Did Jesus Claim Divinity

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And when Allah will say: “O Jesus, son of Mary, Did you say to the people: Take me and my mother for two gods besides Allah.”He will say: “Glory be to You, It was not for me to say that to which I had no right. If I had said it, then You would surely have known it. You know what is within myself, and I know not what is within Yourself. Indeed You, only You are the Knower of the unseen.” “Never did I say to them except what You commanded me to (say), that worship Allah, my Lord and your Lord. And I was a witness over them while I was among them. Then when You took me, You were the Watcher over them. And You are Witness over all things.” “If You punish them, then indeed they are Your slaves. And if You forgive them (they are Your slaves). Then indeed You, only You are the All Mighty, the All Wise.” [Qur’an 5:116-118] ‫ﺲ‬‫ﺎ ﻟﹶﻴ‬‫ﻲ ﺃﹶﻥﹾ ﺃﹶﻗﹸﻮ ﹶﻝ ﻣ‬‫ﻜﹸﻮﻥﹸ ﻟ‬‫ﺎ ﻳ‬‫ ﻣ‬‫ﻚ‬‫ﺎﻧ‬‫ﺒﺤ‬‫ ﻗﹶﺎ ﹶﻝ ﺳ‬‫ﻥ ﺍﻟﻠﹼﻪ‬ ‫ﻭ‬‫ﻦ ﺩ‬‫ ﹺﻦ ﻣ‬‫ﻴ‬‫ ﹺﺇﻟﹶـﻬ‬‫ﻲ‬‫ﻭﹸﺃﻣ‬ ‫ﺨﺬﹸﻭﻧﹺﻲ‬  ‫ﺗ‬‫ﺎﺱﹺ ﺍ‬‫ﻠﻨ‬‫ﺖ ﻟ‬  ‫ ﻗﹸﻠ‬‫ ﹶﺃﺃﹶﻧﺖ‬‫ﻳﻢ‬‫ﺮ‬‫ﻦ ﻣ‬ ‫ﻰ ﺍﺑ‬‫ﻴﺴ‬‫ﺎ ﻋ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﻭﺇﹺﺫﹾ ﻗﹶﺎ ﹶﻝ ﺍﻟﻠﹼﻪ‬ ‫ﺎ‬‫ ﺇﹺﻻﱠ ﻣ‬‫ﻬﻢ‬ ‫ﺖ ﻟﹶ‬  ‫ﺎ ﻗﹸﻠﹾ‬‫( ﻣ‬5:116) ‫ﺏ‬ ‫ﻮ ﹺ‬‫ﻴ‬‫ ﺍﹾﻟﻐ‬‫ﻼﱠﻡ‬‫ ﻋ‬‫ﻚ ﺃﹶﻧﺖ‬  ‫ ﺇﹺﻧ‬‫ﻧﻔﹾﺴِﻚ‬ ‫ﻲ‬‫ﺎ ﻓ‬‫ ﻣ‬‫ﹶﻠﻢ‬‫ﻭﻻﹶ ﺃﹶﻋ‬ ‫ﻧﻔﹾﺴِﻲ‬ ‫ﻲ‬‫ﺎ ﻓ‬‫ ﻣ‬‫ﹶﻠﻢ‬‫ﺗﻌ‬ ‫ﻪ‬‫ﺘ‬‫ﻠﻤ‬‫ﺪ ﻋ‬ ‫ ﹶﻓﻘﹶ‬‫ﻪ‬‫ ﻗﹸﻠﹾﺘ‬‫ ﺇﹺﻥ ﻛﹸﻨﺖ‬‫ﻖ‬‫ﻲ ﹺﺑﺤ‬‫ﻟ‬ ‫ﻠﹶﻰ ﻛﹸﻞﱢ‬‫ ﻋ‬‫ﻭﺃﹶﻧﺖ‬ ‫ﻢ‬ ‫ﻬﹺ‬‫ﻠﹶﻴ‬‫ﺐ ﻋ‬  ‫ﻴ‬‫ﻗ‬‫ ﺍﻟﺮ‬‫ ﺃﹶﻧﺖ‬‫ﻨﹺﻲ ﻛﹸﻨﺖ‬‫ﺘ‬‫ﻓﱠﻴ‬‫ﻮ‬‫ﺎ ﺗ‬‫ ﻓﹶﹶﻠﻤ‬‫ﻴ ﹺﻬﻢ‬‫ ﻓ‬‫ﺖ‬‫ﺩﻣ‬ ‫ﺎ‬‫ﺍ ﻣ‬‫ﻬﹺﻴﺪ‬‫ﻢ ﺷ‬ ‫ ﹺﻬ‬‫ﻠﹶﻴ‬‫ ﻋ‬‫ﻭﻛﹸﻨﺖ‬ ‫ﻢ‬ ‫ ﹸﻜ‬‫ﺑ‬‫ﻭﺭ‬ ‫ﻲ‬‫ﺑ‬‫ﻪ ﺭ‬ ‫ﻭﹾﺍ ﺍﻟﻠﹼ‬‫ﺒﺪ‬‫ ﺍﻋ‬‫ ﺃﹶﻥ‬‫ﻨﹺﻲ ﺑﹺﻪ‬‫ﺗ‬‫ﺮ‬‫ﹶﺃﻣ‬ (5:118) ‫ﻢ‬  ‫ﻴ‬‫ﻜ‬‫ ﺍﹾﻟﺤ‬‫ﺰﹺﻳﺰ‬‫ﺖ ﺍﹾﻟﻌ‬  ‫ﻚ ﺃﹶﻧ‬  ‫ ﹶﻓﺈﹺﻧ‬‫ﻢ‬‫ ﻟﹶﻬ‬‫ﺮ‬‫ﻐﻔ‬ ‫ﺇﹺﻥ ﺗ‬‫ﻙ ﻭ‬ ‫ﺎﺩ‬‫ﺒ‬‫ﻢ ﻋ‬ ‫ﻬ‬ ‫ ﹶﻓﺈﹺﻧ‬‫ﻢ‬‫ﻬ‬‫ﻌﺬﱢﺑ‬ ‫( ﺇﹺﻥ ﺗ‬5:117) ‫ﺪ‬ ‫ﻬﹺﻴ‬‫ ٍﺀ ﺷ‬‫ﻲ‬‫ﺷ‬

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