As the mining industry once again flourishes globally,
also provides training to technical and administrative staff,”
operators need reliable contractors, staff and a strong
explains Lomelín. CLUSMIN, with the financial support of
pipeline of human capital to make operations more efficient.
its associates, provides free courses to continue nurturing
The Mining Cluster of Zacatecas (CLUSMIN) ensures the
the current workforce. The topics vary and include
state remains an industry leader through the development
sampling techniques, welding workshops, rock mechanic
of its key asset: people. “We are convinced that the most
seminars, explosives management and structural design.
important resource of a company is its human capital,” says
“We are proud of setting the standard for a collaborative
Jaime Lomelín, the cluster’s President.
economy,” he says.
Zacatecas is the No. 2 mining state in the country, after
Several mining companies, such as Minera Frisco, have shown
Sonora, with the industry accounting for 17.9 percent of
their support for the cluster’s initiatives by opening training
the state’s economic activity, according to INEGI. To meet
and research centers in the state. “The Zacatecas cluster
the growing needs of this mining hub, CLUSMIN set out
follows a unique model that brings clients and suppliers
to define the labor needs up to 2025 through a study on
together in the same association,” says Lomelín. “Its success
the future of mining in Zacatecas and its talent challenges,
is due to the joint participation of all its members. It is a
funded by CONACYT. Its findings allowed it to better
project that transcends political administrations and with
take advantage of the state’s privileged mining features
healthy finances, it retains a small, efficient management
for developing the best talent. “The strategy strives to
team and outsources most of its services.”
ensure a healthy and safe workplace for all miners and in harmony with the environment,” Lomelín says. These goals
CLUSMIN is thriving as a promoter of mining in the state,
are achieved through training and the exchange of best
but it has not been an easy initiative. “We started from
practices among all the cluster members.
nothing and it has been an exciting road,” says Lomelín. “The cluster is moving quickly and achieving its goals thanks
The association includes several universities, such as the
to the collaboration of our members to reduce industry
National Polytechnic Institute (IPN), the Monterrey Institute
costs, improve services and have trustworthy partners.” At
of Technology and Higher Education (ITESM), the University
its inception, the cluster was an initiative of the Zacatecas
of Zacatecas (UAZ) and in particular the Technical
State Council for Economic Development. When the council
University of Zacatecas (UTEZ), which enables CLUSMIN to
determined that there were not enough operators to form
foster student involvement in the industry. “Within a 300km
a cluster, it decided to include clients and suppliers to
radius there are 18 mines, so there are many opportunities
increase productivity across the whole industry value chain,
for students to better prepare and obtain internships within
create more jobs in the area and reduce criminality.
the mining industry,” says Lomelín. This helps the state to develop high-quality talent that will graduate with real
Today, CLUSMIN is a civil association divided into four
work experience in the industry. “As mining companies
committees that endeavors to boost productivity and attract
participate in defining academic plans, there is a better
more mining investment to the state. These committees are
synergy between businesses and academic institutions,
for supplier development; human talent; health, safety and
and this already happens with IPN’s Metallurgy Engineering
environment; and technology and innovation. They have
students that spend three weeks in the classroom and one
80 associate companies and eight mining groups with 18
week in the field,” he continues.
units operating within a ratio of 300km. It also has become a regional cluster, with active participating members from
But it is not only about making sure the new generation of
Durango, San Luis Potosi and Aguascalientes. The state
mining professionals gets the best preparation. “The cluster
governments are also engaged participants.