Sharing...picking on people's words

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In the Name of Allah, Most Merciful, Most Compassionate

‌..picking on people’s words Sometimes you begin with a good discussion and next you realize you are in an argument. More often than not it is over nothing. Yes, over nothing. What difference does it make to you if someone say yesterday it rained when you know it didn't rain? What difference does it make to you if someone tells you the sky is blue and you see the sky is gray or it is nice day today and you are sweating? What difference does it make if someone tells you he ate meat yesterday when you know he didn't like meat or he only ate a little but actually he finished a big bowl of rice? What difference does it make if your wife said she had 5 friends over but actually 10 friends came? What difference does it make to you if your husband said he left work at 4pm when actually he left at 6pm and so he is now "late" for dinner. Do you really have to correct this "lie"? People exaggerate and make errors in their speech a lot for whatever reasons. If you want to correct them every single time, it will lead to bad relations. So, if there is no real benefit or advantage to correct someone, i.e. if it is not a matter that can lead to some worldly harm or if this is not connected with the religion (for example someone lies about the Prophet, Allah bless him and grant him peace) and no one is going to be misguided by it, then remain silent. "Whoever believes in Allah and the last day, then let him say the good or remain silent." The Prophet, Allah bless him and grant him peace, said: "Whoever leaves picking apart another's words even if he is right, a house is built in the center of Paradise." (related Tirmidhi) If you have to correct someone, use the best method--gentleness and easygoingness. "Call thou to the way of thy Lord with wisdom and good admonition, and dispute with them in the better way. Surely thy Lord knows very well those who have gone astray from His way, and He knows very well those who are guided. And if you chastise, chastise even as you have been chastised; and yet assuredly if you are patient, better it is for those patient. And be patient; yet is thy patience only with the help of God. And do not sorrow for them, nor be thou straitened for what they devise. Surely God is with those who are god-fearing, and those who are gooddoers." (16:125-128) "No people has gone astray after guidance except that they be are given argumentation." (related Tirmidhi)

May Allah guide us. Ameen.

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