Safety Fast! April 2021

Page 43

Rob Constant



VINTAGE NEWSLETTER With my dear chum Peter Jones somewhat preoccupied ‘with the builders in’, this particular Vintage ‘six-monthly’ comes from far-flung Cornwall; written, if I might say, with the wind and rain lashing at the window. I thought this was meant to be early spring! Perhaps, by the time you get to read this, it will seem like winter is behind us and the worry of salt on the road all gone. I do hope so. After events of the last year, getting out and about again in interesting cars has never seemed so appealing. For the first ever occasion the VR committee recently ‘met’ by way of an online platform, ‘hot on the heels’ soon coming the first ever online VR AGM… Such 21st Century landmarks for the Car Club’s first ever Register. My word. We are indeed breaking new ground! Also, by the time you read this, our stalwart Chair, Peter Mace, will have stood

down. I wanted to take the opportunity to publicly thank Peter on behalf of us all for his steady stewardship and enthusiastic, affable approach. You are a gentleman, Peter. We are all very fond of you and grateful for the work you’ve undertaken for the Register over the years, first, as VR Secretary, and then Chairman through your various 18/80 ownerships. Now enjoying a lovely Morris Isis tourer, Peter retains a passion for Vintage MGs and for the Register he has contributed to for so long. It is ‘typically Peter’ that, without hesitation, he agreed to stand again for a general post on the VR committee, in order to assist in the next chapter of the Register, ensure continuity, and give assistance to those in-coming to new roles. Sincere thanks again, Peter! Rather appropriately, Peter recently spotted this month’s first photo in ‘Morris Monthly’ – The Morris Register Club

magazine – and sought permission for us to use it. How delightful! Anyone for a picnic? It is of course a Morris Garages ‘Bullnose’ 14/28 Four Seat Tourer that sits quietly in the background. Ideal for two couples’ motoring – the charming lady in the foreground gone all bashful at, presumably, having her photo taken or some cheeky witticism her date had just made. Looking at the car, rather than the fashions or refreshments (tea, milk, beer – they seem well kitted out) – I particularly like the luggage strapped to the rear of the car – (perhaps they were touring?) and wonder what eventually happened to SF 3774. Grateful thanks to one Ian Letham of Berwickshire who provided the pic to the Morris Register and, in turn, to Rob Symonds of the MR for his kind permission to reprint the photo here. It would also be remiss of me not to also offer particular thanks to John

This charming photo of a Bullnose 14/28 tourer recently surfaced via The Morris Register


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