March 2013

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Chairman WILLIAM KELLY E-mail:

Editor TOM KIRKLAND Home: 011 391-3459 Cell: 082 445 6770 Fax: 011 391 3459 ask for fax. E-mail:

Vice Chairman CLIVE WINTERSTEIN Home: 011 476 7182 Work: 011 237 4444 Cell: 083 795 0000 Fax: 011 237 4445 E-mail:

Website/E-mails/Communications Co-Opted Member KEVIN LOADER Home: 011 678 3762 E-mail:

V/Chairman/ Register Secretary NORMAN EWING Home: 011 728 5536 Cell: 083 654 5433 E-mail:

Membership Convenor JEANNE ERASMUS Home: 011 888 5364 Cell: 084 261 4427 E-mail:

Secretary CLIFFORD SMYTH Home: 011 462 0322 Cell: 082 898 9772 E-mail:

Communications Convenor PAUL HUGHES Home: 011 465 6456 Cell: 083 320 5249 E-mail:

Treasurer/Membership Secretary TONY MAYBANK Home: 011 678 9267 E-mail:

To those who have not yet Paid their Subscriptions, this will be your last Magazine

Regalia To be announced shortly

A Natter & Noggin is normally held on the first Thursday of each month at 8pm. The Old Edwardian Club, Houghton For more details see Motoring Calendar in this issue of “Thumbs Up!” Club Runs, are normally held on the second Sunday of each month. AFFILIATED TO THE MG CAR CLUB - ABINGDON-ON-THAMES - ENGLAND




CONTENTS Your Committee




From The Chairman


The Chairman’s Annual Report


Henry Ford, Genius of Motor Industry


The Exciting Askari Adventure


Norman Talks - Hail to the Chief


Jason Plato joined by Sam Tordoff


George Classic Motor Show


The NEW and OLD on display


Technical: ZT & other Modern Owners 18 New Committee Members elected


Calendar Page


MG WEBSITES Our Website: Our E-mail: Other Sites worth visiting (Great Links)

The Johannesburg Centre’s AGM is now an item of the past. Clive stood down, and as we all know by now William Kelly was elected into the Chair. Firstly, I would like to thank Clive for his stint as Chairman, and for the positive input and dedication that he put into the affairs of the Club during the year. Then to William, I must congratulate him for stepping into the gap at such short notice. It is good to have a person from the younger generation with such enthusiasm holding this position in the club. We also welcome Paul Hughes, and Jeanne Erasmus on to the Committee. Dave Holt has been co-opted to take over the Youth Project from William Thanks Dave. By the way - who has seen our New Website that William and Alex Moody have so ably put together for us. It is really brilliant, and is very professional. Just a suggestion, in my opinion, the club should invest in a speaker system to be used at the Noggins. So many of the members sitting near the back, and particularly to the side were taken aback when William stood up to thank them for their confidence in him, and for voting him in as Chairman. I am sure we are in for a Great MG 2013.

Editor Auditors Clearance

The Club’s Honorary Auditor, Derek Spavins, has completed his review of 2011 and 2012 Annual Financial Statements, without need of amendment. We thank him for his time and expertise.

Printed by John MacKenzie of Kalalex Business Forms & Systems (Pty) Ltd. Tel: 011 787-5620 Colour Section by Rolf Schweizer of Ultra Print.


From our Chairman


I have to confess that it is with some nervousness that I approach my Tenure as Chairman of the Johannesburg Centre for this year. My thanks to one and all for the kind words of support that have been afforded me. I am sure that the position is going to be a challenging one. Never one for beating around the bush, I am sure that we will have our fair set of problems to deal with as we go, and of course directing the Club in hopefully the direction it wants to go in, is the most important task of all. Whilst I am a believer in consensus, to an extent one cannot please all of the people all the time. And of course, happily, I can be fired! In my mind there are several issues that we need to address that we can either make as big as we like, or deal with on a level that is not a life and death scenario. First and foremost I have asked the committee for feedback in respect of the money sitting on call in our bank account. Specifically I have posed the question of how much is enough? I pose the same question to you as to what you want the Committee to do with it, I am powerless to dictate terms. It is a question I pose with a degree of seriousness and I urge and encourage you to give your feedback either to myself or the committee, preferably via a short email or a note so that we are all clear on the matter. We will discuss the issue over a few noggins - It is an important issue that I feel needs to be put to bed once and for all, but, I want to stress, it is not as important to me as normal Club functions. Membership is a key issue for me. We have harped on for a good while as to how to keep the Club running and running well - and for this we need members. I do not believe that we need to add hundreds or thousands of members within the club, but certainly we could stand to add another 30, 40 or 50 active members for runs and events. To that end the proven ‘business card under the windscreen of that MG you see in the parking lot’ technique is, I believe, one very quick and simple way to ‘make contact’ with fellow MG owners who may enjoy the same things we do. I am encouraged by the number of youngsters I have seen who are adopting MGB’s in particular as their mode of transport of choice driving around Johannesburg. Already I have a long line of people to thank! I would like to start with the Committee for all not running away this year and sticking with me in the tasks we have

ahead. I am truly time pressured this year and next with setting up new businesses and of course young James, whom you have all made a part of this Club, and for which Wendy and I thank you deeply. In particular Paul Hughes is a most welcome new addition. I have re-arranged my, ahem, cabinet, ermm, committee a little, and created a position of marketing - which Paul is now in the possession of. Specifically he will be looking at online exposure and attracting as many young and pretty girls to the club as he can. Go for it Paul, and do not fail me! MGs as we know are babe magnets at the best of times - looking around the club we can all see it’s certainly a true statement of fact. The critical portfolio of Events is co-opted to Kevin Loader - without whom I would be slitting my wrists. Should he ever leave, I most assuredly will. Words fail me - so thank you to Kevin. The new look website worked on by myself and Alex Moody is built in such a way that anyone can edit and contribute to it - with the intention being that we have one Web Master and many Web Contributors. If you would like to lend a hand, it is quick and easy to learn, and our future rests on leveraging the Internet and social media for our already very social club. Jeanne Erasmus has also been co-opted into helping out with new members. She will assist with filling in of forms where needed and in welcoming people to the club. Thanks Jeanne, much appreciated indeed! We have also co-opted Dave Holt to take over the Youth Project from me (the unofficial rule this year is that if you stand too close to a Committee member you may find yourself co-opted for a specific task or function). The Youth Project involves considerable time and effort, and our thanks go to him for the upcoming year of the Project - it is now year 5 and I am extremely, extremely proud of what we as a Club are doing there. It has my full support, and I am even considering not stealing the Club’s cash for any of my own personal and nefarious plots to take over the world, but to rather just give it all to the Youth Project to blow on girls and beer and racing cars. Joking aside, I look forward to the coming year. I ask you all for your support for myself and the Committee in fulfilling our wish to take the Club from strength to strength. May it be an aMazinG year for all of us.


The Chairman’s Annual Report 2012 Good evening ladies and gentlemen, another MaGic year has passed and I hope that each and every one of you have enjoyed being part of the Club. To begin with I must thank my committee for the commitment and the hours that they dedicated to the club. Without their input we would not have had a club. Then there are those people, not on the committee who go about their club business almost in their own quiet way and to them; Chris our high-tech man for always being there for any presentation to see to it that the equipment works; to Jocelyn our post mistress; Kevin, who isn’t an elected committee member but has been co-opted onto the committee who handles the communications and a million other portfolios; John Mckenzie who always makes sure that our Thumbs Up is printed on time even though he probably has to chip in on each edition. To Grahame and Heather, who we are to lose shortly, for putting on the Scottburgh trip, to Mike O’Keeffe for his continued assistance with tours; to Derek our auditor who ensures that we spend our money correctly. Near the end of the year Jeanne agreed to take up a new “portfolio” in that she will be the one man or rather one woman “Welcoming Committee”, so to speak for all the new members, to all of you, another big, big thank you. Last year was full of events and some really interesting talks, all of which were brought about by members of the club. While I cannot comment on all, those that I recall have to include the Bloodhound talk by Dave Rowley; many of us enjoyed the outstanding talk given by Andy Green at Wits University about the project and a video of his talk was also shown at a noggin. The fabulous “picture” quiz that Mike Gilchrist of the Triumph Club did which we hope to repeat possibly as an inter club quiz. The students from the University of Johannesburg that not only brought the solar car to the noggin, but gave us a talk with pictures of the Race around the Republic in the car which was absolutely fascinating, and gave each of us great hope in the younger generation. My highlight of 2012, without a doubt, was the talk that the Zapp family, authors of the book “Spark your Dream” gave us. They arrived with their 1928 Grahame Paige Saloon that they have been driving around the world for the last 10 years as well as their 4 children, all of which were born on the run, so to speak. Their presentation was given with such humour and

charm, it had everyone hanging on each and every word. They spoke about their trip from their home in Argentina to Alaska scheduled to take 6 months, which however ended up taking 3 years, and one baby boy later to achieve. The talk was almost the cherry on top of a great evening. Thank you Hentie for arranging this fabulous evening. The runs were well attended, with the regulars always present, Angela’s Picnic boasted the second highest attendance with many new faces bringing out cars not often seen. Close behind this attendance was the Airforce day at Zwartkops, where there was also a Gymkhana as well as many lucky members who won rides on the Air Force’s helicopter, prizes were donated by Indwe Insurance, this event will be repeated this year. For the Icicle/Emgee Rally where Roger and Lorraine put in a lot of effort, the weather really turned sour, and the attendance was rather disappointing. A big thanks must go to Wheels for sponsoring the prizes for this event. This year it will be replaced by the Polana Tour/Rally to Maputo. The Gymkhana at Brightwater Commons was great fun, with our star lady driver Lorraine being stumped out by an old coke can. A big thank you to Terrance of Scrooges for laying on a great lunch at a reduced price. The Combined Concours was well attended at Magnette Motors, thanks Dave, where most cars were truly concours. A thank you must go to the members who gave their time to judge the cars and to the owners of the cars who put many hours into their pride and joy, to get them there spic and span. The following weekend, Showday was held at Brightwater Commons. It was one of the coldest days of the year, but yet, we had over a hundred cars on the grass, preening themselves. A new judging system was implemented which went down very well. What was disappointing was the non arrival of many of the concours cars. This aspect of Showday will need to be looked at for the next Showday. A big thank you must go to the ladies and the few gents who helped with the admittance, and the parking of the cars; Terrance’s “Special Milo” (Gluwein) did make it more bearable. A special thank you must go to Morris Garages for sponsoring the prizes. An interesting observation to all the runs and noggins is that there is a core of about 30 regulars who are always present, and make up 80% of the crowd, 9

With the 20% being the occasionalnew members. It would be wonderful if this could grow to 50 cars with a 50/50 split, how about it? Get your butt and your car in gear and join the clubs functions. 2012 was the year of Jhb Centres Indaba, which was held in Clarens. With Norman, Judy, Hentie, Anneke and spouses at the helm, the organisation was perfect. Accommodation was superb, while having to travel 40kms every night for your dinner did not go down with some, nevertheless every evening the dining hall was full. The Concours on the square was well attended and while the judging did take longer than expected the Concours d’Comique really had the crowd in stitches at times, with some excellent presentations/ performances. The Rocker box races went down with much cheering and shouting, each centre having made some beautiful vehicles with the winning box from KZN being one of the more ordinary and certainly not a contender for the “Best Looker”. The “treasure hunt” to Sandstone was challenging and you really had to know your stuff, congrats to the winner, Heyns Stead from Northerns, you’re good! His prize was donated to the De Wildt Cheetah Sanctuary, and in fact he contributed some extra money and, as a result, the club/s have adopted a cheetah cub. Sandstone itself was wonderful with a bit of a gymkhana, a special train ride and good lunch, (without having to go 40kms), the whole day was special. We also chose the car of the Indaba here which Bob’s J2 won. Then back to Clarens for the Combined Centres AGM (held every 2nd year), This was my biggest disappointment of the entire year. The president was not present, although he was in town, one would have thought that seeing the committee meet once every 2 years he would be present. The Chairman did tell us that he was purely a figure head and that it was not necessary for him to attend. Even though, according to the minutes of the meeting his expenses were paid for by the club. The chairman went on to lambast our youth project so much that I had to correct him and inform all the centres about the facts. You will have read in ‘Norman says’ in Thumbs Up about the hard time he had in getting R10,000 seed money from the JHB centre, and its insistence that the money gets paid back timeously. Well the next centre won’t have this problem because the Combined Centres have given them the R10,000 seed money. I don’t have a problem with this but surely

what’s good for the goose should be good for the gander. The Combined Centres has about R200,000 in the bank, and only the chairman and one other, decides on what money should be spent on; surely this cannot be right. I ask that balance sheets be drawn up and distributed every year and it was turned down, every second year is what it has always been since Pa fell off the bus, and so it shall stay! The Treasurer of the Combined Centres resigned at this meeting. Previously JHB asked Combined Centres for R5000 to host the 20 Australian MG members for 3 days, who came to do the Cape to Cairo. We were turned down and had to use our funds; however, tens of thousands of rands were spent on bringing out two, I think, from the UK for the Indaba, one of whom gave us a 45 minute talk on the MGB, and the other was late attending the AGM. The purpose of the Combined Centres is to promote the MG clubs in SA, besides the bringing out of these “friends”, no money whatsoever has been spent promoting the clubs since I’ve been in the chair. In fact the coffers have just been topped up from the “Profit” made from the Indaba; why it should get “share of profit” and why should there be a profit, I don’t know. I walked away from the meeting totally despondent and disillusioned about the integrity of the CC Committee. Where, or rather when, will this end? This criticism will probably make me very unpopular with certain people, but I think that our members deserve to know what is going on quietly in the background. The Combined Centres committee is made up of the chairman and two other of each centre, and as I have no wish to be part of this autocratic type of governance, I will not be available to stand as chairman for Johannesburg for 2013. Unfortunately as an old chairman I am required to stay on the committee and so I shall honour my commitment. On a happier note, the youth project. This year we were very lucky in that we got some good donations from individual members and supporters, and made money on items sold, which had been given to the project by well wishers. A special thanks to Glen, Peter, Indwe and all the parents who are constantly on the look out for the extra buck. Contrary to what my Vice Chairman has been telling members, in 2012 the club did not give any money to the youth project, he knows this, so I cannot understand why he keeps spreading these untruths. We have raced in almost every meeting, and held our head up high, with the MG club still being the only club to sponsor a race car, (Continued on page 20)


Henry Ford, the Genius of the Early Motor Industry

1914 Model T Ford Station Wagon.

Submitted by Bill Strong

May 31st, 1927, the last Ford Model T rolled off the assembly line. It was the first affordable automobile, due in part to the assembly line process developed by Henry Ford. It had 2.9-l 20-horsepower engine and could travel up to 45 mph. It had a 10- gallon fuel tank and could run on kerosene, petrol, or ethanol, but, it could not drive up hill if the tank was low, because there was no fuel pump. Ford believed that “the man who used his skill and constructive imagination to see how much he could give for a dollar, instead of how little he can give for a dollar, is bound to succeed.” The Model T cost $850 in 1909, and as efficiency in production increased, the price dropped. By 1927, you could get a Model T for $290. “I will build a car for the great multitude,” said Ford. “It will be large enough for the family, but small enough for the individual to run and care for it. It will be constructed of the best materials, by the best men to be hired, after the simplest designs that modern engineering can devise. But it will be low in price that no man making a good salary will be unable to own one - and enjoy with his family the blessings of hours of pleasure in God’s great open spaces.”

The following appeared on the back of a Post Card sent to a client, from C. R. Gleason company dated June 29th, 12 noon, 1928.


The Exciting Askari Adventure Having not been able to attend the run to Askari, and not able to receive any copy from the appointed scribe, I think there is no better way to describe the exciting events of the day by filling all the space with Kevin’s wonderful pictures and carefully worded captions. Ed.

Paul Hughes (new member & now on the committee) plus Melanie & Ray Leppan soak up Clive's instructions

Suzette & PJ ready to go on safari

Some of the MG crowd watching the elephants from the lawn.

By Jenny Loader, Pictures by Kevin

Many thanks to Clive for organising an enjoyable run

Elephant bulls, Damara and Nzeve, entertained everyone by playing in the dam. The heron (background) moved when Charlie the Crocodile got too close

Trying his luck for food - strictly forbidden 12

The Toyota of the 1800s

A luxury family sedan. A Mylord coach, popular in Europe around the 1830s

Charlie the Crocodile making his exit after missing out on the heron

Part of the scene at the venue; wagon museum & pathway leading to the chapel

Enjoying a lunch time snack

Congratulations to Jeanne & Hentie Erasmus who won the treasure hunt competition. Now they have an additional 1000 piece puzzle to complete to fine tune their skills. 13

Norman Talks. . . Hail to the Chief! Vitriol and drivel aside, the AGM was a watershed in the history of this great centre, which was not just regarded abroad as the biggest, but also the best. Just look at its history! We now have what we desperately needed, a YOUNG chairman at the wheel, who is passionate about the club and the car he drives. PLUS he has a far better idea than many of what the club worldwide is all about. When I took him to the UK two years ago, I introduced him as the future of the Johannesburg Centre to the Gammons, Alisons, Wises, Watts, Hayters, Days Woodhams and Silcocks and having eaten at Kimber’s home the Boundary House, the club office and experienced MG Live at Silverstone, now understands why it is called the “Marque of Friendship”, and why we bring out “Friends”. At North Conway in 1984 Count Lurani said he had never been feted or felt amongst so many friends in Europe and said that “strangers were only friends you had not met yet.” How apt. Bruce Henderson has invited Roy Lowcock out for Knysna, another stranger to many who will become a “friend.” His book “Not in that car” of his singlehanded trip around the world in a Midget is just awe inspiring. What thrills me most, is that William is at the age I was when I chaired the club for the first time in 1978, and it gets better, for we now have a new member, Paul Hughes, who is as passionate about MGs as I am, straight onto the committee and even younger than I was when I ran around looking for Graham White, and putting cards to join on every MG I could find to start an MG Centre. Another PLUS is Alex Moody, who married the lovely Sue in December, members for less than a year (so you see he had other things on his mind) gently steered by Kevin, has now got the Web site up and running - so with the future of the centre in these three young guns, I am frankly over the moon!

Andy Green, an inspiration to many, is a “friend” to a good few local members and will be out next month for a very short visit to Grahamstown. Hopefully he will be back with the car in July, and if it proves possible for a get together, . . . I’ll keep you posted. Richard Noble was out for four days of meetings and is slowly falling in love with South Africa - we were both brought upon Highland dancing! Something really strange to have in common. It is now for us the members to give the new chairman all out support as well as to Wendy. Being new parents, they will adapt to challenging life skills as they travel through the years ahead. I have been invited to a Kimber event in April in the USA, but have declined. I have enough on my hands just now, with the J2 moving on, thanks to fantastic work by Joe Texeira, sand blasting help from Glen Parker and a clutch thanks to Ted Borchards, Ralph Clarke and Bob Wilmot. That is what makes this club tick the way it does. I no longer think I will meet the 12 April deadline for my little MG museum - we will see, as the J2 is fast becoming the priority. Enjoy, and support William and his Committee going forward! Octagonally,

Norman Thank You Dear Friends I felt so special this year as so many special friends phoned to wish me a Happy Birthday. How the knowledge as to when my birthday was got around I can only guess. It certainly made my day. I’d like to thank each and everyone who took the time to wish me from the bottom of my heart, it really made a difference. To Kevin and Jenny who never forgets to ask and through their faith always helps me believe that there is always a ray of hope. Thank you again Martie 14

Jason Plato, joined by Sam Tordoff in the BTCC One of Britain’s Young Prospects By Chris Hockley F1 & Motorsport

After a very successful year’s racing in the MG6 GT team in the British Touring Car Championships, Jason Plato will be partnered by Sam Tordoff, one of Britain’s hottest young prospects for the 2013 season. Tordoff is a Plato protégé as a member of the KX Akademy, the bursary programme mentored by the BTCC’s most successful driver. He was also acclaimed last year as the British Racing Drivers’ Club’s “Racing Star” Tordoff, 23, has been racing since he was ten and has shone in the Renault Clio and Porsche Carrera Cup championships that support the BTCC The Leeds lad, who has a degree in mechanical engineering said he was “thrilled” to be teaming up with Plato, and Triple Eight. He added: “I’m determined to do well, even if it means beating Jason!” Two-time champ Plato, third in last year’s title race, said: “Sam’s a great young talent and brings a lot to our team” “He’s a fast learner and it will be great to see him alongside me on the podium. But I’m planning to be on the top step.” Triple Eight boss Ian Harrison said: “we’ve got a great team for the 2013 season in Jason and Sam. “Jason obviously has the experience, including a fabulous year with the MG6 GT last year, and Sam is out to prove himself now he has won a seat in a top team.”


2013 BTCC Race Calendar Brands Hatch Donington Thruxton Circuit Oulton Park Croft Circuit Snetterton Knockhill Circuit Rockingham Silverstone Circuit Brands Hatch

Teaming Up - Sam Tordoff (standing) will race a Triple Eight MG with Sun star Jason Plato 15

31 Mar 21 April 5 May 9 June 23 June 4 Aug 25 Aug 15 Sept 29 Sept 13 Oct

An Extremely Successful Classic Motor Show in George By all accounts this was a very well organised event, and the organisers should be very happy with the results. There were over 900 Classic Cars out on display, they hailed from all corners of our country.

Submitted by Cliffe Smyth


The ‘NEW and the ‘OLD’, on display Guess which one is For Sale! Submitted by Kevin Loader

This month John Butress’ has his magnificent MGA parked on the Showroom floor at Morris Garages west Rand to demonstrate the heritage of the MG brand.

1-2 JUNE 2013

GMS Gauteng Motor Show Zwartkops Raceway -

TSHWANE - 9 to 5 Daily

Show History: This is the 10th Annual Show, Last year the Show attracted 12,000 ‘motoring’ enthusiasts and their families “racing through the gates” at the Zwartkops Raceway. With the inclusion of Atomic Junkies Adrenalin Fest, the 2013 Gauteng Motor Show will offer exhibitors and visitors an even bigger and more action packed show than ever before

The MG Tour to Zimbabwe 16th to 29th May or 16th to 23rd May Bookings are filling up FAST! For more information contact PJ Ryan Urgently

or 17

083 3034 304


Warning to all ZT and other Modern MG Owners By Tom Kirkland Ed.

I recently went through the experience of overheating my ZT motor. Let me explain. For the last year or more I have been adding a cup or two of water to the radiator each week. I did not notice any water on the garage floor which was puzzling. I mentioned the fact several times when the car was at the garage for service and other related ailments, but none of us could locate a leak. Now for the disaster:Mid December I parked at a parking lot in Rosebank for a few hours, so fortunately the engine had cooled down. Shortly thereafter, I stopped for fuel and went inside for a sandwich and Coke. A very attentive attendant asked if he could check the oil and water. I did say yes to the oil, but thought it not safe to open the radiator so he was told not to touch that. On my return the bonnet was closed and I was told everything was OK. On my way home at the top of the Modderfontein hill my computer screen indicated an engine fault. Having stopped at a robot, I immediately turned left and parked there, to find the engine very hot, BUT no radiator cap, which obviously was the cause of the problem. I called Martie to collect me and about 4 hours later I went armed with cans of water then carefully drove it home. No problem so far. However, the next morning

the motor did not sound its usual self. Due to the pending holidays I did not use it at all. Early January I thought it wise to trailer it to my usual MG Service garage who then diagnosed a leaking head gasket due to the overheating. Once opened, another head was obtained, skimmed, gasket replaced and reassembled. In the process the main water leak was detected when they removed a metal water pipe somewhere under the manifold, completely out of view, hidden by the turbo inlet mechanism. This pipe is made of a very thin metal and has four fixing straps welded to it, and is full of curves and bends to get from one end of the block to the other. Now on inspection, where the straps were tacked to the pipe there were signs of rusting and water oozing through. Of course this only occurred while the engine was running and the water was under pressure. Fortunately I did not have to sell my house to cover the Bill. Incidentally the radiator cap was eventually found caught up in the wires and pipes below the radiator and grille. I have heard of many ZTs with heating problems, around the 100,000km mark, this may well be a weak spot on all of them - Be Warned.

The rusty metal water pipe which leaked under pressure 18

New Committee Members Elected at AGM At the recent Committee Meeting held after the AGM on the 13th February, the following members were confirmed, and others were coopted into the following positions: Chairman: William Kelly (as elected at AGM) Vice Chairman: Clive Winterstein Treasurer/Membership: Tony Maybank Secretary: Cliff Smyth Editor: Tom Kirkland Marketing: Paul Hughes (elected at AGM) Advertising: Norman Ewing Youth Project: William Kelly ( Who co-opted Dave Holt to assist him) Co-opted Membership Convenor: Jeanne Erasmus Regalia: Vacant, (a suitable candidate to be co-opted) We congratulate, and welcome William as our newly elected Chairman. We also are pleased to have Paul Hughes on the committee to look after the Marketing aspect as well as keeping the Web-site up to date. To the newly co-opted members, Dave Holt and Jeanne Erasmus, we hope you enjoy your portfolios, and it will be a pleasure to work with you on this vibrant committee.

OBITUARIES FEBRUARY 2013 MORAG COLVERD Chris & MoraG joined the MG Car Club (Johannesburg) in 1984. Sadly MoraG passed away after a long illness. She will be remembered by many longstanding members. Sincere condolences to Chris. DAVE CHARLTON It was sad to see the passing of this South African racing legend at the age of 76. MG was amongst the many cars that David raced in his younger days before graduating to F1.

(Chairman’s Annual Report continued from pp10)

not to mention that we have two cars running. Last month 3 of our youngsters received awards from the Histotic Racing Club of SA, congrats to Ryan Ludick, Cameron Mcleod and Steven Brits. Well done! To those youngsters who have made motoring their career, incuding Bhagvan who has an apprenticeship at Subaru, Ryan who is doing the same at Peter Bailey Cars and Kevin at DAW Racing. We wish you all the best, and are proud that we helped you a little on your way with your careers. This year we are expecting to do even better, and have been offered the use of another MGA race car. This entire project is something we can all be proud of; we do have a social obligation. We are constantly on the lookout for youngsters to join the project, please keep your eyes open. A big thanks must go to Nick, Lucky, Colleen, Roger, Scott, Peter Macildowie, all the parents, as well as MSA, SCC and Zwartkops, without their help we would be ‘dead’ in the water. Finally on the happiest note: We celebrated special birthdays of two stalwarts of the Club; Stuart Cunninghame, already an honorary life member, turned 90 recently, (come and support him as he sets out on the 100th JD Rally on the 7th March at Carnival Mall, at 6am. I know its early but he deserves your support.) And, Tom Kirkland, our Editor turned 80. Also to be mentioned, is the life membership presented to Jimmy Moggeridge. Gentlemen, you are an inspiration to us all, may we follow in your footsteps? 2013 will be full of exciting events, but that is another story that you must follow in Thumbs Up! To the families of those members that have passed away, we offer our condolences, and ask that you continue the relationship with the Club, their memories are still with us. To all those helpers, supporters and sponsors that I may have left out, and to you the members, thank you for making this club into the Best Car Club in the RSA. It’s been an honour and pleasure to have served as the Chairman for 2012.

Clive Winterstein


Natter and Noggin Morris Garages strategy session Thursday 7 March Old Edwardians, Cor 4th Avenue and 11th Street, Houghton


Monthly Run, Red Bus “hop on - hop off” Tour of Johannesburg Sunday 10 March Meet 9.30am at Gold Reef City Jenny and Kevin Loader 011 678-3762


Piston Ring Swop Meeting, Sunday 17 March, at Modderfontein


Departure of Hillman Imp through Africa to UK. Early Breakfast at Scrooges Diner Sunday 17 March Booking Terence Tracey 083 601 7511


Monthly Run “Angela’s Picnic” (SAMCA) Sunday 7 April, Meet 9.00am at Delta Park, Johannesburg


Natter and Noggin C2C - Feedback by Michael Brett Thursday 2 May Old Edwardians, 4th Avenue and 11th Street, Houghton


Pietermaritzburg Cars in the Park, Sunday 19 May Arrangements Mike 083 449 5220


Monthly Run NOTE 3rd Sunday 19 May To be advised


MG Tour of Zimbabwe Highlands Limited Booking still available 16 to 29 May Suzette Bouwer and PJ Ryan 083 303 4304


Natter and Noggin Inter Club Quiz Thursday 6 June, Old Edwardians, 4th Avenue and 11th Street, Houghton


Combined Centres Show Day 30 June Pretoria Botanical Gardens


Polana Rally, 14 to 17 June


Natter and Noggin Thursday 4 July


Monthly Run, Zwartkops Air Force Base, Saturday 6 July,


Scottburgh Classic Car Show, 19 to 22 July, Country Club,


Natter and Noggin Thursday 1 August Old Eds


Cars in the Park (POMC), Sunday 4thAugust, Pretoria.


Lap of Zimbabwe, 6 to 22 September,


Combined Northern/Johannesburg Drakensberg Weekend at (The Nest Hotel) 16 to 18 August, Glen Parker 083 633 7575 Pta. Gary Chapman 082 653 1888

Tour Section: contact Mike O’Keeffe 083 449 5220


Clive Winterstein 083 796 0000 Peter Fielding

Roger Pearce

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