Thumbs Up April 2018

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MGCC Jhb Centre Subs payments for FY2018 Surname Barrow Bezer Boshoff Brett Brink Brown Bull Burke Burton Buttress Carstens Cass Clarke Colling Colverd Combes Cooke Couling Cuninghame De Castro De Castro De Groot Dewar Dixon Dixon Dixon Dutilleux Edmonds Erasmus Everson Ewing Faul Fincham Furness Gilchrist Greig Hain Haines Herman Holt Hutchinson Johnstone Jones Kelly nee Croft Kirkland Kirkland Knowles Langsford Langsford Legg Leppan Loader MacIldowie MacKenzie Martins Maybank McLeod Meiring Moggridge Mourao Norton O'Hara Parker Parker Parrott Pearce Phillips Picas Price Reid

Number Christian 2,185 Brian (Ann) 3 Ruth Stewart 2,115 Koos 1,680 Michael (Louie) 1,867 Abraham John (Abie) 1,869 Graham E. (Sandra) 274 Roger Peter 2,214 Jonathan Patrick W G Dr. 4 Keith 1,487 John Garry (Joanne) 1,816 Mark Jonathan 1,473 Ian Devereaux (Daphne) 2,133 Robin (Liesel) 2,222 Braden 780 Chris 2,051 Peter D 2,201 Tim 1,750 Alex (Maureen) 225 Stewart (Thelma) 1,629 Anita (Joe) 2,006 Carlo 2,045 Rudi (Anneke) 1,043 Alex 140 Bruce (Carol) 2,158 Gary (Kim) 2,142 Michael (Shelly) 2,221 Len Dtr(Claudette) 2,171 Peter 1,978 Hendrik(Hentie)BrinkD(Jeanne) 1,714 Randall 5 Norman Macdougall (Pat) 2,180 Peter (Paul Spencer) 2,203 Dav(e)id Cecil(Sanet deWitt) 2,190 Peter (Georgina) unknownFred 1,079 Daphne 970 Stuart Douglas (Margaret) 2,205 Howard 1,551 Rod K (Sharon) 459 Dave A (Heather) 1,646 Leonard (Kalipso) 2,225 Dean 2,041 Roy (Janet) 2,075 Wendy (Thomas William) 2,061 Ray(mond) dgter(Joanne) 990 Tom E. (Hyla) 1,519 Gavin (Neville - father) 2,135 Derek 2,223 Wally 2,141 Edward (Patti) 2,159 Ray(mond) J (Melanie) 1,896 Kevin (Jenny) 2,082 Peter M (Cherry) 143 John 104 Esra 85 Anthony (Tony ) Roy 2,122 Les (Marleen) 27 John 380 James Eric 2,224 Sergio (Ligia) 357 Rodney HG (Jocelyn) 2,069 Alan 2,110 Glen Leslie (Hilde) 2,109 Steve(n) Glen (Hayley) 923 Nick 77 Roger (Lorraine) 2,186 Glyn 63 Costa (Petro Stone) 1,511 Peter William 928 Graeme

Reid Richards Roediger Saffer Schiering Schimmelpenning Schweizer Singh Singh Singh Smyth Standing Steyn Stonefield Sutcliffe Thulsie Townshend Tollope Uys Van Hell Vercellotti Watson Watt Wear Westwood White Winterstein Woodall Woodhams Total 98

928 474 1,434 2,204 359 1,022 269 2,095 2,146 2,094 2,048 766 1,220 1,841 1,925 2,189 634 703 613 71 2,170 130 276 1,799 2,031 2 1,895 1,542 637

Graeme Brian Albert Paul Karl 'Eric' Doron Daryl George Henk Rolf Peter (Judith) Bhagved Jaswant(Ash)(Mahandhree) Sudev Clifford John (Wendy) Gavin Francis (Patricia) Peter Brett (Nicole) Patrick John (Joanne) Rajesh Nigel J Michael Sonja J Pierre (Amanda) Greg(ory) Nello (Les) Keith (Noel) Mike Campbell RichardCharlesHenry(Eleanor) Violet (Vi) (son Kevin) Graham Clive (Tania Borges) Gary W Brian


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