“It is essential to develop a Universal National Healthcare System that treats each citizen equally, regardless of working status”
Dr. Mercedes Juan López, Minister of Health
In 2015 Mexico moved a step further to achieving its aims of universal healthcare coverage, with 96.7% of the population now covered by one or more of the key public institutions. Ensuring access to healthcare through the construction of a universal National Healthcare System is part of the government’s National Development Plan 2013-2018, the ultimate aim of which is an inclusive Mexico. The improving access to healthcare, combined with an aging population, and growing middle class, is also increasing consumer demand for medicines, creating a thriving pharmaceuticals market. Simultaneously the country is witnessing an epidemiological shift from communicable diseases to chronic degenerative diseases, due in large to the well-documented growing obesity problem. Looking to address what many experts have characterized as a ticking time bomb for public budget, the government is seeking to transform the nation’s healthcare model from a treatment centered one focused on disease prevention. Policies and programs that support innovative R&D for new medicines are being supported, with reforms to encourage investment, and to strengthen the country’s scientific and technological infrastructure being implemented. At the same time the sector’s regulatory agency COFEPRIS has been enacting swathes of reforms aimed at improving access through the streamlining of processes for pharmaceutical business operations, which has also resulted in a thriving generics market.
Mexico Health Review 2015 is being released at this time of transformation to provide the most comprehensive overview of the healthcare and life sciences industry. Through a series of insightful interviews with the public, private, and academic sector leaders, combined with in-depth analysis and data, the publication aims to foster industry communication and development, and serve as a catalyst for growth.
ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Š Toguna, S. de R.L. de C.V., 2015. This annual publication contains material protected under International, United States and Mexican Laws and international Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from Toguna S.A. de C.V. Mexico Health Review is a registered trademark. The publisher has made all reasonable efforts to provide accurate information, and the information contained in this publication is derived from sources believed to be true and accurate. However, the information in this publication should not be considered to be complete or definitive, and may contain inaccuracies or typographical errors. The publisher accepts no responsibility regarding the accuracy of information and use of such information is at your own risk. The publisher will not be liable to any party for any direct, indirect, special or other consequential damages arising out of any use of information in this publication. The publisher provides no representations or warranties, express or implied, including any implied warranties of fitness for a particular purpose, merchantability or otherwise in relation to any information provided by the publisher in this publication.
ISBN: 978-0-9968026-0-4
TA B L E O F C O N T E N T S 1
10 11
The last decade has been one of change for the Mexican healthcare sector. Population aging and
the increase of chronic non-communicable diseases are part of a significant demographic and epidemiologic transition fully driving the demand for healthcare services and placing universal coverage at the top of the government agenda. As a result, the healthcare sector value chain shows a positive outlook with the number of medical care units increasing by 14% between 2003 and 2013, government spending in medicines growing 64% from 2008 to 2012, and pharmaceutical companies investing more than MX$200 billion between 2007 and 2013.
This chapter provides a comprehensive overview of the current state of the sector, and puts the recent achievements into context based on the perspectives of the key stakeholders. It will also provide an analysis of regulation and governmental policy developments. Finally it will discuss the current status of the national healthcare system and the road to convergence.
HIGHLIGHTS • The sector as it stands • Demographic and epidemiologic considerations • Structure of the healthcare system • Healthcare policies implemented by COFEPRIS • The Sectorial Program for Healthcare • Public and private partnerships
Our contribution to improving health is to research and develop innovative medicines that make a real difference in the treatment of patients. In a world where health challenges are increasing, we are committed to using the best science for life. And to make this a reality, we have invested more than US$ 4.2 billion in Research & Development around the world in 2013 in search of solutions that make a difference to people's health, because we know that health is our most valuable asset.
ANALYSIS: Universal Healthcare in a Changing Landscape
ANALYSIS: Key Figures & Decision Makers
VIEW FROM THE TOP: Mikel Arriola, Federal Commissioner of COFEPRIS
SPOTLIGHT: Key Policies
VIEW FROM THE TOP: Dr. Armando Ahued, Secretary of Health of Mexico City
EXPERT OPINION: Healthcare 2020 Mega Trends, Deloitte’s GOV2020
VIEW FROM THE TOP: María Eugenia Bonilla-Chacín, World Bank
VIEW FROM THE TOP: Francisco Xavier Valdez, IMS Health
VIEW FROM THE TOP: Roberto Tapia Conyer, Carlos Slim Foundation
VIEW FROM THE TOP: Augusto Bondani, Former CAS of COFEPRIS
VIEW FROM THE TOP: Dr. Dagoberto Cortés Cervantes, CANIFARMA / Hormona
VIEW FROM THE TOP: Cristina Viruega Aranda, TAPVS
SPOTLIGHT: Third Party Authorization
VIEW FROM THE TOP: Dr. Enrique Graue Wiechers, UNAM School of Medicine
ANALYSIS: The Sectorial Program for Health 2013-2018
UNIVERSAL HEALTHCARE IN A CHANGING LANDSCAPE Health protection is a universal right in Mexico as dictated by Article four of the Federal Constitution. Nevertheless,
only in 2015 has this achievement become attainable with
cardiovascular diseases
96.7% of the population currently covered by one or more healthcare institutions. This development can be attributed of President Enrique Peña Nieto’s National Development
to a new alignment with one of the five fundamental goals
chronic respiratory diseases
Plan 2013 – 2018, the ultimate aim of which is an inclusive diabetes
Mexico. One proposed strategy to achieve the measures set out in the Plan consists of ensuring access to healthcare services through the construction of a universal National
12% 21%
Healthcare System, in which prevention, protection, and
other NCDs
communicable, maternal, perinatal and nutritional conditions
promotion of health are prioritized.
Source: WHO
Mexico is in the midst of significant demographic and
average of 9.3%. Of the total healthcare expenditure
epidemiologic changes commonly associated with its
in Mexico, 51.7% is invested by the public sector and
current transition toward becoming a fully developed
48.3% is private, according to the WHO. Out-of-pocket
country, with an increasingly aging population and the
rise of chronic and degenerative diseases. Life expectancy
the largest percentage among OECD countries and a
increased from 41.5 years in 1940 to 74.3 in 2012, with a
factor that could present a significant access barrier to
significant reduction in mortality levels across practically
healthcare services. Furthermore, human resources are
all demographics, a level of progress mainly caused by
a vital component in the improved performance in any
higher living standards. As Mexico’s population ages,
healthcare system, meaning that the strain of Mexico’s
the population pyramid is destined to invert, with the
healthcare sector is further exacerbated by the fact that
largest group consisting of individuals between 50 and
the number of physicians in Mexico is around two per
55 years old by 2050, in contrast to ten to 25 years old
1,000 inhabitants, which falls below the WHO minimum
in 2010. Developments in hygiene education and public
recommendation of 2.9. Not only does Mexico need more
infrastructure, with the introduction of potable water
physicians, but also a more equitable distribution across
and proper sewage disposal, have played an important
the different regions and states.
role in shifting Mexico’s epidemiologic profile from a focus on acute infections to chronic non-communicable
diseases. In 1990 the three main causes of death in
In Mexico, the healthcare system is comprised of the
public and private sectors. The former includes institutions
and diarrhea, whereas today cardiovascular diseases,
such as The Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS), the
diabetes mellitus, and malignant tumors are the principal
State’s Employees’ Social Security and Social Services
causes of mortality. In fact, 25 years ago, seven out of ten
Institute (ISSSTE), Petróleos Mexicanos (PEMEX), the
Mexicans fell within parameters for a normal Body Mass
Secretariat of Defense (SEDENA), and the Secretariat
Index (BMI), but the current scale indicates that seven
of the Navy (SEMAR), all of which offer social security
out of ten Mexicans are overweight. All of these factors
for a total of 72 million people including employees and
represent a strain on the healthcare system, creating a
their families. Additionally, the Ministry of Health, State
necessity to adapt in order to improve public access to
Healthcare Services (SESA), the IMSS-Oportunidades
high quality services.
Program (IMSS-O), and Seguro Popular rely on the federal
and state governments as well contributions to cover the
Despite its progress, the achievement of similar indicators
unemployed and self-employed, who otherwise pay out of
to those of other OECD countries remains a challenge
pocket expenses for private healthcare. The private sector
for Mexico. The average life expectancy across OECD
consists of insurance companies as well as healthcare
countries is 80.1 years and the neonatal mortality rate 2.8
providers such as private hospitals, clinics, and consulting
per 1,000 births, compared to 8.6 in Mexico. In addition,
offices. The number of people with private insurance is
healthcare spending in Mexico represents 6.2% of the
8.9 million, just 7.3% of the population. Beneficiaries tend
gross domestic product (GDP), well below the OECD
to duplicate coverage in both public and private sectors,
20 18
7.3 Chile
7.3 Israel
7.6 Korea
8.0 Hungary
Czech Republic
9.0 Iceland
9.1 Finland
Slevak Republic
9.3 United Kingdom
9.3 OECD
9.3 Norway
9.4 Slovenia
New Zealand
4 2 Poland
Source: OECD 2014
and therefore optimizing services while expanding access
which represent 80% of the total sales volume. This trend
remains a challenge for the national healthcare system.
is caused by patent expirations, decreased prevalence of the drug development process globally, the Mexican
The National Commission of Social Protection for Health
market’s price sensitivity, the national generics policy, and
(CNPSS), also known as Seguro Popular, was created by
new regulations on bioequivalence resulting in increased
means of reforming the General Law of Health in 2002 with
confidence in generics. From 2008 to 2012 government
the aim of providing health protection for all people without
spending in medicines increased by 64%, but integrating
social security. Having been implemented in 2004, the
new medicines into the catalogs of the General Health
organization offers The Catalogue of Universal Healthecare
Council and institutions such as IMSS and ISSSTE remains
Services (CAUSES) as well as the Fund against Catastrophic
a challenge for innovative pharmaceutical companies.
Health Expenditure (FPGC). Its creation is aligned with governmental efforts to achieve universal healthcare
By largely abandoning the development of new antibiotics,
coverage, and the agency currently provides protection for
big pharmaceutical companies have now placed an
55.6 million Mexicans.
diseases such as diabetes, a market with a value worth
MX$6 billion. With the fierce competition generated by the
Providers within the healthcare sector include hospitals,
introduction of generics, big pharmaceutical companies
clinics, pharmaceutical companies, medical devices and
are being increasingly forced to adapt strategies including
infrastructure, pharmacies and diagnostics laboratories,
incorporating generic drugs into their portfolios or
among others. According to the National Healthcare
establishing an increased focus on innovation, often through
Information System (SINAIS), the number of medical units,
the acquistion of other innovative companies.
consisting of private and public hospitals, ambulatory care, and social assistance units, increased from 19,505 to 22,228
Distribution channels also underwent important changes
between 2003 and 2013, which represents a 14% increase.
between 2014 and 2015, with mergers and acquisitions as
An important phenomenon is the growing number of
well as new international players transforming the rules
people visiting doctors at pharmacies as pharmacy chains
of the game in the segment, pushing manufacturers to
continue growing across Mexico.
develop new negotiation schemes within the supply chain. After the local plant requirement was derogated in Mexico,
Mexico is the eleventh largest pharmaceutical market in
many companies were able to adjust from a focus on
the world and the second largest in Latin America, with
manufacturing to concentrating investment on innovation.
an average growth rate of 4.3% per year between 2007 and 2013. The industry is worth approximately US$13.2
Investment in clinical research in Mexico is set to increase
billion as reported by the National Chamber of the
from US$160 million to US$500 million in ten years, according
to the Mexican Association of Pharmaceutical Research
1.2% of the country’s GDP. Growth in the pharmaceutical
Industries (AMIIF). Mexico invests 0.54% of its GDP in
industry in Mexico is largely driven by generic medications,
research and development (R&D) and this figure is expected
to increase to 1% by 2018. Pharmaceutical companies
allowing additional treatments for more than one million
established in Mexico allocated 13% of their total investment
patients in the public sector. As for innovative medicines,
to R&D in 2011, representing MX$22.6 billion with 37.4% of
Mexico recently became the fastest country to authorize
this figure assigned to phase III clinical trials, according to
commercialization of new molecules. COFEPRIS issued 133
CANIFARMA. Furthermore, a significant part of the clinical
new market authorizations for 20 different therapeutic areas
research in the pharmaceutical industry is concentrated on
covering 73% of mortality causes in the country between
biotechnology. Today 35% of new drug registrations in Mexico
2010 and 2014. In addition to improving approval times
are biopharmaceuticals, most of which are designed to treat
for medicines, COFEPRIS became the fifth Latin American
cancer and neurologic and rheumatologic diseases. The
regulatory agency to receive the PAHO certification as a
legal and regulatory framework for biopharmaceuticals
reference body in 2012, enabling Mexican registrations to be
in Mexico is complete and clear, with a special focus on
recognized in seven countries in the region. COFEPRIS was
biocomparables, which are the subsequent versions of
also declared a functional agency for vaccines by the WHO
biotechnology medicines after patent expiration.
in 2014, now belonging to an elite group of 28 countries that possess this accreditation.
Regulatory improvement is inextricably linked with the above-mentioned improvements. COFEPRIS issued 23,736
While achieving universal coverage in Mexico has been
sanitary registrations from March 2011 to February 2015,
a difficult and ambitious process, the process can be
partly due to the implementation of a pre-authorization
galvanized with the cooperation of all actors in the value
process in which processing time was reduced by
chain. Increasing access to healthcare products and services
approximately two years on average. In addition, 31 active
is a common goal within the industry, with the ultimate aim
substances have been released since October 2011, resulting
of improving the health of the Mexican population in order
in 340 new market authorizations of generic medicines
to propel Mexico to the forefront of the world stage as a
that relate to 71% of mortality causes in Mexico, and
more productive and economically prosperous country.
Ministry of Health
Funding Govermment Individuals contribution
Employee’s Employer contribution
Workers contribution
Contribution of the Federal Govermment
Contribution of State Govermments
Health Seguro Popular Recovery fees
Purchasers ISSSTE
PEMEX SEDENA MARINA Hospitals, clinics and physicians of these institutions Providers
Ministry of Health and SESA
IMSS Oportunidades
Hospital, clinics and physicians of these institutions
Hospital, clinics and physicians of these institutions
Users Workers of the formal sector
Source: PwC
Families of the workers
Self - employed people, workers of the informal sector and unemployed people
Private insurance companise
Private providers
Population with payment capacity
DR. MERCEDES JUAN LÓPEZ Minister of Health Having started her career as a surgeon specializing in rehabilitation medicine in Hospital Mocel, Dr. Mercedes Juan subsequently went on to become a Professor at the Interdisciplinary Center for Health Sciences of the Mexican National Railways. Subsequently, she began her political career and in 1988 she was appointed Undersecretary of Health Regulation and Development at the Ministry of Health, going on to become Secretary of the National Health Council of the Ministry of Health in 1994. She is the first woman to hold the title of Minister of Health. Dr. Juan has received several awards in recognition of her work, including the Benito Juárez medal awarded by the Mexican Society of Geography and Statistics and the Commissioner’s Special Citation from the FDA.
MIKEL ARRIOLA PEÑALOSA Commisioner of the Federal Commission for the Protection Against Sanitary Risk (COFEPRIS) Mikel Arriola holds a degree in Law from the University of Anahuac North, a Master’s degree in Public Policies and Public Administration from the London School of Economics and Policital Science (LSE), as well as a Master’s in Law from the University of Chicago. Arriola acted as Chief Compliance Officer of Financiera Rural and Deputy Director General of Banrural from 2003-2005. In 2007, he began his political career as Assessor at the Tresury, before going on to become General Director of Planning and Revenue at the Undersecretariat of Revenue and subsequently the Head of the Tax Legislation Unit at the same institution. On his arrival to COFEPRIS, Arriola enacted a sweeping reform of regulatory procedures, streamlining the approval process for pharmaceutical registrations and during his tenure; COFEPRIS has been named as a National Regulatory Authority of National Reference by PAHO and as a Functional Regulatory Agency for vaccines by the WHO.
DR. GABRIEL O’SHEA CUEVAS Federal Commisioner of the National Commission for Social Healthcare Protection (CNPSS) A graduate from the Medical Faculty of the University of Guadalajara, Dr. O’Shea specialized in Ophthalmology, and is certified by the Mexican Board of Ophthalmology. After working as a Professor, he became Assessor in the 55th and 56th Legislatures of the Federal Chamber of Deputies. Dr. O’Shea was subsequently appointed Director of the California Transplant Center in the State of Mexico, and in 2009 he was named Undersecretary of Health and General Director of the Mexican Institute of Health. In January this year, as Head of CNPSS, Dr. O’Shea implemented an initiative charging more than 1,400 managers with the responsibility for ensuring that the needs of the more than 57 million Seguro Popular affiliates are met.
JOSÉ ANTONIO GONZÁLEZ ANAYA Director General of the Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS) José Antonio González Anaya obtained a degree in Economy and Mechanic Engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), as well as a Master’s in Economy and a Doctorate in Economy from Harvard University in Massachusetts. González is a respected authority on economic issues, having had numerous books published including “Macroeconomic Reforms in Latin America: The Second Round.” In 1991, he held the position of Director of Economic Analysis at the Technical Secretariat of the Presidential Office. As well as working at the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit during the administrations of Vicente Fox and Felipe Calderón, he was a Senior Economist at the World Bank in the Bolivian, Paraguayan and Peruvian divisions. González also works as an academic at the University of Stanford in California.
COFEPRIS represents 9.8% of the GDP, including the food
A: Historically Mexico did not have an autonomous body
industry, tobacco and alcoholic beverages, drugs, chemical
to execute policies relating to pharmaceuticals, so all
products, fertilizers and pesticides manufacturing, and
registrations were issued through the Ministry of Health.
medical, dental and ophthalmic disposable materials.
In 1984, constitutional reforms declared health a universal right in Mexico, although the tools to implement this
Q: What have been the key elements of your strategy
reform were not available until 2001 when Julio Frenk, the
since you were named Federal Commissioner?
Minister of Health at that time, made the changes to the
A: With so many registrations and renewals being requested
General Law of Health that created a financing entity for
after 2005, COFEPRIS faced a crisis by 2010, at which
public healthcare, known as Seguro Popular, along with the
point 8,000 marketing authorizations were unattended
regulatory agency COFEPRIS. The mission of COFEPRIS is
due to inefficient processes. This had a negative impact on
to protect the population from sanitary risks by means of
the market and meant that few products were available, at
several powers such as preventive measures, the issuance
high prices, to the point where COFEPRIS was not globally
of new regulations, combating informality, and the power
competitive. After being named Federal Commissioner
to act in the case of an emergency. The establishment
in 2011, the first strategic move made by my team was to
of COFEPRIS was the first step in creating a modern
expand access to medicines. The policy we implemented
policy framework for the regulation of pharmaceutical
was focused on opening up access to more alternatives
goods, and has driven significant increases in government
for medicines, vaccines, and medical devices. In 2010, 152
drug purchasing to achieve universal coverage. Drug
registrations were issued, and since 2011 we have issued
registrations have in reality been conducted in Mexico
more than 24,800, representing a market expansion of
since the 1920s; however, because manufacturers were not
around US$2.4 billion, as well as a 16,300% increase in the
required to renew their registrations, information on the
number registrations.
number of products available in the market was practically nonexistent. Only in 2005 did renewals become mandatory
We adopted two specific policies in order to empower
for all medicines, vaccines, and medical devices, which was
the consumer. Our first concerned generics and involved
a great step forward for the industry in terms of quality
unblocking 32 active substances related to 71% of mortality
and regulation. Today, the value of products regulated by
causes in Mexico that did not have generic versions despite their patents already being expired. Not surprisingly, these drugs had the highest prices in Latin America. We identified
the clinical applications related to those 32 substances, separated them by groups, and issued joint generics
authorization. The economic impact was positive, creating 48.0
competition among the generics that entered the market at the same time. By March 2015, 357 new generics made from these 32 active substances were on the market, representing savings of US$1.5 billion and an average price reduction of
61% for both public and private sectors. In fact, drug prices 20
prescribed for the three main causes of mortality in Mexico – cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and cancer – decreased
91% on average. Furthermore, while generics represented 54% of the volume and 30% of the value of the total
Source: Ministry of Health
pharmaceutical market in 2010, these figures reached 84% and 52% of the total market in 2014, respectively.
The penetration and growth of generics in the market
our excellent scientific assets. We received the PAHO
comprises one of the best examples in the world on how
certification in 2012 to become the fifth reference
to improve access to medicines. Our other strategy is to
agency in Latin America. Sanitary registrations issued
launch new molecules on shorter timeframes; at one point
by COFEPRIS are currently recognized in seven Latin
we had the world’s slowest approval times. FDA and EMA
American countries: Ecuador, El Salvador, Colombia, Chile,
approval did not add value to our authorization process,
Costa Rica, Panama, and Belize. Exports have benefited
and the cost of this approval was also very high. As a
from other countries’ trust in Mexico. In the past, for every
result, we implemented an innovation-focused policy in
US$1 we exported we were importing US$7. Now the ratio
2012, and began to authorize applications from FDA and
is 1 to 5, with exports increasing 30% in the last two years.
the European Union within 60 working days. The number of new molecules registered increased from three in 2010
to 150 between 2012 and 2015. In addition, prices dropped
biopharmaceuticals regulation?
from MX$6,000 for a molecule for cardiovascular diseases
A: Since 2009, following reforms to the health legislation,
to MX$1,000, with per capita expenditures dropping from
biopharmaceuticals have been recognized under Mexico’s
MX$2,000 in 2010 to MX$700 in 2014-2015, on average.
legal and regulatory framework. Such products have strong growth potential since our per capita consumption
As a policy maker, my main task is to protect the consumers
is US$1 a year, compared to US$120 in developed
countries. New regulations provoked controversy, since
care products has dropped from 5% (of total household
some biosimilars registered as generics were bought by
expenditure) in 2006 to 2.5% today. Our measures have
the IMSS and ISSSTE. Safety was of huge concern due
been effective in reallocating resources, helping families to
to the lack of the necessary clinical trials. To balance
reduce their expenditure on medicines and use it for other
innovative biopharmaceuticals and biosimilars, we set
necessities. We have also managed to generate equilibria as
up strict requirements for such products. The regulations
a consequence of other policies of ours that have favored
issued in December clearly state that authorization of a
innovative manufacturers. We are now more competitive
drug depends entirely on clinical trials proving the safety
in terms of authorizing clinical trials and attracting these
and efficacy of that drug. Innovative products are the
to Mexico by means of two specific agendas. IMSS is both
reference for comparability tests on new biosimilars, while
the country’s biggest supplier of medicines and the biggest
established biosimilars have a timeframe in which they can
employer of doctors. Mexico’s National Institutes of Health
be characterized. Those who fail to comply will be phased
are highly specialized in many diseases and their research can
out. With the rules now widely available on how to launch
compete with developed countries. We have authorized both
biosimilar products, local manufacturers can comply with
IMSS and the National Institutes to pre-review and authorize
the market’s entry requirements more easily. The legal
clinical trials, reducing authorization from 3 months to 1
and regulatory pathway is now clearer here than in many
month. This promotes innovation in the country and presents
Asian, East European, and Latin American markets, so
an appealing message for investors. One key element in
we expect a lot of investment to come to Mexico. Our
bringing clinical trials to Mexico is the time regulatory
regulations are based on EMA standards, currently the
agencies spend on approving study protocols. Although
highest measure for biosimilars authorization. Finally,
60% of trials are conducted in the US – with most of the rest
active pharmacovigilance in the National Institutes of
taking place in Europe – we were also losing money to Costa
Health has already been implemented for these products.
Rica and Colombia. To make Mexico more competitive we needed to sort out backlogs in the authorization of clinical
Q: What can you tell us about COFEPRIS’ concerns of so-
trials. This industry invests US$80 billion annually, of which
called ‘miracle products’?
only US$300 million reaches Mexico.
A: We have a policy of zero tolerance for these products. A reform was issued in 2012 to regulate the advertising of
Q: How does the PAHO certification and recognition by
products that are not registered as medicines but are sold
other international bodies help Mexico?
based on treatment capabilities and curative promises. That
A: Such recognitions have an impact on the balance of
year, we phased out 60 products and 3,500 TV spots per
trade. Though Mexico is a manufacturing country, we
month. Then we obliged TV companies to ask for sanitary
have a trade deficit in pharmaceutical products because
registration before selling advertising spaces, enabling us to
we neither innovate nor export enough. Three years ago,
eliminate these products from television. Because we have
the international agenda was relegated, so COFEPRIS
official powers to attack the illegal market, our first target
did not have a recognized presence in the world despite
was “miracle” products, a non-regulated sector which poses
a risk to public health. As a non-regulated sector, more than
Q: What was COFEPRIS’ contribution to taxes on sugary
2.5 million units of miracle products were banned during
drinks and the ban on TV advertising promoting unhealthy
2011-2015, compared to 40,000 in 2010. Our task now is
to ensure that all advertising of registered products is very
A: The tax was launched by the Ministry of Finance as
clear and does not provide misleading information.
part of the agenda to attack obesity. The three-point plan consists of prevention, medical attention, and regulation.
Q: The approval process for medical devices has changed
Our responsibility were the regulations implemented in
of late. How will this improve the sector in the short-term?
February 2014, which prohibited TV advertising during
A: A risk analysis we conducted in 2011 led us to deregulate a
programs with audiences predominantly consisting of
market of 14,000 registered medical devices. Up to that point,
children. As a result, we were able to reduce the amount of
the number of requirements for both simple and complex
spots of these products by 40%. Our new processed food
devices was the same, and this represented a huge obstacle
labelling policy has taken effect in July 2015, meaning that
for market entry. This policy’s first phase deregulated 1,669
companies have to be very clear on both their products’
products as medical devices, which represented 12% of the
total calories and the percentage of daily calories each
total market and saved the industry around MX$4 billion. Last
portion represents according to the source of nutrients.
December’s second phase deregulated 573 more devices,
The National Institutes of Health supported this initiative,
lowering prices, boosting access, and saving MX$1.4 billion. A
which is intended to work in an integral manner to fight
new policy was also issued, recognizing medical devices from
Japan, the US, and Canada and authorizing them within 30 working days. Now, these foreign products represent 20% of
Q: What are your top priorities for 2015?
the total medical devices industry in Mexico. A fast turnaround
A: First, we must keep expanding the market, internally and
time is vital, since updated versions of medical devices are
externally, helping to tip the balance of trade. Renewing
often released within 6 or 8 months. Third parties are now pre-
our PAHO certification is another important priority ahead
authorized to register medical devices, decreasing approval
of our audit. Another target is the illegal market. Expanding
times from 30 months to 20 working days. To incentivize the
our robust formal market is our primary weapon, while
industry’s growth access must expand. The Mexican formula
informing consumers that prices are lower in the formal
to accelerate growth and improve access to medical devices
pharmacy stores than in the informal market is another.
has been quite straightforward. Growth stood at 1.8% during
Finally, COFEPRIS remains committed to protecting the
2008-2010 and increased to 20.3% in the 2010-14 period.
population from sanitary risks. As a result, we expect to
There is a clear correlation between efficient regulation and
deliver even better results both to consumers and the
industrial growth.
industry as a whole.
350 300
180 150
120 90
Mexico (after agreements)
Saudi Arabia
Mexico (before)
requirements for biotechnologicala, further amendments
Since 2010, COFEPRIS has used regulation as a tool for market
were required to smooth out regulatory processes. Legislation
transformation. The commission has an impressive reach,
has now brought regulations in line with best international
regulating MX$151 billion worth of pharmaceutical products
practice on pharmacovigilance, manufacturing, and labeling.
per year. The interventions into health regulation have not
A major opportunity exists for potential investors. Per capita
only made higher-quality medications more freely available
consumption of biodrugs stands at US$1 per year, while
to consumers, but have also revolutionized pharmaceutical
developed countries’ per capita spend is US$120.
production. FDI into Mexico has reached US$350.6 billion since 2000, and the commission has focused on smoothing
Outlook: Legislation has made a point of holding
the regulatory path to market for investors. With 390,000
biotechnological and biosimilar drugs to high international
people employed directly and indirectly in the industry, the
safety standards, while the dropping of barriers to market
removal of barriers to market entry will bring with it higher
entry means that the Mexican health sector would appear
employment. Mexican pharmaceutical companies view
to be bidding to become a global leader in this new field.
COFEPRIS approval as a springboard to FDA certification, while major players have identified Mexico as a regulatory
benchmark for the Latin American market. A number of
Between 2011 and 2014, 133 new innovative medicines –
flagship policies stand out as the main achievements to date.
across 20 different therapeutic classes – were launched, targeting 73% of the main causes of death in Mexico. Tadalafil,
the heart medication, is an example of an innovative drug
COFEPRIS’ generics’ policy pivots on making quality drugs
which has flourished in Mexico. Prior to entry into the market,
accessible to the Mexican consumer, both in the public
domestic consumers had to pay MX$20,670 for the product,
and private sectors. By focusing on drugs which treat the
with customs clearance and importation spiking the price.
main mortality causes – cardiovascular diseases, diabetes,
After regulation, Tadalafil costs the consumer MX$8,100.
and cancer – the benefit passed on to Mexicans is clear.
Cancer drug Prolia and diabetes medicine Empagliflozina
Drugs intended to treat these illnesses now cost less
also saw price-drops of an average of 70% Another major
than a tenth of that prior to new regulation. According to
change has been the removal of the local plant requirement.
figures, treatments for diabetes, cancer, and cardiovascular
Until 2011, Mexican law required drug companies to have a
illnesses have dropped in price by a similar margin. Since
manufacturing plant on Mexican territory to enter the market.
October 2011, the commission has released 32 active
Since the repeal of this law, 387 pending registrations have
substances, for use in 357 new generic medications.
been cleared for entry.
The new drugs address 71% of mortality causes to the estimated 1 million Mexican patients that have used the
Outlook: Innovative drugs are expected to draw investment
drug. Meanwhile, competition between new products has
of US$100bn over the next five years, as barriers to entry
resulted in a 61% drop in prices to the buyer – and a US$1.5
are cleared and regulations become easier to navigate.
billion saving to the economy as a whole.
COFEPRIS also predicts a 100% increase in the workforce of innovative firms operating in Mexico.
Outlook: COFEPRIS is likely to push this further. As of 2014, generics accounted for 84% of market volume and 52% of
market value. Application processes for drugs with FDA
COFEPRIS’ 2011 risk assessment led to the deregulation
and EMA approval are now under 60 days. With three new
of 14,000 registered medical devices, lowering a major
molecules registered in 2010, and an average of 50 per
barrier for entry. 1,669 devices were cleared for the market
year registered between 2012 and 2015, the streamlining of
in December 2011, and a further 573 products released in
regulatory processes is likely to continue.
January 2015. The deregulation freed up a total of MX$1.4 billion, representing more than a sixth of the total medical
devices market. New policies allow medical devices from
Biotechnological medicines have found themselves in a phase
Japan, the US, and Canada to enter within 30 working days.
of latency. While only 26 biotechnological and two biosimilar drugs have been approved for the market over the last six years,
Outlook: Better regulation is improving utilization of
35% of all of all applications for sanitary registration for new
medical devices amongst the public as well as increasing
molecules are for biotechnological drugs. This has to do with
access to new technologies. With significant related
the cautious pace of legislative reform for biotechnologicals.
reductions to both family and governmental medical
While legislation did clear up uncertainties around the
expenditures the market is set to grow.
HEALTHCARE IN THE CAPITAL: A CHALLENGE AND AN OPPORTUNITY DR. ARMANDO AHUED Secretary of Health of Mexico City Q: In your opinion, what would constitute the most
the principal pathology in the country, and a chronically
significant challenges currently faced by the Mexican
overlooked issue, is oral health. We are also integrating
healthcare system?
education about healthy and unhealthy foods, as well as
A: The changing face of the healthcare industry within Mexico
portion control. As part of this program, we have enforced
City presents complex issues requiring innovative strategies
guidelines to make schools cavities-free and we recently
and solutions, which constitute both a challenge and an
declared a school with 1,700 students free of cavities. The
interesting opportunity. Demographic and epidemiologic
promotion of healthy eating habits and oral hygiene at a
transitions already represent a significant burden for both the
young age is invaluable to foster a generation of healthy
public and private healthcare system in Mexico. Population
grownups and to prevent chronic problems caused by an
aging directly impacts healthcare systems as a direct result
overwhelmingly overweight and obese population.
of the rise of chronic and degenerative diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular
Q: In terms of the obesity crisis, what measures have been
diseases, cancer, and metabolic diseases. This generates
taken during your administration to tackle the growing strain
a greater need for specialists, resources, and technology,
placed on the healthcare system by chronic degenerative
exacerbating the strain on the Mexican healthcare budget
and representing a significant challenge for the country due
A: Mexico currently has the highest level of childhood
to its focus on a reactive treatment model rather than on the
obesity and the second highest level of adult obesity, which
implementation of effective strategies for prevention. The
constitutes a sanitary emergency due to its correlation to
healthcare system must undergo several transformations
chronic and degenerative diseases. There is overwhelming
in order to address this shifting epidemiology. As a result,
evidence to suggest that seven of the ten main causes of
our strategy focuses on prevention, health promotion, early
death, including certain cancers, are associated with obesity.
detection, and effective adherence of patients to treatments.
As a result, addressing this problem would greatly alleviate
We have implemented a more proactive model aimed at
the strain on the healthcare system. Mexico City’s government
preventing chronic conditions and providing medical care
is employing several measures, including traffic light guides
in a timely way. In order for Mexican population to be able
on food packaging to indicate nutritional value and installing
to comply with guidelines for healthy balanced lifestyles,
water fountains in schools to lower soft drink consumption.
education is a priority.
Subsequently, a law was issued specifying that water is to be offered in restaurants for free. To promote physical activity
Q: What strategies have you implemented in order to
we are currently increasing the number of urban gyms in
address these aforementioned chronic healthcare issues?
public spaces from 600 to 1,000. We also promoted small
A: An important factor in addressing this crisis is
positive lifestyle changes with the installation of machines
acknowledging that the responsibility for healthcare not only
inside subway stations to dispense tickets to anyone who
lies with the authorities; any strategy must be implemented
completes 10 squats. Within the subway system, we have
at a grassroots level within the family. It is crucial to empower
another program called “Ola Blanca” to measure blood
the public with the necessary knowledge and capacity for
pressure. Finally, our program “Menos sal, más salud,” in
self-treatment by stimulating the modification of inherent
collaboration with the Mexican Association of Restaurants,
lifestyle habits. One of my main agendas as Mexico City’s
enforced the removal of salt from restaurant tables to combat
Secretary of Health has been the incorporation of obligatory
consumption levels, a major cause of hypertension.
healthcare education at schools. This way we are addressing
the issue in an integral and intrinsic way at a young age,
Q: The Mexican Genome Project found that unique genetics
before unhealthy habits can become ingrained. For example,
within the Mexican population create higher susceptibility
we have implemented a program called “SaludArte” aimed
to diabetes. Which implications does the disease have for
at demonstrating effective tooth brushing techniques since
the population?
A: Diabetes is the second highest contributory factor to
mortality after cardiovascular diseases. Mexicans inherently
prostate-specific antigen test, mammography, Papanicolaou
carry some genes associated to type 2 diabetes, the onset
test, and ovarian ultrasound are provided at no cost. The
of which is associated with an unbalanced diet, high sugar
challenge remains on increasing access to create a universal
intake, and sedentary lifestyle. Treatment for consequences
healthcare system.
such as dialisis throughout the progression of the disease can cost up to MX$2,000 per session becoming a major burden
Q: One of your most successful programs is “El médico en
for both private and public healthcare. Raising awareness
tu casa.” What gaps was this designed to address and what
of the disease among patients is crucial for alleviating
results has the program generated?
risk factors during early stages through lifestyle changes
A: “El médico en tu casa” stemmed from an urgent need to
and adherence to treatment. Unfortunately, studies have
reduce neonatal and maternal mortality in the delegations
found that seven out of ten people neglect to make these
of Iztapalapa and Gustavo A. Madero. We began to map the
changes despite being provided with information regarding
demographic with a door-to-door initiative, and realized
potential complications. Concern rises only after the disease
that the health problem in Mexico extended beyond pre-
has progressed irreversibly, despite the fact that early
natal care. The program began with a staff of 3,000 medical
interventions bear lower costs and are more effective.
professionals and later extended to the 16 delegations of Mexico City. Since the program started in September 2014 we
Q: Mexico has low cancer screening rates - what efforts are
have visited 1,660,000 homes and have provided treatment
being made to create a more preventative mindset?
for 103,000 people in vulnerable conditions, 17,000 people
A: We have implemented sizable campaigns promoting
living with disabilities, 90,000 elderly people confined
prostate cancer detection as preemptory testing is not
to their homes, 900 bedridden patients, 140 terminal
carried out in 85% of men and 99% of people never undergo
patients receiving palliative care, and 90 people who have
a colonoscopy. Thus cancer is diagnosed at advanced
been abandoned. Of the 19,618 pregnant women we have
stages when it has already metastasized. Early cancer
treated so far, 6,700 had previously never received pre-natal
detection increases treatment options and the possibility of
checkups, even on the second or third trimester, largely due
curing it. As for breast and cervical cancer, 65% of women
to a lack of education about the importance of these visits.
fail to be tested on a regular basis in Mexico despite the
We also implemented the Law of Anticipated Will which
prevalence of units providing prostate-specific antigen tests,
allows terminal patients the option to die at home, provided
mammography studies, and ovarian ultrasounds for free. We
with palliative care and medical staff. Recently, the National
have 12 clinics conveniently situated at subway stations and
Polytechnic Institute (IPN) announced that 3,600 of its
two in the Supply Center in Mexico City that carry out daily
physicians will participate in this program. The government
tests, but clearly there are more needs to be done to combat
plans to audit every home in Mexico City, so even those with
poor detection rates.
social security are not being overlooked. I am extremely optimistic this initiative will provide medical support to the
Q: What strategies have you implemented to increase
most vulnerable members of society.
access to healthcare services within Mexico City? A: In Mexico City we have two complementary healthcare
Q: In terms of your legacy, how would you characterize your
systems; the Law of Gratuity covers 90% of the public and
mindset towards the Mexican healthcare sector?
Seguro Popular 80%. Seguro Popular covers costs accrued
A: While all issues related to health are multi-faceted,
by catastrophic diseases with the national institutes of health
complex, and in constant flux, efforts to address them should
and the hospitals of the Ministry of Health, while Gratuity
be consistent and comprehensive. We are considering the
offers primary and secondary level care in clinics and in the
possibility of opening two new general hospitals, a clinic for
32 secondary public hospitals in Mexico City. The Law of
HIV/AIDS, a geriatric clinic, and remodeling ten health centers.
Gratuity states that those who live in Mexico City with no
We are committed to continue working to change the public
access to social security are automatically granted access
mindset to incorporate healthy habits. Provided the public
to free medical consultations, medication, laboratory tests,
begin to lead a healthy, balanced, responsible lifestyle, the
medical imaging tests, hospitalization, and surgeries as well
pressure on the healthcare system can be alleviated greatly.
as to all health promotion, prevention, and early detection
Our proactive healthcare model is setting the foundations
programs. In the medical units at subway stations checkups
for future administrations to focus on prevention and health
are performed, complemented by laboratory and medical
promotion and we have been pioneers in issuing laws designed
imaging tests to detect the 66 most prevalent diseases in
to protect vulnerable members of society and guaranteeing
Mexico. Hematic biometry, blood chemistry, general urine
more comprehensive access to healthcare services.
A UNIFIED FORCE FOR INDUSTRY GROWTH RAFAEL GUAL Director General of the National Chamber of the Pharmaceutical Industry (CANIFARMA)
Q: As Director General of CANIFARMA what is your
evidence that pharmaceutical companies chose to belong to
overview of the pharmaceutical industry?
CANIFARMA. Fifteen years ago every company that operated
A: The pharmaceutical industry has greatly evolved in
in Mexico had to subscribe to their umbrella organization so
the last five years. In the past four years we designed a
belonging to CANIFARMA was mandatory. The legislation
development program and introduced it to the transitioning
has been modified and nowadays pharmaceutical companies
government in 2012. We have also made a point of the
can choose whether to stay or leave us. They chose to remain
potential the pharmaceutical industry has to become one of
and we have about 200 members organized in sections
the pillars of the Mexican economy. In 2013 both the Minister
such as medical devices, pharmaceutical companies, and
of Health and the Vice-minister of Economy on the new
veterinarian companies. Thus, we are neutral mediators
government acknowledged the pharmaceutical industry
between pharmaceutical companies. We take the same
as a strategic area for the health sector and a priority for
stance on the competition between generics and innovative
the Mexican economy, which in turn created a number of
medication and that between innovative biotechnologicals
opportunities to foster the growth of the pharmaceutical
and biosimilars. In every case we promote a fair and neutral
industry, and its involvement in development programs.
environment for the negotiations.
Q: What are the pillars for the advancement of
Q: What is your perspective on the cooperation between
pharmaceutical companies and the public health sector?
A: There are three pillars for advancement. The first is to
A: Pharmaceutical companies are enthusiastic to cooperate
focus on industrial development in order to increase the
with the public sector, especially to perform clinical trials.
participation of the pharmaceutical sector in the chemical
To foster this cooperation the most important factor
gross domestic product from 17 to 20%, for which we
would be to reduce the time required by the public sector
are working alongside the government. The second is to
to authorize clinical-trial protocols, which would in turn
increase clinical research in Mexico. We are negotiating
encourage companies to increase their involvement with
agreements towards this objective with IMSS and several
the IMSS. There is progress in this regard as COFEPRIS
National Institutes of Health, such as nutrition and
has already improved their regulatory processes, but there
oncology, as our country can become the most important
are several obstacles, mainly the complicated procedures
center for clinical trials in Latin America with the support
of approval of new drugs in the formularies of IMSS and
of these institutions. The main obstacle is the long time
ISSSTE, who represent the largest share of the sector.
required to move forward the legislation for clinical trials.
CANIFARMA’s main objective is to facilitate and optimize
The third pillar is to improve the regulatory framework, for
the time for the approval of clinical trials in Mexico.
which we are working alongside COFEPRIS, who acquired recognition as a national reference regulatory agency from
Q: What measures should be taken in order to reduce the
the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) in 2012.
time required for new medicines to come to the market?
This is a huge asset for the pharmaceutical industry since
it opens new markets in Latin America.
be helpful and we hope that these institutes will work
together to this end. On the other hand, the industry has to
Q: What is CANIFARMA’s role in the pharmaceutical
create new processes to introduce innovative medications
to these institutions. A joint venture between both parties
A: CANIFARMA is unique in Latin America. Most countries
would be convenient so as to share the risk of introducing
have only two organizations representing each side:
new medications, by sharing also the cost of treatment
innovative and generics. Mexico is the only country to have
against its effectiveness; this is, if the drugs provided by
an umbrella organization like CANIFARMA which brings them
the industry improve the result of the treatment, the cost
both together and can mediate between them. We have
would be paid by the public sector. If on the contrary, the
treatment is ineffective the pharmaceutical companies
established mechanisms to facilitate the access to these
would cover the costs of the treatment.
funds for smaller companies by promoting meetings and providing mediation between them and financial
Q: Some companies might believe that Mexico does not
institutions. We started this process in June 2013 with
have the proper facilities for manufacturing medications.
support from the government and have now a number of
In your opinion what does Mexico need to become a
success stories with national and international companies.
manufacturing hub? A: I think that Mexico is already a manufacturing hub. Some
Q: Is pharmaceutical innovation too expensive for national
local companies may not be satisfied with the regulatory
pharmaceutical companies?
framework and the tax incentives, but many small foreign
A: It may be expensive but there is funding and work with
companies come to Mexico and grow in the Mexican market.
several institutions that carry out innovative research,
Big pharma may have some problems to maintain their
through mechanisms such as the CANIFARMA R&D prize
facilities in Mexico because their global policies must be
for universities, or the relationship of research institutes
adapted to Mexico. However, they recognize that our country
and scientists with different companies. The problem is
has very strong advantages, such as the size of the population,
that institutes and universities develop many interesting
a strong local market, and a privileged geographical
molecules that never reach the market. CANIFARMA
situation. Besides, Mexico has a strong intellectual property
is working to develop the linkage between research
framework, and the new PAHO recognition is also a warranty
for the investment of international companies.
problem is the dependence of the public health sector on
generic medications. IMSS and ISSSTE have the final say Q: Are imports and exports balanced within the country?
to determine the cost of medications. The advantage of
A: The current market is very unbalanced for Mexico. We
generics is that they are safe and thus can be provided to
have to import many active pharmaceutical ingredients and
a large number of patients at a more affordable cost. The
there are little exports to Latin America. The exports market
public health sector, with its limited budget, is unwilling to
is growing with the PAHO recognition but there is still a lot
fund innovation, even if it would be advantageous in the
of work to be done. We believe that the market for active
long term. This problem however, is not unique to Mexico, it
principles will be balanced in three or four years and our
is quite common of public health sectors all over the world.
sector will not be dependent on imports from other countries. Q: What is the public health sector’s main priority? Q: Are there any opportunities for innovation in Mexico?
A: Right now, the public health sector is mainly interested
Who should fund them?
in treating the main diseases that affect the Mexican
A: Mexico has several opportunities for innovation on
population, such as diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.
clinical research. President Enrique Peña Nieto has
Since a large population of patients requires treatments
proposed to increase the investment in R&D to 1% of the
for these diseases, there is not enough budget to treat
GDP by 2018 but this target is unlikely to be achieved.
other illnesses that affect smaller numbers of patients.
We believe that investments on R&D should come from
Prevention programs to reduce this type of ailments are
pharmaceutical companies in joint ventures with the
being implemented, but CANIFARMA is not involved in this
government. The pharmaceutical industry invests about
process as this is a public health decision. These programs
3.7% of their sales in R&D in Mexico, a very different figure
aim at reducing the cost of treatment by controlling the
than that from the government.
progress of the disease.
Q: Companies that are just beginning their operations
Q: There are predictions that in 2020 Mexico will become
in Mexico often claim that it is very difficult to acquire
a manufacture center in Latin America. How close are we
financial support. Should CANIFARMA become involved?
from that?
A: When companies are just starting they may find
A: It’s a work in progress. We have to accelerate the
difficulties to acquire funding, but this is slowly changing.
growth of the pharmaceutical industry in order to achieve
Our recent recognition as a priority sector for the Mexican
this goal. Our objectives are to increase governmental
economy is opening doors. Right now we receive support
support for the development of innovative medicines,
from several institutions such as Nacional Financiera and
to improve negotiations with the companies that are
the National Institute for Entrepreneurs (INADEM). Also
affiliated to CANIFARMA, and to promote their growth.
Bancomext and ProMéxico provide financial support
Our final objective is to increase the number of members
for exports and CONACYT funds research. We have
in the chamber to 250, in the different sections.
electronic medical records (EMRs). Analytical tools take
Extract from Deloitte’s GOV2020 - The dominant health
into account patients’ genetic profiles to suggest the best
care trend in 2020 is, quite simply, pervasiveness. Mobile
treatment options and explore alternate treatments based
health apps, telemedicine, remote monitoring, and ingestible
on the experiences of others with similar symptoms and
sensors generate rich data streams, allowing doctors and
genetic profiles. Year 2020 sees the creation of warehouses
patients themselves to track every heartbeat, sneeze,
of health data that use big-data analytics to identify patterns
or symptom in real time. Bioinformatics and analytics
and inform public health decisions and research.
allow for personalized risk assessments and tailor-made medicine. Breakthroughs in robotics, 3D printing, and stem-
Participatory medicine
cell research make surgical procedures safer and improve
Patients use their own health data to make better
outcomes. Health care systems shift their focus to wellness
decisions. Patient-centered information networks, such
and prevention to compete against insurgent competitors.
as Crohnology for Crohn’s disease, help people better manage their health, share best practices with fellow
patients, and lower medical costs by tap-ping into the
“Tailor-made” medicine
knowledge of the crowd.
The use of bioinformatics in health care grows exponentially. Based on human genome sequencing and body composition,
custom medicines, and treatments are developed and
Holography-assisted surgery
prescribed to patients. This helps treat dreaded illnesses
Specialized surgeons perform holography-assisted surgery
such as cancer and genetic disorders—where failure rates
to treat patients remotely and instruct other physicians
of medicines are historically high. Government closely
on operating procedures. Holography makes surgery less
oversees research, testing, and therapeutics; regulates
invasive and potentially offers better outcomes for patients,
accuracy and affordability; and plays a centralized role in
while also freeing up surgeon time. Philips and RealView
determining best practices for treatment plans.
Imaging have developed live 3D visualizations that can be touched and marked up to help doctors during surgeries.
The mHealth revolution Mobile technology proves to be a game-changer for
3D printing in health care
health care. The ubiquity of mobile phones and growing
3D printing technology revolutionizes surgical practices,
health needs make “mHealth” an afford-able and easily
giving practitioners access to identical replicas of certain
accessible alternative to traditional health care. Advanced
body structures—and eventually organs. It reduces surgical
mHealth applications include telemedicine, sophisticated
errors and improves rehabilitation in post-op. Joint
replacement surgeries are cheaper and use customized
smartphones, personalized services, and self-monitoring.
prints of patient’s joints. Medical education uses this
Governments address security and privacy risks arising
technology to create cheaper prototypes for teaching,
from the growth of mHealth.
avoiding ethical issues associated with using cadavers.
Breakthroughs in stem cell research
Social media analytics in health care
Developments in stem cell research lead to the production
Anonymized data from social networks are used for
of synthetic organs and smart drugs to improve physical
biomedical research, personalized medicines, clinical trials,
and mental function. Breakthroughs such as induced
and the construction of predictive models. Advances in
pluripotent stem (iPS) cells short-circuit the long debate
health-focused, natural-language data processing allow
over the use of human embryos in research and speed up
analysts to use big data to identify the decisions patients
stem cell therapies to cure human disease. Government
make and, more importantly, why they make them.
incentivizes research and development and introduces
Government uses social media analytics to gain insights into
policy measures to navigate ethical issues hindering
patients’ consumption patterns and health requirements.
widespread market adoption of this tool.
Health care analytics is a $21 billion industry in 2020. Remote monitoring
Evidence-based care
Sensor-enabled remote monitoring devices transmit vital
Doctors use high-end analytics to diagnose and treat patient
patient biometrics to physicians and other caregivers in real
conditions by mining massive clinical information from
time. 2020 sees the use of ingestible “smart pills” with sensors
to wirelessly relay information on health indicators within the
Outcome-based payment
body to a smartphone. Doctors can track health indicators
2020 sees the growth of value-based care models that link
more closely and receive precise information about which
the price of care to the value of the performance or health
medications their patients actually took, and when.
outcome, holding medical practitioners accountable for the care they provide. The model is driven by performance
Health care robotics
metrics such as hospital readmissions or patient ratings,
Robots sterilize surgical tools without human intervention,
and by linking doctor payments to patients’ health.
reducing the incidence of infection and freeing up hospital staff time. Robotic systems dispense drugs in pharmacies
Rise of private health insurance exchanges
with zero errors while automated kiosks allow patients
Private players form a significant part of health insurance
to enter medical symptoms and receive customized
exchanges in the United States and some other countries.
New exchange products supported by technology open new
dramatically reduces errors and helps improve outcomes.
avenues for these players, offering customers more options.
The global medical robotic systems market reaches $13.6
Private exchanges match public ones in terms of volume and
billion in 2018.
spread insurance products at competitive prices.
An expanded definition of health
“Nutrition transition” and disease paradox
Health care systems evolve from “sick care” to wellness.
Globalization, rising incomes, and a shift to sedentary
Nutrition, behavioral, environmental, and social networks
work spur the growth of lifestyle diseases in developing
act as vital health foundations. Health care is defined not
countries, including obesity, certain types of cancer,
by care facilities but by the status of consumers’ health.
diabetes, strokes, and heart attacks. As global fast-food
2020 sees the convergence of allopathic and alternative
chains expand and cheap, calorie-rich foods become
widely available, countries undergo a “nutrition transition,”
medical care
changes in health, diet, and exercise that accompany
through incentives, requirements, and payment models,
economic progress. This engenders a shift from curing
particularly in countries where it is the primary payer.
disease to controlling and managing chronic conditions. Globally, over 1.5 billion adults are overweight; 500 million
Integrated care
of them are obese.
Accountable care organizations (ACOs), patient-centered medical
Growth of telemedicine
models, providers, physicians, and payers join together
to provide patients with bundled services, providing
nations improves, telemedicine extends health care—and
care at lower cost. Hospital-physician alignment allows
particularly access to specialist care—to more citizens. Local
clinics and practitioners can consult remote specialists via
attention. Electronic health records and e-prescriptions
video-conferencing, mHealth applications, and remote
improve accountability and transparency. Government
diagnostic tools. Chinese and Indian companies continue
encourages integrated care to systematically raise health
to invest heavily in video-related health technology in
care standards.
parts of Africa. Existing mobile network operators may subsidize telemedicine programs.
Communities as health care providers Aging populations and a growing disease burden raise the
Focus on preventive health care
demand for skilled health care professionals, potentially
Long-term prevention and management is achieved
creating a shortage across the globe. As a result, health
care systems increasingly rely on community outreach,
encouraging healthy habits. Public-private partnerships
peer-support initiatives, and partnering with patients
deliver vital health information through mobile phones to
and families to supplement care. In developing nations,
mothers in low- and middle-income countries in Africa and
community health care workers with little training provide
Asia. Messages are targeted to each stage of a woman’s
education, support treatment, use diagnostic devices, and
pregnancy so that the information reflects what she is
deliver medicines, allowing specialists to handle more
experiencing, establishing an emotional connection and
complex tasks.
encouraging healthy behavioral changes.
SUSTAINABLY REDUCING POVERTY THROUGH PUBLIC HEALTH INVESTMENT MARÍA EUGENIA BONILLA-CHACÍN Senior Economist for Health of the World Bank Q: The World Bank’s mission is to eradicate poverty. Few
CONAPO. Challenges remain, however, and the aging
would argue with the sentiment that health is wealth -
of the population and the burden of NCDs, such as
what role does health promotion play in reaching your
diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and cancers, is quickly
intensifying. Disability-adjusted life years lost (DALYs)
A: Increased income growth improves health outcomes,
are a measure of overall disease burden, referring to the
and improvements in health have a positive impact on
life expectancy years lost due to ill-health, disability, or
wealth. Both are required for the sustainable reduction of
early death. According to our research in 2013 with the
poverty. Investments in public health, childhood nutrition
Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME), the
three leading causes of DALYs are diabetes, ischemic heart
important positive impacts on cognitive and non-cognitive
disease, and chronic kidney disease. Thanks to the creation
skills. The knock-on effects include improved learning
of Seguro Popular, the country has also made significant
capacities, increased school completion rates, better labor
development in access to health services and in financial
market outcomes, and greater productivity. Moreover, the
latter two increase individual incomes, society’s incomes,
Regardless, the country faces important challenges to
and adult health outcomes.
ensure better health outcomes and financial protection
in case of ill health. Large inequalities in outcomes and Q: What are the highlights of the Country Partnership
healthcare resources exist across federal entities and the
Strategy for Mexico?
health system as a whole remains fragmented, causing
A: The Mexico Country Partnership Strategy (CPS) covers
inefficiencies in the use of resources. Internal organization
the fiscal years from 2014 to 2019 and is aligned with
is subject to the same inefficiency.
the goals of Mexico’s National Development Plan (NDP) for 2013-2018. It suppports the Mexican government’s
Q: What specific strategies should Mexico implement to
development agenda for increased productivity and
eradicate poverty and promote health?
inclusive and sustainable growth. The CPS fosters the
A: Mexico already has experience with programs aimed
corresponding goals of ending extreme poverty and
at eradicating poverty, particularly through Prospera, the
promoting sustainable, shared prosperity. To promote
renowned conditional cash transfer program, where cash
an integrated social protection system, the CPS not only
transfers provided to poor families are contingent upon
fosters integration of the health sector, but the plan
children going to school and receiving preventive health
extends to improving the functioning of the health system,
care services. In addition, Seguro Popular was created to
especially primary care, as concerns the shift from acute
improve health outcomes and ensure financial protection
illness response to the prevention and control of chronic
against the costs of illness among those with no social
conditions. The latter tend to be non-communicable
security coverage, who are more likely to be poor. This
diseases (NCDs), such as diabetes and heart disease,
program has been successful in improving health insurance
which relate in particular to obesity.
coverage, health care utilization, and financial protection among its beneficiaries. However, there are still significant
Q: How would you summarize the current health situation
gaps in improving effective coverage of services by
in Mexico, and what are the main challenges to ensuring
enhancing the quality and thus the effectiveness of the
the right quality of care for all its citizens?
services provided to improve health outcomes among the
A: Mexico has achieved important gains in health outcomes
poor. In addition, there is a need to generate fiscal space to
over the last decades, with reductions in maternal and
be able to progressively increase the package of services
child mortality, and the control of communicable diseases.
covered by this program, particularly those covered by
Between 1960 and 2012, average life expectancy in
the Fund for Protection against Catastrophic Health
Mexico increased by 17 years, according to data from
Q: Mexico’s epidemiological profile has switched from
Q: Mexico’s obesity crisis is causing a spike in chronic
infectious to chronic degenerative diseases. What is the
diseases. What can be done to improve nutrition
World Bank’s strategy to tackle this problem?
education amongst poor communities?
A: Our knowledge base and financial services, as well
A: Mexico’s obesity crisis is playing a major role in the
as our ability to bring various stakeholders together,
rise of chronic diseases and many developing countries
mean that the World Bank can support health systems
are facing this issue. There is no magic pill to prevent and
in preventing and controlling NCDs. As a multisector
control obesity. Nevertheless, a number of promising
institution, the World Bank can support countries in
policies have proven to be effective in improving diets
the design and implementation of population-based
and promoting physical activities with some directly
interventions. These strategies focus on NCD-related
affecting Body Mass Index. The Mexican government
risk factors such as unhealthy diets, physical inactivity,
has implemented many promising policies aimed at
tobacco use, and alcohol abuse. The World Bank also
halting the increasing prevalence of obesity in the
supports several countries around the world to strengthen
country, including a comprehensive national strategy for
health surveillance systems which monitor NCDs and
the prevention and control of overweight, obesity, and
their risk factors. Finally, the World Bank supports several
countries in reforming health care networks to ensure early detection and control of these conditions. Many health
This strategy has three pillars. The public health aspect
systems in the developing world were designed to respond
includes surveillance, health promotion, education, and
to acute episodes of illness and to provide maternal and
prevention. The other batch of policies seeks to improve
child care, but not to be proactive in ensuring the health
access to services for the prevention and control of NCDs.
of the population under their responsibility, a model that
Finally, cultural change requires regulation and fiscal
is unsuited to early detection of chronic conditions, clinical
policy, including new food-labeling regulations, controls on
prevention, or to coordinated care across health providers.
marketing foods to children, and taxing sugar-sweetened
In this context, the World Bank Group supports several
beverages and high-calorie foods of low nutritional value.
countries in changing the care model to one which adheres
The World Bank Group is prepared to support these and
to these conditions, as well as supporting chronic patients
any other activities aimed at helping to halt the increase in
in their self-treatment.
obesity in Mexico.
BREAKING DOWN MARKET COMPLEXITIES, OPTIMIZING THE ROAD TO GROWTH FRANCISCO XAVIER VALDEZ General Manager, Mexico & Central America, IMS Health Q: How has IMS Health’s role as an advisor to the health
portfolios. While COFEPRIS has considerably improved
industry been evolving?
the speed of regulatory processes in medicine registration,
A: IMS Health has several platforms globally, designed to
there are still some slow stages. Adding new medications
address our client needs in terms of customer relations and
to the portfolio of governmental institutions is a slow
marketing. We offer popular consulting services for portfolio
process since, to be approved, a drug has to be accepted
segmentation, salesforce effectiveness, market access, and
by the General Health Council and has to be integrated
healthcare economics. The services we have traditionally
into IMSS’ National Formulary. Analyzing all these steps,
provided are still in high demand, but the face of the market
IMS Health has determined that incorporating medicines
has changed considerably in the last few years. We want IMS
into the public sector generally takes about 4.2 years.
Health to become more technology oriented, so we provide specific software for monitoring campaigns and we have
Q: What are the recommendations that IMS Health is
new social media services to help our clients track their social
making in terms of the streamlining of these processes?
networks. We are also branching out in order to provide more
A: Some of these approval procedures are repetitive and
technology-oriented services, and now have a consulting
unnecessary. If a drug is available in another country and is
group specialized in data warehousing. IMS Health aims to
already approved in Mexico by COFEPRIS, it should be ready
help clients build reports and manage scorecards, which
to be incorporated into the public health sector. If COFEPRIS
will facilitate managers with decision-making processes. We
has decided that a drug complies with all regulations, it
decided to implement these services after observing that our
should not be necessary to repeat the approval process with
clients are facing a more complex environment and need to
a second organization. However, there are always budgetary
make well-informed decisions. Many consulting companies
considerations for each individual institution. COFEPRIS is
provide a large amount of information but very few of
making new products available but some institutions are
them actually process this information to provide insights
reluctant to introduce them to the public, as they prefer to
to clients. Our objective is to create strong tools to provide
save money by buying generics and biosimilars. In my opinion,
these insights, to become a data-based company, and have
the money saved by introducing generics should be used
the right technology to support our services.
to purchase innovative medicines, but in reality this is not always a possibility. The government must make important
decisions between improving its services and increasing
characterizing the health sector in Mexico?
coverage to more patients. It is not easy to determine the
A: The market in Mexico is very complex, and we have
most appropriate way to utilize this money, as IMSS also has
observed that the retail market is not growing as fast as
to tackle other economic challenges such as pensions.
expected. Last year the market for medications grew just
0.4% in terms of value and decreased in terms of units. The
Q: What is the market potential for biosimilars in Mexico?
main problem is the current competition between generics,
A: In comparison to the US or Europe, Mexico has
branded generics, and branded medications. There is also
more availability for biosimilars. This is a very positive
competition between the different distribution channels,
development for manufacturers, as they are creating new
with independent pharmacies competing with chain
and innovative ways to make biosimilars. The production
pharmacies and supermarkets. Conversely, the public
of biosimilars will also allow these companies to grow
health sector has grown 10.8% in terms of value. There
by acquiring the necessary technology. The increased
are interesting opportunities for growth in the public
popularity of biosimilars is beneficial to institutions, as
sector with the inclusion of new chemical entities as well
they now have more available products at a reduced cost.
as new biological products, but the public sector is slow
Increased competition also means it is good for the market.
in acquiring these products and not every governmental
The only problem manufacturers of biosimilars are facing
institution is including these new pharmaceuticals in their
is the recent legislation change. Some biosimilars were
erroneously labeled as generics and these products must
by buying drugs for several institutions, including ISSSTE.
now comply with additional tests in order be properly
Making centralized decisions is more strategic for public
reclassified. Mexican biosimilars are subject to trials in order
health institutions, as it places them in a better position
to preserve their license and continue to be commercially
to negotiate prices and conditions with sellers. In the
available. While this presents a challenge, Mexico has
past, prices for the same medications varied depending
several compliant companies that will easily be able to meet
on which public institution acquired them, but now the
the requirements of the new regulatory framework.
pricing is homogenized. The only problem to overcome is determining which institution will make the primary
Q: In which direction is the pharmacy market developing
decisions concerning the medication and service needs
in Mexico?
of each institution as the services provided and treatment
A: IMS Health has seen a large growth in Mexican pharmacy
guidelines can vary greatly between institutions.
chains while their competition has slowly declined. Last year, we saw a decrease in sales of drugs at supermarkets and,
Q: Why should investment in the development of the
while sales for independent pharmacies have increased,
health industry be a priority for the government?
competition driven by the large portfolio held by larger
A: Health directly impacts productivity, so investment should
pharmacies have forced many independent sellers to close.
be a priority for the government. The government may not be
Equally, patients prefer chains, as they usually go to the
investing enough to satisfy the health needs of the Mexican
closest pharmacy available, thus chains benefit from their
population but it is currently facing budget constraints in
economies of scale. Chains also have loyalty programs that
every area, not just healthcare, so the authorities may not
reward habitual purchases, something that is only possible
be able to address all current needs. The healthcare budget
if the company is large enough to negotiate with suppliers.
was recently reduced by US$663 million as a direct result of the decrease in oil prices. Now, with analysts predicting
Q: What is your opinion on the increase of physicians at
that oil barrel prices will not rise above US$50-60 in 2016,
the point of sale in Mexico?
the government is taking preventive measures to mitigate
A: There are around 15,000 physicians in pharmacies, which
the impact on the economy and adjusting the budget to
is beneficial for the patient as it provides accessibility, and
prepare for next year’s predicted losses.
is also convenient for the pharmacy chains as it enables them to capture more sales. There are not enough doctors
Q: What priorities are top of the list for IMS Health in 2015?
to meet patient needs, so doctors within pharmacies can
A: We want to provide more services and technology tools
help to alleviate the pressure on primary care physicians,
for our clients so they can focus on the market rather than
subsequently benefitting the saturated public health sector
wasting their time on market analysis and cross-referencing
by saving money. Some people may believe there is a
data. We have several new services for our clients and, as
conflict of interest, as physicians at the point of sale would
a result of our recent acquisition of Cegedim, this year we
be motivated to sell products from the pharmacy where they
are planning to launch a prescription business, specializing
work. We do not believe this is a problem, as doctors are not
in customer services management solutions and physician
obligated to prescribe a specific brand and pharmacies must
information. I believe we will have a positive year financially
ultimately respect the brand prescribed by the physician.
and will be providing more services and products.
Q: There is a proposed reform to the General Law of Health that plans to integrate IMSS, ISSSTE, and Seguro Popular. What would be the benefits of this integration? A: The subject of integration is a complex topic. The idea of integrating these institutions was created during the government of President Vicente Fox, but implementation has been difficult as these institutions are very different in terms of services, capacity, cost, platforms, types of hospitals, and logistics. Homogenizing all these services is difficult as there is no consensus on how to provide them or how to charge for them. However, there is some consensus in terms of acquisitions, and drug purchases are being consolidated by the main public institutions. As the leading institution, IMSS is setting purchasing trends
Q: Do you foresee a convergence between ISsSTE, IMSS,
A: FUNSALUD was founded 30 years ago as a private
and Seguro Popular?
organization funded by Mexican businessmen. The 100 initial
A: The very fragmentation of all three institutions makes
funders worked as a think-tank to connect private-sector ideas
the current model unsustainable in the long run. So
with public policy in health. As a think-tank we are ranked at
convergence is inevitable, but we don’t know when it will
number 12 in the world and our goal is to become the benchmark
happen. First there must be collaboration and coordination
for private interactions with the public sector. One of our
across hospitals and facilities regardless of the institution
strongest points is our associates from the pharmaceutical
they belong to. Consolidated purchasing, referencing, and
industry, who keep us abreast of new innovations. Data
counter-referencing of patients are all basic and necessary.
on disease and technological trends helps us formulate
FUNSALUD first proposed universal health care between
public policy proposals, rather than simply promoting new
2011 and 2012, but this as a process that will take from 20
developments. Our proposals are always independent and
to 30 years as the system must respond to long-standing
neutral, since we are not a PR company. FUNSALUD aims to
problems, such as inefficiencies in expenditures and increased
produce policy documents to influence the public sector with
costs due to duplicated services. In this situation the one
scientific evidence. Ours is a neutral arena aimed at building
who suffers most is the patient, and so segments of the
consensus so that we can reach conclusions beyond political
population already affiliated to public healthcare institutions
considerations or media presence. We eliminate conflicts of
are increasingly using private services. Recently, we have seen
interests between industry and the public authorities, since
the appearance of health services in pharmacies. According
after receiving funding from the private sector we leave the
to our research, from 50,000 to 60,000 doctors now provide
name of the company and the commercial brands aside.
consultations and issue prescriptions at the point of sale.
Therefore, the monetary contributions become neutral capital
Generally their professional profile is the same of those hired
both for the Government and FUNSALUD.
in the public sector and this service has the advantages of being close, efficient, and readily available. In our opinion, this
Q: What are the most concerning things about health
form of privatization is not necessarily appropriate or helpful.
problems in the Mexican population?
These doctors do not provide a deep analysis and instead of
A: Mexico’s population and society are changing rapidly.
clinical records, they provide brief commentaries. Moreover,
Our population is growing older and faces lower rates of
because the phenomenon grew spontaneously, there are a
infectious diseases and higher rates of chronic ones. Since
variety of regulatory gaps to overcome. COFEPRIS has tried
the 1960s, our society has transitioned from a rural to a
to regulate doctors at points of sale, but they do not have the
mostly urban makeup, with 72% of Mexicans living in cities.
capacity to monitor every one of them.
This has changed the way disease impacts society, with
pollution, urban criminality, and poverty influencing the
Q: To what extent are Mexico’s unique health problems a
health of Mexico’s population. The rise of diabetes depends
result of genetics and of lifestyle?
partly on this population shift, the changes it entails for
nutrition habits, and other environmental factors. About 10
predisposition to certain illnesses, but low physical activity
million Mexicans suffer from diabetes, making this a real
and poor nutrition have a greater impact. The preference
epidemic. Among adults 20 years and older, 9.17% have
for leisure activities gravitates more towards TV and
been diagnosed with diabetes. Of all people with diabetes,
videogames and contemporary jobs encourage a sedentary
46.95% also have with hypertension, 4.47% have had a
lifestyle. Also in Mexico, exclusive breastfeeding during the
stroke, and 54.46% have a reported family background of
first six months of an infant’s life is less frequent, which
diabetes. It is estimated that a large number of people are
we observed in a survey on feeding habits subsequent
diabetic but undiagnosed, which is worrisome as diabetes
to breastfeeding. Many children are already obese by
is preventable and treatable if detected at early stages.
the time they enter kindergarten or elementary school
and that means that parents contribute decisively to the
a national cancer registry together with the Secretary of
phenomenon of obesity. The responsibility for prevention
Health, INCAN, and the Institute for Public Health. It will
strategies lies within the Secretary of Health, but without
include both hospital and population based information at a
inter-institutional collaboration it will not be possible to
national level. We are involving the pharmaceutical industry
solve the problem and measures such the taxation of soft
to provide adequate funding for this initiative.
drinks will be ineffective. Since this new tax was imposed in 2014, around MX$16 billion has been collected. However,
Q: What other projects is FUNSALUD developing?
not a single peso has reached the Secretary of Health
A: One of our successful initiatives is the repatriation of
as the funds went to the Treasury and were utilized for
medical talent, including 150 highly qualified surgeons
other purposes. In my opinion the collection from this tax
and scientists from the US. To do this, incentive programs
should go to the health sector or to other sectors that
were designed to match the incomes of Mexican medical
could invest them in public health. Unfortunately, this is
professionals working in the United States. FUNSALUD
not in our current political culture. Integral collaboration is
also launched the initiative of the National Institute of
needed, from SAGARPA to the Ministry of Education. For
Genomic Medicine (INMEGEN), which today is a strong
instance, dietary habits cause problems, but the industry
and an influential institution. We want genetic medicine
must produce healthier foodstuffs – so SAGARPA and the
to have an influence on diabetes treatment among other
Secretary of Labor should be involved
non communicable diseases. To this end, FUNSALUD is backing an ambitious initiative from INMEGEN to
Q: FUNSALUD has several initiatives for health promotion.
repatriate more scientists as they complete their PHD
What is involved in this type of program?
postgraduate work. We are seeking to repatriate at
A: We run some specific projects as a consortium, funding
least ten scientists over a ten-year period, with a
those areas we seek to develop. For instance, breast cancer
US$106 million scheme called Cátedras de Excelencia
is on the rise and the country does not have enough human
Watson-México en Ciencias Genómicas. We also have
and financial resources to set up the right strategies and
established a joint collaboration with Nestlé. The Nestlé-
tools to tackle it. While breast cancer is considered treatable
FUNSALUD fund was established twenty years ago and
if detected at early stages, many cases only reach public
supports scientific research and the generation of policy
services when they are already at critical stages and that
concerning nutrition. It is also a resource for scholarships
places them beyond the capabilities of a public hospital.
to develop talent. This fund is a benchmark for the
This causes more suffering for the patient and family, and
industry worldwide, not just in Mexico. Our goals for this
more expenses for the system. For example, last year
year are to promote wider, deeper participation between
a huge expansion of the National Institute of Oncology
public and private sectors, across all fields and through
(INCAN) was inaugurated and two weeks later it was already
diverse formats, and to develop a public policy proposal
overcrowded. If all institutions are allowed to become critical,
on nutrition and obesity, along with the national registers
there will be no budget or talents that suffice. At present,
for kidney disease and cancer. We are also planning to
these institutions have no exact figures for cancer patients,
start an evaluation system for all hospitals, private and
only estimates. FUNSALUD is leading an initiative to develop
public, which we lack in Mexico.
Q: What is the purpose of the health division of the Carlos
measurement tools to classify individuals by risk category
Slim Foundation and what are the main challenges you
and provide personalized treatment options. MIDO has been
have been trying to address?
implemented in primary health units, subway stations and
A: The Carlos Slim Foundation’s health division aims to
bus hubs, setting a new paradigm in health services outreach
fully utilize its capacity to shake up the Mexican system
and proactive prevention. As for infectious diseases, we are
and accelerate innovation. Even though we have an alliance
focusing on reengineering the national vaccination program
with the Ministry of Health, this objective has been rather
by developing a new information system, based on an
complicated as the current system is static and resistant
innovative electronic vaccination card, to improve decision
to change. There are also many constraints, including fixed
making and immunization coverage. At the same time, we
budgets and complex regulatory processes. Since there is
are working on the development of a therapeutic Chagas
strong accountability for mistakes, many individuals are
vaccine and supporting policy making for the possible
afraid to take any innovative measures. The current system
introduction of the dengue vaccine in Mexico. We also have
hampers innovation and is unable to adapt to evolutions in
educational programs such as our on-line training platform
the public’s health and lifestyle.
PIEENSO and are investing in research and development for genomics, cancer, metabolomics, and proteomics.
Q: What specific programs have you established to help achieve the goals of the Foundation?
Q: What are the central aims of the PIEENSO program?
A: We have defined several areas that we believe to be
A: Around 66% of physicians and nurses in basic health
aligned with the main health problems faced by the
clinics have not received continuous education courses
country. The first is maternal mortality, which remains a
following graduation. They are unaware of innovative
large problem despite strong efforts to reduce it in Mexico
clinical management and treatments, updated national
over the last 20 years. The reason behind the high rate of
and international guidelines, and new medications for
maternal mortality is the lack of systematic early access to
illnesses like diabetes. We decided to use technology as
prenatal care services and the quality of care. To help solve
a platform to promote education for health professionals
this problem, our first step has been to create a network in
and created several online courses to address the issue.
low socioeconomic areas with high maternal mortality rates,
With the endorsement of institutions such as UNAM, the
which includes community health posts, midwifes, mobile
Joslin Diabetes Center in Boston, and the Mayo Clinic,
units, primary health units, and general and specialized
among others, we are producing valuable continuous
hospitals. Through these networks, and by using information
education programs. The content of the courses is
systems developed by the foundation, our goal is to identify
developed by experts using formats such as video-lessons,
women in the early stages of pregnancy and provide them
documentaries, and interactive exercises. We have trained
with access to quality care. Another major challenge to the
about 12,000 people with this program over the last four
health system as a whole, and a huge financial burden, is
years on issues relating to maternal health, diabetes, breast
the growth of non-communicable diseases such as obesity,
cancer, cervical cancer, vaccines, and genomics.
cardiovascular diseases, and diabetes. It is 31 times cheaper
to prevent diabetes than to treat it and therefore prevention
Q: How much of a problem is medical access in Mexico
is crucial. While the government is conscious of the problem,
and how is the foundation working this issue?
implementing the proper prevention strategies has proved a
A: Clinics often do not have the necessary medications and
challenge. For this reason the foundation takes a systematic
laboratory tests, and studies have shown that patients have
approach to tackling the problems of diabetes, obesity and
to visit clinics 3.5 times on average in order to obtain the
hypertension, including creating Integrated Measurement
prescribed medications. Approximately 46% of patients that
for Timely Detection (MIDO), an early detection and
visit hospitals or clinics are forced to buy their own drugs
from external pharmacies as they cannot acquire them
for free through the system. This is mainly due to a lack of
genetic risk profile for this disease. We are now working
resources within budgets as well as a lack of communication
with the National Institute of Medical Sciences and Nutrition
between clinics and secondary care units. There is also little
Salvador Zubirán to develop a low cost genomic test to
incentive to change the current system, since people who
measure individual genetic risk of developing diabetes.
use these clinics take whatever medicine they are given as
Haplotypes have been identified that determine whether
they have no alternative. They are also unable to complain
an individual could be sensitive to Metformin or other
or provide proper feedback as they are afraid of being
medications, which will greatly help to identify the most
denied service. We are trying to change that, through our
appropriate treatments for each specific individual. In the
model CASALUD, which proposes a new approach in health
case of breast cancer we are collaborating with the National
care delivery, using a variety of technology-based tools
Institute of Oncology to implement a genetic risk diagnosis
to facilitate better care in Mexico. CASALUD is based on
platform for the early detection of this disease in women.
five pillars: proactive prevention and detection of chronic diseases, evidence-based disease management, supply
Q: Should money obtained from taxation of junk foods
chain improvements, capacity building of health care
be used for educational programs and other initiatives
professionals, and patient engagement and Health.
relating to public health? A: The objective of the recent soft drinks taxation strategy
Q: What partnerships does the organization have to
was to impose high prices that would dissuade people
promote these programs?
from buying soft drinks regularly. Unfortunately, the money
A: We are always working in partnerships, the most
collected from this tax could not be utilized in prevention
important of which is with the Ministry of Health. Our
programs as Mexico’s fiscal system does not permit the
collaboration with the Secretary of Health, Dr. Mercedes
targeted use of money collected from specific taxes. So while
Juan-López, and her team, has been highly successful.
the tax for soft drinks did lead to a drop in sales, the funds
Together we have implemented our models across
could not be used to directly benefit the nation’s health.
the country, bringing innovations, sustainability, and
The authorities have been wary of this particular topic since
accountability elements and allowing us to contribute to
a situation that arose concerning the use of tobacco taxes,
better public health policy. Other important partnerships
when certain branches of the government tried to utilize
are with the National Institutes of Health and universities
the collected money for specific health programs. Despite
like UNAM, IPN, CINVESTAV, and the University of Yucatán
the funds being raised as a result of a penalization of the
(UADY). We strive to facilitate interaction between these
tobacco industry, many people frowned upon the idea of the
entities to reach our common goals. In the same vein,
funds being channeled into public programs. The taxation of
we partner with private companies that have promising
tobacco was seen as a great accomplishment but the large
technology and practices to speed up transfer of
complications stemming from the use of the funds led the
innovation into practice. With the same objectives, we have
government to avoid future direct allocations of tax revenues.
partnerships with strong international institutions such as the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, the University
Q: What are your priorities for 2015?
of California, San Francisco (UCSF), Baylor College of
A: The CASALUD model on non-communicable diseases
Medicine, UNICEF, the Inter-American Development Bank,
(NCDs) has already been implemented by the Foundation
the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and The Carter Center,
in 20 of the country’s 32 states but we want to expand
among others.
this to at least 26 states by the end of 2015. We are helping the government to analyze the logistics of the
Q: The Carlos Slim Foundation’s partnership with the
introduction of the dengue vaccine, which will make us
Broad Institute has seen you invest in genomic research
one of the first countries to implement it. We also have a
in Latin America – how involved is Mexico in this research
program for dengue surveillance in Mexico and we want
at the moment?
to have an impact in education. Also, we are delighted
A: This area of research is gaining pace as Mexico has had a
that this year the Ministry of Health will be introducing the
National Institute of Genomic Medicine (INMEGEN) for the
electronic vaccination card as its new vaccine information
past ten years. Our initiative brought together INMEGEN, the
system. In addition we are implementing a very successful
Broad Institute, the world leading institution in the field of
program focused on maternal and child health, nutrition
genomics, and several other Mexican research institutions.
and immunizations that addresses the needs of women
The goal of our initiative is to study the genomic bases of
and children in the poorest areas of Chiapas, Mexico and
diabetes and different types of cancer in the country. We
Guatemala, Belize, Honduras, El Salvador, Costa Rica,
are very happy to say that we have discovered a Mexican
Nicaragua, and Panama in Central America.
DEFINING THE RIGHT NATIONAL POLICY FOR BIOTECHNOLOGY DRUGS AUGUSTO BONDANI Former Commissioner of Sanitary Authorization (CAS) of COFEPRIS Q: What was the process followed to create the regulatory
laboratories in developing their products before they
framework for biosimilars?
are presented to the NMC. All of this ensures that the
A: It was believed that biosimilar medicines could not have the
evaluation of a new molecule by COFEPRIS is carried out
same safety and efficacy as innovative medications because
comprehensively, and that the efficacy and safety of the
characterizing and comparing proteins was rather difficult.
medication are systematically examined.
However, with technological advances in characterization and more adequate designs of pre-clinical and clinical trials,
Q: Do you see biotechnological medicine as potentially
it is possible for biosimilar medications to be compared with
lucrative for Mexico?
innovators in terms of safety and efficacy. The first significant
A: The importance of biotechnology medicines is growing in
development in terms of regulating biotechnology drugs was
Mexico as well as internationally. Currently, I do not believe it
the 2007 Interinstitutional Forum at the Mexican Chamber
is very lucrative for Mexico since the majority of the national
of Deputies hosted by President of the Health Commission.
pharmaceutical laboratories are registering biotechnology
After this modifications to the law were issued, and during
medicines with active ingredients that are manufactured
my time as Commissioner we collaborated further with
abroad. At the moment the sale of biotechnological
CANIFARMA. These meetings lead to the creation of the
medication comprises between 15% and 17% of the total sales
Regulation of Biotechnology Medicines. This represented
in the pharmaceutical sector, and they are expected they
a big challenge for biosimilars that had been approved
will be 40% and 50% in the next few years. If laboratories
without the adequate pre-clinical and clinical studies to
in Mexico only manufacture biosimilars with imported raw
prove efficacy and safety. However, at that time, stopping
materials, we will depend on the import prices, making us
their sale would have represented a serious problem for the
vulnerable. In turn, this could provoke a shortage of essential
health sector in economic terms. Therefore, it was necessary
life-saving medications for patients with chronic and terminal
to reach agreements with CANIFARMA, resulting in certain
diseases. At the moment, there is only one laboratory in the
norms and guidelines to temporarily solve the problem. It is
country manufacturing biocomparables self-sufficiently.
expected that all biosimilar products will have the adequate studies to demonstrate safety and efficacy for use by the
Q: What are the principal problems faced in the production
Mexican public in a reasonable time.
of biotechnological medications? A: Biosimilar medications are already being made by
Q: How efficient is the process COFEPRIS follows to
major companies alongside innovative products. Moreover,
authorize new molecules including biopharmaceuticals?
countries with adequate national medication policies like
A: The current approval process demands laboratories
India, China, South Korea, and Brazil perform clinical trials
to submit their applications before the New Molecule
to demonstrate efficacy and safety, using hundreds of
Committee, which is comprised of independent experts,
test subjects with high cost implications. Disregarding the
expense of implementing techniques to produce biosimilars
Universities and Scientific Academies. This body then
in our country, it is very challenging for a national laboratory
presents its opinion to COFEPRIS, which further evaluates
to afford clinical trials incorporating the same number of
the medicine in question. With respect to biotechnological
patients. As a result, the only way for Mexico to compete
medication, there is a Subcommittee of Biotechnological
in this field is by following the example of other countries
Products made up of experts in the fields of pharmacology,
and implementing a national policy for biotechnology
toxicology, statistics, immunology, and bioethics. This body
medications. At the moment, I am working on a project with
evaluates the submissions and presents its findings to the
FUNSALUD to draft a document setting the requirements for
New Molecule Committee (NMC) so that they can evaluate
this policy. It is important that Mexican companies develop
the medicines thoroughly. There is also a Subcommittee
biosimilars from scratch to produce innovations, as this is
of Developing Products, which supports pharmaceutical
what will really bring attention and investment to Mexico.
Q: How is the increasing presence of generics changing
COFEPRIS consist of these fixed combination products.
the marketplace?
These products represent an interesting opportunity since
A: The use of generics represents significant savings in
it is challenging to produce fixed-combination products.
public expenditure. The government now spends 80% of
They require a lot of research, laboratory testing, and highly
its budget on innovative medicines, which in terms of units
specialized chemists. However these products do sell for
only represents 20% of its purchases. Conversely, generics
higher prices than regular generics.
represent 80% of total purchases and yet only comprise 20% of the budget. A good example of this is Atorvastatin,
Q: What are the main misconceptions about Mexico’s
which treats high cholesterol. It was first developed by
health sector that need to be corrected?
Pfizer and branded as Lipitor. Lipitor has been a worldwide
A: Twenty five years ago, Mexico imported only 10% of raw
success and was the number one selling pharmaceutical in
materials needed to produce a pharmaceutical product,
Mexico. Once the patent expired, it only took two months
but today we import 95%. Mexico’s numerous free trade
for five generic versions to enter the market, which resulted
agreements have made our sector very dependent on
in a price drop of 66%. Immediately after the price drop, the
foreign countries, especially on India and China, and 65% of
social security system that used to buy Lipitor increased
the ingredients we import come from these countries. This
its purchases by 200%, driven by a huge increase in the
can cause serious problems for pharmaceuticals as once a
number of patients who could access the treatment. The
drug is approved, ingredient suppliers cannot be changed
increasing use of generics is also important considering
as the pharmaceutical company can only use ingredients
Mexico’s changing demographics. Years ago, the product
from the supplier listed in the sanitary registry. If a registered
portfolio of a Mexican pharmaceutical company would
foreign supplier has a problem with the delivery or prices
have 70% of drugs targeted to fight infectious diseases.
go up this presents a big problem. As a consequence, the
Today chronic diseases, mental diseases, and degenerative
social security system that used to buy that drug finds itself
diseases are the top killers. Medicines for cancer,
in difficulty too. We have highlighted this problem to the
hypertension, diabetes, and high cholesterol have now
current adminstration .
become the top priorities. Pharmaceutical companies are constantly studying the market in order to be ready to
Q: What role should R&D play in transforming Mexico into
bring a generic version of an innovative product as soon as
a key exporter?
the patent expires. This begins three or four years before
A: We have to discontine our culture of manufacturing
the patent expires in order to have the generic version
commodities and look to become a manufacturer of high-
ready and waiting. The increasing presence of generics is
technology and high-quality generic products. R&D is
beneficial for big pharma as well as the generics market,
undoubtedly the right way forward. If Mexico is able to
since it opens up the sector to new innovative products.
understand the needs of foreign countries in terms of top mortality causes, healthcare systems, and purchasing
Q: How can pharmaceutical producers innovate in this
behaviors, millions of new potential consumers can be reached.
competitive market?
Mexico is lagging behind the OECD standard, in terms of R&D
A: Mexican pharmaceuticals are looking to offer fixed
investment, but plans to increase this spending by 1% by the
combinations of medicines by identifying ways to integrate
end of 2015 have been announced. Efforts should focus on
the active ingredients of two medicines into one pill. This
biotechnology as these are the products of the future. A
will reduce side effects and the number of pills in a dose,
group of Mexican pharmaceutical representatives recently
while increasing general comfort, which is especially helpful
travelled to South Korea to look for business opportunities in
for elderly people, who may to take five to six pills per day.
the biotech field through technology transfer initiatives. The
This is another way of adding value to a generic product.
aim of this trip was to reduce the time it will take Mexico to
Approximately 20% of the sanitary registries granted by
become a manufacturer of biotech products.
that we head the list of ATP’s with 30% of the total
A: First of all, we have to make a distinction between two
market share, from which more than 60% is focused
different entities. On the one hand we have the sanitary
on medicines (our core business), positioning TAPVS
health state regulators and, on the other hand, authorized
as the market leader. We also offer our customers the
third parties (ATP’s) as auxiliaries to the authority since the
evaluation of medical devices as well as facility inspection
1990’s health law reform. The Congress created this figure
to complement our services, making TAPVS a one-stop
as a tool of the Ministry of Health to increase its coverage by
shop option. To date, we have evaluated about 2,500
providing not only a Favorable Technical Opinion (FTO’s) of
application dossiers as an extension of coverage of the
marketing authorization licenses, but also a recognition of
Health Authority in order to reduce the release time of
bioequivalence. Initially, the third party figure rose ten years
the marketing authorizations.
ago with bioequivalence studies, since in order to have a marketing authorization license for generic drugs, this was
For the pharmaceutical industry we represent a better time
the main requirement. However, there are many other fields
to market, providing an 85% time reduction. We give our
in which ATP´s are applicable, such as the tequila industry.
clients the possibility of commercializing their products and at the same time help ensure that the Mexican population
In 2011, the Mexican authorities introduced the figure
has much freer access to medicines. Access leads to
of Authorized Third Parties in order to accelerate the
competition, which in turn leads to lower prices. The
authorization process of medicines and medical device
benefits are passed on to the people. One particular thing
applications. It is important to mention that COFEPRIS
we are proud of is that we have regulated new molecules to
has a wide coverage that ranges from cosmetic products
treat 70% of chronic diseases. This way, our work directly
to complex drugs molecules. No single institution could do
addresses the leading causes of death in Mexico including
this job alone — nor is there a budget in the world that could
diabetes, cardiovascular, respiratory, among others, and
possibly cover it. The Health Authority has used this tool to
directly influences the health of the country.
make their work more efficient. Q: What sorts of challenges do you face in your day-toWhen the opportunity came our way, we visualized
day activities?
TAPVS. During my time as head of the legal department
A: Our work means breaking barriers. We come to the
at COFEPRIS from 2000 to 2006, I established a strong
pharmaceutical industry with a fresh pair of eyes and we
background in regulatory law, as well as a long working
are committed to the safety and quality of products, which
period in the pharmaceutical industry. We synthesized both
means we have to be highly aligned with current regulations.
of these aspects of my career to create a company that
That is, if the product does not meet the standards set by
could provide services to the pharmaceutical industry by
the health authority COFEPRIS, we are jointly responsible
being an extension of the health authority.
for any effect on the health of the population. This means that our review has to be very thorough. We have a shared
Q: How do you measure your progress as an institution?
responsibility with the laboratory, helping to ensure that
A: We started TAPVS with 14 employees and have today
the product is perfect. The government does not absorb
become a company of more than 82. We expect to have
the cost of authorized third parties; it is the third party
100 employees by the end of 2015. About 80% of our team
itself who does. Likewise, the decision to go through this
is composed of technical professionals representing the
path depends only on the industry. Therefore it is not an
heart of TAPVS. We try to merge youth with experience,
imposition on the health authority, but an alternative.
creating a unique combination of professional reviewers,
which has had a high-end result in front of COFEPRIS and
Q: How does the work of TAPVS measure against similar
our clients. At present, COFEPRIS statistics demonstrate
institutions in other countries?
| REGULATION SPOTLIGHT A: Since we are not simply an advisory body, but a
regulatory one, our work is governed by executive
In March 2011, the federal government launched
legislation from a national level. Some of our multinational
a strategy that aimed to reinforce the position of
clients have begun to ask us to export our model abroad.
COFEPRIS as sanitary regulator and strengthen the
They have noticed that some countries have extremely
pharmaceutical policy, which had a backlog in the
slow regulatory agencies, or else have complicated
issuance of 8,000 applications for health supplies
barriers to entry that block access to that country’s market.
and long approval times. This was largely due to
As an authorized third party regulatory agency, we are
every document filed in COFEPRIS being processed
located outside the scope of government and commercial
through a single authorization lane. To expedite the
interests. This is what establishes our impartiality. If you
sanitary authorization process, specialized lanes were
look at the list of companies that have chosen us to work
implemented under a risk-based approach, enabling
with them, they are mostly multinational companies with
products to be properly categorized and evaluated.
high standards of compliance, so there is no favoritism.
In addition, two months later, in June 2011, public calls for authorized third parties were published in the
Q: Do you have any overseas expansion plans?
Official Journal of the Federation, with the objective
A: The scheme of authorized third parties as regulatory
of reducing sanitary authorization waiting times from
verification units exists nowhere else in the world. The
two years to four months.
concept of a third party in other countries is just as a certifying body. Other nations have a version of this
Third-party centers are entitled to evaluate the
process, but it is not the same as it is in Mexico. We are,
in essence, a private sector extension of the government.
renewals of sanitary registrations for medical devices
Some people and foreign governments have shown interest
or allopathic drugs, vitamins, and herbal drugs. In
in our model so as to translate it into one for their own
addition, they can conduct verification visits for the
countries. We have to explain to them what the scheme
certification of good manufacturing practices. There
of an authorized third party is, along with its benefits, to
are 18 authorized third-party companies currently
make it cross borders. This of course is always based on
in operation and, to date, 3,561 products have been
the best practices that guide us in the Mexican legislature.
authorized in less than 20 days. This has allowed
COFEPRIS to significantly reduce the processing Q: What is your short-term development plan?
time of each individual filing. For instance, processing
A: Firstly, we want to obtain biotechnology certifications.
times for new product registrations have been
Until we have these documents in our hands, we will not
reduced by two years on average. The approval of
consider this year to have been successful. We are also
these registrations was carried out by 86 evaluators in
seeking approval to regulate other categories of medicines,
the verification units, who contribute to the activities
including vitamin supplements. This will help reach the overall
performed by 138 evaluators in COFEPRIS. In this way,
number of products entering the market. Another wider
besides being a unique model in the world, third-
goal is to keep up our standards, continuing to build the
party centers represent the right arm of COFEPRIS
pharmaceutical industry’s trust in us. We have most recently
when it comes to improving processing times, which
expanded into technology, an area in which we had been
are now competitive in global markets.
pushing to enter for quite some time, as well as vaccinations. Controlled drugs are already under our mandate, so we are
currently reviewing regulations on drug categories 4, 5, and 6, along with vitamins. Given our pioneer status in the
discussions with Colombian regulators, so concretizing that relationship is the next step. Regulatory bodies in Peru, Bolivia, and Venezuela have made inquiries about our model and how it can be transferred to their own markets. Finally, regulatory bodies in Argentina have presented us with their authorities’ structures, so this indicates the beginning of a sharing relationship there.
Process type
export the model to other countries. We have had productive
the Mexican market, we believe we have the know-how to
field of regulation and our strongly established position in
COFEPRIS approval
Pre-authorized approval
COFEPRIS approval
Pre-authorized approval
COFEPRIS approval
Pre-authorized approval .05 months 0
25 30
Q: What are the main milestones of the School of
for doctors are centralized and certain areas of Mexico,
mainly large cities, have an excess of doctors, while rural
A: The School of Medicine has more than 436 years of
areas have a shortage. This is a socioeconomic problem as
history and has long been influential in the way Mexico
doctors naturally seek work where the best opportunities
develops its medical human resources. We are closely
are available. The health sector must stimulate migration
affiliated with the country’s health sector as a whole and
to unpopular areas, perhaps by establishing different
have 3,568 professors and approximately 18,000 students,
payment plans and incentives. Infrastructure must also
of which 7,000 are undergraduate students and 11,000 are
be overhauled in order to address these problems, which
postgraduate students. Every year we receive between 800
requires solutions from both the Ministry of Finance and
and 1,000 students while 850 students graduate. Most of
the Ministry of Health. In my opinion, we have a sufficient
our undergraduate students join the university through the
number of general practitioners and we may soon have an
direct admissions system based on high grades obtained at
excess in comparison with international parameters. This is
high schools affiliated with the university, while there are 300
potentially problematic as these doctors might soon face
additional places for which 16,000 students compete each
problems finding employment.
year. Since the process is highly competitive, we can ensure that we welcome the best students available and provide
Q: Are doctors inside pharmacies affecting the sector?
them with the most comprehensive education possible.
A: While this vision may have been initially beneficial, the
To enter our graduate program, 40,000 candidates take a
phenomenon is now beginning to have a negative impact
national examination based on which 7,500 are selected.
on the health sector. In theory the practice is beneficial as it increases the availability of medical services, however the
Q: What are the most important changes that have been
problem is that these small consulting rooms do not provide
made to the curriculum during your tenure?
quality care and often sell only the medicines available
A: The school updates its curriculum approximately every six
at that specific pharmacy. The practice must be better
years. The latest changes were made in 2010, thus the next
regulated by the government and improvements must be
update will be implemented between 2016 and 2017. The
made in order to ensure that they have all the necessary
most recent updates involved a deep and comprehensive
diagnostic equipment needed to provide quality care. This
approach to the shifts in Mexico’s epidemiological profile,
practice is also detrimental to general practitioners since,
focusing mainly on degenerative diseases. Our goal is,
while it provides them with steady work, salaries are low.
and has always been, to prepare doctors according to the needs of the population. This curriculum accounts for
Q: What are your main research priorities?
both Mexico’s aging population and the rise in chronic
A: We carry more than 120 different research lines
degenerative diseases, including hypertension, diabetes
conducted by 280 researchers. Our research lines are on
mellitus, rheumatism, and Alzheimer’s, among others.
par with those of developed countries, and the only area
We are including new subjects such as geriatrics and are
for improvement is the transfer of knowledge. UNAM
updating several programs to provide an improved focus
is currently prioritizing improvement of the technology
on nutrition, diabetes, and hypertension. Despite this we
transfer process from simply generating ideas to developing
will not disregard infectious diseases.
inventions and patents. To increase the probability of research projects reaching the market, we have created a
Q: What can be done to mitigate the shortage of
division focused exclusively on the transfer of technology,
specialists in certain medical areas?
which will allow researchers to send their patents to a
A: The health sector has been developing disproportionately,
centralized system to facilitate their incorporation into the
creating an excess of physicians in certain specialties and a
market by making technologies available to companies
shortage in others. Another problem is that most resources
who may wish to commercialize them.
THE SECTORIAL PROGRAM FOR HEALTH 2013-2018 One of the goals of the National Development Plan 2013 –
2018 is for an inclusive country, and health plays an essential
The Universal Vaccination Program is one of the most
role for welfare and human capital. President Enrique Peña
developed in the world with 14 vaccines, which, along
Nieto stated in the Sectorial Program for Healthcare 2013
with an integral strategy aimed at controlling most of the
– 2018, that it is necessary to promote a transformation of
vaccine-preventable infectious diseases, managed to cover
Mexico’s 70 year old National Healthcare System in order
88.6% of children under one year old. During the three
to adapt to the current social, economic, epidemiologic,
National Health Weeks, more than 34 million vaccines
demographic, technological, and environmental changes.
were administered, while 29 million doses were applied in
This program is the instrument through which the Federal
the influenza season. Moreover, preventive actions were
Government establishes the strategies and actions to
taken against potential entrance of Chikungunya virus,
achieve the goals concerning healthcare defined in the
including notifying the epidemiologic system and training
National Development Plan. With six core objectives, 39
for surveillance units all over the country. MX$69.2 million
strategies and 274 action lines, it indicates the pathway
were allocated as soon as the first case of transmission
toward achieving a universal healthcare system.
was confirmed in the state of Chiapas in November 2014.
both the population and the National Healthcare System as malignant tumors are the third cause of death in the
2. Ensuring effective access to quality healthcare
country. A very important strategy for ensuring effective
access to quality healthcare services includes improving
3. Reduction of risks affecting the health of the
cancer detection and access to treatment, especially for
population in any activity
breast, cervical, and prostate cancer. In 2014 more than 2
4. Removal of gaps related to health between
million mammograms were carried out in the public sector
different social groups and regions in Mexico
and 2,396 and 1,872 new cases of breast and cervical
5. Ensuring generation and effective use of health
cancer were respectively diagnosed early. In addition,
resources of
detection of cancer. This represents a growing concern for
promotion and disease prevention actions
6. Construction
Unlike developed countries, Mexico has low rates of early
THE SIX OBJECTIVES 1. Consolidation
1,292 medical professionals were trained in detection and
control of breast cancer.
Healthcare System under the leadership of the Ministry of Health
Central to health is the improvement of access to quality, safety, and efficacy of drugs and medical
supplies. COFEPRIS continues to increase the number
One of the most prominent strategies implemented within
of new molecules approved as well as the number of
the aforementioned first objective is the National Strategy
released molecules for generics registrations, and has
for Prevention and Control of Overweight, Obesity, and
been recognized by the WHO and PAHO as a reference
Diabetes. It comprises actions such as developing prevention
regulatory agency.
promoting physical activity among individuals, families,
The introduction of universal healthcare is arguably
and in schools and communities; improving monitoring
the most pivotal of all the objectives. The current
systems for diabetes, hypertension, dyslipidemia, and
administration aims to guarantee access to healthcare
overweight and obesity; and early diagnosis of the latter
for all Mexicans according to the Constitution. Seguro
in schools, workplaces, and communities. The “Chécate,
Popular has now registered 57.3 million people, a general
Mídete, Muévete” campaign was found to encourage 61%
population coverage increse of 3.1%, and a 4.7% increase to
of the audience to make lifestyle changes, according to the
elderly coverage since 2013. Integration of the system also
Ministry of Health.
took some steps forward with collaboration agreements between the different institutions at federal and state
Strategies for health protection against transmissible
level. IMSS-Prospera signed agreements with Seguro
Popular, ISSSTE, and the states of Oaxaca and Chiapas,
implemented, early
while SEDENA and SEMAR were incorporated into the
treatment. Strengthening the epidemiologic surveillance
services exchange program of the General Agreement of
system is key to improving decisions concerning control,
behavior, with sedentary lifestyles causing obesity, which
in turn could increase medical costs by 30%. Deaths from
PARTNERSHIPS (PPPS) By José Alarcón, Partner at PwC -
chronic degenerative illnesses are expected to increase
With an estimated 16% of Mexican citizens who still
by 15% in the next decade. Moreover, climate change and
cannot access medical care, PWC Partner and Leader of
resource scarcity will have a massive impact on healthcare,
Healthcare Practice José Alarcón Irigoyen believes that the
as by 2050 it is estimated that 50% more energy, 40% more
system could be on the brink of a collapse, which could
water and 35% more food will be required in order to satisfy
provoke reform and a complete overhaul of the system.
the expanding population. The implication of the need for
Alarcón believes change must be accelerated through
more resources will be huge if the Seguro Popular system
collaboration between the public and private healthcare
attempts to remain operating under the current system.
sectors. Alarcón cites five mega trends that are changing the face of medical cover, not only in Mexico but globally.
One of the most significant trends of this generation is the
The first trend is changing demographics driven by a rapidly
speed of technological advancement. In 2003, a global
expanding middle class and an ageing population. By 2030,
population of 6.3 billion people was using 500 million
it is predicted that spending on the middle classes will reach
connected devices. By 2020, with a predicted population
US$55.7 trillion, an increase of over 250% compared with
of 7.6 billion, there are expected to be 50 billion connected
US$21.3 trillion in 2009. By 2050, 21% of the world population
devices, which equates to roughly 6.5 devices per person.
will be 60 years old or above. Alarcón also believes that the
Technology, according to Alarcón, has the potential in the
evolution of Mexico’s population will be very different to
medical field to transmit more complex services to more
that of other demographics, such as Asia and Europe.
remote regions and the evaluation of new technologies will be imperative in the fight to reduce costs. New generations
The second trend explored by Alarcón is the change in
are also looking to access medical care through new
economic power. The E7 countries will increase their
channels and patients are increasingly looking for a
combined GDP to US$138.2 trillion by 2050, eclipsing the
customer experience from their health providers, such as
UD$69.3 trillion which will be held by G7 countries the
they would experience from any other industry. In order
USA, Japan, Germany, the UK, France, Italy, and Canada.
to account for these changes, Alarcón believes that they
The implication of a growing GDP, says Alarcón, will be a
have to be faced on three levels. The first is on a country-
growing demand for healthcare. Healthcare will also be
wide scale, through measures to ensure efficiency and
impacted by accelerated urbanization, with most of the
effectiveness. This will be the responsibility of public,
population of the Americas becoming urbanized by 2030.
private and industrial sectors, as well as continents and
By 2020, it is estimated that four out of every 100 people
regions and will ensure political and macroeconomic
in the world will be Hispano-Americans, developing the role
stability, balance, intra-industrial competitiveness, human
of the Latin-American community within the international
healthcare system. In turn, urbanization impacts intrinsic
measure will be within specific sectors and will focus
CURRENT HEALTHCARE PROVIDER FOCUS AND AREAS REQUIRING FURTHER ATTENTION Current Healthcare Provider Focus and Areas Requiring Further Attention (Source PwC)
Continuum of care Preventive Care Primary Care Immediate Care Specialty Visit Diagnostics Complementary Treatment Emergency Care Hospital Services Rehabilitation Care Long-term Care Specialized Nursing Residential Care End-of-life Care further attention is needed
Further Attention is Needed
health providers generally focus on these areas
Health Providers Generally Focus on These Areas Source: PwC
on transparency, with oversight by suppliers, providers,
focus onto areas like preventive and primary care and
lenders and regulators. This sector will take into account
specialized healthcare would mean more effective use of
research and development, investments, and regulation of
the budget due to early detection of illnesses and therefore
healthcare. The third level will be the responsibility of the
less pressure on the public healthcare system. With this
individual entity with a focus on compliance and regulated
multichannel approach that is already implemented in places
by legal bodies and companies. The responsibility of this,
like the Basque Country and the UK using call centers and
segment will be the monitoring of controls, information
technology, the private sector could provide the infrastructure
and communication and risk assessment.
and charge according to use. Another accelerator discussed by Alarcรณn in which the public and private healthcare sectors
If nothing changes, Alarcรณn believes, the cost of the public
could work cohesively is through strategic purchasing. The
healthcare industry will increase to breaking point. At the
public sector would offer contracts to the private sector in
same time, the shortage of qualified healthcare professionals
certain areas, for example buying medical supplies in bulk. In
is expected to increase from 7.2 million in 2013 to 12.9 million
effect, all of the medical supply companies would enter into
by 2035. As a result, qualified healthcare professionals will
bidding wars for large public contracts and therefore more
be moving from developing to developed countries, meaning
competitive prices would be available for the public sector.
that educated healthcare professionals are becoming scarce in developing populations. At the current rate, the world will
Accelerator four would provide private companies with
require 2.2 million hospital beds, two million extra doctors
payment based on results delivered. In this way, a shift in
and six million extra nurses by 2034. With appropriate
priorities would be required from targeting monetary input
measures in place, a saving of US$90 trillion could be made.
to focusing on outputs. Spending on medical staff and
Mexico would be required to spend an additional 1.5% of its
equipment would obviously still be needed, but rather than
GDP in addition to the current 6.2% spent on healthcare in
trying to stem the spiraling health problem, preventive care
order to meet demand.
and early detection would be incentivized, and this in turn would result in better outcomes for the patient, therefore
According to Alarcรณn, sharing resources between the
relieving the strain of reactionary healthcare.
public and the private sectors could be an effective way to alleviate the pressure on Seguro Popular. With the access
The final accelerator would maximize technology use.
and quality offered by the public sector, as well as the
Using mHealth, better connections can be made with
efficiency and innovation that the private sector contributes,
patients in rural areas and the quality of care could be
the system could be remodeled using a combination of five
improved allowing medical staff to optimize time. Using
accelerators. The first accelerator proposed by Alarcรณn is
this technology, Alarcรณn estimates that the total healthcare
comprehensive funding for synergy between the public
costs could be reduced by US$3.8 billion, freeing up 10%
and private sectors, which can be done in a number of
of the current healthcare spending for reinvestment in
ways. Firstly, with competitive a Seguro Popular, the
research and development projects. The system could
also provide an additional 2.3 million patients with access
services to private institutions. Another method would be
to healthcare. In the Monica Pretelini Hospital in Toluca,
increasing efficiency in a small number of specialized areas
robots have already been introduced to support physicians,
by working with private institutions. A more comprehensive
facilitate medical education in hard to reach areas, reduce
option would be for the government to subcontract
travel costs and increase operating room response times,
privatized healthcare for the 90 million Mexicans who do
with encouraging results.
not have access to medical cover, dividing the costs of those who are able to pay and those who are not. Finally,
In Mexico, a major problem facing the healthcare system is
certain procedures that are oversubscribed in the Seguro
the focus on reactionary care rather than preventive care.
Popular system, such as dialysis, could be contracted to
Although in the short term, implementation of preventive
private insurance companies.
care may be costly for the public health system, the private sector could support this process by implementing the
The second accelerator would be the implementation of
five accelerators and over the long term, public healthcare
networks in order to better proportion the type of medical
costs could be reduced significantly. This system could
attention given to patients. For example, at the moment,
not only save the government a considerable amount of
money, and result in a healthier workforce, allowing the
emergency rooms and diagnostics. However, shifting the
country to prosper further.
Comprising social security institutions and the Ministry of Health at the federal and state levels, the Mexican public healthcare system is striving to achieve universal coverage and integration.
With this goal in mind, the major institutions are moving towards unifying payment systems and undertaking consolidated purchases, an approach which in 2015 resulted in savings of up to MX$4.6 billion. Access to healthcare services has improved with Seguro Popular covering 55.6 million people in 2014 and the total healthcare spending growing from MX$231 billion in 2004 to MX$524 billion in 2013. Nevertheless, challenges such as reaching the four million people with no coverage, avoiding affiliates duplication, and addressing quality issues remain paramount.
This chapter aims to provide an overview of the efforts made by the major institutions to improve access to healthcare services. We also look at prevention programs, innovative models, and education and research projects executed by the Ministry of Health and the National Health Institutes. Perspectives from the key industry figures are presented and examined.
HIGHLIGHTS • Changing landscape of the public healthcare sector • Integration of the sector • Consolidated purchases • Prevention programs • Professionalizing research
ANALYSIS: Transformations Awaiting the Public Sector
INSIGHT: Dr. José Antonio González Anaya, IMSS
VIEW FROM THE TOP: Pablo Kuri Morales, Undersecretary of SPPS
VIEW FROM THE TOP: Dr. Gabriel O’Shea, National Commissioner of Seguro Popular
ANALYSIS: Looking Back at Ten Years of Seguro Popular
ANALYSIS: The Road to Public Market for New Medicines
SPOTLIGHT: Consolidating Public Purchases
EXPERT OPINION: Joaquín Miranda, IMS Health
ANALYSIS: Unbalanced Human Capital Supplies
VIEW FROM THE TOP: Dra. Teresa Corona Vázquez, INNN
VIEW FROM THE TOP: Dr. David Kershenobich Stalnikowitz, INCMNSZ
VIEW FROM THE TOP: Dr. Antelmo Abelardo Meneses García, INCAN
TRANSFORMATIONS AWAITING THE PUBLIC SECTOR The Mexican public healthcare system is composed
purchases, IMSS led the major purchase of medicines and
of mutually complementary services provided to 1,182
medical supplies for 2015 which involved ISSSTE, PEMEX,
hospitals by both, the Ministry of Health and social
SEDENA, SEMAR, 21 national institutes of health, and 16
security. Total public expenditure on healthcare increased
federal states with savings of MX$4.6 billion.
by 127% between 2004 and 2013, from MX$231 billion to MX$524 billion, representing 3.3% of the GDP. The Ministry
Some of the remaining challenges include improving access
of Health that includes hospitals, National Institutes of
to services and avoiding duplicated coverage. For instance,
Health, and supports Seguro Popular relies on Federal
and State financing. On the other hand, social security
Expenditure (FPGC) integrated 208 suppliers for medical
includes institutions like IMSS, ISSSTE, PEMEX, SEDENA,
care - including private and public clinics – located mostly
and SEMAR, which receive funding from individuals,
in Mexico City, State of Mexico, Jalisco, Tamaulipas, and
employers, and workers. In 2014, 57,952,000 people were
Guanajuato, while the other states still have few providers.
affiliated with IMSS and 12,753,000 with ISSSTE, while
In addition, the Superior Audit of the Federation (ASF)
in 2012 PEMEX possessed 755,000 affiliates, SEDENA
estimated that nearly four million Mexicans had no access
832,000 and SEMAR 279,000. Seguro Popular provided
to any healthcare institution this year. Yet 12.7 million
cover for over 55.6 million people in 2014.
people affiliated to Seguro Popular are also covered by
IMSS, ISSSTE, PEMEX, and IMSS Oportunidades, therefore, As part of the National Development Plan 2013 – 2018, The
through closer collaboration, institutions could avoid
Sectorial Program of Health imposed the guidelines for
duplicating affiliates in order to allocate adequate resources
achieving a universal and integrated national health system.
to those who cannot access healthcare.
Attempts have been made to integrate public healthcare institutions, such as the unification of the payment system
Demographic and epidemiological changes are galvanizing
and a move toward consolidated purchases. Dr. Gabriel
the generation of strategic collaborations with the private
O’Shea, National Commissioner of Seguro Popular believes
sector. IMSS spent MX$29 million on private hemodialysis
“the merger will concern portability and convergence, with
and radiotherapy services in 2014. In addition, it has
the primary goal for convergence being unifying payment
manifested its intention to subrogate more services,
scales.” Despite the fact that a consensus has not yet been
including treatment for 16,000 people with diabetes, a
reached, over 15 different meetings have been held to
contract for which 16 private companies were interested
improve dialogue between IMSS, ISSSTE, Seguro Popular,
in participating in tenders. ISSSTE outsources auxiliary
and the Ministry of Health. Regarding consolidated
services for diagnostics as well as physiotherapy treatments.
Creation of Hospital General de México
Creation of social services to provide healthcare to rural communities
IMSS starts providing services in Mexico City
IMSSCOPLAMAR becomes IMSS Solidaridad
Creation of the General Health Council
Creation of IMSS
Creation of ISSSTE
Enactment of the General Law of Health
Sources: Ministry of Health and COFEPRIS
Creation of the Ministry of Health and Assistance
Creation of social services to provide healthcare to rural communities
Lack of specialists has been particularly problematic, since Mexico has two general physicians and specialists per 1,000 people, while the OECD average is 3.2. According to Dr. Enrique Graue, Director of the Faculty of Medicine of UNAM, the health sector has developed inconsistently, causing an excess of physicians in certain specialties and a shortage in others. Additionally, for some areas of Mexico – mainly large cities – there is a surplus of doctors, while rural areas are facing shortages. Addressing the issue, Dr. Teresa Corona, Director General of the National Institute of Neurology and Neurosurgery (INNN) said, “patients living in different regions do not have access to these resources, obliging them to travel to one of these three cities [Mexico City, Monterrey, and Guadalajara] and representing a burden for the National Institutes of Health.” To solve this, she goes on, “health services in every single state could be consolidated to increase the number
from endocrinologists, cardiologists, ophthalmologists,
of general and specialty hospitals.” As for Dr. David
nutritionists, and psychiatrists on a monthly basis, and as
Kershenobich, Director General of the National Institute
they develop better awareness of the implications of their
of Medical Science and Nutrition (INCMNSZ), the problem
disease and learn how to manage it, they are then given
is not dictated by a shortage of specialists but on a lack
annual appointments.”
of general practitioners. The INCMNSZ has implemented telemedicine solutions to provide support to doctors in
In addition to creating innovative models for medical
several parts of Mexico.
care, research is now at the core of the National Institutes of Health’s strategy. The INNN has developed a research
Quality is increasingly becoming prioritized among the
line on neurocysticercosis – a common infectious disease
Ministry of Health, IMSS, ISSSTE, PEMEX, SEDENA, and
in Mexico – as well as neurodegenerative diseases such
ISSEMyM, with 18 hospitals belonging to the institutions
as Parkinson’s disease and dementia. The INCMNSZ is
accredited by the General Health Council. Generating
establishing a promising research line to elucidate the
innovative models is vital in offering more comprehensive
role of the interaction between intestinal microbiota and
medical care. For instance the INCMNSZ implemented a
human genes in developing chronic diseases. Moreover,
new treatment model that could be easily incorporated
into the health system. Dr. Kershenobich explains “in
institutions such as the Broad Institute of MIT and
INCMNSZ, patients with diabetes no longer visit the
Harvard to identify Mexican gene variants associated to
Creation of COFEPRIS
1992 The Ministry of Health and Assistance becomes the Ministry of Health
Modification to the General Law of Health strengthening COFEPRIS
2003 Creation of the System of Social Protection in Health (Seguro Popular)
Creation of the National Center for Technological Excellence in Health (CENETEC)
2005 Seguro Popular incorporates 31 states
COFEPRIS introduces the Program for the Continuous Liberation of Generics
Modification to the General Law of Health including generic names into medical prescriptions
COFEPRIS recognized as a regulatory reference agency by PAHO
PURCHASING POWERHOUSE BRINGING BETTER HEALTHCARE As the most important health institution in Mexico, the
month in order to renew their prescription. Now doctors
Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS) currently has
can provide re-fillable prescriptions to those patients,
two main priorities: to improve the quality and speed of
which save time and can be used for up to three months.
medical services, and to financially heal the institution.
Patients with these prescriptions can visit the pharmacy at
The institute is constantly faced with difficult decisions, as,
IMSS to pick up medication without visiting their doctors,
while the health needs of the population keep growing, the
releasing seven million spaces for consultations.
budget to meet those needs does not. Thus, IMSS must constantly evaluate the effectiveness of the measures
The institute also has strong plans to renew and expand its
it implements in order to decide the best way to spend
infrastructure, thus it has developed an ambitious program
its budget, always taking into consideration the need to
for this purpose in which MX$5 billion (US$333 million) will
improve services for its affiliates. As IMSS states, “the most
be invested in 2015. This expansion program will promote
important part is ensuring the best possible impact for the
the growth of medical units under savings and efficiency
70 million Mexicans that we are responsible for.”
criteria. In order to do this, a new model for medical
“Consolidated purchases have allowed IMSS to save a total of MX$4.5 billion (US$300 million) in the past two years.”
Dr. José Antonio González Anaya, Director General of IMSS
Last year, IMSS faced an substancial deficit that led it
units, which takes into account the needs of our affiliates,
to implement a process for financial healing. By the
was created. Through an analysis of IMSS infrastructure,
president’s instructions, from the beginning of the current
existing demand, and productivity of existing infrastructure,
administration, IMSS implemented a series of measures
the locations where it was necessary to prioritize new
to raise the productivity and efficiency of the services
infrastructure were determined. The considered expansion
provided by IMSS, without increasing the financial
for 2015 includes the construction of 28 new units for general
resources invested in them. In order to do this, the institute
practitioners and the substitution of 12 in bad condition or
established a program focused on the deregulation,
which are located on sublet property. Recently, the new
Hospital General Regional de Reynosa was put into partial
became the most ambitious program in its history. IMSS
operation and now second level hospitals in Villa de Alvarez,
also aims to strengthen transparency and competency
Leon, Nogales, and El Marques are under construction, and
for all buying processes, due to the fact that it is the
tenders will soon begin for four more hospitals.
second largest purchaser of goods and services in the
country. Additionally, the institute intends to increase the
In 2015, IMSS led the largest consolidated purchase of
excellence of medical attention. An example of the results
medications for the public sector, which incorporated 42
of these measures is the digitalization of worker-employer
participants and consisted of about MX$51 billion (US$340
fees, which 650,000 out of 800,000 registered businesses
million). This acquisition represented savings of MX$4 billion
now pay online. This measure allowed the institute to
in comparison to 2014, which, added to the savings from
save MX$200 million a year on bank commissions, mail
2013, represent a total of MX$8.3 billion (US$533 million) for
commissions, and paper. Another example is consolidated
all participants. For IMSS, savings from these consolidated
purchases of medications, which are now led by IMSS for
purchases for this year represented MX$2.5 billion (US$166
the health sector as a whole. These purchases allow several
million), which, added to the MX$2 billion (US$133 million)
institutions to buy medicines and supplies at wholesale
savings of last year, represent a total of MX$4.5 billion
prices, which are very low. This initiative has allowed IMSS
(US$300 million) savings. To strengthen this integral strategy,
to save MX$4 billion on medicines over the last two years,
in March 2015, IMSS implemented the pilot program called
enabling it to buy more. Finally, the institute has created
Vales Medicamentos (Medication Vouchers) in Mexico City.
re-fillable prescriptions. Previously, some patients with
This program allows patients to acquire medicine at any of
controlled chronic degenerative diseases, such as diabetes
IMSS’ 60 pharmacies in Mexico City if it is not available from
and hypertension, had to visit their main practitioner every
the local general practitioner’s unit. This program has been
highly successful. At this point the institution is buying 20%
12% for children between five and nine years of age. During
of medicines and expending MX$4 billion (US$260 million)
that same period, the number of diabetes diagnoses has
less in order to ensure opportune supply to help patients
risen from 2.1 million to 7.4 million, and early detection has
acquire their medicines as soon as possible.
expanded to the age of 20. Given the importance of early nutrition, a change was implemented to the eating regimes
Mexico is facing an epidemiological shift with chronic
of IMSS’ daycares in 2013. As a result, a significant decrease
non-communicable diseases affecting a larger number of
on the percentage of overweight and obese children from
Mexicans than infectious ones. This situation has grown to
two to five years old was perceived. “From January 2013 to
the point that if the government does not invest enough
May 2015, we perceived that children who spent more time in
to handle these diseases, the costs associated to obesity
IMSS daycare would pass from an overweight or obese status
and diabetes will completely consume the budget for public
to a normal weight,” IMSS mentioned. “On average, 4% of
health services by 2050. In order to tackle this growing
overweight children and 7% of obese children who attended
problem, several government institutions are implementing
for less than a year reduced their weight to a normal level.
strategies to handle these diseases, including IMSS. While
When children attended between one and two years, these
the rate of these diseases is growing, for the last few years
percentages were raised to 18% and 21%, respectively, while
the institution has managed to reduce the mortality rate
they were again raised to 45% and 27% respectively for
linked to chronic non-communicable diseases in comparison
children who attended for more than two years.”
to the rest of the health sector. Even so, IMSS believes that there are still opportunities to improve the efficiency of
prevention processes and detection and control of patients
responsibilities. The institute states that “the results we have
without raising costs.
obtained these last two years do not mean that the financial
pressures of the institute have been solved, there is still a lot of On the matter of prevention, IMSS has focused on increasing
work to be done and the challenges for the next few years are
the number of preventive checkups through PREVENIMSS,
still formidable.” The reduction in the use of reserves in 2013
a highly successful program. Through the last decade, the
managed to place the institution on an inflexion point which
number of checkups went from eight million to 29 million by
set the way towards a healing process of its financial situation.
the end of 2014. The goal for this year is to get to 30 million
For IMSS, 2014 was a year for consolidation of results, since
of checkups for PREVENIMSS. IMSS has also successfully
the use of reserves was halved for the second consecutive
led the program Chécate, Mídete, Muévete, managing to
year while the service was improved. The results accomplished
align the efforts of the government to change Mexico’s
over the last few years will give the institute financial breathing
eating and exercise habits. In order to handle diabetes,
room and allow it to expand its infrastructure and consolidate
strong efforts have been implemented for early detection.
and institutionalize its services in 2015 and the rest of this
Between 2006 and 2014, the child obesity rate monitored
administration. These improvements will provide tangible
by IMSS diminished from 6.3% to 5.8% and from 14.8% to
benefits in favor of the more than 70 million affiliates.
PUBLIC HEALTH CENTRAL TO NATIONAL WEALTH PABLO KURI MORALES Undersecretary of Prevention and Health Promotion at the Ministry of Health (SPPS) Q: What is the most concerning aspect of Mexico’s
universal coverage of all necessary services, devices, and
epidemiological profile?
medicines: preventive medicine, quality of medical care,
A: The major challenge in Mexico seems to be the rise in
and effective access to healthcare services. The objective
non-communicable diseases, as well as the prevalence
is to work alongside medical professionals, doctors, nurses,
of emerging and reemerging diseases, meaning that
and social workers, who have to be constantly trained.
resources within the health sector must be optimized.
Physicians and nurses are generally concentrated in large
The Mexican public health system registers 44 million
cities for several reasons, such as financial gain, access to
diagnoses per year, of which about 26 million constitute
proper training and facilities, and recognition, so there is
respiratory diseases and five million gastrointestinal
no encouragement to move and work in rural areas. Also,
diseases, while urinary tract infections are the third most
we do not have a proper evaluation system to analyze the
prevalent. Despite the fact that chronic diseases such as
quality of their work and properly incentivize them.
hypertension and diabetes account for only the fourth highest diagnostic rate, they are the leading cause of death
Q: What would such an evaluation system look like?
in the country. While the SPPS identifies and addresses the
A: Since many people work in rural communities, it is
problems, these conditions often arise because of a lack
more difficult for us to evaluate their performance and
of communication, education, or finances, and as a result
measure the impact of the healthcare policies that we are
it is necessary to develop comprehensive approaches to
implementing. In order to provoke change, we are working
alleviate the impact of these problems.
to establish an independent system, which will be operated and coordinated by the Autonomous University of Nuevo
Q: What actions are required in order to address these
Leon (UANL). The university is currently finalizing the
problems effectively?
three strict indicators that will be applied to all the policies
A: We must ensure that universal coverage becomes a
implemented by the government and when complete,
reality, which means creating a system where people
these will be applied comprehensively across the Mexican
have comprehensive access to treatment instead of being
states. While Mexican states are decentralized, their health
insured in name only. Preventive medicine, quality of
strategies are aligned to the national strategy and since
medical care, and effective access to healthcare services
July 2014, when this program became a priority, we have
must be developed in order to support universal coverage
become aware of the contributions of each Mexican state
to all services, devices, and medicines. The main objective
to the national goal. We published a baseline for this
is to work alongside medical professionals, doctors, nurses,
information at the end of the second quarter of 2015,
and social workers, providing constant training while
which will now be updated every six months.
providing motivation through new incentives. Physicians and nurses are generally concentrated in large cities, with
Q: In what other ways can communication be facilitated in
little incentive to move and work in rural areas, a personnel
order to ensure resources are not squandered?
shortage which is exacerbated by the fact that we do not
A: There is a problematic lack of communication between
have a proper evaluation system to analyze the quality of
states and between different levels of government, such as
work and provide adequate incentives.
Secretariats of Health in each state and federal authorities, as well as information breakdowns between the managerial
Q: What are the actions that need to be carried out in
level and operational level within the states. This is why we
order to increase the diagnosis of chronic diseases?
are making an integral effort to improve our communication
A: Mexico does not have a diagnostics problem, the main
strategy, and since communication greatly depends on
issue is that we have to secure universal coverage, where
individual authority, this problem can be solved by strong
people have real access to the system instead of being
leaders. We hold meetings every 45 days to communicate
insured in name only. Three pillars are needed to support
the necessary guidelines that the states must follow, and
these meetings are complemented by national annual or
in urban areas, where many parents are not at home for
bi-annual conferences. Current technologies also allow us
meals and cannot consistently monitor the products
to hold meetings remotely.
consumed by their children. In large cities, it is also difficult for children to walk to school due to a complex number of
Q: What prevention programs is the SPPS currently
factors, making them more reliant on cars, and although
implementing, and how are they structured?
there have been initiatives to solve this, more attention is
A: One of our famous media campaigns is named
“Chécate, Mídete, Muévete” (Check Yourself, Measure Yourself, Move Yourself), which constitutes the first phase
of an awareness raising project about the importance of
implementing prevention programs?
monitoring health indicators, and will be complemented
A: The main problem is a lack of personal responsibility
by a second phase in which we offer implementation
and we must educate the public to take responsibility
techniques. Another program included changes to Article
for their health and that of their families. For instance we
3 of the Mexican Constitution to prohibit the sale of
provide information about risks associated with vector-
unhealthy products in schools. We are also developing
borne diseases, and its pervasiveness within unhygienic
care networks for diabetic patients, with demonstrative
environments with accumulation of garbage. We have
projects in 21 states, and while these only cover primary or
also observed that implementation varies greatly from
secondary care, they also work as an outreach program for
program to program and easier initiatives to implement
people in remote communities. Moreover, there is a pilot
are generally those for which only environmental changes
program underway to create electronic registrations for all
are required, such as using insecticides to kill mosquitoes
patients and we have also changed regulations to prohibit
carrying dengue fever, and due to administration of a single
all advertisements of sugary beverages to children while
injection, vaccination programs tend to be straightforward.
creating a new tax structure for these products.
We find that is it more difficult to impact ingrained habits
and influence people to make long-term, significant Q: On what basis are the prevention programs created?
lifestyle changes, even to the detriment of their health.
A: Public healthcare policy requires consistency as each administration inherits the legacy of that which precedes
Q: Which strategies will be implemented to prevent chronic
it, and this government has certainly built upon the
diseases from consuming the public health budget?
experiences of previous ones. Due to feedback from
A: We already allocate a significant proportion of the
international forums provided by organizations such as the
healthcare budget to treatment of chronic diseases and
WHO, the majority of health programs may be reinvented
addressing their further reaching implications. We know
or relaunched, using experiences from national and global
that 70% of Mexicans are overweight, the majority of whom
best practice. However, addressing healthcare challenges
will subsequently present symptoms of chronic diseases at
is not solely a government responsibility and requires a
some point in their lives. At the current rate, it appears
considerable contribution from society as a whole.
that complications caused by these diseases will consume the budget and even require exponentially increased
Q: How are the funds collected from the sugar tax being
healthcare expenditure. Although the problem has existed
distributed to promote health?
for many years, Mexico is only now beginning to react by
A: Due to previous issues with similar public programs,
changing healthcare guidelines, but several decades are
general taxes such as these cannot be earmarked for a
required in order to truly have positive impacts and invert
specific purpose. A small percentage of the proceedings
the trends. Our current strategies are modest but we have
collected from the sugar tax were given to public
formulated three realistic and comprehensive goals, the
schools, a contribution that must be complemented
results of which can only be measured over the long term.
by municipalities acting to enforce federal regulations
We want to reduce the speed at which these diseases
and monitor the products sold in schools. Article 114
grow, increase the number of people receiving adequate
of the Mexican Constitution stipulates the duties of
treatment, and implement prevention strategies across
municipalities, and these terms include protecting the
Mexico. Other groups have tried to launch strategies to
health of their citizens, which is an issue that presently
combat chronic diseases, but providing medicine alone
lacks a committed approach. For example, the prevalence
will prove an ineffective method without the cooperation
of obesity in children would be greatly reduced if families
of the Mexican public in changing inherent lifestyle
were adequately educated about healthy eating, and
habits, and the incorporation of environmental and social
the nutrition problem tends to be a more concentrated
THE FIRST LINE OF DEFENSE FOR PUBLIC HEALTHCARE DR. GABRIEL O’SHEA National Commissioner of Seguro Popular Q: As the National Commissioner for Seguro Popular,
diseases, including breast cancer, uterine cancer, prostate
what can you tell us about its creation and purpose?
cancer, diabetes, HIV, cardiovascular diseases, and cornea
A: As an ophthalmologist and a transplant surgeon, I was
and bone marrow transplants.
the first physician to become National Commissioner. Before accepting this position, I was Secretary of Health for
Q: Mexico’s public health expenditure is below the OECD
the State of Mexico. This state has the largest health system
average. How can Seguro Popular help the Mexican
in the country, covering 16 million inhabitants, so I had real
government improve its healthcare investments?
experience dealing with the public health sector on a large
A: While there may never be enough investment in
scale. When I took this position, I was already familiar with the
healthcare, it is possible to improve results by prioritizing
particulars of the public health system, its programs, budget,
needs and ensuring that budgets are used appropriately.
priorities, strengths, weaknesses, and areas of opportunity.
The public health sector should focus on a range of
The Social System for Health Protection (SPSS), also known
factors, such as preventive measures to control chronic
as Seguro Popular, was created as a social alternative for
diseases, consolidated acquisitions to ensure a steady
health protection for Mexicans who were not affiliated to
supply of drugs, and more efficient control of the
any other public health institution, such as IMSS or ISSSTE.
resources transferred from Seguro Popular to the states.
One of the main reasons for its creation was to reduce the
Seguro Popular used to have no control over how the
out-of-pocket costs that Mexicans paid for medication and
states utilized the budget granted to them by the central
medical services. The introduction of Seguro Popular has
government, which led to problems as money was allocated
reduced these costs from 56.2% in 2003 to 45.2% in 2012,
to unrelated areas. To resolve this, President Enrique Peña
according to the OECD.
Nieto urged the central health sector to increase control by modifying the General Health Law. These changes
Q: What is the extent of treatments covered by Seguro
were implemented in June 2014 and now this ensures a
higher supply of medicines, more adequate equipment
A: Seguro Popular covers 100% of primary healthcare,
for state hospitals, and more doctors and nurses. Seguro
which comprises medical consultations with general
Popular has also implemented other measures to improve
healthcare, including Programa 32x32, which encourages
preventive studies. It also covers 85% of secondary care,
an exchange of services among all 32 states in Mexico.
which is comprised of four basic specialties: gynecology,
Finally, our current administration has financed 227
pediatrics, general surgery, and internal medicine. Finally,
projects to construct, renovate, and equip hospitals in 22
it covers 100% of tertiary level care through the Fund
states, with a total investment of US$300 million.
for Catastrophic Expenses, incorporating 59 expensive
procedures using reserves amounting to US$903 million.
Q: What were the main changes made to the General
To reduce this sum, the Mexican government should make
Health Law?
prevention a priority. It is believed that 80% of the diseases
A: The recent changes to the law strengthened transparency
that Mexicans contract in their lifetimes can be solved at
in the use of resources. We also increased penalties from four
the first level of care, if diagnosed in time. Currently, there
to seven years in prison and fines from 1,000 to 500,000
are 64 million Mexicans with diabetes who are not in control
days of minimum wage to whoever misuses Seguro Popular
of their blood glucose levels and in 15 years, these patients
resources. The improvements to the law also allow patients
will need highly advanced and expensive procedures such
to receive medical attention at public hospitals in any
as dialysis, amputations, or laser photocoagulation to treat
state in the country while empowering them to request
diabetic retinopathy. Through the Universal Catalog of
reimbursement from the patient’s state of residence. This
Health Services (CAUSES), Seguro Popular offers several
was not possible before and states simply had to absorb
procedures for the detection and prevention of preventable
those costs. This convergence will also allow refunds
between different institutions. Other changes include the
exceed the capacities of the public health sector, we have
consolidated purchasing of medications. The collaboration
agreements with 35 private hospitals, from which Seguro
between ISSSTE, IMSS, and the National Institutes of Health
Popular can solicit services.
of 17 states, gave IMSS a stronger position to negotiate lower costs. In 2014, more than US$206 million were saved
Q: The upcoming reform of the General Health Law is
by consolidating the purchases of five states. In 2015, the
expected to integrate the public health sector, including
scope was broadened to 17 states and US$519 million
IMSS, ISSSTE, and Seguro Popular. How will this precisely
were saved. Since Mexican states are autonomous, the
affect Seguro Popular?
acquisition of medicines cannot be managed at the federal
A: This process will focus on portability and convergence
level, meaning that even though they receive their budget
for it will not be possible to merge all these institutions
from federal reserves, they ultimately decide how to spend
into a single body, as each has its own collective contract,
it, which is why it is necessary for states to agree and
payment scales, and union that will prevent a complete
consolidate their purchases.
merger. Our first goal in this process is to unify the payment scales, which is far from straightforward. We
Q: How do you ensure the provision of quality services?
have had 15 different meetings about this subject over
A: Many believe that Seguro Popular is a public institution
the last two years but no consensus has been reached.
comprising hospitals, doctors, and medicines, but in reality
Still, we have already unified delivery services and
Seguro Popular is a large insurance organization that works
emergency attention. We recently signed a general
as a financial instrument. We seek to guarantee that our
agreement between IMSS, ISSSTE, the Ministry of Health,
affiliates can provide high-quality healthcare, a process
and Secretariats of Health in different states to provide
to which we contribute in several ways. The quality of a
pregnant women with access to 463 specialized clinics
hospital is generally evaluated according to its equipment,
in Mexico.
personnel, infrastructure, and the availability of medication. To ensure this quality, we have created the State Regime
Q: How much do the complications stemming from
of Social Health Protection (REPSS) that organizes visits to
chronic diseases cost Seguro Popular?
hospitals and clinics to monitor the quality of the services
A: The budget for the prevention of chronic diseases
provided and ensure that patients receive efficient and timely
stands at US$1 billion. Years ago, Mexican lives were mostly
treatment and medication. REPSS also ensures that patients
threatened by infectious diseases but now we are dying
are not being overcharged for these services. Finally, we also
of conditions such as diabetes, strokes, and cancer, which
created guidelines with the Treasury to delineate Seguro
are extremely expensive for the public health system. Our
Popular’s expenditures. The guidelines stipulate that 30% of
priority is to improve the quality of health services and to
the funds sent to the states must be spent on medication
increase preventive measures to limit chronic diseases.
and deposited in the Federation Treasury (TESOFE), where
These measures take the form of prevention campaigns,
the central government can monitor usage. This is intended
one of which is currently seeking to promote the preventive
to eliminate the shortage of medication.
detection of breast cancer by bringing mammograms to rural communities. There are also campaigns for preventing
Q: The public health sector receives a large amount of
smoking, detecting prostate cancer, and providing prenatal
patients but has a limited amount of hospitals and a
care to pregnant women. In my opinion, the budget for
budget deficit. How can it still meet its obligations in
preventive measures should be raised by 50% in order to
terms of adequate care?
reduce future costs.
A: The budget for Seguro Popular for 2015 is approximately US$5.2 billion. Of this budget, 40% is spent on salaries, 30%
Q: Is there any campaign focused exclusively on rural
on medication, 20% on preventive measures, 6% on REPSS,
areas to address healthcare issues?
and 4% for building new hospitals, rehabilitating old ones,
A: Yes, but they should ideally be rolled out nationwide.
and the acquisition of new equipment. Around US$187
We provide health services for The Ministry of Social
million is used every year to improve infrastructure. President
Development’s Prospera program, the goal of which is to
PeĂąa Nieto has made 26 healthcare commitments, mainly
help the poorest in the country. It involves an initiative to
to renovate hospitals and replace obsolete equipment,
fight hunger in rural communities and provides educative
which will largely be funded by Seguro Popular and the
materials in more than 20 indigenous languages on
Ministry of Health. However, while our number of affiliates
several topics, such as preventing unplanned pregnancies.
has greatly increased, the number of public hospitals has
Prospera has a budget of about US$313 million to address
remained static. In cases where the needs of the patients
these issues.
LOOKING BACK AT TEN YEARS OF SEGURO POPULAR The implementation of Seguro Popular in 2004 increased
diseases has fallen from 15.4% to 10.8%. The introduction of
access to healthcare for all Mexicans. Prior to this,
Seguro Popular heralds a major advancement in Mexico’s
coverage was reserved only for those employed by the
development. However, the fact that the percentage of the
government, the formal sector, or individuals with enough
population with access to the healthcare system nearly
economic resources to afford private healthcare. This
doubled in less than ten years presents a huge challenge.
system overlooked more than 50 million Mexicans who were either self-employed, unemployed, or working in
To improve infrastructure the government spent over US$5.3
the large informal sector. Today an increasing number of
billion in the last decade to build, expand, and refurbish more
the population has gradually received essential medical
than 2,750 hospitals, clinics, and other primary points of
coverage. In 2014 the program provided basic healthcare,
medical care. Focus was provided not only to infrastructure,
hospital care, and preventive medicine to 55.6 million
but also on providing appropriately qualified medical
Mexicans. Certain medical services such as infant and
personnel as well as timely and effective healthcare. Some
newborn vaccinations were recently included through the
state hospitals remain understaffed, leading to average
Medical Insurance for a New Generation initiative.
waiting times of 90 minutes before an incoming patient receives any assistance. This is especially problematic in
The system is financed by the federal government in
remote and rural locations, since most medical specialists are
collaboration with the state governments, plus public
concentrated in the urbanized areas of the country. Despite
contributions. One of the main goals is to provide inclusive
the fact that in 2012, among all OECD countries, Mexico
access to otherwise unaffordable treatments. According to
produced the fifth highest number of medical graduates per
reports Seguro Popular has on average reduced expenses
100,000 people, efficient allocation of resources still proves
by 36.8% in general and by 51.7% for households in which
hospitalization was required. The government has vowed to increase spending on healthcare from 7% to 10% of total
Meeting the demand for medicines is another challenge.
expenditure to maintain and further improve the level of
The budget of Seguro Popular is relatively low at only
medical care of the Seguro Popular. Since its introduction,
US$200 per person each year, and most medicines are paid
life expectancy has risen to 75.4 years, which is similar to
on an out-of-pocket basis, which leads to a large demand
that in the US. Meanwhile, infant mortality has reduced
for cheap effective drugs. Although out of pocket expenses
from 18.2% to 14.1% and the proportion of communicable
have been reduced from 53% to 45% of the total private
THE ROAD TO PUBLIC MARKET FOR NEW MEDICINES Drug regulation remains a complex process. In order to
its own right. From discovering a molecule to conducting
reach the Mexican public market, new medicines must
in vitro tests, from preclinical studies to clinical trials,
pass through a number of processes. Drug development
the early life of a new drug can last between eight and
and import require separate processes, but both new local
12 years. The number of molecules that become safe and
medicines and imported drugs are subject to COFEPRIS
effective medicines remains somewhere around one out of
approval and to General Health Council (GHC) evaluation.
every 10,000.
The drug must then be included on the National Formulary before being evaluated by public institutions, and finally
Changes to the COFEPRIS administration have streamlined
being made available to hospitals.
the process, but difficulties remain. In the past, the transfer from GHC approval to the National Formulary could take up
A 2014 survey conducted by IMS Health found that the
to 1.3 years, followed by examination periods of eight months
process took an average of 4.3 years. Despite COFEPRIS
as the relevant public institutions examine the drug’s case for
speeding up the overall process to 3.1 years, Mexico’s
incorporation in their formularies. Indeed, the number of new
regulatory processes lag far behind the UK, Japan (two
medicines included in IMSS’ register has dropped from 24 to
years each), France (1.8), and the US (1.1). Indeed, the
four between 2011 and 2013. ISSSTE’s register included 23
development of particular drugs is a complex process in
new drugs in 2011. In 2013, none were added.
healthcare expenditure since the introduction of Seguro
of the Seguro Popular, both the number and the span of
Popular, they are still much higher than the OECD average of
deliveries has greatly increased, which has in turn intensified
18.5%. Meeting this demand provides huge opportunities for
the formidable task of timely and effective distribution.
pharmaceutical companies to diversify their portfolios with generic products and supply the market with cost-effective
The biggest hurdle is taking the next step in developing
drugs. A further challenge is the distribution of medical
comprehensive universal healthcare in Mexico. While
equipment and medications to remote rural locations in
Seguro Popular has pushed the industry into a new
Mexico, not only because these locations are isolated, but
phase, it was only the precursor in the modernization of
also because medical equipment and medicines are strictly
the country’s healthcare system. Large inconsistencies
regulated and require the implementation of effective
remain between hospital standards as well as Irregularities
environmental controls during distribution. With the advent
between the different insurance types.
Number of affiliates to IMSS, ISSSTE, and Seguro Popular (millions of people)
0 2000
IMSS ISSSTE Seguro Popular
Source: INEGI
Source: INEGI 2014 (in the case of IMSS and Seguro Popular the data is up to June 2014; for ISSSTE the data is estimated up to December 2014). The pilot phase of Seguro Popular took place in 2002-2003
ISSSTE’s rate of rejection stands at 24%, with that of IMSS’
of reasons were not disclosed. The problem is reciprocal.
rising to 71%. Question marks over economic valuation
Pharmaceutical companies must be prepared to submit
led to 62% of IMSS rejections. Where the remainder of
proper scientific, clinical, and economic evidence data.
rejected substances is concerned, 15% were of uncertain
Meanwhile, the burden is on public institutions to streamline
safety and effectiveness, 8% failed to reach a population
processes so that medicines are made available to patients
study sufficient to be considered, – and the remaining 15%
within a shorter space of time.
Drug development
COFEPRIS approval (safety and efficacy)
8-10 years
2 months
General Health Council evaluation
Institutions evaluation
1.3 years
Drug available in public instutions
1 year
8.5 months
3.1 years Sources: IMS Health, General Health Council
Industry (CANACINTRA) and the National Association
Medicine procurement comprises efforts such as managing
of Health Supplies Distributors (ANDIS) to expedite the
tenders, defining contract terms, assuring pharmaceutical
process and provide sufficient information to interested
quality, obtaining competitive pricing structures, and ensuring
parties. In order to improve competitiveness, IMSS signed
medicines are listed in the national formulary, according
an agreement with the Federal Economic Competition
to the WHO. In December 2014, Mexico made advances
Commission (COFECE) to design more competitive
in meeting these requirements, with IMSS completing the
acquisition models in which the number of products
largest consolidated purchase in the history of the Mexican
submitted into the tender process increased, generating
public system. The institution reported savings of MX$4.6
savings of MX$1.2 billion (US$80 million). Additionally, a
billion (US$30 million) due to a decrease in prices compared
more competitive price point was achieved by purchasing
to the previous year. An estimated MX$51 billion (US$340
80% of each medicine from the lowest bidder and 20%
million) were invested in medicines and medical supplies
from the second lowest, contrasting to the 60/40 model
for 2015, MX$8 billion (US$533 million) more than in 2014,
employed in 2014.
benefitting more than 90 million affiliates. The success of this process relied on an inter-institutional collaboration led by
The combination of these factors represented useful
IMSS in which the number of participants involved increased
opportunities for an increasing number of companies
from 14 to 42, including IMSS, ISSSTE, PEMEX, SEDENA,
interested in submitting proposals, which grew by 5%
SEMAR, all 21 national institutes of health, and 16 federal
this year. The competition opened up for generics too,
states. This purchase included 14 tenders comprising more
with the 12 most important distributors decreasing their
than 1,900 different drugs and wound care supplies, and a
participation from 81% in 2013 to 72% in 2014 and 58% in
volume that rose from 1.3 billion in 2014 to 1.5 billion units
2015. Moreover, the increased participation of SMEs was
this year. Financial savings from generics and wound care
witnessed by increased participation, from 73 in 2013 to
supplies were estimated to stand at MX$3.9 billion (US$260
126 in 2015. According to Social Communications at IMSS,
million) while MX$620 million (US$ 41 million) were saved
promoting competitiveness in terms of price and quality,
from the purchase of innovative medicines.
budget optimization, and most importantly, ensuring The authenticity of all sanitary registrations was verified
procurement of medicines for the population, collectively
through a collaborative agreement with COFEPRIS, while
have a positive impact on the Mexican economy. More
Transparencia Mexicana A.C. guaranteed a transparent
consolidated purchases are expected to take place in
process. In addition, 20 meetings were held between
the coming years as the health system moves toward
CANIFARMA, the National Chamber of Transforming
universality and integration.
227 422 634 674
hased by IMSS in 2015 s (Source: IMSS)
l supplies
Medical equipment purchased by IMSS in 2015 MX$ thousands (Source: IMSS)
Medical devices
General surgical instruments
acients and psychotropics
Specialty surgical instruments
Medical equipment items
tory supplies
ctive matrial
medicines medical supplies vaccines stupefacients & psychotropics Source: IMSS
laboratory supplies
specialty surgical instruments
radioactive material
medical devices
infant formulas
general surgical instruments
medical equipment items
• •
A minimum sentence of four years in prison for those The strengthening of the information mechanisms and accountability
reached US$911 million this year. Such pressures have resulted in underinvestment in infrastructure and medical
found to be diverting public funds
difficult financial situation. The IMSS presents a deficit for approximately US$1.6 billion while that of the ISSSTE
as a governing body of the Ministry of Health
Health - One of the biggest challenges facing the Social Security institutions of Mexico (IMSS and ISSSTE) is their
consolidation of the Social System for Health Protection
By Joaquín Miranda, Engagement Manager of IMS
The transfer of resources from the federal government to federal entities may be made in cash or in kind
equipment and have forced institutions to seek different schemes to reduce operating costs. One of the actions that these organizations have engaged in is the practice
of consolidated purchases in which they can obtain a best
consolidated purchases along the Mexican states despite
price through volume.
obvious financial savings, but if a large number of states are expected to participate, this may facilitate a reform in
the near future to compel states to consolidate medical
Medical Units Drug Supply An
Distribution Schemes. The distribution models vary
deliveries, inventory control in central stores and medical
from institution to institution. For instance, IMSS uses
units, as well as the purchase of items that fall out with
a decentralized model, which is managed by its own
the tender system will be the main goals for public
resources, ISSSTE uses a centralized model which is
institutions to be able to guarantee the drug supply in
managed by a third party, PEMEX has a mixed model,
its pharmacies. This issue has been an ongoing complaint
and Seguro Popular models of distribution vary by
from users at the main public institutions in the country
state. The government should define once and for all
in the last years.
the distribution model for medical supplies which will be most suitable for institutions to achieve adequate supply at a reasonable cost.
Consolidation of Seguro Popular Purchases With the introduction of “Strategy 5.5- Promoting Efficient Spending on Medical Supplies in the Health Sector
Consolidated Purchasing of Other Products and
Agenda 2013-2018,” the use of consolidated purchasing of
Services. The health sector is seeking to increase its
medical supplies for the public sector was implemented.
savings through schemes that allow it to consolidate
Additionally, the reforms approved are focused on
other types of acquisitions like medical equipment,
improving transparency in the handling of Seguro Popular
integral medical services and vaccines. This has already
resources among those at the forefront. These laws include:
begun and should become a priority in the near future.
PURCHASES 2012 VS 2013 (number of product types)
400 300
159 56 NSHAE
Increase 1-9%
Same price
Decrease 1-9%
Decrease 10%
Decrease 30%
0 Decrease 50%
Increase 50%
Increase 30%
Increase 10%
Source: IMS Health
UNBALANCED HUMAN CAPITAL SUPPLIES Mexico’s economic credentials are impeccable at a macro
developed unevenly, with excesses in some specializations
level. Designated an “emerging power” by the G8, and
and shortages in others. Medical students seem to have
an upper-middle income country according to the World
little interest in specialties which they perceive will not
Bank’s indices, Mexico is undoubtedly one of the world’s
provide the high economic compensation and prefer
major economies. A large and strong working population
those that they believe will, such as plastic surgery. Low
is essential for economic growth, but experts remain
salaries play a strong hand in the decision according to
concerned about the country’s ability to look after its
the National Union of Workers of the Ministry of Health
(SNTSA), which states that specialists in some states earn MX$7,000 (US$455) a month.
Despite Mexico’s upper-middle income status, the country suffers from a problem associated with developing nations:
A look at figures from the Mexico’s health-workers’ union,
a shortage of doctors.
the National Union of Workers of the Ministry of Health (SNTSA), tells the full story. With specialists in some states
According to WHO statistics, the global gap of 7.2 million
earning MX$7,000 (US$467) a month, medical students
professional health workers in 2012 is likely to rise to 12.9
and practitioners choose to go elsewhere, seeking work
million with damaging consecuences. Overwork tends
in well-remunerated sectors, such as plastic surgery, and
to shorten consultations, hence lowering the quality of
higher-income states, fir example Mexico City.
medical care and increasing the price that patients have to pay due to limited competition.
Mexican universities also lack the capacity to prepare such specialists. Applications for single programs routinely
In 2014, INEGI registered 281,000 physicians who are
surpass the 25,000 mark, when an entire medical school
currently working professionally. According to the WHO,
may only have the capacity for one quarter of that 632
in 2011 Mexico had 2.095 physicians per every 1,000
number. Meanwhile, the shortage of specialists continues
citizens, with 2.5 doctors per thousand people being the
in areas as oncology, geriatrics, neurology, psychiatry, and
US average. Both are below the WHO recommendation of
2.9. A greater problem faced by the Mexican healthcare system is a shortage of specialists and their uneven
The load of patients per specialist is a heavy one. The
concentration in the Mexican territory. According to
Mexican Society of Oncologic Studies states that there are
INEGI, Mexico currently has only 1.2 specialists per 1,000
only 1,200 oncologists in Mexico responsible for treating
people. “The shortage of specialists is due to a lack of
125,000 new cases of cancer per year. The problem is
planning from the central government, along with poor
passed on directly to the patient, with 80,000 Mexicans
planning of physicians’ retirement plans,” says Dr. Enrique
dying every year of malignant tumors. “Of the more
Graue Wiechers, Director of UNAM School of Medicine.
than 115 schools of medicine in Mexico, only eight teach
According to Dr. Graue Wiechers, the health sector has
oncology,” says Dr. Antelmo Abelardo Meneses García,
Source: Interinstitutional Commission for the Formation of Human Resources for Health
26,259 23,846
Director General of the National Institute of Oncology (INCAN). Geriatric care is also lagging far behind, ten
Whatever the strategies eventually adopted across the
million elderly people require highly specialized care
health sector, they must be comprehensive. Mexico’s
throughout Mexico, according to the National Institute
disease burden crosses demographics, class lines, and
of Older Persons (INAPAM). There are only 400 geriatric
state limits. Solutions to the problems facing healthcare
doctors available to look after them. Finally, chronic
must do the same.
kidney failure affects nine million Mexicans, with only 800 nephrologists available to treat them. Another significant problem for the sector according to Dr. Teresa Corona Vázquez, Director General of the Nacional Institute of Neurology and Neurosurgery (INNN), “has nothing to do with the lack of specialists. The issue lies in the concentration of specialists around the urban centers of Mexico City, Guadalajara, and Monterrey.” Patients living in other states do not have access to these resources, forcing patients – including those requiring emergency care – to travel to these three cities. The burden weighs heavily on the country’s National Institutes of Health, which struggle to treat such a large number of individuals. Physicians often prefer to stay in large cities, as job opportunities tend to gravitate around urban hubs. According to Dr. Graue Wiechers, “doctors are unwilling to travel to places where they feel unsafe, or where they feel they will not be able to grow professionally and economically.” Dr. Corona Vázquez, of the INNN, agrees, with reference to a high-specialty Hospital in Tapachula, Chiapas, whose state-of-the-art equipment is not enough to attract specialists to the area. Chiapas is not the only state affected: Oaxaca, Veracruz, Guerrero, the State of Mexico, Quintana Roo, Hidalgo, and Puebla report a steep specialist deficit. Varying strategies have been proposed to solve this problem. The director of UNAM’s medical school, believes that this is a joint problem for the Treasury and the Ministry of Health. “The health sector has to stimulate migration to those areas, perhaps by establishing different payment plans. The whole sector must be better planned to solve this problem.” Dr. Corona Vázquez recommends strengthening health services in every single state in order to increase the number of general and specialty hospitals, so that hospitals in neglected states can provide competitive employment offers. Raising salaries appears to be one way forward identified by important players. The National Union of Workers of Social Security (SNTSS), in conjunction the State Delegation of Chihuahua and the Business Coordinating Council of Chihuahua, has proposed raising salaries by 46% to attract specialists to that state. One unconventional alternative proposed by Dr. David Kershenobich Stalnikowitz, Director General of the National Institute of Medical Science and Nutrition Salvador Zubirán (INCMNSZ), incorporates telemedicine. “General physicians can request specific information from remote specialists which reduces the necessity of having specialists spread all over the country.”
MULTIDISCIPLINED RESEARCHERS DRA. TERESA CORONA VÁZQUEZ Director General of Instituto Nacional de Neurología y Neurocirugía (INNN) Q: You have been involved with this institute for the past
disease, while Amerindian genes seem to confer certain
22 years and directed it since 2007. What have been your
protection. We are still studying different origins according
greatest achievements during this time?
to the subtypes of multiple sclerosis in Mexico, which is
A: When I began working at INNN, my personal goal was
the result of cumulative efforts over many years including
to become an active participant of the institute’s research
research on an endogamous community in the Lacandon
system and the National Coordinating Commission of the
Jungle, where this phenomenon appears to be nonexistent.
National Institutes of Health and High Specialty Hospitals
The reason for this may be that this population’s genes are
(CCINSHAE) in order to continue my trajectory within the
purely Amerindian, or may be influenced by epigenetic
National Research System (SNI). This research eventually
factors such as the surrounding environment. This population
led to the creation of the INNN’s clinic for multiple sclerosis
also frequently suffers from intestinal infections and there is
as, at the time, we noticed a rise in the number of patients
a hypothesis that suggests that infections of this type confer
suffering from this disease both in Mexico and in Latin
certain protection from other immune diseases, such as
America. Later, I was appointed Director General of INNN
multiple sclerosis. There are new medicines being developed
by its board. The objective of this clinic is to provide
to treat this disease, the only problem is that they are too
appropriate care to patients through a multidisciplinary
expensive for the majority of the Mexican population.
approach including rehabilitation, support groups, and neuropsichiatry. I also established several research lines
Q: What are the main challenges that the institution is
such as neurocysticercosis, an extremely common disease
facing nowadays?
in our country and currently, our clinical laboratory for
A: The institute provides medical attention to individuals who
neurodegenerative diseases is expanding its research lines
do not have social security of any kind, but we also receive
to include Parkinson’s disease, and dementia, among others.
patients with social security who desire to be treated at the
In addition, having worked in the Education Division. We
National Institutes of Health. We have a scale of six different
manage to standardize all the specialties in the institute to
ways to reimburse treatment costs. Out of our entire patient
assimilate UNAM Faculty of Medicine’s post-graduate studies
base, 85% belong to the first three possibilities, which means
and now we are incorporated as part of this campus. We
that they are able to cover less than 15% of the real cost. The
have created 31 different post-graduate programs besides
INNN must provide high quality treatments and care for all
our specialties, including a nationally recognized specialty
patients without taking into account their economic means.
in neurology created in collaboration with CONACYT. This
While our mission is to provide quality care, all National
division has grown enormously and it is still growing. INNN’s
Institutes of Health were created for scientific research,
greatest strength and advantage is that we can cater to
distinguishing us from other health institutions. INNN has one
all specialties related to neurological sciences, including
of the highest research levels in proportion to its number of
clinical, biomedical, and even sociomedical. Our students
researchers, as we have the greatest amount of members
are able to develop a multidisciplinary and integral approach
of the SNI due to the high number of research topics on the
to neurology. We also have courses on neurogenetics,
central nervous system. Both Europe and the US have declared
neurochemistry, and neurophysiology, as well as laboratories
2015 the Year of the Brain, with the aim of educating society
and improve care for chronic non-communicable diseases
immunology, among others.
related to the brain. As the country is facing an epidemiologic shift, the INNN is facing a demographic transition, meaning
Q: What is the cause of for the increase in multiple sclerosis?
we must re-evaluate and innovate our schemes. The average
A: There is no specific reason at the moment, but we believe
age of our researchers is between 40 and 50 years old, so we
it to be a genetic problem. Mexicans are a mixed race with
expect an extremely bright future with young researchers that
genetic material from many sources. We have perceived
are producing promising research and will continue to do so
that Mediterranean genes experience a susceptibility to this
for the next ten to 15 years.
Q: Are you receiving patients from Seguro Popular? What
Q: What would you suggest to tackle the problems arising
other collaborations does the institute have?
out of the shifting epidemiological profile?
A: Recently, Seguro Popular replaced our molecular
A: At this point, the health sector must focus on prevention
imaging unit and agreed to replace our linear accelerator
and improve access to healthcare. It is well-known that
for radioneurosurgery which is extremely expensive but will
several factors influence the development of cerebrovascular
benefit a large number of patients. This linear accelerator will
diseases, all of which are related to obesity and the lack
allow us to provide non-invasive treatments for brain tumors
of physical and mental activity. The Ministry of Health is
and other neurological diseases. At this point we receive
currently implementing several prevention campaigns and
patients aged under 18 from Seguro Popular who require
removing unhealthy food from schools, but these strategies
treatment for brain tumors, and we hope to expand access
should be continued and expanded. The Mexican population
to adults in the near future. Our institute does not treat
must become aware of the correct strategies to prevent
children but we are collaborating with the National Institute
these diseases, which include changing their eating habits
of Pediatrics when needed. We are now installing a state-of-
and increasing physical activity. Nowadays there are good
the-art NMR spectrometer funded in part by the Fundación
programs to promote healthy habits to school children
Gonzalo Río Arronte – which has greatly supported us over
which is an essential step to preserving the health of the
the years – with the other half of the funds donated by
Mexican population. Within the institute we are providing
Beneficencia Pública. One of our main goals is to keep the
programs to prevent these diseases including one that offers
institute at the forefront of treatments and medical devices.
continuous education for physicians in order to help them provide external consultations to prevent diabetes, obesity,
Q: Mexico is currently facing a lack of specialists in many
and hypertension. We also have various programs in other
areas – is this the case for the INNN?
areas, including 14 support groups for several diseases, one
A: This is a serious problem but while we may need
of which is for families of patients with dementia to help
more data on this topic, we have perceived a small lack
them manage the constant stress and violence they face.
of specialists in neurosciences. The main problem is not the absence of specialists but the fact that those
Q: How are you collaborating with other institutions to
with specialized skills are concentrated in Mexico City,
extend your research?
Guadalajara, and Monterrey. There is a High-Specialty
A: The regulations of the National Institutes of Health restrict
Hospital in Tapachula, Chiapas, which has excellent
us from providing several services. Currently, the external
resources and equipment but few doctors wish to relocate
resources we get are related to our research areas and come
to this area. Rural areas lack private hospitals and clinics,
mostly from CONACYT and some private companies or
so physicians are unable to earn competitive salaries,
foundations. On the other hand, we are able to provide some
which reduces interest in those regions. On the other
services like the Positron Emission Tomography (PET) scans,
hand, hospitals in Mexico City have many specialists that
which are much less expensive in the INNN than through
strong competition exists for every single job.
a private institution. Providing external services is not prohibited by current regulations, but these modifications
In my opinion there are enough neurologists to combat these
aim to increase the services available for private hospitals
diseases yet science has become extremely reductionist,
and create agreements with private insurers to increase
with specialists for each disease, including multiple sclerosis,
availability of funds. On the other hand, every institute is
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, dementia, and cerebrovascular
able to provide different services for the private sector, for
diseases. Since the field has become reductionist, the
example the National Institute of Public Health performs
general sentiment seems to exist that there are not enough
surveys for private companies. This topic is still under
specialists even though qualified neurologist is not necessary
evaluation, and while we at the INNN have been slightly
to diagnose any of these diseases. Specialists are often
more restricted, there are projects that we are interested in
necessary to make a precise diagnosis or special treatments
developing including biomedical markers for some diseases.
but this is not always the case. Q: What are your priorities for 2015? Mexico is undergoing an ‘incomplete’ epidemiologic
A: This year we want to finish the construction of the new
transition and demographic shift: because we are still
linear accelerator and NMR spectroscopy units, and some
facing infectious diseases, as well as maternal and infant
of our newest infrastructure. We also plan to develop our
health problems, common to developing countries, but
research areas and improve the quality of our services. Last
we are also facing illnesses typically associated with
year, INNN celebrated its 50th anniversary and our goal is
developed countries such as dementia and Parkinson’s.
to continue growing in research, education, and care.
GROUNDBREAKING MODELS FOR INTERNAL MEDICINE DR. DAVID KERSHENOBICH STALNIKOWITZ Director General of Salvador Zubirán National Institute of Medical Science and Nutrition (INCMNSZ) Q: What have been the latest developments and
in order to educate the populations on nutrition and train
achievements of INCMNSZ?
medical personnel to be able to handle nutritional needs.
A: The INCMNSZ was created to address nutrition and
The INCMNSZ currently supports other institutions such
internal medicine, focusing on all aspects of the internal
as the Ministry of Social Development (SEDESOL) and
medicine for adults but traumatology and gynecology.
the Government of Mexico City in specific programs such
Ours is a third-level hospital with advanced equipment
as SaludArte. Also, we publish the Nutrition Notebook
and trained personnel capable of handling highly complex
(Cuaderno de Nutrición) addressed to all the population
situations. We have expanded the ER from 400m to
to instruct them on health improvement. Our tactic
1,600m. A common problem up to this point was that
against obesity is to focus on nutrigenomics, and we stand
patients waiting for emergency consultations were in
as the forefront of this area worldwide. The INCMNSZ is
the same room as hospitalized patients in semi-critical
currently researching endemic food to understand how
condition. We have also improved our methodology to
they affect the genes of the population, and to determine
treat ER patients by providing manuals detailing the
their role in the obesity crisis.
process to triage patients which used to take up to five hours. This handbook has speeded up the admission
Q: What is the institute’s research focus at the moment?
process to three minutes after the patient arrives. We
A: In the area of nutrition we have an important research
have also upgraded the emergency area included a simple
project on gut microbiota, which will have a considerable
tomography, dialysis equipment, and procedural rooms to
impact on the Mexican population. There are more genes
provide fast attention for emergencies. We receive more
within our gut flora than in our own genes, so our goal
than 100 emergency patients on a daily basis with complex
is to map their interaction. It is a popular opinion among
cases that have not found resolution in other hospitals. We
researchers that the genes of our gut flora are strongly
have also worked for the past two years in creating our
related to the development of several diseases, including
own electronic system, which will link all our services and
chronic ones. We also have research lines in internal
will be portable to allow doctors to provide consultations
medicine mainly in obesity and diabetes.
outside the institute. The institute is collaborating with the Broad Institute
Q: The institute is responsible for several nutrition
of MIT and Harvard in Boston, to map polymorphisms
programs, including “Un kilo de ayuda” (A Kilogram of
in diabetics. We determined that some polymorphisms
Help). What impact have these programs had?
increase the possibility of developing diabetes mellitus
A: The institute was founded when malnutrition was a
by a multiple of six. A third area is related to infectious
large problem in Mexico. Nowadays, the percentage of
diseases, inculding HIV and tuberculosis, for which we
the population facing this problem has greatly reduced,
have biosafety level 2 and 3 (BSL 2 and 3) laboratories
but it is still an important matter for the country. At
One of our latest accomplishments is our Research
present, we face the opposite problem: obesity and
Support Network (Red de Apoyo a la Investigación),
its consequences, an issue that is threatening a large,
launched in January this year alongside the National
growing percentage of the Mexican population. Two very
Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), the National
different sets of knowledge are required to tackle both
Institute of Oncology (INCAN), the National Institute of
segments of the spectrum. To handle undernourishment,
Cardiology (INC), and the National Institute of Genomic
we run several programs including “Un kilo de ayuda,”
which is focused on supporting nutritional development
repatriate 15 Mexican researchers that were living abroad,
by providing nutritious food to the most marginalized
and required the creation of a core laboratory within our
areas of the country. We are also present in many
institute to provide assistance to researchers in several
indigenous communities in Oaxaca and in Tarahumaran,
Q: An important problem in Mexico is the lack of
visits, the patient is fully aware of his or her disease,
specialized physicians, especially in rural areas. What is
and prepared to manage it without constant sessions.
the institute doing to address this situation?
Further consultations, are only required once a year. This
A: I believe that the problem is the lack of general
model has been highly successful and it has even been
incorporated to other hospitals. There is a similar need to
systems, including television, internet, and cellphones, it
change these models for other diseases, such as leukemia
is not necessary to have specialists all over the country as
and lymphoma. While the INCAN is responsible for dealing
consultations can be provided by general physicians who
with these diseases, our responsibility is creating novel
may request specific information from remote specialists.
models of care.
The institute integrates several telemedicine classrooms to provide remote consultations and conferences. The main
Q: How do you approach research and innovation within
thing to focus on is educating the general population and
the institute?
providing them the way to change their habits and prevent
A: Medicine requires the cooperation of all the national
diseases. Educating physicians on the available resources
and international institutions to keep up with the latest
and the best way to use them is a crucial element of our
developments in research and education in order to
work. Because nutrition is a complex issue, it requires long
provide the best care to patients. In September, we will
and sophisticated solutions, not just more specialists.
have a training program for doctors so they can update their knowledge on internal medicine. For example, in
Q: What are the profiles of your university collaborators
the area of Hepatitis C we are working with the newest
and your students?
direct antiviral agents that are able to cure the disease
A: We are collaborating mainly with UNAM, since our
instead of just managing it. In this case, we are bringing
residents are incorporated to UNAM’s training programs.
a researcher who developed one of these medications. In
For undergraduate studies, we are collaborating with
the area of anesthesia, there is a new concept called pain-
the Panamerican University, La Salle University, Anahuac
out, which mitigates post-surgery pain, for which we are
University, Tecnológico de Monterrey, and the Autonomous
also bringing researchers involved in the development of
University of Nuevo Leon (UANL), among many others.
this new technique. For this program, we always identify
Through the years, the institute has searched for the best
15 global leaders in their respective fields to share their
ways to select its residents. Now, just to be eligible for
knowledge on generating new ideas. We also plan to
our admission tests, a student’s grades have to be within
continue with the Cathedra Salvador Zubirán, which
the top 10% of his or her university. Every year, we receive
aims to bring to Mexico foreign researchers interested in
about 500 requests that comply with this requirement. All
working and living here for a year.
undergo a written examination and personal interviews with several members of the institution. From this demographic, we select a total of 160 residents. We focus on selecting committed and involved doctors interested in teaching and doing research. This allows us to select the best students to improve our human resources. Q: Besides education and innovation, on what other areas do you focus to improve public healthcare in Mexico? A: Our responsibility as an institute is to develop healthcare models that can be incorporated into the health system. For example, chronic non-transmittable diseases such as diabetes mellitus, hypertension, and chronic renal damage cannot be cured, only managed. As such, they require attention not just from one doctor or specialist but from several over the patient’s entire life. The previous system required a patient to have frequent 15-30 minute consultations with several specialists over the course of various days, and our new model provides integral care where patients receive several consultations one day over the course of six hours. After four monthly medical
Q: How has the INCAN evolved over the years?
A: We have noticed a fluctuation in the frequency of some
A: I have worked for INCAN for more than 32 years, the
types of malignant tumors. For example, cervical cancer was
past two as Director General, so I am fully aware of the
historically the most frequent malignant neoplasm. However,
institute’s evolution. INCAN was created in 1946 with goal
from the beginning of 1990, prevention and diagnostic
of educating oncologists, providing excellent patient care,
programs were intensified reducing this type of cancer. The
and performing research on many cancer related areas
increase of the hypercaloric diet which raised overweight
in Mexico. Research is what differentiates institutes from
and obesity levels to more than 70% of the population,
hospitals. In 1982, when I arrived at the institute, it was a
alongside diminished physical activity and increased alcohol
strong institution for education and patient care but not
consumption, led to an increase in breast cancer. Another
for research. Through the years this has changed. At this
large factor is the rise of non-communicable diseases which
point the institute focuses more on applied research as our
killed 40% of the population in 1980, but now represent 80%
goal is to find solutions that may help patients as soon
of death causes. The rate of several types of cancer can be
as possible. Our main research lines focus on the most
lowered through lifestyle changes as many of them are related
frequent types of cancers in the country such as breast,
to smoking and to the consumption of red meat, processed
cervical, prostate, colon, lymphoma, ovary, and pulmonary
foodstuffs, and soft drinks instead of fruits, vegetables, and
cancer. Over the last few decades, INCAN has defined
cereals. Other factors are the exposure to viral agents such
itself for its academic relations with foreign institutes,
as hepatitis B and C. For those reasons, INCAN is currently
including MD Anderson, Houston Cancer Center, the Broad
promoting the “Programa Integral de Prevención y Control
Institute, ICO Barcelona, and Harvard School of Medicine.
de Cáncer” (Integral Program for Cancer Prevention and
INCAN is a decentralized institution that receives patients
Control, PIPCC) to address risk factors that can be modified
without public or private insurance, so between 30%-40%
in order to reduce the incidence of these types of cancer.
of our patients abandon treatment due to the high costs of medications.
Q: How does INCAN support patients beyond providing excellent medical attention?
Since the introduction of Seguro Popular, we have increased
A: INCAN provides support in several areas, including
the rate of covered patients. Ten years ago only 4% of our
patients were able to receive the best available care. The
equipment, and supplies, and providing them emotional
reason for this is that only half the population has access
and psychological support. For example, we have a
to medicine through social security. The other half does not
program denominated “Unidades Funcionales” (Functional
have any type of health insurance and they often cannot
Units) which has allowed us to improve attention, reduce
pay for it. Seguro Popular covers some types of cancers and
waiting times, and increase the systematization of INCAN’s
keeps increasing the number of diseases covered every year.
patient registries. The study of the specific characteristics
In 2005 it covered cervical cancer, in 2007 breast cancer,
of every patient has allowed us to develop more research
then lymphoma, testicle cancer, prostate cancer, bone
protocols and incorporate more patients. After determining
marrow transplants, and colon cancer. Now, 36.5% of the
that most patients of ovarian cancer were young but were
population has full coverage giving them access to the best
already in advanced stages, a group of doctors gave a
available treatments. INCAN was introduced into Seguro
proposal to the Chamber of Deputies which allowed us to
Popular in 2005 which has allowed the institution to increase
create a functional gynecological oncology unit. A group of
the number of patients and their adherence to treatment,
Deputies helped us gain a MX$5 million (US$333 million)
reducing treatment abandonment to less than 3%.
budget for this unit, which was subsequently raised to
MX$11 million (US$733 million) in 2012 and now comprises
Q: How has Mexico’s epidemiological profile evolved over
about MX$35 million (US$2.3 million). This has allowed us
to cover about 700 patients on all stages of the disease,
besides providing them rehabilitation. The “Centro de
prevention. These events are meant to be undertaken twice
Apoyo de Atención Integral” (Support Center for Integral
per year in states where these programs are viable, and we
Attention) provides quality psychological therapy for
have received several requests from states interested in
patients and their families, reducing the hardships in facing
incorporating “Cancerotón.”
the disease and its collateral effects. For patients who have survived this disease, INCAN has created a program called
Q: Is INCAN authorized as an Enabled Unit to facilitate the
“Supervivientes del Cancer” (Cancer Survivors) which aims
approval process for clinical studies?
to create a registry of patients who have survived for more
A: Yes, we belong among the Enabled Units and we are
than five years. This registry aims to collect information
already offering services for clinical trials. To this date
on the characteristics of the patients, their life quality,
we have supported seven different projects on their pre-
and integration to their work and society. It also collects
approval stage. We believe this area will grow exponentially
information on relevant legislation. Cancer survivors
mainly because we are improving our infrastructure.
commonly present side effects which alter their physical
We now have a new hospitalization area and a unit for
appearance and cause them to be discriminated by society,.
bioequivalence studies and clinical studies in phase I.
For instance they can lose their jobs, be rejected by their
These units will bring investments from international
own partners, and may become unable to obtain health
pharmaceuticals, reinforce medical attention, and generate
insurance. We are focusing on creating research policies
new research projects. Before the creation of the Enabled
and to generate legal and emotional support for patients
Units, the approval process for clinical protocols took
subscribed to this registry.
about 12 months. Now this process has been halved, which
The stories of survivors can
prove to cancer patients that cancer does not equal death.
will stimulate investments in this area.
Q: What other projects is INCAN developing?
Q: How is INCAN helping promote prevention and early
A: We have several strategies to support the population at a
detection for patients?
national level. Some of them are the development of a national
A: Following the Presidential initiative to develop the PIPCC,
registry based on the population, the “Cancerotón,” and the
INCAN began a series of meetings from 2008 to diagnose
PIPCC. The country has some hospital and histopathological
the state of cancer in Mexico. INCAN has begun to coordinate
registries, but it never has had a national registry of cancer
alongside specialists of different Health Institutions to establish
patients. A registry of this kind would allow us to determine
this program and diagnose the state of the infrastructure
incidence rates (new cases per 100,000 habitants), gain
of oncological units, equipment, and human resources,
information on the state of different malignant tumors and
among others. This is being elaborated by an intersectoral
their evolution over the years, and to register mortality for
board taking into account the objectives of the institute for
every new case on an annual basis. We began this registry
prevention, timely diagnostics, treatment, rehabilitation, and
on Merida, Yucatan, and we hope to see our first results
palliative care for cancer patients. Nowadays, from 60% to
by mid-2016. With the help of the International Agency for
70% of malignant tumors are diagnosed at advanced stages.
Research on Cancer (IARC) we are going to develop the
For example, breast cancer in Mexico is only diagnosed early
second registry of this kind on Guadalajara, and afterwards
10% of the time, while in the US 60% of breast cancer cases
on Monterrey. Having information on these three cities will
are diagnosed at early stages. Stomach cancer is another
allow us to have a representative sample of the incidence
example, as in Mexico it is diagnosed early only on 3% or 4%
of cancer in Mexico. This registry collected information from
of cases while in Japan is diagnosed early 90% of the time. A
local health institutions, including IMSS, ISSSTE, SEMAR,
late diagnosis of cancer can be catastrophic for the economy
PEMEX, and SEDENA, and it will enable us to generate public
of patients and their families, and for the public sector. Our
policies aimed to control cancers and tumors. The program
strategy focuses on prevention and timely diagnostics to
“Cancerotón,” created through INCAN’s patronage, aims to
prevent the progression of this disease. If this does not
bring information regarding cancer to the general public
happen, many resources are invested on patients in advanced
and to collect financial resources to acquire equipment or
stages that have a low opportunity for remission. Our current
develop specialized clinics aimed towards early diagnostics
priorities are to consolidate medical attention, professionalize
of breast, cervix, prostate, and colon cancers, as well as
oncology education, establish the “Colegio de Investigadores”
tumors on the esophagus cardia union. This program will
(College of Researchers) to define their main research
also allow states with good infrastructure to implement a
lines, and strengthen human resources for chronic non-
clinic for hereditary cancer in order to develop research lines
transmittable diseases. We are also going to strengthen our
for cancer prevention. The final goal is to actively engage
campaigns on several topics, including smoking and obesity
the public to make them aware of the importance of cancer
and the exposure to viral agents and pollution.
Mexico’s healthcare expenditure was 6.24% of the GDP in 2013, of which 48.3% represented
private expenditure according to the World Bank. Out of pocket spending represented 91.5% of the total private expenditure, with the little remaining covered by insurance companies. 20142015 witnessed the growth and expansion of big private hospital groups and their continuous quality improvement through General Health Council certification. At the same time insurance companies are increasing the number of products and services offered to the healthcare sector.
Achieving universal healthcare coverage requires closer collaboration between the public and private sectors. Private hospitals are open to collaborate with public institutions subrogating specialized services, while insurance companies are developing highly valuable cooperation models in which they could manage public budget with increased efficacy and significant cost-savings.
This chapter will examine the role the private sector has to pay in supporting universal coverage, along with the measures being taken to increase insurance levels.
• Quality of Mexico’s private hospitals • Integrated healthcare initiatives • Collaboration between public, private hospitals and insurance companies • Insurance penetration • Insurance policies and programs for chronic diseases
ANALYSIS: Development of Private Healthcare in Mexico
MAP: Hospitals Accredited by the Joint Commission International
SPOTLIGHT: Process of GHC Certification
ANALYSIS: GHC Certified Hospitals in Mexico
VIEW FROM THE TOP: Alejandro Alfonso Díaz, ABC Hospitals / ANHP
VIEW FROM THE TOP: Javier Flores Hinojosa, Hospital San José |Hospital Zambrano Hellion
VIEW FROM THE TOP: Dr. Edmundo Mesta Casavantes, Hospital Ángeles Valle Oriente
VIEW FROM THE TOP: Alejandro Franco, Hospitaria
VIEW FROM THE TOP: Adriana Cavazos, Ginequito
VIEW FROM THE TOP: Dr. José Enrique Islas Varela, Insemer
ANALYSIS: Legislating Assisted Reproduction
VIEW FROM THE TOP: Juan Ignacio Gil Antón, GNP Seguros
ANALYSIS: Increasing Health Insurance Penetration Levels
VIEW FROM THE TOP: Juan Alberto Vélez Arredondo, Seguros Multiva
ANALYSIS: Bespoke Insurance Policies for Chronic Diseases
VIEW FROM THE TOP: Rogelio Domingo Lozano Gonzáles, Vitamédica
DEVELOPMENT OF PRIVATE HEALTHCARE IN MEXICO Mexico’s private healthcare infrastructure consists of
complying with high-quality requirements for medical
more than 3,000 private hospitals and clinics containing
attention and patient security – and eight are accredited by
35,000 beds according to INEGI statistics. In 2014, the
the gold standards of the Joint Commission International
Ministry of Economy stated private hospitals have played
(JCI). GHC’s requirements are aligned with those of JCI
a significant role in improving medical infrastructure in
and improve hospitals’ image while guaranteeing the best
Mexico since 2007, with a foreign direct investment (FDI)
medical practice, earning patients’ trust and preference.
of US$234 million in the last fourteen years. The market is dominated by major hospitals, such as Hospital ABC and
conglomerates including Grupo Ángeles Servicios de Salud,
Grupo Star Médica, Christus Muguerza, among others,
At a time when Mexico is striving to achieve universal
which are paving their way for economic prosperity and
coverage, the importance of collaboration between the
growth. Three major trends characterize today’s private
public and private sector has become greater than ever
healthcare environment, namely consolidation and growth
before. Mexico has the largest out of pocket spending among
of hospital groups through expansions and certifications,
OECD countries – 45% of the total healthcare expenditure
development of highly specialized clinics and insurance
and 91.5% of private spending in 2013. According to the
services, and greater collaboration between the private and
OECD, out of pocket expenditure can create barriers to
public sector. Achieving universal coverage is perhaps the
healthcare access as households are more likely to delay
major driver as well as a growing middle class demanding
or forgo necessary medical attention when having trouble
high quality accessible services.
affording medical bills, resulting in financial crisis when the accumulated costs become so high that patients can
Private hospitals are diffusing competition to areas
no longer afford basic necessities such as food or clothing.
outside the three big cities. Grupo Ángeles Servicios de
The WHO recommends that countries keep out of pocket
Salud acquired CIMA México’s hospitals in the Northern
spending below 15% of the total health spending. In an effort
area of the country and announced plans to build three
to decrease out of pocket spending, private hospitals are
more hospitals and three medical towers in June 2015, while
willing to collaborate with public institutions by providing
Grupo Star Médica revealed its determination to expand to
them with highly specialized medical services. In the last
Veracruz, Chihuahua, Tijuana, and Leon. Moreover, Grupo
five years, IMSS has increased its expenditure on private
Christus Muguerza aims at duplicating its sales between 2014
services such as hemodialysis and radiotherapy from US$1
and 2017 through strategic alliances and operating existing
billion in 2009 to US$1.7 billion in 2014. Moreover, according
hospitals in the Western and central areas of the country with
to Xavier Valdez, Director General at IMS Health, IMSS
an FDI of US$100 million from its American partner Christus
recently announced a public tender to subrogate medical
Health. Along with expansion plans, private hospitals are
care for 16,000 diabetic patients to private institutions.
aspiring to obtain certifications. At present, more than 100
All of this represents attractive business opportunities for
private hospitals have been certified by the General Health
private hospitals and an example of cooperation between
Council (GHC) – the national elective recognition for hospitals
both sectors in improving access to medical care. Besides
6,128 3,578
2,581 30% 2013
Source: SESA Accidentes y Enfermedades, INEGI
6,678 70%
6,000 4,000
subrogating services, public institutions could be further
in Mexico as well as the high cost of private insurance
aided by insurance companies, which could manage
coverage. The same consulting firm explains insurance
budgets and mitigate the administrative burden of the
policies are expensive for the average Mexican due to low
hospitals. The Mexican Association of Insurance Institutions
integration between public and private healthcare, while
(AMIS) is pushing forward a proposal which would enable
in other countries private insurance is a complement for
insurance companies to administer payments, manage
public coverage. In addition to increasing their market
risk funds, structure medical attention networks, and offer
penetration, insurance companies are aware that chronic
complementary coverage and integral programs for patients
diseases are the leading cause of death in Mexico, as well as
with chronic diseases, helping Seguro Popular to improve
of their economic impact. For instance, Seguros Monterrey
transparency, efficacy, cost savings, and productivity.
New York Life has an insurance policy, called Afronta, which covers cancer, heart attack, multiple sclerosis,
stroke, Parkinson’s disease, and organ transplantation. AXA
Seguros offers Vida DBTS, an exclusive life insurance for
Insurance companies also face the challenge of increasing
people with diabetes, while Seguros Multiva is focusing on
their market penetration in Mexico, as well as offering
developing programs for preventing diabetes. 2014 and
insurance policies for chronic and degenerative diseases
2015 have been characterized by strategies implemented
like diabetes and cancer. Today, 8.9 million people
by hospitals and insurance companies to expand their
have medical insurance – constituting 7.3% of the total
coverage while simultaneously providing the population
population – with only A, B, and C+ socioeconomic sectors
with quality medical services. More changes are expected
having access to it. According to PwC, the reasons for this
such as acquisitions, innovations, and greater collaboration
low market penetration include a lack of insurance culture
between private and public institutions.
Clínica Cumbres Chihuahua (2008)
Hospital Galenia (2012)
Hospital Ángeles Chihuahua (2012) Centro Oncológico Chihuahua (2014)
4. MEXICO CITY ABC Medical Center IAP (2008)
ABC Santa Fe (2008)
Hospital Ángeles Valle Oriente (2008)
Médica Sur S.A.B. de C.V. (2014) Source: Joint Commission International
2. AUDIT include
Once the self-evaluation is approved, the hospital can
prerequisites that the hospital has been operating for
pass to phase two: a three-strand audit of patient care,
at least one year, and has the basic health license issued
internal systems, and other GHC standards. Auditors must
by the Mexican government. In addition, standards
be accompanied by a secretary from the hospital to take
relating to policies, procedures, and information systems
minutes of the inspection, ensuring that the voluntary nature
must be met at three levels: essential, necessary, and
of the hospital’s decision is respected. The inspections are
recommended. A hospital must comply with the entirety
conducted from an office space the hospital provides, and
of the first category, 80% of the second, and 50% of
are accompanied by feedback sessions at the end of the day.
the third. Because patient safety is the focal point
These feedback sessions allow for the immediate redress of
throughout the process, a commitment to high-quality
issues on the part of the hospital without effect on the status
standards must form part of the hospital’s mission
of the hospital’s certification process. The inspection body
produces a preliminary report, which allows the hospital
Hospital Santa Catalina
Centro Hospitalario de Aguascalientes
Hospital Santa María Chapalita Hospitales Ángeles del Carmen
Mundo Físico
Centro Médico Hospital del Prado Instituto de Oftalmología de Baja California
Asociación para evitar la Ceguera en México
Centro Médico de Especialidades del Conchos
Centro Médico Dalinde
Christus Muguerza del Parque
Centro Hospitalario Sanatorio Durango
Clínica Panamericana de Chihuahua
Clínica CIME
Hospital Ángeles Chihuahua
Faco Laser Centro de Oftalmología Avanzada
Hospital Star Médica Ciudad Juárez
Hospital Español
Hospitales de Juárez
Hospital Médica Londres Hospital Merlos
Hospital Trinidad
Beneficencia Española de la Laguna
Hospitales Ángeles Clínica Londres
Hospitales Ángeles Torreón
Hospitales Ángeles Metropolitano Hospitales Ángeles México
Hospitales Ángeles Mocel
Hospital Insurgentes de Irapuato
Hospitales Ángeles Roma
Hospital San José de Celaya
Instituto de Oftalmología Fundación de Asistencia Privada
Hospitales Ángeles Leon
Conde de Valenciana
Médica Avanzada Contigo
Instituto Médico de la Visión
Médica Campestre
Laser Ocular Lomas Médica San Luis
Médica Sur
Centro Oftalmológico San Ángel
Operadora HMG
Centro Médico Puerta de Hierro
Sanatorio Oftalmológico Mérida
Hospital Country 2000 Hospital México Americano
Hospital Real San José
Hospital Fray Juan de San Miguel
Hospital San Javier
Hospital Star Médica Morelia
Hospital San Javier Marina
Sanatorio La Luz
Source: General Health Council, 2015
to address concerns without an impact on the application
process. The first three days of the audit focus on medication,
The preliminary report is revised by the auditors and the
infections, and facilities. For the audit to be effective, the
commission before a decision is issued. The pass-grade
hospital’s board and personnel must all be present at an initial
for the audit requires hospitals to score five out of ten
conference, during which the hospital director introduces
for each standard requirement, with six out of ten for
the institution. The hospital’s risk management strategy is
each subsection, and an average of five across the whole
tested during a simulation, with an emphasis on the handling
standardization process. Where hospitals partially complete
of hazardous materials and response to emergencies. The
the required standards but pass the observation, or vice
preliminary report checklist includes punctuality, organization,
versa, they are given six months to fulfil the remaining
staff interactions, and interactions between staff and auditors.
criteria. Once approval is issued, the hospital must pass a
The report is intended to delineate the patients’ perception
verification audit, along with periodic, random visits by the
of the services they are receiving, as well as documenting the
auditors. If the hospital fails the certification process, it must
objective effectiveness of diagnosis, treatment, and recovery.
wait six months before it can make another attempt.
Centro Médico Puerta de Hierro Tepic
Centro Médico de Toluca
Hospital San Javier Nuevo Vallarta
Coorporativo Hospital Satélite Hospital de Especialidades Bosques de Aragón
Hospital Río de la Loza
Audiodiagnóstico Alta Especialidad
Hospital San José Satélite
Christus Muguerza Clínica Vidriera
Hospitales Ángeles Lomas
Christus Muguerza Hospital Alta Especialidad
Novavisión Laser Center
Christus Muguerza Hospitales Clínica Cuauhtémoc y Famosa
Sanatorio Florencia
Clínica Supera García
Star Médica Hospital Vivo Parador Azteca
Doctors Hospital
Star Médica Lomas Verdes
Hospital Clínica Nova OCA Hospital
Servicios Médicos Quirúrgicos de Monterrey
Hospital CIMA Hermosillo
Servicios Hospitalarios AVE
Hospital San José de Ciudad de Obregón
Supera MexFam
Hospital San José de Hermosillo
PUEBLA Hospital Puebla
QUERETARO Centro Láser de Querétaro Hospital San José de Querétaro Hospitales Ángeles Querétaro
QUINTANA ROO Centro Médico de Cozumel Hospital Amerimed Cancún
TAMAULIPAS Beneficencia Española de Tampico Clínica Hospital CEMAIN Hospitales Ángeles Tampico Hospital Christus Muguerza Reynosa San Ángel Hospital
VERACRUZ Hospital Covadonga Córdoba Hospital Covadonga Orizaba Hospital Español de Veracruz Hospitales Ángeles Xalapa
Hospital Lomas de San Luis Internacional Hospitales Ángeles Centro Médico del Potosí
YUCATAN Centro Médico de las Américas
Clínica de Mérida
Hospital Fátima
Hospital Sharp Mazatlán
Star Médica Mérida
PRIVATE SECTOR APPROACHES, PUBLIC SECTOR PRINCIPLES ALEJANDRO ALFONSO DÍAZ CEO of ABC Hospitals and President of the National Association of Private Hospitals Q: To what extent are Mexico’s private hospitals now on
permitted to publish it, but many hospitals perceive a
par with the leading hospitals of the world?
risk in making certain figures publicly available due to
A: We encourage hospitals and clinics in the private
the possibility of damaging the hospital’s reputation with
sector in Mexico to focus on improving the image of the
unfavorable data. The way forward is to share information
country’s hospitals on a global scale. At ABC, we measure
within the private hospital association, a measure I have
our performance against the institutional standard, which
promoted for a long time.
is based on data from our affiliated hospital in Houston, Methodist International.
Q: Mexico’s recent reforms have had a limited focus on the health sector. What opportunities for reform, if any, have
The lack of indicators available in terms of Mexico’s
been missed?
hospitals is one of the things that must be addressed,
A: Although the healthcare sector has been performing
and the situation is exacerbated by the lack of shared
well, it has not received intense focus and any reforms
information between hospitals. Many hospitals fail to
implemented require time to bear fruit. The demographic
collate information in the right way and others are simply
changes taking place in Mexico are going to have an
wary of sharing. As the first hospital in Mexico to share
impact economically. Soon, current specialists will retire
clinical results online, we were disappointed that other
and young professionals will be required to fill the vacuum
hospitals did not follow suit. Our affiliation with Houston’s
in healthcare provision. Both the political gains and the
Methodist Hospital provides access to data that we can
real gains have to be examined when addressing this issue.
use as a benchmark, which is complemented by regularly
Many politicians want to build big hospitals, because that
reviewed indicators.
creates immediate impact, but this must be complemented with a long-term focus on areas such as the creation of
We aspire to be on par with any leading hospital in the world
talent, addressing the lack of physicians, nurses, and other
and we are industry leaders in certain specializations, such
healthcare professionals. The private hospital association
as neurosciences, orthopedics, cancers, and surgeries. In
has been stressing the importance of action with both the
order to achieve a high level of success, it is necessary
local and federal authorities.
to work over many years to change behaviors with the understanding that the hospital’s principal purpose is
At ABC we have three times the number of installations
providing quality treatment to patients. One mistake in
in place compared to ten years ago, but paying for
healthcare can change lives irreparably, so quality is non-
construction and new equipment is the easy part,
provided that funds are available. The daily running of the hospital is the area in which most focus should be
Q: With access to data regarding hospital standards in
centered, especially staff training, quality standards,
Mexico so limited for patients, how has ABC gone about
and provision of effective care. Fortunately, the current
creating awareness of its quality and services?
Minister of Health is aware of this issue and is working to
A: Sadly, information on quality of hospitals, surgeons
address it.
and procedures in the country is simply not available.
ABC has been actively promoting transparency in this
At ABC we put a lot of money into education, with an
area for several years, but in terms of our own reputation
investment of US$15 million every year. We recently began
we have so far been entirely reliant on first hand
working in conjunction with one of the most prestigious
recommendations and word of mouth. However, access
schools of medicine in Mexico, Tecnológico de Monterrey,
to required information is essential to both patients and
and we have built an entire student facility at our Santa Fe
professionals in order for the industry to evolve. The
campus. This is one of the only organizations in Mexico to
information is currently generated, and we are legally
host a fully integrated teaching hospital.
Q: How can cooperation between the various governmental
decrease in the average price per patient, meaning that
institutions help to prepare the entire industry for the
our cost-benefit ratio has improved. Ultimately, insurance
challenges that lie ahead?
companies are our partners, with an inextricable link
A: Policy makers in this country must recognize the
created by a mutually beneficial relationship in terms of
important and previously overlooked role of private
patient numbers. We have also implemented welfare
hospitals in improving the country’s healthcare situation.
programs that run concurrently with our regular activities,
Private hospitals tend to be perceived as a manner of
the scale of which continues to grow as we become more
compensating for inefficiencies in the public sector, and
profitable. We have learned that if our patients and quality
the potential for referrals from public hospitals is not fully
are our focus, then profits will naturally see a positive
capitalized on.
Furthermore, too much installed capacity in the private
Q: What is one of the most exciting long-term objectives
sector is underutilized. In the private sector, we receive
for the hospital?
paying patients who are often only able to attend
A: One of our biggest challenges is to promote our
appointments at high traffic times such as mornings,
presence nationally and to provide access in previously
evenings, and weekends, leaving considerable potential for
untapped areas. In certain cities, populations lack access
the sale of services to the government at fixed costs that
to the sort of healthcare quality that ABC can offer, which
are lower than those we charge to the private segment.
is a challenge we want to address. I would like to see ten
This will not impact treatment provided to our current
hospitals opened in ten different locations in Mexico over
patient base, but will enable optimization of the facilities
the next decade.
we have in place. Our attitude to competition means we want to provide Q: Which misconceptions create the view that private
an appropriate range of services across a variety of fields.
hospitals exist only to serve the wealthy?
One factor requiring attention is acquisition of talent,
A: This perception is something that really bothers me,
because with our current geographic spread, talent can be
but due to the exponential improvements in medicine,
easily shared, but this will be made increasingly difficult
associated costs have been increasing. As an industry, we
with the procurement of more hospitals across widely-
are in danger of outpricing medical access despite our
spread areas.
highly developed medical services. We are working to reduce costs and refocus our attentions, allowing greater
Q: How would you like to be able to define the legacy of
access to the services we provide. Premium services will
ABC hospitals in the Mexican healthcare industry?
always be available for those who can afford them, but
A: I would like young doctors to focus less on individual
wider services should be more accessible.
advancement in favor of peer collaboration. It is only through working collectively across various fields and
For the last 50 years, the premium segment, ABC Plus,
institutions that patient care can be adequately prioritized.
has been our main focus in the provision of healthcare.
Simultaneously, by continuing to provide high-quality
However, having conducted studies on the population,
services across a wider demographic, we can make a real
we have found that the ABC Plus segment is expected
impact on the medical industry, achieving higher levels of
to experience limited growth in the future, whereas the
economy segment has more growth potential. We will continue to invest in being able to provide first-class
We currently have a program in place designed to tackle
services, but we have now also made the strategic decision
pediatric congenital heart disease in collaboration with
to invest several billion pesos in more widely accessible
a not-for-profit institution called Kardias. As part of the
program, we have so far performed approximately 100 surgeries on patients who were previously on long waiting
Q: What practical measures are you taking to increase
lists, using funds generated from ABC plus patients.
access whilst maintaining profit? A: For a long time, ABC has had a small quantity of patients paying a high cost for their healthcare, presenting the challenge of improving quality while reducing cost. In the last five to six years, we have been developing
The National Association of Private Hospitals was established to bring together the industry’s private institutions with the aim of improving the quality and prevlance of private healthcare in Mexico.
our relationships with insurance companies due to the
LEADING NORTHERN TEACHING HOSPITAL JAVIER FLORES HINOJOSA Director General of Hospital San José / Hospital Zambrano Hellion
Q: What is the relationship between Hospital San José
built with the specific intention of specializing in oncology
and Hospital Zambrano Hellion?
and cardiology, but afterwards we expanded our specialty
A: Both hospitals are part of the health division of the
portfolio to open several institutes that treat diverse
Tecnológico de Monterrey. Hospital San José will turn
46 this year and has 200 beds, while Hospital Zambrano Hellion is only three years old and has 60 beds. Both are
Q: Does belonging to Tecnológico de Monterrey give
general hospitals that also provide highly specialized
these hospitals any advantages?
treatments as part of tertiary care, and are completely
A: Tecnológico de Monterrey shares our clear mission of
equipped with diagnostic imaging and hemodynamics.
providing improved services by educating excellent medical
The main difference is that Hospital San José provides
professionals. In 2014, we took an important step by
radiotherapy services. Our alliance with the School of
establishing our National Medical School at three different
Medicine of Tecnológico de Monterrey helps us support
both hospitals. Hospital San José is perceived as both a
Tecnológico de Monterrey also has a strong R&D area,
medical school and as a specialized hospital, since we are
and its biotechnology center carries out groundbreaking
heavily committed to educating our medical professionals.
research. Sadly, we are unable to use any of its research
because the expense involved in commercialization requires Q: How would you compare Mexican health standards to
external financing.
those in other countries? A: It is difficult to define a specific standard, since several
Q: What are the benefits of being part of the Monterrey
indicators must be considered and several major Mexican
health cluster?
institutions are interested in providing the best quality
A: The health cluster was created as a public-private
healthcare for patients. We are mainly concerned with
synergy in Monterrey, intended to position the city as
clinical outcomes, so we are establishing standards to be
a health hub. This is a long-term goal to which every
used across Mexico. Sadly, there is little public information
hospital contributes by providing qualified professionals
in Mexico comparing quality and patient outcome across
and to promote medical tourism. Moreover, the Director of
hospitals, so we are obliged to compare ourselves with
Nursing at Hospital Zambrano Hellion is now the president
foreign hospitals. As affiliates of the Houston Methodist
of the cluster’s Nursing Committee.
group in the US, we exchange and implement guidelines on best practices in our operation, administration, and clinical
Q: Do you consider Monterrey to be a popular destination
practice, thereby improving the quality of patient care.
for medical tourism? A: We continue to treat many medical tourism patients, but
Q: To what extent has the epidemiological shift in Mexico,
numbers have declined since 2004-2007 for example when
changed the approach of the hospital?
we received about 500 patients every year for bariatric
A: The epidemiological profile has changed significantly in
surgery. At the time this procedure did not have FDA
Mexico. Chronic diseases have replaced infectious diseases
approval in the US, but it was approved in Mexico, which
as the main cause of mortality in the Mexican population.
meant that this number dwindled once the FDA approved
In response, three years ago we established three strategic
the procedure in the US. We have made several efforts to
lines of action, prioritized at a financial and infrastructural
promote medical tourism through international fairs, and
we work with several brokers who sell our services abroad.
infarctions, heart failure, and other vascular diseases. Our
These brokers send us patients for highly specialized
neurology strategy treats cerebrovascular accident and
surgeries, but not as many as before. Niche work like
neurodegenerative diseases, while our oncology work is
bariatric surgery could boost sales again. Such procedures
focused on breast cancer. Hospital Zambrano Hellion was
become popular abroad when performed by highly trained
medical professionals. Other factors have negatively
ISSSTE Nuevo Leon to provide tertiary care to federal
influenced medical tourism, such as the rise of organized
workers. The negotiation process for subrogating services
crime. Generally, 15% of our patients come from outside of
usually revolves around specific needs. For instance, Hospital
Monterrey, but between 2009 and 2011, we had very few
San José is accredited to provide care for breast cancer,
patients from other parts of Mexico. During these years we
cervical cancer, and pediatric cancer to Seguro Popular.
received absolutely no foreign patients and the number of
I can confidently state that our breast cancer program is
domestic patients plummeted, although the situation has
the most successful in Mexico. Since 2010, we have treated
greatly improved since.
650 patients per year from Seguro Popular. The number of patients gradually increased as word spread about the
Medical tourism comes about through efforts of individuals
availability of our services through Seguro Popular.
performing dental and cosmetic surgery. Other surgeries are usually covered by the patient’s health insurance in
Q: What certifications do Hospital San José and Hospital
their home countries. However, opportunities still remain
Zambrano Hellion have today?
for other specializations, such as with trauma patients.
A: We are currently working towards becoming accredited
These patients have either visited doctors who could not
as an academic medical center by Joint Commission
provide treatment or do not have medical insurance in
International (JCI). We are likely to obtain this accreditation
their home country. Procedures carried out in Mexico are
since we are collaborating with the School of Medicine
usually 30-40% less expensive than in the US, while the
of Tecnológico de Monterrey. JCI has accredited several
quality standards are the same. Insurance providers could
organizations worldwide, three of which are in Latin America.
lower their costs by outsourcing patients to Mexico.
We are currently submitting the necessary information and we expect to be accredited by the end of 2015. Hospital
Q: What percentage of your patients have medical
San José has already been certified by Mexico’s General
insurance and how many pay out of pocket?
Health Council (GHC), showing that we can adhere to strict
A: Numbers fluctuate but we estimate that 75% of our
certification standards, and Hospital Zambrano Hellion is in
patients have medical insurance while the rest pay out
the final stages of GHC certification.
of pocket. In Mexico, only 8.6 million people have health insurance, representing 7.3% of the population. In most of
Q: There are a high number of specialized physicians
Mexico, there is little interest from consumers to acquire
in large cities, but this number is substantially lower in
medical insurance, but larger cities like Mexico City and
rural areas. What can private hospitals do to increase
Monterrey are beginning to develop a different attitude.
coverage? A: The School of Medicine of the Tecnológico de Monterrey
As the Mexican population continues to increase, the
covers the entire state of Nuevo Leon. As mentioned, 15% of
government will have to outsource services to us, and it
our patients come from rural areas. Besides collaborating
is the responsibility of the entire health sector, including
with several smaller hospitals, our clinics provide emergency
public and private hospitals, medical insurers, and the
care for highly specialized procedures and we are building a
government, to anticipate this change. Mixed plans that
clinic in Santa Catarina with the assistance of municipal and
split the costs of medical care between the public health
state governments to provide medical care for low-income
sector and private hospitals are possible. Primary care
patients. We also began by providing ophthalmological
could be provided by the public health sector, with highly
care at that clinic before developing medical treatments
specialized medicine financed by health insurers and
for women and children. Another project aims to improve
provided in private hospitals.
the education of our doctors while increasing medical coverage in the entire Monterrey metropolitan area. The
Q: Is the amount of services you provide increasing or
School of Medicine of Tecnológico de Monterrey offers
decreasing as the public health sector strives to achieve
undergraduate and graduate courses, as part of which we
universal healthcare?
provide undergraduate education that takes place in our
A: We already sell services to the public health sector,
hospitals, while our postgraduate training at various centers
including IMSS and ISSSTE. This involves a bidding process
throughout the state. This program has been made possible
among the private hospitals interested in providing services
through collaboration between our hospitals and Nuevo
to the public sector. Such services are beneficial for us
Leon’s Ministry of Health. During the ten years since this
because they increase our patient numbers, and we are
work began, our students visited several hospitals to gain
able to incorporate public patients without affecting our
insight and experience, and medical coverage in the region
own patients. Since 2010, we have had an agreement with
has increased as a direct consequence.
Q: Hospital Ángeles Valle Oriente is the result of the
comprising 42,000m2. We closed the ER as it did not
acquisition of Hospital CIMA – what is the new vision for
comply with national norms and we started afresh with
the hospital?
the construction of a new, appropriately equipped ER. Our
A: Grupo Ángeles acquired Hospital CIMA at a time when the
goal is to expand the ICU and focus on critical medicine,
hospital had fallen into bankruptcy due to an overall lack of
meaning we had to build an imaging department to allow us
understanding about the complexities of the private sector. In
to accommodate for emergencies. Currently, we have eight
Mexico there is a complicated interrelation between the public
beds in the ICU with plans to expand to 18 but we also want
health sector, the private health sector, and private insurance
to create a separate pediatrics ICU with eight beds. In fact,
companies, which private hospitals have to understand in
the restructuring of the hospital is so comprehensive that
order to thrive. The hospital had neglected to invest in the
when completed, only the original chapel will remain. We
appropriate equipment and infrastructure, and it fell behind in
expect the occupation level within the hospital to average
these areas. It was also the only hospital in Mexico dedicated
at least 60%, since in the private sector when a hospital
to pharmacovigilance, which is not a business model that can
reaches 75% occupancy it indicates that the hospital must
support a general hospital in this country and the appropriate
look at expansion. The situation is different from the public
investments to turn it from a pharmacovigilance hospital into a
sector where it is possible to achieve 100% occupancy with
general hospital were not made. Grupo Ángeles is an investor
ease. Such a feat is not desirable for private hospitals, as
in other successful CIMA hospitals and it wanted to establish a
having such high occupancy makes logistics complicated
hospital in Monterrey, since hospitals are heavily dependent on
and can place patients in unsafe conditions. Safety is one
private insurance companies and more than 20% of insurers
of our main concerns along with quality, so for that reason,
in Mexico are based in Monterrey. What interested us about
60% occupancy is the appropriate level to provide the best
hospital CIMA particularly was its location and its employees.
quality and safety to our patients. Another part of the project
After acquiring Hospital CIMA we started a complete
is a new 20-story tall building that we will start to construct
renovation of the infrastructure and equipment.
in March once we have obtained all the necessary permits.
Q: As newcomers to Monterrey, how do you plan to
Q: Do you think hospitals in Mexico can compete with
compete with local hospitals?
those in developed countries?
A: First of all, we want to learn from the mistakes of the past.
A: It is impossible to compare private hospitals in Mexico
Grupo Ángeles therefore wants to become the best-equipped
with those in the US or Europe, since the systems are unique
hospital group in Mexico, an ambition that we are already
to each country. Our goal is not to compete with hospitals
working to accomplish. For example we were aware that
in other countries but to become the best hospital in our
Doctors Hospital had a state-of-the-art 256-slice CT scanner,
specific area and to have the best equipment and the best
which was the best in Monterrey. We always aim to stay ahead
technology. No hospital can excel in every area so we must
of the competition, so we acquired a more advanced 384-slice
choose fields in which to specialize. At Hospital Ángeles,
CT scanner from Siemens. In the US there are no more than
we want to focus on clinical care, particularly radiology,
ten of these CT scanners, and there are probably only three
neurology, orthopedics, and internal medicine. We chose
of them in Latin America, and we are the first hospital to have
these specialties by analyzing current statistics on morbidity
this technology in Mexico. In order to be leaders in equipment
and epidemiology for the area, and since obesity is among
and technology we are not just renovating, but orchestrating a
the main diseases currently affecting the health of Mexicans,
complete reengineering of the hospital.
we are focusing heavily on cardiovascular disease.
Q: What capacity are you aiming for the hospital to have?
Q: How many of your patients have private insurance, how
A: At this point we have 75 beds and we are planning
many pay out of pocket, and how closely do you work
to expand to 150 beds with the anticipated final area
with insurance companies?
A: About 90% of our patients are insured and the remaining
in Mexico, and even in the US, are having trouble finding
10% pay out of pocket. We currently have several contracts
enough qualified nurses, even though a lot of universities
with private insurers and we plan to work more closely with
and medical schools are investing in educating these
these companies to make the system more efficient. In
professionals. The lack of interest in nursing as a profession
Mexico, very few people would invest in medical insurance
is largely due to the fact that nurses are not compensated
in the past as they were unaware of the benefits. Unlike the
adequately. While government agencies pay nurses a
rest of Mexico, however, people in Monterrey tend to have
determinate amount, private institutions cannot afford
greater awareness of the importance of medical insurance
to pay the same levels as we do not receive money from
due to US influence. Since private hospitals are dependent
the government to subsidize these costs. Currently, we are
on private insurers it is not possible to build these types
setting up education programs in collaboration with UDEM
of hospitals in areas that do not have the necessary
and Tec de Monterrey. We are only beginning to build the
population to support them.
infrastructure for residents and interns, and plan to start the internship program and a residency in radiology this year.
Q: What is your perspective on the potential to develop Mexico’s medical tourism sector?
Q: To what degree do you collaborate with the public
A: In my opinion there is no medical tourism industry in
Mexico, only private and singular efforts for out of pocket
A: We are currently collaborating with IMSS, ISSSTE,
services. Foreign patients come to Mexico for services that
and PEMEX to provide treatments for specialties and
their own insurance companies and healthcare systems
sub-specialties. The public sector mostly approaches us
will not provide, such as cosmetic and bariatric surgery.
for surgeries that require advanced equipment. We are
It is unlikely that patients with health insurance in other
planning to strengthen this collaboration with the public
countries will come to Mexico for medical care. It could
sector in the future when we have more of the necessary
be possible to develop a real medical tourism sector in
infrastructure. We provide the same high quality standards
Mexico, but several reforms would be required, such as
to all of our clients, but with some paying out of pocket and
an overhaul of policies of foreign insurance companies,
others insured, the amount they pay varies. Patients receive
which currently do not tend to cover medical expenses in
the same services with the only variation sometimes being
Mexico. This move could save insurance companies money
the rooms allocated to them. We are limited by the fact
but may affect private interests, as Mexico’s image is not
that IMSS and ISSSTE are not always willing to send their
as prestigious as other countries in terms of healthcare.
patients to our hospital, so we can only provide support.
Patients may also need to return to Mexico for aftercare,
At this point, it is more convenient to have one hospital
which could be problematic. These changes will not take
providing services for the public sector and a different one
place in the short to medium term as Mexico needs to
for private sector patients. At the moment, we are focusing
change its worldwide image to make patients feel safe.
on the A and B+ sectors of the population.
In this way, I do not believe that medical tourism is a real bankable approach, so while I would offer the services, I
Q: What specific goals does Hospital Ángeles have for
will not invest heavily in the practice.
2015? A: We have several goals. We must acquire all the necessary
Q: What current certifications does the hospital have?
equipment and prepare our medical professionals by
A: We are accredited by the Joint Commission International
training them in different centers with a high patient volume,
(JCI) and we are working on obtaining the accreditation
a project that will take about three years. Also, we plan to
from Mexico’s General Health Council (GHC). The former
start the construction of the new building and to obtain
has two different standards - process and structure - and
the GHC certification. I have no doubt we are going to
the latter has stricter requirements than those of the JCI.
achieve these goals, as from my point of view we have many
To get the accreditation from GHC you have to comply
advantages. We buy larger volumes at more competitive
100% on structure and 80% on process, and, as a results,
prices than anyone else and Hospital Ángeles Valle Oriente
not all hospitals in Mexico are accredited by GHC.
is backed by the whole Grupo Ángeles. Doctors are aware of the many advantages we offer and experienced physicians
Q: What are the biggest challenges that Hospital Ángeles
prefer us over the competition. I am a firm believer in a free
Valle Oriente, and the hospital sector in general, is
market where competition is based on a hospital’s statistics
currently facing?
of mortality, morbidity, and results, and with this in mind
A: One of our largest problems is the recruitment of nurses.
physicians will prefer our hospital. In the long term we aim
This problem is not exclusive to our hospital, as all hospitals
to build more hospitals in Monterrey.
INCREASING MEDICAL CARE IN GENERAL ESCOBEDO ALEJANDRO FRANCO Director General of Hospitaria Q: What motivated the choice of General Escobedo,
our case means that Hospitaria would need to have the
Nuevo Leon as the location for Hospitaria?
foresight to allocate resources today that will generate
A: An investment company that owned the land occupied
revenues after six to 12 months. Unfortunately, we do not
by the hospital in General Escobedo was interested in
have the capabilities to work in this way right now but it
starting a new business and founded Hospitaria in 2012.
is something we will certainly consider in the future. In my
The company conducted extensive market research and
experience, when a private hospital signs a collaboration
studied the area to understand the specific needs. Until
agreement with a public institution, its equipment and
recently, people from the surrounding community had to
operating rooms become saturated with external patients,
travel all the way to the center of Monterrey in search of
and this can discourage direct patients. We received a
high-standard medical services. In order to establish a high
collaboration proposal from one of the biggest public
quality hospital with specialized infrastructure in this area,
healthcare institutions a year and a half ago, which we could
the investment company had to partner with an expert
not accept because it was not in alignment with our growth
in healthcare services and finally decided to work with
strategy at that time. In hindsight, if we had accepted the
Ginequito. In addition, the World Bank also contributed
project, our growth would have been constrained.
financially to this project. Q: What are the biggest challenges facing physicians in Q: How does Hospitaria’s business model differ from
Nuevo Leon today?
other private hospitals in the area?
A: Mexico is the second most obese country in the
A: The mission of this second-level hospital is to provide
world. Educating the population on preventing disease
medical care at a fair price. Our mission is not providing
and leading a healthy lifestyle is challenging because it
cheap services, but giving patients the opportunity to pay
requires a cultural transformation. Average life expectancy
a fair price for services received. In the biggest private
in Mexico has increased over the years, but this also means
hospitals the percentage of patients that are insured can
that people suffer from chronic and degenerative diseases
be as high as 90%. At Hospitaria, 50% of our patients have
instead of dying from acute and infectious diseases. The
private insurance, while the other 50% pay out-of-pocket.
number of highly specialized physicians is increasing in
This requires the hospital to work more efficiently because
Mexico, but it is not easy to treat the complications arising
the latter group expects to see the benefits of every peso
from diabetes or to prevent cardiovascular problems when
paid. Contrastingly, privately insured patients are less
patients do not receive timely treatment. People are not
demanding because they perceive our services as part of the
accustomed to having annual check-ups or consulting a
benefits they receive for having insurance. This model will
physician when they feel sick. Transforming this mentality
allow us to also satisfy a future need for public healthcare,
is a difficult task for all parties.
which will consist of public institutions actively looking for private hospitals that can help them relieve their healthcare
Q: Which special programs or activities do you have for
burden. Hospitals that are able to provide excellent services
promoting prevention and opportune diagnostics?
at lower costs are the ones that will capture the attention of
A: We are convinced that improving health goes hand in
the public institutions.
hand with community work. We want people to experience our generosity and support, so we visit different companies
Q: What factors should be considered when deciding to
in the area to discuss breast cancer, accidents, obesity,
collaborate with public institutions in order to open the
and other topics. Some companies are concerned about
doors to their patients?
high levels of absenteeism. For instance, a company
A: Collaborating with public institutions, although altruistic,
shared with us that their female employees are frequently
is a complicated business. There are significant delays for
absent because their sons have addiction problems and
government institutions in terms of payment, which in
are often involved in street fights. We invited a psychiatrist
to help these women to preemptively identify problematic
such as pain intensity can only be properly expressed in
behaviours in their sons. We have also provided free
your native language. We expect the number of foreign
medical consultations within both the residential and non-
patients to increase in the medium term, but we need
residential areas of Escobedo and San Nicolás, Nuevo
to consolidate this market first and we do not want
León, which included basic blood tests and dietitian
our current patients to wrongly perceive the hospital
services. We have signed agreements with 80 companies
as providing expensive treatment because we receive
to provide them with emergency services, and we expect
foreign patients. Other private hospitals have completely
to be providing services to 150 companies by the end of
different price scales for foreigners, but currently we
this year. We believe it is important to have a significant
do not operate in this way. This could perhaps become
impact on the companies we are working with rather than
a competitive advantage in terms of attracting more
simply increasing our contract numbers.
medical tourists to our hospital.
Q: Are you currently providing any type of education
Q: What are your strategies for consolidating the business?
A: We rely on our physicians and promotion campaigns.
A: One of the requirements that hospitals need to comply
We offer free membership for young physicians as well
with in order to become a teaching hospital is to have the
as highly specialized ones as both groups are invested
certification of the National Health Council. Hospitaria
in expanding their patient base. In this way Hospitaria
was founded two and a half years ago and hospitals are
represents an excellent platform for both patients and
ineligible to apply during their first year, so we are still in
physicians. We also have a very well-defined strategy
the process of becoming certified. Once we receive the
based on providing competitive prices and discounts to
certification we can start offering education programs. This
insurance companies. ABC Hospitals, Starmedica, Christus
does not apply to nurses and we are currently developing
Muguerza and other groups offer discounted treatment of
an education program for nurses.
between 15-28%, while we give discounts of 3-4%. Insurance companies accept this discount level because our baseline
Q: How have the requirements for the National Health
prices are already competitive. We have visited the general
Council certification changed and what other certifications
managers of several companies that have around 3,000
are you looking to acquire?
employees and pay up to US$380,000 for annual insurance
A: I had the opportunity to be involved in the Joint
policies. Each year this amount increases by US$63,000–
Commission International (JCI) certification of Hospital
US$95,000 due to the economic value of accidents in the
Christus Muguerza, which was the first hospital in Mexico
workplace. Hospitaria helps these companies lower their
to obtain this certification. At that time, the requirements
expenses through the offering of lower prices. In addition,
for certification set by the General Health Council (GHC)
we intermittently offer promotional discounted prices for
were not strict at all, but since then the level of exigency
different services and laboratory tests.
has increased tenfold. The requirements are similar to the JCI and nowadays they perform audits. Our current
Q: To what extent are private hospitals becoming more
focus is on obtaining the national certification and then
open to sharing data on clinical outcomes?
we can look outwards for an international certification.
A: We are part of the Mexican Consortium of Hospitals.
There is a Canadian certification that would be interesting
All of the hospitals that are part of the consortium share
to explore. These certifications are not only useful for
their outcome data, which are then collectively published.
providing patients with the most effective services, but
Nevertheless, hospitals still keep the information regarding
also for building a strong brand. This hospital complies
their underlying causes of treatment failure and mortality
with all FDA norms and requirements and the whole
confidential. Moreover, the names of the hospitals and
infrastructure was designed based on strict security
physicians are always protected, so the readers can only
access the figures.
Q: Have you identified any interesting opportunities to
Q: What are your top priorities for 2015?
promote medical tourism within the hospital, and is this
A: My first priority is consolidating Hospitaria. I have
an area you are focusing on?
personally witnessed the inauguration and development
A: About 5% of our patients come from the US, Canada,
of several hospitals and I am impressed with Hospitaria’s
China, and Japan. These foreigners mainly work for
evolution. Our goal is to open eight hospitals in the next
companies based near the hospital. We have bilingual
ten years and we are also planning to expand to other
and multi-lingual physicians, which is important as factors
parts of the country.
Q: What are the roots of Ginequito’s unique positioning?
the general population and not be perceived as a hospital
A: Ginequito was founded in Nuevo Leon 39 years ago
solely for female care. The hospital will be connected to
by a group of gynecological doctors concerned with
the Ginequito wing that has 60 rooms, as well as to our
female and newborn health. Since then, we have been
other medical centers. In this way, the whole infrastructure
innovators. We were the first hospital in Mexico to employ
will become a comprehensive, interconnected medical
the gynecological laparoscopy, using glasses and cameras
complex. In addition, another wing will be opened for
to operate with keyhole incisions. We are also experts and
consultations, which will allow the doctors to remain close
leaders in assisted reproduction. The hospital is home to
to their patients.
the IECH fertility center, which saw the birth of the first
Mexican baby conceived through assisted reproduction.
Q: What differentiates Ginequito from other private
Assisted reproduction techniques can cause multiple
hospitals in terms of infrastructure and relationships with
pregnancies that can be high risk and babies can be
born in critical conditions. In response, we have acquired
A: Ginequito focuses on the C and C+ segments, which
extensive experience in neonatal intensive care and have
have seen a shortage of beds within the private sector.
created the appropriate infrastructure in our Institute
Other hospitals have facilities aimed at A and B segments
of Maternal-Fetal Medicine, where the most specialized
that are not fully occupied. At Ginequito, 60% of patients
studies are carried out on pregnancy outcome, serving as
pay out of pocket and 40% have some form of health
a reference for other hospitals. We are currently working
insurance. We develop our relationships with insurers by
on a program incorporating feedback from parents who
offering competitive prices and charging for what the
have had premature, high-risk babies and who have
patient actually needs and uses, since we realize that the
subsequently left the hospital without complications.
patients seek to manage their expenses and streamline
Additionally, we have always been concerned with teaching
costs just as much as the insurance companies. We also
and innovation regarding this specialty. As a result we act
try to be as efficient as possible with our pricing since
as a base for the Gynecology Council exams that evaluate
insurance companies evaluate hospitals according to their
the doctors practicing in this field. Ginequito is also a
average annual costs in order to decide which policies can
medical society, and in our two medical centers we have
be covered. Our price level caters to all insurers, including
around 200 doctors practicing, the majority of whom are
policies with low and high premiums. Our doctors are
gynecologists. There is no other institution in Nuevo Leon
aligned with this strategy since it is their responsibility to
with the same concentration of specialists.
order the procedures and tests for the patients.
Q: How many patients do you treat each year and what
Q: What measures have you implemented in order to
have been the highlights of Ginequito’s growth in recent
widen access for patients?
A: We facilitate hospital access through packages that
A: Currently, we treat an average of 6,000 patients
include complete medical care but are more economic.
per year, 80% of whom are obstetrics patients and the
Doctors can offer these packages at preferential rates
remaining 20% require other female medical procedures. In
to patients facing financial difficulties. We also offer
2005, a floor was opened for surgical medical specialties,
payment plans as Alivio Capital, specializing in healthcare.
which also caters to general surgical procedures for men,
Ginequito has been involved in high impact projects like
without taking the focus from our main differentiator -
Hospitaria, a relatively new hospital located in Escobedo,
women. In the middle of 2016, we will open a new wing
Nuevo Leon, which was created to facilitate access to
for general surgery and specialty care that will belong to
comprehensive medical and professional attention in an
a new general hospital with 50 beds. This will be part of
area that previously lacked a hospital. Additionally, we
Ginequito, but will receive another name so as to target
have an agreement to treat public sector employees from
the town of San Pedro. Such towns have clinics for first
promotes the exchange and publishing of information to
point of medical attention but all the patients requiring
help generate more transparent and accurate statistics on
hospitalization and surgical intervention have to be
a national level. We also belong to the Mexican Consortium
transferred to a reference hospital. Private hospitals are
of Hospitals, which includes 32 private hospitals from
always open to negotiating with the public sector to find
across the country and is dedicated to building synergies
ways to increase the number of patients treated through
and sharing best practices in terms of medicine, ethics and
mutually beneficial arrangements.
human resources organization. We are accredited by the General Health Council with one of the highest qualifications
Q: How much interest is there from foreign patients in
and we are in the process of becoming recertified, which
seeking treatment in Monterrey and in Ginequito?
requires being audited. Having a prestigious certification
A: In reality, we receive very few patients in terms of
represents various advantages while also intensifying our
hospitalization and obstetrics because few foreign people
goal of continuous improvement.
want their children to be born in Mexico. However, in the field of fertility we see many foreign patients. Other procedures
Q: What are your main priorities for this year?
like cosmetic surgery, bariatric surgery, and varicose vein
A: Ginequito is a private hospital with the highest number
surgery are also attractive for medical tourists. Patients are
of births in Nuevo Leon and we are looking to solidify this
looking for specialization and we have qualified doctors who
leadership position through our focus on specialization
are recognized at the national and international level. In fact,
and support of doctors. Ginequito is a hospital with an
attraction of foreign patients to Monterrey is determined by
open-door policy, which means that the institution is
medical specialization and not by perception of the city
committed to help solve the problems faced by doctors
as a tourist destination. Additionally, we participate in the
just as much as those faced by patients. This is one of our
Health Cluster along with other private hospitals with the
main differentiators. Given that the group is expanding,
objective of making a united effort for the promotion of
it is important for us to enlist new doctors from other
medical tourism. We have established useful links between
specialties for the new General Hospital. Finally, this year
the hospitals and are focusing on strengthening each one
we will undergo the recertification process by the General
while mitigating the competition between us given that
Health Council, which undoubtedly will consolidate our
each hospital is defined by its specialty. The cluster also
strength and success.
Healthcare integral services analysis
Medical technology management training
Consulting and management of healthcare architectual projects, based in national and international references Investment and management analysis for healthcare projects
Clinical engineering department outsourcing services
Healthcare infrastructure and medical equipment planning
Reserch studies for planning and evaluation of new technologies
Risk assessment for medical technology procurement and management
Technovigilance management services for healthcare enterprises and hospitals
Escocia No. 24 Oficina B, Col. Parque San Andrés, Delegación Coyoacán, C.P. 04040 Distrito Federal, México. Tel: 011-52-55-53363815 011-52-55-56687440 /Escalabiomedica @Escalabiomedica
The key to the success of your projects in infrastructure and health technologies
Q: How do you define infertility, and how many couples in
Q: How do chronic diseases, such as obesity and diabetes,
Mexico are facing this problem?
impact fertility?
A: Infertility is categorized when a couple is unsuccessful
A: These factors negatively affect the possibility of getting
after a year spent trying to conceive through unprotected
pregnant. In the few cases where patients have diabetes or
sexual relations. Some of our patients had failed to
hypertension, we ask them to control their blood sugar or
conceive for up to 15 years before coming to us. Several
blood pressure before starting treatment. Our patients are
have even visited other clinics and doctors without success.
mainly young and healthy people who do not present these
Therefore, one of our main goals is raising awareness
diseases. However, obesity has been proven to reduce the
about infertility and reducing the number of couples who
viability of implantation, so we require that obese women
are under the impression that this problem can never be
reduce their weight to increase the chances of a successful
solved. About 15% of couples between 25 to 45 years old
pregnancy. Our treatment often includes various alterations
have fertility problems. We receive approximately 5,000
to patients’ lifestyle. They have to visit a psychologist to
patients per year and we perform In Vitro Fertilization
determine whether they are suffering from stress, depression,
(IVF) for about 1,000 of them. Most patients only require
or anxiety, or to help determine whether any problems within
preliminary treatments to get pregnant instead of an entire
the relationship might reduce their success rate. Our patients
round of IVF. The main factors that contribute to infertility
must also visit a nutritionist if they have weight problems. We
are smoking, living a sedentary lifestyle, endometriosis,
prefer not to start treatment until these situations have been
and age. The latter is the most significant factor as women
resolved so as to maximize the success rate of the procedure.
above 38 years old will find it difficult to successfully get
Nevertheless, we will still treat a couple even if they refuse to
pregnant due to the decreasing quality of the ovum. This
change their lifestyle to improve the success rate. Our ethical
same issue leads to increased risk of misscarriage and
committee helps us decide the proper course of action for
developmental problems.
specific cases. For example, we cannot accept patients who suffer from AIDS or terminal diseases, while women can also
Q: What is Insemer’s success rate?
be rejected due to their age.
A: Insemer aims to become an institute that can solve up to 90% of infertility problems. Our IVF treatments
Q: Which role do certifications and partnerships with
have a success rate of 50% after the first procedure, 75%
other hospitals play in your services?
after the second procedure, and above 90% once we
A: We are certified by the Advance Fertility Center of Texas.
reach the fourth treatment. This places us in the top five
This hospital helps Insemer to improve its techniques while
reproduction clinics in Mexico, and we are proud to say
we send physicians there for training. We also collaborate
that these numbers are consistent with the success rates
with Hospital Español, Hospital Ángeles, and Hospital
of clinics in Spain, the US, and the UK. A major problem
ABC to perform cesarean sections. We do not have other
for couples seeking IVF is that they often do not have
certifications yet, but we are working to obtain ISO 9000.
access to such treatments or switch doctors if the initial
This is a complex process for a hospital since there are
procedure fails, which can be detrimental as it is better
different regulations for every single profession within the
to undergo the entire process with the same doctor.
hospital, from nurses to administrative assistants, as well
This enables a doctor to better understand the specific
as for every specific room in the hospital, such as waiting
characteristics of each couple and implement necessary
rooms and operating rooms. We are working to obtain this
changes to improve the success rate of future procedures.
certification by the end of 2015.
The whole process, including laboratory tests and drugs
for ovulation stimulation, costs approximately US$7,000.
Q: Given that fertility treatments are not covered by
This compares to an average cost of US$21,000 in the US
insurance companies, do you offer financial support
for a treatment with the same success rate.
schemes for low-income patients?
A: We provide several discounts as we often receive
a reduced cost. The waiting list for one round of IVF in a
middle- to low-income patients. High-income patients
public hospital is eight months. Sadly, our government
usually travel to the US for fertility treatment. For some
perceives IVF as an unnecessary luxury and private insurers
reason, many of them tend not to trust Mexican doctors,
are unwilling to cover it for the same reason.
which is unfounded as Mexico has many highly experienced doctors. Our success rates are on par with those in the US
Q: How far away are we from being able to choose the
while our services are far cheaper. However, it is difficult
characteristics of our children?
to persuade many high-income patients of the value of
A: It is impossible to modify features such as hair or
seeking treatment in Mexico.
eye color but not to change the basic genetic profile of the parents. Parents can work with donors that have
Q: Which role could subsidized fertility treatments and
the desired physical qualities, and we can carry out
cooperation between public and private clinics play in
preimplantation genetic diagnostic tests to screen for
increasing access to such services?
genetic abnormalities. This is far more important than
A: Only two hospitals in Mexico provide subsidized fertility
picking superficial features such as eye color. Efforts are
treatments, the National Institute of Perinatology and
currently being made to determine the future health of
Centro Medico Nacional 20 de Noviembre, but they do not
a baby before birth. It is impossible to repair an embryo,
collaborate with private clinics. This differentiates Mexico
but it is possible to distinguish the healthiest embryo
from other countries. In the UK the NHS pays for the first
from those available. By mapping the chromosomes in an
round of IVF, while Argentina has passed a law allowing the
embryo, we are able to detect its predisposition toward
government to fund fertility treatments in private clinics. We
several types of cancer, hypertension, and diabetes, for
currently have the capacity to perform 2,000 treatments
example. Our studies offer a 99.9% certainty of a healthy
per year but we only perform half that number. If the public
embryo but, after implantation, further studies are
sector were willing to collaborate with us, we would be
performed to confirm the fetus health. So far, we have
able to acconditionate an additional 1,000 treatments at
never made a mistake.
LEGISLATING ASSISTED REPRODUCTION Mexico is well-positioned in terms of having advanced
same-sex couples that wish to procure surrogacy services.
fertility treatments, yet there is no legislation or public
policy regarding assisted reproduction procedures to help
exclude certain people by default based on prerequisites
the 180,000 yearly registered infertility cases. This opens
such as age and, in extreme cases, marital status. The issue of
a debate about creating pertinent legislation for these
discrimination in the health system is pointed out by Pronahi,
procedures in order to guarantee citizen rights to form a
an organization that helps people diagnosed as infertile,
family and freely decide on the number of children they
which believes that the legislation should guarantee fertility
wish to have, as stated in Article 4 of the Constitution.
treatments for same-sex couples as well.
Some believe assisted reproduction should be part of the
Dr. Ingrid Brena, a researcher at UNAM’s Institute of Juridical
public healthcare system’s reproductive health portfolio,
Research, highlights the dangers in the lack of legislation for
related to family planning. At the moment there are no
surrogacy. She urges the authorities to guarantee the rights
policies that guarantee assisted reproduction services for the
of all the people involved in the procedure. She points out the
whole population, and there is no invigilation or regulation
complications in registering children born from surrogacy for
for private institutions that provide services. According to
male same-sex couples who have to undergo an adoption
CEFAM, a center specialized in female fertility, the most
process even if the child shares genes with one of the fathers.
simple assisted reproduction treatment in Mexico costs
According to her, most problems in this area come from the
MX$15,000, while more complex procedures, like surrogacy,
fact that many local civil regulations require the name of the
cost at least MX$690,000. Currently, the term “infertility”
mother stated in the birth certificate to match the name of
refers to couples that have been unsuccessfully trying to
the parents wishing to register the newborn. Considering
conceive for over a year, and excludes recurring pregnancy
that there have been at least eight initiatives to legislate
loss and couples that have failed to conceive again after a first
surrogacy, none of which proceeded to anything concrete,
child. The discussion on the right to assisted fertilization also
Dr. Brena accuses legislators of putting their beliefs ahead of
gives a voice to single women who wish to be mothers and
a social problem that affects millions of Mexicans.
INSURANCE POLICIES TO IMPROVE ACCESS TO PRIVATE HEALTHCARE JUAN IGNACIO GIL ANTÓN Corporate Insurance Director of GNP Seguros Q: What factors have driven GNP Seguros’ growth within
productive, meaning that they perform better. However,
the health and life insurance segment in particular?
selling lifestyle changes is difficult as people do not realize
A: As the market leader in the corporate and individual
that this is a valuable investment. Consumers may be willing
insurance sectors, we have an excellent network of
to buy gym memberships, but convincing them to follow
stakeholders and branches. We also have the biggest
a health regimen is difficult. We want businesses to have
distribution chain of any insurer in Mexico. This is a competitive
larger and healthier workforces; we are not here just to sell
market, but we have a secure position. Our network has
a policy. We are beginning to offer businesses methods
strengthened over time, through the relationships developed
to reduce insurance expenses in order to improve and
with hospitals, doctors, clinics, and other stakeholders in
make medical attention more cost-effective. Since 90% of
the health sector. In fact, it is difficult to find a healthcare
clients referred to a hospital are covered by some insurance
provider who is not associated with us in some kind of
company, our intention is to lower the cost for hospitals.
business relationship. Our market share accounts for one
The affordability of private hospitals depends on insurance
third of all people who are insured in Mexico, amounting to
companies. If we become more expensive, then so do
approximately 1.1 million corporate clients.
they. Our goal is for private healthcare to become more affordable for more Mexicans. As such, our work is aimed at
Q: How has the market for private health insurance in
reducing the cost of healthcare for our clients. To work with
Mexico been evolving?
the public sector, we must take advantage of our strengths.
A: The incidence of serious illness is growing. Cancer and
We generally have better patient records management than
diabetes are taking up a large and growing outlay, both from
the public sector. IMSS can launch huge packages, such as
individuals and from the public health budget. As our lifestyles
an insurance program for diabetes serving around 16,000
change, more of us suffer from diabetes, hypertension, and
people, but it is not in the nature of a business to do this.
stress. While the number of people suffering from such
What we can offer is a more streamlined documentation
illnesses is growing, the proportion of policy holders remains
process to speed up the provision of treatment and the
quite low. While life quality, in general, is better than in the
issuing of policies, and tighten financial plans.
past, changing habits mean that health depends more on prevention than on surgical procedures. This will mean that
Q: What are GNP Seguros’ plans to improve its client’s
people get sick less often, and less severely, and it is possible
life quality?
to reduce the number of people suffering chronic illness with
A: We want to be seen as more than an insurance company
prevention programs. Companies and families can spend
by directly taking part in the health of Mexicans. Our
less on medical treatment if we have a healthier population.
interest in becoming a better company does not stop at
Knowledge is power here. By surveying risk factors, such as
an increase in revenue; we want to change the concept of
age and weight, we can predict what illnesses the population
health towards changes of habits and illness prevention.
is likely to suffer. Based on this data, we can help people
Consequently, our focus is improving the health of our
embark on a health management program. We foster
clients. Since Mexican women have a high incidence of
improvement in life habits, with a view to boosting health and
breast cancer – a preventable, treatable illness – we have
life quality. In investing in the lives of our clients, we are doing
offered check-ups and mammograms to all women who
something good for them.
have an insurance policy with us since 2013. We are also covering psychological costs related to the disease, both
Q: How would you describe GNP Seguros’ current
to the patient and to the family. This would reduce the
interactions with the public and the private sector?
pressure for IMSS and other public insurers. From a study
A: Since a number of cancers are related to lifestyles, the
on 2,000 people who made small changes in their basic
cost of these illnesses can be reduced with lifestyle changes.
health and fitness programs we observed an average 30%
Employees who get sick less often are happier and more
reduction in illnesses of all kinds across the group.
INCREASING HEALTH INSURANCE PENETRATION LEVELS The insurance sector in Mexico has a good balance
in Health in Mexico, published by AMIS and FUNSALUD in
between life insurance and non-life insurance, with the life
2015, cost is the main reason people do not seek medical
segment accounting for 45% of the total written premiums
attentions. Today 84% of the population is covered by public
in 2015. This proportion is expected to remain stable by
and private health insurance, leaving 16% or 18.7 million
2019. Both segments are forecasted to grow between 6%
people. Paradoxically, it is estimated that 64% of out of
and 7% per year. Among the factors contributing to such
pocket spending is either redundant to public expenditure
growth rates, population ageing and the increase in life
or incurred by the unprotected population.
expectancy are perhaps the most significant ones. This means that in the upcoming years, the number of people in
There exists a significant opportunity for both public and
the retirement age will continue driving the growth of life
private institutions to expand protection. The potential market
insurance premiums, since people who are older than 65
for private insurance is large, currently representing only
years tend to buy life products so as to feel more secure.
4.1% of total health expenditure. The top five general private
Improving healthcare provision and access to medicines is
insurers in Mexico are Metlife (16.23%), GNP (11.77%), AXA
vital to support the further growth of this segment.
Seguros (11.82%), Banamex (5.53%), and BBVA Bancomer (4.36%). In the individual health insurance segment the top
five are Plan Seguro (42.52%), MediAccess (40.4%), AXA
through Seguro Popular have resulted in increased public
Seguros (7.68%), General de Salud (9.24%), and Centauro
spending, nevertheless, Mexico’s out of pocket expenditure
(0.09%). As Seguro Popular has expanded affiliations with
remains the highest among OECD countries. A larger
the lowest income population, the private insurance sector is
penetration of health insurance would help in reducing this
now more likely to grow in an effort to reduce out of pocket
figure. Microinsurance products have good prospects of
expenditure. Two options are depicted in this area: innovation
growth and 66% of the Mexican population are potential
in the private insurance sector that is complementary but
microinsurance customers.
independent from the public sector, and innovation in the private insurance sector in close collaboration with public
Only 7.3% of Mexico’s population has health insurance.
institutions, aimed at significantly increasing private and
According to a study, Towards Universal Financial Protection
public insurance and reducing out of pocket spending.
HEALTH INSURANCE PORTFOLIO SEES DOUBLE DIGIT GROWTH JUAN ALBERTO VÉLEZ ARREDONDO Director General of Seguros Multiva Q: Having worked for 30 years in the insurance sector,
A: The situation regarding chronic diseases is strongly
how would you characterize the evolution of the Mexican
related to education and socioeconomic levels, since most
of the people suffering from these diseases are unaware of
A: The Mexican insurance market has become more
how to prevent them or of how to seek insurance services.
complex in a variety of ways: the largest insurers
Research into Mexico’s epidemiological profile indicates that
worldwide are entering the market, creating new trends,
most patients who suffer from these diseases are uninsured.
and introducing international best practices. This makes
While this is prevalent in Mexico, it has not yet affected the
the local market more competitive yet more saturated,
insurance industry, as we have not perceived a substantial
with local insurance companies having to work harder to
increase in the number of claims related to chronic diseases.
compete with the newcomers. Another factor affecting the
Based on the experiences of foreign insurance companies,
insurance market is the introduction of new technologies,
we are planning to launch a product focused on these
allowing consumers to be better informed about available
specific diseases. This can be complicated because we want
products and push insurance companies to improve
to provide the best quality service to this segment of the
services. Technologies are becoming more sophisticated
population, while, on the other hand, providing coverage for
and there is a worldwide initiative to adopt risk-based
already obese or diabetic people could pose a problem for
capital approaches to improve corporate governance. In
insurance companies. The very nature of insurance is that it
addition, new insurance regulations were implemented in
works by collecting small payments from a wider number
April 2015. These regulations explain the basic procedures
of people to cover the large costs of a limited number of
necessary to implement the risk-based capital approach
medical conditions. The best policy for a health insurer is
in Mexico. While similar systems are already implemented
to acquire as many customers with as few health issues as
worldwide, Mexico will be the first country in Latin America
possible to enable it to properly cover the medical needs of
to implement this model for the insurance sector.
very sick customers. For that reason the increasing number of people who are sick will negatively impact our currently
Q: What measures is Seguros Multiva taking to differentiate
healthy customers. By opening the door to include people
itself in this increasingly competitive market?
with chronic diseases, we will have to increase our prices.
A: While each company is different and has its own
We have to find the right balance in order to be able to offer
a competitive product for healthy people and those with
advantage of being a Mexican company that belongs to
chronic diseases.
Grupo Empresarial Ángeles and Grupo Financiero Multiva, both of which support our growth. Seguros Multiva
Q: Do you foresee health insurance coverage improving
has many different business lines, but we are placing a
in Mexico?
particular focus on health. Last year, more than half of our
A: There is a poor insurance culture in Mexico, as 50% of
premiums came from the health sector, and this should
healthcare expenditure is paid out of pocket. However,
grow to 70% in 2015. Grupo Empresarial Ángeles has been
we are seeing increasing demand for health insurance
instrumental to our growth, as we provide health insurance
products from the general public. Most Mexicans use
for all its groups, including Grupo Financiero Multiva,
public services when they have a medical need, but they
Hospitales Ángeles, Camino Real, and Imagen. We are also
are becoming increasingly aware that social security might
working with several government organizations, such as
not be able to satisfy all their requirements and therefore
the UNAM, while seeking to build up our presence outside
are considering alternatives to complement their coverage.
of Mexico City.
We are also seeing increased demand as healthcare costs are rising and more people are realizing that they will need
Q: How is the insurance sector reacting to Mexico’s aging
insurance at some point in their lives to be able to afford
population and the increase in chronic diseases?
the best medical services.
expect similar growth for 2015, both in individual clients and corporate insurance. It will become increasingly difficult to continue to grow at this rate but we expect to
most insurance companies as the entire insurance industry
grew by about 3% in 2014 in Mexico. We opened three new
continue expanding to the rest of Mexico, given the many
areas where we do not have offices. We want to take full
advantage of the Grupo Ă ngeles network to fulfill our
be able to maintain double-digit growth for the next few years. Our rate of expansion is much larger than that of
branches last year in Puebla, Queretaro, and Leon in order to provide more comprehensive services to our clients for health, automotive, and other types of insurance. We will
potential. Our main priority for 2015 is to fully comply with new regulations, the second is to sustain our growth rate, and the third to improve our services for insurance holders and insurance agents. To do so we are working on several initiatives to improve our IT platforms, to
Source: SESA Accidentes y Enfermedades, INEGI
make our products more competitive, and to ensure they Q: How will the recent changes in the legal framework
comply with our clients’ needs. We are also promoting
impact your business?
several initiatives to improve working conditions for our
A: We expect that this reform will drive the entire industry
most valued capital: our employees.
toward a higher degree of professionalization and more corporate
the sector to be more careful about the risks that it is underwriting, which will be positive for the whole sector. In the long term, the new regulations will push us towards innovation and efficiency, even though the learning curve will have an initial cost. Implementing said regulation will be expensive, as we will require more actuaries and new employees, as well as the improvement of our IT infrastructure and acquisition of new systems in order to produce the information required by the regulator. The initial increase in our expenses will impact our business and all others in the industry, which subsequently will have an effect on insurance prices. Therefore, this reform will negatively impact the immediate growth of the insurance industry, as new companies may have trouble starting up and smaller companies will not be able to afford the new regulatory requirements. However, some experts claim that the industry will be consolidated by 2017. While it may be necessary for us to pass the cost of implementing this new regulation onto our customers, we must be conscious of maintaining a competitive advantage now that the market is becoming more competitive. Q: How will your expansion manifest itself in 2015? A: Seguros Multiva currently has health insurance policies for around 45,000 people. We are a small insurance company but we are growing rapidly. In 2014, the company grew by 30% overall, but our health area grew by 50%. We
BESPOKE INSURANCE POLICIES FOR CHRONIC DISEASES Obesity is becoming a rising health concern in Mexico,
risk of hypertension by 21%, diabetes 26.3%, breast cancer
with 73% of adults over the age of 20 obese or overweight
22.41%, prostate cancer 44.67%, dyslipidemia 9.63%, and
according to IMCO. The country has already overtaken the
metabolic syndrome 4.68%. Similarly BBVA Bancomer offers
US and is one of the most obese countries in the world,
a popular health insurance package designed for those with
only surpassed by several small island nations in the Pacific
cancer, called RespaldoSeguro Contra Cáncer. If a patient
and a number of Middle Eastern countries. As a result, the
holds this product, the policy will pay out upon receiving a
prevalence of chronic diseases such as heart conditions
cancer diagnosis. The product is currently owned by around
and diabetes is steadily rising. It is estimated that chronic
50,000 people and the price starts at MX$150 per month
obesity related diseases cost the Mexican government
depending on individual circumstances. The policy is paid to
approximately US$3.5 billion annually. A person with
the beneficiaries upon death of the holder. Seguros Monterrey
diabetes spends approximately a third of their income on
New York Life (SMNYL) has sold 2.9 million of their Afronta
medical costs in Mexico. As part of the Seguro Popular
policy, which is designed to be taken out after diagnosis with
program for Mexican citizens there is access to treatment
a chronic or terminal disease such as Parkinson’s disease,
for chronic obesity related diseases at the Diabetes and
multiple sclerosis, and cancer. The policy works in a similar
Obesity Clinic in the Hospital de Especialidades of the
way to BBVA Bancomer’s RespaldoSalud cover and contains
Centro Medical Nacional Siglo XXI. However, providing
an identical 180-day cooling off period.
this care is a massive strain for government resources, especially as the number of people living with diabetes
These are welcome developments given the strain that
is expected to increase by 175% to 11.9 million patients
diseases like diabetes put on the government-funded
by 2030, according to CENETEC. As the government
Seguro Popular program. It is also a large market since it is
struggles to cope with demand, a private healthcare
estimated that ten million Mexican citizens have diabetes,
market is emerging, targeted at those living with chronic
but is it an effective business model for companies to offer
diseases like diabetes.
such a service to chronic patients? The answer is that the insurance policies have extremely strict requirements for
Typically, after being diagnosed with a chronic disease, it
payouts, while there are certain exclusions for payment,
is difficult for patients to find comprehensive, affordable
such as contraction of skin cancer and melanoma, cancer
healthcare due to the continual need for expensive medical
related to AIDS or HIV, and lung cancer as a consequence
procedures and medication, as well as the predisposition
of smoke inhalation, among others. In cases such as obesity,
to developing further chronic degenerative health issues.
companies are beginning to see untapped markets which
In 2012, AXA Seguros launched the first health insurance
may not initially seem to be profitable. However, for the
package in Mexico designed especially for those with
AXA policy alone, no similar product exists on the market,
diabetes called Vida DBTS. The benefits of the package are
meaning that the company has a monopoly position in a
two-fold: not only is it designed as a life insurance policy,
market consisting of ten million customers. Although the
but it also helps to cover lifelong health costs. Moreover, if
policy may not at first make business sense to the untrained
the patient’s condition is declared terminal, they can expect
eye, the list of restrictions and payout limits greatly reduces
to receive a payout of 30% of the value of the policy. The
the cost to the company. Such products are in great
cost of the insurance fluctuates depending on the type,
demand because people with chronic diseases have no
age and personal circumstances of the patient. However,
other viable, comprehensive option for healthcare coverage
someone of the age of 40 would generally expect to pay
and therefore are generally willing to pay higher premiums.
MX$1,000 per month. A man aged between 35 and 40
years old can receive a guaranteed payout of MX$1 million
The question of treatment over prevention is still a challenging
with a policy costing MX$986 per month, depending on
issue for the Mexican government. Currently, public spending
other factors. GNP Seguros offers the program GNP Cuida
on treatment of illnesses is 11 times greater than that on
tu Salud to generate positive changes in general health
education aimed at prevention. The government seems to
by evaluating the risk for developing several diseases and
be making an attempt at restrospective treatment rather
providing recommendations to promote a healthy lifestyle.
than preventing initial development of chronic diseases. The
It targets six chronic and degenerative diseases such as
private health insurances offered by companies such as AXA
diabetes, obesity, dyslipidemia, hypertension, breast cancer,
and BBVA Bancomer may help to alleviate some of the strain
and prostate cancer, and covers 15,000 employees at ten
on the Seguro Popular system so that the government can
different companies. A study conducted among 2,000
redirect funds to education campaigns, in turn mitigating the
people participating in the program showed it reduced the
need for such insurance products.
Q: What is the story behind the creation of Vitamédica?
then focus on healthier people to help them eliminate
What is Vitamédica’s main role in the healthcare sector?
unhealthy habits such as lack of exercise, a poor diet, and
A: Vitamédica was created through the merger of two
high levels of stress. We also want to help them identify
healthcare services administrators: Meximed and Vitamédica.
specific genetic factors that potentially increase the risk
It was created to address the previously unsatisfied need
of developing certain diseases. Chronic diseases require
to provide health services to the employees of two banks.
an integral management, so we are creating more and
Vitamédica is a unique organization in the healthcare
more specific programs to provide these prevention and
sector of Mexico due to its service philosophy, excellence,
diagnosis services.
coverage, and a win-win negotiation scheme. We are backed by more than 20 years of experience and we currently have
Q: How does Vitamédica choose its suppliers?
four business lines: Products and Insurance, Reversion
A: We have a series of stringent requirements in place for
Banks, Assistance, and Business and Preventive Health.
suppliers, doctors, clinics, and hospitals. For instance, we
These were designed for the creation and administration
ask doctors to be able to prove their medical qualifications
of medical service networks. We mainly provide service
and we ensure that they are accredited by the council
to banks, insurance companies, and corporations. Some
in their specific specialties. Vitamédica ensures that all
examples of our services are compensation processes and
clinics and hospitals have the necessary operational and
the administration of medical services from the first level
sanitary permits. To facilitate access to medications for
of attention to hospitalization, which are provided through
patients who are located in rural communities where there
a network of more than 10,000 suppliers, more than 6,500
are no pharmacy chains we are currently working with
doctors, hospital services, and pharmaceutical services with
approximately 150 and 200 independent pharmacies. It
more than 6,800 points of sale on more than 600 locations
is common for rural areas to have few medical services,
on the whole country. We work mainly by providing health
thus it is sometimes necessary to relocate complex cases
services required by companies to their employees, but we
to areas with better resources. In some cases it has even
also work with companies that are interested in improving
been necessary to move patients to the areas of the
their employees’ quality of life. We do not generate
country with a high concentration of medical facilities,
insurance policies, we only administer them.
like Mexico City.
Q: What do chronic degenerative diseases represent for the
Q: What are your priorities for 2015?
healthcare sector and how does Vitamédica address them?
A: We are focusing on improving the service we are
A: The need for medical services is rising, which is
providing to our current customer base rather than looking
accompanied by an increase in the number of healthcare
for more clients. We will also begin to implement two
policies and insurance. On the other hand, the price of
different business lines focused on contained measures
medical services has also risen as a byproduct of the
to create a more effective system for available services,
increasing prevalence of chronic degenerative diseases
and on the development of prevention strategies with a
which are starting to become a large burden on Mexico’s
specific focus on diabetes, hypertension, and metabolic
healthcare system. We believe this problem is of great
syndrome since they are the fastest growing diseases
importance so we are gradually focusing on prevention
on the Mexican population. We are trying to develop
programs. We have initiatives aimed at individuals who
prevention strategies which will allow better management
are at early stages of the disease, as well as preventive
of resources to simplify access to specific services. This
measures for those who are healthy. The goal is to
is important as our country does not have the necessary
promote healthy habits to avoid the incidence of acute
doctors and specialists available in every area, so it will
cardiac events that require immediate hospital attention.
be necessary to widen our network in order to facilitate
Our strategy is to begin with high-risk individuals and
access to medical professionals.
Mexico is the eleventh largest pharmaceutical market in the world and the second largest in Latin America with an average annual growth of 4.7% and FDI of US$2.86 billion between 2005 and 2012. The increase in life expectancy and pharmaceutical expenditure, an improving regulatory framework, and a stable business environment are the major drivers for industry’s growth. The pharmaceutical landscape is however undergoing an important transformation with the increasing demand for cheap drugs, patent expirations, changes in the distribution segment, and
important mergers and acquisitions forcing big pharmaceutical companies to adapt strategies to stay competitive. Access to new medicines also remains a topic of major importance to be addressed in order to promote the industry’s competitiveness.
This chapter will provide an assessment of the recent changes in regulation and industry trends as well as a discussion of the strategies implemented by big pharmaceuticals to stay ahead of the competition in these times of change. As innovation remains at the core of big pharma companies, access to new medicines and barriers to innovation in Mexico will be examined as well as business opportunities in the orphan drug niche market.
HIGHLIGHTS • Changing landscape • Competitive strategies • Regulatory improvement • Access to new medicines • Focus on R&D and innovation • Orphan drugs
ANALYSIS: Universal Health Demands Propel Growth
VIEW FROM THE TOP: Cristobal Thompson, AMIIF
INNOVATIVE DRUG SPOTLIGHT: Zykadia (Certinib) from Novartis
VIEW FROM THE TOP: Ugo de Jacobis, AstraZeneca Mexico
VIEW FROM THE TOP: José Alberto Peña, GlaxoSmithKline
VIEW FROM THE TOP: Miguel Salazar Hernández, Boehringer Ingelheim
VIEW FROM THE TOP: Rafael Suárez, Ferring Pharmaceuticals
INNOVATIVE DRUG SPOTLIGHT: Striverdi Respimat (Olodaterol) from Boehringer Ingelheim
VIEW FROM THE TOP: Tomás Bordonaba, Grünenthal
ANALYSIS: 3D Drug Printing Gets FDA Go Ahead
VIEW FROM THE TOP: Dr. John Markels, Merck Sharp & Dohme
INNOVATIVE DRUG SPOTLIGHT: Dolutegravir from GlaxoSmithKline
VIEW FROM THE TOP: Karel Fucikovsky, Pierre Fabre Médicament
INNOVATIVE DRUG SPOTLIGHT: Imbruvica (Ibrutinib) from Janssen-Cilag
VIEW FROM THE TOP: Luis Calderón, Alexion Pharmaceuticals | AMIIF
ANALYSIS: Bringing Hope to Patients with Rare Diseases
ANALYSIS: No Sign of Slow Down for M&A Activity
SPOTLIGHT: Trans Pacific Partnership
UNIVERSAL HEALTH DEMANDS PROPEL GROWTH Mexico is the eleventh largest market for pharmaceuticals
importance of generating and maintaining brand loyalty
in the world and occupies second place in Latin
among Mexican physicians.
America after Brazil. 20 of the 25 leading international pharmaceuticals are operating in Mexico, demonstrating
Mexico also offers several advantages for the manufacture
the strength of the sector. According to ProMéxico, from
of pharmaceuticals, including its proximity to the US and its
2005 to 2013 an annual average of US$400 million a
low manufacturing costs. Miguel Salazar Hernández, Director
year was received in foreign direct investment totaling
General of Boehringer Ingelheim Mexico, explains that for
US$3.46 billion of overall investment in the industry. In
the company manufacturing advantages include “a lot of
2013 the pharmaceutical sector’s production was valued
flexibility allowing customization of services for patients,
at US$13.98 billion and, based on ProMéxico’s average
benefitting the social security system, and enabling us to
annual growth projection of 9.6% from 2014 to 2020, this
mantain competitive costs. Mexico is proving to be more
figure is expected to climb to US$24.21 billion by 2020.
competitive in the manufacture of pharmaceuticals than
Furthermore, in 2013 Mexico’s pharmaceutical exports
were valued by ProMéxico at US$1.7 billion with the main markets being the US and Latin America.
While Mexico’s pharmaceutical sector seems to be in an excellent position, it faces hindrances such as
austerity policies, expiration of patents, and the rise of
medicines, which represent 51% of the market (US$7.4
generic medications. The industry is also adapting to a
billion), generics, which comprise 35% (US$5.1 billion),
changing market as the country conforms to a shift in its
and the remaining 14% represents over the counter (OTC)
epidemiological profile, from infectious diseases to chronic
products (US$2.1 billion). In terms of volume, COFEPRIS
degenerative diseases. This has emerged as a result of an
states that generics represented 84% of the market in 2014
aging population, a sedentary lifestyle, and the growing
and this figure is expected to continue rising.
number of overweight and obese individuals. Chronic diseases are becoming an increasing burden for the
Rafael Gual, Director General of CANIFARMA, states,
healthcare sector. The latest Survey of Health and Nutrition
¨the industry has evoloved greatly over the last five years
(ENSANUT 2012) showed that at least 60.6 million
and we have designed a strong development program¨.
Mexicans, 52% of the population, are either overweight or
The association recently published its first census of the
obese. The Mexican Institute for Competitiveness (IMCO)
pharmaceutical industry and identified a 7.2% share in
indicates that the main causes of mortality in Mexico are
manufacturing GDP, ranking the sector as one of the
diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and tumors. IMCO has
largest manufacturing sectors in Mexico, second only to
discovered that “obesity can also be a risk factor for other
the automotive sector. According to CANIFARMA, 80,000
diseases, it can be a drain on a system where people are
people are currently employed in the sector, approximately
hospitalized and treated due to being overweight, and
45% of whom are sales representatives, demonstrating the
it causes absenteeism in labor terms as well as a loss
75 US$10.2 billion 10
50 US$7.4 billion 25
Source: Business Monitor International
of productivity.” A central issue for any government is
manufacturing plant in Mexico in order to encourage the
ensuring access to medication for its entire population,
introduction of new medicines into the country. Patent law
thus there is now a growing interest in the development of
was also modified to include chemicals and now patents
medications to treat these diseases.
initially grant protection for 20 years with the possibility of a further three year extension.
The innovative pharmaceutical sector is also facing challenges. Cristobal Thompson, Executive Director of
It is important to consider that the pharmaceutical
the Mexican Association of Pharmaceutical Research
industry may not just be affected by local regulations but
Industries (AMIIF), is concerned with the limited access to
also by international ones. The Trans-Pacific Partnership
pharmaceutical innovation because “according to a report
(TPP), a proposed trade agreement on economic policy,
developed by IMS Health last year, patients in the public
is advocating initiatives including the protection of clinical
system have access to less than 10% of innovation approved
data, an agreement for which Mexican organizations like
by COFEPRIS. Innovative treatments that are being
AMIIF are currently involved in negotiations on behalf of
approved take almost five years to do so, which, compared
the innovative sector. Socorro España Lomelí, Executive
to key global markets with similar levels of economic
Director of the National Association of Medication
development, constitutes the longest timeframe.”
Producers (ANAFAM), paints a less favorable picture of this treaty as she believes that it could create complications for
Nonetheless, Ugo de Jacobis, AstraZeneca’s President
Mexican industries who may take a long time to reach the
and Director General, points out that “Mexico, along with
standards proposed by the TPP thus delaying industrial
Brazil, is one of the few countries in the Latin American
growth, exports, and the development of biotechnological
medications. Several groups, including Doctors without
innovation.” Mexico is not necessarily leading in R&D at
borders and Oxfam, warn that this treaty will stall growth in
this point in time, but this is steadily changing. Prior to the
developing countries as it will affect patents and increase
administration of President Enrique Peña Nieto the total
the cost of medications. Most discussions between
amount of investment in R&D in Mexico was just 0.37% of
TPP members are private and thus public information
GDP, an extremely low amount in comparison to the 6%
remains limited, meaning that determining the potential
average of the OECD. This is perhaps the ideal time to take
implications is difficult.
advantage of the federal government’s new philosophy concerning R&D, pledging an increase in spending to 1%
The rise of generic medications may seem like a threat to Big
by the end of this year.
Pharma but this is not necessarily the case. As Dagoberto Cortés, former head of CANIFARMA and Director General
There is still ground to be gained. For example, while
of Hormona, states that “generics represent significant
COFEPRIS has streamlined its approval process, at this
point innovative medicines still take up to five years to
thus freeing up budget for the acquisition of innovative
be approved by the National Formulary. COFEPRIS is in
medicines. Currently, 80% the government’s budget is
the process of homogenizing its regulations in line with
used for innovative medicines, which now represent less
international authorities in Central and South America and
than 20% of its acquisitions by volume. International
was recently recognized by PAHO as a regulatory agency
pharmaceuticals are also creating new strategies to adapt
of reference. Gema Moreno Vega, Partner and Leader
to the shifting market. Thompson states that now “almost
of Life Sciences and Healthcare Industry at Deloitte,
all of the big pharmaceutical companies have a generic
states that this recognition will “allow companies to sell
company or division within the corporation” and many are
a product in [Central and South America] as soon as it is
developing biosimilar products. De Jacobis also mentions
approved in Mexico whilst harmonizing regulations with
AstraZeneca’s strategy to provide “integral services and
those of the FDA.”
disease management programs.”
Local regulations will prove an important factor in promoting
Mexico currently seems to offer fertile ground for productive
innovation and strengthening the pharmaceutical sector in
investment where the pharmaceutical industry can find
Mexico. John Markels, General Director at Merck Sharp &
plenty of opportunity to grow. Recent epidemiological shifts
Dohme (MSD), states that “Mexico is an very good place to
may increase the need for innovative medications to treat
do business” as companies can take advantage of a “growing
the growing patient population, and regulatory changes by
population, large market, strong IP protection, improving
the government are expected to ease the introduction of
regulatory infrastructure, a significant private laissez-faire
new medications into the country while safeguarding the
market and a significant public market.” Mexican authorities
health of its citizens. While the Mexican healthcare sector’s
have modified and created new regulations in order to
reliance on generics may be perceived as a threat to the
facilitate the production of medications in Mexico. In 2008,
industry, innovative strategies to adapt to this market could
the government gradually eliminated the need to have a
turn this into a further opportunity for growth.
PUSHING FOR AN INNOVATIVE HEALTH SYSTEM CRISTOBAL THOMPSON Executive Director of Asociación Mexicana de Industrias de Investigación Farmacéutica (AMIIF)
Q: As an advocate of pharmaceutical innovation, how
A: The national legal framework has evolved but there
would you harness Mexico’s innovative strengths and
are still some issues that need to be addressed. Firstly,
what needs to be done to create an optimal environment
it is necessary to guarantee effective enforcement of
for innovation promotion?
formulation and use of patents in order to mitigate the
A: The low level of access to pharmaceutical innovation is
risk of product infringement. Secondly, there is a huge
a concern. According to a 2014 IMS Health report, patients
concern regarding the require protocol for removing
in the public system have access to less than 10% of the
products found violating patents from the market.
innovation approved by COFEPRIS. Mexican approval of
Thirdly, linkage systems must include patent use in
innovative products is the slowest compared to global key
accordance with the Court precedents. Furthermore,
markets, taking as long as five years. With non-commutable
the statutory reform of implementation of regulatory
diseases on the rise, it is essential to give the patients the
data protection is still pending, as the guidelines in force
opportunity to access the available treatment options at
could be questioned or revoked at any time. Finally, it is
the earliest stage of their disease. We believe that a higher
necessary to establish clear criteria for the importation
efficiency in health spending (current spending of 6.2% is
of raw material or finished product for those importers
the lowest in all OECD countries) is the first critical step.
that are seeking a marketing authorization, due to
There is then a need to increase the spending to levels
the possible abuse of the Bolar exemption by some
similar to the average of OECD countries.
Proportion of manufacturing GDP
Annual exports (US$ billions)
Q: The regulatory agency is now more efficient – nonetheless, what key areas need to be addressed in order to bring more investment to Mexico? A: The current officials in COFEPRIS have offered the pharmaceutical
Health expenditure (percentage of GDP)
channel as the main mechanism of interaction between
Health expenditure per capita
authorities and industry. This environment allows us
Total pharmaceutical market (US$ billions)
Direct jobs
Indirect jobs
to have a platform to promote the use of international standards
authorization. With the adoption of these international standards by COFEPRIS, we have the recognition from PAHO and the WHO of the Mexican regulatory authorities
as a reference agency for drugs and vaccines.
Another area of great interest is Clinical Research, in which innovation industry currently invests US$160 million a year.
There are currently two main challenges: firstly, to find
Despite COFEPRIS’ improvement of protocol approval,
out how to harness the potential of Clinical Research in
further acceleration in the next two to three years in line
Mexico as the main opportunity to attract investments
with benchmark countries means investment levels could
from pharmaceutical companies. In order to do so,
reach over US$500 million a year. Yet another factor that
we must implement a clear pathway for the clinical
would contribute to an increase in this type of investment
protocols authorization process. Secondly, in terms of
is tax benefits.
the initial steps for introducing new products into the national market, it is critical to ensure the transparency
Q: Is the Mexican based big pharmaceutical industry
and efficiency of the New Molecule Committee and its
satisfied with the current patent protection environment
subcommittees to avoid unnecessary delays when a new
in the country?
product submission has been filed. We are currently
working with COFEPRIS on both issues and we expect
in the development of new medicines or in the research
to have made developments by the end of the year.
of new uses. Furthermore, this legislation extends to all national and transnational companies who invest in
Q: How can multinational companies collaborate with
clinical research; anyone can be the subject of protection.
the government in order to further improve access to
Regarding the TPP negotiation, AMIIF has presented its
position to the Mexican government and we are following
A: There are common priorities for pharmaceutical
the negotiation. I would say that companies cannot be
companies and the government when it comes to health.
clasified as exclusively innovative or generic. On one hand,
Having a healthy population and reducing recovery
almost all of the big pharmaceutical companies have a
time increases productivity in the workforce. Under this
generic company or division within the corporation and
scope we understand that innovation and technology are
some of them are working to develop biosimilar products.
strategically crucial to reaching our target. That is why we
On the other hand, there are generic companies investing
are developing new collaboration frameworks aimed at
in research and development. In this way their positions
improving processes and generating data. One of our most
are not completely divergent.
ambitious government proposals relates to innovation access models.
Q: What are AMIIF’s goals over the coming year? A: We aim to continue working to accelerate patient
Q: How will the Clinical Data Protection initiative benefit
access to innovation and to work in alliance with the public
the local pharmaceutical industry? Do you believe the
sector to pave the way for attracting increased investment
innovative and generics industries can reach agreement
in the field of Clinical Research. We want to become
on their varied positions on the matter?
a strong actor in supporting the transformation of the
A: Clinical Data Protection refers to the process of
health system in order to achieve superior outcomes by
obtaining protection against unfair commercial use and
increasing the expenditure and spending more efficiently.
reliance on the information enclosed in the product
We advocate the premise that we are all patients, so we
dossier. As a matter of principle, clinical data protection
will adhere to our commitment of contributing to better
gives peace of mind to those who invest millions of dollars
healthcare in Mexico.
a phase I study and 37.1% in phase II study. While at this
Highlighted as one of the four new medications to treat
point there is insufficient clinical information to determine
lung cancer approved by the FDA since 2011, Zykadia is the
whether patients treated with Zykadia live longer, a
result of an approach based on a thorough understanding
median duration of response was estimated at eight and
of a disease and its causes. Zykadia was developed to treat
half months in the phase I study and nine months in the
non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) caused by a defect of
phase II study. Further studies are being implemented to
the anaplastic lymphoma kinase positive (ALK+) gene .
measure the effects of Zykadia over longer periods of
While NSCLC represents about 85% of lung cancers, only
time. Zykadia was approved by the FDA in April 2014 and
approximately 5% of patients’ tumors are ALK+, leaving
by the EMA in February 2015. It was approved for use in
these patients with few treatment options. Several of
Mexico by COFEPRIS in March 2015.
these patients can effectively use crizotinib (another AKL
inhibitor), but there is a small subset that is unresponsive
or intolerant to this medication. Novartis Pharmaceuticals developed this drug specifically to inhibit the autophosphorilation of AKL and the proliferation of ALK mediated cells to limit tumor growth. Zykadia has shown an objective response rate of 56.4% on
Q: Which particular AstraZeneca accomplishments do
six new products over six years. This includes our broad
you think have been pivotal to advancements in the local
pipeline of next-generation medicines, focused on four
main disease areas: breast, ovarian, lung, and hematological
A: Today, AstraZeneca is a company worth US$26.1 billion.
cancers. Moreover, the company’s portfolio for respiratory
We are expecting strong and consistent revenue growth to
diseases includes drugs for chronic obstructive pulmonary
meet our targets for 2017, leading to annual revenues of more
disease (COPD) and asthma, among others, and we are
than $45 billion by 2023, when we hope to be serving close
developing several promising assets to treat inflammation
to 200 million patients globally. Since the merger between
and autoimmune diseases. Consecutively, we are investing
Astra and Zeneca in 1999, AstraZeneca has been defined as
in human capital to attract new talent, hence science and
one of the most innovative companies in Mexico, setting the
innovation is at the center of this transition, and our staff
pace for developing and launching new medicines onto the
and organizational culture must support this.
market. We have an innovative portfolio, with several market-
leading products, across cardiovascular disease, diabetes,
Q: To what degree do you need to work with the Mexican
oncology, and respiratory diseases all of which shows how
public sector to reach these goals?
AstraZeneca has been exceptional in matching strategy
A: We stand out in the way we manage our medical affairs
with execution. In 2001, AstraZeneca was ranked the 18th
capabilities, which is a specialty many companies lack. We
largest pharmaceutical company in Mexico. Today, we are in
are now closer to key opinion leaders and stakeholders,
fifth place, having climbed 14 positions due to the strategic
running continuous education programs, and developing
management of important medicines such as Crestor and
relationships with the public sector. It is clear that Mexico
Nexium. We are leading with these products even in the
is moving in the direction of providing universal healthcare
face of competition from generics. Today, AstraZeneca
coverage, so we must build strategic alliances with public
is shifting towards the development of highly specialized
entities so that patients can access our innovative products.
medicines, with biologics now accounting for almost 50%
In the past, AstraZeneca’s stability relied on its primary
of our pipeline. Naturally, we are aware of the importance of
care portfolio. Today, with increasingly innovative medical
primary care so we will maintain our diabetes and respiratory
advances, complicated healthcare delivery and budgetary
portfolio. However, our plans for innovation focus on further
issues, we have to develop new alliances and partnerships
specialization within our main therapy areas with targeted
with public institutions to generate advances in science and
medicines, including immunotherapies, with a view to
care to the Mexican population. This is the only way we can
building a more sustainable, durable, and profitable company.
truly impact society and help patients.
Q: Why was a transition from primary care to highly
Q: How would you rate Mexico’s medical innovation
specialized areas implemented as a strategy in Mexico?
A: Three strategic priorities support the implementation
Colombia and Argentina?
of this transition on a global level: achieving scientific
A: Mexico, along with Brazil, is one of the few countries in
leadership, a return to growth, and becoming a great place
Latin America that continues to invest in pharmaceutical
to work, specific goals that were set so that AstraZeneca
innovation. Public hospitals were not available for clinical
could become a leading company in the specialty care area.
research in the past but this has changed and IMSS can
Return to growth represents reallocating resources to our
now conduct a considerable proportion of the clinical trials
main therapy areas and key growth platforms. In Mexico,
operating in Mexico, which will strengthen innovation.
we employ four growth platforms that focus on acute
Moreover, some years ago, COFEPRIS saw significant
coronary syndrome, and diabetes, respiratory, and oncology
delays in the approval of clinical trials. This used to take
portfolios. Our goal is to become one of the three leading
more than 24 months, discouraging companies from
companies in this sector, and to do so, we will be launching
carrying out clinical trials in Mexico. Today, this process has
been accelerated with the aim of Mexico becoming one
proposals for the government. It is impossible to compete
of the most efficient countries in launching new products.
with generics on price, but we know that our medical
Drugs tested on Mexican patients can now be registered
and scientific expertise and global experiences, including
much faster, which means Mexico is closer to becoming a
integral services and disease management programs are
reference country for clinical trials in the region. COFEPRIS
second to none. In addition to this, companies should
has recently been recognized by PAHO as a regulatory
develop more programs addressing affordability issues.
reference agency, making the approval process for new
In Mexico, we have incorporated innovations in different
drugs easier in both Mexico and Latin America.
public institutions across the country by demonstrating the cost-effectiveness of doing so.
Q: Does Mexico represent a significant R&D base for AstraZeneca?
Q: What should be done to improve oncology care in
A: Mexico has become an important country for our R&D
operations in the area of clinical trials. Currently, Mexican
A: I do not think Mexico lacks oncology care, as there are
patients are participating in a total of 27 clinical trials. We
several oncology clinics throughout the country. However,
will soon be conducting several new oncological clinical
there seems to be a lack of coordination of efforts in this
trials, and the fact that IMSS has reopened the door to
area. Few resources are allocated in specialized clinics
these trials represents a big opportunity for advancing
and more awareness is needed regarding the importance
research. Furthermore, AstraZeneca funds local innovation
of treating such diseases in specialized units. Oncology
carried out by CINVESTAV and UNAM under the
institutions can integrate their services in order to
investigator-sponsored research scheme. Two key aspects
work alongside other organizations, such as local and
for advancing innovation in Mexico are improving access to
global diagnostic laboratories, companies that transport
innovations and ensuring that we have strong intellectual
biological samples, and clinical research centers. Moreover,
property law for pharmaceutical and biotechnological
infrastructure requires further improvement. To achieve this,
developments. If both aspects are addressed, companies
the government needs to improve communications among
will be able to operate efficiently in Mexico and more
different institutions as there exists a breadth of knowledge
patients will benefit from the medicines.
base in IMSS and in the National Institutes of Health.
Q: Do you foresee a clash between the innovative and the
Q: What motivated AstraZeneca’s sale of its Over the
generic sector as they grow?
Counter (OTC) portfolio to Genomma Lab?
A: We welcome a robust and competitive generic sector.
A: AstraZeneca defines its core business as a being
However, we need to ensure that regulatory and legal
biopharmaceutical innovations. We focus on the discovery,
frameworks value innovation and the underlying intellectual
medicines, which is why the Mexican OTC portfolio was
medicines for patients. It provides the incentives required to
sold. We do not foresee future efforts to penetrate the
conduct the research and development that produces new
OTC market, as it is not part of our corporate strategy.
medicines for patients globally. It takes approximately 10-15
Innovation is our main focus, so this was a mutually
years and over US$1 billion to develop a medicine. For every
beneficial arrangement. Other pharmaceutical companies
medicine that makes it to patients, there are thousands of
have more diverse portfolios, while AstraZeneca is working
other drug candidates that have failed.
on creating innovation organically. We have 13 New
Molecular Entities in the pipeline, either at the pivotal phase Q: With healthcare expenditure in Mexico still at only 6.2%
2-3 stages or under regulatory review. We are focusing on
of GDP, do you see real innovation being supported in the
the highly specialized and personalized medicines of the
medium term in Mexico?
future, which is pure science.
A: Mexico’s expenditure on healthcare is certainly below the Latin American average, but it seems that more
Q: How does access to information influence the
opportunities for innovation may occur. Public budget
development of the Mexican Health sector?
savings from using generics could potentially be directed
A: Mexico has sufficient data and information about health,
into innovation. Seguro Popular is willing to provide access
although it is not updated as frequently as that of Europe
to innovative medicines too. Greater collaboration between
and the US. Mexico is pretty similar to other parts of the
the private and public sector is necessary to include more
world: half of the patients do not know they have a given
innovative products in the National Formulary. On the other
disease, and only half of those who are aware of their
hand, the private sector has to develop new collaboration
disease receive treatment.
ADDING VALUE IN A DYNAMIC AND DIVERSIFIED MARKET JOSÉ ALBERTO PEÑA Vice President of GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) Q: What role does Mexico play in the global strategy of
currently in the process of being approved by the IMSS
GSK and how important is the local market?
Formulary, which will allow widespread access. With
A: Mexico is usually considered an emerging country, but
increased diagnoses of Lupus in recent years, it represents
the Mexican pharmaceutical market is in many respects
an excellent opportunity for GSK and for patients who
mature and at the same level of development as some
can now receive a treatment that not only focuses on the
European countries. Mexico is among GSK’s top 20
symptoms but also on controlling the disease.
global markets, and is a country where a lot of innovative programs have been undertaken. Although challenging,
Mexico is attractive to GSK beyond business and sales
generics and OTC portfolios in order to fully focus on
terms, due to its dynamics and diversification. R&D has
innovation – where is GSK focusing its efforts?
seen exciting growth locally in recent years. Vaccines
A: We recently closed a three-way deal with Novartis, in which
are at the core of our R&D activities, and Mexico was
we divested our oncology business. In turn we purchased
the top recruitment country for the first global rotavirus
the vaccine business from Novartis, and a joint venture was
vaccine. In addition, we had a successful experience last
created where GSK is the major shareholder of the OTC
year in conducting clinical trials for asthma and COPD.
consumer business. The four long-term corporate level
Approximately 10% of all patients that participated in
priority areas for GSK are respiratory, HIV, vaccines, and the
these multi-national trials were recruited in Mexico, and as
consumer business. Additionally, GSK has been a pioneer in
we presented local data for the drug registration process
HIV treatments since the 1980s and we have products without
to COFEPRIS, our product was approved within 90 days,
a patent or with expired patents, as well as a new series of
representing a significant improvement on the previous
innovative products that we will be bringing to Mexico in the
three-year timeframe. Nevertheless, there are still some
near future. Our strategy for Mexico comprises six priorities:
challenges to overcome regarding the approval process
for biologics and vaccines in order to ensure better access.
products that do not have a patent. The consistent revenues
from these areas are then further invested in innovation Q: How do you address potential approval delays?
and growth. Dermatology is an interesting segment of the
A: Access to innovative medicines is one of the most
pharmaceutical industry that is growing faster than the
significant challenges that we currently face in Mexico.
industry itself. We began to prioritize dermatology with the
The Mexican government faces many constraints in
acquisition of Stiefel in 2010 and the subsequent purchase
terms of budget and regulatory procedures. What needs
of the local leader in 2011. We have previously managed all
to be highlighted is that more effective treatments can
of our therapeutic areas in a very similar way, and now we
enable patients to become economically active again in
customize our strategy based on both our internal needs and
a shorter time and can therefore have a direct impact on
the external environment in Mexico.
productivity. For this reason, it is important to explore the new paradigm in which innovative products are evaluated
Q: Vaccines have been the subject of much controversy
on a case-by-case basis.
recently, how is GSK dealing with confused consumers? A: Unfortunately, there is a global movement in some
Q: GSK recently launched an innovative drug for the
countries against vaccination, which should be addressed.
treatment for Lupus – what is unique about this treatment,
Vaccines have been responsible for some of the most
and is it available privately and publicly in Mexico?
A: In September 2014 we launched Benlysta, which is the
eradication of polio, smallpox and significant progress in
first real innovation for Lupus that has been developed
the fight against many other diseases including cervical
in the last 50 years. The National Formulary has already
cancer. The statistics regarding practically eradicated
approved the drug making it available privately and it is
diseases such as measles, that have recently seen
significant outbreaks in the US and the UK are compelling.
these projects really transform the way the government
Independent clinical trials and post marketing surveillance
and the pharmaceutical industry collaborate.
have been conducted for vaccines, the results of which show that there is no correlation between vaccines and
Q: What needs to be done to further improve the clinical
some of the key issues in question.
trials industry? A: The clinical trials industry has strong potential in Mexico.
Q: How have the different changes in the distribution
I visualize that the investment in R&D can be tripled or
segment, such as the bankruptcy of Casa Saba and the
quadrupled in the next three to five years. Infrastructure,
closing of local pharmacies, affected GSK?
human resources, and the necessary experience exist in
A: There have definitely been significant changes in the
the country. We have conducted clinical trials for many
distribution segment in the last couple of years. With more
products in Mexico including a trial for Benlysta. We must
than 30% of the market share, Casa Saba had powerful
ensure that all of the different actors work together in
order to remove the potential barriers so that Mexico can
pharmacies, managing to reach 18,000 out of the total
be visibly more attractive and competitive.
25,000 to 30,000 pharmacies that operate in the Mexican market. The independent pharmacies are the ones that
Q: What are your top priorities for 2015?
have suffered the most during this transformation and we
A: We recently re-shaped the way we run the business and our
have plans this year to diversify our distribution channels,
strategies in Mexico. We want to ensure excellent execution
so we are looking for previously unexplored options such
at all levels, creating value equally for our shareholders,
as working with regional distributors.
our people, healthcare professionals, and patients. We are working closely with decision makers in order to hold the
Q: What collaborations do you have with bodies such as
right discussions to improve access to innovation and to
CONACYT and academia for advancing research?
understand the difficulties we know the government is
A: We recently signed an agreement with CONACYT to
currently facing. We expect the vaccine business to keep
sponsor placements for Mexican postgraduates in different
growing, and we applaud the efforts of the government
GSK centers around the world according to their specialized
in implementing the official vaccination program, which
field. As a unique project in pharmaceuticals, CONACYT
is arguably one of the best in the world. As global leaders
and GSK are very proud of the venture, and it has helped
in this field we want to provide further support now that
to generate further dialogues about a separate initiative
there are several difficulties in the global supply of vaccines.
that consists of funding research projects in Mexican
Despite the many challenges that the private market is
institutions and research groups. Significantly, GSK will
currently facing, we want to provoke changes in the market
not claim rights on the results from such projects, because
in order to maximize our opportunities in this dynamic
our larger aim is the development of scientific research in
sector. Finally, we have a global agreement with Save the
Mexico. The country has a phenomenal base of researchers
Children. It is rewarding to belong of a company that takes
and there is a lot of clinical research happening that we
its social responsibility, previously by working with different
want to support. We know from previous experience that
stakeholders that are not related directly with our business.
RM Pharma Specialists is made up of a team of experienced professionals committed to developing a leadership position in conducting and controlling clinical research studies Quality and continuous improvement is at our core. Our services include: • Conduction of phases II to IV clinical studies specializing in rheumatology • Conferences and workshops on rheumatology and clinical research for general physicians and other specialties • Clinical studies monitoring • Development and implementation of Standard Operation Procedures for clinical sites
97 Amores 734, Colonia del Valle. Delegación Benito Juárez. C.P. 03100 México, D.F. Tel.: 53364206 y 59150592
Q: Where is the Mexican Boehringer Ingelheim office
While the marketing strategy will change over the next
positioned in relation to the global office?
few years, doctors will mantain the right to choose
A: From our Mexico City office we run seven companies
patient medication. The shift may occur over the next
throughout Central America, and our presence makes
15 years, meaning we must make several enhancements
to the pharmaceutical industry to ensure the most
internationally. Whenever Boehringer Ingelheim wants
innovative medicine is available for all patients. Mexico
to develop a new product, the corporate headquarters
can improve its healthcare system, it just needs a push in
tends to consult the top ten offices, so it is vital for
the right direction.
Mexico to belong to this group. Not only do we expect to mantain our position, but by 2020, we expect to
Q: What is Boehringer Ingelheim doing to improve
have grown due to the 3.5% market share we enjoy in
access to its range of innovative products?
Mexico. The average for our branches worldwide stands
A: Access is a challenge for all country directors in
at 1%, which means we are outperforming our own
pharmaceutical companies. Our products add a lot of
company’s benchmark. At this point, 75% of our income
value to standards of care, and that ultimately creates
comes from prescription medicine, between 12-15% from
added value for money. For example, the most used
OTC products, and the rest from animal care. Driven
anticoagulant in Mexico is 60 years old, despite many
by research, discovery, and the development of new
molecules, we are the only privately owned multinational
challenged this product with a new anticoagulant
in Mexico. Unlike public companies, which respond to
effective on intracranial bleedings. We also produce
market trends, our stability gives us the advantage of
a drug for diabetes, which is an improvement on the
being able to make long-term plans. After all, our stocks
traditional treatment. Innovation is our aim, and so far
will not fall if one of our products fails, so we are free to
COFEPRIS has been quick to approve our products,
decide the direction our company takes.
given the quality of clinical and monitoring data behind
us. Once an innovative drug has been approved, it can Q: What do you identify as the main drivers for the
often only be accessed through the private market. This
Mexican pharmaceutical market, and how are company
means that 80% of patients that could benefit from these
strategies changing to adapt to the evolving dynamics?
drugs are unable to access them. Although COFEPRIS
A: Mexico’s situation is rather unusual since it is a
has made progress there is still work to be done by the
developing country that behaves like a mature market. In
General Health Council (CSG), ISSSTE, and IMSS. We
contrast to double-digit growth seen in other emerging
are trying to convince the public institutions to opt for
markets like Russia and China, that of Mexico has not
innovation, but it will take time to see good results and
exceeded 3% in recent years. Our growth patterns are
support from authorities.
more similar to mature markets like the US. Mexico’s pharmacy spending in the healthcare sector tends to
Q: Do the restrictions on sales to the private sector
be out of pocket, but this is the country’s only typical
affect the overall profitability of the market in Mexico
“emerging market” behavior. This dynamic means that
for innovative companies like Boehringer Ingelheim?
few people are actually sustaining the sector’s growth,
A: The current situation does not have an impact on our
resulting in an imbalance from society’s perspective.
sales, but patients are affected by reduced access to innovative medicines. Boehringer Ingelheim’s forecasts
Ideally, all demographics should have equal access to
are not based on money but on an index called the
quality medical care. The pharmaceutical landscape is
“Patient Capture Benefit Rate.” This is calculated in
changing as a whole, forcing many companies, including
terms of the number of patients who will potentially
Boehringer Ingelheim, to develop new business models.
benefit from our products.
Patients come first for us, then doctors. This strategy
Q: Do you plan to incorporate generics into your
has made us the second-fastest growing company every
portfolio of products or are you planning to divest
year for the past five years. Mexico is, at this point, a hub
certain areas to focus on others?
for clinical research, we also have a center for molecular
A: We are not a generics company, but we have sold
animal research in Guadalajara. While many companies
generics since the 1970s. Our portfolio includes several
are moving plants from Mexico to other countries,
Boehringer Ingelheim’s stability means we can take
our strongest performers. We carry out third-party
long-term decisions to mantain our core therapeutic
manufacturing, but this is only a very small portion of our
areas in Mexico.
work. We try to accelerate the life cycle of our products
to benefit patients, so to that end we are increasing our Our core areas consist of diabetes care, respiratory and
research division and our capacity for biosimilars. Unlike
cardiovascular care (including anticoagulants), as well as
many other international pharmaceutical companies, we
oncology. We also plan to move into anti-infectives and
do not plan to divest our OTC area. On the contrary, we
central nervous system products. Narrowing our research
are interested in acquiring companies with strong OTC
into the areas where we believe we can contribute the
divisions. To reach new customer bases, our consumer
most increases our impact. While we have an acute
healthcare product division will work with a new set of
disease research area, we have put more emphasis on
products from the end of this year or the beginning of
chronic disease treatments, having invested millions
2016. This division adds value to Boehringer Ingelheim.
of euros in our manufacturing facilities, reflecting the
Most of our OTC products – such as Lonol, Pharmaton,
confidence we have in their growth potential. Of all
Bisolvon, and Buscapina – enjoy top positions in the
the pharmaceutical manufacturing plants operating in
market, and bring in a sizeable portion of our income.
Mexico, only ours are approved by the FDA to export
The sector remains attractive in spite of its growing
prescription medicine, consumer health care (OTC) and
animal health products into the US. While the US is one of our main markets, we also sell to Canada, Asia, Africa,
Q: Are biotechnological products important for your
and Europe.
work the Mexican market? A: Although we are the number one manufacturer
Q: What are the advantages of manufacturing in Mexico?
for biotechnology products worldwide, we do not
A: Mexico is proving to be more competitive in the
commercialize all our products, since we also carry out
third-party manufacturing. For four years, Boehringer
operations here can be flexible, and our services
Ingelheim and Eli Lilly have worked together on diabetes
customized to benefit patients and the social security
research. One of the diabetes care drugs we plan to launch
system alike. Our costs are also very competitive. We
is a biotechnology product, but we do not yet carry out
have even closed factories in other countries in order
biotechnology production in Mexico. Nevertheless, we
to move production to Mexico. There have been doubts
do plan to launch some biosimilars, as these benefit
about Mexico’s capacity to supply to the 300 million-
both Mexican patients and local governments, with an
strong US market, but Mexico has proven its capability
aim of entering the market within the next three to five
for quality and capacity. Soon, 80% of our diabetes
years. Currently we sell two innovative products which
products will be produced in Mexico.
are well-established in the market, one for cancer and the other for strokes.
Boehringer Ingelheim?
Q: What are your expansion plans within Mexico?
A: Our manufacturing operations provide many jobs
A: We are set to move the manufacture of 80% of our
and we are proud of our plant in Xochimilco, which
diabetes care products to Mexico, bringing worldwide
has supported the community for almost 50 years.
export opportunities to the country. Among our pipeline
Social sustainability is close to the heart of Boehringer
products over the next five years are several innovative
Ingelheim. We are engaged in supporting entrepreneurs,
education, and healthcare. Annually, 1,800 of our
therapeutic areas. To realize this potential, we must
employees serve the community in our “Value Through
expand our factories and reach more doctors. To this
Innovation Day,” with activities ranging from teaching
end we are tripling our access team as this is the team
in impoverished communities to painting schools. This
that explains the value of our products to the authorities
year, we are running a reforestation day.
and helps facilitate the regulatory approval process.
Q: What is the main focus of Ferring’s activities in Mexico
and now we only have two, focusing on both the private
and how do these support your aims of improving
and public sector. In the second year we expanded our
healthcare for the population?
sales to hospitals by strengthening our sales force. We
A: Ferring Pharmaceuticals has been in Mexico since 1997,
realized that we needed to allocate more resources to
and our products are well recognized and positioned
this as well as to innovation in digital tools. We provided
in the field of obstetrics. Our philosophy is “people
come first,” and that applies to patients, doctors, and
and developed websites, and electronic materials to
employees. The focus of our obstetrics products is the
cover physicians. In this third year we are focusing on
reduction of maternal mortality. Physicians need effective
consolidating expansion. The results of the first two
years have been good and we are building the basis
situations. Additionally, we provide fertility products
for the future, as well as looking for opportunities to
to clinics. Forming a family is something that many of
grow either organically or abroad in the Latin American
these patients have been trying to achieve for years,
region. We are launching products for obstetrics and for
so it is very motivating for us to help them realize their
dreams. Furthermore, we have a social responsibility program called Bebé en casa, which is a website that
Q: Does Ferring engage in any local R&D activities, and
helps couples that cannot have a baby and that have
what could be done to attract more research?
financial constraints. Patients fill out a form and go to the
A: Ferring Pharmaceuticals has many research centers
clinic and if they comply with certain characteristics they
across the globe, but not in Mexico. However, we do
are provided with discounts on fertility medicines. This
conduct phase III clinical trials in Mexico, so Mexican
program started three years ago, and is now implemented
patients are also part of our R&D and innovation activities.
in 20 clinics. More than 70 babies have been born under
The more patients we get to participate in studies in
this project. Another social responsibility project is a
Mexico, the better. AMIIF recently signed an agreement
fertility project called Proteger. Female cancer is a health
with IMSS to accelerate the process for conducting
concern right now for our government, so when a woman
clinical trials in the IMSS, which will promote growth of
is diagnosed with breast cancer, before she receives
the clinical studies industry and innovation in Mexico.
chemotherapy, she can go to one of the participating
Moreover, when a drug obtains market approval, it still
clinics to get her eggs collected and frozen, and when she
takes several years to become available to the public
is cancer-free she can go back to the clinic and become
sector due to the pharmacoeconomic data required by
the different institutions and as a result the number of molecules approved by the General Health Council is still
Q: After moving from Merck to Ferring Pharmaceuticals,
lagging. Therefore, improvement in this regard is essential
what were your main objectives?
to leveraging innovation in the country.
A: Ferring produces high-quality drugs that are very well
positioned in the European market as well as in other
Q: Mexico’s attentions on biotechnology are steadily
countries, and the company has very good projections,
increasing – how does the country’s development pace in
which represents an opportunity for me to contribute to
this regard compare to other markets?
the company’s development and growth. I was given the
A: The growth of the biotechnology sector in Mexico is
opportunity to take a General Manager position, which
evident in the amount of innovative products that multi-
has allowed me to manage the manufacturing plant in
national companies are launching in the country, which is
Lerma, the State of Mexico as well as the commercial
comparable to levels in other markets. Additionally, more
office. It took me a year to understand and restructure
local companies are opening extensive manufacturing
the business. When I started we had three business units
plants in the country. The biotechnology business is a
hot topic from a regulatory viewpoint today, especially at
catalogue of services and products available for patients
COFEPRIS. We have to make sure that all products, whether
insured by the Seguro Popular, and it includes medical
innovative or biosimilar, comply with the requirements to
attention for complex diseases such as prostate cancer.
guarantee safety and efficacy.
A greater convergence of the public and private sector is needed to improve access to healthcare services,
Q: COFEPRIS has improved many of its processes to bring
and private hospitals will play a role in helping the
more products to the marketplace – what have been the
government in the short-term. This process obviously
practical implications for companies like Ferring?
takes time and we need to figure out how best to support
A: COFEPRIS has worked very hard not only for the
such integration.
biotechnology sector, but also for improving the process of drug registration in general. In the past, it took one
Q: What main opportunities have you identified for your
year for a drug to be approved. This process was recently
accelerated, and a new molecule can now be approved
A: The obstetric sector is growing. Working with the public
within 60 days. Regarding traditional molecules, they
sector is an opportunity for us in order to make sure that
have to make sure that processes with time delays do
patients have access to our products. In the private sector,
not get reintroduced when the five-year administration
our products are very well positioned, and there is a huge
period of COFEPRIS comes to an end. COFEPRIS has
room for growth. We have recently launched some new
developed new communication channels to improve
products and we are still in the learning curve phase
processes, which must be maintained over time. As for
with physicians who are using our products. Additionally,
biopharmaceuticals, studies to prove their efficacy and
we want to consolidate our expertise in our four key
safety must be complete.
therapeutic areas. Even though Mexico is an emerging market, it is not growing that much in general terms.
Q: Do you see the need for greater convergence of the
However, for niche products we expect good growth.
public and private sectors?
We are expected to develop more partnerships, and aim
A: The public sector is working on implementing
to launch more products into the market. In terms of the
universal healthcare coverage and its needs to ensure
region Brazil is a larger market and will see more growth,
that all diseases are covered. For instance, CAUSES is the
however Mexico constitutes a close second.
receptors reducing the inflammation response in the lung
by relaxing the bronchi thus permitting the increase of
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) affects 8%
air flow. Unlike other bronchodilators, it can be used daily
of the Mexican population and kills 21,000 Mexicans every
over prolonged periods of time as it has very few and mild
year. The National Institute of Respiratory Diseases (INER)
adverse effects.
predicts that this disease will become the third mortality cause in Mexico by 2020. COPD is characterized by a
Developed by Boehringer Ingelheim, Striverdi Respimat
progressive breakdown of lung tissue by an inflammatory
was first approved for use in the UK, Denmark, and Iceland
response after exposure to irritants. The two main risk
in 2013. In July 2014 it was approved by the FDA for use in
factors for this disease are smoking and exposure to coal
the US and it was approved by COFEPRIS in March 2015.
or wood smoke, making this disease especially prevalent in developing countries. COPD’s main symptoms include respiratory problems, wheezing, coughing, and chest tightness, and can be fatal if left untreated.
Striverdi Respimat is a highly selective long-acting beta-2
adrenergic agonist (LABA) developed specifically to treat COPD. This drug mimics the effect of epinephrine at beta-
OH 101
Q: Grünenthal established operations in Mexico in 1998.
new products and our access to institutions. This has led us
Since then, how has Grünenthal come to consider the
to launch three new products in the last two years with one
potential of the Mexican market?
of these, Palexia, obtaining National Formulary approval in
A: Latin America is Grünenthal’s engine of growth. Our
record time. Our third strategy is business development,
sales in Latin America have reached US$500 million and
in which we are looking for new companies and brands to
we aim to double that to US$1 billion by 2020. This would
acquire in Mexico and Brazil.
see our operations in the region surpass those in Europe. Naturally, Mexico and Brazil will be vital in making that
Q: Why do you feel Palexia was able to be approved in the
strategy feasible. Curiously, Mexico and Brazil are among
National Formulary so quickly?
the youngest companies in the group with Grünenthal
A: Palexia was approved in seven to eight months as
only having been established in Brazil three years ago.
opposed to the four year average. The reason Palexia was
In comparison, we began operating in Peru in 1968 and
so quick in securing approval is that it is a new product
in Ecuador in 1973. This means we have less products
which provides an effective value proposition for chronic
and sales in Mexico and Brazil than in the rest of Latin
pain. As opposed to strong opioids like morphine, Palexia
America, but we are confident that the market here will
works based on a dual mechanism. It is particularly good
grow faster. In Mexico, Grünenthal has already reached
at handling combinations of neuropathic and regular pain.
US$51 million in sales but we want to achieve US$100
It also has fewer side-effects than its competitors while
million by 2018.
being available at a reasonable price. We are now in the process of getting the approval of institutions like IMSS,
Q: What is your current strategy for the local market?
ISSSTE and Seguro Popular.
A: We are looking to maximize the presence of our existing product portfolio among the private and public health
Q: What is the most difficult part of submitting
sectors. We are also seeking to accelerate the launch of
applications to different institutions?
3D DRUG PRINTING GETS FDA GO AHEAD Scientists have been developing 3D printing technologies
process was carried out using a 3D scan of a pig trachea
for almost 30 years but only recently has the technology
and the FDA approved material polycaprolactone (PCL).
come to the forefront of the medical and pharmaceutical
Since the surgery, the baby’s trachea has completely
industries, raising the potential to deliver drugs in a
regenerated and the PCL is expected to degrade naturally
personalized format that could revolutionize the sector. In
in the patient’s system, causing no long lasting side effects.
August 2015 the FDA approved the first ever 3D printed
In the same year, Organovo successfully printed a human
drug for consumer consumption. Spritam, an epilepsy
liver using 3D bioprinting techniques.
treatment, will be produced by US pharmaceutical Aprecia and will, according to the company, “transform the way
Since then, within the pharma industry in particular, it has
patients experience taking medication.”
been found that 3D printing can actually overhaul and improve the administration of drugs due to its capabilities.
In 2013, researchers from the University of Illinois, the
Researchers at the University College of London School of
Institute of Genomic Biology and the University of
Pharmacy have been able to print different shapes of drugs
Michigan worked in collaboration to 3D print an artificial
using a technique known as “hot melt extrusion.” This is
trachea for an infant with the rare tracheobronchomalacia,
relevant as convincing findings have revealed that the
which causes the windpipe to continually collapse. The
shape of a drug considerably impacts its effectiveness. For
A: We have to customize our value proposition to specific
Pain, which presents a range of tools, such as online
countries and institutions. Our submissions show the result
classes, live courses for hospitals, and specific workshops
of global clinical trials, compare the price point with that of
for areas like cancer or palliative care. We also teach how
the competition, and also show how each drug will impact
to use the drugs available in Mexico to treat different types
Mexico’s epidemiological profile.
of pain. This remains a priority for Grünenthal.
Q: Grünenthal has global clinical trials and invests
Q: How are you advancing the state of palliative care in
significantly in R&D. Do you hope to carry out clinical
trials and R&D in Mexico?
A: As part of our battle against chronic pain, we are
A: This area is now more accessible in Mexico and presents
advocating for better palliative care practices, which sees
us work alongside organizations like FUNSALUD. It is
institutions to benefit from clinical trials in the same way as
unquestionable that advances in this field will benefit patients
the private sector has for years. It will also give Mexico a lot
and their families. But the Mexican mindset about death does
of exposure around the world. As for Grünenthal, we have
not make this an accessible topic. However, the country is
two or three clinical trials underway in a combination of
accumulating more palliative care specialists as people age
private sector hospitals and smaller public sector facilities.
in the country. One effective practice has been put in place at
Until now, we have not been able to access larger public
the National Pediatrics Institute, where parents are trained in
institutions for clinical trials but we would be very happy to
palliative pediatric care and the hospital takes equipment to
revisit this subject with IMSS. Mexico has excellent research
the patients’ home, which reduces the level of stress for the
centers that will provide good results but this has not yet
patient and for the family.
been explored on a large scale. Q: What are your top priorities in 2015? Q: What training and education programs do you provide
A: We need to continue growing by maintaining the regular
for physicians to become familiar with your products?
launch of new products, marketing successfully, and boosting
A: We invest significantly in medical education, especially
our presence in private and public institutions. We also want
to deal with chronic pain which is not given enough
to help develop palliative care initiatives that are being put
attention in Mexico, despite the fact that 30 million people
in place by the government. We feel this is a crucial issue in
suffer from chronic pain. This ranges from back pain, which
Mexico. Additionally, we are always looking for advantageous
is the main cause of debilitation in Mexico, to terminal
companies to acquire. We integrated Empresas Andrómaco
illnesses which cause sufferers to die in a great deal of
in Chile in 2013 and we would like to replicate that with
pain. Early detection is vital in order to prevent pain from
Mexican firms that have a history of growth and whose
becoming chronic. Our flagship program is called Change
products, like ours, have a degree of differentiation.
example, the shape of the drug can determine how fast the
cites the more affordable cost in recent years, claiming that
medication is released, which may be a particular benefit
3D printing procedures which would previously have cost up
in the administration of certain products including blood
US$30,000 can today be as cheap as US$500.
thinners and immunosuppressants. The traditional process of manufacturing drugs, however, does not have the same
Despite the now established uses of 3D printing for
capability of producing them in the same complex shapes
devices, for the first time 3D printed drugs are being made
as 3D printing methods.
available to consumers, and it remains to be seen how this will impact the industry. Chris Rivera, President and
The 3D printing industry in 2012 was valued at US$2.2 billion
CEO of the Washington Biotechnology and Biomedical
but this should more than double to US$5.2 billion by 2020.
Association, believes that if 3D printing is able to adopt
In Latin America, the process is evolving equally quickly. In
an effective business strategy, the result could be a drop
Mexico, a doctor used 3D printing techniques to create skin.
in profits for traditional pharmaceutical production. On
Carlos Ramirez, Director of the Mexico, Central America and
the other hand, he sees this as a unique opportunity for
Caribbean division of 3D printing company STRATASYS,
innovation if the sector can collaborate with scientists to
believes that the technology is becoming more and more
integrate the techniques into marketing strategies. The
accessible and widely used. Javier Cruz, Engineering Director
prospect of personalized medicine brought directly to the
of 3D Insoft believes that, in the next two years, 3D printing
home of the consumer is sure to be one of the biggest game-
will become a massive industry within the medical sector. He
changers in recent years
Q: MSD, known as Merck in the US and Canada, is one of
third focus is virology, including Hepatitis C and HIV. We
the largest pharmaceutical companies in the world. What
have outstanding HIV products including non-nucleoside
is Mexico’s role in your global strategy?
reverse-transcriptase inhibitors (NNRTIs) and integrase
A: MSD has the same goal for Mexico as it does for the
inhibitors, which were important parts of the revolution that
rest of the world: to deliver innovations that can improve
helped transform HIV from a death sentence into a chronic
and save lives, something that we have been doing for
disease. Our final operation tackles Alzheimer’s, a disease
over 100 years. Mexico is a strategic country for MSD for
for which cases are doubling every five years and which has
several reasons and it is part of MSD’s Emerging Market
so far been intractable. MSD has a novel drug in phase III
Commercial Organization which is specific to Latin
that inhibits the production of a peptide protein, which is a
America, the Middle East, and Africa. Despite challenges
precursor to the build-up of plaques in the brain.
such as insecurity, Mexico is a strategic place to conduct business, and constitutes one of our top two Latin
Q: How has the increase of generics in Mexico affected
American markets for many reasons, namely its growing
your sales?
population, large market, strong IP protection, improving
A: MSD’s strategy is innovation. Certain companies have
regulatory infrastructure, a significant private laissez-faire
a generics line incorporated within their business model
market, and a significant public market. In spite of all this,
while others have chosen to ally with other companies.
the Mexican market does not see double-digit growth like
But the generic business model is beneficial to us provided
certain other emerging markets. Mexico is also a clinical
that intellectual property is respected and protected. It is
research base for us. We currently have 41 protocols in
also valuable to the system as it frees up money allowing
different areas but one of my main goals is to find ways
the government to acquire large quantities of cheaper
of increasing the amount of clinical research carried out
medications, meaning the money saved can be re-invested
in Mexico. Clinical trials in Mexico are cost-effective and
to acquire innovative drugs. This has been a challenge
efficient while the country also has the infrastructure to
in Mexico but not impossible. We are now working with
quickly enroll patients. At this point we are working both
regulatory authorities to help ensure that the government
with the public and the private sector equally, and the only
dedicates money to innovation so people can access the
basic research we are doing here is a study on pediatric
medication they need. At the same time, we are facing
cancer, which is carried out by the Merck Foundation with
the dilemma of what to do after our products age. So
far, our medical representatives have focused on creating awareness among doctors about the value of our products,
Q: What are your main product lines in Mexico?
but a complementary sales strategy is needed in which we
A: MSD has developed a broad range of products over many
partner with local companies that are more focused on
years. The first line covers cardiometabolic issues, such as
branded generics, which is a particular benefit to us as we
diabetes, heart disease, and hypertension. For diabetes,
can use their sales experience.
we have developed Sitagliptin, which controls blood sugar
without common side effects such as hypertension. We
Q: MSD divested most of its OTC portolio to Bayer and
have also launched a new DPP-4 inhibitor with extended
acquired Schering-Plough - what motivated these moves?
release and we are developing statin drugs. Our second
A: While some companies choose to work in many
range is women’s health, including contraception, fertility,
different areas, we are focusing our resources on areas
and osteoporosis. With this in mind, another concern is
where we can have an impact on health and where
that Mexico has one of the highest rates of teen pregnancy
innovations can make a difference. OTC is an exciting and
in the world, which local health authorities recognize as
expanding segment but it was not our core business, but
one of the country’s most significant challenges, which
MSD has made several recent decisions that are altering
we are helping to address in a government initiative. The
its long-term business strategy. Five years ago, we bought
Schering-Plough, which forced us to alter our production
our pharmacy chain customers. The market itself is also
and business plans, and subsequently we had a very large
changing and now pharmacy chains are offering medical
number of manufacturing sites and a significant level of
consultations at the point of sale, which may be perceived
over-capacity. As part of the merger, we had to restructure
as a threat by some but may represent and interesting
our manufacturing strategy which required closing some
opportunity to adapt.
plants, moving others, and opening new ones to ensure we had the correct manufacturing infrastructure. As
Q: What expansion plans do you have for Mexico?
Mexico is critical for our company, we maintained our
A: We are always looking for new expansion opportunities.
manufacturing presence here while consolidating it to
For example, MSD just bought Cubist Pharmaceuticals,
an efficient core instead of having many underutilized
one of the largest and most productive antibiotics
units. We take manufacturing extremely seriously and we
manufacturers. The world requires a revolution in the
believe having a single, high-quality facility is far more
antibiotics market, as the number of antibiotic-resistant
strategic than to try and manage a vast network in every
bacteria is increasing worldwide and the situation is
becoming highly dangerous.
Q: Mexico has faced several challenges in the healthcare
New products to fight these bacteria are needed, which
distribution area of late. How has this affected your sales?
is why we incorporated Cubist Pharmaceuticals’ research
A: MSD has a hybrid strategy, wherein we use distributors
lines into our business strategy. MSD also has a global
for the public and private sector, while working directly
deal with Samsung for biologics, a process that is now at
with pharmacy chains. Either of these strategies can work
phase III and we are currently bringing these products to
well depending on the customer. Casa Saba going bankrupt
Mexico. By growing organically, our goal is to be the best
certainly created a disruption for the entire industry. Casa
healthcare company in Mexico which means becoming the
Saba was our largest distributor but, since the bankruptcy,
fastest-growing multinational, which will be achieved by
we have learned how to effectively reach patients and we
making smart global acquisitions in each country. These
are now stronger than before. In comparison, we have a
global deals have significantly increased our rate of growth
mutually beneficial relationship with our distributors and
in the past years.
patients (those who have) but it showed superiority in been
comparison to other treatments for treatment-naïve adults
infected by the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)
and adolescents. Dolutegravir is used in combination with
with thousands more being infected every year. While
two other nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors.
immunotherapy drugs have turned this disease from a death sentence to a manageable condition, not all
Dolutegravir is commercialized in the US as Tivicay and
available drugs are effective for all patients as some have
was approved by the FDA in August 2013. It was approved
been infected by drug resistant variants of the virus.
by the European Commission in January 2014 for use in the European Union and it was approved by COFEPRIS in
March 2015.
integrase strand transfer inhibitor approved by the FDA and it has demonstrated impressive anti HIV efficacy. This drug inhibits HIV-1 integrase, an essential protein for the replication of the virus
inside the host’s cells. Dolutegravir quickly reduces
treatment-naïve patients (those who have not taken any type of HIV therapy) and treatment-experienced
levels of HIV virus in the body and causes fewer side effects than other medications. It is useful both for
O 105
INNOVATIVE PRODUCTS FROM HEALTH TO BEAUTY KAREL FUCIKOVSKY Director General Mexico and Central America of Pierre Fabre Médicament
Q: Which markets does Pierre Fabre specifically target
product access at all points in the trade chain between
and how do you divide your two core business lines?
our company and our distribution partners.
A: To date Pierre Fabre splits its two business lines in a deployed concept described as ‘From Health to Beauty’.
Q: Does Pierre Fabre share the current focus on orphan
The two companies of the group are Pierre Fabre
and specialized drug development?
Dermocosmetics and Pierre Fabre Médicament. Our
A: We have commercialized an orphan drug to support
concerns are divided between health (45%) and beauty
bone marrow transplants to adult and pediatric patients.
(55%). Both Pierre Fabre Dermocosmetics and Médicament
We also recently signed a local license agreement with
offer leading products in their respective sectors, and we
Ferring Pharmaceuticals for the launch and distribution of
are strong in gynecology, angiology, and general medicine,
tranexamic acid, a gynecological product already approved
with one of our most distinguished products Navelbine
by COFEPRIS. However, a focus on highly specialized
Oral prescribed for patients suffering breast and lung
products and biopharmaceuticals is premature due to
cancer. We distinguish ourselves from other companies
access constrictions and budget issues. That said, R&D
by working closely with our physicians to provide support
investment for companies like Pierre Fabre is key to our
on continuous medical education. Locally, we emphasize
long-term innovation strategies. As such, we continue to
business development, so that we stand out as partner of
invest in oncology solutions, however I expect companies
choice for new entrepreneurial pharmaceutical companies
to reduce R&D budgets due to access limitations and patent
seeking to enter the Mexican pharmaceutical market,
protection losses. The Ministry of Health and COFEPRIS have
as well as established companies requiring additional
significantly improved approval processes for innovation
expertise and access capabilities. We have also worked
drugs, but access to the institutional market, remains a
with key leaders in the field of oncology to introduce a
concern. The time it takes for a new molecule to reach the
new PFM molecule to treat bladder cancer. We believe
market from the laboratory stands at almost four-and-a-half
in innovation, invest heavily in R&D, and will continue to
years, longer than in other Latin American countries.
seek the support of legal and regulatory entities to ensure that innovation in pharmaceuticals will be available for the
Q: How is the changing distribution landscape impacting
benefit of patients.
the market and your strategies? A: Old players are leaving the arena and major companies
Q: What opportunities do you see in the Mexican
are continuing to expand. As chain pharmacies grow in
dermocosmetic market?
number and enter new market territories, we see distributors
A: The young dermocosmetic industry is not the only
seeking integral solutions for consumers and patients.
therapeutic sector rich in opportunities. Today there are
The public health care system is also evolving, presenting
more players in the sector, with a consumer base more
lower operational and distribution costs, and improving
aware of the treatment, brands, and access options,
services to patients. Distributors for the institutional sector
which generates more room for competition. The
are developing operations to optimize treatments for
dermocosmetic market is attractive from a business
individual patients. This requires a substantial amount of
perspective, as the typical consumer in this sector has a
investment and technology development. As new players
more voracious appetite for novel and ethical products
integrate and different trade rules form, we expect to see
and services. One challenge is to communicate with
major changes in the coming years.
our consumers in an ethical and transparent way, while
simultaneously listening to feedback. A process that
Q: What social responsibility initiatives is Pierre Fabre
depends on direct and digital marketing, customer
working on in Mexico?
relations management, database marketing, and person-
A: We work with the main healthcare institutions on
to-person promotion at points of sale. This ensures
chronic disease detection campaigns and programs.
future we expect to continue providing efficient, accessible
greatly on R&D, not only to develop new products, but
treatments for various pathologies, like we have with
with an aim to enhancing existing products by adding new,
Hemangiol, a product developed to treat hemangioma
beneficial components.
in pediatric patients. Thanks to its therapeutic success, Hemangiol has been rapidly approved by the FDA and is
Q: CANIPEC and PROFECO signed an agreement banning
currently undergoing the COFEPRIS registration process.
products with ambiguous advertising. Has this new visibility been beneficial to the market?
Q: Pierre Fabre has a long history producing medicines
A: Visibility is critical, and while there has been progress,
from phytochemicals and natural extracts. Is the company
there remains room for improvement. Chambers of
continuing to develop this area? Is there confusion over
commerce and our own authorities must continue working
phytochemicals and herbal supplements?
together to enhance the regulations and advertising of
A: Pierre Fabre’s origins lie in the development of organic
pharmaceuticals and dermocosmetics. As an industry,
medicines. Fabroven is a root extract developed by our
we will continue delivering safe, effective products and
late founder, and it was on the back of this product that
treatments to the market, and will continue to use the
the company was founded. Fabroven has been in the
correct and appropriate advertising channels.
market place for over 50 years, so it is a well-established, well-studied product which possesses solid scientific and
Q: What are your main objectives for the coming years?
medical recognition with an emphasis on its distinction from
A: Our pharmaceutical business has much more to deliver
herbal supplements. Like any drug, phytopharmaceuticals
from an organic growth perspective. This is a priority
comply with the highest standards of manufacture and
of ours. We will continue to establish strong alliances
quality assurance. European consumers are buying more
with local and multinational companies to promote and
natural products, while Mexico has a long history of using
distribute products. We are also in negotiations with
plants as medicines. Mexican universities such as the one
other global pharmaceutical companies such as Medinova
at Chapingo conduct extensive research on plants, and
and Medigene, whose innovative products are ready for
their work on agave cactus fungi may well contribute to
promotion within the women’s health market, a segment
cancer treatments. The dermocosmetic market focuses
that we aim to prioritize.
was approved by the FDA in November 2013 for the
Most cancer treatments have focused on killing cells that
treatment of mantle cell lymphoma and in February 2014
divide rapidly, a prominent feature of cancerous cells. A
for chronic lymphocytic leukemia. It was approved for use
huge problem with this approach is that many healthy
in Mexico by COFEPRIS on March 2015.
cells also divide rapidly causing numerous side effects to
most cancer treatments. A growing alternative to this are
targeted therapies which are currently among the main foci of anticancer drug development.
First designed by Celera Genomics in a structure-based approach to create a molecule to inactivate Bruton’s tyrosine kinase (BTK), Imbruvica was then acquired by Pharmacyclics and Johnson & Johnson’s Janssen-Cilag division. Imbruvica is a targeted therapy for the inhibition
of BTK, a crucial enzyme for B-cell development. This drug forms a covalent bond on the active site of BTK which inhibits the enzyme, which is essential for the survival of malignant B-cells thus its inhibition blocks the signals that
drive their uncontrolled growth and division. Imbruvica
ORPHAN DRUGS - THE RIGHT ACCESS PATH LUIS CALDERĂ“N CEO of Alexion Pharmaceuticals and President of the Mexican Association of Pharmaceutical Research Industries (AMIIF)
Q: How many obstacles remain to the development of a
any use without conscious corresponding human capital
thriving biopharmaceutical sector in Mexico?
A: The challenge that Mexico is facing today is the
A: I think this is a multi-faceted problem. Healthcare
lack of access to innovative products. COFEPRIS has
expenditure in Mexico is only 6.2% of GDP, which is very
certainly made a great effort to improve approval times.
low compared to the average of 9% within OECD countries.
However, public institutions such as IMSS, ISSSTE, and
Furthermore, considering that 50% of that expenditure
Seguro Popular still have certain things to do in order to
comes from out-of-pocket expenses, the government
improve their processes and increase access within the
invests only 3.1% in health expenditure. A large part
public market to medicines. Processes should speed up in
of this budget goes to administrative costs and other
order to bring drugs to the population that needs them.
processes, rather than being invested in medical training
Additionally, the number of physicians who specialize
and medicines. Therefore, resources should be better
in therapeutic areas where biologics are prescribed
allocated to improve the healthcare system. It is not that
is concerning; for instance, there are around 600
the government is not playing its role but it is taking a long
hematologists in Mexico, which is a very small number
time to effect the transformation of the whole sector. On
when you consider that we have a total population of
top of that, the national healthcare sector is complicated
120 million. The same happens in other specialties such
due to health disparities in the Mexican population. While
as endocrinology, where there are only 180 physicians.
chronic conditions including diabetes, obesity, and cancer
Endocrinologists should treat patients with diabetes, so in
represent a crisis for the sector in terms of mortality rates,
order to take advantage of biologics there is a huge path
there are still 30 million people below the poverty line
to follow to increase the number of trained physicians
who require basic primary care services and medicines,
from different hospitals.
such as antibiotics. It is therefore a big challenge for the government to create effective strategies to address
Q: Why is specialization such a challenge and what should
such disparities, as well as to define the top-priorities and
be done to address the issue?
develop the necessary infrastructure for the future.
A: Specialization is necessary to address the modern challenges in the healthcare sector. In the 1980s, the
Q: Notwithstanding these challenges, have there been
Mexican population increased dramatically and, in order
encouraging developments?
to meet the growing demand for healthcare services for
A: Many new biotech-driven companies are entering
children, the government established the right incentives to
the market, and COFEPRIS has successfully shortened
create more pediatricians. I do not see the same intensity in
the approval times for new molecules. Mexico was
the government’s agenda to address the need of specialists
the first country to grant market authorization for two
in therapeutic areas for chronic and degenerative diseases.
biopharmaceutical products, which was the result of
In addition to this, the general knowledge that physicians
several moves such as improving the clinical research
are obtaining in school with regards to chronic and
pathway in the country, as well as recognizing other high-
degenerative conditions is still lagging. If they do not enter a
quality regulatory agencies such as the FDA and EMA.
high-specialty and get clinical training in specific areas such
COFEPRIS has significantly improved its review process,
as diabetes and obesity, their knowledge is very limited.
which certainly represents a benefit for the industry.
Thus, better education and training programs for physicians
Companies are now authorized to start developing but
are necessary in Mexico. In fact, this reduces the number
not commercializing biosimilars eight years before patent
of biopharmaceuticals that are available in the marketplace.
Q: The government has recently developed a regulatory framework for biopharmaceuticals and biosimilars. Is this
Q: What role is AMIIF hoping to play in developing the market?
A: We are working on a joint effort with COFEPRIS to
in which third-party organizations such as the national
develop the right norms for biopharmaceuticals, biologics,
institutes of health are now allowed to participate in
and biosimilars. We have learned a lot from international
the approval process for study protocols. AMIIF and
experience on biologics and it is a dynamic field that has
COFEPRIS recently signed a collaboration contract with
dramatically changed in the last ten years. The clinical
IMSS for the latter to also participate in such processes,
studies that are required for product approvals are
and furthermore, IMSS is now authorized to conduct more
completely different from those required for generics.
clinical studies than before. Therefore, more innovation is
Therefore, this is a matter of continuous learning in
coming to Mexico not only for Alexion but in general terms.
order to keep the pace with harmonized regulations
It is expected that many companies expand their research
and new developments. The same thing will apply for
activities in the country, which I am sure will benefit the
nanotechnology and stem cells therapy. Regulation is
whole Mexican industry.
always lagging behind innovation because it is impossible to regulate what does not exist yet. The challenge for
Q: Do you believe Mexico should pick an area to focus on
COFEPRIS is to develop transparent processes for the
for economic development based on investment returns?
approval of biosimilars, and we are collaborating with
A: This is a matter of the government deciding where it
them in this regard.
wants to win and how. A couple of years ago, the South Korean government set the bold goal of becoming a
Q: How is this progress impacting the orphan drugs
leader in the innovative pharmaceutical market. They
segment on which Alexion focuses on?
signed agreement contracts with the US, redefined
A: Orphan drugs have a specific approval pathway for
their intellectual property model, and heavily invested
market authorization to obtain orphan drug designation,
in the pharmaceutical industry. Similarly, the Mexican
which is very different from the one that traditional
government has to decide if it really wants to win in the
products follow to get sanitary approval. Also, the
biotech and healthcare sector, and if it is willing to invest
approval process for orphan drugs is not as lengthy as for
more in this field. Progress will not only happen due to
traditional products; it is a faster and less complex process
entrepreneurship but it requires a huge amount of money
that takes 40-60 days. Last year, COFEPRIS developed
and resources. This sector is very risky and high a return
a draft norm for orphan drugs along with AMIIF, which
of investment is needed to sustain a biotech business. The
will be approved in the upcoming weeks or months.
government needs to realize that a risky sector has higher
Hopefully, this will bring certainty to the regulatory status
failure rates, and in addition high interest rates make this
of orphan drugs.
sector even a more difficult one for business development. Therefore, a clear play-to-win strategy is needed in Mexico
Q: How challenging is it to obtain approval for drugs that
to invest the right resources in the right sector, whether it
are targeting such a small handful of patients?
is automotive, energy, or biotech.
A: Firstly, our products have to comply with regulatory requirements. Once we get approval, we submit a proposal
Q: Should Mexico be looking to other countries, such as
to the General Health Council, and then we request access
South Korea and Brazil, as role models?
to one of the different Institutions. In the past, it was very
A: In terms of innovation, Mexico could replicate what
difficult to get approval from the General Health Council,
South Korea has done regarding intellectual property law
as it was mandatory to present a cost-effect analysis for
and creating the right environment for innovation. South
orphan diseases, which is practically impossible because
Korea is a unique example of how products have been
there is no data to build a consistent model for an accurate
developed and how they have emerged from the pipeline.
assessment. Fortunately, the cost-effect analysis was
Brazil has a complete different approach due to the fact
recently replaced with a budget impact model by decision
that it decided to take the biosimilars path rather than
of the General Health Council, which accelerated the
the innovation one. In order to bring biopharmaceuticals
approval process for orphan drugs.
to the country, it has to be defined that of would happen through the innovation path or biosimilars one. Being an
emerging market, we need to take a look at which path
pharmaceutical companies bringing R&D projects to
is more successful than the other. The government is
realizing that the opportunity to go abroad is important
A: There have been several changes in the Mexican
and that will be transforming the industry. I do not know
regulatory environment and market to support this. We
whether the focus will be on innovation or on generics
have a better and quicker regulation for clinical studies
and biosimilars, as this is not yet clearly defined.
BRINGING HOPE TO PATIENTS WITH RARE DISEASES Infectious and chronic diseases have occupied the main
to the less than ten approved in the 1970s. Another
focus of both the public and private health systems and rare
encouraging factor is the Human Genome Project. Since
diseases have taken a back seat. Rare diseases are those
it is estimated that approximately 80% of rare disease
that affect a small number of individuals, although there is
are of genetic origin, sequencing the human genome has
no universal definition of which diseases classify as rare and
allowed great progress for personalized medicine, yielding
how many sufferers there are, as numbers vary from country
tools for treating many previously unexplored conditions.
to country. While in the US a disease is considered rare if
Also genetic markers allow doctors to diagnose a patient
it affects less than one person per 1,500, in the European
population before it even begins to show symptoms.
Union the requirement is one per 2,000 individuals. Mikel Arriola, head of COFEPRIS classified a rare disease as one
In Mexico the total number of individuals affected by rare
that affects one person in every 2,000, but this number may
diseases is undetermined, but COFEPRIS recently stated
vary by geographic area and time period. These diseases
that approximately 50,000 patients have been diagnosed.
are often genetic and in some cases there are as few as
Another large problem is that clinical studies of ODs are
only one or two documented cases. Their low prevalence
limited by the small number of available patients thus
makes them extremely difficult to detect and quantify and
slowing their introduction into the country. Taking into
there are no concrete numbers of how many exist, but it
account the impressive and on occasion prohibitive costs of
is estimated that there may be about 6,000 or 7,000 such
ODs, Mexico’s public health sector faces a difficult decision
diseases and each week five more are identified.
between providing life-saving medicines to a few patients at extremely elevated costs or treating many more patients
Rare disease diagnosis is often challenging. Exact numbers
with less expensive medicines. Soliris, for example, can only
are uncertain, but it is estimated that around 350 million
benefit 77 diagnosed patients in Mexico but would imply
people worldwide are currently suffering from a rare
spending US$34 million on its development.
disease. Developing countries face even more uncertainty as quality healthcare services are not guaranteed, making
Even so the current COFEPRIS administration has made
it even less likely for patients to obtain a timely diagnosis.
sustained efforts to introduce ODs to Mexico. In January
Even after patients are diagnosed they are unlikely to obtain
30th 2012 the articles 224 Bis and 224 Bis 1 were added to
an effective treatment as few pharmaceutical companies
the National Law of Health with the aim of facilitating the
are willing to invest in orphan drugs (ODs) to treat them.
approval and introduction of ODs to Mexico and allowing
The drug development process is highly expensive and
the Ministry of Health to propose recommendations to
time consuming; development of a single medication
the National Institutes of Health for the development of
can take more than ten years and cost millions of dollars.
these medicines. The effect of this law was significant and
As these drugs target very few individuals, a recovery of
immediate. In the past three and a half years 52 orphan
invested capital is unlikely. This fact makes ODs extremely
drugs have been introduced to Mexico in comparison to
expensive and unattainable to many patients. For example
the single drug approved in 2010. Over the course of 2015,
Alexion Pharmaceuticals’ Soliris (eculizumab), used to treat
19 new ODs have been approved by COFEPRIS.
paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria, costs US$440,000 per year of treatment. At this point it is estimated that the cost of an OD is 19 times higher than the cost of regular medication with patients ultimately covering the costs. The
Number of authorized new orphan drugs (Source: COFE 13
prices of ODs are set on a case by case basis but generally the smaller number of patients who benefit from the drug,
the higher its cost. 2012
governments and pharmaceutical industries are promoting
the discovery and development of ODs, giving hope to numerous patients. In the US the Orphan Drug Act of
1983 provided economic incentives for developers of ODs including seven years of market exclusivity, tax credits, and grant funds. Since this act was passed about 500 new ODs were approved, a large number in comparison
Accumulated total: 52
BRINGING TOGETHER ACADEMIA, INDUSTRY AND GOVERMENT DR. DEA HERRERA President of Asociación Farmacéutica Mexicana (AFM) Q: What are the main activities and goals of AFM?
these chapters, we stay informed about the curricula of
A: We create opportunities for our colleagues and members
pharmaceutical science courses and provide advice on
to gather and exchange knowledge as well as promoting
how to improve or modify them to ensure that students
technology transfer. Our expo has been running for 44 years,
graduate with the widest possible skillsets. Our publication,
over which time, it has grown to become the nationwide
the Mexican Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, includes
ExpoFarma that exists today. We also hold an annual National
scientific articles written by university researchers and
Conference of Pharmaceutical Sciences, which brings
provides advice for CONACYT.
together students, academics, industry professionals, and government officials to discuss the direction of the country’s
pharmaceutical sector and set future objectives. For 2015
pharmaceutical studies in Mexican universities?
the congress focused on pharmaceutical formulation due to
A: We need to invest more in education. AFM promotes well-
its trend affecting the pharmaceutical industry worldwide.
educated and well-trained pharmaceutical professionals as
To tackle these problems we invite experts from the US,
one of the best investments Mexico can make for the future
such as FDA personnel or leading academics, to share their
of its healthcare sector. Adequate education will drive the
experience with Mexican professionals. Finally, we organize a
innovation of new medications and technologies in Mexico.
Healthcare Regulation Summit primarily concerning industry
AFM also promotes many activities with students as they
players, who must abide by national regulations of drug
will be the future leaders of COFEPRIS, other government
manufacture and sale in Mexico. We bring them together
organizations, and private companies. We want them to
with healthcare policy-makers so that they may jointly
realize as early as possible the importance of all these
assess the impact of regulations on the industry and study
sectors working together to develop Mexico’s healthcare
any amendments or areas of mutual concern. Alongside
sector. Furthermore, they must understand that education
these major events, AFM offers a range of training courses,
is a continuous process given how quickly pharmaceutical
covering technical issues that concern the pharmaceutical
companies evolve.
industry. We also conduct talks, the topics of which evolve each year depending on prevalent industry trends.
Q: Why did ExpoFarma 2015 focus on topics such as manufacturing?
Q: What is the traditional profile of AFM’s members?
A: ExpoFarma revolved around different areas related to
A: Our members are not companies, but individuals
pharmaceutical manufacturing, including the production
enrolled in pharmaceutical science programs. We also
of pharmaceuticals, new technologies to determine the
work with experts and professionals from a wide range of
best raw materials, automation of manufacturing solutions,
industries related to the pharmaceutical sector. Besides
and strategies to analyze each step of the production line.
our strict membership criteria, we also seek to nurture our
We want to pitch all these ideas to potential clients, such as
influence and outreach by maintaining very close relations
local laboratories that may not have the resources to carry
with government agencies, such as COFEPRIS. For
out research abroad and buy these new technologies.
instance, we organize the Healthcare Regulation Summit jointly with COFEPRIS and CANIFARMA to maximize the
By exhibiting these technologies at our events, we allow
scope of our audience and offer a participation incentive
potential clients to realize the benefits of investing in them.
to the industry, government, academia, and students.
As President of AFM, I have a full-time position at the Autonomous University of Morelos where I run a research
Q: How do AFM collaborate with academic institutions on
lab. I prefer to see the piece of equipment working and
research matters?
compare it to competitors’ technologies than simply
A: AFM has student chapters in different universities
listening to a technician’s explanation. This ideology
across Mexico, which all have academic advisors. Through
pervades all our activities at AFM.
NO SIGN OF M&A SLOW DOWN Recent years have been busy in terms of global M&A deals
Mexico based business in a US$34 million deal, expanding
and the pharmaceutical sector has played a significant
the company’s operations in the country.
role. According to IMAP’s Global M&A Pharma Report 2015 lower tax rates in 2014 were a major driver for deals, but
As for Latin America, 2014 was a busier year than 2013
the main motivator was growth ambitions. Following a
with 24 reported transactions mostly taking place in Brazil
major joint innovative deal between Novartis and GSK the
and Mexico. Important acquisitions such as Profarma by
two now own a global OTC leader, GSK grew it’s vaccines
ameriSourceBergen were seen. Moreover, the number of
division, and simultaneously Novartis divested its animal
transactions undertaken by companies with private equity
health unit to Eli Lilly.
shareholders has been showing a steady grow. The Mexican based group Invektra (Sanfer), now partly owned by General
In the first quarter of 2015 global pharmaceutical deals
Atlantic, is a good example of inorganic growth (Labinco
reached US$59.3 billion, a 94% increase over that same
in Colombia is now part of More Pharma). Chile played the
period a year ago, and the highest value for this stage in
leading role in 2014 in terms of acquisitions with Abbott
any year since 2009 according to Thompson Reuters. Half
acquiring CFr (recalzine) for the amount of US$3.4 billion –
way through the year consultants KPMG reported a total
by far the largest transaction in the region. Experts believe
of US$221 billion worth of deals had been completed. This
this seems to be a unique strategy rather than a trend
predatory environment has created what some experts have
since no other big pharmaceutical company has acquired a
characterized as a trigger-happy climate, with companies
regional branded generics enterprise before.
eager to buy before they are bought. Huge deals such as AbbVie’s US$21 billion deal for Pharmacyclis, and Pfizer’s
The reasons behind the long-term flood of activity are,
US$17 billion deal for Hospira have created ripples in the
according to experts, multi-faceted, but the key motivators
industry, with experts uncertain of the real returns that will
are investor pressure and diminishing opportunities for
be seen from such massive investments. The world’s largest
innovation. In the generics sector combining efforts can
generic drug maker Teva Pharmaceutical industries acquired
see reduced costs and increased efficiency at the same
Allergan’s generics business for US$40.5 billion, and Allergan
time. When it comes to the bigger picture and how all
in turn purchased biopharma firm Naurex for US$560 million.
this activity will impact healthcare itself, the hope is that
Valeant Pharmaceuticals was the successful purchaser of
combined efforts in the face of high cost innovation and
Salix Pharmaceuticals in a US$15.8 billion bidding war with
fewer new discoveries, will lead to optimized R&D and
Endo International. Ireland’s Perrigo acquired Pantheon’s
better access for the public.
TRANSACTIONS WITH A DEAL VALUEThan LARGER THAN US$2MergerMarket, BILLION Transactions With A Deal Value Larger US$ 2BN (Source Thomson Reuters, IMAP research) Actavis / Allergan
Actavis / Forest
Novartis / GSK’s oncology
Bayer / Merck & Co’s OTC unit
Merck & Co / Cubist
Roche / InterMune
McKersson / Celesio
LabCorp / Covance
Eli Lilly / Novartis Animal Health
Mylan / Abbott’s generics (ex-US)
GSK / Novartis’ vaccines
Mallinckrodt / Questcor
Perrigo / Omega Pharma
Sun Pharmaceutical / Ranbaxy
Merck & Co. / Idenix
Abbott / CFR
Otsuka / Avanir
Meda / Rottapharm
Forest / Aptalis
Endo / Auxilium
Deal value $ (billion) scale
non-core business disposal
Main deal drivers:
Source: MergerMarket, Thomson Reuters, IMAP research
add-on to core business
Non-core business disposal
Add-on to core business
the US is currently promoting a 12 year data-exclusivity on
The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), a proposed free trade
biotechnological drugs. Some parties, including Partner at
agreement (FTA) involving Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile,
Olivares Alejandro Luna Fandiño, believe that this treaty
Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore, the
will allow for the growth of the Mexican Life Sciences
US, and Vietnam, is creating both anticipation and anxiety
industry. Since the TPP promises strong IP protection, it
among its members and other third parties. The TPP began
can stimulate local R&D and the introduction of innovative
as an expansion of the Trans-Pacific Strategic Economic
medicines into the country by international companies.
Partnership Agreement between Brunei, Chile, Singapore, and New Zealand, but since 2008, and other eight countries
On the other hand, the TPP raises several controversial points
have joined the negotiations while several others have shown
as its regulations also influence local economic activities
interest in incorporating. To join negotiations, prospective
including government purchases and IP protection. Another
members must prove to be committed to the goals of the
concern is that, by stimulating trade among its members,
treaty and must be approved by a consensus of the current
countries that currently trade with Mexico may shift their
members. Mexico was invited to participate on June 18th
trade to other members of the TPP thus reducing Mexico’s
2012, during the G20 in Los Cabos. While negotiations were
exports. The TPP is raising strong concerns on healthcare,
meant to finish in 2012, this treaty is still being discussed to
as its application could potentially impact many health
this date due to the sensitive nature of some of its clauses.
policies especially in developing countries. One of those
One of the reasons for this controversy is the fact that,
policies relates to the patent of pharmaceuticals. Dr. Suerie
unlike several other trade agreements, the negotiations
Moon, Research Director and Co-Chair of the Forum on
for the TPP have been performed behind closed doors
Global Governance for Health, recently spoke on Vector
thus the public only has minimal information available. As
Pharma 2015 on the potential dangers this treaty could
negotiations have extended beyond expectations, several
bring to developing economies, especially in the matter of
members are introducing strategies to streamline the
health. This fear is shared by other groups including Doctors
process. For example, US President Barack Obama has
Without Borders and Oxfam International. Current World
put TPP on the US Senate Fast Track which will allow for
Trade Organization (WTO) regulations state that patents last
a faster resolution, be it approval or rejection. A concern
for 20 years, but new regulations introduced by the TPP such
of this move is that it does not allow for the revision and
patent linkage and data-exclusivity could potentially expand
modification of individual policies within the TPP.
this timeframe, placing a great burden on the manufacture of generic and biosimilar medications. These measures
The TPP envisions eliminating tariff and nontariff barriers to
would negatively affect Mexican manufacturers of those
trade and harmonizing trade agreements among members.
medications, which would have to either remove products
Many believe it to be a mayor opportunity for Mexico. Luis
from the market or delay their introduction. Patients in
Roberto Abreu, president of the National Association of
developing countries would also be heavily affected by
Mexican Importers and Exporters (ANIERM), praised the
these measures, since generics can represent up to a 90%
potential of the TPP to open new markets, mainly with
cost reduction in comparison to a patented medicine.
Australia, Brunei, Malasia, New Zealand, Singapore, and
Therefore, patients in developing countries depend on these
Vietnam, with which Mexico has no current FTAs and few
reduced prices for acquiring life-saving medications and
exports. The TPP also aims to strengthen patents and the
their disappearance from the market can have catastrophic
exclusivity of medical data, which prevents regulatory
effects on their lives. Another considerable effect would be
agencies from registering generic versions of drugs for a
“investor-state dispute settlements” which will allow private
determinate number of years. Mexico is currently part of
companies to sue member countries for damages if they
the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and
estimate that future profits may be affected.
the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS), both of which enforce exclusivity
With no final date (formal or informal) for negotiations in
of medical data and protect it from unauthorized replication
sight, the TPP is still undergoing alterations and many topics
for five years but they are not strongly enforced. The TPP
are still on the table. Many groups are still concerned about
aims to strengthen current patent law and its enforcement
the implications of the TPP for developing and developed
by adding additional intellectual property (IP) protection
economies but there is still room for negotiation on several
mechanisms, including patent linkage, extensions on
of its points, thus there is still time for all sides to discuss
patent life or compensations due to regulatory delays,
controversial topics and generate agreements that will be
and data package exclusivity for new compounds. Also,
beneficial for all parties.
General mistrust historically led to generics playing a minor role in Mexico largely resulting
from a lack of regulation that allowed low quality drugs to flood the market. By 2010, however, COFEPRIS had improved regulation leading to a gradual change in the public perception towards a more general acceptance of generics. Since October 2011, 32 active substances have been released corresponding to 357 new market authorizations of generic medicines, resulting in an average price reduction of 61% and improved access to treatments for more than one million patients in the public sector. Currently generics represent 80% of the market in terms of volume, but only 20% in terms of value.
This chapter will outline the improvements in regulation and the growing role of generics in meeting Mexico’s healthcare needs. The strategies used by pharmaceuticals to create branded generics and attract a loyal consumer base in the market will also be examined. Furthermore the manufacturing and growth possibilities of over the counter drugs is reviewed as well as the increasing number of private label drugs entering the market.
HIGHLIGHTS • Generics policy • Regulatory improvement • Pharmacy own-brand products • Entrance of Indian companies • OTC products
ANALYSIS: Generics Commanding the Pharmaceutical Market
ANALYSIS: An Unrivaled Generics Policy
VIEW FROM THE TOP: Socorro España Lomelí, ANAFAM
VIEW FROM THE TOP: Dr. Dagoberto Cortés Cervantes, Hormona
VIEW FROM THE TOP: Alfredo Rimoch, Liomont | ANAFAM
VIEW FROM THE TOP: Efrén Ocampo, Psicofarma
VIEW FROM THE TOP: Américo García, Apotex
VIEW FROM THE TOP: Eduardo Sosa, Aspen Labs Mexico
VIEW FROM THE TOP: Adrián Ruiz, Hetlabs Mexico
ANALYSIS: Bioequivalence Studies Shifting Generics Paradigm
VIEW FROM THE TOP: Eugenio García-Verde Salazar, Glenmark
VIEW FROM THE TOP: Luis Abel Zerecero Mañon, Laboratorios Keton
VIEW FROM THE TOP: Juan Francisco Hernández, Wockhardt
VIEW FROM THE TOP: José Ángel García Hinojosa, Loeffler
ANALYSIS: OTC Market Exceeds Growth Predictions
VIEW FROM THE TOP: Julio Barrios, Colgate
INSIGHT: José Luis López, Industrias Suanca
SPOTLIGHT: Tightening Advertising of Miracle Products
GENERICS COMMANDING THE PHARMACEUTICAL MARKET Stepping in to fill many gaps in the healthcare sector,
45% of the market value, according to an analysis done by
the generics’ industry in Mexico has evolved remarkably
FUNSALUD with data from IMS Health. The generics’ market
in the last decade. Fifteen years ago, local manufacturers
comprises branded generics sold to the retail market and
were distrusted by the general public and the medical
pure generics sold to both public institutions and retail
community due to quality issues and safety concerns.
market. Sales to government represent 70% of the total sales
Big pharmaceutical companies were acutely aware that
of generics, which already make up 80% of the medicines
a huge wave of patent expirations was approaching, but
bought by public institutions. On the other hand, the private
at the time most local manufacturers did not have the
label segment is the fastest growing in the private market
necessary resources and capabilities to be competitive.
due to the rapid expansion of pharmacy chains, growing
Many changes have occurred in the last five years though,
importance of supermarkets, and increased customer loyalty
leading to a robust and thriving market for generics as well
and convenience in terms of cost and accessibility.
as millions of Mexicans having access to world-class, lowcost generics.
Developing more strict regulations has been key to improving the general perception of generics. Mexican
Mikel Arriola, Commissioner of COFEPRIS, stated that in
Norm NOM-177 establishes the mandatory requirements
the last four years the number of generic medicines on the
– including bioequivalence studies – for generics to
market grew 15,000%, from 153 in 2010 to 23,500 in 2014.
be approved as interchangeable with their reference
For Mexicans, the entry of generics means a reduction
products. This norm is aligned with global standards and
in the annual medicine expenditure from MX$2,100 to
has certainly managed to ensure safe and efficacious drugs
prevail in the pharmaceutical market, such as patented
IMPACT OF COFEPRIS REGULATIONS ON GENERICS’ PRICES IN THE PRIVATE MARKET 6,000 Average reduction in prices MX$1,052 (reduction of 62%)
5,000 Reduction of 82% in price
4,000 3,000 2,000
Reduction of 61% in price
Reduction of 88% in price
Reduction of 89% in price
Reduction of 81% in price
Reduction of 86% in price
Reduction of 72% in price
Reduction of 79% in price
Reduction of 81% in price
Reduction of 83% in price
Reduction of 80% in price
Reduction of 68% in price Reduction of 70% in price
Reduction of 73% in price
Reduction of 59% in price
Cefepime (respiratory)
Cefepime (respiratory)
Zoledronic acid (bone)
Escitalopram (psychiatry)
Valsartan (cardiovascular)
Telmisartan (cardiovascular)
Montelukast (respiratory)
Irbersartan (cardiovascular)
Clopidrogel (cardiovascular)
Sildenafil (erectile dysfunction)
Olanzapine (psychiatry)
Pioglitazone (diabetes)
Bicalutamide (oncology)
Atorvastatin (cardiovascular)
The main drivers for generics are patent expirations, the
medicines and interchangeable generics. Besides, low
implementation of more strict regulatory requirements
quality and counterfeit products have been phased out of
ensuring quality and safety of generics, elimination of
the market. Rafael Gual, Director General of CANIFARMA,
barriers to market entry, growth of pharmacy chains
explains the strength of generics lies in increased trust in
commercializing generics and own brand products, and last
their safety and efficacy and in the fact they are provided
but not least, patients and government’s demand for low
to a large number of patients at low costs.
cost medicines. Today Mexico is the country with the second
largest penetration of generics, representing 84% of the total
The government has also implemented an effective
pharmaceutical sales in 2013 – up from 50% in 2010 – and
pharmaceutical policy aimed at improving access of the
population to a well-supplied drug market comprising
Another important area of growth for local companies and
both innovative and generic medicines. According to
manufacturers are OTC products. IMS Health estimated
COFEPRIS, since 2012, 357 generic drugs have been
the growth of the market for OTC products will grow by
released with 32 active substances to treat 71% of
21.4% between 2011 and 2016. Nevertheless, some of the
the mortality causes in Mexico. This has resulted in
big players in this market have faced several difficulties
accumulated savings of more than US$1.5 billion and
in supplying drugs this year as a result of major issues
allowed to treat more than 1.12 million additional patients
affecting the distribution segment. The most relevant areas
in the public sector. Moreover, generics’ prices have been
are gastrointestinal disorders, pain, vitamins, respiratory
reduced by an average of 62% in the private market. Prices
problems, and dermatological products. Additionally,
for atorvastatin and bicalutamide, for instance, are 89%
COFEPRIS has taken important steps regarding tightening
and 88% lower compared to the innovators’ respectively.
of regulations for OTC products as to prevent miracle
Drugs for diabetes and cardiovascular diseases are
products from expanding in the market. The future for
actually 83% and 55% lower in Mexico than the average in
generics in Mexico seems promising. Quality is increasing
South American countries. This has ultimately made the
and there is a consensus among consumers and physicians
Mexican generics’ industry more competitive, capable
that generics are as effective as innovators, creating strong
of expanding to other countries and attracting foreign
opportunity for competition with big pharmaceutical
AN UNRIVALED GENERICS POLICY In 2011, when Mikel Arriola was appointed Federal
used to treat 71% of causes of mortality in Mexico, such
Commissioner of COFEPRIS, there was a backlog of 8,000
as hypertension, diabetes, asthma, cancer, and arthritis,
drug registrations waiting for approval. In 2007, generic
meaning that the medicines will have significantly further-
drugs accounted for 44% of all pharmaceuticals sold in
reaching effects on the public health system. According
Mexico. After Arriola implemented an overhaul of approval
to Arriola, the central objectives of the pharmaceutical
processes, the backlog was cleared and, by the end of
policy are to create a wider and more effective range of
2011, the ratio of generics on the pharmaceutical market
therapeutic options and to promote competition in order
had soared to 71%. The timeframe for generics approval
to continue to reduce healthcare costs.
has dropped from 360 days to 60 days, with COFEPRIS estimating that the cost associated with the process has
Consumption of generics over the last four years has
been reduced by 90%.
increased by 30% to 84% of total pharmaceutical volume, highlighting increasing acceptance by public of
With these reduced timeframes, 357 generic medications
generic medication, largely due to the implementation of
were released from 2012 until March 2015, reducing costs
bioequivalence testing. An estimated 51% (US$7.4 billion)
in pharmacies on average by 61%. The government has also
of the Mexican pharmaceutical market now consists of
saved money as a result of the initiative, with more than 80%
patented innovative drugs, while generics represent 35%,
of volume of drugs purchased by the public health sector
valued at US$5.1 billion. Over the counter medications
constituting generics, while the agency spent only 20% of
constitute 14% of the market, earning US$2.1 billion.
its budget on these acquisitions. In contrast, the remaining
CANIFARMA expects the generics market to overtake
80% of the government healthcare budget is spent on
innovators both in value and volume by 2018.
innovative medications, which make up less than 20% of its pharmaceuticals in terms of volume. FUNSALUD estimates
Although out of pocket spending has reduced by 5% in
that the cost of patented drugs can be up to twelve times
the years from 2000 until 2012, Mexico’s out of pocket
higher than generics.
expenditure still significantly outweighs the OECD average. Moreover, predictions indicate that with the proposed TTP
As well as implementing new legislation, COFEPRIS has
agreement, access to generic drugs could become more
used various techniques in order to comprehensively
difficult due to the treaty’s higher level of patent protection.
consolidate the functions of the organization. These
Moreover, there is the risk that the government may overrule
include outsourcing to private healthcare companies and
the tax exemption for pharmaceutical drugs if it fails to see a
relaxing the import regulations related to pre-approved
lack of growth within other economic sectors. The legislation
medications. As a result of the work carried out by Mikel
implemented by Arriola and his team at COFEPRIS has
Arriola, in 2012, the WHO recognized COFEPRIS as a
had a significant impact on the pharmaceutical market, as
reference body for medicines and biological products. The
well as on the economy. The question for the future will be
approved drugs are not only cost-effective, but they are
whether or not this growth can be sustained.
Q: What services does ANAFAM offer to the companies
Q: Did the bioequivalence studies improve the image of
it represents in Mexico and what are the advantages of
generics for the general public?
belonging to the association?
A: The pharmaceutical industry as a whole had to
A: The association represents 27 different entities, including
laboratories, companies, and public institutions. Through
medications with methods including implementation
the association, we create different initiatives to support
of political and advertising campaigns, education of
the national industry to manifest its position and monitor
physicians, and the hosting of conferences and training
its interests. We also promote initiatives facilitating tenders
courses. We had to raise awareness that generics are not
in consolidated purchasing of high quality medication
necessarily the same as biosimilars and provide proof
for the public sector in order to bring healthcare to the
through bioequivalence testing. We made concerted
public. We collaborate with COFEPRIS to establish norms
efforts to educate the government health agencies
for national and transnational companies alike and in this
and their subsidiaries, primarily about the economic
way, development of the industry is promoted globally. We
benefits these products represent. Currently 20% of the
want to generate an increased competition for the national
government’s pharmaceutical budget is used to buy
industry to enable compliance with FDA standards.
generics, which represent 80% of acquisitions, while 80%
of the budget is used to buy innovators that constitute Q: The generics industry currently represents more than
20% of total acquisitions. Generics, therefore, have created
85% of the market volume. What have been the key
tremendous benefits for the economy, patients and the
factors in creating this growth?
health sector in general. Generics have also benefitted the
A: The generics market gained momentum in 2010 thanks
end customer, since they have facilitated a reduction in out
to a legislative change subjecting generic medicines to
of pocket spending from 49.6% to 44.1% over the last four
bioequivalence studies, which guarantees that the generic
years according to COFEPRIS data.
has the same efficacy and behaves in the same way as
the innovator. COFEPRIS registrations guarantee that the
Q: How does the production of branded generics by
medications comply with the bioequivalence norms and
international companies impact the local industry?
any non-compliant medication is immediately removed
A: This has posed a challenge, but it has also forced the national
from sale. The performance of these studies prompted
industry to increase competition and cooperation, and the
national laboratories to overhaul their infrastructure and
support of the healthcare authorities has in turn promoted
increase the quality of generics while simultaneously
R&D within local industry. In 2010, with the expiration of so
working to extend their market share. After the expiration
many patents, many national companies began to focus
of several patents in 2012, national laboratories began to
their resources on research and invest in infrastructure and
produce generic versions and transnational companies
equipment to increase competition and various national
decided to continue manufacturing the same medications
companies focused their efforts on the acquisitions to boost
but to commercialize them as generics. Moreover, the
their generic lines. They collaborated with the government
healthcare authorities realized the need to obtain a large
agencies to strengthen national regulation in order to
quantity of medication at a low cost in order to satisfy
compete overseas. A significant area of focus for the whole
the needs of the public health sector. The appointment
sector is reducing dependency on importing materials from
of Mikel Arriola as director of COFEPRIS created a
abroad. Before NAFTA was ratified in 1994, Mexico had a
clearer interpretation of the legislation after expiration
strong pharmachemical industry but this treaty forced many
of an innovative patent, creating more opportunity for
small companies out of business. The pharmaceutical sector
the manufacture of generics. The Continuous Release of
became dependent on importing core pharmachemical
Generics Program has subsequently allowed the release of
materials and currently 95% of raw materials are imported.
more than 357 generics since 2012 until the present day.
The national pharma industry in Mexico is attempting to return
to self-reliance and not depend so much on importation of
by the Institute of Intellectual Property to grant a patent,
raw materials, which mainly come from China and India. The
which can take a number of years. This treaty is highly
pharmaceutical industry is confident in the growth potential
controversial and has strong opposition from several
of pharmachemicals in Mexico, given the support of the health
groups, including Doctors Without Borders.
authorities and the federal government. Now Commissioner Arriola is implementing various measures to promote more
Q: Are you concerned the TPP will be approved too soon?
competition in the sector through a modification of the Good
A: We still do not know whether or not the TPP will be
Practice regulations relating to medication manufacture
implemented but recently the US government assigned the
(NOM-059-SSA1-2013) and drugs (NOM-164-SSA1-2013), the
legislation to its fast track. We have been in negotiations
purpose of which is motivating companies to adhere to the
and we are worried that if this law passes through the fast
high quality standards demanded by the FDA.
track process and is approved without a comprehensive analysis of each individual part, it will have a catastrophic
Q: What strategies have been implemented by the sector
effect on the national pharmaceutical industry. The main
to increase exports?
problem with this regulation is with biotechnological
A: The current vision of the industry is investment to
medications, which have existed in Mexico for 20 years,
increase competition, which will facilitate exportation.
even though no proper regulation exists for them. The costs
However, many of the companies we represent export
implicated in completely characterizing these medicines
within Latin America, especially now that the Pacific
to comply with the TPP proposal can cost between US$5
Alliance has been introduced so we are currently
million and US$6.2 million, which is not feasible for small
negotiating with these countries to improve healthcare
companies that possess several molecules. We must
regulations so that they can export pharmaceuticals to
improve communication with the authorities since these
Mexico. At the moment, we are working towards FDA
costs are unacceptable for laboratories, and will generate
recognition of Mexican registrations and COFEPRIS has
highly inaccessible prices for patients who will be priced
also received international recognition by the Panamerican
out of accessing the medications that they need. Currently
Health Society and the WHO. The organization is currently
the public health sector is the main buyer of these types of
working towards accreditation by the Pharmaceutical
medications so if the costs increase, the public sector will
Inspection Convention and Pharmaceutical Inspection
not be able to provide medicine universally.
Cooperation Scheme (PIC/S). Currently only 27 countries are recognized by this association.
Q: What has been the market impact of pharmacy ownbrand pharmaceuticals?
Q: What does the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)
A: In my opinion this benefits the sector, since they form
contribute to the national industry?
part of a wide range of pharmaceutical products. The
A: The current TPP proposals for reform are strongly
pharmacies producing these brands are national and
influenced by international pharmaceuticals, mainly from
international generics manufacturers. The presence of
the US, which could be problematic for the Mexican
doctors in pharmacies is a completely commercial initiative
industry since one of the issues the TPP deals with is the
that can be seen as a double-edged sword. If the medicine
strengthening of intellectual property regulations. Any
does not have the desired effect, the patient can lose trust
delay in Mexico meeting the imposed standards would
in all the products with that pharmacy’s brand, unaware
directly impact the growth of the industry, exportations,
that this medicine was produced in a laboratory that has
and the development of biotechnological medications
no affiliation with the pharmacy, therefore inappropriate
by local laboratories. One concern is that the TPP is
distribution of these products affects the manufacturing
proposing protection clinical data for biotechnological
laboratory. Mexicans are not accustomed to verifying
medications for 12 years in addition to 20 years of patent
the manufacturer of the medicine. For this reason, it is
protection, which would paralyze Mexican production
necessary to ensure that all pharmaceuticals, generic or
of biocomparables and would create enormous costs
otherwise, comply with all quality and safety regulations.
for the government in the purchase of biotechnological
Many pharmacy chains provide assurances that their
pharmaceuticals. Another problem is the lengthening of
suppliers maintain high standards of quality, with the
patents, supposedly extending the patent by the time taken
aim of protecting their brand. As an association, we host
by COFEPRIS to authorize the health registrations, which
events in collaboration with ANADIM and ANAFARMEX
would be acceptable since COFEPRIS has streamlined its
to promote education around generics and we feel that
process of registration authorization. However, another
the entire industry is jointly liable in the prioritization of
goal is to extend the patent by the amount of time taken
common objectives.
Q: How has Hormona’s presence in Mexico evolved
Q: How opposed are the viewpoints of the international
throughout its long history of operations in the country?
and national pharmaceutical companies on this subject?
A: The current owners acquired this company in 1987.
At the time, they were seeking a company which had a
companies which are in a strong position in terms of the
solid reputation within the Mexican medical community.
resources needed to conduct the clinical trials on new
Hormona started its pharmaceutical investments in Mexico
biotechnological products. On the other hand, there
after the Second World War, when importing drugs from
are national companies waiting to release biosimilar
Europe became very difficult. At that time there was a
products when the patent for a major biotechnological
huge lack of product for the Mexican market, and the
drug expires. National companies, although prepared to
government was very concerned about supply, so Hormona
carry out the necessary basic trials to confirm that the
took advantage of the opportunity to synthesize its own
drug is therapeutically safe, are opposed to carrying out
steroidal products and to manufacture local products
the same clinical trials conducted on the drug’s original
for local needs, subsequently becoming one of the most
release twenty years ago. The pharmaceutical chamber,
important providers for the government sector. At the
CANIFARMA, is striving to align the needs of both sides,
end of the 1990s, Hormona entered into agreements with
identify lines of mutual perspective, and represent them
international companies that already had strong product
both fairly. Finally, the Health Ministry must consider
bases. Today, we have agreements with GSK, Novartis
the pharmaceutical needs of the population, including
AG, Sanofi, Menarini, MSD, along with a number of other
the social security situation. The primary objective of
major companies, to sell branded generics. We have used
COFEPRIS is to ensure that all products available to the
these partnerships to transfer technology, and to build a
Mexican market are manufactured using the highest
manufacturing facility which can produce drugs in Mexico.
standards, and that Mexicans have access to the right
drugs. Ultimately, this need will be prioritized over the Q: How is the Mexican pharmaceutical industry evolving?
views of the pharmaceutical companies.
A: In December 2014, Mexican Official Norm 257 was
implemented, which governs the conditions under which
Q: What are Hormona’s main strategies as a national
new biotechnological products can be registered, as
company to prepare for the shift to biotech products?
well as renewing those sanitary registers which were
A: At Hormona we are reinforcing our product base line,
approved previously. Most international companies have
since it is the success of those products that will provide us
already conducted the major clinical trials needed for such
with the resources to invest in biotechnology. In Korea we
products and have already made significant investment.
have found two promising options for collaboration, but
Fortunately, Mexican law allows national companies to
those in the US appear limited. There are two characteristics
import finished products directly from abroad and to store
that we would like any prospective perfect partner to have.
them here, removing the need to spend millions of dollars
The first is the quality of their product portfolio. A good
manufacturing the products in Mexico itself and as a result,
partner would be a company with a presence in treatments
many national companies are seeking partners from abroad.
for the top five mortality causes in Mexico- diabetes,
The Mexican Health Ministry has created opportunities for
cancer, metabolic syndrome, obesity, and cardiovascular
local companies abroad though its efforts to internationalize
disease. We often encounter excellent companies, but with
and standardize Mexican regulations, which has opened
strengths in areas such as Ebola or HIV, which for us is not
the doors for us to internationalize. We are increasingly
the right match. The government mainly purchases those
looking beyond Mexico for exportation opportunities. At
types of drugs, and the reality is that just 17% of our total
the moment we export to Colombia, Argentina, and to five
revenue comes from the public sector. Secondly, we want
Central American countries. However, we want to look more
partners to be able to sign contracts for at least ten years,
to European, African, and Asia Pacific markets.
and have a strong pipeline for that ten-year period. We
are ruling out the possibility of making acquisitions locally
Q: How do you think the practice of physicians at the
with the aim of saving time and resources.
point of sale should be addressed? A: We have been working with the government to highlight
Q: How do you position each new drug in the market?
both the strengths and weaknesses of this market trend.
A: It is necessary to recognize that today the market
There are 13,000 private clinics in the vicinity of drug
share of pure generics is 65%. When it comes to branded
stores, conducting more than 350,000 consultations per
generics these drugs hold a unique place in the market,
day, which equates to almost 100 million consultations per
as both physicians and consumers remain loyal to specific
year. The health systems do not have the capacity to carry
branded generics. Twenty years ago it was easy to bring a
out that many consultations alone and therefore these
drug to the market, but today there are so many options it
private offices serve a function. What we are trying to do
is no longer straightforward. Building a brand for a generic
is establish a balance between the benefit and the risk,
drug is a crucial tool in gaining market share. In terms of
which relates to a potential conflict of interest. Doctors
trust for generics, consumers are confident now that if a
need to have complete professional freedom to prescribe
drug has approval for the Mexican market then it meets
whichever medication they believe is best, rather than being
all of the required standards. In the last ten years we have
restricted to prescribing the own-label drugs available at
launched more than 35 products to the Mexican market,
that particular point of sale. If not, there is a clear conflict
and perhaps only 20% of those are innovative drugs.
of interest. Fortunately, the authorities are examining the
However, we have also developed our own technology,
situation to establish the right balance. Drug stores also
which differentiates our products from other generics,
need to be sure that they have the right resources in place
and both physicians and consumers in Mexico recognize
to provide for prescriptions without having to substitute
this. We have carried out our own research to improve
alternative drugs. We have seen cases where a prescribed
commonly used products, reducing the frequency of
drug has been replaced with an alternative drug and a
dosages by developing slow-release capsules.
mistake in the name of the active ingredient led to serious health consequences for the patient. We must be ready to
Q: What do you see as being the main trends that will
foster a universal health system and that means utilizing all
define the future of the Mexican pharmaceutical market?
options available while ensuring stringent quality control.
A: Undoubtedly biotechnology will define the future. Genomic medicine is another area that we are exploring,
Q: What can national pharmaceutical companies do to
but it is still in the early stages of development. Thirty
carve out a valuable niche in the market?
years ago, just two million people were over 65 years old.
A: The unique challenge for Mexican pharmaceuticals is to
Today, there are 11 million. Over the next twenty years this
become powerful manufacturers while also developing their
figure is also expected to grow to 20 million. This poses
own technology. The days when the only role of national
a huge problem for the government. For the universal
companies was to reproduce drugs upon patent expiry
healthcare system, the Seguro Popular system is a huge
are long behind us. The problem is that a lot of Mexican
burden. The government has to be aware of this, and
companies are not proactively taking advantage of the
the pharmaceutical companies must quickly adapt the
opportunity to provide new technology for current drugs
configuration of their portfolios. Those companies that
and differentiate their products. We believe that the future
still believe that epidemiology will focus on infectious
for Mexican pharmaceutical companies is to become value-
diseases in the future will not survive. Drug stores have
adding entities by developing their own technology. Last year
also become a significant feature of the country’s health
the pharmaceutical industry imported US$500 million worth
landscape. For the big chains, own-label drugs are not
of goods, but exported only US$100 million. At present, the
a threat to pharmaceutical companies, but rather a
pharmaceutical industry imports 90% of the Active Principle
complementary point of sale. The days when pharmacists
Ingredients (API) needed to produce drugs, making us
were the gatekeepers of all medication are now gone.
dependent on external sources. To address this, we must
The growth in over-the-counter products means that
re-establish the pharma-chemical industry in Mexico. Thirty
consumers play a much bigger role in choosing their own
years ago, we produced 85% of the ingredients we needed to
medications. The sellers, however, are not manufacturing
manufacture drugs. This changed when Mexican borders were
the drugs. As such, it remains our ultimate responsibility
opened for trade and we are now dependent on countries
to ensure access to quality drugs. The only problem
like China, India, and Korea for our active ingredients. We
that we have seen arising out of the trend of in-store,
have held dialogues with the President and informed him
own-label drugs is the coinciding introduction of onsite
about our concerns. Mexico’s future governments have a big
task ahead of them.
Q: What is the story behind Liomont’s 75-year presence in
range of high-specialization products which can address
the Mexican pharmaceuticals industry?
age and obesity-related diseases.
A: Liomont was founded in 1938 by a German chemist who developed his own products. The company decided
Q: With competition increasing and M&A growing in the
to focus on the private sector early, at a time when
pharmaceutical sector, how much of a challenge will it be
many locally based companies were involved solely in
for Liomont to maintain its top-ten market position in the
the public sector. Only a handful of companies in Mexico
coming years?
have developed as we have: the majority remain focused
A: Defining our current overall ranking is difficult. While we
on the public sector. In fact, today, 40% of our units are
are positioned eighth in terms of volume, we are number 16
distributed to the public sector. This represents only 7% of
in terms of value. This is because we position our products
our sales, however, since associated prices are so low. Our
at more accessible prices. For many years, we were the
commitment to ethics and quality, embodied in our slogan,
fastest growing company in the pharmaceutical industry
“pharmaceutical ethics since 1938,” is another pillar to our
in Mexico. Lately this has slowed down due to competition.
success. What this involves in practice is a commitment to
Mexico carries a weight of expectation as an emerging
promises made, as well as to the best in product quality
market open to global investment. Of the developing
and business practice. Our mission is to be a synonym for
countries in our region, Mexico has shown particular
quality and trust.
promise in terms of stability and opportunity, which has attracted foreign companies to the country. The resulting
Q: What role should private companies like Liomont play
competition has forced us to adapt our strategies. At the
in improving access to healthcare amongst the general
same time, this is also a sector whose low growth runs
public in Mexico?
contrary to expectations. So far in 2014 the pharmaceutical
A: Central to this topic is the guarantee of fair access to
market in Mexico has not actually grown in value at all. In
products when patents expire. Today, in many countries,
terms of volume the growth has been negative. The contrast
governments struggle to fulfil their responsibility to
between expectations and reality is hard to understand. I
provide national healthcare, putting a huge stress on
believe that alternative markets are growing, but under the
public finances. Private companies play an important role
statistical radar. Mexico’s increasingly stringent regulatory
in increasing accessibility, particularly those which can
climate means that established practices are no longer
provide generic alternatives to expired patents. We all
viable in terms of cost and speed issues. Staying ahead of
know patented products are much higher in terms of cost,
the game is therefore becoming crucial. For companies to
so, as local companies, we can provide important access
grow they must look to the global landscape for inspiration.
to cheaper products. At the same time, government is
Partnership with foreign companies in specific areas is a
responsible for immediate accessibility, so they must be
promising approach, as is expansion through exportation.
able to avoid the financial pressure of relying on expensive imports.
Q: What measures is Liomont taking to expand its capabilities?
Q: In what areas does the company have the largest
A: Purchasing small innovative companies is one interesting
impact potential?
option and we are actively searching for opportunities. We
A: We have an extensive product line, which mostly
also wish to ensure that we have a strong technological
addresses age-related chronic disease, cardiovascular
platform. Our manufacturing site’s technology is EMA-
issues, and high-specialty drugs. When a patent for a
approved. We now export to European countries including
major drug expires, 30 different registrations of its active
Spain, Italy, and Portugal. After an FDA audit, we are now
ingredient appear immediately, eroding the market.
selling products in the US, with further products awaiting
Presence in major markets is important, but so too is a
authorization. A global mindset is vital for any company
aiming for longevity in the industry. Liomont has stayed one
A: An innovative drug can take ten years to advance from
step of new regulatory requirements in Mexico, while other
the laboratory to the market. We are currently working
companies find themselves impacted by such rapid changes.
on one innovative drug with an academic institution
By matching international standards throughout our history,
and, while the success of a particular project cannot be
we have been able to anticipate changes in the local market.
foreseen, a sustained effort is vital for the industry. Today, there are perhaps ten companies in Mexico which could
Q: What are the deepest challenges facing pharmaceutical
compete with Liomont. To combat this, South Korea offers
one possible model. Before South Korea could establish
A: Incremental innovation is the fundamental concept
long-term strategies to foster innovation, a complete
for how companies from other countries have achieved
overhaul of regulatory practices and incentive schemes
growth. This happens in countries like Japan, Korea, and
was carried out.
China, where companies continually strive for incremental innovation. Ultimately, this means the private sector
Q: How do you see the market in Mexico evolving over the
collaborates with universities on joint research initiatives.
coming years both generally and for Liomont itself?
To duplicate this, Mexico must overcome some basic
A: Currently, generics and branded generics make up
problems in the way that researchers work. Researchers
around 70% of the industry. The two are difficult to
are paid a bonus for publishing results, which cannot then
separate since some off-patent innovative drugs continue
be patented – to the detriment of the industry. Without
to be marketed by innovative companies. Branded
product protection, it is difficult to launch a project.
pharmaceuticals comprise 75% of the market’s value. In that
Additionally, researchers distrust industry. As a country
sense the balance is very asymmetrical. In future, generics
we must work to bridge communication between private
may increase to around 80% of market volume. In other
and academic sectors so that our joint aims are clearly
countries, niche markets are important for determining
understood and we can collaborate effectively.
what products may succeed in the long term. We live in an age of excess production, thanks to a plethora of global
Q: What is the timeline for bringing an innovative drug to
producers. If the effect of the major reforms currently
market for Liomont? Do you see more Mexican companies
taking place meets expectations, then the country should
becoming innovators?
be able to reach new heights in pharmaceuticals.
DOMINATING PRIVATE NEUROPSYCHIATRY MARKET EFRÉN OCAMPO Director General of Psicofarma Q: What is Psicofarma’s role in the Neolpharma group and
A: We do produce innovative drugs. One is a combination
how is the market for neuropsychiatric disorders growing?
of three existing products. We have international patents
A: The Neolpharma group encompasses five manufacturing
in the fields of oncology and neurology that have resulted
companies – NeolSyM, Alpharma, Neolpharma, Psicofarma,
from collaborative research with UNAM. We are also
and a company acquired in Puerto Rico – plus 14 other
conducting research in biotechnology and nanotechnology.
service providing companies. Psicofarma focuses on the
We have launched 15 controlled products, but our aim
private market for neuropsychiatry and is the most important
today is to complete more new drug applications. We have
company in the Neolpharma group. This a growing market,
a significant amount of health research ongoing in Puerto
both globally and in Mexico. By number of prescriptions
Rico, where we already have a medicine to reprogram cells
and product portfolio, it boasts the biggest market share
against several types of cancer. It is already FDA approved
in neuropsychiatry in Mexico. We have experienced double-
for clinical trials, as an orphan drug, and its patent was
digit growth over the last seven years.
recently granted in the US.
Q: Who are your main customers, and what are the latest
Q: Which certifications do your plants have and how does
trends in this specialty area?
this influence you export position?
A: Our main buyers are patients, so we approach
A: Our plants comply with best-practice regulations in
manufacturing. The growth of COFEPRIS has helped Mexico
psychiatrists to promote our products. The recent work of
consolidate its presence in the region. Psicofarma already
a number of oncologists has linked cancer to psychological
exports to Central America and Pacific South America, while
problems, meaning that specialists want their patients to
another project to target Atlantic South America is being
be emotionally stable. Studies performed in the UK have
developed in the medium term. Finally, our NDA product
established that lower levels of anxiety and depression
approval in the US is being submitted for drug registration in
lead to more patients following through in all phases of
the European Community. In addition, we have joint ventures
their treatment. This increased treatment efficacy has a
with several Indian companies, one of which is an important
significant impact on quality of life and remission.
player, with well-established R&D and manufacturing
processes for biotechnology drugs. Psicofarma is interested Q: What are the most common mental disorders in Mexico?
in producing biotechnology drugs in Mexico, importing
A: Bipolar disorder, epilepsy, depression, and anxiety are the
APIs and operating some clinical trials. Our eyes are also on
most prevalent mental disorders. As the Mexican population
Chinese companies producing biopharmaceuticals. As for
ages, conditions like Alzheimer and Parkinson’s disease
APIs, we acquired a manufacturing plant formerly owned by
become more common. Mental disorders are frequently
Schering Plough in Mexico, and are currently renewing it. The
neglected and misunderstood in Mexico because of a lack
first phase of this project consists of supplying Neolpharma’s
of proper information on the topic. People are not used to
companies in Mexico before branching out to Puerto Rico.
visiting the doctor when they feel emotionally unstable, or even when the elderly present symptoms such as dementia.
Q: What is the strategy behind having a manufacturing
This is in spite of the fact that these disorders represent a
plant in Puerto Rico?
burden for patients and families alike. Such disorders still
A: Puerto Rico is under US jurisdiction, so it is an excellent
carry a stigma for the family members of patients. More
platform for penetrating the American market and is a
education and early diagnosis, then, are essential to help
manufacturing hub for Latin American pharmaceutical
people access proper treatment.
companies interested in producing generics. We are working closely with the government of this country and have
Q: What role does innovation play in your business
recently launched a product for hyperthyroidism in Puerto
Rico, which represents about one third of the market share.
Q: How would you describe the evolution of the generics
adopted aggressive strategies when launching new products
market in the company’s 18 year presence?
but we are currently launching ten to 15 new molecules a year. the
Today, foreign companies are very interested in the Mexican
pharmaceutical industry was not focused on generics. As
market, with companies from India entering the country
Mexico is a brand-focused market, it was difficult to establish
with aggressive strategies. We are now in the process of
a foothold when we began. A few key distributors already had
increasing our capabilities and generally, the presence of
contracts with innovative companies, and were not interested
more competition makes it a more challenging arena. We
in generics. When we began to develop new channels,
should not underestimate any of our competitors. That being
including directly supplying pharmacy chains, Apotex was
said, the sector is not as dynamic as in other countries and
able to harness the true potential of the market Once it
many companies that were established years ago could not
was established that generics are high-quality drugs, many
keep pace with the new regulatory requirements, and so
companies entered the market. Today the market consists of
disappeared or were acquired.
pure generics and branded generics, which contrasts with the situation in developed countries. The pure generics market
Q: What have the main developments been within the
represents just 5% in sales value and 14% in units of the total
pharmaceutical market and is dominated by the pharmacy
A: Physicians at pharmacies is something not seen in
chains. However, pharmacy chains will soon have portfolios
other countries. This approach was first considered to be
full of products with expired patents and we must be smart in
unregulated and unethical but today it represents a major
analyzing the products that need to be launched to improve
relief for the public system, as doctors in pharmacies
our portfolio and our brand. This means being more than just
provide important medical attention to patients. Instead
a manufacturer for pharmacy chains. We will enter other high-
of preventing the practice, the government is regulating
value market segments and develop new channels.
it. Physicians should be responsible for providing patients with the best course of treatment, and resist pressure from
Q: How different is Apotex’s production portfolio in
pharmacy chains to prescribe certain drug lines. As Seguro
Mexico to its original market in Canada?
Popular continues to develop, so will the opportunities for
A: We do not have the same portfolio in Mexico as we do in
greater convergence of insurance companies, public bodies,
Canada. Apotex produces more than 58 products in Mexico,
potential investors, and pharmacy chains. From a business
our biggest sellers being omeprazole, oral electrolytes, and
point of view, COFEPRIS forces companies to adhere to the
nimesulide. In Canada, Apotex employs 2,000 scientists in
same rules, meaning that our competitors are on par with
R&D and locally we also have a specialized R&D team. We
us. There is more control over the third parties authorized to
are currently building a new manufacturing site in Mexico
conduct bioequivalent studies and approval times are faster.
to double our manufacturing capacity as pill production accounts for 43% of our sales. We hope to double this through
Q: Where would you like to see Apotex in five years?
technology transfer agreements. I am also implementing a
A: In five years, Apotex aims to be the number one generics
new model for launching products, as well as setting up new
company in Mexico and to penetrate the therapeutic
processes, and a renewed culture for the commercial team.
areas of most valuable to our customers. Finally, Apotex will increase its presence in Latin America. There is an
Q: How challenging is it to create brand differentiation?
excellent opportunity for us to gain leverage and we intend
A: Even when generics were perceived as low-quality products,
to be a driver of change. A biosimilar for Filgrastim will
the Apotex brand was trusted and we have maintained this
be launched in the US shortly, with the supervised version
reputation. We still have room for improvement because
of the product commercialized in Mexico. We are seeking
our business processes and customer relations need work,
partnerships and alliances with other companies to bring
and our portfolio must expand. In the past, Apotex has not
these products to Mexico and Latin America.
A DIVERSIFIED PORTFOLIO FOR SUCCESS EDUARDO SOSA Director General of Aspen Labs Mexico Q: What role does Mexico play in Aspen Labs’ vast global
Our other division is pharmaceutical, in turn subdivided into
three areas. The first is women’s health, an area on which
A: Aspen Labs has operated for 160 years, enjoying great
we are focusing our expansion efforts. We have acquired
success in many countries. Throughout that time, Latin
several branded products for this division from Merck
America has been an instrumental region for our growth.
Sharp & Dohme, including contraceptives and hormone
We incorporated in Mexico in 2004, and we view the
replacement therapies. The second subdivision is critical
country as one of the top five most important emerging
care, for which we have two of the most important products
markets for our business. In 2016, we estimate that Mexico
for thromboembolic diseases. Finally, our prescription
will represent 36% of Aspen Labs’ total value in Latin
subdivision includes cardiology, steroids, corticoids, and
America and 6% of its global value.
drugs for controlling uric acid.
Q: What has been your main strategy for growth in the
Q: Aspen Labs is investing US$20 million in a manufacturing
local market?
plant in Vallejo, near Mexico City. What is the goal of this
A: In Mexico, our business is divided between nutrition
investment? What function will the plant serve?
and pharmaceuticals. We recently acquired Nestlé’s infant
A: This plant used to belong to Wyeth Pharmaceuticals
formula division (previously Wyeth), which now represents
and was divided into pharmaceuticals and nutrition. Pfizer
60% of our total sales in Mexico. We have a slightly different
acquired that plant but decided to move its pharmaceutical
approach to the commercialization of these products to
branch to another location. Therefore, we acquired it solely
Nestlé, since we have our own R&D division dedicated to
for our nutritional line. However, we have now reversed that
improved nutritional alternatives. This formula is a nutritional
decision and will be investing to reactivate the pharmaceutical
product, not a medication, so our promotion strategy
line. Half of the money was used to update the plant and
revolves around its benefits and its alignment with the
obtain COFEPRIS authorization to begin manufacturing
nutritional needs of infants. We are invested in promoting
pharmaceuticals there once more. We are beginning to
lactation, but remain aware that, for several different
produce corticoids and analgesics and the plant will also
reasons, such as work or medical disability, mothers are
manufacture our OTC line, with nine brands for Mexico and
sometimes unable to breastfeed. More Mexican women are
two to export to Central and South America. The other half
now engaged in full-time work, and so they do not have the
of the investment was used to improve our capacity for
time to breastfeed. In these cases, it is extremely important
nutritional products. At this moment, the Vallejo plant is
to use formula to provide proper nutrition to babies under
producing our main nutritional product for Mexico and Latin
a year old. We also have products aimed at providing the
America, which is infant formula for stages one, two, and
proper amount of vitamins and minerals to children from
three. This investment will also allow us to produce special
one to five years old. The formula is the closest alternative to
formulas for reflux and other conditions. Manufacturing in
breast milk available and the best option to prevent obesity.
Mexico gives us several advantages. We can keep costs low and be more competitive, react faster to the country’s market needs, and generate more jobs for the Mexican population. Q: How important is Aspen’s OTC line to its growth strategy? A: At this point we have one OTC product called Nytol which is used to combat insomnia. In the next twelve months, we will introduce three different brands in this area to strengthen our OTC presence. The OTC market is growing extremely fast. However, this popularity has made
the sector very competitive, so we often have to compete
only do so with certain products that are not expensive to
with cheap products that are well marketed but do not
produce. This is not sustainable for our more expensive
deliver on their claims. Our strategy is to differentiate
products so we channel them through the private market.
ourselves with clear results and through the demonstration of the efficacy of our products through science. Branding
Q: Why does the Mexican market have such a preference
is one of the most important factors for the success
for generics?
of our OTC products. This has become evident as more
A: Mexicans still have a lot of respect for prescriptions. If
companies have started to invest heavily in branding in the
physicians prescribe a specific brand, patients are more
last couple of years. We intend to increase our investments
likely to respect the brand than to look for a generic, even
in this area and reduce our investments in other promotion
though the name of the active pharmaceutical ingredient
techniques, such as exhibitions and point of sale activities.
(API) is available to them in the same prescription. Doctors are also prescribing branded generics, which they
Q: Have you perceived any change in your usual
trust. This may be because they are reluctant to risk their
distribution channels?
patients’ health by switching to unknown generics. There
A: Distribution channels have changed in recent years both
is a recent law that states that pharmacies must respect
in our nutrition and pharmaceutical lines. Our nutrition
the name of the brand being prescribed, which stops them
clients, especially those in retail, are increasingly requesting
from substituting the product for a generic alternative.
to deal directly with us instead of using wholesalers.
This is still not always the case but we have observed that
This can be either good or bad for us depending on the
about 50% of prescriptions are respected without being
capacity of the retailer and the demand for our products
switched. However, physicians at the point of sale is a new
in their specific geographic zone. Many times, retailers
trend and sometimes they are far more likely to prescribe
are interested in dealing directly with us but risk facing
medicines that favor the specific pharmacy they work at.
large losses if they do not have the right market volume.
Every manufacturer could be negatively affected by this
Pharmacy chains are becoming unwilling to keep relying
practice, as this risky behavior increases every year. Our
on distributors but are still facing this risk, due to not
strategy to compete with such problems is to increase
having distribution capacity. Distribution may be easy in
our brand equity by promoting the real benefits of our
Guadalajara, Monterrey, and Mexico City but not in rural
products and generating confidence among doctors and
areas. This is why we balance our sales based on the needs
patients as to the quality of our products. We also have
of each region. On the pharmaceutical side, the distribution
strong pharmacovigilance to guarantee our products’
channels have undergone considerable changes especially
safety and quality.
after the fall of Casa Saba. Many manufacturers are starting to abandon distributors and instead deal directly with the
Q: What are your main growth plans for increasing Aspen
point of sale. Other distributors are allying with each other
Lab’s position in the market?
to remain strong in the market.
A: In Mexico, we are trying to increase our sales to be among the top ten pharmaceutical manufacturers by
Q: How important is the generics portfolio for Aspen
2020. We are currently in 27th place so we need to secure
double-digit growth for the next three years to achieve
A: We have two different areas for generics. One is branded
this goal. To help with this goal, we are also planning to
generics, which are our core business and where we work
acquire new brands for specialized products and to launch
with medical representatives. The second area covers
new ones in our prescription and nutritional area. These
pure generics, which are manufactured for tenders to the
new launches will be a particularly important pillar of our
Mexican government. We do not have a sales force for these
growth. Over the next three to five years, we will research,
products as they are sold in tenders. This was our initial core
develop, and launch nutritional products for adults and
business in 2004 but we are now reducing its scope. We are
for certain conditions, such as diabetes, cancer, and
no longer focusing so heavily on tenders: instead, we are
metabolic diseases. At this moment, we have completed
shifting our attentions to branded generics and nutritionals.
our integration so we hope to increase our nutrition
The majority of our generics are already part of national
market share at least by eight points in 2016. We are also
bids on which our competitive edge is distribution and price
improving our brand equity as Aspen Labs. While we are
point. However, most of our branded generics are not part
highly recognized in South Africa, Australia, and other
of such bids. Part of the reason we are moving away from
parts of the world, this is not the case for Mexico. As such,
public tenders is that they bring a lot of pressure to lower
we are investing a lot of time and money in branding to be
prices. While we are able to be competitive in bids, we can
recognized as an international company.
Q: What has been your experience of establishing a
A: Indian companies have generally had limited success
foothold in the local market?
in this area in Mexico. For us, it has been easier to focus
A: Globally, many markets have seen price erosion in
on our big pharma customers over the last five years that
generic products, but Hetlabs still sells branded generics
are working on the renewal of market authorizations. For
here in Mexico, maintaining a competitive price base, and
example, we are working with the best ARV companies
supporting the improved regulation that has helped to
and we supply products to them. We maintain a good
temper the prevalence of competitors with low quality drugs.
margin because we are vertically integrated. In reality this
We have been operating in Mexico for three years, investing
is a joint venture because they have the image, capabilities
over US$50 million in clinical trials, in pharmaceutical studies,
for distribution, and market knowledge, and we are experts
and in registering products. COFEPRIS has successfully
in product development. Our new factory will be able to
audited nine of our factories in India, covering more than 200
supply products to the Government that are not part of any
products, and we have now attained 22 market authorizations
deal with our current customers. We have to respects the
in Mexico. Our Latin American operations began in Mexico,
contracts and agreements we have with our private partners.
where we partnered with major companies to act as a provider
So we have some patented products that we will launch
of APIs. We are now looking to open a factory in Mexico to
directly to the market and for these we have strong partners
serve as a base for these markets at a cost of US$150 million.
for marketing and creating their image.
At the moment, we only import products to Mexico, but plan to produce finished dosage forms in the country from the
Q: What kind of innovative products are you developing?
first half of 2016, when our manufacturing site is established.
A: We produce innovative products in the cardiovascular area
Although Mexico was an important manufacturer of APIs in
for obesity and dyslipidemia, as well as for central nervous
the past, it has lost competitiveness in this field.
system. We are conducting clinical trials for these products, which is essential in gaining the confidence of physicians
Q: How has Mexico’s attractiveness as a healthcare base
and improving the image of Indian companies. Regarding
improved due to recent regulatory changes?
biotechnology products, we are not developing innovative
A: The regulation is now clear, allowing for clinical trials to
biopharmaceuticals at the moment, only biosimilars.
be performed only within the medical community. In the
However, the only biosimilar product that was registered
past, such trials were commercial and aimed at gaining
for the Mexican market, Rituximab, was recently withdrawn.
data to sell products or formulate a market strategy.
There are plenty of good clinical research centers in Mexico.
COFEPRIS’ regulatory processes mean that Mexico is
National institutes of health have excellent physicians,
becoming a much more attractive market for clinical trials.
and some of the best doctors specialized in obesity and
Quality is improving in Mexico along with certainty among
diabetes are Mexican. Unfortunately, there are not enough
consumers and physicians that generics are as effective
investments to develop this area, which should not solely
as innovators, which in turn improves competitiveness and
be viewed as the responsibility of the government. The
allows the opportunity for direct competition with bigger
government should be a regulator but the private sector
companies. We own 30%of the HIV market making us
has to provide more services. In Mexico, almost all clinical
market leaders and we are active participants in the WHO
trials for the pharmaceutical industry are phase III and IV
Program to combat AIDS, collaborating with African health
studies. Phase I and II studies also need to be conducted in
authorities. We also hold patents for certain antiretrovirals
the country and more companies should invest in this area.
(ARV). CONACYT’s interest in pushing these innovations
The Mexican government is investing in R&D but it is not
to market creates a promising opportunity in ARV, in
enough and companies have to invest more in the country.
biotechnologicals, and in oncological products. Q: To what extent does Mexico need to improve its image Q: How easy is it to penetrate the public sector market?
regarding the quality of the country’s clinical trials?
A: There are plenty of good clinical research centers in Mexico.
A: Clinics at the point of sale are a reality nowadays, but
The National Institutes of Health have excellent physicians.
it is essential that their doctors comply with regulatory
Some of the best doctors specialized in obesity and diabetes
requirements. Authorities must ensure that they provide
worldwide are Mexican. Also, surgeons fly from Mexico to the
patients with the medicines that were prescribed. The
US to carry out heart surgeries. Unfortunately, there are not
branded products that pharmacy chains sell are produced
enough investments to develop this area, and that is not only
with Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) by other
the responsibility of the Government. In developed countries,
companies, so our challenge is to learn how to compete
it is the participation of the private sector that drives the
with such products and to introduce successful branded
development of this sector. The Government should be a
generics. It is not a matter of choosing between brands, but
regulator but the private sector has to provide more services.
about visiting a physician and obtaining the product that
In Mexico, mostly all clinical trials for the pharmaceutical
was prescribed. In this regard, authorities should ensure
industry are phase III and phase IV studies, so phase I and
that physicians are always updated about new medicines
phase II need to be conducted in the country too, and more
and those that are no longer prescribed.
companies should invest in this area. There are big Mexican companies doing clinical trials for orphan drugs in the US
Q: What are your main goals for the next year?
and Mexico. Multi-national companies are losing their patents
A: Our factory will supply products to the government.
and they do not have plans to expand their R&D activities
We want to be recognized as the best option for branded
to Mexico, unless they identify a particularly big opportunity
generics and high quality APIs, and to be among the top
here, such as the vaccines market. The Mexican Government
20 pharmaceutical companies in terms of sales. As for
is investing in R&D in the country, however the budget is not
generics, we carried out a comparison among Indian and
enough, so companies need to invest more in the country.
non-Indian companies and, according to IMS health data, we are the most successful company of the last 20 years,
Q: Pharmacy chains are selling their own brands of
despite having entered this market only three years ago.
medicines and have doctors at the point of sale. How
We have 20 market authorizations, which will rise to 40 by
does this impact the pharmaceutical industry?
the end of 2015.
BIOEQUIVALENCE STUDIES SHIFTING GENERICS PARADIGM Making bioequivalence studies a mandatory requirement
control tests based on either the Mexican or international
was a necessary step that COFEPRIS took in 2010 to ensure
pharmacopoeias. Results from interchangeability studies are
quality and efficacy of generics in a market previously
only valid for subsequent batches of the generic medicine
flooded by low quality drugs called similares. Mexican
obtained by the same manufacturing process. Moreover,
clinical trials for such studies must be conducted under
tests and methods to demonstrate interchangeability
the quality and ethics standards established by the General
and biocomparability of drugs and biopharmaceuticals,
Law of Health, Regulation for Health Research, Norm NOM-
respectively, as well as the requirements third-party
012, CONBIOETICA, Good Clinical Practice, etc., and can
laboratories must comply with to perform such studies.
be performed on either healthy volunteers or patients,
Interchangeability tests are scientifically sound studies
depending on the nature of the medicines being evaluated.
including bioequivalence, bioavailability, and comparison of dissolution profiles, aimed to ensure that a generic
The implementation of these requirements is directly
medicine has the same quality, quantitative composition in
associated to both the increasing levels of acceptance of
active substance, and pharmaceutical form as the reference
generics among the population and the positive impact of
product – an innovative product facing patent expiration.
Mikel Arriola’s Generics Policy, such as savings of US$1.53 billion in government expenditure, increased capacity to
For any given generic medicine, third-party units and sponsors
treat more than one million patients in the public sector,
can only use one batch, while the reference drug must be
decreased out of pocket expenditure, and average price
determined by the sanitary authority. Both the testing drug
reduction of 61%. This has resulted in the pharmaceutical
and its reference must comply with the Good Manufacturing
market comprising only two type of medicines: patented
Practices, as established by NOM-059, and have quality
drugs and interchangeable generics.
SPRINGBOARDING FROM A SINGLE ENTRY POINT EUGENIO GARCÍA-VERDE SALAZAR Director General of Glenmark Q: Glenmark Pharmaceuticals is headquartered in Mumbai,
had a meeting with the India-Mexico Business Chamber to
but has a global outlook – what role does Mexico play in
promote collaboration between both countries to facilitate
the company’s international strategy?
trade. Mexican regulation requires COFEPRIS to inspect the
A: Glenmark has grown quickly from being a company with
manufacturing plants of companies importing products and
an estimated value of US$30 million to more than US$1 billion
it has already inspected and approved several of Glenmark’s
in just 14 years. We have expanded to 88 countries and have
manufacturing plants. Mexico has several useful commercial
15 manufacturing plants worldwide as well as five research &
trade agreements which allow Mexico to recognize good
development centers. Between 2008 and 2009, we opened
manufacture practices in other countries and vice versa, but
offices in Mexico, Venezuela, Peru and Ecuador and currently
this does not imply that COFEPRIS will be able to accept
Mexico is one of Glenmark’s top priorities as a country with
the product immediately.
a strong healthcare economy and sales potential. Our first challenge was to introduce our dermatology line to the local
Q: How have you adapted to the expanding market and its
retail market, as at the time the Glenmark brand was unknown
inherent differences?
in Mexico. Following that the next challenge was to integrate
A: Mexico consumes the second highest levels of generics
a team of qualified professionals who are fully compliant
after the US, and the consumption is much higher than that
with our values, goals, and identity. Glenmark covers
of Germany, the UK, and France. The pharmaceutical market
several different therapeutic areas including dermatology,
in Mexico has grown only slightly in value over the past
respiratory, oncology, and cardio metabolic. We also have a
five years, by about 2 to 3%, but it has grown considerably
strong research arm that is currently conducting studies on
in volume, at more than 20%, due to the introduction
arthritic pain and biotechnology. Our strategy in Mexico has
of generics. Generics have allowed the government to
differed slightly from our general global strategy as we began
significantly reduce their medicine expenditure, negotiate
with only a single prescription product for dermatology
better prices, and provide treatment to more patients,
and a dermocosmetics line. From that point we prioritized
therefore acquiring resources to finance other medical
the creation of operations, stimulation of cash flow, and
projects. Two years ago we sold exclusively to the retail
submission of a diversified product line. In Mexico 20% of our
market, whereas today, we sell 80% to the retail market
products are innovative, and some are patented, while the
and 20% to the government. Our goal is to reach 60%
remainder of our local portfolio consists of branded generics.
within the retail market and 40% within the public sector.
Q: What were the biggest challenges you encountered
Q: What are your expansion plans?
establishing a product base?
A: Glenmark Pharmaceuticals was recognized as the Best through
Company Across Emerging Markets and Best Overall
distributors, and gaining the support of key investors in
Pipeline in 2011. We will keep working to obtain greater
Mexico has been extremely difficult. Several investors
market share, mainly in the dermatology and respiratory
have had negative experiences with companies originating
areas, which are our strongest at this point. We will expand
from India or China, some of these companies entered the
our oncology portfolio, as well as other areas such as
Mexican market temporarily and subsequently withdrew
diabetes and cardiology, which are both important divisions
their products. Convincing companies of our long-term
for Mexico. Glenmark will also continue researching its key
investment viability was problematic. The other issue is
therapeutic areas and we will seek other areas to expand
that India, China, and Korea all represent manufacturing
on. We also plan to expand specific business lines within the
threats to local industry and the main way for the local and
government sector, since we have an extremely well defined
international industry to protect itself against competition
strategy in the public sector. Glenmark Mexico has grown
has been through perpetuation of the preconceived
more than 250% in terms of personnel in the last four years
negative image of foreign products. However, we recently
and at an increased rate in terms of sales.
LOCAL SUPPORT FOR FOREIGN MARKET ENTRANTS LUIS ABEL ZERECERO MAĂ‘ON Director General of Laboratorios Keton Q: What market requirement did Laboratorios Keton set
company using raw materials with uncertain origins or a
out to fill and how has the market changed?
company that fails to meet quality standards.
A: Laboratorios Keton started out as a manufacturer of generics and now works mainly with assembly laboratories
Q: What is your main production strategy?
on behalf of between eight and ten foreign companies,
A: Today we are mainly dedicated to assembly, which
some of which are market leaders. Currently, Laboratorios
represents 80% of our income with the remaining 20%
Keton has 140 employees, some with almost 35 years of
coming from the laboratories we represent. In Mexico,
seniority, of which 26 are highly specialized technicians.
active ingredients are rarely produced, mainly originating
Previously, no specialization was required from employees,
from India or Italy. Currently, COFEPRIS is carrying out
the only requirement being a minimum knowledge of
an in-depth audit of all the distribution and storage
the pharmaceutical industry. The situation has changed
companies in order to ensure that they have specific
drastically, and today highly qualified specialists are
facilities to accommodate the pharmaceutical industry,
required in each division of the company. There was also
such as refrigeration chambers, and that they follow all the
a lack of regulation within the industry and now we are
necessary requirements in handling the drugs.
directly regulated by 20 different authorities. COFEPRIS is currently carrying out an in-depth audit of all distribution
Q: How has your production strategy changed?
and storage companies in order to ensure that they have
A: We currently manufacture beta-lactam antibiotics and
specific facilities to accommodate the industry. Many of
oral cephalosporins in two different areas within the same
the national companies have merged, and others have
plant, but we are trying to integrate both areas. We only use
been absorbed by international companies. For this reason,
well-known laboratories that comply with all the COFEPRIS
there are sufficient skilled individuals in the country to
guidelines in order to eliminate potential risk for ourselves
promote the development of the industry.
and our clients. Moreover, if the product encounters a manufacturing problem or fails quality control testing,
Q: How do you help companies enter the local market?
we are responsible for that product and we are therefore
A: Laboratorios Keton has represented several foreign
obliged to cover the corresponding costs, so the substitute
companies over the last 12 years, providing not only
laboratory must be approved by us as well as by our main
representation and legal support, but also manufacturing
client. At the moment there are few laboratories dedicated
facilities. We implemented this business plan as a reaction
to assembly since much greater profit is generated by the
to the local plant rule. As a result, many foreign companies
sale of the product than by its manufacture.
could only operate through hosts in the country, who registered brands on their behalf under a domestic company
Q: What are your plans for expansion of Laboratorios
name. We have worked within the pharmaceutical industry
for approximately 56 years, so the company name generates
A: We are considering opening a new plant within the
trust within the pharmaceutical world. We also ensure that
next five years in order to manufacture mainly antibiotics
the products we import fully comply with all quality control,
and possibly oncology medications and other high
labelling, and security requirements in the country of origin
specialty products, which will require an investment of
as well as in Mexico. Legally the registrations belong to
approximately US$5 million. We are also bringing our
Laboratorios Keton but we have an agreement in which we
own products to market, but this will be a long term plan
pledge to return the registration when requested or at a
since this would currently place us in direct competition
specified point in time. In order to begin collaboration, we
with our own clients. We are planning to locate 60-80%
have a policy of visiting the main offices and manufacturing
of the investment for the plant from public funds, such
plants of a given company. Under no circumstances do we
as CONACYT, due to a general lack of private funding
take unnecessary risks by agreeing to collaborate with a
Q: What role is Mexico playing in Wockhardt’s global
Q: Who do you mainly sell to in Mexico?
A: We sell both to the government and to the private
A: Wockhardt has a suitable portfolio for chronic diseases
sector. In the private sector we sell mostly to pharmacy
so Mexico was a logical step for us, since the country
chains, working directly with them so that we can set the
takes the lead worldwide in several chronic diseases such
final price for each of our products. Today 60% of our sales
as diabetes and this is the first epidemiological problem
go to the government but I would like to increase our sales
in Mexico. Our local portfolio is exclusively focused on
to the private sector to 60%. One of Wockhardt’s goals is
this and consists of insulin and oral antidiabetics. In
to make insulin treatments accessible to everyone and we
June 2012 we established the Wockhardt Latin American
have an international foundation that aims to make insulin
headquarters in Mexico, and at this point all sales in Latin
accessible to low income diabetics worldwide.
America are directed through Mexico. Q: What key innovations are you bringing to market? Q: What was the company’s strategy to position itself in
A: We have a R&D facility that produces innovative products
the market?
and in Mexico we have introduced Wosulin Dispopen, a
A: Wockhardt is in charge of its own representations and
single use, affordable, insulin dispenser. This pen, which
distribution as we do not currently have any lcoal joint
was developed and patented by our company, facilitates
ventures We produce mostly branded generics but we
the delivery method and simplifies their treatment. Patient
also have an R&D department which will launch three new
acceptance is very important in this market and we
antibiotics in the next two years. We are also an innovative
observed that patients followed their treatment using this
company for biotechnology products and have our own
product. Our goal is to introduce this pen to each Seguro
plant to develop APIs for insulins, which helps us to
Popular office in every state to present its advantages and
maintain competitive costs. We also need to be prepared
its moderate price in comparison to vials. The problem is
for the fact that diabetes will worsen for future generations
that to work in the public sector a medicine has to enter
and attempt to change the current culture with disease
the National Formulary, which may take up to three years.
prevention strategies.
We have been in this process of submitting this product for approval for about a year and it may take about one
Q: As an Indian company, what barriers did you have to
more year for it to be accepted.
overcome to enter the Mexican market?
A: Indian and Chinese companies have a negative reputation
Q: What are your most important short-term expansion
in Latin America and we needed to convince authorities and
doctors of the quality of our products. Currently, Mexican
A: We want to expand to include central nervous diseases
manufacturers use raw materials from China or India, since the
such as Alzheimer’s, epilepsy, Parkinson’s, and oncology
local API manufacturing business has basically disappeared.
products. We have a solid portfolio of medicines for
Most companies focus on importation and commercialization
these diseases and therefore, we believe that we can fill
of APIs and approximately 80 to 90% of the raw materials
this gap. Our brand is strong enough to provide many
come from either of those countries. One of our main
national and international companies with products
strategies is to have all plants certified to comply with the
with the same API but under different brands. In Mexico
regulatory guidelines from the largest regulatory authorities
we produce insulin for two of our own brands and also
around the world, including FDA, TGA, COFEPRIS, and MISA.
for GlaxoSmithKline. These two products are targeted
We want to be seen as a reliable company, trusted by doctors,
towards type I and II diabetes. This year my priority is
so we invest considerably in clinical trials. Wockhardt has its
to consolidate our diabetes portfolio in Mexico and to
own CRO in India that performs our bioequivalence studies
launch other antidiabetic products. We want to increase
and more than 150 clinical trials a year.
our profits in Mexico to US$20 million this year.
Q: What are Loeffler’s main product lines and what is your
evolved and now pharmacies are obtaining larger discounts,
approach to developing these?
sometimes up to 50-70%, transforming the market and
A: Loeffler, part of the Grupo Loeffler Russek group, was
lowering prices. Today it is unusual for pharmacies to
created 15 years ago. The Loeffler brand focuses on generics
operate under the “market of three” approach as selling
and veterinary, Russek on manufacture, and Farmacenter
products at the lowest possible price while generating the
as a distributor for the health sector. Since 2000, Loeffler
highest possible profit is the main aim.
has seen double-digit growth every year and our business doubles every three years. Our line of OTC products is our
Q: What do profit margins today look like in comparison to
largest in terms of numbers but lowest in terms of value. The
past structures and how do you choose your distribution
price for OTC generic products is comparatively low and our
products sell 40% cheaper than the originals. While we sell
A: The sale of branded medicines may leave the producer
a lot of these products, they represent just 8% of our profits,
with a 30% profit while the sale of generics may leave a 70%
even though these products grow by about 25% per year. We
profit, but the prices of generics are low in comparison. Our
work exclusively with salesmen, distributors, and pharmacies.
laboratory sells products at a much smaller price than any branded medication, which fits within our goal to sell high
Q: To what extent are the changing dynamics within the
quality products at an accessible cost. Additionally, some
point-of-sale area also impacting the market?
companies are starting to eschew distributors and prefer
A: It is apparent that the market is shifting towards
to negotiate directly with the point of sale. While our core
pharmacy chains but small pharmacies are still in
business is through distributors, we have been approached
demand by the general public. The market is constantly
directly by pharmacy chains. The market for distributors is
changing with old pharmacies closing and new ones
still very large and strong however. Many new companies
opening, although the market is too large for pharmacy
are starting to create small pharmacy chains with five
chains to completely overtake the competition and small
to eight branch offices, mainly for generics. This area is
pharmacies are creating alliances between themselves.
quickly growing and starting to become our core business.
There is strong competition coming from Chinese and Indian pharmaceuticals, which produce generics in high
Q: In what way have you structured your sales strategy?
quantities and at low costs. While competition is fierce,
A: Sales to the government represent between 15-18% of our
this represents an opportunity to improve processes and
total sales. The rest goes to major retailers selling own brands.
infrastructure and offer products of superior quality.
We also sell to pharmacy chains, to generics pharmacies, and manufacture for large laboratories. Producers approach us
Q: How would you characterize the local distribution
as they know that our plants follow strict safety and quality
regulations. Manufacturing for international pharmaceuticals
A: Distributors have different approaches depending on
was our core business, but we have been slowly abandoning
their size and clients. The two largest distributors work
this, as it is more convenient for us to produce generics and
with the five largest wholesalers, and they work mostly
OTC products. This was an internal strategic decision not
with brands. Regional distributors work mostly with
brought about by market shifts. While many international
generics. There are about 800 regional distributors in
pharmaceuticals are closing their manufacturing plants,
Mexico and of those about 25 stand out from the rest. The
more generics producers are entering the market. The
commercialization process of generics is very different from
generics market is growing enough that gradually generics
branded medicines, and has been known as a “market of
are starting to resemble branded pharmaceuticals. For
three.” A third of the utility is for pharmacies, another for
example one of our main products started selling at a rate
distributors, and the remainder for manufacturers. This was
of 70,000 units and now sells from 250,000-300,000 units.
how the generic market was conceived but it has gradually
People recognize it and request it by name.
OTC MARKET EXCEEDS GROWTH PREDICTIONS The presence of more pharmacies per head in Mexico
increase in profits in 2013 as a result of introducing two
new products into the market, Neurobion and Floratil. The
environment, and high level of foreign investment has
OTC market is propelled partly by longer life expectancies
created formidable pharmaceutical and medical devices
and an aging population, hand in hand with a strong
markets. Expected to be worth US$27.9 billion by 2020,
domestic production industry, and a favorable regulatory
according to GlobalData, Mexico’s healthcare industry
environment. Pharmaceutical companies may also seek
engages over 350 domestic and multi-national companies
to exploit switch opportunities (the formal process of
in the manufacture of pharmaceutical products in Mexico.
switching a prescription-only medicine to an OTC medicine)
As a result, consumers increasingly understand the power
to protect revenues from branded drugs that are about to
of the active ingredients, rather than brand, and buying
lose their patent protection and take advantage of newly
products at lower prices contributes to the growth of store
available channels such as supermarkets and the internet.
brands and generic products within OTC medicines. Many drugs previously restricted to prescription-only status,
are becoming available over the counter. These products
2012 (US$ millions)
AAGR 2013-2017 (%)
are considered safe, and their increased use indicates that
Health Care Products
and taking some of the financial burden of drug treatment
Sleeping Pills and Relaxants
Cold and Cough Medicines
Stomach Conditions Relief
Ear Conditions Relief
Eye Conditions Relief
Dermatological Products
Smoking Cessation Aids
Injury Treatments
patients are taking greater responsibility for their own health from public and private health systems and insurance companies. Mexico’s OTC medications have experienced a tightening of regulations partly in response to an increase in drug-resistant strains of infectious diseases. In the past, patients without adequate supervision have taken improper doses of antibiotics, causing diseases to mutate into stronger strains untreatable with existing vaccines or antibiotics. Nevertheless, while authorities do not want to discourage sensible out of the pocket spending, COFEPRIS regulations seek to protect the population from irresponsible use of products, and the increasing numbers of doctors at points of sale provide guidance to minimize self-medication.
Source: ProMéxico
The population could continue to see growth in over the counter medications, benefitting patients with low incomes as a result of more competitive prices, as well as companies that wish to enter into the Mexican market with
An estimated 1,187 brands of OTC products were reported
the assurance that the sector will continue to expand in the
in 2012 to be on sale in Mexico, compared to 700 brands
short to medium term.
in 2007. In Europe and North America, strategies to encourage consumers to treat minor ailments without aid from state infrastructure and public finances require a complex partnership between government agencies, healthcare professionals, pharmacists, and retailers. In the Mexican healthcare industry, top pharmaceutical companies such as Genomma Lab mostly deal with generic drugs, exemplified by the almost 500 new brands of OTC products in just five years. In 2014 Electrolit, Aspirina, Next, Tempra, Sal de Uvas Picot, Suerox, Vitacilina, Pedialyte, Alka Seltzer and Agrifen accumulated the greatest sales volume in units in Mexico, while Merck, Genomma Lab and GlaxoSmithKline continue to acquire more OTC products. Merck reported a 55%
Q: Dental health is usually relegated as a cosmetic
City, Morelia, Leon, Monterrey, Guadalajara, Puebla,
problem by different institutes of health – what can be
Veracruz and San Luis Potosi. We are also expanding
done to change this perspective?
the program to incorporate isolated rural communities
A: This perspective can be changed by analyzing the
with the help of different Universities and the ADM, as
severity of the consequences of poor dental health
well as that of our eleven ambassadors that are able to
that affect people in a biological, psychological, and
provide treatment to approximately 1,000 children per
social way and the relationship of these factors to other
day in these areas.
diseases such as diabetes. Unaddressed oral problems, such as cavities, can lead to extremely expensive
Q: Are you collaborating with public or private health
treatments, absenteeism in the workplace, and at times
institutions to create similar programs?
even fatal complications. Colgate is working with other
A: Colgate is collaborating with the organization Reading
institutions to provide education programs on basic
is Fundamental to promote Healthy Bedtime Habits,
dental health for patients. We are also implementing the
although this has yet to be implemented in Mexico. We
“Saludarte” program for health professionals alongside
promote healthy habits through Bright Smiles, Bright
the Mexican Dental Association (ADM) and the Ministry
Futures by focusing on daily brushing that includes hand-
of Public Education (SEP).
washing, exercising, teeth brushing, and following a healthy diet. For this purpose, Colgate works closely with several
In this initiative, we train teachers from different
government agencies, governmental dependencies, and
Universities, like the Autonomous University of Mexico
other private organizations. These institutions include the
(UNAM), about daily brushing, dental emergencies, and
Integrated Family Development (DIF) from Mexico City
general topics surrounding oral heath so they can share
and Puebla, the Mexican Ministry of Health (SSA), and the
their knowledge with their students and patients. We are
Alliance for a Cavity Free Future. Colgate is promoting
collaborating with oral health education departments
the Global Handwashing Day and through Bright Smiles,
in schools by offering different videos that teachers
Bright Futures we promote hand-washing, due to a firm
can use to show the students how to brush their teeth.
belief that oral health is multi-faceted and constitutes
Colgate also distributes flyers and brochures at schools
more than just teeth brushing. Therefore, we encourage
with different teeth brushing techniques and all the
other healthy habits to prevent bad hygiene and therefore,
necessary information to help the parents provide an
appropriate oral education to their children. Q: Is Colgate planning to create more programs of this Q: When was the global Bright Smiles, Bright Futures
program implemented in Mexico and how many children
A: Colgate is planning to expand on existing programs,
have you treated in the country?
A: This program has been active for 25 years, and
governmental institutions, the private sector, schools,
throughout that time, over 40 million children have
universities, and other dental health professionals. We
benefitted from its implementation. Over the past four
believe in a continuous improvement and the creation
years, the average number of children that have received
and implementation of new material that will be more
treatment has been 2.2 million per year and Bright Smiles,
appealing to people and schools. Our main goal for this
Bright Futures has now increased its coverage. We are
year is to create a culture of daily brushing and to change
working closely with various oral health specialists and
ingrained perceptions regarding oral health. We plan to
private and governmental institutions to help us attain
help over 2.3 million children with our programs and to
our goals. This program is currently being implemented
reach a larger demographic by providing donations of our
in different towns around the country such as Mexico
Colgate NeutrAzúcar toothpaste.
SOLID MARKET FOR GENERIC ALIMENTARY SUPPLEMENTS In 2000, Industrias Suanca was founded as a generics
The company is also beginning to sell via a Farmacias del
pharmaceutical laboratory and today the company offers
Ahorro initiative called Diabetics’ Corner. Walmart is the
a wide range of products including injectable medications
largest distributor of Suanca medications and supplements,
and tablets, and has now expanded into alimentary
and so convinced of the strength of the Suanca’s products,
supplements. In accordance with Good Practice Regulations
the supermarket giant would like to acquire the formulas to
laid out by COFEPRIS, Suanca separated these two lines,
produce an own brand version. López says that the company
contracting a third party to manufacture the supplements.
has no interest in selling the brand, but points of sale remain
The separate company was named Vitapromin, allowing
limited. As a result of the distribution costs involved in selling
the separation of these two elements, and enabling the
directly to small pharmacies, the first sales point is usually
new company to sell under the Codifarma brand.
the Central de Abastos market place, from where products
“The advantage of working with the government is the quantities ordered by public institutions, often tenders of more than a million units” José Luis López, Director of Administration and Finance for Industrias Suanca
José Luis López, Director of Administration and Finance for
are resold to private doctors and small shops, making sales
Industrias Suanca, explains that the company principally sells
monitoring complicated.
to the public sector. To be able to sell to the private sector the company would have to invest heavily in advertising,
Suanca works with an external assembly plant to package
slowing long-term growth. The company operates a full
their products. High standards of production and hygiene
line of products born from the Vitapromin supplement,
must be assured beforze contracting any health sector
which consists of a combination of vitamins and other
distributor. Industrias Suanca also monitors raw materials
nutrients, both in powder and liquid forms. Subsequently, the
and attains certified products, as well as employing
company has created more products aimed at the private
a quarantine periods. However, the conservation of
market including Vitapromin Kids, and GlucoPromin. The
high quality standards is not difficult for the company,
two product launch into the private sector has been slower,
due to experience following more stringent quality
yet GlucoPromin has assumed a position in the market,
measures selling
largely due to its reasonable price in comparison to direct
model requires to very clear registers to monitor the
competitors, whose products tend to be imported and
production value of each product, manufacturer, price,
in liquid form, which is more costly to transport. The high
and sales. Being able to access these documents allows
number of diabetic patients requiring this type of medication
the company to check patents and understand which
maintains a constant client base.
products are being developed. Suanca intends to develop
pharmaceuticals. Suanca’s
new food supplements, having witnessed the success The biggest competitors facing Industrias Suanca are
of Glucopromin. This will include specialized products
international companies, possessing a considerable body
for expectant mothers to meet calcium and folic acid
of merchandisers with hundreds of medical representatives.
requirements, as well as a new supplement for mature
While the Mexican market is heavily oriented toward brands,
adults, requiring a new line of investigation and innovation.
the equivalent product Ensure is priced much higher, limiting
access for some customers out of which Industrias Suanca
In the future the company hopes to expand into
has built a strong client base. A customer can save 25% of the
promoting their products directly to doctors via
cost of buying Ensure, which retails at at US$74 per month.
medical visitors as well as through new collaborations
Although Ensure currently occupies 95% of the market,
with pharmacy chains, as impulse buys when displayed
customers continue to demand lower prices and Industrias
at the point of sale or as complements to prescribed
Suanca is confident there is a market gap. Pharmacists
medicine. López insists that pharmacy collaborations
cannot recommend products with different ingredients to
will be the main focus for the medium term, because
those requested but doctors at the point of sale can prescribe
profound market research into points of sales is a long
a variant, which allows Suanca to penetrate the OTC market.
by celebrities to incite the public to buy immediately using
“Miracle products,� promising everything from weight
limited time offers.
loss and reversing aging to curing cancer, diabetes, osteoporosis, and many other diseases, lack the clinical
studies necessary to support their claims. They come in
Advertisement (RLGSMP) was modified to regulate
many forms, including creams, medications, supplements,
the publicity of OTC products and eliminate products
infusions, and even exercise equipment and are usually
with unverifiable claims. These regulations obliged TV
accompanied by media campaigns on radio, television,
companies to request sanitary registration before selling
and magazines. Miracle products are not subject to any
advertising spaces and to notify the Ministry of Health
type of tests nor have they been examined by Mexican
on every sold spot. It also allows the Ministry of Health to
regulatory authorities. Moreover, their manufacturing
force media to suspend the advertisement of any product
process has not been inspected with the same scrutiny
violating these regulations within 24 hours and increases
applied to pharmaceuticals and some may contain toxic
fines from 60% to 400% for manufacturers, distributors,
and traders. Fines can now reach up to 16,000 days of minimum wage.
Every medication must complete rigorous clinical trials so that its safety and efficiency can be approved by
COFEPRIS is responsible for regulating the market and
COFEPRIS before reaching the market. OTC medications,
enforcing this law and after the reform was implemented,
which do not need a prescription, are the only products
the council created a mechanism called Copy Advice,
which can be advertised. Before 2012, due to loopholes
which is a tool to pre-analyze advertising projects before
in Mexican legislation, these products were allowed to be
submission to COFEPRIS.
registered as nutritional supplements, herbal remedies, or beauty products, all of which are subject to fewer
The organization has also made several agreements with
regulations than medicines. Since they promote their
CANIPEC and PROFECO to enforce this legislation and in
ability to cure numerous diseases at an affordable price,
2011 it eliminated adverts from 60 brands. According to
they became extremely popular among the general
COFEPRIS, from 2011 to 2015 a total of 2.5 million units of
population, risking exposure to undocumented side
miracle products were banned.
effects and potential toxicity. Despite
Since these products are not prescribed by physicians they
advertisement, the general public continues consuming
base their publicity entirely on television, radio, magazines,
these products. In order to solve this problem, stronger
and newspapers, and are generally aimed at middle aged,
enforcement of regulations may be necessary alongside
middle class individuals looking for fast solutions for
educating the general public on the dangers that miracle
complex problems. On television they are usually endorsed
products present.
58 52
CANIPEC agreement 47 41
Copy Advice starts
PROFECO agreement march 13, 2012
40 31
30 Suspension orders and advertisement rejections
Creation of and reforms to General Law of Health Regulations on Publicity Matters
10 0
apr11 may11
Assurance to CV Directo and Innova
aug11 sep11
6 1
nov11 dec11
feb12 mar12 apr12dec12
The biotechnology industry in Mexico is growing at an annual rate of 25% and employs an
estimated 25,000 people. The discovery of the genome and its relationship to illness is leading to major investments into targeted therapies that address underlying causes of disease and its pathways. Industry professionals throughout Mexico agree that biotechnology will compliment the disease treatments of the future and be pivotal in supplying healthcare needs. With a complete regulatory framework for biopharmaceuticals and their subsequent versions after patent expiration, called biocomparables, Mexico is ready to grow in a market that already represents 35% of all new drug registrations.
This chapter will discuss the current state of the sector and its main drivers including regulation. An overview of the biotechnology clusters will be provided together with insights on the development potential of the market from the key industry players. Remarkable developments in the fields of genomics, personalized medicine, and regenerative therapies taking place in Mexico will be addressed along with an assessment of the remaining measures needed to enable Mexico to reach its potential.
HIGHLIGHTS • Role of Biotech in supporting the future demand for medicine • Research clusters • Regulatory framework for biopharmaceuticals • Genomic and personalized medicine • Regenerative medicine
D. R. Instituto Politécnico Nacional (IPN), Unidad Profesional Lázaro Cárdenas, Prolongación de Carpio y Plan de Ayala s/n, Col. Santo Tomás, C.P. 11340, Delegación Miguel Hidalgo, México, D.F.
contacto@udibi.com.mx mperezt@encb.ipn.mx smpt.2011@hotmail.com udibi@ipn.mx T: 57296000 / EXT: 62557 y 62543
ANALYSIS: Undisputed Potential for Biotechnology
INSIGHT: Dr. Eduardo García-Luna Martínez, UDEM BioCluster
VIEW FROM THE TOP: Sandra Sánchez y Oldenhage, PROBIOMED
INSIGHT: Dr. Carlos Eduardo Medina de la Garza, CIDICS UANL
INSIGHT: Dr. Cristóbal Noé Aguilar, SMBB
ANALYSIS: New Norm to Clear Pathway for Biopharmaceuticals
VIEW FROM THE TOP: Dr. Gerardo Jiménez Sánchez, GBC Group
EXPERT OPINION: Dr. Hugo Barrera Saldaña, Vitaxentrum
VIEW FROM THE TOP: Dr. Hugo Barrera Saldaña, Vitaxentrum
VIEW FROM THE TOP: Jesús Esparragoza Fox, ReHealth
VIEW FROM THE TOP: Elvin Penn, Amgen
SPOTLIGHT: Third-Party Authorized Centers for Biocomparability Studies
SPOTLIGHT: Biotechnology Clusters: Nuevo Leon, Jalisco, Morelos, and Guanajuato
VIEW FROM THE TOP: Dr. Gustavo Cabrera, Global Biotherapeutics
VIEW FROM THE TOP: Alejandro Calderón Díaz, Grupo IFACO
168 INSIGHT: Dr. Juan Padierna, LEI 169
INSIGHT: Enzo Gravina, Bioconnect
UNDISPUTED POTENTIAL FOR BIOTECHNOLOGY Biotechnology, defined as the use of cells, cellular
A significant drawback of biotechnological drugs is that
components, and biological processes to develop new
they can be much more expensive than conventional
technologies, has numerous applications in many areas
therapies. Prolonged timeframes required to identify the
including industry, agriculture, and healthcare. This area is
target therapy and determine its genetic sequence, create
rapidly developing and in 2013 the market worldwide was
the need for greater investment in biotechnology R&D than
valued at US$270.5 billion and is expected to grow at a
conventional drugs (20%-25% of revenue in comparison
compound annual growth (CAGR) rate of 12.3% from 2014
to 15% according to EuropaBio). Taking into account
to 2020, according to Grand View Research. One of the
the complexities in developing new biotechnological
strongest areas of biotechnology is biopharmacy, which
represented 62.1% of revenue in that same year. This area is
followed by bioservices (24.7%), which refers to the use of
companies in order to economize on development
biotechnology in preclinical and clinical research. Among
costs, and biotechnology companies are implementing
the reasons for the growth of this market is the current
manufacturing and commercialization schemes. Smaller
trend from international pharmaceuticals to launch their
firms are also collaborating with pharmaceuticals or
own biotechnology products, either by creating their own
academic institutions to fund R&D. Investments in R&D
biotech division within existing companies or by acquiring
in medical biotechnology are expected to grow by 4.2%
biotech firms. In 2018, seven of the 10 top-selling drugs will
annually and reach US$30.5 billion in 2020, according to
be biopharmaceuticals. Large biotechnology companies
replicating are
such as Novo Nordisk and Amgen are now powerful players in the pharmaceutical sector due to the strong link
Mexico has more than 20 years of experience in the
between biotechnology and the drug discovery process.
biotechnology industry with over 132 products registered.
While the mayor players in the field are based in Europe
The industry now represents 35% of the applications for
and the US, biotechnology production in India, China,
new medicines, according to COFEPRIS. Most of these
and other emerging countries has expanded by double
medications are intended to treat cancer, rheumatologic,
digits over the past few years, leading pharmaceuticals to
and neurological diseases. Mexico is focusing mainly on
outsource R&D to these markets.
biocomparables, also known as biosimilars, the generics
of biotechnological drugs for which patents has expired. In 2015, 32 products with combined sales of more than US$50 billion will lose their patent, representing a huge
Nevertheless, due to the complicated manufacturing
process, which often requires live, genetically modified organisms, biocomparables require a much more complex
manufacturing process than regular medicines. Several laboratories are undertaking this production including
Probiomed, Landstainer, Psicofarma, Liomont, and Pisa. Mexico is one of the few developing countries with a strong
regulatory framework for biotechnological products and biosimilars. In 2009, article 222 Bis was added to the General Health Law to define the legislative basis for the regulation of biotechnological products and biosimilars. This legal
Medical biotechnology has brought many positive changes
framework had several loopholes as many medications
to the practice of medicine, leading to new ways to design
were registered as conventional generics in order to avoid
and produce medications targeted at a molecular level, the
implementing compliance measures. Between 2009 and
development of more accurate tests for disease diagnosis
2014, around 65 products were registered as generics
and even genetic and proteomic tests for disease
under less strict regulatory requirements, but in December
prevention, and the possibility to use gene therapy to cure
2014 the publication of the Mexican Official Norm 257 led
diseases previously considered incurable. Biotechnology
to their reclassification and demanded producers perform
also brings the promise of personalized medicine, which
necessary biocomparable studies. Currently, all biosimilars
will allow tailored therapies for individual conditions and
must prove their safety and efficacy, as well as their close
similarity to the reference product.
Source: Grand View Research 2014
HOLDING ON TO BIOTECH TALENT IN MONTERREY Nine years ago, through combined efforts from the
dangerous viruses and bacteria. Among their projects
government, universities, and interested parties from the
are new preventive treatments for the dengue virus and
private sector, the Monterrey BioCluster was created.
HIV, such as a gel that prevents its transmission. The same
The initiative was originally conceived to compliment the
laboratory is exploring the genetic map of Mycobacterium
development of biotechnology in Monterrey, solidifying
tuberculosis, investigating how it becomes resistant to
it as a strategic economic industry. Its pioneers set
antibiotics in order to develop a cheap treatment and
objectives to group small companies entering the sector,
to prevent its transmission. Treating antibiotic-resistant
transfer global knowledge to Monterrey, attract qualified
tuberculosis can cost up to US$750,000 per person, so
professionals to develop innovative products, and create
reducing these costs would remove a substantial drain on
public awareness of the importance and versatility
public health spending.
of biotechnology. The cluster is now well positioned to communicate the importance of the sector to the
As well as investing in the eradication of infectious
government, as well as to provide its member companies
diseases, the university’s School of Medicine and Medical
with the necessary knowledge for expanding.
Specialties is not neglecting chronic disease. Clinical trials and research projects in multiple locations are investigating
As Director of the Health Sciences Division of the
certain chronic diseases.
University of Monterrey (UDEM) and President of the Biotech Cluster, Eduardo García-Luna seeks to integrate
The School of Dentistry is contributing to the battle against
different areas of the health sector into a development
chronic diseases, as people with non-controlled diabetes
program for the region. García-Luna’s personal goal is to
or chronic metabolic syndrome generally have poor oral
increase awareness and innovation in every area related to
health. Nutrition also performs an essential role in the
biotechnology, including health, energy, garbage disposal,
prevention of chronic diseases, so UDEM is managing an
and food, because he believes that biotechnology can be
education project to help the development of communities
harnessed to solve a multitude of problems. He also plans
and allow people to have a balanced lifestyle.
to expand the number of companies in the cluster from 35 to 40 before stepping down. One of the cluster’s goals is to reduce the timeframe between a product’s introduction to the market and its point of sale, as well as to avoid unnecessary approval expenses, such as repeated procedures. To address this, UDEM and other institutions are working on a process to apply efficient transfer of technology models from other countries to Mexico. This analysis of tried and tested strategies helps optimize resources and saves valuable
“The objective of the BioCluster is to gather the strength of all small companies, attract
knowledge, professionals
to develop innovative products, and create public awareness of
the importance and versatility of
The government recently pledged to increase R&D
investment from 0.54 to 1% of GDP, which will be granted through funding programs from CONACYT among other
Dr. Eduardo García-Luna Martínez, Director of the Health Sciences Division of the University of Monterrey (UDEM) and President of the BioCluster
institutions. Both the cluster and UDEM collaborate with CONACYT, receiving funds for startups and for the creation
Mexico has seen certain clusters succeed and others fail,
of intelligence within the sector. Meanwhile, UDEM is
but in the health sector, the successful clusters have been
working closely with CONACYT and other funding centers
those that promote integration and education within the
in Mexico to promote basic science, as other areas are
sector. The biggest challenge will be to change existing
more concerned with clinical trials and clinical research.
perceptions within the sector and persuade people that clusters allow a country to compete globally and
While these are perhaps more interesting areas, basic
share information. The Monterrey BioCluster is clear on
science key to keeping the whole pipeline moving. This
these objectives and Guadalajara has excellent clusters,
has led UDEM to host one of very few biosafety level
although there is still plenty of ground to cover in the
3 laboratories in the country, working with extremely
rest of Mexico.
is now manufacturing and commercializing biosimilars.
move to local giant PROBIOMED?
Looking at the size of the market and the number of patents
A: I made this move for a number of reasons: the
expiring, the coexistence of innovative products with
challenge it represented, the prestige of PROBIOMED,
biosimilars is crucial for healthcare systems to be able to
and my desire to build a legacy by projecting a Mexican
meet future patient demand from a treatment perspective.
company that cares for health and patients. The founder
In this way, savings that arise from the use of biosimilars
of PROBIOMED, Jaime Uribe de la Mora, recognized the
can be further invested in innovative drugs. I expect the
need for evolution to propel the company forward, and
government will be forced to implement such strategies in
this will be part of his legacy. De la Mora started selling
the medium term.
APIs 45 years ago and moved on to selling generics and ultimately biosimilar products. He has reinvented the
Q: How can Mexico become more innovative and therefore
company and adapted to numerous market changes.
more competitive?
Today, PROBIOMED is the only company in Mexico that
A: This industry can be a real engine of innovation but is
produces biotechnology products from the gene to the
in dire need of an industrial development policy. Mexico
finished product, relying on four manufacturing plants
has the highest and second highest levels of childhood
and employing 1,300 collaborators.
and adult obesity respectively worldwide. Obesity causes cardiovascular diseases and diabetes, which means 70-
Q: What are the essential elements needed to progress
80% of patients will end up in dialysis and the system will
the company from a local family company to an
run the risk of collapsing. Biopharmaceuticals are mainly
institutionalized global player?
used for chronic and degenerative diseases as they are
A: First and foremost, we need to get the right corporate
more effective and are better suited to our physiology
governance and structure in place. It is vital to implement
than chemically synthesized molecules. However, this does
strategy, structure, and objectives in order to align
not exempt all players to from continuing to work on on
prevention strategies.
company. Furthermore, by continuing to ensure ROI and by launching innovation and excellence strategies, we
Q: Where is PROBIOMED aiming to position itself in terms
can ensure that the company is capable of surpassing
of value proposition in this highly competitive industry?
the competition. Timing is also a key factor for success.
A: Today, PROBIOMED is the only company in Mexico
Being the pioneer in this field, and having launched 16
that is able to manufacture high-quality products at a low
biotechnology products in the last 17 years, PROBIOMED
cost. We develop from the gene’s inception to the final
has a competitive edge. The company is very proud of
medication, whereas most pharmaceutical companies
what we have accomplished in 45 years. Competing with
import finished products and very few import APIs to
big pharmaceutical companies is no easy feat and we
manufacture final products. In contrast to traditional
are now an industry leader that poses a threat to most
incumbents. With increased focus on patient needs, we
significant innovative processes, such as the genetic
plan to continue expanding as a global innovator.
engineering of living organisms, and the use of bioreactors
for the production of proteins and antibodies. It is essential
Q: What role should biotechnology products play in
to promote local manufacturing so that Mexico does not
treating chronic and degenerative diseases?
become reliant on importation. PROBIOMED is also the
A: The market dynamics in Mexico are mainly driven by
only company in the world that has a complete portfolio
a demographic and epidemiologic transition that in turn
of medication for unmet medical needs such as cancer,
is putting pressure on everybody’s budget. The biggest
rheumatoid arthritis, end stage renal disease, multiple
business opportunity in the biopharmaceutical industry
sclerosis, and diabetes.
Q: Is enough being done to push forward the development
from the market. However, we are undergoing a process
of the biopharmaceutical industry in Mexico?
of renovation where every company will have to submit
A: Mexico has made impressive progress from a regulatory
more data to support their registration as per NOM 257.
standpoint in a very short time. With the new benchmark
COFEPRIS has therefore granted a specific timeframe to
NOM 257 regulations, innovative biopharmaceuticals and
allow companies to conduct the necessary studies to gain
biosimilars will be able to coexist in the Mexican healthcare
approvals as biocomparables.
system, protecting patients’ safety and efficacy. Before the regulatory framework for biosimilars was developed, safety
Q: How important are exports to your growth strategy
requirements were not as strict as they are now. The new
and what obstacles stand in the way?
norm requires characterization and biocomparability studies
A: With the international recognition of COFEPRIS, it will
as well as safety and efficacy trials that demonstrate their
be easier for Mexican companies to penetrate markets
high similarity to the reference products. PROBIOMED fully
in Latin America. Our value proposition is being able
believes in this approach but the country is still not fully ready
to provide high-quality products at low costs, which is
for this in terms of infrastructure. If a full characterization
exactly what governments and patients are looking for.
study is required, no local supplier can do this in Mexico. The
We are currently exporting to 14 countries across four
Mexican industry needs more investment and support that
continents and we will expand this to countries with a real
will allow companies to meet regulatory requirements and
demand for our products. Unlike in Mexico, countries like
ensure quality standards.
Brazil, South Korea, India, Malaysia, and Russia incentivize the manufacturing of biotechnology. Since manufacturing
Q: Is PROBIOMED planning to perform the mandatory
plants require huge investments, we are still deciding which
studies abroad in order to gain registration renewals?
country would provide the best location. Strong incentives
A: We want to ensure we fully comply with the new regulation
include ten-year tax exemptions, a guaranteed percentage
as it impacts PROBIOMED at all levels of its process. For
of government contracts, and a price incentive in exchange
approval in Mexico, clinical trials can be done locally, but
for technology transfer through a local partner. Some
some tests will have to be outsourced internationally,
countries will even match 30-50% of the initial investment
such as physicochemical characterization. COFEPRIS will
as long as the company invests in the country.
evaluate this on a case-by-case basis and publish a set of requirements for a specific product, according to previous
Q: What does the foreseeable future look like for the
studies and available information. There are approved
biotechnology sector in Mexico?
third-party organizations for bioequivalence studies but
A: We are working with universities and research centers
that is not the case for biocomparability.
in Mexico and other countries such as Brazil, Germany, and Russia. We have 1,300 employees in Mexico and a
Q: What is your perception of the withdrawal of Rituximab
lot of them are highly qualified investigators. Today, the
from the market and how does this impact patients?
biotechnology industry is growing at around 25% a year and
A: PROBIOMED’s Rituximab was not withdrawn from the
will maintain a double-digit pace for the foreseeable future.
market due to a lack of quality or efficacy. It was due to
Interestingly, local companies are growing the most while
a legal situation in which the Supreme Court of Justice
the share of multinational companies is actually decreasing
entitled COFEPRIS to determine whether biosimilars
in Mexico due to the expiration of patents and the rise of
approved under previous regulation should stay on the
generics. Furthermore, while Mexico is lagging behind the
market, given the allegations of the innovator company.
US and Europe in terms of development, technological
Since there was no regulation for biosimilars at the time
advances will disrupt the whole industry’s dynamics in the
Rituximab was registered, COFEPRIS decided to revoke
medium term. As for genomics, it will take another two or
its registration until new regulations were in place. IMSS,
three decades for them to truly have an impact on patients
the biggest consumer of this drug in Mexico was spending
and the wider industry. Targeted medicines are central to
MX$1 billion on the innovative product on an annual basis.
the genomics revolution and specific drugs are starting
When Rituximab entered the market, expenses went down
to be developed and prescribed for certain types of
to MX$200 million with double the number of patients
cancer, replacing the standard chemotherapy treatment.
being treated. We are working closely with COFEPRIS to
This is the promise of personalized medicine, but a lot of
meet every single requirement, which represents a colossal
research is still needed. Unfortunately, the timeframe from
investment of time, money, and resources. As for the other
discovery to development is becoming longer as diseases
65 biosimilar products that were previously registered as
are found to be more complex than previously expected,
per the generics regulation, they will not be withdrawn
significantly increasing the required investment.
DEVELOPING INNOVATION THROUGH COLLABORATION With 34 centers aimed at building knowledge and
team investigating the potential effect of molecules and
medicines which may be useful candidates for further
Nuevo Leon (UANL) is an integral part of Monterrey’s
research and development. “This work involves detailed
growing health cluster and the Center for Research and
projections and tracking to see if these molecules merit
Development in Health Sciences (CIDICS) is something
further investigation,” says Medina de la Garza. “Many
of a flagship in the university’s innovation strategy.
molecules are still protected by patents, and this extends
Founded in 2009 by Dr. Jesús Ancer Rodríguez, the
to specific usage of medicines. Securing patents is the
center’s watchword is integration. CIDICS’ research staff
first step toward using established medicines for new
is supervised by professors at UANL’s health sciences
schools, ensuring that research addresses the priority health needs of Mexico’s northeastern region. While
Not content to let innovation develop in isolation, CIDICS
CIDICS does have a strong biotechnology focus, its work
takes care to channel innovation and healthcare where it is
on genomics puts UANL at the vanguard of personalized
most needed. “Our public health department works closely
medicine in Mexico.
with IMSS and a number of hospitals run by the state’s
“The idea behind CIDICS was to build a dome under which we could bring together all of the university’s multidisciplinary laboratories in a spirit of collaboration, blending disciplines which had previously been thought of as separate” Dr. Carlos Eduardo Medina de la Garza, Director General of CIDICS, UANL
Secretariat of Health,” says Medina de la Garza. “All of their “The idea behind CIDICS was to build a dome under which
successful research is channeled into this collaboration,
we could bring together all of the university’s multidisciplinary
in the hope that policy will be based on our work.” The
laboratories in a spirit of collaboration, blending disciplines
work of CIDICS translates from the campus to the issues
which had previously been thought of as separate,” says
most directly affecting people living in Nuevo Leon, with
CIDICS’ current Director General, Carlos Eduardo Medina de la
extensive outreach campaigns in a number of municipalities
Garza. “All of our research now takes place in the same center,
throughout the state. Medina de la Garza describes the
meaning better laboratories and inventive installations. For
center’s outreach work with some pride. “We work on very
instance, clinical studies and biological models for medical
clear-cut issues, such as teenage pregnancy. We also run
testing exist side by side.” CIDICS has grown quickly, with 150
a working group on addiction and violence prevention
researchers and students comprising the center’s 18 working
programs. One of our highest-level doctors focuses her
groups. “The most important areas of research are genomics,
work on reintegrating addicts who are in recovery. This
molecular biology, and experimental therapy,” explains
is unusual for research centers, so we are proud of these
Medina de la Garza. “A lot of our research – particularly in
successful social experiments. The next step is to involve
gene therapy – is tested out at hospitals in Nuevo Leon. We
high-tech genetics studies in attacking diseases that
concern ourselves with the pre-clinical stage, while clinical
affect the population. In this way, we can connect genetics
testing takes place in the hospitals. At our University Hospital
research directly with health,” he adds, going on to mention
‘Dr. José Eleuterio González,’ we have done a lot of successful
three of the major chronic diseases affecting the Mexican
work on prostate cancer. The major advantage of CIDIC is that:
population: diabetes, obesity, and breast cancer.
our researchers work directly with doctors. Our commitment to integration means that our researchers belong to faculties
Certain barriers remain ahead. While the center’s medical
where they are working as professors. This interaction covers
capacity and infrastructure are not in doubt, Medina de la
all the main bases of our work, from medicine to odontology,
Garza acknowledges the distance to be run in attracting
from psychology to nursing, public health and nutrition, and
more medical tourism to the area. “We want to give foreign
biological and sports science.”
patients a greater sense of trust in our services. We need to strengthen our brand, both in other states and abroad,” he
Immunomodulators constitute one area of innovation
says. “We need state government policies to get behind us,
in which CIDICS is a leader, with the Center’s research
however, and to promote innovation. We already receive a
lot of US citizens, with many of them seeking transplants
regard.” Within CIDICS, however, the spirit of collaboration is
from Dr. David Gómez Almaguer, Head of the Hematology
strong. “What really excites me is the degree of cooperation
Service.” Another barrier is to get other members of
between schools,” Medina de la Garza says. “We share a
Monterrey’s health cluster to work in a spirit of collaboration
common purpose. All medical investigation requires deep
“A lot of the players tend to pursue their own interests,” he
involvement from the major players in that field, so we are
explains. “A sense of the greater good is important in this
lucky we to have a team which recognizes this.”
BIOTECHNOLOGY SOCIETY CONNECTING STAKEHOLDERS In recent years there has been a positive effervescence in the
Canada, ceasing to be just a service provider or source of
biotechnology sector in Mexico. As an important player in
raw materials.
Latin America, Mexico outpaces the rest in the development and application of innovative biotechnologies for agriculture,
“Bio-networks are already operating with the aim of
mining, biofuels, animal and human health, among others.
strengthening the sector, Aguilar states. He further explains that
Dr. Cristóbal Noé Aguilar, President of the Mexican Society
economic development based on certain local advantages,
for Biotechnology and Bioengineering (SMBB) explains
like natural resources and geographic conditions.
several government programs – CONACYT, SE, SAGARPA, SEP, SEMARNAT, SENER, state governments – are promoting
While they concentrate researchers and companies, perhaps
research, development, and innovation in this area, driving the
a more interesting feature is their capacity of generating spin-
generation of a new biotechnology industry. Micro, small, and
offs aimed at developing and commercializing innovative
medium enterprises have been created successfully. Most of
products, which ultimately contributes to economic growth.
them are important sources of bioproducts, fine chemicals, and biomolecules for pharmaceutical, food, agricultural, and
Mexico has several poles of biotechnological development
environmental sectors.
along the country. However, few of them have managed to achieve the creation of clusters and these are growing and
Although, most of the financial resources come from
becoming the drivers of the biotechnology industry. Some of
entities such as CONACYT, an important of number of
the clusters Aguilar considers the most relevant due to their
projects have been financed by complementary programs
remarkable work are BioCluster in Monterrey, Nuevo León,
supporting collaborations between enterprises, government,
Cluster BioTQ in Querétaro, BioBaja in Baja California, and
and academia, including high educational institutions and
the RedBlac, specialized in biotechnology for dairy products.
research centers.
They include more than 50 members such as important
“The biotechnological sector has been positively dynamic in recent years.
offices have begun to stimulate research,
innnovation in the area” Dr. Cristóbal Noé Aguilar, President of the Mexican Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering (SMBB)
enterprises, universities, and research centers. “There is an enormous potential to strengthen the emerging clusters in Jalisco, Morelos, Yucatán, Sinaloa, Sonora, Veracruz, Coahuila, among others,” he adds. Large investments are done in training and high-quality scientific programs, while further promoting, improving, and multiplying the efforts made in the field remain important challenges. “Mexico is reaching unprecedented sustained growth of its biotechnology, taking significant steps in building its research and production capacity of modern biotechnology,” explains Aguilar. The SMBB gathers more than 2,000 members, many of them students and young
Aguilar identifies two major drivers for this industry. Firstly the
researchers, biotechnologists, and some well-known industry
government is committed to increasing investment in R&D,
professionals, who participate in improving public perception
with life sciences and biotechnology being two of the most
of biotechnology, the regulatory framework, and intellectual
relevant focus areas; secondly, the consolidation of existing
property protection.
clusters will promote the creation of new biotechnological
centers dedicated to R&D in the four areas of biotechnology:
Some of the activities of the SMBB are aimed at demanding
food, pharmaceutical, agricultural, and industrial. World-
new and better financing mechanisms by promoting better
class education programs in these areas are key to Mexico’s
workforce development. To achieve this, it is essential that
development. “Several under and postgraduate academic
the government and related public institutions as well as
programs are forming the biotechnologists and bioengineers
agencies adapt their policies and operations to meet the
of the future, who require new strategies to be hired by
changing needs. Finally, according to Aguilar, it is necessary
companies, academic institutions, and research centers,”
to continue to strengthen networking, knowledge sharing,
Aguilar adds. To achieve this, he stresses the importance
exchange of technology, and most importantly business
of developing a government plan for Mexico to become
investment, for all actors to get involved in supporting the
an equal and efficient partner to Europe, Asia, USA, and
growth of this sector.
NEW NORM TO CLEAR PATHWAY FOR BIOPHARMACEUTICALS On December 11, 2014, Mexican Official Norm NOM-257-SSA1-2014 was published in the Official Journal of the Federation (DOF), setting out the requirements for the evaluation, registration, clinical trial authorization, and required specifications for biotechnology medicines. These medicines make up the most innovative drugs for cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, and other chronic and degenerative diseases, and account for 35% of all new drug approvals. The complex manufacturing processes for biopharmaceuticals – comprising genetically engineered microorganisms and cells – make them expensive and challenging to replicate on a ‘generic’ level upon patent expiry. Nonetheless, with such high prices, alternatives are essential for public access and the growth of Mexico’s biocomparable market is seen as key. As Francisco Kuri, New Developments Manager of Landsteiner Scientific, warned at the Biopharma 2014 event in Mexico City, an unaffordable and inaccessible medicine is a medicine that essentially does not exist. In Mexico to date, the market entry of biocomparable products has already contributed to price reductions of up to 96% in the field. The approval of the Norm now goes some way to establishing an equal playing field for all biotechnology producers in the hope of allowing the industry to thrive. Article 222 Bis of the General Health Law provided the definition and legal basis for biopharmaceuticals for the first time in Mexico in 2009. This established that the sale of only innovative and biocomparable biopharmaceuticals would be allowed in Mexico, and all biopharmaceuticals needed to comply with strict tests to demonstrate quality, safety, and efficacy. In October 2011, further requirements for products’ quality, safety, and efficacy validation were specified by virtue of the Regulations for Health Supplies (RIS). Subsequently, Mexican Official Norm NOM-177-SSA1-2013 was published in September 2013, setting out the tests and methods for drug interchangeability, including guidelines and requirements for third parties and research centers performing biocomparability studies. A period of uncertainty amongst the biotechnology community followed, in which companies feared the withdrawal of biogenerics from the market. The implementation of NOM 257 now clarifies the position further and should therefore provide some relief. The norm sets out the role of COFEPRIS and its New Molecules Committee and Biotechnology Products Evaluation Subcommittee in determining the necessary tests for biocomparables on a case-by-case basis. The mandatory implementation of the quality assurance program, including process validations, product and process auditing, and preventative and corrective actions reporting is also established. Furthermore the norm dictates that authorization of clinical trials to use biotechnology drugs will follow the same process as any other pharmaceutical. Pharmacovigilance must be conducted according to NOM220-SSA1-2012 and biocomparability studies according to NOM-177-SSA1-2013. Reference drugs for biocomparability studies must be registered in Mexico and COFEPRIS will publish a list of authorized reference biopharmaceutical drugs online. Prior to the development of the regulatory framework for biosimilars in Mexico, local companies registered biocomparables under the general generic category. Now that the regulation is approved and implemented, companies must comply with new, stricter requirements in demonstrating their biocomparability in order to renew current registrations. Such measures should reduce the likelihood of disputes similar to that between Roche and Probiomed, which culminated in the withdrawal of Probiomed’s Rituximab biocomparable from the market. To address such scenarios, NOM-257-SSA1-2014 includes a transitory article allowing companies an extended timeframe to meet new requirements and present the necessary tests required by COFEPRIS. This will also create both demand and opportunities for research centers and local laboratories in Mexico to provide services for the complete range of biocomparability studies. Sandra Sanchez y Oldenhage, Director General of Probiomed, stresses the essentiality of biocomparables in meeting public health needs, with innovative biophamaceuticals representing a considerable strain on the public budget. Beyond even accessibility, on a broader level Sanchez believes that biocomparables will support further research and development by allowing greater reinvestment in future innovations. Mikel Arriola, head of COFEPRIS, has confirmed his commitment to establishing a complete, modern, and transparent rule system for both local and multinational manufacturers of biotechnology with the aim of placing Mexico at the forefront of the industry within Latin America. Former Comissioner of Sanitary Authorization of COFERPIS and industry expert, Augusto Bondani, believes that the new Norm is conducive to achieving a national policy for biotechnology. Looking ahead, Bondani emphasizes that further efforts by the government are essential and should include prioritization of new biopharmaceutical drug applications at COFEPRIS, the opening of the IMSS to clinical trials and biocomparability studies, increased investment of funds through CONACYT, and, following the precedent of Korea and India, provision of fiscal incentives for biotechnology companies.
into economic wealth and our work included a broad variety
human genome in Mexico?
of applications, such as healthcare, food, environmental
A: I was responsible for producing the first medical
management, and oceans preservation, among others. After
analysis of the Human Genome Project (HGP), which was
I finished my term at INMEGEN, we established GBC Group,
published along with the first draft of the HGP in Nature
a biotechnology consulting group that develops solutions for
in 2001. The whole genomic sequence was completed
business challenges in different areas including healthcare
later in April 2003. This deepened my knowledge of the
and food science. Later, we established a second company,
impact genomics has on medicine, which is the first step to
Genómica Médica focused on making DNA technologies
developing key public health solutions. In 2001, following
available to local communities and utilizing genomic tools
discussions with Professor Guillermo Soberón, then
to produce innovative methods for DNA extraction. We
Executive President for the Mexican Health Foundation
had designed projects for our customers, but found that
(FUNSALUD), about the implications of the HGP in
many were difficult to carry out due to lack of knowledge,
Mexican healthcare, an alliance was established with the
infrastructure, and specific details that required technical
Ministry of Health, CONACYT, UNAM, and the private
skills or technology which is currently unavailable in Mexico.
sector through FUNSALUD, with the aim of evaluating the
That was a main driver leading to the foundation of Genómica
feasibility of developing a national strategy for genomic
Médica, which now implements projects for our customers
medicine in Mexico. The study defined key participants, the
through our genomics laboratory established in Mexico City.
appropriate legal structure, and the funding sources. The
Later in 2012 we established “Genómica y Bioeconomía” a
Secretary of Health, under the leadership of Julio Frenk,
nonprofit organization, whose strategic liaisons consist of
proposed the creation of the National Institute of Genomic
bringing together the government, scientists, and CEOs in
Medicine (INMEGEN) in 2002, and it was finally founded
order to push forward genomics innovation in Mexico.
as the 13th National Institute of Health in Mexico in 2004. We brought Mexican human resources from abroad and
Q: What does a greater understanding of genomics really
acquired all the necessary infrastructure and technology.
represent for the global economy in the years ahead, and what role can Mexico play?
Q: How has the sequencing progressed?
A: In 2009, the OECD published the report called Bioeconomy
A: One of the most important achievements of INMEGEN
2030 on the role that genomics will play in the global
so far has been sequencing the Mexican Genome Diversity
economy in the next decades. This report shows very clear
Project. We visited large cities and rural communities
trends that indicate genomics will be a major contributor
in Mexico to collect DNA samples. One of the biggest
to the economy by 2030. In November 2013, we held the
challenges was creating understanding in ethnic groups
International Forum on Genomic Innovation and Economic
about the value of their participation in the project, thus
Growth, which focused on how to translate genomic
we conducted community engagement processes in their
innovation into wealth and wellbeing. The Forum was
own language. The Mexican genome project was published
attended by the Secretary General of the OECD, José Angel
in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
Gurría, as well as experts around the world on areas such as
in 2009. A number of genomic medicine initiatives have
biotechnology and innovation. At the same time President
used this information to further conduct anthropologic
Obama announced that the Human Genome Project saw a
and medical lines of research in this area.
return of US$141 per dollar invested, meaning that the total return has been about US$1 trillion. As for Mexico, innovation
Q: What inspired your venture into the private sector with
generally takes longer than in more developed countries,
GBC Group?
mainly because of the lack of incentives and infrastructure,
A: In 2006, I was elected President of the OECD Working Party
with a heavy regulatory burden. As genomics innovation
in Biotechnology. This area is focused on translating science
translates into better medicines, prevention strategies and
quality of life, smart investments can have a huge impact.
Q: How accessible are these sorts of services to those
Canada champions in health, food, and environmental
covered by the public sector?
applications of biotechnology, while the US champions
A: This sort of service can translate science into major
in healthcare applications, and the UK is making forward-
public health benefits, although as of yet we have only
looking policies to develop genomic innovation responsibly.
launched these tests for the private sector. The cost of
I want to see Mexico championing in translating science for
service in Mexico is much lower than in the US, at just a
emerging economies.
fraction of the price. However, we must bear in mind the different healthcare systems, as in many cases this service
Q: What have been the Mexican Genome Diversity Project’s
is covered by health insurance companies in the US, and by
most important discoveries and how has Genómica
public systems in Europe. As well as financing, education is
Médica translated them into commercial applications?
needed so that people become aware of the technological
A: The aim of this project was to analyze the genetic
innovations for healthcare.
components of Mexican mestizo and other ethnic groups. We know that there are several genetic differences among
Q: What are the main barriers to the commercialization of
African, European, and Asian populations, so we wanted to
research in Mexico?
find genetic commonalities. The results showed that despite
A: Scientists often believe that research should not
the fact that Mexicans share 99.9% of their genetic sequences
be commercialized since many are not accustomed to
with the rest of the world, there are a number of genetic
thinking as entrepreneurs, and they do not see science as
variants that are more prevalent in the Mexican populations
a means for creating wealth. In contrast, in other countries,
and some variants are involved in the way an individual
it would be imprudent for governments to invest money in
would respond to a medical treatment. Thus by identifying
science without thinking about the return. Basic science
a collection of those variants present in the Mexican
is important, but so is financing sources and budget
population, we translated that knowledge into genetics tests
allocation for scientific innovation. Scientists in Mexico
to prevent adverse reactions to commonly used drugs. We
could be taught how to apply science to solve problems
have implemented DNA tests that can help clinicians avoid
with major economic impacts. Innovation is at the core
prescribing a drug that will damage an individual’s health,
of knowledge economy, and new developments can
calculate personalized doses based on that individual’s
take from five to 20 years to generate profits, as well as
genetic makeup, or provide recommendations for alternative
requiring significant levels of investment.
medications that will best treat a given patient. The number of genetic tests available is increasing and we are one of the
Q: To what extent are you working with the academic
first Mexican companies to offer those services to the public.
sector to tackle this problem? A: We became aware that universities wanted to translate
Q: What particular DNA tests have you developed based
knowledge into applications, but that there was no
on such findings?
place they could send their samples for DNA extraction
A: This project sheds some light on other diseases and
and analysis in Mexico. For this reason, we established
genetic variants as well, and we have developed six different
a laboratory to receive biological samples for DNA
molecular diagnostics for pharmacogenomics testing that
extraction, and there we carry out DNA amplification,
are the first genomic tests for public health in Mexico. These
sequencing, and final analysis. DNA is traditionally
tests reveal the optimal dose of a specific drug as well as
obtained from blood samples, but there are several
its maximum recommended dose for an individual. We
benefits to using saliva since it does not require syringes,
examined the 140 drugs for which the FDA has authorized
refrigeration, specialized personnel, or sophisticated
pharmacogenomics tests and then we selected those
infrastructure. We have become the exclusive distributor
medications of most relevance to our healthcare sector. For
instance, simvastatin is used all over the world for treating
extraction from saliva, designed to extract DNA and
high cholesterol. Some people have a risk for muscular
RNA from humans and other species. Furthermore, we
damage when they take simvastatin and the FDA defines the
are developing an innovative solution in which filter
risk as low, medium, or high. At Genómica Médica, we can
paper is used for collecting blood or saliva for DNA
read the genetic variants involved in metabolizing simvastatin
extraction. The sample can be sent at room temperature
in a patient’s saliva sample. Based on the results we can
to our laboratory where we can extract DNA from it, a
provide the recommended dose for the drug based on the
process that can potentially be used to bring genomics
genetic variant using international therapeutic guidelines.
to rural communities in Mexico. I believe that Mexico has
This represents a complete paradigm shift in medicine.
enormous potential for innovation and growth.
the Human Growth Hormone (HGH) - which also houses
the genes for normal human growth hormone (hGH-N),
Saldaña, CEO Of Vitaxentrum
human growth hormone-variant (hGH-V) and human chorionic somatomammotropin (CSH) - was recognized
as the most direct predecessor and one of these key
The Nobel Prize winner Dr. Renato Dulbecco proposed
pieces The information gathered on this locus (~66,500
sequencing of the human genome in 1985 to strengthen
nucleoids; which we will refer to as chapter GH of HGP),
cancer research and many scientific leaders adhered to
will become a mine that we have to excavate to extract the
his idea. In 1988 the US government entrusted the Human
basic applied value of genes and other elements, allowing
Genome Project (HGP) to the Department of Energy
us to illustrate how genomic information can contribute
which collaborated with the National Health Institute and
discoveries that can later be transformed into biomedical
prestigious investigation centers in US, Europe, and Asia. In
and clinical innovations.
Latin America, my laboratory was named by the UNESCO headquarters as the center for regional development of
the HGP and hosted no fewer than ten theoretical-practical
courses. The HGP formally began in 1990 to reveal the
The HGP accelerated the discovery of the genetic causes
complete sequence of accumulated hereditary material
of many illnesses and, as a result of this knowledge, the
on our cells chromosomes. As a result, scientists aspired
development of new laboratory exams for diagnosis,
to learn how many genes constitute an entire genome,
classified in subtypes, evaluate the risk of hereditary
to bring greater understanding to the species’ evolution,
identifying genomic variations that differentiate people,
take and even predict the response they will have to
populations and ethnicities, as well as determining the
treatments. At these levels genomic medicine is referred
genetic roots of illnesses and the variations in response to
to as Precise or Personalized Medicine, which in relation
medicine from different patients.
to pharmochemicals and its search to explain variability,
is called Pharmacogenetics. When referring to medication In April 2003, on the fiftieth anniversary of publication on
such as the new biological bases (biomedicine) in which the
DNA structure by James Watson and Francis Crick, the
goal is to anticipate if there would be a response or not,
project was officially concluded with a statement from the
should a cell alteration be present or not as a result of a
White House informing the North American population
gene mutation, it is called precise or personalized medicine.
and the rest of the world that our genome consists of around 3 billion pairs of nucleotides (A, G, C and T) and
Pharmacogenetics and personalized medicine brought with
is made up of approximately 23,000 genes, of which the
them the new mantra of modern medicine “the right doses
regions that direct the synthesis of proteins (exons) barely
of the right medicine for the right patient at the right time,”
represent 2%.
revolutionizing the concept of the same pill for all patients with the same illness, and converting it into a different pill
Throughout the human population, the genome contains
for each illness according to the individual characteristics of
similarity of up to 99.9%. The remaining 0.1% that
that group of patients. As a result patients are connected
distinguishes individuals is made up of around three million
at a genomic level with the correct treatment, avoiding
Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNP).
not only ineffectiveness, but also adverse effects that can even lead to fatal consequences. This validates the idea
suggested by Hippocrates almost 2,500 years ago, that “it
is far more important to know what person has the disease
The fact that the HGP had managed to gather funds by the
than what disease the person has.”
beginning of 1990 was made possible thanks to lobbying from Watson, among others, before the US Congress,
The causes of a drug being ineffective or toxic are varied.
in addition to numerous scientific and technological
Diverse studies have discovered that certain SNPs present
advances that were pivotal to considering the project
in genes of the proteins responsible for absorption,
feasible, despite its scale and considerable complexity for
transport, metabolism, and elimination of drugs (processes
that time.
jointly referred to as ADME) can be the reason for the level of success of a given drug. The branch of genetics that
Whilst maintaining proportion, our daring project to
studies these genes is called pharmacogenetics and is
manually sequence the chromosomal site or locus of
sometimes interchangeable with pharmacogenomics.
IV: PROOF OF ACCOMPANIMENT OF PERSONALIZED MEDICINE The concept of the existence of particular cellular conditions that are necessary for a medicine to work
8. In 1994, Everardo González defended his thesis on the topic of designing a new method via PCR for the DxM of hGH locus deletions.
is not new. For decades, and certainly well before our
9. In 1998 the FDA approved the monoclonal
HG concept was completely formed, it was well known
antibody (mAb) anti.EGFR Herceptin® for
that those children that lacked the gene responsible for
expressed breast tumors.
the hypothesis of normal growth hormone production
10. That same day the diagnostic HerceptTest
(hGH-N) did not respond to injections of the artificial
packet was approved as an accompanying test
version created with genetic engineering or reengineered HGH (HGHr), because their immune systems detected it
for said expression. 11. As a result of this group of patients, Herceptin®
as a foreign object and produced antibodies to eliminate
it from the body.
diagnostic package approved by the FDA.
12. The FDA labelled, recommended or requested When my colleagues in paediatrics heard about our world
accompanying tests for a growing list of cancer
record involving the human genome they suggested a new
therapies, cardio-vascular illnesses, transplants,
challenge for me: to find a way to be able to distinguish
neurology, and psychiatry.
the infants a priori that responded and those that didn’t. This challenge motivated me to develop something that,
Currently, it is estimated that up to half of drugs in the
up to that point in time, had been the first diagnostic test
development process target cellular alterations that result
of accompaniment invented in the world, to the extent that
from genome mutations, which means that their approval
this case pre-empts the effectiveness of the treatment of
will be conditioned by the FDA to accompany therapeutic
slowed growth as a result of a hormone deficiency.
use with the molecular test that reveals the genomic condition which is indispensable for its efficacy and safety.
V. REWRITING HGP Just as described above, translating the discovery of the
complete sequence of the hGH locus into a method that
Routine genetic and genome diagnostics are not yet offered
would, for the first time ever, facilitate the distinction of
either in hospitals or laboratories. This is because it is a high-
infants with a hormone deficit and could benefit from the
risk business, since the market is only beginning to prepare
artificially engineered hormone, was the means for us to
to adopt this radical technological change. Moreover, the
become pioneers in two major revolutions in biology and
medical community is not yet sufficiently informed to
medicine: the HGP and personalized medicine, the history
understand its findings and reach, an indispensable element
of which is summarized in the box below.
to organize and incorporate its results into clinical practice. Furthermore, in some cases, not even laboratories that
1. In 1985, the Nobel Prize winner Dr. Renato
claim to be dedicated to Molecular Biology, possess all
Dulbecc, reflected that the best way to
the necessary information to offer validity and necessary
advance cancer research would be through
utilities, especially when many discoveries and genomic
human genome sequencing.
predictions have not yet begun to corroborate with clinics’
2. In 1989, Chen and colleagues sequenced
follow-up, which can sometimes take years of patient care.
the locus of the growth hormone, supplying crucial evidence to the feasibility of the human
Since this requirement of expertise is combined with
necessary sophisticated experimental infrastructure as well
3. In 1990, the HGP was debuted.
as considerable investment, in addition to highly skilled
4. The first draft of human genome sequencing
personnel and prepared executives to manage the business
was published in 2001. 5. The sequencing of our 23,000 genes was registered in 2003. 6. The GenBank became the reference for biology and medical investigation (genetic variation).
world, SMEs such as ours, dedicated to Molecular and Genomic Biology, are the most suited to sparking off this kind of promising business - more so if they join alliances with visionary investment groups in the health sector. There are many companies that, having begun as SMEs in the US
7. In the 1990s, the idea of designing individually
and having a solid base early on, are becoming huge success
tailored treatments according to each patient’s
stories. One can hope that in our country we will continue
genome was conceived, but rarely applied.
to be actors, not just spectators, in this genomic revolution.
Q: How was Vitaxentrum created and how has it evolved
Q: Which of these areas do you think presents the biggest
over the years?
growth potential?
A: Vitaxentrum is the home of two companies, Innbiogem,
A: Mexico has huge scientific capacity, especially in
a consulting firm, and Vitagénesis, a biotech and genomics
agricultural and industrial biotechnology, but there are
start-up. After starting Vitagénesis we built Vitaxentrum
very few good human health genomics and modern
to both host and create a nucleus of R&D and innovation
biotechnology experts, despite the many opportunities
in order to translate discovery and invention capacities
in that field. The area of diagnostics is always evolving,
into solutions that benefit society. We spent two years in
whether due to new regulations or to the release of new
UANL’s incubator program before acquiring the necessary
products to combat cancer and other conditions. Recent
equipment through state funding and CONACYT. With
conferences I have attended revolved around such cutting-
Vitaxentrum, the outcome was quality scientific research
edge innovations as liquid biopsy, a new technique for
to render great technology, which in turn opened up
analyzing blood to detect cancer cells and their DNA.
interesting business opportunities. The next step was
Many new applications will continue to emerge as the
to expand the region’s biotech and genomics industrial
market moves forward.
ecosystem. To achieve this, we started with the worldclass biomedical research and graduate program we had
Q: With all of Vitagénesis’ results being published in
initiated in the mid 1980’s at UANL, and then we developed
scientific journals, does the company also file for patents?
technology services units. Subsequently, we helped to
A: We secured a couple of very important patents when I
create the university’s technology transfer center. We
was at university. The first was a new process to produce
then continued with the creation of a new university
recombinant human growth hormone, which was granted
in the US, Europe, and Japan. We even licensed that
Finally, we proposed, designed, and raised funds for new
technology to a leading Mexican biotech company. A
entrepreneurship infrastructure in the form a bio-incubator
gene therapy patent was also granted, though it remains
at the State Technology Park in Monterrey.
unlicensed because Mexico is not fully ready to begin gene
therapy at the clinical level. A major obstacle in producing Q: What types of clients does the company attract in the
our clinical-grade gene therapy vectors has been the
absence of a production facility. However, while funding
A: The first are those who hire us to improve their
used to be difficult to secure in this field, the Mexican
government has now allocated more grants to high-tech
biology, genetic engineering, and genomics. The second
endeavors. However we remain far behind the US in terms
are big pharmaceutical companies and hospitals often
of regulatory oversight and development programs for the
needing DNA testing to help them better diagnose or
healthcare industry.
predict a patient’s treatment outcome. The third are the clinics, hospitals, and physicians, which are always
Q: How can different players boost entrepreneurship in
seeking support in our specialist areas of molecular
Mexico’s healthcare sector?
A: True entrepreneurship, where people take real personal
we are constantly writing applications for grants and
risks in starting companies, is a very new concept in Mexico,
collaborating with leading international institutions
and young graduates still prefer to start companies in
so that Vitagénesis can acquire new technology and
traditional sectors. The healthcare industry has not been
remain at the forefront of global developments. Finally,
seen as a major target for entrepreneurs. To help with this,
we regularly publish our discoveries and inventions in
at Vitaxentrum, Innbiogem identifies important needs, and
prestigious scientific papers, and are seeking to gain
works with Vitagénesis to contribute high-tech solutions
international quality certifications
and move them forward within the market.
HIGH HOPES FOR NASCENT STEM CELL THERAPY INDUSTRY JESÚS ESPARRAGOZA FOX Managing Director of ReHealth Q: What have been the highlights of ReHealth Regenerative
physicians, and COFEPRIS. Stem cell therapy requires
Therapies’ activities since its creation?
physicians to do a proper evaluation and follow-up with
A: Stem cell therapy is still a nascent field in Mexico
patients. Furthermore, there is still a lot of misinformation
with great expectations for the next five years. ReHealth
about this field, many people think stem cells are
miraculous and can cure any condition. This leads them
partnership with DaVinci Biosciences, based in Costa
to pay up to US$80,000 to receive stem cells in hopes
Mesa California, with the aim of providing storage,
that their condition will be cured. Several of our patients
commercialization, and implantation of stem cells for
have done this abroad and we have had to explain to them
patients with cardiovascular diseases and sports injuries
that this was an unethical, unprofessional service. We then
in Mexico. We receive full technical and scientific support
explain to them that stem cells may possibly improve
from DaVinci Biosciences, which has recognized Mexico’s
their quality of life. We explain to them the properties of
potential and capabilities in the medical and scientific
stem cells that may help in their condition and they are
fields. Nevertheless, bigger investments are needed in this
ultimately very satisfied with the explanation and service
country. For instance, stem cells can be extracted from
we provide. Alongside this, we have someone dedicated
bone marrow, quantified, and visualized in our laboratory,
to visiting and training physicians to explain the scientific
but replicating them remains a challenge that requires
background and medical results of stem cells, since most
sophisticated technology. For the time being, we export
doctors are not familiar with them, which is a barrier to
bone marrow stem cells to The BioBox, an affiliate of
expand access to this treatment. Regarding the technical
DaVinci Biosciences for storage and cryopreservation in
and infrastructural aspects of stem cell therapy, Mexico
hopes that if needed at a later date patients can use these
has many brilliant scientists that are perfectly capable of
rather than having another procedure done. We are in the
doing research and developing competitive technologies.
works of replicating DaVinci’s technology in Mexico. This
However, more investment is necessary to acquire
system will allow us to work in the cardiovascular, lung,
specialized technology and infrastructure. For instance, we
orthopedics, traumatology, and diabetes areas, but we
would like to have a laboratory with DaVinci Biosciences
have plans to also cover autoimmune diseases. We plan
equipment, however, access to funding is harder and takes
on commencing a fully funded clinical study once all
longer in Mexico, which delays the development of new
appropriate regulatory approvals are in place. In addition,
services that cover specific needs in the market. We are
as part of the DaVinci Biosciences’ family of companies,
also looking for the same equipment and supplies being
DV Biologics sells and supplies different types of human
used in California but, despite everything being available
cells to biotechnology and pharma companies engaged in
in Mexico, these are all being manufactured abroad. As for
drug discovery and development.
clinical trials, conducting a formal study protocol is very
costly and can easily reach in excess of US$500,000 in Q: What are the most important barriers to producing and
Mexico, with the insurance alone to cover the study costing
commercializing stem cells in Mexico?
US$30,000-40,000 and this is only for a small number
A: Stem cell research is fascinating and many research
of patients. Mexican scientists are thus prevented from
groups around the world are busy advancing knowledge
advancing promising lines of research. However, ReHealth
in this field. Nevertheless, their therapeutic application is
is taking small but solid steps in each of these aspects
rather new and limited to certain hospitals and clinics in
and continued effort will consolidate our position in the
developed countries. There are many diseases that could
healthcare industry.
be treated with stem cells, but the medical community
is very careful not to prescribe them without sufficient
Q: Many patients have their eye on countries like Mexico
for cheaper medical treatments. Do you have any plans to
In addition, more education is needed for patients,
join the hospitals already profiting from medical tourism?
A: Between 60-70% of our patients are from the US and
multiple sclerosis with very interesting results. We are now
Canada, who come to Guadalajara to receive our stem
commencing with five clinical studies on stem cells’ safety for
cell therapy. However, while patients come to this city for
cardiovascular and rheumatoid arthritis through a CRO that
particular treatments or physicians, medical tourism in
manages all these trials. In addition, we are very interested in
Guadalajara has not received a lot of attention yet. In order to
stem cells and their effect on aging. There is research that
strengthen our presence abroad, we attend major networking
suggests stem cells can prevent the shortening process of
and academic events, such as the Annual World Congress on
cells’ telomeres to a certain degree, slowing down aging.
Anti-Aging Medicine in Las Vegas, where we explain who we
Telomeres are the tails of chromosomes that become shorter
are and what we can do for patients. While many are unsure
with every cell division, determining the life span of the cells.
about coming to Mexico, we are making headway and to help
This research line received a Nobel Prize some years ago,
speed this process up we need to generate agreements with
but the only laboratory that is currently able to measure
clinics, laboratories, and hotels to offer complete medical
telomeres the correct way is based in Spain. This research
tourism services for our patients. Patients often tell us what
group in Spain is investigating the effects of diet, exercise,
kind of tests they need ahead of time so we can help them
and other lifestyle factors on the length of cells’ telomeres.
find the right diagnostic clinics and physicians in Guadalajara,
Other physicians are using stem cells for other issues such
which goes a long way toward helping them to better plan
as articulations, sports injuries, diabetes, and inflammatory
their stays. Finally, there is a significant American and
diseases. We are also very interested in generating important
Canadian community of retired people based near Chapala
data regarding their efficacy for chronic and degenerative
Lake in Jalisco, from where many people come to us looking
diseases, such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. Unfortunately,
for treatment for various ailments.
brain diseases are still very risky to deal with because the cells have to go inside the brain, and no sustained therapeutic
Q: You have already mentioned the ongoing research on
effect has been detected as of now. Stem cells are immune
stem cells therapy, but what is your contribution to this
regulators with anti-inflammatory abilities. They can create
field and are you conducting clinical trials in Mexico?
new blood vessels in a process called angiogenesis. As
A: In the beginning, we were interested in extracting stem
scientists, we need to be able to objectively measure all of
cells from bone marrow and inserting them into the heart.
the benefits; while remaining focused on the therapeutic
We then started using these for spinal cord injuries and
effect we are investigating to truly improve quality of life.
November 18 -19, 2015
Centro Banamex, Ciudad de México, DF
Mexico’s leading event for pharma, biotech and academia The global pharmaceutical landscape is changing and Mexico is perfectly placed to benefit. Treating chronic diseases in traditional markets like the US and Europe has become saturated and the focus has switched to emerging markets like Mexico and Latin America as a whole. Big pharma investors are becoming more and more attracted by Mexico’s favorable regulatory incentives such as the elimination of mandatory manufacturing requirements. The 3rd annual Biopharma Mexico conference celebrates this growth and ushers in further investment. It brings together local and international pharma, principal investigators and scientists from the country’s main universities, COFEPRIS and payers to discuss opportunities and challenges in the sector.
Mikel Arriola
Alexis Serlin
Edvard Philipson
Federal Commissioner COFEPRIS
Country President Novartis Mexico
Vice President, Latin America Ferring Pharmaceuticals
REGISTER TODAY Register today at www.terrapinn.com/mexicohealthreview or scan this QR pattern with the camera on your smartphone. 159
PRIORITIZING ACCESS TO GLOBAL INNOVATION ELVIN PENN Director General of Amgen Q: How supportive is Mexico as a location for Amgen’s
to come to market in 2017. Our initial three biosimilars
innovation efforts locally?
are all in pivotal studies. Two additional biosimilars are
A: Our biggest responsibility is to ensure that all the
clinically ready and four are in the process of development.
science and technology that Amgen develops for patients
We see biosimilars as a very good opportunity, not only
is brought to Mexico, and that patients have full access to
from the commercial standpoint but also for improving
new medicines. We have nine products available in Mexico,
patient access to medicines. In order to thrive in
seven of which are included in the National Formulary. Our
Mexico, biopharmaceuticals and biosimilars need a clear
areas of focus are oncology, nephrology, cardiovascular,
and strong regulatory framework. With this in mind,
COFEPRIS recently included biotechnology products
Unfortunately, new medicines can take up to four years
under the umbrella of Norm 257 and through AMIIF, we
to gain access into the National Formulary and to public
participated in the development of this new norm. Its
institutions’ formularies. However, over the last two years
effective implementation is crucial for developing the
approval times have been optimized with COFEPRIS.
industry and guaranteeing the efficacy and safety of all
Despite the long timeframes for inclusion, Amgen will
products that are available in the market. Mexico is a
continue to bring more innovative products to Mexico and
country full of opportunities for R&D. Amgen’s global
is a multinational leader in the biopharmaceutical sector
investment was US$4.1 billion last year, and in Mexico we
in the country. At the moment our pipeline is among the
have invested more than US$19 million in clinical trials
most remarkable in the industry in terms of innovation.
over eight years. We have 18 ongoing clinical trials on
cardiovascular diseases, osteoporosis, and cancer in Q: How has the biotechnology sector grown in Mexico in
different centers such as the National Institute of Medical
the last years? What does this represent for Amgen and
Science and Nutrition Salvador Zubiran (INNSZ) and
for your ambitions as General Manager?
Hospital La Raza. One of them targets high cholesterol
A: The Mexican pharmaceutical market is worth US$15 billion
levels, which is evolocumab (AMG 145) and 300 Mexican
and is the second-largest in Latin America after Brazil, which
patients are participating in clinical trials for this drug.
represents a big opportunity for biotechnology. Additionally,
Others target specific gene variants or mutations and
pharmaceuticals represent one of the sectors with the most
can be classified as personalized medicine. For instance,
significant growth in the Mexican economy. According to a
we have a product for colorectal cancer for a specific
study conducted by FUNSALUD, the biotech sector grew
population that has a particular gene mutation.
44% between 2011 and 2012, and continues to outperform the rest of the pharmaceutical industry in terms of growth.
Q: What challenges need to be overcome for Mexico to
According to COFEPRIS, 35% of the products being approved
fulfill its potential in the biotechnology industry?
are biotech drugs. For companies like Amgen, this is an
A: Mexico must take significant steps toward improving
excellent outlook. Therefore, at a local level, one of our most
important duties is innovation. As General Manager, part of
institutes are the authorized third parties that review study
my function is to challenge the status quo, and pushing
protocols, while IMSS has recently transformed its internal
forward innovative solutions and initiatives on a daily basis is
process to allow pharmaceutical clinical trials. As such,
essential for the different goals that we need to accomplish.
Mexico will be able to fulfill its potential as an R&D hub in
the region. We are collaborating with the government and
Q: Do you agree that including biosimilars in the
associations to identify solutions to the different ailments
portfolios of innovative companies can lead to savings for
in the Mexican healthcare system. These improvements
reinvestment in R&D?
will help us achieve our most important goals, which are
A: I completely agree with this strategy. In fact, Amgen has
bringing innovative products and biosimilars to Mexico
nine biosimilars in development, with the first expected
and making them available for patients.
Probiomed explains that there is no supplier in Mexico that
can do the full characterization of biocomparable products
Biotechnology represents a promising alternative over
therefore more investment is needed to support and
chemically synthesized drugs for chronic and degenerative
develop the necessary infrastructure for local companies
to meet regulatory requirements and ensure quality
were developed. Before the regulatory framework for
standards. This could ultimately push forward the local
biocomparables was developed in Mexico, 65 products
industry and increase the number of patients who benefit
from high quality biocomparables at low costs.
companies, at a when quality and safety requirements were more lenient. Norm 257, issued in December 2014, requires characterization studies that demonstrate the safety and efficacy of all biocomparables as well as their similarity to reference products. This has resulted in a backlog of
biocomparables awaiting evaluation for compliance with the new regulations. Failing to meet the required standards will result in product withdrawal from the market. This also means that public healthcare institutions that have been using biocomparables prior to the new regulations, that transpire to not meet the new requirements, will need to replace these drugs with their innovative versions at considerably higher prices.
The whole biotechnology industry is still developing worldwide but the global environment remains somewhat cautious about biocomparables. Approval timelines for regulatory processes are significant as Mexico competes
with countries all over the world and rapid approvals are extremely important for the success of a new medication. Fortunately, timelines in Mexico are better than in other Latin
CECYPE Accelerium
American countries, according to Jose Luis Viramontes, Remote Site Management and Monitoring Director of PPD Latin America, but the process for biocomparables is more complicated than that for small molecules, and therefore slower. COFEPRIS will evaluate biocomparable drugs on a case-by-case basis and will publish a set of requirements for a specific product. Therefore, some products may
Bioemagno IPharma Laboratorio ClĂnicos Puebla
Source: Mexico Health Review
need more studies than others and some companies will practically need to start from scratch if they want to stay in the game. To make these decisions, COFEPRIS has implemented a strategy that is comparable to that of any advanced country and formed a Biotechnology Products Evaluation Subcommittee, managed by experts on the subject and which passes its decision onto the Committee of New Molecules, which in turn confers with the COFEPRIS. Moreover, it authorized third-party units to offer analytical characterization and pre-clinical studies, as well as clinical studies for biocomparables. Although such third-party units have experts in the field, Sandra Sanchez y Oldenhage, Director General of
tackle problems in several areas including health, energy,
environment, and agriculture. It now has more than 100
Created in 2004 in response to a revolution in biological
researchers and is responsible for hundreds of publications.
sciences and in experimental biology at the time, INMEGEN
One of the main goals of the institute is to educate future
is a national and international leader in genomic research.
professionals and its Bachelor in Genomic Sciences is
As the eleventh National Institute of Health, the institute
currently producing its eighth generation of graduates.
was created as a result of the Promoter Consortium of
The institute also has an MSc and a PhD program on
Institute of Genomic Medicine, integrated by UNAM,
Biochemical Sciences and provides several workshops on
the Ministry of Health’s National Council of Science and
bioprocesses, biosecurity, and microscopy.
Technology, and the Mexican Foundation for Health. The institute aims to incorporate much of the biomedical
At this point the institute is divided into five departments,
research and molecular oriented research into the Mexican
consisting of Cell Engineering and Biocatalysis, Molecular
healthcare sector.
Biology of Plants, Genetics of Molecular Development and Physiology, Molecular Microbiology, and Molecular Medicine
At the time of INMEGEN’s creation the human genome
and Bioprocesses. As leaders in genomic research, IBT has
project was believed to generate many opportunities for
collaborated with national and international institutions
health and the institute aimed to bring those benefits to
in many different countries, including but not limited to,
Mexico. Over time it has created several projects with
the US, Germany, Belgium, France, Spain, Turkey, Brazil,
companies in the private sector and universities, including
Japan, and Australia. The institute is also working with
UNAM and the Broad Institute. INMEGEN has also led
such private sector organizations as Landsteiner Scientific,
many research lines, including within pharmacogenomics,
Laboratorios Liomont, and Innbiogen.
genomic of infectious and chronic diseases, among others.
The institute has also led the largest study on diabetes
on the Latin heritage population and discovered a gene
Created in 2012 to perform preclinical studies for biologic
variant specific to the Latin American population that
and pharmaceutical products for the pharmaceutical
explains the propensity of Mexicans to develop diabetes.
industry, UDIBI is now undergoing a consolidation process to become a laboratory for preclinical, clinical, and
biocomparability studies of biotechnological medications.
Located in Cuernavaca, Morelos, UNAM’s IBT was created
As part of the installations of the National School of
more than 30 years ago with the aim of developing research
Biological Sciences of IPN, UDIBI aims to expand on the
to generate knowledge on molecular biology, cell biology,
research goals of IPN and to link the results to other
engineering, genomics, and bioinformatics, among many others. The institute’s goal is to use biotechnology to
experimental models, and chromatography, and currently offers four different services. The first is the analysis of
studies in vivo and in vitro. The second is the detection of pathogens in food through state-of-the-art equipment and highly qualified professionals. The third is analysis of water and the toxicity of pesticides. Finally, UDIBI offers its highly qualified professionals, services, and tools to support the development and evaluation of new pharmaceuticals. In order to promote R&D in biotechnology, UDIBI is allied with UNAM’s Unit of Preclinical Research (UNIPREC) and
Network (RedFarmed). UDIBI now provides in vitro pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics studies for the development of biosimilars, biocomparability studies, quality control tests, and several tests for clinical trials.
| BIOTECHNOLOGY CLUSTER SPOTLIGHTS NUEVO LEON One of Mexico’s manufacturing hubs and engines of economic growth, Nuevo Leon is also a technology innovation center with a significant involvement in the biotechnology industry. The academic sector contributes to this position, with the Nuevo Leon Autonomous University (UANL) offering several graduate programs in biomedicine, molecular biology, and agrobiotechnology, among others. Similarly, the ITESM Biotechnological Center integrates its chemical engineering, agrobiotechnology, biology, and biomedicine programs with innovative business models. The Technological Research and Innovation Park (PIIT) was created through a partnership between the government, universities, and the private sector. Some of the fields developed in the park include nanotechnology, biotechnology, healthcare, and advanced materials. The state also hosts an important biotechnology cluster aimed at supporting the acquisition and application of scientific knowledge in the field, as well as transferring and commercializing technology in order to create products, processes, and services that address the market’s needs. The cluster brings together higher education institutions, government entities, and close to 35 private companies. JALISCO Jalisco enjoys a reputation as one of Mexico’s forerunners in clinical research, healthcare, and the manufacturing of pharmaceuticals and advanced technology. In addition, this state is home to prestigious educational institutions and research centers, such as the University of Guadalajara (UdeG) and the Centro Universitario de Ciencias Biológicas y Agropecuarias (CUCBA), focused on health, genetics, neurobiology, molecular and cellular biology, and agrobiotechnology, among others. The Guadalajara-based Western Biocluster (Bioclúster del Occidente) is an association tasked with increasing the competiveness of pharmaceutical and biomedical companies that operate in Jalisco, as well as promoting the development of new biotechnology firms. This cluster includes higher education institutions, such as UdeG, ITESO, and Guadalajara Autonomous University, as well as entities such as the Regional Chamber of the Transformation Industry, the Science and Technology State Council, and several pharmaceutical and veterinary science companies. The cluster’s goal is to promote the growth of life sciences in Jalisco while protecting and commercializing patents developed in the region. Additionally, the cluster has made technological and academic cooperation agreements with clusters in other cities across the world. Its lines of research are involved in the production of vaccines for veterinary use, studies on possible cures for cervical and uterine cancer, and research on the liposomes found in food, among others. MORELOS The state of Morelos has a significant talent pool specialized in areas related to biotechnology. Morelos accounts for the second largest number of memberships in the Mexican Biochemistry Society and the second largest number of registered life science researchers in the National Researchers System, as well as being home to several research centers focused on biology, genomics, and health. UNAM heads the Morelos life sciences cluster, as it has a Biotechnology Institute specialized in vegetable molecular biology, molecular medicine, and biotechnology, and a Genomic Sciences Center. Nonetheless, there are other outstanding research centers such as the National Public Health Institute, which carries out investigations on diseases like HIV, diabetes, tuberculosis, and cancer, among others, and the Center of Biotechnology Research, which belongs to the State of Morelos Autonomous University and focuses on biological control, natural products, and the environment. GUANAJUATO Guanajuato is well-acquainted with institutions doing research on biotechnology, and the National Laboratory of Genomics for Biodiversity ranks highly on the national list of such institutions. This is one of the most internationally important centers dedicated to sequencing and performing functional analysis of the genomes of plants, animals, and microorganisms with potential applications in agriculture, medicine, and even assorted industries. The center is part of the National Polytechnic Institute’s Center of Research and Advance Studies (CINVESTAV), a center of excellence in basic and applied research related to agricultural biotechnology. The support of the state government and CONACYT has enabled CINVESTAV to develop graduate programs in vegetable biotechnology and to have highly knowledgeable researchers in areas like biochemistry, biotechnology, and microbiology. The Technological Institute of Celaya is another important member of this cluster, as it offers specialized programs in chemistry, biochemical engineering, molecular biotechnology, and bioengineering, among others. A distinctive feature of this institution’s researchers is that they always seek commercial applications for their projects, as can be witnessed with its wide range of patents for the agriculture and food industries that have been acquired by national and international companies. Other relevant institutions in Guanajuato include the University of Guanajuato’s Institute of Experimental Biology and the National Institute of Forestry and Agriculture Research.
CULTIVATING ENTREPRENEURSHIP IN GENE THERAPY DR. GUSTAVO CABRERA CEO of Global Biotherapeutics Q: What opportunities and barriers did you identify when
of principle therapeutic experiments for type 1 diabetes
you founded Global Biotherapeutics?
and hemophilia A, with extremely encouraging results. We
A: When we established the company in 2009, we
are aiming at completing proof of principle therapeutic
identified several gaps in the field of gene therapy, such
and toxicological data sets on large species by late 2016.
as finding the right way to deliver genes to specific cells
Furthermore, we have begun to draw regulatory road
or organs. Today, it is still difficult to deliver an insulin
maps towards phase one clinical trials and we are aiming
gene to a diabetic patient without any risk, as is the case
at Investigational New Drug (IND) filings with the FDA by
when delivering clotting-factor genes to patients suffering
early 2017, as well as filing with the European Medicines
from hemophilia. These problems have existed in the field
Agency (EMA). Due to the length of the licensing process,
for the last 20 years, and my partners and I realized the
scientists in a research center, university, or national
technology we are generating is the ideal solution that also
institute usually request government funding, but we chose
represents a commercial opportunity. Our gene delivery
the alternative route of establishing a startup. Startup
platform will revolutionize the field of gene therapy and
companies in developed countries have three possible
may finally allow patients to realize the potential of gene
funding options: angel investors, venture capital firms and
therapy to treat genetic diseases and chronic illnesses.
national funding sources which invest in startups, or private
Developing a new idea and then pitching it to the global
investment from family and friends. Global Biotherapeutics
market can be challenging, especially in countries like
is currently traveling through the valley of death. We have
Mexico where a culture of entrepreneurship is in its
not sold our technology yet because our patents have just
infancy. We are interested in transferring this technology
been published, and we need to have a well-articulated
to big pharmaceutical companies. We have overcome
intellectual property strategy to attract big companies. We
many barriers, since opening an office with a laboratory
recently submitted our first paper on our technology to the
infrastructure, having the permits to import our reagents,
European Society of Gene and Cell Therapy (ESGCT), with
another paper appearing in the journal Molecular Therapy.
processes in Mexico. CONACYT has provided considerable
We also presented the technology in Washington, and are
support through various funding programs, and has been
willing to license this technology to major companies, but
patient in understanding the potential of the technology
major pharmaceutical companies generally only begin to
that we are developing. Through identifying the fact that
show interest after IND filings are complete.
Mexico’s government had become interested in stimulating alternate means of wealth creation and economic growth,
Q: What diseases are you aiming to tackle?
with knowledge and technology at the core of this trend,
A: Since GBT has developed a platform technology through
we are seeking to shift the balance from Mexico’s main
which several pathological conditions could be treated,
economic drivers like oil, tourism, and mining, towards
several criteria are taken into consideration when selecting
innovation in the biomedical field. GBT’s biggest priority
GBTs therapeutic programs. We are currently focusing on
for 2015 is conducting safety and efficacy studies for type
developing three therapeutic programs to combat diabetes,
1 diabetes and hemophilia A on large animal species.
hemophilia and cancer respectively, a program specifically aimed at areas with unmet medical needs. We applied for
Q: How close are you from transferring or licensing this
a grant in order to develop a solution for diabetes type I,
gene therapy delivery platform?
and as the government has a vested interest in developing
A: So far, we have successfully proven that our gene delivery
solutions, the proposal was granted. We chose hemophilia
technology is safe and effective in rodent and porcine
because it is a pathology involving just one damaged gene
models using reporter genes, we have developed novel
that could be easily repaired using gene therapy. In terms
laparoscopic surgical devices for the future implementation
of cancer treatment, our technology is robust and extremely
of GBTs technology in humans and we have initiated proof
safe, and our laboratory results suggest it may well be
useful for solid tumors. For investment purposes, companies
therapeutic programs, in compliance with both FDA
require promising data, which we have presented for our
and EMA requirements, and with this feedback we will
gene therapy technology. Meanwhile, we are still generating
subsequently work in collaboration with COFEPRIS, with
data on biodistribution, toxicology, safety, and efficacy which
a view to implementing standard practices for phase one
are the most important elements to evaluate in gene therapy.
clinical trial authorization in Mexico. We have also held several promising meetings with the heads of the National
Q: How do you ensure your platform is safe?
Institute of Medical Sciences and Nutrition Salvador
A: While some current gene therapy techniques encounter
Zubiran (INCMNSZ) and the National Institute of Oncology
toxicology problems, such as altering hepatic biomarkers
(INCAN), discussing the potential for introducing phase
and other side-effects, our platform does not. Insulin to treat
one clinical trials in Mexico.
type 1 diabetes or factor VIII to treat type A hemophilia, for example, both consist of naturally-occurring endogenous
proteins encoded within human DNA structures, meaning
universities, research centers and other companies to
that the process of drug discovery dramatically changed
advance your technology?
with the arrival of biotechnology. We deeply understand
A: So far we have worked in collaboration with many
the molecules in terms of their structure, their physiology,
world-class prestigious scientific institutions in Mexico
their pharmacological and toxicological profiles, and their
to help us develop our technology, such as CINVESTAV’s
therapeutic dose windows. In the field of gene therapy,
Pharmacology Department, UNAM’s Instituto de Química,
the challenge has been developing processes to deliver
UNAM’s Instituto de Biotecnología and UAM Xochimilco, as
these DNA sequences that encode the therapeutic protein
well as organizations like the National Institute of Genomic
to a target organ in a manner that is safe, controllable,
Medicine, National Institute of Pediatrics, and the INCMNSZ.
and yields sufficient therapeutic protein to cure the
We view these interactions as historically fundamental in
condition. The fact that GBT’s technology meets all these
Mexico’s transition to an economy of knowledge and these
requirements displays that, far from creating risk, we can
affiliations earn us additional credibility within the industry.
greatly reduce the danger involved in hepatic-based gene
From these inter-institutional collaborations, not only do
therapy. We complement these processes with extensive
our institutions learn the complex process of biomedical
in vitro tests that provide information about how cells
pharmaceutical innovation, we also benefit financially from
and tissues react in the presence of this therapy, as well
CONACYT’s funds.
as employing stringent risk management techniques, such as applying scientific rigor, quality control in terms of
Q: What problems have you experienced in presenting the
personnel and affiliates and incorporating any necessary
technology to major pharmaceutical companies?
development points.
A: Regenerative medicine is divided into two branches: gene therapy and stem cell therapy. We are actively seeking
Q: In what way are COFEPRIS regulations conducive to
partners within the pharmaceutical industry that might
launching gene therapy technologies within the Mexican
be interested in GBT’s hepatic vector delivery platform.
Companies such as Sanofi, GSK, AstraZeneca, Novartis, Novo
A: Mexico is a relatively young country, which is developing
Nordisk, and Baxter have expressed interest in the emerging
rapidly, meaning that terms like innovation, scientific
biomedical field of regenerative medicine and have made
entrepreneurship, and research and development remain
substantial investments with other startup companies. We
relatively new concepts in our collective consciousness.
have also tried to collaborate with Mexican pharmaceutical
Our regulatory body COFEPRIS must make a concerted
companies, but efforts have been relatively unsuccessful
effort to maintain the global pace and must prioritize
since Mexican pharmaceutical companies are comfortable
the implementation of adequate guidelines for new
within the domestic market and do not view innovation as
technologies like gene therapy, since enforcing these
a driver for growth. Mexican pharmaceutical companies
rules and guidelines is at the core of acquiring global
overlook the concept of innovation as a central element of
credibility. Given our geographical proximity to the US,
corporate competitiveness and survival generally perceiving
Mexico has the potential to become a major strategic hub
R&D as a luxury rather than a vital investment. The innovation
of pharmaceutical development, and although COFEPRIS
process iis time consuming and expensive, yet the rewards
has made strides in terms of regulatory framework,
in global markets are hugely attractive and we want to be
there are still no regulatory guidelines for gene therapy
the pioneer that positions Mexico as a nation with the talent,
in the country. As a result, we contracted a European
the passion, the drive, the focus, the perseverance and the
firm to draft GBT’s regulatory protocols for our various
knowledge to innovate and compete on a global scale.
INCREASINGLY SOPHISTICATED THIRDPARTY MANUFACTURING ALEJANDRO CALDERÓN DÍAZ Director General at Grupo IFACO Q: As a reaction to the developing market, how has the
A: Since GBT has developed a platform technology through
company evolved since its creation?
which several pathological conditions could be treated,
A: Grupo IFACO was created as a third party manufacturer
several criteria are taken into consideration when selecting
for international companies, but during the 1970s we
GBTs therapeutic programs. We are currently focusing on
changed our business model to incorporate an increased
developing three therapeutic programs to combat diabetes,
focus on our own brands. The removal of the regulations
hemophilia, and cancer respectively, a program specifically
requiring international companies to have a manufacturing
aimed at areas with unmet medical needs. We applied for a
plant in Mexico saw a drop in the country’s production
grant in order to develop a solution for type I diabetes, and as
capacity as factories were relocated. Since then, the
the government has a vested interest in developing solutions,
Mexican generic market has increased in volume but
the proposal was granted. We chose hemophilia because it
reduced in terms of value, with products more accessible
is a pathology involving just one damaged gene that could
to the general population even as pharmacies’ profit
be easily repaired using gene therapy. In terms of cancer
margins are adversely affected. Pharmaceutical companies
treatment, our technology is robust and extremely safe,
are therefore renting underused spaces to manufacturing
and our laboratory results suggest it may well be useful for
companies. The arrival of international companies in Mexico
solid tumors. For investment purposes, companies require
has provoked seismic changes in the market and initiated a
promising data, which we have presented for our gene
return to third-party manufacturing practices, both for raw
therapy technology. Meanwhile, we are still generating data
materials and finished products. We have also expanded
on biodistribution, toxicology, safety, and efficacy, which are
into biotechnology and the complexity of these products
the most important elements to evaluate in gene therapy.
has seen us develop and implement highly sophisticated schemes in collaboration with several different actors. The
Q: What adjustments are you making to your generics line
resulting strategies are similar to joint ventures, with the
in response to increased competition?
common goal being the development and production of
A: From the outset, we have focused on the quality of our
biotechnological products.
products as a key perpetuator of growth. We are expanding our offices by 5,000m2 to increase our biotechnological
Q: In what ways are you collaborating to manufacture
capacity, as well as investing in panels and equipment
biotechnological products?
that have never been used previously in Mexico. Once
A: While we have been manufacturing human growth
our plant expansion is complete, we want to secure
hormone and insulin for several years, we are now
accreditation from the FDA and EMA for the production
beginning to integrate more complex molecules that
of biocomparables and generics. COFEPRIS does not
require specialized equipment and professionals. We are
currently have collaboration agreements with either agency
collaborating on this project with several companies from
but their approval will greatly simplify exports. We must
the US since these investments demand a level of skill and
be capable of guaranteeing that the products released to
investment that no one company is capable of providing.
market are of the highest quality, although our products are
The collaboration also fuses our two principal knowledge
already comparable to those products we currently use as
bases, with the ultimate goal of developing and exporting
references. Our product lines range from common drugs
these products, since our production capacity exceeds
with a cost of approximately MX$20 to highly sophisticated
the demand of the Mexican biopharmaceutical market.
products, and our drug development strategy involves the
Biotechnology is a medium-term investment, meaning
release of a generic equivalent as soon as a given patent
that it generally takes longer to see a return than similar
expires, meaning that COFEPRIS approval is our priority.
investments in chemical products.
Another goal is to make our products accessible to those without social security, since half of Mexico’s population
Q: What diseases are you aiming to tackle?
faces a restrictive budget and a lack of access to medication
and healthcare services, and as a solution we aim to lower
Q: What challenges has Grupo IFACO faced during its
prices for products aimed at that demographic. The key to
time in the manufacturing industry?
this is a new distribution channel called the “impulse market”
A: After the 1985 earthquake in Mexico City, the government
consisting of large wholesalers who sell to pharmacies, small
encouraged manufacturers to diversify in terms of locations,
hospitals, and clinics generally frequented by individuals
so we moved our three laboratories and their corresponding
with a low income.
offices to Guadalajara. Collaboration with the Biocluster in the region has been problematic, since many companies
Q: How have distribution channels evolved in the last few
are unaccustomed to cooperating. We have worked with
years to meet market requirements?
universities, but collaboration with private companies
A: Traditional channels have been impacted by the
is made difficult by a lack of government regulation.
introduction of international pharmaceuticals to the
Moreover, through Cryopharma we produce seven different
market. The pharmaceutical market has also changed
enormously since the introduction of generic medicines at
the manufacture of our own brands, but we have since
the end of the last century. This has given the industry a
begun to commercialize them to third parties. Several API
dynamism that it had been lacking for decades, and has
manufacturers left the country before pharmaceutical
forced existing market leaders to adopt more strategic
producers followed suit, meaning a lack of competition for
policies. The largest retailers used to be national companies
the domestic industry; a problem that has been exacerbated
such as Nadro and Casa Saba, but regional companies
by increased competition from India, China, and South Korea.
have encroached on the potential offered by the impulse
A further complication is that medications sold to the public
market by focusing on the pacific, southeastern, and
continue to drop in price. When the API is manufactured in
central regions of the country. These distributors are
Mexico, this product fulfills the “national content degree”
isolated and their territories do not overlap, and so their
required by government regulations, provided that the
business model is to create strong relationships with their
API represents 65% of the final price with the remainder
clients and intensify local presence.
constituting foreign products, manufacture, and distribution
costs. Fulfilling the national content degree allows a product Q: The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) aims to lengthen
to participate in the government’s tenders, which account
patent protection - how does this agreement affect your
for 80-90% of the government’s purchase of medications,
business lines?
medical supplies, and devices. This requirement was obtained
A: Mexico has experimented with several different free
from acquisition laws influenced by free trade agreements
trade agreements, so we have learned to adapt quickly
with the US and the percentage has been slowly increasing
to change. NAFTA oversaw the development of a legal
from 50%. The problem is that the final price of a product has
framework for patents and industrial property but this
been lowering and this, alongside the high exchange rate, has
subsequently led to abuses, mainly from patent-owners
generated concern within the industry.
attempting to extend their protection period. The TPP also aims to implement other conditions, such as a specific
Q: What are your expansion plans and priorities for 2015?
waiting period for the clinical data of biopharmaceuticals.
A: We hope to have completed construction of our new
The TPP will be principally beneficial in countries where
biotechnology plant in Jalisco by the end of this year,
companies generate patents for global enforcement. On
increasing API production and incorporating new product
the other hand, these regulations will limit the amount
lines such as prefilled syringes. By this point, we will have
of medications that the government can acquire at low
an aggressive commercialization scheme in place to
prices through consolidated purchases, meaning that the
tackle the impulse market. Our attention is focused on
population is likely to face restrictions in access to certain
distributors to government departments which do not
medications. Mexico is in a precarious situation since our
operate through tenders. Next year we plan to restart
regulation for biotechnological drugs is rather new and
new promotion strategies targeting doctors and patients,
most innovative medicines are biopharmaceuticals, so
which we aim to accomplish with select products, since our
increasing the patent protection period will limit Mexico’s
short-term goal is to enter this niche market. Eventually,
market participation. A major issue is transparency and
production capacity will be high enough to justify exports.
due to the highly confidential nature of the majority
COFEPRIS’ reputation as a regulatory agency is solidifying,
of the discussions and proposals thus far, there is little
which will facilitate the acquisition of international
public knowledge of the exact wording of the proposed
certifications. We currently have strong partners for our
law. CANIFARMA, just like all agencies involved in these
current biotechnological lines, but are constantly looking
negotiations, had to sign a confidentiality agreement.
to extend our collaborations.
BRINGING IMMUNOTHERAPY RESEARCH TO THE INDUSTRY After 25 years in a comfortable position as a research
the quantification of sexual hormones, and later with
professor at the IPN’s National School of Biological
a methodology for measuring interferons, the proteins
Sciences, Juan Padierna decided to branch out alone
released in response to pathogens. This methodology
and pursue the establishment of his own clinical analysis
was much more complex than the previous, involving
laboratory with his brother, Luís Padierna Olivos, and son,
cell cultures, virology, biochemistry, cell biology, and
Alberto Padierna. The two brothers had studied the immune
biostatistics and was a stepping stone into broadening their
system, analyzing diseases such as AIDS, viral infections,
expertise even further. They began to take advantage of the
and cancer, so it was logical that the laboratory would take
vast network of researchers accumulated over the years at
advantage of this vast experience in immunotherapy.
IPN, allowing them to create innovative methodologies and
“Recently molecular biology has become more aknowledged by professionals; however, more efforts are needed to push forward applications such as genomic and personalized medicine” Dr. Juan Padierna, CEO of Laboratorios de Especialides (LEI)
With little funding success, was far from guaranteed, but
attract new investment in 15 different fields ranging from
fortunately for the Padierna family the project was swiftly
accounting to veterinary medicine.
padded out with patient referrals from their existing network of connections, supporting their niche project
LEI started using molecular biology to diagnose HIV in the
from the outset without depending on external funding.
1990s, to measure how patients responded to treatment.
Most of their ideas came from knowledge gathered through
Later, they moved towards diagnosis, but since regulatory
research which had yet to be applied in the industry. For
authorities require further tests to confirm a positive
example, when evaluating a patient whose immune system
diagnosis, molecular biology has progressed slowly in Mexico:
had been compromised by a disease such as AIDS, cancer,
professionals until recently lacked knowledge of molecular
or tuberculosis, it is more important to know the cellular
biology, and either did not know the basics or were surprised
immune response than the humoral immune response,
at the cost of performing these tests. Over the last two or
and to test this response they used intradermic stimuli.
three years, molecular biology has become more recognized
If there was no reaction, they analyzed the macrophage
by these professionals. Since the company’s main goal was
migration inhibitory factor, followed by a very simple
to increase knowledge in order to provide a wider range
measurement of the number of T lymphocytes and their
of services, they invested in creating a molecular biology
involvement in a positive or negative response. Such tests
laboratory in Mexico, following the specifications of the CDC.
are basic and have been performed since the beginning of
This laboratory is self-sustaining and is key to the company’s
the twentieth century, but they had not been integrated,
aim to foster a culture for molecular biology, which can
and incredibly no other laboratory in the world performed
implement genome therapies and personalized medicines.
these integrated tests. Padierna’s intention with such tests was, from the start, to make other laboratories dependent
on their work, to become leaders in the industry.
that knowledge is not enough anymore. They rely on
collaboration to offer a specialized service that is different
LEI’s initial work as a clinical analysis laboratory allowed
from organizations focused on innovation with technology
them to branch into other areas rapidly and by 1992 the
transfer units that require someone to generate an idea and
Padierna family started working with Serono, a national
someone to develop it for the market. LEI is able to adapt
pharmaceutical producer aiming to measure the potency
to very specific requirements and to the letter, performing
of a thymus extract acting as an immunopotentiator, borne
original research and collaborating with various universities.
on Juan Padierna’s international expertise in rosettes, the
To mention but a few, an education project with the Technical
required methodology for this procedure. This was the
University of Tecámac provides training and experience to
first step in their collaboration with the pharmaceutical
students, and a joint project with IPN expands their research
industry and the success encouraged Serono to seek their
into investigating Streptococcus pneumonia, the results of
expertise performing more difficult procedures involving
which will be used by pharmaceutical companies.
BIOTECHNOLOGY CONNECTIONS In 2007, after an in-depth analysis of Mexico’s healthcare
opportunities for all parties interested in the sector. To
needs and strengths, Bioconnect was created. While other
develop Mexico’s life sciences sector, every opportunity
companies focusing on the Mexican life sciences area were
ought to be explored.”
mostly concerned with linking academia to the government, Bioconnect aimed to implement a triple helix concept,
At this point, Bioconnect is strongly interested in
a successful model for university-industry-government
attracting investors. To this end, the company is working
relationships. The company focuses on a key event aimed
to align the interests of a range of key stakeholders,
including entrepreneurs, universities, angel investors,
opportunities within the Mexican life sciences industry, a
mentor networks, and venture capitalists. Bioconnect’s
sector strategic to the generation of business and investment
conferences, and innovative programs focus on relationship
opportunities. The event, which is currently in its seventh
building to provide new opportunities for universities and
edition, aims to foment strategic interactions to promote
researchers in Mexico. Bioconnect is currently collaborating
innovation and bring together the main players in the sector,
with CONACYT and supports students to promote their
academia, government, and industry. The event offers the
projects by giving them the necessary information relating
opportunity to connect with leaders in the sector, conduct
to commercialization in the country. Gravina says, “we
business meetings, attend conferences on the main events
are obliged to make entrepreneurs and science students
facing the healthcare industry, and propose new projects.
aware of possible funding routes. We also provide support
Bioconnect has tirelessly worked to link academic research in
throughout the process of obtaining those funds.”
life sciences with market opportunities in the health sector. At this point the sector is facing important opportunities, as well
While the company is strong, there is a strong desire to
as challenges to close the gap between these three players.
expand. In 2015 Bioconnect aims to continue integrating
Enzo Gravina, Director General of Bioconnect, explains that,
“aggressive strategies will bring together all stakeholders
universities, and consultants into the existing structures of
in the life sciences industry.” In his opinion these strategies
the life sciences industry. As Gravina expalins “we plan to
are vital in order to raise the science and technology sector
link these potential projects across the industry, promote
to 1% of the national GDP. Gravina believes that “the sector
development in the field of technology throughout the
needs to generate more jobs and new scientific discoveries,
country. We will also continue to promote Bioconnect as
but also must invest in networking and technology-transfer
an excellent technological partner for all research centers.”
Many Mexicans are either diagnosed in the late stages of disease or not diagnosed at all, which
represents a serious threat to public health. Areas of particular concern include diabetes, cancer, and other chronic and degenerative diseases. Innovative measures should be taken to ensure timely diagnosis as a means of supporting prevention and providing promptly treatments. The diagnostics business is growing in Mexico, and laboratory chains are expanding and improving their quality standards. Additionally, new techniques and services are being developed and provided such as DNA tests for HPV, HCV, HIV, cancer, telemedicine, and biomarkers for personalized medicine. The Government is developing new norms for diagnostics, such as NOM-041-SSA2-2011, which sets the standard for prevention, diagnostics, treatment, control and vigilance of breast cancer. Greater convergence is needed amongst insurance companies, private hospitals, the pharmaceutical industry, and the public sector when it comes to access to diagnostics, especially for the low-class socioeconomic class.
The chapter will provide an analysis of the diagnostics field in Mexico, its principal actors, their actions for improving access to diagnostics, quality standards and innovative tests and the important link between diagnostics and prevention.
HIGHLIGHTS • Role of diagnostics in the prevention of disease • Diagnostic chains • Quality certifications of diagnostics laboratories • Innovative techniques for viral and complex diseases • Government actions for increasing access to diagnostics
ANALYSIS: Diagnostics: The Front Line in Early Detection
VIEW FROM THE TOP: Carlos Hernández Álvarez, Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics
VIEW FROM THE TOP: Carlos Septien Michel, Grupo Diagnóstico PROA
ANALYSIS: Franchise Market Support Boosts Laboratory Chain Coverage
VIEW FROM THE TOP: Abelardo Perches, CTR Scientific
EXPERT OPINION: Aldo Zavalza Mendoza, IMS Health
INSIGHT: Julián González, Check-up Center
VIEW FROM THE TOP: Félix Valverde Espinoza, Quest Diagnostics
SPOTLIGHT: Laboratory Automation in Mexico
VIEW FROM THE TOP: Franck Admant, bioMérieux
ANALYSIS: Gene Sequencing Changing the Rules of Drug Prescription
SPOTLIGHT: Prenatal Diagnostics
ANALYSIS: Reduced Margins of Error for Mammograms
DIAGNOSTICS: THE FRONT LINE IN EARLY DETECTION With an ageing, increasingly urbanized population, the
There are significant opportunities for the diagnostics
country is facing an unprecendented challenge in the tackling
segment in Mexico. For instance, late HIV testing comprises
of obesity-related chronic illnesses, which are pushing the
50% of all new identified seropositive cases in Mexico. In
already stretched healthcare budget to breaking point. In
addition, 50% of breast cancer patients are diagnosed
addition, emerging infectious diseases such as influenza A
at stages three and four of the disease according to the
H1N1 and Chikungunya fever require modern techniques to
National Institute of Public Health (INSP), and 14,000
be identified and studied thoroughly. In the current medical
new cases of prostate cancer are diagnosed annually, of
environment, there is a greater need than ever to develop
which 8,000 are in advanced stages. A study aimed at
more sophisticated diagnostic methods and to make them
describing the prevalence of early diagnosis and treatment
available for people to be diagnosed in a timely manner.
of hypertension in Mexico found that 47.3% did not know
This is aimed at alleviating the strain on overburdened areas
they had this condition.
of the health system, such as primary clinics and hospitals, and shift focus onto preventative care and early detection.
Diagnostics companies such as Grupo Diagnóstico PROA, Quest Diagnostics, Laboratorios Dr. Moreira, Laboratorio
In 2012, the global market for diagnostics represented
Médico Polanco, Check-Up Center, and Analitek are
US$45.6 billion and is expected to grow by 7% annually
emerging as market leaders in preventative medicine
over the next five years according to Frost and Sullivan.
in Mexico. Much of the diagnostic technology such
At this point the US and Europe account for 60% of this
as tomography has been in use for decades, but only
market. In developing countries diagnostics growth is
recently has its value been capitalized upon, as health
led by the local government’s need to provide access to
professionals realize that long-term savings of early
quality healthcare, but it is being hampered by budget cuts
diagnostics outweigh the initial costs. Laboratory chains
and regulatory hurdles. Diagnostics is a rather large area
for diagnostics are growing steadily in Mexico and their
that comprises several different methods and strategies.
value proposition is based on easy access, certifications,
Carlos Hernández Alvarez, Regional Director of Siemens
and customer-oriented services. Economies of scale and
Diagnostics Hispanoamerica, explains that there are three
knowhow have also been key in their growth.
general methods for diagnostics: “the first method, which focuses on the physical test from a physician, is a technique that is rarely used nowadays. The other two methods are much more popular through imaging techniques or through clinical tests.” The latter is constantly being updated and new tests are under perpetual development to facilitate and speed up diagnosis. For some diseases a timely diagnostics may be the difference between life and death. One of the biggest costs for the health system in Mexico is obesity-related diabetes, with 6.4 million people suffering from this disease according to ENSANUT. On the surface, diagnostics may seem problematic due to the costs associated with research and equipment, but a study published by the NIH found that pre-emptive eye tests to diagnose chronic diseases, such as diabetes, meant a decrease in overall health costs for the patient, less absenteeism and a reduced likelihood of employment being terminated. Moreover, a study carried out by the Epidemiology and Health Services Research Unit of IMSS in 2010 found that for each US$1 invested in prevention
through the pre-diabetes and hypertension program
Developments in the in vitro diagnostics segment –
PREVENIMSS, between US$84 and US$323 would be
molecular diagnostics for infectious diseases, chronic
saved over a twenty year period. The study concluded that
diseases, oncology, and genetic testing – has made
there was also still room for government investment in
it possible to detect diseases in a more accurate and
prevention and diagnostics.
effective way. Félix Valverde Espinoza, Regional Director
of Quest Diagnostics Mexico, states that “a growing
Among the first applications of personalized medicine
worldwide trend is the rise in molecular and DNA-based
investigations is trastuzumab, a monoclonal antibody
tests.� These can comprise clinical tests for several
used to treat a specific form of breast cancer in which the
viruses and bacteria and are of utmost importance to
HER2 protein is over-expressed. This type of breast cancer
the population. For instance, in 2009 the Institute of
represents 30% of all cancers of this type and generally
Diagnostic and Epidemiological Reference (InDRE), the
does not respond to standard therapy. Other such
Mexican counterpart of the Center for Disease Control
examples include Zykadia, a drug that has been approved
(CDC), required rapid implementation of protocols for
recently in Mexico, developed to treat non-small cell lung
the detection of AH1N1, popularly known as swine flu to
cancer (NSCLC) caused by a defect of the anaplastic
measure and control the outbreak in Mexico. Other new
lymphoma kinase positive gene (ALK+). While NSCLC
developments are tests for the detection of HIV and
represents about 85% of lung cancers, only approximately
the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) with the objective of
5% of patients’ tumors are ALK+. Personalized medicine
identifying several strains. For example, the FDA approved
can also be used in other areas, such as cardiovascular
a new assay for the differentiation of HIV-1 and HIV-2
diseases. The main method to prevent rejection of a heart
antibodies, and HIV-1 p24 antigen in July 2015. HIV-1 is the
transplant was an endomyocardial biopsy, an invasive
most common strain of HIV worldwide and HIV-2 is most
procedure that cannot be used on all patients. Now,
commonly found in West Africa, but cases of HIV-2 have
genetic tests performed on a blood sample are a non-
been identified in other countries. Differentiating between
invasive alternative to manage the care of post-transplant
both strains is important as, while both diseases show the
same symptoms, they progress at different rates and thus require different treatment schemes. This test, the BioRad
Mexico is moving forward in the acquisition of new
BioPlex 2200 HIV AgAb assay, can be applied to children
technologies for diagnosis. Although initially costly,
over two years of age, adults, and pregnant women. It can
advanced diagnostic methods such as genomic sequencing
also be used to screen organ donors. As for HPV tests, the
and preemptive tomography testing can reduce the long
cobas HPV Test which simultaneously detects 14 different
term financial demands on the health service. Moreover, the
high-risk HPV types provides specific information on HPV-
negative implications associated with manual diagnostics
16 and HPV-18. This test amplifies DNA using Polymerase
could be avoided and human error could be even further
Chain Reaction (PCR) and nucleic acid hybridization to
identify high risk types at infection levels. It is meant to be
diagnostic techniques such as differential diagnosis and
used as a primary screening tool for cervical cancer and, if
pattern recognition. With an emphasis on diagnostic R&D,
results are positive, it should be followed by a colposcopy.
the medical industry could be revolutionized to the point
of longer life-expectancy, shorter waiting times, and an The completion of the Human Genome Project in 2003 has
optimization of services at a lower cost within both the
been a catalyst for an overhaul of the diagnostics industry,
public and private sectors.
heralding the introduction of a new, more accurate form of diagnostics based on genomic sequencing. The global genomic mapping project streamlined the diagnostic processes, facilitating a more comprehensive understanding of diseases, allowing physicians to prescribe appropriate treatments and more accurately predict potential side effects, as well as permitting the scientific community to identify mutations linked to fatal diseases such as cancer. In addition, the project led to the Mexican Genome Diversity Project, which was completed in 2009 and produced findings that revealed inherent differences in Mexican Mestizo DNA that make the population more susceptible to certain chronic diseases. This also resulted in significant implications for personalized treatment, recognizing that genetic make-up not only differs from population to population, but also on an individual level, and the smallest unique mutations can mean that a viable treatment option for one person is ineffective or even detrimental to another. The development of genomic mapping on a wider scale will not only encourage increased access to preventative medicine, but also a more targeted and accurate means of diagnosis, minimizing the possibility of complications during treatment.
STRIVING TO EXPAND AUTOMATION AND INNOVATION CARLOS HERNĂ NDEZ ALVĂ REZ Hispanic America Regional Director, Diagnostics Division of Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics Q: How long has Siemens Diagnostics operated in Mexico
future. Another challenges lies in providing information
and how important is this country to your global strategy?
to the Mexican medical community, which is often
A: Siemens Diagnostics is the combination of several
unaware of the latest developments in diagnostic testing.
companies that merged 80 years ago, including Bayer
For example, Vitamin D tests are utilized worldwide,
Diagnostics, Dade Behring, and DPC. These companies
especially north of the Equator where citizens get low
were all reference points for diagnostics and were present
sun exposure. While this test is extremely useful for
in Mexico for many years. Thus, the merger meant that
Nordic countries, it also provides a lot of information for
Siemens Diagnostics immediately had a strong diagnostics
countries like Mexico. This test has become widespread
division with an important presence in Mexico. Our priorities
in South America over the last four years but it has been
are to expand automation and lean laboratory principles in
largely ignored in Mexico. It can help to predict cardiac
the Mexican market, and to introduce innovative tests that
and renal diseases but doctors have not adopted it. We
are not used in Mexico, such as tumor markers and vitamin
need to educate the market as to the benefits of these
D tests. We also want to make clients comfortable with our
tests but this has proven to be extremely complicated so
products and services and demonstrate that the company
far. Our sales are not very different from those of other
is in Mexico for the long run. Siemens Diagnostics has a
companies. The government accounts for 70-75% and the
long term plan for Mexico and the rest of the world. It is
rest is taken up by the private sector. While the private
investing heavily in our country to reach the position it has
sector is growing in Mexico, our government is constantly
in other markets like the US.
challenged by the increased demand from an aging population and growth of chronic diseases.
Q: What are the main opportunities for your products in
Q: What percentage of the healthcare budget is allocated
A: In vitro diagnostics and laboratory automation are
to diagnostic equipment?
highly important fields that are currently underutilized in
A: This is a difficult number to determine. There is a
Mexico. The reason is that both the public and private
rule of thumb worldwide that states that roughly 4%
healthcare sectors face severe constraints, whether due
of healthcare budgets are spent on the operation of
to swingeing budget cuts or investor concerns. These
laboratories, where around 70% of clinical decisions are
pressures are not unique to Mexico; other countries
made. In Mexico, this calculation is not straightforward as
are also facing an aging population, a prolonged rise in
the healthcare system depends on a variety of systems
chronic diseases, and budget cuts from their respective
and institutions. While hospitals have clear budgets
governments. However, while citizens in other countries
for medical devices, these are not properly defined.
are demanding more resources from their government,
Approximately US$474 million is spent on IVDs but this is
Mexico must respond to budget cuts either by reducing
tallied up as part of expenditure on medical devices. Thus,
costs or reducing investments in less profitable activities.
authorities have to choose to spend on medical devices,
While automation is being used to liberate resources
medical products, or even treatments themselves. This has
and increase efficiency in the likes of Argentina and
led to a situation where institutions prefer to spend their
Chile, this trend is very contained in Mexico. The Mexican
budgets on tried and tested products. Another problem
government is also trying to implement a strategy that
is that all information on treatments and expenditure is
focuses on prevention, mainly for obesity and diabetes,
decentralized. There are reams of laboratory information
but could also consider the potential that laboratory
spread across many laboratories but no one seems to
testing has for this same purpose. IVD tests can provide
be using them for research purposes. We obtain most
early diagnostics that allow health professionals to make
of our information from surveys carried out by market
timely decisions in the management of chronic diseases
consultants as there is little access to public records for
and prevent greater expenses to the health system in the
such information.
Q: How can this situation be fixed so that laboratories can
A: Opinions about such innovation are mixed. Most of
share data and what would be the impact of implementing
our customers demand IT solutions as they are faster
a shared database?
and easier than informing patients manually. It is now
A: It is this rather frustrating to know this information
essential for most companies to have an information
exists but is not being used in the right way. For example,
system that will generate reports and store data about
patients tested for tumor markers, hormones, glucose,
the patient’s medical history. However, no single analyzer
or cholesterol leave records at their hospitals but that
can perform all tests so all laboratories must have a
information is kept on stand-alone systems. This means
range of different equipment to fulfill all their needs.
a holistic, multi-centric analysis of this information
We call these standalone systems. With standalone
cannot be implemented; it must be carried out through
systems, laboratory technicians often need to move
smaller analyses at every single center. There are ethical
back and forth in the lab to perform all necessary tests,
considerations as patients have a right to privacy but
or to divide the sample into smaller ones that can be re-
we can obtain a lot of significant information without
expedited wherever necessary.
violating their privacy. This data will allow us to determine many trends in the health of the Mexican population.
Automation can connect all standalone instruments into
While many hospitals publish information of this kind, a
an intelligent unit that performs all the necessary tests
complete database of all this data should be gathered
without human intervention. This will allow laboratories to
from all hospitals to determine the right trends. Without
relocate people to optimize their time instead of forcing
these networks, research cannot blossom as researchers
them to repeat tasks. Automation will also reduce the need
are isolated. When this information is consolidated,
for manual sample manipulation, thereby reducing the
I am sure researchers will find data that will allow
risks of contamination, human error, and hazards to health
them to tackle many of Mexico’s health problems in a
care practitioners. To date, few Mexican laboratories have
comprehensive way.
incorporated this automation equipment. While such new pieces of equipment entail high initial costs, worldwide
Q: Siemens Diagnostics has a very broad range of
experience is that laboratories realize permanent cost
products. What are your major divisions?
reductions and productivity increases in the long-term.
A: We have several major divisions. One of them
The total cost of ownership, accounting for time spent,
the training staff undergo, and the number of samples
hormones, tumor markers, infectious diseases, allergies,
performed, among other factors, should be properly
and clinical chemistry. Another is automation, in which
considered when making a holistic analysis of the
we are putting a lot of effort as we have the technology
implementation of these technologies.
and knowhow to rapidly develop it. We have an additional division covering hemostasis, hematology, and specialty
Q: How much do you rely on distributors and how do you
tests. Within this division, we have instruments to
choose them?
manage coagulation and hematology, including blood
A: A large segment of our market is handled by
cell counts and special tests such as therapeutic drug
monitoring and the measuring of plasmatic proteins. We
specialize in providing turnkey solutions to laboratories.
also have a specialized division named “point of care”
While we have a large portfolio, there is no company
which targets small clinics, outpatient and specialty
anywhere that can fully cover all the needs of all
centers. This division has a very unique mix of products
laboratories. Integrators take care of consolidating the
since these isolated centers need smaller instruments
needs of the market and providing complete solutions.
and a lot of connectivity to send the information they
They also provide technical and logistic services to
collect to larger systems. The final area is our molecular
remote areas that we are unable to access, and make
biology division, which is producing innovative and
investments that governmental institutions may be
unique biotechnology products. For example, we have
unwilling to make. We also have distributors that
put forth specialized molecular biology tests allow that
make our products available into different segments
detect HIV/AIDS with higher certainty than other types
and geographies across the country. We are investing
of tests.
heavily in properly training our distributors to ensure
that they are qualified to represent our products. In Q: How open are your customers to adopting new trends
some way, they represent us even better than we would
in informatics and digital communications and what is the
represent ourselves since they have the advantages of
role of automation?
a local presence and knowledge.
Q: How would you describe Grupo Diagnóstico PROA’s
will gradually increase our efficiency, and as the general
position in Mexico? What are your plans as its new
population begins to be more aware of preventive measures
to safeguard health we will be able to lower costs by making
A: As clinical analysis and imaging laboratories, we are market
our systems more efficient. Personal economics will also play
leaders. We have 200 branches in seven states in Mexico
a part in our growth. Our challenge within the sector is to
which makes us leaders in terms of coverage and we plan
develop methods for providing necessary tests at affordable
to continue to broaden into other regions. This expansion is
prices. Other laboratory chains are entering the market
part of our organic growth and will be performed through a
and we welcome competition since we believe that clients
complete analysis of the area and optimization of logistics
provide indirect feedback about the quality of services when
for sample handling and transportation and will require
choosing a provider. The challenge is to implement the
modification of our business practices to adapt. We are also
necessary internal infrastructure to be able to satisfy client
anticipating inorganic growth, through acquisitions and
needs, especially since customers are becoming increasingly
alliances with laboratories in the region and we are seeking
demanding and aware of consumer rights.
access to large populations that we can service through our current structure. At this point our expansion plans
Q: Is Grupo Diagnóstico PROA working with the public or
are limited to Mexico, with a view to growing at a rate of
the private sector?
20 branches per year. As Director, I am currently focusing
A: We are working with both. In the case of the private sector
on optimizing internal controls and processes allow us to
we are implementing several strategies, such as provision
become more efficient and reduce our operation prices.
of services to insurance policies for major and minor health
This will help us to handle our planned expansion and to
expenses. By increasing these collaborations, insurance
provide integral services for our patients and physicians, as
providers are able to offer these products to their clients and
well as working within the medical community to provide
optimize the cost-benefit ratio of their policies. Furthermore,
better services and foster collaborative growth. We also
the public health sector is becoming increasingly saturated
want to provide added value in the form of genomic tests,
so it is becoming increasingly necessary to provide
more advanced systems, and more specialized studies,
competitive services to care for these patients. Grupo
while maintaining our position at the forefront of the sector.
Diagnóstico PROA is also collaborating with the public health sector, which has plans to subrogate some services
Q: How would you describe the Mexican market for
such as hemodialysis, diabetes treatments, and laboratory
management. As the government has limited services and
A: We perceive that Mexico has a lot of potential for growth
the population’s healthcare needs keep increasing, it is
in the diagnostic sector, mainly in preventive diagnosis. At
becoming more necessary to outsource to third parties from
this point the country needs to improve its infrastructure
the private sector that can match these needs. We aim to
and provision of raw materials for molecular and genetic
generate mutually beneficial collaboration strategies with
diagnosis in order to be better equipped and to nationalize
the government and as the population expands, so will the
testing. We as service providers have an opportunity
need for these services.
to perform tests targeted at diseases that are currently
growing in the population. Laboratorio Medico del CHOPO
Q: Do you believe there is a growing interest on prevention
provides these tests at affordable prices which is beneficial
on the general population?
for the health sector as a whole as it lowers the general
A: Yes, I believe there is a growing awareness on preventive
costs of medicine and creates greater accessibility. We are
care and individuals are becoming increasingly aware of
complementing this by providing access to state of the
the implications of preemptive healthcare. The government
art equipment through escalation of costs which allows us
is also implementing prevention campaigns such as
to offer more competitive prices. A larger volume of tests
“Chécate, Mídete, Muévete” and Grupo Diagnóstico PROA
is allocating more funding to advertising in anticipation of
institutes of health on several tests to analyze the human
growing demand. Our goal is not to create alarm but to
genome. At this point, the most common DNA tests are
generate awareness of the many types of tests available
paternity tests, which have been used for many years. We are
to the public, including genetic tests that will allow the
also collaborating with universities and we have a scholarship
mapping and prediction of potential susceptibility to
program as we try to maintain relationships with future
certain diseases. We already offer genetic tests and, while
medical professionals. We are currently collaborating with
these are still relatively few in number, we are planning
Universidad La Salle, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana
to promote this area. These tests are expensive and by
(UAM), the National Council for Professional Technical
performing them on a large scale we hope to lower prices.
Education (CONALEP), the National Evaluation Center for Higher Education (CENEVAL), and the National College of
Q: What areas of diagnostics are you planning to expand?
Colposcopy Education and Research.
A: We plan to expand our imaging services to provide greater value to both our patients and the medical community and we
Q: Does Grupo Diagnóstico PROA have any certifications?
are actively incorporating telemedicine into our practices to
How important are they for the sector?
optimize our timescales and coverage. Some of our equipment
A: Certifications are extremely important for us as
already incorporates telemedicine software and automatically
they provide the certainty that we are implementing
sends data to physicians in real time upon completion of tests.
international standards for our clients. We cannot overstate
We are also increasingly using the internet to electronically
their importance in terms of patient safety and security,
mail test results to doctors and patients and we have a
especially with the growing public awareness of quality
cellphone app which allows results to be downloaded onto
standards within the medical industry. Our advantage is
a smartphone. These services will greatly benefit rural areas
our capacity to perform a large number of tests with high
by utilizing large networks. Another growing market trend is
quality and thus have lower unit operation costs, whereas
the automation of devices, which we are already incorporating
smaller laboratories may have trouble obtaining these
into our laboratories. We are currently working with several
certifications as these will raise operational costs.
FRANCHISE MARKET SUPPORT BOOSTS LABORATORY CHAIN COVERAGE In an effort to generate more jobs in Mexico, in 2007, the
There are many benefits to franchising a store instead of
former Governor of the State of Mexico, Enrique Peña
owning one. Firstly, franchises are an extremely effective
Nieto announced the launch of a new project aimed to
way to establish brand loyalty and trust from the consumer.
support franchises. Although there was no shortage of
Additionally, while higher profits tend to be generated by
clinical laboratories in Mexico, they typically operated on
owning a business outright, the risk level can reach 80%
a small scale and were extremely fragmented. Now, with
within the first five years. By entering into a franchise, this
an increased focus on franchising, some companies such
rate will not exceed 5% in the first five years, according to
as Laboratorio Médico del Chopo and Laboratorio Médico
consultancy firm, Gallástegui Armella Franquicias.
Polanco have been able to increase their market share within the industry, with the latter even being named one
Profitability of franchises, however, is highly dependent
of the top 25 franchises in Mexico among companies such
on the size of the investment, the business model and the
as Subway and Häagen-Dazs.
financial fundamentals. A constant review of business models and concepts is essential in order to maintain profitability of
The laboratories have seen an annual growth of 30%, due to
franchises, according to Juan Manuel Gallástegui, director
increased awareness among the Mexican population. This is
of consultancy Gallástegui & Armella. Careful analysis is
reflected in the fact that Laboratorio Médico Polanco owned
required in order to reduce overheads and investment,
ten units and 20 franchises in 2007, compared with the 49
while at the same time maintaining standards of quality
branches it currently owns. According to INEGI data, the
and service, therefore generating a higher rate of return.
average monthly earnings of the company are US$845,000,
The aim of franchising, says Enrique Alcázar of Alcázar &
80% of which comes from franchises and only 20% from
Aranday, is to reduce costs for the central company, while
owned stores.
simultaneously increasing presence and market positioning.
Q: What are the main changes you have seen in the
industry. In academia our main customer base is within
market for diagnostics equipment while working for CTR
biomedical research and in the industry we are focusing
Scientific and how has your business strategy helped you
on industrial and quality control to support the monitoring,
to remain competitive?
prevention, and correction of environmental problems
A: I have worked for CTR for more than 35 years, and
before they occur. In the healthcare area we sell to both
during that time I have witnessed many changes in the
the public and the private sector, since it is not viable for
industry. Similarly to the communications industry, the
us to sell exclusively to one area. IMSS and ISSSTE are the
medical technology industry has undergone significant
main players in the public sector and IMSS is the largest
transformation in terms of how equipment operates, the
buyer in the country, with more purchasing power than
methodology used by doctors to request diagnostics,
any other institution in Latin America. IMSS is a strong
and the way patients provide information. We have seen
negotiator and is able to acquire products at very low
enormous growth in all areas of the medical devices market
prices, in part due to consolidated purchasing. The private
over the last five or six years. Today we have a diverse client
sector in Mexico is also growing at an accelerated rate,
base, including schools, hospitals, clinics, and research
which is helping to reduce the burden carried by IMSS.
centers, from small technical schools to the National
CTR Scientific owns investments in the private sector in
Institute of Genomic Medicine in Mexico City. CTR Scientific
every major city in Mexico but, in comparison to the public
has operated for 45 years and a key factor in our strategy
sector, the private sector is still comparatively small.
to continue being competitive in the market is remaining aware of the current global market fluctuations. Twenty
Q: How rapidly is Mexico evolving from a technology
years ago any new technology took from eight to ten years
to be introduced to the local market, whereas the current
timeframe can take less than a year. Unfortunately that is
certain industries and the country is quickly acquiring
not the case for clinical laboratories, since their equipment
the latest technology in DNA sequencing. Polymerase
must undergo a time-consuming registration and approval
Chain Reaction (PCR) is a Nobel Prize-winning process
mechanisms by COFEPRIS, a process which has been
that rapidly replicates DNA. The PCR process was
streamlined in recent years. Even so, the situation has
patented 15 years ago and is now used widely by
improved considerably as COFEPRIS has been improving its
crime scene investigators due to its enhancement of
approval process. Globalization has allowed companies in
derivative techniques, helping to simplify evaluation
Europe and the US to expand into Latin America, meaning
and interpretation. Most research institutes in Mexico
that new platforms are being introduced to the Mexican
act as a platform for significant research using PCR and
market. In my opinion the healthcare system in Mexico is
DNA sequencing. Development of the DNA sequencing
among the best in the world. One current problem is that
process allows medical professionals to assemble a
sometimes diagnostics technology is not properly utilized in
comprehensive overview of patient history, as well as
Mexico, which is a lost opportunity. The reason is that labor
predicting potential future illnesses. Many universities
costs in the US are high compared to Mexico, therefore in
and research centers are now opening biotechnology
the US it is sometimes necessary to speed up a process in
laboratories and, while several years ago most in-depth
order to save costs. The situation is very different for Mexico
research was conducted in areas in and around Mexico
as labor is much cheaper than equipment.
City, the industry has seen a recent expansion across the
country, lately. Universities such as the UNAM and the Q:
Instituto Politecnico Nacional’s Center of Investigation
equipment to?
and Advanced Studies (CINVESTAV), among many others,
A: At this point half of our sales come from the healthcare
are paving the way for areas such as Nuevo Leon, Jalisco,
area and the other half from academia and the private
Guanajuato, and Colima to be considered as influential
areas for biotechnology. CONACYT is also prioritizing
the doctor’s interpretation of clinical tests and do not
the provision of financial support of the doctors carrying
out research as well as capitalizing on investment from
detection depends heavily on pathology and biopsy
companies with interest in these technologies. Most
examination, which are complicated to process, as they
people think that Mexico invests little in research but
require surgery and a complex sample preparation, a
CONACYT’s investments are growing every year and the
process that includes freezing, cutting and dyeing, before
results are promising. The trend of leaving the country
microscopic analysis. New microscopes have higher
to work in the US or the UK is becoming a less attractive
resolution and displays that allow oncologists to analyze
option for medical professionals and contrarily there
samples on screen. While automation is important in this
are greater levels of foreign investment in Mexico. Many
area, an oncologist’s experience is irreplaceable. One of
people are unaware of the significant work carried out by
the most complex specialties in medicine is pathology,
the government within the sector over the last 12 years,
as it requires a lot of experience in the interpretation of a
an effort which has allowed current research centers to
number of different tests as well as extensive knowledge
obtain extremely qualified researchers and excellent
of the patient.
equipment. Q: How receptive is the local market to new technologies? Q: Is there any specific area of diagnosis where there is a
A: The most effective way for us to decide whether a new
particular need for good equipment?
technology conforms to our business model is by listening
A: One of the fastest growing areas in Mexico is molecular
to our clients’ needs. Regardless of the capabilities of any
biology diagnostics or PCR. Most diagnostics test work by
new technology price is always an issue in Mexico and
detecting the antigen to a given infectious disease rather
locally many people may fail to correlate the high cost of
than the virus itself. These techniques only provide about
new technology with the amount of R&D carried out. We
85% accuracy whereas molecular biology techniques
must tropicalize foreign systems to comply with pricing
permit the detection of the DNA of the virus itself. Molecular
within the Mexican range and every new technology must be
biology techniques, although allowing for approximately
evaluated in order to gauge whether or not it will be a viable
99% certainty, are more difficult to implement as samples
product here. The delay in introduction of new technology
must be purified, replicated, and interpreted by highly
to the Mexican market is often caused by adaptability issues,
specialized professionals. Even so, this area is growing
particularly in terms of price perception and affordability,
rapidly as doctors are increasingly seeking high speed
but as technologies age and become more affordable, the
and reliability for their laboratory tests. The Institute of
possibility of success within Mexico increases.
Diagnostic and Epidemiological Reference (InDRE), the Mexican counterpart of the Center for Disease Control
Q: What are your expansion plans and what are your
(CDC), implemented the fastest protocol for the detection
priorities for 2015?
of H1N1 in 2009. In less than six months the InDRE installed
A: At this point we have eight offices in Mexico, the main
PCRs in every state laboratory in Mexico in order to detect
one being based in Monterrey and the second largest in
and control the disease and today all state laboratories have
Mexico City. We want to open new offices in areas where
their own PCR instruments. Another area of development
research centers are growing in prominence, such as the
is the automation for clinical chemistry in several tests,
Yucatan peninsula and Baja California. We are also trying
including glucose, cholesterol, uric acid, and red and white
to expand into forensics and environmental laboratories.
blood cell counts. This is just for diseases as there are
In addition we organize the annual Expo Científica CTR in
different techniques for clinical chemistry and microbiology.
Mexico City, an event that includes two days of conferences, where 40 vendors from all over the world can promote
Q: In what way is technology demand increasing for the
their technology. We also organize a conference in food
detection of chronic and degenerative diseases?
safety, which is important for Mexico as food exports
A: This is a unique area as it is heavily dependent on
are among its largest sources of income and each food
human examination of samples. For instance, autoimmune
export is required to be thoroughly tested for pesticides
diseases are detected by pathologists who analyze the
and pathogens before exportation. We will also host a
pattern of the antinuclear antibodies using a fluorescence
one-day seminar on vector borne disease Chikungunya,
the prevalence of which is growing in Mexico. We want to
determines the type of autoimmune disease found in the
create awareness of the disease in order to be prepared
sample. The detection of autoimmune diseases, including
to deal with it as it is contracted in tropical environments
Crohn’s, rheumatoid arthritis, and Graves’, depends on
through mosquito bites.
patient going directly to a point of sale or to a doctor’s
surgery. This phase of patient experience is full of
By Aldo Zavalza Mendoza, Qualitative Manager, IMS
myths and preconceptions that block access to medical
Health - Our industry dedicates huge financial effort and
attention. Both the form and content of communication
countless working hours to healthcare. Still, one forgets on
must therefore be tailored to the patient. We have
occasion that health is more than a theoretical, economic
treated patients who are in denial, having lived under
and medical concept. At the center of our ideas is an
the impression that they “thought this would never
extremely important person: the patient. We understand
that the process of living through an illness involves a doctor and market conditions. All the same, we cannot
The third priority involves dealing with the patient’s
assume that understanding the market and understanding
reaction to diagnosis, and, above all, the needs that
medicine automatically means that we can see illness from
emerge in this type of ‘mourning’ process. While the
the perspective of the patient. For this reason, we seek
pharmaceutical industry does provide patients with
first-hand information directly from people in treatment.
information intended to help the doctor, we need to
At IMS Primary Intelligence, we took on the obligation
understand that the patients’ main needs at that moment
of focusing on and revising the concept of health from
are emotional. They do not think of themselves as a
the perspective of the patient. “Patient Journey” is the
patient but of their position within a nuclear family. We
expression of our hope to contextualize illness in all phases
also see a kind of voluntary misinformation, since most
of patient experience.
patients are not prepared to accept the consequences of what their illness means in real terms, and process
this data in such a way that delays their own consent to
Firstly, we must understand that every illness involves a
medical intervention.
cultural context. Living with diabetes in Mexico is very different to living with diabetes in France, for instance.
Access to medical treatment and services is different
in both countries, and so is the way in which illness is
A discussion of the treatment process naturally covers
experienced. Social constructs oblige us to revise our
economic implications and patients’ understanding.
entire perspective. It is curious to discover, for instance,
In the case of a patient living with diabetes, we must
that a Mexican patient will “socialize” illnesses in particular
examine if the patient’s dietary and hygiene habits
ways. Male diabetes patients tend to hide their illness for
change to reflect this new reality. Often, taking a tablet
fear of their masculinity being called into question. Home-
seems like enough of an intervention, leading to a
made remedies are also an integral part of the Mexican
relaxed – even careless – attitude to their health. Patients
response to illness.
have trouble integrating medical treatment into healthy living habits. We see a real opportunity here to develop
Breast cancer and diabetes are therefore the two diseases
medical tools that result in integrated, across-the-board
we have chosen to focus on, as they are the most relevant
care for patient health.
national health priorities. We aim to discover patterns of behavior and assimilation of the two diseases, both of
To date, we are taking steps to understand the stages of
which impact the doctor’s approach to the patient and the
long-term chronic or acute illnesses. For hospitals to truly
course of action taken. One of the keys to the exercise is
follow these stages, they must take stock of the patient’s
to understand that the patient is more than a diagnosis, a
economic, emotional, and social life. The Patient Journey
medicine, or a statistic. The concept of the “patient” is a
includes two key factors in its analysis, one being the
complicated matrix made up of social contexts, anxieties,
stakeholders who influence and intervene in patient’s
family, and emotional needs. Much of this data is from a
information and decision-making, as they deal with the
source doctors could never replicate.
needs specific to each phase. Understanding all of these factors allows us to design effective strategies to bring
us closer to the patient in an effective way. However, we patient’s
cannot afford to leave the human factor out of health
perception of their own illness, what information they
treatment. The patient turns to us for guidance and they
make use of, and where they found this data. At a basic
are undoubtedly one of our most important, substantial
level, this means understanding what factors result in a
sources of information.
technology. “It is true that we are the first company to
skyrocketing, manifesting
bring the full-body scan to Mexico from the US,” says
itself in low productivity,
González. “Tomography, a scan which covers the area from
Julián González, Managing Director of Check-up Center
the head to the pelvis, has been in use there for twenty
health problems. In 2013,
years. Within three years of us adopting the technology,
GNP Seguros stated that
two of the main hospitals in the country followed suit.” The
Mexico had the highest
scan is combined with comprehensive medical checkups
rate of work-related stress
processed by Quest Diagnostics’ laboratories, which
worldwide, with 75% of
provides a full scan on the lipids profile, HIV status, thyroid
stimulation hormones (TSH), Cardiac C-reactive proteins,
high levels of anxiety Check-up Center has uncovered
and cardiovascular homocysteine. Urine tests also provide
opportunity in adversity. The company offers quick, non-
information on diabetes, meaning that the disease profiles
invasive body scan consultations at two clinics, one in
covered by Check-up Center coincide with the main health
Santa Fe and the other near Insurgentes Sur: Mexico City’s
issues faced by Mexico’s new urban class.
white-collar stress hotspots. Managing Director Julián González ties his company’s recent success to increased
Given that Mexico’s health and obesity problems are
stress levels worldwide. He cites steady growth figures
associated with a shift towards a sedentary nature, Check-
from the company’s foundation in the year 2000, but notes
up Center seeks to integrate health improvements into
that the industry saw increased demand in the wake of
a healthier professional lifestyle. As companies begin to
the 2008 world financial crisis. “Most of our customers are
witness healthcare integrated into workers’ contracts, Check-
multinational companies,” he explains, “whose managers
up Center’s portfolio has grown to 200 companies, including
have become increasingly concerned about the health and
several major international ones who include these services
wellbeing of their workers. After all, employees are more
in employee benefits packages. The majority of Mexican
exposed to stress nowadays.”
insurance firms already cover Check-up Center services. González wants to take his message of positive lifestyle
Check-up Center is not only targeting stressed-out office
change further. Not only does his company intend to prevent
workers, however. Its check-up packages are the spearhead
health problems, they are also capitalizing on the country’s
for early intervention medical treatments in the country.
growing awareness of health and fitness as a lifestyle choice.
Mexico’s movement from a primarily rural to a primarily
“We are not looking to target professional athletes but people
urban society has meant a shift in its disease landscape.
who exercise as a hobby, especially those who prefer extreme
In the past, acute, communicable disease constituted
sports or who exercise for several hours a day. Current sports
the country’s primary health cost. However, as sedentary
medicine research thoroughly describes the hazards in
urban lifestyles become the rule, Mexicans tend to suffer
practicing certain sports without prior medical examinations.
from chronic diseases such as diabetes, certain cancers,
We are currently designing appropriate protocols to provide
and cardiovascular illness.
highly specialized tests for these individuals as they need adequate evaluations to ensure their health and safety.”
The culture surrounding healthcare and its apparatus remains associated with the acute diseases landscape, however,
González is conscious of the importance of early
particularly where diabetes is concerned, as patients do not
intervention in preventing major health crises and of the
report symptoms until complications occur. The procedures
value of his company’s format in preventing life-threatening
required after this point can often be costly. Private hospitals
complications. “Our focus is on Mexico’s main causes of
are the first ports of call, and therefore the first to benefit from
disability and death. We avoid procedures that do not
the spending. Check-up Center wants to turn this around. “We
address these,” he says. “Mexicans generally do not take
only provide patients with diagnosis and recommendations, if
preventive health measures, only visiting their doctor or
necessary. We do not offer treatments, prescribe medicines,
taking diagnostic tests when they notice serious symptoms
or suggest further procedures,” says González. “Since we are
or find themselves in an emergency. We want to change
not seeking to promote any treatments, patients are confident
this culture. To that end, we are developing prevention
that we are providing a comprehensive service, recommending
campaigns aimed at our clients and the companies who
medicine based on evidence, whereas hospitals may be trying
employ us, as they are equally concerned with creating a
to sell them something.”
culture of prevention in the country.”
A QUEST FOR PREVENTION AND TIMELY DIAGNOSTICS FÉLIX VALVERDE ESPINOZA Regional Director of Quest Diagnostics Mexico Q: What is the Mexico’s role in your corporate strategy?
of our laboratories are specialized in concrete areas so not
A: Quest Diagnostics has worked in Mexico for more than
all samples can be analyzed at every laboratory. Most of
40 years and the country is one of our priority markets in
our equipment is expensive and it is more cost-effective to
Latin America. We first entered this market by acquiring
concentrate a large volume of tests in a single location, which
Laboratorios Frontera, one of the most important diagnostic
is why some of our laboratories receive samples from across
companies in Mexico City. Our operations in this country are
the globe. Furthermore, while automation is becoming a
different from the rest of Latin America. We work mainly as
trend worldwide, it is not gathering pace in Mexico. One of
a reference business, which means the tests that hospitals
the likely restrictions in introducing automation to Mexico
cannot process are mailed to our laboratories in the US
is that it requires a high volume of tests in order to fully
and the results are transmitted online. Alongside this, we
capitalize on the benefits of the technology. Many Mexican
also have local offices and laboratories that allow us to
patients may be unwilling to undergo or unable to afford
provide services within Mexico and neighboring countries.
these tests and we need to work to convince them of these
Our main defining character is innovation as we provide
advantages. Our testing process is very competitive and
exclusive tests and are constantly developing new ones.
very efficient, with the longest waiting period being the time
We work with hospitals, physicians, insurance companies,
needed to mail the sample to the laboratory. We overcome
other laboratories and companies that are implementing
this somewhat by having IT platforms that are connected
wellness programs or drug testing. On occasion, we offer
to our corporate systems, so we are able to easily transfer
our services directly to patients, but this remains a small area
results to laboratories and physicians.
that we need to expand. Furthermore, we offer innovative tests which are already available in the market, but of which
Q: What are the trends in the diagnostics sector and what
few Mexican physicians are aware. We are raising awareness
are the newest tests you have introduced to the market?
of our newest tests and services by providing more
A: We have several different tests in every area but our
comprehensive information to physicians and hospitals.
largest portfolio of tests covers oncology, neurology, and,
Among other activities, we organize training and informative
infectious and cardiovascular diseases. Despite this, we are
sessions for physicians. Our main communication channels
always developing new technologies and we have the most
in Mexico are hospitals and laboratories, through which we
diverse set of tests possible. However, a growing worldwide
ultimately communicate key information to physicians.
trend is the rise in molecular and DNA-based tests. These are not common in Mexico yet, although demand is steadily
Q: Who are your main customers?
increasing. While there are many new tests being developed
A: While we do work with the public sector, we focus
in this area, few companies can provide them. The area of
mainly on the private sector as it usually has the economic
personalized medicine is also growing but these procedures
resources and the incentives to acquire the most modern
take considerable time and money. These tests are
tests. While public hospitals belonging to IMSS and ISSSTE
extremely accurate and beneficial for patients as, not only
have sound infrastructure and qualified physicians, they
can they provide unique and precise information but they
usually have limited budgets due to the high quantity of
can also guide doctors to provide effective treatments and
patients they must treat. This is another reason leading
to suggest targeted prevention strategies. With the help
us to send certain tests to the US. While we can perform
of our main suppliers we are trying to automate some of
most tests in Mexico, it is not economically feasible for us
our services. It is only viable to automate the most popular
to perform all of them here given the large investments
areas of the business in order to gain the most benefits.
in equipment and personnel this would require. Most
importantly, moving all tests to Mexico will not improve our
Q: Do you believe that Mexico could grow enough in the
service times or efficiency since we cannot run tests every
next five years for Quest Diagnostics to concentrate many
single day without a set minimal volume. Furthermore, most
tests in the region?
A: Absolutely. Mexico currently has a young population
A: The first requirements to set up a business like ours are
but this will change in the near future to provide us with an
efficient couriers and proper sample preservation. Our
opportunity to work on prevention. It is common for Mexicans
laboratories worldwide are certified by ISO and the College
to wait for a disease to manifest itself before treating it,
of American Pathologists. In addition to this, our network
which may incur increased costs and lower their quality of
comprises more than 2,200 Patient Service Centers, with
life. Insurance companies could help us to raise awareness
more than 45,000 employees supported by a medical and
about different diseases and of the tests that could be used
scientific staff of more than 700 M.Ds and PhDs, whose key
to diagnose them. Some insurance companies are actually
focus is putting patients first. We plan to grow both in Mexico
already including these tests in their policies. Ultimately,
and in Latin America. At this point, we are offering our tests in
prevention is better for the whole sector as it improves
almost every country in Latin America as demand is growing
patients’ lives and helps save costs by reducing the number
through the region. Within Mexico, we want to increase the
of preventable diseases. We are collaborating with public
number of Patient Service Centers (PSC) in Mexico City
and private institutions to promote prevention and timely
and the metropolitan area. However, while there is potential
diagnostics, especially for emerging infectious diseases. We
to expand, it is not our main focus at this point since we
have specific tests for reproductive clinics to measure the
are able to cover all our clients’ needs with our current
health of an expectant mother and monitor the growth and
laboratories. We currently have 29 Patient Service Centers
development of the fetus. These tests are becoming more
in Mexico City and six in Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua, and our
common as women are having children later than ever.
main focus in Mexico is to offer our specialized tests. Quest Diagnostics also wants to work toward offering diagnostic
Q: What plans do you have to expand and consolidate in
solutions to employers, pharmaceutical companies, and
Contract Research Organizations (CROs).
samples over a certain point and to modify specific routines.
Laboratory automation has various advantages including
Contrastingly, the modular model creates independent work-
time optimization, increased efficiency and accuracy, and
cells that perform specific tests individually and samples
a reduction in human error. This strategy can be used in
must be transported among them by technicians. This model
diagnostics, drug discovery, and research laboratories across
offers the advantages of requiring a smaller initial investment
several research areas. There are many reasons to automate
and smaller infrastructure while providing more flexibility
a laboratory including a shortage of qualified technicians
and allowing users to prioritize tests and samples.
and economizing time for researchers, thus laboratory automation is becoming a trend in countries where labor
While laboratory automation seems to be advancing,
costs are high. Laboratories with a limited budget may also
Mexico has failed to follow the trend. Carlos Hernández
decide to invest in automation to save costs over the long
Alvárez, Hispanic America Regional Director at Siemens
term. The firm Research and Markets expects the trend of
Healthcare Diagnostics, considers that this trend is very
automation to grow at a compound annual growth rate of
contained in Mexico because a general perception is that
7.0% from 2014 to 2019. Driving the growth of this market
the equipment is too expensive. Félix Valverde Espinoza,
are numerous factors including equipment miniaturization,
Regional Director of Quest Diagnostics Mexico, shares a
higher reproducibility and accuracy, and a larger market.
similar point of view. In his opinion the high volume of tests needed to fully capitalize on the benefits of the technology
There are currently two models for automation of clinical
is a likely restriction in the introduction of automation
laboratories, known as the modular model and the complete
to Mexico. Another problem is labor costs, as Abelardo
automation model. The latter has the advantages of allowing
Perches, CEO of CTR Scientific, tells us that in Mexico
an integral management of the sample, offering savings
labor is much cheaper than new equipment. Despite the
on disposable equipment, and a better optimization of
difficulties, this area is growing in Mexico. Perches tells us
equipment and human resources. On the other hand this
that the automation of clinical chemistry is growing for
model requires a strong initial investment, large infrastructure,
many different tests. It is true that, being a convenient
and provides low flexibility to increase the number of
alternative, automation is here to stay.
TAKING MICROBIOLOGY DIAGNOSTICS TO THE NEXT LEVEL FRANCK ADMANT Director General of bioMérieux Q: How does Mexico compare to the rest of the world in
differentiating between countries. We would then be able
terms of opportunities in the diagnostic market?
to provide customized advice to each country because
A: Despite the move to help millions of people access basic
this cannot be generalized globally. Antibiotic resistance
medical care through the Seguro Popular, there are still gaps
happens to be different across the globe. Therefore,
and opportunities in the healthcare sector. Each country
epidemiologists and infectologists in Mexico will look at
has its own issues and must find solutions according to
drug resistance information and identify which is more
their capabilities and resources, so comparing countries
common in the country. This can be a valuable input to
only makes sense if one can learn from others’ experience.
determining which antibiotics are still worth administering
One area I believe Mexico could improve is the fight against
and in which dose. bioMérieux can connect the software and
antibiotic resistance. The US has a five to ten year action plan
provide customized advice to prescribe the right antibiotic.
to fight antibiotic resistance, and the WHO has a database
This is expected to save millions of dollars; pharma budgets
software called WHONET aimed at collecting and analyzing
are usually between 20-25% of hospitals budgets, while
information on resistance to specific drugs at varying doses,
microbiology only represents 3-5%, showing that Mexico
in which countries such as Colombia, Argentina, and Chile
has a considerable opportunity for growth in diagnostics.
are involved. bioMérieux is participating in this initiative and
In addition, patients with infectious diseases are not usually
this is a valuable tool for physicians to prescribe the right
screened and isolated, increasing the probability of wide
antibiotics at the right dose. Mexico has not yet reached the
spreading resistant infectious agents in hospitals.
same level of commitment in this area, so there are still plenty of commercial opportunities to fill this gap.
Q: What are the most important projects that you are implementing in Mexico?
Q: Do you have any plans to stand alongside WHONET in
A: A syndromic approach to microbiology is overtaking
this battle against antibiotic resistance in Mexico?
the simple search for the bacteria or virus that is causing a
A: We see it as a duty to work with the Ministry of Health,
given disease. We now know that this is too simplistic: since
the state institutions, IMSS, and Seguro Popular to tackle
septicemia presents a problem for contamination because
this issue. Unfortunately, this topic is frequently viewed as
a patient can die within three to five days from this disease
a consumption of resources in the public sector because
and blood cultures to test antibiotics take the same length
it is a long term investment. However, patients stay for a
of time to test. Two years ago we began a study in patients
longer time in intensive care units simply because the right
who had experienced multiple hospital admissions in La
antibiotic was not administered, costing US$2,500 per day
Raza, to develop a sepsis protocol as there is no specific
for every patient. Finding the right antibiotic thus represents
medicine for this condition and physicians need to act as
daily savings for the institutions, but we are struggling to
quick as possible. This protocol uses rapid microbiology in
convince physicians that investing now and waiting two
which the diagnosis is ready within 24 hours, so we think
to five years for the return of investment will be worth it in
it is the solution to mitigate this potentially fatal problem.
the long run. We can understand this reticence as budgets
We would like to see this protocol being included in the
have been constrained in the short-term, however the bigger
Basic Formulary and we are interested in participating in a
picture has to be taken into account because it is not unusual
tender process to implement it in public institutions. This is
in this industry for returns to be seen ten or 20 years after a
a unique opportunity that is connected to the antibiotics-
study or initiative is started.
resistance issue and will also be important in a population like Mexico, where 6.4 million have been diagnosed with
Q: Are you developing specific technology for the
diabetes, a disease that increases the risk of gangrene.
government to help them with his problem?
We plan to stick to the protocol and are opposed to short
A: We have software that collects data and stores it, and
cuts, but locating resources to provide these solutions in
is aiming to connect all units to automated data, before
hospitals will be our biggest challenge.
Q: What does such rapid microbiology technique consist of?
hospital, and therefore exposure to infection. As for
A: Traditional microbiology techniques include sample
chronic and degenerative diseases, the diagnostic market
collection, inoculation, growing bacteria or fungi in petri
for diabetes is saturated with products such as glucose
dishes, antibiotic sensitivity testing, among others can
monitors, but we are aimed at providing added-value
take up to three weeks to identify which microbacteria
applications for infectious diseases as well as chronic ones
as well as the right treatment. We are working on a new
such as cardiovascular diseases and cancer. For instance,
technology that can cut this down to 24 hours providing
the biomarker procalcitonine provides a prompt and
physicians with enough information to make a decision
accurate diagnosis of sepsis and is being used by many
regarding prescription and dose. This rapid microbiology
of our customers today. BioMérieux invests in acquiring
tool relies on molecular biology techniques and mass
knowledge on biomarkers in order to develop quick
spectrometry, and can be part of an automated laboratory
lifesaving diagnostic solutions for physicians.
aimed at increasing productivity and gaining recognition of its quality processes. Therefore, we are focusing on
Q: Do you offer training courses as part of an after-sales
technology for laboratory automation in the private sector.
service of diagnosis equipment? A: We consider it part of the duty to train staff with
Q: Are you developing specific services for the private
the devices we sell before they purchase them for their
laboratories, and the company also offers a certified
A: We serve both the private and public sector, and
one-week course in collaboration with local universities
although they require different services and innovation, we
relating to resistance and diagnostics. bioMérieux hopes to
adapt to the needs of each client. Rapid microbiology is
sow the seed of interest among professionals that could
part of what we are offering to reduce patient turnaround
eventually join our ranks in the fight against resistance to
times, relevant to both sectors by reducing time in
GENE SEQUENCING CHANGING THE RULES OF DRUG PRESCRIPTION As a result of the sequencing of the human genome in
pathways traced by psychotropic drugs may be effective in
2003, paradigms in medical research and treatment have
helping patients choose between an array of options based
shifted forever. Genomic science has brought personalized
on their side effects.
medicine closer to reality. The main effects are visible in clinical trials, when test groups are targeted according to
Pharmacogenomics is no magic solution, of course. Drugs
speed of metabolism of certain drugs. This filter obtains
act across more than one gene, and genetic diseases tend to
more consistent results earlier, shortening the time-to-
be caused by variants or mutations in more than one gene.
market for new drugs.
Nor do genes act in isolation. Thinking of genes as a kind of naturally occurring switch, environmental issues are the
Precision is the key word here. Around 2.2 million severe,
stimulus necessary to activate or deactivate them. Without
adverse events occur every year in the US as a result of
these catalysts in a person’s surroundings, genetic illnesses
medications. One third of these are due to interactions
may remain latent throughout the lifetime of the carrier.
between genes and drugs, not between drugs and drugs. Gene variations in leukemia patients can dictate the type of
One indisputable fact is the long-term financial worth of
treatment they can receive. Some require 10% of the stated
investment in genomic sciences. However, few laboratory
dose. Abacavir - an antiretroviral drug effective in combination
chains and independent companies currently provide
with other drugs against HIV - causes hypersensitivity in
pharmacogenomic or otherwise personalized treatments
between 5% and 8% of its patients during the first six months
to the general public. In Mexico, Genomica Médica, offers
of treatment, a reaction which is associated with a gene
six different pharmacogenomics tests including a DNA test
variant. Screenings for the variant are now a standard part of
aimed at identifying genetic variations of SLCO1B1, which
treatment with regimens containing Abacavir. In an industry
encodes the metabolizing protein of the cholesterol-reducing
where the practice is to increase dosage when a patient is not
drug simvastatin. Another test focuses on identifying genetic
responding, pharmacogenomics can guide doctors to a less
variations of the enzyme CYP2C19, which is responsible for
risky resolution of the issue. Finally, studying the biochemical
the metabolism of clopidogrel.
or both must carry the same autosomal-recessive disorder.
Developed as an additional practice to prenatal diagnostic
If there is no strong family history of the disease and if
for parents who risk the transmission of a severe genetic
either of the parents carries a recessive mutation, they
disorder, preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) tests the
may be unaware of the risk until either birth or prenatal
cellular material from embryos that have been fertilized in
testing. In some cases, one or both of the parents carries
vitro. PGD can also tests oocytes, which are gametocytes
a dominant mutation of the gene and is thus aware of
produced in the ovary during gametogenesis, to determine
the risk of passing it to their children. Before PGD these
the risk factor for in vitro fertilization (IVF). While embryos
parents had options including using a donor who is not
affected by a genetic disorder can be viable, children
a carrier, adopting a child, or avoiding reproduction. Now
may suffer from a physical or cognitive disability or even
PGD can be used to select an embryo with minimal risk.
a decreased lifespan. Parents can use prenatal testing to determine whether the fetus is carrying a genetic condition
Generally, the technique is used to test for three different
serious enough to merit the consideration of potential
categories of genetic disorders. The first is single-gene
termination of the pregnancy. Many parents prefer to avoid
disorders, which can be either autosomal dominant,
such decisions if possible, so PGD is an optimal choice as it
autosomal recessive, or X-linked recessive, and for which
negates the need for selective pregnancy termination. PGD is
the specific mutation is already known. The second refers to
often recommended for potential parents who have a family
X-linked disorders, for which the specific gene mutation is
history of genetic conditions or chromosome problems,
not known but the disorder can be avoided by gene selection.
those who have a child with a serious genetic condition, or
Finally, the third refers to chromosomal rearrangements. PGD
those who have terminated a pregnancy after detection of
is ideal for parents who carry the same autosomal-recessive
complications through prenatal testing, but it can be used
gene disorder. Common disorders of this kind include
by any parent who undergoes IVF. The procedure carries the
Huntington’s disease, Marfan syndrome, sickle cell disease,
same risks as IVF, including potential damage to the embryo
cystic fibrosis, and spinal muscular atrophy. All of these are
but it is largely considered safe by most physicians. Generally
life long diseases and their severity varies from person to
every embryo produced by IVF is tested for these diseases
person, many affecting quality of life and expectancy. PGD
and only those that are found not to carry risk are implanted.
is a sophisticated technique that is only currently utilized in specialized laboratories, but there are more than 70 centers in Mexico already offering these tests. José Islas Varela, CEO of Insemer, highlights the importance of preimplantation genetic diagnosis for at-risk couples to determine whether an embryo has a greater chance of suffering from certain genetic diseases. As Varela states, “by mapping all the chromosomes in an embryo, we are able to detect predispositions towards several types of cancer, hypertension, and diabetes, among several other diseases. Our studies provide 99.9% certainty of a healthy embryo but, after implantation, further studies are performed to confirm the fetus health.” While many genetic disorders can be diagnosed from a
PGD was introduced in the 1990s and initially used to
single cell, having only one cell limits the scope of the tests.
determine the sex of the embryo. This technique continues
This differs in the case of prenatal diagnosis, as biopsied
to be used for diseases only affecting one gender, but it has
samples provide hundreds of cells from which doctors can
since evolved and PGD is now used to screen for more than
obtain large quantities of genomic DNA. There are also time
200 genetic diseases. PGD requires IVF, embryo biopsy
constraints as results must be available within 12 to 48 hours
and the use of either fluorescent in situ hybridization
in order for the embryo to be viable for IVF. Moreover, the
(FISH) a technique that uses fluorescent probes labeled
test cannot completely eliminate the risk of a genetic disorder
DNA or RNA strands to hybridize the target DNA sequence
as some of these disorders have not been thoroughly
to identify and quantify it or polymerase chain reaction on
studied. Nonetheless the technique is advancing at a rapid
a single cell. It can detect Mendelian disorders, structural
speed alongside advances in molecular genetics, thus it is
chromosome abnormalities, and mitochondrial disorders.
a favorable alternative for many potential parents and, as it
In order for parents to carry a reproductive risk either one
improves over time, it will provide a wealth of information.
REDUCED MARGINS OF ERROR FOR MAMMOGRAMS Breast cancer, one of the principal causes of death among
women is receiving increased attention from an IPN project.
a standard test database for researchers for direct
Only 10% of malignant breast tumors are caught in the initial
comparison of the results. Few mammographic databases
stages, which does not paint a particularly encouraging picture
are publicly available, but one of the most easily accessible
of the future for breast cancer diagnoses. This, combined
databases, and therefore the most commonly used, is that
with data from a study that tested almost 90,000 women in
operated by the Mammographic Image Analysis Society
Canada, half of whom received annual mammograms while
(MIAS). Films in the MIAS database have been digitized
the remainder received a single physical exam, highlights a
to 50 micron pixel edge with a Joyce-Loebl scanning
pronounced necessity for scientific advances in this area of
microdensitometer, a device linear in the optical density
research. For about 22% of the patients tested over a 25-year
range 0-3.2 that represents each pixel with an 8-bit word.
period who were diagnosed with invasive breast cancers,
Luna explains that the neural network has been tested on
treatment was not available, not needed or not wanted.
the globally used database of ‘mini-MIAS’ but developers
Furthermore, the original recommendation of yearly or bi-
would prefer to carry out investigations using an image
yearly mammograms for women over 50 years of age in
bank created with Mexican patients, rather than from
Mexico has not proven to offer any reduction in mortality
an organization of UK research groups. The use of data
beyond diagnoses achieved with physical examinations or
collected from the local demographic would provide more
usual care.
accurate guidelines for scientists, overcoming challenges
in human genetic diversity. Demand exists to improve accuracy of mammograms. Using artificial neurons and algorithms, the IPN aims to
Luna explains that their plans include representing each
combat the elevated number of false positives attained
mammogram numerically to create a guide in which
from mammograms, to achieve an earlier, more accurate
new mammograms can be introduced and identified as
diagnosis. Benjamín Luna Benoso, a specialist at the College
presenting cancer or not. The IPN’s objective with this project
of Information Technology, as well as Rolando Flores Carapia
is to support doctors and radiologists to make the most
and student Hugo Flores Gutiérrez from the Center of
appropriate decisions regarding diagnostics, and ultimately
Innovation and IT Development have been investigating the
to replicate treatment success and use resources as efficiently
use of digital mammograms employing neural networks that
as possible. With significant variations in genetics being
are sensitive to breast tissue density, markers, and pectoral
highlighted by the international Human Genome Project
muscle. Their technology is designed to detect whether the
and more relevantly the Mexican Genome Diversity Project,
patient has cancer through a series of steps following digital
accurate diagnostics techniques and technology to improve
image processing, segmentation of the digital mammogram,
mammograms are becoming essential to the cost-effective
characteristic extraction, classification, and response.
optimization of the Mexican healthcare system.
With only 0.45% of the GDP invested in R&D activities in Mexico, further investment is needed,
and the Government has pledged to increase investment up to 1% by 2018. New funding programs are being initiated by CONACYT. A history of uncommercialized research is being addressed, with the aim of brining innovatoins to the public. At the same time, technology-transfer offices are emerging in order to assist with the commercialization of knowledge.
Only 1.2% of multinational clinical trials are conducted in Mexico. Investing in the local clinical trials business has many advantages, including a large population of “naïve” treatment patients with a broad range of diseases, many professionals, and an ideal geographical location. Clinical research centers are improving quality levels and acquiring certifications in order to attract more trials. Moreover, Contract Research Organizations (CROs) are growing at double digit pace, and working their way to consolidation through professionalization and process optimization. COFEPRIS has implemented several strategies to accelerate study protocol process reviewing and approval, while IMSS has opened its doors to the conduction of clinical trials. This chapter will discuss major trends in the clinical trials industry. Helix cooperation between universities, the government, and the private sector will be examined as well as the current successes in this respect.
HIGHLIGHTS • Clinical trials and CROs • Basic and applied research at Universities and Institutes • R&D initiatives and possibilities • Technology transfer
Mexico Health Review is published by Mexico Business Publishing, which is an independent provider of business information, industry data, and marketing solutions in print and digital formats. We publish annual reviews with market leading positions on the main sectors of the Mexican economy
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ANALYSIS: R&D Expansion in Mexico
INSIGHT: Dr. Manuel Zertuche, School of Biotechnology and Food Science ITESM
VIEW FROM THE TOP: Dr. Miguel Beristain Hernández, School of Life Sciences ITESM
VIEW FROM THE TOP: Dr. Sonia Mayra Pérez Tapia, UDIBI
ANALYSIS: Certification Brings More Clinical Trials
MAP: World Clinical Trials
VIEW FROM THE TOP: Dr. José Luis Viramontes, PPD | Former President of ACROM
VIEW FROM THE TOP: Cecilia Moreno, PPD
INSIGHT: Arturo Rodríguez, Infinite Clinical Research
ANALYSIS: The 13 Principles of Good Clinical Practice (GCP)
VIEW FROM THE TOP: Jenny Paredes, PRA Health Sciences
VIEW FROM THE TOP: Dr. Sergio Guerrero, Accelerium Clinical Research
ANALYSIS: Units to Support Pre-Authorization (UHAPs)
VIEW FROM THE TOP: Melissa Rosales, RM Pharma Specialists
INSIGHT: Dr. Raúl Sansores, Centro Respiratorio de México
VIEW FROM THE TOP: Dr. Juan Alfredo Tamayo, COMOP
VIEW FROM THE TOP: José Luis Mata, Inspire Pharma
R&D EXPANSION IN MEXICO While Mexico has focused on growth and economic stability
the other hand an area that is growing strongly in Mexico
for the past few years, the country has fallen behind on
is clinical trials. It is estimated that only one in every ten
R&D. In 2014, Mexico held the 66th position on the Global
thousand developed molecules is released commercially
Innovation Index Ranking. R&D is of extreme importance
and new drug application (NDA) numbers have been
to economic development as innovation is created through
dropping worldwide. Clinical trials play a pivotal role in
research, the use of human capital, and existing knowledge
the pharmaceutical industry as they are essential for the
development. The country has made considerable efforts
development of new medications from these molecules.
to develop this area but so far results have been limited. According to the OECD, R&D represented 0.54% of the
As the strategic importance of emerging markets increases,
GDP in 2014 which is considerable lower than the 2.36%
clinical trials are set to flourish in Latin America, with Brazil
average of other OECD countries. Recently, President
and Mexico showing the fastest growth rates. Unfortunately,
Enrique Peña Nieto’s administration pledged to increase
Mexico currently participates in only 2,213 out of 177,688
healthcare R&D expenditure to 1% of GDP by 2018 and
multinational studies. Thus, the different players of the
subsequently fund more programs to produce high-
Mexican healthcare sector and pharmaceutical industry
quality research in related fields such as biotechnology
must implement several measures to attract more trials to
and health. Dr. Enrique Cabrero, Director of the National
the country. Dr. Luis Miguel Beristain, Head of the School
Council of Science and Technology (CONACYT), believes
of Life Sciences of Tecnológico de Monterrey, points that
that the country will be able to reach this goal by 2018.
in Mexico the overall cost of clinical trials is estimated to be 31.5% lower compared to costs in the US. In spite of
reduced costs, the US National Institutes of Health cites Mexico’s participation in multinational studies at only 1.2%
of studies conducted globally in 2014.
Mexico has qualified professionals, certifications, and regulations based on international standards, but the
country lacks collaborative efforts and the efficient allocation of resources. Organizations must collaborate to develop more innovative research projects and increase their capabilities of locating funding, rather than struggling alone as is so often the case in Mexico. There is a significant
opportunity for Mexico to create, join, and manage national and international research networks. For example, if several contract research organizations CROs in the
private sector
not sponsored research at national institutes
sponsored research at national institutes
country collaborated to develop research, refer volunteers, and share best practice, this would go a long way toward attracting more R&D to Mexican shores. Clinical trials stimulate the economy due to the need for pharmaceutical
In order to reach international levels in R&D, CONACYT is
companies to sponsor studies and hire (CROs), local
currently implementing the Special Science, Technology
hospitals, universities, and research centers in which to
and Innovation Program (PECiTI). This program aims to
conduct them. This represents more job opportunities,
gradually raise the monetary resources for R&D until they
technical development for medical and non-medical staff,
reach 1% of GDP, contribute to the investment of human
the possibility to develop new medicines, and increased
capital, promote the development of local the vocation
opportunities for patients to access the latest treatments.
and capabilities of local STIs to strengthen sustainable and
In terms of career development, working on clinical trials
inclusive regional expansion, and to fortify the scientific
for new molecules represents an excellent opportunity for
and technological infrastructure of Mexico. The council
researchers in terms of experience and trains them with
is also implementing several programs for promoting the
advanced knowledge of emerging treatments.
sector including a Postgraduate Scholarships Program which granted scholarships to more than 400,000 students
With this in mind, there are several factors that influence
from national and international institutions. Additional
the decision of a sponsor to bring clinical trials to Mexico.
programs by CONACYT to promote R&D in Mexico are
For instance, Mexico has a privileged geographical location,
the National System of Researchers (SNI), the Innovation
a large ethnically diverse population, qualified staff, low
Incentives Program (PEI), and Cátedras CONACYT. On
costs, treatment-naïve test subjects, and an improving
Source: WHO
regulatory framework. On the other hand, a considerable
comprise specialized guidelines based on international
drawback for investors is the current long approval times
regulations as well as the Good Clinical Practices (GCPs)
for clinical trials. In order to reduce approval times, and
of the International Conference on Harmonization (ICH),
indirectly make Mexico more attractive to potential
which are a set of homogenized ethical and quality
investors, COFEPRIS recently implemented a procedure in
standards for the protection of subjects who volunteer
which the National Institutes of Health pre-authorize study
for clinical trials. Many professionals involved in this kind
protocols within four weeks. Eleven support units (UHAPs),
of research in Mexico are already trained and qualified
including IMSS and UNAM’s hospital, are expected to be
on ICH’s GCPs, but these standards will soon become
approved for validation in the short term. Unfortunately,
mandatory. Hopefully, such changes will enhance quality
although drugs approved by the FDA do not need to
and competitiveness in Mexico.
undergo a renewal process, COFEPRIS requires renewal every five years, representing an administrative burden
The Mexican healthcare sector and pharmaceutical industry
for both the regulatory agency itself and companies that
could capitalize on the country’s potential for more clinical
finance R&D.
trials and bring more foreign companies to the sector. If several clinical research organizations in the country
“These issues need to be addressed if we really want to
worked jointly to attract more studies, develop their own
improve Mexico’s competitiveness,” says Sandra Martínez,
collaborative research, refer volunteers, and share good
Regulatory Affairs Director LATAM from Aspen Labs.
practices, the resulting collaborative environment could
Mexican Official Norm NOM-012-SSA3-2012 establishes
be a valuable starting point for driving change. Moreover,
closing the gap between the industry and academia may
pharmaceutical companies, sponsors, ethics committees
be indispensable in reducing the number of basic research
and the regulatory agency must comply for research
projects that neither emerge into the market nor realize
projects involving human subjects. Reforms to this NOM
any valuable application in society.
9.45 Argentina
10.83 Brazil
11.62 China
South Africa
11.68 Ucraine
13.28 Russia
13.55 Chile
13.66 Colombia
14.27 Mexico
23.24 Japan
24.18 Australia
25.12 Singapore
New Zealand
Source: Global Intellectual Property Center
OPPORTUNITIES AND CHALLENGES IN THE KNOWLEDGE ECONOMY DR. ENRIQUE CABRERO Director of CONACYT Q: What are the biggest opportunities and challenges
development was about 0.54% of GDP in 2014. In European
that you identified for CONACYT when you were named
countries, the figure is above 2%. Our most important tool
here in Mexico is our Specialized Science, Technology and
A: We have a plan for the next few years that addresses
Innovation Program (PECiTI), produced in conjunction
the main challenges we have faced. Our Special Program
with academia, entrepreneurs, and other social actors.
for Science, Technology, and Innovation identifies the
The program lobbies to raise the monetary resources for
need for further investment in these three areas. Further
R&D until they reach 1% of GDP. The second component
issues include the lack of specialized human capital, the
seeks to contribute to investment in human capital,
different levels of scientific development across regions,
while the third promotes the capacities of local science
the need to promote linkages with the productive sector,
and technology actors, so that regional development
and the need to strengthen scientific and technological
will be both sustainable and inclusive. PECiTl also builds
infrastructure. Our main challenge as a country is to
connections among institutes of higher education, and
develop the capabilities required to create a knowledge-
connects public research centers with enterprise, in a
based economy. Empirical evidence demonstrates there
bid to generate knowledge with a practical purpose.
is a positive relationship between economic welfare
The final objective seeks to strengthen the scientific and
and investment in science and technology. Science and
technological infrastructure of Mexico.
technology expenditure leads to more innovation, with the result that competitiveness increases in tandem with
Q: CONACYT is widely recognized for its funding
economic growth. Thirty years ago, countries like Taiwan,
programs and scholarships. What are your most important
Finland, and Korea had similar GDP per capita levels to
programs, and how have they grown over the last five
Mexico, and are now economically prosperous countries.
In this administration, we share the idea that knowledge
A: Our Postgraduate Scholarships Program has granted
is required to enter a new era where human capital is the
main production value.
institutions in Mexico. During the same period, CONACYT
sponsored 42,764 students to study in prestigious schools
Q: President Peña Nieto has pledged to increase R&D
abroad. Another distinguished program is the National
expenditure to 1% of GDP by 2018. How does this translate
System of Researchers (SNI) that provides financial
into CONACYT’s strategy, action plans, and budget?
stimulus and academic recognition to excellence. Founded
A: The present administration has given unprecedented
30 years ago, the SNI has become a fundamental part of
support to science and technology. The budget assigned
the higher education system, as well as being adopted by
for 2015 is almost 25% bigger than 2012’s budget, proving
other Latin American countries. Additionally, CONACYT’s
the government’s interest in developing science and
Innovation Incentives Program (PEI) supports scientific
technology. Should this tendency continue, we will reach
our goal of 1% by 2018. It is important to mention that,
innovation, with a particular emphasis on micro-, small- and
nowadays, the government is the main investor in gross
medium-sized enterprises. One of the important aspects of
domestic expenditure in research and development,
this program promotes the connection of enterprises with
providing 72% of that total. I expect that public funding,
higher education institutions and public research centers.
consistent public policy, and direct and indirect incentives
Finally, Cátedras CONACYT, is a new tool focused on young
to enterprise will boost activity in this sector. This will favor
researchers with strong potential, which promotes the
the interest and commitment of entrepreneurs seeking
integration of human resources into the portfolio of those
to invest in these areas. The proportion of GDP directed
who already have a PhD. Doctors are integrated to the
to research and development is lower than in developed
public research centers and higher education institutions to
states. Mexico’s gross expenditure on research and
develop projects in priority areas for the nation.
Q: What specific measures have you taken to support
Millimeter Telescope, the largest and most complex
research projects and promote innovation in the states
scientific instrument ever built in Mexico. Another flagship
that are lagging such as Chiapas, Guerrero and Oaxaca?
project is the High Altitude Water Cherenkov Gamma-
A: Last January, representatives of four public research
Ray Observatory. Both of these are the product of the
centers belonging to CONACYT signed the Strategic Alliance
collaboration between the US and Mexico. Establishing
for Sustainable Development in the Pacific-South Region
strategic alliances with international partners is essential
(ADESUR), agreeing to work side by side on projects related
in today’s globalized world. We must admit that we
to food sustainability, sustainable tourism, agricultural
biotechnology, functional food and nutraceuticals. Coconut
and to recognize that the current problems require
production chains were an area of particular focus. We
multidisciplinary approaches and do not follow physical
recently designed 32 innovation state agendas, made up of
borders. We are doing our best to keep students in Mexico,
495 projects for the most important economic sectors in
by providing them with access to job opportunities. Our
each state. Currently, we are working with our colleagues
Professorships program, created two years ago, offers
at the Ministry of Economy, as well as several other financial
the opportunity for recent PhDs to work at public higher
agencies, in order to coordinate funding and target these
education institutions, public research centers, and federal
projects in the states of Chiapas, Guerrero, and Oaxaca. Life
and state institutions which conduct scientific, social or
science and health topics are very important for us. These
technological development research. So far, the program
topics define the PECiTl and our main requests for support
has created 799 jobs.
include those directed at solving national problems through the application of science. Moreover, our recently created
Q: What are CONACYT’s aims in terms of national and
professorship program focuses on regional and national
international standing over the next few years?
A: We are working hard to encourage research, development and innovation throughout our programs. In the future,
Q: How do you compare Mexico’s R&D and innovation
CONACYT will give society ownership of own knowledge
levels in this field to the rest of the world?
economy by connecting social needs to education
A: This administration is focusing its efforts the transition
institutions, research centers, and enterprise. To this end,
to a knowledge-based economy. We have made significant
specialized human resources must be incorporated into
progress, if we compare the increase in the economic
the labor market. Infrastructure is required to strengthen
resources assigned to science and technology in previous
research. The creation of spaces with digital connectivity
years. Over the long term, we want to top the list of
will allow us stakeholders to store, transfer, share and
countries that invest the most in the Straits Time Index, on
analyze substantial amounts of information.
a par with Korea, Israel, Japan, and the US. We are working hard to reach our current goal of increasing research and development expenditure to 1% by 2018. While realistic, this goal is also a challenge, given current economic conditions, and our main challenges are to increase budgets and to build a national system of science and technology investment. We also aim to connect enterprise with the academy and research centers, and to develop science and technology in this way. Q: Do you see international partnerships growing? What would you recommend for companies and universities interested
international partners? A: At CONACYT, we are constantly looking to sign agreements with international universities and higher education institutions, so that our grant holders can access the best quality education. The same goes for companies and research centers. International partnerships have also contributed to the development of megaprojects in our country, such as the Alfonso Serrano Large
we should have a shared analytical platform for the entire
A: The institute was established in response to the major
public health sector, which will help with the molecular
revolution in biological sciences and in experimental
characterization of tumors. That means that the private
biology in general. The focus on health, specifically in
sector may also participate by using technology developed
the genomics field, was triggered by the human genome
in Mexico or imported from abroad.
project. When the institute was conceived I had the opportunity to participate in some of the early discussions
Q: To what extent are you collaborating with the private
concerning how the project should be developed due to
sector in this regard?
my expertise in DNA chemistry, protein structure, and
A: We have around ten different collaborations with
function. We were aware that the human genome project
different companies in several areas. We have some of
would bring about a lot of opportunities for research
the most developed facilities for technology transfer and
within the healthcare industry, which was one of the initial
the most developed internal regulations approved by our
reasons the funding was provided for such a large project.
governmental body which allows us to engage in contracts with the private sector. Some of these regulations lack
Q: How successful has INMEGEN’s journey been so far?
enforcement in the other institutes, so we are more
A: Our foundation at INMEGEN is our solid and large staff
advanced because we know that this field is contemporary,
of exceptional researchers, which is a real asset as many
and will continue to produce more business opportunities.
institutions struggle to attract such high caliber scientists.
There are also several examples of high quality outputs,
Q: What is the role of INMEGEN’S Technology Transfer
but one area that has been particularly acclaimed was our
collaboration with the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard,
A: Our technology transfer office is registered with
through which we produced some important papers
CONACYT, which means that we benefit from some of
related to the unique characteristics of the Mexican genetic
the incentives that CONACYT provides for innovation. We
background. This was the largest study conducted on a
already developed three projects within the industry, but
population with Latin heritage and a previously undiscovered
there is also the potential for five more. Typically a company
gene variant was discovered, accounting for roughly 25% of
will approach CONACYT to propose collaborating with us on
the diabetes epidemic in the country as it was found that
a project and our researchers will work with the companies
Latin Americans, especially Mexicans, are particularly prone
directly to provide them with some of our expertise and
to developing diabetes. This indicates that the genome is an
technological capabilities. In such cases, there are clear
area we particularly need to investigate.
rules of usage and protection for the intellectual property.
Q: How far away are you from producing medicine to treat
Q: How do you anticipate INMEGEN’S recent agreement
Mexico’s individual genome expressions, and what role
with IMPI will lead to increased patent registrations by the
will both the public and private sectors play in this?
A: This will happen soon and there are several areas where
A: We identified the field of genomics as having a lot
we are more advanced in this sense, certainly when it
of intellectual property so we signed a knowledge
comes to cancer. One example is the discovery that the
sharing agreement with IMPI. INMEGEN can help IMPI to
inherited propensity for cancer is related to several genes
understand and anticipate some of the issues that it will
that we have discovered, such as the BRCA1 and BRCA2
face in technical terms, and in turn they keep us aware
genes that indicate a high risk for breast cancer. Of course,
of new regulations and rules. Many developments will
there are certain diseases that are particular to certain
be patented but only a fraction of those will become
populations, but cancer is more of a global disease, and
actual products, so we should not over-emphasize the
is more similar in different parts of the world. Very soon,
intrinsic value of a patent. Of course, we realize that it is
completely necessary, specifically when interacting with
a little too young and inexperienced to compete with our
large companies, to produce patentable results.
scientists in Mexico. In a strategic area such as systems biology, it is not easy to recruit scientists, as they are in
Q: Why is INMEGEN so unique in Mexico when it comes to
high demand globally. Collaborating with the National
technology transfer?
University, CINESTAV and the health sector, we are trying
A: Most of my peers in other institutes are not allocated
to obtain private funding to enter into a similar program
the resources to carry out research in this field, so when
with the Howard Hughes medical institute for which we
a promising project arises they are forced to decline or
want to recruit ten young scientists per year over the
work on it in their own time. There is not a single other
course of ten years so that we achieve critical mass.
health institute that has a technology transfer office, or has internal regulations regarding the distribution of benefits
Q: How challenging is it to acquire new infrastructure and
and royalties. It is not something that is part of the culture
to what extent do you outsource when there are gaps?
in the health science sector.
A: We are extremely well equipped in terms of infrastructure but what many people do not realize is the speed at which
Q: The government has pledged to increase expenditure
equipment becomes obsolete. There is a perception that
on R&D to 1% of the GDP – how do you hope this will
we do not require equipment as critically as some other
impact the sector?
institutions so we have not been successful in attaining
A: Over the course of my 30 year career, this promise has
funding from recent programs. We are buying around US$2
been made at least six times. This is the first time that I
million worth of new equipment this year and at the national
have seen an actual reflected increase in real terms. The
level, we will have some fairly solid capabilities for genomic
highest investment we previously saw was when we got
investigation. We can also capitalize on established
close to 0.45% of GDP. Now we have reached a level of
connections abroad, and we are open to using some of the
0.54%, which shows real improvement. Some of my more
whole genome sequencing currently being carried out with
basically-trained scientists are now devoted to innovation
the large international companies due to cost restrictions.
and are working directly with companies, so we are very well positioned to benefit from that particular pledge.
Q: What are the main obstacles facing the advancement of genome research in Mexico?
Q: How do INMEGEN researchers interact with universities
A: The main obstacle is persuading the clinical area that
like UNAM, and how do you foster talent growth?
the research is valuable. The significance of the discovery
A: A collaborative environment has been fostered over time.
of the human genome is on par with the discovery of
Some UNAM researchers work with institutes on a sub-
antibiotics and the development of surgery. Over the
contracted basis and institutes fund some research. The
coming decades, a lot of energy will be required to
National University will also pay for scientists and technicians
train and persuade physicians to experiment and adapt.
from several institutes to work on multi-disciplinary projects.
Homogenizing clinical practice guides and training staff to
This can create tension because CONACYT has created
utilize the new technology will also be a key issue which
a new modality to hire young research scientists who are
needs to be addressed.
distributed into different research placements but who are significantly better paid for their level of expertise compared
Q: Is the main challenge that the government refuses to
with our own scientists from the same program. The fact that
invest the required amount to fund training? Or does the
research scientists are not paid competitively is a problem
clinical sector itself not quite understand the scope of the
that we need to address because these researchers are well
transformation it will have to undergo?
renowned and they realize that they are an asset. Sadly
A: There are challenges everywhere, but I think one of
one of the main reasons that Mexican talent is leaving the
the main challenges has been the ability to communicate
country is because of low salaries, among other issues such
effectively with the clinicians, which is absolutely necessary
as difficulties in getting decent financing and the lack of
to advancing research. I think that this research will
capacity for speedy and pertinent expenditure.
transform things so completely, that the community will be resistant to the changes for a while. Also, the government
Q: How successful have your initiatives with private
still wants to see a return before investing more money.
companies been in attracting talent back to Mexico?
When we start developing new ways to treat diabetes, to
A: We had a program financed by the Televisa foundation
classify the patients, and to develop treatments, they will
in which we made an international call for scientists.
be convinced that they will recover any investment as well
Unfortunately, some of the most qualified candidates were
as making a significant profit.
TURNING RESEARCH INTO PRODUCTS – ACADEMIA’S ROLE Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education
entrepreneurs with tools to advance their projects. For
(ITESM) is commited to advancing research and innovation
Dr. Zertuche, Mexico is well positioned for quality biological
in Mexico. Within ten years, the university has generated
research and its application to the health sector. The country’s
vast knowledge and expertise in the biotechnology field,
biggest challenge, however, remains creating and exporting
enabling them to help the food and life science industries
its own technology rather than importing and distributing
optimize their bioprocesses. Expanding biological systems
it. “Mexico has a solid platform to launch solutions onto the
and extraction and purification processes has resulted in
market, the problem is that very few are willing to capitalize on
many benefits, proving that biotechnological research could
it. I believe that if we continue at the same rate of growth that
have a pronounced impact on many fields such as agronomy,
has been seen over the past few years we will have a mature
energy, pharmaceuticals, environment, and food science. The
industry in the next ten years and will see a lot of Mexican
Monterrey Campus focuses on the health sector in general including pharmaceuticals and nutrition, with modern research lines in the field of genomics and diagnostics. Dr. Manuel Zertuche, Director of the School of Biotechnology and Food Science, says that the college “has been putting a lot of effort into developing new technologies, new medical devices, and sensors to improve diagnostics.” Nanotechnology is also a promising field set to revolutionize health and life sciences. In Mexico it is quite common for researchers to limit their research to publication instead of commercialization. In this regard, Dr. Zertuche explains that, “when a researcher publishes his findings, it means that he has indeed contributed in some measure to his field of study and is a good indicator that innovation has been reached. Nevertheless, publishing articles should not be a scientist’s sole objective; findings should impact society with innovative products or services.” To achieve this, more mechanisms that connect academia
“What really matters to us is the journey from patent to finished product or consumable. We have registered over 350 patents over the past ten years, which is not a vast number compared to the total number of patents filed in Mexico, but sizeable when it is compared to other institutions” Dr. Manuel Zertuche, Director of the School of Biotechnology and Food Science at ITESM
with the private sector could be developed. The university
products entering the market,” Dr. Zertuche affirms. Synthetic
understands the value of this sort of relationship and has
biology and nanotechnology are predicted to become niche
created links between students, professors, and companies.
industries requiring Mexican participation. To achieve this,
Spaces where companies are invited to view and participate
Dr. Zertuche says is necessary to change specialists from
in project development with their expertise and capital have
researchers to developers and to start negotiating with
been created. In this way the Biotechnology Center created
other nations in order to create innovations. Finding a way to
a protein product called Provita, which has captured
effectively market ideas to potential investors is key. To tackle
the interest of several companies due to its potential
this the college invites international institutions to further
applications. Provita is a soluble stable protein that can be
develop their most promising projects.
added to water, milk, and even solids, in order to enhance nutritional value. It is intended to help address the problem
Dr. Zertuche’s priorities are to continue this work and to
of high calorie, low protein food consumption. Provita has
increasingly push the biotechnology and food engineering
the same amino acid content and quality as animal protein,
divisions to the next level. Attracting the best talent is an
but a lower cost and environmental impact.
important goal for the university to keep its leadership position and entrepreneurial environment. Additionally, the
Since 2005, ITESM has been the leader in patent filing
ITESM Monterrey Campus recently created ClusterTEC in
in Mexico, but
it is not the university’s biggest focus.
order to enhance its research, innovation, and entrepreneurial
ITESM has the largest technology transfer system in the
capabilities, since connections with companies have proved
country, and in less than ten years has created 15 industrial
to be useful for graduates to commercialize their ideas and
parks where ideas born in the university are developed.
open new businesses. Finally, Dr. Zertuche reinforces his
The university’s business incubator helps researchers
commitment to advancing innovation: “Academia plays a very
in all phases of product design and development until it
important role in improving the country’s innovation level and
reaches the market, with an academic group providing
we are determined to continue working with this resolution.”
CONNECTING ACADEMIA AND INDUSTRY DR. MIGUEL BERISTAIN HERNÁNDEZ Director of Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education (ITESM) School of Life Sciences
Q: What is ITESM Mexico City Campus’s relationship with
COFEPRIS approval. Our researchers work extensively on
the same molecules to minimize the required amount of
A: ITESM is endeavoring to be the best academic institute
testing. Most researchers in public universities unfortunately
in Latin American and, to achieve this, our main focus
do not have the financial resources to carry out molecular
is strengthening our production of academic research.
tests on biological systems, so normally only conduct in vitro
Although we have excellent researchers, the vast majority
and in vivo tests. We focus more on preclinical and clinical
of our expertise has been centered on teaching. Mexico
areas as well as biotechnology and biomedical therapies.
City Campus still has no medical graduates yet since the
One of our Directors created a diagnostics platform through
medical curriculum is relatively new, but each semester, 20
information systems under ITESM’s intellectual property and
nutritionists, 30 biotechnologists and 17 medical biologists
its technology has been applied to the early detection of
graduate. To strengthen research, a year ago we decided
cervical cancer. Our university has helped companies engage
that all professors had to generate an adequate research
in the generation of technology. Our greatest achievement
profile under which to develop projects to attract financing
lies in our creation of a greater diffusion of medical prevention
from international or private funds. Our professors now
and early diagnosis.
spend less time in seminars and devote most of the day to research areas of interest. A success example is Dr. Jorge
Q: How important are partnerships between academia,
Valdez’s research in biotechnology, for which he has been
public bodies, and the private sector?
awarded the Rosenkranz prize.
A: Research represents a common interest to all parties. We are building links with international universities in order
Q: What are some of the main challenges facing the
to create research networks to accelerate the exchange of
medical information. We are also working with industrial
A: Mexico faces a significant challenge as, despite possessing
and biomedical engineers to improve hospital processes
advanced epidemiological profiles, patient mortality is high
and address key shortcomings in the technical and
due to inadequate medical training. To some extent the
administrative management of hospitals. This way, we
country is a contradiction. Within its borders highly qualified
seek multidisciplinary partnerships to improve processes
doctors and progressive medicine can be found, but the
so that patients receive quality, efficient, and humane care.
inequitable distribution of specialized medical treatment is
We have been asked to support a research center in the US
evident. Fortunately, in Mexico there are expert physicians
dedicated to cancer research due to the low prevalence of
willing to distribute their time between both high-tech
evolved cancers in that population. ITESM also collaborated
private hospitals and hospitals lacking in proper facilities.
with the EU and ProMéxico on a project to help certify 40
The School of Life Sciences is adapting to the shifting
clinical research centers. On undertaking this project I
epidemiological profile by focusing on chronic diseases, as
became aware of the size of the clinical research market
well as continuing its work on contagious infections. Work
globally, but noted that Mexico lacked the same impact in
on non-transmittable illnesses should not impede research
the industry. Despite a high level of bioscience expertise
on still-prevalent infectious diseases. It remains crucial to
and significant talent in Mexico, there seems to be a national
work on solid information systems to accurately detect
and international reluctance to conduct studies here as it
possible disease outbreaks.
is perceived that protocols are not strictly followed and quality is not guaranteed. There have been instances of
Q: Much of the University research carried out in Mexico is
data manipulation, which has serious implications across
never commercialized - why is this?
the medical industry. As a result, even the smaller Mexican
A: The majority of public universities focus their efforts on
clinical sites are now seeking to be certified under quality
basic research. Before developing a new treatment, numerous
standards and, measuring by current progress, we expect
clinical trials must be performed in order to gain FDA or
to be close to certifying 37 of the 40 clinical sites.
A PIONEERING LOCAL RESEARCH CENTER DR. SONIA MAYRA PERÉZ TAPIA Executive Director of the Unit of Research and Development in Bioprocesses (UDIBI)
Q: How did your involvement in the Transfer Factor Project
regulatory affairs, and quality control tests. Our quality
lead to the establishment of the UDIBI research center?
control standards set us apart and specific guidelines,
A: Transfer factor has a long history in Mexico. When it was
norms, and ISO standards are implemented at UDIBI. It is
discovered in 1955, knowledge in the field of immunology
difficult to find a laboratory in Mexico that works with Good
was in its infancy, so when Dr. Sherwood Lawrence found
Laboratory Practice, so we stand out in this regard. We
that partial immunity to infectious diseases was transferred
are still too small to really compare ourselves to research
from immune cells to others, he believed only one molecule
centers in Europe and the US, but our quality services are
was responsible for that effect, which was designated
the same as those from other universities in the world
‘transfer factor’. Later on, as the field of immunology
despite being cheaper. We can perform viral validations
developed and the different biological processes were
for biologics at one-tenth of the average price in US, which
gradually understood, transfer factor remained a mystery.
is about US$1-2 million. At present we provide two local
Respected Immunologist Dr. Sergio Estrada Parra met
companies with such services, and are negotiating with a
Dr. Lawrence at a conference about 40 years ago, and
multinational company for preclinical studies, validation,
discovered that the transfer factor’s action was mediated by
and proof of concept of different molecules.
a mix of more than 1,000 peptides. In 1971 the first product was registered at the regulatory agency and 30 years ago
Q: How is your long-term vision for UDIBI evolving?
Dr. Estrada started producing a small batch of this product
A: We have to take advantage of the different trends
from leukocytes of healthy people in the Escuela Nacional
developing in the pharmaceutical industry right now.
de Ciencias Biologicas of the Instituto Politecnico Nacional
Firstly, we want to focus on providing more specialized
(IPN). I have been working on transfer factor for 20 years. In
services for the development of biocomparables. Later, as
the project’s early stages, there was a great need for more
our expertise is developed, we want to produce innovative
preclinical studies and general development, but we quickly
biopharmaceuticals. UDIBI is a National Laboratory that
moved from producing 20 to 1,000 bottles of transfer
receives funding from CONACYT, and therefore we are
factor a year, and now we are producing 500,000 bottles
committed to providing services for academia. I am part
per year. The product has gained COFEPRIS approval in
of Red Farmed, which is a network for pharmaceutical and
its injectable and oral forms and, due to it being obtained
diagnostic method development at CONACYT, and one
from leukocytes of human blood, strict guidelines and
important goal they are working toward is to find four or
requirements must be complied with, especially for viral
five molecules with a satisfactory research background in
control. As the project continued growing, we needed a
order to transform them into actual products. In order to
larger scientific staff to increase our production capabilities
continue being a National Laboratory, UDIBI has to invest in
as well as to advance our knowledge of transfer factor and
R&D for products that can be commercialized and at present
immunology. As a result we also started providing services
we have about 15 molecules under preclinical development
for the biopharmaceutical industry, and so a designated
that can be transformed into products. The R&D process
research center was founded in 2012, called UDIBI.
encompasses basic research, proof of concept, preclinical studies, and clinical trials. We have several molecules
Q: What is the main focus of UDIBI at this point, and
and medical devices in the basic research stage, but only
how would you compare its standards on a national and
a handful of them manage to evolve to the next stage,
international level?
during which the proof of concept and preclinical studies
A: We provide pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics
are designed and executed. If positive results are obtained,
in vitro studies for the development of biosimilars. Our
major pharmaceutical companies may be interested in
biggest contracts are for providing biocomparability
conducting clinical trials and we can create technology-
studies, as well as identifying several blood analyses for
transfer agreements with multinational companies with this
clinical trials, expert advice for scientific projects and
purpose and if not, UDIMEB has its own clinical studies unit.
Q: Have you found accessible funding for the projects and
Q: How is the Government reacting to this pressure?
how attractive do you think the field is for investors?
A: The government has already changed the law, but this
A: We are receiving funding from IPN and the private
problem still manifests in research institutes. The government
sector, but we need even more investment to keep
is also investing more in life sciences, and CONACYT recently
growing. I see a lot of opportunities and we also have
signed a contract with SANOFI to provide training in this
the option to expand the business by collaborating with
company, which benefits graduates as well as SANOFI.
the private sector. Mexican authorities removed the local
The National Institutes of Health receive funding from the
plant rule some time ago, and for this reason many big
Government, but their activities and initiatives are different
pharmaceutical companies closed manufacturing plants
from those in public Universities. The latter have business
in the country but continue selling products in the Mexican
incubators that are available to every start-up. Also, the
market. However, the same companies are required to carry
budget and administrative process of research centers and
out test drugs for quality, which is a significant business
projects are determined by the university and a simpler
opportunity. The National Entrepreneurship Institute
administrative process for this kind of projects is necessary.
produced a report that highlights the biopharmaceutical
UDIBI comprises the transfer factor project, services for the
sector as a priority for the Mexico City area, due to the
pharmaceutical industry, and medical care to patients, which
presence of qualified professionals, companies, hospitals,
are considered different projects that receive money from
the regulatory agency, certified laboratories and research
different sources. Even though projects are successful and
centers, although these activities are not yet truly
create a reliable revenue stream, money is not allowed to be
used according to the needs of the center. The Government should be aware of this problem and create new models for
Q: What needs to be done for R&D and innovation to
the administration of research centers and projects.
thrive in Mexico? A: The first stumbling block to innovation in Mexico is the
Q: What role should clusters play in helping support
conflict of interest that exists in institutes. Investigators at
industry growth?
institutes are not allowed to commercialize their research
A: There are health clusters in Morelos, Nuevo Leon,
or to create variations, and they do not receive significant
Queretaro, Jalisco, and Mexico City, but none of them are
compensation for their discoveries or products they
functioning properly. The most important cluster with
invent. This explains why transfer factor is still only a
the longest history is in Monterrey, but generally health
project in this institute, even though it has commercial
clusters are not well organized in Mexico. Good planning
potential. Red Farmed published a study on state-of-the-
should involve the participation of companies, institutions,
art of biopharmaceuticals in Mexico and found that there
regulatory agency, and all agents of the innovation cycle,
were hundreds of molecules in research centers that do
but instead there is a lack of collaboration between
not have the appropriate support to become products.
companies, academia, and the government. In Morelos the
Certain articles of the Science and Technology Law and
land intended for developing the cluster is empty because
the Public Servants Law have been reformed to authorize
no security has been established in the area and it does not
the creation of companies by employees but nevertheless
have the necessary services for it to function. A few years
institutes have stringent policies in this regard. Therefore,
ago, the whole sector had great expectations for the cluster
fostering innovation in Mexico relies on shifting the
in Cuernavaca, but it has not been a successful initiative. At
mindset of both Directors and researchers, and this is
present, we work directly with the private sector instead of
the only way for it to thrive. Researchers are expected
being part of a cluster, but we are open to participating in
to engage in passion-driven scientific endeavors without
clusters in the future if they are properly structured.
any commercial or monetary ambitions. However R&D activity can benefit everyone in Mexico if the right policies
Q: What is your strategy for communicating your services
and incentives are implemented. I strongly believe this
to big pharmaceutical companies?
paradigm will change in the next few years since the
A: First of all, a greater budget is needed for improving
number of scientists that are pressuring the Government
our visibility, and we need to incorporate a marketing and
to allow commercializing research is increasing. If this
public relations team into UDIMEB, as well as financial and
does not happen, scientists will continue to leave research
regulatory experts. Furthermore, we need a strategic plan
centers and even the country, to join companies offering
for developing alliances with bodies such as CANIFARMA
more incentives. Not supporting researchers in the
and COFEPRIS for establishing new projects and providing
right way has a dramatic impact on R&D and innovation
more services, which will create jobs for students and
indicators in Mexico.
PhDs. We expect this to take several months.
CERTIFICATION BRINGS MORE CLINICAL TRIALS In 2012, The Mexico City Campus at Tecnológico de
According to Dr. Victor Belalcazar, Director of Icaro, one of
Monterrey announced a two-year project to assist 40
the clinical research centers that earned the certification,
clinical research sites in becoming certified to ISO
“there is nothing more important than improving quality as
9001, the global standard for quality management. In
a means to increasing competitiveness.” Yolanda Cervantes,
collaboration with the Competitiveness and Innovation
Clinical R&D and Medical Affairs Vaccines Director at
Program (PROCEI) and the European Commission, the
GlaxoSmithKline Mexico, said that more research centers
aim of the program was the training and certification of
are expected to join this initiative and become part of the
40 Mexican small and medium enterprises (SMEs) that
collective drive for quality that Mexico is experiencing.
conduct clinical studies. The clinical trials industry in
Similarly, Francisco García Zetina, Executive Director of
Mexico is expanding, and more collaboration among key
Products and Establishments Approval of COFEPRIS,
players is necessary to promote further development.
stated that certified clinical research centers will undergo
Working for the professionalization of clinical research
less regulatory scrutiny, although by its very nature
and improving the quality of knowledge possessed by all
the requirements are constantly adapting to prevent
actors in the industry will ideally position Mexico as an
compromise of patient security.
attractive investment opportunity for more multinational clinical trials and aid the country to become a clinical
Regarding clinical research in other Latin American
research hub in the Latin American region.
countries, Humberto Reynales, CEO of the Center of Attention
The project began with the concept of developing an
President of the Colombian Association of Clinical
innovative quality model for clinical research centers.
Research Centers (ACIC), described a norm requiring
International regulations as well as the Good Clinical
Colombian research centers to be certified by the
Practice (GCP) standards were reviewed to incorporate the
Colombian regulatory agency INVIMA. ACIC enforces
best requirements and recommendations into the model.
several protocols such as ethics committee improvement
Subsequently, several SMEs were contacted to participate
and training for researchers. Furthermore, he highlighted
in the project, selected according to their experience,
the importance of developing a collaborative network in
knowledge and technological capabilities. According to the
Latin America for strengthening the clinical trials industry
Project Leader, Dr. Dora Carranza, Director of the Clinical
in the region, while applauding the already high standard
Research Unit of Tecnológico de Monterrey, Mexico City
of clinical research professionals and quality practices.
Campus, one of the biggest challenges was transforming investigator mindsets from an exclusive focus on patient
The 40 SMEs are located throughout the Mexican
care to the acknowledgement of the research units as
territory and the next step in the training process is to
businesses, requiring a business strategy, quality policy
build a network of certified quality centers with the
and standard procedures.
aim of consolidating their presence in the industry and working with related associations, such as the Alliance of
The Mexico City Campus of the University undertook
CROs in Mexico (ACROM) and the Mexican Association
training of staff from the 40 research centers through
Investment in the clinical trials industry in Mexico could prove prudent since Mexico has a large untreated patient
implementing a quality management system enables
pool, a high prevalence of a variety of chronic degenerative
companies to increase customer satisfaction by process
diseases, and an array of highly qualified professionals.
control and monitoring. In the clinical trials field, both
Moreover, the country’s geographical proximity to the US
patients and multinational companies are clinical site
and other Latin American countries has created a strategic
customers, so not only must high quality sites comply
advantage. Mexico has proved to be able to conduct
with GCP and regulatory requirements, but also prove
high quality clinical trials through exemplary audits and
capabilities in quality planning, strategic allocation of
inspections results, and recently COFEPRIS developed
resources, evaluation of suppliers, personnel training
a pre-authorization process in which nine Institutes of
and documentation, all of which must be specified in a
Health can review and pre-authorize study protocols
standardized procedures manual. Employment of such
within 20 days. While Mexico continues to develop its
protocols ensures that patient safety is guaranteed and
R&D capabilities, hosting more clinical trials becomes a
customer requirements are met. An authorized company
catalyst for the creation of jobs, as well as representing a
accredited the research centers to ISO 9001 standards.
therapeutic alternative for patients.
| WORLD CLINICAL TRIALS Map of Number of Clinical Trials in the World (Source: ?)
World 195,286 Canada 14,117
Europe 54,440
South Asia 3,196
US 86,605
Africa 4,657
Southeast Asia 3,991
Mexico 2,401
Middle East 8,138
Japan 3,748
Central America 2,227
North Asia 3,621
Australia 5,136
South America 6,656
East Asia 18,896
Canada 14,117 United States 86,605 Mexico 2,401 Central America 2,227
South America 6,656
Europe 54,440 Africa 4,657 Middle East 8,138 North Asia 3,621 East Asia 18,896
South Asia 3,196 Southeast Asia 3,991 Japan 3,748 Australia 5,136 Source: www.clinicaltrials.gov
Q: You were recently named president of ACROM. What
delayed our work and the approval process. Now, we meet
are your plans and goals for the association?
with the Ministry of Health on a monthly basis to discuss the
A: ACROM was established five years ago with three
new regulations and representatives of every association
primary aims: to become known as the main Mexican body
review all the information. We are now able to have an open
for clinical research, to upskill staff on project management
and frank discussion with regulatory authorities. However, we
and study coordination, and to organize conferences with
do not expect many changes to the current regulation, since
national and international organizations. These three
these alterations would only add to the elements companies
main goals have been addressed, so we are evolving
must comply with. Instead, any modifications should help
towardsdirect influence on Mexican legislators by working
authorities to catch up with their backlog and become more
in conjunction with other associations such as COFEPRIS
efficient by standardizing processes across the country.
and the National Bioethics Commission, responsible for the legislation governing all the ethics committees in the
Q: You are also creating an association of CROs in Latin
country. We also work with IMSS in its push to increase
America. To what extent will you ally yourself with existing
its number of clinical trials nationwide. The CROs under
CRO associations in other countries?
ACROM currently conduct 90% of all research in Mexico.
A: In 2014, we began an initiative called ACROM LATAM, aimed at uniting all CRO associations in Latin America.
Q: Does ACROM place importance on the creation of
The goal is to standardize processes and to harmonize
relationships with academia and research organizations?
communication across all the countries involved. We are
A: We are collaborating with some universities like UNAM,
still working toward this goal since, at this point, we are still
ITESM, UAM, and La Salle to establish research training
establishing ACROM LATAM’s regulatory framework. There
models. We also want to organize a job fair to ensure
are many different working cultures involved, making
that students are aware of the wide range of possibilities
our standardization efforts all the more complex. At the
that clinical research can offer as a career. The expansion
same time, ACROM is also trying to gain recognition by
of clinical research should create many new jobs but, if
TransCelerate, the main association of CROs in the US in
students are unaware of its existence, we will have a lack
order to increase its presence and influence.
of qualified professionals. After that, the next step is to raise awareness about the importance of commercializing
Q: To what extent do you expect the clinical trial industry
research. There is still a lot of work to be done here as
to grow in Mexico within the next three to five years?
many investigators do not understand the need to
A: This area grew by 5% in the last five years but has the
commercialize research. CONACYT has a comprehensive
potential for considerable future growth. Mexico has a
scholarship program with CANIFARMA but these are too
lot of strengths but the main one is the size of its patient
focused on basic research and not on clinical research.
population, which will only keep growing. The public
We need to work together to increase the number of
health sector already no longer has the capacity to provide
clinical studies being carried out. In 2014, we signed a
services to this vast population, so by carrying out clinical
collaboration agreement with AMIIF because they expect
research in Mexico we would be able to offer patients more
to make a huge investment on clinical trials by 2020.
options for care. Patients in Mexico still have a good patientphysician relationship, meaning that they trust their doctor’s
Q: COFEPRIS will publish a revision of NOM 12 this year.
prescriptions and suggestions. This is highly dissimilar
How will this affect ACROM and its members?
to other countries where patients often request a second
A: The industry has witnessed considerable change in the
or a third opinion. Another advantage is that most of the
last three years as COFEPRIS has become far more open to
Mexican population lacks access to health insurance, which
collaborating with associations in the review and proposal of
makes clinical research potentially beneficial for them as an
new policies. The old regulations were often confusing, which
alternative to access innovative treatments.
THE RIGHT CLINICAL RESARCH PROFESSIONALS MIRIAM SERRANO President of the Association of Professional Specialists in Clinical Research (APEIC) Q: What is APEIC’s mission? Can you tell us about some
professionals receive a direct reward from continuous,
of its key activities?
specialized education, a steady job, and from highly
A: Our mission is to convene all the area’s clinical research
competitive salaries. Mexico has great potential to grow
professionals so as to establish a tight network. Our main
in clinical research, so this is a fertile field for young
goal is to strengthen our human capital and maximize
professionals who are integral in accelerating this growth.
Mexico’s competitiveness in the field of clinical research. In the short term, APEIC focuses on building strategic
Q: Plenty of research projects are being overlooked. How
alliances with various stakeholders in clinical research,
are you closing the gap to increase productivity and
competitiveness in research?
research institutes, patients, and pharmaceutical industry
A: First of all, APEIC works hard to ensure that both
players. We also seek to work with independent review
sectors realize that clinical research speaks only one
boards and ethics committees (IRBs and IECs), contract
language, as defined by scientific and ethical principles
research organizations (CROs), and other vendors.
and regulations. By sticking to this script, it will eventually become clear that everybody is pursuing the same goals.
Q: What needs to be improved to attract further
The most efficient way to achieve these goals is by working
multinational studies?
together and capitalizing on every possible synergy. On
A: The research industry in Mexico is facing a number
one hand, the pharmaceutical industry needs scientific
of noteworthy challenges at the moment. The industry
breakthroughs to drive innovation. On the other hand, the
is sensitive to changes in clinical trial timelines and the
academy depends on technical and economic support to
startup time in clinical trials is one of the most relevant
continue research. As a result, the academy and industry
indicators of global competitiveness. The number of
should and must be a highly productive partnership. This
clinical trials conducted in Mexico over the last five years
partnership is crucial to the local pharmaceutical industry
has fluctuated, and a direct correlation can be observed
and academy, since it will enable the Mexican industry
to shift from replicating products such as generics and
Research industry growth is stalling overall, and therefore
biosimilars to developing innovative solutions that address
reducing startup times is key if we are to capitalize on
those local health needs that are not currently being met.
Mexico’s full potential, which could amount to three
Furthermore, the academy will benefit from transforming
times the current investment levels. We need to be sure
its research programs into tangible benefits for society,
that all key stakeholders across the board are aware of
which is the common goal of both sectors.
their responsibilities where regulatory requirements are concerned.
Q: What other major events have you planned for this year? Can you tell us about your main priorities going
Q: To what extent does clinical research appear to be an
attractive and profitable field for young professionals?
A: Our first priority is to carry out a census on the current
A: The ideal clinical research professional is an individual
state of medical knowledge among clinical professionals
whose experience, training, and education provide the skills
nationwide. Based on this data we can identify training
to yield high quality data. Research subjects’ rights, safety,
needs and thereby plan our annual academic program,
and well-being are protected by local and international
regulations, as well as scientific and ethical standards.
conference. We also plan to launch the National Program
Therefore, an awareness of all of these regulations is
of Certification of Clinical Research Professionals (CRP),
crucial. Another important factor is the researcher’s ability
with a view to demonstrating that CRP in Mexico have the
to meet trial commitments – timelines, recruitment, quality
skills, knowledge and expertise required to compete at a
assurance as well as their own predictability. Research
global level.
ASSURING OPTIMAL SITE QUALITY PARAMOUNT DR. JOSÉ LUIS VIRAMONTES Director of Remote Site Management and Monitoring at PPD and Former President of ACROM
Q: How would you classify Mexico’s success in attracting
Q: Is COFEPRIS taking the right action in order to speed
clinical trials to date?
the process along?
A: By comparing the number of trials implemented in
A: We have seen significant cooperation and COFEPRIS
Mexico to other countries in Latin America, we can perceive
has proposed new initiatives to improve timelines. They
that we are in a competitive position. There is evidence
separated approvals from amendments, which used to
that the quality of research in Latin America is on par with
run simultaneously and was problematic since there are
any other country in the world. Although there are some
usually several amendments per protocol. We are also
problems in the region, we have also clear strengths and
exploring other alternatives, such as the possibility to run
we are trying to promote the industry among decision-
the ethical committee approval process parallel to the
makers all over the world. To attract foreign companies, we
approval process by COFEPRIS. Right now, unlike in other
are increasing our collaboration with academia and with
countries, this process is sequential: ethical committees
research institutions, with a host of great researchers who
have to approve the proposal before it can be submitted
have a mainly academic approach. I would say that their
to COFEPRIS. In 2013 a new and efficient initiative called
focus is on clinical training and academic research so they
Unidades Habilitadas para la Aprobación de Proyectos
have little interest in clinical trials. At the same time, clinical
de Investigación (UHAP) was launched. Nine units were
investigators perceive the CROs as intermediates between
created at the most important national institutes of health
themselves and international pharmaceuticals. So our
in Mexico with the objective of accelerating the approval
current goal in Mexico is to improve our relationship with
process. Working independently from ethical committees,
universities and research institutions in order to promote
they evaluate the documentation, and within 30 days submit
the importance of recognizing professionals in the field of
it to COFEPRIS who will then require only 20 days to review
clinical research.
it, reducing the approval time by about a month. COFEPRIS also has a new initiative to alleviate their backlog of clinical
Q: What is your opinion on the timelines involved in
trial approvals before the end of the year called the Grupo de
bringing a product to the market in Mexico?
Alta Productividad (GAP). They contact every company that
A: Mexico has very well defined processes to approve clinical
has projects with pending approvals, requesting additional
trials. We are working together with the government to
information as needed in every case, and once provided, they
address pertinent issues, and timeframes in Mexico are now
agree on a meeting to review the submission.
shorter than in other Latin American countries. The approval
process takes about six months from the beginning of the
process to the final decision by the regulatory authorities. In
certifications – how important are these?
general we are working within very competitive parameters
A: We all agree that training and certification will bring
and on average, the speed of obtaining approval is faster
widespread benefits to the industry. However, while
than that of other large countries. There are three steps that
certifications are useful, by themselves they do not prove
dictate the whole approval processes. Firstly, the company
that a site is compliant with regulatory practices. Certification
submits the subject drug to regulatory authorities. While this
is different to effective performance. A global problem is the
is a relatively efficient process, there are still some areas of
lack of a certification that can guarantee quality performance
opportunity to simplify our internal procedures. The second
in research. A company needs internal certification to prove
step is related with the approval from ethical committees
they are compliant with ICHs and GCPs and that they are
as required by the regulatory agency. The third component
trained in good clinical practices but there is no official
in the clinical trials approval process relates to the agency
accreditation for this. Like in many countries, in Mexico there
review (COFEPRIS). They have an official timeline of three
is no mandatory certification to conduct pharmaceutical
months, and although timeframes have improved, there are
research. As CROs, we are most concerned with assuring the
still delays and backlogs.
quality of the site.
OUTSOURCING CLINICAL RESEARCH TO DRIVE COMPETITIVENESS CECILIA MORENO Head of Clinical Operations at PPD Q. How seriously is the CRO industry taken as a sector in
opportunity to optimize resources and expertise within the
its own right in Mexico?
region and boost our delivery features to the benefit of our
A: CROs play a significant role within the clinical research
clients. The Northern Cone is augmented and balanced by
(CR) industry in Mexico and all over Latin America, mainly
the Southern Cone, which is comprised of Argentina, Brazil,
due to the general trend of outsourcing CR services. In
and Chile.
Mexico this is partly a result of the integration of the local CRO industry association in ACROM, and its important role
Q: Recently IMSS opened to clinical trials – are you hopeful
in interacting with the industry and the regulatory authorities
this will incrase clinical trial levels?
such as COFEPRIS. In the coming years, the CRO industry,
A: IMSS and has an impressive infrastructure, with almost
as a recognized sector, will keep on acting as a consolidated
2,000 medical units nationwide, of which 36 are third-level
driver to promote the competitiveness of Mexico.
hospitals. In 2013, IMSS provided more than 125 million office visits, which equates to more than 350,000 a day. Over
Q: In spite of its strengths, only 1.2% of global trials are
the past ten years, few companies have conducted clinical
conducted in Mexico - how can this be improved?
trials within IMSS, but this new direction is now opening the
A: In general, all of Latin America has the potential to
possibility to conduct pharmaceutical studies in its facilities.
increase its participation in the pharmaceutical research
This openness should be considered as very positive, with
market. As an emerging country, Mexico still needs to
the hope of substantially increasing Mexico’s potential to
develop and regularly promote its advantages, such as its
compete for large global and regional trials.
geography, population, epidemiology, economy and medical infrastructure. The three most important factors in which all
Q: What is your perspective of Mexico as a platform for
stakeholders are working together are the improvement of
managing more clinical trials?
professionalization of clinical sites, the implementation of a
A: Latin America is attractive to global investors given
more efficient regulatory process to approve clinical trials,
its large population, and wide accessibility, among other
and finally the encouragement of greater collaboration
factors. Under these circumstances, Mexico currently has
among academia, regulatory authorities and the industry.
a great opportunity to become the regional leader in CR
Working in an integrated manner within the region will also
due to its current positive macroeconomic environment
help to increase its competitive position in terms of country
and open regulatory position. There is a general effort
mix determination and resource optimization.
in Mexico to replicate as much as possible the proven successful Korean model (Korean Network for Clinical
Q: What role does the PPD office in Mexico play locally
Trials, KONECT), which may help growth.
and regionally? A: Mexico was the third office PPD opened in Latin America
Q: How do the ongoing delays in approving and opening
in 1999, after Brazil and Argentina, in response to the
new protocols impact CROs?
growing potential of the region. During the last 15 years,
A: The average clinical trial approval timeline in Mexico, about
PPD’s main role in Mexico has been to support the global
six months, can be considered competitive when compared
and regional business through using the highest quality
with other Latin America countries. However, it is widely
standards. In the local market, PPD has been building a solid
recognized that there are still many key development areas
image with strong and proactive participation in most of the
that must be addressed. COFEPRIS is actively proposing ways
local CR forums. In Mexico we have always been responsible
to enhance the efficiency of its internal processes, to address
for clinical operations conducted in Central America and
the approvals backlog. They are also requesting the industry
the Caribbean, and since 2014 we have been part of PPD’s
help with the process by holding meetings to discuss all
Northern Cone of Latin America, which includes Colombia,
pending approvals and collectively reviewing all the relevant
Ecuador, Peru, and Venezuela. This structure offers us the
information, and so far this strategy has been effective.
REGIONAL DEMAND FOR LOCAL CLINICAL RESEARCH KNOW-HOW Only 15 years ago, the Mexican clinical trials industry was
In its 15 years of operation, Infinite Critical Research has
virtually non-existent. With very few experts in the country
developed significant expertise in financial planning
and with a lack of proper regulations, big pharma companies
and risk management to protect itself against uncertain
were simply uninterested in bringing clinical trials to Mexico.
revenue streams.
This combination of factors led Arturo Rodríguez, CEO of Infinite Clinical Research, and his partner to found Infinite
Aside from these financial constraints, Infinite Critical Research
Clinical Research as a CRO that could provide regulatory
has had to keep up with the evolution of Latin America as a
destination for clinical trials. Mexico only emerged as a clinical
international CROs. Today, he sees his company as a unique
research hub in recent years after its regulations for the
success story in the Mexican clinical trials industry. Competing
industry finally caught up with expected standards. In 2000,
with multinational CROs is no easy task. As the headquarters
when the CRO took its first steps, Argentina was the preferred
of the largest pharmaceutical companies are located
location for clinical trials in the region. “The situation changed
abroad, the selection of countries for conducting clinical
dramatically as Mexico improved its services, competitiveness,
trials is also performed outside of Mexico. Furthermore,
and specialists,” says Rodríguez.
international CROs have the size, resources, infrastructure, and knowledge to conduct and manage multinational clinical
Recently the public authorities have taken real steps to help
trials as outsourcing services for pharmaceutical companies,
bring more clinical trials to Mexico. IMSS has been open
allowing them to dominate the global market. Nevertheless,
to conducting clinical trials without holding intellectual
whenever companies begin operations or open protocols in
property rights, and Infinite Clinical Research has a number
a new country, they face the challenge of complying with
of ongoing clinical trials with IMSS that have shown
local laws and regulations, which requires experienced and
promising results. COFEPRIS has also been transformed: in
knowledgeable personnel. According to Rodríguez, Infinite
2012, it conducted audits of clinical research sites, followed
Clinical Research has been catering to this need since its
in 2013 with a process to verify the compliance of ethics
foundation: “we have provided 70% of the international
committees as well as the certification of specific CROs in
CROs based in Mexico with legal support to establish their
2014. Alongside this, COFEPRIS has implemented a pre-
operations in the country. This is better than competing
authorization process in which the National Institutes of
against them by trying to attract clinical trials,” he says.
Health can review protocol submissions within two weeks. According to Rodríguez, these steps have reinforced
“The challenge for local CROs is
support pharmaceuticals with the same quality and expertise as international CROs” Arturo Rodríguez, CEO of Infinite Clinical Research
Mexico’s leadership position in Latin America at a time when different players in the clinical trials industry are increasing their quality standards. Infinite Clinical Research is ready to capitalize on the changes taking place by expanding in Mexico, as well as in Central America and the Caribbean. “These countries need Mexico’s support for developing this promising industry, which is beneficial to patients and national economies. We have experience in promoting clinical trials in countries
This is not the only challenge facing local and smaller CROs
with environments that do not allow them to meet their
as drug development is also a high-risk business. With
full potential,” reveals Rodríguez. “Besides this, we will
only one out of 5,000 molecules becoming an approved
consolidate Infinite Clinical Research in Mexico now that
drug, billions of dollars are invested in molecules that may
the world has begun to recognize the advantages of
seem to be apparently safe and effective in early stages of
conducting clinical trials in the country.” Despite this
development, but ultimately turn out to be insecure and/or
positive vision for the future, he still hopes for one final
ineffective later on before being canceled. “Multinational
change. He believes that Mexico must undergo a cultural
CROs are absolutely aware of this risk, and they plan their
transformation to move beyond a widely held belief
operations and budgets accordingly,” states Rodríguez.
among Mexicans that clinical research is an unethical way
However, such advanced planning is trickier for local
of experimenting with patients. “Conducting clinical trials
CROs. If a protocol managed by Infinite Clinical Research
must be recognized as a highly regulated professional
is canceled due to security issues, up to five months may
lapse until a new contract for a study protocol is signed.
innovations,” he concludes.
THE 13 PRINCIPLES OF GOOD CLINICAL PRACTICE (GCP) GCP is the global standard for conducting research involving human beings. It comprises 13 ethical and
5. Clinical trials should be scientifically sound, and described in a clear, detailed protocol.
scientific quality principles aimed at protecting the safety
6. A trial should be conducted in compliance with the
and well-being of human participants and applies to all
protocol that has received prior Institutional Review
clinical investigations, with a particular emphasis on clinical
Board (IRB) approval, Independent Ethics Committee
trials of medicinal products and medical devices. It was
(IEC) approval or favorable opinion.
developed by the regulatory authorities of the EU, Japan,
7. The medical care given to, and medical decisions
and the US, in a group named the Tripartite International
made on behalf of, subjects should always be the
Conference on Harmonization (ICH). The agreement was
responsibility of a qualified physician or, when
finalized in 1996, and became effective in 1997. Soon after
appropriate, a qualified dentist.
implementation, the GCP gained international recognition
8. Each individual involved in conducting a trial should
as a benchmark for best practice, becoming a reference for
be qualified by education, training and experience to
many regulatory agencies around the world while creating local regulations for clinical trials.
perform his or her respective task(s). 9. Freely given informed consent should be obtained
1. Clinical trials should be conducted in accordance with
from each subject prior to clinical trial participation.
the ethical principles that originate in the Declaration
10. All clinical trial information should be recorded,
of Helsinki, and that are consistent with GCP and the
handled, and stored in a way that allows its accurate
applicable regulatory requirements.
reporting, interpretation, and verification.
2. Before a trial is initiated, foreseeable risks and inconveniences
11. The confidentiality of records that could identify
subjects should be protected, respecting the privacy
anticipated benefit for the individual trial subject and
and confidentiality rules in accordance with the
society. A trial should be initiated and continued only
applicable regulatory requirement(s).
if the anticipated benefits justify the risks.
12. Investigational products should be manufactured,
3. The rights, safety, and well-being of the trial subjects
handled, and stored in accordance with applicable
are the most important considerations and should
good manufacturing practice (GMP). They should be
prevail over interests of science and society.
used in accordance with the approved protocol.
4. The available nonclinical and clinical information on an investigational product should adequately support the
13. Systems with procedures that assure the quality of every aspect of the trial should be implemented.
proposed clinical trial.
Q: What role does Mexico play in ICON’s global strategy?
as larger molecules, which involve complex protocols and
A: ICON is a multinational company from Ireland that opened
study designs, are replacing them. These studies are harder
its Mexico office in 2004 and is now the largest in the region.
to manage as they involve different tests and information
We have two hubs in Mexico, one for commercialization
than regulators are accustomed to. Another emerging area
and another for medical safety. The latter now incorporates
is clinical trials for medical devices. ICON and other CROs
about 30 people and provides services to Latin America,
are also starting to bring Phase I studies to Mexico, which
Europe, and the US during Phases II and III including post-
are scarce due to a lack of experience conducting these
commercialization studies and regulations. The FDA is
studies, making international companies reluctant to bring
highly interested in results from our Mexican offices, as
them into the country. The country has many strategic
Hispanics are one of the largest minorities in the US and it
advantages in terms of attracting these studies such as
is easier to capture patient data in Mexico than in the US.
lower costs and highly qualified professionals.
Q: In what ways can CROs differentiate themselves as the
Q: In your opinion, does Mexico have the correct
marketplace becomes more competitive?
regulatory environment for clinical trials?
A: We are heavily investing in technology and recently
A: We do not yet have the appropriate regulation but
launched eConsent (eIC) which was developed using insight
COFEPRIS is working on modernizing the system. It is
provided by research from Carnegie Mellon University. This
important for us to communicate the knowledge that we
is built on our Firecrest technology platform that enhances
have gained over the years and to implement the necessary
study performance by delivering a range of tools, services,
reforms in order to be able to compete with other countries
applications and solutions for more effective investigator-
in Latin America. COFEPRIS has implemented some novel
patient engagement, leading to better study management.
efficiency strategies, such as the High Productivity Group
We are providing this service for all our clinical studies and
(GAP), which was in charge of reviewing all the pending
other companies are hiring us based on that system, even
submissions last year. Also implemented was the Enabled
those that are conducting their own clinical trials but want
Units for Pre-judgement Support (UHAP), a group made up
to incorporate our Education Technology Platform.
of nine national institutes that are supporting COFEPRIS in its pre-approval process. COFEPRIS also received international
Q: How much work is there actually right now for CROs?
recognition last year from the WHO as an approved
A: At this point 60% of clinical trials in Mexico are conducted
Regulatory Agency in Vaccines as well as PAHO endorsement
by CROs and ICON is one of the top five companies in this
after their inspection. We need to build on this recognition,
area in terms of size, projects, and revenue. Pharmaceutical
and while this will be a relatively slow process, eventually
industries see us as partners and trust us to provide insight
COFEPRIS will be recognized by the global industry.
into clinical development and conduct whole programs, not just single studies. We support our clients in early phase
Q: Is there a positive perception from patients of clinical
studies by helping them to determine which molecules are
trials in Mexico?
most promising using technology that can predict to a certain
A: Patients used to have a negative perception of clinical
extent the functionality of a molecule. We are also starting to
trials, and we have been working to change this. An ongoing
conduct bioequivalence studies and we have trials specific to
issue that discourages patients is that Mexican regulations
vaccines that are new to Mexico’s national health system.
prohibit their remuneration. We are only allowed to pay healthy volunteers and then only a small stipend that
Q: What are the main trends being seen in the clinical
cannot qualify as a salary, so there is a need to focus on
trials industry driving ICON’s growth?
other benefits we can deliver to participants such as access
A: At this point biosimilar studies are more common than
to high level medical attention and to novel study drugs or
generics. The number of small molecule studies has reduced
Q: How have you tailored your local presence in Mexico to
to adapt, but now we are able to implement risk monitoring
fit the particular market here?
on a daily basis with real-time data provided through
A: We carry out both full service studies and embedded
technology. The systems facilitate the process and make
studies, the latter being a brand new department integrated
us more detail-oriented. Further benefits of the technology
into our infrastructure. We did this by acquiring a local CRO.
we use include the fact that the client is given the same
We currently service around ten local contracts within the
information that we see, and we are able to interpret results
department of embedded studies alone. The embedded,
more quickly, meaning we can implement action plans
or implanted model, involves situating a resource within
within hours. An emerging market within clinical trials is
the company to monitor the study carried out by client.
mobile clinical trials, incorporating smartphones, meaning
This diversification has created a significant opportunity
that in the future even a laptop will not be necessary.
for us, although we still see demand for our full service studies. We find that the full service studies cater more
Q: Do you think typical late diagnosis of cancer patients in
to international needs, whereas the embedded research is
Mexico is an opportunity for CROs like PRA?
mainly carried out locally, due to the higher level of control
A: This issue has a significant impact on PRA in particular,
the option provides to the client.
since the majority of our studies are conducted in oncology and we are a renowned company in this field. Around
Q: What type of training do you provide in order to keep
75% of our studies centers on oncology, with roughly 25%
employees up to date about the various industry changes?
constituting Central Nervous System (CNS) studies. There
A: Each member of our team, CRA or otherwise,
is definitely an opportunity in the field and there are two
undertakes an initial 30-day training program upon joining
favorable factors for PRA. One is the fact that the Mexican
the company. The process involves training on local
population places great importance on physician-patient
Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), client SOPs and
relationships, meaning that they do not tend to seek second
project-specific SOPs and this forms the basis of the CRA’s
opinions since they have an inherent trust in their primary
continued growth within the company. Every three months,
care physician. The other advantage is the prevalence of
PRA has a standard of issuing updated SOPs, since the
late diagnoses in Mexico. Despite efforts by the government
industry is constantly changing, so all PRA employees are
in campaigning for breast cancer awareness, there still
regularly retrained. Each CRA must also pass a quality visit,
exists a pronounced lack of education, meaning that poor
meaning that the functional manager monitors the CRA
populations generally do not understand the implications of
within the working environment, and this is carried out at
the disease and do not seek medical treatment.
least once or twice a year depending on the complexity of the study. It is not project-specific, but gives us an effective
Q: How do potential clinical trial patients access
indication of the quality of the study, understanding of the
information about relevant studies?
study, and whether the sponsor requirements are being
A: We have identified awareness-raising as an area in need
met. We also implement an annual online four-day CRA
of development. At the moment, we generally advertise
assessment, which gauges the training quality provided to
through newspaper advertisements and word-of-mouth.
the CRA and whether or not employees are up to date with
developments in the current clinical research industry.
we also have doctors who specialize in certain diseases
or conditions acting as oppinion leaders, who identify Q: How has the incorporation of technology impacted the
potential patients through their own practices and medical
way in which clinical trials are conducted?
contacts. It is becoming easier to communicate with patient
A: Technology has created a significant change in
associations, who can facilitate discourse at a patient level.
monitoring, which impacts quality of training and the way in
Additionally, social networking is now invaluable in terms of
which quality reviews are carried out. Initially, it was difficult
raising awareness, so we advertise through social media.
Q: What does your considerable experience in the regional
range of clinical trials including dental studies, bioequivalence
clincial trials industry tell you about Mexico?
and biotechnology studies from phase I to phase IV for the
A: In 2000, I was relocated to Mexico and at that stage it was
testing of drugs, biologics and medical devices. We are
clear that Mexico was participating in very a small number of
among the very few research sites that have the required
clinical trials. Most clinical trials were performed in Europe,
international infrastructure to perform Phase I clinical trials
Canada and the US, mostly because the pharmaceutical R&D
in Mexico. We performed our first phase I trial just last year
areas were concentrated in those countries. Pharmaceutical
so this is still a very small operation. Of our current studies,
companies slowly began to explore the option of Latin
80% are clinical phases and 20% bioequivalence studies,
America playing a part in clinical trials. There are three key
since 95% of our studies are commissioned by international
countries that interest pharmaceutical companies: Brazil,
companies from the US or Europe.
Argentina, and Mexico. Pharmaceuticals are generally more interested in these countries for clinical trials due to
Q: What are some of the main challenges facing the CRO
their established regulatory framework and experienced
sector in Mexico?
medical professionals. Mexico itself is a significant country
due to the evolution of regulatory framework and the
appropriate research sites and meeting the deadlines
better understanding of clinical research practices among
for recruiting the number of volunteer subjects for each
investigators and ethics committees. Additionally, the
study contracted. Our international indicators illustrate
presence of the significant transnational CRO industry means
that the clinical research industry is 50-60% behind
that Mexico is now the second most significant country for
schedule due to incomplete patient recruitment within
participation in clinical research in the Latin American region.
the allocated time. A research site usually requires from
three to 20 patients for a clinical trial depending on the Q: What is the history of Accelerium in performing clinical
drugs being studied and the study selection criteria.
Selection criteria are also strict, and when selecting one
A: Accelerium was created in 2011 for the execution and
patient for a particular trial more than two thirds of the
administration of clinical trials in Mexico. We are pioneers
evaluated patients are rejected due to incongruity with
in the industry, working alongside the biotechnology and
the study criteria. If a site fails to complete the patient
pharmaceutical industries in collaboration with regulatory
recruitment within the allotted time it can be difficult for
agencies in order to increase our international exposure.
the CRO to promote future studies with the same client.
Now we offer several services to the local and international
Perhaps it is necessary to work on oversights related to
pharmaceutical industries including reviewing project
training and site infrastructure in order to create better
feasibility, recruiting investigators and patients, and
standards among the research sites.
ensuring that studies follow national and international regulations. We have all the necessary resources to perform
Q: How do you identify the right patients?
clinical trials including a management teams, clinical
A: Our first step is to analyze the patient population and
teams, investigators, laboratories, quality assurance, and a
the local incidence of the disease needed for any particular
pharmacy. We also have experienced clinical teams with
clinical trial. Subsequently, we approach physicians or
qualified specialists, nurses, technicians, and ethics and
investigators for potential patients that qualify according
research committees. Our facilities and equipment are
to the study criteria. The second strategy is to publish an
fully functional with 36 beds and specialized areas for
advertisement in the local newspaper directed towards a
interchangeable drug and biotechnology studies.
particular disease or study. Patients associations proved to be an effective method of recruitment since we were
Q: What type of studies does Accelerium perform?
able to find many groups of patients that have the same
A: Our current 6.1km facility was created for the execution of a
disease and are seeking alternative treatment.
UNITS TO SUPPORT PRE-AUTHORIZATION (UHAPS) Nine enabled Units to Support Pre-authorization (UHAPs) of clinical trials were created as part of the collaboration framework to evaluate clinical research protocols between COFEPRIS and the Coordinating Commission of the National Institutes of Health and High Specialty Hospitals (CCINSHAE), with the aim of improving the authorization process for clinical trials in Mexico. 1.
Children Hospital of Mexico Federico Gรณmez
2. National Institute of Cardiology Ignacio Chรกvez 3. National Institute of Oncology (INCAN) 4. National Institute of Medical Science and Nutrition Salvador Zubirรกn (INCMNSZ) 5. National Institute of Respiratory Diseases (INER) 6. National Institute of Neurology and Neurosurgery Manuel Velasco Suรกrez (INNN) 7. National Institute of Rehabilitation 8. National Institute of Public Health 9. CCINSHAE
LOCAL RHEUMATOLOGY STUDIES EXPERT SEES STEADY GROWTH MELISSA ROSALES Director General of RM Pharma Specialists Q: What is the story behind the creation of RM Pharma
us, as well as becoming the site with the largest number of
patients worldwide in one study in rheumatoid arthritis, in
A: RM Pharma was established in 2009 to provide consulting
2013. The audit of the sponsor produced zero findings, which
services to the pharmaceutical industry and to conduct
positioned the site and Mexico as a country where studies
clinical studies as an independent monitor. Entrepreneurship
are conducted with high quality and meet international
has been at the core of RM Pharma since its creation. My
standards. However, if we were to have an inspection by
experience in the pharmaceutical industry compelled me to
the FDA this would allow us to continue learning from
take the risk of creating my own company, and it started as
observations or findings generated to improve our current
a clinical research site specialized in rheumatology in 2010.
quality management system. In addition, this should be
That same year we were selected to conduct two studies,
replicated in other clinical research sites in the country to
and by 2013 we had 12 studies to conduct that year.
improve the image of Mexico as a partner of choice in which to conduct future clinical studies.
Q: What is the impact of autoimmune diseases in Mexico? A: The field of autoimmune disease in Mexico is similar to
Q: What other activities does RM Pharma have besides
other countries in the region. It is important to point out
clinical trials to promote health in Mexico?
that autoimmune diseases cover a wide spectrum of clinical
A: At RM Pharma we have an annual plan for disseminating
entities, affecting joints, connective tissue, skin, liver, lungs,
health information. For example, we generate quarterly
and thyroid gland, among others. We are working mostly
conferences for patients and the general public on
on rheumatic autoimmune diseases; of these, rheumatoid
arthritis is the most pertinent. It affects 1-2% of the
associations and provide workshops on nutrition and
population and is one of the main causes of disability in
stress management.
Mexico. The coverage of social security has increased in recent years and several efforts have been made to inform
Q: Only 1.2% of multi-national clinical trials are conducted
the general population about this rheumatic disease.
in Mexico – what needs to be done to attract more studies? A: In the past, there was no legal certainty for the
Q: Being certified by ISO 9001, what are the advantages
authorization of trials, with rules and requirements varying
of implementing a quality management system in the
with each new head of the COFEPRIS. Today this situation
is changing with new proposals from COFEPRIS to reduce
A: With this system we have an overview of the tasks that
protocols approval time and the generation of a national
need to be done, not only one particular task at a time.
database of clinical research sites and a database of
Moreover, the quality management system ensures the whole
Principal Investigators operating clinical research in Mexico.
process is recorded so it can be reviewed and discussed
Both databases will be elaborated by the pharmaceutical
at any time, which is convenient for all participants at the
companies and CROs in order to reduce approval timelines
center. The ISO 9001 would also be helpful to promote our
to 20 days. Nevertheless, there is not yet enough clarity as
site by implementing new protocols so that any CRO can be
to how and when this process will start. In addition, in the
confident about the quality provided by our site knowing it
majority of the cases, research sites and pharmaceuticals
has an external and international certification. To date, few
or CROs meet all of COFEPRIS’ requirements, but because
Mexican centers have achieved this qualification.
of the lack of legal certainty, a large number of late starting protocols remain in Mexico due to long official
Q: As an FDA audits candidate, how does this influence
approval timelines. Since most clinical research studies
RM Pharma and Mexico’s global reputation?
are international with a competitive recruitment approach,
A: RM Pharma was the top patient recruiter around the world
expected delays prevent some pharmaceutical companies
for a particular study. This achievement was important for
from conducting studies in Mexico
FIGHTING THE BATTLE AGAINST LUNG DISEASE As chronic and degenerative diseases currently play a major
with the creation of jobs and foreign investment. Therefore,
role in big pharmaceutical companies’ innovative portfolios,
this should be a significant motivation for collaboration
the need to conduct clinical trials for such diseases increases.
In Mexico today, the risk of chronic and degenerative diseases
companies, and research centers.
has overtaken the risk posed by contagious diseases and infections, and respiratory disease is no exception. Tobacco
The work of Dr. Sansores also includes developing a
smoking has a prevalence of 14 to 20% in the Mexican
cutting edge smoking cessation program which is tailored
population, which equates to 20 million smokers, and is
around the individual personality traits of each patient.
directly related to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular
As a general rule, approaches to smoking cessation take
diseases, diabetes, and chronic obstructive pulmonary
a blanket approach and “more effective results will be
disease (COPD). Leading to serious complications such as
seen if programs are tailored to meet patients’ needs on
emphysema, chronic bronchitis, and bronchiolitis, COPD is
a personal basis,” explains Dr. Sansores. There are key
already the fourth most common cause of death in Mexico.
differences among patient genotypes which account for
One company involved in combatting these diseases in
varying levels of neurotransmitters and behaviors and as a
Mexico is Centro Respiratorio de Mexico (CRM), specializing
result, it is not appropriate to assume that a method which
in clinical trials involving respiratory and pulmonary function.
is successful with one patient will be equally effective
“Clinical trials can be a promising alternative for patients who do not have access to private or public healthcare services, especially when dealing with chronic diseases that incur lifelong expenses” Dr. Raúl Sansores, CEO of Centro Respiratorio de México
CEO Dr. Raúl Sansores explains “clinical trials can be a
with another. Ultimately, in genomics there will be a lot of
promising alternative for patients who do not have access to
opportunity for innovation of this type of tailored medicine
private or public healthcare services, especially when dealing
and testing in the coming years.
with chronic diseases that incur lifelong expenses.” In this way, the clinical trials industry helps the healthcare sector in
Dr. Sansores is vocal in raising awareness about the
lessening the burden of disease, efforts that can be further
dangers of smoking and the prevalence of chronic
supported by increasing quality standards in Mexican clinical
smoking-related conditions. Taking into consideration that
research sites. Dr. Sansores is an advocate of investment in
COPD has a prevalence of 12% in smokers, CRM engaged
safety procedures and adopting the quality and commitment
in a mass media program calling for universal smoking
that exists in labs in the US and Europe, so CRM was recently
cessation on November 19, coinciding with World COPD
certified to ISO 9001. According to Dr. Sansores, “taking
Day. On Smoking Cessation Day which falls on March 31,
risks when conducting clinical trials can compromise
a number of activities are carried out in order to raise
patient safety, so this quality accreditation is a worthwhile
public awareness of the issue. Moreover, as COPD is an
investment in that it guarantees all operations within the site
underdiagnosed disease with up to 90% of COPD patient
are standardized, monitored, and effectively managed.”
symptoms going undiagnosed in Mexico, the clinic provides pulmonary function tests free of charge with the
With the recent efforts in reviewing the Mexican Official
aim of preemptively detecting COPD.
Norm NOM-012-SSA3-2012, focus is increasingly being placed on refining the quality requirements for conducting
In terms of expansion, CRM has plans in the near future to
clinical trials and Dr. Sansores describes this development
expand the research center in terms of infrastructure and
as a necessary step. However, he believes that the approval
staff. Developing capabilities for conducting bioequivalence
process for study protocols could be further improved. This,
studies will be a major focus and expansion into new
along with sites’ certification, could strengthen Mexico’s
specialized areas of study such as metabolic disorders are
competitiveness in terms of attracting multinational
in the pipeline. The main goals for CRM are to increase the
clinical trials to Mexico. Clinical trials do not only benefit
number of clinical trials conducted and develop partnerships
the patient, but bring economic advantages to the country,
for establishing new projects in different fields.
TACKLING CHALLENGES FROM BONE DISEASE TO RENAL FAILURE DR. JUAN ALFREDO TAMAYO CEO of the National Committee for the Prevention of Osteoporosis (COMOP) Q: What led you to establish the National Committee for the
Q: Some major reforms have been announced to the
Prevention of Osteoporosis (COMOP)?
public structure - do you see these being implemented?
A: Under harsh economic conditions but with the financial
A: There is a widespread general impression that large
support of pharmaceuticals, I founded COMOP in 1994.
public institutions, such as IMSS and ISSSTE, do not need
The original objective was to perform a range of studies
to be reformed given their successful 60-year history,
with the National Institutes of Health. These studies cover
which complicates any attempts to integrate them. There
clinical trials and epidemiological studies, incidence, and
is already a measure of cooperation between public
prevalence of bone disease. Today, we have expanded
institutions, such as consolidated purchasing of medication
this to include prevention work and we have a clinical
from pharmaceutical companies, which saves millions of
trial facility and our own medical review board. We follow
dollars. On the other hand, many areas, such as drug and
strong standards for quality and transparency, and are
treatment delivery, cannot be fused. The fragmentation
ISO 9001 certified. We are collaborating with companies
between the 32 Secretariats of Health is enormous and
all over the world and are recognized by the European
thus very hard to overcome. Furthermore, one of the largest
Commission and Tecnológico de Monterrey. We have been
obstacles to transforming the health sector is the change
full members of the International Osteoporosis Foundation
of administrations every six years. Every new administration
since 1999.
implements different changes and regulations, making the process of reaching a consensus more convoluted. On the
Q: How challenging was it to acquire funding for COMOP?
other hand, the private sector is ready for change. The
A: We have been working with private donors and
most appropriate solution would be to reach an agreement
pharmaceuticals for more than ten years. Once the
between the public and the private sector.
financial pressure caused by the economic crisis was alleviated, corporations once again sought to provide
Q: Beyond osteoporosis, what other areas of study have
financing through philanthropy. We opened the first
you focused on?
entrepreneur society, Access Salud, where both the
A: I have extensively researched methods for the detection
non-profit and the for-profit sectors could collaborate.
of early-stage kidney disease. These diseases are a
NGOs participate through COMOP while companies are
big financial drain on healthcare resources all over the
administered by Access Salud. We are now looking at
world. Early detection would allow the increased survival
the venture capital programs offered by National Monte
of those suffering. I worked with several investors to
de Piedad or the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. We
develop a network of human dialysis centers. Today, there
have business plans for expansion and we want to make
is a growing trend to open specialized clinics in Mexico
to cater to diseases as the public sector is currently not offering the most cost-efficient treatments. We have
Q: What health initiatives is COMOP involved with?
several initiatives to address kidney disease. Firstly, we
A: We have an initiative called “Bone Health Through Life,”
have a collaborative program, edX, the online education
in which we monitor bone health from birth to the end of
platform which launched in June 2015. Secondly, we
a patient’s life. We are also focusing on dignified aging
want to promote the early identification of non-dialysis
and reestablishing our old advocacy groups that were
dependent kidney disease, for which we are developing a
forgotten during the periods of economic uncertainty.
network of 16,000 doctors. This initiative started in 2015
From 1994, we polished the integrated services for health
and will seek to improve the standard of primary care in the
with the program “Niños y Adolescentes +Fuertes, +Altos,
specialized treatment of kidney disease. The third focus is
+Sanos,” a joint collaboration with the World Health
on hemodialysis, namely the promotion of nutrition and
Organization. We are the only center in Mexico with that
nephroprotection in collaboration with pharmaceutical
collaborative agreement.
Q: What were the most important opportunities you
the traditional structure of setting up and managing research
identified in the CRO industry segment?
from our facilities, we embed ourselves in the habitat of the
A: Inspire Pharma was established in 2013 with the idea of
patient and investigator. This reduces project risk by ensuring
developing a different kind of clinical research center. We
that investigation procedures are carried out in a familiar
wanted to bridge a gap between two sides of the sector.
environment for patients and physicians alike.
On one side, the pharmaceutical industry is in dire need of professionals trained in clinical research and on the
Q: What proportion of your clients is represented by CROs
other, the private medical community has a high patient
and how have their criteria for research sites evolved?
flow rate but does not perform clinical research due to a
A: Around 70% of our customers are represented by CROs.
lack of knowledge and experience in the field. Therefore,
When selecting a research center, they mainly look for
Inspire Pharma can help the pharmaceutical industry
extensive experience in conducting clinical trials and a high
to identify researchers and physicians who meet all the
population of potential patients. Our working model involves
necessary requirements for conducting clinical research.
providing the necessary experience and knowledge to obtain
Simultaneously, we can train and advise these physicians
quality results while our partners provide clinical expertise
on the correct procedures for carrying out the entire
and high patient volume. Our partners agree that the best
research process surrounding clinical research. Therefore,
way to develop quality clinical research is to develop projects
we facilitate the process of conducting clinical protocols in
in the same environment the patients are accustomed to, so
Mexico due to our quality research services.
they have a deep understanding of our infrastructure model and provide invaluable support. Developing Phase I projects
Q: What do physicians need to understand better about
is not currently in our immediate plans. Furthermore, patients
the clinical trials industry?
experience real benefits through Inspire Pharma. The main
A: Doctors are not familiar with many aspects of the
advantage for the patients involved in such research is the
pharmaceutical industry, such as functionality, purpose
access they are given to a new generation of drugs and
and the avenues for professional development it can
medical devices with the potential to help cure their diseases,
offer them. To counter this, we propose the integration
as well as being able to access private healthcare services,
of education related to clinical research into university
which will closely monitor the development of their condition.
curricula, and in the meantime, forums should be created to train doctors on target areas and to help future researchers
Q: What do you look for in potential clinical research
better understand the pharmaceutical industry. We believe
that, by educating physicians about key issues facing the
A: All our procedures are based on operating manuals and
clinical research industry, future medical specialists will
SOPs that meet the requirements of any quality system,
be trained with a clear idea of how their medical practice
but do not have a certification by an official entity such as
correlates with clinical research. As a result, there will be
ISO. So far, none of our clients have requested that specific
more opportunities for conducting clinical trials in Mexico.
certification but we believe that it would beneficial for COFEPRIS to create specific accreditations for research
Q: What are the priority areas for your clinical trial studies?
centers. This would be a long term project and we do not
A: We are working on projects related to ophthalmology,
anticipate the implementation of these measures in the near
metabolism, and medical weight loss devices. We determined
future. We have also participated in FDA audits and we know
these areas as our priorities since the incidence of diseases
that we are subject to further audits at any given time. Our
related to these specific fields is high in Mexico, yet treatment
operations rely on manual procedures because we realize
options remain limited, providing the ideal environment for us
there is a direct correlation between the number of successful
to support the country’s medical infrastructure. We are also
audits received by Mexican companies and the attraction the
unique in terms of research centers as, instead of adopting
country poses as a beneficiary of foreign investment.
There is a large presence of foreign medical device manufacturers in Mexico due to the country’s manufacturing strengths and the open economy. Mexico is the ninth exporter of medical devices in
the world and is the number one supplier for North America with a market share of 35%. Regulation improvements are also being implemented, such as the Fast Track Health Accord, which allows devices to be approved within thirty days if they are already approved by the FDA or the Canadian authorities. Systems connectivity is becoming more important in healthcare, where equipment and devices play a vital role in monitoring patients in both critical and stable conditions. The growing fields of teleradiology and digital health are thus becoming more relevant in today’s daily medical practice.
The chapter will provide an overview of the medical device manufacturing landscape and examine the improving regulatory process. The role of integrators in providing valuable solutions to both innovative manufacturers and hospitals will be analyzed as well as the opportunities for information systems and digital health in advancing medical care.
HIGHLIGHTS • Manufacturing clusters • Acquisition in the public system • Systems and e-health • Integrators • Regulatory improvement
El momento en que la calidad te hace parte de la industria. Nosotros trabajamos para este momento.
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Customer Interaction Center 01800 24 93477
ANALYSIS: Medical Devices: An Evolving Industry
VIEW FROM THE TOP: Pablo Dávila Gutiérrez, AMID
VIEW FROM THE TOP: Alejandro Paolini, Siemens Healthcare
VIEW FROM THE TOP: Carlos Jimenez, B. Braun Aesculap
VIEW FROM THE TOP: Paulina Escobedo, B. Braun Medical
VIEW FROM THE TOP: Sergio Villa Escobosa, BioSkinco
ANALYSIS: Classification of Medical Devices According to Risk
VIEW FROM THE TOP: Rima Alameddine, CR Bard
VIEW FROM THE TOP: Claudia Cárdenas Alanis, Escala Biomédica
VIEW FROM THE TOP: Francisco Morales, 3M Health Care
VIEW FROM THE TOP: Edna Álvarez, Malvern Instruments
VIEW FROM THE TOP: Martin Ferrari del Sel, Dräger Mexico
VIEW FROM THE TOP: Luis Nieto, ConvaTec
VIEW FROM THE TOP: Ángel de Vecchi Armella, VECO
EXPERT OPINION: IMS Institute for Healthcare Informatics
INSIGHT: Ulises Bacilio Pérez, Grupo PTM
VIEW FROM THE TOP: Marianela Santos Flores, Health Angel Monitor Systems
VIEW FROM THE TOP: Antonio Carrasco Ruiz, PLM
MEDICAL DEVICES: AN EVOLVING INDUSTRY The Medical devices industry has been growing closely alongside the medical sector. This area is exceedingly large as it incorporates an extremely wide variety of devices. The Global Harmonization Task Force defined a medical device as any article, instrument, apparatus, machine, appliance, implant, software, or material used for many different purposes including, but not limited to, prevention, diagnosis, or treatment of a disease or an injury, the support of life or physiological processes, disinfection of medical devices, and control of conception. The global market for medical devices continues to grow but it is being impacted by three different trends: value-based health care, increased regulations, and internal resource constraints led by the downturn of the economic sector. The production of medical devices worldwide was valued at US$624 billion in 2013 and it is expected to grow at an average annual rate of 7%, thus the sector is expected to reach US$996 billion by 2020, according to ProMéxico. The industry has grown considerably in Mexico, and it is considered to be an important economic sector. According to ProMéxico and INEGI, Mexico currently has more than 2,344 companies with more than 148,000 workers dedicated to the manufacture of medical devices, most of them located in Mexico City, Nuevo Leon, Baja California, Chihuahua, Tamaulipas, and Sonora. Mexico is attractive for international
Currently, Mexico is both the largest medical device importer
manufacturers of medical devices as the country can offer
and exporter in Latin America and it is expected to remain
competitive costs, highly qualified professionals, and a
so for the next few years. According to Espicom, more
geographically strategic position from which to export to
than 90% of medical devices produced by Mexico in 2014
Latin America. The evolution of this sector can be attributed
were exported to the US. The rest is divided among other
to many factors within Mexico including scientific and
markets, including France and Belgium. ProMéxico declares
technological progress, a prolonged life expectancy, and an
that total exports for 2014 reached US$7.7 billion. The main
aging population. ProMéxico states that Mexican production
products exported are medical, surgery, and odontology
of medical devices was valued at US$14.6 billion in 2014 with
instruments (74%), followed by orthopedic devices (11%)
an expected average annual growth of 7.2%.
and respiratory and massage equipment (7%).
Production of OF medical devices in Mexico PRODUCTION MEDICAL DEVICES IN2008-2014 MEXICO
(Source: ProMéxico with dates of System of National Accounts, INEGI and Global Insight, 2015 ) 15,000
13,423 12,161 12,000
9,276 8,578
6,000 2008 US$ Million Source: ProMéxico, INEGI, and Global Insight
Manufacturing Costs In The Medical Devices Industry (Source: Global Trade Atlas and ?, 2015) Mexico -18.9%
CAN -5.4%
NED -5.0%
UK -4.3%
FRA -2.8%
ITA -1.6%
JPN -1.1%
AUS -0.7%
GER 0.2%
Source: ProMéxico
The country is extremely attractive for international
The final three are odontology supplies, surgical materials,
companies as the sector attracted US$1.9 billion in direct
and hygiene products.
investments from 2000 to 2013. Among the main reasons for the interest shown by international companies to produce in
Medical devices are classified according to risk factors set out
Mexico are the considerably lower manufacturing costs of
in articles 82 and 83 of the regulation of Health Supplies, and
medical devices, which cost 18% less to produce in Mexico
COFEPRIS has defined three classes. Class I includes devices
in comparison to the US.
already known in most medical practices with proven safety and efficacy, as well as those devices that are not inserted
Mexico is among the only 34% of countries with a medical
into the human body. Class II refers to devices that are
device policy incorporated into the National Health
already used in medical practices but are manufactured with
Program, according to the WHO. COFEPRIS is responsible
different materials or are used at different concentrations,
for the classification and regulation of all medical devices
and include those that are inserted into the human body
and, taking into account the large number and variety, the
but do not stay inside for more than 30 days. Finally, Class III
Technical Committee of Healthcare Supplies has divided
devices are those that remain in the body for more than thirty
them into six categories based on their intended use.
days. Their approval process and subsequent introduction to
The first is medical equipment, which refers to specific
the market depends on this classification.
instruments to provide medical or surgical attention, or to be used in the exploration, diagnostic, treatment, or
The medical devices industy represents a promising
rehabilitation of patients. The second are prosthetics
area of development for the economy. Backed by a solid
and every device intended to replace or complement an
legal framework and strong regulations to ensure Good
organ or tissue in the human body. The third are diagnostic
Manufacture Practices and avoid the introduction of
agents including antigens, reactants, and growth and
low-quality products, the medical device market is well
contrast media to be used in clinical and preclinical tests.
positioned for expansion.
Mexican exports of medical devices 2008-2014 (Source: ProMéxico with data from Global Trade Atlas, 2015)
7,000 6,343 6,072 6,000
5,000 2008
US$ Million Source: ProMéxico, INEGI, and Global Insight
Q: What is your overview of the medical device industry in
Q: Mexico is the ninth largest exporter of medical devices
Mexico and what role does AMID play?
worldwide – do you believe the industry can grow further?
A: The medical device industry is extremely large,
A: Mexico can grow as an exporter of medical devices and
incorporate itself into the top three, but the process will
spectrometers. The industry is divided into several niche
be challenging as several steps must be taken in order to
areas so it is difficult to define it as a whole, as each sector
accomplish this. The first is improving the internal market
behaves differently. The main commonality of the industry
for medical devices. Mexico’s internal consumption of
is its extremely fast growth in Mexico and its potential to
medical devices is relatively low and in order to attract
contribute both to the health and economy of the country.
external investments into the country this has to improve.
COFEPRIS divides the industry according to risk. The
While we are in ninth place as medical device exporters, we
council has a list of basic medical devices that do not
are in 26th place as consumers. The second is to promote
need to be registered, and the others are classified into
the consumption of more Mexican raw materials as at
different groups, all of which have different requirements.
this point their use is minimal. Alongside the Treasury’s
The problem is that once a medical device has been
General Directorate of Light Industries, we are analyzing
approved by COFEPRIS it can be sold to the private sector
the market in order to determine the main requirements
in Mexico but not to the public one, since it must first be
of the manufacturing industry in Mexico. We want to bring
approved into the National Formulary. To be incorporated
together international manufacturers of medical devices
into the National Formulary, a product needs approval by
and local producers of raw materials in order to foment
the General Health Council (GHC) which selects products
cooperation, strengthen the sector, and promote the
according to the needs of the Mexican population. After the
growth of the local industry.
GHC has approved a specific device it must then undergo a second revision by each specific institution which aims
Q: What is needed to strengthen R&D in Mexico?
to incorporate it. Thus, when a product is approved by
A: Our government needs to provide more incentives
COFEPRIS, it can only reach a very small percentage of
within this sector. At this point there are some initiatives
the public, as most of the Mexican population uses public
from CONACYT, but Mexico is still far from becoming an
health services and hospitals belonging to IMSS and
industry that generates innovative medical devices. We are
working alongside IMSS’ innovation division to bring R&D to Mexico. Now we are focusing on applied research, which
Q: What are the main trends seen in the market for
will eventually allow the sector to develop basic research.
medical devices?
A: Several areas are being innovated. An area that is
AMID is also aiming to generate clinical studies to
growing is interconnectivity among devices to allow a
faster and easier transfer of information. Several hospitals
studies are currently not being brought to the country
are attempting to digitize their electronic records in order
as we do not have adequate regulatory guidelines for
to make them easier to access by doctors, which will
their implementation. In Mexico we have large health
allow these hospitals to provide faster and more efficient
institutions, experienced doctors and nurses, and a
services for patients. Another trend is minimally invasive
large patient pool, especially in terms of obesity-related
surgery which requires smaller and more advanced
diseases such as diabetes. As a result, performing clinical
equipment but is less traumatic for patients. Long-term
studies in Mexico would be ideal for several companies in
implants, which can last a patient’s whole life, are also
the US and Europe. Mexico has many experienced doctors
a focus in the industry. All new developments focus on
with innovative ideas, thus we are hoping to collaborate
preserving patient health while being safe for use by
with the IMSS to develop strategies for these doctors to
medical professionals.
develop their own research lines.
Q: COFEPRIS recently removed 573 medical devices from
service for each given device. Distributors are essential
the list of products requiring registration - what impact
partners for us and we require that they be experts on
has this had?
their fields. Distributors have evolved and are now much
A: Removing these devices from the market will be beneficial
more professional. AMID’s companies are conscious of the
for COFEPRIS as it will allow their regulators to spend
importance of partnering with professional distributors to
more time analyzing innovative medical devices. This will
be able to provide better services and face less risks.
allow medical devices to come to the country faster to help improve the lives and productivity of Mexicans. In fact, less
Q: What other training services do you offer for
than 10% of the Mexican patients have access to innovative
medical devices today. The medical devices industry is
A: We have a committee that focuses on ethics and
the most complex for COFEPRIS as it is under constant
compliance as we believe these to be cornerstones for
renovation and so it submits the largest amount of registries
all negotiations. Compliance is a pillar for us and we
for examination. In AMID we currently have 7,100 sanitary
were the first association in Latin America to publish an
registries for 310,000 products with COFEPRIS and over
ethics code for healthcare. All companies that belong to
the next five years we are planning to introduce 1,400 new
AMID are committed to conducting business with the
products. These numbers only represent the 24 companies
utmost transparency and honesty and we are pushing our
that belong to AMID, rather than the sector as a whole.
distribution partners to follow these standards. As well as
COFEPRIS is drafting new regulations for pharmacovigilance
our ethics committee we provide two different training
which aim to oversee whether these medical devices are safe
services, the first designed to help doctors and nurses keep
and to notify regulatory authorities of every negative effect
up to date on the latest medical devices on the market and
or side effect. The goal is to ensure the safety and quality of
their use. Since medical devices evolve so fast, physicians
every product released onto the market.
are often unaware of the latest devices so we train professionals on the safe use of these new technologies. In
Q: How would you describe approval timelines for medical
2014 we provided training for more than 25,000 medical
professionals among all of AMID’s members, a number that
A: Approval processes are extremely lengthy and can
continues to grow each year. The second one, which we
take several years. A common problem of these long
are implementing alongside our Committee for Regulatory
timelines for the approval of medical devices is that while
Affairs and COFEPRIS, are workshops for our associates to
a product is being approved new variations are being
create simplified dossiers for new products according to
created, meaning that the recently approved products are
the authorities’ requirements. We are trying to introduce
outdated when they finally reach the market. There are
good practices for the introduction of new sanitary
currently less new medical devices being introduced to
registries. AMID is also preparing a training program on the
the market in comparison with generics as the evaluation
impact of the new norm for the Recognition of Revenue for
process for medical devices is based on the guidelines
all General Directors of our companies.
for pharmaceutical approval, so it has many unnecessary requirements. Clinical trials for pharmaceuticals require a large number of people and are extremely expensive. On the other hand, medical devices require a smaller population and shorter timelines so they remain state-ofthe-art when they are approved. One of our goals is to
ACQUISITION OF MEDICAL DEVICES IN MEXICO Less than 10% of Mexican patients have access to innovative medical devices
global average Mexico’s average
collaborate with regulatory authorities to generate specific
guidelines for medical devices. 15%
A: Distribution channels have certainly evolved over the last few years. Mexico is too vast for all medical device
changed for medical devices?
enormously over the past few years – have they also
Q: Distribution chains for pharmaceuticals have changed
companies to have a presence in each region of the country,
Next 5 years
in the installation, use, and repair to provide a timely
Thus we require our distributors to be highly qualified
especially as medical devices require specialized services.
Source: AMID, PwC, and Strategy& analysis
CLOSING THE GAP BETWEEN THE DEVICE AND THE SERVICE ALEJANDRO PAOLINI Executive Vice President of Siemens Healthcare Q: What is the role of Mexico in Siemens Healthcare’s
Q: Do you believe that healthcare is a priority for the
global strategy?
Mexican government?
A: Siemens Healthcare currently represents less than 20%
A: Healthcare has not been the government’s top priority
of Siemens’ total revenue. However, the healthcare division
for the last two years. In 2014, the medical devices market
remains an important business as the area represents
did not grow as expected for that very reason. At the time,
a significant segment of the company’s profit and we
the government was more concerned with the Energy and
generate a large portion of its cash flow. Healthcare is a
Tax Reforms. However, healthcare will eventually become a
profitable business and global trends indicate that the
priority that can no longer be postponed. Mexico currently
industry will continue growing in Mexico and worldwide.
invests around 6% of its GDP on healthcare, which is low for
Mexico is by far our most relevant market in Latin America
the OECD. Taking into account Mexico’s infrastructure and
and presents great short- and medium-term potential.
population, the government should immediately increase
Excluding Brazil, Mexico is the largest market for us
investments to cover the current demand. The previous
in Latin America, with Colombia in second place but
presidential administration implemented Seguro Popular,
not even making up half of Mexico’s size. On the global
but there are still many gaps to be covered in terms of
scale, Mexico is in tenth place among the second wave of
the number of available talents, infrastructure, medical
emerging countries so it is appropriate to call this country
equipment, and medicines. Siemens wants to cover those
a land of opportunity.
gaps in medical devices as it provides a complete portfolio for all medical devices needed in different markets.
Q: What is your main focus within the healthcare division?
Siemens is widely recognized for its high-level innovative
A: We provide medical devices mainly for diagnostics and
technologies but we do not only sell the latest equipment.
for prevention and we are the only company that covers the
For example, developing countries such as Mexico need
whole spectrum for diagnostics, including two out of three
equipment that is both affordable and good enough to
methods of diagnosis. The first method, which focuses on
cover the large demand. Siemens can offer advanced yet
the physical test from a physician, is a technique that is
affordable solutions to fulfill this need. We are aware that
rarely used nowadays. The other two methods are much
resources are limited and the healthcare sector must look
more popular: through imaging techniques or through
at every aspect before making a decision.
clinical tests. Most companies cover either just imaging
or laboratory, not both. Naturally, this means that we face
Q: What proportion of your sales goes to the government
different competitors such as GE and Philips for imaging,
and what percent to the private sector?
and Abbott and Roche in the laboratory segment. This
A: The exact percentages differ from year to year, but
coverage is an opportunity for us as the healthcare sector
an average of the last five years indicates an even split
is continuously growing due to an aging global population.
between both sectors. In the last three years, we mostly
Usually, a person spends 60-70% of their total healthcare
sold to the private sector, since the previous governmental
expenditure in the last 20 years of their lives. In contrast,
administration did not invest in healthcare during their
Mexico’s health profile is starting to resemble that of
last year and the current administration has not increased
other developed countries as communicable diseases are
its investments. In contrast, the private market has been
being replaced by chronic ones, such as obesity, cancer,
quite active, as large private healthcare groups have been
diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases. As long as Mexico
expanding either by acquiring or building brand new
continues growing, the incidence of these diseases will
hospitals. These different growth trends reflect different
only increase. However, one of the main challenges that
needs. While IMSS and ISSSTE have basic needs and do
Mexico must face is the fact that, while chronic diseases
not need the latest technologies, the National Institutes of
are clearly increasing, the public healthcare system still has
Health are focused on cutting-edge research and therefore
to treat communicable diseases.
require the latest equipment. The needs of the private
sector also depend on the type of hospital and its patients,
is only around 30 units per year, which makes it too small
but its main focus is to achieve an investment return.
for us to have local plants dedicated to this sector. Our main competitors are in the same situation and most
Q: How are digitalization and technological developments
changing the devices sector?
process in Germany and the US from which most products
A: Digital health and information solutions are quickly
are imported. Furthermore, the medical devices industry
growing in the healthcare sector. It has become clear that
is highly regulated and must remain that way. Our devices
the future lies in the digitalization of services. Siemens has
must be safe and efficient and the public must be certain
already discontinued the use of analog equipment and
of that fact. Therefore, the challenge for all countries is
all our systems are digital. We are making considerable
to have a strong and efficient regulatory authority whose
investments in the development of new operating systems.
main objective is to protect the population. Conversely,
We are also focusing on technology for medical imaging
regulatory authorities cannot be so restrictive that they
in many areas and we are developing new software for
become barriers for innovation. In that sense, COFEPRIS
processing images. For example, we have invested in the
has made huge progress in the last three years, especially
development of the Picture Archiving and Communication
since Mikel Arriola took office. The situation has improved
System (PACS). Another crucial driver is that medical
dramatically but it must keep doing so. COFEPRIS has
changed the regulatory framework for medical devices
concentrated in some parts of the country while they are
and has eliminated more than 500 medical devices from
essentially inaccessible in others. Digitalization can help
its list, since they did not comply with regulations. Since
to close this gap as it allows clinics to perform specific
then, several manufacturers have praised Mexico for
tests in remote areas of the country but with specialists
easing up on regulations and making it easier to develop
immediately being able to analyze them from a distance.
new technologies here. Our goal, as part of AMID, is to
Despite this opportunity, Mexico still has a long way to go
help COFEPRIS increase its efficiency. One of the main
as several parts of the country do not even have access
advantages of Mikel Arreola’s administration is that it has
to basic equipment. Closing this gap will be a slow and
always been open to conversation and to new ideas.
gradual process that will take considerable time. Q: What are your top priorities for 2015? Q: Do you foresee Siemens manufacturing devices within
A: Our main priorities are to meet our commercial targets and
Mexico and how do you view the change in regulations for
continue expanding as we meet all the necessary conditions
medical devices?
to outgrow the market. While Siemens Healthcare does not
A: Siemens has nine plants in Mexico for several devices
currently have a manufacturing base in Mexico, our plans
but none for healthcare products. This is because it is
are focused on solid and continuous business expansion
complicated to manufacture medical devices in Mexico,
as we expect that the market will grow. We want to take
as the industry requires a high level of technology as
advantage of our strong position and expand our leading
opposed to mass production. For example, the Mexican
position in the diagnostics market, since we are the only
market for Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) equipment
company covering the complete diagnostics sector.
EDUCATION AND DEMONSTRATION KEY TO COMPETITIVENESS CARLOS JIMENEZ Director General of B. Braun Aesculap Q: How has B. Braun Aesculap adapted its product lines to
technologies such as spinal implants that are well-
accommodate for the unique Mexican market?
established in developed countries. These spinal implants
A: We have chosen to invest in Mexico and we are making
will soon be manufactured at our plant in the State of
great efforts to create dialogue with important players in
Mexico as part of a new worldwide system which will
the sector, such as the Ministry of Health. B. Braun has also
see an increase in our production capacity in Tuttlingen,
joined AMID in an effort to provide a better quality of life
Germany, while several of the production processes will be
to patients. One of the biggest priorities for B. Braun is
outsourced to various countries, including Mexico.
innovation, which is often rejected as a huge expense. Still, while innovative treatments can initially be more expensive,
Q: As part of this outsourcing process, to what extent do
a thorough analysis of the complete value chain must be
you have to upskill your personnel in Mexico?
implemented to determine total costs, and this has shown
A: We do not have highly qualified technicians in Mexico
that innovative technologies can often be less expensive in
as we either have engineers who are overqualified
the long-term. We are collaborating with stakeholders to
or production workers who do not have the proper
change this mindset.
qualifications to operate our machinery. Therefore, we implemented
Q: B. Braun initiated a joint venture with Promedici in
program in the plant. The process is long as employees
1993. What made Aesculap the right partner at the time
must become experts in each specific competency before
and how has the partnership evolved over the years?
advancing to the next. The problem is that, as employees
A: This joint venture began after an alliance with IMSS,
become more valuable, they also become more attractive
which allowed us to produce in Mexico and specified that
to competitors. Several companies are unwilling to invest in
a certain percentage of our products must be consumed
the training of their employees as they fear high employee
at IMSS institutions. The institute actually became the
turnaround, which is common in other industries. While
promoter of the alliance between B. Braun and Promedici
this is a risk for us, we believe that our compensation
since it was interested in increasing the production of
package and social environment will allow us to retain
medical devices in Mexico. One device that we developed
these individuals as they recognize that they have the
alongside Mexican doctors is a hip replacement, which
opportunity to progress with B. Braun.
is called the Logical System of Arthroplasty (SLA). This product was developed for a specific anatomic situation
Q: How are you creating awareness about the new
found in Mexicans, as it has been discovered that the
products that you are developing?
population has a slightly thinner femur and hip bone.
A: We are investing heavily in our consultancy services. At this point, 40% of our sales are surgical instruments as
Q: After IMSS’ manufacturing requirement was lifted, B.
well as endoscopic and hemodialysis systems. We are also
Braun reduced its production in Mexico but kept its plant
attempting to overcome the common difficulties faced by
open. How has your manufacturing strategy in the country
producers in participating directly in consolidated sales.
evolved over the years?
Very few companies in Mexico are able to deliver to such
A: We are currently planning to increase our production
a wide spread of locations within 24 hours, so we must
capacity and to bring products to Mexico as a result of
determine a way to keep prices competitive while reaching
B. Braun’s strategy to increase its number of production
our clients on time, which has led to us handling about 50%
plants in developing countries. Thus, our product portfolio
of our sales directly and 50% through distributors. This
in Mexico must expand, especially in terms of highly
is slightly unusual for most international companies that
innovative products that are currently only available in
depend on distributors, but we like to work directly with
developed countries due to the possibility of incentivized
many clients as distributors are concerned with products
and do not offer consultancy services.
INTEGRATING SERVICES FOR COMPLETE THERAPEUTIC SOLUTIONS PAULINA ESCOBEDO Director General of B. Braun Medical Q: B. Braun Medical came to Mexico in 2011. How has the
Q: Who are your main clients?
company evolved since then?
A: Currently, 80% of our clients come from the public sector
A: B. Braun Medical has had an interesting journey in Mexico
and 20% from the private sector. Our target is to increase our
and we have consistently reached our development targets
strength in the private sector and we are in a strategically
in terms of sales growth and revenue. The Mexican market is
effective position to meet that goal. Hospitals in the public
highly complex for us as we are competing with companies
sector generally use integrators to provide complementary
that have been in Mexico for many years, and it has been
services from several different institutions but since we are
challenging to position ourselves as leaders to bring innovation
manufacturers of both devices and pharmaceuticals we
to the market. B. Braun Group in Mexico is determined to
have the unique advantage of offering complete packages
grow 20% yearly in Mexico. The two divisions that represent
for comprehensive medical treatment.
B. Braun Medical (Hospital Care and Out Patient Market) constitute 65% of sales globally, so we expect to localize this
Q: How did you collaborate with DHL to come up with the
trend by the year 2020, with revenue over US$61 million. B.
most appropriate model for your logistics center?
Braun Medical has the strategic vision to incorporate itself into
A: Logistics services are an extremely important part of our
the Mexican market by improving quality of care. A potential
strategy. While we generally prefer to interact directly with
obstacle to meeting this goal is the lack of certifications and
our clients, in cases where we are unable to do so, we look
unification of practices between different hospitals and out-
for partners with common interests that are able to provide
patient care settings. In September 2012 the publication of
quality services for the end user. DHL offers a specialized
the Official Mexican Norm 022 that defines the Conditions
service for pharmaceuticals, called PharmaShare, which has
for the Administration of Infusion Therapy created the
proven to be innovative, efficient, and safe. An important
opportunity for discourse. Hospitals are now incorporating
challenge for a medical device company is prompt delivery
these good practices and acquiring certifications. We are
of products to hospitals in emergency situations, which is
helping hospitals through these processes as it is extremely
easier to achieve using third-party logistics as we can control
important for end users in hospitals to be well informed and
delivery times at reasonable costs. DHL fully complies with the
up-to-date about medical practices.
regulatory requirements of COFEPRIS and private hospitals and after having worked with them since October 2014, this
Q: What therapeutic areas does B. Braun Medical see as
collaboration has allowed us to reduce logistics costs by 20%.
most important in Mexico? A: B. Braun Medical works in both medical devices
Q: Devices approval can take up to four years – how do
and pharmaceuticals. We are in the unique position of
you tackle this challenge?
supplying complete therapeutic services related to each
A: We have discovered that integrating services has
medical device, including equipment, disposables, and
accelerated approval times. COFEPRIS is currently taking
medications necessary to obtain the best outcomes for
into account the relevance innovation has for devices, and
patients, providing an integrated service as manufacturers.
while this has proven complex approval times are being
B. Braun Medical is currently focused on two therapeutic
reducing. We are working together to bring innovation into
areas: one being infusion therapy and the other pain
the country. Collaboration begins with the preparation of
therapy. Statistics show that 90-95% of patients that
dossiers to import new devices. It is necessary to provide
visit hospitals require some type of IV treatment, so it is
complete and detailed documentation at every step of the
extremely important to develop protocols both for general
way for all the devices that we bring into Mexico. We also
situations and for specific problems faced by individual
create market access departments. We are trying to bring
patients. In terms of pain therapy, we are global leaders
international experience to the country and apply it to
in regional anesthesia and we provide medical assessment
solve national problems, and we are building foundations
on the best products for specific problems.
to support the launch of good technology in Mexico.
for closing chronic wounds of several patients, we decided to
A: Bioskinco was founded in 1998 in search of cell therapy
get involved in this other field of healthcare, always focused
and biotechnology projects developed by Mexican scientists.
on benefitting patients at the hand of specialists, and aware
In 1999 an agreement was signed with CINVESTAV to
that it was a long road competing with many big companies
bring Epifast, which is now a registered trademark, to the
and quality products. In the year 2010, we participated in
market as a start-up project. The product was developed at
the MEDICA conference in Dusseldorf with the support of
CINVESTAV by renowned researchers under the leadership
ProMéxico, offering the world important advantages for
of Dr. Walid Kuri-Harcuch, whose work in turn was based
patients, their families and the healthcare system through
on that of Dr. Howard Green, who developed a human
this unique Mexican technology. Given this current status, we
keratinocyte cell culture in the 1970s. During the time that
believe that Epifast is ready to go international.
he worked with Professor Green, Dr. Kuri-Harcuch, who was then an advanced student, incorporated new developments
Q: How does Epifast work?
into the process, and when he returned to his research
A: Epifast is a layer of cultured human keratinocyte cells
in México he applied a cryopreservation into the layer of
that are produced from a certified cell bank obtained from
human keratinocytes, which allowed the layer of cultured
a foreskin. The human keratinocyte cells have been checked
cells to be stored and carried by a Vaseline gauze for at
for any kind of contamination from bacteria and viruses
least two years at -70°C. This cryopreservant is a Mexican
and to certify that are disease-free. When the product is
innovation, owned by Bioskinco. The production of Epifast
applied to the wound, it encourages healing by delivering
started in December 2000 and the story of Bioskinco has
human growth factors, such as human cells, that allow the
actually written by and due to the success of Epifast. During
tissues to heal in their own healing process. Epifast is a
the first six years of operation, the company focused on
biological product that releases Human Growth Factors
convincing authorities, hospital directors, clinicians, and
like Transforming Growth Factor (TGF) Alpha & Beta. These
nurses of the important role of Epifast in the treatment of
factors, among many others, trigger signal pathways that
burns and the advantages that it represents. The focus of the
allow wounds to heal with the patient’s own cells and tissues.
authorities that we met with was to save money, although always while saving lives and maintaining high-quality
Q: Who are your biggest customers?
standards of care. Some doctors offered their experience
A: Bioskinco’s biggest customer is IMSS. The second largest
to make a cost-efficiency study on the use of Epifast, which
customers are the individual state healthcare systems
showed excellent cost savings of 28-55%. Some physicians
and institutes in various Mexican states. Most states have
who are leaders in the treatment of burns published their
an important support from the Seguro Popular System,
experiences on the benefits for patients when using Epifast,
which covers at least 50 million low- and middle-income
such as less pain, fewer surgical procedures, as well as
people, presenting an enormous task in the New Mexican
better outcomes with less scarring, all of which result in a
Healthcare system. Other important clients are the PEMEX
shorter hospital stay, among other savings and advantages.
hospitals, the Armed Forces and Navy hospitals, the Federal Workers healthcare system or ISSSTE, and the healthcare
Q: How did the Epifast brand grow?
system for state workers available in almost all the states
A: During the first five years of Bioskinco, several surgeons
of Mexico. In the private sector many important hospitals
created their own learning curve for the use of Epifast in burn
use Epifast. Insurance companies cover the use of Epifast
cases, including a surgical procedure called “early tangential
at private hospitals, clinics, and in doctor’s offices as the
excision.” Many more doctors and nurses understood the
best treatment for their patients and clients. Private
role of Epifast as a coadjutant for an improved treatment
health insurance companies are therefore very important
of the patients. During that same period, and after many
customers. Finally, private distributors are important
health professionals using Epifast as part of the treatment
customers of Bioskinco based on their knowledge of several
clients and institutions and the opportunities that they offer
Latin America, and we visualize the next step to be Europe,
to expand and deepen the market presence of Epifast.
and other countries like Canada, US, India, and China. After several participations at MEDICA we opened a branch in
Q: How sophisticated is the market for burn treatments
Germany in 2013 and we are in the process of providing
at this point?
the necessary documentation to EMA for registration. We
A: There are several biotechnology based products, most of
are working closely with Mexican authorities to facilitate
which were developed in the US, Asia, or Europe. The market
this internationalization process, and we have its support.
for basic and advanced wound care and burns products is
Inside the company, we plan to increase our production
currently dominated by large international pharmaceuticals,
capabilities by 2017, in order to meet the requirements
like Smith & Nephew, ConvaTec, BSN Medical, MĂślnlycke
of both, national and international markets. This includes
investing enough to double our production capacity in
Corporation, and many others, that mainly produce market
the next four years. We will be looking for alternatives to
financing it next year.
Organogenesis, equipment,
ointments, creams, supports, gauzes, although the fewest sold by them are biological products. These products are
Q: What are your priorities for 2015?
generally focused on different stages of the wound and burn
A: One is to raise awareness among more surgeons,
treatment process and are based on animal and/or synthetic
physicians, nurses, and hospital administrators of the
compounds like collagen and others, and their technology
benefits of Epifast in the treatment of burns and wounds.
focus is very different from ours. The companies named
We are also working very closely with health professionals
above and many others, big and medium size, have been
to encourage them to publish their experiences and to
unwilling to get involved in cell culture, as it is an extremely
present them in as many forums as possible. Another very
complicated and regulated process. The vast majority of
important priority is to work on a Prospective Study on
cell-based product therapies are developed in different R&D
the benefits of Epifast in the treatment of several types
labs around the world, or are being tested in clinical trials,
of burns and wounds, and to improve the knowledge in
or are in a Phase I or II for registration. However, very few
both fields for the sake of the patients. One important
are competitors as a perfect substitute for Epifast, and
decision that has to be made is whether to develop a
not many as dressings for healing, mostly for covering. We
portfolio for burn and wound treatments. That process
compete in the burns and wound care market with many
was just started with the support of our German branch,
products that are designed to dress wounds and burns using
which is bringing several projects to the table for analysis.
a different mechanism of action. These medical dressings
Finally, it is essential to continue growing. We prefer to do
are manufactured by international companies, among many
this cautiously and sustainably with balanced finances,
others, and most of them are based for distribution in MĂŠxico
ethical and good practices. Bioskinco and Epifast are
as competitors of Bioskinco and Epifast.
focused on bringing hope to many patients who suffer from skin traumatisms, burns, and chronic wounds, and
Q: What are your expansion plans?
to improve their quality of life provided by the hands of
A: We are looking at Internationalization. More specifically
surgeons, physicians, nurses, healthcare professionals, and
we are in the process to export Epifast to several countries in
authorities of MĂŠxico and the world.
products no longer requiring sanitary registration for commercialization, including previously considered low-
with a proven safety and efficacy record •
risk medical devices as well as those no longer considered
This measure represents savings of MX$1.38 billion and
Class II: those that are known in the medical practice with variations in their materials, and are not usually in
health supplies. Removal of sanitary requirements is part of a strategy that aims to reduce barriers to market entry.
Class I: those that are known in the medical practice
the human body for more than 30 days •
Class III: those that are known in the medical practice and are usually in the human body for more than 30 days
the total number of deregulated products now makes up 2,242, with accumulated savings of MX$5.4 billion since
The Health Products Technical Committee issued 20 rules
that COFEPRIS uses to determine the class of the device. Several companies offer consultancy services to help
It is vital to accurately classify medical devices prior to
with aligning applications with COFEPRIS requirements,
beginning the registration process by submitting a detailed
Registration Dossier that includes complete technical
translations even acting as independent Mexico Registration
Holders. Since 2012, an option of incorporating third-party
Improper classification can impact the regulatory approval
reviewers (TPR) has been made available by COFEPRIS.
process and associated costs. Therefore, it is important to
This option requires companies to pay an independent
correctly determine each device’s classification following
accredited commercial TPR to pre-approve applications.
the rules promulgated by COFEPRIS according to the
TPRs are local Mexican companies and are not associated
following categories:
with any globally recognized registrars or notified bodies. COFEPRIS will then complete a final review and issue the
registration certificate.
instruments for medical use) •
Prosthetics, orthotics, and functional aids
A fast track process, the Equivalency process, is offered
Diagnostic agents
as a regulatory route to companies that have approval
Dental supplies
in Canada, the US, or Japan. Companies must meet
Surgical materials
other route-specific requirements, such as having been
Hygiene devices
inspected by the FDA with an available inspection report, but this can greatly accelerate and simplify the process
Medical devices in Mexico are subsequently further
for companies launching products that have already
classified according to risk, using a version of European
undergone a rigorous review through a credible regulatory
rules adapted to the Mexican market:
2,242 List of products that are no longer classified as medical devices
98 “IA”
LATIN AMERICA IN THE SPOTLIGHT RIMA ALAMEDDINE Vice President & General Manager, Latin America of CR Bard
Q: How does the Mexican market compare to the rest of
(INCAN), the National Institute of Pediatrics (INP), and the
Latin America?
National Institute of Neurology and Neurosurgery (INNN).
A: Bard Mexico celebrated its 20th anniversary a few
While we would like to boost our public-sector presence,
months ago, making Mexico our longest standing base
this depends on the registration processes and requirements
in the region by far. Our growth here has passed through
of the National Institutes of Health. Once we meet these
various phases. Four years ago, for instance, we began
requirements, we will shift our focus to obtaining tenders.
to take steps to expand our market presence to a point which covered the entire country. Our five divisions now
Q: Do you think it is necessary to have a universal,
have distribution partners nationwide. Mexico’s role in
homogenized regulation within the Latin American
Latin America is a major one, both in terms of revenue and
recognition. Finally, the strong brand recognition we enjoy
A: It would be incredibly beneficial, not just to the industry
here is a significant factor in operating on the scale that we
but to the economy, if Latin America implemented a
do. This means that new channel partners tend to be very
common, regional framework for regulation for all new
receptive to collaborating with us.
product registrations. It is extremely challenging and expensive for companies to invest and explore the market
Q: What are the divisions of Bard here in Mexico?
because registration is required individually in every country.
A: First, Bard Access Systems (BAS) provides all of our access
Most of the revenue from the Latin American region comes
catheters. Bard Peripheral Vascular (BPV) provides devices
from regulated countries. Given that some registrations can
such as stents that prevent blood clots from traveling to the
take up to a year and a half to be approved, patients are
lungs. Bard Medical Division (BMD) is diverse and, along
being deprived of access to the best technology, the best
with the Foley and Sunza supplies, encapsulates colostomy
products and the best medical devices.
bags for urinary tract infections and gastrointestinal issues. Another path we are exploring is patient temperature
Q: Do you have manufacturing plants in Latin America
management, effective in preventing brain damage and
and specifically in Mexico?
other complications during certain procedures. Our fourth
A: Our BAS division has three manufacturing plants in
division is Bard Biopsy Systems (BBS), which supplies a range
in Nogales, Reynosa, and Ciudad Juarez. These plants
of biopsy devices for various parts of the anatomy. Finally,
were chosen due to their strategic position close to the
Davol covers hernia repair. While all five have been growing,
border with the US. In this way they can support the
access systems are particularly strong at present since we are
entire manufacturing process north of the border, while
generating enormous amounts of information. For example,
still availing of the costs and logistics advantages gained
we have been demonstrating to the medical community the
through operating in Mexico. The products are partially
benefits of inserting a peripheral catheter rather than putting
assembled in Mexico, and subsequently sent to the US for
it into the jugular or inserting an intravenous (IV) catheter.
completion. From the US, they are distributed within Latin
As a result, the BAS division has enjoyed accelerated growth.
America and all over the world.
Q: Who are your main clients within the public and private
Q: What is the role of integrators in Mexico?
sectors in Mexico?
A: One single provider whose portfolio includes contracts,
A: The private sector accounts for about 70% of our business,
maintenance, payments, and processes is extremely useful.
with public health accounting for the rest. However, we have a
This is where integrated services have played a vital role in
presence in both sets of institutions. Our main private-sector
Mexico. Some even have the capacity to overhaul whole
clients are the ABC, Star Médica, Médica Sur, and Grupo
systems, providing not only technology and hardware,
Angeles hospital chains. We work with a number of public
but also carrying out site adjustments so as to begin
health institutes, including the National Institute of Oncology
operations at optimum capacity.
Q: What type of projects helped to strengthen your
within budget constraints to attain sufficient medical
reputation in this growing field?
supplies, as well as making concerted efforts to eliminate the
A: We help hospitals to achieve excellence in their technical
discrepancies between healthcare provisions in major cities
operations by identifying their needs and problems, and
and rural areas. The government supports digital health,
sharing our technical and operative expertise to solve them.
which requires improved medical infrastructure and crucial
The timescales involved in these projects can range from just
data management, since portable electronic medical records
one month to four years, depending on the scope involved
are still lacking in Mexico and these developments require
and the customers’ requirements. We participated in a major
effective communication strategies.
expansion project for the National Institute of Oncology (INCAN) where we provided clinical engineering assessment,
Q: How have international certifications changed the face
technical guidance, evaluation of equipment acquisitions,
of Mexico’s health sector?
and assessed the risk of moving facilities and installing new
A: The biggest advantage of international certifications is
infrastructure. Our largest current project is the construction
the standardization of high-quality services and procedures,
of the Naval Medical Center for the Secretariat of the Navy.
which will lead to incremental numbers of foreign patients coming to Mexico due to greater confidence in adequate
Q: Are there sufficient biomedical engineering jobs in
levels of service and regulation. The Joint Commission
Mexico for talented graduates and what areas are they
International (JCI) is currently debating to the prospect
particularly interested in?
of increasing the number of foreign patients that JCI-
A: I have noticed that biomedical engineering students
accredited hospitals can receive.
seem particularly interested in developing prosthetics and medical equipment. These areas are certainly growing in
Q: How would you compare public and private hospitals
Mexico but not at an appropriate pace to accommodate
with regards to their acquisition and use of digital health
for the number of students that graduate. Therefore, they
often need to find jobs in different fields or move to other
A: Public and private hospitals experience common
countries, meaning that much of Mexican talent is lost or
problems regarding data management and adequate
constrained. However, CONACYT has developed numerous
infrastructure and few have sufficient funds allocated to
programs to support students, and universities are striving
acquiring the latest equipment, meaning that a better
to raise funds for R&D projects in nanotechnology, tissue
allocation of resources is needed on all sides. Electronic
engineering, and genetic engineering, among others.
medical records in public and private hospitals use
As a means of supporting this ongoing process, Escala
similar processes but lack of infrastructure and process
Biomédica has set up an internship program that gives
students the opportunity to participate in specific projects.
incorporate the system within the public sector.
These include the creation of valuation models for highimpact technology and for primary, secondary, and tertiary
Q: What is your opinion of the new COFEPRIS norm for
care hospitals, new purchasing schemes, guidelines for
telemedicine, and efficiency indicators.
A: This new norm is significant for the development of safer medical devices but its content should be clearer.
Q: What would you highlight as the key needs of the
The system that will be adopted for reporting and
current Mexican healthcare system?
managing events related to medical devices is crucial
A: One of the most important trends in the Mexican healthcare
for the success of technovigilance, and this will be easier
system today is the move towards universal coverage. In
to implement since hospitals are already familiar with
order to achieve this, the agency must implement a more
the general requirements due to their experience with
streamlined infrastructure and employ an effective system
Q: As the new director of 3M Health Care in Mexico, what
Q: What barriers does Mexico have to face to achieve a
are your main goals?
complete digitalization of its healthcare services?
A: I can see many opportunities to accelerate the growth
A: Mexico’s healthcare system has embraced the transition
of the healthcare sector in Mexico. 3M encourages its
from paper to electronic format over the last ten years,
scientists to create connections across countries and
which provides portability and data availability, but there
divisions. However, while we have two centers (the
is still a long way to go. This data can be valuable if it
Innovation Center in Mexico City and the R&D Center in
follows systematic processes that would create accurate
San Luis Potosi) in Mexico, we currently do not have a
coding, grouping, and analysis through statistical tools.
team of researchers on healthcare. This does not stop our
This analysis can generate information that could lead to
researchers from creating connections among different
improved outcomes and cost. The challenge continues
businesses in Mexico and countries such as Brazil or China
to be the creation of a database culture, which directly
to tackle healthcare problems. These connections are of
benefits hospitals and payers.
utmost importance for 3M as they allow us to grow our business and create more innovative products. We have
Q: How important is innovation for 3M Health Care?
several R&D centers and 46 technology platforms around
A: To promote innovation, 3M has implemented two different
the world, as well as 11 technology platforms in Mexico.
initiatives. Firstly, the company enables the exchange of ideas across countries and research areas and also allows its
Q: How significant is Mexico to 3M’s Health Care Division?
researchers to spend 15% of their time working on individual
A: Health Care is integral for 3M. In 2014, global company
projects with all the company’s resources at their disposal.
sales were US$32 million, constituting a healthcare and
Secondly, 3M has well-established processes to transfer
organic local currency sales growth of more than 5.8%. We
research to the market. For example, we have developed
also invest 5.6% of our revenue in R&D, as we are fueling
products in the nanotechnology area which can be used
innovation through investment. On a positive note healthcare
for microreplication or for dental applications. Another area
is a relatively stable area, and has not been as negatively
with multiple purposes is adhesives, an area for which 3M
impacted as other industries during times of economic
is renowned. We have adhesives for industrial applications,
instability. We cannot overlook or neglect this area as it has
such as gluing metal to plastic, and for healthcare, to bond
an important influence on people’s lives. In Mexico, we are
dental implants to the dentin. Most of our research areas
focused on oral care yet we have several other divisions
strongly collaborate with academic institutions, research
including the health information system, which produces
centers, and professional associations. We have created a
software for hospitals and a platform for food safety. The
healthcare academy, which is a global initiative to provide
importance of healthcare software is growing in Mexico but
education through lectures and webinars. In Mexico, our
it has just scratched the surface. 3M is working with hospitals
innovation center in Santa Fe aims to bring customers closer
to create enhanced coding processes to allow them to collect
to our technologies and show them the solutions we provide.
meaningful data and group episodes. Q: How would you compare Mexico’s healthcare level to Q: Who are your main clients?
the rest of the world?
A: The public and private sectors are equally important
A: Mexico is the second largest market in Latin America
for us. We have seen that both share three core priorities.
and provides a significant number of opportunities for 3M.
One is access, this means efficiently increasing their patient
I believe that Mexico is making considerable progress in
coverage. The second aspect is cost, since all hospitals have
healthcare, which will continue in the future across both the
budget constraints. Finally, the third element is quality, as all
private and public sectors. E-commerce is growing rapidly
the healthcare institutions are aiming to provide the highest
and it is already strong in the US so many of the tools that we
possible quality with the resources available to them.
have developed for that segment could be brought to Mexico.
MEXICO: THE GATEWAY TO LATIN AMERICA FOR MEDICAL DEVICES EDNA ÁLVAREZ Latin America Manager at Malvern Instruments Q: What significance does the Mexican biopharmaceutical
techniques helps to push drugs more rapidly through the
industry hold for Malvern Instruments’ global operations?
development pipeline.
solutions for many industries – from automotive to
Q: What measures have you been taking to increase your
biopharmaceuticals. We have direct operations in 15
expertise in the large molecule area?
countries and have local support in a further 77. The
A: Our BDI team works with end customers who
past decade has seen biopharmaceuticals become
have analytical needs and also with those who lead
the fastest growing type of therapeutic agent. The
technology development, in established organizations
challenges of moving from the development of small
or in small companies and academia, enabling effective
molecule drugs to dealing with more complex biological
communication and solution sharing. Uniquely, embryonic
materials are considerable and wide ranging and
technologies are often provided directly to pharmaceutical
new analytical tools are needed to bridge the gap.
partners for review and assessment, exposing them to
Malvern’s Bioscience Development Initiative (BDI) is an
technologies they may not otherwise have seen and
independent, entrepreneurial organization. It partners
providing a low-risk opportunity to test out novel ideas.
with industry and academia to rapidly identify and
This quickly determines whether or not a technology is
assess analytical problems and bottlenecks within
likely to provide a useful solution, which will ultimately
biopharmaceutical development and manufacturing,
decide if it is progressed through to the next stages of
to design and deliver technological solutions. The
traditional product development.
European and US biopharma markets are already very large and Latin America is an emerging market with very
Q: Researchers in Mexico do not have the culture of
promising growth opportunities for the next five years.
commercializing research – how does this impact the
We established a direct presence in Mexico in 2013. The
instrumentation industry and to what extent are you able
bulk of research is conducted in Europe and the US, but
to support your clients in this respect?
developing countries are allocating more resources to
A: Mexico has great potential for growth but some
R&D. Mexico is two to three years behind developed
barriers need to be overcome to fulfill it. One barrier is the
countries in terms of R&D and acquisition of technology
lack of entrepreneurial culture. Scientists should be more
but it is the gateway for all of Latin America.
interested in commercializing research and creating startups that could benefit a lot of people with their innovative
Q: What are the company’s key strengths and how
products or services. We have very remarkable scientists
challenging is it to move into new areas?
who have applied for grants and obtained funding in
A: Our materials characterization systems are used by
order to conduct research and purchase our instruments.
scientists and engineers to solve challenges associated
with maximizing productivity, developing better products,
Conversely, we have also seen scientists with impressive
and getting them to market faster. Malvern’s analytical
ideas that do not secure any financing. Whenever we
instruments address a wide variety of measurement
establish first contact with a prospective client we listen
needs, helping users accelerate research and better
to their needs so we can come up with a solution. Then
understand the materials they work with. Malvern’s
we work on a justification process and run samples and
analytical toolkit for small molecule applications supports
demos in the lab to present along with some results.
the characterization of active pharmaceutical ingredients
This brings certainty to our clients and is very useful for
and excipients, alone and in formulations, for innovative
building trust and close relationships. Only when we are
and generic drug development. Used throughout drug
certain that our technology can provide a solution for
discovery, formulation development, and pharmaceutical
a customer do we make a sales proposal and provide
manufacturing, Malvern’s combination of complementary
support with comparison tables and other evidence.
WORLD CLASS ANESTHESIA AND VENTILATION DEVICES MARTIN FERRARI DEL SEL General Manager of Dräger Mexico Q: What role does the country represent for Dräger’s
ventilation devices. We are the biggest supplier worldwide
global strategy?
within these two areas. In the last three years, we have
A: Last year was significant as we celebrated our 125-year
renewed our critical care ventilators portfolio and now we are
anniversary globally and our ten-year anniversary as Dräger
carrying out a similar overhaul within our anesthesia division
Mexico. Our company is a family owned business and our
by launching new devices worldwide and in the Mexican
current CEO, Stefan Dräger, represents the fifth generation
market where we have already positioned and installed our
of the family to run the company. We are part of the Central
top technology anesthesia workstations. A unique solution
and South America Region, with headquarters in Panama
that we offer worldwide is the Pulmovista 500, an Electrical
City and offices in Brazil that have been established for
Impedance Tomography device, which is a breakthrough
60 years. This is our youngest market, established in 2012
in mechanical ventilation. Until now it was not possible to
to improve our customer intimacy and as a support to
determine the regional distribution of bedside ventilators, now
our seven subsidiaries. In Mexico, our operations began in
our non-invasive EIT solution visualizes regional air distribution
2004, and since then, we have been growing considerably
within the lungs in real time. In terms of software, Dräger
as a sales and service organization. Mexico is a key player
provides several products to monitor patients and remotely
in our region and worldwide and most of our global
access their medical information. We are most proud of the
strategies are employed in the country. We have a broad
interconnectivity and communication between our devices
network of distribution channels throughout Latin America
and the different world-class Hospital Information Systems via
to provide territory coverage and customer support.
HL7 protocol. This capability offers remote access to patient information, using our wide range of clinical systems such as
Q: Who are your biggest customers in Mexico and what
the Innovian information management system that creates a
does Dräger define as being its competitive advantage?
complete, continuous, digital record of the patient´s critical
A: Our main client is the public sector but the private sector
care information. Currently in Mexico we have already installed
is a strategic target for us. We were engaged for the new
some of these solutions, but there is a long way before it
building of INCAN. Our involvement began in the design
becomes a standard in the main health institutions.
and planning phase of critical care areas and operating rooms, extending to the current clinical training stage.
Q: How far away is Mexico from achieving a complete
We are working with 38 private clinics from the Private
digitalization of health services?
Hospital Consortium that are formalizing their business to
A: The digitalization of processes and information in the
accommodate more patients. We hope to offer packages,
healthcare sector is relatively well-established, but Latin
for example an Intensive Care Package, to make clinical
America always seems to be the last area for investment in
investment more economically viable. Our competitive
new projects or renewals. The majority of health investment
advantage lies not only in our technology and innovation
tends to go towards primary health needs and digitalization
but also in our capability of providing a comprehensive
is seen as a luxury, not as an essential technology. This is
and integrated solution to the hospitals, which is why we
beginning to change in the private segment. Our priority
have a dedicated Solution Center and Dräger Academy
is to offer long-lasting products, reducing long-term cost
departments operating in Mexico, as well as our Lifecycle
of ownership and providing more connected treatments,
Solution Department that that takes care of the complete
which will consequently reduce medical errors. We offer a
buying experience of our customers and business partners.
system called Smart Care that was developed only ten years ago, which is an automated weaning system to speed up
Q: What innovations are you bringing to the market this
recovery times by 30% in ICUs, reducing potential infection
year and how did you choose their clinical area?
exposure. There is still collaboration required between
A: Our main two core areas are operating room and critical
health institutions and authorities to provide and set the
care units, and our biggest markets constitute anesthesia and
proper standards in this emerging digital world.
FOSTERING AWARENESS TO IMPROVE PATIENT OUTCOMES LUIS NIETO Director General of ConvaTec Q: How many years has ConvaTec operated in Mexico?
A: One key challenge this industry has to face is patient
What attracted the company to this market?
awareness. Patients, their families, and society in general
A: ConvaTec is a global medical products and technologies
need to be more aware and more effectively incorporated
company with leading market positions in ostomy care,
into the healthcare system. We have developed some
wound therapeutics, continence, and critical care, as well
projects with the aim of covering parts of the country
as infusion devices. Our products provide a range of clinical
where patients do not know about our products, as well as
and economic benefits, including infection prevention,
addressing economic exclusion by improving access. We
protection of at-risk skin, improved patient outcomes, and
view it as an industry responsibility to help reach excluded
reduced total cost of care. ConvaTec has been present in the
patients. We use traditional sales calls, seminars and other
Mexican market for the last 30 years, as part of the Bristol
type of events to reach these patients and we have set
Myers Squibb group. We became an independent company
up a program to provide primary care and access to our
in 2008, and because Mexico is an emerging market, we see
products. This helps patients to understand that they have
investment in the country as an opportunity for coverage
the ability to overcome the limitations they believe they
and growth.
have after having an ostomy. We help patients understand that they can live an active life again, as well as recovering
Q: How do you differentiate your portfolio from your
their social and work lives.
competitors’ products? A: We are developing and launching products faster than
Q: Who are your main customers at this point and how do
ever before. Our traditional areas are ostomy care and
you see this base evolving?
wound management, but we recently entered the critical
A: We sell to the public and private entities, with a variety
care area. In future, we plan to roll out products for surgery
of channels, services, and portfolios. There are many efforts
and anesthesia among others. As our products are of a very
from different groups to enable ostomy and diabetic
high quality, we intend to approach every segment of the
patients to access more funding and reimbursement for
market. The goal for us is to be known for our excellent
aftercare products, but the results right now are gradual.
integrated services, for clear customer orientation, and for
Once ostomy patients are discharged from the hospital,
growing patient awareness.
70-75% go on to buy their products themselves. Some patients are now pushing public and private payers to
Q: In ConvaTec’s experience how is the regulatory
cover medical supplies. There are important economic
environment in Mexico?
reasons why they should provide such products. The more
A: The regulatory affairs environment is improving. We
patients recover their normal lifestyles, the faster they can
have seen significant progress in the product registration
go back to work and reintegrate to society as productive
process. A number of alternatives to the process are now
open, including FDA equivalence, third-party authorization, and so on. These new options make it possible to register
Q: How easy is it to collect data in Mexico about the type
a product and launch it into the market much faster and
of patients you provide for?
more efficiently. We have gained approval for more and
A: It is complicated to acquire specific data and this
more products in Mexico, and patients are ultimately the
is a problem in Mexico that is not only limited to our
ones who benefit. Healthcare professionals are using also
field. We rely on experience and estimations. Currently
better technologies with better results.
we have to estimate the market value and market share. There are companies in the data and statistic
Q: How are ConvaTec and the wider industry attempting
fields doing an excellent job at addressing this gap and
to address the challenges facing this segment of the
assessing markets. We will see in a few years how market
intelligence evolves.
products. Even though our critics disagreed, we were
A: VECO is a family company founded in 1968 and
perfectly able to provide quality products, which allowed
created in order to provide direct services and supplies to
us to grow in the market. Many years later, former President
pharmaceutical laboratories. We faced many challenges
Carlos Salinas de Gortari opened the market to foreign
at the beginning, as there were many low-quality and
products, thus increasing the competition. Recently the
counterfeit products on the market. While the amount of
market has become centralized. While there are around 500
low-quality products has diminished, so too has the number
companies in Mexico able to manufacture them, the market
of laboratories, with only the most competitive remaining.
has centered in only four. This has discouraged competition
Others either close or are acquired by international
as the cost to implement a plant of this type is too high.
companies. When we created VECO, there were 650 pharmaceutical laboratories in Mexico, but now, according to
Q: Besides the need for continuous renovation, what other
our calculations, there must be approximately 130, of which
strategies have companies implemented to compete with
few are Mexican-owned. VECO began by commercializing
foreign companies?
equipment to manufacture medicines. We then moved on to
A: We began by exporting products. In 1974, we created
the development of fume hoods and laminar flow cabinets,
Veco do Brasil and we opened an office in the US in 1977.
used to provide a sanitary environment for experiments,
We currently export to Europe, the Middle East, and all of
to avoid sample contamination, and to protect users form
Latin America. Now that markets are open, we compete
toxic fumes. Our fume hoods have HEPA (High Efficiency
with companies from all over the world. We are currently
Particle Arrestance) filters capable of filtering particles
focusing on the construction of clean rooms, which were
down to 0.003mm. Some are able to filter as far down as
initially used for the manufacture of computers but now are
0.00001mm. Gradually, we decided to stop manufacturing
mostly used in hospitals and pharmaceutical laboratories,
devices that were not economically profitable, deciding
for many reasons including the preparation of mixtures for
instead to focus on fume hoods, as the product range
chemotherapy. In those cases patients must be completely
has gained strength in the market. We are working as
isolated inside these rooms as their immune systems are
two different companies, VECO and de Vecchi Ingenieros,
compromised. At this point the public sector represents
within Grupo Devinsa, and we collaborate with Vectech
60% of our sales and the rest goes to the private sector.
Pharmaceutical Consultants, an international consulting company which validates pharmaceutical manufacturing
Q: What are the main opportunity areas for these air
practices to ensure they comply with regulations.
purification systems? A: These systems will always be necessary for the
Q: What was VECO’s strategy to position itself in the
production of large numbers of medicines. When we
first created the company air purification inside these
A: At the beginning, we imported our filters from Sandia
rooms was achieved with UV light, but this light causes
National Laboratories. This manufacturer developed these
skin damage. We are constantly trying to follow the latest
filters for NASA, which used them for space travel as
trends pushed forward by international markets. At the
instruments had to be completely free from dust which
beginning, we did not develop our own technologies
could damage them. In 1972, we began to manufacture
as we used to adapt those from foreign companies, but
equipment in Mexico under the slogan “quality is developed
gradually we began to develop our own products. Our
throughout the entire process.” While this motto is important
main advantage is our size, which allows us to have great
for many sectors, it is extremely relevant for healthcare as
versatility to create highly specific products to address
this area deals with peoples’ lives. When we started we
individual needs. We work with the pharmaceutical
were heavily criticized by international manufacturers, as
industry on research, manufacture, and quality control,
the law at the time strongly regulated the sales of imported
and we also work with university and hospital laboratories.
build stronger relationships with customers by providing
new value, reducing costs by doing more with less and
By IMS Institute for Healthcare Informatics - Life sciences
optimizing the commercial organization, and improve the
companies are a vital player in the healthcare delivery system
effectiveness and agility of commercial teams, including
through their discovery, development, manufacturing, and
speed and effectiveness of decision making.
marketing of innovative treatment options for patients. They play an important role in improving access and supporting
The needs of life sciences companies seeking to realize the
the appropriate use of medicines by physicians through
full potential of current technology are broad and diverse.
education and awareness programs. A more efficient and
However, over half of our survey respondents indicated the
effective system results from the active participation of
greatest needs were associated with data – gaining greater
physicians, investors, patients, and manufacturers, even if
insights and value from data, integrating data sources,
interests are not always aligned and contradictory positions
and delivering it faster to end users. This may reflect the
are sometimes taken.
urgency with which tangible advances are needed in light of the business and commercial needs of these companies.
Information Technology (IT) has long been viewed as
This also suggests that a very different information
a function or department that supplies data support
technology investment focus, activities, success measures
and delivery services. Within a life sciences company,
and roles are required more today than in past decades.
its purpose is to store and process information on core functions of the business, such as sales and distribution of
The role of the Chief Information Officer (CIO) also needs
medicines, and to disseminate that information to internal
to be very different, both in terms of managerial and
users in their sales, marketing, or analytic departments.
technical skills, as well as the profile and role that he or she
Over the past ten years, basic tasks of the IT function
has within the executive management team. With direct
– data integration, warehousing, help desk support,
operating budgets typically exceeding US$100 million
and report generation – were commoditized and often
annually and investment budgets similarly scoped, the
outsourced. However, as companies become more focused
CIO can now be viewed by brand managers, operating
on developing new approaches designed to optimize
leaders and executive leaders as the critical linchpin to the
commercial performance, management teams are turning
company achieving success – with its partners in healthcare,
to technology-based approaches that can support these
investors, and employees. Life sciences companies now
aims through cloud-based platforms, applications, system
have more information than ever to understand medical
integration, and analytic tools. Technology is being utilized
prescriptions, patients, and investors. However, their
as a critical means by which companies can better align
information systems are frequently not in a position to use
their activities across departments internally, take actions
this data to deliver additional value to these customers. This
that are better tailored to customer needs, and be readily
might include efforts to tailor communication to physicians
flexible to adjust course and tactics. Properly utilized IT is
with specific patient profiles, provide reimbursement
seen as the means by which companies can simultaneously
services to ensure patients receive financial support (when
Capabilities Of Current Campaign Management Systems (Source: IMS Health Technology Survey, 2014) Create and run multi-step behavior triggered campaigns Inform future campaign design using outcomes tracked from past campaigns Provide campaign performance data in near-real time Create and run multichannel marketing campaigns 0%
does not do this
Does not do this Source: IMS Health
Not well
not well
Very well
80% ok
100% very well
entitled to it), or deliver education materials tailored to the
Campaign performance data in near-real time
prescriber’s interests. In commercial terms, they typically
To ensure launches are successful and to correct their
fail to optimize marketing tactics due to a lack of advanced
course rapidly if needs be, companies require campaign
functionality in their multichannel marketing (MCM)
performance data in near-real time. To avoid squandering
system, namely the ability to run multichannel marketing
resources it is critical to understand what is working.
campaigns or multi-step behavior-triggered campaigns,
Advanced analytic tools combined with streaming data
provide campaign performance data in near-real time, or
allow companies to rapidly micro target campaigns only
inform future campaign design using results tracked from
to where they are effective.
past campaigns. Informing future campaign design using outcomes Companies recognize the need to improve their customer
tracked from past campaigns
engagement, with 71% of respondents saying investments
Closed loop systems can improve insights and support
in their MCM system are ‘extremely or very important’
marketing decisions by recording customer preferences, and
and nearly 90% of those from large companies saying the
by measuring the success of the overall campaign. ‘Intelligent’
same. Cloud-based multichannel marketing applications
MCM applications can learn from past customer responses
can deliver the following and align commercial activity to
and allow companies to deliver more relevant messages over
customer needs:
time. This can ensure that physicians are equipped with the information they need to help them deliver better patient
Multichannel marketing campaigns
care. It can also help ensure healthcare provider time and
Finding the ways doctors will listen and learn about
company resources are not wasted. Ultimately the key value
medicines is critical, as is the delivery of effective
of new intelligent cloud-based MCM systems is that they give
messages across channels. Systems should be able to
greater control to the end user. The problem presented in
deliver coordinated customer contacts across channels to
past systems was that users relied on third-party vendors
ensure messages are received, but deliver them only to the
for campaign planning, execution, and measurement, and
specific subgroups of customers who benefit from hearing
often had significant lag-times to deploy campaigns; cloud-
this message.
based applications put greater control in the hands of brand managers giving them the ability to execute directly through a
Multi-step behavior-triggered campaigns
cloud-based interface. They can design their own campaigns
In the past, customers were grouped into segments and
or refine dashboards and analytics to measure performance.
marketing was based on those static classifications. Event
Experts in life sciences commercialization activities indicate
and decision tree models of marketing are now built
that with such cloud-based and user-directed MCM system
into cloud-based MCM systems and allow refinement of
technology, cost reductions of 25-35% are achievable, with
marketing activities based on customer’s earlier action
additional benefits from lower campaign administration and
- for instance, delivering written clinical trial data to a
management costs, improved customer response rates and
provider who attended a lecture discussing a new study.
campaign revenue gains.
Life sciences company needs (Source: IMS Health Technology Survey, 2014) 77%
Creater insights and value from data 59%
Integration of data sources
Faster delivery of data to end users 41%
Integration of point-solutions or systems for improved workflow
Qualified teams and infrastructure to support existing applications
Greater use of unstructured data
Ability to acquire and integrate third-party tools
Improved privacy and security Data cleansing and curation Additional IT/technology talent
26% 20%
Source: IMS Health
UTILIZING TELEHEALTH TO BRING FASTER RADIOLOGY RESULTS With an increasing burden on medical health professionals,
do not have the technology to overcome these problems.
Ulises Bacilio Pérez, CEO of Grupo PTM saw a gap in the
At Grupo PTM, Bacilio has developed software which
market for an increased focus on telehealth. At age 16, he
can provide results almost immediately, overcoming low
learned to develop Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
bandwidths without image quality loss.
software, which he attempted to employ to effectively administrate the health records of his family’s hospital
The company works almost exclusively with private
in the State of Mexico. Unable to finish the project at
hospitals, at times integrating certain small public sector
the time, given its complexity, he decided to continue
projects, mainly with mobile units in rural areas that are too
the project independently in later years. After medical
remote to have efficient access to hospitals. The government
school, Bacilio witnessed the need for administration
has supported this initiative, creating mobile units for
software within the National Institute of Oncology, citing
indigenous communities to carry out several tests such as
that the few radiologists in the hospital could barely cater
mammograms. This can be problematic at times, according
to the demand of the 3,000 patients per month seeking
to Bacilio, especially transmitting images from these rural
treatment at the hospital.
areas to hospitals in main cities with low-quality software
“Many small companies are developing innovative software for pathology, indicating that the sector development challenges are not to do with technology market conditions but other factors” Ulises Bacilio Pérez, CEO of Grupo PTM
“The public health system is too large to provide
and poor infrastructure. However, this type of technology
appropriate care for all patients, and long waiting lists
leaves a much smaller carbon footprint as it minimizes
for treatment are common,” explains Bacilio. “I always
travel and it is not necessary for clients to spend money
believed that automation could streamline the process
on printing materials. The current pillars of focus for Grupo
as doctors have large caseloads, yet must spend much
PTM are radiology, teleradiology, and CT scans. Due to time
of their time searching through physical records.” The
constraints and the strength of the competition, some of
software was developed at a cost of US$30,000 but was
the software developed by the company was created under
subsequently sold for US$300,000, which is relatively
public platforms, such as the OsiriX Imaging Software for
inexpensive within the industry. In the first and second
medical imaging, which is free, FDA approved, and was
years, the company expanded by 200%, in the third year,
adapted by Bacilio to meet the needs of the Mexican
growth was 100% and the company’s founders featured
market. In conjunction with Play Business, the company
on the front cover of CNN Expansión in September 2014
has also developed the Consultapp smartphone app, which
as Entrepreneurs of the Year.
provides medical diagnoses in Spanish through a cellphone. The app is able to provide specialist consultations and can
Although the company was born due to a necessity for
even call an ambulance for the patient.
IT products within hospitals, Grupo PTM now provides a platform for a range of services, including one that
The company is looking towards mHealth (mobile health)
can store radiology images economically and efficiently.
as the future of the company, and this year plan to further
These programs are intended to help doctors reduce the
develop Consultapp, along with other applications. Bacilio
amount of paperwork required to organize appointments
has expansion plans stretching into other specialties,
or transmit images and information to technicians and
such as radiology, ophthalmology and pathology, not
other doctors.
only within Mexico, but also other Spanish-speaking countries. Since similarities exist between the Mexican
The healthcare system in many developing economies is
and Colombian healthcare market, Bacilio indicates that
extremely complicated, due to fragmented developments
Colombia may be the next step in development, but
in infrastructure and slow internet speeds. The largest
stresses that considerable strategy and knowledge of the
files can reach up to 1GB and with the relatively low 10-
local market and population will be required before Grupo
20kbps upload speeds in Mexico, many companies simply
PTM will consider expanding outside of Mexico.
TELEHEALTH STARTUP AIMS TO INSPIRE MARKET DEVELOPMENT MARIANELA SANTOS FLORES Director General of Health Angel Monitor Systems Q: How advanced is telehealth in Mexico compared to the
Q: How do you envisage the system being utilized?
rest of the Americas?
A: The system comprises software that records and sends
A: Telehealth refers to a broader scope of remote
the information and hardware that collects it. The hardware
healthcare services than telemedicine. While telemedicine
can be variable, as many different devices and sensors can
refers specifically to remote clinical services, telehealth
be used. The platform will eventually be able to receive
can refer to remote non-clinical services, such as provider
information from any device in the market. We are mainly
training, administrative meetings, and continuous medical
focused on providing services with the software and
education, in addition to clinical services. In Mexico,
integration. Once installed and configured, the platform
there is a general impression that telehealth programs
advises the doctor who will provide medical attention from
are exclusively for audio or videoconferences and image
a remote location. An example use area is dermatology
sharing. In reality these are just a subset of a vast area
where 90% of prescriptions are OTC so it would be easy for
that public and private health institutions could take
dermatologists to diagnose and prescribe remotely. Doctors
advantage of to make a difference either in prevention
in those pharmacies will simply need to apply the sensors
or in patient health recovery. Mexico is still not aware of
to the patient, which will collect and send all the necessary
the full potential of these technologies, leaving us behind
information to the cloud where a specialist will be able to
other countries in Latin America, such as Costa Rica,
remotely download and interpret it. The technology is being
Colombia, and Chile. I believe this will improve over the
implemented in hospitals and pharmacies. The service will
next three to four years. This technology is inexpensive
be completely free for patients as it will be funded by a third
and easy to access from any mobile device. One of our
party, possibly the pharmacies themselves.
main aims is to prove that developing start-ups in Mexico is possible for everyone.
Q: How well regulated is this area right now? A: COFEPRIS is currently not regulating telehealth devices
Q: How was Health Angel Monitor Systems born?
at the required speed to trigger market growth and cover
A: I have created a total of eight spinoff companies in the
different needs, but the commission is expected to be
telecommunications industry, including the telemedicine
involved in the regulation of medical gear and services
startup. I conceived the idea of creating a monitoring service
used in telehealth. We are collaborating with COFEPRIS to
with the value proposition of allowing medical practitioners
create Mexican regulations for these systems. This process
from different specialties to monitor patient vital signs
has moved slowly, however, as the market is not fully aware
and other indicators remotely, so as to develop new levels
of the benefits of these products and services. We have
of service. I saw more than 200 similar applications in
already received approval from some European regulatory
Europe, but none of them could be specifically applied to
agencies, among others.
Mexico, so I had to develop one to address our specific needs. The device developed has sensors that are able to
Q: What are your expansion plans?
detect up to 25 different inputs from humans, such as ECG
A: We are going to use the contact center with the platform
12 Leads, temperature, and heart rate, through one easily
already developed to rapidly expand regionally to countries
to handle and portable medium. This information is sent in
that are already open to this technology. We are also starting
real time to our secure cloud from any mobile device, and
a project with the Mexican Consulate–General in California
is afterwards made available to doctors to enable remote
where we will monitor the health of Mexicans living in
diagnosis. I began this with a partner in Silicon Valley, and
the US. This program aims to provide medical advice for
we took three years to develop the device in an Italian
Mexicans who may not speak English or have insurance. An
university. With the support of INADEMS and CONACYT I
electrocardiogram costs about US$1,300 in California but
developed a two-year strategy alongside MIT to create the
our service will be available for free at the consulate and will
software and the hardware.
provide patients medical information online and in Spanish.
prescribe, we act as a legal instrument. Quality is vital, but
company evolved to the present day?
so is layout. For a book to be user-friendly and add value
A: The company was created in 1942, with goal of creating
it needs to be navigable. The PLM Medical Dictionary’s
the Mexican equivalent of the Vidal pharmaceutical
index, for instance, allows you to use five pages to scan
dictionary which was unavailable in Mexico at the time. In
5,000. We applied this same principle to our website;
this single compilation, the entire industry’s drugs are listed
our search engine algorithms are engineered to make
by name, as well as common questions about the drug,
the medical researchers’ job straightforward. The beauty
its interactions, their combinations, and their chemical
of today’s metadata management technology is that you
form. PLM has changed substantially from 1942 to the
can link information in one place with thousands, even
present date. Now we are a multinational company, and
millions of articles worldwide. Technology has moved the
our headquarters in Mexico are managing offices in Central
patient to the center of the medical ecosystem. Patients
America, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru. We have also
are more aware of what is happening within their body,
invested in Venezuela and Chile. What has not changed is
what medicines they are taking, and this increases their
that we are still the number one source for doctors looking
consumer power. In the past, if a doctor told a patient that
for pharmaceutical information. Doctors trust PLM to be
they need methadone they would take it regardless of
neutral and unbiased by commercial pressures. This is why
whether they know what it is or not.
we work with 72% of doctors in the region. With 74 years of experience behind us, several generations of doctors have
The doctor’s role remains important so our information is
worked with PLM which amounts to millions of patients
written in the language of the doctor, and this must be
treated using our information.
translated for our patients. Without knowledge of certain terms, the situation may be dangerous. Self-medication
Q: How important is it for PLM to remain neutral in the
happens a lot in Mexico, with antibiotics for example
delivery of information?
until recently, to the point that it poses a public health
A: Doctors do now come to us seeking advice on specific
risk. Irregularities do exist in the supply of certain drugs.
products. They come for the most up-to-date, accurate
Additionally, the chronic diseases faced today such as
information available, in a convenient layout. Since
diabetes, obesity, and heart problems, require medical
the beginning PLM has collected information on the
treatment over a lifetime, which is more doctor-oriented.
pharmaceutical industry without ever launching a single original product into the market. This is crucial for our
Q: How do you perceive Mexico’s position in the trend of
neutrality. Doctors listen to their patients, and then consult
digitalizing services? Is its implementation realistic here?
us. We notice that whenever a public health campaign is
A: As the leader in health, the public sector must develop
launched, the hits on our website and apps soar, because
a better understanding of the digital world for this to
doctors turn straight to us for guidance.
happen. Their role is to standardize practice, such as the electronic medical prescription. The Ministry of Health may
Q: What inspired your decision to start producing apps
issue many norms, but these do not describe what is truly
and begin digitalization?
happening in the world. In terms of health in the digital
A: It was based on a change in accessibility trends.
age, interoperability is the name of the game. In Spain,
Content is key in this industry, in print publishing and in
for example, provinces currently log electronic patient
the digital world. As long as you have solid content, you
records. The same discussion around interoperability
will be read, regardless of whether you produce an app, a
between federal and state health services is beginning to
website, or a book. All of our content has been regularized
happen in the US. They too are discussing ways to make
by the appropriate agencies of individual countries in our
the health system interoperable, as this is how health will
region, and since we list what a doctor can and cannot
be financed in the future.
Q: Has your human capital hiring changed with the
of these clients, however, see any attraction in entering
business’ own changes in direction?
the Mexican market.
A: IT is the largest department in our company, with 20 members. We have also replaced our Clinical Pharmacy
Q: What are your more significant priorities for the
Practitioner writers with a dedicated laboratory for
following year?
research and information. The staff of this library has
A: Our center of gravity has shifted from being a publisher
specialized Master’s degrees in Scientometrics, with
to a digital means of distributing information. Our target
qualifications in information searching and procurement,
is to complete that shift by the end of this year. We will
database structuring, and ontology engineering. This is a
not yet invest in hospitals with the app as it is a huge ERP
huge change for our company. The trend toward Internet
investment, but we are managing small-scale investments
use minimizes competition with other Mexican companies
first. Earlier this year, we launched a combination
producing similar books. Language will not be a barrier
pharmaceutical product for hospitals, which is intended to
much longer, when computers can translate complex
boost patient hydration. Our next step is to ensure that the
technical scientific texts and even slang without difficulty.
drug is correctly administered. Setting dosage is one step, and the possibilities for duplicity (two drugs replicating
Q: Do you have plans for expansion in the near future?
the same effect) and counter interactions is the next.
A: Our expansion depends on technology. At present, we are a best-practice company for IBM’s software,
Q: Do you share the data that you obtain from doctors’
search patterns of physicians?
conferences on our use of the software. Once we roll
A: We share this data with our clients in the pharmacy
the format out across the board we will be able to
industry as a value added service. The information includes
enter any market with ease. In just two years, we have
the number of, for example, gastroenterologists who have
registered 180,000 doctors operating in the region, so
consulted a product’s article on the app and site, and when
momentum is building. However, Apple, Samsung, Oracle,
they did so. The time data is particularly important if there
and many other technology companies have extensive
has been a sales drive or a public health campaign, for
health branches, none of which reach Mexico, a market
instance. We have logged 220 million searches since the
containing millions of people, because it is “too small” or
launch of our database in 2012, mainly from our regional
“not ready.” To get the market ready, all that is needed is
countries. Our meetings used to concern publishers,
organization. The US invests approximately US$40 billion
printers and front covers for our books, but now we ask
in health technology, spread across imaging, radiology,
about how we can make navigation quicker and easier,
and IT systems. In Mexico, the figure is much smaller: we
to cope with our database’s averages of 2,500 users per
work with some small startups, generally from Spain or
second, for instance. Technology will change the way we
the US, to whom we sell our databases on demand. Few
sell, distribute, and seek out medical help.
When it comes to cosmetics, Mexico has a positive balance of trade with a US$1.5 billion surplus. The market for therapeutic cosmetics products in Mexico has boomed in the last decade with
increased purchasing power raising demand levels. The cosmetics market has also evolved into a dermocosmetic one in which therapeutic product market share is steadily growing. The market for dermatological products had a 6% value growth in 2013, which is higher than the pharmaceutical industry’s average in Mexico. Moreover, 486,499 treatments were carried out in the cosmetic surgery field in 2013. Treatments offered are on average 40% cheaper than in the US, the number one market in the world for cosmetic surgery, and the quality is rated as similar and almost all doctors and staff are bilingual. Mexico itself is rated as the third largest consumer of cosmetic surgery behind the US and Brazil.
This chapter will look at the market for cosmetic surgery in Mexico as well as the current state of and the potential for therapeutic and beauty products.
HIGHLIGHTS • Dermocosmetic products • Beauty & cosmetic products • Quality of cosmetic surgery • Regulatory improvement • Innovative treatments
ANALYSIS: A Leading Global Position in the Cosmetics Market
VIEW FROM THE TOP: Carlos Ramón Berzunza Sánchez, CANIPEC
VIEW FROM THE TOP: Ricardo Spinola, Farmapiel
VIEW FROM THE TOP: Blanca Miller Kobisher, SMCME
VIEW FROM THE TOP: Geraldine Waked, Sesderma
INSIGHT: Oscar Monroy Medicina Estética Europea
INSIGHT: Alejandro López, Cosmetobelleza Natural IM
VIEW FROM THE TOP: Carlos de Kruyff, CDM Labs
INSIGHT: Fernando Álvarez, FBD
TECHNOLOGY SPOTLIGHT: Nanotechnology and DNA Repair
INSIGHT: Frank Rosengaus, Ultrabody
VIEW FROM THE TOP: Dr. David Kirsch Kleiman
A LEADING GLOBAL POSITION IN THE COSMETICS MARKET Complementing the mainstream healthcare sector both in
the market over countries that do not benefit from the
terms of production and generation of employment, the
same proximity to the US. The cosmetic surgery and
beauty industry encompasses cosmetics, personal care,
dermocosmetics industries have grown rapidly, especially
and OTC products. There are, however, notable differences
in Mexico’s northern states, and both offer attractive
in the barriers to entry for each sector. The cosmetics
business opportunities from an investment perspective. For
sector is subject to fewer regulations than the traditional
example, in contrast to ten years ago, all the major players
pharmaceutical industry, and consequently it is easier for
for dermal fillers now have a presence in Mexico. Besides
companies based in Mexico to represent foreign brands.
Mexico’s proximity to the US, two significant global trends
This has resulted in a thriving market. In 2014, Mexican
have been catalysts for growth. An increased consumer
exports of cosmetics and personal care products totaled
awareness of the impact of sun exposure has resulted
US$3.8 billion while imports amounted to approximately
in a 50% rise in sales of solar protection between 2008
US$1.9 billion. Mexico is the largest exporter of such
and 2013, and the masculine personal care segment has
products in Latin America, and currently exports more than
registered a 36% growth over five years. Carlos Berzunza,
the rest of the region combined. The value of the Mexican
Director General of CANIPEC, a not for profit organization
market for beauty products is estimated to be US$10
joining the National Chamber of the Cosmetics Products
billion, positioning the industry in 10th place globally.
Industry, and the National Association of Personal Care and
Mexico has a competitive advantage in certain areas of
Home Products Industry, emphasizes the male cosmetic
2,603 2,603 837837
2,347 2,347 840840
1,889 1,889 716 716
1,722 1,722 755755
1,576 1,576648648
2,950 2,950 886886
market as a significant growth opportunity, especially in
EXPORTS (US$ million)
countries like Mexico with large populations. The entry of more women into the Mexican labor force is resulting in a general rise in income per household. In 2013, the skin-care and hair-care segments grew 8%, while dermatological products grew 6% reaching MX$4.4 billion. This growth rate exceeded the growth of the overall pharmaceutical market, but dropped in 2014 with consumers restraining their spending on beauty products and other markets due
2013 2013
2012 2012
2010 2010
2009 2009
2008 2008
to increased taxes on some food products and beverages.
to national GDP in 2014 and this percentage is increasing, seeing 14% growth over five years. Most CANIPEC affiliates
1,419 1,419 451451
1,308 1,308 416416
produce personal care or home care products, but the 1,309 1,309 383383
1,080 1,080312 312
national market, which are estimated to generate more than 300,000 direct and indirect jobs, contributing 1.2%
domestic hygiene
IMPORTS (US$ million)
1,010 1,010336336
CANIPEC represents 80% of the companies in the formal
organization also works with companies that provide raw materials, assembly plants, traders, and manufacturers of own label goods. Despite the challenging economic conditions experienced in 2009, CANIPEC reported stability in the cosmetic sector. Investments made during this year led to an increase in production capacity, mainly for exports, meaning Mexico continued to offer attractive investment opportunities. Foreign direct investment in
2013 2013
domestic hygiene
2012 2012
2010 2010
2009 2009
2008 2008
the cosmetics industry over the last nine years averaged US$300 million per year. As for aesthetic and cosmetic procedures, Mexico had 1,550 plastic surgeons in 2014 providing 706,072 procedures, The Mexican market for beauty products is estimated to be US$10 billion, positioning the industry in 10th place globally with an expected growth of 14%.
Source: Euromonitor International
including nonsurgical treatments like botulinum toxin and hyaluronic acid injections, and surgical ones such as liposuction, rhinoplasty, among many others, as reported by the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery
(ISAPS). Companies that form part of CANIPEC follow
that are required by physicians, dermatologists, and
a Code of Self-Regulation and Advertising Ethics for
specialists. Plastic surgeons and medical professionals
Cosmetic Products and Homecare Products (COSMEP)
are a good example of our key customer base,” explains
which incorporates 19 principles such as legality, veracity,
Spinola. In response to some of the main general trends
honesty, fair competition, respect, dignity and comparative
in the industry, Farmapiel is focusing on suncare lines and
affiliated products as well as therapeutic treatments for scarring.
An area in which some experts have identified key opportunities are those specialties where differentiated
The use of phytochemicals as active ingredients within
solutions can be introduced, particularly in the field of
dermatological lines is also on the rise, and while European
therapeutic cosmetics. Ricardo Spinola, CEO of Farmapiel,
consumers have set the precedent for consumption of
a local dermatological company, is focusing on this area
products containing these ingredients, Mexico has a pre-
for that very reason. “We see clinical dermatology as
Columbian tradition of using plants as medicine. Many
our key segment, including the provision of products
research centers in Mexican Universities are interested in this field and companies like Pierre Fabre are importing
COSMETICS MARKET IN 2013 (US$ million)
lines to Mexico. The ingredients derived from plants used by researchers are the result of combining chemistry,
Position by country
United States
screening, as well as original observations or proposals
from external partners, and require specialist knowledge,
which the Mexican labor force is able to offer. “There are
many excellent products in the market place that have
their origins. When it comes to phytopharmaceuticals,
United Kingdom
they must have and prove the highest standards of
a natural source, including aspirin, and these products should not be disregarded or minimized because of
manufacture and quality processes,” explains Pierre Fabre’s Director General for Mexico and Central America Karel Fucikovsky.
Q: CANIPEC incorporates the National Chamber of
billion, representing a surplus of almost two to one. Within
Cosmetics Products and the National Association of
this industry, Mexico is the biggest exporter in Latin
the Home and Personal Care Industry - what is the
America, and at the moment we export more than the rest
association’s focus?
of Latin America combined. Currently we are in 11th place
A: CANIPEC was initially called the National Chamber of
in cosmetics and 12th in domestic care products in terms
Industry and was first designed as a branch of the National
of exports but one of our long-term goals is to become
Chamber of the Transformation Industry (CANACINTRA).
one of the principal exporters on a global level.
One of the most influential moments in the history of the Mexican chambers was when the requirement to operate
Q: What sort of growth has the market seen in recent
as a government subsidiary was annulled. Previously, a
years and how much potential is there for continued
company could not form part of the business industry
without belonging to a chamber, but this clause was declared
A: The market has significant potential and, although
unconstitutional by the Supreme Court of National Justice
through our strategies we have achieved significant
due to its violation of freedom of association laws. In this way,
growth, we must continue capitalizing on the momentum.
each chamber was given the freedom to recruit companies
The continuous expansion of this sector is around 5-6%
as affiliates by offering powerful incentives. At CANIPEC,
annually, with the exception of 2014, a particularly complex
we prioritize the generation of added value, which means
year in which the personal care industry grew less than
creating an agenda that propagates interest and supports
1% and that of domestic care grew by about 3%. This
our members. In 2010, a ten-year strategy was formed by
environment was caused by various factors including the
CANIPEC affiliates in the cosmetic sector in order to align
global economic situation, and variations in the conversion
our values with the companies’ individual business plans. In
rates. Since all our measurements are taken in dollars in
a new initiative in 2011, we decided to incorporate the home
order to compare them with other countries, and internal
care industry into our operations, and since then we have
circumstances like modifications in tax laws.
represented both industries and currently have 65 affiliate companies, representing approximately 80% of the market
Q: What are the main sales and distribution networks
of each business area. Currently, Mexico is the second largest
for CANIPEC members and to what extent is this aspect
market in Latin America with a value of more than US$15
million between cosmetics and personal care products.
A: The majority of our affiliates manufacture personal care or home care products, or belong to the value chain within
Q: What are the main features of this ten-year strategy?
this industry. We also work with companies that provide
A: We have two strategies, one designed for cosmetics,
raw materials, assembly plants, traders and manufacturers
drafted in 2010, and the other for the domestic care
of own label goods. This industry has four distinct sales
sector that was completed in 2014. Both have various
channels. Firstly, the direct sales channel constitutes
commonalities since one of our main aims was to
companies that operate through sub-contracted self-
incorporate both industries under the CANIPEC umbrella in
employment, mainly through sales catalogs. Secondly,
order to generate synergies. These strategies have similar
there are companies dedicated to retail sales, which
objectives in developing the national and international
generally tend to be convenience stores. Thirdly, there are
markets and attempting to strengthen exportations from
prestige stores, like department stores and pharmacies.
Mexico. Currently, Mexico is in receipt of a significant
Finally, we have companies using specialized channels to
amount of foreign direct investment and also possesses
distribute products, like dermatological pharmacies, spas,
a strong national investment sector. In 2014 we exported
or professionals within beauty salons. Different sub-sectors
US$3.9 billion worth of home and personal care products
within this market are facing an uneven evolution and one
from Mexico and we imported approximately US$1.9
of the challenges we face is coordination of the entire
market due to fluctuations in individual products. Certain
of each country must ensure the health of consumers, and
products face permanent demand but others see sales
we are working with the various authorities to promote
corresponding with delimited periods and seasonal factors.
regulatory controls within the industry. We are collaborating
It is not possible to determine a generalized behavior but
with COFEPRIS, PROFECO, and IMPI among others, but
we have seen a strong rise in own brand products.
we must also raise consumer awareness by implementing protocols to guarantee the purchase of legitimate products,
Q: How important is it for CANIPEC to help foster
beginning with the use of legitimate distribution channels.
innovation within the industry and what are your main
On occasion, misleading advertising campaigns have
strategies in this regard?
meant that companies have claimed that products belong
A: This industry is highly focused on R&D of new products
to a different sector or have made unsubstantiated claims
and as a result invests heavily in this area. Our objective
about the efficacy of a product. This affects consumers
as CANIPEC is to create a competitive, innovative, and
and the industry equally, in terms of wasting money and
global business, providing added value across the industry.
fostering unfair competition. The companies that form part
This covers everything from educational tools to support
of CANIPEC have created a Code of Self-Regulation and
business decisions and we also try to provide members
Advertising Ethics for Cosmetic Products and Homecare
with useful figures and trends within the sector. The
Products (COSMEP) which incorporates 14 principles such as
industry is extremely open to free trade, and as a result
legality, veracity, honesty, fair competition, respect, dignity,
we carry out constant information exchanges with our
and comparative advertising among others.
counterparts in other countries and disseminate the trends that our companies have seen. We also try to provide our
Q: With which other organizations are you collaborating?
members with a more favorable business climate so that the
A: We are collaborating with various organizations,
companies can expand in both national and international
such as SEMARNAT with which we have now created an
markets. To facilitate foreign trade we are working closely
agreement for the promotion of sustainable consumption.
with the government on various initiatives. Last week we
We are also working with the Undersecretary of Industry
attended a summit of the Pacific Alliance in Peru, which
and Commerce of the Ministry of Economy in order to
was attended by Enrique PeĂąa Nieto along with his Latin
increase the strategic value of the personal care and home
American counterparts. These alliances present excellent
care sectors. We are currently implementing complex
opportunities, and through communication between the
protocols with various stakeholders in order to promote
Business Chambers of Colombia, Chile, Peru and Mexico
the development of the sector, such as the integration of
we managed to obtain an agreement ratified by the
productive chambers that have the potential to generate
representatives of each country in order to allow us to
more than 185,000 direct and indirect employment
present our respective governments with a unique plan to
opportunities, notwithstanding the income generated from
simplify the necessary negotiation processes. Our proposal
self-employment. We work closely with the Undersecretary
is angled towards a regulatory convergence, which would
of External Commerce, the Undersecretary of Industry and
facilitate market access to comply with the regulatory norms
Commerce, and the Undersecretary of Competition and
of our country, therefore fostering bilateral and reciprocal
Regulations. We also collaborate with the legislative to
trade. These initiatives started by consensus between
strengthen the regulatory requirements of the sector using
private sector agencies three years ago. Government
international practices as a baseline.
representatives in the Ministries of the Economy and various health authorities analyzed the proposal and decided to
Q: What are the main trends in the personal care sector?
approve it. This provides solid evidence of the work that the
A: We observed an increase in the masculine care market.
industry can perform through collaboration and has served
Previously, there were very few products focused on men
for the implementation of better practice.
and now we are seeing that the stigma associated with these products has declined. However, certain sectors such as solar
Q: Is the industry affected by the introduction of low
protection products require promotion, as Mexicans tend
quality products from China or India?
not to use enough solar protection to combat the damaging
A: To overcome this challenge, CANIPEC is promoting more
effects of the sun. CANIPEC is highly involved in advertising
educated consumption. Our companies always seek to
and regulation and in promoting an informed consumption,
guarantee that the products are secure and trustworthy, since
providing the consumer with product information, tips,
strong investments are made in the creation and promotion
of their brands and therefore employing bad practices would
Additionally, we make a concerted effort to discredit
be detrimental to their business. The regulatory authorities
inaccurate industry information provided to the consumer.
or using products to treat acne for example. The other
pharmaceutical companies in the dermatological field as
factor benefitting the sector is the increase in economic
well as with a major hospital. What made you decide to
purchasing power of Mexico. More and more people will
branch out on your own with Farmapiel?
have access to healthcare, including dermatology over
A: My long-term ambition has always been to branch out
the coming years. Both of these trends should have a
as an entrepreneur. I have for the most part worked within
positive impact on the growth of the dermatology sector
the dermatological field throughout my career, although
in general.
I had the honor to be selected as CEO for Medica Sur in 2011. Medica Sur was implementing a new strategy and
Q: How dynamic is the current dermatological climate in
I spent two and a half years there helping them realize
Mexico and where is your main focus?
that vision. The hospital is home to some of the best
A: As with any other pharmaceutical business, it is
physicians in Mexico, even in Latin America, that are highly
extremely competitive and has many players. Mexico has
professional and ethical, and I was very proud to be a part
always been an attractive market because of its size and its
of the team. However, recently the opportunity arose for
opportunities for growth. The competitive environment is
me to acquire Farmapiel and the company met my target
tough in general terms, and dermatology is no exception.
requirements in terms of size and therapeutic class, which
We believe however that the opportunities exist for
was dermatology. There are very few pharmaceutical
companies that want to introduce differentiated solutions
companies in Mexico that are truly local. Farmapiel was
to add value for physicians and their patients. There are a
founded in 1991 in Mexico and was a family owned business
lot of commercial activities in dermatology but what we
until I acquired it in 2013. I am not venturing into the
are focusing on is therapeutic solutions. We see clinical
business entirely alone - I recently invited a private equity
dermatology as our key segment, not necessarily consumer
fund, EMX Capital, to hold a majority stake in the company
products, but rather products that are required by
and it has been productive to have them on board. This is
physicians, dermatologists, and specialists. Plastic surgeons
the first stage in my growth plan for the long-term future
and medical professionals are a good example of our key
of the company.
customer base. Nevertheless, we do not limit ourselves and we do sometimes see potential opportunities to provide
Q: How have evolving consumer and patient patterns
products for other sectors or niche activities. Thankfully
changed the dermatological industry?
our team is capable and expert enough to be able to be
A: I think there are two critical factors in Mexico’s case
flexible. The innovation we have in this field is much more
when dealing with looking at the potential growth of
advanced today than it was ten years ago. Patients have
dermatology products. One is that people’s health and
access to better information, better products, and more
habits have changed significantly compared to 20
comprehensive, integrated solutions. So while we focus on
years ago. On a global scale, people take better care
therapeutics, a degree of activity in the commercial arena
of themselves, wanting to live a healthy life and look
is of course essential and companies need to be involved in
younger. This has also increased the life expectancy to an
promotional activities and distribution processes.
average of 75 to 80 years old. Increased life expectancy
leads to a corresponding growth in dermatology and the
Q: What sorts of therapeutic products are you focusing on?
industry has developed on a large scale in the last few
A: When I acquired Farmapiel, the company specialized
years, with a major impact on the health sector. There are
in clarifying agents and products for wound healing and
an infinite number of specialists today who are able to
for acne. Now we are expanding the different sectors of
diagnose every kind of skin problem. In terms of skincare,
the company to include sunscreens and products to treat
people have more of a desire to protect and care for their
more severe conditions such as atopic dermatitis. Our aim
skin, and so are more amenable to wearing sunscreen
is to develop products centered on improving the health of
patients’ skin, creating better quality of life and confidence.
A: The regulatory environment in Mexico has been
We have products for the treatment of acne and scars and
rapidly catching up to international standards. In terms
conditions such as keloid scars. We also have lightening
of therapeutic care, dermatology products must be
products for age spots, sunspots, and radiation spots. We
validated and certified in Mexico through the Ministry
provide pediatric products and therapeutic solutions for
of Health. Personally, I would like to see processes
allergic reactions that affect the skin. We have launched
progressing faster, but the government has provided us
new products, including sunscreens, products to help
with different routes such as pre-reviews to speed the
reduce hair loss, and others designed for specific skin
process up. These options may be appealing depending
conditions. In fact, hair loss products make up some of the
on company priorities.
top selling dermatological products in the industry right Q: To what extent do you see Mexico being able to develop
now in Mexico.
as an R&D hub for dermatological products? Q: How have you devised your production strategy?
A: I think Mexico has interesting opportunities and we
A: We currently import semi-completed products from
have been working with the Ministry of the Economy,
the US and Europe to pack and finish in Mexico. We have
CANIFARMA, and CONACYT to consider our options for
recently acquired a manufacturing plant in San Juan del
innovation in dermatology. In collaboration with other
Rio, Queretaro, which is being remodeled to comply with
companies with interesting ideas we are exploring ways to
COFEPRIS requirements. Our plan is to have a first-class
work together and to bring about, new medical solutions.
manufacturing site for semi-solid dermatology products,
At this point, we are looking at different dosing ideas in
including creams, gels, ointments, lotions, and solid
terms of the way in which some of the dermatological
form products. We will continue importing the cosmetic
products are being packaged. We have explored this with
products with the best reputations. In Europe and the
international companies in the US and Europe. We expect
US, there are some refined cosmetic advantages that we
to work very closely with some universities; in fact, we
want to keep in the market. On a separate level we have
have already been working with UNAM. From time to time
identified an opportunity to undertake manufacturing in
we also work with other universities in different parts of
our Mexican site for some highly specialized dermatology
Mexico. CANIFARMA has access to specific programs with
companies, not only in Mexico, but elsewhere too.
the Ministry of Economy and ProMéxico.
Production sites in developed countries have become more expensive and more complicated to operate and we
Q: What export potential is there for Farmapiel’s products?
see an opportunity to become a high quality, low cost
A: As well as contract manufacturing, we are also looking
producer. Due to our proximity to the US, we have also
at exporting our products, firstly to Central America and
considered doing some contract manufacturing for some
the Caribbean. Activities by groups such as ProMéxico
companies there.
serve as excellent gateways for companies like ours to enter world markets. We may look at opportunities
Q: Do counterfeit products in the dermatological market
in the US and Europe because we are certain to see
severely impact the sector?
some interest from that market. To achieve this goal
A: This type of illegal activity takes place everywhere in
we have ensured that our equipment is top notch in
the world. In Mexico we have seen that the authorities are
order to meet the expected quality standards of the
taking legal action to prevent the distribution of counterfeit
US and European companies. We obtain some of our
products but there are still more procedures to consider.
equipment from Mexico and some abroad, and we find
CANIFARMA has been actively working, through specific
the equipment locally to be high quality at low cost. Our
committees to pursue distributors of counterfeit drugs in
goal is to obtain certifications in different countries as
Mexico and they have seen promising results so far.
evidence that, despite being able to provide a low cost, our quality is high. The documentation of processes
With any advancement in technology or packaging, the
and systems for pharmaceutical companies is extremely
threat of counterfeiting is imminent, so constant awareness
important in order to minimize potential risks and errors.
is required.Fortunately, Farmapiel has never had to deal
Through this, we ensure good manufacturing practices
with such problems.
and this can be more important than the equipment itself. The recent recognition of COFEPRIS by the WHO
Q: Is the regulatory environment in Mexico regarding
and the PAHO is beneficial for the industry and having
recognized standards from the regulatory agencies
support a thriving industry?
makes us a member of an elite, compliant group.
Q: What was the strategy behind the foundation of the
Q: What kind of training programs do you offer, and to
A: Both the SMCME and the Pan-American Institute of
A: The SMCME and IPPC provide continuous medical
Scientific Professionals (IPPC) were set up to promote
education accredited by the UNAM for medical doctors
knowledge, professional skills, values, and doctor-patient
who require medical and clinical knowledge for their daily
relations to medical doctors living in Mexico and Central
practice. Our programs have been designed and reviewed
America, without doctors and specialists having to travel
to cater to the needs of medical doctors, and submitted
outside the Western hemisphere. UNAM’s accreditation
to UNAM’s Department of Continuous Education at the
and recognition of our educational program got us off the
FES Zaragoza campus. In recent years, this campus
ground, along with permissions from health and education
reviewed and approved our program, meaning that those
authorities. The typical SMCME member is a medical doctor,
doctors who graduate from our courses receive a diploma
with that term including general practitioners, specialists
from UNAM FES Zaragoza, which is recognized by the
and even subspecialists, who are interested in the field
Health and Education authorities, and by COFEPRIS. We
of minimally invasive aesthetic and anti-aging medical
have participated both with government and with health
procedures. We are fundamentally an education organization
regulation institutions to provide a legal framework for this
for doctors. Medical treatments do not fall under our remit.
field of activity.
Q: What were your initial goals upon joining Sesderma
creating brand loyalty by listening to the demands of
and what have you achieved to date?
the Mexican market and today, we are one of the most
A: When I was appointed as Director General, I pledged to
recognized brands in Mexico among physicians and final
strengthen Sesderma’s participation in the Mexican market
users, and our participation has become stronger with a
by enhancing the benefits, technology, and efficacy of our
team that consists of committed representatives that truly
products, as well as building a team committed to the
believe in the brand they represent.
corporate mission, vision, and values. In order to penetrate
the local market, consolidation of our relationship with
Q: What is Sesderma’s competitive advantage in Mexico’s
physicians was crucial, since we have a common goal of
crowded health and beauty market?
providing patients with effective skincare solutions. Dr.
A: Our main strength relies on our comprehensive catalogue
Gabriel Serrano, Sesderma’s owner, recruited me due to
of innovative products, but the best way to compete is by
my 16 years’ experience launching brands to the Latin
offering products with the highest quality in the market
American retail market. Our strategy has focused on
and to continue investing in R&D. We offer clinically proven
Q: What are the most popular products in the aesthetics
A: We work with one non-profit organization in order to
market in Mexico? What training do you provide on the
assist the general public. Beauty is not exclusively for
risks surrounding low-quality products?:
the rich, and should be open to every sector of society.
A: The OTC products with the largest growth in Mexico
Improved access to treatment is required. The SMCME and
are sunscreens and products for pigmentation disorders,
IPPC constantly collaborate with international medical
with botulinum toxin, absorbable facial fillers, and skin-
societies in aesthetic medicine to promote the quality
hydrating products being the most important prescription
and excellence in our educational programs. Many such
goods. The Mexican market offers products that comply
institutions have similar university programs in their own
with the sanitary regulations, as well as those that do
countries, so we maintain extensive ties to offer medical
not, so physicians should be wary of the products they
doctors the latest information in this field.
prescribe. The SMCME and IPPC are continuous medical education institutions. Our interest lies in imparting to
Q: The medical tourism industry has grown considerably
doctors the scientific, evidence-based knowledge they
over the past few years. How is this sector influencing
need to conduct ethical patient-doctor relationships, and
aesthetic medicine and what needs to be done to increase
to develop a skill-set geared towards minimally-invasive
Mexico’s position?
A: Medical tourism is a natural outcome of the evolution
techniques. The SMCME and IPPC only recommend and
of aesthetic medicine. Many of the medical doctors who
use products approved by government authorities, but
have come to develop medical knowledge, ethical values,
we do not endorse any brands, and nor do we participate
and skills of minimally invasive procedures in aesthetic
in the commercialization of any products that are not
medicine and anti-ageing have established successful
approved for medical practice. Our educational programs
clinics which minister to this growing market. Since doctors
are not built around any specific products.
should constantly update their medical knowledge and skills through ethical medical practice to assure a steady
Q: How do you collaborate with other organizations for
growth of this sector, medical tourism can only benefit
promoting innovation and quality in this field?
doctors and our work as a whole.
formulas incorporating nanotechnology, which guarantee
catalogue contains 500 products sold in Spain, of which 220
effective results within a short timeframe due to the
are available in Mexico today, whereas Mediderma has 102
enhanced skin penetration of liposomes containing active
products in Mexico. We are unique in terms of innovation,
ingredients. This results in people who use or prescribe
reflected in our “listening to people’s skin” slogan and the
our products trusting the brand and it generates loyalty
groundbreaking work carried out by our R&D department in
in physicians who witness our products’ efficacy on a
developing products demanded by the market. For instance,
daily basis and act as a communication channel between
we have entered the genocosmetics market with DNA-
patients and ourselves. Their input is therefore invaluable to
repairing products putting us at the forefront of cosmetics
us because it helps us understand the market and develop
innovation by meeting specific customer requirements.
quality products that can be marketed at a fair price. Q: What are your plans for consolidating and expanding Q: What are your main distribution channels and current
your presence in Mexico?
product lines?
A: We must align with the corporate strategy and
A: Our two main distribution channels are physicians
consolidate last year’s work. We will continue working
and pharmacies. We have a line called Mediderma for
collaboratively with physicians and focusing on the
exclusive professional use and provided only to physicians.
retail market to increase accessibility to final users and
Pharmacies, on the other hand, distribute Sesderma products
effectively provide beneficial products to the public. We
at a national level, within both health and beauty divisions.
want to become physicians’ preferred option when it
Health comprises products for pathologies, while beauty
comes to exclusive professional products based on efficacy
consists of hygiene, antioxidants, depigmentation products,
and quality. Finally, we are planning to incorporate integral
capillary products, anti-aging, and we are introducing a
medical visits, which begin with distribution channels and
new genital rejuvenation line. The complete Sesderma
end in at-home treatment.
BRINGING AESTHETIC MEDICAL INNOVATIONS TO MARKET The last few years have seen many doctors breaking into
Veracruz, and Cancun. For Monroy, it has been easy to
the field of aesthetic medicine, which has experienced a
adapt marketing strategies to the Mexican skin and
significant market growth that makes it easier to import
population. “The growth of social media means that
products and launch them on the Mexican market just a
most of our customers are already acquainted with
week after Europe. Medicina Estética Europea is taking
mesoaesthetic pharmaceutical products even before they
advantage of this opportunity. Having started as a family
are launched to the local market,” Monroy says.
company, its initial goal was to create a company to import cosmetic products with an initial client base of four major
Recently COFEPRIS has closed several unaccredited
cosmetics companies. Today, Oscar Monroy, Commercial
aesthetic clinics that were operating illegally or providing
Director of Medicina Estética Europea is convinced of the
unregistered products. Monroy believes COFEPRIS is
strength of the market. “Our innovative products are able
doing a great job in regulating the sector and closing
to keep pace with their European counterparts,” he says.
clinics that were operated by unqualified professionals
Medicina Estética Europea manages top-quality product
lines from mesoestetic Pharma Group, a pharmaceutical
guidelines also record sanitary data for every cosmetic
laboratory recognized as international leaders in the field
product imported into Mexico, including ingredients and
of dermatology and aesthetic medicine.
therapeutic requirements. Monroy explains, “Regulation
for cosmetics is considerably less strict than it is for Mesotherapy is at the core of Medicina Estética Europea’s
cosmetic medicines. At Medicina Estética Europea, we
business. This is a non-surgical cosmetic treatment
do not sell skin medications, only aesthetic products, nor
that targets the mesoderm by using electroporation
do we have an interest in incorporating them since the
equipment. As a complement to aesthetic surgery,
aesthetic market is relatively large.” Monroy also stresses
mesotherapy is particularly effective against cellulite,
the importance of developing education courses for
signs of ageing, and unwanted pigmentation. Struggling
professionals interested in opening an aesthetic clinic
to get people to familiarize themselves with new niche
so as to provide guidance on required regulations and
products is something that companies frequently face.
“When the company was created, these products and procedures were almost completely unheard of in Mexico,
Future plans for the company include expanding its
so we encountered a great deal of skepticism,” Monroy
national coverage. Monroy is determined to capitalize
explains. Today, however, it is extremely common to
on regional and national conferences and symposiums
find non-invasive, hyaluronic acid-based products that
by promoting the best products for aesthetic cosmetic
can alter the skin without damaging it. Monroy believes
medicine. Events are an excellent way to stay up to date
there are significant growth opportunities for aesthetic
with the latest technologies. Moreover, Monroy states,
products formulated with non-reticulated hyaluronic acid
“Over the course of 2015, we hope to consolidate our
without a filler effect like the company’s Mesohyal range.
business, strengthen ties with our current clients, and
This substance provides the skin with additional moisture,
expand into other states. Nuevo Leon is first, followed by
improving its quality and elasticity in both facial and body
Baja California, since both are strong markets. Finally, we
will strengthen our sales force, bringing products closer to our clients and educating them on our products.”
Medicina Estética Europea targets qualified physicians and dermatologists, generally those with aesthetic medicine studies that are backed by a Mexican institution. This goes hand in hand with education workshops run by laboratory-hired professional speakers at medical conferences. The company held its last event at the PanAmerican Institute of Scientific Professionals (IPPC), and it also holds events on proper skin care across the country, including Veracruz, Cancun, Merida, Mexico City, Guadalajara, Monterrey, and Tijuana. As exclusive distributors for prestigious brands, Medicina Estética Europea has an extremely large, prosperous market, especially in humid and hot climates, such as Merida,
created, mesotherapy products and
completely unheard of in Mexico. Today, non-invasive, hyaluronic acid-based products are very common” Oscar Monroy, Commercial Director of Medicina Estética Europea
A NATURALLY DERIVED WINNING FORMULA From the very start, Cosmetobelleza Natural IM has put
strategic advertising. Cosmetobelleza made its name with
quality at the center of its business. The company’s rapid
mass-scale publicity campaigns. The same is true today.
expansion has not compromised this guiding principle.
Bus hoardings, radio, and word of mouth remain the three
Founded in 1989, Cosmetobelleza is the market leader in
axes of the company’s marketing strategy. “This means that
mascara sales, with its naturally produced makeup range
our cosmetics market is focused in the center of Mexico
on sale at all of Mexico’s biggest retailers and major
City,” says López, but from there it radiates into every state
pharmacy chains. From Walmart to Liverpool and Palacio
in the country. The industry’s biggest distributors, Coppel
de Hierro, the company’s products are available to both
and Walmart, are the major department store chains in
the Mexican luxury market and the low-income customer
the country, with a presence in every state of Mexico. In
base that accounts for the majority of consumers.
addition, López attributes the success of the company
“Since few cosmetic companies use actual natural elements, Cosmetobelleza’s connection to Mexico’s herbal tradition gives it an edge over many competitors in the market” Alejandro López, Director General of Cosmetobelleza Natural IM.
“Most big brands only sell image, presence and packaging.
to close collaborations with Mexican providers. Having
They ignore the product,” says Alejandro López, Director
an international presence has also been a priority for
General of Cosmetobelleza. “The surface of our brand is
López. Consumer appeal for quality products has driven
not sophisticated, but the product we sell is of the highest
Cosmetobelleza to establishing a presence in Guatemala,
quality. Because of our commitment to what is inside the
Panama, Costa Rica, Colombia, Peru, and Ecuador, with
packaging, customers prefer our brand to those that spend
the aid of ProMéxico, and considering entrance to the
money on superficial aspects of their marketing.”
Brazilian market in the short-term. From its Texas offices, Cosmetobelleza manages a growing US presence. The
Healthy living has become a mainstream topic over the
brand’s other developed markets include Spain, England,
last two decades, with natural product companies such as
and Australia. The company also had a lengthy partnership
Cosmetobelleza – a company that prides itself on being free
with Jolie de Vogue, the biggest makeup manufacturer
of animal testing - being the main beneficiaries of this shift.
and distributor in Colombia, which ended only when the
Indeed, the company’s trajectory reflects wider trends in the
latter was bought by L’Oréal. “Even though technically we
industry. “We began as a tiny startup, and slowly we have
are competitors, distributors in Central and South America
reached the level of a mid-scale business. INEGI’s statistics
have asked us to manufacture products for them,” López
define ‘large businesses’ as those which have a workforce
and sales-rate similar to ours,” according to López. As the company awaits COFEPRIS export permits to Cosmetobelleza adapts long-established traditions into
enter the Brazilian market, the Cosmetobelleza director
its unique selling point. The country’s history of natural
is sanguine about industry regulation. “As president of
products is far richer than that of many other countries
ANIPRON, a non-profit association bringing together
and López uses this as a competitive advantage. “Since
natural product companies, I had the opportunity to
few cosmetic companies use actual natural elements,
contribute to discussions at COFEPRIS and observe the
Cosmetobelleza’s focus on Mexico’s herbal tradition gives
regulatory changes. The requirements for cosmetics
it an edge on many competitors in the cosmetics market,”
are very different to medical products. I feel that if a
he explains. “All we need is COFEPRIS authorization to
business complies with basic requirements it should
send out a whole raft of such products,” says López.
have no problem with COFEPRIS.” López has witnessed the regulatory improvement Mexico has undergone in
Balance is the focus for Cosmetobelleza going forward,
the last years as things starting to change. Moreover,
Cosmetobelleza has received the most favorable evaluation
international growth. What is impressive about the
in terms of manufacturing with a five year certificate of
company is its commitment to quality products over
Good Manufacturing Practice.
Q: What led you to undertake the role of Managing
our portfolio. As distributors is critical to protect ourselves
Director of CDM Labs and what is your perspective on the
by having a wide variety of products. At this point we are
dermatologic market?
only working within the cosmetics arena, but our objective is
A: I have been in the pharmaceutical business for almost 30
to cover other dermatological segments such as therapeutic,
years, the last 18 years as managing director for a French/
aesthetic, and corrective products. Some of these segments
Swiss dermatology company in charge of Mexico and Central
are growing exceedingly fast and have nearly doubled in the
America. As result I have a deep knowledge and experience
past year.
of dermatology and its market. I previously collaborated with Dr. Jorge Ocampo Candiani, a Key Opinion Leader in
Q: How do you identify the different products that you
this field and one of the most accomplished dermatologists
include in your portfolio?
in Mexico and worldwide. Dr. Ocampo is President of the
A: We have to map the dermatological market, a process
Ibero-Latin American Dermatology College (CILAD), Head
that has two phases. In the first we analyze all the segments
of Dermatology at the Autonomous University of Nuevo
of the markets to identify which are strongest and which are
Leon (UANL), and founder of CDM Labs. He asked me to join
growing fastest. We also investigate what our competitors
the company in June 2014 and from that point onwards, we
are doing. In the second phase, we analyze the price and
have been developing the company to be more professional
the profile of the product. We carry out this process for all
to enable us to become strong players in the dermatology
segments of the market to identify which areas to focus on.
sector. We are a small company but we want to become
The most important segment for dermatologists is always
one of the main dermatology companies in Mexico. The
acne, which represents the majority of dermatological
current landscape of the dermatology market is complex
consultations. With the recent mergers and acquisitions
as there have been several mergers and acquisitions that
in the dermatological market many products have been
have completely changed the market. In the last few
withdrawn and this is a large area of opportunity for us.
years, a number of large pharmaceutical companies have acquired dermatology companies, completely modifying
Q: In what direction are you planning to develop the
the prescribing habits and market conditions, changing
company’s acne line and what challenges have you been
priorities and focus, but also creating new business
opportunities. Many companies are taking advantage of
A: While there is no magic pill for acne, there are effective
the situation, some of them with their own dermatology
treatments such as oral isotretinoin, which covers all
divisions, and they are developing innovative products to
the four physiological effects of acne, although it must
attack the opportunities.
be administered carefully. Some products containing oral isotretinoin from important companies have been
Q: CDM Labs was stablished in 1991 as a family company.
withdrawn from the market, leaving a gap. At this point
How has the company evolved and how do you want to
there are only two branded generic medications for it.
see it evolve further?
Commercializing pharmaceuticals is not easy however
A: At CDM Labs we are currently distributors, not yet
and COFEPRIS has strengthened their requirements
manufacturers. From 1991 we have worked with GenovĂŠ
for new additions. We identified some potential foreign
Dermatologics and since 2015 we have been collaborating
partners but their products could not meet all the
with Laboratoire Dermatologique ACM, a French company.
necessary requirements, and we were forced to abandon
We have several current goals and the largest is to
those. For cosmetics, it is easier as there is no strict
professionalize all of our processes, policies, and personnel.
registration process in Mexico. The only requirements are
We want to further the education of our employees and
that an official advice form is submitted, and packaging
to hire more experts in the field of dermatology. In the
recommendations and guidelines are followed, therefore
meantime we will focus on introducing more products to
commercialization is less time-consuming, which is perhaps
why the market is saturated with cosmetics. The council is
and key for our company as they already have a complete
more concerned with pharmaceuticals, medical devices,
infrastructure and regional coverage many patients for our
and biological products at the moment, but I believe this
products. We have an exclusive line of products for Doctors
will change in the near future. These potential changes will
under the brand DermoBase, with specific promotional
be beneficial for companies with proper infrastructure and
initiatives. We provide doctors with their own brand and the
internal regulations that can comply with all the necessary
opportunity to offer something different to their patients.
requirements. On the other hand, companies that do not
This is a growing trend, since other companies are realizing
have their regulations in order will find themselves in
that promoting to doctors is an efficient way of generating
trouble. This change will be a filter that will lead to the
more business. This strategy is becoming more popular, not
withdrawal of low quality products from the market.
just in dermatology. Distributors are also specializing in other areas and favoring those that require special conditions in
Q: When do you believe these new regulations will be
storage and quick distribution. Companies are putting more
and more focus on service to doctors but also to patients,
A: It is likely that in the coming years COFEPRIS will implement
since this last audience is becoming more informed and
a more strict registration process for cosmetics, requiring
prepared due to internet and social media campaigns.
documentation of the product and of its manufacturing process. In the Americas, only the US and Mexico do not
Q: What is your opinion of the incorporation of plant
have strict regulation processes. Brazil, Argentina, Central
extracts and other natural ingredients to medications?
America, among many other countries in Latin America
A: The trend of adding phytochemicals to products is
have such regulations. While these processes are not as
growing and such lines are seeing success especially in
complex as one for a medication, it does regulate the
Europe, and there is a great opportunity in countries like
market. COFEPRIS is closing clinics that do not comply with
Mexico. In the second half of 2015 we will launch two
regulations and withdrawing unregulated products from sale.
products that include phytopharmaceuticals, one to treat
Miracle products and certain procedures can be dangerous,
Rosacea and another that is similar to a corticosteroid
especially if they are not properly regulated. Many devices
and will treat several skin conditions. These products
can also be dangerous if used improperly by inexperienced
are comparable to medicines since they have proven
individuals who may not take safety measures.
therapeutic effects derived from plants. There is a large area of opportunity in Mexico for phytopharmaceuticals.
Q: What is your strategy to compete with the inexpensive,
The general population is unaware of these products and
low quality products that are filling the market?
doctors only trust branded pharmaceuticals which have
A: The main thing that differentiates us is that we work closely
clinical studies to support them. We have clinical studies
with doctors who endorse our products. Our main strategy
for the products we will launch this year and we have
is to direct our promotional efforts to doctors who prescribe
studies that prove our products will have a comparable
our products to their patients. Dermatologists normally
effect to other medications. The companies we are working
prefer to prescribe recognized and patented brands and
alongside have clinical support and medical endorsement
products, so promotion that comes from ethical and serious
so they will focus on targeting consumers, as there are many
companies with clinical and technical support are welcome.
consumers who never visit dermatologists and only use
These doctors prescribe mostly patented medicines and
self-medication. Over the counter products are significant
sometimes branded generics, even though in Mexico these
opportunity areas for us and, while we are already present
products are safe since they now require bioequivalence
in many pharmacies, we are working to further increase
tests, in the case of oral medications. For that reason we have
our visibility. We are working on two different fronts for
to focus on branding our products and ensuring that our
promotion: through physicians and through pharmacists to
brand is renowned and respected. In dermatology, there are
properly inform our final consumer.
no large price differences between patented medicines and branded generics. Previously our commercial distribution
Q: What are your top priorities for 2015?
plan would focus on three different schemes. One is the
A: We are focusing on growth in many areas of the company
traditional way, which is distributing to the sector through
and adopting a 360° approach. To increase the number of
wholesales. The second is to work with Pharmacy Chains,
products we distribute, the number of employees, and rising
like Farmacias San Pablo, Farmacias Paris, or Farmacias
productivity in our operations. Our main goal is to tackle the
Dermatologicas, among others. The third is to work with
outcomes of the market mapping we performed to detect
specialized distributors who sell directly to small clients
opportunities, to optimize our spending and resources, and
and doctors pharmacies. This strategy is highly efficient
focus on demand.
COMMERCIALIZING COSMETICS CONTAINING NANOMATERIALS The cosmetics and dermatology sector in Mexico has
Leorex brand and Álvarez wants to increase this number
many strengths for companies hoping to enter the market.
to 20. Firstly, the Leorex mask was launched, followed by
Firstly, there are not as many generics being introduced
the booster, a specialized treatment for the face and neck,
as in the mainstream pharmaceutical market. Secondly,
and then a moisturizer, serum, and eye gel. The latter three
the sector is expected to see double-digit growth over
products are already sold directly to the public and will be
the next decade due to rising demand. Finally, cosmetics
sold in pharmacies in the next two to three years.
are far easier to register in Mexico than other products, which often require two to three years for market approval.
Leorex employs nanoparticle technology. The world
The whole field of aesthetic medicine is growing rapidly
market for products that contain nanoparticles is expected
and many institutions and specialists are becoming more
to reach US$2.6 trillion in 2015. The Leorex mask is applied,
involved as they recognize this potential to build clientele
and the nanoparticles build a matrix that adheres to the
and brand trust, as well as boosting profits. This evolution
skin and contracts, providing anti-aging properties within
is evident at aesthetic medicine conferences where the
15 minutes. The reaction is physical, not biochemical, and
range of doctors and professionals present is expanding.
lasts eight to ten hours. The mask can be applied in clinics,
“We were initially interested in placing our products in regular pharmacies but there are significant barriers to entry the market for smaller companies to this segment.” Fernando Álvarez, Director General of FBD
FBD focuses on the private dermatology and cosmetics
and FBD recommend it be applied directly before an event
market, which is considered to be more transparent and
or social occasion.
easier to access than the public sector. The company elected to represent the Leorex brand in Mexico, and expert
As a cosmetic, Leorex could be sold everywhere but
management of the distribution channels and market
FBD strategically decided not to target the OTC market.
dynamics by Fernando Álvarez, Director General, meant it
Leorex is sold by prescription through specialized doctors
embarked on this new venture wholeheartedly. There are
only. Although this is not a legal requirement, it allowed
five products currently being commercialized under the
the company to overcome the barriers to entry into the
has proven to contribute both to the prevention of DNA
DNA repair enzymes
damage and its repair. Photolyase in products for skincare
UV-B rays (290-320 nm) damage skin DNA through the
is generally prepared from Anacystis nidulans and listed in
formation of cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers (CPDs). If
labels as plankton extract, some examples include PRIORI
left unrepaired, CDPs are mutagenic and contribute to
MD’s Clinical Recovery Serum, and Ocean Rescue Marine
photocarcinogenesis through suppression of the skin’s
Contour Cream.
immune system. CPDs are the principal cause of melanomas.
Sunscreens prevent this by protecting the skin from UV-B
Nanomaterials as carriers
rays, either reflecting these rays or transforming them into
Nanotechnology, the science of manipulating matter at
heat. Topical application of the enzyme photolyase, for
a miniscule level, has numerous applications. In the case
instance, recognizes and binds to CPDs, reverting them
of skincare products, nanomaterials act as drug carriers
to normal form after exposure to photoreactivating light
and are able to pass the almost impermeable skin barrier.
(300-500nm). The addition of photolyase to sunscreens
A current trend in cosmetics production is incorporating
pharmacy market for smaller companies, and work through
FBD presents its marketing plans to the original brand owners
physicians and special dermatological pharmacies, such as
before formulating a Mexico-specific strategy , which is
Farmacia Dermatologica and San Pablo. The pharmacies
adjusted according to feedback and experience. However,
themselves assume no responsibility for the development
the company retains exclusivity agreements that ensure it
of a product, and companies are therefore required to
can tak final decisions on producing Leorex, PE Serum, and
pay for access to shelf space, ensure a certain amount of
Epiology successfully in Mexico. The company also chooses to
rotation, and sometimes pay extra for additional branding
work with SMEs, with the belief that they are often capable of
or advertising. This makes the initial investment quite
driving innovation more than big pharmaceuticals. Extremely
hefty. Having seen many companies’ distribution channels
high quality aesthetic medicine is available in Mexico. Álvarez
expand rapidly by working directly with physicians, Álvarez
cites major hospitals employing plastic surgeons who provide
still perceives plenty of room for the enterprise to grow
an excellent level of care, although salons and spas are
working solely with dermatologists and plastic surgeons.
evolving from simply giving massages to offering full aesthetic procedures, which will require careful legislation.
In terms of intellectual property rights to protect the Leorex technology, the company holds the patent in Israel and in
Mexico, as well as that of another technology, PB Serum,
authorities will implement even stronger regulations in
which is based on enzymes. PB Serum applies the technology
the cosmetic sector, though as part of a broader vision
used in FBD products alongside other machines, such as radio
for the country’s healthcare sector. Regulations need to
frequency, carboxytherapy, and electroporation, and is unique
be designed alongside a profound understanding of the
in its field and it has no direct competitors with the same
knock-on effects of new regulation on the rest of the
quantity of clinical trials or a compelling body of evidence.
sector. According to Álvarez, the Mexican healthcare
system has certain urgent priorities and cosmetics are The company has also launched Epiology, an innovative
being regulated, but as part of a chain of measures for the
treatment from New Zealand to fight acne, that has already
entire industry and involving clinics and hospitals directly
undergone clinical trials in New Zealand. Epiology began as an
to maintain strict controls on the whole industry.
OTC product in pharmacies in New Zealand but FBD decided to begin selling it through dermatologists. The product
contains an immunodefensive protein that possesses anti-
dermatologists and plastic surgeons. Álvarez also has high
inflammatory effects, coupled with an activator to maximize
hopes for PB Serum and their Epiology products. Álvarez
these effects. This treatment is derived from a natural source,
is positive about the future of the Mexican dermatology
does not cause skin irritation, and remains classified as a
market. He notes that there are opportunities for Mexican
cosmetic. Álvarez’ experience in the acne market meant
companies to represent foreign brands in the country,
his strategy to offer the product via dermatologists was a
as companies based in the US or the EU do not always
triumph, resulting in the dermatologists FBD works within
consider Mexico as a priority market. However, FBD has
Mexico being invited to present their experience with
seen that once it presents a business case to them, they
Epiology at a dermatology conference in New Zealand.
are also often enthusiastic about the country’s potential.
clinically proven ingredients into cosmetics through the
use of nanomaterials. This trend is meant to fill the gap
believed to be able to fuse with cell membranes to release
between beauty products that cleanse and moisturize and
content inside the cell. These are the most studied and the
therapeutic cosmetics with demonstrated efficacy. Many
used carriers in cosmetics. Nevertheless, studies on their
major cosmetic brands are incorporating nanotechnology
ability to permeate the skin are inconsistent. Fullerenes –
to their products, such as L’Oreal’s RevitaLift Double
carbon spheres of approximately 1nm in diameter – can
Lifting, and Lancome’s Rénergie Microlift. Sunscreens are
encapsulate medications within their spherical structure
the most common cosmetic products using nanomaterials,
but are mostly used to capture free radicals. Finally, solid
with titanium dioxide and zinc dioxide compounds in
lipid nanoparticles are oily droplets of lipids used to
doses of 20nm to provide broad protection against
protect encapsulated ingredients from degradation and
ultraviolet light. The nanocarriers currently used for
deliver cosmetic agents over a long time. These particles
skin care include liposomes, fullerenes, and solid lipid
are able to improve penetration into the strateum corneum
nanoparticles. Liposomes, concentric mono or bilayered
and can enhance the UV protection effect of sunscreen.
MORE LOCAL AND FOREIGN PATIENTS KEY TO GROWTH In 1995, when Dr Frank Rosengaus heard about a cutting
beyond the reach of most patients as some treatments at
edge non-invasive surgical procedure on the cusp of
Ultrabody are priced competitively and payment plans are
being approved by the FDA, he knew he had to bring the
offered. One issue that dissuades people from undergoing
procedure to Mexico. The procedure is now one of the
facial plastic surgery is misinformation on procedures.
most popular non-surgical procedures in the world - laser
Another challenge is the need for greater enforcement
hair removal. With this success, Rosengaus expanded his
of regulations. Just like any other surgical or medical
portfolio in innovative technology, setting up Ultrabody in
procedure, regulations state that certified board doctors
2006 as a hub for pioneering the latest surgical procedures
should perform cosmetic surgery but these laws are often
in Mexico. Ultrabody has since introduced many previously
not enforced due to lack of resources.
unheard-of procedures in Mexico, including a non-invasive Dr. Rosengaus also wants to change the views of the medical
way of destroying fat through lypolisis.
industry in Mexico, promoting medical tourism hotspots for As part of the Scientific Committee on Facial Plastic
foreigners, and sees wellness tourism as an area of potential.
Surgery, Rosengaus has a definite advantage in being
The country could further exploit its potential in terms
constantly aware of new promising technology and
of medical tourism considering its strategic geographic
procedures. Rosengaus believes that Mexico’s long history
location facing competition from countries like Costa Rica
of participation and innovation in facial plastic surgery
and Argentina that have heavily promoted their medical
serves as a remarkable foundation for further innovation
tourism industry. Mexico also needs to modify regulations
being brought to the country. Facial plastic surgery schools
so companies are able to adapt to new medicines and
were first established in Mexico in the 1940s, and over time
technologies faster, according to Rosengaus. Location
the country has developed a solid reputation. Through its
is another important factor in what kind of patients each
sister agency Ultimate Medical, Ultrabody now offers a
Ultrabody Clinic receives, says Rosengaus. Seven years ago,
range of education programs for plastic surgeons, as well
the organization opened a series of medical spas offering
as providing teaching courses to students. Students come
legal, minimally invasive procedures that can be performed
from Chile, Argentina, Cuba, and Colombia, to receive
outside a clinic. The main office in Mexico City mostly
receives Mexican patients, whereas the spas rapidly became
and learning procedures such as Simultaneous Cadaver
medical tourism destinations, with the clinic in Riviera
Dissection and Patient Application.
Maya being favored by European clients and the clinic in
“Mexico has had facial plastic surgery schools since the 1940s and the country has developed a solid reputation over that time� Dr. Frank Rosengaus, Director General of Ultrabody,
Locally Rosengaus is also seeking to increase the
Monterrey mostly receiving American clients. Rosengaus
penetration of well-established facial plastic surgery,
believes the medical tourism industry should be capitalized
since only 2% of Mexicans utilize this type of service. As a
on and promotes the Mexican medical tourism industry
physician, he is now largely concerned with non-invasive
around the world during speaking assignments in China or
procedures such as Botox and injectable dermal fillers,
while treating patients across Latin America and Asia.
which are the two most applied procedures in Mexico
by volume after vaccines. In the US, 6 million Botox
Developing innovative techniques in medicine, however,
applications are made a year for aesthetic or therapeutic
requires the promotion of clinical trials, which, according
purposes. Filler use has also greatly evolved in the past 20
to Rosengaus, has been a slow and complicated process.
years. Rosengaus believes their popularity can be increased
Although Ultimate Medica is currently performing clinical
in Mexico since studies show they are safe, fast, reliable,
trials, merging with Ultrabody is not a possibility at the
and can be used to solve many issues that cannot be
moment, and therefore Rosengaus is seeking ways in
addressed with surgery. It is a misconception, Rosengaus
which Ultrabody can bring clinical trials in facial plastic
believes, to say that these procedures are financially
surgery to Mexico.
Q: What has been your experience of the cosmetic surgery
has also helped us. Surgeons used to do facial surgery
industry in Mexico and how has it evolved?
manually and with replacement tissues, which was very
A: I have been performing plastic surgeries for 35 years
invasive. Advances in laser technology mean that such
and have treated thousands of cases. A passion for plastic
operations can now be performed quickly, less invasively
surgery will always motivate me in this field. When I first
and with less scarring. Many of my patients hear about
began practicing in Monterrey, there were only three main
me through word of mouth. Cosmetic surgery remains a
plastic surgeons working in the city, however over the years
taboo among Mexicans and they are unlikely to openly
this number has grown and we have become overworked.
discuss procedures they have undergone. Nevertheless, if
My approach has been to allow my consultations to run as
they are satisfied with the result, they do recommend their
long as needed to ensure I understand the needs of my
surgeon to their friends and relatives. However, although
patients. I also provide insurance to cover any follow-up
US patients insist on quality, as plastic surgery becomes
surgical costs and hospital care, should a problem arise
more popular in Mexico, a new problem has arisen. Patients
after the surgery.
are not looking for the best surgeons but for the most affordable options and we must be careful to ensure the
Q: What are the most commonly requested plastic surgery
supply of cosmetic surgeries meet standards approved by
procedures in Monterrey?
the FDA. This needs continued attention and support from
A: Cosmetic surgery is the most common type of
the authorities.
surgery in private practices while reconstructive surgery is more commonly found in emergency rooms and
Q: What should medical tourists do when choosing a
the public system. Within cosmetic surgery, the most
plastic surgeon in Mexico?
popular operations depend on the age of the person.
A: First of all, they should go to the American Society of
Teenagers usually request nose and ear jobs or breast
Plastic Surgeons. It is very difficult to enter its ranks so it
augmentation, although some do approach my practice
stands as an excellent guarantee of quality. The Society
for breast reductions. Young women tend to favor breast
holds records of Mexican members and recommendations
enhancement and liposuction, and later in life reserve
made by their patients. Patients must always check the
track record of their surgeon and many potential patients
appearance of ageing, such as facelifts. Recent mothers
from the US call me to confirm my credentials and whether
may want to have tummy tucks and liposuction on the
I can perform the surgery they need before traveling.
abdomen. I have patients who continue to consult me well into their 80s, for example, I have an 87-year-old client
Q: What other problems does Mexico need to solve to be
who traveled from New Zealand so that I could operate
a respected plastic surgery destination?
on her face, breasts, and abdomen. I consult many unique
A: Mexico needs serious, well-trained, and dedicated
patients and provide all kinds of cosmetic surgery.
plastic surgeons. Anyone in this profession must respect the control and supervision of the Mexican Association of
Q: Have you seen any significant interest from medical
Plastic Surgery ,all their results must be supervised and
any problematic cases must be reviewed in front of a jury
A: In the past, I received more patients from the US than
of their peers. Transparency is the only way for Mexico to
from Mexico, due to lower prices here and a broader
truly become a first-class plastic surgery market. National
acceptance of plastic surgery in the US. Until now, private
and local associations would also benefit from being more
clinics in Mexico offered surgeries cheaper than public
proactive in collecting data about operations, so as to
hospitals. However, these hospitals have realized what a
identify problematic areas and evidence of our successes.
promising market they are missing out on and are now
Finally, it is crucial to be fully open with their patients
trying to attract patients too. The evolution in technology
about the type of products to be used in their procedures.
With 73% of the population overweight and 35% obese, Mexico faces the challenge of allocating the necessary resources to prevent the healthcare budget from collapsing in the next 30 years. Three major causes have been identified including high calorie intake, sedentary lifestyle, and genetics. Obesity not only leads to chronic and degenerative diseases such as diabetes,
cardiovascular diseases, and several types of cancer, but also represents an economic burden for the country, hampering productivity and competitiveness. The annual loss associated with early death from diabetes is US$5.5 million. In response to this, the government is developing new programs to tackle obesity, including a new taxation law to discourage the consumption of sugary drinks approved in 2013 as well as new food labelling requirements.
This chapter will assess the present and future consequences of the diet and obesity crisis as it stands today, and examine the measures being taken by the government. The work of several associations and foundations is crucial in this endeavor as well as that of pharmaceutical companies developing innovative treatments for obesity. The significance of the food industry will also be examined along with a focus on the growing market for healthier, organic, and functional foods. Finally, the growth of the health and fitness club industry is examined.
HIGHLIGHTS • Obesity, diabetes & cardiovascular diseases • Governmental programs • Novel treatments for obesity • The role of the food industry • Fitness programs
Opening Remarks: Looking back at the last year
Using Regulation to Improve Access to Healthcare
New Commercial Models for Pharmaceuticals
Networking Coffee Break
Key Opportunities for Public Private Partnerships in Healthcare
Private Healthcare: Better Cover, Better Care
Biotechnology in the Post-Genomic Era
Networking Lunch
Converting Life Science Research into Commercial Success and Consolidating as a Regional Clinical Trials Hub
Medical Devices – Market Demand and Access Strategies
Networking Coffee Break
Mexico’s Obesity Crisis – The role of the regulators and the food industry
Preparing for the Digital Health Revolution
Closing Remarks
Networking Cocktail
EARLY BIRD RATE (until August 7): US$400
STANDARD RATE (after August 7) US$500
ANALYSIS: Collaborative Solutions for Weighty Problems
VIEW FROM THE TOP: Gabriella Allard, Mexican Diabetes Association
VIEW FROM THE TOP: Gisela Ayala Téllez, Mexican Diabetes Federation
INNOVATION SPOTLIGHT: The Pharmaceutical Fight Against Obesity
REGULATION SPOTLIGHT: Chécate, Mídete, Múevete
ANALYSIS: The Growth of Health and Fitness
VIEW FROM THE TOP: Fabián Bifaretti Zanetto, Sports World
ANALYSIS: Scientifically Proven Weight Loss Solutions
VIEW FROM THE TOP: Bensi Levy Ferré, The Green Corner
VIEW FROM THE TOP: Janus Skøt, Arla Foods
VIEW FROM THE TOP: Sonia Almeida, Nestlé Mexico
INSIGHT: Ernestina Polo, Nestlé Nutrition Fund
INSIGHT: Grecia Flores, Stevia Bonda
VIEW FROM THE TOP: Antonio Cruz, Kurago Biotek
INNOVATION SPOTLIGHT: Probiotic Supplements
ANALYSIS: Impact of Mexican Tax on Sugary Drinks so Far
VIEW FROM THE TOP: Carlos López Patán, Productos Medix
VIEW FROM THE TOP: Benjamin Beckhart, Metco
REGULATION SPOTLIGHT: Battling Obesity - A New Food Labeling Norm
INSIGHT: Angeles de Gyves, WWC
COLLABORATIVE SOLUTIONS FOR WEIGHTY PROBLEMS Figures dating back to 1988 reveal that at that time 25% of
companies are developing combined medicines in order to
the Mexican population was overweight and 9.5% was obese.
treat obesity more effectively.
Today the country has the second highest obesity levels in the world. According to the National Survey of Health and
A lack of physical activity not only contributes to obesity,
Nutrition (ENSANUT), 73% and 69.4% of adult women and
but is also associated with the development of chronic
men, respectively, are overweight, while 35% of the total
and degenerative diseases, such as diabetes, dyslipidemia,
population is obese. Understanding the key factors that
osteoporosis, and some types of cancer. Sedentary lifestyles
contribute to such high levels of obesity is an important task
represent a high risk factor for premature mortality. There
for both the public and private sector in order to develop
is a significant opportunity for experts to develop welfare
effective strategies to fight the problem. In 2014, the Mexican
programs and to work to incorporate different types of
Institute for Social Security (IMSS) conducted a study that
exercise into people’s lifestyle, both as a preventive and
concluded that sedentary lifestyle, high calorie intake, and
therapeutic approach. At the moment, the recreational
genetics were the three most significant causes of obesity in
sporting events industry is facing an unprecedented boom.
Mexico. The impact of the consequences of obesity go beyond
Between 2010 and 2012, the number of sports centers in
patient health, representing a serious threat to the public
Mexico increased from 2,200 to 7,800, indicating increased
system. A comprehensive study conducted by the Mexican
awareness of the importance of tailor-made programs for
Institute of Competitiveness (IMCO) showed that the social
obese and diabetic customers. More organizations are
cost of type-2 diabetes is US$5.3 billion, which is a significant
interested in encouraging people to exercise, while at the
burden on both the country’s budget and productivity.
same time promoting brand positioning.
The National Institute of Genomic Medicine (INMEGEN) is
represents both a challenge and an opportunity for the
conducting innovative research to elucidate the genetic
healthcare and food industries. High calorie intake and
factors that contribute to the development of obesity.
an unbalanced diet put children and adults at serious
This research is focused on the Mexican population as
risk of disease, opening a new window of opportunity
an extension of the global Human Genome Project. As
for food companies to develop healthier product lines.
a result it is hoped that new information will soon be
With new policies and regulations such as the tax on soft
available on the genes responsible for obesity, as well as
drinks, the prohibition of television advertisements for
their interaction with the environment, which may lead to
unhealthy foods, and new food labelling and ingredients
the development of new medicines. Other organizations
requirements, many food companies are reassessing
are making great efforts to promote integration of the
different players in the healthcare industry. EXPODON is
Education also has an important role to play in preventing
an annual trade show bringing together major enterprises
and treating childhood obesity, and parents may require
with health and nutrition institutions, in order to diffuse
specialized advice on what kind of food and beverages
information on the features of chronic and degenerative
children should be consuming.
diseases, their treatments, their harmful effects, and
methods of prevention. Events such as these help raise Food companies are aware that consumers are increasingly
awareness about the problems that Mexico is facing, as
well as highlighting areas of interest for investors. Overall,
products, often recommended by physicians. The market
more initiatives are necessary to increase convergence in
for health food is worth US$22.4 billion in Mexico, and is
health services and to reach out to isolated communities.
expected to grow 10% per year according to Euromonitor.
More ethical innovation is needed to improve affordability.
The country’s well-known public program, Chécate, Mídete,
Muévete was implemented as part of the National Strategy
resources in research and development for the treatment
for Prevention and Control of Overweight, Obesity, and
of diabetes, high cholesterol, and cardiovascular diseases.
Diabetes, with the larger aim of promoting healthy lifestyles
Unsurprisingly, Mexico is an opportune environment for
to the Mexican adult and infant population. The authorities
conducting clinical trials around these medical conditions.
can also look to effective programs implemented in other
Moreover, generics are bringing economic benefits to
countries in order to develop population-based approaches
Mexican patients. According to CANIFARMA, when Lipitor’s
to childhood and adult obesity prevention, as recommended
patent expired, five generic versions of atorvastatin
by the WHO. One example can be seen in Chile, whose
entered the market, resulting in a price drop of 66%. Other
targeted dietary intake and physical activity, and proved to be effective in controlling obesity in 1500 children. Similarly, the Australian government has conducted special surveys to identify behavioral patterns and high-risk lifestyle choices that contribute to obesity. A program called Healthy and
healthy eating, regular physical activity, and guidelines to
these examples, population-based approaches to this problem must be developed within the country, due to the
20 10
problem requires a solution involving all major health
obesity problem.
unique cultural and socioeconomic differences. A universal players. Collaborative action is crucial for solving Mexico’s
Active Australia was developed to provide information on manage weight. Although Mexican authorities can follow
overweight or obese Source: ENSANUT
BATTLING THE DIABETES EPIDEMIC GABRIELA ALLARD Director General of Mexican Diabetes Association
Q: In what way are trends in consumption habits
influence to other states through electronic means, such
influencing the prevalence of diabetes in Mexico?
as capitalizing on our already strong Facebook presence.
A: The Mexican population is consuming more processed
We are not allied with the Mexican Diabetes Federation
foods. Even with a balanced diet, most of the food we
(MDF). We perform similar work but they engage solely in
consume is processed or canned and contains large
education while we supplement education with treatment
amounts of salt or sugar. As a society we are not looking
after our health and this trend is not necessarily set by individuals but by our culture. The fight against diabetes is
Q: Are you currently involved in any projects to provide
complicated. On one hand, we have to take responsibility
medical services for diabetic patients? How do you
for their own health. Diabetes is a chronic disease
finance these projects?
so, instead of visiting a physician only when showing
A: We are a nonprofit organization so our projects are
symptoms, patients must learn that periodic doctor
funded through alliances and donations from third parties.
visits are required to manage the disease and prevent its
For the past five or six years we have operated a clinic where
progression. Our work with health professionals intends to
patients can access medical services with diabetes specialists
provide comprehensive training in diabetes treatment. We
at a reduced cost. In 2014, we provided 7,500 medical
currently have an education platform for online courses
consultations in total and we currently provide approximately
and we have 70 students who will be certified by Anahuac
500 every month. We follow an interdisciplinary model
where we offer patients all information they may require to educate themselves on managing their condition in the form
Q: Do you educate patients on what foods they must
of medical visits. We employ several doctors specialized in
diabetes treatment, including internal medicine exeperts,
A: To ensure that healthy food is available for people
odontologists, ophthalmologists, podiatrists, nutritionists,
living with diabetes in particular, we have a joint initiative
and psychologists These doctors are all experts on diabetes
with the Ministry of Health and Fundación Mídete called
and they educate every patient they treat on how to manage
Restaurantes por la Salud. We contracted three chefs to
this disease. We have a non mydriatic retinal camera to
create a healthy menu and each restaurant that affiliates
perform retinographies for patients with diabetes related eye
with us will receive this menu and guidelines that they must
provide to their clients. Right now we collaborate with 20 restaurants, with our ultimate goal being the inclusion of
Q: Do you have more alliances with companies in the
every restaurant in Mexico. We must also acknowledge
private sector?
that treatment should be much more multi-faceted and
A: We have created alliances with several companies. We
the solution lies not only in dietary stability. The health of
created the Feel Healthy program alongside the Secretary
each patient is influenced by several factors such as the
of Health, Dr Armando Ahued Ortega, and the General
evolution timeline of the disease, weight, insulin resistance,
Director of Sports World, Fabián Bifaretti. We provide
work and personal environments, and daily habits like
100 grants to patients with obesity, hypertension, and
smoking and exercise. While there are general nutrition
diabetes. As part of the program, several doctors taught
gym trainers on diabetes management and the proper
treatment plan.
treatments for individuals with high glucose levels. A psychologist supplemented this by training patients to
Q: Which associations are you directly working with?
exercise regularly as part of a healthy lifestyle, while a
A: We work with Fundación Mídete, Fundación Chespirito,
nutritionist taught the trainers the inherent differences
and the National Human Rights Commission. Right now we
in nutrition for a diabetic patient. This program is almost
only work within Mexico City but our goal is to expand our
a year old and we are measuring our success through the
high number of obese people who have lost a significant
COFEPRIS, and that it is low in fat, sugar and salt. When a
amount of weight, hypertensive people who have managed
product is endorsed by our association, the consumer can
to control the condition, and diabetic patients who have
be certain that it is a quality product. One of the products
managed to regulate their glucose levels with exercise. As
we approved was Alpura’s DBT milk, which is low in fat
part of our program, people living with diabetes are also
and fortified with vitamins, with a formula created by
provided with blood tests every three months to check their
Universidad Iberoamericana. All products endorsed by our
glucose levels. This is the first time that a sports center has
association can be seen on our webpage.
provided facilities to a specific project designed for treating diabetes, hypertension and obesity. Sports World and the
Q: What is your strategy to continue to reduce the levels
MDA are working in collaboration to ensure high quality for
of diabetic sufferers in the near future?
the patients, several of whom have ultimately chosen to
A: The association’s council is constantly looking for new
affiliate with the sports club. We are also collaborating with
programs to implement. I believe that it is possible for us
Roche and, through this organization we provide a mobile
to lower the prevalence of obesity in Mexico through the
unit that performs glucose test and provides information to
combined efforts of several associations and institutions
the general public, as well as to the employees of several
as well as the Ministry of Health. We are also seeing
companies such as SXY JNS’s foundation Transfórmate and
involvement from companies that would not previously
Alpura. We also have relationships with pharmaceutical
have shown any interest. There are developments in the
companies such as Abbott, Bayer, and Novartis.
provision of healthier new products for diabetics, and we feel that providing healthier alternatives to basic foodstuffs
Q: Do you collaborate with food companies to promote
is vital for Mexicans so they can control their diabetes.
healthier alternatives?
We are seeing several initiatives from food giants such as
A: Many companies are releasing products for diabetics in
McDonalds introducing healthier options in its restaurants.
an effort to exploit the large market of nine million people.
Mexico has a significant responsibility to reduce the
However, some of these products provide no real benefits
prevalence of this chronic disease but it is likely that we
to those living with diabetes. Several companies that
will not see significant results until at least ten years, as
produce products for diabetics are interested in obtaining
young people are becoming more aware of these health
our endorsement as a marketing advantage, so we must
problems than their parents’ generation. At the moment,
closely monitor and guide companies through this process.
the principal requirement is greater involvement from the
Every submitted product is revised by a chemist, a doctor
government to create programs to supply healthy foods
and a nutritionist to ensure that it is an ethical product,
to schools. Preventive measures are significantly less
follows regulatory guidelines proposed by the FDA and
expensive than treating diabetes.
EMPOWERING PATIENTS TO MAKE BETTER INFORMED DECISIONS GISELA AYALA TÉLLEZ Executive Director of the Mexican Diabetes Federation Q: The complications associated with diabetes are one of
in the everyday experience, so that patients can monitor
Mexico’s main causes of death. What factors have caused
glucose levels in the blood, as well as minor health
this epidemic?
complaints such as flus. The idea is to prevent or reverse
A: Late diagnosis is a feature of doctor-patient relationships
complications, and also to promote positive mental
in Mexico. Studies have shown that patients are diagnosed
attitudes. Common sense has a role to play in changing
10 years after they have contracted the condition. Diabetes
the perception of health in Mexico, since there is so much
has no painful symptoms, and so in a culture which does
contradictory health information surrounding diabetes.
not encourage check-ups, the outlook tends to be worse
One myth we must discard is that heathy food is always
for patients who only go to the doctor when they feel
more expensive. We need to upskill patients to enable
ill. In fact, if a person suffering from diabetes feels ill, it
them to follow the right recommendations for treatment.
is an indicator that the condition is very advanced. If the disease is caught early and controlled in an appropriate
Q: What role does the FMD have in coordinating efforts
manner, life expectancy is not affected. Without early
within the field of diabetes care?
intervention, however, life expectancy can be reduced
A: We try to join together the large number of organizations
by up to ten years. Another issue about the culture is
that are working on the issue. At first, since there were
the failure of patients to stick with a treatment program.
no organizations of this kind in Mexico, we learned a lot
Less than half of patients abandon these programs for
from the International Diabetes Association, along with
reasons including the complexity of therapies, given that
other such groups in the US. We launched the FMD in
the treatment involves taking medicines through different
Monterrey, before replicating the model in a number of
means at different times of day. Access to health services
other cities nationwide. Later, there was a need to unite
and medication is another major issue, since health
all organizations of our kind. For the moment, we have 19
centers do not often stock the required medicine. Without
member associations, and we hope to end the current year
medication, treatment becomes more complicated, with
with 22. Civil society has an enormous responsibility in
patients and their families paying out of pocket to cover
this regard. A number of major challenges are required to
costs. The issue is worse for economically disadvantaged
keep these associations alive, since their strength depends
societies. The treatment programs for chronic illnesses
on those volunteers who dedicate their time to this work
last a lifetime, and must be adjusted based on a range of
without pay. We want all of our member associations to
factors, including age, weight, severity of the condition,
provide the same level of care, wherever they are located.
and the person’s level of physical activity. All the same, some patients follow the same treatment program using
Q: An estimated 60% of patients do not follow doctors’
the same medical regime for 20 years or more, when the
treatment must be adjusted to prevent complications.
alternatives for their prescriptions. How does FMD
Lifestyle, long working hours, and low incomes aggravate
intervene in seeing that doctors’ orders are followed?
the fact that Mexicans have a genetic propensity towards
A: The best way to do this is to help patients to understand
contracting diabetes.
why doctors have prescribed them particular medicines.
It is better for patients to know what is happening in their
Q: How does the Mexican Diabetes Federation (FMD) help
own bodies, rather than simply taking medicine without
to educate people?
understanding what it does. This is a primary reason for
A: We want people to know what diabetes is and what
patients abandoning medical treatment. As such, we
they can do to manage the condition. Many of the habits
believe it is necessary to issue patients with the challenge
we recommend developing involve basic self-checking,
of living better, so as to motivate them to continue with
such as healthy eating, exercise, and following medical
treatment. Informed patients make better decisions.
instructions. We try to help incoporate theese practices
Education must start with basic information, such as the
fact that there is no such thing as healthy foods –only
diabetes mellitus. Our collaboration extends to work
healthy portions. While health spending represents a
regulating cholesterol and lipid consumption, which is
large-scale outlay, it must be looked at as an investment.
relevant to hypertension. We are also part of a monitoring group on non-transmittable chronic diseases, which is
Q: Estimates indicate that treating diabetes is 30 times
charged with evaluating the government’s strategies.
more expensive than treating prediabetes. What is
Since medical professionals require a great deal of training
necessary to promote timely diagnosis?
in order to boost efficiency, our role is to contribute on
A: Treating prediabetes is about supplementing lifestyle
questions concerning education.
changes with improvements to diet, increased physical activity,
Q: How does the FMD decide what foods to recommend
supported by some kind of medication to control blood
to people living with diabetes? What criteria lie behind
sugar levels. Every year that diabetes can be avoided
these recommendations?
represents a large saving in treatment. The government
A: This initiative was created to offer patients support in
program Chécate, Mídete, Muévete has proven useful
purchasing products. Our seal guarantees that contents
for the promotion of diagnostics and healthy lifestyles,
indicated on the label are suitable for a diabetes patient’s
though it could do with putting greater emphasis on self-
diet –as well as for a healthy lifestyle in general. The process
monitoring, since knowing how to measure food portions
involves laboratory testing, verified by third parties. Our
and to choose the right exercise habits are crucial here.
criteria relate to the amounts of salt, carbohydrates, and fat
Promoting cultural change means encouraging younger
in a given product. We assist in the labelling of products,
and older people to go for regular check-ups to detect
as well as contributing to the communications strategies
medical conditions early. Empowering patients through
of food companies. In this way, we meet the needs of our
education is necessary, since Mexico’s treatment offer is
patients. We believe that no foods should be prohibited,
of an extremely high standard.
since this makes these same products more desirable. The central pillar of this aspect of our work is a healthy diet
Q: What is the main target audience for the online
based on healthy portions of different foods.
educational programs offered by the FMD? A: Organizations such as ours cannot simply focus on
Q: What are the FMD’s plans for this year?
patient care without scientific backing, so the advice
A: We want to strengthen ties between the 19 organizations
we offer is backed up by both patients and medical
that comprise our federation. We also hope to contact
professionals. All patients need a multidisciplinary team
other groups so as to spread our influence throughout
behind them. We publish one magazine for patients,
the country. We also run camps for children with Type
and another for doctors. We also organize congresses
1 diabetes, which we hope to expand with the help of
divided according to the same structure, inviting doctors,
more volunteers. We also have a program for some 200
nutritionists, nurses, psychologists to one, and bringing
children in marginalized conditions who are living with
patients to another. The idea is to phrase the same
this illness. Our relationship with the pharmaceutical
information in language which each separate group will be
industry is strong, and we intend to use this as an asset
comfortable with. The congresses are successful, and bring
in assuring that more patients follow through on their
in around 2,000 attendees each. We want doctors to have
treatment plans.
the most up-to-date tools for diabetes, helping them to communicate the right message to their patients. This is the objective of our online course. Since 80% of patients with diabetes are attended by a primary healthcare provider, this sector must be highly trained, knowledgeable, and give the most up-to-date health recommendations. This necessity extends to nurses, whose role is important, since they must supplement a 15-minute doctor’s consultation. Q: What has your involvement been with the government schemes such as the tax on sugary drinks and the regulations on food advertising? A:
regulations on prevention, treatment and control of
and families. Secondly, a sick worker is less productive and
takes more days off, which harms firms and the economy
in general. But, how big is the economic toll?
Consultant, IMCO - Several that
IMCO developed a simple methodology to measure the
Mexico faces an epidemic
aggregated costs of obesity, based on national statistics,
of overweight and obesity.
the GBD and economic theory. First we identified the
The last National Survey
number of cases and deaths of diabetes attributable to
of Health and Nutrition
high BMI. Then, we estimated the monetary loss associated
(2012) showed that almost
with said cases and mortality. These calculations are based
61 million Mexicans suffer from this problem, which is
on conservative assumptions, such as average income loss
equivalent to 52% of the total population. Three in every
for productive years (not the value of statistical life).
Fatima Masse
ten adults are obese. This statistic makes Mexico the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development
We found that almost 60,000 deaths of patients who had
(OECD) country with the second highest levels of obesity
been diagnosed with diabetes in 2012 were attributable to
after the US. According to the Global Burden of Disease
overweight and obesity. Around 45% of these happened in
(GBD) 2010, high body mass index (BMI) is the main risk
productive ages (15-65 years). Also we estimated that by
factor for developing non-communicable diseases such as
2012 there were almost 8.6 million people in the country
diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, cancer (breast, colon
living with diabetes. Half of whom are unaware they are sick.
and prostate, among others) and disorders in muscles and
It is those 4.3 million that pose the greatest challenge, given
bones. Moreover, in the most recent edition of the GBD
that most of them will not go to the doctor until they develop
(2013), diabetes is the third cause of disability in Mexico.
some diabetes-related complication such as blurry vision, neuropathy or kidney failure, to name only a few. By the time
they begin treatment, it is likely that procedures will be more expensive and their disability levels could be higher than they would have been had they sought care earlier.
HIGH BODY MASS INDEX High fasting plasma glucose
In economic terms, we estimated that all the diabetes cases
Dietary risks
and deaths attributable to obesity generate social costs
Alcohol use High blood pressure
totaling over US$6 billion (MX$85 billion) each year. From this
amount, 73% constitutes to medical treatment expenditure
Physical inactivity
for those who know they are sick (either covered by the
High total cholesterol
government in public services or by families that use private
Ambient particle pollution Ocupational risks
care). The rest comprises income lost due to premature
Drug use
mortality and absenteeism. The social costs that we found
Household air pollution
are not trivial. For example, they account for half the budget
Suboptimal breastfeeding
to build the new airport in Mexico City, one of the current
diabetes 55%
cardiovascular 31%
musculoeskeletal disorders 9%
neoplasms 4%
administration’s main infrastructure projects, and probably 0
Source: Global Buredn of Disease
one of the largest projects of its kind in recent history. One of the main findings of our study was the impact overweight and obesity has on the labor market. Every year Mexico loses more than 400 million working hours due to diabetes that can be attributed to obesity (attaining medical services or physical discomfort). Each worker with this
Traditionally, obesity has only been studied from a health
disease misses on average ten days of work per year due to
perspective. However, this risk factor also threatens the
his or her condition. In practical terms, this is the equivalent
country’s economic competitiveness. This is because,
to almost 185,000 full-time workers, which accounts for 32%
firstly, non-communicable diseases require long-term
of all formal jobs created in 2014 (based on the Mexican
treatments that are expensive and can become a huge
Social Security Institute numbers). If nothing is done about
burden on financial stability for both health institutions
this situation, by 2018 this number could increase by 14%.
According to the National Survey of Occupation and
budget assigned to the national prevention strategy. For
Employment 2014, 63% of total workers declared not
2015, this program had a budget of over US$24 million
having access to medical services. Despite the efforts that
(MX$320 million). This is equivalent to less than US$1 per
the government has made to increase health coverage,
person with overweight or obesity. However, taxes on
this statistic might reveal that not every Mexican has actual
sugar-sweetened beverages and high-density calorie food
coverage due to waiting times or dubious quality. To quantify
are projected to collect more than US$2.5 billion (MX$33
the resulting costs, we developed a simple analysis to quantify
billion) in 2015, which is 100 times greater than the budget
treatment costs in private healthcare for two scenarios
assigned to prevention actions. The budget should be
measured over 30 years. The first scenario involves a person
consistent with the official public discourse that claims that
who has pre-diabetes and controls it with a balanced diet,
dealing with this epidemic and non-communicable diseases
exercise, and routine laboratory tests. The second one is a
are public health priorities.
person who has pre-diabetes, but does not change habits and develops complications until eventual death.
The second recommendation is to improve health statistics. Today, the most complete source of data on health is the
In this second part of the analysis, we found that it is 20
National Survey of Health and Nutrition. However, it is a
times cheaper for a person to change habits than treat
survey that is only released every six years and does not
“complicated” diabetes. The accumulated loss for the first
comply with open data standards, for example it requires
case adds up to US$7,000 (MX$92,000) in 30 years or
an account to download databases and some data has not
an average of US$235 (MX$3,095) per year. Meanwhile,
been released three years after the survey was conducted.
the accumulated loss for the second case adds up to
To make matters worse, administrative records from
US$150,000 (MX$1.9 million) over 30 years or an average
public institutions are extremely hard to compile, given
of US$5,000 (MX$66,000) per year. An average worker
the different information systems that each institution
in Mexico earns US$4,700 (MX$61,896) per year, meaning
uses. The use of technology, such as electronic files with
that the average worker’s total income is not enough to pay
standardized formats, could help in gathering this data
for the medical bills of “complicated” diabetes. This reality
and facilitating its dissemination for proper study such as
often leads affected families to bankruptcy. Based on our
by disease and municipality.
results, it seems that spending on obesity and associated non-communicable disease prevention is cost-effective, not
The third recommendation is to create what we call a National
only for the public sector but also for families themselves.
System to Fight Obesity, as an institutional mechanism
The current administration has made considerable efforts
to coordinate different ministries and other levels of
to prevent and control this epidemic. Policies to this end are
government. The implementation of some actions considered
articulated through an ambitious national strategy that aims
in the national strategy exceeds the sphere of competence of
to tackle these issues from many angles. Today we are the
the Ministry of Health. For example, the regulation of food
only country in America with national taxes on sugar-added
and beverages offered to children in schools should be a
beverages and high-density calorie food. Recently, a labeling
coordinated action between the Ministries of Health and
system for foods was established by law. Furthermore, rules to
Public Education. However, to this date there is no mechanism
obtain a distinctive stamp for healthy products were recently
that can enforce this coordination or that is subject to public
approved. Also, there are many policies to improve children’s
accountability. A mechanism to make the decision-making
habits: a ban on publicity for food and beverage with high
process more efficient must be introduced.
sugar content or fat on television and movie theaters before a certain time, rules for types of products sold in schools, and
Lastly, the forth recommendation is to create incentives for
funding to install water dispensers in some public schools.
firms to promote healthy lifestyles among their workers. Despite the fact that these initiatives can be extremely
We have identified four elements that could undermine
helpful, 99% of Mexican companies have less than 51
the government’s fight against obesity. These are: 1) very
employees and it could be difficult for them to invest in these
few resources dedicated to prevention, 2) low quality of
actions. Thus, financial and fiscal incentives designed for
health statistics, 3) a lack of mechanisms to guarantee
small and medium firms could be a first step. In conclusion,
coordination among different ministries and other levels
obesity is not only a matter of health. The dimension
of government, and 4) lack of incentives for companies to
that this epidemic has reached could have disastrous
promote healthy lifestyles. To overcome these challenges,
repercussions. Therefore, investing in prevention may be a
IMCO has four proposals. The first one is to increase the
way of investing in a more productive future.
| INNOVATION SPOTLIGHT THE PHARMACEUTICAL FIGHT AGAINST OBESITY Obesity treatments tend to have a common limitation, focusing on outcomes rather than processes. Medical advice tends towards a slightly more aggressive version of the basic rules of healthy living: reducing fat and bad carbohydrates, increasing exercise and mobility; and keeping related illnesses at bay with a high fiber intake. While wealthier patients can look to bariatric treatments as an alternative, for the majority of people living with obesity the treatment landscape has been a bleak one. Other avenues remain open, with variants on the common The use of drugs against obesity is a complex issue.
anti-obesity template currently undergoing in preclinical
First, obesity is not simply a physiological problem. The
trials. The targeting of pathways in metabolic tissues such
illness is governed by a complicated matrix of social
as adipocytes, liver muscle, and skeletal tissues, is one
and psychological factors, linked with factors like the
option. Since the body is programmed to conserve its
individual’s own well-being all of which are likely to inhibit
weight, metabolisms tend to slow down in response to
the effectiveness of a drug-based intervention. Where
reduced calories. Amlexanox tweaks metabolic response,
pharmacological interventions have been attempted,
by inhibiting two genes associated with energy storage and
their history does not give much cause for optimism.
caloric burn. With the “brake” released, the body is free to
Amphetamine derivatives were used throughout the 1950s
burn energy without the metabolism noticing. Other possible
and 1960s, but discontinued in the decade that followed
next generation anti-obesity drugs employ GLP-1 receptor
owing to concerns about cardiovascular risk and their
agonists, which lower body weight. In general, these drugs
potential for abuse. Serotonin-releasing agents emerged
are adaptations of existing products used to treat diabetes.
as a solution in the 1980s. Once again, though, links to serious health issues such as pulmonary hypertension and
While vagal blockade treatments such as the Maestro
cardiac problems– forced their discontinuation.
VBLOC System continue to be explored, the trend has shifted towards launching new combinations and altering
The following generation of anti-obesity drugs born
existing medications. A look at the FDA’s to-do list of
in the mid 1990s inhibited hunger by working with
pending drug approvals indicates the degree to which
cannabinoid receptors in the brain. In this way, appetite
these companies are examining obesity treatments as
could be controlled and weight gain suppressed. By
potential territories for expansion. Liragitude, for instance,
2008, links surfaced between a major brand leader and
is simply the type 2 diabetes drug Victoza administered at
severe psychological symptoms, which was subsequently
a higher dosage. Contrave combines existing endocrinal
withdrawn from the market. The major competitor followed
and cardiovascular compounds to produce a new formula
soon after, associated with digestive problems.
to combat obesity, while Beloranib is an entirely new molecule with a US$45 million investment powering it to
The field of anti-obesity medication is littered with a plethora
the forefront of the market.
of “magic bullets” that have proven ineffective. Some
have been withdrawn because of adverse effects not fully
Medical devices are also evolving. Pioneering gastric
exposed by clinical trials, while others fail to make it out of the
and intragastric balloons have been launched by Apollo
laboratory. However, major pharmaceutical companies are
Endosurgery and Allurion Technologies, while GI Dynamics’
beginning to venture into new territories. At the beginning
duodenal-jejunal bypass sleeves are awaiting FDA approval
of January, EnteroMedics’ Maestro Rechargeable System
by the end of 2015. Yet other drugs, such as Glucagon, act
was approved by the FDA. The product sends electrical
on pancreatic hormones to contain further complications
signals to block the nerves around the stomach, decrease
of obesity such as type-2 diabetes. The body’s intake of
hunger spasms, and create the feeling of satisfaction. The
fat lowers, while the metabolism moves faster. The ideal is
next major candidate for chemical interventions is Contrave.
a “polytherapeutic” drug, made up of combination agents
A combination of naltrexone – approved for the treatment
that act on more than one biological mechanism. The goal
of alcohol and drug addictions – and the mood stabilizer
of an anti-obesity drug capable of producing effects as
bupropion, the drug is aimed at patients who are unable to
dramatic and lasting as surgeries remains distant, but it is
lose weight through diet and exercise alone and who do not
possible to envision integrated therapies including drugs,
have the avenue of weight-loss surgery open to them.
surgery, and eventual lifestyle changes.
breast cancer and diabetes are only reported once they
It is a misconception that health services are financial
have developed complications serious enough to warrant
black holes. In fact, health is profitable. For every dollar
an emergency trip to health professionals. Regular check-
invested in Mexican healthcare, the country gets back 13
ups are not yet a part of Mexican culture but the program is
in boosted productivity according to a report produced by
seeking to promote a change of attitudes towards medical
Legal Momentum’s Family Initiative and the MIT Workplace
treatment. This particular change is crucial, according
Center. Neglecting the issue is the real cause of the expense.
to Gisela Ayala Téllez, Executive Director of the Mexican
Obesity has overtaken alcoholism, hypertension and
Federation of Diabetes, who attributes the gravity of
smoking as the primary cause of diabetes, cardiovascular
Mexico’s diabetes issue to failures in prevention. “Diabetes
disease, and cancer. These three chronic illnesses account
does not cause pain until the condition is advanced,” she
for more deaths than any other cause and there is an
explains. “In a culture that does not encourage check-ups
additional correlation between obesity and liver, colon,
unless there are symptoms, this is a major problem for
and ovarian cancers. Finally, in 90% of cases of Mexico’s
patients who do not notice or present problems.”
most prevalent chronic disease, type 2 diabetes, obesity has been found to be the cause in a report by the WHO.
The rest of the Chécate, Mídete, Muévete program includes an educational aspect, with Mídete – ’measure yourself’
The Ministry of Health has begun to recognize the cost,
– teaching the public how to check for lumps, how to
both human and financial, of leaving obesity unaddressed,
monitor cholesterol levels, and healthy weight-to-height
accepting figures issued by the WHO and the country’s
ratios. Téllez is clear on the importance of this aspect of
own statistical body, INEGI. The Chécate, Mídete, Muévete,
the plan. “People need to know what to look for,” she says.
program is an integrated awareness-building program
“Measuring what they eat and knowing the importance of
forming part of the National Strategy for Prevention and
exercise can prevent a great many issues.”
Control of Overweight, Obesity, and Diabetes. It belongs to the first objective of the Sectorial Program for Health,
Finally, Muévete – ‘move yourself’ – highlights the
which focuses on consolidating health protection and
importance of a small amount of daily exercise in bringing
promotion and disease prevention actions.
about positive lifestyle change. This comes in conjunction with laws requiring children to perform two hours’
The media presence of the campaign is ubiquitous,
exercise per week. According to official information on the
with TV and radio channels featuring segments during
achievements of the Chécate, Mídete, Muévete program
most advertising breaks, and its jingle audible on public
released by the Ministry of Health, 61% of the target
transport. The project is threefold, with one aspect for
audience decided to make lifestyle changes including
each of the imperatives that give the program its name.
eating habits and physical activity as a result of this
The multi-platform awareness campaign is intended to
campaign. In addition, it had efficacy levels of 85% in terms
support a program on nutrition and physical activity aimed
of the number of people who remember the campaign’s
at the parents of young children. Guiding the mission is the
message after some time. In terms of impact on incidence
aim of eliminating processed food from kitchens, boosting
of related diseases, 378,950 people were diagnosed with
the consumption of fruit and vegetables, and replacing
diabetes and 476,411 new cases of hypertension were
high-sugar drinks with water.
detected in 2014, which were 4.5% and 4.9% lower than the figures reported in 2013, respectively.
The educational materials being issued are comprehensive, including five manuals, three guides, and a number
Other measures taken to tackle the obesity problem in 2014
of posters. New promotional materials feature single-
included 32 strategies launched in each federal state with
sentence mottos, bright colors, and simple illustrations.
specific goals and actions aligned to the National Strategy for
In addition, a number of mobile health-promotion units
Prevention and Control of Overweight, Obesity, and Diabetes.
are currently touring two of the country’s least urbanized,
Additionally, the General Hospital of Mexico implemented the
most remote states, Colima and Hidalgo. A closer look at
Patients’ University program, aimed at educating patients
the elements of the Chécate, Mídete, Muévete allows us to
to share information regarding their disease within their
explain why.
community. Finally, to evaluate the results of the National Strategy, the Mexican Observatory of Non-communicable
Chécate – check yourself – encourages preventive check-
diseases gathers the participation levels of both the public
up visits to the doctor, with a view to changing the culture
and private sectors and integrates all information for such
around medical treatment. Many serious diseases such as
diseases and their causal factors in the country.
the country has access to basic mammograms, meaning
Despite obesity being linked to one fifth of all cancers,
that a quarter of all breast cancer patients present for
the exact connection between the two phenomena
treatment when the illness is already at an advanced stage.
remains unclear. Nevertheless, both emerge out of the
Studies of Mexican breast cancer patients have shown that
same complex interactions between lifestyle, genetics,
lack of physical activity, diets high in carbohydrates and
and environment. Obesity, like cancer, is associated with
glycemic load, along with low intake of folate and vitamin
a significant intake of carbohydrates and other foods with
B12 have been shown to increase risk of developing the
high glycemic content. Where Mexico is concerned, the
disease, especially in a postmenopausal context. Alcohol
population in general has a low vitamin D and omega-3
intake, vitamin D levels and low consumption of fruit and
intake, as well as low fibers and vitamin B12. Deficiencies in
vegetables are also found to be contributory factors.
the latter two are linked to postmenopausal breast cancers in particular. One direct causative aspect may be the
While breast cancer levels remain relatively low in Mexico
inflammatory factors secreted by adipose tissue, known
when compared to Western countries, the disease is
as adipokines. Such factors are responsible for insulin
increasing steadily to become the leading cause of
resistance which accompanies obesity, augmenting the
cancer mortality in Mexican women between 1980 and
rate of cancer-associated “free radicals” produced in the
1990. This is connected to lifestyle, including later age
body. Direct causal chains have yet to be fully explored in
at first pregnancy, decreased duration of lactation,
relation to this. The excess estrogen levels associated with
fewer pregnancies, hormone use in contraception, and
obesity have also been linked to breast and uterine cancers.
menopausal therapy.
Finally, the chronic, low-level inflammations associated with obesity are also associated with cancer risk.
LEUKEMIA An extremely uncommon secondary form of the disease
In the Mexican context, cancer and obesity also have
– positive chronic myelogenous leukemia – is nevertheless
a rapid common growth-rate, with 125,000 new cases
associated with inhalation of tobacco smoke, exposure
of cancer diagnosed every year. Some figures predict a
to benzene, and a BMI of over 30. Studies carried out in
doubling in growth rate to just shy of a quarter of a million
Australia have linked obesity to a five-fold increase in the
new cases. The growth-rate far outpaces the speed of the
hazard ratio for the disease. The biological mechanisms
Mexican public health system’s response. With the two
behind such a correlation may be linked with increased
critical health priorities linked, it is worth exploring those
leptin levels and low insulin, but while an exact causal
cancers which are linked to obesity, or which share causes
chain remains difficult to establish, both of these potential
with obesity.
trigger-factors are associated with diabetes and obesity.
Breast cancer is linked to higher rates of smoking, diets
Strain on the digestive system, high fat intake, and low
higher in fat and sodium, and – by correlation – to a BMI of
levels of exercise are related to cancers of the colon,
over 30. Changes in Mexican society have seen all of these
rectum, anus, and small intestine. Cancer in these sites of
factors become a reality, meaning that breast cancer has
the body is on the rise in Mexico, and all are related to
been the number-one killer of Mexican women since 2005.
obesity levels.
The rise has been surprising as historically, incidence of the disease had been low. However, levels have spiked
in northern and industrialized regions of the country.
Deaths from such disorders have doubled in the last ten
Researchers at the University of Arizona released a study
years – albeit from a low base. Free HPV vaccination and
in 2009, based on increased incidence of breast cancer
improvements in detection, treatment and coverage are
in women of Mexican descent living in the United States.
helping to turn the tide against these forms of cancer. The
The collaborative study, carried out in conjunction with the
obesity link is associated with endocrine and inflammatory
Sonora Institute of Technology, the University of Sonora,
effects caused by increased adipose tissue. Hormones
and the University of Guadalajara raised the possibility that
secreted by adipose tissue convert ovarian androgens into
a genetic cause lay behind such high incidence.
estrogens, and these are linked to an increased cancer risk. Additionally, sex hormone-binding levels are lower
With breast cancer among the more treatable forms of
in obese women, meaning a proliferation of free radicals.
cancer, issues pertaining to disease screening lie behind
Insulin issues linked to diabetes and obesity also exert a
the high death rate among Mexican women. Only 50% of
proliferative effect in the cancer site.
THE GROWTH OF HEALTH AND FITNESS Generation Y has grown up in an age of digital saturation,
According to a report published by the WHO in January
more accustomed to social interaction through virtual
2015, one in four adults and more than 80% of the world’s
means than physical activity. Today, many children no
adolescent population are not sufficiently physically
longer ride bicycles on the street, but instead play with
active. In Mexico, the OECD index shows that the average
tablets, laptops, televisions, mobile phones, and countless
household net adjusted income is US$13,085, meaning
devices designed to make life easier. The outcome of the
that most of the country’s population is priced out of
growth in technology is an increased sedentary lifestyle
many of these gym memberships. In fact, the poorest
and the rise in the levels of obesity currently being
20% of Mexicans survive on an estimated US$2,534 per
observed all over the world.
year. The WHO’s recommendations for tackling the lack of physical activity is the promotion of accessible sports and
According to William Strauss, author of “Millennials
recreation activities in cooperation with national and local
Rising: The Next Great Generation,” this generation bases
all the activities in their life on structure, which is why it is not surprising that now even exercise tends to follow
In order for Mexico’s fitness and wellness industry to see
a schedule. In 2013, WHO Member States established a
an increased penetration across all sectors, gyms must
target for increasing physical activity by 10% by 2025 and
be priced affordably for all citizens. With more than six
strategies for doing so are set out in the “Global Action
million diabetics and an estimated two million more that
Plan for the Prevention and Control of Noncommunicable
remain undiagnosed in Mexico, only 3% of the population
Diseases 2013-2020.” As a result, gym chains have seen a
exercise regularly. The crippling health problems facing
surge in membership over the last few years.
public instituions means that economically, the Mexican government stands to gain in the promotion of affordable
In Mexico, there are around 8,000 centers for the practice of
gym and wellness centers for the whole country, not just
physical activity. One of the major gym chains, Sportsworld,
the elite. There is a real opportunity for collaboration
has seen increased revenue of 19% between 2013 and 2014
with wellness centers for a preventive approach to many
and the number of Sportsworld customers also increased by
obesity-related problems.
13.5%. The club is currently expanding at a rapid rate, with 46 clubs across Mexico, six more than its closest competitor.
By 2040, Mexico is expected to spend 7.7% of its GDP
Gyms opening across Mexico cover a variety of demands.
on the Seguro Popular system, an estimated US$97
For those who simply want access to exercise equipment,
billion. With this money, the government could buy
chains like Smartfit offer a no-frills model for low monthly
an annual fitness membership to one of the most
fees starting and no inscription commitments. At the other
expensive fitness centers in Mexico for 32.5 million
end of the scale gym chains that incorporate extra features
people. A membership could be purchased to a basic
such as classes, swimming, and family memberships, charge
gym like Smartfit for every single person in the country,
more for their memberships. The prevalence of boutique
with US$4.29 billion surplus. For affordable fitness
gyms is also increasing in Mexico, with Madonna’s Hard
centers, there remains an untapped market in Mexico of
Candy gym entering the market.
118.6 million customers.
Q: How has Sports World developed over the years since
A: Sports World started to get involved in health programs
its inception?
in 2014. Mexico has the highest rate of child obesity
A: Héctor Troncoso, the current President of the Board,
worldwide and seven out of ten adults are overweight.
started the fitness company as a family business called
Club Tarango in 1989, which became Sports World
(MDA), there are nine million diagnosed diabetics
Centenario in 1996. Using this model the company
plus an approximate two million who are undiagnosed
steadily expanded to include five more clubs. In 2006, 10
in Mexico. There is growing awareness among the
years after the inception of Sports World, we partnered
Mexican population of these health problems and the
with Nexxus Capital who acquired 61% of the company
government is taking preventive measures in order to
in preparation for an IPO. On 7th October 2010, US$68
limit this trend. According to IHRSA, the International
million was initially placed onto the stock market and the
Health, Racquet and Sportsclub Association, in Mexico
company went public. Being on the stock exchange really
in 2012 only 2.7% of the population exercised regularly,
formalized the processes and information systems within
and today the number cannot be higher than 3%. In
the company, and at this point our growth was really kick
comparison, in Brazil 5% of the population regularly
started. By 2009, Sports World had 14 clubs, and 35 by
exercises, and in Argentina this figure is above 6%. In
2013. By the end of 2014 there were 42 fully operational
Mexico there is little awareness of the importance of
clubs and three more are currently under construction.
physical activity to maintain good health. Our objective
is to provide an alternative for health that is unavailable Q: How important is it to differentiate the Sports World
in other health clubs. Overweight people are reluctant to
brand from other health clubs and how do you do this?
approach these type of clubs even when we can provide
A: We differentiate ourselves from the rest of the market
them with a mechanism to improve their health and
with our family friendly environment and our focus on
lifestyle. For this reason we wanted to create a program
safety, service, and customer satisfaction. Our model
that will promote our services as a healthy alternative
focuses on two different types of sport centers. The first
for overweight, hypertensive, and diabetic people, and
is the Family Format: a wide, family oriented space with
to welcome them to our facilities. In 2014 we launched
special areas for children with an average size of 3,000m2;
the program “Feel Healthy” alongside the MDA and the
the second is the Individual Format: a smaller space which
Ministry of Health of Mexico City to provide diabetics an
measures from 2,000 to 2,500m2. Of our clubs, 67% are
alternative for managing their sugar levels. The Ministry
Family Formats and we are currently only developing this
of Health of Mexico City helped us launch this program
type of club as they perform better economically and
and we granted 100 sponsorships distributed between
are preferred by our clients. In Family Format clubs, the
the Ministry and the MDA. These included nutritional
children’s area is completely separated from the adult area.
guidelines and an initial medical evaluation for diabetics,
They have independent activities, dressing rooms, and
with follow ups every three months to measure their
bathrooms, with only communal pools. Now, 40% of our
glucose and cholesterol levels. This program is currently
memberships are Family memberships, which can include
implemented in ten of our clubs and it will grow
up to eight people. Unlike other companies, Sports World
according to demand. The MDA educated all the trainers
is involved in several campaigns to promote health and
for this program to ensure they were aware of the needs
partnerships with other institutions to ensure high quality
of a diabetic patient, and requested that we document
services and appropriate training for our employees.
the progress of those with sponsorships at the end of the year in order to measure the achievements. Right
Q: When and for what reasons were you motivated to
now we have 600 affiliates on the program and we
branch out beyond club management to engaging in
expect to expand the program in the near future to
public health issues?
include children.
Q: Does Sports World partner with other companies in
increased 13.5% in that same period. At the end of 2014
order to promote physical activity?
and in the first quarter of 2015 customers became more
A: Right now we are partnering with Mapfre. They provide
wary of economic fluctuations and became more austere,
up to a 10% discount on major medical expense policies for
so we saw a slight increment in the churn rate above the
customers of Sports World. We are also collaborating with
normal industry level which is 4% monthly. This forced us
Dentalia, an organization for dental care, which provides
to revise our retention policies and to implement different
significant discounts on several dental procedures and
initiatives in order to improve our service and remodel
free dental consultations for affiliates of Sports World.
some of our older clubs to normalize our numbers. This
Our clients can also get nutritional guidance at our clubs
was a specific event and I believe those numbers will
with a professional nutritionist. We are working with The
stabilize to their original rates.
Workplace Wellness Council to gain recognition as a Health Responsible Company (RESR) and we have introduced an
Q: Do you believe abandonment rates are influenced only
internal campaign called KiloStop, in which our employees
by the economy or is it also a cultural problem?
follow nutritional guidelines and training programs to
A: If we compare the number of people who regularly
lose weight and maintain healthy lifestyles. We are now
practice sports in Mexico and in other countries in Latin
implementing this program in other corporations, including
America, we can perceive a cultural problem. Even so, we
one of the largest producers of carbonated drinks in
have witnessed a positive shift in this mentality as people
Mexico. Employees of these companies experience weight
are becoming more aware of the dangers of a sedentary
loss and as an added benefit, employers see an increase in
lifestyle. People are slowly acquiring basic wellness
habits, such as walking 40 minutes a day three times a week. Sports World is contributing to increase this
Q: How competitive is the health club market in Mexico?
awareness by stablishing clear fitness goals and slowly
A: There are about 8,000 centers for practicing physical
increasing them.
activity in Mexico. Of those, only around 200 belong to a sports club chain. The other 7,800 sport centers in Mexico
We have also implemented a guarantee program, in
are generally small and informal. These types of sport
which we provide our customers with a nutrition guide
centers lack the necessary infrastructure for renovation,
and a personalized exercise program. If these clients do
which is essential as people often get bored and abandon
not lose 3% of their body mass in three months, they
their fitness goals. Our clubs have certified trainers, which
are refunded half the cost of their membership. There is
is extremely important as a mistake may irreparably hurt
also the economic component. While Mexicans are being
a client and for this reason we are highly focused on
negatively affected by the fluctuations in the economy,
certification and training for our instructors. In Mexico, we
we have seen little influence of these fluctuations in our
are the only company involved in health programs focused
bottom line.
on obesity, hypertension and diabetes, and the only ones offering corporate programs to incorporate fitness into
Q: What are your objectives for 2015?
their employee lifestyles.
A: Our plan is to keep growing at the current rate of five to seven clubs per year. We are also focusing on affiliating
Q: How have the recent economic changes affected the
the socioeconomic segment A, B, and C+ which represents
health club sector?
21.2% of the Mexican population. To date, 5.7% of this
A: The fitness market is more resistant to economic
segment of the population is affiliated to a sports club. This
fluctuations than other discreet consumption markets.
is a low penetration rate so we are focused on increasing
Our clients are conscious of how important physical
our presence in this sector. As I mentioned before, the
activity is for their health and we have two advantages
total fitness penetration in Mexico is around 3%, but if
over the competition: last year we became the largest
it increases one percentage point that would mean one
fitness company in Mexico. As of July 2015, we have 44
million more people will be practicing physical activity.
clubs in operation and, with two more under construction we have six more clubs than our main competitor. Sports
Our long term goal is to maintain our growth rate over
World has grown considerably in recent years, not only
several years. We also want to expand the “Feel Healthy�
in terms of number of clients but also from a financial
program to eventually encompass all our clubs. Last year
position. Our net revenue is increasing by double digits
this program started with six clubs and was recently
every year and in 2014 our net revenue increased by
increased to ten and now we want to expand the program
19% in comparison to 2013. The number of customers
to adapt it for children who may need it.
SCIENTICALLY PROVEN WEIGHT LOSS SOLUTIONS For years, existing weight loss options have failed the
comfort food. De la Garza gives the example of being
Mexican population. Miracle weight loss options formulas
able to eat pancakes or a chocolate bar and consume the
are gradually being pushed out of the Mexican market by
same amount of protein as you would by eating a steak.
COFEPRIS via stricter regulations and the nutritionists
This provides a solution for one of the biggest factors
currently trying to close the gap are struggling. Many
contributing to lack of adherence to nutritional programs:
diet products and programs are on the market to offer
a short-term fix, using pills, supplements, beverages, or medication, but the obesity epidemic remains. With a lack
To further expand on the problem of sugar addiction,
of real solutions in a market, KOT, a company with French
sneaked even into savory products such as hamburgers and
origins, jumped at a clear business promising opportunity
pizza, minimizing cravings is top of the list for nutritionists.
to help the seven in every ten people across all social
Sugar dependency can vary from patient to patient, and
classes that are obese or overweight, with a scientifically
Mexico, as the number one Coca Cola consuming country
proven diet method.
presents a challenge to doctors and nutritionists, who must wean dieters off sugar to avoid negative side effects,
The company believes that Mexicans look for personalized
gradually restricting consumption while taking diabetes,
backing to support weight-loss and KOT wants to provide
hypertension, and hormonal conditions into account. KOT,
a long-term solution through professional coaching, a
however, can be credited with relatively few restrictions for
technique with effectiveness corroborated by WHO.
diabetics, a huge benefit for users of the French dietary
Specifically unique to Mexico is KOT’s iPhone and web
apps, which allow patients to access a list of over 1,000 restaurants along with a list of meals in those restaurants
The cost to import the product from Europe thus far has
that comply with the patient’s individual diet requirements.
not impeded a 100% year-on-year growth for the company, which is taking measures to make the products universally
KOT easy-to-follow method and solutions have been
accessible. The average cost is around MX$5,000 per
sold in ten countries so far, and the company holds
month, excluding the cost of professional guidance, as it
exclusivity for the products and brand here in Mexico and
varies depending on the pricing of each individual doctor
in Latin America. Ignacio de la Garza Evia, the enterprise’s
and clinic. However, the brand does appeal to hard-
Managing Director, believes that what made KOT different
working professionals because of its portability. Ready to
from existing solutions was a combination of a scientifically
eat products ease the day-to-day complications of being
proven method and quality products. Its effectiveness
on a diet, which may help long term adoption of the plan
has been validated by Mexican doctors and nutritionists
among dieters of all socio-economic backgrounds.
in hospitals with the most rigorous assessments, and two scientific studies on KOT’s methodology have been
To offer products as widely as possible, 300 professionals
published in world renowned journals “The American
in more than 25 cities in Mexico are working with KOT to
Journal for Clinical Nutrition” (2012 Volume 95, Nb. 1, pg.
combine their knowledge and training with this weight loss
49) and “Nature” (2013, Vol. 500 pg. 585), showing that
method. Currently, KOT is solely available through certain
49 out of 50 individuals were able to successfully follow
channels, such as through doctors’ recommendations,
through with the diet plan. KOT believes it is important not
nutritionists or clinics, which may suggest limited growth,
to offer a miracle formula, but rather a method that allows
but on the contrary, this ensures higher success rates
completion of a balanced diet, and with said method a
in terms of diet allocation and follow-through among
patient can lose between 1.2kg and 2kg per week.
The number of professionals on board with the method
company manufactures are considered food and not
is growing rapidly, as KOT tries to “gauge what third
supplements in the US and Europe. In fact they are
parties can bring to the process.” According to de la
called “Technological Food,” which refers to a science
Garza, the priority is attracting big players in Mexico to
that innovates macronutrients by producing food with
recognize the effectiveness of the method at combatting a
added vitamins, minerals and proteins, much like many
universally recognized problem. Possibly the next growth
foods found in supermarkets. A low carbohydrate and
opportunity would be partnering with companies that
fat proportion coupled with high protein content permits
incentivize employees’ weight loss, as it is proven to have
dieters to consume more wisely, without sacrificing
a considerable impact on productivity.
Q: What is the vision behind The Green Corner and
that is common across the American continent where the
what opportunities were capitalized upon to realize this
culture for consuming organically-cultivated produce is
relatively new. Europe is the biggest market and producer
A: The Green Corner initially began as a family project
of organic foods hence it is easier to find shops dedicated
seeking to trade in areas across Nepantla, in the State
exclusively to the sale of organic products there.
of Mexico. In the beginning, I was looking to create an infrastructure for a vacation center where I could go and
Q: What role do you think organic crops can play in
spend time with my family, but I quickly reevaluated the
fighting illnesses?
use of the land and decided to use it to establish an organic
A: Conventional agricultural practices has negatively affected
agriculture company. Upon further investigation, I realized
the nutritional value of the products, because traditional
the scale of challenges and opportunities presented to us
planting often means they do not contain the same natural
through this business, which profoundly motivated me
properties and nutrients as organics as a direct result of
to promote healthy lifestyles. I wanted to improve the
the deterioration of the earth through use of chemicals.
quality of life of both my family and society by designing
Undoubtedly, organic harvest contains nutritional properties
my own infrastructure for distribution and eliminate the
conducive to improving the immune system and as a result,
intermediaries. The vision that sparked this business
helps to combat illnesses. Due to this significant factor, we
was the desire to develop integral means of supporting
have received a lot of customers sent by physicians that are
the environment, universal health, and the surrounding
familiar with our products. With consumption of organic
communities. I understood that creating my organic food
produce, the body receives all the essential nutrients it
business would not only help to improve consumer health,
requires to operate in a healthy way.�
but also to support the small producers who lacked a fair way to distribute their goods.
Q: How does The Green Corner choose its suppliers? A: We previously chose suppliers by visiting them and
Q: Do you consider consumer perceptions to have
establishing close relationships based on honesty and hard
changed regarding organic foods in Mexico ?
work. Since the company has grown, many producers have
A: We felt that consumers were receptive to the product
approached us, and we now require an organic certification.
from day one. People were not actively seeking out organic
We are well versed in all the norms required to be certified
food but its need has always existed in an indirect way, given
as organic producers. Firstly, we want to be assured that our
the immense health benefits it provides. As marketers,
suppliers share our philosophy, and afterwards we integrate
we have noted that this meant a significant increase in
them into our production process. The strict requirements
the consumption of this type of food. Previously, it was
have advantages but there are also certain pitfalls given
necessary to explain to consumers what organic food was,
that these certifications can only be obtained for a cost that
but now people have an increased understanding about
many micro-producers cannot afford.
organics. However, the benefits brought by these products come with a higher price tag, which is certainly a challenge
Q: What are the main challenges faced by agro-producers
for the population.
today? A: The main problem is competing in terms of price, since
Q: How would you compare the adaption to organic food
manual processes generate a greater need for workers. It
in Mexico with that of the rest of the world?
is also more difficult to compete with major producers.
A: I believe that we are very well positioned. We know that in
Moreover, one of the main challenges that we face is the
the US the organic product range is wide, incorporating both
current lifestyle in the country. The daily life of an average
natural and conventional products. However, there are not
citizen is so stressful that people do not dedicate enough
enough specialized shops for organic food, a phenomenon
time to nourish their bodies.
A NEW DAIRY WAY FOR MEXICO JANUS SKØT Regional Director of Arla Foods
Q: What makes Mexico a priority market in Latin America
from a natual source, we hope to a contribute to better and
and what is your strategy?
healthier food habits in Mexico.
A: Mexico is a dairy deficit country. Since Arla is a company that promotes milk intake, the market is a good match for
Q: What is the importance of the functional ingredients
us. The Arla brand is a quality guarantee to our customers
in your products and do you see a market in Mexico for
because we offer recommended, everyday nutrition from
natural, highly regulated sources. Arla is not aimed at the
A: In Mexico we offer products with no added ingredients.
“healthy food” segment per se, but on the food industry as
Our most successful product is Lurpak, a natural, clean,
a whole. Our ultimate goal is to be recognized as a market
tasty butter, which only contains two ingredients: cream
leader within the industry, and we believe that people
and lactic acid culture, with no added colors or stabilizers.
should eat healthy and nutritious food on a daily basis. We
Another top seller is cheese, and every kilo of our
provide healthy alternatives to food products that are full
manchego uses 10kg of milk. Substituting vegetable fat for
of artificial colors and stabilizers, and we take advantage of
milk fat or diluting the milk with water, solids and other
every opportunity we find to eliminate artificial ingredients
ingredients can keep its production costs low, but we want
from our products. Our studies have found that when
to be a provider of real cheese to the Mexican consumer,
artificial ingredients are removed from Arla products, we
because of its importance in the local diet. Margarine is
are left with a healthier and more natural product.
consumed heavily in Mexico so we are targeting this market to offer real butter as a clean, natural alternative.
Q: What is your strategy to improve the image of healthy
Lurpak Spreadable makes butter more convenient to
foods within Mexico among the general public?
spread because of its softer texture. The ingredients in this
A: It is a challenge. While we offer nutritional and
product are the same, with the only addition being a small
healthy products worldwide, awareness of the benefits
amount of rapeseed oil to soften the texture slightly.
of consuming a healthy, balanced diet tends to be
higher in Europe and the US. It is our aim to educate the
Q: Are you seeking to become involved with the
public and raise awareness. We already have experience
government to educate the public about the benefits of
with these campaigns in the Middle East, Africa, and
healthy fats, like the type found in butter and cheese?
here in the Americas. Mexico is a market where a lot of
A: At the moment, we are not working with the government
investment must be made in consumer education about
but it is not something I would rule out in the future. Education
the best sources of nutrition for children and we have
is invaluable in promoting the benefits of clean, natural
various programs promoting healthy eating habits, such
products like butter, as there are a lot of misconceptions
as online recipes and information, collaboration with retail
about the benefits and disadvantages of butter against
customers, events and educational programs. Healthy
margarine. Government policies on healthy eating could vary
eating is vital for everyone as an optimal weight reduces
depending on the administration and the local and regional
the risk of chronic illness. This responsibility must be
government campaigns, so we work with all stakeholders to
shouldered by the food industry, which is why Arla wants
promote good food habits, consumer security, transparency,
to inspire good food habits. Milk is an extremely rich source
and accountability. We can assure the consumer that we
of protein, essential fats, vitamins, and minerals, as well as
know the origin of all our products, because we produce
a versatile source of nutrients, and can be consumed on
all the milk used, instead of outsourcing. We currently have
the go and incorporated into complex dishes. One large
14,000 farms delivering the milk directly to our company
glass of milk has the same level of calcium as two large
to produce milk and cheese at our own factories, with the
heads of broccoli, which is easier to incorporate into a
products being traceable from here to the marketplace to
busy schedule, – and also to promote to children. By
the customer. Our position is that any unnecessary ingredient
increasing access to natural products originating from milk
will be removed, and so even though it may be a lengthy
process and slightly more costly, we want to provide the
jobs in Mexico, and by basing our cheese cutting and packing
most natural products possible. Strangely, producing natural
here we hope to generate and foster local employment.
and organic food seems to be more expensive due to the raw materials, such as veterinary fees, daily examinations
Q: At the moment, you are focusing your production on
and increased space for the cows that produce the milk. It is
three major cities, Mexico City, Monterrey and Guadalajara.
also possible to produce cheese in a more cost-effective way
What are your plans for nationwide expansion?
but we do not see that as a good cheese because it is less
A: Although we have nationwide distribution capabilities,
natural. We are the world’s largest organic dairy company, so
we are focusing our marketing efforts on these cities. We
we have a portfolio of products in our organic range and the
also have market presence in 22 Latin American countries,
next step will be releasing our organic products in Mexico.
managed on a regional level from Mexico and on a local
In order to do that, we must create a demand for organic
level from offices in Panama, and the Dominican Republic.
food, again by using education to make people aware of the
Mexico’s dairy deficit and market potential makes the
benefits of organic products.
country stand out, and these reasons are why we are here. We have almost 130 years of experience behind us, with our
Q: Are any of your farms based in Mexico or is your milk
first cooperative established in the 1880s, so we feel that
we have the required experience to increase education and
A: We are a northern European dairy cooperative, with
address the deficit.
owners in several European countries. For Mexican products, we import our milk from Europe as we do not yet have any
Q: What are your top priorities for this year?
farms in the country. We may set up farms here in the future,
A: A high percentage of the Mexican public dines out often,
but our main priority at the moment is addressing the 30%
so we see here a market on which we can capitalize. We
surplus of dairy imports over exports. Put another way,
already have good relationships with all major retailers, so
Mexico consumes 14 billion kilograms of dairy products per
we have not encountered any challenges in breaking into
year, but local production is not enough. We are increasing
the supermarket and retail store market. As such, we expect
our importation of milk volumes into the country so that we
to build the same links within the food service industry.
can increase the number of dairy products manufactured
Our advertising campaigns focus on linking the Arla brand
locally. Consequently, one of our main aims is the creation of
with value, natural production, and transparency.
We are the first in the fitness industry to have a health program dedicated to diabetes, obesity and hypertension
BUILDING ON A HISTORY OF NUTRITION PROVISION SONIA ALMEIDA Nutrition, Health & Wellness Manager of Nestlé México
Q: How important was it for you to adapt Nestlé’s portfolio
nutritional information in Mexico. We launched our “Nutrir”
to Mexican’s needs?
(Nourish) education program in 2006, in collaboration
A: For the last 160 years, Nestlé has been dedicated to
with the Ministry of Public Education providing nutrition
health and nutrition, having been founded with an initial
information to five million children in Mexico, as well as
focus on the nutrition of small children. Over that time, we
seven million more worldwide. We instruct teachers and
have developed many specialized foods and beverages
provide them with appropriate teaching materials so they
to address every stage of a person’s life, from conception
are able to educate their students.
to adulthood. Mexico is extremely important to Nestlé. It is our seventh largest market for sales, where we pilot
Q: How are you addressing emerging trends in Mexico’s
many of the projects we launch worldwide. Launched
nutrition habits?
last year, our “Unidos por Niños Saludables” (United for
A: There are several problems with the nutrition of many
Healthy Children) program focuses on teaching healthy
Mexicans as they eat a high number of products with
eating and lifestyle habits to young children, supported
large amounts of added sugar and fats while failing to
by Nestlé products. Other countries have begun to adapt
meet basic recommended water consumption. For that
this program, using the knowledge and experience gained
reason, we are beginning to create programs to promote
in Mexico. Our Nutrition, Health & Wellness Division aims
water drinking. Mexicans are also eating many processed
to design functional food to address specific health
grains and avoiding whole grains. We have a division called
necessities by using our knowledge of pharmaceuticals
Cereal Partners Worldwide (CPW), which aims to create
and nutrition. We have three divisions: children, healthy
healthy products that can be introduced into children’s
aging, and health. One of our areas is dedicated exclusively
daily routine. Another problem is that 25% of children
to obesity. This division has a strong presence in Europe
skip breakfast so we have created specific products to
and Asia, but is just emerging in America, and this product
address their needs in this area. Our nutrition programs
line is being steadily introduced to Mexico. We also have
were developed based on data recently published in the
an area focused on nutrition for Mexico which produces
book What and How Mexicans Eat. This study analyzed
several products including Casec. Finally, our functional
the Mexican urban population, which constitutes 80%
foods include Gastro Protect, which contains probiotics,
of the country, from zero to 79 years old. It then divided
vitamins and minerals according to the nutritional
it into three groups, infants, school age children, and
necessities of the Mexican population.
adults. Possibly the most relevant data was that most children around six months are not being breastfed while
Q: How is Nestlé promoting nutrition and health?
inappropriate foods are being introduced into their diets
A: We are working in two different areas. The first aims to
such as whole milk, soup, or atole, which is a rice or flour-
innovate our existing products, while the second focuses
based drink. These foodstuffs should not be introduced
on education. We assess the nutrition knowledge of our
until children are a year old but it is a cultural tradition
customers to create several tailored and useful education
that babies consume these products. It is also common to
progrmas. For example, we conducted a consumer study
provide small children with sugary beverages, including
in 2015 to understand what nutrition and health mean
sodas and juices. Mexicans also eat very little seafood
to our clients. From this study, we realized that most
or vegetables. These results have been corroborated by
Mexicans define health as “not being unhealthy,” which
ENSANUT, and indicate a problem on a scale requiring the
they in turn think of being “not sick,” meaning healthy
intervention of the entire health sector.
habits, are difficult to introduce into existing lifestyles,
since people perceive themselves to be healthy. This
We communicated the information from this study to our
gap in understanding represents an opporutnity for
research and innovation team so it could develop products
our education programs to address the general lack of
to address these needs. We are also preparing papers
and other information packages for our PR department.
COFEPRIS’ seal of quality due to the nutritional value of
We plan to be part of the solution, by contributing our
its products. Nestlé remains the only company to have
programs and by modifying our products to reduce the
received this seal from COFEPRIS. We will now work to
amount of sugar, fatty acids, and salt, in accordance with
gain this seal for the rest of our products and assure our
WHO specifications. Nestlé has a program called “Portion
consumers that our products are nutritious. Since 2007,
Guidance,” which aims to educate consumers so they
we have also updated labelling practices. The changes
can choose products according to their health needs.
have been significant, as the government demands that
Sadly, most consumers are unaware of the meaning of
products display nutritional information for the complete
the nutritional information provided on packages, so our
packages, not just by portion.
products also provide all the caloric information up front. We want to help consumers understand food labels,
Q: What are your expansion plans and your top priorities
with a view to choosing products that are healthier for
for 2015?
them. Nestlé also has a Nutritional Compass to provide
A: This year is important for Nestlé Mexico in terms of
complete nutrition information for all of our products.
innovation. We want to expand on the knowledge we
Mexico is the leader in childhood obesity, and is in second
acquired from writing the book by producing several
place for adults. Nestlé wants to help address this.
papers for nutritional journals. We also want to use this data to provide information to our R&D division, so as to
Q: What is the goal of your association with FUNSALUD?
create new products based on best practice. Furthermore,
A: Our collaboration with FUNSALUD began 23 years ago,
to capitalize on the success of What and How Mexicans
with the collection and analysis of nutrition knowledge,
Eat, we are working on a supplemental volume addressing
which we then shared with healthcare professionals.
gaps from the first. The second phase of our United for
FUNSALUD produces several papers addressing nutrition
Healthier Kids program focuses on increasing nutrition
problems and promotes scientific research in this area.
knowledge for more than 3.5 million children in Mexico.
We partnered with them to create and promote What and
Meanwhile, Nestlé’s Technological Innovation Center in
How Mexicans Eat. Another collaboration with UNAM and
Queretaro has a specific department to develop new
FUNSALUD aims at creating a study on healthy lifestyle
products and monitor aftersales. Another area analyzes
promotion within the State of Mexico. The research
the taste preferences of mothers and children, using
stemming from this study will be published in 2016. We are
these to produce research to use in the generation of new
the only private company that collaborates with INMEGEN
products. We have many different priorities, due to having
in this way. Our partnership has produced a number of
a lot of products and opportunities, but our main goal is to
projects since 2007, when we designed probiotics-based
promote healthier lifestyles in Mexico.
gastritis prevention in collaboration with both INMEGEN and INCMN. One such project, addressing the benefits of cocoa, will be published this year. Q: Nestlé has made changes to 350 of its products in Mexico. What were the key changes being made? A: The most important change was to reduce the amount of sugar and sodium in our products to comply with all WHO requirements. Nestlé also created several internal objectives to reduce sugar, fatty acids, and salt by 10% in all its products by 2016. We have an internal methodology to address nutrition according to national and global recommendations,
regulations which restrict advertisements for children and stipulate labeling guidelines. We are also working closely with COFEPRIS to obtain all necessary quality certifications. COFEPRIS recently changed its registration process to classify foods in ten different categories, each with its own nutritional regulations which must be followed in order to advertise at restricted television hours. With this new backdrop, our CPW division was rewarded with
A UNIQUE PARTNERSHIP TO PROMOTE NUTRITION Eating habits in Mexico are at a critical point. The
research was carried out, such as an applied investigation
established diet, consisting mainly of fried foods, cheese,
that analyzed Mexican anthropology to determine the
and complex carbohydrates, has caused the obesity
population’s nutrition patterns. Dr. Arroyo also inaugurated
levels in the country to increase at an alarming rate.
the first Nestlé Nutrition Conference with the goal of
Around one in four children and one in three teenagers
facilitating the diffusion of knowledge, and in early 2016,
in Mexico are now obese, according to a report by the
the FNN will publish the conference’s findings about
Global Agricultural Information Network (GAIN). The
diabetes in Mexico. However, while FNN has always had
implications of these statistics are significant meaning
the full financial support of Nestlé, it maintains complete
that the actual nutritional deficits will continue to be
control of its projects and resources.
problematic for generations to come. In 1989, when the Mexican epidemiological profile was undergoing a
The most effective way to address Mexico’s obesity crisis,
transition, the government recognized the need to focus
according to Polo, is ensuring collaborations between all
on chronic diseases caused by the increasing obesity
members of the public, private, and academic sectors. One
problem. As a result, the Nestlé Nutrition Fund (FNN)
of the main objectives of the FNN is to bring these groups
was established through collaboration between Nestlé
together to facilitate discussion about the main topics
Switzerland and FUNSALUD in order to address a specific
affecting the population, which can be challenging due to
need, namely improving nutrition education within
fundamental differences in operations.
Mexico’s medical schools. A further goal for the FNN is to support the government’s Ernestina Polo, Coordinator of the FNN program, explains
agenda by providing information that remains unaddressed
that at the time that FNN was created, Mexican doctors
by other sectors. The FNN awards the Nestlé Nutrition
had little experience in nutrition, creating an education
Award every year for outstanding research in the field
gap that FUNSALUD and Nestlé sought to bridge. From
of nutrition. On November 18th 2015, the Fund will issue
the beginning, FNN has faced the challenge of adapting to
a call for research papers while seeking to incorporate
Mexico’s changing healthcare environment and needs of
large institutions into the evaluation process, with the
the population because of the demographic, epidemiologic
aim of including the UNAM, the Autonomous University
and nutritional transitions.
of the State of Morelos (UAEM), and the Autonomous Metropolitan University (UAM), among others.
In this way, the programs implemented by the FNN have often been extensive and wide-reaching. One example is
The FNN is currently writing a new book regarding
a campaign to modify medical school curricula to include
children’s physical activity, which was coauthored by
more information about nutrition. This program has seen
professors of physical education and is a joint project
collaboration with the Mexican Association of Faculties
between the FNN, FUNSALUD, UAEM, the Secretariat of
and Schools of Medicine (ANFEM) to educate faculties,
Public Health of the State of Mexico, UNAM, INMEGEN, and
build laboratories, and supply them with state-of-the-art
Nestlé, and which will be released in late 2015.
equipment. The results of the project include the book “Nutriología Médica” (Medical Nutrition), first published
According to Polo, the books offer a more comprehensive
20 years ago with a fourth edition released this year. It
insight into the health sector. “The greatest strength of our
directly addresses the required changes in curricula and
books,” she believes, “is that they are joint efforts from
the education gaps perceived in medical students, co-
many actors in the health sector, including companies, the
written by both a doctor and a nutritionist.
public sector, researchers, and students.”
The Fund carries out research and surveys about
nutrition related matters, but tends toward involvement in directly approaching researchers in academia and the health sector, government officials and decision makers. The previous coordinator of the FNN, Dr. Pedro Arroyo Acevedo, structured the Fund to address four specific topics: the promotion of basic research, applied research, the development of human resources, and the diffusion of
interesting, it allows the private sector to use their funds for public projects with very clear and tangible results” Ernestina Polo, Coordinator of the FNN program
LOCAL STEVIA DEVELOPER OPTIMISTIC ABOUT MARKET Sugar addictive properties are well studied and can be witnessed by the continued rise in the profits of soft drink companies in the face of growing awareness about the health risks of sugar consumption,. Unfortunately, while such factors have slowly begun to result in a decrease in sugar consumption worldwide, the US and Mexico are lagging behind. Stevia now accounts for 40% of the global sweetener market but it still does not have a captive market in Mexico. One Mexican start-up is aiming to change this trend.
“Our products would previously only
nutritionists, at a time when many people were even unaware of the basic concepts of nutrition, let alone about stevia” Grecia Flores, General Manager of Stevia Bonda
Stevia Bonda, based in Guadalajara, is basing its future on convincing Mexicans of the value of this plant. “Stevia
Despite these challenges and thanks to a growing interest
does not cause cavities, leaves a sweet aftertaste and a
in nutrition among the Mexican public, the market for
feeling of satiation, and is safe for use by diabetics and
stevia in the country has grown rapidly in the last two
pregnant women. By only processing it with maltodextrin
years. Stevia Bonda’s sachets can now be found on the
and dextrose to reduce its bitter aftertaste, we also ensure
shelves of supermarket chains like Superama, Waldo’s, and
our products have zero calories,” explains Grecia Flores,
Comercial Mexicana, if only in the states of Colima, Jalisco,
General Manager of Stevia Bonda. Although most food
Michoacan, and Sinaloa. Flores attributes this growth to
products use quantities of stevia that are too small to have
several factor. “Our products would previously only be
a health impact, Stevia Bonda sells the plant in its raw
recommended by nutritionists at a time when many people
form through the Stevia Rústica product line, allowing it to
were even unaware of the basic concepts of nutrition, let
conserve its therapeutic qualities.
alone about stevia,” she explains. Another early problem was the slightly bitter taste of the pure plant, Stevia
Beyond being healthier than sugar, Flores advocates for
rebaudiana. Promotion campaigns in recent years have
stevia’s widespread use in the food industry due to the
however resulted in a more captive general public.
potential it presents for financial savings. “Stevia is used in far lower quantities than sugar. While its cost is slightly
Flores is now encouraging Mexico to take the next step in
higher than that of sugar, food companies will save in
growing as a stevia market: become a producer. For the
storage and transportation costs by only needing to store
moment, her company imports raw materials and prepares
kilos of stevia instead of tonnes of sugar.” To cater to this
the mixtures itself as Mexico does not have enough stevia
growing market, Stevia Bonda has a product line that
crops to serve its needs. With the market dominated by the
specifically targets the food industry. Food companies
likes of China and Thailand, she feels that Mexico has the
need very pure and concentrated extracts, meaning that
potential to be a major producer and exporter of stevia.
Stevia Bond only adds bulking agents used to reduce
“In recent years, farmers have suffered from low prices,
creating interest in producing more expensive products. They now want us to become potential buyers so they can
According to Flores, no other brands produce specific
ask for subsidies from the government to plant stevia.
stevia products for the food industry but despite this lack of competition, getting a foot in the door proved difficult.
The government is currently evaluating the situation and,
“Selling our products is not easy as some companies are
should plans move ahead, we will be in a strong position
more interested in securing low prices than in providing
to establish our own processing plant after acquiring the
quality products. In supermarkets, Stevia Bonda products
right machinery,” she explains. Another advantage is that,
cost an average of US$0.30 more than the competition,”
despite the US restrictions, exports would be easy as few
she explains. Nevertheless, she believes the company’s
countries are so severe on the commercialization of stevia.
quality control process justifies the higher cost. “The raw
“We do not use stevia processed to 97% as it brings about
material, stevia extract, is becoming more expensive.
only a small difference in flavor but a major increase in
Therefore, I wonder if our cheaper competitors are
processing costs. We sell 90% processed Stevia, which is
compromising quality to reduce production costs. Many
slightly more sour but equally safe. This means we would
unregulated products are entering the market, which may
be able to sell to Europe and South America where there
be dangerous for consumers.”
are no regulations for the sale of Stevia,” she concludes.
Q: What is the story behind the creation of Kurago’s
A: The prebiotics market in Mexico is worth US$1 billion per
innovative functional foods?
year, mainly through dairy and tablets. Yakult’s earnings
A: Kurago Biotek was founded in August 2006 by five
are US$376 million a year in Mexico while Activia brings
executives with experience in multinational companies. The
in US$195 million. We have four products on the market,
original idea was to develop a type of candy containing a
with Ventro being our main one. It is sold in Walmart and
mixture of carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, and minerals
HEB where it has done very well despite being twice as
to help children with HIV/AIDS. We first contacted a senior
expensive as the market leader and Walmart having slow
researcher at the National Institute of Medical Science and
sales for the last three years.
Nutrition Salvador Zubirán (INCMNSZ), who provided us with very valuable insights after reviewing our project. We
Despite these challenges, we have seen 25% growth and
learned that, in order to improve people’s health, adding
a GMROII over 4.5, while being sold alongside Yakult
nutrients to the food is not as useful as improving the
and Activia. I attribute this success to the many benefits
absorption of the nutrients.
of our product. Ventro has undergone clinical trials and is regulated by COFEPRIS as a Process Food under the
We began researching probiotics such as lactobacillus,
category Gelatin with prebiotics and probiotics, and
bifidobacteria, and streptococcus, and understood that
complies with NORM-051. It is the only product in its
their best natural habitat is the mucus of the upper third
category which can display health claims such as the
of the intestine. After this research, we developed Ventro,
ability to regulate digestion and stimulate the immune
an innovative biogel that hosts these microorganisms and
resembles the biochemical and biophysical conditions of the human intestine. This product ensures that the
Q: What have the clinical trials revealed?
microorganisms are alive and metabolically active inside
A: Our trials have shown that Ventro aids the digestive
the biogel. They begin their colonization from the moment
system by preventing slow digestion, returns, and
they are ingested and can help regularize digestion in
blockage. Consumption for 40 days guarantees a
no more than 24 hours, as opposed to weeks for other
stronger immune system. Ventro also stands out as it
is not a dairy product, meaning that it does not have problems associated with lactose intolerance, allergies
Ventro can actually be categorized as a symbiotic, which
to milk, high calories, or fat.
is a functional food that contains both prebiotics and
calprotectin was used as an inflammation biomarker
probiotics. A prebiotic is a non-digestible carbohydrate
that is the energy source of probiotics, the beneficial
chemotherapy and radiotherapy treatments and, when
microorganisms that live in the human gut. Their
it is not controlled, patients have to halt their treatment.
interaction triggers the production of different kinds of
The study group that received Nutrihealth, also a
bioactive metabolites. Ventro was our first big hit in the
functional food, during the clinical trial saw significantly
market but we followed it up with other products, such
lower levels of inflammation within two or three weeks.
as Ureless and Nutrihealth, which are distributed by
This allowed them to continue with their treatments with
Morepharma, owned by Sanfer group. Ureless reduces the
fewer side-effects. Recognition of our products in the
toxins in chronic kidney disease, so it delays requirement
medical nutrition community has been a challenge. This
for patient’s dialysis. Nutrihealth is an adjuvant for chemo
is why we partnered with Morepharma, owned by Sanfer
and radiotherapy for cancer.
group. The company became our biotechnology license
As for Nutrihealth, increases
receptor for the medical nutrition market and exclusive
Q: What is the size of the prebiotics market in Mexico and
distributor, allowing us to benefit from their prestige,
how do you differentiate yourself within it?
knowledge, and well-trained sales representatives.
We established a number of alliances in products for the
There is another problem. Mexican pharmaceutical and food
Mexican market. We manage our veterinary portfolio with
companies tend to fear commercial failure and prefer to
Avimex, as well as licensing our biotechnology to the
develop generics rather than innovative products. Despite
industrial group, PAVIA. Their holistic nutritional system
this, we have shown the ability to develop successful
of five functional food products is aimed at the regular
products with the collaboration of universities and research
health, nutrition and wellness market. Our zero-sugar
centers. Mexican companies like ours have everything they
biodigestive, Biogel, is under license to Reino Maya for
need to succeed without needing to call upon external
direct sales.
talent and capabilities. Biotechnology will remain one of the most promising technologies in the world for several
Q: How have you collaborated with academic institutions
decades and Mexico has a huge window of opportunity
and research centers in terms of intellectual property
to capitalize on this. Technological breakthroughs match
creation and protection?
up perfectly well with economic boom and bust cycles.
A: In designing Ventro, ITESM conducted intellectual
Advances in the field of chemistry led to thousands of
property searches to confirm that nobody had patented
different products rapidly being developed. The likes of
any product similar to the Ventro biogel before, allowing
Microsoft, Apple, and Facebook have become pillars of
us to launch the product in Mexico, the US, Europe, and
the information age. Now, biotechnology has a similar
Chile, among others. We have a large technology network
chance as it will be the leading megatrend for 2015-2040
in Mexico, involving 22 of the biggest universities and
in three major areas: bioenergy, biopharma and biofood.
research centers, such as UNAM, UDG, INCMNSZ, CIATEJ,
Furthermore, we have the second major herbal medicine
market after China and Mexico’s diversity of weather and soil allows it to produce nutraceutical agents and nutrients
Our work is supported by the government institutions
that modulate different health functions. Within Mexico,
CONACYT, INADEM, and the Ministry of the Economy.
Jalisco is the perfect site for biofood companies due to its
Sharing or ownership of intellectual property is the first
growing biocluster. The state holds four major advantages:
step in these collaborations. If the institution provides
its agriculture, its specialized universities and research
a service that could be offered by other parties, the
centers, its booming food and pharmaceutical sectors,
intellectual property belongs to Kurago Biotek. However,
and a state government that has made IT, biopharma, and
if they bring a novel technique to the table or develop
biofood areas for strategic development. The private sector
new research, we share the intellectual property with
has not been left behind as Jalisco has 22 ecosystems for
them. We worked with Santa Clara University in Silicon
entrepreneurial development, which have recently received
Valley to create a social model to deploy biotechnology
considerable attention from foreign investors of late. Finally,
in the market. As we seek joint ventures in Europe, we are
the state has a huge diversity of fruits and roots, such as
counting on the support of IHK Germany.
agave, from which inulin has been drawn and used as a very effective prebiotic.
Q: How are you planning to export your products as a Mexican company in an industry dominated by US,
Beyond this groundwork, biotechnology and biofood
European, and Japanese competitors?
products need the development of collateral products. For
A: Ventro is not sold in the US yet but we have already
example, the probiotics industry benefited greatly from
founded a joint venture in California with a company that
Russia’s and Bulgaria’s production of yogurt. From that, a
used to be Yakult’s major distributor in the country for the
Japanese company isolated one strain of lactobacillus and
Latin market. We are now in the process of developing the
produced functional dairy products, such fermented milk,
image and packaging for the product in the US as well as
before France innovated again and began producing yogurt
sorting out the distribution channels. We expect to launch
as a beverage. Finally, this all led to Kurago Biotek launching
Ventro on the US market next year. In addition, we have
Ventro a biotechnologically formulated gelatin.
been working with German & UK partners in order to transfer the technology to Europe. They have already seen
Q: What is your vision for 2015?
our technology and the paper we presented in the second
A: We want to expand our market in Mexico while starting
Conference on Immunology in Berlin in 2009 as well as our
our operations in the US and finalizing our technology
patents in Europe. Nevertheless, positioning an innovative
transfer agreement with Germany or UK. For the future, we
Mexican product in Europe has been quite challenging as
want to develop products through the bioconjugation of
European countries are years ahead of the US in the field
molecules, which is the bonding of two or more molecules
of functional foods.
for a specific therapeutic purpose, such as fighting cancer.
companies competing for market share, the industry is
Niche markets such as the probiotics one have seen a
becoming more and more competitive.
recent burst in Mexico, with the increased awareness of health and wellbeing. The market for healthy foods
Mexico is generally seen as an ideal market for probiotics.
in general has expanded in the last few years with an
There exists encouraging research that probiotics may help
estimated value of US$22.4 billion, which is expected to
to alleviate the symptoms of certain medical conditions and
grow by 10% per year. A report by the Global Agricultural
illnesses, such as yeast infections, irritable bowel syndrome,
Information Network (GAIN) showed that 60% of Mexicans
and intestinal infections. A study published by the British
are trying to lose weight, of which 70% are attempting to
Journal of Nutrition also found that probiotics may boost the
do so by changing their diet. This opens up a huge market
immune system, and therefore may be used as a preemptory
for probiotics, superfoods and protein supplements.
protector against colds and flu symptoms. Other benefits claimed by the industry include promotion of weight loss,
Probiotics are defined by the Food and Agriculture
alleviation of skin conditions and prevention of colon cancer.
Organization of the United Nations (FAO) as “live microorganisms, which, when administered in adequate
Another factor that has contributed to the increase in
amounts, confer a health benefit on the host.” Products
popularity of probiotic and “healthy foods” is ANSA,
containing probiotics tend to be yoghurt drinks, kefir, and
a federal law passed in 2010. This legislation set out
oral supplements, but the industry is developing so rapidly
requirements for healthy food in schools, mandated
that a diverse range of products are being manufactured
education about the dangers of unhealthy attitudes
with the healthy bacteria, such as cheeses, bread and ice
toward nutrition, introduced compulsory food labelling,
cream. Transparency Market Research estimates that the
and promoted daily physical activity. As a result, healthy
global probiotic market was valued at US$58 billion in
food is becoming more widely available in Mexico and the
2013 and is expected to expand to US$96 billion by 2020.
market for probiotics is widening.
This emerging market has made a surprisingly compelling One drawback to health foods is that they tend to be more
impact within the Mexican economy.
expensive. With 42% of Mexico’s population living below A study by Micro Market Monitor showed that the probiotics
the official poverty line set by the World Bank (earning less
market across North America is expected to grow at a
than US$1.25 per day) this presents a challenge. In countries
compound annual growth rate of 7.7% over the next five
such as Mexico, Brazil, China, and South Korea, the cost of
years. Although it is the third largest market behind the
healthy fresh food has been rising at a disproportionate
US and Canada, Mexico’s projected growth will be at the
rate to the cost of processed, packaged food. In a report
highest CAGR over the course of these years. Danone
published by the Overseas Development Institute, the cost
sells one of the most well-known probiotic products in the
of products such as ready meals, chocolate and snacks
world, Yakult, and holds the second largest market share
has remained reasonably static in Mexico over the last 25
in the Mexican “healthy” packaged food sector, behind
years. However, the cost of fresh vegetables, tomatoes,
Cadbury Adams with its Trident gum.
and tortilla and maize flour has increased exponentially since the mid 1990s.
The industry has seen a revolution with a series of mergers and acquisitions that have cemented its place as a
Probiotics have managed to gain ground in Mexico, with
lucrative industry. In 2013, it was announced that probiotic
growth expected to continue at a rapid rate over the next
giants Chr. Hansen had begun working with sustainable
few years. If the industry giants invest the proper resources
agricultural research corporation FMC in order to further
into effective research and marketing, the implications for
develop biological and probiotic food research, focusing
sector development could be significant.
on enzymes, cultures and fermentation. In 2014, Bayer also acquired some of DuPont’s assets in Canada, Mexico, US, New Zealand and Australia, focusing on expanding its market of biological products. Even Nestlé Mexico is capitalizing on the popularity of the probiotic market, signing a deal with firm BioGaia for exclusive rights over several products, including probiotic drops containing BioGaia’s
designed as a formula for infants. With these major
IMPACT OF MEXICAN TAX ON SUGARY DRINKS SO FAR Obesity in Mexico is now considered to be an epidemic,
drinks closely resembles that of alcohol or drug addicts.
overtaking alcoholism, hypertension and smoking as the
Due to this, a tax on the drinks alone would not be enough
number one causative factor in serious illnesses such
to combat the implications of highly addictive behavior.
as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and cancer. It is a
Just as with drug addiction, the consumer cannot simply
problem that the Government is trying to address with a
stop drinking fizzy drinks, even in spite of financial
number of measures, one of which is a taxation on sugary
drinks. Implemented in January 2014, this tax places a one peso per liter surcharge on non-dairy and non-alcoholic
In much the same way, soda and soft drinks are
beverages containing added sugar.
increasingly being marketed at children and adolescents. As a result, the habit of buying the same product is being
A survey conducted by the National Institute of Statistics
ingrained into Mexicans. As early as 1973, one study by
and Geography (INEGI) found that in 2011, 70 out of every
the American Marketing Association stressed that brand
100,000 Mexicans died from diabetes. Moreover, nine out
loyalty is measured against certain factors, such as repeat
of every 100 people without insurance tested positive for
purchasing behavior and a degree of commitment. It
diabetes. With increasing pressure on healthcare providers
is easy to see why marketing a product toward children
and Seguro Popular, the government decided to address
establishes the foundations for long-term brand loyalty.
the issue with a taxation on soft and high-sugar drinks of
This is not a uniquely Mexican problem, but with such high
roughly 10%.
levels of chronic illness caused by unhealthy diet in the country, branding and marketing is something that could
Since the tax was implemented, studies have found that
be addressed by the government.
it has started to have a significant impact on the levels of consumption of carbonated drinks. Preliminary results
Moreover, sugary drinks are not the only problem with
from a study carried out by the Carolina Population Center
Mexican diets. In terms of food, typical Mexican dishes
and the National Public Health Institute (INSP) have
tend to be deep fried, and filled with meat and cheese.
estimated an average 6% decline in the purchase of taxed
With traditional food such as tacos, quesadillas, and tortas
products. The statistics were more compelling among
often consumed daily, it is not difficult to establish a link
lower-income households, with a decline of up to 17% by
between obesity levels and diet, regardless of soft drink
December 2014, just 12 months after the legislation came
consumption. In addition, since fast food and packaged
into force. From the preliminary results in Mexico, it is clear
products were introduced in 1985, Mexican men have
that financial factors have a direct correlation with the
gained an average of 6.8kg and women have gained
consumption of fizzy drinks.
approximately 8.6kg. PepsiCo also found that Mexico’s per capita consumption of sugary snacks is more than that of
Revenue from the tax, estimated at US$1.3 billion in 2014,
Brazil, Russia, China, and India combined.
could be spent on obesity prevention programs and schemes to make potable water more accessible. Some experts
As with any public health issue, there is still a long way to
compare this initiative to the tobacco taxation implemented
go for the Mexican government. Many authorities believe
several years ago, which was used as a source of funding for
that it is necessary to effect a change in attitudes among
health programs, subsequently becoming widely criticized
the Mexican public, which requires education. Rather than
for that reason. On the other hand, many campaigners
issuing orders and embargoes telling consumers not to
believe that the government reforms did not go far enough,
buy certain products, the government could be focusing
and are calling for the level of taxation to be raised to 20%, in
on explaining the reasons why. Additionally, starting at
line with global public health recommendations. Many critics
a grassroots level, in schools and within the community
also believe that the tax is a simplistic way to tackle a more
could create more of a long-term impact.
manifold issue. Marketing standards are also a significant issue to be For example, the National Addiction Center in New
addressed, but understandably the fear of backlash
Zealand said that some soft drinks should be added to
from large businesses may create a sense of caution
an international list of addictive substances, as people are
within the government. It is clear that the issue is at a
increasingly developing compulsive behavior related to
crossroads: supporting the economy with income from
palatable, high-sugar foods and drinks. In fact, it argues
large corporations and alleviating the burden on healthcare
that the behavioral pattern of a regular consumer of fizzy
caused by the problematic consumption of sugar in Mexico.
EVIDENCE-BASED PERSONALIZED OBESITY TREATMENT CARLOS LÓPEZ PATÁN Director General of Productos Medix Q: Productos Medix was founded in 1956 – how has it
Q: Mexico is facing a crisis in which 73% of the population
evolved over the years to be competitive?
is either overweight or obese. What is your position to
A: Productos Medix started as a family company, the
tackle this issue?
evolution of which can be divided into three phases. Firstly,
A: The gravity of the obesity epidemic is increasingly
we were a company who imported and commercialized
pharmaceutical products. Secondly, we acquired a medicine
exceeds 30%. Fortunately, the Mexican government is now
control-release technology from the US and we adapted it
tackling this problem through the Sectorial Program for
to the Mexican market in order to produce it here. Lastly,
Healthcare. The government, private institutions and other
we expanded and consolidated our manufacturing plant
interested parties have launched successful campaigns
on the site where we are currently based in adherence
which has increased public awareness levels of obesity.
with the requirements established in the 1980s. After the
However, identification of the problem must be followed by
death of the company’s founder, a process of corporate
appropriate solutions and this is what we are doing. Great
institutionalization was initiated that allowed us to meet
global efforts are being made, but it still is not enough.
our objectives in terms of sales, effectiveness and growth.
Too often, the government is considered to be responsible
In the final phase we also incorporated investment funds in
for mitigating the problem, but all parties must share the
order to support various projects. The company currently
responsibility because this situation has a considerable
has several product lines including specialized products
social impact in terms of productivity and economy,
to treat overweight and obese patients, and the illnesses
not least because health care spending has increased
associated with this. We sell products that provide added
significantly. Collaborative efforts are required to combat
value for our patients.
what we call the “tsunami of obesity.” As a result, at Medix,
we study the causes of obesity in real terms in order to Q: What strategy was behind the decision to focus
develop effective solutions. Focusing on one solution
on overweight and obese patients as your target
alone is not enough, so the employment of different tools
is crucial for the fundamental management of this ailment.
A: We began our fight against overweight and obesity
in the 1950s, and in fact we were pioneers in classifying
Q: What are the most important strategies for managing
obesity as an illness rather than an aesthetic issue as the
rest of the world had. As a result, obesity did not feature
Firstly, treatment for obesity must be personalized. There
on the agenda of any major institution because it was
is no magic solution for everyone, and as a result treatment
not a point of concern for the medical community. Due
must be tailored on a case by case basis. Diagnostics are
to being recognized as an illness in the 1980s, obesity is
essential in implementing the correct treatment. There
a young disease which has seen a rapid growth in the
are some general causes of obesity such as a high calorie
last 30 years with a number of contributory factors
diet and a sedentary lifestyle but there are also specific
such as the increase in food diversity and availability,
factors unique to the patient that must be identified.
as well as the increased prevalence of urbanization and
Moreover, familiarization with the reasons patients have for
sedentary lifestyles. Productos Medix has a wide range of
losing weight is crucial for providing support. Sometimes,
experience in this area as well as a consolidated portfolio
patients lose weight without having solved the root issue
of solutions for the increasingly concerning problem of
which caused the initial weight gain, and in this way we
overweight and obesity, not only in Mexico but globally.
see it as part of our duty to help them create completely
For many companies in the health industry, obesity is
new habits which have a positive impact on their lifestyles.
merely a means to increasing sales volume, whereas we
Aesthetic factors are common in motivating people to lose
see it as our mission and purpose to help alleviate the
weight and we support weight loss under all circumstances,
burden it causes.
as long as it is done in a healthy way. Our protocols for
losing weight are based on science, in contrast with some
Q: In what way do you consider Productos Medix to be an
treatments that only cause the patient to lose muscle mass
innovative company and what collaborations do you have
or water weight instead of fat. Many diets do not have a
with academia to carry out research projects?
scientific basis and are not tailored for individual patient
A: Medix has developed CIDEFARMA, an investigation
needs. On the other hand, patients require support to retain
center that generates innovations in the field of control-
motivation in following the diet and it is also necessary for
release medication and combined products. For example,
them to recognize and acknowledge the wellbeing that the
Dialicels is one of our projects and is designed for
adoption of healthy habits brings. They are not looking for
delayed-release. Thanks to this method, our combined
a magic pill, they are actively seeking a long-term solution .
products have a superior effectiveness than the patient
At Medix we provide the tools and the experts for managing
would gain from the individual administration of its active
the various contributory factors to obesity, and as a result
ingredients. In this way, we offer unique products that are
we take into account age, gender, family environment,
not classified as generics. On the other hand, we offer
working conditions, genetics and psychological problems.
courses that have been certified by UNAM and UAM and
Facilitation of access to these integral individualized
we are supporting and sponsoring ILSO, the objective of
solutions is important in order to significantly impact
which is to investigate, compile and distribute information
about obesity in Mexico and Latin America. Additionally, we are sponsoring various research projects belonging to
Q: What is your most common way of supporting patients?
the National Institutes of Respiratory Diseases (INER) and
A: As a pharmaceutical company that specializes in
the National Institute of Genomic Medicine (INMEGEN)
producing weight loss medication, we depend largely
on the efficacy and safety of various active ingredients
on distribution through pharmacies as well as the health
on the genetics of the Mexican population and the ways
care professionals who prescribe our products. In this
in which the medications can be effective. In fact, it is
way, we have a sales team that liaises with doctors to
the first pharmacogenetic study related to obesity in
provide information about our treatments and training on
the Mexican population and it is expected to produce
the fundamental management of obesity. Very little time
powerful results with respect to more effective treatment
is spent studying overweight and obesity in university
of this illness for Mexicans.
programs, and as a result we need more training in order to improve the management of the condition in Mexico. In
Q: Finally, what expansion plans do you have?
this respect, we offer 140 hour courses for doctors, nurses,
A: We are looking to increase our sales to US$126 million
nutritionists and other healthcare professionals. Medix’s
in 2017. Productos Medix has a market share of 45% in
strategic alliances with other companies, institutions,
Mexico and our closest competitor owns 14%. We want
government bodies and civil associations are essential for
to consolidate our services through a solutions portfolio
generating greater impact among the population. With
that is both fundamental and personalized in order to
respect to public institutions, we provide technology and
address the issues of overweight and obesity. We are
medical equipment, and we offer free medical attention to
interested in collaborating with experts in the IT industry
those with fewer resources. Also, through a program called
to develop innovative apps to support our patients with
Empresarial Crusade against Overweight and Obesity, we
their goals. We are also interested in further expanding our
visit public institutions and companies, providing free
export network to Colombia, Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay,
medical services such as diagnostics and mapping of
Chile and Uruguay. We use Latin American distributors
individual contributory factors with the aim of increasing
and we have a subsidiary in Argentina. Similarly, we have
productivity and decreasing levels of absenteeism and we
associations with a company in Brazil to perform an initial
are able to support them in implementing and maintaining
review of the Brazilian market and society. In the US we
healthy eating habits. Between 2012 and 2015, we have
have 20 Medifast clinics in Texas and we are distributing
visited 970 companies and treated almost 110,000 patients.
a supplement aimed at the Hispanic population through large chain stores. We want to bring our fundamental
Obesity is difficult to treat because the patients do not feel
model to other parts of the world, but first it is important
pain until chronic degenerative diseases develop and we
to understand the environment in terms of business,
are determined to combatting the problem from all angles
economy, legal framework and regulatory systems in order
by working as a team with all relevant parties. Our approach
to develop the best strategy in each one. Establishing
with authorities, patients, and other relevant stakeholders
relationships and collaborations with local companies
gives us the chance to undestand the diseases and tackle
will give us the required knowledge as well as various
them accordingly.
competitive advantages.
plant will be able to distribute to all of Mexico and even
A: Metco is a Mexican company created by entrepreneurs
export to Spain, the US, and Latin America. ProMéxico has
that had been working with stevia for over 20 years. We
also supported our growth in foreign markets by helping
wanted to differentiate ourselves from the rest of the
with travel expenses and international promotion. Several
market by selling more than sugar packets. Taking into
companies have even shown an interest in buying Metco,
account the current Mexican health trends, we approached
either through investment bankers or directly. However, we
IPN to develop our first low calorie sweetener utilizing
are not interested in selling at this point as this company was
stevia. Six or seven years ago, we patented Svetia, a
designed to last for generations. We have three different
product that contains 100% stevia but also uses sugar cane
sales strategies, for retail, industrial and HORECAs (hotels,
as a carrier to add volume. All stevia-related products use
restaurants and cafeterias). Our industrial arm is mostly
different carriers such as maltodextrin, sugarcane, agave,
involved in food and beverage manufacturers for their
or honey and so Svetia and similar products contain four
low calorie or zero calorie products. Our commercial area
calories per gram. Local regulations state that as long as
mainly sells to all the major supermarkets with our Svetia,
a product contains less than four calories, it is considered
AzucarBC, Mascabado Original, and Diabesugar brands.
to have zero calories. We were the first in the market
We also sell to convenience stores like Oxxo and Circulo
to have the technology to produce such products at a
K and we reach end consumers through our presence at
time when they were relatively unknown by the general
Starbucks, Sanborns, VIPS, and top restaurants in Mexico.
Mexican population. We worked hard to register the
We do not sell to local restaurants as these are reached
brand, patent the technology, and ensure that consumers
mostly through complex direct store delivery systems or
could access these products. An initial problem was that
through wholesalers, who have yet to carry inventory of
stevia’s sweetness is different from that of sugarcane,
high intensity, quality sweeteners such as ours.
which makes Mexicans wary of the taste. This has been a common problem for stevia worldwide, such as in
Q: What are the economic and health advantages of
England where people are more used to eating beet sugar.
products manufactured with Svetia?
However, attitudes have changed due to consumer trends
A: Stevia is more expensive than sugar but it has three
shifting towards healthier products, leading to a greater
distinct advantages. One of them is that it satisfies current
acceptance of stevia.
consumer trends, as people are now searching for healthier food with lower caloric content. Svetia and our other
Q: What is the current market value for Svetia and other
brands meet this promise. The second advantage is that
sugar substitutes?
we consumers are looking for ingredients and additives
A: According to Nielsen, the current value of the sugar
that are made from a natural source or are natural. Our
substitute market is around US$39 million and has been
Svetia is made from stevia plant extract and contains no
growing at a steady rate of about 10-11% annually. This
calories. The final advantage was actually imposed by the
exclusively includes supermarkets, but we estimate that by
Mexican government, which wanted to bring down the
including restaurants and other markets, this value could
calorie count of most foodstuffs to a maximum of 284
rise to over US$52 million. At this point, we account for
calories per kilogram. To do so, it established a sugar tax
14% of the Mexican market for artificial sweeteners, making
of one peso per liter for every product that surpassed this
us the country’s leading producer of food sweeteners. Our
limit. Many drinks and foods that are manufactured with
success comes from our strong investment on R&D and
Svetia are able to comply with this law and avoid this tax.
the advantage held from being the first in the market. Due
to increasing demand, we are continuously growing. We
Furthermore, products containing stevia have benefits for
have a 3,000m2 manufacturing plant in Lerma but we will
consumers’ health. In my opinion, our products are healthy
double its capacity this year. After that expansion, this
alternatives for consumers and can help to reduce obesity if
consumed as part of a healthy diet with moderate exercise.
Q: Can Mexico become a major producer of stevia?
Svetia has zero calories but maintains the sweetness that
A: I believe that it is possible for Mexico to become a
most consumers crave. Most of the Mexican population
global producer of stevia, as both the production and
has a sweet tooth, which makes these products convenient
demand for stevia are rising around the world. However,
for them as they are a healthier alternative that does not
SAGARPA figures show that Mexico only had 38 hectares
sacrifice taste.
of stevia crops, mostly in Nayarit, Quintana Roo, Yucatan, and Chiapas, as opposed to 79 hectares in 2012. The
Q: Did the implementation of the tax on soft drinks affect
amount of planted and harvested terrain dropped due to
your business?
the fact that most Mexican farmers do not yet know how
A: The implementation of the sugar tax caused our sales,
to cultivate stevia. At this point, Metco is importing all of
as well as the sales of similar products, to spike. We closely
the stevia it uses in the form of extracts, as importing the
follow the imports of artificial sweeteners to Mexico and we
dry leaves is too expensive. According to my calculations,
have noticed an upward trend in terms of sales figures of
Mexico would need 3,000-4,000 hectares of stevia crops
these products since the tax was implemented. Sadly, other
to meet our needs for the next five years. This is entirely
countries have already proved that sugar or fat taxes do not
possible as Campeche alone has over 11,000 hectares
help to reduce obesity. Even so, companies find themselves
of sugar cane plantations, assuming the correct agro-
forced to use sugar substitutes in order to be more cost-
climatic conditions and soils to plant stevia. There are
efficient. The current sugar tax is applied even if products
many other parties interested in growing stevia and,
contain only one calorie per liter that comes from sugar. In
while we are uninterested in farming it ourselves, we will
response, we have been working with several companies
be glad to promote this practice and even help with the
for the development of products that contain stevia. This
procurement of the leaf.
has not been easy as these products are often hard to sell to consumers who are used to specific flavors. Yet, we
Q: Are you collaborating with universities or other
can provide a nearly indistinguishable taste with half the
research centers? What certifications does Metco have?
calories. Another problem is that most consumers still have
A: We have been working with several universities since
a bad impression of sugar substitutes, although stevia, and
we were established, mainly with IPN’s Biotechnology
our brand Svetia, has been helped by the fact that it comes
Center. We are also working with an independent research
from a natural source. The problem is that most consumers
laboratory in Puebla. Given the size of our business, we
do not understand the distinction between stevia-based
are very active in promoting zero calorie products and we
products and other sweeteners that have received negative
are already looking for the next generation of sweeteners
press. To fix this, we need to educate people about the
as we invest 3% of our sales in R&D. Several medical
differences and help them realize how stevia can help to
and nutritionist associations have endorsed us and our
reduce obesity. Consumers with diabetes should still be
plants are certified by FSC 22000. By law, governmental
careful since, while our product is very low in calories, it
institutions are not allowed to endorse consumer products
still contains a gram of sugar per packet, as a carrier, which
but private foundations created by doctors can do so.
might affect their glycemic index. Other high intensity
We also often donate equipment to these hospitals or
sweeteners use maltodextrine and dextrose as carriers
promote scientific exchanges. PROFECO has taken an
containing the same calorie count as sugar.
uncompromising stance on packaging labels and is strictly revising all products made for human consumption. It is
Q: How do you promote your product?
trying to ensure that labels truly reflect the contents of
A: We have been working for a long time with several
all products and it is even regulating products that should
PR firms. We also participate in several promotional
be monitored by COFEPRIS. However, we comply with all
activities. For example, in January, we made a cake with
regulations, whether from COFEPRIS or PROFECO.
50% less sugar for the Three Kings celebrations that were sponsored by Mexico City’s government. We also organize
Q: What are your expansion plans for the future?
seminars taught by biotechnology professionals and we
A: We want to achieve our goals across four fronts. The
visit schools and universities to promote our products and
first is to increase the penetration of our products and the
brands. One of our most creative projects is a series of
second is increasing our presence in Mexico and abroad.
minivans that travel around Guadalajara, Monterrey, and
The third priority is to strengthen our brands and promote
Mexico City to provide free coffee with Svetia. We are
them using creative communications and public relations.
also talking with the Ministry of Health to explore ways to
Finally, we wish to continue our research and we are
promote the health benefits of our products.
already looking for the next natural zero calorie sweetener.
BATTLING OBESITY - A NEW FOOD LABELLING NORM Food labels, with complicated ingredients lists and nutritional value tables, can often read more like a scientific experiment than a meal. New NOM 51 norm on food labelling in Mexico aims to bring some control and a deeper understanding to consumer level. A study by Nielsen found that almost half of Mexicans admitted to not understanding food nutrition labels. The survey was conducted online, which inducates that the demographic interviewed were more likely to have a higher level of education and have computer access. Respondents reported that they found that claims made on labels such as “0 calories,” “0% fat” and “all natural” to be rarely ever completely true. The norm focuses on standardizing labelling, specifying how and where information should appear on packaging, mandating that portion size is specified. The norm, a modification on NOM-051-SCFI/SSA1-2010, ensures that nutritional information is clearly visible at the front of the packaging in standardized language, format, and measurements. The changes are intended to clarify ambiguous information on packaging, such as differentiating between a “family size” pack and an “individual” portion. By standardizing the format of the information, the aim is that customers will become familiar with interpreting the figures in the same manner, making the labels more easily understandable. In addition, COFEPRIS has launched new guidelines regarding limitation of TV advertising of products with high caloric content. It is estimated that 40% of advertisements for “unhealthy foods” such as soda, confectionary, and fast food, will be removed from screens to be replaced with products which have a caloric content meeting the requirements of the norm. The rules place timeframes on adverts for high calorie products, allowing them to be screened when children are less likely to be watching television and thus targeting childhood obesity in a very direct way. In terms of the industry, it may not be that welcoming of the new norm. Findings by Campaign for a Commercial-free Childhood have concluded that companies spend about US$17 billion annually marketing to children and children under 14 spend about US$40 billion annually, with teens spending around US$159 billion per year. Consumer advocates have also criticized the norm to an extent, claiming that it does not go far enough to stop the ambiguous labelling practices companies tend to employ. When a product is labelled, the portion size is stated in small writing at the top of nutritional labels, and the majority of the time the “portion size” only reflects a small percentage of the contents of the package. This can be misleading as consumers are likely to assume that the nutritional information refers to the whole package. Finally, claims such as “all natural” and “low fat” could be substantiated by research and not be misleading to customers. Foods branded as “light” or “lite” do not have an official legal definition, and therefore it is possible for companies to use the terms on their packaging without having to back up their claims. The claim “no added sugar” can often be ambiguous, particularly with fruit-derived products as there tends to be high levels of naturally-occurring sugar. Also, when claims of “no added sugar” are made, this can mean that other sugar substitutes have been added instead, such as controversial high fructose corn syrup. Even though the norm has tackled a big issue with Mexican advertising regulations, it is arguable that there is still a way to go in order to homogenize food labelling to an understandable standard.
INCENTIVIZING WELLNESS IN MEXICAN BUSINESSES For every US$1 invested in healthcare in Mexico, US$13
know their basic biometric numbers, such as blood pressure
is generated by increased productivity. The country’s
and cholesterol. After that, e-health initiatives, promoting
expanding obesity epidemic has far reaching implications,
smoke-free environments, making time for exercise, and
not just for the country’s mortality rate or the government’s
promoting an equitable work-life balance are essential
budget, but also for the wider economic climate in the
steps, which can be complemented by other focal areas
country. Not only this, but the problem is rooted deep
such as stress management. Furthermore, each company
within Mexican cultural behavior, with an unhealthy work-
must provide incentives to employees to participate in such
life balance and sedentary lifestyles becoming major
programs, which can vary from industry to industry; in the
contributory factors exacerbating the already critical issue.
financial sector, employees value days off since they work
“The WWC incentivizes companies by working with the authorities on specific policies in exchange for government incentives” Angeles de Gyves, Director General of the WWC
For this reason, the Workplace Wellness Council (WWC)
long hours, whereas in the IT industry, many programmers
was set up ten years ago and it has since been working
work from home so different incentives are needed.
within companies to reduce the amount of absenteeism caused by chronic illnesses linked to obesity. Angeles
A major contributory factor to the success of the council
de Gyves, Director General of the WWC, believes that
is the example set by Europe, the US and Canada. Many
saving Mexico’s healthcare industry requires an integrated
multinationals operating in Mexico with headquarters in the
approach which involves education and the complete
US or Europe have internal workplace wellness policies that
overhaul of the traditional Mexican mindset. While the
are seen as being equally important as corporate governance
US’ influence over Mexico is obvious, many aspects of
or ethics policies. When a company’s senior executives
the country’s working culture was adopted from Spain,
acknowledge the importance of a wellness program, it is
including the feature of long lunches and working until late
a natural progression for subsidiaries to implement such
in the evening. However, in the US, people may only take
policies in Mexico. The main aim of the Council, apart
45-minute lunch breaks often working at the same time.
from their mission to promote healthy habits, is to drive
They coined the term working lunch and it is perceived
information sharing and best practice between the major
as normal because they leave the office at 5pm. Mexico
entities. The WWC talk to associations in other sectors
has mixed these two ideas while blending them with the
that are implementing healthy working environments and
corporate cultures of multinationals from around the world,
then create links with official associations. For example,
which has led to a situation where many Mexicans work like
SuMe, a green building association in Mexico is focusing on
Spaniards but with the urgency of Americans. According
sustainable construction, which the Council supports due
to de Gyves, shorter hours and optimized strategies would
to its evident health benefits. “This broad scope of action
allow for more sustainable profitability for businesses.
makes it easier for us to inform the government and the general public of their goals,” according to De Gyves. Since
The initiative should also includes a major investment in
its foundation five years ago, the Workplace Wellness
urban infrastructure and transportation for a reduction
Council Mexico has recruited 107 members. Originally, certain
in commute times. In addition to long hours spent at the
SMEs were nervous about associating with multinationals
office, commute times can incredibly equal the length
within the framework but WWC overcame this by setting
of working hours. This must change in order for Mexican
up a mandatory seven-stage program for implementing a
citizens to be able to spend more time at home, which will
workplace wellness program, regardless of size.
reduce stress, exhaustion, give people more time to prepare balanced meals instead of ordering fast food and create
Overall, the real objective of the Workplace Wellness Council
a more conducive atmosphere to recreational exercise. A
is to make people feel responsible for changing their lifestyles.
well-rounded program, according to de Gyves, consists of
Companies or public institutions can provide programs for
five components. Firstly, a company and its employees must
workplace wellness but it is up to individuals to participate.
Pharmacy chains are set to continue expanding across the Mexican territory, while independent
pharmacies aim at implementing best practices and systems to earn customers’ preference. Physicians at the point of sale are consolidating as an alternative to medical consultations at both public and private hospitals, due to low costs and convenience for people seeking easy access medical attention for not serious health conditions.
Several transformations are shaping the face of today’s distribution segment, including the most important player withdrawing from the market and leaving a gap that represents both opportunities and challenges for the rest. New players from other industries are entering the market transforming the rules of the game completely. Integrators are emerging as more effective solution providers for pharmaceutical companies, pharmacies, and public institutions.
The chapter provides an overview of the issues affecting pharmacies and distributors today, as well as the high quality solutions being implemented by packaging providers. Cost-effective and lean logistics services are highlighted, as well as the impact of integrators on traditional distributors.
HIGHLIGHTS • Growth of pharmacy chains • Physicians at the point of sale • Distribution and packaging issues • Threats to original distributors • Integrators on the rise
ANALYSIS: A New Distribution Landscape
ANALYSIS: Pharmacy Chain Expansion
VIEW FROM THE TOP: Roberto León Muñoz, Farmacias GI
EXPERT OPINION: Rosa Alvarez Fontano, IMS Health
VIEW FROM THE TOP: Juvenal Becerra Orozco, UNEFARM
VIEW FROM THE TOP: Fernando Fonseca, Vensi
VIEW FROM THE TOP: Rafael Borbón Romero, Exfarma
VIEW FROM THE TOP: Óscar Antonio Elizondo López, UCIN Medica
INSIGHT: Carlos Alejandro Salazar Gaytan, SurtiMedik
INSIGHT: Carlos Razo García, Medimarcas
INSIGHT: Jorge Perichart, ANEVIFAC
ANALYSIS: The Fall of a Giant
EXPERT OPINION: Edgardo Carrero Astros, IMS Health
VIEW FROM THE TOP: Víctor Soto Peralta, Distribuidora Levic
INSIGHT: Juan Woodworth, IntegraMed
VIEW FROM THE TOP: Mario Sicilia Benard, Bomi de Mexico
VIEW FROM THE TOP: Carolina Galicia, World Courier
VIEW FROM THE TOP: Héctor Domínguez Saldivar, Impresora DOSA
VIEW FROM THE TOP: José Luis Barrera Aldana, NTA Logistics
VIEW FROM THE TOP: Ori Lieberman, Holomex
A NEW DISTRIBUTION LANDSCAPE Recent evolutions in the market have positioned Mexico’s
doctor’s consulting room, generally employing two doctors
pharmaceutical sector as an attractive area for foreign
to conduct between 20 and 25 consultations each per day.
investment. Regulations have begun to catch up with the pace of the free market, smoothing the way for new
companies to enter a competitive sector that provides
The Mexican distribution market remained stable up until
a growing percentage of Mexican GDP. Additionally,
early 2014, dominated by two main players, Grupo Casa
big players in all three of the areas under discussion are
Saba and Nadro, which accounted for a third and a quarter
beginning to leave the field, which means that pharmacy,
of the market share respectively. However, with Grupo
distribution, and packaging all stand as potential avenues
Casa Saba declaring bankruptcy in March of last year, that
for growth.
landscape has been cleared. Nadro’s nearest competitor, Grupo Marzam, is building from too low a base to muster
an immediate bid for market dominance. It remains unclear,
Traditionally, independent pharmacies have dominated the
then, whether distribution will see a single company of the
drug purchasing landscape. A number of new players are
scale of Casa Saba replacing the previous market leader.
eroding this dominance, however. Both supermarkets and chain pharmacies, including Walmart, Farmacias Benavides,
Huge gaps remain open to new companies seeking to
and Farmacias Guadalajara, are moving in on the territory
invest in distribution. Instability, competitiveness, and
previously occupied by independent pharmacies. With
opportunity are likely to be the watchwords for their
wider product ranges, more accommodating opening
operations. One tendency among pharmaceuticals requires
times, and lower prices than independent pharmacies,
managers to contract five or six distribution companies
other chains and supermarkets are making major inroads
to keep supplies at the necessary level. Direct selling has
into the pharmacy market.
led to the growth of brokers such as Medimarcas, who facilitate contact between foreign pharmaceuticals and
Farmacias Similares, for instance, has 5,200 branches
Mexican pharmacies. New players tend to be smaller
and ended 2014 with a 38% share of the generic and
and lower-profile, and combine distribution services with
branded drugs markets. Boots-Alliance, a British born,
a warehousing element. NTA Logistics, for example, is
global pharmacy chain, also entered the market during
considered to have a prominent position in the new, post-
2014, indicating that the pharmacy market is an option
Casa Saba world order. Its portfolio consists of 50 clients
for international companies. New customers may also be
and 85 laboratories.
drawn from patients who consult doctors at the point of sale. According to the independent pharmacy owners’
DHL and World Courier are poised for expansion in the Mexican
organization ANEVIFAC, around 10,000 pharmacies have a
market, taking advantage of both the new phenomenon
Sales in the retail market - MX$ Billion (Source: IMS Health) 6.9
39.1 113.3 Total Sales
41.4 118.3 Total Sales
2013 6.9
117.8 Total Sales
big chains
medium chains
medium convenient stores Source: IMS
small chains
Medium Convenient Stores
Big chains independent
Medium chains
Small chains
supermarket chains
of direct sales and Mexico’s developing infrastructure.
international distributing firms, such as DHL. Meanwhile,
There has been heavy investment in highways to connect
although 30 of Mexico’s 89 airports are international,
important urban centers. Major cities such as Monterrey and
not all are suitable for freight. Imports continue to
Guadalajara have pumped money into the construction of
be concentrated around the Bajio region, leading to
industrial parks, which service new manufacturing plants.
something of a distribution bottleneck.
FEMSA could also prove to be a surprise entry to this field.
Insecurity also poses an issue for companies seeking market
The company’s convenience store chain OXXO already
dominance. With independent pharmacies vulnerable
sells a number of OTC products. With the modification of
to violence, direct sales are likely to target distributors,
a percentage of the chain’s many outlets to provide full
particularly in unstable states such as Tamaulipas, Guerrero,
pharmaceutical services, OXXO could become a one-stop
and the State of Mexico. This presents an opportunity to
shop whose price, area coverage, and opening times could
packaging companies. Chain pharmacies have begun to
make it a real rival to independent pharmacies.
build a brand identity around labelling, color schemes, and packaging styles, in order to differentiate their products
Another potential opportunity for growth could be in
from similar versions sold by their rivals. Companies such
integrator companies, who draw together a range of
as Impresora DOSA have found their niche here.
logistics and distribution services in a kind of “middleman” role. This service is likely to prove particularly useful to
independent pharmacies, typically relying on five or more
Where packaging is concerned, the security and integrity of
distributors to keep their supplies at the necessary levels.
products represents a difficulty and a market opportunity
Regardless of the efficiency of new competitors, however,
at one and the same time. COFEPRIS regulations on
a number of issues remain which are likely to put the
pharmacovigilance emphasize packaging which is difficult
brakes on any attempted takeovers within the market.
to replicate, but more advanced techniques are also
Foreign capital companies, for instance, are restricted to a
possible. Holographic label manufacturer Holomex, for
gross load of five tonnes per truck, meaning that Mexican
instance, has developed non-resealable, non-replicable
companies cannot make use of the scale and expertise of
stickers to guard against the cloning of pharmaceuticals.
PHARMACY CHAIN EXPANSION Many large chains are emerging to dominate the pharmacy
stores, FEMSA has further expanded its reach into the
market, acquiring larger market shares through lucrative
growing pharmaceutical industry.
franchise schemes. As a result, independent pharmacies are being forced out of business, or are creating strategic
Sanborns, part of the Grupo Carso conglomerate, has also
alliances within the industry, as a lack of purchasing power
included pharmacies within their 125 stores. In 2009, the
hinders their ability to compete.
department store began the manufacture and sale of its own brand of generic medication. In 2015 supermarket chain
New chains are emerging and growing within the market.
Walgreens had more than 8,000 drugstores worldwide,
Fármacos Especializados was founded in 1978 with an initial
with over 600 stores in Mexico. Walgreens Boots Alliance
range of 14 products. Now, the chain has national coverage
acquired 1,030 stores from Farmacias Benavides in 2015, an
and provides a wide range of medications and patient-
empire spread across 183 cities and 22 states. The company
centered programs. Through franchising, Farmacias del
already has global experience in the pharmacy market with
Ahorro has a country-wide network of over 1,000 stores
its UK high street chain Boots and worldwide subsidiaries.
and Farmacias Similares, part of the Grupo Por Un Pais
The increase in the number of chains and decrease in the
Mejor conglomerate, has more than 5,000 stores across
amount of independent stores can be largely explained by
Mexico, Chile, and Guatemala.
the growing generics market in Mexico, according to a 2013 OECD report. In addition to the prevalence of franchising, this
Retailers in other fields are also capitalizing on the
sub-sector of pharmaceuticals has largely benefitted larger
business potential. In 2013, Coca-Cola FEMSA, acquired
companies due to the significance of purchasing power. “The
more than 100 drug stores and pharmacies from
interest of supermarkets,” states the report, “is explained not
Farmacias FM Modernas to add to the portfolio of its
only by their ability to negotiate favorable price terms but
retail subsidiary FEMSA Commercio. The company had
by the gains from economies of scope.” In this way, creating
already acquired a 75% share of over 400 drug stores
significant franchises supplying largely generic medication
in 2012 from Farmacias YZA. By replicating the business
has proven to be an effective strategy in creating and
model used to establish its network of OXXO convenience
expanding the market presence of multi-national companies.
Q: How has Farmacias GI evolved since its beginnings?
Q: What strategies did you employ in order to renew the
A: Farmacias GI was born in a new era of medicine. Since
company brand?
our origins in 1999, we identified that the fundamental
A: In 2012 we hired Millward Brown to help us to diagnose
element of our brand was to bring the benefits of medicine
our brand through several market related techniques and
to those who needed them the most by providing
quantitative and qualitative analysis. The results were
attentive service. Our goal was to look after the Mexican
highly interesting and motivated us to transform the way
health and economy. The Farmacias GI model includes a
we communicate with clients, which is the pillar of the
physicians’ office next to the pharmacy in order to provide
corporative identity change we are performing this year. It
medical attention to outpatients. These consulting rooms
involves the transformation of 1,100 pharmacies, a change
have allowed us to offer professional and trustworthy
in our logo, and personalized marketing strategies. Now our
medical services to patients. All our doctors are qualified
pharmacies look very different and are larger and better
professionals, capable of creating and reviewing a patient’s
supplied, allowing us to increase our sales by 25%. Also, in
complete medical history in order to guarantee accurate
line with COFEPRIS regulations, we now have a regulatory
and effective treatment with products they can obtain at
affairs department that trains personnel over the whole
our pharmacies. This service is provided in a clean and
country. Our product line started with 134 products and
comfortable environment where a patient and their family
we have gradually increased our portfolio to levels of more
can feel treated with respect and wisdom. We currently
than 1,000. Our products can be classified into antibiotics,
provide more than 9 million consultations.
generics, OTC, vitamins, nutritional supplements, medical supplies, and products for intimacy products, mothers,
Q: In what way have consumer perceptions changed in
and children, among many others.
relation to generic medication and how has the company
adapted to the various changes undergone by the
Q: How is the Farmacias GI franchise model structured?
pharmacy segment?
A: Our headquarters are in Tlalnepantla, and we
A: We created Farmacias GI at the height of the
interchangeable generics market boom. Initially the public
representatives with distribution centers. We train all of
was distrustful of generics since they were cheaper and
these representatives to lead their businesses efficiently
thus perceived to be of poor quality, however gradually
and professionally. All merchandise is distributed to
trust increased. Today, eight out of ten medications sold
our representatives from our central headquarters from
in Mexico are generics. A few years after we started, we
where they distribute to the franchises. In order to join
realized that Farmacias GI needed to professionalize itself,
our franchise model, all interested parties must undergo
and we enlisted the help of a consultancy to transition from
an integration process where we evaluate whether they
being dealers to franchisors. In 2009, we joined the Mexican
are the right fit for us. All franchisees must follow our
Association of Franchises, which allowed us to participate
regulations and manage their units with our full support.
in international expositions and better position ourselves
In return Farmacias GI offers a solid corporate identity,
in the market. The latest change we have undergone is the
short-term return on investment (24 months), the lowest
complete reengineering of our brand. A complete analysis
royalty scheme in the market, large utility markets, a
of the market highlighted that it is very saturated and
solid infrastructure, high demand of medical services
consumers are demanding more added value. Today it is
and products, and coverage over all of Mexico. The
not enough to sell medication, but iintegral products and
pharmaceutical market is in constant flux. As a result
services have to be offered. Our current targets are the
Farmacias GI must continue to face the market with
low to medium socioeconomic levels. Getting to know our
strong policies and strategies to analyze behavior in
clients means constantly performing market research to
order to understand the needs of the industry clearly. We
understand and satisfy their needs.
are facing strong national and international competition.
require medical attention for mild symptoms but have little
By Rosa Alvarez Fontano, IMS Health Mexico - Medical
flexibility in their work hours.
offices adjacent to private pharmacies are now a very convenient option for a broad segment of the Mexican
Before physicians were commonplace inside pharmacies,
population, which sees them as offering major advantages
40% of patients would visit private doctors, while a
when compared to private clinics and public institutions.
similar proportion would ask for recommendations from
This has led to improved access for people who did not
pharmacy employees, relatives, and friends, or would buy
receive any professional medical assistance before.
known drugs previously prescribed for similar conditions. At the time, the price of a medical consultation was the
Despite gaining widespread favor, there are many issues
primary reason for patients to abandon visits to private
surrounding physicians at the point of sale. Concerns have
doctors, while a lack of time and distance came in second
arisen as to what type of patients seek such services,
and third place. For those visiting public institutions, long
whether the doctors are receiving commercial pressure to
waiting times were the most significant motivation to
sell certain drugs, and whether they are really helping to
visit medical offices adjacent to the point of sale, even
improve people’s health. With the continuous rise of this
though treatment at public institutions is free. The cost
model, IMS Health’s research team in Mexico conducted
of medical consultations next to the point of sale ranges
market research to define the profile of patients visiting
from MX$0-40.
medical offices within or adjacent to private pharmacies, to identify their reasons for visiting them, and to determine
Most patients who participated in this study had visited
their possible migration from other medical attention
medical offices adjacent to private pharmacies before,
indicating they are becoming loyal to this service – both to the physician and the business model. This is not
Contrary to theories suggesting most people who visit
surprising as patients evaluated physicians’ knowledge,
these medical offices belong to a low socioeconomic
their cordiality, and the overall experience with the highest
status, IMS Health’s research revealed that people with
rates among the options available.
high socioeconomic status represent almost a third of all visits, and that the most significant share was comprised
This immediate attention at the point of sale model is
by middle-income people. Those below 30 years of age
convenient for people and their budgets. It suits their lifestyle
represented 50% of the patients and the most frequent
very well and fulfills a need that was not previously properly
reasons for consultation were gastrointestinal complaints
addressed in the market. Finally, it deserves the attention of
and respiratory diseases. Therefore, a very important part
producers and sellers in the healthcare industry in Mexico
of this profile includes economically active people who
seeking to make more accurate strategic decisions.
Typical Patients of Doctors at the Point of Sale (Source: IMS Health) Age
Socioeconomic Level
19% 25%
13% 29%
45% 29%
20% <18
41-50 >51
women men
Source: IMS Health
Q: What do independent pharmacies represent for the
zones,” such as Mexico State. Independent pharmacies are
sector? What were the reasons behind the creation of
especially vulnerable to violence, since they are operated
directly by their owners. Our work includes liaising with the
A: Independent pharmacies represent an important part
relevant authorities so that they act promptly on security
of the of the Mexican health sector, allowing access to
concerns. This has improved their security. In addition, we are
medications in remote areas. The market has changed
in the process of installing CCTV cameras on their premises.
considerably in the past ten years. Alliance-Boots bought
So far, 20% of our members have been able to avail of this.
the 800 Mexican and 230 Chilean branches of Farmacias
Finally, we train pharmacists so that they can anticipate
Benavides from Casa Saba. Other new actors have
market shifts. We represent pharmacies of all sizes. Some
incorporated to the market. FEMSA, for example, managed
smaller ones have been on a small-scale tax regime, so
to open 800 pharmacies in only two years through the
moving to another tax scale has caused them problems.
acquisition of Farmacias Yza, Farmacon, FarmaTodo, and
Within UNEFARM, we train businesses around changes in tax
Farmacias Moderna. While international companies have
law, as well as offering leadership courses. At the moment
gained a lot of strength in Mexico, national chains remain
we are due to work with Rafael Gual and Alexis Serlin of
strong, with Farmacias Guadalajara running more than
CANIFARMA, along with ANAFAM’s Dagoberto Cortes,
1,000 points of sale. We created UNEFARM in order to
to bring exclusive offers and loyalty plans to independent
represent independent pharmacies and we now represent
pharmacies. We have also formed a technical group
25 pharmacy groups. Of the 5,600 pharmacies that this
involving CONDUSEF, COFEPRIS, and representatives from
represents, 1,400 are located in Mexico City. Pharmacies
all pharmacies in the country, with the intention of creating
experience annual growth of between 10 and 15% on
a homogenous standard. A year and a half ago, we launched
joining UNEFARM.
Farmagold, an initiative launched in 20 pilot branches over the last number of months. Though this has been a huge task,
Q: What recent advances have taken place in the
we have given independent pharmacies the tools they need
pharmaciy segment from a regulatory standpoint?
to compete with major chains.
A: A recent meeting with COFEPRIS secured permission for independent pharmacies to obtain licenses to sell group
Q: The price of medicine has gone up 15% over the
one medication, mostly used for palliative care. Simplifying
last year. Why is this, and what impact has it had on
the processes around these licenses means that more
pharmacies and their customers?
patients can get the medication they need. COFEPRIS
A: Since only 2% of pharmaceutical products are
and the Ministry of Health are providing us the tools to
manufactured within Mexico, this has to do with the
facilitate access to these licenses. Meanwhile, COFEPRIS
strength of the dollar. One of our strategies is to promote
is seeking to digitize registers for controlled medications,
domestic manufacture to reduce dependence on the
meaning that prescriptions can be recorded electronically.
dollar. At the beginning of the year, when the dollar spiked,
In response to this, we are beginning to provide members
we negotiated with pharmacy owners to absorb the 5%
with the equipment necessary for this electronic capture.
increase in the cost of medicines, and prevented this cost
Nonetheless there are still pharmacies, mainly in rural areas,
from being passed on to the consumer.
without these technologies, so we are working alongside the Ministry of Economy to increase access to this equipment.
Q: Reports suggest that up to 7% of drugs available on the market are in fact illegal. To what do you attribute this,
Q: What are the biggest problems facing independent
and what can pharmacies do to prevent this?
pharmacies? How does UNEFARM help them overcome?
A: Most illegal drugs enter via Guatemala, and are stored
A: Insecurity and competition from multinational companies
at safe-houses in Michoacan and Mexico City. These drugs
are two of the major problems, especially in some “danger
have either been cloned or are not in a condition to be
sold. Another practice involves taking medicine out of
binding the organization. We keep our members up to
the trash, repackaging it, and selling it as new. These
date on our relationships with the congress, COFEPRIS,
medicines are often out of date, or have a broken cold
and CANIFARMA, along with the progress of Farmagold.
chain. This tends to occur with high-value drugs, such as
Supermarket and chain pharmacies have an aggressive
those used to treat diabetes, hypertension, and erectile
acquisitions strategy, and the resources to launch special
dysfunction. One notorious case occurred recently in
offers and events. Independent pharmacies cannot
Chiapas, concerning vaccines which had broken cold
keep up. That said, the pharmacy industry is trying to
chains and caused the death of a number of infants. This
avoid Chile’s situation, in which chain pharmacies have
problem has not been quantified, since it is unknown how
a monopoly on the sector. In our country, independent
many consumer have been given out-of-date medication.
pharmacies are definitely a brake on this movement
COFEPRIS is pushing for greater vigilance in clinics so
towards monopoly. Our last CANIFARMA event saw
as to get a clear idea of the problem. The objective of
many laboratories expressing an interest in working with
this program is to promote reporting of side-effects on
independent pharmacies.
patients. The issue is that COFEPRIS is not currently in a position to supervise independent pharmacies in
With support from the Ministry of the Economy, we
monitoring the issue. While the subject is topical, we
have begun to issue computers, printers, and bar-code
have just begun to discuss it, since there is little concrete
scanners to our members, to make COFEPRIS’ proposals
information available to us. Since the creation of the
on electronic billing and registering a reality. The project’s
National System on Medical Packaging (SINGREM), which
roll-out has taken place in small blocks, but soon we are
collects and eliminates residues from medical packaging,
to launch the scheme in 100 pharmacies each in Morelos,
the situation has improved significantly. The program
Chiapas, and Veracruz. We are also due to launch a
has gathered up huge quantities of medication, and
project with Mexico City’s Technology Sector called “My
prevented them from reaching the market.
Pharmacy,” which issues pharmacies with new technology to accept the Mexico City “Si Vale” payment card. This
Q: How have changing distribution channels affected
turns independent pharmacies into pay-points for water,
independent pharmacies?
electricity, and gas. Finally, we are organizing a new
A: Nadro and Casa Saba used to be the main players, with
program with Armando Ahued and Miguel Ángel Mancera
a huge market share. Casa Saba alone controlled 23% of
to créate and distribute pamphlets on health to the general
national distribution, and left a huge gap in the market
when it ended distribution last year. This hurt independent pharmacies, some of whom were without access to certain
Q: What are your priorities for 2015?
drugs for three to four months. The collapse of Casa Saba
A: Our focus is on generics, since this sector is growing
has sent shockwaves through pharmacies and their way
in strength nationwide. Two years ago, pharmacy chains
of operating, with many falling victim to inefficient supply
made a huge effort to eliminate independent pharmacies
chains and ordering surplus supplies. Others have turned
offering this service, but the government blocked the
to alternative channels such as the Central de Abastos, or
attempt. Our “Active Principle” pharmacies specialize
smaller distributors who have become to grow recently.
in generic drugs, and have a doctor at the point of sale.
Direct sales to pharmacies from national and multinational
There are now 15,000 pharmacies that carry out 290,000
companies have also increased. Distribution channels
consultations per day, relieving pressure on public services
continue to evolve, although none has been able to
to the point where they provide more services than IMSS.
replace Casa Saba. At present, pharmacies rely on about
COFEPRIS created a best practice code to regulate this
six different distributors to fulfil customer needs.
service, introducing Health Ministry evaluations and monitoring programs on obesity and drug quality. “Active
Q: What other initiatives is UNEFARM pushing?
Principle” invites pharmacy owners to open a second
A: UNEFARM has organized the National Congress
branch with its own consultation room. The niche market
of Independent Pharmacies since 2009. The event’s
is wide, so we have space to compete with pharmacy
primary aim is to bring pharmacies and laboratories
chains. We also hope to boost the Farmagold program to
closer together, and to bring members up to speed
transform independent pharmacies. The most ambitious
on our organization’s agreements. The second is to
aspect of this plan involves homogenizing the image of
launch Expofarma, a commercial fair which attends to
independent pharmacies so they can compete, as well
laboratories providing special offers to pharmacies.
as bringing them into line with UNEFARM membership
We try to inform all pharmacies about the agreements
STREAMLINED PURCHASING SOLUTIONS FERNANDO FONSECA Mexico Healthcare Consultant at Vensi Q: How would you describe the company and the market
to a particular brand, we make recommendations based on
niche in which you are working?
the most cost-effective option for their needs, but they also
A: The company was formed five years ago by a group
have the opportunity to request specific brands. Attention
of associates with an average of twenty years’ experience
to their requirements means we can boost productivity
behind them. We buy medical equipment on behalf of the
between 20 and 30% without actually modifying the
government which, historically, has lacked strength in terms
budget. Due to general hospital requirements however, we
of purchasing. Administration of purchased equipment is
cannot consider business below a certain volume of sales.
poorly managed, meaning purchases depreciate faster and
One issue we have is that almost all sales directives come
must be replaced earlier than necessary. People charged
from doctors, when their strength is in medical care rather
with equipment maintenance are often not trained in
than administration.
the field and basic things like storehousing and tools are not up to standard. Machines break down, and if there is
Q: With strong industry ties, is it difficult to balance
inadequate training to repair them, the hospital simply
official distribution possibilities with objective service
purchases a new piece of machinery. There can also be
provision to hospitals?
duplication due to a lack of communication. Practices
A: Companies began to approach us over the last two years
such as these reduce attention and coverage and our
asking us to represent them, but we are unable to operate
intervention is to help hospitals buy more efficiently,
in this way. Others have requested integration with Vensi,
beginning with a full audit of requirements. When we
but there are issues of compliance and certification that
purchase equipment, upgrades and maintenance are
would make this complicated and compromise our service
included in the monthly payment. The contract lasts
provision goals. Nevertheless, we are open to creating
for between two and three years and, at the end of the
dialogue with companies and forming alliances if their
contract, the hospital has the option of receiving an up-
finances, levels of business, and compliance provisions are
to-date replacement free of charge. Equipment arrives
in order. This is about spotting market opportunities that are
in optimum condition and remains that way, and so the
mutually beneficial, rather than making formal distribution
hospital is able to either sell the existing machinery or to
agreements. We have worked with all three major image
donate it to a lower-impact hospital. At present there are
distributors in the Mexican market and, while we have no
perhaps 15 other companies working in a similar way to
formal agreement with any of them, we always choose
Vensi, with more being born as the market niche begins
companies offering the best technology and specifications.
to open. In order to be successful in the industry however it is necessary to have the right capital, infrastructure,
Q: How do you differentiate yourself from other
experience, and a strong brand identity.
integrators? A: Many integrators focus purely on equipment sales and
Q: What impact do your services have on hospital
maintenance, while some may divide themselves between
this remit and the integration of human capital. Our overall
A: Our purchases add value, because hospitals get the
aim is to sow the seeds of intelligent sales in a market that
most out of their equipment and their budget. Instead of
is not business-minded, since about 95% of our clients –
MX$1 million, purchasing budgets come in at MX$250,000.
with the exception of Hospital Ángeles – are public sector.
Hospitals, institutes, and health agencies can maximize
To this end, we outsource work to a logistics company,
resources by means of our services. Since up to 30-35%
smoothing the process of importations, transport, and
of hospital budgets can be allocated to maintenance, we
so on. Since the private sector looks for profitability and
demonstrate how to include this in budgets and anticipated
products, entering this market would involve competition
costs. It is in our nature to be integrators rather than sellers.
with our own manufacturers and existing client base,
Since doctors and health institutes tend to harbor loyalty
creating a potential conflict of interest.
Q: What particular features of supplying to the public
Q: How can integrators like Vensi help improve healthcare
sector do you find challenging?
within Mexico on a general leve?
A: The government decides the most appopriate quantities,
A: Digitization of radiology has cut travel costs for low-
structure, and agreements, all of which are unionized.
income patients. Where hospitals do not have radiology
The institutions tend to talk directly to manufacturers
machinery or the staff to interpret results, it used to be
but what we offer is our expertise, personnel, and
the case that patients would have to travel long distances
connections in equipment supply. Consolidated sales
to find an appropriately equipped medical center, or
would solve a number of problems, but hospitals have
not be able to receive treatment. Now, radiologists can
extremely specific requirements based on best-practice
upload data to the cloud, doctors can download and
principles. Beds and monitors can be provided by
interpret the results, and the patient is kept updated
generic manufacturers, and therefore obtained through
with much less complication. In some cases, we have cut
consolidated sales, but often hospitals want to purchase
treatment times from 72 hours to three. Also the savings
in huge quantities, beyond the annual production of
we bring to hospitals make a difference. Since there is
many manufacturers. At present, the government still
software in place which administers patient data, but
has relationships with large businesses supplying poor
which is too primitive for detailed interpretation, we are
equipment at high prices, simply because of this quantity
not required to make wholesale replacements to existing
issue. We want the government to buy across more than
technology. Telemedicine is another potentially huge area
one brand in order to increase competitiveness, and push
for expansion. Three hospitals are already doing well with
down prices. Many other companies have the capital and
this, but we want municipalities and family clinics to have
experience to provide to public health services but we
a telemedicine unit so that a GP with a heart patient or
need to connect both aspects. If we can succeed in doing
a cancer patient can connect with other physicians miles
this, we will begin to work more within the private sector.
away and provide care to the patient without the need to incur travel costs. In this way we can increase coverage
Q: How have budget cuts in the public sector affected
without increasing costs.
your work? A: Firstly, strategic planning within hospitals from one six-
Q: How have you have helped hospitals to communicate
month period to the next has changed and they no longer
and collaborate with one another?
have the capacity to make projections on needs that are
A: Some hospitals in Mexico can now request blood
matched to finances. We have been obliged to find new
and equipment from other nearby hospitals. At least
clients in order to adjust to the decline in demand, meaning
five hospitals per day make use of a service where they
that we cannot expand our income on a small client list.
can log into a database and request supplies or surgical
IMSS, ISSTE and other large hospitals in Monterrey and
equipment from a hospital with the inventory they need
Mexico City, for example, are already saturated, and we have
and we provide logistics such as transport, refrigeration,
seen sporadic price wars. The next market opportunity lies
and tracking. In the past, hospitals would rent equipment
in smaller states with less concentration, with insufficient
as a package, but we have reduced the associated costs by
equipment and low participation. Since our business
allowing a bespoke selection of requirements. This is vital,
practices, requirements, and basic certifications are up to
since individual patients have individual needs and means
standard, there is no barrier to entry. I want to increase the
that hospitals no longer have to incur costs for equipment
productivity of existing installations by 20% and moving
they do not use. This has been especially useful for
into three or four new states by the end of the year would
ophthalmology, hyperbariatric procedures, neurosurgery,
lift our client base by 30 to 40%.
and minimally invasive surgeries.
INTEGRATED SERVICES TRANSFORMING THE DISTRIBUTION NETWORK RAFAEL BORBĂ&#x201C;N ROMERO Director General of Exfarma Q: How did Exfarma start and what opportunities did you
A: The market
identify in the market?
products and at the same time competitive prices. As
A: I established Exfarma after working as a consultant
generic manufacturers are acquiring certifications, the
for major consulting firms leading the Latin America
competition is becoming more intense. Currently we have
pharmaceutical practice and heading the pharmacy chain
two different business models. The first is the integration
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Grupo Farmacos Especializados.â&#x20AC;? During my tenure as
of the entire private label strategy, and the second is to
a consultant I identified a huge opportunity for generics.
supply an extensive line of generics to pharmacy chains
Working in Latin America, I learned about the market
and large retailers. We have established strategic alliances
evolution in other countries and saw that Mexico had a
with pharmaceutical companies focused on the demand
lower penetration in comparison. Since its creation in
planning, distribution, and private label integration, so they
2006, Exfarma has had a predominant position in the
can focus on manufacturing. Private label integration has
generics market distribution and has continuously adapted
been a success in the market as clients have better prices
its strategy to expand and explore new opportunities.
on certified products and pharmacies have better margins,
During that time we saw an opportunity to participate in
the government and institutional sector. Today, Exfarma
expenditure. During the last five years, the private label
business is structured at 55% public and 45% private sector.
market has grown at double digit rate for large pharmacy
We also have a consulting division focused on restructuring
chains and retailers. This, coupled with the fact that the
and business development for major pharmacy chains and
industry is working with equal or better quality standards
retailers. We focus on three mayor core business areas. The
than the international market, means patients benefit from
first is distribution, the second is the private label segment,
the same effectiveness at a better price. In addition, the
and finally, we have developed an integrated supply and
private label division generates better margins to retailers.
has evolved, demanding high-quality
administration platform to fulfill public institution needs. Q: What changes have you detected in the distribution Q: In what other ways do integrated solutions benefit the
public sector?
A: Traditionally the pharmacy market has been attended by
A: Exfarma also focuses on providing integrated services
large wholesalers and local players that do daily deliveries.
for drug supply and dispensation. Our solution has
In the case of private labels, they are mainly targeted
been to contract assorted prescriptions, which places
to pharmacy chains due to volume restrictions. These
the responsibility with the supplier to deliver required
companies have their own distribution center, that reach
pharmaceuticals. We have implemented a new model with
final points of sale. In the private distribution market, some
a unique technological platform designed specifically to
laboratories deal directly with pharmacy chains, taking away
support this way of stocking and ordering pharmaceuticals.
some direct distribution. In the OTC market direct sales are
The platform makes it easier for the administrators and
almost the norm. The prescription market is divided between
medical staff to monitor and control their budgets as well
direct sales and distributors. There is no distribution leader
as having the doctor, patient, and prescription information
in generics, as the market is fragmented and distributors
integrated in a single platform. Our system and the way
are reaching out for the traditional pharmacy. The result is
the information is consolidated derive from our previous
that branded generics have a growing participation level.
experience supplying multiple private health providers. We
A considerable change for the players in the distribution
believe the future is in integrated supply solution for health
sector happened when Saba went out of business, and the
direct access between laboratories and pharmacy chains begun. Another area of change is the growth of private
Q: How do you ensure you offer a safe and reasonably-
labels sold in pharmacy chains, and generics medication
priced service to your final clients?
penetration in traditional pharmacies.
INVESTMENT IN HIGHTECH, A MUST OF THE PUBLIC SECTOR ÓSCAR ANTONIO ELIZONDO LÓPEZ General Manager of UCIN Médica Q: UCIN Médica has been operating for over 15 years. How
promoting our brands within hospitals. After an integrator
has the market changed over this period?
wins a bid with a hospital, we provide our partner with
A: One of the largest changes to have taken place over the
everything they need to supply the hospital and we work
last 15 years has been channel distribution. At that time,
together to increase our visibility with potential clients.
it was easier to have a distributor channel and we had
This ensures that doctors familiarize themselves with our
exclusive distributors for each area of the country. Our profit
brands, which may prompt them to request them in the
margin was higher, which allowed us to have distributors
future. If an integrator decides to use a different brand
everywhere in Mexico. Today, this business model is nearly
from ours, doctors and hospital administrators may even
obsolete. Competition has become too strong, prices have
force them to switch to our brands. After this, around 10%
lowered, and profit margins have been reduced, which means
of our sales are done directly to public institutions and a
that having several distributors is no longer economically
small amount to private hospitals. Our ideal market would
feasible. Another problem is that public hospitals, such as
be selling 50% to distributors, 30% to the private sector,
IMSS, used to have local tenders divided by geographical
and 20% to the public sector.
areas but now they have centralized procedures, which also reduced their number of suppliers. Overall, I believe the
Q: What processes do you follow to promote products to
main elements affecting the current Mexican market are the
your clients?
reduction of profit margins and the increase in competition
A: In most cases, manufacturers develop products and we
from low quality foreign products.
promote them. However, as the medical devices market is constantly evolving, we continually have to look for new
Q: How is UCIN Médica different from other companies?
suppliers. For example, we attend conventions to find
A: Our main distinguishing factor is the training we provide.
innovative equipment that we can readily incorporate into
Several of our products cannot be acquired without the
our business areas. We might also be negatively affected by
necessary training, which means we must constantly
M&As in which a larger company acquires a smaller firm we
educate our team, distributors, representatives, and users.
are already working with. To boost our reputation, we are
This is done by having our product specialists for each area
interested in creating partnerships with associations within
trained by the manufacturers themselves. Subsequently,
the industry. We are already members of the CAINTRA
we receive additional training from doctors that specialize
in Nuevo Leon and we participate in its training programs
in their respective fields. This step is necessary as, if our
and events. At this point, we are not collaborating with
suppliers or manufacturers do not provide the required
universities but we are in discussions with a public university
training, we must implement the training in-house. For
in Queretaro about a potential future collaboration.
example, one of our larger suppliers, Utah Medical Products, has never provided training for their products so we had to
Q: What strategies should public institutions adopt in the
seek outside help. Sadly, there are not enough specialized
field of medical devices to assure public health?
individuals and resources in Mexico to provide the level of
A: Public institutions must steer clear of cheap products that
education needed. This area could certainly be improved.
may endanger their patients’ health. A real problem is that the government is spending its budget on equipment with a
Q: Who are your main clients and how would you define
shorter lifespan, which will need to be repaired or replaced.
an ideal market for your products?
The government does not take durability into account and
A: Around 90% of our sales are to other distributors and
more money is spent in the long-term. For that reason, it is
integrators. Since the country is too extensive to manage
extremely hard to release new and innovative products onto
distribution on our own, we must create partnerships
the market as they are generally more expensive. At this
to sell to public and private hospitals. Therefore, we are
point, adding any product to the list approved for purchase
seeking to forge alliances with integrators in order to keep
by IMSS requires the support of the Ministry of Health.
INNOVATIVE INSTRUMENTS FOR PHYSICIANS As the second most populous city and one of the largest
company’s main areas are respiratory, anesthesia, and
in Mexico, Guadalajara poses interesting opportunities for
intensive care unit (ICU) products, which were chosen
businesses who may be interested in the benefits brought
due to their importance to all surgical procedures. The
about by a large population but may be wary of its
company has two auditoriums, which can seat 70 and
downfalls, such as traffic. This was the case for SurtiMedik,
30 people respectively, where it presents new products
a ten year old company from Morelia, Michoacan, which
and give doctors the information they need to use them.
started as a local initiative to promote respiratory products
This has the added benefit of generating feedback, which
from Hudson RCI in hospitals. These products became
is communicated to manufacturers, thereby creating a
popular with hospitals, clinics, and doctors making the
demand for new ones.
company the main distributors of this brand to this day. Carlos Alejandro Salazar Gaytan, Director General of
SurtiMedik is both a manufacturer and a third-party
SurtiMedik, felt that there were too few hospitals to sell
distributor. The company is also building a plant in Central
to, so he decided to move the company to Guadalajara
America as the region does not have many manufacturers
where the company was able to grow rapidly. Within three
of medical devices since the population is too small to
or four years, the company had expanded beyond the city
support them. However, manufacturing plants are needed
to cover 80% of Mexico. Salazar describes the company’s
there as patients often come to Mexico to get necessary
goal as “to provide medical instruments that Mexican
medical attention and supplies. This is expensive for the
doctors might have discovered and come to rely on while
patients and the Mexican public health sector. Finally,
studying abroad.”
SurtiMedik plans to start exporting products worldwide. It has several partnerships with two manufacturers in the US,
“ProMéxico is paying 70% of
a large manufacturing plant in Taiwan, and one in the UK.
expenses for a future visit that
The company is working with the Guadalajara Chamber of
we will make to the Compamed
Commerce, a great instrument that facilitates negotiations
exhibition in Panama”
with the help of ProMéxico. However, while there are more
Carlos Alejandro Salazar Gaytan, Director General of SurtiMedik
with other businesses in the city and supports industries than 300 manufacturers for medical disposables in Mexico, only 15 are part of this Chamber of Commerce. Salazar
Their strategy is to work closely with customers to
believes that the Mexican government provides a lot of
understand and address their needs, and provide
financial support for international expositions and product
everything required for their practice in terms of
promotion through ProMéxico. He tells us that “ProMéxico
innovative technology and training. The company is also
is paying 70% of expenses of a future visit that we will
working with manufacturers to bring the best products
make to the Compamed exhibition in Panama.”
in the world to Mexico. Close relationships with the manufacturers facilitate the tropicalization of its products
The company invests heavily in promotion to doctors
for the Mexican market.
and keeps up to date on the latest innovative products and techniques so as to easily incorporate them into
The company began by approaching hospitals directly.
its portfolio. This is not always a simple process as
However, the size of the market and the more than 3,000
COFEPRIS’ regulations have slowed it down. Surtimedik
distributors which are currently operating in Mexico led the
is currently collaborating with COFEPRIS to push new
company to stop selling directly to hospitals and clinics. At
projects forward, but certain Mexican manufacturers may
this point the sheer number of private and public hospitals
not be ready to comply with the new regulations. Less
made this business model costly and labor-intensive.
rigorous regulations previously led the market to become
Furthermore, medical devices and products are often
saturated with low-quality or counterfeit products, which
urgently needed, requiring Surtimedik to constantly keep
endangered patients’ lives. COFEPRIS regulations have
its products in stock in large warehouses. By working with
greatly diminished the amount of counterfeit products in
distributors and using their own sales teams, specialties,
hospitals or clinics. However, while Mexican authorities are
and investments, SurtiMedik enjoys a convenient business
seeking to guarantee high-quality disposables, COFEPRIS
model and frees up time for training. The company
needs more resources to fully enforce its responsibilities.
now has specialists all over the country helping these
Overall, having a strong regulatory authority is beneficial
distributors with training, marketing, and branding. The
for the market.
A MID-WAY POINT FOR DISTRIBUTORS AND END-USERS Five years ago Medimarcas identified a market gap. In the
foreign brands to Mexico. Foreign entities can be reluctant
climate at the time, it had become very complex for medical
to deal with unfamiliar regulations and practices. Also the
specialists to obtain medicines. Demand for points of sale,
size of investment needed to incorporate a company into
serving 24 hours a day, to facilitate access to medicines
the local chain can be a barrier, as significant capital is
and medical disposables opened a door to the round-the-
needed to finance salesmen, offices, publicity, and permits.
clock medical supplier. Medimarcas originally planned to
However, Medimarcas supports companies looking for
create a business model that gave suppliers a place to
representatives and facilitates the processes. Once a deal
promote their products. Through auditoriums, they gave
is confirmed, the distributor adopts the brands’ products
brands a place to carry out demonstrations so that doctors
for local promotion in hospitals, clinics, and points of
could learn about new devices, evaluate them, and decide
sale, handles the regulatory process, and frees up the
whether to acquire them.
budget they would have invested in the whole process for publicity and branding. This helps foreign brands feel
Carlos Razo García, the company’s Sales Director, explains
secure entering the market in Mexico. Medimarcas also
that end users sometimes need a small order of a product
guarantees that all unsold products can be returned.
that pharmaceutical distributors cannot supply profitably. “As a result, a situation arose in which distributors could set
Medimarcas employs doctors as product specialists working
mandatory minimum quantities for clients in certain cases,
as part of the marketing team and these doctors visit
while providing the quantity required in other cases.”
hospitals to promote products. However, Medimarcas does
Medimarcas does not possess exclusivity with any brand
not offer doctors at the point of sale. Razo sees that practice
so is able to offer a broad range of products. Its strengths
as being somewhat controversial as it does also raise a
lie in medicines, basic medical products, and products for
conflict of interest issue. While Medimarcas sells medication,
respiratory therapy, anesthesia, and diagnostics.
their products are not oriented to this business model. The market is growing quickly in sales, particularly in the
Having taken advantage of the immense demand for
disposables segment. Using alcohol to clean wounds remains
diabetes products among the Mexican population, other
a common practice in Mexico and Razo believes the country
companies with many different specialties reached out to the
must improve and update its medical procedures, especially
company to commercialize products. Brands now included
in the public sector and an essential part of improving
in the Medimarcas portfolio include B. Braun Melsungen AG,
access to new medications and devices is to gain COFEPRIS
Terumo, Covedien India, Roche, and Johnson & Johnson.
approval. “The regulator can either be an ally to producers
“When we think about incorporating new brands, we first
and distributors of medical disposables by denying access
seek out renowned brands as customers are already familiar
to low-quality counterfeit products, or it can be an obstacle
with them,” explains Razo García. Now, the distributor sells
by limiting access to quality brands due to lengthy and
both to wholesale and to retail in two different markets,
slow regulatory procedures.” Several companies, including
one being a specialty market for medical professionals
Medimarcas, are gathering as part of National Association
and another for the general public. It also supplies the
of Health Providers (ANAPS) to promote initiatives to the
government, distributors, and hospitals in Guadalajara.
government and reduce the required timelines to approve
The retail points are open 24 hours and complemented
a product. Some countries in Latin America allow foreign
by an online platform, and they have secured regular large
companies to sell their products if the FDA approves them.
and small customers, distributing all over Mexico. Regular
Such a move would be convenient for Mexico as well as it
buyers can obtain discount cards to increase customer
could improve the quantity of high-quality products available
loyalty. The company has even ventured into importations,
to Mexican patients.
working with SurtiMedik, which handles the importation process, while Medimarcas promotes, distributes, and sells the brands it imports. Razo is focused on attracting companies that already have the necessary documentation with COFEPRIS, as introducing a new product to the market involves a long and complex approval process. The company employs two ways of reaching suppliers. It either directly contacts manufacturers to present them with a business model or attend expos abroad to invite
“We felt it would be beneficial to establish a middle ground between distributors and end users, an opportunity which brands happily enter into” Carlos Razo García, Sales Director of Medimarcas
MEDICAL SALES INDUSTRY EVOLUTION Sales representatives are currently facing many challenges
plan based on its members’ experience in the industry, it
in an ever-changing market. Before the year 2000,
has not been possible to get this course off the ground, as
these vital employees were in high demand, with large
the association cannot guarantee to attract the minimum
pharmaceutical laboratories capable of sustaining a
number of students. Perichart believes that this study
1,600-strong sales force. Today, these companies have
plan will be tremendously popular as there is significant
thinned out the ranks, presenting one of the main obstacles
demand for qualified professionals. Sales representatives
for professional salespeople in the sector. Founded in
must be highly trained in the nature of their products,
1982, the National Association of Pharmacy Industry Sales
since their work is in a deeply specialized sector.
Executives (ANEVIFAC) comprises directors from different laboratories with the common goal of organizing and
In the past, medical representatives used to have close
distributing sales in such a way that could be beneficial to
working relationships with doctors, but due to the large
patients. Additionally, the association creates strategies to
amount of products and their busy schedules, it has
help pharmacy sales executives and laboratories to adapt
become much harder for these alliances to be fully
to market changes.
developed. Modern medical representatives are required to be much more professional, first acquiring a strong
ANEVIFAC currently incorporates 32 member laboratories
educational background based on the needs of the
that produce generics; 70% of these are national companies
market. At present, there is only one curriculum aimed
and the rest come from abroad. The organization offers
toward medical professionals, which is currently offered at
them an information service that includes market analysis
the Tampico-Madero Autonomous University, Tamaulipas.
and support for its members to work with distributors,
However, Perichart considers that this program is lacking
helping them to reach a more effective position in the
due to the two-year course duration being equal to that of
market. The organization offers these laboratories a
a technical qualification. Additionally, its syllabus ignores
clear sales strategy for targeting the private sector.
a number of pharmacological and sales aspects. Medical
Where the public sector is concerned, ANEVIFAC helps
promotion is a costly profession for companies to support
its members to negotiate tenders that generate millions
as it including salaries, training, promotional materials,
of units at reduced prices. Finally, the association assists
transport, and commission fees. When considering such
laboratories in securing tenders, particularly focusing on
factors, a salesperson with a direct monthly salary of
gaining consolidated sales. Jorge Perichart, President
MX$25,000 might represent close to MX$70,000 of
of ANEVIFAC, tells us that among the main issues the
monthly integrated costs.
association has encountered, businesses in this sector tend to be quite secretive about sales data, to the point of refusing to talk fellow members in the industry. Perichart claims that “one of our major successes as an organization was to unite a wide range of businesses in a spirit of dialogue. We must also show other businesses that there
“Modern medical representatives must be more professional, for which
are disadvantages to being isolated.”
educational background based on
The association’s main objective is to promote union within
the needs of the market”
the sector, first between its members and the industry, and
Jorge Perichart, President of ANEVIFAC
then between members and distributors. Perichart tells us
that ANEVIFAC “has made huge advances in this particular
Today direct visits to pharmacies are no longer an
activity, but there is still plenty of work to be done. We
established practice for sales executives. Also, while the
want to focus on these goals collaboratively, and I think we
promotion of medicines has not changed, regulations
are on the right path.” Another of the association’s primary
have, particularly where OTC drugs are concerned. These
goals is the professional development of pharmaceutical
realities have altered the face of the market, since a large
sales executives. In order to achieve this, ANEVIFAC
portion of patients no longer visit doctors, choosing instead
provides sales courses and diplomas in conjunction with
to buy drugs they have seen advertised on television. This,
the Tecnológico de Monterrey and the Valle de Mexico
in turn, is having repercussive effects on the availability of
University (UVM). The association has also tried to launch a
work for skilled sales professionals. There has been a push
degree program in pharmaceutical sales with a number of
for legislation on the advertisement of medicines, but it
universities, principally UVM. While it has designed a study
is difficult to set limits on OTC purchases since economic
necessities often force people into either self-medicating or buying medicines without prescription. Even though medicines clearly specify the need for a prescription, they continue to be sold without one in many pharmacies. The causes behind the outbreak of H1N1 include the failure to implement existing controls on the sale of antibiotics. Another issue that negatively influences the sector is prescription switching, which is an increasing practice within pharmacies. This occurs either by a patient’s request or by suggestion from the salesperson, in an attempt to switch the prescription for another with the same API and often a lower cost. The current economic system means that many Mexicans cannot afford frequent medical care. When ill, members of this demographic tend to resort to home remedies, turning afterward to pharmacies if the first approach fails. Many pharmacies are not properly qualified to prescribe medication, since current legislation does not require In other countries, the job of
of sale receive a daily average of 450,000 patients. We
dispensing medicine requires a pharmacy degree or its
estimate that there are around 10,000 pharmacies that
equivalent. Attempts to legislate on the matter have been
have a doctor’s consultation room, generally employing
met with resistance, as hiring qualified pharmacologists
two doctors to conduct between 20 and 25 consultations
represents a higher cost to pharmacies. The major
each per day. Their work takes pressure off the public
pharmacy chains, like Farmacias Similares, Farmacias del
health system, since it is accessible to a large proportion
Ahorro, and Farmacias San Pablo, now tend to have a
of the population.
this of pharmacologists.
qualified health professional on site. This is a requirement for all pharmacies in Mexico, but in many independent
Mexico currently spends 6.2% of its GDP on health, which is
branches the qualified pharmacologist does not work a
much lower than the OECD average of 9.2%. The majority
sufficient amount of hours. Legislative change is needed
of this budget is dedicated to administrative charges, with
to ensure best practice for patients. The increased
only an amount somewhere between 8 and 10% dedicated
presence of doctors at the point of sale and higher
to medicines. This attitude results in low-quality, expensive
generics sales are directly connected to the country’s
services that fail to reach a large enough number of
economic situation. Unlike the branded market, not all
patients. Another problem is that while an abundant
generic drugs are currently audited, so it is impossible to
swathe of the population does not have medical cover,
gauge their total sales.
those who can afford care are paying triple the price they should. Employees of the formal economy are signed up
Mexico’s primary challenge is to make health services
with IMSS for health insurance by law, but many businesses
accessible to the entire population. While the country
distrust public services and prefer to opt for private
does have a range of public institutions including IMSS,
insurance. A large percentage of Mexicans, when they fall
ISSTE, and Seguro Popular, not one of them is capable of
ill, avail of neither public services nor medical insurance,
covering the entire population, leaving approximately 30
preferring to seek treatment from clinics, meaning they
million people without health care of any kind. Doctors at
have two services that they do not utilize. Great efforts
the point of sale offer an option to those patients who have
are being made to consolidate the health system, with the
no other. These services are provided free of charge by
objective of providing universal services and extending
pharmacies, who also provide medication at a discounted
patients’ rights to allow treatment in any hospital in the
price. In the past, these doctors would oblige patients to
country. All the same, many hospitals do not want to be
purchase medication in their corresponding pharmacies,
involved in this, since the levels of service vary widely
but regulations have changed, freeing up patients to buy
across hospitals. Perichart believes that a joint effort is
drugs wherever they prefer. All the same, patients continue
needed across all areas of the health sector to guarantee
to buy medication where the consultation took place,
universal coverage. “We have to reform the health system,
leading some members of the health sector to condemn
which involves constructing more hospitals, doubling the
the presence of doctors at the point of sale, regardless of
number of hospital beds, tripling doctors, and increasing
their necessity. As Perichart informs us, ISSTE carries out
nurses fourfold over the next five years. Such a feat can
150,000 consultations nationwide every day, with IMSS
only be possible through a coordination of efforts across
engaged in a further 220,000, while doctors at the point
the entire sector,” he concludes.
THE FALL OF A GIANT Until 2013, Grupo Casa Saba was a veritable distribution
Ahorro stores. The company is also exploring options of
giant, with a 32% share of the market. The group’s closest
expanding operations of its 11,000-strong convenience
competitors were Nadro and Grupo Marzam owning 23%
store chain OXXO to include pharmacy services.
and 10% respectively. However, in March 2014 Grupo Saba reported a sales drop of 22%, approximately a US$146
Department stores and supermarket chains with integrated
million decrease compared with sales for the same period
pharmacies are also beginning to surface in Mexico, with
in 2013. It emerged that the net debt the company was
Grupo Carso owned Sanborns having approximately 125
facing totaled US$433 million, which at the time constituted
stores catering to a range of needs from pharmaceuticals,
82% of the company’s income. Following the sale of its
cosmetics, food and drink, and toys. Although Walmart
distribution and sales division to Pharma Global Equity
Mexico has currently only opened 10 Farmacias de Walmart
Fund LLC and Global World Equity Fund LLC private funds
to date, with 2,296 retail units within Mexico consisting of
in December 2013, representing 67% of its income, Grupo
Walmart Supercenters, Superama, and Sam’s Club outlets,
Casa Saba filed for bankruptcy in early 2014.
among others, the supermarket chain has significant potential for expansion into pharmaceutical distribution.
Many major players were impacted by Grupo Casa Saba’s bankruptcy and exit from the distribution market
With expansion of the major players in the Mexican
but arguably the most heavily impacted company was
distribution market, it is only natural that independent
Genomma Labs, which used Casa Saba as a distributor for
pharmacies must adjust to a shifting of the goalposts. Since
20% of its sales. Just a few months after the distributor
Casa Saba’s bankruptcy, many independent pharmacy
filed for bankruptcy, however, Genomma Labs announced
chains have been forced out of business due to a number
its acquisition of Grupo Marzam as a new distribution
of factors such as inability to maintain competitive pricing
channel. Nadro also capitalized on the decline of its biggest
in the face of emerging pharmaceutical distribution
competitor, increasing its market share by approximately
conglomerates. This is demonstrated by the fact that the
six percentage points, to assume Casa Saba’s vacant
retail drug market at the end of 2014 totaled sales worth
position as market leader, with a view to achieving the
US$4.4 billion, an increase of 11.7% within the industry
capacity for flotation on the Mexican Stock Exchange
since 2012. In contrast, both self-service and independent
within ten years.
pharmacies registered decreased sales of approximately 5%, meaning that the lion’s share of the market is being
The fall of Casa Saba has had far-reaching consequences
monopolized by the emerging major pharmacy chains. In
for the outlook for pharmacies within the Mexican market.
response to this phenomenon, smaller pharmacy chains are
With the sale of Casa Saba’s commercial division, pharmacy
beginning to seek greater security within franchise chains
chain Alliance Boots acquired an almost 98% stake in
such as Farmacias GI, which currently owns 279 stores
Saba’s Farmacias ABC chain, incorporating Farmacias
and franchises a further 701. Franchises are an interesting
Ahumada and Farmacias Benavides. As an international
alternative to outright ownership, since greater support is
pharmaceuticals and cosmetics sales chain, Alliance Boots
provided along with the assumption of less risk. Training
owns more than 3,000 pharmacies worldwide, with an
is often provided by business headquarters and access to
estimated value of US$25.12 billion at the beginning of
increased spending power and consolidated purchasing
2015. With the company’s acquisition of a further 1,400
through the chain means that independent pharmacies are
stores under the Farmacias ABC umbrella, as well as
able to economize. However, franchisees are often required
franchise licensing for health store GNC, other pharmacies
to follow universal guidelines and practices, and certain
within Mexico began to make reactionary expansions in
products or services may be restricted by the chain.
order to compete with the new major player on the market. In order to compete more effectively in an increasingly
Interestingly the acquisition of pharmacy chains has not
aggressive industry, many pharmacies are also offering
only been confined to the pharmacy industry itself. One
complementary services, such as physicians within or
growing trend has seen companies expand from their
close to the pharmacy. This is a strategic tactic designed
accustomed sectors into pharmacy chains. Coca Cola
in part to increase sales of pharmacy own-brand products,
FEMSA, for example, which is principally acknowledged
a capitalization on the significant out-of-pocket spending
for its reach within the soft drink industry, acquired a
on pharmaceuticals within Mexico. It is estimated that for
75% stake in over 300 Farmacias YZA stores in 2013.
every MX$100 spent on medications, MX$79 constitutes
The company went on to evolve within the industry,
subsequently acquiring over 1,030 Farmacias Benavides,
publically. Moreover, in 2010, in a response designed
1,322 Farmacias Guadalajara, and 1,400 Farmacias del
to target self-medication, the government enacted a
regulation requiring a physician’s prescription in order
the company is emerging as a pioneer in the niche life
to obtain medications. In a study published in the British
sciences transportation and distribution segment.
Medical Journal, it was found that “the top three reasons for using DAPPs (doctors’ offices adjacent to private
pharmacies) were that these services were inexpensive,
continues to constantly grow and expand, meaning that
conveniently located, and had a short waiting time.”
mapping and anticipation of potential market trends could play a vital role in the future of distribution companies.
In Mexico, 1,500 million units of medicines are sold by
Companies who have demonstrated an ability to adapt to
private pharmacies, generating a need for distribution of
the changes, such as DHL and Farmacias GI, have been
medicines in the country which has not been addressed
shown to hold tactical advantages in terms of market
by the current composition of pharmacies operating in the
success. Regarding future developments, as the fall of
gap left by Casa Saba. The large integrated conglomerates
Grupo Saba has demonstrated, distribution is a dynamic
such as Farmacias del Ahorro and Walmart no longer need
market and speed of adjustment could constitute the
distributors, as laboratories provide direct distribution
difference between success and failure.
channels, and an increasing emergence of private brands has permitted both national and international laboratories
to become direct distributors, a dynamic that can be seen Distributors market share in 2013 (Source:?)
through the Genomma Labs-Grupo Marzam collaboration. However,
Grupo Casa Saba and independent Nacional de Drogas
pharmacies that still require distributors. It is not only Grupo Marzam
the pharmacy chains that must adapt toOthers the developing
distribution landscape in Mexico, but also packaging and
distribution companies, which have been encouraged to maintain competitiveness through an expansion of services. DHL, for example, has taken significant measures to broaden
their life sciences division. Capitalizing on its international presence to offer costeffective, dynamic solutions, such as temperature assured
Grupo Casa Saba
Grupo Marzam
Nacional de Drogas
transportation for delicate molecules, load consolidation, optimization of its delivery network, and shared distribution, Revista_MexicoHealthReview.pdf 1 30/07/15 04:03 p.m.
· Sixteen years in the healthcare industry. · Generics are our core business. · More than 1,000 pharmacies in the country. · More than 1,000 products. · We are professionals with human quality. · We are committed to the health of Mexicans.
Farmacias Gi Oficial
the large-scale chain and convenience-store formats are a
By Edgardo Carrero Astros, IMS Health - Detailed analysis
benchmark for the area, with 12,428 points of sale to cover
of the sector reveals that success does not just depend
118 million people,” he adds.
on investment in business, but also on the connectivity and reach of individual branches. Pharmacy chains are
growing in value more quickly than the rest of the market
IMS Health’s analysis reveals a mixture of sales with an
put together, with customers preferring major franchises
upward growth trend in pharmacy chains which are
over independent convenience pharmacies. IMS Health
composed as much by over-the-counter medication as
data demonstrates that the segment expanded 9% over
by prescription drugs, making up 83% of the overall total
2012 and 2013 in Mexico, with a 67% share of sales.
of sales and representing an expansion of 10% since 2011.
Meanwhile, other channels underwent a contraction. More
OTC sales stand at 17%, representing a 7% increase. The
detailed analysis of the sector reveals that this success is
generic medication segment is growing quicker than
not only due to investment in the reach and connectivity
others, albeit from a lower base. Between 2012 and 2013,
of individual brands, but also to changes in the wider
branded generics accounted for 32% of total sales, with
pharmaceutical industry. These two factors combined
non-branded generics making up 20% of sales – a growth
mean that pharmacy chains occupy a prime position in
of 27% and 12% respectively.
the strategies of laboratories throughout Mexico and the wider region.
Another factor benefiting pharmacy chains has been the changes to regulations for the sale of antibiotics,
especially in branches where there is a doctor at point
Expansion for pharmaceutical sales channels, according
of sale. “Since August 2010, regulations have come
to IMS Health’s 2013 figures, is concentrated heavily in the
into effect determining what type of medication can
center of the country, with 374 new branches opening.
be obtained with or without a prescription in Mexico,
All the same, efforts to establish a greater presence here
meaning that pharmacies must register a variety of
have been balanced with a focus on other regions. 143
data, including information which concerns the doctor,”
new branches opened in the Gulf area, 141 in the Northern
Pacific sales region, 125 in the North, and 124 in Mexico
pharmacy chains went up 57% in 2011 and 64% in 2013,
City. Chains are responsible for at least 50% of sales across
while convenience stores and independence pharmacies
all regions, with that figure reaching 67% in the Northern
registered a contraction. We can also see that sales
Pacific zone. Put in figures, pharmacy chains opened
shifted in greater volume towards chain pharmacies in
7,662 new sales points, while convenience-store branches
the Central and Gulf regions, with a change of 64% and
opened 3,053.
67% respectively,” explained the consultant. “All told, the
result is important for outlining the penetration of generic To understand the market more clearly, IMS Health has
drugs and antibiotics, which grew from 52% of the total
divided pharmacy branches into large, medium, and small.
volume sold in 2009 to 72% of the total by 2013,” he
Large outlets have more than 14,000 stock-keeping units
(SKUs), and annual sales per point-of-sale of over MX$15
million; medium ones have 10 to 14,000 SKUs and annual
sales per point-of-sale standing at between MX$3 million
which act on the cardiovascular system – and diabetes
and MX$8 million; while small outlets have less than 10,000
medication stand as another established example of the
SKUs and annual sales per point-of-sale of less than
consumer’s tendency to make purchases in pharmacy
US$0.18 million. “Our reports indicate that at present the
chains. “Whether or not a chain has a doctor at point
bigger pharmacy chains account for most of the Mexican
of sale is not having an influence on sale of drugs for
market’s growth,” explains consultant Edgar M. Carrero,
these illnesses. Nor are these sales commonly overseen
who outlines how this type of sales channel is responsible
by a doctor. Nevertheless, these sales have shifted in an
for 44% of sales channels in 2013, with a total income of
accelerating, substantial way to pharmacy chains since
MX$134.7 billion. “Three quarters of absolute growth of
2011,” added Edgardo M. Carrero. “Sales from chains of
branches within the period is a result of opening new stores.
this type of product increased from 50 to 58% between
At the same time, large chains earned MX$58.9 million.
2009 and 2013. This was the only sales channel which
These combined figures amount to a gross of MX$80.19
registered positive growth year on year during the period,”
billion,” said Carrero. “Moreover, the total penetration of
he commented. Price – a key element for consumers –
Expansion of sales channels 2013 (Source: IMS Health)
Self-service Stores
Source: IMS Health
nels 2013has(Source: IMS Health) also been included in IMS Health’s research. Chains tend to offer more competitive prices than other sales channels, with generic drugs about 9% cheaper here than in convenience stores.
THE VOICE OF THE CONSUMER As well as these market indicators, IMS Health consulted
consumers directly to gain a full awareness of what is attracting them to chain pharmacies in the Mexican market.
Expansion of pharmacy chains 2012-2013
Sales done at pharmacy chains
Convenience and accessibility were the main attractors, with 75% of the 150 participants citing these two factors. 43% mentioned that the outlet they chose was located along their daily transit route, with 20% describing the store as being near their work and 23% shopping nearer their home. “Looking at the main pull-factor mentioned by the customer, we can see four different factors are in operation at the point of sale in pharmacy chains,” Carrero outlines. “Convenience includes location, parking spaces, and the forms of payment accepted. Service has to do with the availability of a doctor at the point of sale, while price includes offers and value for money. Finally, choice is highlighted, which of course refers to the range of products available. In our opinion, the combination of these four factors is pharmacy chains’ recipe for success, and the explanation for customer preferences shifting in their favor,” he says.
A GROWING DISTRIBUTION NETWORK FOR INDEPENDENT PHARMACIES VÍCTOR SOTO PERALTA Director General of Distribuidora Levic Q: What are the evolutions you have seen in the company’s
fifteen year history?
UNEFARM is Principio Activo (Active Principal), developed
A: Distribuidora Levic has grown quickly in tandem with the
to strengthen independent pharmacies against pharmacy
generics market, whose growth has grown between 15% and
chains. Through this program, independent pharmacies build
25% per year for in the past decade. Distribuidora Levic now
a model similar to a franchise. Unlike franchises, however,
works all over Mexico, with six distribution centers and eight
participants do not require a strong initial investment. Active
reorder centers. The market has also undergone significant
Principle aims to set up competitively-priced consulting
transformations, pushing forward our growth. Among the
rooms adjacent to pharmacies. We also support them to
most important changes in the market is the shift toward
insert trained doctors at the point of sale. Our objective is to
generics on the part of the Ministry of Health and COFEPRIS,
help independent pharmacies to widen portfolios, to lower
allowing national pharmaceuticals to increase both their
prices by providing integral services, and to improve many
portfolio and their production. Since Mexico’s income per
different fields, including processes and customer service
capita is not as high as other countries, the affordable
Our aim is to measure inputs, outputs, and expenses.
generics have given patients access to these medications, to the point where generics are now widely accepted. Both
Q: How does the distribution chain differ for generics and
the industry and the government have raised awareness
patented medicines?
concerning the safety and efficacy of generics, changing
A: In terms of the distribution chain, there is no difference.
certain negative perceptions. Casa Saba’s bankruptcy
Laboratories provide the product and we distribute it to
has also broken up the distribution market among smaller
pharmacies, according to the same standards imposed
companies, increasing the sales of generics to pharmacies
by its manufacturers. The only real difference lies in profit
unable to acquire patented drugs. Other changes to the
margins. Where patented medicines are concerned, the
market include the growth of pharmacy chains over the
manufacturer obtains the greatest margins. In the case
past ten years, which has affected independent pharmacies.
of generics, pharmacists take the lion’s share. The high
Pharmacy chains are likely to continue to grow, so it is
margins obtained by pharmacists from the sales of generics
necessary to strengthen independent pharmacies, with the
motivates them to continue selling the product line.
support of the government and the industry. Supermarkets
Patients are the direct beneficiaries here, since generics are
are beginning to enter the market, introducing new brands
more economically accessible. In both cases, distributors
of medication. As distributors, we have worked alongside
obtain the smallest margin. Of the products we distribute,
independent pharmacies to improve their processes and
about 90% are destined for independent pharmacies. The
systems in order to increase their profitability.
remainder is divided between hospitals, clinics, and some sub-distributors. Direct government sales represent 1% of
Q: How does Distribuidora Levic support independent
ourn work, but we plan to increase our participation here.
At this point we do not plan to work with supermarkets,
A: We are organizing events, workshops, and a project called
because they are
Llave en Mano (Key in Hand), which we run in conjunction
distribution chain, and buying directly from laboratories.
in the process of changing their
with UNEFARM. Key in Hand aims to bring accessible
systems to pharmacies to help them administer their
Q: What are Distribuidora Levic’s short-term goals?
businesses. This program is an integral, standardized process
A: We have opened a new distribution center in Merida
allowing pharmacies to administer all products bought and
and we plan to open another in Tijuana. These centers are
sold by the pharmacy. With COFEPRIS, we have a project
essential for improving distribution throughout the country.
intended to certify independent pharmacies and their
Our distribution center in Merida has the capacity to supply
employees, implemented through the National Council for
800 points of sale, while our Tijuana plant is set to supply at
the Normalization and Certification of Job Skills (CONOCER).
least 1,300 centers in Baja California and Hermosillo.
ENCOURAGING PATIENT ADHERENCE Transformations in the drug distribution segment demand
IntegraMed offers up to 50% savings on medicines. With
innovative and cost-effective models to be implemented.
the main suppliers being the major drug distributors for the
Among the challenges that patients with chronic and
pharmaceutical industry that can meet strict delivery time
degenerative diseases face, adherence to treatment is
requirements, Woodworth believes this is a way to ensure
perhaps the one that companies address the least. In fact,
only high quality medicines authorized by the Mexican
very few organizations focus on teaching patients how
authorities are provided. “We also use a special packaging
to stick to their treatments, which are practically useless
for all medicines we distribute,” Woodworth says. Patients
if not taken the right way. IntegraMed was created with
should be able to recognize when security seals have been
the aim of providing patients with personalized services
violated and get used to checking expiration dates and the
consisting of drug dispensation by unit dose according to
authenticity of the medicines they buy and receive. “Mexico
physician’s prescription. Every patient receives specialized
lacks a culture of packaging and labeling reading that makes
attention from the company, which monitors drug doses
falsification issues more likely to happen,” Woodworth
and adherence to treatment according to prescription.
states. He goes on explaining “our packaging solutions are
In this way, patients miss fewer doses and have an ally
completely designed to avoid such situations.”
who can listen to their problems regarding difficulties in following the treatment. According to Juan Woodworth,
Institutional pharmacies face the challenge of supplying
Director General of IntegraMed, the company’s goal is to
medicines to a large volume of patients in a time sensitive
be recognized as the most cost effective pharmacy in the
manner. This kind of service is better managed by third-
party companies, usually called integrators. IntegraMed acts as an integrator since it provides whole solutions
IntegraMed currently provides services to banks, insurance
to pharmacies, including purchase planning aimed at
companies, and government. Woodworth explains “the
avoiding shortage of medicines. Woodworth points out
adherence program for patients with chronic diseases is
“only when this is inevitable, do we activate the home
aimed to improving adherence to medication, and our
delivery service in a period not exceeding 24 hours so as to
services offer customers an advantageous tool to restrict
fulfill the promise of providing complete drug treatments
expenditure on medications.” This program also helps
to patients.”
avoid hospital treatment costs or expenses resulting from failed medication or treatment adherence. It also helps in
Finally, IntegraMed plans to cover at least six more
reducing drug expenditure, which annually increases due
institutional pharmacies in order to grow the number
to the majority of patients seeking different treatments
of patients enrolled in the adherence program and
when they do not perceive the results they expected. As
pharmacotherapy follow up. To achieve this, the company
out of pocket spending makes up a significant part of
expects to grow its operating capabilities by 600% in
drug expenditure in Mexico, models like this represent
order to offer such program to more patients with chronic
an effective measure for both patients and insurance
illnesses. “Added value services in whatever industry are
here to stay,” Woodworth affirms, “we are not only offering cost effective solutions for insurance companies and
Organizing the structure to monitor every patient in the
hospitals, but truly encouraging patients to adhere to their
program and measuring treatment adherence are two
treatment plans,” he concludes.
things difficult to imitate in this model, and IntegraMed has become an expert in both of them. Woodworth goes into detail on how they manage the program at the patient level: “We assign a specialist to monitor each patient. This contacts the patient to verify continual use of the medication at the correct dose as prescribed by the doctor, and reminds of any appointments and delivery of their medication.” Shipment of medicines is controlled always considering expiration dates. Moreover, the program is complemented by specialists in pharmacotherapy who support each patient according to their condition. Monthly quality assessment of the service they provide is also valuable tool to keep track of customer satisfaction.
patients with chronic diseases is aimed at improving adherence to medication, and our services offer customers an advantageous tool to restrict expenditure on medications” Juan Woodworth, Director General of IntegraMed
LIFE SCIENCES SECTOR A PRIORITY FOR GLOBAL LEADER DANIEL PARDO President of Mexico & Life Sciences Latin America at DHL Q: How significant is the life sciences business segment in
they have developed a contact network with the global,
Mexico for DHL?
regional and local decision makers for each customer.
A: In the life sciences industry DHL Supply Chain is the third-party logistics (3PL) leader in Mexico. We have more
Q: How have you been designing your strategy specifically
than 17 years of experience in this industry and currently
for the local market and what are the key drivers?
provide logistics solutions to more than 30 customers. We
A: The Life Science and Healthcare (LSH) sector is highly
are the only 3PL in Mexico that can offer integrated end-
complex, with a vast array of regulatory and compliance
to-end logistics solutions with services such as: clinical
requirements around the globe, as well as specialized
handling requirements to maintain the integrity of products.
pharmaceutical products and medical devices, management
We understand that we can make a huge difference in this
industry, where on-time distribution is a key factor for
medical sample logistics, product packaging, cold chain
success. Lives may depend on it. Our customers always
management, reverse logistics, and hospital logistics
expect DHL to be one step ahead in the area of quality and
solutions. Today we are the largest company in logistics
compliance. By sharing best practices with countries that
solutions worldwide. When people think of logistics, we
face similar challenges, we are able to offer tools to review
want them to think of DHL. The customer is at the heart of
the maturity of the logistics operations providing our
our brand. As part of our companyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 2020 strategy, the life
customers an objective view of where we can be together.
sciences sector has been positioned as a global priority for
Today the industry is managing multiple challenges and
the group this year. The Mexican market is globally one of
priorities. The increasing cost pressure and intensifying
the top eight countries for DHL Supply Chain in life sciences.
regulation are driving the need for compliance and control.
Manufacturers are exploring new solutions for their supply Q: Who are your key customers and to what extent does
chain to comply with the increasing demands.
your service approach differ for local and global players?
A: Every customer, regardless of size, has a dedicated
Q: What would you classify as being the major business
group of sector experts looking after them at DHL. In this
opportunities within the life sciences and healthcare
way, the customer is given the highest level of attention and
thus we can gain a deep understanding of their business.
A: Mexico acts as an important international hub in the
We have functional specialists to ensure that best practices
manufacturing of drugs and medical devices, in particular
for every customer in every sector and we work jointly
for companies seeking to establish production systems
with them to drive continuous process improvement. Our
within the Latin American market. Mexico is amongst the
customers are top companies from different segments,
best options for the distribution of drugs and medicals
multinational laboratories, local manufacturers, medical
devices to the South America, Europe, Asia, and the US.
devices, clinical trials and private hospitals. Our customer
Moreover, internal demand for medical devices is projected
portfolio is balanced with around 60% of our customers
to have a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 5.2%
working in the pharmaceuticals sector and around 40% in
through 2020. These factors are essentials to identifying
medical devices. Agreements are made locally, regionally
Mexico as a strategic market for DHL Supply Chain. Factors
and there are some global connections. Within global
such as the infrastructure, economy and innovation give us
companies the regional team is driving the operations
an effective platform to demonstrate logistics in Mexico. A
and the local team determining the characteristics of the
focus area is reaching the rural regions, a challenge faced
products they need. We estimate that 80% of the deals are
by every country in the world. We aim to take the services
local with some feedback from the region and light input
consistently to the most remote point, ensuring that we
from global clients. We have DHL employees reviewing
provide the same levels of compliance and service patients
global needs from specific customers around the world;
would receive in urban areas.
Q: Is there a significant difference between best practices
Q: How does Pharmashare benefit hospitals?
in Mexico and other markets?
A: Hospitals are a very different market. We were the first 3PL
A: There are certainly best practices. Some of them are
offering a dedicated service for private hospitals in Mexico,
based on important regulations such as temperature
which takes care of all the inbound, warehousing, and
transportation for all pharmaceuticals. There is a new
transportation for Centro Medico ABC. We took control of
official norm coming in Mexico related to temperature-
the inbound logistics of all the non-pharmaceutical supplies
assured transportation that will become mandatory and
and moved the inventory from the hospitals to a shared
we expect to have the same in Brazil and Latin America
facility, where all the supplies are received and stored. For
region in the next years. In Italy there is a highly specialized
them, the warehouse area that was previously a cost area is
network for temperature-assured transportation which
now a productive area for clinical purposes, and we are now
is being replicated worldwide. Our team is responsible
responsible for supplying them with surgical material and
for sharing all those best practices across the globe
supplies three times a day. So every day we are fulfilling the
and adapting them in every country. In particular, we
orders of the products that are required in the hospitals for
are developing a transportation network aligned to our
the planned surgeries, plus replenishing the supplies that
customers’ needs.
were consumed. We proactively approached the hospitals as we believed they had the need for innovation due to the
Q: What dedicated facilities and manpower for the life
longstanding agreements they have with hospitals in the US
sciences division do you have in Mexico?
for sharing best practice. We worked together to develop
A: Our facilities represent more than 80,000m2 and employ
this service and this was aided by our experience in the UK
over 1,000 experts in the healthcare and medical devices
with the NHS which is our largest hospital logistics contract
industry. They comply with the regulatory framework
in the world. Our target is to continue growing with this
established for storage and handling of pharmaceutical
type of service around the world.
products and medical devices, including temperature controlled warehousing in different ranges -20°C, 2°C to
Q: What could be done to improve the industry in Mexico
8°C and 15°C to 25°C, and ambient room temperature in
from a regulatory perspective?
order to fulfill the requirement of any product. Within our
A: The main challenge is ensuring that products have the
facilities we also have specialized areas where value added
correct licenses, permits and registrations from the Ministry
services and processes are performed, which include
of Health of each country. If there was a global approval
labeling, technical services for equipment, packaging, and
system for specific products or drugs, the transport system
secondary packaging.
would become more coherent and efficient globally. For example, a global, cohesive FDA approval which complies
Q: DHL’s Pharmashare service is now available in Mexico –
with laws universally would be invaluable as bureaucracy
what are the main benefits of sharing services?
would be greatly reduced in different markets. With a
A: Pharmashare solution was implemented in Mexico
system like this in life sciences, it would be possible to
replicating other countries’ experience. This solution offers
further improve trade across different borders. We also
our customers a scalable and repeatable supply chain with
provide a lot of support to customers in terms of meeting
cost benefits, without sacrificing service or quality. With
export requirements in order to streamline the process,
Pharmashare, several customers use the same warehouse,
whether that entails obtaining documents or licenses in
system, resources, and transportation network, with the
advance, labeling or advising on time frames.
option of having a customized solution and also having dedicated resources. We analyze the business needs of
Q: What are your personal ambitions for developing the
each customer to align their needs within our process and
Mexican market within DHL’s life sciences division?
we design a specific solution to receive, store, and ship
A: My objective is to make sure that DHL is the leading
their products when required. We promote sharing of
strategic logistics partner within the Life Sciences and
services across companies and this is appealing because
Healthcare industry for Latin America, and specifically
the competitive advantage for each of our customers
Mexico. We are already pioneers in certain areas, for
lies in branding and product quality. This is about helping
example being the first company in Mexico to get a
customers benefit by sharing a warehouse space, IT
secondary packaging license and the first to carry out
system, transportation, planning tools, and resources.
packaging and bundling in our own facilities, we will also
Covering customers with dedicated resources would drive
be the first facility with the capacity to carry out primary
up costs, but as we share resources across companies, we
packaging for our customers. In addition, we are number
help them reduce incremental costs.
one for logistics with private hospitals.
CONSOLIDATED WAREHOUSE AND DISTRIBUTION SERVICES MARIO SICILIA BENARD CEO/Director General of Bomi de México Q: Does Bomi’s specialization in healthcare give it an
Q: How varied or aligned are the needs of different
edge over logistics companies that cater to a variety of
countries and regions?
A: Regulations are drastically different between countries
A: Bomi’s focus on the health industry is a definite
as well as product requirements. In Mexico for example it is
advantage for two reasons. The first is our culture, in that
necessary to nationalize all imported products and provide
we are a company that is in the business of improving
a label stating that everything that enters the country was
lives. This goes far beyond being just a logistics company
produced specifically for the Mexican market. Conversely, in
and this principle guides our decision making at all levels
Canada this is not the case. Looking further south to Latin
of the organization and is a key motivator for our people.
America in general, KPIs are not always comparable because
Secondly, we have the benefit of consolidation. Bomi
of the varied demographics. Mexico’s road infrastructure
is able to collate the operations of different clients in
is not as complex as that of countries like Colombia or
order to produce the most cost effective solutions, while
Brazil, but it also lacks the development seen in the road
at the same time offering outstanding quality. We are
infrastructure of Chile, for example. Another variable is the
constantly incorporating best practices to our certified
cost of setting up a warehouse, which in some countries can
quality systems and strive to improve our services on a
be offset by industry incentives, so that the initial set up cost
regular basis.
can even be negated. Delivery times can vary dramatically, and labor costs and taxes make a significant difference.
Q: The Bomi group has a significant international
Mexico does not offer the same tax incentives as countries
presence – how has the company’s presence in Mexico
like Brazil on pharma-medical devices and this, of course,
been developed?
must be taken into account with price estimates. As a multi-
A: Bomi has established its presence in a variety of
national company, we must address each unique condition,
countries by partnering with different local entities to
tropicalizing each requirement to the reality of each country
develop efficiently in each country. Today the company
so that they can measure KPIs in a productive manner.
has international brand recognition, and while decision-
making is localized and independent, we share a common
Q: What do you consider the most important trends in the
quality control system. The benefits of this structure are
logistic segment today?
speed of response and dynamism in an industry in which
A: Customers are more cost-conscious than ever, and
standardized solutions are not functional. We are currently
we have concluded that the best way to reduce costs is
working to increase our regional interaction with clients
an integral strategy that considers commercial policies.
as companies are beginning to make decisions collectively
Integrated services are impacting the service industry, and as
across Latin America. Our strategy must follow the market,
a response Bomi is implementing a solution called Business
which demands comparable KPIs from all countries,
Intelligence which supplies more information to clients,
standardized fees to be able to compare growth across
building trust by providing transparent information about
regions, and a centralized point of contact. This is our next
location and movement of products in monthly meetings,
step and would make us the first company to offer this
and offering solutions that could reduce their costs. We
regional standardized solution, despite the existence of
seek to reduce costs, for both Bomi and the clients, which
other companies with a regional presence. Currently, we
subsequently increases profitability and avoids wasted
have four warehouses, two of which are in Toluca, another
transport. Bomi also monitors deliveries in a way that allows
in Monterrey, and one in Guadalajara totaling more than
companies to know the projected expiration of inventory
30,000m2 of space, as well as nine cross docks, where
in our warehouses, allowing our clients to make more cost-
deliveries are broken down from larger to smaller vehicles,
effective commercial decisions at the appropriate time.
to cut delivery costs and guarantee the best possible
The initiative of acting as partners and sharing all available
service level.
information promotes trust and profitability on both parts,
contributing to deeper relationships with companies. This
largest wholesalers, but the opportunity to interact directly
is what we strive to achieve with each one of our business
with the customer is certainly becoming more interesting.
ventures. In order to satisfy the needs of the market,
Retail companies and large pharmaceutical chains are
companies like Bomi need to provide high quality integrated
monopolizing a bigger piece of the market, and we can now
services. The need for home delivered products and
deliver directly to them. This direct strategy can reduce
services are also intensifying the requirements for logistics
costs and improve inventory visibility and service levels. At
companies. Warehousing and distribution constitute a
the same time there is a growing trend of home delivery,
fundamental requirement, but not exclusively to healthcare
which we expect to evolve significantly in terms of value
companies. In order to create added value for its partners,
(as opposed to units) in the independent market. Logistics
Bomi is focused in developing innovative solutions that
wise, this change will generate new market requirements
consider the entire logistics market.
and we want to be prepared to address these new trends as an integrated company.
Q: How important is flexibility in operating the supply chain solution, either internally or collaborating with
Q: What complexities are faced when working for the
third-party providers?
public sector and private sector distribution networks?
A: Bomi offers a comprehensive service, meeting all
A: The distribution process between the private and public
warehousing and distribution demands for clients. As
institutions is dramatically different. Each channel has
part of this solution, we manage third parties including
its own specifications, temperature measurements, and
transportation and courier companies. Our decisions in
separation of products, which requires a significant amount
terms of suppliers are exclusively based on best quality
of communication with clients to adapt to their needs. A
and cost. We use couriers from other companies to
considerable cost to those in the public sector is the proof
support a small part of the distribution process, in a way
of delivery, which must be printed, stamped and signed,
that reduces costs for the client. Our invoicing system is
requiring considerable tracking and working capital.
programmed to charge only for the most efficient delivery
There is an interesting opportunity for the public sector to
method. The result of this operational method is that Bomi
become more efficient, should it choose to accept digital
bears the costs of any potential mistake that we make
invoices for payment. We are interested in providing other
when choosing the delivery method, rather than the client.
value added services to our private healthcare clients. Under the right circumstances for both parties, we would
Q: How have the numerous recent changes within the
be interested in partnering with hospitals.
distribution segment impacted logistics providers like Bomi?
Q: What are your top priorities and plans for the next
A: First of all, regulations have become stricter, with
the introduction of NOM-240 and CO59, increasing
A: Our top priority is always our current clients. We will
requirements for best practice not only in distribution but
continue to develop the best solutions for our customers,
also in manufacturing. These tighter regulations benefit
and to develop our infrastructure and IT to support them
us as a company and encourage the industry in general to
effectively. As part of this strategy, we want to continue
improve internal operations. High quality operations and
optimizing our newly opened operations centers in Toluca,
strict regulatory compliance in turn attract recognition.
Monterrey, and Guadalajara. We must also continue
Another major change is that companies are no longer
developing our cross-dock operations to guarantee
required to have a plant in Mexico in order to sell products
more cost-effectiveness and higher quality to our clients.
in country, but must have a sanitary license to register a
Attracting, training, and retraining the best available human
product. We offer a hosting service so that Bomi de MĂŠxico
capital is the most important element of our strategy.
customers can use our sanitary license to initiate the process with COFEPRIS, which helps us commercially by attracting customers to Mexico that would not have previously considered the country, and fortunately does not expose Bomi to any risk. We become the first point of contact and provide a means for new companies to enter the market. A third significant change that we are seeing is being driven by the struggle of wholesalers. Pharmaceutical companies are increasingly more interested in reaching their target market directly. It is not clear what will happen next with some of the
SPECIALIZED LOGISTICS SUPPORT CLINICAL TRIAL GROWTH CAROLINA GALICIA Country Manager of World Courier Q: What sort of increased demand have you been seeing
must be kept in, since some samples must be frozen or must
for logistic services for the clinical trial industry?
undergo specific preconditions before shipping.
A: Mexico plays a major role in clinical research because of its strategic location. The country has grown in research
Q: Do you have to provide additional permits to those of
infrastructure and has a suitable population for performing
A: There is legislation that defines imports and exports in
manufacturers shifted their interests to Latin America
Mexico. Companies can choose to get these permits for
is that they need large urban zones for these tests, and
exports and imports but this is a slow process. We try to
Mexico is among the largest. Global pharmaceutical
remain close to health and custom authorities to avoid
companies have carried out more than 5,000 clinical trials
miscommunication and facilitate the process. World Courier
in Latin America and 2,000 in Mexico. This is an area in
can also help companies to obtain the necessary permits.
which we can grow and host more studies. When clinical
In these cases we would expect authorities to consider the
trials began in Mexico, international pharmaceuticals were
sensitivity of the products as long periods of transportation
reluctant to perform these tests in Latin America but this
might irreparably damage them. We believe they must
perception has definitely changed. There are increasing
simplify the process, as the integrity of some studies may
requests to transfer biological samples from Mexico to
be impaired if the samples cannot be sent on time.
the US and Europe. I believe Mexico is doing well and that there is a good impression of clinical trials here. There may
Q: Are there major differences in the transportation of
be some budgetary obstacles as pharmaceutical industries
biotechnological drugs and smaller molecules?
have reduced their budgets and the prices of these clinical
A: Transporting biotechnological drugs involves more
trials are increasing. Even so we are prepared to receive
complexity. Our employees are trained professionals who
more studies from international pharmaceuticals.
are aware of the proper procedures for managing these delicate samples and we are always trying to improve our
Q: How does World Courier manage problems that might
services. With critical biological samples we have to evaluate
arise when transporting a sample?
all the risks and closely monitor the situation. There is also
A: Biological samples are extremely susceptible to external
an increasing demand for our services, since research
conditions, such as heat and humidity. They are also
clusters are developing in Mexico, for example in Queretaro
time sensitive and long periods in transportation may
and Jalisco. So far World Courier has not faced problems
irreparably damage them. For these reasons shipments of
ensuring coverage and our sales department is continuously
these samples can be heavily affected by environmental
working on strategies to cover this increasing demand.
concerns. To avoid delays caused by bad weather we do
not consolidate shipments. This way if a flight is canceled by
Q: What kind of innovations do you have to work on in
bad weather we can easily modify the route. We also have to
order to stay ahead of the competition?
deal with customs. Mexico has relatively good importation
A: We have an IT team that keeps all our systems updated
and exportation guidelines for health related shipments, in
and keeps track of all shipments and a team of experts in
comparison to the rest of Latin America. We work closely
cold chain and packaging who ensure that we are utilizing
with authorities in order to avoid delays. Our aim is to be
the latest technology. Currently we use vacuum insulated
more than just a service provider but also a partner so
panels (VIP) and phase change materials (PCM) produced
that we can instruct companies on the proper procedures.
in Germany. A team constantly analyzes the best options for
They provide the sample and we supply all the elements
packaging to ensure cost effectiveness. There are suppliers
that are needed for packaging and transportation. We have
in Mexico with similar products but we have very specific
qualified packages for most samples. Packaging is often
requirements. We also ensure that every product arrives pre-
very specific depending on the sample and the conditions it
calibrated by suppliers to minimize problems and save time.
STRATEGIC PACKAGING FOR PRODUCT POSITIONING HÉCTOR DOMÍNGUEZ SALDIVAR Director General of Impresora DOSA Q: How was Impresora DOSA created and how has it
Q: How have packaging requirements changed for
evolved since its creation as a packaging company?
pharmaceutical companies in the last few years?
A: Impresora DOSA began in 1993 as a family company.
A: Procedures have changed considerably and we
At the time we decided to work with the industrial sector
have had to modify our processes to increase our sales
and we started working with the food industry and with
margin. We created our own design department to offer
consumer products for the home, which allowed us to
courtesy advice to clients and we have even helped some
gather experience in the printing industry. Later we joined
companies create their own design areas. This initiative
the pharmaceutical industry, which now represents the
was principally to meet strict COFEPRIS regulations. We
majority of our clients. The pharmaceutical industry
also developed diverse strategies to avoid what we call
requires high-quality, specialized materials in line with
product contamination, which refers to incorrect shelf
strict safety protocols. Working in this sector demands
stocking as a result of similar packaging. To avoid such
a lot of experience, which represents one of our most
confusions we position different colored lines of different
important competitive advantages.
widths to facilitate differentiation. This also aids the fight against pirated products, making products distinguishable
Q: Who are Impresora DOSA’s principal clients?
and more difficult to copy.
A: At the moment we mainly work with pharmaceutical companies,
Q: How can your client use packaging to best position
represents between 80-90% of our sales. Our focus on
their products?
pharmaceuticals has led us to increase the quality of our
A. Product presentation is extremely important because
products and processes. We always ensure our employees
consumers often base their final decision on the
have the right qualifications and we employ highly skilled
appearance of products. In our experience, an image is
mechanical engineers and electricians from companies
worth a thousand words. Our customers are aware of
such as Heidelberg.
this and frequently decide to renew the appearance of their medicines. We give them advice on how to do so.
Q: On top of high quality standards, what other competitive
We are capable of providing them with new packaging
advantage does Impresora DOSA aim to offer?
whenever they require it as products rely on packaging
A: We treat all of our clients as though they were part of
to look innovative. This can be done immediately because
our own company. Putting ourselves in their shoes helped
we have the necessary equipment to do so. As it can be
us detect a need among pharmaceutical companies to
adjusted to whatever format type and size, we can decide
always include a technical specifications sheet as well
the best way of employing it to solve our customers’
as the standard packaging, which lead us to develop a
needs. We ensure all deliveries are done within a 21 day
complete package with of both these included. This allows
timeframe maximum.
our clients to launch their products into the market as soon as possible. In every contract we guarantee a fast,
Q: What are your expansion plans and priorities for this
high quality service. Today pharmaceuticals can compare
competitors easily and choose suppliers as they please.
A: Our production plant is 7,000m2, which is sufficient
Our aim is to focus on speed of deliver and quality above
to cover all of our clients’ needs. At the end of last year
cost, and so we deliver projects rapidly and reliably, and
we finished the construction of a warehouse but need
have, as a result, gained even more clients. Laboratories
to continue expanding our storage space to house our
require strict health and safety standards from all their
two high-capacity production lines (8,000-10,000km/
producers. It is not easy to enter this market since a
h). Within the next two years we would like to join an
considerable initial investment is required to buy the
industrial park that develops brushed steel packages and
specialized equipment required
even larger labels.
MOVING BEYOND 3PL JOSÉ LUIS BARRERA ALDANA New Projects and Logistics Director of NTA Logistics
Q: What can you tell us about the creation of NTA Logistics
Q: What is NTA Logistics market strategy?
and what is your market strategy?
A: Our market strategy is to offer services only for
A: NTA Logistics began as a family company funded by two
friends. Initially it was called National Trade Air, but it became
technology, flexibility, and quick responses are essential
NTA Logistics de México in 2003 and repurposed itself into
for our business. Our strategy focuses on long term
providing logistic services for pharmaceutical companies.
relationships in order to maintain strong client relationships
The company has grown continuously and multiplied, but as
and grow alongside them. This strategy allowed us to grow
we are specialized in a niche market we have a low profile.
as a company and increase the number of services we
Despite this, we are leaders in the market of transportation
provide. We increased our clients and now we can offer
services for pharmaceutical companies. Among our greatest
them a wider portfolio of logistic services to tackle their
advantages are our agility and flexibility to provide solutions,
specific needs as soon as we identify them. We generally
which allow us to be ideal intermediaries among laboratories
create dedicated solutions for clients and then adapt
and their different clients. Pharmaceutical companies by
them for the rest of the market. NTA Logistics is currently
nature have rather strict requisites as their products are
working directly with more than 50 clients and indirectly
intended for human health, thus they must guarantee their
with slightly more than 30. An integral and congruent
quality, efficiency, applicability, identity, and purity. In order
ethics code with the pharmaceutical market is of highest
to work with them we must guarantee and certify that their
priority for us.
products maintain these standards while we handle them. Q: What percentage does logistics represent to total Q: What is the competitive advantage of NTA Logistics?
manufacture and distribution costs?
A: Our flexibility and agility have allowed us to rapidly adapt
A: As requirements for distribution and storage of
ourselves to these changes to provide fast responses to
medication are extremely strict, these carry high costs.
all our client’s needs. Our main differentiators are efficient
For example, our vehicles cannot be older than five years
deliveries and real time tracking. Our network covers all
and we must certify our personnel yearly. The logistic
main cities in Mexico and our delivery times are 24, 48,
costs vary depending on the cost of the product, but they
and 72 hours depending on the requested service, but we
generally represent from 2.5 to 3%. While the percentage
can also offer deliveries the same day in special cases. Our
may seem smaller for expensive products, additional
service has grown beyond the distribution of medications
requirements such as cold chain, volume delivery, and
and now we are able to deliver medical and laboratory
traceability must be taken into account. On the other hand,
equipment as well as materials for clinical research. We
recent market changes and the need to manufacture at
also provide integral and specialized storage services in
the lowest possible price are influencing companies to
different schemes including dedicated and shared. For
cut costs where possible, and therefore companies aim to
example we provide a service called ‘almacenes dedicados’
reduce distribution costs of expensive products to 1.5%.
(dedicated warehouses) with a sanitary license in our
client’s names and we take responsibility for the storage
Q: What are the main challenges currently being faced by
and distribution of their products among their clients,
the drug distribution segment?
including wholesalers, public and private institutions,
A: The main challenges for NTA Logistics are adapting
doctors, pharmacy chains, and independent pharmacies.
to the regulation changes and the policy changes
We are also the only company in Mexico to have received
implemented by the companies in the sector. Previously, in
the NMX SMTC01 certification from CANIFARMA for the
order to distribute in Mexico it was necessary to have a local
storage, transportation, and safekeeping of pharmaceutical
manufacture plant or to create a hosting scheme with a
merchandise. We have also been recognized as a Socially
local laboratory. This requisite was modified and nowadays
Responsibly Company (ESR) for four consecutive years.
laboratories are able to operate with a storehouse under
their control raising the demand of storage services especially for companies that were just entering the country and for laboratories whose manufacture structure required them to close plants in Mexico. Now, it is more common for companies to abandon services they do not consider profitable to focus on their key activities, resulting in companies hiring third parties that provide such services also known as “Third Party Logistics” (3PL) and in some cases 4PL. Among the main factors for them is to correctly choose and develop these third parties. Laboratories are highly interested in security, which they divide into ‘safety and security’. The latter refers to the prevention of robbery and loss of materials, while the former refers to ensuring the transportation chain keeps the integrity of the product from the point it leaves the manufacture plant. This implies having strict traceability in order to know at all times who handled it at every step of the way and whether it was kept under the required safety conditions. Q: How have recent changes in the distribution segment affected your business? A: The private market in Mexico represents 75% of the pharmaceutical market in terms of value. It is not equal in terms of units, since the greatest consumer of medication is the public sector, which also pays a fairly low cost. The private sector works with several wholesalers and increasingly through direct sales to pharmacies and supermarkets. In Mexico, the bankruptcy of a mayor distributor led to their market share being reassigned to other distributors in the same segment, as well as new distributors entering the competition. We follow the commercial strategies of manufacturers. In the public market there are new supplying schemes such as the use
responsible for preventing and handling these events. Our
of a central supplier, integral services, administration of
operation process is very fast so the product is minimally
pharmacies and resupply, delivery dates, and products that
exposed to alterations or substitution by third parties, thus
require strict control of temperature during transit, among
we have a low incidence of these situations.
others, which force us to develop different logistic models. Q: What are your plans for 2015? Q: What control point do you have to prevent counterfeit
A: NTA Logistics is planning to increase its operation
capacity and infrastructure on our Distribution Centers,
A: NTA Logistics is not qualified to identify counterfeit
cross docking, and warehouses. We have grown and now
products, thus we monitor medications from the point they
we are in a restructuring stage in which we are planning
leave the production laboratory to the moment they are
to fortify and simplify our processes to make them
delivered to the client. The product is only exposed in two
more efficient. We are implementing administrative and
events. The first is on the road where it could be opened by
operational changes, as well as updating our technologies.
authorities or other third parties and the second is during
On market terms we are planning on acquiring new
air delivery. Our most common procedure to ensure the
clients and adapt to their needs. We are also aiming to
integrity of the product are security labels that allow us
develop the new services we have identified are needed
to check that the product has not been opened at any
by the market and planning to expand our current services
point during transit. In case it has we immediately notify
including storage, inbound distribution, and reverse
the laboratory to determine the course to follow. NTA
logistics. NTA Logistics wants to continue being identified
Logistics has an area of equity security which is equally
as the reference point and to address customer needs.
SEALS FOR SECURITY AND QUALITY ORI LIEBERMAN International Projects Manager of Holomex
Q: Where did your interest in holograms start and how
Q: Who are your major clients in the industry and how has
was Holomex founded?
working for them molded your service approach?
A: My father founded Holomex. At MIT, he studied under
A: We cater to almost all of the major players in the
Emmett Norman Leith, the inventor of the hologram, who
pharmaceutical industry, such as Pisa, Bio Zoo, Medifarma,
did not invent the hologram for security purposes, but
Wyeth, and Liomont. Beyond this sector we also work
for an artistic end. Moreover, the holograms were only
with Visa. Beyond providing us with a large client base,
visible when put under a laser. So my father, along with a
the pharmaceutical industry has helped us to improve
professor at MIT, realized the potential of the holograms
our procedures. Pharmaceutical companies have given
and he developed the concept we use today. He then came
us the opportunity to grow. When you are working
to Mexico and founded a small hologram company and
with pharmaceutical companies, they have their own
started to manufacture small items, such as holographic
requirements. Our ISO certification wins us trust and
key chains. From these artistic trinkets he learned enough
this ISO is much stricter than many other quality control
about holograms to found this company. Thirty years
measures. Pharmaceutical organizations are quite extensive
later, my father is well known to everyone in the hologram
in giving feedback, checking for any irregularities, and so
industry. Due to his work, and his association with one of
what we learn from this improves the company. Thanks to
the forefathers of holograms, he is a recognized pioneer
these companies, we have grown and improved processes
of the industry.
in ways that might not otherwise have occurred to us. They also share their ideas, as we share ours with them.
Q: What place do holograms have in the pharmaceutical industry today?
Q: What role does security play in the production of such
A: In the pharmaceutical industry, or in any industry,
highly sensitive packaging accessories?
a hologram is the only thing that cannot be falsified,
A: We place very strict measures in place for security
meaning that sensitive information can be stored in the
reasons. We cannot just give away the metal used for
image. Since not many companies produce holograms,
the hologram even if a client requests it. We have a vault
the same hologram cannot be copied from another client.
where we keep all the holographic plates belonging to
The physical appearance of the hologram is made up of
clients. After it is closed, it can only be accessed with a
nanostructures, which are in turn made based on optical
unique password. It is hermetically sealed and keeps the
and chemical components. Next, the hologram is plated,
plates at the optimum temperature so that they do not
a four-week process that precedes printing onto the final
get damaged.
material. Holograms are not made of ink, but of light diffraction, so without light the image will not appear.
Q: Do your clients specify the parameters of the holograms or is it something you design in-house?
Q: Are companies likely to adapt hologram technology on
A: Design is largely a joint effort. Sometimes clients
a wide scale as a form of data protection?
approach us with a clear idea of what they want. On other
A: Hologram measures are in a phase of evolution. Hologram
occasions, our design team makes them a personalized
stickers provide a number of security measures. When
hologram. We advise them on what we think may be the
opening a box containing medicine, for instance, the sticker
best option. We are not just a company that sells holograms
is broken which can indicate tampering. The idea here is to
but also a company that sells solutions. Sometimes clients
be able to keep a record of who opened the box, since the
arrive with branding or copyright problems, so we help to
sticker cannot be resealed and used on another container.
design a really aesthetically pleasing logo which, at the
The hologram, then, makes it clear to the buyer whether or
same time, protects their data. We have worked with many
not the package has been opened previously, which means
industries beyond the pharmaceuticals sector. The function
they can trust a product when its sticker is intact.
of the logo is two-fold. It protects from copyright and
contributes to the company branding, and it also provides
competitors, foreign or domestic, as a result of my fatherâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s
a measure of security for the client. Secondly, the hologram
work. In addition, we have considerably lower prices. A big
helps with brand recognition, since in Latin America, people
factor is that our competitorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s machines lack the capacity to
recognize the hologram as a marker for a quality product
carry out short runs. We work on a massive scale, printing
that carries a certain prestige. The hologram, then, boosts
labels in the thousands and the millions, and so more and
sales. Quality pharmaceutical companies come to us
more customers are coming to us. We started working with
because the hologram increases their sales.
Bimbo in the US but when it comes to the choice between having a factory in the US and one in Mexico, we are always
Q: Has there been a lot of growth in Holomexâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s number of
going to choose Mexico. So in the US we do have an office
clients and sales?
but all the production is carried out in Mexico.
A: We have seen growth and the numbers are continuing to grow. Expansion is our next priority. We have already
Q: What are your priorities and how do they reflect on
invested in new machines and we are beginning to produce
your desire to expand into other markets?
heat-shrinkable PVC labels. Our products can be found on
A: We have an open market in the US, Europe, and Africa
medicine bottles, and on cough syrup seals. Water barrels
where there are no problems with demand. Right now,
that already have the hologram now include our labels,
business is constant, and we know that there is a market
as these barrels were being replaced with lower-quality
for holographics in Europe. It is a little more complicated
materials made in Taiwan and China. We also hope to
to expand into Asia, since costs are low and there is a
break into the food industry.
big problem with falsifying holograms. Moreover, in the European market people are more predisposed to buying
Q: What kind of relationship do you have with the client
quality products, and this will be one of the markets where
after the product has been completed?
the hologram works best. There are a lot of companies
A: We offer a lot of options to the client, so the relationship
that try to break into the Asian market but it happens to
is a strong one. We assess all the issues to prevent copying
have several barriers, and so their entry is partial.
of the hologram, and we keep the master. If they do not have a brand logo we can make a generic hologram for them. Sometimes they want to print something a little more personalized with the hologram, such as modeling them after driver license holograms, for instance. We try to personalize the hologram, but also to prevent copying. Our hologram has helped to create a quality pharmaceutical market, which has helped to weed out lower-grade products. Q: What are the legal requirements for the production of holograms in Mexico? A: In terms of products for human consumption, such as water and pharmaceuticals, there are a number of rules that need to be followed. Luckily, the stickers are placed on the exterior of the boxes and do not come into contact with the product, so there are not as many regulations relating to holograms. This is of benefit to us, since in this industry the competition is so fierce that companies must constantly strive for the next level. The fact that we do not need to focus so much on legal requirements gives us more time for design and innovation. Q: Do you see a lot of competition coming from places like the US or Canada or do you think that the Latin American market prefers local companies like Holomex? A: The Mexican and Latin American markets have strong trust in local companies. We have the added benefit of offering a higher quality product than many of our
Wealthy Mexicans have been traveling to the US and Western Europe to receive medical care for many years, but the tide has been turning and Mexico is now the second most important
medical tourism destination in the world. The Ministry of Economy estimates this business will reach US$3.3 billion in 2015 and increase by 7% in 2016. More than one million foreigners – mostly Americans and Canadian – come annually to benefit from dental treatments, elective surgery, cosmetic surgery, cardiology surgery, and bariatric surgery at 60-80% lower costs than in the US. This chapter will look at the most relevant medical tourism hubs and hospitals’ efforts to increase the number of medical tourists visiting the country. We also look at other markets that have established successful medical tourism markets that could serve as inspiration for Mexico.
HIGHLIGHTS • Medical tourism hubs • Common procedures in Mexico • Hospitals’ efforts to attract patients • Business opportunities • Study case: Thailand as the world’s leader in medical tourism
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ANALYSIS: Medical Tourism Potential Yet to be Fully Explooted
ANALYSIS: Main Treatments Attracting Medical Tourism to Mexico
VIEW FROM THE TOP: Dr. Jesús González Treviño, Clusters Council of Nuevo Leon
INSIGHT: Emilia López-Portillo Woo, Monterrey Health City
VIEW FROM THE TOP: Gabriela Martínez & Dr. Fernando Rivas Olivares, Hospital Amerimed
MAP: Medical Tourism Clusters
ANALYSIS: Taking on Tijuana: Medical Tourism Beyond the Border
VIEW FROM THE TOP: Dr. Eduardo Loya Cortés, Hospital Galenia
ANALYSIS: Case Study: Thailand
ANALYSIS: Mexico Ranks Fifth Globally for Cosmetic Surgery Levels
MEDICAL TOURISM POTENTIAL YET TO BE FULLY EXPLOITED At a time when increased interconnectivity is helping to
new high-quality services and referring patients to the
fuel globalized mindsets, it is not surprising that patients
most appropriate hospitals. Baja Medical Tourism, Sonora
are increasingly looking for specialized healthcare services
Hospitality, Chihuahua Medical City, Monterrey Ciudad de
beyond their own borders. Medical tourism can offer
la Salud, and Medical Travel Under the Sun in Cancun have
patients from countries with high surgery costs access
several activities that promote medical tourism destinations
to high-quality medical procedures at affordable prices,
in Mexico, as well as professional training for physicians. The
and present enormous economic potential for developing
hospitals at the forefront of medical tourism services include
Christus Muguerza, Grupo Ángeles, CIMA, Galenia, San
estimated by the OECD in 2014 to be worth US$40 billion
Javier, TecSalud, Ginequito, OCA, and ABC.
and countries like Thailand, Mexico, the US, Singapore, and India are among the most significant destinations. In
Improving public policy and infrastructure issues is crucial for
Mexico, more than one million foreign patients are treated
supporting the development of this business. For instance,
annually and, according to the Ministry of Economy, the
in Tijuana, a specific lane at the border was designated for
medical tourism sector is expected to generate US$3.3
people entering or leaving the country for medical reasons,
billion in 2015 and rise by further 7.3% by 2016 in accordance
which significantly increased the number of people visiting
to figures cited by Dr. Jorge Alberto Villanueva Hernández
hospitals in that city. On the contrary, although it competes
of Puerto Vallarta’s CMQ Hospitals.
with other states for federal resources, Quintana Roo could prioritize updating infrastructure and training specialized
In 2012, the latest year for which figures are available,
doctors in its popular medical tourism destination of Cancun.
Mexico received one million medical tourists whereas
Proméxico may have designated Tamaulipas, Chihuahua,
Thailand hosted marginally more – 1.2 million as reported
and Sonora as possible health tourism destinations, but
by Patients Beyond Borders. Today, Mexico is the preferred
all three remain under travel warnings from the US State
destination for many US citizens due to a variety of factors,
Department and, as a consequence, have not seen as
including geographical proximity, low costs, highly trained
significant an influx as the other, safer states.
specialists, a wide variety of procedures and treatments, cutting edge infrastructure, and high quality services with
Heavy promotion is required to ensure that Mexico’s real
international accreditations. After all, the diseases affecting
achievements in medical tourism no longer fly under the
Mexicans are similar to those affecting US patients.
international radar. Authorities could be more aware of the advantages and impacts that medical tourism has in the
Insurance companies in the US are aware that many of their
country, developing a plan for creating the right conditions
customers look for options abroad, and have devised policies
for incentivizing this business. Meanwhile, existing and
that include medical treatments in other countries. Potential
potential health clusters could firm up their infrastructure
savings are estimated to range between 36-89% in the fields
and prioritize the attraction of foreign medical patients.
of oncology, cardiology, plastic surgery, odontology, and gastroenterology. A heart bypass costs US$27,000 in Mexico, compared to US$144,000 in the US. Knee replacement procedures cost 76% less in Mexico. The country also
Medical Specialty
Plastic surgery
Liposuction, facial, mammoplasty
of the cost of treatment within the US. In addition to cost,
Cosmetic and reconstructive
quality is a crucial factor for patients making the decision
Cardiology / Heart surgery
Bypass, valve replacement
Orthopedic surgery
Hip or knee replacement, joint surgery, arthroplasty
Bariatric surgery
Gastric bypass, gastric band
In vitro fertilization
Cell, organs, tissues
Eye surgery
Treatments for myopia, astigmatism, farsightedness, cataracts, glaucoma, etc.
specializes in weight loss treatment and surgery, providing weight management programs to obese patients at 40-70%
to receive medical treatment abroad. According to the Health Tourism Report published by ProMéxico, Mexico has 122 hospitals certified by the General Health Council. There are currrently eight hosptials certifed by the international medical accreditation agency Joint Commission International (JCI) in the country. The most important destinations for medical tourism in Mexico are Baja California, Chihuahua, and Cancun, although Mexico City, Nuevo Leon, and Jalisco have more certified hospitals. Medical tourism associations and clusters play a compelling role in communicating Source: ProMexico, 2014
Diagnostics and exams
MAIN TREATMENTS ATTRACTING MEDICAL TOURISTS TO MEXICO Until now, talk of Mexico’s appeal to foreign patients has
With heart bypasses costing US$144,000 north of the
focused on accessibility and competitive prices, but
border, some heart procedures performed in Mexico cost a
Mexican medical care offers much more than this. A
fifth of the price, and angioplasties can cost slightly under
bariatric medicine pioneer and home to many world leaders
a third of the price in the US. Complex procedures such
in cardiac surgery, the country is a hub of medical expertise.
as myocardial revascularizations, as well as on- and offpump coronary surgeries, cost less but are performed by
surgeons who often have lengthy experience practicing in
Bariatric medicine is undoubtedly one of Mexico’s flagship
the US.
medical tourism products. Although only recently approved by the FDA, bariatric treatments are an established part
of the treatment landscape in Mexico, with procedures
One-time dental surgeries tend to carry a hefty price
offered at five major locations throughout the country. The
tag, making them a clear area of prioritization for
three most important sites are Tijuana, Cancun, and Cabo
medical tourism. Patients with dental issues tend to be
San Lucas, which are also among Mexico’s most popular
underinsured, making braces, dental crowns, dental
tourist destinations. Monterrey, a three-hour drive from
bridges, and implants installed south of the border
the US border, is highly accessible to the largest medical
an appealing prospect. Cosmetic treatments are also
tourism demographic and the city’s health cluster is also
available, including complex recontouring procedures.
an attractive element. Finally, Mexico City’s international
Major restoration work typically costs a third of what
airport sees daily arrivals from all over the US, none more
it might in the US, and root canals hover around the
than a six-hour flight away.
US$200 mark. With high-quality dental care available in the accessible city of Tijuana and the beach resort of
Liposuction is a relatively complex treatment, involving
Puerto Vallarta, cities such as Mexicali are beginning to
keyhole surgery and the suction of at least 5 liters of fat and
compete, with round-trip bus-routes appealing to large
fluid from the body. The treatment often requires aftercare
numbers of Latino dental patients residing in the US.
procedures, with excess skin needing to be tacked back using
Resort cities such as Cancun and Los Cabos are also home
facial, arm, and breast lifts. These complications mean that
to a number of specialized clinics, meaning patients can,
other, more innovative treatments are becoming popular.
extraordinarily, enjoy their recovery.
Gastric sleeve surgeries, for instance, are popular with people of whose BMI is over 30. The logic behind the surgery is to
reduce food intake by reducing stomach capacity. Appetite-
From tightening crow’s feet to much more serious
stimulating hormones are also removed. The procedure
measures, the standard and price for cosmetic surgeries
involves the removal of 60 - 85% of the stomach, leaving a
in Mexico continues to attract medical tourism in high
thin ‘sleeve’ to replace the lost material, and eliminating the
numbers. Many cosmetic surgery clinics offer premium
need for intestinal rerouting. Patients generally return to their
packages including post-surgery care and transport
daily routines within a week of the surgery, with their overall
services, with some Cancun-based clinics also offering a
loss of excess body weight standing at an average of 30 -
personal bilingual assistant to patients.
50% over a six to 12 month period – a high return on a fourday trip that includes pre- and post-operative hotel stays.
The full set of cosmetic procedures available in Mexico ranges from eyelid treatments and rhinoplasty to post-
Gastric bypass surgery is also suitable for patients with a
partum vaginal reconstructions and gender reassignment
high BMI and is, in fact, the most popular surgery of its
surgeries. Savings made from lower overheads and
type, given that it can fight the onset of diseases related
operating costs, along with the lower price of malpractice
to obesity such as depression, diabetes, hypertension, and
insurance, are passed on to the patient. The standard
It is something of a ‘magic bullet’ treatment, with most
package of plastic surgeries include gender reassignment
patients losing the majority of excess weight within the
procedures, fat grafting, liposuction, breast implants,
first two years.
silicone removal, lip lifts and fills, orchiectomy, and hysterectomy. Others offer innovative surgeries such as
‘mini-facelifts’, which target specific areas of the face via a
While Mexico may be struggling with its own heart disease
small incision in a part of the face that is not easily visible
issues, the country is an appealing destination for foreign
to others. Cancun locations offer laser makeovers, fat
patients living with cardiovascular problems.
transfers, and body contouring.
MONTERREY CLUSTER CONNECTING STAKEHOLDERS DR. JESÚS GONZÁLEZ TREVIÑO Director General of Clusters Council of Nuevo Leon Q: Where does the health cluster fit within the Monterrey
private investment is a challenge. The government may
cluster network and what are your main goals for the
at a later date set out an overall template for the sector,
development of the industry?
but it is not a current priority. However, the opportunities
A: The council aims to connect the government, private
are there. With approximately 20 million underinsured US
industry, and academia, to promote a joint contribution to
citizens, our hospitals are in demand, all the more because
the common cause of growing Monterrey’s economy. Each of
our prices are one third of the prices in the US, while our
the three players has a particular role, with the government
services are often better. We also find that patient-doctor
identifying the most important sectors for the economy, and
relations in Mexico are very pleasant, as here physicians
deciding how each one needs to grow. The private sector is
really make the time for their patients, seven days a week.
highly effective in developing the best human capital. Finally, academia offers training and development in areas where our
Q: What is the perception of the hospital network in
people are lacking skills.
Mexico from a medical tourism perspective? A: We did have issues for a number of years concerning
Q: How do you aim to attract greater participation in the
security. In the last 18 months, calm has descended
cluster among health companies in Monterrey?
however. During the difficult times, our hospitals saw
A: The cluster consists of committees that focus on
a drop in new patients. When I was president of the
health cluster I formed a new committee for security and
planning, competiveness, strategic infrastructure, human
protection, uniting all the security personnel of the cluster
resources, and transparency. All companies have a vested
hospitals. Security issues had in fact caused some hospitals
interest in these areas, which draws them in on a motivation
to lose their global certifications, which are important for
not exclusively tied to profit. Cost-effectiveness is one
attracting international patients. Initially it was difficult to
challenge for industry participants, since involvement
convince hospitals to pay fees for accreditation after the
costs money in the short term, and companies are unsure
drop in foreign patients entering the country, but since the
how to allocate personnel to the cause and in what way
security situation has changed, we have once again turned
their hours should be funded. In Europe, the attitude to
to examining US health policies and what they mean for
competition among companies in the same sector is
medical tourism. Our own national accreditation is now
healthy and collaboration is accepted as being important.
equal to international accreditations, lifting our standing
For us competition fears have been more difficult to
to the same level of quality as the US.
overcome. Since this experience of working together is new for many Mexican companies, we need to convince
Q: How accessible is information for potential patients
the industry to collaborate and to share information. Much
looking at Mexico as a destination for surgery?
knowhow is shareable without revealing trade secrets, and
A: We have established a website listing all of the hospitals
in areas such as medical tourism that can benefit the whole
in our cluster, promoting the specialized procedures
region, people are more willing to share.
associated with each. Patients can shop around based on the surgery they need, be it bariatric, cardiac, spinal,
Q: To what extent do you collaborate with the government
or aesthetic. Unfortunately, we have no key performance
to promote medical tourism and how much of a priority
indicators to show which hospitals have the best results
is this area?
for each procedure. However, our hospitals have different
A: The government is focusing on attracting investment
factors which mark their unique expertise. For some,
but we are competing with the automotive and aviation
technology is their strongpoint. For others, their facilities
industries, which are creating a lot of employment in
and treatments are above-par. It is also important to
Nuevo Leon. We also compete with other states for
know how the insurance companies’ policies cover some
investment and so reaching the ideal 1:1 ratio of public to
procedures more comprehensively.
ATTRACTING MORE INTERNATIONAL PATIENTS Medical tourism clusters are networks of important
the Joint Commission International (JCI), López-Portillo
healthcare, financial, and tourism institutions that market
explained “the General Health Council’s requirements
medical procedures and services within the country in the
are essentially the same as those of JCI, some of them
same way that a holiday package would be sold. One such
actually being more comprehensive. Four hospitals did not
cluster exists in Monterrey, the third largest city in Mexico
renovate their JCI accreditation.”
which is currently emerging as a leader in providing complex surgeries in the fields of cardiology, orthopedics,
As part of the services offered by MHC, patients receive
and oncology. Monterrey Health City (MHC), which
information on medical treatments offered in Monterrey,
integrates the participation of government, academia, and
contacts in hospitals, and a comprehensive package
private institutions to evaluate and evolve procedures,
for patients coming from abroad. In terms of patient
consists of 16 hospitals. According to its Director General
experience, from beginning to end every process and
Emilia López-Portillo Woo, there are plans to expand to
procedure is accounted for. Airport transfers, food and
20-25 member hospitals. “Although private hospitals in the
accommodation during recovery time are taken care of by
same area could be seen as competitors, the cluster is a
the cluster, capitalizing on incorporated contacts within the
beneficial hub in which hospitals share best practices and
tourism industry. According to López-Portillo, this makes
are supported in terms of certification and security issues,
a huge difference to medical tourism in Monterrey, and
ultimately fostering the medical tourism industry within
to tourism as a whole, since patients who leave satisfied
Monterrey,” López-Portillo says.
are more likely to return, whether it is for another medical procedure or simply for a vacation.
MHC was set up in 2005 by Nuevo Leon’s Secretariat of Economic Development after the growing demand for
“Clusters like MHC can also solve some of the problems
medical services from foreigners was recognized. Although
faced by the Mexican healthcare industry today,” says
Monterrey is a hub for medical specialization in complex
López-Portillo. “For instance, lack of private insurance
procedures and medical innovation, López-Portillo believes
can mean that people have to go to the public system, so
that many tourists associate Mexico with the kind of medical
more collaboration between public and private institutions
tourism that normally takes place in Quintana Roo, such
could improve access. MHC encourages this with economic
as cosmetic procedures and orthodontology. Therefore,
incentives from the government agencies in Nuevo Leon. In
she identifies the need for better promotion of the highly
recent years, the San José Hospital has been an example of
specialized medicine capabilities in Monterrey Healthcare
the way in which private hospitals can share their technology
City. In fact, due to the ever increasing developments in
and equipment with public institutions.” In June 2015, the
the field of oncology and the state-of-the-art treatment
MHC cluster started to broadcast a live, interactive radio
facilities in Monterrey, López-Portillo believes there has
program aimed at targeting Canadian patients who often
been a surge in the number of Mexican cancer patients
experience long waiting times for treatment. In addition, the
coming to the city to seek treatment, creating a platform to
annual medical tourism congress will be held in conjunction
increasingly spread the word outside Mexico.
with ProMéxico in 2016, which is expected to also gather
“The cluster is a beneficial hub in which hospitals can share best practices and are supported in terms of certification”
Emilia López-Portillo Woo, Director General of Monterrey Health City
the clusters in Jalisco, Quintana Roo, and Tamaulipas. These
The cluster has a designated Quality and Safety Committee,
clusters have already approached the Monterrey cluster in
responsible for supporting the smaller hospitals and clinics
an attempt to make conjoint efforts in promoting Mexico as
with their certification processes. All of the hospitals
the best medical tourism destination in the world. The cluster
involved in the cluster are certified by the General Health
also plans to integrate patient testimonials, using feedback to
Council, the highest certification body in Mexico. Although
make improvements and further developing positive aspects
some hospitals initially opted to become certified by
of the care provided.
DIVERSIFYING CANCUNâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S TOURISM BASE LEFT: Gabriela MartĂnez, Director General of Hospital Amerimed RIGHT: Dr. Fernando Rivas Olivares, Medical Director of Hospital Amerimed
Q: What were the main objectives underlying the creation
has minimal complications. However, while it is approved in
of Hospital Amerimed?
Europe, the FDA has not yet approved it. This means that
FR: In 2001 we opened a clinic in Cancun and it was such
prostate cancer patients from the US must go to Mexico
a success that we decided to build the Amerimed Hospital,
or Europe for treatment. Another advantage for patients
the construction of which was completed in 2003. We began
coming to Mexico is that cosmetic surgery procedures that
to transition into providing medical tourism after obtaining
are available in their native country are more accessible
a solid local patient base, and now the primary objective
in Mexico, while we are closer to the US than Europe.
is to be the first point of contact for medical emergencies
The environment in Cancun really creates a haven for
and illnesses while on vacation. We are very focused on
people who seek aesthetic cosmetic surgery, with most
international patients because there are such large quantities
requested surgeries including facial, breast augmentations,
of tourists arriving every day, yet so few resources available
liposuction, or abdominoplasty. Nevertheless, medical
in terms of medical treatment, especially of the quality
tourists are not only paying for hospital care, they consider
international patients are generally accustomed to receiving.
the cost of flights, accommodation, food, and, as a result, we must remain as competitive with pricing as possible to
GM: In about 2003, the shareholders communicated that
continue attracting patients to Mexico.
they envisioned specialist hospitals in Cancun and Los Cabos. As a result, they set up the facilities to cater not only
Q: What is the balance between the local and international
to medical procedures but to maternity needs as well, for
patients that you treat?
those that unexpectedly go into labor while on vacation.
GM: Around 80% of our patients are local and 20% are
We opened a program to target obesity in 2009, and in
from abroad. We expect this figure to rise in the future. To
2011 we started a program that strengthens the function
see this happen, we are looking for positive feedback from
of the central nervous system for people with multiple
companies who refer patients. A recommendation by US
sclerosis. In 2015, we hired highly specialized doctors
companies inspires trust in new clients, in the same way as
who work in interventionist cardiology and interventionist
when patients are satisfied with our work. We also have a
radiography, among other innovative areas.
state-of-the-art hospital in Cozumel that opened in 2014. With two hospitals in Cozumel and Cancun, and a planned
Q: How did you discover the potential of the medical
expansion in Playa del Carmen, this is a really exciting time
tourism market?
for us.
FR: People who were involved in projects in the medical tourism area identified a gap in healthcare that met
Q: What efforts are needed to grow in the medical tourism
international standards and pitched the project to us. Since
industry in the region?
then, we have always used the approved international
FR: The government is making a big effort but a campaign to
procedure for whatever condition we treat, relying on
promote medical tourism in collaboration with the Ministry of
globally trusted protocols.
Tourism was only implemented five years ago. Considerable investments are being made to promote the industry in
Q: Are hospitals in Mexico using innovative technology for
countries like Costa Rica, Brazil, Colombia, and India, where
common treatments?
medical tourism spreads to conditions like cardiology
FR: When patients seek treatment overseas, they still
procedures. The Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of
Tourism, as well as other Mexican government agencies are
example, we use a treatment for patients with prostate
very proactive in trying to replicate the conditions in these
cancer called high intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU),
countries, using marketing tools and business contacts
which eliminates cells around the prostate with intense
to ensure that Mexican market leaders meet with foreign
ultrasound waves. This treats male potency, is very fast, and
investors to generate investment in this industry.
2 3
4 7 8
14 11 12
10 13
Grupo Christus Muguerza
Hospital Ginequito
Clínica Cer
Centro Médico Excel
OCA Hospital
Hospital Siena
Hospital Ángeles de Tijuana
Hospital Universitario de Nuevo León
Hospital Ángeles León
Clínica Cuauhtémoc y Famosa (CCYF)
Hospital Aranda de la Parra
Hospital de la Luz
Doctors Hospital
Serena Senior Care
Servicios Integrales Nova de Monterrey
Hospital y Centro Médico Del Prado
Hospital Zambrano Hellion
Centro Médico Puerto de Hierro Centro
Hospital La Carlota
Hospital Real San José 12. GUADALAJARA, JALISCO
Hospital de la Familia
Hospital Ángeles del Carmen
Hospital Hispano Americano
Hospital Bernardette
Hospital de la Mujer
Hospital Santander
Hospital México Americano
Hospital de Especialidades
Hospital Siloé
San Ángel Hospital
Hospital San Javier
Hospital Ángeles Ciudad Juárez
Hospital México Americano
Sanatorio San Francisco de Asís
Star Médica Ciudad Juárez
Hospital San José Nuevo Laredo
Hospital Lomas Providencia
CIMA Chihuahua
Hospital Regional del Río
Médica Sur
Clínica Cumbres Centro Oncológico de Chihuahua
Hospital Ángeles del Pedregal
Hospital San Charbel Matamoros
Hospital Español
Médico Quirúrgicas Matamoros
CIMA Monterrey
Hospital del Valle Matamoros
Hospital Galenia
Hospital San José Tec Salud
Centro Médico Internacional
TAKING ON TIJUANA: MEDICAL TOURISM BEYOND THE BORDER The national government of the world’s second most
2012 – to speed up wait-times in crossing the border
popular destination for medical tourism is beginning to
at San Ysidro. Passes issued by tourist officers and
recognize the potential future worth of an industry which
confirmed by doctors as part of consultations cut waiting
contributed an estimated US$4.2 billion to the country’s
times crossing the border from three hours to 20 minutes.
GDP in 2013, according to Mexico’s Ministry of Economy.
Pick-up and drop-off services offered by some hospitals
Should the General Law of Medical Tourism pass Senate as
extend over the border to San Diego airport. The city’s
expected later this year, the industry’s tighter promotion and
push for excellence in care staff and hospital equipment
regulation will no doubt boost the trustworthy reputation
has also seen Tijuana shake off its reputation as a low-cost
of Mexican health services in the eyes of foreign travelers.
version of US care, flooded with backstreet liposuction
With a number of recognized templates available to travel
surgeries and imitation-brand pharmaceuticals. Hospital
agents, package deals can only be expected to proliferate.
Ángeles, a US$60 million facility boasting 122 beds, treats around 1,500 US patients per year. The hospital’s care
Mexico’s medical tourism centers fall into three categories:
staff is generally bilingual, and, has lengthy experience
border towns such as Mexicali and Tijuana, accessible urban
practicing north of the border.
centers such as Guadalajara and Monterrey, and established tourist destinations like Yucatán and the Rivera Maya. The
A drop in prices no longer means a dip in quality. While
first and third categories seem to have an existing center of
medical training is just as rigorous in Mexico as the US,
gravity that draws medical tourists to their wards in huge
costs for drugs, dental care, and consultation tend to be
quantities, but centers such as Chihuahua may benefit from
between 70-80% lower than they are in the US, according
a catalyst to stimulate latent potential.
to figures collated from a number of hospitals. The state’s Ministry of Tourism is cognizant of its importance
to the sector, offering financial support to non-profit
Tijuana straddles two of these categories. Billed as “the
world’s most-visited city” its position in the American
tourism. Medical centers in Tijuana are mainly located
consciousness as an affordable getaway destination is
off the main drag, but remain central, located in upscale
unassailable. However, its medical practitioners are also
neighborhoods. According to The Wall Street Journal, 80%
world-class, leaving the city poised to turn its reputation and
of patients who attend Médica Norte are from the US.
tourist infrastructure into a solid medical tourism offering. According to the Baja California health cluster chief, Dr.
Baja California’s health cluster leader, Dr. Chalita, cites health
Karim Chalita Rodríguez, medical tourism is worth US$500
tourism figures which leapt 20% between 2012 and 2013,
million to Baja California. Within Baja California, Tijuana
but warns that the city’s status is precarious. Perceived
has found a secure niche. When surveyed, medical tourism
insecurity and foreign tourism are inextricably linked. Baja
was the second most reported reason for visiting the city,
California’s homicide rate dropped from 1,528 in 2010 to 58
with an average of 500,000 patients arriving annually as
in 2012, according to INEGI and the city’s health tourism
stated by Baja California’s Ministry of Tourism. By offering
surged the following year. The US State Department travel
cosmetic procedures not commonly covered by US health
warning for Baja California has not deterred health tourism
insurance procedures at much lower prices, for example
so far this year, but a spike in violence from March onwards
gastric pliation, a US$20,000 treatment, costs US$7,500 in
may well have a negative influence on Tijuana’s medium-
Hospital Ángeles, hospitals can become very appealing.
term status as a medical tourism destination. It is too early to predict whether recent violence is merely infighting
The key to Tijuana’s success hinges on accessibility. Since
between splinters of the Tijuana cartel, or if it is indicative
Tijuana is only 15 minutes’ drive across the border from
of newer, larger groups moving in on the territory from the
San Diego airport, this city leads the way for medical
south, nor exactly how this will affect health tourism.
tourism in the country. The possibility of a footbridge
between San Diego and Rodríguez International Airport
in Tijuana has even been floated since November 2014.
Some border cities are better prepared than others and
Indeed, accessibility occasionally becomes congestion.
may try to muscle in on the market Tijuana dominates.
With 300,000 US citizens crossing the border at this
Mexicali’s health tourism board, for instance, reports that
point every day, according to US. Customs and Border
the sector earned US$16 million in 2010 from medical
Patrol, the city’s tourist board borrowed the model of
tourism. Now its tourist board is seeking to double that
Mexicali’s medical tourism lane – in operation since April
figure in the short term, coordinating a seven-hour, US$30
round trip from Las Vegas. Since April 2012, a return pass
potentially bill itself as a destination combining surgery
issued by tourist officials quickens the trips back across
with vacations. Mexico’s Ministry of Tourism posted figures
the border. The Mexicali option appeals particularly
of 600,000 visitors to Guadalajara last year, up 20% on
2013. A possible angle is the “baby boomer” market. For a
treatments, and, after notable successes in recent years,
large proportion of the 1.5 million US and Canadian citizens
the tourist board is targeting Latino communities in the
living in Mexico, medical treatment is a significant factor in
Coachella Valley and Phoenix. Mexicali knows its market,
since 15.7% of all Nevadans are uninsured, as reported in a 2014 Gallup poll. The rhetoric of Mexicali’s tourist board
bills that city as a quieter, slower-paced Tijuana, tailoring
Mayan Riviera destinations have followed the Tijuana model
its sales pitch to an older demographic.
and interconnect medical tourism with their existing vacation grid. Two chains, Amerimed and Hospiten, specialize in
Accessibility and tourism together are not the only answer,
locating high-quality medical care in a tourist destination.
however. While Chihuahua’s JCI-accredited Cumbres is
Hospiten has branches in Cancun and Playa del Carmen,
collaborating under the Medical City non-profit umbrella, it
while Amerimed operates in a number of beach resorts
has failed to become a center of gravity in the same way
around Mexico. Recognized neurosurgical, assisted fertility,
that Mexicali has. The city is a potential rival to Mexicali,
and oncology clinics all operate in the area, but dental and
since it boasts 40 specialized fields. Chihuahua’s hospitals
orthodontic care is the primary draw to medical tourists.
have effectively targeted the lucrative US market in
Dentistar and Coral Dental Care offer mainly aesthetic dental
aesthetic surgery, obesity, assisted reproduction, angiology,
treatments and surgeries to patients and Hospital Galenia,
and orthopedics. Chihuahua is three hours’ drive from El
located next to the Four Points Sheraton hotel in Cancun, is
Paso, and only two hours from Dallas. Meanwhile, Copper
an image indicative of the crossover between tourism and
Canyon’s national parks and enormous biodiversity make
medical care, which is becoming the norm in this area.
the destination an established point in the Mexican tourism atlas. The effectiveness of Chihuahua’s marketing strategy,
however, and the impression many US travelers have that
In one sense, Nuevo Laredo’s health cluster, run by the
the city is “too far off the beaten track” conspire against it.
state’s Ministry for Development and Tourism, indicates
Moreover, with Chihuahua able to rely on the mining and
how aggressive marketing and an established reputation
automotive industries, promoting medical tourism could
can outweigh an area’s notoriety for insecurity. For
not be a commercial priority.
instance, US and Canadian patients have worn a path to Villa de Nuevo, in the Rio Bravo municipality, over the past
30 years. Despite a year of intense violence leading to
In contrast, Leon, further south in the state of Guanajuato,
travel alerts for US citizens, hotels continue to report high
has proven far more successful in marketing its medical
occupancy rates, which indicate that mainly Texan medical
tourism offering. The city is considered a tourism hub
tourists continue to cross the border through Brownsville,
because of its safety, cultural capital, and a traditional
to avail of health costs which can total between 40-70%
center for leather goods production. Considered to be
less than in the US, according to a study of hospitals in
Mexico’s best planned city, local government officials have
the area. A great many medical services offered in the city
published reports on how to shape infrastructure around
are covered by US insurance policies. Nuevo Laredo is only
medical tourism. A campus of Tecnológico de Monterrey is
nominally a medical tourism destination, while the city has
located in the city, and hospitals have closed ties with 14
extensive museums and ecological parks, Nuevo Laredo’s
other higher-level institutions, such as UNAM’s Odontology
proximity and quality care are the main attractions.
Faculty. Accessible via national highway from Mexico City, Leon requires only a slight marketing push to open it to a
Reynosa has also united 560 doctors, pharmacists, and
global market.
clinical laboratories since 2011, with referral and promotion services drawing Rio Bravo, Matamoros, and Nuevo Laredo
Jalisco is another example of a medical cluster on the
into a medical tourism cluster that runs along the US
verge of a breakthrough. State capital Guadalajara, for
border. Twice daily, public transport service routes cross the
instance, is smaller than Mexico City, but its network of
Reynosa-Hidalgo international bridge, bringing an estimated
over 9,500 medical professionals is only slightly less than
1,200 South Texas medical patients across the border
the total number practicing in the country’s capital. The
every month. Odontology is the major draw, with 30,000
city’s 200 private medical centers perform an average
consultations per year. The sector generates about US$1.5
of 66,000 interventions per year as stated by the Global
million per month, according to the Tamaulipas Ministry
Delivery Report. The city’s agreeable climate, culinary
of Economic Development and Tourism. About 103,000
and cultural reputation, and its closeness to beaches like
consultations annually come under the heading of “medical
Puerto Vallarta and Sayulita mean that Guadalajara can
tourism,” with this expected to grow in the short term.
CERTIFICATIONS KEY TO ATTRACTING PATIENTS TO THE COAST DR. EDUARDO LOYA CORTÉS Director General of Hospital Galenia Q: What was the original idea behind Hospital Galenia’s
Q: To what extent has the medical tourism industry grown
in your hospital?
A: Despite the fact that Cancun is the number one tourist
A: About 80% of our patients come from the local area,
destination in Latin America, up until ten years ago the
and about 20% are tourists. It is important to point out that
medical system was inadequate, with residential homes
along with the infrastructure to handle medical emergencies
and hotels being used as clinics and makeshift hospitals. I
for tourists, Cancun is attracting patients seeking highly
came to Cancun 20 years ago and, coming from a private
specialized treatment. There are several clinical trials in
practice based in Polanco in Mexico City, I was used to
our hospital such as stem cells and groundbreaking cancer
cutting-edge hospitals with state-of-the-art equipment
treatments that are not available in the US, and therefore
and processes, so I felt an enormous responsibility to do
patients come here to take part. We see around 80 patients
something to raise the quality of care here. I drew up a lot
per month for stem cell treatment, such is the success that
of plans for approximately 12 years before we managed
we are considering beginning to develop the cells in our
to begin the Hospital Galenia project. We opened the
own laboratories instead of importing them from the US.
hospital’s doors on March 10, 2006.
It is unusual that patients come from abroad for treatment of life-threatening conditions,; we tend to perform more
Q: In what way has the hospital developed the services it
cosmetic surgery, and orthopedic surgery, which accounts
offers to patients and how did you unlock the potential of
for most of our foreign patients. A lot of people come
medical tourism in Cancun?
here for diagnostics, having heard about the quality of our
A: Originally, the hospital was created to help local people.
equipment; for instance, we can quickly detect any cancer.
Foreign patients never really crossed my mind as my focus
We also have chemotherapy and radiotherapy equipment
was on alleviating the healthcare situation in Cancun. The
and a lot of patients come from South America for this
first wing consisted of hospitalization with three operating
rooms and a laboratory, using robust technology that had
not existed in the area previously. Within a year and a half,
Q: What is the value proposition of Cancun in general
we had to expand the hospital by 12 rooms to meet demand
and Hospital Galenia in particular for attracting medical
and, just two years ago, we saw the need and opportunity
to build a second wing for the hospital, expanding into
A: We can offer the same advantages as traditional
neighboring land. This new wing allowed us to build 30
tourism, and it helps that Cancun is the premier tourist
new rooms and seven operating rooms, and to renovate
destination in Latin America. I would say that Cancun
three existing operating rooms in the previous wing. The
has a better medical infrastructure today than 20 years
money was then divided into two parts: reinvestment into
ago; however, more work is needed to offer more quality
renovations, and the building of a new oncology center.
services for both the local population and tourists. In fact,
In the second wing, we also began a program to research
having a quality medical infrastructure is part of the travel
and develop diagnostic medicine, and we installed
motivations of many tourists who want to feel protected
specialized facilities with state-of-the-art technology
for the diagnostic research. As we grew, we were
infrastructure for family vacations in a well-connected
collaborating with international insurance companies and
city with more direct flights to the US and Europe, even
hotels to treat tourists with medical needs. Gradually we
more than Mexico City, is really important. The hospitals
became more involved with the medical tourism trade to
in Cancun are becoming equipped with the advanced
the extent that we have opened a position in the hospital
technology you would find in prestigious hospitals in other
for a medical tourism representative, someone who has
countries in the world. We have 55 rooms and everything
a degree in tourism and also knows about the medical
a patient could possibly want. People do not only look for
affordable medical treatment, they want the guarantee
of international certifications and qualified, specialized
the Ministry of Health. They run a lot of initiatives, one
doctors. The quality we offer assures patients of a low risk
of which is incentivizing hospitals to participate in the
of infection or reactions to medications because we do not
certification process, nationally and internationally. For
take shortcuts. In summary, we offer the same standard of
example, the Ministry of Health can limit the type of
care as any major hospital in the US, but at a third of the
surgeries carried out by the hospital if it does not have
the correct processes in place. Moreover, the Ministry of Tourism will refuse to promote any hospitals without
Q: What criteria do overseas patients generally look for
when assessing treatment options at Hospital Galenia?
promotion can significantly help to generate business.
A: The most important is price, but patients also consider
The Ministry of Finance awards the largest grants to
certifications, prestige, and doctor qualifications. They
certified hospitals, so Hospital Galenia aims to constantly
normally want to speak to the doctor and establish a
improve standards of hospital care, and government
relationship to be reassured of their qualifications before
organizations have been created such as the Association
making a decision. Another priority is security and it is
of Medical Tourism in Quintana Roo, for which I am
extremely safe here. They look at the hospital and its
the Vice President. The government also works with
facilities and technology, and obviously the certifications
the hotels, shops, and transport agencies to provide
are carefully considered in the decision making process.
packages for medical tourists. The experience from
Moreover, the more satisfied patients go back to their
the moment the patient purchases a flight can include
countries after receiving treatment in Mexico, the more
arrangements for airport transfers, hotel accommodation
patients we will be able to attract as a country. We
and aftercare treatment. It is a matter of creating and
are committed to building a strong and trustworthy
sharing appropriate infrastructure throughout Cancun
perception among foreigners, not only for the sake of
to generate a high-quality customer experience from the
Hospital Galenia, but to benefit Mexico as a medical
moment patients arrive until they return home.
tourism destination. Q: How competitive is the medical tourism market in Q: Hospital Galenia has JCI, GHC, and Canada International
accreditations. What has obtaining these certifications
A: The competition is not too fierce because, first of all,
meant for the hospital?
we are the only JCI certified hospital in Cancun. There are
other hospitals in the process of being certified which we
accreditations was giving peace of mind to foreign
support because Hospital Galenia simply cannot cope with
customers and cutting down bureaucracy for the patient.
the volume of patients. Helping other facilities to become
With the accreditation we receive many more private
certified is in our best interests because we want to promote
patients, meaning that payment is faster and they do not
medical tourism as a viable industry in Mexico. At the end
need to wait to be reimbursed by insurance companies. Then,
of this year, we plan to set up the first Galenia clinic in Playa
we began to realize that people tended to trust our hospital
del Carmen. After that, we are planning a Galenia clinic in
because we had this extra international accreditation which
Tuxtla Gutierrez in Chiapas. After that we plan to expand
creates the recognition of quality and reduced risk. The
to Los Cabos.
GHC revises them regularly and, depending on the standard of care provided, the certification is issued for one, two or
All business owners have a role to play in promoting the
three years. Ours was issued for three years. We then began
medical tourism industry in Cancun, which is made easier
to consider the JCI, the most respected accreditation in
with government support. As a hospital, we are part of a
the US, because in Canada, as a result of their nationalized
network of enterprises, both foreign and domestic, such
health service, private healthcare practically does not exist,
as insurance companies, in order to facilitate the process.
so with this accreditation we can further cut down waiting
Increasingly, healthcare solutions firms like Intermed, and
times for patients from all of North America.
a growing number of insurance companies, are looking to Latin America as a way to avoid the rising costs of
Q: To what extent does the government promote Cancun
healthcare in the US. As a result, insurance companies can
as a medical tourism destination and how does Hospital
become a new market for us and we are always looking to
Galenia support this initiative?
expand into new demographics. We must now carry out
A: In terms of the government, there are three key
the necessary work in collaboration with all industries that
players in the promotion of the medical tourism industry:
can support tourism in order to cope with the volume that
the Ministry of Tourism, the Ministry of Finance, and
these markets can bring.
CASE STUDY: THAILAND Thailand is the world’s largest medical tourism market,
visitors to Thailand. Public transport, 30-day visas, and even
and is more advanced than other leading markets, such
the Miracle Thailand emergency debit card (issued by the
as the US, Singapore, India, and Mexico. It is sustaining a
state-owned Krungthai bank) are all factors to ensure that
health boom which has attracted an annual average of 1.4
medical tourism extends to the arrivals lane of Bangkok’s
million foreign medical patients to seek treatment there
since 2010. The medical tourism industry is now worth
tourism companies also have an overseas reach, with the
US$4.7 billion, representing 18% of the country’s GDP,
based on the commitment of successive government
operating 13 foreign referral branches. Established hospitals
administrations to sustain the Thai health boom. With
also actively take on spa culture and add a clinical dimension.
periodic cycles of political turmoil – including a military
Of the nine major medical tourism clusters identified by the
coup in 2014 – healthcare and tourism are Thailand’s main
Thai tourism board, the vast majority have an identity as
sources of public relations capital internationally, as well
existing holiday locations, which have supplemented their
as a constant source of foreign income. Medical tourism in
brand with high-quality medical centers.
Suvarnabhumi flagship
Thailand, then, has proven to be quite durable to turmoil.
FLAGSHIP SERVICES Price is a key factor. One basic package includes a
Bumrungrad International Hospital typifies many of the
colonoscopy, MRI screening, blood work, and consultations
trends which have made Thailand the leader of the global
for minor complaints. The total amounts to US$3,000,
medical tourism market. Of the 500 doctors in Thai
less than a quarter of the US fee of US$14,000. Even
hospitals with American Board certification, 200 work
including travel and accommodation considerations, the
at Bumrungrad. Many more have experience working at
total price of this medical treatment in Thailand falls just
hospitals in Europe, Japan, and Australia. With 580 beds,
shy of US$4,500. An angioplasty costs US$57,000 in the
Bumrungrad is the largest private hospital in South-East
US, while the fee drops to about US$13,000 in Thailand,
Asia. It is also the first hospital in Asia to receive JCI
according to data from Global Health and Travel for 2013.
accreditation. This certification, approved in 2002, has
Moreover, heart bypasses in Thailand cost less than 10% of
led the way to JCI accreditation for a further 30 hospitals
the US price, with no drop in quality. Hip replacements in
operating in Thailand. According to Bumrungrad’s annual
Thailand are half the price of the same operation in the US
report, over half of Bumrungrad’s 1.1 million annual patients
and a knee replacement a quarter of the US price.
are international. More than this, though, the institute is capable of riding global medical tourism trends.
In addition to offering lower costs, Thai hospitals feature a larger number of operating theaters as a matter of course,
meaning delays are fewer and shorter. Another tendency is
The Mexican medical tourism market is projected to rise
for Thai hospitals to load their service offer with expertise,
by 7.3% by 2016. Learning from the experience of other
so as to operate as a “one-stop” shop for a particular
developing countries could help Mexico in designing the
health concern. Bangkok General, for instance, has 13
best strategy to unlock the potential of medical tourism.
cardiac surgeons, three specialized anesthetists, and a
All the same, important issues could be addressed before
pediatric cardiology unit. Bypass, pacemaker fitting, and
Mexico can make a firm bid for the top spot. The rollout
valve replacement surgeries all fall within the hospital’s
of an integrated, cross-sector electronic record could lift
remit, drastically shortening queues for these services.
Mexico up a grade in terms of tracking and accountability. Mexico’s expertise and infrastructure are in many ways equal
The “Thai moment” is forward-looking, though, with the
to Thailand’s, with an equally well-founded tourism brand.
sector unwilling to stake continued success on foreign
Additionally, Mexico has several advantages such as the
healthcare prices and queues. The Siemens Biograph 64 PET/
proximity to the US and Europe compared to Thailand, the
CT, image-guided radiotherapy, and even robotic-assisted
increasing number of certified hospitals, and many accessible
surgeries – during which movements of a surgeon’s hand
tourist destinations within the country. While Mexico may
are amplified to make procedures less invasive feature in the
be at the vanguard of international medical tourism, the
arsenal of one top hospital. High dose-rate brachytherapy
sector is in a phase of latency. Technological upgrades, the
and blood marrow stem-cell transplants are also on offer.
fostering of cross-sector collaboration, and an upgrade of its documentation processes could all help Mexico to stop
playing catch-up and begin leading the field. Finally, more
The medical tourism sector easily slots into the government-
collaboration among private hospitals, government, and
supported infrastructure already in place to receive foreign
academia could be effective in promoting medical tourism.
MEXICO RANKS FIFTH GLOBALLY FOR COSMETIC SURGERY LEVELS A study published in the International Open Access Journal
There has also been a surge in non-surgical procedures.
of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons in 2013
The most common procedure in 2014 was Botox injections,
recommended three basic ways to attract patients from
followed by hair removal, chemical peels, and laser skin
the US, namely offering lower prices, providing superior
resurfacing. Again, Mexico is following Brazil and the US
care, and focusing on niche markets. Regarding the latter,
in terms of most non-surgical procedures carried out. In
Mexico was found to be popular for dental and cosmetic
addition, males are increasingly opting for non-surgical
surgery procedures with prices at 25-35% of those in the
procedures such as Botox, laser skin resurfacing, and
US, while Thailand and India are well-known for gender
microdermabrasion, opening the market up significantly.
The gradual change in attitudes towards cosmetic surgery
has major implications for the profits that can be generated. Given the generally liberal attitude in the US towards
According to figures released by the International Society
surgical procedures, it is likely that this trend will continue
of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, more than 20 million cosmetic
and the sector will become more and more popular, not just
procedures were performed worldwide in 2014. Of the
among tourists but also among Mexican citizens.
markets offering these procedures, Mexico was ranked fifth largest, outdone only by the US, Brazil, Japan, and South
For the Mexican economy, this is good news. Medical
Korea. The leading surgical procedures during that year
tourism is projected to continue to rise, with an annual
were breast augmentations, liposuction, blepharoplasty,
increase of 7.3% projected to continue into 2016, amounting
and rhinoplasty. Medical tourism is a growing industry
to around US$3.3 billion according to the Health Tourism
in Mexico and large numbers of visitors from the US are
Report 2013, which surpasses the combined revenue
opting to travel in order to find quality surgeons who can
generated from exports of tequila and beer. In association
carry out cosmetic procedures for a fraction of the price
with ProMexico, a medical tourism association has been
in the US.
set up in order to properly inform and advise foreign clients of the quality services available in the country.
Dr. David Kirsch Kleiman, a respected plastic surgeon at the
Additionally, an increasing number of Mexican doctors
forefront of the Mexican medical tourism industry, states
have been endorsed by the American Society of Plastic
that due to a combination of factors, such as proximity,
Surgeons, which provides the necessary reassurance
cost and broader acceptance of cosmetic surgery, many
for most patients in terms of safety and security. People
of his patients come from the US. However, Kleiman feels
tend to go to easily accessible places such as Cancun and
that cosmetic surgery is still very much a taboo in Mexico,
Puerto Vallarta, further increasing revenues from tourism
and many of his patients do not disclose the fact that they
in already popular tourist destinations.
have undergone surgery even to their closest friends and family. On the other hand, the fact that customers continue
In terms of future plans, Frank Rosengaus, Director of
to undergo surgeries shows that attitudes within Mexico
Ultrabody, believes that the full potential of the market
may be starting to shift and a wider cosmetic industry
is yet to be capitalized on, especially since only 2% of
opening up.
Mexicans use cosmetic surgery procedures.
% of WorldWide Total
Total Face & Head
Body & Extremities
% of total procedures
Total Surgical Procedures
South Korea
Total Non-Surgical Procedures
Total Procedures
Source: ISAPS International Survey on Aesthetic/Cosmetic 2014
Mexico is the world’s 13th largest economy in nominal terms and is positioned second in Latin
America. Both its maquiladora program and NAFTA participation are evidence of the country’s long tradition of welcoming foreign trade and business opportunities. Beyond its unalterably optimum geographic position, the country has many attractive qualities for potential investors including its labor force, natural resources, and strong will to reform obstructions to growth and political stability. Of course, no emerging economy investment is without risk and Mexico continues to contend with its own unique set of challenges. Evidence indicates that regulatory authorities are becoming increasingly more efficient in enhancing the competitiveness of the healthcare industry. Many of the ingredients for success exist in Mexico for those investors turning their attentions to the country’s healthcare sector, but both a deep understanding of the market and a clear development strategy are essential for success.
HIGHLIGHTS • Mexico’s economic and political environment • Investment opportunities • Impact of trade agreements • The role of social media • Intellectual property rights law • Life sciences industry legal overview • Critical success factor for doing business in Mexico
VIEW FROM THE TOP: José Alarcón Irigoyen, PwC
VIEW FROM THE TOP: Gema Moreno Vega & Jorge Cueto, Deloitte
EXPERT OPINION: Engaging Partners Through Social Media, IMS Health
INSIGHT: Federico Antoni, Venture Partners
VIEW FROM THE TOP: Daniel Karam Toumeh, Hill+Knowlton Strategies
VIEW FROM THE TOP: Vera González, FleishmanHillard
VIEW FROM THE TOP: Gilberto Lozano, Ernst & Young
INSIGHT: Ángel Vazquez Hernández, Livemed
VIEW FROM THE TOP: José Alejandro Luna Fandiño, Olivares & Cia
EXPERT OPINION: José Alejandro Luna Fandiño & Erwin Carlos Cruz Saldivar, Olivares & Cia
VIEW FROM THE TOP: Nancy Stitch, British Chamber of Commerce in Mexico
VIEW FROM THE TOP: Indira Miranda & Johannes Hauser, CAMEXA
VIEW FROM THE TOP: Eduardo Ruiz de Santiago Segreste, Epsilon
VIEW FROM THE TOP: Dr. Christian López-Silva, Baker & McKenzie
THREE STEPS TO EVOLUTION JOSÉ ALARCÓN IRIGOYEN Partner and Leader Healthcare Practice, Mexico & Hispanic America at PwC
Q: What is PwC’s role as an advisor to the healthcare
easily. These players were not traditionally seen in the
Mexican market but the decline of Casa Saba has left room
A: Six years ago, we identified a global trend of healthcare
to grow and transform in the distribution segment.
systems around the world undergoing transformations as a consequence of reforms that took place in the 1980s and
Q: What role do patients play in this transformation and
1990s. In the 2000s, acute infectious diseases ceased to be
what are the challenges that the government must face?
a primary concern in most countries and systems strived
A: Patients are now considered to be clients or end users in
to adapt to the rise of chronic and degenerative diseases.
the value chain. Today, they are more aware of their rights
PwC has been promoting efforts made by the public
and the importance of being healthy. High and middle-
and private sectors and investing in helping countries to
class families also have increased access to education and
transform their healthcare systems.
resources in relation to healthcare. The Mexican middleclass is comprised of 18 million people, which equals Chile’s
Q: What trends have been driving the transformation of
population, creating a powerful group demanding better
the Mexico healthcare sector?
healthcare services. On the other hand, 50 million Mexicans the
are below the poor line and require more effective medical
transformation of the Mexican healthcare system. Firstly,
attention in first contact clinics, which could happen through
the Mexican population is aging. Today, six out of every
telemedicine solutions. Furthermore, despite growing health
100 citizens are over 65 years old, with this figure expected
awareness among the population, lifestyle changes are not
to rise to 21 out of 100 people by 2050. Chronic and
necessarily having a positive impact on health. Chronic
degenerative diseases increase as a population ages,
diseases represented 48% of mortality causes in the 1990s
requiring greater public investment. Even though net
but this has risen to 72%. A study carried out by the Mexican
healthcare expenditure increased by 5% in 2013 in Mexico,
Institute of Competitiveness (IMCO) found that obesity costs
our investment level is only 0.08% from the total 6.2% of
the government MX$80 billion, MX$60 billion goes towards
healthcare expenditure. This investment level should be
treatment costs, MX$10 billion goes to premature deaths
increased to at least 0.7% to get to the OECD average,
during productive years, and the final MX$10 billion towards
which is 7.5 times our present level. The 6.2% needs to be
absenteeism. Obesity is a latent crisis, the implications of
increased itself to the OECD average closer to 9%. This is
which have not fully been considered. However, it could
an issue that quickly needs to be resolved since the number
still be treated in a timely manner in order to prevent a
of elderly people will triple within the next three decades.
scenario where the government would no longer be able to
Furthermore, economic units represent 79.5% of the total
finance treatments as a consqueence of Mexico’s obesity
healthcare expenditure, leaving over 20% to cover unpaid
epidemic. Moreover, out of pocket expenditure represents
work such as volunteering or relatives becoming careers at
92% of total private investment in healthcare, meaning that
home. Within this expenditure, public and private spending
both private and public insurance options are underutilized
account for 51.2% and 48.8% of spending respectively.
due to lack of adequate access mechanisms and quality
On the other hand, international players are entering the
issues within the public system. and price sensitivity and
Mexican market as a result of globalization while companies
complexity perception on the private insurance side. This
from other sectors are investing in the healthcare industry.
comprises a significant challenge for the system to improve
For instance, Walmart has 50 clinics with Previta, which
access and competitiveness. Mexico should also modernize
operates consulting offices within pharmacies, AT&T
since around 12% of the public expenditure goes to
provides long-distance healthcare services, Samsung has a
administration activities, which is significantly higher than
medical devices division, and third-party logistics providers
the 3.9% average in the OECD. This is all more unsettling
such as DHL, UPS, and FedEx are helping pharmaceutical
since overall healthcare expenditure in Mexico is below the
and medical device clients to reach final consumers more
OECD average.
Q: How important is it for the current government to
A: Our most recent CEO Survey, in which CEOs of
begin a reform that can address the challenges?
several pharmaceutical and medical devices companies
A: Healthcare is a priority for the current government. This
participated, concluded that there are three main action
is evident in the National Development Plan, which states
imperatives facing the pharmaceutical industry: creating
that Mexcioâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s system should begin to allow citizens to
alliances, integrating technology, and segmenting go-
choose their preferred healthcare provider. All actors are
expecting an important set of three reforms, which could
solutions for the complete patient experience, instead of
take shape under three different scenarios. One of them
focusing on commercializing products would mean that
consists of improving the financial capabilities at different
complex diseases like cancer and diabetes would require
levels within Seguro Popular by better collaborating with
pharmaceutical companies to partner with integrators and
the private insurance sector. The second one aims to open
other companies in different segments. Secondly, we need
up the system to competition based on the citizens rights to
to make more effective use of technology to approach
choose to enable a better mix of private and public sectors
patients and physicians in innovative ways, comprising the
and to eliminate crossover. This means Seguro Popular
trend of digital health and the integration of social media
and private insurance companies will not cover the same
and healthcare. Finally, the third challenge is differentiating
patients for specific diseases or categories of diseases. This
products and services and correctly segmenting the market,
is a strategic risk management practice for the public system
placing an emphasis on entrepreneurial understanding of
as its budget can be allocated as a fixed cost per capita.
variations within different markets in Mexico. For example,
Finally, progress in these two steps could guarantee an
Monterrey has three times the national average of people
easier implementation of a major transformational reform in
with medical insurance while also having an older population
2019-2020. The government already knows what is required
than the rest of Mexico. This means that companies require
but the challenge lies in the implementation. We think the
a different strategy for that city rather than simply inserting
reform will be gradual during this current presidential term
products into private hospitals. Personalized services and
but will become transformative by 2020. If reform happens,
tailored distribution models are becoming increasingly
IMSS must prepare to lose a significant number of affiliates,
necessary for successful commercialization.
which private hospitals will be interested in capturing, since money will follow the patients. If a set period is mandated by
Q: What innovative models should the healthcare sector
the government to balance the healthcare system, private
hospitals would use that time to build a wider network of
A: Payment for performance, which consists of paying
hospitals to meet growing demand and better compete
clinicians, health providers, and integrators based on better
against other healthcare chains.
health outcomes, can be an effective model in the healthcare sector. A successful example of this in Mexico can be seen
Q: What emerging opportunities do you identify in having
within Seguro Popular in the state of Hidalgo, which plans
physicians at the point of sale?
to use schemes incentivizing public and private healthcare
A: The dynamics between insurance companies and
providers to measure healthcare outcomes in individuals
hospitals have changed as a result of new partnerships
and the overall population. Supporting integrated healthcare
among different players in the value chain. Physicians at
networks is also important. These comprise multi-channel
the point of sale represent a good opportunity to create
solutions that allow access to healthcare services through
partnerships between insurance companies, pharmacy
different platforms, including online medical information
chains, and hospitals in order to transfer or refer patients
and medical history, as well as other systems that provide
from pharmacies to hospitals whenever a higher level
medical advice and help patients book their medical
of medical attention is required. In this regard, more
appointments. PwC is promoting an integrated platform
collaborations and negotiations among pharmaceutical
model that had a successful pilot program in the Basque
companies, pharmacies, and hospitals are expected to
Country. It aims to improve the quality of medical attention
appear over the next three years. There are good examples
and to reduce patientsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; waiting hours and re-admissions
of collaborations among insurance companies, hospitals,
to hospitals. We also provide strategic planning services,
clinics and pharmacies in other countries such as Kaiser
which consist of helping clients understand market
Permanente in the US, Colsanitas in Colombia, Banmedica
dynamics and design future scenarios. The Latin American
in Chile, and Rimac & Pacifico in Peru.
region is interesting for us in terms of understanding the transformation of current healthcare systems and the
Q: What advice would you give to companies operating in
impact of international treaties and alliances on local
this evolving industry?
pharmaceutical and medical devices industries.
CONNECTING THE DOTS LEFT: Gema Moreno Vega, Leader of Life Sciences and Healthcare Industry at Deloitte RIGHT: Jorge Cueto, Partner at Deloitte
Q: Deloitte has seen double-digit annual growth - how
contributed to an obesity crisis in Mexico’s middle classes.
important is the health and life sciences area?
Stress, neurological, cardiovascular problems, and cancer
GM: Healthcare is one of Deloitte’s priority areas worldwide
are altering Mexico’s epidemiological profile from an
and in Mexico. The country is the second-largest health
infectious to a chronic degenerative disease pyramid.
market in Latin America after Brazil, and the eleventh
Both the government and private health institutions are
worldwide, so we are interested in creating integral
working to confront these diseases, with a special focus
solutions for this sector. Deloitte has released several
on prevention. Apps to monitor weight and promote
studies and global analyses on life sciences and healthcare
exercise for the general population and others focused on
including on adapting to an era of transformation, where
specific diseases such as diabetes have been released. Our
competing priorities exist alongside common goals. We
Deloitte Digital division is, in fact, developing wearables
have also tried to make predictions on the healthcare and
for patients to simplify treatment and provide immediate
life sciences sector ahead of 2020. Through such studies
access to doctors and specialists. On a separate issue, the
we are able to gather enough information on global and
delivery chain has become less effective in recent years,
regional trends to offer consulting services that would
forcing companies to develop new strategies. Certain
keep our clients at the forefront of the market.
distributors are creating their own pharmacy chains and laboratories are acquiring their own clinics and hospitals,
Q: The Mexican healthcare market has been subject to
increasing accessibility and portability while prices are
budget reductions and reforms which will integrate public
being contained, and forcing organizations to manage
health institutions. How have they affected the industry
resources and adapt to regulations. We are also helping
as a whole?
companies to manage risk and prioritize their resources to
GM: Public health institutions are not aiming for consolidation
efficiently handle critical problems and regulations.
but rather towards portability and integration of services, allowing patients to choose hospitals according to their
JC: The current situation has also created a great
particular medical or geographical needs. There is, however,
opportunity area for regulations. Healthcare patterns,
an interest in consolidating acquisition models. Where
public institutions are concerned – IMSS, ISSSTE, Seguro
Popular, and the different Secretariats of Health – unifying
regulatory authorities in every nation, Mexico included. The
acquisition power means a stronger negotiating position
country is also at a disadvantage as it has a fragmented
when buying drugs, medical supplies, and medical devices.
healthcare system, making the implementation of general
Both goals were proposed by President Enrique Peña Nieto’s
public policies much more difficult for each institution.
administration to improve access to health services, and
While the government’s goal is to provide integrated
they will have a notable impact on the industry’s demand
services, not all hospitals are equally able to follow them.
model. We will have to adapt to new acquisition models, as
At this point, the government is looking for a system that
well as create new commercialization and delivery strategies
can be followed by all organizations. Every country has a
based on value. Price controls will increase accessibility and
different model. For example, traditional models are pay-
preserve value, since manufacturers will have to prove the
by-event in nature, and every single doctor visit is paid
effectiveness of their medicines.
for by the patient. This system leads to increased hospital
pharmacies, have
visits and stays. Insurance companies have imposed a per-
Q: What are the main changes you have seen in the
capita payment fees model through health plans, imposing
Mexican market?
the cappedamount to be paid for a range of services.
GM: As the middle class grows and acquires more
Our government should find a balance between those
medications, purchasing habits are beginning to change.
two models to benefit patients such as Value Based Care
Unfortunately, increase of fast food consumption has
modes to provide better outcomes.
Q: Do you provide services to the public sector?
eliminated in 2008. COFEPRIS is also planning regulatory
JC: We provide services to the public sector applying our
changes to manufacturing practices, which we hope will
experience of regulatory matters in different countries and
give companies the incentive to set up operations in
try to find ways where we can leverage that experience
Mexico. The goal is to become a platform for the industry
to help our customers in Mexico. We have helped many
both for R&D and manufacture.
companies, the government, and even pharmacies to adhere to public policy, with several industry experts
GM: We are see an increasing interest from foreign
including lawyers and economists providing us with insight
organizations in Mexican manufacturing plants that
into the healthcare sector.
implement GMPs. Manufacturing in Mexico is relatively cheap, so we expect to improve the country’s export
GM: We provide integral solutions, and, at this point, we are
balance. Since COFEPRIS has simplified its processes, the
the only consulting company to have its own health center
savings and increased efficiency are both very attractive
in Washington, composed by former members of the US
to new investors.
Department of Health and Human Services. This center handles global matters and travels to several countries to
Q: How much is the health sector growing both in Mexico
discuss regulatory matters.
and Deloitte? JC: We expect the sector to keep growing in the years
Q: How would you define the strength of Mexico’s
to come, especially for diseases such as diabetes and
regulatory body?
hypertension, given the high leves of obesity. Devices used
to help patients manage these diseases are becoming
authorities. The current commissioner of COFEPRIS, Mikel
increasingly popular. We are beginning to see technology
Arriola, has started implementing risk-based management
developments for healthcare in this area. This industry,
and simplified many processes to address risks posed by
featuring new products that we ingest, implant, or wear is
medications and medical devices. He decided to simplify
expected to grow ten fold in the next five years. Patients
the process and established priorities. After a thorough
have begun to behave like consumers. Increased use of the
study on the population’s needs, which took into account
Internet and social media allow patients to perform their
shrinking health budgets, he decided to push vaccination
own research on diseases and medications. As patients
schemes, medical devices, and generics for some molecules
become more informed, they are starting to demand more
that tackle the main health problems faced by Mexicans.
data and information.
Arriola also modified the approval and renovation process for drugs and medical devices. COFEPRIS is harmonizing
GM: One area we have developed is data analytics for
its regulations with international ones in Central and
comparative effectiveness research, which aggregates
South America, allowing companies to sell a product in
real data to measure the performance of a drug once it
those areas as soon as it is approved in Mexico. Bringing
is in the market. This data is used to monitor patients’
regulations into line with FDA requirements has been
wellbeing, measure adverse effects from their treatment,
achieved, with the implementation of that association’s
and decide whether a recall of the drug is necessary. We
Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) program. This
are supporting several companies to perform this analysis.
reflects the strength of our exports Finally, Mexico has a firmer base than many Latin American countries, which
Q: How have the new players such as pharmacy chains
means significant progress in preventing counterfeit drugs
and supermarkets affected the sector?
and bioequivalent medicines.
GM: Pharmacy chains are increasing points of sale, which is of great beneficial to the sector, but they also represent
JC: These regulatory changes present a great opportunity for
competition, as several have developed their own brands.
Mexico as a manufacturing country. We are expecting further
In theory, this increases accessibility to medications, but
regulatory changes in the first quarter of 2016, which will
we are also seeing increased interest from pharmaceutical
attract foreign investment by simplifying the incorporation
companies in selling directly to pharmacies. These trends
of Mexican products into US and European markets.
are ultimately beneficial for the end consumer, as they simplify the distribution chain can lead to lower prices.
Q: Which areas are growing in Mexico? JC:
Another important change is the introduction of doctors at foreign
the point of sale. If these doctors are properly regulated,
companies to have a manufacture plant in Mexico in
they could be hugely beneficial to the health sector, as they
order to import their products, a requirement that was
relieve the pressure on individual institutions.
by IMS Institute for Healthcare Informatics - Despite
In assessing the current use of Facebook, Twitter, and
struggling to penetrate the population segment that most
YouTube by pharmaceutical companies, three elements of
utilizes the healthcare service patients over 65 years of
social media engagement have been defined and an index
age, and those with multiple chronic conditions, the social
developed based on the IMS Health Nexxus Social Media
media channels are rising. Furthermore, digital activities
are currently highest in areas with the least healthcare impact. Yet, another challenge lies in the diversity on
1. Reach is a measure of the absolute number of listeners
networks which provide different user experiences, and
and the index is based on the number of people
are subject to rapid shifts in use.
reached by each channel through likes, shares, and retweets. A company can have the most interesting and
The rise of digital healthcare activity is well recognized, even if the impact on healthcare is yet to be fully understood.
engaging content but without reach they will not be heard.
Examples of metrics that reflect the scope and scale of the
2. Relevance measures whether people found posts or
new digital landscape include that physicians spend twice as
content relevant and/or useful, and the index is based
much time making clinical decisions using online resources
on the extent to which content is being shared and
than print. Also that doctors spend three hours per week
forwarded across social networks. Relevance increases
watching online videos for professional purposes and
reach and is an indicator that a social media platform
cite Medscape and YouTube followed by pharmaceutical company websites as the most important visual sources.
is growing. 3. Relationship is a measure of interaction - the back and forth of conversation - and a measure of company and
The increasing use of smartphones and tablets has
consumer or patient integration. The relationship index
encouraged an even greater demand for mobile health
measures the level of interaction between a company
information, enabling patients to access and contribute
and those who post, reply, or otherwise interact with
anywhere. Studies suggest that more than 50% of
the companyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s postings.
smartphone owners have looked up health information on their phone and roughly one-third of patients used
The IMS Health Social Media Engagement Index shows
tablets or mobile devices on a daily basis for research and/
a variety of specialized, consumer health focused, and
or to book appointments. The key social media channels
large companies within the top ten rankings. Mid-sized
that have been considered for this report are Wikipedia,
companies can compete on an engagement level with
Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube.
large pharmaceuticals and often utilize more potential from social media channels due to greater flexibility
Metrics that track social media reach, relevance, and
and smaller target audiences. There is a large difference
relationship can provide the basis for assessing a
between the top performer, and companies in the lower
companyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s engagement with patients over time. Such
rankings, which may reflect the lack of maturity in social
metrics show that, among the top 50 pharmaceutical
media use by companies, with only a small number having
companies, half do not engage with consumers or patients
made this a key focus to date.
Companies with the highest levels of patient engagement are smaller companies with narrower therapeutic focus or
consumer health companies. Pharmaceutical companies
Johnson & Johnson
have been using social media for several years, though to
Novo Nordisk
Within the healthcare environment, there are three basic
Boehringer Ingelheim
types of social media use. The first is gathering information
Merck & Co.
a lesser extent than companies in other industries where regulatory oversight does not provide any constraints.
regarding attitudes. A second use is for broadcasting messages and content, and thirdly, engaging people and organizations on healthcare-related topics leading to a public conversation that can be observed by anyone.
Source: IMS
VENTURE CAPITAL POTENTIAL IN THE HEALTHCARE SECTOR Founded in 2012 and the first company of its kind in
lowers the cost of consults, with physicians providing more
Mexico, Venture Partners is a venture capital company
accurate diagnostics, as well as an increasing convenience
specializing in Seed and Early Stage Venture Investments.
and accessibility through remote medical diagnosis. In terms
The emergence of this kind of company is due to a
of acquiring patients, Antoni reveals that the best channel
healthcare system that is evolving. More people have
for recruitment are social media websites like Facebook,
access to healthcare services, people are demanding
meaning that technology is becoming an important aspect
better quality services, the general population is aging
for the healthcare sector and is expected to become
and becoming wealthier, the middle class is expanding,
fundamental among younger generations. Not only do
and, over the past ten years, Seguro Popular has insured
the information and education sectors benefit from data
15 million people who did not previously have access to
collected virtually, patients can also use online applications to
health services. Additionally, technology and innovation
track health outcomes. As both public and private insurance
are beginning to change the face of the industry: health
need to increase efficiency, according to Antoni, technology
suppliers are becoming smarter, specialized, more efficient,
will constitute an efficient, cost-effective solution.
offering more low-cost solutions, and smartphones now allow tracking, information exchange, and are connecting
It is for these reasons that venture capital firms are
patients and doctors.
interested in entering the healthcare sector in Mexico over the next few years. Therefore, Antoni believes that
Five of the 12 companies in the Venture Partners portfolio
venture financing is necessary, now more than ever, to
are directly related to healthcare, and the rest are
support entrepreneurial projects and industry growth.
related more loosely. The company works with a network
There are clear opportunities in the sector, particularly
of hemodialysis clinics, diabetes prevention clinics,
when comparing investment in healthcare. “We believe
a company that sells welfare programs for clinics, a
there continues to be significant room for innovation in
company that created a platform for patients and doctors
processes and the use of technology,” says Antoni.
to meet online, and a company that offers financial credits to patients who need money for immediate
Though the industry has important players, no one of them
medical interventions to create a homologized and
is dominant. There are plenty of opportunities and there
comprehensive healthcare system.
is still significant development potential, according to
Antoni. Primarily, insurance companies have a significant
insured clients and how to mitigate said risks. Antoni points
entrepreneurship and innovation.
companies as a key strategic sector. “If hospitals do not
challenge in understanding what the risks are for the towards communication between hospitals and insurance
However, to complement these
reveal comprehensive information, insurance companies
strategies, corporations should
open, the concern is that mistakes recorded during medical
identify big market opportunities
a consequence, there is a huge opportunity for companies
while simultaneously mitigating
cannot measure the risk. On the other hand, if they are too procedures and practices will damage their reputation. As to provide information management systems for this kind of data.”
levels of risk” Federico Antoni, Director of Venture Partners
Venture Partners is mainly interested in services rather than investing in pharmaceuticals or devices. There are
Federico Antoni, Director of Venture Partners, believes
some important trends to consider, including hospitals
that public hospitals and public insurance systems require
outsourcing services, and prevention intiatives. In addition
improved efficiency and lower prices. They are struggling
to this, information technology for healthcare is becoming
with the growing demand and financing for health
smarter, cheaper, and more efficient, so big data projects
services. In this sense, the implementation of technology
are increasingly attractive business opportunities. Return
and data solutions for storage of health records as well as
on investments in the development of drugs tends are
other administrative tasks can lead to an improvement in
notoriously slow and high risk, due to safety issues around
treatments and diagnosis, lowering the probability of patient
the emerging molecule. The investment target range for
relapse. Moreover, implementing technological solutions
Venture Partners is US$500,000 to US$4 million.
EXPERT PUBLIC MARKET ENTRY STRATEGIES DANIEL KARAM TOUMEH President and Director General of Hill+Knowlton Strategies and Former Director General of IMSS Q: What is the importance of the healthcare area for
being released address rare diseases, which means they
Hill+Knowlton and how is it evolving?
are focused on very few patients but can have a strong
A: Globally speaking, healthcare represents our second
impact on their lives. Developing these medications takes
most important industry in terms of revenue. This is not
large investments in R&D from pharmaceutical companies
yet the case for Mexico. We are optimistic, as we expect
which they hope to recover at the commercialization
this area to score double-digit growth in the next few
stage. However, the introduction of these innovative
years. At this point, the main challenge facing the industry
medicines into the public sector has been complex due
are the deep budget cuts affecting all public healthcare
to the aforementioned financial constraints. These days,
institutions. This is because the public health sector is
it is extremely complicated to introduce new molecules
the main buyer for medications from big pharmaceutical
into the National Formulary. To facilitate this process, we
companies in Mexico. The vast majority of our clients are
teach our clients to be extremely accurate in the way they
interested in increasing these sales to public institutions.
represent their products and in their financial and efficacy
However, in this new context of financial constraints, public
hospitals may see their purchasing power curtailed. Q: How do you help companies to develop innovative Q: What would be the basic requirements for a successful
collaboration between pharmaceutical companies and
A: We help them to stand out in terms of quality in
the public health sector?
comparison to a generic product. Our clients have to focus
A: Pharmaceutical companies must comply with all
on quality and efficacy, measured by indices from customer
regulations imposed by the government to be potential
experience studies. We also try to create awareness within
sellers. Transparency in all sales processes is crucial. Two
different audiences as to the benefits of innovative drugs.
large factors that influence decisions for public health
Companies are making solid efforts to document and
officials: quality and price. On the private market, potential
communicate to the public the experiences of patients
buyers are looking for good quality, the best prices, and an
having been treated with the medicines in question. To do
integral service. The current trend among private buyers
this, companies need to take strong documentation to back
is to not be interested just in a single, specific device, but
up their assertions and to prove scientific evidence and
to request the device itself and all support services for a
proof of quality to justify the higher price point. Although
fixed price. This is part of the wider trend of clients seeking
such medicines might be more expensive, they are also
integral solutions to concrete problems.
more attractive for specific segments of the market that may be willing to pay extra for a better quality product.
Q: What are the main services you provide for the
Still, we also help our clients to generate branded generics.
pharmaceutical industry?
A: One of our main strengths is educating pharmaceutical
Q: How do you manage communications between
companies about the proper procedures to follow when
pharmaceuticals and the point of sale?
launching new products. It is important to acknowledge
A: We have been approached by both manufacturers
that the pharmaceutical industry is not in the same
and distributors, requesting ways to improve their
position as it was ten years ago. Back then, around ten
communication. It does not matter at what part of the
blockbuster drugs were released a year but that is no
chain clients are located, as they all need to communicate
longer the case. PR budgets have been greatly reduced
with their audiences. What differentiates us from other PR
meaning that, as consultants, we have to provide the best
firms is that we spend a large amount of money to fully
possible value for these decreased budgets. We provide
understand the market. As we know all the players in the
services mainly in communications, PR, and marketing
market, we can tutor our clients about how to get their
for the pharmaceutical industry. Most new products
message out there effectively and timely
EFFECTIVE STRATEGIES FOR CUSTOMER ENGAGEMENT VERA GONZÁLEZ Senior VicePresident of Health and Nutrition at FleishmanHillard Q: What is the focus of FleishmanHillard’s local healthcare
commodity, and dedicate very small proportions of their
budget to this area. A lot of our work involves helping
A: We have focused strongly on working with the media
our clients improve the way in which they reach and are
to create more awareness about existing diseases, and we
perceived by their audiences. Companies can be resistant
are proud to say that many Mexicans are more conscious
to change, preferring to stick to proven techniques,
about present diseases because of projects we have
however, our communication strategies have been shown
worked on. One of the best ways to tackle illness is to
to be supportive to our clients in order to help them keep
create a good level of awareness, which allows people
reaching their objectives and growth targets.
to take proper action in time. Information surrounding health concerns and how to address them is by far the
Q: You also work with food and nutrition companies –
best way to help prevent life-threatening medical issues.
what is you role in this arena and how high is awareness
Our customers within the local healthcare industry can
among the consumer market regarding such issues today?
be divided into two main groups. We represent both
A: We work with large food companies that have a focus
large global pharmaceutical companies, and are also
on nutrition issues such as La Costeña and recently with
increasingly working with local entities. Our core aim is to
Kellogg’s, two of the most iconic food companies in
create solid strategic grounds in communications across
Mexico. We collaborate with their marketing departments
this complex sector with the ultimate goal of benefitting
regarding their corporate positioning but also help with the
Mexican society, helping to ensure that major medical
launch of new brands and products. Consumers definitely
advances can be accessed on a wide basis.
want to be more aware about the products they are buying and eating, however they still lack guidance on how to
Q: With many restrictions on pharmaceutical advertising
eat well. The challenge for the industry is to get involved
how can companies in the industry target their clients?
and create communication mechanisms to generate more
A: Companies must always comply with local regulations.
educated consumers, and it is in these precise regard
Communications to patients should be built around
where we can help our clients.
raising awareness about disease and the avoidance of self-prescription of drugs. People must be educated
Q: Should public awareness be led by the private
about the onset of particular illnesses but only a qualified
companies or by the public sector?
doctor should advise how an illness should be treated.
A: Traditionally, food companies tended to maintain a
Major pharmaceuticals should communicate more under a
low profile on this subject. In general, companies waited
leadership basis, focusing less on merely selling drugs and
until the government had enacted laws to raise the cost of
more on the added value to improve patient’s quality of life.
products that had high fat and sugar content. Such policies
The key is to know how to communicate effectively.
are not often very effective as people are not discouraged from buying products simply due to higher costs. The real
Q: How challenging is it to convince pharmaceutical
problem consists in educating the population about the
companies to engage with the public in targeted
impact certain products can have on their life. There is
communication campaigns?
no bad food or good food, but there are good habits and
A: Our main challenge now is to convince our clients to
bad habits. So, once again, the only way these companies
promote integrated communications. As a market, Mexico
can improve their reputation is by getting involved in
has proven quite resistant to social media programs for
generating more informed consumers to better select their
example. Of course major pharmaceutical companies
food. Simply elevating taxes on a product fixes nothing.
have to comply with very strict internal regulations when
Nutrition is all about balance. Drinking a soda on occasion
it comes to advertising and this is one factor. Also, to
is not necessarily bad, but drinking two liters of a day can
date, many major companies in the sector see PR as a
be. If people like soda, they will pay the price.
Q: What is the importance of the health division for Ernst
and manufacturers had the biggest margins in the value
& Young (EY)? How would you characterize the market
chain. Because of this, they held the power in the industry.
In recent years, family-owned pharmacy stores have been
A: Since the healthcare sector is very big, it is divided
displaced by retail stores, bringing big changes to market
into life sciences and pharmaceuticals within EY. The
dynamics. Each time a pharmacy chain opens a single
store in a neighborhood, 20 to 30 local independent stores
professional services, and while it is a large division in
close as large chains are more efficient, productive, and
other countries, it remains quite small in Mexico – despite
competitive. Some independent pharmacy practices –such
this country being the second-largest pharmaceutical
as having special promotions, or changing prices on certain
market in Latin America. This is mostly due to strategic
days of the week – posed problems for transparency. Prices
and tactical decisions being made at our offices in Europe
in pharmacy chains, however, are very clear, and can be
or the US rather than in Mexico. Moreover, even when
compared to several options in the same store or different
decisions are made locally, they often need authorization
ones. Also, pharmacy chains have power over their prices,
from abroad. In addition, the budget allocated to
since they decide what to buy directly from manufacturers
these companies in Mexico is not large enough. Many
instead of the distributors. As such, one of the most
companies from other industries experiment in Mexico by
important current trends is the shrinking of the distribution
investing in the country and using the results to predict
segment. In fact, in some countries distributors are non-
the return on investment for similar countries. For some
existent, and pharmaceutical companies directly supply
reason, the pharmaceutical companies do not do this
hospitals and stores. Moreover, where patients previously
here, despite Mexico being an excellent platform to learn
did not question doctors, today they are more informed and
about emerging markets.
have many tools for expanding their knowledge on health.
This gives them the confidence to question doctors about Q: What are the main learning opportunities?
the reason for being prescribed a specific treatment and its
A: The Mexican market is so diverse that the pharmaceutical
side effects. They also feel able to opt for one product over
industry could use it as a business performance laboratory,
another. Power in the pharmaceutical value chain is being
the results of which could be extrapolated to other
claimed by consumers and retail stores.
countries. Mexico is both a middle market and an emerging market. Whatever formula works here will very likely
Q: What strategies should innovative pharmaceutical
succeed in other middle markets in emerging countries.
companies implement in order to stay on top regardless
We expect this business division to grow over the next five
of the rise of generics, and what is the future of generics?
years. We have highly specialized professionals who know
A: Pharmaceutical companies are facing many challenges,
the industry very well, so it is very important for EY to keep
beginning with decreasing efficiency in research and
on supporting the sector in becoming stronger and more
development. They no longer have the blockbusters
innovative in Mexico.
products of the past, and they must become creative in order to develop new business models. Many companies are not
Q: The pharmaceutical industry is very dynamic and there
only trying to leverage their molecules, but also creating new
have been major changes in the distribution segment
ways to connect with patients, such as apps and advising
lately – how have these changes affected the entire
platforms. Being closer to patients is more profitable than
industry’s value chain?
focusing on the supply chain. The boom in generics and
A: The traditional drug distribution model in the private
changes in the trade balance are certainly affecting innovative
sector consists of patients looking for products at
companies. We have to understand the Mexican healthcare
pharmacies, which are in turn supplied by distributors who
sector and the two different ecosystems that it comprises:
buy directly from the manufacturers. Historically, distributors
the public and private sectors. The way companies negotiate
with IMSS, ISSSTE and Seguro Popular cannot be compared
A: Everyone talks about medical tourism and medical
to doing business with private pharmacy chains. While the
clusters, but more efforts are needed to really support
most important thing for the government is that companies
both in Mexico. We have a great geographical location,
demonstrate the cost benefit of their drugs, pharmacy chains
unfortunately there are still quite few medical tourism
focus on prices and supply efficiency. In addition, some of
clusters, and clustering in general has not been well
the big pharma companies are either incorporating branded
promoted yet. The whole concept of medical tourism
generics into their portfolios or creating business divisions
requires a cluster with different specialty areas that can
focused on generics. The growing demand requires better
deliver high quality low cost services. There are many
prices, which is the most important driver for the generics
things to consider. The right location is essential to ensure
industry today. Furthermore, negotiations in the generics
patients have the proper environment for recovery. The
segment differ from the traditional pharmaceutical models
weather around the Gulf of Mexico is not suitable, while
in that pharmacies have proportionally a bigger margin
cities in the Bajio area such as Queretaro and Guanajuato
by selling generics than by selling patented drugs. The
are already well developed. An infrastructure project like
generics industry is set to keep on growing and local
a new medical cluster could be useful to further support
manufacturers will need to be well prepared for the entry
their economic development. A medical tourism city
and consolidation of Indian and Chinese companies in
would be a similar workload to establishing the resorts
the Mexican market. Not surprisingly, patients as well as
in Cancun and Cabo San Lucas, both excellent cities that
retail stores are taking full advantage of generics while the
received private and public investment and have become
rest of the actors in the value chain are struggling. Other
extremely popular destinations. My recommendation is
pharmaceutical companies are getting rid of their generics
that we allocate specific human and economic resources
and OTC portfolios; nevertheless if they are planning to
to build an authentic health cluster in Mexico. This
launch blockbusters as they used to, they are very likely
ought to be a huge, inclusive project instead of separate
to have a hard time. Pharmacy chains have their own
hospitals trying to attract foreign patients alone. Medical
brands too, and this is part of the market competition that
tourism promotion would fall under the Department of
manufacturers have to deal with.
Financeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s remit, as it attracts investment, creates jobs, and stimulates the economy. I can envisage a large Canadian
Q: What are the biggest transformations and challenges
and US market for medical tourism, driven by the search
for the OTC business in Mexico?
for lower prices and reduced waiting times outside their
A: Today, the pharmaceutical industry resembles the
own countries. Mexicoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s proximity and quality make it the
consumer goods industry. In the OTC segment, the
best option. The famous street in Tijuana where US citizens
competition is not about selling the best molecule, but
drive to buy cheaper medicines is an excellent example of
about having the best place on the shelves and the
this type of consumer behavior.
most targeted brand exposure. OTC manufacturers are dealing with the same challenges as companies such as P&G and Unilever, so both image and price concerns are becoming more relevant. There are many products in the Mexican market that do not have sufficient supporting evidence for their therapeutic action, which is not a problem for the manufacturers because prescriptions are not mandatory. Some companies take a product with a long history in the Mexican market, rebrand it, and present the product to consumers as an innovative medicine. Companies producing OTC products spend more money on marketing and branding on television in order to create a demand for the product. However, with the rise of internet streaming, television is no longer as popular, forcing companies to restructure their whole marketing strategy. Q: Some experts say Mexico is an excellent medical tourism destination while others argue there is no such thing as medical tourism â&#x20AC;&#x201C; what is your perspective?
BRIDGING THE KNOWLEDGE GAP In a generation witnessing a nationwide health crisis due
overcome, with Livemed’s influence expanding from initial
to rising costs for the public health sector, education on
collaboration with 4,000 companies to more than 25,000
healthcare is becoming increasingly vital in Mexico. As a
across several industries. The Expomed conference were
result, Livemed, has stepped in to bridge the knowledge
initiated 12 years ago but the previous five exhibitions
gap among the Mexican population. Providing real-time,
faced losses, due in part, Vázquez believes, to a failure
reliable information about life sciences products through
to specify goals and objectives for promotion materials.
an interactive platform means that physicians are able
After Livemed assumed control of the event’s organization
to stay abreast of medical developments and streamline
two years ago, Expomed grew in size by 30%, and 80% of
available spaces were sold at the latest event. Moreover, Vázquez expects attendance to double in the next year.
Divided into three sectors of medical professionals, business and patients, Livemed’s main objective is the
This year, the slogan for the conference is “Ven y Checate”
universal promotion of educational medical training.
(Come and Check Yourself), which is part of a concerted
The company currently has 80,000 physicians enrolled
focus to create awareness about several health problems
in live and online courses designed to update medical
and encourage people to visit health professionals for
knowledge. Livemed also offers an interactive online
diagnosis. This event offers several physical activities,
channel, MedChannel, where diverse educational resources
including karate and yoga, as well as education about
are available to members across Latin America, providing
nutrition and mental health care. Diagnostic services are
information on a range of sectors from pharmaceuticals to
provided, with GNP set to carry out tomographies and
medical devices.
Devlin to perform eye exams at this year’s Expomed.
The annual Expomed conference is organized and run by
Additionally, there is the opportunity to become CPR
Livemed, a response to the gap in the market for a single
certified, with 500 people taking advantage of the course
conference designed to inform patients and doctors about
last year. At this point, Livemed is focusing more on chronic
available medical devices and technology. The company
diseases related to obesity, like diabetes, hypertension,
also organizes the National Medical Conference, a forum for
cardiovascular diseases, cancer, and metabolic disease, the
information in regards to children’s health. After last year’s
company seeks to provide an integral approach to health,
acquisition of its health and wellbeing division Livemed,
including several basic services that are often overlooked,
set up a health fair, named Expo Salud y Bienestar, focused
such as dental care through free dental examinations and
on helping people to prevent or diagnose many common
education about essential dental care.
diseases. As well as the various conferences, Livemed also offers Ángel Vázquez Hernández, Livemed’s Director General,
free webpages and online courses covering many health
identifies the fragmentation of the country’s economic
topics. Furthermore, each of the talks at the expos
sectors in general, and the healthcare sector in particular,
are recorded and published online for accessibility to
as the reason why the company has a strong market
the general public. Books and online courses are also
potential. In recent years, several organizations have been
provided for the 45,000 doctors preparing to take
created to combine various segments of the healthcare
the National Exam of Medical Residencies to access a
industry, something which has proven difficult to coordinate
specialty each year, addressing the shortage of medical
between the public and private sectors. Expomed aims
specialists in Mexico. This shortage is exacerbated by the
to bring together companies of all sizes within the
fact that both public and private hospitals cannot afford
pharmaceutical industry, inviting international companies
to hire the necessary amount of specialists, and for that
to build awareness of the service and equipment available
reason 85% of Livemed’s training programs are geared
internationally at the local hospitals and clinics they visit.
toward creating specialists.
“We want this fair to become a hub in Latin America and attract international companies to conduct business in Mexico,” says Vázquez.
“We want Expomed to become
Having organized the conferences over seven years,
a hub in Latin America to attract
Livemed has hosted visitors from 18 different countries, a significant feat given the sector’s high levels of fragmentation.
problems witnessed by this issue are slowly being
conduct business in Mexico” Ángel Vázquez Hernández, Director General of Livemed
Q: What is the importance of the Life Sciences Industry
Q: How strong is the current framework for the protection
Group for Olivares & Cia and to what extent has demand
of intellectual property in this fast growing industry?
for expert legal services in this arena been growing?
A: The current framework to protect innovation is in line with
A: The group is comprised of experts in both technical and
global patent standards. Naturally, we still have some areas of
legal aspects of the health sector that truly understand
opportunities to improve upon. However, it is currently more
our clientâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s legal and commercial needs. It was founded
important to prioritize enforcement of current legislation to
ten years ago and has expanded on a yearly basis due to
resolve uncertainty about IMPIâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s criteria and the timeframes
the continuous regulatory changes in the health sector.
needed to resolve litigation, especially for patents. In cases
Historically the law in Mexico relating to pharmaceutical
regarding patents and trademarks in Mexico, a company
products stated that international companies were required
cannot claim damages until it receives the final decision
to have facilities or plants in Mexico if they wanted to obtain
over whether a patent or trademark infringement occurred.
a marketing authorization to commercialize their products.
There are two main pitfalls regarding law enforcement.
This requirement has been abrogated, allowing medium
One is that a company cannot claim damages until the
and large foreign companies in different areas including
final declaration and therefore companies must exhaust
pharmaceuticals to commercialize their products through
all administrative proceedings before the final decision is
distribution agreements and partnerships with existing
made. The second is the fact that preliminary injunctions
companies in Mexico. Such significant changes to the law
can be overruled by posting a counter argument.
as well as ongoing complex requirements have required international companies establishing in Mexico to seek
Q: How did the Mexican healthcare sector benefit from
the help of specialized consultants to help them carry out
the protection of clinical data concerning innovative
operations in compliance with the regulatory framework.
molecules? A: Our law firm was hired by AMIIF to represent them in the
Q: What is the role of Olivares in helping innovative
TPP negotiations. Regarding data exclusivity, 20 years after
pharmaceutical companies to protect intellectual property?
NAFTA, we still do not have a domestic law recognizing the
A: We have an entire strategy model for this specific matter.
exclusivity of medical data in Mexico. Even though Mexico
We first contribute to encourage a culture of patentability
is part of NAFTA and the Agreement on Trade-Related
in Mexico by emphasizing the necessity to protect patents,
Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS), which
especially since developers and inventors tend to consider
both enforce exclusivity of medical data, there is nothing
the expenses in the IP protection as an expense to be cut
in Mexican regulation recognizing that protection. Medical
from their established budgets. The Linkage Regulation is
data differs completely from patent protection but the issues
an effective instrument to ensure that intellectual property
can coexist. COFEPRIS published this on its website, stating
regarding pharmaceutical products is safeguarded. After
that it would protect new chemical entities against direct
the linkage regulation was enacted in 2002, the Mexican
and indirect replication by unauthorized parties for a term
Institute of Intellectual Property (IMPI) and COFEPRIS
of five years. However, the problem is not the timeframe, it
refused to recognize the legislation, an issue that Olivares
is that these guidelines have no true legal value. This is why
addressed by filing constitutional actions to include the use
we based our legal strategy on convincing COFEPRIS to
and formulation of patents, with a high success rate. One
provide this protection through a court order, which would
particular case even reached the Supreme Court before
protect companies not only in terms of confidentiality but
being resolved and this verdict significantly impacted
also with regards to indirect reliance, which occurs when
the pharmaceutical industry. Failure to address this issue
COFEPRIS gives generic manufacturers the authorization
would have meant the Linkage Regulation would only be
to produce drugs without the necessary tests by stating
bound to compound patents, leaving behind innovative
their medications are the same as innovators. This type of
formulation and use patents.
protection is provided by both NAFTA and TRIPS.
LEGAL OVERVIEW By José Alejandro Luna Fandiño and Erwin Carlos Cruz Saldivar, Olivares & Cia First published in Getting the Deal Through 2015
ORGANIZATION AND FINANCING OF HEALTH CARE 1. How is healthcare in your jurisdiction organized? The Mexican health care system comprises public (social security institutions) and private insurers, out-of-pocket payments, and informal arrangements. The major public segments of the Mexican healthcare system are IMSS, which provides social security for self-employed and employees. In private companies, ISSTE for State Workers, and Seguro Popular, which was created in 2004 as part of a strategic reform to the General Health Law, the Seguro Popular provides public insurance scheme for those not covered by social security and other formal agreements and focuses on covering people with lower incomes. Private health insurance generally covers professionals, executives and people in the higher levels of the private sector. Enrollment in private health insurance has increased considerably over the past five years. The public health sector is generally subject to financial problems. Measures to limit costs are implemented, for example, by pressing for price reductions in public bids and encouraging competition. 2. How is the healthcare system financed in the outpatient and inpatient sectors? The manner in which healthcare institutions are financed is based on whether they lie within the public or private sector, rather than on whether they relate to the outpatient or inpatient sector. The public segments of the Mexican healthcare system are mostly financed through contributions from public and private sector workers. Employers and employees both pay a tax solely used to provide healthcare services. There are special rules for those who are incapable of paying but are still eligible to benefits from the healthcare system. In the case of the Seguro Popular, as mentioned above, the federal government pays 70% of the annual family premium, while states provide 20% and patients 10%. According to official figures, up to 50% of annual health spending in Mexico comes from out of pocket expenses related to private doctors and insurance, as well as drug acquisitions.
COMPLIANCE – PHARMACEUTICAL MANUFACTURERS 3. Which legislation governs advertising of medicinal products to the general public and healthcare professionals? The primary legislation regarding the advertising of medicinal products is the HL and its Regulations concerning advertising (HLR). These norms are supplemented by guidelines published by the regulatory agency, the Federal Commission for Protection against Sanitary Risks (COFEPRIS), which is part of the Ministry of Health and controls the advertising of medicinal products. Several Industry Codes of Practices supplement the above-mentioned legislation. The Council of Ethics and Transparency of the Pharmaceutical Industry (CETIFARMA) has issued the following selfregulatory instruments (Codes): •
the Code of Ethics and Transparency in the Pharmaceutical Industry
the Code of Good Practices of Promotion (Code of GPP)
the Code of Good Practices for Interaction of the Pharmaceutical Industry with Patient Organizations
The latest versions of the Codes have been in force since 1st April 2013. Affiliate members of the National Chamber of the Pharmaceutical Industry (CANIFARMA) are required to follow the Codes. CETIFARMA supervises the compliance of members and adherents. The Advertising Council, which includes representatives from the Ministry of Health, the academic and scientific communities, the business sector, and media and consumer groups, also issues opinions. Additionally, other general legislation may be relevant for the advertising of medicinal products, particularly the Federal Law for the Protection of Consumers and the Industrial Property Law. 4. What are the main rules and principles applying to advertising aimed at healthcare professionals? According to article 42 of the HLR, advertisements directed to healthcare professionals can only be published in specialized media, and must be based on the recommended information for the corresponding medicinal product, which must contain the following data:
the distinctive denomination, if any
the generic denomination
the pharmaceutical form and formulation
any therapeutic indications
the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics
any side effects
general precautions
the restrictions of use during pregnancy and breast feeding
any secondary and adverse reactions
any medical interactions
any alteration in results from laboratory tests
any precautions related to carcinogenic, mutagenic, teratogenic, and fertility effects
the dose and tract of administration
any manifestations and the handling of overdose or accidental ingestion
a presentation or presentations
storage recommendations
protection notices
the name and domicile of the laboratory
the marketing authorization number
5. What are the main rules and principles applying to advertising aimed at the general public? Pursuant to article 310 of the HL, only non-prescription medicines can be advertised to the general public, and the objective of the advertisements must be to inform the public about the characteristics of the product, its therapeutic properties and the form of use. Advertising is subject to approval by COFEPRIS. Pursuant to article 43 of the HLR, any visual or audio advertisement must contain the message “Consult your physician.” Advertisements should mention applicable precautions, and indicate when the use of a medicine represents any danger in the event of an existing pathology. The Code of GPP requires that promotional activities of CANIFARMA members directed towards consumers must be undertaken with the aim of generating a new culture regarding the rational and appropriate consumption of medicines, and encouraging guidance of healthcare professionals who are authorized to prescribe. In February 2014, COFEPRIS issued detailed guidelines regarding the approval of advertisements for non-prescription medicinal products. 6. What are the most common infringements committed by manufacturers with regard to the advertising rules? The most well-known recent infringements have probably been committed by manufacturers of health or dietary supplements and so-called miracle products, which are launched via aggressive infomercial campaigns containing exaggerated claims about the benefits of such products. Fairly recently, the HLR were reformed to allow COFEPRIS to order both manufacturers and media outlets to cease advertising activities. Infringements can lead to high fines and closure of business. 7. Under what circumstances is the provision of information regarding off-label use to healthcare professionals allowed? According to article 42 of the HLR, prescribing information about products to healthcare professionals is subject to approval before publication. This information is approved while granting the marketing authorization for the corresponding product. Any publication should contain the marketing authorization number of the product. The Code of GPP sets forth that information on medicinal products must be grounded on scientific evaluation and related empirical evidence, which must be kept at the disposal of healthcare professionals, if required. It must not induce confusion by means of distortion, unjustified pressure, omission or any other means. The Code also states that when scientific information is provided and is not part of the prescribing information duly approved or authorized in a product’s marketing authorization, it should be strictly limited to a scientific audience, and should avoid the promotion (directly, indirectly or through a third party) of any unauthorized directions of use. 8. Which legislation governs the collaboration of the pharmaceutical industry with healthcare professionals? Do different rules apply regarding physicians in the outpatient and inpatient sectors? There are several bodies of law that refer in general terms to the relationship between the pharmaceutical industry and the healthcare professionals, including the HL, the HLR and the HL. Regulations concerning sanitary control of activities, establishments, products and services. The Code of GPP sets forth guidelines for promotional activities. Public institutions usually have their own particular guidelines. These regulations apply to physicians in both the outpatient and inpatient sectors.
9 What are the main rules and principles applying to the collaboration of the pharmaceutical industry with healthcare professionals? The Code of GPP states that congresses, lectures, symposia, meetings, and other similar scientific or educational events sponsored, financed, or supported by pharmaceutical companies or any other third party must have, as a main purpose, scientific exchange, medical education or information about medicines. Whenever support for continuing education or independent educational programs is being provided, the education of healthcare professionals should be encouraged, primarily, to improve their knowledge of patient care. In each case, programs must comply with the guidelines of the applicable laws; they must have strict scientific content that is sustained, if required, by clinical evidence. Most importantly, the programs must be accredited and certified by the corresponding academic authorities. Support in general must not be offered, under any circumstance, in order to exert any kind of influence on the decision-making process involved in prescribing medicines, or in buying, including, excluding, or modifying official product catalogues. Samples According to the Code of GPP, samples are provided directly, in fair amounts and without cost to healthcare professionals, so that they may get to know and become familiar with the products, or in order for them to initiate a treatment, or both. According to article 49 of the HLR, providing samples of products for free does not require approval, provided the samples meet the requirements of the approved medicinal product. The samples should be in a package that contains fewer units than are contained in the approved product. The Code of GPP establishes guidelines regarding sampling: it prohibits CANIFARMA members offering or supplying samples with the aim of seeking or rewarding prescription practices, and also forbids any trade of samples. CANIFARMA members are required to have full and up-to-date control of their samples, including their manufacture, storage, delivery to regional coordinators or others, and provision to medical representatives and physicians. It is always recommended that CANIFARMA members maintain strict control over their product samples, since there have been cases of the re-sale of samples in the past. Gifts and donations The Code of GPP states that companies must act responsibly regarding sponsorships and donations. No gifts of significant commercial value may be offered to healthcare professionals, or incentives of any kind, as an inducement to use, prescribe, purchase, or recommend a specific product, or influence the results of a clinical study. No gifts, bonuses, pecuniary advantages, benefits in kind or any sort of incentive may be offered or promised to healthcare professionals, administrative staff or government employees involved in the cycle of prescription, purchase, distribution, dispensing and administration of medicines, except in the case of inexpensive promotional aids related to the practice of medicinal or pharmaceutical activities. The Code delineates an inexpensive promotional aid as one that does not exceed the equivalent of ten times the minimum wage (around US$50). Regarding healthcare professionals based in government institutions, article 47 of the Federal Law of Responsibilities for Government Officers expressly forbids such officers from requesting, accepting or receiving any gifts or donations from persons whose commercial or industrial activities are directly linked, regulated, or supervised by government officers. 10. What are the most common infringements committed by manufacturers with regard to collaboration with healthcare professionals? According to CETIFARMAâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 2013 Annual Report, seven complaints were received during 2013. CETIFARMA issued decisions in four of those complaints. Of the remaining three complaints, one was withdrawn, another was terminated through mediation, and the final complaint was sent to the health authorities. However, CETIFARMA does not provide any details of the complaints in the Annual Report, such as the grounds for the complaints, the parties involved or the content of the decisions. According to CETIFARMA, the number of complaints in 2013 represented a reduction of 80 per cent in comparison with 2012, when there were 32 complaints. 11. What are the main rules and principles applying to the collaboration of the pharmaceutical industry with patient organizations? The Code of GPP establishes that any collaboration between the pharmaceutical industry and patient organizations must be accompanied by a written agreement that will include, at the very least, the activities to be undertaken, and the cost, source and destination of their funding; and details of any direct and indirect support, as well as any other relevant non-financial aid. Under these agreements, CANIFARMA members have to follow any applicable guidelines and codes of ethics and conduct, as well as the transparent practices and deontological instruments approved by CETIFARMA and CANIFARMA. The Code of GPP requires CANIFARMA members to set forth criteria and procedures for the approval and
implementation of these kinds of collaborations. Any other kind of sponsorship provided by social, governmental or private sector organizations should not be excluded from the above-mentioned rules. 12. Are manufacturers’ infringements of competition law pursued by national authorities? While Mexico does have a Federal Antitrust Law and an active antitrust commission (ECCF), few investigations have been initiated against manufacturers of pharmaceutical products. A notable exception is a 2011 investigation that reviewed public tender proceedings before IMSS after evidence was found of collusion between manufacturers to set prices. A fine was imposed, and the case is still under appeal. ECCF has broad jurisdiction to investigate future cases of infringements of the Federal Antitrust Law. 13. Is follow-on private antitrust litigation against manufacturers possible? The Federal Antitrust Law enables private entities to request investigations, as well as to provide all kinds of elements and evidence related to an investigation that is in process. Further, once the preliminary determination of antitrust practices has been declared and published in the Mexican Government Official Gazette, anyone related to or affected by the decision has the opportunity to provide arguments and evidence. Follow on private litigation against manufacturers is possible, but has not been as widely pursued as it has in other jurisdictions, such as the US. COMPLIANCE – MEDICAL DEVICE MANUFACTURERS 14. Are the rules for medical devices regulated as rigorously as advertising and collaboration in the pharmaceuticals sector? Generally speaking, it would be fair to say that the regulation of medical devices is lighter than the regulation of drugs and other substances. Advertising concerning medical devices is regulated in articles 52 to 56 of the HLR. Standards contained in the Code of GPP that apply to medicines also apply to medical devices. PHARMACEUTICALS REGULATION 15. What legislation sets out the regulatory framework for granting marketing authorizations and placing medicines on the market? The primary legislation for medical products is as follows the HL, the Health Law Regulations, the Official Mexican Norms (NOMs), and the Mexican Pharmacopeia. 16. Which authorities may grant marketing authorization in your jurisdiction? The regulatory authority in charge of granting marketing authorizations is COFEPRIS. The granting of authorizations for innovator drugs is also reviewed by the New Molecules Committee of COFEPRIS, which includes physicians from the National Academy of Medicine. 17. What are the relevant procedures? New molecules Essentially, marketing authorization applicants must prove the safety and efficacy of their products through standard clinical trials run according to the rules set out by the HL, its regulations and the NOMs of good manufacturing of medicines and active ingredients. Concurrently, applicants must request the approval of their products as new molecules by the New Molecules Committee of COFEPRIS. A new molecule is, according to article 2, section XV of the Health Law Regulations: •
an active ingredient or drug not approved worldwide (new molecular entity)
an active ingredient or drug already available in other countries but with limited clinical experience or disputed information, and without approval in Mexico
a drug that is a non-marketed combination of two or more active ingredients
an active ingredient or drug already available on the market, but that is to be marketed for a new therapeutic indication
Research and development companies can benefit from a special shortened procedure for drugs to be approved for the first time in Mexico if such drugs have been previously approved by the European Medicines Agency, the US Drug and Food Administration, Health Canada, Swissmedic, or the Therapeutic Goods Administration in Australia. In 2012, COFEPRIS published new rules setting out this procedure, which is essentially based on the dossier filed with the foreign regulatory agency to reduce approval timeframes by up to 60 working days. Industry participants have welcomed these new rules, but they are still being tested.
Generics Applicants for marketing authorizations have to prove basically that their products are bioequivalent to the innovator product. They must provide information concerning dissolution profiles or bioavailability studies regarding the reference product. COFEPRIS periodically issues a list of reference medicinal products. Recently, the NOM setting the test to prove that a generic drug is interchangeable with a reference drug was updated (NOM-177-SSA1-2013). Legally, COFEPRIS should not grant marketing authorizations for generics breaching exclusivity rights. There is a linkage system between COFEPRIS and the Mexican Institute of Industrial Property (IMPI), which aims to prevent the granting of marketing authorizations in violation of exclusive rights. According to Mexico’s intellectual property (IP) Regulations, every six months IMPI must publish a gazette that includes patents covering allopathic medicines (Linkage Gazette). The initial IMPI position was that only patents relating to a compound were relevant to linkage review (excluding formulation and use patents). However, on 31 July 2012, the IMPI for the first time included formulation patents in the Linkage Gazette in accordance with a 2010 ruling of the Mexican Supreme Court. (Jurisprudence No. 2a./J.7/2010, Federal Judicial Gazette, p. 135). Under the linkage regulations, at the time of filing the application, the applicant must prove that it is the owner or licensee of the patent of the active ingredient of the product (recorded with IMPI), or state under oath that its application does not violate the list of products published in the Linkage Gazette and observes patent law. Biologics Amendments to the legal framework to regulate the approval of biologics are recent and being tested. Applicants have to prove the quality, safety and efficacy of their products under the HL, its regulations and the applicable NOMs, particularly those for good manufacturing practices for medicinal products (NOM-059-SSA1-2013) and for active ingredients (NOM164-SSA1-2013). Biocomparables (follow ons) Applicants must submit clinical tests and, when appropriate, in vitro tests, to prove that the safety, efficacy and quality of their product are comparable (similar) with those of the reference biologic. The pre-clinical and clinical test used by an applicant for a biocomparable must use the corresponding reference biologic to perform comparative and physicochemical studies. For this, the applicant must submit the following: •
evidence from any in vitro studies
a report on the comparative testing of the pharmacokinetic, if determined to be necessary by the MoH to show the pharmacokinetic comparability of key parameters between both the follow on and the reference biologic
any pharmacodynamics test reports
the results of any comparative efficacy and safety clinical tests to show the similarity between the follow on and the reference biologic
Although industry participants have welcomed amendments to the rules to approve biologics, the specific rules to approve follow-ons have caused debate. There is also currently no rule indicating a definitive data protection period for biologics. As a result, the recognition of data package exclusivity rights for biologics can only be achieved through litigation. There are also concerns regarding the accurate application by COFEPRIS of the linkage provisions. Based on the WTO Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights 1994 (TRIPS) and the North America Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), and also the hierarchy of international treaties contained within the Mexican legal system, it is possible to obtain recognition of data package exclusivity for products that deserve this protection, and to obtain court precedents recognizing and ordering COFEPRIS to observe data package exclusivity. Orphan drugs Orphan drugs were recently introduced into the HL and the Mexican Pharmacopeia. Specific rules regarding orphan drugs are still pending. In practice, they are currently approved under a procedure that follows the rules for new molecules when applicable and appropriate. The draft of the NOM compiling requirements authorizations includes orphan drugs. 18. Will licenses become invalid if medicinal products are not marketed within a certain time? Are there any exceptions? Prior to 2010, all marketing authorizations were issued without any sort of time limit, and therefore were not subject to expiration. Since 2010, a reform to the law and regulations has established a five-year term for marketing authorizations. Even though proof of use is not a requirement for renewal, technical reports on pharmacovigilance are. Therefore, renewal of an authorization for a drug that is not on the market would be denied.
19. Which medicines may be marketed without authorization? According to article 376 of the HL, all medicines require a marketing authorization. Health supplements and herbal remedies are excluded. 20. Are any kinds of named patient programs in place? If so, what are the requirements for pre-launch access? Yes. Article 102 of the HL establishes that COFEPRIS can authorize the use of drugs or materials that have not been previously authorized for clinical trial purposes. In addition, according to article 103 of the HL, a physician can authorize therapeutic or diagnostic resources that are still in the research phase when the potential to save lives, restore health or diminish suffering exists, as long as there is written consent and an authorization is provided by the Ministry of Health. A special marketing authorization for the distribution of an unauthorized medicinal product may also be granted if a medicine meets most of the criteria, but the requirements on effectiveness and the risk-benefit ratio are merely suspected and cannot be confirmed because the number of patients involved in the clinical trial of the product is insufficient due to the rarity of the disease. Compliance with the requirements is assessed at least once a year. At the manufacturerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s request, the time limit of such provisional marketing authorization may be extended by a maximum of one year.
PRICING AND REIMBURSEMENT OF MEDICINAL PRODUCTS 21. To what extent is the market price of a medicinal product governed by law or regulation? Mexican law does not establish specific provisions concerning medicinal product pricing for either the outpatient or inpatient sectors. However, several mechanisms are in place that lead to a certain degree of control of such prices in practice. Price control in the private sector is based on a scheme of self-regulated maximum retail price (MRP), only covering patented products, overseen by the Ministry of Economy. Pharmaceutical companiesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; participation is voluntary. Under the price control, each productâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s MRP must not exceed an international reference price, estimated as the average price in six major markets, plus a market factor. There are no established sanctions for violations of the MRP. Concerning the public acquisition of innovator drugs covered by patent rights, their price is negotiated in bulk between the patent or license holder and a government commission for price negotiation. The negotiation proceedings end with a single yearly price for all public sales. Off-patent drugs are purchased through public tender proceedings, under which a reference price is set based on previous purchasing experiences (i.e., a maximum amount that can be paid for a specific drug) and the lowest bidder is assigned the tender. Since the government is the main purchaser of drugs, pricing for publicly acquired drugs helps regulate prices in the private sector. 22. Must pharmaceutical manufacturers negotiate the prices of their products with the public healthcare providers? Yes. As mentioned above, prices for patented drugs are negotiated with a government commission and set for every public acquisition. When patent rights have expired (or in some cases when there is more than one participant in the market), drugs are acquired through public tender proceedings based on previous purchasing prices. 23 Under which circumstances will the national health insurance system reimburse the cost of medicines? Commonly, public insurers dispense to patients medicinal products prescribed by their healthcare professionals. Products are prescribed and dispensed from a basic medicinal products list, which public insurers essentially base on the National Formulary issued by the Ministry of Health. Public insurers acquire those listed products mostly by public tender processes. Public healthcare institutions, scientific organizations and pharmaceutical providers may request that a drug be listed in the National Formulary. Essentially, the principal conditions for listing eligibility are that the drug has a marketing authorization, has met all safety and efficacy tests (clinical trials), and is cost-effective (pharmaeconomic tests). IMSS is the largest public sector buyer of drugs. Public institutions may also have their own formularies that contain fewer drugs than the National Formulary. Additionally, in the case of ISSSTE, a prescribed medicinal product can be dispensed in a private drug store registered with ISSSTE, provided that the product is not available within ISSSTE facilities and under certain conditions. ISSSTE reimburses the cost of that product to the drug store according to previous agreements. 24. If applicable, what is the competent body for decisions regarding the pricing and reimbursability of medicinal products? While the Ministry of Economy is empowered to issue observations regarding the pricing and reimbursability of medicinal products under the MRP scheme, the Commission for Drug Price Negotiations, which is made up of several public offices, including the Ministries of Economy and Health, negotiates with the patent holder or licensee to establish the single price of a patented drug for all sales to the public sector.
25. Are manufacturers or distributors of medicinal products statutorily obliged to give a discount? There is no obligation in Mexican law regarding this specific point; however, sales to public institutions are generally done at much lower prices than sales in the private market.
MEDICINE QUALITY AND ACCESS TO INFORMATION 26. What rules are in place to combat the counterfeiting and illegal distribution of medicines? COFEPRIS has broad jurisdiction to seize counterfeit or illegal medicines. The manufacturing and sale of counterfeit or falsified medicines is classified as a crime under the HL. In addition, COFEPRIS commonly enters into collaboration agreements with the Federal District Attorney’s Office and the Customs Office in order to investigate and prevent counterfeit and illegal medicines. Private companies have also run successful collaboration campaigns with COFEPRIS to counter these actions, including through funding investigations and providing full packages of information to the authority. 27. What recent measures have been taken to facilitate the general public’s access to information about prescriptiononly medicines? As a general rule, laboratories are forbidden from any form of advertisement to the general public concerning prescription-only medicines. The public policy in place in this regard is that the public’s access to information on these medicines must be limited to avoid self-prescription (since sales of drugs without a prescription is a common practice in Mexican pharmacies). Concerning information about prescription-only medicines that is published online and addressed to healthcare professionals, the Code of GPP states that this practice must be duly approved by the corresponding authorities. Such information must clearly identify the sponsoring pharmaceutical company and be disclosed on scientific websites. Companies must adopt the proper measures to ensure that the promotion of prescription-only medicines on their websites will only be accessible to healthcare professionals. 28. Outline major developments to the regime relating to safety monitoring of medicines. The NOM for pharmacovigilance (NOM-220-SSA1-2012) has been recently updated, establishing that marketing authorization holders basically must: •
report to the health authorities any adverse event or suspected adverse reaction that they are aware of and that may have been caused by any their products that are manufactured or marketed in Mexico
have standard operating procedures
receive any report of suspected adverse reactions from any possible source
record, validate and identify any reports of misuse or abuse reported by health professionals or patients
record and monitor any information related to any product used during lactation and pregnancy
investigate serious and unexpected cases
estimate the frequency of suspected adverse reactions, and investigate the possible risk factors with intensive pharmacovigilance studies (at the request of the health authorities)
ensure the confidentiality of the identity of patients and reporters
Holders of marketing authorizations must submit reports periodically. The NOM for good manufacturing practices of medicinal products (NOM-059-SSA1-2013) has been also recently updated, and now requires that a program to recall products that do not meet quality standards is implemented in an appropriate and efficient manner. Marketing authorization holders must report to COFEPRIS any product recall decision, and provide details of such products, any causes and a storage center. Vaccination 29. Outline your jurisdiction’s vaccination regime for humans The Ministry of Health’s National Committee for Vaccination implements and elaborates the public policies for vaccination and the prevention of diseases in Mexico. There is no obligation for an individual to be vaccinated unless an emergency situation occurs requiring vaccination. The obligation to vaccinate the population lies with the government and occurs through different federal, local and municipal health entities, which should provide the population with the required vaccines free of charge in order to achieve universal coverage. Official Norm NOM-036-SSA2-2012 establishes the standards and goals for vaccination of the population, listing the required vaccines and identifying the characteristics of the subjects of vaccination. Control of vaccination through the National Health Card scheme, and the safety, efficacy and quality of vaccines and biologics, are also warranted under this official regulation. A principle of free and universal coverage exists for the listed vaccines in this Official Regulation.
UPDATE AND TRENDS Advertising Several amendments to the Industry Codes of Practices by CETIFARMA were approved in 2013. As a consequence of compliance practices, there is an expectation that the rules governing pharmaceutical advertisements will be strengthened by both industry associations and regulatory authorities. In February 2014, COFEPRIS issued detailed guidelines regarding the approval of advertisements for non-prescription medicinal products. Most of these guidelines are in line with the Codes. In terms of developments, we would highlight that an advertisement providing information about a disease, if it is immediately followed by another advertisement for a medicinal product related to that disease, will not be approved unless both advertisements are approved jointly. Marketing authorizations A draft NOM compiling the requirements for granting marketing authorizations for medicinal products (PROY-NOM257-SSA1-2013) was published in 2013 for public comment and review. This draft addresses the linkage between patents and marketing authorizations. However, a uniform text in which the linkage is set for each type of product would be welcome, as the draft contains some differences in the text used according to the type of drug to be authorized. The publication of the last version of this NOM is still pending. Trans-Pacific partnership (TPP) During the November 2011 Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) meeting, Mexico outlined its willingness to initiate consultations to participate in the TPP. On 18 June 2012, during the G20 in Los Cabos, Mexico, the countries currently participating in the TPP made the decision to invite Mexico to participate. Regarding IP, the TPP partners remain confident that copyrights, patents, and trademarks will continue to be enforced. There appears to be general consensus that the standard of protection for IP should go beyond TRIPS. The terms, conditions and wording of the TPP regarding IP rights remain confidential. However, it has been made public that the main topics regarding IP include effective customs measures, pharmaceutical patents and agrochemical patents. In the case of pharmaceutical patents and regulation, the main topics appear to be that the countries involved commit to implementing additional mechanisms for IP protection, such as patent linkage, extensions of or compensation for the life term of patents due to regulatory delays; and data package exclusivity for new chemical compounds and formulations and second uses. Mexico has implemented the first steps toward integrating the TPP with the WIPO Protocol Relating to the Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Brands 1989 (Madrid Protocol), which entered into force in Mexico at the start of 2013. The rushed approval of this without a full review of the trademark system (and assuming IMPI is prepared to properly adopt the Madrid Protocol system) is a good indication that the Mexican government is willing to fulfil the standards of the TPP, and replicate the enactment of the IP Law 1991, when NAFTA began to be discussed. Due to the negotiations and eventual integration of Mexico into the TPP, the country has a new and valuable opportunity to review and change its entire IP system, and to adopt higher and, more importantly, more efficient standards of IP protection.
LOOKING TO BRITISH MODELS FOR INSPIRATION NANCY STICH Director of Healthcare and Life Sciences Division at British Chamber of Commerce in Mexico Q: What are the main healthcare objectives of the British
division is very active, meeting once a month. There is a
Chamber of Commerce in Mexico?
lot of back and forth between our members, and we are
A: The British Chamber of Commerce’s Healthcare and Life
very focused on the key issues that are impacting the
Sciences Division promotes the Chamber’s activities in these
industry. We have about 15 members linked to companies
areas within the broader framework of promoting trade
in the healthcare sector, all of which are very committed
between the UK and Mexico. We are working with many
to helping Mexico develop in the right way. The Chamber’s
types of companies in the sector, including pharmaceutical,
work aims to support that commitment.
insurance, and healthcare companies, among others. We have longstanding relationships with British pharmaceutical
Q: What activities make up the bulk of the Chamber’s
companies that have operations in Mexico as this has
interaction with the health sector?
historically been the area that has seen the most significant
A: The Chamber works with trade commissions that come
investment in Mexico. However, the type of companies
to Mexico, but our ultimate function is to support companies
operating in the sector is now broadening steadily. The
already operating in Mexico that require guidance relating
Chamber has now found a captive audience among the
to their operations in the country. Companies commonly
medical devices sector and the insurance industry. Our
need help liaising with an embassy or a government body
BUILDING ON CONSUMERS’ TRUST: MADE IN GERMANY LEFT: Indira Miranda, Trade and Investment Consultant for the Healthcare Industry at CAMEXA RIGHT: Johannes Hauser, Director General and Official Delegate of German Industry and Commerce in Mexico at CAMEXA
Q: To what extent is Mexico considered a land of opportunity
This year marks 86 years since the inauguration of the
by German companies, and how many German companies
German-Mexican Chamber of Industry and Commerce
operate in the Mexican healthcare sector?
(CAMEXA) and we now represent most of the German
A: We believe that Mexico is an extremely attractive country
companies operating in the country. Our mission is
for German companies in healthcare. The increasing
to support the bilateral economic relations between
population of Mexico, and therefore its need for an
Germany and Mexico, which includes both commercial and
expanding healthcare infrastructure, represents significant
investment aspects. Today, with around 650 members, we
are the biggest European chamber in Mexico. However,
government agency charged with attracting foreign
we want to emphasize that not all the German companies
direct investment, ProMéxico, is promoting the country on
operating in Mexico are associated with our chamber.
the basis of its young population. However, this will soon
Many German companies have entered the Mexican
change and so too will the healthcare needs within the
healthcare market because the sector offers encouraging
country. Overall, there are many promising opportunities to
opportunities and attracts a significant amount of foreign
be found for smaller companies in the Mexican market.
investment, and CAMEXA has approximately 53 members
but also require support keeping up with of the changing
20 years. Currently, the country has very few geriatric
regulatory environment. We aim to make sure that both the
physicians and this could become a big problem if not
legal industry and the corporations within the sector are
addressed. We plan to look at the UK model to learn what
connected, enabling companies to keep up-to-date with
is being done there and how such lessons could be applied
key considerations without necessarily having to schedule
in Mexico. This issue impacts the entire healthcare industry,
lengthy personal one-on-one meetings with their lawyers.
including the finance and insurance segment. Insurance coverage often ends at retirement, and so certain
Q: What does 2015 as the year of UK-Mexico relations
companies, such as BUPA, are particularly looking into
mean for the Chamber?
modifying current necessities to provide for older people.
A: We are very much looking forward to more collaboration
One of our main focuses will be to look at how Mexico can
with the UK and we are in close contact with the British
share knowledge with the UK. A commission will visit the
embassy regarding this matter. Throughout this year,
UK to investigate key areas of interest regularly.
trade commissions will come to Mexico from the UK to showcase what the country has to offer. These will include
Q: Is the global spotlight on Mexico rapidly changing its
companies that work on anything from pharmaceuticals,
business environment?
medical devices, and nanotechnology to a range of other
A: Mexico has always followed international business
areas. For example, we organized a healthcare symposium
regulations in terms of its organization but it has
congress in January 2015 that specifically addressed the
historically taken more of a back seat. With Mexico now
problems associated with Mexico’s aging society. The UK
occupying an increasingly more prominent position on
is particularly well organized when it comes to addressing
the global economic stage, it can no longer take its time
an aging population and Mexico is comparatively lagging
implementing new international practices. Global offices
behind. Compared to 40 years ago, Mexico’s population
of international companies in emerging markets need to
is aging far more rapidly and the country needs to build
comply with new regulations at the same time as offices in
major infrastructure to support older patients in the next
more established markets.
in the healthcare area. Apart from the already well-
Q: How does CAMEXA support German companies
exploited pharmaceutical sector, we feel there is a growing
developing their medical devices business in Mexico?
need for medical equipment in Mexico. We believe that
A: The medical devices industry has flourished in recent
German companies can provide a substantial part of the
years in Mexico. Some German companies such as
required technology, which is why we currently focus on
Siemens, Dräger, BBraun, Carl Zeiss, and Karl Storz are
supporting medical devices companies.
already well-established within the country’s framework. One of the advantages for German companies in Mexico
Q: What are the main barriers for companies entering the
is the excellent reputation for high quality possessed
Mexican market?
by most German products. Therefore the brand “Made
A: The main reason why European companies are reluctant
in Germany” is one of the strategies used by German
to enter the Mexican market is the fact that other countries
companies in Mexico to expand their business by building
seem to be more accessible in terms of regulatory
on the trust of the consumer and the quality of their
processes. Companies in the healthcare sector considering
Mexico as a potential target market have concerns about the registration processes required by COFEPRIS and time
Q: With the German Year in Mexico approaching, what are
delays in registration approval. The German companies
your priorities for cooperation in the health industry?
with a presence in Mexico are largely satisfied with the
A: In conjunction with the trade show organizer MFV
opportunities available, but a few challenges remain in
Expo, the chamber is currently preparing an exhibition
terms of improving the image of the country and the ease
called “Hecho en Alemania” (Made in Germany). Within
of doing business here. When any of our members have
the framework of this exhibition we will be organizing a
a problem, CAMEXA can participate as a neutral partner
conference of German Health Care Technology. “Hecho
in the dialogue between the German companies and the
en Alemania” is the first and most important event for the
Mexican institutions.
German Economy during the German Year in Mexico.
Q: How has the pharmaceutical industry evolved in the
them. Our scale allows us to send only those consultants
last decade?
who know what they are talking about. Often, businesses
A: Given the variety of businesses operating in the
will offer a variety of services, but we specialize. We begin
pharmaceutical business, our idea was to develop a
to monitor talented candidates early in their careers, and
methodology that would be applicable across the board.
follow them through their maturity. We understand the
Customer service and a small-scale, high-quality production
difference between knowledge and information, because
strategy are common concerns across the sector, so
this is what companies want. They want everything not
we based our strategy on these principles. This made us
included on the average CV.
distinct in the pharmaceutical industry and we have had considerable impact in the field. Mexico has a lot of talent
Q: With patents running out and so much untapped
but orienting the work force is more problematic. The US
potential in Mexico, is there a crisis in the innovation
spends more on nourishing our talent than Mexico does.
Our challenge is to train and lead people correctly.
A: The present challenge centers on logistics. Large laboratories are losing money because they put too much
Q: How has the HR sector changed?
weight on one area and neglect than others. One market
A: Pharmaceuticals is a mature sector, with a strong tradition
tactic applies to vehicle production clusters, but another
of research, new ideas, and many clinics. This means that
ought to apply to the medical industry. While pharmaceutical
a base of specialized personnel is readily available. The
plants struggle to synchronize with other countries and their
tendency we are battling, not only prevalent in pharmacy, but
alignment with big capital, government, and regulation,
in all sectors, is outsourcing, which puts too much distance
plants will shut and jobs will be lost. However, one must
between companies and the industry as a whole. Quality,
mount a local solution to a global problem. As the industry
as a result, is dropping. The links between research and the
adapts, personnel move from larger plants to smaller, more
patient are weakening. In the past, medical evaluations were
effective ones. The industry will survive. It’s like a river and
conducted by people with a medical background and many
needs to ebb and flow, but always to flow. The tendency
years of experience working with us. Now, though, these
now is moving away from high-intensity production plants,
visits are conducted by financial departments, who want
which favors small local laboratories.
cost-effective labor practices. The people hired nowadays tend to be young, without much experience or interest
Q: Do you find that companies are looking for more
in the industry. Because outsourcing increases rotation,
researchers these days?
workers find themselves demotivated and on low salaries.
A: Research and innovation have always been important.
My own recommendation is that if a business has too small
Mexico has a lot of talent, but it is in an asymmetrical
a budget to hire 200 sales representatives, then it should
relationship with structure and financial backing. We have a
take on 50 good ones, contracted by the business, who will
lot of research centers with so much money that they begin
be better paid and more motivated.
to waste funds on bureaucracy and professionalization. Research must be free, curious, and uncontaminated by
Q: How do you define your work?
a corporate mentality. Hunger for achieving ideas rather
A: Many in the sector misuse the word “headhunter,” unaware
than hunger for money is what keeps freedom alive.
of the word’s association with the Wild West, the capture of
criminals, and working for whoever will pay the right place.
Organic growth, however, is when five or ten companies
For me, improper use of words leads to improper actions, so
enter and dominate, but split into 30 small ones. In Europe
I avoid this one. We are human resource consultants, and we
laboratories tend to be very small but very effective. When
operate on a very small scale, a “boutique-scale” because
they hit a growth ceiling, they move to Latin America and
our clients appreciate the personal attention we give
look for more talent. The potential we have is world-class.
INTERDISCIPLINARY INDUSTRY-FOCUSED LEGAL ADVICE DR. CHRISTIAN LĂ&#x201C;PEZ-SILVA Partner/Head of Pharmaceuticals & Life Sciences at Baker & McKenzie Q: What is the importance of the Life Sciences division for
This also includes integrating regulatory advice on Mergers &
Baker & McKenzie?
Acquisition (M&A) transactions, which had traditionally only
A: Since the firm was founded in 1949 in Chicago, we have
added labor and tax issues in the corporate advice. We have
worked closely with the pharmaceutical industry. As the first
also seen the convergence between Health & Information
law firm to envision the possibility to create an international
Technologies in the industry, where new issues relating
legal practice capable of helping companies operate globally,
to privacy law, mobile health, e-commerce and emerging
we have been able to assist the pharmaceutical industry
regulatory questions require us to integrate different areas of
in their internationalization of operations, making us one
law. More traditional interactions include intellectual property
of the first firms to develop industry-specific advice. This
and regulatory issues, such as complying with the linkage
remains true in Mexico, where the pharmaceutical industry
system, which creates a wall to obtain regulatory approval if the
is at the core of our life sciences group and where we have
product is still protected by certain pharmaceutical patents.
created the most advanced and largest regulatory practice
Another issue is the coordination of the separate system
in the country. Our strategic investment in interdisciplinary
for pharmaceutical trademarks, which deals with having a
teams who handle highly specialized services, covering the
database of drug names managed by the regulatory authority,
whole life cycle of a drug or medical device, is proof of our
while simultaneously having the registration of trademarks
constant commitment to the industry. As a full service law
being managed by the patent and trademark office, both
firm, the challenge was to integrate more effectively our
based on different criteria, timings and procedures.
wide span of proven capabilities for this sector. With the creation of our Pharma & Life Sciences Industry Group we
Q: How have changes in the distribution segment for
are achieving this.
pharmaceuticals in terms of M&As impacted the industry? A: The distribution segment has been experiencing profound
Q: In what way do you assist companies who wish to
changes for some time, transforming the weight and role of
establish a presence in Mexico?
traditional distributors as well as the core of the required
A: A natural client base of the firm comes from foreign
services. Whereas the core services have been realigning
companies, many transnational ones, who want to enter the
towards more logistic services and operators, the wider
Mexican market or establish a presence in Mexico. Whether
changes include the growing presence of major pharmacy
this is done directly with a subsidiary or through a third
chains, the entry of major retailers and supermarkets into
party, we help them design and implement the adequate
the in-store pharmacy model, in some cases with own
legal structure for their business model. On the regulatory
branded generics, or the emerging model of convenience
side, where we hold an undisputed leadership position,
stores either selling OTC products or incorporating a mixed
we are particularly sought when companies want to open
model of in-store pharmacy. Another game-changer has
dialogues with regulators or to prepare written submissions,
been the emergence of physicians at the point of sale.
where science and legal arguments need to be articulated. Q: Regarding pricing-setting, what is the difference Q: What is the most frequently sought advice that clients
between the private and the public sector?
come to Baker & McKenzie for?
A: Primarily, it depends on whether or not the product is
A: We are regularly approached when different areas of law
patented, then whether or not it goes to the public or private
need to be integrated into a coherent business strategy. For
sector. For patented products in the private market there is
instance, we have been integrating tax advice and regulatory
a complex mechanism. We provide assistance to companies
work, to defend clients against certain measures taken by
during this stage. In contrast, there is no regulation for
the tax authorities, such as determinations of Permanent
patented generics. For the public sector, pricing of patented
Establishment, or analyzing Base Erosion and Profit Shifting
products is determined through a negotiation between
(BEPS) implications regarding transfer of intangible assets.
companies and a group of government agencies.
3M Health Care 237
202-203, 206, 226-227, 236, 245, 256-257, 295
ABC Hospitals 65, 68, 235, 329, 342, 347
ConvaTec 232-233, 240
Accelerium Clinical Research 161, 214
Cosmetobelleza Natural IM 261
ACROM 204, 206, 209
CR Bard 235
AFM 111
CTR Scientific 180-181, 185
Alexion Pharmaceuticals 108-109, 110
Deloitte 18-19, 90-91, 360
Amgen 144, 146, 160
DHL 231, 308-309, 322-323, 328-329, 358-359
AMID 226-227, 228-229, 230
Distribuidora Levic 326
AMIIF 6-8, 90-91, 92-93, 160, 204, 206, 369
Dräger Mexico 239, 378-379
ANAFAM 90-91, 120-121, 124, 312
Epsilon 380
ANEVIFAC 308-309, 320-321
Ernst & Young 365
Escala Biomédica 236
Apotex 127
Exfarma 316
Arla Foods 288-289
Farmacias GI 310, 322-323
Aspen Labs Mexico 128-129, 195
Farmapiel 252-253, 256-257
AstraZeneca Mexico 90-91, 94-95, 164-165, 362
FBD 264-265
B. Braun Aesculap 230
Ferring Pharmaceuticals 100-101, 106-107
B. Braun Medical 231
FleishmanHillard 365
Baker & McKenzie 381
FUNSALUD 24-25, 28, 81, 102-103, 104-105, 118-119, 119, 152-
Bioconnect 169
153, 160, 290-291, 292
bioMérieux 186-187
GBC Group 152-153
BioSkinco 232-233
Ginequito 74-75, 76-77, 342, 347
Boehringer Ingelheim 90-91, 98-99, 101, 362
GlaxoSmithKline 96-97, 105, 112, 122-123, 134, 136, 164-165,
Bomi de Mexico 330-331
204, 263
British Chamber of Commerce in Mexico 378-379
Glenmark 132
CAMEXA 378-379
Global Biotherapeutics 164-165
CANIFARMA 6-8, 16-17, 28, 29, 50, 90-91, 92-93, 111, 118-119,
GNP Seguros 80-81, 84, 183
119, 122-123, 166-167, 202-203, 206, 256-257, 272, 312-313,
Grünenthal 102-103
Grupo Diagnóstico PROA 174-175, 178-179, 179
CANIPEC 106-107, 139, 252-253, 254-255
Grupo IFACO 166-167
Carlos Slim Foundation 26-27
Grupo PTM 244
CDM Labs 262-263
Health Angel Monitor Systems 245
Centro Respiratorio de México 217
Hetlabs Mexico 130
Check-up Center 174-175, 183
Hill+Knowlton Strategies 364
Holomex 308-309, 336-337
Clusters Council of Nuevo Leon 344
Hormona 29, 90-91, 122-123
COFEPRIS 10-12, (mentioned throughout the book)
Hospital Amerimed 67, 346, 348-349
Colgate 137
Hospital Ángeles Valle Oriente 65, 72-73
Hospital Galenia 65, 347, 348-349, 350-351
CONACYT 16-17, 54-55, 96-97, 111, 124-125, 133, 145, 150, 151,
Hospital San José/Hospital Zambrano Hellion 66-67, 70-71,
152-153, 157, 163, 164-165, 180-181, 194-195, 196-197, 198-199,
Hospitaria 74-75, 76
Productos Medix 298-299
ICON 212
Psicofarma 126, 144
IMCO 84, 90, 272, 278-279, 357
PwC 6-8, 34-35, 64-65, 226-227, 358-359
Impresora DOSA 309, 333
Quest Diagnostics 174-175, 184, 185
IMS Health 22-23, 48, 51, 64, 91-92, 118-119, 131, 182, 242, 311,
ReHealth 158-159
324-325, 362
RM Pharma Specialists 216
IMSS 42-43, (mentioned throughout the book)
School of Biotechnology and Food Science ITESM 200
INCAN 25, 53, 56, 58-59, 165, 215, 235, 236, 239
School of Life Sciences ITESM 201
INCMNSZ 41, 53, 56-57, 215, 294-295
Secretariat of Health of Mexico City 14-15, 274-275, 312-313
Industrias Suanca 138
Seguros Multiva 64-65, 82-83
Infinite Clinical Research 210
Sesderma 258-259
INMEGEN 25, 27, 56, 152, 161-162, 198-199, 272, 291-292, 299
Siemens Healthcare 176-177, 228-229
INNN 41, 53, 54-55, 215, 235
Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics 174-175, 176-177, 185
Insemer 78-79, 188
SMBB 150
Inspire Pharma 219
SMCME 258-259
IntegraMed 327
Sports World 274-275, 284-285
Kurago Biotek 294-295
Stevia Bonda 293
Laboratorios Keton 133
SurtiMedik 318
LEI 168
TAPVS 30-31
Liomont 124-125, 144, 162, 336
The Green Corner 287
Livemed 368
UCIN Medica 317
Loeffler 135
UDEM BioCluster 145, 150, 163, 166-167
Malvern Instruments 238
UDIBI 161, 162, 202-203
Medicina Estética Europea 260
Ultrabody 266, 353
Medimarcas 308-309
UNAM School of Medicine 32, 52
Merck Sharp & Dohme 91, 104-105, 122, 128, 136
Undersecretary of SPPS 44-45
Metco 300-301
UNEFARM 312-313, 324, 326
Mexican Diabetes Association 274-275, 284-285
VECO 241
Mexican Diabetes Federation 274-275, 276-277
Vensi 314-315
Monterrey Health City 345 National
Venture Partners 363 of
Vitamédica 85
(mentioned throughout the book)
Vitaxentrum 154, 157
Nestlé Mexico 24-25, 128-129, 290-291, 292, 296
Wockhardt 134
Nestlé Nutrition Fund 292
World Bank 9, 20-21, 74-75, 296
NTA Logistics 308, 334-335
World Courier 308-309, 332
Olivares & Cia 113, 369, 370-377
WWC 284-285, 303
Pierre Fabre Médicament 106-107, 252-253 PLM 246-247 PPD 161, 208, 209 PRA Health Sciences 213 PROBIOMED 144, 146-147, 151, 161
Inner front cover - CONACYT
Hospital Galenia
Aspen Labs
Hospital Galenia
Hospital Galenia
Hospital Galenia
Hospital Galenia
Hospital Galenia
Pierre Fabre Médicament
Mexican Diabetes Association
HetLabs México
HetLabs México
Pierre Fabre Médicament
Hospital Galenia
Boehringer Ingelheim
Grupo Diagnóstico PROA
Grupo Diagnóstico PROA
Boehringer Ingelheim
Grupo Diagnóstico PROA
Hospital Galenia
Centro Médico ABC
Boehringer Ingelheim
Grupo Diagnóstico PROA
HetLabs México
Inner back cover -Grupo Diagnóstico PROA
Accelerium Clinical Research
Hospital ABC
Escala Biomédica
Pierre Fabre
RM pharma
NTA logistics
Mexico Business Publishing
Mexico Health Summit 2016
Distribuidora Levic
Farmacias Gi
Mexico Health Review
EDITOR: Matt Kendall
CIRCULATION MANAGER: Ana Cristina Garantón
COLLABORATOR: Wallace Porter COLLABORATOR: Pieter Speksnijder
PRINTED BY Foli, Negra Modelo # 4 Bodega A Fracc. Cervecería Modelo, Naucalpan Estado de México T:. 9159 2100