Q: Baker Hughes, a GE company (BHGE) calls itself the
processes, while having broad experience working in
world’s first and only fullstream company. What does that
projects in Mexico.
mean and how does it apply to Mexico?
A: Being fullstream means that our products and services
With regards to independents, we have a strong value
extend across the upstream, midstream and downstream
proposition through our integrated fullstream offering, which
sectors. This comprehensive coverage was made possible
has the potential to simplify their operations in Mexico.
by bringing together the outstanding products and the cutting-edge digital industrial capabilities of GE Oil
Q: What business opportunity does BHGE identify in
& Gas, with the innovative technologies and excellent
deepwater Mexico?
services from Baker Hughes. The combination of both
A: While we know that it will take time for Mexico’s
companies’ capabilities results in a value that is much
deepwater areas to reach a development phase, BHGE
higher than the sum of the parts. No other player in the
sees a great opportunity and is well-positioned for the
market can match that.
deployment of its products and services given our wide experience in deepwater operations, specifically on the US
Today, Mexico is one of the most promising growth
side of the Gulf of Mexico and in Brazil. From reservoir
opportunities for the oil and gas industry in Latin America
evaluation to drilling and completions to leading subsea
and BHGE is ready and eager to support its customers in
and topside equipment, we have a portfolio that reduces
their upcoming plans.
TOTEX to help bring costs down for offshore operations.
Q: How does BHGE offer a higher added value to the
Q: What opportunities did the opening of the market bring
different players in the Mexican oil and gas industry?
to the local supply chain?
A: Our offering varies according to our customers, and we
A: The entrance of the IOCs into Mexico, complementing the
have the ability to add value to all of them in different ways.
existing industry requirements, has the potential to expand
For PEMEX, which is and will remain for some time the
and improve the local supply chain. The anticipated activity
largest player in Mexico, and for all the new players, our
growth and the application of additional best practices
goal is to generate value through the optimization of their
could mark the beginning of a virtuous cycle that would
operations and maximizing efficiencies. Our contributions
make the local offering of products and services more
range from data acquisition from exploration wells to
competitive, and even safer and more environmentally
process optimization through the reduction of AFEs for
friendly. The whole industry should benefit from this.
drilling and completions, as well as preventive maintenance at refineries.
BHGE is an important player in Mexico, with operations, engineering and manufacturing in the country, and it
When it comes to the IOCs entering the Mexican market,
has the ability and knowledge to adapt to the changing
and having worked with all of them all over the world,
requirements of the markets where it operates. We are
our value proposition is to remain a reliable partner
determined to become an even larger and more robust
that understands their specific requirements and work
supplier to all our customers in Mexico. Q: How does BHGE contribute to improving the local
Baker Hughes , a GE company is the world’s first and only
supply chain in Mexico?
fullstream provider of integrated oil field products, services and
A: We have a wide footprint in the country that does
digital solutions. BHGE harnesses the experience of its people
not only include our products and services but also
to enhance productivity across the oil and gas value chain
manufacturing facilities and even a large GE engineering