Mexico Mining Forum 2022 Echo - Impact Report

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Mining’s relevance has increased significantly in recent years, as metals have grown more important and are now seen as the pillars of the global transition toward green technologies. To take advantage of these bullish markets, mining companies around the world have prioritized process enhancements, the implementation of cutting-edge technology and the strengthening of ESG areas. Mining companies in Mexico have faced a less-than-ideal environment, however, facing the approval of government initiatives that seek to reduce new permitting, thus limiting investment opportunities and increasing uncertainty. Fortunately, according to experts, these challenges do not detract from the high mining potential that the country has yet to unlock. At both 2022 editions of Mexico Mining Forum, industry insiders emphasized that in order to find solutions to overcome the industry’s most pressing challenges, to unlock new opportunities and to accelerate the transition to Mining 4.0, mining leaders need to exchange key information, experience, opportunities and collaborate more closely. During its latest edition, Mexico Mining Forum 2022 ECHO brought together industry leaders representing the main companies in the industry, welcoming 49 speakers and generating 246 matchmaking interactions resulting in 58 high-level 1:1 meetings. Next year, Mexico Business will continue to offer unique hybrid conferences for participants, speakers and sponsors to maximize business opportunities. Our conference programs will continue to offer insider perspectives on key topics designed to support better decision-making and to improve results. We look forward to welcoming the leaders of the mining industry from Mexico on Jan. 25-27, 2023 at Mexico Mining Forum 2023!


C onfe r ence I mpact



conference participants

30% 17% 19% 09% 15%

Manager Director CEO/DG Associate/Executive Geologist/Engineer/ Analyst/Consultant 10% VP/President/Board Member/Partner







Breakdown by job title


visitors to the conference website

in-person attendance

Conference social media impact 9,426 direct impressions during MMF

Pre-conference social media impact 71,595 direct pre-conference LinkedIn impressions

1.95% click through rate during MMF

1.96% pre-conference click through rate

3.475% conference engagement rate

3.95% pre-conference engagement rate

Mexico’s leading B2B conference organizer introduces the world’s leading event networking platform. Delivering intent-based matchmaking powered by Artificial Intelligence that connects the right people. Network, no matter where you are.



Matchmaking intentions


matchmaking communications


1:1 meetings conducted

562 Networking Total


250 Investment 870 Trading 79 Recruitment


C ompan y Attendance •

ABB México S.A. de C.V.

IPEC Ingeniería SA de CV



Alamos Gold

Kootenay Silver

Alien Metals Ltd

LONGi Solar

Altaley Mining Corp.

M3 Mexicana

Altum Capital


Amtex SA

MAG Silver


Metso Outotec


Mexico Business

Arzate Noticias

Minas de Oro Nacional S.A. de C.V.


Minera Frisco

Barchip México

Minera Gorrión

Benchmark Mineral Intelligence

Minera MediaLuna


Minesense technologies

Brella Ltd


Bylsa drilling



Optecs BV


Orla Mining

Canadian Chamber of Commerce

Osisko Development



CITRUS Industrial Decarbonization

Peña Colorada

Clúster Minero Sinaloa



PPG Industries

Colegio de Ingenieros de Minas,

Proyectos y Construcciones VIRGO

Metalurgistas y Geólogos de México


Compañía Minera Cuzcatlán

Radar Minero

CR Legal Partners



Ranchero Gold Corp

Dirección de Operación y Apoyo Técnico

Rentar Fuel Catalyst, Marreg


Empresas Matco / Caterpillar


Endeavour Silver Corp

Resiter México SA de CV

Corp. master distributor


Revista Perfil

Evonik Industries de Mexico

Reyna Silver

Fideicomiso de Fomento Minero



Sapuchi Minera


Secretaria de Economía

Globexplore Drilling

SEDECO Michoacán

Gobierno de Coahuila


Gobierno de Ontario en Mexico


Gobierno del Estado de Sonora


GoldSpot Discoveries


Gonzalez Calvillo

Sika Mexicana SA de CV

GR Silver Mining


Grupo Maya

Solum Consulting Group


Southern Pulse



Grupo Villacero

The Silver Institute

Hexagon Mining

Tocvan Ventures Corp.

Iberdrola México



Victoria Ecosystems

Industrial Minera México, S.A. de C.V.

WorldWise Coaching LLC

International Business Solutions


P r og r am D ay 1

09:00 STATE OF THE MEXICAN MINING INDUSTRY Speaker: Tatiana Clouthier, Ministry of Economy 09:15 OPPORTUNITIES OUTLOOK: THE FUTURE OF MINING Moderator: Doris Vega, Minera Cuzcatlán Panelists: Armando Alatorre, CIMMGM Xavier García de Quevedo, Grupo México Jorge Ramiro Monroy, Reyna Silver 10:15 OPERATING ENVIRONMENT AND RULE OF LAW IN THE MEXICAN MINING INDUSTRY Moderator: Christopher Ávila Mier, CAMIMEX Panelists: Ruben Cano, CR Legal Alfredo Phillips, Almaden Minerals Manuel Sainz de La Hidalga, O’Gorman&Hagerman Rubén Alvidrez, Altaley Mining Corp. 11:00




12:15 TECH’S POTENTIAL AS A CATALYST FOR EFFECTIVE ESG IMPLEMENTATION Moderator: Joel Carrasco, Solum Consulting Panelists: Diego Torroella, Takraf Kimberly Nery, Sapuchi Minera, Part of Osisko Development Héctor Garcés, ERM Arturo Vaca, Peñoles 13:15


Faysal Rodríguez, Torex Gold Resources Lourdes McPherson, Minera Adularia Margarita Bejarano, Argonaut Gold 14:00


15:00 SONORA: BENCHMARKING COMPETITIVENESS AND INVESTMENT ATTRACTIVENESS Moderator: Jeroen Posma, Mexico Business Panelists: Jorge Aguirre , CMIC Sonora Fernando Estrada, Sonora Mining Cluster Leonardo Taylor, Sonora Government 15:40 CHIHUAHUA: BENCHMARKING COMPETITIVENESS AND INVESTMENT ATTRACTIVENESS Speaker: Gerardo Duran, Chihuahua Mining Cluster 16:00 MEXICO’S ATTRACTIVENESS OUTLOOK AS A MINING INVESTMENT DESTINATION Speaker: José Jabalera, Ministry of Economy 16:30 MINING AND UN 2030 AGENDA FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Speaker: Ulises Neri, United Nations 17:00



P R O G R A M D AY 2



Speaker: Henry Sanderson, Benchmark Mineral Intelligence 09:30


Speaker: Brodie Sutherland, Tocvan 10:00


Speaker: William Pincus, Ranchero Gold Corp Speaker: Britt Bluemel, Goldspot Discoveries Corp. 10:30


Speaker: Cesar Virto, Bylsa Drilling Speaker: Sergio Trelles, Benjamin Hill Mining Corp. 11:00




Speaker: Allan Barry, Advance Lithium 12:20


Speaker: Kenneth MacLeod, Sonoro Gold 12:40


Speaker: James McDonald, Kootenay Silver 13:00


Moderator: Chafika Eddine, Orla Mining Panelists: Fernando Gómez, Minesense René Valle, MacLean Engineering Ricardo Gentzsch, Rentar Fuel Catalyst 14:00




Moderator: James Sinclair, Control Risks Panelists: Mario Salomón, Multisistemas de Seguridad Industrial Leonardo Taylor, Sonora Government Diana Centeno, WIM Grupo Maya 16:00


Moderator: Matthew Gordon, Crux Investors Panelists: Bill Brodie, Alien Metals Michael Wood, Reyna Gold Corp. Christine West, Endeavour Silver Corp. 17:00



C onfe r ence H ighlights CLOUTHIER EMPHASIZES MINING INDUSTRY’S IMPORTANCE AT MMF2022 ECHO Mexico’s Minister of Economy, Tatiana

In addition, Clouthier mentioned that

Clo uthie r, pa r ticipate d in th e M exico

the Mexican Geological Survey (SGM)

Mining Forum 2022 ECHO, which takes

continues to generate geological information

place from July 6 to July 8. Clouthier said

infrastructure, carrying out exploration works

she is pleased to greet all the public and

to the benefit of the sector. According to the

private leaders of the mining industry

minister, Mexico is an attractive country for

to discuss the state of the industry and

private, national and foreign investment, this

network during the event.

is reflected in Mexico’s positioning as the fifth country in the world with the highest

The mining sector is a fundamental pillar

investment in exploration and the preferred

of the Mexican economy, contributing

destination in Latin America.

2.3 percent of the national GDP and 8.1 percent of the industrial GDP. Moreover,

Nevertheless, amid political and legal

Clouthier has highlighted the international

uncertainty and higher metal prices, the

impor tance of Mexico as a mining

Ministry of Economy (SE) reported that

jurisdiction and a leading producer of

Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in the mining

silver, as well as an important producer of

sector plummeted year-over-year during

other precious and industrial metals.

1Q22. The sector received over US$610 million during 1Q22, which is 59 percent

Recently, the Silver Institute released its

lower than the amount registered in 1Q221,

Silver Survey 2022, where Mexico ranked

which stood at US$1.49 billion. The drop

as the largest silver producer in the world

in investment is partly caused by the high

for 2021. In addition, 2022’s global silver

performance of the sector in 2021.

production is expected to grow steadily and reach pre-pandemic levels thanks to

During this year, mining companies restarted

newly developing projects.

the investments that were paused due to the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, when the total

“Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in the mining sector plummeted year-over-year during 1Q22. The sector received over US$610 million during 1Q22, which is 59 percent lower than the amount registered in 1Q221, which stood at US$1.49 billion.”

FDI reached only US$294 million in total. In 2021, the sector received $2.8 billion in FDI, an increase of 861 percent when compared to 2020. Furthermore, Clouthier pointed out that mining is one of the most regulated economic sectors, as the government protects the

Tatiana Clouthier

nation’s ownership of resources via the

Minister of Economy | Mexican Federal Government

constant supervision of concessions carried out by the General Directorate of Mines of SE. Similarly, the Minister of Economy is working to ensure adequate regulation

Mexico produces nearly 25 percent of

facilitates mining companies’ operations,

the global silver supply and is expected

fostering sustainable mining and prioritizing

to produce over 212Moz in 2022. In 2021,

the rights of workers.

production totaled 196.7Moz. “The biggest increase is expected to come in Mexico,

SE has been working with the UN to create

driven by the ramp-up of new and recently

a pilot plan which promotes sustainable

commissioned projects, alongside rising

actions in the extractive industries, said

p ro d u c ti o n f ro m s eve ra l e s t a b li s h e d

Clouthier. Collaboration with the Pacific

mines,” the report stated.

Alliance would be equally essential for


C onfe r ence H ighlights Mexico. The Minister of Economy finished her

by hand with all sectors, clear objectives can

message by expressing that by working hand

be set and achieved.

CHALLENGES HERALD A TRANSFORMATIONAL PERIOD IN MINING In the context of a global energy transition, the

compared to 2019, according to the Ministry

world’s industries continue to depend on the

of Economy. Sonora, Chihuahua, Zacatecas,

mining sector to get the necessary minerals

Durango and Guerrero are the country’s

and raw materials. While new business

main mining states, with a contribution

opportunities have appeared in the mining

of 82 percent to the total national mining

environment with the introduction of new


technologies, the challenges Mexico’s mining sector faces remain the same as those of the

While analysts point out that Mexico does

past years, agreed experts. By focusing on

not offer a largely favorable operational

communication, the country can support the

environment for the industry at the moment,

industry in emphasizing its global importance,

it is still a very competitive country due to

transforming its position in the economy.

its “slightly better” public policies when compared with other countries in Latin

“Mexico has a great future in mining. We

America, said Jorge Ramiro Monroy, CEO,

must change the perception and help the

Reyna Silver.

government by fostering dialogue. Mining companies must take care that the places

As most industries, the mining sector suffered

where they work have access to basic services.

in 2020 because of the pandemic, said García

The country has been little explored and there

de Quevedo: “However, it recovered in 2021.

remains much room for new opportunities,”

In 2022, the bad news is that during the first

said Xavier García de Quevedo, Vice President,

five months, FDI has collapsed 60 percent

Grupo México.

compared to 2021. This happened due to the absence of viable projects.” Mexico is

Mexico’s mining history has a history of

nevertheless a country where a lot of money

almost 500 years. Today, the country is

is tax collected from mining, he added.

the leading producer of silver. In addition, Mexico is a top global producer of gold,

Despite the decrease in both imports

copper and zinc. Regarding the attraction of

and exports during 2020, the mining-

mining investment, Mexico ranks fourth in the

metallurgical trade balance registered an

world and first in Latin America, according

increase of 34.3 percent, reporting a value of

to Deloitte.

US$9.2 billion. Tax contributions from mining increased by 1.2 percent in 2020, amounting

In 2020, Mexican mining exports amounted to

to MX$30.4 billion (US$1.52 billion), reported

US$18.4 billion, a 1.8 percent decrease when

the ministry.


C onfe r ence H ighlights

The Mexican mining industry faces various

and a deep focus on renewable energy

challenges , from restric tions on new

development, said García de Quevedo.

concessions and delays in permitting to

“Consumption of copper, aluminum, silicon,

a financial environment weighed down

rare-earth metals, nickel and lithium has

by legal uncertainty. The sector has been

grown exponentially over the past years,”

“highly demonized, mythologized and barely

he concurred with Ramiro Monroy.

recognized for the contributions [it brings] to daily life,” said Doris Vega, Institutional

Despite the challenging environment, the

Relations Manager, Minera Cuzcatlán. In 2021,

mining sector will continue to advance as

the mining industry attracted US$4.24 billion

the market demands tons of minerals and

in investment, which was higher than in 2020

metals, said Alatorre: “The key to improve

but 15.6 percent below the US$5.03 billion

the industry’s situation is to change the

expected for the year, as reported by MBN.

discourse regarding the sector at a global level. We are not the great environmental

“What is more, it is increasingly difficult

e n e my of th e p l a n et .” P e o p l e with i n

to encounter deposit for precious metals,”

the mining sector must start to change

said Ramiro Monroy, adding that lower

p e r s p e c t i ve s o f t h e i n d u s t r y w i t h i n

commodity prices in recent years had further

their own house, letting their families

decrease the exploration budget.

know the positive impact of mining to society, he added.

Although there are several local challenges to be overcome in Mexico, the global industry

Ad d iti o n a l g l o b a l c h a ll e n g e s fo r th e

faces similar hurdles, said Armando Alatorre,

mining industry include excessive logistics

President, the College of Mining Engineers,

costs and talent shor tages, García de

Metallurgists and Geologists of Mexico

Quevedo pointed out. High logistics costs

(CIMMGM): “There are increasingly more

complicate the refining of metals, most

people on the planet and more mining is

of which takes place in China. As copper

needed to supply everything the world

demand continues to grow, Mexico most

needs. There are ups and downs. In addition,

take advantage of its natural resources

we are living times of inflation, which will lead

and become better communicators for

to slower economic growth.”

the mining industry. “Mexico is a mining country by nature. We have to change our

The global demand for metals has changed

communication strategy and convince the

d u e to a dva n ce m e nt s in te ch n o l o gy

public,” concluded García de Quevedo.


C onfe r ence H ighlights

COMMUNITIES REMAIN AT HEART OF MINING INDUSTRY’S RULE OF LAW nvironmental and social best practices have

Among other barriers, there are various

become a priority for mining executives

security concerns, tax payment scrutiny and

around the world. In Mexico, this is no

long analysis processes required to determine

exception. However, the companies looking

whether concessions were granted within the

to meet these high standards must overcome

boundaries of the law.

hurdles like a lack of new mining concessions, higher scrutiny on tax payments and the

Land rights are some of the most significant

industry reforms of President López Obrador,

challenges companies could encounter.

which aim to develop the deficient regulation

Th e refo re , “co m p a nies n e e d to f ully

on social matters in a way that is still unclear

understand the legal, social and geographic

for operating companies. Nevertheless,

challenges of the land and its established

communities will remain key to this shifting

communities,” said Manuel Sainz de La

regulation, providing companies with a

Hidalga, Partner, O’Gorman Hagerman. He

cornerstone for their operations.

furthermore stressed it is essential to identify land owners and distinguish between private,

If mining companies aim to be competitive

social and public property. Each of these

in Mexico, they must be competitive while

schemes features different standards to be

remaining respectful of the rule of law.

complied with if a company is to procure land

“Mexico has a vast legal framework for mining

rights and social licenses. Knowing how to

processes, meaning that permit holders need

move ahead will provide certainty and foster

to work under permits, as well as be respectful

positive relationships with land owners, ejido

of human rights, the environment, Indigenous

communities and the government itself.

communities and Mexican culture in general,” explained Ruben Cano, Founding Partner, CR

In 2021, mining companies encountered

Legal Partners Mexico.

yet another subject of concern for their investments. The first Chamber of the

Prior to their operation and to avoid future

Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation

challenges, every company must first carry

(SC JN) delivered its ruling for amparo

out a detailed project feasibility analysis.

trial 134/2021, put forward by the Nahua

During this research, Rubén Alvidrez, Board

Tecoltemi Indigenous community, located

Member and Independent Director, Altaley

in Ixtacamaxtitlan, Puebla. With the ruling,

Mining, explained that companies will find that

SCJN revoked two mining concession titles

there have been no new concessions granted.

that had been granted in 2003 and 2009 to


C onfe r ence H ighlights the company Minera Gorrión, the Mexican

Phillips explained that there are now

subsidiary of Almaden Minerals. According

two crucial moments where Indigenous

to the cour t ’s ministers , the M exic an

communities must be involved, “when the

authorities were obliged to facilitate

concession permit is granted and when you

th e right to prior, f re e a nd inform e d

present the Environmental Impact Assessment

consultation of Indigenous peoples, but

(EIA).” However, he said that these moments

failed to do so. The court furthermore

should be clearly established in the law before

argued the state had violated articles 6 and

any operations occur. “We already carry out

15 of the International Labor Organization

social assessment for our operations, but if

(ILO) ILO Convention 169.

new rules are not clear, we cannot proceed with certainty,” Phillips added.

In the ILO Convention 169, Indigenous consultation is defined as the procedure by

The government’s rule of law and companies’

which initiatives, proposals for plans and

compliance will create the desired level of

programs, models of public policies and

transparency that both parties are working

institutional reforms that directly affect

toward. Cano explained that there are still

Indigenous communities are presented to

misconceptions that permits can only be

them with the purpose of obtaining their

acquired through corrupt practices. “This is

consent or agreement.

completely false. Doing everything the right way, being prepared and organized and consult experts to have complete compliance

“The mining industry in Mexico is the second-safest industry, according to data from the Mexican

during a concession is always the right route for mining companies to follow,” he stated.

Social Security Institute (IMSS). Mining is important and part of the solution for safety

“The mining industry in Mexico is the second-

issues, not the problem. By working together

safest industry, according to data from the

with the government, we would be able to

Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS).

create better projects, solutions and

Mining is important and part of the solution

development for the communities we are in”

for safety issues, not the problem. By working

Christopher Ávila Mier

together with the government, we would be

President of the Government Relations and Legislative Liaison Committee | CAMIMEX

able to create better projects, solutions and development for the communities we are in,” said Christopher Avila Mier, President of the Legislative Liaison, CAMIMEX.

T h e S u p r e m e C o u r t ’s n ew d e c i s i o n , while it is still not binding, established

Through each company’s social compliance,

that mining concessions granted af ter

the authorities can be certain that the

Convention 169 which entered into force

mining industry shares their interests. “Both

in 2014, could be canceled due to the

new entrants and existing companies are

absence of an Indigenous consultation

changing their mindsets to have a socially-

process. “However, there are no guidelines,

centered vision for their operations. While

legal frameworks or clarity on how could

this might take a while to fully establish for

companies in Mexico should comply with

every single mining company, the process is

these obligations,” said Alfredo Phillips,

already happening. We could benefit greatly

Independent Director and Board Member,

by working alongside the government to

Almaden Minerals. As SCJN recognized,

achieve this,” Phillips said.

establishing consultation procedures is the responsibility of the government.

There are a number of government areas

Nevertheless, companies like Almaden

toward which companies should focus their

Minerals could suffer the consequences

compliance. Sainz broke them down to four

of this process is not carried out correctly,

primary entities: the Ministry of Agrarian,

even though no blame falls on them.

Territorial and Urban Development (SEDATU),


C onfe r ence H ighlights The National Agrarian Registry, which controls

meet the tax requirements, interact with

ejidal and communal land, The Agrarians

communities, help where the Mining Fund

Attorney’s Office, which protects the rights

would have supported, try to select local

of agrarian workers and Agrarian Courts.

contractors so that the money stays in the

“Through these areas, companies can ensure

community and approach the three levels of

they are approaching the right entities and

government to work together.”

guarantee they set the same goals moving forward,” he said.

Cano emphasizes that communities must be the center of the operation: “mining

Alvidrez shared the primary points to consider

companies must include them in their long-

when developing a strategy to approach the

term visions. Operators have been working

government. “Align the company’s objectives

for centuries and they will continue to do so.

with those of the government, identify the

Government rules change every six years,

economic benefits that help the community

but their focus on these communities remain

and prove how the project spurs job creation,

the same.”


asset was acquired as a copper mine, but

transformed its San Antonio mining project

gold has been found too, so the company

through its subsidiary Sapuchi Minera

is utilizing previously-used materials for

in Sonora, developing it from passively

these procedures. The mining company is

environmentally friendly to fully sustainable.

conducting major exploration campaigns

Osisko acquired the 11,000-ha project at the

nearby. “The San Antonio project is located in

end of August 2020 and has worked full force

a region with significant geological resources,

to fast-track its operations, shifting the focus

with a great potential to grow and increase its

from copper to gold in the process.

resources,” said Luviano.

Alma Luviano, Environmental Manager, Osisko

What is more, Luviano mentioned that

Development, said the project is located

all exploration and production activities

172km from the capital of Sonora and has

have been carried out through authorized

been successfully turned into a sustainable

Preventive Reports, as the company worked

operation. Owing to the proximity of the

in areas that had been previously affected by

project to Sonora’s capital, Osisko could

mining operations. Therefore, Osisko set out

carry out the transition successfully. The

to minimize its environmental footprint.


C onfe r ence H ighlights The biggest challenge Sapuchi Minera

the material kept inside so it would not

overcame was to complete the transition

spread out and cause environmental damage.

from a copper to a gold project while causing

Osisko assured nearby communities of

a minimal social and environmental impact.

periodical maintenance works, emphasizing

This challenge consisted of three main

it would never forget or underestimate its

obstacles. The first issue was to explore

responsibilities to them or the environment.

without causing a significant impact. Sapuchi Minera started two drilling campaigns that

“O ur p roje c t is b eing evaluate d a n d

took five years to complete, doing so with a

enhanced as a differentiator of the company.

minimal footprint on the environment.

We attempt to build better water gathering systems. We are looking at several options

Another challenge was to take advantage of

to do this while minimizing our own water

the acquired equipment and infrastructure,

consumption,” Luviano said.

using it optimally to produce gold instead. Roads, buildings, terrains, a monitoring

The company confirmed that San Antonio’s

net work and fl otation plant s , among

Sapuchi site could yield about 1Moz of gold.

other assets, were adapted to benefit the

Currently, the company is working on the

company’s gold exploitation. Osisko had to

design and construction of Sapuchi Gold to

dismantle and recondition some of these

begin its operation as soon as possible. The

assets to minimize the financial impact of its

site is expected to yield between 50,000


and 60,000 oz/y of gold. Simultaneously, the company has discovered six promising

Lastly, for the copper leaching plant, the

drill sites covering 15km, which Osisko aims

company constructed water pools to contain

to explore further.


addressing environmental, social and

significant changes during its histor y,

governance (ESG) issues as a priority

mainly propelled by new technologies

matter. As these objectives to reduce

that emerged to shift the operations of

carbon emissions and increase workers’

thousands of companies. To respond to

safety are clear, technology will further

pressure from governments, investors and

cement the adoption of ESG factors in the

NGOs alike, the mining sector is increasingly

mining industry, agreed experts.


C onfe r ence H ighlights “The environment has changed much in recent

of Energy and Technology, Peñoles. He

years toward an ESG-oriented economy. The

divided the most important criteria into

companies with the best ESG ratings are the

three different categories: social licences,

most favored by investors and public opinion.

safety at work and environmental issues.

Technology leads us to have more efficient

“The social license is the most challenging.

processes. Much progress has been made, but

Society and government have a negative

there is still much more to do to understand

perception of our activity. All human activity

the true impact on the environment and how

has an impact on the planet, but balance

to reduce it,” said Hector Garcés, Partner ESG

must be sought. Although the industry has

Digital, ERM.

improved significantly, problems regarding communication and trust-building persists,”

For the environmental criteria, companies

said Vaca.

must assess their impact on the ecosystem. This covers the company’s measuring and

While companies’ commitment to ESG

management of air quality, water and soil.

criteria remains crucial, the workforce

These criteria extend through the entire

must believe in the same principles for

operation, from exploration to extraction and

the implementation to have success, said

post-production activities, according to

Kimberly N er y, Communit y Relations

insurance broker Marsh.

Manager, Sapuchi Minera, part of Osisko Development. “During the year and a half

“The companies with the best ESG ratings are the most favored by investors and public opinion. Technology leads us to have more efficient processes. Much progress has been made, but there is still much more to do to understand the true impact on the environment and how to reduce it,”

Héctor Garcés Strategy Parner and ESG Digital | ERM

we have been operating in Mexico we have faced a major challenge: culture. The country has a great mining potential, but we must learn from more advanced countries and train our staff to get them really engaged [with ESG criteria],” Nery said. Although most of the industry agrees on the importance of ESG and sustainability, there are several challenges to implement this transition. In a recent survey by Marsh, 90 percent of the global respondents within

Then, the social factors examine how well

the mining industry ranked climate change

mining companies treat and value employees

and ESG as either an important, or the

a n d th e b ro a d e r co m m unities wh e re

most important, issue for their operations.

they operate. Some criteria include labor

However, 44 percent of them said they

management policies, as well as workers’

have an ineffective process, or no process

health, safety and wellbeing. Importantly, it

at all, for identifying, responding to and

includes the impact of the company on the

implementing changes based on climate

local community, where these companies

threats and ESG-related factors. “It is key

usually develop basic services, schools and

to define metrics and standardize processes

contribute to social growth.

here,” said Garcés.

Finally, the governance criteria assess

A r e s p o n s i b l e o p e r a t i o n p e r m e a te s

a c o m p a ny ’s c o r p o r a te g ove r n a n c e

everything at an ESG level, said Diego

practices, from board structure,

Torroella , Direc tor G eneral, Takraf. A

diversity and transparency to the mining

growing number of companies are investing

company’s relationship with regulatory

more in development to reduce carbon

bodies and NGOs.

emissions and increase safety. “It is a matter of conviction. For instance, if we

The mining industry is intrinsically linked

manufacture equipment that helps with

to ESG factors, said Arturo Vaca, Director

water purification and recovery for the


C onfe r ence H ighlights operation, it helps the mine reduce costs

Tech implementation requires talented,

and provides benefits to the community.

trained people and time. “[Mexico] needs

Our main focus is safety,” said Torroella.

a certified regulatory body. The entire industry, NGOs, government, shareholders,

ESG and business must go hand in hand,

communities and companies must join to

they cannot work differently, asserted Nery.

create this regulatory body,” she concluded.


to courts, as evidenced by the Supreme

co m m u n iti e s a n d m i n i n g co m p a n i e s

Court’s revoking of two mining concession

has proven to be key to maintaining a

titles that had been granted in 2003 and 2009

mining project in Mexico. As the sector’s

to the company Minera Gorrión in Puebla. In

social landscape becomes increasingly

this case, the court determined the Mexican

complex, miners must recognize the voice

authorities were obliged to facilitate the right

of communities and get involved in what

to prior, free and informed consultation of

happens on their land to develop win-win

Indigenous peoples on regarding company

relationships, say industry experts.


Today, more companies are prioritizing

The current goal of many mining companies

environmental, social and governance (ESG)

operating in Mexico is to prevent such issues

issues, which is a reinforcement of the good

by building close relationships with nearby

practices mining companies have been

Indigenous communities from the get-go.

implementing for years, said Miguel Romero, Lawyer, CGC Tax. As part of this development,

“The first factor to consider when we talk

the approach toward Indigenous communities

about Indigenous communities is inclusion,”

has gained more relevance.

said Alfonso Caso, Managing Partner, AOSENUMA. He explains biocultural aspects

For over a century, Mexico has granted

need to be approached with respect, centered

Indigenous peoples legal titles to their

on human rights. “Communicating and

ancestral lands, but many have seen mining

being accepted by these companies is what

firms given rights to this land after the

becomes challenging. We need to learn so

government prioritized mining over other

much to approach them that we might have

land uses in the 1990s, Reuters explained.

to learn new codes and behaviors to create

Nevertheless, communities can still appeal

an effective approach,” Caso said.


C onfe r ence H ighlights

I n M exico, 1 1 millio n p e o ple id e ntif y

utility.” Bejarano added that companies

themselves as Indigenous. “Where our

will find a higher purpose where they

projects are located, we live along 224 people

recognize that business is a driver of human

from the Otomi culture. Because of this, we

development. Therefore, companies should

have had to create different strategies to

listen assertively, be understanding and

have a successful approach and project

communicate in a way that those who are not

development,” explained Lourdes McPherson,

industry insiders could understand.

Development and Community Relations Director, Minera Adularia.

“To communicate empathetically, one must listen first to motivations and anxieties.

McPherson explains that to build this

Communication is the missing piece that

strategy, the company created a social,

sometimes hinders the industry. That is why it

health and environmental baseline study to

is so crucial to communicate with communities,

fully understand the community and to be

consulting them on the development of any

able to offer something that would really be

kind of project,” said Bejarano.

responsive to their needs. “It is a challenge for communities to accept us. They have lived

Building solid foundations around credibility

on that land and will continue to do so, which

can also contribute to a better community

is why we have the responsibility to adapt to

approach. Faysal Rodriguez, Senior Vice

them,” she said.

President Mexico, Torex Gold Resources, said that for the company, highlighting that they

To M c P h e r so n , co m m u n iti e s a re n ot

have the will to combat underdevelopment

“different.” They are not isolated, but active.

and poverty in communities has been effective

Companies have to give them a voice,

on their work with these communities.

therefore. However, companies do not have to act by themselves. “Generating alliances

“ We have collaborative development

with academia, government agencies and civil

agreements, where we explain that while no

society would be fundamental to make sure

interest goes above that of our investors, we

we integrate these communities in the base

aim to grant them a similar power in order

of our strategy,” McPherson added.

to create stable conditions for both parties,” said Rodriguez. He shared that academics

Margarita Bejarano, Director of Corporate

have helped Torex Gold in approaching the

Affairs, Argonaut Gold, explained that

communities. The company has also created

conscious businesses go beyond financial

local projects that generated a positive

earnings. “While it is essential for business

economic spillover for the communities

to be profitable, it is possible for businesses

and strengthens the trust they have in

to have a higher purpose that values social

the company.


C onfe r ence H ighlights SONORA, MOST IMPORTANT MINING STATE IN MEXICO S o n o ra is th e M exico’s to p p ro d u ce r

“The geological potential of the state is a

of co p p e r a n d g o l d . A lth o u g h oth e r

differentiator and should be promoted and

states are coming closer, Sonora is still

marketed in order to attract investment,”

very much ahead in copper, producing

said Taylor. Furthermore, he mentions that

over 8 0 percent of the total national

attracting investment is one of the challenges

production. Copper is a major factor in

faced by the entity because there is an

Sonora maintaining its leading positioning,

exploration deficit that need to be reactivated.

said Jorge Aguirre, President, Mexican Chamber of the Construction Industry

Taylor explained that the mining concessions

(CMIC) Sonora.

in the state of Sonora encompass 30 percent of Sonora’s land, of which 14 percent have

“Sonora is the mining state par excellence,

been explored and in 0.12 feature established

with 36 percent of Mexico’s total mining

mining projects. In this environment, it is the

p ro d u c tio n . I t h a s H e r m osill o a s th e

responsibility of the state’s government is to

national mining capital in terms of supply,”

communicate this to the federal government

said Aguirre. He predicted that prosperous

in order to rescue and reactivate permits and

times lie ahead for the state’s mining

defend the benefits of mining in Sonora.

sec tor, which be nefit s f rom an ope n , understanding and inclusive government.

Fernando Estrada, Director General, Sonora Mining Cluster, explains that the Cluster

Leonardo Taylor, Director of Mining, The

promotes integration and the strengthening

Government of Sonora, points out that

of managerial capacities for companies.

h i s g ove r n m e n t d e e p l y u n d e r s t a n d s

Integrating environmental and social

the importance, impact and weight that

development issues are further key issues.

the industry has in the state. Therefore,

The Cluster has had a vision of integrating

local authorities are working to maintain

four helixes: investors, academia, the state

investment level and supporting

and society, in order to cover the needs that

companies to reactivate their concessions.

can arise in any mining project. Moreover, it seeks to include the new generations and

More than 100,000 jobs in Sonora’s mining

merge with other industry. “The mining

sector pay over 40 percent of the average

industry today needs capabilities that were

salar y. In total, 22 municipalities have

previously not considered relevant to the

mining activities as their main economic

sector,” said Estrada.

driver. The state boasts 71 active mining units, which ensures Sonora retains the

Sonora has received international attention for

highest amount of ongoing operations in

its recently-uncovered lithium deposits and

the country.

the policy changes of the federal government


C onfe r ence H ighlights to the Mining Law regarding the mineral’s

said Taylor. Overall, the experts agree

ownership. “Analyzing and studying lithium

that Sonora has world-class geological

and the viability of projects to exploit the

potential. The state has also cemented

mineral has to be the focus now. We must

itself as a true mining employer, with

work toward that to create a new industry

many of its leaders having been shaped by

so that more jobs arrive to the country,”

the industry.


nation’s metals production. Durán mentioned

history and is traditionally considered to be a

that 312,000 inhabitants are directly or

true mining entity. Its territory holds important

indirectly benefitted by mining activities, as

reserves of gold, silver, lead, copper and zinc,

the sector has created 20,493 direct jobs.

according to mining chamber CAMIMEX. Chihuahua’s mining industry amounts for

“The Cluster was born in 2013 as the main

12.7 percent of the national metals-focused

association helping and connecting the

mining industry. Mining activity furthermore

companies of the sector and today features

represents 4 percent of the state’s GDP.

130 suppliers,” said Durán. Furthermore, the

Within this environment, the Chihuahua

Cluster is present at 13 mining units and four

Mining Cluster works to spread the benefits

mining projects. It formed alliances with six

of the industry.

educational institutions and two investigation centers, bringing a wealth of technological

Silver is the main mineral produced in

knowledge to the state. The organization

Chihuahua, with 55,371 tons produced in 2019,

furthermore seeks to generate networking

followed by zinc with 7,201 tons, lead with

prospec t s to establish new business

2,332 tons and copper with 690 tons. During


2020, selling these minerals raised US$2.19 billion. Gerardo Durán, Director General,

Just like Sonora, much of Chihuahua’s

Chihuahua Mining Cluster explained that 94

territory remains unexplored. The total

percent of the mining activity is concentrated

surface of the state is 27,745,500ha, of

in the central and southern region of the state,

which 2,053,876ha are concessions for the

concentrated in 20 municipalities. From these

mining sector, or 8.33 percent. Meanwhile,

20 districts, 15 are affiliated with the Cluster,

0.12 percent of this environment has been

and five of them represent 9.45 percent of

used for production.


C onfe r ence H ighlights Mining has contributed to the environmental

Development of Chihuahua said that mining

e ff o r t s of th e s t ate , fo r exa m p l e by

companies are considered to be a key ally

reforestation of 543ha and 196,000 trees

of the most marginalized communities in

in 2020. Ninety percent of the companies

the state. Remote, marginalized areas can

working in Chihuahua hold credentials

become nests for illicit economic activity,

for contributing to a cleaner industry.

so these communities risk becoming the

Durán stated mining activities have had “a

focus of criminal activity, mainly from drug

significantly positive impact wherever they

cartels. Because the inhabitants of these

have been carried out.”

communities want nothing more than look after their own well-being, this makes them

Gustavo Ramonet Ontiveros, Director Mining,

vulnerable. The stable nature of mining jobs

the Ministry of Innovation and Economic

can keep such problem at bay.


Jabalera. The production of gold, copper,

vital role in Mexico’s economy, contributing

silver, zinc and iron pellets contribute to

3 percent of the country’s GDP and 9.6 of

85 percent of the country’s total mining-

the industrial GDP. While the sector is facing

metallurgical production value. The total

challenges globally, Mexico remains an

investment in M exico’s mining sec tor

attractive destination for the mining industry,

co m e s fo r 5 9 p e rce nt f ro m M exi c a n

said José Jabalera, Director General of Mining

capital. Twenty-eight percent comes from

Development, Ministry of Economy (SE).

Canada, 4 percent from the US, 2 percent from China , 2 percent from Australia

Currently, Mexico’s mining sector creates over

a n d 5 p e rce nt f ro m oth e r co u ntri e s ,

413,000 direct jobs and 2.3 million indirect

Jabalera added.

jobs. With a preliminary investment of US$4.25 billion in 2021, the total production

Although the issue is pointed out as a

value in 2021 amounted to MX$338.18 billion

challenge by some industry players, talent

(US$16.9 billion), according to SE. Mining

and human capital are actually one of the

activity is present in 24 states across Mexico,

main strengths of Mexico’s mining industry.

as operations intersect with 212 municipalities

“We have a great human capital, recognized

and close to 700 communities. However, 82.5

by companies. There are more than 45

percent of the total mining value is produced

universities, institutes and public research

in five states: Sonora, Zacatecas, Chihuahua,

centers that offer degrees related to earth

Durango and Guerrero..

sciences in the country,” said Jabalera. The average schooling of mining professionals

“The mining industry continues to play a vital role in Mexico’s economy, contributing 3 percent of the country’s GDP and 9.6 of the industrial GDP. While the sector is facing challenges globally, Mexico remains an attractive destination for the mining industry”

is 11.7 years, 2 years more than Mexico’s average. In addition, mining professionals earn 36 percent higher salaries than the national average. “The Mexican Geological Survey (SGM) is a great service for companies,” Jabalera

José Jabalera

emphasized. SGM offers information for the

General Director of Miner Development | Ministry of Economy

exploration, development and exploitation of mines, highlighting mineral deposits, geochronological data, archaeological zones, protected natural areas, vegetation

Mexico’s mining industry is among the top 10

and land use, hydrography and geophysics,

global producers of 17 different minerals, said

among other data.


C onfe r ence H ighlights Currently, there are 165 mining projects under

m a c ro e co n o m ic f a c to r s , su c h a s th e

development in Mexico, which are divided into

Mexican peso’s stability over the past 4

four categories: metal projects, non-metal

years and a federal anticorruption policy,

projects, municipal inventories and prospects

said Jabalera. In addition, the government

for further study.

committed not to increase taxes in real terms during the current administration.

Mining clusters play an increasingly important

“Despite the absence of new concessions,

role within the industry, said Jabalera:

the government has respected all existing

“Clusters increase the competitiveness of

contracts,” added Jabalera.

mining regions and foster the development of local suppliers and value chains. These

Mining has a robust institutional framework

organizations promote the link between the

that regulates its actions, he said. “We

productive sector, government and academic

can affirm that mining is one of the most


regulated industries in the country. This provides legal certainty to investors and

The competitiveness of Mexico’s mining

avoids conflicts with the communities that

industr y is underpinned by additional

host this activity,” he added.


Industries for Sustainable Development,”

heightening their efforts to mitigate carbon

UN Secretary General António Guterres

emissions and join the United Nations (UN)

referenced the 81 countries whose mining

Sustainable Development Goals (SDG),

extraction represents a quarter of global

the UN is also collaborating with these

the GDP and impacts close to half of their

companies to facilitate this transition


and enhance the positive impact mining companies could have.

“Extractive industries have a great potential to drive grow th , suppor t sustainable

In the UN’s document “Remarks to the Global

d eve l o p m e nt a n d re d u ce p ove r t y i n

Roundtable on Transforming Extractive

developing countries . Oil , gas and


C onfe r ence H ighlights mining industries are being demonized.

Classification (UNFC) and the UN’s Resource

N eve r th eless , th e world n e e ds th ese

Management Systems (UNRMS).

activities for the energy transition, which requires minerals, and as an activity toward

The UNFC is in charge of devising strategies

development and poverty reduction,” said

to manage budgets and resources to

Ulises Neri, Vice Chair Latin America, Expert

manage industry processes and justify

Group on Resource Management, UN.

capital allocation. The UNRMS is based on 11 principles that provide a holistic vision

Nevertheless, Neri explained that these

toward sustainable development. These

industries are experiencing social, financial

can then be used to develop standardized

and political pressure to make sure that

processes, facilitate resource management,

companies do not see the U N ’s 2030

support decision-making, measure the

Agenda as an optional checklist.

actual progress of a project, consider metrics that contribute to sustainable development

“Ideally, all mining companies with a project

to ensure efficiency in this process.

would have to look for ways in which that plan can respond to the 17 elements that

For mining companies , integrating

the 2030 agenda proposes. The UN wanted

these two programs will facilitate the

to ensure that this is happening by creating

implementation of the 2030 goals into their

the UN Center of Excellence for Mexico and

projects. Neri said that the overall goal of

Latin America,” Neri explained.

this integration is to provide each company with a sustainably-oriented corporate vision,

The Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE) will

which will generate a better reputation

assist the institutions of the extractive and

in society, improve the relationship with

energy industries in Latin America, both

your customers and suppliers, reduce

from the public and the private sector, in

operational risk and increase projec t

meeting their sustainability goals within the

profitability by fostering higher credibility

framework of the SDGs. Its target areas are

with investors and stakeholders. It allows

mining, hydrocarbons, renewable energy,

access to financing with lower rates and to

energy efficiency and efficient resource

sources of private capital that consider ESG


factors to be important. Complying with the SDGs will also strengthen the integration

Neri explained ICE’s efforts are based on a

of resp o nsible inves tm e nt p o r t folios

qualitative and quantitative methodology

with a focus on medium- and long-term

that will integrate the U N ’s Resource

financial returns.


C onfe r ence H ighlights ICE is about to start pilot tests in Mexico, a

the goal is to align government policies with

country chosen to lead the project due to

their corporate practices in ESG terms. We

its centuries-long tradition in mining, strong

will begin aligning with their shareholders, do

oil production, leadership in Latin America

a real diagnosis of their situation to create a

and proximity to the north. The three

sustainable transformation plan, which based

selected projects were operated by Almaden

on efficient information management will

Minerals, Starcore International Mines and

generate sustainability-focused corporate

Argonaut Gold. “With these companies,

reports,” Neri shared.


initiatives include an EU-Japan Green alliance,

demand for lithium is pushing the market to

as well as a EU-Canada Partnership regarding

bullish levels. Within this environment, China

raw materials. With these prospects, the

reigns supreme, but other countries such as

global west aims to build a new, competitive

Mexico could look to compete, said Henry

lithium supply chain.

Sanderson, Executive Editor, Benchmark Mineral Intelligence.

On the back of these developments, North America and Europe are beginning to gain

Sanderson explained that the battery supply

ground, albeit slowly. Benchmark Mineral

chain is mainly located in China. He pointed

Intelligence foresees that for 2031, global

out the challenges Western countries face

installed capacity for lithium batteries, a key

to catch up with the economic powerhouse.

proponent of the clean energy transition

Nevertheless, China’s competitors can still

used to store renewable energy, will be at

take steps to close the gap.

6,660.6GWh. Of this figure, China would produce 70 percent of the capacity, North

Sanderson asserts that building this supply

America 12 percent, Europe 15 percent and

chain could be difficult and take time, as China

the remainder of Asia 3 percent. Therefore,

dominates the midstream of the industry.

China does not completely dominate the

Nonetheless, he argues it is possible to

market, as some key battery producers come

build the processing capabilities to compete

from other countries.

with China. Nevertheless, Henderson holds that battery “The key challenge facing lithium is on the

production is the “easy part.” The actual

supply chain, demand is not the constraint,”

challenge is to make waves in other areas of

said Sanderson. Some key challenges the

the supply chain. The extraction, chemical

supply chain faces are access to raw materials,

processing, cathode and anode production,

access to regional refining and rising

cell manufacturing and application of the

operational costs. He states that the more the

mineral will be more difficult to master. This is

prices go up, the cost of electric vehicles also

because of the minimum of five years required

increases. But reshoring is a costly process,

to set up businesses and infrastructure to

so companies must be careful that their

carry out these activities. Increasing natural

expenses do not turn out higher than they

gas and oil prices are making manufacturing

are in China.

much tougher, too. “It is going to be difficult to build new battery material processing

Some of the efforts the Western hemisphere

plants and refineries in Europe against this

is already pushing include a mineral security

backdrop,” added Henderson. However, he

partnership, a US$600billion partnership

sees many industrial processes move to areas

to build a global infrastructure to compete

where clean energy development is strong

with China’s Belt and Road Lithium Mining,

and energy prices are therefore lower, such as

a mammoth in the budding industry. Other

in Quebec. Mining companies themselves are


C onfe r ence H ighlights also part of the creation of these sustainable

will not be able to reduce its reliance on

industrial hubs.

the Chinese lithium supply chain. However, it can invest in building mines and focusing

Henderson concluded much investment is

on building processing capabilities. On the

needed to solve the price volatility in lithium

back of this diversification, the global energy

supply chains. In the short term, the west

transition gains a much-needed boost.


of the yellow metal. Sonora is the host to

explained the development and initial

two major mining projects: La Herradura

success of the company ’s projects: El

and San Francisco.

Pilar and El Pic acho, both loc ated in Sonora, Mexico.

In 2019, Tocvan acquired El Pilar and began drilling in 2020. Sutherland noted that at

Tocvan Ventures is an early-stage natural

Pilar, the company’s exploration program

resources company engaged in acquiring,

has been remarkably successful. “Tocvan

exploring , and developing mineral

Ventures has all the elements needed to

properties. In Sonora, the company is

create success. With two quality assets

developing gold and silver projects with the

and a terrific team, we see tremendous

support of local experts and leaders in the

opportunity in Mexico. My goal for this

mining-focused state. Sutherland mentions

year is to entice local developers to see

that the company had been looking all over

the potential I see in our projects and

the world to start a mining project and

m a ke th e m s h a re h o l d e r s of To c va n .

chose Sonora because of its established

Secondly, I aim to advance Pilar toward its

and strong mining culture.

first resource estimate. We are still in an early stage of growth, so there is a lot of

Sutherland points out that Mexico ranks

opportunity ahead,” said Sutherland.

first in L atin America for exploration investment, first in global silver production

Pilar and El Picacho are Tocvan’s two

and stands proudly among the top 10 gold

Mexican exploration projects. Pilar is a

producers. Moreover, Sonora is the top gold

gold-silver project where over 22km of

producer in Mexico, producing 37 percent

drilling has been completed to date. It is


C onfe r ence H ighlights located in the Sonora Gold District, the

would like to start drilling by November

country’s most prolific gold production

2022, beginning with some strong targets,”

district. El Picacho is a gold-silver project,

said Sutherland.

located 140km norths of Hermosillo and spanning over 2,400ha. Five primary zones

“ We have over 6km of a prospec tive

of gold-silver mineralization have already

trend that we would like to focus on. El

been identified at the project.

Picacho is a big property, over 24km 2 in size. We see many similarities in terms of

Although El Picacho is an early-stage

host rocks and geology with the highly

p roje c t , th e co m p a ny ’s exp e c t atio n s

prolific San Francisco mine,” Sutherland

are optimistic. Tocvan sees it a strong

added. The company fully expects to

exploration project that has seen very

intersect mineralization. Nevertheless,

little drilling historically. “El Picacho is at a

El Picacho holds a type of deposit that

perfect point for Tocvan to take over and

would require time to define how big its

move toward drilling soon. The company

potential could be.


forward,” said William Pincus, Director and

many of the world’s more obvious deposits

CEO, Ranchero Gold.

have been discovered years ago. In the current context with fewer, smaller and more

Previous operators of the Santa Daniela

expensive discoveries, the mining industry

concession had evaluated and initiated drilling

has turned to new technologies like machine

at Maiz Azul, El Rincon and Mesas Coloradas.

learning (ML) to unlock the optimal economic

Maiz Azul’s drilling resulted in the first

potential of projects.

gold discovery at Santa Daniela, explained Pincus. Since taking over the project in 2020,

I n O c to b e r, G old S p ot D iscove rie s , a

Ranchero Gold has conducted extensive

company leveraging ML to transform the

exploration at both Maiz Azul and other

mineral discovery process, announced its

areas of the concession block. This led to the

engagement with Ranchero Gold, the owner

company’s first drill program at Maiz Azul,

of the 22,267-ha Santa Daniela concession

which was completed in January 2022.

in Eastern Sonora. “We are thrilled to be working with GoldSpot. The application

The Maiz Azul area is the most advanced

of ML to diverse exploration data is a new

prospect within the concession area. Recent

tool we can use to best identify new drill

drilling completed by Ranchero encountered

targets, and one of the best ways to move

gold in all 16 drill holes, including intercepts

the exploration of new areas at Santa Daniela

of 4.0g/t gold over 31.5m, 1.2g/t gold over


C onfe r ence H ighlights 21.2m, 1.2g/t gold over 15.6m and 1.1g/t gold

Intelligence, remote sensors, cloud computing,

over 21m. The area lies at the northern end

data analytics, back-end processing and

of the Santa Daniela concession block, within

front-end UX. “Our mission is to discover

3.5 kilometers of Alamos Gold’s Mulatos mine.

ore bodies more quickly, efficiently and with

“The best place to find a mine is still next to

lower financial and environmental costs using

another mine,” shared Pincus.

technology,” said Bluemel.

GoldSpot Discoveries’ story began with

ML is simply mathematics that look to provide

six students participating in a challenge in

answers. The real difference is made by

Canada, explained Britt Bluemel, Senior

geologists deciding whether the information

Geochemist, GoldSpot Discoveries. While

provided is valuable or not, explained Bluemel.

the first place went to a group of over 40

It is crucial to have geologists involved in the

professionals, the students won the second

ML algorithm’s creation, curating the data

place and were subsequently approached by

layers to be sure that the outputs are related

impressed investors.

to relevant geological features.

Since that moment in 2015, GoldSpot has

The final objective of this technology’s

grown to “a world-class team of over 80

implementation is to shorten the timeline

people,” said Bluemel. Its team includes 34

between discovery and development, said

geoscientists who specialize in field mapping,

Bluemel: “We want to predict the footprint

drilling, structural geology, geochemistry,

of mineralization, to provide a score or

resource estimation, 3D modeling and

probability to know where there are better

geophysics. The workforce also includes 25

chances to find the mineral and assign

data scientists, specialized in R&D, Artificial

probabilities to certain areas.”


Benjamin Hill is a junior gold exploration

drilling services environment tackling

company. Originally from Canada, it is

everything typical exploration sites to

exploring the Benjamin Sonora Gold Project

extreme topographic conditions, is working

in northern Mexico, approximately 110 km

alongside Benjamin Hill Mining to further

from Hermosillo, Sonora and 140 km from

some of its large-scale projects in the north

Tucson, Arizona. The area is associated with

of Mexico.

a famous mega fault, where important mines


C onfe r ence H ighlights such as Herradura, Sierra Prieto and Santa

hydrothermal brecciation texture with

Gertrudis were developed. Benjamin Hill’s

coincident hydrothermal alteration in the

gold project has 6,400ha with promising

surrounding rock. These first four holes have

mineral occurrences. To date, it features eight

delineated a block of over 450m in length and

exploration targets for mineralized areas.

an up to 103m measured depth of continuous mineralization, with thicknesses up to 40m.

According to César Virto, COO, Bylsa Drilling and Sergio Trelles, Special Geological Advisor,

“The consistent intercepts suggest there is

Benjamin Hill Mining, the project holds values

open potential to track mineralization both

of 31.4g/t gold copper values of up to 12

laterally and vertically. Our interpretation of

percent. “The Sonora Gold Project carried out

the recent induced polarization and resistivity

an extensive sampling campaign in October

geophysical surveys suggests the vein system

2020 to July 2021, which revealed widespread

continues at depth and may widen with depth.

gold occurrences across the western portion

This implies a mineralized body, which could

of the property,” said Virto.

be interpreted as a possible mineralized magmatic source for Sonora Copper,”

Benjamin Hill divided the project in four areas:

Trelles shared.

Sonora Copper, El Fierro, Caracahui and La Salada. From these areas, Sonora Copper

As for the project development, “we must

stands out significantly in terms of its potential

highlight that our quality and success of

value. Nevertheless, recent geochemical

our exploration is because of the highest

surveys indicate gold mineralization may be

quality and safety standards from Bylsa

present in the other areas, too.

Drilling,” he added.

The Sonora Copper Zone’s quartz breccia

Virto explained that the company can solve

vein system consists of two of parallel vein

complex social and legal problems. “We

structures with a mapped surface length

have a total commitment to caring for the

approaching 850m. The veins are composed

environment, ensuring that the impact be

of quartz with barite, sulfides and primary

minimal or zero,” he said.

oxides hosted in granites and volcanosedimentary rock. “The Sonora Copper Zone

“Within the Sonora Gold area there are skarn

hosts impressive historical artisanal adits that

outcrops with massive iron enrichment and

exploited mineralized quartz-rich breccia

gold and copper anomalies. There is also

veins to considerable and yet unknown

evidence of hydrothermalism,” said Macario

depths from the surface,” said Trelles.

Rocha, Geology Manager, Bylsa Drilling to MBN. He had also shared those findings also

Trelles also explained that a total of four

included orogenic quartz of irregular bodies

drill holes tallying 837m were completed

distributed along the property and a hive of

in the Sonora Copper exploration zone.

bimodal damns. There are also stockworks of

All four drill holes intercepted two parallel

type D Py, Ser and Qtz streaks.

mineralized quartz veins that exhibit a

A NEW WAY TO PRODUCE LITHIUM FROM CLAY DEPOSITS Demand for lithium is increasing worldwide,

is marked by a market environment in which

but producing it is proving to be tricky. Allan

demand is strong, but supply is lacking.

Barry, CEO, Advance Lithium explains the

Electric vehicle (EV) manufacturers are

different ways to extract the mineral and the

increasing their production but encounter

agreement with the government his company

problems because they struggle to find the

pursues as it strives to keep its salt lake

raw materials for the batteries they produce,

resources to produce potassium and lithium

lithium being one of the most important

under its possession. The global lithium boom

resources in this environment.


C onfe r ence H ighlights “Lithium is often produced from brine

The method Advance Lithium proposes

deposits in South America, via a process that

aims to use electrical separation and water

requires salt evaporation ponds to remove

recycling. Barry explains that the company

water, leaving only the lithium. This procedure

put the clay material and water into an

takes approximately two years,” said Barry,

electrical devise which separates the lithium

adding that it unlikely that new production is

and potassium from the water. Following

going to come from those deposits soon to

that, the company is left with a concentrate,

solve the supply issue.

to which organic compounds are applied to complete the separation of the water from

The silvery-white metal can also be found in

the minerals. This water can be recycled

hard rock deposits, which tend to be high-

numerous times for the same process. In

grade but do not produce as much lithium

addition, the electrical process does not need

as brine deposits. A major hard rock deposit

a lot of power, so solar energy can generate

holder would be Australia. Nonetheless, all

the required electricity.

the country’s production goes to China, which does not really support North American EV

The company has done much sampling and

manufacturers, explained Barry.

drilling and determined that the deposits have minerals at the surface and continue

Another emerging source of lithium is clay

to depth, at times finding higher grades of

deposits, which are found around salt lakes.

lithium and potassium. Advance Lithium

Nevertheless, the known and conventional

began its projects in early 2021, but the

method to extract the white gold from these

government has since nationalized all new

deposits requires a lot of water and chemicals.

lithium production by changing the Mining

Barry presents an advantage Advance Lithium

Law. Although this has been challenging,

has in that regard, based on the work the

the company works to reach an agreement

company has developed with a mineralogist

w i t h t h e g ove r n m e n t a n d d i s c u s s a

working at a major Saltillo-based university,

joint venture.

who invented an environmentally-friendly and more effective method.

Adva nce Lithium could also pro d uce signific ant amounts of potassium , an

“What is really quite impressive about the

increasingly expensive resource essential

method is that it is somewhat similar to the

f o r M ex i c a n f a r m e r s . M o r e ove r, t h e

electrowinning of copper. When that came

company would commit to keep the lithium

along, it revolutionized the production of

in Mexico, so that the country would reap

copper,” said Barry.

the economic benefits.


C onfe r ence H ighlights


(PEA) of the Cerro Caliche Project, which

developing steadily following three years

contemplated an optimized mine plan for

of operations. Its owner, Sonoro Gold Corp,

an open pit, heap leach mining operation

continues its transition from an exploration

with an initial two-year production rate of

player to a full-fledged producing company.

8,000t/d, and an increase to 15,000t/d for

The mining player aims to become a gold

the remaining mine life cycle.

producer by 2023, said Kenneth MacLeod, CEO, Sonoro Gold Corp.

Within the highlights of the updated PEA, Cerro Caliche has a US$53.5 million after-tax

Sonoro G old is a publicly-listed gold

net present value, a 45.6 percent after-tax

exploration and development company

internal rate of return with US$26 million

that has discovered and developed 12 gold

initial capital costs, 2.2 years as payback

and copper mines. Its owns two precious

period and a seven-year life of mine.

metals properties in Sonora: its flagship Cerro Caliche Gold Project and the San

In September 2018 , Sonoro initiated a

Marcial Project. Cerro Caliche is located 3

10km drilling program at Cerro Caliche.

hours north of Hermosillo and 3 hours south

In June 2022, the company reported the

of Tucson, Arizona. The state’s friendly

results from the last seven drill holes of its

jurisdiction first-class infrastructure, in

Phase IV drilling program, confirming the

addition to the neighboring gold mines, add

possible expansion of known mineralized

value to the already alluring project.

zones. During the exploration program, more than 7,3km were drilled through 63

“One of the finest places to find new

holes, which intersected higher-grade gold

gold mines is where the old-time mining

mineralization and confirmed the expansion

operations were scraping around a hundred

of several gold zones, as reported by MBN.

years ago. When we acquired the Cerro Caliche Project in 2018, there were around

Over the past year and a half, several

10 old mining developments and we have

m i l e s to n e s h ave b e e n c o m p l e te d a t

been working successfully on them over the

th e C e rro C a lich e G o l d P roje c t , s a id

past three years of drilling,” said MacLeod.

MacLeod, including the environmental impact studies, a preliminary mine plan,

I n M ay 2 0 2 2 , S o n o ro G o l d fi l e d th e

m a ny kilo m ete r s of d rillin g , th e P E A

updated preliminary economic assessment

and an additional 7.3km of drilling to be


C onfe r ence H ighlights added in August 2022. “Sonoro is making

is built by John Darch , Chairman and

a transition f rom an exploration to a

Director, who has 35 years of experience

development company and by next year

as financier, developer and operator in

to a production company. We have had

the international resource sector, a similar

a very successful three-year operational

profile to MacLeod ’s . In addition , the

period at Cerro Caliche.”

technical team features Melvin Herdrick, VP of Exploration, with over 45 years

The company has “about 200 years of

of exp e rie n ce a n d J o rg e D íaz, V P of

experience” within its senior management

Operations, who has almost 50 years of

team alon e , said M acLe o d . Th e tea m

experience as a mining engineer in Mexico.


are reported to extend to depths of up to

company ac tively engaged in the

200 meters and connect to at least six levels

development of major silver projects in

of widespread underground drifts, covering

Mexico, which include Columba and El

lengths of up to 1km. The majority of this

Copalito in Chihuahua. Now that more is

work appears to have been done around

known about Columba’s potential, the

1910, with an estimated 70,000 to 100,000

company set about to highlight its potential.

tons being mined.

“The follow-up phase two drill program comprised of 43 holes, totaling over 9,114 meters. It targeted infill and stepout drilling within the high-grade F vein and the J-Z Vein area .“It is a very strongly mineralized vein”

By 2020, the company had drilled 6,800m with very consistent results. On the original vein, it had wide-spaced holes along 700m, with big gaps in between. The followup phase two drill program comprised of 43 holes, totaling over 9,114 meters. It targeted infill and step-out drilling within

James McDonald

the high-grade F vein and the J-Z Vein

President, CEO and Director | Kootenay Silver

area.“It is a very strongly mineralized vein,” said McDonald. McDonald shared the most relevant highlights

Columba is a project in northern Chihuahua.

from the company’s drilling program in

It is a classical high-grade low sulfidation

2021, which includes Hole CDH-21-110. Here,

epithermal vein system , common for

Kootenay found 650g/t silver over 17m within

Mexican geology. Kootenay’s 2019 drill

a wider interval of 269g/t silver over 29.9m in

campaign was the first to take place in

the D Vein. Hole CDH-21-103 showed 2,035g/t

30 years. Historic data from underground

silver over 6m, within a wider interval of

workings at a depth of 100 meters include

333g/t silver over 44m, also in the D Vein.

nine individual channel samples, taken along

Finally, Hole CDH-21-094 intersected 809g/t

a 25m length of vein, where several high-

silver over 2.63m within a wider interval of

grade intervals were reported to return

354g/t silver over 9m in the F Vein.

silver values from 350g/t over 1.2m to a high of 1,900g/t over 4m.

G eologically, Columba presented few challenges , according to previous

Columba hosts a series of high-grade silver

co m m e nt s f ro m M c D o n a ld . “ Th e re is

veins on the surface as well as extensive

enough exposure to be able to map the

underground workings, explained James

veins and targets fairly easily. However,

McDonald, President, CEO and Director,

the agreement to acquire the rights to the

Kootenay Silver. On the surface, four shafts

concession took a year. Our team in Mexico


C onfe r ence H ighlights negotiated the mineral rights and access

and an average daily volume of 763,195

to the surface, advancing the negotiations

shares. “There is an excellent leverage

in a very fast and professional way,” he

to silver and as Columba is a high drill

said. Financially, McDonald explained the

discovery we can guarantee a probability

company has had 359 million shares issued

of investment,” he said.


this issue. “For decades, this industry has

percent of global CO2 emissions and has

worked without knowing what will happen

a large role to play in the reduction of

along the way. Tech allows to change this

these emissions, according to McKinsey

scenario in every way, from operations to

& Company. To achieve a less than 1.5°C

the very impact that mining activities may

temperature increase climate-change target

have,” said Fernando Gómez, Account

by 2050, the mining industry will need to

M a nage r N or th Am e ric a a nd M exico,

reduce direct CO2 emissions to zero.


Technological advances have amplified the

Gómez explained that Minesense grants

sector’s environmental impact as operations

customers adequate visibility in their real

grow, but they also have the power to

time operations. The company pioneers in

diminish this effect. “First of all, being able

digital mining solutions with data analytics

to measure the environmental impact of

for mines that paint a clear picture for clients

each company is fundamental,” began Matt

looking to optimize operations andcontrol

Gallimore, Senior Manager Sustainability,

pollution. “Our systems also support all

M e t s o O u to te c . T h e c o m p a ny, w h i c h

routing decisions at the point of extraction,

develops tech and other products for mining

minimizing risks integrally,” Gomez said.

and refining companies company, measure CO2 emissions. With these measurements,

For the mining industr y, which of ten

Metso Outotec hopes toreduce its own

operates in remote locations, the utilization

e m is sio n s to o, th ro u g h wh ic h it c a n

of fossil fuels has strongly influenced

becomeexample for its customers.

emissions. Like other sectors, the mining industry also struggles with fluctuating oil

Once companies have an outline of their

prices and evolving climate regulations.

environmental impact, tech can become an

“Realizing the problem, Rentar Fuel Catalyst

ally to work on an effective way to mitigate

developed a unique, patented product with


C onfe r ence H ighlights a low carbon output, all while increasing

also considers making the business more

productivity for the mining industry. It allows

efficient whole minimizing operating costs,

to reduce carbon emissions significantly by

according to Gentzsch. For instance, using

increasing the efficiency of fuels,” Ricardo

smart fuel enables operations to reduce

Gentzsch, Business Development, Rentar

costs and accomplish their daily tasks, too.

Fuel Catalyst.

“Rentar Fuel Capacity’s solution uses tech with a complete combustion that burns less

All providers along the mining value chain

fuel while improving operations,” he said.

share the same level of responsibility to reduce the environmental impact of mining.

“With our solution, we measure consumption

For companies working directly with mining

steadily and make it more sustainable. By

operators, costumer feedback helps to

knowing what equipment uses the fuel

create the most comprehensive solutions.

and how to make it as efficient as possible,

“As an equipment manufacturer, we do not

we are reducing the amount of diesel that

have mines of our own to test, so validation

mining operations are using,” Gómez said.

always requires costumer involvement. We are keen to present innovation to costumers

Tech has also evolved other operational

to reduce the water usage and energy

a s p e c t s . G a l l i m o r e s a i d t h e s e we r e

consumption of equipment.The company is

equipment design, operational processes

also encouraging the circularity of products

and interconnection. “Through this, we

while ensuring the highest level of security,”

are able to create simulations to come

shared Gallimore.

up with an optimal offer for green and brownfielddevelopment. Clients can base

As the industry begins to integrate more

their decisions on these simulations.”

tech, digital twins and machine learning are widely requested, Gallimore said.

C o m p a nies a re a lso f a cing lo gistic a l

“Innovation in risk management can help

concerns and supply chain shortages, as

mitigate the negative impact of a volatile

well as pressures from inflation and rising

operational environment and keep our

interest rates, explained Eddine. For these

operations running,” said Chafika Eddine,

reasons, creating innovation to decarbonize

Chief Sustainability Officer, Orla Mining.

the mining industry could play a meaning full role in reducing the supply chain emissions

Yet Innovating mining processes is not only

while solving these financial challenges,

about reducing the ecological footprint, but

explained G entz sch , who added that


C onfe r ence H ighlights creating a diversified team ensures fresh

declining, forcing us to extract more water

ideas are brought to the table.

from the ground and filter it. Reducing water consumption is fundamental, so

Water usage is yet another key focus area.

we are already increasing the adoption of

“To continue operating at the same rate,

dry technology whereverpossible,” said

water is fundamental. But its reserves are


REGULATION, STABILITY CRUCIAL TO ATTRACT INVESTMENT Despite the global supply chain disruptions,

mine. Located in Durango, the mine’s plant

local restrictions on new concessions, delays

capacity was expanded by 100 percent

in permitting and legal uncertainty, Mexico

to 1200t/d. Guanacevi provides steady

remains a very attractive destination for

employment to over 500 people and engages

investment in the exploration, development

around 400 contractors. Endeavour acquired

and production of mining projects, agreed

its second mine, Bolanitos, in 2007. Located

experts in finance and investment.

in Guanajuato, this mine provides steady employment to over 380 people and hired

“Mexico is a very attractive place to mine. The

about 250 contractors.

country has a long history in the industry and we have access to a highly experienced labor

Despite the boom that NAFTA brought to

force, which is crucial. There are tremendously

mining exploration in Mexico in the 90s, “there

attractive projects. Comparatively, the

are still big pieces of land to explore and great

country has a stable economy and currency,

discoveries to be made,” said Michael Wood,

in addition to well-established mining laws.

CEO, Reyna Gold.

There is some uncertainty and that makes it harder for newcomers, but we have been

Reyna Gold, founded in 2017, focuses on

successful in Mexico for a long time,” said

gold exploration in Mexico’s northwest.

Christine West, CFO, Endeavour Silver.

The company has four properties covering 570km2 on the Mojave-Sonora Megashear

Endeavour Silver has several exploration and

and the Sierra Madre Gold and Silver Belt.

development projects in Mexico, in addition

“The properties have been acquired due

to two operational mines. Acquired by the

to their similarities to the gold properties

company in 2004, the Guanacevi mine is

i n N eva d a a n d C a lifo r n i a ,” Wo o d

Endeavour’s first and highest-grade silver

wrote for MBN.


C onfe r ence H ighlights Though the opportunities remain attractive

uncertainty as such. However, [regulations

for both local and foreign investors, mining

and conditions] have been steady overall, with

is a capital-intensive activity. Returns on

no new mining taxes.”

investments usually take years to materialize. Therefore, contradictory messages from the

Financing Mining Projects

government have raised concerns among industry leaders. Earlier this year, the

Environmental, social and governance (ESG)

initiative to nationalize lithium “unfortunately

criteria have become progressively crucial

set a precedent,” said Wood. This measure

for mining companies over the past years.

took Mexico off the radar of many investors,

From the impact to the ecosystem, waste

dropping investments during 1H22, he added.

treatment and safety provided to employees and communities involved to companies’

The drop of investment during 2022 also

corporate governance practices, ESG became

has to do with commodity prices amid the

a decisive factor for investors.

accelerated demand for some minerals brought by global sustainability efforts,

“ESG has been practiced for a very long

said Bill Brodie Good, CEO, Alien Metals.

time at many mining companies. Health

“With the long history, the skillset and

and safety have always been crucial for

geology of Mexico, in addition to a degree

us. It has become an essential part of every

of settling down in the global markets,

project. Investors will scrutinize the people

investment will come back soon, stronger

on the board, to check if they follow the

than ever,” he added.

guidelines and see if they genuinely engage to complete the projects,” said Good.

Alien Metals is a UK-based exploration and mining project developer. The company

Regardless, a sound project remains the

has three projects in Mexico: San Celso, Los

key to raise funds, said Wood. “The core

Campos and Donovan 2, all high-grade silver-

project remains crucial. It is not easy to

copper-gold projects in Zacatecas. After the

find good projects in the world and that is

COVID-19 pandemic, which delayed Alien’s

the beauty of Mexico. There are many great

plans during two years, the company has

projects to attract capital,” he added.

resumed exploration at its three properties. Large-size projects have become difficult Despite the spun-out uncertainty, overall

to finance, said West. Companies must be

mining activities have been fairly stable in

able to provide a god IRR and countries

the country, said West: “Investors do not

with clear jurisdictions, stable economies

like a high level of uncertainty. Mining and

and currencies, will favor investments,

exploration already have a high level of

she added.

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