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MGs on Track

MGs on Track


Richard Martin sfscribe@mgabingdon.org.uk www.mgabingdon.co.uk


Well, another month has passed and hopefully we’re a few weeks closer to being able to use our cars regularly and join others doing the same. We’re hearing that there’s a light at the end of what’s already been a long tunnel, but it’s not yet close enough for many of those organising events, as we’ve seen with 2021 events being cancelled or postponed, sometimes more than once! During the month, the AWC took the sad decision not to continue with plans to organise events for the first half of the year. Effectively this means that there will be no St George’s Day Run or Old Speckled Hen in

Anglia Centre Photographic Competition

With an entry of 18 photographs depicting a wealth of inspirational MG memories, the committee had a hard time choosing a winner for the inaugural photograph of the year, but as Roger Latham reports below, they did.


Rob Muir 01206 862619 scribe@mgccanglia.com www.mgccanglia.com


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2021. We’re fast approaching that stage in planning where financial commitments need to be made and with the Covid situation as it currently is, we didn’t feel it prudent to make such commitments. Please

“Throughout the year an excellent selection of entries was received. At year end, judging was done by all Anglia Centre Committee members.

A clear winner emerged. It was Gus and Pat Ives with their photo ‘Stay at Home Rally Adventure’ featuring their P Type.

By chance an opportunity arose for me to join William Ball’s ‘Club Meet’ on Zoom. There I was able to share the good news of the Photographic Competition result and make a virtual presentation of the trophy to Gus and Pat. Worthy winners indeed.” keep an eye on our website and Newsletter as both Webmaster and Editor are doing sterling work in trying to keep on top of an ever-changing scene.

Many MG owners have dogs and over the years we’ve had a few regulars on AWC events. During the Lockdown periods, whilst the cars have remained in the garage, I’m sure they’ve appreciated the extra attention they’ve received. I thought, therefore, that we’d bring a few of these to the fore this month.

Welcome to all our new members whom we look forward to meeting somewhere, sometime, in what we hope is the not-too-distant future.

Oh I do Like to B Beside the Seaside

The photograph of Malcolm Goodall’s MGB GT V8 entitled ‘Oh I do Like to B Beside the Seaside’ was runner up and third went to Roger Martin’s entry of his MGF at Brooklands.

Entries for the 2021 competition are now open and can be submitted to webmaster@ mgccanglia.com so let’s see some more inspiring photographs coming in.


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www.mgcc.co.uk FEBRUARY 2021 SAFETY FAST! 35

Safety Fast_Feb21_3-48.indd 35


Bob MacGillivray 07870 407111 mgcarsscotland@gmail.com www.mgcaledonian.com

I am afraid I have more news of event cancellations!

You may recall that the May 2020 3-Day Tour was postponed until July this year. However due to the continuing uncertainty over Covid-19, the Committee has decided to cancel the event completely. All those who left their 2020 entry fees with us have been contacted and their fees now refunded. If you perhaps have been missed please get in touch and also, please remember to cancel any hotel bookings you have made. Sorry about this, hopefully next year sometime! Our first show ought to have been Thirlestane in June but BVAC, the organisers, have decided to cancel this event this year. It was also cancelled last year so once again, hopefully next year.

So far as we are aware at the moment, Glamis is still on, however for updates keep your eye on our website and Facebook page. It is difficult to anticipate when the first event might be. We think that it may be possible to arrange one-day runs, perhaps at short notice, so again

Having started last month with an apology, I must do the same again. I have not updated the Devon and Cornwall Centre website address on this heading, for which the correct one is now shown above.

Pete Opie, our webmaster, brought in the new site as it has more capacity for better quality information will be on social media and the website. If you do not receive regular email updates, then get in touch and I will add you to our email list.

I did ask in last month’s notes about the earliest MG in the Centre, early Midgets and MGFs with, so far, no response. Has anyone any thoughts regarding these?

I had an email recently from a member asking about the valuation of competition Midgets. That got me wondering just how many of our members use their MGs in competition. Midgets and Bs were, at one time, the most common type but I suspect now that ZRs and F/TFs might be more common. Our own Gus Carnegie upholds MG honours in his Midget on the hills and sprint tracks of Scotland with several class records, Colin McLachlan has, I think, retired his P type in favour of an Austin 7 Special and Paul Luti seems to be running a Citroen. I know of some others but If you do compete, perhaps you would let me know with some info.

That is all for now but look out for updates! Stay safe!

Gus at Forrestburn


Young Janner II bobslatter@hotmail.com www.mgccdc.org

photos amongst other things, which will mean we will be able to add a lot more pictures from events when we are actually able to hold them. In the meantime, if you have any pictures of past events you have attended or that rebuild you are continuing with during lockdown, please forward them and we can include them on the site.

Luckily, there has always been a link on the old website to take you automatically to the current one.

As there have been no events, either past or future, to inform you about, I have delved back into my archives once again. The pictures were taken at the Birkett Six Hour Relay Race held at Thruxton Circuit in 1972 and organised by the 750 Motor Club.

The MG Car Club was one of over 50 teams entered and consisted of Phil Axon (MGB), John Targett (MGB), Ian Polley (MGB 8 DBL) and Mike Carr (MG Midget). The race was run with teams ranging from modern Chevrons to pre-war Austin 7s. Hence the results were calculated on a Handicap basis as well as a Scratch race.

The pictures show the MGB of Phil Axon, a Centre member, which was probably one of the quickest ones in the Club at the time. Phil owned his own tuning company in Torquay of Taurus Engineering and many members’ cars passed through his hands.


IAN MACKENZIE 01529 497849 MaccaV8@aol.com www.mgcclincolnshire.co.uk

Sadly, our long-serving Centre Webmaster Bob Welch is retiring from the role, and we are in need of a willing volunteer to step forward into the breach. Thank you, Bob, for all your help and support in informing and entertaining the ‘troops’. If you feel you would like to take on the role, please contact Hon. Secretary Sue on MaccaV8@ gmail.com or on the above number.

We will be issuing a curtailed ‘Newsletter Update’ in the near future. To keep costs down in these straitened times, we intend, as far as possible, to issue by email. It would therefore be very helpful if you could check that your email contact details are up to date. To do this, please go to the main Club website at: www.mgcc.co.uk/ members/login/ and follow the instructions on the page. Secretary Sue will then be updated by Club Office.

As we prepared for print, we understand that Boris and his team will be updating us on the State of the Nation on February 15, so at that

Barely into 2021 and our calendar of events is taking a beating. Thanks to Covid, so much planned for the first half of the year has a question mark against it. No surprise really since we set out our programme on a provisional basis but disappointing nonetheless. We now know MGLive! has been cancelled, an event that takes place one month after our Welsh Touring Rallye. The question we are wrestling with is can we go ahead with the planning for the latter in the hope that restrictions will have been lifted? Well, by the time you read this a decision will have been made.

A lack of hotel accommodation for later in the year means if we cancel, that will be it for 2021, and another roll-over to 2022. To compensate in part if we do not go ahead, we will endeavour to put on a “Fun” event for late August incorporating a run with some driving challenges at the finishing time, we will have some idea of when we can ‘get out of the rut’. We stand poised to leap into action. Roll on a healthy 2021.

To this month’s picture above: Oh, to be in Washingborough again!


Roger King rogerking43@gmail.com Website: www.mgccmidlandcentre.co.uk Midland Centre Facebook: @mgccmidlandcentre

venue, the BMM at Gaydon. Watch this space and our website for further news.

Mentioning the BMM, the Centre will be present at the museum’s monthly open area gatherings starting for us on May 11 at 5.30pm, (post Covid lockdown rules permitting) and running through to September. We have dubbed this “Super Natters”, an opportunity for regular meetups with our cars centre stage. Maybe you have one for sale, in which case Gaydon offers an excellent venue for test driving on the surrounding country roads. Then again, what about those surplus bits knocking around – bring them along. You never know, what is surplus to you is essential for someone else. Again, check out our website for full details nearer the time.

Hopefully our Spring Sprint at Curborough on April 11 might just happen as a seasonal opener. Operating like last year under strict MSUK Covid regulations, (unlike the WR no socialising), we will be featuring an opportunity for youngsters to have a go, again under MSUK regulations. This will be an experiment for us but anything to encourage the rising generation into motorsport, well, we are up for it.

Fortunately, we had the foresight not to do a printed version of our 2021 calendar but instead rely on a downloaded version which enables us to keep revising it. We just hope members will access it.

How we all long for the word “Cancelled” to be a thing of the past. We remain optimistic that freedom of some kind is just around the corner and we look forward to turning it in our MG.


Paul Goodman 01625 876300

As March arrives, it is likely that hospitality will remain closed with no social meetings being allowed. There is still lots of planning ahead going on for events later in the year with the focus being on May. All is in hand for our two speed events. These are the Anglesey Sprint Weekend on May 1-2 and the Scammonden Dam Hillclimb on Sunday May 16. Motorsport UK has issued permits for both and the entry forms are now available on the Centre website. The COVID rules for running these events will mean that we need extra helpers, particularly off track to make sure that everything runs smoothly and safely. They are all outdoors so risk of transmission is low. If you can help, then please make contact.

Then the focus is on Saturday May 22 with the planned race meeting at Oulton Park. On the track there will be double-header races for the MG Trophy (ZRs), BCV8, MG Cup with Metros, Cockshoot Cup and Equipe races for pre-65 sports cars. If spectators are allowed, then advanced

At the time of writing this we are still in lockdown, although the horizon is looking clearer with the rollout of vaccines. However, March/April planned events such as the Spring Naviscat at the Buxted Park Hotel, Uckfield, on Sunday March 28, the Brooklands Britcar Day (postponed) and MGCC Brands Hatch Racing on April 24-25 are all subject to ‘Covid permitting’. For latest details on the above and all event status see - www.mgccse.co.uk

The MGCCSE AGM took place online “virtually” on Saturday January 30. It was a very tickets will be available to buy from the circuit website. The aim is to get lots of MGs on the spectator banking and cars from many other sports car makers. The Equipe races will include Austin Healey, TVR, Lotus, Elva, Triumph and many others. This is where you and your contacts come in. If you know other sports car drivers or their clubs then please let them know about the event. The intention is to create an atmosphere like the Gold Cup meeting.

In this column last month there was a description of all the activities organised by the Centre. Clearly these depend on volunteer members providing their time and expertise. Many of these willing people have been doing their thing for a long time. If the future of the Centre is to be secured, then newcomers are needed in the ranks. Please contact us if you feel that you have the time to get involved.

Finally, the Centre Committee would like to hold more regular meetings across the North West. Traditionally these have been held in the evenings at pubs, but it seems that lunchtime is now a viable alternative. Also, there are far more venues that are available with suitable car parks, ranging from museums to garden centres with the main requirements being food and toilets. Any ideas that you may have are welcome and the Centre can help by contacting members who live near the venue and funding initial meetings.

On the Bank at Oulton Park in 2016. Photo: Paul Goodman


Ray Ruffels and William Opie raywillmg@gmail.com www.mgccse.co.uk

successful event staged via Business Zoom with 36 members attending including all Committee members, most Wanderers and Natter leaders and many members!

Our Chairman Chris Leigh welcomed all members and remarked that 2020, despite the pandemic, in many respects was a successful year with dramatic improvements in Centre communications, use of technology and management resources.

Chris and Secretary Austin Banner and committee members presented their reports and reviewed the last year. Our Treasurer Tony Atcheson presented the Club accounts online, which showed the Club is financially secure despite a year with virtually no events and that membership has only dipped slightly after nearly a year of Covid. Tony has decided to stand down but will continue until a new Treasurer is found; volunteers for this important role please contact Austin at austin.banner@gmail.com

Most of Club management is now performed online and Austin highlighted that in the last year there have been 17 virtual (Zoom) committee meetings, nine Natter/Wanderers leaders meetings planning and shaping the future of the SE Centre and creating a full calendar of events for 2021. The committee now has more experience of organising and running Covid-19 compliant events than any other Centre in the country, thanks largely to the influence of our Comps Secretary, John Morgan.

Importantly our SE website is now the most important dynamic communication channel to members, supported by Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and the monthly Safety Fast! notes.

Our new President Derek Edwards was formally endorsed and elections took place on our 2021 Club officers and committee members and all were agreed by online voting with no objections! You can see full details of your Club officers and committee, reports and events calendar on www.mgccse.co.uk


Bruce Weston brucemweston@gmail.com website http://www.mgccsw.com/ Facebook www.facebook.com/MGCCSW Twitter @mgccsw

Currently, motorsport is still under Covid restrictions which prevent any form of unnecessary travel, organisation or holding of events. As a Centre all we can do is go through the motions of preparation for when restrictions might be relaxed at some point.

A prospective calendar of SW Centre events has been agreed by your committee, which can be placed in your diary in anticipation, details on the website.

Just a reminder that all new and existing Club members are required to hold a Motorsport UK RS Clubman’s licence in order to take part in the lower levels of Club events. This licence is FREE and can be renewed or applied for online from Motorsport UK.

As previously reported, the SW Centre AGM is to be held online on Monday March 1 at 7.30pm. Should this copy of Safety Fast! reach you before Monday and you wish to take part in the meeting please contact Jim Lott at chairman@mgccsw.com who will send you the details. The meeting will be held via Zoom which is a free app from Zoom.com

Motorsport UK continue to support all associated clubs and the licensed and unlicensed officials required to run events. Only with the enthusiasm of ordinary club members to take on these roles can organised motorsport survive so, if you would like to make a positive contribution to the furtherance of our sport please get in touch.

The two photos show cars from our only event last year, the Wiscombe Hill Climb held in September 2020. The MGB of Rob Orford, Photo by Steffi Broch and the MG TF of Ian Beningfield, photo by Colin Murrell.


Tony Wood anthony@scrutonvillage.co.uk

When is a Golden Jubilee not a Golden Jubilee? When the major part of it falls in a global pandemic. Tyne Tees Centre became a fully independent Centre in December 1971, hence our desire to celebrate our fifty years, culminating with the Anniversary Dinner in December but “the best laid schemes o’ mice and men gang aft agley”.

At our last committee meeting it was obvious that we were going to be unable to deliver the special events we had planned over and above our normal calendar, namely the two-day Beating the Bounds run and our planned weekend focussed on Beamish, due to our inability to contact venues, hotels and get firm commitments. So, the Jubilee Year is dead, hail the Jubilee Celebration to be held in 2022 which will start with the Golden Jubilee Celebration Dinner in December 2021 and run through the following year. This will (hopefully) give us time to re-engage and plan with venues to make our special events as successful as ever and memorable for all who take part. This has not been an easy decision but it was unanimous in committee and I am sure that you will all understand why.

What this does NOT mean is that any of our other long-standing events on the Calendar are affected – we will be up and running as soon as circumstances permit.

Having kicked that elephant out of the room, don’t forget that our virtual AGM will take place on Thursday March 4 at 8.00pm via the miracle that is Zoom. Joining details will be circulated in Tyne Tees Tidings but if you don’t receive that and want to join email Noel, David or myself and the keys to the kingdom will appear through the ether. The usual format of the AGM will apply though I suspect the past events section will be thin. Usually we round things off with an open forum and a free buffet. The open forum will still be there but you will have to provide your own sausage roll – difficult times!

Finally, don’t forget our regular Zoom evenings with Quiz and Quips which will take place on Tuesday March 16 at 8.00pm.

This month’s photo features a selection of members’ cars at Scruton Fete in 2018 with John Pinkney’s TA in the foreground.


Ken Cothliff kencothliff@hotmail.co.uk https://mgccyorkshire.co.uk

The good news and bad news – bad news is it doesn’t look like there will be a spring start to all our runs, and Natter meetings. My feeling is it will be May at the earliest. The good news – it can only get better!

James Thornborough, member of the VoY Natter, has taken the time to do some detailed research on his MGC. With no Downton records to go on, he has managed by contacting several owners and even ex-Downton staff, to ascertain that his car has a Downton Stage two engine, despite having no official receipt, and even that the car was the last RHD car built – No.9092. It all adds that bit of history to the car. It’s taken a lot of emails and calls, but it was worth it.

South Yorkshire Natter is celebrating their 25th anniversary in March 2021; at the time of the formation it was led by Geoff Norcliffe and, appropriately, so it is today. They continue with their successful Zoom meetings now concentrating on compiling a list of members’ favourite MG activities and moments.

Other Natters seem to be ‘hunkering down’, so no news from them. I took the opportunity of a lovely sunny day to get my Midget and MGB out of the garage, and check plugs and levels before warming up both the engines. Sadly, here in the Pennines there is so much salt and grit on the roads, it would be foolhardy to take the cars out. (The Gritter Depot is only 400 yards from our home!) Those of you that have had snow should bear in mind that it will take some heavy spring rain to get rid of all the residue.

So here is a photo of the South Natter members tucking in to breakfast prior to another event in more “normal” times, and some other photos of summer picnics to cheer us up in these miserable times.


Carol Willis (028) 9079 9997 www.mgcculstercentre.co.uk/ carolwillis@utvinternet.com

The first running of The Ulster Classic Trial was a two day event held in 2004. The start was in the car park at CIYMS, it was a lovely weekend. Some tests were up the hill towards Craigantlet from Knocknagoney where Mike Dowey got stung by a bee and had to go home as he had a severe allergic reaction. This happened at the hill start test, upon which an egg was placed behind the wheel of the cars and, of course, confirmed whether or not they had rolled back at all. It caught quite a few out! Here are some photos of that event 17 years ago.

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Engine bay now complete, brakes and suspension all assembled. Doors furniture and interior next !! We reserve the right to charge for any alteration to this proof which is a departure from the original copy Engine bay now complete, brakes and suspension all assembled. Doors furniture and interior next !!

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