Hole Notes March 2017

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Hole Notes The Official Publication of the MGCSA

Ticks, More Than Just a Nuisance

Vol. 52, No. 2 March 2017

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Thank You Annual MGCSA Sponsors


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April 17 Superintendent In-Reach Education and Golf Olympic Hills Golf Club Host Jake Schmitz April 24 Assistant Superintendent In-Reach Education and Golf Rush Creek Golf Club Host Assistant Matt Cavanaugh May 25 Badgerland Exposure Golf Event Luck Golf Club Host Kevin Clunis CGCS

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Vol. 52, No. 2 March 2017

Feature Articles: Grasses For Wet Sites



by Dr. Mary H. Meyer UMN Extension Horticultural

Political Action Committee Fact Information By GCSAA About Lyme Disease By Lymedisease.org Soil Sampling at Golf Courses for Contamination

by Minnesota Department of Agriculture

by Dr. Bob Milligan

Part-Time Employees Provide Challenges

pages 12 - 21 pages

30 - 33


34 - 47


48 - 50


54 - 56

Monthly Columns: Presidential Perspective pages 6 - 8 By Erin McManus In Bounds pages 10 - 11 By Jack MacKenzie, CGCS Within the Leather pages 62 - 64 By Dave Kazmierczak, CGCS

Cover Shot:

You live outdoors. Can you afford not to know about ticks and their associated diseases? photo by the CDC Affiliate Spotlight: PBI/Gordon Corporation Pages 58 - 61

New Feature Article: On Sight Sam Bauer, UMN Turfgrass Extension Scientist Pages 26 - 28

Picture Spread: Golf Industry Day On The Hill pages 22 - 23 Picture Spread: MTI Supports DOH

page 25

Picture Spread: Central Outreach

page 52

Aaron Johnson achieves CGCS Status. Read more on pages 52 - 53 Hole Notes (ISSN 108-27994) is digitally published monthly except bimonthly in November/December and January/February by the Minnesota Golf Course Superintendents’ Association, 10050 204th Street North, Forest Lake, MN 55025. Jack MacKenzie CGCS publisher. Please send any address changes, articles for publication, Page 5 advertising and concerns to jack@mgcsa.org.

Presidential Perspective by Erin McManus, Superintendent Medina Golf and Country Club


Winter is over and what have you done to get ready for

the end of the change of pace called winter and getting ready for the summer grind. What have I done to get ready for this next golf season?

Golf Course Superintendents and staff spend a lot of hours throughout the summer getting the course ready each and every day. Holidays, weekends and special club events take control of our lives. I look forward to the fall and wintertime to be able to get away from the golf business and enjoy life. We still are busy at the golf course, but we don’t have an irrigation system that might be leaking or staff showing up at 5am to get the course ready for golf.

I enjoy bird hunting in the fall and winter months and try to get out as much as I can. This is my brain break from the golf course and it really puts me in a different place where I can shut out anything related to turf and golf. I have a Labrador Retriever named Koda, a Labrador Retriever named Hiccup, a Labrador Retriever named Delta and a German Shorthair named Kylie. Why did I feel the need to get another Labrador and name her Lea? I needed another golf course dog after I lost my Labrador Retriever Lena two years ago.

There is a transition in our area for winter, and we end up doing a lot of tree trimming and planning for next season. We are getting to

I was caught up in projects at work and was trying to figure out what I was missing in my everyday routine. I had Lena on

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the golf course with me almost everyday for 13 years and I realized that it was a void I needed to fill. I picked up my new puppy Lea at the end of January and she will be with me almost every day at the course. When you start having turf conversations with your puppy while walking around the golf course people might think you are crazy.

and rainy days through February. I was out walking the course and pulling back covers on the greens to look at the ice accumulation and was able to see that the deep tine holes from November where helping keep some of the surface moisture from building up. So there I was explaining how the deep tine holes where helping remove This past surface Labor Day we had to cancel our greens aerification water to a 10-week-old puppy. Her priceless response of tilting her due to heavy rain. We made the head and wagging her tail was all tough decision to close the course the validation I needed. on October 30th and deep tine the greens with ž “ solid tines. If you It has not been a typical winter remember the weather we had in the first couple weeks of November, it in Minnesota this year but I think was very warm and pleasant. Fast most of the turf will look good forward through the rain event at once spring arrives. We should Christmas and several other warm be opening the course soon and

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hopefully everyone came through the winter in great shape. I know several people that have new golf course dogs this winter and wish them the best of luck with the new pups. I believe the new puppy has been giving me better focus on the upcoming golf season and it helps that we had some goose problems last year, so Lea will have her work cut out for her soon. We have spent

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all winter getting equipment and golf course accessories ready for the season. I have also spent some time getting my “hobby� ready for the future with the new puppy. There are a lot of hobbies that people have outside of their normal profession and I feel blessed that my chosen hobby involves dogs.

They are always happy to see you and rarely complain about anything. Getting ready for spring is not all about painting tee markers and making new benches. I feel the need for something outside of golf to occupy some of my time and bird dogs seem to be a great fit for me. I hope everyone has a great spring and summer golf season and start getting ready for next Octobers bird season.

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At Par Aide, we’d like to raise a paper cup to you, our valued customer. Because it’s your unyielding dedication to the course that inspires us to keep building the industry’s most innovative products. So from Par Aide, we salute all you do. Cheers.

Wherever golf is played.


Par aide is a Proud sPonsor of MCCsa, GCsaa, The firsT Tee and The Wee one foundaTion.

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In Bounds by Jack MacKenzie, CGCS

I am an emotional kind of guy. Indeed, I am touchy, feely and prone to choke up when my heartstrings are tugged and twisted. A couple of weeks ago my wife and I viewed the recent movie, “A Dog’s Purpose.” Five times I experienced emotional upheavals that elicited tears and a catching of my breath. Such a wreck, thank goodness we were only one of two pair in attendance. Weddings? I need long sleeves in case I forget my Kleenex. Graduations? Bring the Bounty please, especially as I reminisce the magic of daughter number two receiving special Dean’s List recognition throughout her college career following very, very tempestuous teenage years. And visitation privileges with a wee newborn reduces this guy to a

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quiet weeping mess of a man. The passing of man’s best friend and family pride can be very emotional for me, but so can professional accomplishments. Just a few short weeks ago, the Minnesota Golf Industry hosted their second Day On The Hill during which they, 52 members of the MGA, CMAA, MnPGA and MGCSA shared the “great environmental, recreational and economical story of golf.” The 2017 outreach opportunity was impressive as the participant numbers doubled since the inaugural initiative, as did the outreach to our legislatures, 87 of 201 potential. The overall numbers brought warmth to my heart, but what really conjured emotional enthusiasm was the representation the Minnesota Golf Course Superintendents troop brought

to the table. As a part of the preassault introduction process, all individuals gave their names and the organization they represented. The MGCSA comprised 84% of the participants and all in attendance could not help but hear and reflect upon the weight the turf managers held in the room. Was this a simple ploy to embarrass our allied associations into greater participation numbers in the future? Nope, this was all about my pride in the MGCSA and wanting to stroke my own ego as I knew my gang mostly populated this successful initiative. Believe me, it wasn’t just the legislatures that noticed this preponderance of golf course agronomists; our brethren in the golf industry couldn’t help but pay attention as well. The message, the good story of golf, also evokes strong feelings from me. No, not tears, but a good feeling deep inside. Carbon

sequestration, oxygen generation, storm water management, pollution mitigation, noise abatement, wildlife corridor, pollinator habitat, groundwater recharge; the list goes on. The local golf course really is a communities’ “largest rain garden.” Oh yes, I can’t fail to mention that golf generates 2.3 billion dollars in the state economy, employees more than 35,000 individuals and is a healthy recreation for 750,000 Minnesotans. Don’t worry gang. I am not going to get all misty-eyed and sniveling when I reminisce the Day On The Hill activities, but I cannot help but feel prideful of our associations’ efforts in professional recognition. Kudos team MGCSA, I am very proud to be a part of your success.

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Grasses for Wet Sites Text and Pictures by Mary H. Meyer, Professor and Extension Horticulturist University of Minnesota Extension

Extreme weather events appear to be the new normal with heavy downpours that can cause erosion or leave standing water in low areas. Proper plant selection becomes critical in sites that may vary widely throughout the season with soil moisture. Drought and the lack of water has been the focus for California and much of central U. S. recently, however, wet sites can be just as challenging, facing conditions of too much moisture that can reduce or Page 12

eliminate soil air and oxygen which is essential for root survival and growth. Dealing with rain events that leave several inches of water in a brief period of time requires close attention to how water moves (or not) on a given site. Watching water accumulate and move during rain can be very insightful for plant selection and placement. Grasses are tough plants that can be counted on to perform in difficult sites. Wet or dry, there are

grasses that grow naturally in these extreme conditions. Both the fibrous roots of bunch grasses and the tough woody rhizomes of spreading grasses are excellent at stabilizing soil and preventing erosion whether on steep slopes, or lakeshores and stream banks.

in a specific location, or if it rarely leaves. Few, but some, grasses can tolerate standing water for more than 24 hours. Knowing your soil type is also helpful. Sites with sandy soil that drains well, but floods occasionally, create a challenge because plants may end up with extremely wet or dry conditions. Grasses tolerate seasonal varia- Which grass will grow and thrive in tions in soil moisture, and some are wet sites? Actually, quite a few! quite forgiving of standing water for 24 hours. In determining what grass Here are a few of my favorcan fit your needs, study how water ites, and a list of additional species, moves or accumulates on your site. along with comments on growth and Determine how long water stands management. Carex elata ‘Aurea’, Bowles’ golden sedge, is a bright yellow bunch sedge that can be grown in standing water, wet sites, or heavy, clay soil. Dry locations will produce shorter plants with less vigor. The bright yellow foliage stays attractive and bright all summer. Inconspicuous seedheads appear in late spring but are not noticeable. Combine this plant with blue Siberian iris for a nice contrast. Native to Europe, and once hard to find in the trade, Bowles’ golden sedge is hardy to USDA zone 4. Slow growing and easy to care for, plants grows quickly in early spring reaching a height of 15-24 inches. Page 13

Calamagrostis canadensis, bluejoint, or bluejoint reedgrass, is our U. S. native counterpart to Karl Forester reedgrass, one of the most popular grasses sold today. Native to most of the U. S. except the southeastern states, bluejoint is found in marshes, wet places, open woods and meadows. It prefers moist soils, has some shade tolerance, and grows to 3-5 feet in height, with flowers in July. Bluejoint can self-sow, however its aggressive rhizomes require management in a garden setting, but can be an asset along ponds or lakeshores. Hardy to USDA zone 3.

Carex muskingumensis, palm sedge, above, is a bushy, tough sedge that tolerates most soil and light conditions. Bright chartreuse in sun, darker green in shade, this 2-3 foot sedge has many stems, all with conspicuous 3-leaf ranking, making it an easy sedge to distinguish from true grasses. Named for the Muskingum River in central U.S., palm sedge is found growing in low woods, wet meadows, and floodplain forests. Tan seedheads are more numerous in sunny conditions, and readily self-seed, making larger colonies of plants. Palm sedge is a bunch sedge, with no Page 14

rhizomes, but robust stout roots. A good choice for tough sites, even dry shade can be a productive site for palm sedge. The best ornamental form is ‘Oehme’, a 2 foot, light green or yellow striped, less vigorous form named after the landscape designer Wolfgang Oehme. ‘Little Midge’ is a diminutive form, growing less than 1 foot in height, with very fine textured 3leaf ranks, so small it may be lost in the garden, best used in a close, up front setting. ‘Ice Fountain’ has white stripes with lax foliage, grows to 2 feet with much less vigor, but the bright foliage lights up a shady site in moist or wet soils. Showy Chasmanthium latifolium, wood oats, is native to Pennsylvania south to Georgia and west to Texas, Oklahoma and Illinois. The short, wide leaf blades along with the distinctive flat seedheads make wood oats easy to identify. Flowers are showy from midsummer through fall and early winter. If cut early, this is an excellent cut flower; however as the heads age, they easily shatter and can readily self-sow. Wood oats grows best in

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rich woods and moist soils, along streams and rivers. Originally wood oats was classified as Uniola, the genus for our native seaoats a wonderful soil binder along the eastern seashore. Wood oats, or northern seaoats, is hardy to zone 4, however plants can be short-lived that far north, but will likely self-seed. May be weedy with seedlings in warmer climates. Native to most states, except the far west and northwest, switchgrass, Panicum virgatum, tolerates a wide variety of soils. Switchgrass is a common plant in wet ditches and along roadsides. Over 25 cultivars have been selected from native populations and vary widely in height, foliage and flower color, and plant form. Regional selections are best to use for very warm or cold climates, such as Florida, Maine or Minnesota. Seed propagation will result in variation, but is essential for restoration work where local biotypes will perform well in a specific geographic region. Cultivars may be more desirable in a garden or landscape setting, where a uniform consistent plant form is needed. Switchgrass is a bunch grass with slowly spreading rhizomes. Reseeding is common on moist fertile soils.

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POGO Page 17

Spartina pectinata (prairie cordgrass) is native from Oregon to Maine and south to North Carolina and New Mexico; it is hardy in zones 4 to 9. Its stout, woody rhizomes are perfect for maintaining lakeshores and minimizing erosion. It prefers wet prairie sites or moist soil in open sun conditions and easily grows in clay soils. The long, strap like leaves and coarse green flowers grow from 5 to 7 feet in height. Prairie cordgrass is not a neat and tidy typical garden plant, but is a valuable native grass that will hold its own against difficult sites and a wide variety of soil types. It is best used with other large prairie natives, such as cup plant, sunflowers and asters. The ornamental form, ‘Aureo-Marginata’, variegated cordgrass, has a yellow stripe along the leaf and is very similar to the species in habit and growth. Page 18

Wet sites can be just the location for a few tough grasses and sedges like these. Minimal care is involved annually; simply cut

back the tops in late winter or early spring. No pesticides or special fertilizer are needed to grow these sustainable grasses.

Mary Hockenberry Meyer is Professor in the Department of Horticultural Science and Extension Horticulturist at the University of Minnesota, where she specializes in ornamental grass research. She is the 2013-2014 President of the American Society for Horticultural Science. Dr. Meyer can be reached at meyer023@umn.edu. Page 19

blue heaven™ This native little bluestem, Schizachyrium scoparium, ‘MinnBlueA’ is great for sunny or well-drained sites. It grows just over 4 feet tall and stands up well through the summer; blue foliage turns dark burgundy, then red in fall. It’s hardy through USDA zone 4, requires little water after establishment and provides habitat for birds and butterflies. Released by the U of MN in 2006.

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Using native grasses in the landscape Top photos from left: Blue Heaven™ little bluestem; Skipper butterfly; Panicum virgatum ‘Northwind’ in summer; Blue grama, Bouteloua gracilis (foreground) and sideoats grama, Bouteloua curtipendula (background)

Features of native grasses

Sporobolus heterolepis ‘Tara’ is a shorter, 2’ form of prairie dropseed, good for full sunny, drier sites.

Natural appearance

Attractive wildlife cover for grassland birds, food for butterfly larvae

Few insect or disease problems

Low nutrient requirements, good drought tolerance after establishment

Little maintenance, except spring cutback

Seasonal interest—flowers in summer, fall and winter interest

Fast growth—most are mature size by three years

Movement with the wind provides visual and audio interest, susurration that is pleasing and unique

Good soil cover to prevent erosion; roots add organic matter to soil as they regenerate each year

grasses for prairie and Meadow restorations Grasses are the backbone of the prairie, throughout the short, mid and tallgrass prairie. The following grasses, all native to the U. S. are good choices for prairie restoration or reconstruction projects and are listed with their soil preference.

Botanical naMe

coMMon naMe


Andropogon gerardii

big bluestem

mesic to wet

Bouteloua gracilis

blue grama


Bouteloua curtipendula Buchloe dactyloides

Elymus canadensis

side oats grama buffalograss

dry to mesic


Canada wildrye



wet to mesic, tolerates most sites

Koeleria macrantha

June grass

Schizachyrium scoparium

little bluestem

dry to mesic

cord grass

wet to mesic

Panicum virgatum

Sorghastrum nutans Spartina pectinata

Sporobolus heterolepis

Indian grass

prairie dropseed

dry to mesic

mesic dry

Carex pensylvanica, Pennsylvania sedge, makes a good native ground cover under trees or dry shade.

shade tolerant native grasses, sedges and rushes Carex muskingumensis

Pennsylvania sedge

Chasmanthium latifolium

river or wood oats; native to Missouri and Southeast US

Carex radiata

Chasmanthium latifolium Deschampsia caespitosa

Elymus hystrix var. hystrix

A restored prairie at the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum, Sorghastrum nutans, Indian grass in the foreground.

palm sedge

Carex pensylvanica

Juncus tenuis

Luzula species

eastern star sedge

‘River Mist’ woodoats; selected for striped foliage tufted hairgrass and all cultivars eastern bottlebrush path rush


grasses for Wildlife Botanical naMe

coMMon naMe

WildliFe Use

height, coMMents

Andropogon gerardii

big bluestem

whitetail deer & bison; skipper butterflies; songbirds, bobwhite quail, prairie chicken, small mammals

5-7’; can form sod and dense stands

Bouteloua gracilis

blue grama

skipper butterflies, antelope

1-2’; interesting seedheads

Carex species

many sedges: esp. hairy, tussock

butterfly larval food

6”-4’, shade tolerant

Chasmanthium latifolium

wood or river oats

birds, rodents and skipper butterflies

2-4’; shade tolerant; may winter kill, but self-seeds

Deschampsia caespitosa

tufted hairgrass

several butterflies, deer, elk, rabbits, host to at least 40 species of Lepidopteran insects worldwide

2-4’; shade tolerant

Leersia oryzoides

rice cutgrass

water fowl and many birds feed on seed; cover for many birds; lakeshores

3-4’; wet or muddy soils, good for soil stabilization

Panicum virgatum


food, nesting and cover for pheasants, quail, rabbits, turkeys, doves and song birds

3-6’; aggressive, self-seeds

Schizachyrium scoparium

little bluestem

songbirds, upland game birds, skipper butterflies

2-4’; bunch grass, red fall color

Sorghastrum nutans

Indian grass

whitetail deer; bobwhite quail, skipper butterflies, birds and small mammals

3-6’; attractive seedheads

Spartina pectinata

prairie cordgrass

cover and habitat for birds and small mammals

4-7’; rhizomes stabilize wet sties

Sporobolus heterolepis

prairie dropseed

abundant seed for songbirds

3-4’; open mound, fragrant seedheads

For More inForMation:

Ornamental Grasses for Cold Climates www.extension.umn.edu/distribution/horticulture/dg6411.html Mary H. Meyer • Professor and Extension Horticulturist University of Minnesota Landscape Arboretum • meyer023@umn.edu

Turkeys find cover in grasslands; Panicum virgatum ‘Northwind’ in winter; Carex pensylvanica, Pennsylvania sedge on woodland walk.

Published by the Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station, the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum and the College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences at the University of Minnesota. The University is an equal opportunity educator and employer.

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The Minn Industry Day March

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nesota Golf y On The Hill 9, 2017

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Thank you MTI and MTI President John McPhee for hosting the six out state Day On The Hill participants: Aaron Johnson CGCS Tom Wodash Gary Deters Donnacha O’Conner Fred Taylor CGCS Doug Mahal CGCS

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ON SIGHT - A Directional Pivot for Member-Driven Research Sam Bauer, University of Minnesota Extension In the winter of 2012/13, the MGCSA membership embarked on a new research initiative with the University of Minnesota’s Turfgrass Science Program titled MemberDriven Research. Member-Driven Research was created whereby the members would help determine the projects we would conduct. Since 2013, this collaborative effort has led to innovative studies on topics such as using growing degree-days to precisely schedule an application of plant growth regulators, wetting agent influences on surface performance, and strategies to minimize or overcome the impacts of winter damage; such as bentgrass germination in low temperatures and variety freezing tolerance of common and alternative turfgrass species. These studies are on the leading edge of turfgrass research in northern climates, something that the MGCSA should be

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very proud of. We showcase this research through five regional Outreach events across Minnesota and Western Wisconsin, as well as Inreach events in the Twin Cities. In addition, this research is published in Hole Notes, Golf Course Management, Golf Course Industry, Green Section Record and in various peer-reviewed scientific journals. As researchers we strive to produce timely results that can be implemented in your day-to-day management programs. To have confidence in our recommendations, we require our research to be replicated both in space (more than one location) and time (more than one year). Through replication we Identify impact of weather, soil types, management programs, etc… To that end, it can often take us researchers some time to “catch up” to the innovative practices that you

are “studying” on a daily basis at your properties. While we continue down the path of cutting edge research in long-term studies, such as degradation of wetting agent chemistries over time based on temperature, we (and the membership) had the desire to get back to the heart of the Member-Driven Research initiative, that being quick, practical studies determined by the membership.

help you design a trial to study your research question and put some ownership back on you to take pictures and collect data. Superintendents will then communicate back to us on a weekly or bi-weekly basis for the duration of the study. The opportunities here are endless and this is a great way to learn about innovative strategies from your peers.

To get the At the biON SITE ennial MGCSA research off Board of Directhe ground tors Retreat, U in the first of M floated year, we the idea of ON solicited the SITE research Board of to the board. Directors for The idea is simstudy ideas, ple- golf course some of the superintendents, assistant superintopics identified for ON SITE retendents, or management staff can search included: submit research ideas through an • Protecting annual bluegrass intake form on the MGCSA website. from winter injury Our program will evaluate these • Syringing of putting greens as ideas and coordinate with superina means of plant cooling tendents to carry out these studies • Moss control on putting greens on their golf courses. We would • Fungicide efficacy on the duraPage 27

On-Site Cover study to protect annual bluegrass from crown hydration and freezing injury on #12 green at the U of M Golf Course.

tion of dollar spot suppression • Late-fall plant growth regulator applications • Bentgrass variety germination in cold temperatures We are excited about this pivot in direction and we will keep the membership updated through Hole Notes articles and a blog housed on the MGCSA website and at turf. Page 28

umn.edu. Look for this information and the study intake form in the near future. Our first study of the year is already underway and it came about from the recent warming trend that spanned almost a week in midFebruary. Annual bluegrass comes out of dormancy earlier than creeping bentgrass in the Page 13

spring and this February heat wave caused a concern of dormant annual bluegrass waking up from winter. When grasses come out of dormancy they take in water and subfreezing temperatures following this can cause death by crown hydration. As a superintendent, there no opportunities to keep annual bluegrass in dormancy (covering prior to the warm up would only encourage growth), but is there anything you can do to protect it from the impending cold? Brent Belanger (U of M GC Superintendent) and Erin McManus (Medina CC Superintendent) were kind enough to allow us space to put covers on annual blue  grass at their properties prior to the

freeze in late-February. Pictured below is the cover study at the University of Minnesota Golf Course on #12 green. We are evaluating two different cover styles- Excelsior covers and Evergreen covers, with and without a reapplication of contact fungicide for snow mold prevention. We anticipate pulling these covers early in the week of March 27th. Stay tuned as we continue with ON SITE research this spring and thank you for your continued support. UMN Turfgrass Science Team

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GCSAA PAC FA 1. Why does the GCSAA want to start a Political Action Committee? GCSAA operates a strong legislative, regulatory, and compliance advocacy effort which combines direct lobbying with its Grassroots Ambassador Program. We are providing a high level of service to golf course superintendents and that will continue. But we are not able to attend Congressional fundraisers that provide greater access to lawmakers because we don’t have a PAC. These are valuable, more intimate, settings to discuss golf’s priority issues agenda and help build strong relationships with key decision-makers. Without a PAC, we can’t be there. We want to continue to amplify our voice and remain the leader of advocacy in the golf industry.

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No Con

2. What is a PAC? Groups of individuals with common interests – may be ideological – who want to advance a specific policy agenda by contributing to candidates who share their views.

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3. Who can a GCSAA PAC solicit funds from? How is a PAC funded?

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GCSAA can solicit funds from any U.S. citizen who is a member of the GCSAA, whether they be rank and file members or are affiliated with a corporate member (such as their executive personnel and shareholders). Funds could be distributed to any candidate for Congress or the Presidency. GCSAA could also solicit funds from our own personnel, both executive and administrative. However, federal regulation limits solicitations to GSCAA administrative staff to twice a year.

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4. Can anyone else donate funds to a GCSAA PAC? Any citizen – outside of those allowed to be solicited under federal regulation – can donate funds to a GCSAA PAC. However, a GCSAA PAC could not ask for those donations.


5. Can a golf facility or chapter donate funds?

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No. Donations to a GSCAA PAC can only come voluntarily from individuals. Any donation coming from a facility or chapter would have to be returned.

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6. Do I have to contribute? No. Federal regulations require that contributions to a GCSAA PAC must be voluntary. No one would be forced to contribute.

7. Can the GCSAA take the funds out of my member dues? No portion of GCSAA membership dues can be used as a contribution to a GCSAA PAC. Contributions must be voluntary.


8. How do I know my contribution will be going to advance golf course management?


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The GCSAA PAC would be about promoting policy, not personality or politics. So donations would only go to those federal officials who play a direct role in support of the GCSAA Priority Issues Agenda. Once a GCSAA PAC is up and running, any donations would be proposed by staff and then reviewed by a PAC Committee made up of golf course superintendents. The committee would have to approve any donations.

9. What can the GCSAA do to support a PAC?


GCSAA may provide support, including financial support, for the administrative efforts of running a PAC. Unlike contributions, none of these funds could be used to support any candidate for Congress or the Presidency.

10. How much money do we need?


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The GCSAA PAC would have a three-year budget ramp up. In year one, we would want to raise $15,000, in year two we would want to raise $25,000, and in year three and beyond, we would want to raise $30,000. $30,000 translates to a less than $2 contribution per golf course superintendent and access from anywhere to 30 – 60 fundraisers ($5001,000 typical for House/Senate fundraiser; goes up based on seniority). Contributions of any amount will be gladly accepted.

GCSAA PAC FAQ 11. Who else has a PAC? GCSAA works with many membership and trade associations that have PACs, including many with membership and budget totals similar to GCSAA. The following have PACs: National Club Association, Irrigation Association, PGA Tour, American Nursery and Landscape Association, National Alliance for Landscape Professionals among others.

12. Would a GCSAA PAC’s fundraising compete with fundraising through the Environmental Institute for Golf? No. A GCSAA PAC would not compete with the EIFG’s fundraising efforts. By law, a GCSAA PAC could not solicit contributions from most of those who contribute to EIFG, including chapters, companies and corporations. Only individuals who are American citizens can contribute to a federal PAC. Also – to further separate the two - GCSAA’s PAC would structure solicitations to occur independent of EIFG fundraising efforts.

13. Are we buying influence? No, a PAC contribution of $500 or $1,000 is not going to buy us a vote. Donations from a PAC promote access and build strong relationships with key decision makers. This will allow the GCSAA to find champions to introduce favorable legislation and intervene on regulatory issues. There is no quid pro quo.

14. Are there any concerns of starting up a GCSAA PAC? There is always a risk that the GCSAA will be seen as favoring a political party or agenda. We would greatly lessen this risk by following procedures, including establishing a PAC Committee and bylaws.

15. When would a GCSAA PAC become active? The GCSAA Board of Directors recommended that Government Affairs staff move forward with intelligence gathering to gauge member interest and identify fundraising targets. A vote on PAC formation is expected at the Spring 2017 Board meeting. If GCSAA moves forward with a PAC, the launch of the PAC would occur in the fall of 2017, with solicitations to follow after that. The goal would be to time the launch to maximize GCSAA’s involvement with the 2018 Congressional midterm elections. For more information regarding a Political Action Committee (PAC) contact the GCSAA Gov. Affairs Dept. - (800) 472-7878 www.gcsaa.org/pac Page 33

About Lyme Disease

Reproduced from the Lymedisease.org Page 34

Lyme disease is a bacterial infection primarily transmitted by Ixodes ticks, also known as deer ticks, and on the West Coast, black-legged ticks. These tiny arachnids are typically found in wooded and grassy areas. Although people may think of Lyme as an East Coast disease, it is found throughout the United States, as well as in more than sixty other countries. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimate that 300,000 people are diagnosed with Lyme disease in the US every year. That’s 1.5 times the number of women diagnosed with breast cancer, and six times the number of people diagnosed with HIV/AIDS each year in the US. However, because diagnosing Lyme can be difficult, many people who actually have Lyme may be misdiagnosed with other conditions. Many experts believe the true number of cases is much higher.

in outdoor activities and have higher exposure to ticks. LymeDisease.org has developed a Lyme disease symptom checklist to help you document your exposure to Lyme disease and common symptoms for your healthcare provider. You will receive a report that you can print out and take with you to your next doctor’s appointment. What is Lyme disease? Lyme disease is caused by a spirochete—a corkscrew-shaped bacterium called Borrelia burgdorferi. Lyme is called “The Great Imitator,” because its symptoms mimic many other diseases. It can affect any organ of the body, including the brain and nervous system, muscles and joints, and the heart.

Patients with Lyme disease are frequently misdiagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, Lyme disease affects people multiple sclerosis, and various psyof all ages. The CDC notes that it chiatric illnesses, including depresis most common in children, older sion. Misdiagnosis with these other diseases may delay the correct diagadults, and others such as firefighters and park rangers who spend time nosis and treatment as the underlyPage 35

ing infection progresses unchecked.

Image of B. burgdorferi under atomic force microscope. Courtesy of Dr. Eva Sapi.

Patients with Lyme disease are frequently misdiagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis, and various psychiatric illnesses, including depression. Misdiagnosis with these other diseases may delay the correct diagnosis and treatment as the underlying infection progresses unchecked. Page 36

How do people get Lyme disease? Most people get Lyme from the bite of the nymphal, or immature, form of the tick. Nymphs are about the size of a poppy seed. Because they are so tiny and their bite is painless, many people do not even realize they have been bitten. Once a tick has attached, if

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Page 37

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undisturbed it may feed for several days. The longer it stays attached, the more likely it will transmit the Lyme and other pathogens into your bloodstream. If pregnant women are infected, they sometimes pass Lyme disease to their unborn children and, while not common, stillbirth has occurred. Some doctors believe other types of humanto-human transmission are possible but little is known for certain. Where is Lyme disease found? Lyme disease has been found on every continent except Antarctica. It is found all across the United States, with a particularly high incidence in the East, Midwest, and West Coast. Rates have increased significantly over time. Some of this increase may be because of disease spread, but it is also likely that it Page 38

reflects growing public awareness of the disease. Not all ticks are infected. Within endemic areas, there is considerable variation in tick infection rates depending on the type of habitat, presence of wildlife and other fac-

tors. Tick infection rates can vary from 0% to more than 70% in the same area. This uncertainty about how many ticks are infected makes it hard to predict the risk of Lyme disease in a given region.

are currently captured by CDC surveillance. Other risk maps show the number of infected ticks that researchers have collected in a certain area. These maps are often not accurate because many states and counties have done little or no testing of The risk of getting Lyme disticks in the area. The best maps of ease is often reflected in risk maps. risk may be canine maps. This is Some maps show the number of hu- because dogs are routinely screened man cases of Lyme disease reported for Lyme disease through a nationfor surveillance. These maps may wide program as well as the close not accurately reflect risk because association of dogs with humans. only 10% of reportable Lyme cases

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Page 39

Tick Personal Protection Proper Planning.... from Lymedisease.org

Your best defense against tick-borne illness is to avoid contact with ticks in the first place. Your next best defense is to quickly find and remove any ticks that may latch on to you.

Avoid Tick Habitat ... REALLY? You work in their environment!

Ticks tend to be near the ground, in leaf litter, grasses, bushes and fallen logs. High risk activities include playing in leaves, gathering firewood and leaning against tree trunks. When you hike, stay on cleared trails instead of walking across grassy fields.

Dress Defensively

Wear shoes, socks, long pants and long sleeves. Tie back long hair and wear a hat. Light-colored clothing helps you spot ticks before they cause trouble. You can purchase clothing that has been pre-treated with the repellent permethrin at outdoor recreation stores. (The protection lasts through 70 washings.) Or, you can purchase permethrin and spray clothing yourself. (Protection lasts 5-6 washings.) Be sure to treat both the inside and outside of clothes. Spraying footwear with permethrin will prevent ticks from crawling up your shoes. (In one study, those with treated shoes had 74% fewer tick bites than those with untreated shoes.)

Use Repellent on Exposed Skin

Studies show that repellents with DEET, picaridin or lemon eucalyptus oil are the most effective.

Page 40

Check for Ticks When outdoors, periodically inspect your clothing and skin for ticks. Brush off those that aren’t attached and remove any that are. Once home, take a shower right away. This will wash away unattached ticks and offer a good chance to thoroughly inspect yourself. Feel for bumps that might be embedded ticks. Pay careful attention to hidden places, including groin, armpits, back of knees, belly button and scalp. Hot Dryer Running your clothes in a hot dryer for 10 minutes before you wash them will kill any ticks that may be there. Protect Your Pets Ticks can infect dogs and cats, too. Also, their fur can act like a “tick magnet,” carrying ticks inside your home. Consult with your veterinarian about tick-protection for your pets.


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Page 41

Page 42

Page 43

Symptoms of Lyme Disease Lyme disease has three stages. While, without treatment, each stage and its symptoms usually progress into the next, the rate at which Lyme disease spreads varies significantly. If you are experiencing symptoms, document them and then talk with your doctor.




• Skin rash, commonly but not always,

• Expanding skin rash (more or larger

• Arthritis, particularly in knee or near

• Headaches or stiff neck

• Pain or numbness in arms and legs

• Nervous system problems, including

• Flu-like ailments, including fever

• Extreme joint pain

Days or weeks after infection bullseye or circular in shape

or chills

• Muscle and joint pain • Profound fatigue or lack of energy • A small bump or redness at tick bite • Swollen lymph nodes

Weeks or months after infection rashes covering more parts of body)

• Profound fatigue • Headaches & lack of energy • Fainting • Bell’s palsy (facial paralysis) • Poor memory or inability to


• Heart palpitations

Months or even years after infection point of infection

numbness and tingling in hands, feet, or back

• Stiff neck, severe headaches, or


• Problems with memory, hearing and


• Chronic fatigue • Problems with mood or sleep • Inflammation of heart or brain

Lyme Disease Skin Rash More than 50% of patients never get the telltale bullseye skin rash typically associated with Lyme disease. While this ring-like rash is usually indicative of Lyme disease, the rash can take many forms or may not present at all. You should also watch for other symptoms.

Visit www.bayarealyme.org for more information. © 2015 Bay Area Lyme Foundation. All Rights Reserved.

Page 44 Committed to making Lyme disease easy to diagnose and simple to cure


Pretty obvious “bull’s eye” skin rash from the Center for Disease Control

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Page 45

If you find a tick attached to your skin, there’s no need to panic. Several tick removal devices are available on the market, but a plain set of finetipped tweezers will remove a tick effectively. How to remove a tick: 1. Use fine-tipped tweezers to grasp the tick as close to the skin’s surface as possible. 2. Pull upward with steady, even pressure. Don’t twist or jerk the tick; this can cause the mouth-parts to break off and remain in the skin. If this happens, remove the mouth-parts with tweezers. If you are unable to remove the mouth easily with clean tweezers, leave it alone and let the skin heal. 3. After removing the tick, thoroughly clean the bite area and your hands with rubbing alcohol, an iodine scrub, or soap and water. 4. Dispose of a live tick by submersing it in alcohol, placing it in a sealed bag/container, wrapping it tightly in tape, or flushing it down the toilet. Never crush a tick with your fingers.

Page 46

If you develop a rash or fever within several weeks of removing a tick, see your doctor. Be sure to tell the doctor about your recent tick bite, when the bite occurred, and where you most likely acquired the tick. Helpful Hint Avoid folklore remedies such as “painting” the tick with nail polish or petroleum jelly, or using heat to make the tick detach from the skin. Your goal is to remove the tick as quickly as possible--do not wait for it to detach. Other tick myths: Ticks fall from trees. Fact: Ticks crawl up. If you find one on your head, it’s because the tick crawled up your entire body and found a home there, not because it fell from a tree branch above you. Deer ticks—the ones that carry Lyme disease—are not as aggressive as dog ticks, and they generally stop crawling whenever they find a clothing barrier, which is why you’re likely to find them around your sock line, along your underwear line, and on the backs of your knees where your shorts stop. That’s also why you’ll be better protected against Lyme if you tuck in your shirt, tuck your pant legs into your socks, and find other ways to create clothing barriers they can’t crawl past while you’re in the woods. Ticks die every winter. Fact: Adult deer ticks actually begin their feeding activity around the time of the first frost and they will latch onto you or your pets anytime the temperature is above freezing. Temperatures have to drop below 10 degrees F for a long time in order for ticks to start dying off.

Page 47

Soil Sampling at Golf Courses for Contamination Guidance Document 30

The following is Minnesota Department of Agriculture's (MDA) recommended guidance for collection of soil samples at golf courses for potential contamination from past pesticide use and from past storage and handling of pesticides and fertilizers. This guidance is suitable only for sampling at golf courses. Please consult Guidance Document 11, Soil Sampling Guidance, for sampling procedures for all other agricultural chemical contamination.

SAMPLE COLLECTION PROCEDURES Soil sampling at golf courses for potential contamination from past pesticide use should minimally occur on greens, tee boxes, pesticide mixing, loading and storage areas, and areas used for disposal of grass clippings. I. COMPOSITE SAMPLES A. Subsample Collection During an investigation of potential pesticide contamination from past pesticide use, the MDA usually requires collection of composite samples to characterize a large area or volume of near-surface soil in likely contaminated areas. A composite soil sample consists of several subsamples that are thoroughly mixed together to create one sample for analysis. For investigating potential agricultural chemical contamination, the MDA requests that composite samples be created from equal volume subsamples collected from three to six equally spaced locations within a 15 foot diameter sampling area. 1. For areas potentially impacted from past pesticide use, samples should be collected at three different depths: A. 0– 6 inches; B. 6 inches to 1 foot, and C. 1-2 feet. 2. For mixing, loading and storage areas, samples should be collected at these three different depths: A. 0– 6 inches; B. 2 to 2.5 feet and, C. 4.5 to 5 feet

The exact size and shape of the sampling area may be adjusted to meet site specific conditions. In general, it will likely be appropriate to composite subsamples from each green and each tee box separately. The exact size and shape of each sampling area should be discussed in a work plan. Regardless of sampling area shape and size, exact subsample locations must be well-documented (see the following section discussing documentation). All subsamples used to create a given composite sample must be collected from the same corresponding 6 inch to 1 foot depth interval. Do not create a composite sample from subsamples collected over different vertical intervals or a long vertical depth interval (e.g., 0 to 2 feet or 1 to 4 feet, etc.). The MDA requests that surficial composite samples in non-graveled high risk areas be collected from the surface to a depth of 6 inches, and in loose graveled areas from a depth interval of 0 to 6 inches below the base of the gravel. All sample depths must be referenced from the ground surface for sample identification purposes. B. Creating a Composite Sample Use a new pair of disposable gloves during creation of each composite sample to prevent cross contamination of the sample. Create a composite sample from the subsamples using the following procedure: 1. combine all of the subsamples in a large clean stainless steel mixing bowl or disposable aluminum pan; 2. decant or drain away any liquids; 3. remove large stones, sticks and vegetation; 4. thoroughly mix the subsamples together with a clean stainless steel or disposable spoon; 5. transfer an adequate volume of the composite sample to a lab clean amber glass jar with a

In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, this information is available in alternative forms of communication upon request by calling 651/201-6000. TTY users can call the Minnesota Relay Service at 711 or 1-800-627-3529. The MDA is an equal opportunity employer and provider.

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GD30 (12/16)

Teflon lined lid or other laboratory supplied sample container; and 6. wipe the threads, then cover, label and seal the container. II. DUPLICATE SAMPLES The MDA generally requires collection of duplicate samples: one for every ten samples or less submitted for laboratory analysis. A duplicate sample must be submitted to the laboratory as a "blind" sample and be reported to the MDA as a duplicate sample. Also, the MDA will occasionally request split samples so that independent or additional analyses can be conducted by the MDA. A duplicate sample may be created by splitting, collecting a field duplicate, or cutting a core down the vertical axis. Split samples are created by sieving the soil through a laboratory cleaned number ten (#10) slot sieve and thoroughly mixing the sieved soil prior to splitting. Duplicate soil samples created from soil that has been mixed but not sieved must be identified as “field duplicates" and are useful as an analytical confirmation method and should provide similar analytical results. It is often difficult to create totally homogeneous split soil samples in the field, particularly for wet or fine grained soil and it may not be possible to split cohesive soils (clay) in the field. As an analytical confirmation method, cut clay cores down the vertical axis into halves for separate analysis. Core halves are not considered split samples. III. EQUIPMENT AND DECONTAMINATION Re-usable sampling equipment must be made of glass, stainless steel, Teflon, or other inert material. Clean re-usable, shovels, picks, hand augers, split tube samplers, stainless steel bowls or spoons and any other equipment that comes in direct contact with the sample, between each sample. All subsamples collected for a single composite sample are considered one sample unless the subsamples are used for both discrete and composite samples. Clean sampling equipment using the following procedure: 1. using a non-phosphate soap and clean potable water solution, wash the equipment to remove all visible soil particles, changing the wash water at regular intervals or between borings when using a drill rig. Do not use water from contaminated or onsite wells. The wash basin must be steel or another inert material, not plastic; 2. rinse with potable water to remove all soap; 3. rinse with acetone (preferred) or methanol. Wiping the equipment with an acetone or methanol saturated towel is acceptable but dispose of the towel after each use;

4. triple rinse with deionized water. Deionized water can usually be obtained from the laboratory. If deionized water is not available, distilled water may be used; 5. if time allows air dry; and 6. wrap in aluminum foil or other suitable material, or store on a clean surface in a protected area until used. Alternatively, disposable plastic and PVC materials may be used. Replace disposable equipment between samples. For drilling equipment, clean all downhole sampling equipment (e.g., split-spoon) as described above, between samples. Other downhole drilling tools and auger flights must be cleaned as described above, or by steam cleaning or high pressure hot water wash between each boring. Laboratories can provide guidance on method appropriate sampling containers. Sampling containers may be purchased directly from laboratory equipment and supply vendors. However, most commercial laboratories will provide them when they are conducting the analyses. In general, canning jars, plastic jugs, paper bags, plastic bags, etc. purchased at local grocery stores, hardware stores, etc., are not considered appropriate sampling containers. IV. DOCUMENTATION, PACKAGING AND SHIPPING Keep a precise record of the distance from each sample location (including individual subsample locations within each composite sampling area) to two permanent immobile objects so that sampling areas can be easily and exactly relocated. In addition, photographs - annotated with the date, photographer, sample number and orientation - of the sample area, taken after the samples have been collected, are recommended. Include the following information on the sample label: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

the site name; sample location and depth; date collected; analysis requested; and name of the person collecting the sample.

For samples that will be submitted to an MDA approved commercial laboratory, MDA staff will usually approve a procedure whereby individual sample bottles are stored and transported to the laboratory in a second sealed container such as a cooler. Use a chain of custody procedure for all samples. Include the sample number, location and depth for all samples on the chain of custody form. 2

GD30 (12/16)

Page 49

Submit the chain of custody form to the laboratory with the samples. Keep the samples cool. Clean freezer packs are recommended. If ice is used it must be double wrapped in plastic to keep the sample labels and seals from getting wet. For short travel times in moderate temperatures cooling is not required, however, the samples must not be allowed to overheat. Soil samples which are not analyzed immediately, (i.e., within a few days), may be stored frozen for up to six months under proper chain of custody. Do not dispose of stored samples without MDA staff approval, including the portions of samples remaining after analysis. All samples must be collected, transported and stored in accordance with all federal and state applicable rules, statutes or regulations. Any sample being shipped by common carrier or through the mail must comply with the United States Department of Transportation Hazardous Materials Regulation (49 CFR Part 172). The person offering such material for transportation is responsible for ensuring compliance with applicable regulations. V. ANALYTICAL PARAMETERS Soil should be tested for arsenic, barium, cadmium, chromium, lead, mercury, selenium, silver and other pesticides applied to the greens and tee boxes including older organochlorine pesticides such as DDT, heptachlor and chlordane. Historical pesticide application records should be compiled, reviewed and used as a guide to select analytical parameters. VI. GENERAL INFORMATION Safety is always the highest priority at any site. If for any reason the procedures discussed in this or other MDA guidance documents cannot be implemented safely, MDA staff will consider proposed alternative procedures. MDA staff prefer to review all investigation and cleanup activities at golf courses prior to their implementation. The MDA strongly recommends that owners and developers and other interested parties enter the MDA’s Agricultural Voluntary Investigation and Cleanup (AgVIC) program for MDA staff review, guidance, and verification of appropriate Page 50

steps taken to address potential contamination. Commercial laboratories proposed for these analyses should have Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/ QC) plans and analytical methods that are pre-approved by MDA (see Guidance Document 24 Fixed Base Laboratories Quality Assurance/Quality Control Plans). A List of commercial laboratories that have approved QA/QC Plans and analytical methods on file with the MDA is available (GD23 Pre-approved Commercial Laboratories: Fixed Base and Mobile). Alternatively, for metals analyses, the commercial laboratory should be accredited for metals in soil by the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) through the MDH Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program. VI. GENERAL INFORMATION Safety is always the highest priority at any site. If for any reason the procedures discussed in this or other MDA guidance documents cannot be implemented safely, MDA staff will consider proposed alternative procedures. MDA staff prefer to review all investigation and cleanup activities at golf courses prior to their implementation. The MDA strongly recommends that owners and developers and other interested parties enter the MDA’s Agricultural Voluntary Investigation and Cleanup (AgVIC) program for MDA staff review, guidance, and verification of appropriate steps taken to address potential contamination.

St. Cloud Outreach Education Host Gary Deters Thank You Sponsors:

Page Page5151

Morton Superintendent Receives Professional Certification Craig Smith, Director, Communications and Media Relations

Aaron Johnson, golf course superintendent at Dacotah Ridge Golf Club, Morton, Minn., has earned the title of Certified Golf Course Superintendent (CGCS) by the Golf Course Superintendents Association of America (GCSAA), a top designation currently held by only about 1,500 golf course superintendents worldwide. Johnson, a 12-year GCSAA member, has been the superintendent at Dacotah Ridge GC since 2010. “This certification program requires the highest set of competencies in golf course management through testing and practical application, and we are proud of the Association’s Class A members who have advanced to earn this highest level of professional recognition as a certified golf course superintendent,” said Rhett Evans, GCSAA chief executive officer. “We congratulate Aaron Johnson on his accomplishment.” To qualify for GCSAA’s top certification, a candidate must have at least three years’ experience as a golf course superintendent, be currently employed in that capacity Page 52

and meet post-secondary educational requirements and/or continuing education points. A candidate’s knowledge, skills and abilities are validated through development of a portfolio consisting of case-study scenarios, skill statements and work samples; an on-site inspection of the golf facility; and a rigorous sixhour examination covering turfgrass cultural practices, golf course landscapes, pest management, equipment, Rules of Golf, business systems, regulator and programmatic systems, project management, human resources, environmental management and stewardship, natural systems and ethics and values. About the Golf Course Superintendents Association of America (GCSAA) The Golf Course Superintendents Association of America (GCSAA) is a leading golf organization that focuses on golf course management. Since 1926, GCSAA has been the top professional association for the men and women who manage golf

courses in the United States and worldwide. From its headquarters in Lawrence, Kan., the Association provides education, information and representation to nearly 18,000 members in more than 72 countries. The Association’s mission is to serve its members, advance their profession and enhance the enjoyment, growth and vitality of the game of golf. Find GCSAA on Facebook, follow GCSAA on

Twitter and visit GCSAA at www. gcsaa.org. The Environmental Institute for Golf is the philanthropic organization of the GCSAA, founded to foster sustainability through research, awareness, education, programs and scholarships for the benefit of golf course management professionals, golf facilities and the game. Visit the EIFG at www.eifg.org.

Aaron Johnson CGCS, seated and second from the left, is proud to represent the MGCSA as the newest Certified Golf Course Superintendent in the Chapter. Page 53

Part-time Employees Provide Motivation and Productivity Challenges By Dr. Bob Milligan, The Learning Edge and Dairy Strategies

Part-time employees! Both in my workshops and with my clients, there has been much discussion frustration - about the challenges of motivation and productivity with part-time employees. In this article, we explore potential root causes of these challenges and suggest opportunities for improvement. For our discussion, part-time is anyone not working full-time year-round.

important activities in their life. Full-time employees have two major foci - their work and their family, friends, etc. Part-time employees typically have at least a third key foci.

Our second root cause is about you - their supervisor. Most part-time employees are hired because extra labor is required during the busy season. This means your time is Let me suggest three root causes for precious. Making time for orienthe greater challenges with part-time tation, training, and performance management for part-time employemployees: ees is difficult and, thus, often ne1) Perhaps the greatest engagement glected. The challenge is increased challenge comes from the nature of because taking time for orientation, training, and performance managepart-time work. For part-time emment seems like a poor investment ployees, the work at your farm is as part-time employees often only not as big a part of their life as for work one year. full-time employees. Almost by definition, they have an additional component to their life. They may 3 The third root cause involves have another position, or they may the total workforce. We have talked be students, or they may have other about relatedness - feeling wanted, Page 54

included, and valued - as a key to en- 1 Improve your orientation progagement, motivation, and producgrams and processes for part-time tivity. It is often difficult to create employees. If you hire part-time relatedness in part-time employees. employees for the “busy” season, The full-time employees are often consider have a meeting prior to the a very close-knit group and partbusy season where you orientate time employees often feel excluded. (and re-orientate returnees - they Many part-time jobs - truck driver, have forgotten much of what they machinery operlearned) and ator, etc. - have introduce “Leaders must have few interactions changes for patience for those with other emthis year. Fullployees, further under your supervision. Don’t time employenhancing the ees can assist expect too much too soon. feeling of excluby handling sion. An addi- Maybe it was easy for you, but agenda items. tion problem is that doesn’t mean it’s going to If you are hirthat part-time ing part-time be easy for somebody else. Be employees often employees sure you have patience.” have little unsomewhat derstanding of continuously, the big picture consider havJohn Wooden and even of the ing a structured farm’s vision, orientation values, and poliand traincies. ing program that includes in person parts plus readings and videos. You do not need a media department to Given these root causes, it is probably unrealistic to expect every make videos today. part-time employee to be as motivated and productive as your full-time 2 Review and improve your trainemployees; however, please look at ing program. Remember that comthe suggestions below to see if some petence - another one of those needs might apply on your farm: for motivated employees - requires

Page 55

knowing the task AND having the confidence that one is an expert. Uncertainty about what to or exactly how to do it is a common complaint of part-time employees. 3) Enlist your full-time employees in welcoming and making part-time employees feel they are an important part of the farm. Full-time employees need to go out of their way to make part-time employees feel included.

5) Establish a structure where you will meet with part-time employees on a regular frequent basis to provide performance feedback and discuss any current issues. The frequency will be dependent upon the position and the amount the parttime employee is working. These should be scheduled, informal, and collegial meetings.

6) Conduct a short exit interview with each part-time employee who leaves employment. You can use the two questions: what went really 4) Provide frequent updates about well and what could go better. what is happening at the farm. I have one client, employing primar- Implementing selected suggestions ily part-time employees, who writes from this list will take time. I do believe, however, that the time will a weekly email with farm updates, successes, congratulations on farm/ be well spent as the result will be off-farm accomplishments and out- increased motivation and improved lines priorities for the week. It has performance. been very well received.

Contact Bob at: 651 647-0495 rmilligan@trsmith. com Page 56

2017 MGA TURFGRASS FORUM A Free Informational Discussion & Round Table for MGA Member Clubs and Members

Hazeltine National Golf Club, Tuesday, May 2, 2017 8:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Registration begins at 8:00 a.m. (coffee & rolls will be served)


• Recapping the Ryder Cup Mr. Chris Tritabaugh

Hazeltine National Golf Club Superintendent

• University of MinnesotaUSGA Partnership Dr. Brian Horgan

University of Minnesota Turf Extension Specialist

• Latest Issues Facing Turfgrass Mr. Robert Vavrek

USGA Senior Agronomist, Central Region


Course Owners, General Managers, Golf Professionals, Golf Course Superintendents, Club Presidents, Green Chairs and any other MGA Members. • • •

There will be no fee for this forum. GCSAA educational points available PGA MSR credits available

Register by Thursday, April 27

For reservations, contact Joel Comstock, MGA Regional Affairs Director 952-345-3968 or joel@mngolf.org Please provide your name and golf course affiliation.

Page 57

Affiliate Spotlight:

In 1947, the father and son partnership of John and Robert Mueller teamed with John Mathias and Roy Boxmeyer to pursue an idea: to take pesticides developed during World War II and formulate them into products for various firms serving the farm industry. They named their company Private Brands, Inc., and they built their business with basic honesty and a “bend over backwards to please� attitude towards their customers. The Company has now made this philosophy work for seven decades. Private Brands, Inc. expanded in 1956 with the acquisition of the Geo. C. Gordon Chemical Company, a firm serving farm, hardware, and lumber dealers throughout Kansas and Missouri. The Page 58

Johnston Chemical Company, a farm pesticide firm operating under the trade name “State Fair” throughout the state of Iowa, was also merged into Private Brands, Inc. in 1956, further increasing the Company’s product line and production capabilities. Private Brands, Inc. achieved consistent growth and success, and in 1964, chose the name PBI-Gordon Corporation to reflect a corporate image consistent with the expanding markets the Company served. While PBI-Gordon continued to grow, it was the surge in golf course growth in the 1960s that truly propelled the Company. PBI-Gordon was one of the first companies to recognize the unique needs of the golf industry. In 1968, the Company acquired the patent to Trimec® herbicide, a highperformance weed control product developed for a new generation of turf professionals. The Trimec family of products would become the largest product line on the PBI-Gordon roster. PBI-Gordon was also one of the first companies to help solve a challenge brought on by new technology: color television. As more Americans watched professional golf “in living color,” the golf industry realized courses needed to look weed-free and green on TV. Trimec and FeRROMEC® Liquid Iron helped show television audiences just how beautiful golf courses could be. Page 59

PBI-Gordon would continue to develop products designed for the golf and professional turf industries for years to come. The Company built on the success of the Trimec herbicide line with dependable performers like SpeedZone® Broadleaf Herbicide for Turf – the number 1 speed herbicide on the market – and with TZone™ SE Broadleaf Herbicide for Turf, the fastest triclopyr combination on the market.

Ltd., of Tokyo.

International partnerships also enabled PBI-Gordon to bring more advanced solutions to the golf industry. PBI-Gordon recently introduced Katana® Turf Herbicide, Segway® Fungicide SC, and Kabuto™ Fungicide SC, products of the Company’s partnership with Ishihara Kaisha

The definition of “partnership” within PBI-Gordon changed in 1994, when the Company formed an Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP). The ESOP purchased majority ownership interest in the Company, and in 2002, PBI-Gordon became 100% employee-owned. The ESOP provides ownership succession and allows PBI-Gordon employees to share in the future success of the Company. Page 60

Today, PBI-Gordon continues to move forward with technology – the company is developing its first proprietary active ingredient (pyrimisulfan), submitting six labels to the EPA for a planned 2019 introduction into the professional and consumer market including a trademark name Vexis®. And the employee-owners of PBI-Gordon are still dedicated to doing business with that “bend over backwards to please” attitude. To learn more about PBI-Gordon, contact Jeff Schmidt at 952.237.0160, or by email at jschmidt@pbigordon. com. (below, right)

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Within the Leather by David Kazmierczak CGCS, Superintendent Prestwick Golf Club

It was a brisk walk to the SOB building from the Best Western on Thursday March 9, 2017. The temperature was somewhere in the teens and while I was adequately clothed my partners in crime- Adam Lesmeister and Ben Walker seemed to be less protected from the icy grip. With the State Capital in the background we entered the SOB building with a slight tremble. Was it from the cold, or cold feet as we were about to make our first stop? The SOB abbreviation stands for Senate Office Building, a swank new building that houses the Minnesota State Senate Offices and their meeting halls and rooms. It is brand new and quite nice. It does not stand from another connotation of SOB, although I’m sure there are those who have left the Senate with those words in mind. Upon arriving, we found out PagePage 62 62

the first Senator we were meeting was actually walking with us out of the elevator with a throng of other people at her side. We checked in with her aide and waited our turn to chat, which only ramped up the butterflies a bit. So, why the butterflies? I kept asking this to myself as I waited. This was my first MGCSA Day at the Hill, where MGCSA members and members of our allied associations meet with Senators and Representatives to tell of the good things golf provides the state, the economy, the environment and present our side of the story on relevant issues, specifically concerning water and the environment. Last year we had 26 people, this year we doubled it to 52. It’s not like I was even the group leader- that fell on Adam, my assistant at Prestwick’s narrow shoulders as he had been there last year in my stead. Having him

be leader over me was certainly a point of contention, but I got over it and carried on. Heck, all I had to do was smile, introduce myself and say a few things, which anybody who knows me knows I am pretty good at saying a few

what to expect. While you are dressed in a coat and tie, and the meetings are formally set up, in all actuality they wind up being quite informal in the end. The elected officials truly are just like you and me, except

things if given the opportunity, and they have the unenviable sometimes do when nobody gives job of hearing everybody’s complaints, wants, needs and me the opportunity. desires. Now, they asked for I guess the thing is you are the job, but from what I saw naturally intimidated by the entire last Thursday these folks place. Not having ever been are being tugged at from to the Capital or the Senate or just about every direction House buildings, I didn’t know possible on every and

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any issue possible.

valuable feedback on how the meetings went for future use. The The meetings almost always Day on the Hill is a very important found a common theme event for the future of the MGCSA. between at least one member Our advocacy efforts and needs of the group and the elected will only intensify as time goes official and they all made us on and this day will prove to be feel very comfortable about the instrumental in the future for those experience. It took all of about efforts. The BOD set a goal of 50 five seconds for the butterflies to participants for this year’s event go away and become engaged with and that goal was met, but barely. When you consider the size of the idea of promoting our cause. In two cases, I met with the actual the association and the inclusion of the allied associations, there people from my district of who is certainly room for growth. I voted for. Putting a face to the The more numbers we bring, the name I checked off on the ballot was very satisfying and made me stronger we look and the more think I want to be sure I know the power we gain as a group. It’s that simple. candidates even better the next time around. Maybe attend a local town hall meeting or two. So next year at about the Come to find out two sons of same time, I am sure the 2018 one Representative worked in MGCSA Day at the Hill will once our cart barn over the years. again commence, and it is my Needless to say we didn’t have hope that all of you reading this to persuade her that golf was will strongly consider joining the indeed good. efforts at Capitol Hill. In the end, you are simply helping yourself, When we were done and your future. While it is a full with our meetings we met day of running around and giving up with Jack MacKenzie, the same pitch, I can tell you once MGCSA Executive those initial butterflies vanish, it’s Director to give him also kinda fun. PagePage 64 64

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