Year 11 Final Assembly.
Friday 12th May


Whenonthebeach,youmustbeinthelineofsightofthestaffandthe coastguard
Staying well during revision and exams.
1. Always take a moment just to breathe, whether in the exam, before or after.
2. Remember that school does offer support, just reach out and ask!
3. Keep your work balanced. Spend time revising, but socialise and relax too.
4. Keep a self-care routine so that your revision is the most productive it can be whilst you feel as good as possible.
5. Break up revision with food and exercise to make sure you stay energised.
6. Remember that results do not define you.
7. Find a revision space and style that works for you: silence, background chatter, music with or without lyrics.
8. Work to your own pace – everyone is different in how they work.
9. If you feel nervous about the time pressure of an exam, practice timing yourself when you revise, or try some test papers.
10.Plan in some treats to reward yourself, and celebrate when it’s all over!
Good Luck Messages from your teachers:
Mr O’Leary Rogers.
Very well done in all of your hard work over the past two years. I want to wish you the best of luck in the up and coming exams; remember to revise consistently and focus on your successes. I look forward to hearing all of the good news this coming August.
Mrs Wallis-King.
I am so proud of all of you. You’ve worked really hard to get to this point. Your journeys have not all been easy or pleasant, but you kept going. Good luck in your exams and remember, ’Just Keep Swimming!’

You have worked so incredibly hard over the last two years and I have thoroughly enjoyed being your teacher. You’re such a wonderful class and I genuinely will miss you all (even if you won’t miss my stressful lessons!). Wishing you all the best and hopefully I will see some of you in KS5 :)
Mrs CulbrethVery best wishes for your exams and enjoy the BEST summer with no homework or revision to do!
Hope to see a lot of you in Year 12!
Miss HeppelerWell done to all of you for doing so well this year and for the last five years. I’ve loved teaching you this year; I will miss the class mascots but I am looking forward to having a peaceful Friday P5! Good luck in the exams, don’t forget your Left Hand Rule and enjoy your summer.

Best of luck for both your exams and for the future, Year 11. Well done on all you have achieved so far, and the finish is now in sight. It has been a pleasure to cover your lessons, and I hope to see many of you next year in KS5

FoyThank you for all the hard work and commitment you have shown to GCSE Textiles over the past two years, you’ve been an absolute pleasure to teach and I feel very lucky to have worked with such an exceptionally bright, mature and conscientious group of students. I am so proud of the work you have produced - it really is fabulous! Good luck with the rest of your exams and have a fantastic summer.
SummersCongratulations on making it to the end! You have all worked so hard and I wish you all the very best for the future. I hope to see many of you back in sixth form studying Biology!
Mrs PriceFrom all the virtual form times during covid, to the seemingly endless hours on NEA work from all the Product Designers this year, you have always strived to achieve your best and made so many memories along the way. One more step with exams and then you can relax!
Mrs BassettWell done for making it to the very end! You have come a long way since you first joined MGGS, what a journey! I wish you all the very best in your exams and hope to see many of you back in September!
Miss JohnsonCongratulations to you all for all of your hard work and dedication! I have lots of fond memories teaching you GCSE RS. Best of luck in all of your future examinations and enjoy a well deserved summer break.

It just seems like the other day we saw you come in your primary school uniforms for your induction day and how quickly time has passed. Well done for all the enthusiasm, hard work and resilience you have demonstrated through the normal school times as well as the lock down learning! Wish you all the best of luck for the forthcoming examinations and hope to see those beaming smiles in August / September.
Miss StanleyWishing you all the best of luck for your exams and for the future. It has been a pleasure teaching so many of you over the years. I have to give a special mention to the GCSE Drama groups. Thank you for your hard work, creativity and general awesomeness. Is it even a Drama answer if you don’t include a furrowed brow?! You will really be missed yr 11. Break a leg and have a great summer!
Dear Year 11 Students,
As your Biology teacher and/or your AST, it has been an honor to guide and support you throughout the academic year. Now that you are approaching the end of your KS4, I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all the best of luck as you move forward. You have all worked extremely hard to get to this point, and I am confident that your dedication and perseverance will pay off. Remember that success is not just about academic achievement, but also about personal growth and development. I have seen you all grow in so many ways, and I am proud of each and every one of you.
As you step into the next chapter of your lives, always remember to stay curious, ask questions, and never stop learning. Believe in yourself and your abilities, and don't be afraid to take risks and try new things. I have no doubt that you will continue to make great strides and achieve wonderful things. For those of you that I teach, if in doubt, the answer is ‘large SA;V ratio!’.
Once again, congratulations on your accomplishments, and I wish you all the very best in your future endeavours.

Mr Belver

It has been a real privilege teaching you for the last couple of years. I really enjoyed seeing you becoming gradually confident and independent learners! Remember, you are amazing at French and you all have the ability to continue the subject at A-Level, should you wish to! Bravo! Bonnes vacances!
Mr Thomas
It has been a pleasure to teach so many of you over the last two years and to share with you my great passion for volleyball! You have worked incredibly hard and I’m sure will continue to do so as you prepare for the stage in your academic careers. Remember to take some time for yourself, I hope you all enjoy your long summer break; you will have earnt it!
Mrs Marsh

I thought I would leave it to Dickens to describe our lessons: "What happiness was ours … what joy, what rest, what hope, what gratitude, what bliss!"
It has been a pleasure to teach you and get to know you all over the past two years. I will miss you. Good luck and I hope to see you in Year 12.
You have worked amazingly well this past year and should be extremely proud of how far you have come these past five years. The finish line is in sight, keep pushing and don’t forget to celebrate after it's all done!

Miss Bailey
You are the most amazing and talented group of individuals. It has been a pleasure to teach you for the past few years and I wish you all the greatest success! Which I am sure you are all capable of.
Miss Brown
Congratulations everyone! Well Done for being an amazing set of students. A special shoutout to my Geographers! Thank you for being an incredible group to teach and making all our lessons enjoyable over the last two years. Good Luck to everyone, you are nearly there! Enjoy your summer.

Miss Cakebread
Dear year 11,
The first thing I would like to say is congratulations!You have made it! I just want to tell you that you are all amazing and that you should all be proud of yourselves for the journey you have come on over the past five years. I know that the next few weeks are going to feel daunting but have confidence in yourselves and your abilities as you can do this!
For all of the Geographers out there - you are super stars, remember 'without Geography you are nowhere'. Just remember there is an amazing world out there to explore. Please make sure you do this! 11D it has been a pleasure to teach you, you have made me laugh and made me proud every single lesson. Good luck and enjoy the summer!

Mrs Taylor-Richardson

Where has the time gone? It seems like only yesterday that I was teaching some of you in Key Stage 3 and now you’re off and on to the next chapter. I wish you all the very best in all that you choose to do. It has been a pleasure teaching everyone of you over the years and I know that you will go on to do great things! A special shout out to my year 11 English class; we’ve had some great times along the way. Thank you for making our lessons so fun. I will miss you!
Mrs Harrison
Dear Year 11,
You have all worked so hard during the past five years and I know that it hasn’t always been easy for you, particularly during the lockdown years. But you have persevered and have come out the other end. It has been a pleasure to teach French and Spanish to you over the years. A special mention must go to 11N and 11S, who I have taught at some point or another since Year 7. Good luck in all your exams and make sure you enjoy the summer and make the most of it! ¡Hasta luego!
Mrs Lampers
Dear 11D German,
It doesn’t seem that long ago that I picked up your class at the end of year 10, and here we are, practically at the start (or finish?!) of your GCSE German exam journey already.
Thank you for being such an interesting, lively class, full of answers - and questions.. Well done also for getting through your recent speaking exams in such a businesslike manner.
Ich wünsche euch alles Gute für die Prüfungen und viel Glück für die Zukunft!

Mrs Smith.
It was an absolute privilege and pleasure to be your head of year and I’m loving all the good things I am hearing.
Mila and I wish you the best of luck with your exams.