September / Septiembre 2008
PLUS: • Moving your pets to Mexico • Top Ten Reasons to Retire in Mexico • Importing Household Good into Mexico
2 - Guide to Resort Living in Northwest Mexico
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Mexico Living Publishing Team San Felipe: 686-230-9933 Puerto Penásco: 638-109-4771
USA: 800-576-0919 Ext. 3 Ensenada: 646-192-6965
Website: Email: Mexico Living is a guide committed to promoting Northwest Mexico to the limits of our abilities and to provide a valuable resource to visitors and residence of Northwest John & Rachel Pack Mexico. We highlight the amazing natural beauty, friendly people, opportunities and lifestyles of one of the most unique places on Earth; and to showing that Northwest Mexico is a great place not only to visit and play, but also to live and work – a place to call home. Published by John Benjamin Pack (dba Pack Publishing) ______ Publisher/Editor John Pack, Publisher Rachel Pack, Arts Editor Robin Waters, Golf Editor Hal “Paco” Clark, Sales Bill Maine, Sales Manager
Kathy Preppernau, San Felipe, Wine, Art Roberto Flores, Puerto Peñasco, Russ Black, Puerto Peñasco, Writers Robin Waters, John Pack, Benjamin Eugene, Rachel Pack, Rita Pizarro, Gretchen Ellinger Ad Graphics Lisa Shannon, Contributors Denny & Sandi Flannigan Distribution Armando Rubio, San Felipe
Roberto Rodriguez, San Felipe
Hilda Chong, Ensenada Carlos Duran, Rosarito Beach
Jim Moore, Puerto Nuevo, Ensenada
Regional Gene & Darcy Jensen Jack Ragsdale
Mexico Mailing Address: Yetmail Box #460 San Felipe, B.C. Mexico 21850
USA Mailing Address: PO Box 9019, PMB#460 Calexico, CA 92232
Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the publisher. All contributors and advertisers assume responsibility and liability for the accuracy of their statements and claims. All readers assume responsibility for actions or decisions they might make as a result of reading this publication. We reserve the right to refuse any advertising.
4 - Guide to Resort Living in Northwest Mexico
Welcome: Letter to the Editor.......................................... 5 Welcome to the Northwest ............................. 6 Regional Map................................................. 7
Calendar & Events: Mexico shouts Mexicanos, viva México for Independence Day (September 15-16) ...... 8 Calendar Dates............................................... 9 Tide Calendar............................................... 11
Art & Design: Kathy Keane: Science to art.......................... 13
Cover Feature: Baby Boomers are starting to get it............... 14 Living the American Dream in Mexico ........... 16 Importing Household Good into Mexico ........ 20 Top Ten Reasons to Retire in Mexico............. 21 Moving you pet to Mexico ........................ 62
Rosarito Beach: Welcome to Rosarito Beach...................... 22 New Wal Mart grand opening ....................... 23 Amigos Cantina ....................................... 24 Rosarito Beach Yellow Pages........................ 31
Ensenada: Welcome to Ensenada .............................. 26 Bamboo Garden is a favorite ........................ 28 Ensenada Yellow Pages ................................ 31
San Felipe: Welcome to San Felipe ................................. 32 Los Arcos Restaurants expands ................... 34 El Cheapo: First discount store ..................... 41 Centavo’s Two Cents.................................... 45 San Felipe Yellow Pages ............................... 47
Puerto Peñasco: Welcome to Puerto Peñasco ........................ 52 Eating off the beaten path ............................. 54 Dreamy stay at Dream Weaver Inn................ 55 Why move to Puerto Peñasco? .................... 56 Choosing a Realtor....................................... 57 Plinio Rivero Architects & Builders................ 58
Pack Pages: Real Estate Green Sheets ............................. 60 Classified..................................................... 62
Thank you very much. We will continue to do our best. My wife has Multiple Scleroses (MS) and I was just wondering if there is some kind of fund raiser for the MS Society in Mexico, because I want my wife to live a happy and long life. I also want to know if you can do research on Multiple Scleroses and put an article. - R. P. Jones. We will looked into it and be sure to include it in our Health and Wellness edition. We would like to also encourage our readers to send us any information they may have on MS in Mexico to We love Baja and bought a home. No matter how good your Cruz Roja or General Hospital when minutes count, the ambulance is too slow and the technicians don’t understand English. My sister broke her ankle and it took 40 minutes for the ambulance to come from Rosarito and 40 minutes back again to Cruz Roja, then a 40 minute trip to the border to be transferred. The stress and pain was too much for her heart and she had a heart attack. She was barely breathing when she reached a hospital in SD. Because of this ongoing situation we had to leave our home. I feel responsible to tell people that the medical service, especially ambulance is very bad. - J. Pratt I am sorry to hear about your sister, I hope she has recovered okay. I don’t know how recently this happened, but Rosarito now has a medical assistance program ( with 24-hour bilingual support and the area just received additional ambulances by the government in March.
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SEND US FEEDBACK Do you have a comment, complaint, compliment? You can send directly from our homepage or you can email
Payable to: John Benjamin Pack Mail to: John Benjamin Pack PO Box 0919-460 Calexico CA 92232 Get more info: - 5
We have lived in Baja for nearly 5 years now. Just picked up our first copy of your excellent publication, very interesting, informative and well organized. Such an improvement over the rag [name omitted] that us ex-patriots had here before. It’s great not having to read trash about the place we have chosen to live and call home. Best of luck. - Dottie Leeper
Rosarito Baja California, Located 20 miles from USA. 011-52661-612-5222, or (800) 962-2252; San Felipe Baja California, sanfelipe. Located 122 miles from USA. (COTUCO) 011-52-686-577-1104
photo by Ron Saunders
Tecate Baja California, mx Located at the USA Border Tijuana Baja California, Located at the USA Broder 011-52-664684-0537, -684-0481, -634-6330, or toll free from the U.S. (888) 7752417;
he Mexican states of Baja California and Sonora make up Northwest Mexico as covered by our magazine. The region features an enormous diversity of landscapes like no place on earth—a land of quiet, colorful deserts, endless beaches, majestic mountains, forests, unexplained rock formations, brilliant clear skies, an average temperature of seventy-five degrees, and some of the most welcoming people in the world. Northwest Mexico is the destination of choice for retirees, investors, entrepreneurs, travelers, and vacationers alike. The U.S. State Department say more Americans retire in Mexico than any other place on the globe; 51% of all U.S. retirees who live outside of the U.S. live in Mexico. Mexico is economical; the dollar goes further here than it does in Europe, Canada, and the most popular destinations of Asia. The people of Mexico are accustomed to Americans and vice versa. Mexico welcomes American retirees and tourists and is increasingly prepared to offer the foods, goods, and services that Americans like and expect. Whether you’re looking to retire, invest, vacation, or operate a business, Northwest Mexico is the place. We hope our guide helps you to enjoy Northwest Mexico to the fullest. Explore!
TOURISM & VISITOR INFO Detailed information can be obtained from the following tourist offices: Mexico, Baja California, State Tourism www. & www. 011-52-664634-6330, -634-6918, -634-6574, or toll free from the U.S. (888) 775-2417 Ensenada Baja California, www. Located 62 miles from USA 011-52-646-172-3022, or (800) 310-9687; 6 - Guide to Resort Living in Northwest Mexico
Mexicali Baja California, mexicaliturismo. com/cotuco/prueba/ingles. Mexicali is the capital of the State of Baja California. Located at the US border. Sonora State Government Hermosillo Sonora, http://www. Hermosillo is the capital of the State of Sonora. Located 160 miles from the border with AZ. Puerto Peñasco www.cometorockypoint. com. Puerto Peñasco is Located 62 miles from the US border. BORDER CROSSINGS San Diego, California (San Ysidro) – Tijuana, • Baja California Otay Mesa, California – Tijuana, Baja California • Tecate, California – Tecate, Baja California • Calexico, California – Mexicali, Baja California • Andrade, California – Los Algodones, Baja • California San Luis, Arizona – San Luis Río Colorado, • Sonora Lukeville, Arizona – Sonoita, Sonora • Sasabe, Arizona – Altar, Sonora • Nogales, Arizona – Nogales, Sonora • Naco, Arizona – Naco, Sonora • Douglas, Arizona – Agua Prieta, Sonora •
WHAT DO I NEED TO ENTER MEXICO? You are required to get a tourist card (tourist visa) if you are planning to stay more than seventy-two hours, or if you plan to travel south beyond Ensenada, San Felipe, or Puerto Peñasco. Tourist visas are available at all border crossings .
WHAT CAN I BRING INTO MEXICO? DO NOT BRING GUNS OR DRUGS INTO MEXICO. You will go to prison. Do not bring such quantities of anything that it may look like the item is for resale. As a tourist, your personal luggage and other merchandise must not exceed
WELCOME TO NORTHWEST MEXICO Yuma San Diego Mexicali Rosarito Beach
SEA OF CORTEZ Gulf of California
the allowed exemption of 50 USD per person. Allowed items include: personal things such as, new or used clothes; shoes; toiletries (quantities not for resale); and no more than two used sports-equipment items. You can also bring in two cartons of cigarettes; fifty cigars or 2.2lbs of tobacco (1 kilo); one liter of wine or hard liquor; twelve rolls of film; a computer; camera equipment; and one musical instrument, as long as you can carry it—really, that is the law. Medicine for personal use is also allowed. Note: Be careful not to bring a large quantity of your prescription medication. If you carry more than the equivalent of 10,000 USD in foreigner currency (or the equivalent in checks, and/or other monetary instruments), these must be declared. If you are bringing more than 50 USD worth of merchandise per person but not more than 1,000 USD, you may declare it by driving into the customs facility thru the declaration lane (carril de declaración). You will need to fill out some documents and determine the value of your merchandise. The duty is usually between 15% and 25% of the value.
San Felipe
Puerto Penasco (Rocky Point)
MILITARY CHECKPOINTS There are military checkpoints along the way to all the Northwest border cities. These check points serve the same purpose as the California and Arizona highway inspection stops you’ll encounter on the return north. The soldiers will be carrying weapons, but there is nothing to be concerned about, the soldiers are looking for drugs and guns. You’ll find them to be polite and friendly. They may ask to look inside your vehicle or RV. Check points on both sides of the border, are an agreement between the United States and Mexico to fight drugs.
WHAT CAN I TAKE HOME? You can bring back 800 USD of duty-free merchandise per person, per month, including one liter of alcohol. Mexican arts and crafts, including handcrafted furniture, are duty-free and do not count toward the 800 USD limit.
BUSINESS TRAVEL Business travelers must complete and submit a form (Form FM-N) authorizing the conduct of business (but not employment) for a thirty-day period. Travelers entering Mexico for purposes other than tourism or business or staying for periods longer than 180 days require a visa and must carry a valid U.S. passport. U.S. citizens planning to work or live in Mexico should apply for the appropriate Mexican visa (FM3, FM2) at the Mexican consulate nearest your city in the United States, or through the immigration professional in your area.
VEHICLE PERMITS Tourists traveling with their vehicle beyond the border zone north of Ensenada, San Felipe or Puerto Peñasco must obtain a temporary import permit or risk having their vehicle confiscated by Mexican customs officials.
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Mexico Shouts Mexicanos, viva MĂŠxico Independence Day (September 15-16) Every September 15th Mexicans commemorate the war of Independence, which was actually initiated in the small town of Dolores in Guanajuato Mexico on September 16, 1810. On that day Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla, a Catholic priest from a wealthy family of Mexican-born Spaniards or criollos, rallied his parishioners to rise up in arms. Interesting Factoid: Non-Mexicans often confuse Cinco de Mayo and Independence Day Click Here to Read Why. Hidalgo urged them to use stones, slings, sticks or spears to defend their religion against the French heretics who he claimed were threatening to come to the Americas. This September eve was remembered as El Grito de Delores or the cry of Dolores. Hidalgo had a hidden agenda, however, which was to incite his flock to rise up against Spaniards
residing in Mexico. He accused these gachupines of exploiting the wealth of the Mexican people for more than 300 years. In a short time more than 50,000 men, most of them poor Indians, joined Hidalgo. While the religious aspect of the fight attracted some of the new revolutionaries, others had less noble motives. Within a short period of time, they had left the cities of San Miguel, Guanajuato and Celaya in ruin and were about to enter Mexico City. Along the way Hidalgo and his Indian and mestizo forces acquired a picture of the Virgin of Guadalupe, a woman of color who was indigenous to Mexico. She became the banner of the revolutionary forces as the ragtag soldiers pressed on toward the capital and the expulsion of the gachupines. At this point Hidalgo began to have some regrets about the bloodbath he had provoked with his fateful cry of Dolores. When he had made his hasty decision in the pre-dawn hours of September 16, he had not foreseen the mass slaughter of the Spaniards. Before troops descended upon Mexico City,
Wednesday, September 10th Playa de Oro Bar & Grill San Felipe, Baja California Cocktails 5:00PM Dinner 6:00PM Concert 7:00PM
Live performances throughout the evening, featuring Flamenco Guitarist Benjamin & his Flamenco Group. $OVR IHDWXULQJ ÀQH ZLQHV IURP 9DOOH GH *XDGDOXSH
7,&.(76 %< 5(6(59$7,216 21/< Tickets include dinner Reservations online ZZZ PH[LFROLYLQJ LQIR Or by phone 686-230-9933
8 - Guide to Resort Living in Northwest Mexico
Originally published by Cozumel My Cozumel (
WEEKLY CALENDAR EVENTS ENSENADA BAJA CALIFORNIA Tuesday: Jazz Cafe - Cine de Arte Wednesday: Jazz Cafe - Trivia Thursday: Jazz Cafe - Jazz Friday: Jazz Cafe - 8pm Salsa dance classes Saturday: Jazz Cafe - Oldies but Goodies -The live music of “Nuevo Concepto”
SAN FELIPE BAJA CALIFORNIA Monday: No activities at this time Tuesday: • Lighthouse - Sing Out Sisters Karaoke 6pm Wednesday: • Lighthouse - HAPPY HOUR ALL DAY Thursday: No activities at this time Friday: • Los Arcos - Karaoke • La Vaquita - Live music “Vatos Locos” 6:00PM • Lighthouse - Sushi Night & Live Music Saturday: • Lighthouse - Live Music of “Lighthouse Band” Sunday: • Los Arcos - Live Music • Lighthouse - Kids eat for $20 pesos
PUERTO PEÑASCO SONORA Thursday: JC`s Bar - 3:00 PM Darts Tournament Friday: Dugout - 7:00 PM Billiards Tournament Saturday: Oldies Bar - 7:00 pm Live Pop Rock Music
LIST YOUR EVENT: mexicoliving@gmail. com. Include event name, dates and times, description and contact info.
MONTHLY CALENDAR EVENTS Aug. 29 to Sept. 1 Labor Day Weekend Sept. 16: Día de la Independencia (Mx Independence Day)
ROSARITO BEACH BAJA CALIFORNIA September 4-7 - Summer festival including the “Steak & Lobster festival” and “Rosarito art & Furniture Expo” and “The Pavilion of Tequilas.” More info: ph: 01-661613-1532 September 6 - The Beach Motocross Series Round 1. More info: More info: 619-819-6323 or 661-612-2525 September 3 - Rosarito Shooting Club “Riffle Tournament” Contact the Shooting Club Range at 661612-1028 September 27 - Rosarito-Ensenada Bike Ride. More info: 1-800-282-9352 October 4 - The Beach Motocross Series Round 2. More info: 619-819-6323 or 661-612-2525 October 12 - Rosarito Shooting Club “Standard Gun Tournament” Contact the Shooting Club Range at 661-612-1028 October 12 - Puerto Nuevo Lobster Festival. Puerto Nuevo, for more info: 661)-612.0700
ENSENADA BAJA CALIFORNIA Thru September 29 - “Imaginaria En Rosa (Imaginations In Pink)” Collective Photo Exposition in The Lobby Of Ensenada’s Centro Estatal De Las Artes (CEARTE) Exhibition Hours: 8am-8pm Mon.-Sat., Noon7pm Sun. Free Admission. Info: 646-173-4307 & 646173-4308. Thru October 26 - (Started Aug 23rd): “Mezcla De Maestros: Masters Of Mexico’s Past And Present” Art Exposition More Info: Jardín Las Veredas, Tel. 646-1553239. September 6 - Festival Taurino 12:30pm Advance Tickets ($55dlls.) Proceeds Benefit Club Rotario Projects. House Wines Sold At Event. Info & Tickets: Lou Hernandez, Tel. (646)177-4987. September 6 & 7 - “Exit The Body,” A Mystery Farce - A Play, Directed By Connie Morgan. Performances Are On Saturday At 7pm And On Sunday At 2pm. Ticket Donation: $8dlls or $7dlls in advance. Info & Tickets: Heather Hamilton, Tel. (646)154-2452. Get more info: - 9
Hidalgo and a few associates retreated to Dolores. Within the year he was tried, condemned and executed by the gachupines. This was not, however, the end of the peoples’ revolution. The seed had been planted, and a long and violent social struggle had begun. Father Hidalgo’s Grito de Dolores became the battle cry of the Mexican War of Independence and despite his change of heart, Hidalgo is still revered as the father of Mexican independence. Eleven years of war, decades of despotic Mexican rulers and political unrest followed Hidalgo’s cry of Dolores. Yet throughout the years of turmoil, El Grito de Dolores, “Mexicanos, viva México,” has persevered. Recorded statements of witnesses who were present at the original event tell us that Hidalgo shouted “death to the Spaniards” and “long live the Virgin of Guadalupe”. However, the passing of time together with good manners and secularization have transformed the ritual from a call for a holy war to a peaceful, patriotic affirmation. Every year just before midnight on September 15, Mexicans shout the grito, honoring an impulsive and crucial action that was the catalyst for the country’s bloody struggle for independence from Spain. On September 25 of 1821, the Mexican state won its independence from the Spanish crown.
NORTHWEST MEXICO CALENDAR & EVENTS September 13 - “Noche Mexicana (Mexican Night)” Fiesta & Concert 7pm: Tickets & Info: Jardín Las Veredas, Tel. (646)155-3239 or Viajes Damiana, Tel. (646)178-3136.
September 21 - Free Pet Clinic 8am-2pm: Free Pet Clinic Every Third Sunday In Ensenada. On Calle Ensenada #921 Donations Appreciated. Info: Fernando 646-137-3709 or Lovelia 646-140-8549.
September 13 & 14 - Cabalgata De La Independencia 2008 A 4-5 Hour Guided Horseback Riding Adventure More info: Alfredo Vizcarra, Cell Tel. (646)179-5074.
September 27 - 29th Fall Rosarito-Ensenada Fun Bicycle Ride Register Online. Call U.S. Tel. 858-4838777 or Andres Muñoz, Tel. 646-174-0033.
September 13 & 14 - Red Bull Supercross: The Fourth And Final Round Of The Exciting Baja Motocross 2008 Series Info & Tickets: call 646-947-5330.
Thru October 26 (Started Aug 23rd) “Mezcla De Maestros: Masters Of Mexico’s Past And Present” Art Exposition more Info: Jardín Las Veredas, Tel. 646-1553239.
September 20 - Raul Di Blasio In Concert 4pm: More Info & Tickets: (646)175-2363 Or (646)155-2264.
October 12 - Real Del Castillo Festival 10am-8pm: Celebrate The Anniversary of This Historic Former Gold Mining Town. More Info Call Beatriz Toboada, Tel. 646178-6038.
SAN FELIPE BAJA CALIFORNIA September 10 - “Flamenco Nights” Playa De Oro 5:00pm - 9:30pm. Guitarist Benjamin Wood & Him Flamenco Group Paired with dinner & wines from Vinos Fuentes. Only $40.00. Call 686-230-9933 or see www. September 15-17 - Fiesta Patrias / Sand Drags October 11 - Too Much Fun Pete’s Camp Poker Run October TBA - Fiestas De October/ October Fest October 31 - “Howl-O-Ween” Masquerade Ball & Dance Party Friday Night, October 31, 2008 A Fundraiser For ZAPP & San Felipe Animal Rescue More Info Contact Steven At Bajaanimalrescue@Yahoo.Com
Call us Today! 686-230-9933 From US 1-800-576-0919 Ex. 3
November 7-10 - Shrimp Festival/Festival Del Camaron November TBA - Salsa Boul – Dancing and making Salsa November 19-22 - 41th Tecate Score Baja 1000 Race More info
THE ALL NEW ADVENTURES of Baja Desert Dog by The Flannigans
10 - Guide to Resort Living in Northwest Mexico
The Lighthouse Restaurant Presents
October 5 -
• “Rocky Point Challenge” (Fleet Off Tucson, Arizona). At Playa Bonita Resort. Residents Of Tucson Sail. The Waters of Rocky Point. More Info. Call: 1-888-2328142. • Angler Of The Year Tournament (Phase 3) The 5th, 6th And 7th. At Cholla Bay. More Info. Call: 638-3832785 • Beach Volley Ball Tournament At Playa Bonita Resort. More Info. Call: 858 538 4143 October 25 • Bathtub Races At Cholla Bay More Info. Call: 638 383 2785 • Over The Line Softball Tournament At Cholla Bay More Info. Call: 638 383 2785
LIST YOUR EVENT: Include event name, dates and times, description and contact info.
October 4 - “Jazz By The Sea” More Info. Call 1877 843 3717.
September 2 - One Club Open Golffor More Info.Call: 638 38 32785
The Singout Sisters
& Chuey
EVERY TUESDAY NIGHT FROM 6PM - 10PM Let’s party and be the star that you are! DON’T MISS OUT:
Shuttle Service from El Dorado PEMEX available, call 686-147-9432 ask for Rodger
San Felipe Baja California
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Lions Clubs bring people together......for friendships...for a better tomorrow - join us.
Turkey Trot - Nov. 2008 6DQ)HOLSH%&/LRQV&OXE#*PDLO FRP
12 - Guide to Resort Living in Northwest Mexico
Art & Design Guide
Kathy Keane: Science to Art
by Robin Waters
It’s funny the turns life makes. Kathy Keane began hiking in her early twenties and became curious about the wonders of nature she saw along the trail. She took a class in Kathy and Onyx standing in wild bird identification flowers. and signed up for botany walks. Those left her wondering, as she gazed out the window of the medical office where she worked, whether she could get a job outdoors. She wrote to a wildlife biologist she had read about in National Wildlife magazine,
become, she claims. For over 20 years, in her leisure time, she organized and guided educational nature excursions into the southern California mountains, deserts, and coastal areas, and still participates in an annual Nature Knowledge Workshop. On her 50th birthday, she found and fell in love with San Felipe. There she learned how to sit and enjoy the beauty and wonder of nature; she was no longer compelled to identify and analyze every plant or creature around her. It was then, at San Felipe’s El Nido Restaurant, that she met Ruth Olivar-Millan, who paints incredible scenes and people of traditional Mexico. She showered Kathy with compliments about her work and encouraged her to join the San Felipe Fine Arts Association. Kathy says, “sometimes I’m lucky to be at the right place at just
and the author replied with some the right time, but generally I good advice. Kathy volunteered have to plan and wait for the for the Forest Service and a perfect light, the precise pose local nature center and began of an animal, the ideal moment; her college education at age 25. still, I maybe use one out of 200 She’d done well in high school photos to enlarge and frame biology but hadn’t taken much for an art show.” Before she chemistry or math, so it was switched to a digital camera, ten years before she earned her Kathy Keane’s images of nature. she explains, she would sit over Master’s degree. the wastebasket when reviewing In 1995, she started her own biological consulting a box of 36 developed slides and was happy if there business. She works with about 15 other biologists two were “keepers.” Digital photography allows as subcontractors; they do surveys for utility and her to see what she has captured on a screen, so transportation projects, monitor protected nesting it’s easier to correct mistakes right away and take areas for endangered species, and oversee another shot. construction projects near wildlife habitat to ensure Where to find Kathy Keane’s work: The San that the species aren’t harmed. Felipe Title Company will have her calendars and The artist’s right brain wasn’t well developed as cards this fall. Kathy will again be at the SFFAA Art a child, and she was never encouraged or inspired Show on Thanksgiving weekend at Playa de Oro in to any art or music. She was a nerdy and shy kid, San Felipe. Web site: probably a precursor to the scientist she would Get more info: - 13
An outdoors enthusiast and enthusiastic artist makes a talented transition
COVER FEATURE The Generation of Baby Boomers who have experienced the most exciting and economically prosperous of all times are starting to look for retirement properties. They want to take their current home equities and leverage them into seaside resort living with all the relaxation and recreational amenities that they have always dreamed about. Most need to look towards Mexico for affordable beach homes, easy living, and excellent medical facilities.
Of all the generations that span the history of mankind, it is the Baby Boomers who have experienced the most exciting and economically prosperous times of all. Babies born immediately after the World War ended witnessed the economy of the country shifting gears – from war mode and war mood to business mode and business mood. As the rest of world became busy in repairing its war-worn cities and fractured economies, businesses in United States enjoyed unprecedented boom time, with overfilled order books that ensured prosperity and wealth to its citizenry for decades to come. Those of the Greatest Generation, who fought the World Wars, delivered an economy that was ripe for explosive growth to their children – indeed, it wouldn’t be inappropriate to call Baby Boomers a blessed generation. Cut to circa 2008, and this generation (actually, a set of two generations: 1946 to 1955, and 1956 to 1964) is now controlling a major chunk of leadership at all levels in society – whether it is political (Arnold Schwarzenegger, George Bush), cultural (Steven Spielberg, Oprah Winfrey), industrial & business (Bill Gates, Mark Cuban) or academic (Carl Wieman, Ben Bernanke) leadership, the Baby Boomers are at the forefront of them all. Those away from the limelight too are doing quite well. The demographic profile of Baby Boomers – prepared by the Mature Market Institute arm of the Metlife Insurance Company, New York – makes interesting reading. According to the report, about 78 million, or roughly 27.7% of the total US population, comprises Baby Boomers, living in 45.8 million households. Their estimated spending power: a whopping $2.1 trillion. 60% of these households comprise married couples with one or more children. The average household income of a Baby Boomer is roughly $75,700, as compared to the overall US average of $60,500. Clearly, it is the Baby Boomers who are in the hot seat at the moment, moving and shaking today’s economy according to their whims and fancies and tastes and comforts. 14 - Guide to Resort Living in Northwest Mexico
After spending a lifetime chasing money in crowded, polluted, and stuffy offices and factory floors in busy cities, the Baby Boomer generation longs for life that is totally different. A deeper analysis of the numbers thrown up by all the surveys quoted above reveals that people in the age group from forty to sixty have made up their mind – well, at least a majority of them – to shift away from their present home which has so well served its purpose and utility. But it is time now, folks, to move on. To enjoy the goodies that this world has to offer. To be in the lap of Mother Nature, and yet enjoy the material comforts that money in the bank can buy. This perception has driven the Baby Boomers towards climes that are relaxing and soothing to the body and the mind. México has long been an attractive destination, with its exotic locales, sunny weather, intriguing history, and familiar culture, plus of course its proximity to home country, which is a bonus. The NAFTA agreement between Canada, the USA and México (initiated by yet another Baby Boomer, Bill Clinton), signed in 1994, opened up the possibility of México becoming a favorite place to retire. Today, more than a million Americans have chosen México as their home; indeed it is the largest group of Americans residing anywhere on the planet outside the U.S. And a majority of these residents Continued on page 32 Get more info: - 15
Babies who were born in 1946 have touched sixty this year. Babies who were born in the 1955 to 1964 band aren’t getting any younger. It is obvious that people in the age range of forty to sixty are either already retired, or the plan for retirement is now beginning to weigh heavily on their mind. Possessing a home that one calls one’s own is now topmost in their wish list. This is evidenced by the statistics that the US Census Bureau has thrown up: almost 69% of the Baby Boomers are home owners; while a dominant 96% consider owning a home as a sound financial investment. A key market survey conducted by Harris Interactive on behalf of the National Association of Realtors gives solid insight into the present thinking of the Baby Boomer generation. Almost 25% of the baby boomers have invested in multiple properties, of which 7% are proud owners of vacation homes or seasonally occupied properties. In fact, 57% of all vacation and seasonal homes have already been cornered by this generation; and more importantly, 13% of this 57% have multiple vacation homes in their name! This points to a very significant trend in the realty business over the last few years, and reveals the mindset of the forty-plus at the moment: post retirement, these people are planning to head towards vacation homes, and make the vacation home their primary abode. This survey also came up with a few other interesting nuggets of information. For instance, it showed that the average Baby Boomer expects to retire and stop working by the time they reach 65. This means that in another five years from now, the first waves of this generation will start moving towards the vacation homes that they have so craved all their life. Almost 60% of the survey respondents want their vacation homes to be away from an urban setting, and almost 50% said that they preferred living in an age-restricted community. Many are planning on selling their current homes that have greatly appreciated in value. For some this equity is a large part of their retirement planning. The trick is to find a dream home that will allow them to utilize this equity as part of their living expenses.
Now let’s take a look at yet another survey that focused on resorts and resort ownership patterns. The American Resort Development Association (ARDA) conducted this survey in 2006 to understand the demographics of the buyers who are going for timeshare resorts. What it shows once again underlines the same pattern: about 23% of the people who bought timeshare resorts in the year 2005 were in their forties, about 28% are in their fifties, and a whopping 30% are in their sixties. The message seems to be clear – the baby boomers are restless, they are not going to be in their present homes forever and are seeking a change of both home and lifestyle. And where else – but away from the hurly burly and humdrum of city life?
Living the American Dream in Mexico U.S. State Department estimate of all the Americans retiring outside of the U.S., 51% are retiring in Mexico. by Anna Kaplan home.’ In San Felipe we found a great town, located on the beach, with warm weather and water which we like, and a wonderful home we could afford.” Greg says that the couple regularly visited Mexico to scuba dive. When they saw an advertisement for an opportunity to own property in Mexico, they decided to buy with the intent of retiring in Mexico. The Tiwalds acquired their land through a Fideicomiso, . o Mexic a trust that allows foreigners eñasco Puerto P to d e v to buy land near the ocean, o m n o g y Mondra m and built a house there. Greg says, “We live m Ta and Roland in Playa de Oro. We call it the ‘Beverly Hills of San Many people move to Felipe.’ Our home’s total size is over 4000 sq ft. In Mexico to fulfill their dreams. They may the U.S. a house by the beach of this quality and size be dreaming of a house near the ocean with warm would be well over $1,000,000, but we paid just a temperatures and sea breezes. They may be dreaming fraction of that.” Greg and Cathy did not expect to work in San of a quiet, slowly paced life, with time to enjoy simple things. They may enjoy water sports, fishing and Felipe, but they are starting a business catering snorkeling. They may long for a big, beautiful house to other Americans, called Sand and Sea. Cathy explains, “We are opening a market, deli and internet that they can’t afford in the United States. They often fall in love with Mexico as visitors, and cafe, with business center for copies, fax, scanning later decide they have found the perfect place to retire. and business supplies. With the rental of a private Where in Mexico they choose to live depends on what mailbox, our clients will receive a set amount of free they found there that they could not find in the United minutes to call the U.S. The market will carry many States. Many choose to go to Northwestern Mexico, of the items that we are used to using in the U.S. that to Rosarito Beach, Enseñada, San Felipe or Puerto are not available at the stores in town.” They definitely recommend San Felipe to other Peñasco or San Felipe. people interested in living in Mexico, but they do Cathy and Greg Tiwald visited Mexico many times emphasize that it is a small town with a small-town as tourists. They love to scuba dive and had spent feel. Cathy says, “I love the ‘family’ we have created time in San Carlos, Enseñada and Puerto Peñasco. here. Our friends have time to talk and visit, and we They looked into investing in Mexico but after visiting all support each other. Life, friendships and living are San Felipe, they decided they wanted to be residents, celebrated and encouraged here.” not visitors. Diane Pavellas also was looking for the right place San Felipe is a small fishing village which has shifted from dependence on fishing to tourism and to retire, and eventually picked Rosarito Beach, which real estate as its economic base. In 2005, about is located 20 minutes from the border crossing at 15,000 people lived in San Felipe, many of whom Tijuana, almost commuting distance to San Diego. About 85,000 people live in Rosarito, including some were American or Canadian. Cathy explains that when they found San Felipe, 25,000 Americans. Diane was looking for a quiet place by the ocean. they felt comfortable with the place and its people. She says, “San Felipe made us feel like we were ‘at She already had lived in many places, including New 16 - Guide to Resort Living in Northwest Mexico
York and San Francisco, and wanted something for her 88-year-old mother. Eventually, however, they different. She says, “When retirement was starting to did; and she found her dream home. Her cousins become an option, I began searching bought the house next door. Sadly, her mother had for my ideal place. It had to be near a stroke and could not live in this new home; the ocean and have 65 to 90 degree but Diane made other weather.” She did not know that there was a way Americans could buy land near the ocean in Mexico. She was thinking of San Diego and all its amenities when she decided to take a look at Mexico. She recalls thinking, “If only I could afford San Diego… Perfect weather, the ocean, the arts, and the theatre. I suddenly got the itch to explore Mexico again. I went on the Internet and Bernadette Schmuk er lives was dazzled by the array about 40 miles so of homes for sale. I studied uth of R osarito in the rules of purchasing and prices, and Enseñad a. was very happy to find ways to buy my dream. The ocean, the arts and the theatre- I would have it all.” arrangements for She told her cousins, Tom and Dee Thomas. They her and eventually moved to Rosarito. decided to join Diane as she looked for the right Diane says, “It has all been worth it! I am happily place. She says, “This was my first trip to Mexico getting up to either sunny or partially overcast days in 20 years. I relied on my cousins’ opinions and the that turn into spectacular days, which are typically 70 information I received from the Internet and books. to 85 degrees. I ask myself, “I already had determined Rosarito was the place ‘Diane, what do you want to do today?’ Ah, for me. I would be near the ocean away from the busy freedom.” night life, but only 10 minutes away. I could lounge on my terrace and view the ocean and have a Bernadette Schmuker lives about 40 wonderful patio to plant a miles south of Rosarito in Enseñada, which is popular with both tourists and people looking for a place to live in Mexico. About 38,000 of its 220,000 residents are from the United States or Canada. Originally from Michigan, she was a foreign exchange student through Rotary International, and spent a year in Sonora. She returned home to Michigan, but felt that she had to return to Mexico. Bernadette says, “I feel comfortable, welcomed and safe (with) not so many rules. e. San Felip wners in There’s a happiness I feel o s s e in an bus inside here. I live each day for ew Mexic n , ld a iw Greg T d what it is. (I) watch a beautiful sunset over the n a y th Ca ocean, and enjoy traveling and exploring all that Baja garden.” has to offer. Each day I wake up and say, ‘Gracias.’” Unfortunately she had a few problems before she found her perfect place. The realtors Roland and Tammy Mondragon also followed their initially seemed unable to find her a one-story house dreams and moved to Mexico, to Puerto Peñasco. with two baths and bedrooms, one for her and one Get more info: - 17
The Experienced Moving & Storage Company HOUSEHOLD GOODS IMPORTING • • • •
Pick up at your home in the US. Deliver to your new home in Mexico. We handle the total import process. Never change trucks at the border.
INTERIOR STORAGE • Closed circuit cameras that record all motion. • Unique entry code that records time each entry and exit. • Each interior cubicle is secured by your own lock and only you have access.
EXTERIOR STORAGE • Fenced and gated with security entrance. • Manned guard tower behind property. • 24-hour security patrols.
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More Information Phone: 686-576-0432 (para mayor informacion)
Mailing Address: #411 P.O. Box 9011 Calexico, CA 92232
Storage Address:
OF MIND 18 - Guide to Resort Living in Northwest Mexico
Hwy 5, KM 181.3, Mexicali-San Felipe San Felipe, B.C. Mexico 21850
Tammy says, “Roland started coming to Mexico, mostly Enseñada and Rosarito, when he was 16. He introduced me to the area when we met nine years ago. It became our dream to live and work in Mexico one day, because we really loved its environment and culture. We dreamt, worked hard, saved and made it happen.” The Mondragons decided to move to Puerto Peñasco, also known as Rocky Point, a small city of about 42,000 people best known for its fishing and tourism industries. Tammy recalls, “Before we moved we researched the areas of interest to us, the cost of living, the community and the potential for growth. We decided on Puerto Peñasco.” The Mondragons did not buy a house, but they opened a business called Kayak Rocky Point. They rent kayaks, snorkel equipment, boogie boards and fishing poles. They also take people out on the water to see the area. Tammy explains, “The estuaries can be accessed only by non-motorized crafts, making the kayaks a favorite. We offer boat charters for deep sea fishing, sunset tours, parasailing, Bird Island and all other water excursions
here in Puerto Peñasco.” She adds, “Our business is going very well for our first year. We feel that we have built a solid reputation here and have met many great contacts and supporters from both the American and Mexican communities.” Tammy and Roland left behind children and grandchildren in Las Vegas, and they do miss their family. E-mail and internet phone services such as Vonage, and magicJack however, facilitate frequent communication. The family visited for Thanksgiving, and plan to make it an annual event. Tammy adds, “Home is where you make it, and there are many opportunities here in the laid-back, low-stress environment of Mexican towns and cities.” She echoes the sentiments of Greg and Cathy. Cathy describes San Felipe and says, “This is a peaceful, relaxing town and lifestyle…This is like living a permanent vacation.” Bernadette says, “The Mexican cultural atmosphere- its color, traditions, art, freedom to be who you are, the warmth of its people, the smell of food in the air and the sounds of laughter and musickeeps true to its spirit. I am true to my body, mind and spirit. This is why I choose to be here.”
San Felipe 686-577-0050 San Diego 001-619-920-2292
CLZ Chetumal 228 Mar Del Coral Y Mar De Corte San Felipe, BC, CP 21850
Get more info: - 19
They were living in Las Vegas, caught up in the corporate “rat race.” They thought it would be best for them to escape the stress.
Importing Household Good into Mexico Many of these people are smugglers, and you risk having your belongings confiscated along with the truck. Moving to Mexico can be an exciting adventure, but can also be frustrating and sometimes even a little scary. One of the more complex tasks in moving is shipping your household goods across the border. As a US citizen you are allowed a one time exemption from paying duty on your used belongings. That does not mean that you cross for free. Before your goods are allowed across the border there is a complex set of requirements that must be met. Here is an abbreviated list of the things that must be done to cross: 1.
You must have a complete inventory of your household goods listed in both English and Spanish.
2. Anything with a serial number, i.e. appliances, stereo, TV etc. must be listed with model and serial number. 3. Your inventory must be taken to the Mexican consulate nearest your home in the USA and stamped.
9. When you arrive at the border with all the above paperwork your truck may be unloaded for inspection and you will be charged for that plus the cost of reloading. 10. If your trucker doesn’t have licenses on both sides of the border you will have to have your goods trans loaded to a Mexican truck. There are a number of people who claim to be able to move your goods across the border for you. BE CAREFUL! Check references. Many of these people are smugglers, and you risk having your belongings confiscated along with the truck. The fines run in the thousands of dollars. Mexican customs has become very demanding on this issue and just driving across the border is no longer an option. You can go through the process yourself, but it can be overwhelming in its complexity and many large USA moving companies have no idea how to handle the border crossing issues. When selecting a company to help with the move ask if they can: 1.
Translate and format your inventory for you.
2. Handle all the import paperwork for you. 3. Have a truck that can pick up your goods at your USA home and deliver to your home in Mexico without trans loading.
4. You must have an FM 3 or an FM 2 from Mexican immigration.
4. Can unload at your new home
5. You need proof of residence in the USA (an electric bill will work).
5. Have experience and local references to FRQÀUP WKHLU OHJLWLPDF\
6. You need proof of residence in Mexico (again an electric bill will work).
7. You need to hire an import broker to prepare documents for crossing.
With proper help it can be a smooth, enjoyable process. Welcome home.
8. You need to hire a company with an import license to document your crossing.
Article provided by San Felipe Moving & Storage. The provide complete doorstep to doorstep delivery and storage. Contact them directly at 686-576-0432, or online: www.
20 - Guide to Resort Living in Northwest Mexico
Top Ten Reasons to Retire in Mexico By Marc Talon
2. You’ll enjoy the fresh food choices. There is an immense variety of fish, meats, and fresh fruits and vegetables available at the local markets for reasonable prices. 3. Don’t worry about healthcare. Various types of insurance healthcare plans are widely available and there is a good selection of doctors, hospitals and medical specialists. 4. Enjoy the relaxed pace. Retirement is all about removing the stress from your life and taking time to relax. Mexico’s environment is far from fast paced, as a retiree you can be active, but still enjoy a low stress lifestyle. 5. Pick your climate. Decide what sort of climate you are most comfortable living in, depending on the area the weather ranges from year round spring-like weather to warm sea front locations and dry desert heat.
6. Mexico is big on sports. Most activities are available here, and whether you choose scuba diving or golfing, there is something for everyone. 7. Choose from a wide variety of locations. Whether you want city living, a secluded property surrounded by nature, or something in between, there are plenty of areas to choose from. 8. Select from a myriad of real estate opportunities There are properties available to suit every need including, apartments, resorts, condos and beach front homes. If you intend on renting your property, some of the resorts have property managers who can assist with this process. 9. Commonly used items are widely available. In order to accommodate the many foreign retirees, most foods purchased in Canada, the United States and Europe are available at many Mexican supermarkets. 10. You can keep up to date with the news back home. Cable and satellite are widely used, allowing you to continue viewing all the major US networks and global channels. Major U.S. magazines and papers are available in most towns, but some of the European newspapers are only available at the major airports.
A Private Beachfront Community Mart ! i n i M oon
ur s! View oH ome w e N
Sales office open daily in south beach km 6 Call Baja 760-458-7602 or US 760-494-8798 Get more info: - 21
1. Stretch your retirement income. Cost of living is quite low compared to most places in North America and a retiree can lead a very cost efficient lifestyle. The cost of hydro has risen considerably, but food, entertainment, property taxes and maintenance are very reasonable. The combination of low land and building costs make Mexico an affordable choice for retirement.
Rosarito Beach Baja California Rosarito Norte Exit
Villa Floresta Lienzo Charro
Calzada del M
Via de las Olas ar
Rosarito Centro Exit
Via del Mar
Via de las Play as La Fuente
Tijuana La Paz Ensenada
Jose Amaro Ave. Machado E. Zapata
Cardenas Cinco de may o Ebano M. Balbachano
L Oritz GAS
Av. J.J. Rosseau
Av. Mar Mediterraneo
Roble Encino
Nogal Palma Magnolia
Rosarito Sur Exit
Av. Mar de Norte
Cleofas Ruiz
Puerto Nuevo
Puerto Nuevo Exit Cuenca Lechera Exit
Rancho Mision Descanso
22 - Guide to Resort Living in Northwest Mexico
Playas de Rosarito, or Rosarito Beach as it is referred to by non-nationals, is a city in the Mexican state of Baja California and is its own municipality. It is located between the Pacific Ocean and coastal foothills, just 20 minutes south of the U.S. border in Tijuana and is a popular destination for tourist, snowbirds, and expatriates from the United States. GETTING TO ROSARITO Toll-Road Directions: Immediately after entering Mexico merge into the right lane and exit at PLAYAS DE TIJUANA ROSARITO. You’ll see the border fence to your right as you travel west. Take the right turn-off to the road ENSENADA QUOTA. As you merge, get over into the left lane and stay there. A toll fee of approximately $2.35 US dollars will take you all the way to Rosarito Beach. ATM/GETTING CASH Banamex, Bancomer and Bital have 24-hour-a-day ATMs that accept most U.S. bank cards all along the Tijuana - Rosarito Beach - Ensenada corridor. Only pesos are dispensed from these machines. Your account in the U.S. is charged that day’s Peso rate of exchange. Your account will also have about a $3.50 service fee deducted. Bital also has a ATM machine (Pesos only) in the AM/PM 24 hours Pemex Station on south end of Rosarito Beach. WHILE IN ROSARITO BEACH Rosarito Beach offers a large variety of places to stay and thing to do. Rosarito has more than 900 hotel rooms from 25 resorts, hotels & motels and luxurious spas and incredible shopping in any of the Artisan shops with some of Mexico’s finest leather goods, furniture, wrought iron, pottery, marble and traditional Mexico crafts. Rosarito offers 20 miles of white sandy beaches with endless activities including golfing, surfing, fishing, horse back riding, or relax in spa, ATV riding, visit Fox Studio Baja, or enjoy any of the many nightclubs. Rosarito is also the host to the third largest bike ride in North America, held twice annually. Rosarito Beach restaurants offer a culinary paradise of international cuisines. You can choose from traditional Mexican cooking, sensational seafood, delicious steak dinners, and a broad selection of other specialty American, Chinese, French and Italian cuisines. Be sure to visit the well-known lobster village, Puerto Nuevo is just fifteen minutes south of Rosarito, a tourist and culinary destination. Whether staying for vacation or life, you will enjoy Rosarito Beach.
Rosarito Wal Mart Celebrates Grand Opening Excitement a r o u n d town was building as rumors about speculation of Wal Mart’s day to open. Finally on Wednesday, July 30 a prominent billboard announced its Grand Opening. The store opened (on time) at 7:00 am with a cheering crowd of employees as the ribbon was cut and shoppers rushed in to the pristinely clean and well-organized store, which is part of the Pabellón Shopping Center just off the first offramp coming into town from the north. As you enter, you immediately begin your shopping journey with the fruits and vegetables. There was no turning of each tomato to see which
unblemished one to buy, as they were all plump and red. Following were the seafood and meat departments with lots of choices, especially for this “paella” season. The employees at each department greeted clients with a smile and friendly “Buenos dias,” an unusual gesture in most of the other big box stores. The “panadería” had warm bolillos already at 7:05am. There were aisles and aisles of anything and everything you could want from a grocery store, and that was only one quarter of the store. The rest is pretty much what you would expect from a Wal Mart, very similar to its US cousins. Other big box Pabellón Shopping Center stores includes Home Depot, Ashley Furniture, DAX and Coppel, and at least 25 more stores to open in the near future. The only other stores now open are Vips Restaurant, Peter Piper Pizza, Baja Express Chinese and the movie complex Cinépolis.
Get more info: - 23
By Carlos Durán
Dining & Lodging Guide
Rosarito has the Finest Black Sea Bass Amigos Cantina - “The Friendliest Cantina In The Baja”
Article by Jim Moore
We all remember that great television show Cheers…Well, Baja has its very own version of the fun loving bar. The first time you visit Bahia Cantiles / Amigo’s Cantina you will know what I mean. Owner Nicolas Santos has been service business for many years. Eleven years ago, he was tending bar at the then named Las Palmas in Puerto Nuevo, then he moved to a restaurant named Raul’s and later he became the bartender at Cantiles, which he now owns. If you are looking for a quality drink at an affordable price in a very friendly atmosphere this is the bar. About ¼ mile north of the entrance to Puerto Nuevo and just behind “Virgins” at KM43, you will find this quaint and unique little restaurant and cantina Once you have experienced the hospitality, service and comradery you will return time and again. On the menu they have the finest Black Sea Bass in all of Baja, prepared in a variety of styles. Mondays is Men’s Day and Wednesday is Ladies Day with special drink prices from 2-6. On the weekend live bands make for a great party environment. Take a chance on this hot tip and you won’t regret it. You will discover why it is called “The Friendliest Cantina In The Baja”. A real black sea bass caught off the Pacific Coast.
DINING American Food La Bamba ....................................661-100-2560 Coffee & Breakfast Las Brisas Coffee.........................661-612-2546 Chinese Dragon Del Mar............................661-612-0604 Costa Azul ...................................661-612-1189 Palacio Royal ...............................661-612-1412 Hua Mei .......................................661-612-5717 French Chabert’s.....................................661-612-1111 Le Cousteau.................................661-612-2655 Italian Portofino......................................661-612-2950 Bobby’s by the Sea ......................661-614-1135
La Cazuela Del Mole.....................661-612-2910 Los Arcos ...................................661-612-0491 Maria Sabina................................661-613-1532 Restaurant Azteca ........................661-612-1111 The Palm Grill (Puerto Nuevo) ......661-614-1203 Pizza Virgilio’s Pizza..............................661-612-1210 Dominos Pizza .............................661-612-5920 Steak & Seafood El Nido.........................................661-612-1431 La Guerita Restaurant ..................661-612-1019 Los Pelicanos ..............................661-612-1757 Mariscos El Poder ........................661-612-5414 Siete Mares..................................661-612-0774 Villa Ortega’s ...............................661-614-0706 Vince’s Old Pier .....................661-612-1253
GET LISTED TODAY Mexican Amigos Cantina............................661-613-2168 Calafia .........................................661-614-9815 El Patio ........................................661-612-2950 24 - Guide to Resort Living in Northwest Mexico
List your restaurant, cafe, hotel, motel, campground for only $48 per year. Call today and you can be in the next month - 686-2309933
Taco Shops El Zurdo .......................................661-612-7687 Macho Taco .................................661-613-0630
LODGING RV Park/Parque de RV Baja Season RV Parks..................661-628-6128 Motels/Moteles Camino Inn .................................. 661-612.2803
Rentals Bobby's by the Sea ......................661-614-1135
GET LISTED TODAY List your restaurant, cafe, hotel, motel, campground for only $48 per year. Call today and you can be in the next month - 686-230-9933 Call to list you business., $4 per month (686)230-9933
A Great Place To E AT - D R I N K - S T AY Restaurant - Bar - Terrace - Spa On Site Vacation Villas & Casita Rentals US: (619) 262-2900 Mexico: 661-614-1135 DAY S NO W O PA PEN
Vinces Old Pier Restaurant Since 1973
Fresh Seafood & Fish Market (Calling from the US dial 011-52)
Km 43 Libre Ros. - Ens. 1 mile So. of Las Gaviotas Rosarito Beach BCN Mexico Calling from US dial 011 52
Casita Rentals: 661-613-2494 Restaurant: 661-614-1135 Spa: 661-613-2523 Get more info: - 25
Hotel Costa Azul .....................800-800-9632 Grand Baja Resort (Puerto Nuevo) ..................................877-315-1002
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Rosarito Ensenada Annual Bike Ride
nsenada is the third-largest city in the Mexican state of Baja California. It is located 116 km (about 70 miles) south of the San Diego/Tijuana border crossing. The city had a 2005 census population of 260,075. Ensenada is also the municipal seat of Ensenada. Located in the Bahía de Todos Santos — an inlet of the Pacific Ocean — Ensenada is an important commercial and fishing port as well as a cruise ship stop. The city is backed by small mountain ranges. Due to its location on the Pacific Ocean and Mediterranean latitude, the weather tends to be mild year-round.
Getting to Ensenada has never been easier or faster. A US driver license is valid in Mexico, so you Mexican auto insurance is required by law if you drive in Mexico. If you’re interested in visiting Ensenada, but not doing any driving you can contact Eaton International Tours and Passenger Services. San Diego pick and return. Fast and secure. Call 619-479-1536 / 646-108-8538. Taking The Bus from San Diego is another option. I take the San Diego Trolley to San Ysidro, then walk across the border to the small Plaza Viva bus station. ABC (Autotransportes Baja California) buses depart for Ensenada every half hour beginning 6AM - 9:30PM, you can call 1-52-(664)683-5681; fare is approx. $6.50dlls 1-way. Greyhound Bus Lines (U.S. toll free: 800-231-2222). Greyhound Lines will take you to Tijuana’s Central Bus Terminal (Central Camionera) from anywhere in the US and connect to any major Mexican bus line, including ABC. The Ensenada Airport is for private and military only. No commercial flights. If you Arrive By Ship to the Ensenada port terminal, which holds two ships and each pier has shopping for Mexican curios and other items. Most cruise tourists arrive on the three and four night cruises Expect to pay about $2 for the five-minute ride to downtown shopping.
ENSENADA, BAJA CALIFORNIA GETTING AROUND TOWN The healthiest and most personal way is ON FOOT. Ensenada is a great city for getting around on your own energy. Most of the shopping is at sea level and easy to navigate with all numbered streets running north and south and celebrity named streets running east and west. TAKING THE BUS if you want some adventure, or want a great sightseeing opportunity. Fare is 7 pesos ($0.65). Buses are called “micro” instead of “bus” or Autobuse. Bus Terminal 646-121-2982 al 87 Calzada Lazaro Cardenas & Rio Alamar La Mesa. IN A TAXI is a great way to get from point A to point B, Taxis Amarillos (Yellow Taxi) is available 24 hours with local and unlimited service available; they will drive you anywhere. Ave. Lopez Mateos & Miramar. English spoken. 646-178-3475. Try RENTING A CAR if you want to get out and explore on your own. Fiesta Rent-A-Car at 646-1763344, located at 1442 Blvd. Lazaro Cardenas or RentaCar Ensenada at 646-176-3344, located at 582 Lopez Mateos.
LODGING & ACCOMMODATION Ensenada has the accommodations to meet any level of comfort or amenities. Prices can range depending on the time of year from $30 to $250+ depending on the hotel. The best hotels in Ensenada are located to the north and south of town along the beach and are not within walking distance from downtown shopping and attractions. Taxi and shuttles are available in some locations.1000.
WINERIES Although the winter rain season is short and the area is prone to prolonged droughts, Ensenada sits in the heart of a wine country that is widely regarded as the best in Mexico. It is said that the first Vitis vinifera made it to the peninsula (specifically to the San Ignacio Mission) in 1703, when Jesuit Padre Juan de Ugarte planted the first vineyards there. Baja California Wine Country is blessed with some of the most ideal Mediterranean climate for grape growing. Nearly ninety percent of all Mexican wine grapes are grown in Baja California within 120 miles of the west coast, in three wine-producing areas; San Antonio de las Minas (which includes the Valleys of Guadalupe and Calafia), San Vincente Valley, and Santo Tomás Valley. Only one hour from (50 miles) San Diego and you’re in Mexican wine country. Consider a day trip to the beach and wineries. There are very few microclimates in Mexico that combine the very unique characteristics of elevation, soil, season, and temperature. California wine connoisseurs are making this a regular trip, complete with tours and tasting, Baja California is producing wines of the same quality and consistency as some of its northern neighbors. Get more info: - 27
Ensenada Baja California
Dining & Lodging Guide
Bamboo Garden: A New Favorite in Ensenada by Lisa Shannon
When one thinks about Mexico, very seldom would “authentic Szechuan cuisine” come to mind. But in Ensenada, there is an excellent place on Riveroll called Bamboo The house specialty, a special bone-in Curry Chicken. Garden. The owners, Sam and Nancy Wong, are at the restaurant daily to meet and greet customers, and Nancy can often be found in the kitchen cooking. Nancy recommends the house specialty, a special bonein Curry Chicken. Curry Chicken is a favorite among many Chinese, so this is a great choice
28 - Guide to Resort Living in Northwest Mexico
at Bamboo Garden. Eating at this restaurant is an experience because it’s more than just the flavor of the food; it’s the service, the presentation of the meal, and the overall atmosphere of the restaurant. Their wonton appetizers are fantastic and their hot mustard is exquisite. The meals are steamy and aromatic and the scent of curry wafts through the room. Anyone interested in gourmet Chinese should experience Bamboo Garden and see for themselves just how incredible the food is. Bamboo Garden is located on Riveroll between 1st (Lopez Mateos) and 2nd Streets in Ensenada.
ENSENADA, BAJA CALIFORNIA ICON Descriptions - Accept Visa/credit cards - Wi-Fi / Internet - Kitchen/Restaurant
- Pool/Spa - Pet Friendly - Serves Breakfast - Beer/Spirits
DINING American
Brisa del Mar ....................... 646-108-4702 Broncos Steakhouse ............. 646-176-4900 Costa Azul ........................... 646-154-2540 Hussongâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Cantina ............... 646-178-3210 La Puerta ............................ 646-178-3637 Haliotis ................................ 646-176-3720 Oxidos Cafe .................................... 646-178-8827
Bobbys By The Sea.......................... 661-614-1135
Steak & Seafood Coffee & Breakfast
La Casa Antigua ........................ 646-175-7320 Bobbys By The Sea ................... 661-614-1135
Chinese Bamboo Garden .............................. 646-178-2516
Bobbys By The Sea ................... 661-614-1135 El Rey Sol ........................................ 646-178-1601 Las Cazuelas ........................ 646-176-1044 La Finca de Ensenada ...................... 646-172-5833 La Embotelladora Vieja ........ 646-174-0807 La Mansion de Ensenada ..... 646-178-3271 La Vendimia .............................. 638-174-0969
LODGING RV Park/Parque de RV
Mona Lisa RV Park........................... 646-177-5100 Popotla R.V. Park.............................. 661-612-1501
Amigos Cantina..............................(619) 917-5696 Bobbys By The Sea .................. 661-614-1135 Casa Mar Restaurant Bar.................. 646-174-0417
Condo / Hotel
Bobbys By The Sea ......................... 661-614-1135 Motels/Moteles
America Motel..............................646-176-1333 ...........................646-176-3245 Rudis Motel Ensenada Inn ...............................646-176-1361 Essence Spa ................................646-174-0816 Hotel El Joker...............................646-177-5151 Posada Don Fernando ..................646-177-0127 Azteca Inn....................................646-177-4015 Casa Del Sol ................................646-178-1570 Cortez..........................................646-178-2307 Hotel
Best Western El Cid......................646-178-2401 .........................646-176-0901 Corona Hotel .....................800-800-9632 Costa Azul Grand Baja Resort (Puerto Nuevo) ..................................877-315-1002 Hotel Coral & Marina ....................................................646-175-0000 ..........646-155-0007 Hotel La Fonda San Nicolas Hotel........................ 646-176-1901 Rentals
Baja Rentals........................ Get more info: - 29
Bobbys By The Sea ................... 661-614-1135 Gondolieri Ristorante Italiano ............ 646-174-0976
ENSENADA, BAJA CALIFORNIA Baby Boomers continued from page 15 and investors are Baby Boomers. Fortuitous circumstances have paved the way for this gung-ho generation to buy properties in México. FONATUR, México’s nodal agency responsible for foreign investment in coastal real estate, has worked assiduously to woo the Baby Boomer to its pristine and warm beaches. (That Fonatur has succeeded is evident by the swelling foreign exchange reserves of the Mexican government – from a state of near bankruptcy before NAFTA, it tipped $20 billion by the end of fiscal 2006 and $6.2 billion in tourism revenue in the first five months of 2008. Quite a lot of this money is coming from the accounts of Baby Boomers.) U.S. Banks are more than willing to offer loans for home mortgages in México. The National Association of Realtors (NAR) and the Association Mexicana de Profesionales Immobiliarios (AMPI) - their Mexican counterpart – have formed a joint venture that ensures standardized and transparent professional practices. The National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) is organizing events that educate builders and property developers on how to go about acquiring land and build homes in México. After sniffing opportunity in the air, there has been no turning back for builders and developers.
Restaurant Hours Daily 7:30 am - 10:30 pm
Savvy developers have imported the technology of “Residential Resort Lifestyles” – a true-blue American concept – into the country, with the result that for Baby Boomers, a home in a resort in México is truly a home away from home. These residential resorts are typically located by the seaside with all amenities that one can imagine – swimming pools, a community center, recreation hall, easy commuting distance to a golf course, theater, bar and restaurants, pizza, shopping mall, launderettes, and wi-fi internet service. With the ocean before them, water sports are of course emphasized. These facilities ensure that a residential resort home owner need not really step out too far from their door for socializing, relaxation and enjoyment. Homes in these residential resorts are usually custom-designed and well constructed. While planning the home design, architects and building contractors are required to follow strict guidelines that adhere to the best U.S. standards of construction, including height regulations thereby respecting their neighbor’s ocean and mountain views. People who may have spent their life in cramped conditions, or perhaps had to adjust with rented homes while working in cities, get the chance to let their imagination soar, and bring to reality their dreams about the seaside home they have always wanted.
Continued on page 45
Mexico 's oldest French restaurant is fine dining at its best in Ensenada . El Rey Sol has been family run since 1947 and has won many awards for their excellent seafood, distinctive international cuisine and impeccable service.
The American Academy of Hospitality Services honors El Rey Sol in 2004, 2005, 2006 & 2007 with it's coveted Five Star Diamond Award.
Meal Prices $9 - $19 AC C E P T E D
30 - Guide to Resort Living in Northwest Mexico
Avenida Lopez Mateos 1000 Ensenada, 22800 MX Phone: 011-52-646-178-1733
YELLOW PAGES GET LISTED TODAY ONLY $4 Dollars: 1-52-686-577-1377 / 1-52-1-686-230-9933
USA to MX Cell Phone: 011+52+1+Area Code+(Tel #) USA to Mexico: 011+Area Code+(Tel #) Mexico to USA: 001+Area Code+(Tel #) MX Landline to MX Cell Phone: 045+Area Code+(Tel #) MX Cell Phone to MX Landline: Area Code+(Tel #)
DIALING 800 NUMBER: 800 DIALING to the US From Mexico (dial 001+) To Dial USA 800.......................................... dial 880 To Dial USA 866.......................................... dial 883 To Dial USA 877.......................................... dial 882 To Dial USA 888.......................................... dial 881
IMPORTANT NUMBERS: MX 411 (Spanish only).......................................040 Tourist Assistance Hotline ..................................076 Check Time........................................................030 Worldwide Emergency No.for Mobile is ............. 112 Emergencies ......................................................060 Sky Medical (from Mexico).........001-866-805-9624 Tourist Office (Toll Free Mexico) .........01(800) 025-3991 AEROPUERTO/AIRPORT Aeropuerto ........................................ 646-273-1984 DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT/MANEJO DE FRACCIONAMIENTOS Baja Mar Country Club....................1-800-434-2252
REAL ESTATE/BIENES RAÍCES Ensenada Remax ...............................(661)-612-1132 RESTAURANTS/RESTAURANTES See ROSARITO/ENSENADA DINING GUIDE section Call to list you business., $4 per month.....(686)230-9933
RV PARKS See ROSARITO/ENSENADA LODGING GUIDE section Call to list you business., $4 per month.....(686)230-9933
MEDICAL SERVICES/SERVICIOS MÉDICOS ISSSTE ............................................... 646-176-2230 IMSS .................................................. 646-120-7771 Centro de Salud ................................... 646-152-1371 HEALTH SPA Bobby’s by the Sea .............................. 661-613-2523
PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PSN Mexico Professional Services.......(646) 178-8280 Legal/Immigration Assist FM3/FM2/FMT Import documentation POLICE/POLICÍA Policia Ministerial ................................. 646-176-3636 Policia Federal Caminos ...................... 646-683-8040 Policia Federal Preventiva .................... 646-176-2579 Prefectura Naval................................ 469-0376/2948 PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION/EL TRANSPORTE PÚBLICO
ELEVATORS/ELEVADORES To The Top Elevators .......................... (661) 614-1434 FISH/PESCADERÍA Vince's Old Peir ................................. (661) 612-1253 HEALTH & FITNESS/SALUD Y EJERCICIO Spa La Fonda......................................(646) 155-0394 HOTEL/HOTEL See ROSARITO/ENSENADA LODGING GUIDE at the beginning of each city section. MUSIC/MUSICA Pharmacy Regia & House of Music .....(646) 174-0557 RENTALS/RENTAS See ROSARITO/ENSENADA LODGING GUIDE section REAL ESTATE AGENTS/AGENTES DE BIENES RAÍCES Nicolas Santos (Rosarito).................... 619-917-5695
Terminal de Buses............................... 646-224-1041 UTILITIES/EMPRESAS DE SERVICIOS PÚBLICOS CFE ........................ 612-143 0064 or 612-142 0237 TELMEX ............................................. 612-142 0001 CALIGAS............................................. 612-142 0122 WINERY Vinos Fuentes Winery........................(646) 171-7070
Call us Today! 686-230-9933
Northwest Mexico Business Directory - 31
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The San Felipe Arches monument at the entrance of town, was built in 1980 to represent the commitment of the four states around the Sea of Cortez (Baja California Norte, Baja California Sur, Sinaloa, and Sonora) to promote tourism and the regions beauty and charm.
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DISTANCES SDRIVING AN FELIPE, BAJA CALIFORNIA El Centro, CA..........................137 Miles Los Angeles, CA .....................350 Miles Phoenix, AZ............................375 Miles San Diego, CA ........................236 Miles Tucson, AZ .............................446 Miles Yuma, AZ................................184 Miles
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32 - Guide to Resort Living in Northwest Mexico
Marina Resort
San Felipe Baja California
can obtain a tourist card in Mexicali at the Aduana (Customs) office building located just left of the border gates. Parking is available on the street, across near the bank (which is where you will be going after customs. Tourist visas are no longer available in San Felipe.
an Felipe is a small fishing village that historically has been economically dependent on fishing, however today tourism and real estate provide the economic base. Even as it grows into the next century with four-lane highways, multi-pump fueling centers that shines bright even after the moon has drop behind the majestic mountains it will remain a small fishing village in its heart and soul. Today San Felipe is maturing into a sophisticated resort community with destination resort developments, luxury condos, fine restaurants, sport fishing charters and world-class off-road adventures. San Felipe sits on the Gulf of California (Sea of Cortez), 118 miles (190 km) south of the US border and within the municipality of Mexicali. Directly behind San Felipe to the west is Sierra San Pedro Martír, the tallest mountains in Baja, forming a protective wall from Pacific storms. San Felipe has 23foot tides (7-meters) exposing a kilometer or more of ocean floor. One of the largest tidal bores in the world due in part to the Colorado River delta to the north.
GETTING TO SAN FELIPE If you are Driving your car or a rental (you MUST purchase Mexican Auto Insurance) to San Felipe is straightforward, because all roads lead south. The Mexicali/San Felipe highway is a breath-taking visual experience from wetlands to moonscapes to vistas that fall off the horizon. Most car rentals in El Centro, San Diego, and Yuma Airports sell Mexican Auto Insurance. The San Felipe International Airport has a runway of 4850 feet that is in excellent condition. The available oriented310° and 130°, coordinates 30°57’ lat. 114°51’ long. The radio control tower operators are bilingual.
WHAT DO I NEED? A combination of identification documents, such as a U.S. Drivers License and a U.S. Bir th Cer tificate or a valid U.S. passport - PASSPORTS ARE NOT REQUIRED! You do not need a tourist
visa if you visit San Felipe for 72 hours or less. You
THINGS TO DO San Felipe offers endless things to do and or not do depending on your personal goals. San Felipe beaches extend north and south for over 50 miles of shoreline to explore. Whether you’re looking for a banana boat rides, beach bars, and crowds or an isolated paradise to share with someone special - San Felipe has it. Off Road adventures, await you beyond every horizon, which is why San Felipe is home to the SCORE International Baja 250. The desert terrain surrounding San Felipe is vast and offers incredible trails and exploration for ATV’s, dirt bike or off-road vehicle. Just south of San Felipe are extensive sand dunes ideal for buggies and rails. ATV Rentals are also available. The Valley of the Giants: The natural reserve of the thousand-year-old Cardon Cactus has become a major attraction Shopping, San Felipe offers great shopping for bargain, souvenirs, arts and much more. Much of the shopping can be found downtown on the Malecon, Mar de Cortez, or Chetumal leading into town. However, all around town you’ll find great finds.
NATURAL ATTRACTIONS It is home to four highly endangered species including the endemic Gulf of California harbor porpoise or vaquita and the totoaba. The northern Gulf of California is an area of extreme temperatures, salinity, and tides (23 ft. maximum). Many unique organisms have adapted to these conditions, some with seasonal cycles of abundance. The Valley of the Giants: The natural reserve of the thousand-year-old Cardon Cactus has become a major attraction after the transport of one of these giant specimens to Seville, Spain for World Expo ‘92. The area has also become a favorite spot for photographers worldwide. In March of 1991, the three levels of Government and the San Felipe community organized a program of artificial reefs to attract fish and provide better sport fishing. Get more info: - 33
photo by John Pack
Because of the close proximity of Northwest Mexico to the USA, most invoices, and receipts at restaurants, hotels, gas stations, etc., will be in both dollars and pesos. It is a good idea to convert your money into pesos for local purchases. You will likely save money. ATMs at Banamex Bank on Chetumal, Bancomer Bank on Mar de Cortez and Chetumal or AM/PM on Mar Caribe Sur.
Dining & Lodging Guide Los Arcos Restaurant and Happy Jackass - San Felipe staples by Benjamin Eugene, Photo provided by Cliff and Sue.
Sue and Cliff have been in business for four years, two at the same location on the south side of the Arches entering San Felipe. Sue has been in San Felipe for 24 years and Cliff has been here 6 years and both have extensive experience in the restaurant industry. They believe the most exciting thing about owning a restaurant is seeing your hard work pay off through the smiles and compliments of the guests. The summer months can be slow at the restaurant, “the worst thing is the heat in the summer,” says Cliff. However, the summer is a great time for making changes and additions. They’ve begun renovation of the restaurant with the first phase, the installation of a new water treatment system. They now have potable cold and hot water from the tap. Two of their most popular dinners are the filet mignon dinner and the chicken fried steak. “And, of course, our burgers,” Cliff adds.
DINING American Los Arcos ......................... 686-577-2585 . ................... Jimmy’s Beach Bar & Grill 686-576-0454 Java Jitters BC Bistro ........ 686-151-8002 Blowin’ Smoke BBQ ........................ 686-576-0710 see ad pg 35 Burgers Baja Burger .................................... 686-577-2465
Coffee & Breakfast Baja Java .......................... 686-577-2465 34 - Guide to Resort Living in Northwest Mexico
They have also added new menu items, including new burgers, like the pizza burger and Cuban burger, and other items like a Tri-tip for two, Caribbean rib eye, Philly white pizza, and Pepper Jack pizza, to name a few. They’ve also hired some new employees. Cliff says, “They have worked out well, everyone is pitching in.” The Happy Jackass, the bar attached to the restaurant, keeps things lively by offering Karaoke nights on Fridays, and various live music other nights of the week; it also hosts the semimonthly San Felipe Lion’s Club meetings. “Having activities for the patrons helps both the bar and the restaurant during slow times,” he says. Cliff envisions San Felipe rebounding from the current economic downswing in the next 12 to 18 months: “These things are cyclical. It seems we think that every time things occur that it is the first time. It isn’t. Remember 1979, 1992, & 2001. It all goes around.” Cliff would like to see San Felipe promoted as a destination resort by the Mexican Tourist Bureau. “We have a lot of great attributes as a city,” he says. Stop by Los Arcos Restaurant and The Happy Jackass and say hello to Cliff and Sue, you can’t miss them, they’re on the right as you enter San Felipe. Tell them you saw them in Mexico Living! ICON Descriptions - Accept Visa/credit cards - Wi-Fi / Internet - Kitchen/Restaurant
- Pool/Spa - Pet Friendly - Serves Breakfast - Beer/Spirits
Mexican Beach Bar & Grill . .......... 686-576-0454 .............................. 686-577-1057 George’s ...... 686-200-4083 La Palapa Bar & Grill Mi Casa es Tu Casa.......................... 686-577-1495 Rancho Alegre ............................ 686-576-0648 Rice & Beans .............................. 686-577-1770 see ad pg 33............... 686-577-1903 Rosita ........................ 686-577-2648 Taco Factory Pizza Los Arcos - Happy Jaskass ............. 686-577-2585 Popeye’s Pizza................................. 686-577-1122 Rabbit Pizza Delivery........................ 686-577-0987 Spanish Miguel & Paco
........................ 686-111-2257
Steak & Seafood Backstreet Patio Grill ............ 686-577-1580 ........... 686-573-0202 Baja Mar Steak House Green House.................................... 686-181-6358 ....................................... 686-577-1028 El Nido ...................686-200-4059 Juanito’s Grill ............ 686-577-2837 La Vaquita Restaurant .......... 686-577-2540 Lighthouse Restaurant
Visit our advertisers for the Best of Northwest Mexico
Coming Soon! Mar de Cortez at the end of “El Malecon”
686-577-1903 We Welcome Visa & Mastercard Hwy. 5 Km 178,
686-576-0710 Get more info: - 35
36 - Guide to Resort Living in Northwest Mexico
Fine Dining Baja Mar Restaurant Pavillion Restaurant
Rancho del Sol
............. 686-231-4921
Redwagon Enterprises Services ....... 686-576-0081 686-577-2648 .686-577-0022
Due to San Felipeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s large residential developments such as El Dorado, La Ventana del Mar and Playa de Oro, the real lodging secret is the vast number of private vacation rental homes. RV camping and beach camping is also available.
Seaside Shangri-La Apartment ......... 686-577-1573 RV Park/Parque de RV Club de Pesca.................................. 686-577-1180 Rentals Baja Bill's Property Managment ........ 686-577-4014 Caseyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Place ................................ 686-577-1431
! " ! # $ $#
Get more info: - 37
38 - Guide to Resort Living in Northwest Mexico
Motels/Hotel .................................. 686-577-1303 El Capitan Mini Posada de Don Jesus ............... 686-577-0685 Motel El Pescador ............................ 686-577-2991 Posada del Sol ................................. 686-577-1727 ............................... 686-576-0276 Baja Palms ........................ 686-577-1702 Costa Azul ............... 686-577-1055 El Cortez .................................. 686-577-1970 Goergeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ................. 686-577-0080 Hacienda Don Jesus ..................686-577-0483 Langosta Roja ............................. 686-577-1333 Las Palmas ..................... 686-577-1185 Riviera Hotel ........................... 686-577-1608 San Felipe Inn ................... 686-577-1569 Marina Resort
List your restaurant, cafe, hotel, motel, campground for only $48 per year. Call today and you can be in the next month - 686-2309933.
Get more info: - 39
40 - Guide to Resort Living in Northwest Mexico
El Cheapo: San Felipe’s First Discount Store by Lisa Shannon
If you’ve walked through The Plazita recently, you might have noticed some construction going on at the corner store. Your curiosity was likely piqued by the sight of construction workers frantically building shelves and painting walls. You may have wondered, “What could they possibly be building?” Passersby would have seen merchandise being moved in – boxes of cleaning supplies, kitchen utensils, wrapping paper, and tools. There was such a wide array of items that it was difficult to keep up! After an agonizing wait, the day of the grand opening arrived. The shelves were lined with goods for every conceivable need. Apart from the wide selection, it’s nice to know that because of this one-stop-shop’s reasonable prices, more money will stay in your wallet – where it belongs! Customers lined up for body wash, shampoo, play toys for dogs, sandwich baggies, and dish soap. While the only edible item within the store is candy, you can rest easy in the knowledge that there are more than enough other stores in town that carry groceries. El Cheapo is like an old Five and Dime from the days of yore. It’s a pleasant surprise to have a store like that right here in San Felipe. Stop by in the evenings and meet the owner and the rest of the crew at El Cheapo, and get all the little items you need in one convenient location.
Get more info: - 41
42 - Guide to Resort Living in Northwest Mexico
For those that want to stretch their equity, there are now options for USA financing of homes in Mexico. Baby Boomers can sell their current homes and place only a portion of the proceeds into their home in Mexico as a down payment Monthly payments will often be much less than their current payment on their “Raised the Children In” home. When choosing vacation properties for the intention of making it a retirement home, however, the results are a bit surprising. One might assume that many people will choose golf course locations or beach side resorts. While this is still a popular option, many Baby Boomers are choosing their property based on the availability of quality health care. The Baby Boomers who participated in various studies cited that rural areas where they could get affordable health care quickly was more important than the proximity to their favorite past time. However, as this generation throughout their lives has become accustomed to, they want it all. In Mexico, they get it all. Access to affordable high quality medical facilities as well as the beach lifestyle that they have been looking for. Many are choosing to settle in residential resort communities in Mexico that are only a short drive from the USA, like Rosarito Beach, Ensenada, San Felipe and Puerto Peñasco, for that additional peace of mind.
SAN FELIPE, BAJA CALIFORNIA Ownership of residential land in México for nonnationals is through a vehicle known as “Fideicomiso”. The Fideicomiso is akin to an USA Living Trust, whose basis is the Trust system of ownership. It is through a Fideicomiso that Baby Boomers have been acquiring absolute ownership rights to property in Mexico. Baby Boomers need to make sure that ownership is insured, as part of the sales agreement, by a professional title insurance company that takes into account all the issues and eventualities that could possibly and conceivably arise. This protects the nest that the Baby Boomer is so assiduously building for themselves, post-retirement.
It has begun to happen – prospective retirees are buying their dream houses along the serene and peaceful coasts of Northwest México. While waiting for the big day when they actually retire, these Baby Boomers snatch long weekends from their hectic schedule and can drive to their seaside vacation home. The moments spent at the waterfront are so relaxing and rejuvenating!
Get more info: - 43
Baby Boomers continued from page 32
Are you looking for a career change? Want to be able to afford to live and travel in Mexico? • Great Income • Strong support team • Work Independently • Travel Mexico ENSENADA: We are looking for advertising executives. Travel, meet people, explore and earn a living at the same time. SALES MANAGER: We are looking for advertising sales manager. Manage a team of reps across the region, providing support and guidance.
686-230-9933 Only call if you are self-motivated, computer literate and legal residence of Mexico (WORKING VISA, FM2, FM3).
44 - Guide to Resort Living in Northwest Mexico
Centavo’s Two Cents
In 1972 I came out West from the East Coast to a family reunion. Family members convinced me that I should stay in Phoenix. Many of my relatives lived there for many years and the heat hadn’t fried their brains.....( well it might have happened to a few of them.) ....The point is, I remained an Arizonian for the next thirty-six years. I did not move often but my living path was Phoenix, Prescott, Flagstaff, then back to Phoenix. When it came time to choose a place for retirement it was suggested that we move to the Verde Valley. The Verde Valley is on route to Flagstaff and was the next step to delirium with no water. Not the drinking kind of water; but the playing in, fishing in, riding a boat or canoe in, type water. I would have to drive to Oak Creek for that, or Sedona. These places are beautiful, but they did not have the size of water that I was looking for. Our discovery of Baja was based on the recommendation of a world traveler we met in Italy. When we had asked her “Why Baja was her favorite vacation spot?” she replied, “The land and the sea life are the most pristine and diverse of anywhere in the world.” After driving around Phoenix for many years, pristine became our buzz word. The world traveler’s descriptive sentence was the catalyst that became
our driving force towards discovering San Felipe. A development tour bus carried us from Phoenix to San Felipe in 2003. We purchased property with panoramic views of the Sea of Cortez in front of us and the mountain range behind us...the largest in all of Baja. Nowhere in America could we have afforded such a piece of land! Were we scared? Did we have some concerns about the transition for us? Could we still have TV, the Internet? Could we make phone calls from our location?...and most importantly, was there someplace I could buy Skippy Peanut Butter? It is five years later. We are now in our beautiful home. We are not the first pioneers nor will we be the last to move to this breath taking space. The challenges we faced never deterred us from our moving adventure. We had done our research and were secure in our decision to move to Baja. While I am sitting here wirelessly typing on my computer and looking at the blue, blue, ocean I examine my choice. Is retirement good here? Is there enough to do? Was my house built to my satisfaction and do I really own and not lease my property?... Will my partner make me a peanut and jelly sandwich while I finish this? Yes, to all the above questions....and... maybe... bring me a glass of cold beer!
SWEITZER CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT COMPANY BJ Sweitzer Consultant Carlos Mora Contractor Golfo de Cadiz #281,
VOTED BEST San Felipe, B.C. SAN FELIPE P.O. Box 9019, PMB 94, CONTRACTOR 2007 Calexico, CA 92232
Phone: 577-0195 USA: 011-52-686-577-0195 Email: Get more info: - 45
After driving around Phoenix for many years, pristine became our buzz word. The world traveler’s descriptive sentence was the catalyst that became our driving force towards discovering San Felipe.
• • • • • • •
New owners: Internet Ron & Susie Stephens Copy Same Great Service Fax Same Great Price US Mailing Address Shipping Forwarding KM 178.5, Stamps Plaza Paraiso, San Felipe Envelopes
MENS T-Shirts Tanks
LADIES T-Shirts Tanks 3/4 Sleeve
Available at Sunrunner
46 - Guide to Resort Living in Northwest Mexico
YE LLOW PA GES DIALING 800 NUMBER: 800 DIALING to the US From Mexico (dial 001+) To Dial USA 800......................................dial 880 To Dial USA 866......................................dial 883 To Dial USA 877......................................dial 882 To Dial USA 888......................................dial 881 IMPORTANT NUMBERS: Check Time....................................................030 Emergency - similar to 911 ........................... 066 Electricity (emergency and non-emergency) ...071 Fire Emergency ..............................................068 Legal Assistance............................................061 Police Emergency .........................................060 Port Captain.................................. 686-577-1577 Red Cross: (emergencies on the road)............066 MX 411 (Spanish only)...................................040 Sky Medical (from Mexico).....001-866-805-9624 Tourist Assistance Hotline ..............................076 Tourism Department.......................................078 Tourism office .............................. 686-577-1155 Water 24Hrs. EMERGENCY ............................073 Worldwide Emergency No. for Mobile is .........112 ACCOUNTING/CONTABILIDAD CP E&A Accounting..................................(686) 577-0836 BBBS, Inc. ..........................................(866) 329-8009
ATTORNEY/ABOGADO Carlos A. Martinez Monges .................(686) 120-1650 Lic. Francisco Sosa Mendez................(686) 577-0624 ADULT CARE/ATENCION DE ADULTOS San Felipe Adult Living Facility ............(686) 173-0424 AUTO REPAIR/REPARACIÓN DE AUTO Automotive PIT STOP..........................(686) 173-0424 Km 183.3 Repair & Services-All electronic & Mechanical Reasonable rates. Call Now! BAKERY/PANADERÍA Panaderia Especial ..............................(686) 577-2948 BANK/BANCO
BBVA Bancomer ...............................(686) 577-2224 Silvia Elizabeth Urbea, Preferred Customer’s Unit Ext. 13 BANDS/BANDAS Agave Blues........................................(686) 184-9237 BARS/CLUBS Backstreet Patio Grill ......................(686) 577-1580 Bar Miramar ..................................(686) 577-1192 Pool tables, Entertainment, And FREE WIFI
Beach Bar & Grill
. .......... 686-576-0454
V Lounge ............................................(707) 237-1906 Fandango’s ....................................(686) 577-0060 Los Arcos - Happy Jack Ass ..........(686) 577-2585 BEAUTY SALONS/SALONES DE BELLEZA Hair By Nancy.......................................... (686) 573-2352 Lilly Ana’s Day Spot ................................. (686) 577-6253 BUILDING MATERIALS/MATERIALES DE CONTRUCCIÓN El Dorado Construction Materials ........... (686) 576-0317 Plumbing & Hardware Open 7 Days a week Located at KM 179 across from new Pemex station Pro-Construction....................................... (686)576-0430 Building Materials, Plumbing, Paint supplies Brick Block, Wood,, & Hardware. Delivery Services Call us! Maderas de San Felipe ............................. (686) 577-1515
ALARMS/ALARMAS Del Desierto........................................(686) 577-1486 ARCHITECT/ARQUITECTO Freddy Hernandez ...............................(686) 946-7897 Licensed, CAD, Blue Prints, Graphic Design Rosa Lina Ramos Lazcano ..................(686) 184-6172 ARTIST/ARTISTA Andrena Joyce .......E-mail: Melody Ashley ....... E-mail: Robin Waters ......................................(686) 115-0526 Watercolors by Mary Lou ....................(686) 171-5513
CATERING Java Jitters ...............................................(686) 114 7735
Northwest Mexico Business Directory - 47
DIALING INSTRUCTIONS: USA to MX Cell Phone: 011+52+1+Area Code+(Tel #) USA to Mexico: 011+Area Code+(Tel #) Mexico to USA: 001+Area Code+(Tel #) MX Landline to MX Cell Phone: 044+Area Code+(Tel #) MX Cell Phone to MX Landline: Area Code+(Tel #)
DELI Sand & Sea Market & Deli ...........................686-577-3168 SunDance Deli .......................................... (686)576-0369
DENTIST/DENTISTA California Dental Spa................................ (686) 577-0708 Dr. Felix Rodriguez.................................... (686) 577-1919
DENTIST/DENTISTA Consultorio Dental Y de Ortodoncia ....(686) 577-6212 CHURCH Mission San Felipe .....................................686- 577-0877
CITY SERVICES/SERVICIOS DE LA CIUDAD District Attorney’s .................................... (686) 577-1110 Mayors Office .......................................... (686) 577-1021
COFFEE & TEA/CAFÉ Y TE Java Jitters & BC Bistro............................ (686) 114-7735
COMMUNITY SERVICE ORGANIZATIONS/ ORGANIZACIONES DE SERVICIO A LA COMUNIDAD Club Las Amigas...................................... (686) 202-0455 San Felipe Lions Club ............................... (686) 212-3599 San Felipe Rotary ..................................... (686) 576-0112
COMPUTER SERVICES Soluciones Integrales en Computacions.... (686) 577-2370
CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT/MANEJO DE CONSTRUCCIÓN San Felipe Management Services ............. (686) 576-0553
DEVELOPMENTS/FRACCIONAMIENTOS Casablanca .........................................(686) 157-1728 Diamante Residencial..........................(686) 569-2347 El Dorado Ranch .................................(686) 577-0015 La Perla Del Mar..................................(760) 458-7602 Playa de Oro .......................................(686) 576-0223 Located Seaside of Highway 5, South of Km#179 Just 6½ miles North of San Felipe. USA (509) 280-7517 San Marino .........................................(686) 577-0611 San Rafael ..........................................(686) 576-0223 Playa San Rafael is a 64-acre community only 3/4 mile north of Playa de Oro. Calling from the USA (509) 280-75-17 Website: DISCOUNT STORE El Cheap-O............................................ 686-577-6263
BJ Sweitzer Constrcution Management..... (686) 202-1208
Phone: 577-0195 USA: 011-52-686-577-0195 Email:
CONSULTING-THERAPY/CONSULTA TERAPÉUTICA Inner Connection...................................... (686) 202-1208
48 - Northwest Mexico’s Smart Yellow Pages
DOCTORS/DOCTORES Dr. Victor Abasolo ...............................(686) 577-1706 .......................................................or (686) 573-0174 ENTERTAINMENT/ENTRETENIMIENTO Name That Tune - Denny Flannigan......(686) 576-1683 The Singout Sisters & Chuey (Karaoke)(686) 576-0047 EVENT SERVICES/SERVICIOS ACONTECIMIENTO Produciones Baja ................................(686) 576-1683 FIRE DEPT/DEPT. DE BOMBEROS Fire Dept ............................................... 686-577-1182
Call Today! 686-230-9933 Get Listed!
RTTHWEST MEXICO - AND GROWING! GET LISTED TODAY 1-52-686-577-1377 / 1-52-1-686-230-9933 FINANCING/FINANCIAMIENTO Baja Lending Company .. ......................(686)152-5233
HOME CLEANING/LIMPIEZA DE CASAS Redwagon Proerty Management.......... (686) 576-0081 HOME IMPROVEMENTS/MEJORAMIENTO CASERO Baja Home Improvement .....................(686) 222-4507 Tropical Home Improvement................(686) 577-0041 HOSPITAL Hospital San Felipe ............................... 686-577-0117 ..................... or call 686-569-3019 or 686-212-1672
MexQuest Mortgage Corp.................... (686) 211-9520
HOTEL/MOTEL - See Lodging Guide Section at beginning of each city section.
FISH/PESCADERÍA No Listings at this time
IMPORT SERVICES/SERVICIOS DE IMPORTACIÓN San Felipe Storage Company............... (686) 576-0432
FILM DEVELOPMENT/IMPRESION DE FOTOS Fotografia Alvarez ..............................(686) 577-1144
INSURANCE Alani’s Mexican Insurance...................(686) 577-2464
FURNITURE/MUEBLERÍA Baja Nueva..........................................(686) 187-7795 Muebles Coloniales Rosy ....................(686) 577-1214
INTERIOR DESIGN/DISEÑO INTERIOR Baja Nueva..........................................(686) 211-4676
INTERNET CAFE/CAFE DE INTERNET Java Cafe Internet ...............................(686) 577-1833
California Real Estate & Construction.........(686) 576-0420 Oscar Parra.............................................. (686) 163-6514
GLASS SHOP & GARAGE DOORS/VIDRIERA Y PUERTAS DE GARAGE Ka-Va Hermanos .................................(686) 147-3145
(686) 577-2464 or FAX (686) 577-2116
GOLF/GOLF Kelly’s Golf Range & Snack Bar ...........(686) 576-0094 Las Caras de Mexico...........................(686) 576-0517 GRAPHIC DESIGN/DISEÑO GRÁFICO GreetScape ........................................... 686-188-2393 GYNECOLOGIST/GINECÓLOGO Annel Becerra Prado............................(686) 577-6350 See story and ad on pages 30 & 31 HEALTH & BEAUTY/SALUD Y BELLEZA Sea Star.............................................. (686) 577-6250 USANA Health Sciences ......................(686) 116-3982 Call Beth for all your supplemental needs like: nutritional supplements, skin care products, ask about RESET. 686-116-3962
The Net...............................................(686) 577-1600 LANDSCAPING/JARDINERÍA Mauricio’s Lanscaping ........................(686) 151-8002 Prestige Landscape .......................... ((686) 170-8651 and Maintenance Your Paradise...My Passion Versoleil.............................................. (686) 576-0664
HEALTH & FITNESS/SALUD Y EJERCICIO KenSue Martial Arts .............................. 686-577-6023 Excerise, Taewaonndo, Mixed Martial Arts Sqatts Gym........................................... 686-125-1555 See ad on page 34 HOME BUILDERS/CONTRATISTAS BC Homes ..........................................(686) 569-3730, California Real Estate & Construction...(686) 576-0420 HouSing..............................................(686) 577-0810 San Felipe Home Builders....................(686) 577-0050
Northwest Mexico Business Directory - 49
CONNECTING THOUSAND PEOPLE MONTHLY WITH SMART BUSINESS THROUGHOUT LAUNDRY SERVICE/LAVANDERÍA Wash Tub............................................ (686) 577-2001 LIFEGUARD/SALVAVIDAS San Felipe Lifeguards ..........................(686) 233-7730 Ask for Franscio LIQUOR/LICORERÍA Tecate Six - Julio.................................(686) 119-0030 LOCKSMITH/CERRAJERO Gomez Locksmith............................... (686) 221-8337 24 HR Service, Professional Service. Homes, Cars, Boats, Motorcycles, English Spoken
PHARMACY/FARMACIA Santa Fe Pharmacy ............................(686) 576-0546
POSTAL SERVICES/SERVICIOS POSTALES Yetmail................................................ (686) 577-1255
Botica “Sagrado Corazon”...................(686) 577-1294 POSTAL SERVICES/SERVICIOS POSTALES Sandollar ............................................ (686) 577-3168 SunRunner Mail Center........................ (686) 147-6752
PHOTOGRAPHY/FOTOGRAFÍA Casey 577-1431 Francisco Romo..................................(686) 577-1193
MASSAGE/MASAJE Casey’s Place (Massage)....................(686) 577-1431
MEAT MARKET/CARNICERÍA La Vaquita II ........................................(686) 577-1718 MEDICAL SERVICES/SERVICIOS MÉDICOS Ambulance..........................................(686) 577-0500 Health Center ..................................... (686) 577-1521 Red Cross...........................................(686) 577-1544 San Felipe Hospital..............................(686) 577-0117
Ron Saunders .....................................(686) 576-0007
OPTOMETRISTS/OPTHAMOLOGISTS California Optical.................................(686) 577-0708 OpticaMaxi Vision .............................. (686) 577-0320
Ph/Fax: 011-686-576-0077 E-mail: Website: PO Box #9011 PMB #151 Calexico CA 92232
PAINT/PINTURA John B. Ross ........................................ 686-109-9544 PEST CONTROL/FUMIGACIONES Bichos Pest Control.............................(686) 209-9764
50 - Northwest Mexico’s Smart Yellow Pages
Victor Rodriguez Ratliff........................(686) 573-0222
RTTHWEST MEXICO - AND GROWING! GET LISTED TODAY 1-52-686-577-1377 / 1-52-1-686-230-9933 PIZZA/PIZZA See SAN FELIPE DINING GUIDE section POLICE/POLICÍA Federal Preventive Police ....................(686) 577-1045 Police ................................................(686) 577-1134 PRINTERS/IMPRESORAS Papeleria Copicentro ...........................(686) 577-1402 The Print Supplier................................(686) 230-9933
SATELITALES Y INTERNET Satellite Services/Servicios de Satelitales CSI Computer-Satellite-Installation............686-577-2928 SHOPPING MALL/CENTRO DE COMPRAS La Plazita ............................................(686) 577-2119 STORAGE/ALMACÉN Lock Box .............................................. 686-576-0606 San Felipe Storage Company............... (686) 576-0432
PROPERTY MANAGEMENT/MANEJO DE PROPIEDADES Baja Bill’s Property Management .........(686) 577-4014 Casey’s Place .....................................(686) 577-1431 Redwagon Enterprises.........................(686) 576-0081
PUBLICATIONS/PUBLICACIONES Gringo Gazette .................................... (686) 111-3692 Mexico Living Magazine ...................... (686) 577-1377 San Felipe Newsletter ..........................(686) 577-2898 REAL ESTATE AGENTS/AGENTES DE BIENES RAÍCES Bill Maine............................................(686) 231-4921 Gary Gold ...........................................(686) 211-9952 Kathy Preppernau................................(686) 210-4458 Katy Asimus .......................................(686) 211-5474 Nate Morace .......................................(686) 171-3257
TATTOOING/TATUAJES Baja Ink Spot Tattoo & Body Piercing...(686) 577-2538 TIRE SHOP/lLANTERA Llantera Aguilar ...................................(686) 192-8462 TRANSLATION/TRADUCCIÓN Carlota Villagran B...............................(686) 212-9951 TRANSPORTATION/TRANSPORTACIÓN Airport ................................................(686) 577-1368 Taxi Service ........................................(686) 577-1293 Bus Station ........................................(686) 577-1516 T-SHIRT SCREEN PRINTING No listings at this time
REAL ESTATE/BIENES RAÍCES Amor Property ....................................(686) 577-0611 Baja Ranch & Sea Realty.....................(686) 577-1304 California Real Estate & Construction.. (686) 576-0420 Call Margaret Realty ............................(686) 577-1156 Desert Mother.....................................(686) 577-2552 Desert Realty ......................................(686) 577-6336 Sea Mexico Realtiy (SMR)...................(686) 576-0223
UTILITIES/EMPRESAS DE SERVICIOS PÚBLICOS Electric (CFE)......... 686) 577-1060 or (686) 577-5602 Estrella Azul (Water Dispensery)..........(686) 577-1314 Propane Gas .......................................(686) 577-2373 State Com. of Services Public .............(686) 556-1383 Telnor Phone Co..................................(686) 577-1000 Water Company ..................................(686) 577-1022
RECREATION/RECREACIÓN San Felipe Sailing-Sailing Lessons.......(686) 114-3259 Aerodynamic - Ultralight flights ...........(686) 116-2933
VETERINARY/VETERINARIO Hospital Animal...................................(686) 577-1688 PETS ..................................................(686) 577-2155
WASTE MANAGEMENT/MANEJO DE DESHECHO San Felipe Disposal .............................(686) 121-1004
WELDING SERVICES/SERVICIOS DE SOLDADURA Waldo The Welder ...............................(686) 226-3127
ROOFING/TECHOS San Felipe Professional Roofing...........(686) 590-6818
WINDOW CLEANING/LIMPIEZA DE VENTANAS Pro Window Cleaning ..........................(686) 590-6594
SAILING/NAVEGACIÓN Sail San Felipe - Felipe......................... (686) 114-3259
LIST YOUR BUSINESS HERE ONLY $4 PER MONTH: MEX 686-230-9933 or USA 800-576-0919 Ext. 3
SAN FELIPE MEX 686-230-9933 or USA 800-576-0919 Ext. 3
Northwest Mexico Business Directory - 51
Ajo, AZ ......................................94 miles Albuquerque, NM ....................678 miles Caborca, MZ ...........................108 miles Guaymas, MX..........................345 miles Hermosillo, MX .......................270 miles Las Vegas, NV.........................475 miles Los Angeles, CA ......................550 miles Lukeville, AZ .............................68 miles Nogales, MX............................294 miles Phoenix, AZ.............................215 miles San Carlos, MX .......................357 miles San Diego, CA .........................445 miles San Francisco, CA...................927 miles Salt Lake City, UT....................890 miles Sonoyta, MX..............................66 miles Tucson, AZ ............................. 170 miles Yuma, AZ.................................271 miles
52 - Guide to Resort Living in Northwest Mexico
Emergency Help........................................................ 060 Same as 911 in USA City Police Department..............................638-383-2492 Red Cross .................................................638-383-2266 Fire Department ........................................638-383-2828 Forest Fires (only in Mexico) ................ 01 800 007 7100 Social Security (IMSS) ..............................638-383-2677 City (Municipal) Hospital ...........................638-383-2110 AISD Line (Only in Mexico) .................. 01 800 712 0886 Power Company .......................................638-383-2492 State Police ...............................................638-383-2783
Puerto PeĂąasco Sonora
areas, known in parts as La Mirador, Playa del Oro and then Las Conchas, an area of beachfront and nearbeach condos, homes and time-shares. Puerto PeĂąasco is in the same time zone as Arizona observes, and does not observe rules for Daylight Saving Time same as Arizona. GETTING TO PUERTO PENASCO
PUERTO PENASCO SONORA MEXICO Puerto PeĂąasco, commonly known among many of its English-speaking visitors as Rocky Point, is a small city of approximately 42,000 people in the northern state of Sonora, Mexico. Located on the shore of the Gulf of California (also known as the Sea of CortĂŠz), the town is known for its fishing and tourism industries. It is a popular destination for tourists, particularly those from Arizona, for Puerto PeĂąasco is nearest beach. This is why it is such a popular Spring Break destination with students from Arizona, New Mexico, and California. Puerto PeĂąasco is located in the â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;free zoneâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; where tourists are not required currently to obtain immigration papers in order to visit. Puerto PeĂąasco marina has new fuel docks and other boat-related developments as part of the countryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Escala Nautica (Nautical Ladder) efforts, which call for a chain of â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;tourist-classâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; marinas sprinkled up and down the Baja coast in an effort to promote nautical tourism. Puerto PeĂąasco has two main beach areas. To the west of the Old Port area, there is a wide, flat area known as Sandy Beach. This is the home to several large hotel/resorts with more under construction. East of Puerto PeĂąasco, there is a long coast with several
DRIVING Visitors to the interior of Sonora are now able to drive directly to such cities as Guaymas, San Carlos, Hermosillo, Bahia de Kino, Caborca, Father Kino Missions, Magdalena, and Santa Ana without the timeconsuming process of obtaining a car permit. With the movement of the â&#x20AC;&#x153;Only Sonoraâ&#x20AC;? vehicle checkpoint, visitors to the state will no longer have to obtain a car permit in order to travel south of Nogales. Puerto PeĂąasco From Phoenix west on I-10 to State Route 85, southbound on SR 85 to Gila Bend. Gila Bend turn right at a sign stating â&#x20AC;&#x153;Mexicoâ&#x20AC;? and â&#x20AC;&#x153;SR 85 Southâ&#x20AC;? before McDonalds. Continue southbound on SR 85 through Ajo, Why and the Organ Pipe National Monument to the border at Lukeville, Arizona. From Tucson, State Route 86 westbound to â&#x20AC;&#x153;Whyâ&#x20AC;?, Arizona and go south on SR 85 through Organ Pipe National Monument to the border at Lukeville, AZ. From Yuma, go eastbound on I-8 from Yuma to the SR 85 to Gila Bend (see Gila Bend above). From Ensenada or San Felipe take the Mexico Route 2 (MR-2) towards San Luis Rio Colorado and continue on MR-2 to Sonoita. From the border, you will continue southbound two miles to a three-way intersection in Sonoyta. Merge LEFT towards Caborca for one until the road splits into a â&#x20AC;&#x153;Yâ&#x20AC;?, stay to the RIGHT and youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re on your way. Continue southbound approximately fifty miles to Puerto PeĂąasco.
Get more info: - 53
FLYING Puerto PeĂąasco (Rocky Point) now has flights to and from Los Angeles (LAX)
Dining & Lodging Guide
Off the Beaten Path in Puerto Peñasco Gems Beyond the Tourist District
by Gretchen Ellinger
Fishing was a way of life in Puerto Peñasco long before there was a tourist industry; in fact, fishing was necessary for most families to eat! Every man and woman I know who was raised in Peñasco can peel and de-vein a kilo of shrimp, and fry it to perfection in garlic oil, faster than you can look up how many pounds are in a kilo! A number of these talented cooks operate fine restaurants, and it wouldn’t be a trip to Puerto Peñasco without a great shrimp or fish dinner!
DINING Breakfast Giuseppe’s Coffee ................................ 638-383-5181 Mexican Betos Place .......................................... 638-383-5198 Cocodrilos ........................................... 638-383-6376 La Curva .............................................. 638-383-3470 Manny’s Beach Club ............................ 638-383-3605 Steak & Seafood Friendly Dolphin ................................... 638-383-2608 Lighthouse ........................................... 638-383-2389 Latitude 31 Rest. & Sports Bar .............. 638-383-4311 Chinese Rocky Point Chinese ............................ 638-383-5940 LODGING Discover for yourself why Puerto Peñasco Mexico is such a great place to stay. Whether beach camping or seaside resort, the views are always amazing. Watch the sunset drop behind San Felipe and San Pedro Martir, Baja’s tallest mountain. Puerto Peñasco offers choices of lodging from “this’ll work” minimalist accommodations 54 - Guide to Resort Living in Northwest Mexico
If you have not yet tried Aladino’s, you are in for a treat! Attractive with traditional Mexican decór, Aladino’s features a menu of Mexican entreés, at reasonable prices. Tortilla chips and salsa bandera, with cocktails from the full bar, started our meal. Our bilingual waiter patiently answered questions, but hedged on recommendations. “Well, I enjoy the camarón del Diablo, but you might not like something quite that spicy.” We did, and the lessspicy garlic shrimp was excellent, too. What? Everyone does not love shrimp? Those who love plain and simple fish will enjoy the pescado a la plancha, flounder broiled to perfection. All our meals were served with white rice, California-style mixed vegetables, and lots of hot tortillas. Very good flan, accompanied by freshly-brewed coffee, ended the meal perfectly. Cost? Under $20 each! Aladino’s, open from 7 a.m. until 11 p.m., is located on Avenida Constitución (Super Ley grocery is on the same street) 3 blocks north of Boulevard Benito Juarez (the main artery through town). Look for Hotel Paraiso, with the onion domes, on the west side of the street--Aladino’s shares the parking lot with the hotel. ¡Provecho!
that cost nearly nothing to the luxurious resorts, condos and hotels. RV Park/Parque de RV Bonita RV Park ...................................... 638-383-1400 Playa Bonita.......................................... 638-383-2596 Rentals/Se Rente Casa Encanto Beach House................... 638-383-4549 Casa Monica Cholla Bay........................ 638-382-5147 Bed & Breakfast with First Class Accommodations on the Beach in Cholla Bay” Cyndi’s Beachfront Home Rentals.......... 638-383-5145 Sylvia’s Condos .................................... 638-383-5429 Go 2 Rocky Point .................................. 602-748-4134 Motels/Moteles Baja Hotel ............................................. 638-383-6878 El Mirador Village .................................. 638-383-6333 Playa Azul Motel ................................... 638-383-6296 Playa Bonita Hotel ................................. 638-383-2586 Sandy Beach Resorts............................ 638-383-1111 Sonoran Spa Resort.............................. 638-383-1044 Playa Inn/Best Western ......................... 638-383-5015
PUERTO PEĂ&#x2018;ASCO , SONORA The Dream Weaver Inn is one of Mexicoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s best kept secrets, in the heart of Puerto PeĂąasco (Old Port) , just off the malecĂłn. by Benjamin Eugene The Inn offers: -Clean, comfortable rooms with private bathrooms -Private kitchens -Courtyard garden with patio seating -Veranda with fantastic views The area provides some of the best restaurants in Mexico, or if you prefer, you can cook something for yourself in a fully equipped kitchen. Your One Bedroom Home Away From Home costs $65 to $75 per night. These cozy rooms offer queensize beds, a private bathroom, and a variety of views of the serene outdoors. The Main House (Romantic Suite) is $200 per night. This Suite has a queen-size bed, a TV and DVD, a roomy sitting area, a private bath and a gorgeous view. This room has its own back entrance and is very spacious. Two-bedrooms and two baths are included. Offering all the modern-day comforts, the Inn provides an enchanting alternative to a Puerto PeĂąasco condo rental or hotel. Known as a favorite inn to its many satisfied clients, The Dream Weaver Inn is one of Mexicoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s best kept secrets. Whether you are dreaming of a fabulous Mexico vacation or a memorable weekend getaway, youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll enjoy your stay at The Dream Weaver Inn.
For room rates and availability; e-mail us at
In the heart of Puerto Penascosâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Old Port just off of the malecĂłn.
Mexico colonial style with the 21st century. Perfect for a romantic getaway or a cozy stay with the family. Whatever your heart desires, there are endless possibilities! Every room is unique, so every stay can be too. Your One Bedroom Hide-Away $65 to $75 per night
The Main House (Romantic Suite) 2-Bdrms / 2-Baths. $200 per night
Get more info: - 55
The Dream Weaver Inn was built in colonial Mexico style and provides the accommodations of the 21st century. Located by the Sea of Cortez, the inn is perfect for a romantic getaway or a cozy overnight with the family The Dream Weaver Inn is in the heart of Puerto PeĂąasco (Old Port) , just off the malecĂłn. Here you can do whatever your heart desires: shop, fish, take a sunset cruise, listen to wonderful music at the Governorsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Square, or just read and relax. The possibilities are endless! Diane Osburnsen, an Arizona artist built the Dream Weaver Inn in colonial Mexico style and opened it in 2006. Three months ago, Leo and Lois Van Hoover stopped in Old Port and fell in love with the portâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s malecĂłn, community and the beauty of Puerto PeĂąasco, Mexico and wanted to be part of it. After staying at the Inn and becoming friends with Diane, who just had new grandchildren, The Dream Weaver Inn came under the management of the Van Hoovers.
Why Choose Puerto Peñasco? Puerto Peñasco, Sonora, also known as Rocky Point, Mexico, has unique qualities that make it a desirable spot to live. Daniela, Rita and Tommy on a beautiful Puerto Peñasco beach at sunset.
Whether you are retiring or looking for a change in pace in your life, Puerto Peñasco should be on your list. It has the best of both Worlds: The US and Mexico. For US mail, open a PO Box in Lukeville and a private service can deliver your mail to Puerto Peñasco. Shop online, through U.S. catalogs (further south this isn’t possible). You need no special permit for your vehicle in this free zone, just purchase Mexican insurance, park your car mainly in Mexico, and your insurance bill will be significantly lower. Phoenix is just 3 ½ hours away, allowing frequent shopping in the
56 - Guide to Resort Living in Northwest Mexico
by Rita Pizarro
USA, and even Las Vegas is only half a day’s drive. Many enjoyable places are within a day’s drive — you won’t feel “trapped on an island”. You will experience small town living but with big city proximity for anything you might need. Medical insurance can work with your US insurance and transfers to US hospitals can be arranged. The pace of life is calm. Walk into a restaurant, to the owner’s warm greeting, look around, and you will probably see people you know. Enjoy the sense of community with many fellow American townsfolk. The Beaches are beautiful, with one of the largest tidal changes in the world. The same beach is radically different from hour to hour; you can be snorkeling in the morning and walking on the same rocks that afternoon! At full tide, there is up to 18 feet change in depth in just 6 hours! Water temperature, warmer than the Pacific side, makes for very pleasant swimming. Waves are very small, making it safe for children. Only occasionally do waves get big enough for surfing. Rocky Point has several choice beaches, from the tidal beach at Mirador, perfect for tidal pool exploration, to the more active Sandy beach where beach volleyball, skim boarding, flying ultra lights and jet ski’s are the order of the day. Twenty minutes south, you can find miles of unspoiled and isolated beaches if that is your preference. Eat fresh oysters from an oyster farm in one of the many estuaries or go clamming at low tide in Cholla Bay. Culinary options abound, ranging from modest taco stands to high-end resort cuisine; shrimp, the staple of our town, is excellent anywhere you go. Most importantly: If you move here you will feel welcomed by friendly people who will quickly make you feel that you belong to our community. So come on down, breathe our fresh ocean air and call Puerto Peñasco your new home!
Real Estate in Puerto Peñasco by Gretchen Ellinger
Gretchen Ellinger Receives State of Sonora Real Estate License from Minerva Zatairin and Edwin Beraud at the State Department of Economy in Hermosillo on 12 June 2008.
Licensure for real estate agents is a reality in the state of Sonora, and a new era of real estate professionalism has evolved in Puerto Peñasco! When considering a real estate transaction, the most important choice for a prospective client may very well be selection of an agent to represent their needs. A few short years ago, northwest Mexico was the Wild West of real estate, with many transactions occurring with very little oversight, and widely varying qualities of professionalism and real estate expertise among salespeople. “Buyer beware!” was the mantra. There have been many changes since then! Most recently, the State of Sonora became the first state in Mexico to require Licensure for real estate salespeople. A 102-hour course, called the Diplomado, was brought to Puerto Peñasco by ISAP and CMIC (state governmental departments), with assistance from AMPI and PPAREA (national and local real estate organizations, respectively) from the state university in Hermosillo. Many real estate agents have taken the course, and a few have completed
all the requirements and received their licenses. A requirement for licensure, in addition to background checks, fingerprinting, and much paperwork, the course provides a broad overview of real estate law, ethics, and practical application to real estate transactions in Mexico, which are quite different than in other countries, including the USA. The Diplomado, as well as the local Puerto Peñasco Association of Real Estate Agents (PPAREA) and the Puerto Peñasco chapter of AMPI, the Mexican national organization of real estate practitioners, and a thriving multiple listing service at their fingertips, afford real estate agents more opportunities than ever before to develop their skills and expertise. The result is that Puerto Peñasco clients, whether buyers or sellers, can choose from among many talented and qualified real estate practitioners. Choosing a Realtor with experience in the area of your need, education, membership in local organizations, and a license from the state of Sonora is an excellent place to start your real estate adventure. Some agents specialize in representing buyers or sellers, others are experts in certain areas of the locale, still others deal with only commercial or only residential properties. Some represent one development. All should be able to refer you to someone who can better help you, if your needs don’t fit their areas of expertise. Your well-chosen Realtor will successfully guide you through the process of your particular type of transaction, getting your Mexico adventure off to an excellent start. Gretchen Ellinger has lived and been a realtor in Cholla Bay for over 5 years. She is the Cholla Bay Manager for Century 21 Sun and Sand, and also operates Casa Monica Cholla Bay Bed & Breakfast. Contact her at or 602-4123311 (USA).
FOR SALE Offered Exclusively by
Your Cholla Team David Flores 638-107-8306
Local 638-382-5355 or 602-635-3736 from U.S. OR VISIT
New Cholla Office
Charlotte Bohner 638-112-9942
Get more info: - 57
Choosing Your Realtor
Plinio Rivero Architects & Builders: Creativity and Experience
by Benjamin Eugene
In the Spring of 2001, architect Plinio Rivero arrived in Puerto Peñasco, Mexico, from Cuernavaca, Morelos. He had already started working in an architectural office in 1991 and graduated from architectural school in 1996. Since then he has been committed to his clients, offering them quality professional services. Today, Plinio has a team of architects working with him; they like all kinds of design challenges. but have more expertise with residential areas, from single homes to major complexes. They offer end-to-end solutions from architectural design, construction management and supervision. Plinio encourages people to meet with professionals prior to beginning their projects “in order to assure overall quality and aesthetics. We are able to work with a variety of budgets within our services.” He knows there are several techniques and
58 - Guide to Resort Living in Northwest Mexico
elements to use in construction. He says, “However, I consider the most efficient projects (cost wise) to be the ones that are designed appropriately from the beginning, in order to complete construction without extra expenses. Basically, I consider that the best savings, or any other factor you want to add to your construction (energy efficiency, comfort, etc.) must be considered from the initial architectural design.” “Presently, Peñasco represents remarkable challenges for architects who seek to provide innovative design and construction for a demanding market,” says Plinio. Plinio Rivero Architects & Builders have been located centrally in town for the past several years on Fremont. People can best contact them through their website or by phone in Peñasco at (638) 383-4710 or from the US at (480) 626-2042. For any questions or comments you may have concerning a simple or complex project, you may consult with Plinio Rivero and his team. They would be pleased to meet with you. Email Plinio Rivero at:
YPUEERTLOLOW PA GES P EĂ&#x2018;ASC O SON. M E X I CO Santa Maria Clinic ................................. 638-383-2440
DIALING INSTRUCTIONS: USA to MX Cell Phone: 011+52+1+Area Code+(Tel #) USA to Mexico: 011+Area Code+(Tel #) Mexico to USA: 001+Area Code+(Tel #) MX Landline to MX Cell Phone: 045+Area Code+(Tel #) MX Cell Phone to MX Landline: Area Code+(Tel #)
MOTEL/MOTEL See Rosarito/Ensenada LODGING GUIDE section REAL ESTATE/BIENES RAĂ?CES Buena Vide Real Estate........................(638) 110-4127 Century 21 Cholla Bay ........................(638) 382-5147 From the US 602-412-3311 ask for Grechen
800 DIALING to the US From Mexico (dial 001+) To Dial USA 800......................................dial 880 To Dial USA 866......................................dial 883 To Dial USA 877......................................dial 882 To Dial USA 888......................................dial 881
Green Angels (MX Toll free) ......01-800-903-0092 Check Time....................................................030 Emergencies ..................................................060 MX 411 (Spanish only)...................................040 Sky Medical (from Mexico).....001-866-805-9624 Tourist Assistance Hotline ..............................076 Tourist Office..............................1-638-383-6122 ACCOUNTING/CONTABILIDAD BBBS Inc. ...........................................(928) 329-8000 ARCHITECT/ARQUITECTO Plinio Rivero Architects & Builders.......(638) 383-4710 BEAUTY SPAS/SALONES DE BELLEZ La Spa de PeĂąasco ............................(638) 382-8111 DEVELOPMENTS/FRACCIONAMIENTOS "Parayso" Desembembogue Devept.....(638) 388-5707 DOCTORS/DOCTORES Dr. Luis Vasquez, M.D. .......................(638) 383-3014 FIRE DEPARTMENT/DEPARTAMENTO DE BOMBEROS Fire Department ............................ 638-383-2828 068 HOTEL/HOTEL See Rosarito/Ensenada Lodging Guide at the beginning of each city section. IMMIGRATION SERVICES/SERVICIOS DE INMIGRACIĂ&#x201C;N Sun Valley Immigration Services............ 638-383-8891 Ask for Bianey Montenegro MASSAGE/MASAJE Rita Pizarro ......................................... (638) 386-5203 MEDICAL SERVICES/SERVICIOS MĂ&#x2030;DICOS Clinica Hospital .................................. (638) 383-2447 Air-E-Vac .......................................001-880-321-9522 City (Municipal) Hospital ...................... 638-383-2110 Central Clinic ........................................ 638-383-2110 Hospital IMSS ..................................... 638-383-2777 Red Cross ............................................ 638-383-2266 Santa Fe General Hospital ..................... 638-383-2447
Century 21 Puerto PeĂąasco ................(638) 388-1295 USA Office # 480-626-4687
Puerto PeĂąasco, Mexico Fremont Blvd., Plaza Palmillas
0H[LFR 2IĂ&#x20AC;FH Coldwell Banker Cholla Bay .................(638) 382-5355 Majestic Realty ...................................(638) 388-1120 Tessoro...............................................(638) 388-6288
RECREATION/RECREACIĂ&#x201C;N Kayak Rocky Point ..............................(638) 103-2038 RESTAURANTS/RESTAURANTES See Rosarito/Ensenada DINING GUIDE section POLICE/POLICĂ?A City Police Department .......................(638) 383-2626 State Police........................................ (638) 383-2783 PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION/EL TRANSPORTE PĂ&#x161;BLICO Bus Station going North .....................(638) 383-2019 Bus Station going South .....................(638) 364-0383 Railroad ............................................(638) 383-2610 Taxi ....................................................(638) 383-2773 SEAMSTRESS/MODISTA Naomi Black (habla ingles)..................(638) 388-5004 UTILITIES/EMPRESAS DE SERVICIOS PĂ&#x161;BLICOS Power Company ..........................(638) 383-2492 071 Propane ............................................(638) 383-2630 Telephone Office .................................(638) 383-2288 Water Co. ..........................................(638) 383-2060 WINDOW COVERINGS Seaside Window Coverings ................. (638) 383 5181 Get more info: - 59
59 - Northwest Mexicoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Smart Yellow Pages
60 - Real Estate in Northwest Mexico
Welcome to
ONLY $10 M ONTH OR $100 YEAR / U NTIL S OLD 5 line listing, 200 characters
REACH MORE FOR LESS Rosarito Beach, Ensenada, San Felipe and Puerto Penasco
REAL ESTATE LISTINGS SAN FELIPE BAJA CALIFORNIA Call to post your listing. $10 per month, or $100 per year. (686)230-9933 Petes Camp 3 seperate BR 2 living areas & a gourmet kitchen. Rooftop patio with gorgeous views. Near the cantina and a very short walk from the beach. Includes ATV and sandrail. Priced at $260,00.00 Jim Moore bajajim007@ 686 184-9237 New Custom Home in Petes Camp! Great vacation and/ or rental property. Rooftop patio with sea, golf course and mountain views. Large living room and open kitchen. Great neighborhood! Priced to sell !!! $135,000 Contact Jim Moore. or 686 184-9237
Playa de Oro – Steps to the Beach AMAZING DEAL at $549,000. 2 BR, 2 BA, Extremely Unique Home with Extensive Landscaping & Outdoor Living Areas, Completely Turn-key, Double Garage. One street to the Sea. Must be seen! Amor Property, US 760-494-3639, MX 577-0611 Luxurious 3BR, 2 ½ Bath Villa at La Ventana del Mar $648,000. Home is turn-key, fully furnished right down to the silverware. Flatscreens, whole house sound system. 3car garage, sea and golf course views, too many upgrades to list. Amor Property MX 686-577-0611 US 760-494-3639 Best Buy in Playa de San Felipe - Spectacular ONLY $279,000. 2 Master BR, 2-1/2 BA. Swimming Pool; Marina View. Amor Property, US 760-494-3639, MX 577-0611 El Dorado Ranch Lot SELLER MOTIVATED $23,500. Located in Vista del Sol, this lot is trapezoid-shaped, 100 x 110 x 114 x 100, located in a homes only area, electric. One of two lots for this price. Please inquire at our office. Beautiful mountain views! Amor Property, US 760-4943639, MX 577-0611 New Seaview Home in Playas de San Felipe $399,000. 4 BR, 3 BA. Art Studio, Bar, Basement, Cabana. Amazing place 4000 sq.ft. Amor Property, US 760-494-3639, MX 577-0611 Home in El Dorado Ranch’s Los Medanos South $99,500. 2 BR, 1 Bath, 1400 sq.ft. home on 3 lots totaling 50,000 sq.ft.! Amor Property, US 760-494-3639, MX 577-0611 La Ventana del Mar Villa $399,000. 2 Master Suites, 2-1/2 Bath. Beautifully furnished. Turn-key. Move in Today! Amor Property, US 760-494-3639, MX 577-0611 Spectacular Sea View $125,000. 1 BR, 1 BA, Furnished. Detached, oversized single garage (art studio) Amor Property, US 760-494-3639, MX 577-0611 Great Buy in San Felipe ONLY $40,000. 3 BR, 1 BA, on Culde-Sac. Nestled along side of mountain. Quaint little casa. Amor Property, US 760-494-3639, MX 577-0611
South Beach – Home site $52,500 Incredible, huge home site located in South Beach. On leased land (10-year, $1,000/year). 7,000 square feet. Wake up to the Sea of Cortez every morning Amor Property, US 760-494-3639, MX 577-0611
South Beach – Home site $52,500. Incredible, huge home site located in South Beach. On leased land (10-year, $1,000/year). 7,000 square feet. Wake up to the Sea of Cortez every morning. Amor Property, US 760-494-3639, MX 577-0611.
3500+ sq. ft. Home on 2 Legal Lots. Ocean Views, Walk to Beach. 12x36 Pool w/ Extensive Patios. Operating as Bed & Breakfast. Will consider House & Property elsewhere as partial payment. $399,000. Call Todd 686-187-9614.
San Felipe Property - Km 35 Campo Lupita. Awesome views from this beachfront lot on Sea of Cortez. 30 Ft turnkey trailer, solar, new hot water heater. Asking $14,000.00. Phone 250-229-4352 Canada or in SanFelipe 577-0178 Lupita Foudy to view.
New Single-family Home in La Ventana del Mar $548,000. 2,200 sq.ft. home is situated at the 15th hole of golf course. 3BR, 3 BA, 3 blocks from the beach, home has incredible golf course and sea views. All city services. Amor Property, US 760-494-3639, MX 577-0611 Large 3 Bedroom, 2-1/2 Bath, Turn-key $199,950. Oversized Garage, 2 Lots, Outdoor Entertaining, In-Town. Amor Property, US 760-494-3639, MX 577-0611 Villa at La Ventana del Mar MUST SELL!! REDUCED to $299,000. Very Desirable Plan 1 condo on Golf Course by the Sea, 2 BR, 2 BA, Brand New! Amor Property, US 760494-3639, MX 577-0611 Incredible Home in La Hacienda $399,000. Close to beach, this 2 Master Suite, 2 ½ bath home has unobstructed sea view from two decks, a 2-car garage, and stainless appliances. Furnishings are negotiable. Make an offer! Amor Property, US 760-494-3639, MX 577-0611
ENSENADA, BAJA CALIFORNIA Call to post your listing. $10 per month, or $100 per year. (686)230-9933 Single level Fairway home 3bdr 2Bth. Gated Golf dev.1700 sq ft of living space + 2 car garage. Less 1 year new. w/planned pools, tennis. Close to shopping. $228,200 USD Up-grading to larger home.1-800-599-0631
PUERTO PENASCO (ROCKY POINT), SONORA Call to post your listing. $10 per month, or $100 per year. (686) 230-9933
Bungalow with Separate Casita & Separate Art Studio $229,000. 2 Master BR, 2 BA, Large kitchen, interior courtyard, fruit trees and rose garden. Amor Property, US 760-494-3639, MX 577-0611
Fantastic opportunity 2bdr 1 bath 1200 square foot house with huge boat house $199,000 Coldwell Banker Rocky Point 638-382-5355 or 602-635-3736 Ask for David or Charlotte
The ONLY Monthly Guide to Northwest Mexico
Investor opportunity 3bdr 2.5 bath 1700 s.f. house $195,000 unfinished. Coldwell Banker Rocky Point 638-382-5355 or 602-635-3736 Ask for David or Charlotte Waterfront 4 bdrm 3 bath 1500 s.f. home $439,000 furnished. Coldwell Banker Rocky Point 638-382-5355 or 602-635-3736 Ask for David or Charlotte Waterfront 3 bdrm 1 bath 1500 s.f. home $545,000 Coldwell Banker Rocky Point 638-382-5355 or 602-635-3736 Ask for David or Charlotte Oceanview 3 bdrm 3 bath 1900 s.f. home $399,000 Coldwell Banker Rocky Point 638-382-5355 or 602-6353736 Ask for David or Charlotte Ocean views new 3 bdrm 3 bath 1700 s.f. $399,000 Coldwell Banker Rocky Point 638-382-5355 or 602-6353736 Ask for David or Charlotte Huge lot ocean views $299,000 Coldwell Banker Rocky Point 638-382-5355 or 602-635-3736 Ask for David or Charlotte Investor dream operating motel 4800 s.f. $550,000 Coldwell Banker Rocky Point 638-382-5355 or 602-635-3736 Ask for David or Charlotte
RENTAL LISTINGS SAN FELIPE BAJA CALIFORNIA Call to post your listing. $10 per month, or $100 per year. (686)230-9933 Private Beachfront Home - One bedroom home with large living room, kitchen, appliances and AC. Located on bluff over beach with fenced in yard, $650 dollars per month. Call 686-109-9544.
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R E A L E S TAT E & R E N TA L Greensheets Real Estate Listings - 61
FREE CLASSIFIEDS FREE CLASSIFIEDS PLACE ADS BY EMAIL up to 20 characters for non-business ads FREE (2 lines) AUTOMOTIVE 1985 Ford Bronco MX Plates $1800 dlls call 868-184-9237 2001 Dodge Neon SC/Auto $2000dlls call 686-184-9237 ENTERTAINMENT The BEST Karaoke in town at Juanito’s Cantina hosted by Maria Arnold; Wed. nights 6:00pm. Come and sing like a STAR! FOR SALE 4 Mexican Rustic Custom-made desks are 57” x 26”. Each desk has one regular drawer and one file drawer. Very nice set of four for $850 or $250 each. Call Uria 686-577-2129 JOBS SALES EXECUTIVES - If you would be interested in working in paradise, with great income and complete freedom - we have the job for you. We are looking for people in Ensenada. Good communication skills, Internet a must. Bilingual helpful. Email today: sales@
summer heat. Call Bill (686) 231-4921 to schedule an appointment. PRINTING SERVICES NEED BUSINESS CARDS OR BROCHURES? Go to or 800-576-0919 Ext. 3 or 686-577-1377. WANTED Wanted all and any vehicles working or not $$$. Please call 686-173-0424 ask for Ray. ROSARITO/ENSENADA RENTALS Mexico Living is looking to trade for business accommodations. 5 days per month needed for magazine staff in exchange for free advertising. San Felipe: 686-230-9933 USA Phone: 800-576-0919 Ext. 3 List Your Classified Today. No minimum, no maximum. up to 20 characters for non-business ads FREE (2 lines). ONLY $4 per additional lines. 45 character per line. PLACE ADS BY PHONE: San Felipe: 686-230-9933, Puerto Peñasco: 638-109-4771, USA Phone: 800-576-0919 Ext. 3. PLACE ADS BY EMAIL:
DELIVERY - Deliver Mexico Living Magazine, twice monthly to between 60-80 drops depending on city. We pay by the drop and gas bonuses. Email today: . SERVICE Air Conditioning re-charge. Get ready for the San Felipe
Moving your pets to Mexico By Tom Budniak Many people wouldn’t dream of traveling or moving to Mexico without the family pet. After all, it’s a member of the family too! You can bring your pet or pets with you, but you must do some planning before hand. If you want to bring your pet to Mexico, you’ll need two pieces of paper. The first is a vaccination certificate to ensure your pet has been vaccinated against rabies, hepatitis, pip and leptospirosis. The second is an office health certificate that must be issued by a veterinarian no more than 72 hours before entering Mexico. You can bring two large pets (dog or cat) with you. It is possible to bring more, but you must obtain permission from the Mexican consulate. You’ll need to contact the one nearest you. There is no quarantine period for pets entering Mexico. Make sure to check
with the airlines if you’re flying into Mexico. Often airlines have restrictions on size, weight, type of carrier, etc. Be sure to contact your airline and plan ahead. Stray dogs and cats are common in Mexico and they carry many diseases. To protect your dog or cat make sure they have the right vaccinations and they are administered correctly. It’s also important to treat your pets for parasites. Veterinarians abound in Mexico and they do make house calls. When your pet leaves Mexico, the same documents are required as when they entered. You’ll need a certificate of vaccination and a certificate of health from a veterinarian. You will also need to get an export license in order for your dog or cat to leave the country. Your pet will undergo a visual inspection and there is no cost for this license. While the process may seem drawn out, it is in place to protect all pets – in and out of Mexico. For those who would never consider moving without their pet, it just requires a bit of pre-planning
NOW is the time to buy in San Felipe!
Real Estate
2 Bed, 2 Bath with Casita! Beautiful Landscape with Hot Tub
El Dorado Ranch Los Medanos South 2 Bed, 1 Bath
A Steal! REDUCED $229,000
Want Privacy? On 3 Lots! $99,500
El Dorado Home Sites ...................................................................................................................... $ 23,000 San Marino Lots Starting at ............................................................................................................. $ 29,950 El Dorado Ranch Homes from ......................................................................................................... $ 49,000 Playa de San Felipe Home Sites from ............................................................................................. $ 46,000 New Construction Homes in Town Starting at ............................................................................... $116,000 In Town Condos Starting at ............................................................................................................. $108,900 Campos (Large Parcels) Starting at ................................................................................................ $120,000 La Ventana del Mar Golf Course Home Sites from ........................................................................ $100,000 New Playa de Oro Homes Starting at ............................................................................................. $299,000 New Golf Course Condos Starting at ............................................................................................. $299,000 VISIT OUR WEBSITE FOR OVER 100 LISTINGS Voted "Best Real Estate Broker 2007" Thank you for your Support!
Amazing View in La Hacienda 2 Bed, 2 Bath Furnished
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64 - Guide to Resort Living in Northwest Mexico