Hole Notes The official publication of the MGCSA
Vol. 44, No. 10 November/December 2012
Don’t track it in! Keep the salt out of your entry areas by using LIQUID de-ice solutions
Thanks for your business in 2012! Visit us at the Green Expo — Booth 935
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Upcoming Events January 8, 2013 Super Tuesday Minneapolis Convention Center Host: MTGF January 22, 2013 Shop Tours
Keller, Somerset and Town and Country Club Paul Diegnau, CGCS, James Bade, Bill Larson CGCS
February 13, 2013 Snow Day Majestic Oaks Golf Course Host Dan Hanson Page 2
Vol. 44, No. 10 November /December 2012
Feature Articles:
Disc Golf, An Alternative Income Source? pages 12-17 Contributed by Mike Harrington, Beautiful Bloom ‘s Landscape and Design Distinguished Service Award pages 22-27 Contributed by Eric Counselman, Somerby Golf Club and Dave Kazmierczak CGCS, Prestwick Golf Club Trees: Your Other Plants pages 30-35 Contributed by Dr. Gary Johnson, University of Minnesota Forestry Resources
Monthly Columns: Presidential Perspective Scottie Hines CGCS
page 5-7
In Bounds Jack MacKenzie CGCS
pages 9-10
Within the Leather Dave Kazmierczak CGCS
pages 52-53
Something new for your property Disc Golf!!! Mike Harrington discusses the sport and opportunities for expanding revenue sources at your course.
Cover: Truly Distinguished, Paul Diegnau, CGCS, Superintendent at Keller Golf Club, receives his DSA honor from Eric Counselman, Superintendent at Somerby Golf Club and presenter of this prestigious award. The ceremony took place on December 5th, at the 2012 MGCSA Annual Banquet.
...Even More Content... Keeping It Clear Written By Ken Rost of Frost Services
Yuck! Make a new tradition of better snow removal. Read Ken Rost’s article titled Keeping It Clear!
GCSAA Delegates Meeting Report pages Presented by Kevin Clunis, Superintendent Luck GC
Hole Notes (ISSN 108-27994) is digitally published monthly except bimonthly in November/December and January/February by the Minnesota Golf Course Superintendents’ Association, 10050 204th Street North, Forest Lake, MN 55025. Jack MacKenzie CGCS publisher. Please send any address changes, articles for publication, advertising and concerns to jack@mgcsa.org. Page 3
2012 Board of Directors President
Joe Churchill Reinders Inc.
David Kazmierczak CGCS Prestwick GC
Eric Counselman Somerby GC
Matt McKinnon The Legacy Courses
Kerry Glader Plaisted Companies
Bob Porter Hiawatha GC
Brian Brown Chisago Lakes GC
Bill Gullicks Bellwood Oaks GC
Jake Schmitz Olympic Hills GC
Jeff Ishe Golden Valley G&CC
Executive Director
Scottie Hines CGCS Windsong Farm GC
Roger Stewart Jr. TPC Twin Cities
E. Paul Eckhom CGCS Heritage Links GC
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Jack MacKenzie CGCS MGCSA
Presidential Perspective by Scottie Hines CGCS The State of Our State Superintendent’s Association Your Association is changing.
At the state level you are represented on the MPCA Storm Water Management Committee Turf Working Group, MDA PesThank you for your patience as we experiticide Management Plan Committee and the ence positive growing pains. Stronger and MDA Pesticide Recertification Manual Commore active, your MGCSA is a proud orgamittee. Jack also teaches a short course for nization of fine professionals who strive to the MPCA on turf management and environretain relevance in an ever-changing envimental impacts. He has also been working ronment. I thank the Board of Directors for with the DNR Regional Water Management their vision and more importantly, dedication Director regarding our concerns over the reto the greater good of the Association they stricting of irrigation permits at over a dozen represent. It has been my privilege to serve courses in the state…this led to his national you with them. participation at the USGA Water and Golf Summit in Dallas Texas. As you know, your Board of Directors made a significant change in the way the This is just the tip of the iceberg when MGCSA is run and operated with the hiring it comes to Jack and what he is doing and of Jack MacKenzie, CGCS as our Execuwill continue to do for our association. On tive Director. 2012 has been a busy year for behalf of the entire membership thank you Jack! Besides assisting Dave Kazmierczak for all your hard work and insightfulness in and Bob Porter with the publication of a new leading the MGCSA. and very well received digital magazine The Hole Notes, an updated web site and fre Soon, the MGCSA Water Stewardship quent emails and The Stimpmeter, Jack has Guidelines will be brought back to the forebeen the face of the MGCSA at a variety of front as we tackle an impending challenge… functions. His presence has included MGA, the quality and quantity of water we use for MPGA, MGCOA, MNLA and Midwest So- irrigation. We have a great rough draft but ciety of Executive Association meetings. At need to refine our message, partner with state a recent MGCOA Conference Jack presented golf allies and then state agencies such as an educational program to help course own- the MPCA and DNR for their support. This ers understand the cyclic growth of turf and project will take hard work and participation how management influences its health. from all of the members of the MGCSA. We
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will be called upon to change our irrigation practices. The question will be do we create our own destiny or have one thrust upon us? Under the guidance of Bill Gullicks, Eric Counselman and Jake Schmitz, the social and educational opportunities have changed and expanded considerably. In 2013 there will be no Spring Mixer, instead we have created two, 5 week long, nine hole ‘mini league’ golf evenings in the spring and late summer at two courses, Begin Oaks and Birnamwood. A Maintenance Shop Tour has been added in January as well as a Snow Day educational and social event in February and a Research (W)rap and Bowl function in November. We even have a Masters Trip opportunity in April for those who want to see this incredible event with your peers and also an Assistants’ workshop in March. Information will be coming soon on the Augusta Adventure. These new destinations will complement our existing Mega Seminar, The Scramble, The Championship, The Wee One and The Fall Shoot Out. Beyond the fundraiser events, the goal of the Arrangements and Educational Committees is to provide solid learning and social experiences at a minimal cost to enhance your membership value. A dues proposal is going to be voted upon at the 2013 Annual Meeting. Not because expenses are going up, in fact Treasurer Paul Eckholm, CGCS and your Board is confident with our financial health, but to provide you with member-driven research
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completed on an annual basis for your use. Roger Stewart CGCS, Vice President and Co-Chair of the Research Committee with Erin McManus, and his team are excited about providing more timely and relevant resources for your use as well as supporting our own University of Minnesota TROE Center, Dr. Horgan, Dr. Watkins and now Sam Bauer the new addition to the U of M Turf Instructors. Our membership is stable. Membership Chair, Matt McKinnon, informs me that following a dramatic jump in membership during the boom of golf and the ensuing rapid drop in members due to the recession, we seem to have found a comfortable balance of gaining as many new members as we loose in any given year. This year our membership actually grew by just under two-dozen individuals. The MTGF continues to receive our support through the dedication and representation of Jeff Ische and Roger Stewart. The MTGF’s goal of supporting the University of Minnesota Research and optimal education at the Northern Green Expo would not happen without their bimonthly attendance representing the interests of the MGCSA. My hat is off to you Jeff and Roger for your participation. Jeff Ische and I represent the MGCSA as Directors on the Minnesota Golf Association Board. Last year the MGA implemented a handicap fee increase. It was a minimal
increase but has afforded them to opportunity to assist us in financial support of the TROE Center at the University of MN. The MGCSA currently donates $20,000 annually to TROE. This funding does nothing more than offset costs associated with the maintenance and up-keep of TROE. Little to none of this is dedicated to research. The MGA has committed $10,000 in addition to our funding. The proposed dues increase you will vote on later, coupled with the financial support of the MGA will go along way in providing us with current, local and relevant research. Your support and vote are critical to meet this end. Thank you Jeff for taking on this role as well. The Minnesota Golf Course Superintendents’ Association Affiliate Members support all of our endeavors through advertising, sponsorships and participation. Without this dedication to the MGCSA we would not be able to offer all the great educational, social and golf events we do. On behalf of the membership, a giant thanks go out to our Affiliate Representatives Joe Churchill and Kerry Glader and the entire Affiliate base. We say good-bye to Brian Brown as he steps off the Board after several excellent years of support, most recently as Secretary of your Association. Eric Councilman, Matt McKinnon, Jeff Ische and Joe Churchill will also be leaving the Board when their terms expire. Thanks to each of you for your dedicated work in leading the MGCSA. It has been a pleasure and a distinct honor to serve
with you. One year ago, from Paul Diegnau CGCS, I inherited a fine cabinet and a very dedicated Board. I thank Paul and the entire Board of Directors for their service and dedication. I am honored, flattered and humbled to be working in this capacity with such a talented group of individuals. At the time I was elected President of this Association I wasn’t even gainfully employed and did not know where I might land. I strongly hoped it would be back at Windsong (it was) but I was not sure at the time. To be supported so strongly by my peers, all of you who are members of the MGCSA, and still be elected in this role is simply one of the best things to happen in my career. Thanks to all of you for that support. Finally, I would like to thank my employer, Dave Meyer, all involved at Windsong and, especially, my family, wife Kristin, son Leighton and daughter Olivia. Your support is crucial to take the time at the state and the national level to serve our great industry. Thank you. Yes, your Association is changing. 2013 will be another year of challenges and opportunities. We have a lot to accomplish. Your Board of Directors and I are looking forward to meeting these head on.
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“We appreciated the opportunity to serve you in 2012 and look forward to helping with your turf needs in 2013�
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In Bounds by Jack MacKenzie CGCS Oh Tannenbaum The modern lyrics are due to Leipzig organist, teacher and composer Ernst Anschütz, written in 1824. A Tannenbaum is a fir tree. The lyrics do not actually refer to Christmas, or describe a decorated Christmas tree. Instead, they refer to the fir’s evergreen qualities as a symbol of constancy and faithfulness. Anschütz based his text on a 16thcentury Silesian folk song by Melchior Franck, “Ach Tannenbaum”. Joachim August Zarnack (1777–1827) in 1819 wrote a tragic love song inspired by this folk song, taking the evergreen, “faithful” fir tree as contrasting with a faithless lover. The folk song first became associated with Christmas with Anschütz, who added two verses of his own to the first, traditional verse. The custom of the Christmas tree developed in the course of the 19th century, and the song came to be seen as a Christmas carol. Anschütz’ version still had treu (“true, faithful”) as the adjective describing the fir’s leaves (needles), harking back to the contrast to the faithless maiden of the folk song. This was changed to grün “green” at some point in the 20th century, after the song had come to be associated with Christmas. Wicapedia
I love a good Christmas tree. Fragrant, green, resplendent with twinkle lights and glass ornaments. My brother’s tree is simply
the most amazing holiday decoration I have ever seen. At least ten feet tall, each year the thin natural fir has its individual branches wrapped with separate strands of lights and then dressed with both antique and modern glass curios. Curt spends 12 hours setting it up and another 12 taking it down. But for five weeks it faithfully symbolizes Christmas past and present in his house. Growing up under the roof of a wood hoarder, one who covets rotting wood piles nestled and wasting in neighbors yards or standing dead trees just aching to be harvested and who has more timber split and stacked then he will ever use in his lifetime, was an education in Christmas Tree thriftiness. Always harvested from our property, we had an abundance of interesting and rather unique Tannenbaums and not-somuch Taunnenbaums in my youth. Au natural, the specimens always looked ‘pretty good’ in the yard but often lost their luster upon entry through the sliding porch door. Wrestled across the living room carpet, each managed to mark a trail of ancient bird and insect nests, grasses and leaves; enough to fill at least one Electrolux bag! Of course the ‘thin side’ was typically turned toward the picture windows so we could appreciate the ‘full’ side…when there was a full side to appreciate.
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Once the season was over and the tolerance level of audible falling dehydrated and abscised needles when walking across the room reached its crescendo, we would denude the tree of baubles, filling yet again numerous vacuum bags and reducing the life expectancy if the ‘ol’ Silverado’. In an effort to reduce any more waste of paper bags my Father would remove the double sliding windows and unceremoniously throw the now practically naked stump to its almost final destination two stories below. Many spruce, pine and fir danced from the out-of doors and into our house over my years growing up, but perhaps the most impressive was the twelve-foot tall columnar arborvitae taken for the dual purpose of providing a destination for the ornaments as well as improve the view around a nasty bend in the road. The bad side, trimmed and turned toward the windows, was completely void of any greenery as it abutted its neighbor arborvitae (also soon to be removed as without a partner it too had a cavity the size of Wisconsin). Tall, skinny and rather challenging to hang anything upon because the compact branching left limited hook space, this tree looked like a brownish green five foot wide column holding our vaulted ceiling up. This once in a lifetime Christmas Tree (thanks Mom for laying down the law!) was beyond an embarrassment. However there were three large pluses associated with its variety…it smelled great, never lost a
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needle and was simple to dispose of out the open window! Our ceremonial tree offered one last breath of family enjoyment after Christmas. Mid summer, or whenever Dad was tired of looking at the now rusty brown semineedled conifer tossed haphazardly in the woods, we would cremate the shrunken and desiccated tree in the burn pit thus completing the cycle of its life. In a rapid blaze of glory our creosote tinder would flare the summer skies, one last memory of our loyal Tannenbaum. With the exception of one spruce tree, four feet tall and six feet wide (well it looked good in Dad’s yard, and I appreciate your contribution Big Guy!), as an adult I now prefer a tree harvested from the Covered Bridge Farm located a couple of miles down the road, the tradition of “Charlie Browns” continues in my house. We don’t look for the perfect tree, just one to celebrate the season with. Through the front door, out the back and off the deck into the snow bank to be torched next summer, my family and I celebrate the season with faithful memories hard to forget. Although not the picture of perfection like my Bro’s, our humble tree stands almost straight and reminds us of the holidays with wonderful smells, colorful decorations, lights and the warmth of family and remembrances of Christmases past. Wishing each of you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Download the Northern Green Expo App Dec. 5th! Mobile device users at the Northern Green Expo can easily access information with a free new app! The app is available for download from iTunes and Google Play by searching “Northern Green Expo 2013.” In addition, a mobile website will allow web users an easy way to access information. There are several exciting app features: 1. View and search the entire Expo schedule and “favorite” sessions to create your own unique, individualized Expo experience. 2. View and search the Expo exhibitor list and “favorite” those you want to remember to visit onsite. Plus, click on their name and a pin will drop on our trade show map right at their location on the trade show floor. 3. Fill out a session survey, respond to a poll, or view your seminar’s handout within the app! 4. Not sure what’s coming up? Visit the “What’s On Now” screen to see what’s currently taking place and what will be happening in the next two hours. 5. Join the Twitter conversation integrated into the app and see what attendees and exhibitors are talking about (#GreenExpo13).
6. Receive Expo updates in real time. If something changes, you’ll be the first to know!
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Disc Golf, An Addition
by Mike Harrington, Beautiful Blooms Landscape and Design
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nal Income Source? Disc Golf is very similar to golf only instead of hitting a golf ball with a club, you throw a disc with your arm. There are tees, fairways, rough, water hazards, OB areas, trees, greens (32’ around the basket), and holes (Basket AKA Pole Hole). The goal is the same to get from one point to another in the fewest throws. Not only are the physical parts of the course the same, but the thrill of hitting that perfect golf shot translates to disc golf too. Watching the disc float through the air effortlessly around the trees or over the pond right under the basket keeps so many people coming back over and over again. It’s the same as getting onto a par 5 in two shots by hitting a perfect 3-wood from 250 yards away clearing the bunker and rolling it up on the green to a 2 foot tap-in putt for Eagle. This is one of the reasons disc golf is one of the fastest growing sports in the country, the adrenaline and the thrill are the same as when you hit a perfect golf shot.
able, you could either add more disc golf holes, or use less of the golf course for disc golf. Because the distance of the holes is quite a bit shorter, we also desire much narrower fairways, which is why woods are a great feature on some disc golf holes. Good design incorporates more obstacles and risk/reward shots like over water or through the woods. An occasional open hole using the golf fairway would be acceptable, but a great course will have a good variety of open length, lightly wooded holes, water or OB danger, and even densely wooded areas.
Disc Golf Course Accessories and the necessary installation and maintenance The most basic tee would be a nice level area of grass but the only drawback is that you will want to move the tee markers regularly to avoid compaction and turf damage. The next step up would be to use a rubber mat or an Astroturf tee area for more consistent footing. Even better than Consolidation of the sports these surfaces would be to use existing paved cart paths. Another step up would be Golf courses have so many of the to pour new concrete slabs where the tees same elements as disc golf courses that the would be placed. This is obviously the presame property can be good for both sports. mium option and I would not recommend A golf disc is thrown only about 20-40% this unless you are sure disc golf will be a of the distance of a typical golf drive so part of your course for quite a while. much less land is needed. A decent 18 hole disc golf course could easily fit into 9 Once you decide on the desired tee holes of a typical golf course. If there are type, you might have a little prep work for unused woodlands or prairie areas availthe tees, depending on the tee surface. You Page 13
Off the tee! A typical ‘drive’ has the same elements as a golf shot with premiums placed on distance and accuracy. photo courtesy of Mike Harrington
will also need a little bit of time to install the concrete for the permanent locking metal sleeves (used for permanent basket installations only). The best part about adding disc golf to an existing golf course is that it will not require a lot more effort on day to day maintenance. You already mow the grass, take care of your trees, rake your bunkers, paint your water hazards, and irrigate the turf. Depending on your specific golf course you might not even need to move the baskets in and out if you have a lot of peripheral wooded or prairie property since those areas are also enjoyable for disc golf. Rest assured that a well designed course will keep all discs and people far away from the fine turf areas. We do not Page 14
want discs landing on the green, nor do we want overuse and compaction to begin on the nicely groomed tees. Fairways and rough could withstand an occasional disc and subsequent throw. For a frame of reference, the typical disc golf course turf is comparable to golf course rough. Wooded holes don’t get enough sun to sustain turf, but mulch can be applied to bare areas if the leaf cover is not enough to keep the mud from being on the surface. The potential economic impact of disc golf An upward trend in the sport of disc golf is the desire for pay to play courses as opposed to the free municipal parks. The municipal courses are becoming over-
crowded and beat up due to the decreasing parks budgets, and a lot of the maintenance is left to the local disc golf club volunteers. Many of the more discerning disc golfers are looking for places where it will be less crowded, more secluded, quieter, more scenic, and better maintained, and they are willing to pay for that experience. According to a survey done by the Professional Disc Golf Association (PDGA) in 2011, of the people willing to pay for a nicely maintained disc golf course, the optimum fee would be $4-6, with some people saying they would pay over $15. Add in a golf cart rental, some beverages, and possibly some food sales and there is a significant amount of money from a completely different target market. That income looks even more substantial when you realize the additional inputs are pretty minimal
and disc golf could take advantage of your slow periods. I imagine that your golf course owners, who have been dealing with less tee times and fewer golfers over the past decade, would love to have that additional income. Is disc golf suitable for all golf courses? Disc golf could be designed to fit into just about any golf course, but there are so many variables that the extent of use might vary dramatically from course to course. The amount of money people are willing to pay will also vary depending on the property and the level of challenge that can be provided. From a design standpoint the factors involved would be the trees along the fairways, the water that is in play, the use of bunkers to create more obstacles, and the overall size of your prop-
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erty. If there are peripheral prairie areas or densely wooded areas that can be used, then the design could be altered dramatically to capitalize on the unused portion of the property.
you could find a few dozen golfers and a few dozen disc golfers on the same course at the same time. Disc golfers also tend to be a hearty bunch of people and will play in just about any weather including snow, so it is important to think about the oppor The biggest factor to consider when tunity for a course in the wintertime, when deciding if disc golf would be approprithere obviously is no revenue from golf. ate for your property is to study the slow All of these circumstances will affect the periods of golf. Are there specific evenings type of course that could be put in and the where a section of the golf course could amount of money people are willing to pay be closed to golfers and opened for disc to play your course. golf league play? Are the early spring and late fall months particularly slow because Perhaps your course could support a the golfers are waiting for ideal weather permanent disc golf course being installed. conditions? Could you have a course that It might only be able to justify a temporary would support simultaneous play by golf- setup a couple nights a week, or for that ers and disc golfers? Currently there are matter even just a couple of tournaments a two courses installed on golf courses in the year. I am confident with the right promoMinneapolis area where the disc golfers tion, and the proper planning and design, get a tee-time just like the golfers do and this is something that will be a profitable
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Hole 17 at The Lodge Island Golf Course in Pawhuska, OK. photo Mike Harrington
Have you got this shot? Hole number 2 at Blue Ribbon Pines in East Bethel. photo by Jenny Cook
addition to many golf courses. Mike Harrington has a BS in Environmental Horticulture from the University of Minnesota. He spent 10 years in the golf course maintenance industry with three and a half years as Golf Course Superintendent at Scenic View Country Club in Slinger, WI. Since 2005 he has been Co-owner (with his wife Loriena who also was in the golf course industry for 10 years) of Beautiful Blooms Landscape & Design in Wauwatosa, WI focusing on lawn and landscape design, installation, and maintenance. He recently started a new company called The Disc Golf
Experience LLC aimed at promoting the sport of disc golf through sustainable disc golf course design and running fun and unique disc golf events. He has travelled to over 400 disc golf courses in 22 states since he started playing the game less than 4 years ago and he writes an extensive blog about all of the courses he has played across the country found at www. thediscgolfexperience.com. If you have any questions about the incorporation of disc golf into your golf course feel free to email Mike@thediscgolfexperience.com. He would be happy to talk you through your property and how to decide if this would be a worthwhile venture. Page 17
A Night to be Recognized
The MGCSA 2012 Annual Banquet
By Dave Kazmierczak CGCS
There is nothing wrong with a little recognition. That was the overwhelming theme and the goal at the MGCSA awards banquet held at Medina Country Club on December 5, 2012. Host Erin McManus, Superintendent Medina Country Club, welcomed over 80 MGCSA members and guests at the event. After a lively social hour and fine dinner served by the Medina CC staff, Master of Ceremonies Bill Gullicks, Superintendent, Bellwood Oaks Golf Club started the show by introducing the life service awards of 35 MGCSA members with certificates of merit. These members ranged from 25 years of membership up to 40 years of continuous membership in the MGCSA. Gullicks then turned the microphone over to Dave Kazmierczak, CGCS, Superintendent Prestwick Golf Club and editor of the MGCSA’s Hole Notes magazine to present the Watson award for the best member-generated article in the magazine for 2012. Kazmierczak presented the award to Ken Rost of Frost Services for his article published in the September month of Hole Notes entitled “RU Ready? GPS TECH UpDate”. With those presentations done, Gullicks then got to the highlight of the evening- the presentation of the 2012 Distinguished Service Award to current MGCSA ex-officio Paul Diegnau. Gullicks invited Eric Councelman, Superintendent Somerby Country Club and nominator of Page 18
Diegnau for the award, to come forward and present Diegnau his award. Councelman gave a brief introduction and then began to rattle off Diegnau’s carrer accomplishments, enough to fill up two full pages of copy. With the witty anecdotes and many career highlights conveyed, Councelman then invited Diegnau to receive his DSA award. Humbled and gracious, Diegnau accepted the DSA award with reverence and thanks. His acceptance speech thanked the many people who helped him on his way, including past and current employers, colleagues with whom he worked and served with, but most importantly his family. Digneau’s wife, Cindy and his parents Gretchen and Ron were in attendance to witness his acceptance and receive Diegnau’s praise while his two children were thanked from afar. In closing, Gullicks thanked the participants for coming to the awards dinner, and left them with the idea that too often members of our industry do not seek recognition for their service and accomplishments, in fact they try not to be highlighted in any way, which is not beneficial. Gullicks asked that all in attendance realize the more awards or orders of merit we earn in our work, the brighter the light is cast upon our profession and our professionalism. That, Gullicks said, is the kind of recognition we all should be striving for.
MGCSA 2012 Service Awards:
Above, Dennis Hendrickson Class of 1972. 45 years and going strong, Ron Bloom in the center Double down, DSA and 30 year Service Award, Paul Diegnau CGCS below.
Fred Taylor, above, 35 years of solid service receives his thanks from Bill Gullicks. 25 years young! Todd Daniels receives his 25 year plaque.
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R U Ready- GPS TECH Update, an article in the September issue of Hole Notes Magazine, earned Ken Rost, above on the right next to Editor Dave Kazmierczak CGCS, great recognition and the Watson Award for best member written article.
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MGCSA Shop Tours Event January 22, 2013 Keller Golf Course, host Paul Diegnau CGCS Somerset Country Club, host James Bade Town and Country Club, host Bill Larson CGCS
Shop Tours begin at Keller GC then move to Somerset CC ending at T&CC for tour and pizza lunch
This new MGCSA opportunity combines both education and social networking. Bring your staff, especially your equipment technicians, and tour three very different turf management centers. You drive between stops.
Cost of the day is $30 per participant and includes: coffee, donuts and lunch
Keller Golf Course Tour Begins from 8:00-9:30 Somerset Country Club Tour from 10:00- 11:30 Town and Country Club Tour Begins at 12:00 noon Spectacular Pizza Lunch at T&CC Random Participation Prizes to be awarded
visit the MGCSA.org web site for more information and sign up today
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Distinguished Diegnau, CGCS 2012 DSA Award Winner Deserving of Distinction By Dave Kazmierczak and Eric Counselman
When nominating this year’s Distinguished Service Award winner Paul Diegnau CGCS, Eric Councilman, Superintendent, Somerby Golf Club, had his hands full. He knew he would have to stand in front of his peers and give a speech, state his case for the nomination, but perhaps the hardest thing would be Page 22
to actually learn how to spell “Diegnau”. However when Councilman was through doing his research, he found that not only was it worth the time to learn how to spell Paul’s last name, but his achievements and contributions throughout his career would warrant the award many times over.
Paul Diegnau is as Minnesota as it gets. Raised in Rosemount, he attended the University of Minnesota and received a BS in Biology. Diegnau had always wanted to work for the Department of Natural Resources in the area of fisheries or wildlife management but in the end he said that “didn’t pan out.” Diegnau had always looked to work outside in nature so an alternative to the DNR job might be the golf course. He answered an ad for a job as Golf Course Superintendent at Parkview Golf Course in Eagan, MN. He got the job, and in 1983 began his career without a turf degree, learning at the “school of
hard knocks.” He must have been a quick learner, because four years later he landed the Superintendent job at River Falls Golf Club, where he spent nearly a decade before landing the job at Keller Golf Course in 1996, where he presently employed. Throughout his career, Diegnau’s focus other than maintaining and excellent golf course has been the concept of being a consistent steward of water quality and conservation. He has worked tirelessly to educate and increase awareness of Best Management Practices, and is always willing to
Keller GC: An Urban Nature Preserve
2009 MGCSA Environmental Leader Award Recipient Page 23
LEAP Award Winner 2003
educate and G communicate what he has on thedMN Turf Keller C was awarded a LEAP Award by the o Served local watershed istrict for and private, learned. Keller Golf Course has been that use sound Grounds BOD forpracBces three maybe public , and commercial properBes management to offeredpreserve up for research on numerous 4 ryears and improve water quality and natural esources. occasions, and has received full o Since 2003 he has represented Certification as an Audubon Cooperative MGCSA on the MN Nursery Sanctuary. and Landscape Regulatory The list of Diegnau’s Advisory Council through the accomplishments are long, and are Department of Ag certainly worth noting and marveling o From 2004 to 2009 Paul over. They are: represented MGCSA on the § Within the MGCSA Paul has: MN Invasive Species Advisory o Helped develop BMP Water Council a joint effort between Stewardship Guidelines the DNR and Dept of Ag outlining water quality and council quantity strategies for turf o In 2003 he won the Watson managers. Award for article on Linear o Served on the Research Aerification Committee o For many years he wrote o Chaired Scholarship and a monthly column called Conference and Education “Minnesota in the Crosshairs” in Committees Hole Notes, and it is estimated Page 24
that through the years has reevaluation process Paul kept contributed over 3 dozen articles constant communication with to Hole Notes the MGCSA membership. The o In 2009 he won the MGCSA leg work associated with this Environmental Award type of change was daunting, o He has been the MGCSA Vicebut he took it in stride and President, President, and is now logged countless hours on the Ex-Officio our behalf. These decisions o As the President of the although difficult, redirected the MGCSA, Paul’s leadership was MGCSA, and as an association put to the test. The MGCSA we have seen benefits in the BOD determined that the change. position of Executive Director § Within the GCSAA: was in need of review. It was o Paul became a Certified Golf through Paul’s leadership and Course Superintendent in 1993 development of a fair and just o He has served for a year on process that the position was the GCSAA Online Education re-evaluated. Throughout the Committee o Co-authored an article on shoreline restoration in partnership with local watershed district that was published in Golf Course Management magazine § Within Ramsey County: o He has served on the RamseyWashington Metro Watershed District Advisory Commission o And in 2003, won the Landscape Ecology Awards Program (LEAP) Award for government properties. Award given to land managers who use management practices that improve or preserve water quality and natural resources o In 2008 he was awarded the Page 25
Superior Tech Products
Sometimes during the busy season we forget to thank the very people that have made our progress happen. We cannot say it enough !
Thank you
Thank you
Thank you
Have a Safe and Happy Holiday Season
Rick Gabler 路 Dan Gabler 路 Steve Hamelau 路 Rick Grannes 路 Rick McCarthy
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Ramsey County Outstanding Employee Achievement Award for environmental stewardship and innovation § Other Accomplishments include o Being a member and Washington County Coordinator for the MN Bluebird Recovery Program o Former Master Gardener and Tree Care Advisor with the U of MN Extension – Washington County o Participant in the MN Forest Pest First Detector Program o Hosted and taught classes for undergraduate and graduate level students from University of Minnesota (turfgrass management, plant pathology), Century College, and UW-River Falls o Served on the city of Oakdale Environmental Management Commission
Mike, 20, who is also enrolled the Carlson School as a Junior. Diegnau said it was their support, especially Cindy’s that made all that he has been able to accomplish a reality. For his many friends and peers in the industry, Diegnau is simply a positive influence. His list of achievements is astounding, and will have an impact on our industry for many years to come. He gives us all (especially the young guys) a positive role model for which pattern ourselves. Paul Diegnau, CGCS, is certainly deserving of the 2012 Distinguished Service Award.
Like most achievers, Diegnau’s success could not have happened without a firm support group. He married his wife, Cindy in 1984 and together they raised two children: Christine, 24 who is in the Carlson Business School at the University of Minnesota and is currently teaching English in Seoul, South Korea and Page 27
Season’s Gree MTI Dist
4830 Azelia Avenue N. #100 Brooklyn Center, MN 55429 Phone: (763) 592-5600 Toll Free: (800) 362-3665 Fax: 763-592-5700 Page 28
etings from ributing We extend our Best Wishes for a New Year filled with Peace, Joy and Success 2131 16th St. N., Suite C Fargo, ND 58102 Phone: (701) 281-0775 Toll Free: (800) 782-1031 Fax: (701) 281-9417 Page 29
Trees: Your ‘Other’ Plants Assessing Tree Risks In Public Places
Article one in a series of three pertaining to the complex issues associated with tree management.
Dr. Gary Johnson
Professor, and Extension Professor of Urban and Community Forestry
University of Minnesota, Department of Forest Resources
What could be worse than to be 10 over par…for each hole? As bad as that may sound (actually, for me that’s a decent game), having a branch drop 20 feet in a wind storm and land on your head would actually be worse! Okay, if not worse, just as bad. Managers of public open spaces have had to learn about hazard tree assessment and managing risks as commonly as managing bentgrass diseases, whether they have a background in this practice or not. Not being aware of problems is not a defense when invited guests are injured due to hazardous conditions, whether they are linked to benches, parking lots or trees. The best defense, legally and ethically, is a well-documented management plan that helps managers of parks, golf courses and campuses pro-actively minimize dangers to their “clients.”
Tree risk assessment has become the most universal practice in urban forestry. Whether the professional is managing trees on private properties or public spaces, the assumption is that everything that can be done to make the experience enjoyable for users of the space has been done. Therefore, the assumed liability to monitor for potentially harmful defects that can create hazards or hazardous conditions extends to everything. Monitoring for dangerous paths, parking lots, benches, or other infrastructure is relatively logical and obvious. It doesn’t take a Mensa membership to recognize broken-down or rotting benches. Pot-holes in paths or parking lots are pretty obvious when all of the cars look like low-riders as they drive through or roller bladers spend more time picking themselves up rather than picking up
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No matter how beloved a tree may be, those with significant defects such as the extent of decay in this bur oak, and those located in high use areas such as this college campus are unacceptable risks and must be removed promptly. Photo by Gary Johnson
speed. Assessing tree risks is a different story, though, requiring a new skill-set of evaluation practices and protocol, as well as a basic understanding of tree biology and biomechanics. A Step-by-Step Protocol Step One. Know the Language: Risk. A level of risk is arrived at after considering how likely damage or injury may occur due to the hazardous tree (or part of the tree) and how severe the damage or injury may be. For instance, a tree may be large, weakened by decay and teetering on the brink of being vertical, yet located in the middle of a wooded area that people rarely frequent, no structures are
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Big trees and public spaces don’t always spell danger. Trees that are well-maintained reduce tree risks to acceptable levels. Photo by Sue Granger.
nearby, and the only thing that will suffer damage would be the tree next to it. This would be an example of a high risk of failure but a low risk of damage or injury. Therefore, in the perspective of risk assessment for public spaces, this would be considered a low risk. Target. The relative ranking of risks allows the property manager to prioritize actions, maximize the effectiveness of budgets, whether generous or limited, and create an environment with acceptable risks for the greatest number of visitors or participants. Anything in the park or public area that could be damaged or injured by the hazardous tree is considered a “target.� As opposed to a shooting range, this kind of target is not considered the ultimate recipient of unwanted lead. The more targets that exist near the tree being evaluated, the more valuable the target is, the more consequential the risk. Applying this to the scenario above, if the same tree with the same defects or hazardous condition was located in the middle of a popular
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playground, the risk would now rise to the highest level and generally be considered unacceptable. Defect. A defect is a character trait of a tree that is not just abnormal (e.g., a dead branch), but holds some potential for damaging or injuring targets. If that damage potential is considered benign (a small dead branch on a crab apple tree), then it’s of no concern for safety. If however, the defect has a history of leading to failures (e.g., extensive decay in large branches and tree trunks), then the tree defect is considered a hazard. Hazardous. Finally, if the odds are that the tree defect is likely to cause failure and the failure is likely to result in significant damage or injury, the tree is considered hazardous. When a tree has been evaluated and deemed hazardous, and if that tree is in a situation where there could be significant damage or injury to one or more targets, then action must be taken. Step Two. Institute a monitoring program. For your own (legal) protection and for the (ethical) protection of your clients, the next step is the development and implementation of a logical monitoring program that assesses the trees in the park, campus or golf course on a regular and reasonable basis. Since you will be dealing with a living, sometime unpredictable biological system (tree), unpredictable weather events and varying numbers of users, there is no absolutely perfect protocol. However, there are professional standards and examples from other communities that can guide you through the process. The recently published “Tree Risk Assessment: Best Management Practices,” is a companion publication to the “ANSI A300 Part9: Tree, Shrub, and Other Woody Plant Management – Standard Practices (Tree Risk Assessment a. Tree Structure Assessment.” A lot of words for a recommended tree risk assessment protocol. This Best Management Practices (BMP) perspective offers an industry standard for monitoring techniques and timing as well as guidance on tree
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defects and hazards of note. It is available through the International Society of Arboriculture at www.isa-arbor.com, and is worth the investment. The frequency (aka, inspection interval) and the depth of monitoring are functions of budget potential, the levels of assessed risks and the goals of the property managers. In most situations, a public space will have varied levels of risks; therefore, the frequency of monitoring the trees in that area varies with the potential for injury or damage. The higher the potential risk assessment for an area of a park usually means a higher frequency of monitoring and often a more in-depth examination of the trees. The depth of monitoring examinations ranges from “limited visual assessments” to “basic” to “advanced.” Price tags increase with each higher level of examination due to increased labor costs and equipment required to assess the defects/hazards. Due to those realistic monetary constraints, it will be imperative that a “risk zone map” of the public space or spaces be constructed as a guide for determining which areas warrant the most frequent, most detailed inspections. It should be obvious that open public spaces around heavily-used community parks with extensive infrastructure deserve more attention than meandering informal walking paths that are lightly used. Accept it as Management There is often a “push-back” when it involves risk assessment and management, especially with trees. Most of that push-back is due to a lack of knowledge, experience or understanding of the power of prevention. No property manager wants users to be exposed to unnecessary dangers, and that’s an ethical as well as an issue of legal responsibility. Parks and properties that are perceived to be safe are always more likely to be popular and used. The BMPs for Tree Risk Assessment are excellent guides and foundations for a risk management program that is reasonable and attainable for all public spaces.
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As with all management programs, documentation is critical. Document
the frequency and level of risk assessment by date and personnel conducting the assessment as well as the assessment notes. If trees are deemed as unacceptable risks, promptly remove or correct the defects and document the dates and actions. For those in-house personnel who may be conducting the assessments, document their level of training and credentials.
When good trees go bad! Defects such as larger, dead branches are hazardous when they are located near areas or people that can be harmed as a result of their failure. Photo by Jeff Hahn.
Dr. Gary Johnson:
Professor, and Extension Professor of Urban and Community Forestry University of Minnesota, Department of Forest Resources
Areas of Expertise: Urban Forest Health Stress Disorders: Deicing Salt Damage; Urbanized Soils. Diseases of Trees and Shrubs. Risk Assessment and Management. Tree Preservation During Construction Activities. Dysfunctional Root Systems, including Stem Girdling Roots. Nursery Tree Production.
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Keeping It Clear!!!
By Ken Rost of Frost Services
new traditions very soon. When we have just one option, a decision is easy. That’s tradition. When we have many options, the decisions about what ice melt to use get complicated. In this article, we will summarize common ice melt options available today and the methods for using them that might deviate from tradition. Keep in mind that the process of melting snow and ice is an exercise in physics and chemistry. In a laboratory we can control variables and determine a temperature when a product ceases to melt Traditions are great for family ice. This is how phase change melting get-togethers and meals that help feed points are determined. However, in real the bear inside us. But the practice of world applications, many variables will spreading salt for ice melt might be a alter the laboratory determined temperatradition that needs to be pondered. We all want to keep our traffic areas safe to ture. Moisture level, sunlight, air temp minimize accidents and falls and salt has and surface temp are the main variables been a traditional tool to help minimize that affect melting temps. If we include these variables in our evaluation, we the labor. But when it seems like salt come up with an effective temperature. isn’t getting the job done, our tendency Effective temperature is simply a relative is to add more. More is good, right? temperature determined through practi What if there is a better way? This cal use of the product. We’ll use effective temperature to compare ice melt question has sparked innovation and materials. new methods have been developed in the business of keeping our traffic areas Dry Salt (NaCl) – Effective Temperature = 150F clear of snow and ice. These new products and methods will likely become It’s inevitable! Winter, that is. Regardless of whether or not you look forward to this time of year, this is when instincts and traditions take over our lives. We feel the urge to drain, wrap, cover and close up anything that needs it to survive the next few months. We assess the condition of our snow equipment and the pile of ice melt salt bags we have left over from last year. If we’re lucky, they haven’t gone solid like field stones.
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Traditional salt is relatively inexpensive
but it has a limited effective temperature. It is very corrosive and even within the category of ‘salt’ there are differences. Mined salt is taken from deposits left years ago during the formation of earth. It often contains other minerals and possibly inert materials that don’t help melt snow and ice. Solar salt is harvested from lake beds and other areas where salt water has been evaporated. Solar salt tends to be more pure NaCl and is more consistent in its effective melting temperature. Here’s a chemistry reminder, dry salt doesn’t melt anything. Only when salt goes into solution does it start to melt surrounding snow or ice. In order to get the process started, many salt products are ‘pre-wetted’ with a de-icing liquid. This method will speed up the melting process by about 20 minutes and usually lowers the effective temperature by 5-100F. Automatic pre-wetting systems are common on DOT trucks that apply dry salt. Dry Calcium Chloride (CaCl2) – Page 38
Effective temperature= -150F
The effective temperature of dry calcium chloride is much lower than traditional salt which makes it a better choice for the colder periods of winter. The cost of calcium chloride is higher than salt but theoretically lower amounts can be used. Being a dry product, the rules about effectiveness when dissolved in a liquid state apply to calcium chloride also. Liquid Calcium Chloride (CaCl2) – Effective temperature = -200F Liquid Magnesium Chloride (MgCl2) – Effective temperature = -100F
Liquid chlorides are the most common liquids that are used to pre-wet salt as described above. They are also emerging as effective liquid products that can be directly applied to surfaces. They can both prevent snow and ice adhesion to pavement, and melt existing snow and ice. Liquid chlorides are corrosive and more expensive than salt on a volume basis, but their effective temperatures are substantially lower than salt. This means that small amounts of liquid chloride products can be used
At Par Aide, we’d like to raise a paper cup to you, our valued customer. Because it’s your unyielding dedication to the course that inspires us to keep building the industry’s most innovative products. So from Par Aide, we salute all you do. Cheers.
Wherever golf is played.
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to achieve good results. Liquid chlorides are hygroscopic which means that they ‘collect’ moisture. Their molecules seek out water and bind with H2O molecules. The result is a liquid solution on the surface with a much lower freezing point. The benefit is that snow or ice won’t adhere to pavement. It creates a non-stick surface much like a coated frying pan. This is where a change in method comes in. Instead of plowing and spreading dry salt afterward to melt remaining snow, liquid chlorides can be applied before the snow fall. After plowing, the liquid chloride remains in the pavement and an application of salt will usually be unnecessary. Let’s use two sidewalks as a theoretical example of how liquid chlorides work. We’ll apply the liquid to one of the sidewalks about 6-8 hours before a 6” snowfall. The first thing we’ll notice is that there is 6” of snow on the untreated sidewalk and 5” on the treated sidewalk. The liquid chlorides will initially consume about 1” of the snowfall. Then let’s have heavy traffic on both sidewalks for a couple of hours. After the traffic we’ll get around to plowing. Page 40
The untreated sidewalk will be difficult to clear and will undoubtedly have snow and ice bonded to the surface. The treated sidewalk will clear off easily and any remaining snow will be dissolved by residual chloride.
If we spread dry salt on the untreated sidewalk, we may not get it cleared off for days depending on sunlight, air temp, etc. Pre-applying the liquid chloride bought us time so that we didn’t need to plow immediately after the snowfall or before the traffic to prevent adhesion to the pavement. Acetates (KAc) –Effective Temperature = -200F
Acetates are a non-chloride type of
liquid that have low effective temperatures and are non-corrosive. They are approved by the FAA for airport runway de-icing and are commonly used on automated bridge de-icing systems. The cost of acetate liquids is substantially higher than chloride liquids because they cost more to produce. The methods for using acetates are the same as for liquid chlorides.
Agricultural by-products We often hear about agricultural by-products being used for de-icing and they are a popular topic because there is very little cost for the materials. Examples are by-products of sugar beet processing and whey from cheese making. They don’t have significant effective temperature benefits on their own and if applied directly they can have undesirable traits such as slipperiness or smell. They do provide some benefit to blends. For instance, adding sugar beet molasses in a salt brine blend can reduce the corrosive activity of the salt substantially.
interactions within the blend. But if you pay attention to the main ingredients and knowing their effective temperatures you can usually make a reasonable choice. Sand
Sand is a traditional tool and it is useful
when temperatures are below the effective temperature of all the fore mentioned products. It is good for temporary traction on the surface of ice only. Sand needs to have some salt mixed in with it to prevent it from freezing solid. Before using sand, consider the fact that someone will need to clean it up in the spring and sand is very hard on interior floors when tracked into buildings.
There comes a time when old traditions get broken and new ones are started.
Blends are a good way to balance
the effective temperature of an ice melt product and cost. DOT’s, counties and municipalities will often create liquid salt brines and add liquid chlorides to customize a liquid for their area. Dry and liquid chloride blends are usually created by wholesalers and are sold under brand names. Blends can complicate the buying decision. Blends often have lower effective temperatures than their individual main ingredients due to chemical
One more thing to consider when choosing an ice melt product is the impact on the surrounding environment. The MPCA has reported an increase in salinity levels of roadside soils and watershed areas around roads treated with salt during the winter. MNDOT aims to address this by adding liquid blends and pre-treatments to its strategy for minimizing dry salt use. A lot of dry salt gets bladed off directly onto surrounding turf. Liquid de-icing products don’t get bladed off. Increased soil salinity can also be an issue for turf and ornamental areas adjacent to sidewalks and parkPage 41
ing lots. It is often necessary to replace soils with high salinity before resuming turf growth. Knowing this, the ‘more is good’ argument doesn’t seem so smart. There comes a time when old traditions get broken and new ones are started. The best way for a new tradition to succeed is for there to be a cost benefit. Alternative de-icing products and methods described in this article have been proven to save money. The MPCA
published a Winter Parking Lot and Sidewalk Maintenance Manual which includes some case studies where municipalities, schools and businesses utilized alternatives and saved money. The MPCA is also a good resource and reference for more information on this topic. Lastly, your association has affiliates that sell both the materials and the equipment to apply alternative de-icing products. Affiliates are a valuable resource for quality products as well as expert advice. Utilize them and enjoy winter!
The 2012 Annual Banquet! You should have, could have, been there!
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MGCSA Snow Day Event February 13, 2013 Majestic Oaks Golf Club, host Dan Hanson
7:30 education begins, lunch followed by Snolf and Boot Hockey EDUCATION FORMAT: Parking Lot and Sidewalk Winter Maintenance
This new MGCSA opportunity combines both education and social networking. Bring your staff and learn some very important information about snow removal, safety and the impacts your winter maintenance program has upon the environment. More is not better and applying the right product at the right time is just as critical as it is in the summer when you apply fungicides. After lunch stick around for snow golf, boot hockey or just socializing!
Cost of the day is $30 per participant and includes MPCA certification training in snow maintenance, a wonderful buffet lunch and winter activities.
Training Topics: Application Rates of Materials How to Calibrate Equipment Weather Conditions Storing Materials Environmental Effects New Maintenance Methods De-Icing Anti-Icing
Training Materials: MPCA Winter Parking & Sidewalk Maintenance Manual Clipboard rate chart LTAP MN Snow and Ice Control Manual MPCA level 1 Cerification GCSAA CEU’s
Spectacular Buffet Lunch Random Participation Prizes to be awarded
Afternoon activities to include Snow Golf on the groomed 9 hole course and Boot Hockey upon a world class and maintained competition rink! visit the MGCSA.org web site for more information and sign up today Page 43
On Board: Q & A
with a member of your BOD
What did serving on the MGCSA Board of Directors mean to you? Jeff Ishe, Executive Director-Property and Sports Operations GVG&CC My four years on the MGCSA BOD has been very rewarding. Among other things, it has allowed me to gain a much better understanding of how our association functions, its finances, the importance of our relationship with the University of Minnesota and the value that we receive by maintaining our membership. I was able to chair or co-chair a few committees and have a larger appreciation for those who volunteer their time on behalf of our association. Serving on the BOD has also allowed me to build relationships with other superintendents that I otherwise may not have. Assisting with the transition between Executive Directors has improved the day to day oversight of the MGCSA, given us a clearer direction and a much improved presence in the St. Paul political scene. I am proud to have served on the BOD and will do so again in a few years. Right now, the demands of my position combined with very active children, has forced me to scale back my involvement at the board level. Thank you for the opportunity to serve on the BOD.
Brian Brown, Superintendent at Chisago Lakes Golf Club
What did serving on the MGCSA Board of Directors mean to me? For me, serving on the Board of Directors for the past 5 years was a way to give of my time to an industry that I am passionate about. I truly believe in the objective of the association. “To advance the art and science of Golf Course Management, to collect and disseminate among member Superintendents practical solutions to problems with a view to more efficient and economical maintenance and production of golf courses, and to promote the welfare of the Superintendent and the profession.” While on the board I felt my position was to represent the smaller budget courses, newer superintendents to the profession, and outstate courses. These are the superintendents that tend to get less involved with the Association yet probably need the resources more. Page 44
One of the things that I will miss most about being on the board is the information that is discussed about the industry during board meetings. I have been quite surprised about all of the possible governmental regulations that are discussed. Paul Eckholm, CGCS does a great job and spends a lot of time researching introduced bills in the legislature. Superintendents get frustrated by some of the laws that pass but they would be surprised at how many more regulations are in bills that do not pass. The MGCSA has had to change over the past few years. Where once the association concentrated on “practical solutions to problems with a view to more efficient and economical maintenance and production of golf courses,” it now has to focus more on protecting and “promoting the welfare of the Superintendent and the profession.” This focus has brought the need for Jack MacKenzie, CGCS to be our Executive Director. I didn’t know Jack very well before he was hired and frankly I was a little concerned about what his high energy was going to bring to the position. But I can tell you that we are so very fortunate to have Jack as the Executive Director of the MGCSA. Jack is a terrific representative for us on the government affairs side and can speak directly for superintendents. He already has represented us in the Minnesota Legislative offices and nationally regarding water use rights. The MGCSA has not forgotten its role with providing the practical solutions to problems but is teaming up with the U of M TROE Center and allied MN Green Expo. These additional resources bring accredited research and expertise to our members. Recently the board has brought a request to the membership to increase funding for the TROE Center. These additional research funds will be directed at specific research that will benefit the MGCSA members. Thank all of you for letting me serve as a Director and Secretary on the MGCSA
Matt McKinnon, The Legacy Courses at Cragun’s
Serving on the MGCSA Board of Directors has been a great experience. I started in 2005 and since then I have had a chance to meet and work with many dedicated members of the MGCSA. When I started it was a big eye opener for me as I did not know what it takes to run and organize an association like the MGCSA. For me it was a lot of travel time more than anything but the working with new people, trying to make a difference and networking really made it worth while. Thank you for the opportunity to serve on the MGCSA Board of Directors. Page 45
2012 Chapter Delegates Meeting: Citing the considerable amount of dialogue among participants, GCSAA President Sandy Queen, CGCS, said the association’s 2012 Chapter Delegates Meeting was productive and will pay additional dividends in the future.
Conducted Oct. 5-7 at GCSAA headquarters and in Kansas City, Mo., chapter representatives met to learn more about association initiatives and to provide feedback on governance, programs and services, and issues regarding the game and business of golf. They also heard from candidates running for GCSAA national leadership positions.
The what and the why
“It is important that our members know the ‘what’ and ‘why’ of GCSAA efforts, but it is equally important that we hear what our members have to say,” Queen said. “We cannot make decisions or shape policy without that feedback. Page 46
That is why I am so pleased that there was debate on what was presented. I continue to be impressed with the quality of representatives the chapters send to the meeting.” Queen noted that prior chapter delegate feedback helped formulate the new conference and show schedule, implement free GCSAA webcasts and restructure the annual meeting. Discussion this year will be utilized to “tweak” certain aspects of the Rounds 4 Research program, study the GCSAA Chapter Affiliation Agreement and help the board of directors and staff prioritize programs and services. “The thing I like about the meeting is the board listens and wants our input,” said GCSAA Class A member Brad Jolliff, a multi-year attendee from Oklahoma. “You get the opportunity to give your point of view. There is such a diversity of membership, and to make the best decisions the board needs input from many sources. The delegates meeting is a good way to get
the information.”
Chapter affiliation deliberated
One of the most lively discussions regarded the GCSAA Chapter Affiliation Agreement, specifically Class A conformity between GCSAA and chapters in terms of membership classification. Ultimately, the board of directors opted to extend the current affiliation agreement to give the association and chapters an additional year to collect data and do further study on the issue. The extension was also granted to give the association time to analyze the report of the Membership Standards Advisory Group. For the past nine months, this independent panel of members has been studying the impact of the professional development initiative (PDI) that resulted in the creation of membership standards. The MSAG presented to the delegates its findings that PDI had been successful with increased advocacy with policy makers, the creation of the IPM requirement, expanded education opportunities that were accessible and affordable, and improved playing conditions. It did note that the faltering economy and the cost and time necessary to affect change through a public relations campaign worked against the program.
Recommendations focused on membership conformity, simplifying membership classifications, and strengthening the requirements for Class A status and items to help market it.
Dues increase up for vote
The association presented a proposed dues increase that will be voted on at the annual meeting in February in San Diego. The vote will be to increase dues $25 for Class A and SM members, and $15 for Class C members, making annual dues $365 and $185, respectively. The increase is a combination of a $15 increase (for Class A/SM) based on the Consumer Price Index and $10 (for Class A/SM) to compensate for GCSAA’s group life insurance premium being doubled by the provider. Second-year delegate and Class A member Brian Beckner of the Everglades GCSA spoke to the value members received for their membership. “It’s too bad every member cannot be here to hear and see what they get for their dues,” Beckner said. “It is incredible what I get as a GCSAA member. Everything I heard this weekend was about helping me be a better golf course superintendent and being more valuable to my facility. We are fortunate to have GCSAA.” Page 47
The bottom line GCSAA Chief Executive Officer Rhett Evans shared the association’s invest-recover-grow strategy that has shaped the association’s budgeting philosophy for the past two years. He described how funds have been invested in new programs such as field staff, Rounds 4 Research, web technology, advocacy and other areas to better serve the members. Giving time to allow these programs to gain traction will ultimately help stabilize association operations. Evans indicated that staff will present a balanced budget to the board in December, but will pull some funds from the association’s reserve just as it has done in the past. Among the new items in the budget will be funds to complete the filling of field staff, pay for headquarters facility improvements and add technology resources. The Mid-Atlantic and the Southeast regions are the remaining two regions without field staff. The facility improvement plan, announced earlier this fall, focuses on necessary structural repairs and enhancing the efficiency of the building. In all, expenses for the project are expected to be approximately $1.9 million. “We are by no means out of the woods when it comes to our financial challenges,” Evans said. “Golf has had Page 48
some struggles. But I believe we have been prudent in what we have done to weather the storm and are positioned for continued success.”
Tooting your horn
Among the more popular presentations were those that demonstrated how GCSAA resources were being used to advocate on behalf of members. Staff outlined the various government relations activities and the importance of members meeting with federal, state and local lawmakers to be heard on policy decisions. Various examples of GCSAA media placements on television, in print, on the web and on the radio were shared as well. Evans pointed out that NGF studies continue to place a premium on GCSAA members for their role in driving golfer satisfaction and facility success. He said that reaching out to key influencers such as employers, avid golfers and policy makers will continue to be a priority for the association.
On deck
Chapter delegates will convene on February 7 at 2:30 p.m. for the association’s annual meeting in San Diego, held in conjunction with the GCSAA Education Conference and Golf Industry Show.
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2013 MGCSA Calendar
January 22nd Shop Tours NEW Keller, Somerset and Town and Country Club Hosts: Paul Diegnau CGCS, James Bade and Bill Larson CGCS
This low cost event takes our members to three very different turf management centers; Keller, Somerset and Town and Country Club. Beginning at Keller at 8:30 in the morning, tours will be progressive finishing at T&CC for a pizza lunch.
February 6th The National Hospitality Night Dick’s Last Resort Hosts: Sponsoring Affiliate Members and the MGCSA The Golf Industry Show returns to San Diego and our group will return to Dick’s Last Resort for an evening of great food, beverages and friendship. The doors open at 6 and the hosted portion of our party goes until 9. Our supportive Affiliate members help to subsidize the cost of this fun evening of social networking.
lunch hour will be Tom Keefe of Canada Geese Management reviewing gooses control and Bud Laidlaw
March 12 or 13th Assistant’s Forum and Hen House Habitat Event NEW TPC Twin Cities Hosts Justin Becik and Arik Hemquist This new program offers the Assistants a great morning open forum session monitored by Executive Director Jack MacKenzie CGCS followed by a casual lunch. The topic of the day is why am I in this industry and what can the MGCSA do for me? After a casual lunch the group will apply their skills on constructing mallard hen houses to be taken back to your home course for installation. Organizers are reaching out to Delta Waterfowl for support in this long term 10,000 duck rehabilitation project.
May ? Affiliate Appreciation Meeting and Golf Castlewood Host Jeremy Walker
February 13th Snow Day NEW Majestic Oaks Golf Club Host Dan Hanson
This year the Affiliates Appreciation event has a little change up. The morning event begins with continental breakfast, a nine-hole golf event followed by business meeting and lunch. By condensing the event into one morning, it is the Arrangement Committee’s hope to attract more participants.
Education and fun all in one! This new program will provide a morning of education followed by lunch and a social mixer in the afternoon. Beginning at 7:30 am, our membership will learn about the proper chemicals, calibration and rates for winter parking lot and sidewalk maintenance. The MPCA provides an incredible amount of information you can use at your club. Completion certificates and ceu’s will be available at this event. After lunch our crew will play snow golf, boot hockey or both! A grant has been applied for to keep the cost of this fantastic opportunity at a low level.
June 3rd The Scramble Medina Golf and Country Club Host Erin McManus
February 27-28 MEGA-Seminar North Oaks Golf Club Host Brian Boll Day one presenter is well known turf industry professional Bruce Williams. His topic is focused upon Day two is bookended with a variety of turf management science updates including cytokinens, removing poa in bentgrass stands and new dollar spot chemistrie presented by Dr. Derek Seller, Director of the Turfgrass program at the Chicago District Golf Association. On either side of the
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Our Research and Scholarship Scramble generates funding for the University of Minnesota as well as two scholarships available to the children of our members. A four man format the day includes lunch, golf, cart and dinner at one of the finest clubs in the area. August 13th The Championship Prestwick Golf Club Host Dave Kazmierczak CGCS Take on Jeff Pint, 6 time Champion upon a fine track. This competition offers great prizes as well as a fine networking opportunity.
October 7th The Wee One Brackett’s Crossing Golf Club Host Tom Proshek
November 27th Research Wrap and Bowl NEW Pinz Bowling St. Louis Park Hosts Dr. Brian Horgan and Sam Bauer
Proceeds from this, our most successful fund raiser, go to support our fellow professionals who have been stricken with a medical crisis. A scramble event, it is open to any and all players so team up with your friends, family or even club membership.
Research you have sponsored will be conducted over the summer and this is your opportunity to get the latest data straight from the scientists who followed through on your requests. The morning will be full of research discussion followed by lunch and semi-competitive bowling in the afternoon. Teams will be drawn from a hat for this mixer event.
October 14th The Fall Shootout Minnesota Horse and Hunt Club Host Paul Eckholm CGCS PULL!!! This fun social outing brings in a great group of individuals to blast some clays! An educational format is offered in the morning followed by lunch a shootout mixer. Unlike in past years this year the format will mix both good and beginner shooters. Prizes are received by the best shooter, best team and one chosen randomly from the middle of the pack.
December 4th Annual Banquet Golden Valley Golf and Country Club Host Jeff Ische This social event brings our group together for a fun social activity and the opportunity to put the previous seasons challenges to bed. Great food and camaraderie are always in store at this terrific gathering.
Jon Glader, here with Erin McManus Event Promoter, won the 2012 Research Raffle give away. The prize, an Orion Weatherby Grade 3 Over/Under 12 gauge shotgun will help Jon as he continues his latest hobby...hunting!
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Within the Leather by David Kazmierczak CGCS Get involved. Two simple words in the English language that when put together form a powerful concept, capable of producing tremendous things. It does not take a lot to attain get involved- a simple “yes” or “I can do that” usually does the trick- so why does it seem so hard to pull off with most people? I suppose it is human nature to be reserved and internal. So many of us fall into the trap of self-involvement. We all have busy lives. We all have to put in at least 40 hours a week to make a living, and often times that number reaches much higher. We all lose anywhere from one-quarter to onethird of our existence to sleep. Throw in a significant other, a family, and the many activities associated with that, and many feel that they do not have time for basic bodily functions, let alone volunteerism or dedication to a cause. But that is where they are wrong. In my 45 years of existence on this orbiting hunk of magma, I have had the opportunity to encounter many different personalities, Page 52
philosophies and viewpoints. My father was in the military, and we moved all over the country and all over the world every three years. That meant every three years I had to form new relationships and assimilate into different groups and cultures. When I became an adult, I moved less, but have continuously been exposed to new groups with new ideas, concepts and outlooks on life. Whatever the group, whatever the situation, there are people who are leaders, organizers and energizers. There are also plenty of passive, nonaggressive, can’t be bothered with or don’t have the time to- sheep, that either selfishly just follow along, or simply cannot muster the energy to contribute. Which group do you think really has the time? I have found that the leaders are the ones that are in dire need of a time out, but happily serve. They are the ones who always take on the challenge, even though they have plenty on the plate. They are the ones who make an impact, make a difference, usually for the benefit of the sheep. The problem is, if you are sheep, you don’t know what you are missing. The feeling you get while volunteering or helping an organization along or becoming a part of a solution
to a large problem is intense and very satisfying. It is the giving, not the getting that truly fulfills. Not that I have not been sheep before, or have sheep moments in my current life. Before I was married, my future wife and I had visited my grandmother in East Chicago, Indiana. If you have ever had the displeasure of spending time in this industrial hell-hole, you would quickly realize positivity is a scarce commodity. My grandmother, though possessing a big heart, had a sit down with my lady and informed her that I was for myself and not a very giving person. My wife married me anyway, but that conversation has always stuck with me to try and be a better person because if your grandmother thinks you are selfish, you probably are. Maybe not always, but there was definitely room for improvement. Sometimes all the sheep need is an inspiration, or a swift kick in the rear like my grandmother afforded me. If you are searching for such an inspiration, check out the rap sheet on this year’s DSA award winner, Paul Diegnau, CGCS. As Eric Councilman, Superintendent, Somerby Golf Club delivered his introductory speech at the MGCSA awards banquet last week, I was somewhat taken aback by his accomplishments. Besides his service
to the MGCSA, Paul served and gave his valuable time to all kinds of government relations boards and committees, environmental groups and wildlife groups. He did all these things while putting in the hours as a superintendent, and raising a family. Paul is no sheep, and if you read Eric’s story about Paul in the previous pages, I think you may come away inspired to serve in some capacity on some worthy cause. Take a second to look around. There are so many opportunities to help out, and many of them are staring you right in the eye. Some of them are even in your comfort zone, but the ones outside of that zone are the ones with the most potential return. The giving of your valuable time can be a very hard commitment to make, but the rewards are worth it. Whether it is a work association, charity, church, whatever, take the time to consider what a piece or your time would mean to that organization, and ultimately, yourself. As a superintendent you have already demonstrated an ability to lead and you, by the nature of your job, have to be versatile and level headed. This is just the kind of mind-set these organizations need. Get involved. Page 53