Q: What would you describe as the biggest needs of the
execution system replaced the 17 product management
industry when it comes the digital revolution?
solutions previously used. Development started in 2014,
A: When considering the digital revolution and innovation,
the solution was implemented in 2016 and it is expected to
we tend to think on a large scale and overlook the
generate savings of US$70 million by 2020 for the operator.
fundamentals. For example, I had initially considered that 272
a totally integrated plant using digital twins, in which
Another solution we provide is conveyor belt optimization
maintenance and operations would be fully automated,
through simulation and digital twins. Few consider the
was the big game changer. However, a year later and after
importance of conveyor belt efficiency but in fact it can
witnessing breakthroughs by my Siemens colleagues, I
create significant cost savings, reduce maintenance and
believe the common denominator in their success has
all but eliminate downtimes. Siemens continually gathers
been communication. It is essential to communicate and
data to predict failures, optimize the conveyor process and
work hand-in-hand with industry leaders and technological
ensure overall greater efficiency.
experts. This communication should also permeate the entire organization, from team meetings, to conferences,
Finally, our drive train analytics act as an overarching
think tanks and all different kinds of internal media to
monitoring system for a client’s entire operations. We
exchange experiences and information.
analyze drives, motors and gear units via a single system to match hardware and services precisely to the customer’s
Q: What kind of new products or solutions is the company
requirements. This can include the entire system or simply
planning to release in the near to medium term?
one component according to the client’s needs. This
A: Although we have a variety of products in our portfolio,
technology delivers data about the condition and health
four of these specifically offer particular added value. First,
status of the equipment to certified Siemens experts, who
Mindsphere is the cloud-based, open IoT operating system
can then advise the operator about any changes that may
from Siemens that connects products, plants, systems and
be required to prevent downtime.
machines. MindSphere connects these assets to the digital world and, through the vast amounts of data it is able to
Q: How are you stressing the value of your products to
gather, can optimize processes and production across
your clients?
a client’s activities. It is also highly scalable, secure and
A: We are on the right track for increasing direct sales by
can be used with either Siemens products or third-party
adding new team members with expertise in processes and
equipment. However, in our market a low initial outlay still beats long-term value. As an industry, we must change this
The second technology I would highlight would be the
mindset and highlight the benefits digitalization can bring
Manufacturing Execution System (MES), which provides
in allowing the customer to make the right decision when
full transparency across the entire value chain and facilities.
choosing a brand. When customers face a challenge, our
In 2017, this technology was implemented by Vale across its
goal is to prove we are the right partner to help them. We
38 Brazilian sites, including 22 mines, 11 pelletizing plants,
see the potential in every mine, from a small Programmable
a railroad network and ports. Our single manufacturing
Logic Controller (PLC) to a large gearless mill mine. Siemens technology plays a key role in this shift to more
Siemens provides innovative solutions to help customers
environmentally-conscious practices. Our main goal is to be
set new benchmarks in the mining industry. Siemens offers
seen as technological partners. We want the operators and
solutions for the digitalization of plants, machines and
technology companies to understand we are all working
processes that help optimize operations
toward a common goal. Teamwork is critical.