lowering the fuel demand and the need for

to expand its internal capacities in areas such as solar and

imported gasoline and diesel, leaving PEMEX resources to

tidal energy. This diversification would require action from

be assigned to renewable energy sources.





the Mexican government to promote and foster the training of specialized professionals. This fits in with Alcocer’s vision

To foster growth, says Alcocer, it is necessary to look for

for each energy source to have a pool of specialists devoted

and stimulate the most promising projects, such as large-

to its advancement. This was done in the US, where each

scale developments with strong technological content. For

renewable energy sector had its potential mapped out and

Alcocer, the public and private sectors should not invest

tailor-made strategies designed for it.

in technological experimentation, but in improving proven technologies instead. As for renewable energy sources,

But Alcocer has not seen efforts from the Mexican

Alcocer believes these have an interesting potential

government to disseminate the benefits of renewable

to be developed by small communities with no access

energy sources yet. In fact, he sees many foreign

to the grid. These could help detonate the renewable

companies are more interested in exploiting the national

energy market as a whole as well as the creation of small

potential than domestic firms. “Foreign companies should

businesses across Mexico, making the investment more

partner up with local companies so a significant national

than worthwhile. Many sources of renewable energy could

capacity can be developed.”

be involved in these tailored programs, from wind to solar and geothermal. These could work if they were carried out

Facilitating project development and providing incentives

within the context of a government framework that takes

could nurture the sector. However, it is important to assess

a holistic approach to renewables, seeing the potential in

the implications entailed in these actions. “Mexico has to

small installations and mega-projects alike.

consumers. This tariff applies to all low tension use of

the price of electricity in Mexico. The Energy Reform is still

energy of up to 25kWh, excluding services for which the

being developed and its secondary laws are to be finalized

tariff is specifically fixed. Its rates are MX$2.281 for the first

in April. However, CRE Commissioner Noé Navarrete says

25kWh, MX$2.754 for the next 25kWh and MX$3.032 for

the price of electricity may decrease in the future after

any extra kWh beyond this. The cost of electricity under

these modifications are completed; the increased flexibility

Tariff 2 is, generally, higher than mid and high tension

they will give the electricity system will allow the private

supply. As renewable energies have become better able

sector to take a larger part in generation, transmission and

to compete with prices at Tariff 2, it has become more

distribution activities.

attractive for companies facing high electricity costs to look for renewable energy alternatives. The success of the wind

Until now, the self-supply scheme has been the preferred

industry in Oaxaca is largely based on its ability to compete

alternative for large energy users in the private sector

with the price of electricity in Tariff 2.

looking to reduce their energy costs. Modifications to Articles 25, 27 and 28 of the Constitution will boost the

Mexico’s National Energy Strategy has stated that the

viability of the Independent Power Producer scheme as

country will move away from more pollutant fossil fuels to

an alternative to PPAs. This wider variety of options will

the benefit of natural gas, a statement that is becoming

provide an opportunity for the development of renewable

a reality with the building of more pipelines. But critical

energy projects, but also for combined cycle plants that

alerts due to the lack of natural gas still lead CFE to use

use natural gas as a fuel, thus helping Mexico lessen its

more expensive fuel oil, an important factor that influences

dependence on fossil fuels.






Public-Private Association

a good decision. Now we can start exploring renewables,” states Resendez Bocanegra.

Law came in early 2012,

Pedro Resendez Bocanegra, Partner at Greenberg Traurig

creating broad access to

The current legal framework can help create synergies

public-private partnerships

between natural gas and renewable energies. Instead of

(PPPs) for the first time in

competing, they can complement each other. Mexico’s

Mexico. Prior to this law

regulation does not impede or favor non-renewable



resources and, from Resendez Bocanegra’s perspective,

Mexican government had

this is the reason why renewable projects are becoming

included PPPs within the

a reality in Mexico. “The private sector is taking the risk.

federal system, but these

There are three or four large wind and solar projects in


were only accessible in highly restricted conditions.

Mexico where a private developer took the risk to invest in renewable energy because their off-takers did not want to







depend on CFE or on the rate that CFE decides to charge.”

Traurig, says the law firm was engaged by the Mexican

Resendez Bocanegra says the looming challenge is

Construction Chamber (CMIC) and helped it to propose

transmission, despite it not being a legal issue. He believes

regulations about PPPs to the government. “So far we

the market needs to be reorganized and is placing trust in

have been successful with a couple of clients that have

the Energy Reform. “Changes need to be made in order

already submitted PPP proposals to the government,”

to enable private parties to build more transmission lines

he adds. Greenberg Traurig has seen how this process is

with CFE, and to transmit electricity through contracts

transferring the critical decisions for renewable energy

with private parties. We need to change the structure of

projects to the private sector. Rather than relying on the

the Mexican electricity market: we need an independent

government, the private sector is tabling proposals and

operator because the current one, CENACE, is part of

is working with the government on financing and project

CFE. The transmission lines are all owned by CFE and

development. “Instead of having a rigid law, we are seeing

this creates conflicts when deciding to start a renewable

more flexible regulations which show that the government

energy project or an IPP,” claims Resendez Bocanegra.

is supporting the private sector in proposing projects,” Resendez Bocanegra acknowledges.

As the Energy Reform moves forward, renewable actors anxiously wait to see where the secondary laws will stand.

Greenberg Traurig has been involved in the bidding and

“Based on previous experiences, if secondary laws are left

financing of major projects. Resendez Bocanegra uses the

until the end, the expected results might not be achieved. I

project financing granted by Korea’s Nexon Bank, where

believe that secondary laws are essential, and the government

the whole risk was allocated within a project’s assets, as

has to ask the players how they would be willing to invest.”

an example of the increasing challenges for firms such


as Greenberg Traurig. “For example, we drafted CFE’s

In the meantime, the renewable energy market continues

independent power producer (IPP) contracting model.

to move forward and this translates in Greenberg Traurig

Even though CFE is using the same model with some

being increasingly consulted about renewable projects

changes applicable to the renewable energy sector, what

ahead of non-renewable ones. This situation is expected

has promoted the growth of renewables is not necessarily

to continue throughout 2014 since the law firm is seeing

the legal instruments,” Resendez Bocanegra notes. “Wind

a large number of investors with resources available to

power is almost cost competitive with combined cycle or

invest in renewable projects, a sign that the renewable

even offers a cost advantage,” he says. When his firm started

sector is becoming profitable. This may well be linked

considering helping IPPs work with renewable energy,

to the development of small and medium-scale projects

the problem was that renewable energy was simply too

that can be developed by teaming with private off-takers,

expensive. “CFE by law has to buy the cheapest energy, so

or with state and local governments. This evolution

now that renewable energy rates are becoming competitive,

represents a very attractive opportunity for private equity,

there is no reason not to do a renewable energy or

and Greenberg Traurig is well aware of that. “We have

combined cycle project.” The second issue with renewable

decided to focus on Mexico. We have been here for a

energy is the intermittence of some renewable sources,

long time, we are committed to the country, and we know

which requires a diverse energy mix. Mexico shifted most

how to develop projects here, but also know how to bring

of its energy to combined cycle and natural gas, which was

financing to Mexico,” adds Resendez Bocanegra.


FOSTERING PRIVATE PARTICIPATION IN ENERGY MATRIX ALEJANDRO PERAZA GARCÍA Director General of Electricity and Renewable Energies at CRE Q: What are the priorities of the Energy Regulatory

sources were also not economically viable because of their

Comission (CRE) in terms of developing Mexico’s energy mix

intermittent nature. This problem was solved once the

and positioning the sector as a driver of economic growth?

energy bank was created. Nowadays, most technologies can

A: CRE works under the mandate of making the energy

enter the domestic market and compete with CFE’s tariffs.

industry more efficient. Although demand is increasing, there is another mandate which dictates that clean energy

Q: What are the achievements and shortcomings of the

sources should be incorporated into the energy mix. We see

Renewable Energy Use and Energy Transition Financing Law?

this as a business opportunity in which Mexico can invest in

A: We began working with renewable energy sources

equipment manufacturing, engineering firms, construction

before this law was passed, which was quite difficult as

companies, or any other area related to the industry. The

duties were not assigned. There is much more clarity

changes made to the Electric Energy Public Service Law

now and the legislation made us create rules to facilitate

(LSPEE) were intended to reduce the amount of public

investment. The transparency that resulted from these

resources invested in the energy sector. Public education

laws is one of the biggest achievements for the renewable

and the power sector should not compete for resources.

energy sector. However, this legal framework does not

This is also the reason why private parties, currently

foster competitiveness.

responsible for 45% of national power production, were allowed to participate in energy generation.

Q: What schemes similar to the Open Season could facilitate private participation in the expansion of

It is not wise to hinge the well-being of an entire country

transmission infrastructure?

on a single energy source. Incorporating renewable energy

A: In every other country, private actors pay for the

sources into the energy mix is a clear sign of diversification,

infrastructure they need to connect to the grid. Open

which is the right path for Mexico at the moment. An

Season is a great option because many companies

advantage of renewable energy sources is that we can

collaborate and build the infrastructure instead of a single

calculate costs from the day the generator is chosen until the

company assuming the total costs. The second Open

last day of the equipment’s working life, the source itself has

Season in Oaxaca consists of an 800km transmission

no cost, unlike oil or gas. Another asset is that the renewable

line and there are no other projects currently capable of

energy industry is growing fast enough for costs to drop,

matching this capacity. This was only made possible in

which makes projects more competitive.

Oaxaca by gathering several developers. Private projects should be paid for by private parties.

Q: How does CRE facilitate private participation in the Mexican energy sector?

Q: Which international best practices could Mexico adopt

A: CRE establishes a set of rules which are examined

to make renewable energy sources more competitive?

by potential investors, who then decide if they want to

A: We are working on a bidding scheme in which CFE will

participate or not. We ensure equity by setting rules.

grant small producers throughout the country long-term

The private sector’s involvement in renewable energy

contracts for renewable energy projects up to 30MW.

production works because it is a profitable enterprise.

Large projects only allow large companies to participate.

Unlike many other countries, Mexico does not subsidize

These 30MW projects will enable Mexican entrepreneurs

power from renewable sources. This decision meant

to enter the sector by manufacturing, building, operating,

that projects were not going to be developed until

and maintaining small energy plants, which also create jobs.

technology costs were low enough to be competitive in

Additionally, this will allow CFE to focus on large projects.

Mexico. However, there are plenty of regulated incentives aimed at leveling market conditions for renewable energy

The next step should be a booming solar energy industry.

with traditional sources. Previously, renewable energy

Mexico has a greater solar resource than Germany.


INTRICACIES OF NEW ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL LAWS 2008 was supposed to be the key year when the government

environmental protection, and district judges. “However,

moved to implement rules for the development of the

nowadays they are dealing with criminals in administrative

renewable industry. However, Daniel Basurto González,

matters, so dealing with environmental matters in a

founder of IDEAS, a firm that specializes in environmental

proper way will be difficult. While there are thousands of

law, claims that so far the operating environment just

ongoing criminal investigations, nobody has gone to jail

encourages the development of the renewable energy

for environmental crimes,” argues Basurto González.

instead of providing a platform for real action.” He argues that “the law, as it stands right now, does not give enough

Interestingly enough, Mexico is a very important player in

resources or enough tools to allow developers to carry out

the international environmental sphere, as it has signed

their projects effectively.”

more than 120 treaties related with the environment. Basurto González argues that the country has a better

In order to help its clients avoid common mistakes that

reputation at the international level than at home. He

might delay a project, IDEAS has developed environmental

emphasizes that in the last administration, Former

audits that can be used to comply with norms. The targets

President Felipe Calderón destined plentiful resources

include energy efficiency, water usage, and compliance

to fight climate change, pointing out that in 2008 some

with environmental law, which are three main pillars of

laws were enacted as starting points, along with related

concern for companies. “It is quite common for companies

public policies that were designed to promote sustainable

to have forgotten a particular regulation, not because they


do not want to comply but because of the intricate nature of different laws,” explains Basurto González. IDEAS’

Nowadays, the country is facing a conundrum: there are

strategy when approaching different jurisdictions and

not enough financial resources to continue pushing these

helping clients comply with all requirements begins with a

policies. “This is not just happening in Mexico but all

sales assessment. If a company wants to build a wind farm,

around the world. If there is not enough financial capacity,

for example, it needs to obtain permissions to change

acquiring new technology becomes a difficult task. There

the use of the land. This is just the first step in IDEAS’

were initiatives destined to involve some entities in the

relationship with a client. Once the necessary permits

financial schemes such as the British government and

have been acquired, IDEAS looks at the development plan,

USAID. However, project developers face difficulties over

including the timeframe and the government entities that

the lack of certainty and clarity provided by current laws

will be involved. “When a federal government entity is

and regulations. In consequence, investors are hesitant to

involved, the process tends to be more bureaucratic but

come to Mexico because the actual operating framework

easier overall. Locally, municipalities may have murky or

does not provide enough support for these types of

unclear regulations, which can make things more difficult,”

projects,” Basurto González remarks.

notes Basurto González. This, however, largely depends on On a happier note, Basurto González recognizes that

the state where the project will be developed.

Mexico has experienced many positive changes. Institutions concerning

such as the Mexican Bar Association, COPARMEX (Mexican

environmental litigation processes, is another issue that

Confederation of Business Owners), and CONCAMIN

has to be taken into account. Basurto González emphasizes

(Confederation of Industrial Chambers of Mexico) have

that the Mexican system highlights the maximum pollution


levels. Therefore, anything under those levels is considered

has taken an important role in corporate schemes

as permissible, he says, and it is the Environmental

mainly because energy costs account for a large part of

Responsibility Law that defines what is considered to

companies’ overall costs,” he says. “But I believe President

be environmental damage. “This definition does not

Enrique Peña Nieto thinks all matters related to energy

contemplate anything that is harmful for the environment

generation should be part of the open market. Realistically,

as damage. Instead, the lack of compliance with permits,

the private sector will clearly play an important role in

authorizations and general requirements is considered

taking electricity to places where it is inexistent.” The

environmental damage,” he says. As far as handing down

current operating framework may not be perfect, but

punishment, the law establishes penalties of around

Basurto González does not think it is necessary to eliminate

MX$600,000 (US$46,000) and/or to develop actions in

what has been worked on so far, stating that the existing

order to restore the environment. The authorities that will

laws and regulations simply require a few changes to fit

deal with this are PROFEPA, the federal legal body for

Mexico’s new needs.












KEEPING CLIMATE CHANGE ACTIONS MOVING FORWARD JUAN CARLOS BELAUSTEGUIGOITIA Secretary of the Council on Climate Change Q: How does the Council on Climate Change contribute to

Q: What would you like to see included in the PECC?

effective policy making at the federal government level?

A: From a mitigation perspective, I would like to see

A: It is important for authorities to be in regular contact with

ambitious, even aggressive, actions to take advantage of

experts and become acquainted with their point of view.

all the win-win opportunities offered by energy efficiency.

Through the Council on Climate Change, they can access two

A couple of important steps can be taken, such as fixing

areas: expertise of those who sit on the Council and experts

the right energy prices. Fortunately, it seems like things

in industry, NGOs and academia. The Council derives its

are converging from financial, fiscal, environmental, and

legitimacy from its accumulated experience and knowledge,

social standpoints. On the adaptation side, I would like to

and we try to ensure that all voices are well represented.

see a strong analytical effort to describe and understand Mexico’s risks and vulnerabilities. I would like to see a

The government believes that climate change represents

process of institutional strengthening so that municipalities

both a challenge and an opportunity that has to be taken

and states become more capable of addressing climate

seriously. Developing the climate change strategy was

change and extreme meteorological events.

a big challenge because it had to be created in a short period of time. The next challenge will be the Emerging

Q: What are the challenges in internalizing all the

Climate Change Program (PECC). We have to make sure all

externalities in the sector?

sectors are on board and that the objectives are reached

A: From the mitigation point of view, it is about providing

off the backs of solid analytical support. Climate action

certainty that the sectors responsible for producing

plans and initiatives tend to be statements of intent rather

emissions internalize the cost they bring upon the global

than elaborate and precise plans. The challenge is to make

community. A carbon tax or a cap-and-trade mechanisms

sure the climate action plan is a real plan. We rely on a

would be the best ways to do this. This is the most cost-

talent pool that possesses the technical and analytical

effective way to internalize climate change. If you asked me

resources to advise and encourage ministries to pay more

how sectors can adapt to climate change, I would mention

attention to climate change by producing documents,

insurance companies. Mexico has to develop this line but

facilitating discussions, and bringing in the latest scientific

funding is crucial. FONDEN, the national disaster fund,

and technological news, methodologies and knowledge.

now provides support in the wake of natural catastrophes. I would push for the creation of another fund that helps

Q: How can the PECC become a scientifically, economically,

communities adapt and prevent the most extreme impacts

and socially founded policy?

of severe meteorological events.

A: First, we need to involve all stakeholders as well as the parties involved in the latest technological developments.

Q: What types of incentives could influence these sectors

We need valuable people, economists and lawyers who

to adapt quickly and become more efficient?

know the sector and who can devise a list of actions

A: There is a straightforward incentive: conditions are changing

that can be later discussed with stakeholders. It is a very

and these sectors will be affected if they do not change as

difficult mix of attributes; we need the right people, the

well. PEMEX has a climate action plan with an adaptation

right skills, the will to listen, the right mechanisms, and a

section where the company looks for vulnerabilities across all


its sites. They want to reduce potential risks and damage to their facilities. PEMEX is financing reforestation programs in

In 2015, there will be a set of international negotiations on

Chiapas and making sure that deforestation does not reach

goals that will help countries focus and consolidate their

drastic levels. What happens in Chiapas affects Tabasco,

action plans. We know that promises do not necessarily

where PEMEX has many facilities. If PEMEX does not


mitigate deforestation in Chiapas, its facilities will invariably




commitments to become feasible.



be affected at some point.



LACK OF COMMUNICATION IMPEDING R&D FOR RENEWABLES JORGE HUACÚZ VILLAMAR Manager of the Non-Conventional Energy Division of SENER’s IIE Q: Which role do renewable energy sources play in the

to manufacturing, meaning that many elements that are

activities of the Electrical Research Institute (IIE)?

obvious to researchers and technology developers are

A: There are two renewable energy divisions in the IIE: one

being missed by businesspeople.

is exclusively devoted to geothermal energy and the other covers all other non-conventional energy sources. We have

Q: What is needed to drive the renewable energy sector

been working on renewable energy sources for 35 years


and our objective is to push the sustainable application of

A: Initial investments are an important barrier. We have

renewable energy in Mexico. We contribute to the entire

addressed this by doing workshops on financing and PV

national power sector by developing energy sources,

systems with banks and international financing institutions.

carrying out technical research and supporting CFE with

We want investors to know they can invest in the renewable

regulatory and normative issues through reports that

energy sector. The introduction of financing mechanisms

eventually lead to resolutions or CRE norms.

could be sped up if, for example, the Energy Transition Fund dedicated some resources to financial coverage. This

Q: What is IIE’s strategy to turn proposals into results?

could ease concerns banks have about potentially risky

A: First and foremost, we need human capital with the

investments. The National Energy Strategy is also lagging

necessary abilities and qualifications to develop proposals.

behind, with fossil fuels still set to account for 50% of power

This has historically been a key subject in the development

generation by 2050. This is both a huge challenge and

of renewable energy sources. Another part of our strategy

a great opportunity for renewables. However, the role of

consists of creating support infrastructure, gauging

renewable energy must be properly stated and assimilated.

stations, and digital databases that enable us to have strong and consolidated information. This requires time,

Renewable energy should be used to reactivate the

money, and a national program. The institute has therefore

country’s economy. Economic motivations drove countries

sought the support of organisms that could help us. We

like Spain and Germany to develop renewable energy

created the National Laboratory for the Assessment of

industries, and they are now world leaders in the field. If

Renewable Energy Sources through a joint investment

we take advantage of the wind resources that have been

with the National Technology Council.

already identified in Mexico, 40,000 to 50,000 jobs could be created. Another aspect to reconsider is how projects

Q: What are your thoughts on those who think technology

could be developed to maximize resources. Renewables are

development is redundant because imports offer faster

dispersed energy sources; centralizing them to deploy them

and more affordable solutions?

to different places later on seems rather counter-productive.

A: Based on my professional and academic experience, I

Big definitely works, but small is also nice and profitable.

obviously do not share this point of view. Mexican industry


is traditionally inclined towards commercializing rather

Q: What priority actions do you think energy-related

than producing technology. We noticed that in the solar

government organisms should take?

energy sector, every company is either buying or selling

A: Oil gives us time and economic resources, but we have

parts, except for two companies that assemble photovoltaic

to use these intelligently. The funds that result from the

modules using imported components. Companies that

Energy Reform should be aligned with national objectives.

commercialize are clearly part of the value chain, and we

This is not the case nowadays as Mexico is still struggling

do not disregard them because local manufacturing makes

to assign and distribute the resources needed to achieve a

no sense if no one is distributing and selling. The real

concrete policy on renewables. The US set itself the goal

issue is that there is very little liaising between renewable

of generating 20% of its energy from wind power by 2030

energy companies and the institutions carrying out R&D.

and it is on the right track. Mexico needs to make the same

Companies do not have clear foresight when it comes

level of commitment.


GOVERNMENT ACTION SORELY NEEDED TO UNLOCK RENEWABLES ODÓN DE BUEN RODRÍGUEZ Founder and President of Energía, Tecnología y Educación (ENTE) Q: What was the main purpose behind ENTE’s creation?

projects in Oaxaca bankable. The photovoltaic industry is

A: The firm is focused on three main areas: renewable

also growing stronger. This sector has experienced a bit

energy, energy efficiency, and climate change. We

of chaos because of the way in which the government has

have been working alongside the International Copper

determined the technical standards to ensure quality and

Association for six years now, in addition to working

performance. In my opinion, the government has been

for Germany’s GIZ and USAID, among others. ENTE is

reacting to how the private sector has made the renewable

involved in non-profit activities within the Network for

energy sector profitable and attractive rather than paving

Energy Transition in which we exchange opinions and

the path or leading with initiatives.

information and provide important documents to the authorities.

Q: What do you believe the current administration will do to support the renewable energy sector?

Q: What are the main limitations and challenges that the

A: I believe the private sector will have the upper hand

renewable energy industry faces at the moment?

on this subject. As a producer and a final user, the private

A: The country has subsidies for oil, gas, electricity, and

sector will be in favor of more renewable energy in the

liquified natural gas, but not for renewable energy. The

country. Companies will look for business opportunities

previous administration was very noisy about renewable

and will pursue the government to push this industry.

energy but they did not really facilitate progress. The

The current administration has showed its concern for

framework has been a bit disorganized. At the center,

modernization, particularly regarding PEMEX and the oil

we have CRE with the regulatory instruments but the

industry, but I have not heard many plans for a modern,

law that is supposed to support the industry, from the

environmentally sustainable energy sector yet. The federal

2008 package of energy laws, is not functioning. We

government should definitely set the national priorities

do not have a clear model, we are using the model of

while state governments should be involved in promoting

the Electricity Law of 1992, but we have to use a model

renewable energy projects and developing their own legal

that would allow open access to the network, such as in


Europe with feed-in tariffs, or define a more stringent plan for CFE following the American model of the Renewable

Q: What should be the top priorities for the development

Portfolio Standards.

of Mexico’s energy sector? A: The production of renewable energy should be

This would require CFE to commit to a certain percentage

increased as much as possible. This, however, will require a

of the energy it supplies to end users coming from

restructuring of the entire energy sector. Renewable energy

renewable sources. In addition, the current self-supply

is more complicated because it implies actions such as

system is subject to rules that are defined by the executive

installing PV systems on individual rooftops, municipalities

branch of the federal government in terms of pricing,

using biogas, or collecting animal waste for biomass. It is

instead of being defined by the law, which would bring

easier to think of the big players doing the hard work rather

it more certainty. We need a more secure and more

than imagining a more complex transformation to a more

consistent regulatory framework.

decentralized power generation system. Finally, helping municipalities throughout the country with transmission

Despite these challenges, the renewable energy sector

and storage capacity and investing in energy transition

has developed well and continues to do so due to

at the local level should be priorities. Decisions with an

pressure from the industry. This is definitely the case

economic impact are usually taken in large urban centers.

for the wind industry, which has had permits since 1995

Therefore, this last priority deals with urban planning, land

and has worked with the federal government to develop

zoning, transportation infrastructure, and construction

regulatory instruments that were later used to make the




interconnection agreement, the commercial net-metering

Arana- For solar energy to

interconnection agreement and the small power producer

thrive, a good regulatory

(SPP) scheme.


Severo López Mestre Arana, Director of Mexenergy and Founding Partner of SUMe








The residential net-metering interconnection agreement is


between the utility and the PV system owner. It allows for

Stability can be a broad

up to 10kW of renewable power to be installed. The energy



produced can be offset with the energy consumed from





the utility on a kWh per kWh basis. If there is any surplus

simple and with incentives

for the system owner at the end of the year, it will not be





awarded. The utility residential market in Mexico holds

principles create conditions where investors are willing

about 33 million clients. However, since there is no feed-in

to risk capital given the predictable returns but are also

tariff and the rating system for residential power is heavily

continuously focused on reducing costs in the long run in

subsidized (the warmer the temperature in the locality, the

order to remain competitive.

more subsidy the area receives without socio-economic


considerations) only about 550,000 homes out of the 33 Could we say that the Mexican regulatory framework

million can be considered as viable candidates for PV. This

provides this stable environment for solar power? Simply

is because they are the only residential group that actually

put: no. There are several reasons for this, such as a

pays the non-subsidized real price of electricity, which would

subsidized and politicized electricity rating system, the

be around US$0.26 per kWh. This represents “la crème de

lack of a solar policy model with specific targets and

la crème” and the highest rate the system will pay in Mexico

the adequate regulatory instruments to achieve them, as

for a solar kWh in any scale. The name of the game in this

well as an interconnection and net metering policy that

segment is sizing solar projects up to the point where the

was forced into all of this. For the sake of this analysis

reduced consumption level of the system owner qualifies

we will concentrate on the interconnection agreements

him to reenter the utility subsidized residential rate category

which constitute the only solar specific policy instruments

depending on the location (temperature) of his living area.

created so far. These are the residential net-metering

The commercial net-metering agreement contract is also


ensuring that products entering the Mexican market meet

was created in 2008 to promote energy efficiency and

high performance standards. As a result, new energy

to serve as a technical body for sustainable energy use.

efficiency programs have surged, such as public lighting

Two laws provide strength to CONUEE: the Law for

programs in municipalities. By complying with CONUEE

the Sustainable Use of Energy (LASE) and the Law for

norms, the organizers of such programs can receive

Methodology and Standardization (LMN). The LMN is the

payments proportional to the cost of the project. “The key

base of the 25 NOMs (Mexican Official Standards), which

function of this commission is to give technical certainty

are at the core of the organization. “Energy efficiency

on performance and the quality of products. But when

is reached through these norms since most of them

there is technological change, low quality products may

include improvements in energy saving characteristics of

appear in the absence of normalization,” de Buen states.

products,” says Odón de Buen, President of CONUEE. De Buen argues that a lot more can be done to save energy


Based on the LMN, tests must be run in laboratories

at lower costs than generating energy from renewable

with certifications being given by specific organisms,

sources. However, energy saving programs are not visible

all of which are accredited by the Mexican Entity of

and therefore do not gain political traction. “The NOM-015-

Accreditation. From de Buen’s perspective, it is a very

ENER-2002 was created to certify the energy efficiency of

solid system that provides technical certainty, while the

refrigerators and was published a decade ago. While its

norms allow higher energy efficiency to be reached by

implementation avoided the necessity for several power

executed between the utility and the PV system owner. It

specific regulation but it has been creatively adapted for

allows for up to 500kW of on-site solar power. The energy

the purpose since it is the only viable structure to develop

produced can be offset with the energy consumed from the

utility-size solar projects despite its limit of 30MW.

utility on a kWh per kWh basis. If there is any surplus for the system owner at the end of the year, it will not be awarded.

The SPP requires an agreement where 100% of its capacity

Most of the attractive candidates for this contract (small

shall be committed to CFE, the sole off-taker in the project.

and medium industries, malls, corporate office buildings,

Not undermining the technical and developer merits of such

sports clubs and retail stores) are subject to a utility

projects, the SPP approach holds deep regulatory and policy

rate applicable to medium tension users with an overall

concerns. The most relevant of them is the discretionary

power usage of 100kW or above. This commercial market

nature of these agreements. The SPP represents the only

obviously represents a very attractive and key segment for

loophole in the Mexican electricity law where the utility

the solar industry to develop and also constitutes a very

can acquire capacity without a legally binding open public

important sector to pursue and further urban renewable

bidding process. This places the process in a dangerous

energy and sustainability policies. Unfortunately this market

discretionary limbo that has never been good for sound

has remained largely untapped since the price at which the

regulatory policy. How can a company qualify and get the

solar kWh is compensated by the utility is extremely low

signature from the utility for one of those agreements? At

given the commercial interconnection agreement design.

what price? Should companies simply approach them with

This rate level for commercial size PV projects either creates

a project?

perverse incentives to deploy “cheap low quality equipment” which kills the market and/or makes the sponsors postpone

Mexico has only taken a very small step in solar policy with

and put on hold PV investments until “conditions change”

a limited perspective by only granting interconnection

in Mexico. The central problem is that the net-metered or

rights to residential and commercial solar projects. There

compensation price for each solar kWh was anchored to the

is no regulatory or policy vision of an overall solar industry

HM utility rate at the intermediate rate level, which has an

model to seriously develop the solar sector to its full

average price of US$0.09 per kWh. This situation that could

potential. We are at a crossroads with the Energy Reform

seem as a minor regulatory design flaw has proven to be the

changing the face of the Mexican energy sector. But up

most important disincentive for commercial PV projects.

to this point, there is no express mention that the heavily subsidized and politicized rating system will be revised, for

The small power producer (SPP) scheme, has been an

example. Sometimes policy making is more an art than a

investment alternative in the Mexican power sector, along

technique and, as in any other art form, you should never

with self-supply, cogeneration and the independent power

lose sight of the big picture: a stable environment for solar

producer scheme, for the past 20 years. SPP is not a solar


plants, these energy saving are hardly noticed by the

example, CONUEE is now working on certifying PEMEX

wider public, which prevents them from being popular,”

and CFE. Another important issue is strengthening its

he says. Water heaters are another source of high energy

relationship with municipalities. “We need to reinforce the

consumption. CONUEE created the NOM for water heaters

norms for buildings since air conditioning has become a

and ensures the quality and efficiency of heaters to

basic need in many areas of Mexico. We are very interested

mitigate energy consumption.

in cooperating with municipalities to improve compliance with these norms,” explains de Buen.

CONUEE has been an observer of energy efficiency programs such as the Energy Saving Program and the

CONUEE’s goal continues to be the broad implementation

Sustainable Lighting Program. “For public lighting, a LED-

of energy saving practices through the development

based program is being considered. CONUEE participates

of regulatory instruments that promote professional

by offering technical insight and providing the quality

certifications,” says de Buen. As technological changes

norm for such products,” he says. Though such programs

become a reality, the competitiveness of renewable energy

are generally held to have had great success, de Buen

is rising and costs will become lower, but in de Buen’s

sees a need for evaluation instruments to increase their

opinion, the Mexican energy sector will continue to move

effectiveness in the future.

very slowly. “Small companies can make a big difference in the energy market and that is why the private sector

Repositioning itself to be recognized as a reliable technical

is crucial. They need to assume part of the risk, provide

organization to work with has become a general priority

financing, and bring technology to the country. CONUEE

for CONUEE. The commission is demanding that large

has to manage the technological changes from the demand

industrial consumers become ISO 50001 certified. For

side and guarantee the quality of innovative products.”


LACK OF STANDARDS AND CERTIFICATIONS IN MEXICO “The growth in Mexico has been incredible and few

and risky process. “For me to build the capacity to audit

countries can match the speed of its development and

wind turbines, for example, would cost about US$40,000,”

growth,” says Ernesto Bächtold García, Director General

explains Bächtold García. “To make the process worth the

of QS Mexiko, the company that for the past 12 years has

investment, there have to be more customers asking for a

been certifying quality management systems in Mexico.

specific type of certification.” Getting a renewable project

“But the country took a shortcut instead of the normal

certified under the currently legal framework is also very

process of development. The government and the Ministry

costly for the client. “No local certification company is

of Economy try to paint Mexico as a developed country but

willing to spend money on preparing an audit in such a

that makes us lose the worldwide benefits that developing

small market. Therefore, renewable energy companies that

countries can get,” he adds. “Using standards brings a lot

wish to be certified have to get a European auditor. This

of benefits not only to the industry but, more importantly,

brings the certification cost to between US$40,000 and

to the final user. But as important as standards are as well

US$46,000 when it would cost no more than US$10,000

as the certification they provide, Mexico seems to be falling

to have it done by an equivalent certification agency in

behind in this particular issue.”

Mexico,” Bächtold García claims.

Two domestic standards are in place in Mexico, the obligatory

Currently, the law does not require companies in the

NOMs and the voluntary NMXs. ISOs are voluntary but

renewable energy sector to be certified. However, Bächtold

Mexico sometimes adopts such international standards.

García believes that the industry would take a great leap

There are about 4,000 standards in Mexico, but only about

forward, should CFE or SEMARNAT ask for certification

800 are in use. In comparison, Germany or England have

as one of the requirements to hand out their permits. He

90,000 to 95,000 standards, as do Spain and France.

believes that once customers pressure companies to follow

Furthermore, Bächtold García adds that machinery checks

a certain standard, companies will have no choice but to

are done once every one or two months in Europe or the

comply. “In every industry, every process needs a standard.

US, while in Mexico, these checks are carried out every five

It is important for customers to demand them. This begins

or ten years. “The common practice here is to check on the

with little actions like asking for guarantees, no matter what

equipment once it stops working,” he states.

the price of a product is,” explains Bächtold García.

In Bächtold García’s opinion, it is important for the

Voluntary certification does have its benefits. For example,

government and customers to be aware of the importance

when exporting a product to Europe, certifications will

of standards, but companies also have to be conscious of

be required, not only for the processes directly related

this and decide they need to be socially responsible. “Many

to the product but also in areas such as eco-labeling and

factories in Mexico are family businesses. But when these

packaging. Bächtold García explains that when a company

companies grow, they need a system that works because it

wants to enter such a sophisticated market, certifications

is well-designed, not because an authority figure told them

are necessary, regardless of whether they are not legally

to adopt it. Standards are missing here to guide them in

required or if Mexican customers choose to pay any

the right direction,” he notes.

attention to them or not.

“No local certification company is willing to spend money on preparing an audit in such a small market. Therefore, renewable energy companies that wish to be certified have to get a European auditor” Ernesto Bächtold García, Director General of QS Mexiko


The renewable energy sector is even further behind in terms

QS Mexiko is ready to provide its services when the renewable

of adopting standards and certifications. Bächtold García

market requires them. The company is under the oversight

believes the first step is to change the legal framework and

of the International Accreditation Forum (IAF), with every

free the market from its current restrictions. In the current

member country possessing its own body for accrediting

environment, a would-be certifier of companies that work

certifications, such as EMA in Mexico. This ensures that all of

with renewable energies has to go through an expensive

QS Mexiko’s certificates are valid internationally.


GERMAN EXPERTISE IN THE RENEWABLE ENERGY SECTOR EDMUND DUCKWITZ German Ambassador to Mexico Q: Germany is a world leader in the development of

the tariffs set to channel energy generated by renewables

renewables. What are the main lessons that Mexico could

into our grids. The public sector supports technical

learn from Germany in this area?

development through government funded programs, by

A: The development of the German renewable energy

promoting entrepreneurial chances for the private sector,

sector came in answer to the demand for specific

and by helping individual energy users and producers in

technologies in my country and abroad. Germany is

their decisions to invest in alternative energy sources.

poor in natural resources, but it is rich in engineering capabilities and technological development. Emphasizing

Q: What changes could be made to the Mexican operating

the development of the German renewable energy sector

framework to unlock its renewable energy sector?

is also a logical response to fighting climate change.

A: A liberalized energy market with a broader variety of energy sources would certainly help meet the goals the

The guideline for Germany’s main strategy is the principle of

country has set for itself. The Energy Reform will bring about

diversification of its energy production. We are continuously

greater transparency regarding prices for clean energy.

seeking to further develop a sound mix of energy sources

These have to be calculable and attractive for potential

fueled by wind, sun, biomass, and geothermal sources

producers and banks to be willing to finance projects.

in the light of distancing us from nuclear power by 2022. The German Energiewende (transition to a sustainable

Q: What are the main opportunities that Mexico offers

economy) is currently under discussion and adjustments

German companies in the energy sector?

are necessary. Germany is well-advised to share with Mexico

A: The opportunities for German companies in the renewable

both the positive and negative experiences it has seen in its

energy sector in Mexico do not differ to a wide degree from

energy reform efforts. However, Germany is far from being

other markets. But the panorama of Mexican companies in

in a position to teach lessons to Mexico. We have not had

the field, as well as the high number of cooperation projects

only positive experiences, given rising energy prices and the

between German and Mexican firms are promising. Germany’s

continued application of an unpopular and highly criticized

strength in the sector is defined by its enormous number

subsidy system for large-scale energy users. The respective

of SMEs which will find counterparts in the Mexican market.

energy production and distribution markets of our two

They have to actively investigate business opportunities on

countries are too different to compare. We are convinced

all levels. The German government is assisting them through

that the Mexican government’s plans for an energy reform

programs financed by the German Ministry of Economics

should lead to the partial liberalization of the market. This

and Technology, and through our worldwide network of

would trigger the generation and distribution of renewable

German Chambers of Industry and Commerce.

and clean energy at fair and realistic prices. At the same time, Mexico has set itself ambitious goals regarding the

The main advantage of the Mexican energy market is

use of clean energies by the 2020s. For that very reason,

clearly its enormous size as well as the potential demand

Mexico has shown it is interested in how best to develop a

it will offer in the future, coupled with the power of the

new energy-mix.

Mexican economy in general. There are still limitations in terms of training and finding technically skilled specialists.

Q: What are the respective roles of the private and

In a market still regulated by long-established regulations,

public sector in making the change toward a new energy

we are calling for liberalization and modernization. But we

generation mix in Germany?

are convinced that the Mexican energy market will present

A: The private sector is the main economic source of

a growing number of opportunities to German companies

technical innovation and for the supply of technical solutions

of all sizes that will provide information, investment, and

for the changes we are making in the German energy sector.

technical expertise to support the diversification of the

The public sector is providing the legal framework, such as

Mexican energy market.




3 Natural gas is the main component of Mexico’s energy mix due to its low cost and low emissions. Mexico is planning that natural gas will have a participation of 72% in the national energy mix by 2027, and sees it as a transition fuel towards a cleaner energy mix in the long term. But while PEMEX now feels empowered to start shale gas exploration at home, no production is expected for the next few years. A bottleneck of transportation capacity both in terms of interconnections with the US and in the national pipeline network is being dealt with, with new pipelines snaking their way across the border and throughout the country, enabling more cheap natural gas imports.

This chapter examines the entirety of the Mexican natural gas sector, from the role of natural gas in the energy mix and new pipelines being built, to the opportunities natural gas provides for small power producers, the arrival on the market of gas transportation companies operating outside the network, and the many possibilities cogeneration offers for industrial development.




Role of Natural Gas in Power Generation


Gas Market


VIEW FROM THE TOP: All-Round Presence in Natural Gas


The Netback Pricing Model for Natural Gas


Urgent Need for Expansion of the Pipeline Network


Main Pipelines & LNG Terminals


Natural Gas Pipelines for Economic Development


Natural Gas Companies Eye Up Vertical Integration


Introducing the World’s Largest Gas Turbine


Market Price Hinders the Future of Cogeneration


Capitalizing on Inconsistency in the Natural Gas Supply


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Private Sector Must Drive Natural Gas Deployment


Virtual Pipelines Develop Ahead of Real Ones


CNG Transportation: an Alternative to Gas Pipelines


Shale Gas Exploration Finally Becoming Possible


Energy Sector Opportunities for Pipe Manufacturers


Many Sectors Can Provide Cogeneration Off-Takers


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Cogeneration Schemes Become Mexican Reality


Cogeneration: the Solution for Rising Industrial Costs


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Cogeneration Leader Paves the Way


Promoting the Benefits of Thermal Energy


Maximizing the Potential for Trigeneration Turbines


ROLE OF NATURAL GAS IN POWER GENERATION Over the past decade, the expansion of the electricity


sector has been driven by the construction of natural gas


combined cycle plants, which join efficiency with reduced CO2 emissions while taking advantage of the low prices of natural gas, caused by the US shale gas boom. The private


sector has played an important role in the construction of new generating capacity, selling the energy produced to CFE


through the Independent Power Producer (IPP) scheme. 40

Before 1992, private energy production was permitted only

However, natural gas was not the most popular energy











cycle plants, alongside state-owned sugar mills and mines.

20 2004

producer who received permits for natural gas combined


for self-supply. At the time, PEMEX was the main energy

Independent power producers

source prior to 1992 due to the lack of pipelines and

Source: SENER

infrastructure. Fuel oil and diesel were more common. In 1992, the Public Electricity Service Law (LSPEE) underwent

currently generate 44% of Mexico’s total power production,

changes that enabled the private sector to generate energy

but to meet demand in 2026, CFE and IPPs must increase

for self-supply. It also created IPPs, but it took until 1997 for

power production by 60% to reach 86GW.

the first permit to be awarded to American company AES Mérida III, which began generating electricity in 2000. The

Natural gas is the transition fuel favored by the government,

fact that there was a five year gap between the creation

as stated by the National Energy Strategy, and an increase in

of the IPP scheme and the issuing of the first permit was

the use of combined cycle plants is expected in the next few

due to the lack of legal structures for these projects.

years. Issues with natural gas infrastructure and distribution

However, once it took effect, this legal framework enabled

will have to be resolved, since critical alerts have exposed

the expansion of natural gas combined cycle plants and

the risk associated with increasing Mexico’s dependence

industries like food and paper took advantage of this

on natural gas for power generation while transportation

model. The IPP scheme was created to complement the


public electricity supply to satisfy the growing demand.

generation by IPPs dropped by 3,830GWh in 2012 relative to






the previous year, and has still not returned to previous levels Over the course of 2013, IPPs generated 40,196GWh more

despite a slight uptick in 2013. At the same time, CFE actually

than CFE using natural gas in cogeneration plants. There

managed to increase production by 8,859GWh between 2011

are currently 28 IPPs in operation, of which 22 use natural

and 2013, reaching 43,308GWh. However, this decision has

gas for power generation in cogeneration plants. The boom

greatly impacted CFE’s finances as it had to import LNG at

of natural gas for IPPs goes back to the early 2000s. IPPs

higher prices to achieve this increase.


Mexico’s daily production of natural gas increased from


2003 to 2009, but after peaking at over 7,000mcf/d, levels have declined for the past 3 years. Mexican


production has not been enough to cover industry demand, creating the need to emit critical alerts


restricting the supply of natural gas. This decline 5,000

and increasing demand promoted the decision to import fuels and the rapid construction of pipelines

Source: SENER














interconnecting to the United States.



Natural gas prices were low at the end of the 1990s, and spiked in 2000 before skyrocketing over the course


of 2003. Given this volatility, investments in gas-fired power generation became seen as riskier, until shale gas


discoveries and new extraction technologies allowed natural gas production to grow significantly in North


America. This heightened availability of natural gas
















US$3.94 per million Btu in 2009, the lowest price since

2 1999

a peak of US$8.86 per million Btu. These were lowered to


reduced prices drastically after 2008, when they reached

2003, and have dipped ever since. Mexico is trying to secure a long-term hold on this cheap resource, since its low price is now expected to hold steady for several decades. To achieve this, the expansion of the pipeline network connecting Mexico and the US, as well as

IMPORT VOLUME (MCF/D) 1,200 1,000

Mexico’s domestic pipeline network, is essential in order to supply natural gas to end users. If this is not achieved


and LNG imports are increased, electricity prices and,





a row before reaching their peak in 2008 when 128mcf/d


200 2008

Mexican exports of natural gas increased for three years in





will increase significantly.



consequently, the cost of operation of many industries

was exported. After this, they dropped off drastically in the subsequent years, going under 1mcf/d in 2012. At the same time, Mexico has become a major importer of natural gas, especially due to the shale gas boom that is strengthening the position of the US as an energy exporter. The demand for natural gas in Mexico will increase in the coming years and PEMEX’s production will not be able

EXPORT VOLUME (MCF/D) 150 120 90

to keep up with the demand of the Mexican market. Through the construction of more pipelines, the tendency


of natural gas imports is on the rise while exports look to









alerts and to guarantee supply for the Mexican market.


of natural gas are expected to reduce the risks of critical



remain low in the coming years. The increased imports

ENERGY TRANSITION Increase the national gas supply

Responsible Entity

Drive natural gas producing projects that will foster the country’s energy


transition. Increase and adapt the capacity of natural gas to ensure the entire demand is


processed. Guarantee the quality of natural gas according to valid norms.


Explore other organizational options within the legal framework for the


development of natural gas, considering these projects’ relatively low profitability, though alternative business models. Push the implementation of the new Contracting Scheme, one of the tools that


Congress granted PEMEX in the 2008 Energy Reform. Source: SENER




Q: What have been the main strategic objectives for

opportunity as that oil and gas will have to be transported

IEnova in the last 15 years?

to the US and Central America. We are analyzing all

A: The company started as a gas distributor in the north

potential opportunities to enter into the electricity market

of Mexico and has continuously expanded through

in order to create a more balanced portfolio rather than

the development of gas and electricity projects. Our

remain only a transportation company.

philosophy has remained the same since the beginning and it has always been successful. We build and operate

Q: What roles can the public and the private sector play in

large infrastructure projects provided that we have a long-

ensuring that the construction of the planned pipelines is

term contract to sell the natural gas or electricity. We take

finished on budget and on time?

a proactive approach and we seize opportunities as they

A: Mexico has the advantage that pipelines are covered

arise, rather than waiting for the perfect project to come

by a strong regulatory framework, which helps provide

along. Our development in Mexico has been twofold. We

certainty to investors. Public tenders are held to build and

have a power generation company in Mexicali that had a

operate natural gas pipelines, which has translated into a

contract with the US, but that has now ended so we are

lot of kilometers of pipeline currently being built, not just

looking for a new contract, and we also distribute natural

by us but also by other companies. The Energy Reform

gas. The number of opportunities here in Mexico has

will introduce even stronger regulation, which is vital for

increased substantially, and we expect that this increase in

opening up new markets. This means now is the perfect

activity will also attract increasing competition.

time to build our pipeline network. The market is clamoring for it and there is huge liquidity in Mexico that needs to

Q: The natural gas market has seen rapid changes in

be invested in sectors that offer good returns. We have to

recent years with the shale gas boom and the resulting

take advantage of the fact that financing is now available

reduction in the natural gas price. As you operate in the

to build up the network as fast as possible.

US and Mexico, how do these changes influence your strategic direction?

Q: IEnova’s IPO on the Mexican Stock Exchange showed

A: The drop in the natural gas price has had a profound

a real commitment to Mexico. Has this move lived up to

impact on both the US and Mexican markets, and it seems

your initial strategic and financial objectives?

that the price of gas will remain low for the foreseeable

A: Yes, it has as we had a clear strategy to keep the company

future, which is a great opportunity for Mexico. We have

growing. In 2012, IEnova invested US$2.4 billion and we

to produce more natural gas in Mexico, but we must

invested another US$1.1 billion from June to November 2013.

also continue to import gas from the US. Having cheap

The second goal was to access the credit market. We secured

electricity will help Mexico to become more competitive

our AAA credit rating and placed a 10-year bond, which had

against other countries that compete for the US market.

the lowest rate ever for a private company in that market.

Our main commercial partner is the US, and the fact that

Third, we wanted to increase our capital base by including

many companies and factories that were moving to China

local partners, such as pension funds, to guarantee access

for cost reasons are now returning to the US or Mexico,

to the necessary resources to continue our expansion. The

can greatly benefit the Mexican economy. IEnova’s role

next step will be to increase our low leverage. Listing on

in this process will be very important as we can build

the stock exchange gave us visibility and the opportunity to

the necessary pipelines and storage facilities. Using that

accelerate our growth, and resulted in people approaching

expertise, we want to expand into other areas of the

us with new ideas and new projects.

transportation business, such as oil pipelines as well as


constructing transmission lines for CFE. Should the Energy

Q: How much room is there in the Mexican market for

Reform achieve the objective of increasing oil and gas

IEnova to expand, both in terms of access to financing

production in Mexico, this will provide us with a huge

and your execution capacity?

A: If you have a good project, you will always find financing,

Califoria. The problems are the same as in the rest of the

but you have to prove to the market that you have the

country, but the needed investment is lower in Baja. The

ability to execute the project. By carefully picking projects

permitting process here may not be that easy, but it is less

that we can build within budget and on time, we have not

complicated and time consuming than in California, where

yet experienced limitations on our activities. We have the

for example it can take two years to get a permit for a

ability to raise US$1 billion without any problem, so the

transmission line.

critical success factor is finding the right projects. 2014 will present a lot of opportunities as CFE and PEMEX both need

Q: If IEnova develops renewable energy projects in Baja

new pipelines. We also want to play a part in the electricity

California and exports the energy to the US, should those

field as CFE will need to put a few new plants into operation

projects count toward Mexico’s renewable energy targets?

soon. In addition, we are developing our first wind project,

A: The US-Mexico border should be an integrated energy

Energía Sierra Juárez in Baja California, and further growth

border. It makes sense to have electricity flowing more

is expected there as we find the right off-takers.

freely and more efficiently in that area. California has huge demand but it is difficult to build plants and generate the

Q: How realistic would it be to reconfigure your Energía

energy there because of the permits issue.

Costa Azul LNG for gas exports rather than imports? A: There is a huge opportunity to change the terminal’s configuration to exports. It is the first terminal on the Pacific coast of North America and we could use the natural gas not just for exports, but also to fulfill the needs of the Mexican market. We are studying this at length to see the opportunities. The gas would still have to come from the US since Mexico’s gas reserves are not in Baja California. However, this would not pose a problem since the North American grid is becoming better integrated. Q: How would such a move impact Mexico’s energy market, which might experience a shortage of natural gas? A: The shortage is due to a lack of infrastructure. This problem will be solved but it could take a couple of years, and we are determined to play an important role in this process. We are building an 840km pipeline in Sonora and Sinaloa that will provide gas to CFE and other companies, and we are also

Q: In addition to wind and solar, what role would you

developing Stage I of Los Ramones, which is a relatively short

potentially want to play in Mexico’s geothermal sector?

pipeline but with a huge capacity. In the future, we will see

A: We have done little so far but we have evaluated

more gas production in Mexico as well as the construction of

potential sites in Mexicali and Michoacan. The government

infrastructure to transport and store that gas.

should move faster to develop this sector. Cerro Prieto has been producing for many years, but it is reaching its

Q: Why did IEnova decide to invest in a wind farm?

production limit and that system needs to rest. Mexico

A: Sempra Energy, which owns IEnova has invested a lot

has huge potential for geothermal and with the Energy

in wind power generation in the US, where it is considered

Reform, the sector should be promoted. We will be present

part of their core business. This meant we already had the

in the geothermal market.

know-how to enter this market, so when the opportunity came we took it. The whole idea is that this allows us to

Q: How will IEnova evolve over the next few years?

develop a more diversified portfolio. Mexico also has a lot

A: IEnova is the only company that operates in all the

of potential for solar energy, so it seems like our time to

energy fields that are open to private participation. One

invest in solar may also be drawing near.

of our strengths is that we have been in Mexico for many years, we have a team that knows how to build energy

Q: What are the main differences between constructing a

infrastructure and we have a good relationship with the

wind project in California and in Baja California?

regulators. We have to take advantage of that expertise

A: First, it is cheaper to construct a wind farm in Baja

and continue to grow toward a more balanced portfolio.


THE NETBACK PRICING MODEL FOR NATURAL GAS Since the 1990s, CIDE has been helping CRE to create a

In order to develop an optimal pricing structure for the

pricing system for the natural gas market in Mexico. During

market, CIDE had to learn how the market worked in detail.

the research and analysis period, CIDE and its economists

“First of all, it is important to understand that there are

considered several models that could serve as a foundation

three different types of markets for natural gas in Mexico:

for the model. Juan Rosellón Díaz, current Professor of

the commercial market, the industrial market, and the

Economics at CIDE and one of the economists that led the

residential market,” Rosellón Díaz explains. Each market

analysis, explains the process of establishing the current

has to be analyzed separately to be really understood, and

model and the reasons it works in the Mexican market.

then compiled into a unique model that would regulate the price of natural gas.

Changes in the regulation of natural gas in Mexico have been underway since the natural gas transportation and

In terms of residential and commercial consumption,

distribution market was first opened up to the private

the main competitor for natural gas is liquid propane

sector. “CRE has tried several ways to open up competition

gas (LPG). “This product is very well established in the

in the natural gas market, so that prices could be

Mexican market,” says Rosellón Díaz. “Although natural

optimized through market forces,” Rosellón Díaz explains.

gas is considered a substitute for LPG, the distribution

“Institutional and political constraints, as well as the fact

and price advantage of LPG allows it to maintain a

that PEMEX operates as a monopoly, have slowed those

dominant position in Mexico’s residential sector. CIDE

regulations from being fully effective. The privilege that

and CRE together have conducted several studies on the

PEMEX has to control the entrance of new players, and

prospects of natural gas replacing LPG in the residential

establish where to allow competition, makes a free-market

market, which seems unlikely to happen in the short-term

pricing model impossible. Supply and demand would

since LPG has a competitive advantage over natural gas.”

not work as a price-setting strategy within the current

In power generation activities in the industrial market,

configuration of the natural gas market in the country.”

there are several other substitutes for natural gas. “Fuel oil is the most frequently used source. However, the high

“The fact that the monopolistic market allows PEMEX to

level of emissions that it produces and the environmental

be both a player and a regulator, in terms of price-setting,

regulations in place have pushed companies in the power

created several loopholes within the structure that CRE

generation market to use natural gas instead,” says

wanted to put in place,” Rosellón Díaz explains. “Competition

Rosellón Díaz. “Analysis done by CIDE and CRE indicates

is essential to developing the natural gas market in Mexico

that the market will keep increasing its use of natural gas

and introducing a market based price-setting mechanism.”

in the future instead of other alternatives.”

Since the current configuration of the industry does not allow a free-market structure to set the prices, CRE started

Once CIDE’s analysts fully understood the way the Mexican

looking for a different pricing model.

natural gas market works, they started analyzing possible




4.50 4.00




3.00 13.00

2.50 12.50


12.00 12/11






1.50 12/11






Mexico produced 6,300Mcf of natural gas in 2008 which dropped to 5,700Mcf by 2012. National demand was higher than the amount of gas deployed in pipelines. In 2012, 22 critical alerts were issued and 13 additional ones were added in 2013. To mitigate this situation, natural gas has been imported, amounting to 30% of national consumption. Source: PEMEX


alternatives for price regulation. “The first alternative

gas directly affects the market in Mexico.” The arbitration

analyzed was setting the price through the Nobel Prize

point was set in Los Ramones, Nuevo Leon, since it is a

winning economic theory of netback pricing,” Rosellón

central location from which gas flowing from the US and

Díaz explains. “The netback pricing model would allow us

the north of the country could meet with gas coming from

to establish a fixed benchmark price. This structure would

southern Mexico. “The fact that most of the gas production

not allow PEMEX to determine or strategically influence

took place in the country’s southeastern regions, and

the price, making the NOC a price-taker.”

production efforts were ongoing in Burgos, Tampico and Veracruz, made Los Ramones the best location to

The first options evaluated were similar energy sources in

obtain a balanced assessment of transportation costs,”

Mexico that could be used as substitutes: diesel, fuel oil,

Rosellón Díaz describes. “The arbitration point needed to

or LPG. “Both diesel and fuel oil were influenced directly

be dynamic, central and balanced, since any change in its

or indirectly by the oil extraction process, which works

location would affect prices and could make the whole

under very different economic conditions, so they were

operation’s profitability go down.” The netback pricing

ruled out of the feasible set of pricing benchmarks,” says

formula was set: the price would be set based on the

Rosellón Díaz. “LPG was further analyzed, since its price

Houston Ship Channel Index price to which transportation

was established through a benchmark process similar to

costs from Houston to Los Ramones would be added,

the netback pricing model. However, the transportation

and transportation cost from Los Ramones to distribution

of LPG does not really compare to the transportation of

nodes, such as Ciudad Pemex, would be subtracted.

natural gas, which made the alternative non-optimal.” There is still one problem with this pricing model, which Rosellón Díaz explains that the netback pricing model was

is not economic in nature, but relates to the regulatory

the best alternative after the free market approach, since

framework under which the industry operates. “Currently,

it would allow a relevant market to establish a benchmark

PEMEX has the possibility of changing the location of the

price, and add transportation costs from the central node

arbitration point in the company’s best interest,” Rosellón

to the rest of the nodes in the system. The problem then

Díaz remarks. “They can change the location of the central

was to determine which market would be the most relevant

node upwards or downwards to balance out the financial

for the country’s natural gas sector. After analyzing several

side of its projects. This is the reasonable choice to make

alternatives, CIDE suggested that the benchmark price

for rational economic agents.”

should be established based on the Houston Ship Channel Index. “The alternative we suggested was to use the price

“One way of undermining the risk of PEMEX changing

of the Houston Ship Channel Index as the benchmark

the arbitration point would be to grant regulators such

price and add the net transportation costs, which would

as CRE additional power to control PEMEX’s investment

depend on where the arbitration point – or central node

strategies, encourage it to produce more natural gas

– would be located,” Rosellón Díaz explains. “It made a

within the country and keep the arbitration point where

lot of sense. None of the substitutes in Mexico was really

it will optimize the country’s energy welfare, instead of

viable as a standard and the market has three different

the profits that could come from natural gas,” Rosellón

types of consumers, which made it difficult to compare

Díaz concludes. “If the regulator is given the power to set

the natural gas market to other markets working under

strategies focused on maximizing the country’s energy

different conditions. The market in South Texas was also

welfare, the pricing model will continue to optimize the

the most reasonable to use, since US supply and demand of

market conditions.”


URGENT NEED FOR EXPANSION OF THE PIPELINE NETWORK With natural gas production having declined over the past

is the reason that drove the introduction of compressed

five years, Mexico has proven to be a lucrative market for US

natural gas (CNG) into the Mexican market, as it is more

gas companies keen on exporting their own product, and

expedient. Compressed natural gas distribution is a limited

bringing the US closer to becoming a net energy exporter. In

and temporary solution and companies doing it know that;

2013, Mexico imported around 2Bcf/d (billion cubic feet per

they are merely waiting for pipelines to be built. “This way,

day), but this figure could double by 2016 as new pipelines

we can at least participate in the market and have industrial

come into operation. This is a dramatic increase over just five

clients. By the time the pipeline is built, we will know what

years ago, when imports hit 1Bcf/d. However, Luis Vázquez

the market is like,” Vázquez Sentíes adds. Humann Adame

Sentíes, President of the Board of the Mexican Natural Gas

points out that players who have the infrastructure in place

Association (AMGN), says that SENER is predicting Mexico

to receive compressed gas could also develop distribution

will be able to once again become a net natural gas exporter

channels for domestic and commercial use once the

by 2020, because of advancements in deep water drilling

pipeline network reaches their place of operations. In

and shale gas production.

order for Mexico’s pipeline network to be sufficient to meet commercial and industrial demand as quickly as possible,

The inflow of natural gas from the US poses several

Vázquez Sentíes says that the construction of new pipelines

challenges, with limited pipeline capacity being the highest

has to be carried out under open access schemes. AMGN

hurdle to jump. Vázquez Sentíes explains that talks about

is backing government efforts to gradually decrease



natural gas imports by increasing production in the Burgos

ongoing for more than 10 years now, revolving mostly

Basin and its deepwater natural gas fields that are under

around opening the market to let the private sector invest

development, as well as through shale gas.





in pipeline construction. Agustín Humann Adame, Executive President of AMGN, confirms the urgency of such opening

To concerns that exploiting shale gas might not be atop

up as the pipelines currently being built will not satisfy the

PEMEX’s list of priorities, Vázquez Sentíes responds that

country’s needs. Nevertheless, Vázquez Sentíes claims that

PEMEX has announced it will be creating a new company

the government is very aware of the challenges that the

to exploit shale gas, as well as deepwater crude, both in

natural gas industry has been facing over the past 20 years

Mexico and in the US. “The reality is that PEMEX is too big

and is intensifying its efforts to accelerate the construction of

to handle small shale gas fields, but they will put elements

this infrastructure. The Pacific coast region is taking priority,

in place to develop this. It is going to take time but it will

according to Vázquez Sentíes, with a new north-to-south

happen.” From AMGN’s perspective, the private sector is

pipeline increasing the flow of gas along the coast. However,

the safest bet in developing the shale gas industry. And with

despite government goodwill, Humann Adame says the

the Energy Reform now having passed, the opportunity for

pipeline construction process suffers from many limitations

the private sector to participate in the exploitation of shale

in terms of institutional support and financing. Although

gas could accelerate activity in this area.

recent bids were demanded to have at least 50% of pipelines being of Mexican origin, AMGN realized that domestic firms

As AMGN’s main priority, the development of new pipelines

could not reach the production levels needed to reach this

remains absolutely paramount to cater to the country’s

target. However, Vázquez Sentíes compliments the way the

growing demand. AMGN expects to see CRE issue more

bidding process for the Los Ramones pipeline took place. “It

distribution permits in new regions of Mexico currently

was very good, fast, and the results are quite positive. Now

outside the pipeline network. The pace at which the Mexican

we just have to wait for the pipeline to be built.” The first

pipeline network needs to expand can be hinted at by

phase of the Los Ramones pipeline runs for approximately

looking at past growth. Since 2009, natural gas exports from

120km from the US border through Nuevo Leon and has the

southern Texas have grown by 600%, as opposed to just 15%

capacity to carry 2.1Bcf/D. The project’s second phase has

growth for the rest of the US gas export points combined.

been divided into two parts, Los Ramones Norte and Sur.

The arrowhead of this growth explosion is aimed right at

The 441km Norte section will be developed by a JV made

Mexico. Data from the US Energy Information Administration

up of TAG Pipelines and Gasoductos de Chihuahua, while the

shows three major pipeline expansions to be completed in

287km Sur section will be developed by TAG Pipelines and

2014, that will allow more natural gas to flow from Sierrita

GDF Suez.

in Arizona, Samalayuca in New Mexico and South Texas. Yet, with the private sector potential the Energy Reform


Vázquez Sentíes explains that the market cannot wait for

has helped to unlock, it seems these expansions may just be

the pipeline construction process to be completed. This

scratching the surface of future pipeline growth.






private pipelines

LNG terminal

TLAXCALA-MORELOS PIPELINE Proyecto Integral Morelos (PIM) consists of a 160km pipeline that goes through the states of Tlaxcala, Puebla and Morelos and two combined cycle power plants of 620MW each. The construction of the pipeline was appointed to Elecnor and Enegás while the power plants were entrusted to Abengoa. The project was intended to be completed in October 2012, but negotiations with the communities lasted until the final months of 2013. The estimated total investment in PIM stands at US$1.6 billion. TAMAZUNCHALE-EL SAUZ PIPELINE The 235km Tamazunchale-El Sauz pipeline will connect the Palmillas-Queretaro pipeline with the private NaranjosTamazunchale pipeline. A combination of 76cm and 91cm diameter pipes will be able to transport up to 630MMcf of natural gas. Awarded in February 2012, the project is expected to come online in the first quarter of 2014. The contract will be operated by TransCanada under a 25-year term with investment reaching US$500 million. LOS RAMONES PIPELINE The Los Ramones natural gas pipeline will run for approximately 1,000km through the states of Tamaulipas, Nuevo Leon, San Luis Potosi, Guanajuato, Queretaro and Zacatecas, and could be extended into the states of Jalisco and Aguascalientes. It is expected to require an investment of approximately US$3 billion, and will carry 2.1Bcf/d. PEMEX announced in January 2013 that the project would be split into two parts, with the northern part being constructed by TAG Pipelines and Gasoductos de Chihuahua while the southern section will be built by TAG Pipelines and GDF Suez. ZACATECAS PIPELINE The Zacatecas pipeline was the first new pipeline in Former President Felipe Calderón’s natural gas development plan, and will be integrated into the Los Ramones pipeline system. This 173km pipeline involved a total investment of approximately US$60 million. It will supply 20Mcf/d of natural gas in its first phase, with a maximum limit of 40Mcf/d, to Grupo Modelo and Jugos del Valle while seeking to attract other industries. The pipeline will start operations in June 2014 as more than 60% of the project has already been completed. CHIHUAHUA CORRIDOR PIPELINE At the end of 2011, CFE awarded the contract for the 385km Chihuahua Corridor to Tarahumara pipeline to Fermaca. With an investment of US$450 million, the pipeline has the capability of transporting up to 850Mcf/d from Ciudad Juarez to El Encino, where it will connect with the Chihuahua-Torreon pipeline, to deliver gas from the US for power generation in the states of Chihuahua, Durango and Coahuila. The pipeline will provide transport services over a 25-year period and began operations in July 2013. NORTHWEST GAS PIPELINE The Northwest Gas pipeline is the flagship project of the previous administration’s US$10.5 billion natural gas strategy. CFE has awarded 25 year contracts to Sempra to build, own, and operate the two sections of the pipeline from Sasabe to Guaymas and Guaymas to El Oro, at an expected investment of US$1 billion. TransCanada was awarded the contract to build the final section of the pipeline from Topolobampo to Mazatlan and its construction started in the last quarter of 2013.


NATURAL GAS PIPELINES FOR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT The critical alerts for natural gas supply issued by PEMEX

expensive liquefied natural gas. The Mexican natural gas

in the last few years, which were addressed by liquefied

market has flourished as it is directly influenced by the US

natural gas imports, have had a negative impact on

natural gas price, which has undergone a price reduction

CFE’s finances. According to the utility’s numbers, the

as a result of the shale gas boom. Ortiz Hernández

cost overruns of using fuel oil instead of natural gas in

explains this has led natural gas to become Mexico’s

thermoelectric plants led to a cost of US$1 billion, which

most competitive energy source. This has seen Compañía

represented almost 30% of the financial losses incurred by

Mexicana de Gas receive an increase in clients, particularly

CFE in the first nine months of 2013.

from the industrial sector. The residential sector has grown

“Natural gas has always been a development factor across Mexico. Higher availability will imply greater development and more job creation” Ricardo Ortiz Hernández, Director General of Compañía Mexicana de Gas

The critical alerts have not only been a challenge for CFE,

as well, though Ortiz Hernández acknowledges that the

but for natural gas users as well. Ricardo Ortiz Hernández,

city of Monterrey, where the firm is based, has a natural

Director General of Compañía Mexicana de Gas, claims

gas culture. “Perhaps the most interesting fact is that

PEMEX’s National Pipeline System as well as other private

consumption at the industrial level has increased because

carriers do not have sufficient capacity to supply the

many companies are using natural gas in cogeneration

country’s needs, while there is still a shortage of natural gas

plants,” he adds.

availability for Mexico. “We have two main issues here, which


will not totally be resolved by the Los Ramones pipeline.

Power generation is a key factor for Compañía Mexicana

PEMEX has not issued any critical alerts since June 2013,

de Gas as it has experienced an increase in natural gas

and with the entrance of liquefied natural gas, the system

consumption from clients that have chosen to produce

has balanced out. But it has also had an impact on the price,

electricity and heat at cogeneration plants in order to

as LNG is currently selling at around US$17 per million BTU,

access more attractive energy prices. Ortiz Hernández

which inevitably has a knock-on effect on the price we can

claims natural gas consumption by such clients has

offer our clients.” He believes the entry of higher quantities

increased between 30% and 50%. On the other hand, the

of natural gas through the pipelines that are being built will

company is detecting the interest of firms that want to

help further the system and limit the need for purchases of

establish themselves in the geographic zone Compañía

Mexicana de Gas attends with the goal of producing electricity in cogeneration plants and selling it to clients, which also drives natural gas demand. “The challenge for us will be being able to make the most out of these changes. In order to prepare for the coming opportunities, we are investing in increasing our pipeline capacity to improve availability in the geographic area where the company has the distribution permit,” says Ortiz Hernández. The company was founded in 1927 and has over 80 years experience delivering natural gas in the metropolitan area of Monterrey. Ortiz Hernández proudly recalls that the first natural gas receiver station in Monterrey belonged to Compañía Mexicana de Gas. In 1990, Grupo Diavaz acquired Compañía Mexicana de Gas, which then went through a crucial modernization and renovation period. On the other hand, it enabled the group to participate in

En TAPE (Tecnología Ambiental y Planeación Ecológica, S.A. de C.V.) con su división de Turbogeneradores y Microturbinas Sparx®, desarrollamos soluciones energéticas de Trigeneración (energía eléctrica, energía térmica y energía frigorífica) de manera eficiente, alimentándose de diversos insumos como el gas natural entre otros, reduciendo los niveles de contaminación atmosférica. Importamos los componentes y ensamblamos en México, para que se ajusten específicamente a las necesidades energéticas de su empresa. Cumplimos con estándares de calidad internacional.

the whole value chain; from exploration and production to distribution to the final consumer. Ortiz Hernández notes that Grupo Diavaz is the only group that has this presence across the value chain. Perhaps one of the most

Beneficios económicos del 25% al 40% de descuento en el pago de recibo de energía eléctrica.

important benefits that came as a result of being part of a conglomerate is that Compañía Mexicana de Gas now has access to better financial tools that have enabled it to improve its operations. “The network modernization and residential market growth were achieved thanks to the financial backup of the group,” says Ortiz Hernández. He explains that for a long time, the company had an industrial calling, but after it was acquired by Grupo Diavaz, it developed a new focus on the residential market. “We have over 100,000 clients and we are growing every year. Part of Companía Mexicana de Gas’ strategic plan is to have 270,000 residential clients connected by 2018,” he adds. Ortiz Hernández is bullish about the future of natural gas. Nevertheless, he acknowledges that the real challenge is that, through the new policies of the Energy Reform, pipeline construction has to be incentivized in order to

Puede funcionar de manera independiente al 100% de la energía eléctrica y logra producir agua caliente, fría y aire acondicionado con un chiller, cubriendo todas sus necesidades sin depender de ninguna otra fuente de energía. Sume su empresa al cuidado del medio ambiente, al operar eficientemente con gas natural que produce bajas emisiones contaminantes, así como gas LP, diesel y biogás, entre otros. • La Trigeneración provee de energía eléctrica, térmica y frigorífica. • Ahorros del 25 al 40 % en el pago de energía eléctrica y otros ahorros. • Eficiente desempeño que abastece de energía eléctrica bajo demanda y sin interrupciones.

reach all of Mexico’s growth centers. “Natural gas has always been a development factor across Mexico. Higher availability will imply higher development and more job creation. Having access to cheap natural gas from the US is an opportunity that we have to seize by developing the required infrastructure,” he says. Compañía Mexicana de Gas is currently focused on continuing its investments in new infrastructure that caters to Monterrey’s continuing urban growth, as well as improving its position in industrial zones to serve the new companies in the city. On the other hand, new distribution zones, pipeline carrier opportunities and even cogeneration projects are some of the opportunities being analyzed. “We see a great future in the energy sector. We are aware that the energy sector is a key factor for Mexico’s economy

Permítanos ofrecerle la solución energética que mejor se adapte a sus necesidades y se convencerá de que somos la mejor opción.

and we want to play an essential role within it.”


NATURAL GAS COMPANIES EYE UP VERTICAL INTEGRATION The Energy Reform has been lauded for the chances it

be of most benefit to power producers as they consume the

is extending to the private sector, but Fernando Calvillo

largest amount of gas.”

Álvarez, President and CEO of Fermaca, believes the evolution of the market has been a subtler process. “This

After decades with an energy monopoly, “the cost of

process was made up of a chain of activities that gradually

producing, transporting and distributing fuels did not

evolved out of aspects of PEMEX’s monopoly being

matter in Mexico. As for power, little attention was paid to

opened up to private investment, from joint ventures and

daily, weekly or seasonal swings in generation. There was

investment agreements to bidding processes,” he explains.

no certainty about whether enough gas or pipeline pressure

Mexico’s natural gas situation made this development

was available at the time it was needed,” he explains.

process evident, given that the average price of natural

Given the obvious costs such inattention incurred in terms

gas in the US through 2013 hovered at around US$3.5 per

of penalties and mismanagement, the benefits of peak

million BTU, as compared to US$12 for fuel oil, US$16 for

shaving became evident. Through a strategic alliance with

diesel and US$19 for LPG. Ever since the US began shale

a technological partner from the Netherlands, Fermaca

gas production forward with intensity, it has become the

developed peak shaving facilities that connect to pipelines

cheapest source of natural gas in the world. This means the

at times of high availability but low demand. This gas is then

lack of current infrastructure and interconnection points at

stored as LNG, and can be re-gasified and re-injected into

the US-Mexico border makes for an extremely attractive

the grid, should gas supplies falter in peak hours. Calvillo

opportunity for firms like Fermaca, who can now eye up

Álvarez lists the advantages of peak shaving as optimizing

bringing cheap gas to Mexico.

the dispatching of power plants, safeguarding against temporary critical alerts, allowing for better management

As this process moves forward, private companies will be

of the supply and use of gas over time; it also allows

competing against each other in a crucible that will test

withdrawals during periods of scarcity or to cover a price

which of them have the capacity to guarantee the supply

spike. “We know that the peak shaving project will come to

of natural gas. Fermaca feels confident it will come out on

fruition because it is needed. We see ourselves as owning

top, given the long-term vision it applies to its projects and

and operating such a facility and providing peak shaving

due to the process of vertical integration that many natural

services to power generators, initially with a capability to

gas companies end up going through, taking the step from

cycle up to 20 Mcf/d, which is not large but very important

being purely transporters of natural gas to becoming power

as a first step,” says Calvillo Álvarez.

generators. Fermaca dipped its toe into these waters a few years ago, setting up a partnership to develop power plants,

Fermaca is committed to making an expansion into power

but the closed generation market and dependence on supply

generation, though it knows its experience does not lie in

from PEMEX derailed this move. Critical alerts, commonplace

that field. By teaming up with a power producer to yield the

in certain parts of Mexico lead to a reduction in the volumes

best result, Calvillo Álvarez estimates that in the first stage

of natural gas being distributed to customers, and have also

of development, 700MW of private power generation could

held back this integration process. For Calvillo Álvarez, it is

be set up, with Fermaca considering several options to best

unthinkable to invest in power plants while such a situation

claim a slice of the power generation market. The company

endures. “If you are going to invest between US$100 million

is looking at projects in different regions of Mexico, while

to US$1 billion in a power plant, you have to ensure the

also considering an expansion of its cogeneration projects,

reliability of the gas supply. It would be impossible to finance

and combining gas and renewable energy. With the ink still

a project that is vulnerable to critical alerts and risks running

drying on the Energy Reform, Calvillo Álvarez expects this

out of fuel.” Such a problem led to innovations from Fermaca.

process to be drawn out. “It is slow and difficult but we

The 385km Chihuahua Corridor pipeline was designed for

believe our first plant will be operating within two to three

the needs of CFE, but also to allow for greater capacity to

years. The Energy Reform will completely open up power

be used by third parties. When building such infrastructure,

generation. Fermaca can be extremely competitive and

Fermaca laments the short-sighted planning of certain

will become an important player in the region.” In the last

players, as it vouches to plan for the next 15 to 20 years.

two years, Fermaca invested almost US$600 million and

With additional capacity in its pipeline and with natural gas

estimates that with its current pipeline infrastructure, it could

prices at US$3.5 per million BTU, energy-intensive industries

already move 20% of the natural gas consumed in Mexico.

now see the potential of reducing their costs by more than


50 percent, says Calvillo Álvarez. “We have been pushing for

Despite this early stage of its vertical integration, Calvillo

the creation of energy hubs along the pipeline. This would

Álvarez believes Fermaca has demonstrated its superior

value offering through its previous projects. It secured

Chihuahua. “In the case of Chihuahua, many complex factors

the win for the Chihuahua Corridor pipeline by having

were managed smartly. We excelled in the right of way

a substantial difference in its offering to those of its

process, we anticipated most of the engineering challenges

competitors. In a joint venture with Spain’s Enagás, Fermaca

which saved a lot of time and money, and we implemented

tabled a bid of US$88 million to build and operate the

a smart management plan for the construction. But whether

compressed natural gas of Soto La Marina in Tamaulipas.

it takes more or less days does not matter, it is about hitting

Calvillo Álvarez said the difference in net present value

the deadlines you set and finishing the project on time,”

was around US$100 million dollars, showing that Fermaca

explains Calvillo Álvarez. “The Chihuahua pipeline is the

is confident that it can provide the best services around at

first such project to be built and delivered on time to CFE.

the lowest price. Both companies naturally complemented

Foreign companies have not accomplished that in Mexico.”

each other since Enagás had certain problems developing

For him, this shows the importance of having Mexican

and materializing projects in Mexico but had a lot of capital

companies be competitive in Mexico. If Canadian, French

to invest. On the other hand, Fermaca had masterminded

or Spanish companies are more competitive at home for

successful project executions but had struggled to find

having the support of their governments, there is no reason

competitive financing alternatives. “Enagás brings a large

the same should not happen in Mexico.

technical base of experienced people, grown and seasoned in a fairly protected market,” says Calvillo Álvarez.

Despite Mexico now facing a challenge in developing

“Fermaca brings local strength, adaptability, project and

its own shale gas industry, Calvillo Álvarez is not overly

financing expertise and execution capabilities.”

concerned about what ultimate success in this line of work would mean for his business. “I do not think it will have

Given these competitive strengths, why has Fermaca not

an effect for some time to come. Fracking is not an easy

had a greater range of projects to date? “Unfortunately,

process. Mexico must open up shale gas exploration and

the administration of Former President Felipe Calderón

production to private investors, because that is the only

made bids more attractive for international companies than

way the country will see this activity happening.”

for Mexican companies. So new criteria were added to the bidding rules that Mexican companies could not compete

But with the Energy Reform having passed, a new market

with,” says Calvillo Álvarez. He sees this failure to use Mexican

is being born, one in which Fermaca will have to navigate

potential to its full value as a shame, beyond the fate of

very different relations with the public and private sectors

Fermaca, since these projects missed out on the knowhow of

to ensure fruitful results. The company sees working

Mexican players in areas such as how to obtain permits and

with the private sector as a complicated process, varying

how to control development and construction costs, among

according to which companies are willing to take risks and

other advantages.

which have the right credit credentials. To ensure success

“We have been pushing for the creation of energy hubs along the pipeline. This would be of most benefit to power producers as they consume the largest amount of gas” Fernando Calvillo Álvarez, President and CEO of Fermaca

Fermaca itself has adapted to the different realities of

in power generation with the private sector as customers,

different projects in the Mexican market. For example, its

“you have to take the big players in the Mexican economy

Chihuahua Corridor pipeline presented fewer problems

and negotiate stable power consumption for your project for

than its Palmillas-Toluca pipeline. This was largely due to

15 years. Unfortunately, in Mexico, nobody ever says no so

major differences in the conditions of the two construction

you end up in negotiations that were never going anywhere,”

projects, especially in terms of dealing with land owners and

says Calvillo Álvarez. But working with CFE is different, he

struggling with geographic challenges. The Chihuahua to

adds. The bidding process is hard, involving a tough battle

Tarahumara pipeline involved dealing with 400 land owners

with competitors in which potential returns are reduced.

over 385km, as compared to negotiating with 1,600 in just

But in case of a win, a 25 year contract is ensured. It will be

122km for its Toluca equivalent. The Toluca pipeline also

interesting to watch the formation of the power market in the

had to run across uneven terrain such as hills and expensive

coming years. “With the Energy Reform, the participation of

agricultural land, while the Chihuahua one had a clear run

the private sector is imminent and a power market will be

across flat desert and big ranches. Ultimately, both projects

created. Today, 40 to 45% of power generation is already

were completed in around 14 months, with Fermaca

being done by private players but only through exclusive

achieving a good learning curve from both, but mostly from

contracting with CFE. There is no power market yet.”


INTRODUCING THE WORLD’S LARGEST GAS TURBINE Over the next decade, natural gas-based power generation

it was first launched. The growth of the Mexican natural gas

technologies will be at the center of Mitsubishi Heavy

sector and the increasing number of combined cycle power

Industries’ growth strategy for Mexico, driven by the

plants to be developed will increase the potential to further

consistently low prices that are expected for this fossil fuel

apply this technology in the coming years.

as a result of the shale gas production in North America. Existing CFE plants burning highly pollutant fuel oil will

Today, Mitsubishi is participating in bids to develop

be phased out and substituted by natural gas fueled

combined cycle power plants for CFE in Topolobambo,

combined cycle plants, while turbines are becoming more

Escobedo and the Valley of Mexico. On the other hand,

efficient and their capacity is increasing. Mitsubishi Heavy

the company has participated in the geothermal sector

Industries also sees important opportunities in wind, solar

at Cerro Prieto, CFE’s largest geothermal power plant.

and geothermal energy, but the company does not have

Even though the size of the geothermal market in Mexico

manufacturing activities for wind or solar power in Mexico.

remains limited for the moment, the Los Azufres plant

“We are active in the geothermal sector, even though

is also receiving support from the company, which is

the market is relatively small compared to natural gas,”

expecting to participate in further geothermal projects

says Hidetoshi Shigemitsu, President of Mitsubishi Heavy

in the future. The merger of the power system businesses

Industries Mexico. “The main business for us is natural gas

of Mitsubishi and Hitachi will increase the market share

since we manufacture technology for this sector in Mexico.”

for the company to over 40%, making Mexico one of the countries in which Mitsubishi has the strongest presence

“In the case of Mexico, the Type J Mitsubishi turbine may

globally. “Mitsubishi Heavy Industries has been present

prove very useful to fulfill the country’s power generation

in Mexico for over 40 years,” says Shigemitsu. “We have

needs,” comments Shigemitsu. The 60 hertz J-series

worked on many of Mexico’s challenges and we know how

gas turbine achieves a 460MW combined-cycle power

its market functions.”

generation, making it the world’s largest. Combined-cycle technology uses high-temperature exhaust gas to generate









power by a steam turbine, while achieving over 60% thermal

transportation sector which is one of the main contributors

efficiency in these applications. Mitsubishi strives to offer

to the country’s total CO2 emissions. “A high speed rail

the highest efficiency levels in the world. The J-series

network would be a possible part of the solution to this

turbines are flexible since they can use different fuels to

challenge and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries is very interested

generate energy, and can reduce CO2 emissions by 50%

in participating in such projects, as we have international

compared to conventional coal-fired power generation.

experience in unmanned train equipment for airports and

“This turbine is compatible with Mexico’s climate change

other applications,” comments Shigemitsu. “There may not

mitigation strategy, which will start to take effect in the

be a major need to develop high speed trains in Mexico

coming years,” says Shigemitsu. The first 1600°C J-series

today, but there is a big project connecting Texas and

turbine provided test results in 2012, validating the initial

Nuevo Leon and we are very willing to participate in order

performance expectations established by Mitsubishi when

to make it a reality.”

MARKET PRICE HINDERS THE FUTURE OF COGENERATION The 2013-2027 National Energy Strategy emphasizes the

economic and energy efficiency. Attractive gas prices also

importance of cogeneration, a process in which electricity

incentivize the substitution of oil fuel plants. However,

and useful heat are simultaneously generated using the

several structural limitations should be addressed, such as

same fuel. A similar process, trigeneration, simultaneously

uncertainty regarding the value of energy surplus resulting

generates electricity, useful heat and cooling. Cogeneration

from cogeneration.

systems have been used in Mexico since the 1990s, although mostly in individual industrial applications with

A 2009 study done by CONUEE and GIZ concludes that

an energy demand of over 1MW.

the national potential for cogeneration is divided among three important sectors: sugar mills, PEMEX, and other

The main factors motivating the use of this technology are

industries. The latter category is rather ambiguous, but

Mexico’s high electricity costs, especially in the commercial

SENER mentions the cardboard, cellulose, paper and

sector, and the relatively low fuel prices. Although most

food industries as being particularly prone to benefit from

energy sources can be used for cogeneration, natural gas

this energy production method. A significant interest

has proven the most popular source on the market. One of

in these systems can be observed in hospitals, hotels,

the greatest advantages of cogeneration is that energy is

malls and small and medium-sized businesses. Hospitals

produced close to the consumption point, thus avoiding

benefit from trigeneration because its final products are

changes in voltage and long distance deployment, which

electricity for illumination and air conditioning, while

are responsible for energy losses. In Mexico, cogeneration

heat is used for hot sanitary water and laundry purposes.

users enjoy independence from the grid and the stable

Hotels reduce costs by using cogeneration for illumination,

availability of electricity and heat, in addition to reducing

elevators and air conditioners. If full economic feasibility

the release of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.

is taken into account, CONUEE has calculated that the

However, the advantage of local generation is offset by the

maximum exploitable potential for cogeneration in Mexico

inability to transmit that energy anywhere.

is 10,164MW.

Cogeneration’s fundamental principle is the recovery of

Cogeneration is of particular interest to PEMEX. Mexico’s

residual heat, a byproduct of combustion, in an energy

state owned oil company consumes 9% of the country’s

generation plant. In trigeneration the residual heat is used

energy and is therefore the primary client of cogeneration

for absorption refrigeration. Usually, said residual heat would

projects. The Nuevo Pemex Gas Processing Complex,

be released into the atmosphere, wasting an important

located in Tabasco, is an important step in PEMEX’s path

source of available energy. Cogeneration’s expelled heat

to self-sufficiency. It produces 300MW of electricity and

can be used for thermal or refrigerating processes as well as

up to 800 tonnes of vapor. The plant’s production is equal

heating water near the plant. Because residual heat is used,

to 11.2% of Mexico’s total electricity from cogeneration

cogeneration turns 75-80% of the fuel source into useful


energy. The average efficiency rates in traditional plants

cogeneration and trigeneration, their implementation

using fossil fuels is 35-37%, while combined cycle plants

has been less generalized due to a lack of definition and

reach efficiency rates slightly above 50%. The advantages

certainty regarding legislation, technology costs, energy

that cogeneration provides when speaking of energy

costs, low efficiency in small capacity plants and users’

efficiency thus become self-evident.

lack of knowledge about the benefits of these systems.





These systems are mainly used in hotels, hospitals, These advantages have already been noticed and used

and commercial settings and their respective installed

around the world. For example, the US currently draws 8%

capacities varies between 240kW and 3,600kW, out of an

of its energy from combined heat and power solutions.

estimated potential of 1,671MW.

The Department of Energy has set the goal of raising that figure to 20% by the year 2030. To meet this target, eight

According to various polls, most project developers do not

clean energy application centers have been established

follow through when the return on investment takes longer

across the US. Mexico has promoted the implementation

than five years. Limitations in the availability of natural gas

of cogeneration projects in order to achieve maximum

also deter users from implementing cogeneration systems.

energy efficiency, reduce fossil fuel consumption, and avoid

Micro and small cogeneration and trigeneration projects

greenhouse gas emissions. The installation of cogeneration

could see an increase in profitability in Mexico if the excess

plants does not require subsidies, according to SENER,

energy could be sold at a reasonable market price, either

and its penetration is explained by the technology’s

to CFE or to third parties.


CAPITALIZING ON INCONSISTENCY IN THE NATIONAL GAS SUPPLY Mexico’s increased focus on natural gas has provided the

afford to have an interrupted supply. “PEMEX has been

opportunity for companies to pounce on the current lack

making a big effort to expand the flow of natural gas and

of infrastructure by linking up markets that have so far not

LNG shipments, which is not the most economical solution

been able to access natural gas. Companies like Igasamex,

but is the right one at the moment,” Arriola Jiménez says.

that design, build and operate gas pipelines, have been

“Developing infrastructure can significantly improve the

closely watching these developments. “One particular

reliability of the overall system, but this involves long

issue that we face is the inconsistency of gas supply; the


system is currently over-stretched and is operating above capacity, which has created reliability issues,” says Carlos

Natural gas transportation companies take on the role of

Arriola Jiménez, Director General of Igasamex. His firm

enablers in the transition to natural gas. Offering natural

focuses on providing more reliable services to end users

gas services in Mexico is complex, particularly in areas that

by finding long-term solutions to the natural gas network’s

are not part of the pipeline network’s distribution zones.

thornier problems, to increase the competitiveness of high

The challenges stretch across permitting, acquisition

CAPEX industries by making their operation more efficient

and the marketing of natural gas. “Our key strengths

and cost competitive.

come from the deep and keen understanding we have of the market and regulatory framework, as well as the

Today, Igasamex is delivering natural gas via pipeline only

operational challenges that come with developing energy

but is looking to expand into serving off-grid customers

infrastructure in Mexico,” says Arriola Jiménez. Even though

with compressed or liquefied natural gas transported

Igasamex is still not relying on LNG-specific operations, it

by truck. This expansion is targeting markets that are

is seeking strategic partnerships that will ensure safety,

inaccessible via pipeline due to their isolated locations

quality and reliability in such projects, allowing them to

or to their distance from existing infrastructure, thereby

take advantage of the opportunities created by natural

contributing to the coverage of natural gas in Mexico

gas supply inconsistencies. The reliability that Igasamex



itself offers can be noted in the continuity of their services

more on industrial users. The power generation sector

since the Mexican transportation market for natural gas

has traditionally been outside our scope, since it requires

was opened 17 years ago. “This is a business in which we

a much higher level of investment,” says Arriola Jiménez.

tend to contractually commit to long-term relationships.

“This sector also has needs that are different from those of

For the most part, the great majority of those partnerships

the market that we serve,” he adds.

have turned out to be very successful with a tremendous




“Intensive energy consumers should look at Mexico as an investment option, as the country can provide competitive advantages to companies” Carlos Arriola Jiménez, Director General of Igasamex

Inconsistencies within the system and the state of over-

amount of value being created for the parties involved,”

capacity in the sector are the main challenges that need

comments Arriola Jiménez.

to be overcome. Natural gas transportation companies


are working hard to guarantee natural gas supply to their

“Many multinationals that have set up operations in Mexico

customers. However, in order to keep offering reliable

have put their trust in Igasamex and we feel proud that we

services, several additional strategies are being adopted.

are doing our small part to contribute to the development

“We ensure that all of our pipelines and every investment

of our country,” Arriola Jiménez says. “The companies

we make are in line with international and national norms,”

that are deciding where to locate their manufacturing

says Arriola Jiménez. Everything must be tested before

facilities should know that entities like Igasamex can help

a project starts operating to ensure that there will be no

to ensure easy access to adequate services,” concludes

problems related to the supplied parts in the construction

Arriola Jiménez. “Intensive energy consumers should look

of the pipeline, which can affect reliability. Igasamex has

at Mexico as an investment option, as the country can

also developed backup systems for customers that cannot

provide competitive advantages to companies.”


PRIVATE SECTOR MUST DRIVE NATURAL GAS DEPLOYMENT JORGE SUĂ REZ OREA Director General of GNPI Mexicana Q: What opportunities will the coming Energy Reform

requires a large investment. PEMEX is setting limits on

create for GNPI Mexicana?

the access to natural gas, which means a barrier for the

A: We specialize in the construction of natural gas facilities

industry. There is a huge contradiction. For example, while

and providing services and maintenance for our clients’

we are invited to attend symposiums to discuss how to

facilities, to allow them to better comply with norms and

fully develop cogeneration schemes, there are still severe

regulations. The main opportunities for GNPI Mexico will

limitations on the use of natural gas. It is not consistent to

come with the anticipated increase in demand for these

hear that there is plenty of natural gas while its use is being

types of services. For example, one of our clients has been

limited. We constantly see increased promotion of the use

unable to build a natural gas installation because PEMEX has

of natural gas, but its use is facing more restrictions with

been reluctant to approve it, apparently because our client

every passing month.

does not have the right capacity. Our client operates an 18inch pipeline but PEMEX requires a connection through a

Q: How could this problem be solved?

48-inch pipeline. However, the 48-inch duct is 60km from

A: Mexico has not exploited or taken advantage of its

the site of the installation, while an 18-inch duct is 20km

energy potential, due to the lack of governmental capacity

away. To comply with PEMEX’s demand would considerably

to manage the economic and political implications of said

increase the level of required investment.

potential. The current government is just beginning to realize that we are lagging behind and that there is not enough

Q: Which have been the most important projects for GNPI

infrastructure to meet the increasing natural gas demand

and what were the main lessons that the company learned

from industries and the general public. For this reason there

from them?

are many doubts surrounding future investments. What will

A: We have installed many steel and polyethylene pipelines

happen if a company invests in Mexico but suddenly faces a

around Mexico City. Before, pipelines were generally

lack of natural gas to meet its requirements?

made of steel, so installing polyethylene was a completely different experience. Every time we work on a new project

The main contribution of the Energy Reform will be

we learn something different, especially when considering

allowing companies to invest and exploit the resources

the changes to the regulatory framework in recent years.

that the government cannot. You cannot ask companies

PEMEX used to be the entity in charge of establishing

to consume natural gas instead of other resources if the

norms and regulations, but CRE is now in charge of that.

government does not provide the necessary tools for

Issues can arise as soon as gas installations begin operating.

them to do so. Unfortunately, this has caused the fossil

Our clients do not usually have the technical knowledge

fuel sector to become stuck. The government uses PEMEX

necessary to notice these issues before they start operating.

revenues to cover its budget needs. If 60-70% of its revenue

The main hindrances come from poor equipment selection

is allocated to paying taxes, PEMEX is barely sustaining

and quality of the installation. This means that modifications

itself and reinvestment proves impossible. Only the private

are often needed shortly after a plant starts operating.

industry can take advantage of this situation, because the government has proved over and over again that it does not

Q: What actions could be taken by both the public

have the capacity to do so.

and private sector to address the lack of gas pipeline infrastructure?

Private companies have to contribute to the development of

A: Many cities need access to natural gas but are denied

the energy sector, but people are currently afraid of investing

that access due to the lack of sufficient gas pipelines.

given the security situation in Mexico. Large territories are

The first issue that needs to be addressed is financing.

controlled by violent groups, and nobody wants to invest

Currently, if a company wants access to natural gas it

in a problematic area; the situation is so fragile that even

needs to build a 48-inch pipeline for its own use, which

strong and structured companies have doubts.


VIRTUAL PIPELINES DEVELOP AHEAD OF REAL ONES In large part due to the fortuitous development and

gas started long before,” states Patiño. However, in order

maturation of technology, North America now has a

to be able to transport natural gas while keeping the cost

reserve capacity of natural gas that will last for over a

as low as possible requires experience. “As individuals,

century. “Mexico currently has the fourth largest shale gas

we have been in the natural gas market since 1990,

reserves in the world. That is a resource that has to be

encouraging other companies to go into this business

developed,” says Lino Patiño, Senior Partner at Promotora

while neither acting as company owners nor resellers, and

Energética E3 (E ). Other fossil alternatives such as fuel-oil,

we have worked with some of the major companies in Latin

diesel or LPG are very expensive while the Mexican market

America,” adds Patiño. E3 has created a partnership with

has been very dependent on these types of resources.

IMW that has experience working with virtual pipelines in

Natural gas would offer a cheaper and cleaner alternative,

Indonesia, China and Europe, all of which pose their own

potentially reducing energy costs from US$15 per million

difficulties as a natural gas market.


Btu when using fuel oil to US$4 per million Btu, bringing very important savings. “North America is the region which enjoys the cheapest natural gas, and according to the Energy Information Administration of the Department of Energy of the United States, there will be no high volatility as far as 2045, not even in the US with all the exports they are undertaking,” comments Patiño. The US, from being a net importer of natural gas, has shown a desire to become a net exporter. The country has concentrated its efforts on increasing its own gas reserves, trying to sever itself from a reliance on imports from Trinidad and Tobago, Niger, and Qatar among others. In the past, the volatility of natural gas prices could see prices quickly spike from US$6 per million Btu to over US$10 per million Btu since it was tied to oil prices. This is no longer the case and the market is expecting to have access to cheap natural gas for 30 years

“One of the challenges for natural gas production in Mexico is that this fossil fuel does not represent the best investment opportunity for PEMEX given its investment budget limitations. However, it is an excellent business for the private sector” Lino Patiño, Senior Partner at Promotora Energética E3 (E3)

or more. The market will keep growing due to the increasing The situation in Mexico is different since PEMEX is the only

demand for natural gas. Mexico will not be an exception

entity allowed to carry out exploration and production

to this rule, with the government being very aware of

activities for natural gas, even though it is no longer the

the benefits natural gas can offer and axing much of its

exclusive transporter of natural gas in the country. “One

energy planning around the fossil fuel. “This fuel is the

of the challenges for natural gas production in Mexico is

only one that can guarantee a feasible transition toward

that this fossil fuel does not represent the best investment

real clean energy generation such as wind, solar and

opportunity for PEMEX given its investment budget

geothermal. Transportation and virtual pipeline companies

limitations. However, it is an excellent business for the

have found an important opportunity in Mexico since they

private sector,” comments Patiño. New policies that allow

have mitigated the risk of volatility and believe that the

the private sector to use those skills that PEMEX has not

prices will not change importantly in the near future. The

developed would likely rapidly boost natural gas production.

advantage is that natural gas is the only fossil fuel that does not have any kind of subsidy and yet remains very


“Virtual pipelines” have become an alternative in regions

cheap.” As a market maker and consulting services firm, E3

as yet not serviced by pipeline infrastructure, consisting

wants to maintain its partnership with IMW, and continue

of trucks that ferry natural gas to these locations. Even

acting as the representative of the brand in the market.

though these virtual pipelines are not as competitive as the

“The Mexican market is a product market. You have to go

real deal, they have proven to be a feasible alternative for

to companies, show them that they have a problem and

many industries. Several companies are taking advantage

offer them a solution,” Patiño says. “When the market

of the opportunity that arose from the lack of pipelines

gets mature enough, we will become a more commercial

in the country, taking the natural gas from the cheapest

company. We might be called a market leader once the

source available. “Virtual pipelines have been used formally

market becomes a reality but today, we are still one of the

since the 1990s but the use of trucks to transport natural

market makers.”


viewpoint and there are significant shale gas deposits



that have not been exploited. This might seem puzzling;




however, PEMEX is trying to maximize return on investment.


“There is no way natural gas can compete with oil,” explains

Mexico’s pipeline network

Allier. “PEMEX’s course of action is understandable from a

is currently lacking the

business perspective, but it is not necessarily the best course



of action for the country.” Allier claims this situation might


change once other players are allowed in the market, after




distribution Alejandro Allier, General Manager of NEOmexicana de GNC


for sector,

fulfill needed


the Energy Reform is implemented. Allier is in favor of letting

a large-scale investment


private investors participate in gas and oil production. If this

being made in pipeline

happens, oil would be handled by international corporations

infrastructure, this capacity constraint has been seized

while smaller companies would take on gas, as happens in

upon as a market opportunity by companies dedicated to

the US. However, Allier also sees PEMEX holding on to its

the transportation of compressed natural gas (CNG).

status as Mexico’s only gas producer for years to come.







Although the development of pipelines does not threaten

NEOgás entered the Mexican gas sector with local partner

NEOmexicana’s activities, the company has to evolve

Grupo Diavaz, through a joint venture under the name

alongside the sector. If NEOmexicana attracts a client

NEOmexicana de GNC. Alejandro Allier, General Manager

outside the pipeline network, the company is able to

at NEOmexicana, explains that Grupo Diavaz covered

interconnect other nearby customers and create an

every aspect related to gas supply while NEOgás brought

important consumption point. The firm develops maps

the technical knowhow, engineering expertise, including

charting self-supply opportunities to demonstrate the

logistics, and the design and production of decompressing

need to build a pipeline or to show distributors where CNG

units and trucks. Unlike other companies, NEOmexicana

is consumed. Even if a pipeline eventually reaches some

encompasses the whole CNG delivery process. Additionally,

of NEOmexicana’s clients, the company can always move

NEOmexicana was the first company to get a permit

on, and this has become an integral part of its strategy.

from SENER to work with CNG in Mexico, and NEOgás is

“NEOmexicana’s business model is completely mobile; we

currently the only company in the world with an ISO 9001

distribute gas by truck so we are always ready to move

certification for compressed natural gas operations.

somewhere else,” says Allier. This mobility is helped by the fact that natural gas fuel stations across the country share

Allier says NEOmexicana is a direct beneficiary of PEMEX’s

a basic feature: they are interconnected to the natural gas

decision not to invest in this infrastructure, but he refutes that

grid. They extract the gas and then compress it by using a

PEMEX is unwilling to do so. He sees it more as a matter of

booster. The business strategy for NEOmexicana is based

available resources, and explains that PEMEX cannot afford

on identifying significant industrial consumption areas,

to fully develop the Mexican pipeline network, in large part

determining if they have access to natural gas, and then

because it has to comply with its fiscal duties. This has

figuring out the shortest routes to get there, says Allier.

proven to be a financial limitation for PEMEX but a good business opportunity for NEOmexicana, which capitalizes on

Currently, NEOmexicana caters to industrial customers

the lack of infrastructure for natural gas in Mexico. “Several

only, but supplies a wide range of sectors. Allier says that

pipelines are going to be built in the near future. However, the

the company has focused on opportunities in the industrial

infrastructure will still not be sufficient due to the size of the

sector because many companies do not have access to

country,” tells Allier, while admitting that the transportation

natural gas but would like to take advantage of the fact

of CNG by truck could not possibly compete with pipelines.

that natural gas prices will remain low for years to come.

Despite this, he sees collaboration opportunities between

Once pipeline infrastructure becomes a fierce competitor,

companies like NEOmexicana and pipeline developers as

NEOmexicana will tackle other sectors, such as natural gas

more likely than increased competition.

vehicles (NGV). Allier sees this as an interesting avenue in which competition will be inherent, since a single

Anyone would have thought, according to Allier, that the

company could never cover Mexico’s entire demand for

most economically efficient way to supply natural gas in

NGVs. Despite this, NEOmexicana harbors the ambition of

Mexico would have been for PEMEX to develop natural

one day being the largest supplier of NGVs for Mexico’s

gas basins in the country. It makes sense from a geological

industrial sector.


SHALE GAS EXPLORATION FINALLY BECOMING POSSIBLE Over the past decade, technological advancements in

the development of its Canadian counterpart and spurred

horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing have allowed

interest in Europe, Asia and Australia.

access to large volumes of shale gas that were previously uneconomical to produce. Shale gas refers to natural

The rapid expansion of shale gas production in the US

gas that is trapped within shale formations. Shales are

has created a large number of jobs and reduced energy

fine-grained sedimentary rocks that are usually valued

bills, not only for natural gas, but for electricity in general.

as sources of petroleum and natural gas. Conventional

Another important benefit of recent shale gas production

gas reservoirs are created when natural gas migrates

has been the weakening of the historical link between

from an organic-rich source formation into permeable

natural gas prices and volatile international crude oil

reservoir rock, where it is trapped by an overlying layer

prices. In 2011, 34% of all natural gas produced in the US

of impermeable rock. In contrast, shale gas resources

was shale gas, which could rise to 50% of total natural gas

form within the organic-rich shale source rock. The low

production by 2040.

permeability of the shale prevents the gas from migrating to more permeable reservoir rocks.

In Mexico, the demand for natural gas increased consistently during the 2000-2011 period, with an average annual growth

Natural gas is the cleanest burning fossil fuel. The

rate of 5.7%. This trend is the result of affordable gas and

combustion of natural gas emits significantly lower

better efficiency in plants that use gas compared to those

levels of carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide than does the

that use oil-based fuels. If this situation is prolonged, imports

combustion of coal or oil. When used in efficient combined

will increase alongside national demand because domestic

cycle power plants, natural gas combustion can emit less

investments are focused primarily on oil which is currently

than half as much CO2 as coal combustion per unit of

more profitable than natural gas.

electricity output. Several scientists believe that methane and other emissions from shale production are greater

Importing natural gas makes sense from an economic

than commonly thought. The majority of experts, however,


find the emissions associated with shale gas-fueled electric

production has experienced turbulence in recent years.

power generation to be significantly lower than those

Between 2010 and 2012, PEMEX issued several critical alerts,

emitted when using coal or oil as a fuel source.

linked to the availability of this resource. The expansion of







the Los Ramones pipeline further highlights the industry’s The climate impact advantage is well established for

intentions to import natural gas from the US. Currently,

conventional natural gas, but it has been questioned for

PEMEX imports 1,300Mcf/d and this number could reach

shale gas. The fracturing of wells requires large amounts of

3,400Mcf/d by 2015 once this project is complete.

water. But if mismanaged, hydraulic fracturing fluid, which may contain hazardous chemicals, can be released through

Mexico has rich shale gas resources that are still being

spills, leaks, faulty well constructions, or other exposure

explored. The Energy Information Administration ranks

pathways. Fracturing also produces large amounts of

Mexico as the fourth country with the most shale gas

wastewater, which may contain dissolved chemicals and

reserves, with 681Tcf. This is 11 times the total gas reserves

other contaminants that would require treatment before

that were previously estimated formerly quantified.

disposal or reuse. Because of the quantities of water used

Mexico’s shale gas reserves are located in the states

and the complexities inherent in treating some of the

of Chihuahua, Coahuila, Nuevo Leon, Tamaulipas and

wastewater components, treatment and disposal are vital

Veracruz. PEMEX began shale gas exploration in Coahuila

but challenging issues.

in 2010. Gas production effectively began a year after. However, the natural gas sector will not be boosted

Technological developments resulted in an unprecedented

overnight as legal, economic and technical aspects are still

production of shale gas in the US, which offset declines in

undergoing a thorough assessment.

production of conventional gas. Considering recent shale


gas discoveries, estimated natural gas reserves in the US

The 2013-2027 National Energy Strategy states that non-

were 35% higher in 2008 than in 2006. The number of

conventional hydrocarbons, a category that includes shale

unconventional natural gas wells in the US rose from 18,485

gas, will see their exploitation adapted to prevalent legal

in 2004 to 25,145 in 2007, a figure that is expected to

and economic conditions. Nonetheless, investing in shale

continue increasing through at least 2020. The economic

gas production would provide the country the opportunity

success of the shale gas industry in the US has sparked off

to become a natural gas exporter once again.

ENERGY SECTOR OPPORTUNITIES FOR PIPE MANUFACTURERS One of the towering infrastructure projects for Mexico’s

hydrocarbons in Mexico until it was recently approved for

future is the Los Ramones pipeline that is set to supply

natural gas. The materials are now more affordable and

20% of Mexico’s natural gas demand. This infrastructure

larger tubes are being manufactured, increasing cost-

will ensure the availability of natural gas that will enable

competitiveness. “We have been preparing for this for

the country to pursue its economic growth targets based

the last four years and we have doubled our production

on a reliable and cost competitive energy supply.

capacity,” comments González Garza.

Large infrastructure projects in Mexico are international and

Another important challenge that exists when developing

many companies are crowding to participate in the bids.

pipelines is preventing corrosion and maintenaning the

As a pipe supplier, Tubacero is one of the main Mexican

installations. Suppliers of the project developers must

players in the value chain of pipeline’s development. This

comply with rigorous quality control schemes from the

company won the bid to supply the 118-km Phase 1 of the

outset. “From the beginning of the steel production

Los Ramones pipeline. Tubacero attributes its success

process, we have our engineers measuring the liquid steel

to participating aggressively in the bidding process and

when it is being cast. When it is turned into plate or coils,

taking advantage of the competitive advantages that

we already know that the steel meets the customer’s

being based in Monterrey offered. “Los Ramones is the

quality standards,” says González Garza. The junctions

most important project for us,” says Teodoro González

between pipes have the highest probability of corrosion. By

Garza, Director General of Tubacero. “Being based in

providing 80-foot instead of 40-foot pipes that are welded

Monterrey gave us an important advantage in logistical

with an automatic machine, Tubacero pledges that higher

terms; bringing tubes from Korea, India or Germany would

quality is present throughout the manufacturing process.

be more difficult than producing them here,” he adds.

These longer tubes also reduce the amount of welding by

“Important cities with important industrial clusters are still lacking access to natural gas through pipelines which creates tremendous business opportunities” Teodoro González Garza, Director General of Tubacero

By working with local companies to manufacture pipes

half, which removes half the potential structural problems.

and develop pipelines, Mexico is drawing immediate

Tubacero is confident that its installation processes and

benefits, such as job creation and collecting more tax

maintenance activities will ensure the long-term optimal

revenue. “There was a willingness from the companies in

performance of the pipeline. “There are pipes that are 65

charge of the project, PEMEX and IEnova, to work with

years old and are still working with no problems,” González

Mexican companies,” comments González Garza. Tubacero

Garza says. In the particular case of natural gas, this fossil

has worked on many pipelines constructed by CFE in

fuel is notably less corrosive than other hydrocarbons,

Tamaulipas, Morelos, along the Pacific Coast and for the

reducing wear and tear on the piping.

Chihuahua-Sinaloa line, among others. “We have taken advantage of our production capacities and our technical

“Giving contracts for the construction and operation of

capacity to make high quality pipes,” states González Garza.

pipelines to the private sector will become an important factor in the expansion of Mexico’s natural gas pipeline

Natural gas demand is set to rise and companies have

network. Important cities with important industrial clusters

started to position themselves to meet the needs of

are still lacking access to natural gas through pipelines,

the market. Pipe providers play a crucial role in the


development of infrastructure and have become important

comments González Garza. Tubacero is also considering

contributors to lowering installation costs and construction

expanding its activities to other important areas of the

times. “Tubacero is now building a plant for coiled tubes

energy sector. “The production of towers for the wind

that are more affordable and are also used in pipelines,”

industry is an area of interest for us. The core business of

says González Garza. Even though coiled tubing is not

Tubacero is piping, but we believe we can do a lot in the

a new form of technology, it was not used to transport

hydrocarbon and renewable energy sectors.”






MANY SECTORS CAN PROVIDE COGENERATION OFF-TAKERS The North American boom in shale gas, and the resulting

purpose, not their brand. Nevertheless, the final decision

low natural gas prices, made Mexico a very attractive

will always fall to the party acquiring the system.”

region to invest in for companies such as Sampol, a firm that specializes in cogeneration. “The price of natural gas

Another way for Sampol to diversify has been to offer EPC,

is expected to remain stable for the next 10 or 15 years,

operation and maintenance services to its customers. “We

increasing the profitability of our natural gas fueled

can be in charge of everything related to the project and sell

projects and considerably reducing the amortization

electricity and heat at the moment of consumption, if we

time,” says Gonzalo López, former Business Development

have a guaranteed consumption rate,” states López. Before

Director of Sampol. Mexico represents 30% of the

signing up for cogeneration solutions, companies must also

company’s total sales and projects have been developed

decide whether they prefer to produce their own energy or

from Playa del Carmen with Mexican engineers that travel

engage in PPAs to fulfill their energy needs. For a project

to the Dominican Republic, Costa Rica and Jamaica.

to provide the optimal solution on a client-by-client basis, it

Cogeneration companies are benefiting from the needs

has to be analyzed economically by both the provider and

of industries that cannot afford to lose their power supply

the consumer. However, industries that cannot afford to

but are at risk of experiencing downtime, and suffering the

have power failures at any time may not mind paying more

resulting economic losses, when CFE is not able to provide

as long as they can be sure they will receive a guaranteed,

them with electricity. “Today, any malfunction or damage

uninterrupted source of power. “Our clients need only be

caused by a company to its customers can have a strong

concerned about their core business as we will handle all

negative impact since information travels very fast. It is

issues related to power generation. This implies higher costs,

very hard to build a reputation, but it is even harder to

but Sampol commits to its services in a contract. If anything

make up for the failure to deliver on promises,” comments

goes wrong, we will assume the penalties,” says López.

López. Cogeneration systems minimize power failure risks since the generating equipment is located at the point of

A diversification of the energy mix is recommended and

consumption, avoiding the need to transmit electricity

Mexico has different areas in which cogeneration projects

over long distances. “But one of the main disadvantages of

could prove successful. “We have developed both greenfield

cogeneration is that thermal energy cannot be transported

and brownfield projects for hotels, airports and railways,” says

over long distances,” says López. “This type of energy

López. This echoes the fact that many different sectors of the

can be transported 2km away at most. This is the main

Mexican economy can become off-takers for cogeneration

difference with electric energy, which can be transported

projects. The development of Mexico’s electric railway system

nationwide by using CFE’s grid and paying wheeling costs.”

has been included in the National Development Plan, offering

“One of the main disadvantages of cogeneration is that thermal energy cannot be transported over long distances” Gonzalo López, former Business Development Director of Sampol


Sampol has bet on a diverse portfolio of cogeneration

big opportunities for cogeneration. “The railway sector

products and technologies. “We work with different engine

is a priority and we want to apply the experience we have

companies, such as Cummins, Rolls Royce and Caterpillar

gained in Europe on any projects using electricity to drive

among many others, in order to provide the most suitable

engines,” López explains. For the moment, the vast majority

solution for the needs of the client,” comments López.

of Mexican locomotives run on diesel but electric trains are

“We have developed the capability to integrate the best

being explored as an option. The transportation sector as

solutions with different technologies and coordinate them

a whole could prove to be a key business opportunity for

to easily replace equipment by reconfiguring the system. On

cogeneration systems as airports are another important

the other hand, international companies such as Siemens

potential client. “We want to be near industries that want to

and Schneider design a whole system, manufactured

increase their energy efficiency through cogeneration or PV.

with their own components. At Sampol, we integrate the

We are aware that projects of all sizes will be developed in

systems with the best fit of components based on their

the future,” concludes López.



Q: How has the potential for cogeneration projects

customers are paying for liquefied natural gas, which is

evolved in recent years in Mexico?

extremely expensive at around US$18 per million Btu. The

A: The benefits of cogeneration in Mexico are huge. The

solution is to build gas pipelines along the Pacific Coast and

development of cogeneration and trigeneration schemes in

have an interconnected natural gas network to develop the

the country means that efficiency could be as high as 88% in

industry nationwide. We have vast shale gas resources in

the case of trigeneration. If you compare this efficiency rate

Tamaulipas and we have to take advantage of that.

with the 33% standard efficiency of CFE’s single cycle power plants, this means we would be using fewer fossil fuels in

Q: How do you convince the industry that cogeneration is

order to produce more electricity, heat and cold.

a competitive energy source in which they should invest? A: If companies are steam consumers and need electricity,

The potential of the cogeneration schemes in Mexico so

it should be easy for them to develop a cogeneration

far stands at around 10GW, of which PEMEX can develop

scheme. Development companies and industry firms may

over 3GW. The first cogeneration developed by PEMEX

sign a PPA in which the developers are responsible for the

and Abengoa has operated since the beginning of last

engineering, investment, construction and commissioning

year. PEMEX will also be involved in future cogeneration

of the facility. Developers can offer a cost reduction of 12%

developments in Cadereyta, as well as in other facilities in

to 18% on paper mills as well as in the petrochemical and

the country. To generate the 900 tonnes per hour of steam

food industries in comparison to their business as usual

that PEMEX requires in Tabasco through cogeneration, a

scenario. On top of that, you will be reducing the emission

total of 300MW must be produced of which only 50MW

of pollutants into the atmosphere.

would be consumed locally. The remaining 250MW have to be wheeled to other PEMEX facilities, but the modifications

In the near future, we would like to convince PEMEX to

to the legal framework affecting the cost of this wheeling,

develop all potential cogeneration schemes, somewhere

implemented in April 2012, make this project very bankable.

in the range of 3GW. We have to convince the Minister of Energy, Pedro Joaquín Coldwell, to get in touch with all

Q: How does the availability of natural gas affect the

the governors of Mexico and ask them to convince those in

development of the cogeneration sector?

charge of landfills to develop cogeneration schemes, to set

A: It would be impossible to develop cogeneration schemes

more biogas as a fuel for internal combustion engines. This

without natural gas. The only exception is biogas in sanitary

will mean methane will not be released into the atmosphere.

landfills, which is mainly natural gas. According to the law, electricity produced from biogas coming from landfills is

With the development of new cogeneration schemes, the

the main opportunity to develop a cogeneration scheme

competitiveness of the industry will improve. There are

without natural gas, though is also possible to develop

many industries that could develop huge cogeneration

cogeneration schemes using sugar cane bagasse as a fuel.

schemes, while others might develop smaller scale projects. For example, shopping malls in the north of Mexico may be

The problem with natural gas is the lack of infrastructure.

facing outside temperatures of around 40°C and need air

Most of the natural gas pipelines are located along the coast

conditioning. In such cases you can use the heat from gases

of the Gulf of Mexico. With the development of shale gas

in internal combustion engines or gas turbines, and drive

and oil, natural gas is going to be abundant in Mexico for

these gases into an absorption chiller to get cold water.

many years so the price is going to be lowered, remaining

This means that you could create a shopping mall with a

at between US$3 and US$6 per million Btu for the next

cogeneration scheme in the range of 2 to 10MW. We have

15 to 20 years. The big challenge is the construction of

been in touch with ANTAD, the association of department

the infrastructure we will need elsewhere, mainly along

stores, to raise awareness of the potential benefits of using

the Pacific Coast. Nowadays, CFE and other industrial

cogeneration schemes.




(which has an installed capacity of 5.2MW) and Fermicaise


(5MW), both of which have been up and running for

environmental benefits as

over a decade with good results. Morales explains that

it turns otherwise wasted

cogeneration in Mexico has been being developed for

heat into a useful energy

approximately 14 years, and has benefited from the price of



gas remaining competitive. Another essential aspect is the

efficiency means carbon

fact that cogeneration equipment is not very expensive,



making investments affordable and allowing companies to

reduced by up to two-

expect a rapid ROI. Cogeneration projects enable a direct



savings on a company’s electricity bill, which in turn raises


Enrique Morales, General Manager of IECEL



emissions when

with conventional power

its competitiveness, says Morales. “The reductions vary

stations. IECEL is a Mexican company that focuses on

from project to project. Cogeneration is like a tailor-made

the operation, maintenance and regulatory framework

suit. If it fits you, the reduction is big but if it is not used

compliance of cogeneration plants, mainly through gas

properly, the reduction is smaller,” states Morales. “These

turbines and natural gas internal combustion engines.

savings can fluctuate from 10% to 40%.”

“Cogeneration has always offered the opportunity to fulfill all heating and electrical energy needed in industrial

The two things that the Energy Reform will bring to

processes,” claims Enrique Morales, General Manager

the cogeneration sector, in Morales’ opinion, is greater

of IECEL. “It also provides a great opportunity for the

certainty in the supply of energy resources and the

industrial sector to lower its costs.” On the other hand,

construction of required infrastructure. Once the energy

the company offers energy advisory services in areas

sector opens up following the Energy Reform, it will bring

such as interconnection contract revisions, agreements

the possibility for companies to enter energy generation

with CFE, supply and distribution of natural gas, energy

projects with greater strength. Another basis for Morales’

sale contracts, and maintenance contracts with specialized

confidence is the National Energy Strategy, which outlines

suppliers like GE or Caterpillar. Morales explains that IECEL

a planned increase of 30GW in generation capacity and

runs diagnostics for cogeneration and self-supply plants

an increase in the proportion of natural gas in the energy

and evaluations for potential cogeneration projects.

mix to 72% by 2027. This will directly translate into more opportunities for all sectors that need a higher supply

Changes in CRE regulations concerning cogeneration have

of gas. Another reason for this optimism is the support

led to the creation of a cogeneration efficiency certification

renewables are seeing from the current administration.

for projects that meet minimum efficiency standards.

Morales also expects the Mexican economy to return to a

The modifications to the legal framework allow for

healthy growth rate, which means that power generation

capacity recognition, usage of energy, and more feasible

projects that were put on standby in recent years, given

transmission costs, which has led to an optimistic outlook

the lack of certainty regarding energy generation and

for the sector according to Morales. “Cogeneration is on

consumption outlook, will be back on the table.

the right track but we are still missing the right approach


to obtain more competitive prices for cogeneration

IECEL does not intend to rest on its laurels. Once the

equipment, such as turbines or motors, which could impact

cogeneration sector matures, Morales says the firm

the profitability of projects,” Morales says. In his opinion,

will diversify its operations into renewables. “We have

the federal government could work with manufacturers


and producers, or establish commercial agreements with

management so we could operate a small solar or biomass

European or US players, to ensure more affordable prices.

plant, even a solid urban waste plant. However, we might

This would be especially helpful for smaller projects in

enter these areas by providing consulting services first. We

which achieving profitability is more complicated, due to

would need a technical partner, similar to the one we already

the fixed costs they need to cover such as engineering,

have in biomass and biogas,” he points out. Nevertheless,

permits and installation. “Potential cogeneration projects

Morales warns that before renewables are considered, the

on Mexico are in the range of 10MW and below, which is

right balance must be struck for cogeneration, bringing

exactly where costs and services start to be competitive.

together a complex mix of regulation, technical knowledge

Projects of more than 10MW are more profitable,” claims

and human capital. “For that, there needs to be more

Morales. IECEL has been behind some of Mexico’s first

support from all levels of government for cogeneration

and most successful cogeneration projects such as Italaise

projects,” he says.








Q: What differentiates Guascor from its competitors in the

is a 3MW project, is particularly efficient, achieving 75%

Mexican market?

and generating steam and hot water besides electricity.

A: Guascor is a multinational company that started building

This was a milestone for us as we demonstrated that a

engines for ships before shifting to gas engines that can

very sophisticated and complex CHP project could have a

also use biogas. After a few years, the company ventured

payback of less than two years. It also enabled us to obtain

into alternative energies and focused on energy efficiency

financing by demonstrating to financial institutions that

with combined heat and power (CHP) projects based on

CHP projects made sense. Our clients were very satisfied

cogeneration technology. This is currently Guascor’s core

and told the media they invested US$3 million in a CHP

business, and the company has positioned itself as one of

project and got a payback of 1.5 years, which beat our

the leading manufacturers of cogeneration technology.

estimate of two years.

Our engines are modular and range from 300KW to 1.3MW, which creates flexibility and allows for off-grid solutions in

Q: How have these projects positioned Mexico within the

locations such as Amazonas, Brazil, where we implemented

company’s global operations?

one of our signature projects. We combine our flexibility

A: After establishing Guascor de México, we faced a

with technological capabilities to develop off-grid projects

couple of tough years without selling a project. We had

based on multiple modular engines combined with solar

to convince clients by taking them to see CHP projects

and wind power.

in other countries. Until then, Mexico did not play a significant role in Guascor’s global operations. However,

We have been working in Mexico since 2001, when it

things started shifting around 2007 as our sales started

was hard to convince clients to potentially invest millions

to increase. We established our credibility in the market

of dollars in a cogeneration power plant, due to the

by investing in ourselves. This investment was not just

immaturity of the market. This country was not used to

made in our own operations, as we also financed a couple

cogeneration projects because it was not used to the self-

of external projects with our own money. Since 2007, we

supply concept. We were one of the first companies to bet

have been growing steadily, until 2012 when we grew

on this market. The Mexican market historically developed


based on cheap fuels, with the industrial sector prioritizing low capital costs over energy efficiency. This means that

Q: How can you help financial institutions trust in CHP

companies would often rather invest in a cheap boiler,


without taking its efficiency into account or considering

A: Experience is the main argument. At first, nobody

the savings another boiler could bring them. Now the

understands how cogeneration projects work and it takes

market is maturing and opportunities are emerging for

time. We can accelerate this process as much as possible,

providers of energy efficient solutions. A distributed CHP

but we cannot skip it. Another important factor is that it

project can achieve up to 70% efficiency, while electricity

has to be easier for paperwork to be processed. The fate

from the Mexican grid achieves around 25% efficiency. This

of a US$300 million wind project rests in the hands of two

shows that we make better use of the fuel we have in this

or three people in the government who can easily rule that

country when we invest in CHP projects.

the project will not go through, without any third party being able to argue in its favor. Financial institutions know

Q: What do you consider to have been the milestones of

how complicated this process is, and will not finance your

Guascor de Mexico?

project until you have proven that it is ultimately viable.

A: We won the bids to develop cogeneration projects for

The problem is that you can easily spend US$5 million on

Sigma Alimentos and Qualtia Alimentos, the biggest food

pre-developing a wind farm, but this is a gamble and not all

companies in the country, for which there was intense

players have that kind of money to bet with. We need more

competition. The power plant for Sigma Alimentos, which

certainty in the market.


PROMOTING THE BENEFITS OF THERMAL ENERGY Having been involved in the electrical industry for a long

a partner, a former biogas industry advisor for the Mexican

time, it was a natural move for Ambar Electroingeniería

government, and recently signed an engineering contract

to enter the cogeneration game. “The time is right for

to manage around 30 tonnes of organic waste daily and

many industries to invest in this technology,” says Daniel

start a joint bio-condensing program. “We have over 30

Salazar, Director General of Ambar Electroingeniería.

mechanical, electrical and control engineers, as well as

His company always looks at its projects from a thermal

information technology specialists, working full-time on

capacity viewpoint and has specialized in the low and

cogeneration and biogas projects, supported by in-house

medium voltage fields, because of opportunities spotted

legal expertise. Ambar Electroingeniería can count on its

in these areas over 20 years ago. After taking a chance

own services to provide better delivery times than the

and succeeding in the medium voltage market, introducing

competition,” states Salazar. “This translates into quality

new technology for air insulated switching systems into the

service. For example, our technicians have European

market in cooperation with a Spanish partner, the medium

certifications for working with an international brand

voltage market proved to be the right choice. Salazar

of combustion engines, adding quality to our after-sale

believes that cogeneration and renewable energy sources

services. “When you invest in a cogeneration project, you

should complement each other rather than compete, and

will deal with your supplier for more than 10 years, making

concentrates on medium voltage actions that can be taken

after-sale service crucial.”

for both cogeneration and renewable energy projects. Today, Ambar Electroingeniería is mainly focused on the









private sector, covering anything from 10KW up to 30MW

cogeneration plants. “Considering the current electricity

projects. The company can also install cogeneration

and natural gas prices, amortization takes between 2.5 and

systems starting from 5KW, which consist of a small engine

3.5 years. That is a very good deal for our customers,” says

that can be used in a large household to produce electricity

Salazar. If the customer has electrical problems such as

or to heat water. However, Ambar Electroingeniería does

outages, installing cogeneration equipment will solve these

most of its work in industrial settings, offering EPC projects

issues. It is similar to having an emergency power plant

with optional operating services.

working 24 hours a day. “A few years ago, nobody talked about cogeneration, but Ambar Electroingeniería has been

Since wind and solar power are not markets that Ambar

a very enthusiastic proponent of cogeneration for the past

Electroingeniería is interested in, the company is currently

six years,” says Salazar. “I would like to see industries that

focusing its renewable energy activities on biogas projects.

use thermal energy using cogeneration systems to fulfill

The biogas industry is complex, which motivated the

their power needs. Paybacks and quality of electricity are

company to enter this market through urban solid waste

the most attractive features that can improve a company’s

where it saw several opportunities to succeed. As a biogas

financial health.” The company forecasts an increase of

plant requires thermal energy, Ambar Electroingeniería

300MW in installed capacity in the next four years, which

uses a system that generates electricity and thermal

is equivalent to 30-35 projects, and implies a significant

energy, which is re-used in the biogas cycle. It works with

amount of potential work.

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MAXIMIZING THE POTENTIAL FOR TRIGENERATION TURBINES Watching the evolution through time that led to the

biogas technology, says Garduño Landázuri, stating that

creation of Soluciones Energéticas Sparx (Sparx) is to chart

trigeneration gas turbines could provide a hotel with hot

a timeline of Mexico’s renewable energy priorities. After

water, air conditioning and electricity, while providing a 40%

being shuttered for 10 years after 1994 due to the economic

reduction in costs and a 30% reduction in CO2 emissions.

crisis, its parent company TAPE was revived in 2003 as an energy consulting firm, providing services to the Mexican

The Sparx line covers both cogeneration and trigeneration

manufacturing industry. Today, it has further evolved to sell

products, but there is a clear difference in their value

the Sparx line of microturbines and turbo generators.

proposition. The payback for cogeneration, which produces hot water and electricity, takes over three years while

As an early advocate of ways to reduce energy consumption

trigeneration turbines, when running at full capacity, take

and energy bills, Soluciones Energéticas Sparx sold

less than two years to provide payback to clients. Garduño

these ideas in the beginning, says Director General Luis

Landázuri says that demand for air conditioning is growing

Garduño Landázuri, adding that the original goal was

every year, making trigeneration a better option as it uses

to help companies reduce their costs, rather than their

the remaining heat to power air conditioning, instead of

carbon emissions or energy consumption. Following on

electricity. “Investing around US$500,000 in our equipment

from this, the company was contracted by various federal

means that a hotel could reduce its operating cost by

and municipal governments, before scaling up to offer

around 40-50%,” he explains. He adds that the first time

consulting services to corporations such as ABB, GE and

TAPE provided a trigeneration system was to a hotel in

Siemens while beginning to sell trigeneration gas turbines,

Calzada del Hueso. The results have been monitored ever

providing electricity, hot water and air conditioning at once.

since installation and have been found to be very satisfying.

The company’s commitment to the solutions provided

“Investing around US$500,000

by gas turbines has placed a number of challenges in Sparx’s path, including a lack of natural gas infrastructure and whether microturbines can compete with established mechanisms such as the PPAs offered by renewable energy plants. Garduño Landázuri dismisses the first concern, saying that while “Mexico City does not have an adequate availability of natural gas infrastructure, many other cities

dollars in our equipment means that a hotel could reduce its operating cost by around 40-50%” Luis Garduño Landázuri, Director General of Soluciones Energéticas Sparx

such as Monterrey, Saltillo and Queretaro have over 95%

It is this aptitude for providing turnkey products that Sparx

availability.” As for any competition between PPAs and

sees as making it stand out from direct competitors such

microturbines, PPAs are signed by Sparx. But Garduño

as Siemens or Guascor. “Siemens might offer a product

Landázuri feels neither solution should be exclusive and that

that is the closest one it has to a client’s general needs,”

“many clients are not big enough to sign PPAs with major

says Garduño Landázuri, “while Sparx takes a custom-

energy distributors and have to buy smaller turbines.”

based approach to client service that results in the firm developing a system solution for each client, which bigger

Sparx technology is now at the core of the company’s

corporations might not be interested in.” Sparx adopts a

operations, and Garduño Landázuri is trying to broaden

modular approach to larger projects, connecting smaller

its appeal. Having started with a gas turbine, the company

products in parallel to produce a higher load. While this

has been tweaking its R&D and is close to rolling out a

does present some risks if the system fails, backups are

steam gas turbine that will boast 3-5% more efficiency

stocked for each Sparx product operating in the market

than its previous products. Garduño Landázuri explains the

to guarantee rapid service to clients. The evolution of

company is also trying to broaden its customer base by

TAPE looks set to continue as it follows a strategy involving

playing to the needs of the Mexican market, such as biogas.

projects across new technologies, including wind and solar.

In Mexico, international banks are funding the collection of

The company is developing a 1.5MW solar project in Sonora

biogas, especially from livestock farms with high methane

as well as tabling an offer to take part in a large wind park

emissions. The farmers are paid to burn the methane, but

in Oaxaca. Although Sparx would only participate in the

the gas is not always being used. Sparx offers farmers the

engineering process, the firm’s commitment to reducing

opportunity to burn the methane in one of its turbines and

Mexico’s dependence on fossil fuels makes it confident

sell the power to the grid, under the small power producer

that it will make a real difference in creating the most

scheme. The tourism sector could also benefit from

environmentally conscious wind park in Mexico.




4 In recent years, hydroelectric, geothermal and nuclear projects have confirmed their status as stable components of Mexico’s energy mix and feasible alternatives to expand base load power generation capacity. The current contribution of hydroelectricity to the country’s total generation capacity stands at 21%. While this is mostly generated by large hydropower plants, the small hydroelectric sector is starting to clamor for a place at the table. Globally, Mexico ranks as fourth in terms of installed geothermal capacity, but the cost of drilling new wells has put off investors. The Energy Reform is destined to enhance the regulatory framework and reduce the financial risk for geothermal exploration. Meanwhile, in Veracruz, the Laguna Verde Nuclear Power Plant has been quietly chugging away for over 20 years, providing 4-5% of Mexico’s total energy generation.

This chapter provides an overview of the hydroelectric, geothermal and nuclear energy sectors in Mexico and the possibilities that each offers to the Mexican power market. We dedicate special attention to the challenges each sectors faces, from acquiring financing, mitigating risk and, for nuclear energy, communicating its benefits.


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Global and Mexican Nuclear Industry Trends


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Nuclear Power in Mexico’s Energy Mix


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Safety Regulations to Mitigate Nuclear Energy Risks


Changing Minds About Nuclear Energy




Research to Optimize the Role of Nuclear Power


International Best Practices for Geothermal Development


Trends in the Geothermal Industry


First Steps of a Geothermal Energy Boom in Mexico


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Government Actions to Promote Geothermal


Profits to be Found in Private Geothermal Drilling


Open Market Opportunities


Diversification of Drilling Activities for Geothermal


Pillars for the Development of the Geothermal Sector


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Reminders of the Importance of the Hydroelectric Sector


Global and Mexican Hydroelectricity Trends


Participation of Small Hydroelectric Projects


Hydroelectric Projects for Better Social Inclusion




Successfully Following Clients to Mexico


Developing Mexican Patents for Renewable Energy


GLOBAL AND MEXICAN NUCLEAR INDUSTRY TRENDS The future development of the nuclear power industry

to fossil fuels, that can enable countries to reach their

is largely dependent on the balance that will be struck

clean energy targets. Asia’s capacity will grow from 83GW



at the end of 2012 to between 153GW and 274GW by 2030.

technological advancement and the actual and perceived





On the other hand, Western Europe shows the largest

risk associated with nuclear power stations. Third generation

differences between low and high projections, and will

nuclear reactors have proven to be more efficient and safer

either see its capacity reduced from 114GW to 70GW, or

than previous iterations. The use of new types of fuel has

slightly increased to 126GW.

increased the quantity of nuclear fuel reserves available, providing an alternative source of base energy for global

Conventional uranium reserves are estimated to be at 5.3

markets. As of December 2012, there were 437 nuclear

million tonnes at a recoverable cost of less than US$130/

power stations in operation worldwide with a total installed

kg; there are also an additional 1.8 million tonnes at a

capacity of 372.1GW. During 2013, total capacity increased

recoverable cost of between US$130/kg and US$260/

by 3.3GW, due to new projects in China and Korea and

kg. Following the Fukushima incident, greater measures

two reconnections in Canada. However, the impact of the

have been taken to ensure safety at nuclear reactor sites,

accident at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant

and to strengthen the global nuclear safety framework.

continued to impact the industry, which was most notable

Operationally, nuclear power plant safety around the world

in the small number of reactors that broke ground during

is still high and steady improvements have been made.

2012 and 2013. Despite the fallout from Fukushima, the total quantity of newly installed capacity surpassed the nuclear industry’s 2011 performance. The number of reactors under construction remains high at 67 globally, with long-term growth prospects focused on Asia, particularly in China which seems undeterred by the potential risk.

Laguna Verde has an installed capacity of 1610MW, accounting for 0.4% of the global installed nuclear power capacity.

At the end of 2012, the global leader in nuclear power generation was the US, with 104 units and a total installed

In Mexico nuclear power is generated by CFE’s Laguna

capacity of over 102GW, followed by France that has 58 units

Verde plant, with 1,530MW of installed capacity, in Veracruz.

operating with a total capacity of 63GW, and Japan with

According to the National Energy Strategy, in order to be

an installed capacity of 44GW distributed across 50 units.

able to reach the target of generating 35% of Mexico’s

However, expansion in the nuclear sector is led by China,

electricity from non-fossil fuels by 2024, increasing the

with an aggressive increase of 28GW under construction,

proportion of nuclear energy in the country’s energy mix

and Russia with 9GW. The International Atomic Energy

is key. Due to the availability of skilled human resources,

Agency has published two potential scenarios for nuclear

the current operating framework, and the experience

energy, with one being more conservative and the other

that has been acquired, expanding the nuclear sector in

more ambitious. The scenarios vary from envisaging a

Mexico is viable. Laguna Verde could be expanded but

23% increase in installed capacity to a 100% increase

important challenges still exist, such as the lack of available

by the year 2030. The more modest prediction is to be

information about the future role of nuclear energy in the

expected if current trends continue, only minor changes to

Mexican energy mix. The National Energy Strategy praises

policies affecting the nuclear energy sector are made, and

nuclear energy as an important driver in mitigating climate

not all countries fulfill their nuclear power objectives. The

change in Mexico, and as a reliable source of base load

higher projection is to be expected if the economic crisis

energy for the Mexican energy grid.

passes, electricity demand resumes and strict policies to mitigate climate change are enforced. In the first scenario

Energy demand will continue to rise, while climate change

the predicted installed capacity will reach 430GW, while in

must be properly mitigated in line with the General Climate

the second scenario it is predicted that nuclear power will

Change Law, and nuclear energy offers reliable, emission-

reach a total installed capacity of 740GW globally.

free, low-cost electricity. Laguna Verde has proven itself to be a cost-effective and reliable project over the course of many


Most of the growth of the nuclear industry is expected to

years, which makes expanding Mexico’s nuclear capacity

take place in countries that already operate nuclear power

a feasible option that will be considered in the discussions

plants. The strongest growth will take place in Asia, which

surrounding the development of Mexico’s energy mix and

still widely sees nuclear energy as an important alternative

the expansion of its power generation capacity.



Q: What role can nuclear energy play in a diversified

standards. Another important theme is human capital. We

energy mix, and what are the main arguments for

are facing a generation gap in the nuclear sector, so we

increasing Mexico’s nuclear energy capacity?

are designing strategies to bridge this gap. Right now, the

A: Uranium resources are distributed among politically

nuclear industry does face a human capital shortage, but if


Mexico decides to install additional nuclear capacity then








Furthermore, uranium reserves, proven and estimated,

this would require of new qualified workforce.

guarantee a fuel supply for more than 100 years. These estimates do not consider new reactor technologies,

Q: Does Mexico have the technological capacity to

such as breeder reactors which are capable of generating

correctly manage its radioactive waste?

more fissile material than they consume. This makes

A: The management of radioactive waste is a crucial part

nuclear production capacity predictable in the long run in

of ensuring the sustainability of nuclear energy. The waste

contrast with fossil fuels’ future availability. Another strong

created from nuclear power generation can be confined

argument is the price. The cost of uranium has always been

with virtually no problems. Mexico has the capacity

stable and is expected to experience little fluctuation in the

to manage its waste, but radioactive waste is not only

mid-term, which provides stability for nuclear energy.

produced in power generation processes. The health sector, industries, and even research projects also produce

Mexico is producing electricity from fossil resources, mostly




nuclear waste.


Nuclear energy would allow the diversification away from

Q: How can information about the nuclear sector be better

fossil resources by acting as a base load power source that

communicated in order to change public perceptions?

complements intermittent renewable energies. The last

A: The perception of risk is a very sensitive subject for

point is that the law limits Mexico’s future CO2 emissions,

nuclear energy. Public opinion around the world shows

and as a consequence, the proportion of energy generated

skepticism about nuclear energy, but when you inform

from fossil resources. From what has been calculated,

people of what nuclear energy really is, explaining its

Mexico cannot currently reach the targets established

benefits and risks, they start to view it in a more objective

by the General Climate Change Law, and nuclear energy

way. The nuclear energy discussion plays on perceptions,

seems to be the only energy source that can allow us

not arguments. Most of the perceptions about nuclear

to satisfy future demand while meeting legally binding

energy and radioactive waste are mistaken. What we have

emission targets.

to do is make the information at our disposal crystal clear, and there is room to improve public opinion about nuclear

Q: What is the role of the nuclear division of SENER in

energy in Mexico.

facilitating the development of nuclear energy? A: The Constitution establishes that the use of radioactive

Q: The Energy Reform and the National Energy Strategy

minerals and power generation by nuclear means can only

have a strong focus on natural gas. What does this mean

be done by the Mexican government. This responsibility is

for nuclear energy in the country?

attributed to SENER and the office in charge of overseeing

A: There is no competition. Mexico has the huge advantage

the nuclear sector belongs to the Undersecretariat of

of having a diversified energy mix and all resources are

Electricity. Our work is not limited to nuclear power

useful. Nuclear energy should not be seen as competition

generation, but also includes waste management and

for natural gas, and the development of natural gas does

the transportation of nuclear fuel. We work closely with

not reduce the need for nuclear energy in Mexico. Natural

CNSNS, the nuclear regulator, which is responsible for

gas and nuclear energy can both be seen as transition fuels.

overseeing the proper use of radioactive resources,

The difference between them is environmental; although

ensuring high security levels that meet international

natural gas has low emissions, nuclear has none at all.



SAFETY REGULATIONS TO MITIGATE NUCLEAR ENERGY RISKS JOSÉ RAÚL ORTIZ MAGAÑA President of the Mexican Nuclear Society (SNM) Q: How can Mexico ensure that its nuclear activities meet

them that although Mexico does not have its own, we have

the highest safety standards?

adopted and applied the well-known US norms, they gave

A: The two GE reactors at Laguna Verde are boiling water

us permission to operate the reactor. The US norms satisfy

reactors; there are more than 30 reactors of this type

the standards of IAEA. SNM ensures compliance with IAEA

operating in the US, so we apply the same security norms

agreements and applies the US regulations. Of course, we

here as are applied in the US. The agreements we have

have the freedom to analyze the regulation and add to it

with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)

or remove elements from it, if needed. Nowadays Mexico

force us to follow their norms when there is no national

belongs to a regulatory forum that tries to homogenize

regulation on the matter. Usually these norms are more lax

norms. There is an Ibero-American forum of regulators

than the more detailed and specific norms in place in the

that meets periodically, including members from Spain,

US. When the IAEA asked for the local norms and we told

Brazil, Argentina, Mexico, Chile and other countries that do

CHANGING MINDS ABOUT NUCLEAR ENERGY “Laguna Verde has been operating for more than 20 years

country does not have nuclear power reactors but invites

but many people do not know about it,” comments José

specialized journalists every six months to presentations

Raúl Ortiz Magaña, president of the Mexican Nuclear Society

by experienced nuclear energy professionals,” says Ortiz

(SNM). “There is a lot of ignorance about the nuclear sector.”

Magaña. “The idea is that if Chile decided to build a nuclear

SNM, as an independent organization in the Mexican nuclear

power plant, the sector would not face the same problems

sector, has more freedom to address industry issues as it is

with the media as Mexico does, since the population has

not directly linked to the Mexican government. According

been introduced to this industry.” Finally, after the decision

to Ortiz Magaña, the problems with the acceptance of the

makers are convinced and the media is adequately using

nuclear energy sector in countries like Mexico can be broken

accurate information about the nuclear sector, it becomes

down into several stages.

possible to launch a public campaign to raise awareness about the risks and benefits of nuclear power.

First, it is necessary to convince politicians, who are


the decision makers; however, this is difficult given the

The current importance placed on sustainability and

frequency with which they change. “The energy sector


has had seven different ministers in the last 10 years,”

nuclear energy back into the spotlight because it

comments Ortiz Magaña. If the nuclear sector had more

does not emit greenhouse gases during its operations.

time to inform decision makers about the realities of this

Renewable energies also do not emit greenhouse gas

industry, important progress could be achieved. However,

emissions, though this perspective tends to exclude the

working with one ministerial team for 18 months does not

manufacturing processes. For example, the production

allow the nuclear sector to change the mindset through

of PV cells and of nuclear fuel does generate greenhouse

which it is perceived. On the other hand, CFE is more

gases. “If we compare the emissions of the complete cycle

stable and the existence of Laguna Verde has allowed the

of wind, solar, hydro and geothermal, these emissions are

utility to evaluate the nuclear sector efficiently and create

very similar to the ones generated by nuclear energy,”

longer term plans. Nevertheless, planning the future of

comments Ortiz Magaña. “Also, the uranium used as fuel

nuclear energy requires national consensus, which poses a

can be bought from Australia, Canada, Russia, Kazakhstan,

major challenge. The second stage consists of convincing

Nigeria, Kenya or South Africa. This diversification avoids

the media. “Chile is an example that comes to mind. The

creating a dependence on one specific country.”







not necessarily have nuclear reactors. Mexico attends the

To prevent problems that occur during a nuclear plant

meetings of this organism and promotes the forums for

shutdown, the plant uses energy from the exterior to keep

international regulators which allow for an interchange of

cooling systems functioning. If there is no external energy,


then a battery of diesel motors that generates electricity is essential to keep the cooling system working. If there is

Q: What are the main risks that nuclear plants pose?

a failure in these mechanisms, there is a battery bank that

A: The main risk is the fusion of the core. As a reactor is

lasts for eight hours to substitute the necessary energy

operating, it accumulates a great amount of radioactive

while we repair the problem.

material in its core. That radioactive material is confined in the fuel matrix and in the fuel rod, but if for some reason

Q: How can new technology make nuclear power safer?

the reactor needs to be turned off, the control rods stop

A: The third generation reactors that are in the market right

absorbing the neutrons, the neutrons disappear and there

now are advanced boiling water reactors, simplified boiling

is no fission reaction. What is left is waste heat generated

water reactors and advanced high-pressure water reactors.

by the amount of accumulated reagent. That waste heat

They incorporate passive security systems that do not

lowers rapidly and in an hour or two the reactor is shut

need electricity to function. By using gravity, convection,

down to 5-6% of its initial potential, falling further to

and evaporation, the probability of a fusion of the core is

1-2% in 24 hours. A large amount of heat is produced in

10 times lower. These reactors also have a lower probability

the process, and the reactor requires constant cooling. It

of failure because they have more efficient systems that

takes many days to reach a cold shutdown but after that

make better use of the fuel, reducing the radioactive waste

presents no risk with the reactor.


According to the National Energy Strategy, nuclear energy

SENER coordinates the creation of Mexico’s nuclear strategy

is a clean energy and that could make an important

and supports its decisions based on CFE and ININ studies.

contribution to reaching the goal of generating 35% of

These three entities are part of the Nuclear Committee

Mexico’s electricity from clean energy sources by 2024

along with the Nuclear Energy Commission. Also, as part

and 50% by 2050. Nuclear energy reactors have a very

of international agreements, CNSNS, the national regulator,

high plant factor of between 85% and 90%, similar to the

and its international counterpart IAEA, are involved in

efficiency reached by coal-fired power plants and higher

administering the nuclear sector in Mexico. The challenge

than the 75% efficiency reached by combined cycle plants.

for nuclear energy is that, given current technology, there is a gap of seven or eight years between the decision to

“The government must include nuclear energy in its energy

build a nuclear power plant and the start of operations,

plans, because even given the potential of hydro, wind and

surpassing the six-year presidential term. Natural gas-fired

geothermal, backup from nuclear is needed,” comments Ortiz

power stations take less time to be built and can easily be

Magaña. Nuclear plants are a source of base load energy for

completed during one administration. “I am happy that we

the country while most renewable energies are intermittent

have a National Energy Strategy that plans for the next 15

energy sources, with the exception of hydropower which can

years; it would be ideal to plan 25 years ahead, but for that,

be administered to cover demand at peak times.

a lot still needs to be done,” comments Ortiz Magaña.

“The truth is that there is almost no competition between

SNM seeks to launch campaigns to change the mindset of

renewable energies and nuclear power because nuclear is

Mexican decision makers while freely spreading information

a base load, while solar and wind are intermittent energy

among schools and universities. Supported by specialists

sources,” says Ortiz Magaña. “Nuclear competes with other

and experts from different institutions, SNM can provide

base load energy sources such as coal and natural gas.”

independent counseling to the government regarding the

The success of Laguna Verde is a major argument for the

economic, financial, regulatory and technical elements of

expansion of nuclear capacity in Mexico. This plant started

the nuclear operating environment. “By strictly following

operating in 1990 with a capacity factor of 70% due to the

safety and quality standards, nuclear energy can become

time needed to refuel the plant, which took approximately

a source of highly specialized employment and reliable

40 days every 12 months. Today, the availability of the plant

electricity generation. Laguna Verde in Veracruz shows

has increased, since refueling is done every 18 months and

that Mexico is capable of boosting the use of nuclear

takes only 25 days.

power in its energy future,” concludes Ortiz Magaña.



LAGUNA VERDE The sole nuclear facility in Mexico is the Laguna Verde

to the promotion of safe operations for all nuclear power

Nuclear Power Plant, owned by CFE, with an installed

stations. Since then, the Mexican nuclear power plant has

capacity of 1,610MW. Located in the municipality of Alto

won numerous national and international awards for its

Lucero de Gutierrez in Veracruz, the facility has two GE

management, operation and organizational structure.

boiling water generators of 805MW and is closely supervised by the Mexican nuclear energy regulator, CNSNS. Laguna

As a safety mechanism, Laguna Verde has installed a

Verde’s reactors use 3-4% enriched uranium-235.

system where the steam that goes through its turbines is condensed by refrigeration with seawater before being

The operational permits for Laguna Verde were handed

sent back to the reactor to be reused. In order to control the

down by SENER, with the construction process of Unit I

nuclear fission reaction, control bars are used depending

beginning in 1976 and finished on target to start operations

on the amount of energy that is used and that is needed.

in 1990. Unit II started its construction phase in 1977

These bars contain boron carbon, which absorb neutrons

and began production in 1995. In February 2007, CFE

and stops the chain reaction created by the radioactive

announced that it was planning to expand the capacity

fuel. As a second barrier, the reactors use a system that

of the Laguna Verde Nuclear Power Plant by 20%, with

can inject sodium pentaborate into the reactor in order to

Iberdrola winning the international tender; a US$605.4

stop the fission reactions when needed. This secondary

million contract that was completed in late 2010.

system is used as an alternative security method should the control bars ever fail.

Ever since Unit 1 entered into operation, social protests from a


civil group called “Madres Veracruzanas” have been ongoing.

Despite the international acknowledgements of its safety

The group argues that the power plant has a negative impact

system and record from various organizations, Laguna

on the environment and lacks the right security measures.

Verde faced further controversy after the Fukushima

CFE has strongly refuted such claims, stating that Laguna


Verde does not represent any danger for the environment

population that the nuclear reactors installed on Mexican

or the surrounding population. Laguna Verde has passed

soil are safe. SENER sees Laguna Verde as an example

repeated inspections and operates under the guidelines

of the contribution that nuclear power can make to the

of the International Atomic Energy Agency and the World

Mexican energy sector, although the potential for nuclear

Association of Nuclear Operators (WANO). In 2009, WANO

participation in the energy mix to be expanded might be

rewarded Laguna Verde with the Nuclear Excellence

offset by low prices of natural gas, according to the World

Recognition prize, stating that the plant had contributed

Nuclear Association.








Lydia Paredes Gutiérrez, Director General of National Institute of Nuclear Investigation (ININ)

Nuclear power has been

burned,” mentions Paredes. Through its research, ININ

part of Mexico’s energy

works on reactor design to advise Laguna Verde about

mix for more than 20

the most adequate technology to be used throughout

years, contributing around

the reactors’ 60-year lifespan. “New reactors are easier

5% of the country’s total

to operate and are less vulnerable to earthquakes or high



temperatures due to higher security controls,” Paredes

However, communicating

comments. “If a process is not done correctly, the system



controls itself without human intervention.” In addition,

nuclear energy at Laguna

new reactors have a higher availability rate since they

Verde has been a real

are operating more days per year and require minimum





maintenance. Security measures have become more robust

most important actors overseeing the Mexican nuclear



and radioactive wastes are reduced significantly. The new

sector is the National Institute of Nuclear Investigation

reactors also use heat generated as a byproduct that could

(ININ) that has been seeking to find peaceful uses for

be used for different activities that need thermal energy.

nuclear fission since 1956. Today, the institute owns an investigation reactor, a gamma irradiation plant, a fuel

Third and fourth generation reactors are being developed

production plant and a particle accelerator. The main role

to avoid catastrophes, such as Fukushima, occurring in

of ININ in the energy field is to support CFE by constantly

the future. The financial risk associated with investment in

assessing technology and allowing Laguna Verde’s license

nuclear power plants is comparable to other types of energy

of operation to be extended along with CNSNS, nuclear

projects and the third and fourth generation nuclear reactors

energy’s regulatory body in Mexico. “To prevent nuclear

could use other fuels such as plutonium-239, thorium-232

equipment from malfunctioning, we perform batteries of

and uranium-233. “Considering existing resources, coal

tests to cover every eventuality that could result in the

will last 155 years and natural gas availability is guaranteed

reliability or safety of nuclear equipment being affected,”

for at least 65 years. However, by using the various types

says Lydia Paredes, Director General of ININ.

of nuclear fuel, we have enough resources to meet the world’s increasing energy needs for 3000 years,” comments

ININ stays vigilant to new technologies and innovations but

Paredes. “It is important to consider the long-term effects

does not decide which equipment is acquired. However,

of energy consumption on the planet and to think about

CFE uses ININ’s studies to make informed decisions. ININ

the possible alternatives that are available to guarantee the

was an active participant in the development of Laguna

survival and development of humanity based on energy

Verde, in terms of nuclear engineering and training

availability. By the year 2050, it is expected that power

personnel in electronics and radiation measurements. The

plants could have inexhaustible, clean and waste-free fuel

institute also designs emergency plans for the operation of

if nuclear fusion is controlled since hydrogen is the most

the power plants and waste management strategies for the

abundant gas on Earth. Nuclear electricity generation has

plant, where electricity is generated using uranium-235 as a

become a mature technology with very competitive costs.

fuel. ININ’s investigation reactor needs 5kg of fuel while the

If its waste is handled correctly, nuclear energy is clean and

Laguna Verde reactors need 80 tonnes. “The principle is the

sustainable as it does not emit greenhouse gases. We do

same, but the scale varies. In our reactor, we are performing

not have the intention to make nuclear energy the dominant

fission to generate radiation and the pool is open because

energy source, but we want to ensure that the energy mix

we are interested in the applications of that radiation,”

includes different energy sources in the right proportions,”

Paredes says. “In Laguna Verde, the pool is closed so that

concludes Paredes.

water can evaporate to generate electricity from heat and steam.” The reactors at the plant originally had a capacity

It is not desirable for every country to have access to

of 650MW, which was increased to 850MW in 2011. ININ’s

uranium enrichment technology to avoid the proliferation

reactor pales in comparison with a capacity of 1MW, but this

of nuclear weapons. “We want to create a group of

is sufficient for the body’s investigative purposes.

countries through the IAEA to have plants to process fuels that are then distributed throughout the world. It

The amount of energy produced through the fission of

will become a closed cycle and users will obtain fuels that

uranium-235 surpasses other types of fuels. “When an

are ready to be used, avoiding the proliferation of nuclear

atom is broken, 200 million electronvolts are generated,

weapons,” adds Paredes, certain that this would improve

while a tonne of coal generates 500 electronvolts when

the public perception of nuclear power generation.


INTERNATIONAL BEST PRACTICES FOR GEOTHERMAL DEVELOPMENT The International Geothermal Association (IGA) has created

developing a project, and they require interdisciplinary

partnerships with 33 associations worldwide, the Mexican

teams to work on the reservoirs, test the conditions and

Geothermal Association included, to ensure that these

thereafter design the power plant,” states Sander, who

new technologies reach the main geothermal energy

thinks that providing financial institutions with technical

markets. “Our task is to spread expertise and knowledge

expertise would allow them to create tailored solutions

on the latest technologies, projects, regulatory issues,

for these projects. “For example in East Africa, the EU

investment opportunities, capacity building options and on

Infrastructure Trust Fund and the German Development

how geothermal energy contributes to mitigating climate

Bank (KfW) promote the development of geothermal

change,” says Marietta Sander, Executive Director of the

projects through an insurance scheme and a comprehensive

International Geothermal Association. “We also offer a

technical development aid program.”

networking platform for academia, private companies, international development partners, and public entities on

The IGA has researched, analyzed and compared the different

both a national, global and individual level.” Organizations

regulatory frameworks and best practices in Germany,

that strive to promote the development of geothermal

Iceland, Kenya and the Philippines, among other countries.

activities and institutions, such as the World Bank and the

Germany created a feed-in tariff system for geothermal

International Renewable Energy Agency, also participate

energy in the early 1990s that provided a guaranteed price

with the IGA in initiating regional projects. Raising awareness

at which the electricity would be purchased for a defined

in the financial sector about the need to develop insurance

period, guaranteeing a safe return for investors. In Iceland

schemes for the geothermal industry has also become one

a very comprehensive monitoring and planning system

of the IGA’s priorities.

for geothermal sites was developed. This was part of the country’s master plan for geothermal and hydropower

The biggest challenges that the global geothermal industry

development that ranks each project according to its

faces today include the relatively high investment costs

economic and preservation value, taking into consideration

for drilling operations and the risks that are inherent in the

the impacts, benefits, energy needs and nature of the project.

exploration phase. “Pre-feasibility studies are crucial when

A complex interdisciplinary monitoring scheme involves

TRENDS IN THE GEOTHERMAL INDUSTRY The global geothermal energy sector reached 11,765MW of

second with 1,884MW, followed by Indonesia with 1,333MW

installed capacity as of August 2013. Coincidentally, there

and Mexico with 980MW. The Middle East and Africa have

are also 11,766MW of planned geothermal projects in the

just begun to develop their first projects and face challenges

early stages of development or under construction across

due to the lack of legislation, rules and incentives to

70 countries around the world. As a result, global capacity

increase the attractiveness of their geothermal markets. For

could approach 14GW by the end of the decade.

example, Djibouti is looking to develop a 50MW geothermal site, and Rwanda and Tanzania have as objectives to bring


Indonesia is leading the total geothermal capacity under

300MW and 140MW in geothermal power online in the next

construction with approximately 425MW, followed by Kenya

few years. Europe also has substantial geothermal resources

which is constructing 296MW. Other important participants

with many projects being developed in Germany and Italy.

in the expansion of the global geothermal sector are

Iceland remains the global leader in terms of proportion

Iceland with 260MW, the United States with 178MW and

of its energy mix that consists of electricity and thermal

New Zealand with 166MW. The most used technology for

energy from geothermal sources, with four projects under

geothermal power is single flash representing 39% of the

construction. However, Iceland’s population is relatively

total installed capacity, followed by dry steam with 25% and

small and the local demand does not grow at an accelerated

double flash at 19%. However, the leading country in terms

pace despite the plentiful supply of energy. In order to reach

of the sheer number of geothermal power projects being

larger markets, Iceland has investigated the possibility of

developed is the United States with 182 projects. But many

connecting to Europe’s electricity grid through a marine

of these have been stuck in the same phase of development

transmission cable connection with Scotland and eventually

for several years. In terms of installed capacity, the United

continental Europe. Geothermal energy in South America

States leads the way with 3,889MW, the Philippines ranks

is mostly at the exploration stage but important initiatives

“Mexico could play a leading role among Spanish speaking countries, since geothermal facilities have already been developed here” Marietta Sander, Executive Director of the International Geothermal Association

different public entities with the aim of preventing any

taken by the government to advance skills was a critical

damage to the geosphere, air, sea or any other area of the

success factor,” she says. “The United Nations University

environment. The initiative started by Kenya’s government

Geothermal Training Program in Iceland has also been

for the reform of the country’s geothermal sector is

crucial in providing geothermal training to many sector

noteworthy. Through the program Kenya Vision 2030, 4GW

professionals. Due to their geographic position, neighboring

of geothermal energy capacity is planned, which will be

countries in Central America could easily work together and

achieved by drilling 20 wells annually and putting 15 rigs into

share technology and expertise. Mexico could play a leading

operation. This looks possible, given Kenya’s track record for

role among Spanish speaking countries, since geothermal

training staff overseas, as well as inviting foreign experts to

facilities have already been developed here.” Technology

train on site. In the Philippines, incentives are oriented more

and expertise sharing in the region would go a long way

towards creating tax and fiscal benefits for the private sector.

towards increasing the competitiveness of the geothermal

“Foreign staff, as well as the import of specific equipment,

sector in Mexico. The Mexican government has played a key

does not incur any surcharge or import tax,” explains

role in the development of the country’s geothermal sector

Sander. The government has also declared geothermal

during the past thirty years. The expertise that the country

energy as being a priority sector for investment under the

has accumulated and the implementation of best practices

Philippine Geothermal Service Contract Law, with the aim of

in Mexico combined can open up new areas of opportunity

incentivizing the development of this industry in the country.

and position the country as a leader in development, as well as installed capacity. “I would like to encourage Mexico and

Looking at these examples, Sander concludes that in order

the AGM to further share their geothermal expertise within

to successfully develop geothermal energy in Mexico,

Mexico and with the country’s neighbors in Central and

capacity building is required. “As seen in Kenya, the initiative

South America,” advises Sander.

have been carried out in Chile, Peru and Argentina. Chile

that would allow private firms to drill wells without taking

is to start producing geothermal power by 2017 and Peru

on the full financial risk.

has 660MW of geothermal potential already unveiled, with 24 projects ready to begin exploration. In Central America,

In Mexico, projects are in the pipeline that will add 100MW

Guatemala and Nicaragua both have projects in advanced

to the country’s total geothermal installed capacity. A

development stages. The United States leads the world’s

project called Los Humeros in Puebla and Los Azufres III in

geothermal market, and Canada’s Geological Society has

Michoacan are advancing rapidly toward completion. Los

established that the country has at least 5GW that could

Humeros is already operating a 25MW unit while 50MW

be used for commercial activities with currently available

are under development in the second phase of the project.


The 50MW now under development are expected to start operations within 2014. The Los Azufres III bid was won

Geothermal energy development is an activity that involves

by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries and a 50MW power plant

exploration risks. Some governments finance the initial

is planned to start operation by December 2014. At the

geothermal exploration and lease the resources to private

same time, the operating capacity of the Cerro Prieto

developers or government entities who then construct the

Geothermal field in Baja California, Mexico’s strongest

power plant. Other models promote the creation of joint

geothermal presence for a long time, has decreased in

ventures to share the exploration risk. Finally, concession

recent years.

systems have been created in which private companies carry out the exploration, development and operation

Here Mexico can take advantage of the expertise that the



country has developed in the oil and gas sector, mainly in

The Mexican government has also sought to create an

drilling activities. Such knowledge and technology transfer

insurance scheme for the exploration phase, working with

to the geothermal industry could serve as a catalyst for the

the Interamerican Development Bank to offer financing

development of the Mexican geothermal energy market.







Luis Carlos Gutiérrez Negrín, President of the Mexican Geothermal Association (AGM)

The Los Azufres II project

exploit and drill wells and get permits from CRE to install

in 2003 marked the last

a self-supply or small producer plant and start operating.

new installed geothermal

The risk in this case is that other companies might be

capacity in Mexico. But a

exploiting the same deposit, thus reducing the production

decade later, interest in this

of the well. A concession regime would be useful to avoid

sector has been reignited

that happening. The regulation is also different in the US,



where the proprietor of the terrain is also the owner of

geothermal development



whatever exists in the subsoil, with very few exceptions.

at Los Humeros and the

In Mexico subsoil is the property of the nation, geothermal

50MW expansion of Los

energy is regulated by the National Water Law and there

Azufres. “The fact that

are no major restrictions on exploiting a deposit.”

new projects are being developed reflects the worldwide boom that geothermal energy is experiencing today,” says

The initial investment costs, which are considerably higher

Luis Carlos Gutiérrez Negrín, President of the Mexican

compared to other renewable energies, are a key challenge

Geothermal Association (AGM). The growing interest in

for geothermal energy development. “It is important

the Mexican geothermal market came about as a result of

to consider the risk of the initial investment, since it is

increasing private sector participation and the government’s

possible that after drilling you may not find the expected

commitment to promoting renewable energies. “Despite

resource,” warns Gutiérrez Negrín. “However, these risks

many flaws in the government, one of the wisest choices

have been mitigated in Europe by creating a system in

has been its commitment to the environment and climate

which the government, or a trust fund, absorbs part of

change,” says Gutiérrez Negrín. “Geothermal sector growth

the cost of unsuccessful wells that have been drilled.” The

will be driven by the need to reduce our dependence on

only incentive that currently exists in Mexico is a type of

fossil fuels and the fact that more investors are interested in

drilling insurance that was approved during the previous

entering this market.”

presidential term, but more regulation is needed for it to be used in practice. The privatization of the geothermal


According to AGM, addressing Mexico’s lack of specific

sector is a possibility that has been widely debated. “I think

legislation for geothermal energy should be a priority.

that future geothermal developments should take place

While having a set of specific regulations brings certainty

through PPPs,” says Gutiérrez Negrín. In his vision, CFE

for investors, the use of a concession system would

does not have the financial capability to invest in building

incur different types of risks. “The great risk posed by a

geothermal power plants, but it would be possible for the

concession system is that the market becomes vulnerable

private sector to participate through IPP schemes. The

to financial speculation, which has happened in Chile and

geothermal resources and the well would remain property

is happening in Australia. After several years of having had

of CFE while the private investor would construct, own and

many companies invest and explore in Chile, there is not

operate the power plant. Under this scheme, CFE would

one geothermal plant operating yet,” says Gutiérrez Negrín,

provide the geothermal steam that allows the private power

who nevertheless thinks that a concession system could

plant to generate electricity, which can then be sold back to

bring benefits. “A concession scheme similar to that used

CFE without any legal impediment. “If CFE does not have

in the mining industry could be developed for geothermal

the financial means to invest in its own geothermal power

energy in Mexico, where concessions could be divided into

plants, it has to look for private investors that are willing

exploration and production phases,” he suggests.

to work in this innovative scheme,” states Gutiérrez Negrín.

In the absence of a specific framework for geothermal

“The government will need to incentivize development, not

energy, there are alternative ways for the sector to

only of geothermal energy but of all renewable energies,

develop. In the US, over 3GW of installed geothermal

include tax deductions for investments in geothermal

capacity has been developed by the private sector without

energy, fund the testing of equipment or processes, and

any specific geothermal regulation being put in place. “In

set federal guarantees that credit can be obtained at low

the US, private companies do not possess geothermal

rates,” says Gutiérrez Negrín. Though such incentives are

concessions, but they must be sure to control the land

yet to be established, Gutiérrez Negrín is positive about

where the project will be developed,” says Gutiérrez

the outlook for the sector: “I think that there will be more

Negrín. “Under current Mexican regulations, any private

investment from the domestic and foreign private sectors,”

producer can rent or buy land through private contracts to

he concludes.



Q: What role does AGM aspire to play in developing the

Q: How can the legal and operating framework be improved

geothermal sector?

to make the sector more attractive for private investment?

A: AGM is a civil association that is affiliated to the

A: LAERFTE states, among other clauses, the obligation

International Geothermal Association and was founded in

SENER has to create a Special Program for the Use of

1991 with the objective of reinforcing academic, scientific,

Renewable Energies, as well as a National Strategy for the



Energy Transition and the Sustainable Use of Energy. In the

the national geothermal community and international

case of geothermal energy, regulation is almost inexistent.

institutions. Its goal is to promote and inform about the

There are a few articles in the National Water Law that

development, exploitation and research activities of the

mention geothermal energy, but we need to adopt models

geothermal energy sector in Mexico. AGM has become an

of other countries to efficiently regulate the resources and

analysis and discussion forum that allows the exchange

give legal certainty to future developers and to CFE. There

of knowledge and experience between its around 100

is a lack of awareness about geothermal energy, meaning


that obtaining the right paperwork becomes difficult and is




a drawn out process. We need to create a dedicated team, Q: How has private participation evolved in the Mexican

possibly within Congress Energy Commission, to regulate

geothermal sector?

the future use of geothermal energy in order to exploit it in a

A: For many years, the participation of the private sector

sustainable manner. There is practically no investment in the

in the geothermal industry was zero or limited to public

Mexican geothermal sector due to the lack of legal certainty

work contracts or engineering services. The development

among investors. Somebody within the government needs

and execution of the geothermal projects have been

to take charge of this.

dominated by CFE. After the publication of the Law on the Use of Renewable Energies and the Financing of

Due to the high risk involved at the initial stages of

the Energy Transition (LAERFTE), and the objectives

developing geothermal energy resources, the government

established by the federal government to increase the

has focused more on solar and wind energy. While these

participation of renewable energy in Mexico’s energy mix,

renewable energy sources require only short periods to

the private companies have developed a keen interest

evaluate the potential resource and to build a power plant,

in the geothermal sector. Even though no commercial

developing a geothermal project takes between five and

geothermal project is in operation yet, the first efforts of

seven years. Nevertheless, the government is interested in

the private participation in geothermal exploration are

geothermal energy as a base load energy source with a high

starting to be noticeable.

plant factor, offering long-term reliability and profitability.


PROFITS TO BE FOUND IN PRIVATE GEOTHERMAL DRILLING “It is all about profitability; alternative energies in general

Frederic Sauze, founder of ClusterGEO, provides an

are based on profitability and efficiency,” says Carlos García,

example of the risks and costs involved in developing

Director General of Mexxus Drilling. “Geothermal energy is

geothermal wells with a capacity of 5MW, involving an

well-known for its high efficiency factors of nearly 90%,

average cost of around US$1 million per MW. “If a company

vastly surpassing the 40% efficiency that can be reached

wants to build a 25MW operation and prospective studies

as well at good wind sites, and the 25% efficiency of high

are 75% accurate, then it will be necessary to drill seven

irradiated solar sites. It may be more expensive to undertake

wells instead of five. This represents a large investment

a geothermal energy project but it is more profitable in the

and high risk, and banks are reluctant to provide loans

medium to long-term.” Mexxus Drilling started in 2007 with

for high risk investments.” In order to mitigate this risk,

one set of drilling equipment and one team of engineers

ClusterGEO is promoting the creation of a Geological

and technicians, the majority of which had a background

Risk Insurance Fund of MX$50 million (US$3.77 million) to

drilling wells for CFE. Mexxus Drilling believes that Mexican

help small producers in Mexico and eventually to be used

companies have the opportunity to offer services that are

as a commercial instrument to incentivize the Mexican

usually outsourced to large international companies such as

industry. The Capital and Investment Fund for the Rural

Schlumberger, Halliburton and Baker Hughes. Substituting

Sector (FOCIR) has been proposed as the manager of this

external suppliers with competitive Mexican alternatives

fund. “The investors’ risk would be managed by charging

would benefit CFE as well.

an entrance fee to the fund, which would be refunded according to a hedging model. But in order to mitigate the

The National Energy Strategy provides an important

risk and ensure the profitability of the fund, it would need

opportunity for the geothermal energy in Mexico as

to be mutualized across multiple wells,” explains Sauze.

it could become a more important component of the energy mix. “Unfortunately, in the past, investors had no

In October 2013, Mexxus Drilling started a joint venture

chance to enter the area of geothermal energy extraction,”

with Icelandic firm Reykjavik Geothermal, Mexxus-RG,

García says. This situation forced companies to look for

which was granted the license to begin prospecting at the

opportunities abroad, including Mexxus Drilling that is

geothermal project of Ceboruco in the state of Nayarit.

considering a field in Nicaragua. However, when the chance

Reykjavik Geothermal struck Mexxus Drilling as the right

came, the firm decided to work at home.

partner, given its origins in a country that has pioneered

“Drilling exploration wells requires high capital investment, a willingness to take risk, and the patience to develop a project” Carlos García, General Manager of Mexxus Drilling International

Due to the current size of the geothermal energy sector in

geothermal exploration, as well as owning a project

Mexico, the firm has diversified its activities to the oil industry,

portfolio stretching across Africa, the Middle East and

where it can offer the same services because its drilling

Oceania. In October 2013, Reykjavik Geothermal inked a

equipment can be used for oil wells as well as geothermal

deal with the Ethiopian government to build up to 1GW

drilling due to its power and ability to reach large depths.

in geothermal power at an estimated investment of US$4

Great expectations arose when the company obtained the

billion, and also helped Papua New Guinea tap into its own

first small producer title that CRE gave out in the geothermal

geothermal potential. Given this experience in some of the

energy sector. “Not a lot of companies are involved in this

world’s most demanding terrains, any challenges posed

field, but it represents a great opportunity for those willing

by the Mexican geothermal reality are likely within the

to take risks,” comments García. Just as in financial markets,

capacity of the Icelandic market leader.

higher risks imply high potential returns, and the geothermal


sector’s efficiency rates could make it a very attractive

“The technical knowledge from our joint venture partners

opportunity. “Drilling exploration wells requires a lot of

Reykjavik Geothermal also helps to obtain financing,”

capital investment, a willingness to take risk, and the patience

comments García. Partnerships also play an important

to develop a project,” García cautions.

role for private companies by increasing the quality of the

human capital available, increasing competitiveness and productivity. Mexxus Drilling has sent its staff to Iceland to learn from the country’s exemplary track record in geothermal energy development. Iceland’s success with geothermal energy will be hard to replicate in Mexico but Mexxus Drilling is looking to maximize its chances through such learning experiences, to ensure higher profitability when better times do roll around. The company plans to start its exploratory drilling phase in early 2014, with the first phase set to be for 30MW, later followed by a 70MW second phase. This deal also marks the first geothermal IPP in Mexico. “We take it one step at a time because our development is dependent on the Mexican authorities which are slowly paving the way for the geothermal sector to develop,” comments García. “Without the government’s support and without their will to remove bureaucratic hurdles, we would not stand a chance.” To optimize profitability, the technologies used to determine the right production areas must be carefully evaluated. Even though drilling equipment used in the oil industry is similar to that used for geothermal wells, the drilling procedure is different due to important variations in temperature. New technologies have to be able to better withstand the high temperatures. “Overheated vapor can be found in a liquid state at 300°C since there is enough pressure at a depth of 3,000m,” says García. Special equipment is needed to lift the water column and withstand its violent expansion as it reaches the surface and guide it to the turbine. By introducing the latest technologies, the error margin greatly decreases, which is matched by a rise in the likelihood of finding promising geothermal resources. Maintenance must also be factored in as a needed cost. García insists that certain wells need regular maintenance, depending on their specific conditions. “In Cerro Prieto, where we have our base, the well contains high levels of sulfur, which is very corrosive. This harms the piping which must then be changed every five years or so. However, alongside that, there are geothermal sites such as Los Humeros, Puebla or Momotombo in Nicaragua that have been running for 20 years without needing any such changes,” explains García. “Although the process is very expensive, it is better to invest in technology that will enable a margin of risk and error to be measured and controlled,” comments García. “Even if initial costs are more expensive to generate 1MW from geothermal resources compared with wind or solar, geothermal is more profitable in the long run.” The operating framework’s modifications and the recent support for renewable energies make the company believe that a new vision for the role geothermal energy might soon sweep Mexico. “We would like to be the most important company in the geothermal energy field. We do not have a monopoly perspective but we want to seize opportunities,” concludes García.


Enrique Lima Lobato, General Manager of Overseas Business Department of West JEC

The wealth of geothermal

country attractive to our business,” says Lima. Although



the Mexican business climate has appealing traits, there

enjoys has been a constant

may be lingering concerns about security. While not all



Mexican states are equally attractive, the overall country

investors, but they have

risk in Mexico is considered to be manageable. Finally,

soon run up against an

analyzing the technological risk involves two sides:

operating framework that

the availability of human resources and the geological

has not given them the

reality. Financiers need to be certain that the projects

chance to participate freely.

will be properly operated and managed, in order to have

Despite these hindrances,

assurances about that loans will be repaid. Private entities



international players have

will have fewer problems making decisions on whether

involved themselves with the Mexican market in different

or not to participate in the geothermal power if there is

ways such as drilling, development and, in the case of West

already a good HR pool within the country that can readily

JEC, consulting. West JEC is a subsidiary of Kyushu Electric

take over the operation and maintenance of the projects.

Power Company, one of Japan’s nine electric utilities. “We

Fortunately, Mexico has created a critical mass of human

have been assisting CFE in the development of geothermal

resources capable of running these businesses. On the

resources through resource consulting,” says Enrique Lima

other hand, the current operational framework has led

Lobato, General Manager of Overseas Business Department

geothermal companies to apply their strategies on a global

of West JEC. The company has participated in the Cerro

level in order to penetrate the most accessible markets.

Prieto, Los Azufres, Cerritos Colorados and Los Humeros

This has caused a delay in the development of the Mexican

geothermal plants, collaborating with CFE in order to

geothermal sector, even though the country represents

optimize the generation processes. Another company,

a low risk. West JEC is waiting for the geothermal power

Diamante Azufres, part of a Mitsubishi-led consortium, is

sector to be opened up to private participation, including

planning to build a plant for CFE that West JEC proposed

legislation to set the rules for competition in the market

after carrying out feasibility studies.

and the pricing for geothermal power.



There are other hazards in the geothermal sector that

development of these projects have come from the






highly experienced players can mitigate. “Geological

Japanese government, explains Lima Lobato. Japan is

risk represents a degree of uncertainty in the evaluation

expanding its geothermal market through companies

of the size of a geothermal reservoir and its longevity

such as West JEC, given that Japan excels in geothermal

when subject to exploitation,” says Lima Lobato. “These

energy technologies. “70% of the geothermal power plants

uncertainties can impact the evaluation of the required

in the world are Japanese, so in a sense our work opens

number of exploitable wells and the capacity of the

new markets for the Japanese industry,” Lima Lobato says.

reservoir. In turn, this will impact the estimated cost

“West JEC enables government bodies like CFE to expand

per kWh of energy produced, which will determine the

on their own terms; we do not force anyone to acquire

competitiveness of the geothermal project,” he adds.

Japanese products. We give them our industry opinion but they can proceed in their own way,” Lima highlights. West

That competitiveness could be spurred if development

JEC is present in Mexico with three combined cycle units

alternatives could be found, such as the creation of public-

in Tuxpan, while also having activities in Indonesia and the

private partnerships. However, despite the presence of


PPPs in the oil and gas sector, these have not yet become widespread in the exploitation of other energy sources.


In looking for countries that carry the lowest risk factors,

“I firmly believe that geothermal is a very viable business

West JEC analyzes market, political and technological

and that the experience and capability of CFE could be

risks. Market risk refers to the past, present and future

used for the benefit of the country within an open market,”

of the power market in the country as well as structure

states Lima Lobato. West JEC is encouraging a regulatory

and the rules that govern the sector. In Mexico, these rules

framework that would encourage broader participation,

are crystal clear as CFE is the only buyer and the only

including PPPs, as this would spark the interest of investors

developer of geothermal energy. Lima Lobato says that

while also providing more opportunities for West JEC’s

some countries are not ready to enable the private sector

consultancy services. Such cooperation between the

to participate due to a weak or inefficient legal structure.

public, private and academic sectors, in Lima Lobato’s

“Mexico’s well defined legal structure for the power sector

eyes, is the only way to effectively take advantage of the

is providing security to investments, and is making the

resources that lie within Mexico’s subsoil.






industry that dates back over


drilled in oil fields every year.”





Despite these costs, geothermal technology and market

new to Mexico. CP Latina

conditions have been improving over time. Today, 3,800m

has been involved in this

deep wells are being drilled while numerous studies have

sector since the 1960s,

been carried out to minimize risks. Geothermal wells are



Rodrigo De Vivanco, Deputy CFO of CP Latina

about 60 to 70 days to drill, while thousands of wells are







built under very specific conditions, but these conditions



may vary drastically between two wells that are drilled

northern part of Mexico

just 500 meters apart within the same field. To mitigate

before moving to drilling

the risk, it is critical that the equipment is working at

geothermal wells in the 1970s in Baja California and central

maximum efficiency, the drilling process meets all technical

Mexico. Today the company is still drilling geothermal wells

parameters, and that enough of an understanding of the

in different parts of the country.

terrain is acquired.

CP Latina has participated in the development of all of

CP Latina is also very active in repairing existing wells. “One of

Mexico’s geothermal fields, including Cerro Prieto in Baja

our keys to success in the partial field administration project

California, Los Azufres in Michoacan and Los Humeros

at Cerro Prieto was our ability to drill less while maintaining

in Puebla. “We have participated in many bids, with very

the same production level. We were able to succeed because

good results,” says Rodrigo De Vivanco, Deputy CFO of CP

we were constantly cleaning and servicing the wells to

Latina. “There are few companies that participate in these

guarantee greater efficiency, increasing production levels

bids, but it is important to mention that CP Latina has had

with fewer wells,” tells De Vivanco. Alongside the level of

a very good success ratio.” Since the geothermal energy

maintenance that all geothermal projects require, the fields

industry has experienced slow growth, the company has

themselves can evolve and change through time. Given this

sought to expand into the oil and gas sector, even though

lack of predictability, certain issues are bound to affect each

the core of its business has remained drilling geothermal

well differently, especially given the relatively long lifecycle

wells. To successfully exploit geothermal resources, which

of geothermal projects.

are closely related to tectonic plates, the right conditions must exist in terms of water, porosity and pressure. Even

For the geothermal industry to really pick up, De Vivanco

though it is a renewable energy, incorrect exploitation of a

is waiting for government action. “It is important for the

geothermal well can cause depletion of the resource, which

government to open tenders on the administration of

means that it is of vital importance that geothermal drilling

geothermal projects and on binary cycle projects. It is clear

companies have experience in all phases of a project.

that the legislation should be improved,” says De Vivanco. “CP Latina is not alone in this fight. The geothermal

Drilling activities in the geothermal sector are very similar

sector in Mexico as a whole has been trying to push these

to the process that is followed in the drilling of oil and gas

improvements, but since very few companies are currently

wells, barring several small differences. For example, the

operating, the lack of a geothermal drilling association has

oil and gas drilling of oil and gas wells requires a flaring

largely limited our actions. We do not have the strength

tower, while geothermal drilling needs a separation tower

or the opportunity to promote the needed actions to the

to control and clean the steam. “Some tools vary, but in

government.” Due to the slow development of geothermal

reality the equipment is basically the same,” explains De

energy in Mexico, companies like CP Latina have started

Vivanco. Despite these similarities, the different market

looking for new opportunities in other developing Latin

conditions have resulted in the geothermal market

American markets such as Costa Rica, El Salvador,

remaining small, and depending on only one client, CFE.

Guatemala and Chile.

“Geothermal energy sites are located far away from oil and gas fields and very few companies are willing to move their

“I do not know if the proportion of geothermal power in

equipment to geothermal fields. The transportation costs

Mexico’s energy mix will increase, but if we have this vast

are very high, on top of the costs of setting up a base and

resource, why not use it? Geothermal energy may not gain

other important investments,” says De Vivanco. “Also, the

the same importance that hydroelectricity or wind power

geothermal market in Mexico requires the drilling of very

have, but it could be exploited in a more strategic way,”

few wells. 40 to 50 wells are drilled per year, each taking

concludes De Vivanco.


PILLARS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE GEOTHERMAL SECTOR In 2011, ClusterGEO was created with the objective of

be sold in Mexico or exported to Latin America and the

ensuring communication between the government, the

rest of the world. Training plays a crucial role in creating

private sector, academia, institutions and associations.

the human capital that can operate the technology and

“The idea was to group under ClusterGEO all the

exploit geothermal resources. “There is a community of

entities that work in the sector but rarely work together.

people with a tremendous amount of experience that

ClusterGEO helps them unite as a sector, rather than just

was active in the 1970s and 1980s, and afterwards the

operating independently,” says Frederic Sauze, President

generational gap is evident,” says Sauze. “It is vital to

of ClusterGEO. Alstom, after developing the Los Azufres

organize the transfer of knowledge to the next generation,

geothermal power plant, supported the creation of

to the private sector, and to other countries. Institutions

ClusterGEO and suggested that it should be based in

such as the Michoacan University of San Nicolas de

the natural center of the country’s geothermal industry,

Hidalgo (UMSNH) and UNAM’s geophysics campus are

Morelia. CFE’s geothermal department has been based in

actively transferring that knowledge in the Morelia area.

this city since the 1950s, and today it oversees every type

In other parts of the country the Electrical Research

of renewable energy excluding hydroelectric power.

Institute (IIE), Center for Scientific Research and Higher Education of Ensenada (CICESE) and Center for Research







and Advanced Learning (CINVESTAV) are examples of

Development Bank (IDB) are interested in creating a

institutions that are collaborating to transfer knowledge

competitive hub for geothermal energy in Latin America

and experience in geothermal energy.”

in order to help countries in the region to develop,” said Sauze. “Today, it is necessary to go to Iceland, Japan or

The third pillar is raising awareness both within and

the US to find technical and financial expertise required

outside the country that there is extensive expertise and

for the development of geothermal activities, but that can

geothermal energy potential in Mexico. ClusterGEO plans

change. The challenge is structuring profitable projects

to organize the World Geothermal Congress, organized

that can access available funds to create added value and

every five years, in 2020 by developing a well-structured

promote the development of a country.” ClusterGEO was

proposal that demonstrates the opportunity for the

founded by 12 partners and now has 30 members, many

government to attract greater investment to Mexico. The

of which are from the Morelia region. The association has

final strategic pillar promoted by ClusterGEO is economic

established several strategic pillars. The first is enhancing

development. The development of geothermal projects

Mexico’s operating framework, which is essential for the

impacts many people. “There is great synergy between

sector to fully develop. “CFE has already successfully

companies that are developing the Mexican geothermal

developed geothermal projects and is focused on large

sector, which should have a direct impact on their

projects in large fields with proven resources. However,

commercial success as well as the economic development

based on modest estimates, there is potential for around

of Mexico,” says Sauze.

four or five times more geothermal power generating capacity than the current installed capacity,” says Sauze.

The idea of concentrating geothermal expertise in Morelia

This represents an opportunity not just for CFE but also for

and promoting research and training is also the objective

the private sector, provided that the operating framework

of another project: CIMIE-GEO. “We proposed this idea to

creates attractive opportunities for private participation.

the federal government and today there is a project that involves the Ministry of Energy (SENER), National Council


The second pillar is conducting research activities in

for Science and Technology (CONACYT), and the Energy

the fundamental sciences, such as chemistry, mechanics

Sustainability Fund, who are cooperating to create the

and geophysics, an area in which Sauze believes a more

Mexican Center for Innovation in Geothermal Energy,”

focused approach could yield better results for the

explains Sauze. “There are several additional parties

geothermal sector. “For example, Alstom has a budget

involved in this project, such as the state government

of €3 million per year for R&D activities focused on

and universities such as UNAM, Center for Research and

geothermal activities, but that mostly goes to activities

Advanced Learning (CINVESTAV) and the University of

in Europe and the US. Very few resources stay in Mexico,

Guadalajara. In addition, CP Latina, a company specialized

but with the development of high quality research and

in the drilling of geothermal wells, is actively participating

application centers more money could stay here.” In

in research activities, and other large Mexican companies

ClusterGEO’s view, research activities should be focused


on finding applicable commercial solutions that could

geothermal energy.”







REMINDERS OF THE IMPORTANCE OF THE HYDROELECTRIC SECTOR JACOBO MEKLER President of Mexican Hydroelectric Energy Association (AMEH) Q: Which changes to Mexico’s operating framework have

projects, there is a 36GW potential capacity that could

the greatest impact on the Mexican hydropower sector?

be installed in Mexico. This offers important investment

A: Mexico has a great potential for hydroelectric projects.

opportunities. Many of Mexico’s rivers cannot be used for

The Energy Reform is going to make the private sector feel

any purpose, as established by presidential decree 70 years

more comfortable about not being limited to participation

ago. There is no sense in preventing people from using the

through self-supply schemes only. We are going to start

water from these rivers since hydroelectric projects do not

seeing generators that will be able to provide electricity

deplete water bodies. This law has been changed, and it is

directly to CFE. This will create a lot of opportunities since

possible to obtain a permit to generate power and a license

the self-supply scheme is limited because of the limited

from CONAGUA to build a project without the need for a

availability of bankable PPA off-takers. The Energy Reform

concession. However, we still have to make a bigger effort

is opening up opportunities to the renewable energy

to further change the legislation; we need a presidential


decree to eliminate river closures for renewable projects.

Q: Which role should hydropower play in the national

The Peña Nieto administration has done a great job putting

energy strategy?

together the National Development Plan. In crafting it, they

A: Without hydroelectric projects, Mexico will never be

put together roundtables on renewable energy and created

able to comply with its target of generating 35% of its

the Consultative Council on Renewable Energies, on which

energy from renewables by 2024. Right now, hydroelectric

our association has a seat. We are not only working closely

power makes up over 16% of installed capacity, but the

with the federal government, but also with CONAGUA,

government is not giving the hydropower industry the

CRE, CFE and SEMARNAT, who are asking for our input

importance it deserves. Hydropower can be generated

on the development of the operating framework and are

the moment when electricity is required, which means it

recognizing the importance of hydropower. CFE states that

offers flexibility to produce more electricity during peak

renewables are not reliable because when you install 5GW

demand hours. Solar and wind power are generated

of wind power, you need to have 5GW of backup fossil fuel

whenever there is wind or sun. Although hydropower

based generation capacity for moments when wind farms

is much more developed and provides greater local

are not producing sufficient energy. Hydropower can be

economic benefits than wind or solar, these renewable

used to generate electricity whenever necessary and can

energy sources receive a lot more attention in Mexico.

be used to stabilize the grid.

When a wind farm is developed, 70% of the investment goes to imported turbines and related technology, while

Q: What are the opportunities to use existing infrastructure

30% goes to infrastructure, construction and salaries. The

for future hydropower projects?

opposite is the case for hydropower development, where

A: Ideally, existing infrastructure can be used without

70% of the investment stays in Mexico, providing economic

altering or affecting the surroundings. By using the water

local benefits and creating jobs.

that was already being used for irrigation and switching the valve for turbines, there is barely any environmental

Q: What are the challenges the hydroelectric sector is

impact. It is definitely possible to use CONAGUA’s

facing today, and what is AMEH doing to enhance the

existing irrigation dams, which entails lower infrastructure

operating framework?

investment, but the problem is that there may not be a

A: One of the most important elements is that, after three

nearby CFE substation to facilitate interconnection to the

years of debate, the law has been changed and no longer

grid. This means that a long distance power line might

limits small hydroelectric projects to 30MW. If you consider

be necessary to get to the nearest substation, but having

the potential of hydroelectric projects below 30MW, this

to make this expenditure to produce 3MW might not be

add up to around 1GW. Now that we can consider larger

worth the investment.


GLOBAL AND MEXICAN HYDROELECTRICITY TRENDS The global hydropower sector has grown substantially in

South America presents a differing scenario for renewable

recent years, commissioning over 27GW in hydropower

energy development; whereas some countries are taking

capacity during 2012. Its rise has in part been thanks to

committed steps towards developing the sector, others

pro-renewable energy policies in place in the US and

are still heavily reliant on fossil fuels. Countries such as

Japan and regional carbon trading schemes in Australia,

Paraguay, Argentina and Chile intend to increase the

China and Colombia. North and Central America still hold

proportion of hydropower in their energy mix, while other

significant potential and there is a lot of opportunity to

countries are already constructing or developing new

modernize existing facilities. Canada is one of the world’s

facilities. The region’s hydropower leader is Brazil, with

leading hydropower generators and has the potential to

23GW under construction or development, followed by

double its more than 75GW of installed capacity. One

Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador and Peru.

of the industry’s main priorities is to address regulatory


hurdles so that hydropower can be further developed in

In Europe, several countries have a substantial installed

the region. Important projects that have recently been

hydroelectric capacity, led by Norway with 30.3GW,

developed include La Yesca in Mexico, with a capacity of

France with 25.4GW, Italy with 19.5GW, Spain with 16.1GW,

750MW, and Reventazon in Costa Rica, with a capacity

and Sweden with 16GW. However, these countries did not

of 305.5MW. Panama is planning to increase its installed

increase their installed capacity in recent years, with the

hydropower capacity by 720MW but currently lacks

exception of Sweden which showed a 200MW increase last

sufficient transmission systems, and also faces divided

year. Africa has the lowest installed hydropower capacity,

public opinion about some of its planned projects. Central

with 27GW in total. The continent also has the biggest

American development is closely linked to the Central

unexplored potential for renewable energies and overall

American Electrical Interconnection System (SIEPAC),

capacity building, with transmission and transparency

which facilitates the exchange of power between six

being the biggest challenges to developing hydropower

countries in the region: Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador,

in the continent. In West and Central Asia energy

Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Panama.

development has been recognized as an important driver

for socio-economic development. Russia and India lead

to Jacobo Mekler, President of the Mexican Association

the region’s hydropower sector with 47.6GW and 43.2GW

for Hydroelectric Energy. Regions of Mexico with high

installed capacity respectively, and big projects are due to

hydroelectric potential are Puebla and Veracruz on the Gulf

be developed in Pakistan, Nepal and Sri Lanka. East Asia is

of Mexico side of the country, as well as Chiapas, Oaxaca

currently the region with the largest hydroelectric capacity.

and Guerrero on the Pacific side. Even though the north

Hydropower world leader China has an installed capacity

of Mexico is relatively dry, hydroelectric projects have also

of 248.9GW, and added 15.5 GW in 2012. Japan is also an

been possible in Baja California thanks to adequate water

important player in the development of the hydropower

management. It is important that SENER, CONAGUA, CFE

industry, with 46GW installed. Noticeable growth has been

and CRE determine a way to increase the effectiveness and

seen in Vietnam, which increased its installed capacity by

efficiency of hydropower projects. Using water resources

almost 8GW between 2005 and 2012.

in Mexico is a delicate matter. Hydroelectric projects may face environmental challenges, and to make hydroelectric

Hydroelectricity has been an important part of Mexico’s

projects feasible challenges of land acquisition and remote

energy mix for decades, now accounting for approximately

resources must be overcome.

16% of the country’s electricity installed capacity. This type of energy generation has different advantages, in particular

Legal certainty for hydroelectric projects is one of the main

that the technology can generate electricity at peak times.

concerns for this sector because CONAGUA only awards

Mexico has excellent potential for hydroelectric energy

water concessions if permits have been granted by CRE

generation, which according to the Mexican Hydroelectric

and SEMARNAT, and a detailed engineering plan has been

Energy Association stands at approximately 6GW, of which

established. Another important issue is that companies

2GW is accounted for by plants that have a capacity of less

must have land rights to the area surrounding the water

than 100MW. The expected trend is that CFE will continue

source, which requires a commitment of time and money,

to build large-scale hydroelectric power plants, because

without having certainty regarding the future development

the government is better able to manage the social and

of the project. In addition, CFE only allows interconnection

environmental issues that could arise as a result of such

with the grid for high voltage projects, which means

projects. Small hydropower plants have the potential to

high costs for mini hydro projects. The transmission cost

attract private sector participation, and the capacity of a

diminishes significantly when projects are interconnected

small hydroelectric project can exceed 30MW if the power

at medium voltage, and if this were possible the Mexican

density coefficient falls within a certain range, according

hydroelectric sector would benefit greatly.


PARTICIPATION OF SMALL HYDROELECTRIC PROJECTS Large and small hydroelectricity projects have defined roles

for energy, effectively becoming an intermittent resource

and use different types of resources and infrastructure.

as opposed to dams, which can be made to act as a base

While large scale hydroelectric projects involve the use

energy provider.

of dams, small projects can be managed as run-of-theriver hydropower plants, in which little or no storage is

The total worldwide installed small hydropower capacity

provided, whereas traditional storage power plants range

was expected to reach 113GW in 2013, growing at 2.9% year

from 1MW to 50MW. For example, Canadian law dictates

on year. China is by far the largest small hydropower market,

small hydropower projects can reach up to 50MW, but in

accounting for 55.3% of the total installed capacity in 2011

the US these are limited to 30MW. However, international

with 59GW, followed by India and the United States, with 9%

regulations do not vary for mini hydro projects that can

and 6.9%. The total installed capacity of small hydropower

reach up to 1MW. In order to be considered a micro hydro

projects represents 10.2% of the total global hydroelectric

power plant, a project’s capacity may not exceed 100kW.

installed capacity of 1.1TW. In Mexico, most hydroelectric

Research states that the total installed hydroelectric

projects in the energy mix are owned and operated by CFE.

capacity stood at 1.1TW at the end of 2013, taking into

However, small hydropower projects are being increasingly

account both large scale and small hydro projects.

considered by energy companies as a competitive and affordable alternative to generate renewable energy.

Small and mini hydroelectric projects offer the advantage

According to CRE data, 289MW of small hydroelectric

of having a lower environmental impact since they do

projects are under construction in states such as Veracruz,

not require large-scale flooding and deforestation, as

Jalisco and Sinaloa, which are expected to all be operational

opposed to large scale projects and dams. Furthermore,

at the beginning of 2016. There are more hydroelectric

large hydroelectricity plants need substantial amounts

projects categorized as self-supply projects, however,

of investment, depending on the size of the dam that

out of the 23 projects in the hydroelectric pipeline, nine

needs to be built. In this sense, small hydropower projects

will be operating under the independent power producer

represent an opportunity for a broader range of private

scheme. According to the permits granted by CRE, these

sector participants. These projects are faster to construct

small hydroelectric projects that are being developed by the

and offer higher rates of return since the capital investment

private sector represent a total investment of US$434 million

as well as operational and maintenance costs are lower. In

in the 2012-2016 period. There are 14 small hydroelectric

addition, another advantage of small hydropower projects

projects under 30MW operating in Mexico today, making

is that the social impact is reduced since less land is

up a cumulative installed capacity is of 119MW; considering

needed for a project.

the amount of projects that are expected to start operating, the market will grow in 143% by 2016. In the case of Mexico,

Despite the fact that run-of-the-river hydropower plants

small hydroelectric projects represent 1% of the country’s

are environmentally and socially less aggressive, their main

total installed hydropower capacity, while the rest is covered

disadvantage is that they depend on the flow of the river

by large hydro projects.

COMEXHIDRO STARTED OPERATIONS IN 1997 TO DEVELOP, BUILD AND OPERATE ENERGY PROJECTS, PRIMARILY IN THE RENEWABLE ENERGY SECTOR IN MEXICO. The first self-supply projects in Mexico were developed by Comexhidro with three small-hydro plants which added 54 MW of clean energy into the grid. Not only did the first projects won several awards from the Ministry of Energy and Conacyt, but they were also the first plants in Mexico to receive carbon credits under the Kyoto Protocol’s Certificates of Emission Reduction. Today, Comexhidro has developed an additional 52MW of clean energy which are currently in operation through a 22MW Wind Farm in Santa Catarina, Nuevo Leon and a 30MW Hydroplant in Zongolica, Veracruz. It’s growth continues through the building of a 60MW hydro facility in the north of Puebla, an 8MW small hydro in Cruz Grande, Guerrero, and over 800MW of wind parks and hydro facilities in different stages of development throughout Mexico.


projects, especially for hydroelectric,” mentions Jinich.

the advantage of being

“Convincing the communities just to get a right of way for

able to generate additional

a transmission line has proved very difficult,” he adds.

electricity at peak times.

Carlos Jinich, President of Grupo Comexhidro

One of the ways to achieve


this is by creating water

overcoming this issue. Public consultations, discussions on

storage mechanisms that

local radio stations, distributing information and reaching



out to educational institutions all play an important role in

produce electricity when

allowing the company to explain what it is intending to do.

the tariffs are higher. This

“Comexhidro arranges trips for the local communities to









makes the value of the

places where we have already built plants. This does not

electricity higher for such projects, as compared to wind

only serve to help them see the plant; our intention is for

and solar plants that cannot control generation times.

them to talk to the people of communities that Comexhidro

Given their frequent setting in mountainous regions, many

has worked with in the past. We leave them alone so they

of these hydroelectric generation plants are located at the

can freely ask and answer questions,” says Jinich. This helps

end of CFE’s transmission lines, which allows for counter-

to communicate the benefits of hydropower projects, while

flow electricity generation in the transmission line to be

also making sure that people understand that a hydropower

achieved. “According to some CFE studies, there is still

plant does not consume water and does not affect the

around 6GW of unexplored hydroelectric generation

existing water quality. “Communicating as much as possible,

potential in Mexico,” says Carlos Jinich, President of Grupo

always presenting the truth and fulfilling your promises are

Comexhidro, a firm specializing in the construction of small

key factors in achieving success. There have been a lot of

hydroelectric projects. “There are plenty of opportunities

unfulfilled promises which affect the development of the

in the market, but these need to be made clear so that

sector as a whole. If you cannot make things happen then

attention is not being given just to wind and solar.”

you should avoid making promises,” suggests Jinich.

The arid north of the country leaves most of the available

Finding the best way to transfer long-term benefits to the

hydropower resources to the country’s southern parts. The

communities is a crucial subject. “Hydroelectric projects can

country’s greatest rivers are located in the southern part of

initially create direct and indirect jobs, as well as provide an

the country, such as the Usumacinta River that has not seen

overall economic boost for the area,” says Jinich. Transferring

its hydroelectric potential tapped as of yet. However, the

benefits to the local population starts when jobs are created

fact that the resources are located in these areas implies

during the construction of the project, including indirect jobs

different challenges that need to be carefully handled.

surrounding the project. Economic activity increases since

“The first challenge that exists is the lack of information

houses are built for the workers and restaurants are set up

about the main advantages and issues that can come

to feed them. Commercial activities then blossom due to

with the development of a hydroelectric plant. We need

the increase of local consumption. Once the hydropower

to differentiate between small and large hydroelectric

plant starts operation, highly qualified people are needed to

projects so we can communicate the right information to

maintain and operate the plant. “We have found local people

local people,” comments Jinich.

that have acquired abilities in the different technical institutes in the areas where we operate. We hire these people and

The social challenges that arise around the construction of

take them to one of our plants to receive training, while

hydroelectric projects can be considerable. In fact, Jinich

the plant where they will eventually work for is still under

believes that it is likely that the largest hydroelectricity

construction,” says Jinich. Mexico has many technological

plants built in the future will still be developed by CFE due

institutes that educate people to the standards expected

to the social and environmental conflicts that could arise.

by Comexhidro and these graduates become an important

Many adequate sites for this type of energy generation are

target for project developers. The fact that the number of

located in poor and isolated areas. People subsist in these

people needed to operate a hydroelectric plant is limited

areas through elemental agriculture and with virtually no

impairs hiring capacity. Therefore, Comexhidro is developing

industrial activities. In these rural settings, land rights are

useful and productive side-projects during the lifespan of

a common barrier to project developments. “The land

a project, ranging from rainwater storage and collection

rights issue is very delicate in rural areas and has been a

facilities to harvest development and livestock farming

serious obstacle to the development of renewable energy




LA YESCA La Yesca Dam is located along the Santiago River at the border between the states of Nayarit and Jalisco. Located 90km northwest of Guadalajara, its construction was appointed to Empresas ICA and began in 2007. ICA won the CFE bidding with a proposal of US$768 million, beating the US$811.2 million proposal tabled by Constructora IDEAL and the US$855.98 million offer from Impregilo. CFE both owns and operates the 750MW hydroelectric project, which was inaugurated in 2012 by former President Felipe Calderón. The second tallest dam in Mexico behind the 261m high Chicoasen dam, La Yesca is 220m high and 628m long. Its power production capacity is destined to cover half the power demand of the city of Guadalajara, which is comparable to 12.5 million 60 watt light bulbs being turned on simultaneously. Among the world’s largest hydroelectric dams, La Yesca is also part of the Santiago Hydroelectric System that links 27 projects. This project alone was able to create 5,000 direct jobs and an extra 5,000 indirect ones during the four parts of the construction phase, namely the deviation of the river, the 208.5m high curtain, the spillway, and the generation facilities. The most important challenge that was overcome during the construction of La Yesca was due to the seismic fault running through the area, which caused the displacement of 5 million cubic meters of rocks in a major landslide. This increased the total cost of the project by 30% given the need to do away with dangerous portions of the neighboring hills and strengthen security. La Yesca will contribute to regulating the water flow downstream along the Santiago River in order to improve power generation at El Cajon and Aguamilpa dams. The reservoir of 2.5 million cubic meters will see 55.68% of its potential used to generate electricity, or a surface area of 1,329 million m3. The power plant atop the dam has two 375MW Francis turbine generators and it is producing approximately 1.21GWh annually. The Santiago Hydroelectric System is not yet complete, but the inauguration of La Yesca brought the goal of 4.3GW in installed capacity along the Santiago river, set by the administration of Former President Vicente Fox, one step closer.














Source: SENER


SUCCESSFULLY FOLLOWING CLIENTS TO MEXICO “When participating in a bidding process, value engineering

development. The firm has a laboratory in Spain where

procedures are the most important asset, which means

it runs small-scale hydro simulations, including channels,

providing high quality solutions at a competitive price that

ports, and dams as part of the research phase to improve

provide our clients with a sustainable advantage over their

technical details of larger projects. TYPSA also develops its

competitors,” says Pablo Salazar Magaña, Director General at

own software for simulations, and has an ongoing research

MEXTYPSA. TYPSA is a global engineering company involved

project focused on the optimization of foundations for

in areas such as installations, architecture, infrastructure,

offshore wind generators. This particular effort is focused

roads, railways, airports, and water engineering, among

on reducing the development cost of this relatively

others. Needless to say, the company felt the need to be

expensive renewable energy technology.

involved in the Mexican renewable energy market. MEXTYPSA is not looking to get involved in transmission, TYPSA has a long history in the hydropower market, building

although it can provide transmission infrastructure to

a number of hydropower dams in Spain, but it was not until

support its projects should it be needed. Salazar identifies

ten years ago that the company became interested in solar

CFE’s total control over national transmission infrastructure

and wind energy. Until now, the wind department has been

as a major issue. “In a free market, it is common to negotiate

responsible for 15GW in installed capacity across the globe,

with several operators and potential third parties that could

while the solar department has developed installations with

benefit from the additional kilometers of transmission lines

a capacity totaling 2GW. The renewable energy division has

that are to be built. This creates the possibility to reduce and

become the most important pillar for TYPSA, despite not

split the infrastructure costs.” In Mexico, however, developers

being the firm’s main source of income.

are moving their projects as close to the transmission lines

“International players that were previously not present in Mexico are arriving in the country with high expectations and strong investment capital” Pablo Salazar Magaña, Director General of MEXTYPSA

The company arrived in Mexico in 2008, following Spanish

as possible to gain access to the grid. The distance to

clients that were already active in the country, and started

the grid interconnection point determines the cost of the

operations one year later. “The fact that our frequent

necessary transmission line, which ultimately determines

customers from other parts of the world were already here

how developers prioritize projects.

meant that we could have the same client base in Mexico,”


tells Salazar. MEXTYPSA has already participated in three

“One of the objectives of Mexico’s National Energy Strategy

wind farms for Vestas, two for Gamesa, one for Enel,

is diversifying the methods used to produce energy and

and another one for Tradeco. The firm has also finished

the financing mechanisms for these projects. This benefits

a 30MW solar park in Baja California for Martifer, one of

MEXTYPSA because investors and producers that have

the largest in Mexico to date. For Salazar, Mexico’s solar

worked with the firm in other parts of the world are

energy potential is undisputable. “The solar sector will

requesting the company’s services in Mexico. International

continue developing, as Mexico has plenty of resources.

players that were previously not present in Mexico are

If Germany can reach outstanding levels of solar energy

arriving in the country with high expectations and strong

production, Mexico can do anything,” he tells. In addition

investment capital,” says Salazar, who interprets this as an

to these Mexican solar and wind sectors, MEXTYPSA is

indicator that the market is moving in the right direction and

experiencing great growth in the hydro sector. According

will continue to do so. “We think we are very well positioned

to Salazar, Mexico suffers from uneven water distribution,

in the Mexican market, considering that we have only been

with great humidity in the south and dry areas in the north.

operating here for four years,” states Salazar. During this

To help solve this, MEXTYPSA is developing aqueducts to

time, the company has been involved in all sorts of projects.

transport water from the humid areas to the dry regions.

MEXTYPSA’s positioning in the Mexican market is the

In order to continue providing similar problem solving

result of executing its value engineering strategy, the next

tactics, TYPSA is constantly investing in its research and

challenge is becoming a reference in engineering in Mexico.


Developing new technologies in Mexico can be challenging.



Carrión says Marersa has struggled with the government





to get several projects going, particularly in the wind

energy sources that are

sector. Furthermore, he believes Mexico does not have




full confidence in most renewable energies. In order to



attract private sector investment and earn a position in

mix in the coming years.

the market, reducing the cost of wave and tidal energy

“Marine energy is one of

has been the main priority. Marine technology is expensive

Francisco Carrión,

the most efficient energies

and maintenance costs are high because the equipment is

CEO of Marersa

in the world because it is

located underwater. “We are not going to need any oil to




predictable and there is

use our systems, which makes our equipment different from

a very limited amount of time during which there are no

the equipment developed by other companies,” explains

waves,” says Francisco Carrión, CEO of Marersa. “Mexico

Carrión. “This technology was developed by Marersa along

has 11,000km of coast and we are able to harvest 1MW per

with an aircraft company that manufactures parts for Boeing

80m of coast at an 85% to 95% efficiency rate.” Another

and Airbus.” The aerospace company that collaborated with

advantage of marine energy is that it avoids the problem

Marersa had been developing the system for two years,

of land ownership, which is one of the major challenges

testing it on beaches to prove that the technology works,

that must be overcome in developing energy projects in

and it is today Marersa’s exclusive representative worldwide.

Mexico. Marine energy projects must not necessarily be

In 2015 a manufacturing plant will be built in Mexico to start

located on beaches but can be in rocky coastal areas that

exporting Marersa’s technologies.

are not usually in high demand. Marersa is not only using its own developed and patented The value that this technology can bring needs to be proven

technologies but is also constantly in search of the best

before the government will be motivated to push for its

innovations around the world. For example, in order to

development. “In 2009, the Chamber of Deputies allocated

avoid electricity leaks, nanotechnology from Germany

US$2 million to deploying marine energy, but in the end

is going to be used in the recently patented mechanical

decided not to use the money, showing us that they were

equipment developed by the company. “We integrate these

not willing to explore new technologies,” says Carrión, who

technologies into our solutions and we give them a wide

expects that the new government will be more interested

variety of applications while avoiding the use of pollutants

in marine energy than the previous one was. The private

to minimize the environmental impact,” says Carrión.

sector is expected to be an important market for marine energy technologies as companies are becoming more

The company is also focusing on a technological solution

aware of the technologies that are being used. Companies

for electric cars: by using piezoelectricity - crystals that

like Marersa are already starting to develop a pipeline of

generate voltage when compressed or distorted - the tires

projects for the private sector and this will grow as time

of the car are able to generate energy that can be sent

passes. “We are planning to use our patented hydraulic

to the batteries. “Generating wave energy with hydraulics

and mechanical systems to harvest the energy from waves

and mechanics and using piezoelectricity adapted to tires

and we are going to be able to install 20kW equipment for

to charge electric cars are our breakthrough patents,”

beach houses and small buildings,” says Carrión. “However,

comments Carrión. These patents will be very useful

we are also focusing on working with companies that have

in positioning the company and its technologies in the

consumption levels exceeding 1MW.”

Mexican renewable energy market. Carrión claims that the company’s main project for this year is the construction

Marersa views innovation as key to ensuring continued

of its first 100MW tidal development in Mexico, due to

success. The company has patented modified wind turbines

be finished by the first semester of 2014, with another

with a powerful electromagnetic ring that aids movement.

100MW due to be completed by mid-2015. He is also

Though this equipment does not support perpetual

planning to use the patented technology to expand into

movement, only a small amount of wind is needed to make

other countries and approach partners in the Dominican

it spin, and the modifications the company has made have

Republic, Colombia, Panama and Guatemala. “In five years,

increased the efficiency of the turbine from 30% to 48%.

we hope that we will have proved the cost-efficiency of

Another important breakthrough made by Marersa has

marine energy plants and that we have started developing

been the foldable solar panels it has developed.

new technologies,” concludes Carrión.




5 The Mexican wind sector has gained momentum as the main driver of renewable energy growth in recent years. Aware of its potential, the wind industry is determined to make this sector a mainstay in the Mexican energy mix. After leading global wind turbine manufacturers and project developers opened the market, a wide range of companies is not involved in building the Mexican wind industry. Technological advancements are now allowing the expansion of the sector to places that were once thought unviable. The bastion of Mexican wind power, Oaxaca, is now seeing attention being diverted to Baja California, Chiapas, Zacatecas, Nuevo Leon, and Tamaulipas, among other Mexican states

This chapter features the perspectives of the major players in the Mexican wind industry, the challenges they have overcome and the opportunities they are aiming to capitalize on. We look at how wind projects have depended on the Open Season scheme, seek to explore new projects popping up across the country, and hear of how wind intends to stay ahead of the renewable energy pack.




Global Wind Energy Trends


Highlights of the Mexican Wind Energy Industry


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Wind Industry About To Truly Take Off


Time For Continuous and Sustainable Wind Industry Development


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Larger Turbines to be Rolled Out in Coming Years


EXPERT INSIGHT: Jesús Zaldua Lasa Games Energía Latin America


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Pioneering Commitment to Mexican Wind Energy


Turbine Pioneers Lobbying for Continued Success




VIEW FROM THE TOP: Hybrid Projects Could Become Mainstay in Energy Landscape


Wind Industry Drives Crane Demand


Well-Planned Projects May Surpass Larger Competitors


Small Steps toward Securing National Presence


VIEW FROM THE TOP: New Player With Wealth of Experience


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Aggressive but Careful Growth Strategy


Regional Experience for Mexican Wind Projects


Adaptability Key to Survival


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Envisioning the Mexican Wind Power Sector from a Global Perspective


Untapping Tamaulipas’ Full Wind Potential


Green Way to Expand Mexico’s Wind Sector


Lightning Damage Protection


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Early Promoters of Mexico’s Wind Potential


GLOBAL WIND ENERGY TRENDS Wind energy’s participation in the world’s total installed

developed in Morocco, Ethiopia and Kenya, while Egypt has

renewable energy capacity, excluding hydro, has decreased

settled on an ambitious plan to build over 7GW by 2020.

from 62% in 2010 to 59% in 2012 due to the increasing competitiveness of solar energy. The expansion of the wind

The Latin American region was due to surpass 2GW of

market continued despite the global economic slowdown,

newly installed capacity in 2013. By September 2013,

and global cumulative installed wind capacity increased by

Mexico had increased its installed capacity to 1,636MW

19% in 2012. By the end of 2012, total global installed capacity

with an additional 306MW due to be added before the end

increased to 282,587MW, with 44,799MW installed that

of the year. Growth was affected by the delays of several

year. The leading wind energy markets globally remained

projects that were planned to start operating. On the other

China, the US and Germany, with approximately 75,324MW,

hand, Brazil installed 1,077MW to surpass 2,500MW in

60,005MW, and 31,308MW of respective installed capacity.

2013. Brazil has set the objective to reach 16GW by 2021

These countries increased their installed capacity in

while Mexico aims to reach 12GW of installed capacity

12,960MW, 13,124MW and 2,415MW respectively during 2012.

by the end of 2020. In the rest of the South American region, Venezuela installed its first 30MW commercial

The Global Wind Energy Council predicted a slowdown in

wind power plant and Argentina added 54MW, reaching a

global new installed capacity in 2013, with new installations

total installed capacity of 167MW. In the Central American

to decrease by -11.6% relative to 2012. Nevertheless,

region, Nicaragua and Costa Rica contributed a joint

cumulative global installed capacity was forecast to increase

55MW. In North America, Canada installed 935MW in 2012,

by 14.1% for 2013, with the diversification of new growth

showing a slight slowdown compared to the 1.2GW installed

markets continuing to compensate for the slowdown across

the previous year.

China, India and Europe, which accounted for 62.6% of the total new installed capacity in 2012 and 76.3% in 2011.

Excluding China and India, the rest of the Asian markets did

The slowdown in China was caused by the tightening of

not show important increases in capacity, but countries are

regulations and bottlenecks impairing access to the grid.

making efforts to start participating in this market. Japan

India’s wind energy sector struggled due to the removal

reached a total of 2,614MW with just 88MW coming online in

of the government’s accelerated depreciation incentive

2012. Pakistan commissioned its first large-scale wind energy

while Europe’s debt crisis is still slowing down growth

project of 50MW in the province of Sindh to add to the 6MW it

in the renewable energy sector. Several countries across

has installed right now. In Oceania, Australia installed 358MW

Europe bucked the trend with the UK adding 1,897MW,

in 2012, boosting its installed capacity to reach 2,584MW and

Italy 1,273MW and Spain 1,122MW. Out of the newly installed

claim 85% of the wind industry in the region.

capacity in the United Kingdom, 854MW was installed offshore showing how the island nation is becoming the

In 2014, the wind industry is expected to bounce back from

undisputed offshore wind development leader, accounting

its slight dip in annual installed capacity growth in 2013.

for 65% of 2012’s global offshore growth. The increase in

Renewable energy has become ever more used around the

installed capacity in emerging wind markets was spread

world as installed capacity continues to grow, but wind

across several continents. Africa continued its emergence

seems to have the staying power to remain ahead of the

as a renewable energy destination, with projects being

pack, thanks to some major commitments.



(%) 536.1

500 14.0% 10.8%









25 20 15 10



5 0


-5 100 0

2012 Annual installed capacity (GW) Source: GWEC



-11.6% 44.8

39.6 2013

45.3 2014 Cumulative (GW)

51 2015

56.2 2016

61.2 2017

Annual installed capacity growth rate (%)


HIGHLIGHTS OF THE MEXICAN WIND ENERGY INDUSTRY The Mexican wind industry essentially drew its first breath

companies to provide their excess generation to CFE

when a group of developers in Oaxaca noted that the legal

and take it back from the grid when their plants are not

and regulatory framework was not ready for renewable

producing sufficient electricity. Renewable energies also

energies. From this stemmed a process of lobbying

have the advantage of paying fixed wheeling costs, no

the federal government to begin truly considering

matter where the energy is being transmitted to, with

Mexico’s wind energy potential and to make the needed

the wheeling tariff for renewable energies being lower

changes. “Those changes in the legal and regulatory

than the conventional tariff for electricity transmission.

framework coupled with increasing competitiveness of

These incentives, despite not being as generous as feed-

wind technology gave rise to the first large scale wind

in tariffs that are in place in some other countries, are

projects, starting with CFE’s La Venta II in 2006,” says

enough to promote the creation of economically feasible

Leopoldo Rodríguez Olivé, Renewable Energy Manager

wind projects. The small producer scheme, which applies

for Peñoles and the former President of the Mexican

to projects of up to 30MW, represents another important

Wind Energy association (AMDEE). The development of

opportunity as the Energy Reform is opening up the

wind projects in Oaxaca also benefited from the Open

potential market for IPPs (independent power producers).

Season scheme, which helped to address the serious

“The wind sector in Mexico is just about to explode,”

constraints that the wind sector was facing concerning

comments Adrián Escofet Cedeño, President of AMDEE.

transmission infrastructure. For a long time, the wind

As of 2013, Mexico has 1,636MW installed, mainly in

energy industry essentially only existed in Oaxaca. The

Oaxaca, but social problems in the state remain a crutch,

state is considered to have one of the best wind resources

and land ownership and usage is a complicated topic.

in the world, particularly in the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, but transmission challenges and overcrowding hinder its

Renewable energies must have a 35% participation in the

future. New technologies have transformed states such as

country’s energy mix by 2024, a goal that will require

Tamaulipas, Nuevo Leon, Chihuahua, Baja California, San

substantial growth in installed wind power capacity to

Luis Potosi and Chiapas into potential locations for wind

be accomplished. But Lourdes Melgar, Undersecretary of

power development, while other states are also receiving

Electricity at SENER, dismisses discussion of competition

industry interest.

between renewable energy sources and natural gas. “The development that we have experienced in terms

One issue that has impaired full trust from being placed

of wind, solar and geothermal is very slim compared to

in wind power is the resource’s intermittency, with critics

the challenge that we need to meet,” she says, stating

claiming that power plants using conventional fuels would

that there is a lot of room for the Mexican wind industry

be needed at times when wind is not blowing. However,

to continue to grow. Despite the goal to expand installed

an energy bank scheme created by CRE, SENER and CFE

wind capacity to 12GW by 2020, little long-term certainty

has now been developed as an important tool to match

has been provided to manufacturers. Nevertheless, with

the consumption needs of off-takers. Since wind power

the Energy Reform having passed, enthusiasm for the

can create generation surpluses, the energy bank allows

future of the wind sector seems to be rising.






(GW) 22.5









2.2 1



2 1












0 2014 Europe

North America

2015 Asia

2016 Latin America


2017 Middle East and Africa




Q: Over the past five years, the Mexican wind industry

actually used. The remaining 97% can be used for other

underwent a transformation. What have been the

purposes. This is not the case for solar, hydro, or other

milestones in its recent development?

renewable energy technologies.

A: We currently have approximately 2GW of installed wind capacity in Mexico, mainly in Oaxaca. The government has

Q: Can 12GW of installed wind power capacity be achieved

dedicated itself to reach the target of 12GW to be installed

within the current operational framework?

by 2020, a target that AMDEE has been pushing for. Over

A: The current legal and regulatory frameworks work

4GW are either in their planning or construction phase.

fine but there is always room for improvement. AMDEE

These projects will be operational by 2016 or 2017 as long

is constantly in discussion with the government and

as transmission infrastructure constraints are solved. The

the regulatory authorities. Many things have to be

wind industry is actually just about to take off.

done, such as making it easier for small producers to participate in the development of the Mexican wind

The generation costs of wind energy are competitive with

industry and improving the planning for transmission

other energy sources, and there is little doubt this industry

infrastructure. Improvements could be made in terms

will be the strongest player in the Mexican renewable

of understanding whether the self-supply scheme is the

sector. The government’s objective to generate 35% of

best way to promote renewables or if the government

Mexico’s electricity from renewable sources by 2024 is not

should buy electricity through CFE. We are moving in

possible without wind power. On its own, wind can provide

the right direction and the government is willing to take

between 40% and 50% of that capacity. Additionally, only

the necessary measurements for renewable energy to

3% of the total land on which a wind project is built is

comprise 35% of the total electricity production.


Leopoldo Rodríguez Olivé, Former President of AMDEE

AMDEE, the Mexican Wind

long-term plan for the expansion of transmission capacity.

Energy Association, has

The Open Season scheme has provided a solution in

helped the government to

regions where transmission deficiency has been an issue,

set the target of reaching

but Rodríguez Olivé says the Open Season scheme has

12GW installed wind power

certain elements that are not ideal, such as private parties

capacity by 2020. Some

needing to pay for planned capacity three to four years in



advance. Today, over 60% of installed wind power capacity

this target is moderate,

comes from private projects and off-takers. “Many of these





projects are profitable and sustainable,” says Rodriguez

wind industry in Oaxaca


Olivé. “However, with the natural gas price hovering at

developed in recent years,

around US$3 per million Btu, it is hard to justify investing

while new technology is enabling capacity factors of 35-

in wind energy or other renewables. But should the natural

40% in places where installing wind turbines was unheard

gas price rise to a range of US$4-6 per million Btu, then

of. However, Leopoldo Rodríguez Olivé, AMDEE’s former

wind energy would become competitive.”

President from 2011 to 2013, remains sanguine. He says that


transmission will be a major bottleneck, which is why the

Incentives include an energy bank that serves as a virtual

association is seeking for the government to commit to a

energy storage for self-supply projects, and transmission

Q: What is your perspective on Mexico’s planned increase

promotes and coordinates several studies that focus on issues

in the use of natural gas?

that are important to the sector, such as small producers and

A: Mexico is rich in natural gas and its northern neighbor, the

infrastructure. We provide information for policy makers in

US, has become one of the largest natural gas producers

the government by giving them access to studies done by

in the world. It makes sense for the Mexican government

the private sector, academia and experts in the field.

to expand its natural gas-fired power generation capacity, but this is not as green as wind energy although it is less

Q: Why has the wind industry been slow to expand outside

polluting than other fossil fuels. Renewable energies are not

of Oaxaca?

yet capable of playing a central role alone. Wind has huge

A: In Oaxaca it is possible to achieve capacity factors of

potential, hydropower is underdeveloped, and solar is still not

more than 40% with wind technology that is five years old.

competitive enough. In spite of our best wishes to shift from

There is a significant difference with the capacity factors of

natural gas to renewable energy, this is just not possible yet.

just above 20% that can be achieved in other parts of the country or the US. However, new technologies are creating

Q: What are the limitations of the wind sector in Mexico?

opportunities for wind development in Tamaulipas, Baja

A: The main limitation we face has to be transmission

California, Chihuahua, Coahuila, Zacatecas, Puebla, and

infrastructure. This situation affects the wind sector more

other states.

than any other. Oaxaca has a potential of 6-8GW, but current transmission infrastructure cannot deal with this

Q: How can a local supply chain for the wind energy

amount of energy. There are also other nuisances affecting

industry be created in Mexico?

the Mexican wind sector but they are not problems: it

A: Mexico has been successful in developing supply chains

is a new sector, everyone is learning about it, including

for industries such as automotive and aerospace. This

experienced international companies, since every country

could also be achieved in the wind industry. AMDEE has

approaches renewable energies in its own way.

to convince manufacturers to come to Mexico and share technology with local companies that could become

Q: How can AMDEE push CFE to provide more certainty

suppliers for domestic projects. However, manufacturers

to producers?

need some degree of certainty. We talk about installing

A: As an association representing most of the Mexican wind

12GW in the next ten years but the industry does not know

sector, we work alongside CFE, CRE and SENER. AMDEE

what is going to happen in the next two, four, or five years.

at a fixed rate regardless of where the energy is generated

ranging from operation and maintenance to consulting,

and consumed, are already producing results in the absence

construction, and financing. In the short term, advanced

of feed-in tariffs and subsidies. “The combination of these

components will be imported, especially given that

incentives and Mexico’s available wind resources eliminate

European manufacturers are looking for new export

all questions about the financial viability of wind energy

markets due to overcapacity in their home countries.

projects,” Rodriguez Olivé adds.

“With much of the equipment and machinery still coming from abroad, there is a strong potential for Mexican

In Mexico, most wind projects have been financed by

manufacturers to move up,” explains Rodríguez Olivé.

development institutions, such as IFC, NAFINSA, Banobras,

“A lot of electronic and mechanical components could

the North American Development Bank, and the Inter-

be manufactured domestically since Mexico has already

American Development Bank, as well as commercial banks.

shown its potential for manufacturing joint ventures in the

However, a growing track record has seen more commercial

automotive and aerospace industries. Small and medium

banks interested in investing in wind projects, says Rodríguez

size companies as well as large turbine manufacturers are

Olivé. He adds that this has translated into manufacturers

already looking for suppliers in Mexico.”

and service providers developing strong human and technical capabilities in Mexico and acquiring expertise in the

“The Mexican wind industry has the chance to grow in a

market. Domestic abilities for engineering projects and the

continuous and sustainable way,” he concludes. “There

construction of towers and turbines are thus increasing.

is potential to fully deploy this industry across the value chain and beyond power generation projects. To do so,

To take the next step, Rodríguez Olivé recommends that

every strategy must be based upon long-term objectives

Mexico strengthens its services and supply industries,

and take into consideration the expansion of the grid.”



LARGER TURBINES TO BE ROLLED OUT IN COMING YEARS TEODORO MONZÓN ARRIBAS President Mexico & Latin America of Gamesa Q: What is Gamesa’s strategy to deliver on its commitment

number one wind turbine manufacturer in Mexico due to

to offer customers the lowest possible cost of energy?

the concentration of parks that Gamesa has developed, as

A: Currently our strategy is focused on providing a product

well as machines that have been acquired by clients.

with proved state-of-the-art technology at a competitive price. We are investing millions of dollars each year in

Q: Which role can Gamesa’s 2.0-2.5MW platform, with

research and development, and from our initial range of

different blade options and tower heights, play in the

600kW, 650kW or 850kW wind turbines, we jumped to

diversification of the Mexican wind industry from Oaxaca

2-2.5MW turbines and more recently to our new 4.5MW

to states with lower wind factors?

wind turbine platform. Few companies have a 4.5MW

A: The wind sector is currently working in many states

wind turbine in the market nowadays. We have recently

in Mexico. The initial focus of the industry was on the

taken an important leap by installing an offshore 5MW

region with the strongest wind, which is the Isthmus of

prototype in the Canary Islands, which has been working

Tehuantepec, but new developments are now taking place

since October 2013 and is our first product for the offshore

in the northern states, such as Baja California, Sonora,

market. We are working on certifying the wind turbine

Chihuahua, Coahuila, Nuevo Leon, and Tamaulipas. Due

of the Canary Islands and we plan to begin installing our

to its potential and advanced network, Tamaulipas will

machines in Scotland and the Baltic in the next few years.

follow Oaxaca’s development. Baja California is facing

We believe offshore will enable us to install higher power

an interconnection issue; if it was connected to Mexico’s

machines, possibly reaching 7-8MW in the future. Large

national grid, it would be a different story. The day this

scale offshore development is going to happen on a global

network exists, and CFE is working on it, Baja California

scale, as long as the continental shelf is not very deep and

will be able to develop a lot of renewable energy. It will

the ecosystem on the seabed allows it. We are constantly

take time because we are talking about a high voltage

investing in developing new high power products with low

400km grid, as well as finding the land, and building the

energy costs because we are aware that wind power is

wind farms and substations. It could take years, but when

competing with other types of energy.

that is done, Baja California will become an important wind energy center. There are other states like Zacatecas,

Q: Gamesa’s 2.0-2.5MW platforms are the most used in

San Luis Potosi, Puebla, and Yucatan where developers

Mexico due to their capacity to adjust to the geographical

are already at work. As for Oaxaca, the Open Season 2 will

conditions and existing resources. What have been the

take at least three years to build the required transmission

most important developments using this product in terms

lines and substations. During this time, developers will be

of quality and performance?

concentrating on other states. In the next two or three

A: Our main development area in Mexico is Oaxaca, where

years, wind farms will be built in eight or ten Mexican

we have been developing parks and selling turbines for


almost 10 years. The high speed winds in the Isthmus of


Tehuantepec require special Class I wind turbines due

The design of our 4.5MW turbines is state-of-the-art.

to the potential for earthquakes and very strong winds,

Installed with blades that have a diameter of 128m,

when machines might be stopped due to excess speed.

these turbines generate energy for 15,000 families. The

The machine protects itself when the wind speed goes

equipment is transported in precast segments and are

over a determined speed to prevent damage to the

assembled on site, in the same way as our 2MW turbine

blades. Currently, we are operating close to 1GW and we

equipment. The next five years will see the installation of

are building an additional 550-560MW. This means that

4.5MW wind turbines in Mexico. However, projects have to

Gamesa will have close to 1,500MW operating in Mexico,

be planned in a way that enables them to use this type of

adding the small development in Baja California to the

equipment. It also takes three to four years to develop a

Isthmus operation. This means we will continue to be the

wind park using these turbines, because of the extended

| EXPERT INSIGHT wind measurement period that is needed to determine if







the turbines are adequate for a project.

characteristics, how does Gamesa adapt to specific conditions within Mexico?

Q: What is your strategy to optimize your maintenance and after-sale service portfolio?

Gamesa has a strong position in Mexico based on

A: Between operation and maintenance, Gamesa oversees

local knowhow, human resources, domestic supply

more than 19GW of the 27.6GW it has installed globally.

chain relations, knowledge of customer needs,

The rest is the responsibility of companies that have their

the reliability of our products, and our ability to

own maintenance operations, such as CFE. Over the past

successfully deliver our projects. The first thing that

two decades, we have worked in the wind energy sector in

we establish is viability. When you are putting up a

major markets such as India, China, Europe, the US, Brazil,

wind farm, the first thing you have to do is present

and Japan, among others. Working across five continents

your track record and the performance of your

creates knowledge and experience which can be applied

technology. Secondly, we must become incredibly

to specific situations.

familiar with the conditions in which we are going to develop a wind farm. For example, the wind industry

Our main alliances are with electricity companies and

in Oaxaca has developed along the Isthmus of

utilities. Iberdrola owns 19.7% of Gamesa, and we have

Tehuantepec, which has very strong wind conditions

ties to Enel, EDF, Gas Natural Fenosa, Grupo Mexico and

and the machines we use there are certified as Class

Renovalia. We have also worked very closely with CFE

I by international bodies. We have the right machines

since it started acquiring wind turbines from us.

on the ground. We have a Class I 850kW machine and a 2MW machine with blades that are 80m in diameter.

Q: How attractive is the small and medium-size wind

We also recently installed a Class I turbine but with

project market for Gamesa?

blades of 87m in diameter. We have to understand the

A: Projects that fall under the small power producer

conditions, including turbulence, mountainous terrain,

scheme are part of our portfolio. For example, we are

warm environments as well as cold climates, where

working on a 2MW wind farm for a municipality in Sonora,

ice can form on the blades. There are always certain

which might be expanded to 6MW at a later stage. The

aggressive environmental conditions that we have

issue with small wind farms is their financing capacity.

to adapt to. The Isthmus of Tehuantepec has seismic

One way of supporting them is to pass regulation wherein

conditions over sandy terrain as well as the risk of

another entity, such as the state government, throws its

flooding. It is simply a matter of engineering while

support behind such projects. This does not change the

using a design that is adequate for the conditions

fact that small power producers need the involvement and

presented. You can construct buildings that shake

backing of a third party for financial institutions to approve

and do not crumble during an earthquake. We are

the financing.

using similar technologies. If you do not take these issues into account, the project will fail.

Q: What is the main impact that the secondary laws will have on the Mexican energy sector?

Since all wind turbine manufacturers use the same

A: This depends on how the secondary laws will settle

methodology, the company with the machines that

certain issues, such as how wind energy will be billed, how

can provide the most megawatt hours for the right

contracts will be structured, how tenders will proceed, and

price will win. It is always about the combination of

the future of the self-supply scheme. All of these issues will

production and price. The particularity here is that

be clarified in the secondary laws. CFE’s role will also be

the open season for bidding and project proposals

clearly defined, which will bring further development. The

closes. Six years ago, 2,500MW were being solicited.

target to produce 35% of Mexico’s electricity from clean

There has been a long development period while CFE

sources by 2024 is very ambitious, but it can be reached if

installed all of the transmission lines from the Isthmus

a sturdy legal framework is achieved through the secondary

de Tehuantepec to the center of the country. Hopefully,

laws. Mexico is a very attractive country for foreign

with the end of the Open Season, our colleagues will

investment in different sectors, including renewable energy.

see their projects up and running, and 2,500MW will

In order for projects to become a reality, three elements

come online.

need to be working in sync: resources, grid, and regulation. Mexico is developing its grid infrastructure, resources are

Jesús Zaldua Lasa,

available, so the only thing missing is regulation.

Former Chairman of Gamesa Energía Latin America




Q: How did Vestas reach such a dominant position within

creating larger rotors and then gradually introducing larger

the global wind industry?

generators. This is important as knowing what type of rotors

A: We have always led the industry because we gave rise

will be available in the next few years helps us plan ahead in

to the industry. We have always designed our own core

different areas of the country.

technology, and have the largest fleet of wind turbines in operation. We use our advantageous position to predict

I was particularly interested in participating in this research

the market while investing heavily in our manufacturing

because people were asking the wrong questions. Prior

capacity. Vestas has taken decisive steps, changing its

to this, it was common to hear stakeholders talking about

vision from focusing on developed markets to focusing

Mexico’s wind power potential in GW. This question is

on emerging markets such as Latin America. We have a

pointless because it does not involve generation costs.

meaningful presence in Mexico, where we cover activities

When we published the results of our own research,

for local execution across the value chain. Our local

including a graph of the supply curve that clearly

office takes care of equipment transportation as well as

demonstrates that the available amount of wind power

replacements and components, through our Mexican

depends on the amount of capital invested. This is also

service and maintenance team. We have managed to

the case for possible off-takers and available self-supply

become a local company and becoming local in emerging

projects. There are many off-takers who have great credit

markets is part of our global strategy.

options but variable tariffs. Companies like FEMSA and WalMart have retail mid-voltage tariffs, which make projects

Q: How does Mexico’s investment environment compare

more attractive. This phenomenon will grow over time as

to other emerging markets in Latin America?

technology becomes more competitive. By 2017, many

A: Mexico is more attractive than other emerging markets

industrial off-takers will be viable for self-consumption. In

in macro-economic terms, mainly due to the lower financial

addition, there is a pool of potential off-takers in the public

risk it presents. The country struggled with the financial

lighting system, the water pumping system, and others

crisis before the rest of the world but cleaned up its act

which have not been extensively explored.

much earlier too. Looking at credit ratings and liquidity in the banking system, it is possible to find better credit for

Q: How much of the development of a local supply chain

projects in Mexican pesos than in US dollars. In addition,

will be driven by industry leaders such as Vestas as

the unlocking of the pension system in Mexico is opening

opposed to the government?

several opportunities for the energy and infrastructure

A: The industry is very committed to making this happen.

sectors. There is a lot of capital available right now and

When these markets are born and are explored by

the economy keeps on growing, therefore it makes sense

developers, there is an evolution towards visibility and

to invest in energy in Mexico, even when it does not make

risk-taking. Usually, these pioneers demand a regulatory

sense to do so in other markets.

framework within two to three years. This helps the market get started. However, these timeframes change for


Q: What would be required to create the critical mass

investments in manufacturing. Once developers manage to

needed to sustain the development of the wind sector

open up a market, manufacturers appear and this creates

and secure its steady growth for the future?

political expectations. When the Mexican government

The idea behind SENER’s latest study on Mexico’s wind

and market show the foresight to create a long-term

power potential came from a previous experience within

regulatory mechanism, the industry will begin investing

the European photovoltaic industry. For wind power, we

as it will acknowledge the need to protect the regulatory

can foresee a number of technological innovations that will

framework. In short, authorities should procure wind power

continue to drop its costs. This is a fixed trend but challenges

and specify the type of mechanisms or contracts that will

remain. We need to overcome the technical challenge of

allow the industry to grow.




not new to technology development,


products, an essential factor when selling to the demanding markets of the US and Canada.


came up with the first

To prepare for future challenges, Potencia Industrial operates


one of the only two laboratories for high voltage efficiency





testing in Mexico, the other one belonging to CFE. “We have

turbine in the world, a

invested heavily in testing facilities and engineering that



enable us to develop technology that would generally require

Carlos Gottfried Joy,

company patented in 1975.

more time and money from a larger company,” says Gottfried

President of Potencia Industrial

Aiming to make renewable









energy a practical reality,

company’s portfolio include the development of frequency

the company moved on to design and build 550kW

converters for aircraft docking terminals in American

induction and 750kW doubly fed wound rotor generators

airports. Despite the development of new technologies and

for companies like Enron in the 1990s. During Mexico’s

its testing laboratory, Gottfried Joy does not feel the Mexican

economic crisis of that decade, Potencia Industrial shifted

energy market presents the right conditions to justify the

its manufacturing model as part of a survival strategy.

development of a domestic value chain. “We do have the US

The company went from building industrial motors

market next door, but that market stops and starts and does

and generators to machines for the renewable energy

not require or incentivize permanent operations in Mexico,”

industry. New activities included making generators for

explains Gottfried Joy. “However, there are a few strong

small hydroelectric projects. “These are highly efficient

suppliers here in Mexico, such as Trinity Industries that has

generators with variable speed applications, which happen

plants in Texas and Ireland.” He explains that Mexico has the

to be the perfect match for wind generators,” states Carlos

capacity to manufacture wind turbines but actually doing so

Gottfried Joy, President of Potencia Industrial. The main

would require clear objectives. “It would make more sense

client of the company over the years has been Clipper

for such products to be manufactured in Mexico and sold to

Windpower, which acquired 3,500 generators with total

the US. But the US has encouraged an increase in domestic

capacity of 2,700MW.

manufacturing, so this has become more difficult.”

As a member of AMDEE, one of Potencia Industrial’s

However, Gottfried Joy believes that Mexico’s manufacturing



potential could supply American and Canadian factories, if

government about renewable energy. “As an industry,






assembly processes were brought back to the country and

we are now more institutional in terms of lobbying. The

if idle industrial potential was properly utilized. Potencia

country has very clear renewable energy targets for 2024,

Industrial would be ready to act if such a situation arose.

but the steps that must be taken to reach these targets

“If there are going to be turbines made in Mexico, we want

have not been clearly defined,” explains Pablo Gottfried

Potencia Industrial to supply the generators. Most turbine

Blackmore, Director General at Fuerza Eólica, a company

manufacturers like us have vertically integrated and are now

belonging to Potencia Industrial. “The government and

making their own generators.”

private sector have to reach agreements on infrastructure and transmission in order for investment to grow in the

The state of Mexican manufacturing can also be seen in

sector. Wind energy has proven itself by producing power

the challenges Potencia Industrial faces to keep its market

at prices that can compete with coal or hydropower

position. Gottfried Joy says that a ten-year head start in

without the need for subsidies,” says Gottfried Joy. The

R&D has given the firm several advantages. However, he

technological developments that have increased the

adds that “Potencia Industrial’s Mexican competition is

wind energy sector’s competitiveness, made it more

fading when compared to international manufacturers.

challenging for Potencia Industrial to find suitable turbine

This situation encourages the company to reinvest

manufacturers to partner with. Eventually, Spanish firm

significant resources in research and development, such

Made designed a turbine for the strong winds in Oaxaca.

as sophisticated software for designing electric rotating

The company, later acquired by Gamesa, installed the first

machines.” But whatever direction the market might take,

utility-scale wind farm in Mexico with modern turbines.

Gottfried Joy is confident the 60-year-old firm’s quality

This also allowed Potencia Industrial to bring another of

products will see it through. “We want to help Mexico

its products into play, high efficiency permanent-magnet

make a decisive move towards renewable energy and we

generators. High efficiency is at the core of the company’s

are waging on that happening,” he concludes.




LA VENTA III Just two months before leaving office, former President Felipe Calderón inaugurated La Venta III, Iberdrola’s third wind farm in Mexico. Located in the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, the wind farm has a total installed capacity of 102MW and an estimated annual production of 255GWh. It is comprised by 121 Gamesa G52 850kW wind turbines. Under the independent power producer scheme, Iberdrola signed a power purchase agreement to sell the energy to CFE for the next 20 years. Iberdrola also operates two additional wind farms in Mexico: La Ventosa (102MW) and Bii Nee Stipa (26MW). La Ventosa’s capacity was increased from 80MW to 102MW in an extension that was finished in January 2014, which saw 11 new wind turbines erected, alongside new transmission lines. This means that Iberdrola’s oldest wind farm in Mexico can now supply electricity to over 190,000 Mexican households and avoid some 230,000 tonnes of CO2 emissions each year. In January 2014, the firm announced a major new wind farm in Esperanza, Puebla. With an estimated investment of US$120 million, the first phase will involve 35 turbines with a combined capacity of 65MW. Eventually, this wind farm is expected to reach a total installed capacity of 362MW, vastly increasing Iberdrola’s current installed capacity of 230MW. Iberdrola’s Mexican presence stretches well beyond the wind indsutry as the firm stands as the largest private power generator in the country, and second overall behind CFE. It already has six combined cycle power plants in Mexico, representing a total installed capacity of 5,287MW. This sector of its operations also looks set to keep growing as in January 2014, Iberdrola won a US$270 million contract to build the Baja California III 300MW gasfired power plant, with CFE as the off-taker under a 25-year power purchase agreement. This expansion is linked to a US$3.2 billion investment plan Iberdrola has announced will be rolled out across Latin America from 2012 to 2014, with Mexico and Brazil as its two anchors.



HYBRID PROJECTS COULD BECOME MAINSTAY IN ENERGY LANDSCAPE HÉCTOR MARTÍNEZ VIVAS CEO & Managing Director of Next Energy Q: Why did you select GE as your partner for the

Q: What are the projects in the pipeline to build additional

development of the first wind farm in Nuevo Leon?

renewable energy capacity?

A: The 22MW Santa Catarina wind farm, which will provide

A: Next Energy is currently seeking to build the Santa

energy to seven municipalities in the Monterrey area,

Catarina II wind farm and we are in negotiation to use land

was not only the first wind farm in Nuevo Leon but also

in Corcel de Piedra, Nuevo Leon. The company’s strategic

marked the entry of GE into the Mexican wind industry.

vision is to diversify by having wind farms in several states.

The technology offered by GE was one of the major selling

We are now working on wind projects in Durango and San

points for the partnership, as its equipment was 30%

Luis Potosi as well as geothermal facilities in Baja California.

cheaper than what Vestas was offering, for example. GE

Our El Durangueño project in Durango will be a hybrid

has a huge wind operation in Texas, which has a spectacular

project, combining wind and solar, with a total capacity of

availability of 99.7%. We signed a 5-year contract to get a

150MW. The Next Energy team also plans on constructing

minimum availability of 97.5% at Santa Catarina, which is

a 15MW geothermal facility in Baja California to which we

a very good availability percentage for our project. When

will add 10MW of solar power. Construction began on this

compared on initial purchasing cost alone, GE turbines

project in 2013, and technical feasibility requirements have

are not the cheapest option in the market. However, it

been sent to CFE for the interconnection of 25MW.

is essential to take into account other issues that occur after the commercial operations date (COD). The most

Q: How important could your larger hybrid project in

important issue after COD is the availability factor, and GE’s

Durango be to inspire others to follow suit?

exceptional availability factor means that a developer can

A: It is very important to optimize the use of land as land

compensate for the initial price of GE turbines by knowing

owners want to maximize their income. In the case of El

they will pay off this difference in less than five years.

Durangueño, we decided to include a solar plant to make






strong background serving a number of industries, allowing


it to best identify the technologies needed by developers,



purchasing machinery such as a 600-tonne capacity crane

carved a niche for itself by

commonly used to erect wind turbines. “We also bought a



specialized truck for the transportation of wind turbines,

and crane leasing services,

which offers the added advantage of a narrower crawler

as well as selling heavy

track. This feature allows easier access to the wind farm, as

machinery, to renewable

this truck does not need the wide roads that a crane would,”

energy project developers.

Pérez-Gil explains. “Auriga’s engineering department

“Our equipment’s capacity

makes use of specialized software to plan out all technical

ranges from 15 to 800 tonnes, and we also provide

maneuvers in detail, prior to carrying them out. Coupled

specialized transport,” said Ricardo Pérez-Gil, Director

with its focus on renewing equipment, this pre-planned

General of Auriga, explaining that the company has recently

approach helps to ensure optimal performance and safety

focused its business on the wind sector. Five years ago,

conditions for the machinery. They are equipped with the

Auriga sensed a need for high capacity cranes in the wind

latest technologies, such as anemometers which measure

power industry and made a large investment in the sector,

wind speed and stop the machines if they detect winds

including renewing and updating its equipment portfolio.

that are too strong for safe operation,” Pérez-Gil explains.

Ricardo Pérez-Gil, Director General of Auriga


Prior to branching out into the wind sector, Auriga had a


Queretaro, and


use of those parts of the wind farm’s layout that were not

100MW. After that, investors can move in and construction

being used. This solution convinced the landowners to

gets under way. For geothermal, the same process costs

sign the land lease agreement. The wind farm started with

approximately US$4-5 million, without the same guarantees

120MW, but we then added 30MW as a solar project. The

being in place. After spending that money, the findings

best kind of business is created when all parties involved

might be disappointing, effectively meaning that money has

are winning, as they are in this case.

been wasted. This risk level is hampering the development of geothermal. However, if you do hit the right spot after

Next Energy is setting the example on how to be successful

that big investment and a geothermal project becomes

with hybrid projects, which will encourage other companies

feasible, the potential is phenomenal as geothermal plants

to develop them. But such projects do face certain

have capacity rates of between 90% and 95%. For example,

restrictions. For example, our El Durangueño plant can

three different locations have already been explored for our

assign the energy produced by its wind farm to off-takers,

Baja California geothermal project. The presence of energy

but the same is not true for the solar plant. It is important

sources was confirmed in October 2013. This was crucial as

to consider the difference in Mexican legislation here. As the

it allowed us to prove the viability of our project to potential

wind farm was built under the self-supply scheme model,

investors. Before that happened, Next Energy invested

we can assign its energy to the off-taker. On the other hand,

a lot of its own capital into demonstrating that it had an

the solar plant was built under the small power producer

important geothermal site.

scheme, capping its potential at 30MW. The produced energy will be going to CFE, and we are in negotiations to

Q: What are the development ambitions of Next Energy

sign a PPA with the utility. If we did not have this restriction,

for the coming years?

we could have built a solar farm with a capacity of 50MW,

A: Next Energy will definitely focus on large-scale projects

as we have an excellent location for both solar and wind.

in the future. For wind and solar, the company has overcome the learning curve and knows how to carry out business

Q: Why has the private sector showed limited interest in

development for different capacity plants. Our pipeline of

developing geothermal projects in Mexico?

projects should allow us to have 1.2GW installed by 2019.

A: Mexico has fantastic geothermal resources but the risks

This is likely to be an 80-15 split between wind and solar, with

are simply too high for companies to be willing to invest.

geothermal making up the rest. If we can succeed with the

To take a wind farm from its pre-feasibility phase to its

geothermal project in Baja California, we will replicate this

feasibility stage costs around US$1 million for a capacity of

model in other states, such as Aguascalientes and Michoacan.

Pérez-Gil also insists that the machinery component of

energy industry are also barriers to growth for Auriga itself,

Auriga is complemented by a strong focus on developing

with social problems being chief among them. “They are our

the human side of the business through training and

clients’ problems,” said Pérez-Gil, “but they extend to us as we

retaining staff. “Many employees have been with us for 20

face problems in terms of coordinating logistics. For example,

years and are constantly receiving training,” says Pérez-

members of ejidos and other communities have their hair

Gil. “Our cranes supplier also provides us with specialized

stand on end when they see a big piece of machinery arrive.”

training, which we pass on to operators and laborers.”

In addition, he explains that the procedures imposed by the

Auriga’s commitment to safety and security has helped it

government have also stifled industry growth. “Regulation

to build and maintain power plants across the country. In

about the construction of wind farms is not well defined,

2013, the company finished work on the construction of a

which ultimately costs us, in terms of time and money. Some

combined cycle power plant for Grupo Mexico. But a more

projects get furloughed or suffer major modifications due to

common task for Auriga is to assist with plant maintenance

regulatory factors,” he said.

for companies such as Siemens, Iberdrola and Mitsubishi. Auriga’s positive streak in the wind sector has given the “We have worked on eight wind farms,” said Pérez-Gil.

company confidence that continued investment in this arm

“Several Spanish companies have hired us for transportation

of the business will pay off in the end. “We have refrained

of equipment, usually from Veracruz or Mexico to Oaxaca.

from committing equipment to other large scale construction

We hauled and installed towers for leaders in the sector,

projects in expectation of a wind farm boom,” Pérez-Gil

such as Gamesa, Acciona, Iberdrola, Vestas, and Siemens,”

shares. “When this boom arrives, Mexico will need many

he adds. Yet the challenges that threaten the growing wind

more cranes than the country currently has available.”


WELL-PLANNED PROJECTS MAY SURPASS LARGER COMPETITORS Most wind power projects in Mexico are developed by

will be challenging for the government to meet its target of

large global companies from Spain, Germany, or the

having 12GW of installed wind capacity by 2020.

United States. Zapoteca de Energía, on the other hand, is


a development of the Mexican conglomerate Grupomar as

Zapoteca de Energía has carved itself a niche in the small-

part of its efforts to diversify its assets and investments in

scale energy production market. The company does

renewable energies. At a time when many wind companies

not wish to limit itself to any particular combination of

are turning their attention away from Oaxaca to other

renewable energy sources, as its objective is to develop

states, Zapoteca de Energía is proud that its flagship

as many renewable projects as possible, based on costs

project, a 70MW wind farm in Juchitan, has contributed

and feasibility. “There is a lot of contradictory information

to the rise of Oaxaca. Zapoteca de Energía’s Executive

surrounding renewables which drives how companies invest.

Director, Adrián Escofet Cedeño, admits that Oaxaca has

Many companies prefer wind because they think hydro is

had problems, but disagrees the state is losing its shine

too complicated. Others prefer hydro because they see it as

for the wind sector. “Setting up wind plants there is

easier to manage. We try to choose the best possibilities in

complicated, it requires a big effort in terms of money and

order to maximize our return on investment and flexibility to

time, but it is achievable. The proof lies in the 2GW of wind

present an optimal power offer to our potential off-takers,”

power operating in Oaxaca,” says Escofet Cedeño.

explains Escofet Cedeño.

Grupomar invested in this wind farm to generate power for its

Zapoteca de Energia is planning exponential growth

own plants, but external off-takers were also sought. Escofet

by 2020, and the goal is to expand far beyond Oaxaca.

Cedeño says the search for off-takers involved Zapoteca

Zapoteca de Energía’s most important projects are located

de Energía approaching different types of companies than

in Oaxaca, Tamaulipas, and Nuevo Leon, and experts

some of their competitors. “We have to compete in an open

are currently analyzing sites in the north of Mexico for

market. Everybody looks for the sophisticated, globalized

their next endeavor. Zapoteca de Energía believes the

companies but these are almost booked up already. This

renewable energy sector will offer many opportunities and

means there is a large and virtually unexplored market

is the third sector in which Grupomar wishes to become an

in Mexico among smaller companies, who have energy

important player. Zapoteca de Energía wants to become

demands ranging between 5MW and 15MW. Electricity is an

a significant player without growing too much in order to

important part of their costs and they are keen to discover

avoid having to compete with the largest companies in the

how they can diminish this part of their production costs.

industry. “Our goal is to have a fair share of the market

Since our wind farm is not that big at 70MW, it gives us the

with projects that are not necessarily big but are very well-

flexibility of working with lower-demand type of clients,”

planned, have flexibility, strong optimization capabilities,

explains Escofet Cedeño. Additionally, he points out that

and offer benefits for off-takers,” Escofet Cedeño points

with the Energy Reform giving chances to small producers,

out. Larger companies have specific goals measured in

more projects on a smaller scale are likely to emerge. He

megawatts, but Zapoteca de Energía’s model allows for

adds that without their contribution in the wind energy, it

more time given to meticulous planning.

SMALL STEPS TOWARD SECURING NATIONAL PRESENCE Four years ago, Mase Energy first entered the renewable

According to Martínez, Mexico has done a good job in

energy sector with a bioenergy project in Chiapas. The

promoting technological development, but the widespread

endeavor was not well received due to its use of jatropha

implementation of this technology needs public and private

seeds amid land use restrictions. The company changed

sectors to collaborate. However, the private sector appears

its focus to wind energy and began scouting properties

to continue being very skeptical of the public sector, he

in Oaxaca. After shutting the project down, the company

believes. “The government has many support programs

returned to Chiapas only to run into a number of difficulties

and funds that are regrettably difficult to access,” says

with CFE’s grid. Additionally, the company had to earn the

Martínez. “The private sector needs tax incentives to be

trust of the industry’s big players who were distrustful of yet

attracted to invest in renewable energies and to develop

another new enterprise trying to muscle in on the market. Its

domestic technologies,” Martínez says. As such, he is

first project is being built in San Luis Potosi, with construction

concerned about the correct allocation of public funding.

having begun in 2013 after three years of development. Two

“Frequently, this money ends up in the hands of companies

more wind farms are being planned for 2014.

that may not have the technical expertise or knowledge

“There are great opportunities for growth here but the government has to further the reforms and create the right conditions for investment” Sergio Martínez, CEO of Mase Energy

Mase Energy is betting that being a local Mexican firm that

to actually develop anything concrete. This happens when

knows the Mexican market and business practices will help

the person in charge of allocating the funds is not familiar

it get ahead. As Sergio Martínez, the company’s CEO says,

with the renewable energy sector.”

having a small, efficient and detail-oriented ally that pays close attention to details can increase any given project’s

Mase Energy may be dedicated to the wind sector today, but

return rate. “There are highly qualified people in big

it has not forgotten its roots in biofuels. A major challenge

public companies but their interests are usually different

it faces in being unable to pursue this line of business is

from those of smaller players,” says Martínez. In the case

the lack of inputs to produce biofuels. The government

of Mase Energy, being a smaller, non-public company is

promoted the farming of jatropha plants to create biofuels

about focusing on the development of the project and

and collect the used oil, but this initiative did not yield the

on benefits to the communities and to society at large.

expected results. “The much needed raw materials are

Mase Energy has developed alliances with large European

considered waste and agricultural communities are not

companies. However, the Mexican firm must secure a

aware of the best jatropha farming methods,” explains

majority participation in the projects to guarantee quality

Martínez. “The Mexican government has to cooperate with

service and continue building trusting relationships with its

the private sector to inform and educate people about


these practices. Mexico has powerful winds, high solar radiation, and potential geothermal resources. There are

The players in Mexico’s renewable energy sector are

great opportunities for growth here but the government

changing. A few years back, building a 200MW or 300MW

has to further the reforms and create the right conditions

project was not impossible due to the availability of suitable

for investment. This is the perfect moment to start working

wind resources in Oaxaca. These conditions attracted

in Mexico. If any foreign or Mexican company is interested,

big companies like Iberdrola, Acciona, or Gamesa, who

now is the time to enter the market,” states Martínez.

came to Mexico with capital and expertise to spare. Their Mexican counterparts, such as Mase Energy, could not

During the next five years, Mase Energy expects to develop

possibly compete at first. They had to start small and

at least five more projects in the wind industry and,

acquire experience thanks to a project by project learning

hopefully, enter the cogeneration market as well. These

curve. “We want to learn by taking small steps according to

projects will help Mase Energy reach its objective: to be

our capabilities in order to continue building smaller scale

well-known for generating a large amount of megawatts in

wind farms,” tells Martínez.

and for its homeland.




Q: How do you leverage the experience of your team while

projects at a P90 level, which means 90% probability

being a young company?

that the foreseen capacity factor will be reached. At Vive

Vive Energía is a new company but our executives

Energía we have a wealth of experience in securing project

and management team have led the teams of diverse

financing. This is one of the most common problems in the

companies and organizations that participated in nearly

Mexican market, as many developers lack knowledge about

60% of Mexico’s current installed wind capacity. We are

how to make a project bankable.

currently developing nearly 800MW across eight different projects: two wind projects in Yucatan, two in Guanajuato,

Q: What would happen if you fail to deliver the amount of

one in the State of Mexico, two projects in Tamaulipas, and

energy that you agreed with your off-takers?

one solar project in Baja California Sur. The most advanced

A: Wind resources are evaluated in adherence to what we

project is in Yucatan, with 100% of the land rights

consider a viable technique. The wind resource is certified

secured, including those needed for the transmission

by an international company that is recognized by the

lines. We are currently getting the project approved by

banks, making it reliable or financeable. However, changes

the environmental agency. We are also working closely

in the natural wind resource occur year by year, and that

with our selected wind turbine manufacturer in order

directly affects the amount of available energy that can be

to establish the most efficient way of carrying out this

delivered to the off-takers. Our task is to provide energy

project, which shall be constructed in 2014.

at a discount, but we cannot give discounts for energy we do not provide. If the contracted energy is not delivered

Q: What are the critical success factors in a Mexican wind

to an off-taker due to our responsibility, then there will be

project, and at which stage do potential off-takers get

consequences for our company. However, if the problem


is due to lack of wind, then it is not our responsibility. We

A: After locating the optimal site, it is crucial that CFE allows

also have years in which the wind resource is above all

us to connect to the grid through a substation. Once the site

expectations and projections, in this scenario we either

and grid connection are confirmed, we start securing land

feed the grid with the excess energy or deliver it to an

rights. The off-takers come in parallel to the development

off-taker, as established in the applicable energy power

of our projects, thus the energy provided to them will

purchase agreement.

indistinctly come from different projects. When an off-taker


signs a contract with us, it is then defined which project

Q: Which role does Vive Energia aspire to play in the

will supply the energy. If an off-taker signs up late for a

development of the Mexican renewable energy sector?

particular project, he will be the first one on the list for the

Vive Energía will be constructing a 70MW wind energy

next project to become operational, which normally follows

project this year in the Yucatan Peninsula, which is the

after 14-16 months. Off-takers are eager to wait because

first of several projected for that region. Therefore, this

they are getting either an attractive flat rate or a discount

continued development effort and the proven track

on CFE tariffs without having to invest a single dollar. Also,

record of the Vive Energía team, have established us as

many things can go wrong in renewable energy projects.

the country’s leaders in efficient renewable and clean

Beyond failing to secure land rights correctly or not being

energy project development. The Energy Reform will

able to provide financial back up, the wind resource may

surely bring new and powerful players to the energy

not have been adequately measured if towers were not

sector in the following years, yet we believe to have the

correctly placed or set at the correct height, making the

capabilities to maintain this leadership position despite

information collected unreliable. It is important to carefully

the new challenging scenario, considering that the Vive

follow international procedures at every step of the way

Energía team already has the proven track record and the

as the information you collect defines the bankability of

credibility of the market, derived from years of experience

your project. Banks and lenders in general will only finance

of efficiently developing energy projects in Mexico.



Q: What were the motivations for Grupo Salinas to enter the

Q: What new technology is Grupo Dragón harnessing to

crowded renewable energy sector through Grupo Dragón?

make wind farms viable in areas which have lower wind

A: The original motivation was always the price of

capacity than Oaxaca?

energy, but it was also about doing something right for

A: In order to solve the problem of lower wind capacity

the environment and generations to come. At first, this

in certain areas, we are planning to combine different

venture began out of Grupo Salinas’ desire to secure a self-

renewable resources in hybrid projects to get better results.

supply scheme but we ended up seeing the opportunity to

For example, we will combine wind farms with PV solutions

create our own wind farm. That is how Grupo Dragón was

or biofuels. The precise way this will be done will depend

created. Since then, we have been constantly searching

on the region, as it is crucial to combine these resources

for new horizons and new technologies. We have always

properly to reap good profits. This is a very complicated

sought to adapt, while striking a balance between high-

process because of the amount of factors that enter into

tech knowhow and human capital. Grupo Dragón’s

the equation for hybrid projects. Many areas have to be

adaptation means it takes ideas from the international

reviewed, from finding the right blend of technology to

market and develops them in the context of Mexico and

involving the local communities.

its specific conditions. This involves an element of risk but it is impossible to achieve something if you do not take

Q: Grupo Dragón has stayed below the radar in expanding

risks. We are a Mexican company at heart, our staff is 95%

its business. What benefits has this discretion brought you?

Mexican. This means we understand the country’s context

A: Due to our corporate culture and the prevailing market

and the implications of getting a good project going.

conditions, discretion was the right strategy. It allowed us to take our time and pick our projects, rather than have

Q: What new opportunities will open up in the renewable

to be chosen by others. We are also able to choose our

energy sector following the Energy Reform?

partners, depending on the specifics of each project

A: The Energy Reform is only the beginning of the

we tackle, which enables us to minimize the total cost

reform process. We will have to work together with the

of ownership and keep the door open to any kind of

government on the secondary laws, as the private sector

technology, companies, and suppliers.

has to be more proactive. The door is now open for private firms to be involved after having been closed for 75 years.

Q: What is the typical profile of off-taker that you are

Eventually, no single type of renewable energy is going to

looking for?

win over the others. In 2014, our projects will expand to

A: Every consumer of energy is a potential client, from

seven geothermal projects, four wind projects, two solar

municipalities and AAA companies to ordinary consumers.

projects and our first biofuel project.

The difference between Grupo Dragón and other companies is that we do not differentiate between consumers; we take

Each year, we reassess our priorities and the advantages

on a wider variety of off-takers than most developers.

and disadvantages of every energy source. For example, we chose to develop geothermal energy given Mexico’s

Q: What is your growth strategy over the next five years?

potential. In five years, geothermal might be bigger than

A: Grupo Dragón’s strategy is to have very aggressive

wind in Mexico, but we first need to reach a point where

growth, we aim to install 400-500MW of new capacity in

private companies are submitting enough proposals to the

the next five years. However, it is difficult to give precise

government and where sufficient investment is flowing

estimates as we do not know what will happen in the Mexican

into the sector. We must consider that geothermal energy

renewable energy market in the years ahead. Grupo Salinas

is very expensive to exploit, which is stopping it from

is not afraid to take risks but Mexico needs to solve a lot of

becoming a major source of renewable energy for the

things as a country first. There is too much uncertainty out


there, but we will do our best to keep growing.




projects,” Gallegos mentions. “Moreover, when we finish


construction of our current projects in Costa Rica, we will


Jay Gallegos, Managing Director of Globeleq Mesoamerica Energy






in the






have 343MW of installed capacity in the region.”


“Central America’s energy market totals about 11GW.

located in Latin America or

There are only a finite number of wind projects that can

the Caribbean. This figure

be developed and their progress has been slow,” Gallegos

contrasts with this region’s

admits. At the same time, many other Latin American

great potential for wind

countries have considerable untapped potential for wind



power generation. In 2010, Globeleq decided to acquire a


growing energy demand.

majority share in Mesoamerica Energy as a platform to enter

However, a few countries are spearheading the development

new markets within Latin America. Mexico is now one of the

of the wind industry across the continent. Among these, Brazil

major focus areas for Globeleq Mesoamerica Energy. “We

stood out as the source of 71.6% of the region’s total output of

have a mandate to increase our presence in Mexico,” Gallegos

wind energy in 2012. There is also an unlikely laureate in this

says. “We have identified almost 1GW of opportunities and

list: Costa Rica, which has an installed capacity of 147MW of

we are trying to choose projects where we can add value. We

wind power as of 2012, making it the third-highest producing

want to invest as much as US$500 million of equity in Mexico

country in Latin America and the Caribbean. This production

over the next seven or eight years,” he asserts.

level puts Costa Rica only 20MW behind Argentina, and well ahead of much bigger economies such as Chile, Mexico,

In Mexico, the company wishes to step in to help projects

Venezuela and Colombia.

that have already achieved certain development milestones, taking them through EPC contract negotiations, financing,

Costa Rica is in fact the cradle of Latin America’s first wind

construction and operations. “Mexico has a lot of projects

project. Almost 20 years ago, Jay Gallegos led this project

at the development stage, as many companies have set up

and built up a successful company as a result. Now, he is CEO

meteorological towers to measure the wind resource, signed

of Globeleq Mesoamerica Energy, a division of Globeleq, an

land agreements, and have advanced in the permitting

experienced developer of energy solutions with projects in

processes. But many development companies may not have

the emerging markets of Africa and the Americas. “A key

the resources and expertise to take their project through

consideration in choosing Costa Rica as the location for

to commercial operation,” Gallegos points out. “We like to

Latin America’s first wind farm was the fact that the windy

get involved at this point as our forte is the negotiation of

season in Central America is opposite to the rainy season,”

construction contracts, the procurement of the equipment,

Gallegos explains. “These countries can generate much

upgrading environmental impact studies, designing the

of their energy needs from hydropower during the rainy

social support program, managing construction, and

season, and use wind in the periods of little to no rain.”

ultimately handling the operations.” Gallegos also perceives attractive conditions and levels of access to credit for

Additionally, Gallegos identified an immediate need for

investments in Mexico. “Banks here have a far greater

alternatives to oil in this region. “Central America has

capacity to fund projects than in Central America. One

no commercially viable oil resources, or at least none

drawback is local currency volatility, and that is something

that are currently being exploited. The resulting import

we need to take into account in our commitments to EPC

dependency leads to huge currency drains. In some

contractors, off-takers and equity shareholders. We are

developing countries, up to 10% of GDP is destined to the

working on creative mechanisms to finance projects to

payment of hydrocarbon imports. Although Costa Rica

consolidate investment,” he mentions.

was not the country in the region which could benefit the most from wind power, it was the region’s most stable


investment destination at the time,” he states. Globeleq

projects that already have or are just about to complete

is now an important energy generator for various Latin

environmental studies, where land rights have been

American countries. Besides having a deep penetration in

secured, and where enough wind measurements have

the Costa Rican market, the company currently produces

been made to push through to commercial operation.

7% of total energy consumption in both Nicaragua and

“We believe this is the moment at which we can supply

Honduras. “We are on track to become the source of 10% of

something many projects lack: the capital and experience

energy consumption in these two countries with expansion

to bring these projects to completion,” Gallegos affirms.








ADAPTABILITY KEY TO SURVIVAL The ability to adapt is key to survival. German firm SoWiTec

involved parties in the right mindset. The northern part

has exemplified this as it has entered and opened markets

of the country, however, has proved to be a great place

across the globe. After establishing a strong presence in

to develop projects. Land conditions vary according to

Brazil, Peru, Uruguay, and Argentina, the company opened

region. “The south mostly consists of ejidos and small

its Mexican chapter. Combining this multinational expertise

properties, while in the north it is easy to find private land

and taking advantage of the local talent pool has proven to

owners with 10,000 hectares of property. While in Oaxaca

be a competitive asset to aid the firm’s success. The price

you might find a suitable area that has over 1,000 owners,

of setting up a large wind park in Germany is very high,

in Monterrey we usually deal with one or two proprietors.

explains Alejandro Robles, General Director of SoWiTec’s

The social risks are different,” says Robles.

Mexican subsidiary. The comparatively modest price of setting up parks in Latin America has given the region an

With 5GW currently under development, SoWiTec’s

important place in SoWiTec’s expansion plans. Its strategy

projects include a joint venture with Grupo Santander

for the Mexican market revolves around developing projects

for an 850MW development and an additional 800MW

with the technical and engineering aspects being handled

with Enel, which was hired to start the construction of a

by the German office. However, taking full advantage of

project in San Luis Potosi. The company is well diversified

local professionals is crucial for navigating the market.

and strives to develop as much as possible in Mexico.

“Because of CFE’s control over the power industry, it is

Regarding the firm’s partnerships, Grupo Santander was

hard to come across professionals specialized in renewable

looking to develop projects outside Oaxaca within two

energy,” explains Robles. “We find it more feasible to invite

to three years. SoWiTec happened to have several such

young talent to come on board and then teach them about

projects in the north of Coahuila, Monterrey, and San Luis

renewable energy.”

Potosi, which the banking group found quite appealing.

“While in Oaxaca you might find a suitable area that has over 1000 owners, in Monterrey we usually deal with one or two proprietors. The social risks are different” Alejandro Robles Hüe, Director General of SoWiTec

SoWiTec is currently scouring Mexico for suitable wind farm

Being associated with giants like Grupo Santander and Enel

sites that combine a good wind resource with access to

has allowed SoWiTec to gain attention from prospective

grid interconnection. To help weed out unsuitable locations,

investors. These partnerships showcase the mutual benefit

SoWiTec uses the rule that 115kW grid infrastructure and

each party draws from them. The Italian and Spanish

substations must be located within a distance of 1km for

giants needed external help to develop local projects

every 3MW of potential installed capacity of the wind site

while SoWiTec benefits from its partners’ negotiating and

that is being evaluated. The first step is looking for favorable

financial abilities. Other alliances were struck with turbine

interconnecting conditions followed by seeking areas with

manufacturers. For this, track records are important

the least constraining environmental restrictions. SoWiTec

beyond a manufacturer’s number of installed turbines. The

sees the Mexican grid as much better than the available

German firm needs to assure that a supplier is capable of

infrastructure in some other countries where it operates.

installing a turnkey project in Mexico. “Handling EPC in Mexico is no easy task; we need to know they can build

The firm avoided competing for resources against other

the wind farm. Our main criterion is to ensure profitability,”

companies by keeping away from crowded hotspots, such

explains Robles. When it comes to wind turbines, the

as Oaxaca, Tamaulipas, and Baja California. Besides land

company has to enforce these standards in order to keep

availability, SoWiTec found several advantages in working

developments cost-effective.

outside Oaxaca. For instance, the company deals mainly


with private landowners and avoids the problems that

In terms of precise plans, SoWiTec is seeking to develop

often crop up when approaching ejidos. Getting to know

2GW by 2017 in the country. “We expect to have at

the stakeholders, involving them in the projects, and

least 1GW up and running by 2016,” says Robles when

establishing mutually beneficial payment mechanisms

emphasizing the importance of working faster than the

also guarantee the operability of the endeavors. As

competition and having strong allies on EPC, financing and

Robles explains, it is about getting landowners and other

supplies to ensure on-time project delivery and credibility.


ENVISIONING THE MEXICAN WIND POWER SECTOR FROM A GLOBAL PERSPECTIVE DANIEL PARDO Mexico Country Manager of GL Garrad Hassan Q: What did GL Garrad Hassan find attractive about the

farm, including aspects such as turbine design or providing

Mexican wind market?

assessment on the strategy that any given company,

A: Before establishing our Mexican office, most activities

government, or NGO should follow to reach its objectives

involving this country were done through our Spanish

in the renewable market. The industry has a lot of hard work

headquarters in Zaragoza. Our clients needed energy

to do to earn trust from lenders, investors, and developers.

assessments, wind measurement campaigns and due

We are committed to making the industry trustworthy

diligence, among other services. This growing demand

through the expertise we have gained by working around the

and the number of projects we had in Mexico made us

world. People must feel assured that the technical aspects

realize that we needed to open a regional office to offer

have been covered properly, step by step. When you have

our clients better services and strengthen our local

someone who knows what needs to be done, you can be

presence. Mexico is a good place for investment because

certain that you are going in the right direction.

the regulatory framework regarding wind energy is solid in comparison to countries like the US or Spain. The growing

Q: What are your expectations for the development of the

demand for energy and the local electricity costs make

Mexican supply chain in the coming years?

Mexico appealing for international players to invest. This is

A: It would be great to see a supply chain that grows

the reason we are actually seeing capital coming into the

alongside Mexico’s wind power capacity. If we have specific

wind industry and related projects in Mexico, which is the

installed capacity objectives, investors will be able to see

second largest wind power market in Latin America. We

long-term and make decisions based on the expected

share AMDEE’s expectation of installing between 1-1.5GW

future investments. This is related to the wind industry

of new wind energy capacity per year until 2020. We are

supply chain because investors would have certainty on

going to see high investment levels and we are certain that

developments to come. For instance, if we knew 1GW of

we can contribute to the growth of this market. We have the

wind energy capacity would be installed each year for the

experts, the knowledge, and the international experience,

next seven years, we could then determine the amount of

as well as the local understanding to offer a portfolio of

investment needed in order to accomplish this objective.

services for the developers, investors, lenders, and owners.

This would in turn allow manufacturers from different parts

We have all the necessary tools and we intend to stay in the

of the supply chain to evaluate how profitable it is to invest

very attractive Mexican market.

in local manufacturing facilities and know if they would be able to sufficient sell parts in the Mexican market. Long

Q: Can you describe the role that the company aspires to

term objectives bring investment, create jobs, and build a

play in its clients’ projects?

solid and reliable renewable energy market.

A: Although we have not participated in their recent wind energy resource studies, we have our own completed

Q: Do you have any ambitions to get into other types of

studies on around 1.5GW of installed capacity in Mexico. We

renewable energy in Mexico?

focus on giving our clients technical and strategic advice,

A: GL Garrad Hassan provides services for wind, solar,

and share our best practices. We have learned what to do

and tidal energy. So far, we have only been providing our

and what not to do, and we want to spare our clients from

services to the wind market in Mexico, but we are paying

this somewhat painful process. This does not rule out the

close attention to the development of the solar industry

option of creating new solutions for new situations, which

since we expect it to experience rapid growth in the near

is at the core of providing expert consultancy advice. We

future. We are very keen to have our solar experts come

have a very varied clientele: we cater to developers, NGOs,

to the country and provide assistance to the industry. Not

investors, and project owners. Our aim is to be a one-stop

much has happened in the wave and tidal sectors in Mexico

shop, and our services range from feasibility studies to

but we also have a team of experts who would be happy to

decommissioning. We cover the full life cycle of a wind

take part in any opportunity that arises.




The company’s plans in Mexico include the El Porvenir


project in Reynosa’s south-east region. “Starts off at the

for Mexican wind energy

coast and goes 70km inland. I bet you can get 10GW



there,” says Cummins to emphasize the attractiveness


was and


Manti Cummins, Wind Energy Director of American Shoreline

once the


of Tamaulipas’ wind resources. Maybe the best spots in

banking on past successes

Oaxaca are already taken, but American Shoreline sees no

based on exploring new

limits to Tamaulipas’ potential. “There are currents going

areas, had the ability to

from Tampico to Nuevo Laredo and the wind quality in



Tamaulipas provides significant advantages. For example,

options that would help


the absence of turbulent flows allows for more affordable

the company. Aware that

turbines to be installed.” American Shoreline’s Tamaulipas

wind resources are not limited by international borders,

project is expected to be operational in 2014 and will

American Shoreline made the most out of its consulting

consist of two sites amounting to 800MW in total, with

contracts with Mexican companies and decided to seize a

150MW installed in the first phase. El Porvenir has received

virtually unexplored opportunity at the time: Tamaulipas.

great support from the state authorities who are also putting their best efforts in ensuring that the projects have

Manti Cummins, American Shoreline’s Director of Wind

a smooth development.

Energy, explains: “Tamaulipas is well linked with South Texas in cultural, economic, and business terms. People commute

The wind industry offers a positive outlook for the

across the border on a daily basis. Because of the strong

Texas-based company. Its home state operates as an

maquiladora presence, locals are quite used to dealing with

independent grid, separate from the rest of the US. “There

transnational companies, making them valuable actors in the

are approximately 65GW in the Texan grid, which has

economy”. Tamaulipas provides a simple cultural landscape

70GW of stock capacity,” Cummins states. “The situation in

for foreign companies, which facilitates a transnational

Mexico is similar when you include self-suppliers and CFE’s

business climate. This is an advantage over Oaxaca, where

energy generation.” The main difference and challenge

international power companies might have to struggle with

is transmission infrastructure. In Texas, the capital costs

one of many ethno-linguistic groups that are not necessarily

of transmission are not borne by the project but by the

integrated in international commerce flow.

overall rate payers, who are not greatly affected by slight increases in the bills that end up paying for new zones. On

In 2007, American Shoreline prepared the necessary

the other hand, projects in Mexico, such as Open Season,

legal requirements and documents to set up in Mexico,

typically require US$200-400 million in investments.

where projects may seem like an easy task once they

Furthermore, there are regions in Tamaulipas with great

are completed, but a project is likely to be suspended or

wind conditions but no transmission infrastructure. In

terminated before completion because of cultural and

order to address these obstacles, Cummins advocates for

environmental issues, according to the American Shoreline

stronger collaboration efforts between public and private

representative. The company began developing projects

players in the energy sector. “An enhanced CFE would

in Mexico before the 2008 Energy Reform, which has

be of great help because of the organization’s political

worked in the company’s favor. American Shoreline’s team

weight. CFE is facing a notorious challenge, making itself a

found itself lucky enough to come across 13,000 hectares

viable stand-alone entity without significant support from

belonging to a single owner. “Single land owners are

the government,” declares Cummins when talking about

simpler to deal with; multiple owners do not see eye-to-

the Mexican market and competitiveness. “It is not viable

eye all the time and neither do their multiple attorneys,”

to put all the eggs in one basket. CFE needs to increase its

Cummins points out. “During the development stage,

portfolio of power purchase arrangements. If we want to

land owners receive a significant amount of money to

see how wind power will play in the market, let it compete

ensure mutual cooperation. Once the project becomes

with natural gas,” Cummins adds.

operational, land owners receive a bonus payment and participatory royalties on a percentage basis, making them

“Standing out in the challenging Mexican wind market

active stakeholders.”

requires significant expertise and tenacity, traits of worldclass players. American Shoreline possesses these qualities


American Shoreline has been responsible for installing

that are destined to ensure our success in the country. The

2GW in Texas over a four-year period and 11GW since 1999.

lesson learned here is to never give up,” says Cummins.


self-supplying each location separately is unviable. “The

officially spun off from

case of Volkswagen was very successful since they were

Cannon Power Group in

interested in green energy and the cost of electricity we

2011, but founders Brian

could offer was very attractive for them,” explains Prock.




John Prock, Director General of Mexico Power Group




With natural gas imports from the US now in full swing,

first steps in the energy

Mexico Power Group is planning to build combined cycle



plants in addition to its wind projects. While CFE sets

Cannon Power Group was

the cost of wheeling for non-renewable energy sources

created after Monkhouse

based on distance, companies close to the border only



decided to get involved in

need to pay small fees to transmit their energy over short

sustainable technologies before this became trendy, citing

distances. As for renewable energy sources, Mexico Power

environmental concerns that led them into an industry that

Group pays a staple price that enables the company to

was not yet fully formed. Uncertain as to whether political

transmit power for the same cost regardless of distance,

changes in many countries would result in more support

giving it a unique opportunity to benefit from this useful

for renewable energy, he and O’Sullivan worked around


the world. The entrepreneurs entered various European markets in the 1990s and partnered on projects such as the

Another incentive is that producers can provide energy

construction of a 450MW wind plant in Italy, the largest in

directly to consumers. “This is not possible in any other

Europe at the time, which was sold to Enel.

country that I have worked in,” declares Prock. Usually, the producer sells its electricity to a utility, but Mexico has only

Eventually seeking to capitalize on emerging opportunities

one middleman: CFE. “We have to look to supply companies

in Mexico, Baja California seemed like a good choice to

that cannot afford to build combined cycle plants and that

set up shop. “We leased land 15 years ago to carry out

are not close to affordable power from the United States.

wind studies. Meanwhile, the wind market in neighboring

This has changed our strategy,” adds Prock. However,

California deteriorated due to saturation,” says John Prock,

the effects of the recently approved Fiscal and Energy

Director General of Mexico Power Group. “This situation

Reforms must be taken into consideration, he warns. While

gave Monkhouse and O’Sullivan the idea of selling wind

the Energy Reform will attract foreign investment and

energy from Mexico across the border.” Mexico Power

promotes the development of renewable energy projects,

Group remains active in Baja California, where the

the Fiscal Reform will become an important challenge to

company is finalizing deals with off-takers for its 72MW

the creation of green energy projects in Baja California,

wind plant in La Rumorosa. A deal has already been inked

Prock warns. The state’s VAT used to be 11%, as opposed to

for the new wind plant in La Rumorosa to supply energy

16% in the rest of Mexico, but from the start of 2014, Baja

for street lighting to the municipality of Tecate. Another of

California’s VAT will match the national rate. Since Mexico

its wind farms, the 180MW La Bufa project in Zacatecas,

Power Group is based in Baja California and is opening a

will have Volkswagen Mexico as its principal off-taker,

wind plant there, this governmental decision will inevitably

signing a 20-year PPA for 130MW. This move will generate

affect its returns on investment.

estimated savings in electricity of US$3.6 million a year for Volkswagen once La Bufa begins operating in late 2014.

Besides this setback, Prock sees that Mexico offers plenty of opportunities since only a few companies are well positioned

While self-supply strategies have delivered positive results

to cover the nation’s power needs. “With the influx of new

for the country, companies along the border have also

players following the Energy Reform, it is important to

sought to import electricity and cheap natural gas from the

diversify. Although wind energy is Mexico Power Group’s

United States. “Some of our biggest clients in Baja California

main business, solar energy will become very important in

were very interested but they changed their mind after they

the future as prices drop and technology improves,” states

identified the opportunity to start importing low cost natural

Prock. For the moment, well-developed wind projects will

gas,” says Prock. “We seek clients who want to balance

remain its staple. Further decisions may have to wait until

attractive prices with green energy.” When working with

the secondary laws to the Energy Reform are finalized in

prestigious clients like Volkswagen, Mexico Power Group is

April 2014, given that their impact will be key to determining

looking for just one or two off-takers per project, particularly

the future economic viability of different renewable energy

those who need to power sites in different locations since

projects, especially in border states.



Ernesto Díaz Lozano, Director of ERICO Latin America

The sustained growth of

Lozano. Although science cannot accurately predict



when and where lightning will strike next, there are maps

recent years has motivated

that can help to gauge the likelihood of such incidents

well-established industrial

in different parts of the country, using variables such as




the average number of storms per year and the number

engineering companies to


of lightning hits per square kilometer (a factor known as

expand their business. One

isodensity). Without a more precise method for predicting

such example is ERICO, a

where lightning will strike, protecting wind farms from

corporation that was born

lightning remains a valuable investment. Besides installing

110 years ago as Electrical

lightning receivers and conductors in wind turbines,



ERICO also designs grounding systems using their own

Company. “ERICO started out in the railway sector by

products like CADWELD exothermic connections, ground

supplying electrical continuity for railroads and their safety

enhancement materials (GEM) and ERITECH Ground Rods.

signs, a market in which we still participate, and we later

The durability and reliability of these grounding systems

developed the exothermic welding procedure,” explains

is especially important because of the implications for

Ernesto Díaz Lozano, Director of ERICO Latin America.

occupational safety. “Once the energy that is produced by

“ERICO is renowned as a leader in product innovation. We

the lightning has reached the ground it must be correctly

set the bar for lightning and surge protection, grounding

dissipated, otherwise the high voltage that is generated

systems and other product lines.” The company’s expertise

can endanger those working on the ground,” Díaz Lozano

in providing protection for electrical systems is particularly

explains. “Electric currents must be respected, as they

valuable for Mexico’s wind farms, because wind generators

can cause fatal accidents.” Investing in grounding and

are vulnerable to damage from thunderstorms. ERICO has

protection systems is also important from an economic

developed a protection system that is installed inside the

perspective, given that the damage lightning can cause

turbine’s blades, which have the highest impact risk as they

to costly equipment will also have a significant effect on

are the tallest points in an open field, with receptors placed

the bottom line of the project. “Each wind turbine costs

in the parts of the turbine that are most likely to be hit by

a significant amount of money, and physically replacing

a lightning strike. “We protect turbines by using internally

them is made even costlier due to the remote location of

connected receivers that pass the power through the rotor

wind farms and the logistical challenges of transporting

to the grounding system. This design has been tested in

such large equipment, with blades of up to 45m in length,”

laboratories owned by the blade manufacturers,” Díaz

Díaz Lozano warns. He points out that “what makes us

Lozano explains.

different is that we provide our clients with a service as well as backup support. If there is a problem, we apply all


Given the damage that lightning can cause when it strikes a

of the technology and expertise that ERICO possesses to

wind turbine, having effective lightning protection systems

propose solutions for our customers.” Having been present

installed is crucial to ensuring the continued operation of

in the Mexican market for 43 years, and with a large pool of

a wind park. “Unfortunately there is no way of predicting

international expertise, ERICO is well positioned to leverage

the exact point at which lightning will strike,” says Díaz

its expertise in the country’s growing wind industry.



Q: What motivated CISA Energía to start promoting

has become a service, which we offer right alongside our

renewable energy sources?

engineering and our human capital.

A: We began looking at renewable energy more than 10 years ago at a time when Mexico had little to no renewable

Q: What measures are needed to guarantee a steady

projects. Our founder, David Horta, carried out wind

demand for wind capacity in the future?

measurements in different parts of Mexico and came

A: Wind power will keep becoming more efficient. New

across the La Ventosa site in Oaxaca. At the time, CFE

technologies will make it more competitive compared to

was developing small wind plants there, in partnership

other forms of energy. More government support would

with Vestas, but they were nowhere near using the site’s

be a big help as well, while the expansion of public

full capacity. We started contacting different companies

consciousness about the benefits of wind energy could

to find partners with the knowhow to develop wind energy

be huge. Originally, the public was very skeptical when

projects. At first, Gamesa was very skeptical that Mexico

we started selling the idea of wind power. But right now,

had great wind energy potential, but they changed their

people are beginning to adapt and to realize that clean

minds when they saw the wind measurements. At the time,

energy can be a reality in Mexico.

there was no legal framework for companies to start their own wind farms. The market has since come a long way.

Q: Natural gas will play a vital role in the Mexican energy market for the foreseeable future. How will that affect

Since the electrical construction industry has not grown

CISA Energía’s activities in renewable energy?

majorly, wind energy has allowed us to create a successful

A: That will depend on how we develop our future business

new business line, with new clients and new technology.

plans as we are very open to new markets. We are focused

Since we started developing our own wind farms, we

on wind right now as it is increasingly cost-competitive

have also seen potential growth in their operation and

and it fits into our motivation to develop clean energy. We

maintenance. Those areas could be a big focus for us in

have not developed any natural gas projects so far, but

the future. On a broader scale, the biggest challenge we

if it made economic sense then we could likely use it in

have had to overcome has been the level of support from

combination with other forms of energy. We have invested

the government. If we look at how the wind energy sector

in gas turbines already but they are not in operation as the

has skyrocketed in the US and Europe, it comes down to

prices for natural gas were volatile in the past.

government support and tax benefits. We have to take those examples and adapt them to the Mexican culture.

Q: What are the benefits that CISA Energía enjoys from

Once the government here decides to help the wind

being based in Baja California, where the grid is separate

industry, it could take off as it did in the US. Over the next

from the Mexican grid but is connected with California?

five years, we are seeking to develop around 450MW of

A: On the construction side, we built a very large

installed capacity in different parts of Mexico across wind,

transmission line that connects California to Mexico. We will

solar and hydropower.

also be doing the construction for another wind farm here to export energy to California. While this is an advantage

Q: What is the nature of your partnerships with industry

based on our geographic position, we are focused on all

leaders such as Gamesa and Sempra?

of Mexico. We have an office in Mexico City, and we have

A: We helped Gamesa by scouting for land, by carrying

representatives developing projects nationwide. In this

out wind measurements and by securing all the permits.

day and age, it is not about where you are geographically.

We played a very hands-on role to provide added value

Our nationwide presence and our international experience

for Gamesa. For Sempra, we provided mostly electrical

is a bigger advantage than simply being based in Baja

construction services, in which we applied the knowhow

California. We are a Mexican electrical construction

we gained from working with Gamesa. Our knowledge

company that promotes its own projects.




6 The boom of the renewable energy sector in Mexico was marked by high expectations being placed on solar energy during 2013. As technology costs for solar energy continue to drop, the feasibility of projects is on the rise. Mexico has opened its first large solar plant in Baja California, the 30MW Aura Solar I, showing a crowded market that it can be done. While large solar projects are becoming a reality, residential sector opportunities remain an attractive niche for solar companies and a viable alternative for power generation.

In this chapter, we look at the expectations of companies that have been attracted to Mexico’s levels of solar irradiation, we consider the challenges that have limited their participation in Mexico to date, such as financial issues and bureaucratic obstacles. The key aspects in this chapter elaborate on the development of a local supply chain, finding a measure of support within the government, increasing competitiveness and building trust within the Mexican market.




Global Trends in the Solar Industry


The Best Incentive Is Already There


Mexican Trends of the Solar Industry


VIEW FROM THE TOP: At the forefront of the Mexican Solar Reality


Proving that Large-Scale Solar Works


Staying Ahead of a Rapidly Growing Pack


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Breaking Down Barriers for Solar Energy


Four Phases for Mexico’s Largest Solar Project


Catering to Self-Supply Demand for Solar Energy


Wide Range of Solar Technologies on Offer & Focusing on Niche Markets in Mexico’s Solar Industry


Common Sense and Profit Make Solid Combination & Waiting for Right Government Actions on Solar


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Solar Energy Needs Government Support to Thrive


Trust Essential to Open the Market


Small-Scale Solar Projects Can Step Into the Light


Dose of Realism for Solar Power


Innovative Mexican PV Panels Enter Export Markets


Patient Business Development for Solar Cells


Pragmatic Approach to Exporting Solar Panels


Mexico Presents New Market for Chinese World Leader


German Leader Banks on Mexican Inverter Market


Energy Efficient Solar Electronics Made in Germany


Loyal Commitment To Quality in Mexico & Chinese Solar Leader Focused on Mexico


State of Mexican Research on Solar Technology


Pioneers of the Mexican Sector


Domestic Drive for Needed Technological Standards


Mexican Photovoltaic Producer Emerges


Integrated EPC Services for Solar Plants


Bringing Energy to Remotest Corners of the Country


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Mexican Solar Powered Water Heaters Take On Global Competition


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Concentrated Solar Power Now Reality in Mexico


TECHNOLOGY SPOTLIGHT: Concentrated Photovoltaics (CPV)


GLOBAL TRENDS IN THE SOLAR INDUSTRY Solar technology is becoming increasingly competitive and

Solar energy investments represent 16% of total global

the market expects to keep seeing cost reductions in the

renewable energy investments, ranking just behind wind.

near future. Emerging economies are starting to make efforts

In 2012, US$143 billion were invested in solar projects with

to contribute to create a cleaner environment, but where

investment expanding in many emerging markets such as

countries such as China and Japan are strengthening policies

Brazil and other countries in Latin America due to rising

for renewables, some European countries have reduced

electricity demand and falling solar technology costs. Capital

incentives for these projects. Japan has introduced feed-in

costs for solar PV technology continue to fall, experiencing

tariffs for different renewable technologies to accelerate the

the most important cost reductions in comparison with

diversification of its energy mix away from nuclear power,

other renewable energy technologies. The costs of solar

while China has made efforts to provide grid connection for

technology for utility-scale projects are still higher than

10GW of solar energy. However, investment fell sharply for

traditional power generation, although off-grid solutions

photovoltaic projects in countries such as Germany, Italy and

have become increasingly competitive. For example, in

Spain. The International Energy Agency (IEA) recommends

Mexico, solar technology is garnering a lot of attention

that by 2020, 10% of the global electricity generation should

due to the widespread availability of the solar resource

come from wind and solar technologies, increasing to 30%

and important differences between solar energy’s cost per

by 2050. For 2020, the IEA has set the objective of reducing

kWh and certain electricity tariffs. This allows fast payback

the cost of solar power to make the technology cost

periods, especially in the large residential consumer sector.

competitive with wind power. Despite the fast-paced growth of the solar photovoltaic sector, concentrated solar power

The sun offers 885 million TWh globally per year,

(CSP) experienced a slower growth of 20%. Further R&D

approximately 4,200 times the expected global energy

investment is needed to increase the competitiveness of the

consumption in 2035, which means that the amount of

CSP technology, which has many excited as to its potential.

energy provided by the sun is enough to meet all human electricity needs for a year in one hour and 25 minutes.









Different scenarios have been created to forecast the growth

installed capacity, surpassing 70GW and representing

of the global PV energy. The European Photovoltaic Industry

approximately 70% of the world’s total up to 2012. China,

Association forecasts that the market will grow to 200GW

the USA and Japan are the next countries leading the

by 2016 in a business-as-usual scenario and if no further

global solar energy market. Two-thirds of the global solar

efforts to incentivize the market are made, or to 420GW in

market is concentrated in Germany, China, Italy, the US and

a policy driven scenario if new guidelines are promoted in

Japan. In this sense, the Asia-Pacific region follows Europe,

the next two years. Increasing cost competitiveness of solar

with North America as the third leading region due to

technology is the key to unlock new markets. Based on its

developments in Canada and the US. However, countries

location in the Sun Belt, strong environmental commitments,

like Mexico, Australia and India have barely scratched the

and its attractiveness as a foreign investment destination,

surface of their enormous potential for solar energy.

Mexico has caught the attention of the global solar industry.



The former president of Mexico’s National Solar Energy

growing at a slow pace, but this does not mean firms should

Association (ANES), Vicente Estrada-Cajigal, agrees that the

look to move from being higher tariff consumers to low tariff

Mexican solar industry could benefit from subsidies, if done in

consumers through subsidies. Estrada-Cajigal explains that

the right way. Despite this, he points out that the best incentive

ANES is calling for the elimination of all subsidies on fossil

is already here. “We have almost twice the solar resources

fuels. “Subsidies should be seen as an investment rather

Germany has. This is a very good incentive, provided by

than an expense. Subsidies should not pay for gasoline or

nature. To generate the same amount of electricity Germany

electricity but should help to finance equipment such as solar

draws from the sun, Mexico needs to invest only half the

water heaters or solar PV systems. If we used the more than

money,” he says. For him, the European models whereby

US$3 billion that Mexico spends every year on subsidizing

renewable energy sources are propped up by subsidies are

electricity, in seven or eight years, every single home in

undesirable, arguing that when those subsidies stop, the

Mexico could have its own PV system. After that, there would

market grinds to a halt. The Mexican solar market may be

be no more need for subsidies.”

MEXICAN TRENDS OF THE SOLAR INDUSTRY In the last five years, the PV sector has grown primarily

Many companies have become interested in the Mexican

in the Mexican residential market due to its cost-saving

solar market but regulatory issues, transmission, fossil-

potential under the DAC tariff. According to the National

fuel subsidies and subsidized tariffs are still proving

Solar Energy Association (ANES), three years ago the

to be limitations. Even though the Aura Solar I project

solar market size was of around 1MW and until recently,

represents a big advance, the opportunities that exist in

this had remained at approximately 6MW. Nevertheless,

the Baja California market are very different from those

the first large-scale solar project, Aura Solar I, started

present in Mexico’s central grid. Solar energy projects

operations in 2013, accounting for 30MW to come online

still have to increase their ability to compete with tariffs

in different phases. One of the main challenges that

in the central grid and complement the expansion of the

the Mexican solar market must contend with is that the

electricity sector through natural gas.

country has easy access to cheap natural gas from the US and the absence of subsidies and feed-in tariffs. Financing

Solar technology can vary from solar PV to CSP, ranging

is another important challenge, starting with ensuring


that financial institutions are interested in supporting

polycrystalline panels, concentrator panels and flexible

solar projects. Mexico has important solar resources,

panels. But in the Mexican market, price determines the

standing at around twice the solar irradiation received

interest of project developers. Yet having access to reliable

by Germany. However, the Mexican market does not have

data on solar energy production would transmit confidence

the feed-in tariffs and subsidies that helped the European

to the international markets and position Mexico more

solar sector grow, thus it has to grow by itself at a slower

firmly as an emerging solar energy producer. At the

but more sustainable pace. Seeking to tap into Mexico’s

moment, each company holds on to their information, and

manufacturing potential, solar panel manufacturers have

decides individually whether to share the information or

started operations here but primarily do so in order to

keep it as a trade secret. A reliable information system

export panels to the US market.

could become a key driver to motivate the government






to change policies and banks to finance more projects, The recently created energy bank scheme is an important

benefiting all players.

facilitator of the competitiveness of renewable energy in Mexico, as it provides virtual storage possibilities that

Mexico is undergoing a cultural change towards sustainable

reduce the payback period. In Mexico, ANES is working

practices and environmentally friendly solutions. Having

to raise awareness about the benefits of solar energy

important solar resources in states such as Baja California,

in the public sector. However, the participation of solar

Baja California Sur, Sonora, Chihuahua and Durango, and

energy in Mexico’s energy mix, as established in SENER’s

given its political and macroeconomic stability, Mexico is in

Renewable Energy Forecasts, is forecasted to be of only

a good position to become an attractive solar market. This

1% to 2% by 2026. There is widespread belief, however,

rings all the more true, considering the expected decrease

that the potential for solar will prove to be much greater.

in costs and the increase of equipment efficiency.



AT THE FOREFRONT OF THE MEXICAN SOLAR REALITY ÁLVARO DEL RÍO Country Manager of Martifer Solar Q: Which role does Mexico play in Martifer’s global

that the industry will receive more support from future


regulation because Mexico will become the market to be

A: We internationalized very quickly and the company

in for the solar industry.

experienced a significant growth even though we were late to enter the renewable energy market. We learned

Q: How did you manage to bring your global expertise

from the mistakes of some of our competitors which had

and adapt it to the local needs of this country?

very big structures in place. We have very little physical

A: We are now finishing the Aura Solar I project where we

presence in the countries where Martifer is operating but

found that the Mexican labor force is very skilled and able

we have a very strong back office in Portugal that gives us

to deliver a very high quality of work. Companies in Mexico

an important competitive advantage.

are very serious and foreigners have to be aware of this. Sometimes, people from the US or from Europe are afraid

When we entered the Mexican market in 2011, everyone

of coming to Mexico to work or build projects because they

was just starting out and wanted to develop projects. Now,

do not know how the market works and underestimate the

thanks to the government and the support it has begun

capabilities of Mexican companies. For us, working with

giving the industry, we have the possibility of developing

Mexican companies has been a very good experience, and

power plants under the small producer scheme. I hope

Mexican technicians have very strong knowhow in general.




enter the Mexican solar

difficult for any infrastructure project in the power sector to get off the ground,” he says.

industry sector with little

Héctor Olea, President and CEO of Gauss Energía


experience in the country,

One recurring concern among energy companies is

the same cannot be said

whether enough is being done at the institutional level to

for Héctor Olea, Gauss

solicit private involvement in the power sector. How does



Olea respond to claims from some private developers that

CEO. From 1995 to 2000,

CFE is not inclined to create a level playing field for private





companies that could become its competitors in power

CRE (Energy Regulatory


generation? He dismisses any conspiracy theories and

Commission), playing an

encourages ambitious private projects to challenge CFE,

integral part in designing the regulatory framework of

saying that “as long as a project can provide energy that

the Mexican electric sector. While this door remains ajar

is competitive with CFE rates, it will be successful. Mexico

at the moment, the Energy Reform should kick it open.

has a good energy supply thanks to CFE, but this does not

The opening up to the private sector proved a savvy

mean that challenging CFE is pointless, it is simply about

move for Olea as in 2004, he found himself heading up

knowing how to compete successfully.” A further difficulty

Gauss Energía, one of Mexico’s leading renewable energy

is that project developers are also competing amongst

firms. With his cross-sectorial background, Olea is able

themselves in wind, hydro, and solar projects, all trying

to judge what the public sector still needs to do to help

to bring energy prices from renewable sources down. But

make private investments more productive. “A crucial

those able to distinguish themselves and deliver a project

element for all infrastructure projects, especially in energy,

to a private off-taker in better conditions than CFE will

is that the regulatory environment provides a measure

reap the benefits, vows Olea. He believes that CFE has

of certainty for investors. Without that, it becomes very

changed and realizes that private sector energy projects

A very strong solar sector will be created in Mexico because

prices have decreased significantly; we are almost reaching

people here are capable of contributing to its growth and

the minimum limit which helps us to offer stable prices.


The financial sector must take these facts into account and understand that the solar industry is here to stay.

Q: What makes Martifer’s value proposition unique? A: We have the global expertise of installing 400MW, not

Q: For how long do you expect to remain market leaders

many companies can say that. We can build projects in

in the Mexican solar market?

record time and we have the experience of working in new

A: Martifer is very well-placed to keep its position as a

markets since we have cooperated with 18 different utility

market leader and has all the capabilities to remain there.

companies. We are now market leaders by virtue of having

We are starting new projects in late 2013 and early 2014.

constructed the biggest project in the country. It is also

The projects will be developed in northern Mexico. We have

important that the company has gained a lot of experience

a 20MW project in Hermosillo, Sonora, and we are looking

thanks to this project and the developers have noticed that.

for new opportunities in Chihuahua and Coahuila. Mexico

Mexico is not an easy market, we know that after two years

now represents 10% of Martifer’s global operations. If we

working here.

continue working in this market at the same pace, Mexico may become the most important market for Martifer.

Q: What convinced the financial system, specifically NAFINSA, to finance the Aura Solar project?

I would like to see Mexico develop 5GW of solar power

A: What the banks should do is look at what the IFC did.

in the next 10 years, which is similar to what Spain has

NAFINSA is part of this project and they financed part of

developed. We hope that Martifer will be an important

our debt but other banks should follow the IFC’s example.

contributor and play a significant part in that new solar

It has high expectations and confidence in renewables and

power generation capacity. We also would like to be a

in the country. Solar technology is not new worldwide, but

development leader since Martifer is able to work on both

it is in Mexico. The efficiency of panels is increasing while

development and EPC.

can contribute to the good of Mexico. “Companies need

The importance of Aura Solar I cannot be overstated as with

goodwill from CFE to develop their projects. Six years ago,

this project, Gauss Energía answered a lot of questions that

CFE saw private companies as outsiders but its attitude

the industry was pondering. Firstly, its site in Baja California,

has changed and it wants to work together with companies

although abundant in resources, is an electric island not

for the good of the country.”

connected to Mexico’s national grid. This would have made any power generation attempts extremely costly for

As for the concept of subsidies for renewable energy, Olea

CFE, Olea points out. But since the small prower producer

is skeptical, saying that projects that combine commercial

scheme mandates that CFE buys all energy generated

sense and financial viability should not require them. This is

from renewable sources at 98% of its own margin cost of

of direct concern to the solar industry which is competing

generation, the ensemble became attractive for Gauss

with cost competitive wind technology, although the price

Energía. After identifying the opportunity, Gauss Energía

gap is closing. This perspective of change has encouraged

contracted Portugal’s Martifer to provide EPC while the

Gauss Energía to move ahead with solar projects, particularly

financing for the project was completed when NAFINSA

Aura Solar I, the largest solar plant in Mexico to date. Gauss

and IFC provided the last US$75 million needed. CFE is the

Energía is involved in other renewable energy sectors, but it

only off-taker for Aura Solar I under a 20-year PPA that

sees solar as the easiest to work with. Hydro is competitive,

makes this the first utility-scale PV project in Mexico, and

but involves exhaustive searches to locate sites, says Olea,

one that multiplies the country’s installed PV capacity.

while wind is booming but its heartlands such as Oaxaca are becoming crowded. Both of them also present difficulties in

Fresh from pulling off this coup, Olea is aware that seeking

being linked to existing transmission infrastructure, which is

to emulate such projects might be risky for competitors. “We

a problem that does not affect solar. As Olea explains, “with

have CFE as an off-taker so there is very little risk. But finding

solar, it is easier to put up a project near current infrastructure.

other bankable off-takers will be a big challenge. There are

This is a real competitive advantage, along with the speed of

maybe 10 AAA off-takers who have already bought all the

development. With Aura Solar I, it took 15 months to go from

energy they need. It is a challenge to look for other off-

initial development to commercial operation.”

takers with strong financials outside the AAA scale.”



road not

to always

“Everything revolves around an inverter’s efficiency rate,”


explains Gutiérrez Treviño. “This is something Ingeteam


takes seriously and its products can prove it by achieving


98.9% maximum efficiency levels. Maintenance is another

firm Ingeteam. In 2007,

important element to consider when working with large

the company decided to

inverters. A major advantage of our equipment is that the

capitalize on opportunities

most sensitive parts can be easily repaired by changing the


damaged components and replacing them with new ones




Kevin Gutiérrez Treviño, Director General of Ingeteam




Mexican A



with no loss of production.”

facility soon sprang up in Monterrey to manufacture

Ingeteam’s strategy is borne out in two direct ways for each

converters for wind turbines, which began producing in

project: the design of the inverters and close collaboration

2008. All would have been well but for the looming specter

with the EPC providers. One of the main factors that worry

of the financial crisis. The crisis took its toll on the wind

plant developers is the loss of production if an element

industry that slowed down considerably in 2009. At the

breaks down and is hard to repair. To avoid this problem,

time, Ingeteam had facilities in Europe and Mexico but the

Ingeteam has designed its inverters to offer the greatest

opportunity came up to expand with a new plant in the US.

ease of maintenance possible. “The inverter is a big cabinet

With the latter option proving more financially attractive,

with four doors containing all the electronics. If they are

the decision was taken to shutter the Mexican plant in

damaged, you can localize the problem and quickly swap

2010 after it had churned out around 200 converters. This

used parts for new ones. In that way, we avoid any loss of

was not a loss of faith in the Mexican wind market but the

production,” says Gutiérrez Treviño.

financial conditions forced the firm to make some tough economic choices.

Aware that participation in Aura Solar I and global experience








This strategizing did allow Ingeteam to devote more

competitors, Ingeteam is doubling down on Mexico.

time and resources in Mexico to expand another part

Gutiérrez Treviño explains that the company is going to

of its operations: solar. This decision has proven to be

increase its presence across Mexico and seek long-term

a wise one since Ingeteam’s inverters were chosen by

relationships that will make it easier to convince clients to

Martifer to supply the Aura Solar I plant in La Paz, Baja

invest in solar. But these growth prospects never forgot

California Sur, the first utility-size PV plant in Mexico. Kevin

what first brought Ingeteam to Mexico, the wind industry.

Gutiérrez Treviño, Ingeteam’s Director General, says this

500MW of their converters are already up and running in

is due to Ingeteam’s worldwide reputation as an inverter

Oaxaca for Acciona, Gamesa, and other partners.

manufacturer and its focus on innovation. “We are one of the top five inverter manufacturers in the world. We have

The company also has no qualms about using its success

a very strong R&D department in Spain, in which we invest

with Martifer, a European company, to grow its reputation

around 10% of our sales to ensure the technical quality of

and links to Mexican companies. “Aura Solar I was built

our equipment,” he states.

in Mexico and we were knocking on doors every day to communicate efficiently. For the moment, we work with


Ingeteam’s core business is the installation of smart relays

companies who can develop a 30MW solar project, from

to monitor voltage and analyze the quality of the grid. The

Spain or elsewhere. But the first large-scale solar project was

company has its own brand for this type of equipment,

always going to be the hardest. Now, local developers are

which complies with CFE NOMs. For example, the Power

going to become more confident and more willing to invest,”

Max central V inverter is designed to comply with grid

predicts Gutiérrez Treviño. He banks on his knowledge of

connection standards according to the country where it

the past to predict the future of the Mexican solar industry.

will be used, contributing to the quality and stability of

In 2010, Ingeteam was handling projects involving tens

electricity systems. This device was installed in La Paz,

of kilowatts. By 2011, that went up hundreds of kilowatts,

Baja California Sur, where the grid characteristics differ

and to entire megawatts during 2012. Accompanying this

from the rest of Mexico. These inverters feature a low

growth has allowed Ingeteam to plan the future accurately.

voltage ride-through capability, they can inject reactive

“Other companies will have to plan very well to compete

power and also control the active power delivered to the

with Ingeteam in areas where we already know what to do,”

electricity grid.

concludes Gutiérrez Treviño as a warning shot.


BREAKING DOWN BARRIERS FOR SOLAR ENERGY ÁLVARO LENTZ HERRERA President of National Solar Energy Association (ANES) Q: How has the solar energy industry evolved since the

We are also in close contact with the Congress of the

new administration took over at the end of 2012?

Union, where we focus most of our efforts on raising

A: Under the previous administration the solar industry

awareness about the importance of renewables. In our

experienced growth, and under the current administration

case, we display the benefits of solar energy and explain


what has to be done in order to stimulate the industry.






speaking, 8.5MW were installed during 2012. I would not be surprised if the installed capacity had reached 16MW in

Q: What has enabled the solar industry to become more

2013, but what I can confidently confirm is that the solar

established without subsidies?

market is growing exponentially.

A: The big thing that has propelled the industry forward has been the price drop in solar technology. Three years

Q: What are the main challenges that ANES currently

ago, the price per watt was US$3, compared to US$1 today.


In terms of installed capacity, it is currently about US$2.5

A: One of the main challenges is getting solar companies to

per watt, while before it was above US$6. The DAC (high

share information. The Mexican solar industry has to learn

residential consumption) tariff is not a subsidized electricity

that sharing data is beneficial for everyone. This would

tariff, making it the most expensive tariff in Mexico. By

allow us to see what the real market situation is and that

installing PV systems, users can reduce their consumption

might force the government to modify the current legal

and therefore become eligible for a subsidized tariff.

framework. Financial institutions would also realize that

Return on investment can therefore be achieved in five

Mexico is an important market and would be more willing

to six years. CFE estimates that there are about 500,000

to extend low interest credits to solar energy developers.

potential DAC tariff users, without counting residential

ANES has to convince the solar companies working in

Tariff 1 users. This is a market with great potential, since

the country that the data collected will not be given to

DAC and Tariff 1 users alone are worth millions of dollars.

competitors but that it will be used for the benefits of the industry. Another important objective is strengthening

Q: What is your opinion on the importance given to solar

each regional section of ANES, which in turn will enable us

energy in the National Energy Strategy?

to collect and exchange information more easily.

A: The strategy is to have 1% of the country’s energy generation coming from photovoltaic systems by 2026. This

ANES’s reputation is built on 35 years of work. We

figure is too low because the estimate is based on what CFE

are always part of energy forums and work with the

is able to do during those years, when in reality, the private

government and other relevant renewable energy actors.

sector will drive the growth of the market. As long as CFE

For example, we were part of the working groups for the

remains a monopoly, we are highly dependent on its will, and

National Development Plan. Our role was to provide a

if it decides not to invest in solar energy then Mexico will not

view of the future and the path that needs to be taken

reach this objective. So far, CFE has done a good job and is

to get there. We expressed the importance of promoting

opening up to renewable energy. However, it will stop being

distributed power generation, which the plan says will be

so open when its interests might be affected. The objective

boosted, along with domestic photovoltaic systems. CFE

of generating 35% of the country’s energy from clean

did not previously believe in solar energy, so we suggested

energy sources by 2024 is achievable, but we need to take

that it should build its own plant in order to experience

immediate action to make it a reality. DAC tariff users alone

the benefit of photovoltaic energy and test different

form an interesting target market. Another issue that has

technologies. That is what it did and CFE is now learning

to be added to the equation is CFE’s auctions to replace

from experience how solar energy interacts with the grid.

fossil-fuel power stations with PV systems. Companies are

We collaborate with CFE every day because our goal is to

starting to install 2-3MW plants because they are realizing

educate and spread knowledge about renewable energy.

how profitable it is.


FOUR PHASES FOR MEXICO’S LARGEST SOLAR PROJECT So far, operational solar projects in Mexico have mostly been

and paperwork regarding the company’s PPP as well as

residential PV systems but the reality of big solar farms might

negotiating with authorities. “We have had to convince

be just around the corner. Since 2009, Consorcio Integrador

municipal authorities that a street lighting project using PV

Sonora 80M (Sonora 80M) has been working on creating

energy would reduce costs. You have to sell this idea from

the biggest solar park in Latin America, which will have a

both a technical and legal point of view, while convincing

capacity of 80MW, upon completion of its four phases.

the entire town council. Afterwards, we had to deal with the political parties, who will reject a proposal just to spite their

Sonora 80M is a consortium formed by four Mexican and

opponents. It has been exhausting and our biggest challenge

two Spanish companies. After analyzing the renewable

by far,” Martín Rodríguez says. The fourth challenge was

energy market for some time and waiting to see if subsidies

finding an off-taker who was interested in only keeping the

would be introduced, they banded together. After due

production surplus. Sonora 80M had to overpower its park by

consideration and research, a partner specializing in land

20%, so it needed a partner interested in keeping the excess

regulations noted that Sonora had the economic and

production. Ford Motor Company turned out to be just that

political climate Sonora 80M was looking for, in addition

off-taker. According to Martín Rodríguez, it was fairly easy

to an excellent solar resource, setting the company’s first

selling the idea to the automotive company. “Ford asked who

project in motion.

the investors were and what we wanted from them. We told

“Administrative procedures need to be more agile for the market to properly emerge, although CRE has been doing a great job. Knock down the procedure barriers and the market will boom” César Martín Rodríguez, CEO of Consorcio Integrador Sonora 80M

César Martín Rodríguez, CEO of Sonora 80M, believes

them to jump aboard as it would not cost them anything, they

that being a bi-national company gives the group a

would reduce their energy costs, and get positive publicity.

strong advantage. “We started working in Mexico with the

Since Ford is a socially responsible company with a plant in

intention of contributing and making the most out of the

Hermosillo, everything fit together perfectly,” he recalls.

local knowhow. I have been working in Latin America for ten years now and my experience has been that projects

After four years of work, the biggest solar park in Latin

are successful when you work with local people. This is

America is still not a reality. Martín Rodríguez explains that

where many large companies fail: they have money and

the company lagged on Phase 1 because of the time it took

knowledge, so they feel entitled to doing things their way.

to acquire the necessary resources. However, Phase 2 is

An invasion is not the way to do business.”

already progressing at a good pace. As soon as Phase 1 begins construction, the company expects Phase 3 and 4


Sonora 80M has had to overcome many hurdles in order to

to be quite dynamic. “Three more states have approached

sell the idea of an 80MW photovoltaic park in a market still

us to develop a project that delivers economic benefits

at such an early stage of development. The first challenge

and could employ up to 1,500 people. This creates

the company faced was coming up with the capital for a

prosperity in the state where these projects are being

project of such magnitude. Martín Rodríguez underlines the

developed.” However, Sonora 80M has not jumped to

difficulties that rose from this task in a non-consolidated

other states because its efforts are still focused in Sonora.

market. “People thought we were insane and considered our

Martín Rodríguez considers that the time is right to invest

project impossible,” he recalls. The company had to reach a

in certain market niches but warns that one of Mexico’s

point of balance and decided that even though 20MW would

major problems is the procedures required to make a

require a large investment, it was more viable. This is when

project happen. “Whatever project you want to take on,

the decision was made to split the megaproject into four

you are going to spend at least six months dealing with

segments. The second challenge was finding adequate tariffs.

paperwork. Administrative procedures need to be more

The project came down to numbers with the company’s

agile for the market to properly emerge, although CRE

financial model, warranties, and IRR coming under thorough

has been doing a great job. Knock down the procedure

scrutiny. The third challenge was the permitting process

barriers and the market will boom,” he adds.

CATERING TO SELF-SUPPLY DEMAND FOR SOLAR ENERGY 2013 was a big year for the Mexican solar industry, mostly

on solar energy and are more willing to invest in wind,”

because the 30MW Aura Solar I came online in Baja California.

explains David Martínez, Managing Director of M+W

The solar industry may still pale in comparison to the Mexican

México. However, utilizing wind energy also means

wind sector, but there is a lot of activity taking place behind

depending on CFE, while solar panels offer more energy

the scenes. Kelly Desy, M+W Group’s Director of Business

independence. Martínez says that the acceptance of solar

Development for Latin America, says that investors and

energy has a lot to do with the profile of each client, as

developers have seen heightened activity in the solar sector.

well as how their projects are financed. M+W Group offers

“Customers in both the industrial and commercial sectors are

turnkey solar projects, including design, solar panels

asking for on-site panels to supplement their energy supply,

and engineering, while guaranting that its customers

enabling them to use more solar energy and less energy from

will save money. Perhaps the most important aspect for

the grid, making them more self-sustaining,” she explains. The

many clients, the company helps them find financing. The

success of solar projects in the commercial sector has been

company is looking at large scale solar parks to serve

price driven, she adds, while in the industrial sector it tends

clients in the private sector. As Desy explains, larger parks

to be a matter of energy security, due to the occurrence of

can offer customers solar energy at more competitive

power shortages that affect production processes.

prices. In addition, M+W Group explains to its clients that

“In order to fully develop a domestic value chain, everyone involved in the sector has to promote solar power as an affordable and viable energy solution” David Martínez, Managing Director of M+W México

M+W Group is an engineering and construction partner

these solutions can be implemented with minimal CFE

for its clients, immersing itself in many different areas of

involvement and without having to deal with financial

the Mexican market, including pharmaceuticals, cosmetics

institutions. By fully understanding their situation and

and the food industry, working with clients such as Procter

aspirations, M+W Group is able to offer its clients practical

& Gamble and Coca-Cola. The company has developed

solutions, such as schemes in which several companies

the largest number of solar panel production facilities

share a photovoltaic park. M+W Group believes that this

worldwide, and M+W Group is making solar energy a main

strategy will lead to the company becoming a big player

component of its thrust into the Mexican market. The firm

in solar energy for direct industrial clients. “In order to

started out in the Mexican solar industry by building a

fully develop a domestic value chain, everyone involved

solar panel manufacturing facility in Mexicali. This German

in the sector has to promote solar power as an affordable

firm divides its solar energy operation into two branches:

and viable energy solution,” Martínez says.

large solar installations focused on providing electricity to utility companies, and rooftop installations mainly for

Martínez compares the sector’s current situation to

self-supply purposes for commercial and industrial clients.

concrete pavements in the country 20 years ago.

One of the biggest benefits of the second approach is

“CEMEX brought in the technology and equipment and

that it reduces engagement between clients and utilities,

then convinced everybody that this was a good option.

in Mexico’s case CFE. This dual approach enables the

Eventually, people started using it. CEMEX facilitated

company to diversify its client base, which now ranges

the entire process, and today 50-60% of pavements in

from large multinational firms to medium-sized company

Mexico are made of concrete. Similarly, we have to work

clusters in industrial parks.

together with developers, suppliers, contractors, and our competitors, to ensure that everyone knows what a great

Many international companies still doubt whether solar

option solar energy is.” Desy expects to see more solar

energy is a worthwhile investment. Companies generally

installations appearing as distributive generation systems

want to have their facilities operating before considering

on industrial facilities and rooftops, as well as more

the option of installing solar power, rather than incur

innovative and larger plants that provide energy on a large

more risks during the start-up of their facilities. Moreover,

scale. “In 2014 we will see another giant step forward in the

some companies do not want their operations to depend

Mexican solar industry,” she concludes.



ago, the prices of solar technology and PV components

Chief Solar inaugurated its

began going down to a level where solar energy started

1MW Apaseo El Grande

becoming commercially viable, motivating the company to

solar park in Guanajuato.

get started on actual projects.


Juan Antonio Balcázar, Director General of Granite Chief



energy to the business

“Today, our portfolio includes four different technologies:

center of four companies

concentrated photovoltaic (CPV), typical monocrystalline

including a steel company,

and polycrystalline PV, concentrated thermal panels, and

an automotive company,

traditional thermal panels. However, we do not seek to



offer a huge range of products as we focus on offering the



investment totaled US$3

best solutions in the market,” says Juan Antonio Balcázar,

million and has an expected return on investment of 9 to

Director General of Granite Chief. He acknowledges that

11 years. Building a 1MW solar plant for industrial use might

one of the main challenges the Mexican solar industry faces

not be common but it is still attractive since companies get

is the current legislation and the validations, paperwork, and

cheaper electricity and will avoid over 7,000 tonnes of CO2

verdicts that are directly related to solar energy. Another

emissions a year.

intricate issue he recognizes is the availability of financial resources to create solar projects, and that a critical effort

Granite Chief was created six years ago when the solar

has to be made to be able to access financing.

energy market in Mexico was practically nonexistent, so it dedicated its first three years to market analysis

However, Balcázar does not believe the Energy Reform

and investigation. The company focused on analyzing

will bring benefits to the renewable energy sector as it is

the cost of solar energy and the trade-offs associated

focused on promoting private investment in oil exploration

with the development of solar plants. About three years

rather than on the development of the renewable energy

FOCUSING ON NICHE MARKETS IN MEXICO’S SOLAR INDUSTRY Until last year, Grupotec’s earnings in Spain were

a year and we already have one project in our portfolio,”

considerably higher than its profits from international

says Miguel Ángel Játiva, Managing Partner USA West and

markets. Nevertheless, as the economic crisis in Spain has

Mexico of Grupotec. Besides its excellent solar resources,

deepened, this situation has shifted. Having identified the

the political stability of the country, the legal certainty

need to diversify, Grupotec started venturing into France,

and the fact that international funds invest their money

Italy, the UK and the US, among others, seven years ago. No

in Mexico were some of the reasons Grupotec decided to

less than 60% of the company’s income in 2013 came from

venture into the Mexican market. “It is not only a matter

international markets, with the main source being the UK.

of having a solar resource, legal certainty is also essential

Capitalizing on its experience in Europe, Grupotec went

since these are long term projects,” explains Játiva.

on to open an office in the US, and later began projects in Ecuador, Chile and Mexico, which have led to significant

Grupotec’s efforts are very much focused on its Baja

growth for the company’s portfolio.

California project, but Chihuahua and Sonora have also captured the company’s attention. “The strength of


When Grupotec started in Spain, it would only participate

Mexico’s resources is reflected in the fact that the area

in the engineering, procurement and construction of

in the UK that has the best solar resources has 40% less

the project. It was not until it began operating outside

potential than the areas in Mexico with the least irradiation.

of Europe that the company decided to venture into

Grupotec developed a project of 50MW in the UK where

development. “We have experience in construction after


building over 400MW in other countries and we are trying

compared to the 2,000kWh/m resource that exists in

to take advantage of the opportunities that arise for us as

Chihuahua. There is a lot of potential in Mexico, but it is

developers. We have been working in Mexico for more than

not unlimited. The technology is not competing with green







sector. “One of the main benefits of the reform should be

visit the plant and see its operational characteristics, its

an increase in oil and natural gas production, reducing the

advantages and the benefits offered by this technology,”

costs of natural gas that can be used to generate electricity.

says Balcázar. “We have showed permanence in the market

With this, solar energy and other renewables will lose out

and we are backing up investments with a long term vision.

on competitiveness,” he adds. He predicts that, in the short

Granite Chief is ready to become a main player in the solar

term, the Energy Reform will not have a substantial impact

energy sector. We want to invest in a solar generation plant

on tariffs. “Therefore, there will be opportunities for solar

that commercializes energy through a PPA agreement.”

energy across the industrial, commercial, and residential sectors,” Balcázar points out. Although investment in a solar energy project has to be approached from a long-term perspective, many potential clients want fast savings and results, leaving even fewer truly concerned about climate change and global warming. “Many solar developers consider the market to be relatively immature and its potential as being much higher than what has been effectively exploited. We address this challenge by reducing technology costs in design and installation, and are constantly researching the main technological breakthroughs to increase energy generation efficiency,” Balcázar says. From the company’s perspective, Mexico has a great opportunity and it should make the most of its low-cost manufacturing to become an international powerhouse for solar energy. Apaseo El Grande solar park is a decisive project for Granite Chief as it is one of the few examples of CPV technology

“Many solar developers consider the





immature and its potential as being much higher than what has been effectively exploited. We address this challenge by reducing technology costs in design and installation, and are constantly researching the main technological breakthroughs to increase energy generation efficiency”

currently working in Mexico. “Prospective clients can

Juan Antonio Balcázar, Director General of Granite Chief

energies, it is competing with subsidized electricity. There

In Játiva’s experience, utility companies resist renewable

are not that many opportunities and it is wrongly believed

energy technologies because they view them as intermittent

that, due to the large quantity of resources in Mexico, over

energy source that cannot be managed freely. “CFE is one

20GW can be generated this way,” Játiva stresses. “Our

of the biggest utility companies in the world and it has not

main focus is on the commercial and industrial markets,

completely understood this new market, not because it is

even though we have detected an important opportunity

not capable of doing so but because it is a completely new

with the DAC tariff. However, the market is getting flooded

sector,” says Játiva. In his experience this has hampered the

with companies seeking the residential opportunity.”

process of getting projects off the ground. When Grupotec approached CFE, the company had difficulty finding out

When financing a project, Grupotec considers the position

who was in charge of the processes that it needed to follow.

of the off-taker and its credit rating. CFE’s advantage

Despite these teething problems, he is confident that it is

is that its off-taker is the Mexican government. Játiva

just a matter of time before CFE gets used to these projects

believes that the company’s project in Baja California works

and the sector starts to develop more quickly.

because power generation in the area is limited, isolated and subject to high tariffs. In the rest of the country this

Grupotec is ready for Mexico’s coming solar energy boom.

scheme does not apply because, he argues, “energy is

Játiva underlines that the company’s experience is what

still too cheap. CFE pays 98% of what power generation

sets it apart from other companies operating here, although

costs for the company and that reduces the profitability

Grupotec says its real competitive advantage is the volume

of a project.” The company is using the same model that

of solar panels it moves. “Economies of scale are a very

it uses in the US; if the off-taker is credit-worthy, Grupotec

important aspect that makes us more competitive, and

funds the project and the off-taker does not invest. On the

we have established long term relationships with our

other hand, if the off-taker does not have the necessary

providers. We guarantee security to investors, since we

credit rating, Grupotec develops a turnkey project for the

are beside our clients in the operation and maintenance

company but does not offer the resources to make it a

of their equipment. We share our knowhow with them and


verify that the plant is working correctly,” he explains.


COMMON SENSE AND PROFIT MAKE SOLID COMBINATION The journey that took Donald Walter from inside the Beltway

The project, dubbed SEGF CFE 1, and located in Puerto

to inside Mexico has been a curious one. From having worked

Libertad, Sonora, will be the first project at the utility sale

in Washington, DC, as Director of Research and Policy in

to sell electricity directly to CFE and to several private off-

the White House for the Reagan administration, he moved

takers, with a planned capacity of 250MW. Walter states

to developing public policy and governance initiatives in

that the first phase of the project, at 46.8MW, is quite

countries such as Colombia, Venezuela and Peru throughout

small from the perspective of an international developer.

the 1990s and 2000s. Walter first came to Mexico in 2002 to

“But for us, our project is the biggest and most important

work on a political campaign in Sonora. With a background

facility in the world. Despite its initial installed capacity,

in public policy, rather than engineering or environmental

our model is threatening to others because of what it

advocacy, Walter takes a different approach to the Mexican


solar industry than many competitors. “Internationally the

outsiders proving that a PV project is not complicated.

industry is typically driven by greed and dysfunction. Highly

Second, our project is in Mexico demonstrating that this

developed countries, like the US, Spain and Germany, have

country, like so many others stereotypically ignored by

artificially propped up the solar industry through feed-

US-based banks and investors, is a safe place in which to

in tariffs and public land giveaways. This was corruption,

work. Third, our project makes solid returns,” he explains.

First, our project is developed by industry

feeding itself upon a broken financial model,” says Walter. “The US poured billions of dollars in public funds into

To Walter’s mind, many competitors from around the

advancing private interests. So, my approach is different as

world will not succeed in the Mexican market, despite a

it is based on common sense and profits.”

wealth of experience. He links this to the track record of the European solar market, which he says was hooked on

His interest in solar grew after he settled down in Sonora

“welfare from feed-in tariffs.” He adds that “while such

and looked at the real estate needed to make solar work.

projects are receiving US$0.10 a kilowatt, the developers

Walter and his partners bought several parcels of land

often borrowed at around 9%. That means that if anything

across northwest Mexico. One of these is next to an existing

happens to the feed-in tariff, they are done as they will

CFE power plant, which allowed for very easy access to the

start losing money for every single kilowatt they put into

grid. He sees it as possible to build more than 10 projects in

the grid.” SEGH will be sidestepping any such problems

that area that will all benefit from easy grid access and low

by seeking to buy its components economically. “Our

costs. Their company, Sonora Energy Group Hermosillo

development strategy is to buy the best panels, trackers

(SEGH), is now building a utility scale, private PV plant

and parts without owing allegiance to anyone.” This

after having received its production permit from CFE.

attitude towards efficiency and economy is one that


at the moment, we are simply waiting for the government’s



final approval to unlock projects,” says José David Rico

irradiation in the country,



Garibaldi, Director General of Solarscape Mexico. “In

making it an attractive

Mexico, more than 40 different rates exist making the cost

place for the installation

of Kw/h hard to determine. If these prices were clearly




specified, taking into account the subsidies applied to


reduce them, a variety of challenges would be solved. A

a special interest in the

flat rate would be the best option as the subsidies could



be outlined in a clear and well-defined way,” he adds.

power plants recently and

Solarscape uses PV cells on the projects it develops,

CFE has assigned a special

and has signed agreements with Sunpower to take

office dedicated to the sector. In addition, the government

advantage of this firm’s high efficiency portfolio. Despite

plans to create the National Center for Innovation and

having access to new solar technologies, Solarscape

Energy in Hermosillo. “Although we do not have any plants

is aware of its most important competitor: natural gas.


David Rico Garibaldi, Director General of Solarscape Mexico


plants. has of

Walter sees as a direct challenge to all developers.

Cost is also at the forefront of Walter’s mind as a critical

Under SEGH’s strategy, if a rival team cannot operate a

success factor. The project development costs and

utility scale solar project in Mexico at under US$1,500

the interest rates set by the financial backers are what

per installed kilowatt, they simply do not represent

determine the utility margin. “If costs and interest rates are


too high, then the utility margin will be negative or very

“Our development strategy is to buy the best panels, trackers and parts without owing allegiance to anyone” Donald Walter, CEO of Sonora Energy Group Hermosillo

The confidence Walter exudes about the Mexican solar

low. Developers want a safe investment with a solid return

market is based on SEGH’s strategy to profit from the

while consumers want cheap electricity,” Walter points

fast price drop of PV panels and inverters combined

out. This means that for solar energy to be competitive,

with Mexico’s strong solar resources. However, matching

solar parks have to be developed with very low costs.

his point about companies failing here, he expects the Mexican solar market to experience a contraction sooner

According to Walter, it is essential to make optimal use

or later. “Just because there is a new market does not

of the supply chain for solar equipment. “Companies that

mean that your product is going to work in that market.”

claim they make panels rarely do. They may assemble the

The Mexican solar sector presents certain particular traits

panels from the cells but if you follow the supply chain,

that make it essential to develop a customized business

they are being manufactured in China. We get panels

model in order to be successful, which will determine

directly from China and get the storage from Nadcap, the

which companies survive the market ordeal. Walter says

largest manufacturer of lithium-ion batteries in the world.

that SEGH’s success is also based on its ability to select

Buying panels directly from the real producer dramatically

sites that sidestep many of the problems that can affect

diminishes costs. This results in US$80 million investment

renewable energy projects. When selecting a site, solar

for SEGH, including the substation and 4-5% storage

irradiation is not the only important aspect to consider

availability at our plant, instead of an investment of over

in terms of location, Walter says. Buying land fence-to-

US$100 million. If a park cannot be built at a reasonable

fence with CFE allows for easy interconnection to the

cost, it will not generate profit. But if companies are not

grid. Furthermore, owning the land means SEGH does

making money from renewables, they will turn to natural

not run into land usage issues or other problems that can

gas to develop more profitable projects and less renewable

stagnate the development of a project.

energy projects will be installed.”

The low price of this resource is what makes it highly

to happen. Garibaldi says it is too expensive and the market

competitive in producing electricity. Solarscape offers a

is too small to create good business opportunities. Finding

complete solution that includes purchasing, installation,

panels with a good price-quality ratio is not a challenge

maintenance and financing of solar energy systems but

due to the competitiveness of the international markets.

challenges appear during this process. The main challenge for the company is finding customers at the right rate and

“The future of the large scale industry will probably be

size. Not all producers can benefit from projects of less

promoted by CFE when projects over 100 MW are built.

than one megawatt since that is the minimum transmission

It is a CFE priority to look for foreign companies that

requirement. In addition, financing has represented another

have developed similar projects in recent years,” says

important challenge when working in the residential sector.

Rico Garibaldi. As for Solarscape, its immediate priority

Solarscape cooperates with financial institutions to obtain

is to build the first 1MW plant for online retailer Coppel.

lower interest rates, such as the American Ex-Im Bank.

“This is just a test project for Coppel but if the company likes the project, the opportunities can be very big,” says

The company is looking to establish long-term relationships,

Rico Garibaldi. “The initial investment can be recovered

which is the reason why it has been skeptical of acquiring

in seven or eight years and the average life span of the

Chinese solar panels. In general, the Mexican market is

equipment can reach 30 years. In the meantime, actions

very sensitive, placing a very high premium on pricing.

taken by the government are expected to boost the

Therefore, developing a local manufacturing hub is unlikely

sector as a whole.”



SOLAR ENERGY NEEDS GOVERNMENT SUPPORT TO THRIVE JAVIER GARCÍA Director General of Socios Energéticos de México Verde Q: What does Mexico need to support the development of

Q: What was the motivation behind the creation of Socios

the solar energy industry?

Energéticos de México Verde (SEMV)?

A: The government has to get involved. In the US, regardless

A: SEMV’s intention is to transmit the importance of

of the project size, the federal government provides a 30%

generating energy from renewable sources, while lowering

investment tax credit on the cost of PV equipment, on top of

environmental pollution. We are convinced that solar energy

other state and municipal tax incentives. This is something

is the best option. It is a free energy source and we believe

we do not have in Mexico but we need it in order for the

that if we have been able to generate energy from fuel, we

solar sector to thrive. This should perhaps not come in the

can do it from solar energy in a profitable way. That profit

form of incentives or subsidies, but the government could

may not come in the short-term or match those coming from

help the industry by facilitating financing at low interest

fossil fuels, but the sun is definitely a profitable source of

rates. The main obstacle we have faced is getting access


to financing. Solar projects are not common in Mexico and people are hesitant to invest. When 10% of the energy in

Q: How would you rank the attractiveness of the Mexican

the country is generated by the sun, the situation will be

market in comparison to the US and European markets

different and everyone will want to invest.


TRUST ESSENTIAL TO OPEN THE MARKET Sharp, the Japanese designer and manufacturer of

provides solar panels for space missions carried out by

electronic products, has over 50 years of experience

NASA and Japan’s National Space Development Agency



speaks to the quality of its products and its insistence

contributions to solar technology. “We decided to come to

on top-notch R&D. “It is very important to know that the

Mexico as part of our global strategy to boost solar energy.

components you use can guarantee the efficiency of the

Also, we are trying to help the country reduce its CO2

equipment for 25 years. Our production processes must

emissions because we believe that it is our responsibility,”

enable the module to operate with at least 80% of its initial

says Adolfo Sánchez, Director of Sharp Solar’s Energy

power,” he stresses. This is a crucial factor, considering that

Division. His company has made a strong bet on the

a solar park audit done in early 2013 revealed that 43%

commercial, industrial and residential sectors, with the

of manufacturers cannot guarantee even three years of

latter being its strongest market. In order to address the

operation. “Our products may be 30% more expensive but

growing demand for solar energy from the residential

that buys you a guarantee of optimal performance.”






sector in the Mexican market, e2 Energías Ecológicas


was created over five years ago in Jalisco. CEO Guillermo

“e2 Energías Ecológicas was responsible for opening the

Corona is proud to work together with Sharp Solar’s Latin

solar energy market in Guadalajara, Jalisco, which was no

America Energy Division on project development. “Sharp

easy task,” says Corona. “There are now over 30 companies

acts as a manufacturer of solar panels and e2 Energías

offering these services, but competition has heightened

Ecológicas works as an integrator,” he explains. “One of

public awareness about the benefits of solar energy and has

our strengths in convincing clients is that we have the

broken down many barriers that e2 Energía Ecológicas faced

support of a very respectable company, the oldest still

when it began operating.” The company has transitioned

operating solar panel manufacturer. It is one of the rare

from selling six systems in its first year, seen as a success

companies to have been around for longer than its solar

at the time, to installing between 15 and 20 per month. 80%

panels’ warranty.” According to Corona, the fact that Sharp

of the market is currently in the residential sector, a logical

A: Opportunities exist for solar energy almost everywhere

high and requires a lot of extra accessories. On top of that,

in the world. The difference lies in who wants to invest

maintenance is 30% more expensive than for the systems

and how, as solar projects involve a long-term return on

we install. SEMV sells 1MW in systems but installs 1.2MW in

investment. We are aware the competition is strong, but

capacity. Tracking can be done using those extra 200kW,

we know that the projects with the strongest foundations

thus reducing maintenance and saving clients from having

are the ones that will be successful.

to pay for the tracker.

Q: How does SEMV work in order to generate local

Q: What separates SEMV from other solar energy

knowledge of the solar industry?

companies currently operating in Mexico?

A: Creating a wealth of local knowledge about the solar

A: Our main differentiator is that we provide 100% financing

industry makes sense for us as a company and the industry

and a 25 year warranty on our projects. There are no excuses

at large as it will benefit us in the future. We are currently

to not start up a solar project with the conditions we offer.

working with Universidad de Monterrey and Universidad de

Our clients do not have to invest for five years and do not

Monclova, offering them training courses and looking at the

pay until the project is up and running.

possibility of adding a class to their engineering programs. Q: What do you see as the greatest growth opportunities Q: Which technology trends will have the greatest impact

for SEMV in the future?

on the cost competitiveness of solar energy?

A: Over the next five years, we want to become industry

A: Over the two years we have been working in this sector,

leaders with an installed solar energy capacity of 500MW.

we have been constantly searching for the best technology

Our strategy is focused on low cost, quality, and guarantees.

and capacity. Technology improves each day and we

Our goal is to open a solar panel manufacturing facility in

strive to offer the best options to our clients. We do not

Mexico. But first we have to sell 100MW to have the demand

favor solar trackers as their energy consumption is very

needed to open a local facility.

situation for Corona, since it has the highest electricity tariff

to navigate CRE’s approval process and CFE’s viability

in the Mexican market. The payback in this sector can take

assessment on whether transmission lines can reach

from three to four years, but the real incentive is in its 100%

potential sites. Additionally, the Environmental Impact

depreciation in the first year. The energy tariff is much lower

Assessment has to be obtained while social issues often

in the industrial sector which makes large projects more

prove troublesome. “The sector will only take off when

complicated due to the larger CAPEX needed for construction.

large projects become a reality and the government

In order for solar energy to keep growing in Mexico, Sánchez

provides incentives to the industry. We still have a long

believes the sector needs government incentives. He also

way to go in order for solar energy to reach 1% of Mexico’s

mentions clients’ desires to have a faster return on investment

total power generation,” states Corona.

than what is available right now. “I believe Mexico needs similar incentives to those in place in Germany and Japan,

However, if conditions change and the market explodes,

where anyone that installs a photovoltaic system, apart from

e2 Energía Ecológica, with Sharp’s support, will be ready

investing in renewable energy, is motivated because the kWh

for whatever the industry requires. “For larger projects,

is paid at twice the price. In the case of Mexico, people that

we have enough expertise gained through 54 years in

are very environmentally conscious invest in solar technology,

the sector. Our projects have technical support from

but the rest need government incentives.” To address the

professionals around the world. Also, Sharp has had a

lack of knowledge in the country about PV systems, Sharp

wealth of experience in repairing the damage that other

Solar is working on education programs to spread the

companies have done, satisfying clients and keeping

benefits of this type of renewable energy. It provides training

them believing in solar power,” Corona considers. Sánchez

courses to CFE employees to improve their understanding of

adds “We are aware that our growth is highly dependent

the solar energy industry and is also involved with academic

on the market and other external factors, but we expect


future incentives from the government and will definitely see higher growth. Our most important contribution to

Corona views the current regulatory framework as a

the sector is that Mexico has access to state-of-the-art

challenge for large solar power projects, given the need

photovoltaic technology.”


SMALL-SCALE SOLAR PROJECTS CAN STEP INTO THE LIGHT Good things come to those who wait. For Carlos Flores,

for decades, in their respective countries. This double

Director General of renewable energy solutions firm

influence is moving Conermex to accommodate that

Conermex, that wait has lasted a long time. “35 years after

expected growth, from seeking new partners to expanding

I began my degree studies on renewable energy against

their warehouse storage space.

traditional sources of energy, we have finally become competitive. The moment has arrived at last.” The appeal of

Although keeping an eye on future expansion, Conermex

renewable energy, particularly solar, has been heightened by

sees its near-term market opportunities still lying within

favorable economic changes, such as the cost of solar panels

the residential market and small commercial projects.

dropping by 50% from 2010 to 2012. When set against the

Such opportunities do not require a speculating financial

high electricity prices that large domestic consumers are still

investment but promote the company’s commitment to

paying, the appeal becomes clear.

sustainability and environmental issues. Flores says that small-scale systems represent a 9MW market for the

Growth may not come overnight, Flores knows. In 2012, the

company, including a 180KW project for the Science and

National Association of Solar Energy (ANES) predicted an

Technology Council of Zacatecas that opened in October

increase in installed solar capacity of 7MW per year, a figure

2012. A larger 1MW project with the government of Guerrero

dwarfed by the 7.6GW Germany installed that year. However,

is also underway in Acapulco. While companies wait for

the companies operating in the nascent solar market must

big projects to arrive, solar energy has increasingly been

plan ahead and be ready for rapid expansion. In 2012,

harnessed to provide solutions to Mexico’s smaller energy

Conermex sold 2.7MW of PV modules, which accounted for

problems. Conermex has been integral in helping CFE with

25% of the wholesale market. However, Flores anticipates

its rural electrification efforts. It has built mini-grids for CFE

that large solar projects could soon jump to 50MW each, if

where a small solar plant provides for a few homes, such as

not more. Should Flores prove right, those companies who

one covering 30 houses in Sierra Del Nayarit. Flores is a firm

have not scaled up their availability of financing or of human

believer in such budget solutions, and hopes to see CFE

risk falling by the wayside. Conermex does not intend to

soon build the 50 mini-grids it has promised. As Flores says,

be among them. Its shareholders combine Mexicans

such mini-grids coupled with the residential solar panel

and Germans who have worked in the solar business

market instill a long-term commitment to sustainability.

Conermex is the leader company in the solar industry in Mexico.

We offer a wide range of support to our clients looking to successfully develop and install their photovoltaic systems, regardless of project size and specifications. Conermex has executed the most important projects in Mexico in the last few years thanks to our experienced technicians and engineers with over 20 years of experience in the solar industry.


After residential solar instalations increased from 1,700 in

seen with plans to develop plants in four municipalities

2012 to 4,000 in 2013, the future seems bright for small

in Sonora. Flores is quick to warn that the potential for

commercial installations. Flores is confident that the

solar plants in the municipal market may be high but that

correct financing could see the market move on to bigger

developers must take into account that administrations

“35 years after I began my degree studies on renewable energy against traditional sources of energy, we have finally become competitive. The moment has arrived at last” Carlos Flores, Director General of Conermex

plans. “FIDE, the national commission for energy savings, is

at the municipal level change every three years, whereas

starting to fund this type of projects,” according to Flores.

the lifecycle of a PV system runs for 20 years. Flores is

These signs of confidence from the government, in terms

confident that a perfect storm of market forces will take

of solar, is why Conermex has been seeking to guarantee

shape. He states that with prices dropping across the

a nationwide presence for its services, despite the relative

value chain, the government ready to make changes to its

size of the market.

regulatory framework, with a growing market, effective suppliers and technological improvements, solar energy

So just when will the awaited bloom happen? Flores

will be able to punch well above its weight class.

expects market pressure to drive that through alone, although government help would certainly help it go

Is he concerned that the heavy hitters have not yet

faster. Flores is gladdened to see such initiatives as “FIDE

committed to solar? “No,” he answers, “Iberdrola, Abengoa

testing a financing scheme where savings in electricity

and other big guys have not taken a step in this market

costs would equal repayment of loans, which could see

despite having been in Mexico for many years. When they

loans paid off in as little as five years.” Combined with

do take that step, very big changes will happen.” When

“CFE tariffs that are high enough to make financing

those companies do decide to do more than dip their

feasible up to repayment terms of 15 years,” such

feet into the solar energy pool, they might find Conermex

initiatives are making large plants feasible, as can be

swimming right beside them.

DOSE OF REALISM FOR SOLAR ENERGY “In Mexico City, all new commercial buildings with more

As Chairman of the renewable energy committee of

than 51 employees, are required by law to have 30% of

CANACINTRA, a national business chamber dedicated

their energy needs provided by solar. This would be

to the evolution of Mexican industry, Mekler saw the

a fine start but there is very little enforcement. People

committee’s membership grow from four to 140 in three

know they will not even be fined if they do not obey the

years. While many of these are one-man firms looking

law,” states David Mekler, Director General of Heliocol

to enter the market by selling equipment made in China,

México Solar (Heliocol). Should official support remain

the speed and scale of this expansion speaks volumes

lacking, companies like Heliocol may have to use their

about growing interest in the sector. No matter their size,

own reputations and track record to change minds and

Mekler believes these Mexican homegrown companies

increase compliance. Mekler explains that, despite being a

could maintain an edge in human resources and business

small enterprise, Heliocol is growing its distribution chain

practices over foreign counterparts for at least a decade.

with precisely that goal in mind. Even with eight offices

Looking to the next five years, Heliocol’s growth will be

around Mexico, it is tough for the firm’s advice to reach

tied to that of the industry. Mekler forecasts that the

more than a small percentage of the public. However, this

market could double in size annually, bringing in a lot of

nationwide commitment is part of its vision for a greener

competitors. The company’s signature projects, such as

Mexico. This motivates Heliocol’s team more than focusing

installing solar thermal heaters for low-income households,

only on the industrial sector of one particular city, with a

have brought it this far. But with expansion now firmly on

larger immediate market, Mekler explains. “Heliocol wants

the cards, its focus will switch from the residential sector

to convince businesses that using solar thermal will make

to the large-scale solar market while diversifying to 50%

them more profitable.”

thermal and 50% PV in its services portfolio.


INNOVATIVE MEXICAN PV PANELS ENTER EXPORT MARKETS The Mexican solar energy industry is a net importer of

companies have also started knocking on Solartec’s door,

photovoltaic technology. Solartec, a Mexican company,

asking for 5MW and above capacity per month.








manufactured in Asia or Europe. After exhaustive research

But how exactly did Solartec manage to acquire part of the

and development, the company produced its first solar

American market and compete with the biggest Chinese

panel in early 2010. Solartec’s continuous drive for

players? Tomé emphasizes that the distance between

innovation has enabled it to manufacture new products

the US and China worked to Solartec’s advantage since

that take into account the specific needs of the Mexican

the company is able to deliver its products much faster

solar energy sector. “Three years ago, we created the first

as well as guarantee a quicker turnaround time than

micro-inverter especially designed for the Mexican market,

Chinese manufacturers, which makes its clients feel more

which remains one of our biggest products,” says Gustavo

comfortable. “Another factor is that many people in the US

Tomé, CEO of Solartec. “We also created a very cheap

prefer consuming Mexican products than Chinese ones.

mounting system for the modules with a PET pipe firm, a

Since we are certified manufacturers, we can produce

sister company of Solartec. Both of these are examples of

the same or better quality technology than that made

our focus on innovation to capture a bigger share of the

in China,” he adds. Additionally, enhancing customer


relations by focusing on offering its clients a face-to-face relationship rather than having them travel to China, has

Tomé explains that the process of producing modules is

proven to be a successful part of the company’s strategy.

rather easy: the glass, frame and many other components are bought from external providers before Solartec

Solartec is working to get the CSI (California Solar

assembles them in Mexico. Where the company really

Initiative) certifications which will enable it to acquire

innovates is in sales. It adds value to its products by

more clients in the state. Despite this, there is still doubt

researching the different ways in which the modules can

about Solartec’s ability to survive in the market over

be adapted. “The micro-inverters we use are assembled in

time. Tomé explains that, in order to create certainty,

China, but we have the patent for that product. We can also

the company is now focused on smaller projects but

reduce the costs of the mounting systems by designing

he recognizes the need to take the next step to tackle

them with the combined expertise of our PET company

larger ventures. “We need to move quickly to not miss the

partner,” Tomé states. Currently, Solartec has a module

opportunity, but we need to avoid growing the company

production capacity of only 25MW, whereas companies in

too fast. We are in the process of looking for an insurance

China have tenfold that capacity. Even though the Mexican

company to guarantee the high quality of our products.

solar energy industry has not taken off yet, the company

Another step that we need to take soon is to open more

is ready to take advantage of business opportunities

local offices in the US. We have one in California with

the sector provides. The acquisition of Photovoltech, a

our partner WCAP, but if we are working to get bigger

Belgian producer of multicrystalline silicon solar cells,

projects and clients, we will need to expand,” he stresses.

in February 2013 enabled Solartec to become the only manufacturer of this product in Latin America.

The Mexican market has also presented many challenges, including the lack of knowledge about solar power back

Four years ago, Solartec’s main objective was to export to

in 2009. “It is difficult to persuade people to invest in a

the US. The firm realized how complicated this was back

system that will make them save money in the long term

in 2011 when faced with the much lower prices Chinese

when they would rather buy an expensive flat-panel TV,”

companies could offer. However, the market shifted in 2012.

Tomé emphasizes. Convincing Mexicans that they should

Soaring wages in China added to high transportation costs

turn to green solutions has proven to be complicated.

enabled Solartec to become a player in the US market. The

Nevertheless, the company knows the importance of

company is currently exporting 20% of its total production

promoting and working together as an industry to achieve

but aims to increase this to 50% in 2014. “If we wanted,

a bigger goal: the consolidation of solar energy in Mexico.

we could focus only on the US market. With our capacity,


we can have one or two big clients and allocate our full

“We want to help our customers establish themselves in

capacity to them, but we also want to grow in the Mexican

the photovoltaic industry and ensure that they get the

market,” Tomé adds. Solartec’s strategy is growing one

training they need to replicate these projects. We want

step at a time, with smaller companies that install solar

to get this technology installed in many homes across

panels with lower capacity projects. However, bigger

Mexico,” Tomé adds.

PATIENT BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT FOR SOLAR CELLS The solar industry boom that California underwent in

track record in the solar industry, which entered Mexico in

2009-2010 reminded Alejo López of a gold rush. He saw

2012. “We saw that Latin America would soon become a

the craze where those with sun-kissed land and access to

crucial market. The first step to enter Latin America was to

a power line invested without investigating the amount

move to Puerto Rico as it is part of the US but is very Latin

of radiation or the quality of the land. Predictably, this

in the way business is done there. Mexico was next and we

created a long line of projects left in limbo as many of

fully entered the country in October 2012,” explains López.

them were not financeable. López, the Mexico Country Manager for Hanwha Q CELLS, sees the same bottleneck

López is excited about the small power producer projects,

now happening in Mexico. “We are going through that

and places his faith in the development of the rooftop

phase where inexperienced small developers try to do

sector. “Rooftops are a very exciting market because a lot

a project. They should keep doing so, but they need to

of customers are paying a lot of money for power today,”

understand that even a 10MW project requires a significant

says López. The giant’s experience in the US showed that

investment and contract guarantees that small companies

any project is feasible if the right financing is found. In

cannot afford,” observes López. From the perspective

this light, the real challenge in Mexico will be customer

of the Korean-owned conglomerate, real opportunities

aggregation, says López. This process involves finding

are cropping up at a time when nobody seems to have

enough customers for a project so it becomes attractive

figured out the best strategy for now to secure projects.

as a financing option for banks. The steps outlined above

However, several factors will combine to force the

are just the first ones that Hanwha Q CELLS plans to take

market to mature. López believes a cycle of mergers and

to legitimize the potential of small producers. By the

acquisitions is needed to filter out those companies that

end of 2014, the company would like to have deployed

do not have staying power and allow the stronger players

at least two commercial projects. “We are aiming to get

to make their mark. During this process, banks would set

anywhere above 10MW of installed capacity. This would

out requirements to help level the playing field. López also

serve as conclusive proof that this sector is real and that

feels CFE should “impose more stringent requirements on

projects can be executed. It would prove this not just to

developers to block transmission capacity.”

our company but also to our partners, our customers, and

“We are aiming to get anywhere above 10MW of installed capacity. This would serve as conclusive proof that this sector is real and that projects can be executed” Alejo López, Manager for Hanwha Q CELLS

Hanwha Q CELLS’ view may come from just over a year

the financial community.” As it looks to larger projects,

operating in Mexico but it is a heavyweight perspective

Hanwha Q CELLS is basing its strategy on co-development,

nonetheless. Hanwha is part of the Global Fortune 500 and

finding local partners that bring added value. López quips

one of South Korea’s ten largest companies. Its solar efforts

that the firm can afford to be choosy, seeking mostly to

operate alongside its interests in the construction and

partner with large energy users to develop and finance

chemical industries, as well as financial services. Subsidiaries

solutions for them. In terms of positioning in the broader

like Hanwha SolarOne, which manufactures wafer ingots

market, Hanwha Q CELLS does not intend on making

and modules, make for a small component of the company’s

many announcements, preferring to focus on developing

US$105 billion balance sheet. However, this diversification

projects using their execution capacity. As López points

means that its solar outfit can be nimble while relying on a

out, few firms in Mexico have the resources and expertise

powerful parent organization. Then in 2012 came the buyout

to execute a project at the 10MW scale. But Hanwha has

of Germany’s QCells, once the largest solar cell maker in

built over 500MW in projects and has many more on the

the world. This buyout allowed Hanwha to execute on its

go. This has translated into a very rational approach to

downstream integration strategy, which includes greenfield

the Mexican market, where investment does not flow to

project development, M&A, and project financing. It was the

projects with low viability. While this might disappoint

new entity dubbed Hanwha Q CELLS, combining Hanwha’s

some, this is a by-product of Hanwha Q CELLS’ pledge to

engineering and financial ability with Q Cells’ R&D and EPC

commit to a project, follow through and get it done.



recognize the quality of our products,” Rodríguez explains.

as a microcosm for the

He adds that the company’s forays into the solar market


have been positive so far.



in Mexico’s energy mix.

José Jaime Rodríguez Torres, President and Partner of Saya Energy

Since its early days as a

Not much competition exists for Saya Energy at home

diesel generator firm, Saya

and Rodríguez Torres notes gladly that Mexicans are

Energy has evolved into

very patriotic when it comes to locally manufactured

a manufacturing of solar

products. But local companies are not the only ones to



have detected the opportunities for solar technology in

market. The company has



the country. Rodríguez Torres is not worried about the

also found opportunities

quantity of international companies that are flooding

to export its products to the US. By combining efforts with

the Mexican solar market as he believes it is big enough

its providers, many of whom are Chinese companies that

to accommodate them all. He quotes the example of

are unable to tap the American market due to anti-dumping

the automotive market, where companies still have big

regulations, Saya Energy manufactures its products in

opportunities, regardless of whether they are old Mexican

Mexico based on components from other countries and

hands or new arrivals. “If the product is good enough, we

prepares them for the US market. “We receive the raw

can have a place in the market and our main goal is to be

materials from Chinese companies that cannot export

a player in our country,” he says. “We know the challenges

to the US and we transform it into a product that can be

that dealing with CFE represents and the implication of

exported. The challenge is in combining efforts and creating

dealing with other government agencies. Once we are

the partnership with firms that are willing to explore this

able to solve these local problems, then we will think

opportunity,” says José Jaime Rodríguez Torres, President

about entering other markets.”

and Partner of Saya Energy. The Mexican solar market might actually be ready for Saya Energy started considering solar panel manufacturing

a full supply chain, in Rodríguez Torres’ opinion. “The

three years ago when it was a solar integration company that

government could help the solar industry because a lot

imported panels, inverters, and batteries from other countries

of companies are interested in acquiring this technology

for end users. Saya Energy’s technology is imported from Asia

but initial investments are proving to be a financial burden.

where the company says it can find the best components at

Resources are available, but the paperwork takes too

the best price. When the firm finds what it is looking for, its

long, causing customers to lose interest and seek other

strategy is to seek ways to reduce costs even more since the

alternatives. In spite of structural complications the solar

company is competing with the prices of wholly Asian made

industry has grown steadily in the industrial, residential

solar panels. According to Rodríguez Torres, the quality of

and in the rural sector.” However, Rodríguez Torres points

the company’s products is the same as those which can be

out there is still a lot to do since the installed capacity in

obtained anywhere in the world. Perhaps the biggest issue

Mexico is considerably lower than in other countries with

is acquiring raw materials from Mexico. “This country has just

similar socio-economic situations.

started manufacturing solar panels and there are very few companies that can provide raw materials with the specific

As more companies and households seek for alternatives to

characteristics we need to produce solar panels. In Mexico,

reduce their electricity spending, the Mexican solar energy

these products can be two or three times more expensive

market will continue to grow. Companies and households

than our imports. We would like to buy these products

that spend a fair amount of their economic resources on

locally but there is no availability, either in terms of quality or

electricity bills are increasingly looking at solar energy

volume,” explains Rodríguez Torres.

as a good alternative due to relatively short payback periods. Rodríguez Torres is aware of the opportunities


Being one of the first companies to manufacture solar

Saya Energy could grab in the residential and industrial

panels in Mexico has its advantages but clients can prove

sectors. “Solar energy is a concept that does not only help

skeptical about Saya Energy’s expertise. In order to clear

the company be better but is also a way to mitigate our

any of these doubts, the company is ISO 9001 certified,

actions and avoid future consequences. Mexico is prepared

as well as complying with Mexican NOMs. “Regrettably,

for the solar industry market to boom, but we are still

Mexico has no laboratories that can certify solar panels yet,

missing the initiative of companies that need to bet on

but there are international companies that support us and

solar technology,” he concludes.

MEXICO PRESENTS NEW MARKET FOR CHINESE WORLD LEADER “Expanding operations into emerging markets in Latin

of Yingli’s operations is its biggest advantage. It has 2.45GW

America is both timely and strategic,” says Santiago

of nameplate manufacturing capacity and, according to



Desentis, can provide the volume of modules required by

“Although many emerging markets, especially in Latin






large-scale projects on schedule. He also points out that

America and Asia, have long supported a relatively sizeable

the size advantage works to the company’s benefit in the

market for off-grid applications, we are beginning to see

commercial and residential market segments. “The fact that

on-grid solar become more mainstream across all market

we have both local inventory and a dedicated local team

segments.” The Chinese company, founded in 1998, recently

are key differentiators from our competitors in the region.

hit the significant milestone of 1GW in sales to the Americas

This has helped us build a deeper understanding of the

and the Caribbean. In order to be able to establish long-

local market, and given us the ability to respond quickly

term partnerships with its customers and provide technical

to changing market dynamics,” claims Desentis. Being the

and marketing support, Yingli has corporate bases in San

largest PV module manufacturer in the world allows Yingli to

Francisco and New York, and offices in Mexico and Brazil.

reduce costs, increase quality controls, bring new products

“This strategy has helped us become a more supportive

to market more swiftly, and offer more competitive prices.

and effective partner,” remarks Helena Kimball, Head of Marketing Americas at Yingli Green Energy Holding. “That

In order to clear up any doubts the client might have

is paying dividends: in the second quarter of 2013, we

concerning the quality of the panels, the company performs

expanded our customer base in Latin America by 32% to

rigorous in-house testing and has a comprehensive research

more than 65 customers. Undoubtedly, having a local team

and development strategy. Yingli also works with leading

in the region was a major factor in that growth.”

suppliers of key components such as backsheets, for which DuPont is a primary supplier, and tests new products and

Mexico is a top growth market for the company and

prototypes at three different R&D labs located around the

establishing a local presence was the first step towards

world. If any doubts still remain regarding Yingli’s quality,

gaining a solid market share. Yingli’s management team

its clients are offered the opportunity to visit its PV Testing

believes there will be a significant advantage for companies

Lab in San Francisco and its factories in China. Technical

that enter the market early and develop a presence and

support is also a crucial element in providing customer’s

brand awareness. “Major projects are starting to get

satisfaction. “If a Mexican client was to ever experience

underway and there is a concrete project pipeline, which

an issue, they could send the products to our regional

makes this the right time to form strong partnerships in

PV Testing Lab in California for support. This allows for

the market. We are primarily targeting large-scale projects

a much faster turn-around time than would take place

and distributed generation projects, as these are the

if claims were processed in China,” Kimball points out.

most attractive investment opportunities for our regional partners,” stresses Desentis.

As the company moves forward in the Mexican solar market, some challenges remain. “The main issues we

Brand awareness is a crucial element in Yingli’s marketing

are currently looking at are on the policy side,” says

strategy and the FIFA World Cup™ is the perfect stage for

Kimball. “We have to ensure that when the solar market

it. “Our visibility as a sponsor is a tremendous driver for

develops, the right policies are in place for the sector to

our brand awareness, especially in emerging solar markets

grow. Currently in Mexico, there is no policy for private

in Latin America,” explains Kimball. “Importantly, our

companies to become deeply involved in the sector: the

customers have told us that our sponsorship helps build

government is taking the leading role. We applaud the

awareness for solar energy in general, as our perimeter

government’s virtual net metering policy, the goal to install

boards and advertisements read Yingli Solar, and much of

2GW of solar by 2025, and the plan to reduce greenhouse

our messaging is geared towards education concerning

gas emissions by 30% before 2020. Nevertheless, we hope

renewable energy.” The strategy seems to be paying off.

that policy developments that are more supportive of

“During the FIFA Confederations Cup this past June, the

the market’s growth will take place.” In order to maintain

volume of inbound sales leads grew exponentially, which

its leading position, Yingli aims to continue providing

led to an increase in sales across the Latin American

affordable green energy and continue growing in the Latin

region,” Desentis adds.

American market. In Mexico, the company looks to grab 15% of the market share within one or two years, as well as

Commercial, residential, and utilities are the company’s

to participate in many of the nation’s upcoming milestone

three main markets. Regarding the utility market, the size



GERMAN LEADER BANKS ON MEXICAN INVERTER MARKET According to Thomas Götz, Sales Vice President at SMA

demand for electricity,” says Götz. Furthermore, indicators

Solar Technology (SMA), “photovoltaic technology has

as Gauss Energía’s 30MW Aura Solar I and the presence of

reached a development stage where it can generate

financers, banks and investors willing to invest here, show

electricity at comparative costs as natural gas, wind, coal,

that the Mexican solar market is taking off and becoming

and other types of energy.” Currently, the opportunities

more attractive to global players. However, Götz still

for the sector tend to be more oriented toward large-scale

recognizes there is a long way to go. Although interest in

projects that are suitable for the self-supply scheme. Clients

solar energy and renewable sources in general has been

are often searching for one-stop shops that offer them all the

growing, some technical aspects remain to be addressed.

services and solutions they require. Therefore, a company

The company sees the inverter as the difference between

that is able to offer the whole package from generation

having performing or distressed assets, which should be

activities to power transmission will stand to benefit.

of crucial importance to anyone interested in investing in

German manufacturer SMA believes it is one of the few

a solar project.

competitors in the market that can fit that description. SMA has an advantage in the Mexican market in that it develops,

In emerging markets, such as Mexico, the grid code evolves

produces and sells its own PV inverters, for applications

in a peculiar way. Initially the grid is developed for relatively

ranging from small residential projects to large-scale plants.

low amounts of energy, but this will increase due to the

In Götz’s perspective, providing integrated solutions helps

development of industries and urban areas. The power

clients ensure greater efficiency and reliability, twin goals

plants connected to the grid have a lifecycle of 20 to 25

which are at the core of any energy project. Götz says SMA

years and they have to be able to provide quality over the

is able to maximize the return and the cash flow for its clients

long-term, while maintaining high efficiency ratios. This

as well as minimize the risk involved in investing in a solar

poses a unique challenge for companies that design and

project, especially in large-scale power plants with long

produce equipment used in power plants as their products,

operating life cycles. For all that it has expanded toward

once installed, will need to be future-proof. This means all

a vertically integrated model, SMA still has over 1,000

the equipment requires a lifecycle that emulates that of

people working in its German research and development

power plants and can adapt to future needs. Of course, no

department in order to improve the quality and technology

one can guarantee that the products are going to reach

of its main product: inverters.

this future-proof status, but Götz says SMA is focusing

“Photovoltaic technology has reached a development stage where it can generate electricity at comparative costs as natural gas, wind, coal, and other types of energy” Thomas Götz, Vice President Strategic Sales of SMA Solar Technology

Although SMA is not interested in developing storage on its

many efforts toward that goal being a reality for its solar

own, the company understands its importance. This is why


SMA’s second R&D priority is precisely storage as a tool to be able to use electricity in more efficient ways. When setting

“The Mexican solar market is developing positively and

up systems, the company considers with its clients which

rapidly. SMA expects to soon announce its plan to fully

precise storage and battery solutions are best for them and,

enter the local market, aiming to become leaders here as

of course, how to optimally connect them to the inverter.

they have in more than 20 other countries,” states Götz. The company knows that to provide the best option in terms of


With more than 30 years of experience and 30GW installed

quality, technological issues, service and grid management,

around the world, SMA has plans to keep growing in both

it must make sure each of these areas is worked on optimally

its product portfolio and the markets it has presence in.

within its operations. That is why SMA is already working

As part of its expansion strategy, Mexico has become

with Mexican firms and CFE in order to quickly advance on

an interesting market for SMA to introduce its products

its Mexican learning curve and position itself in the market.

and services. “Mexico has everything to be a great solar

“People know SMA is cooperating with them and, for us, this

market: solar irradiation, growing economy and important

may be one of our biggest achievements,” concludes Götz.


determines which power stage has had the least amount of

Savings Trust, was created

operating hours and assigns it to take the main load, keeping

over 20 years ago to foster

an equal balance on component wear. IG Plus inverters have

energy savings and energy

a ventilation system that keeps dust and moisture away,

efficiency, as well as to

which comes in handy in Mexico’s northern states. Cold air

support new technologies

is fed to a cooling element through a hermetically sealed


venting duct, keeping the PC boards intact. The system is



of a sustainable energy

kept cool, ensuring its long-term working life.

culture. Since its creation

Markus Rieder, Managing Director of Fronius Mexico

in 1990, it has provided

“It is important not to look for the cheapest solution, but

over 2.5 million credits

rather to put the focus on the service level in Mexico,”

to the residential sector. During 2012, 530 companies

Rieder claims. “As in the long-term, the development

benefited from its credits to replace existing equipment

of solar power projects always entail maintenance and

with newer energy efficient technology, resulting in

services. Quality is extremely important in Mexico. The

electricity consumption savings of 1,996GWh, as well as

distances to travel are great, meaning it takes a long time

preventing the emission of over 1 million tonnes of C02 into

for repairs to be undertaken. Our high quality inverters

the atmosphere.

ensure maximum energy production and minimum service requirements. A system can cost you half the price, but if

In October 2013, Fronius, the Austrian manufacturer of

it does not work properly then it will not be able to deliver

battery charging systems, welding technology and solar

energy,” Rieder says.

electronics, which has been present in Mexico for over 30 years, obtained the FIDE seal for its Fronius IG and IG Plus

Fronius has collaborated on projects with Mexican

V invertors, an acknowledgement of their energy efficient

federal institutions, works across private industry, and is

performance. Despite the company having been present

heavily involved in the residential sector as well as in the

in Mexico for so long, it did not open a local office until

commercial sector. Rieder views the Mexican solar industry

2007. “Because of the market’s potential, we started with

as being at a very early stage, at which most people still

the welding technology division,” recalls Markus Rieder,

do not realize the extent of the economic benefits they

Managing Director of Fronius Mexico. “Later on, we spotted

can acquire. The lack of information and experience has

potential in the solar business when CRE authorized the

been one of the most significant challenges the company

on-grid market. We were able to react quickly with our

has encountered, compelling it to adjust its operational

existing infrastructure, so in 2010 the solar electronics

strategy to offer continuous training for the local market.

division began operating in Mexico.”

On the other hand, a lot of installers have just entered the market and need technical support with inverter

In just three years, the company has acquired a leading

installation. Another issue that could be attributed to

position as an inverter manufacturer in Mexico, which

the fact that the market is still young is the difficulty of

has yielded positive results, such as the FIDE recognition.

finding or applying international best practices, due to the

Because this equipment transforms direct current collected

absence of feed-in tariffs. “When a market is as young as

through solar modules into alternating current, it is essential

Mexico’s, we have to offer even more services and support,

for solar power systems to deliver energy. Rieder explains

because installers are not completely independent yet.

that Fronius’ inverters adapt very well to the extreme

For this reason, Fronius strives to offer greater services,

environmental conditions found in certain parts of Mexico,

making this the foundation of our success,” Rieder says. In

especially in the north where Fronius inverters work at peak

his opinion, the market will definitely experience growth,

efficiency during sweltering heat for “so much longer than

though likely not as quickly as Europe did. “Mexico lacks

our competitors.” One of Fronius’ interesting designs for

financial instruments and direct government incentives

concept, which allows PV

for the PV market. Regardless of the state of the market,

systems to generate energy even during cloudy conditions at

Fronius’ strategy is focused on furthering the company’s

maximum efficiency. In Fronius inverters, such as the IG Plus,

heavy involvement in residential and small utility projects,

up to six power modules work together. Depending on the

while continuing to tap its international experience in

level of utilization, these can either function simultaneously

providing industrial solar power installations,” he adds.

or operate individually when called upon. If one module fails,

Having FIDE’s seal of approval is one of many different

the others can continue functioning. A central processor

elements that prove this.

the Mexican market is its MIX



LOYAL COMMITMENT TO QUALITY IN MEXICO Desmex analyzed the Mexican market and explored the

“Commercial success lies in developing many small and

possibility of entering its solar industry back in 2002, but

medium-sized projects instead of a few enormous ones,”

ultimately decided it was unfeasible. “CFE did not know

says Thomas Bjarnemark, CEO of Desmex Solar. “The

about the interconnection of renewable energy sources,”

experience required for colossal projects has not been

explains Andre Von Frantzius, Commercial Director at

locally available, although international firms can bring that

Desmex. It took until 2006 for the Guanajuato-based

experience to the table. Plenty of fly-by-night enterprises

company to take its first steps in residential solar installations

will enter the residential segment simply because the entry

but its commercial sector breakthrough happened in 2007.

threshold is much lower. But in the larger industrial and

Walmart requested solar energy installations for two of its

commercial segments, such firms will appear and vanish

stores in Aguascalientes and another one in Baja California

overnight. The threshold is very high and only top-tier

Sur, regardless of the cost. This was Desmex’s first such

companies will make it.” As a distinctive trait, Desmex

project in Mexico and involved the first Walmart stores in the

mostly favors German technology for its PV projects. “We

country being converted for renewable energy use. In spite

mainly use Aleo Solar’s modules. For inverters, we turn

of the success working on this project, the company’s focus

to SMA, the most common and best-known supplier,”

remained on the residential sector that it found simpler to

explains Jaime Montes de Oca, Head of Engineering of

work with. This is not surprising, as Mexican homeowners

Desmex Solar. This penchant for German technology has

in the high domestic consumption tariff represent a 2GW

to do with product quality, explains Montes de Oca. “We

market, according to Desmex. “We have completed over

are selling top-notch equipment and have tested the

3,000 residential installations, which gave us a solid

products we use in high-end laboratories where German

background to start pursuing a number of projects below

products have always come out on top. They are not the

10MW. Other areas of expertise involve developments for

most affordable but Desmex can manage to move them

smaller commercial applications, along with single digit

around the Mexican market. These products have ten year

MW installations for larger companies. Our success can

manufacturing guarantees, while Chinese products come

be attributed to our low and competitive market prices,”

with two to five year guarantees.” However, von Frantzius

explains Von Frantzius. “We would like to install four or five

points out that Desmex is currently also working with two

small commercial developments each year and even own

Chinese partners who provide the PV modules while the

and operate our own solar plant to sell energy.”

Mexican firm does the rest.

CHINESE SOLAR LEADER FOCUSED ON MEXICO The fast growth of Jinko Solar should not be easily

with a very well-known brand with high quality product and

dismissed. In 2010, four years after its foundation, the

pricing.” To further guarantee quality to its customers around

Chinese company was listed on the New York Stock

the world, Jinko Solar has focused on obtaining well-known

Exchange. It became the industry leader in Italy and South

international certifications – such as UL certifications, as well

Africa in 2012, and now also ranks among the top five solar

as equivalents from the UK and Japan. “This is just one facet

companies in France, China, and Germany. With 1.3GW

of the quality that drives the firm,” states Arguedas, who

of installed capacity, Jinko Solar has become one of the

affirms that Jinko Solar’s leading technology is differentiated

largest solar panel manufacturers in the world.

by that very attention to quality. Another key aspect to Jinko Solar’s performance is its vertical integration.


The company turned to emerging markets when the solar

Arguedas explains that being vertically integrated allows

industry came to a halt in many European countries. Latin

the company to control every stage of production and test

America is one of the markets that the company is entering

all its suppliers, leading to constant improvements all the

in its quest to strengthen its global market position. “We

way down the supply chain. “We invest a lot of money in

need to be very aggressive to position our brand and to gain

R&D so that our panels will have a very high performance.

trust from our customers,” says Carlos Arguedas, Director

Photon Laboratory rated our products among the best

for Latin America and the Caribbean at Jinko Solar. “We

solar panels on the market,” states Arguedas, adding

need to assure our customers that they will be teaming up

that vertical integration also helps when negotiating with

Bjarnemark believes the Mexico’s manufacturing sector will

Bjarnemark lays out how being a renowned foreign

allow the economy to grow at a tremendous pace, but the

company is not enough to make it in the Mexican market.

resulting rise in energy demand will put a lot of stress on the

He believes it is necessary to know the country well, which

current electricity infrastructure. “Considering the conditions

cannot be achieved in a matter of weeks. Taking this into

of CFE’s production capacity and grid, there can be no

account, Mexican firms have a great advantage, says the

single answer to Mexico’s energy situation,” says Bjarnemark.

Desmex Solar CEO. “They understand Mexico in ways

“Mexico is running out of capacity, contributing to power

no foreign company could, but international companies

outages. PV energy could provide a solution, but current

have the upper hand in many cases because they own

infrastructure is inadequate to allow this to happen,” says

the technology and the intellectual property that Mexican

Montes de Oca. “Solar plants larger than 30MW are going

companies crave.” Desmex found a good solution to this

to have a hard time connecting to the grid. Power storage

conundrum. The company has partnered up with strong

systems can provide solutions for small projects, but not for

technology firms, but remains a Mexican company with

larger developments such as PV parks,” he adds. “However,

long experience in the market. “Local experience will turn

renewable energy sources will have to play a significant role

out to be more valuable than experience developing large

in whatever strategy is carried forward. Aside from irradiation

projects,” says Bjarnemark.

rates, solar has a distinct advantage over wind as it is prone to a decentralized architecture whereas wind projects are

Working to expand its own capacity, Desmex already has

clustered in certain areas. Moreover, prices for solar energy

CFE’s permission for a 3MW solar project but the company

will continue to drop, which will raise demand even further.”

is still working on signing the PPA. “Permits should not

As these prices fall, Desmex is finding solar energy becoming

have to take long, but they can take up to a year and a half

more competitive, which has promoted the appearance of

here at least,” says Montes de Oca.

many small competitors that offer low prices. “Unlike them, we are a stable company that has been in the market since

Five years from now, Desmex plans on being a key player

1994,” says Montes de Oca. “We would not be surprised if

in the Mexican industry and move towards the clean tech

many of these companies also failed as the same situation

and energy efficiency businesses. “We want to expand

took place with solar heating systems. Companies started

and not rely exclusively on solar power since we know

bringing in thermo-siphons but two years later they were

how changeable and risky the market can be”, says Von

gone as the guarantees, the products, and the results they

Frantzius. The company wants to continue working on

offered were poor.” Desmex is bracing for an influx of foreign

making the sector interesting and appealing, hoping to

competition over the next two years. “Several suppliers have

build the renewable energy industry. As Von Frantzius puts

told us that most European companies have their sights set

it: “Hopefully, I will look back 20 years from now and say I

on Mexico, especially Spanish firms,” says Montes de Oca.

was part of a big change in Mexico.”

suppliers, resulting in cost reductions. This low cost is then

strategy has held true in Mexico where the company has

passed on to customers, allowing it to provide high-quality

partners that are 100% Mexican. “Jinko Solar has a good

panels at good prices tailored to fit every market.

relationship with Mexican companies but we also want to team up with European, American and Asian companies

The fact that Jinko Solar has invested in establishing a sales

here,” says Arguedas. He explains and underlines that the

office in Mexico reflects the importance of the country in

solar industry is still very new and will only be successful

the company’s growth strategy particularly because, as

if the public, private and industrial sectors work together.

Arguedas points out, very few cell manufacturers have sales

Nevertheless, Jinko Solar believes the Mexican market has

people working on the ground in the Mexican market. “We

major growth potential.

respect small, medium, big and utility-scale customers. This industry was born because of small and medium customers.

For many Mexican consumers, the question about the

A country like Germany, which installs more than 6GW per

quality and reliability of Chinese products still persists.

year, sees 50% of its installation come from companies that

In order to face this challenge, Arguedas emphasizes the

install between half a megawatt and 20kW. Jinko Solar

investment China has made to achieve its current status

respects every partner, no matter what their size.” The

in the renewable energy market. “When you think of high-

company provides international knowhow, which added to

quality cars, you think of Germany. When you think of good

this local expertise, paves the road toward expansion. It

wine, you think of France. Right now, the leading companies

has been particularly important for Jinko Solar to become

in the renewable energy industry are Chinese because

grounded in each market by finding strong local partners

they have invested in the human, financial, and industrial

that have the experience and the knowledge to navigate

resources that are essential for producing high-quality

some of the obstacles each new market represents. This

products. China is the leader in this new industry,” he adds.


STATE OF MEXICAN RESEARCH ON SOLAR TECHNOLOGY Thanks to resources from SENER, an investment of

energy and PV systems, the development of new materials,

MX$452.9 million (US$33.7 million) will be made to create

methodologies to optimize the use of UV radiation to clean

a new virtual organism called the Mexican Center for

water, solar towers for concentrated thermal power and

Innovation in Solar Energy, which will gather 67 research

solar power generation engines. Besides spurring national

institutes and 21 foreign and Mexican companies. The

technological development, the Center will also seek

Renewable Energies Institute (IER), part of UNAM and

to build up Mexico’s human capital to ensure a constant

established in Morelos, will be the coordinating entity of

flow of trained professionals for the solar energy industry.

this new organism. This initiative was strongly supported

R&D activities for solar technology often take place in

by the National Solar Energy Association (ANES), in

the countries of origin of large multinational companies.

order to foster the transition to renewable energies.

As such, another aim for the development of the Mexican

“We have to stop focusing all our attention on finding

Center for Innovation in Solar Energy is for it to become

oil and start looking up. Mexico has major wind and

an important hub of knowledge, incentivizing companies

solar potential and these resources could contribute to

to establish more R&D facilities in Mexico and creating the

building a more equal and sustainable country,” says

foundations for the development of a local supply chain.

Álvaro Lentz Herrera, President of ANES. This new

The potential combination of Mexico’s natural logistical

research center will be directed by Jesús Antonio del Río

and manufacturing advantages combined with R&D

Portilla, Director of the IER at UNAM and President of the

activities would increase the attractiveness of the country

Science Academy of Morelos. Del Río Portilla stated that

for the solar industry. The creation of the Mexican Center

SENER and CONACYT promoted the coordination of the

for Innovation in Solar Energy, among other initiatives,

project by bringing the right research institutions to the

demonstrates the government’s desire to start developing

table. The Mexican Center for Innovation in Solar Energy

Mexican solar technology and support the creation of a

will begin coordinating around 50 projects with leading

green manufacturing industry. However, the development

scientists from different institutions, while initiatives

of such technology will require skilled labor, creating a

from companies that wish to commercialize products

high-tech, manufacturing industry. The combined efforts

in the short-term will also be considered. Initial projects

of different participants in the solar industry will be needed

will include the optimization of the use of thermal solar

to make this a reality.

Somos los desarrolladores del proyecto de ingeniería, construcción, puesta en marcha y mantenimiento de un Parque Fotovoltaico en el Estado de Sonora para la generación y Autoabastecimiento de energía eléctrica renovable y no contaminante en la República Mexicana, de la cual se benefician tanto Instituciones Públicas como la Iniciativa Privada del país.


para mas información visita la página web: o contáctanos a este teléfono: +52 55-1107-0486




Rodolfo Martínez Strevel, Director General of BUTECSA



BUTECSA’s strategy focuses on offering quality products,


which does not necessarily translate into providing the

create BUTECSA almost

cheapest solution. Martínez underlines that the company’s

35 years ago, the Mexican

staying power in the market over 33 years is down to its



long-term solar energy solutions. These satisfy customers

distant dream. The three


and show the need for certified products, he says. Another

were working at UNAM’s

aspect BUTECSA considers as vital is personnel training,



which it offers to many companies in the solar thermal

Energy and had completed

sector. The idea goes that as great as a product may be,

many successful projects,

it will not work if it is not installed properly. “Personnel



including the creation of

training, certified products, experience and innovation.

the first test bank for solar heaters in the country in 1979.

Those are the key components driven by BUTECSA and

In the early 1980s, the group had to choose between their

we are willing to establish strategic alliances with any

research careers or BUTECSA. It was not an easy choice

company that will strengthen these components through

since conditions back then did not favor renewable energy

technological or economic resources,” he adds.

sources. “Fossil fuels were very cheap in Mexico and there was no concern for the environment,” recalls Rodolfo

Martínez also served as president of ANES in 2006-2008.

Martínez Strevel, Director General of BUTECSA.

During his period at the association, ANES was invited to advise INFONAVIT on its Green Mortgage program, which

The company reached an important milestone in 1985

encourages solar heating, energy-saving light bulbs, on-grid

when it was hired by INFONAVIT (National Housing Fund

PV systems, and thermal insulating systems to be installed

for Workers) to elaborate bioclimatic design norms for

in low-cost housing. ANES also worked on the legislation

low-cost housing. BUTECSA made recommendations

and norms that enabled energy sources to be connected

for housing in hot and humid climates in places like

to the grid. “This period was crucial in developing a

Villahermosa, for colder places like Toluca, and hot and dry

regulatory framework which did not exist before and was

areas such as Hermosillo or Mexicali. This project opened

a way of fostering renewable resources. It also served for

the consulting door for the company, which spent much

the development of programs such as Green Mortgage,

of the late 20th century advising NGOs and government

which had a positive impact on the Mexican solar industry,”

agencies, while carrying out early PV projects. “We did

Martínez mentions. The 2007 shift in the legal framework

projects in which we invited researchers from every

compelled BUTECSA to change the focus of its business

academic institution in the country who were involved

strategy from rural communities and pool heating systems

in renewable energy sources at the time,” Martínez

to on-grid systems, covering residential, commercial and

says. Nowadays, BUTECSA is an industry leader in solar

industrial needs. Because of its founders’ backgrounds,

thermal energy. The company has been working in hotels

BUTECSA remains on a constant search for innovation.

and hospitals for eight years now, installing systems that

Martínez claims that research is as important to the

range from 2,000 liters to 30,000 liters of hot water per

company as carrying out projects. This is the reason why

day. The growth of thermal energy systems has a lot to

the company’s project portfolio lists successes in installing

do with return on investment becoming quicker since the

anti-freezing systems on PV cells, indirect heating systems

1990s, moving from an 8-10 year period to just 3-5 years.

and panels with amorphous silicon in thin sheets, among

Additionally, the impact on the environment has become a

many others. “We have received awards for our innovations

matter of greater concern. Recent legislation particularly

in engineering and design, which supports our quest to find

in Mexico City, is making companies check their carbon

new ways of doing things,” he adds. It might be some time

emissions, with solar heaters being a way to mitigate these

before the Mexican solar industry booms, but from Martínez’s

emissions and reduce operational costs.

perspective, the future of renewable energy is shining bright and will do so even more once the necessary public policies

The current Mexican solar industry is a far cry from

are implemented. In the meantime, BUTECSA is preparing

BUTECSA’s early days. Over the past three years, a number

itself and reaching for the right international partners. “Few

of companies have entered the market, many of which offer

Mexican companies have experience installing solar energy

low prices. However, Martínez is quick to point out that

systems amounting to megawatts, but we have allies with

most of these product providers are not certified, saying

that experience that will give us the right knowledge when

“price is important, but it is not the only thing to consider.”

the time comes,” Martínez concludes.








Mexican solar panel manufacturing could be improved.


“To spark the use of Mexican panels in the US and across


Latin America, we need to first address the insufficient

manufacturer sees


currently into



connected systems. Carlos Walls, Director General of SolarAct



manufacturing capacity. Several Mexican companies,


besides SolarAct, are finding investors that are willing


to take chances in Mexico and produce high-quality

areas, and

SolarAct on

he acknowledges that international awareness about




products at competitive prices. The other issue is that


the peripheral components of PV systems are not being

which the firm classifies as

manufactured in the country at the moment. To create

the fastest growing market

a vertically integrated Mexican supply chain, it is crucial

in Mexico. The decision to concentrate on this area was

for the country to develop these systems at home, since

also motivated by the delay usually involved in connecting

reducing dependency on imported technologies would

a PV system to the grid. “Given that CFE often needs six

lead to more opportunities for Mexican companies in

months or more to connect a PV system to the grid, off-grid

markets across Latin America,” he says. “SolarAct is

systems present a major opportunity. They may not be the

ahead of the game on this and is constantly looking for

most efficient, but they cover specific needs and provide a

markets to which we can export our products.”

quick solution when power from the grid is unavailable or too costly, such as in remote communities,” says Walls. Its

Alongside solar panels, SolarAct has also spotted the

experience in rural communities has also allowed SolarAct

potential of energy efficient lighting, such as LED. Walls

to identify another area of opportunity: solar-powered

acknowledges that the initial investment in LED lighting

street lighting. Walls explains that developing this market

is high but promises that returns on investment become

could help bring safety to traditionally unsafe areas such as

tangible after three to four years of the decade that LED

town squares, playgrounds and sports fields that are often

light bulbs can last. But as the enthusiasm for LED lighting

poorly illuminated due to the lack of a grid connection.

has grown in Mexico, Walls laments that the market has been flooded with LED bulbs that do not comply with

Walls is confident that SolarAct’s panels have the

international quality standards, although the government

quality to compete with the best international brands

is taking action. “SENER Norm 031 was just approved,

and can sell at prices that match the offerings from the

and suppliers who want to use LED technology for public

Chinese, Japanese and Korean manufacturers. However,

street lighting will have to comply with this norm.”


Alejandro Caballero Robles, Director General of ERDM Solar


ERDM Solar is not afraid of

are not enough incentives for companies to develop

competition. This Mexican

solar projects that could help address the CFE’s energy

company from San Andrés

shortages and satisfy the energy demand of the country.

Tuxtla, Veracruz, is the

“There has to be a commitment from the government,”

leading Mexican producer

Caballero Robles says. “There has to be a link between

of photovoltaic modules,

the private sector and the government in order to meet



Mexico’s future electricity demand. Another element that

into other products and

prevents the full growth of the solar industry in Mexico



is a lack of knowledge among the general population






and the business community. Solar energy is thought to

Robles, Director General

be expensive or inefficient and this misunderstanding

of ERDM Solar, “Mexico has great potential in terms of

needs to be tackled.” As a result of this lack of general

solar irradiation but the country is wasting its capacity.”

knowledge, companies often focus on equipment costs

Caballero Robles thinks the main problem is that there

rather than on the long-term benefits.


have been creating products and solutions for housing and

in the side of many a

for small businesses,” explains López de Cardenas. “This

project developer, as it

has led us to the conclusion that Mexicans are starting to

can involve having to find

take better care of the environment.” Although it began

separate firms to deal with

with a double focus on wind and solar, from 2012, MEP

engineering, procurement

turned its attention largely on solar and began leveraging




its relationships with German firms specialized in PV


energy transmission. MEP is aware that solar technology

ability to provide services

is a rapidly evolving sector so these relationships allow

across all aspects of EPC is

the firm to constantly refresh its portfolio of products,

Energy Rafael López de Cárdenas, COO of Main Energy Projects


what allows it to stand out.

while also having signed collaborative agreements with

Finding that Mexico had great solar and wind potential but

laboratories, to constantly monitor the performance and

lacked the policies to operate very large renewable energy

quality of its products.

projects, MEP’s founders started the company in 2011 to provide integrated EPC services for large PV plants.








look for short-term profits by signing EPC contracts MEP’s COO, Rafael López de Cárdenas, says that this

with international companies. However, he challenges

integrated strategy gives the company greater control over

companies who say they want the wealth they create to

its projects, by directly working on them at every stage.

stay in Mexico to contract firms that use Mexican labor

“Trusting the high engineering standards that Germany has

for a project’s engineering and construction. He adds that

become identified with, MEP is known for hiring German

although MEP brings in German engineers for projects due

engineers to oversee every project the company develops.

to their high standards and experience, the firm values

López de Cárdenas explains that, unlike many competitors,

collaborating with national firms because they know the

his company will not focus exclusively on larger consumers,

market, policies, and contracts. As López de Cárdenas

either among the government or in heavy industry. “The

explains, a company has a better chance of succeeding in

residential sector provides great opportunities, but analysis

a foreign market when it is inclined to adapt rather than

shows that it is a highly competitive market. It is this in-

impose a single structure and strategy on its operations. In

depth analysis of the residential sector that has made MEP

that line, despite building its early reputation on German

optimistic that Mexicans are increasingly paying attention

expertise, MEP “wants to acquire less from Germany and

to the environment. In 2013, more and more companies

make the most with what can be done in Mexico.”

To compete in the new emerging solar market, ERDM

projects help CFE to increase its efficiency and to offer a

Solar relies on its principles, along with its competitive

better service to more people. ERDM is also looking to

prices, and what it calls “the alma mater” of its essence:

develop projects that help households lower their electricity

top-of-the-line German technology. “This is crucial for the

consumption by enabling them to generate their own

development of ERDM Solar. German companies were

energy. This initiative is targeting high-energy consumers

the first in the market and have maintained their leading

that are paying the DAC tariff. Another initiative is to develop

position over time,” Caballero Robles emphasizes. ERDM

a photovoltaic project for Mexican roads. This project would

Solar brings together German technology with the talent

need government cooperation but will not only bring

of Mexican engineers and workforce,” explains Robles.

benefits for the authorities but for the users of these roads that are currently neglected, dark, and unsafe. For Caballero

Although its main focus is the development of solar panels,

Robles, the future of the solar industry seems bright. He

ERDM Solar also offers other products and services. One

believes that the Energy Reform and the general interest in

product that ERDM sells is an individual project known as an

renewable energy resources are creating a positive growth

island, which consists of solar panels, inverters and energy

outlook for the Mexican solar market, and a platform for

storage facilities to create an off-grid energy system solution

the international expansion of ERDM. “We are interested

to satisfy local energy demand. Islands are used mainly

in expanding into international markets. We are already

in remote rural areas where it is not profitable for CFE to

exporting to the US and we are ready for direct competition

construct a grid connection for a small community. Island

with our Asian competitors,” concludes Caballero Robles.



makes us very proud because it represents what Energía


Renovable del Centro is all about. We enabled kids from



Geography (INEGI),

very poor and isolated locations to get the education they

over half a million Mexican


deserve,” Fernández Velasco emphasizes. The company

households do not have

has also been part of projects that brought energy to

access to electricity. This is

isolated communities in the Sierra de Queretaro, Sierra de

mainly due to the remote

Oaxaca, and Guanajuato.

and scattered location of Arsenio Fernández Velasco, Director General of Energía Renovable del Centro











the lack of infrastructure

commonplace in the residential sector, appreciated for the



savings they give to users on their gas bills. The industrial

Fernández Velasco, Director General of Energía Renovable

sector, always keen to reduce costs, is also beginning to

del Centro, realized this presented a business opportunity

eye up the saving opportunities sustainability provides.

for solar energy systems while searching for electricity

For example, Energía Renovable del Centro installed the

solutions for a family home. Looking for companies that

biggest solar thermal system in the Americas at Nestlé’s

provided this service, he found close to none. Soon after,

plant in Toluca, which has the capacity to heat 500,000

Energía Renovable del Centro was founded in the city of

liters of water to 32°C a day. As technology progressed

Queretaro with the goal of filling the void in electricity

while becoming both more accessible and profitable,

solutions for remote locations through photovoltaic

Energía Renovable del Centro decided on a multi-pronged

systems. Not long after the company was born, the rise

approach to renewable energy, allowing it to explore

of domestic gas prices enabled it to add solar thermic


solutions to its portfolio.

emphasizes that the company’s goal is to always seek





the most efficient solution, technologically and financially Fernández Velasco sees the company’s survival during

speaking. In order to be able to continue being a relevant

difficult financial times as one of its main achievements,

player in the sector, Energía Renovable del Centro

especially in the early days when knowledge about the

seeks to maintain its edge by relying on the best quality

economic benefits of renewable energy was very limited.

equipment from the most reputable manufacturers in the

“Today, people are aware of the environmental and social

world. “Anyone can import cheap panels from China,” says

benefits of renewable energy although its economic

Fernández Velasco. “But selling the best panels in the



world is no easy task. We always use the best technology,

economic savings are the very reason INFONAVIT made

striking a balance between quality and quantity. This does

these systems a part of their affordable housing program,”

not translate to simply looking for the most expensive

he adds.

technology because it might not necessarily be the most





efficient or the most cost-effective.” Fernández Velasco argues that Mexico has the most


expensive DAC (high domestic consumption) tariff in the

“It is expected that the solar industry will boom in the next

world. Energía Renovable del Centro promises a return

few years,” says Fernández Velasco. “So far, the industry

on investment (ROI) of approximately 4 years for its

has grown in an organic fashion, without any government

installations. This rises to 4.5 years for commercial rates,

support. However, any type of support or incentives from

which are included in tariff 2 and can go up to 5 years for

the authorities will provide an impulse for faster growth.”

public lighting installations in tariff 5. The ROI for industrial

Energía Renovable del Centro is focused on becoming one

installations takes longer at 9-10 years, but in Velasco’s

of the main engineering solution providers of Mexico. Long

experience, the industrial sector tends to shy away from

gone are the days when the company strived to keep afloat.

solar power projects due to financial reasons. The company

Energía Renovable del Centro is now dealing with the

has worked in many residential interconnection projects

challenges of exponential growth. With client satisfaction

but the electrification of rural secondary schools that had

always in mind, its constant focus is on maintaining

no access to energy stands out as a firm favorite. “This

quality and timely delivery for its projects. Aware that any

was a great project as these schools work with televised

company is only as good as the people within it, Fernández

courses, but they did not have the electricity to power a

Velasco says “our primary concern is human talent. We

TV. We provided solar and wind systems to generate basic

invest in our people with training courses, so as to be fully

energy so that these schools could function. This project

prepared for what is coming.”


MEXICAN SOLAR POWERED WATER HEATERS TAKE ON GLOBAL COMPETITION DANIEL GARCÍA Director General at Módulo Solar Q: What are the main milestones in Módulo Solar’s

in which the installation of solar-powered water heaters

technological development?

is included in the house’s construction and the heater’s

A: Módulo Solar has three product lines on the market:

value is included in the total value of the mortgage. This

Axol, which consists of water heating for households, Maxol

is the only program of its kind in the world, enabling users

for heating water for industrial purposes, and Poliheat for

to use the equipment without having to pay the full price

swimming pools. Axol are the best-selling solar-powered

right away. According to studies made about the Green

water heaters in Mexico and have characteristics that

Mortgage program, a solar water heater for a house with

were specifically designed for the Mexican market. This is

four people and one bathroom can save up to MX$250

currently our strongest line because it is used in houses that

(US$19) per month worth of gas. The heater only raises

come under the Green Mortgage program. In Mexico, water

the total cost of the mortgage by MX$100 per month so

is rather impure as it contains chlorine and other particles

the final user saves MX$150 per month. Ordinary people

that make it corrosive. This is something we consider

can thus help the country by being eco-friendly while

when designing equipment and we are able to guarantee

contributing to Mexico’s economic situation as gas is

a ten-year lifespan using Mexican water. The Maxol line

subsidized. Around 200,000 houses with solar-powered

of products was made for the European market. Those

water heaters have been installed over the past four years

water heaters consist of flat solar collectors designed for

as part of the Green Mortgage program, and Módulo Solar

industrial purposes in international markets, making it our

has been responsible for making 25% of them.

line with the most potential. The success of our products has seen Módulo Solar, a Mexican company, rank among

Q: What advantages does Mexico have in the solar water

the top five companies with the best efficiency rates for

heating market?

solar collectors in Europe.

A: Over 40 years, solar-powered water heating has developed






Q: What motivated Módulo Solar’s focus on obtaining



technology, and production costs. Manufacturing a solar-

A: Mexican certifications are not recognized in Europe, so

powered water heater in Mexico is more affordable than

we have worked on obtaining the necessary certifications

doing so in the US but the quality standards are the same.

to enter the European market. We have ISO 9001-2008

In Mexico, technological development for this specific

certification and we are certified by the Spanish Association

sector provides strong opportunities. Also, this sector is

for Norms and Certificates. Solar Keymark is the most

highly specialized but does not fall under the high-tech

prestigious certificate for solar power products as it covers

category like the photovoltaic sector, which requires

product efficiency, manufacturing processes, and product

patented technology. Mexico can become a leading

quality. Every year, we receive visits from Solar Keymark

solar heater technology manufacturer in Latin America.

technicians who audit our company and make sure we are

Currently, Brazil installs the largest number of solar-

working according to their standards. Our US certifications

powered water heaters in the Americas. Last year alone,

include the Solar Rating Collector Certification and the

Brazil probably installed 1 million m2 of solar-powered

Florida Solar Energy Center certification. In Mexico, Módulo

water heaters. The problem is that Brazil closed its borders,

Solar complies with the NMX-01 and NMX-04 norms for

so it is now lagging behind in technological development.

solar collectors and water heaters.

A Mexican-made solar powered water heater offers better





quality and efficiency than a Brazilian one. This will affect Q: What incentives could the Mexican government create

Brazil as foreign companies will have better technology

to incite people to use solar heaters?

when they do enter the market. In Mexico, the five largest

A: The most important program to incentivize the use of

companies making solar-powered water heaters all work

solar heaters is probably the Green Mortgage program,

with European technology standards.



CONCENTRATED SOLAR POWER NOW REALITY IN MEXICO ENRIQUE IRANZO MARTÍN Manager for Mexico, Caribbean and Colombia, Abengoa Solar Q: What are the main opportunities that Abengoa sees in

A: Both technologies are necessary for the development

Mexico, and which unique strengths do you bring to this

of the solar industry in Mexico. Thermal solar technology


is an ideal solution for large-scale plants due to its

A: Solar energy is inexhaustible and investing in research,

hybrid capacities, which allow it to be used with other

development and innovation (R&D+i) is the base of

renewables or with conventional plants. Its facilitation of

success for any technological company. Following this

storage also allows a plant to adjust its energy production

piece of advice, Abengoa’s strength has been its vertical

to electric demand or to produce energy for 24 hours a

integration in terms of engineering technology, used within

day. PV technology is ideal for medium-sized plants and

the context of a global strategy powered by clear local

for distributed production. It produces clean energy at a

understanding. Mexico has excellent solar irradiation levels

low cost but is still intermittent. Initially, Abengoa focused

across great parts of its territory, especially in its northern

its R&D+i efforts in CSP technology, but today we are a

regions. The irradiation levels in certain regions are among

reference in PV as well.

the highest in the world, reaching up to 2.800kWh/m of 2

direct annual radiation.

We can develop solar projects or hybrid projects that also make use of fossil fuels such as natural gas. Solar

Q: What has been the experience of working in Mexico

technology is compatible with traditional technologies,

compared to other countries in which Abengoa has

and at the end of the day a country needs a diversified

developed projects?

energy mix with renewable sources that can lower CO2

A: Initial support for the solar industry in a country is key

emissions. The key to the development of CSP has been

for its future growth. To attract the required investment, a

thermal energy storage. Some solar plants in the US have

convincing and well-defined set of measures is necessary.

storage capacity for 6 hours, and one solar plant in Chile

According to our experience in other countries, Mexico

has storage capacity of 17.5 hours. Through this storage

should develop independent tenders for each renewable

capability, solar power is no longer intermittent, which

energy source. In independent tenders, the government

gives CSP a clear advantage.

defines a specific capacity to be satisfied by each renewable source in order to achieve the energy mix defined by the

Q: How do you convince clients, financial institutions and

National Energy Strategy. The construction and operation

off-takers that CSP is competitive in a market that has

of power plants would then be granted through such

mainly focused on PV?

tenders. Furthermore, the government would establish a

A: We have made advancements in storage capacity, and

tariff cap which would guarantee competitive rates. Tender

costs are being lowered due to accumulated expertise

participants would have to fulfill a series of requirements,

and investments made in CSP. We have been able to

such as investment capacity, and construction and

position CSP as a convenient alternative for traditional

operation experience. Certain conditions would be set

energy sources and that has the capacity to play an

to avoid future problems in the project, such as having

important role within the energy mix of different countries.

location with sufficient evacuation capacity. A long term

The development of CSP helps the industrialization of

PPA with a public company also assures the contract will

certain regions of a country, while PV modules have

be fulfilled. These mechanisms have been successfully

practically become a commodity. However, CSP and

applied in countries such as South Africa and Israel, and

PV are complementary. The government’s capacity to

would help Mexico make a real commitment to solar.

incentivize these technologies, the technical capacity of the developers, and being attractive to financing are all


Q: What are the respective roles of solar thermal and

essential. Small and big companies are compatible in a

photovoltaic technologies in the development of a

market but it is clear that the market has to be opened by

country’s solar industry?

big companies.

Q: What are Abengoa’s priorities in the development of

Q: How do such combined cycle projects compare with

new technology?

projects that are 100% renewables?

A: No company can have a future without investing in this

A: A hybrid plant is not completely renewable but it is a

area. It is through R&D+i that we differentiate ourselves and

great opportunity to increase clean generation in countries

become more competitive in the race against conventional

where funding mechanisms for renewable energies are

energy. Today, Abengoa is the only technology company

still not available. The consumer gets a cleaner energy

that masters all solar technologies and has a clear

at a lower cost. CSP is the only technology that can be

positioning in terms of innovation, thanks to its two

hybridized in this way.

globally recognized R&D centers in Denver and Seville. Among our new developments is high concentration

Q: What are the ambitions and possibilities for new

photovoltaic energy (HCPV), which moves away from silica

projects in the Mexican energy market?

and is based on Fresnel lenses. HCPV promises to be an

A: Our objective is to turn Mexico into an energy

important technology for the future, and will be ideal for

development pole and a reference in Latin America.

the Mexican market due to the country’s high irradiation.

Aside from environmental benefits, the construction and operation of solar plants generates considerable

Q: What are the highlights of the development of the

economic benefits, diversifies the energy mix, and helps

hybrid solar power plant in Agua Prieta?

the country become energy independent. It engages major

A: Agua Prieta is a reference for Mexico and Latin America,

Mexican companies that can complement the knowhow

since it is the first solar and gas combined cycle plant

of international players. It will spur the development

developed in the region. Abengoa built this 12MW CSP

of a manufacturing industry for the exporting of solar

plant for CFE, and the project was developed with a US$50

equipment. Abengoa is already doing this; some of the

million subsidy from the Green Climate Fund. The hybrid

parts we produce in Queretaro are used in our 100MW

technology allows the use of two abundant resources in

CSP plant in Abu Dhabi. Finally, it creates jobs for qualified

Mexico and combines the benefits of cheap natural gas

personnel in the construction of plants, manufacturing of

and zero CO2 emissions.

components, and in operations and maintenance.


CONCENTRATED PHOTOVOLTAICS (CPV) IHS forecasts that concentrated PV (CPV) installations

CPV systems typically have 20 power units per panel,

will rise to 1,362MW in 2020, increasing from 160MW in

and 36 panels per system or array mounted on a dual-

2013. This means double-digit growth during the coming

axis tracker. The power units consist of a primary mirror

years, driven by continuing lifetime cost reductions

and a smaller secondary mirror on top that concentrate

that are increasing the competitiveness of CPV against

the sunlight. This is consequently sent to the receiver unit

conventional PV systems.

within the power unit which has a tertiary non-imaging optical rod and a high-efficiency multi-junction cell.

The use of optical systems and mirrors to focus sunlight on PV

A panel of 20 power units produces 432 watts of rated

cells raises the efficiency of CPV, as well as its cost. However,

power, which amounts to 15.6kWp DC rated power on an

the multi-junction cells that are used instead of conventional

array of 36 panels. Where traditional PV systems have

silicon PV cells are able to convert the large amounts of

efficiency levels of around 19%, CPV panels are already

sunlight, generated by magnifying the illumination on the cell

reaching 25% and can get up to 40% efficiency, or 42% in a

by up to 650 times, into electric power at high efficiency. This

laboratory setting. There still is a lot of room for innovation

means that fewer solar cells are needed to generate the same

and improvement, as 50 % efficiency is achievable in the

amount of electricity. Panels with these CPV systems are

future, industry specialists believe. The efficiency curve

installed on dual-axis trackers which allow them to trace the

shows a very steep improvement over little time, with a

sun when it crosses the sky, resulting in a perfect alignment

range increase of 5% over three years, compared to 1% for

between the sun and the panel.

the same period in the case of silicon PV.




7 The bioenergy sector in Mexico is still in its infancy, although its potential is being sought after as urban areas grapple with waste management. The amount of organic resources available and the waste generated in cities can both go towards energy production, providing Mexico with an abundant source of energy. Only a few biofuel production projects have cropped up, since the lack of connection and communication between the supply and demand sides of the equation has prevented the market from achieving a substantial production increase. Municipal solid waste management is becoming a growing concern which may well drive forward a still underdeveloped sector, opening up opportunities ranging from waste-to-energy to recycling.

This chapter looks at the companies seeking to be pioneers in the Mexican bioenergy sector while also offering solutions that could spur economic development in rural areas, the controversies surrounding biofuels and food safety, and the industries that could most benefit from using bioenergy. It also includes the vision of entrepreneurs committed to turning waste management challenges into business opportunities.




Instruments and Actions for a Sustainable Nation


Global Trends in the Bioenergy Sector


A Willing Industry without a Market


Merger Between Goals for Transportation and Biofuels


Social and Environmental Arguments for Biofuels


Selecting the Best Crops for Biofuel Production


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Fostering Bioenergy for Rural Development


Mexican Regions Combine to Create Bioenergy Potential


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Mexican Players in the International Biodiesel Market


Aviation: Large Potential Market for Use of Biofuels


Education: Key in Unlocking Biofuel Potential


Raising Awareness of the Needs of Biofuel Production


Exploiting Methane from Landfills for Generation


Bordo Poniente: Large Steps toward Cleaning Mexico City


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Water and Waste Management Opportunities Abound


Monterrey, a Pioneer of Bioenergy Generation


Waste to Energy Potential Not Well Utilized


Sweden as an Example of a Waste Management Strategy


VEW FROM THE TOP: Improving the Waste Management Legal Framework


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Missed Business Opportunity of Plastics


INSTRUMENTS AND ACTIONS FOR A SUSTAINABLE NATION Mexico has the good fortune of being among the countries

a change in land use, it has to reforest an area three times

with the world’s greatest biodiversity. The country is home

the size of the zone that will be deforested. The interested

to around 12% of the world’s species but is in growing danger

party must also justify that the environmental and social

of losing its privileged position. Forests have been among

benefits of any relevant project exceeds any predictable

the most critical losses, since 50% of the national territory is

environmental impact.

considered to be forest vocation land due to this ecosystem’s prior abundance. Illegal logging is seeing Mexican green

Even though Mexico was one of the first countries to adopt

cover vanish at a rate of approximately 150,000 hectares per

strategic environmental evaluations, the Environmental

year. In addition to the loss of biodiversity, environmental

Impact Assessment has not seen many changes in the

degradation has costs amounting to 7% of GNP. The

past 20 years. Although the Assessment has always been

number of vulnerable and extinct species and the annual

strict, SEMARNAT is seeking to improve it so it may better

deforestation rate are clear signs that the conservationist

cater to today’s environmental needs, such as measuring

model is not working as expected.

cumulative impacts in one area. This is just one of several

“The problem is that a very small portion of trash is being reused and we still have a long way to go before waste-toenergy becomes a viable option” Rafael Pacchiano, Undersecretary of Management for Environmental Protection of SEMARNAT

Rafael Pacchiano, Undersecretary of Management for

changes SEMARNAT is making to its tools, which also

Environmental Protection of SEMARNAT, explains that the

includes modifications to the way a project’s carbon

current administration is taking a different approach toward

footprint is measured.

these issues. He says that the lack of economic resources and opportunities leads to environmental deterioration.

The power and transportation sectors are responsible for

Therefore, the government sees it as vital to enable people

22% of Mexico’s greenhouse emissions, making one of

living in naturally rich areas to take advantage of available

SEMARNAT’s priorities to reduce emissions across both

resources in a sustainable way while improving their quality

sectors. Waste management in cities is another keystone

of life. This strategy empowers local communities as part of

in SEMARNAT’s plans, a priority for current federal

Mexico’s actions against climate change.

and state administrations, and is included in political agreements. Pacchiano states that 30% of a large urban


SEMARNAT’s duties include facilitating the development

center’s trash ends up in open pits, some of which operate

of large energy projects in Mexico while ensuring that all

without permits. “Some landfills are under development.

projects respect the environmental regulations. To do this,

The problem is that a very small portion of trash is being

SEMARNAT has coordination mechanisms to establish norms

reused and we still have a long way to go before waste-

and regulate projects and their processes with the active

to-energy becomes a viable option.” SEMARNAT is doing

participation of three undersecretaries. The Undersecretary

extensive research on incineration techniques to generate

of Management for Environmental Protection, run by

power with inorganic waste. For example, the Mexico City

Pacchiano, is in charge of monitoring national programs that

government has plans to make the city trash free by giving

enable SEMARNAT to manage emission inventories.

value to waste that can be used for energy production.

Under this umbrella, a wide range of instruments are used

Finally, Pacchiano points to specific indicators having been

to protect Mexico’s natural resources. The Environmental

included within the National Development Plan for the first

Impact Assessment is used to evaluate the risk of

time. All actions taken by the different secretariats must

environmental alterations. This instrument determines the

now include these indicators to allow the performance

magnitude of possible environmental impacts and proposes

of their activities to be measured. These indicators’

measures to minimize them, while holding involved parties

methodology has been tested and approved at the

accountable for externalities. The Mexican Forestry Fund is

international level. “This forces us to work hard because we

a clear example of this mechanism. When a party requests

are going to be subjected to constant public evaluation.”

GLOBAL TRENDS IN THE BIOENERGY SECTOR The use of renewable resources to generate energy has

are accounted for, the amount of land needed and the

become an iron-clad priority to create a sustainable world

demand for cropland is reduced. The production of second

with bioenergy being an important contributor, given its role

generation biofuels allows for the use of feedstocks that

as a potential substitute for conventional power generation

do not compete with foodstuffs and can be grown on

and fuel production. Biomass, composed by products

marginal land, largely avoiding land usage issues and

from agriculture, forestry and waste among other sources,

posing no risks to food security.

represents the fourth-largest energy source after coal, oil and natural gas. This positions it as the renewable energy

The global biomass market is still quite centralized, with

resource with the highest availability, able to fulfill energy

the large markets of Brazil, India and the US accounting for

needs both locally and globally. However, land availability

around 50% of the total industrial use of biomass worldwide.

is an important factor to consider in determining the full

However, more diversification is becoming a possibility with

potential of generating energy from biomass.

the use of biomass gasification for use as a complementary fuel in combined cycle power plants. But for the moment,

Only 0.19% of the world’s land area is destined to grow energy crops

the low price of natural gas makes it the more costcompetitive choice. The clear leader in the production of biofuels is the US with a 48% share of the global market. In

for biomass, which represents

order to promote the use of biofuels in markets such as the

0.5-1.7% of all land dedicated

consumption, public policies have been enforced to blend

agricultural purposes.

bioenergy production is linked to public policies and to the

US and Brazil, the latter accounting for 22% of global biofuel biofuels with gasoline. These are examples that show that commitment of countries to mitigate climate change and

Another important aspect is that algae have not largely

reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

been taken into account in determining bioenergy capacity, while being a valuable potential energy source. Bioenergy

Biomass includes wood and agricultural crops, herbaceous

production has been closely linked to government policies

and energy crops, organic wastes and manure. In

since the production of low-cost biomass fuels is highly


dependent on local incentives. But the global increase in

consumed for cooking and heating with considerable

the price of fossil fuels is incentivizing a faster growth of

impacts on health and the environment. In these countries,

the biomass and biofuels sectors as the security and the

modern bioenergy supply is minute when compared to

diversification of energy sources becomes an ever higher

traditional uses. However, a total of 280TWh of bioenergy

priority. According to the World Bioenergy Association

electricity was produced globally in 2010, accounting













for 1.5% of the world’s electricity generation, with 8EJ of

production of biomass has reached 4,500EJ (exajoules)

bioenergy for heat also being used by industry. In 2011,

per year. By using 5% of this amount, almost 50% of the

10% of the world’s total energy supply was generated from

world’s primary energy demand in 2006 would have

biofuels and waste, actually marking a step back from the

been covered. However, there are fears that the use of

10.6% it accounted for in 1971, thirty years earlier.

biomass for energy production could negatively impact the economy and the environment. For bioenergy to bring

As stated in the study for Large Industrial Uses of Energy

the private and public sector together, it is essential to

Biomass by the IEA, the use of biomass for energy

demonstrate that its advantages exceed the costs of any

purposes is growing in the world. The International Energy

potential environmental damage.

Agency’s Energy Technology Perspectives 2012 present cost effective strategies for reducing greenhouse gas

First generation biofuels are currently being produced

emissions in the energy sector by 50% in 2050 compared

from sources such as corn, raising food security issues that

to 2005 levels with the objective of stabilizing atmospheric

threaten to limit their role in future energy supply. On the

greenhouse gases around 450 parts per million and

other hand, sugarcane ethanol biofuels avoid greenhouse

limiting the global temperature rise to 2°C by the end of

emissions and can be produced in a sustainable way.

this century. According to this roadmap, bioenergy can

The role of biofuel by-products have not been usually

play an important role in reducing emissions, and its share

taken into account when charting the benefits of biofuels

of world primary energy supply is expected to increase

and their possible uses in the livestock industry. If these

from the current 10% to 24% by 2050.


A WILLING INDUSTRY WITHOUT A VIABLE MARKET The National Energy Strategy states that it is important to

Some of the issues regarding land use can best be

substitute fuel imports with biofuels to reduce greenhouse

understood by drawing comparisons. In Mexico, it is stated

emissions and enhance Mexico’s energy independence.

by law that a single producer is eligible to use 100 hectares.

According to Benito López, General Director at Biomex,

At such a rate, it would take 2,500 Mexican producers to

alternative fuel sources have seen little support in Mexico

match the land used by a single producer in Brazil. Brazil is

compared to Brazil and the US. This has changed since the

a world leader in ethanol production, due to the large areas

current administration has shown its support for renewables,

designated to grow sugar cane and create economies of

and the biofuels industry must seize the moment. According

scale. The country’s sugar cane costs are regulated by the

to Biomex’s statistics, Mexico imports approximately 150

law of supply and demand. In contrast, the price of sugar

million liters of ethanol per year for these purposes. Small

cane in Mexico depends on a government decree. This

plants and the sugar industry produce ethanol in Mexico

makes the country unable to compete with producers such

to supply these markets, with production reaching 60 to

as Brazil in the global market.

70 million liters per year. This is not significant considering the market demands up to 250 million liters per year. This

The law pertaining to biofuels, published in 2008, explains

means that Mexico’s high ethanol demand is largely being

the role and responsibilities of the Mexican government and

met through imports.

the Inter-Secretariat Commission, composed of five different ministries. These organisms have been working since 2008

López claims that while previous administrations failed at

but their activities have been hampered by the fact that

creating a market for biofuels, the private sector came up

PEMEX was the only potential ethanol buyer. López admits

with many ideas to kick off biofuel production hoping that

that PEMEX has to pursue its mandate, and therefore cannot

PEMEX would become a consumer. Most of these projects

subsidize the biofuels industry or buy more expensive

turned out to be unprofitable. Some plants were built that

additives. Developers of potential biofuels projects have

could not operate as the use of corn was forbidden while

to juggle a number of balls at once. In order to produce

other plants worked with sugar cane, a very expensive

agricultural products for biofuels, candidates must inform

raw material. Some companies operating in Mexico have

SAGARPA one year in advance, specifying the location to

tried to cover the demand once anticipated from PEMEX,

ensure proper land use and no deforestation. Biofuels are

and the private sector is ready to meet potential demand

required to be sustainable, which involves an evaluation by

once the public sector launches new bids to buy biofuels.

SEMARNAT. It is important to consider the area where inputs

“PEMEX approached us to obtain a better understanding

will be produced and the location of the plants, since raw

of Mexico’s ethanol supply capacity, in order to avoid

materials should not be transported long distances. Finally,

failed bids,” says López. PEMEX representatives needed to

the end user must be relatively close to production facilities

know if projects complied with environmental regulations

to avoid the transportation of large quantities of biofuels in

and if the types of land use would need to be modified

diesel-powered trucks.

since Mexican legislation forbids changing land use from agriculture for human consumption to biofuels production.

Different ministries have been working in order to establish

If all these requirements are met, PEMEX will try to find

the legal infrastructure required. SAGARPA has done its

viable biofuels projects in the country to raise new bids.

part by promoting investment in biofuels projects with support programs to ensure inputs, SEMARNAT has given

Land use remains the main issue for biofuel producers in

the go-ahead for several projects, and SENER has started

Mexico. The country’s Biofuels Law states that the impact

a program to begin mixing biofuels with gasoline. These

on food production must be minimized. Despite the legal

elements paint a promising landscape, but López points

specifics, López says there is no available suitable land for

out that the biofuels market in Mexico is still very weak.

biofuel production, therefore the industry has to focus on


existing land. SAGARPA states that marginal land should

The plant Biomex is building in Tamaulipas is slated to create

be used for biofuel production, meaning low-quality lands

close to 1,500 jobs during its construction stage and 2,500

that are currently not being put to productive use. The

jobs during the operational phase. The firm attributes its

international debate over whether land should be used

ability to compete with international prices to its experience

for human consumption or industrial purposes has slowed

in the agricultural sector. “Our project is the only one that

down the development of the biofuel sector globally, but

is considering sorghum as a raw material because of our

López believes well-planned biofuel projects could be

experience with this grass. We produce approximately 35%

compatible with both land uses.

of the sorghum in Mexico,” explains López.




a minimum demand that would allow for investment in


larger production schemes to supply needed biofuels.” He

depending on the industry

suggests that, even though the transportation industry

in which they operate. In

has not been actively involved, biofuels producers could

the particular case of the

approach CANAPAT, a body that regroups a very important


number of transportation companies.




the cost of fuel is naturally the Juan Carlos Uriarte Amann, President of Grupo ADO



Communication between industries could become a very

expense, emphasizing the

important platform to guarantee a minimum consumption

importance of developing

of biofuels, thus increasing their competitiveness. “The



challenge is that in the transportation industry, these

Such is the case of Grupo ADO, a Mexican transportation

topics have not been addressed homogeneously and there

leader that has been in the market for more than 70 years

might be a lack of interest in trying such alternatives,”

and has always closely monitored its energy expenses.

Uriarte argues. Nevertheless, CANAPAT could become a

“Fuel expenses are the main costs of Grupo ADO’s

very important channel to raise awareness of the benefits

operations. In the recent years we have observed monthly

for the transportation industry. This is an example of the

increases in the price of diesel of approximately MX$0.11

alternatives that the biofuels industry has besides PEMEX

per liter,” says Juan Carlos Uriarte, President of Grupo

in order to boost its development, rather than waiting on

ADO. “We are very concerned about the use and price of

the national oil company to drive biofuel demand.

fuel. We are conducting research in order to consider the best projects to increase fuel saving within the company.”

The second most important cost for Grupo ADO is electricity, due to the large amount of facilities owned

The transportation industry is also one of the main

by the company including bus terminals, maintenance

contributors to greenhouse emissions in Mexico and


developing new solutions is needed to mitigate its

energies become competitive to provide energy for the

environmental impacts. The cooperation between Grupo

facilities that work under the Tariff 2 scheme. “We must

ADO and its providers has demonstrated that it is possible

evaluate and analyze the proposals of the companies

to develop alternatives that not only increase the efficiency

that offer clean energy at a more competitive tariff,”

of the engines but also reduce emissions. “By using a

says Uriarte. “However, it is important to compare them

substance called AD Blue we have considerably reduced

to the projects that we are planning on implementing

NOx emissions,” explains Uriarte. “However, efficiency and

internally and select those projects that offer the highest

emissions depend on the manufacturer of the engines and

return on investment,” he explains. As a result, several

the buses. We are complying with EPA and Euro norms,

PV energy projects have been developed internally with

which are accepted in Mexico.” Grupo ADO has also found

bidirectional gauges taking advantage of the energy bank

that the fuels supplied by PEMEX are below the company’s

scheme. Nevertheless, the solution is not only to increase

efficiency standards, and that the oil giant has not reduced

renewable energy generation but also energy efficiency

sulphur levels in its diesel and gasoline in line with its

performance. “It is important to cover an important

commitment to do so five years ago.

amount of facilities so that the savings generated become





substantial for the company. Grupo ADO is focusing on Biofuels have demonstrated that not only do they reduce

PV technology as well as potential energy efficiency

emissions, but are also a highly efficient fuel that can be

gains in air conditioning and lighting among other

used without requiring any modifications to engines.

equipment. We need to create a plan for the next three

Grupo ADO has been testing biofuels in their Turibús – the

to five years,” says Uriarte. “We were invited to invest in a

company’s bus service aimed mainly at tourists in different

wind park in Tamaulipas called Los Vergeles; we analyzed

cities across the country – in order to rate the performance

the project but it did not reach the profitability that we

of the buses when using this fuel. “Emissions are greatly

consider adequate since it required a heavy investment

reduced but the main problem is that there is not enough

and the returns were not attractive,” comments Uriarte.

production of biofuels in Mexico so they are very difficult

“These projects are still expensive and have very long

to get,” says Uriarte. “There should be agreements between

term payback periods but we will be waiting for a good

the producers and the consumers of biofuels. The consumer,

project. We are very willing to become part of the right

such as a transportation company, could commit to creating

one,” he adds.



a passenger transportation company with a fleet of 10,000


buses. Additionally, Biofuels de México also collaborates



Carlos Campos, Director General of Biofuels de México


Development, million

with LIPU, the leading transportation company ferrying

people living under the


employees and students. Both clients are interested in

poverty line in rural Mexico

trying out new technologies and biofuels to understand

in 2012. For decades, the

how they can benefit from implementing eco-friendly

lack of opportunities in

solutions. On the downside, Biofuels de México is only able

the countryside has forced

to supply a small portion of these large fleets since the

millions to migrate either

transportation industry is reluctant to invest on scale given

to urban regions or the US

its need to keep costs low and stable. “It is hard to convince

in search for opportunities.

customers to pay more simply by relying on a green flag,”

It is in this context that Carlos Campos, Director General

explains Campos. Biodiesel is generally more expensive

of Biofuels de México, decided to enter the sustainable

than regular diesel, which is a subsidized fuel supplied by

energy market. He claims that the biodiesel industry is

PEMEX. “We thought about subsidizing biofuels as well. We

an employment opportunity for a lot of economically

sought the government’s help and found no support for the

disadvantaged people, particularly in the countryside.

idea,” explains Campos. He adds that biofuels will just have

“Because of the magnitude of the biodiesel industry, you

to succeed without subsidies as there is no point in funding

can provide jobs for people in abandoned areas. We are not

an industry that cannot survive without the government’s

going to substitute food crops for crops destined to produce

help. Other options are cutting down costs and investing in

biofuels; the land we use is already abandoned,” underlines

new technology.

Campos, who states that biofuels can bring much-needed money to these lands. Using biodiesel for transportation is

Mexico is already producing ultra-low sulfur diesel, which

their best known application. Biofuels de México is working

needs a product to make up for the lubrication lost during the

with the largest transport enterprises, including Grupo ADO,

sulphuration process. PEMEX could pay for the added value



The awareness and concern about reducing greenhouse

The Mexican government and several industries have

emissions has fostered innovative ideas on how to fight

stepped up to fight climate change and greenhouse gas

environmental degradation. In order to counter the negative

emissions and working on the development of a domestic

effects of fossil fuels and their carbon dioxide emissions,

biofuels industry has been a part of this crusade. 2008 saw

biofuels have become a sought after alternative. Biodiesel

the creation of the Law for the Promotion and Development

is a clean fuel made from renewable sources, such as

of Biofuels, which defines biofuels as fuels obtained from

vegetable oil, animal fat or used cooking oils. Biodiesels

biomass resulting principally from agricultural activities.

can range between being 45 to 90% less toxic than diesel

In order to address some of the aforementioned debates

made from petrochemicals. Conventional oils used as raw

regarding biofuel production, the law also established

materials for biofuel production include oilseeds from plants

that official land use cannot be changed to specifically

such as sunflowers and rapeseed, widely used in Europe,

plant crops intended for biofuel production. Many parties

and soybeans, which are popular in the United States, and

promote the use of lands that are not suitable to grow

coconuts in Southeast Asia. As such, bioethanol is used

plants for human consumption to grow crops for biofuel

as a motor fuel and fuel additive, usually made from sugar

production. The Mario Molina Center states that in order

cane, sorghum, and maize. Biofuels, however, are not yet

to be an effective solution, biofuel production should not

competitive against hydrocarbons, and their efficiency has

compete with food sources, negatively affect biodiversity,

not reached its peak. The main issue is that these sources

cause deforestation, or exhaust resources such as water

could threaten food security, particularly in the use of food

and fertile soil. Although several plants can be used for

crops, like maize and sugar cane. Environmental concerns

biofuel production in Mexico, there are several criticisms

include potential deforestation, erosion, and water shortages.

aimed at some of the candidates. The International Energy

of biodiesel and still have lower costs compared to other

focus on producing virgin oils, leaving the oil company having

options. “There is an opportunity in the oil industry since

to import these products. Campos highlights the fact that the

SENER was behind the idea of using biodiesel in this sector,”

largest biofuel user in Mexico imports the source materials as

says Campos. The drilling industry provides another area of

a major obstacle to the national biofuels industry.

application because biodiesel can be used as an additive to maintain a determined consistency in drilling fluids. Campos

Biofuels de México originally became known for obtaining

sees the drilling industry as a potentially robust market

used vegetable oil from restaurants in Mexico City. Campos

because the sector has widespread activity in Mexico.

says that producing and using sorghum or canola oil to produce biofuels will not yield different results because

“Biofuels de México could supply one million liters per

the government’s attitude will not change. Therefore, there

month, and could serve as a catalyst for the entire biofuels

are not many options that can foster the sector’s growth.

industry. The potential uses of biofuels should be further

Making synthetic oil from waste, however, provides more

promoted, as they can be used in the agroindustry as well,”

opportunities. Biofuels de México representatives visited a

explains Campos. In spite of the market potential, Campos

German plant that produces a unit of biodiesel from every

believes the biofuels industry in Mexico is lagging behind

three units of biomass. Campos’s team realized that this was

for political reasons and a general misunderstanding of the

an attractive option as Mexico City produces approximately

impact these fuels have on the economy. “Policymakers are

10,000 tonnes of solid waste daily, which could be turned

afraid of negatively affecting PEMEX because it is a state

into one million liters of biofuels per day. Furthermore, this

company,” he claims and adds that, even if the biodiesel

waste is just dumped, making it a current environmental

industry successfully thrived, it would never grow large

liability and an economic burden for the city’s government.

enough to compete with PEMEX. This means the biofuels

Campos proposes a special fund to mitigate the initial risks

industry would actually contribute to the development of

of implementing this technology in Mexico City. “If Biofuels

the energy sector, since PEMEX needs a strong vegetable

de México buys this technology and demonstrates its

oil and biodiesel supplier.

feasibility, it would be easier for us to acquire more capital from investors and expand by installing similar facilities.”

90% of Biofuels de México’s raw material consists of oil but

Regardless of future outcomes, Biofuels de México will

Campos points out that there are no relevant policies for

continue with its restaurant campaign, which enables the

SAGARPA to foster the sector, leaving SENER powerless to

company to raise awareness among the general population

act. Additionally, PEMEX’s suppliers need to have a strong

about the existence of biodiesel.

Agency claims ethanol made from sugar cane and second

a stable biofuel source because its seeds, which grow six

generation lignocellulosic biofuels are the only biofuels

months after planting, contain up to 40% oil. Jatropha is

that significantly reduce greenhouse gases. Other studies

resilient to droughts and its toxicity and bitter taste keep

published by the Mario Molina Center show that ethanol

pests away. Although jatropha plants are an option for

produced from maize is not very effective in reducing

biofuel production, there are several concerns surrounding

greenhouse emissions. In general, the benefits of using

the crop. This plant has not been properly domesticated

biofuels are dwarfed when fertilizers and fossil fuels for

therefore the long-term effects of its large-scale use on

production and transportation are used in the production

the soil and the environment are still unknown. In Mexico,

chain. The Food Policy Research Institute is in favor of

farmers have shown concern about jatropha plantations

using sugar cane in Mexico, which should be used to drive

using fertile land and thus competing with edible crops, as

biofuel use because it is more effective than maize. In fact,

happened in Las Choapas, Veracruz.

he believes using maize would bring about problems as it is a staple in Mexico. SAGARPA is aware of the importance of

The biofuel sector in Mexico is a promising one, highlighting

maize and only grants permits to use this crop for biofuels

the urgency to solve the many problems entailed in

when there is a surplus in national production intended

the production process. By law, PEMEX requires large

for human consumption. Permits are not required if corn

amounts of bioethanol and biodiesel to mix with its fuels,

is imported.

but currently Mexico does not produce these quantities, therefore discharging PEMEX from this obligation. It is

Given its biodiversity, Mexico has some alternatives for

important to ensure that biofuels really contribute to

the production of biofuels. There are certain species that

fighting climate change by making an integral life cycle

are more adapted to regional conditions and thus favor

analysis that quantifies all the emissions associated to

a specific country’s bioenergy sector. This is the case of

their production. In Mexico, regulations promoting biofuels

jatropha, a shrub native to Central America that easily

should include monitoring and certification mechanism

grows in Mexico. This plant is a strong candidate to become

that guarantee the expected results.




Q: What are the different opportunities that bioenergy

million, plus other costs. This project would generate about

could bring to the development of rural Mexico?

22,000 permanent jobs.

A: The potential to diversify income in rural areas through an investment in bioenergy is huge. The first program

Q: What can SAGARPA do to promote an alliance between

under consideration is replacing MTBE, the oxygenate used

PEMEX and biofuel producers to create a viable market?

in PEMEX’s gasoline, with ethanol as MTBE is prohibited in

A: In past tender processes, PEMEX acted in ways that

most of the US and in the European Union. Guadalajara,

halted the profitability of biofuel projects. Today, PEMEX

Mexico City and Monterrey would require 810 million liters

is willing to make the necessary steps to launch tenders in

of ethanol per year, which would require the development

different parts of the country. We are trying to determine

of six bio-refinery plants, with an investment of about US$1

what volumes PEMEX will require in order to adapt the

billion, considering that each plant costs about US$150

investment in biofuel capacity to expected market demand.




Iram Mondaca, President of REMBIO



scale biodiesel plants beyond demonstration projects.


Biomass power plants have not been announced either,

is very high for forest

although three sugar mills have started a cogeneration

biomass in the south and

project that will be interconnected to the national grid. To

southeast regions of the

avoid the potential negative consequences of developing



bioenergy, Mondaca says it is very important to evaluate

sugar-cane plantations in


the lifecycle of each technology, together with the

all the states surrounding

feedstock used for the production of biofuels, in order to

the Gulf of Mexico, and

determine the potential environmental impact and energy

middling for other energy

gains. “It is very important to determine the amount of


energy obtained and compare it with the input of energy





sorghum, and jatropha in central, western, and northern

from other sources, which most often are fossil fuels.”

Mexico. This potential is also fairly distributed in crop


residues all over the country. REMBIO, the Mexican

Jatropha planting has been encouraged by three states

bioenergy network, has been focusing on guaranteeing the

through subsidies and promotion programs since 2008

steady development of this sector in Mexico. “The public

but few positive results have been achieved, and most

sector should promote policies, create opportunities, call

planted areas have now been abandoned by farmers.

for proposals, and encourage research and development

However, the operating framework in Mexico is still not

activities,” says Iram Mondaca, President of REMBIO. “In

actively promoting the production of bioenergy. “There

order for the bioenergy sector to truly develop, efforts from

are isolated efforts by some government offices but they

private companies, universities, and researchers in biogas

lack coordination to develop the sector,” says Mondaca.

generation, advanced biofuels, first generation biofuels

The Law for the Promotion and Development of Bioenergy

and evaluation of already existing potential have to be

(LPDB) has succeeded in setting up the first legal basis in

coordinated.” While several bioethanol plants are already

Mexico for biofuels, which has resulted in an improvement

in the planning stage, REMBIO sees no prospects for large-

in funding. However, the lack of regulations is still impairing

Q: What are the main advantages and disadvantages of

was importing 100,000 tonnes of ddgs, but we are now

the prohibition to produce biofuels from corn?

importing around 2 million tonnes. Although we are not

A: The law is very clear, as legislation was put in place

affecting the chain, this remains a controversial topic.

to protect the food supply for people. Biofuels cannot compete with food, which is why the use of corn to

Q: How can Brazil’s bionenergy model be replicated in

produce ethanol is prohibited. As a country, Mexico is


self-reliant for human consumption. Our consumption of

A: Apart from Brazil’s goal to be self-reliant in terms of energy,

white corn does not exceed 7 million tonnes and we are

it looked for rural development opportunities. In Mexico, the

producing more than 13 million tonnes. We are importing

first goal has to be rural development as this sector has not

yellow corn but this is not used to feed people. None of

received the recognition it deserves. If the bioenergy sector

the biofuel projects that supply PEMEX are based on corn;

is developed in Mexico, this would provide an alternative

they always use other types of crops. The competition

source of economic development in rural areas.

with food is relative because we have already proved that when you use a tonne of corn to produce ethanol, you get

Q: Is it possible to promote alliances between small

about 330kg of distilled grains (ddgs). The protein value

producers in order to enable them to sell to PEMEX?

of those 330kg is the same as the protein value of the

A: This type of project requires the creation of a biofuel

whole tonne of corn. This is then used for food production

producers association. Independent producers do not

for cattle, so the agro-processing chain is not affected.

have the capacity or the land to do this, they have to be

When the ethanol industry developed in the US, Mexico


the development of the industry. This law also only includes

main challenge is to consider the social, economic, and

first generation biofuels but does not address advanced, or

environmental impacts of these activities.

second generation biofuels. “SAGARPA has worked mainly with crop derived biofuels while SENER and PEMEX have

“Companies such as Moosi & Ghisolfi, which is a leading

not made real advances in developing this sector,” Mondaca

producer of PET, are becoming interested in developing

claims. Advanced biofuels are not obtained from crops and

facilities for the production of advanced ethanol that would

have been recognized as a better option but there is no

be obtained from biomass. Kuosol, a company formed by

regulation that indicates which governmental entity is in

Repsol and KUO, the Mexican cluster of companies in the

charge of regulating second-generation biofuels.

food, chemical and farming sectors, are set to develop biofuel projects from jatropha in Southeast Mexico.

Renewable energies have found support from the Mexican

Companies like Kuosol are covering the entire value chain,

government in such documents as the General Law on

from crop production with R&D processes, to the future

Climate Change. However, bioenergy has not received

oil extraction industry and the production of biodiesel,”

the same treatment and there has not been a public call

Mondaca explains. “Given the high amount of resources

for biofuels projects in Mexico. “Other countries have

available in Mexico for the production of bioenergy,

subsidized biofuels like ethanol or biodiesel. However,

these activities could generate economic growth, create

the Mexican government is not doing that,” Mondaca

new jobs, and contribute to reducing greenhouse gases

emphasizes. “It is hard to believe that there will ever be


any subsidies for biofuels to boost the development of the industry.”

If the sector fully develops, some estimates have stated it has the potential of creating 200,000 jobs involving power



generation through biomass and 500,000 more jobs from

government to study the potential of biofuels in the






the production of methanol in sugar cane plantations in

country and the sustainability of first generation biofuels.

Central Mexico. REMBIO will continue to work alongside

The association has also created an important partnership

both the public and private sector to the potential of this

with UNAM and other Latin American, European, African

industry. “We must start development as soon as possible

and Asian institutions to develop strategies to boost the

because if tomorrow we decide that we need bioenergy,

growth of biofuels in industrialized countries. Developing

it will not be easy to make it appear out of nowhere,”

countries can be the main providers of feedstock but the

Mondaca adds.




faced the problem of having to centralize raw materials


and started struggling because of the lack of feedstock.

A: The bioenergy market in the US started growing because

The problem with small biodiesel facilities is that this

the army developed a strategy to reduce its dependence

equipment can be bought online but might not actually

on imported fossil fuel The sector went from producing 0.5

produce biodiesel. If you put what those plants produce

million gallons per year in 1998 to 1.2 billion gallons last year.

into a motor, it might not work due to the low quality of the

There are currently 196 large certified biodiesel facilities in

biodiesel, leading people to claim that biodiesel does not

the US. The country has a sound regulatory framework and

work at all. Instead of following the centralized model, we

subsidizes about 30% of biodiesel with tax incentives. In

started introducing a distributed focused on high quality

comparison, the Mexican biodiesel industry has not been

standards. We are also developing new models to not only

developed. People here have a closed mind toward the idea

sell our technology, but to let others lease and operate it

of biodiesel competing with diesel. But diesel is subsidized

while splitting the profits of the biodiesel production. We

and biodiesel is not, so there is no way it can compete.

are getting into the biodiesel production industry, which is why we are taking the leasing model to the US. Another

Q: What initially moved you to create Solben?

advantage we have internationally is that we develop

A: Solben was started six years ago by a group of young

customized solutions. Being able to adapt to change, to

engineers interested in biodiesel. Every time we went to a

innovate, and to anticipate the next stage in technological

conference on renewable energy, the focus was on solar and

development has allowed us to position ourselves in the

wind but we were especially interested in the development

international market. We have a global vision but are acting

of biodiesel technology in Mexico. We were told to buy

locally so that we can transform the local environment and

technology in Europe, Brazil, or the US, but we did not

then become global.

believe that buying international technology would be effective if we wanted to reactivate rural areas and teach

We promote distributed energy models where the

farmers to operate that technology. That led us to consider

technology follows the feedstock, which helps to cut

developing Mexican technology for biodiesel production.

logistics costs and create self-sustainable communities

We had no money, no business plan, and we did not belong

that consume the fuel. Jatropha, castor oil and other

to any business association so we thought about creating

feedstock have been tried in the market, but Solben has

an NGO. We would ask for money from the government,

developed a multi feedstock technology that can adapt to

we would get a grant to develop our technology in five

local conditions and produce cheaper oil to ensure a faster

to 10 years, and we would develop and commercialize

return on investment.

patents. However, we never got the grant so we started developing new strategies that were sustainable and

Q: How important are community relationships for the

generated income. We do not depend on money from

biofuel sector and for Solben?

sponsors, donations or the government, we developed

A: Our objective is to increase the quality of life in rural

the company by reinvesting our profits. Right now, 80% of

areas, first in Mexico, then in the world. We know energy

Mexican biodiesel facilities use Solben technology.

can both generate jobs and increase the quality of life of those living in rural areas, by increasing salaries, creating


Q: How does Solben distinguish itself from international

awareness about renewable energy and providing better


education that could lead to the creation of technology.

A: The international market has two options for the biofuels

We need to teach people in rural areas that they can

industry: enormous biodiesel plants and small biodiesel

develop certain high value added products locally to

facilities. The first ones centralize 100,000 liters of oil per

create sustainable communities where the oil is produced,

day and then distribute it to clients. However, those plants

transformed and consumed.


Captain Gilberto López Meyer, Director General of Aeropuertos y Servicios Auxiliares (ASA)

Mexico has one of the

The sector is expected to grow at a reasonably slow pace,

20 largest aviation fleets

as it depends on technological advancements and the fossil



fuel market. ASA had two options to push the development

estimated 10 million liters


of biofuels. The first consisted of waiting for another party to

of aviation fuel are used

produce biofuels for aviation, a rather safe alternative. The

in the country every day.

second was taking advantage of ASA’s strategic position to

This numbers make Mexico

influence the market and push the industry by itself. “As the



only supplier of aviation fuel in Mexico, anyone interested in

for the aviation biofuel

producing fuels or biofuels for the aviation sector will have



to sell the product directly to us. This puts us in a great





Mexico has the conditions

position to stimulate the development of this industry. You

and resources to become a major aviation biofuel producer.

could say we are taking advantage of a monopoly for a

According to Captain Gilberto López Meyer, Director General

good cause,” explains López Meyer.

of Aeropuertos y Servicios Auxiliares (ASA), a lot of land in Mexico has suffered from negative ecological impacts.

Prices are the main challenge for the implementation of

These lands have lost nutrients due to heavy agricultural use

biofuels in the aviation industry. The first flights for which

or to not receiving enough water, and are now regarded as

ASA used biofuels cost 15 times more than regular flights.

low quality soil no longer suited for food production. “There

However, that ratio was only six times in 2012, still vastly

are millions of hectares of this kind of land in Mexico that

more expensive but a sign that costs are coming down.

are waiting to be put to good use. So availability of land for

López Meyer indicates that some developers are producing

biofuel crops is not an issue,” he says.

biofuels that cost three times as much as traditional fuels. So far, ASA has carried out around 40 flights using

Six years ago, airline companies would not have considered

biofuels but no one can really predict when the prices of

biofuels as a viable option because aviation fuels have

biofuels will become competitive. “Lowering prices is the

distinctive traits. For example, they have to be able to

main challenge, and we are working on a diagnostic of the

function at a wide range of temperatures and pressures.

entire chain that includes farmers, government organisms,

But research and development on biofuels has come a

financing, and shipment,” López Meyer adds.

long way and these fuels earned certification for use on commercial flights in Mexico in 2011. The International Civil

Nobody is producing the required quantities of biofuels in

Aviation Organization established that, ideally, biofuels

Mexico due to the absence of market demand. However,

should represent at least 1% of Mexico’s total aviation fuel

this scenario is changing in other countries. For example,

consumption by 2015. This percentage is the equivalent

the US implemented the use of biofuels in the army to

of 100,000 liters per day. By 2015, this goal will entail a

create economies of scale and foster the sector’s growth.

production of almost 40 million liters per year.

This resulted in an increase in the production of raw materials and investments. ASA has asked for government

The aviation industry’s strategy to address climate change

support in expanding the use of biofuels, which responded

contemplates four lines of action. First, investing in better

by creating an inter-sectorial commission in charge of

technology. Current airplanes are 70% more efficient than

developing the biofuel sector, linking SAGARPA, SENER,

aircrafts from the 1970s and technology is still improving.

and SEMARNAT. ASA is working with this organism in

The second line consists of better aerial operations by

promoting a coordinated debate to improve policies and

ensuring that fleets and airports function in the most

regulations regarding biofuels.

efficient ways possible. Third, market measurements are enforced and polluting actors are fined. Biofuels comprise

By using advanced biofuels that are manufactured from

the fourth line of action. ASA is currently participating in

biomass or agricultural residues, the aviation industry is

all these mechanisms, having shown a commitment to

operating in a safe zone. This means aviation biofuels do

energy efficiency and sustainability for the past 15 years.

not compete with food production, which is a common

Additionally, ASA saw biofuels as an opportunity for

critique of biofuel production. López Meyer says ASA

economic development. López Meyer believes countries

measures the precise environmental impact of the biofuels

that are already investing biofuels as part of their energy

and alternatives it could use, ensuring that when a full

transition strategy will have greater chances of getting

commitment is made, it will be both economically and

ahead when the market detonates.

environmentally sound.


EDUCATION: KEY IN UNLOCKING BIOFUEL POTENTIAL One of the main challenges faced by any new industry

actively participating by giving conferences at universities,

involves the lack of information and how to get traction

but the education campaigns have proven to be more

within society’s well-established consumer habits. Pioneer

successful with children than with adults. “There are a lot of

companies must take on the burden of introducing new

interests involved and instead of receiving support for our

processes and convincing potential consumers. “In order

environmentally responsible business, we have been asked

to promote the creation of an industry and guarantee

to pay for the used kitchen oil,” he remarks. Used kitchen

high-quality products, we have created partnerships with

oil has no real use in Mexico and is commonly discarded

schools and universities so we can use their facilities to

down the sink, polluting 1,000 liters of water with just 1 liter

work on new production alternatives,” says Luis Andrés

of used oil. For Biodiesel Moreco, this situation makes little

Álvarez, CEO of Biodiesel Moreco.

sense since usually people pay to have their trash taken

“The key to educating the public is to approach the children of Mexico, fresh minds that are willing to accept these new ideologies” Luis Andrés Álvarez, CEO of Biodiesel Moreco

The supply of biodiesel in Mexico is limited due to the

away and now people are charging them for taking the

few companies that produce it. In the particular case of

used oil. “The government should regulate and promote

Biodiesel Moreco, the company has focused on producing

these initiatives because we are providing a service

biofuels with used restaurant kitchen oil in different cities

managing waste materials,” says Álvarez.

outside of Mexico City. “The main problem that we have found in our home state, Michoacan, is how to best educate

Many restaurants and households do not know what to

people, show them how to recycle, and explain why they

do with the leftover oil and cleaning oil polluted water

should do it,” explains Álvarez. Biodiesel Moreco has been

is a very complicated process. As such, the company’s


Daniel Zavalza, Director General of Perkin Elmer

“We actively participate

Mexico is still taking the first steps toward fully developing

in the energy sector with

its biofuels sector and, compared to countries like Colombia




and Brazil, there is less support from the government for





this industry. “Mexico is not taking advantage of biofuels

plant by providing them

even though many educational institutions, such as the

with instrumentation for

National Polytechnic Institute (IPN) or Oaxaca University,



have biofuel projects. Several factors can affect the

while we also work on the

development of this industry,” says Zavalza. “The first

development of biofuels

among these is the price of fossil fuels, which should not be


subsidized to further open the door to biofuels. Secondly,



Zavalza, Director General








of Perkin Elmer de Mexico. “To build a biofuel project, it

market since it is an important tool to reduce greenhouse

is important to determine the source of biomass and the

emissions. Finally, the biofuels industry can become an

process needed to transform it into biofuel. The process has

important source of jobs as it is a sector that is open to

to undergo quality controls to ensure that the final product,

anyone that can grow crops and Mexico has enough land

being bioethanol, ethanol or biodiesel, meets high quality

to make it possible. It is very important to carry out serious

standards in order to ensure a return on the investment.”

research to define the real advantages of biofuels from

education programs revolve around teaching people what

through a strategically defined price scheme. “However,

to do with their used oil and communicating the benefits of

without regulations to complement this cultural change,

using biofuels. It has even organized oil collection centers

there cannot be a complete incentive to donate used kitchen

and campaigns, similar to existing battery collection

oil on a broader level,” Álvarez emphasizes. “Issuing fines for

centers. Despite the initial lack of interest, the citizens

the incorrect disposal of oil could be a way to promote the

of Morelia have slowly become more aware about waste

donation of oil to green companies.”

management topics. “This is why the key to educating the public is to approach the children of Mexico, fresh

People around the world are increasingly aware of green

minds that are willing to accept these new ideologies,”

initiatives and sustainable practices, bringing a favorable

comments Álvarez. Free advertising in social networks has

reaction to such projects that encourage eco-friendly

also proven to be an important incentive for providers to

practices. “But there is a long way to go from being

give up their used oil. In order to put these initiatives to

interested to really becoming green due to the costs that

work, strategic alliances with federal, state and municipal

this implies,” says Álvarez. “However, there are many people

agencies such as SEMARNAT and Michoacan’s Ministry of

and restaurants willing to collaborate with us by collecting

Urban Development and the Environment, were needed. By

oil in their communities.” Biodiesel Moreco has designed

establishing an award system for contributors, supported

collection routes to go to different restaurants in an area,

by these agencies, providers are able to more easily see the

providing containers for used oil. Different local councils

appeal of donating used kitchen oil to biofuel companies.

have become very interested in applying these initiatives

Biodiesel Moreco manages this program across the board

and getting similar campaigns starting. “Personally, I am

but has sought government approval.

not betting on planting crops to obtain oil since this would require a very important investment and large fields,” says

A measure of support was received from the state government

Álvarez. “With that amount of investment, you could create

and the company was awarded a prize for its environmental

a very efficient recollection network within major cities.”

care activities. “We signed an agreement to sell biodiesel for 19 trucks belonging to the government and OAPAS, the

Biodiesel Moreco has been working in Queretaro collecting

municipal water entity. They even wrote about us on the back

oil while the government of Guanajuato recently invited

of the water bills when they found out about our initiative,”

the firm to start operations there. But many Mexican cities

says Álvarez. Two noticeable advantages can be observed by

represent large opportunities for waste oil facilities due to

using biofuels in vehicles; the black fumes that spout from

the amount of waste they generate. “We want to become

exhaust tubes disappear and the wear and tear on engines is

an authority and educational entity regarding oil issues,

significantly reduced. Moreco sells biodiesel regularly to five

but we still need governmental support to reach a larger

companies in Morelia, farmers and Grupo Perc in Queretaro

audience,” adds Álvarez.

an economical and technical aspect by promoting R&D

to this energy source,” says Zavalza. “This varies from well-

activities in universities,” argues Zavalza.

developed players in the biofuels markets to those that are just starting out, which gives us the possibility of sharing

“We contribute with technological support, analytical

our expertise with the entire Mexican market,” he adds.

instrumentation and optimal methodologies to ensure that high quality biofuel production is possible,” says

“Mexico has enough technology, equipment and human

Zavalza. Perkin Elmer can support a biofuel project with

capital for the development of biofuels but it has to be

its large diversity of analysis instrumentation. Plasma

actually put to use in the industrial sector,” says Zavalza.

spectrometers measure trace elements in the development

“Nevertheless, government support is essential for the

of biofuels, gas chromatographs analyze methanol, and

development of the bioenergy sector in Mexico. In this

liquid chromatographs determine the fermentation of

sense, specific goals could promote the growth of this

sugar. Furthermore, oxidation stability processes and

industry, such as including a certain amount of biofuels

determining the biofuel potential of products are needed

into Mexican gasoline without having to modify engines.”

to optimize the quality of biofuels. “The process of producing biofuels is known in Mexico The Mexican government carries out studies and research

and the country could take advantage of having access to

programs regarding bioenergy through INIFAP (National

the best technologies and sharing them with industry and

Institute for Forestry, Agriculture and Livestock) using

research centers. Information and awareness are the tools

Perkin Elmer’s equipment. “Our efforts to raise awareness

that are needed to create a stronger demand for biofuels

about bioenergy have been focused on seminars and

and strengthen both the supply side and the value chain,”

conferences, which we use to introduce interested parties

Zavalza adds.



Mexico. The municipality of Saltillo, which has a population


of 800,000, saves over US$30,000 a month on its electricity


Jorge Armando Gutiérrez Vera, President of Cogenera México


preventing from

bill with this project, which began operating in late 2013.

escaping the planet than


Another representative project is a cogeneration project

CO2, making it a far more

using biogas from the municipal water treatment facility



of Leon, Guanajuato. Pandal explains it is an anaerobic

gas. However, it is far less

plant that separates water from the residues, which then

prevalent than CO2 and has

go to a large scale bio-digester. Prior to the project, the



bio-digesters needed boilers that kept water temperature

of just 12 years, versus


at 37°C, requiring a lot of energy. The plant used to burn



LP gas, while additional energy was taken from the grid.

years for carbon dioxide. Jorge Armando Gutiérrez Vera,



Pandal stresses that using electricity to treat water is

President of Cogenera México, stresses that one of the main

expensive in Mexico. Guascor reengineered the process

environmental challenges Mexico is facing is in avoiding the

so the water treatment plant could produce electricity

emission of biogas into the atmosphere as it is mainly made

with the biogas that resulted from the treatment in the

up of methane. The association has strongly recommended

bio-digesters. Currently, the project generates 21,000m3

that SENER force landfill management teams to pump out

of biogas daily, of which 66% is methane, which project

the biogas and burn it to turn methane into CO2. “CO2 can

produces 1.5MW representing 66% of the electricity

be mitigated with trees. The best approach is to use biogas

consumed by the plant. The project was inaugurated in 2011

as a fuel for internal combustion engines and to produce

and represents a turning point for sustainability projects

electricity, but if that is not an option, the second best thing

in Mexico for Pandal. “If we could implement these types

is to burn it,” says Gutiérrez Vera.

of projects nationwide, the electricity needed for water treatment would be free and clean. We might not be able

An example of generating electricity from a landfill can be

to generate all of Mexico’s required power but two thirds of

found in Monterrey, where 16MW are being produced using

the power could be supplied by the country’s own biogas

the biogas that is pumped out from a landfill. Gutiérrez

potential. The operators would pay only for a third of the

Vera explains how a similar concession exists to develop

electricity,” says Pandal.

the same scheme in Bordo Poniente, the huge landfill near Mexico City Airport, which before it was closed in 2010,

For Cogenera México, convincing SENER of the benefits

was the biggest landfill in Latin America. In Mexico most

of biogas is a priority. “The Energy Minister, Pedro Joaquín

landfills are developed, built, financed, and operated by

Coldwell, has to get in touch with the governors, while

states or municipalities. In the case of the state of Nuevo

making an effort to convince landfill management to

Leon, the landfill is owned by a state government company

develop cogeneration schemes to extract the biogas

from which in 2000 it launched an international bidding

and use it as a fuel for internal combustion engines. This

process and a successful partnership between the private

will mean that less methane will be released into the

and public sector was born.

atmosphere,” Gutiérrez Vera says. “In Monterrey, this was a real success as this energy was provided to the


Guascor began manufacturing diesel engines in 1966 and

seven municipalities in the metropolitan area, resulting

soon after created a complete range of gas engines. It was

in important cost savings for public lighting, the subway

only logical that after 30 years, its first biogas engine came

system and the water system.” Pandal is very positive

into operation. The company began working in Mexico in

about the future of renewable energies in Mexico. “We could

2001 with a focus on cogeneration, but it also develops

generate 40% Mexico’s electricity from renewable sources,

turnkey projects in biogas. Its signature project was done

while cogeneration could add 13% more. If we really pressed

in the city of Saltillo for Lorean Energy. “When the project is

on with developing renewable energies and diversifying

complete, it will generate 3MW of electric power after having

our energy sources, we could reach that scenario by 2020.

started with 1MW in the first phase. The consumption of the

However, the government has to simplify paperwork and let

municipality of Saltillo for public lighting is around 4MW, so

the private sector participate. We do not want to privatize

we will be providing 75% of the power needed for municipal

the energy sector; we want to participate so we can reach

lighting just by taking advantage of the residual biogas

40% renewables and 13% CHP in the energy mix. This would

generated from waste,” explains Gerardo Pandal, Project

bring stable prices and significant economic benefits for the

Development & Renewable Energy Director of Guascor de

country,” he adds.

BORDO PONIENTE: LARGE STEP TOWARD CLEANING MEXICO CITY Mexico City generates approximately 10,000 tonnes of

waterbeds. Both CONAGUA and SERMARNAT have issued

solid waste per day and half of this amount ends up in

warnings on the dangers that Bordo Poniente’s poor

landfills. The remaining volume goes through recycling

management poses to the inhabitants of Mexico City and

programs, with 1,023 tonnes being used for waste-to-

the metropolitan area. Nevertheless, actions are being taken

energy purposes while 507 tonnes are used as compost.

since the city was authorized to produce and use biogas

Bordo Poniente was opened in 1985 and over time became

from the landfill to recover some of the investments that

the sole sanitary landfill of Mexico City. 25 years later, it had

its closure entails. In addition, this action forced the city

become the largest landfill in Latin America and the city’s

to introduce garbage separation and recycling programs

main environmental liability. Bordo Poniente contained

as well as waste-to-energy initiatives to reduce the need

70 million tonnes of solid waste that reached a height of

for more landfills. Mexico City also made an agreement

25 meters and housed 1.5 million tonnes of methane gas

with CEMEX, one of the largest producers of cement and

trying to reach the surface.

building materials in the world, to supply 3,000 tonnes of solid waste inorganic fractions every day to use as fuel.

In November 2010, the government of Mexico City signed an agreement with federal authorities to stop operations at

The Bordo Poniente biogas project was won by the BMLMX

the landfill. In the agreement, it was settled that the local

Power Company consortium, which was chosen because of

government would conduct the closure in compliance with

its experience in closing landfills, infrastructure for capturing

appropriate technical standards. The initiative started back

biogas, electricity production, and obtaining carbon credits.

in 2007 during a C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group

BMLMX Power Company, a consortium made up by Mexican

meeting where former Mexico City mayor Marcelo Ebrard

and Spanish firms, will be in charge of definitely closing

and other leaders identified Bordo Poniente as one of the

down the Bordo Poniente landfill and building a plant to

biggest sources of greenhouse gas emissions in the city.

capture biogas. The consortium will operate for 25 years,

Even the Clinton Climate Initiative opened offices in Mexico

beginning in 2014 and ending in 2039, investing US$60

City in order to support the local government’s efforts

million into this development. The Bordo Poniente project

to find a solution to the problem. Shutting down Bordo

is planned to produce 58MW, enabling the Mexico City

Poniente seemed like a great idea, as it would prevent

government to buy electricity for street lighting 10% below

1.8 million tonnes of carbon dioxide from being released

CFE prices, and saving the city US$22 million annually. The

into the atmosphere annually, or around 26% of the city’s

project will not require investment from public funds since

greenhouse emissions. Although the closure of Bordo

it is contracted out, granting BMLMX Power Company the

Poniente is regarded by many as Marcelo Ebrard’s most

rights to exploit the biogas that comes from the 70 million

assertive action against climate change, its subsequent

tonnes of rubbish buried in Bordo Poniente. Part of this

management sparked some controversy. Months after

initiative is aimed at reducing public expenditure because

the closing of the landfill, people became curious as to

proper waste management will translate in lowering waste

why nothing was being done to recover the 374 hectares

management costs and it goes hand in hand with the current

of federal land. Although the closure did prevent further

local administration’s plan of implementing mechanisms to

accumulation of solid waste, it did not spark off actions to

avoid accumulating waste in landfills.

manage the hazardous materials and restore the land. The garbage was not covered to avoid unpleasant odors and

The CEMEX initiative and the biogas plant are alternatives

the compost plant continued for months receiving 2,000

but do pose a small but significant challenge to Mexico

tonnes of waste each day. These were stored in an open

City’s inhabitants and government: garbage has to be

space without the required industrial handling, rotting in

separated and disposed properly. Once the recyclable

the open and attracting all kind of pests.

materials have been separated, remaining materials are processed through a mechanical separator that divides

Currently, the landfill presents several bodies of leachate

organic from inorganic waste. The latter is used for biogas

that boil when combined with methane gas and carbon

generation and compost production while the inorganic

dioxide. This situation is particularly concerning during the

waste is sent to be processed as alternative fuel for CEMEX.

rainy season when these toxic fluids are washed away and mix with clean water reservoirs. Furthermore, the plastic

On June 2013, the Mexico City government submitted the

membrane that covers the landfill’s floor, intended to

executive project to finally close down the Bordo Poniente

prevent leachate from permeating into the subsoil, is torn

and have SEMARNAT assess environmental impacts before

and leading to potential serious pollution of subterranean

beginning biogas extraction in 2014.



WATER AND WASTE MANAGEMENT OPPORTUNITIES ABOUND ALBERTO GARZA SANTOS Chairman of the Board of Promotora Ambiental Q: What were the main opportunities you identified 20

In 1997, we merged with a company called USA Waste, taking

years ago when you founded Promotora Ambiental, and

over their operations in Mexico. After a couple of mergers

how have these evolved to date?

and a period of national expansion, we performed our initial

A: The first comprehensive Mexican environmental law,

public offering on the Mexican stock market and our private

known as the General Ecology Law, was enacted in 1988.

equity partners were able to exit their investment.

From that point, we knew that Mexico would start adopting the standards of the developed world, particularly

Q: How important have municipalities been to your growth

US standards. After finishing university, I decided to

as a company?

dedicate myself to an environmental cause. A study of

A: During the past 10 years, we did not receive much

the development trends in the US environmental industry

revenue from municipal governments. It is disappointing

carried out throughout the 1980s showed that the sector


was growing fast, with about a third of the projects being

significantly increased during the past 10 years, particularly

linked to water, about a third involving municipal solid

in the last five years. We recently lost a bid in the city of

waste (MSW) and the remainder to deal with everything

Monterrey, where we have successfully provided MSW

else. This study provided me with a roadmap to start

services for the past 12 years. We offered a better price, in

focusing on water and MSW. Since I did not have the

addition to a proven value proposition and highly regarded

money to enter the water sector, which was more focused

service model, yet the project was awarded to one of

on building water treatment plants instead of efficient

our competitors. This matter is currently the subject of

water use, I entered the MSW market by buying a small

a legal dispute. Sometimes in our industry, best business

company that picked up garbage and adding recollection

practices are not valued and it is frustrating to see the

services, mostly for industrial and commercial customers in

market stumble into bad behavior. The administration

the Monterrey area. Over time, this small start-up became

of President Vicente Fox passed laws that considerably

Promotora Ambiental. In 1992, we replicated our business

empowered states while diminishing their accountability.

model in Mexico City, Guadalajara, and Reynosa while

Money was transferred to cities and states, with state

beginning to look at getting into government contracts.

congresses being allowed to allocate those funds as they

We studied SIMEPRODE’s business, which was the only

saw fit. This embedded a direct conflict of interest: the

existing landfill operation in Monterrey at the time.

authority in charge of supervising where the money went







was the one spending it. The executive branch should start


In 1996, we broke ground on our first landfill project in

addressing some of the voids created during the last two

Monterrey. Increased competition benefited the generators

presidencies. Both were very lax with state governments

as the gate rate began to come down. This refers to the

and let them act without consequences. During this time,

charge levied upon a given quantity of waste received at

Promotora Ambiental made the conscious decision to

a waste processing facility to offset its operating costs.

not grow much on the municipal side. We are focusing

Monterrey today has some of the lowest gate rates in the

on the specialized private sector, recycling, water and soil

country, which impede landfills from reaching appropriate

bioremediation, hazardous waste and a few new niches

levels of profitability. In general, low gate rates are not good

that should open up with the Energy Reform. In addition,

for the market as they incentivize low operating standards

we have captured attractive growth opportunities outside

and little recycling. They also make the MSW business

Mexico. We recently acquired Environmental Management

shady since people tend to cut corners and environmental

Group in Panama, we are expanding to Costa Rica, and we

risks increase as companies are not operating according to

have an operation in Belize along with the Inter-American

appropriate standards. But one way a project can bridge

Development Bank. The undesirable issues surrounding the

the profitability gap is to try and make money out of the

municipalities can be fixed through increased responsibility

gas a landfill produces to offset losses on the disposal side.

and improved regulation. Over the past 18 years, we have

seen many municipal contracts with an excellent track

the water industry matures. Mexico has the opportunities,

record of environmental care. We believe these examples

financial resources, international operators, and several

will be gradually replicated and the market will improve its

domestic companies that are committed to executing


these opportunities. Finally, we are looking into renewable energies. We dabbled in wind in Oaxaca and looked at the

Q: Which new opportunities do you expect to arise as a

Open Season scheme, but things got too complicated. Now,

result of the recent reforms?

we are focusing on solar PV and landfill gas to energy. We

A: We are taking a serious look at water concessions by

may come back to wind at some point, but the conditions

strategizing with a handful of multinational corporations

need to be right. The beauty of renewable energy projects

and bidding for concessions that come up for offer. In

is that they fit into our environmental philosophy, and long-

one city, we were ready to bid but everything unraveled,

term contracts with AAA off-takers provide a measure of

due to excessive, impractical and unrealistic conditions.

predictability. Waste management projects are completely

There was a gap between what the government expected

different: they involve a wide customer base, higher risks,

to fetch from this concession and the actual value of the

less leverage and lower margins.

concession as estimated by the private sector. The city was requesting an upfront payment for the concession before

Q: Having diversified from being a waste management

any investment was made. This is different from cities like

company to new business areas, what kind of company

Aguascalientes, Saltillo and Cancun that offer shares in the

will Promotora Ambiental be in the future?

project company to those investing in the project. Those

A: We operate under three different and separate umbrellas.

are the types of projects that interest us. According to

The first is our waste management, environment and water

the global efficiency index, only 40% of the water injected

business, the second is our renewable energy business

into the Mexican grid is collected while the other 60%

and the third is our gas business. It makes sense for each

vanishes between physical and commercial losses. This is

business to operate separately, making it compelled to

an incredibly poor performance when compared to other

stand on its own. The fact that we are entering these other

OECD countries. There are huge opportunities in this area,

sectors makes sense, although it is challenging and any new

and significant investment is needed. We have framework

business faces a seemingly endless uphill battle. I want our

agreements with international companies in place to help

group to set high standards when it comes to social and

us develop such projects. We are seeking to implement

environmental responsibility. It is very hard to transmit this

a business model where a local operator that wants to

message as customers frequently only see our operational

develop the industry and put equity in place, partners

side. We are making an effort to effectively communicate

with a big international player that wants a small amount

our social and environmental responsibility efforts and the

of equity but is mostly interested in the fees. This makes

results they achieve. We have been socially responsible

the ownership and operating sides quite complimentary.

since the beginning; however, we remain very discrete.

Another element is the amount of pension fund money

We do not care if the market or the press see our actions,

that has accumulated in the financial system. The structure

it is just the right thing to do. We believe the market will

regulators have provided for these funds to be invested in

appreciate our system and values, and potentially join in

infrastructure projects. These funds will play a major role as

our efforts.



energy in one of its landfills in 2003. “We started producing

Monterrey, the industrial

7MW from methane gas. The landfill kept growing and in


2007 we increased production to 12MW. Right now, we are





Ovidio Alfonso Elizondo, Director General of SIMEPRODE

Mexico, by



at 17MW.”


these, San Pedro Garza

Back in 2002, when SIMEPRODE was planning on building

García, is not only the

a bioenergy power plant, it partnered with SEISA Energy,



another renewable energy firm based in Monterrey. The

in Mexico, but in all of

partnership has been very successful since SIMEPRODE



manages the gas and leaves the operations to SEISA.



population of 4.5 million

Once the plant began operation, the state of Nuevo Leon

– of which 4 million are concentrated in the Monterrey

became a pioneer in bioenergy production. The World

metropolitan area – the state of Nuevo Leon contributes

Bank provided financing for the construction of the

to 7.5% of the national GDP, while Monterrey produces 1.2

energy plant and, after the first phase was completed,

million tonnes of waste a year.

it recognized SIMEPRODE and SEISA for preventing the emission of 46,280 tonnes of methane gas, the equivalent

SIMEPRODE (Integral System for Ecological Management

to 83,796 tonnes of CO2.

and Processing of Waste) was created in 1990 with the goal of providing a solution to the disposal of the waste

The energy production project did not have any significant

generated by Monterrey and the rest of the state. Its

social or political challenges, given the widespread

Director General, Ovidio Alfonso Elizondo, recalls the

positive reception it garnered, and became a nationwide

company originally found support at the highest level,

example for waste management. However, the regulatory

since municipalities could not each afford their own

framework posed certain challenges, given the limitations

landfill, making waste disposal a real problem. Currently,

it contained, with changes being needed to make the

SIMEPRODE receives close to 4,500 tonnes daily across 13

project profitable. “Previously, the law did not consider

landfills dotted throughout the state. Not keen on letting

methane gas a renewable energy source, so there were

opportunities go to waste, the company began producing

legal obstacles that we had to overcome,” Elizondo says.

WASTE TO ENERGY POTENTIAL NOT BEING WELL UTILIZED According to SEMARNAT reports, very few municipalities

window of opportunity. The company has its headquarters

have waste management programs. Most of those that

in Germany, although it is guided internationally by areas

do are part of the metropolitan areas of Aguascalientes

it finds to be fruitful and opens local offices whenever it

or Monterrey, while Chiapas and Oaxaca have the least

identifies an opportunity. Portugal and Spain are important

programs in place. There has been some progress made in

energy production centers for the firm as these countries

recent years, but there is still a lack of infrastructure, public

have set an example in terms of integral designs for

policies, and normativity in this area. Most municipalities

industrial parks, recycling facilities, and energy generating

have not regulated their waste management operations and

plants. “Spain has particularly provided a great lesson, but

those that do usually only have set regulations and processes

behind the efforts were regulations,” Olmos adds.

for garbage collection. In fact only 13 of Mexico’s 32 states practice selective waste collection, which explains why

This international platform gives Ferrostaal the perspective

only 9.6% of the country’s total collected waste in 2012 was

from which to advise Mexico on one of its main challenges:


getting municipalities to manage the increasing volume of waste that is being produced. The current model manages


“Mexico has a waste management problem.” The words of

waste in two steps: collection and disposal. A more

Roberto Olmos, International Affairs Manager for Ferrostaal,

advanced model would entail separation, transference,

are not meant to overstate the obvious but to highlight a

recovery, and final use. In this integral management method,

The firm’s main achievement in this regard was having

programs to foster such awareness.” The efforts have

methane gas considered as renewable, instead of a form of

today borne fruit since the sorting plant is getting

natural gas. Elizondo says the change in the legislation has

less material, meaning people are increasingly sorting

facilitated many renewable energy projects by enabling

their trash at home. “Recycling should be promoted

them to become profitable and self-sustaining. In order

everywhere, and it is a profitable activity. There are

to be granted the waste, SIMEPRODE has contracts with

programs in which people receive customer points or

municipal governments but must also make sure to offer

other rewards in exchange for their recyclables, such as

a cost competitive service. Elizondo claims a former

aluminum or cardboard.” Despite this downturn, the plant

governor of Nuevo Leon instructed the company to charge

still processes around 800 tonnes of waste a day, of which

as little as possible to benefit the community. Currently,

50 tonnes are recyclable products that are reincorporated

SIMEPRODE charges around MX$60 (US$5) per tonne,

into industrial processes.

but turns a profit from its energy production. On the other hand, the project has also qualified for carbon credits, the

SIMEPRODE’s work has gained national and international

sale of which has further enabled the company to support

recognition, but although there have been attempts to

its facilities.

replicate its processes in Ciudad Juarez and Aguascalientes, these have not proven fruitful to date. Elizondo believes

One of the difficulties of creating bioenergy is dealing with

that unlocking this success is a matter of working on

leachate, the pools of liquids in landfills that often contain


dissolved or suspended materials that can be harmful.

production methods will eventually be replicated around

Elizondo explains leachate has to be dealt with carefully

the country. “We are open to the national and international

in order to keep gas production simple. “You need to build

community. We provide tours, information, consulting

a cell to extract methane gas. You dig a hole, fill it with

services, the complete package that interested parties

waste, compress it, encapsulate it using a membrane, cover

need to develop similar projects,” he says and adds the

it with dirt, and then you drill, as if you were extracting

company is currently focusing on expanding its energy

natural gas.” He notes that most Mexican landfills are

production capacity to 24MW.






not built properly, causing the gas to escape because it is not properly confined. “This is a matter of initial landfill

But where does the energy produced by SIMEPRODE-

planning,” he adds.

SEISA go? The energy feeds 80% of the public lighting of seven municipalities in the area, it powers lines I and

Elizondo notes that people are becoming more conscious

II of Monterrey’s subway system, as well as the Palace of

about recycling and sorting. “There is more environmental

Government and other government offices. Not bad for 1.2

awareness and we have a couple of school-oriented

million tonnes of annual waste.

the waste can become useful at various stages throughout

used to generate electricity. The multinational firm carried

the process. Some elements can be recovered and reused

out a thorough analysis and concluded that Mexico has an

or recycled, as in the case of cardboard, paper, or PET

enormous potential for waste-to-energy, if this industry taps

plastic. For Olmos, solid municipal waste also provides an

into municipal garbage disposal. Several plants belonging

alternative for energy generation and Ferrostaal has the

to Ferrostaal are already operating and yielding positive

technology to capitalize on this.

results, such as facilities that recycle tires and use some of the recovered materials as an alternative fuel source.

Many industries in Mexico already have access to technologies that generate heat from solid materials, but Olmos says these

If policies and norms are created and enforced, energy

users face challenges including the lack of regulations and

generation from waste can alleviate Mexico’s garbage

incentives for investors. Guidelines should be strengthened

accumulation problem while producing energy. The complex

to ensure waste is truly managed, instead of being disposed

landscape has led Ferrostaal to turn its attention to other

of in landfills with dubious safety conditions. “Burying trash

vast and neglected sectors such as recycling. “We are well

instead of properly disposing of it is dangerous, mainly

armed and prepared to participate in any sector that needs

because there is no control over the types of waste that are

our presence,” says Olmos. Ferrostaal has made several

being thrown out,” warns Olmos, adding that current disposal

calculations and estimates that municipal waste production

techniques can seriously pollute water mantles.

will grow at 3% on average annually until 2025. Although the landscape looks promising, regulations are essential

Ferrostaal is interested in applying its resources and

for the industry to spark off. In the meantime, Ferrostaal

technology to turn solid waste into energy. Heat energy,

is preparing to wade into the market once the regulatory

for example, can be transformed into vapor, that can be

framework has been set.


SWEDEN AS AN EXAMPLE OF A WASTE MANAGEMENT STRATEGY The amount of waste generated by population and

waste and organic waste on landfills, which must now be

industries is one of the main sustainability concerns of

used only when it is absolutely necessary for waste that

many countries. Waste management policies have proven

cannot be treated otherwise. Nevertheless, if a certain region

to be more successful in some countries than others, where

lacks the capacity to manage waste to these standards, it

governments have stepped up to the growing challenge

may be granted an exemption from the landfill ban.

of land pollution. Sweden has become an example for other countries due to its highly efficient Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) management strategy. In fact, the waste management system in Sweden is so efficient that the country is now importing waste from Norway in order to keep its waste-to-energy plants running. In order to be able

The amount of waste that ended up in landfills was reduced from 22% of MSW in 2001 to 1% in 2010.

to promote the creation of an efficient waste management

Another important incentive that motivated the growth

strategy for Mexico, the example of Sweden can be taken

of recycling in Sweden was the landfill tax introduced in

into account to learn from its experience.

2000. The level of tax increased annually until 2006 and is paid by the owner of the landfill on the basis of weight

Historically, Sweden has been very committed to the

of waste. This tax motivated the use of the incineration

protection of the environment through initiatives and

potential that waste represents, while recycling was

policies. In 1969, the country established the Environment

another option to manage waste instead of paying the

Protection Act that increased the reach of environmental

landfill tax, increasing the proportion of recycled waste

obligation for waste treatment facilities. Municipalities

from 39% to 49%. Better MSW management has important

started being responsible for the collection of waste with

environmental benefits since greenhouse emissions are

the collection of hazardous waste further improving in

avoided, although the emissions generated by each waste

the 1980s. In the 1990s, regulations came into force to

management option need to be considered to determine

increase the importance of producer responsibility and to

the net benefits of an efficient waste management system.

concentrate efforts to reduce the amount of waste going to

In order to achieve these advances in waste management,

landfills. Also, the Environmental Code of 1999 integrated 15

Sweden has focused on four different areas of action that

existing environmental laws to create complete legislation

Mexico could implement as well. First, regulations must be

promoting the sustainable development of Sweden. A

put in place, the created instruments must be used and

Strategy for Sustainable Waste Management was passed

progress must be monitored to ensure that the desired

in 2005 and set targets for 2010, giving municipalities the

effects are achieved. Second, a great emphasis is needed

responsibility to collect and dispose of household waste

on reducing the quantity of waste and the hazards that

and as well as the right to issue local regulations to comply

result from this. Third, knowledge must be improved about

with their obligations. On the other hand, households are

pollutants and hazardous substances. Finally, mechanisms

obligated to separate and deposit waste at the available

that facilitate the sorting of waste within households are


essential to achieve real progress and to increase public







producers are responsible for the disposal of products that

participation in the waste management process.

are no longer useful such as packaging, cars, recycled paper, batteries, and electronic equipment.

A successful waste-to-energy strategy for Mexico could make an important contribution to meeting the country’s


The generation of MSW increased steadily from 2001 to

increasing energy needs as well. Considering that Mexico

2008, before dropping from 516kg to 465kg per capita

generates over 41 million tonnes of solid waste per year,

in 2010, possibly because of the economic slowdown.

there is a high potential to greatly improve the waste

The main waste management alternatives in Sweden are

management system and find many different uses for the

incineration and recycling. Through these different policies

waste. This matter should become a priority for the country

and incentives, the amount of waste that ended up in

since it would help to face important environmental and

landfills was reduced from 22% of MSW in 2001 to 1% in

health challenges as the nation develops. There are many

2010, with only 42,000 tonnes deposited in 2010 compared

opportunities in the field of waste management in Mexico,

to 880,000 tonnes in 2001. Although recycling rates have

and just like Sweden, important progress can be achieved

stagnated at 49% over the last five years in Sweden, this

by coordinating regulations, public policies, governmental

ratio is expected to increase to 62% by 2020. The Swedish

entities, the private sector and, perhaps most importantly,

government has also largely banned the use of combustible

Mexican households.


IMPROVING THE WASTE MANAGEMENT LEGAL FRAMEWORK GABRIEL CALVILLO Partner of Carswell & Calvillo Q: How can the current regulatory framework be optimized

verify the information, similar to the one used by the

to diminish risks associated with dangerous substance

tax authority to verify invoices. This new mechanism

management and increase the use of waste-to-energy?

is not expensive for companies. Today, the Mexican

A: The first step is to implement the principles established

government lacks the capacity to ensure safety when

by the General Law for Waste Management and Prevention

managing certain types of waste as it does not even know

(LGPGIR). Even if waste confinement is a last resort, we

where they are. No one has guaranteed or audited the

still need it because there are some types of wastes that

information, but even a very superficial revision would

can only be confined. We have only one confinement

turn up plenty of incoherencies. This is the reason why

facility currently operating, and a few authorized but non-

very small modifications are fundamental for the further

operating facilities, mostly due to political reasons. We

development of this country.

need more confinements even if reuse is the best solution to manage waste.

Q: Which parties are responsible for the damage produced during the handling of waste?

The neutralization risk has a lot to do with the adequate

A: It depends on the stage at which the damage happened,

management of waste. One of the pending topics for

and also on the type of responsibility. If damage is

Mexico is to guarantee adequate waste management for

caused when handling waste, liability is solidary. Both

citizens. The government lacks information regarding what

the transport company that did not handle the waste

happens to more than 50% of hazardous waste materials.

properly and the person who hired that company are

There are no guarantees because the system that was

responsible. This is one of the main changes within the

implemented under an American model – a tracking

Environmental Responsibility Law, destined to promote

scheme – is barely reliable. The Mexican government

control mechanisms. If the state has a limited control

does not have the capacity to link information, and there

capacity then it is necessary for the waste generator to

is no intelligence system that enables us to corroborate

become an additional control organism. There are some

the information provided by those who are emitting and

companies that have been hiring others to transport

handling waste. PROFEPA should have a system to verify

their waste for the past six years, but they have not once

the information, similar to the one used by SAT to verify

thought about verifying if their waste is being properly

invoices. This mechanism is not costly for companies but

disposed of. We have seen plenty of fraud cases, where

the Mexican government lacks the capacity to ensure

people do not realize their omissions until there is a

safety when managing these types of wastes because they

large and palpable consequence. What happens is that

do not even know where they are.

usually the government turns towards whoever generated the waste in question. This is fine, but the government

Q: What are the main issues that the current scheme

does not investigate what happened with the transport

presents and what can be done to improve it?

company that did not handle the waste appropriately and

A: The current investigation scheme is completely

that will continue to offer such services. As such, one of

reactive. PROFEPA begins investigating if there has

the biggest debts the Mexican government owes to its

been a waste deviation whenever it finds a dump. What

people is to develop more effective supervision systems.

we actually need is a one paragraph modification to the

One of the reasons we have been working on an organic

LGPGIR. Our law firm has been working closely to achieve

law for PROFEPA is to create an internal control organ

this change. The only thing we are asking for is for those

that will handle such issues. Infrastructure is fundamental

handling waste to report their obligations online within

to effectively control waste management. But in order to

a given timeframe. The online system has already been

develop sufficient infrastructure we need to know the real

applied for environmental obligations and has proven

numbers, the real information so we can fully measure the

quite fruitful. PROFEPA should also have a system to

extent of the problem we are facing.



MISSED BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY OF PLASTICS CARLOS ALBERTO SALDATE PATĂ“N Director General of Comercializadora Folgueiras Q: What is the importance of the recycling sector in

Plastic is mainly transformed in two ways: mechanical

Mexico, and what are the main challenges in its operating

recycling and energy recycling. Mechanical recycling is a


method by which waste materials are recycled into new,

A: The recycling industry includes glass, cardboard, metal

or secondary, raw materials without changing the basic

and plastic. It has evolved slowly since it is not governed

structure. Energy recycling is when plastic is transformed

by a regulatory framework and there are no norms to

into energy. In Sweden or Switzerland, almost 100% of

foster the sector’s growth. A recycling system begins with

plastic materials are recycled using both of these forms.

recollection at homes, offices and manufacturing facilities

Germany has advanced recycling systems; its mechanical

and is based on the separation of material, which does not

recycling stands at about 38% and energy recycling at 52%.

generally happen in Mexico. One first positive step was

In comparison, Mexico has a mechanical recycling rate of

initiated by the Mexico City government when it established

14% and energy recycling stands at 3%. There are signs

a norm, in February 2011, stating that organic and inorganic

that the Mexican industrial sector is beginning to adapt.

waste should be separated to improve the quality of

The cement industry has started substituting its natural

waste. The second step were the modifications made to

gas consumption for waste material, including plastic. The

the General Law of Urban Solid Waste Management. For

advantage of plastic over other waste materials is its high

the past three years, laws and norms covering recycling

energy value.

and waste management have taken a higher importance. Another issue is that waste recollection in Mexico is very

Q: How is the company working to improve the current

peculiar since it is a municipal responsibility but there is

legal framework?

no legal framework outlining how municipal governments

A: Our partners are well-known in the Mexican plastic

should do it. The industry is working with authorities to

industry as well as with the authorities, which has enabled

try and bring some clarity to the norms. The third issue is

us to design adequate recollection systems and advise

the lack of incentives for the recycling industry. In 2008,

government officials on how to improve the regulatory

the recycling industry had a tax break that allowed us

framework. We work together with the National Plastic

to deduct up to 70% of our operating costs, as well as

Industry Association, and are one of the 264 companies

having a 5% income tax, but these incentives disappeared,

authorized by the Chamber of Deputies to lobby and

discouraging any further investments.

communicate the needs of the industry. In Mexico, around 3.8 million tonnes of plastic waste are generated a year,

Q: What were the original motivations for the creation of

but only 1.4 million tonnes are recycled. This is a big area

Comercializadora Folgueiras and how have these changed

of opportunity that could be taken advantage of with the

until today?

right blend of technology and investment, although this

A: Comercializadora Folgueiras began operations 27 years

would require a legal framework and a clear fiscal policy.

ago just as globalization was taking off. Mexico was a

This could trigger investment of US$7-8 million for each of

much more closed economy back then and protected by

over 40 recycling facilities and would generate between

duties, although the possibility of free trade agreements

2,000 and 3,000 direct jobs.

was beginning to appear. This led us to create a company


to enter the resin market and another company dedicated

Q: How do you develop new technologies and innovations

to plastic recollection, recycling, selection, and production.

for the sector?

Comercializadora Folgueiras is the commercial division of

A: We work with both a national and an international

Bio Reciclados Folgueiras. We reach across every industry

institute to pursue technological innovation. We collaborate

and market segment, such as electricity, automotive,

with CIATEQ on the development of new formulas for

textile, footwear, construction, among many others. Plastic

plastic waste to generate better quality materials. The

is present in all segments of the Mexican economy.

automotive industry has asked us to generate pellets from

recycled materials for car bodywork that match the required

Pacific coast that today is either burned or sent to landfills.

technical conditions. This represents a turning point for the

The current administration is well-disposed toward this

industry. Additionally, we work with CONACYT and have

industry. We have been working with SEMARNAT and

long-distance programs with the Polytechnic Institute of

other government agencies and we believe they are willing

Milan. We also have a technological exchange program with

to make needed modifications to the legal framework.

an American company to develop bioplastics in Mexico.

Recycling may seem like a trendy subject, but it could also bring many benefits to other industries. Incorporating

Q: What are the future ambitions of the company, and

recycled materials to lower costs and produce more

how do you see the waste management sector growing in

sustainable products is a necessity. We need to reprocess

the next five years?

more waste material at home to avoid importing products

A: By 2015-2016, we will open a new recycling facility

made with the same recycling materials. The idea is that we

with a recollection capacity of 100,000 tonnes annually

provide manufacturing companies with high quality raw

of plastic materials and a production capacity of 25,000

materials, at a lower price, to make their products more

tonnes more than we have right now. This will be possible

competitive on the global market. Mexico could become

thanks to Italian technology. It is a great project because it

a great competitor in recycled materials in Latin America

will contribute to recollecting waste material on the north

and North America.




8 Acquiring financing is perhaps the main challenge to develop renewable energy projects and Mexico’s financial sector is still adapting to this newly arisen energy market. While various technologies have shown the viability of renewable energy, commercial lenders remain skittish, with development banks stepping in and showing their willingness to finance such projects. Self-supply has been the main way of developing large-scale energy projects through off-takers signing power purchase agreements. But with the number of large and financially secure offtakers dwindling, other alternatives will have to be considered.

In this chapter, we look at the actions taken by the main banks to participate in clean power generation projects, track the spread of green banking concepts in Mexico, and turn our attention to the challenges developers have to overcome to make their projects feasible. We dedicate special attention to ensuring that ambitious players in the renewable energy sector get an insight in the decision making processes of the financial institutions that often define their future.




Self-Supply Scheme: An Outlook on Finance and Off-Takers


Tax on CO2 Emissions: Mitigate, Reduce and Collect


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Mexico’s Clean Development Mechanism Potential


Government Policy Advisors Concerning Carbon Markets


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Carbon Platform Reinforces Climate Change Fight


Renewable Financing Grows in NAFINSA’s Portfolio


VIEW FROM THE TOP: German Financing for Mexican Renewables


Large-Scale Funding to Mitigate Climate Change


Social Entrepreneurship Spreads Financial Values


Equator Principles Essential to Sustainable Banking


VIEW FROM THE TOP: First Green Bank Promoting Sustainable Financing Instruments


PROJECT SPOTLIGHT: Mining Industry Self-Supply Schemes


Financial Institution, Gatekeeper and Off-Taker


Wise Hands at Securing Infrastructure Financing


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Innovative Solutions to Support Large Financing Needs


Overcoming the Crucial Early Financing Steps


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Managing Relations with Indigenous Communities


SELF-SUPPLY SCHEME: OUTLOOK ON FINANCE AND OFF-TAKERS With only a glance at the state of the renewable industry,

Mexican market. Sharing the financial risk has always been

one can notice the very long shadow that CFE casts over the

a commonplace strategy. The Eurus wind farm for CEMEX

energy sector. Allegations have been rife that the Mexican

saw US$375 million in loans, co-arranged by an array of

utility has been less than well disposed towards renewable

institutions, including international lending bodies such as

energy projects. The Energy Reform has been hailed for

the IDB and the IFC, Mexico’s NAFINSA, France’s Proparco

giving the private sector more opportunities in the Mexican

as well as private banks such as BBVA and Espirito Santo.

energy sector but private firms first got a foot in the door

La Ventosa was simpler, with US$80.6 million being put up

in 1992. The Public Electricity Service Law, passed that

by the Export-Import Bank of the United States, and IDB

year, redefining the scope of the Mexican electricity sector.

accounting for much of the remaining US$103 million.

While the status of CFE was comforted as the sole entity responsible for generation, transmission, and distribution

The dilemma for financial bodies to consider is which

of electricity, the law included three categories in this

projects to finance and reject without becoming a

scheme, categories that have remained essential to this day:

bottleneck, while knowing that bringing smaller off-takers

cogeneration, self-supply and small power producers.

into the self-supply mix is essential for Mexico to have a chance of meeting its renewable energy generation

The self-supply scheme allows private companies to

targets. NAFINSA, a Mexican development bank created

generate energy for their own consumption. While this

to help small and medium enterprises, is dedicated to

might seem like an encroachment of CFE’s mandate, in

getting involved with smaller renewable energy projects,

1992, SENER declared that the self-supply program ‘does

by taking on more risks but also acting as an anchor of

not cause any inconvenience to the nation.’ Self-supply

trust to bring in other multilateral institutions. It also acts

could come in the form of on-site generation as well as

as a source of information, spreading knowledge to smaller

off-site generation, with the grid being used for the sole

players about the types of financial instruments they

purpose of delivering power to the final off-taker. The

might be able to access for self-supply projects. Foreign

small power producer scheme allowed smaller players to

financial players, having helped to foster the development

generate electricity and sell it all to CFE, with a maximum

of renewable energy markets overseas, are also playing

capacity of 20MW, now increased to 30MW. Essentially,

a part. As explained by Stefan Blum, Mexico Director of

this scheme is a smaller scale variant of the self-supply

KfW-DEG, the arm of the national German development

model with the option to sell electricity to CFE in addition

bank devoted to emerging economies, wind farms in the

to private off-takers.

country have proven themselves to be very competitive, an encouraging fact for future projects. Furthermore, with the


The self-supply model whereby power is generated off-

increasing cost-competitiveness of PV technology, solar

site for one or several off-takers proved to be a big hit

plants have also become an increasingly bankable option.

in the renewable energy sector. CFE had already opened

One important solution to overcome the limited availability

two wind farms before CEMEX became the first private

of AAA off-takers has been to find smaller off-takers

company to dip its toe in the waters of self-supply in 2009

and cluster them. One example comes out of Monterrey

with the opening of the Eurus wind farm, signed under a

where developer Next Energy has brought together seven

20-year PPA and using Acciona turbines. Walmart would

municipalities around the city together to build a 22.5MW

follow suit in 2010, teaming up with EDF for the 67.5MW

wind farm. The company identified a common problem

La Ventosa wind farm in Oaxaca. Manuel Gómez Peña,

that these municipalities faced, the high cost of street

Walmart Sustainability and Energy Director in Mexico, says

lighting, which helped when negotiating between all the

that La Ventosa now powers 378 Walmart stores in the

municipalities to seal the deal. Private companies have

Mexico City metropolitan area, proving just how useful such

cottoned on to the fact that in unity lies strength, with

self-supply projects can be to off-takers. Grupo Bimbo,

entities like business parks proving to be better able to

another strong off-taker, would also enter the self-supply

find financing for self-supply schemes to their members.

market in 2010, signing a PPA to guarantee the demand of

However, the jury remains out on the long-term viability

energy of the Piedra Larga wind farm. For developers to

of the self-supply scheme involving smaller companies.

go ahead with wind farms, securing financing is essential.

Major developers, such as Acciona and Iberdrola, keen to

Having a company with a AAA credit rating, such as

shore up their future revenue streams, have called for a

CEMEX, Walmart or Grupo Bimbo, as the project off-taker

new model to be developed. They have even spoken out in

provided a major reassurance for banks that were still

favor of a green tariff that they say would allow companies

cagey about financing renewable energy projects in the

to buy the energy they need in a much simpler manner.

TAX ON CO2 EMISSIONS: MITIGATE, REDUCE AND COLLECT The Kyoto Protocol in 1997 set the guidelines for many

scheme’s appeal and promoting the fulfillment of climate

international policies taken to fight climate change. One

change mitigation strategies. The law also provides an

of the international components aimed at mitigating

incentive for the transition towards a cleaner power

greenhouse gas emissions was the idea of a tax on carbon

generation sector since methane, the main component

dioxide (CO2) emissions, colloquially known as the carbon

of natural gas, is not taxed by the LSTPS. Greenhouse

tax. Although Mexico is not among the world’s largest

emissions can be greatly reduced while the industrial sector

emitters of carbon dioxide, its emissions went from 264

is encouraged to help make the country’s energy transition

million tonnes in 1990 to 490 million tonnes in 2012,

a reality. However, some critics have pointed out the lack

the year with the highest recorded CO2 emissions. The

of transparency in the government’s objectives regarding

transportation sector is responsible for 151.4 million tonnes

green technologies. But aside from such issues, the

of greenhouse gases from burning fuels, mainly gasoline

scientific community and other players are predominantly

and diesel. Electricity production accounts to 123.2 million

positive about this mitigation strategy.

tonnes of CO2 due to the prominent role hydrocarbons play in the energy mix.

According to representatives of the Mario Molina Center, the CO2 tax is an opportunity to incentivize the energy

A tax on carbon dioxide emissions was included in the 2013

transition towards renewable and clean energy sources

modifications to the Law for Special Tax on Production and

because the energy market is not internalizing the

Services (LSTPS). It is estimated that this tax will collect

externalities of the environmental deterioration industries

approximately MX$21 billion (US$1.57 billion) during its first

cause. The institute’s spokespeople claim that the short-

effective fiscal year. The Mexican Institute of Competitiveness

term goal is to avoid 7.5 million tonnes of CO2 from being

has identified those sectors that will be most affected

released into the Mexican atmosphere in 2014 and that if

by the new tax. The transportation sector is expected to

the money from this tax is invested in energy efficiency, the

pay MX$8.62 billion (US$647 million) through this tax

number of CO2 tonnes could then exponentially decrease

annually while CFE alone will contribute a further MX$4.38

in subsequent years. For instance, an estimated US$1.14

billion (US$329 million). Items taxed under the LSTPS

billion dollars collected from this tax could be used to

include propane, butane, gasoline, kerosene, diesel, fuel oil,

build more innovative public transportation infrastructure

and mineral carbon. The amounts taxed are determined

in Mexico City, which will prevent 135,000 tonnes of CO2

according to each fuel’s CO2 content, considering fees per

from being released annually.

unit of measure. The most expensive fee in the CO2 section of the LSTPS goes for almost MX$40 (US$3) per tonne of

Despite its heralded benefits, the Mexican carbon tax has

carbon, while gasoline is taxed at MX¢10.38 per liter.

not had a warm reception for several reasons. First, it has not received enough coverage for the general public to

The LSTPS allows the use of carbon credits as long as

understand its scope and objectives. Second, critics in the

these comply with UN standards and come from projects

industrial sector claim that carbon taxes would increase the

carried out exclusively in Mexico. Each carbon credit is

production and importation costs of refined petrochemicals

worth a tonne of carbon dioxide that is not released into

and natural gas due to their carbon contents. Not only would

the atmosphere. Under this model, companies that release

PEMEX and CFE find themselves at a disadvantage, but

moderate amounts of CO2 benefit while the more polluting

this tax would also hinder the national goal of decreasing

enterprises are penalized. Additionally, projects that

electricity prices by making production costs higher.

mitigate pollution, such as renewable energy generation,

Some argue that the penalty fees set for the carbon tax in

improvements in energy efficiency, reforestation, or the

Mexico fell short in terms of their punitive and correctional

restoration of water bodies, are also eligible to generate

objectives. The development of this tax in hand with the

carbon credits. These can be sold to other companies or

Energy Reform will soon show if it is the successful policy

countries as greenhouse gas reductions, to compensate

that other countries praise or if it needs further enforcement

for emissions elsewhere.

or legislative adjustments. The carbon tax itself remains a contentious case because Mexico has not yet been able

Mexico’s carbon tax is meant to discourage environmentally

to separate its development from environmentally harmful

detrimental practices and promote investments in clean

practices. The initiative can be a great source of revenue

technology. As a result, the participation of private parties

as long as the government facilitates alternative energy

in renewable energy generation has the advantage of

production methods that foster the energy transition as well

not paying carbon emission taxes, thereby increasing the

as the country’s industrial development.



MEXICO’S CLEAN DEVELOPMENT MECHANISM POTENTIAL RENAT HEUBERGER CEO of South Pole Carbon Q: What are South Pole Carbon’s flagship emission

rising to meet the challenge. Without emission reduction

reduction programs, and what are the main green

targets, the CDM does not work nor does cap and trade.

technologies you are relying upon to make these projects

Nothing works if there is no political ambition to reduce



In Mexico, South Pole Carbon has always had the vision of being a leader in developing new concepts. We have about

Q: What do you see as the main opportunities for emission

250 projects worldwide, but it is very tiring to go through

reduction projects to be conducted here in Mexico?

the UN approval procedure for every single project.

A: Mexico has a very high potential for renewable energy.

Back in 2007, there was a new concept invented by the

We are talking about a wind potential greater than 40GW,

UN called the CDM (Clean Development Mechanism). It

and a hydro potential of about 53GW. But surprisingly

was a game changer, as from then on an entire program

little has been done so far. In 2011, the share of electricity

could be registered at once, instead of through a case-by-

produced with renewable sources in the public sector was

case basis. We thought this would be a fantastic solution

16%. On the other hand, generation licenses for renewable

because it saves transaction costs and it makes everything

sources are still rare. If the country could generate a

much faster.

system where the government and large power companies cooperate and pay a higher tariff, combined with a carbon

We see Mexico as one of the biggest adventures that we

benefit that could be sold internationally, Mexico could

have ever undertaken. We began with a range of activities

transition to a much higher fraction of renewables. Due to

covering the entire renewable energy space. From now on,

the country’s economic growth and the increase in resource

whichever renewables sector you are in, wind, hydropower,

consumption, this could be a very attractive cash flow.

solar or tidal, you can easily apply and get the carbon credits through our platform with a small effort. This is a

Q: How do you think the carbon credits that are already

very efficient way of channeling carbon finance. We are

being generated through wind, solar and energy efficiency

quite proud of our success in Mexico because it is probably

projects in Mexico could be optimized?

the most important country in Latin America. Since the

A: The biggest problem and the reason why carbon

global economic crisis, we are experiencing very low

markets are not moving so quickly is because there is

carbon prices and the incentive to go for carbon finance

limited demand. Only countries that have signed the Kyoto

has been relatively low. Nevertheless, the infrastructure is

Protocol are providing that demand. In order to improve the

in place. Renewable energy, energy efficiency, and waste

use of carbon credits, we could start to generate a Mexican

management projects are South Pole Carbon’s flagship

domestic demand for carbon offsets. A growing number


of cities and countries around the world are doing just that. For example, São Paulo announced that it wants to

Q: What are the optimal roles of the public and private

offset its carbon footprint. China allows domestic Chinese

sector to ensure the success of the CDM?

credits for its emissions trading scheme. A trading scheme

A: The public sector needs to take the next step. The private

where Mexican domestic offsets can be used would be

industry has used the CDM to channel a lot of investments,

a great way to increase demand for carbon credits. For

and its involvement in projects has been very successful.

example, South Pole Carbon is sitting on a panel which is

US$200 billion have come through the CDM in the past few

discussing how to integrate Mexican forest projects into

years, which is a massive amount of money leveraged in a

the Californian trading scheme. Mexico could very well be

very short time. The problem is that governments around

a provider for international offsets.

the world are currently unable or unwilling to agree on


more ambitious reduction targets. Mexico is not among

Q: What are the key projects that South Pole Carbon

these, but many others are hiding behind figures instead of

wants to develop in Mexico in the coming years?

| COP 21 - PARIS 2015 A: At the moment, we are working on two key projects.

“The global climate framework works only when most

One is a wind project that fits well into our program. We

– if not all – countries are part of it,” stresses Renat

see a lot of potential in wind farms and we see a lot of

Heuberger, CEO of South Pole Carbon. The US is not

activity in the wind energy sector. The second is related

part of the Kyoto Protocol, and other essential players

to other renewable energy types such as hydropower

such as Canada, Japan, and Russia have dropped out.

stations, solar or even tidal and wave power. However, the

This makes the participation of emerging markets such

latter three involve projects that are at a pilot stage and

as Brazil, Mexico, India, China, and South Africa, all the

are installed on a much smaller scale. Wind is number one,

more crucial for a new climate deal to stand a chance.

hydro is number two.

“Mexico must absolutely take a strong position when it comes to the negotiation of a new climate framework.

Q: You were named Best Project Developer in a carbon

If it does not participate, other countries will hide

market survey in 2011, 2012 and 2013. What sets you apart

behind this excuse,” Heuberger adds. South Pole

from your competitors?

Carbon is working in collaboration with international

A: Two things have given us our competitive advantage. The

organizations and the Mexican government to shape

first is that we have always focused on high quality projects.

the country’s commitment ahead of the Paris 2015 UN

We never got involved in big industrial gas projects because

Climate Conference. “The country’s participation is

we anticipated that people might not always want to buy

going to be very important in the big picture of this

carbon credits from such projects. From the beginning,

new deal. We need all hands on deck, all countries

we focused on renewables – solar and biogas – and on

onboard,” emphasizes Heuberger. “Mexico is very

projects which provided an additional benefit for society.

vulnerable to climate change, it is at risk from sea-

Our second advantage is that we are also very active in the

level rises and droughts among other blights. It

voluntary market. It is a market where companies, such as

would be a win-win situation if Mexico could take

banks or consumer goods companies, reduce emissions not

a bold position. I hope that South Pole Carbon can

because they have to but because they want to contribute

contribute towards this goal and make sure people

to protecting the environment. We happen to be a very

understand that moving to a low-carbon path can

large player in that active market. This is why we are in such

only benefit them economically.”

a healthy position as compared to our competitors.

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Enrique Rebolledo, Business Development Manager of Bajo en Carbono

2008 was a year of mixed

derived from electricity generation in Mexico. The company’s



findings were that, given CFE’s obligation to buy electricity at

was rocked by an epic

the lowest cost possible, Mexico should prioritize investment

financial tailspin, but clean

in renewable energy. “If we all included the global and local




externalities generated by CO2 emissions, we would notice

markets remained afloat

the need to make a shift towards renewable energies,” says

as companies continued

Rebolledo. While Rebolledo and fellow founder Fernando

to invest in them despite

Rodríguez are hopeful their advice will soon be implemented,




they understand they face opposition from within certain

This rise that was behind

institutions. “PEMEX and CFE are the two largest polluters in

the creation of Bajo en

the country. If we do not regulate both, it becomes difficult for Mexico to transition to a low-carbon economy,” explains

Carbono that same year.

Rodríguez. As explained by Enrique Rebolledo, Bajo en Carbono’s Business Development Manager and one of the company’s

Bajo en Carbono has had to adapt to help its clients navigate

founders, the firm has begun to tap into the opportunities

a changing landscape. Priorities have evolved, forcing the

formed by the clean technology market. Given the

company’s team to adopt a more flexible approach to finding

subsidies and support grants clean technologies had

solutions. Rebolledo says that originally its clients were

been receiving in Europe, the opportunity to transfer that

interested in carbon credits. Following the changes seen

technology to Mexico was there for the taking. The Bajo

over the last two years, Bajo de Carbono has been solicited

en Carbono team had several goals at the outset: beyond

to help customers obtain carbon financing, after these

a transfer of technology from overseas, the idea was also

had begun a new industrial process or had starting using

to kick start the development of local Mexican technology

renewable energy for their installations. But the need for the

and to support government policies aiming to help that

consultancy service Bajo en Carbono offers is predominant


among all its clients, says Rodríguez. Bajo en Carbono is able to help develop CDM projects, energy efficiency projects

Five years on, Bajo en Carbono has developed two main

or even act as an equipment supplier, varying its offering

areas of activities that are equally important to achieving

to service any mixture of needs. Our clients may not come

those original goals. The first activity sees the company

from the big leagues, says Rebolledo, but they come from

working closely with ministries and environmental agencies

the ranks of the “medium-sized companies that have not

as its staff assesses and supports the development of

gone public, that do not have a sustainability department or

climate change policy ideas at the federal and state levels.

the right expertise in these areas.”

“Many of SEMARNAT’s policy documents were done by us. We carry it out economic analyses about the potential of

Bajo en Carbono maintains this flexibility by not being a

introducing certain technologies or approaches in Mexico.

technology provider itself. Instead, it relies on a wide pool of

We have closely looked at feed-in tariffs and at valuing the

technicians and suppliers to find the solutions its clients are

cost of carbon in the electricity sector, which was done for

looking for in terms of return on investment, of the energy

SENER,” says Rebolledo.

they will generate and of the regulation they will face. Where such a thorough analysis might prove daunting to many,

The company’s second core business is to help companies

the experience of Rebolledo and Rodríguez in designing

find ways to finance their own clean technology, particularly

solutions for the IDB and the World Bank has readied them



for these challenges. With these international institutions,

Mechanism or the LAERFTE (Law on the Use of Renewable

the pair worked on clean transportation and ways to reduce

Energies and the Financing of the Energy Transition).

cities’ carbon footprints. Such a track record serves as an

According to Rebolledo, the General Law on Climate

excellent calling card in the Mexican market. But rather than

Change was “ambiguous,” causing companies to turn to

rest on its laurels, Bajo en Carbono is already eyeing up its

Bajo en Carbono for fear they would be over-regulated in

next move. “We see a void for a local lobby system that

a new market seeking emission reductions.

could help develop local public policy on carbon emissions.





This void could easily be taken up by a private company like


The LAERFTE also gave Bajo en Carbono the chance to work

us. This would be a good growth prospect for us along with

on another government project, evaluating externalities

our usual project development.”


CARBON PLATFORM REINFORCES CLIMATE CHANGE FIGHT EDUARDO PIQUERO Director of MEXICO2 Carbon Platform Q: What were the main reasons the Mexican Stock

the Mexican government supports market mechanisms to

Exchange launched the MEXICO2 Carbon Platform?

help lower emissions. No other country in Latin America

A: This project can be divided into two important

has the level of government support that we have. We have

milestones. In 2011, the Mexican Stock Exchange launched

the General Climate Change Law, and we have the carbon

its Sustainability Index, which allows companies that have

tax. In the future, we will see a certain level of demand for

sustainable practices to be rated more highly than others.

carbon credits among those companies that have to pay

Having those practices is appreciated by investors and

the carbon tax. Beyond that we have to create some extra

consumers alike. We also have the General Climate Change

demand. Companies, both listed and non-listed, are already

Law that came into force in October 2012. These two events

demanding offsets for their emissions to either increase

were the main reasons that led to the creation of the platform

their rating on the Sustainability Index, or to strengthen

in November 2013, after receiving financial support from the

their corporate sustainable responsibility. The MEXICO2

British Embassy. An additional boost came in the form of

Carbon Platform is making history in the fight against

the Fiscal Reform. It introduced the carbon tax, which will

climate change, as well as in its stock exchange. This is the

be enforced in 2014. We want to provide carbon credits for

only stock exchange to have a platform for carbon credits

this tax. Even though we have been frustrated by the failure

in the Americas.

of the global carbon market, some of its initiatives are still quite healthy.

Q: What were the main challenges you faced when establishing the methodology behind the MEXICO2

Q: What are the main reasons that account for the failure of

Carbon Platform?

the global carbon market?

A: The largest obstacle is educating large corporations

A: There are three different reasons. Globally, the UN

about climate change. Even though the stock exchange

created the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) but it

has a sustainability committee, there is still a lot of work

came into force very late. Registering projects involved

to do. We are working on educating the demand base on

a lot of bureaucracy and the issuance of carbon credits

what carbon is and on what products are suitable for one

was quite expensive. The financial crisis was another

company or another. As for the Treasury, we are setting up a

big problem, as were the failures of the issuance of

mechanism whereby carbon credits go from projects to the

allowances for carbon credits. Those allowances enable

purchasing companies and then to the Treasury. This is the

companies to emit greenhouse gases, but the EU did not

first time a mechanism has been structured in such way in a

cope very well with the expectations for the current phase

developing country.

of the carbon market, which runs until 2016. They issued more allowances than were actually needed so prices

Q: What are the direct benefits that this new platform will

plummeted in a matter of months. We also had a strong

bring to energy-intensive industries?

supply from large Chinese and Indian projects that were

A: If companies are interested in the direct offsetting of

issuing too many credits. So we had an oversupply while

carbon emissions, they can buy carbon credits without

prices fell, which proved to be a deadly combination.

giving much importance to their origin. We also promote

Nevertheless, at a national level we have very efficient

the idea of sustainable development, so that energy-

carbon markets, comparative to those in California, New

intensive industries will comply with the carbon tax and

Zealand, Canada and South Korea.

help Mexico’s sustainable development. To secure a very transparent price and get carbon credits quickly, we will

Q: Why is the MEXICO2 Carbon Platform viable in the

connect the supply and demand sides of the market while

Mexican market?

also conducting auctions. There is no better place than this

A: MEXICO2 is a trading platform that represents the first

platform for companies to buy carbon credits and secure

step towards a Mexican carbon market. It is viable because

the best deal for all sides.




will have to be created. Meanwhile, NAFINSA is working in

(NAFINSA) financed 50%

coordination with public and private financial institutions

of the required capital

for the increasing financing demand for renewable projects.

for Aura Solar I, the first

Enrique Nieto Ituarte, Director of Sustainable Projects of NAFINSA

large scale photovoltaic

“Competition is being created and we are involving



commercial banks in the process,” Nieto Ituarte states. He

financing of this project

found that getting involved in renewable projects came

is a sign of the Mexican

very naturally as soon as the market heard NAFINSA was







financing these types of projects. Demand has increased


and the development bank is expecting it to grow even

renewable energy projects

more in the near future. “There are many players that have

in the country but more specifically, is an endorsement

the technology, the land or the resources but do not have

for the Mexican solar energy industry. For over two

the financing. We enable those projects to become a reality,”

decades, NAFINSA has been focused in providing financial

he adds, recalling the early days of wind energy in Mexico

resources and warranties to small and medium-sized

when it did not enjoy the trust it does today. “Now financial

companies. It was just six years ago that the bank started

institutions are very comfortable with this type of energy and

funding renewable energy projects. “NAFINSA’s role

the same is going to happen with solar and hydropower.”

is to be a pioneer in the development of financing for projects involving new technologies or technologies that

What makes NAFINSA more attractive than other financial

have not been used in Mexico,” explains Enrique Nieto

institutions? Nieto Ituarte does not hesitate to mention the

Ituarte, NAFINSA’s Director of Sustainable Projects. “Clear

reasons why NAFINSA is a competitive option. “First of all,

examples of these are our financing of two major solar

we have long-term resources that commercial banks do not

energy projects – Aura Solar I with 30MW and another

have. However, we design mechanisms so commercial banks

project of 18MW – with market risk present in the tariff

can participate in case there is some kind of restriction.”

price.” In other words, the tariff is based on what CFE is

He emphasizes that NAFINSA does not give money away,

paying in the short term, which is a merchant risk.

there are no lost funds or nonexistent rates. “These projects are profitable under market rates and without subsidies,

NAFINSA is seeking to contribute to Mexico’s shift towards

therefore they have market prices.” To acquire financing

renewable energy by financing more projects, taking on

from NAFINSA, project developers must first comply with

more risk with the capital it has available to invest, and

many regulatory requirements. Nieto Ituarte underlines

forming strategic alliances with multilateral organisms. “We

that one of the most important issues is land management.

have combined diverse sources of funding such as funds

When the land is privately owned there are usually less

destined to the mitigation of climate change, and canalized

complications, but when the project is being developed

them toward Mexico. Furthermore, we are focused on

on ejido land, NAFINSA does not provide any funds until

creating feasible structures and spreading knowledge about

an independent entity certifies that all requirements are

new financial instruments that might allow more access to

being complied with. “The social risk for us, in particular,

this type of energy,” he says.

is very important because communities can be adversely affected instead of benefiting from a project.” NAFINSA

The fact that the Mexican renewable energy market is not

also provides consulting services to its clients. The bank

booming yet is actually a healthy sign for Nieto Ituarte. He

begins a negotiation that ends with the structuring of the

mentions examples in Europe, where renewable energy

debt’s size, term and rate, depending on the risks. All those

was subsidized in an effort to promote it, but making it

factors go toward creating a financial model that gives the

unmanageable in the mid-term. The organic growth of

project feasibility.

renewable energy in Mexico is allowing all players – from


financial institutions to CFE – to provide the required

NAFINSA is trying to double its renewable energy projects

demand that will build a stronger market for the future.

compared to 2012. “I believe renewables will take up about

“The current legal framework is adequate for the country’s

15-20% of NAFINSA’s portfolio. The bank is making its

need. Nevertheless, the lack of infrastructure is an issue

way into the sector and has a commitment to support

that has to be acknowledged by CFE through its Open

the government’s renewable energy ambitions. If a good

Season scheme,” Nieto Ituarte says. However, he believes

project comes to NAFINSA, we will support it,” Nieto

that in the future, other types of infrastructure financing

Ituarte underlines.



Q: Could you give us a brief introduction to KfW and its

Q: After seeing the opportunities in Mexico, what would

subsidiaries, their activities and their specialities?

be the most important challenges that this country needs

A: KfW, with assets of more than €500 billion, is the

to face?

largest national development bank in the world. It has

A: It is difficult for me as a foreigner to comment about this

three subsidiaries that are active outside of Germany: KfW-

topic. A main concern from the banking perspective is that

Ipex Bank, KfW Development Bank, and KfW-DEG. DEG is

the PPA offered by CFE, within the small power producer

KfW’s subsidiary focused on promoting the private sector

scheme, is not at a fixed price. The dependency of prices on

in emerging economies. Its mandate is to directly finance

the short term total cost makes it very difficult for banks to

projects that are at least 51% privately owned. There is no

finance such projects. One of the reasons why wind energy

need for any German or European supplies or sponsors,

has been relatively successful in Mexico is that regulation

DEG can finance projects which are 100% Mexican. However,

has enabled self-supply projects for the private sector

we do need for these projects to have a developmental

which involve a fixed-price PPA.

impact on the country such as job creation, infrastructure development or a contribution to combat climate change.

For Mexican companies, it can be very difficult to obtain

DEG provides the whole range of financing products

long-term financing from commercial banks and funds

from straight equity through different types of mezzanine

alone, so we offer our services as a development bank to

financing to senior loans. Our portfolio at the moment is

overcome these challenges. We have investment experience

about 40% equity/mezzanine and 60% senior debt, but

in more than 85 countries and our dedicated sector experts

we want to grow more on the equity/mezzanine side. We

in Cologne can draw from that experience when assessing

always provide long-term financing, starting from four years

projects and coming on due diligence missions. Being a

and going up to periods longer than 15 years. DEG provides

German governmental entity, our financing for a company

financing ranging from US$10 million to US$50 million,

or project provides a ‘seal of approval’, which we have seen

depending on the project. Together with partners, we also

can really add value when it comes to relations with other

offer syndicated senior loans above US$100 million.

banks or planning an IPO at a later stage.

Q: How do the opportunities in Mexico compare to other

Q: How large would you consider the financing demand to

Latin American markets where DEG is active?

develop renewable energy projects in Mexico to be?

A: Last year, Latin America was the most important region

A: There are many project ideas in Mexico but only a

for DEG regarding new business and commitments. In DEG

small number of them are going to be solid enough to get

as a whole, we committed about €1.3 billion of new business

financing. Therefore, the challenge is to match the good

last year, of which €500 million went to Latin America, with

projects with the available financing. It is always more

€100 million for Mexico. This made Mexico the second largest

difficult at the beginning of a cycle to distinguish good

country within DEG in terms of new commitments, just behind

projects from bad ones. But when the current ‘gold rush’

India. To come second in DEG’s investment universe is quite

in solar PV has settled, criteria for project and financing

an achievement, as we are talking about Mexico being ahead

success will have been found and tested, leading to a

of Brazil and China. Within Latin America, and specifically in

more transparent and straight-forward selection process

the renewable energy sector, Mexico is definitely one of the

where good projects will obtain financing. This has already

countries with the highest potential. So far, we have mainly

started since the first project in Baja California became

financed wind energy projects. In the past, Mexican wind

operational. Due to its isolation from the national grid, Baja

farms have been very competitive, mainly in Oaxaca, but

California is a special case and may not quite yet lead to

the sector has been spreading in different regions of Mexico.

a breakthrough for solar PV projects on a national scale.

While we expect wind projects to continue, a new big wave

But in the end, I am fully convinced that viable projects will

has started in the solar photovoltaic industry.

attract financing.


LARGE-SCALE FUNDING TO MITIGATE CLIMATE CHANGE Created in 1959 to spur the development of Latin America

666 projects, less than many Central American nations such

and the Caribbean, the Inter-American Development

as El Salvador, Honduras or Guatemala. Yet involvement

Bank (IDB) is now the largest multilateral player in the

in Mexico brings particular risks that the IDB has grown

region, according to Leandro Alves, the Head of its Energy

adept in adapting to. Alves sees two major issues that

Division. “We finance approximately US$1 billion a year just

stand out in Mexico. The first difference is that social and

on the energy side, which accounts for between 14% and

environmental regulations vary from state to state and how

20% of our portfolio. Since we have a mandate to finance

they apply to local populations. “As in any large country,

up to US$3 billion per year, there is a lot of room for us

there is a difference in terms of project location and the

to expand our financing to mitigation of climate change,

way they are presented, which breeds either positive or

which includes renewable energy,” he explains.

negative reactions towards each project.”

But despite being a leading development bank tasked

The other aspect relates to off-takers. Alves outlines that

with different responsibilities than its commercial rivals,

should the IDB take on large renewable energy projects

the IDB’s lending criteria are not too distant from those

targetting private sector companies looking for self-supply,

of traditional lenders. The development bank looks for

then Mexico would have a limited number of very large off-

financial sustainability, for experienced and knowledgeable

takers. “Mexican industry is mainly composed of relatively

shareholders and for companies with a track record in the

small and medium-sized companies as opposed to large

projects they are looking to have financed. “They also need

conglomerates, a reality that is not reflected. That may be

to be able to backstop, to put in the equity requirements for

a limiting factor on the self-supply agreements that are

a project, as well as certain guarantees,” says Alves. While

currently being drawn up,” he outlines. That being said,

the IDB has no specific guarantees that it looks for up front,

climate change has made it essential for the energy mix to

its limited lending capability means it looks very closely

shift toward renewable sources in the IDB’s opinion. One

to see if a project is bankable. For private sector projects

aspect that could be of great benefit to non-conventional

in Mexico, the bank can only lend up to 25% of the total

renewable energy sources, such as wind and solar, is smart

cost of the project. Typically, Alves explains, this means

grid technology, says Alves, while outlining its advantages.

that another 30% is equity, and the other 45% has to come

“The smart grid would provide more consistency and duality

in some other form of lending. In essence, this means that

for transmission lines. This would be helpful in compensating

projects have to be bankable under commercial terms in

for droughts in peers related with hydro systems. But more

order for IDB to finance them. Where the IDB does stand

importantly, as more and more intermittent energy comes

apart is in its consideration of risk factors. Economic, social

into play, the smart grid will be a key feature to bring new

and environmental sustainability are far higher on IDB’s list

investment for non-conventional resources.”

of priorities than normal banks. “We want to make sure that the projects that we are working on are exemplary, not just

The future of renewable energy projects, as well as the entire

for the shareholders but for the regional population directly

Mexican energy sector, has been changed by the approval of

affected by those projects and the country as a whole.”

the Energy Reform. Alves, like many in the financial sector, is enthusiastic about the reform’s potential. However, he

In terms of which renewable sources it has worked with,

strongly advises Mexico to move ahead step by step. “The

the IDB has had most success in hydro projects, although

best approach to changing a sector is through incremental

wind projects are rapidly becoming a priority. Alves

policy steps. Any drastic actions will end up causing a much

acknowledges that the application and execution of wind

tougher battle, both for internal political reasons and from

projects often involve social and environmental concerns

a social point of view.” The other move that he advises

that the IDB seeks to address. The scale of such projects can

Mexico to take, in order to shore up any lingering doubts

also be reflected in the proportions that these concerns can

about investment and financing in the energy sector, is

take. As such, Alves explains that it does not make sense

to create an infrastructure bank similar to Brazil’s BNDES.

for the IDB to finance very large infrastructure projects that

Although Mexico already has Banobras and NAFINSA, a

have a negative impact on the local population.

new bank could introduce specific lines of credit for public and private entities that have long-term financing needs for


The IDB’s work across Latin America seems equally spread

renewable sources. As Alves explains, 80% of the cost of

across the region’s larger and smaller economies. While

these resources is return capital so, as that cost is amortized

Brazil tops the list with the IDB involved in 1,105 projects

over longer terms, renewable energy projects can become

there as of early 2014, Mexico has seen IDB participation in

more and more competitive.



The value of Bancomer’s CSR division has always been

BBVA Bancomer, did not

measured from the bank’s financial perspective. Bancomer


tackles its sustainability initiatives as it would a business


largest want



Irma Acosta Pedregal, Director of Corporate Responsibility and Image of BBVA Bancomer



follow set

model, by quantifying them and seeking to make them


profitable. Acosta Pedregal explains that giving such

it started its corporate

initiatives a precise value allows Bancomer to create

sustainable responsibility

tangible indicators and track the various impacts its

(CSR) division, Bancomer

initiatives are having.

centered the of





around concepts


As the financial sector is not directly a highly pollutant


sector, Bancomer decided to focus on the indirect changes

reputation. The first sought to make Bancomer responsible,

it could make. BBVA adopted the Equator Principles in 2004

in all aspects of its operations, while its actual CSR

as a crucial commitment to willingly integrate their activities

programs were linked to its core business. For example,

into more sustainable markets. Projects depend strongly on

the bank focused heavily on financial education and social

financing and as an Equator Principle Financing Institution,

entrepreneurship. Irma Acosta Pedregal, Bancomer’s

the bank avoids being part of potentially damaging projects

Director of Corporate Responsibility and Image, explains

to society and the environment. The bank also generated

that social entrepreneurship became a particular priority

a global eco-efficiency plan for 2008-2012, which is now

after the bank started the Momentum Project.

in its second iteration. Having created a benchmark to establish what this plan should include for all the countries

The Momentum Project, currently operating in Mexico,

in which Bancomer works, the focus became to reduce the

Spain and Peru, aims to train and provide support to

bank’s carbon footprint worldwide. This took into account

entrepreneurs and allow their initiatives to evolve in a

the use of water, energy and paper, CO2 emissions and

socially and ecologically friendly way. “We see a need to

environmental certifications. The company has obtained

educate these types of entrepreneurs, as they sometimes

ISO 14001 certifications for some buildings it already owned

lack the right business approach for their company. They

and will obtain LEED certification in countries in which new

need to understand cash flow management, marketing

headquarters are being built, such as Mexico and Spain.

models and financing,” says Acosta Pedregal. Momentum

A commitment to a 20% reduction in CO2 emissions was

allows companies to accelerate their growth and Bancomer

fulfilled by cutting back on travel trips and increasing the

taps up the skill set and experience of its retired workers

number of videoconferences and telecommuting.

to help participating companies develop their business models. The program has been having an impact since

Bancomer has placed a particular focus on certifiable

the beginning. “In the first year, we had 112 participants,

buildings, vowing that 20% of its employees will work in

from which 10 were selected to work on the steps already

buildings possessing ISO 14001 certification, covering 10 of

outlined,” explains Acosta Pedregal. Momentum was also

its buildings in Mexico. The company’s flagship projects will

created with two important partnerships, New Ventures,

be focused on LEED, however. “Mexico City will see Torre

a top Mexican start-up accelerator company, and EGADE,

Bancomer with a capacity for 4,500 people and with LEED

one of Mexico’s most famous business schools. From the

Gold certification. The operations center will house 4,200

outset, Bancomer sought to ensure that sustainability was

people and will have LEED Silver certification. We have also

not being forced on the company, to avoid such practices

made some changes in the installations of old bank branches

being viewed as an annoyance by staff. Instead, it sought to

to introduce technology that fits our goals,” states Acosta

ensure that sustainability was incorporated seamlessly and

Pedregal. The second phase of its global eco-efficiency plan

that the development of the new division could be tracked

has targeted a reduction of 3% for energy, 3% for paper and

at every stage. Although support within Bancomer for this

6% for CO2 emissions. The process of building these two new

sustainable change came from the top, it was important

buildings and getting them ready is what has led to the bank

for the bank to involve its employees lower down the

not making particularly aggressive sustainability goals for the

corporate ladder. “We had 20 sessions with the employees

moment. Migrating over 7,000 employees once the buildings

and an online course to target sustainability issues

are ready will take between 12 and 18 months, and Bancomer

depending on different regions. Every new employee also

knows this will lead to a rise in its energy consumption. To

has to go through a corporate responsibility workshop,”

mitigate this, the company is working on developing its own

says Acosta Pedregal.

wind farm, scheduled to be in operation in 2015.


EQUATOR PRINCIPLES ESSENTIAL TO SUSTAINABLE BANKING Sustainable banking is not a concept with a long and storied

been accepted and rejected under EP regulations, as well as

history. While different sectors of industry came to sustainable

the positive ecological impact of already financed projects.

practices throughout the 1990s and 2000s, the banking sector remained mostly on the outside until June 2003. That

Two wholly Mexican banks, CIBanco and Banorte, have joined

month, 10 banks, including international heavy-hitters such

so far, both of them doing so in early 2012. BBVA Bancomer is

as Barclays and Crédit Suisse, vowed to throw their support

also in but its Spanish owner, BBVA, joined way back in 2004.

behind a new vision of financing. This vision would seek to

Mexico has not been the only Latin American country whose

fight against climate change, promote biodiversity, and

banks have seen the EP light. Brazil has five members, while

seek to alleviate or offset negative impacts of projects on

Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Peru and Uruguay

ecosystems, communities, and the climate, thus, the Equator

each have one. The traction the EPs have gained in Latin

Principles (EPs) were born. In their first iteration, the EPs were

America and Africa has seen them obtain more credibility as

limited in several ways that sparked concern among NGOs

a global initiative.

over whether the EPs would have any bite at all. As they were initially devised, the EPs were only applied to project finance

The EPIII (third version of the EPs adopted in April 2013) now

for infrastructure plans within the countries the signatories

place far more stringent demands on clients seeking to gain

were based in. This covered such developments as power

loans from EPFIs, as well as on the banks themselves. The

plants and pipelines. Secondly, the EPs were non-binding. In

EPIII added two measures to the portfolio of EP solutions.

lieu of any real enforcement, the signatory banks allowed for

These are: project-related corporate loans with a tenor of

rule by consensus, under which they would pledge to follow

at least two years where the loan is dedicated to a single

standards set by the International Finance Corporation (IFC),

project over which the borrower has control, and bridge

the private-sector lending arm of the World Bank.

loans with a tenor of less than two years that are intended to be refinanced by project finance or project-related corporate

In 2006, the IFC improved its standards by lifting the

loans. After a transition period in 2014, EPFIs will need to

limitation on project finance to cover banks’ project advisory

require from clients regular reports about the emission

services while the investment barrier for projects was

levels of greenhouse gases in the operations of projects

lowered from US$50 million to US$10 million. This was a

that emit over 100,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent.

commitment that was met by the EP members, who followed

Such potentially polluting projects will also be required to

suit in strengthening their pledge in order to broaden the

provide a detailed analysis of alternatives that would result

scope of the EPs to supervise a far wider range of potential

in fewer emissions. Such an analysis cannot be provided

deals. In the summer of 2013, after the EPs underwent their

for operations alone, as it must detail feasible options

second alteration, the number of Equator Principles Financial

through which to reduce greenhouse gas emissions during a

Institutions (EPFIs) had reached 78 members across 35

project’s various stages, including design, construction, and

countries, covering over 70 percent of international project

operation. The more strict rules for loans under the EPs were

finance debt in emerging markets. If followed, the new rules

not developed by the EPFIs themselves but were part of an

would mean that EPFIs would reject offers to finance projects

upgrade in the IFC Performance Standards, which govern

that would result in significant environmental damage, or

much of the content of the EPs.

even pose the potential for such damage. The scope of the EPIII and the commitment that member


Criticism of the EPs started almost as soon as they were

banks have shown has been reflected in changes to banks’

born, especially among NGOs and social groups that were

internal processes and beyond. The roster of a bank’s staff

skeptical of banks voluntarily taking on socially responsible

now includes trained staff that can plan environmental impact

measures. An early flaring point was the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceylan

assessments or advise on whether loan proposals are viable

pipeline running from the Caspian Sea to the Mediterranean.

under the EPs. In the broader financial world, development

In 2004, eight EPFIs and the IFC itself supported this project

banks and export credit agencies have grasped the idea

despite NGOs reporting a great number of breaches, which

and are using standards that are closely based on their EPs,

proved to be a stern test for the EPs public reputation.

providing a continuity of requirements that spreads outside

Another concern that the EPFIs might press the IFC to water

the current roster of EPFIs. Furthermore, the concept of the

down its standards to benefit them was met with a stern

EPs has trickled down to companies seeking loans. Financial

response from member banks. Many of the larger EPFIs have

consultants report being increasingly approached by clients

taken their own measures and begun publicizing their own

wanting advice on how to ensure their projects meet the

compliance with the EPs, showing how many projects have

Equator Principles.


FIRST GREEN BANK PROMOTING SUSTAINABLE FINANCING INSTRUMENTS MARIO MACIEL CASTRO Director General of CIBanco Q: CIBanco was the first Mexican bank to join the Equator

loans. The companies that look for that level of financing

Principles (EP). What made you decide to do so?

usually have access to such funds with larger banks. In order

A: Joining EP is the main flag that a green bank has to fly.

to be consistent with CIBanco’s size and objectives, our loans

We could have just decided to be a green bank, nobody

have a maximum term of five years and involve amounts not

would have asked us why we had become a green financial

exceeding US$30 million. We also believe safe investments

institution, but joining the EP made it official. We were the

can be found in projects where energy efficiency or savings

first Mexican bank to do so and we are happy for other

allow for credit repayment, such as energy efficiency projects

banks to adhere to this green philosophy. However, among

in small and medium-sized firms.

our customers and the wider community, CIBanco is the green bank. Any additional green strategies in the financial

Q: The PV sector is mostly concentrating on the

sector help our philosophy, many banks may become

commercial and residential sector. How does this shape

green and this will benefit society in general.

your loans strategy? A: It is not easy to create a business plan, relying only on

Q: What criteria does CIBanco use to ascertain the

a green philosophy. Therefore, we created two types of

financial viability of its green customers?

green credits: the green auto loan and the PV residential

A: Our first criterion is that we provide loans in which

loan. We are the only bank in Mexico providing such types

repayment is feasible. The first issue is to analyze if a

of loans. In implementing them, we ran into two challenges:

project is feasible and if the loan will be repaid. We are

a cultural barrier and interconnectivity with CFE. The

not an NGO, we are a company and we must take care

cultural barrier meant we had to educate customers

of our depositors. We analyze and approve all the green

about PV energy and how it works.

loans through the credit committee, so we provide optimal

problem with bidirectional controllers installed by CFE. If

financial conditions to our customers. But this also means

you decide to use PV technology, the provider installs it,

that we are not going to approve a loan simply because it is

our bank provides the loan but you will not be using that

a green loan. At first, these loans are just simply loans, but

energy until CFE interconnects you to the network, which

after they are approved, we provide better conditions for

can take three months or more. That is actually already an

those customers that request loans for a green purpose.

improvement as we worked closely with CFE to bring this

Second, we had a

down from six months to three. We will provide medium-sized companies with mediumterm loans but feasibility is the name of the game. However,

Q: Does CIBanco have the ambitions to become a private

sustainability does not go against profitability. Just recently,

banking partner for larger projects through collaboration

we turned down a wind project as it seemed unfeasible

with development banks?

based on the developer’s forecast and projections. When

A: Not yet as there are many regulations for banks that

we started the bank, I told my sustainability committee

have to be taken into account. Large projects require a

to watch out and to ensure that we fulfill all the basic

large amount of credit but as a small bank we have a credit

requirements of a bank. We are looking for a certain return

limit, while huge companies have access to huge loans

on equity for our shareholders and we must provide our

through development banks or through big commercial

customers with the right interest and security.

banks. This is the reason why we have decided to focus in mid-sized companies. However, CIBanco can enter the

Q: Which types of renewable energy have been the most

market through medium-sized companies that ask for

financially attractive?

loans of around US$700,000. The size and timeframe of

A: Among renewable energy sources, we view solar energy

such loans fit our strategy. Since this type of customer is

as the most reliable technology and safest investment.

not being attended to by larger banks, it creates a niche

However, we are not a huge bank that can provide US$1 billion

we can exploit.




Grupo Mexico is taking advantage of cheap gas imports



from the US and generating power for self-consumption


at the La Caridad mine and metallurgical complex and the




Buenavista copper mining project expansion. The mining

schemes can also be a

group is also developing wind power for medium and

good way for companies

low-voltage use. “We are already investing in wind power

to reduce costs. Mexico’s

because of the cost advantage. We will be able to supply

largest mining company

our different locations at a competitive cost,” says Xavier



García de Quevedo, President of Grupo Mexico. However,

renewable energy projects

this strategy is not limited to self-supply as Grupo Mexico


is looking to also supply third parties in any industry


Xavier García de Quevedo, President of Grupo Mexico


providing but





productivity while reducing energy costs.

that might need it. The company started investing in the renewable energy market because it seemed like an

Grupo Mexico is investing approximately US$810 million in

attractive business opportunity.

five renewable energy plants for self-supply. Once these projects are operational, Grupo Mexico will become the first

The mining firm’s self-supply strategy is missing about

mining company to produce its entire energy supply. The

150MW, some of which are needed for the Buenavista mining

company’s current energy costs rise above US$350 million

complex. To mitigate this situation, the company plans

per year, which will start to see substantial reductions

to invest in combined cycle capacity once new pipelines

by the end of 2014. Mexico Generadora de Energia is the

are developed. Grupo Mexico will be a customer for the

Grupo Mexico subsidiary specifically created to manage

companies building the pipeline but will operate its own

and operate the group’s self-supply power plants, which will

power plants. Although this project could be jeopardized

provide energy for mining and railroad activities.

if gas prices were to rise considerably, García de Quevedo and most of the market believe natural gas will remain


The mining company’s plans include two combined cycle

competitive for the foreseeable future. Despite the company’s

power plants in Sonora with a capacity of 500MW each,

recent investments in renewable energy projects, García de

two wind farms in Oaxaca with a respective capacity

Quevedo believes that reaching the target of generating 35%

of 124MW, and a 500MW hydroelectric plant at the La

of Mexico’s energy from clean sources by 2014, as stated in

Angostura dam in Sonora.

the General Climate Change Law, remains a challenging task.

FINANCIAL INSTITUTION, GATEKEEPER AND OFF-TAKER Sustainability policies show how institutions relate to

complex authorization process as Banamex was the first

social and environmental issues and their commitment

financial institution in Mexico to go through this procedure.

to tackling these problems. Many financial institutions

Reducing the company’s environmental footprint was

have shifted their mission from one based on maximizing

definitely motivating, but Marroquín says wind power prices

profits at all costs to one that fosters socially and

were the main reason that drove Banamex to become

environmentally conscious actions. Banamex, Mexico’s

an off-taker. “All the sustainability initiatives we pursue

largest bank, has embraced this perspective and says

have significant savings or cost-reduction effects on our

it has an energy savings program to prove it. Citigroup

business.” Marroquín says the current unfavorable economic

started a sustainability unit almost ten years ago in New

times actually provide a good opportunity for banks to

York to oversee the whole group’s operations. The unit was

invest in sustainable practices and encourage them among

created under pressure from board members, clients, and

their clients. “The world needs to start thinking about new

NGOs who wanted the banking group to play a more active

business models. In times of high market turmoil and credit

role in matters of sustainability. Banamex, a subsidiary of

crunch, being aware of emerging business opportunities

Citigroup, followed the sustainability unit’s advice out of

and risk mitigating mechanisms is very important.”

conviction, as the mandate came straight from the CEO. The Citigroup sustainability unit was created with the focus

As an off-taker, Banamex has some advice for those who

of engaging both employees and interest groups, whilst

want to follow the bank’s lead, particularly small players.

promoting awareness about Banamex’s environmental

“Off-takers often do not fully understand the development

footprint. Banamex has a mandate stating that 80% of

risks linked to land ownership and to securing permits from

the company’s energy must come from clean sources by

local, state and federal authorities,” says Marroquín. “It is

2017. This makes the renewable energy sector crucial to

very difficult for smaller companies, which devote most

Banamex’s activities, both as an off-taker and as a financial

of their time and resources to their business, to evaluate

services provider. Partnering up with Italian utility company

and address such risks. Banamex looked at 20 different

Enel has helped the bank achieve significant electricity

projects, involving a very detailed approach to looking

savings while demonstrating the company’s commitment

at developers and at the feasibility of their projects.

to minimizing its environmental impact.

That analysis capability might be one issue that smaller companies will run up against,” he outlines. Marroquín






acknowledges that, given this gauntlet of regulation and

recounts the process by which Banamex chose Enel. The

research, it is rather difficult for small companies to develop

bank looked and reviewed the experience and track records

a self-supply project on their own. However, he provides

of several candidate companies, including their work in

a valuable piece of advice: pooling several companies for

Mexico and abroad. Experience was a crucial element,

self-supply developments. “Smaller customers have little

since Banamex was looking to create a partnership that

negotiating power with large project developers, but

would last over a decade. “We looked at the project’s risks,

similarly, it is hard for developers to sign 50 different PPAs.

since Mexico is full of stories of developers that waited

Both of these obstacles can be solved by pooling together

for years without finalizing their projects. We looked at

several companies that wish to become sustainable and

those projects that were ready to be built, we carried out


financial, legal and technical due diligence to ensure that, for example, these projects had properly secured the

Banamex sees a large role for itself in Mexico’s renewable

legal rights to the land from the corresponding parties,”

energy sector. “Being an off-taker in a wind energy project

says Marroquín. The Enel project covered all of Banamex’s

is just a small part of what we can do,” says Marroquín. In

requirements and expectations. Additionally, Enel is one

choosing what projects to finance or not, Banamex has an

of the world’s largest utilities and has three hydroelectric

environmental and social risk management policy. Certain

plants and two wind farms already in operation in Mexico.

sectors are excluded de facto from Banamex’s financing

In this, Banamex saw a trustworthy partner with global

programs, such as casinos or arms dealers. Potentially

expertise and local knowhow. No less than 40% of all

viable projects may also be assigned an external consultant,

electricity used by Banamex comes from Enel’s Dominica

who will work with developers on environmental and social

wind farm in San Luis Potosi. “We are expecting to save

issues. To continue improving these practices, Banamex has

approximately US$2.5 million a year from the project, which

been working with SEMARNAT on establishing ways to have

roughly amounts to 15% of that plant’s associated power

financial institutions act as gatekeepers to decide which

bill,” tells Marroquín. The project with Enel underwent a

projects should receive support or not.


WISE HANDS AT SECURING INFRASTRUCTURE FINANCING Developers of renewable energy projects are not created

For Ramos, the financing needs of the renewable

equal. Some are international heavyweights that have

energy sector cannot be detached from those of

installed hundreds of megawatts of capacity around the

broader infrastructure, even if different energy sources

world and confidently swagger into the Mexican arena.

present difficult particularities. Should the government’s

Others take more tentative first steps into an unpolished

infrastructure plans go ahead, long-term financing will not

sector, full of determination but slightly uncertain as to

be a need for renewable energy alone. In such a scenario,

how best to operate. One factor that levels the playing field

large-scale infrastructure projects such as ports and

is the access to financing. The hoops to jump through to

airports will appeal to banks for help. This would trigger a

satisfy potential backers are numerous, from environmental

Darwinian process of natural selection, in which the banks

assessments to government permits and certification

would pick the best-structured projects from among these

processes. This is where Astris Finance comes in. The

different sectors.

American investment advisory firm may not have the fame of a PwC or a KPMG but its Managing Partner Eduardo

“With these bottlenecks looming, a large part of Astris

Ramos is willing to stake its track record against that of

Finance’s work in Mexico is to give developers a mild

its competitors. “We may be a smaller firm but we have

reality check.” Ramos describes developers as being very

spent 15 years in infrastructure financing, and our core

optimistic about their projects’ viability. To prepare them

business is energy, oil and gas. We also thrive on having

for the road ahead, Astris acts as their counselors, giving

a lean structure, so our clients will see the most relevant

them an objective idea of what is achievable in terms of

person in the company and the head of each project will get

debt and equity. “Our top priority when we engage with

involved,” says Ramos.

clients is to pitch them on the best scenario. We tackle

“With these bottlenecks looming, a large part of Astris Finance’s work in Mexico is to give developers a mild reality check” Eduardo Ramos, Managing Partner of Astris Finance

This boutique’s approach to business has translated to

their capabilities, what Astris Finance can do for them and

Astris getting involved on behemoth contracts, such as

we make sure that our clients understand what the best

playing a lead role in arranging a US$900 million loan in

option for them and their project is. We provide a roadmap

2007 for Mexican engineering firm ICA. This loan went

to success,” explains Ramos. This overarching vision led

toward the building of the 750MW La Yesca hydroelectric

Astris Finance to focus largely on one source of renewable

power plant. Such a coup alludes to a commitment to

energy: solar. Through involvement in solar projects in

Mexico, given the reputation needed to work on this scale

France, Portugal and Peru, the company’s commitment to

of project. As Ramos explains, despite also having offices in

the sun comes down to evolutions in technology. Where

Washington and Paris, Astris Finance sees Latin America as

wind has traditionally dominated the Mexican renewable

its geographic homeland. Far from the critics of the Mexican

energy mix, Astris is betting on technological advances to

business environment, Astris revels in the advantages it

make solar more cost-competitive than wind. With Mexico

finds here. One of the main opportunities it has tapped

enjoying high levels of solar irradiation in the Sonora Desert

into is the availability of long-term financing, especially

of Baja California, Astris is seeking to replicate the success

when compared to regional competitors. Chile might offer

it had in Peru, where a careful financial structure, involving

longer-term loans than Mexico, but in Brazil banks normally

multilaterals and banks, saw two solar plants successfully

limit their financing to between five and seven years. Ramos

built for its clients.

points to the clear advantage Mexico has in this regard,


saying “the local capital market is able to finance 30 years

“It has taken a little longer to develop projects, but the states

for infrastructure projects, even on wind and solar.” Such an

are pushing for changes to the law to allow PPAs. There

option has made Mexico competitive worldwide in financing

is a lot of pent up demand. You need incentives from the

renewable energy projects, given how important long-term

government for more of these projects to come to fruition,

financing is to developers.

to attract the right kind of investors to the energy sector.”


INNOVATIVE SOLUTIONS TO SUPPORT LARGE FINANCING NEEDS ENRIQUE LARA Sub-director of Hydraulic, Social and Environmental Infrastructure of Banobras Q: What is Banobras’ role in promoting the development

financing the whole projects by ourselves. If promoters

of clean energy infrastructure?

can get commercial banks interested in these ventures, we

A: Banobras has a long history and significant experience in

can adjust our schemes. The goal is to make sure a lack of

financing infrastructure projects. The main sector Banobras

financing does not hinder energy related projects.

finances is the transportation sector, particularly highways, but energy related projects have become increasingly

Warrantees have become important in ensuring a project’s

important to us over the past four years. These projects,

success and Banobras is aware of that. Some projects

which include renewables, as well as projects for PEMEX

struggle during certain periods, particularly the initial

and CFE, currently amount to one fourth of our portfolio.

operational stages. Banobras guarantees that loans will be

Renewable energy projects are seeing an accelerated

paid during these difficult periods and we will recover the

proliferation because of technological improvements.

capital in subsequent years. We have promoted this scheme

This is particularly true for solar power, which was not

because it facilitates liquidity for project development.

financially viable a few years ago. Efficient technologies

We have also created a scheme that banks have found

have improved the bankability of these projects, and we

attractive, particularly when financing in US dollars. It is

can tell the sector is opening up because of the requests

called ‘sequential repayment’ and is designed for projects

for financing we receive.

that require long-term financing, over 15 to 25 years. Commercial banks have restrictions for long-term projects.

Banobras’s background with energy related projects is

To overcome this obstacle, our sequential repayment

most evident in its financing of mini-hydroelectric plants.

scheme divides loans into two periods: a short period,

These are noble and viable projects from a banking

usually ten years or less, and a longer one estimated at

perspective. Banobras has also financed many wind power

18 years. Development banking covers the long-term loan

developments, for which we have an interesting portfolio.

while commercial banks cover the short-term financing.

Currently we are assessing solar power, and although we

Solutions like this emphasize that development banks

have not yet financed any projects, our portfolio includes

collaborate rather than compete with commercial banks.

solar projects that will soon be financed. Q: How does Banobras select which projects to finance? Q: What mechanisms does Banobras implement to

A: We look for financial viability and well-structured

facilitate the development of renewable energy projects?

project planning. Not only does it have to be a profitable

A: The National Development Plan promotes renewable

project, it has to comply with legal requirements: permits,

energy projects through its ambitious goals. Banobras,

right of way, land rights, and environmental assessments.

as a financing entity, prioritizes the facilitation of such

We also ask for technological evaluations from external

projects. We have an area specialized in renewable energy

consultants. It is important to note that the best projects

developers, which identifies potential projects in solar and

are not necessarily the most expensive; we have financed

wind energy, cogeneration, and even gas pipelines. The

1MW mini-hydroelectric plants because they made sense.

gas sector has seen turbulent times of late; there have

As far as resources are concerned, in 2013 we had a

been cases in which the industry has been asked to cease

MX$19 billion (US$1.42 billion) budget for public-private

activities because of insufficient gas supply. Gas pipeline

partnerships. In the past six years, we went from having

projects involve significant amounts of financing that a single

a resource pool of MX$12 billion (US$897 million) to just

bank cannot always cover entirely, as these projects require

MX$92 billion (US$6.9 billion) in 2013. This makes us the

between US$500 million and US$1 billion. However, the gas

sixth largest bank in terms of portfolios and the most

industry will benefit from impressive pipeline developments

important for the Mexican infrastructure industry. Our

in which Banobras is involved as a financing institution.

financial program assigns resources to each sector where

We assist promoters in securing funds, as opposed to

private parties participate.




clients’ requests for loans at banks,” explains Hanhausen.

companies with talented


The more favorable the financing terms are, the higher the

engineering firms do not

internal return rate will be for the investors. This leads to


direct negotiations with banks, which are carried out by




energy projects for self-

clients but with EEE’s support.

supply. The answer could

Ernesto Hanhausen, Managing Director of Emerging Energy and Environment (EEE)

be that long and painful

A common obstacle in the renewable energy market,

administrative procedures

according to Hanhausen, is that not many developers

are involved that can delay

know how to properly plan and structure a well-balanced



project. Since renewable energy is an innovative idea,


and money. These may

it tends to attract people who think outside the box,”

be seen as a necessary evil, but for Ernesto Hanhausen,

says Hanhausen. “These creative minds have great ideas

Managing Director of Emerging Energy and Environment

but may not have enough experience when it comes to

(EEE), the main element deterring companies from self-

preparing business plans. Thus, they are often rejected

supply projects is financing. The EEE team is comprised

by financing institutions.” What EEE representatives are

of specialists in the creation of investment funds. The

seeing in the market is a thorough crop of projects from

team’s goal is to create funds to invest in the development

the more experienced developers, followed by other

of renewable energy projects and promote sustainability,

players. Generally, parties approach EEE directly, attracted

renewable energy use, and energy efficiency in Latin

by the firm’s potential to act as a venture capitalist, to take

America. Hanhausen sees Latin America as having unique

on the investment risk side of their endeavors. Since this

economic, market, and regulatory conditions suitable for

trait also brings in less experienced developers, EEE does

the development of the aforementioned activities. Said

not only contribute with robust capital. It also provides

conditions have been recently implemented on different

the necessary technical and technological aspects that

levels across the continent. Brazil stands out as a country

unexperienced promoters need.

that began funding such projects earlier, especially through its development bank, BNDES. Mexico, however, has

When his firm first approached banks, especially smaller

made several recent changes to its regulatory framework,

ones, explaining the projects took too long and the meetings

culminating with the Energy Reform, that will facilitate the

never materialized into an actual development. This meant

development of sustainability projects.

that EEE initially chose projects financed with existing capital from associates and international financial institutions at very

The Mexican renewable energy market is relatively new,

high interest rates. The first Mexican financial institutions to

making it attractive for foreign companies. However,

show a willingness to back this sector were development

Hanhausen cautions that success is not guaranteed since

banks, particularly Banobras. Among the private banks,

foreign firms are unfamiliar with the country’s particular

larger ones such as Banamex and Bancomer were the first

conditions. For example, in terms of risk analysis, land

to break rank and show interest. The market has evolved and

related issues are one of Mexico’s most delicate and

almost every bank now has some kind of scheme to finance

complicated subjects. Foreign companies might hit brick

renewable energy projects, says Hanhausen. Furthermore, the

walls when it comes to land ownership, ensuring client

government is heavily focused on these matters, providing

orders, and contracts with suppliers as navigating these

guarantee schemes through development banks.

obstacles requires significant Mexican experience. “All these steps must be properly assessed and complied with in order

Currently, the firm is working through its Emerging Energy

to make a proper project proposal package that a bank will

Latin America Fund II, which focuses on renewable

accept,” warns Hanhausen. “We, as a specialized investment

infrastructure investments in Latin America’s high growth

platform, collaborate with developers in making these

economies: Brazil, Mexico, Peru, Chile, and Colombia. The

packages because the requirements for us to participate as

fund is mainly intended for companies that want to invest

investors are very strict.”

in hydropower, wind power, and solar energy. “EEE takes care of the initial financial risks. After that, developers only


EEE participates in projects by injecting capital and taking

have to deal with social, political, and currency exchange

on the financial risks. The investment capital follows an

risks, which can all be easily mitigated.” He adds that if

internal interest rate while the funds are on a fixed interest

the initial steps are properly taken care of, projects rarely

rate. “We support a project with capital to facilitate our

encounter any financial difficulties.


MANAGING RELATIONS WITH INDIGENOUS COMMUNITIES FRANCISCO ACUĂ‘A CEO & Founder of InTrust Global Investments Q: What work is being done to improve the impact that

We have partners that have a long track record of doing

renewable energy projects have on local communities?

small, clean energy projects and working well with the

A: Development finance institutions are focusing strongly

local communities. When we go and negotiate with the

on how to bring communities on board as stakeholders.

communities, we want a mutually trusted third party to

They are considering the best ways of involving them as

come and reassure them that we are telling the truth. This

real partners, and the best way of doing that is clearly not

ensures that the communities fully understand what they

through royalty payments.

are getting into. This was not the case for some projects in Oaxaca - the relationship between these communities

Q: What does making them partners mean in practice?

and the nature that surrounds them is not going to be

A: There are a lot of guidelines to follow. We have seen

overridden by a local developer negotiating with them

companies that have shot straight in, negotiated with

over a couple of beers and giving them a pick-up truck.

people that were not the real community leaders but were commissioners that were in office for three years.

The market is shifting away from these types of

Negotiations were often poorly managed and did not

negotiations. Chevron being sued for billions in Ecuador

fully involve investors and developers. Companies have

after being accused of causing a huge environmental

offered the communities a royalty payment, no matter

crisis created a huge discussion. We are being very

what happens with the company. The problem in practice

pragmatic by saying that we can make a lot of money

is that the indigenous community members feel robbed if

doing things differently. It might take more time, but more

the company is doing well. This makes them react and stop

money is there to be made in the long-term. However, few

operations. The company goes down, but they do not care

models like this are currently being implemented in Latin

because they are getting their royalty payments.


Q: How could a new model help to overcome these

Q: What do the communities get in return for cooperation


with the development of a wind farm?

A: The new model dictates that you do not buy the land

A: It depends on what they provide. They can invest with

in question, but instead you negotiate for the indigenous

land and capital or they can invest only with land. The

communities to give you the land as an equity contribution.

problem with the latter option is how the land is valued.

This is a different type of negotiation, because it gets them

For example, Baja California is great for wind but the land

involved in the management process. Naturally, they will

itself is worthless. There is the need to create real value for

not be managing the wind farms, but this arrangement

that land in line with a 200MW project. This opens up some

will give the next generation the option of buying part of

very interesting opportunities. You have to value the land

the company. This process has worked in Canada, Europe

according to the value of the project, its capacity and the

and Australia. It is simply becoming too expensive to

amount of money needed to operate compared to the size

create any such infrastructure project in Mexico without

of the land. That value can be calculated to percentages of

the involvement of local communities, and the largest

between 5% and 15%. If forestry is involved that percentage

hydropower plant in the western hemisphere is stopped

can go up to 30%, as the communities are directly using the

in Brazil for that very reason. Enabling these communities

forest. However, with this combination of factors, the social

to become partners results in greater government support

return on investment goes up, which then allows you to

for your project than for your competition, because of the

monetize. You can show investors that the communities are

positive social impact it implies. We are also showing the

getting clean water, that young people are working on the

value for the community of having their kids working in

wind farm and that entrepreneurial value is being created.

renewables, rather than on a factory line. The difference

Some investors, such as pension funds, are particularly

with our fund is that we get involved as an asset manager.

amenable to such evidence of community relations.




9 Renewable energy sources are often hampered by one simple fact: geography. With the wind, geothermal or hydro resources needed to generate power at great distances from Mexico’s main economic centers, the role of transmission infrastructure becomes paramount. In the past, transmission and distribution activities were the sole responsibility of CFE. However, grumblings about the pace at which the grid was being upgraded and expanded were common among private companies. The Energy Reform has now opened up this market, allowing the participation of private investors in the development of transmission infrastructure, with CENACE becoming an independent grid operator.

This chapter looks at the wishlist of renewable energy developers to access the grid, the role that both innovative and proven technologies can play in improving energy quality, reducing energy losses, and supporting the creation of a smart grid. We also provide an overview of the future of the Open Season scheme and consider proposals of models for private investment in this area.


Electric Power Systems Solutions and Services SCHWEITZER ENGINEERING LABORATORIES Renewable energy operations worldwide take advantage of advanced power management solutions from SEL, which are supported by SEL engineers who know their industry and business. We provide power solutions for critical operations in over 125 countries and for some of the most renowned companies in the world.

SOLUTIONS SEL protection, control, and metering solutions meet the specific needs of the alternative energy industry. These solutions provide highly reliable, flexible options in order to meet all your requirements for: • Power Management & Protection • Precise Timing • Synchronized Phasor Measurements (synchrophasors) • Systems Interconnections • Electrical Power Systems Metering, Submetering, and Invoicing • Generator Protection and Synchronization • Motor Protection • Power Quality Monitoring and Control of Electrical Power Systems • Substation Control Enclosures • Protection, Control and Monitoring Panels • Data Communications & Cybersecurity • Engineering Services

EXAMPLES OF INDUSTRY EXPERIENCE IN MEXICO Solar Farms with CFE: • Nayarit, Jalisco, Mexico, Durango and Sonora Cogeneration projects: • PEMEX-CFE Cogeneration, Tabasco and Salamanca Wind farms with CFE: • La Ventosa, Oaxaca; Rumorosa, Baja California; Los Altos, Jalisco Other Projects with CFE: • Thermal Solar Power Plant, Agua Prieta, Sonora • Geothermal Power Plants, Los Azufres, Humeros, Cerro Prieto

SALES AND TECHNICAL SUPPORT OFFICES IN MEXICO Monterrey, Guadalajara, Mexico City, Villahermosa and Global Excellence Center, San Luis Potosi. | 01 800 228 2000 |

Making Electric Power Safer, More Reliable, and More Economical ® 234


Transmission Infrastructure Development in Mexico


Smart Grid Technology, Made in Mexico


Making Smart Grids a Reality


TECHNLOGY SPOTLIGHT: Synchrophasors for Smart Systems


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Trusted Equipment and Solutions Provider for CFE


Solutions to Reduce Network Energy Waste


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Solutions for Preventing Losses in Transmission Lines


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Experienced Support to Modernize Transmission and Distribution


Astute Models of Private Participation in Transmission


Energy Sector Players Bonding Around Copper


Open Season: Key to Interconnection with Grid


From Largest Solar Park to Smart Measuring Systems


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Problems that Modular Seals Solve in the Energy Industry


TRANSMISSION INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT IN MEXICO For decades, Mexico’s key player in the electric industry,


CFE, has been tasked with the exclusive development of transmission infrastructure. As economic activity increases, population grows and energy demand rises, more energy

8% (67)

has to be generated to fulfill the country’s needs. However, as generation increases, the capacity of the transmission

28% (243)

infrastructure needs to increase along with it. In order to allow electricity to travel from distant locations to where it needs to be consumed by the Mexican domestic,

23% (204)

commercial and industrial sectors, CFE has to develop enough transmission lines, substations and distribution infrastructure to make power available to these users. CFE operated the national transmission grid, consisting of 43,000km of high voltage lines, 45,000km of medium

19% (171)

22% (196)

voltage lines, and 600,000km of low voltage distribution lines, through CENACE. Following the recent Energy Reform, CENACE is scheduled to become an independent grid operator, as opposed to the CFE division it has long

Over 30 years

6 to 10 years


21 to 30 years

5 years or less

Limitations in the transmission capacity have created

11 to 20 years

Source: CFE

bottlenecks that impede taking advantage of the energy coming from regions with generation surpluses. These

The priorities for CFE, as established in the National Energy

situations are also closely tied to weather conditions, such

Strategy, are increasing efficiency, availability, reliability

as the increased energy demand of the northern part of

and security in the transmission and distribution system

the country to power air conditioning during summer. At

as well as incorporating smart grid technology. Increasing

the same time, transmission infrastructure connecting the

efficiency and reducing energy losses during transmission

southern part of the country with the Mexico City area is a

and distribution may lead to a reduction in the need to

major hurdle for the development of Oaxaca’s wind power.

install additional generation capacity in specific areas. Increasing the flexibility of the grid implies that it should be able to handle double contingencies, changing the


current methodology from handling single contingencies, as long as it is economically viable. Also, the increased 7% (25)

flexibility will allow issues regarding gas availability and extreme weather conditions to be successfully managed. Furthermore, the fact that 48% of Mexican substations are over 26 years old and 47% of transmission lines are over 21 years old has also contributed to power losses. Degradation

29% (110)

of the equipment is affecting transmission capabilities 48% (179)

and an important percentage of this equipment may be reaching the end of its useful lifespan. Differing from fossil fuels, wind, solar and hydroelectric energy have to be generated where the resource is located, and there are frequently no nearby transmission

16% (60)

lines available to transport the generated electricity elsewhere. In other cases, substations that are located 6 to 15 years

16 to 25 years

5 years or less

Source: CFE


near the proposed renewable energy projects do not have

26 years or more

the capacity to handle numerous projects in an area with a high concentration of resources, such as the Isthmus

of Tehuantepec. The availability of sites that are located

Mexico is planning to develop an increased network of

near substations is decreasing and the investment costs

transmission lines that will provide alternative routes to

for new projects are, consequently, going up. Increasing

distribute electricity from generation zones to demand

transmission capacity is a key driver to ensuring the

points. Once built, renewable energies would gain easier

development of the renewable energy sector in Mexico

access to interconnection points and investment costs are

and is a priority area in the National Energy Strategy.

destined to be reduced significantly. However, one of the main challenges that slows down the development and

Investment in smart grid infrastructure will add to the

expansion of the Mexican electric grid is the resistance of



communities to allow transmission lines to traverse their

possible to acquire data that can improve decision making,

lands. Obtaining right of way through ejidos is a highly

help identify trends and improve strategic planning. The

complex matter that must be solved in order to be able

development of new technologies to implement smart

to fully make use of electricity generated in regions with a

grids can bring different solutions to the challenges that

high concentration of renewable energy sources. Programs

renewable energies cause for electricity management.

to reach agreements between the government and the

These new technologies can create self-healing systems

communities owning these lands must be implemented to

and would increase the efficiency of transmission and

remove this barrier that stagnates the development of the

optimize energy use. Consumers are provided with greater

grid and to ensure that rights of way are respected.





information and can choose their source of supply, while energy management would also be facilitated. These

Transmission infrastructure development is a key matter

innovative systems can optimize the performance of the

for the expansion of the Mexican electricity sector. The

electric distribution system by providing bi-directional

availability of interconnection points and the flexibility of

flows of power and information. They can balance supply

the grid are essential to support the development of the

and demand in the network and could significantly reduce

renewable energy industry and will mitigate technical issues

the intermittency challenges that renewable energies

caused by intermittency. However, as a difference to the

create. Smart grid technologies automatically monitor

past, CFE will no longer be the sole entity responsible for the

and manage energy use, generating important savings

construction and operation of transmission infrastructure

by using real-time information on power demand. With

due to the modifications to the Mexican Constitution by the



Energy Reform. But it will remain as the strategic planner of

transmission losses are reduced by improved management





the system while the private sector is expected to become a

of the electricity supply.

key driver for the development of projects.



Santiago Barcón, Managing Director of Arteche PQ Business Unit

Technology transfer in the

drops in the Mexican market. The pragmatism that guides the

energy industry has usually

company naturally sees Arteche seek opportunities outside

seen Mexico as a recipient.

of renewable energy. For Mexico’s wider energy generation

Yet, Arteche’s activities in

needs, Arteche is pushing for better power quality and an

Mexico allowed it to create

ultimate move toward a smart grid. The company provides

international best practices

instrument transformers for metering, reactive compensation

that were then passed on

systems, power quality studies and reclosers, all of help to

to company headquarters

create a more automated and secure grid in Mexico.

in Spain. The company first entered Mexico in 1993 to

Is Arteche really able to make a difference to the way CFE



does business? Consumers and CFE frequently complain

in the market for distribution automation, or smart grid


about each other but little action is being taken to resolve

technology, and power quality, the latter having long been

the problems, says Barcón. For him, the first step is to install

an anchor of the Spanish firm’s product portfolio. Arteche

precise metering. This would allow CFE to have a better

had been in the middle of a Latin American expansion that

idea what is happening in its system at any time. “In terms

also saw it buy a Brazilian company, working on distribution

of power quality, instead of aiming for an unlikely state

automation. Quickly, knowhow began flooding between

of having no faults across the system, looking into minor

Brazil and Mexico, before being taken on board centrally in

interruptions would be a good place to start,” Barcón adds.

Spain. Two decades later, Arteche is still confident about its

CFE has started taking actions, such as in Puebla, where

future in Mexico, according to Santiago Barcón, Managing

measurements are being taken while solutions are being

Director of Arteche’s power quality business unit. “Mexico

found for customer complaints. To take this to a national

is a stable market and has a stable economy. We see good

level, he insists, implies moving to a smart grid, a possibility

opportunities in the local electric sector; transformers here

that seems remote given CFE’s current financial situation.

are at least 35 years old, and sooner or later this equipment will have to be replaced.”

Arteche does not just operate at the macro-level, the needs of the small town of Tubares in Chihuahua were


The firm provides key services to both the wind and

also met by Arteche technology. Given that the town

solar industries, from turnkey solutions for wind farms to

was in a remote location, a long distribution line would

equipment and system packages for power substations

have proven prohibitively expensive. Arteche created a

as well as distribution and transmission lines. At a time

potential transformer that could connect directly to the

when there is real concern among developers about CFE’s

transmission grid and provide the low voltage needed by

ability to ensure grid connections, Arteche’s expertise in

the community. This product had already been developed

the interconnection of wind power to the grid will be more

when Barcón joined Arteche but he saw the potential

than welcome. “Arteche is the only private company in

to apply it to rural electrification. Since the success at

Mexico to use the same PSS/E (power system simulation

Tubares, it is now being rolled out for other rural projects.

for engineering) as CFE. With the expansion of wind farms,

In this, Barcón sees another example for the value of good

such software is crucial to observe and optimize the impact

power quality. “Giving people solar panels and light bulbs

that future projects will have on the grid. Arteche has a

is not electrification. They want good power. They want

team of engineers that specializes in this simulation, which

to be able to pump water and connect a refrigerator. In

would allow all stakeholders to more confidently plant

Tubares, people could now have a fan and a fridge,” he

interconnection procedures,” states Barcón.


The tumultuous times surrounding the passing of the Energy

Arteche spends around 3% of revenues on R&D and is

Reform also seem to leave Barcón unfazed. “I see the enemy

betting on various smart grid solutions that it believes will

being inside, not outside. As well as we take care of our

be necessary. This commitment is not divorced from the

customers, control our costs, and offer good prices and

Mexican need for a domestic supply chain. Arteche’s meters

services, we will do well whoever is at the top.” Arteche’s

are developed here, as are much of the production relays.

model seeks to depend as little as possible on the government

Supporting this initiative, Arteche’s HQ in Spain provided

and to have an export-focused mindset. Although operations

generous funds for R&D in Mexico, an initiative that has

may be based here, exporting products to countries all

allowed the company to make an all too rare statement: its

around the world is a good barrier against any potential

products are designed and made in Mexico.



Castañón Nava. In Mexico, the company is looking for a

Castañón Nava, General


city to transform into an intelligent island and use it as

Manager of S&C Electric

a laboratory to showcase techniques that could later be

Mexicana, smart grids are

applied to the rest of the country.

what the Mexican market needs

Rigoberto Castañón Nava, General Manager of S&C Electric Mexicana




Smart grids can help the development of the renewable

efficient use of energy.

energy sector by stabilizing the grid and increasing

S&C Electric, an American

the efficiency of power generation and distribution for



renewable energy sources. For example, if wind power

power switching, is aware


from Oaxaca is needed in Sonora, a supplier can use CFE

that creating efficient and

as an energy bank. Castañón Nava believes this to be

reliable transmission and distribution systems is not just a

an intelligent solution, because it promotes the use and

matter of implementing intelligent solutions but designing

development of renewable energy and allows the industry

the whole process. In smart grids, the system makes

to generate power in renewable resource rich locations and

decisions by itself. “For example, when systems experience

use it in energy consumption centers. However, Castañón

power failures, smart grid technology can locate the flaw,

Nava points out a problem, “there is too much attention

isolate it, and provide energy to the rest of the affected

for power generation while transmission and distribution

area in less than one minute. Without smart grids, repairing

are being neglected.”

the system and bringing power back online could take from two hours to an entire day,” says Castañón Nava.

Mexico is an important market for S&C Electric because of

“The objective is to isolate faults as soon as possible. Once

the potential in the solar and wind industries. The country

the contingency is isolated, it is possible to choose an

has considerably high levels of solar radiation and there

alternative power source or an optimal substation. Energy,

are regions with powerful winds, such as Oaxaca. Even

therefore, is efficiently provided by other substations while

though S&C Electric is present in Brazil, China, the UK,

specialists work on the problem.”

the US and Canada, company representatives think the best business opportunities lie in Mexico. For wind and

Because human intervention is needed to identify and

solar energy, S&C Electric also offers storage technologies

fix the problem, the problem solving process is rather

since these are intermittent energy sources. Its equipment

slow. If smart equipment is installed in the nodes, the

can even store solar energy produced during daytime

issue can be worked on in very little time. However, a

and save it for nocturnal use, thereby stabilizing energy

challenge arises because communication mechanisms

production and ensuring a more leveled distribution.

need to be improved for smart grids to be implemented.

Although S&C Electric has the infrastructure and product

Usually, grids are operated through a control center that

portfolio to supply distribution systems for any kind of

receives copious amounts of data used to identify the

renewable energy generation project, including biomass

sections that are receiving energy. When there is a flaw

or geothermal, it does not want to cater to these markets

in the system, the control center detects a problem in a

in Mexico yet since the solar and wind sectors offer so

specific zone and people are sent to supervise this area.

much potential at the moment.

Installing smart grids means sending human technicians would be unnecessary since critical decisions could be


if a problem arises.


$4.58 2018


can already be seen and savings are considerable,” says

0 2016

points that control the system. The returns on investment



the creation of smart cities in the US with 2,000 sectioning



equipment is already operating. “We have contributed to


in smart grid solutions and invites them to places where this




and technical references to convince key players to invest


4 $2.03

implementing this technology. S&C Electric uses hard data




decision makers and explaining the possible outcomes of



grids by approaching the market’s most prominent



As expected, S&C Electric promotes the use of smart


lose any valuable information and will keep receiving data



made from the control center. The control center will not

Source: Zpryme



SYNCHROPHASORS FOR SMART SYSTEMS In the last two years SEL has implemented, together with

certain periods of the day when the system was more

CFE, several projects to prevent blackouts and improve

prone to instability. These limitations to operation were

management of the electrical power system all over

not in the best interest of Guatemala’s AMM (Wholesale

Mexico. Mauricio Toache, Director General of SEL Mexico,

Market Administrator) as downtime in the link to Mexico

explains the company has been promoting synchrophasors,

threatened to compromise the security of the Guatemalan

which seek to understand a system’s parameters by

power system. Unstable active power oscillations between

measuring electrical variables on an electricity grid. CFE

Guatemala and El Salvador on November 27, 2011, among

is using synchrophasors in different locations and making

other occurrences that ended in blackouts, prompted AMM

decisions based on their measurements as this makes it

to find the proper tools to guarantee the stable operation

possible to design and implement a smart system that

of the power system. AMM realized the potential that

makes decisions, speeding up processes.

synchrophasors presented in providing information and as flexible tools to operate the power system in stable

A synchrophasor characterises the electrical parameters


on an electricity grid, using a common time source


for synchronization. The basic synchrophasor system

AMM now monitors the operation of the Guatemalan power

building blocks are formed by GPS satellite synchronized

system using supervisory control and data acquisition

clocks, phasor measurement units (PMUs), a phasor data

(SCADA) systems and synchrophasors. A traditional

concentrator (PDC), and visualization software. Multiple

SCADA system is in operation supplying pertinent data

PMUs provide synchronized phasor measurements from

to the operators every 4 seconds. AMM operators also

across an interconnection to a PDC which collects and aligns

have access to visualized, real-time synchrophasor data,

the data for analysis. Synchrophasors are used for real-time

which are updated 30 times per second. The faster rate

situational awareness, disturbance recording and analysis,

allows the operator to view and recognize transients never

wide-area monitoring and control, high-precision state

before seen in the SCADA system. Preexisting but invisible

estimation, system model verification, and island detection,

phenomena are now visible and actionable due to low

among its many other applications. Satellite synchronized

latency and the simultaneous measurement of information

clocks allow time-stamped measurements that enable


data to be aligned on reference time base, providing an

limitations associated with typical SCADA client-server

accurate and comprehensive view of a power system. The

communication. One example is the recovery of the power

advantage of synchrophasors is that they allow the dynamic

system after a transmission line fault. Operators can now

measurement of the system’s state in real-time and enable a

visualize the power oscillations, generation trips, and

snapshot view of the power system as a whole.

power flows in the interconnection lines.


The coherent nature of the synchrophasor measurements

Mexico began exporting electricity to Guatemala in 2010,

allows the implementation of both simple and sophisticated

with the transmission of 120MVA. The power system in

algorithms. A simple algorithm, for example, is the sum of

Guatemala is part of the long, interconnected network

two active power quantities measured from different nodes

in Central America that runs from the south of Mexico

on the network. With traditional SCADA measurements

to Panama. A 400kV line from the Tapachula substation

that are not synchronized, mathematic operations using

in Mexico to the Los Brillantes substation in Guatemala

less reliable measurements are questionable. One of the

interconnects the Mexican power grid with the two power

direct benefits of synchrophasors has therefore been to

systems. A power transformer takes the voltage level down

satisfy the Mexican power system requirements, helping

to 230kV, which is the SIEPAC (Central American Electrical

Guatemala prevent interconnection limitations as stated

Interconnection System) transmission voltage level. The

above. They have ensured the secure operation of the

transmission system in Guatemala distributes the imported

Mexican power system and have prevented the unwanted

power to the local loads, but mostly wheels the power

oscillation associated with the Central American system.

from Mexico to the SIEPAC system via the Ahuachapan

With this scheme in service, the interconnection between

substation in El Salvador. One of the challenges of operating

Mexico and Guatemala no longer has restrictions during

the interconnected system is complying with the security

certain moments of the day, providing Guatemala and the

requirements of interconnection with Mexico. In the past,

rest of the Central American countries with a more stable

the link with Mexico was not allowed to operate during

power system and additional energy resources.







TRUSTED EQUIPMENT AND SOLUTIONS PROVIDER FOR CFE MAURICIO TOACHE Director General of SEL Mexico. Q: What role does Mexico play in the world of SEL and

Q: Where do you see the most opportunities for growth,

what has been your main focus in this country?

between generation, transmission and distribution?

A: CFE was our first international customer in 1986, and is

A: Our first products served this transmission area, so we have

now one of our top three global customers. This created

a lot of expertise there. We then moved into automatizing

a close relationship with Mexico, and CFE has become a

distribution networks, which are becoming more complex as

strong source of knowledge and understanding on how

they grow in size and as consumers become more demanding.

utility companies see operational aspects, infrastructure,

Another factor has been the rise in efforts to produce greener

and business models. They pitch in with ideas on product

energy, sparking the entry of small producers. The use of solar

development. We develop products that suit CFE’s needs,

panels in homes has an impact on the grid. A neighborhood

we test them together, we implement product applications

where all homes have solar panels will see demand increase

together, and we even write technical papers together.

when a cloud is overhead, for example. The grid has to be

CFE is the reason we are in Mexico and the reason why we

reconfigured to adapt to such situations.

do what we do in this market. We are also involved in generation, but to a lesser extent. The first thing we did in Mexico was to create an

We already offer protection for generators and we are

engineering team to develop products for this market,

expanding into different services, such as remote controlling.

while also moving into assembly. We also acquired the

Our mission is to make electric power safer, more reliable,

company that supplied SEL with rotary switches, as part

and more economical. However, some technologies are

of our downwards vertical integration culture. We have

not necessarily making power more affordable. There has

a strong R&D team in Mexico with engineers of different

to be a balance, particularly regarding renewable energy



sources, because their intermittence requires backup

buildings, our RS rotary switches, and our cabinets. We are

power sources, which translates into redundancy in the

also doing software development as, due to the protection

system. We have participated in the renewable sector and

and automation involved in the power systems, several

worked with CFE on the first Mexican wind farm, and we

software tools are needed to integrate them.

are also working on solar projects as well as pilot projects




for tidal power. CFE is progressive in the way it protects, monitors, and operates its systems. We also do business with hundreds

Q: What are the main areas that SEL and CFE are focusing

of utility companies in the US and other countries, and the

on in their research and development?

differences with Mexico are remarkable. CFE is innovative, it

A: Although we do not develop products together, CFE

is willing to do things in a different way, which is compatible

shares its concerns and the obstacles it is facing. We relay

with our way of thinking. SEL favors the concept of vertical

these issues to our R&D division, which assesses feasibility,

integration over outsourcing because it gives us control

looks at solutions SEL has provided elsewhere, and develops

over quality and competitiveness. Our Mexican operations

tailor-made solutions for CFE. That is how we work together.

were started based on serving the market, selling products

Sometimes, we pitch ideas that turn into CFE pilot programs.

to CFE, and expanding our vertical integration. The

This is what happened with optic current transformers for

company started with relays, then meters, computers, and

high voltage substations that use fiber optic sensors. We

radios, before finally moving into everything that is used to

have been testing this product with CFE for a while now.

protect and monitor a system. We see ourselves growing

Another example is experimenting with nontraditional

to complement all aspects of the system, with different

applications of existing products. If CFE wants to increase

devices and applications that will support CFE’s work or

the speed of a distribution network in a certain area or

anyone who uses electricity. CFE may be our largest client,

reconfigure the grid due to a fault, we provide a solution,

but we also serve a growing and important customer base.

CFE tests it and if it works, it is implemented elsewhere.




of generation. This not only has an impact on the user’s bill,

produced from available


but also on the generating capacity of CFE, as the required


energy to fulfill demand is lower,” Rancé points out.


inefficiencies distribution

Luis Rancé, CEO of Telvent Mexico








On high voltage transmission, the Mexican network

Mexico, for example, out

can compete with the performance standards of other

of 3W generated, only 1W

networks in the world, but on distribution it is outdated.

will actually be consumed,

Rancé notes this is where the market opportunity lies. “For

the rest gets lost in the

a long time, distribution has been left aside on a global

network,” says Luis Rancé,

level, but as the trend shifts towards smart grids, efforts

CEO of Telvent Mexico.

are being concentrated on efficiency, services, and a direct

This alarming figure illustrates the importance of having a

relationship with the user. In this regard, the end user stops

smart grid, he adds, explaining that all networks have losses,

being captive and becomes a client, aware of options and

at least 8% of which are technical losses due to physical

different tariffs,” says Rancé. “In Mexico, bidimensional

factors. The real challenge is in tracking intentional waste

meters are already being installed. This enables the utility

through smart grids and advanced monitoring systems.

company to read what is going on in the user’s household and bill, without having to go to the actual location and

In 2011, as part of Schneider Electric’s ambition to strengthen

read the meter. CFE may be willing to invest in such smart

its positioning as a complete solution provider to its

grid technology in a massive way.”

customers, it acquired Telvent. The company has specialized for over a decade in IT software and solutions for real-

After working in CFE for 25 years, Rancé says the utility

time management of critical infrastructure in electricity,

company is very zealous in the way it does things. Therefore,

oil and gas, water, and transportation. Telvent’s strategy

companies involved in the electricity sector have to adapt

in the Mexican market goes hand in hand with Schneider

to CFE’s needs and pace, regardless of the options that

Electric and is the sum of both companies’ capabilities.

they may have. He emphasizes that Telvent has a state-of-

Rancé explains that Telvent’s main goal is to complement

the-art product to manage an electric distribution network,

Schneider’s software and hardware portfolio with control

which has been implemented in Sweden, Finland, Italy and

solutions. One of the company’s main objectives is to

the US. “We are one of the best companies in smart grid

make products more efficient by helping detect water

development and our synergy with Schneider Electric,

and energy waste, as well as limiting CO2 emissions, at

which is the global leader in low voltage products, is a

both a company and state level. Rancé says that one of

significant point of added value. On a distribution level, 70%

Telvent’s characteristics that has added value to Schneider

of the world’s energy passes through Schneider Electric

Electric is the company’s integral project management

equipment. Each year, Schneider Electric invests 5% of

capacity: “We develop software, but in order for software

its revenue in R&D to improve its technology and allow it

to be managed, we have to provide an integral solution,

continue being a sectorial leader.”

in which our products come with other components, such as sensors, which we acquire from other companies to be

Due to the high energy waste, lack of quality, and integration

able to deliver extremely competitive turnkey solutions,”

with the client, the Mexican distribution network has to be

Rancé emphasizes. However, the market demand is not

prioritized for development. Distribution in 23kW, 34kW,

directed to the product itself, but to solutions that provide

or 38kW – the voltages managed by CFE – is provided

financial, productivity, and sustainability terms. “These go

directly to the industrial sector but substations and control

beyond the product and are able to reduce cost, improve

systems for the network are often provided by Schneider

efficiency, increase productivity and lower pollution, all of

Electric. “Big consumers get their energy in blocks and

which are the ultimate goal,” he says.

do the transformation themselves, enabling them to seek for more efficient solutions,” explains Rancé. For private


This goal can be illustrated with the network energy waste

users such as households, the transformation is done in the

example. Through smart systems, the points of loss are

street; through small cables the energy is transformed in

detected by Telvent’s software, generating savings and

low voltage of 127 or 220 volts. “The client requires better

allowing for these mistakes to be corrected, thanks to

service at a lower cost, and all companies, us included, have

Schneider’s equipment. “With our combined solutions,

to offer these solutions. Savings are not just about installed

saving 1W at the point of use means saving 2W at the point

capacity, but financial and sustainable savings,” Rancé says.


SOLUTIONS FOR PREVENTING LOSSES IN TRANSMISSION LINES ANDRÉS FLORES Business Development Manager of General Cable Latin America Q: What are the most important new opportunities that

new underground line, thereby minimizing environmental

General Cable has detected in the Mexican energy market?

and social costs. For underground lines, CFE is looking to

A: The Mexican market is always evolving and changing,

work with firms that can provide longer cable lengths and

and it is clear the Energy Reform will create opportunities

guarantee fewer losses so that CFE does not have to dig

that will change the way we look at business in the energy

many pits and disrupt people’s lives.

sector. CFE has been one of our most important customers for a few years now. Four years ago, we started to serve

In the renewable energy domain, we work with generator

the renewable energy sector, especially wind farms. Since

manufacturers that are specialized in minimizing power

then, we have been pursuing renewables as hard as we can,

losses and downtime. For example, we install torsionable

and wind and solar will keep on providing us with business.

cables inside wind turbines that can turn and not break. We

We see a lot of opportunities in the construction of new

also work on underground grids that connect generators

transmission infrastructure, which is why we expanded

and are built locally in Mexico. We will release a solution

our Mexican plant for transmission lines two years ago.

in 2014 that will help underground grids be installed faster

We foresee market growth in new transmission lines and

and be more environmentally friendly.

the reconductoring of power lines to improve transmission capacity, and have been focusing on providing solutions

Q: What added value can your specific cables for different

to CFE and engineering firms to enable it to use existing

types of power generation plants provide?

towers and infrastructure to increase transmission capacity

A: It depends on which energy source is concerned. The

through reconductoring.

Laguna Verde nuclear plant installed our cables during its expansion a few years ago. That added value was to ensure

Q: Which of your products could increase efficiency in

fewer losses since our cables were designed to withstand

high-voltage transmission,where most losses occur?

the nuclear environment within the reactor. Geothermal

A: We can lower or raise the temperatures that the cables

plants need cables that can withstand high temperatures,

can withstand, as this will help transmit more power without

so we make sure that the chemical composition of the

losing energy in the process. We use well-established high-

cables is designed to last longer under such conditions.

tension, low-sag cables that are being gradually brought into

Normally, a good cable in an ordinary house can last 30

Mexico. CFE knows that our solutions allow it to increase

years. We want our cables to last the same amount of time,

capacity and reduce losses along transmission lines. We

wherever they are installed.

have been invited to join CFE’s committees for transmission lines and for new transmission line technology. There is no

Q: How can Mexico take full advantage of General Cable’s

written norm or standard for transmission lines due to the

global expertise and broad product portfolio?

amount of technologies that exist. However, CFE is trying

A: Being a global company, it is hard to bring all the

to collect as much knowledge as it can from manufacturers

technology we possess to a specific country like Mexico.

to set technology standards in the future.

But we work very hard so each country within the world of General Cable can leverage the entire group’s knowledge

Q: What innovations has General Cable made in order

and avoid mistakes made elsewhere. We try to provide

to address common problems related to transmission

custom-made solutions for our Mexican clients, using what

infrastructure maintenance challenges?

we have learned around the world, either in manufacturing

A: To optimize maintenance throughout the lifecycle of

or in customer solutions. General Cable recently created a

transmission infrastructure, it is essential to ensure that the

Latin America division, which allows us to concentrate more

same towers can be used and to carry out reconductoring.

specifically on the needs of this important market. Despite

CFE is looking for technologies to ensure it does not

opportunities in Peru and Chile, Mexico and Brazil offer the

need to change urban plans or close streets to build a

major growth opportunities in this region.



EXPERIENCED SUPPORT TO MODERNIZE TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION RICARDO MORENO DÍAZ General Manager of GE Industrial Solutions Q: What are the core areas of GE Industrial Solutions’

A couple years ago, in Mexico City’s Centro Histórico,


we installed a charging station for the municipality’s taxi

A: We are focused on how to manage the transmission,

program, combining solar panels and the power from

distribution and control of electrical energy. One of our

CFE. We did this because electrical vehicles represent a

business segments covers utilities, where we are oriented

solution for the pollution of fuel engines. We needed to

on the automation and efficiency of transmission and the

bring an alternative to better generate that electricity. That

electrical grid. Another line of business is more focused

is the combination between renewable energy and a green

on power conversion, which covers variable frequency

approach to energy management. We are also working

drives, certain motors and small generators. We also have

with CFE to understand its need for substation automation

our industrial solutions business, which takes care of the

and build automation architecture for existing equipment.

electrical distribution and control part of our portfolio,

We try to understand its requirements, we present our

including solutions for energy saving applications, motor

international best practices, we train its engineers, and

control centers, switchboards and lighting controllers.

we introduce our innovative solutions. Then we take its

The final area of focus is automation, where we integrate

concerns on board, we devise pilot programs to carry out

platforms with programmable logic controllers (PLC),

real tests and give them hard data so it can take decisions

automation software and power management control

based on what would happen.

systems. With all these businesses, we intend to provide customers with reliable and efficient energy solutions.

Q: What have been the greatest breakthroughs in your R&D activities, and how could they be applied in Mexico?


Q: What are the key areas of opportunity that you have

A: A great example of how we are investing in R&D and

found for the transmission, distribution and conversion of

making a change in the industry is how we are treating arc

electricity in Mexico?

faults in industrial applications. We developed this solution,

A: One of our priorities is grid automation, namely how we

while people said the world was not ready for a complete

are going to interconnect all the different sources of energy

system including arc fault mitigation. But GE has proven

and how we can bring a degree of smart technology to

we are already there. It is the only company in the world

the grid. If we look at industrial consumption, one of the

that can offer a combined solution for mitigation within

biggest concerns right now is safety. Therefore, we are

a complete system. We are working on bringing quick

investing a lot of money in R&D for arc flash mitigation

solutions to customers’ needs while bringing something

problems that we hear a lot about from our customers.

new to the market.

Q: How can GE cooperate with CFE in order to improve

Q: How is GE approaching the challenge of increasing

and optimize the processes it works with?

energy efficiency to make the Mexican industry more

A: GE has been cooperating with CFE for a long time.


We want to bring our experience from different markets

A: For example, 2013 saw the launch of the Industrial Internet,

worldwide, where solutions such as smart grid technologies

which is a GE initiative to have all our equipment connected

have already been proven, to Mexico. We are testing smart

through the Internet to ensure its smart activity. For

meters in projects with CFE and local governments; for

industrial customers, the Industrial Internet can interconnect

example, we are helping CFE understand what impact the

all their equipment, allowing the maintenance manager

introduction of electrical vehicles and the accompanying

to make decisions on a tablet about what level of energy

charging infrastructure would have on the grid. GE is also

consumption is being used or to move loads from utilities to

analyzing the government’s needs in terms of expanding

a generator. This does not just concern electrical equipment,

transmission lines and bringing in protection technologies

the intention is to have all of our equipment and features

to avoid certain problems.

communicating through the Industrial Internet platform.

ASTUTE MODELS OF PRIVATE PARTICIPATION IN TRANSMISSION Unlike many of its competitors, Isolux Corsán has been

Isolux Corsán has been closely watching the recently passed

betting on the Mexican market for 25 years now. The

Energy Reform and has its own wish list for it. Above all,

consortium was born out of the merger of several Spanish

López Fernández believes the reform will focus on lowering

companies with Mexico as its first international market,

energy costs in a way that will impact the public. “I think

where it has established a close collaboration with CFE.

the government wants to adopt systems that have proven

From the perspective of Isolux Corsán, Mexico has moved

to be economically and environmentally viable and efficient

on from the 1990s when its electricity and energy sectors

in other countries. We want to be around to contribute

demanded immediate attention. Roberto López Fernández,

to these changes,” says López Fernández. The company

Director General of Isolux Corsán, says these sectors are

is keen to discover the opportunities the Energy Reform

now among the prime drivers of Mexico’s development

will extend to the private sector, especially in terms of the

and modernization. The company accompanied this

transmission lines that will be built. “Isolux Corsán is one of

evolution by building “over 5,000km of transmission lines.

the leading private companies in the world in transmission

Every state has a line built by us,” says López Fernández.

line investment. We have invested in over 10,000km of

He adds that Isolux Corsán views Mexico as its second

high voltage transmission lines, including over 3,000km


in Brazil,” says López Fernández. Distributing energy in

“PPPs will speed up and facilitate investments, which are important for the development of basic infrastructure needed in the energy sector.” Roberto López Fernández, Director General of Isolux Corsán México



such a large country required private capital. In Brazil,

maintenance work at the Plutarco Elias thermal plant in





Isolux Corsán built the power lines but operates them for a

Guerrero and developing the Guerrero Negro and Baja

monthly fee, with partners found through tenders. López

California III thermal power plants. The firm has also

Fernández believes Mexico should consider implementing

regularly tabled proposals for other combined-cycle

a similar model alongside the Open Season scheme, as

projects with CFE. López Fernández sees the company’s

this could offer new solutions to solve the transmission

next step in Mexico as investing in renewable energy

gridlock. For example, Oaxaca is the largest producer of

sources, capitalizing on extensive experience operating

wind energy but is not a major electricity consumption

solar parks and wind farms around the world. “We are

center. López Fernández says a model such as the one

promoting the production of renewable energy sources

he suggests could help resolve such problems, through

amongst states and municipalities.”

greater involvement from the private sector.

Isolux Corsán has identified that municipalities are particularly

On the same theme of collaboration, he advocates the

keen on entering the energy sector, either as off-takers

furthering of public-private partnerships (PPPs). Mexico

or by building their own plants. However, short electoral

has experience with PPPs through concession agreements

cycles have hampered Isolux Corsán’s attempts to enter

in infrastructure projects, such as highways and airports.

this market and assist municipalities. “We have tried to work

López Fernández sees that these agreements have helped

with municipalities but the first problem is that governments

to develop the relationship between the government and

change every three years, while the planning and execution

the private sector, adding that this collaboration could

of power projects takes more time. Some state and municipal

also happen in the energy industry. Again, Brazil provides

governments are already economically developed enough to

a good example of Isolux Corsán’s vision. “We invested

start projects alone, but the federal government still has the

in the power line infrastructure and we operate it but the

ultimate say. Furthermore, those states that do not have the

government does not lose its ownership or responsibility,”

same economic means need to have the financial backing

says López Fernández. “I believe PPPs should be at the core

of the federal government,” claims López Fernández. This

of the Energy Reform. PPPs will speed up and facilitate

has made it slow going for Isolux Corsán to get renewable

investments, which are important for the development of

energy projects started at the municipal level.

basic infrastructure needed in the energy sector.”


ENERGY SECTOR PLAYERS BONDING AROUND COPPER The use of copper in electrical equipment and installations

its direct competitor, aluminum. “At the end of the day, the

is commonplace but associations such as ProCobre

difference between copper and aluminum is the efficiency

are seeking to further promote the use of copper in

level that each metal can reach. In most of the cases, copper

different industries. ProCobre, a Latin American network

wins,” states Franco Villaseñor. While its name would

representing the copper industry, wants copper to be seen

suggest a sole focus on copper, ProCobre’s broader energy

as an important tool in the development of the Mexican

efficiency and sustainability goals mean it is also pushing

energy sector. Efrén Franco Villaseñor, Executive Director at

for the use of other materials, whose inclusion in equipment

ProCobre Mexico, is convinced that the benefits of copper

alongside copper can yield greater results.

can have a knock-on effect on economic growth. To do so, ProCobre seeks to ensure that the virtues of high-quality

To ensure that the benefits of copper are well-perceived by

copper materials and the impact they that can have on

the next generation, ProCobre has developed a technical

energy efficiency and safety are well understood. “Should

training program about the uses of copper. Developed

there be a marked increase in the use of copper in motors,

jointly with the National College of Professional Technical

transformers or cables, energy losses could decrease by

Education (CONALEP), this program reaches 20,000

70%, a considerable figure since inefficient and obsolete

students per year. This community outreach has also been

transformers cost users about 40% of their electricity bills,”

carried out with the public sector. In the city of Villahermosa,

according to Franco Villaseñor. As such, the association has

ProCobre hosted technical discussions and roundtables that

been pushing for the use of high-efficiency transformers by

helped the municipality update its building codes to include

working on a report for CFE to address this issue.

the use of solar water heaters. In Guerrero, the association

“Energy losses could decrease by 70%, a considerable figure since inefficient and obsolete transformers costs users about 40% of their electricity bills” Efrén Franco Villaseñor, Executive Director of ProCobre Mexico

“Copper has proved to be essential for the wind sector. The

worked with the government to bring electricity, through the

first wind turbines to be installed in Mexico were static and

use of copper products, to a poverty-stricken community of

used aluminum rods that could not be twisted, whereas the

40 families, which Franco Villaseñor says helped increase

newer turbines replaced aluminum with copper cables that

the average lifespan of inhabitants.

could offer torsion and allow the turbines to move,” says Franco Villaseñor. Highlighting such successes is part of

As Franco Villaseñor puts it, ProCobre has the flexibility

ProCobre’s work, as well as providing technical advice on

to educate the users, help manufacturers sell efficient

how companies can use copper to improve their products.

products, meet customers’ needs and provide technical

ProCobre is also keen to point out the energy efficiency

advice about the latest trends in the market. “Being an

contributions of copper to cooling systems. Refrigerators and

association, we have the flexibility of working with many

air conditioning can benefit from using copper in their piping

groups, but our strategic plan sees us linked closely with

and systems, which translates into faster cooling in both

the government. Our core business is related to regulations

systems. Franco Villaseñor points out that copper products

and standards, since improving the standards benefits

are also integral to solar water heaters and solar panels, as

most of the population,” he says. ProCobre acknowledges

they are used in the transmission of solar thermal energy.

that it could choose to take isolated actions, but this would defeat its real purpose of optimizing the impact

While the electric vehicle industry has not yet gained much

of its actions for its associates and participants in the

traction in Mexico, ProCobre is supporting its development.

ProCobre network. Mining companies, manufacturers and

Copper is used in electrical charging stations and offers

municipalities have all placed their trust in ProCobre.

solutions to charge vehicles in a fast and sustainable


manner. ProCobre is lobbying for copper to be selected as a

ProCobre is confident due to the favorable outlook for

part of the changing structure, while working on identifying

Mexico to realize its twin goals of broader energy efficiency

other advantages that copper can offer when compared to

and increased use of copper.

OPEN SEASON: KEY TO INTERCONNECTION WITH GRID CFE has a number of priorities on its to-do list, but transmission

required investments. The Law on the Use of Renewable

infrastructure has perhaps become its most pressing issue to

Energies and the Financing of the Energy Transition and its

ensure the smooth growth of Mexico’s energy demand. With

Regulations (LAERFTE), published in 2008, handed new

the country’s major energy consumption centers often far

regulatory responsibilities to CRE. It could now oversee

away from generation sites, having adequate transmission

interconnection contracts and the methodology for setting

lines and substations is of paramount importance. The existing

prices for the transmission of electricity from renewable

network of lines is in need of real expansion and overhaul but

energy or cogeneration systems. These steps removed

the indebted CFE is not able to face this costly burden on its

some major private sector concerns and the Open Season

own. Hence the importance of the private sector.

scheme pressed ahead.

Over the last decade, the private sector’s pressure on CFE

August 2011 saw bids opened up for a new round of Open

to expand and upgrade the transmission network grew

Season schemes in Oaxaca, Puebla, Tamaulipas, and Baja

into an outspoken desire to participate, a fact that would

California. 128 applicants took part in a round covering

prove essential to the development of self-supply projects.

a reserved capacity of 22GW, but this was later lowered

In 2006, SENER began working with CRE to develop

to 4GW due to infrastructure costs, the location of the

the first Open Season in the Isthmus of Tehuantepec in

sites and the feasibility of the projects. Despite the Open

Oaxaca. Under this scheme, elements of the private sector

Season concept being taken to other regions of Mexico,

and CFE would collaborate on the design, construction

Oaxaca has still benefited the most from the scheme to

and financing of the transmission infrastructure needed to

date. Oaxaca was targeted first for Open Season due to

unlock the region’s wind capacity.

its superlative wind potential and the many investors it

Over 70% of the transmission

could attract. By early 2017, it is expected that Oaxaca’s second Open Season will allow installed wind capacity for


private projects of 1,130MW, as well as another 800MW

developed by private parties

Tamaulipas targets nine participants, all of them private,

in the last six years, most of

1,666.5MW. The Open Season underway in La Rumorosa in



them through the Open Season

coming from CFE plants. The current Open Season in in the Reynosa-Tamaulipas corridor and has a capacity of Baja California involves a reserved capacity of 740.5MW with seven private participants. But outside of wind


energy, the Open Season has not had the same success.

The first Open Season in 2006 was crucial to the explosion

the border of Puebla and Veracruz ran into trouble. With

of wind power projects in and around the Isthmus of

only two participants declaring an interest in the bid, this

Tehuantepec. It helped meet the needs of private parties

scheme was declared closed in 2012, although the projects

interested in self-supply projects, and also served as an

themselves went ahead by using existing substations or

excellent testing ground for the mechanisms needed to

finding other solutions to their transmission needs.

One scheme that sought to develop hydro resources at

promote private investment in renewable energies. By the end of 2013, CRE had authorized 49 licenses for The Open Season for Oaxaca was divided in three stages

wind projects, leading to the installation of 4,883MW

based on the different types of transmission infrastructure

of reserved capacity through the Open Season scheme.



According to CRE Commissionner Guillermo Zuñiga

transmission lines around the parks of Parques Ecológicos







Martínez, over 70% of the transmission infrastructure

de México and Eurus, two of Mexico’s first wind parks.

projects were developed by private parties in the last six

The second phase targeted projects that would operate

years, most of them through the Open Season scheme,

through 115kV transmission lines, covering four parks: Bii

resulting in an additional investment of approximately

Nee Stipa, Eléctrica del Valle de México, Eoliatec del Istmo

US$5 billion since the first Open Season opened. Open

and Fuerza Eólica del Istmo. The last phase covered the

Season alone will not solve all the problems facing

bidding process for entirely new transmission lines serving

transmission infrastructure in Mexico. But when used as a

six new sites and the second phases of two existing

support tool for policies governing renewable resources,

projects. At the same time, the scheme needed rock solid

it is destined to prove vital to meeting national renewable

regulation for the private sector to be willing to make the

energy generation targets.



industry, Flores estimates that 50% of the distribution

in the construction of close

equipment installed in Mexican wind turbines comes

to 23GW of installed wind

from Ormazabal. “The solar side of its business opened

and solar capacity around

up when Martifer, the company responsible for the

the world, making this its

development of Aura Solar I, contacted us to request our

prime area of expertise.

participation in the project,” according to Flores. “La Paz



was not an easy site from a logistical point of view, but


despite the challenges the installation of Ormazabal’s

the David Flores Martín, Director General Mexico, Central America & Caribbean of Ormazabal

companies right



equipment has been completed. Negotiations concerning

enter a new market, they


the maintenance of the equipment will begin once Aura

can often swiftly adapt to

Solar I is fully operational. Our equipment does not need

become involved in landmark projects. Hailing from Spain,

frequent maintenance but we advise some revisions every

the country of renewable energy leaders like Gamesa,

now and then,” says Flores. The conditions in which some

Acciona and Iberdrola, allowed Ormazabal to follow

of Ormazabal’s clients work demand low maintenance

them into Mexico as a trusted supplier. Having decided to

requirements for its equipment. For example, Flores

expand into promising international markets, the company

explains that Ormazabal is a global leader in supplying

renewed its interest in Mexico and its management

medium voltage switchgear for offshore wind parks, which

confirmed that the renewable energy sector will remain

require reliable technology due to their difficulty of access

the company’s priority here. Specializing in electricity

and environmental conditions. As a backup, Aura Solar

distribution systems, such as substations and medium-

I keeps all the equipment and components that could

voltage switchgears, Ormazabal spent its first years in

potentially need replacement in stock and has protocols

Mexico supplying private wind farms until an epiphany in

established for any contingency.

year 2010. Outside of supplying wind and solar generation projects, While wind continued to be a mainstay of Ormazabal’s

smart grid technology is atop Ormazabal’s list of priorities

Mexico strategy, the company entered the solar sector and

in Mexico. Flores’ own background as Smart Grids Project

soon became a supplier for Aura Solar I, Mexico’s largest

Leader for Ormazabal saw him participate in the sector’s

solar energy project to date. Ahead of this new focus,

pioneering development in Europe. When Flores arrived in

Ormazabal had not provided equipment to CFE or PEMEX,

Mexico, CFE was looking to implement smart technology

with its Director General, David Flores Martín, saying that

in its grid to obtain more efficient energy consumption

Ormazabal’s line of products did not suit their needs.

and distribution. “However, too many departments within

However, aiming to bring its own technology to the market,

CFE were involved and nothing came of it,” says Flores.

Ormazabal approached CFE once again, hoping for the

“There is a need to narrow the matter down,” he says.

same success it had in selling its products to Luz y Fuerza

“Intelligent energy can cover many things. Regular electrical

del Centro (LyFC, a now defunct Mexican electrical utility

meters measure total consumption, leaving out important

company). “LyFC was more technologically advanced

information such as energy consumption patterns at specific

than CFE, and had invested in cutting-edge technology in

times. One aspect of smart grid technology that can help

certain areas. CFE was more outdated, so when it took over

is telemetry, an intelligent measurement tool connected to

from LyFC, the central part of Mexico saw a real slowdown.

a control system that analyzes the information and makes

That affected Ormazabal as our products were installed in

decisions based on that. This technology has been deployed

LyFC, but we were suddenly out as CFE’s team brought

in two areas of the country, Mexico City’s neighborhood of

in the equipment it was used to,” says Flores. Since then,

Polanco and Acapulco. These two locations were chosen

Ormazabal has kept targeting CFE, especially in the areas

as high consumption areas, with many users connected

of automation and distribution, and is helping CFE with

to the same gauges. Since the installation of these smart

pilot projects regarding normativity.

meters, better estimated measurements have been made, distribution problems have been reduced and energy bills


The acquisition of Grupo Ikusi, a Spanish conglomerate

have been lowered,” states Flores. Wider installation would

specialized in electronic system integration, was the next

facilitate more efficient oversight by CFE. To ensure that

step. Ikusi had a presence in Guadalajara and Monterrey,

CFE takes advantage of this opportunity, Flores believes its

which boosted Ormazabal’s market presence and added

standards must be renewed to better adapt to and integrate

300 employees to its Mexican workforce. In the wind

new technologies.


PROBLEMS THAT MODULAR SEALS SOLVE IN THE ENERGY INDUSTRY ALONSO GUARNEROS Managing Director of Roxtec México Q: How will Roxtec position itself in the electricity market?

Q: How do your products and services add value for your

A: Roxtec is stronger in the Mexican oil industry than any


of its competitors, but CFE is our second largest customer

A: We talk to business owners and EPC companies and

after PEMEX. We could not have imagined this situation

once they agree on the projects, we jump into front-end

two years ago, but CFE found out about modular seals.

engineering development, which is followed by detailed

We have been sealing several electrical substations for

engineering. The installation process becomes easier as

CFE and we have been working on distribution for five

each step becomes more standardized after everything

substations. Transmission is an important segment for the

has been specified at the design stage. Our technicians

company, since this market consists of 450 substations

can modify cabling systems without having to carry

plus the ones that are yet to be built. The distribution area

out civil engineering each time. It is hard to measure

includes over 1,000 substations, which makes it a huge

the consequences of not having proper seals. Cabling

potential market for us. We are also beginning to work

is an easy procedure but it has put a lot of companies

with other companies in the wind energy industry and in

out of operation. We provide operational reliability so

cogeneration plants. This is an important sector and it is

engineers can worry about important things and not

easy to cater to as foreign companies have used similar

waste time on trivial matters, such as water or dust

solutions in their countries of origin.

getting into the system.

| TECHNOLOGY SPOTLIGHT Roxtec’s modular seals are designed based on the

Humidity tends to be a common but costly problem in

Multidiameter, the company’s greatest invention to date.

substations. To avoid this, Roxtec seals cables into the cable

Roxtec’s Multidiameter is an adaptable device based on a

trench that connects the wind farm to the substation. Sealing

rubber-sealing module that consists of two halves, a center

several cables at one point in the substation wall reduces

core, and removable black and blue layers. This design

the risk of water leakage by diminishing the number of entry

ensures adaptability to different sized cables and pipes.

points. Additionally, the man hours required to manage the

Modular seals have a metal or plastic frame surrounded by

cables are reduced, cutting down costs. Roxtec seals are

rubber modules. Roxtec modules are used in combination

strong enough to carry the weight of the high voltage single

with a frame and a mechanical compression unit, resulting

core cables at the point of entry into the substation and

in an optimum sealing solution suitable for wide-ranging

provide spare capacity for upgrades.

industrial applications. These systems are used in places where cables or pipes need to be routed through openings in

One of the biggest challenges for the wind industry is the

structures. Modular seals are intended to protect equipment

vibrations within wind turbines. The higher the turbine, the

from water, dust, gas, fire, and vermin, and are widely

more intense the vibrations become. To further complicate

used in industries that use complex cabling systems and

things, vibrations shake the turbine from the inside,

have proven to be resourceful for a number of hazardous

depending on the direction of the wind. The rubber in the

endeavors, such as oil and gas extraction, petrochemical

modules is softer than the outer jacket of the cables. If the

manufacturing, cement factories, paper mills, and power

clamp system is made of a harder material than the outer

generation and transmission. Already having a strong

jacket of the cable, the clamp might damage the cable,

presence in the Mexican oil industry, Roxtec is now entering

increasing maintenance costs. Therefore, a fixing system

the power generation sector.

that includes these modules extends the cables’ life span.


The economic and environmental benefits of energy efficiency are not disputed by public sector institutions or private sector companies. Both businesses and consumers have sought to adopt a range of technologies to reduce their power bills, and utility companies are encouraging these practices. Other actors are seeking for the government to commit to energy efficient policies as a necessary strategy to reach climate change targets. Mexico’s National Energy Strategy reveals how the government has taken such advice on board, with the legally binding document demanding that measurements of energy efficiency be used to dampen environmental impacts.

This chapter details the steps that must be taken for energy efficiency practices and technologies to be adopted by companies ranging from multinationals to small businesses, looks at how to convince executives to see energy efficiency as an investment rather than a cost, and how several players have turned energy efficient practices into a profitable enterprise.




Climate Change Fight Depends on Energy Efficiency


Innovative Solutions for an Efficient Network


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Energy Efficiency at Every Step of the Value Chain


Increasing Efficiency through Hybrid Systems


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Impact of Air Compressors on Energy Efficiency


Energy Efficiency: One Light Bulb at a Time


Promoting the Switch to Led Lighting Technology


Energy Audits Crucial to Pursue Energy Efficiency


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Lighting and Water Solutions for Industry


Optimizing Energy Use through Power Factor


Energy Savings with no Upfront Investment


Equipment Efficiency across Renewable Energy Sectors


CLIMATE CHANGE FIGHT DEPENDS ON ENERGY EFFICIENCY Over 30 years of experience shows that energy efficiency

private and public entities to adopt energy efficient practices.

is the most abundant, cheapest and fastest approach to

It is also important to note that, in most cases, energy

reducing greenhouse gases today. There is widespread

efficiency measures will pay for themselves over time in the

access to the technology required to implement energy

form of lower energy bills. This is another element that can

efficiency on a number of different scales, from households

and should be used to persuade industries and businesses to

and cars to large office buildings and industrial facilities.

pursue greater energy efficiency in their operations.

An analysis of the cost of implementing energy efficiency measures, compared to clean energy sources, shows that

Energy efficiency policies led to a 1.7% annual decrease

most measures are cheaper and bring a faster return on

in global energy intensity between 1973 and 2009. It is

investment. The goal of energy efficiency measures is

estimated that the current energy demand would be 50%

to use less energy while allowing operations to continue

higher if these policies had not been implemented. Other

unabated. The concept is often confused with energy

projections claim that energy intensity will decrease 70%

conservation, in which the use of a particular service is

by 2035 if efficiency measures continue to develop and

reduced or suspended. Individuals, organizations, industries

grow. This would also allow for a potential 69% decrease

and businesses often engage in energy efficient practices

in CO2 emissions over the same period. These numbers

to promote economic and environmental sustainability, in

were influential in the creation of Mexico’s National Energy

essence maximizing efficiency and minimizing costs.

Strategy (NES), which highlights the need to incorporate energy efficiency mechanisms that will foster economic

The energy saving potential of energy efficiency solutions

growth, reduce energy losses throughout the production

is vast, and ranges from individual domestic energy use

chain and enable users to choose more efficient utility

to transportation systems for a wide range of industries.

services with less environmental impact.

The energy sector itself also offers great potential for reducing energy transmission losses and fuel consumption

Mexico has made significant advancements in fields

in trucks, as well as energy losses during power generation

such as lighting and electrical appliances, although an

processes, refining processes and hydrocarbon exploration

integrated transportation policy is still pending. Increased



energy efficiency could have a substantial impact on the

Standardization has created ISO 50001, a rating system

transportation sector because of fuel consumption levels and

that helps organizations reduce their energy consumption.

the prevalence of outdated equipment. An initial step would

Through this standard, companies can identify areas

be to make a comparative assessment of transportation



options that takes both efficiency and social benefits into

competitiveness and improving their public image. However,

account. The NES does set goals for this sector, aspiring

because reducing these costs requires an initial investment

to total energy savings of 280TWh per year, including

that not everyone is willing to make, the power of public

197.4TWh from gasoline and diesel in transportation and a

image provides an additional strategic incentive to persuade

reduction of 8% in the electricity loss rate.















76 74







Energy Intensity per unit of GDP (KJ/US$ GDP) Source: Balance Nacional de EnergĂ­a 2011






914 2011















Energy Consumption per capita (GJ/person)

offers a solution for achieving these objectives, although


critics point to the high costs of such technology. 3%


The NES and the General Climate Change Law are influential components in overcoming structural barriers 20%

that hinder energy efficient practices, such as market and policy flaws. Regarding the former, poor or nonexistent standards contribute to irresponsible utility use.


Similarly, insufficient financing schemes deter people 67 and 48%

66 energy efficient technologies. companies from adopting 65 Most public and corporate policies are aimed at expanding

energy supply and increasing installed capacity instead

addition to benefiting privileged parties. In 2011, MX$87




sources and ignore environmental consequences, in




882 878 detrimental, as they promote the inefficient use904 of power


of properly managing demand. Subsidies can also be 29%

billion (US$6.5 billion) was spent on electricity subsidies for the Mexican domestic sector, according to the Mario Transportation

Residential, commercial and public



Molina Center. Needless to say, this economic burden could be eased by establishing promotional policies for energy efficiency. The optimal scenario would include the coordination of energy efficiency with increased production, to increase the efficiency and competitiveness

Professor Tim Green, of Imperial College in London, carried

of the electricity system and the country.

out a study on grid efficiency and concluded that losses in the grid during generation can account for between 45%

Since 2008, the Mexican government has passed many

and 55% of the total electricity generated, depending on

norms that promote the implementation of energy

the technology used. The negative impact non-technical

management tools that are similar to ISO 50001. These

energy losses have on utility companies is alarming. The

are intended to seize energy saving opportunities in

NES traces most non-technical losses in Mexico back

the largest electricity consuming sectors. The Mexican

to illicit use, particularly in the low tension grid. These

government heads this list, accounting for 38% of

consequences are further aggravated by electricity theft,

national energy consumption. Because energy efficiency

debt evasion, poor planning in household construction,

is a fundamental component of sustainable economic

irregular settlements, the expansion of the informal

development, the NES addresses topics that go beyond

commercial sector and institutional deficiencies. The

encouraging responsible energy use or implementing

Mexican energy industry needs to mitigate this situation

efficient technologies in houses and offices. Some

by increasing energy efficiency and availability, as well as

of its goals include expanding and unifying national

improving the reliability of transmission and distribution

transportation networks and fuel storage facilities, as well

systems. According to the NES, smart grid technology

as improving electricity distribution.



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255 Departamento de proyectos en: Energías alternas, Iluminación, Automatización y Control, Calidad de energía, Equipo especial, telecom


INNOVATIVE SOLUTIONS FOR AN EFFICIENT NETWORK Increased efforts to raise public awareness in Mexico

the areas with the greatest potential for savings,” says Mitre.

about the importance of energy efficiency have opened

After energy savings have been made, Alcione can then

many doors for Alcione, a leading distributor in Mexico’s

steer its customers toward cogeneration.

electricity market. According to Francisco Mitre, Director General of Alcione, the household sector provides plenty

According to Mitre, the company also benefits from its

of opportunities given the high CFE tariffs in place in this

strategic alliances with the third parties that are hired

segment, since after a consumer uses 30kW, their electricity

to install its systems because their representatives, who

rate increases fourfold. Alcione’s representatives advise

attend the aforementioned training sessions, can take the

customers on ways in which they can reduce their energy

company to the larger public. Alcione is equally as thorough

consumption by changing the lighting system or equipment

in its own approach to distribution, acting as a distributor

they use, as well as avoid peak-time consumption. The

for a number of well-known and highly regarded brands,

company’s representatives can also install solar panels

such as Philips and Osram. “We are confident that, with our

and change their clients’ bidirectional gauges, enabling

extensive portfolio and well-trained representatives, we

people to generate power while consuming it. Alcione has

can always offer the most efficient solutions to its clients.

essentially used bidirectional equipment to replace the need

We work with industry leaders and we transfer their quality

for batteries.

to our customers,” explains Mitre.

“We started by modifying our own headquarters in Cuernavaca, where we generate 20% of our energy consumption. In fact, on Sundays our gauge works inversely, because we send electricity to the network” Francisco Mitre, Director General of Alcione

Due to their increasing efficiency, photovoltaic panels are

Given that many of the manufacturers the company works

the company’s preferred power generating technology.

with do not do their own direct marketing, Alcione has

However, gas turbines are also widely used, which are

positioned itself as a reliable distribution channel for them,

particularly helpful for businesses that operate 24 hours

while also maintaining its commitment to providing its

a day. “Some industries work under specific tariffs that

customers with the best solution they need. Mitre voices

charge high prices during peak hours. In these cases, clients

concern regarding some companies operating in the industry

are advised to use gas turbines during peak times and turn

that recommend unnecessarily expensive solutions when

them off for the rest of the day. To optimize the choice of

mixed generation techniques would be more affordable. He

energy source, financially speaking, we study each client’s

argues that becoming acquainted with each client’s precise

consumption patterns. We need to be well acquainted with

needs is crucial when prescribing a product or service.

their operations in order to decide on the best solution,” says Mitre. Because micro-turbines run on natural gas, the

Although Alcione is in favor of public policies that promote

company also encourages their use in regions that have

renewable energy use, the company has strong views on

access to the natural gas distribution network.

the role industry leaders should play in developing the sector. “Manufacturers should be in charge of ensuring


Given Alcione’s focus on diagnostics, the company’s own

standards are met in these areas, because they do a

energy generation and transmission experiences open up

great job at it,” says Mitre. He believes that placing such

great business opportunities. “We started by modifying our

responsibility on producers would avoid cheap, poor

own headquarters in Cuernavaca, where we generate 20%

quality products from flooding the market. Alcione wants

of our energy consumption. In fact, on Sundays our gauge

to increase sales in 2014 by 5%, with a subsequent 15%

works inversely, because we send electricity to the network,”

growth objective for 2015. If the company meets these

explains Mitre. Alcione has been taking on similar projects in

objectives, its growth will be outpacing that of the market

the industrial sector, reducing its clients’ consumption rates

itself. “We are not growing alongside the sector, we are

by installing solar panels. The first step usually consists of

moving faster than that,” says Mitre. “The market is huge

offering clients energy saving and optimization options.

and we want to make it even larger. We want to drive its

“During the diagnostic phase, we point out to our customers

additional growth forward and make that our legacy.”


ENERGY EFFICIENCY AT EVERY STEP OF THE VALUE CHAIN ENRIQUE GONZÁLEZ HAAS President and CEO of Schneider Electric Mexico and Central America Q: What is the importance of the Mexican market for

demanded and what is being generated. Distribution is

Schneider Electric’s global operations?

extremely important, and connecting the two sides – the

A: Mexico is a very critical country for Schneider. It is very

consumer and the producer – is crucial. Mexico has a very

well positioned geographically and is among the largest

up to date transmission network. In Mexico, you can have

economies in the world. Schneider Electric has invested

your industrial facilities in the north of the country and a wind

heavily in Mexico over the last 15 years, and we now have

farm in the south. But through the CFE transmission network

more than 8,000 employees in 12 locations throughout the

you can connect the wind farm to your energy consumption

country. Last year, we opened a design center here, one

center in the north of the country. Many companies are

of five that we have in the world. We have 240 engineers

interested in establishing a good system to manage the

working in our design centers and our objective is to increase

energy they are generating and consuming, and to maximize

that to more than 300 in the next few years. We have very

the benefits of using renewable energies.

ambitious growth goals in Mexico. In order to achieve these, we are focusing on satisfying our power customers with the

Q: What are the main technological challenges in integrating

best technology and human talent, as well as on solving the

the value chain through a mixture of smart generation,

energy solutions required by the energy market.

flexible distribution and active energy efficiency? A: It is a challenge because awareness needs to be created

Q: How would you compare the competitiveness of the

among energy consumers regarding the best ways of

Mexican electricity sector to other emerging markets?

using electricity efficiently. For example, saving 1kW on

A: Mexico has advantages and disadvantages. In electricity,

the consumption side can save 3kW on the generation

the advantage is that there is only one utility, CFE, operating

side. Tremendous savings can be made, and if you work on

across the country. This means that companies do not have

reducing consumption on the demand side you will obtain

to deal with several different companies, which would lead

significant benefits on the generation side. The question

to a lack of coordination. However, we need to improve the

that follows is how people can save 1kW on the demand

coordination between demand and production so that we

side. There are obvious changes that can be made without

are producing the same amount as is being demanded. But

affecting employees’ comfort, such as changing light bulbs

the challenges we face are not exclusive to Mexico.

or using better air conditioning equipment. Areas where energy can be saved need to identified at the start of the

Q: Which role do research and development play in

development of new projects. There are measures that can

Schneider Electric’s competitive positioning?

be taken that relate to human capital, such as ensuring

A: Schneider Electric invests 5% of its revenue in research

that working hours are between 7am to 7pm when there is

and development. Each year we dedicate that money to

natural light, installing lights that are only on when necessary,

developing new markets, new activities, new products,

or turning air conditioning off after working hours. These

new solutions, and new technologies, or even to acquiring

measures stop energy from being wasted. Automatic

other companies that will help us to continue consolidating

systems can also be created that identify how many people

ourselves as a global leader in energy management.

are present and adjust the lighting, air conditioners or heating accordingly. Computers and servers in particular

Q: How does Schneider Electric contribute to creating better

use a lot of energy and produce a lot of heat. We need to

connections between power generators and consumers?

combine different technologies and systems so that data

A: Schneider Electric’s smart grid technology connects the

centers are managed with the proper information, and help

energy consumer with the energy generator. Electricity

us to adjust and control energy consumption accordingly.

cannot currently be stored as such, but we introduced

We also do not need entire cities that are lit up all night.

the smart grid to avoid electricity being wasted. It is

Such improvements have to be coordinated between the

very important to close the gap between what is being

public and private sectors to combat global warming.



that enable a constant rate of generated energy across

the advantage of being able

different operating environments. “We are trying to break

to cater to several markets,

the paradigm by lowering power generation costs even

though having the right

further than when using a traditional fuel source,” says



Olmos Esquivel. Perhaps surprisingly, it turns out that a

to supply different sectors

combination of diesel and photovoltaic systems generates


more affordable energy than using a single energy source.




research and development Roberto Olmos Esquivel, International Affairs Manager of Ferrostaal

division plays an important

Every project has different suppliers of both equipment

role in establishing new

and other services. For Ferrostaal, offering the best

ways of providing solutions

solution involves incorporating its commercial partners’

across sectors, such as using hybrid energy generation

technological innovations into a project’s development.

systems. Ferrostaal is a company that has created a large

In this capacity, the firm acts as a coordinating agent

support network of partners that can build any type of plant:

between different companies. Ferrostaal works together

refineries, power plants or recycling plants. While foreign

with its basic engineering team to determine a project’s

companies often see Mexico as a difficult place to start a

feasibility. The project’s goals have to be determined

business, Ferrostaal is working on changing this perception,

during the planning stages, and this includes selecting

emphasizing that opportunities abound in areas that lack the

which partners will be involved. Once the project is

procedures for incorporating new technology.

approved, Ferrostaal selects its best in-house specialists and outsourced suppliers to achieve all-round integration

Roberto Olmos Esquivel, Ferrostaal’s International Affairs

and begin the construction phase. Clients appreciate this

Manager, claims that the company’s multi-faceted approach

collaborative network, says Olmos, adding that they like

has allowed it to become a specialist in waste-to-energy,

the cost-benefit ratio and feel safer knowing who is behind

solar power and wind power all at once. In terms of the

their projects. Working with powerful partners helps the

contributions Ferrostaal makes to each project following

firm fulfill its commitment to finding the most effective

the feasibility stage, the firm can create turnkey projects,

solutions. The collective approach has proven to be

including EPC services, or simply provide components,

effective in the different environments in which Ferrostaal

depending on the needs of each client. Ferrostaal has four

has used it across Europe, Asia and the Middle East.

sub-companies, each of which provides a more focused service: Flagsol, Sun Power Group, Solitem and E-Solar.

Ferrostaal wants to become more active in the Mexican

These subsidiaries cover CSP, parabolic trough power

energy market, increasing its participation by 20% in

plants, thermal energy storage and water desalination

the coming year. “Government agencies are opening


up to renewable energies and they are becoming more transparent regarding energy generation systems. This


Through a number of different studies, the company

helps us to be more selective about which projects we

has also backed up findings that point to Mexico’s great

want to participate in and gives us greater possibilities to

potential for solar energy generation. “The development of

grow,” says Olmos Esquivel. 200MW projects require a lot

the solar industry in Mexico is just starting,” says Olmos

of capital, making them unfeasible for some governments

Esquivel. “We are expecting growth in the sector and

and companies to pursue. This means that, while having

Ferrostaal will offer its expertise and experience to support

a significant number of contenders in the 5-10MW sector,

the development of this new industry.” Through its Flagsol

Ferrostaal has little significant competition in this area. The

division the company is combining photovoltaic cells

company has even stated its desire to work on projects

with diesel engines to build hybrid systems and energy

exceeding 200MW. Olmos Esquivel says Ferrostaal is more

storage systems. Several Flagsol plants that are already in

than capable of fulfilling its promises. In fact, the firm

operation use wind power and hybrid systems. However,

shows its clients the operational costs of companies it has

the combined use of diesel and natural gas with clean

worked with to prove it. “Every industry wants to achieve

technologies still produces CO2 emissions, albeit in smaller

the lowest operational costs possible, in order to be more

quantities. Regarding hybrid systems, the main task is to

competitive. If a company is able to lower its operational

accurately determine which technology to use in a specific

costs, it will have a better selling price and higher returns.

region and how to take advantage of the local resources,

We help our customers to reach this goal, and it will help us

and Ferrostaal has proved successful in developing systems

to position ourselves better in the Mexican market.”


IMPACT OF AIR COMPRESSORS ON ENERGY EFFICIENCY LUIS ALVAREZ General Manager of Compressor Technologies of Atlas Copco Q: Which products have positioned Atlas Copco as one of

Q: What is the importance of implementing energy

the leading suppliers of air compressors?

efficiency solutions for the Mexican industry?

A: The only way to maintain market leadership is through

A: The best way to demonstrate this is by looking at what has

innovation. This has been one of the main values driving

been done in other countries. Those countries that have given

our company since its creation back in 1873. Nowadays

more importance to energy efficiency are more productive.

innovation implies energy efficiency, to which we have

Energy efficiency solutions will aid Mexico’s economic growth,

dedicated many products. Around 4-5% of our revenue is

create more jobs and improve the general quality of life. If the

reinvested in research and development, to keep innovating

government focuses on implementing proper and efficient

our products and solutions. We are pioneers in the

energy use across industrial sectors, economic productivity

development of variable-speed drive (VSD) technology for

will increase. Increasing awareness as to the importance of

air compressors. Although this is used for other products

energy efficiency is a big step and a challenging task, but it

as well, we were the first compressor manufacturer to

will enable us to find more market opportunities. We want to

incorporate VSD technology. The technology was launched

contribute by helping our customers increase energy savings

in 1994 and can represent up to 35% in energy savings.

by 20% by 2020 and reduce energy consumption in their transportation operations by 20% over the same timeframe.

Q: What are the main challenges that Atlas Copco faces

We also want to stabilize the use of water within our clients’

in developing tailor-made solutions for Mexican clients?

operations, instead of seeing them increasing that use.

A: One of the major challenges we have faced in Mexico is accessing a qualified labor force. Certain industries require

Q: In which sectors does Atlas Copco see the biggest

complete packages of products and solutions, which have

potential for the application of its products and services?

to be developed in the country. However, it has become

A: Before the Energy Reform, the main sector was

difficult for us to find partners that meet our quality

automotive. In 2013, 15% of our revenues came from the

requirements. Partnering with foreign companies instead

automotive industry, a sector that also accounts for the

would have a negative impact on delivery times and costs.

largest quantity of Mexican exports. Air compressors are used in many industries, but CFE is among our top four

Q: How does Atlas Copco help its customers reduce costs

largest customers. With the electricity sector finally opening

and improve efficiency?

up to private investment, we will see a lot of investments

A: Among the energy saving products we offer, we have

being made. Small companies will become more involved

a product called Smart Link. The main focus of Smart

in the market, and they will need air compressors for their

Link is to supervise and control the functioning of the

new plants. We see a lot of opportunities opening up in the

air network. By reducing pressure by just one bar, we

months ahead. If things go according to plan, the oil and

increase energy savings by 7%. All the products that we

gas sectors will acquire a lot of importance within Atlas

install for our customers in specific locations are able to

Copco’s activities. As for the renewable energy sector, we

communicate with the central supervisors and our own

also see a lot of potential in these growing industries, as

team via interconnected computer networks. This way,

they have a big need for air compressors.

we can detect fluctuations in our customer’s air demands, enabling us to remotely suggest options that reduce costs

Q: What are the main products and solutions that Atlas

and save energy. We are the first compressed air product

Copco is planning to roll out in the future?

manufacturer to offer an energy recovery unit in our

A: Our future products and solutions are currently under

portofolio, the principal focus of which is harnessing the

development, but our main focus is and will be saving

heat produced in the compression process and using it for

energy. Every day we work to improve our energy efficiency

other purposes. Installing this product is easy. The more

products. Small changes lead to big changes, so this is the

difficult part is convincing customers of its results.

main aim of our R&D.


ENERGY EFFICIENCY: ONE LIGHT BULB AT A TIME During 2011 and 2012, the Sustainable Lighting Program

to make the light bulb exchange, even though it was free,”

substituted 45.8 million incandescent light bulbs with

claims Villalón Antuñano. Communication challenges

energy-saving light bulbs. Philips worked closely with

prevented Philips from being able to fully explain the

the Mexican government to introduce the use of this new

benefits to the Mexican population. Many did not believe

technology among Mexican families. During the first stage

the promised results until they saw their next electricity

of the program, the company was directly responsible

bill, and that was when the word started to spread.

for replacing 22.9 million incandescent lights for more than 5 million families across Mexico. “We replaced those

“The main opportunity for energy efficiency in lighting

incandescent lamps, which use an average of 100W, with

is in the public lighting sphere, due to a current lack

compact fluorescent lamps, which use an average of

of maintenance of public lighting in most states and

23W. This meant that every home that had an average

municipalities, added to the fact that the products used are

usage of 400W immediately decreased that to less

often obsolete, as the budget available for such resources

than 100W,” explains Sergio Villalón Antuñano, Country

is usually scarce. If we were able to change 100% of public

Manager of Philips Mexico, General Director Lighting Sector. He emphasizes the importance of the program for the Mexican government, globally recognized for running the largest replacement program of its kind in the world. The government then conducted the second phase of the program, which oversaw the replacement of an additional 20 million incandescent bulbs through retailers. “We have a large presence in Mexico, so our products accounted for a significant percentage of that replacement, reaching 10 million energy-saving light bulbs during the second phase. Overall, in two years, more than 30 million incandescent lamps were replaced by Philips energy-efficient lamps,” says Villalón Antuñano.





actually convincing people to make the light bulb exchange, even though it was free” The fact that 2013 is the last year in which incandescent lighting will be used in Mexico further illustrates the authorities’ commitment to the shift towards energy efficiency. Villalón Antuñano highlights the benefits that will come from no longer using this type of lighting. “No more incandescent light bulbs from the beginning of





more mercury vapor, and no more



Interestingly enough, Philips encountered an unexpected challenge Sustainable


the Lighting

Program. “The major challenge was actually convincing people


lighting points we would make substantial energy savings, enabling us to diminish the amount of electricity needed from power generation,” he says, quoting the example of Mexico City, which recently changed lights that consumed 250W to Philips 140W products on Paseo de la Reforma, the city’s main boulevard. The savings were massive and enabled the recovery of important public spaces. The authorities also extended the replacement program to include other main streets and squares. Nuevo Leon, Aguascalientes and Jalisco, among others, are examples of other states that are also in the process of changing their obsolete public lighting. In terms of its sustainability strategy, Philips has a number of different targets. For example, all components used in its lighting solutions have to be completely reusable, recyclable and have minimum environmental costs. “As a result of such initiatives, Philips is recognized as the 23rd best company in the world in terms of sustainable practices,” says Villalón Antuñano. Energy efficiency is what drives a big part of the company’s R&D, across all its divisions. Villalón Antuñano states that more than 7% of the company’s total revenues are funneled directly to R&D, and that in the past two years this has increased, given the speed with which LED lighting is taking off. Opportunities to improve Mexico’s energy efficiency remain abundant. Villalón Antuñano believes that the government has to continue fostering these practices through sustainable lighting programs and allocate more resources towards public street lighting in municipalities. “Public street lighting is very important because it is one of the only ways in which a municipal president or a governor can demonstrate that they care about the population. Having this type of lighting creates a lot of benefits for everyone. It is a commitment to energy saving, it facilitates the recovery of public spaces and it improves safety.” Philips has the goal of becoming the number one LED lighting provider in Mexico. In order to do this, the company has coined the concept “livable cities”, in which it targets specific cities with which it has been working closely to recover public spaces, and lights up an iconic landmark. For example, Merida’s Cathedral is now completely lit by LED lighting, both inside and outside. Next year, Philips will be celebrating its 75th anniversary in Mexico, but the company has been developing lighting solutions for over 120 years. “Throughout its history, Philips has been focused on energy efficiency, but we take a sustainable approach across all our divisions, not just in lighting,” states Villalón Antuñano. Philips’ mission and vision is to deliver its innovative products and solutions to up to 3 billion people worldwide by 2025. “Integrating our products from the health and lighting spheres to make cities livable for people is our main ambition. We want our innovations to change people’s lives, and we want our brand to deliver innovation directly to people,” Villalón Antuñano concludes.




instruct them on adopting new products, such as energy-

excellent job when it comes



saving light bulbs, compact fluorescent lamps and LED


lighting,” explains Bortolan. The latter is already a popular





product among professional clients.

norms, according to Paolo Bortolan,

Paolo Bortolan, President and CEO of OSRAM México


Educating middle-class customers in energy efficiency

CEO of OSRAM México.

is not difficult, says Bortolan, as for them, changing from

These norms have defined

incandescent to fluorescent lighting is not a drastic decision.


On the other hand, such a change represents a colossal







investment for professional customers who own facilities

of safety, efficiency and

with thousands of lights. Bortolan says that the only way to

quality of lighting. “This is one of the best efforts I have

introduce a product with a lifetime of 10 years is by proving

seen in this area worldwide,” says Bortolan. In recent years

to clients that the product will comply with the advertised

OSRAM has participated in the development of these

characteristics. Therefore, OSRAM’s strongest marketing

norms, giving the company invaluable experience of how

tool is the quality of the products the company distributes.

the Mexican industry works, and the direction in which

“We are aiming to sell the highest quality products on the

it is heading. When people think of lighting they tend to

Mexican market; that has always been our strategy,” says

think of light bulbs and street lamps. For OSRAM, however,

Bortolan. To achieve this aim, OSRAM spends 6% of its global

lighting includes the automotive industry, movie theaters,

revenues on research and development, and hosts some

airports and any other place or application that requires

of the few laboratories that can certify lighting products

illumination. The company is not focused on a specific

in Mexico. “A supplier alone cannot prove the quality and

sector, instead regarding lighting as a market in itself.

working life of its products; they need laboratories to do so,” states Bortolan. To further corroborate the quality

In terms of promoting and improving efficiency in

of the company’s portfolio, OSRAM has a department

energy consumption in Mexico, OSRAM recognizes the

focused on energy auditing, which is dedicated to choosing

achievements of the public sector. For instance, the

which products to use in installations, warehouses or large

Sustainable Lighting Program has now been running

industrial complexes. According to Bortolan, lighting is

for two years and is actively pushing the transition from

the only energy related area where switching from one

incandescent light bulbs to compact fluorescent lights.

technology to another can result in savings of up to 80%,

Bortolan believes this initiative has been the public

making it an extremely attractive area to invest in. Energy

sector’s largest accomplishment in this area. FIDE was the

audits are an easy way of showing potential customers how

organism in charge of managing the Sustainable Lighting

much they can save by installing proper lighting systems. It

program and OSRAM participated in the second phase.

is not as simple as it may seem, for customers have different

OSRAM also worked alongside CONUEE to develop energy

needs that go beyond efficient energy use. OSRAM

efficiency norms, which resulted from its recognition that

needs to determine the light’s quality, life expectancy and

the market needed to be understood before the move

temperature in order to advise its customers on the best

towards energy saving technology could truly happen.

solution. Maintenance is something that is also taken into

For Bortolan, the private sector plays an important role in

consideration. “If someone needs to change lights on a

fostering this transition. Shifting from traditional lighting

ceiling that is 12 meters high and we sell them a product

technology to LED lighting is not an easy move for large

that will last 10 years, we are drastically reducing their

companies but players like OSRAM promote this change

maintenance challenges,” tells Bortolan.

among their clients. Bortolan claims that the private sector is responsible for introducing new ideas to the general

As Mexican society becomes more aware of the need

population, such as switching to new technologies.

for energy efficiency, OSRAM expands its commercial activities by recruiting and instructing more clients in the


OSRAM divides its market into regular customers and

art of intelligent lighting. “OSRAM’s active involvement

professional industries, and educates both segments in

in the process of drawing up official norms and our firm

efficient lighting by constantly proposing and explaining

commitment to research and development combine with

better solutions, which are tailor-made to suit each client’s

the company’s commercial experience to create products

needs. “We work with retailers, which represent strong


communication channels, to get to our final customers and

customers’ lighting solutions,” concludes Bortolan.







ENERGY AUDITS CRUCIAL TO PURSUE ENERGY EFFICIENCY An energy audit aims to evaluate the existing energy

can provide water at the same temperature, whatever the

consumption of a company or household and identify

weather. With an inverter, geothermal can also provide

potential energy savings. “Though Mexico still has not

heating or cooling,” he says. Of course, the issue is that

implemented audits to certify energy efficient companies,

geothermal does not produce electricity at a residential

many companies seeking to lower production costs

level. “The required investment for solar energy is lower,

are turning to this tool in an effort to lower their energy

so people prefer it because they often focus only on the

consumption,“ says Rodrigo Güelfo Suárez, the General

initial investment. A solar installation might cost US$5,000

Manager of Natural Project, a Spanish company that

as opposed to $US20,000-30,000 for geothermal, but a

introduced energy audits to the Mexican market in 2011.

geothermal installation has a longer lifespan and is more

The company acquired vast experience in the Spanish

efficient, which will pay back the initial investment,” he states.

renewables market and hopes to apply this in Mexico, confident that its expertise provides an added value that many local companies are lacking. “What seems innovative in Mexico is not so to us. We have proved the efficiency of these technologies. Currently, a combination of financial and political interests might be slowing down the development of these technologies, but this is the future,” he underlines. He explains this concept is currently geared toward big energy consumers. “A company that has a factory with many working motors, special lighting, and boilers requires the involvement of specialized staff to analyze the situation. With that, we provide a report, through which we offer different energy solutions and a budget for how these could be implemented,” he adds.

“Though Mexico still has not implemented audits to certify energy efficient companies, many companies




production costs are turning to this tool in an effort to lower their energy consumption” Rodrigo Güelfo Suárez, General Manager of Natural Project

Through an energy audit, a consumer can save millions of

What could be a good step for the Mexican market to

pesos just by reducing its energy consumption by 10%.

continue growing? Güelfo Suárez believes it would be interesting to see communities generating small amounts

Güelfo Suárez claims that companies like the numbers when

of energy and argues the government could use such

they see them. Natural Project has been successful since

projects, which do not require a lot of investment. He cites

Mexico does not have many companies that offer energy

the Spanish experience, in which big corporations were

audits. He adds that, the company saw huge demand for

allowed to come and buy vast tracts of land and install

its audits at the Green Expo not only from companies but

huge amounts of solar panels. He argues that “it is more

also from architects seeking how to incorporate energy

profitable to help communities that could produce energy

efficiency technology into their projects. Natural Project’s

for their own use with small panels. This is more interesting

business model is not limited to just one sector. When it

than a large production in terms of megawatts, which is

provides a solution, the company seeks to offer the most

the mistake that happened in Spain.”

adequate solution, whether in solar, biomass, wind or LED lighting. “We can offer our clients a solution across various

As the Mexican renewable market moves forward, Natural

renewable sources. Mexico still has a long way to go, as there

Project will try to collaborate with the public sector, and

are some technologies out there that are not yet known in

particularly with PEMEX, to whom the firm is offering its

the country, but they will be used more in the future,” Güelfo

solutions to make the state-owned company’s facilities

Suárez adds. The Mexican market has shown interest in

greener. Güelfo Suárez explains he would like to work

what Natural Project has to offer. “We provide something

with bigger companies to establish and improve Natural

different because we do not just sell products, we provide

Project’s reputation in Mexico for good. The company’s

solutions to problems,” explains Güelfo Suárez.

General Manager would also like to see biomass developed in the country as he believes it could prove to be very

Natural Project is one of the few companies that includes

profitable. “For us, it would be interesting to find a biomass

geothermal in its portfolio. Güelfo Suárez explains that

producer in Mexico because that would allow us to start

even though there is always solar irradiation, its intensity

selling our equipment. There are a lot of things to do.

can vary from day to day, while geothermal depends on

We have been here for a very short time but we have big

the temperature of the soil, which remains constant. “We

expectations,” he adds.




Q: What opportunities first made Haskell enter the

without seeking certifications such as LEED. That is appealing

Mexican market?

for clients. It stops them from spending a lot of money on

A: We established ourselves in Mexico in 1998, as the needs

certifying a building, but they still derive the same benefits.

of one of our US-based clients, Frito-Lay, brought us here.

We can also help them to become fully certified, of course,

They had a new project in Orizaba that was going to be

but that is a decision for the client to make.

handled from within Mexico. We ended up running the construction management team, as their team in Mexico

Q: How much demand is there for your water treatment

did not have the right cultural approach to design and build

solutions in Mexico?

fast-track projects. When we finished that job, another client

A: Almost all of our clients ask us to provide water treatment

from the US asked us for a project in Mexico. Then it started

plants. For Honeywell’s facility in Mexicali, we worked on a

snowballing. Five years later, we became fully established in

water treatment system for their aerospace division. It gets

Mexico and it was clear to the company that the Mexican

extremely hot in Mexicali, and since operating water chillers

market was growing and that business here was good for us.

is more expensive during the day, they are run at night. We found a company in Texas that builds storage tanks for

We are also working with Driscoll’s, a leading US agricultural

chilled water, so we applied that technology to our solutions.

and berry-growing company that grows its products in

Now, the Mexicali plant produces the chilled water at night,

Michoacan, Guanajuato and Jalisco. We are changing their

and simply relies on the storage tank during the day.

lighting system from fluorescent lights to LED lighting, and are adding different features to create an intelligent

Q: Which of Haskell’s sustainable solutions have been

lighting control panel. At the moment, if they want to

most popular with clients in Mexico?

turn on one light, they have to light up the entire plant.

A: Haskell’s most popular electrical solutions are motors,

We also encourage them to reuse rainwater in the cooler


tunnels where they freeze the fruit and for irrigation. The

conditioning) units and lighting options, such as skylights.

company does not produce much wastewater, they mostly

For example, Procter & Gamble have chosen high efficiency

use water accumulation from their condensers and their

motors and CCMs that allow them to monitor their entire

sanitary sewer. We treat this water and put it into the soil,

operations through screen panels and rapidly identify what

on a property that accounts for around 30% of their overall

is causing any deficiencies. Our solutions have allowed

production in Mexico.

clients to stop running all of their equipment at 100% all the







time. Instead, they can optimize their processes so that, if Q: A company like Driscoll’s already has its own sustainable

the equipment is not needed at any specific time, it can go

practices in place. How difficult is it to convince companies

offline. This means that they can run some of their equipment

here to switch to green building practices?

at 20% of its capacity and still fulfill all their production needs.

A: It is not easy to convince companies in Mexico to invest


in green buildings. We have found that many companies

Q: What new products and technologies is Haskell going

come here in order to avoid complying with US regulations.

to roll out on the Mexican market?

These companies tend to have a green manifesto that they

A: We will stay focused on lighting, given the need for it among

must comply with, but in Mexico it is easier for them to bend

our clients. However, we are trying to help them produce

the rules. However, we try to incentivize these companies

their own energy internally, through cogeneration. One of

by providing efficient solutions at the same price. That way,

our clients in San Luis Potosi produces a lot of steam, which

they can afford to invest in products such as LED lighting or

they have simply been releasing into the atmosphere. We are

high efficiency motors. We do everything we can to help save

looking into the possibility of establishing a cogeneration

energy on each of our assignments. Essentially, we approach

system that allows them to use energy generated from that

these projects as if we were building a green building, but

steam in their facilities, and sell the rest to CFE.

OPTIMIZING ENERGY USE THROUGH POWER FACTOR According to SENER, Mexico’s electricity consumption

There are many ways to optimize energy consumption.

in 2012 was 7.2% higher than in 2010. Given that the First

“A good place to start searching for opportunities is the

Governance Report of President Enrique Peña Nieto

power factor, which is a ratio of energy usage. In the

stated that the industrial tariff price had increased 191.4%

industrial sector, CFE charges for the use of energy as

between 2000 and June 2013, energy efficiency has

well as demand, by stating that consumption has to be at

become a pressing matter for Mexican companies. Keeping

least 90% of the ratio of energy usage. If the consumption

energy costs low has become essential to continue being

is less than 90%, CFE applies a fine that the company

competitive in the global market. “The most important thing

has to pay, but there is also a bonus if the consumption

to keep in mind is that energy efficiency can be optimized

exceeds 90%. By increasing its power factor and keeping

from the outset if equipment with the proper power

it higher than 95%, a company can therefore reap

factor and high efficiency is selected. The fact is that, if

economic benefits. One benefit for the companies is that

companies maintain their old or obsolete equipment, they

they will stop paying the fines imposed by CFE for low

will consume more energy,” says Víctor Manuel Hernández,

power factors, and might even be able to get a bonus,”

Director General of IICE.

explains Hernández. “The fine can be up to 120% of the energy charge and the demand charge. In comparison, the

IICE has provided consulting services and equipment to

bonus can be just 2.5% of the same. Nevertheless, it can

Mexican industries since 2007, with the aim of helping them

represent a huge benefit for the companies.” Another issue

minimize energy consumption. “We observe and analyze

that has to be taken into account is harmonics. Nowadays

our clients’ situations, in order to recommend the best

systems are automated, which helps reduce production

equipment that will suit their needs. Our philosophy is to

time and costs, but generates harmonics. These harmonics

give a good and efficient service to our clients,” Hernández

can damage electrical equipment. IICE offers a solution

says. Siemens, Schneider Electric and ABB are some of the

for that problem: a capacitor bank and a harmonic filter

big names that compete with IICE, but Hernández explains

that combine to reduce harmonics. “Companies need to

that his company offers added value through its customer

understand that they need a specialist that pays attention,

service, from pre-sale to post-sale. “We are in close contact

not only to the power factor but also to harmonics. This is

with our clients throughout the whole process. We look

where we come in,” says Hernández.

after their needs, we give them advice, and we suggest the best product. After the equipment we recommend has

When working with a client, IICE carries out a series of

been installed, we keep track of their energy consumption,

tests to diagnose existing problems and identify areas of

too,” states Hernández.

opportunity. Afterwards, the company presents a cost-

“Energy efficiency can be optimized from the outset if equipment with the proper power factor and high efficiency is selected” Víctor Manuel Hernández, Director General of IICE

When IICE explains to a client that they should change the

benefit analysis and electrical solutions to the client and

way they consumes energy, and that this requires special

advises which equipment is needed to correct the power

equipment, doing so is often viewed as an unaffordable,

factor. “We take care of our customers,” Hernández says.

avoidable expense. “We have to show them a cost benefit

“They want to see results once the equipment is installed.

analysis, emphasizing that they will reduce their CFE bills,

Our job is not just to sell the equipment but also to stay with

as well as calculate how many months it will take before

the client, so that if there is a downturn in the power factor,

they see a return on investment. The problem is that many

we know why it happened and what to do about it.” IICE

companies do not have the budget to make the initial

works intensely to communicate the benefits that might be

investment,” Hernández says. He considers that CFE could

seen by industries if the correct power factor is established.

help the industry and finance such equipment through

“It does not just bring benefits for the companies, we also

FIDE (Electrical Energy Saving Trust Fund). He believes

see this as bringing benefits for the future, when it might not

that doing so would help to improve the quality of energy.

be so expensive to consume energy,” explains Hernández.


ENERGY SAVINGS WITH NO UPFRONT INVESTMENT For one local company in Monterrey, the near constant

its society since the energy crisis of the 1970s. ESM has

use of air conditioning and subsequent crippling energy

ties to the California Energy Commission, which manages

bills translated into a business opportunity. ESM Industries

the inspection of buildings to ensure that they comply with

partnered up with counterparts in the US to seek ways to

norms and levies fines if they do not. In the US the rules

save power and lower electricity costs. This quest brought

are enforced, meaning that people comply. To Buxadé

the ESM team to realize that the same issue plagues

Hernandez’s mind, policies like this could shift Mexico

street lights, compressed air tanks and other systems. The

towards a more energy saving, sustainable approach.

company opened up a niche in the market for themselves,

Children’s education in Mexico has played an important

working on generation and cogeneration. “Since 1990, the

role in shaping perspectives on energy saving, recycling

cost of electric energy has risen over 1,000%. The current

and sustainability, which is likely to make these types of

view that saving even a kilowatt also helps the environment

projects more popular in a few years. But currently, Buxadé

is really motivating,” says Manuel Buxadé Hernandez,

Hernandez believes that the average Mexican’s way of

Director General of ESM Industries.

thinking does not take sustainability into account. In order

“Since 1990, the cost of electric energy has risen over 1,000%. The current view that saving even a kilowatt also helps the environment is really motivating” Manuel Buxadé Hernandez, Director General of ESM Industries

CFE wants energy consumption to drop because its

to learn more about these attitudes, as well as increase

mission, to distribute electricity to all Mexicans, is becoming

sales, ESM plans to enter the American market in 2014.

increasingly difficult and expensive to accomplish. ESM has a circular business model: consumers pay less, CFE

ESM takes Motorola’s Six Sigma approach to improving

saves energy, and ESM makes a sale. In developing this

processes where anything that does not add real value gets

model, ESM hit upon a simple yet effective sales strategy.

eliminated or reduced. This approach has reduced energy

ESM representatives approach governments and private

consumption by 50-60% for some companies, without

businesses and explain that the company will provide them

requiring any initial investment. Once energy consumption

with a complete solution. “We take the last one or two years

levels are at their lowest point, it is possible to move to a

into account as a reference for the solution we provide, and

cogeneration system, or even solar and wind energy sources.

we charge our clients according to the results. If we reduce

Efficiency is about taking advantage of existing resources

their costs, they pay us. If we do not reduce their costs, they

and situations and putting them to work. “Clients in hotels

do not have to pay. This means clients do not have to make

and hospitals have told me that they want to install solar-

an upfront investment, and they are able to net savings from

powered water heaters. I have told them that they are already

the very first month onwards. ESM gets a cut of whatever

expelling heat into the atmosphere. Air conditioners heat up,

the client saves. After some time, ESM withdraws from the

and we can use that heat because it is available and free,”

operation and the client maintains the long-term benefits.

explains Buxadé Hernandez.

ESM has measured the risk over a 20-year period to ensure the continued viability of this hallmark business model. From

“Producing 1MW costs an average of US$1 million for a

the results we have seen, our clients are in for a pleasant

hydroelectric plant, which is the cheapest energy producing

surprise,” says Buxadé Hernandez.

source. For solar energy, the cost is about US$3.5 million per MW. These costs highlight the importance of energy


One challenge is that potential customers seem to be

efficiency. For instance, several countries, such as the US, use

resisting new energy models. “People are skeptical, and for

motion sensors to turn electricity systems off when no one is

some reason do not want to take part in this strategy,” says

around. These societies have a deep-seated notion of energy

Buxadé Hernandez. The fact that people are not interested

efficiency. Energy is very expensive in Europe because they

in saving money and power demonstrates the need for

do not have oil reserves like we do. For this reason, you can

greater promotion of an energy-saving culture in Mexico.

see a lot of solar and wind energy projects in Europe, they are

In contrast, the US has appreciated how vital energy is to

thinking about the future,” says Buxadé Hernandez.


Dresser-Rand also sees a smaller but evolving market


in environmental solutions. For example, changes in




legislation have made it attractive for sugar mills to


produce electricity from biomass and export electricity

PEMEX to help Mexico’s

to the grid. Dresser-Rand provides needed products for



the process, such as a steam turbine generator set, or the


complete solution which is the power aisle. Pacheco recalls


that the company provided a 33-38MW steam turbine


Jesús Pacheco, Executive Vice President of New Equipment Worldwide for Dresser-Rand

equipment, closely oil








generator for a large sugar group. Another segment that




has caught the attention of the company is the smaller


power sector, or producers of less than 10MW. Dresser-

cryogenic plants in Reynosa, which have since then operated



Rand has a dedicated engine product line to cover this

without unscheduled shut-downs or malfunctioning in their

segment, it includes gas and diesel engines that use

operation. “This equipment uses less energy and turns

combined heat and power systems. These products can

residue or lean gas into an exportable asset that brings in

be used in landfills to burn gas to generate power. They

more revenue instead of burning it,” explains says Jesús

can even be applied in municipal wastewater treatment

M. Pacheco, Executive Vice President of New Equipment

plants, where the gas they produce can be burnt to

Worldwide for Dresser-Rand. This success has seen Dresser-

generate power.

Rand’s machinery prove popular in the oil and gas, with over 3,000 pieces of equipment installed across the upstream,

Pacheco emphasizes that Dresser-Rand is very focused

midstream and downstream sectors. However, Pacheco

on creating green solutions that reduce carbon footprints

emphasizes that Dresser-Rand does not just supply the oil

and reuse as many resources as possible in many sectors.

and gas industry. It has long been a technology supplier to

“We created an environmental solutions team to develop

the entire Mexican energy sector and has begun providing

answers to several problems that are created in the oil and

solutions to the renewable energy sector.

gas sector as a result of resource mismanagement. We also formed that team because we realized that the technology

The efficiency of its equipment enables Dresser-Rand’s

we already had could be applied to other environmental

clients to require less equipment while also getting better

solutions as well,” he points out.

results, states Pacheco. One of the main arguments given in favor of Dresser-Rand’s equipment is that there are often

Since 2006, as part of its goal to develop alternative

hidden costs involved in buying cheaper equipment that

energy sources, Dresser-Rand is working on wave energy.

has a much larger footprint or weighs a lot more. Weight

The company patented a variable radius turbine called

has a multiplication effect, he explains, every ton of steel

HydroAir to be used on oscillating wave column power

put on an oil platform needs three or four tonnes of steel

plants. Pacheco explains that the company is using its

below it to support its weight. “You might think of this

impulse steam turbine technology to use this renewable

technology in terms of the support it lends to upstream

resource in power generation. “We are taking core

tasks, but in fact we are impacting the sustainability of the

building blocks of high speed highly engineered rotating

processes. It is all about doing what you need to do with the

equipment and applying that. We are not deviating from

least amount of resources possible. We are producing the

our core, we are finding new applications for what we

most efficient solutions that have the least environmental

know how to do. HydroAir uses steam turbine impulse

impact and that can most reduce our footprint,” Pacheco

technology as part of a larger device that captures the

says. When less energy is used to produce the same

oscillating wave and pushes air up and down the turbine

amount of resources on a large scale, efficient solutions

with the movement of the wave. That is how power is

can have a larger impact on the entire value chain. On a

generated.” Mexico’s wave energy potential is particularly

national level, Mexico’s goals of increasing the roles of

interesting and can be perceived just by looking a map.

natural gas and renewable energies in the energy mix are a

The country has an average of 17kw per meter of wave

challenge that Dresser-Rand is gearing up for as it caters to

frontage. With the potential in Mexico and the technology

both markets. “Dresser-Rand impacts the better utilization

Dresser-Rand has available, a lesser amount of specific

of natural gas resources by bringing in technology that

power can be obtained, but since the coastlines are so

reduces the use of less natural gas to achieve the same

ample, this issue can be easily solved by installing more

results in quantifiable ways,” he adds.

devices to generate power from the waves, says Pacheco.


In a rapidly urbanizing world, cities play a central role in the fight against climate change. Cities not only consume over two-thirds of the world’s energy and account for more than 70% of global CO2 emissions, the hundreds of millions of people living in urban areas around the world will be affected by climate change. Cities are both part of the climate change problem and its solution. Large urban centers in developing economies are following the lead of some of their more developed neighbors that have been praised for sustainable designs and policies.

In Mexico’s main cities the general mindset is slowly turning toward green urban planning, minimizing a city’s carbon footprint, and improving the quality of life. While some companies work to implement energy efficient strategies in municipalities, others provide consultancy services so that clients can implement LEED or other internationally recognized certifications for green building. Additionally, as new skyscrapers begin to tower above the cityscapes of Mexico, water recycling, lighting efficiency and emission reductions have become necessities.




Exploring the Building Blocks of Green Cities


Consequences of Air Pollution in Mexican Cities


Building Green Cities


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Public Participation Essential for a Sustainable City


Bridging the knowledge gap for smart buildings


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Mexico Green Building Council Pushes LEED


A Professional Hand in Obtaining LEED Certification


Creation of Green Certifications for Mexico


Sky is the Limit for Green Buildings


Green Business Made Easy


Obstacles to Popularizing Green Architecture in Mexico


Offices Designed as a Showcase of Sustainability


Turnkey Energy Efficiency Solutions for Municipalities


Long-Term Benefits of High Quality LED Lighting


Private Sector Shows the Way in Sustainability Standards


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Establishing Sustainable Solutions and Carbon Emissions Reductions


Queretaro Tackles Sustainability at Central Level


Corrugated Piping can Help Solve Water Challenges


Water Management to Increase Quality of Life


EXPLORING THE BUILDING BLOCKS OF GREEN CITIES A sustainable city’s design takes its environmental impact

these certificates. Lacy Tamayo highlights the need to

into consideration and aims to utilize resources efficiently

extend this tendency to other sectors, such as residential

and minimize its ecological footprint. Mexico’s recent reforms

and commercial areas, hotels, government buildings and

might open the door to such ideals, but, the country has

even museums. The Mexican government recently released

to overcome the obstacles that come from urban sprawl,

the non-mandatory norm NMX-AA-164 for sustainable

overpopulation, waste generation and poor urban planning.

buildings that will help establish a qualification system for domestic construction. Hopefully, this system will improve

SEMARNAT representatives describe Mexico City as an

efficiency in buildings through the promotion of bioclimatic

incredibly complex case. Originally, the city had an urban

technologies that reduce the ecological footprint.

center and some suburbs connected to it as most of the economic, political and social activity took place there.

SEMARNAT has established land use regulations as part of

Nowadays, the situation remains the same but urban

its urban development plans. For instance, any new building

sprawl has increased. For example, Santa Fe used to be

on Paseo de la Reforma, one of Mexico City’s main avenues,

a small borough and went on to become a financial and

must have LEED certification. This requirement is expected

business center with restaurants, schools, hotels and

to contribute to the national standardization of green

residential areas. It was developed in a way that allowed

buildings. The high costs of sustainable buildings remain an

people who live there to carry out their daily activities

issue, mainly because construction materials have not yet

within the neighborhood. Originally, this was also the case

become standardized or widely available in Mexico. Lacy

for places such as Coyoacan and Azcapotzalco. However, it

Tamayo believes this problem has to be addressed soon,

was only a matter of time before these independent towns

since companies are speculating without guidance when

succumbed to the city’s centralized dynamics.

choosing sustainable materials, which can be risky.

“We need to achieve good ecological urban planning in order to reduce the population’s vulnerability, make better use of resources and improve the overall quality of life” Rodolfo Lacy Tamayo, Undersecretary for Environmental Planning and Policy at SEMARNAT

A much larger problem, according to Rodolfo Lacy Tamayo,

The government’s efforts to broaden the use of green

Undersecretary for Environmental Planning and Policy at

building techniques are evident, but the private sector will

SEMARNAT, arises when the economic activity of other cities,

be in charge of implementing them. This calls for incentives

such as Toluca, Pachuca or Cuernavaca, intertwines with

to make sustainable construction attractive to the private

Mexico City, leading to interstate agglomeration. Previously,

sector. “The most important step to making this happen is

these cities were somewhat isolated and each one had its

to set industrial standards. For example, the government is

own dynamic, but they are now coming together to form a

establishing a standard for the quantity of megawatts per

megalopolis. This situation suggests the need for a different

hour consumed per square meter each year,” Lacy Tamayo.

approach in governance. A first step would involve seeking

“Setting this guideline will facilitate the quantifying of

more integrated urban development, planned by several

which projects and buildings are above or below expected

state governments in conjunction with federal authorities.

consumption rates.”

“We need to achieve good ecological urban planning in order to reduce the population’s vulnerability, make better

Policies aimed at luring the private sector into establishing

use of resources and improve the overall quality of life,” he

greener practices can also be seen in to residential

explains, while adding that Acapulco is an example of how

projects. Parties who wish to obtain housing loans

a city should not develop, becoming more susceptible to

from the government need to be part of the Green

climate change related damage as it has.

Mortgage program, which demands several sustainable characteristics in the design of houses. This is one way for


Mexico is experiencing a commercial trend towards the

the government to encourage sustainable construction

use of LEED certification as the largest building leasing

and standardize materials. Another crucial element in this

companies, which are transnational corporations, require

shifting paradigm concerns the transfer of technology,

as a significant amount of the equipment used in green buildings is not made in Mexico. “For example, the country does not have a local low-cost solar cell manufacturer, meaning that photovoltaic cells are mostly imported from China. Solar powered water heaters and geothermal heat pumps are also brought in from abroad,” says Lacy Tamayo, who highlights the need for institutional changes that would address this situation. Similar to what happened in the automotive industry, he proposes that solar cells sold in Mexico should have at least one of their

“The point of a green economy is that the factory and the jobs involved are green. Using our money to buy foreign technology is not going to help us reach our sustainability objectives”

components made here. “The point of a green economy is that the factory and the jobs involved are green. Using

little continuity between one administration and the next.

our money to buy foreign technology is not going to help

This leads to the private sector refusing to participate,

us reach our sustainability objectives.” Another prominent

because there are no clear rules stating its role, leading

environmental issue comes in the form of solid waste from

to insecurity and fear of making a bad investment.” Lacy

urban centers, though this can also provide a solution in

Tamayo believes a legal framework that offers greater

energy generation, as all waste streams have value. There

certainty to private parties has to be created if Mexico

are economies of scale involved in the process of using

wants to bolster waste to energy projects.

waste, and cities with a population exceeding half a million inhabitants have a better chance of implementing waste

The private sector and specialized public organisms are

to energy projects. SEMARNAT is promoting a model of

highlighting shortcomings and lobbying for frameworks

integrated urban waste management that will work well in

and policies that promote sustainability. “Although it may

medium-sized cities, although tests will also be carried out

seem impossible to make major modifications to large cities

in smaller cities.

such as Mexico City, it is important to test out new ideas in small towns and even disadvantaged neighborhoods.

“The Constitution gives municipal governments the power

Once an idea demonstrates positive results, it can be

to decide how they handle solid waste. This places waste

implemented elsewhere, contributing to gradual change.

to energy generation beyond the scope of CFE and the

Today, green cities are part of SEMARNAT’s agenda, which

private sector, although their participation in these

may yet surprise Mexico with its upcoming projects and

projects is sorely needed,” says Lacy Tamayo. “The main

proposals that are aimed at improving quality of life and

problem is that municipal governments have a three-year

environmental conditions at the same time,” concludes

term, which leaves projects incomplete, since there is often

Lacy Tamayo.

CONSEQUENCES OF AIR POLLUTION IN MEXICAN CITIES A healthy environment is enshrined as a constitutional

85.9 micrograms per cubic meter of air (µg/m3), followed

right in Mexico, but a large proportion of the country’s

by Guadalajara with 70.19µg/m3. Mexico City is in sixth

inhabitants are exposed to bad air, poor water quality

place with 57.09µg/m3. In terms of ozone concentration,

and soil degradation. According to Yale University’s

Guadalajara is the most polluted city in Latin America

Environmental Performance Index 2012, Mexico ranked 79th

with a concentration of 69.3µg/m3. Mexico City comes in

out of 132 countries for air quality. Atmospheric pollution

fourth with 59.4µg/m3 and Monterrey in fifth with 55.2µg/

accounts for the highest percentage of environmental

m3. Between January 2010 and September 2013, there were

degradation costs in Mexico, costing the country around

53,191 hospitalizations and 19,242 premature deaths related

3.6% of GDP in 2011.

to air pollution in 34 Mexican cities. If stronger measures are not taken to reduce the pollutants in the air, premature

There has traditionally been a general lack of information

hospitalizations could reach 103,629 by 2018, and deaths

available to the public concerning the design and

could reach 37,488, representing a total economic loss of

evaluation of government programs that aim to improve

MX$20 billion (US$1.5 billion). The problem of pollution in

air quality. Nevertheless, trends show that the air quality

Mexican cities is not only environmental but economic as

in Mexico’s major cities has improved, despite remaining

well. Between 2010 and 2013, air pollution generated costs

far from satisfactory. According to a study carried out by

of MX$14 billion (US$1.05 billion): MX$11.5 billion (US$861.55

the Clean Air Institute, Monterrey has the most polluted

million) in productivity losses and MX$2.5 billion (US$187.3

air in Latin America, with a PM10 annual concentration of

million) in health expenses.


BUILDING GREEN CITIES Concerns about climate change have motivated both

in green building designs. The World Green Building

countries and cities to work towards developing eco-

Council’s mission summarizes its goal of making building

friendly environments. Reykjavik in Iceland provides an

certifications ignore common practice throughout the

example that more cities could learn from, having taken

world, “to facilitate the global transformation of the

advantage of its natural surroundings, this city is powered

building industry towards sustainability through market

by renewable energy, mainly geothermal and hydropower,

driven mechanisms.” The UK uses the BREEAM system,

and will be completely independent of fossil fuel by 2050.

the most widely used certification system in the world.

Vancouver in Canada is well-known for using technological

BREEAM has been used for over 20 years, and over that

innovations in its sustainability strategy. For example, the

time it has certified 250,000 buildings in 50 countries.

city uses solar-powered trash compactors that are the same

The International Organization for Standardization has

size as a regular bin but can hold up to five times more

jumped aboard this trend, issuing the ISO 21931 for the

garbage. This results in fewer garbage pick-ups, therefore

environmental performance of construction works. The

lowering carbon emissions. The waste to energy incineration

LEED certification is also becoming increasingly popular,

program in place in Sweden has shown itself to be even more

creating franchises in many countries including Mexico.

successful than expected, providing heat and electricity to its inhabitants so efficiently that the country actually ran out

Mexico has no obligatory regulations in place regarding

of trash to be used for this purpose.

sustainable buildings, or federal incentives that promote certifications. But in 2013, Mexico took an important step in

For green cities to work, they depend on technology,

sustainable building planning when norm NMX-AA-164 was

proper use of available resources and a commitment

issued. This voluntary norm sets the minimal requirements

from their inhabitants. Many countries have found that

buildings must meet in order to be considered sustainable

the houses people live in and the buildings they work

under Mexican government standards. Norm NMX-AA-164

in can be improved to become pillars of sustainable

is not the only measure the Mexican government has

support. Construction is the primary structural element

taken to encourage the construction industry to embrace

of urbanization and can change cities from their core

sustainable methods. The Sustainable Building Certification

infrastructure outwards. Traditional construction methods

Program (PCES) is an environmental policy planning tool

become costlier, ultimately affecting the quality of

that aims to promote green buildings in Mexico City. The

buildings and their subsequent environmental impact.

program’s mission statement emphasizes concepts like

Similarly, poorly designed buildings have disproportionate

resource preservation, environmental efficiency and quality

utility consumption rates that take a heavy economic and

of life improvement for the inhabitants of Mexico City.

environmental toll. Sustainable building practices have

The implementation of this program is entirely voluntary,

proven capable of delivering a more efficient final product,

driven by economic incentives and tax deductions. These,

by reducing utility consumptions and environmental

however, are not specified, the PCES statement states

impact, thus reducing running costs. According to studies

that interested parties should negotiate incentives with

by Schneider Electric, green buildings tend to have 30%

the Finance Ministry. Although Mexico’s rather loose

lower energy consumption, between 30% and 50% lower

regulation regarding sustainable building standards might

water consumption, and 35% lower carbon emissions. It is

seem discouraging, government organisms are taking

true that green buildings incur greater initial investments,

other actions in this area. CONAVI, INFONAVIT, and the

but these are paid back through lower running costs.

Mexico City Housing Institute have implemented eco-

Greater efficiency rates also help make these buildings

designs within public housing projects. Houses designed

more commercially successful.

under the direction of these entities have energy efficient lights, water-saving devices, rainwater harvesting systems

Sustainable buildings have attracted the commercial

and solar-powered heaters and street lights.

interest of a number of different actors. This includes


organizations that have developed standards, codes and

Urbanization puts pressure on the availability and quality

rating systems that help to increase confidence in this

of resources, such as utilities, and reduces the natural

approach. Some have even been successful in persuading

environment’s capacity to integrate the impacts that result

legislators to adopt these standards when creating

from human settlements. Economically, urban sprawl

sustainability and construction regulations. Green building

raises the cost of delivering basic services, as these require

certification institutes have played an important role in

greater investment the more cities expand. Furthermore,

shifting architecture and construction models towards

unplanned urban sprawl, a common phenomenon in

greater sustainability and efficiency. The latter has been

Mexico, blurs municipal boundaries and creates inefficient

the most powerful incentive for increased investments

and chaotic settlements.


PUBLIC PARTICIPATION ESSENTIAL FOR A SUSTAINABLE CITY TANYA MĂœLLER Minister of Environment for the Federal District Q: What are the priorities for Mexico City’s Environment

A: Mexico City has set an example, in terms of encouraging

Ministry during the current administration?

public participation in sustainability. Our public bike

A: We have determined five priority areas on which we will

system, Ecobici, has received a very positive response.

focus for the next five years. The first two go together: air

One of the elements that has the biggest impact on quality

quality and climate change. Our air quality target during

of life is the time it takes to commute. We have seen an

this administration is to reduce ozone by 25%, as well as

increase of 40% in the use of bikes in the last couple of

reducing PM2.5 and PM10. The third is biking infrastructure or

years. Ecobici saw an increase of 50% in its total users

sustainable mobility. The fourth is green urban infrastructure,

in 2013. I really think there is a predisposition among

which covers the benefits that green infrastructure can

inhabitants to change their transportation habits, as long

provide. The fifth line of action is water management.

as they can do so efficiently and safely.

Q: What are the main challenges that come with

Q: How is the Mexico City government pushing for more

implementing sustainability policies in a metropolitan

stringent construction regulations that would lead to on-site

area the size of Federal District?

energy generation and water recycling in new buildings?

A: One of the greatest challenges we face is ensuring much

A: Our regulations have become much more stringent

more sustainable and cleaner mobility in Mexico City but

and norms are being changed to reflect this. Every new

we have come a long way since the 1980s, when pollution

building or construction now has to have mitigation and

and air quality were the city’s biggest problems. There is

compensation actions. We are switching from a voluntary

much more consciousness about the environment today.

mitigation program to an obligatory one. The private sector

Right now, our greatest challenge is the increasing number

has reacted quite well to these changes so far. Obviously they

of vehicles in the metropolitan area and the accompanying

have to make a bigger investment, but they are aware that in

high levels of fuel consumption and emissions. Our

order to be competitive their buildings have to be greener,

challenge is getting people who drive their own cars to

as clients are increasingly looking for sustainable buildings.

switch to cleaner methods of transportation: either public transportation or cycling.

Q: What potential is there to use the Bordo Poniente landfill for waste to energy conversion?

Q: What lessons has Mexico City learned from overcoming

A: The plan is that by 2015 we will be able to use methane

some of its environmental challenges, and how can that

from Bordo Poniente for energy production, and that by 2018

serve as an example to other cities?

it will provide close to 75% of the energy requirements for

A: The main lesson we have learned is regarding how the

public buildings and public lighting. In the meantime, we are

budget is invested, which provides lessons especially

considering using wind power to provide the remaining 25%.

for Latin American cities and other metropolitan areas

We are analyzing our options for how to best start using wind

of Mexico. We see that, contrary to what is happening in

energy and will announce the project officially in late 2014.

Mexico City, air pollution is getting worse in other Mexican cities. One of the great lessons from Mexico City is the

Q: How are you combining the environmental and

importance of investing in public transportation. If there

economic priorities of the government of Mexico City?

is a safe and secure transport system, there will be much

A: We cannot have a greener, better city, without public

better mobility and air quality. As for green buildings, if they

policies that are focused on sustainability. We are planning

want to be competitive, they have to be certified, which is

important investments in public transportation in the next

something that the market is pushing cities toward.

few years. For example, we will extend the rapid bus transit system, RTP, by a further 100km from its current 105km.

Q: How have you convinced the public to implement

For Mexico City to be competitive, sustainable growth and

sustainable practices in their daily lives?

economic development must go hand in hand.



Jorge Luis Hagg Hagg, President of IMEI

The transfer of knowledge

every possible permutation. According to Hagg Hagg,



“over the three to five years that it takes on average to

always a smooth process

design, construct and make a building livable, 25% of

in which one benevolent

the total investment will be spent just on constructing

overseer hands down their

the building. 75% will go toward the everyday running of



the building, from normal operation to maintenance and

handedly creates a new

renovation. The financial model of a green building is

sector in a developing

such that an initial investment, although seeming sizable

market. Such a process

to some, translates into the best performance possible

usually involves a complex

throughout a building’s lifespan. The savings come in the







long-term, while also bringing higher rents from tenants.”

market interests, with negotiations between private

Those tenants hold the answer to another important

and public sector bodies and the gradual building of a

question. If owners are reluctant to design an intelligent

domestic supply chain.

building due to the bigger original outlay, might tenants also not be put off by more expensive rents? Not so, says

Mexico’s discovery of the green building concept and its

Hagg Hagg. “Having more amenities, automation, security

accompanying technologies and certifications has not

and comfort for the building’s users raises the rent, but the

always been straightforward. When IMEI (the Mexican

productivity and lifestyle in that environment also greatly

Institute of Intelligent Buildings) was founded in 1991,

improves, which makes tenants want to stay.”

it was intended to fill the knowledge gap that existed in Mexico in the very sectors it would advocate. Its founder,

For Hagg Hagg, the biggest challenge presented by

Jorge Martínez Anaya, sought to create an institution that

intelligent buildings is a curious one: the technology itself,

would identify trends in the market, provide training and

or more specifically how it is integrated. When architects,

ensure the constant availability of information to players

civil engineers and the owners of the building sit down to

interested in intelligent building technology. More than 20

decide what the features of the building will be, it becomes

years on, this scope has broadened significantly. “We now

tricky to get everyone thinking on the same page.

give an annual prize to the smart building of the year. We

Technological solutions exist to cater to various visions for

will soon start giving more prizes, such as the safest and

solar cells, fabrics or air conditioning, but getting everyone

greenest buildings,” says Jorge Luis Hagg Hagg, IMEI’s

to agree to the same solutions is where IMEI steps in. “We


provide all the information and training to help with this process, and we give our members information on new

An alliance with the Building Owners and Managers

technologies and trends,” says Hagg Hagg. IMEI taps

Association (BOMA) has also proved fruitful. The links to

into its vast network of contacts to bring together such

BOMA have helped spread LEED certification in Mexico,

specialists as architects of high performance buildings

since BOMA is also linked to the US Green Building

or automation experts, to speak on how their work can

Council, which developed LEED. Ten years ago, Mexico

benefit intelligent buildings.

had no LEED certification processes under way, compared to more than 30 LEED-certified buildings today, with 230

Mexico has come a long way since 1991. Torre Mayor

more projects undergoing the certification process. Hagg

and the HSBC Tower dominate the Mexico City skyline

Hagg acknowledges that although Mexico should develop

as ambassadors to the possibilities of LEED certified

its own standards, that time may be a long way off. “IMEI

buildings. The intelligent building industry must now look

has been working with ISO and other associations to

forward and face its future challenges, such as developing

create higher building standards in Mexico that may in

zero net energy buildings. For goals like this to be

time become NOMs. But in the meantime LEED is a good

achieved, the government must step in, states Hagg Hagg.

start, and serves as a good guide while its standards are

“Government participation is the most crucial factor, as

being adapted to the local Mexican market.”

the technology is already there and constantly evolving. Conviction as to the importance of sustainability is there


One of the obstacles that has long hampered a boom in

and the funding is accessible through banks. But we still

smart buildings is the initial cost, seen by many firms as an

need the support of governments around the world. The

unnecessary expense rather than a wise investment. Over

entire political environment has to be set up so that it

more than two decades, IMEI has heard this argument in

supports these initiatives.”



Q: The Mexico Green Building Council (MGBC) was

invest to improve your systems or equipment. In green

created based on the model of its US counterpart. How

construction, you have to invest more up front and get

was this model adapted to the Mexican reality?

your results afterwards from energy savings or by having

A: The MGBC was founded as a member of the World

a lesser environmental impact. These three challenges are

Green Building Council (WGBC), of which the US Green

common to many countries and have been addressed by

Building Council (USGBC) happens to be the most

Green Building Councils worldwide.

successful organization. We share the common goal of market transformation with our US allies, but the MGBC

Q: How are you helping to spread LEED throughout the

adapts and takes care of the priorities of the Mexican

country beyond the main urban centers?

market with the specific tools it needs. One of these tools

A: By definition, LEED recognizes the merits and the

is LEED certification. Until recently, Mexico did not have

efforts of higher performance buildings. This certification

a national norm or ratings system so LEED was adopted.

should be attained only by the top green building projects.

It has become an important way of driving this market

Since it was originally designed for North America, any

toward energy efficiency and sustainability.

LEED-certified project around the world should be at a comparative level to the environmental and energy

Q: How have you raised awareness about the need to

performance of top buildings in the US. However, LEED

establish green building practices in Mexico?

is now localizing to different countries so as to be

A: In 2006 we launched the first International Green Building

implemented in a less burdensome manner. This does not

Congress in Monterrey, with 2,500 attendees from 26

mean that its requirements will be compromised, but if

countries. In 2011 we held another international congress on

local norms are as stringent as LEED we will understand

sustainable building in Mexico City, with a far larger scope. You

and respect their equivalence. In 2005, the federal

can see the evolution in our goals between the two events.

government itself expressed concerns that the impact of

In 2006, our focus was on spreading information about

LEED’s international requirements would dilute national

what sustainability means for industry and for institutions.

norms. But this new strategy should help LEED get better

But in 2011, we were way past that and had moved on from

recognition around the country, as authorities see that it is

basic issues to sharing best practices in public policy for

promoting the enforcement of local regulations.

sustainable building in Latin America. Q: What was the tipping point that led to LEED taking off Q: What are the main challenges the MGBC faces in

in Mexico?

spreading its message in Mexico?

A: Iconic projects built in Mexico, such as the HSBC Tower,

A: We have identified three main challenges in achieving

helped spread awareness among stakeholders. Both

the advancement of sustainable construction in Mexico.

transnational companies and leaders in the domestic

The first is dealing with education: most of the decision-

industry decided to go green in their real estate investment

makers had not been exposed to such projects before,

as understanding about sustainability spread. Companies

so it was hard to push them to change. The second is the

wanted to fulfill their CSR promises regarding the way

regulatory framework: when norms are not engineered to

they operate their businesses, including their offices and

promote green construction, they become a major obstacle

warehouses, and they knew about the success LEED had

to any sustainable real estate or housing developments.

had in the US and abroad. Some of them started their own

In recent years, the government has realized this issue

internal assessment mechanisms, as they felt LEED was

and has created new norms to enhance green building.

not the best tool for addressing their challenges in making

The third concerns the financial challenges: without

energy and environmental progress, but many others did

access to money it does not matter if you have the right

not think twice and opted to use LEED for all their new

knowledge and the right regulations in place, you cannot




Alicia Silva Villanueva, Founder of Revitaliza Consultores

Since its creation in the

plants and key buildings. “We review their standards

US in 1998, Leadership in

and the results are unsatisfactory,” says Silva. The most

Energy and Environmental

frequent problem is air quality. Buildings do not have

Design (LEED) certification

outside air coming in and this poses serious health risks,

has become the worldwide

with potential long-term consequences. “We notice that



in many meeting rooms, people drink unusual amounts

buildings. LEED certificates

of coffee. They are struggling to stay awake and the real

are awarded to buildings

reason is that they are not getting enough oxygen. This

that pass a series of tests

is unacceptable under LEED standards.” Creativity and



productivity depend on a person’s working environment,


therefore employers and companies should see the value




and internal

quality and environmental impact. Such certifications

of investing in adequate buildings.

are becoming increasingly important in Mexico. Quick to capitalize on the opportunity, Revitaliza Consultores seeks to

Regarding suitable work environments, Revitaliza Consultores

give advice to a entities that are looking to obtain a LEED

did a study for the headquarters of OXXO, one of the largest


convenience store chains in Mexico. The consultancy firm estimated how many days employees were away for health-

Anticipating that the market would move towards green

related reasons, due to poor temperature control inside the

building initiatives, Alicia Silva Villanueva founded Revitaliza

facilities. Silva concluded that OXXO needed to build better

Consultores with the aim of offering LEED consulting

stores: “the amount they would save over 10 years is almost

services. This was a tough nut to crack at first, as many

the same amount they are spending on salaries. The price of

international companies that Revitaliza was in touch with saw

the building would be completely paid off by these savings.”

it as difficult, if not impossible, to apply LEED certifications in

Most studies on green buildings focus on energy and water

Mexico. Silva proved them wrong by scoring several victories

efficiency, but Silva says human capital is the most expensive

and ultimately helping a number of companies to achieve

asset and is worth investing in.

the highest quality buildings. The consultancy firm worked with Nestlé, resulting in the first LEED NC Platinum v3

LED lights have become increasingly popular in recent

rating in Mexico and Latin America. This broke down several

years, as people see this technology as an investment

barriers and other companies followed, resulting in six more

and a more achievable way of being sustainable. Silva

Platinum certificates being awarded, including Torre Mayor,

questions this approach, based on feasibility. “LED is a

one of the tallest buildings in Mexico City.

great technology, but it requires further development. Investing in LED lights is a wonderful idea, but using them

Silva claims that people in Mexico have been spoiled by low

in an entire building does not always make sense,” says

utilities costs, ultimately resulting in careless consumption.

Silva, adding that changing some LED lights to fluorescent

While recent increments in utility prices have driven people

and T5 lights on Torre Mayor resulted in huge differences in

to consider alternatives, the situation has not yet become

costs. Much like LED lights, Silva believes that photovoltaic

severe enough to cause a real push towards more sustainable

technology is not yet mature enough. For instance, two

energy consumption. However, Silva estimates that 30% of

hectares of solar panels would be needed to power the

energy could be saved across the board if people changed

whole of Torre Mayor. The most obvious solution would be

their “reckless consumption patterns.” LEED certifications

to build solar parks in the Mexican desert, but according

offer one way of changing general attitudes towards more

to Silva, this way of thinking ignores the environmental

efficient utility use. Buildings that want to be considered

impact of these technologies, which she believes should

for LEED certificates strive to have proper construction

be fully considered before a solution can be called truly

planning, infrastructure and maintenance. Even existing


buildings can get LEED certificates by renovating and transforming their infrastructure in a way that increases

According to Silva, there are people and institutions that

operational efficiency. Silva sees these efforts as important

have not understood the principle of LEED certification,

in shaping the way people act in favor of sustainability.

resulting in unrealistic market demands and expectations. Revitaliza Consultores helps its clients understand how each


In order to disseminate the benefits of LEED certifications,

solution can benefit them and why certain measures should

Revitaliza Consultores visits showrooms, manufacturing

be discarded, regardless of how eco-friendly they may be.


Darío Ibargüengoitia, President of SUMe


NMX-AA-164, which details the minimum environmental

not yet embraced green


requirements for sustainable buildings. It is also tailored to

building certifications as

the Mexican market, taking into account specific social and



economic conditions to make compliance more feasible.

foundations are being laid

Ibargüengoitia highlights the need to promote Mexican

and many different entities

certification and the enforcement of norm MNX-AA-164,

are working on promoting

which will demand optimal performance from potential

this culture. Against this



backdrop, Sustentabilidad para México (SUMe) was

There are approximately 300 large construction companies

created as an organization

in Mexico, according to SUMe, which represents a large

that aims to improve the general population’s quality of life


through collaborative actions that promote sustainability.

operations, close to 40 Mexican companies were already

Part of its strategy includes lobbying for the creation

implementing sustainable measures in their buildings and

of national certification systems, to be applied across

choice of construction materials, but Ibargüengoitia knows

the public and private sectors. As a cornerstone of this

this is far from enough. “The public sector needs help creating

strategy SUMe has built its own network, by approaching

policies on sustainability that can reach the private sector.

universities, private companies and certification institutions

Companies know this,” he says. The association continues

such as Underwriters Laboratories.

to expand its network as a strategy for promoting the LEED







brand in Mexico. Other steps that will be taken with the aim SUMe’s web of influential collaborators is a strong

of achieving medium-term results will involve changing the

argument to convince other important companies to join

educational approach to quality and normativity.

the association. Additionally, SUMe is deeply involved in promoting sustainability through education, hosting

Ibargüengoitia claims there are no incentives in place

several programs together with universities that are aimed

to encourage construction companies to make more

at informing young people about global trends in this

sustainable decisions. However, fulfilling the requirements

area. Working alongside the government is undeniably

for a LEED certificate involves implementing designs that

important when pursuing such a cause. SUMe has joined

result in a medium to long-term positive economic impact

with SEMARNAT and ONCE in the process of creating

through the utility savings they deliver. Unfortunately this

regulations and adjusting normative aspects, and this will

is not a strong incentive, because when a LEED rating is

enable the association to develop new strategies. Part of

pursued, the cost of initial design and construction rises.

SUMe’s vision involves integrating, applying and shaping

Ibargüengoitia observes that prestige and reputation



are the main things encouraging Mexican construction

international certifications, such as LEED certificates. “In



companies to obtain certificates. He advocates the setting

Mexico, LEED remains a niche accomplishment, with mostly

of specific goals to guide the use of construction materials

international companies such as HSBC having obtained

and utilities. Even making a habit of separating trash, a

it here. But in order for Mexico to move in a sustainable

well-established practice in some parts of the world, is a

direction, it will be necessary to develop, implement, and

significant step to changing the popular mindset towards

popularize certification tools,” says Darío Ibargüengoitia,

more sustainable cities.

President of SUMe. Sustainable








LEED certified buildings use resources more efficiently than

environmental goals, which include a 30% reduction

conventional buildings, providing healthier surroundings

in carbon emissions by 2020. Those buildings can

for workers. This is said to foster higher productivity in

only come into existence if the industry abides by local

working environments, which appeals to employers and

standards, which are not yet being enforced. “Finally, if

corporations. However, organizations like SUMe and policy-

we could establish an organism in charge of reviewing

makers champion LEED because of its overall benefits, such

national standards, we could make a difference,” states

as improving air quality, saving on water and energy and

Ibargüengoitia. “Norm NMX-AA-164 is an important step

reducing solid waste. LEED certifications are based on US

towards making that crucial difference. Hopefully Mexican

standards, and do not shift to fit local particularities. With

construction companies will follow this trend and subscribe

this in mind, Mexico recently passed the non-binding norm

to the growing culture of quality certification, too.”



SKY IS THE LIMIT FOR GREEN BUILDINGS For almost five years, Torre Mayor, one of Mexico City’s most

to go back to basics,” says Flores. “We taught them what

emblematic buildings, was the tallest skyscraper in Latin

being green means, from the very beginning up, including

America. “We started building Torre Mayor in 2000 and

the benefits that could be reaped for companies, the

broke all the established rules of Mexico,” says Felipe Flores,

building and the market.” Most importantly, “we showed

Director of Operations of Torre Mayor. “It was considered

that all this could be done at the same cost, simply by

impossible to build skyscrapers in Mexico City because of

choosing to buy recycled paper, for example.” The effort

the damage that was caused to thousands of buildings

translated into 9,000 people changing their attitudes,

by the 1985 earthquake. But we had the engineers, the

which Flores expects will have a knock-on effect on their

technology, the materials and the expertise to get it done.”

families and friends. “We are having a far greater impact than if we were just trying to get people to lease a space

Torre Mayor broke paradigms in more ways than just its

for a business. Our vision goes much further.”

height. It was one of the first sustainable buildings to be built in the city and has three ongoing goals: efficiency,

He claims Mexicans need to change their mentality and

productivity and safety. For companies, the efficiency of

accept expertise from abroad. While each country has its

the building means reduced operational costs, for example

national pride, one sometimes needs to set that aside to

on electricity. “They are learning that a building that has

welcome knowledge and expertise from a variety of sources.

an efficient design immediately provides savings for its

“We came to Mexico in 2000 to build this skyscraper; we

clients,” says Flores. As for productivity, Torre Mayor houses

brought materials from other countries but we also trained

over 70 companies with a total of 9,000 employees, as

local human talent,” states Flores. The Canadian origins of

well as 2,000 daily visitors. The building’s administration

Paul Reichmann, the man behind Torre Mayor, were another

is in charge of controlling the atmosphere, canceling out

issue. “We were the first to invest foreign capital into Mexican

noise, letting the perfect amount of light in and pumping

real estate. There was widespread concern about why we

fresh water. “All these services are very important for the

were sharing knowledge with locals, with some warning

productivity of employees. We help companies reduce

us that we were training our future competitors. But if we

employment absence because they have high-quality

invest here, it is because we care about this country, it is not

offices to work in,” adds Flores.

just about business,” Flores highlights.

“We started building Torre Mayor in 2000 and broke all the established rules of Mexico. It was considered impossible to build skyscrapers in Mexico City” Felipe Flores, Director of Operations of Torre Mayor

In 2013, Torre Mayor obtained the LEED Gold certification,

Torre Mayor’s success has helped the market answer

awarded by the US Green Building Council, which was

certain questions about how much sustainable changes

granted to the whole building, including its tenants. During

cost. “The changes we implemented in Torre Mayor cost

the LEED process the building was classified as EBOM,

what they needed to cost, financially speaking. What

Existent Building Operation and Maintenance, which Flores

is more important is to consider the costs you will face

says is the most sophisticated certification available. “One

if you do not make these changes,” Flores argues. “If a

of the conditions was that we needed the involvement

company does not want to spend the money, it does not

of all the companies located in the building. Beyond the

have to. But it will soon lose money and be outpaced by its

systems and the design of the building, which have been

competitors.” The proof that this works, Flores claims, lies

very clear from the start, it was very important to show the

in the fact that after 10 years all of Torre Mayor’s tenants

work we did within the community of Torre Mayor,” he says.

renewed for another decades. “If we do not collaborate to raise the bar in the cities where we work, we are lost. After

To make sure that all the players involved understood what

we opened the doors to Torre Mayor everybody began

sustainability meant, a survey was conducted among the

to understand, and we can see the results on Paseo de la

tenants to assess their level of awareness. This revealed a

Reforma today in the amount of construction taking place

bleak picture: 70% knew next to nothing about it. “We had

and the presence of many qualified workers,” he adds.


GREEN BUSINESS MADE EASY EnviroSense is an environmental consulting firm that works

program is voluntary, it offers fiscal incentives such as

mainly in the energy, construction, tourism, and mining

reductions on the property and payroll taxes, in addition

sectors. Its expertise in environmental matters made it also

to energy and water consumption savings. Convincing

decide to venture into sustainability and green construction.

real estate developers, who are mostly preoccupied

For the past four years, the company has offered its clients

with recovering their investment as fast as possible, to

a wide range of studies required by the current regulatory

implement green strategies has not been an easy quest

framework. These include the Environmental Impact

for EnviroSense. “Green and sustainable buildings are very

Assessment, technical studies for changes to land use,

trendy right now and everyone is talking about these issues.

environmental management plans as well as feasibility

This has convinced many firms to invest in sustainability,

and site selection studies. “We strive to offer an integrated

because it is fashionable. Nevertheless, when constructing a

service to our clients with the aim of helping them develop

building, there are many hurdles that have to be overcome,

their project in compliance with all legal requirements,”

such as getting the construction license and land use

says Miriam Isabel Sámano Rosillo, Founding Partner of

license as well as dealing with civil protection issues. This

EnviroSense. “We accompany the client from the selection

contributes to the vision that a green project is not a good

of a project’s site to the operation to the completion of the

choice for businesses,” Alanís Quiroz explains. “But even

project, depending on each client’s specific needs.”

if constructors invest in sustainability for public relations

“We strive to offer an integrated service to our clients with the aim of helping them develop their project in compliance with all legal requirements” Miriam Isabel Sámano Rosillo, Founding Partner of EnviroSense

In 2008, Mexico City created the Sustainable Building

purposes, they begin to truly value making that choice once

Certification Program (PCES), in order to promote and

they see the savings generated on their operating costs.

encourage emission reductions and the efficient use of natural resources in the design and operations of buildings

While EnviroSense was founded only four years ago, it has

in the city. Ana Eugenia Alanís Quiroz, Founding Partner

enjoyed rapid growth. “We started the company with just

of EnviroSense, explains that PCES is similar to the LEED

three founders, but we now have between 20 and 25 people

certification system, but has been adapted to reflect the

working for the company, and we are the main consultancy

needs and realities of the Mexican market. PCES uses a

firm for a number of important clients,” Sámano Rosillo

scoring system to grade different criteria such as energy

states proudly. “We are working on many projects in the

and water consumption, waste management, quality of

fossil fuels sector, related to activities such as oil pipelines

life and social responsibility, and environmental impact

and natural gas storage terminals, but we also work with

and innovation. Depending on these different scores, a

the renewable energy sector on hydroelectric plants

building is awarded a certification on compliance, efficiency

and wind farms,” she states. Navigating the permitting

or excellence. “PCES strives to incentivize real estate

processes related to environmental legislation is just one

developers and construction companies to transform

of the challenges that await Mexican and international

and adapt buildings under sustainable and environmental

companies that start developing projects. “There are many

efficiency schemes. In this way, these firms and their

environmental consultancy companies, but Envirosense

buildings contribute to the conservation and preservation

is the only one that has a full understanding of all legal

of natural resources and the quality of life of the population

aspects to offer an integral and multidisciplinary solution,”

of Mexico City,” explains Alanís Quiroz. Even though the

comments Alanís Quiroz.

“Green and sustainable buildings are very trendy right now and everyone is talking about these issues. This has convinced many firms to invest in sustainability, because it is fashionable” Ana Eugenia Alanís Quiroz, Founding Partner of EnviroSense




was a lack of concern for efficiency or ecology. Even if

spaces, linking it intricately

pollution was an evident problem, the government did not








constructions had their




preindustrial José Picciotto, Founder of Picciotto Arquitectos


address it with a system approach, preferring short-term


mitigation solutions. Over time Mexican authorities have


become more assertive regarding environmental affairs, and


this can be seen in recent legislation that has been passed,


even though many regulations are not yet being enforced.”


but this has not been the

The Mexican government is also taking small steps toward



promoting certification, though it is still playing catch-up


urban settlements, which

with the private sector. “The private sector moved first and

alter the landscape and ultimately take their toll on the

more quickly than the public sector, because it is generally

land and its natural resources. This situation has led many

more conscious about sustainability than the government,”

visionary architects to adopt more sustainable designs and

says Picciotto. The North American Commission for

try to minimize the environmental impact of their projects.

Environmental Cooperation was formed when NAFTA

Although this been the tendency in Mexico, it has yet to

was signed and was meant to address the environmental

become widespread practice, due to a number of obstacles.

impact that might come as a result of this international treaty. One of the first recommendations it came up with

José Picciotto, Founder of Picciotto Arquitectos, explains

was for government buildings to set an example by being

the challenges green architecture faces in Mexico. Picciotto

more efficient and sustainable. The US and Canada stuck to

often invites his clients to consider green buildings, and

this agreement but Mexico did not. One of the main reasons

while he is no longer surprised to see that they are usually

for this rejection was that most entities in Mexico, including

unfamiliar with the concept, he perseveres in his efforts to

the government, do not own the buildings they are based

convince them to ‘go green’. “I would rather promote green

in. For this reason, they do not assume responsibility for

architecture than expand my client base,” he says. Convincing

the lack of sustainable mechanisms in their offices. On

clients has proved to be a challenging task, despite the fact

top of this, developers tend to prioritize safer investments

that sustainable buildings offer clients tangible benefits, such

over long-term benefits. Picciotto uses the example

as savings on utilities and maintenance. “Green buildings are

of certifications, such as the Leadership in Energy &

efficient by definition. However, clients are skeptical about

Environmental Design (LEED), which serve as mechanisms

the concept, and this calls for more information on the

to promote sustainable buildings. In his experience, those

matter,” adds Picciotto. “In Mexico, people are not aware of

that obtain such certifications usually do so as a result of

what green buildings can mean for them.”

pressure from transnational companies during business transactions. Whatever the motivations behind obtaining

European countries provide a good example, as they

them, the certification trend is gradually expanding and that

are more focused on energy efficiency as a result of

can only be a good thing.

higher utility costs. “In this context, building designs are architects’ responses to government-imposed limitations.

Picciotto would like to see a change in the government’s

The designs come as a result of the national rules that are

approach to sustainability: while it talks about sustainability,

in place,” says Picciotto, adding that this has not been the

it has stalled on taking specific actions to promote

case for the US. “The US consumes 25% of the world’s

sustainable practices in the construction and transportation

energy, while being home to only 6% of its population,”

industries. “For example, Mexico offers tax deductions to

says Picciotto. The architect argues that Mexico lives in

those that can demonstrate sustainable practices, and while

the shadow of the American lifestyle, with the government

this is stated in the law,” according to Picciotto it often

paying too much attention to the unsustainable practices

does not happen because civil servants are not aware of

that exist in the US. However, this might be about to

the regulation. “Buildings, such as hospitals and hotels,

change, as the Mexican government has begun to take a

consume enormous amounts of energy and there are no

closer look at sustainable development in buildings.

incentives to encourage them to modify this,” he says.

According to Picciotto, for a long time Mexican government


officials did not consider environmental issues to be

sustainable city designs, even if this means struggling with

important. “Energy used to be cheap, which meant there

skeptic and indifferent parties.








OFFICES DESIGNED AS A SHOWCASE OF SUSTAINABILITY A couple of years ago, the momentum of the renewable industry allowed sustainability consultancy ERM to undergo a period of rapid growth. This expansion meant the company had to seek a larger base of operations capable of accommodating the team. Manuel Ortiz Monasterio, Director General of ERM Mexico, notes that this period of change also allowed ERM to become the company it needed to be, seizing the opportunity to lead by example and turn its offices into a showcase of sustainability. “An essential part of our strategy is being sustainable in everything we do, and we found a location to reflect that. Our office is a LEED-certified building and contains many environmental and social features such as water recycling, a centralized air conditioning system, and vertical gardens. The air conditioning uses a chilled water system as opposed

company, involving ERM’s personnel in the decision-making

to refrigerants and is much more energy efficient.”

process. This was a successful aspect, according to Ortiz Monasterio, since not a single employee left ERM as a result

In order to fully understand the concept and the design

of moving its offices, mitigating the high cost implied by

of the new ERM offices, several elements that depict the

turnover in the company. In terms of its power setup, the

company’s sustainability philosophy must be taken into

office maximizes the use of natural sunlight in order to cut

account. Transparency is the first element that the company

down on electricity as much as possible, but energy efficient

wanted to express through the design of its facilities.

LED lamps are used if additional light is needed. One of

“This transparency is physically visible, and from almost

the most notorious expressions of sustainability at ERM’s

everywhere in the office, you can see the whole space,”

office concerns the materials used for the interior design of

says Roberto Fraú, Social and Sustainability Team Leader

the workplace. The inside of the office is mostly made up

at ERM. “The walls are made out of glass and furniture is

of recycled materials, once headed for the landfill, such as

shorter creating an open space.” Second, as most of ERM’s

waste marble, glass and wood. “The floor is literally made up

clients are coming from the industrial sector, the company

of different pieces of marble that were put together,” Ortiz

wanted to include an element that they would identify

Monasterio explains. “We went to different construction sites

with. “Tubing is purposely made visible in the ceiling as

and collected broken glass and wood to make our furniture,”

we wanted to transmit the feeling of being in a factory of

he adds. The green transformation of ERM has brought

ideas,” comments Fraú. Fraú mentions that collaboration

many benefits for the company both by reducing costs and

among its teams, across various specialties and disciplines,

generating savings and by serving to prove its commitment

makes ERM stand out in the market. “With collaboration

to sustainable solutions. “Such a movement is fairly easy

in mind the office was designed so that our employees do

to organize and the returns are immense once a company

not have a specific assigned place. Sitting next to different

makes sustainability a priority. If someone says it is difficult

colleagues from time to time helps to promote collaboration,

to do, it means that they have not tried,” comments Fraú.

productivity and innovation by improving communication,” says Ortiz Monasterio. Finally, the fourth aspect incorporated into the office was sustainability. The first action taken by ERM to become an example of sustainability involved choosing a more sustainable building location in the center of Mexico City. The site had to be conveniently located to be reached by public transportation, such as subway, buses, and public bicycles, enabling employees to reduce their commuting time. “ERM was only considering LEED certified buildings but the company also wanted to promote the redensification of urban areas in Mexico City,” comments Fraú. “Instead of picking a greenfield project, we wanted it to be a reconstruction of a previously used space.” The process sought to foster social sustainability awareness within the


TURNKEY ENERGY EFFICIENCY SOLUTIONS FOR MUNICIPALITIES Much of the debate surrounding energy efficiency in

diagnostics are correct, helping to lobby Congress to get

Mexico takes place at a theoretical level, concerning the

the needed authorization for such programs, and supplying

thrust and parry of federal government policy and leaving

a variety of financial strategies from pure leasing and direct

aside what is happening on the front lines, in Mexico’s

credit to trust funds. The complexity stems from the fact

2,500 or so municipalities. Yet, implementing long-lasting

that Mexican states have their own legislation, meaning that

and real changes at the municipal level would garner vast

Inteligenciæ is not able to develop one universal package

energy savings for Mexico, help fight climate change and

that it can use across the country. Instead, the company has

assist in reaching central targets for the participation of

had to develop tailor-made solutions for each state, a process

renewable sources in the energy mix.

that involved some hard knocks along the way. “We found out the hard way that the lighting departments of many

“Energy efficiency projects for municipalities in Mexico

municipalities have unions that sometimes try to sabotage

have had a lot of difficulties in becoming successful. 90% of

the projects. Then, we let municipalities do the installations

projects have failed because they lacked financing. Of the

for energy-saving lights, but they did not always have the

10% that got financing, 90% failed because they could not

right people to do it,” says Romo. Inteligenciæ hired lighting

get the energy savings recognition from CFE.” So says Raúl

workers outside normal working hours to net them extra

Enrique Romo, President of Inteligenciæ, a company that

income, involved CFE from the beginning to pave the road

specializes in providing turnkey solutions for municipalities

for minimal bureaucracy, and hired local people to help the

to successfully cut their energy spending. Romo explains that

economy. Romo explains that it can be so difficult to work

municipalities are troubled by a number of aspects, including

around specific local problems that the CFE has appointed a

venal companies that do not deliver on promises. Companies

large team of dedicated superintendents, with one working

sell their products to municipalities by pledging that the town

in each Mexican municipality.

will make savings on the costs it pays to CFE, but when these do not materialize municipalities are often left with a debt

“The disconnect in the dialogue between federal, state and

they cannot pay. Seeing this, Inteligenciæ decided to act.

municipal actors is at the root of much of this discord,”

Romo states that the company backs up the municipalities

Romo believes. He provides the example of Georgina Kessel,

it works with from the start by ensuring that the initial

the former Minister of Energy, who moved from SENER to head up Banobras with the express purpose of financing energy-saving projects in municipalities, but was unable to close even one. To solve this problem, Romo suggests that energy efficiency projects should no longer be decided on by the presidents of municipalities but should be weighed up at the state level by the governors. Seeking to turn this suggestion into concrete action, Inteligenciæ is working on establishing a trust for every state that would see the firm deal only with governors. The advantage of this scheme for the municipalities is that, through a trust backed by the state, they would be able to access cheap loans that no banks would extend to them individually. In order to trust Inteligenciæ and follow the firm into such a framework, municipalities must already possess an inherent faith in the company’s capacity to deliver on its word. Not a problem, says Romo, who states that the company’s integrated solutions are at the core of its business success. “We do not only sell lamps. If you want to buy lamps, you can buy them cheaply from the market. We solve political, legislative, financing and technological problems in order to make projects work under the different requirements of each municipality.” One of the major differences is the time it takes to make a project work. Romo points out that in the State of Mexico, an energy efficiency project is


“Energy efficiency projects for municipalities in Mexico have had a lot of difficulties in becoming successful. 90% of projects have failed because they lacked financing” Raúl Enrique Romo, President of Inteligenciae


mandated for 24 months, whereas other states might allow

do not require the authorization of financial authorities to

them to run for 36 months. For Inteligenciæ, the longer

operate. This gives them just the flexibility Romo is looking

the better as this allows the firm to generate more savings

for, because as he explains: “One municipality could not get

and use better technologies, such as LED lighting. Shorter

the right authorization from Congress, so instead of a long-

timeframes mean that cheaper technologies need to be

term credit the Sofome gave them a 90-day credit, as this

used to ensure quicker results. This flexible attitude has

timeframe does not require the registration of the financing

seen Inteligenciæ carry out successful projects in over 60

with Congress. Every 90 days, they re-sign the contract,

Mexican municipalities so far.

which a bank would never do, but a Sofome can.”

Financing remains the prominent contributing factor to

So why does Inteligenciæ fight so hard to implement the

the failure of municipal energy efficiency projects. “We can

latest technologies such as LED lighting in municipalities?

provide the best technology in the world but it will not work

Surely the aggravations listed above would put off many

if the municipalities do not have money. The only way they

other players. For Romo, despite these hurdles, working

can do the project is if you supply them with the money to

with municipalities is easier: the initial investment required

do so,” Romo argues. But Inteligenciæ believes it has come

is smaller and the projects are worth more. He estimates

up with some creative solutions to avoid that problem as

that small municipal energy saving projects can be worth

well. Beyond regular financial partners, such as Banorte and

between MX$2-5 million (US$148,000-370,000), as opposed

Grupo Financiero Interacciones, the company has turned to

to MX$1-3 million for a small private project. And given the

Sofomes for support. Sofomes are financial entities that can

size of the public lighting market in Mexico, Inteligenciæ is

provide credit or lease holding for specific projects, but that

unlikely to run out of potential clients anytime soon.

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Eduardo Silva Montaño, Director General of Verde Alterno

It seems every sector could

get from a 1,000W lamp, and finding a way to install solar

benefit from LED lights:

panels that could produce sufficient energy to power the

street lighting, businesses,

device. After running several experiments, Verde Alterno

households and industries.

settled on the idea of using many LEDs on single lamps.

LEDs dwarf regular light

In taking up Ecofest’s challenge, Verde Alterno created

bulbs in areas such as

a valuable, sustainable product that brings its customers



a return on investment within approximately one year.

durability, with a 50,000-


A diesel-powered tower costs from MX$125,000 and










words, an LED light that is

Alterno’s prices are in the same range, they offer the added

in use for eight hours per

value of representing a sustainable investment.

day will last for 17 years. On the downside, they represent a significant investment. Eduardo Silva Montaño, Director

Verde Alterno’s sales strategy is also an inventive one.

General of Verde Alterno, explains that regular 100W light

According to Silva Montaño, Verde Alterno goes straight

bulbs cost between MX$2 and MX$50, whereas an LED light

to the companies it wants on its client list. The firm sells

bulb costs MX$200. “Those interested in this technology

its signature light tower to companies that lease light

should keep the long-term benefits in mind. As well as lasting

towers, in the construction and event industries. This is

for far longer, LED lights run on 6W of energy, which is far

complemented with a simple yet intelligent strategy for

less than regular light bulbs, and the technology is mature

remaining ahead of the competition: developing clever

enough to be applied anywhere. However, because the

LED products. This goes beyond selling lights, which

market has been saturated with Chinese products, a lot of

anyone can do, it is more about developing products

people are selling the same LED lights.” Silva Montaño is

that no one else has. The company acts as a consultant,

adamant that the industry needs innovation so as to offer

determines its customers’ needs, and then develops

added value and competitive differentiation.

products that respond to those needs. “We have cheap products because we are also involved in a price war,” says

Verde Alterno specializes in making and distributing products

Silva Montaño. “There is no doubt that we can compete

that are unavailable from its competition. For example, the

with Chinese products, but we also have products that are

MR16 LED works on 110V and can be dimmed, which makes

of the highest quality.”

this Taiwan made lighting solution more technologically advanced than most of its mainland China competitors. Silva

Despite the wide range of businesses the company serves,

Montaño and his team traveled to Taiwan looking for suppliers

it remains entirely focused on the private sector, citing the

and products with an edge and came across the MR16 LED,

difficulties one can face in working with the government.

which was not being sold in Mexico at that time. Needless to

“They may ask us to install 100 lamps for testing purposes,

say, Verde Alterno became the Mexican ambassador for this

which represents a big investment. They tell us they do not

product, which was a good complement to another of the

want to use our products because they have learned how

company’s most interesting designs: light towers.

to install the equipment themselves or have found other suppliers,” says Silva Montaño.

Verde Alterno maintains a close relationship with Ecofest,


which hosts an annual sustainability exhibition that requires

For a time the company considered building a LED factory

light towers that run on clean energy. Ecofest asked Silva

in Mexico, but several factors derailed the idea, not the

Montaño’s crew to develop a light tower in line with the

least of which was the fact that this type of endeavor would

exhibition’s green ideals, rightfully thinking that using light

require a qualified labor force. “In Mexico, the workforce is

towers that consume 50 liters of diesel for every 8 hours

not that specialized and the people who are specialized

running time to host a sustainability event would lack

tend to be difficult to afford,” explains Silva Montaño. He

credibility. Verde Alterno complied by creating a solar-

also points out that this industry requires a type of silicon

powered light tower. The company had three months to

that is not distributed in Mexico. “It would be possible to

build the towers, which meant very little turnaround time,

import diodes and assemble the lights, but making the

and in addition they had to meet Ecofest’s desire to have

diodes in the country could not be done in a competitive

each tower illuminating as much as a 1,000W lamp. This

way. Nevertheless, such a project would have the added

proved challenging on two fronts: finding LED lights that

advantage of helping revenues stay in the country and

were powerful enough to simulate the light you would

speeding up delivery times.”

PRIVATE SECTOR SHOWS THE WAY IN SUSTAINABILITY STANDARDS A group of professionals from different backgrounds came

and even got involved with the National Renewable Energy

together to create Mexenergy as they felt the renewable

Laboratory in the US,” explains López Mestre Arana. His

energy sector needed a push since the public sector was not

company has strong ties to the US Green Building Council

acting fast enough. “We took our chances and assembled

and both entities are working on adapting a LEED based

a team of talented people to start developing impressive

rating system to Mexico. “We want city regulations to

photovoltaic projects,” says Severo López Mestre Arana,

evolve and become aligned with the LEED certification

Director of Mexenergy and Founding Partner of SUMe.

requirements,” says López Mestre Arana. “LEED awards

The company has always showed a preference for urban

require a significant percentage of renewable energy

areas, which it believes to be crucial for the development

generation for certified buildings but Mexican regulation

of renewable energy. The market has grown exponentially,

does not recognize LEED standards. Players should not

but some deficiencies that have been hampering the

have to wait for the government on this. The market

development of solar power since Mexenergy’s earliest

is asking for high quality renewable energy solutions

days have not improved. Projects often do not follow

because contractors want LEED certificates. We want to

through due to financial reasons, which López attributes

ensure this happens in many more projects nationwide,”

to shortcomings in the Mexican regulatory design. “For

says López Mestre Arana. Renewable energy use, including

example, even though Aura Solar I might be the largest


solar project in Mexico, it is not even connected to the

companies like Mexenergy have to ensure everything is in

national grid,” López Mestre Arana points out.

order for projects to go through. “The residential sector







“The market is asking for high quality renewable energy solutions because contractors want LEED certificates” Severo López Mestre Arana, Director of Mexenergy and Founding Partner of SUMe

López Mestre Arana believes that it is essential to help

has been considering PV energy as an alternative to the

government officials see the big picture regarding the solar

rising costs of electricity, which stem from the lack of natural

industry. Mexenergy cooperates with other companies and

gas and infrastructure. However, the residential sector is not

associations to help create standards that currently have

very profitable at the moment as its commercially viable

voluntary norm status (NMX) and López Mestre Arana will

segment represents no more than 100,000 households in

work with SUMe on creating binding norms. “The key to

Mexico City,” according to López Mestre Arana. “Homes

success in an increasingly overcrowded market is having the

that are not paying CFE’s DAC rate are paying a subsidized

right technology and knowing how to operate it. The latter

rate and I do not know of a single place on Earth where

is rather complex, as it involves understanding distribution,

PV systems can compete with subsidized conventional

transmission, rating systems, and regulations. Mexenergy

electric rates.” Usually, the PV sector asks for incentives.

has an advantage in these fields because using exclusively

This is not the case in Mexico, where PV players are asking

cutting-edge equipment has been a priority since the

for a level playing field where subsidies on hydrocarbons do

company’s beginning,” says López Mestre Arana. “When

not impact electricity rates negatively. López Mestre Arana

we started, the vast majority of the market was taken up

claims this situation has been holding the PV sector back.

by low quality equipment and Mexenergy set standards. We are interested in developing projects and, in doing so

“The residential market is experiencing a sustained growth,

we bring the best equipment to the table.” He warns that

providing future opportunities,. while the commercial and

distributors can get away with selling low quality products

industrial markets require major changes in regulations

in a market where not all people are well-informed.

and policies,” says López Mestre Arana. “Mexenergy has been forced to put way too many projects on hold due to

“Equipment should not be only judged based on its quality

uncertainty regarding financial returns. LEED certifications

but also in terms of its adaptability when developing green

sometimes mitigate the negative effects of the insufficient

cities in Mexico. We traveled around the world, tested

regulation. It makes sense for Mexenergy to continue working

different types of equipment, learned about standards,

on industrial certifications for the Mexican market.”



ESTABLISHING SUSTAINABLE SOLUTIONS AND CARBON EMISSIONS REDUCTIONS GABRIEL QUADRI Director General of Enerclima Q: What motivated you to move out of your role in

to renewables in Mexico. However, I am confident that even

government and get involved in the private sector,

without price support renewables will achieve parity. We

specifically in the renewables industry?

have actually already achieved parity in some areas of the

A: I moved into the private sector immediately after finishing

country for various types of electricity users.

my responsibilities with the federal government. I worked for the National Business Council for Sustainable Development,

We also need a smart grid, a grid that can transfer energy

while also founding an environmental services company.

from areas where renewables are competitive, as well as

Three years ago we started to explore the possibility of

devices for energy storage. We need for the government

developing renewable energy as one of the core areas in our

to intervene on land tenure issues with local communities.

business. This was as the result of my experience as Director

The government should take a more proactive stance

of EcoSecurities, a British firm that operates in Mexico

regarding these problems and try to facilitate negotiation,

and Central America and specializes in the carbon market.

to reassure communities about the benefits of such

We developed a number of projects in Mexico relating to

projects and also reassure investors that they will have

renewable energy, and specifically the generation of carbon

legal certainty if they sign contracts with landowners.

credits in order to sell them in the European market. I foresaw that the carbon market would not always be as attractive

Q: How can Enerclima provide the best results for industry

as it was previously, so I began exploring the possibility of

and municipalities alike?

developing physical assets, focusing on emissions reductions

A: Regarding municipalities, the most important challenge

and mitigating climate change.

is dealing with the very short municipal government terms. They only govern for three years and they have very short-

At Enerclima we have explored a number of alternatives,

term vision as a result. They are subject to broader political

such as methane in pig farms, methane in landfills and solar

pressures and do not have the opportunity to clearly envision

energy. We opted for solar energy, since this kind of business

the future. That is why we seek to immediately offer them

does not require a lot of capital. We started out partnering

discounts on the electricity they are going to pay, including

with a German company. Germany has been the leader in

the financial cost of the project, which is not easy to do. We

solar energy for decades, and we were able to learn from

have to offer them benefits in the first year of operation.

their expertise and start developing projects for different

You also need guarantees from the federal government, as

industries in the private sector. Given that electricity prices in

without them you cannot go ahead with the municipalities.

Mexico are going up, solar energy will soon match the tariffs that the industrial sector is currently paying. Solar energy

Q: What are your priorities for growth in the solar market

is also ideal for promoting corporate image, in relation to

in the next five years?

sustainability policy. Once you have a solar installation you

A: In the next five years, we expect Mexico to have 1GW

eliminate all uncertainty about prices, because you know

of solar power, and this number will grow exponentially

what you will be paying per kWh for the next 25 years.

after that. It would give the power sector much more flexibility, it would give much more freedom to consumers


Q: In terms of the operating framework, what are the most

and will make the whole ensemble more decentralized. It

important measures that need to be implemented for the

will put pressure on CFE to be more efficient and to build

development of the sector?

a smart grid capable of incorporating intermittent energy

A: There are a number of issues. Firstly we need a market,

sources, such as solar and wind. Fortunately, with the

we need to have the right to sell electricity. You currently

Energy Reform, we will have the institutional framework

have to resort to the self-supply model. The law allowing

needed to develop renewables in Mexico. Even without the

for a market with bilateral contracts would be a very

subsidies seen in Europe, Mexico will be a huge player in

important change, as this would give a competitive edge

the renewable energy market.


QUERETARO TACKLES SUSTAINABILITY AT CENTRAL LEVEL MARCELO LÓPEZ Minister of Sustainable Development of the State of Queretaro Q: What can you tell us about the Sustainable Queretaro

from a geothermal plant near San Luis Potosi. There is a


high demand for energy in Queretaro, and we are not self-

A: The Sustainable Queretaro project is an initiative of the

sufficient at all.

Queretaro government that aims to ensure that public policy is formulated with the state’s sustainable growth in mind.

Q: Besides solar power, what other natural resources

Queretaro is one of the largest and most dynamic states

could Queretaro use for energy generation?

in Mexico, with one of the country’s highest GDP growth

A: In terms of renewable energy development, our main

rates. The Sustainable Queretaro project is the first state-

focus right now is on wind and geothermal power. We

level program in Mexico to be focused on controlling the

could take advantage of two big geothermal hot spots that

growth of a state and the metropolitan area, and is based

are close to Queretaro, one of them is near Guanajuato and

on four strategies. The first tackles population and looks to

the other is close to the State of Mexico. Given the shift in

develop infrastructure, social services, security and human

technology for wind power, we are also looking to open

rights. The second looks at competitiveness, which can help

a few spots with strong wind resources. In addition, we

move us toward a knowledge economy. We have to make

are also starting to review the possibilities of using certain

a transition towards a service-based economy, especially

municipalities’ landfills to generate energy from biogas.

in information technology and telecommunications. The third strategy is directed toward social policies that address

Q: How is Queretaro’s academic sector involved in the

inequality and other problems that exist in the state. The last

potential development of the renewable energy industry?

strategy is environmental and oversees natural resources

A: Queretaro has a couple of R&D centers that are focused

in Queretaro, education regarding sustainability and the

on the renewable energy sector. Those are mostly involved

integration of renewable energy.

in carrying out research in the wind sector, as well as water management and conservation. There is also a GE R&D

Q: How can you turn the state’s environmental challenges

center that has been working on hybrid systems for wind

into economic benefits?

and solar.

A: We first have to work on our current consumption of natural resources. Right now it costs Queretaro US$300

Q: What goals do you have for the next five years for the

million to bring water to the metropolitan area. We are also

Sustainable Queretaro project?

investing a lot in water treatment facilities. With regard

A: In 2011, we carried out an exhaustive study of Queretaro’s

to the implementation of renewable energies, we are

energy consumption and carbon footprint, which allowed

creating incentives to attract private investment, with the

us to establish very clear benchmarks for what we have to

aim of developing a 40MW solar power project across 100

accomplish in the coming years. Our economic goals are

hectares in the Queretaro desert. In Queretaro, the first

very clear. We have to grow our GDP at a yearly rate of 6%,

party interested in solar energy is the government. We are

which is the same growth we have had over the past three

paying around MX$300-400 million (US$22-29 million) a

years, and we have to generate 80,000-90,000 jobs. We

year for energy, so reducing our consumption and costs

have also created social programs through which we are

would be of great benefit to public finances.

aiming to provide concrete floors, water, light and power to everyone in the state. If we are successful, we will be the first

Q: What is Queretaro’s energy mix comprised of

region in all of Latin America to accomplish this. One of our


main concerns is education: we need to create renewable

A: Queretaro generates approximately 10% of the energy

energy university programs as well as new environmental

that is consumed in the state, which makes the state an

programs. We are investing 16% of our budget in public

energy importer. A lot of the energy consumed in the

infrastructure and are facing the challenges sustainability

state comes from hydropower plants near Hidalgo and

brings, but I am sure that we will be successful.



During the process of working on water treatment and



drainage ADS Mexicana became a supplier of CONAGUA, the

pipes required a wholesale

national Mexican water utility. To do so meant undergoing

shift in the mindset of

a rigorous certification process to show that ADS Mexicana


had the right background and quality. Raigosa Valadez said


Juan Raigosa Valadez, Director General of ADS Mexicana






that the company threw open its doors to anyone who

Bufete Industrial, he was

wanted to visit its plant or test their products, which was part

accustomed to and set

of its commitment to showing CONAGUA that it did business

on the idea of concrete

in the right way. “Some companies import tubes from the

pipes, until the merits of

US and just concentrate on selling them, instead of following

corrugated plastic piping

up on delivery, installation and general services,” he explains.

became obvious to him. “The larger the tube diameter,

“We begin talking to constructors at the pre-construction

the thicker the pipe is. This thickness, involving double

stage. While we recognize their expertise, we ask them to

layer technology, provides mechanical resistance through

let us show them how to install our tubes and pipes in order

the corrugated exterior layer, while the inner layer serves

to avoid future potential issues.” But ADS Mexicana’s growth

for hydraulic conduction. Having this corrugated exterior

potential does not stop at the water’s edge. The growth in

is fundamental if a tube is to last a number of years

the Mexican energy sector has also thrown up opportunities

underground. Also, concrete pipes deteriorate due to the

that the company is trying to seize. For example, the firm

methane gas produced by wastewater, but polyethylene

adapted one of its pipelines to run electric and fiber optic

pipes do not,” explains Raigosa Valadez. It seems the

cables through it. “The main reason behind this was to attack

revelation of Raigosa Valadez made commercial sense, as

visual contamination. In this way, cables can be installed

he is now the Director General of ADS Mexicana, a Nuevo

underground. New residential developments are already

Leon-based firm that specializes in plastic tubing for water

seeing lighting and electrical cables being installed under the

drainage and wastewater systems. Plastic tubing has also

sidewalk,” explains Raigosa Valadez. This method of shielding

proved its financial superiority over concrete solutions, as

cables inside plastic tubing has proven effective for various

its light weight means it can be installed without the use of

other problems besides stopping cables from being eye-

a crane, saving on construction times and costs.

sores. For energy efficiency, ADS Mexicana’s solutions have also helped in places where transmission lines are affected by

ADS Mexicana was formed as a joint venture between

external factors such as wind. In severe cases, wind can cause

Mexico’s Ecological Drainage Systems and ADS International,

energy shutdowns, which means significant economic losses.

which had over 40 years of experience in the sector and

CFE has also used these solutions for street lighting and to

was seeking the best way to bring its products to Mexico.

prevent cable theft.

The immediate motivation behind the formation of ADS


Mexicana was to mitigate environmental degradation by

Across all the sectors it works with, from sewage to

providing solutions to river, lake and ocean pollution. At the

agriculture, ADS Mexicana’s research and development

time, Raigosa Valadez says the Mexican wastewater system

priorities run in the same direction. “Our tubes are not made

contained both pluvial and sanitary drainage, raising some

for drinking water but for pluvial and sanitary sewage. Our

obvious environmental and health concerns. He explains

tubes have more hydraulic capacity since the inner part of

that the situation has now evolved and project developers

the tube is smoother, whereas a concrete tube has many

have to send sanitary drainage to a dedicated water

pores. This increased hydraulic capacity actually diminishes

treatment plant so it can be reused for other purposes. “For

the need for construction work,” says Raigosa Valdez. This

sustainability purposes, an increase in water treatment in

one-size-fits-all focus has helped the firm’s sales explode

Mexico would allow underground drinkable water to be

from US$2 million in 2000 to US$85 million in 2010, showing

destined exclusively to human consumption, instead of

how one good product can make or break a company. Now,

being used pointlessly for industrial purposes.” In order

with plants in Nuevo Leon, the State of Mexico, Sinaloa

for this plan to become a reality, Raigosa Valadez reveals

and Yucatan serving the Mexican market, ADS Mexicana

that ADS Mexicana has been working on developing its

is looking abroad. Land has been bought in Costa Rica to

engineering department and installing as many water

build a plant to supply the Central American market. The



company is quietly confident that, even when working in

treatment infrastructure would go a long way to solving





different countries, the model that found success in Mexico

Mexico’s water shortages,” he adds.

will prove to be a winner once again.

WATER MANAGEMENT TO INCREASE QUALITY OF LIFE In March 2011, Former President Felipe Calderón inaugurated

a leading competitor in each of those small fragments. It

the sewage pumping plant of La Caldera, located in the

will also on its experience and reputation as a big company

eastern part of Mexico City. With a capacity of 40m per

with an established brand not only in Mexico but around the

second, it is part of the authorities’ efforts to lower the

world, too. Service plays a big role in that strategy: for KSB,

flood risk on the La Compañía canal. The surrounding

it is not just about selling valves and pumps, the company

municipalities are densely populated, with over 1.1 million

seeks to sell systems, solutions and services, too. The goal

inhabitants who year after year face the risk of losing all

is to be recognized as a provider, by adding unique value to

their possessions during bouts of heavy flooding. A year

the products and making KSB the most attractive option

later, El Caracol, another sewage pumping plant that is part

for existing and potential customers. “We want to build

of the Túnel Emisor Oriente, was also inaugurated. It sends

a reputation for being reliable and for offering excellent

residual water to the first stage of the tunnel, which will be

service, high quality spare parts and complete solutions,”

completed in 2016. La Caldera and El Caracol are both part

Padrón states. In order to guarantee quality KSB uses three

of the government’s commitment to improving Mexico City’s

different standardization systems, which govern quality

sewage system. “We worked together with contractors

management as well as health and safety: ISO 9001, ISO

and the government in the construction of these two big

14001 and OHSAS 18001. These standards are in place in all

pumping stations for sewage systems,” says Gerson Padrón,

of KSB’s manufacturing facilities, while the company makes

Director General of KSB de México. “This kind of technology

additional investments in machinery, equipment and other

is also being used in other large cities, such as London.”

resources on a regular basis, with the aim of guaranteeing


“We use our pumps to provide access to drinking water, and we also process wastewater in order to keep the country and our cities clean” Gerson Padrón, Director General of KSB de México

KSB, which was founded in 1955, originally came to Mexico

the quality of its products. Padrón explains that KSB

to produce submersible pumps for groundwater extraction.

is always looking for ways to improve profitability and

After 15 years, KSB developed a variety of brands and

efficiency, by investing in more technologically advanced

models, obtaining a larger market share in the oil, energy

systems that allow higher quality production processes.

and industrial sectors, aside from the water sector. The company then diversified and began manufacturing pumps

Padrón emphasizes the importance to the company of being

for environmental activities, such as sewage and soil

socially responsible. “We use our pumps to provide access

transport. Padrón explains that the company is currently

to drinking water, and we also process wastewater in order

only producing submersible water pumps, which it began

to keep the country and our cities clean. We are investing

manufacturing 57 years ago, and horizontal pumps for the

in green projects around the world, and although Mexico

industrial market. Confident of the opportunities that exist

does not have a large number of these types of projects,

in Mexico for these products, he has set an ambitious goal

we want to be a part of those that do exist,” he says. As

for KSB in the country: grow 250% by 2018. “It is not an

KSB’s commitment to Mexico becomes more consolidated,

unreasonable goal when you look at the growth potential

Padrón expects the company’s business model to revolve

in the market that has come as a result of new projects

principally around water and wastewater, but in the future

being developed by the federal government, as well as the

the plan is also to venture further into the mining and oil

future plans of CFE, PEMEX and CONAGUA, which have

and gas sectors. Padrón is also looking to seize on the

to be developed by 2018,” says Padrón. “We know our

increasing opportunities that Mexico’s growth is creating

competition and their weaknesses, as well as our own. But

in North America. “The idea is to create synergy between

we also know what our strengths are, and how we can use

Mexico, Canada and the US and, on the Mexican end, to

them to acquire a bigger share of the market.”

become a competitive producer and manufacturer for the NAFTA and Caribbean markets. We are in the process of

The pumps and valves market in Mexico is very fragmented,

establishing which products could be manufactured in

Padrón observes, so KSB’s strategy is based on becoming

Mexico,” he concludes.




12 The days that companies were convinced that investing in sustainability would erode their bottom line are long gone. Realizing that sustainability can be a critical driver of positive change, companies are now starting to rethink the way they approach products, technologies, processes, and business models, transforming the competitive landscape and the way companies interact with their environment. The transition towards sustainability is not going to be easy, but the early movers are destined to create competitive advantages that will not only boost their reputations and financial performance, but will also be hard to match by their industry counterparts.

This chapter will talk about what sustainability means, which measures sustainability leaders are taking in Mexico, what drove the change in attitude of the country’s businesses community, and how Mexico’s business leaders are incorporating sustainability into their long term business strategies.


ERM is the global provider of environmental, health and safety, risk and social consulting services. We aim to deliver social sustainable solutions which balance environmental concerns with management, economic, technological and social needsenabling our clients to maximize revenues, comply with regulations, improve performance and enhance their corporate reputation and public perception.

MÊxico D.F. +55 5000 2500 +55 5211 0090 The world’s leading sustainability consultancy


Warning Against Becoming Sustainable Too Quickly


Client Engagement Key for Sustainability


Hurdles to Overcome for Carbon Market Success


Knocking Down Barriers to Climate Change Strategies


Green Banking as a Strong Financial Strategy


Call for Sustainability Enforcement


Oaxaca’s Great Renewable Resource Potential


Partnerships Key to Sustainability Achievements


Global Influence Translates into Major Commitment


Keeping Ahead of the Pack on Sustainability


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Food Industry Relies on Wind Power


Peñoles Invests in Renewable Energy for Self-Supply


Catalyst for the Success of Green Technology


Local Strategies for Global Issues


Academia and Private Sector Team Up for Sustainability


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Community Empowerment Priority in Major Infrastructure Projects


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Mineral Solution to Paper Pollution and Waste


Connecting Smaller Greentech Companies with Big Opportunities


Efficiency Seen as Pillar of Solar Development


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Building a Supply Chain for Renewable Energy


WARNING AGAINST BECOMING SUSTAINABLE TOO QUICKLY Few enterprises have the breadth of strategic vision that

strategy should be enshrined in a company’s core mission.

KPMG enjoys. Where many seek to praise Mexico’s drive

“One person in one department preparing a sustainability

toward sustainability or list how many companies are adopting

report on a yearly basis is not being sustainable,” states

environmentally friendly practices, KPMG pours cold water


on Mexico’s ambitions. Jesús González Arellano, Partner, Risk

understand that sustainability is good and a requirement

Advisory Services of KPMG, says that any discussion about

for the company.” One argument that has proved effective

sustainability in Mexico has to take the different realities into

is making companies understand that the initial investment

account. “There are approximately 5 million companies in

required will translate into savings down the road and

the country but those companies are very different. A tiny

increase the value of a company’s stock. “The trick is to

fraction of them are large organizations and those are the

ensure companies understand that being sustainable is part

ones that have been talking about sustainability for years.

and parcel of any business, not just some sideline about

The 4.9 million small or medium-sized companies in Mexico

giving back to society,” says González Arellano.







do not realize what sustainability is as it does not concern them. They are focused on paying their next salaries instead

Part of KPMG’s job is to help clients avoid such pitfalls.

of thinking about the long term,” says González Arellano.

As such, the first step is to build a tailor-made corporate

“However, he adds that even among those few companies


that talk about sustainability, a significant percentage do

organizational structure and identifies its exact needs.

not completely understand what sustainability is. This

González Arellano has seen many company owners

leaves Mexico with a long way to go before becoming truly

complain that sustainability provides no value, but he

sustainable,” he concludes.

counters that this is because they often fail to understand






“Going green in three months cannot be done, as any sense of balance between economic and social factors would be lost” Jesús González Arellano, Partner, Risk Advisory Services of KPMG

González Arellano is perfectly placed to comment on KPMG’s

the core of what corporate governance means. He

sustainability practices, both in Mexico and globally. He is

states that a company that takes this position risks not

part of the firm’s international sustainability group, in which

evolving with the world and losing out to competitors

representatives from 35 countries meet annually to discuss

that are reducing operational costs while implementing

the latest trends and regulations. However, this experience

environmentally friendly programs. “Big companies in

has taught him that international knowledge and practices

Mexico are investing in wind and solar energy, and are

cannot directly be put in place in Mexico. “The economy, the

thinking about complicated sustainability issues. This is

structure of the organizations, the willingness to invest, and

not because they are just nice and care about minimizing

the capacity to work globally is different, so the knowledge

pollution, they know that this cost reduction is key

cannot be put to work in the same way,” he explains. This

to maintaining the privileged position they have,” he

has influenced the ways in which KPMG advises its clients


in Mexico on how to best become sustainable. Rather than rushing into things, González Arellano advises the crafting

For KPMG to keep leading its clients toward effective

of a clear strategy through time that is realistic for each

sustainable solutions in the future, it must lead by

individual organization. “Going green in three months

example. To do so, the firm has reduced its CO2 emissions

cannot be done, as any sense of balance between economic

by 50% over the last five years. The company knows that

and social factors would be lost. The transition must take

future sustainability moves will be more complicated,

into account a realistic idea of a company’s expectations

but its commitment is anchored in the knowledge that

and capabilities,” says González Arellano.

the sustainable actions that it takes, together with those taken by its clients, will significantly benefit the economy,


So what precise advice does he provide to clients who are

the broader development of Mexico, and the success of

seeking help on sustainability? The main point is that the the

the firm.

CLIENT ENGAGEMENT KEY FOR SUSTAINABILITY The world’s largest bank in terms of assets takes its history


seriously. Having been around since 1865, HSBC considers

sustainability can be seen by looking at the Mexico City

the reputation it has accumulated over close to 150 years to

skyline. To “remain in the market for another 150 years,

be sacrosanct. It is now relying on its sustainability strategy,

HSBC has long known sustainability is the way to go. The

revolving around community and client engagement, to

HSBC Tower in Mexico City was the first building in Latin

anchor its reputation going forward. “We are a business and

America to gain LEED Gold certification in 2007. In 2012,

we have to create profits, but if we do so sustainably, we are

the tower obtained LEED Platinum certification for its

going to be able to do more for society and the communities

maintenance and operation, which means that the HSBC

where we operate,” says Miguel Ángel Laporta, HSBC

Tower is saving 60% of the water and up to 40% of the

Mexico’s Corporate Sustainability Director. As such, the bank

energy used by a similar sized tower. But Laporta explains

dedicates 0.5% of its profit before tax to its sustainability

that HSBC’s LEED efforts are not reserved only for its Mexico

strategy. This money is then divided to the tune of 50% to

HQ. “By January 2014, we are going to have 25 branches

education projects, 25% in environmental projects, and 25%

with LEED certification while six of those branches will

to various community projects. Further funds are raised

have solar panels installed. Almost 60% of the energy of

for social programs by inviting clients to make a donation

these branches will be generated by solar power.” HSBC

every time they access HSBC’s network of over 6,000 ATMs

has made important strides on energy efficiency across the

across Mexico. As well as being an effective way to fundraise,

board, with operations in each country needing to reduce

Laporta states that this action fits into another of HSBC’s

their energy and water consumption, as well as their CO2

priorities, namely how much engagement it is able to create

emissions and waste production by 10% every year. The

among clients, staff and stakeholders.

bank also recently moved away from being a carbon neutral







“When we give a credit, we do not only analyze the financial perspective but we also consider the social and environmental impact of our investments” Miguel Ángel Laporta, Director of Corporate Sustainability of HSBC México

As indicated by its budget allocation, HSBC has long

bank. Disappointed that the carbon trade market did not

considered education a priority. Three years ago, the bank

progress as expected, Laporta states that the group now

started the Solo Levanta La Mano (Just Raise Your Hand)

invests the same amount of money in water programs.

program. Since HSBC divides Mexico into eight administrative regions, the goal was for the bank’s operations in each region

HSBC’s sustainable actions do not stop at their buildings and

to adopt a school, enhance its infrastructure and improve the

charitable programs. The way the bank finances programs

quality of education by implementing three strategies. “We

and gives credits has also been completely transformed

provide scholarships to 100% of students in these schools, we

since it signed on to the Equator Principles. “When we give

help the schools build needed infrastructure, such as clean

a credit, we do not only analyze the financial perspective

bathrooms, and we train the teachers so that they can better

but we also consider the social and environmental impact

teach the students.” The program has grown and HSBC now

of our investments,” says Laporta. Adopting the Equator

sponsors 26 schools in 22 states, supporting more than 5,000

Principles was hard for HSBC at first as it meant letting

students. This form of community engagement also gets

go of some business deals that were soon snapped up by

the bank’s clients involved as they can choose to sponsor a

competitors. HSBC also has a policy that dictates that a

student at one of the schools, described as “giving an added

certain percentage of the company’s total portfolio has to be

value to the clients by letting them become involved with

invested in clients creating sustainable projects, ranging from

the community.” The bank’s CSR goals also state that every

ranging from renewable energy to green technology. Laporta

year, 10% of the total staff of HSBC Mexico must participate

says that 10 years ago, sustainability was a nice feather in a

in different social activities. Making sure that these numbers

company’s cap but today, it is essential. “Clients are deciding

are reached involves a major effort but in 2012, HSBC logged

who to work with depending on the company’s principles.

more than 32,000 hours generated by more than 2,500

80% of recent graduates prefer to work for a company that is


implementing sustainability principles,” he explains.



helped them manage and process CDM projects through




the UN framework, as well as monitor and implement




the sale of carbon credits. It also provides help in the

why a decision was made

commercialization stage and for carbon credit sales, so


companies do not have to dedicate additional human





power plant. The manager explained

Alfonso Lanseros Valdés, CEO of CO2-Solutions


resources to administrate the credits.


decided to reduce its CO2

The decision to work in Mexico came naturally. It was

emissions by 20%. At the

not only a matter of speaking the same language and of




cultural proximity as Lanseros Valdés also saw a great




future in the country. “In the next ten years, Mexico will

fuel projects but came to an important realization: if the

experience important growth, industry is going to flourish,

Danish were shutting down a carbon plant in which they

violence will diminish and people will have access to quality

had invested millions of euros, then carbon emissions were

jobs. I have no doubt that it will become the strongest

truly critical to the energy sector. It was the first time he

economy of Latin America. The US knows that Mexico

was confronted with a movement in favor of reducing CO2

has all the energy the US needs, whether for oil, gas, and

emissions. Lanseros Valdés points to that moment as being

natural resources. That creates a guideline for the Mexican,

behind the birth of CO2-Solutions, a Spanish company, of

American and Canadian relationship, regarding an energy

which he is the CEO, that focuses on carbon credits and

strategy where the three would not have to depend on

works closely with the renewable energy sector.

other countries.”

CO2-Solutions began working with European governments

The carbon credit market is still reeling from the global

and companies in relation to the EU policy to create a

economic crisis and carbon credits are at a very low

carbon trade market. Since then, it has helped international

price. But Lanseros Valdés believes that as the global

companies create strategies to learn how to operate in a

economy recovers, the carbon credit will also pick up.

low-carbon economy. Soon enough CO2-Solutions started

“Global warming is a fact and I believe that countries are

working on international Clean Development Mechanism

conscious that they have to shift towards sustainable

(CDM) projects with a strong focus on Latin America.

development,” he states. In order for carbon commerce to

“We were pioneers in developing CDM renewable energy

thrive, Lanseros Valdés emphasizes that CDM projects are

projects,” states Lanseros Valdés. The company decided

rather unfair since the country generating and receiving the

to focus on renewable energy as it went hand in hand with

most carbon credits is China, which is not in the grips of an

sustainability. “The fact that something is sustainable does

economic crisis and is actually buying debt. “We are seeing

not mean it does not have an impact and a cost,” says

China buy up European debt but we are simultaneously

Lanseros Valdés. “Nothing in life is free of consequences

waiting for European countries to buy Chinese carbon

and renewable energy is not exempt. Hydroelectric plants

credits. It does not make sense. It is unfair that only Europe

and wind parks have a negative impact but that impact is

is buying carbon credits when everyone is generating

offset than their positive aspects. At the end, the renewable

carbon emissions. This affects the market significantly.”

option is clearly better than other alternatives.” In Mexico,

However, there is a silver lining when comparing the current

CO2-Solutions has worked so far on many wind energy

situation to only a decade ago, carbon credits and global

projects, including Acciona’s Eurus I, Oaxaca II, III and IV and

warming today is on everyone’s mind. “Before, it was not

Peñoles’ Fuerza Eólica, as well as on PEMEX’s project at the

part of any political speech or electoral agenda. Now,

Dos Bocas port and CFE’s hydroelectric Chicoasen plant.

it is part of every government agenda. It is clear we are living a tough moment, and the market has to go in the


CO2-Solutions provides consulting services and advice

same direction as the political agenda,” he acknowledges.

to government agencies about policies that help create

As the market moves forward, it might be time for CO2-

Mexico’s energy strategies. It also works closely with

Solutions to reinvent itself due to the world’s focus on

governments on Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Action

natural gas, Lanseros Valdés admits. However, he believes

(NAMAs), which countries take to reduce greenhouse gas

renewable energy will benefit from crucial technological

emissions under a UN compact. In Mexico, CO2-Solutions

developments that will make it more competitive in the

has worked with CONAGUA, CFE, PEMEX, and SEMARNAT

short-term. “This environment is very positive to the energy

and renewable energy project developers. The firm

industry in general, and particularly to Mexico.”



program, evaluating practices in mitigation strategies, and


facilitating access to international finance agencies and

governments plan energy

institutions. “We support innovation in climate change



strategies in order to design a new framework alongside

energy efficiency through

international agencies, which is compatible with DNV

technical and operational

KEMA’s mission and vision,” claims Rescalvo. The company’s

support. Challenges such

priorities and strategies fluctuate according to clients and

as climate change raise the

market conditions. Rescalvo says the firm is looking closely

bar for consultancy firms

at new market mechanisms that should follow mitigation

dedicated to the power

and adaptation services, and emphasizes DNV KEMA’s



Miguel Rescalvo, Regional Manager for DNV KEMA’s Climate Change Division


utilities and


ambition to use its globally acquired expertise and know-

opportunities to stand out in the market. Norwegian


how in program implementation. On the other hand, DNV

classification firm DNV already had a strong presence in the

KEMA has plenty of experience in energy efficiency, which

oil and gas sector before entering the wind and solar energy

the firm wants to implement in Mexico once barriers are

industries. However, the company lacked experience in areas

torn down.

such as distribution and transmission infrastructure, energy efficiency, and management consulting for the energy

“Mexico’s electricity sector might be tightly regulated,

sector. Dutch firm KEMA was proficient in these areas, and

however the fact that the country holds a position as one

the merger of both companies expanded their landscape to

of the frontrunners in fighting climate change – partly due

a broader set of activities related to climate change issues.

to the country’s General Law on Climate Change – is an

Their current services encompass the entire chain of value

indicator this has to change,” says Rescalvo. “Maybe the

of the energy industry. The company diversified its services

government is not green for the sake of it, but it is definitely

and interests using its knowledge of the Kyoto Protocol

able to identify business and employment opportunities

mechanisms after the CO2 market dropped. “DNV KEMA

for Mexico,” says Ramiro Barrios, Climate Change &

has become a prime mover in the fight against climate

Sustainability Consulting Services Coordinator for DNV

change, working alongside international institutions such as

KEMA. He firmly believes that the current administration will

the World Bank, and is assisting the Mexican government

not drop the environmental agenda, given its creative ways

and several multilateral organizations on rethinking their

of involving the private sector and attracting investments

adaptation and mitigation mechanisms within the context of

through sectional programs. Linked to this, DNV KEMA

the decline of the CO2 market and its unfavorable aftermath

wants to participate in feasibility studies in collaboration

showed that it was unviable. Its shortcomings became more

with the World Bank and five private institutions. The goal

evident after five years, but this also helped show the virtues

is to make energy efficiency programs more attractive

of certain initiatives virtues in mitigating the effects of

in order to open up the market. “The private sector’s

climate change,” says Miguel Rescalvo, Regional Manager for

involvement is complex,” says Barrios. “Critics highlight

DNV KEMA’s Climate Change Division. He believes that the

the lack of fairness in this program because it only finances

bitter experience actually left a positive legacy, particularly

one private actor, but it is a necessary initial step.”

for Latin American countries. The Clean Development Mechanism had a positive impact raising awareness and

When the new Climate Change Commission was ratified,

getting the private sector involved through the use of

the government stressed the lack of correlation between

financial incentives. After all, the private sector has the

economic growth and environmental protection. “The first

power to change the rules for the industry and market.

step should be creating incentives to promote activities that might be seen as unattractive from an economic

DNV KEMA is proficient at measuring, verifying, and

viewpoint.” Barrios directly points to reducing subsidies

reporting information and programs, helping develop

for fossil fuels as a priority, arguing that making petrol

new strategies and improving the operational reliability of


existing ones. Although the firm is not working directly in


the Mexican energy sector, it is working with the federal

resources. Simultaneously, the quality of fossil fuels should

government on designing programs with a sectional

be improved by removing sulfur from gasoline and diesel

approach. Advancements in evaluating programs include

to improve air quality. When environmentally conscious

improving the energy efficiency of refrigerators and

measures are not against economic growth, intervening in

light bulbs, launching programs like the green mortgage

the energy sector is a profitable endeavor.

expensive and



have the



environmental of



GREEN BANKING AS A STRONG FINANCIAL STRATEGY “Sustainability is not at odds with profit,” says Mario Maciel

who decided to make it the pillar upon which a new bank

Castro, Director General of CIBanco. As the cost of energy

would be created. In 2008, the financial authorities approved

and other natural resources rise, companies that use these

the creation of new banking products. The first deposit

resources more effectively will gain a significant edge.

products were released in October 2008 and the first loan

Maciel Castro sees three main approaches toward gaining

was provided a year later. “In 2012, CIBanco became the

that edge. The first is adopting a long-term perspective

first green bank of Mexico by adopting sustainability as a

that initially involves investing in more expensive methods

business guideline, embracing the Equator Principles, and

of sustainable operation, which will eventually translate

joining the UNEP- Finance Initiative, the global partnership

in lower costs. The second is a more gradual process

between the United Nations Environment Programme

that starts with small changes to internal processes that

and the financial sector,” said Maciel Castro. This allowed

can generate substantial savings, which can then in turn

the fledgling bank to nevertheless contribute to the

be reinvested into more efficient technologies. The third

implementation of internationally agreed sustainable

approach is to spread sustainable practices among

development goals and commitments. ”We are betting on

customers. CIBanco, Mexico’s first self-proclaimed green

future generations who will seek for the green option in

bank, chose the latter approach. “This does not mean that

banking,” emphasizes Maciel Castro.

we only service green customers because it is not feasible for a bank to do that. What we do is provide added value

Making sustainability practices trickle down to clients is no

to our green customers; we offer better conditions if they

easy task with the main challenge being to educating the

adopt our green products,” adds Maciel Castro.

client. Maciel Castro observes that many customers still do

“In 2012, CI Banco became the first green bank of Mexico by adopting sustainability as a business guideline, embracing the Equator Principles” Mario Maciel Castro, Director General of CIBanco

CIBanco was born 30 years ago as a currency exchange

not understand the concept of the sustainable account,

bureau. In 1999 it was bought by its current shareholders,

which is paper-free by offering all banking services


passed mandating that externalities be taken into account,



there are still no mechanisms to ensure that these rules


are implemented and complied with,” states Alanís Ortega.


“What we are seeing on a regular basis is that companies

norms are not properly

do not internalize but rather externalize in order to avoid

upheld, believes Gustavo

paying for their environmental impact.” The public sector,


legislators, and CEMDA are confronted with the challenge

laws and

of but




General of the Mexican Gustavo Alanís Ortega, Director General of the Mexican Environmental Law Center



of finding ways to enforce these laws.


Center (CEMDA). “There

CEMDA was angered when the government’s new energy

is something wrong with

policies did not sufficiently seek to replace fossil fuels with

the law when externalities are not considered at the initial

renewable energies. “Mexico cannot make decisions based

stage,” says Alanís Ortega. Externalities have recently

purely on economic interests while its natural reserves are

moved into the spotlight as they are seen as crucial to

being depleted. We feel that Mexican policy decisions are

increasing energy efficiency and boosting the development

currently pointing towards a sustainable future,” says Alanís

of renewable energy. “Even though a recent law was

Ortega. Incorporating externalities requires the creation

through the internet. “Many people still prefer to receive

However, convincing the market that the green bank

their account statement in hard copy because they are not

concept was viable but that customers should sign up for

convinced they can see it online. It is a matter of a cultural

such programs was not as difficult as once thought. CIBanco

switch and education,” he notes. However, it has been easier

had the advantage of having previously operated as

to sell the CI Green Auto Loan – a loan for cars that emit

Consultoría Internacional Casa de Cambio, which provided

up to 180g of CO2/km with a preferential rate – as clients

it with an existing concentrated customer base. “We did not

immediately notice they are getting better conditions on

start from nothing,” stresses Maciel Castro. “We created the

their loan interest rate. Maciel Castro explains that when

bank on top of a previous business, which was easier for us

buying a regular car, the client will receive a 12.9% interest

as we did not have to suffer through the learning curve. It

rate, but when buying a green car, CIBanco provides them

was more a matter of selling our employees internally and

with a 9.9% interest rate, translating to savings of around

convincing them to act like bankers.”

26%. “People that buy a green car are making a rational purchase rather than an aspirational one; they do not

CI Banco’s green strategy has two major components. The

buy a car as a matter of status but because it is cheaper,

first one is corporate sustainability and the reduction and

environmentally friendly, and has lower fuel consumption.

efficiency of the bank’s use of natural resources. In the

A person who thinks in those terms is more focused on

past year the bank has managed to reduce its own carbon

sustainability and is more responsible,” he adds.

footprint by 34%, which has led to operative cost reductions. “We started with the PV system installation in some of our

Given the complexity of sustainability and the cross-sectorial

corporate buildings and signed an agreement to purchase

approach it requires within the bank, CIBanco designated

60% of our branches’ energy consumption from a solar

José Gómez Santamaría as its Chief Sustainability Officer

park. This will mean that we will be saving around 35% on

to implement the bank’s sustainability agenda. Gómez

our electricity bill each year,” underlines Maciel Castro. The

Santamaría acknowledges that sustainability doubles up

second component of the green strategy is increasing the

as a great marketing strategy because it sets CIBanco

proportion of profits generated from green business. “The

apart from other banks. He explains the three generations

CI Green Auto Loan has grown 250% in this past year,” he

of Mexican banks. First generation banks are those that

adds. While the bank is also exploring opportunities in new

were nationalized in 1982 and reprivatized 10 years after.

sectors such as eco-friendly transportation (GNV) and

Second generation banks are those that were approved in

more efficient industrial machines, it will mostly be focused

the mid-1990s, while third generation banks are the ones

on renewable energy projects in the coming years. “The

that have been authorized during the last two presidential

Energy Reform encourages the use of renewable energy

administrations, such as CIBanco. “The main challenge

by eliminating regulatory hurdles for new projects and by

we face is linked to being a third generation bank. We are

building more transmission lines. In addition, the financial

competing with institutions that have been in the market

sector will provide access to preferential green credits,

for more than 100 years and that are worldwide brands,”

although we are still waiting for the secondary laws to

says Maciel Castro.

come through to finalize this,” Maciel Castro adds.

and the publishing of a measuring methodology, he

favor of establishing a mandatory car verification program

recommends, while adding that CEMDA will also advocate

in every state while establishing local standards,” says

the reduction of the use of fossil fuels in the transportation

Alanís Ortega. He declares that labor, education, culture,

sector and a halt to the promotion of nuclear power.

crime, and the economy feature far more prominently on Mexico’s public agenda than environmental issues. CEMDA

“According to the World Health Organization, around

notes that the preservation of natural resources, quality

40,000 people die every year in Mexico due to poor air

of life, and public health go hand in hand. “By increasing

quality, but not many policies address this issue although

the use of renewable energies, the annual mortality rate

plenty of laws exist,” Alanís Ortega laments. CEMDA points

linked to poor air quality would dramatically decrease.

to a broad array of issues that need immediate attention

The overlapping of social and environmental issues

across several sectors. “First, the question of subsidies

should also concern lawmakers. An existing phenomenon

should be addressed. For example, the subsidy on gasoline

known as ‘environmental migration’ has recently received

only benefits a small segment of society with financial

attention, as it has grown in scope. Environmental migrants

means and promotes air pollution. Second, law enforcement

are people who have moved because they can no longer

should place more emphasis on illegally imported cars,

remain in their original place of residence due to droughts,

which arrive in Mexico every year in large quantities. These

heat, hurricanes, floods, among other environmental

vehicles often do not have catalytic converters and do

contingencies. Today, more than ever, vulnerability should

not comply with technical norms. Therefore, CEMDA is in

be taken into account but it is not happening.”


OAXACA’S GREAT RENEWABLE RESOURCE POTENTIAL The Isthmus of Tehuantepec, the narrowest region of Mexico,

and most projects have 20-year agreements with the

stretches across Oaxaca, Veracruz, Chiapas, and Tabasco. In

communities,” he adds.

this part of the country, the Pacific Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico are separated by only 215km. Around the Isthmus,

Oaxaca also has a great hydro power resource. According

warm maritime stream emerges, originating a thermic and

to the National Meteorological Service, Oaxaca was among

pressure gradient that results in an intense northern wind

the five states with the most precipitation in Mexico during

from November to February. According to the Wind Resource

2012 with an average of 1,360mm, while the state had the

Atlas of the state of Oaxaca, the best wind resources areas are

most accumulated precipitations in the country in Cerro

located in the southern region of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec,

del Oro with 4,362.4mm. “The state has eight regions and

along the coast and in the mountains, where the La Mata-La

two of its regions – Sierra Sur y Sierra Norte – have very

Ventosa wind park is located.

interesting river drops. There is a huge quantity of water in these regions as well as on the Papaloapan region, close

During the 1980s, the Electrical Research Institute (IIE)

to Veracruz, and along the coast,” points out Casillas Cano.

began studying the possibility of generating wind power

Solar energy is another abundant but untapped resource

in the region. However, it was not until 1992 when the legal

in Oaxaca. Casillas Cano claims the federal government

framework modifications allowed the private sector to

has tried to guide solar projects to the north of Mexico

generate energy. “It was then that the wind industry was

but Oaxaca has great potential in all of la Mixteca, Sierra

born in Mexico, it first happened in Oaxaca,” says Sinaí

Sur, the coast of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, as well as

Casillas Cano, Director of Renewable Energies for the State

the Valles Centrales region, a strip of 12,000km2 that has

of Oaxaca. “This experimental project – built by CFE using

a solar resource of 5kWh/m2. Salina Cruz, for example,

Vestas technology – was inaugurated in 1994 in La Ventosa

has an average of 5.8kWh/m2, while Hermosillo in Sonora

and generated 1.5MW.”

has 6kWh/m2, with the latter being considered part of the

“Oaxaca is a very interesting place for wind energy development since it has 4,500 wind hours a year, compared to European wind plant clusters which have 2,000-2,500 wind hours a year” Sinaí Casillas Cano, Director of Renewable Energies for the State of Oaxaca

However, wind energy developments did not take off until

Solar Belt of North America and a prime location for solar

President Vicente Fox’s administration in the 2000s, when the

energy projects. “To put things into perspective, Germany

first Open Season was launched, which created the necessary

has a 3kW/m2 potential and is a global power when it

guarantees for companies to begin developing projects.

comes to solar energy,” says Casillas Cano.

Nowadays, the Isthmus of Tehuantepec has 17 wind farms with 1,600MW installed capacity, and many global companies

Oaxaca has the ambition to become Mexico’s central

have invested in the region such as Acciona, Vestas, Gamesa,

production hub for a number of renewable energy

Iberdrola, Energies Nouvelles and many others.

sources, an aim that is coupled to the goal of developing technology locally. “This would allow us to consolidate


Today, Oaxaca produces 90% of Mexico’s wind energy, with

the value chain, create jobs, and bring technologies to

1,100 installed wind turbines occupying 13,000 hectares of

the local communities,” notes Casillas Cano. However, the

land. Casillas Cano highlights the fact that to generate 1MW,

Oaxaca’s greatest challenge may well be dealing with the

7 hectares are occupied at an average investment cost of

800 communities that still do not have access to electricity.

US$2 million. “Oaxaca is a very interesting place for wind

Oaxaca has 12,000 communities, distributed across 570

energy development since it has 4,500 wind hours a year,

municipalities and 16 ethnicities. Its topography has

compared to European wind plant clusters which have

caused a dispersion of population, making it difficult and

2,000-2,500 wind hours a year. It is profitable because

unprofitable for CFE to connect all communities to the

renewable energy projects around the world recover their

electricity grid, especially since many of them are formed

investment in 12 to 14 years on average, while wind energy

by only 10 to 15 houses. Renewable energy sources, and

projects in the Isthmus recover their investment in 8 years

especially solar energy, provide hope for these communities.


Victor Treviño, Director of Energy and Environment of FEMSA

Over the course of 120

to substitute its fossil fuel consumption with renewable

years, FEMSA states it has

energy sources. Other plans to reduce FEMSA’s carbon

shown commitment to the

footprint include reducing energy consumption, and each



business unit has specific projects to reduce the amount

social security, and the

of energy it consumes. The company operates OXXO, the

environment. However, the

largest convenience store chain in Mexico, which represents a

largest beverage company

challenge as this involves a very large number of consumption

in Latin America decided

points. “For example, the Smart Store project looks to

to take its efforts to the

optimize the amount of energy used in OXXO convenience

next level by integrating

stores on a store-by-store basis. This is a continuous process



and energy consumption has been going down every year,”

and energy division in 2011. FEMSA’s sustainability


states Treviño. He says that energy efficiency is an ongoing

strategy, which is focused on positively transforming the

process because businesses have to always look for new

communities where the company operates, involves three

technologies and find ways to incorporate them in operations.

main areas: energy, waste and recycling, and water use. FEMSA’s social and environmental commitments extend FEMSA’s energy strategy aims to lower the company’s

to its supply chain, with a major focus on sustainable

carbon footprint in ways that are economically feasible.

sourcing. Recently, the company launched a pilot program

The first step in this strategy consisted of mapping the

involving equipment suppliers for the OXXO convenience

company’s largest energy consumption points. The results

store chain. Imbera, a FEMSA supplier that is the second

showed that out of the ten countries where the company

largest refrigerator producer in the world, implemented

operates, Mexico represented 80% of the firm’s energy

the One Planet Living Principles. Imbera is now producing

consumption. This situation made FEMSA decide to

refrigerators that are 70% more energy efficient than the

incorporate renewable energy sources into its operations.

ones produced eight years ago. Imbera also implemented

Wind energy was the most promising renewable source

the Environmental Leadership Program with PROFEPA,

at the time. FEMSA partnered up with Macquarie Goup

involving 16 suppliers in the process and generating around

to develop a wind farm in Oaxaca in which the firms

MX$9 million (US$660,000) in energy saving practices. At

took equity stakes of respectively 45% and 55%. Mareña

the same time, this led to a 14% reduction in CO2 emissions.

Renovables was destined to become the largest wind

The Imbera case provides a good example of how FEMSA

farm in Latin America, with 396MW to be installed on the

approaches federal government initiatives. SEMARNAT

Isthmus of Tehuantepec. Before development started,

has a program where large companies are invited to lead a

in April 2012, FEMSA sold its 45% equity to Mitsubishi

strategy in which suppliers are involved. Larger companies

and Dutch pension fund PGGM, but together with the

have more resources and information to design strategies



for smaller companies that might not have the time to learn

Moctezuma remained the project’s off-takers under a

about the latest trends in energy efficient technologies.

20-year self-supply contract, with FEMSA using 85% of

FEMSA partnered with the Global Institute of Sustainability

the generated electricity while Cervecería Cuauhtémoc-

at Tec de Monterrey, FOMIN, and Banorte, inviting 3,000

Moctezuma would consume the remaining 15%. After the

small suppliers to share information and educate them on

project had been held up for well over a year due to local

green practices as well as the types of energy efficiency

community resistance, the decision was taken to relocate


the project to two alternative wind sites in the same region,

important but small when compared with the number of

meaning that Femsa will have to remain patient to receive

SMEs in Mexico. We need to be successful with this project

its anticipated wind energy supply.

so we can scale it up,” says Treviño. FEMSA also teamed









up with Ashoka, one of the world’s leading NGOs for social Deciding how to approach the incorporation of renewable

entrepreneurs, in promoting entrepreneurship among young

energy required thorough planning and analysis. “We

people between 14 and 24 years old. The youngsters explain

identified that the key for us was to maintain our focus in

a specific idea and FEMSA-Ashoka helps them to develop

our core business and try to find strategic alliances with

a business plan. This collaboration has already led to 210

specialists in other areas,” says Victor Treviño, Director

projects across Mexico, with 1,320 more in development.

of Energy and Environment of FEMSA. Treviño’s team is

“This is the best way in which we can really seed the right

evaluating possibilities such as photovoltaic and geothermal

spirit for future leaders of the country,” concludes Treviño.



become possible as solar becomes more competitive in the




next few years. In the meantime, the reality is that speed is




of the essence, and that it is easier for Walmart to commit

CEO launched a series

to large renewable energy projects, allowing hundreds of



stores to be converted at one time. “We will be adding three

be applied across all of

new projects in 2014, two wind farms in Oaxaca and one


hydro project in Veracruz. We will add 222MW from the

This Manuel Gómez Peña, Sustainability and Energy Director of Walmart Mexico and Central America







wind farms and 30MW from the hydro plant, allowing us to

the approach of many

connect 886 stores.” Aware that the wind sector in Oaxaca



is beginning to be crowded, Walmart’s pipeline of projects

sustainability practices are

is eyeing up wind projects in Tamaulipas and Baja California.

often drawn up in their home country first, before being

Economically, renewable energy has proved popular since

progressively rolled out to other markets. The three pillars

the company doesn’t pay premiums and makes savings

of Walmart’s global sustainability plan were announced

since it is not paying the public utility rate. Gómez Peña

in the US, Mexico and everywhere else. These pillars aim

points out that a long-term impact of this decision is to

to make the retail giant powered by 100% renewable

pay more predictable rates and to escape the volatility that

energy, to generate zero waste and to sell environmentally

has been seen in CFE’s rate. Renewable energy sources

friendly products. Given Mexico’s increasing acceptance

are not the only way Walmart is seeking to change the

for renewable energy sources, the first of these pillars was

footprint of its stores. LED lighting and closed refrigeration

of particular interest to Manuel Gómez Peña, Walmart’s

are just some of the latest technologies that Walmart has

Sustainability and Energy Director in Mexico. In 2009,

harnessed to make its latest stores 30% more efficient than

two Walmart stores in Aguascalientes and Baja California

the ones it opened in Mexico five years ago. Energy control

became supplied by solar energy. This was just a drop in

and measurement systems are also installed on a wide

an ocean as in April 2010, Walmart kicked off a partnership

scale, helping to identify equipment that is functioning

with EDF to build the 67.5MW La Ventosa wind farm in

outside parameters.

Oaxaca. Gómez Peña explains that this wind farm provides energy for 378 stores in the Mexico City metropolitan area.

Although its sustainability goals have come straight from

The company has also modified these stores to ensure

the top, they would have little chance of succeeding

optimum water and energy efficiency, seeking to make its

without incentivizing and encouraging store managers and

outlets sustainable in more ways than one.

employees to take part. “We have found that two stores with identical technology can have differences in energy

Mexico has played a leading role in Walmart’s global

consumption of up to 20%,” says Gómez Peña. “This can

sustainability practices, a role that was reinforced further

occur in the way staff operate the store, such as leaving

in April 2013. “In April, we launched our 2020 Strategy

doors open or lights on. That engagement has been critical,

which was defined globally. That strategy seeks to reduce

both through training and through campaigns where

our energy intensity by at least 20% by 2020, as compared

they have to follow simple steps, leading to a ranking of

to 2010. This will see us supplied by at least 7,000GWh of

stores. We then highlight the store manager with the best

renewable energy worldwide and 3,000GWh in Mexico,”

performance in important meetings. No technology can be

explains Gómez Peña. Should these figures be reached,

better than an engaged store manager.”

Mexico would provide more than 40% of the total amount of renewable energy used by Walmart worldwide, which

As commendable as this commitment is, Walmart still has

speaks volumes about the company’s renewable energy

to rationalize whether these decisions make economic

expectations in the country.

sense. For Gómez Peña, the two go hand in hand. Since the ultimate objective is to offer customers the lowest


Walmart, although having started off with solar, decided on

prices possible, Walmart aims to be a low-cost operator

a massive commitment to wind but Gómez Peña explains

across the board, and sees sustainability as a great way to

this did not mean solar was being totally excluded. In

do that. “Reducing waste, being energy efficient, enjoying

2012, three more stores were powered by solar, bringing

the tariffs of renewable energy all helps us be competitive

the total number to five. Gómez Peña states that Walmart

as possible,” says Gómez Peña. He explains that the first

wants solar to be as competitive is possible and use it on a

challenge was environmental but the retailer worked hard

large scale, adding that there are high hopes that this will

to reconcile its environmental and financial priorities.

For all its successes, Walmart knows it is not alone in this

he acknowledges that smaller companies may lack the

fight. A retailer of its size works with thousands of suppliers

financing to make the initial investment in more efficient

and sees it as mandatory to help incentivize its suppliers to

technology and processes.

follow its lead. Gómez Peña quantifies the importance of such a strategy, explaining that when looking at the footprint

A large part of Walmart’s involvement with its suppliers

of the entire supply chain, Walmart’s direct operations

also happens directly at the agricultural level. Walmart’s

account for about 8-9% of the total. More than 90% of the

foundation works with very small farmers, by offering

carbon footprint in the Walmart supply chain comes at

specialized technical advice to allow these smallholders to

other stages of the process. As such, Walmart has devised

develop the capabilities to join Walmart’s supply chain. This

strategies to work with different sizes of suppliers. “With

technical advice includes the development of sustainable

large corporations that have their own sustainability goals, we

practices. For slightly larger farms, Walmart acts as a hub

develop joint programs to improve packaging, transportation

between suppliers, passing on best practices from one to

and processes at distribution centers,” he states. Packaging

another or bringing certain suppliers to visit the base of

has been a major area of achievement, as the company

another and establish dialogue. Gómez Peña adds that

seeks to fulfill its zero waste pillar of sustainability. Reducing

Walmart will also soon begin drawing up a sustainability

packaging eliminates waste that would otherwise go to

index, which will seek to methodically identify where the

landfills but also saves on costs. Cutting down on packaging

best sustainability opportunities are in the supply chain,

by half allows twice as many products to fit in every truck,

divided into various categories. Suppliers will then be

thus also saving on fuel costs and emissions.

ranked in the categories most relevant to them. “There will be no direct commercial benefit stemming from

“We also work a lot with SMEs. We strongly believe that

these rankings, but they will allow suppliers to have a

sustainability is not only for the large corporations, and

stronger long-term relationship with us. We also believe

that it does make sense for businesses of all sizes,” says

this will help sustainable practices to spread, making

Gómez Peña. He dismisses concerns that sustainability is

suppliers more efficient and more competitive. But for

not relevant for small companies that are worried about

its customers, Walmart does not necessarily believe it is

paying their next month’s salary. To overcome such doubts,

its role to educate them. Although it does have certain

Walmart has started training programs that over 250 SMEs

awareness campaigns, Walmart seeks to avoid customers

have gone through so far. These workshops identify viable

having to choose between an ecological product and an

sustainable projects for these firms to put in action, while

affordable product. As a retailer, it seeks to “offer them

also having a financial payback. While Gómez Peña insists

the best and cheapest products, to which sustainability

that sustainability can help to reduce costs in the long run,


IDEAS provides a broad range of legal support to its clients by advising from a legal and technical standpoint, to maintain the business sustainability, considering current trends in legislation and related public policies, both domestic and international, with the specific impact on productive sectors operations, focusing on increasing our clients resource efficiency, accomplishing their goals and minimizing operational risks, taking into account the protection of the environment through sustainable development perspective.



Rosalío Rodríguez, Director of Operations of Grupo Bimbo

Few companies in Mexico

Another major area where Grupo Bimbo has long sought

have the visibility and fame

to reduce emissions is its vast fleet of over 40,000

of Grupo Bimbo. Arguably

vehicles. Naturally, the company’s main producer of CO2



emissions is gasoline, so finding ways to improve the

baking company in the

fleet’s performance has been high atop the sustainability





agenda, along with increasing efficiency at its plants. One




step in the right direction at the plants has been to replace



all motors with high-efficiency versions, which brought

and it is expected to be

immediately noticeable benefits in terms of reducing Grupo



Bimbo’s carbon footprint. For its vehicle fleet, several





programs have been rolled out. A partnership for eco-

Director of Operations, knows something of Grupo Bimbo’s

friendly vans running on LNG was struck with Mercedes-

commitment to give back to society. “We formalized

Benz in 2012, while experimentation with electric cars has

sustainable practices in the 1990s, before it was called

happened more recently, and despite their limited range

sustainability. Our system was called SIGA, which sought to

these have proven popular. “These cars are very useful

correctly manage resources, such as energy, raw materials

in cities. A hybrid car in Mexico City reaches an average

and waste. This was part of a commitment to respecting

speed of 32km/h if using highways. If it is just moving in

the needs of the community, rather than to make money

downtown areas or at peak congestion times, this speed

or to improve our reputation,” says Rodríguez. What began

drops to under 10km/h. This can make a significant carbon

as SIGA has become a global set of processes that aim to

footprint, which we save, since we do not use these cars to

reduce environmental impact, as well as energy and water

travel long distances,” says Rodríguez.



use. One of its principal moves was to invest in the Piedra Larga wind farm in Oaxaca, which began operations in

Optimizing this sustainability strategy across all the different

October 2012. Piedra Larga supplies virtually all of Grupo

areas of the business has netted Grupo Bimbo a significant

Bimbo’s electrical needs in Mexico. Although few companies

amount of savings, though these have not gone toward

could hope to emulate Grupo Bimbo’s strategy of going it

the company’s bottom line. Instead, all of the money is

alone on a single wind farm, the move still echoed across

reinvested in more sustainable initiatives, ensuring a three-

the Mexican corporate world as a herald of the potential of

pronged win-win scenario: money is saved, those savings

wind energy. As Rodríguez explains, the bakery giant had

are re-invested and the environment directly benefits. As

been trying to enter the wind energy sector for more than

one of Mexico’s leading companies, Grupo Bimbo is also

six years. Regulations had long been a hindrance to this kind

aware of how the example it sets will influence other

of investment, but Grupo Bimbo was active in lobbying the

companies, as well as its suppliers. As such, all information

government to simplify the creation of renewable energy

about the group’s sustainability program is made publicly

projects. The group’s desire to engage in wind rather than

available. Collaborations are formed with suppliers to

any alternative energy source came from internal benchmark

ensure that solutions are created for environmental issues.

studies that showed the generation potential and the

Some of these partnerships have been so successful

minimal environmental impact of harvesting wind energy. A

that Rodríguez recognizes that some of Grupo Bimbo’s

further advantage was that this research also showed such

suppliers are “just as good as we are, if not better in certain

projects could be profitable and spark savings for Grupo

areas.” In October 2013, Grupo Bimbo and over 30 of its

Bimbo, making them a perfect sustainable fit. Grupo Bimbo

suppliers even participated in Walmart’s sustainability

is expecting cost advantages throughout the 18 years that

forum, ‘Together for a Better Planet 2013’, to share their

the contract is due to last. To make sure these expectations

collective experiences and successes in reducing their

are met, a number of financial estimates will take place to

overall environmental footprint.

ensure that the wind farm’s energy contributions do not cost


the group more per kWh than that generated by regular

Grupo Bimbo is contemplating sustainability progress in

means. Although Piedra Larga has been up and running for

five year increments, and has set clear targets for 2015

just over a year, initial results have pleased the company.

and for 2020. As should be expected of a worldwide

Despite still being at an early stage, Rodríguez gives Piedra

corporation, such efforts are not being fought alone in

Larga a ringing endorsement, saying “The experience has

Mexico, as all the achievements listed above fit into the

been good. We are trying to find solutions of this kind for

broader spectrum of targets for Argentina, the US and

our facilities in other countries.”

every other country where Grupo Bimbo operates.



Q: What discussions took place inside Grupo Bimbo

has been increasing but electricity prices have increased,

before going ahead with the Piedra Larga wind farm?

too. We participated in this project because in the past

A: Feasible projects need to be financially viable, socially

electricity tariffs were increasing twice as fast as inflation

responsible and environmentally sound. We first received

and we felt comfortable with that. Nevertheless, we do

proposals for various potential projects in 2004, but at the

not know what will happen in the future, but during these

time it was not possible to submit all the needed paperwork

seven months we have saved the money that we were

because of the operating framework. In 2006, the government

expecting to save.

approved certain rules that allowed wind farms to become a real possibility. After this, we started to go deeper into the

Q: What were the critical success factors that allowed

technical, financial, social and environmental aspects until

Grupo Bimbo to change from food and bakery to energy

the project covered all of them, just as the word sustainability

and engineering for the wind farm?

implies, and it was not difficult to get the project approved

A: Our company did not participate with an actual

because it became a perfectly sustainable project.

investment because that is Renovalia’s area of expertise - we focus on our business, which is baking, not building

Q: Why did you choose to cooperate with Renovalia in

wind farms. This separation of responsibilities may

order to make Piedra Larga a reality, and what made the

have been one of the most critical success factors of

project different from others?

this project, as it left the technical issues to the experts.

A: We felt more comfortable with Renovalia because they

Mexico has established many different tariffs depending

offered greater clarity and a more competitive contract; they

on the consumption of energy and our corporate energy

offered the best financial option, too. Even if it might look

department has developed an in-depth understanding of

like a smaller company, Renovalia has proven its expertise

the way we use power. Grupo Bimbo pays the HM tariff,

in Mexico. In building our wind farm Renovalia experienced

which is divided into three different timeframes during the

some social issues in Oaxaca, but they reacted as well as

day: base, intermediate and peak. By understanding the

possible. We feel that we have the best partner available.

group’s consumption profile we can compare that with the power that is being generated by the wind farm. We are

Q: What approach was taken to solve these social issues

now validating the assumptions that we had made about

in a way that aligned the interests of the developer and

the power generation expected from the project.

the community? A: The region of Union Hidalgo in Oaxaca is a region

Q: What advice would you give to other off-takers who

with many social issues. Renovalia spent a lot of time

might be interested in self-supply energy projects?

explaining the meaning of the project and its benefits to

A: It is important to analyze your current situation, create

the community, in both Spanish and Zapoteco. Renovalia

a team of experts, either internal or external, and lawyers.

had worked there before and already gone through a

It is very difficult for companies to find professionals to

learning process about the needs of the community. Grupo

work on these types of projects and few companies are as

Bimbo did not experience problems with the community

big as Grupo Bimbo. It is possible to band together with

thanks to Renovalia’s involvement, and we signed a Power

a number of companies to gather financial strength and

Purchase Agreement for 18 years.

become joint off-takers. At first, we considered 90MW for the wind farm, but our estimations were not accurate and

Q: How does this project impact your financial bottom

this would have been too much power generation capacity

line, since many people think that wind power is very

for the goals that Grupo Bimbo was looking to achieve.


Therefore we invited our strategic partners, under the

A: In the first seven months of operation, the wind farm’s

umbrella of Amigos de Bimbo, to the project, who now

performance was in line with our projections. Inflation

consume 18% of the power generated by the wind farm.



started looking for hydroelectric projects, since we knew

have seen their electricity

that these projects can generate low cost electricity after

costs more than double

the payback period of the initial investment,” explains Vaca



Durán. At that time electricity in Mexico was not expensive

The combination of rising

in comparison to other markets, since the cost of oil

energy prices and delayed

came down as low as US$8 per barrel (Mexican mix) and


Mexico’s national currency was undervalued, following the





generation capacity has led Arturo Vaca Durán, Energy and Technology Vice President of Peñoles

Mexican peso crisis.

to an increasing reliance on energy self-sufficiency

While the Mexican government tried to attract developers

strategies among Mexico’s

to come to Mexico and build combined cycle plants,

most energy intensive companies. Peñoles, one of the

Peñoles saw the installed power capacity margin, or the

country’s leading mining companies, produced 92.9% of the

difference between installed capacity and maximum

energy it consumed in 2012 and added wind power to its

demand. This becomes a problem when plants are in

energy mix, through its Fuerza Eólica del Istmo subsidiary.

maintenance or being repaired. “In 1996 we were aware that if power generation investment did not come to Mexico we

Peñoles, founded in 1887, is the world’s top producer of

were going to face a period of energy shortages, which

refined silver, the largest in the western hemisphere for

would affect our mines and plants since our operations

metallic bismuth, the leading Latin American producer of

run 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. For example, without

refined gold and lead, and among the main refined zinc and

electricity a mine can flood in just four hours, which

sodium sulfate producers in the world. Arturo Vaca Durán,

may mean the mine is lost for six months, and that has

the company’s Energy and Technology Vice President,

happened in the past. Our main motivation for getting into

emphasizes the difference between a pure mining

self-supply then was to avoid electricity shortages in our

company and a mining company that also has electrolytic

mines and plants,” explains Vaca Durán.

and smelting processes, with Peñoles, which has integrated operations in smelting and refining non-ferrous metals and

Peñoles considered combined cycle power plants, but

also produces chemicals. “In a mining company that has

the volatility of the natural gas prices made the company

smelting and refining processes, very frequently the most

reluctant to invest in this technology. However, in 1998 it saw

important part of the operating costs is electricity,” Vaca

another opportunity to use pet coke as an energy source

Durán says. Since the company’s operations depend on a

when Pemex modernized its refineries, resulting in an excess

substantial and continuous supply of electricity, energy

of pet coke that had to be exported at a loss. “We were able

constitutes an important component of production costs for

to enter into a 20 year supply agreement with Pemex, since

Peñoles. Energy efficiency has therefore been a permanent

at that time pet coke was considered to be a residue rather

fixture in the minds of the company’s management team.

than a fuel. The cost savings we made through sourcing

“We have people working continuously on studies at each

pet coke at a competitive cost and burning it in an efficient

of our mines to develop strategies for being as efficient

and environmentally friendly way have been significant,

as possible in the use of electricity,” says Vaca Durán. An

while this agreement provided us with a predictable energy

example of this is the initiative the company took to reduce

source until 2024,” notes Vaca Durán. In the end, the feared

electricity demand at peak times by increasing the capacity

energy shortages did not occur, since many combined cycle

of pumping stations that are responsible for pumping water

plants were installed, but the volatility of natural gas prices

out of its mines, in order to be able to operate them for

between 2000 and 2007 created a lot of uncertainty in

18-20 hours per day and shut them down at peak times

Mexico’s electricity market.

when electricity is more expensive. “We were not saving electricity, we were just reducing demand on peak hours to

Peñoles is following a low-cost producer strategy, meaning

obtain lower electricity cost,” explains Vaca Durán.

that when its revenue decreases as a result of declining commodity prices the company stops investment in order


When Mexico’s power generation sector was opened to

to keep a positive cash flow. “Since the mining industry

private participation in 1992, a new range of opportunities

goes through ‘metal prices’ cycles, smaller companies

opened up for Peñoles to pursue its mission of adding

start having problems very early on in a downward cycle.

value to non-renewable natural resources in a sustainable

If Peñoles did not have the low cost strategy (including

manner. “We saw this as an opportunity and immediately

self-supply scheme) we would be in trouble too, since we

could never obtain electricity at the low prices at which the world’s zinc plants can” explains Vaca Durán. Increasing the level of energy self-sufficiency is thus a priority strategy for Peñoles. In 2012, the company’s operations and its subsidiaries required an average of 276MW, with peak demand reaching 316MW, representing an increase of 2.5% over the previous year, despite having improved overall energy efficiency. Of its total electricity requirements 92.9% was provided through self-supply, 86.1% by the company’s pet coke plant in San Luis Potosi, 3.7% through wind power supplied by Fuerza Eólica del Istmo, and 3.1% from internal cogeneration initiatives. The remaining 7.1% was purchased from the CFE. As part of its Vision 2020 growth strategy, Peñoles estimates that its electricity demand will grow to 480MW in 2015 and 580MW in 2020. When thinking on a longer time horizon, Vaca Durán would like to recommend Peñoles an energy mixture of 60% natural gas and 40% renewable energy by 2030. “We need to have at least 80% of firm

Photovoltaic has also become impressively competitive,

power for peak times and we should design our mines and

compared to what it cost three years ago, and Peñoles is

plants to rationalize the energy demand at peak times.

exploring the possibility of installing this technology. “A

Should we need to reduce the natural gas price volatility,

photovoltaic power plant currently produces energy at

we may have to decide whether to enter into a strategic

a cost of US$10-11 cents per kWh, which is not yet good

alliance with natural gas companies in the US to secure

enough for us to develop it on a commercial scale, but

a natural gas price below US$6, for example,” says Vaca

we may start with pilot facilities of 1 to 15MW,” says Vaca

Durán. “However, the cost of wind power would be lower if

Durán. “Solar plants are easy to build and maintain, making

we consider that natural gas prices will be at US$6. While

this type of energy a good option for mid-sized companies,

energy cost is very important, you also have to consider

since they get their energy at higher prices, making solar an

security of supply, taxes on emissions and the Mexican

economical option for them. Unfortunately, the best solar

legal framework certainty.”

resource is not always available where the minerals are located. We have one project where this is the case, at one

Following the completion of Phase I of the Fuerza Eólica del

mine in Sonora. We may construct a pilot plant there, and

Istmo wind farm, with 50MW installed capacity located in

if costs continue improving, we may consider a larger plant

the La Ventosa region of Oaxaca, Peñoles has added another

afterwards. Some open pit mines require large amounts of

30MW in Phase II. This brings the company’s total wind power

diesel fuel for their off-road mobile equipment, which at

investment to US$175 million and enables the company to

today’s natural gas prices may open significative saving

generate up to 15% of its annual consumption. The process

opportunities. If they can replace the use of diesel with

of constructing these wind projects has met with relatively

LNG they could save tens of millions of dollars per year and

little operational issues or social resistance, since Peñoles

simultaneously reduce their CO2 emmissions. That could be

gave careful attention to these issues, and was able to apply

the best energy efficiency project I have ever seen.”

certain skills that it had developed as a mining company. “Our company has acquired skills in engineering and construction;

The expertise of the mining industry has proven to be an

we do not actually execute the construction of the project

important asset when developing renewable energy projects.

but we closely supervise it,” states Vaca Durán. “Peñoles has

However, given the lack of transmission infrastructure in

also people fully devoted to negotiate land access, since

Mexico not every mining company has the financial strength

this is needed to deal with ejidos and comuneros for the

to participate in these projects, since putting in transmission

mining projects, and these land owners do not always have

lines can represent up to 15% of the cost of the project.

their papers in order and sometimes they inherit or sell their

“The government should actively develop transmission

land through verbal commitment. Our negotiators are very

infrastructure, and private investment will come,” Vaca

gentle and offer these people important benefits with a view

Durán adds. “By reducing the costs of renewable energy

to developing a good relationship with the community, even

projects, through cutting subsidies, an increasing number

though costs are an ongoing concern. The land negotiators

of companies will be able to participate in self-supply

and the engineering department at Peñoles were the key to

schemes, reducing their energy expenses and increasing the

the success of this project.”

competitiveness of the Mexican industrial sector.”


CATALYST FOR THE SUCCESS OF GREEN TECHNOLOGY The United Nations Environment Program launched the

and financing for clean technology projects. Aguirre-

Green Economy Initiative in late 2008. It consists of several

Torres explains this model is different from others as it

components that collectively provide the analysis and

proposes a unique scheme, known as an ecosystem of

policy support for investing in green sectors and greening

technological, social and economic innovation. According

environmental unfriendly sectors. According to the UN’s

to the World Economic Forum, there are 12 pillars that

definition, a green economy has low carbon emissions, is

determine a country’s competitiveness and Cleantech

resource efficient, and socially inclusive.

Challenge includes four of them. “It seeks to contribute

“Why do we have to wait for other countries to act when Mexico is very capable of making its own contributions?” Luis Aguirre-Torres, CEO of Greenmomentum Inc

When Luis Aguirre-Torres, CEO of Greenmomentum Inc.,

to the transition from an efficiency-oriented economy

read the UN’s publication in 2008, he was not pleased.

to an innovation-oriented economy,” he says. Cleantech

“It basically states that countries like the US have the

Challenge Mexico’s 2014 edition invites green business

obligation to contribute to a green economy, whereas less

entrepreneurs to enter, with a chance to win MX$250,000

developed countries like Mexico can wait for developed

(US$18,700) and to network with potential investors and

countries to before acting. Why do we have to wait for

strategic partners. “The latest buzz around cleantech

other countries to act when Mexico is very capable of

is about water technology,” says Aguirre-Torres. Local

making its own contributions?” This set in motion a series

governments are installing the technology, while SMEs

of actions that saw Greenmomentum become part of

are developing it. “We talk to about 200 SMEs every year

the UN Climate Change Conference of 2010 in Cancun

and about 10% of them are focusing on water technology.

and liaise with many key environmental players, leading

This area presents an opportunity that will continue

to the creation of Cleantech Challenge Mexico, a form

expanding because there is a real need for it in Mexico.

of competition to increase Mexico’s competitiveness.

A lot of money is going to come in from investment and

The contest promotes entrepreneurial culture and green

technology development.” he adds. Due to its success,

jobs, while providing training for company development








In the fight against climate change, non-governmental

initiatives are undermined by legislations that impede

actors have the distinct advantage of being able to work

local governments from accessing resources.” Villaseñor

across national boundaries to address matters that affect

Franco states that the NGO participates in modifying

the entire globe. Local Governments for Sustainability

technical and legal tools that could benefit municipalities

(ICLEI) is an international non-profit organization made

in adopting sustainable policies. In Mexico, ICLEI analyzed

up of governments from various levels around the world.

Mexico’s General Climate Change Law and worked

Having achieved official UN Observer status, ICLEI

alongside the Congress of the Union to review the 2013

represents the collective vow of its more than 1,400

federal budget and ensure the proper use of the country’s

members to work together on sustainable development.

green fund. “We want to present financial, technological,

Its chapters, such as the Latin American & Caribbean

and economic alternatives to municipalities. We want


to join academic, public, and private efforts to improve






supported by international mechanisms. For example,


ICLEI has fought for the improvement of financial

governance, renewable energy, energy efficiency, waste

mechanisms such as green funds,” says ICLEI Mexico’s

management, water use and sustainable transportation,”

Executive Director, Edgar Villaseñor Franco. “But such

explains Villaseñor Franco.





process. Cleantech Challenge has been so successful that

of the biggest banks in Mexico that wanted to implement

it now operates as separate entity from Greenmomentum,

sustainable actions across its operations. Greemomentum

although still part of the same group. Greenmomentum

was able to make recommendations that transformed the

itself offers marketing intelligence services with the aim

institution, not only by reducing its carbon footprint, but

of boosting the development of clean technology projects

also including internal actions to maximize the efficient

through financing and technical support. Aguirre-Torres

use of water and energy resources. These actions were

observes that Greenmomentum’s business model is like a

eventually reflected in the reduction of operating costs.

funnel: at the top, one finds many small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) that develop clean technology, while

Cleantech Challenge has had a positive impact on Mexico’s

a few corporations exist on the bottom. The company


generates revenue through its consulting services to SMEs,

program, spreading its brand name. In 2012, the White

big corporations, government agencies, and NGOs alike. “To

House recognized the company for promoting social,

larger companies, we offer solutions to problems relating

technological, and economic change in Latin America.

to efficiency, waste management, and carbon emissions,

With this recognition, the company acquired an implicit

based on what the SMEs can offer.” Ideally, by offering and

commitment from the White House to replicate the

implementing these solutions, small and medium-sized

Cleantech Challenge model in the next three years in 12 Latin

companies eventually become national providers for larger

American countries, Aguirre-Torres empathizes. Last year,

corporations. In this way, Greenmomentum helps the big

the company began international operations by establishing

players directly support the process of economic growth

strategic partners outside Mexico with Cleantech Forum

and national competitiveness.

across Europe, Innobasque in the Basque Country, and





LabCorp in Panama. It also participated in energy summits However, Aguirre-Torres points out that it is common for

in New York and San Francisco as part of a marketing effort

small companies not to be able to sell their products to

to position the company outside Mexico and start offering

corporations as they do not fulfill their requirements to

services for foreign firms coming to the country.

become suppliers, such as production capacity, financial backup, and scalability. Greenmomentum steps in at this

Mexico’s way to a green economy is still a long and winding

point to help small companies validate their technology,

road. The first step in Aguirre-Torres’ perspective is making

business and commercial models. It assists them in

energy efficiency mandatory. “I am not talking about

creating a structure that allows them to have the financial

changing light bulbs but of installing predictive systems

backup and the commercial processes to become part

that tell how much energy is being consumed. We have

of the supply chain for big players. This is all part of

to invest in energy efficiency technologies at a residential

Greenmomentum’s goal to create a national supply chain

and commercial level. On the other hand, it is urgent that

that is both sustainable and financially viable. Usually, it is

CFE transitions to a smart grid to reduce energy waste.” All

up to Greenmomentum to promote sustainable initiatives

this goes back to financing clean technology but Aguirre-

although it is seeing larger clients approach it in search for

Torres believes the challenge lies in simply understanding

green solutions. Aguirre-Torres recalls the example of one

how to make that financing process profitable.

One of ICLEI’s major projects is the Municipal Climate

this does not distract him from the fact that Mexico is facing

Action Plan (PACMUN), a program financed by the

several challenges that need to be addressed. “First, more

British government to help local governments in Mexico

political will is needed among local authorities, and ICLEI is

limit the effects of greenhouse emissions and adapt to

working to rapidly create awareness about environmental

climate change. This initiative complements the General

issues before irreparable changes take place due to climate

Climate Change Law, which encouraged the involvement

change. Second, the political terms of local authorities are

of municipal governments but did not define specific

short at just three years, which affects how governments

strategies for them to act. “This is where ICLEI came in,”

prioritize issues. This often sees environmental issues

says Villaseñor Franco. “We are currently working with

placed at the bottom of the agenda. Furthermore, the legal

over 65 municipalities to raise awareness about their

and judicial frameworks should be modified to facilitate

susceptibility to climate change and the impact certain

the way local governments work,” he states. “Current

industries have on the environment. These communities

regulations are so complex that even if a local government

can then introduce mitigation measures with immediate

has the will and resources to use renewable energy, a

environmental, economic, and social benefits.” Villaseñor

project can usually not be implemented within a three-year

Franco highlights the growing commitment of Mexican

term. It is also imperative to improve tax collection at the

civil society to sustainable development, which he says is

municipality level to finance environmental policies and

crucial to transforming political will into action. However,

actions,” he explains.



emphasizes the importance of working across the complete


value chain to truly establish sustainable practices in the



effects of global warming when

Dr. Isabel Studer, Director of the Global Institute for Sustainability


manufacturing sector.


Manuel and Ingrid made

In this project, the institute is currently working with 3,000

landfall simultaneously on

small and mid-sized companies that are FEMSA and Walmart



providers. “Working with FEMSA and Walmart has enabled

and the Gulf of Mexico,


us to approach these companies and collaborate with them;



this partnership has been a gateway for us,” Studer says.

According to the Mexican


She explains that working with these companies would

Association of Insurance

otherwise have been very difficult, but that it has not been

Institutions (AMIS), the monetary cost of this natural

challenge free. “There are great training differences between

disaster amounted to MX$75 billion (US$5.6 billion),

the owners and workers of the different companies. It is

making it the most expensive weather phenomenon in

difficult to gain their interest to create a sustainable training

Mexican history. One of the most important issues that

process, especially in relation to an issue which might not

arose from this natural disaster was the incapability of

be essential for their competitiveness,” Studer says. “For

the government to face climate change challenges on its

FEMSA and Walmart, it is obvious that if they want to make

own. As part of its 2015 vision, the Monterrey Institute of

a significant contribution to the Mexican economy, they

Technology and Higher Education (ITESM) – one of the

need to work with small companies, because they represent

most important networks of private universities in Mexico

the majority of Mexican companies.” Another issue is the

– in an alliance with Arizona State University, created the

green economy, a broad new concept that is essential to

Global Institute for Sustainability (IGS) in 2011. Its director

foster public policies and business strategies that include

and founder, Dr. Isabel Studer, explains IGS’ main objective

sustainability. Studer quotes the many studies and reports

is to work with the private sector to see sustainability

published by KPMG, PwC, and McKinsey about the cost of

included in the business models of Mexican companies.

natural capital degradation, which stands at about 10-11% of the global GDP. “The numbers and expenses have sounded

Another important project is the Agreement for a

the alarms of many companies, who are realizing that the

Sustainable Mexico which has been signed by 50 companies

lack of government actions will have a direct impact on

– such as Nissan, P&G, Banamex and GE. Studer stresses

their finances. For example, Federal Express is calculating

this agreement includes specific commitments in terms of

the impact of flooding due to climate change on the

energy efficiency, water conservation and consumption,

logistics business in many countries,” she says. In Studer’s

renewable energy implementation, and waste management.

perspective, there are many tangible problems that are the

“It seeks to boost a public policy agenda from the academic

result of climate change and natural capital degradation.

and private sectors that inevitably will have an impact in

Thus, it is the perfect time for IGS to seek to make

the states and federal governments.” However, it is not only

significant contributions to addressing these problems. This

private companies that have signed the agreement, since

is where the institute’s partnership with the State University

other universities outside the ITESM network, as well as

of Arizona plays a significant role since it has about 300

SEMARNAT, are participating. Studer says the agreement

researchers working on sustainability issues.

has enabled the institute to articulate a relationship with companies, but most importantly, transform commitments

Even though it has a great collaborative relationship with

into actions, while creating a collaboration network to

SEMARNAT, the institute is not interested in working

supply needed human talent and developing knowledge

directly with politicians because, as its founder stresses, it

about green projects.

is very complicated to directly influence public policy. “Our strategy is to work hand in hand with private companies


There are about 4 million companies in the country, but only

to influence public policies through coordinated and

1% of them are responsible for 60% of the manufacturing

collective efforts that will gain traction. I believe this is

GDP. “It is also a fact that 99% of industrial facilities in

more effective,” Studer adds. It is from the private sector’s

Mexico are small and medium-sized companies,” Studer

trench that the institute will continue working to foster the

says. In order to reach these companies, IGS is working

adoption of sustainability practices in Mexico as one of the

with small and medium-sized companies that are providers

main axes to boost economic competitiveness and protect

for AAA companies in sustainability training courses. She

the country from the effects of climate change.


COMMUNITY EMPOWERMENT PRIORITY IN MAJOR INFRASTRUCTURE PROJECTS ALONSO QUINTANA CEO and Director General of ICA Q: What is the current importance of energy projects

Jalisco had to be relocated nearby. However, they saw a

in ICA’s overall portfolio, and where have you identified

great increase in their quality of life, with improvements

opportunities following the Energy Reform?

in housing, transportation and facilities. At the regional

A: Through our industrial construction joint venture with

and local levels, construction of this dam had a significant

Fluor Corporation, ICA Fluor, we have long been a major

economic impact through the creation of direct and indirect

player in the energy sector, particularly in developing and

jobs, and fostered commercial and tourist fishing. The river

upgrading refineries, gas processing plants, petrochemical

interconnection along the reservoir and the construction

plants, and power plants. We are also one of the key

and improvement of land access roads will give inhabitants

contractors for offshore oil and gas platforms. Energy

greater access to development and trade activities. This

is clearly one of Mexico’s fundamental sectors, and we

benefit is tangible in the communities of Magdalena and

expect the Energy Reform to have positive impacts on

Hostotipaquillo, where there has been remarkable growth

all parts of the sector, and to give a significant boost to

in the number of commercial establishments. According

overall economic growth. We see ICA’s role principally

to the Mexican Business Information System, 45 and 12

as a contractor and service provider. We look forward

companies were created respectively in the municipalities

to exploring the new opportunities in oil field services,

of Magdalena and Hostotipaquillo.

both offshore and onshore, resulting from the Energy Reform. At the same time, we think there will be attractive

Q: What are the main pillars of ICA’s sustainability

investment opportunities for us in areas such as mini-

strategy, and which role does sustainability play in the

hydro and wind farms.

firm’s evolving identity? A: Our experience in managing social and environmental

Q: What have been the highlights in ICA’s development of

issues has made us more competitive in the Mexican and

the 750MW La Yesca hydropower project?

international market. Our main sustainability focus is on

A: ICA delivered the La Yesca hydroelectric project on

community engagement and quality of life. We aim to

schedule after six years of construction, and the two

construct meaningful and long term relationships with the

turbines are now providing a large part of the electricity

communities neighboring our projects. In order, to do this

needs of the Guadalajara metropolitan area. Completing

we have many social responsibility programs like Adopt

La Yesca on time was a major accomplishment, given

a School, ICA Help, ICA Health and social reforestation

that previously undetected geological flaws in the slopes

programs with our employees. We also work together

anchoring the dam curtain wall required a complete

with INEA (the National Institute of Adult Education)

reengineering of the project after the contract was

to support basic adult education for our workers and

awarded. ICA’s reputation for ability to execute, even in

surrounding communities. The next pillar is health and

the most challenging circumstances, is one of our key

safety. All our business units operate with OSHAS 18001,

competitive advantages. La Yesca is located at the border

which is considered to be one of the world’s most

between Jalisco and Nayarit on the embankment of the Rio

recognized standards. Our third pillar has to do with eco-

Grande de Santiago, and has 1.21GWh of annual generating

friendly practices and environmental protection. We are

capacity. This is equivalent to all electricity supplied to the

currently measuring the CO2 emissions of our machinery in

metropolitan area of Guadalajara for 3.5 months.

order to minimize and mitigate our environmental impact. We also have a corporate program to reduce our energy

Q: What role do local communities play when ICA

consumption called Turn Off or Pay and we work closely

develops a project?

with universities and biology institutes for our reforestation

A: Our work on La Yesca involved developing close relations

and biodiversity protection programs. As for the future, we

with local communities and authorities. When the project

will ensure most of our urban construction projects are

started, two of the surrounding communities in Nayarit and




MINERAL SOLUTION TO PAPER POLLUTION AND WASTE EDGAR MATUTE General Manager of Mineral Paper Q: Why did you decide to invest in the mineral paper

Q: The concept of mineral paper is not widely known.

business in Mexico?

What is your strategy to reach prospective clients and

A: The paper industry generates a lot of pollution. On average,

convince them to use this kind of paper?

it takes 75,000 liters of water and 20 10-year old trees to

A: We have to work very closely with the federal

produce one ton of paper, but with mineral paper, you do

government, as they are the main consumer of paper in

not use a single drop of water or any trees. Given that 7.1

Mexico. The federal government is essential to develop the

million tonnes of paper are used in Mexico annually, the main

norms required to properly build the mineral paper market.

idea behind introducing mineral paper technology to the

Until now, there have been no regulations concerning

country was to offer a more sustainable paper solution. We

mineral paper. In the next few months, we must focus

are working closely with the Taiwanese owners of the patent

on building our plant and ensuring that we have enough

to find the right funding opportunities, as this sector requires

production to supply the market, as well as establishing

significant investment. Given 24 to 36 months and the right

the norms to create a basis for the market. Our interactions

financing, we could fully develop this industry, especially

so far with high school and college students have shown

since Mexico has a lot of calcite to use as a raw material.

that they love the product. The main problem right now is

CONNECTING SMALLER GREENTECH COMPANIES WITH BIG OPPORTUNITIES Long experience in the trade show industry had given

Climate Reality Project. This gave her awareness of the full

Marcela Altamirano extensive knowledge about how to put

scope of the problem, as “sometimes we do not make the

on most types of trade shows, but it was a lucky encounter

right changes, not because we do not want to, but because

with a newsletter in 2008 that guided Altamirano toward

we do not know how.” The focus of the show rapidly

her current position as General Manager of Gente Como

revolved around smaller players, as many larger firms were

Uno, organizers of Expo En Verde Ser, one of Mexico’s

already aware of sustainability practices and had a number

leading conferences on sustainability and Green business

of events catering to them. The particular challenge of

practices. The newsletter was explaining new regulations

working with smaller companies rapidly became obvious.

about the separation of organic and inorganic waste

Many had either never heard of green concepts or rejected

in Mexico from early 2010. Conversations with people

them as too burdensome for firms trying to ensure their

around her convinced Altamirano that if college-educated

next paychecks. But with the show having attracted 180

Mexicans had little concrete knowledge about recycling, it

exhibitors and 14,000 visitors in its 2013 edition, Altamirano

would be very tough for such initiatives to work nationwide.

says she has seen a real evolution in this regard.

This gave her the impulse to launch En Verde Ser, which held its first edition in 2009.

“Five years ago, Expo En Verde Ser was half the size and half the number of exhibitors and visitors. Companies did


The initial focus for En Verde Ser was to educate people as

not even understand what we were talking about; they

to the realities of sustainability within companies, especially

thought that changing their light bulbs was being green.

smaller ones, the fostering of green technologies and

It has been a long process of explaining the benefits, of

the impact of renewable energy. Altamirano underwent

teaching companies that they do not need to make huge

an education process herself when she obtained the

changes like putting up a new building, but that small

opportunity to be trained by Al Gore as a speaker for his

steps will bring change over time,” says Altamirano. “We

the price of mineral paper, as it can cost 30-40% more than

paper suffers the same effect when in the sun for 30 days, or

ordinary paper. But once we set up our plant, their prices

in just five minutes if it is raining. This paper has no problem

will become almost the same as that of ordinary paper.

with water and is more resistant. It is also 100% recyclable.

Q: What are the main ways mineral paper can help the

Q: How do you see the use of mineral paper in Mexico

Mexican industry?

developing over the next five to 10 years?

A: Mineral paper comes in a variety of different formats. In

A: I think it will be in general use. It will prove to be very

Mexico, 24% of the paper produced is used for publishing

important in the education sector, since mineral paper is

and 57% is used for packaging. The wide array of products

much more resistant and does not get damaged by water.

that mineral paper is used for means we will eventually

The millions of text books that are printed yearly would no

enter the packaging sector and start substituting some of

longer need to be printed, as with this paper, they could

the products that are currently being used.

be passed on from generation to generation. Mineral paper will really change the way we read. The technologies we

Q: It has been reported that mineral paper can cause

use right now will continue to grow but we will always use

troubles for digital printing. How can you overcome

paper. Society likes to think it has been using less paper

barriers like this?

per person over the years. But in 1961, we were consuming

A: The mixture of 80% stone and 20% high density

21 kilograms per person per year. In 2007, this reached 54

polyethylene, coupled with the heat, can make some

kilograms per person per year. There are not enough trees

printers crash. Mineral paper works with digital printing,

or water to maintain that rate. At this moment, mineral

there might just be one or two digital technologies that

paper is the only technology in this sector that can change

would be affected by the heat. Mineral paper must spend

that. I believe we are just beginning to see what this

12 months in direct sunlight to begin to degrade. Any other

technology can be used for.

teach them how to change some supplies, to stop using

further development of potential suppliers should relax

styrofoam, to start thinking of new ways of marketing,

tough conditions on financing or on the return of products.

to teach them that there are some tax incentives if they

Small companies cannot comply with these policies.”

become green.” Her latter point represented a major stumbling block for small companies. The government

Some success stories that have come out of En Verde

has created a number of incentives to encourage the

Ser are a real feather in its cap for Altamirano. One

use of sustainable practices and green materials but this

small company that has participated in every edition of

information did not filter down to the right level. En Verde

the exhibition has now grown significantly through its

Ser’s target base was not aware of the benefits of having

waterproofing systems for roofs made from tires that also

a green roof or installing a solar panel. It has been part

regulate internal temperature based on external conditions.

of Gente Como Uno’s work to make sure they understand

A small cleaning company, Tecnoecológicos Antares, has

these benefits and see them as a competitive advantage

put out a range of products that has become so popular

instead of a waste of time and money.

for its lack of damage to the items being cleaned that it is now used by Volvo and Ferrari, as well as by museums

En Verde Ser has also come to count on the government as

around the world who use it to clean art pieces.

a good ally. For example, the National Fund for the Support of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (FONDO PYME)

With 10% of exhibitors now being international, Gente

has invited companies that could not afford to participate

Como Uno wants to increase the scope of the 2014 edition.

in such trade shows. It has also helped promote the event

Altamirano says a widely applauded change made ahead of

among its network, helping drum up attendance. “I get

the 2013 event was that more stringent requirements were

amazed every year by all the products we find at the expo.

placed on exhibitors. “Companies had to offer solutions

The innovation is amazing,” says Altamirano, while lamenting

in energy, water, food, healthcare or cosmetics. We ran

the high barriers to entry imposed by large corporations

potential exhibitors through a gauntlet of research and

on their suppliers. “Even larger companies sometimes

questions to keep only those offering very good solutions.

cannot become their suppliers because the conditions are

This guarantees the quality of exhibitors that visitors will

so tough. Any company that wants to be involved in the

encounter at En Verde Ser 2014.”




technology, and innovation to help manufacturers create



more productive and efficient equipment.


effectiveness. These are the priorities that DuPont’s

Efficiency, one of the three pillars of DuPont´s sustainable



solutions program, is integral to this work as it is what


determines whether solar technology can compete with




other energy sources. Leveraging its global presence to

customers. Vice President

achieve this goal, DuPont has been helping to develop

of Sustainable Solutions,

next generation solar panels, dubbed Apollo, which

Latin America for DuPont

Fernández claims will be “lighter and more efficient” when


Pedro Fernández, Vice President of Sustainable Solutions, Latin America for DuPont



Pedro Fernández explains

they become available in Mexico within a decade. That

that it was through DuPont’s work on food and energy that

efficiency is also the goal of DuPont’s collaborations with

the company developed a focus on these three priorities

Sharp Solar and Suntech, which it is hoped will yield solar

that aligned perfectly with the needs of their customers.

technology that puts it on par with fossil fuel costs.

This commitment has proven to ring true for DuPont’s work across various sectors of renewable energy, including

Claims of new and cutting-edge products might alarm

wind, solar, and bioenergy. In 2011, DuPont acquired Danish

players in the Mexican solar market but Fernández is

bioproduct company Danisco, partly to gain access to

quick to reassure them. “We do not want to compete

the latter’s research into enzymes used in biofuels. The

with others since DuPont is not involved in the solar panel

Danisco acquisition provided a boost for DuPont’s R&D

manufacturing. We just wanted to lead the market toward

capacity to develop biofuels, although with some careful

innovation and show what can be possible through our

restrictions. As Fernández makes clear “at DuPont, we

Apollo project,” he explains. DuPont’s Apollo technology

do not want to use food to produce biofuels. We wish to

consists of silicon-based thin film photovoltaic cells of high

avoid risking the nutritional security of anyone. Our main

power performance. What characterizes these cells is that

improvement has been to develop techniques to produce

they can work effectively even under problematic weather

biofuels through biomass resources.” While DuPont has

conditions, such as rainy days or hot and humid climates,

been very active in this line of research in the US and

because of their tolerance to damp. heat and humidity.

Brazil, its activities in Mexico have been curtailed by a

Apollo modules’ traits make them a great solution for both

lack of agricultural inputs. But the company is committing

roof-mounted and off-grid projects.

itself to using economically and environmentally suitable biomass products and put them to good use. Given such

Reassuring the market has become a large part of DuPont’s

limitations, it is not surprising that DuPont has elected


to focus much of its attention in Mexico on solar energy.

entrepreneurs have been downcast by the lack of concrete

Since DuPont develops these technologies alongside its oil

successes seen in the sector. To counter this pessimism,

and gas activities, it is in a very good position to assess

DuPont has been sharing its global successes and seeking

the competitiveness between fossil fuels and renewable

to use its partnerships with renowned firms such as Suntech

energy sources. “Solar technology can get very close to

and Kyocera to help investors regain confidence. Part

fossil fuel energy-based projects,” says Fernández, but it

of DuPont’s actions to stimulate the sector has been to

all depends on the equipment put into play. For Mexico,

encourage Mexicans to enter the solar sector. Getting them

where renewable energy sources are seeking to gain more

to do so has been done by DuPont showing how to forge

traction and approval from the government to compete

links with financial backers and by lobbying the government

with fossil fuels, the right technology might be a godsend.

to make more efforts. Fernández is puzzled at the reticence







the authorities have shown to pushing solar forward. “The


The minimum length for a solar panel warranty is 25 years,

government has made very shallow attempts to promote the

DuPont asserts. Anything less than that and a product

sector with a couple of solar farms in the north, but given the

cannot keep up on the Mexican market. With DuPont having

resources available in Mexico, it does not make sense. You do

started work in the solar industry before solar panels were in

not even find this level of resources in the sunniest part of the

commercial use, this is a guarantee they have little trouble

Mediterranean,” he says. Governments from China and Japan

in providing to their customers here. Today, the company

to Spain and Germany have been integral to kick-starting

focuses on three areas: materials for the structure and

solar power generation in their countries and DuPont is

design of solar panels, electrical connections for its Solamet

hopeful Mexico will soon benefit from that same advantage.



Q: In which areas of the renewable energy industry does

understanding that allows us to zero in on the different

Dow Chemical see the greatest opportunities?

needs of different markets, and on how the sun behaves

A: We are currently looking for opportunities within

in different parts of the world. This is why the Enlight

renewable energy, with a stronger focus on wind and solar.

protective film lasts for as long as is needed, even after

Given our presence from the very beginning of the value

being applied just once, when the module is built.

chain, we have the opportunity to impact several sectors. Solar energy has proven to be easier, since the wind energy

Q: What are some of Dow Chemical’s other flagship

supply chain has not developed as quickly as we expected.

products that have become trademarks for the company?

This is all due to what has been happening with fossil

A: For the solar market, we have solar shingles under the

fuels, the prices of which were going up until shale gas

Powerhouse trademark. This is a very interesting solution,

rapidly became feasible, changing the price dynamics. This

since it is similar to solar panels for residential applications,

allowed solar panels to become the best solution, though

except it is shaped like a shingle. The design is unique and

we are still looking at some opportunities in wind power.

aesthetically beautiful when installed on top of a house.

Q: What has been Dow Chemical’s contribution to the

Q: How does Dow Chemical differentiate itself from other

development of renewable energies and to increasing

component developers operating across the supply chain?

their competitiveness compared to fossil fuels?

A: We are very competitive within the industry. All our

A: It is hard for any company, no matter how big, to compete

competitors are huge companies with great R&D activities,

with fossil fuels and their price dynamic. However, one

which is very good as it promotes healthy competition and

important element is just how reliable renewable energy is

pushes us to try and make innovations that have the biggest

compared to fossil energy. Dow Chemical’s main objective

possible impact as quickly as possible. We are constantly

is to provide the technology that will allow renewable

finding new global challenges that need to be addressed.

resources to become reliable enough to compete with

Our company is putting a lot of effort into finding solutions

fossil fuels. For wind energy, we have a system and brand

to these challenges, which are critical if we are to reach

revolving around adhesives. We have created strong

our sustainability goals. We are always thinking about how

blades that remain very light, meaning better performance

scientific materials can help, from reducing the weight of

than other products on the market. We also have a specific

packaging to getting the most energy out of solar and

coating for the painting of wind turbines, which improves

wind. At the same time, we are very responsible regarding

their performance when they are exposed to sun, wind and

our operations, and we are optimizing our energy efficiency

rain. For the solar industry, one of our biggest products is

around the world.

the Enlight Polyolefin PV module encapsulant film, under the Enlight trademark, which helps to both protect the

Q: What are the next challenges you will be facing within

panels and enhance performance.

the renewable energy industry in Mexico? A: One thing that has strikes me is that people are very

Q: How does Enlight enhance the durability and

eager to say that renewable energy is a booming industry

performance of solar panels?

in Mexico and that demand is going to grow, but we need

A: One of the advantages of Enlight products is that

to realize that increasing demand will not directly result in a

they can be tailor-made. We work together with the

better supply chain. We still have China and Europe, among

manufacturers to find out what their needs are and we

other regions, which are not doing well economically and

make specific products for them. For example, we need to

are trying to sell their renewable energy equipment. For

understand the planned lifetime of the panel, so that we

example, companies might import components from

can develop the optimal Enlight product. We have solar

Europe to produce solar panels in Mexico. This might be an

plants in Thailand and the US, which gives us a global

opportunity for Mexico and the entire renewables sector.




13 As the economic crisis battered traditional economic stronghold, the renewable energy market has shifted its gaze toward developing economies. After a decade of slow economic growth, Mexico was quick to recover from the global financial crisis and following a year of groundbreaking reforms is now well positioned to embark on a rapid economic growth trajectory. Mexico has become an increasingly attractive energy investment destination, combining the political will to develop the country’s green economy with an increasingly attractive investment climate and world class energy resources.

This chapter analyzes key issues that Mexican and international companies must take into account when operating in the Mexican energy and sustainability industries, ranging from financial, business and legal issues to the potential challenges of navigating sometimes fractious relations with local communities and complying with the complicated environmental permitting processes.


Cleantech for Latin America

Buscamos soluciones trasformadoras al problema del cambio climatico.

Inteligencia de mercado e innovación sistémica para el desarrollo, implementación y financiamiento de tecnología limpia en México y Latinoamérica. genera inteligencia de mercado especializada en el sector de tecnología limpia como sustento para la toma de decisiones en el desarrollo, implementación y financiamiento de soluciones bajas en carbono. Cuenta con la experiencia necesaria para detectar, analizar y desarrollar nuevas oportunidades de negocio en el sector cleantech en México y Latinoamérica. GreenMomentum se especializa en brindar soluciones a empresas internacionales en expansión que busquen aprovechar nuevas oportunidades de inversión y participación en el mercado mexicano de tecnología limpia. Como parte complementaria a los esfuerzos de GreenMomentum para promover la competitividad en México, en 2010 se crea la organización Cleantech Challenge, hoy en día considerada la principal aceleradora de empresas verdes en Latinoamérica. Ésta, en colaboración con GreenMomentum y la Agencia de Desarrollo Internacional de los Estados Unidos, es el

principal promotor del concurso de empresas verdes más importante de México: Cleantech Challenge México, que en su edición 2014 cumple 5 años de fortalecer el ecosistema emprendedor nacional.

En sus primeras cuatro ediciones, Cleantech Challenge México ha impulsado la creación de más de 2,500 empleos verdes y apoyado la constitución de más de 190 empresas, responsables de más de 100 solicitudes de patentes de tecnología limpia nacional. Se estima que en los próximos cinco años Cleantech Challenge México, y las más de 500 empresas participantes en el nuevo ecosistema de tecnología limpia nacional, logren una reducción en la emisión gases de efecto invernadero superior a las 15 millones de toneladas de CO2e. Hoy en día, GreenMomentum y Cleantech Challenge son considerados elementos esenciales del nuevo ecosistema de innovación sustentable mexicano, consolidándose como motores de desarrollo económico y competitividad.


Smooth Transition toward Mixed Power Generation


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Vision for Making Green Development a Reality


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Mexico Lagging Behind in Social Management


Getting Local Communities Involved


Avoiding Social Conflicts in Renewable Energy Projects


Multi-Sectorial Studies to Back Up Project Developers


Attention to Detail in Contract Management


Civil Infrastructure Support for the Energy Market


Competitiveness as a Manufacturing Hub


Private Studies to Reduce Renewable Uncertainties


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Expansion of Services for New Energy Markets


Stepping Up Mexico’s Manufacturing Industry


Communication Essential for Success of Renewable Energy


Mexicali: A Manufacturing Haven for Renewable Energies


Competition Paves the Road to Renewables


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Particularities of the Baja California Energy Model


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Access to US Market Makes Baja California Attractive


Ensenada: Building Up its Energy Infrastructure


Tijuana: From Manufacturing to Green Technology Hub


Bringing the Wind Energy Sector Together


Joint Green Initiatives


Green Expo: Exchanging Green Ideas



Antonio Martínez Dalmau, Partner in PwC’s Strategy and Operations Group


been working with Mexico’s key stakeholders, including



SENER, to tap up renewable energy sources for two years.

of clients that allow the

SENER commissioned a project on which PwC had to fully

company to be tapped into

determine the competitive potential of each renewable

the power sector around the

energy technology, from wind, PV and biomass to efficient

world. With over a century

cogeneration, mini-electrohydraulic plants, and geothermal

of advising companies in

energy. The value PwC brought to the table became

the power industry, PwC is

evident when SENER published the firm’s conclusions and

able to harness its global

included them in the National Energy Strategy 2013-2027.

experience and knowledge

Once the main obstacles had been identified, PwC’s work






with the authorities was largely concentrated on drafting

solutions for the Mexican reality. Antonio Martínez Dalmau,


agreements and building consensus between the public

Partner in PwC’s Strategy and Operations Group, explains

and private sectors to ensure mixed power generation

how the professional services firm has divided its power

develops in an optimal manner.

team to address the needs of the oil and gas, power and utilities, and mining sectors. This is a formula that has worked

Work with SENER, CFE and other industry leaders

across 158 countries, and this global structure has been

continues apace to ensure renewable energy is backed

closely replicated in Mexico. “We cater to foreign companies

up by a framework that addresses every detail. For

and domestic companies working in Mexico. As a global

PwC, the financial sector, which is so deeply involved in

firm, we move people with technical skills to where they

the renewable energy industry, is crucial. With the same

might be needed. For renewable energy, Spain has a strong

application used for its private clients, both globally and

track record and a mature market, so we help out Mexican

locally, PwC presents international practice proposals

companies from there,” explains Martínez Dalmau.

and then works with institutions on how to adapt these practices to Mexico. This collaboration has looked at

This global approach to tackling local problems is

precise challenges, such as how best to incorporate

particularly relevant at the moment. As a consulting

intermittent power generation into the system. As CFE has

firm, PwC is poised to help deal with the fallout from the

to measure the impact of introducing new energy sources

structural changes expected as a result of the Energy

to the mix, PwC is helping to guide the utility through the

Reform. Martínez Dalmau expects the reform to force all

process, including the introduction of guidelines operators

energy companies in Mexico to revise their development

should follow.

strategies. PwC is gearing up to help the public sector tackle challenges coming from the implementation of

PwC is planning a workshop with CFE, along with

mixed generation techniques, train CFE system operators

international experts and operators, to go through the

and advise on which policies would best attract investment.

entire process of integrating renewable energy into a

For PwC, there is no doubt that the Fiscal and Energy

power grid. This will set up a channel through which to

Reforms will be a shot in the arm for Mexico’s growth.

share information with Mexican operators, which can be

Industrial improvement in the US and pending requests for

used to learn from countries that have walked this path

bids on Mexican infrastructure projects will contribute to

before. These efforts are part of PwC’s broader strategy to

that synergy, according to Martínez Dalmau. The energy

ensure a smooth passage over troubled waters, with the

sector will be an important part of this growth, as long as

best way to include renewable energies still under debate.

it is able to meet key challenges head-on. Martínez Dalmau


adds that much of Mexico’s current capacity is obsolete

What has left Martínez Dalmau surprised along this journey

and will soon have to exit the generation infrastructure

is just how quickly the cost of renewable energy sources has

mix. This means the country will not only have to add a

dropped over time, leading to a continuous improvement in

significant amount of power generation capacity but

their competitive advantages over fossil fuels. “Sustainability

also replace its existing infrastructure. PwC estimates

is now a good investment offering high returns for businesses,

that this transition will require the installment of 40GW

not just because of competitive renewable energy sources

in the next 12 years, or 60% of Mexico’s current installed

but also because of the benefits it brings for branding,” he

capacity. Such a large-scale undertaking creates ample

explains. “But Mexico still needs to develop knowledge in the

opportunities for companies working across all energy

public and private spheres to fully push the sector forward.

sources. To capitalize on these opportunities, PwC has

The plan is for PwC to be of great help in this transition.”


VISION FOR MAKING GREEN DEVELOPMENT A REALITY GILBERTO ALFARO Energy Partner of KPMG Q: How important is the energy sector for KPMG’s

wind projects but that also presents complications, since a

activities, in Mexico and globally?

wind farm requires significant investment and a company

A: On a global basis, energy is one of our key strategic

must have the capacity to switch to another type of energy

areas. Energy is going to be one of the main economic

when the wind is not blowing. Companies that are trying

triggers, which will have many implications for cost,

to make a business in this sector face severe restrictions.

pricing and as an engine of social development. We have a specialized group worldwide that has key knowledge

Q: How can KPMG help build a financial model that

about the technologies and mechanisms of the energy

can increase the confidence of financial institutions in

sector and our operations in Mexico are aligned with that.

bankrolling renewable energy projects? A: We have a lot of experience in working with financial

Q: How does KPMG perceive the Mexican market for

institutions. In our advisory area, we have specialists that

renewable energies?

help our clients to structure projects from a technical and

A: Mexico is in a very privileged position because it has a

financial perspective. We also help them to participate in

lot of renewable energy resources. However, the country is

governmental bidding processes.

still facing a paradigm where oil is woven into the national fabric. Mexico does not seem to want to fully implement

Q: By 2027, 35% of Mexico’s electricity must come from

changes that would allow the country to draw the full

clean energy sources. What would be the right incentives

benefits from its renewable energy resources.

for the private sector for Mexico to reach this target? A: The first step would be tax incentives, not only for the

Q: What are you doing to help your clients prepare for the

producer but also for the consumer. They have to be really

impact of the Energy Reform on the Mexican energy sector?

clear incentives, especially for the consumers. For example,

A: Most of the challenges our clients face in Mexico are not

owning a solar heater could mean a tax reduction. We

just national, they have competitors from all over the world.

need a strategy for promoting the benefits that renewable

These companies may be working in Mexico but their market

energies can bring. If you do not link these benefits to

is global. Industrial players are facing significant price

general public awareness, nobody is going to implement

competition, and being located in Mexico does not translate

renewable energy projects due to not being aware of the

into being able to match the price of foreign products. It

positive effects that can come from such ventures. We need

is also hard for companies to put an operation in place

more promotion of the benefits for both the producer and

without focusing on efficiency and cost competitiveness.

the consumer. Furthermore, we face natural restrictions

Technology, the cost of labor, security risks, taxes, permits

with these types of energy because not all of them work

and bureaucracy all hamper efficiency in Mexico.

in similar ways. We need to develop a particular strategy for each specific project, taking into account particular

Q: How has awareness about renewable energy evolved

infrastructure needs. These are the strategies that need to

in recent years, and what are the drivers that will lead to

be made clear to the public rather than making laws, rules,

Mexico becoming a green economy?

and programs.

A: The renewable energy sector has been growing but not at the promised rate. This is mainly down to costs and a

Q: What role can KPMG play in supporting the further

lack of incentives to promote the use of these technologies.

development of the Mexican energy sector?

The lack of infrastructure is another issue. The energy

A: Both our regional and global strategies reflect our strong

needs are there and CFE, due to the restrictions imposed

commitment to the energy sector. We have an understanding

on a government-owned entity, is not capable of providing

of the local laws and regulations and can help our clients

all the energy required.

There needs to be significant

decide whether they wish to invest in Mexico. KPMG offers

growth in this area. Certain companies are investing in

its clients a global network with standardized local services.



MEXICO LAGGING BEHIND IN SOCIAL MANAGEMENT LEFT: Manuel Ortiz Monasterio, Director General of ERM Mexico RIGHT: Roberto FraĂş, Social and Sustainability Team Leader of ERM Mexico

Q: What opportunities has ERM spotted for its services in

RF: Compared to solar or wind energy, natural gas is a

the Mexican power generation market?

bigger pollutant but it is already replacing the use of more

MOM: Power is one of our strategic sectors. We are

polluting hydrocarbons, which is a marked improvement.

focusing on growing that area of our business and on

Renewable energies and natural gas complement each

carrying out projects for different companies in the

other very well. Mexico is seeing increasing demand for

sector. The recent surge of renewable energy in Mexico

both, creating great development potential for each sector.

means that many projects require integrated services in

Mexico is going to become a very interesting global case

their approach to sustainability. Being sustainable does

study on how natural gas and renewables can be surprising

not just mean carrying out an environmental impact

partners as both are going to develop simultaneously.

assessment or getting the right permits. A sustainable


commitment needs to go much deeper than that. It must

Q: How does ERM convince its clients that money spent

look at stakeholder engagement, understand the needs

on sustainability is an investment rather than an expense?

and expectations of local communities, and plan for

MOM: There is plenty of proof available to show that taking

the minimization of environmental damage before the

a holistic approach to sustainability too late in the project

project even starts. The different and complex services

cycle ends up being much more expensive. We have seen

that sustainability entails are very well-matched to the

specific examples of this happening in Mexico. This has led

portfolio that ERM provides at the global and local level.

to clients coming to ERM at a very early stage of a project

Clients often come to ERM asking for one service, but

to ask us to check every aspect and raise any red flags,

soon realize that they require more services at different

even if problems are not being expected. The market is

stages of the project cycle. Our ability to offer those

becoming much more sensitive to the need for early risk

services under one roof allows us to become involved

identification, as it saves a lot of money and can make

in the country’s highest profile projects in wind, hydro,

projects more viable. Many projects become unviable

biofuels, and increasingly solar. Our clients are generally

because of apparent sustainability risks that were not

not new in the market. They might be new to Mexico,

addressed early on. The question is no longer whether this

but what they really need is support in managing the

is a necessary expense or not, it is now how much should

sustainability challenges of complex projects.

be invested and at what stage of the project cycle.

Q: Natural gas will play an increasingly prominent role in

Q: What are the main sustainability challenges that

the Mexican energy mix in the future; what implications

projects face and how can they be prevented or overcome?

will this have for your company?

RF: The social component is the biggest obstacle. Mexico

MOM: ERM also works in oil and gas, so this would still

has become mature in environmental and risk management

be positive for us. There is also a lot of investment in the

over the last couple of decades, but proper stakeholder

sector and we hope there will be more. Given that the

engagement is lagging behind, which is where a lot of

price of gas is currently very low, investing in gas-fired

sustainability risks can emerge later in the project cycle.

power generation and related infrastructure is of course

In our experience, projects often involve many partners,

more attractive. However, the situation with renewables

among which one Mexican entity claims that it has long

is very different. High oil and gas prices in the past have

experience in the area and that the communities are

enabled renewable energy technologies such as wind and

fully supportive of the project because it will bring jobs.

solar to become increasingly cost-competitive with fossil

Sometimes, the other partners are skeptical, and carry out

fuels. Despite the recent drop in natural gas prices, the

a social risk analysis anyway. But others trust their Mexican

renewable energy sector has gained sufficient momentum

counterparts and assume all will be fine. Unfortunately, this

to continue benefiting from growing economies of scale

regularly leads to foreign companies underestimating the

and lower technology prices.

social risk component involved in these projects. As the

market continues to grow, there is a risk of all companies

that any development for any type of project will have

are being grouped together, with some tarnishing the

an impact on the environment and the surrounding

reputation of the rest. ERM integrates this thinking into its

communities. Take Juchitan in the Isthmus of Tehuantepec,

practices, and has a specific consulting team that identifies

for example. Before the arrival of the wind industry, there

social risks early on. Our thinking is that there are two ways

was no industrial activity there. For the local people, the

of managing social risk in a project. You can hope for the

wind farm is the first industrial facility they have to deal

best and pray that nobody ever opposes you or you can

with. A social license to operate from communities is much

actively manage these relationships and turn them into

easier to maintain than to regain. If companies do not work

an asset. Reputation is an aspect that can differentiate

to maintain social acceptance and lose it, it is gone forever.

companies from the very beginning. The strategies we suggest can help them and their product stand out.

Q: How has Mexico’s national consciousness about environmental and social sustainability evolved in the

Q: How successful are companies in the renewable market

past years?

in avoiding social problems?

RF: In the last few years, it has become evident that

RF: Unfortunately, many are not avoiding these problems

Mexico has started to lag behind in terms of international

effectively. There is an implicit assumption among

best practices. Other countries around the world, and in

renewable energy companies that they are doing good

Latin America, are moving ahead of Mexico in seeing that

things for the world. This has led them to have an implicit

sustainability is an integral part of a project’s commercial

belief that nobody would oppose a wind farm or a mini-

decision-making process. With Mexico lagging behind, the

hydro plant. They believe they are the good guys, as

renewable energy sector is going to have to catch up with

opposed to mining and oil and gas. Sadly, they enter

the rest of the world a lot quicker than the rest of Mexico if

proceedings with that mentality, without acknowledging

it wants to be successful.

GETTING LOCAL COMMUNITIES INVOLVED In a country rich with diverse cultures, customs, and

Lasa, “we must be renting the land at a fair price.” Once a

languages, Jesús Zaldúa Lasa, former CEO of Gamesa Energy,

fair price for the land has been established, it is a question of

emphasizes the importance of recognizing the unique social

negotiating the price of production, he explains, which must

characteristics of the areas where investors are looking to

also meet international standards. “Local communities should

construct their next renewable energy projects. He attributes

be directly participating in the construction of the wind farm,”

the success of Gamesa in large part to the company’s

said Zaldúa Lasa. “We have appointed a committee to look

attention to the specific social conditions of each community

at property rights, and another committee that is working

and its long-term goal of keeping communities involved in

directly with the communities where wind farms will be built

project development and beyond. “We were completely

to discuss how local people can share in the jobs that are

overwhelmed by the extraordinary cultural diversity in this

created.” He adds that another crucial issue is to respect the

wonderful country,” says Zaldúa Lasa, who previously worked

environment during the construction process. “We have to

in Spain, China, India, and Germany. “Mexico has taught us

take responsibility and cover all of the damage done to the

that the reality on the Isthmus of Tehuantepec is not the same

land during construction.”

as the reality in the capital of Oaxaca, which is different from the reality in the Sierra Mixteca.” Approaching communities

In the long term, local job creation remains one of the most

and evaluating their specific social and economic needs

important pieces of Gamesa’s development strategy. “You

has been easier for Gamesa than for similar companies

must give security of employment to the local families who

from other countries, he speculates, given the similarities

own the land. All of this, in the end, benefits everyone.” While

between the two cultures. Spain and Mexico share a common

the relatively new and small wind industry in Mexico makes

language but, as Zaldúa Lasa explains, “we share a lot of the

it difficult for Gamesa to contract local manufacturers,

same values: family, food and people. We are able to adapt

Zaldúa Lasa explains that Gamesa would eventually like to

our plans and be flexible with our development strategy

have 100% of the maintenance to wind farms performed

depending on conditions. This is much more related with

by local employees. “80% of the maintenance will be

culture than language.” Yet after a company has successfully

immediately done by local people and, in the long term,

entered a community, there is still much to negotiate before

it will be 100%,” he said. “There is no reason to import

a project can successfully begin. “First of all,” said Zaldúa

Spanish staff or any other people.”


AVOIDING SOCIAL CONFLICTS IN RENEWABLE ENERGY PROJECTS Securing land rights can be a real bottleneck for all

community members to ask for more money and change

renewable energy project developers. If done without the

the easements. Usually, we tell our clients to buy the land,

right amount of attention, this bottleneck can escalate

but if that is not an option, well-shielded easements (to

into a nightmare. “There have been many projects on

evacuate the generated electricity as well as to place

the verge of construction, or that were in the operating

infrastructure) are the second best thing. One way the

phase, that were stopped because of social issues, which

easements can be shielded is by seeking the approval

often are reflected in obtaining environmental permits,”

of the local assembly,” says Luis Esparza, Associate at

says Leopoldo Burguete Stanek, Partner at González

González Calvillo, S.C.

Calvillo, S.C., the law firm that provides an interdisciplinary approach to legal matters surrounding renewable projects.

The most important thing is getting legal certainty,

Burguete Stanek notes that many wind projects are located

Burguete Stanek points out, and this goes beyond going to

on land belonging to ejidos and communities. According to

the public notary in charge of the land registry deeds. The

data from the Ministry of Agrarian, Territorial and Urban

first step is visiting the project site and then the National

Development, 78% of the land in Oaxaca belongs to ejidos.

Property and Commerce Registry as well as the Agrarian

There are two options to deal with this scenario: change the

Registry in order to determine the chain of transfers, while

land’s status from communal property to private property

working out issues to do with agrarian reform. These lease

or negotiate leasing schemes with the community.

contracts are limited to a 30 year period, and involve working out the type of land possession that the company

Burguete Stanek explains that technically speaking, the

will enjoy, as well as how it will be managed.

law states that land ownership rights cannot be acquired without the consent of the local assemblies, but it can be

There is no magic process to secure land and every case

leased without the intervention of the local assemblies. In

is different but the best way seems to be to approach the

principle, the assemblies can be circumvented by following

community directly. “We use environmental and social

the procedures or talking to the right people. A simple

methodologies from the World Bank and the IFC, which

option is to buy the land, but that may turn out to be nigh

approach the issue through four lines,” Burguete Stanek

on impossible. Another option is to use the easement

says. When banks lend money, they request that the

option, wherein one party can enjoy the rights to use

project fulfill certain social and environmental aspects.

land without owning it. This is the option most companies

Before carrying out the needed social and environmental

choose. “But problems may arise when outsiders tell

assessments, the conflicts and conditions of a community


Miguel Montañés, CEO of Natura Medio Ambiente


areas with an abundance of birds in Spain, to redesigning

have a real impact in the

roads in protected protected areas, and social projects



in Mexico for the development of schools, hospitals, and

Natura Medio Ambiente, a

universities. This has given the company, which has specialists

specialist in environmental

in areas such as cartography, landscape, vegetation, fauna

studies for infrastructure

and archeology working together in mixed teams with staff


from Spain, Bulgaria, and now Mexico, a mature and long-








term approach to its business.




For Natura Medio Ambiente, Latin America represents


a clear opportunity. While countries like Brazil and Chile

necessary, recommend alternatives and solutions for the

have had a rapid development, Montañés is placing his

development of a project. Throughout 16 years of carrying

trust on the Mexican market. The interest of the Mexico’s

out studies for big developers, Natura Medio Ambiente has

new administration in attracting foreign investment and

gained experience in almost every area, from wind farms in

diversifying the energy mix makes Montañés believe that





should be evaluated. “This is a preventative measure. It is

by a renewable project, both parties (developer and

not only part of the legal framework but it is also necessary

community) have to benefit. The energy that is generated

to construct the social and environmental arguments to

will not benefit the community directly, because it is

convince the members of the community and get their

loaded into the grid for CFE to distribute. However, the

support,” Esparza states.

company can negotiate with the community and create

“There have been many projects on the verge of construction, or that were in the operating phase,

that were stopped

because of social issues, which often are reflected in obtaining environmental permits” Leopoldo Burguete Stanek, Partner at González Calvillo, S.C.

Another important step is getting support from municipal

programs that will have a tangible positive local impact,”

authorities. The local government must become involved

explains Burguete Stanek. “In this process, openness and

and take ownership of the project. This will enable the

honesty with the community, particularly regarding the real

municipal leader to inform the community that they are

benefits that will be generated, are essential. Sometimes,

working together with the project developer, seen as a

the community can misinterpret what is being proposed,

way to empower the community as well. However, the law

therefore the project developer has to be very clear when

firm knows that a social conflict cannot be spotted from

offering something,” adds Esparza.

an office desk. “At González Calvillo, S.C., in addition to revising the paperwork, we like to make on-site visits. We

The World Bank and the IFC acknowledge the importance

visit the local communities and identify potential social

of community management. They do not just finance a

conflicts as well as stakeholders. If an existing social

project for its moral good; they want to have their return

conflict is not spotted early on, it can become a deep-

on investment warrantied. This is the main reasons why

seated problem that can lead to project closure,” Burguete

financial institutions comply with the Equator Principles.

Stanek emphasizes.

“If the social requirement is complied with, the economic side is guaranteed,” Burguete Stanek explains and

In order to avoid social conflicts, a strong community

underlines the importance of having a planned and

management plan has to be created. A starting point

shielded community strategy, recalling one hapless

is to pinpoint the needs of both the community and

project that was bogged down with 160 lawsuits related

the municipality and create a program that addresses

to social issues that ended up having an environmental

both those needs at once. “If the land is being affected

impact as well.

large scale development will accelerate, impacting the

presenting the design of a project, before specific research

entire population. The company has long enjoyed working

into detailed areas such as the impact on fauna or on local

relationships with companies like Acciona, Iberdrola and

archaeological ruins is conducted. This implies a big risk

Vestas, which provided natural ramp from Natura Medio

since the design process could be wasted if the specific

Ambiente to launch itself into the Mexican market. However

research invalidates the planned location.” Natura Medio

these companies did not fully prepare Montañés and his

Ambiente is lobbying SEMARNAT to switch this around so

team for what they would find in Mexico: technicians ready

specific studies are done first before a company is given the

to start working with its international teams of experts,

green light to prepare and present its designs.

which helped the company reach an operational stage sooner than expected.

When a project is designed, various studies must be presented







The company is offering its knowledge base to SEMARNAT.

requirements. Miguel Montañés, CEO of Natura Medio

“The potential benefits of this endeavor could be huge since

Ambiente says that the problem comes after this process,

the transfer of knowledge could lead to proper and efficient

when nobody verifies that the construction of a project in

regulation governing the way infrastructure projects are

reality matches what was stated in these studies. Natura

developed in the country,” says Miguel Montañés, CEO of

Medio Ambiente suggests a solution that it already

Natura Medio Ambiente. “A clear example is the way studies

established in Spain. Namely, every project should involve

are developed in Mexico, which can be drastically improved.

an environmental project director that certifies that the

At the moment, general impact studies are done, including

project is executed in line with the documentation.


ATTENTION TO DETAIL IN CONTRACT MANAGEMENT Wind farms and transmission lines make up just one

mini-hydro, geothermal, wind farms, biomass, biogas, and

chapter of an ample portfolio owned by Ingeniería en

tidal and ocean energy. We are actively participating in

Administración de Contratos (IAC) that includes roads,

wastewater plants that use waste mud to produce biogas,

airports and convention centers. But given Mexico’s current

which is used by the plant operator to produce energy that

needs, few chapters of that portfolio are more crucial than

serves for self-consumption purposes,” says Garibay. To

energy. As IAC’s Director General Antonio Garibay explains,

ensure this ambitious plan is achievable, IAC has studied

the company has always identified key factors that enable

every type of project that can happen in Mexico, both in

it to participate in the right infrastructure projects.

the public and private sector.

“We want to be a big player in consulting services to develop green energy projects: mini-hydro, geothermal, wind farms, biomass, biogas, and tidal and ocean energy” Antonio Garibay, Director General of IAC Mexico

The company carefully assesses external conditions. In this

The above priorities have been amalgamated into a key

light, IAC has looked closely at the investment that Mexico

element for IAC: contract management. In order to identify

has made in the energy sector for the last 15 years, through

major potential risks and opportunities, IAC conducts deep

the actions of CFE and PEMEX. “CFE is very committed

analysis of every project’s legal and contractual conditions.

to developing new power generation, transmission and

These include IPP (independent power producer), BOT

distribution projects. This has been a huge opportunity for

(build-operate-transfer), and EPC contracts. To ensure that

IAC to find new business,” says Garibay.” IAC can count

this expertise is a company asset at every level, Garibay

on its experience of supervising turnkey infrastructure

explains that all employees are required to understand the

projects as well as EPC for various sectors. Unlike many new

strategic thinking and cultural profiles of different clients,

players in the Mexican market, IAC masters the make-up of

both international and Mexican. “We prepare our engineers

the market, and knows how to navigate the maelstrom of

to think as well as lawyers, to write what they want to

public contracts, applicable laws, and the right norms and

transmit in a contract in perfect Spanish and English,”

codes to follow.” Garibay states this overarching expertise

explains Garibay. “We prepare them and encourage them to

has translated into savings and profits for IAC’s clients, and

negotiate in the most convenient terms for our clients during

has formed its reputation as a consulting services provider

project implementation and execution.” For the public sector,

that it has exported across Latin America.

IAC focuses on doing project and contract management by the book, aware that public entities like PEMEX, CONAGUA

It is this diverse knowledge base that has allowed IAC to

and CFE will face more regulation and scrutiny to ensure

invest US$4 billion in projects since its creation in 2000,

they fulfill all the applicable laws anytime they enter into a

including over 120 infrastructure projects in Mexico and

contract. For the private sector, IAC adopts a more flexible

Latin America. As one of the few firms with experience in

approach based on the type of law that regulates each

virtually every type of energy project from hydroelectric

investment, the lifecycle of a project and on the fact that

power stations to combined cycle plants, and even nuclear

building and developing infrastructure in Mexico tends to be

plants, IAC seeks to work only on important projects. “We

faster when involving only private entities.

understand the importance of the key aspects that can lead to the collapse of an otherwise well-thought out project at

IAC is clear on where it will turn its broad focus in the future?

any time if executed by a company that does not have the

The renewable energy sector has the firm’s attention in a

experience to successfully handle the crucially important

major way, and not just in wind, solar or waste-to-energy

social and environmental aspects of infrastructure projects,”

projects. IAC also worked with Alstom on the Los Azufres II

says Garibay to explain IAC’s track record.

and Los Humeros II geothermal power stations, but Garibay has a particular interest in tidal and ocean energy. The


IAC is confident that it can continue to make a big splash

federal government has been aggressively investing in the

in the Mexican energy sector. “We want to be a big player

development of these resources, and it is no surprise that

in consulting services to develop green energy projects:

IAC is gearing up to participate.




example, local and municipal governments have three-year


terms, making continuity a real problem for large projects

potential, a Mexican civil

that take longer to get under way. “We have proposed

infrastructure firm made

changes and legal initiatives that will enable large projects


to continue in spite of administrative changes. Proper




its business focus. 2008

regulation can prevent many mistakes,” he explains.

saw ERYVITSA enter the

Alejandro Velasco Hernández, CEO and Chairman of ERYVITSA

renewable energy industry,

Velasco Hernández sees the goal of generating 35% of

particularly through solar

Mexico’s electricity from clean energy as ambitious. “It will



depend on strategies implemented by SENER and CFE,



north of Mexico and civil

as it will determine which bids are held back.” However,

works for wind parks in Oaxaca. ERYVITSA realized that few

he believes the predicted 12GW of installed wind power

Mexican companies were qualified enough to offer project

capacity by 2020 could be reached or even surpassed

development and consultancy services. The company,

by the wind energy industry. Given ERYVITSA’s belief in

motivated by its recently gained experience, decided to

the wind industry, its staff working on wind farms attends

seize the opportunity by dispatching personnel to Europe

training sessions with qualified personnel from Germany.

to learn about renewable energy and energy efficiency.

“They become specialists in renewable energy and energy

These efforts enabled the creation of a collaborative

efficiency and then mentor local workers who apply the

network with companies from Germany, Spain, Canada,

recently acquired knowledge on Mexican wind farms.

and Portugal. The main goal was to increase the amount of

Because the construction and installation lasts between six

human capital and competitiveness in Mexican companies

months and a year, people will gain plenty of experience

with international certifications.

during that period and once the project ends, the workers can go to other states where wind energy projects are

Civil works are ERYVITSA’s main area of expertise as

being developed. This is a way for ERYVITSA to create

the company has been working in road construction

employment opportunities,” states Velasco Hernández.

and infrastructure for 30 years. Its experience in the renewable energy sector, however, is limited to five years.

ERYVITSA is using part of its profit to build a renewable

Nonetheless, this area has rapidly become of crucial

energy training center where anyone, regardless of age

interest for the firm, which actively works in development,

or educational level, can assist. This provides a great

project management, consultancy, construction and small

opportunity for people in rural communities with no formal

to medium-size project launching. ERYVITSA also provides

schooling. The idea was conceived after collaborating with

specialist advice on market development for renewable

a renewable energy center in Germany, and the main goal is

energy with federal and state governments, especially the

educating and training community members and fostering

Renewable Energy Commission of Oaxaca.

a clean energy culture. “There are plenty of opportunities in the Mexican renewable energy sector with more projects

Having close ties to Germany, ERYVITSA has incorporated

being conceived every day. Now that the regulatory

international practices that could help the Mexican

framework for renewable energy was modified, the solar

energy industry. “For example, we are pushing for an

energy sector is expanding. This has given ERYVITSA plenty

enhanced legal framework, adjusted to regional needs,”

of opportunities to assist clients with construction, public

says Alejandro Velasco Hernández, CEO and Chairman of

property registry, paperwork, and obtaining permits with

ERYVITSA. He believes that this would result in an increase

municipal and local governments. Activity in the solar sector

of local economic activity and the availability of renewable

is expanding, the regulatory framework was modified, and

energy services throughout the country. Velasco Hernández

the CFE is calling for new bids. More companies want to

claims that this would result in a swathe of improvements,

use solar power for self-supply and we keep on identifying

including more scientific and technological research,

opportunities,” tells Velasco Hernández. ERYVITSA’s CEO

employment opportunities, a larger contribution to gross

stresses the company’s goal of strengthening Mexico’s

national product, and would be a step further for Mexico to

energy sector through renewable energy sources, but its

become a global player in the renewable energy industry.

contribution to developing qualified human capital is at the core of the firm’s priorities. The outcome will be future

One particular challenge according to Velasco Hernández

generations of skillful Mexicans that can hold strategic

is the political and regulatory operating environment. For

positions in the global energy market.



Silvano Solís Vázquez, General Manager of Interpuerto Monterrey


or other producers of renewable energy technologies that

Mexico’s GDP, the country’s


could find in the RFE the possibility to manufacture their



products at lower costs before exporting them to their final

consisting of Nuevo Leon,

markets. “Interpuerto Monterrey is also looking to obtain

Coahuila, and Tamaulipas,

Mexican preclearance within its facilities so that companies

is one of its wealthiest

can undergo this procedure at our facilitites and then cross



directly into the US. We are even looking to have American

regions. With an industrial


customs procedures completed at its location but that

market primarily focused

seems harder to realize. If all this is achieved, companies



will save time and money as trucks could drive straight into


manufacturing, companies

the US,” states Solís Vázquez. “This is certainly an asset for

based in Northeastern Mexico must be well connected

companies focused on exports that currently lose between

with the rest of Mexico and the world, in order to be truly

3 and 20 hours when their trucks are sitting at the border.”

competitive. To meet this need, and attract yet more companies to the area, the government of Nuevo León

Moreover, Interpuerto Monterrey is building a 3MW solar

decided to position the state as a logistics platform for

plant that will supply electricity to companies based on

international trade. Interpuerto Monterrey is the new

the industrial park, enabling them to use renewable energy

business hub that embodies this ambition.

without having to make the initial investment. The solar energy project will initially start with 1MW and will focus

For Silvano Solís Vázquez, General Manager of Interpuerto

on powering the park’s street lighting, offices, equipment

Monterrey, one of the most important attributes of the

and infrastructure. The installation of the remaining 2MW

project is its location. The site has access to power lines,

will be carried out during 2014. Solís Vázquez predicts that

natural gas pipelines passing along both sides, and an

by the end of 2014, the solar project will be up and running

existing water treatment facility 7km away, which will be

at its full potential. This capacity will add to the 140MW

expanded to better serve the park. The major Mexican

produced by a gas-fired cogeneration plant located on site.

railroad networks of Ferromex and Kansas City Southern

Interpuerto Monterrey also offers companies the possibility

Railway also converge in the area. This last characteristic

to develop a master plan for industrial development. Firms

is very attractive for companies interested in having their

can acquire as much land and infrastructure as they need,

facilities at Interpuerto Monterrey that rely on exporting

with the certainty that there will be no zoning changes

their products. “Having two railroads at the site provides

that could affect their long term operations.

not only access to the train system, but also to the ports,” explains Solís Vázquez. “You have access to the four mayor

Companies are not the only ones that benefit from this

ports in Mexico: Veracruz, Altamira, Manzanillo and Lazaro

project. Because of the current labor market situation

Cárdenas, as well as to major land crossings with the United

in Mexico, it is becoming increasingly hard for people to

States, such as Laredo, Brownsville, and Eagle Pass.”

seek jobs outside their immediate communities. Parks like Interpuerto Monterrey can help bring jobs to places

Interpuerto Monterrey is strengthening its logistical

where they are needed and contribute to the development

advantages by creating a free trade zone and customs zone

of local communities. “Once fully developed, the park is

through a regime called Recinto Fiscalizado Estratégico

expected to have between 35,000 and 40,000 full time

(Strategic Financial Hub, RFE), allowing companies

employees,” explains Solís Vázquéz.

operating within the park to introduce, for a limited time,


foreign, domestic or nationalized goods. These could

Interpuerto Monterrey has the breadth of vision to focus on

then be subject to handling, storage, exhibition, sale,

manufacturing, distribution, and export development. The

distribution, production, processing, or repair. RFE intends

importance of this and other similar parks across Mexico

to increase Mexican competitiveness as well as to drive

is that they can help companies with a global mindset

national trade. By being in a free trade zone, manufacturers

connect with other markets, attracting and increasing the

would not have to pay taxes for the raw materials they use

interest of local and foreign companies to work in Mexico.

for the production of their products. Instead they pay the

With two signed customers and its 350-hectare first phase

applicable taxes when the final product arrives to its final

already built and fully serviced, Silvano Solís Vazquéz is

destination, in Mexico, the US, or anywhere in the world.

expecting 2014 to be the year Interpuerto Monterrey roars

This characteristic can attract solar panel manufacturers

into life.

PRIVATE STUDIES TO REDUCE RENEWABLE UNCERTAINTIES In the past, developing renewable projects in Europe was

minimum. Energy to Quality is a mobile lab that allows the

a natural choice, as attractive subsidies and feed-in tariffs

company to make simulations directly on the field. At the

were provided by European governments. Ironically, the

moment, CFE provides approval for those studies or directly

regulatory cornerstone that allowed these projects to

conducts them, but Galaviz states that “we are awaiting

grow at impressive rates was the factor that eventually

further openness from CFE regarding the information

rendered many of them unfeasible when the financial

they take into account when conducting transmission

crisis struck. Barlovento was one Spanish wind energy

and interconnection studies, in order for independent

company that was so affected that it was forced to expand

developers to conduct their own studies without having to

its operations into other regions due to the acute impact

depend 100% on CFE.” These studies always have a degree

of the financial crisis from which Spain is still recovering.

of uncertainty as the measured resources are variable,

Expanding beyond European borders enabled the firm to

making them challenging to measure. “The ideal scenario

keep its place in the market. As Omar Galaviz, the Mexico

would be conducting studies during a 10-year period for

Director for Barlovento says “growth in the Latin American

each future wind turbine but this would mean decade-long

market is proportional to the contraction of the same

measurements for 100 prospective wind turbines. This is

market in Spain.” Yet as is true in any developing industry

unfeasible, but it also means the studies are not completely

within a developing country, uncertainties remain present.

precise,” states Galaviz.

“There might be an unclear regulatory framework and a compromised grid but the market forces and the growth expectation will cause the necessary changes” Omar Galaviz, Director of Barlovento Mexico

The infrastructure, regulatory framework, established

Investors are conscious of the uncertainties caused by

guidelines, and social understanding of such projects

variability within resources. Solar and wind are intermittent

remain inadequate on the ground in Mexico for Galaviz.

everywhere, but that is widely known and dealt with.

As a consulting firm, Barlovento focuses on reducing

“What changes in Mexico is the amount of time lost in

uncertainties in renewable energy projects. According to

order to conduct these studies. If there were guidelines

Galaviz, the most common uncertainties that the company

provided by CFE, private parties could help themselves

faces are related to the lack of a stable or specialized

by conducting the necessary studies faster and stop CFE

regulatory framework, as well as the technical uncertainties

from being overwhelmed with so many requests,” says

which come along with each resource.

Galaviz. Companies like Barlovento possess the ability to conduct high quality studies, but they depend on the

While a clear regulatory framework provides certainty in

studies conducted by CFE and the certification the body

legal, economic and financial terms, it is a lot to ask that

awards. Galaviz believes that CFE lacks the resources to

a regulatory framework provides an effective solution for

conduct studies for all the companies with prospective

social issues, especially on matters as sensitive as land

projects and since the utility does not provide guidelines

rights within a community or ejido. “The land regulation

for measurement and feasibility studies, companies cannot

scheme in Mexico is anything but easy. Designing a

conduct their own studies. The information provided by the

regulatory framework for renewable energy that fits the

studies is crucial for developing and engineering projects

contours of this scheme is proving extremely complicated,”

and for banks to evaluate their willingness to finance. If this

says Galaviz. The second type of uncertainties is technical. It

process takes too long, a project will fall apart or happen

is linked to the techniques and instruments used to conduct

somewhere else, in Barlovento’s experience.

studies for renewable projects, as well as with the lack of grid infrastructure. Investors will certainly be dubious if the

“There might be an unclear regulatory framework and a

future feasibility of their investments is compromised by the

compromised grid but the market forces and the growth

lack of capability in the grid to handle the greater stress

expectation will cause the necessary changes. Mexico is

provided by intermittent energy sources. Barlovento has

ready to increase its installed capacity while the grid is

several instruments to reduce technical uncertainties to the

upgraded and expanded,” concludes Galaviz.




Q: How have MGM Innova’s priorities evolved to reflect

A: Enough incentives exist to encourage people to take

the current Mexican business environment?

energy efficiency steps on their own merit; we do not need

A: The new opportunities we see here are in the area of

to look for additional incentives. Furthermore, a regulatory

energy efficiency. In the past we were focused on carbon

framework that demands compliance with certain energy

markets, the development of the Clean Development

efficiency rules is not desirable. Companies have the



common sense to take such actions by themselves, rather

reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. The big drop in

than being compelled to do so by the government. It is

the price of carbon credits meant that our former business

true that some firms may still approach energy efficiency

model was no longer viable, and we are now shifting

as a cost rather than an opportunity, but they represent a

towards a broader area of business by seeking to work

diminishing proportion.





more on energy issues. Our value proposition is our ability to link energy issues and climate change issues at the

Q: What opportunities does MGM Innova identify in the

business strategy level. We help companies improve their

power generation and renewable energy sectors, and how

competitiveness and productivity while complying with

important will such activities be within your portfolio?

the specifics of the General Climate Change Law.

A: MGM Innova is being restructured, moving from solely focusing on consultancy to becoming a group of four

Q: How can government initiatives persuade individuals

companies. The three new companies are MGM Innova

and companies to become more energy efficient?

Energy Services, MGM Innova Renewables and MGM Innova

STEPPING UP MEXICO’S MANUFACTURING INDUSTRY The Mexican manufacturing sector came to life in 1965 at the

These 5,000 companies are part of the maquiladora

northern border of Mexico as a result of the Bracero (manual

program and represent 65% of Mexico’s total exports of non-

labor) program that enabled Mexicans to legally work in

petroleum products. At the end of 2012, INDEX members

American fields. At the end of this program, the workers had

accounted for US$200 billion exports and 2.3 million direct

to leave the US and moved to the northern states of Mexico

jobs. “Considering this, plus indirect jobs, we are talking

to wait for the reactivation of this program, a day that never

about 9 million families that receive their income from this

came. “Local entrepreneurs started looking for ways to

industry in Mexico,” Aguirre Lang says.

offer jobs to these people, most of whom did not have any professional education,” explains Luis Aguirre Lang, Former

“Sustainable practices are essential for the Mexican

President of the National Council of the Maquiladora and

manufacturing sector to compete in the global market,”

Manufacturing Industry Exports (INDEX).

says Gerardo Vázquez, Director of the Safety and Environment Council of INDEX. “Sustainability performance


In 1966, the first 12 maquiladoras were established in Ciudad

is measured based on water consumption and discharge,

Juarez, performing simple assembly processes for foreign

waste generation, greenhouse gas emissions, volatile

companies. INDEX represents some of the most important

organic compound emissions, energy costs, installed

multinational companies involved in different sectors:

capacity of different energy sources, energy efficiency,

automotive, aerospace, electrical equipment, electronics,

EHS management systems, certifications and voluntary

biotechnology, medical devices, and telecommunications.

programs.” INDEX’s sustainability plan analyzed these

Capital. Under this new structure we will look to provide

long-term relationships with our customers, rather than

integrated solutions for energy and sustainability. The

focus solely on a project-by-project basis.

Energy Services and Renewables branches will structure projects based on the findings of the consultancy, while

Q: Power generation accounts for a significant proportion

the Capital company will raise funds to support projects

of CO2 emissions. What can be done to reduce emissions

that our clients cannot fund themselves due to capital

in this sector?

restrictions. We hope this fund will grow to reach US$100

A: On the generation side, clean energy generation will

million. We see a chance to build up a very good portfolio

offer companies more opportunities to reduce their

that links energy efficiency, sustainability and climate

carbon footprint. Nuclear energy, as we have seen in


France, is a big help in reducing carbon emissions and should be expanded in Mexico. We would like the ISO

Q: How does MGM Innova persuade its clients that

50001 standard, which oversees energy management

investing in energy efficiency solutions will eventually

systems, to be used more widely. The savings that were

prove to be profitable?

seen in Europe after this standard was established were

A: There is a current trend for businesses to reduce their

substantial, between 8% and 10%. We feel this standard

carbon footprint, which means that we do not need to

could be even more effective here in Mexico, including in

convince them. However, many of them do not know how

the area of power generation.

to develop strategies that will help them do so. Often, a company’s head office, located outside of Mexico, will

Q: What are MGM Innova’s future goals in the Mexican

mandate that local subsidiaries must reduce their carbon

energy market?

footprint, but locally this can be difficult, as there has not

A: We will work to become partners for government

been much discussion about what it even means to have

bodies such as CRE, CENACE, CONUEE and FIDE. We

a carbon footprint, let alone how to reduce it. We need to

may introduce NAMAs (Nationally Appropriate Mitigation

offer proper solutions so that the adaptation process can

Actions of Developing Countries) into Mexico, since nobody

go smoothly. MGM Innova advises clients on how to shift

here knows what they are; if we were to do so, forming a

toward solutions that are best suited to them. We seek

partnership with the government would be essential.

“There might be an unclear regulatory framework and a compromised grid but the market forces and the growth expectation will arouse the necessary changes” Luis Aguirre Lang, Former President of INDEX

metrics during the last quarter of 2013, in order to create an

to change our culture, since customers and consumers are

action plan that will improve the environmental performance

demanding socially and environmentally products.”







Performance 2013 report demonstrates the benefits that

The Mexican manufacturing industry has been facing

the sustainable actions of only 17 maquiladoras have

increasing energy prices, recently rising at about 8.3% per

rendered. CO2 emissions have been reduced by 1.03 million

year, which is negatively affecting its competitiveness and

tonnes, water usage was reduced by 96,000m3, and waste

long-term strategic decision making. This makes renewable

production was reduced by 81,600 tonnes, which amounted

energy technology attractive since it allows consumers

to savings of around US$6.32 million. “We are part of a

to fix energy cost per kilowatt through PPA agreements.

highly competitive global market and environmental and

“The red tape around renewable projects comes at a high

social issues have to be taken into account,” underlines

cost, but when the regulation allows you to generate your

Aguirre Lang. Vázquez adds that more than 95% of the

own energy, you can create a customized energy solution,”

products manufactured in Mexico are exported. “It is critical

Aguirre Lang stresses.




speak Spanish? Providing solutions to these challenges is


where we focus our efforts,” he explains. LR&A Business

essential element in the

and Marketing began as a consulting firm in 2008. This

success of any renewable

year, many political and industrial figures approached

energy project. In a broader

the firm asking for its services regarding advertising and



communications. LR&A Business and Marketing then

environmental authorities,

specialized in providing consulting services to high profile



individuals. Its services became known by word of mouth

corporate and community

and soon the firm had to take the next step and become a

leaders must be informed

full-blown communication and strategy agency.


Luis Manuel López, Partner of LR&A Business and Marketing










energy efficiency and renewable energy projects. But how

The agency has many clients involved in sustainability and

much do traditional and non-traditional communication

the renewable energy market. For example, LR&A Business

strategies, such as social media and web interaction, influence

and Marketing took care of all sustainability issues and press

the image of the renewable sector in Mexico? Luis Manuel

affairs for the past administration of Mexico City, and its

López, Partner of LR&A Business and Marketing, identifies

services were extended to content creation and ally mapping

the challenges of creating a successful communication

with important organizations. The creation of alliances is

strategy in Mexico. He notes that, in digital terms, only 35%

crucial since it enables LR&A Business and Marketing to

of the Mexican population has access to the internet, and

generate a renewable energy lobbying strategy that might

communication largely depends on public policies. “Mexico

have an impact on the political agenda of the city and not

is such an unbalanced country and there are many Mexicos.

simply act as a promotional tool for the renewable industry.

It is difficult to achieve a consensus, and without consensus

“It is not easy to put a green issue on the government’s

it is impossible to influence the perception of Mexicans.

agenda if it is not supported by the industry. It is a fact that

Unfortunately, political concerns come before the wellbeing

Mexican companies are just starting to give importance to

of citizens. As long as there is a gap between what is being

sustainability and green issues,” states López. All actors

said and done, the unbalance will remain,” says López. He

involved in the sector agree about the importance of

claims that this situation hinders any communication

using communication as a tool to promote sustainability

strategy because efforts only reach the middle class,

initiatives, but for López it is not just about advertising

which might be perceived as elitist. “How can you provide

and promotion, it is about fostering a cultural change. “In

useful information to an indigenous person that does not

Mexico everything is about culture,” he concludes.

MEXICALI: A MANUFACTURING HAVEN FOR RENEWABLE ENERGIES Mexicali, the capital of Baja California, is home to 160

is on top of 40 technical trade schools that Lagarde says

foreign companies or maquiladoras that have made the

have been critical to provide the skillsets required by various

city a true manufacturing hub. It has established a good

industries. Lagarde now believes the city can combine its

reputation for itself across a number of sectors: electronics,

manufacturing appeal and its renewable energy potential

aerospace, automotive and medical products. It is now

into a strong combination.

looking to add one more sector to that list: renewable


energy. Eugenio Lagarde, former President of the city’s

Mexicali already has access to generating power through

Industrial Development Commission (CDI Mexicali), explains

renewable opportunities through the 720MW Cerro Prieto

how the city’s demographic advantages have proven

Geothermal Facility, located south of the city. Electricity

essential in capturing the imagination of investors. “We

from this plant is exported to the US, mainly to Southern

have a total population of 1 million, with more than 64%

California. The reason that allows Mexicali to export energy

of it being under 34 years of age. Labor is currently our

to the US is because Baja California is the only state in

number one asset, mainly due to our educational system.”

Mexico that is not connected to the Mexican national grid,

Mexicali has 12 universities, either private or public. This

but to the neighboring grid in Southern California. “That





of methodologies to internalize externalities, improving


the return on investment (ROI) of projects when such

(IMCO) is an advocate for fighting and

climate sees


The shale gas boom in the US is also shaping the

energy as a pillar of that

development of the renewables market in Mexico. “However,




even with low gas prices, the country still faces the high


cost of building pipelines. These investment costs will

helped IMCO convey its

definitely play a big role in the balance between renewables

message, while providing

and shale gas,” Gallegos Toussaint argues. “The main issue


competitiveness Rodrigo Gallegos Toussaint, Director of Technology and Climate Change at IMCO

externalities are taken into account.



for renewables is competing tête à tête with gas prices even

to the analysis. “Our core business is not protecting the


when externalities are taken into consideration. My view is

environment, but giving a financial analysis of the effects

that if we have competition in distribution, as in generation,

of climate change,” explains Rodrigo Gallegos Toussaint,

the situation could improve for renewables.”

Director of Technology and Climate Change of IMCO. It is this financial analysis that has enabled the institute to

The European crisis has brought mobility to investments

promote dialogue between the industry, NGOs, and the

and Mexico has benefited from this environment. “Mexico

public sector. “We believe that Mexico’s natural assets are

has to deregulate the energy sector and open it up to

key to triggering the country’s competitiveness,” states

competition to really take advantage of these capital

Gallegos Toussaint. “However, investing in anything is

movements,” says Gallegos Toussaint. One way he believes

costly, thus our approach is more focused on the cost and

Mexico’s competitiveness can be increased is by simplifying

benefit analysis of climate change investments.”

regulation so that investors have long-term contracts with CFE and selling electricity to the grid becomes

IMCO has divided the climate change investment palette

simple, regardless of whether the seller is a household or

into those that are efficient and have rates of return

a larger provider. Another essential issue that Mexico has

that are above capital cost, those that have rates similar

to work on is providing legal certainty regarding property

to or lower than the capital cost, and those that need

rights. “All of IMCO’s efforts focus on making Mexico

international assistance to make them profitable. This cost

more competitive, and the renewable energy sector will

benefit analysis, in which private, social, and environmental

really take off in countries with a competitive operating

costs are being considered, has enabled the development

environment,” Gallegos Toussaint concludes.

gives us the opportunity to set up renewable energy

as SunPower set up shop in an old Mitsubishi facility and

projects in Mexico and hook them up to transmission lines

now has about 800 employees. Lagarde reveals that the

that head into the US,” says Lagarde.

two sides of the border are working on a joint strategy to offer manufacturing in Mexico and power generation in

California’s aggressive renewable energy mandate states

the US. “We have a couple of projects in the pipeline that

that by 2020, 33% of its energy needs have to be met by

will hopefully be confirmed in the near future.” The arrival

renewable energy. This represents a great opportunity for

of SunPower in 2010 was a big coup for the city as the

solar power because of Mexicali close geographic location.

company is among the top five solar manufacturers in the

Near Mexicali in the US, Calexico and Imperial Valley have over

US. At the time, SunPower had two manufacturing facilities

50 renewable energy projects in the works. Lagarde explains

in Malaysia but due to growth in the American market and

that two big solar parks, 110MW and 120MW respectively,

shipping costs, the company decided to set up operations in

are right next to the border. “The solar panels used in those

Mexico. “Mexicali was chosen because of the availability of

projects are currently being produced in Europe and Asia,

skilled labor,” says Lagarde. On the other hand, the company

which makes them strong potential prospects for us. We are

did not want to go very deep into Mexican territory as it

negotiating to have them manufactured in Mexico in a facility

wanted to be within easy reach of San Diego in case of any

five minutes away from where they need to be installed,” he

technical problems. When there was an issue at SunPower’s

explains. This strategy is beginning to pay off dividends. In

manufacturing site in Malaysia, the distance meant it could

2010, the first solar panel manufacturer arrived to Mexicali

take up to a week to get it fixed,” he explains.



PARTICULARITIES OF THE BAJA CALIFORNIA ENERGY MODEL DAVID MUÑOZ ANDRADE Former Director General of the Baja California State Energy Commission Q: How has the energy mix of Baja California evolved in

Q: How is the solar sector developing in Baja California?

recent years?

A: In 2006, we had only three or four commercially

A: Baja California is different from every other Mexican

operational installers and developers, whereas now, the

state because it is not connected to the national grid. Also,

state has at least ten developers with experience in off-

the weather here makes the summer peak load very high

grid and grid-connected systems. We are trying to attend

compared to the winter load and we are located on the

to utility-scale facilities, while also having a program

border. During the California energy crisis, two companies

specifically designed for small businesses. We have seen

built combined cycle natural gas facilities in Mexicali to

big announcements made by large companies, stating they

generate power and export it to the Californian market.

would develop many megawatts of solar energy here, but

As a result, we have pipelines that come from Arizona and

some of these have fallen by the wayside. This has nothing to

California, as well as the Energía Costa Azul LNG terminal.

do with Baja California itself and we still welcome such large

These are the traits that make Baja California’s energy mix

investments. Distributed generation in the commercial and

quite different.

residential sectors has proven to be a steadier supply and has a far greater influence on creating local jobs.

Q: What is Baja California’s potential for wind, solar and



Q: Do you think other regions of Mexico should focus on

A: Geothermal was the first one to be studied and exploited.

smaller solar projects as you do?

CFE operates 720MW of capacity, making it the second

A: Everyone should but they do not because larger projects

largest geothermal field in the world. If CFE would invest in

look better for PR purposes. Small distributed generation

the binary cycles of geothermal facilities, they could exploit

projects just make more sense for us. Baja California has

the geothermal potential even more. The wind potential

a ridiculously high solar potential if you look at kWh/m2

in Baja California is around 1,500MW, but the potential for

figures. But if you do not have any likely off-takers that can

solar is much greater since our territory receives a solar

harness the potential of that square meter, it is ridiculous

irradiation of more than 5.5kWh/m2 per day.

to say that we have 2,000MW waiting to be tapped.

Q: What is being done to develop Baja California’s

Q: What do you see as the energy priorities for Baja

renewables potential?

California in the next five years?

A: We have helped and promoted the creation of the

A: We need to keep focusing on energy efficiency for

Mexican Center for Geothermal Innovation. The governor

disadvantaged families. We also need to incorporate new

of Baja California is supporting CFE to find additional

technologies for smart metering. Currently, CFE is sending

geothermal energy sources. We also hope that companies

its people door to door to read the meters. Because of

in Mexicali see geothermal as a potential energy source, not

weather conditions and fear of unsafe neighborhoods, a

just for electricity, but for heating and cooling as well. Not

lot of meter readers are making educated guesses about

all of Baja California’s wind potential is economically and

power consumption. But there are remote metering

environmentally viable to develop. Baja California has a

systems today which make going from house to house

lot of national parks, which are all excluded from potential

obsolete. We ask the Mexican government to incorporate

development. That leaves 1,500MW of feasible capacity, but

very simple technologies that would help with the realities

much of that will depend on the access to technology, the

of Baja California. Urban sprawl is becoming a problem,

impact of tariffs and the different permit modalities given

which means more roads, more power lines and more water

by CRE. CFE is developing three stages of 100MW installed

systems, and is completely energy inefficient. Finding a

wind capacity each at La Rumorosa, and Sempra is building

solution and promoting vertical integration in towns and

the 156MW Energía Sierra Juárez wind farm. The state of

cities would allow for district energy solutions as well as

Baja California will be an off-taker for these projects.

for the potential of distributed PV to be fully explored.


ACCESS TO US MARKET MAKES BAJA CALIFORNIA ATTRACTIVE FRANCISCO JAVIER ORDUÑO Director General of the Baja California State Energy Commission Q: What are the main priorities and objectives for the Baja

increasing our reliance in natural gas would involve

California State Energy Commission during the current

the development of a considerable amount of pipeline


infrastructure while renewable resources are already

A: Until December 31, 2013, the appointment of the head of

present in the state. Investing in solar or wind is a safe bet.

the Baja California State Energy Commission depended on the Ministry of Urban Development and Infrastructure. From

Q: What is the strategy to replace highly contaminating

January 2014, this responsibility will pass to the Ministry of

power plants with clean energy generation plants?

Economic Development. The main reason for this change

A: The State Energy Commission is not focusing on power

is that Governor Francisco Vega de Lamadrid is focusing

generation, which is CFE’s responsibility. However, clean

on attracting companies and investors that are interested

energy generation is important for the environment, which

in power generation in Baja California. Other than validating

is why we are focusing on attracting companies that want

and approving projects, we will have a renewed focus on

to develop our renewable energy sources. We have clear

promoting and facilitating companies to invest in the state.

examples of the potential of clean energy generation right across the border, and Baja California has greater wind and

Q: What are the main actions and policies being

solar resources than California. We need to take advantage

implemented to position Baja California as one of the

of what Mother Nature gave us.

pivotal states for renewable energy development? A: We are seeking to provide companies with the right

We are interconnected with the US grid, not the Mexican

incentives to develop our important solar and wind energy

grid, and our largest base energy generation facilities

resources. We are not looking for the state to invest in

are geothermal and thermoelectric. These plants have

energy generation projects, but we want to take advantage

already been upgraded, so the need to make the transition

of the already explored public-private partnership (PPPs)

from polluting power plants to clean power plants no

scheme, through which the state government can partner

longer applies to Baja California. We are now looking to

with a private entity.

complement that clean power generation as demand increases. The government does not have enough money

Q: What are the main challenges facing power generation

to invest in the very expensive technologies that clean

in Baja California?

generation involves as it has many other priorities, this is

A: We currently have a number of projects at different

why PPPs are so important.

stages of development, with many of them being destined to export their electricity to the US. We are developing

Q: What are the main traits that differentiate Baja

different schemes at the state level to help companies

California from other states with high renewable energy

comply with the various requirements and permits.

resource availability?

Overcoming our challenges depends on providing enough


opportunities and facilities for investors to come to Baja

development of our renewable energy industry as we


are next to the US. In other states with similar potential,








an investor could be interested in generating energy for Q: How can renewable energy projects contribute to Baja

local consumption but a greater incentive comes with

California’s energy security?

the possibility of exporting that energy to a market like

A: The Energy Reform clearly states that the development

the US, whose demand keeps increasing. The moment

of renewable energies will be a priority, and Baja California

to invest in these types of energies is now. Many studies

clearly has the right traits to develop such energies. Natural

confirm Baja California’s resource availability, investors

gas prices have been decreasing but that is no guarantee

have money and the state government is interested in

about where they will go in the future. Furthermore,

supporting these projects.


ENSENADA: BUILDING UP ITS ENERGY INFRASTRUCTURE “The last three to five years have seen a tendency away

and smart grids; the municipality could become an

from globalization and toward a regional manufacturing

example in Mexico.The region is also aiming to combine



the capabilities of Ensenada, Tijuana, Rosarito, Tecate,


and Mexicali as municipalities by focusing on the main

Industrial Promotion



Development Commission

Gallant, of





strengths of each one of them. “Baja California has 1,600km

high hopes of bringing industrial investment to the Baja



of coastline in total and we have a lot of land. Ensenada is

California region, given the competitive advantages it sees

the largest municipality in Mexico with 52,000km2,” says

increasing the region’s appeal. Mexico is considered to be

Gallant. “There is a lot of opportunity and hunger for new

a low-cost manufacturing location, due to its proximity

economic development and job opportunities.” The region

to the US and its infrastructure favoring supply chain

is not saturated and these cities are connected by train

logistics. According to Gallant, Ensenada combines these

in order to complement each other logistically. “We have

advantages with all the benefits of a border city without

the largest share of scientists per capita in Mexico,” says

the usual problems such a location implies. The port of

Marco Navarro Steck, President of COPREEN. “The region

“We have the largest share of scientists per capita in Mexico. The region can complement industrial activity with technological research and development” Marco Navarro Steck, President of COPREEN

Ensenada is Mexico’s most northern and has the capability

can complement industrial activity with technological

to transport containerized and non-containerized material,

research and development.” In addition, the Baja California

which is crucial when moving merchandise and inputs for

III combined cycle power plant will aid Ensenada on its

the Mexican energy sector. COPREEN proposes that, by

journey toward energy efficiency. The National Energy

taking advantage of the research base in Ensenada, new

Strategy of 2012-2026 specifically mentions this project

technologies could be developed for energy efficiency

since, according to Gallant, the previous administration



anything in the world, plus we have great human resources

Portfolio Standard (RPS)

and lots of binational, bicultural, and bilingual human talent.



We have proximity to our clients, quick response times,


and cost competitiveness with Chinese prices, but without


the issues associated with being located in China, such as









consumption to come from renewable

David Mayagoitia, President of DEITAC


2020. Tijuana, California’s

Tijuana is one of the largest medical device manufacturers in



North America, and Mayagoitia argues that if San Diego and


Tijuana united their medical device clusters, the binational

eyeing of



transportation, communication, or intellectual property.”

neighbor, the


region might be the largest medical device manufacturer

technology hub. David Mayagoitia, President and founding



in the world. “Tijuana has always been very successful in

member of the Tijuana Economic Development Corporation

electronics and around 27 million TV sets are assembled

(DEITAC), believes the region has the potential to become

locally a year. We are also leaders in the aerospace industry.

something similar to Hong Kong and Shenzhen in the next

Everybody talks about Queretaro but there are twice as many

10 years: “Between Tijuana and Los Angeles you can buy

people employed in aerospace companies here than there are

was not so supportive of it and the former municipal

generate and export more electricity to the rest of Mexico

president would not allow the plant to progress during his

and the US,” comments Romero.

term. With new federal and local governments, COPREEN and its members have been pushing for the plant to be

Within this context, the potential of renewable energies

built as fast as possible. However, a key aspect that is yet

to create new economic activity in Baja California goes

to be defined is the agreement between the natural gas

hand by hand with the growth of energy demand. “By

supplier and CFE which will determine the cost of energy.

adding more generation, our excess capacity margin

The closer natural prices in Mexico get to those across the

will increase but we have to link this energy availability

border, the higher the benefits will be for Baja California

to the manufacturing sector, thus lowering the cost of

and for the new power plants. For example, COPREEN

electricity,” says Romero. In essence, the energy supply

points to a plant established in Rosarito that is stuck

for companies must be ensured, a real concern given

paying US$9 per million Btu for natural gas due to a long-

the experience of the Mexican grid with critical alerts.

term contract signed before prices dropped. “We must

However, as opposed to the central system, the natural

make sure that this plant negotiates a competitive price at

gas infrastructure of Baja California is only being used

which it can acquire gas, which will pass on the low cost

at 38% of its full capacity, meaning that the region has

of generation to the consumer,” comments Gallant. “This

still potential for growth in the energy sector. COPREEN

would have a huge benefit for Ensenada and for all of Baja

is proposing to Baja California that this excess capacity


be used to reach out to companies that consume a lot of natural gas. They could establish themselves in Ensenada

Baja California has the highest concentration of foreign

and promote the economic development of the region.

investment for industrial activities in all of Mexico. However,

“A new era of manufacturing could happen due to cheap

most of this industry is related to light-assembly type

gas prices,” says Romero. For renewable energies, Baja

operations, which are typically small energy consumers. If

California offers important opportunities due to the high

more competitive pricing structures are established in the

costs that CFE has to cover when generating power due

region, more energy and capital-intensive industries would

to the inefficiencies of its transmission and distribution

be attracted to this manufacturing hub, allowing the state

infrastructure. “It is possible to avoid such inefficiencies

to create better-paid and more technical jobs. Romero

by attracting the solar sector and taking advantage of

also believes the state, which currently functions under a

Baja California having 295 clear days on average per

separate island electrical grid, could be connected to the

year,” comments Romero. “We should be promoting the

rest of Mexico in the next few years, with the installation of

use of solar panels at a residential and industrial level all

transmission lines with a capacity that would range from

over the state. This would allow us to experience the full

150MW to 300MW. “This would allow Baja California to

economic advantages they offer.”

in Quertaro, about 13,000 people. Because of Mexicali, Baja

in Baja California is Mexicali, because of its high level of

California is a powerhouse in aerospace,” says Mayagoitia.

solar irradiation and the fact that it is close to La Rumorosa, where wind farms are starting to be developed. Mayagoitia

DEITAC’s 2010-2015 strategic plan consists of traditional

stresses the importance of renewables as a way to supply

promotion to attract investment, building better links with

clean, affordable, and reliable electricity and an opportunity

San Diego, and increasing the level of manufacturing in the

to attract companies like Google and Yahoo, whose huge

region. Mayagoitia believes that contract manufacturing

server centers position them among the largest electricity

is the new trend, and that it will continue for the next 20

consumers in the world, with large amounts of capital to

years. “More and more companies will shift from single

spend. He quotes the example of Imperial County, right

name manufacturing to multiple brand manufacturing,”

across the border from Mexicali, which has attracted US$5.3

he says. On the other hand, DEITAC fosters innovation

billion for renewable energy projects in the last three

through Ignitus, the entrepreneurial program certified by

years. But before that happens, there is still an unflattering

CONACYT, which already has an incubation model with

perception challenge that Tijuana has to overcome. “Tijuana

support from the Ministry of Economy. Mayagoitia is a

has 23 violent crimes per 100,000 inhabitants, which is

believer in the potential of the Mexican-American border

lower than New Orleans, Washington DC and Detroit,

region, and emphasizes that the six Mexican border states

and our challenge is to raise awareness about the relative

and the six US border states combined have a population

safety of Tijuana. This is a battle that we are not going to

of 90 million people and form the world’s sixth largest

win overnight, but there are 600 companies currently

economy, with Tijuana-San Diego as the capital of this

manufacturing successfully in Tijuana. They are the city’s

region. The area with the biggest potential for renewables

best spokespersons,” Mayagoitia concludes.


BRINGING THE WIND ENERGY SECTOR TOGETHER Any actor deeply involved in an industry can attest

2014 edition of Mexico Wind Power is expected to receive

to the importance of networking, for both personal

around 2,000 visitors, and can count on the participation

and professional gain and to collectively advance the

of 90 companies, most of which are foreign. Also, the event

development of a sector. Industry events provide a perfect

will see some newcomers that are becoming an important

opportunity for key stakeholders to come together under

part of the value chain,” says Navarro.

one roof, and Mexico Wind Power is the main event where the wind industry leaders meet to discuss the development

Mexico Wind Power might seem small compared to other

of their industry and plan their future strategies.

industry events but Navarro says it is well planned and

“After growing from 800 visitors in 2012 to 2,000 in 2013, the 2014 edition of Mexico Wind Power is expected to receive around 2,000 visitors” José Navarro, Director General of E.J. Krause Mexico

The first Mexico Wind Power congress and exhibition took

concise. Navarro finds that a lot of companies are very

place in 2011. Unlike other events, Mexico Wind Power has the

well informed about the sector, resulting in interesting

support of the Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC) and the

and dynamic exchanges at the event. The increasing

Mexican Wind Energy Association (AMDEE). The presence

number of attendants seems proportional to the interest

of these industry leading organizations emphasizes the

in the industry, although adding more exhibition space

fact that this is not a predominantly commercial show. E.J.

to the event attracts more people. According to Navarro,

Krause, a company specializing in organizing international


business forums, exhibitions, and conferences is in charge

want to find out about suppliers in the market, create

of putting the event together. The 2012 edition included a

strategic alliances, and negotiate technological transfers.

minor exhibition with a high level conference program, but

Foreign companies that are not present in Mexico also

in 2013 the event went into high gear, putting together a

attend Mexico Wind Power to get a glimpse of market

large exhibition where companies could showcase their

opportunities. Entities like ProMexico and the Ministry of

technological capabilities and services. The event sparks

Economy are involved in the show and seek to trigger

interest as a meeting point for the most influential wind

alliances and foster agreements between Mexican and

energy players in the national and international arena.

foreign companies.







Talks revolve around the direction of the Mexican and international wind markets. The upcoming event will deal

Every year, Mexico Wind Power invites companies seeking

with the Mexican landscape and the expectations that exist

to use renewable energy for self-supply. The government,

regarding the goal of reaching 12GW of installed capacity by

manufacturers, and developers are evident actors, but off-

2020, and the impact of both the Energy Reform and the

takers are rarely in the spotlight. Navarro acknowledges the

Fiscal Reform on the Mexican wind industry. José Navarro,

importance of these players, particularly large corporations

Director General of E.J. Krause Mexico, says the most

that are considering getting involved in renewable energy

appealing aspect about Mexico Wind Power is that it is an

projects. “AMDEE is doing an extraordinary job securing this

event made by the industry for the industry.

segment’s participation in the event,” says Navarro. “Another interesting audience consists of people who live in or have

Mexico Wind Power has a larger attendance each year,

ties to the communities where wind generators are installed.”

while similar events in other countries see stagnating


attendance rates. Navarro believes the same may soon

It can be inferred by now that in addition to disseminating

happen in Mexico but that this should not be seen as a sign

relevant information, Mexico Wind Power is a powerful

of discouragement. In fact, Mexico Wind Power’s success


should be measured by the industry’s potential and market

exhibitors about how to make the most out of the show,”

expansion, which Navarro says will be fostered by the

says Navarro. “Like with any other show, we try to have as

current administration’s focus on renewable energy. “After

much activities or moments where people can really talk to

growing from 800 visitors in 2012 to 2,000 in 2013, the

each other and reach agreements.”






JOINT GREEN INITIATIVES “After NAFTA was signed, players in the Mexican

organization also seeks to improve Mexico’s economic

construction sector found themselves in a rather difficult

well-being by pushing the environmental industry, which

situation caused by the US’ misconception that Mexican

is most evident in The Green Expo, a landmark event on

companies were not willing to comply with the free

the Mexican energy and sustainability calendar. Although

trade agreement’s environmental requirements,” says

initially, companies joined CONIECO because they feared

Carlos Sandoval, President of the National Council of

they might go out of business, today, even large firms

Green Industries (CONIECO). This perception led to

relish environmental initiatives, like saving water and

the creation of the Federal Attorney for Environmental

energy. These actions make companies more competitive

Protection (PROFEPA), which led certain companies to

while portraying a positive public image. In addition,

fear they might be shut down for non-compliance with

market conditions are favorable for sustainable practices.

environmental regulations. Sandoval says that while large

“Mexican customers are starting to prefer competitively

companies had the legal resources to protect themselves,

priced products when these are environmentally friendly.

medium-sized companies came together under CONIECO,

This is already common in other countries, and medium-

an umbrella organization comprised of entrepreneurs from

sized companies are embracing this model,” explains

diverse backgrounds, such as consultancies, construction

Sandoval. “In fact, many medium-sized firms are becoming

firms, and environmental engineering firms. “We gathered

well-known for their low-cost sustainable products, which

companies from different sectors and came in contact

also help them establish contact with bigger companies

with similar organizations in San Diego and Washington

that seek suppliers. These commercial chains, which

DC, which gave us support across NAFTA,” says Sandoval.

have no government support, are influencing corporate decisions that help give Mexican companies a great

Members of CONIECO, all businesspeople, found that

international image.” Sandoval attributes this to the fact



that medium-sized companies are run by people with

economic benefits. They share a common concern for

higher education degrees, making the corporate culture

environmental issues and today, the organization works

reflect middle class values. The next challenge is for these

mainly with small and medium-sized companies, fostering

companies to pass their knowledge and expertise on to

their environmental awareness. To achieve this, CONIECO

smaller firms that might not still be entirely clear about

actively participates as a public sector advisor for all

sustainable models, the benefits these provide and how

three government branches and international panels. The

they could apply them.





GREEN EXPO: EXCHANGING GREEN IDEAS The Global Resource Environmental and Energy Network,

“Green Expo is not just a conference; it is an event where

commonly referred to as The Green Expo, is the result of

attendants get to see sustainable ideas in action,” says

E.J. Krause and CONIECO’s efforts to create an event that

Carlos Sandoval, president of CONIECO. Because Mexico is

brings together all sectors related to sustainable practices.

seen internationally as a business opportunity, international

Green Expo has positioned itself as the most important

companies are attending Green Expo to look for local

event for energy and water related subjects, environmental

representatives. Additionally, entrepreneurs and academics

affairs, and sustainable cities. It is a business forum

get a broader understanding of the domestic and global

where national and international companies present their

business climate at this event.

sustainable technology and solutions for any industry, which then contribute to increasing efficiency and savings for the

Sandoval would like to see more involvement from the

Mexican business, industrial, and government sectors.

public sector. “We hear great ideas at The Green Expo, but industries cannot benefit from them if they do not

The Green Expo has four areas of interest. EnviroPro

influence legislation.” Members of Congress want to know

deals with waste management and recycling. PowerMex

where the industry stands; they want to be able to talk with

Clean Energy and Efficiency presents solutions for

entrepreneurs about topics of mutual concern. The Green

efficient energy use and generation through renewable

Expo provides the opportunity to bring together different

energy sources. WaterMex involves companies sharing

perspectives from the public and private sector to create

technological innovations for sustainable water use. Green

common ground. Future editions of Green Expo will grow

Cities presents cutting-edge technology and relevant

to include more workshops that better reflect the needs of

information for the development of green cities.

entrepreneurs and small companies.



14 2014 is likely to go down in history as the year in which the overhaul of the Mexican energy sector took shape. With the Energy Reform now having passed, the country will get down to the business of implementing it. The secondary laws are to be finalized in April, laying out the details for the new regulatory environment. One thing is for sure, the private sector will play a more prominent role in the development of the Mexican energy sector. Wind and solar plants are being built across an increasing number of Mexican states, redrawing the country’s renewables map. New pipelines, filled with cheap natural gas, will snake across the landscape. Private firms, both foreign and Mexican, stand ready to invest in renewable energy and transmission infrastructure, awaiting only the right conditions to be in place.

This chapter sounds out government and industry leaders on their expectations for the future, on the Energy Reform’s medium and long-term impacts, and on how Mexico can best achieve its climate change and power generation targets.



Energy & Sustainability Review 2014 is the first publication that provides a comprehensive overview of the latest developments, main trends, technological advancements, and investment opportunities in the Mexican energy and sustainability markets. This annual publication is based on interviews with the business and political leaders who drive Mexico’s energy and sustainability future.

Mexico Energy & Sustainability Review 2014 is available in iPad edition Download your free copy at: Twitter: @renewablemexico and @mexicorenovable Blog:



VIEW FROM THE TOP: Guaranteeing the Future of Sustainable Economic Growth


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Mexico to Recover its Energy Self-Sufficiency


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Legal Opportunities of New Legal Framework


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Steps to Come After the Energy Reform




VIEW FROM THE TOP: Future of the Electricity Sector After the Energy Reform



GUARANTEEING THE FUTURE OF SUSTAINABLE ECONOMIC GROWTH JUAN JOSÉ GUERRA ABUD Minister of Environment and Natural Resources (SEMARNAT) Q: One of the big steps taken in the Energy Reform is that

Q: What is going to be your approach in order to ensure that

externalities are going to be taken into account as part

shale gas in Mexico can be developed in a responsible way?

of the cost of electricity. How will the monetary value of

A: There is no human activity that does not have an effect

externalities be measured?

on the environment. SEMARNAT’s responsibility is to

A: Along with SENER, we are participating in this calculation

minimize the environmental impact of human activities. If

as is established by the law. The Ministry of Health will have

we weigh up the advantages and disadvantages of shale

to participate as well in the future. It is not an easy or simple

gas, the benefits will win out. The effects of drilling a

model but we have many Mexican scientists and institutions,

well to exploit shale gas can have a negative impact, but

such as the Mario Molina Center, that are working on the

the benefits of natural gas, such as drastically reducing

calculations of externalities. We will reach a proposal for the


measurement without a doubt. For example, an innovative

compensate for those negative effects by far.







proposal put forward in Mexico is the carbon tax for fossil fuels, based on their carbon emissions.

Q: In countries such as Russia or Brazil, environmental regulations have been used to wield influence over energy

Q: Will the Energy Reform bring SEMARNAT more

companies operating in the country. What is going to be

influence over the energy sector?

done to make sure that this does not happen in Mexico?

A: Everyone in the government is conscious about the

A: The rule of law must prevail. The environmental legal

importance of taking care of the environment. Taking the

framework - norms, laws, and regulations - has to be

right measures to protect the environment, particularly

applied equally to every company, private or public.

in the context of climate change, is a direct order from

Nobody should have reasons to fear that, due to political

President Peña Nieto. He recently stated that the natural

issues, we would use environmental issues to attack a

disasters that struck Mexico in 2013 were linked to climate

particular company. This will not happen in Mexico.

change. It is only natural for SEMARNAT to play a central role in this process.

Q: What are your main priorities for the coming five years? How are you going to measure your performance relative


Q: Reasons to invest in renewable energy and fighting

to the goals you have set for SEMARNAT?

climate change range from energy security to general

A: Climate change is a global priority and it goes beyond

social well-being and economic growth. Which one is the

any local goal. We do not have a bigger challenge than

most important for you?

controlling climate change. From a local point of view, it

A: All of them are important. The Energy Reform means

is critical to implement reforestation programs. We need

that Mexico will be able to exploit its own natural gas

to recover the forests we have lost. We have a commercial

resources. Obviously, we need to make the most out of our

deficit of US$6 billion in forestry products, but this

resources while using the best international environmental

issue goes beyond economic reasons because of the

practices. There should be no doubt that the measures

environmental benefits this will bring. Another priority is

we are going to implement will use the best international

municipal solid waste management as we can create added

practices. Nowadays, the energy sector is essential to foster

value from this waste. We are working on this project

economic growth, and the sustainable economic growth is a

together with state and municipal governments as waste

very important priority for us. It is not a matter of choosing

management is a responsibility of municipalities in Mexico.

between economic growth and sustainability, both have

Obviously, the implementation of any programs to tackle

to go together to promote the well-being of Mexicans. It

solid waste has to be done while respecting biodiversity

is critical that the majority of poor Mexicans improve their

and guaranteeing sustainable economic development. We

quality of life, which will happen once we manage to achieve

have to facilitate economic growth but we cannot allow

sustainable use of our vast natural resources.

this growth to come at the expense of the environment.



Q: What were the main arguments that allowed PAN and

in the drafting of the secondary laws, nor will there be any

PRI to find support for the Energy Reform?

small print. The content of the secondary laws is marked

A: Political timing was crucial to the relatively fast approval

and bound to the reforms of the three constitutional

of the constitutional reforms regarding energy. A similar

articles and 21 transitional articles. These clearly mark

in-depth initiative to the Energy Reform that was recently

the general sense of the secondary laws, which will be

approved was presented in 1998 but the President was

discussed and probably approved during the first period of

unable to get it passed. In other words, the arguments in

Congressional sessions of 2014. These dispositions require

favor of the Energy Reform had been on the table for at

the strengthening of the existing regulatory agencies, such

least 15 years. However, the political conditions changed

as the National Hydrocarbons Commission (CNH) and CRE.

over time. An element that worked in favor this time was

In this same direction, the Energy Reform points towards

the Pact for Mexico (an alliance between PAN, PRI and

the transformation of PEMEX and CFE into productive

the left-wing PRD to facilitate the passing of reforms;

public companies, that will no longer be subject exclusively

the PRD pulled out of the Pact in November 2013, citing

to public finance needs. We need PEMEX and CFE to

disagreements over the Energy Reform). Another decisive

become companies that follow market behavior in terms of

element for the Energy Reform’s approval was the

investment, current expenditure, and the development of

ratification by Congress of the National Energy Strategy

human talent. These goals can be achieved in a relatively

2013-2027. Its approval in early 2013 set the tone for a

short period with the autonomy given to these companies

precise diagnosis of the consequences Mexico would face

by the recent reforms.

if an in-depth Energy Reform was not approved. It was clear from the outset that the 2008 Energy Reform did

Q: What challenges does CFE currently have to overcome?

not go far enough, showing the need for a constitutional

A: CFE’s goals should be: promoting productivity and

reform that opened up the energy sector and granted legal


certainty to potential new investors.

facilitating the development of renewable energy, and the






transparency of its activities as the institution responsible Q: Which are the main benefits of the Energy Reform for

for the country’s power resources. The reform should

the development of the renewable energy sector?

make changes while secondary laws will facilitate these

A: The opening of the energy sector to private investment

objectives by giving CFE efficient and modern normative

places the focus on fostering renewable energies. Mexico’s

instruments that will help overcome those challenges.

energy transition away from primary energies such as hydrocarbons and associated products will enable to

Q: How will the Mexican power generation sector look five

speed up the move towards renewable energies. Mexico

years after the Energy Reform?

has enormous potential for these resources, which it

A: With the achieved reforms and their secondary laws,

can turn into a competitive advantage at a global scale.

it is estimated that in five years, the country will double

Additionally, the reformed Article 25 of the Constitution

its current production of hydrocarbons while fuel oil for

mandates the creation of the National Industrial Safety and

power generation could have been totally replaced with

Environmental Protection for the Hydrocarbons Sector

natural gas and other primary energies. At the same time,

Agency, which will be part of SEMARNAT, to achieve a

in five years, close to 30% of the national energy mix

balance between productivity and sustainability.

will come from renewable resources. These figures mean much more than a quantitative change. It represents a

Q: How will the secondary laws effectively integrate

qualitative transformation in Mexico’s production and

renewable energy sources into the Mexican energy mix

energy consumption, accomplished over a relatively short

and help to reach emission reduction targets?

timeframe, in which the country will recover its sovereignty

A: Contrary to what is being said, there will be no surprises

and self-sufficiency concerning primary energy sources.




Q: Did the Energy Reform live up to your expectations?

the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit to cooperate and

A: The changes made to the Constitution were better than

support the industry. We have to remove all the deficiencies

expected. The first issue is that we are experiencing the first

within CRE, SENER, PEMEX and CFE and allow them to

real transition away from the monopoly position of PEMEX.

become efficient regulators, policy makers and operators.

But we still need to define what the private sector and the energy authorities can now do and what their obligations

Q: How will the targets set in the General Climate Change

are in legal terms. First, the electricity sector will attract

Law influence the creation of the secondary laws?

important investment in transmission and distribution, as

A: The generation of clean energy is still a complicated

well as in large-scale generation schemes. CFE will start to

issue in Mexico since there are no fiscal incentives. It

reduce its participation in power generation, transmission

is difficult to believe that the government did not grant

and distribution in the coming years. Foreign investment

these important benefits for clean energy, and this will be

will be more protected and the reform ensures better legal

an important challenge. It is crucial to determine the best

tools that guarantee this protection. New ways will be

strategy to convert a conventional energy user into a clean

developed to do business very efficiently and in a way that

energy user without tax incentives.

offers legal certainty. Q: How do you think the Energy Reform and the increasing Q: What are the main opportunities that the industry may

interest of doing business in Mexico will change the

not be aware of?

market for law firms?

A: The industry still does not know how to build new

A: Incredible times are coming for law firms because the

schemes and start new businesses such as gasoline imports,

market will grow and, consequently, there will be more cases

the commercialization of diesel, new power generation

and more clients. However, very few lawyers are specialized

schemes, how to move from being an IPP to transmission and

in the energy sector. We are now living under a new and

distribution activities, or to participate in pipeline projects.

complicated legal framework with new laws resulting from

Engineers and lawyers must work together to create new

the Fiscal Reform and the Energy Reform. In the end, being a

schemes that will allow projects to be technically viable and

successful lawyer means being aware of the civil, mercantile,

have the required legal support to guarantee their success.

criminal, administrative, and the specific energy laws.

However, it is important to first convince the authorities to support these areas of activity and, should legal barriers stop

Q: Large firms with experience in different areas would

them, the private sector must fight for these to be changed.

then have an advantage over specialized energy firms like yours. How are you going to compete with the big firms?


Q: Which authorities will be involved in defining the

A: The challenge that the new laws bring is very clear: the

secondary laws?

old scheme under which law firms worked can no longer

A: In my opinion, the main participant will be the Ministry

be applied. A new and more efficient scheme is needed,

of Economy as it has to start creating a general awareness

which means firms have to increase their dynamism. They

of the way the energy sector can impact the country’s

have to be constantly training their staff to understand all

economic development. It will have to sign off on all the

the new laws and regulations, and be able to apply their

energy projects that positively impact the country and the

knowledge of every area of law into just one document. In

economy. It has to promote natural gas import schemes that

the past, one document would only need one lawyer but

are VAT-free and pay taxes later. At the end, the Ministry

now, it will be necessary to create teams that are able to

of Economy has the opportunity to support the creation of

cooperate very efficiently to cover all the areas related to

these different models and make them very efficient. The

a specific case. Providing legal services will become much

rapid and efficient development of the energy sector will

more complex for law firms, but it also represents a very

depend mostly on the ability of the Ministry of Economy and

interesting challenge if you love this profession.


STEPS TO COME AFTER THE ENERGY REFORM JUAN ACRA President of the National Energy Commission, Coparmex

Q: What role did Coparmex play in ensuring that the

CFE cannot build all the required infrastructure. These

implementation of the Energy Reform would benefit the

energy lines will be used exclusively for the exchange of

country and your members?

energy between private companies, but not for public

A: The secondary laws are essential, and Coparmex

services. According to the Energy Reform, PEMEX and

wants to promote Mexican companies. This means firms

CFE must make all necessary changes as state-owned

with Mexican employees, regardless of the shareholders’

companies to improve their profitability and efficiency, and

nationalities. We have talked to the government about

make the right decisions to become part of a competitive

creating a platform that would enable industry leaders

world and deliver affordable power.

to communicate with the government and develop the secondary laws together. President Enrique PeĂąa

Q: What do you see as the future role of medium sized

Nieto believes that collaborative efforts are essential to

companies, both as power producers and as off-takers?

successfully implement the Energy Reform, which will be

A: We want to develop projects for the sale of energy

the biggest development for Mexico since the signing of

between medium-sized companies and help them build


needed power plants. If a medium-sized company is willing to build its own power plant and sell energy to

Q: What are the main steps in the implementation process

others, we will help them gather a group of off-takers into

of the Energy Reform?

an industrial park or a cluster. However, we must work hand

A: During the first 120 days, SENER is going to design the

in hand with financial entities because if we do not have

types of contracts that will enable private companies to

PPAs with a strong financial index, we will have a problem.

work with state-owned companies and address technical

The way to finance a project is through companies with

issues affecting tenders. The National Hydrocarbons

high credit ratings, which does not depend on the size of

Commission (CNH) will work on the guidelines for the

the company. We need to group these companies and,

bidding process to authorize offshore exploration and

with the help of financial institutions, review their credit

production. CRE will focus on the permitting process

history. Of course, there is always a level of risk involved

for the storage, transportation, and distribution of

but creating a cluster of medium-sized companies

hydrocarbons. The Treasury will set the conditions for the

decreases that risk potential.

tax and royalties associated with the new contracts. The laws pertaining to environmental affairs will have been

Q: Each industry has its own priorities for the Energy

developed as well. Before the end of 2014, two organisms,

Reform. How did Coparmex ensure a unified approach

the National Center for Natural Gas Control (CENAGAS)

among its many members?

and the National Energy Control Center (CENACE),

A: We organized roundtables for the different industries

will operate the natural gas transportation system and

in order to get their feedback, understand their concerns,



get multinational companies on board, understand what

will help us plan ahead. The President plans on having

is happening internationally and bring in their expertise.

affordable gas delivered throughout the entire country.

We created an agenda in cooperation with the government

Currently we are using expensive gas, despite having shale

based on each sector’s diagnosis, their ideas and global

gas, but the legislation is not currently in place to develop

trends. For renewables, the proposition was to open the

that sector.

sector and enable the sale of electricity between private




companies, promoting energy efficiency and opening the Q: What are the recommendations of Coparmex regarding

sector for private projects in transmission and distribution.

the participation of the private sector?

The grid is owned by the state, so if you want to build your

A: The Energy Reform enables the private sector to choose

own project you have to make sure that CFE gives you

the way in which it wants to build transmission lines, since

access to the grid.





1.9% 1.8% 0.5% 2.8%

12.0% 12.8% 0.3%






Combined cycle

Turbo gas


Solar thermal

Renewable energy

Petroleum coke




Internal combustion

Hydro power

Source: SENER


Source: SENER

The Mexican energy mix is expected to undergo substantial diversification. Combined cycle power plants will account for 47.8% of the total installed capacity in Mexico, while renewable energy participation is destined to increase to 35% by 2026. Although renewable energies and natural gas are expected to represent more than 80% of the total power generation capacity in Mexico, coal will still play an important role accounting for 12.8%. Other technologies such as thermoelectric, turbogas, coke and internal combustion power plants will only add up 5.5% of the total installed capacity in Mexico by 2026. New installed renewable energy capacity will be driven primarily by wind power, which is expected to be the dominant renewable energy technology in the national energy mix, accounting for 60.3% by 2025. Small hydropower will follow wind with 24.3%, and solar energy is expected to account for 12% of new renewable energy generation, mostly through PV technologies. The geothermal and biomass are expected to make more modest contributions to new installed capacity according to SENER’s forecasts.



Distributed generation






































Type of energy Wind Geothermal

Biomass Total Source: SENER



FUTURE OF THE ELECTRICITY SECTOR AFTER THE ENERGY REFORM NOÉ NAVARRETE GONZà LEZ Commissioner at CRE Q: What opportunities will the Energy Reform provide the

Q: How will this growing flexibility in energy sector

private sector in transmission and distribution?

influence CFE to become a more roductive company?

A: The constitutional modification of the Energy Reform

A: CFE is a good company but it has to become more

means that the State will control and plan the grid while

efficient, it has to be able become part of the stock

the activities regulated by Article 25, namely the strategic

exchange, and needs better conditions to operate and

areas of transmission and distribution, will be opened up

standardize activities, while working closely with the

to private participation. The government will be in charge

union. The scheme created for PEMEX and CFE by the

of planning the grid and the involvement of all payers.

Energy Reform does not exist yet. It has to be created

Distribution is more complicated as there are many social

in the secondary laws, which determine the conditions

issues involved and tariffs are subsidized. We need to wait

under which these companies will be improving their

and see how the subsidy model will change, whether it

operations. Under this new legal framework, issues like

will continue subsidizing the first level of consumption or

how the subsidies will work and the relationship between

whether subsidies will become focalized. Subsidies are a

CFE, its union and its pension liability will be dealt with.

big issue for investors seeking to enter the distribution

Subsidies and pension liability are CFE’s major problems.

market. Transmission is a more secure area for investment

If these two issues are removed, then the company can

as Mexico needs this infrastructure. As energy generation

become more productive. CFE has to keep generating,

in remote areas increases, investment in infrastructure will

transmitting, distributing, and commercializing energy,

be required in order to get that energy to consumption

while also becoming a more competitive player.

centers. The investor puts the infrastructure in place and offers its transmission service to the generation market.

The law mandates CFE has to generate energy at the lowest cost for the country, rather than the lowest cost for CFE.

Q: How is the Open Season scheme going to change and

This has been one of the main problems when internalizing

what role will it play in the future?

externalities; if energy is bought at the lowest cost for the

A: Open Season was a tool to attract private investment

state, then social and environmental variables would have

without changing the regulatory framework. Now that

to be added to the technical variables that are already

limitations in the regulatory framework have been removed,

being taken into account. This is why it was important to

the possibility of expanding the Open Season schemes will

separate CENACE from CFE, otherwise the market and

increase, although the name might change. Following the

sector management would favor only one player.

Energy Reform, infrastructure requirements can be covered by private parties without having to go through an Open

Q: How long will it take to provide the required legal

Season, although a tender process will still exist.

certainty? A: In the Energy Reform, a period of 120 days was established

Q: How important will model contracts become?

to create the new legal framework. The legislation has to

A: We do not have the model contracts in place yet.

go through Congress which begins working in February

However, I can tell you that the public sector will not be

and ends its first term of 2014 on April 30. By that time, at

the only responsible party for satisfying electricity demand

least 60% to 65% of the secondary laws should be set. We

as private players will also be involved. Large consumers

have determined that 23 to 28 laws have to be modified

will be able to enter into agreements with large energy

due to the Energy Reform. This is a huge endeavor to take

generators. On the supply side, groups of small consumers

on in 120 days. The sector that will be able to respond most

can pool their energy demands to create energy off-taker

quickly to these changes is the electricity sector as most of

and enter the market to obtain lower costs. This model has

the work has already been done. Most of the infrastructure

to be reflected in the legal framework, and there will be

is already there and it is now mostly a matter of protocols

more flexible models with more legal certainty.

that have to be developed.




Abengoa: 73, 87, 182, 183

e2 Energías Ecológicas: 164,

Acciona: 135, 156, 214, 248, 300, 304, 329

Emerging Energy and Environment (EEE): 230

ADS Mexicana: 292

Enerclima: 290

Aeropuertos y Servicios Auxiliares (SAS): 197

Energía Renovable del Centro: 180

Alcione: 256

Energía, Tecnología y Educación (ENTE): 57

Alcocer, Sergio (UNAM): 50

En Verde Ser / Gente Como Uno: 316

AMDEE: 12, 125, 126, 127, 342


AMEH: 12, 111

ERDM Solar: 178

American Shoreline: 144

ERICO Latin America: 146

AMGN: 72

ERM: 285, 326

ANES: 12, 152, 153, 157, 166, 177


Arteche: 238

ESM Industries: 266

Astris Finance: 228

FEMSA: 305

Atlas Copco: 259

Fermaca: 76, 77

Auriga: 134, 135

Ferrostaal: 204,205, 258

Baja California State Energy Commission: 338, 339

Flores García, Rubén (SENER): 24, 25, 38

Bajo en Carbono: 218

Fronius: 173

Banamex: 227, 314

Gamesa: 128, 129, 327

BANOBRAS: 229, 286

Gauss Energia: 154, 155

Barlovento Solar: 333

GE Industrial Solutions: 244

Barnés Castro, Francisco (CRE): 24, 25

General Cable: 243

BBVA Bancomer: 214, 223, 224

Gente Como Uno/ En Verde Ser: 316

Beltrán Rodríguez, Leonardo (SENER): 19

GL Garrad Hassan: 143,

Beristain + Asociados: 350

Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC): 124,

Biofuels de Mexico: 192, 193

Globeleq: 141,

Biomex: 190

GNPI de Mexico: 81,

Bordo Poniente: 201, 275

González Calvillo, S.C.: 328

Butecsa: 177

Goodrich Riquelme & Associates: 43

Carswell & Cavillo: 207

Granite Chief: 160

CDI Mexicali: 336

Green EXPO: 343

CEMDA: 302, 303

Greenberg Traurig: 52

CENACE: 7, 12, 19, 20, 25, 31, 37, 47, 236, 335, 351

GreenMomentum: 312, 313

Centro Mexicano de Innovacion en Energia Solar: 176

Greenpeace Mexico: 28

CFE: 6, 7, 9, 18, 20, 21, 23, 25, 26, 35,40, 46, 47, 48, 49, 51,

Grupo ADO: 191

52, 66, 68, 69, 73, 100, 108, 114, 117, 133, 154, 155, 162, 163,

Grupo Bimbo: 308, 309

214, 220, 236, 237, 238, 241, 243, 247, 278, 333, 350

Grupo Comexhidro: 115

CIBanco: 302

Grupo Dragón: 139

Cisa Energia: 147

Grupo Mexico: 226,

ClusterGeo: 106, 107, 110

Grupotec: 160

CNH: 349, 351

Guascor: 89, 200

CO2 Solutions: 300

Guerra Abud, Juan José (SEMARNAT): 35, 348

Cogenera Mexico: 87, 200

Hanwha Q CELLS: 169

Comercializadora Folgueiras: 208

Heliocol: 167

Compañia Mexicana de Gas: 74

HSBC : 299

Conermex: 166

Iberdrola: 133


ICLEI Mexico: 312

Consejo de Cambio Climático: 55

IDB: 222

Consorcio Integrador Sonora 80M: 158


CONUEE: 58, 79


COPARMEX: 54, 351

IEnova: 68


Igasamex: 80

CP Latina: 109

IICE: 265

CRE: 6, 24, 35, 36, 38, 39,53, 70, 247

IIE: 56

Del Bosque Macías, Guillermo (SAGARPA): 194

IMEI: 276

Duckwitz, Edmund ( German Ambassador to Mexico): 61

INDEX: 334

E.J. Krause: 342, 343

Ingeniería en Administración de Contratos (IAC): 330



Ingeteam: 156

Potencia Industrial/Fuerza Eólica: 131

ININ: 101

ProCobre: 246

Instituto Global para la Sostentabilidad: 314

Promotora Ambiental: 202

Instituto Mexicano de Competitividad (IMCO): 337

Promotora Energética E3: 82

Instituto Nacional de Ecología y Cambio Climático (INEC):

PwC: 324


QS Mexiko: 60

Inteligenciae: 286

REMBIO: 194, 195

International Geothermal Association (IGA): 102

Revitaliza Consultores: 278

Interpuerto Monterrey: 332

Rojas Gutiérrez, Francisco José (CFE): 35, 46

InTrust Global Investments: 231

Roxtec: 249

Isolux Corsán México: 245

S&C Electric Mexicana: 239

Jáuregui, Navarrete y Del Valle, S.C.: 41

SAGARPA: 190, 193, 194,

Jinko Solar: 174

Salazar Diez de Sollano, Francisco Xavier (CRE): 35

Coldwell, Pedro Joaquín (SENER): 34, 37

Sampol: 86

KfW-DEG: 214, 221

Saya Energy: 170

KPMG: 298, 325

Schneider Electric: 242, 257, 274

KSB de México: 293

Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories (SEL Mexico): 240,

Lacy Tamayo, Rodolfo (SEMARNAT): 9, 272, 273


LR&A Business and Marketing:336


M+W Group: 159

SEMARNAT: 14, 35, 188, 190, 348

Main Energy Projects (MEP): 179

SENER: 19, 20, 21, 36, 38, 44, 45,56, 97


Sharp Solar: 164, 165

Mario Molina Center for Energy and Environment: 10, 12, 13,

SIMEPRODE: 204, 205

38, 192, 193, 215, 256

SMA: 172

Martifer Solar: 118, 154, 155

SNM: 98, 99

Mase Energy: 137

Socios Energéticos de México Verde: 164, 165

Melgar Palacios, Lourdes (SENER): 20

SolarAct: 178

Mexenergy: 58, 289

Solarscape: 162, 163

Mexican Geothermal Association (AGM): 12, 103, 104, 105

Solartec: 168

Mexico Green Building Council: 277

Solben: 196

Mexico Power Group: 145

Soluciones Energéticas Sparx/TAPE: 91

MEXICO2 Carbon Platform: 219

Sonora Energy Group: 162, 163


South Pole Carbon: 216, 217

Mexxus Drilling: 106, 107

SoWiTec: 142

MGM Innova: 334, 335

State of Oaxaca: 304

Mineral Paper: 316, 317

State of Queretaro: 291

Mitsubishi: 78, 103, 108

SuMe: 279

Modulo Solar: 181

Telvent: 242

Moreco: 198, 199

The Haskell Company: 264

NAFINSA: 155, 214, 220

Torre Mayor: 276, 278, 281

National Climate Change Strategy: 9, 10, 11

Tubacero: 85

National Energy Strategy: 9, 22, 97, 111, 157, 254

UNAM: 45, 50, 110, 176

Natura Medio Ambiente: 328, 329

Vera & Carvaja:l 42

Natural Project: 263

Verde Alterno: 288

Navarrete González, Noé (CRE): 39, 353

Vestas: 130, 147

Neogás: 83

Vive Energía: 138

Next Energy: 134, 135, 214

Walmart: 174, 214, 306

Ormazaba:l 248

West JEC: 108

Ortíz Gómez, Carlos Roberto (SENER): 44, 45

Woodhouse Lorente Ludlow: 26

Osram: 262

World Energy Council: 27

Pacchiano Alamán, Rafael (SEMARNAT): 188

WWF: 29

Peñoles: 7, 310, 311

Yingli Solar: 171

Peraza García, Alejandro (CRE): 53

Zapoteca de Energía: 136

Perkin Elmer: 198, 199

Zúniga Martínez, Guillermo (CRE): 24, 25

Philips: 260, 261 Picciotto Arquitectos: 283




107 Mexxus Drilling International



108 NEC



109 NEC


Mario Molina Center




Senator David Penchyna



















Woodhouse Lorente Ludlow




Woodhouse Lorente Ludlow

120 Gamesa


World Energy Council



Greenpeace Mexico




128 NEC



130 NEC


Presidencia de la República




132 Iberdrola



134 Next Energy



134 NEC



137 Mase Energy



138 Vive Energía



139 NEC



140 Globeleq Mesoamerica Energy


Goodrich Riquelme & Associates




142 Sowitec



143 GL Gerrad Hassan



144 American Shoreline


Council on Climate Change

145 Mexico Power Group



146 NEC



147 CISA Energía



148 Gauss Energía



154 NEC


German Embassy in Mexico

154 Gauss Energía



156 NEC



157 ANES



158 NEC



159 M+W Group Mexico


Compañía Mexicana de Gas

160 Granite Chief



162 Solarscape Mexico



163 Sonora Energy Group Hermosillo


Globeleq Mesoamerica Energy


164 Socios Energéticos de México Verde



167 NEC


NEOmexicana de GNC

169 NEC



170 NEC



172 SMA



173 Fronius Mexico






178 Solar Act



178 NEC



179 Main Energy Projects



180 NEC

100 IAC


101 ININ

182 NEC

103 NEC


104 NEC


105 NEC


105 IAC

192 NEC

106 Mexxus Drilling International



Grupo ADO


283 NEC

196 Solben

284 ERM

197 Aeropuertos y Servicios Auxiliares (ASA)

285 ERM

198 NEC

285 ERM

198 NEC

286 Secretaria de Turismo - Ciudad de México

200 NEC

287 NEC

202 Promotora Ambiental

288 Verde Alterno

203 Promotora Ambiental

289 NEC


290 NEC

207 NEC

291 NEC

208 NEC

292 NEC

209 Promotora Ambiental

293 NEC

210 Secretaria de Turismo - Ciudad de México


216 South Pole Carbon

298 KPMG

218 NEC

299 NEC

219 NEC

300 CO2 Solutions

220 NEC


221 NEC

302 NEC

223 NEC


225 NEC

304 State of Oaxaca

226 Grupo México


226 Grupo México

306 Walmart

228 Astris Finance

308 Grupo Bimbo

229 NEC

309 Grupo Bimbo

230 NEC

310 NEC

231 InTrust Global





Green Momentum

238 Arteche

314 Global Institute for Sustainability

239 NEC

315 ICA

241 SEL Mexico

316 NEC

242 Telvent

318 DuPont

243 NEC

319 Dow Chemical

244 GE Industrial Solutions

320 Gamesa

245 NEC

324 PwC

246 ProCobre Mexico

325 KPMG

248 Ormazabal

326 NEC

249 NEC

326 NEC

250 IEnova

328 NEC

256 NEC

329 González Calvillo, S.C.

257 Schneider Electric

330 IAC

258 NEC

331 NEC

259 Atlas Copco

332 Interpuerto Monterrey

260 Philips

333 Barlovento Mexico


334 NEC

264 The Haskell Company


265 IICE

336 LR&A Business and Marketing

266 ESM Industries

337 IMCO

267 Dresser-Rand

338 NEC

268 NEC

339 NEC


340 NEC


340 NEC

276 NEC

342 EJ Krause de Mexico

277 Mexico Green Building Council


278 Revitaliza Consultores


279 NEC

349 Senator David Penchyna

280 NEC

350 NEC

281 NEC

351 NEC

282 EnviroSense

353 CRE





CONCEPT DESIGN: Christine Guiang





EDITOR: Cristina Padrés EDITOR: Wallace Porter JUNIOR EDITOR: Montserrat Rodríguez


JOURNALIST: Alejandra Mohar

COLLABORATOR: Laurens Schöningh



JOURNALIST: Selene Aparicio





COLLABORATOR: Isabelle Schäfer


COLLABORATOR: Nicolás Zapata

PRINTED BY Artes Gráficas Panorama, Avena 629, Col. Granjas México, C.P. 08400 México D.F. T.: (52) 55 5649 7080



CONACYT-SENER/Fondo de Sustentabilidad

176 Consorcio Integrador Sonora 80m


186 Beristain Abogados

32 EnviroSense

212 Mexico WindPower

38 Next Energy

234 SEL

42 Woodhouse Lorente Ludlow

237 S&C Electric Mexicana

64 Hispanic International

252 Philips

78 Mexicana de Gas

255 Alcione


261 Inteligenciae


270 Tubacero

Mexxus Drilling

122 Mexico Power Group

287 Dresser-Rand

136 Mase Energy

296 ERM

146 Cisa Energía


150 Atlas Copco

322 GreenMomentum

153 Granite Chief

346 Mexico Energy & Sustainability Review

166 Conermex

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