November December 2020 Hole Notes Magazine

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Hole Notes

The Official Publication of the MGCSA

MGCSA President Scott Thayer Growing Growing Up Golf

Vol. 55, No. 10 November December 2020

MGCSA Events The Northern Green pages 6 - 8 2020 Service Awards page 27 GLSTGS Scholarship pages 58 - 64

On the cover: Growing Up Golf President Scott Thayer enjoys a fine fall afternoon with his sidekick, Gus the Golden Retriever. Read about how Scott got into the industry and his perspectives in the annual Presidential Review, written by Hole Notes Editor Matt Cavanaugh. Pages 16 - 25

What is a Beetle Bank?????? Discover on pages 48 - 51 Page 2

Hole Notes (ISSN 108-27994) is digitally published monthly except bimonthly in November/ December and January/February by the Minnesota Golf Course Superintendents’ Association, 10050 204th Street North, Forest Lake, MN 55025. Jack MacKenzie CGCS publisher. Please send any address changes, articles for publication, advertising and concerns to

Hole Notes Magazine Vol. 55, No. 10 November December 2020 Feature Articles:

MDA Golf-Centric Bulletin: Incident Response Plan

pages 10 - 14

By Corinne duPreez, Minnesota Department of Agriculture

Growing Up Golf: Scott Thayer, President MGCSA

pages 16 - 25

By Matt Cavanaugh, Superintendent at Rush Creek GC

Going Green(ish) In Minneapolis


28- 41

By Chris Aumock, Superintendent at Meadowbrook GC

Theodore Wirth Pesticide Management Review

pages 42 - 47

By Paul Koch, Paul Koch Consulting

Adding Habitat for Beneficial Insects on Golf Courses

pages 48 - 51

A New Chapter in My Turfgrass Management Career

pages 52 - 57

By Dr. Vera Krischik, UMN Department of Entomology

By Gary Deters, UMN Field Facility Manager


Monthly Columns: Presidential Perspective pages By Scott Thayer

In Bounds

By Jack MacKenzie


pages 65 - 67

Matt Cavanaugh MATTC@UMN.EDU Liza Chmielewski LIZA@GERTENS.COM Page 3

Presidential Perspective by Scott Thayer, Legends Club

The last time I wrote my presidential article for Hole Notes, it was just after the three MGCSA events we were able to have during the super Covid-19 crazy year. It was my hope that Minnesota would have nice and easy fall weather going into winter. Well, in typical 2020 fashion, it wasn’t. About a 9” snowstorm on October 19th and plenty of freezing temps to follow! How’s that for going into winter nice and easy?!! Just seven days after the Scramble event hosted at Legends (great event and day for all who attended) there was a snowstorm that shocked many of us to say the least. 2020 has thrown its fair share of curveballs, but this one was certainly not necessary after the year we have all had. When Minnesota experienced the Halloween storm of 1991, over 29 inches of snow, I lived in north-

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west Iowa and I don’t even remember it! It certainly has been fun talking to people, Superintendents, and Minnesotans that remember that crazy storm and could relate to the situation we were all put in. Of course, this recent storm was not even half of what the 1991 storm was, but it still was stressful. We all wanted the year to slow down, but nothing in the way of coming to a screeching halt. While waiting for the snow to melt, I couldn’t help but talk to a few Superintendents who found themselves in the same situation I was in; no snow mold chemicals sprayed, no irrigation blown out and almost all accessories were still on the course and needed to be brought in. Would this snow melt? Could we put the course to bed properly? Yes, of course we could. We live in Minnesota! We all know what happened; it warmed up and we got what we needed done to put our courses to bed. Then, once

again, 2020 threw another curveball. The first week of November it got into the 70’s and golf was played like it was mid-summer. Our course re-opened for that week. Seven more days of busy tee sheets and a packed course! Although very fitting to end the golf season on such a high note, for the turf’s sake, I would have liked to shut down, but keeping ownership happy is always a good practice. The weather stayed very favorable following golf in November and allowed us to finish up projects on the course. I hope everyone “got ‘er done” on their courses as well. When I say favorable, I mean good enough for course projects and good enough for golf! In the upcoming weeks and months everyone in the MGCSA data base will be receiving surveys to be completed. Actually, there is one available right now. The Minnesota DNR has sent out a survey to golf courses managers who fill out a DNR water report. This survey is very important! For the very first-time, golf courses are being included as a specific industry use

group. The results will help the water appropriations and conservation departments develop water management plans specifically for our industry. We must be forthright in providing accurate information so the outcome this powerful state agency generates supports our jobs and doesn’t hinder our professional objectives. Please fill the survey out before March so the DNR can see the importance of water for our courses and that we take conservation of this precious resource seriously. Other important industry surveys, such as Membership Needs, Compensation and Benefits and Cultural Practices, will be sent out in the coming months. They are just as important, so please fill them out as they come to you. The Board of Directors greatly appreciates your assistance with this. Thank you all for a great year. I hope to be seeing you soon, but unfortunately probably on a zoom call, as the Covid-19 challenges will likely continue for a while longer. I wish each of you and your families a fantastic holiday season!

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Get ready, get set,

go online!






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Your Trusted Partner

A continuation of Northern Green excellence in a whole new way. Thank you for being on this journey with us!



Your Trusted Partner

Monday, Jan. 11

Tuesday, Jan. 12

8:00am – 8:45am: Morning Coffee Chats

8:00am – 8:45am: Morning Coffee Chats

9:00am – 10:00am: Concurrent Sessions

9:00am – 10:00am: Concurrent Sessions

10:00am – 1:00pm: Trade Show Open; Vendors available to video chat live!

10:00am – 1:00pm: Trade Show Open; Vendors available to video chat live!

11:00am – 12:00pm: Concurrent Sessions

11:00am – 12:00pm: Concurrent Sessions

1:00pm – 2:00pm: LIVE Keynote Presentation

1:00pm – 1:30pm: Lightning Talks

2:00pm – 3:00pm: Concurrent Sessions

1:30pm – 2:00pm: Mini Sessions

3:00pm – 4:00pm: Virtual Game Hour

2:00pm – 3:00pm: Concurrent Sessions 4:00pm – 6:00pm: CEO & MGMT. Workshop: Solving the Labor Crisis PLUS Zoom Happy Hour

Wednesday, Jan. 13

Thursday, Jan. 14

8:00am – 8:45am: Morning Coffee Chats

8:00am – 8:45am: Morning Coffee Chats

9:00am – 10:00am: Concurrent Sessions

9:00am – 10:00am: Concurrent Sessions

10:00am – 1:00pm: Trade Show Open; Vendors available to video chat live!

10:00am – 12:00pm: Trade Show Open; Vendors available to video chat live!

11:00am – 12:00pm: Concurrent Sessions

11:00am – 12:00pm: Concurrent Sessions

1:00pm – 1:30pm: Lightning Talks

1:00pm – 1:30pm: Lightning Talks

1:30pm – 2:00pm: Mini Sessions

1:30pm – 2:00pm: Mini Sessions

2:00pm – 3:00pm: Concurrent Sessions

2:00pm – 3:00pm: Concurrent Sessions

4:00pm – 5:00pm: Green Industry Awards Virtual Celebration

 January 11-14, 2021 

Monday, Jan. 11

Northern Green Virtual Game Hour Bring a beverage as we laugh, play games, and win prizes. Northern Green Virtual can’t happen without a little bit of fun!

 3:00 pm on Monday afternoon Available only with an All Access Pass!



Your Trusted Partner

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2021 Keynote l a u t Vir

Pulling to Your Potential: Unleashing the Wild Side of the Green Industry

Get ready to test your assumptions. With hilarious and poignant stories from her sled dog team, Chris Heeter will help you explore the possibilities and push the boundaries of what a Wild green business can look like… think beyond boxes and ‘how you’ve always done it,’ work in teams that lead the pack, attracting and retaining great people and sustaining and protecting the planet along the way. • • • •

Hone your communication skills to develop a Wildly inclusive work environment. Do more with less by drawing out the unique skills of each member of the team. Attract and retain great workers by building a sense of belonging and connection. Disrupt the green industry by being agile, open, and willing to do things differently.

Chris Heeter

Included with All d Access aness c c A Select s Passe

Featured on the Discovery Channel’s ’National Geographic Today’ and recognized with national awards as a speaker, Chris has followed her own Wild path since she was young. A wilderness guide for 30+ years, Chris leads groups deep into the wilderness by canoe or dogsled. The abundant parallels between these adventures and the workplace make up the core of her presentations. Chris grabs audiences with humorous stories about her dogs and their personalities, then weaves GENEROUSLY SUPPORTED BY: those stories into practical takeaways. Chris is on a mission to wake up the Wild side of organizations; to break through the trappings of ‘how we’ve always done it;’ and to create Wild and vibrant workplaces that blend heart with solid, successful business strategy. WHOLESALE NURSERY & HARDSCAPES

Your Trusted Partner



Generously supported by:

NEW! Full-day Master Classes to occur in February 2021. Watch for dates and prices.

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Pending Minnesota Dept. of Labor & Industry approval, this class satisfies eight hours of continuing education requirements for the Power Limited Training Licensure, including two hours of code and six hours of technical training oriented specifically toward the landscape industry. The focus for 2021 is landscape lighting.

What are the best performing plants for Minnesota gardens and landscapes? Spend the day with us as we present a plethora of plants – from woody trees, shrubs and conifers, to herbaceous perennials, annuals and even houseplants – your speakers are all as cold hardy as the plants and each will cover their top ten favorite performing plants in their category.




Pending approval by the Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA), this workshop meets Commercial Pesticide Applicator Requirements for Category A (Core) and Category E (Turf and Ornamentals). Recertification for optional Categories F (Aquatics) and P (Vertebrate Pest) will also be offered as part of this workshop.

Facilitator: Julie Weisenhorn, University of Minnesota Extension




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Great companies use key performance indicators (KPIs) to gauge and compare performance for meeting strategic and operational goals. In this full-day Boot Camp, you will learn seven KPIs to track in your business to motivate your teams and significantly increase your business efficiency and profits.

Design Challenge Leads: Michael Keenan, Urban Ecosystems Inc. Allyson Landmark, Southview Design Jason Rathe, Field Outdoor Spaces


Speakers from University of Minnesota: Maggie Reiter, Extension Educator in Turfgrass Chad Giblin, Dept. of Forest Resources Eric North, Extension Dept. of Forest Resources Speaker from Texas A&M Turfgrass Management: Chase Straw, Department of Soil and Crop Sciences

Wishing you Peace & Prosperity

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wishes each of you a joyous holiday season and all the best in the coming year.


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Incident Response Plan 2020 What would you do if you had a pesticide or fertilizer incident at your facility? By preparing for an incident you will be better equipped to handle a release or emergency.

What is an incident? Minnesota Statutes 18D. 01, Subd. 6 defines an incident as a flood, fire, tornado, transportation accident, storage container rupture, portable container rupture, leak, release, emission, discharge, escape, disposal, or other event that releases or immediately threatens to release an agricultural chemical (pesticide and/or fertilizer) accidentally or otherwise into the environment and may cause unreasonable adverse effects on the environment. An incident does not include a release resulting from the normal use of a product or practice in accordance with the law. Refer to the exception in Minnesota Statute 18D.103, Subd. 3.

Leak from application equipment

Release in shop/storage area



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What to do if an incident occurs: Under Minnesota law, a responsible party or an owner of real property must, on discovering an incident has occurred, immediately report the incident to the Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA). Anyone who has control of, custody of, or responsibility for an agricultural chemical is considered to be a responsible party. Notify the MDA of an incident by calling the 24-hour Minnesota Duty Officer (MDO) at 1-800-422-0798. The MDO will immediately relay the information to the MDA and MDA on-call staff will promptly call you to explain the steps to take to minimize the impact of the release. Generally, these will include the following: STARR (Secure, Telephone, Abate, Recover, Remediate) actions. A responsible party must immediately take all reasonable action necessary to minimize or abate the incident and to recover any agricultural chemicals involved in the incident, with or without a directive from the MDA Commissioner. Secure the Site: In an emergency, the first priority is always life safety. Immediately assess any medical needs and seek assistance if needed. Inform individuals on site of steps to take in response to the release, which may include evacuation, sheltering in place, or other action. 1. Call 911 for law enforcement or emergency medical or site services. Police and fire are able to assist with traffic control, site security, shelter-in-place, or evacuation orders. Including full and accurate information will help the dispatcher send the right responders and equipment to the scene. 2. Make sure the area is clear of employees, the public, livestock, and pets. 3. Place traffic cones or flares in roadways to ensure that other drivers are not impacted by a roadside release. 4. Employees with knowledge of building and process systems should take action to help control a leak and minimize damage to the facility and the environment, if the work can be completed safely. 5. Anyone assisting in leak or release control must first take steps to protect themselves by wearing proper personal protective equipment and follow all safety practices BEFORE attempting to help stabilize the site. 6. An employee trained to administer first aid or perform CPR can be lifesaving. Telephone in your report of the incident: Call the MDO at 800-422-0798 to reach the MDA for one-stop release reporting and cleanup assistance. Be prepared with the following information: ï Substance released ï Quantity released ï Date and time of release occurrence or discovery ï Location of release ï Description of the area; especially drainage, existing surface water, ponded water, groundwater table, nearby residences, or population centers ï Responsible party; including name, address, telephone number, and email ï Weather conditions and forecast at time of release ï Cause of release

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ï Details about the release; including product-contaminated soils, contaminated wells or surface water, product

inventory loss, and failed tank or pipeline tests. Abate the Release: Sudden releases may be difficult to manage. Abatement measures limit the impact of the release by reducing the degree or intensity of contamination. Take actions such as plugging a leaking container, placing absorbent materials, or diking a release area to minimize health and safety risks, property damage, and environmental damage. Recover Released Product: If it can be done safely, recover released material as quickly as possible by pumping up free liquid or sweeping up absorbent and dry material and placing into suitable containers. Releases that soak into the ground may require excavation. Quick abatement action will limit the amount of excavation necessary. MDA staff can assist you in determining how deep to dig and whether soil samples will be necessary for lab analysis to ensure cleanup goals are met. Record contact information for environmental consultants and excavation or other equipment operators in your facility’s Incident Response Plan. Remediate: Contaminated media (soil, absorbent, water, sediment, debris, or other contaminated material) should be stockpiled until land spreading or landfilling is approved by the MDA. All land applications of contaminated media resulted from an agricultural chemical incident must be evaluated and pre-approved in writing by the MDA. A responsible party must immediately take all reasonable action necessary to minimize or abate the incident and to recover any agricultural chemicals involved in the incident, with or without a directive from the MDA Commissioner.

Prepare for an ag chemical Release: Legislative changes to Incident Response Plan requirements were enacted in 2015. The changes were made to clarify who needs a plan, what the plan must contain, and how to maintain a plan. In addition, the plans must be: ï Updated every three years, or whenever information in the plan becomes out of date, whichever is earlier; ï Reviewed with employees at least once per calendar year and include documentation of training events; and, ï Made available to local first responders and documented accordingly. Preparing for an ag chemical release in advance will allow you and your staff to respond quickly and appropriately if a release occurs.

What is an Incident Response Plan? ï ï ï

A document you develop to assist in handling pesticide and fertilizer incidents quickly and effectively. Describes fertilizer and pesticide storage, handling, disposal, and incident handling practices of your business. For additional information about an Incident Response Plan, refer to the MDA’s Emergency Response webpage and Sample Incident Response Plan.

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Who is required to have a plan? Some businesses are legally required to develop and maintain an Incident Response Plan. If your business is engaged in one or more of the following, it must prepare and maintain an Incident Response Plan: • Pesticide dealers; • Agricultural pesticide dealers; • Commercial pesticide application; • Noncommercial pesticide application; • Structural pest control; • Storage of (bulk) pesticides that are held in an individual container with a pesticide content of 56 U.S. gallons or more or 100 pounds or more dry weight; • Storage of (bulk) fertilizers.

Enforcement: It is not unlawful to have an incident, however the incident must be immediately reported and cleaned up with or without directive from the MDA. Not reporting an incident, failure to cleanup an incident, failure to maintain an updated Incident Response Plan, failure to provide the Incident Response Plan to local responders, and failure to review the Incident Response Plan with your employees are noncompliance that may result in enforcement action including financial penalty.

Statutory authority: Incident Response Plans for pesticides Minnesota Statute 18B.37 Subd. 4 Incident Response Plan and fertilizer Minnesota Statute 18C.235 Subd. 1. Requirement to report an incident to the MDA Minnesota Statute 18D.103.

Corinne du Preez, Agricultural Advisor/ACI Minnesota Department of Agriculture Pesticide and Fertilizer Management Division 2118 Campus Drive SE, Suite 100 Rochester, MN 55904 Office (507) 206-2883

The MGCSA is pleased to partner with the Minnesota Department of Agriculture to provide industry specific bulletins.

625 ROBERT STREET NORTH, SAINT PAUL, MN 55155-2538  651-201-6000 or 1-800-967-2474  WWW.MDA.STATE.MN.US In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, this information is available in alternative forms of communication upon request by calling 651-201-6000. TTY users can call the Minnesota Relay Service at 711. The MDA is an equal opportunity employer and provider.

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GROWING UP GOLF GET TO KNOW MGCSA President Scott Thayer Superintendent at The Legends Club Interviewed by Matt Cavanaugh

I have been on the MGCSA Board of Directors with Scott for the past four years. However, I’m like many of you reading this in the fact that I really do not know that much about Scott. What is his story beyond a golf course superintendent? A short while ago I sat down with Scott to get to know him a little better. Here is his superintendent story. For the most part, Scott grew up in northwest Iowa. As a son to a college wrestling and football coach, his father’s profession kept the family on the move. Scott was born in western Kansas before moving to Iowa, Ohio and then back to northwest Iowa after his Dad’s coaching career came to an end when Scott was ten years old. Northwest Iowa became the home of the Thayer family where Scott grew up and graduated from high school.

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Small town Iowa is where Scott was introduced to golf. There was not a course in the specific town where the Thayer family lived, but a quick three-mile bike ride to the 9-hole course in the neighboring town provided what the family was looking for. The Thayer family became members to this 9-hole golf course, “if you can call us members in small town Iowa”. Scott’s Mom was a teacher and loved dropping Scott and his band of friends off at the course to play golf all day. Scott has fond memories of, “playing golf all day and charging my Dad’s account up with pop and hotdogs”! In 1992, after spending several summers golfing every day, the superintendent finally deemed Scott old enough to be offered a job. “I guess he asked my Dad first, who said I would be worthless.” The superintendent assumed that Scott already spent all his time on the course so he might as well make money out here! “The first job I had was to move the sprinklers around on the fairways. There was no automated sprinkler system, just quick coupler connections with very large sprinklers on top. We had the ability to run 3-4 sprinklers at a time. So, I played golf and drove a cart around moving sprinklers until I had baseball or something else to do. After all that first summer of work, I don’t think I actually got paid. If I did my Dad took it. During that summer “working”, 15-year-old Scott spent all day with no shirt, no shoes, driving a cart around all day playing golf and moving sprinklers around. He was hooked. Scott would ride the 3 miles of gravel roads on his bike to the course, grab his clubs from the locker and head Page 17

out. Scott had so much fun that the next year he started on the crew full time and again had the time of his life. During this first year of fulltime work, the course won Iowa’s 9-hole course of the year. The following winter, the superintendent, Dan Mulder, who is Scott’s greatest mentor and was like a second father, called Scott and described how he was hired to build an 18-hole course down the road in Scott’s hometown. Dan said, “I want you on the crew to help.” “Umm… yes, sounds like fun”, a just about to turn 17-year-old Scott replied. What an amazing experience, at the age of 17, Scott helped build and seed a new 18-hole course right in his own backyard. “Yep, I learned a lot that year. I got to run equipment that I probably shouldn’t have, but they let me do it anyway…I got to Page 18

build bunkers, help float greens and tees, seed fairways and help with the opening of the new course.” What a wonderful learning experience at such a young age. The education for Scott did not end with that summer of work. The following spring, the fairways did not look the way they should. “Perennial ryegrass does not make it through the winter in northwest Iowa. The course architect was from Kansas City and wanted perennial ryegrass fairways. Well, it didn’t work, and all the fairways died following this first winter. The architect, determined to prove everyone wrong, again demanded to reseed the fairways again with perennial ryegrass. So, we did, and guess what? They all died again”. The experts from Iowa State were called in to diagnose the problem. Their determination “Yeah, perennial ryegrass will

not make it north of highway 30”, Dr. Nick Christians said. Finally, the right choice was made, and the fairways were seeded with low mow Kentucky bluegrass, which was recommended by Dr. Nick Christians. “After this experience guess where I went to college? I never would have gone to Iowa State prior to all of this, but those guys sold me on what a great college it was. I was actually recruited to play golf with several local colleges but said no and went to Iowa State to pursue a career as a golf course superintendent.” Wow, what a beginning to a career as a superintendent. When at Iowa State, Scott was determined to have the best experience with the turfgrass management program he could. He obtained three internships away from Iowa. “My first internship was at Geneva National in Lake Geneva,

Wisconsin. It was a great internship with lots to learn on a 45-hole golf course and a diverse staff. Next, I went to Memphis, Tennessee where I worked at Colonial CC. It was another great experience where I learned a lot about bentgrass management in the transition zone. I quickly learned that bentgrass does not belong in the south and that it is extremely hot compared to what I was used to. During that summer at Colonial, I also had my first experience with PGA tour golf where I got to help at the St. Jude Classic at TPC Southwind for a week. After that experience I knew I wanted to work on a PGA tour course. My last internship was at TPC Michigan in Detroit. Here I got to help prepare a course for the Senior Tour Championship and meet some really neat Senior Tour professionals as well. TPC Michigan is a signature NichoPage 19

las Design so Jack came down to the shop during the tournament, which was a cool experience to meet the golden bear very briefly.” Like many of us, Scott was completely hooked when he graduated from Iowa State. That first summer after graduation, Scott went back to TPC Michigan to participate in one more tournament and where

the superintendent promised to get him a job somewhere in the TPC network. True to his word, Scott was off to TPC Deere Run in northwest Illinois as a crew foreman. Scott stayed at TPC Deere Run for three years and again was part of three PGA tour events. “I learned a lot about turf, tour pros and some crazy expectations that I feel I still hold today as a golf course superintendent.” Scott then obtained a position as assistant superintendent for a new Palmer Signature design build just north of Des Moines, Iowa (Tournament Club of Iowa). Better yet, Scott became the superintendent after grow-in was complete. “The superintendent for the grown in was Pat Franklin who became the general manager and I then became the superintendent. Pat is certainly another mentor of mine and he showed me so much about being a superintendent.” This was another great experience with the Palmer design

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group. From the first tree being cut down, to the last seed being put in the ground, Scott was in charge of every green, drainage line, stake, gravel and greens mix install, seeding, building tees, bunkers and putting in fairway lines where irrigation heads should go… the list was endless. “Best of all, I got to tour the course with Mr. Arnold Palmer himself just as seeding was happening and after the course was pretty much complete. When you pay the big money for a Palmer Signature design, he will play nine holes with a local celebrity. This was by far the coolest thing I have ever been a part of. The head professional got to caddy for Arnie, and I got to caddy for the local celebrity, Tom Davis the Drake University head basketball coach. I got to walk nine holes with Arnie! I got to talk turf

with the King, he met my dog, at the time a Golden Retriever, Jake. It was a very cool day that I will never forget.” After the Tournament Club of Iowa was grown in, Scott would again be involved in hosting a Senior Tour event. Watching the course mature and seeing all that work on television proved to be very rewarding. After getting his feet wet as a superintendent at The Tournament Club of Iowa, in 2006, Scott was asked to Minnesota and be the superintendent at Legends Club in Prior Lake, which is owned by the same individual. “So much has happened at Legends and I have gotten to do so much as the superintendent here. Page 21

The Thayer Family: In the front left to right, Reese, Keegan and Graham with Scott and Rosalyn in the back

I can’t tell my owner enough times how grateful I am to work for him for so many years and the risk he took on this small-town Iowa kid. I’ve had many experiences in my life on the course. From running a bulldozer and excavator to weed whipping and push mowing. I still love it.” With all of these great courses you have worked at, tournaments you have been a part of and people you have met, would you recommend this career choice to someone that asked you about it? “I think about this often. It takes a special person to do what we do. Not that I wouldn’t sug-gest it to someone, but I would definitely only recommend it to someone that would be crazy like us, Ha, Ha. I still love being a golf course superin-tendent. There are times that are hard, as we all know, but if anyone was interested and was not scared of hard work, I would mentor anyone that was attracted to the profession and do anything to Pagehelp 22 them succeed.”

Scott and his wife, Rosalyn, met in Des Moines. Since moving to Minnesota, their family has grown to include twins, Graham and Reese (10), and Keegan (8). “We call Keegan, Keegnato the Tornado, for so many reasons! Rosalyn or better known as Roz, has put up with so much of the turf life and has never griped too much. Year after year she has all our kids during the golf season and she still seems to keep a smile on her face and on mine! All my kids play sports, which I have coached as much as I could, but now they are beyond my little coaching experience, except for my wrestler, Graham. I have been around wrestling my whole life, I have helped coach in the past, but was asked to head coach this year, which has been a challenge with COVID. Keegan plays hockey which I’m not much help with being from Iowa, but he loves it. Reese and Graham are both on the Academy soccer teams for Lakeville, so when COVID is not a thing, we are super busy. When the kids come to work with me, they love to drive the utility carts. We even made a path for them next to the shop

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so they can race around in the woods and not disrupt the golfers. It’s crazy what we will do for our kids so they will have a good time! As a family, we play golf and with this past year, even more than before. I hope they all work for me someday and enjoy it or at least learn something and enjoy being with their Dad.” Being at Legends since 2006 I’m sure you have a few memories. Are there any favorites that come to mind? “The crew makes carne asada every Cinco de Mayo. One of the guys does an amazing job with the food and it’s such a great experience. One year after gorging ourselves, we moved all the cars out of parking lot and played a soccer game against each other. After eating all the food and running around we all had gut aches, but it was a great bonding experience that I will never forget. On a different Cinco de Mayo, I was walking out to my truck and waving at one of my emPage 24

ployees as he was leaving. My assistant at the time was backing his cart into the shop. Neither were looking and crunch…a parking lot accident. The weird part is the cart didn’t have a scratch and the Ford Explorer took a big hit! Come on Ford, I figured they could make something a little more Ford Tough.” With COVID, how challenging has it been as the MGCSA President? “This past year has been a tough year. Jack and I worked a lot together, probably more then he wanted, but it was needed. Most of us think we know what Jack does, but it really is unbelievable what he does for us to ensure we get everything we deserve as golf course superintendents, vendors and anyone else that wants to be a member. I have enjoyed leading this great group and I have learned so much from the people before me, I honestly hope I have done the same for the people coming up behind me. I really didn’t realize what I was getting into when Roger Stewart called me and asked me to be on the board, honored, to say the least and have enjoyed all of it.”

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Going Green(ish) in Minneapolis By Chris Aumock, Superintendent Meadowbrook Golf Course

things and also had a new catch Like most people, I prefer to phrase for the season. This moment have the right tool for the job; how- has stuck with me, though I often ever, I found myself on too many think to myself: what do they know, occasions this year, using a hammer what do I know, or I wonder what when I needed a screwdriver. Is that do they think I know? due to my own inadequacies? Very possibly, or is it that I don’t have The last question is the most the full toolbox I need? It seems our relevant, as all northern superinnon-golf communities believe we tendents get the same question just hammer the problem, instead this time of year, “What do you do of just twisting the screw. in the winter?” No one ever asks, “What do you do in the summer?” This makes me think of a time People assume they understand when I was working at a club in what we do, how we do it, and why New Jersey. The other assistant we do it. But who really underand I had finished hand watering stands? our greens and we were good for the night. We decided to play a Unfortunately, when the comfew holes. After teeing off on #1, munity starts getting involved in we saw our young 2nd assistant policy discussions for golf mainteout hand watering the 10th green. nance, issues can arise from this Knowing this was our wettest green misunderstanding. Especially when on the property, we had to ask him it comes to chemicals. We are all what he was thinking. “Making it acutely aware of the negative conrain,” he said! After a few laughs, notations they carry, so during we proceeded to teach him a few these discussions I want to make

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Hole three at Theodore Wirth Golf Club Page 29

sure I’m not hammering a screw. Further applying my overused metaphor, how much longer will we have any of the chemical tools in our proverbial toolbox?

we or are we even ready to be fully organic? This is a question that we at the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board (MPRB) golf courses have been grappling with recently.

The idea of organic golf course management is intriguing. I can’t argue that the idea doesn’t sound great, and I would fully support the transition. Realistically, is this a viable option for fine turf management at this time? The number of organic golf clubs is very small. Is it because it’s too expensive, or lack of resources, or is just plain ineffective? A lot of us are already improving our stewardship efforts, including considering organic opportunities as they become available, but can

Our golf properties, Columbia Golf Club, Fort Snelling Golf Club, Francis A. Gross Golf Club, Hiawatha Golf Club, Meadowbrook Golf Club and Theodore Wirth Golf Clubs are all older courses, with mixed stands of turf. We have poa/ bent greens, bluegrass fairways and tees, with occasional bentgrass areas. We don’t have new, disease resistant cultivars. These courses also operate with limited resources and staffing. Could re-grassing be the solution? Or would we even be

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able to maintain our golf courses fully organically without additional funding? There are so many questions we could ask but what’s more important is, what can we do right now? Where can we already make improvements? It is my opinion that we can improve our efficiencies and reduce our current chemical use by instituting a reduced use approach to chemical applications. In late 2018, MPRB passed a moratorium on the use of glyphosate and established a community advisory committee to discuss alternatives for glyphosate and other “toxic� pesticides. MPRB organized a Pesticide Advisory Board, where the discussion quickly transitioned to fully organic maintenance options. MGCSA Executive Director, Jack MacKenzie, was placed on this committee as a representative for golf. Minneapolis considers itself a very progressive community. They demand environmental responsibility and within this area golf, unfortunately, shares the common misconception we all face, that professional property managers abuse

and misuse chemicals. The biggest issue MPRB turf managers face is education, informing the public on what we do and how we actually do it. Throughout the Pesticide Advisory Committee discussions, my fellow turf managers and I, by providing live testimony, tried to explain that going organic is a good idea in the long term, however, the options available to us either do not support fine turf management upon our aged golf course properties, are equally hazardous chemicals, or are frankly cost prohibitive. We voiced our concerns that now is not the right time to go completely organic as the products available cannot support fine turf maintenance and create a viable product. We also shared that until the day of 100 percent organic management comes, we can and will continue to improve our programs and efficiencies. From these discussions, it was decided by the Pesticide Advisory Board that a 100 percent organic pilot program would take place at our Fort Snelling golf course. Without side by side comparisons, the Page Page 25 33

Hole fifteen at Theodore Wirth Golf Club city turf managers argued that this would not be an effective test and we were eventually able to convince the committee to also introduce a reduced chemical use method (EIQ, Hazard Quotient, Lbs. a.i.) as a second alternative pilot program. Dr. Paul Koch from UW-Madison was retained and it was decided that one of my courses, Theodore Wirth, would be an appropriate test site. The sample test project at Fort Snelling was instituted by an outside “organic� consultant, with limited golf course experience and

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consisted of only a few small areas of the property. The Fort Snelling pilot was affected by several factors this year, including covid, which impacted the consultant’s travel. This pilot did not provide meaningful results or data this year. At Theodore Wirth, I utilized the reduced chemistry use approach for my entire program. Theodore Wirth has an 18 hole championship course, along with a 9 hole par 3 course. The chemical program treats all holes equally. Overall, we treat 28 acres of fine turf.

The main ideas of the Theodore Wirth pilot were: Incorporate Smith-Kerns Dollar Spot Model into chemical program planning Maintain the existing standards of the golf course Operate within existing budget Reduce chemical use by analyzing metrics (Lbs. a.i., Hazard Quotient, EIQ) Incorporate iron sulfate into program Replace highly hazardous products with lower toxicity products Increase dew removal and rolling Over the last few years, I have been working on making some of these changes already. Chlorothalonil had been replaced by Fluazinam throughout, and all tee and fairways applications were reduced to a single fungicide. This year, all greens applications were also reduced to a single fungicide following the initial app of the season.

was not until June 24th.

As unique as this year was already, it was slightly more interesting for me as I was overseeing a second golf course as well, Meadowbrook, and this “double duty” did complicate some parts of the pilot. I did mostly duplicate this reduced chemistry use approach at Meadowbrook with similar results. Dr. Koch reviewed and made Check plots were established on a tweaks in my existing chemical pro- few tee and fairway areas. Unforgram. Basically during the season it tunately, as the season went on, I was a simple rotation of fluazinam can’t be assured those remained & propiconazole on all turf areas. unsprayed as I was unable to make The first application of the season all pesticide applications personwas Emerald on tees and fairways, ally. Also, some of the reductions in and Posterity was added to fluaziapplications were due to schedulnam for greens. I did not make any ing issues on my end. Apparently, I applications on greens until May won’t ever be a successful research27th, with tees shortly thereafter. er. The first fairway spray of the season Page 7

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Incorporating the Dollar spot model was definitely different for me. I have been used to going out with an early spring app, and a fall app on greens. It was interesting to work with Dr. Koch and rethink why we were making those applications. As I mentioned earlier, I did not make any applications until late May, when the model finally broke our disease probability threshold (Greens 20%, Tees & Fairways 25%). With the initial applications, we were assuming full control of that product for the longest labeled interval. So for Emerald and Posterity, we planned for 28 days of control, and I did not revisit the model until that time had passed. Even using the dollar spot model, greens were still treated roughly every 2 weeks through August, then a final application of Posterity was made in mid-September. The biggest difference we saw with use of the model was on fairways, our greatest expense. We had planned for 5 fairway applications on 3-week intervals, however we ended up only making 3 applications this season. One of these missed applications was due to my Page 36

scheduling issues. The model had passed the threshold on a Thursday, but we were unable to make the spray. By the time we became available, the model had dropped below the threshold. I chose to hold off on that application. Perhaps during another year that would have been made if I had been more readily available. This is also only one way to interpret the model, as others may deem it to have reached the threshold and that planned spray was still applicable days later. We did see a slight outbreak of dollar spot during August, which I attribute to these timing issues, however disease was controlled by following spray. Turf conditions were never outside of expected course standards. Dr. Koch had also hoped to include iron sulfate in the program for dollar spot control. However, after the first attempt we realized that our spray equipment wouldn’t work without a proper agitation system. Our sprayer is an older Multi-Pro 1250. Some other large changes were replacing the herbicide we had


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Hole Eighteen at Theodore Wirth Golf Club

been using, replacing it with a low use-rate post-emergent product, and the elimination of the only remaining iprodione application from the snow mold program. In place of that, we will include fludioxonil on greens. We have had a roller at Wirth for a few years and roll at least 2x a week. In 2019 I had begun fairway dew dragging more and increased dragging again this year. We were more consistent this year, but on the weekends and shoulder Page 38

months, dragging frequency did fall off slightly due to staffing limitations. The fertility side of the program was retained from previous years with slight tweaks. Applications included wetting agents and nitrogen regularly, and phosphites when appropriate. There were also a couple granular applications made to each area, with the only change being tee and fairways granular products were now organic based formulations. There was a single insecticide

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application (Acelepryn), and a single herbicide application (Defendor) to tees and fairways. Plant growth regulators were removed from the program this year. Further disclosure, this program was primarily developed for dollar spot prevention. I did have to include an application of azoxystrobin in July to knock back some brown patch. We also had minor incidents of leaf spot and anthracnose, however Dr. Koch did not see any need for further additional applications outside of the developed program.

clubs myself, I have high standards that I usually can’t achieve, but for what this golf course needs to be, and can be, we maintained the property to the established standards. The big takeaway actually comes from reviewing the past three years. From 2018-2020, we have reduced chemical use from 53%88% across all metrics as analyzed by Dr. Koch. Tees went down 53% in Lbs’ a.i., EIQ, and 75% in Hazard Quotient. Greens were reduced 8088% across all metrics and fairways went down 75-80% in all categories. All this was achieved well within the existing budget. Using the newer products can be more expensive, but quantities were significantly reduced so, overall, the budget was consistent. This was not only good on paper, but great for someone like me who is making most of the applications myself. I can’t complain about the reduced inputs into the tank, and the easier math when planning applications!

So what does this all mean, are we ready to go organic? I can say, as the one who implemented and monitored the results of this pilot, we are not. But, a reduced use approach is a very viable option. Course standards at Theodore Wirth were maintained to historical expectations. Our patrons were none the wiser to any disease issues on the golf course, even after 35,000 rounds this year. Obviously, that is one of the larger considerations for other professional turf I hope that in Minneapolis and, as managers, my golf course standards an industry, we can find biological versus yours. Coming from private solutions in the near future, and I Page 40

would fully support a realistic organic approach when it becomes available. I know Dr. Koch has done some work on biological fungicides and has found them to be largely ineffective during high stress periods. Hopefully these products will continue to improve and become more realistic options, preferably sooner than later for the turf managers at MPRB, and I’m sure other clubs, cities, and organizations will be having these conversations, if they haven’t already.

someday soon. We, as golf course superintendents are now fortunate to have this quantitative data from Dr. Koch to show what we can realistically implement right now.

I think it’s most important we continually tell these groups that we support the intention, but we cannot support the current timeline for action. In Minneapolis, the Park and Recreation Board wanted to go organic very quickly, and perhaps Covid actually gave us a slight respite, but this discussion will be resumed

It is important we continue to educate people that we are professionals, and that we take great pride in preserving these lands entrusted to us. I get tired of people asking what it is I do in the winter. I want people to better understand what we do know, and what we actually do in the summer.

This data is another tool in our toolbox. We can tell our boards, members, patrons, and communities that we can provide the same or similar expectations to our golfers, while also reducing the environmental concerns of our communities.

The Hole Notes Editorial Committee thank Chris for his outstanding initiative and concise article. His contribution earned him a quick $50 and makes him eligible for the 2020 Watson Award for writing excellence and a prize of an additional $250. Continue reading Dr. Paul Koch’s July TWGC Report. Page 41

Paul Koch Consulting, LLC

2801 Mason St, Madison, WI 53705 262-227-5679 Report Date: August 7th, 2020 Site: Theodore Wirth GC Subject: Paul Koch Site Visit – July 30th, 2020 Introduction I visited Theodore Wirth GC on July 30th and met with Superintendent Chris Aumock. The primary purposes of the visit were to discuss the performance of the 2020 pest management plan, the reductions in pesticide impact seen with the new plan, and tour the course and look at any issues that were occurring. Current Course Conditions I arrived following a particularly difficult period for managing golf course turfgrass. For the previous month, high temperatures routinely exceeded 90°F and low temperatures rarely dropped below 68°F. These consistently hot and humid conditions are rare for the upper Midwest, and are particularly stressful on the annual bluegrass that is pervasive over much of Theodore Wirth GC (and many other golf courses throughout the region). Despite these stressful conditions, the course was largely in good shape during my visit. The most common stress was anthracnose present on annual bluegrass in wear areas (Figure 1). Other stresses included scalping on ‘puffy’ turf as a result of excessive thatch and very humid conditions (Figure 2), and drought/shade stress as a result of competition with nearby trees (Figure 3). The cooler and drier conditions that have settled in since my visit will help alleviate all of these issues, but regular ‘venting’ of the scalped areas and selective pruning (including perhaps root pruning) will help improve the quality of the affected areas). Pest Management Program Overall the pest management program is working extremely well. A non-treated check plot on the 13th hole indicated that dollar spot pressure on at least that part of the golf course was high and that the treatment plan was providing excellent dollar spot control (Figure 4). Fairways have been dragged regularly on days they aren’t mowed to limit leaf moisture. The Smith-Kerns dollar spot model and lower impact fungicides have been used to control dollar spot while using less pesticide than in previous years. These practices together have Figure 1. Some minor annual bluegrass stress on a high wear area on the practice green. Page 42

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Paul Koch Consulting, LLC

2801 Mason St, Madison, WI 53705 262-227-5679

i Figure 2 and 3: Figure 2(left) shows the scalping damage that occurred on some ‘puffy’ high thatch areas on the par 3 course. Figure 3 (right) shows the drought damage on the 6th green as a result of the nearby trees. helped limit dollar spot development, which is the number 1 disease of golf course turfgrass. Other diseases such as leaf spot and brown patch developed on certain putting greens during hot and humid periods but were quickly brought under control before causing lasting damage. Likely damage from anthracnose was observed on annual bluegrass scattered around certain areas of the golf course. Anthracnose damage on annual bluegrass has been severe this year in the Midwest due to the persistent heat and humidity. While the damage wasn’t severe at Theodore Wirth, we discussed certain cultural practices that can help limit anthracnose. The most important cultural practice to limit anthracnose is to provide adequate nitrogen fertilization, between 2.5 and 3.5 lbs of N per 1000 sq ft. In addition, Rutgers University has observed that potassium above 40 ppm in the soil and 2% in the leaves also results in less anthracnose. Also, rolling instead of mowing reduces anthracnose, as does providing adequate moisture to the plant. The primary concern with the pest management program was the use of iron sulfate. Our research has shown that iron Figure 4. This unsprayed (i.e. check) plot on the 13th hole shows the level of dollar spot that would be present on this part of the golf course without the dollar spot management program in place.

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Paul Koch Consulting, LLC

2801 Mason St, Madison, WI 53705 262-227-5679

Figure 5. This summary of the pesticide impact calculations shows the significant decrease in pesticide use and pesticide impact from 2018 to 2020. sulfate can be a cheap and effective way to suppress dollar spot while using fewer traditional fungicides. However, other superintendents I have worked with have been frustrated at the continual clogging of the spray tank screens that happen. These same issues were happening at Theodore Wirth, which was making the repeated use of iron sulfate difficult. I talked with Dave Marach, superintendent at Northbrook GC near Green Bay, WI about his use of iron sulfate at a medium budget public golf facility, and he said it’s critical to have vigorous agitation in the tank to keep the iron sulfate suspended. The sprayer at Theodore With GC does not have an agitator, which will make efficient application of iron sulfate very difficult. I recommend that the iron sulfate program be suspended until the sprayer can be equipped with an agitator. Pesticide Impact Reductions I recently calculated and provided to Chris the pesticide impact metrics from the 2020 pest management program and compared them to the 2018 and 2019 program. I used three different ways to calculate pesticide impact: overall amount of pesticide active ingredient (a.i.), hazard quotient using acute mammalian toxicity, and the environmental impact quotient. Pesticide impact declined significantly in 2020 using all three metrics (Figure 5). From 2020 to 2018 pounds of a.i. fell by 90, 48, and 75% on greens, tees, and fairways, respectively. Hazard quotient fell by 88, 70, and 80%, respectively. Environmental impact quotient fell by 91, 41, and 78%, respectively. These are significant improvements that have been made without a reduction in course quality. A final report based on the full 2020 pest management program will be provided in the fall.

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Paul Koch Consulting, LLC

2801 Mason St, Madison, WI 53705 262-227-5679 Action Items Paul will… • Respond to any turfgrass problems occurring on Theodore Wirth GC • Plan a visit to Theodore Wirth GC in September to assess program performance and meet the new course superintendent. Theodore Wirth GC will… • Continue to follow the disease management plan throughout the remainder of 2020. This includes continued dragging of fairways on days they aren’t mowed and scheduling of fungicide applications using the Smith-Kerns DS Model • Contact Paul with any questions/issues that arise.. Thank you,

Paul Koch, Ph.D. Paul Koch Consulting, LLC

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Adding Habitat for Beneficial Insects on Your Golf Course

Dr. Vera Krischik Associate Professor and Extension Specialist Department of Entomology, University of Minnesota email: tilled a row along the edge and in Beetle banks and reed nests the middle of crops. The tilled row increase insect abundance in was seeded with bunch grasses. restorations These banks encouraged pollinaMulch piles no longer are a sign of tors, beneficial insects, parasitic an unkept golf course. Mulch piles wasps, and beetles - which fed on pests, to hide and overwinter inside serve a vital service of providing a the bank. Each spring the beneficial home to good bugs. Beetle banks were standard practice in farm-ing insects would be on hand to service the agricultural property. before the mid-1900’s. Farmers

Photo by Glyn Baker. Beetle Banks. In the past hedges would be grubbed up to gain maximum return. Now it has become more economic for farmers leave a fallow strip around a field as a beetle bank allowing invertebrates to live and provide food for birds and other animals. Also the strip means that herbicides and pesticides are less likely to damage the wildlife in the hedgerows.

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The same principle can be applied to the golf course in out of bounds areas. Mulch piles, up to four feet in height, can be established in out of play areas. Beneficial insects will soon populate the new territory. The insects are then available to go out onto the golf course to eat pest insects. We adjusted the original beetle bank design by forming a row of individual “beetle bumps”.

tions, predatory insects and spiders can overwinter in field boundaries and in spring move into the crop, reducing pest numbers significantly. By providing places for them to spend the winter you can encourage winter boundary densities of more than 1,000 per square meter”. advice/sustainable-farming/beetlebanks/

Beetle banks are promoted in the UK for conserving insects. The website of the UK Game and Farming Trust says … ”Given the right condi-

Beetle banks are 4 ft. piles of mulch that were created at 3 park sites in Washington County. At a citizen science field day, beetle banks were

Above: Beetle Bank with stem nesting bee house on top of pole. Read about beetle banks at the better bee certification program. Page 49

found to a mean of 131 insects compared to control plots with 1 insect. Research on reed nests as habitat for native stem nesting bees showed that there were 236 occupied reeds or 95% of the nests were

occupied. Both beetle banks and stem nests increased insect abundance and are cultural methods to increase insect numbers. Beetle banks offer over wintering sites for bumblebee queens.

Above: Put signs on bees huts to educate visitors and reduce vandalism.

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Above: A native bee inside a stem. Native bees create linear nest, provision leaves and pollen and lay an egg that will hatch next spring. Mangers cut down standing stems from wildflowers in the spring to be tidy. Unfortunately when stems are cut and removed they kill the hidden native bees.

Crown bees stem nesting bee huts with removable stems. The stems need to be removed each year and replaced with clean stems to reduce disease and predation by other insects. Stems should be replaced in early June after the bees have overwintered in the stems. Page 51

A New Chapter in My Turfgrass Management Career By Gary Deters Field Facility Manager Department of Horticultural Science UMN-Twin Cities After being on the golf course annua so it has been really exciting management side of the industry to be exposed to so many “bents”. I for the last twenty-four years, I was have never had the opportunity to given the opportunity to help the manage a USGA green before and University of Minnesota with turfabout twenty-thousand square feet grass research. Over the years, I of greens are USGA spec. There are have read a lot of articles on the currently fifteen-thousand square research being conducted through- feet of dedicated greens on naout the turfgrass industry in order tive soil. Another new area for to learn better ways to manage the me is fine fescue greens, of which golf course. According to Webster’s we have a total of eight-thousand dictionary, the definition of research square feet of fine fescue greens on is the systematic investigation into the USGA and native greens. and study of materials and sources When it comes to managing to establish facts and reach new a golf course, there are obviously conclusions. One thing I was not so many variables. Playability and aware of is the extent to which reaesthetics are definitely on top search is conducted. of the list. Coming into this posi The Turfgrass Research, Outtion, I knew I had to start looking at reach, and Education Center (TROE) things with a different perspective. has a little less than an acre of First of all, there are no golfers, so dedicated golf greens. There are a playability is not considered. Secwide variety of bentgrass species ond, aesthetics are not necessarthat are a part of current and past ily on the top of the list either. In trials. Most of my career has also fact, diseased and brown turf can been managing Penncross and Poa actually be a good thing because Page 52

a researcher might want to examine disease and drought tolerance among turf varieties. The hard part about the latter is that I’ve been mentally primed to believe “green is good” from many golfing members. I would always walk the fine line of playability and aesthetics because certain members believe the course needs to be green to be good even though it can affect the playability for the worse. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, especially when it comes to research, but sometimes there is nothing I can do about it, it’s a part of the research.

I was able to manage the greens a little bit differently than I would have at the golf course because I did not have to worry about playability. For example, I can topdress and aerate greens on a Thursday without the need to mow or roll on the weekend. This helps to eliminate damage to the reels and abiotic stress to the turf. At TROE there are no golfers expecting the putting surface to be as good as possible following aeration. Sometimes with research there is a gap between applicability and real-life experiences on the

Above: A view of the USGA green at the Turfgrass Research, Outreach and Education Center located on the UMN St. Paul CamPage 7

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golf course. One of my roles is to shorten the gap and to give instant feedback on a potential idea or trial based on my experience. There have been several instances where I have been able to share my professional hands-on knowledge to the research that has been conducted. It has been extremely interesting being a part of research conversations because there are many things to which I never gave consideration. I have learned a lot of new techniques so it has been mutually beneficial.

The first field experiment I was a part of was led by Dr. Florence Sessoms on the effect of mycorrhizae on putting greens with low and high fertility treatments. Fertility rates were based on how a typical golf course superintendent fertilizes greens. On May 15th, our USGA and native greens were inoculated on both the bentgrass and fine fescue green sections. Throughout the rest of the summer we continued with more inoculations and fertilizer. The experiment is in the early stages and next season we will

Above: SCANGREEN traffic and wear study on bentgrass, fine fescue and bluegrass plots. Page 54

make a few adjustments. The University turf group is working with the Scandinavian countries and the University of Massachusetts to test many turfgrass varieties. Those varieties in the SCANGREEN trial include: bentgrass (Agrostis spp.), fine fescue (Festuca spp.), and bluegrass (Poa spp.). The evaluation of the plots has several topics that could potentially be helpful to superintendents in Minnesota. There are no snow mold fungicides applied; in fact, there were no fungicides applied the whole season. It can give us an idea of what turf varieties have good disease resistance, especially during high risk situations. This collaboration also includes a wear and compaction study in which we create foot traffic from a friction wear drum equipped with soft spikes. It is an ongoing study and it will be interesting to see how the green

makes it through the winter. The University of Minnesota has been researching for years to help golf courses choose the best fine fescues for “no mow” turf areas. There are many variables that go into the selection of a grass or a seed to be used. Some of these options are based on what the superintendent is looking for in a certain area. Aesthetics, pace of play, being able to find golf balls quickly, seed heads, weed threshold, and traffic tolerance are some examples. Ryan Schwab has been researching these areas and he wanted an opinion from a superintendent’s point of view on what would be the best choice of his plots based on fescue variety and seeding rate. We looked at each plot of turf based on seed heads, seeding rates, weeds present, and turf density. We also looked at possible scenarios based on where the

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“no mow� areas would be located and what type of golf course. A really interesting study on a topic that I never gave much consideration to has been an ongoing sod trial. In collaboration with researchers at Purdue, we test the tensile strength of fine fescue, tall fescue, and the standard sod species Kentucky bluegrass. The information received from this study will indirectly benefit golf courses down the road as there might be better sod options for lower-input turf-

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grasses. Some other good research being conducted are ongoing plant breeding and genetic studies on fine fescues and perennial ryegrass. As research continues and better varieties come forward, it will positively impact seed choices for superintendents by giving them better options for long-term success. Dr. Dominic Petrella has been conducting some excellent shade studies. I believe his information will be helpful to superintendents in their

quest to educate golf members on tree shade and how it negatively impacts their turf, especially putting greens. In association with the Minnesota Golf Course Superintendent’s Association funded trial, we will be installing sensors on a select group of golf courses around the state to gather information on winter stresses affecting greens. We will also be conducting an ice study on a section of the USGA green this winter. We are also in the beginning stages of

planning a couple experiments for next summer on the greens that we hope will be a benefit to superintendents. As a University of Minnesota turfgrass alumni, I am glad to be a part of the success of the program. I have been entrusted to help take care of research that means a lot to others and the potential future of the turf industry and it is exciting to see the results of the work.

Above: In September we dedicated twenty-five hundred square feet of bentgrass to a National Turfgrass Evaluation Program (NTEP) trial. Page 57

Educational Opportunity: 2021 Great Lakes School of Turfgrass Science: Cool-Season Golf Edition set for January 11 – April 2, 2021. Any investment in quality continuing education opportunities benefits employees and employers alike. The 2021 Great Lakes School of Turfgrass Science: Cool-Season Golf Edition is designed to help meet the continuing education needs of any individual or organization. This 12-week program aims to provide participants with thorough and practical continuing education in turfgrass management. The course is directed by 12 turfgrass scientists and educators from 5 Land-Grant Universities and other organizations. We are very pleased to be offering this on the Greenkeeper University platform this year. Turfgrasses are a resource in our urban community environments and best management practices are aligned with environmental, economic & societal priorities. The Great Lakes School of Turfgrass Science provides participants with the science-based principles needed to effectively manage turf for recreation, sport, aesthetics and environmental protection. The Great Lakes School of Turfgrass Science is a quality training opportunity for: - Practitioners that establish and maintain turfgrass for golf courses - Technical representatives from industry (suppliers of equipment, plant protectants, fertilizer, etc.) - Those new to the industry - wanting to get trained and off to a great start - Those with experience in the industry - to review/update their knowledge and practices Students will have access to the course and materials at their convenience during the 12-week period via moodle class management system. The fee for the course is $550, which includes supplemental materials and a certificate after successful completion of the program. Visit this link to register: Early registration is encouraged and pre-registration is required. For Further Information: Contact Sam Bauer. Email: Phone: 904-271-0250. Page 58

Register at:

2021 Great Lakes School of Turfgrass Science: Cool-Season Golf Edition Online Program (Jan. 11th – April 2nd, 2021) - Live weekly discussions - 10 internationally renowned turfgrass science faculty from across the Great Lakes Region - 36 hrs of in-depth training in turfgrass science and management Questions about the school? Contact: Sam Bauer (, 904-271-0250)

Class fee: $550.00/person This year offered at Greenkeeper University

Register at:

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Register at: 2021 Great Lakes School of Turfgrass Science Instructors

Without question, the strength of this new online school lies within the depth and experience of the turfgrass faculty. This program allows for extensive interaction with researchers and educators having national and international recognition. Sam Bauer, M.Sc. Owner/Agronomist BauerTurf, LLC Wayzata, Minnesota

Paul Koch, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Department of Plant Pathology University of Wisconsin-Madison

Bill Kreuser, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Department of Agronomy and Horticulture University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Aaron Patton, Ph.D. Associate Professor and Extension Turfgrass Specialist Department of Agronomy Purdue University

Kevin Frank, Ph.D. Associate Professor and Extension Turfgrass Specialist Department of Crop and Soil Sciences Michigan State University

Frank Rossi, Ph.D. Associate Professor and Extension Turfgrass Specialist Department of Horticulture Cornell University

David Gardner, Ph.D. Associate Professor Department of Horticulture and Crop Science The Ohio State University

Doug Soldat, Ph.D. Professor and Extension Turfgrass Specialist Department of Soil Science University of Wisconsin-Madison

Brian Horgan, Ph.D. Professor and Extension Turfgrass Specialist Department of Horticultural Science University of Minnesota-Twin Cities

Chris Williamson, Ph.D. Research Manager PBI Gordon

Ed Nangle, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Horticulture Technologies The Ohio State University

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Eric Watkins, Ph.D. Professor Department of Horticultural Science University of Minnesota-Twin Cities

Register at:

2021 Great Lakes School of Turfgrass Science School format: Participants will work through a total of 12 sessions during the 12-week program. Each session will include readings, a 2-hour recorded lecture, a live 1 hour discussion with 3-4 instructors, quizzes, and a final test. Participants completing all sessions will receive a certificate of completion for the 2021 school. The required work can be completed beyond the 12-week school period. Sessions include: • Turfgrass identification, physiology and growth • Soil science and management • Selection and establishment • Nutrition and fertility programming • Mowing and additional cultural practices • Abiotic stresses

Expert instructors Open to anyone

Fully online Learn at your convenience Earn CEUs

• Irrigation • Insect biology, identification and management • Disease biology, identification and management • Weed biology, identification and management • Specialty product usage • Mathematics and calibration

All questions regarding this course can be directed to: Sam Bauer Email: Phone: 904-271-2050

Register at: Page 61


Great Lakes School of Turfgrass Science Online Scholarship Five (5) Program Reimbursement Coupons $495 Class fee immediately reimbursed upon providing Certificate of Completion

Administered by

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Funded by

The Minnesota Golf Course Superintendents Association 10050 204th Street North Forest Lake, MN 55025 Phone: (651) 324-8873

Application Deadline: December 15th

General In order to enhance the educational opportunities of our existing membership/staff and promote the Golf Course Management Industry, the MGCSA is offering a new Reimbursement Program for the Great Lakes School of Turfgrass Science Online. (4) Reimburse coupons will be offered annually to approved applicants who complete the Online program and submit their Certificate of Completion. Applications will be reviewed by the Scholarship Committee. All decisions of the committee will be final. Applicants will be notified by December 15th prior to the School’s Registration deadline. Applicants will still need to register/pay for the Online School as if they were attending on their own. The Reimbursement check of $495 will be issued to the individual or company paying the initial Class Fee following the completion of the course.

Eligibility 1. Applicants must either be a MGCSA member or sponsored by a MGCSA member to apply. 2. Completion of the program and providing Certificate of Completion is necessary for reimbursement.

Criteria for Selection 1. (4) Applicants shall be selected based on employment history, recommendations and personal statement essay. 2. Financial need is not a factor in the selection 3. Any Scholarship Committee member with a conflict of interest must remove him/herself from the process. (family member or current employee applying)

How To Apply Applicants must complete the attached application form and supply the following under one cover: 1. Personal Statement Essay 2. All applications must be post marked by Dec. 15th of the year submitted. 3. Send applications or email to: MGCSA 10050 204th Street North Forest Lake, MN 55025

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Application Form



Home Address Email


Current MGCSA Membership Classification

Member Since


MGCSA Member Sponsor/Employer Signature



Work Experience

Current Employer/Position

Past Employment History

Personal Statement Attach a one page statement that tells who you are, explains when and how you became involved in Golf Course Management and why you are interested in the Great Lakes School of Turfgrass Science. RETURN THE COMPLETED APPLICATION AND PERSONAL STATEMENT NO LATER THAN DECEMBER 15th TO: MGCSA 10050 204th Street North Forest Lake, MN 55025

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In Bounds by Jack MacKenzie, CGCS

Many can remember the famous British drawl of, “And the survey seeeeez…..”. Richard Dawson, once known for his World War II prisoner of war antics, was the Master of Ceremonies for the famous daytime game show, Family Feud. Beyond simple entertainment, the program provided insight into current population dispositions on a regular basis. In today’s business world we take a different approach to surveys and use their results for several purposes. According to SnapSurveys, there are four major reasons to conduct surveys. 1. Uncover the answers. In a non-intimidating survey environment, you will learn about what motivates survey respondents and what is important to them, and gather meaningful opinions, comments, and feedback. A non-intimidating survey environment is one

that best suits the privacy needs of the survey respondent. Respondents are more likely to provide open and honest feedback in a more private survey method. Methods such as online surveys, paper surveys, or mobile surveys are more private and less intimidating than face-to-face survey interviews or telephone surveys. 2. Evoke discussion. Give your survey respondents an opportunity to discuss important key topics. Communicate with your respondents about your survey topic. This allows you to dig deeper into your survey, and can incite topics related to your survey within a broader perspective. 3. Base decisions on objective information. Conducting surveys is an unbiased approach to

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decision-making. Don’t rely on “gut feelings” to make important business decisions. You can collect unbiased survey data and develop sensible decisions based on analyzed results. By analyzing results, you can immediately address topics of importance, rather than waste time and valuable resources on areas of little or no concern. 4. Compare results. Surveys results provide a snapshot of the attitudes and behaviors – including thoughts, opinions, and comments – about your target survey population. This valuable feedback is your baseline to measure and establish a benchmark from which to compare results over time.

If you don’t vote in an election you have no right to complain. President Scott Thayer mentioned in his column, the first survey is already available to those who fill out an annual water use report. This Department of Natural Resources document is ground breaking because, for the very first time, the golf course industry is being asked about our water use. I find this long over-due agency interest compelling. Since the creation of the Water Use Manual in 1976, our industry has NEVER, to my knowledge, been asked how we use our water, how we conserve our water and how resourceful the industry has become through technological advancements. It is impera Over the next several months, tive that all golf course irrigators fill the MGCSA membership is being out this survey. If the response is asked to take part in a number of limited, it is a big black eye to our surveys. There will be no comindustry. pensation given for participation, Regularly I post Superintenhowever, and simply said, the more dent positions on the MGCSA webindividuals who complete the sursite. Often, upon receipt, I look at veys, the better the results will be. the opportunity and think to myIn my mind it is sort of like voting. self… “well this won’t grab much

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attention”. Primarily because the posting compensation range is too low or incomplete. Sometimes I field questions as to the lack of response. Unfortunately, without accurate compensation information I cannot tell them to jack up their “package” to be more competitive and, at the minimum, equal with the industry standards. For this reason, the MGCSA will soon be posting an anonymous survey reflecting employee and Superintendent Compensation packages. And, you need to know what your fellow professionals are earning annually and what their staff is being paid. As GI Joe says, “Knowing is half the battle”. Without factual data, how can you articulate a ‘bump’ for your team or yourself. Do the association, your green staff and family a service, participate in the Compensation Survey. Bunker rakes in or out or even at all, now that Covid-19 has impacted our lives. Water conserva-

tion using the TDR 350, intuition or evapotranspiration. Topdressing material, timing, depth? Covers, yes or no, thick or thin? Soap in the ball washer? Staff uniforms, raingear, boots or nothing? Highschool help or just seniors? GM, Green Committee, Board of Directors, owner or autonomous? The questions really are unlimited. But the results will remain the same if you don’t participate. Surveys are of limited value if nobody answers the questions. I suppose the adage of, “It wouldn’t be the same without you”, applies to polls as well as social and educational events. Truth be told, one of the primary reasons you belong to an association is to benefit from shared ideals and ideas. I will do my best to provide relevant topics and questions, however if you have ideas please connect with me and we will create the format together. Please make the time to participate in YOUR Association surveys.

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