Registration Advising Documentation for use when using the IOnline system.
Registration for Summer 2025
Those students that are not block registered by the Registrar’s Office will communicate with advisors to discuss a course plan, and then either register themselves using the new registration functions or will be registered by advisors themselves. Important note: This registration process only applies to students who will make course selections that are outside of “lockstep” curriculum programs. Students in lock-step programs will be approved and pre-registered by the Registrar’s Office in coordination with Schools/Programs.
Advising/Registration for the Fall 2024 semester opens on Monday, February 24, 2025, at 12:01 a.m. and closes on Friday, March 14, 2025, at 11:59 p.m. During that time, all continuing degree and certificate students should be registered. Because you are listed as an advisor in our system, I am providing you with the information necessary to register students if you choose to do so Otherwise, students will register themselves once they have discussed a semester plan with you.
IMPORTANT: If you are not advising students, or if your students are in lockstep curriculums that will be block registered by the Registrar’s Office, please disregard this message.
The following information is contained in this documentation:
1. Instructions for completing Registration for your advisees (If appropriate)
These instructions outline the process for those advisors that need to complete course registration for their advisees. Again, this is only for advisors that will complete registration for courses for their advisees.
2. Some Important Registration Advising Tips
This document provides tips for successfully completing the advising experience.
3. Student Registration Guide – Summer 2025 – Click this link for access
This guide contains information for students about the Registration process and details how registration is approached for each program. It is important that you read through this as some programs will be registered by the Registrar’s Office because of the lock-step nature of their curriculum. Those students will not require registration advising Other students will require registration advising as explained in the booklet, and this is where your role as an advisor becomes important in the process of registration. Please be sure to review the section on IMPACT course registration.
These documents will help you with the entire process and as always, if you have any questions, please feel free to contact us!!
Jim Vitagliano
Associate Dean of Enrollment Services/Registrar

Click here to access IOnline.
You will use your current IOnline credentials to login.
Step 1:
After logging in to IOnline, from the main menu, select “Advising”.
Step 2:
Once you have chosen “Advising”, the following menu will appear. Here you will be able to choose a student to work with. Important note: You will see all advisors assigned to each of your advisees To access the information for one of your advisees, click on “View Details”. This will load the “Student’s Plan” for you to work with

Step 3:
After clicking “View Details”, you will be brought to this screen:
• Step 3/1: If you want to look at all registration/planned activity, you can change the semester view by clicking the “<” or “>” buttons. This will move you through any semester where the student has actual registration or has planned/unregistered courses.

Step 3/1
• Step 3/2: To add courses to the plan for Summer 2025, click on “Course Catalog”. This will bring you to a search screen where you will select “Advanced Search”. Here you can begin selecting courses using the available search parameters to be added to your advisee’s plan for Summer 2025. You can add as many courses to the plan as necessary before completing the final registration process. Remember to click “Search” at the bottom of the screen once you have chosen search parameters.

Step 3/2
• Step 3/3: To select courses, view available sections and Add Section to Schedule. When adding a section to the schedule, a dialogue box will pop up with all the section information. When that box appears, click on “Add Section”.

• Step 3 continued: Click on “Add Section” to finish the process of adding the section to your advisee’s course plan.

Step 3/3
• Step 4: Go back to the “Course Plan” to complete the registration process. You will see all courses that you have added to your advisee’s course plan. To complete the registration process, click on “Register Now”.

Step 4
Once you have done that, you will see a green check mark next to the course(s) showing that registration is complete.
You have now completed the registration process for your advisee!
If you would like to look at your advisee’s progress, click on “Progress” and you will see the view of your advisee’s degree audit/progress. This view will look different than previous degree audit views and has a much-improved look and feel.

You can always communicate directly with your advisees by clicking on the hyperlinked email address in their profile.
If you have any questions regarding this new process for registration, or any other questions regarding advising/registration, please email registrar@mghihp.edu
See the next page for some Important Advising Tips!

1) Remember that students who have not already been block registered will register themselves or be registered by you after reviewing their course plan with you. Review the Student Registration Guide for specifics on Registration Procedures. Also – they will have access to the registration system in IOnline only during the advertised registration dates. For the upcoming registration period (Summer 2025), access will be granted starting Monday, February 24, 2025, at 12:01 a.m. and will end on Friday, March 14, 2025, at 11:59 p.m.
2) When advising students about courses that are variable credit, make sure that they are registering for the correct amount of credits. Also let them know that they will need to verify the credit amount at the point of registration. When they select courses, only the minimum credit amount will show. They must enter the correct credit amount if it is over the minimum amount listed.
3) When advising students about the process for setting up an Independent Study, make sure that they complete an “Independent Study Agreement Form”. This form can also be found on the Registrar’s page under “Important Forms”.
4) Try to have all your advising done before the last week of registration. This will allow those students needing to complete their own registration, ample time to sit at their computers and complete the registration process. It also helps to control system traffic.
5) You will use IOnline to review all advising information. You will also register students using IOnline where appropriate. Please review the information in this manual for all instructions.
6) If you are having problems logging on to IOnline, please contact the IT Help desk. If you have any other questions related to the advising process and registration, feel free to contact registrar@mghihp.edu.