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As employers begin to call their workforce back to the office, the empowered post-pandemic worker is using their newfound leverage to call for the permanent implementation of the hybrid work model and other demands. Since this negotiation process is still in the initial phase, its not clear what new employment standards will emerge. However, experts agree that change must come from both employers and employees. While companies were initially resistant to remote work schemes due to fear of decreased productivity, the pandemic demonstrated that these models were not only possible but effective. At the same time, workers saw a significant impact in mental health as a result of prolonged isolation, which also hindered employees’ sense of belonging to their companies. Assimilating employee values and offering added-value learning opportunities, especially in digital and technology tools, will significantly facilitate employers’ ability to retain and attract talent. Preparing and upskilling the workforce in the age of digitalization is particularly important considering the foreseeable disruption robots, automation and AI technologies will have across the economy. At Mexico Talent Forum 2021, industry leaders highlighted the central role that employer-employee communication will play in articulating postpandemic work standards and expectations. Based on this feedback, recruitment officers are working to coalesce worker values with company objectives, looking into upskilling and training the workforce for to embrace Industry 4.0 and other disruptors. As the premier even in the human resources and talent sector, Mexico Talent Forum 2021 provided an ideal space for key decision-makers to share their perspective and build a discussion around the latest trends affecting all industries and sectors of the Mexican economy.
C o n f e r e n c e I mpact
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13% CEO/Founder 20% HR Director /VP 32% Manager 8% Consultant 7% Partners 20% Director
conference participants
Conference social media impact
visitors to the conference website
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20,000 direct impressions during MTF 2.5% click through rate during MTF 5.1% conference engagement rate
52,000 direct pre-conference LinkedIn impressions 2.71% pre-conference click through rate 3.2% pre-conference engagement rate
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780Trading Total
212 Recruitment 159 Investment 163 Networking
C o mpa n y Att e n da n c e •
A2B Skin Care
Energy to Market
Ace Oil Tools
Eppendorf do Brasil
Albanesi Tech Legal Consulting
Alegre, Calderón y Márquez Abogados
Expediente Azul
Export Development Canada
Angel Ventures
Aruba, a Hewlett-Packard Enterprise Company
Ford Mexico
Forte Innovation Consulting
ATCO Energia
General Electric
Atradius Trade Credit Insurance
Ausnutria Nutrition
Axios International
Global Business Inc
Axon Interconex
Global Health Intelligence
Banco de Mexico
Becerril, Coca & Becerril
Belimo Aircontrols (USA), Inc.
Boeki Logistics
Grupo Casgo
Grupo Comercial Chedraui
Grupo GOCA
C&A Mexico
Grupo Roales
Cámara Nórdica de Comercio en México
Grupo Samaredi
Cardinal Health
Heerema Marine Contractors
Hellmann Worldwide Logistics
HKS Architects
Holland House Mexico
Climate Bonds Initiative
CMV R&R Partners
Huawei Technologies de Mexico
Colegio de Ingenieros de Minas,
Iberdrola México
Metalurgistas y Geólogos de México
Commerce Mind
Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Médicas
Cornershop by Uber
International Rescue Committee
iPS - Powerful People
Dostavista Mexico
Dow Mexico
Kannbal Consulting
Embassy of Canada in Mexico
- Ontario Government
Embassy of Italy
y Nutrición Salvador Zubirán
C o mpa n y Att e n da n c e •
Salud Facil
San Luis Potosi City Council
Laserline Inc.
Servicio Geológico Mexicano
Siebtechnik Tema
LENDERA crowdleasing
Someone Somewhere
MEDICE Arzneimittel Pütter
Speyside Group
Metabase Q
Mexico Business
Sulmara Mexico
Mitsui & Co Power Americas
Mobility ADO
Syneff Consult
MountX Real Estate Capital
The Adecco Group
Naviera Integral
The Uncommon Lab
Nissan Mexicana
TMF Group
Northland Power Energia
Tolko Group
Nu México
Top Management Mexico
Oleum Energy
Trebol Capital
Tridi, Manufactura Aditiva
Ontario Government
Oplay Digital
OS City
PAE Global
Partem Projects
UK Department for International Trade
Union de Crédito del Soconusco
Polymath Ventures
Prana Power
Vera & Asociados
Vexi. Tarjeta de Crédito
Prosegur Security México
QbD México
Von Wobeser y Sierra
Rappi Pay
RelyOn Nutec
RER Energy Group
Wizlynx Group
Rising Farms
WorldWise Coaching
RM Pharma Specialists
Rockwell Automation
Yokogawa de México
S2G Energy
P r o g r am D ay 1
Speaker: Hector Marquez Pitol, Human Capital Commission President of Coparmex and President of AMECH
Moderator: Gustavo Linares, Founder of TalentHow Panelists: Alberto Alesi, ManpowerGroup General Director For Mexico, Caribbean and Central America Francisco Martinez Domene, CEO of The Adecco Group México Melissa Pereda Nájera, Head of Human Resources of Volkswagen México 10:15
Moderator: Guido van der Zwet, General Manager of iPS Powerful People Panelists: Alfredo Kupfer Domínguez, President of Human Capital and Labor Affairs Committee of American Chamber of Commerce of Mexico Luis Monsalvo, Co Managing Partner and Director of Monsalvo Duclaud Carlos Zurita, Human Resources and Compliance Director of Unicarplastics 11:00
Moderator: Wanda Sevilla, General Director of Tallent Up Panelists: Olivia Segura, Director People & Change|HR & Talent Management Consulting of KPMG in Mexico Isela Hernández, VP RH of Walmart México Javier Jaramillo, HRBP | HRSS and Compliance Manager of Lamudi México Javier García Iza, CEO of IOS OFFICES 13:00
Speaker: Alma Puig, CEO of Great Place to Work 14:00
Moderator: Jorge Ponga, Partner of Humanologo Consulting
Panelist: Maite Delgadillo, HR Director of Scania Elisa Rebolledo, Casai Mexico’s General Manager of Casai Blanca Ruth Ortuño Pacheco, Sales HRBP Senior of Nestlé Victor Velázquez Patrón, Vice President, People & Organization Development of Clip 16:00
Moderator: Paulina Cavazos, Director People Ops of Ben & Frank Panelist: Alejandro Zenteno, CHRO of Grupo Lala Antonio Madrid, HR Director of Soriana Geny Oceguera Rojas, Acting HR Head of Samsung Mexico Sergio Arturo Arangua Quiroga, HR Country Manager for OXXO México
P r o g r am D ay 2
Speaker: Santiago Gutierrez, VP of Pearson 09:30
Moderator: Jordi Ciuro, Partner and Vice President of Recruiting at Bain & Company’s Mexico City office Panelists: Selene Diez, CEO of Forte innovation Pol Morral Dauvergne, Co-founder & CEO of LaPieza.io Maria Fernanda Miretti, Global Talent Acquisition & DO of Multiplica Monica French, Head of New Business Hispanic America of LinkedIn Talent Solutions 10:30
Speaker: Ricardo Guerra, Director Business Development of Globalization Partners 11:00
Moderator: Daphne S. Leger, CEO & founder of Atrevidea Panelists: Felipe A Villarreal, CEO of Alian Plastics Federico Barcos Von der Heide, CEO of PeopleOPTI Lissy Giacoman, CEO & Co-Founder of Vinco 13:00
Moderator: Regina Cabal Urquiza, Co-Founder of Momlancers Panelists: Diego Olcese Díaz, Co-founder, CEO of Crehana Gabriela Villavicencio, Head of Human Resources and General Affairs of Hyundai Motor Ricardo E. Combariza, People & Organization Director of Credijusto Laura Briano, HR Service Delivery of Accenture Latin America 14:00
Moderator: Karen Rodarte, Business Developer and Co-Founder of Pai Pai Panelists: Miguel Castuera, VP of People of Conekta German Peralta, Co-founder & CEO of JOKR in LATAM Martha Lucia Riquer Vargas, Organizational Development & Diversity of Enel 15:45
Speaker: Javier Andres Cardona Mora, Co-founder & CEO of 1DOC3 16:15
Moderator: Jorge Garduño Camareena, Ethics and Business Integrity Manager of Sanofi México Panelists:s Jorge Alejandro de lara, Director of American express Denisse Cazú Dávalos, Regional Director HR LATAM Mattel Latin America Courtney Devon McColgan, CEO & Founder of Runa Ana López Mestre M, Executive Vice President and General Director of American Chamber of Commerce of Mexico Daniela Muñoz, CEO of IOIO
C o n f e r e n c e H ighlights
study conducted by the Mexican Institute
into effect in 2019, it has been met with
of Social Security (IMSS) from February
both resistance and enthusiastic support
2020 and August 2021 found that informal
from companies in Mexico. But the reform
labor market has grown by 17,684 jobs,
is not the only challenge employers and
supporting this hypothesis. In contrast,
e m p l oye e s a re f a c i n g . A lth o u g h th e
formal employment has contracted by 1.2
COVID-19 pandemic cratered the labor
percent, representing an absolute loss of
market, it increased employer empathy
286,297 jobs, according to 2021’s findings
prompting them to value the importance
from INEGI. This indicates that the formal
basic benefits for their employees.
sector has taken longer to stabilize even with an accelerated vaccination rollout.
Incentivized by greater support from the Federal Government, the domestic market
Further analysis from IMSS found that
has seen as of September 2021 an estimated
even amidst the pandemic businesses have
2 .7 m i l l i o n e m p l oye e s m i g r a te f ro m
slowly been increasing their minimum wage.
outsourcing to employment with companies
In February 2020, the wages reported to
that offer benefits and services says Héctor
IMSS averaged at MX$12,087 (US$585)
Marquez Pitol, Human Capital Commission
and increased by 2.6 percent in the span
President of Coparmex and President of
of ten months to MX$12,403 (US$601). This
the Mexican Association of Human Capital
trend continued into the new year, albeit at
Companies (AMECH), which helped draft
a slower pace, from MX$13,035 (US$631)
the legislation and has be en helping
in Januar y to MX$13 ,133 (US$636) by
business comply with its requirements over
September, equivalent to a 0.75 percent
the past three years.
increase in nine months.
From November 2020 to September 2021
Although “this change represents a new
subcontracting positions contracted by
epoch in in the labor market,” according to
9,000 as result to the regulatory change.
Marquez, this increase should be examined
This d o es n ot n e cess a rily m e a n that
against the growing inflation that has
formerly subcontracted employees are now
increased the price of goods and services
unemployed as they could have transitioned
across the market, which has not been
to the informal market, which is growing
an isolated event to Mexico. Although
explained Marquez. A comparative of
economists cannot currently predict the
C o n f e r e n c e H ighlights progression of this matter until more
take [at least] another two years to stabilize
variables are addressed, “the market will
from here,” said Marquez.
THE OUTSOURCING REFORM BROKE PARADIGMS The new Labor and Tax Reform, regarding
outsourcing reform requires that companies
outsourcing and subcontracting, is changing
hire directly all personnel needed to carry
companies’ operations across Mexico. While
out core business activities.
the new regulations brought considerable challenges to every player involved, they
Under the new legislation, it is considered
opened a new range of possibilities, agreed
outsourcing when an individual or legal
industry experts.
entity provides or puts at the disposal its own employees for the benefit of another
“The biggest challenge, administratively and
individual or legal entity. However, this does
economically, is to incorporate the formerly
not mean that staffing and employment
subcontracted personnel that work in
agencies are going to disappear. These
essential processes of the companies. In the
companies can still intervene in the hiring
long term, it is an opportunity to increase
process of personnel and participate in
production thanks to a higher motivated
recruitment, selection and training but they
workforce. Human Resources departments
will not be considered as employers, since
can take advantage of a robust onboarding
that label is held only by the individual/entity
process to equilibrate talent, know-how
that benefits from the services provided,
and increase productivity in the long term,”
according to International Tax Review.
said Melissa Pereda Nájera, Head of Human Resources of Volkswagen de México.
“We can still offer the subcontracting of specialized services, as long as they are
Published on April 23, 2021 and being
not part of the core business activities of
enforced gradually from April 24 to Aug. 1,
companies. Outsourcing is recognized
2021, the Labor and Tax Reform prohibits
and used across the world, including
outsourcing as it aims to end with “the
international companies operating in
perverse effect of preventing workers
Mexico,” said Francisco Martínez, CEO
from benefiting or participating in profits,”
of The Adecco Group Mexico. There are
according to President Andrés Manuel
many opportunities to take advantage of
López Obrador, who introduced the reform
the new regulation, despite it being “more
in November 2020. In general terms, the
restrictive” than in other countries, he added.
C o n f e r e n c e H ighlights “It was necessary to end with bad practices.
is affecting thousands especially following
(The new Reform) will professionalize
the pandemic, agreed industry experts.
subcontracting and outsourcing, leaving only
The COVID-19 pandemic left 13 million
serious, formal operators that comply with
unemployed, according to INEGI; but
law,” said Martínez.
between May 2020 and June 2021, 12.3 million people returned to active economic
Outsourcing of specialized services and
activities, according to IMSS, leaving around
activities that are not part of the core
650,000 still unemployed. The outsourcing
business activities of the beneficiary are still
reform “increased the informal employment
allowed, as long as the contractor has the
rates as around 900,000 lost their jobs,”
Registry for Providers of Specialized Services
while “the deficit caused by the pandemic is
and Specialized Works (REPSE) recognized
still not recovered,” said Alesi.
by the Ministry of Labor. Until Oct. 12, 2021, th e re a re 6 3 , 5 6 1 fo rm a lly- re gis te re d
Months before the Reform was enforced,
contractors in Mexico, according to Héctor
IMSS identified over 5 million people
Marquez Pitol, Human Capital Commission
subcontracted in the country. During the
President of COPARMEX and President
transition period, 2.7 million employees
were incorporated in their employers payroll, while the rest could remain working under
“Outsourcing and subcontracting evolve and it is a matter of time for things to stabilize. Recruitment, incorporation and training is not exactly the core business activity of many companies, which will continue to contract specialized staffing agencies”
the specialized services scheme where they were already working, according to the Incorporation and Collection division of IMSS. The first months under new regulations are the toughest for everyone involved, said Martínez: “The most affected players have been our own clients. They had to
Alberto Alesi
directly hire the workforce they had already
ManpowerGroup General Director For Mexico, Caribbean and Central America
subcontracted and their budgets have suffered. We adapted rapidly to the new regulations, changing our structures and service portfolio to fully comply with law.
The first two years after the enforcement
The new regulation came here to stay and
of the Reform were uncertain for most
contractors are forced to obtain the REPSE.”
players involved, according to Alberto Alesi, ManpowerGroup General Director for Mexico,
From companies’ perspective, the Reform
Caribbean and Central America. However,
o p e n e d o p p o r tu n iti e s towa rd a n ew
companies are now required to do “thorough
work environment. The transition forced
analyses” to define their main economic
companies to be more conscious about
activities and smartly outsource specialized
their own needs and processes, while
services. While companies will be forced to
client-supplier relationships have been
have larger employee workforces, with their
strengthened, highlighted Pereda.
inherent budget challenges, “outsourcing and subcontracting evolve and it is a matter
Collaboration Rather than Conflict
of time for things to stabilize. Recruitment, incorporation and training is not exactly the
While the Labor and Tax Reform was
core business activity of many companies,
controversial due to the negative impact
which will continue to contract specialized
to both companies and employees, most
staffing agencies,” said Alesi.
of the private sector chose to actively work with authorities to draft the law rather than
The new Labor and Tax Reform could be
fighting it through other legal resources,
beneficial for Mexico but in the meantime, it
such as legal protection (amparo), which
C o n f e r e n c e H ighlights was filed by at least 20 companies across the
new regulations, agreed industry experts.
country, reported Expansión. For instance,
“We hope that companies that try to play
cosmetics company Mary Kay won judicial
outside the regulation are prosecuted with
concessions to delay the implementation of
the full force of law. Fortunately, the Ministry
this norm and other companies are arguing
of Labor is opened to receive complaints in
that the law’s applicability can lead to
this regard,” said Alesi.
discrimination, reported MBN.
New Opportunities The Mexican Association of Human Capital (AMECH) initially considered the possibility
The Labor Reform opens new opportunities
of drawing on legal protection. However,
toward a more automated future inside
AMECH members decided to collaborate with
companies. “Innovation and development
the authorities during the process of writing
of competences will grow technology
the law, due to the limited solutions that legal
startups, that will offer innovative solutions
protection offered to staffing companies and
to companies,” said Pereda. While it will
everyone involved, agreed industry experts.
take some time, the reform will break many paradigms in the Mexican industry.
“Innovation and development of competences will grow technology startups, that will offer innovative solutions to companies”
New regulations have to be open to temporary employment, said Martínez. Temporary employment started attracting public policy attention across the world three decades ago,
Melissa Pereda Nájera
when it became popular, according to the
Head of Human Resources of Volkswagen México
International Labor Organization (ILO). Under this scheme, workers are engaged only for a specific period of time, including fixed-term, project or task-based contracts, as well as
“This resource slows you down. A judge could
seasonal or casual work, including day labor.
protect you against the Reform but everyone involved will also need the protection to
“With our international experience, we
legally subcontract employees. Additionally,
noticed that in countries where temporary
protected companies cannot make tax-
employment is regulated, informality is
deductible bills from Aug. 1, 2021. While there
dramatically reduced. For instance, when
were constitutional foundations to follow
bachelor students end their studies, they
this path, this made absolutely no sense to
have the opportunity to work temporarily in
us so we would rather work with authorities
diverse companies for about two years and
to address the situation in the most plural
then decide where to stay. According to our
way possible,” said Alesi. The Reform,
data, 33 percent of them end up staying in
while perfectible, came to eliminate bad
one of those,” said Martínez.
practices and informality, and it made “no sense” to seek legal protection rather than
Temporary employment is an area for
collaborating with legislators throughout the
opportunity in Mexico, said Martínez, and
process, agreed Martínez.
highlighted the benefits it could bring to companies during peak seasons, while
Considering what has happened in other
giving interesting internship opportunities
countries across the world, law enforcement
to younger generations in a regulated
will play a key role during the transition to
agreed to. Since the US is Mexico’s largest
practices to fulfill the responsibilities it
commercial partner, compliance with the
C o n f e r e n c e H ighlights
agreement plays an important role in their
recognition of effective rights in collective
negotiation. To acknowledge the country’s obligations, the country needed to change
Mexico’s 2019 labor reform responds to the
its practices , the federal law and the
obligations the country agreed to when
constitution,” said Luis Monsalvo Duclaud,
it signed the USMCA. It aims to enforce
Co- Managing Par tner and Director at
adherence to fundamental labor rights and
Monsalvo Duclaud.
legislation, guarantee the protection of migrant workers, promote a cooperative
Both the USMCA and the reform aim to
agenda that allows the application of
transform labor practices through five
fundamental labor rights and foster dialogue
p ri n ci p l e s: “ Fre e d o m of a s so ciatio n ,
to address differences in the application of
e ff e c tive n e g oti ati o n , e l i m i n ati o n of
Chapter 23’s commitments.
forced and child labor, minimum working co n ditio n s a n d th e e s t a b lish m e nt of
“Chapter 23, Annex 23.A includes elements
autonomous labor courts.” The latter led
of re g u l a ti o n of l a b o r a s p e c t s , th a t
to the creation of Federal Center for Labor
were firstly triggered by Mexico’s labor
Conciliation and Registration, which aims
reform in 2019 and that incorporates ILO
to offer a public conciliation service to
recommendations,” says Carlos Zurita,
resolve labor disputes between workers
Human Capital Director and Compliance
and employers, individual or collective. This
of Unicarplastics. The chapter seeks to
organization offers both parties an efficient
improve working conditions and wages of
and expeditious solution that provides
workers in Mexico to prevent companies
certainty and legal security. The institute
from Canada or the US from transferring
will be in charge of the registration of the
jobs south to take advantage of Mexico’s
administration agreements of the contracts-
lower wages.
law, collective bargaining agreements and agreements related to them, internal labor
The USMCA came into force on July 1,
regulations and union organizations and of
2020 and, while it was the major force
the administrative processes related to the
behind the labor reform, it was not the only
registration powers.
one. “Mexico had ratified the International Labor Organization’s (ILO) Convention 87,
This reform “will transform the labor
relating to freedom of association. During
relationships that we know now, this will
the early days of this administration the
mean not only to change the law, but to
country ratified Convention 98, relating to
change every company in Mexico,” says
C o n f e r e n c e H ighlights Alfredo Kupfer Domínguez, President of
that it will constantly visit businesses to
Human Capital and Labor Affairs Committee
supervise their compliance with the reform.
of American Chamber of Commerce of Mexico. According to Kupfer Domínguez,
“The overall changes on the reform are
the worker’s ability to unionize freely and
expected to increase wages in Mexico by a 17
anonymously will make them more involved
percent but this is a gradual change that will
and aware of their rights.
only occur if we are able to generate better labor conditions,” warns Kupfer Domínguez.
The reform also seeks to prevent violations
In the last three years, Mexico has experience
of workers’ rights and tax evasion, the latter
large general wage increases, especially in
led to measures to regulate outsourcing.
cities near the Mexico-US border, which has
Although subcontracting labor structures
significant costs for companies, he added.
were prevalent in Mexico for many years and even regulated under the former regulation,
Increasing the minimum wage is positive
several outsourcing schemes were also
but it pressures companies, said Zurita.
used to pay less taxes and contribute less
“ The minimum wage must be agreed
to workers’ social security. This led to tax
with the business sector so that increases
frauds and reduced employee’s pension and
are measured and c alculated and do
not to cause a strong impact. Hand on hand with this increase, the government
“Mexico’s labor conditions were significantly differently from international standards and the reform needs to be clearer on its deadlines so every company is able to comply”
should encourage business growth and job retention with an accompaniment in production and generation of wealth.” The sector that is dealing with these labor reforms more strongly is the automotive
Luis Monsalvo
industry. Earlier this year, the US announced
Job Co Managing Partner and Director of Monsalvo Duclaud
the conclusion of the labor complaint that reviewed whether workers at a General Motors facility in Silao, Guanajuato, were being denied their freedom of association
“Outsourcing has been associated with
and collective bargaining rights.
dirty practices like reducing salaries and preventing payments, even wage theft.
Workers at a General Motors plant in Silao,
However, there are many outsourcing
Mexico, voted on the approval of their
companies that follow the rules and pay
existing collective bargaining agreement
well, including benefits,” said Guido van
under free and democratic conditions after
der Zwet, General Manager of IPS Powerful
the US requested a review on May 12, 2021.
People. The “prohibitive” approach to
Complying with USMCA’s commitments
outsourcing reflected in recent regulatory
during remediation , workers voted in
changes can be too radical considering
August to reject their collective agreement.
the number of contracts managed through
Inspectors from the Ministr y of Labor
those means, he added.
and Social Welfare (STPS) supervised voting, while INE and International Labor
The reform still lacks of clarity. “Mexico’s
O rganization representatives worke d
labor conditions were significantly differently
as observers. STPS later confirmed the
from international standards and the reform
voting results. The US Trade Representative
needs to be clearer on its deadlines so every
(USTR) Katherine Tai and Labor Minister
company is able to comply,” says Monsalvo.
M a r t y Wa l s h n o t e d t h e “ s u c c e s s f u l
Immediate compliance is utterly important
conclusion” of the first labor complaint
to companies because the Ministry of Labor
under the Rapid Response Mechanism
and Social Prevision (STPS) announced
C o n f e r e n c e H ighlights
BEFORE THE OFFICE, THE MEETING ROOM The COVID-19 pandemic may have turned
and the majority have been looking for a
the former work model on its head but
combination of the two.
that does not mean that returning to the office needs to be a dreadful experience. To
To retain their employees for this new
ensure the smooth transition to the office,
post-pandemic phase, companies need
employers must have a frank dialogue with
to address the driving concern of the
employees to avoid resignations, maintain a
Great Resignation: a perceived loss of
high morale and increase productivity.
personal freedom , said Olivia Segura O r tiz, Direc tor People & Change and
Companies have had the technology to
HR & Talent Management Consulting of
work from home for over a decade now
KPMG. The pandemic allowed people to
but employers widely resisted the hybrid
refocus their priorities and have time for
work model thinking it would compromise
themselves, which had previously been
productivity. The COVID -19 pandemic
an afterthought stamped out by the daily
demonstrated that this model is not only
routine. Lockdowns helped employees
possible; it is more efficient and “the best
avoid hour-long commutes, gave them
of both worlds,” said Javier García Iza, CEO
more time with their families and allowed
of IOS Offices.
them to build their work schedules around their needs.
This model underlines that returning to the office does not need to be a binary choice.
In practice, bringing employees back
Just as there are perceived drawbacks to
requires companies to sit down with their
working in an office there are also great
workforce to address the concerns they
benefits such as greater concentration,
have about returning to the workplace.
a m o re co h e sive wo rk cultu re a n d a
Once both parties come to an agreement,
faster exchange of ideas needed to drive
employers must clearly outline standards
innovation. Likewise, working from home
and expectations for their employees
can be distracting, lead to longer work
to avoid misunderstandings, said Javier
hours and introduce some inefficiencies.
Jaramillo, HRBP & HRSS and Compliance
Th e key compon e nt is th e individual
Manager of Lamudi. Beyond this, companies
employee. As demonstrated repeatedly
need to develop a framework to implement
from multiple surveys, some individuals
the changes or requests made on behalf of
thrive better in office spaces, some at home
the employees, added Segura.
C o n f e r e n c e H ighlights Addressing employee concerns is central
This change in no way should be perceived
to developing a healthy company culture in
as an added expenditure because
which employees feel valued, which in turn
companies stand to benefit from a more
adds to productivity and retainment, said
productive, healthier and more engaged
Isela Hernández, Vice President of Human
workforce. Furthermore, companies can
Resources of Walmart México. Moreover,
depersonalize and downsize office spaces
companies should be weary of implementing
and reduce the high running costs of
generalized solutions, what makes one
underutilized spaces and electricity.
employee productive and efficient will not be the same for everyone else. Consequently,
The former work model may be dead
employers should anticipate variations of
but that does not mean that returning
their work model within their office space
to office needs to be a singular binary
which will require added communication
choice. Sustained intercommunication
on behalf of employers. This cycle should
between employers and employees should
be cyclical and flexible to environmental
be central to the development of hybrid
changes, situational needs and performance.
work models.
BALANCING PRODUCTIVITY, MENTAL HEALTH M e nta l h e a lth h a d b e e n in cre a singly
it on an occasional basis. “In organizations,
recognized as a critical success factor
l e a d e r s f a il e d to th r u s t e m p l oye e s ,”
for companies and the pandemic only
said Puig.
highlighted its relevance in the workplace. The complete overhaul of work modalities
Working from home was one of the largest
is forcing companies to revolutionize their
shifts during the pandemic and, while cases
approach to employee mental health.
dwindle, companies continue feeling its effects. In the new era, employees proved
“To date, companies are finding themselves
they could be productive regardless of
in a new era in which both collaborators and
the setting. In October 2020, 40 percent
employers have different expectations,”
of organizations in Mexico had reported
s ays A l m a Ro s a P u ig , C EO of G re at
an increase in labor efficiency while labor
Place to Work.
productivity increased by 28 percent, according to Puig. “As a result, today
“Employees may be working relentlessly amid economic uncertainty with few social outlets, and possibly juggling childcare to boot, eviscerating any separation between work and the rest of their life”
over 64 percent of employees work more flexible hours.” However, the pandemic severely impacted employee mental health in different ways. “Employees may be working relentlessly amid economic uncertainty with few social
Alma Puig
outlets, and possibly juggling childcare to
CEO of Great Place to Work
boot, eviscerating any separation between work and the rest of their life,” said the American Physiological Association.
While all jobs require a diverse and often
By May 2021, only 18 percent of organizations
specialized set of skills, in recent years
in Mexico reported increases in efficiency.
companies have been paying increasing
“ Em p l oye e s h a d a l re a d y re a c h e d a n
attention to “sof t skills” derived from
efficiency peak and no attempt was made to
emotional intelligence. In 2020, working
find new channels of efficiency,” explained
from home was only available at less than
Puig. Work stress in Mexico increased after a
19 percent of companies, which only offered
year of pandemic by 8.1 percent because the
C o n f e r e n c e H ighlights working day increased by an average of 2.5
work autonomy, which is one of the most
hours, adding other fears such as potential
fundamental calls to action for companies
unemployment. Also, over 56 percent of
and will remain in future working conditions.
employees in Mexico reported burn out
“A stronger focus on the health and physical,
due to the confinement and intra-family
mental and emotional well-being of the
violence, which affected their performance.
employee is also one of the most vocal
“To date, one in four people have mental
demands,” said Puig.
health problems, 75 percent of employees feel socially isolated and anxiety levels have
The new competencies that will make a
increased by 57 percent,” exposes Puig.
difference when recruiting are flexibility and the ability to adapt to change quickly. “In the
The U N , PAHO and ILO responded to
past, we would not see companies worrying
this rapid working shift and its impact on
about emotional intelligence or focusing
mental health with the paper “Managing
on emotional agility and social connection.
Work-Related Psychosocial Risks During
Now, this is a core competence,” said Puig.
th e COV I D -1 9 Pa n d e m ic .” I t exp la in s that for employees to feel and be fully
Technology is playing a large role in the
present at work, their working conditions
redefinition of workspaces. For employees
must guarantee a good environment and
and employees, technology has changed the
work team and a balance workload and
working modality. Accelerated automation
schedule. Their job environment should
will allow employees to evolve their skills
also be free of violence and harassment,
and now a combination of human and AI
offer a balance between work and personal
skills to solve problems is required, Puig
life, provide job securit y and provide
explained. “Organizations should seek
communication, information and training.
customized solutions and agile operating
The repor t highlight s that social and
models, which can only be obtained through
psychological support are fundamental
for employees.
Looking Ahead Lacking these spaces “would damage the company,” said Puig. She explained that
Companies are also behind on diversity and
Good Place to Work communicates that
inclusion. The pandemic evidenced how
“good mental health allows one to be more
women are still taking the biggest share of
productive.” The emotions that paralyze the
domestic work. Looking ahead, companies
brain the most are uncertainty, anxiety and
should integrate women on leadership
fear, which have been among most common
positions, provide more flexibility and offer
feelings during the pandemic, according to
equal parental leaves for men and women,
the CDC. In comparison, happy employees
said Puig. The future calls for a digital
increase their productivity at work by 13
wellness environment where collaborators
percent, explains Puig. Moreover, according
balance work and private life through
to WHO, every US$1 invested in prevention
technology. “This has to be based on trust
programs generate US$4 return. “The
and the perfect example for this is working
organization’s contribution to mental health
from home; tech has propelled it, but is only
strengthens the employee’s commitment,”
possible by trusting employees,” said Puig.
said Puig. Great Place to Work promotes a personGood Pace to Work has identified that
centric model because competencies
employees are now demanding technical
are changing and companies need talent
and human skills. “There is also a demand
that learns and applies new skills rapidly.
for more transparency in organizations to
“Organizations will be responsible for
reduce and avoid social tension,” said Puig.
designing a workplace that cultivates
Employees demand greater flexibility and
learning and mental health.”
C o n f e r e n c e H ighlights
THE HYBRID MODEL ALONE FALLS SHORT The Great Resignation , an ongoing
out, companies will have to put in effort to
phenomenon that began in information
communicate and identify how they can add
economies like the US, is projected to
value and impart a sense of shared purpose,
make its way to Mexico. Based on the
also known as the “emotional salary,” said
observed consequences companies should
Maite Delgadillo, HR Director at Scania. When
be prepared to meet the demands of the
employees feel like companies have gone out
post-pandemic worker. But is a flexible work
of their way to accommodate their needs
schedule sufficient to retain them? Human
and ambitions, they reciprocate when the
resource experts argue that companies
company needs them, argued Delgadillo. This
should strive towards a motivation-driven,
is all about proportional give and take that is
hybrid work model.
rooted from “communication. Without this, not even the best ideas would work,” she said.
The Mexican market may have 14 million unemployed people, argues Jorge Ponga,
International companies already know that
Partner at Humanologo Consulting, but
they must strategically approach their
Mexico will not be exempt from the great
target markets, so “why not employ that
resignation, warned Blanca Ruth Ortuño,
mindset towards employees?” said Victor
Sales HRBP Senior of Nestlé. The post-
Velázquez Patrón, Vice President, People &
pandemic worker is characterized by
Organization Development of Clip. The task
a newfound autonomy and disposition
from here is to formulate and incorporate
to preser ve their safety, demand fair
conditions that add to career development
compensation and maintain a healthy work-
and growth. Pragmatic solutions include
life balance—even at the expense of their job
training and education programs that
or career. Moreover, while the employee has
expand worker skills, which also adds to
changed, the standards under which they
the value and effectiveness of the company.
are expected to perform have not, and this is the underlying problem driving the great
Businesses should stay clear of generalized
solutions, said Elisa Rebolledo, Mexico’s G e n e ral M a n ag e r of C as ai . Com pa ny
This ongoing phenomenon has signaled to
teams and individuals will require different
employers that the singular remunerative
amounts of support and work flexibility
incentive and the traditional top-down
depending on their international function
work model is outdated. From here on
and life context. Ultimately, she said,
C o n f e r e n c e H ighlights individuals would be free to work in the
which will lead to a great diversity of ideas
manner that works best for them so long
that will enrich innovation and ensure
as the deliver results, a model that many
permanence. “You can get defensive or you
applicants at Casai have found agreeable.
can learn,” she said.
This flexibility is especially pertinent for new parents, single parents and caretakers that
To avoid the loss of experienced personnel,
have added labor obligations outside of
which will undoubtedly have a salient impact
work. “This understanding demonstrates a
on the companies’ operational performance
sense of humanity and it works,” she added.
and bottom line, employers must open a direct line of communication with their
“People don’t leave companies, they leave
employees. Communication should be
experiences,” said Ortuño. If a company
followed with analysis and the development
has experienced an unusually high
of strategic value-added incentives that will
turnover rate, it may be time reassess the
vary from individual to individual. Instead
current work environment, she said. This
of viewing the great resignation as an
requires businesses leaders to be honest
inevitable phenomenon, companies should
with themselves and learn from their staff,
pivot to reinvent themselves.
THE POST-PANDEMIC WORLD REQUIRES NEW SET OF SKILLS Technology has been gradually changing
professional rules,” said Alejandro Zenteno
people’s personal lifestyles and approach
Sánchez, CHRO Of Grupo Lala.
to their jobs but the COVID-19 pandemic accelerated these changes. Employers are
Automation and the exploitation of digital
looking for a new combination of soft and
technologies have been key factors driving
hard skills in candidates across all economic
companies’ operations. Advances in robotics
sectors, agreed experts.
and AI enable the automation of a greater range of tasks in industries across the world
“Everything is changing rapidly. The train
but human capital remains an essential factor.
is going too fast and if you do not catch
Expectations of candidates and companies
it when you have the opportunity, you
have dramatically changed during the last
will not understand the new realities. New
two years, said Paulina Cavazos, Director
technologies have changed both companies
People Ops of Ben & Frank, with companies
and candidates. We have to catch the train
looking for new skills that go beyond the
with the necessary skills to play with the new
technical ability to perform a job.
C o n f e r e n c e H ighlights The pandemic required new solutions in
The pandemic also forced companies to
companies, which needed collaborators that
implement teleworking, which was not a
were able to continuously learn. “The ability
common practice in Mexico. As reported
to learn is important but the ability to
by M B N , videoconference usage rate
unlearn, which is not discussed very much,
grew 2 5 times during 2020, opening
is key in companies. During difficult times,
b ig o p p o r tu n iti e s b ut re q u i ri n g n ew
it is important to eliminate those experiences
communication skills. In Mexico, there are 87
or skills that are not useful at the time and
million internet users, and the growth 10.2
adapt ourselves to the new needs,” said
percent growth in 2020 was the largest in
Antonio Madrid, HR Director of Soriana.
the last 5 years, according to Asociación de
Besides the ability to unlearn and the hard
Internet MX.
skills required to perform a job, other soft skills are required such as resiliency, short-
Teleworking opened big opportunities for
te r m p l a n i fi c a ti o n a n d exe c u ti o n o f
companies to expand the labor market but
strategies , emotional intelligence,
it algo gave way to bigger challenges, said
adaptation and flexibility in changing
Sergio Arturo Arangua Quiroga, HR Country
environments, said Madrid.
Director for OXXO México. “Organizations must focus on implementing and perfecting
“We help collaborators be aware of the importance of continuously learning and developing skills. While providing all kinds of tools, such as conferences, projects, continuous feedback, coaching and mentoring, we favor selfdevelopment and reskilling”
the new tools of collaboration. Also, we have to migrate those processes that were originally done in paper to digital platforms. In this sense, government regulations in Latin America have to catch up with the speed of technology.”
A Conscious Self-Development
Antonio Madrid HR Director of Soriana
While companies must provide tools for their employees and collaborators to learn continuously, individual efforts are required for the best adaptation to new
Technology not only changed the way
circumstances. “We help collaborators be
companies and people work, but also the
aware of the importance of continuously
way that headhunters and recruiters look
learning and developing skills . While
for candidates. “People are in the core of
p rovidin g a ll kin d s of to o ls , su ch a s
our business. Resumes are not the only way
conferences, projects, continuous feedback,
to hunt for talent anymore, candidates have
coaching and mentoring, we favor self-
become more creative and we have better
development and reskilling,” said Madrid.
tools to recruit talent,” said Geny Oceguera Rojas, Acting HR Head of Samsung Mexico.
Technology plays a key role when it comes
Leadership skills, effective communication,
to continuous learning, said Arangua.
innovation and being able to transmit
Easy-access tools, such as Google and
empathy are key in candidates, he said.
YouTube, have been especially helpful during personnel trainings. For example,
The pandemic also boosted the need of
E m p l oye e R e s o u r c e G r o u p s ( ER G s),
talented people in data science and similar
e m ploye e - le d g ro u ps cre ate d at M IT
subjects and people hungry of knowledge,
around common interests, create a positive
explained Zenteno. “We are now immersed
work environment by actively contributing
in data. Data science talent is highly required
to the Institute’s mission , values and
among industries and in Latin America we are
e ff o r t s s p e ci fi c to in cl u sio n , su ch a s
quite underdeveloped in this regard. This is an
recruitment and retention, according to
area of opportunity for younger generations.”
MIT. ERGs implementation, motivation
C o n f e r e n c e H ighlights
and natural, intuitive coaching are key to
communication, persuasion and ideas
boost talent’s conscious self-development,
transmission through videoconferences.
said Oceguera.
While a good skills set is highly relevant, the most important part for candidates before
The post-pandemic labor world requires
looking for jobs is to know themselves,
professionals with combined skills,
detect strengths and areas of opportunity
from technic al knowledge to correc t
and set clear goals, agreed experts.
Hard skills are those talents and abilities
are advancing at a fast pace and
that can be easily measured. These skills
continuously changing companies’ needs
can be acquired through schooling, courses,
and talent requirements. The pandemic
conferences and on-the-job-training, among
further accelerated the transformation of
other resources. Soft skills, on the other
the way of working and led companies to
hand, are hard to measure quantitively and
demand new sets of skills from employees,
are not particularly learnt through specific
said Santiago Gutiérrez, Vice President
schooling. Soft skills are interpersonal
Mexico, Central America & C aribbean
abilities that help people get along with
of Pearson.
each other and collaborate in a positive environment. There are over 20 soft skills,
“In the past, education used to stop at any
according to Gutiérrez, but the key ones
given time of our lives. Currently, everyone
are critical thinking, collaborative work
is continuously learning, regardless of their
and effective communication. “These skills
profession or industry. Change became
are crucial to transform human capital into
the constant. Hard skills, acquired through
a global resource through reskilling and
academia, have always been measured
upskilling,” said Gutiérrez.
by companies, while human resources departments among companies have just
Digitalization has forced employees to learn
begun to measure soft skills,” said Gutiérrez.
continuously to keep track with technology
C o n f e r e n c e H ighlights advances and remain relevant to their
institution to do so. In Mexico, 27.5 percent
companies. New professions are emerging
of organizations consider that digitalization
at a rate that the job market cannot keep
implies constant innovation and decision-
pace with, making upskilling and reskilling
making , while 35 percent of M exican
th e b es t a lte rn atives fo r co m p a nies .
companies are training their employees to
“Reskilling is to re-learn and learn new
understand and use technology, according
abilities. If what I used to know is outdated,
to Digital IQ.
I need to reeducate myself in the new needs of the company. Upskilling refers to
“In the past, understanding technology was
upgrading the skills that you already have,”
only necessary in a few areas of companies.
said Gutiérrez.
Nowadays, every area has to learn about tech; it goes across its entire operation. The
“Human resources has to make a diagnosis, taking into account the reality of the company. Once you have the diagnosis, you are able to prioritize where to invest money and time in training, reskilling and upskilling”
cost of technology is no longer a limitation for companies of any size; tech is already democratized,” said Gutiérrez. The new focus on skills put critical thinking on the spotlight. This ability is not only useful for CEOs or decision-makers but also
Santiago Gutiérrez
for employees at any level. “Critical thinking
Vice President Mexico, Central America & Caribbean of Pearson
enables people to analyze situations, discern and then take the best possible decisions, regardless of the job title,” said Gutiérrez.
Seventy percent of the workers in the
Before training their talent, companies must
customer service and sales sectors are
first evaluate it. “Human resources has to
willing to learn new abilities and skills to
make a diagnosis, taking into account the
perform their job, according to BCG. From
reality of the company. Once you have the
those, 66 percent spent more than two
diagnosis, you are able to prioritize where to
weeks developing skills in 2020 and 50
invest money and time in training, reskilling
percent of them used an online education
and upskilling,” said Gutiérrez.
AI: THE FUTURE OF RECRUITING? AI allows recruiters to better leverage their
Talent management, acquisition and demand
application systems, hire more efficiently,
are now centered in finding more specialized
shor tlist more accurately and screen
talent with certain competencies such as
resumes with more fairness, agree experts.
soft skills, according to Selene Diez, CEO
This tool is increasingly necessary after the
& Founder of Forte Innovation Consulting.
disruptions caused by the Great Resignation.
“Digitization, customer centricity and how we strengthen and create better conditions
In this new working era, “attraction and
for our human talent became the priorities
recruitment have become our largest
for HRs areas.”
challenges,” said Jordi Ciuro, Partner and Vice President of Recruiting of Bain &
In the new working era, AI will play a leading
Company. “We can see these challenges in
role because it is one of the five trends
the US market, which is seeing a 4-million-
that has transformed the world during the
worker shortage derived from changes
COVID-19 pandemic, according to Diez.
in the consumer market.” Under these
“AI has demonstrated the capacity to
circumstances, hiring processes must
transform interaction in all aspects of our
innovate in line with the evolution of the
life. At least 50 percent of employees are
workplace, said Ciuro.
immersed in everyday tools that capture
C o n f e r e n c e H ighlights
their data.” Employees are more optimistic
not just locally. It also helps re-find talent
about working with AI, said Diez. For
within the same organizations, based on
recruiters, AI and machine learning enable
new skills.”
recognition patterns, catalogs behaviors and even evaluates the employees’ reasons
Recruiters needs and expectations have
for leaving the company, which is one of the
changed but so have the expectations
most common problems companies face.
from workers. Monica French, Head of New Business Hispanic America of LinkedIn
“Companies need to hire the best talent as
Talent Solutions describes these times as
quickly as possible,” said Pol Morral, Co-
“the age of the employee; they make the
founder & CEO of LaPieza.io. In Mexico,
rules and they have certainly changed
hiring processes are still ver y manual
all parameters.” These changes include
b e c a use re cruite rs re ceive C Vs f rom
diversity in the workplace and the remote
different platforms and review them one
work modality. “Companies are responsible
by one. “Mexico has less than 5 percent
for making their company attractive to
companies using data services for candidate
outside talent,” said French.
management. As a result, companies take an average of 40 days to hire,” says Morral.
Companies need to change outdated hiring practices. “We cannot longer base
As AI grows, some are concerned that it
solely on experience, education institutes
might replace humans in the workplace but
or acquaintances . That has been lef t
this concern is unfounded, explained Morral.
behind. Companies are now basing hiring
“Human intervention will continue to be very
decisions on present and future potential,”
important, especially during the final stages
said French. The candidate must also be
of recruiting because recruiters are the
adaptable: “they have to get used to selling
ones who decide if the selected candidates
themselves and highlighting their skills to
share the same vision as the company. This
position themselves better in this working
reinforces the technological decision with
environment,” said Miretti.
the personal one.” A key priority when integrating AI in the A I a l s o b r e a k s b a r r i e r s by a l l ow i n g
recruitment process is ensuring that the
companies to hire employees from virtually
algorithm is properly trained to avoid biases,
anywhere, said Maria Fernanda Miretti,
said French. European Commission released
Global Talent Acquisition & DO of Multiplica.
a series of recommendations to companies
“AI will allow us to reach more allies abroad,
regarding this type training and urged
C o n f e r e n c e H ighlights companies to introduce representative data
Regulation will also have to cope with these
to reduce biases. “This algorithm must also
accelerated changes. “When regulations
be supervised by humans to guarantee
arrive, companies have to take steps back
objectivity without bias,” said Ciuro. Avoiding
and revise their processes to identify what
legal and ethical implications of AI in hiring is
can be limited, what should be regulated
difficult, he warned, so companies must be
and what practices should be left behind,”
aware of the presence of potential biases.
said Diez.
“When regulations arrive, companies have to take steps back and revise their processes to identify what can be limited, what should be regulated and what practices should be left behind”
The final responsibility falls on the human element because technology is just a tool. While AI has imperfections, it “is up to us to limit them. The use of AI will reduce errors that we would not be able to reduce on our own,” says French. One of the major
Selene Diez
differences that AI can make is reducing
CEO of Forte innovation
hiring mistakes that cost companies large figures, inhibit project advancement and sink progress, she added.
To avoid this p ro ble m , M o rra l urg e d
AI will allow employers to identify the
companies to always adapt to each market
skills the company will need in the future
and country. “There are several things that
and be prepared, said Miretti. Moreover,
one cannot ask or look for depending on the
AI’s prediction skills could fundamentally
region. For example, salary history and how
change the job hiring process. “I expect the
much employees currently earn,” Morral said.
recruitment system to reverse. We will no
Novel AI algorithms can also find a person’s
longer publish jobs; instead, we will know
criminal records in seconds, which is also
who can do the job and contact them,” said
a violation of law and personal privacy. “It
Miretti. In the future, CVs could also be left
is important to always be aware that AI is
behind due to their distractive elements
ahead of people and even governments but
such as picture, name, age and race,
is up to us to decide for what we want to use
“Creating a portfolio to see precise skills is
these tools,” said Morral.
more targeted.”
study commissioned by Microsoft, Boston
international recruitment, where companies
Consulting Group and KRC Research found
will have recourse to highly qualified talent
that 82 percent of executives reported
from around the world to enrich innovation
that productivity levels remained the
a n d ex p a n d t h e i r p r e s e n c e w i t h o u t
same or increased after shifting to remote
having to open physical offices abroad.
work. Plainly observable results from the
However, hiring abroad entails unknown
pandemic have pushed about 78 percent of
socio-political contexts and regulatory
CEOs to accept remote work as a corporate
compliance processes that can be difficult
norm, according to a PWC survey. Going
and expensive to navigate. This should not
forward about 80 percent of companies
intimidate companies from looking abroad,
plan to allow employees to work remotely
said Ricardo Guerra, Director of Business
at least part-time after the pandemic, found
Development at Globalization Partners.
a Garner Study.
The COVID-19 pandemic proved to formerly
Since corporate perception on remote
resistant companies that remote work is not
work happened relatively abruptly, there
only doable, but effective. Findings from a
is no uniform standard about remote work
C o n f e r e n c e H ighlights
hiring and workforce management—nor
International out sourcing is not only
should it be. Employers understand that
a business savvy choice; it is also a an
their hiring process should be different
ESG decision. Allowing people to defer
but this is an ongoing process for many
to remote working keeps cars of the
companies. If hiring domestically is a
road, increases employee wellbeing and
challenge, companies looking abroad
supports international economies by giving
should understand that this entails cultural
their residents added purchasing power.
singularities and legal processes which can
Already some 56 percent of US American
take anywhere from six months to a year
households are considering international
says Guerra. In this context outsourcing
relocation in 2021—and increase of 20
this task to a specialized third party makes
percent from 2020.
sense and is more efficient. Conclusively, companies cannot afford to Although it may be easier for companies
turn away from international outsourcing.
to stay within the limitations of their
Failing to do so limits company growth and
country’s available talent pool, by doing
takes away from the added perspective
so they would be cutting themselves off
foreigners could provide. Businesses that
from cost-effective, highly qualified talent
have taken note of this are growing faster
that would add diversity and stand to
than their competitors as evidenced by
accelerate innovation. Moreover, adding
China’s ride ser vice application DiDi.
personnel from other countries is a de-facto
This expansion process could have been
expansion strategy that could open other
facilitated by locals aware of social rules
markets for business. This is highly pertinent
and market conditions, which normally
to technology and data driven industry
requires costly analyses and assessments.
sectors in information economies that are
In the global talent pool, there are people in
currently grappling with talent deficits. US
limited economies waiting to be hired and,
Tech companies have already taken note
although this process can be intimidating,
of this, practicing nearshoring with their
there are options to bypass and facilitate
closest neighbor Mexico.
this process for businesses.
Although these technologies could make
automation are commonly seen as threats
certain human skills obsolete, they create
to e m p l oye e s a m o n g a l l i n d u s t r i e s .
oppor tunities for workers to relocate
C o n f e r e n c e H ighlights
th e mse lves in th eir co m pa nies while
or migrate safely to a new position,” said
accessing more secure, less-risky positions,
Villarreal. Furthermore, the automation of
agreed industry experts.
manufacturing industries considerably reduces risk for employees.
“Whether the robots will take humans’ jobs or not is an unfair discussion. Humanity
The labor market is suffering a radical
has come this far thanks to the help of
transition, generating big gaps between
technology, which has already superseded
jobs, said Daphne S. Leger, CEO & Founder
tons of jobs throughout the history. Robots
of Atrevidea. This gap has made data
automate many processes and help us be
scientists one of the most required talents
more human. Labor dissatisfaction rates are
in the last years, agreed experts. “Some
big in repetitive, low-intellectual jobs,” said
years ago, between 50 and 54 percent of
Federico Barcos Von der Heide, Founder &
companies faced issues to attract talent,
CEO of PeopleOPTI.
and the number went up to 75 percent, according to ManPower Group. This means
Machines, and technology in general, have
that academia, schooling and preparation
ended jobs for centuries. About 400,000
has failed to cover industry’s demand,”
jobs were lost to automation in US factories
said Giacoman.
from 1990 to 2007, according to Time. H oweve r, technology a dvances more
One of the biggest challenges for all
rapidly than ever before and the COVID-19
players involved is what to do with those
pandemic accelerated numerous processes.
employees who have been replaced by
Around 50 percent of the jobs in Mexico
machines, said Lissy Giacoman, CEO & Co-
could be eventually lost to automation,
Founder of Vinco. “The first alternative is
according to the World Bank.
reskilling. Our job is to help the operating staff in the transition to their future jobs in
Although it is clear that robots will continue
our companies or elsewhere.” Automation
substituting repetitive, simple tasks currently
also requires new sets of skills for the
performed by humans, they will transform
employees, who may be trained through
human capital demand, according to Felipe
r e s k i l l i n g o r u p s k i l l i n g to m e e t t h e
Armando Villarreal, CEO of Alian Plastics.
current needs of companies, explained
“The pandemic gave us a view that we may
Giacoman. Soft skills, such as effective
have never seen otherwise. Technology and
communication , leadership, creativity
humans are stronger together. Soft skills will
and customer service, have become more
play a key role for humans to keep their jobs
important than ever.
C o n f e r e n c e H ighlights Automation will relocate about 85 million
should be seen as an investment rather
jobs across the world in the near future,
than an expense, he added. Responsibility
while also generating 97 million new jobs,
relies heavily on companies since they are
said Villarreal. Throughout this change,
the ones disrupting and accommodating the
companies and governments have a moral
labor market. However, public policies and
responsibility to help employees transition.
individuals’ contributions are also required,
“AI came to help us and make us more
said Barcos.
productive. The first point is to convince employees about the advantages that
Life-long learning has become the new
automation will bring through concrete
standard, said Giacoman . Continuous
examples,” said Villarreal.
education helps workers remain competitive in today’s global marketplace. Soft skills,
“We migrated from the 4-year university and 40 years working scheme to continuous learning. Unfortunately, Latin America is one of the regions with the biggest educational gaps”
Lissy Giacoman
such as innovation, adaptation and flexibility require continuous learning to develop. “We migrated from the 4-year university and 40 years working scheme to continuous learning. Unfortunately, Latin America is one of the regions with the biggest educational gaps,” said Giacoman.
CEO & Co-Founder of Vinco
Regulations must adapt to the changing contexts, said Barcos. “From the legal framework standpoint, the labor market will Working on relocating, reskilling and
have to change to generate fluidity through
u p s k i ll i n g e m p l oye e s wh e n th ey a re
regulations adapted to our current context.
su bs titute d by ro b ot s o r d u e to th e
In Latin America we should improve data
companies’ needs is an ethical, moral
management, it is a fertile ground across all
matter, said Barcos. This work, however,
the continent,” said Barcos.
CAREERS, MANAGEMENT IN THE DIGITAL AGE The technological advances of the digital
Service Delivery of Accenture Latin America.
age have allowed the global workforce to be
This should not be a concern if companies
better connected, more collaborative and
ensure to deliver the on their promise of tech
have greater personal impact. But if not
closely tied to human ingenuity. “If ruled by
carefully managed, technological advances
this thinking, more jobs will be created than
could leave many out of the workforce and
lost,” said Briano.
put mental health at risk. Rather than leaving a role, employees should “The digitization (or the workplace) is the
be adapting to a new one and reinventing their
reflection of what we are living and thinking.
skill set, explained Diego Olcese Díaz, Co-
We have been able to create complex tools
founder and CEO of Crehana. To achieve this,
to support our daily activities but this has
“teams should be willing to train their staff
also let to complex problems that call for
and avoid replacing them with employees
ethical, deep and humane approaches,” says
that have the newly required skills,” said
Ricardo Combariza, People & Organization
Olcese. The idea that automation will replace
Director of Credijusto.
workforce is mistaken, he added, it will make the market to be more competitive due to the
Among these complex problems is career
reskilling of the workforce.
d eve l o p m e n t b e c a u s e te c h n o l o g i c a l advances can leave people out of the
Companies have to watch out for
workforce, according to Laura Briano, HR
polarization of jobs and inequality because
C o n f e r e n c e H ighlights
training the workforce in these new skills is a
technology to employees is a less common
joint job between companies, academia and
but equally effective practice. “Sometimes,
people, explained Regina Cabal Urquiza, Co-
people do not have to adapt to the digital
Founder of Momlancers. “Companies have
transformation but the other way around.
to use technology to be more competitive,
By providing only training, there is the
but they should also target the creation of
risk that some sectors are left out due to
a positive social impact.”
biases, such as the belief of being unable
“Undoubtedly, tech has to be more ethical,”
the other hand, by adapting technology
s ays C o m b a riz a . “ C o m p a n i e s a lways
to existing practices many more sectors
talk about their social impact without
can join the digital transformation
realizing that the first step is to achieve
train. Local producers, for example, are
it internally.” Creating true connectivity
using e-commerce to sell their goods,
among collaborators, especially during the
explained Briano.
to afford the digital transformation.” On
pandemic limitations, is how companies can begin to have a positive social impact
“The high-growth, high-speed integration of technology that we are living is inaccessible
Technology can strengthen the social
for others,” said Olcese. Another way
impact of companies both internally and
to generate external social impact is by
externally, said Gabriela Villavicencio,
giving new skills to the future workforce,
Head of Human Resources and General
he added. “Crehana, for example, offers a
Affairs of Hyundai Motor. “Hyundai created
complete portfolio of courses but we know
a program called Yo Cedo, where, during
that some groups cannot access them.
the first months of the pandemic, every
So we developed another platform where
employee could contribute their talents to
we offer the courses to NGOs and social
the company. This not only benefitted us as
a brand, but it also increased connectivity as a team.” This project was lately expanded
For the digital era to be fair, diverse and
to lend cars to medical professionals that
equal the role of leaders is fundamental.
would allow them to get from home to work
Also, team members should not forget
and reduce contagion risks.
that leaders feel fear, uncertainty and have doubts. “Being compassionate was
While a common approach to the
something uncommon in leaders; this
digitalization of the workplace is to train
changed with the pandemic. We were
employees in the use of tech tools, adapting
also able to have a different approach,
C o n f e r e n c e H ighlights a s k p e o p l e h ow th ey f e lt i n s te a d of
During the digital transformation, the role
how they were per forming,” says
of leadership is essential. “Tech eliminates
Villavicencio. Through its new approach
barriers to transcend and have a social
to communic ation , Hyundai was able
impact. But this will only be positive through
to re d u ce n u m e ro u s g a p s eve n with
human managers that empathize with
international collaborators, she said.
businesses and people,” says Combariza.
the work place says Miguel Castuera, VP
with the task assigned to every emerging
of People of Conekta. From there, the task
generation: questioning and breaking
would be incorporating these identified
away from old and outdated norms. In the
values into practical terms such as daily
transition back to the office, millennials are
objectives and company culture.
the ideal teachers to mentor companies adapt to the hybrid work model. Although
Fundamentally, taking into account what
this prospect may seem unnerving to some,
millennials value is the best way to keep
it is optimal and strategic say experts in
them engaged. However, this is not to
the field.
say that millennials should dominate the conversation, nor that they have nothing
“Millennials have new perspectives and
to learn from other generations. In fact, the
ideas that they are willing to try—even if
ideal work environment should aim to create
they don’t work, which is still useful,” says
collaborative spaces that encourage peer
Martha Lucia Riquer Vargas, Organizational
mentoring because everyone has something
Development & Diversity of Enel.
to learn said Riquer. The importance of creating and nurturing this environment
Before this happens, however, employers
should not be underestimated, as it provides
sh o uld o p e n a re cip ro c al ch a n n e l of
employees with the opportunity to network
communication with their workforce to help
with people outside of their team, upskill,
the latter feel listened and engaged with,
collaborate and build a sense of comradery.
says German Peralta, Co-founder & CEO JOKR in LATAM. Strategically listening to
The question for companies is how to create
what employees have to say is essential
this open environment as they transition to
to developing company goals and culture
a hybrid work model, while accommodating
that aligns with what millennial’s value in
for employees who will be working remotely
C o n f e r e n c e H ighlights full-time. Ultimately, the goal is to actualize
to maintained. It is easy to revert to old
office spaces so they draw people in and
habits. This should not be considered one-
incentivize them to come in for synergic
sided task however but employers should
work, said Castuera. This realization has
be cognizant that the power dynamic is not
made the hybrid work model the ideal
the same. Employees need to feel as if they
standard because it offers the benefits
are able to speak freely and address any
of presential work without having to ask
perceived grievances, if any.
employees to compromise on the flexibility offered by working at home. According to
Overall, just like any individual person,
Peralta, work environments should aim to
millennials in the workforce are more likely
emulate university campuses were there
to be receptive to companies that they feel
is a sense of shared identity and purpose
are listening to them. Employers should be
where people go learn and contribute to
receptive to what their employees have to
the exchange of ideas. The real obstacle
say in order to identify general values and
will be reproducing this sensation for fully
incorporate them to company culture so
remote workers but, again, this circles
that they feel valued and engaged. In turn,
back to communication with employees. If
this poses to increase retention and enhance
companies want to know, they should ask!
performance and collaboration. Creating such an environment is the current matter
In addition, companies must be
at hand. Nurturing this environment will be
conscientious that the communication
possible through continued communication
highway developed during this period needs
and promises to have high returns.
MENTAL HEALTHCARE IMPROVES COMPANIES’ PRODUCTIVITY Although awareness has been increasing for
to your emotions balanced and knowing how
years, mental health finally grabbed the
to face challenges and problems. Mental
spotlight following the negative effects of
welfare requires the ability to ask for help in
t h e C OV I D -1 9 p a n d e m i c l o c kd ow n s ,
the right moment, to the right person,” said
teleworking and social distancing. Mental
Cardona. “The pandemic brought to light
welfare among a company’s workforce
people’s non-expressed needs.”
translates into savings and production increase, said Javier Andrés Cardona Mora,
Labor health cycle includes physical, social
Co-founder and CEO of 1DOC3.
and mental health, explained Cardona. Social health is defined as the ability to
“In Mexico, there is still a lot of ground to cover. Up to 85 percent of corporations might not offer the optimate conditions to take care of their employees, generating toxic environments to work and causing social disorders such as stress, work addiction, fatigue or even bullying”
interact and form meaningful relationships with others and comfortably adapt to different social situations. Work-related stress, caused by long workdays, heavy wo rklo a d , jo b inse cu rit y o r co n fl ic t s with coworkers and bosses, is a growing problem that affects the health and wellbeing of employees and the productivity of companies. Mexico has one of the worst global rates surpassing even the US and
Javier Andres Cardona Mora
China. In the Latin American country, 75
Co-founder & CEO of 1DOC3
percent of the working population suffers from fatigue caused by work-related stress, according to IMSS.
“Emotional well-being is not about feeling
“In Mexico, there is still a lot of ground to
happy all the time, it is about having the ability
cover. Up to 85 percent of corporations
C o n f e r e n c e H ighlights
might not offer the optimate conditions to
perspectives. “One of the positive aspects
take care of their employees, generating
of the pandemic is that there is no return to
toxic environments to work and causing
the stigma people had about mental health.
social disorders such as stress , work
Psychiatrists became more impor tant
a d dic tio n , f atig u e o r eve n b ullyin g ,”
than ever after the lockdowns and other
said Cardona.
measures that COVID-19 brought,” said to MBN Edilberto Peña de León, Director
“If companies make mental health services
General at CISNE México.
more accessible and inter vene in the workplace in ways that improve well-being,
The estimated office time of workdays
they will simultaneously make investments
in Mexico is 9 hours, 19 minutes, with an
that will provide real improvements in
active 7 hours, 12 minutes. Some actions
employee outcomes and consequently
that help to maintain a healthier workspace
in company performance,” according to
are: promoting dialogue, give people the
management consulting firm McKinsey.
control over their own work, promote training activities, respect workdays and
Although the considerable advances of
organize processes, said Cardona. “Clear
mental health treatments in the last years,
p ro c e s s e s a m o n g a l l c o m p a i e s h e l p
“therapeutic revolutions in psychiatry have
preventing work-related stress and anxiety
not yet been able to reduce stigma,” which
usually arises from lack of awareness, perception and the nature and complications
To end the stigma surrounding mental
of mental illness, such as odd behaviors
health, it is essential to break stereotypes
and violence.
about the work of psychologists and encourage people to ask for professional
“ M e n t a l h e a l t h c a r e c o n ti n u e s b e i n g
help, according to Cardona. Telemedicine
s t i g m a t i ze d . T h r e e o u t o f eve r y 1 0
has opened many doors in the healthcare
companies do not take measures to change
world and has particularly benefited mental
people’s perception, compromising health.
health professionals. While telemedicine
In addition, 76 percent of Mexicans do not
and telehealth have been around for many
know how to respond to mental crises. It
years, the adoption of these technologies
is crucial to know when and who to ask for
has increased significantly. “Mobile health
help,” said Cardona.
applications are completely secure and protect your information, providing data
While stigma is still present in Mexico,
protection, quality services, confidentiality
the pandemic changed some people’s
and security for patients,” said Cardona.
C o n f e r e n c e H ighlights
INCLUSION IN THE WORKPLACE: MAKING EVERYBODY COUNT Diversity and inclusion go beyond policies,
family to governments,” said Ana López
programs or headcounts. An equal working
Mestre, Executive Vice President and General
environment outpaces its competitors by
Director of American Chamber of Commerce
respecting the unique needs, perspectives
of Mexico. “However, we all have a chance to
and potential of all team members. As a
generate more inclusive spaces. It begins
result, diverse and inclusive workplaces earn
with individuals and escalates to corporate
deeper trust and more commitment from
and national acceptance.” Diversity at the
their employees, generating better social and
workplace guarantees more competitive and
professional outcomes.
resistant businesses, with enriched opinions, training, beliefs and different experiences that
Diversity and inclusion often stay as words
contribute to corporate growth, she added.
so the challenge for companies in Mexico is to transform the speech into everyday reality.
Diversity goes beyond gender. “It also regards
Companies have not realized that to move
socioeconomics, sexual orientation or gender
from words to action they should generate
identity,” said Courtney Devon, CEO &
different approaches, perspectives and
Founder of Runa. To guarantee the integration
responses. Workplaces need to encourage
of different groups at the workplace, Devon
an environment that redefines the way
recommends measuring inclusion by the
employees perform professionally and in
changes it generates for the company.
society, said Denisse Cazú, Regional HR Director LATAM of Mattel Latin America.
Mover, businesses must integrate diversity
“This environment needs to be based in
into leadership positions. “Most offices have
respect and foster a culture that follows
focused on gender equality but this is not
three core behaviors: curiosity, braveness and
enough. Leadership directories in Mexico
connection.” These three behaviors foment
only show a 7 percent of women in them,”
others to listen and learn from different ways
said Devon.
of thinking. Braveness is to “have the courage to feel uncomfortable, because it challenges
While many argue that diversity should be
us to grow,” said Cazú.
mandated by law, government mandates are not the ideal starting point. “The origin of our
Inclusion and diversity are not a logo, a
problems is not the government,” explained
banner or a trend. “Diversity is important.
Daniela Muñoz, Founder & CEO of ioio.
We should promote it starting from the
“Governments are often a reflection of society
C o n f e r e n c e H ighlights and we have seen that societal movements
Employees should be part of the discussion
have the power to change what they do not
on diversity. “One of the fundamental steps
like in their governments.” Regardless of
to begin breaking the ice on inclusion is being
having prohibitive laws or not, “if we, as
able to ask people what makes them more
society, do not change mentally, nothing
comfortable, simple things such as ´what are
changes,” said Muñoz. To promote diversity,
your pronouns?´” said Jorge Luis Garduño
humans should recognize that they are equal
Camarena, Ethics and Business Integrity
but not the same: “we are diverse but not
Manager of Sanofi México.
different in the core. Diversity is what makes a society rich and what really makes the word
Leadership plays a fundamental role too, the
more equal.”
change can be seen from top to bottom but if management is dominated by white men,
“One of the fundamental steps to begin breaking the ice on inclusion is being able to ask people what makes them more comfortable, simple things such as ´what are your pronouns?”
from there on the representation can be limited. Mexico ranks in second-to-last place in bridging the wage gap and participation of women in the workforce, said Devon. However, diversity can be essential to the growth of a business, which is what happened
Jorge Luis Garduño Camarena
to Runa in raising capital, said Devon. “We
Ethics and Business Integrity Manager of Sanofi México
drew more attention because we were different and had a diverse mindset and will for inclusion.”
The initiative to change requires an open-
Vulnerability in the workplace tends to
minded thinking and a willingness to learn,
be seen as negative but companies and
said Jorge Alejandro De Lara Novella, VP &
employees should not be afraid to be seen
GM Global Commercial Services LATAM of
as vulnerable, said Muñoz. “Vulnerability
American Express. “By doing this, we can
creates collectivities and they have the
communicate and create an environment in
power to change.” True change is not about
which we all feel comfortable being authentic.
equality, which is giving everyone the same
We must lead by example,” which means
and ignoring the historical gap of cultures, it
identifying if recruiters are hiring those
is about equity, which means giving everyone
similar to them. Recruiters must put those
what they need. For instance, Muñoz refers to
preferences aside and break those paradigms
the LGBTQ+ community, which when asked
to promote faster changes. However, “Mexico
when they will stop protesting answers: “We
does not have a formal leadership position
will be visible until the guarantee of our rights
in organizational structures that supports
become normalized. When our freedoms are
diversity and inclusion,” says De Lara Novella.
practiced and respected.”