Playa del Paraiso featuring Eric Garcia: Will Playa del Paraiso create a paradigm shift in real estate and construction in San Felipe? by John Pack.
Getting a Custom to Customs: Getting to know your border customs. by Discover Baja CA,
On Building: Getting Started: Planning on building a custom home, here a few things to consider. by Jonathon Spinner
Legal Brief: Immigration Update 2007: by Adriana Perez Flores
Paleo en Baja: A huge fossil bed just south of San Felipe is a delight for the "wannabe" scientists and thrill for the Walt "Jarhead" Jone & Ron Hutcherson
Plus: Entrepreneurs in Paradise by John Pack, Solar Electric Power for Home by Walt Wands, Beauty & The Beach - by Mark Dille, SnapShot Gallery - by local photographers, Strength & Beauty: Metal Art of Melody Ashley by Rachel Pack, Photos by Mark Dille