Hole Notes July 2018

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The Jewel: MGCSA 2018 Championship

Hole Notes The Official Publication of the MGCSA

Vol. 53, No. 6 July 2018

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Thank You 2018 Annual MGCSA Sponsors

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Articles of Special Interest Cohrs Brothers Inducted into MN HOF pages 20-21 DSA and MN HOF Revisions pages 22-23 GLSTS MGCSA and PBI Scholarship pages 36-37

Mark Your Calendars: August 9, UMN Field Day, TROE Center Host Dr. Brian Horgan, Dr. Eric Watkins and Sam Bauer August 20, The Championship at The Jewel Host Doug Mahal October 1, The Wee One at Brackett’s Crossing CC Host Tom Proschek October 12, The Scramble at Medina Golf & Country Club Host Erin McManus

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POGO Page 4

Hole Notes Magazine Vol. 53, No. 6, July, 2018 Feature Articles: thick-skinned: Doug Soldat, UW Madison pages By Matt Cavanaugh, Assistant Superintendent Rush Creek GC Work /Life Balance, An Interview pages By Kevin Kruse, CEO, LEADx.org The Smith-Kerns Dollar Spot Prediction Model pages By Dr. Paul Koch, UW Madison Legacy Scholarships Announced pages By MGA and Historical Archives Wee Tournament, Mark Your Calendar pages By Luke Cella, Executive Director Wee One Foundation Monthly Columns: Presidential Perspective pages 6 - 8 By Brandon Schindele

In Bounds

By Jack MacKenzie, CGCS

pages 52 - 54

On The Cover: One of many beautiful shot opportunities at The Jewel, home of the 2018 Championship. Superintendent Doug Mahal CGCS is planning to have the course in tournament condition August 20th. Join your peers for fun and competition.

10 - 11 26 - 30 32 - 35 38 - 45 46 - 49

EDITORIAL COMMITTEE JAMIE BEZANSON JAMIE_HONDA@YAHOO.COM JESSE TRCKA JATRCKA@WAYZATACC.COM LIZA CHMIELEWSKI LIZA@GERTENS.COM Hole Notes (ISSN 108-27994) is digitally published monthly except bimonthly in November/December and January/ February by the Minnesota Golf Course Superintendents’ Association, 10050 204th Street North, Forest Lake, MN 55025. Jack MacKenzie CGCS publisher. Please send any address changes, articles for publication, advertising and concerns to jack@mgcsa.org. Page 5

Presidential Perspective by Brandon Schindele, Superintendent Edina Country Club

We are in the middle of the “dog days of summer”. Now that I say it, I kind of find that to be an interesting phrase. Many of us have dogs and we all talk about what a great life a golf course dog has so why does the “dog days of summer” at times seem to have a negative connotation? I think at least from the Superintendent, Assistants and all golf course staff members we all get a little tired of heat and humidity just like our turf does. So how do you go about “venting” to keep your sanity and to keep your staff members fresh? I think one way to change this is to look at it from a different perspective, perhaps embracing summer and everything that it has to offer in the state of Minnesota. Are you finding ways to spend time with your family and do some activities that they want to

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do when they get those precious moments when you are not at the golf course? Now you can’t do it every night but picking one or two nights a week to be outdoors with the kids and your significant other to go for a walk or get ice cream can make a world of difference to your biggest support system and really it doesn’t take a lot of effort. Take care of them and they will take care of you. We will all be complaining about the cold and wind chill factor in no time, so soak up the summer!! The world of the MGCSA has plenty to offer in the summer but it gets very easy to wrap yourself up in the day to day grind of your own facility and world. A couple of events are coming up and it would be great to see some more faces at these events. The MTGF/UMN Field Day is quickly approaching on Thursday, August 9th. This event occurs every other year and

is a presentation of all the good strokes in the Championship work the University of Minnesota Division. Sign up, tee it up, and Turf and Nursery programs are let’s see how you fare against the doing in the research arena. It rest of the MGCSA. is also a presentation of where a One of the items that has come significant portion of your MGCSA up since the last issue of Hole dues and support go to. Please Notes was published, and some attempt to send one staff member of you might be aware of this, from your facility to the field day. that Sam Bauer moved on from Superintendents, the University The MGCSA wishes Sam Bauer the consider sending of Minnesota very best in his new opportunities your #1 as it is effective July supporting the Turf Industry. great opportunity 13th. Sam for your assistant to increase is choosing to explore other their knowledge, and to network. opportunities in the turfgrass Hey assistants, if you don’t ask world and I will let him expand to attend then answer will most upon those opportunities with certainly be, “no”. his own words. Sam will still be around the MGCSA and involved The MGCSA Championship is with the turfgrass industry. He coming up on Monday, August 20th will be missed at the University of at the Jewel Golf Club, hosted by Minnesota and my hope is that a Doug Mahal, CGCS. For the serious replacement is found that can at or not so-serious golfer I am sure least come close to filling the role it will be great day and Doug will that he provided to the University have the course in fantastic shape. and to the MGCSA. It will not be an There are multiple divisions, so easy task to find that person and, you should not have to worry as more information is available about taking down 2017 Champion to share about that search and Norma O’Leary, without getting the eventual replacement, it will

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be done through the various communication methods of the MGCSA. Lastly, the Awards and Arrangements Committee, with some input from the Board of Directors, has re-vamped the Distinguished Service Award and how that relates to Minnesota Golf Hall of Fame nomination process that is done from this segment of the golf industry. Moving ahead, the DSA award winner can still be nominated from any member of the MGCSA. There is a list of criteria and points associated with the criteria. Winners will be chosen based on these criteria and how the points are accumulated and conducted by the Awards Committee and the Board of Directors. The information is on the MGCSA website as it relates to the criteria and points associated with each criterion. Any nomination in the future for the MN Golf HOF will need to be a DSA winner from

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the MGCSA if that nomination is to come from the MGCSA. The process is spelled out on the website in the same section. Please take a moment before the November 15th nomination deadline and think of some of the individuals and/or mentors that have been mainstays in the MGCSA and consider nominating them for the MGCSA DSA. By nature, we are a group of professionals that do not seek out fame or applause but we all know that we do deserve it, and what better way to start receiving that recognition than by receiving it from your peer group of professionals. There are some very worthy individuals out there that deserve this award and we need to get back on track with recognizing this award on an annual basis. Enjoy the rest of the “dog days of summer� because the summer days go by way too quickly. So I am off to the pool with the kids and some neighborhood friends, as the weather is perfect outside!!

Take on 2017 Champion Norma O’Leary CGCS at The Jewel, on August 20th

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doug soldat uw-madison

interviewed by matt cavanaugh

adjective insensitive to criticism or insults. “you have to be thick-skinned to work in the turf industry” synonyms: insensitive, unfeeling, tough, hardened, callous.

One of the first items to pop up when using the Google are reviews. For some reason today I looked up Twizzlers Black Licorice and even that had reviews. It had 4.3 out of 5 stars with one individual saying, “Taste like plastic. I wish I could return them.” Everyone is a critic these days. I’ve actually never provided a review before, but I find it fascinating to read them. Do you believe the really good reviews or the really bad ones? You rarely find the mediocre reviews and, if you do, they should just be a zero out of five stars because no one says “I’ll go there for a mediocre haircut.” I thought it would be fun to look at some reviews of Rush Creek. • “This course was in exceptional condition, better than any course I'd played all summer and certainly on par with University Ridge in Madison, WI. • “Course is over-priced. Course is always in phenomenal shape.” Take that Madison!! What can I say about the second one which is pretty funny. We cost too much, but we are awesome. Sounds like that dude needs a better paying job (I know, I need to be thick-skinned). You often have to take these reviews from Page 10

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amateur critics with a grain of salt on both the positive and the negative side of things, but the fact remains, we don’t know what we don’t know and we may need to be thick-skinned to hear it. The one simple thick-skinned question: Doug, you visit with and have many conversations with golf course superintendents and assistants. Based on the current facts, research and knowledge, what is one thing you see that we as turfgrass managers could change to help improve turfgrass decisions? Doug: “Rely less on soil testing for developing your fertilizer plan. Soil science is complicated, and chemical soil testing has been used to try to simplify things for a long time. People love the practice of submitting a sample and getting a recommendation. It seems so scientific, so analytical. But over the past two decades that I've been studying soil testing in turf, I've found that soil testing almost always recommends more nutrients than are required. Obviously managers know how to grow grass without soil testing, because they do it all the time with nitrogen, which has no reliable soil test at all. I think it is a good idea to test your soil to look for changes in organic matter or pH over time, and even to keep an eye on P and K levels. But just because your soil test says the soil is low or deficient in something doesn't mean it truly is. Focus on nitrogen management and don't worry about balancing other nutrients in the soil. If your soil has 20 ppm K (normally considered critically low) and your turf is healthy, then you know that 20 Page 12

ppm K is enough for your site. Keep your soil around 20 ppm and you'll be fine regardless of what your soil test report says. (20 ppm is just an example - not a hard number).” thick-skinned: Why do you think current soil testing recommends more nutrients than are required? Is the process wrong? Doug: “The process is fine, it is just very conservative. When we did a study to figure out that the critical level for a A4 bentgrass on a particular sand was 7 ppm Mehlich 3, we didn't change the University of Wisconsin recommendation to 7 ppm, we made it 25 ppm. That's because these recommendations are specific to the grass species, rooting characteristics, and soil type. Seven ppm might be the right number for a different area, or it may be 5 ppm, or 15 ppm. So to be safe, we build in a big safety buffer. So overestimating soil nutrient requirements is a feature of even the most data-driven recommendations.” thick-skinned: Based on "don't worry about balancing other nutrients in the soil", have you ever seen a boron, copper, molybdenum, manganese, iron or zinc deficiency in turf or more specifically on a sand based green? Doug: “I have never seen a boron, copper, molybdenum, or zinc deficiency in the field. I have seen one manganese deficiency, and iron deficiency a few times.”

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thick-skinned: Should individuals then spend the money on products that are solely focusing on micronutrients? Doug: “Probably not. I definitely wouldn't trust a soil test to guide those applications. If you think the data for P and K recommendations are bad, wait till you see the lack of data for micronutrient levels. That said, I don't have a problem with occasional "insurance applications" of micronutrient packages to high value areas. I have a feeling more jobs have been lost from killing greens with copper than have been saved by correcting a copper deficiency. Copper and boron are toxic even in small doses.” thick-skinned: I love toxic products for my greens. Here is a little information I found in a publication, “Copper (Cu) can be toxic to creeping bentgrass (Agrostis palustris 'Penncross') grown in sand-based systems.” Hmm, sign me up! Personally, I don’t see much of a need for using a “micros package” (pictured) on a continual basis for a greens program and certainly not on a fairway program. Yes, they are not that expensive and some of the micronutrients are useful for specific disease management Page 15

(manganese and take all patch) and abiotic issues (moss), but I’m not a fan of doing a management practice just to make me feel better. One publication stated, “Copper deficiency is not likely to be a problem for turf managers. However, fine turf maintenance is an intensive demanding operation where success depends on covering all the bases. Micronutrient sufficiency is one of those bases that the turf manager might well want to touch.” I disagree with this type of thinking and to me is not a “base” I’m just going to spend money on. Considering what copper is doing in my turf is not very high on my priority list (it’s slightly below changing my truck’s cabin filter). thick-skinned: On a similar note, is it worth the effort to tissue test on a regular basis? Doug: “The University of Wisconsin soil testing lab says, "Confirm with tissue test" whenever the soil test says a micronutrient is low in the soil. Tissue testing has its flaws, and I don't think you should be using tissue testing to guide your fertilization. However, if you have a soil test that says you are low in something, and your tissue tests come back in the normal range, then you know that your soil test is just giving you a conservative recommendation.” Page 16

“A couple of years ago I worked with a golf course that had a phosphorus deficiency show up on a tee a few weeks before a PGA Tour event. The grass was slowly turning purple, it was not localized dry spot. They applied some phosphorus fertilizer and the grass turned green in time for the tourney. Nutrient deficiencies are super easy to correct. People worry way too much about them for how rare and inconsequential they are. Now that PGA Tour course has their own Mehlich 3 critical point that they can use as a guide for future soil test interpretations. They don't have to chase numbers from a lab anymore, they know the level when their grass turns purple and they can follow that number. “ thick-skinned: A friend called me up a few years ago with an issue on their nursery green. It was a similar description like you describe above with the bentgrass slowly turning purple and it certainly was not a water issue. So we took a soil sample

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and the results provided the lowest phosphorous level I had ever seen, one. It was actually one ppm, which is actually pretty funny. The turf seemed to be growing fine, it was just purple. After a phosphorus fertilizer was applied the purple disappeared, but the new soil test results did not change dramatically which tells me that their “critical point� was and is very low. thick-skinned: I think there is certainly a trend in our industry of using less fertility on our surfaces and using different sources (less granular and more sprayable products on shorter intervals). Case in point, in 2017, I applied less fertilizer on my bentgrass fairways than I ever have (1.35 lbs. of N/M and no other nutrients) and did this all with the sprayer (no granular). It's not a badge of honor for me, but the program became more consistent, resulted in less fertilizer and provided a better product. I know there is a lot that goes into that decision, but do you see this trend of using less total fertilizer and less granular products continuing in our industry? Doug: “I think there is definitely a trend toward using more liquid applications. I think this will only continue as GPS sprayers begin to transform this industry. While the upfront cost is high you're able to spray faster, more accurately, use less product, and in the case of fertilizers - use less expensive materials. In terms of a trend toward using less nitrogen, I think that may happen naturally when you switch to a spoon feeding schedule. With a granular app, you are trying to predict future needs and so we error on the safe side. With spoon feeding you are Page 18

reacting to what you see. If the turf doesn't look like it needs N, then you'll leave it out of the tank.” “The trend I'm most excited about is measuring clipping yield to guide fertilization. We are still early in understanding how to make sense of yield data, but I think that clipping yield will become a key factor in guiding fertilization and PGR decisions”. thick-skinned: Most reviews are provided from an outside source constructive or not. However, I can say with great certainty that most of you reading this article are your own best critic, I know I am. A review of your operation is a good thing. How would you rate yourself on your fertility management practices? A colleague in our industry said to me “I manage turf 180 degrees opposite from what I was taught in school.” I had not really thought about that, but it’s right on the money for me. There have been many new revelations/changes in this industry over the past five years and it helps to critique, review and rate what you are doing and what you can do better.

Doug Soldat is a Professor in the Department of Soil Science at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Doug can be reached at djsoldat@wisc.edu or @djsoldat on Twitter. If you can't reach Doug he can be found hauling in some massive crappie.

Matt Cavanaugh is an Assistant Superintendent at Rush Creek Golf Club in Maple Grove, MN.

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Minnesota Golf Hall of Fame Announces 2018 Inductees The Minnesota Golf Hall of Fame has announced the 2018 Class of Hall of Fame inductees: Kelly (Varty) Burley, of Elk River, Minn., and, posthumously, Harold Bend, Art and Herb Cohrs, and Howie Johnson. Members of the group will be inducted into the Minnesota Golf Hall of Fame at various allied golf association events throughout the year. The MGA-PGA Minnesota Hall of Fame was established in 1987 to recognize Minnesotans for their outstanding contributions to the game of golf. A selection committee meets annually to review nominations and select inductees. Representing the turfgrass managers, Art and Herb Cohrs Brothers Art and Herb Cohrs epitomized innovation and invention, uncommon yet indispensable attributes during the formative years of professional golf course maintenance. In 1937 the Cohrs built the first eight-tined greens aerification machine and christened it the “Greensaire.” Art, a machinist with the Minneapolis Moline company, would eventually obtain a patent for the machine, form a new company and market the aerification machine as the “Greens Air Special.” In 1960 he created the “Meter-Magic,” a topdressing machine; both the aerification and topdressing machines would be used by the industry for Herb, left and Art, center, Cohrs decades. Herb would serve as golf course superintendent for the Minneapolis Golf Club for 25 years, where brother Art would spend his retirement years cutting fairways. Page 20

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Distinguished Service Award and MN Golf Hall of Fame Revision In an effort to make the Distinguished Service Award meaningful to the recipient and the Association, the 2018 Awards Committee has created the following set of guidelines. Any member can be nominated, but greatest consideration will be given to those who have distinguished themselves supporting the Minnesota Golf Course Superintendents Association. Date for submission is November 15th. The required point total necessary to be considered for the MGCSA Distinguished Service Award can

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be a combination of any of the following. The minimum number of points necessary for the DSA Award is 25. The Minnesota Golf Hall of Fame nominee must have previously attained the MGCSA DSA Award and fulfilled an additional 15 points beyond those previously acquired. DSA recipients prior to the establishment of the new criteria will require 15 additional points in any category based on Committee suggestion. The Board of Directors and Awards Committee will be responsible for final decisions.

• Terms on the MGCSA BOD = 2 points per term, including officer position, 4 maximum • Officer Position = 1 point per office elected • Audubon Certification and re-certification = 2 points, 4 maximum • ESI Award = 2 points maximum • Support of the University of MN research plots = 2 points, 4 maximum • Support of the GCSAA committee members = 2 points, 4 maximum • GCSAA, MTGF and Allied Association BOD or committee role = 1 point per year, 3 maximum • MGCSA Membership =1 point per decade • Certification 2 points then= 1 per renewal, 5 maximum • MGCSA event participation = 2 maximum • Civic Community Service points =1 point for each position 3 maximum • Mentor potential= 1 point per professional through superintendent class, 3 maximum • Any MGCSA, GCSAA or industry Presentations =1 per presentation, 4 maximum • Any MGCSA, GCSAA or industry articles written =1 per article, 3 maximum • Completion of any MGCSA Environmental Initiative Packet = 3 points per packet • Contribution to golf that can’t be anticipated = 5 points maximum • *** The Committee can assign any number of points to those individuals who do not have access to this point system due to placement in our industry. For example, educators and affiliate members. Please provide your nomination to the Awards Committee through jack@ mgcsa.org. Include a list of nominee accomplishments and statement of recommendation. The award will be presented at the Annual Meeting during the Service Award presentation. Page 23

The Championship at The Jewel It won’t be the same without you!

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The Championship The Jewel Lake City, Minnesota Host Doug Mahal August 20, 2018 FIELD LIMITED TO 120 PLAYERS Golf, cart, prizes, lunch and dinner: $110 ENTRY FEE INCLUDES: LUNCH, GOLF, CART, RECEPTION AND AWARDS

10:30 am 11:00 am 12:00 noon 5:00

Schedule of events: Registration, warm up Bag Lunch Shotgun Event Reception/ BBQ Dinner

Dress Code for Golf & Post Meal: Must wear collared shirts, slacks or Bermuda length shorts. No denim. Golf & reception: $110 Casual attire acceptable at reception. ______Championship Flight - Gross Event ______2nd Flight - Handicap 20-26 ______1st Flight - Handicap 9-19 ______Senior Flight - Age 50+ (Net event) ** flights may be modified based on participation CHECK APPROPRIATE FLIGHT Name: __________________________________Handicap: ______ Golf Course / Company: __________________________________

Deadline: August 14, 2018 ******If insufficient participants are in any one flight, the individuals will be grouped by the pro-shop. Register on line at mgcsa.org

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What This Successful Entrepreneur Learned the Hard Way About Work/ Life Balance By Kevin Kruse, Founder and CEO Kruse Group

How do you avoid burnout? For many entrepreneurs, work/life balance feels like a myth. We hear about founders and business owners working 14 hours a day, or 100 hours a week. But a major lesson, one that so many learn the hard way, is that it’s difficult to continue growing a business if you aren’t growing personally. And that growth takes time. That’s one of the lessons successful entrepreneur Rhett Power has learned over the years. Rhett is the author of The Entrepreneurs Book of Actions, and co-founder of Wild Creations, an award winning startup toy company. Prior to founding Wild Creations, he worked as an economic and small business development consultant for USAID. I recently interviewed Rhett to get his philosophy on leadership and time management. (The transcript below has been edited lightly for space and clarity.) Kevin Kruse: You say, “Break, brake, breathe to avoid burnout.” What do you mean? Rhett Power: I think if you don’t take a break, it will break you. You get so wound up, and so stressed. I remember this instance where my business partner and I were sitting at the back of our warehouse one day and we were just completely broken. I think the only reason we both didn’t break down and sort of crawl into a corner and have a complete meltdown, is we were both standing there to see who the first one to sort of fold was going to be. Page 26

You’ve got to still do some things that you love, you’ve got to still spend some time with your kids, you still have to spend some time with your buddies. You have to take that time and take those breaks. I had to learn to pull myself away, and go back to doing some of the things I love, some of my hobbies. If you don’t, you get so absorbed. I was guilty of this. I love working; I enjoy what I do. I know for me, I’m terrible at time management. It’s one of my huge weaknesses, and I have to really stay focused on it. Which means for me is, I’ll work a 14-hour day because I didn’t manage my time right, or I didn’t say “No” to somebody I should have said “No” to. I have to have a friend that pulls me out. I learned that after a few years of working 80, 90, 100 hours a week, that you have to have a friend that can help you kind of take a break, take a weekend off. If you don’t, you’re going to burn out.

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Kruse: What are your tips to be a great leader? Power: I think everybody’s got to find their own style, but you have to analyze great leaders. I think being transparent, being consistent, being honest, being encouraging, and being an example are all things that are the hallmarks of good leaders, and great leaders. Kruse: People are photo, Research Methodology always asking, “I’m struggling with procrastination, how do I cure it?” What’s your advice? Power: Well here’s the thing, I’ve never been diagnosed but I think I have ADD. Everybody on my team will tell you, I have the attention span of a gnat. I get very easily distracted, and this goes to procrastination. I have to make lists first and foremost. I have to manage my day like this. I have to take the time to focus on the things that I don’t like to do. Those Page 28

S C G S N G I T N TI AS S H A OE A H C L A S O L CE EO EO S K C O A S L E O LE K E T E L A R K T L A U R E L T H TUJohn Deere D Headquarters TL Minnesota’s LE Golf R N A D T U L O R N T O U O M H SCE M ND ICO CH DT I H R O N R C I M O R W E W A H ELAK E L W N N E E CHM EW RIC T L T N N E T L OSE- TUR U UN T NT O N O R U M T U O M E T R D NON ICHM N E S MOU LS ROSEM ALLS ROS FALLSHRMOONDON FAILCLHSMON N EW R A C L R S C F I N AN EWHASTINOGUNTHNAST- MOU ON FA CANNON S CANNNOENW IRNGS CN N T E M A A S U S E T L L G O O G S S O O N R I A N O M E E 651-437-7747 I C FALLS AKE FAL SPoint A HROSE KE OSFCALLS RK12040 AST AST O L H O E A E South N L C E LDrive A ON LE LA NNONURDouglas O O L S L E T N O E C N L E S AMOND TING T GSMNC55033 RT CANND TURTGS CAONDHastings, AK EO U L T E L D H N T N N ASTIN ICHM ASTIW RIC LA HAESW R O O U T M M ND ICH ICH LA HNEW REOLA NHT NE OSCEOOUNT N LAK R R W W NE NE NTKE OSSCEMOU LAKREOSEM TURRTOLSEET U T N O N U U O O EM LALLS RO URTLAELLS ONFDALLS S M NND O E R O S F S T O A M M O L N F N R HNO NN N IACN ICCH A R R ALLS NNON FAL CANNON MSOCNADNNONEW S W C EING OUSNTTS NT N G G S T A T N N I G S I C N T A T A N S I S U U S H M H T A A O O E S A A NG H H S A L L M M S A O A H O E O L L L R E E S L A O O C C S L O A E S E S E L F R O C C N AK OS FALLLASKE O ONLFAAKLE O NTNLO OS L E E E OSCE www.frontieragturf.com K K A A C E E A L R L N L L S C D U E T T E N G T L S N L R R A T N T G O U YOUR T TMI SFRONTIER IONND S DCTU HCAHSM T G H TUR OND TUR MONDEXPLORE A C N N I H I O R L LWA ARI H HM EO O O E M L C C E E I T I N H W C R C R N C T E I S R toughTemails, W thoseTtough Wphone calls. ONS right up STCIfNI don’tEAdo OOUin U E E E E O O M N N N K K E those front U A M S E L N O N L L O S U U E T E R M O L O L O R E S R T T S L U M the morning, S my time O I try toFTAdo T LRwith U A Rwhat U SEMand that’s isLR actually O schedule L D F T S O N L N R D L O S N not saying N NI’m FA This isAN M M O Omy LL tough N N H H N N M A C C FAthe I O I stuff first. just personality. this works H C R R C RGIS SC AN N EW EtoWthe OU G I C T N N N S I S T G T T A for everybody, but I have to schedule the tough stuff first, then get S N N N I U U AH HA O L O EM A S O L M M E O E O C R S E S stuff later in the day that I like. LS F RO EO L OSC S N K A L F A O L L FA NN ON LE A T N C R N U S A T N C those tough TING I’ve disciplined myself over time to do that.GToS get things out ASTI COLUMBUS



H IN AS A H L A O L E a CThat’s of the way first in the morning. It is essentialSC that EOyou do those. S O E O AK in your busibusiness killer. Procrastination can really, really T put aLdent E L TUR ness. Kruse: What’s something new and specific that you want our readers to take away from this, that they could go and try at work today? Power: One of the things that I have learned over years in business is that you can’t do it alone.

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Go out and make a list of a few people who would be a good mentor. By the way, you can have more than one. You can make a list of people in different areas that might be helpful to you, and reach out to them. Ask them you’ll take them to coffee, and ask them if they would sit down with you once a month or so, and be willing to help you along your journey. I think most people will be flattered to do it in most cases. I think it’s really essential. The author, Kevin Kruse, is also a New York Times, Wall Street Journal and USA Today bestselling author of several books and is also a contributor to Forbes and Huffington Post. As a keynote speaker and executive coach Kevin has taught leadership and the Master Your Minutes system to Fortune 500 executive teams, non-profit leaders, and even to generals in the US Marine Corps. The MGCSA wishes to thank Kevin for his contribution to the Hole Notes magazine

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The Smith-Kerns Dollar Spot Model Is It In Your Disease Prevention Tool Box?

By Dr. Paul Koch, UW Madison Department of Plant Pathology and the UW Turf Diagnostic Lab The Smith-Kerns Dollar Spot Prediction Model is a logistic-based model that uses a 5-day moving average of daily relative humidity and daily average air temperature to create a probability that dollar spot will occur on a given day. The model was created by Dr. Damon Smith and Dr. Jim Kerns and has been validated through years of additional field research conducted primarily in Wisconsin but also in Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Mississippi, Tennessee, Connecticut, and New Jersey. The model can be used by golf course superintendents to more accurately time control measures to suppress dollar spot. What is the Smith-Kerns Dollar Spot Model? The peer-reviewed paper detailing the model development and validation has been published in PLOS One and can be accessed here: http:// journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0194216 In brief, the model uses logistic regression to determine the probability that a particular event will happen. In our case, that event is the appearance of dollar spot. The first step in this model is to use 5-day moving averages of average daily relative humidity and average daily air temperatures in Celsius to create a logit (Âľ) as follows: Logit (Îź) = -11.4041 + (0.0894 X MEANRH) + (0.1932 X MEANAT) Page 32

The logit (µ) is then inserted into the following equation to give the probability: Probability of a dollar spot epidemic = elogit (μ)/(1 + elogit (μ)) X 100 Note that the ‘e’ in the above equation is referred to as ‘Euler’s Number’ and is approximately equal to 2.718. Also note that since dollar spot is not active at temperatures below 10°C or above 35°C the model should be considered inactive when 5-day average temperatures are above or below those numbers. In rare cases, the model may indicate dollar spot activity is likely below 10°C or above 35°C when relative humidity is very high, but this should be ignored. How does the model work? One unique feature of this model is that it does not tell users when to spray, it simply gives them a probability of dollar spot occurring. So the first thing users will need to do is establish a spray threshold unique to their course. Work done at Wisconsin on ‘Penncross’ creeping bentgrass determined that a probability of 20% provided effective disease suppression, so that is a reasonable starting point. However, depending on the type of grass you have, the cultural practices you employ, Page 33

and the environmental conditions at your facility you might have to use a higher or lower threshold. Once the spray threshold has been determined, a fungicide reapplication interval needs to be assigned for each application. During this reapplication interval you should theoretically be protected from dollar spot, no matter how high the probability is, and the model can mostly be ignored. Once the reapplication interval is reached, the model threshold can again be used to determine the next application. For example, in the figure below, note that the first time the model probability goes above our spray threshold is on May 21st, which is when we apply Emerald at 0.18 oz. We expect to get 28 days of control out of this application, so we essentially ignore the model output for 28 days. However, on day 29 the model probability is below the threshold, so we wait to spray again until the threshold is reached the following week on June 27th. This process is repeated throughout the growing season.

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How can you use the model? A self-calculating excel file can be used to calculate dollar spot probability by simply importing daily average relative humidity and daily average temperature for your location. • Manually downloading the weather data into the excel files can be cumbersome. Jason Haines, a golf course superintendent in British Columbia, has developed a series of files that will automatically download your local weather data into the above files and automatically calculate your dollar spot probability. For more information on these files please visit his site: http://www.turfhacker.com/p/jasons-productivity-file.html In addition, you can access the Smith-Kerns Dollar Spot model through the following groups: • GDDTracker: gddtracker.net • Greenkeeper App: greenkeeperapp.com Funding Acknowledgement We would also like to acknowledge the United States Golf Association, the Wisconsin Turfgrass Association, and the Oklahoma Turfgrass Research Foundation for providing funding for this project. Thank you Dr. Koch for your continued support of the MGCSA.

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New Educational Support Available: The Great Lakes School of Turfgrass Science Online Scholarship Program Provided by:

And Funded by:

General: In order to enhance the educational opportunities of our existing membership/staff and promote the Golf Course Management Industry, the MGCSA is offering a new Reimbursement Program for the Great Lakes School of Turfgrass Science Online. (4) Reimburse coupons will be offered annually to approved applicants who complete the Online program and submit their Certificate of Completion. Applications will be reviewed by the Scholarship Committee. All decisions of the committee will be final. Page 36

Applicants will be notified by December 15th prior to the School’s Registration deadline. Applicants will still need to register/pay for the Online School as if they were attending on their own. The Reimbursement check of $495 will be issued to the individual or company paying the initial Class Fee following the completion of the course. Four scholarships are available for the 2019 class. Eligibility: 1. Applicants must either be a MGCSA member or sponsored by a MGCSA member to apply. 2. Completion of the program and providing Certificate of Completion is necessary for reimbursement. Criteria for Selection: 1. (4) Applicants shall be selected based on employment history, recommendations and personal statement essay. 2. Financial need is not a factor in the selection 3. Any Scholarship Committee member with a conflict of interest must remove him/herself from the process. (family member or current employee applying) How To Apply: Applicants must complete the application form and supply the following under one cover: 1. Personal Statement Essay 2. All applications must be post marked by Dec. 15th of the year submitted. 3. Send applications or email to: MGCSA 10050 204th Street North Forest Lake, MN 55025 jack@mgcsa.org Page 37

2018 MGCSA Leg

Kaija Eckholm Parents: Paul and Renee Eckholm Paul is a retired member of the MGCSA

Kaija (KI-ya) Eckholm, of Savage, Minnesota, graduated with honors from Burnsville High School. Having now completed her second year at the University of Minnesota she has settled into a college routine. Science and mathematics courses are much harder when your fellow students are engineering and science majors. Even with this challenge she was able to make the Dean’s List during her second semester. Kaija has a passion for soccer and has been an active participant since a very young age. She has played on state championship club teams at the Premier level and played varsity soccer while in high school. In addition to her playing skills, Kaija has coached youth soccer for the Burnsville Athletic Club. Kaija continues to teach soccer at Left Foot Coaching Academy in Minneapolis. While she would love to play D-1 soccer, she had to settle with being a strong player in the intramural program that advanced to the national championship in Arizona this year.

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Kaija was challenged this school year with two concussions that se-

gacy Scholarship Award Recipients

verely affected her studies. The first was caused by a soccer ball to the head during a UMN tournament which caused severe cognitive difficulties during the fall semester for a full eight weeks. Then, in early spring, she was involved in a traffic accident while a passenger returning from a soccer tournament in Iowa during a snow storm. Thankfully the UMN being a D-1 school, with strong athletic programs, has a program specifically set up to help kids with brain injuries during school. Kaija has spent many hours volunteering working on activities benefiting children. She taught Sunday school, was a team leader for a church summer program for children and teens and participated in multiple Feed My Starving Children opportunities as well as other child focused events. She is currently volunteering at the Courage Kenny location in Burnsville, helping physically challenged persons. Kaija is pursuing an undergraduate degree in Kinesiology at the University of Minnesota - Twin Cities and is working towards a PhD in pediatric physical therapy after achieving her undergraduate degree.

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2018 MGCSA Leg Isaiah Anderson Parents Jonathan and Amanda Anderson Jonathan is the Assistant Superintendent at Saint Cloud Country Club

Isaiah Anderson, of Saint Cloud, Minnesota, graduated with honors from Cathedral High School. He is now entering his first year of college at Concordia College, in Moorhead, where he will look to pursue a degree in biology. He has always been involved with school activities, as he participated in National Honors Society, Optimist Club, and was a captain on the boys’ basketball team. Isaiah was part of the football and basketball team all four years of high school. He also participated in a spring sport (golf or track) and was a three-sport athlete all four years of high school. Isaiah will now be playing for the Concordia football team. Isaiah has spent a lot of his time volunteering and helping those in need. He went on two, week long, mission trips for his church, Bethlehem Lutheran Church, in St. Cloud. Isaiah and a large group of his friends went to Detroit and Belize, helping to raise money, build beds, Page 40

gacy Scholarship Award Recipients provide food, and clean up debris in the run-down neighborhoods. In St. Cloud, Isaiah volunteered to go to the Children’s Home and spend an hour out of every Wednesday hanging out with the kids and being a positive role model. Isaiah is looking to graduate with his undergraduate in Biology and continuing on to pursue Physical Therapy in the future. Thank you MGCSA for this wonderful scholarship.

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2018 Joe Garske L Sara Kelly Grand parent: Mike Kelly Mike is an affiliate member of the MGCSA. His company’s name is Environmental Agronomics.

Sara has been a great student through her years of education at Cold Spring, MN. She has been active in student council, National Honor Society, R Club, the Reach program, and RADD (ROCORI Against Destructive Decisions). This year Sara received both the Three- Sport Athlete Award and the Spartan Award for her tenacity and work efforts in the sports groups. She has been involved in the local performance ice skating group for 10 years. She now coaches figure skating students to pass on her talents. Her high school sports through ROCORI include volleyball, basketball, and golf. This year she was recognized with All-State Academic Awards in all three sports, along with Top Ten Student honors. Sara has been active in the local church activities. She loves working with the small animals, and at one time thought about a career as a veterinarian. Sara will be attending the College of Saint Benedict in St Joseph, MN, majoring in Integrated Health Sciences. She is working part time at the College of Saint Benedict in the sports medical department. She looks forward to her years in the new college environment.

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Legacy Scholarship Award Recipients

We thank Par Aide and the Garske foundation for their generosity in supplying these scholarships.

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2018 Joe Garske L Renewal Recipient Quinn McDonagh Parents: Sean and Patty McDonagh Sean is the Superintendent of Roseville Cedarholm Golf Course Quinn will be entering his second year studying at the University of Minnesota Carlson School of Management this fall. Quinn had a great experience with his first year at college and learned a lot. He earned a spot on the Dean’s list at Carlson and had the privilege of serving on the Carlson school undergraduate student government as the Business Board Freshman Representative. Quinn is spending his summer splitting time working at the University of Minnesota Les Bolstad golf course as a staff member and as a building supervisor for the City of Roseville Parks and Recreation department. Quinn will be serving as the Philanthropy Chair for his fraternity Phi Kappa Psi and looks forward to serving a great cause in the University community. Quinn plans to keep volunteering with the Minnesota Youth in Government program and enjoys his time volunteering with this and other youth development programs in the area. He is continuing on with his planned major of Finance and is excited to learn more about the world of business. Page 44

Legacy Scholarship Award Recipients

Quinn would like to thank the Minnesota Golf Course Superintendents Association and the Garske family for this scholarship.

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Mark Your Calendar: Wee One Tournament Set for October 1st at Brackett’s Crossing Country Club By Luke Cella, Executive Director, Wee One Foundation

In a few short months the annual golf outing at Brackett’s Crossing will take place to benefit the Wee One Foundation. Like most yearly occasions, the event signals the passing of another golf season for golf course superintendents, suppliers and the myriad of people that comprise the golf industry in Minnesota. We certainly hope the season is full of good health and well-being for all as we trek toward October. Unfortunately for some Page 46

there will be trials to come. Some of those trials may begin with a trip to the doctor after one “just doesn’t feel right”. Or an unfortunate accident or mishap where an injury occurs. Whatever the cause of the affliction, the life of the person and their family that surrounds them is impacted. This impact can be all-encompassing as a family tries to figure treatments, doctors, referrals,

scheduling, transportation, insurance, medications, all while trying to manage their jobs, other family members and new trials as their life is in tumult. Most of us know it doesn’t even take that serious of an accident or illness for this turmoil to occur, that is why it is easy for us to realize help is needed when something severe happens. This is the principle the Wee One Foundation was founded upon and continues to this day; we help. As our missions states:

“The Wee One Foundation was developed to assist golf course management professionals (or their dependents) who incur overwhelming expenses due to medical hardship without comprehensive insurance or adequate financial resources.” Events like the fund raiser at Brackett’s Crossing and people like Dale Parske, Tom Proshek, Paul Diegnau CGCS, Darren Redetzke, Jack MacKenzie CGCS, and BCCC owner’s, Peggy & Tom Smith continue to drive the Foundation there. It is Page 47

their organization, leadership, commitment, and generosity, that allows the Wee One to flourish so it can help when incidents occur. To those we help, the Wee One Foundation is the greater community within golf that is able to give some relief, wanting nothing in return. We are kind of like the neighbor that brings a warm dinner over to share, but only on a greater scale. Knowing that others are thinking and caring for you simply helps. The Wee One Foundation is the extended golf family that reassures those suffering that they are not alone. Though we plan for the future, we Page 48

don’t know what will come. There have been more than a few times when the Foundation wasn’t sure how it was going to help when many requests mounted; however, monies came in and gifts went out. The Wee One is a channel for your help to reach those in need. We’re a small resource that makes it easier for you to help. That’s all we are. Our motivation comes from you; that feeling of wanting to give back, the desire to support someone that didn’t ask for trouble, promoting the goodness that surrounds us. The Wee One

Foundation is an extension of the virtues that make up the golf course superintendent profession. Though not in our nature to ask for help, we do for those who won’t. Consider making the Wee One Foundation one of the contributions you make on an annual basis. We have a small membership fee of $75 or a giving program that is getting our endowment off the ground. We understand there are many opportunities for you to give, but know the Wee One Foundation is made up of and helps people just like you. In addition to yearly contributions, the Wee One Foundation conducts events each year. Attend, sponsor or even help at one. Look for companies that support the Wee One through purchasing programs pe-

riodically throughout the year. For instance, Clesen Pro Turf Solutions is giving $5 to the Wee One Foundation for every rotor it sells in their expanded territory this season. It may not seem like much, but it adds up and more importantly, it helps. Most recently the Wee One Foundation made a gift to a golf course superintendent in Minnesota. There is no need to share his name, because the Wee One does not expect anything in return. Our hope is the gift will allow him to focus on his health and wellbeing and he will know the industry he had dedicated his life to cares about him personally. His situation was made known to us by a fellow superintendent a few short weeks ago through our website: weeone. org We hope you will visit it and learn more about the Wee One and Page 49




The TURF & GROUNDS FIELD DAY is back on the St. Paul campus this year as the University of Minnesota once again partners with the Minnesota Turf and Grounds Foundation to produce this popular event at TROE Center and UFore Nursery.

8:00 - 9:00 am / Registration and Networking 9:00 am - 12:00 pm / Turf Track 12:00 - 1:00 pm / Lunch, Vendor Networking & Putting Contest 1:00 - 3:00 pm / Tree and Grounds Track

MAKE PLANS TO JOIN US ON THURS., AUG. 9 for outdoor education presented by University of Minnesota faculty and staff working in turfgrass science, horticulture and forestry. The Field Day will run from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m., with presentation topics ranging from turfgrass species for natural areas to disease management in turf and trees.

EDUCATION POINTS CEU’s for Certified Arborist, Municipal Specialist, BCMA - Science, GCSAA-approved Education Points will be available and announced.



Our research and extension programs at the University of Minnesota are constantly evolving. This spring we had several graduate students defend their thesis projects and new students have entered the program. We have also had several new staff hires, and we are looking forward to showcasing their work.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Please register _____ people at $25 ea. for the Turf Track and Lunch for a total of $ ______________________ Please register _____ people at $25 ea. for Lunch and the Tree and Grounds Trackfor a total of $ ____________________ Please register _____ people at $35 ea. for ALL DAY and Lunch for a total of $ ______________________ Name(s) _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Employer / Company __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ City_______________________________________________________________________ State ______________ Zip ___________________________ Phone __________________________________________________

Email ___________________________________________________________

Check Association(s):  q MGCSA q MPSTMA q MSA q MASMS q MAC q MTA q MTSC q MNLA q STUDENT TOTAL ENCLOSED: $ _______________________

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New Wetting Agent Research Ryan Schwab, Graduate Research Assistant Nutrient and Pesticide Runoff From Home Lawns and Golf Courses Dr. Brian Horgan, Professor Social and Economic Value of Urban Greenspaces Ben Janke, Postdoctoral Associate Fine Fescue Putting Green Research Dominic Petrella, Postdoctoral Research Associate Consumer Mixture Drought Trials Florence Sessoms, Research Scientist

TREE & GROUNDS TRACK UFORE NURSERY What Trees Will We Be Maintaining in 2050? Dr. Gary Johnson, Professor/Extension Professor Emerald Ash Borer Pathology Research Alissa Cotton, Undergraduate Research Assistant Top Five Tree Diseases in 2018 Ben Held, Research Scientist Conservation Arboriculture & Retrenchment Pruning Research Chad Giblin, Research Fellow & Brian Luedtke, Arborist Technician

Using Technology to Enhance Irrigation Efficiency Chase Straw, Post-Doctoral Research Associate & Dan Sandor, Post-Doctoral Research Associate Breeding Sustainable Grasses Dr. Eric Watkins, Professor Protecting and Promoting Pollinators in Lawns James Wolfin, Graduate Research Assistant Reducing Pesticide Use through Natural Weed Suppression Jon Trappe, Post-Doctoral Research Associate

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In Bounds by Jack MacKenzie, CGCS

Happiness, what is it? More than being unhappy, just so-so, or not bad? Is happiness a singular idea or an accumulation of points in an individual’s current time continuum? Is it fleeting or static, a reaction or a choice? Can it be given or taken away? An infection or predisposition? “Never Better”, is a response I have been saying for decades when asked about my present condition. The ensuring retort is often provocative to me as the respondent questions my sincerity, “Huh, never better, well you must have won the lottery. Or the simple, oh really?”, typically with an undertone of dissatisfaction in their own being.

do I get a positive response. Typically it is a ho-hum mundane answer having to do with marginal satisfaction with their job, what they would rather be doing, the weather or curiously what they haven’t got. What is interesting is that I didn’t ask them about their issue of the moment, I asked how they are doing. Too often, it seems to me, people base their well being on tangible objects, jealousy of time or materials or things completely out of their control like… snow.

When I travel, I tend to pursue Alaska Airlines, no, not just because of their incredible two-for-one airfares, but also when I need to call their service associates, they are consistently happy, from the first hello though the whole conversation. I have never felt that they are forcing this attitude; I have always believed that it is an organic ap As an extravert, I will ask oth- proach of being in good spirits. And ers how they are doing. Very rarely I suppose that it helps that I treat

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them as quality individuals and with will build upon itself. Consider this, respect. don’t cheerful people tend to help make your day seem a bit better? “Never Better”, really? You Those of us in the service industry bet, really! Happiness is a choice, have the opportunity to brighten a viable gift that an individual can the moments of individuals we ingive to himself or herself. For me teract with on a regular basis. Conhappiness isn’t a fleeting moment, versely, a boss with a bad-attitude it is a lifestyle that transcends my can quickly infect a crew with negaaging and achy body, it overwhelms tivity, and spoil even the best sunfrustrating moments, conquers the rise. That is of course, if the staff energy sapping perspectives pontifi- chooses to take the bait of a defeatcated by grumpy people. A happy ist’s perspective. attitude can bring me my own personal sunshine on a cloudy day. Happiness is a habit. Living a “Never Better” attitude, through No, I am not living in a shroud thoughts and actions, can become of Pollyanna behavior. I don’t plot habitual. Just as living like Oscar my life course with excessive cheer- the Grouch can be. Happy people fulness, but rather I choose to feel seem to be kinder and more empagood about even the mundane at- thetic of others, so very often buildtributes of day-to-day living and not ing up another positive person’s be dragged down through negative great day. Crabby folks have the energy. By living with an attitude opposite effect and can bring down that my glass is always three-quar- a crowd. ters full, the thirst of dissatisfaction I recall pairing staff memrarely dries my mouth. bers together who emulated each other’s happiness, especially on It has been my life experience marginal jobs, as I knew that althat happiness and a good nature though they were aware the work

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wouldn’t be pleasant, at the end of the day they would still be in good spirits. Perhaps better than that, their productivity expressed their general well being. Subconsciously I am certain that I put the “poopy pants” on tasks that were solitary in nature and who wouldn’t impact the finished product, a great golf course, negatively. Or perhaps even worse than that, cause a domino effect of foggy dissatisfaction amongst the crew. A positive attitude won’t prevent you from being pulled over if you are speeding, but you might drive away with just a warning. A happy outlook won’t make your mother-in law’s shoe-leather roast beef taste better, but the meal may seem to go faster. A cheerful disposition won’t stop the rain but it will sure make for a happier crew when they head out to fix the washed out bunkers. Do I judge people who have poor dispositions and think ill of

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their outlook? Yup, and the interaction alone will cause me to redirect my thoughts and wish them a better day. More importantly, I’ll mean it too. True to point, I actually feel bad for individuals who cannot attain happiness either through a chipped shoulder or mental blindness. With my personal sunny perspective, I can honestly say that I cannot feel their malady and seemingly life long quest for unhappiness. However that doesn’t prevent me from wishing them the best, and hope that someday they can see the light of a positive attitude. Admittedly, I am selfish when it comes to happiness and a positive outlook. “Never Better?” Absolutely because although I’m pretty sure I was happy yesterday and anticipate I will be tomorrow, all I really claim ownership of is this very moment. I like my day sunny-side up, and that works for me.

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