Leyre's Summer Holidays

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MY SUMMER HOLIDAYS My teacher asks me to write a short composition about my Summer Holidays. It's not easy because I usually do many things in Summer: In June I have picnics with my family in Portaventura and on the beach. I donate clothes with my family. I'm very happy! I enjoy kepping my brain going. I read books, I do my ''Summer Homework''... In July, I go to cinema with my sister. All the movie's are great! I play games with my family, I play Nintendo and Wii... I played many times! I send emails... Many emails! In August, I visit AndalucĂ­a! I go to see my family... I spend time with my grandparents, uncles... But I visit another country, too... Gibraltar! It's beautiful! I become a photographer! But I do activities... All the Summer! I go to beach, I swimming in my pool... ( in my house!) I jump on a trampoline in Port Aventura! I always ride my bike with my father on Sundays! But my favourite activitie in my Summer is a to spend time with my parents and sister!

By: Leyre SesĂŠ 6th Level B

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