Open Fences Spring 2011

Page 1






Genesee Valley Ranch Northern California


enesee Valley Ranch is a one-of-a-kind ranch located in a picturesque valley nestled in the Sierra Nevada mountains of Northern California. The ranch features 1,514 acres of pristine mountain meadows and emerald green forests, completely surrounded by millions of acres of National Forest. Genesee Valley Ranch is spectacularly beautiful, peaceful and private! The main home is a 9,000 square foot custom hand-crafted log home, built in 2000 with six bedrooms, eight baths, six fireplaces, gourmet kitchen and a 2,000 square foot great room with a 28 foot high ceiling. The owners are looking for a partner who is interested in purchasing up to 50% interest in the property (fifty percent interest for $9,900,000). I

707 Merchant Street, Suite 100 Vacaville, CA 95688 Tel. 707.455.4444 Over 130 listings at:

— Preferred Marketing Partners — 229B Old Ingram Loop Ingram, Texas 78025 830-367-7949

41 Highland Park Village Dallas, TX 75207, U.S.A. Telephone (214) 559-9800

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Delivering The Equestrian Lifestyle... Jay M. Cross Vice President 207-771-0816 / 800-442-6722

Equestrian Services, LLC (434) 872-0108 877.FLY.1101


Sawtooth Saddle Company Fine Handmade Saddles and Cowboy Accouterments 877.755.3725



Two Dog Fish Creek Ranch Page 37




Broker’s Listings WEST


Arizona Land ........................................ 74

Joan Pletcher, Realtor ........................... 54

Bates Sanders Swan Land Co. ............ 70


Bergman Euro-National ...................... 66

Hall and Hall ........................................ 28

California Outdoor Properties .............. 16

Hayden Outdoors .................................. 42

Cascade Sotheby’s Int’l. ....................... 50

Legacy Lands ........................................ 60

Chickering Company ............................ 72

Mason & Morse Ranch Co. .................. 22

Fay Ranches, Inc. ................................ 34

Mirr Ranch Group ................................. 40

Harley Hendricks Realty ..................... 86

Pearson Real Estate ............................. 44

The Whitney Land Company ................ 56

Western United Realty ......................... 38



Legacy Properties, Sotheby’s Int’l ....... 76

Century 21 Harvey Properties .............. 82

Josiah Allen Real Estate ....................... 52

Coalson Real Estate ............................. 84

Select Sotheby’s Int’l. .......................... 48

Deitra Robertson Real Estate ............... 78


Steve Grant Real Estate ....................... 46

Lashley Land........................................ 68

Texas Homestead Real Estate .............. 80

The Real Estate Company.................... 62


United Country Real Estate ................. 58

Compañia Argentina de Tierras SA ... 64

(207) 449 2918 MANAGING EDITOR Lauren Prather ASSOCIATE PUBLISHERS Vicki Jacobson Lisa Shearer Kim Cox Jennifer H. Walz CREATIVE DIRECTOR Doug Prather GRAPHIC DESIGN Lauren Prather Doug Prather COPY EDITING Martha Cargill OPERATIONS MANAGER Mark F. Walz VP OF WEB OPERATIONS John Hayter DISTRIBUTION Sean Finley STAFF WRITER Martha Cargill PUBLISHED BY OPEN FENCES LLC 14303 Kellywood Lane, Houston, Texas 77079 713-443-8532 Our magazine is 100% recyclable © 2010 Open Fences LLC. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any manner without the written permission of Open Fences LLC. OPEN FENCES is published four times a year by Open Fences LLC, 14514 Reserve Road, Pine, Colorado 80470. The OPEN FENCES logo and masthead is a copyrighted design ©. For subscriptions call: (207) 449-2918. The pictures and descriptions of real estate for sale are the individual property of the individual advertisers and not associated with Open Fences LLC. Open Fences LLC makes no representation or warranty of any kind for the accuracy of the content.

Dana Ranch Page 33


From Argentina to Zimbabwe, We Have “Been There Done That!”



Exclusive Travel Concierge




The International Appeal of Reining Good Purses, Good Ground and Good Judging By Martha Cargill


rian Dygert is former president of the National Reining Horse Association (NRHA) and has been promoting the international appeal of Reining and helping pursue Olympic approval of the sport for the last 2 decades. Dygert credits the international and domestic appeal of Reining to “Good SXUVHV JRRG JURXQG DQG JRRG MXGJLQJÂŤ5HLQLQJ RIIHUV VLJQLĂ€FDQW prize money, is simple in the sense of only requiring an excellent footing base, and it is made intrinsically fair through the innovative RIĂ€FLDWLQJ SURJUDP ZLWK MXGJLQJ UXOHG E\ DQ REMHFWLYH QXPHULFDO points system‌â€? In 2010, the NRHA Open Futurity purse paid $125,000 to the champion and a total of nearly $12 million in purse and awards to all show contestants (NRHA). This is attractive money in an economy where numbers have dwindled in all equestrian disciplines—except Reining—which has been dynamically growing in the world equestrian community since the mid 1980s and exponentially since 2000. Between 2004 and 2010 international membership in the NRHA alone has more than doubled. Of course the romance (nay obsession) of the American West factors prominently into Reining’s international appeal. Essential to the American West was the breed development of the American Quarter Horse, a stock horse breed, bred for working the land and cattle ranches during the expansion of the early American frontier. During down time, cowboys would “round-upâ€? and show the test of their skill and the agility of their horse in the early days of rodeo, which ultimately, is where the rudimentary discipline of Reining began (in an extremely small nutshell). Reining brings to horsemanship a purely American export and the essential foundation of the American West, American stele— the cowboy and his horse. Without exhaustively repeating the story of early Spanish vaqueros and the history of the cowboy, speaking

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directly to the horse itself: “Reiners‌were horses that had too much gas for pleasure, not enough ‘cow’ for cutting‌â€? as quoted by Bryant Pace, Gavin Ehringer “NRHA, The Reiner,â€? February 2000.) Taking this into consideration, it is not surprising one of the greatest appeals drawing interest into the United States reining FRPPXQLW\ LV WKH VHDUFK IRU TXDOLW\ KRUVHĂ HVK DQG FRPSHWLWLRQ Bryant Pace is a horseman’s horseman and has been riding horses for his entire life; he is a world-class competitor with multiple NRHA World and Reserve World Champion Reining titles behind his name and is currently head trainer at the Darling 888 Ranch in Princeton, Kentucky. In the 1980s Pace began focusing primarily in reining. Since that time he has seen the sport grow, change and prosper. He has literally ridden and trained reining horses around the world, and notes that in the 1980s, the reining community overseas was not SDUWLFXODUO\ ´VHOI VXIĂ€FLHQW Âľ both in technical ability and more importantly in the quality of good reining horse breed stocks available (of which there was essentially none). Today, Pace notes that the international reining community is developing more selfVXIĂ€FLHQF\ DQG LV QRW LPSRUWLQJ DV PDQ\ KRUVHV DV LW XVHG WR DV it develops a good breed stock in its own right—although the big shows and big horses are still to be found on United States soil. The sport of Reining was formally created in 1966 with the formation of the National Reining Horse Association. In 2000, the FĂŠdĂŠration Equestre Internationale (FEI) recognized Reining as WKH Ă€UVW IXOO PHGDO :HVWHUQ 'LVFLSOLQH ,Q WKH GLVFLSOLQH was added to the World Equestrian Games. By 2006, WEG reining events were being featured to sell out crowds and today, it is being FRQVLGHUHG DV D TXDOLĂ€HG 2O\PSLF VSRUW Doug Milholland is a multiple American Quarter Horse Association (AQHA) World Champion in Reining and Working Cowhorse, winner of both the NRHA Futurity and NRHA Derby,

and a NRHA Hall of Fame member as well as been both an AQHA and NRHA judge and international clinician. He has been an active witness as the sport has evolved from Quarter Horse shows WKH $4+$ ZDV WKH Ă€UVW RUJDQL]DWLRQ WR KROG XQRIĂ€FLDO ´UHLQLQJ competitionsâ€?) into the domestic and international expansion of what the NRHA and international reining community has become today. He is currently head trainer at the historic Waggoner Ranch near Vernon, Texas and on a purely anecdotal note: In 1948, E. Paul Waggoner bought Poco Bueno—one of the greatest cutting and reining horses of all time. Poco Bueno is buried in a standing position at the gate to the Waggoner Ranch with a statue in his name— testimony to the value placed on a good cutting horse‌ Tanya Jenkins, like many reiners, came to the sport from a lifelong horse career showing and training in allaround and western pleasure events and has also witnessed an incredible growth in the sport’s international interest. Tanya remarks, “Reining seems to be growing every year and fanning out into so many countries—Germany and Italy are big, and Brazil is of course very active in the community.â€? Commenting that one of the possible appeals of the sport is the festival-like atmosphere at a reining event, Jenkins references the difference between a reining show atmosphere and the elegant silence of a Grand Prix dressage ring (for example).

Reining is unique among horse sports for allowing the opportunity to utilize formal skills and equitation disciplines in a more playful atmosphere, where often, the crowd whistles and yells when it sees well-executed maneuvers. Christa Morris, Director of Marketing & Communications DW 15+$ FRQĂ€UPV ´5HLQLQJ UHDOO\ VWDQGV RXW LQ WKH FURZG RI international equestrian disciplines. The only people you will see in cowboy hats and boots at the World Equestrian Games are the Reiners or reining fans‌â€? The NRHA itself has begun hosting not only a European Futurity Show, but also a derby for IRXU Ă€YH DQG VL[ \HDU ROGV DV EXUJHRQLQJ LQWHUHVW KDV DOO EXW demanded reciprocity. At the futurity show last year, fourteen countries were represented including Poland, France and even Ireland. “Aside from a different language being spoken, there is not really any difference between a reining event in the states and a reining event in overseas‌â€? continues Christa witnessing Brian Dygert’s observation, that the great equalizer of reining and its international appeal is “Good purses, good ground and good judging.â€? Open Fences would like to extend sincere thanks to Brokers Sassy Stanton of Stanton Pinkard Realty, Texas and Gwen Wagner of Legacy Lands, Livingston MT for their assistance in researching the story.



Ranch Restoration By David Light (Publisher)


Q RUGHU WR HQVXUH ODQG LQYHVWPHQWV DUH SUXGHQW ERWK ÀUVW time buyers and veterans of the ranch real estate market alike are wise to ask a number of questions before purchase. For example: Is this the best property for me? Where is the best place to build my home and barns? How can I improve the value of the ranch? Do I have the time and energy to do this myself? Will I be able to actually enjoy being a ranch owner? Open Fences caught up with Tom Roberts who is the owner and president of Western Lands - Ranch Restoration Services located in Parker, Colorado. His company helps the new and prospective ranch owner answer these questions and then ZRUNV ZLWK WKHP WR IXOÀOO WKHLU JRDOV E\ SURYLGLQJ SODQQLQJ design, project management, and owner’s representation services for many types of ranch enhancement projects throughout the western United States. As the ranch real estate market builds on the positive momentum gained in the latter part of 2010, a ranch may well be a wise investment for the right person. Not just an investment for monetary gains, but also an investment in a lifestyle that affords a connection to the outdoors, open spaces, family, recreation, and other elements not found in your portfolio. Western Lands can be a valuable resource for anyone who has purchased a ranch or is considering doing so to help increase the value of this investment. Open Fences: How did you get started in the business of ranch restoration? Western Lands: After getting a graduate degree in Landscape Architecture in 2000, I was working for an ecological design-build company that primarily worked on river and wetland restoration projects. I was working on a stream enhancement project up in Fairplay, Colorado for an owner who had just purchased a ranch with about a mile of river on it. He spent a good amount of money on the enhancements and also put a conservation easement on the ranch. The restoration work we did nearly doubled the appraised


YDOXH RI KLV UDQFK SURSHUW\ ZKLFK EHQHÀWHG KLV HDVHPHQW YDOXH Ultimately, he offered me a chance to work with him and locate more ranch properties that he could buy and then replicate the HQKDQFHPHQW HDVHPHQW PRGHO IURP WKH ÀUVW RQH Open Fences: That’s how it was started; how has it evolved today? Today, we work on just about any type of ranch improvement project imaginable. We facilitate project management systems in order to complete the ranch owner’s vision. Our plans encompass all aspects of land enhancements and buildings and infrastructure improvements. We can also help develop management and monitoring plans for maintaining good land stewardship and ongoing ranch maintenance; WKLV LV HVSHFLDOO\ EHQHÀFLDO IRU the absentee owner. We service a niche market of clients, who are ranch owners, but not necessarily ranchers, to ÀQG ZD\V WR PD[LPL]H WKH YDOXH and enjoyment of their land. Many have a vision for their ranch, but don’t necessarily know where to start or even have the time and energy to be able to manage all of the different consultants, schedules, budgets, etc. necessary to complete their projects. In the end, their projects can cost more, take more time, and create more headaches for them if they do it on their own. Open Fences: So when a project requires a consultant outside of your personal expertise, you will bring them in as needed and then act as a project manager? Western Lands: Correct. Strategic partnerships and alliances are extremely important to the success of our company. For instance, if we were to have a ranch client who wanted to restore their private trout stream that required a sophisticated level of geomorphology and river engineering, we may bring in a company such as Inter-Fluve, Inc to provide this level of expertise. They are an engineering group that specializes in stream restoration and would be a fantastic addition to our team to provide the technical expertise of the river restoration. We can

draw from their expertise to make our team even stronger, ZKLFK XOWLPDWHO\ EHQHÀWV RXU FOLHQWV $UFKLWHFWV HQJLQHHUV builders, and ranch managers are other types of consultants that we bring in as needed. Open Fences: What have been some of your favorite types of projects? Western Lands: I really enjoyed working on a 6,000-acre ranch near Montrose, Colorado a few years ago where we designed and built 16-acres of wetland habitat for the owner. We had the opportunity to work on an absolutely beautiful ranch property and successfully built the wetlands in a variety of habitat types. For instance, at one location we were able to take advantage of hydrology provided by a natural drainage and seeps to create a series of new wetlands that appear natural and are self sustaining. We have seen a new and diverse wildlife population already using the habitat, which is always a good measuring stick. In another location we mimicked beaver ponds on a live stream system. We are now in the beginning stages of working with a ranch owner to enhance about 100-acres of pasture with an integrated weed management plan and over-seeding a dryland grass mix. Another aspect of this project will include interviewing and selecting an architect to develop plans for a home, barns, and riding arena. In addition, we will be designing and constructing a stream and approximately six or seven ponds for an aesthetic and ecological improvement to the ranch. Open Fences: Suppose a ranch owner wants to enhance the ecological health of their ranch and wants to, let’s say attract waterfowl for bird watching or hunting. What are some of the elements on their land that they should look for to be able to accomplish this goal? Western Lands: 2QH RI WKH ÀUVW WKLQJV WR GHWHUPLQH LV ZLOO there be adequate hydrology on the property and if they have

DFFHVV WR LW 6RPH SURSHUWLHV KDYH ZDWHU Ă RZLQJ WKURXJK EXW this doesn’t necessarily mean they have the right to divert or impound it. If there are existing ponds or wetlands on site, they could look at improving the ecological diversity of the habitat. Maybe they could plant different native vegetation that will provide food, cover, and nesting opportunities for the wildlife. In another instance, maybe they would have to open up overgrown vegetation to provide open water habitat. These are just some of the things they could do. Conducting ecological enhancement oftentimes also improves the aesthetic qualities of the landscape further making the ranch more valuable. Open Fences: How do you measure success? Western Lands: Client satisfaction. And this pertains not MXVW WR WKH Ă€QDO EXLOW SURGXFW EXW DOVR LQFOXGHV WKH SURFHVV RI how we get there. Also, if we can get the ranch owner to protect the land, that is another measure of success for us—we like to say we are “dedicated to the enhancement and preservation of ranchland in the American westâ€?. Our goal is to help to not only enhance the value of the ranch, but hopefully help the owner want to protect the land in perpetuity. Conservation easements are one tool we like to promote to accomplish this goal where there could be a win-win scenario for the ranch owner and the environment. Open Fences: Well it sounds like you do some interesting and exciting work. Good luck with your future projects! Western Lands: Thank you so much for the opportunity to speak with you today.



Green Valley Ranch

Soule Ranch

Glenn County, California

Siskiyou County, California

7,000 +/- acres about 8 miles from Stonyford. Briscoe Creek is located in the Northern portion of the ranch and has trout and beautiful boulders. 7KH UDQFK FOLPEV IURP WKH 9DOOH\ Ă RRU DW IRRW HOHYDWLRQ WR D KLJK RI 3,000 feet. Black tail deer, pig, turkey, quail and predator hunting would keep you hunting all year. Even Tule Elk frequent the property. This is truly a recreational dream property. $4,500,000 I

This 1,020 +/- acre historic estate is currently a working cattle and hay operation. Enrolled in the Williamson Act. 140 acres irrigated hay/pasture, 30 acres sub-irrigated pasture, 90 acres dry farmable land, 760 acres dry rangeland pasture. 13 acre reservoir. 4,450 square foot Queen Anne Victorian, 14 other historic outbuildings, including black smith shop, coach house, smoke house and bunk house. $1,495,000 I

Bulson Ranch

Fisher Ranch

Plumas County, California

Modoc County, California

This is the ultimate recreational ranch of 1,630 +/- acres located in Plumas County. The property is surrounded by the Sierra Nevada Mountain ranges. Great waterfowl hunting, summer cattle grazing and with the KHDGZDWHUV RI WKH PLGGOH IRUN RI WKH )HDWKHU 5LYHU Ă RZLQJ WKURXJK WKH ranch it becomes a serious candidate for a conservation easement. Water is gold in California and with these valuable wetlands the property will always be desirable. $2,200,000 I

DFUHV ZLWK ZDUP VSULQJV Ă RZLQJ GRZQ WKH PRXQWDLQ ULGJH creating a creek through the ranch into several ponds then into the Pit River. Impressive 370 irrigated acres with 3 pumps pulling water from the creek, pond and river. Produces over 500 ton of hay annually. Currently running 250 head, seller states the ranch can handle more. 3,000 square foot home, large barn, old milk barn, metal shop, 3 pole barns and various outbuildings. Extensive equipment list included. $1,990,000 I


Long Valley Ranch Lassen County, California Alfalfa producing operation located in Lassen County. Two agricultural wells, both producing approximately 3,000 gpm. Currently 160 of the 652 +/- acres is in production but there is potential to add 300-400 more acres of alfalfa or grass hay. Irrigation equipment included with the ranch. Features include a three bedroom home, pole barn for hay storage, shop, horse barn and corrals. $1,600,000 I

California Almond Orchard Yolo County, California DFUHV ORFDWHG LQ <ROR &RXQW\ 0DJQLĂ€FHQW DQG SULVWLQH producing almond orchard with exquisite log home, custom log stable, RIĂ€FH SDVWXUHV SRQG JURYHV RI WUHHV DLUVWULS DQG XQEHOLHYDEOH VWRUDJH shop buildings. 959-acre Almond Orchard by itself is available without the house/buildings. Inquire for price. I

Widow Valley Lassen County, California

Skyline Ranch Napa County, California Awaken each day to the sound of chirping birds and sun-drenched rooms with dramatic Lake Berryessa views. Skyline Ranch on 66+ acres offers a spectacular 3,000+ single-story home with soaring ceilings, spacious master suite with pellet stove and luxurious bath, formal and family dining, entertainment-size great room with wet bar, dramatic multi-level paved terrace, pool and pergola. Attached is an over-sized 3-car garage, detached is an additional 1,200 square foot garage/shop. So lots of room for all the “Big Boyâ€? toys while everyone is enjoying privacy to the maximum and ZLOGOLIH DW LWV Ă€QHVW I

This beautiful 883 +/- acre mountain meadow ranch is located in northwest part of California. 400 acres of irrigated and sub-irrigated grass meadows. Over 25,000 acres of adjoining permit ground allows you to run over 440 AU’s for the season. 2.5 mbf of timber, historic 6,000 square foot barn and nice 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom home. $2,300,000 I 707 Merchant Street, Suite 100 Vacaville, CA 95688 Tel. 707.455.4444 Over 130 listings at: VOL.  2,  NO.1     OPEN  FENCES


Coal Gulch Ranch

Lake Elizabeth Ranch

Shasta County, California

Los Angeles County, California

466 +/- acre ranch is located 25 miles east of Redding, California. It is a dream property that is move-in ready. 3,380 square foot home with 4 bedroom, 3 bath, 2,000 square foot ranch house, 600 square foot guest house, 8-acre stocked pond. 110 acres irrigated. 3,000 square foot metal VKRS 7KLV UDQFK KDV LV DOO KXQWLQJ ÀVKLQJ UDQFKLQJ KRUVHEDFN ULGLQJ and beautiful views. $1,750,000 I

3,920 +/- deeded acres not in the Williamson act, over 95 parcels, less than 1.5 hour drive from Beverly Hills, great investment ranch in Los Angeles County. 5,500 square foot main home, 3,000 square foot guest house, caretaker home, 5 other homes, skeet shooting building and course, equestrian center, 5/8 mile horse tract, 83 stall barns, roping arena, corrals, dog kennels and more. $13,500,000 I

PBM Farms

Sierra Buttes

Siskiyou County, California

Located near Sierra City, California

2,477 +/- acre production farm with 100 percent organic alfalfa and barley. Water is gold and this ranch has lots of it, 8 wells over 15,000 gpm. There are 10 new pivots with 3 more due to be completed in 2011. The farm has 4 homes, 2 barns, shops, outbuildings, scales, organic grain silos and is enrolled in the Private Lands Management program that allows for a late season hunts. $8,950,000 I

This spectacular, deeded mountainous property includes two private, pristine alpine lakes, Young America Lake and Volcano Lake, and also includes lake frontage on the Upper and Lower Sardine Lakes. The property is mostly surrounded by Forest Service Land and is accessed by )RUHVW 6HUYLFH URDGV (QMR\ JUHDW Ă€VKLQJ KLNLQJ FDPSLQJ DQG FDQRHLQJ RQ your own Sierra compound. Exciting potential awaits for this exceptional property. This amazing, rare opportunity to own 877 +/- acres of “The Sierra Buttesâ€? can be yours. $6,000,000 I


Rancho Cortina Big Valley Ranch Glenn County, California This 10,000 +/- acre property is about 8 miles from Stonyford, California. Newly renovated 3-story English Tudor home is over 5,000 square feet, 7 bedrooms and 6 baths. Matching 2,000 square foot barn, two ranch homes, barns, outbuildings, water rights to irrigate 150 acres, two year-round creeks, over a dozen year-round ponds, one estimated to be over 30 acres. Great hunting, hiking and horseback riding. This is truly a dream property ZLWK ÀUVW FODVV DFFRPPRGDWLRQV I

Colusa County, California 5,480 +/- deeded acres, located north of San Francisco, surrounded by thousands of acres of public land. This is a recreational dream with great blacktail deer, turkey, bear, pig, quail and dove. Great road system, springs, over 20 ponds, in the Williamson Act, cowboy cabin, 50 gpm solar well, 10 miles of blue line creeks and runs 250 pair. $3,850,000 I

Lava Creek Lodge Shasta County, California

Montgomery Creek Ranch Colusa and Glenn Counties, California 2,050 +/- acre ranch located about 8 miles from Stonyford, California. This ranch has 3 miles of Montgomery Creek, 4 year-round ponds, springs, 2 homes, outbuildings, corrals and it borders the East Park 5HVHUYRLU IRU ÀVKLQJ ERDWLQJ DQG VZLPPLQJ :DWHU ULJKWV WR LUULJDWH acres. Runs 150 pair year round. Great hunting for deer, pig, turkey, quail DQG GRYH 2ZQ WKH HQWLUH 9DOOH\ à RRU DQG MXVW PLOHV WR 6DQ )UDQFLVFR $4,450,000 I

Located on spring-fed Eastman Lake just downstream from the headwaters of Lava Creek, on one of the largest fresh water spring systems in the world and the largest in the U.S. The Lodge boasts access to over 28 miles RI ZRUOG FODVV à \ ÀVKLQJ DQG SULPH ZDWHUIRZO KDELWDW 0DLQ ORGJH KDV attached rooms, caretakers’ quarters and great room. 8 detached cabins, boat launch, dock, shop and trap shooting area. Seasonal wetlands, springs and ponds accent this 44 acre property within a stone’s throw of the 6,000 acre Ahjumawi Lava Springs State Park. $2,950,000 I 707 Merchant Street, Suite 100 Vacaville, CA 95688 Tel. 707.455.4444 Over 130 listings at: VOL.  2,  NO.1     OPEN  FENCES


Black Ranch

Albion River Park

Tehama County, California

Mendocino County, California

This historic 5,844 +/- acre ranch is just 17 miles from Red Bluff, California. Features 3.5 miles of year-round Elder Creek, 12 ponds (of which 3 are over 3 acres in size) rolling oak grasslands provides great habitat for blacktail deer, wild pig, turkey, quail, dove, predator hunting and your occasional bear. House, barn, corral, Williamson Act and runs FRZV 2ZQHU ÀQDQFLQJ LV DYDLODEOH I

This is a rare opportunity to own 48+/- acres on the mouth of the Albion River. The property goes up the river for over 3,700 feet. This tidalLQà XHQFHG ULYHU LV RQH RI WKH IHZ QDYLJDEOH ULYHUV LQ WKH VWDWH .QRZQ DV Scooner Landing Park, it has 41 campsites with 25 full hook-up sites. 3 rental houses along the river and an owner’s home on top of the ridge, a concrete boat ramp and docks. $1,950,000 I

Horse Mountain Ranch 1,2 and 3

Southridge Ranch

Modoc County, California

Sutter County, California

5,445 +/- acres. 410 acres irrigated from wells and irrigation district, great hunting, national forest out the back gate. 10,000-acre forest service allotment for 195 head, income from rock quarry and 3 homes. Property 1 consists of 5,445 acres for $2,999,000. Property 2 consists of 305 acres for $1,399,000. Property 3 consists of 5,141 acres for $1,600,000 I

9HU\ SULYDWH DFUH SURSHUW\ ZLWK EHDXWLIXO YDOOH\ Ă RRU WKDW XVHG WR be a golf course that can be converted to an olive ranch with existing irrigation on 220 acres and several hundred additional acres could be planted. Owner developed plans for a 20 MW Solar energy system that is generated by 5,500 photo voltaic panels and would feed into the grid. 700 acres is currently leased out for cattle grazing. 12,000 square foot club house hosts weddings and events or could be converted to be a residence, corporate center, conference center or olive tasting room. Endless possibilities for this stunning property. $3,500,000 I


Shasta River Ranch Siskiyou County, California

WD Ranch Yuba County, California 40+/- acre property is located in Yuba County just 4 miles from Browns Valley and 13 miles from Marysville. This property is the ultimate gentlemen’s estate with irrigated pasture, ponds, roping arena, barns and a beautiful one story home that looks out at the foothills and pond. Picturesque valley with beautiful views and lots of water. $1,275,000 I

%HDXWLIXO UDQFK ZLWK WKH 6KDVWD 5LYHU Ă RZLQJ WKURXJK ,PSURYHPHQWV include 2 homes and a pole barn. The main home is a 4 bedroom, 2 bath home. The second home is nearby and both have paved road frontage. Beautiful Mt. Shasta views. Riparian and adjudicated water rights. This ranch is currently running about 100 pair. Additional acreage has been irrigated so there may be potential for more production. The property is in DJULFXOWXUDO SUHVHUYH VR SURSHUW\ WD[HV DUH UHDVRQDEOH 7KH WHUUDLQ LV Ă DW WR sloping with small hills interspersed throughout. $1,125,000 I

Rio Vista Estate Ranch Solano County, California

Terreno Verde

155 +/- acres completely fenced located just 1 hour out of San Francisco, California. Spacious 5,400 square foot home is spectacular to say the least. Large 4 bedrooms, family room, living Mendocino County, California room and a great basement game room. The 160 acre +/- ranch located 1 mile south of Manchester, California. yard is immaculate and feels like you are in Beautiful 2,390 square foot, 3 bedroom and 2 bathroom Victorian the middle of a park. Marvelous getaway, farmhouse was built to complement the country setting. It has all the secluded and quiet. Ideal for whatever your modern conveniences and beautiful custom features. A 1,800 square foot outdoor passion desires. $1,950,000 I barn was built keeping the same country feel with a loft and plenty of 707 Merchant Street, Suite 100 room for hay and animals. This ranch offers ocean and lighthouse views, Vacaville, CA 95688 abundant rolling grassland for horses or livestock, hidden valleys, 2 Tel. 707.455.4444 seasonal creeks, beautiful meadows, forests and blackberry bushes. Go Over 130 listings at: ÀVKLQJ VXUÀQJ VDQG GXQQLQJ KRUVHEDFN ULGLQJ RU KXQWLQJ RQ \RXU RZQ 160 acres. $1,495,000 I VOL.  2,  NO.1     OPEN  FENCES


York Ranch Catron and Cibola Counties, Grants, New Mexico A premier working cattle ranch located on the Continental Divide, consisting of 34,000 acres of deeded land plus an additional 136,000 acres of state DQG %XUHDX RI /DQG 0DQDJHPHQW JUD]LQJ OHDVHV &DUU\LQJ FDSDFLW\ LV HVWLPDWHG DW DQLPDO XQLWV PDNLQJ WKH UDQFK D SRVLWLYH FDVK Ă RZ RSHUDWLRQ The ranch is bordered by Wilderness areas and a National Monument. A ranch highlight is the excellent hunting for trophy elk, antelope, mule deer and other wild game. In addition numerous Anasazi Indian artifacts can be found on the ranch. $12,000,000 I Contact: Robb Van Pelt


Blue Mesa Ranch

Gunnison County, Gunnison, Colorado Consisting of 315 acres with three 5-acre improved tracts and nine 35-acre unimproved tracts, located on the north side of Blue Mesa Reservoir near Gunnison, Colorado. The ranch is partially surrounded by BLM lands with unlimited access to National Forest and Wilderness area. The water ULJKWV RZQHG E\ WKH UDQFK DUH VLJQLÀFDQW DQG together with storage rights provide considerable value for development, potential transfer for other uses or mitigation purposes. Blue Mesa Ranch is well improved with three modern custom homes and caretakers quarters, barns, sheds, outdoor riding arenas, pump and storage houses. The SURSHUW\ LV ZHOO IHQFHG DQG KDV VLJQLÀFDQW ZLOGOLIH and hunting characteristics. $6,000,000 I Contact: John Stratman 

Taylor River Homestead Gunnison County, Almont, Colorado A rare homestead is offered in the Crystal Creek Ranch, a shared amenity property with onsite caretaker providing a wide variety of services. This homestead is the only unimproved property of the 14 homesteads in Crystal Creek and it awaits your plans to build your exclusive home. Crystal Creek is a 400-acre Forest Service inholding that provides exclusive access to the ZRUOG FODVV 7D\ORU 5LYHU ÀVKHU\ 7KH SURSHUW\ KDV QHDUO\ PLOHV RI ÀVKLQJ VWUHDPV ERDVWLQJ record rainbow and brown trout. Unlimited hiking and hunting is accessible from the property. This is a truly unique opportunity to own a truly world-class property. $3,950,000 I Contact: John Stratman

(877) 207-9700 toll free VOL. 2, NO.1 OPEN FENCES


Sunny Valley Angus Ranch Arapahoe County, Byers, Colorado %LVHFWHG E\ :HVW %LMRX &UHHN WKLV GLYHUVLĂ€HG IDUP DQG UDQFK RSHUDWLRQ of 5,260Âą acres (2,240 state lease) features 218Âą irrigated acres and 198 acres of dryland farm ground with the balance in dryland pasture and grassland. The ranch has long-term investment potential, lies just east of Denver, Colorado and features three homes and extensive farm and ranch improvements. $5,000,000 I Contact: John Stratman

Vintage San Juan Treasure Hinsdale County, Lake City, Colorado This majestic, private location lies at the end of the road, almost completely surrounded by the Gunnison National Forest. The towering 13,000-foot and 14,000-foot peaks make these 30 acres seem like 30,000. Two private à \ ÀVKLQJ VWUHDPV VHWWOH LQWR WKH GDQFH RI RQH PRXQWDLQ VWUHDP DV LW FDUULHV LWV VRXQGV SDVW WKH PDJQLÀFHQW VTXDUH IRRW KRPH :DON RXW your front door for unrivaled recreational opportunities, or relax on one of the patios overlooking the creek and enjoy the sight of wildlife grazing the meadows. $4,275,000 I Contact: John Stratman

Gothenburg Hunting Lands Dawson County, Gothenburg, Nebraska

$Q H[FHOOHQW RSSRUWXQLW\ WR RZQ D ÀQH KXQWLQJ DQG UHFUHDWLRQ SURSHUW\ along the sought after North Platte River. Approximately 300 acres and nearly a mile of both sides of the North Platte River, the land includes about 40 acres of sub-irrigated cropland planted to alfalfa with the balance being natural river bottom lands. The land is characterized by cottonwoods, willows and cedar trees in varying degrees of density along with browse and grass allowing for excellent wildlife habitat. $750,000 I Contact: John Stratman


Inshallah Ranch

Grant County, John Day, Oregon

South of John Day, in the shadow of Mahogany Mountain and bordering the Malheur National Forest, the ranch offers a substantial holding in one of eastern Oregon’s most attractive locations. The contiguous 12,000+/- deeded-acre ranch has a private, “out-the-gate” 12,000-acre USFS grazing permit for 682 AUMs in Malheur National Forest. The ranch has an exquisite main home, three additional residences, an exceptional equine setup and a 3,600-foot airstrip. $14,000,000 I Contact: Robb Van Pelt 

Bear Ridge Ranch

Custer County, Westcliffe, Colorado

Consisting of 202.82 acres of incredibly diverse and beautiful landscape, including evergreen forests, aspen groves and open meadows, this ranch offers end-of-the-road privacy and shares a boundary with San Isabel National Forest. The 6,900-square-foot custom home was designed and constructed with superior craftsmanship. Perfect for living and entertaining, especially in the cool mountain summer nights or crisp fall mornings. The ranch offers incredible views of the Sangre de Cristos and Wet Mountain Range from one of the many decks. This unique property has the comforts of a custom home, a diverse landscape, privacy, views and overall character. $2,970,000 I Contact: Tom Roberts


(877) 207-9700 toll free VOL. 2, NO.1 OPEN FENCES


Shadow Creek Ranch Silverthorne, Colorado Nestled in the heart of the Colorado mountains, there exists a property teeming with breathtaking views and outdoor adventure. A recreational SDUDGLVH ZKHUH HDFK GD\ EHJLQV ZLWK ZRUOG FODVV VNLLQJ KRUVHEDFN ULGLQJ DQG Ă \ Ă€VKLQJ DQG HQGV ZLWK WKH PDMHVW\ RI D 5RFN\ 0RXQWDLQ VXQVHW ,W LV a land where a select few may experience the excitement and amenities of a master-planned ranch community without the responsibilities of upkeep. Shadow Creek Ranch offers 22 exclusive home-sites located on almost 6,000 acres of breathtaking Colorado landscape. Picture your custom-built home along pristine meadows, ridges, canyons, streams and ponds. This beauty will be passed from generation to generation through a conservation easement that protects this land for years to come. As an owner, you and your guests have access to guided Ă \ Ă€VKLQJ RQ ODNHV DQG SRQGV DQG DFFHVV WR RYHU PLOHV of “Gold Medalâ€? waters on the Blue River; as well as hunting trophy elk and mule deer with a professional guide. Horseback riding, ranch activities, a full-time chef, and luxury lodge accommodations are just a few of the amenities offered. Spend D IHZ QLJKWV DW RQH RI WKH Ă€YH FDELQV QHVWOHG LQ WKH EDFN FRXQWU\


to truly experience wildlife on the ranch. Enjoy a combination of beauty

I Ownership includes access to over 5,600 deeded acres

and outdoor adventure like none you have ever experienced with a home

I Adjacent to 130,000 acres of Eagles Nest Wilderness area

at Shadow Creek Ranch.

I Within one hour of 7 major ski resorts I A true working cattle ranch I Equestrian center with a 35 horse remuda I Only a short 90 minute drive from Denver I Homesteads begin at $1,600,000

1614 Grand Avenue Glenwood Springs, Colorado 81601 (877) 207-9700 toll free VOL. 2, NO.1 OPEN FENCES


Gardner Creek Ranch

Sand Springs Ranch

Custer County, Clayton, Idaho

Gooding County, Hagerman, Idaho

With year-round accessibility to Sun Valley, this 62¹ acre ranch borders national forest lands on 3 sides and features a beautifully restored log cabin with wine cellar and sauna, wild game butcher shop, contiguous gold mining claims and exclusive water rights from Gardner Creek. This area offers some of Idaho’s most spectacular mountain ranges, wildest rivers and best big game hunting. $1,500,000 I

6LPSO\ VWDWHG WKH “ DFUH 6DQG 6SULQJV 5DQFK LV DPRQJ WKH ÀQHVW sporting properties in the western US. The ranch offers unmatched waterfowl and upland hunting in a completely private setting with abundant spring water, irrigated cropland and extensive Snake River frontage. Sand Springs Creek is home to 20+ inch rainbows eager to take D GU\ à \ PLQXWHV VRXWK RI +DJHUPDQ I

Round Mountain Ranch

Stillwater River Ranch

Routt County, Steamboat Springs, Colorado

Stillwater County, Absarokee, Montana

This multi-dimensional 1,132Âą acre property located only 20 minutes from Steamboat Springs - an internationally renowned resort community ERDVWV “ PLOHV RI WKH (ON 5LYHU ² DQ H[FHSWLRQDO Ă€VKHU\ ² D EHDXWLIXO home and guest cabins plus outstanding livestock and equestrian facilities. All of this contiguous to one million acres of National Forest. Reduced to $15,500,000 I

A lush 475¹ deeded acre mountain river ranch predominately made up of irrigated and sub-irrigated meadows. It’s conveniently located for yearround access to vibrant small towns, such as Absarokee, Red Lodge and Columbus and an easy hour’s drive to Billings, Montana’s largest city. There is an abundance of lush feed and room to create a homestead on or near the river with granite peak views. Fishing is outstanding on the river and wildlife is plentiful. $1,400,000 I


Phipps La Garita Ranch Mineral County, Creede, Colorado 7KLV H[FHSWLRQDO DFUH SURSHUW\ FRQWDLQV RXWVWDQGLQJ ÀVKLQJ ZDWHU ZLWK RYHU miles of the Rio Grande River, 3 miles of Bellows Creek and 4 lakes. While conveniently located within 15 minutes of the historic town of Creede the ranch is also very private sharing much of its boundary with Rio Grande National Forest. $12,900,000 I

North Star Ranch Huerfano County, La Veta, Colorado Located only four miles from La Veta, Colorado, the North Star Ranch is a turn-key equestrian property consisting of 265Âą acres. Outstanding improvements are the centerpiece of this offering and include an exquisite 4,000 square foot Mediterranean inspired home, a professionally designed 10-stall horse barn, 110 x 220 indoor arena, remodeled caretaker home and 2290 Grant Road charming guest cabin. Breathtaking views and irrigated meadows are enhanced P.O. Box 81490 by 1.5 miles of the Cuchara River passing through this picturesque landscape. Reduced to $5,500,000 I Billings, Montana 59108 +LJK GHĂ€QLWLRQ YLGHR DYDLODEOH WR YLHZ DW ZZZ KDOODQGKDOO FRP 406.656.7500 VOL. Â 2, Â NO.1 Â Â Â Â OPEN Â FENCES


Darwin Ranch

Twisted Stick Ranch

Teton County, Jackson, Wyoming

Sweet Grass County, Big Timber, Montana

An extraordinary National Forest in-holding directly adjoining a :LOGHUQHVV DUHD 6HW RQ WKH EDQNV RI WKH WURXW ÀOOHG 8SSHU *URV 9HQWUH River, this self-contained and perfectly protected 160± acre ranch is home to a comfortable lodge and guest cabins offering an ideal private retreat and/or guest operation. Electricity, telephone, internet service and the seasonal road allow access to the outside world. $8,500,000 I

Located on the West Boulder River south of Big Timber, the Twisted Stick is a private 379± acre retreat in this exclusive, tightly held valley with a strong conservation ethic. An attractively designed one-bedroom home of recycled timbers overlooks the river at the end of a private entrance road. The property runs from ridgetop to ridgetop across the valley. $3,400,000 I

Alice Creek Ranch

Ross Fork Ranch

Lewis and Clark Counties, Lincoln, Montana

Granite County, Philipsburg, Montana

Located in the Blackfoot Valley, this 2,971± acre ranch has two streams passing through and is virtually surrounded by USFS. Its tasteful and complete improvements enjoy dramatic views over a trout pond to Lewis and Clark Pass. Excellent wildlife populations abound. Year-round accessibility combined with a spectacular and secluded location will put this property in high demand. $5,800,000 I

Nestled at the headwaters of Rock Creek, western Montana’s preeminent blue ribbon trout water, the Ross Fork Ranch is the quintessential Montana property. Lush meadows, tall trees and a headwater teeming with native trout make this 249± acre property a choice recreational getaway. Forest Service boundaries and adjacent large ranches provide the new owner with beautiful views and endless recreational potential. Reduced to $1,590,000 I


Flying H Ranch Park County, Cody, Wyoming Located an hour’s drive southwest of Cody in the Upper South Fork, this 280¹ acre end-of-the-road ranch bordered by the river and the USFS boasts classic log buildings, a beautiful owner's home and complete privacy. Arguably the premier ranch in this tightly-held YDOOH\ WKH VHWWLQJ LV PDJQLÀFHQW ZLWK WKH KRPH RYHUORRNLQJ OXVK meadows and the river under towering peaks. $9,900,000 I

Lazy Bar F Park County, Cody, Wyoming Located 55 miles southwest of Cody at the end of the road along the South Fork of the Shoshone River. This unique, historic 152¹ acre homestead once owned by Max Wilde, one of Wyoming’s original hunting guides, features spectacular views, wonderful old-style cabins, a distinctive owner’s residence and a small lodge with the USFS, the river and conservation properties as neighbors. $8,000,000 I

Alder Creek Ranch Custer County, Mackay, Idaho Occupying its own mountain valley, this spectacular 820¹ acre UDQFK IHDWXUHV ÀUVW FODVV LPSURYHPHQWV QDWLRQDO IRUHVW ERXQGDU\ big mountain views to the east and west, and a trout stream running the length of the property. The ranch is 10 minutes to Mackay and less than an hour and a half to Sun Valley year-round. Reduced to $4,000,000 I

2290 Grant Road P.O. Box 81490 Billings, Montana 59108 406.656.7500 VOL. Â 2, Â NO.1 Â Â Â Â OPEN Â FENCES


Trapper Peak Ranch Ravalli County, Darby, Montana ´3RVWFDUGÂľ UDQFK ZLWK WLPEHU SDUNV DQG LUULJDWHG KD\ Ă€HOGV RQ “ DFUHV 7KLV UDQFK LV private with stunning views of Trapper Peak. Improvements are of superb quality including main lodge (over 6,000Âą square feet), guest home, a luxury “bunkhouseâ€?, caretaker home, EDUQV VKRS DQG VZLPPLQJ SRRO 5HVLGHQW HON KHUG Ă€VK SRQG DQG ZLOG WXUNH\V 2QO\ minutes from Hamilton and 75 minutes from Missoula. $14,950,000 I

Zachry Ranches Inc. Grand and San Juan Counties, Moab, Utah The ranch is located 10 miles west of Gateway, Colorado or 50 miles east of Moab, Utah and it offers 8,842¹ deeded acres, a diverse ecosystem, exceptional big game habitat and is adjacent to the 1.4+ million acre Manti La Sal National Forest. Good summer grazing for yearlings or cow/calf pairs. Enrolled in Utah’s CWMU program; the property is allocated 18 buck and 6 bull elk tags. The Grand Junction Regional Airport is a 1.5 hour drive. $9,750,000 I


Dana Ranch Cascade County, Cascade, Montana 7KH 'DQD 5DQFK LV DUJXDEO\ WKH ÀQHVW FRPELQDWLRQ FDWWOH DQG UHFUHDWLRQDO ranch in Montana. It supports 3,000 animal units on its 59,000¹ total acres (45,000 deeded plus 14,000¹ acres of captive State leased lands). It is KLJKO\ SURGXFWLYH SURÀWDEOH SULYDWH DQG ERDVWV H[WUDRUGLQDU\ ZLOGOLIH DQG ÀVKHU\ UHVRXUFHV 7KH 0LVVRXUL 5LYHU 8QLWV DUH ORFDWHG MXVW PLOHV from the town of Cascade (and Interstate 15) and 24 miles from the Great Falls International Airport. The main grazing or Mountain Unit is 55,000¹ acres in one block and located 24 miles southeast of the River Units. The ranch is home to literally thousands of big game animals. These include elk, whitetail and mule deer and antelope. The huntable avian populations include Hungarian Partridge, Sharptail and Blue Grouse, ducks, geese and pheasant. Sixty-three miles of live surface streams are on the Mountain Unit, and 18 miles of that provide private wadeÀVKLQJ IRU EURZQ EURRN and rainbow trout, up to 29 inches in length. Four miles of the blue-ribbon stretch of the Missouri River also fronts on the River Units of the ranch. The ranch has won numerous conservation awards and is being offered by the second owner in its 95 year history. Contact Hall and Hall for terms. $45,000,000 I

2290 Grant Road P.O. Box 81490 Billings, Montana 59108 406.656.7500 VOL. Â 2, Â NO.1 Â Â Â Â OPEN Â FENCES


Westfall, Oregon Branding Iron Ranch is comprised of 26,500Âą deeded acres with another 140,000Âą acres of leased grazing land. This large ranch is capable of running 3,500 head of cattle. Water rights consist of 3,499Âą acres of primary and 2,282Âą acres of supplemental rights. There are eight new FHQWHU SLYRWV DORQJ ZLWK D IHZ KDQG OLQHV DQG VRPH Ă RRG LUULJDWLRQ XVHG in production of a variety of feed that sustains the ranch. Improvements consist of homes, shops, hay storage--everything needed for a ranch of this magnitude. Cattle are king here, although the wildlife is spectacular with large herds of mule deer, antelope and elk. $20,000,000 I

Branding Iron Ranch Whitehall, Montana

Fish Creek Ranch on the Jefferson River

The entire 1,605 +/- acres is healthy bottomland with 3.9 +/- miles of the Jefferson River, over two miles of Fish Creek, a small spring creek, as well as a wonderful mixture of mature cottonwood forests, dense escape cover for pheasants and deer, tremendous waterfowl habitat and productive irrigated ground. There are so many different “roomsâ€? on the ranch, all unique but each comprised of the key components of quality Ă€VK DQG ZLOGOLIH KDELWDW ZDWHU IRRG DQG FRYHU $ EHDXWLIXO ORJ KRPH DQG guesthouse are nestled beneath towering cottonwoods with a dramatic YLHZ RYHU WKH FU\VWDO FOHDU WURXW Ă€OOHG SRQG WRZDUG WKH PDMHVWLF 7REDFFR Root Mountains. A short walk through the cottonwoods is one of the Ă€QHVW VSULQJ IHG Ă€VKHULHV LQ 6RXWKZHVW 0RQWDQD )LVK &UHHN 7KLV LV D very peaceful and beautiful river bottom ranch with tremendous habitat. $6,800,000 I

Colorado Springs, Colorado

Cheyenne Canyon Retreat 34 Â O Â Â Â PEN Â FENCES Â Â Â Â VOL. Â 2, Â NO.1

Every once in a while one of those truly unique properties that has a grand history and rarely been on the market comes available. Cheyenne Canyon Retreat is one of those rare magical properties. If you have ever dreamed of owning an extraordinary mountain retreat that offers everything an owner can desire, this is your chance. Cheyenne Canyon Retreat’s 37¹ acres offers massive awe inspiring views that expand over Colorado Springs clear into Kansas in one direction and overlook two enchanting ZDWHUIDOOV LQ WKH RWKHU ,W LV YHU\ GLIÀFXOW WR ÀQG SURSHUW\ WKDW LV WKLV FORVH to Colorado Springs and offers tranquil relaxing privacy and views that cannot be described by words. Cheyenne Canyon Retreat is completely surrounded by City Parks and National Forest guaranteeing the views will never change and the tranquil beauty will always be preserved. Cheyenne Canyon Retreat is truly a once in a lifetime opportunity. $1,487,000 I

Bozeman, Montana Cottonwood Creek Reserve is 769Âą deeded acres of privacy, Cottonwood &UHHN WURXW Ă€VKHU\ HON KDELWDW DQG XQLQKLELWHG YLVWDV %RUGHULQJ approximately one mile of Forest Service boundary, the property offers contiguous access to thousands of acres of National Forest. Blessed with a diversity of terrain and habitat, the sweeping views include several mountain ranges, timbered ridges, aspen draws and beautiful open parks. &RWWRQZRRG &UHHN¡V LPSRUWDQW VSDZQLQJ ZDWHUV Ă RZ WKURXJK WKH SURSHUW\ for .75Âą mile, offering prospective stream rehabilitation. Ten minutes from Bozeman, Montana and all amenities, Cottonwood Creek Reserve is the perfect home for anyone with a desire for tranquility in a private paradise. $5,900,000 I

Cottonwood Creek Reserve Big Timber, Montana

Deer Creek Ranch

,W LV UDUH WR ÀQG D UDQFK WKDW SURYLGHV WKH TXDOLW\ DQG GLYHUVLW\ RI UHFUHDWLRQ that Deer Creek Ranch provides, even in much larger properties. The UDQFK KDV DSSUR[LPDWHO\ RQH PLOH RI D VSULQJ IHG WURSK\ ÀVKHU\ LQFUHGLEOH trophy elk, mule deer and whitetail deer as well as turkeys, bear and Hungarian partridge. Located only 15 minutes by vehicle to Big Timber, 0RQWDQD 'HHU &UHHN 5DQFK LV RQH RI WKH ÀQHVW à \ ÀVKLQJ ZLOGOLIH UDQFKHV to come on the market in years. The ranch consists of 451¹ deeded acres and 1¹ mile of frontage on Lower Deer Creek, a spring fed trophy trout ÀVKHU\ 7KHUH DUH DOVR WZR VSULQJ IHG SRQGV ZLWK HQRUPRXV UDLQERZ DQG cutthroat trout and a beautiful hand hewn log home. Due to the vision and intensive management of the current owners, the Deer Creek Ranch has been created and managed for the sportsman yet has the creature comforts to provide a relaxing and enjoyable experience for the whole family. This is a ranch you can purchase and immediately enjoy because there is little you could do to improve it. $2,900,000 I

Pendleton, Oregon The Bar M Ranch is a premier guest ranch, located in the Blue Mountains of Oregon. Numerous activities ranging from horse back riding to lounging in the “hot spring poolâ€? are offered at the ranch. The ranch sits on the banks of the Umatilla River and is surrounded by national forest on three sides with classic mountain terrain. The 3,096Âą acre ranch has a beautiful 5,300Âą square feet turn of the century, ranch house and numerous other homes and cabins. $2,800,000 I

Bar M Ranch

With Offices Throughout the West 1-800-238-8616 VOL. Â 2, Â NO.1 Â Â Â Â OPEN Â FENCES


Philipsburg, Montana

Pintler Trout Creek Ranch

/RFDWHG MXVW PLQXWHV VRXWK RI 3KLOLSVEXUJ 0RQWDQD LV WKH PDJQLĂ€FHQW 2,670 Âą acre Pintler Trout Creek Ranch. With over 1.5 miles of private Ă€VKLQJ RQ 7URXW &UHHN DQG HQGOHVV ELJ JDPH KXQWLQJ WKH 3LQWOHU 7URXW &UHHN 5DQFK LV DQ RXWGRRUVPDQ¡V GUHDP $OO RI WKH PDJQLĂ€FHQFH RI WKH QHDUO\ undiscovered Philipsburg/Georgetown area, including downhill skiing, ODNH RULHQWHG UHFUHDWLRQ DQG QXPHURXV RWKHU Ă \ Ă€VKLQJ RSSRUWXQLWLHV are within minutes of the ranch. The Pintler Trout Creek Ranch stretches IURP WKH 6NDONDKR 3DVV 5RDG RQ WKH Ă RRU RI WKH 3KLOLSVEXUJ 9DOOH\ HDVW WR the Georgetown Lake Ridge providing dramatic views of three mountain UDQJHV DQG WKH &RQWLQHQWDO 'LYLGH 7KH SULYDWH Ă€VKHU\ DQG DOSLQH VHWWLQJ make the Pintler Trout Creek Ranch one-of-a-kind and a rarity on the ranch market today and a great opportunity to own a quintessential piece of Montana. $9,250,000 I

Preston, Idaho Located in beautiful southeast Idaho near the town of Preston, the Oneida Narrows Ranch is a rare offering within Franklin County. With views overlooking the Bear River and the Caribou National Forest, this ranch offers many pursuits from agricultural to world-class big game hunting, VSHFLÀFDOO\ PXOH GHHU DQG HON 2QHLGD 1DUURZV 5DQFK FRQVLVWV RI “ deeded acres and an additional 2,000¹ acres of BLM leased land. The Oneida Narrows Ranch is one of those rare opportunities to own a world-class big game ranch that also couples as a productive agricultural operation. With close proximity to airports and local conveniences, the UDQFK KDV DOO WKH EHQHÀWV RI D UHPRWH UDQFK ZLWKRXW EHLQJ UHPRWH :LWK D YDULHW\ RI UHFUHDWLRQDO SXUVXLWV IURP KXQWLQJ WR ÀVKLQJ RQ WKH %HDU 5LYHU this ranch is hard to match. $5,580,000 I

Oneida Narrows Ranch Johnson County, Wyoming

Fraley Four Mile Ranch 36 Â O Â Â Â PEN Â FENCES Â Â Â Â VOL. Â 2, Â NO.1

An exceptional “low overhead� grass ranch that consists of a contiguous block of 13,390 +/- acres. There are 12,272+/- deeded acres, 640 +/- State of Wyoming lease acres, and 480 +/-BLM lease acres, making the ranch more than 90% deeded land. The ranch has an owner rated capacity of 350 cow/calf pairs (more with winter feed supplement) and a balance of bulls and saddle horses. The ranch is also ideally suited for a commercial yearling cattle operation. The ranch allows for a nice rotational grazing program with 13 fenced pastures. In addition, the property is well watered, with over 20 reservoir/stock ponds and 19 tire tanks. A newly added solar well on the south end of the property aids the more than adequate water system. There is an excellent set of steel corrals with a new digital scale adjacent to the state maintained Irigaray Mine Road. The ranch has been managed and improved to allow anyone to step into an “easy to run� livestock operation. $3,900,000 I

Whitehall, Montana

Two Dog Fish Creek Ranch

Managed to encompass the higher qualities of recreational and agricultural attributes that Montana has to offer, Two Dog Fish Creek Ranch offers SULYDWH ÀVKLQJ RQ WKH -HIIHUVRQ 5LYHU DJULFXOWXUH VXVWDLQDELOLW\ ELUG and wildlife habitat and mountain views in a private and rural setting. “ PLOH RI WKH DSWO\ QDPHG )LVK &UHHN à RZV WKURXJK WKH “ DFUHV 7KH VWUXFWXUHV RQ WKH UDQFK ZHUH PRYHG UHQRYDWHG DQG PRGLÀHG ZLWK minimal new construction to facilitate a comprehensive master plan for the ranch in the spirit of an ongoing sustainable stewardship; they now personify the keeping of the property. A beautiful and historic setting, easy access to town, airport and city amenities, rich enough in recreational amenities to keep any number of guests entertained or to relax in peaceful seclusion. Two Dog Fish Creek Ranch will meet your needs and exceed your expectations. $2,665,000 I

Telluride, Colorado

Species Wilderness Ranch

Species Wilderness Ranch is a spectacular 547-acre ranch located on the south side of Specie Mesa. Telluride has become famous as one of the best ski areas in the country with its new Revelation Bowl, and world class PXVLF ÀOP DQG DUWV IHVWLYDOV DOO VXPPHU ORQJ 7KH SURSHUW\ LV ULQJHG RQ three horizons by 13-14,000 feet peaks and lies at the base of Little Cone 0RXQWDLQ 7KH YLHZV RI WKH 6QHIà HV 7HOOXULGH DQG :LOVRQ 5DQJHV DUH breathtakingly beautiful. The runs of the Telluride Ski Area are visible some 15 miles to the east and are the only signs of civilization as far as the eye can see. Specie Creek originates just south of the ranch boundary DQG à RZV WKURXJK WKH VRXWKZHVW FRUQHU RI WKH UDQFK 7KH HOHYDWLRQ LV approximately 8,600 feet with aspen and gambol oak groves scattered across the ranch. There are large spruce and ponderosa trees on the south boundary which abuts the San Juan National Forest for about a mile, providing access to thousands of acres of forest land with some of the best elk and mule deer hunting in the lower 48. $4,950,000 I

White Sulphur Springs, Montana Keep Cool Creek Ranch offers a broad range of amenities that are rarely found in its size and price range. The ranch enjoys private National Forest DFFHVV DSSUR[LPDWHO\ PLOHV RI OLYH ZDWHU D UHQRZQHG ODNH ÀVKHU\ excellent hunting for elk, deer, antelope, upland birds and waterfowl and a productive agricultural operation. The ranch is just under 100 miles from Bozeman and is easily reached by paved highway that end at the ranch entrance. The improvements are well-maintained, attractive and comfortable. $3,900,000 I

Keep Cool Creek Ranch

With Offices Throughout the West 1-800-238-8616



Barney Ranch

Livestock operation located on Green River Green River Basin, Wyoming. 11,026+/- deeded acres as well as associated leases located on the Green River in northwest Wyoming. In addition to being a well-run livestock operation, the ranch has several miles of the *UHHQ 5LYHU ZLWK LWV RXWVWDQGLQJ Ă€VKLQJ 2YHU KDOI RI WKH 10,000+/- deeded acres have water rights and the ranch runs 2,000 animal units in a cow/calf to yearling operation. The ranch has three units on the river, each with a full complement of improvements. It runs from river bottom land to mountainous land bordering the National Forest in a series of pastures. It is a traditional “Cowboyâ€? cattle RSHUDWLRQ ,Q DGGLWLRQ WR WKH RXWVWDQGLQJ Ă€VKLQJ WKHUH LV DQ abundance of wildlife on the ranch, including water fowl, white tail and mule deer and moose. $22,500,000 I

Sheep Rock Ranch

3-X Ranch

Outstanding ranch on North Platte River

Rare holding in popular Lander, Wyoming area

North Platte River Valley, Wyoming. 2,777+/- acres, with lush meadows, and 2,563+/- acres with adjudicated water rights. Gorgeous views of surrounding mountains and local landmark Sheep Rock, as well DV %OXH 5LEERQ )LVKLQJ LQ WKH 1RUWK 3ODWWH 5LYHU DQG WKH DPD]LQJ ÀVKHU\ RI -DFN &UHHN IRU PLOHV $V ZHOO DV ÀVKLQJ DORQJ FUHHNV WKHUH DUH DOVR WZR VSULQJ IHG ÀVKLQJ SRQGV ZLWKLQ UDQFK ERXQGDULHV WKDW DUH VWRFNHG with cutt-bows, browns and rainbow trout. These spring creeks feeding WKH SRQGV FRXOG DOVR EH GHYHORSHG IRU HYHQ PRUH ÀVKLQJ 7KH 5DQFK lies virtually adjacent to Saratoga with an 8,400 foot airstrip, yet private ZLWK YLHZV JRRG ÀVKLQJ DQG KXQWLQJ 7KH 6KHHS 5RFN 5DQFK ERUGHUV the Bird Cloud Ranch, which owns a mile of the Platte River and Sheep Rock itself. The two properties are immediately adjacent, and complement one another well. The Bird Cloud Ranch is also for sale and listed with Western United Realty. $12,000,000 I

Lander, Wyoming. This 1,200+/- deeded acres property backs up to the Eastern front of the Wind River Mountains, with Wyoming State Lease and BLM Lease just out the back gate. The Shoshone National Forest is just beyond the BLM for mountain recreational opportunities. The ranch LV FDSDEOH RI RYHU FDOI FRZ SDLUV LQ LWV FXUUHQW FRQÀJXUDWLRQ 7ZR artesian wells supply water to 3 different reservoirs stocked with trout. 2QH ZHOO à RZV JSP DQG DQRWKHU LV DERXW JSP $QRWKHU ZHOO FRXOG EH H[SDQGHG WR IDU H[FHHG WKHVH à RZ UDWHV DQG WKH UHVHUYRLUV FDQ EH HQODUJHG WR SURYLGH DQ HYHQ ODUJHU ÀVKLQJ UHVRXUFH 7KH LUULJDWHG acres has produced 300 tons but is utilized for grazing now. With over 2 miles of Squaw Creek and its tributaries, the Ranch lays at a canyon choke point creating an amphitheater in the heart of the ranch. An increasingly rare large holding in the highly sought after Lander, Wyoming area. Only 4+/- miles to Lander. $3,400,000 I


Big Medicine Ranch

Neely Ranch

Perfect retreat from the business of life

Gorgeous views of the Wind River, Gros Ventre and Wyoming Ranges

Newcastle, Wyoming. The ranch is comprised of 950+/- acres of forested land, open meadows, and gorgeous hillside valleys, with space for horses RU FDWWOH /RFDWHG MXVW DQ KRXU DQG D KDOI IURP 6SHDUĂ€VK DQG 5DSLG &LW\ South Dakota. The house is a hand-crafted, log home with full Scribe Log work. The whole house is decorated in a Western and Native American motif and intricate decorative details make this house truly unique. Away from the house is a beautiful log-heated horse barn with a separate supply of water, septic system and a bathroom with laundry. There are four stalls with automatic waterers and rubber mats, as well as a tack room, wash stall and hay loft storage. Outside the barn, the property features both an outdoor roundpen and fenced arena. $4,900,000 I

Big Piney, Wyoming. 1,026+/- acres that cover high alpine topography, with rolling sage brush hills, groves of aspen trees and willow trees lining draws. To the Northern boundary of the ranch, National Forest sprawls for thousands of acres, giving the ranch easy access to wildlife DQG UHFUHDWLRQDO RSSRUWXQLWLHV 7ZR PLOHV RI JRRG ÀVKLQJ LV SURYLGHG E\ Chall and Little Beaver Creek, which converge on the property. Wetlands around the creeks are a habitat for waterfowl and moose. $2,000,000 I

Minor Ranch Gorgeous remote location

Little Jack Creek Excellent pasture for cattle Saratoga, Wyoming. Located just under the Continental Divide at the headwaters of Little Jack Creek about 20 miles west of Saratoga, Wyoming. Rawlins, Wyoming is to the north about 35 miles. It starts at the very beginning of Little Jack Creek in a picturesque setting of pine and aspen with beaver ponds on the creek. It is in a very private location with brookie ÀVKLQJ LQ WKH FUHHN DQG SRQGV DQG KXQWLQJ IRU GHHU HON DQG DQWHORSH 7KH ranch has excellent pasture for cattle grazing with use beginning in the late spring until fall. The ranch consists of just over 1,218 deeded acres with an additional 975 acres of Wyoming State lease and a BLM allotment of 307 Aums. $1,500 per acre I

Manila, Utah. Located next to the beautiful Flaming Gorge reservoir, the Minor Ranch is a secluded property along the Henry’s Fork River. Consisting of 634+/- acres, the ranch has one set of modern headquarters with a newer 2-story log home and a guest cabin as well. There is also an older ranch home that sits on the property, outbuildings and horse facilities. New ownership could run a small herd of cattle. The area is ripe with abundant wildlife such as bald eagles and deer, and the nearby UHVHUYRLU SURYLGHV IDQWDVWLF ÀVKLQJ I



Washington County, Springdale, Utah Sitting in the shadows of the majestic Zion National Park and resting along the banks of the East Fork of the Virgin River is the scenic beauty of Trees Ranch, with its brilliantly colored sandstone cliffs, towering monoliths and grand temples. Carefully assembled over the years by visionary conservationist owners, this 2,066-acre Utah ranch is steeped in history and abundant resources. With 1,856 acres of historic water rights, the ranch’s water is pumped through an underground V\VWHP RI SLSHV WKDW LUULJDWH RYHU DFUHV RQ ÀHOGV 7KH ranch also features four homes and several ranch buildings. Designed by renowned architect, William McDonough, the KRPHV UHVW QHDU WKH RUFKDUG ÀHOGV DQG ULYHUV DQG XWLOL]H pressed adobe-like block, rocks and timbers made from local materials. Experience solitude and explore your own national park setting complete with private canyons, mesa, buttes, parks, rivers, creeks and streams DQG GLVFRYHU WKH DGMRLQLQJ =LRQ 1DWLRQDO 3DUN DQG &DQDDQ 0RXQWDLQ :LOGHUQHVV *URZ \RXU RZQ FHUWLÀHG RUJDQLF IUXLW DQG WU\ \RXU KDQG DW \RXU RZQ vineyard with rich soils, abundant water and 300 days of sunshine. Or simply rest and enjoy the iconic nature of your surroundings, the architecture, DQG VFHQLF EHDXW\ RI WKLV SULYDWH VDQFWXDU\ 7KLV LV ZLWKRXW D GRXEW RQH RI WKH ÀQHVW 8WDK UDQFKHV RQ WKH PDUNHW WRGD\ :H LQYLWH \RX WR H[SORUH WKLV phenomenal property. $30,000,000 I Contact: Ken Mirr

Trees Ranch

Brush Creek Ranch

South Cooney Hills Ranch

Platte County, Wheatland, Wyoming

Platte County, Wheatland, Wyoming

A traditional working cattle ranch comprised of two units that make up a total of approximately 4,874 deeded acres and 660 acres of BLM leases. The 1,820 deeded acre Headquarters Unit includes an 80 acre BLM lease and has valuable water rights which irrigate approximately 300 acres. Other improvements include: a small home, shop, barn, corrals and feedlot. In addition to the excellent protection for livestock, the nearly 1.5 miles of Brush Creek provides excellent habitat for the trophy elk, whitetail deer, mule deer and antelope that frequent the ranch. The Laramie Plains Unit consists of approximately 3,054 deeded acres and 580 aces of BLM leases. The Laramie Plains Unit offers excellent summer grazing while the Headquarters Unit is in hay production and is adequately watered by two windmills, one spring and one reservoir. The ranch can be purchased in its entirety or as two separate units. $2,316,200 I Contact: Ken Mirr

A rare opportunity to acquire a high-end sporting property and traditional working cattle ranch all in one. It is a prime, sporting ranch with ideal habitat for a uniquely diverse population of game species including trophy elk, mule and whitetail deer, antelope and wild turkey. It also features SULYDWH à \ ÀVKLQJ DORQJ WKH DSSUR[LPDWHO\ PLOHV RI 6\ELOOH &UHHN Once serving as the headquarters of the historic Swan Land and Cattle Company, the ranch is one contiguous block of nearly 11,000 acres comprised of approximately 4,910 deeded acres and an additional 5,915 leased acres. Resting at the edge of the Great Plains, the ranch adjoins the foothills of the Laramie Mountain Range just west of the town of Wheatland, Wyoming. It has excellent access, only three hours north of Denver, and presents an unprecedented value for asset preservation in today’s market. $4,900,000 I Contact: Ken Mirr


Thunder Ranch Uintah County, Jensen, Utah Located along the Utah and Colorado border adjoining Dinosaur National Monument and 5 miles of the Green River, lies an unrivaled trophy hunting property and major hay producing ranch at the base of Split Mountain. This 8,200 +/- deeded acre ranch has an incredible diversity of wildlife with elk, mule deer, antelope, wild turkeys, waterfowl and sandhill cranes. The headquarters unit, situated in Jensen with over 2,000 acres of lush irrigated KD\ ÀHOGV VHUYHV DV DQ RDVLV DQG SULYDWH UHVHUYH DWWUDFWLQJ JDPH IURP PLOHV DURXQG :LWK KLVWRULF ZDWHU ULJKWV RYHU FIV WKH DUHD LV DOVR VWHHSHG in ancient history with numerous caves, petroglyphs and fossils found nearby. The ranch is truly a remarkable and rare combination of world-class KXQWLQJ UHFUHDWLRQ VLJQLÀFDQW IDUP LQFRPH FDWWOH RSHUDWLRQ KLVWRU\ DQG VFHQLF ODQGVFDSHV DOO ZLWKLQ PLQXWHV RI D FRPPHUFLDO MHW DLUSRUW DQG DOO the other amenities of the city of Vernal, Utah. $16,200,000 I Contact: Ken Mirr or Jeff Hubbard

Steele Creek Ranch Johnson County, Buffalo, Wyoming One of the most scenic and private mountain frontage ranches on the east slope of the Big Horn Mountains, it is comprised of approximately 1,890 deeded acres, with another 480 acres of Wyoming State lease and 200 acres BLM lease. The property features an 11,300 square foot custom designed log home and a diversity of terrain and habitat - from rolling grasslands to red stone outcroppings and ponderosa pine forests. The perennial spring fed stream, dissects the property providing year-round water for the abundance of wildlife including; pronghorn, mule deer, elk, Merriams’ turkey, Hungarian partridge, sage grouse and a variety of other non-game animals. The ranch is secluded and private, yet only 30 minutes from Buffalo. $8,700,000 I Contact: Duffy Brown or Ken Mirr

Cuchara Valley Ranch Huerfano County, La Veta, Colorado This historic ranch lies at the base of the Spanish Peaks in south Colorado. With the trout-rich Cucharas River and 3 additional creeks, this 4,717 +/- total acre ranch includes lush irrigated meadows, cottonwood-lined ULYHUV DQG FUHHNV DQG RDN EUXVK DVSHQ SLQH DQG ÀU WUHHV LQ WKH KLJKHU elevations. The property has unique geologic Dakota sandstone walls, lava dikes, waterfall and rustic cabin in Chaparral Creek, 7 miles of San Isabel National Forest boundary, and private trails leading to the Spanish Peaks Wilderness Area. $9,675,000 I Contact: Ken Mirr

915 South Pearl Street Denver, CO 80209 303-623-4545 Toll Free: 877-623-4545 VOL. Â 2, Â NO.1 Â Â Â Â OPEN Â FENCES


Cove Ranch Near Sun Valley, Idaho The Historic Cove Ranch is a very special place located between the fertile agricultural valley south of Sun Valley, Idaho and hundreds of thousands of acres of mountainous public lands rising up to the east. The “Cove� is named after the geological features that surround and protect the heart of the property, enveloping it in a dramatic mantle of mountains with intermittent springs and streams on three sides. The 4,482 acre ranch is a reputation alfalfa and cattle operation annually producing over 6,000 tons of premium dairy quality hay and Black Angus cattle on over 8,500 acres of Cove Ranch grazing leases surrounding the property. This working ranch provides the perfect combination of accessibility and privacy, approximately 10 minutes from the Sun Valley airport yet tucked into the Pioneer Mountains for an end of the road experience. $24,500,000 I

Dunne Valley Ranch Historic South-Central Kansas Ranch The Dunne Valley Ranch is located in south-central Kansas in Unit 16, a world famous white-tailed deer area. It features 21,212 contiguous acres of great grassland and good farmland. This ranch has only ever had two RZQHUV DQG IHDWXUHV FUHHNV LQ DGGLWLRQ WR WKH &LPDUURQ 5LYHU Ă RZLQJ through it. This property has very good fences, lots of divided pastures and is extremely well watered. Great wild turkey and upland game hunting enhance value. The improvements are well done and both homes were remodeled in 2004. Half of the mineral rights are reserved to the sellers, non-participating. If you have always wanted the “bestâ€? large cattle and hunting ranch in Kansas, you had better hurry! $21,212,000 I

AUCTION - Lazy H Ranch Near Paonia, Colorado This spectacular 4,029 acre ranch is located near Paonia, Colorado and is a recreationalist’s and big game hunter’s dream. The fact that this large ranch borders thousands of acres of BLM land and Gunnison National Forest, only enhances the opportunity for a once in a lifetime buck! To go DORQJ ZLWK WKH KXQWLQJ WKH /D]\ + 5DQFK RIIHUV VSHFWDFXODU WURXW Ă€VKLQJ RQ DOPRVW PLOHV RI WKH 1RUWK )RUN RI WKH *XQQLVRQ 5LYHU 7KLV LV D Ă \ Ă€VKHUPDQ¡V SDUDGLVH ZLWK ODUJH EURZQ WURXW DQG UDLQERZV OD\LQJ LQ WKH ULIĂ HV DQG SRFNHW ZDWHU MXVW ZDLWLQJ WR EH KRRNHG 7KLV XQLTXH SURSHUW\ offers excellent improvements including 3 homes and a hunting cabin. The property is loaded with world class mule deer measuring over 200 inches gross and 30+ inches wide. This is truly a rare recreational opportunity that does not come along often. Sealed Bid Deadline April 14th, 2011. I


Whitetail, Waterfowl, Upland and Income Near the town of Sedgwick, Colorado 2QH RI WKH ELJJHVW FKDOOHQJHV KXQWHUV KDYH LV ÀQGLQJ VRPHWKLQJ FORVH enough for an easy drive, yet adequately remote to offer excellent hunting. The property runs for nearly a mile along the south side of the South Platte River and offers excellent mixes of sloughs, thickets, grassland, trees and water, all of which lies next to excellent production ground. This property will yield tremendous results for any sportsman hoping to hunt whitetailed deer, waterfowl, turkey, bobwhite quail and some pheasants. Income from the farm lease will insure a good return on the investment and add diversity. These 411 acres in Northeastern Colorado, near the town of 6HGJZLFN LV WUXO\ D UDUH ÀQG I

What a View Ranch Rio Arriba County, New Mexico What a View Ranch is located in UNIT 5A, Rio Arriba County, New Mexico. Big mule deer and bull elk are what these 840 acres (800 deeded) are all about, with this very private and land locked property. Private access, rolling terrain, huge views, with some of the best deer, elk, turkey, bear and lion habitat that can be found anywhere. The property has power, well, gated access, year round water holes. Located almost adjacent to the Jicarilla Apache Reservation, and national forest on the other side, the property is a sanctuary for game, private and undisturbed for most of the year. The property is in central northern New Mexico, in what is now considered to be one of the best trophy deer and elk areas in the country. As Rio Arriba County doesn’t often have land available, this ranch is priced to sell at $1,500 per acre, a very competitive $1,200,000 for the entire 800 deeded acres! I



The Kaufmann Quarter Horse Ranch 3 miles northeast of Buffalo, Wyoming 209¹ deeded acres offers custom ranch home, outstanding horse facilities, and scenic views of the Big Horn Mountains. Utilized for breeding and training registered Quarter horses. 3-tower Reinke center pivot irrigates 40¹ acres that produces 150¹ tons of excellent horse hay annually. Good water rights. Large indoor arena (14,760 square feet) with attached 8-stall barn, large outdoor arena plus miscellaneous storage sheds. 3/4-mile of &OHDU &UHHN à RZV WKURXJK SURSHUW\ DQG RIIHUV H[FHOOHQW WURXW ÀVKLQJ Large groves of mature trees and the hay meadows provide excellent cover and forage for the abundant wildlife population. 1.5 miles of county road frontage. Price for entire ranch: $3,750,000; or 69 acres + home, barns and 3/4 mile creek: $2,500,000; two 70-acre parcels: $625,000 each. I

Wind River Land & Cattle Ranch 25 miles southeast of Dubois, Wyoming 2,157Âą deeded acres. A stunning property offering luxury and privacy only 90 miles from the Jackson Hole Airport. Offers 557Âą acres with 2Âą miles of Wind River frontage. A complete package with irrigated meadows, a shady cottonwood river corridor and excellent amenities. A 7,400Âą square foot luxury home is the centerpiece of the property with 5 bedrooms, 6.5 baths overlooking the river and offers great space for daily living or entertaining. The property also features a pool house with indoor pool, hot tub and sauna, a tennis court, a new log guest home, a managers home and a 10-stall horse barn. The range parcel consists of 1,600 acresÂą of grasslands only a few miles away near Crowheart Butte. Full management is available. Price: $2,950,000 I

35 miles south of Casper, Wyoming 3,138¹ total acres, 1,166 acres deeded, 465 acres State lease, 1,506 acres BLM lease. Bates Creek – the focal point of the ranch – meanders through the ranch offering German Brown, Brook, and Rainbow trout ÀVKLQJ DV ZHOO DV SURYLGLQJ Johnson County, Wyoming excellent habitat and cover for both livestock and Beautiful 3-bedroom, 5-bath executive home with many outstanding wildlife. The habitat of features. 32,000 square foot indoor arena, 25 horse stalls, tack rooms, mixed grass and sagebrush KRUVH ZDVK VWDOOV DQG H[FHOOHQW KRUVH IDFLOLW\ 2IÀFH JXHVW FRPSOH[ QHZ foreman’s home, guest house, outbuildings and cattle working facilities UDQJHODQG à DQNHG E\ VWHHS LUUHJXODU KLOOVLGHV VXSSRUWV DQWHORSH GHHU DQG located 1/4 mile from headquarters near Clear Creek. 1,043 deeded acres. elk. Deep pockets within the high country provide natural protection for DFUHV LUULJDWHG E\ FHQWHU SLYRWV DFUHV à RRG LUULJDWHG DQG the wildlife. Improvements include a restored bunkhouse, new Morton PLOHV RI &OHDU &UHHN à RZV WKURXJK SURSHUW\ 5HFUHDWLRQDO RSSRUWXQLWLHV building, corrals and workshop/garage. A domestic well was drilled in include hunting for upland game birds, wild turkey, water fowl, white- 2009; electric power is available on the property. Price: $1,450,000 I WDLOHG DQG PXOH GHHU WURXW ÀVKLQJ LQ &OHDU &UHHN DQG FHUWLÀHG WUDS shooting equipment. Price: $6,200,000 I

C Bar B Ranch

Ranch at Bates Creek


The Clay Ranch Ten Sleep, Wyoming 4,749¹ deeded acres/7,068¹ acres total. Situated on the western slope of the %LJ +RUQ 0RXQWDLQV WKLV à RXULVKLQJ IRRWKLOO PRXQWDLQ SURSHUW\ VXSSRUWV a great diversity of wildlife and is home to trophy elk and deer. Also a very good working cattle ranch rated at 250 AU year around. The elegant main residence offers 3,898¹ square feet of spacious living with an attached 3-car garage. Over half of the ranch consists of heavily timbered hillsides, draws, canyons and large open grass meadows that together provide natural cover and forage for elk, deer, antelope, mountain lion, beaver, black bear, bobcat, fox, coyote, eagles, hawks, sage grouse and blue grouse. Elevation ranges from 4,995 feet at headquarters and hay meadows to 7,200 feet in mountain terrain. One mile of Canyon Creek and two large ponds provide H[FHOOHQW WURXW ÀVKLQJ 7KHUH LV D FRQVHUYDWLRQ HDVHPHQW RQ D ODUJH SRUWLRQ of the ranch; however, a large building envelope remains. Two additional residences and beautiful log cabin on mountain land. Price: $13,799,000 reduced to $10,900,000 I

Buffalo, Wyoming 307-684-9556 VOL. Â 2, Â NO.1 Â Â Â Â OPEN Â FENCES


Fox Meadows

Keller’s Primrose Ranch

Currently a popular Bed and Breakfast “Fox Meadows� established in 2004 with 54+ acres of mostly woods to include towering native oaks, rolling terrain and a beautiful approximate 4 acre spring fed ‘catch and release’ lake just steps from the main home. There are 4 leaseable units nestled in the woods each fully equipped from the living room, full kitchen, bath and bedroom to the porches with rocking chairs. In addition, there is a 2-bedroom cottage situated in the center of the property. The barn is set up for an occasional project or equipment storage for the bed and breakfast. This private, secluded offering would be perfect for a family compound, corporate retreat or simply a stately manor with rental properties for good income production. So much potential for the escape from the hustle and bustle of big city living. Retreat to the country to ‘be your own boss’ or just live comfortably and welcome friends and family to come enjoy the multitude of wildlife and simple solitude of country living. $885,000 I

A distinctive East Texas ranch on approximately 270+ rolling acres combining the natural beauty of East Texas and all the quality of a working ranch. The 3 bedroom, 3 bath main dwelling is a custom constructed brick home that is located on a hilltop overlooking the ranch. A spacious, open DSSHDO WKH PDLQ OLYLQJ URRP KDV D UDLVHG FHLOLQJ ZRRG EXUQLQJ ÀUHSODFH and offers views of the ranch. An oversized porch with columns remind one of a plantation style home. The main compound also boast a pool and 1,500 square foot workshop. Other improvements include a separate EHGURRP EDWK JXHVW TXDUWHUV UDQFK RIÀFH DQG GZHOOLQJ IRU ZRUNHUV The ranch has been meticulously designed with pipe and barbwire fencing and permanent working facilities to provide all the essentials for a true working ranch. As Coppers Creek meanders through the gently rolling hills of the ranch, Keller’s Primrose Ranch becomes distinguished as a special place complete with beauty, wildlife and abundant water. $1,375,000 I

Anderson County, Bradford, Texas

Henderson County, Athens, Texas

Sportsman’s Paradise Henderson County, Eustace, Texas Don’t miss out on this unique, hidden treasure that has it all, packed into 123.65 acres of diverse East Texas beauty just 15 minutes north of Athens and 15 minutes south of Canton. Features of the property include a 15 acre constant level, crystal clear, spring fed lake, full of hungry bass with D OLJKWHG ERDW GRFN DQG ÀVKLQJ SLHU 7KLV ODNH LV VR FOHDU \RX FDQ VHH WKRVH lunkers swimming four feet below the surface, over 5 miles of groomed trails tunnel through 60 acres of enchanted forest, featuring holly, pine, dogwood, wood fern and huge native hardwoods teaming with deer and wildlife; a cultivated, 35 acre hay producing pasture, with enormous scattered hardwoods and a 10 acre pasture with native plants provides food and cover for wildlife. Other features include a furnished, 700 square IHHW EHGURRP FRWWDJH ZLWK KDUGZRRG à RRUV PRGHUQ FRQYHQLHQFHV DQG huge outdoor patio overlooking the lake. You won’t believe the awesome views and peaceful setting. And that’s not all – this property also has a 36’ x 48’ metal barn plenty big enough to hold all of your toys, a deep water well providing an endless supply of some of the best drinking water in Texas, a large diameter bored well for irrigation, fence corrals and is fenced and cross-fenced. This is a great buy! $850,000 I


East Texas Defined Anderson County, Montalba, Texas A fabulous offering on approximately 99.93 acres which GHÀQHV WKH VSOHQGRU DQG EHDXW\ RI (DVW 7H[DV DQG IHDWXUHV a 3 bedroom, 2 full and 2 half bath home which was custom designed to blend naturally with the diverse terrain and land use of this special offering. Different terrain and elevations offer a variety of function, usage and character. The property boasts open meadows, majestic hardwoods, a deep forest and a live creek, which winds through the property. The main home overlooks a beautiful 4-acre lake that offers a wonderful IRFDO SRLQW IRU UHOD[LQJ RU UHà HFWLRQ ,Q DGGLWLRQ WR WKH PDLQ lake, there are two small ponds located on the property. The main home creates a feeling of warmth and beauty with tall FHLOLQJV LQ WKH PDLQ OLYLQJ DUHD D ZRRG EXUQLQJ ÀUHSODFH ZLWK DXWKHQWLF (DVW 7H[DV LURQ RUH URFN KHDUWK DQG SLQH à RRUV 7KLV two-story home has a metal roof, a covered porch and brick veneer exterior. The home also has an in-ground swimming pool with wooden deck. Other improvements include a barn with tack room and an approximate 2,100 square foot utility building with power and water to the building. Discover the wonderful East Texas lifestyle located between Athens and Palestine. $635,000 I

Country Estate Henderson County, Athens, Texas Strategically placed on knoll overlooking the spring-fed waters RI DQ DSSUR[LPDWH DFUH ODNH WKLV PDJQLÀFHQW EHGURRP bath home is intertwined with the natural beauty of East Texas. Meticulously designed and hand-crafted, the home boasts an impressive great room with 20 foot beamed ceiling and stone ÀUHSODFH WKDW PHVPHUL]HV JXHVW ZLWK LWV VWDWXUH DQG YLHZ RI WKH beautiful lake surrounded by native foliage. Created to provide the utmost in casual living, this home provides the utmost in privacy and function. Split bedrooms allow for the utmost in SULYDF\ 3ULYDWH RIÀFH VWXG\ ZLWK ZRRG EXUQLQJ ÀUHSODFH DQG library provide a wonderful place to read or work at home. The media center is located away from the bedrooms and boasts a great sound system. The gourmet kitchen with granite countertops and gas range opens into the great room and breakfast area and is adjacent to the formal dining room. The master suite provides a wonderful view of sloping terrain and the lake, along with large walk-in closets, oversized shower and tub. Casual times are enhanced with covered porch and stone patio which overlooks the lake. A 1,500 square foot workshop with approximately 400 square feet of living quarters round out the improvements. The focal point of the property is the springfed lake and abundant wildlife that creates a mystical setting. $795,000 I

STEVE GRANT REAL ESTATE 406 E. Corsicana Athens, TX 75751 903.675.3503 VOL. Â 2, Â NO.1 Â Â Â Â OPEN Â FENCES 47

Sheep Skin Hills Catskill Mountains, New York Over 1,140 contiguous acres of mountain, forest, streams and meadows, adjacent to the Hunter Mountain Ski Center. Would be perfect for either a family compound, corporate retreat or a commercial venture. This property combines 16 individual parcels featuring a private airport with 2 hangers and a mountain side contemporary home with mountain views. Price $7,900,000 Search for the Unique. I

Camp Kwenogamac Saratoga County, New York 3ULYDWH $GLURQEDFN *UHDW &DPS FRPSOHWHO\ VHOI VXIÀFLHQW RQ acres on private gated road. Sandy beach with 1,233+ feet of frontage on beautiful Long Lake. Original historic summer lodge, new resident ORGJH ERDWKRXVH DQG ORGJH 2ULJLQDO LFHKRXVH FRQYHUWHG WR RIÀFH 7ZR $GLURQGDFN UXVWLF VW\OH OHDQ WRV ZLWK VWRQH ÀUHSODFHV LQ IURQW feet from water, with great mountain views of high peaks. Original teahouse with steps to beach. Original 2 story kitchen building with covered porch now used as playhouse/craft building. Five-boat FRYHUHG à RDWLQJ ERDWKRXVH ZLWK DQ DGGLWLRQDO VZLP GRFN 6HYHUDO RXW buildings. Price and auction details upon request. Call (518) 490-1768. Search for the Unique. I

Garnet Hill Lodge & Cross-Country Ski Resort North River, New York Adirondack of upstate New York on 268 acres overlooking Thirteenth Lake in North River. A four-season Adirondack Lodge with 16-rooms, restaurant and pub, two duplex cabins, ski center and apartment. Garnet Hill Property Owners Association with private beach lake rights. Established resort business with 33-year history. Complete operating business with booked events. Adjacent to 100,000-acre Siamese Ponds Wilderness Area. Only 15 minutes from Gore Mountain Ski Resort. Available to open offers before auction event March 15, 2011. Asking Price $2,500,000 Search for the Unique. I


Sequel Stallions NY Hudson River Valley, New York Top commercial NY breeding facility on 223 acres. More than 25,000 square feet of farm buildings: 36 stall main barn, 10 stall stallion barn, VWDOO IRDOLQJ EDUQ RIĂ€FHV VWRUDJH DQG ODE URRP 2Q SUHPLVH VWDII duplex. More than 100 acres of level fenced paddock areas. Beautifully UHVWRUHG )HGHUDO +RPH ZLWK &UDIWVPHQ LQĂ XHQFHV QHZ JRXUPHW NLWFKHQ and 2-car garage. May sub-divide subject to seller acceptance and local approval. $2,500,000 I

Beltrone Estate & Over Look Farm Albany, New York A world-class property and equestrian estate conveniently located 2 miles from Albany International Airport. The Tudor Mansion views from Colonie to the Vermont Mountains. Contains 12,785 square feet of superior craftsmanship with 4 living rooms, 2 dining rooms, 2 family rooms, 6 bedrooms, 6 bathrooms, 4 half-bathrooms, garden room and 4-car attached garage on 45 acres, 40 horse stalls, indoor and outdoor riding arena, 3 barns and paddocks. $3,800,000 I

Stone Bridge Farms Saratoga County, New York A world-class thoroughbred breeding and training facility consisting of more than 425 acres on three separate parcels. The 92-acre training facility features a Georgian Neo-classical estate, 7/8th’s mile track, indoor riding arena, 2 enclosed eurosizers, 47 stalls, 31 paddocks of which 17 are covered. Foaling facility on 98 acres with two 12-stall broodmare barns and mega-dome arena. Yearling and broodmare complex on 235 acres with 24-stall yearling barn, round barn with eurosizer and quarantine barn. Sold separately or collectively at $13,500,000 I 518.490.1768 VOL. Â 2, Â NO.1 Â Â Â Â OPEN Â FENCES


Forest Estate Acreages Deschutes County, Bend, Oregon

These timbered estate acreages, only minutes from Bend and all the city has to offer, allow quiet seclusion in a forest environment. Establish a family legacy in Central Oregon with its great climate and endless recreation opportunities. Build your year-around home or a vacation retreat and watch your trees grow in size and value. Bank owned – bargain priced. I 1,306 acres (dividable) $2,950,000 I 813 acres (dividable) $2,032,000 I 251 acres $627,000 I 242 acres $615,000

50 Acre Luxury Estate Marion County, Salem, Oregon

The centerpiece of this fantastic 50 acre hill-top estate is an elegant 20,000 sqft 5 bedroom, 9 bath home with breathtaking views. It’s all here. The commercial quality kitchen offers Gaggenau appliances including 4 cooktops (gas and electric). The luxurious master suite sports a marble-lined master bathroom and huge closets and the “CEOâ€? will enjoy the woodSDQHOHG RIĂ€FH OLEUDU\ $QG WKHUH¡V UHFUHDWLRQ IRU HYHU\RQH IURP WKH PHGLD room, the two-lane bowling alley, the beautiful indoor/outdoor swimming pool, the tennis and basketball court, the huge automotive/RV shop or the VWDEOH XQĂ€QLVKHG $ WUHPHQGRXV YDOXH DW 6HH YLWXDO WRXU I

Row Crop/Hayfarm Jefferson County, Madras, Oregon

Productive, irrigated 117 acre farm in private, mountain view setting. Attractive opportunity for owner-user or investor. Farm it or lease it while prices recover. Nice older farm house with upgrades including cedar siding. Zoning will allow an older second home on the farm to be replaced with a new structure. Location offers privacy but easy access to town, feedlot and auction yards. $595,000 I


Buck Springs Ranch Crook County, Bend, Oregon Buck Springs Ranch lies at the base of the Maury Mountains just an hour east of Bend and its extensive recreational and cultural opportunities. The ranch encompasses approximately 15,700 acres (9,000 deeded acres and 6,700 acres of government leased land). It also borders thousands of acres of US Forest. It offers beautiful scenery, productive land, pine forests and a park-like Aspen grove all in one the greatest climates in the USA. Deer, elk, a variety of game birds and other wildlife visit the creek and the ranch’s many springs and ponds. There are three residences, a top quality arena barn, shops and excellent large animal handling facilities. The property is offered as a single unit but may be split. $7,900,000 I Co-listed with Mason Morse Ranch Company Robb Van Pelt (970) 948-0423

Ron Davis, Broker, GRI 650 SW Bond Street, Suite 100, Bend, Oregon 97702 541-480-3096 Cell 541-598-3772 Direct VOL. 2, NO.1 OPEN FENCES


Marvelous 6,200 Square Feet

All the Bells and Whistles

Manchester, Vermont

Danby, Vermont

'UDPDWLF ZLWK D IDEXORXVO\ OLJKW Ă€OOHG LQWHULRU WKLV VSDFLRXV EXLOGHU¡V home offers numerous reasons to rejoice! Beyond the extraordinary wood and light ambiance, gorgeous views and room for everyone, it has a 5-Star HQHUJ\ HIĂ€FLHQF\ FHUWLĂ€FDWLRQ *UHDW DFUH ORFDWLRQ QHDU HYHU\WKLQJ \HW RQ D VPDOO TXLHW URDG ZLWK LQ ODZ VXLWH Ă€UVW Ă RRU PDVWHU DQG GHFNV to views. Lots of appealing amenities like whirlpool tub, studio, cedar closet and exercise room. $1,198,000 I

The most spectacular views and architectural design to make the most of them! Corner windows in all rooms take full advantage of views RI 6WUDWWRQ 0RXQWDLQ 1R DUWZRUN LV QHFHVVDU\ ZLWK WKLV PDJQLĂ€FHQW VHWWLQJ 3ULVWLQH VTXDUH IRRW KRXVH ZLWK VLQJOH Ă RRU OLYLQJ RQ stunning acres. Open, light and airy with all special amenities in place: KDUGZRRG Ă RRUV VWRQH Ă€UHSODFH DQG FKHI¡V NLWFKHQ I

A Perfectly Beautiful Retreat

Completely Renovated

Dorset, Vermont

Pawlet, Vermont

Charming, immaculate cape on 3.5 secluded acres just north of Dorset Village. Completely updated, including new kitchen, new central air, new family room with 1/2 bath, and all ready to offer tremendous comfort as ZHHNHQG RU SULPDU\ UHVLGHQFH 0DVVLYH VWRQH ÀUHSODFH WR FR]\ XS WR LQ YDXOWHG FHLOLQJ OLYLQJ URRP DQG RSHQ à RZLQJ à RRU SODQ 7KH HQFORVHG VHDVRQ PXGURRP EUHH]HZD\ DQG [ XQÀQLVKHG URRP DERYH WKH garage allows customizing to your heart’s content while enjoying nearby skiing, golf, hiking and paddle. $659,000 I

Amazing pastoral and mountain views from this lush country 12-acre setting featuring perennial gardens, stone walls, forest backdrop, pasture, SRQG DQG VXQVHWV EH\RQG &RPSOHWHO\ UHQRYDWHG IURP ZLQGRZV WR à RRUV .LWFKHQ JUHDW URRP LQYLWHV OLQJHULQJ ZLWK ODLG VWRQH ÀUHSODFH ZKLOH WKH OLYLQJ URRP KDV D UHÀQHG PDUEOH ÀUHSODFH 7KH SULPDU\ VXLWH RIIHUV D fabulous bath with custom cabinetry. Two guest suites mean friends are always welcome to join your Vermont adventure! $499,000 I


Perfection Bordering Equinox Preserve Manchester, Vermont 7KH ÀQHVW 0DQFKHVWHU 9LOODJH ORFDWLRQ DGMDFHQW WR (TXLQR[ 3UHVHUYH (QG of-road, elevated setting offers privacy with walk-to-village convenience. Ideal for charmed family living or entertaining, the home boasts perfect proportions with welcoming features such as kitchen/great room with ÀUHSODFH URRP PDLQ OHYHO SULPDU\ VXLWH IRUPDO GLQLQJ DOO ZLWK YLHZV RYHU KLVWRULF YLOODJH 8SVWDLUV PRUH EHGURRPV DQG DQ RYHU VL]HG RIÀFH suite provide work from home comfort. Gorgeous Equinox Pond is steps away! A rare offering in a coveted location on 3 acres. $1,490,000 I

Views of Killington, White Rocks, Stratton Wallingford, Vermont Absolutely astounding views in amazingly built, incomparable setting! This bird’s eye promontory offers the entire Green Mountain Valley as DUWZRUN³0DQFKHVWHU WR .LOOLQJWRQ /RZ SURÀOH VWHHO EHDP VWRQH DQG cedar homestead on 20 acres offers timeless appeal, with stone walls inside and out, columns, terraces and walkways to take full advantage of the setting. Handsomely landscaped, granite chef’s kitchen and well SURSRUWLRQHG OLYLQJ DOO IHDWXUH ZLQGRZ ZDOOV DQG WR WKH ÀQHVW YLHZV Vermont has to offer! $1,400,000 I

The Gatsby Life Middletown Springs, Vermont

18th Century Homestead Shaftsbury, Vermont Historic 18th century homestead on 59+ private acres with westerly mountain views, meadows, woodlands and pond. The main house has RULJLQDO EHDPV ZLGH SLQH à RRUV DQG VWRQH ÀUHSODFHV DORQJ ZLWK D JDUGHQ room and library, and gourmet kitchen. Unique custom-designed natatorium ZLWK [ LQGRRU SRRO FDWKHGUDO FHLOLQJ DQG VWRQH ÀUHSODFH ZLOO NHHS \RX ÀW DQG UHOD[HG $WWDFKHG JDUDJH SROH EDUQ SOXV D VHSDUDWH SRVW DQG EHDP barn with water and heat offer endless possibilities as additional residences, DOO MXVW ÀIWHHQ PLQXWHV IURP %HQQLQJWRQ 9HUPRQW I




Cashel Stud Ocala, Florida

Looking for beautiful rolling pastures with gracious granddaddy live oaks and land where champions were born, raised and conditioned? Cashel Stud is just that place! Macdiarmida, winner of 11 races and recipient of the Eclipse Turf award was born and conditioned here plus over 50 stakes winners. Lemon Drop Kid was brought to the farm as a yearling – conditioned then sent to the track and returned for lay-ups and refreshing. 2IÀFH VWDOOLRQ FRPSOH[ EURRGPDUH FRPSOH[ and training complex with 5/8 +/- mile track plus chute, a total of 102 stalls, main residence, employee homes and equipment buildings and numerous large paddocks for horses to enjoy the Florida weather. Cashel Stud joins the Florida Horse Park and Foxtrotter Ranch. Located just minutes from restaurants, shopping, medical facilities and Interstate 75 for your convenience, yet you still have the feeling of being in the country. I

Foxtrotter Estate Ocala, Florida

Bring all Offers – Borders Florida Greenways and Trails and the Florida Horse Park. Expansive home features drama and elegance as you step into the foyer with its winding staircase and 20’ ceilings. Amenities of the KRPH LQFOXGH JDWKHULQJ NLWFKHQ HQWHUWDLQPHQW DUHD ZLWK ÀUHSODFH DQG wet bar, movie theater, oversized dining room, screen enclosed outdoor cooking area and separate 2 bedroom/ 2 bath apartment. Highlights of the property are: indoor/outdoor jungle-themed water park which includes: waterslides, look out towers, wading ponds and hot tub. 25-seat diesel train with track, custom pick-up rides, rock climbing wall, carousel and 3 FKLSSLQJ SXWWLQJ KROHV )RU WKH KRUVH ORYHU WKHUH LV D UDQFK RIÀFH OLJKWHG covered riding arena, managers home and 3 barns with plenty of stalls. I

Greenway Canyons Ocala, Florida

Looking for that special location that is private yet close to the city and all its amenities. Spectacular views overlooking beautiful lime rock quarry waters. This 105.24 +/- acres is adjacent to the Florida Greenways and Trails. Imagine having your own trails at home and being able to ride your horse, bike or just walk on tree covered trails for miles and miles. Majestic Granddaddy Oaks grace the property. This is a property that one must see to appreciate all that it has to offer. This is truly an incredible property and opportunity! I


Town and Country Farm Micanopy, Florida

,PPDFXODWH DFUH HTXLQH HVWDWH ZLWK PDJQLÀFHQW RQH level custom 10,000 +/- square foot owner’s residence that one must see in order to appreciate all the details that have gone into making this an incredible property. Major chef’s kitchen with expansive windows for views of Marion County’s highest elevations. Swimming pool features Tennessee stone landings and cascading waterfalls. The elegance of Town and Country Farms is immediately evident by the statement the main entrance presents. Winding through the shaded roads, \RX SDVV WKH VWDOOLRQ EDUQ PDLQ RIÀFH PDUH DQG IRDOLQJ EDUQ The second guest residence overlooks a race track with European synthetic footing. Upon arriving at the state-of-the-art equine facility featuring 60-stalls with separate tack, feed, hay, plus swimming facility and equipment rooms, you experience incredible views and cool breezes. Gorgeous treeline lanes, lush paddocks and ready for horses or even cattle. I

Gulf Coast Farms Reddick, Florida

Great training facility in Florida. Improvements on the property include: single family residence, 6 barns, new workshop/garage, second workshop, new (remove the word new) hay barn and shavings depot, 3 round pens, 3 European free walkers (covered), two manufactured homes and extensive fencing with 7/8 mile track plus viewing house. The barns include: 18-stall training barn, 44-stall training barn, 3 yearling barns with 24 stalls each and a 10-stall lay up barn. The maintenance building is a Morton metal ZRUNVKRS ¡ [ ¡ ZLWK FRQFUHWH Ă RRUV 7KH RIĂ€FH OREE\ UHFHSWLRQ DUHD RIĂ€FHV FRQIHUHQFH URRP ZRUNVKRS NLWFKHQ DQG ” EDWK 7KHUH DUH wells on the property and 5 septic tanks. Lush paddocks and beautiful Live 2DNV SRQGV IRU Ă€VKLQJ DQG VZLPPLQJ UDPS IRU \RXU KRUVHV I

Serendipity Farm Ocala, Florida

Close to town! Gated community! 4.5 acres with a 4 bedroom, 4.5 bath residence designed for entertaining with chef’s appointed kitchen plus granite island and counter bars for seating. Fireplace is centrally located so everyone can enjoy. Family room expands when glass sliders open onto the covered lanai and pool with waterfall. Additional amenities are: game URRP VSDFLRXV RIÀFH ODUJH ODXQGU\ URRP IHDWXUHV SOHQW\ RI VWRUDJH DQG is accessible from two halls, covered patio with summer kitchen, outside TV and nice sitting area to view the fall games. For the Equestrian Lover – lush irrigated paddocks, stable and bridle trails. I

Joan Pletcher, Realtor Ocala, Florida 34480 352 347-1777 352 804-8989 VOL. Â 2, Â NO.1 Â Â Â Â OPEN Â FENCES


Miller Dryland Wheat Farm Umatilla County, Pendleton, Oregon The farm ownership has been the same for 117 years and includes 1,735.3 total acres with 1,711 high quality crop acres. The buildings consist of three homes, an apartment, two shops, barn, grain storage, machine shed and various outbuildings, all well maintained in a park-like setting. Forty of the crop acres have been placed in the urban growth boundary and zoned as industrial property. The Columbia River and Umatilla River are close by for ZDWHU VSRUWV DQG ÀVKLQJ IRU VWHHOKHDG VDOPRQ WURXW DQG sturgeon. The ranch is also close to the Blue Mountains for horseback riding, biking, hunting, 4x4 riding and snow sports. This farm is located less than 2 miles from the Pendleton Regional Airport. Included in the price is the complete line of machinery. $3,972,915 I

Kennedy Ranch Crook County, Paulina, Oregon

This diverse and appealing ranch consists of 6,207 acres providing a variety of topography including timbered mountain tops, juniper ridges with native EXQFK JUDVV VDJHEUXVK GUDZV DQG PHDGRZ à DWV LQFOXGLQJ VXE LUULJDWLRQ 7KH SHULPHWHU IHQFLQJ RI WKH UDQFK VKDUHV ERXQGDULHV ZLWK WKH 86 %XUHDX RI /DQG 0DQDJHPHQW DQG 86 )RUHVW 6HUYLFH SURYLGLQJ PLOHV RI H[SDQGHG UHFUHDWLRQDO RSSRUWXQLWLHV %HDYHU &UHHN à RZV WKURXJK WKH KHDUW RI WKH UDQFK with other streams such as Rock Creek and Camp Creek meandering through. Historically this cattle ranch has grazed 90 pair or 150 steers from May 1st to October 1st each year. Located in the heart of your private scenic valley rest two ranch style homes (built in 1950’s) including several outbuildings and livestock facilities. $3,250,000 I


Cabin Creek Retreat Union County, Elgin, Oregon

The Cabin Creek Ranch, private, secluded and unique to the area is located 10 miles north of Elgin. Just a few miles from the Grande Ronde River, the Cabin Creek Ranch sits in the heart of the Blue Mountains providing outstanding views. The executive style 6,114 square foot main home provides high quality craftsmanship throughout, with exposed beams, hand crafted woods, vaulted ceilings and rock accents. Mother Nature is “at her bestâ€?, as this is a true timbered property, with an exceptional balance of pasture and mature timber. The ranch has 403 acres consisting of approximately seventy percent timber, twenty percent open lush meadows with the balance planted to Orchard grass. This property has the perfect mix of seasons, supports a great diversity of wildlife, SURVSHULQJ PHDGRZV RI JUDVVHV DQG ZLOGĂ RZHUV ZLWK EHDXWLIXO VFHQHU\ in all directions. There are multiple water sources, including Cabin Creek ZLWK PLJUDWLQJ VWHHOKHDG DQG 0RRQ &UHHN Ă RZLQJ WKURXJK WKH SURSHUW\ IRXU VSULQJV DQG D ODUJH UHFUHDWLRQ SRQG XWLOL]HG IRU Ă€VKLQJ DQG LUULJDWLRQ $2,600,000 I

101 SE Third, Pendleton, OR 541 278-­4444 VOL.  2,  NO.1     OPEN  FENCES


Borders Elk Foundation Land

Former Wildlife Sanctuary

DFUH UDQFK ZLWK LUULJDWLRQ ZHOOV SLYRWV DQG Ă RRG LUULJDWLRQ VHW XS with permitted water rights. Lighted arena approved by PRCA. Barns, outbuildings, corrals and more. 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom adobe home. Recently reduced to $950,000 I

468 Mississippi acres has not been hunted in 10+ years and has been federally protected. About $600,000 in mature timber. Creek runs through with sandy shores and crystal clear water. Paved road frontage for excellent access. $1,400,000 I

One of the Biggest Springs

Productive Wyoming Ranch

61+ Missouri acres with spring producing 28 million gallons per day, state approved for bottling. Includes: historic riverfront mill, log cabin and blacktop frontage. Additional land available. $1,600,000 I

7,702 contiguous acres with good tanks and water in every pasture. Land lays partly in South Dakota and partly in Wyoming. Current owners put up enough hay so they did not have to buy any. 1,400 AUM lease with US Forest Service. Includes 2 beautiful homes. $5,000,000 I

Magdalena, New Mexico

Dora, Missouri


Wesson, Mississippi

Lusk, Wyoming

California Horse Ranch Real Texas Living Lindale, Texas

109 acre estate boasts 4 bedrooms, 3.5 baths in a 2 story brick home. 9 acres of coastal and Bahia pastures with corral and barn. Woods with riding trails, live creeks and hunting opportunities. $599,000 I

Weed, California

157 acre ranch with frontage on Shasta River. 7 stall barn with tack and feed room, paddocks, turnouts, ranch hand quarters and loft hay storage. Arena with trail and jump courses. 2,200 square foot home with many amenities including an incredible outdoor kitchen area, garages and RV parking. Irrigated pasture. $1,950,000 I

Trophy Elk Property Glade Park, Colorado

2,236 pristine acres in Colorado’s coveted Unit 40. 2,535 square foot home, 100+ acres irrigated, seasonal stream and spring, plus trout lake next to the home. Includes lifetime membership in the Rocky Mountain Tubac, Arizona Elk Foundation for 2. Perfect for a conservation easement. Free range – no 0DJQLÀFHQW VTXDUH IRRW KRPH ZDV FXVWRP EXLOW IRU PLOOLRQ high fences. $20,000,000 I Features include: 4 bedrooms, 4.5 bathrooms, family room, elevator, great room, 11-seat Hollywood theater room, telescope-ready observation Your #1 Source for Country deck and much more. Located on 73 acres with negative edge solar pool. Real Estate $3,700,000 I

Sonoran Desert Luxury

1-800-999-1020 Ext. 903



Dancing Wind Ranch Livingston, Montana Often the dilemma when searching for the dream ranch is that of quality of land vs. quantity of land. Dancing Wind Ranch has incredible quality and is one of the largest holdings (1750+/- acres) in the lower Paradise Valley. The current owner, only the second in the last 130 years, searched the western United States for over 3 years before settling on Dancing Wind. This premier 4-season investment quality ranch is located between Livingston and Yellowstone Park. The ranch sits near the mouth of the Pine Creek drainage surrounded by towering mountains rising from the YDOOH\ Ă RRU 7KH UDUH FRPELQDWLRQ RI D VKDUHG ERUGHU ZLWK ZLOGHUQHVV DUHD 86 )RUHVW 6HUYLFH WKH \HDU URXQG Ă RZLQJ 3LQH &UHHN 3RRO &UHHN DQG South Fork Deep Creek, and direct access from East River Road provides the opportunity for hiking, mountain biking, departing on a day long horse WUDLO ULGH YLHZLQJ DUHD ZLOGOLIH Ă€VKLQJ RQH RI WKH ZRUOG IDPRXV VSULQJ creeks, the Yellowstone River or other blue-ribbon streams, helping drive \RXU RZQ FDWWOH RU KDYLQJ GLQQHU DW RQH RI WKH DUHD¡V Ă€QH GLQLQJ VSRWV ² DOO within minutes of the ranch headquarters.


The improvements are all in excellent condition and include: a “Montana-luxury stacked stoneâ€? executive home, guest house, manager’s home, helicopter hangar and shop, 2 custom horse barns, outdoor riding arena, livestock handling facilities and a veterinary area. The Dancing Wind Ranch airplane hangar, located at the Livingston Airport, will accommodate most mid-size jets. Dancing Wind’s production history is strong with it currently supporting 225 pairs with a complimentary hay base, strong water rights, an excellent irrigation system, self-contained grazing, and 100% of the known mineral rights. A full complement of machinery is available with WKH VDOH $GGLWLRQDO LQIRUPDWLRQ RQ WD[ EHQHĂ€WV GHSUHFLDWLRQ RSSRUWXQLWLHV is available upon request. I

Luxury Cabin on the Boulder River McLeod, Montana 7KLV )O\ ÀVKLQJ SURSHUW\ LV ORFDWHG MXVW VWHSV DZD\ IURP WKH FU\VWDO VXLWH DQG JXHVW EHGURRP ZLWK EDWK DV ZHOO DV ODXQGU\ RIÀFH VOHHSLQJ clear, cold waters of the Boulder River above the Natural Bridge south of

area and an additional hobby room/sleeping area. A private back deck

Big Timber, Montana. Deeded access to the river is a valuable bonus. The

overlooking the pond and Mount Contact, abundant storage, 3-car garage,

comforts of home in a rural setting are part of the year-round or vacation

underground sprinkler system, screened porch and immaculate condition

experience in this 2 bedroom/2 bath home. Large windows take advantage

complete the offering. Adjacent pasture may be available for the horse

of the pristine views of the “Lion and the Mouse� rock formation, Indian

lover to lease. $595,000 I

caves, 5-acre pond and Mount Contact. There are multiple historic sites to explore in the Upper Boulder Valley. Let your imagination run wild as you envision the early mining camps, explorers and settlers of the 1800’s. Or, hike the thousands of acres of Forest Service trails, ride horseback through mountain meadows and trails, bird-watch or just revel in the soothing solitude from the back deck of your retreat. The cabin was DUFKLWHFWXUDOO\ UHPRGHOHG LQ ZLWK QDWLYH VWRQH ÀUHSODFH KDUGZRRG à RRUV FRPSRVLWH FRXQWHUWRSV KLFNRU\ FDELQHWU\ VSDFLRXV QHZ PDVWHU VOL.  2,  NO.1     OPEN  FENCES


Badlands Paradise Aesthetically pleasing ranch in North Dakota The Paasch Ranch is a unique property covering over 10 square miles of scenic North Dakota Badlands. This ranch consists of 2,362 deeded acres, 960 acres of state lease and 3,200 acres of Forest Service lands with a 200 head grazing permit. The aesthetics of this ranch are phenomenal with several miles of Little Missouri River and the traditional rugged North Dakota Badlands that change with every draw and elevation. The wildlife


habitat and different species of game makes this property very attractive to the rancher, sportsman and outdoor enthusiast. A ranch like this seldom comes available in ones lifetime!! Price upon request. I



Awesome Residence in Bariloche Valle Escondido, Argentina

Wonderful 6,500 square feet house built on a 0.5 acre lot. The house is for sale including all the furniture and decorations. This is an outstanding place for vacationing all year round. This excellent property is located in the Valle Escondido, 11 miles from the city of Bariloche and 20 miles from the Bariloche International Airport. The lot descends to the Nahuel Huapi Lake and faces the San Pedro peninsula. Within a short distance, there are two PDJQLÀFHQW JROI FRXUVHV DQG WKH ZLQWHU VSRUWV FHQWHU RI &HUUR &DWHGUDO $OO DURXQG WKH DUHD WKHUH LV IDEXORXV WURXW ÀVKLQJ DQG UHG VWDJ KXQWLQJ I

Piedras Blancas


The property is adjacent to the town of Piedras Blancas. Distance from closest commercial airport (Parana) 58 miles by paved road. Distance from Buenos Aires, 325 miles. Strategic location to have easy access to WKH EHVW 'RUDGR ÀVKLQJ VSRWV DQG GXFN PDUVKHV 7KH WHUUDLQ LV à DW acres approximately, then it descends into a gully up to the river shore. An exceptional view over the Parana River. Great area for hunting and ÀVKLQJ 7KH SURSHUW\ KDV DOO EDVLF VHUYLFHV FRQQHFWHG ,GHDO IRU EXLOGLQJ cabins and lodges. I

12,376 deeded acres located at the centre of Tierra del Fuego Island, Argentina, close to Tolhuin town and Lake Fagnano. 55 miles to Ushuaia City International Airport. This ranch is one of the few properties on sale in the island, with cattle breeding, (stocking capacity 1,000 adult heads) sheep operation and timber capabilities. Besides productive terms, Cordeu has 5+ miles of both shores of Rio San Pablo that traverses the property, DQG IRXU ODJRRQV DQG SRQGV ZLWK DEXQGDQW ÀVKLQJ PDLQO\ WURXW )ORUD DQG Fauna are various and plenty. I

Piedras Blancas, Argentina


Tierra del Fuego Island, Argentina

La Gitana

La Pampa Province, Argentina 51,984 deeded acres in central La Pampa province, Argentina. 106 miles from Santa Rosa airport. This is one of the most important properties in Western La Pampa Province, with a large cattle operation and an exceptional hunting preserve, with 26,520 fenced acres. The hunting preserve includes an estimated population of 2,000 red stags and 1,000 blackbucks. There is also a large population of wild boars and local fauna, such as pumas and emus. Winghooting also available, ducks in the ponds and doves and CompaĂąia Argentina de Tierras SA SLJHRQ LQ WKH ZRRGV DQG RSHQ Ă€HOGV 6WRNLQJ FDSDFLW\ RI WKH FDWWOH UDQFK LV PRWKHU FRZV 7ZR SLYRWV LUULJDWH WKH DOIDOID Ă€HOGV DQG WKHUH DUH CompaĂąia Argentina de Tierras, CAT, is a Consulting and Rural 6,820 acres of pastures. The calves are fatten in the feed lot, which makes 5HDO (VWDWH Ă€UP ZKRVH VWDII PHPEHUV KDYH EHHQ LQ WKH PDUNHW IRU this a complete cycle cattle operation. In addition to the main and the guest more than 35 years, closing deals in Argentina, Uruguay, Parahouses, there are other houses for the foreman and the employees, labor guay and Bolivia. quarters, sheds, barns, corrals, silos and all the facilities needed. The deal We have visited and appraised almost 45 million acres of land in is performed by the acquisition of 100% of the shares of a company. the region; that gives us a vast knowledge and reference to There are no other assets in the valuate any kind of deal: Farming, Ranching, Outdoors, company. I Developments, etc. Our staff is formed by 20 people, most of them professionals, at our Headquarters in Buenos Aires, and a net of 32 exclusive representatives in Argentina’s territory. :H DUH WKH Ă€UVW DQG VWLOO XQLTXH 5XUDO 5HDO (VWDWH Ă€UP LQ WKH UHJLRQ WKDW KDV FHUWLĂ€HG LWV TXDOLW\ PDQDJHPHQW SURFHGXUHV ZLWK '19 RI 1RUZD\ ,62 ²

Compaùia Argentina de Tierras SA Av. Corrientes 311 3° P.- C1043AAD - CABA Tel. (05411) 4311-9657 / Fax. (05411) 4311-3932 -



Russian River Appellation Sonoma County, California A one of a kind offering in the Russian River Appellation near the posh town of Healdsburg in Sonoma County. More than 440 acres make up this stunning masterpiece of nature, vineyards, vistas and estate sites ORFDWHG RQO\ PLQXWHV IURP ÀQH GLQLQJ shopping and world famous wineries. The answer is yes, you can have it all! Choose any one of many world class estate building sites that over look mountains, valleys, hills and world famous vineyards. Enjoy wines made from your premium quality vineyard or better yet, build your own winery, invite friends to visit and watch as they they are mesmerized by the setting and the quality of wine. Some of the local landmarks you can identify from the ranch are Mount St. Helena, Geyser Peak, Mount Diablo and Mount Tamalpias. If 440 acres is too much, pick any one of the four separate parcels that make up the entire ranch. Each parcel is special and has a world-class feel, premium vineyard and outstanding setting. There are four parcels that make up the entire ranch, buy one or buy them all: 100.06 acres with 35 acres of premium vineyard and estate building site for ($3,450,000); 210.2 acres with 7 acres planted to premium vineyard, additional plantable land and estate building site ($3,925,000); 80.01 acres with 9.25 acres planted to premium vineyard ($1,650,000) additional plantable land and building site; 52.88 acres with 3.75 acres planted to premium vineyard and building site ($1,250,000). Or the entire Ranch for $9,900,000 I

Sonoma Coast Appellation Pinnacle of Pinot Land in California This is a very rare opportunity to purchase plantable land in the Seaview / Fort Ross area of the Sonoma Coast Appellation. The property is approximately 92 acres and is in the real Sonoma Coast, known for producing some of the ZRUOGV ÀQHVW 3LQRW 1RLU DQG RWKHU YDULHWDOV 7KLV XQLTXH opportunity provides two separate parcels that appear to provide for approximately 25 acres of vineyard potential. If one wishes to build amongst this bevy of wild beauty there are numerous building sites to choose from. The views of the surrounding mountains, countryside and world famous vineyards are spellbinding. Nearby vineyards include Flowers, Hirsch, Marcassin, Fort Ross and others. Peace and quiet rein supreme atop Table Mountain. This property boasts four year round springs providing multiple sources of water that could be used for irrigation or domestic purposes. Asking $1,750,000 I


Napa Valley Winery Site and Vineyard Estate Between St. Helena and Calistoga 32.53 acres complete with 23 acres of premium Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot vineyard, a 3,179 square foot one-story, 5 bedroom, 3 bath custom ranch style home, large pond, swimming pool set behind electronic gates among mature oak trees and manicured landscaping fronting on Highway 29 (St. Helena Highway) in the Napa Valley. Enjoy the lanai complete with outside cooking facility, spa, covered decking and seating for friends and family to enjoy the beautiful summer evenings in the wine country. There is an over 3-acre picnic area studded in mature Oaks Trees and surrounded by vineyard. A perfect location to build your estate winery. Asking $7,600,000 I

Panoramic Vineyard Estate Building Site Sonoma County, California 50 acres of rolling property behind electronic gates at the end of a beautiful country road. There are 12+ acres planted to grapes (leased out). Approximately 15 acres additionally may be plantable to grapes as well. The building site has a drop dead gorgeous panoramic view of rolling vineyard, mountain ranges and mother nature. The property is preperked for a 4 bedroom home, underground power is already installed to the building site and there is a well ready for hook-up. The property sits about an 8 minute drive to a Whole Foods market and major shopping, about 12 minutes from the city of Santa Rosa and it is FORVH WR VRPH YHU\ ÀQH UHVWDXUDQWV DQG ZLQHULHV San Francisco and International Airports are just over an hour away. The area is very country, yet several multi-million dollar estates make up this gorgeous area. Asking $1,695,000 I

Bergman Euro-National $ 5HDO (VWDWH ,QYHVPHQW &RPSDQ\ (707) 887-9822 / VOL. 2, NO.1 OPEN FENCES


Siouxland Farms Mitchell, Nebraska This is a highly developed farm and ranch operation on 1,660± acres. All the equipment is in top operating condition. The sale is conditional upon current owner to stay on, operate the farm and ranching operation. They would provide a 40 bushel corn lease to the owner. Said lease would include corn delivered to the nearest grain elevator at harvest time. The projections provided are grain prices that can be locked in as of January 16, 2011. The lease period would be for 3 years starting 2011 growing season. Their operation and farming success SUHFHHGV WKHLU UHSXWDWLRQ DV WRS RSHUDWRUV LQ WKH DUHD 7KHUH LV H[FHOOHQW ÀHOG ZDWHUIRZO KXQWLQJ DV ZHOO DV WKH JRRG SRVVLELOLW\ RI WURphy mule deer in the canyons around the pivots. This would be a solid investment with an excellent cash return. These types of farms/ ranches do not come along very often, plus depreciation of equipment and improvements. $2,775,000 I

Elk Meadows Ranch Rushville, Nebraska This is one of the best developed Nebraska Pine Ridge Ranches on 788± acres. The owner is an extremely accomplished bow hunter. and has strategically planted food plots throughout the ranch. Most have level pads poured for ground blinds. All of the food plots are fenced, keeping livestock out. He has developed cross-fencing for pasture rotation. There are miles of underground water development providing excellent dependable water source for both livestock and wildlife. An excellent place where you can harvest trophy mule deer, white-tailed deer, bull elk and Merriams’ wild turkey in one location. In addition, there is a modest 4-bedroom log home on site as well as a 3-bedroom guest house that is very comfortable. All this privacy and yet the ranch has U.S. Highway 87 frontage with locked gated entry. $975,000 I


Hidden Canyon Ranch Harrisburg, Nebraska 475 acres located two hours and IRUW\ ÀYH PLQXWHV IURP GRZQWRZQ Denver, Colorado, with a four-lane KLJKZD\ ZLWKLQ ÀYH PLOHV RI WKH ranch. This property is the best in beauty and privacy. This Nebraska ranch is beautiful beyond comparison. Own your own private canyon with over a dozen tributary draws engulfed in cliffs, ponderosa pine, cedar and juniper trees. A springfed, three acre trophy bass pond and a live creek meander through cottonwoods, willow and hackberry trees. Two year-round springs for livestock and wildlife including mule deer, white-tailed deer, Merrimam’s turkey, grouse and migratory birds around the pond and canyon area. An immaculate setting with extreme privacy and a 6,500 square IRRW ORGJH W\SH KRPH ZLWK HYHU\WKLQJ ÀUVW FODVV DQG EH\RQG (Qjoy as a retreat or a home with everyone or none at all. Additional acres, potential wind turbine and oil well income. $2,225,000 I

2218 E Walker Road North Platte NE 69101 308-532-9300 VOL. 2, NO.1 OPEN FENCES


Diamond T Ranch Bannock County, Downey, Idaho Solid Cattle - Hay - Grain Combination – Runs 1,200 Animal Units + Ships 100,000 Bushels of Grain + Sells Excess Alfalfa. The Diamond T Ranch has been carefully assembled over the past 14 years to reliably VXSSRUW WKH ´KDUG WR Ă€QGÂľ KHDG VFDOH PRVW FRPPHUFLDO FDWWOHPHQ feel is mandatory for success in the beef industry. This well-located and productive operation contains 6,315 acres of deeded land and is comprised of the following elements: Iď€ 1,185 acres of irrigated crop land; Iď€ ď€ ď€ 830 acres of dry farm land in production; Iď€ 2,560 acres of improved range land; Iď€ 1,740 acres of native range land; Iď€ Summer BLM and USFS grazing permits for 900 pair of cattle; Iď€ Extraordinary cattle-handling facilities plus large calving barn and electronic scales; Iď€ Good improvements for grain and machinery storage. With experienced management, the Ranch will consistently support 1,000 brood cows, 150 replacement heifers and 60 range bulls on a year’round basis. Calving starts in January and steer and heifer calves average 640 pounds when shipped to Eastern buyers. The Ranch easily produces VXIĂ€FLHQW DOIDOID KD\ DQG JUDVV WR ZLQWHU IHHG KHDG RI PDWXUH EHHI cattle. Additionally, irrigated grain crops average about 90 bushels per acre DQG WKH )DUP 6HUYLFHV 2IĂ€FH UHSRUWV DQ DYHUDJH RI EXVKHOV IRU GU\ IDUP wheat. The Ranch ships about 100,000 bushels of grain and sells excess hay. The Diamond T Ranch is located west of Downey, Idaho and enjoys excellent access to Interstate 15 and US Highway 30 for easy movement of cattle and grain crops to markets. Machinery and equipment plus a good herd of commercial Black Angus cattle are also available at separate treaty. Complete information may be downloaded at Hard copy brochures available – Buyers’ Brokers are Welcome to Inquire. Offered at $7,113,450 By a Motivated Seller. Contact: Patrick Bates 801-560-4259 or Sam Sanders 801-694-2092


Box Elder County, Snowville, Utah This productive 6,154-acre alfalfa hay and grain operation currently irrigates 3,498 acres and has total water rights for 4,601 acres. There are 28 newer center pivots and 6 wheel-lines. There is land, water rights DQG LQIUDVWUXFWXUH IRU DGGLWLRQDO SLYRWV $OO ZHOOV KDYH ÁRZ PHWHUV DQG DUH LQWHUFRQQHFWHG ZLWK DOO SLYRWV DQG YDOYHG IRU HIÀFLHQW ZDWHU GLVWULEXWLRQ 7KH DSSURYHG FKDQJH RI XVH SURYLGHV HYHQ JUHDWHU ÁH[LELOLW\ in maximizing the current wells and water rights. While the irrigated land has traditionally been planted to 50% alfalfa and 50% grain, it is being rotated toward an 80% - 20% mix. This turnkey operation has an ownermanager home, a hired man’s home and a heated shop building. It also has several metal storage buildings and hay storage structures. The ranch also handles some off-season cattle grazing with numerous year ’round stock troughs and two sets of corrals and chutes. A set of a Sooner livestock scales complete the major improvements. Offered at $9,107,800. Contact: David Packer 801-419-9932

Triple R Ranch

Uinta County, Evanston, Wyoming Owned by the same family for 90 years, this old-line holding includes 2,500 deeded acres plus 480 acres of state land located 20 miles south of Evanston, Wyoming via the Mirror Lake Highway – a National Scenic Byway. About 10 miles south of the Ranch, the mighty Uinta Mountain Range towers above 12,000 feet and affords spectacular views from the Ranch. Mill Creek – an important tributary of the Bear River – meanders through the Ranch for over two miles, providing the desirable aesthetic of year’round live water and reliable irrigation water for beautiful hay meadows and pastures. The ranch is an extraordinary combination for creation of a wonderful family legacy holding located only six miles from the Wasatch National Forest and just 100 miles from Salt Lake City. Price Reduced from $3,900,000 to $3,200,000 to Settle an Estate. Contact: Sam Sanders 801-694-2092

Uinta Vista Ranch

Box Elder County, Snowville, Utah This productive 3,130-acre alfalfa hay, grain and grazing operation is located about 24 miles southwest of Snowville near the remains of the KLVWRULF .HOWRQ 8QLRQ 3DFLÀF 6LGLQJ 7KH 5DQFK FXUUHQWO\ LUULJDWHV DERXW 1,745 acres from 15 adjudicated wells and Indian Creek which provides early season irrigation water. The wells produce approximately 10,000 GPM. The ranch operates with 14 newer center pivots plus one wheel-line DQG WZR KDQG OLQHV 7KHUH DUH VXIÀFLHQW ZDWHU ULJKWV WR GHYHORS DERXW additional acres of irrigated land. All wells and pivots are interconnected DQG YDOYHG WR HIÀFLHQWO\ PDQDJH ZDWHU GLVWULEXWLRQ 7KH PDMRULW\ RI WKH irrigated land has recently been or will be rotated back into alfalfa while some grass hay and triticale remain. This turnkey operation has a larger 1980s home with a swimming pool – two newer employee homes and two older employee homes plus a machine shop and storage buildings. The ranch also handles fall-winter-spring cattle grazing with numerous year ’round stock troughs plus recently-built corrals and a calving barn. Offered at $3,650,000. Contact: David Packer 801-419-9932

Kelton Circle Ranch %$7(6 6$1'(56 6:$1 LAND COMPANY

800-819-9920 Salt Lake City



Hope Valley Homestead Alpine County, California 7KLV DFUH UDQFK LV QHVWOHG DW WKH EDVH RI SLFWXUHVTXH &DUVRQ 3DVV DQG WKH PDJQLĂ€FHQW 10,000 foot High Sierra Mountains and is one of the few private holdings in Hope Valley, the most dramatic alpine valley in California. National Forest adjoins for miles of endless hiking, skiing and horseback riding. Lake Tahoe is only 30 minutes away, and Kirkwood ski resort is only 10 minutes away, both offering year-round activities. Add a classic willow-lined trout stream meandering through an alpine meadow and a custom log house set amongst the quaking aspens, and you have completed the perfect postcard setting with views everywhere. Price Reduced to $1,700,000 I

Oasis Springs Lodge Tehama County, Mt. Lassen Foothills, California 7KH TXLQWHVVHQWLDO 6SRUWVPDQ¡V SDUDGLVH ZLWK DFFHVV WR PRUH WKDQ PLOHV RI WKH 6RXWK )RUN RI %DWWOH &UHHN D WURSK\ WURXW Ă€VKHU\ RQ DFUHV RI meadows and blue oak woodlands, home to one of the largest migratory deer herds in the state. The ranch also provides prime habitat for dove, quail and wild turkey. The ten guest room Oasis Springs Lodge, formerly endorsed by Orvis, operates as a guest lodge or as a private family/corporate retreat. Mountain foothill setting in full view of snow-capped Mount Lassen, only 45 minutes east of Interstate 5 and the ranching/farming community of Red %OXII LQ 1RUWKHUQ &DOLIRUQLD )RU WKH Ă€UVW WLPH WZR UDQFKHV 2DVLV 6SULQJV /RGJH DQG 5RFN\ 6SULQJV 5DQFK FDQ EH SXUFKDVHG WRJHWKHU IRU (The ranches are each owned by separate entities and are also available separately for $4,895,000 and $4,495,000 respectively.) I


Spring Creek Ranch Shasta County, Fall River Valley, California 2QH RI $PHULFD¡V Ă€QHVW WURSK\ WURXW UDQFKHV +LVWRULFDOO\ NQRZQ DV WKH Old Ivy Horr Ranch, the 1,346 Âą acre Spring Creek Ranch controls one of the two major headwaters of renowned Fall River with unique private Ă€VKLQJ ZDWHU LQ D FODVVLF VSULQJ FUHHN Ă€VKHU\ \LHOGLQJ UDLQERZV DYHUDJLQJ 3-6 pounds. The ranch also fronts a second trophy trout spring creek with portions resembling a free-stone river, as well as frontage on worldrenowned Fall River itself. The ranch attracts thousands of migratory waterfowl including ducks, geese, pelicans, egrets, herons and swans amidst the lush meadows and riparian wetland habitat. Other bird species include Osprey, Bald Eagle, Great Horned Owl, Peregrine Falcons, quail, dove, pheasant, turkey and grouse. Closed to hunting for years, Spring Creek Ranch is a true wildlife sanctuary nestled amidst forests and expansive meadow lands with stunning views north to Mt. Shasta. A jetcapable County Airport, golf course and the small ranching community of Fall River Mills is just 10-15 minutes from the ranch. Price available upon request. I

The Chickering Company Ranches, Lakes, Rivers/Broker Contact: Terry Hundemer Phone: 530-265-5774 Email:



Soda Springs Ranch Yavapai County, Arizona Spreading out across a broad tree lined valley at a mild 3,400 foot elevation, Soda Springs Ranch is truly a one of a kind property unmatched for its beauty and serenity. With over three quarters of a mile of frontage along both sides of Wet Beaver Creek, this land enjoys one of the largest private riparian holdings in Arizona. Bordered by National Forest land, its 134 generously watered acres are set amid lush irrigated pastures,


year round springs, ponds and wetlands. The land’s rich loam soils along with its abundant water and warm sun drenched days provide the perfect PHGLXP IRU \RXU RZQ FHUWLÀHG RUJDQLF IUXLW RUFKDUGV DQG YHJHWDEOH gardens. Ownership includes a spacious 5,000 square foot main lodge with professionally equipped kitchen and bar, 10 guest rooms, 4 fully renovated historic homes, 8 stall stable, stocked trout pond with full

service ramada, large equipment building and shooting range. The ranch is only 1.5 freeway hours from metropolitan Phoenix. $8,000,000 I Complete sale details and comprehensive photo album at



Oceanfront Masterpiece Kennebunkport, Maine

This Maine oceanfront masterpiece offers spectacular water views from YLUWXDOO\ HYHU\ URRP 2ZQHUV¡ VXLWH RQ Ă€UVW OHYHO ZLWK SULYDWH WHUUDFH )HDWXULQJ D ZRUOG FODVV NLWFKHQ JOHDPLQJ RDN Ă RRUV DQG ZRUNRXW Ă€WQHVV room. Perfection on the rock-bound Coast of Maine. $3,750,000 I Contact: Bill Gaynor (207) 468-3002

Blaney Point Cousin’s Island, Yarmouth, Maine Blaney Point is one of the most private estate offerings on the coast of Maine. Set on a peninsula of 7.4 acres with 2,300 feet of varied shorefront featuring wonderful sand beaches, rocky ledge and a private island. The main residence and carriage house present over 7,800 square feet of gracious living with 6 bedrooms and 8 baths. Lavishly landscaped and re-forested, this site takes full advantage of the breathtaking views. $5,995,000 I Contact: Jessica Perkins (207) 749-5522


Stone Gables Cape Elizabeth, Maine

Extraordinary oceanfront manor overlooking Casco Bay and the Atlantic Ocean. Seven bedrooms allows for many comfortable guests to enjoy the best of Maine. Spacious living and formal dining rooms are perfect for entertaining. Minutes to the airport and Portland’s Old Port. $3,595,000 I Contact: Chris Lynch (207) 770-2200

Fox Pond

Unorganized Hancock, Maine

890+/- Acre estate provides the ultimate in privacy. Pristine 78 acre Fox Pond has 12,000 feet of waterfront. Two homes, shooting range, 6 miles RI WUDLOV )XOO\ HTXLSSHG IRU DOO FLUFXPVWDQFHV 6XSHUE KXQWLQJ ÀVKLQJ Completely Google-proof. $6,200,000 I Contact: Leslie Tranchell (207) 691-2955



Lake Creek Farm Magnolia, Texas 7ZR .HQWXFN\ VW\OH KRUVH EDUQV ZLWK PDJQLĂ€FHQW upgrades and four living areas state that this is the grandest of horse farms. The main barn hosts a 2,800 square foot “homeâ€?. This entire estate is beautifully landscaped and offers the ultimate in a comfortable country lifestyle. This unique 40-acre property is conveniently located to The Woodlands with exceptional shopping and dining. The eight European oversized stalls are complimented ZLWK WLOH ZDVK DUHDV UXEEHUL]HG SDYHU Ă RRULQJ DQG chandelier lighting. The second horse barn with cupolas KDV VL[ VWDOOV DQG D RQH EHGURRP DSDUWPHQW $ Ă€YH VWDOO shed row barn completes your horse housing. There is an additional two bedroom apartment on the farm and numerous outbuildings for storage and equipment parking. The large turn-out paddocks have board fencing, ORDĂ€QJ VKHGV DQG ELJ VKDGH WUHHV 7KH EHDXWLIXO ZLQGLQJ lanes pass by two ponds and lighted riding arena with viewing gazebo. Offered at $1,500,000 I


Windy Hill Ranch Madisonville, Texas Have you thought about owning a ranch that is an easy drive to Houston and close to a major airport‌A place where you could go with your family and enjoy the “quietâ€? and actually see the stars at night‌ Have those cattle you’ve always wanted, count the new calves as they are born, help with the spring branding‌A place you can ride your horses for hours over beautiful pastures, through creeks and old stands of trees, OR, train in a covered arena facility that is so nice you can have horse events there if you choose? 7KHQ WKHUH LV WKH KXQWLQJ DQG Ă€VKLQJ WR HQMR\ RQ WKHVH DOPRVW acres. Fish in the many stocked ponds and lake and enjoy your own white tail deer population during hunting season. Windy Hill Ranch offers you all of this. An easy drive from Houston to Madisonville, the access to Windy Hill is all paved highway and farm to market roads. ,I \RX ORYH WR ULGH WKHUH ZLOO EH QR Ă€QHU SODFH WKDQ KHUH 7KH FRYHUHG DUHQD IDFLOLW\ KDV D IRRW E\ IRRW DUHQD RIĂ€FH VSDFH DSDUWPHQWV

At the end of the day, when that good kind of “tiredness� starts to

DQG VWDOOV KROGLQJ SHQV IRU FDWWOH LW LV WKH ÀQHVW IDFLOLW\ LQ WKLV SDUW RI take over, kick back on the porch or by the pool of the comfortable brick Texas. There is a separate 10-stall center aisle barn with runs, numerous turnout areas, lighted cutting pen, walker and much more.

home that sits on the hilltop and appreciate the lifestyle! Offered at $12,298,650 I

The cattle facilities are the top-of-the-line with hydraulic trim tilt squeeze chute and 10,000 pound Tru-Test scales. The improved pastures allow you to run a cow/calf or stocker operation. There are four large hay storage barns to house the hay that is grown on the ranch. 979-921-9470



Lost Creek Ranch 54,500 Deeded Contiguous Acres in Edwards & Kinney Counties, Texas One of the last big ranches in the Hill Country of Texas, this ranch has been in the same family since the early 1940’s. Untouched and unspoiled, this country harkens to days gone by with open cattle country to heavily timbered canyons and unfettered views of the surrounding hills. Numerous springs pour out of the limestone hills supplying water to the Nueces River, Sycamore Creek, Spring Creek and Lost Creek. Ancient Indian paintings, caves, historic battlegrounds, early settlers homesteads,


large stands of pinyon pines, and huge old growth trees, the Lost Creek Ranch has a world of adventures awaiting a new owner. Lost Creek Ranch is approximately 14 miles long by 7 miles wide and has nearly 12 miles of newly constructed crushed base road running from the front of the ranch almost to the back. This ranch has had extremely limited hunting on it for the past 40 years and is teaming with native wildlife and a fair number of exotics such as Axis deer, Aoudad sheep, Black Buck antelope, and

Fallow deer. Truly a sportsman’s paradise with high hills, bluffs, deep canyons and brush covered plains, you can walk all day and never come to your boundary fence. This unique ranch is steeped in history, from the ancient Indians who lived here for thousands of years to the massacre of early German settlers to the hay day of Texas cattle drives, you cannot step foot on this ranch without being engrossed in its beauty, solitude and splendor. I



Bull Pine Ranch A beautiful 205 acre ranch Red River County, Texas. Simply gorgeous! This custom home features 5 or 6 bedrooms, 5 full baths plus 3 half baths. Granite and stainless appliances accent the custom kitchen. Multiple living and dining areas – great for family gatherings. The luxurious master VXLWH ZLOO VSRLO \RX ZLWK LWV RZQ ÀUHSODFH MHWWHG WXE JRUJHRXV tiled walk-in shower, copper sinks and granite countertops. The grounds are sprinkled with pines and are meticulously landscaped featuring an in-ground swimming pool, pool house, greenhouse, 6-acre lake and separate gameroom with kitchen and bath - great for entertaining! $1,200,000 See more at I

Lake Creek Farms The complete package of farm and ranch on 3,350 acres Delta County, Texas. A well-priced farm and ranch combination with a centrally located headquarters. The property also features a three bedroom, two bathroom brick home, a shop, a set of pens and 100k bushel grain storage – the complete package! This property offers a great combination of bottom and upland. Accessible via Farm-to-Market and county roads. Offered at $1,675/acre I

Ranch or Recreation 780 acres Red River County, Texas. Rolling hills covered with Bermuda and native grasses. Hardwood and pine timber scattered throughout. 180 acres of mature plantation pine. Cross-fenced with a large set of working pens and an equipment shed. One lake and several ponds – one with a cabin. Unsurpassed hunting of whitetail deer, eastern turkey, ferrell hog, dove, quail and duck. An awesome place! $1,170,000 I


Murphy Ranch An Exquisite 55+ Acre Ranch Delta County, Texas. Setting on over 55 acres of gently rolling terrain, the beautiful 6,457 square foot home graces the property from behind an ornate iron entry gate. Multiple living areas, dining areas and a gourmet kitchen combine to make this home an entertainer’s jewel! The master suite is GHVLJQHG WR VSRLO )HDWXULQJ D ÀUHSODFH sitting area, exercise room and fabulous PDVWHU EDWK DQ\RQH ZRXOG ÀQG LW KDUG QRW WR feel pampered! The entire family will enjoy the 5 bedrooms, 4 full bathrooms, 3 half-baths and an in-law suite complete with its own kitchen. Outdoor entertaining has never been better with a specially designed living space featuring a relaxing patio area as well as a delightful built-in swimming pool and spa. The rancher will appreciate the spacious barn, fenced areas and ponds. Offered at $695,000 See more at I

Woodland Ranch A Unique 2,660+ Acre Ranch Red River County, Texas. Everything you could want in a ranch is here in one place! Woodland Ranch, an estate-sized ranch, was not only designed as a fully operational cattle and crop farm, but as a family retreat with rolling pastures, wildlife and lakefront property. Such outstanding river properties are becoming harder WR ÀQGWKLV SURSHUW\ KDV SOHQW\ RI ZDWHU ZLWK LWV individual water wells, 2 live water creeks, 14 stock WDQNV ZLWK SXULÀFDWLRQ V\VWHP HTXLSSHG ZHOOV DQG D FRPPRQ DFUH ODNH &URS SURGXFWLRQ EHQHÀWV IURP the rich river bottomland sandy loam soil. Much of the river bottomland pastures consist of red lake loamy soil. The main house of this fabulous ranch is a oneof-a-kind spacious retreat featuring 4 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms. The spacious living room features a native VWRQH ZRRG EXUQLQJ ÀUHSODFH DQG WKH QG à RRU YHUDQGD SURYLGHV D SULYDWH VDQFWXDU\ IRU WKH RZQHU 7KHUH DUH DOVR JXHVW KRXVHV WKDW DGRUQ WKH SURSHUW\ DV ZHOO SOXV D UDQFK RIÀFH ZLWK OLYLQJ TXDUWHUV 2IIHULQJ H[FHOOHQW FDWWOH RSHUDWLRQV WKH SUHPLVHV FRQVLVW RI LPSURYHG SDVWXUH ZRUNLQJ SHQV ZLWK load-out chutes and scales, good perimeter fencing and several working pastures. With 2550 Lamar Avenue several hay and storage barns, as well as shops, silos and a horse barn, you will be Paris TX 75460 hard-pressed to run out of room! Offered at $7,200,000 903.785.8484 See more at I 800.785.8495 VOL. Â 2, Â NO.1 Â Â Â Â OPEN Â FENCES


870 Acre Montana Ranch Missoula, Ravalli County, Montana Approximately 30 miles south of Missoula in the Bitterroot Valley. Mountainous rolling big sky native country with many beautiful scattered pine trees and pristine meadows where elk and mule deer reside. Outstanding scenery and beautiful building sites with snow cap mountains to the west. Eight Mile Creek runs parallel to Eight Mile Creek Road on the VRXWK VLGH DQG WZR VPDOO VWUHDPV Ă RZ RXW RI WKH QRUWK VLGH RI WKH SURSHUW\ down into the creek. One of the last larger parcels left for sale. A 70,000 acre parcel adjoins the property. Price reduced to $7,500 per acre. Reduced from $10,500 per acre. Will divide; see website for tracts and pricing. I

Recreation Paradise 250 acre property with a gorgeous 18 acre lake Parker County, Texas. Very convenient at only 42 miles west of Ft.Worth, south of Millsap and minutes near Interstate 20 and FM 113. Native heavily rolling land with scenic post oak, live oak, elm and cedar tree cover. A EHDXWLIXO DFUH IXOO ODNH VWRFNHG ZLWK JUHDW ÀVKLQJ ([FHOOHQW SRSXODWLRQV of deer, turkey and ducks. A very nice 2-story home with upstairs balcony and beautiful views overlooking the lake and property. Beautiful dry laid stone exterior with extensive landscaping. Nice doublewide home, 2 nice all steel shops and stone pump house. Reduced to $1,975,000 I

Silverado South

1,052 acres with an impressive 16 acre lake Hood County, Texas. 8.5 miles north of Granbury on the northern Hood county line and 13 miles south of Weatherford on FM Highway 51 south of Silverado, Texas. Outstanding location with 8,700 feet of paved frontage, very beautiful rolling terrain with scattered live oak, elm, post oak trees and cedar and mesquite timber, good soils, 2 lakes of 16 and 4 acres, 12 ponds, 3 dwellings, 3 water wells and beautiful building sites. Minerals with production. $11,046,000 I


Brazos River Ranch Scenic views, serenity, and great character on 3,300 acres Parker and Hood Counties, Texas. Located on the County line, 22 minutes South Southwest of Weatherford. This ranch is truly beautiful as it rolls gently and heavily with scenic views, serenity and great character. Many varieties of scattered to thick trees include live oak, post oak, elm, red oak and mesquite. Well watered with many stock ponds, over 1.38 miles of Brazos River frontage, several creeks and two water wells. Numerous sites for building large reservoirs or a beautiful lodge. Outstanding deer and turkey hunting. Gas production with income and minerals conveyed. Reduced to $7,750 per acre. I

Cattle & Hunting Ranch A great 13,900 acre operating ranch Clay County, Texas. Gently to heavily rolling cover mostly in excellent native grasses. The dominant tree scattered mesquite with some hackberry over the majority of the ranch. Post Oak, Elm and Pecan are thick along the river and seasonal creeks. Over 100 stock ponds and the Little Wichita River provide excellent water for livestock and game. The deer population is very good boasting big bodied deer with 190” typical being killed in the 2008 season. Excellent populations of quail, dove, duck and sand hill cranes. Minerals owned conveyed with some production. A very nice custom stone home, two other older brick homes and two other dwellings, numerous shops, barns for horses and equipment.

$Q DZHVRPH ODUJH DOO VWHHO FDWWOH ZRUNLQJ SHQ DQG FDWWOH DUWLÀFLDO insemination barn at headquarters. Several other steel cattle working pens throughout the ranch. Will divide, $2,250.00 per acre, negotiable. I





Palo Verde Ranch Pinal County, Arizona

The 91 section Palo Verde Ranch is located in Pinal County

equipment includes a road grader, front end loader, stock trailer

Arizona. North West of Tucson with easy access to Highway 79,

and ranch truck plus a great deal of other necessary equipment.

and Interstate 10. Elevations run from 2,100 feet to 6,500 feet with

Furnishings include several antique and designer pieces.

the Headquarters and Owners home set at 3,340 feet above sea level.

The custom designed, solar powered hill top owners home, covers over 9,000 square feet under roof and contains 6,500 square

The majority of the cows were ranch raised and are Angus or

feet of heated living area. The home offers a spacious master suite,

Brangus based, very few cows are over 6 years old. The majority


of the bulls are registered Angus and all are under 5 years old. The

a pool table and a large amount of storage. The large dining room


and open living room provide unobstructed sunrise, sunset and

style Horse barns and tack rooms. The headquarters also offers

ranch views. The east wing offers two large guest bedrooms with

an excellent set of working and shipping corrals, with sorting tub,

a full bath and an open work-out area with excursive equipment.


6SDFLRXV SRUFKHV ZLWK WLOH DQG à DJVWRQH SDWLRV DQG ODUJH SRRO 9HUGH 5DQFK RIIHUV RQH RI WKH YHU\ ÀQHVW ZRUNLQJ FDWWOH UDQFKHV LQ provide great outdoor living and entertaining with spectacular Arizona. views of the saguaro covered hills and desert sunsets over the ranch. Other Headquarters improvements include a 1,500 square feet, 3-bedroom managers home, a bunk house with separate kitchen and

The Ranch is priced at $3,250,000 with Seller Financing and is offered, turn key with all; Equipment, Cattle and Furnishings, including: +/- 500 mother cows, 40 bulls and 30 replacement heifers. I

bathroom, a private landing strip with hangers, beautiful Spanish

Harley Hendricks Realty

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