Thumbs Up July 2013

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Editor TOM KIRKLAND Home: 011 391-3459 Cell: 082 445 6770 Fax: 011 391 3459 ask for fax. E-mail:

Chairman WILLIAM KELLY E-mail: Vice Chairman CLIVE WINTERSTEIN Home: 011 476 7182 Cell: 083 795 0000 E-mail:

Communications Co-Opted Member KEVIN LOADER Home: 011 678 3762 E-mail:

Register Secretary NORMAN EWING Home: 011 728 5536 Cell: 083 654 5433 E-mail:

Regalia To be announced shortly

Membership Convenor JEANNE ERASMUS Home: 011 888 5364 Cell: 084 261 4427 E-mail:

Secretary CLIFFORD SMYTH Home: 011 462 0322 Cell: 082 898 9772 E-mail:

Marketing PAUL HUGHES Office: 011 465 6456 Cell: 083 320 5249 E-mail:

Treasurer/Membership Secretary TONY MAYBANK Home: 011 678 9267 E-mail:

A Natter & Noggin is normally held on the first Thursday of each month at 8pm. The Old Edwardian Club, Houghton For more details see Motoring Calendar in this issue of “Thumbs Up!” Club Runs, are normally held on the second Sunday of each month. AFFILIATED TO THE MG CAR CLUB - ABINGDON-ON-THAMES - ENGLAND



CONTENTS Your Committee




“The Chairman Chirps”


Technical -- “Cool MG” by our Boytjie


“Classic & Performance Car Africa Quiz


MG Botswana and Zimbabwe Tour


MG Members take part in the Polana Rally


“T-Type Register Little MG, Big Heart for Paris


MG to Expand its Range in South Africa




Calendar Page



Yes, half the year has already disappeared! But many MG events have taken place, or are about to do so. Check out the Calendar Page to see what is on offer for the rest of the year. In the recent past there was Angela’s Picnic, then the Zimbabwe Tour, which has really created a stir among those who went, as well as those who were not so adventurous, by staying at home. (Now you know what you really missed) Then there was the Polana Rally, which went through Swaziland and on to finish at the famous Polana Hotel in LM. MG had a massive turnout. Then there was a very successful Quiz evening held at the Noggin at Old Eds, where almost 150 motor enthusiasts met to test their skills. Now has anyone noticed that your Magazine “Thumbs Up!!” Is now appearing on the MG Website. So far nobody has commented on it and has not even mentioned the fact to me, or any other committee member. The question now is -- what do you think of it? Do you read it from cover to cover? Or just glance at ,and say I’ll go back later, but never do. Due to the poor postal service, we were virtually forced to bring it out as soon as possible, but the printed format will still be available for the time being. So if you do not have the Internet do not worry, as your mag may be late, but it will be there. Unfortunately, by now you may know that Martie suffered a severe stroke late April and has not responded well to treatment, both at Sunninghill Hospital as well as the Mid-Stream Rehabilitation Centre, and is now in the Village Walk Retirement (24hr Care Facility), in Benoni. I thank all those MG Members for their Concern and messages of encouragement. Thank you all!

MG WEBSITES Our Website: Our E-mail: Other Sites worth visiting (Great Links) Printed by John MacKenzie of Kalalex Business Forms & Systems (Pty) Ltd. Tel: 011 787-5620 Colour Section by Rolf Schweizer of Ultra Print.

Editor 4

The Chairman’s Twitter William Kelly The big event for this month is the outing to see the Youth Project in action at Zwartkops. This is happening on 27 July, and we’re inviting the Car Club to come and see our youngsters in action on the track. This will be a Club subsidised event and Zwartkops has come to the party by offering us a discount to the entry fees for the day as visitors. At the time of writing this the structure of how we work the discount is that to keep the Zwartkops life easy we will pay the full entry fee on the day as you come in. We as the Club will then pass you the discount (that same day) which is 50% of the entry fee - quite decent! Came and meet the faces behind the scenes, see the pits, see the other cars, watch some racing, it’s a great day out! Our Inter Club Quiz was a blast. We had around 150 people and despite our not quite winning the event, we watched Northerns come very close, being pipped at the post by Triumph Pretoria. Cake courtesy of Wendy Smythe for the Forbes’s, went down a treat and generally it was an occasion of good fun. It will be repeated next year and we hope it will become a long standing regular event on the calendar. By all events the Zim Trip was a total ripper, and I am still miffed at missing it. Doubtless we will be regaled by the tales in due course which will add to my miffedness - and I can only say this, if you miss the trips organised by this Car Club, truly, your miffedness is self inflicted (guilty as charged!). Likewise we hear the Polana Rally was well represented by MGs this year, and despite the event being won by a Porsche thingy, those who attended report a great time was had by all, with many prawns and much beer disappearing. By the time you read this, Show Day will have been and gone, and we will have a full report in the next Thumbs Up! on it. Also coming up is the run to Scottborough for the Classic Car Show there and of course Glen Parker’s/Northern’s “The Nest Trip” on 16 to 18 August. It sounds like it will be a total Blast! And don’t anyone tell my wife that I’ve booked us for it without her knowledge, or consent because she will have a hissy fit because James will only be 9 1/2 months young at that stage and she will have to tend to him whilst Daddy does the Chairman thing and drink beer in the pub whilst talking MG nonsense with everyone else.

Of note, but possibly by the time you read this also of history, Zwartkops Air Base is the run for July - this has been a popular event in the past and should be once again. I also personally cannot wait for the Cuninghame’s regales about the DJ Run at our next noggin - at which this year aged 90 he started from the very front. Personally I’d like to hear Thelma’s take on it - the poor woman deserves some kind of Very Special Medal for above and beyond! Martie Kirkland is still very much in our thoughts and prayers. Tom reports some progress, but not as positive as they had all hoped for. A visit to her would go a thousand miles, and I know would be deeply appreciated by her, Tom and the family. My sincere thanks also go to our WebMaster, Alex who has done and continues to do a sterling job on the website. Personally I read the mag online now, long before I see it in print, and it is everything we hoped it would be, together with Tom and Denise’s layout skills - all your efforts are much appreciated. As ever, it is YOUR Car Club, and your website - and we are at the point where YOU can add your own content to the website, live and in real time, at the flick of a finger. As always, and it is never said often enough, my thanks to my amazing committee who continue to get on with the job of Car Clubbing. Our Ad Hoc conscripts, ermm, volunteers who step in to help out with various things that need to get done at various times, our collective thanks. The more I see this Club, the more I remain convinced of just how awesome we are. What else should I have expected though? We’re the MG Car Club, and this is how we roll!




“Cool MG”

Overheating is an ongoing (and expensive) problem for our cars . . . The original cooling system simply cannot cope in modern day traffic, and with modern day fuels which burn hotter . . . They were not designed to run in ambient temperatures that we experience in S.A. . . . (Especially in summer). I thought there may be some member’s interested in the modifications I have done to my MGA, E-type and Healey . . . Adopting these modifications, one can be assured that driving your car hard on a warm summer’s day, or sitting in traffic, will never be a problem again. Please accept that the views expressed here are my personal opinions. For the analytically minded who need to question the technical reasons why all these mods are necessary . . . . the major factors that influence the temperature of the engine are; # The ambient Temperature. # T h e c a p a c i t y o f t h e r a d i a t o r, ( t o o often the standard engine is modified by increasing capacity or “breathing mods” which all means burning more fuel, but the radiator capacity is not increased) # The air flow through the radiator. # The rate of water flow through the radiator. # The water pressure in the radiator. # The air fuel ratio (rich or lean) # The spark advance (timing) # And often overlooked . . . The air flow through the engine compartment. Some other hidden facts that effect the engine temperature may be of interest, this is especially so when trying to understand the reason why it is so important to control engine temperature and avoid overheating “at all costs”. Firstly, the engine relies on the conversion of fuel into heat, and then into mechanical energy to produce power. Only about one third of this heat is converted into power, another third is eliminated through the cooling system . . . Therefore it is essential to ensure that the cooling system is operating efficiently. If the engine temperature is allowed to go too high, (around 80 deg, C is ideal) it will follow that the oil temp. will increase, which could lead to excessive oxidation,

By “Our Boytjie”

excessive wear and possible permanent damage (ever heard of cracked or warped cylinder heads?). . . Conversly, excessive engine wear occurs if the engine is run below 70 deg C for long periods, and calls for more frequent oil changes, So about that thermostat? More later. It seems obvious that the elementary basics must be dealt with before going to all the trouble of carrying out, and modifying the cooling system. * As a priority, ensure that the cylinder head and block have been chemically cleaned to remove 50 years of iron oxide-rust (a deposit of twelve thousands of an inch thick will cut heat transfer up to 40%. * The timing is set correctly. * The air/fuel ratio is set correctly. Also, many of our gauges do not tell the whole truth, (check em) also remember no matter what the gauge tells you, the actual temp around the combustion chamber is far higher. It is also true that after switching off the temp will increase dramatically due to loss of water circulation, hence the reason why we have to pressurize the system . . . To avoid water loss, due to internal temperatures going well above 100 deg C, which is inevitable after switching off. (Heat soak). There is a good argument as to where the sender unit for the temp gauge should be fitted, . . . In the cylinder head or on the top of the radiator? Now to the modifications: I am not going to get into trouble or into an argument about changing the originality of our classics. Fact is, I like to use my cars at any time and not limited by fear of overheating . . . If necessary one can always take off the “workable mods” and put on the original parts before the meetings, the mods can always be refitted (ASAP) after the critics have left. Taking the basics into consideration; #The ambient temp . . . Not much to do #The capacity of the radiator . . . The MGA is fitted with a 3 row copper core I fitted a 5 row “new generation” core to the original radiator bracket/frame (Silverton). The only change required is to cut approx 50 mm out of the bottom shroud, (the new rad, is slightly tilted).


# The air flow through the radiator . . . I fitted a ‘flat reason why the E-type has those sexy louvers on the motor’ Ford fan on the inside 9pulling) . . . I bonnet). personally do not like those “Twisted blade # I fitted a suitable alternator to cope with the cheapies”. The fan is controlled by a relay fed via a additional power requirements . . . V belt run directly off thermo switch which comes on at 85 deg C and cuts the crank pulley, (no more mechanical water pump). off at 75 deg. A lot of the above is fairly elementary and nothing new, ( Also remember to seal the area behind the grille to but it might just help members to “Use their cars without ensure that ALL the air coming in, flows through the fear of overheating”. radiator). If this opinion is found to be of interest to our members, I # The water flow through the radiator . . . I fitted a am happy to engage in similar practical/mechanical Davies Craig electrical water pump, which means the tips on maintaining or servicing our beloved cars on a mechanical pump is machined off, the impeller shaft monthly basis. These could include, but not limited to; and fan removed . . . Only the housing is retained. # No more oil stains on the garage floor, The leak (This gives you space for the electric fan). free engine. The electric pump is fed via a relay which is switched # Oil viscosity, What suits our cars? on from the ignition switch . . . giving the option to # The twin SU’s cannot perform without the “Drop switch the pump on again after shut down, (to avoid Test”, So what’s the “Drop Test”? the inevitable overheating, caused by “heat soak”. # The cylinder head and the camshaft, Nothing Davies Craig also supply a controller that will allow run else matters! on for 2 minutes after switch off). The fan will come on # Brakes that stop. automatically if the temp is over 85 deg. C. And yes, # Retard your camshaft for torque. keep the thermostat if you are not disciplined to warm # Fitting a Cressida 5 speed box. the engine by prolonged idle after first start-up. # Pressure in the radiator . . . I fitted a “outer sealing” radiator cap (the one without the spring) on the radiator and a 6mm hose (inner diameter) is So, there you have the first taste of Boytjie’s, connected from the overflow outlet on the radiator to a Technical Articles. What have you the member small header tank (taken from the older Range Rover/ learned by reading it. -- Do you want more of 110 Landy and fitted higher than the cylinder block, these Technical Informative Articles? against the bulkhead with pressure cap . . . No more Have you any particular question to put to Boytjie water loss! through our Magazine. # Consider directing the air entering via the inlet Let me know what questions you would like to put scoop (next to the radiator) towards the exhaust forward to him -- He promises to help you solve manifold, which will encourage taking the hot air, in the them. Write to your Editor for HELP!! engine compartment, down and out . . . (Hence the ________________________________________________________________________________________

Botswana, Zimbabwe Tour Continued (Continued from page 14) Botswana and Zimbabwe on a car tour. Zimbabwe is the country of our birth and with much on the itinerary that we have never seen or experienced, this tour was a must. What a wonderful, fun filled two weeks we had, as each day brought surprises, adventures and different vistas captured on thousands of photos. We had many moments of nostalgic memories in Zimbabwe; village names unchanged, hotels still going after 50 years, and the beauty of the Eastern Highlands, that is unrivaled. This country has so much to offer tourists. A big, big thanks to Suzette and Pj for their planning and organisation of this superb tour, and we look forward to their next; Mozambique, here we come.

MARTIE KIRKLAND Sadly, passed away on Saturday 29 June. Funeral arrangements as follows: Friday 5th July 2013 11h00 AVBOB Chapel, 29 Margaret Avenue, Kempton Park (in the street behind the Police Station) After the service tea/coffee & snacks will be served at the KEG and LION, around the corner in C R Swart Street. (Light lunches & drinks are available (if required) at the members own expense.)


Many MG Members took part in the . . .

Polana Rally

By Clive Winterstein

34 cars set off from Witbank early Friday morning on the 2013 Polana Rally. There were 8 MGs from Koos’s 1960 MGA, which was the oldest car on the rally, to Justin Moore and Stuart Cuninghames V8s. Two other members took part, but not in MGs. Rod Paxton and Don Henderson travelled all the way in their B Roadster from PE to participate, a great effort. The first day took us through Groblersdal and Marble Hall to a lunch stop in Polokwane. Then onto Tzaneen to the first days overnight, at the Blyde River Resort. Regularity sections were undertaken by the drivers on quieter roads where set speeds over measured distances had to be maintained. Day two started with the first car sent off at 7 am followed at minute intervals by the following cars. The route went through Graskop and Sabie, with a break at Nelspruit for breakfast. Then on to Barberton, Malelane and down to Swaziland, through to Bordergate where the Marshals assisted for a smooth border crossing. Swaziland also had regularity sections through the sugar cane fields of Simunye and Mhlumi. The crossing into Mozambique was extremely efficient with Rene and the marshals herding us through immigration and customs, a stop was made at Libombos Hotel at Namaacha to gather before we went off in convoy to Maputo. We received a police escort outside Maputo, who took us nonstop to the beautiful Polana Hotel. That evening, Saturday, everyone went to their 15

favourite eating place, where sea food, prawns 2M and Laurentia beer were the order of the day. Sunday morning dawned, and after a fabulous breakfast we headed off to the race track, where a time trial was done by those who wanted to stretch their cars’ “legs”. There after everyone went their own way until the evening banquet at the Polana, for the prize giving. There were a number of dignitaries, some of which gave a brief speech, and Rene resented the toys that the competitors had brought for the SOS Childrens Home, and then the prizes were presented. Outright winner of the Rally went to a 1972 Porsche 911, driven by Kevin Bolon, with Manfred Hertz as navigator, with the winner of the Track vent also going to a Porsche 964, driven by Pierre Martins. The MGs got the distinction of having the most of one brand entries with the Porsches coming second this time. The rally was run on tarred roads throughout, with a total distance of 1050kms. Every car that started, made it to Maputo, a cap off to their owners. A big thanks must go to Rene and Adri, and the Marshals for having put on an excellent professionally run Rally that everyone thoroughly enjoyed. The first MG in was Roger and Lorraine Pearce.

Come along MG owners - Prepare your cars and let’s take the honors next year.

Congratulations to the winning team from the Triumph Club (TC) Pretoria Nols Pienaar (TC), George Shipway (Quiz Master) Nick Wood (TC), Bill Sales (TC), Stuart Cininghame (trophy presenter & DJ Rider extraordinaire), Bill Flynn (Proud TC Pretoria Chairman) and Eric Fletcher (TC).

Anyone Recognise This MG Member? This Picture was taken in the Early 1970’s Want a clue? He appears in the Club Quiz Pictures

MG Botswana & Zimbabwe Tour Assembled by Jenny, Pics by Kevin

A very Exciting & Adventurous Event Jenny Loader has assembled the following interesting Reports from some of the folk that took part in the tour. -- One can see their joy... Graham and Heather Forbes After setting off with the crowd, it was an easy run to the border at Martin’s Drift. The first night was at the majestic Five Hotel in Palapye, and home to the ‘famous horse’ (Graham’s horse). Set off the following day for Kasane and ‘only in Botswana’ was the amazing encounter with ‘ellies’ on the main road. The highlight of our tour was the two nights at the Cresta Mowana Hotel in Kasane, on the banks of the Chobe River. The animals and birdlife were to dream of. Then on to Victoria Falls which were awesome. Sadly, the two days driving out of Zimbabwe were not enjoyable, 17 Masassa tree and kopjiesroadblocks had to be negotiated between Vic Falls and Bulawayo. Coming out through Beit Bridge was made easier with the help of Rob Mercer-Tod, but nothing we want to do again. The last night was spent at the Ultimate Lodge in Louis Trichardt with its much talked about bedrooms, but ourselves and the Mercer-Tod’s had a very pleasant evening there. Our thanks go to all involved in the organisation of this wonderful holiday and leaving us with lasting memories of South Africa to take to Australia. Mike and Lou Brett Mike and I had a ‘ball’ on the trip. Suzette and PJ, all our fellow MG owners, scenery and accommodation throughout the funfilled, busy trip could not have been better! Thanks too to Clive and Tania who so willingly were there to assist the Bretts when

A car break down… how unusual

Group photo taken at the Majestic Five Hotel in Palapye, Botswana 12

PJ talking the talk at one of many police road blocks The view of the railway bridge from the Vic Falls Hotel at sunrise

Game viewing from the Chobe River

Life on the Kariba Ferry – hectic

Some braver folk experiencing the white water rafting on the Zambezi

Group shot taken at the Inn on the Ruparara 13 (Eastern Highlands)

Toni in the forest H. The lodge at the “Ancient City” is built on the style of the Zimbabwe Ruins. Once again, fabulous food and fun before retiring to our ‘party-sized’ rondavels. The ruins remain timeless; very interesting to some , and a ‘pile of old stones to others. I. Back in SA and to the ‘Ultimate Lodge’ near Louis Trichardt, which was friendly and cosy. The bedroom we occupied was what I imagined a brothel to be! Ultimately frilly and mirrored in black, red and white. But comfortable (with the lights off). J. In all a grand time with many laughs. General impressions remain; friendly people, including professional thieves when coping with a broken-down MG. One aggressive Zanu-PF chap who hassled our leader all the way from Christmas Pass through Mutare. Above all, beautiful scenery, amazing flat topped acacias, majestic masasa trees and baobabs and rugged rock formations. Sad decay in many quarters, but a wonderful country despite the successful aspirations of Bob Mugabe.

fun and never ending glorious food, laughter and happy company. We would gladly start all over again. Thanks to everyone who contributed towards our fond memories of Botswana and Zimbabwe. Jeanne and Hentie Erasmus. How to chose a few highlights of our trip to Botswana and Zimbabwe? Herewith our list! A The Chobe River cruise was the best way to view game. Cruising along with drinks, snacks and chat while almost on top of an elephant grazing in mid-river. B. The Victoria Falls old colonial-style hotel remains comfortable and historic. The cartoons in the ‘Bulawayo Room’ were particularly reminiscent of a by-gone era. Sir Bartle Frere? With a name like that I didn’t expect a ‘chinless wonder’ and President Kruger resembling the warthogs grazing on the lawns in front of the hotel! The falls themselves were far beyond expectation and the drenching in the rain forest was worth every drop. C. The ferry from Mlibizi across lake Kariba was grand fun - sleeping accommodation crazy and interesting if not totally comfortable. Thegentle chugging along with islands and kapenta fishing boats in the distance, was marvelous. D. Sadly the Cutty Sark Hotel and the Kariba Club has seen much better days. But we did have a lovely candlelit dinner (no power!) A highlight was St Barbara’s Catholic church, built by the Italians who built Kariba dam wall. This has an unusual circular design with beautiful stained glass windows and open iron work to preserve the cool within. E. Harare is run down, as expected, but Meikles Hotel was welcoming and the dinner at ‘Alo Alo’ was raucous and fun, with good food and an opportunity to meet up with fellow old-car enthusiasts, and make new friends. F. Our stay at the ‘Inn on Ruparara’ in the Eastern Highlands was wonderful. The service and food presentation excellent, and the general ambience calm and serene. We would love to return some day. A 4x4 would be useful, although the MG’s are robust and made their way on the bad road without too much difficulty. G. Next Stop, Leopard Rock Hotel in Vumba, with its pink facade and towers. The walks on the pristine golf course, spotting Samanga monkeys and admiring the mountains of Mozambique across the border were fabulous. By now we all needed the exercise, especially after the fabulous tea and cake with

Clive and Tania. Highlights, beside our fellow travelers, were; A. The raft run down the Zambesi, even if I was carried out!!! B. The ferry ride down the Kariba. C. The beauty of the simplicity of the Catholic Church at Kariba. D. The Inn on Rupurara, and being taken by PJ to the cabin where he spent his youth near Trout Beck. E. Tony’s café, not only the teas and wonderful cake, but Tony himself. F. The friendliness, architecture and food at The Ancient Lodge. G. The wonderful decadent massage at Mowana Cresta Lodge at Kasane. H. The cruise and game drive on the Chobe, my first spotting of a leopard with a kill, and seeing the elephants in deep water eating the reeds. . Koos and Jaco Boshoff The best part of our trip was driving the MGA, the beautiful countryside, glorious weather, white water rafting, game drive, ferry trip and the Vic Falls. Kevin and Jenny Loader Kevin and I could not pass up the opportunity to see (Continued on page......)


The First

“Classic & Performance Car Africa” Inter Marque Quiz. By Eric Fletcher, Triumph Club. The evening of Thursday June 6th saw a host of Marque car club members wending their way through the intricacies of Houghton streets to Old Eds Sports Club for the first of which promises to be many annual Inter Marque Quizzes. Sponsored by Stuart Grant’s “Classic & Performance Car Africa” magazine and jointly organised by the Johannesburg MG (Kevin Loader) and Triumph (Mike Gilchrist) clubs, some 11 clubs accepted the challenge. These included many well-known clubs, including two intrepid explorer clubs from north of the Jukskei, namely MG and Triumph Pretoria.The quizmasters were George Shipway and Des Burton who had assembled a “potpourri” of questions, a varied mixture of general knowledge, sports and some very obscure motoring questions. Clive Winterstein was the compere for the evening. As Chris Tarrant, the host of Britain’s “Who wants to be a Millionaire” says “if you know the answer the question is easy, if you don’t, its difficult.” Some of the teams can attest to that statement. Easy questions varied from “who captained the Springbok side that won the 1995 Rugby World Cup?” To a difficult one such as “what did Mary Anderson invent in 1903 that is still used on cars today?” The answer that no one knew was windscreen wipers! In turn, each team of four members was asked a question, with a minute to answer. At the end of the five rounds MG Pretoria, Jaguar JHB and Triumph Pretoria were tied on 3 points each. Two rounds of sudden death followed, with the Triumph Pretoria Club emerging the victors. Triumph Pta team were Nols Pienaar, Nick Wood, Bill Sales & Eric Fletcher, the 1st winners of what will become a coveted Trophy Bottom line, it was a most enjoyable evening, the teams are looking forward to next year’s challenge.

Farewell to Heather and Graeme Forbes, who are emigrating t o Australia in late June 2013, ( Wendy Smyth “looking on” who baked the cake) Clive Winterstein commenting on the Forbes’ farewell cake baked by Wendy (Oh no, I’m on diet)

Final tally of the team scores. There were some really rough questions.

The Johannesburg MG team (Stuart Hain, Mike Watt, Lorraine & Roger Pearce) feeling like they need to call a friend.


Little MG, Big Heart for Paris It was interesting to read about the upcoming 2013 Peking to Paris longdistance race due to start at the end of May and end about a month later. The car with the biggest engine for the event will be a 1917 LaFrance tourer with 14.5 litres beneath the bonnet. The smallest will be an MG TD with its modest 1250cc - which brought back good memories of my very own TD that I sold only about five years ago. Back then MG, which incidentally stood for Morris Garages, made very good cars especially their ‘T’ range of light weight sports cars. I’m not sure the same could be said today, what with the company barely limping along under Chinese management.

In 1950 the celebrated TD (see illustration) came into being. Any criticism leveled at the TC was finally addressed: a decent chassis, steel disc wheels (although Dunlop spoked wheels could be ordered as an option), a set of decent brakes, much roomier human accommodation and a really lively 1250cc twin-carbed motor that developed 43kW - remember this was the early Fifties! By then many of these soft-topped convertables were to be seen running around South Africa; indeed, they were assembled right here in Cape Town at the Blackheath Assembly Works from semi knocked-down kits.

AIMED AT THE YANKS The ‘T’ range lasted for close to 19 years, after starting with the TA from 1934, graduating to the TB in 1939 just before the outbreak of the Second World War; but the car that really put the Oxford automaker on the map globally was the TC, an anachronistic but very likeable sports car, very much in the mould of a Morgan four-wheeler. The TC was aimed fair and square at the American car market and became a much-loved vehicle bought by many a Yank returning to the US when hostilities ended.

CREATURE COMFORTS I think there’s every chance of the diminutive MG TD doing rather well in the Peking-Paris race because I traveled all over with my TD and 16

to Expand its Range in SA

Extracted from “WHEELS24

Johannesburg - It’s been nearly two years since the return of British brand MG to South Africa. It’s initial offering comprised mainly the MG6 fastback and sedan but the range is about to expand. During those two years MG has built 15 dealers across South Africa. As the dealer network has expanded, so has the management . Craig Lanham-Love has been appointed chief operating officer of Mandarin with at least two new products joining the line-up Motors, which covers MG and Maxus. in 2014. It will initially only available with a four-Mandarin Motors is CMH’s motor vehicle and cylinder petrol engine, mated to a five-speed import distribution division with Derrick Bishop manual transmission. taking charge as general manager. Husband Until the arrival of the Mg3, the automaker is and wife team Alan and Terry Horseman are focusing on its MG6, which is available in both executive directors of Mandarin Motors while Hatchback and sedan versions with prices from Lionel Hillary heads up dealer management. R239 900 for the 1.8T Comfort model, with a three year or 90 000km service plan.


With the company poised to launch its next generation of vehicles, South Africa can look forward to the arrival of the MG3 later in 2013,

Related Links Little MG, big heart for Paris MG to reveal radical SUV concept MG3 breaks cover at Shanghai

Piston Ring Swop Meeting Sunday 15 September 2013 All MG Members; We have again been allocated a prime spot to set up tables & Raise Money for our Youth Project. Please clear your Garages & contact Clive or William to collect your Donations 18


Scottburgh Classic Car Show Sunday 21st July 2013 For more Information go to Weekend Tour departs Fri 19th & returns Mon 22nd July 2013 Book at Blue Marlin Hotel for 20th & 21st @ R235 pp per night Book direct: or Tel.039 976-0971 E-mail

MOTORING CALENDAR MG CAR CLUB -- JOHANNESBURG CENTRE WHAT Natter and Noggin Stewart Cuninghame telling stories about the DJ Run WHEN Thursday 4 July 2013 William Kelly 082 886 7114 WHERE Old Edwardians, 4th Avenue and 11th Street, Houghton. WHAT Monthly Run, Visit Zwartkops Air Force Museum WHEN Saturday 6 July 2013 WHERE 8.00am for 8.15 departure, Meet Ultra Shell on M1N

Clive 083 795 0000

WHAT Trip to Scottburgh for the Scottburgh Classic Car Show Bryan Van Der Schyff 082 576 2427 WHEN Friday 19 to Monday 22 July 2013 WHERE Meet Total Petraport before Heidelburg 9.30 for 10.00am Stop over at Rawdons on way down. WHAT Scottburgh Classic Car Show WHEN Sunday 21 July 2013 WHERE The Country Club, Airth St. Scottburgh.

Peter Fielding 039 976 1995

WHAT Historic Racing, Youth Project (Club Members Welcome to attend) WHEN Saturday 27 July 2013 WHERE Zwartkops Race Track NOTE: CHANGE OF DATE and VENUE Natter and Noggin Dinner optional at 7.00pm 8.00pm Talk by Terrence and Geoff on their Hillman Imp Adventure WHEN Thursday 1 August 2013 WHERE Scrooge Diner, Bright Water Common

William Kelly 082 886 7114


WHAT Cars in the Park (POMC) WHEN Sunday 4 August 2013 WHERE Zwartkops Race Track WHAT MG Drakensburg Weekend away WHEN Friday 16 to Sunday 18 August 2013 WHERE The Nest Hotel, Drakensburg

William Kelly 082 886 7114

Frik Kraamwinkel 083 627 4532

Glen Parker 083 633 7575 Gary Chapman 082 653 1888

WHAT MG Charity Run, METT Centre’s Pamper Day WHEN Saturday 17 August 2013 WHERE c/r Pretoria Rd & De Boulevard Rd Silverton

Chantal Williams 071 951 7483


University Campus VDBjyl Park

Wheels at the Vaal - Classic Car and Steam Festival - Sun 1 Sept


As the Club’s Website is now operating very efficiently lately, and is currently displaying a large variety of MGs “For Sale” from all over the country, I recommend that you go into our Website,, and see what is on offer from there. To advertise your MG for Sale, ask Kevin Loader to insert your advert on the Web.

To all our very special MG friends. We joined the club about four and a half years ago, and it was the best thing we ever did! Wow, we have been so blessed with all the outings we have been on, and all the friends we have made. Places we have been to and seen, which we would never have experienced without the MG Car Club. Our highlight has been our last trip to Botswana and Zimbabwe - and thanks must go to PJ and Suzette for putting this together. Our decision to move to Perth, Australia was not an easy one, but we felt was the right thing for us. We will be leaving a lot of family and friends behind, but at the same time will be with our family and especially our grand children in Perth. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for all the friendships and laughs we have had with you all over the last few years. Our door will always be open for our friends if you are ever “Down Under”

Letters Dear Tom, Thanks for your recent past Magazines they have been very interesting.

With love, Graham and Heather Forbes. _______________________________

A bit of news that may be of interest. Chris Brown was a member of the historic Transport Association. Motor Section, here in Johannesburg for many years before he and wife Jill moved to Kloof in Natal. Chris got involved there with the MGCC and has completed 5 years as Chairman, and is now Secretary.

Interesting Website!! I was looking for something on the net and came across this web site.

Which refers to the “Solar Challenge”

Activities include 3 runs a month plus the usual Committee Meetings. Chris has 3 MG’s . . . an A and 2 B’s. Regards, Graham White.


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