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2 Runner

Contents Getting Started with running........................................................... 4 7 Running Essentials.............................................................................9 10 Common Running Mistakes to Avoid.........................................12

3 Runner

Getting Started with running

Getting Started with running Starting a new running habit can feel overwhelming to a beginner runner. Instead of starting your running habit blindly, it’s helpful to learn some basic information about running. Here are some of the basics about running to help you get started.

How to Run Properly Improving your running form can help

less stress on your body. Follow these tips

you run faster, more efficiently, and with

to work on perfecting your running form. 4


Getting Started with running

Look Ahead Your eyes should be focused on the ground

running form, but it’s also a safer way to

about 10 to 20 feet ahead of you. Don’t

run because you can see what’s coming.

stare at your feet. Not only is this proper

Land Midfoot Don’t be a toe runner or a heel-striker.

and you’re braking, which wastes en-

If you land on your toes, your calves

ergy and may cause injury. Try to land

will get tight or fatigue quickly and

on the middle of your foot, and then

you may develop shin pain. Landing on

roll through to the front of your toes.

your heels means you have overstrided

Keep Hands at Your Waist Try to keep your hands at waist level,

by their chest, especially as they get

right about where they might lightly

tired. Ironically, you may actually get

brush your hip. Your arms should be at a

more tired by holding your arms that

90 degree angle. Some beginners have

way and you’ll start to feel tightness

a tendency to hold their hands way up

and tension in your shoulders and neck.

Relax Your Hands As you run, keep your arms and hands

egg and you don’t want to break it. Don’t

as relaxed as possible. You can gently

clench your fists because it can lead to

cup your hands, as if you are holding an

tightness in the arms, shoulders, and neck.

5 Runner

Getting Started with running

Check Your Posture Keep your posture straight and erect. Your

pain. When you feel yourself slouching,

head should be up,

poke your chest out.

your back straight, and


shoulders level. Keep

ders, Too. Your shoul-

your shoulders


ders should be re-

der your ears and main-

laxed and square or

tain a neutral pelvis.


Make sure you’re not

hunched over. Round-



ing the shoulders too

back at your waist,

far forward tends to

which some runners

tighten the chest and

do as they get fatigued.


Check your posture

Rotate Arms from the

once in a while. When



you’re tired at the end



of your run, it’s com-

and forth from your


mon to slump over a little, which can







shoulder joint, not your elbow joint.

lead to neck, shoulder, and lower-back

Don’t Bounce Try to keep your stride low to the

on your lower body. The higher you lift

ground and focus on quick stride turn-

yourself off the ground, the greater the

over. Too much up-and-down move-

shock you have to absorb when land-

ment is wasted energy and can be hard

ing and the faster your legs will fatigue.

6 Runner

Getting Started with running

Keep Arms at Your Side Avoid side-to-side arm swinging. If

you’re not breathing efficiently. Imag-

your arms cross over your chest, you’re

ine a vertical line splitting your body in

more likely to slouch, which means

half -- your hands should not cross it.

How to Warm Up and Cool Down All of your runs should start with a warm-

the warm-up also helps minimize stress

up and end with a cooldown. Why are

on your heart when you start your run.

they so important? A good warm-up di-

Just as critical, the cooldown keeps the

lates your blood vessels, ensuring that

blood flowing throughout the body. Stop-

your muscles are well supplied with

ping suddenly can cause light-headed-

oxygen. It also raises your muscles’ tem-

ness because your heart rate and blood

perature for optimal flexibility and effi-

pressure drop rapidly. Winding down

ciency. By slowly raising your heart rate,

slowly allows them to fall gradually.  ■


In 1593 William Shakespear wrote in Taming of the Shrew, Katerina tells off a gentleman to go jogging till his boots go green; this was a proverb meaning going when you are most ready or able. The etymology of the word is unknown, but it may be related to shog or be a new invention in the sixteenth century. At that point, it usually meant to leave. The term “jog” was often used in English and American literature to describe short quick movements, either intentional or unintentional. Richard Jefferies, an English Naturalist, wrote of “joggers” describing them as quickly moving people who brushed others aside as they passed.

7 Runner

7 Running Essentials

Difficulty: Easy Time Required: 5-10 minutes for warm-up; 5-10 minutes for cooldown Here’s How: •

It’s not a good idea to stretch cold muscles, so don’t start with stretching. Do about 5-10 minutes of light aerobic exercise to loosen up your muscles and warm you up for your run. Try walking briskly, jogging slowly, or cycling on a stationary bike. Make sure you don’t rush your warm-up. Begin your run. Don’t start out racing, but instead jog slowly and gradually build up your speed.

After you finish your run, cool down by walking or slowly jogging for 5 to 10 minutes.

Stretch fully after your cooldown. Your body should be warm and stretching should be easy.

Stretch your lower back, neck, calves, quadriceps, hamstrings and groin area. Hold each stretch for 15 to 30 seconds.

Tips: Never bounce while stretching. Hold still on each stretch for 15 to 30 seconds. Perform each stretch one to three times. A stretch should never feel like you’re hurting yourself. If it hurts, stop that stretch immediately.

Layout&Illustration Michal Wojciechowski 8 Runner

7 Running Essentials

7 Running Essentials Don’t Run Without These Running Gear Items Running is a pretty low-maintenance sport. You don’t need a lot of fancy gear and equipment. But if you’re planning to start running on a regular basis, here are some items that will make your runs more comfortable and safer.

1. Running Shoes Wearing old running shoes or running

ning specialty store where experts can

shoes that aren’t right for your foot type

evaluate your foot type and running style

and running style is one of the biggest

and make recommendations for the right

causes of running injuries. Go to a run-

shoes for you. Even if you’re interested 9


7 Running Essentials

in barefoot running, it’s still important to

protect your feet when running outside.

at least wear minimalist running shoes to

2. Technical Fabric Running Clothes Whether you’re running in hot or cold weather,

body. Avoiding cotton is important be-


cause once cot-


ton fabrics get

made of a tech-

wet, they’ll stay

nical fabric will

wet. During cold



weather running,

dry and comfort-

running in tech-

able. A synthetic

nical fabrics will



help keep you

rial, such as Dry-

dry and warm.


In hot weather




Thermax, CoolMax, polypropolene, or

runs, wearing clothes that wick away

silk, will wick the sweat away from your

your sweat will help prevent chafing.

3. Running Socks When choosing a sock for running, the

And they’ll casue blisters in the summer.

most important factor to consider is

The best running socks are ones that

the material. Like your running clothes

are made from synthetic materials such

(see above), you want to stay away from

as polyester, acrylic, and CoolMax be-

100% cotton. If you wear cotton socks,

cause they’ll wick away moisture. For

when your feet sweat or you step in a

winter running, wool blends such as

puddle, the moisture won’t get wicked

SmartWool are also a good choice. Some

away. Wearing cotton socks in the winter

runners choose to wear double-layer

will make your feet feel cold and clammy.

socks for additional blister protection. 10


7 Running Essentials

4. Water If you’re running more than 30 minutes,

during your runs. If you don’t have access

it’s important that consume water to stay

to water on your running routes, you’ll

hydrated. A general rule of thumb for fluid

have to carry your own fluids with you.

consumption during your runs is to drink

Here are some watter bottles that you

4 to 6 ounces of fluid every 20 minutes

can use to hold your fluids while you run.

5. ID and Money Put your driver’s license in your pocket

the weather turns bad or an injury starts

or running belt, or wear an ID tag on your

bothering you, you may need to take a

shoe. If you’re wearing an ID tag or brace-

cab home, rather than risk running. Some

let, make sure it has an emergency contact

extra cash may also come in handy if you

number on it. It’s also a good idea to have

need to stop and buy water, Gatorade,

money on you, in case of emergency. For

food, or first aid supplies during your run.

example, if you’re miles from home and

6. Running Watch A running watch is great for timing

need anything that fancy. But a simple

your runs, taking splits during races,

watch with a stop and start button can

as well as other things. While some

be helpful to runners so they can time

running watches can track your heart

their runs and use it to measure run.

rate and pace, beginner runners don’t

11 Runner

10 Common Running Mistakes to Avoid

7. Sun Protection Runners spend a lot of time outdoors in the

You can also wear a visor or hat will

sun, so it’s important that we take steps to

give your face extra protection. (Al-

protect our skin from sun exposure. Use a

though you’ll still need sunscreen on

waterproof sunscreen that has an SPF of

your face.) It will also help absorb sweat,

at least 15 and offers broad spectrum pro-

so the sunscreen doesn’t run into your

tection, which means it protects against

eyes. A good pair of UV-blocking run-

both UVA and UVB rays. Stick formula-

ning sunglasses gives your face more

tions are good for runners’ faces because

protection and also help protect your

the sunscreen won’t run into your eyes.

eyes from the sun’s damaging rays.  ■


In the U.S jogging was also called “roadwork” when athletes in training, such as boxers, customarily ran several miles each day as part of their conditioning. In New Zeland during the 1960s or 1970s the word “roadwork” was mostly supplanted by the word “jogging”, promoted by coach Arthur Lydiard, who is credited with popularizing jogging. The idea of jogging as an organised activity was mooted in a sports page article in the New Zealand Herald in February 1962, which told of a group of former athletes and fitness enthusiasts who would meet once a week to run for “fitness and sociability”. Since they would be jogging, the newspaper suggested that the club “may be called the Auckland Joggers Club”—which is thought to be the first use of the noun “jogger”. University of Oregon track coach bill Bowerman, after jogging with Lydiard in New Zealand, brought the concept of jogging as exercise to the United States in 1962.

12 Runner

10 Common Running Mistakes to Avoid

10 Common Running Mistakes to Avoid All runners have made mistakes at some point during their training and racing. Here are some of the most common running mistakes and how you can avoid injuries and other issues.

1: Wrong Shoes The problem: Wearing old running

uate your running style and

shoes or wearing the wrong type of

type. When they determine wheth-

running shoes for your foot and run-


ning style can lead to running innijuries.


Go to a running specialty shop, where

make shoe recommendations for you.

knowledgeable salespeople can eval-

Once you get the right pair of running 13



an or




foot underthey’ll

10 Common Running Mistakes to Avoid

shoes, make sure you replace them ev-

last longer when you allow them to de-

ery 300-350 miles because the loss of

compress and dry out between work-

cushioning can lead to injuries. About

outs. Also, having a fresh pair of shoes

halfway through the life of your shoes,

as a reference will help you notice when

you might want to buy another pair to

your old ones are ready to be replaced.

rotate into your runs. Your shoes will

2: Too Much, Too Soon The problem: Many runners, especially

how long, and how much you run, espe-

people who are new to running, make the

cially early on in your development. In-

“terrible too’s” mistake. They get so excit-

crease your mileage gradually. Don’t let

ed and enthused about their running that

your weekly mileage increase by more

they do too

than 10%. If

much mile-




to running or



are coming off

soon. They

a long break,




enly think



that “more

and then prog-


ress into a run/





walk program.





running. As a result, they often start to de-

to aches and pains. If a pain gets worse as

velop common overuse running injuries,

you continue runs, that’s a warning sign

such as runner’s knee, or ITB syndrome.

that you should stop your run. Listen to your body for injury warning signs and

The solution: Be more conservative than

know when you schouldn’t run trough pain.

you think you need to be with how often,

Take at least one complete day off from ex14


10 Common Running Mistakes to Avoid

ercise each and every week. Don’t ignore

ing your rest days. So if you run every day,

rest days -- they’re important to your re-

you’re not going to gain much strength

covery and injury prevention efforts. Your

and you’re increasing your risk of injury.

muscles build and repair themselves dur-

3: Overstriding The problem: One of the most common

The solution: Make sure that you don’t

injury-causing running form mistakes is

lunge forward with your feet. This is

overstriding, or landing heel first with


your foot well ahead of your body’s cen-

downhill. Focus on landing mid-sole,

ter of gravity. Some runners assume that

with your foot directly underneath

a longer stride will improve their speed or

your body with every step. A short, low

running efficiency, but that’s not the case.

arm swing is the key to keeping your

Overstriding wastes energy since it means

stride short and close to the ground.




you’re braking with each foot strike.

4: Losing Control on Hills The problem: When running down-

short, quick strides. Don’t lean back and try

hill, some people have a tenden-

to brake yourself. Try to keep your shoul-



ders just slightly in front of you and your

overstride, and run out of control.

hips under you. Although it’s tempting






to overstride, avoid taking huge leaping

The solution: The best way to run down-

steps to reduce the pounding on your legs.

hill is to lean forward slightly and take

15 Runner

10 Common Running Mistakes to Avoid

5: Bad Upper Body Form The problem: Some runners swing their

might lightly brush your hip. Your

arms side-to-side, which makes you more

arms should be at a 90 degree an-

likely to slouch and not breathe as effi-

gle, with your elbows at your sides.

ciently. Some beginners have a tendency

Imagine a vertical line splitting your

to hold their hands way up by their chest,

body in half -- your hands should not


cross it. Keep

as they get

your posture

tired. You’ll


actually get





and Your


by holding

be up, your



back straight,



and shoulders





start to feel





and tension in your shoulders and neck.



of your run, it’s common to slump over a little, which can lead to neck, shoul-

The solution: Try to keep your hands

der, and lower-back pain. When you feel

at waist level, right about where they

yourself slouching, poke your chest out.

6: Not Drinking Enough The problem: Many runners under-

dehydration which can be detrimen-

estimate how much fluid they lose

tal to your performance and health.

during runs and don’t drink enough

The solution Runners need to pay

because they’re worried about side


stitches . As a result, they suffer from






they’re drinking before, during and 16


10 Common Running Mistakes to Avoid

after exercise. Here are some sim-

every 20 minutes during your runs. Dur-

ple rules for drinking and running:

ing longer workouts (90 minutes or more),

An hour before you start your run, try to

some of your fluid intake should include a

drink 16 to 24 ounces of water or other

sports drink (like Gatorade) to replace lost

non-caffeinated fluid. Stop drinking at

sodium and other minerals (electrolytes).

that point, so you can prevent having to

Don’t forget to rehydrate with water or

stop to go to the bathroom during your

a sports drink after your run. You should

run. To make sure you’re hydrated before

drink 20 to 24 fl oz. of water for every

you start running, you can drink anoth-

pound lost. If your urine is dark yellow af-

er 4 to 8 ounces right before you start.

ter your run, you need to keep rehydrat-

You should take in 6 to 8 ounces of fluid

ing. It should be a light lemonade color.

7: Wrong Clothes The problem: Some runners wear the

you dry. It’s very important to make sure

wrong type or too much or too little cloth-

you don’t wear cotton for this layer be-

ing for the weather conditions, leaving

cause once it gets wet, you’ll stay wet,

them uncomfortable and at risk for heat-

which can be uncomfortable in warmer

related or cold weather-related illnesses.

weather and dangerous in cold weather. In the winter, make sure that you don’t

The solution: Wearing the right type

overdress. You should add 15-20 de-

of fabrics is essential. Runners should

grees F to the temperature when deter-

stick to technical fabrics such as Dry-

mining what clothing you should wear

Fit, Thinsulate, Thermax, CoolMax, poly-

-- that’s how much you’ll warm up once

propolene, or silk. This will wick the

you start running. In the warmer weath-

sweat away from your body, keeping

er, stick to loose, light-colored clothes.

8: Overtraining The problem: Some



tain goals run too hard, run too many

are training for specific races or cer-

miles, and don’t allow for proper re17


10 Common Running Mistakes to Avoid

covery time. They assume that run-



ing ewery day will help them get fitter



and faster. Overtraining is the leading

After a hard run, take a day off.

cause of injury and burn out for runners.












avoid your





let by






every are





important and



Add some cross-trainng-activities to





your schedule. Doing activities other


than running prevents boredom, works


different muscles, and can give your


running muscles and joints a break.

Try to give yourself periodic “rest

9: Going Out Too Fast The problem: When it comes to running

you’ll most likely feel really strong in

long distance races, one of the biggest

the beginning. But keep in mind that for

rookie mistakes is going out too fast in

every second you go out too fast in the

the beginning of the race. Most runners

first half of your race, you’ll lose double

have at least one story about a race when

that amount of time in the second half of

they felt so great during the first few

your race.Try to make sure you’re in the

miles that they ran ahead of pace, only

correct starting position. Don’t start your-

to crash and burn during the final miles.

self with faster runners because you’ll most likely try to keep up with them.

The solution: Here are some ways

Start your race at a comfortable pace and

that you can avoid going out too fast:

make sure you check your watch at the first

The best way to avoid the temptation

mile marker. If you’re ahead of your antic-

of going out too fast is deliberately run

ipated pace, slow down. It’s not too late to

your first mile slower than you plan to

make pace corrections after just one mile.

run the final one. It’s tough to do, since

18 Runner

10 Common Running Mistakes to Avoid

10: Not Fueling Properly The problem: Many beginning run-

meal about 1 1/2 to 2 hours before a

ners underestimate the importance of

run. Choose something high in carbohy-

nutrition, for both their running perfor-

drates and lower in fat, fiber, and protein.

mance and their overall health. What

Some examples of good pre-workout

and when you eat be-

fuel include: a bagel with

fore, during, and after

peanut butter; a banana

your runs has a huge

and an energy bar; or a

effect on your perfor-

bowl of cold cereal with

mance and recovery.

a cup of milk. To avoid gastrointestinal distress,

The solution: Try to

stay away from rich, high-

eat a light snack or

fiber, and high-fat foods.

If you’re running more

beans designed for long-

than 90 minutes, you

distance runners. A ba-

need to replace some

sic rule of thumb is that

of the calories you’re

you should be taking in

burning. You can get carbs on the run

about 100 calories after about an hour

through sports drinks or solid foods

of running and then another 100 calo-

they are easily digested, such as as en-

ries every 40-45 minutes after that.

gry gels, bars, and even sports jelly

Replenish energy as quickly as possible

the first 30 minutes after exercise. If you

after a workout. Studies have shown that

eat soon after your workout, you can

muscles are most receptive to rebuilding

minimize muscle stiffness and soreness.

glycogen (stored glucose) stores within

You’ll want to consume primarily carbs, 19


10 Common Running Mistakes to Avoid

but don’t ignore protein. A good rule of

peanut butter and jelly sandwich, a fruit

thumb for post-workout food is a ratio of

and yogurt smoothie, and chocolate milk

1 gram of protein to 3 grams of carbs. A

are examples of good post-run snacks.  ■

Don’t follow a low-carb diet when training. You need a certain amount of carbohydrates in your diet because they’re a runner’s most important source of fuel.

Layout&Illustration Michal Wojciechowski 20 Runner

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