Lampe berger uk window competition results & comments

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LAMPE BERGER WINDOWS / TABLE COMPETITION Report visits March 24rd to 28th

You will be judged on the following points •

Drawing the consumer attention, make them dream with a visually story telling around the Childhood Memories theme (using decoration element in line with the memory chosen).

Staging the Perfume by using 1 or maximum 2 main ingredients (too many ingredients complicate the message to the client).

A strong and immediate visual impact: show only the same product and repeat it in the same theme.

Mixing Lamps & Fragrances for the staging, using 2014 new lamps.

Use of the Lampe Berger POS (posters, logos, etc.)

Marie Claire & Sylvie went down Memory Lane around the UK last week and made many more memories‌

Join us on this great adventure: -

17 trains taken


14 stores visited


385.9 miles ( 621 km) driven


Many cups of tea drunk


1 bag left on the train (not ours)


Many kisses given and received


Some amazing windows and great presentations


A FANTISTIC WELCOME wherever we went


Some great memories made

THE CHOCOLATE FROG IN OAKHANGER (home decoration shop)

Focus on Miss Violet & Sweet Boxed set -1 colour, 1 product -Mass effect of sets for an impactful table -A few accessories (violet bouquets, cloche to stage the product at the center of the table) -Valorisation de l’aspect cadeau (Mother’s day card, LB bag) -Testeurs are presented and the shop is perfumed No story telling. = Simple but efficient

More images from Chocolate Frog

Essential Boxed set display on the set of 2 tables

Lampe Berger corner (2 units+ 1 counter)

Soap Memories display on the counter

PAPILLON IN BRIGHTON (Home decoration shop)

Focus on Miss Violet & Sweet Boxed set -1 colour, 1 product, 1 theme - A strong story telling presentation (dresser, pearls necklace, shoes, hat, lipstick, bottles of perfume) -Mass effect of sets on the side of the table - Enhancement of the gift aspect (ribbon around the giftset) -Use of POS material (visuals, kit of 2 violets) -Testeurs are presented and the shop is perfumed = an extremely reffined presentation, lot’s of details to tell the story.

More images from Papillon


-1 colour (violet) but several type of products are presented (several lamps and fragrances). The window doesn’t focus on just one main product. -A story telling presentation (mirror, pearls necklace) - Fragrance ingredient (violet bouquet) -Use of POS material (poster, kit of 2 violets) -Testeurs are presented and the shop is perfumed A big improvment since last year in the display.

More images from David Shuttle

Lampe Berger corner (4 units+ 1 counter)

CW TYLER IN LOUGHBOROUGH (department store: home decoration, furniture's, jewels, cooking)

New LB corner (used to be a Pandora corner): beautiful merchandising, light (between 5 to 7 lamps / shelves) + boxed sets in the middle to catch customer’s eyes. The retailer has given us one extra furniture on the side to display and stock the lamps boxes in order to facilitate the purchase act. Sales have increased by 2 since the setting up of the new corner (had the old furniture’s before) Is preparing an emailing for his customer’s database (17 000 customers) to invite them to come and discover the LB new corner. Not taking part of the window competition


-1 colour, 1 theme, 1 product. -A story telling presentation : very feminine (dresser, pearls necklace, etc.) - Fragrance ingredient (violet flowers) -Use of POS material (poster, kit of 2 violets) A nice and efficient display, however there are too many accesories in the window, therefore the product is a bit lost. A non Lampe Berger consumer came in to ask specifcally about the products in the window ( Lampe Berger) and Anita sold him 3 lamps + 3 fragrances.

Lampe Berger corner (3 units + 2 columns + 1 counter) Durance products on sale : 25% off. Mathilde M products on sale : 50% off.


-1 colour, 1 theme, 1 product. -A story telling presentation (dresser, pearls necklace, etc.) -Use of POS material (poster, kit of 2 violets) The use of too many accesories in the window give the feeling that the the product is a bit lost. This window is a little bit bling bling (accessoires are not refined ).

SHELLS BELLE IN NOTTINGHAM (home decoration shop)

-1 colour, 1 theme, 1 product. -A story telling presentation : very feminine and elegant (dresser, pearls necklace, old accessories) -Fragrance ingredient (violet bouquets and petals on the floor of the window) -Use of POS material (kit of 2 violets). Had not received the poster on time. -Mass effect of the boxed set. -The shop is perfumed with Miss Violet. A beautiful display however a bit too bland. (if some of the accessories used in the window would have been violet –night garnment, the window would have had a stronger impact)

More images from Shells Belle


More images from REG TAYLOR

-1 colour, 1 theme, 1 product. -A strong story telling presentation : extremely reffined with elegantand feminine accessories - Fragrance ingredient (violet bouquets, rose bouquet and petals on the floor of the window) -Use of POS material (kit of 2 violets). Had not received the poster on time.

-Mass effect of the boxed set. - The shop was perfumed with Miss Violet.

More images from REG TAYLOR Soap Memory display on the counter

So Neutral display on the set of 2 tables (Bingo boxed set + Duopack + So Neutral)

More images from REG TAYLOR

Lampe Berger corner (4 units + 2 columns + 1 gondola + 1 set of 2 tables + 1 counter)

Just launched LB loyalty card


More images from Mulberry Hall

-1 colour (violet) but a lot of different lamps and fragrances are presented. The window doesn’t focus on just one main product and therefore loose of its impact. -Use of POS material (poster, kit of 2 violets) -Use of ingredients (flowers, violets) The window does not tell the story of the fragrance (is much more a Spring or Easter window). In store display : not enough Home Fragrances are presented on the shelves.

LIME TREE IN WENTWORTH (home decoration shop)

-Window display : Focus on Sweet Boxed set & Miss Violet Special poster drawn by a neighbour of the retailer to match with the color and flowers on the Sweet boxed set. Use of glass cloche to highlight the product (elegant presentation). A simple and efficient window display, but does not tell the story of the fragrance (no violet, no accessories). -Table : Tomato Leaves & Wood lamps A simple and extremely efficient display, which tell the story of the fragrance (ingredients tomato and mint and gardenning accessories as used on the Fragrance label) This retailer had initially done a Sweet & Miss Violet display in store, but had sold so much boxed set the WE before our visit that could not keep it (18 packs sold in 15 days).

More images from Lime Tree

Lampe Berger corner (4 units + 1 column + 1 set of 2 tables) The retailer has increased his sales with the new furniture’s concept (some customers have re-discovered some of the lamps as they were brought up thanks to the light).

More images from Lime Tree A beautiful display in the column (on each shelf : 1 new lamp & 1 new fragrance & 1 accessory or ingredient to tell the story). The best Lampe Berger corner in the UK

WHITOUT A DOUBT IN SHEFFIELD (home decoration shop)

Focus on Soap Memories & polygone lamps. A story telling display with vintage accessories specially bought by the retailer (sink, bathroom furniture) and fragrance ingredients. Several lamps are presented, therefore the window looses a bit of its color impact.

More pictures from WHITOUT A DOUBT

Sopa Memories table display to remind of the window display. Sales have increased by 2 since the setting up of the new furnitures

More pictures from WHITOUT A DOUBT

A very reffined and elegant display of Miss Violet (just 1 or 2 major accessories tell the story : simple and efficient)

DAMSELFLY LIVING IN LOUTH (home decoration shop)

-1 colour, 1 theme, 1 product. -Beautiful fragrance ingredients (violet flowers, roses bouquet) -Use of POS material (kit of 2 violets). No use of the poster. -Mass effect of the Boxed sets. A nice display, however it does not tell exactly the story of Miss Violet : is more a living room ambiance than a room ambiance + the green floor does not suit the Miss Violet theme (too garden, not reffined enough, the green color does not match the violet color of the product).

New LB shop : opened in October 2013 (had 1 unit to start, and has now 2 units+ 1 counter). Has just set up a LB loyalty card : 10 Home Fragrances bought, the 11th free. (30 cards in 2 months).

More pictures from DAMSELFLY LIVING

Counter : Sweet Boxed set display : very efficient (1 or 2 accessories tell Miss Violet story)

Wood lamp display LB corner (2 wall units + 1 counter)

LALIS, AT LEIGH ON SEA (gifts and cards shop)

- 1 product, 1 color, 1 theme. -A story telling presentation (dresser, pearls necklace, make up accessories, shoes, old fashionned bathroom pots) - Fragrance ingredients (violet bouquets, roses) -Use of POS material (kit of 2 violets). Had not received the poster on time. -Mass effect of the boxed set.

A nice and efficient display, however there are too many accesories in the window, therefore the product is a bit lost.

More pictures from Lalis

LB corner (4 wall units + 1 column + 1 counter)

SO HEAVENLY, AT BISHOPS STROFORD (gifts and home decoration shop)

-1 color, 1 theme. Mainly focus on the Sweet Boxed set, however 1 violet Clochette lamp is also displayed (new products should be prefered for window display) -A story telling presentation with reffined accessories (dresser, pearls necklace) - No violets in the window (except the use of the Kit of 2 carboard violets) A nice and efficient display.

More pictures from So Heavenly

New LB retailer (opened in July 2012) Has a large collection of Lamps & fragrances. We have negociated to set up Lampe Berger furnitures in May (2 wall units + 1 column + 1counter). The retailer is thinking about setting up a LB loyalty card.

Some good ideas which have caught our eyes during our travels and which we would like to share with you‌. Various uses of the Kit of 2 carboard violets

Ribbon or gift packaging to show that it can be a perfect gift

And the winners are‌. .

It was a very difficult decision to make, Marie Claire and I had to talk it through several time to make sure that we were fair I will call you individually to talk you through our decisions

1st - REG TAYLOR (Southwell) Joint 2nd – PAPILLON (Brighton) & AROMA (Derby) 3rd – SHELLS BELLE Boutique (Nottingham

Our best Lampe Berger UK corner is :

LIME TREE ( Rotherham)

Marie Claire & Sylvie UK memories‌.

Our last memory, Waiting for our last train together back to London‌

No selfie for us, as this is too common

POS ideas “sniff me” stickers

In store promotions (Yankee Canddle & Durance)

Window stickers L’Occitane window display

Hand made rose paper

Seen at Jo Malone Boutique : a Bible in a beautiful binder with Training information for the staff (Knowledge on the brand, products description, fragrance explanation merchandising). Easy to update.

AS A CONCLUSION... • A strong relation with the clients due to an important work of brand policy education •Before the competition : explanation of each products story & how to stage them while following the Lampe Berger brand principles. •During the competition: clients visit, reminder of the merchandising principles, clients do appreciate the feed back and do like the brand presence in store. •After the competition: individual feedback to each clients from the brand (phone call to explain the decision) • A great impact on the sales : • Sales increase of + 20 to 30% during the time the window has been put in place. The clients have put their window up 3 weeks before the competition. • The staging spark off questions from potentional new custommers, who come in and ask what is this new products. • Ensure a brand visibilty coming up to an important time ( Mothers day March 30th : • A consistent brand staging around the country. • In all the retail stores visited, a consistent brand presentation ( same merchandising) • Daily follow up on LB & UK Facebook ( photos posted every day of point of sales taking part in the competition)

The competition level was a lot higher than last year: the UK team had taken the time to explain well and it has paid off.  Beautiful presentation, which really tell a story: the clients thought through their window and told us how they come up with the creation of this presentation. All the store visited follow the Lampe Berger presentation guidelines. • In store fragrancing • Parfum Star display in every store • Loyality cards • A permanent space dedicated to the packs set (following January sales presentation)

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