Thumbs Up - May 2013

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Editor TOM KIRKLAND Home: 011 391-3459 Cell: 082 445 6770 Fax: 011 391 3459 ask for fax. E-mail:

Chairman WILLIAM KELLY E-mail: Vice Chairman CLIVE WINTERSTEIN Home: 011 476 7182 Work: 011 237 4444 Cell: 083 795 0000 Fax: 011 237 4445 E-mail:

Communications Co-Opted Member KEVIN LOADER Home: 011 678 3762 E-mail:

Register Secretary NORMAN EWING Home: 011 728 5536 Cell: 083 654 5433 E-mail:

Regalia To be announced shortly

Membership Convenor JEANNE ERASMUS Home: 011 888 5364 Cell: 084 261 4427 E-mail:

Secretary CLIFFORD SMYTH Home: 011 462 0322 Cell: 082 898 9772 E-mail:

Marketing PAUL HUGHES Office: 011 465 6456 Cell: 083 320 5249 E-mail:

Treasurer/Membership Secretary TONY MAYBANK Home: 011 678 9267 E-mail:

A Natter & Noggin is normally held on the first Thursday of each month at 8pm. The Old Edwardian Club, Houghton For more details see Motoring Calendar in this issue of “Thumbs Up!” Club Runs, are normally held on the second Sunday of each month. AFFILIATED TO THE MG CAR CLUB - ABINGDON-ON-THAMES - ENGLAND






My world has just come to an end

Your Committee




“The Chairman Chirps”


Gymkhanas at Esra’s Farm - Bapsfontein


Show Day at The Zoo (late 1980s)


Norman Talks - History of Angela’s Picnic


A Wonderful Classic Car Event


Ads for Forthcoming Events


MGB GTs and an MG TC


MG Family Tree


Historic Racing, Alive and Well - 1987


BMC B-Series, Specs, Tuning Improvements


Trading Post - Hillman Imp Saga


Calendar Page


For the last month or so I have been having Computer Problems. Running slow, losing info, Then the modem gave up. At a visit to Telkom I was told “your contract has expired”. OK, I was given a new one. The problems still continued. Off to the Computer Hospital where we are told “Your computer is old, there are several problems but you need to have it upgraded”. Now, my son Colin, gets to hear about it and kindly says “Dad bring it into the office, I will arrange for my ’IT’ man to get us a new computer”. That’s GREAT, meantime the magazine deadline is coming up fast. By last Friday we got it back only with my printing programme and modem working, but the Mag would be done on time!! After connecting up, again no modem, and even the printing program was not fully functional. So last resort, let’s try Martie’s laptop. Marvelous, there is still a chance. Well, the system is working, but, I find the feel most difficult to get used to, and my limited knowledge of laptops is causing a great deal of frustration. By the way - this is the second attempt at setting this page, the previous one just disappeared. My patience is getting stretched... However, while waiting for the computer, I went back to reading some of the old Magazines from about 1980. What interesting reading it was. Without any articles (all being hidden in the non existent modem. Hopefully) I am going to reproduce some items and pictures for you this month. How many cars and faces do you recognise? How do we fare now compared to yesteryear? Happy Reading

MG WEBSITES Our Website: Our E-mail: Other Sites worth visiting (Great Links) Printed by John MacKenzie of Kalalex Business Forms & Systems (Pty) Ltd. Tel: 011 787-5620 Colour Section by Rolf Schweizer of Ultra Print.

Editor 6

The Chairman’s Twitter William Kelly What a great day was had by all at Angela’’s Picnic! We had well over 50 cars there - easily the best showing at the event - it was wonderful to see everybody out and about and the weather certainly played ball. Even got a bit of sunstroke as it turns out - but all good fun in the end. If we could only braai there.... It was excellent to meet MGSA in the form of Lionel Hillary. We hope to ensure our ongoing relationship with MGSA is a strong one and we will continue to strive to get them involved in our little Motoring Club. By the time you read this the Youth Project will have concluded another race at Zwartkops. There will be feed back on this in the next issue and hopefully by then details of the next race which the Car Club will be invited as a whole. On the topic of the Youth Club,I can say that the feed back from their presentation at the Noggin was overwhelmingly positive. They put together a ‘kick ass’ presentation, got up and told us exactly what they were up to and across the board, they knocked our socks off - a more sorted, confident, focused bunch of young people will be hard to find. I think some members got the shock of their lives to see just what this young team is doing, and whilst admittedly long overdue, their integration into the Club with feedback on their progress is I feel well on the right road, now thanks to Dave Holt and the rest of the team. The costs of the project are significant. They have self funded/been sponsored and carried the MG flag by themselves now for 3 years. It is time to give them recognition and support for what they do for the MG brand, and as such the Committee has agreed to request R20,000 from you for this year. Ongoing support from Sizanani

Plastics, Casheri Restorations (Clive W), sales of bits and bobs from a host of members of the Club and other fund raising efforts are all part of the YP money pot. This year we are going to need more - more money , more young uns and more cars! As it is just the race prepping of the two cars we already have is almost enough to keep the kids busy on their own. I am making an appeal though - we need more interested parties - ages 15 to 24. Send us your kids, and we will send them back with oil stains and quite possibly an interest in something in addition to PlayStation. On a slightly more serious note. I have taken the tough decision to ask the Editor not to reprint a letter received from an MG member. The contents therein are relevant, they were frank and they are being dealt with by the Committee which is where it will remain and my thanks to the member for raising the issue. It is the last time on my watch that there will be open war in these pages. Thumbs Up is about the MG Car Club Johannesburg Centre, and having some fun with our MGs. It is not about individual members and disputes. If you have an issue, bring it to the Committee, and we’ll deal with it there. Else resolve those amongst yourselves - at 20 paces if needs be. Cheers,



Most Popular Event of the Year The Annual Gymkhana at Esra’s Farm This event brought great memories to me, the way that so many folk just enjoyed the freedom of racing around between the mealie fields in the dust, (or the mud). Esra held close to 20 annual events on his farm, for which we thank him. Then in our dusty attire we then participated in a social braai while waiting for the results of the day. This left only a short time to clean cars for the Annual Show Day which also drew up to 150 Bright and Shiny Show Classics.

Then the Transformation to this ‌



Norman Talks

The Story behind Angela’s Picnic I get a kick out of Angela’s Picnic every year - no doubt great sunshine adds to it. Angela Hinds, as my good Morgan friend will attest, was a really remarkable lady. When we formed SAMCA in 1981 it was really to take on the petrol controller who refused to issue permits for low key competitive motor sport and one of the spinoffs, when we assembled 13 representative marque clubs in our tiny Norwood lounge, was the incredible collection of knowledge and talent. Angela was opera crazy and a member of “Friends of the Opera”. She had just returned from Paris where she had witnessed “a most marvellous motoring event in the Bois de Bologne”hundreds of Classic Cars with their owners in period costume - picnicking! She asked why we could not do the same. It sounded fantastic and I said “Do It!”. She lived close by on Munro Drive and over the next months came and reported progress, as she first went to find a venue - Delta Park was it - then to the Council Offices to get approval before approaching Castrol for toilets. At a Council meeting at Bruce Caw’s home in Johannesburg North, she rose to her feet and asked in her quiet way “What shall we call it? “Call it Angela’s Picnic” I said, and so it was. We had over the years collected for various charities, but when Angela died of cancer, it was decided that this should be our aim, and we supported CANSA, and then Hospice. Each of the member clubs have come forward to

man the gate and collect donations. In the last three years Craig Anderson and Ian Huntly have handed over cheques in excess of twenty three thousand rands. That fact alone should be positive proof that events like this are so important. Long may it continue. We should all say a special thank you to Citroen’s Rob Clark, who has on our behalf seen to all the red-tape with the Council. Every Year! Tailpiece On the 12th April 2003, fifty friends joined Pat and I to receive the keys for “Ducky”. Pat had a cake made, as it was Cecil Kimber’s birthday - albeit in his absence! To think that that was ten years ago is frankly staggering. Many there that day have passed away, these last ten years have left us with many memories. At 158,000kms “Ducky” has served us well - and in spite of a head gasket, clutch, water pump and three suspension bolts, has served us as I had hoped. It may not be “Midgy” but its a Great Little Car! Octagonally,



Angela’s Picnic

Written by Martie Kirkland - Pics by Kevin

A Wonderful Classic Car Event

Having had bad weather the week before, it was wonderful sunshine for our day at Angela’s picnic. The place was packed with young and old lining the way to watch all the old cars arriving. There is nothing compared to spending a day with friends. The cars keeping the men occupied and the gossip to keep the women busy. I can remember one of the very first outings we had with the MG Club was at Angela’s Picnic. It was so relaxed and fun was had by all. Nothing has changed. Again we had a wonderful time with friends and we had time to chat. It was like a family get together. New cars inspire men, but the old beauties inspire them more. The variety of older models restored to their original standard surprised me. I do believe that the youngsters will carry on where we left off, because of the number of younger people present on the day amazed me. I watched as a number of younger Grandpas and Grannies with their families walked past and I thought “here is the future visitors to Angela’s Picnic” Some of them may even own their own Classic cars in the future. Tom and I really enjoyed the day.


William teaching James to drive, together with sound effects

Picnic Italian style in mid-field

V8 BMW departs from Delta Park

Lucy's details; 1 x tank engine on Rolls Royce chassis.

Alma, Martin vd Merwe & Johan Meyer reminiscing about old times

Best not to stand too close or else you could get burnt when Lucy fires

Cliff & Wendy Smyth (seated) with Bruce Dixon talking about anything to do with cars


Angela’s Picnic

Roger took these photos at Angela's Picnic with a GoPro Hero 2 (sports action) camera. Many sports photographers use this type of equipment for those unusual images taken from next to the wheel or guys jumping out of aircraft. Roger's next thought is to get a drone / quadcopter to carry the GoPro. The kit comes with a radio control unit and an instruction manual on how to fly the thing without pranging and damaging the camera. Who knows, perhaps Roger will be taking an aerial shot of Angela's Picnic next year? Pics by Roger Bull


The Vaal Old Wheels Club Sat 31 August & Sun 1 September

Steam & Steam Festival North West University Campus ______________________________ 1-2 JUNE 2013 GMS Gauteng Motor Show Zwartkops Raceway -

TSHWANE - 9 to 5 Daily

Show History: This is the 10th Annual Show. Last year the Show attracted 12,000 ‘motoring’ enthusiasts and their families “racing through the gates” at the Zwartkops Raceway. With the inclusion of Atomic Junkies Adrenalin Fest, the 2013 Gauteng Motor Show will offer exhibitors and visitors an even bigger and more action packed show than ever before


Scottburgh Classic Car Show Sunday 21st July 2013 For more Information go to Weekend Tour departs Fri 19th & returns Mon 22nd July 2013 Book at Blue Marlin Hotel for 20th & 21st @ R235 pp per night Book direct: or Tel.039 976-0971 E-mail 14

Are these one and the same Car just many years later?


Can you provide a suitable caption for this interesting photograph? And who is the inquisitive owner? I am sure that 2 cent piece rolled under there somewhere! E Mail your answer to the Editor: 15

Youth Project

From L to R: William Kelly, Dave Holt, Stephen Britz, Michael Kernick, Tim Brinkman, Bhagved Singh, Cameron McLeod, Steven Kernick, Scott Rainier, Gavin Holt.

As you all know our centre has been pioneering youth development via our racing program. We've thrown some money at the project with an initial R60k being put in 3 years ago to build the program. Since then the project has been self funding with various sponsors helping us out and members of the Car Club all doing their bit to help keep the project on the road - Roger (EmGee), Nick, Dave, Les, Glen, Clive - the list is endless. At the last noggin the youngsters presented a feedback session that knocked everybody's socks clean off. They put together a team effort that reflects exactly what has been going on behind the scenes and I think those at the Noggin were blown away. The kids rocked it and I think we all got a sense of what this project means to them. The result is that we have a team of young confident up and coming future MG Car Club members that we can be rightly proud of. We now have young (!) ambassadors for MG that have joined, and left the program in the natural course of events and better yet we have ongoing interest from all over the place. We also have the start of more involvement between the car club and the project and the talk of an Old Farts effort to match the kids on the track is becoming somewhat less hot air and more concrete. Congratulations to the youngsters and may we swell their numbers continually. 16

This was written by Stewart Cuninghame, and appeared in the April Edition of Thumbs Up

Historic Racing was Alive and Well in 1987 While looking through my collection of old Club Magazines I came across this item which I thought would make interesting reading for many of our members today. You will recognise many of those youngsters who enjoyed their MGs on the track, as you are doing today. You can feel their excitement and enthusiasm and their pride of being MG members. Read on . . . On the starting grid of some 40 cars, seven MGs already appear on the register for 1987, and within the next three to four months this figure is expected to embrace 12 MG cars racing on our circuits. Number 21 Chris Costas Modified Roadster Class K This car in its bright red colours, has been completely restored to a very high standard and was originally constructed and raced by Roger Pearce and now enters the fourth year of racing, not only in Historics, but in the 2 and 3 hour enduro races. More recent lap times at Kyalami record 1 min 47 secs. Number 7 Allan Cuninghame Mod. MG Midget Class I This car carries the BRG colours and now enters the fifth year of historic racing and was the fastest MG on our circuit during 1986, lapping Kyalami at 1 min 44.1 secs. Number 74 Rod Green A welcome newcomer to the 1987 circuits, driving a standard maroon MG Twincam in Class I, and in its present form is lapping Kyalami at 2 mins 6 secs, well within his class time and we look forward to a long association with Rod Green. Number 31 Mike Hibberd, Std Production MGB GT Mike is no newcomer to historic racing and has spent four years driving MG and Lotus cars. This year sees Mike lapping Kyalami at 2 mins 3 secs in Class H running and racing on an extremely 17

low budget. Number 75 Dave Lyons, Single seater MG Special We extend a big welcome to Dave who took over the ex-Peter Bridges famous TC Monoposto, originally constructed in the 60’s by Harry Pearce. This is no newcomer to our circuits, and in Dave’s first time out, he is lapping at 2 mins 30 secs at Kyalami. Number 21 Jimmy Moggridge1275cc road going Midget Joined the Historic register in 1986 and this year intends racing on all our Championship Circuits. This beautifully prepared Midget is an absolute credit to our ranks and as an entrepreneur, tuner/driver, Jim is expected to graduate into the faster classes shortly - at present is lapping Kyalami at 2 mins 6 secs. Number 37 Dave Wheeler, MGB GT Std Production Model Dave now enters his third year of campaigning his MG in historic racing and his two tone presentation graces our circuits - lapping Kyalami at 2mins, this immaculate car has a pleasing presentation. We understand that a further five MGs in various stages of preparation will be joining us, commencing with the next race at Lichtenburg. Roger Pearce is re joining the MG team and is at present preparing a highly modified MGB GT and we welcome Roger back to the MG Pits. He seems to like, and be successful with yellow. Monica Galli will be rejoining the team with a newly prepared MGB GT in road going form. Monica records consistently improved lap times with this car, the organising committee could have a headache. Could we get this kind of reporting for the YP???


Specifications & Tuning Improvements Submitted by Bruce Dixon

The B-Series is a good candidate for tuning because it’s so strong. Unless originality is important to you there’s little point starting with anything other than the 1798cc unit. This is a straight swap for the 1489, 1588 and 1622 versions, although gearbox input shafts will need modifying to fit some cars and the front plate (which carries the engine mounts) from the oiginal engines will need modifying to fit the bigger engine. Check with the relevant club before attempting the swap. Engines with single SUs can be fitted with the twin-carb set-up from an MG. By far the most restrictive part is the cylinder head. The best standard head was not an MGB item, but the one fitted to the Austin 1800S (Landcrab), which had bigger valves. These cars have engine numbers with 18 H prefixes but it’s

rare to find one in a scrapyard now. Specialists will sell you a big-valve, gas-flowed head for about L350. This, in conjunction with an extractor exhaust manifold, free-flow air filters and a road camshaft, will give an extra 15bhp. More importantly, it will greatly improve 4070mph acceleration in top gear, making the car more driveable in modern traffic conditions. For more power, the next step is to bore the block to 1950cc. At this size, porosity of the bores can be a problem, so get the block inspected by a specialist before you have it machined. A 1950cc engine with the mods listed above can produce about 125bhp. At this stage it becomes worth while to fit a twin-choke Weber side draught carb, but for anything below this state of tune, you’re best sticking to SU’s. Bruce, Thanks for this informative Article Ed

Brown and Gammon offer performance heads, including MGB crossflow and gas-flowed MGA/MGB Gas-flowing the head will help the engine breathe. A twin-choke Weber may be useful if the engine has been bored out above 1900cc capacity

A uprated oil pump can be fitted for competition use.


SAMCA Drivers Challenge Winner Won by Roger Bull in the mid 1980’s

Wanted for 1970 MGB GT To complete my Concours Car An Original Jack Original Aircleaners Original Steering Wheel Owners Handbook Rodney Norton (h) 011 828-7776 (w) 011 776-5000

This was a regular popular event which was run annually amongst the SAMCA Clubs in the area.


Hillman Imp Saga After almost a two week delay in departing on their epic trip up through Africa Terence Tracey and his partner Geoff Biermann, finally set off in high spirits, after both mechanical, and visa delays. Following them on their Blog has made very interesting reading. With several minor issues up to Nairobi, but from there on the wet weather was against them, particularly along the infamous Road of Hell, in northern Kenya. The mud and water obscured the rocks and holes in the most impassable road in Africa. Their steering being badly damaged in their attempt to negotiate all this road. At one point they were being towed (or dragged) by a gallant 4x4, but the


mud continuously caked up between the wheels and the mudguards, forcing them to keep clearing the mud from the wheel arches. The latest news that I have been able to get was that when they reach their destination in the UK they were considering selling their little imp!!! Good Luck Chaps!! Keep Going... Ed.


Natter and Noggin, C2C - Feedback by Michael Brett Thursday 2 May, Old Edwardians, 4th Avenue and 11th Street, Houghton


Pietermaritzburg Cars in the Park, Sunday 19 May, Arrangements Mike 083 449 5220


Monthly Run, To be advised NOTE 3rd Sunday 19 May, Due to Mothers Day


MG Tour of Zimbabwe Highlands Limited Booking still available 16th to 29th May Suzette Bouwer and PJ Ryan 083 303 4304


Natter and Noggin Inter Car Club Quiz Thursday 6 June, Old Edwardians, 4th Avenue and 11th Street, Houghton


Combined Centres Show Day, 9 or 23 June, Venue to be advised


Polana Rally, 14 to 17 June,


Natter and Noggin, Thursday 4 July Old Edwardians, 4th Avenue and 11th Street, Houghton


Monthly Run, Zwartkops Air Force Base Musem Saturday 6th July,


Scottburgh Classic Car Show, Weekend 19 to 22 July, Country Club, Airth Street, Scottburgh Book at Blue Marlin Hotel (Special Rates R235pp per night) Must Book 039 978-3361 Tour being arranged. Details to follow. Watch this Space.


Natter and Noggin, Thursday 1August, Old Eds


Cars in the Park (POMC), Sunday 4th August, Pretoria.


Combined Northern/Johannesburg Drakensberg Weekend at (The Nest Hotel) 16 to 18 August, Glen Parker 083 633 7575 - Pta. Gary Chapman 082 653 1888 Must Book SOON!

Northern Centre

Tour Section, contact Mike O’Keeffe 083 449 5220

22 22

Clive Winterstein 083 796 0000

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