46:9 (Asad) Say: “I am not the first of [God’s] apostles; and [like all of them,] I do not know what will be done with me or with you: for I am nothing but a plain Warner.” 46:9)
ﻣﹺﺒﲔ ﻳﺮﺬﺎ ﺇﹺﻟﱠﺎ ﻧﺎ ﹶﺃﻧﻣ ﻭﻰ ﺇﹺﻟﹶﻲﻮﺣﺎ ﻳ ﺇﹺﻟﱠﺎ ﻣﺒﹺﻊ ﹺﺇﻥﹾ ﺃﹶﺗﻟﹶﺎ ﺑﹺﻜﹸﻢﻌﻞﹸ ﺑﹺﻲ ﻭ ﻳ ﹾﻔ ﺎﺭﹺﻱ ﻣﺎ ﺃﹶﺩﻭﻣ ﺳﻞﹺ ﺍﻟﺮﻣﻦ ﺎﺪﻋ ﺑﹺﺎ ﻛﹸﻨﺖﹸﻗﻞﹾ ﻣ