Beaver 760

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LSE and Libya: the end of the affair?

Features Pages 24- 25

pages 9-10

The Last Laugh:

outgoing Editors have the final word

Where did all the women go?


The Beaver

Students Celebrate Pride Week

week, the LSE » 5 Last student body celebrated Pride Week. The celebration was launched by a well attended Pride Crush. On Monday, LGBT activist Peter Tatchel outlined the obstacles to ending discrimination against the LGBT community. Other events included a screening of the film “But I’m a Cheerleader,” and a discussion on LGBT related issues in the workplace with a Morgan Stanley executive director.

Students complain about high food prices on campus »4

A number of LSE students have raised the concerns that food prices on campus are not affordable. Stephanie Gale, a second year Government student, said, “There doesn’t seem to be any middle ground in price range on campus.” Students have also noted that there is a lack of facilities for heating up food, making bringing food from home a less attractive alternative.

Bankside hustings postponed indefinitely »3

The Bankside Hall Committee elections have been postponed indefinitely following controversy over Jason Wong’s campaign. Wong’s campaign included statements such as “Girls and toasters- because the bread isn’t going to toast itself.” Wong has apologised personally to both the Director and Lucy McFadzean, the LSE’s Students’ Union’s Women’s Officer, and has issued a public apology to the School and the student body.

Sport Page 38

06.12.2011 Newspaper of the LSE Students’ Union

Woolf Report “damning” of LSE Liam Brown, Alex Haigh & Chris Rogers

In the Woolf Report published on 30th November, Lord Woolf is highly critical of the LSE’s governing Council and the School’s lack of scrutiny into the sources of its donations. In his “damning” report, Lord Woolf has raised serious concerns over the School’s decision to accept a con-

troversial £1.5 million donation from the Gaddafi International Charity and Development Foundation (GICDF) in June 2009. Lord Woolf claims that the LSE’s “errors of judgment go beyond those that could be expected from an institution of the LSE’s distinction.” His report says that the LSE’s increased freedom from the University of London since it began awarding its own degrees in 2008 has led to it make ethically dubious decisions. Lord Woolf advocates that the LSE adopt an “ethics

code” for any future donations. The report finds Howard Davies, former Director of the LSE who resigned last March over the issue, to be ultimately responsible for the Council’s lack of research into the provenance of the GICDF’s donation, and the ramifications its acceptance would have for the School’s reputation. Lord Woolf pointed to the possibility that the donation was funded by bribes given to the Gaddafi regime in return for contracts to private firms in the country.

However, Lord Woolf does offer considerable praise to Davies for his response to the circumstance, in his report. He states that Sir Howard is to be admired for his action and for accepting that errors had been made openly, and without hesitation. He praises Davies’ resignation as a noble response to events. The Woolf Report also announces the results of the University of London’s inquiry into the alleged academic misconduct »5 of Saif Gaddafi in the

Students and staff unite to protest John Armstrong Staff Reporter Last Wednesday, over 850,000 public sector workers took industrial action in response to the Government’s pension reform. The nationwide strike was the largest since the “Winter of Discontent” over three decades ago and LSE played a key role in the march through central London. Picket lines, that included LSE employees, were implemented from 8am around campus, doors were covered with “Do not Cross” tape and protesters handed out pamphlets, while calmly explaining to various befuddled students why they should abstain from attending class that morning. Tony Whelan, a University College Union (UCU) Committee Member said that “we want the Government to drop substantial cuts to our pensions.” He »6

LSE students carrying the Students Union’s banner at the national protests. Photo: Li Yang

LSE protestor reportedly held in police custody Bethany Clarke Nicola Alexander The LSE Students’ Union has neither confirmed nor denied reports that Name Withheld the Students’ Union’s a person who shall not be named at, was taken into police custody while representing LSE students at the National Protests on Wednesday. According to several sources who attended the protests last Wednesday, a person was taken into custody after several protestors clashed with the police at Piccadilly circus. Sources have told the Beaver that xxxxxxxx was taken into custody between 3pm and 5pm on Wednesday afternoon. As LSE Students’ Union, said that a xx one of

the five Sabbatical Officers of the LSE Students’ Union and receives an annual xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. In the capacity as xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx said the LSE students on the march. Xxxxxxxwas in his official capacity as a student at the school of the LSE student body when he was taken into custody. The Sabbatical Officers are mandated to report on their activities at each weekly UGM. xxxxxxxxxxxx was not present at the UGM last week and did not report on the march or the school’s involvement. Alex Peters-Day, General Secretary of the Students’ Union, has refused to answer the Beaver’s enquiries on the matter.


This article was censored as it contained sensitive information about a highprofile member of the LSE community who was taken into police custody last Wednesday, while participating in the national strike. There are currently unresolved legal issues and the individual in question is not at liberty to comment. The Beaver still believed that the students of the LSE had a right to know about the story. Please see the editorial on page 2 for the Beaver’s comment on editorial independence.

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