14 05 2014 chronicle 2014

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The Chronicle Volume 8 Issue 1 Jan - Mar 2014

“Thiru M.V.Krishnamoorthy Iyer Annual External Oration” The Scientific and Academic Forum (SAF) of MGMC & RI and Medical Education Unit conducted the Annual External Oration on 21.02.2014 in collaboration with the Department of Dermatology, Venereology and Leprosy at the college premises. The External Oration was named after our beloved chairman Sri M.K. Rajagopalan’s father, Thiru M.V.Krishnamoorthy Iyer. This year the “Thiru M.V.Krishnamoorthy Iyer Annual External Oration” was delivered by Prof.Dr.Patrick Yesudian, Emeritus Professor of Dermatology, Tamil Nadu Dr.M.G.R Medical University, who spoke on the topic, ‘Vasculitis: An Overview’. The eloquent oration provided clarity regarding the classification and approach towards vasculitis, which is a challenging entity. Contd Page: 18 University Communique P.02 Academic Initiatives P.12 The Dawn Of New Chapters P.30 Other Highlights P.37 IGIDS P.48

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CIDRF Innovations Out Reach Services Staff Nurses of MGMCRI KGNC

P.10 P.21 P.31 P.41 P.59

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Research And Scholarship Faculty Achievements And Awards Scholars In The Making SSSMCRI

P.11 P.29 P.35 P.43



Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust

Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth University University Communique From VC’s Desk

What is your N-Ach score?

Quarterly performance audit, which is featured in “The Chronicles”, is meant to be a good motivator for achievers. Annual performance review of all the academic staff is another such initiative for each of us to introspect on our own N-Ach scores for 2013-’14 and plan for the academic year ahead. Let us individually and collectively go for higher and better N-Ach scores and bring glory to ourselves and to our work-place.(More on N-Ach at http://en.wikipedia. org/wiki/Need_for_achievement)

Academic Activities of Prof.K.R.Sethuraman, Vice Chancellor, SBV University during the first quarter of 2014 Need for achievement (N-Ach) refers to a person’s longing for noteworthy accomplishment like the mastery of a skill or set high standards in one’s area of work. First coined by Henry Murray, and later popularized by David McClelland, the term “N-Ach” is associated with a range of actions, which include, “intense, prolonged and repeated efforts to accomplish something difficult; to work with singleness of purpose towards a high and distant goal; to have the determination to win”. N-Ach is influenced by intrinsic motivation (internal drive for action), and extrinsic motivation (pressure exerted by the expectations of others). Need for Achievement is a personality trait, the “Need for Power” and the “Need for Affiliation” being two other traits; the strength of each of these needs varies from person to person. N-Ach score dictates the difficulty of tasks people choose to undertake: hh Those with low N-Ach tend to choose very easy tasks, in order to minimize risk of failure, or paradoxically, impossible tasks, so that failure or dropping-out would not be embarrassing. hh Those with high N-Ach tend to choose moderately difficult tasks, which are challenging, and yet attainable with adequate effort. hh Factors that promote high N-Ach include: hh Intrapersonal Strength - (A desire to be effective or challenged) hh Goal Setting Abilities - (Desirability, Feasibility) hh Association of achievement with one’s own competence and effort, not luck hh Praise and rewards for success hh Parents who encouraged independence in childhood

hh Chief Guest for “Critical Investigations in Dentistry (CID-IGIDS)” at IGIDS (04.01.2014) hh Chief Guest for “CRRI-farewell & Career Guidance” at MGMCRI (08.01.2014). hh Chief Guest in “Author-Publisher Meet” at Accord Hotel, organized by Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers, Delhi. (18.01.2014) hh Participated at MGMCRI-IMA joint CME on “Recent Advances in Specialties” at GRT-Sunway Hotel (26.01.2014)

hh Launched officially the new Music Therapy centre in I-block (31.01.2014). hh Organized Student Research Colloquium at MGMCRI by CIDRF (04.02.2014)

SBVU u CIDRF u MGMCRI u SSSMCRI u IGIDS u KGNC Volume 8 Issue 1 Jan - Mar 2014

3 hh Chief Guest for “Clinical Medicine for PGs” at JIPMER, organized by the Dept of Medicine. (08.02.2014). hh The new (22nd) edition of “Bible of Medicine”, Davidson’s Textbook of Medicine was released in Feb-2014. VC (with SBV address) is on the International Advisory panel; VC presented a copy of the book to MGMC and to SSSMC libraries. (14.02.2014) hh Inaugurated MGMCRI-MUNA, a peripheral health centre in Parangipettai, as a joint initiative of MGMCRI and MUNA Foundation set up by Dr Abdul Rahman of Australia (19.02.2014).

Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust

hh hh hh hh hh

DD-CIDRF) represented SBV at the IndoUK workshop on Innovations in Research for Affordable Healthcare, organized by the Deputy High Commission of UK at Sheraton-Park hotel at Chennai. (11.03.2014). Chief Guest for inaugural ceremony of the Annual Sport Day of MGMCRI (14.03.2014). Presided over the inauguration of 1-day CME on Operations Research organized by RNTCP at MGMCRI (14.03.2014). Chief Guest for the closing ceremony and prize distribution of the Annual Sport Day of MGMCRI (15.03.2014). Three eligible Trans-Genders appointed as staff of SBV (19.03.2014). OSCE/OSPE exam-reforms: Held several TeleConference Sessions between MGMCRI and SSSMCRI during Feb-March, 2014.

From the Office of the Registrar Academic Council Meeting

hh Had a meeting with Prof Devi Prasad, HOD of School of Ecology, Pondicherry University regarding joint conduct of a CME programme on “Climate Change and Health” to be organized by the dept of Community Medicine of MGMCRI (20.02.2014).

The first Academic Council Meeting, for the year 2014, of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth, was convened on 30.01.2014, under the Chairmanship of Prof. K.R.Sethuraman, ViceChancellor, Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth. It discussed several important academic issues. Council members from all the constituent colleges and the external members participated in the deliberations.

Starting of innovative academic courses

hh Chief Guest for the “Question Bank - quality enhancement” workshop organized by KGNC (01.03.2014). hh Chief Guest for the “Paediatric Oncology” - a 2-day regional conference organized by the Regional Cancer Centre at JIPMER (08.03.2014). hh Distributed Prizes at the International Woman’s Day celebrations organized by WE@SBV (Women’s Cell of SBV), MGMCRI Campus (08.03.2014). hh Guest Orator on “Transformation of Healthcare - the need for 21st Century” at St Joseph Cluny Hospital, Pondicherry-1. (09.03.2014). hh A 3-member team (VC, Dean-PGS&R and

The UG programme, namely B.Sc., Radiology and Imaging technology which offers excellent job opportunities in India and abroad was started at Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth, w.e.f, 30.01.2014. Two other PG Diploma programmes in Yoga therapy and Music therapy were started under the aegis of Centre for Yoga Therapy, Education and Research (CYTER) and Centre for Music Therapy, Education and Research (CMTER). These courses are unique in the sense that they are not being offered elsewhere in other tertiary healthcare delivery systems and medical universities.

Doctoral Committee Meetings , for the batch of 2013

The Doctoral Committee (DC) meetings pertaining to the basic medical sciences, interdisciplinary research and Medical education were held in the first quarter of 2014. It may please be noted that the screening committee meetings had taken place in the University in November, 2013 eminent academicians/ researchers/external subject SBVU u CIDRF u MGMCRI u SSSMCRI u IGIDS u KGNC Volume 8 Issue 1 Jan - Mar 2014

4 experts figured in the committee. They included Prof. Rajagovindan, Director, Sri Manakula Vinayagar Medical College & Research Institute, Pondicherry and Prof. Rashmi Vyas, Regional coordinator, Faculty development, Medical Council of India regional Centre, Christian Medical College (CMC), Vellore. The external subject experts who figured in the DC complimented the efforts of the doctoral candidates in choosing need based topics of research.

ICMR-STS recipients felicitated

The recipients of ICMR Short term Studentship ( ICMR STS ), for the year 2011 and 2012 were felicitated at a glittering function, held on the 07.02.2014, under the chairmanship of Prof. K.R.Sethuraman, Vice-Chancellor, Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth. Twenty nine (29) student Researchers and their respective guides were awarded cash prizes and certificates of merit / appreciation. Prof. Sethuraman complimented the efforts of the students and the faculty in facilitating this great initiative and envisaged the hopes of greater success in the years to come.Prof. K.N.Viswanathan , faculty of Medicine, SEGi University sub campus, Hospital Teluk Intan, Malaysia who was the guest speaker at the meeting organized by SAF distributed the certificates/ cash prizes.

Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust

Chancellor’s medal for slogan cum poster competition in commemoration of National Education Day

National education day is observed every year on 11th of November, signifying the birthday of Maulana Abul Kalam Azad, the first Minister of education in Independent India. At Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth,The Chancellor’s Medal competition in slogan cum poster on the theme “IMPORTANCE OF EDUCATION” was conducted on 11.11.2013, among the students of MGMCRI, IGIDS and KGNC and the prize distribution function was held on 27th of March, 2014 . Mr.Mahesh S of III B.Sc., Nursing, KGNC bagged the prestigious Gold medal. Ms. Jamuna S of I M.B.B.S., MGMCRI was awarded the silver medal, while Ms. Umarani M, III B.Sc., Nursing , KGNC and Ms. Preethika Palani of II M.B. B.S., MGMCRI bagged the bronze. Certificates of appreciation were distributed to all the participants of the competition.


Dr.Christina M. Drummond visited MGMCRI on 04.01.2014 and widely credited the institution for its excellent patient care and treatment. She is a specialist in infectious diseases and public health. She trained at academic medical centers in Australia, the US, and UK as well as cross-trained in disaster management and disease control through the International Committee of the Red Cross, the World Health Organization, and the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Her professional interest is communicable disease control in disadvantaged populations leading to field experience in 23 countries and territories.

MoA of SBV revised

The MoA of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth, as per the UGC regulations 2010, was revised and registered on the 10.02.2014.

Board of Management (BOM) meeting

The first meeting for the year 2014 was held under the chairmanship of Prof. K.R.Sethuraman, on 20th of February,2014. Several issues that were approved at the Academic council meeting held on the 30.01.2014, were placed before the BOM for approbation.

From: Chris Drummond <drummondsudan@yahoo. com.au> Date: Fri, Mar 21, 2014 at 12:48 PM Subject: Thank you most sincerely To: vc@sbvu.ac.in SBVU u CIDRF u MGMCRI u SSSMCRI u IGIDS u KGNC Volume 8 Issue 1 Jan - Mar 2014

5 Prof. K. R. Sethuraman Vice Chancellor, Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth (Deemed to be University) Dear Dr K.R. Sethuraman I am writing to thank you and your staff most sincerely for your kind hospitality during my recent visit to Pondicherry, and for sharing some of the issues you face in relation to resistant bacteria in your area. I greatly admire the work you are all doing in relation to this very difficult issue we are all facing and in particular, your leadership in dealing with it. Your staffs were extremely courteous, obviously very knowledgeable in the area and they were willing to share their knowledge with me – it was much appreciated. I wish you all well in your endeavors and hope we meet again soon. Please pass on my thanks to all your staff members and forgive the delay in writing to you. Yours sincerely, Dr Chris Drummond

Internal Quality Asurrance Cell

IQAC conducted a Career Guidance Program For Interns in Collaboration with Department of

Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust

Community Medicine on January 8, 2014.Objectives of the program was to sensitize the outgoing Interns on the variety of career choices those are available postMBBS and help and guide them to make a right career choice. This year’s event was named “Commencement Day” as the day marks the last day of the interns in our institute – and their first day of their professional life. As part of the programme, the following events were conducted: Administration of Hippocratic Oath by Dr. Krishnan, Dean, MGMC&RI, Induction of the interns in to MGMC&RI Alumni Club, A Panel discussion on Career choices – “Your career – by choice or chance?” The following experts from various medical specialties / streams were invited for the panel discussion: Dr. P.H. Ananthanarayanan, Professor & Head, Biochemistry, JIPMER, Dr. C. Adhitan, Professor -Director, Pharmacology, JIPMER, Dr. Arjun.S, Managing Director, New Medical Centre, Puducherry, Dr. Thulasimani, General Practitioner, Puducherry and Dr. Rajendra Dhaka, Professor & Head, Pathology, MGMC&RI. The Panel Discussion was facilitated by Dr.N.Seetharaman, Professor of Community Medicine. About 120 interns participated in the event and actively interacted with

SBVU u CIDRF u MGMCRI u SSSMCRI u IGIDS u KGNC Volume 8 Issue 1 Jan - Mar 2014


Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust

the panel members. The panel members discussed on the pros and cons of taking up different specialties and streams - Dr. P.A. Ananthanarayanan spoke on taking up research as a full-fledged career option; Dr. C. Adhitan on Basic sciences / Academics; Dr. Arjun.S on setting up and managing a private clinic/ nursing home; Dr. Thulasimani on General Practice and Dr.Dhaka on serving our Armed Forces.

with the main Objectives To provide in depth knowledge on HIV/AIDS and prevention of infection to self, to provide adequate information to render quality care for patients infected with HIV and to create an awareness on the services rendered by NACO for patients with HIV infection. The programme was inaugurated by Dr. S. Kamalam, Principal, KGNC on 03.02.2014 followed by talks from the faculty members of KGNC Epidemiology/

IQAC conducted a Symposium on Research Methodology in collaboration with Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College on 10.01.14 & 11.01.14 for M.Sc (N) I year & II Year students P.B.B.Sc (N) II Year students B.Sc (N) IV Year Students & all faculty of KGNC. The main OBJECTIVE was to provide basic knowledge in research methodology and to improve the quality of nursing research by providing clarity of the context to the student researchers and junior faculty to proceed further in nursing research activities. The symposium opened up with the college anthem. Prof.Annie Annal M, KGNC welcomed the gathering followed by the introductory message delivered by Dr. S. Kamalam Principal, KGNC. The programme covered the following topic: Historical Evolution & Research in Nursing, Steps in Nursing Research, Review of Literature, Research Design, Formulation of research problem statement, Developing theoretical/ conceptual frame work ,Sampling techniques in nursing research, Tools & Methods of data collection , Implementing Research plan, Interpretation of research data, Reporting & utilizing research findings, Critical analysis of research reports & articles and Developing & presenting a research proposal. The symposium concluded with an evaluation by conduction of posttest and feedback obtained from the students.

Diagnosis & disease progression, Stigma & discrimination, HIV/ AIDS & nurses role, Prevention of HIV/ AIDS, Prevention of parents to child transmission, Sexually transmitted infections, Opportunistic infection, Palliative care & positive living, Counseling & role play HIV/ AIDS & Nurses role, Paediatric HIV, Complementary therapies and Challenges faced by nurses. After the end of the session, Dr. S. Kamalam, Principal, KGNC gave the valedictory message and distributed certificates to all participants. A post test was conducted on 07.02.2014 as a feedback of training programme. Most of the candidates have done well. The overall feedback about the in-service training programme was graded as excellent. IQAC conducted “Skills Development modules” for CRRIs in collaboration with IQAC & Department of IT & MI, SBV between 12.02.2014 & 14.02.2014. The

IQAC conducted an In-service Training Programme on HIV/ AIDS – 2014 in collaboration with Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College for the benefit of Staff Nurses from MGMC & RI and Faculty of KGNC SBVU u CIDRF u MGMCRI u SSSMCRI u IGIDS u KGNC Volume 8 Issue 1 Jan - Mar 2014

7 Objectives of the program was to impart basic professional skills as expected of a MBBS Professional. The first of the innovative series was on interpretation of ECG -“ECGSimplified” conducted by Prof.K.R.Sethuraman, ViceChancellor-SBV. Since 1976, Dr K.R.Sethuraman, Vice Chancellor, SBV, has been conducting a unique 4-hour training module on “Systematic ECG reporting” for interns and medical officers. In view of the E-learning facility available in the Library, the module was converted to self-learning Power Point package in February, 2014. The CRRIs of Jan-2014 underwent 2x2-hour handson training sessions on this updated ECG module. The module was delivered through power point presentation with step-by-step approach to interpretation of ECG with problem solving exercises for the groups at end of each step. Nearly 50 Interns participated and the sessions were well received by them with suggestions to include more such practical modules in future. IQAC conducted Workshop on “Objectivising and Restructuring Practical / clinical/ oral exam” for faculty of MGMC&RI in collaboration with Office of

Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust

academic skills to contribute effectively for setting up and validating OSCEs and OSPEs. The workshop was conducted in series of sessions covering - Need for the workshop, overview of the components amenable for OSCE, Tips and Tricks for making OSCE Checklist, setting up Blueprint of OSCE/OSPE, Checklist and validation of OSCE/OSPE. In the concluding sessions, the individual departments participated in group work and interacted with their departmental colleagues from SSSMC&RI through Skype network. The resource persons who participated and guide the faculties were: Prof.K.R.Sethuraman, Vice-Chancellor-SBV, Prof. Ananthkrishnan Dean PG studies and Research, SBVU, Prof. K.A. Narayanan, Vice-principal MGMCRI and Prof. V.N Mahalakshmi, COE, SBVU. KGNC in collaboration with SBV, IQAC &Medical Education Unit organized the Workshop on “Setting The Qualitative Question Papers In Nursing” on 01.03.2014 at the 1st Floor Lecture Hall, KGNC. Principal, Vice-principal, all faculty of KGNC (including non-nursing Faculty), HODs of Dept of Pathology, Pharmacology, Psychology, Genetics & English were the beneficiaries.


the COE, IQAC & MEU – SBV on 13th, 20th, 27th February & 6th, 13th March, 2014. The main Objectives of the program was to orient and enhance the faculty’s

Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth Academy for Health Professions Education and Academic Development, (SBV AHEAD), conducted its first session for the year 2014 with a talk by Dr. R. Ramesh, Prof & Head, Dept of Biochemistry titled “Non cognitive skills in higher education” on 27.03.2014. The talk was moderated by Prof.N.Ananthakrishnan, Dean PG studies and Research. The essence of the talk: The concept of Non cognitive function was introduced by sociologists Bowles and Gintis (1976) to focus on scores that are not conventionally measured but yet contribute to academic success. Non Cognitive measures evaluate characteristics as adjustment, motivation and student perceptions which are not measurable using standardised tests. Non cognitive skills mainly reflect persons Experiential and contextual intelligence. Research has proven that Cognitive skills can be improved by improving Non cognitive skills, but not the other way. Non cognitive functions can be assessed by Questionnaire, Portfolio and Interviews. Wide range of Non cognitive factors like attitudes, learning skills, performance factors and affective competencies, both affect student’s educational experience and outcomes and are affected by education. Non cognitive variables are susceptible to change from environment, experiences and social interactions.

SBVU u CIDRF u MGMCRI u SSSMCRI u IGIDS u KGNC Volume 8 Issue 1 Jan - Mar 2014


SBV Referees/Reviewers List 2014

The Chronicle accolades the following faculty members of SBV for being Referees/Reviewers for various scientific National and International Books/Journals.

Vice Chancellor, SBV

Prof.K.R.Sethuraman, Vice Chancellor, SBV International Advisory Panel of the new (22nd) edition of “Bible of Medicine”, Davidson’s Textbook of Medicine, released in Feb-2014

Mahama Gandhi Medical College And Research Institute

Dept. of Anatomy Dr. J. Anbalagan, Prof., - Journal of Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences - Editorial Advisory Board Dept. of Physiology Dr.Madanmohan, Prof. & HOD - Indian Journal of Physiology & Pharmacology, International Journal of Yoga, Yoga Vignan Dept. of Biochemistry Prof. Ramesh, HOD - Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research , International Journal of Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine and International Journal of Medical & Health Sciences. Prof. Srinivasan A.R - Austin Journal of Nutrition and Food Sciences Dr. Niranjan.G, Assoc.Prof.- Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research, Advanced Laboratory Medicine International, International Journal of Medical & Health Sciences and Journal of Metabolic Syndrome. Mr. Kuzhandai Velu, Tutor - Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice and International Journal of Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine. Dept. of Pathology Prof. Rajendra S. Dhaka - Medical Journal Armed Forces India. Dr. G. Mangala, Assoc. Prof. - Journal of Evolution of Medical & Dental Sciences Dept. of Pharmacology Dr. K. Manimekalai, Prof. & HOD - International Journal of Pharma and Biosciences Prof.Kingshuk Lahon - Journal of Pharmacology and

Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust

Pharmacotherapeutics, International Research Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, International Journal of Biochemistry Research & Review and African Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology. Dr. Kartik J Salwe, Asst. Prof- The Health Agenda . Dr. S. Padmavathi, Asst. Prof. - Journal of Pharmacology & Pharmacotherapeutics and Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research . Dept. of Microbiology Dr. K.S. Seetha, Prof. & HOD - National Journal of Basic Medical Science (07.07.2009 to 01.01.2013) Prof.Selvaraj Stephen - Indian Journal of Medical Research, Journal of Microbial Drug Resistance and Member of National Editorial Board for National Journal of Basic Medical Science. Dr. Srirangaraj, Assoc. Prof.- Indian Journal of Medical Research, International Journal of Infection in Developing, Australasian Medical Journal , Sahara Journal and International Journal of STD & AIDS. Dept. of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology Dr.Pramod Kumar G.N, Assoc. Prof. - International Journal of Health & Allied Sciences and Journal of Karnataka Medicolegal Society Dept. of Community Medicine Dr. Shib Sekhar Datta, Assoc. Prof. -The Health Agenda Journal. Dept. of General Medicine Dr. S. Lokesh, Assoc. Prof.- Journal of Current Trends in Clinical Medicine & Laboratory Biochemistry . Dept. of Pulmonary Medicine Prof. Pajanivel.R - Journal of Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapeutics and Indian Journal of TuberculosisDept . of Paediatrics Prof. P. Soundararajan - British Medical Journal . Dept. of Opthalmology Prof. K.N. Jha - Medical Journal Armed Forces India and Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. Dept. of ENT Prof. P. Karthikeyan, HOD - Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery (IJOHNS), SBVU u CIDRF u MGMCRI u SSSMCRI u IGIDS u KGNC Volume 8 Issue 1 Jan - Mar 2014

9 Journal of Infectious Diseases and Immunity ( JIDI), Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences ( JMMS), International Research Journal of Microbiology (IRJM), International Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences (IJMMS) and Reviewer in Journal of Evolution of Medical & Dental Sciences ( JEMDS). Dept. of General Surgery Prof. AnanthakrishnanN, Dean-PG & Research, Dept. of General Surgery - Indian Journal of Medical Education, Indian Journal of Pharmacology, Indian Journal of Medical Microbiology, National Medical Journal of India, Indian Journal of Surgery, Journal of the Indian Medical Association, Postgraduate Medical Journal, Journal of Gastrointestinal Oncology, Indian Journal of Medical Ethics, Clinical Teacher, Lancet group of journals, Medical Teacher, World Journal of Gastroenterology, Tropical Gastroenterology, Indian Journal of Gastroenterology, Comprehensive research journal of education and general studies and International Journal of Clinical Practice Dept. of OBGY Prof.Seetesh Ghose, HOD - International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception and Obstetrics & Gynaecology. Dept. of Anaesthesiology Dr. Parthasarathy, Asst. Prof. - Indian Journal of Anaesthesia, Indian Journal of Anaesthesiology & Clinical Pharmacology, and Indian Journal of Clinical & Diagnostic Research Dept. of Urology Prof. S.Joseph Philipraj - Urology Annals, Indian Journal of Urology and Journal of Medical Case Reports. Dr. Puskar Shyam Chowdhary, Assoc. Prof. - Journal of Medical Society . Dept. of Nephrology Dr. R. Hemachandar, Asst. Prof - Saudi Journal of kidney diseases and Transplantation -.

Indira Gandhi Institute Of Dental Sciences

Dr.Carounanidy Usha, Principal & Prof - SRM University Journal of Dental Sciences, SRM Dental College (Editorial Advisory Board); Journal of Conservative Dentistry, Indian Association of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics and Publication of the National Association (Editorial Advisory Board Member) and Reviewer for the latest edition of Student’s text book of Art and Science of Operative Dentistry.

Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust

Dept. of Prosthodontics, IGIDS Dr. Manoharan, Prof. & Head - Journal of Scientific Dentistry Dr. Srinivasan, Prof, - Journal of Indian Prosthodontic Society and Journal of Scientific Dentistry Dr. David, Assoc. Prof, - Journal of Scientific Dr. Varsha, Assoc. Prof.- Journal of Scientific Dentistry Dr. Shivasakthy M, Assoc. Prof- Journal of Scientific Dentistry Dept. of Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthopaedics, IGIDS Dr.Araninandakumar, Prof. & HOD - Journal of Indian Orthodontic Society (Member of Editorial Board) and Journal of Forensic Odontology (Member of Review Board) Dept. of Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics, IGIDS Dr.Sathyanarayanan.R Prof .& HOD - Journal of Conservative Dentistry, Indian Association of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics and Publication of the National Association ( Editorial Advisory Board Member); SRM University Journal of Dental Sciences, SRM Dental College (Editorial Advisory Board) and Journal of Scientific Dentistry (Editor in Chief ). Dr. Anna Ravi Cherian, Sr. Lecturer - Journal of Scientific Dentistry (Editorial Panel – Short Communication) Dr. Bindu Meera John, Sr. Lecturer - Journal of Scientific Dentistry ( Internal Reviewer) Dept. of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, IGIDS Dr. C. Ramesh, Prof. & Head - International Journal of Global Infectious Diseases; European Journal of General Dentistry and National Journal of Scientific Dentistry (Reviewer) Dr. V. Yuvaraj, Reader - British Medical Journal; Indian Journal of Dental Research (Reviewer) and National Journal of Orofacial Research (Editorial Board Member - Oral Surgery Section) Dept. of Periodontics , IGIDS Dr. R. Saravana Kumar, Prof. & HOD - Journal of Interdisciplinary Dentistry ( Reviewer) SBVU u CIDRF u MGMCRI u SSSMCRI u IGIDS u KGNC Volume 8 Issue 1 Jan - Mar 2014

10 Dr. Pratebha. B, Reader - Journal of Scientific Dentistry (Internal Reviewer) Dept. of Paediatric & Preventive Dentistry, IGIDS Dr. Kayalvizhi, Reader - International Journal of Dental Hygiene(Salivary blood group antigens and microbial flora); Endodontics Practice Today; in Journal of Dental Education (Reviewer); Journal of Integrated Dentistry (IJDENT- Editorial Board Member) and Journal of Scientific Dentistry ( JSD-Editorial Board Member). Kasthurba College Of Nursing Dr. S. Kamalam, Principal, KGNC, International

Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust

Journal of Advanced Nursing Science and Practice and Member in Editorial Board; Editor in Chief, Pondicherry Journal of Nursing Prof. Renuka. K, Vice Principal, Member, Editorial Committee, Pondicherry Journal of Nursing Prof. Sumathy. P and Prof. Annie Annal. M Members, Pondicherry Journal of Nursing Mrs. Prabavathy. S, and Mrs. Kripa Angeline. A Associate Prof., Members Committee, Pondicherry Journal of Nursing Mr. Vijayaraj R, Asst.Prof and Mr. Rajesh, Technical Co-ordination & Compilation, Pondicherry Journal of Nursing

Central Inter-Disciplinary Research Facility (CIDRF)

During the first half yearly of 2014, the following dignitaries visited CIDRF and the following are their heart warming comments. Dr.S.B.Deepak Kumar, District Collector, Pondicherry – “Very heartening to note that such a research facility is existing in Puducherry and hope it expands further. All the best”. Dr.P.Jambulingam, Director, VCRC, Puducherry – “I am highly impressed with the research facility being created at CIDRF and with the research team. Wish that this will be expanded further with good research programs, Best wishes”. Dr. Patrick Yesudian, Professor of Dermatology and Dean (Rtd), Madras Medical College – “One of the best research centers I have visited in this country. Keep it up and hope a Nobel Laureate will emerge from here”. Dr.Thanumalayan, Scientist at CCMB, Hyderabad – “I am very glad to be here at CIDRF. Very good facility and good people. I thank the faculty for giving me the opportunity to visit the lab”. Dr.Ashok Kumar Das, Senior Professor of Medicine, JIPMER, Pondicherry – “A superb research facility. I have not seen such thing in private sector. Now we must get extra mural grants”. Dr.K.N.Viswanathan, Professor of Medicine, SEGi University, Malaysia – “Fabulous research equipments and the short time in which all were installed is really mind boggling”. Dr.K.V.Prasad, Professor of Ecology, Pondicherry University – “Excellent facility, very impressive”. Prof. Swami Buddhanand, Director, United Nations Policy-making and Management Institute, Himachal Pradesh – “Pleased to see the well organized lab”. Prof B.D.Toora, Professor of Biochemistry, Aarupadaiveedu Medical College, Pondicherry –

“Impressed with quality of standard maintained for the international level research laboratory”. Dr Rajiv Gupta, Senior Professor of Psychiatry, PGIMS, Haryana – “Excellent facilities. I am glad I visited your section. It shows good promise. Keep it up”. Dr.Joseph Selvin, Coordinator, Microbiology, Pondicherry University – “It is impressive and should this credit go to Prof.G.Subramanian, Director, CIDRF. This facility can be transformed to a National Reference Laboratory”. Ms.R. Venkata Jothi from AIMST University, Malaysia – “It is a nice experience to visit CIDRF lab. You have all advance technology to do research work in the field of medicine and allied. I wish all the success”. Other activities: A memorandum of understanding to jointly conduct research on natural pigments was executed between CIDRF and Dynadis Biotech Pvt Ltd., an export oriented company based in Puducherry. Ms.Preethi Sridharan, a PhD scholar at CIDRF was awarded a DST-Inspire fellowship sponsored by Department of Science and Technology, Government of India for five years. Dr Balanehru Subramanian, Deputy Director, CIDRF was the Chairperson for a session on Trends in Medical Biotechnology: Opportunities & Challenges (TMBT2014) conducted by Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology, Annamalai University between 07.03.2014 and 08.03.2014 Dr Balanehru Subramanian, Deputy Director, CIDRF was a resource person & conducted a session on Good Laboratory Practices organized as part of the UGC Sponsored workshop on Research Methodology by the Department of Economics, Annamalai University from24.03.2014 to 27.04.2014. SBVU u CIDRF u MGMCRI u SSSMCRI u IGIDS u KGNC Volume 8 Issue 1 Jan - Mar 2014


Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust

Mahatma Gandhi Medical College & Research Institute Research and Scholarship Scientific Publications

Audhya M, Uma AN, Shobana R, Nakhwa YC, Srikanth S. Nonbullous Ichthyosiform Erythroderma with Mosaic Turner’s Syndrome - a Rare Association. J Clin Exp Dermatol Res 2013 4: 195. doi:10.4172/21559554.1000195 Ramya K, Jaiganesh K, Mukundan A. A study of anthropometric indices between hypertensive and normotensive adults. International Journal of Current Research Review. 2013;06:36 – 43. Santhakumari, Jaiganesh K, Amirtha Ganesh. Abnormal left ventricular relaxation in young prehypertensives: A case control study. International Journal of Current Research Review. 2013; 06:48 – 54 Ranjana S. Kale, Satish E. Bahekar, Shailesh R. Nagpure, and Kartik J. Salwe. Anti-scorpion venom activity of Andrographispaniculata: A combined and comparative study with anti-scorpion serum in mice. Anc Sci Life. 2013;32(3):156–160. doi: 10.4103/02577941.122999 Koteeswaran G, Mangala G, Kotasthane DS, Tirou AT. Cysticercosis of tongue: Cytohistologic approach to diagnosis. J Oral Maxillofac Pathol 2013;17:480 Ananthakrishnan N. What ails postgraduate medical education in India? Editorial, Annals of SBV2013; 2(1) Ananthakrishnan N. Recent Advances in Medical Postgraduate Evaluation. Annals of SBV, 2013; 2(1):4147, Usha Kannan, N.S. Kannan, Anbalagan.J, Sudha Rao. Morphometric study of suprascapular notch in Indian dry scapulae with specific reference to the incidence of completely ossified superior transverse scapular ligament. Journal of Clinical & Diagnostic Research 2014;.8(3):710. Usha Kannan, Jeyapriya K, Amritha Ganesh B, Anbalagan J, Sudha Rao. Correlative study of coronary dominance in Human cadaveric hearts, Foetal hearts & cine angiogram. National Journal of clinical anatomy 2014;3(1):17-23. Puskar Shyam Chowdhury, Prasant Nayak, Srinivasan Gurumurthy, Deepak David, A. Mossadeq. Single stage ventral onlay buccal mucosal graft urethroplasty for navicular fossa strictures. Indian Journal of Urology 2014;30(1):17-22. Rajajeyakumar M, Bhattacahrjee M, Amudharaj D,

Madanmohan and Balachander J. Short term practice of kapalabhathi pranayama on measurement of human cognitive processing ability in healthy volunteers. Biomedicine: 2014;34(1):076 - 081 Sendhil Coumary A, Sunitha V C, Vasavi Kolluru, Janani Shankar. Caudal regression syndrome: a rare case report. Int J Res Med Sci. 2014 Feb;2(1):344-346 Sunil K Samal, Setu Rathod, M Padhi. A comparative study between manual vacuum aspiration and electrical vacuum aspiration for the first trimester medical termination of pregnancy. Int J Reprod Contracept Obstet Gynecol 2014;3:139-43 Setu Rathod, Sunil Kumar Samal, Purna Chandra Mahapatra. A large abdominal desmoid tumour associated with pregnancy and Puerperium. Int J Reprod Contracept Obstet Gynecol 2014; 3:270-2. Shweta, khanna Anuradha. Neural tube defect in pregnancy with hyperhomocystinemia- a case report. Int J Reprod Contracept Obstet Gynecol 2014 Mar;3(1):266267 Dr.Chandra Philip X , Dr.Arun Kumar Bilodi, Dr.S.Joseph Philipraj. Histological Evaluation of Testicular Biopsies and Spermatogenesis disturbance in infertile men with Varicocele. World Journal Of Pharmacy And Pharmaceutical Sciences 2014; 3(3):1789- 1803 Tapan Pattanaik, Basnta Kumar Pati, Sunita Samal. Caesarean myomectomy: a descriptive study of clinical outcome. Int J Reprod Contracept Obstet Gynecol. 2014 Mar;3(1):172-174 Lopamudra B John, S Nischintha, Seetesh Ghose. Outcome of forceps delivery in a teaching hospital: A 2 year experience. J Nat Sc Biol Med 2014; 5:155-7. Shib Sekhar Datta. Editorial: Corruptionoma: How to address the malignant condition of healthcare system in India? The Health Agenda 2014 Jan; 2(1): 1-3.

Contributions to Books:

S.Srinivasan. A Chapter on “Clinical examination of cardiovascular system in children” in :Clinical Methods in Pediatrics, 2nd Edition,2012 Ed.by Piyush Gupta,CBS Publishers,ND S.Srinivasan. A Chapter on “Approach to cardiac murmurs in children” in “Paediatrics for Practitioners”Edited by Sharad Thora & VP Goswami for PEDICON 2014 -JAYPEE Medical Publishers. SBVU u CIDRF u MGMCRI u SSSMCRI u IGIDS u KGNC Volume 8 Issue 1 Jan - Mar 2014


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Academic Initiatives

Department of Pathology Clinicopathological Conferences

Department of Pathology in collaboration with department of Dermatology, organized a Dematopathological conference on 30.01.2014 from 11.00 am to 1.00 pm. This meeting was chaired by Dr Dhananjay S Kotasthane, Prof and HOD, Department of Pathology, MGMCRI. The following three cases were discussed- Clinical Diagnosis on a 39/F was Pemphigus Vulgaris and the HPE turned out to be Pemphigus Foliaceous, clinical diagnosis on a 73/F was ?Erythema Multi Forme (Minor) and the HPE turned out to be ?Bullous Pemphigoid and the third case of a 44/ Male was ?Pustular Psoriasis/ ?Exfoliative Dermatitis, the HPE turned out to be Pustular Psoriasis.

Indian Chest Society

Spirometry Training Workshop -2014 for PFT Technicians

Pulmonary Function Testing (PFT) is an important aspect of evaluation of any respiratory disease and Spirometry or “Basic PFT” is almost always the first

step in the diagnosis and assessment of airway diseases. Unlike other physiological tests in Medicine, Spirometry is the only test which is entirely ‘patient effort dependent’. Therefore, a good quality PFT depends on good test procedure which is, in turn dependent on a well trained and well motivated Spirometry technician. In reality, most PFTs are done by untrained, non-technical personnel without proper theoretical background and no ‘hands-on training’ which results in suboptimal efforts and insufficient output from a potentially diagnostic test. Keeping in mind the existing scenario, the Indian Chest Society has been conducting training of Spirometry Technicians every year since 2009, in the month of February and March. The main objective of the course is to impart Hands on training in performing a good quality Spirometry with a basic requisite theoretical knowledge on PFT. The Department of Pulmonary Medicine, one of the broad specialty departments in Mahatma Gandhi Medical College & Research Institute, has a dedicated PFT LAB for performing Spirometry tests to diagnose and monitor airway diseases. After rigorous assessment and evaluation of the infrastructure and facilities, the Department of Pulmonary Medicine in MGMC&RI has been approved by the Indian Chest Society as one of the centres (and the only centre in southern region) for training of Spirometry (PFT) Technicians. The training will take place every year from March – April and for the session 2014 - the department conducted the training course on the 6th and 7th March, 2014. The Two day Spirometry Technician Training Workshop -2014 was conducted successfully in the seminar Hall of the Department of Pulmonary Medicine, Mahatma Gandhi Medical College & Research Institute (MGMCRI), Pondicherry. For this year session, around SBVU u CIDRF u MGMCRI u SSSMCRI u IGIDS u KGNC Volume 8 Issue 1 Jan - Mar 2014


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13 participants had registered from Puducherry and Tamilnadu. The workshop was well organized by the contribution of all the faculty and PG Residents of the department. It was well appreciated by the participants. A Spirometry manual was prepared and handed over to each participant during the workshop. The overall feedback of the Course Content, Comprehensive value, Presentations and Practical Sessions from the participants was ‘VERY GOOD’. The entire workshop was conducted with full sponsorship and financial support by the Indian Chest Society. The department of Pulmonary Medicine sincerely thanks the Indian Chest Society for the opportunity and all the support to our centre.

“Rntcp Operational Research – the Way Forward”- State Level Conference

In India, TB management had a positive outlook with the Implementation of RNTCP (DOTS strategy) by the Government of India and as of today, RNTCP services cover the entire population of the country. The RNTCP is based on global scientific and operational guidelines and evidence, and that Evidence has continued to evolve with time. As new evidence becomes available and to meet the changing global scenario, the programme has implemented measures to encourage operational research (OR) to optimize policies, improve service quality, and increase efficiency of the TB control efforts. One of the key activities of the RNTCP is disseminate the OR agenda, promote and support OR studies and incorporate the results into programme policy and

practice. Focusing on this key activity, The Puducherry State RNTCP Operational Research Committee and the Department of Pulmonary Medicine, Mahatma Gandhi Medical College & Research Institute- a constituent college of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth University conducted a one day State Level Conference “Operational Research under RNTCP- the Way Forward” on the 14th of March, 2014. The event was financially supported by the Office of the STO and NRHM, Government of Puducherry. Dr.K.V.Raman, Director of Health and Family welfare, Government of Puducherry graced the event by accepting to be the chief guest. Dr.K.R.Sethuraman, Vice Chancellor, Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth, Dr.Govindarajan.S, State TB Control Officer, Dr.Anil Purty RNTCP South Zone II Chairperson and Dr.Zile Singh, Puducherry RNTCP State Task Force Chairperson delivered the felicitation address. Earlier, Dr.K.Surendra Menon, HOD, Department of Pulmonary Medicine welcomed the delegates. The event was organized under the secretary

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ship of Dr.Pajanivel.R, Chairperson-Puducherry State RNTCP-Operational Research Committee. The target audience for the event included the core committee members of all the medical colleges in the state, Post graduate students form the departments of Community Medicine, Microbiology, Pulmonary medicine, General Medicine and Pediatrics and researchers in Tuberculosis who presented their research proposals in key areas of TB research. Around 130 delegates from all the medical colleges in Puducherry region participated in the event. The conference mainly focused on the importance of TB Research and to motivate the medical college faculty to contribute actively to TB Research. At the end of the event, about 15 research proposals were screened and approved for funding by the program.

Parents teachers meet

Parents teachers meet is a regular event conducted for the benefit of first MBBS students of MGMCRI. Every year two to three meeting are conducted to interact with the parents of first year MBBS students to get their views and comments about students’ performance and suggestions for improvement of low achiever group. For the present 2013-14 batch first parents-teachers meet was held in the month of December 2013 and second meet was conducted on 17th March 2014. About 70 parents attended the meeting. The Hon’ble Vice Chancellor of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth chaired the session and was presided over by Dean Dr.Krishnan. Dr.Narayanan. The Vice Principal, Prof J Anbalagan, I year MBBS coordinator, the Heads of Department,

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Prof Arunchandrasingh, Department of Anatomy, Prof Madan Mohan, Department of Physiology and Dr R.Ramesh, Department of Biochemistry participated in the discussion. The Vice Chancellor emphasized the necessity to monitor the progress of their ward and briefed about the evaluation pattern. The Dean informed about the formation of Mentor-mentee program wherein each faculty has been allotted 7 students to monitor their progress and to provide counseling and also briefed about the steps being taken to send the progress of students every month through SMS and email. Dr Narayanan interacted with top ranking students in preclinical subjects and advised them to express their views on learning techniques so that other students could be benefited. All toppers suggested that regular attendance in class and practicals, day to day coverage of topics, self learning and motivation were their key elements for achieving the target of success. Later individual parents with their wards met the co-coordinator and faculty members of preclinical departments to know the progress of their wards. The low performer group parents suggested for extra coaching classes. The low achiever groups have been identified and writing skill test are being conducted in all the preclinical subjects from 4-6 pm in all week days from March 26th to April 3rd . The extra coaching classes are closely and constantly monitored by the faculty members of preclinical departments to enhance the students to learn the subjects well and develop their skill in answering university question pattern.

Workshop on Statistical Methods for Health Research

A workshop on ‘Statistical Methods for Health Research’ was organized by the Department of Community Medicine under aegis of ‘SBV Ahead’ during 25-27 March 2014. The workshop was organized under guidance of Dr. K. A. Narayan, Prof. and Head, Department of Community Medicine. The various sessions were facilitated by Dr. R. Ramesh, Prof & Head Department of Biochemistry, Dr. Jagan Mohan, Medical Informatics, Dr. Yogesh Bahurupi, Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine, Dr. Ezhumalai, Senior Statistician SBVU u CIDRF u MGMCRI u SSSMCRI u IGIDS u KGNC Volume 8 Issue 1 Jan - Mar 2014


and Mr. A. Lokeshmaran, Statistician, Department of Community Medicine. Dr. Yogesh Bahurupi was the Organizing Secretary. Twenty one faculties from MGMC & RI interested in research and data analysis participated in the 2½ days workshop. The purpose of the workshop was to enhance understanding and capacity building of participants

Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust

Career Guidance Workshop

The Department of Community Medicine, along with the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) had organized a Career Guidance Programme for the outgoing interns on 8th January 2014. This year’s event was named ‘Commencement Day’ as the day marks the last day of the interns and their first day of their professional life. The unique event was aimed at sensitizing interns to the wide variety of career choices that are available post - MBBS and aid them in making informed career choices.

Officiation as Chairperson/ Resource person in Academic / Scientific Events

with methods of data analysis. Hands-on-training was imparted on using statistical softwares such Epi Info 7.0 and IBM SPSS portable 19.0 version with data sets. Each session had an introductory talk, group work followed by a plenary. The participants were asked to perform and interpret various tasks using the data sets. These included tests of significance and graphs. Feedback for each session was taken at the end of each day. The queries raised by the participants were addressed at beginning of next day sessions. The response from participants was overwhelming. The workshop was supervised by Prof. K. R. Sethuraman, Vice Chancellor, SBV University, Prof. N. Ananthkrishnan, Dean, Post graduate Studies and Research.

Dr. Seetesh Ghose , Professor & Head, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology attended 54th AICOG held at Patna, Bihar between 02.02.14 and 05.02.14, as a panelist for a session ‘Evolving changes in contraceptive Practice’. Dr. Srinivasan, Professor & Head, Dept of Pediatrics, delivered a lecture on “Inborn Errors of Metabolism” in Children at Workshop on Inborn Errors of Metabolism at SMVMC&H on 22.02.14 Dr.K.Surendra Menon, Professor & H.O.D, Department of Pulmonary Medicine, gave a guest lecture on ‘Pulmonary Rehabilitation’ at Ramachandra Rapid Review in Respiratory Medicine (RRRR 2014) held at Chennai on 15.02.2014 and 16.02.2014. Dr. Seetesh Ghose, Professor & Head, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology delivered talk on “Diagnostic tools used in Obstetric & Gynaecology” in a workshop on “Management of Obstetric & Gynaecological disorders in SBVU u CIDRF u MGMCRI u SSSMCRI u IGIDS u KGNC Volume 8 Issue 1 Jan - Mar 2014

16 Siddha, organised by Siddha Regional Research Institute, Puducherry on 22.02.14 and 23.02.14 at MTPG & RIHS, Puducherry. Dr. N.S.Kannan, Associate Professor, attended CME on ‘OT Sterilization and Disinfection’ at Chennai Medical College Hospital and Research Centre Tiruchirapalli on 29.03.2014 and gave Inaugural Address as Chief Guest, delivered a Guest Speech on ‘The Operation Theater-Basic Architecture’ and also participated as a Panel Member in discussion on ‘Myths and Facts of OT Sterilization’. Dr.Jagan Mohan, IT manager, was the resource person for RNTCP state conference on ‘Operational Research’ and delivered a lecture on Information Technology in RNTCP ‘Operational Research’ March 2014. Dr. Kanagarajan P, Assistant Professor, Community Medicine acted as a resource person at Tamil Nadu State level Conference on ‘Disaster Management’ conducted at Paul’s College of Nursing at Tindivanam between 26.03.2014 and 27.03.2014.

Presentations in Academic/ Scientific Events

Dr. Puskar S Chowdhury, Associate Professor, Department of Urology, presented a paper titled ‘Mini-Access guide – a novel device for access during PCNL’ at USICON 2014, National Conference at Delhi on 01.02.14. Dr. Shib Sekhar Datta, Associate Professor, Community Medicine presented a paper titled ‘An epidemiological study into risk factors of suicidal ideation and attempt among young and adult population in rural Pondicherry at 41st Annual National Conference of Indian Association of Preventive and Social Medicine (IAPSM) held at Govt. Medical College, Agartala, Tripura from 05.02.2014 to 08.02.2014 Dr. Seetesh Ghose, Professor & Head, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology presented a case report ‘Labial Adhesion in adult female’ in 54th AICOG held at Patna, Bihar on between 02.02.14 and 05.02.14.

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Mary Hydrina D’silva, Asst Prof, Dept of Anatomy, presented a paper on “Chick embryo eye exposed to ultra high frequency radiation emitted from 2g cell phone – Histomorphometric study”, at ANATCON, Sri Gokulam Medical college, Trivandrum, Kerala on 08.02.2014. Dr Sunita Samal, Assoc. Prof, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology attended the RCOG World Congress 2014 at Hyderabad between 26.03.14 and 30.03.14 and presented an E- poster titled “Typical endometroid adenocarcinoma of ovary in an unmarried female - A rare case report.” She also attended the workshops on ‘Live operative workshop on pelvic endoscopy’ and ‘Newer developments in MRCOG’ Dr P.Pallavee, Assoc. Prof, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology attended the RCOG World Congress 2014 at Hyderabad between 26.03.14 and 30.03.14 and presented an E- poster titled “Cervical Tuberculosis- a rare form of genital tuberculosis.” She also attended the workshops on ‘Practical Obstetrics skill’ and ‘Newer developments in MRCOG’. Prof.Ananthakrishnan N, Department of Surgery and Dean (R & PG Studies), presented a paper titled, “A critical appraisal of MCI guidelines on graduate medical education” at 69th, National Course for Health Professionals, National Teachers Training Centre, Pondicherry in the month of March, 2014. Prof.Ananthakrishnan N, Department of Surgery and Dean (R & PG Studies) presented a paper titled, “Management of proximal corrosive strictures of the esophagus”at Apollo International Upper Gastrointestinal Surgery Update, 2014, Chennai on 30.03.2014 Participation in Academic/Scientific Events Dr P.Pallavee, Dr Jasmina Begum, Dr Rupal Samal, Dr Sunil Kumar Samal, Faculty members Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology attended the BLS course conducted in MGMCRI on January 2014. Dr. D. Gunasekaran, Professor of Pediatrics and Dr. Soma Venkatesh, Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, faculties of Department of Pediatrics have undergone BLS (Basic Life Support) training, PALS (Pediatric Advanced Life Support) provider course and then PALS Instructor Course, now, they have became the eligible instructors for conducting BLS & PALS courses. Dr. Pratheesh Ravindran, Associate Professor, Department of Neurosurgery, attended the Dandy India Chapter Educational Course, at Mamallapuram, between 10.01.14 and 11.01.14. Prof. Kirtinath Jha, Dr. A. R. Rajalakshmi and Dr.Sima Biswas Asst.Profs, Department of Ophthalmology attended a workshop on “Macular diseases” on 26.01.14 at JIPMER, Pondicherry Dr. R. Kalaivani and Dr. Arunava Kali, Assistant SBVU u CIDRF u MGMCRI u SSSMCRI u IGIDS u KGNC Volume 8 Issue 1 Jan - Mar 2014

17 Professors, Department of Microbiology attended the Workshop on “WHONET Hands on Training” organized by Department of Microbiology, Sri ManakulaVinayagar Medical College at Sri ManakulaVinayagar Medical College and Hospital, Pondicherry on 05.02.2014. Dr Sunita Samal, Dr P.Pallavee, Dr Anand Raj, Dr Sunil Kumar Samal, Faculty members, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology attended a workshop on “EBM – Praxis” conducted in MGMCRI on 08.02.14. Dr. Rijied, attended the Kerala state conference at ANATCON, Sri Gokulam Medical college, Trivandrum, Kerala on 08.02.2014. Prof. Ganesh Babu & Dr. R. Kannan Department of General Surgery attended EBM PRAXIS – II Workshop on Interpretation of Clinical Evidence Confident, Critical Reading of Journal Articles at MGMCRI on 09.02.2014 Dr. Pratheesh Ravindran, Associate Professor, Department of Neurosurgery, attended the Microneurosurgery and Neuroendovascular workshop, at Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Medical Sciences, Bangalore, between 16.02.14 and 17.02.14. Dr. Prasant Nayak, Associate Professor, attended Reconstructive Urology workshop at Kulkarni EndoSurgical Institute, Pune between18.02.14 and 19.02.14. Dr. Pratheesh Ravindran, Associate Professor, Department of Neurosurgery, attended the Takanori Fukishima Skull base surgery workshop, at Mumbai, between 20.02.14 and 23.02.14. Dr. P. Soundararajan, Professor of Pediatrics, attended CME (East Coast Pedicon) on office Pediatric Practice update conducted by Cuddalore –Puducherry Indian Association of Pediatrics branch on 09.03.2014. Prof. Henri Balraj K, Professor, Dept. of Physiology has attended 69th National course on Educational Science for Teachers of Health Professionals held at JIPMER, from 06. 03. 2014 to 15. 03. 2014. All Faculty members from the Department of General Surgery attended Gut Club Academic programme on ‘Basic Pathological interpretation of Gastrointestinal Malignancies – Carcinoma to Carcinoma – a Pictorial Essay’ in Pondicherry 01.02.2014 and ‘Lymphoma of GIT’ on 25.03.2014 Prof Rajendra Dhaka chaired a scientific session on “ Use of Blood components in Clinical Practice” in CME on “Recent trends in Blood banking” conducted at Sri Manakula Vinayagar Medical College and hospital on 1st March 2014. Dr.R.Kannan and Dr.Chetan, Dept of General surgery, attended the Statistical Workshop conducted by the MEU and the Dept. of PSM from 25.03.14 to 27.03.14. Mrs. A.N.Uma, Dr. Sadeesh.T, Dr. Meera,

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Dr.Prabavathy, Asst.Professors, Dept. of Anatomy attended a “Workshop on statistical methods for Health Research” conducted in Mahatma Gandhi Medical College & Research institute from 25.03.14 to 27.03.14. Dr. Satyajit Das, Assistant Professor, Department of Neurosurgery, attended the Workshop on statistical methods for health research, at MGMCRI, from 25.03.14 to 27.03.14. Dr. N. Swathi, Asst Prof, Dept. of Ophthalmology, attended “Workshop on statistical methods for health research” at MGMC&RI from 25.03.14 to 27.03.14. Dr Sunil Kumar Samal, faculty, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology attended a workshop on “Statistical Methods for Health Research” conducted in MGMCRI from 25.03.14 to 27.03.14. Dr Vasavi Kolluru, Faculty, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology attended the RCOG World congress 2014 at Hyderabad between 26.03.14 and 30.03.14 and attended the ‘Live operative workshop on pelvic endoscopy’ and workshop on ‘Newer developments in MRCOG’. Dr.K.Surendra Menon, Professor & H.O.D, Dr. Pajanivel.R, Professor, Department of Pulmonary Medicine, attended the Pondicherry Chest society meeting on 09.02.2014 – ‘Latest Modalities in Management of COPD’. Faculty members from Community Medicine attended state level conference on ‘RNTCP Operational Research - The way Forward’ conducted by Puducherry RNTCP OR Committee and Dept. of Pulmonary Medicine, MGMC & RI, Puducherry on 14.02.2014.


Dr. Selavaraj Stephen (Professor, Microbiology) evaluated a new Rapid Scrub Typhus kit from Immune Med, Seoul, South Korea.

Scientific And Academic Forum The Annual Medical Quiz –2014

The Scientific & Academic Forum (SAF) of MGMC&RI conducted the annual medical quiz ­Medmasters 2014 in

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18 the month of January. The Quiz master of the day was Dr. Chetan Anand, Asst.Prof, Surgery Department. This programme, a three member team based competition comprised of a preliminary elimination and a final round to determine the best team in terms of their medical knowledge proficiency. The preliminary round saw enthusiastic participation from undergraduates,interns and a few postgraduates. Medmasters 2014 registered a total of 82 teams for the preliminary round held on 29th January. The top four teams (Boyle’s , Frozen fire , Medicosapiens and Mango doctors)made it to the finals. The final round was held on the 31st of January saw the team Frozen fire’s (Raghavendra Suryaprakash.N, Muhamed Muzamil.S and Adithyan.C) emerge as eventual winners after six rounds of intense quizzing that included a medical personality and medical history round among others. The winning team was felicitated with the Medmasters rolling trophy by Dr.N. Ananthakrishnan , Dean Postgraduate Studies.

General Body meeting

The election of office bearers for the Scientific and Academic Forum, MGMCRI for the academic year 2014-15 was conducted on the 04.04.14. The session started with the Secretary of SAF, Dr.Prasanth Nayak and the treasurer Dr.Senti Toshi presenting their annual secretarial and annual budget report to the gathered audience. After which the election was conducted with Dr. Robinson Smile being the returning officer for the polls. The following members were selected as office bearers, President - Prof. Seetesh Ghose Vice President - Prof. Karthikeyan P Secretary - Dr. Manoj Karthik S,Joint Secretary - Dr. Lokesh,Treasurer - Dr. Jeneth Berlin Raj P, Executive Members - Dr. Rajalakshmi AR, Dr. Rani P , Dr. Satish Babu M and Dr. Anjay. The Chronicle congratulates the newly elected team and wishes them a great tenure.

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Srimathi Rukmani Ammal Annual Internal Oration

Srimathi Rukmani Ammal Annual Internal Oration was conducted by Scientific & Academic forum, MGMC&RI on 24.01.14, Dr. Srinivasan, Professor & Head, Department of Pediatrics gave an oration titled. “My perspectives in Paediatrics-Shifts and Drifts” . The Oration highlighted various life time experiences of Dr. Srinivasan, right from the formative years of undergraduate and postgraduate days and subsequently during his entire teaching career since 1976 which saw lot of shifts and drifts in the clinical evaluation and management perspectives of childhood illnesses and disorders over 50 years. The main theme of the talk was to emphasize the need for the continuous development of a doctor right from one’s undergraduate and postgraduate student days as well as during the entire medical professional career so as to equip oneself with appropriate and adequate levels of knowledge, attitudes and skills essential for delivering meaningful and purposeful patient care. Keep ears open : Listen carefully to whatever the parents say regarding the problems in their children, such information’s will invariably lead to the correct diagnosis; Keep eyes open: “NOT ONLY SEE, BUT OBSERVE” and Interpret these observations in the light of information’s elicited by listening; Finally, keep the mind open and be prepared to learn from your own classmates, senior students and teachers and trainers, whenever such opportunities occur. Let the learning be a continuous and enriching process so as to empower oneself with KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS and ATTITUDES appropriate for child care and health delivery to children.

Shri M.V.K Iyer Annual External Oration Contd Page :1

Vasculitis is a primary focal inflammatory process involving small and medium sized blood vessels after excluding an embolus, thrombosis or a primary extravascular source. Beginning from the ZEEK classification in 1952, a series of classifications have been described for vasculitis over the years, indicating the SBVU u CIDRF u MGMCRI u SSSMCRI u IGIDS u KGNC Volume 8 Issue 1 Jan - Mar 2014


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complexity involved in the aetiopathogenesis and clinical presentation of vasculitis. The Chapel Hill Conference classification (1993) was elaborated in the oration. The difference between vasculitis and vasculopathy was also described. Cutaneous lesions indicating a vasculitis can prove to be a valuable marker for early identification of a systemic derangement due to the vasculitic process. To identify and place a particular set of clinical and histopathological

features into a particular group of vasculitis is essential for proper assessment of other expected systemic complications and their appropriate management. Prof.Patrick Yesudian, in his oration, described in a simplified way, the method of classifying vasculitis and thereby assessing whether a clinical presentation is suggestive of a cutaneous vasculitis alone or an SBVU u CIDRF u MGMCRI u SSSMCRI u IGIDS u KGNC Volume 8 Issue 1 Jan - Mar 2014

20 associated systemic involvement is to be expected. The cutaneous and systemic manifestations of various types of leucocytoclastic vasculitis were highlighted. He also discussed about differential diagnosis (pseudo-vasculitis), evaluation and management of vasculitis. As earlier mentioned , the clarity that was provided to a complex topic like vasculitis was the highlight of the oration.

SAF - Internal Meetings

During the first quarterly of 2014, the Scientific and Academic Forum, Medical Education Unit, MGMCRI, conducted three internal meeting and one special meeting . January 2014 Scientific and Academic Forum and Medical Education Unit, Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute on 10.01.2014 organized an internal meet for all the doctors. The programme commenced with the President of Scientific and Academic Forum Prof. S Krishnan welcoming all and was followed by a Mediquiz by Dr Chetan Anand, Assistant Professor, Dept of General Surgery. A special talk titled “Peritoneal Glucotoxicity – Solution for the Solution” was presented by Dr Lokesh S, Associate Professor, Department of General Medicine, MGMCRI. This was followed by another special talk entitled “Contraception: Current Trends” by Dr Sendhil Coumari A, Associate. Professor, Dept. Of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Case series on “Chronic exposure of Mice to radiation emitted from 2G cell phone- A histological study” was presented by Dr Mugunthan N, Assistant Professor, Department Anatomy. This was followed subsequently by case reports entitled “Non Surgical management of high grade renal injury in a hemodynamically unstable patient- A case report” by Dr Srivignesh, 2nd year Post Graduate, Department of General Surgery. Finally second TED (technology, Entertainment, Design) Series video entitled “Doctors Make Mistakes: Can we talk about it” presented by Dr Brain Goldman, Emergency Physician, mount Sinai Hospital, Toronto, Ontario, Canada was projected. February 2014 Scientific and Academic Forum with Medical Education Unit, Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute on 07.02.2014 organized an internal meet for all the doctors. The programme commenced by the President of Scientific and Academic Forum Prof. S Krishnan. welcoming all. A special talk entitled “Playing with Medicine” was presented by Dr K N Viswanathan, Faculty of Medicine, SEGI University campus, Hospital Teluk Intan, teluk Intan 3600, Perak, Malaysia.

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This was followed by presentation of two STS prize winning papers of ICMR Study which were selected out of 29 studies. The first entitled “Hearing Evaluation in Mobile phone users” by student Mr. S John Christian, under guide- Prof P Karthikeyan, Head of the Dept of Otorhinolaryngology, MGMCRI which won the First Prize at Concave 2013, CMC, Vellore and the second paper entitled “Screening for Helicobacter pylori in Pregnant women with Anemia”, by Dr Student Ms. M Induja, under guide – Prof Seethesh Ghosh, Head of the Dept Obstetrics and Gynaecology, MGMCRI, which won the first prize (Poster) at Medicon, 2013 held at UCMS, new Delhi. February 2014 Special Meet Scientific and Academic Forum with Medical Education Unit, Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute on 26.02.2014 organized a special Guest talk entitled “Scientific Vision of New India” for all the doctors presented by Prof. Swami Buddhanand, Director, United nations Policy making & Management Institute, Mcleaodganj, Dharamshala, Himachal Pradesh . March 2014 Scientific and Academic Forum with Medical Education Unit, Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute on 07.03.2014 organized an internal meet for all the doctors. The programme commenced with the welcome address by the President of Scientific and Academic Forum Prof. S Krishnan and was followed by a Mediquiz by Dr Chetan Anand, Assistant Professor, Dept of General Surgery. Two Special talks, one titled “Evolution of Oncology” was presented by Dr Balasubramanian, Associate Professor, Dept of Surgical Oncology. The second was presented by Dr Mahalakshmi V N, Professor and Controller of Examination on “Standardization, Improvizations and Innovations- A roadmap of SBVU Exams”. This was followed case reports, first on “Giant Adrenal Cyst in Pregnancy- A management Conundrum”, by Dr Brahadeeshwaran S, Post Graduate, Department of Urology, MGMCRI than by Dr Vijay J, assistant Professor, Plastic Surgery on “Role of Cross Finger Flap in Digital reconstruction”, Surgery. The programme ended on third TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) Series video entitled “Towards a new understanding on Mental Illness” presented by Thomas Insel, Director, National institute of Mental Health, Bethesda, Maryland, USA with an introduction by Dr Eswaran S, Professor and Head of dept of Psychiatry, MGMCRI. SBVU u CIDRF u MGMCRI u SSSMCRI u IGIDS u KGNC Volume 8 Issue 1 Jan - Mar 2014


Skill lab

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The Medical Simulation Centre organized six AHA accredited BLS courses and three ACLS courses between January and March 2014. 97 candidates achieved BLS certification and 35 candidates completed the ACLS certification. The monitoring of AHA courses was successfully completed by TACT, Chennai. The Medical Simulation Centre is now conducting BLS and ACLS training as an independent training site of TACT and also working towards becoming an independent International Training Centre (ITC) of the AHA.

Advanced Life Support (PALS) from Sri Ramachandra Medical Centre, Chennai and are now available to teach the AHA certified PALS course (which will be launched soon) at the Simulation Centre. Regular non-AHA CPR training classes for nurses and interns were also organized. MBBS Semester I students completed their module of skills training in First Aid and Transport and CPR. Patient-doctor communication skills training was offered to MBBS Semester III students. Regular afternoon practical skills training was arranged for Semester V and Semester VI MBBS students. They were offered training in suturing skills, intravenous cannulation, nasogastric tube insertion, urinary catheterization, lumbar puncture, airway management and CPR

Centre for Yoga Therapy, Education and Research (CYTER)

To cater to the growing interest in symbiotic integration of Yoga and modern medicine, Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth has started Centre for Yoga Therapy, Education and Research (CYTER) in Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute at Pondicherry.

Beginning with the batch of students that joined internship in January 2014, all CRRIs will now be trained in the AHA accredited BLS course and achieving the AHA BLS certification has now been made one of the mandatory requirements for completion of internship at MGMCRI. The CRRIs have shown much enthusiasm for the BLS certification and many have enrolled for the ACLS course too, voluntarily. Dr. Shobana R, Asst. Professor of Physiology, participated in the AHA BLS and ACLS Instructor Courses organized at TACT, Chennai between 19th and 20th of March 2014, and successfully achieved the AHA certified BLS and ACLS Instructor status. Dr. Kanagarajan P, Asst. Professor of Community Medicine and AHA certified BLS and ACLS Instructor was invited by Pauls College of Nursing, Pauls Nagar, Vanur, to give a guest lecture and demonstration on Basic Life Support on 26th March 2014, during the Disaster Management workshop held at their premises. Dr. Gunasekaran, Professor of Paediatrics and Dr. Soma Venkatesh, Asst. Professor of Paediatrics completed their AHA certified instructor training in Paediatric SBVU u CIDRF u MGMCRI u SSSMCRI u IGIDS u KGNC Volume 8 Issue 1 Jan - Mar 2014

22 Yoga Therapy

CYTER is conducting a scientifically sound Yoga therapy programme through its Yoga Therapy OPD from 9 AM to 1 PM daily. Consultations are offered by Dr. Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani, Deputy Director CYTER and Mrs Meena Ramanathan, Coordinator and Yoga Therapist while qualified Yoga instructors are imparting the schedules. Consultations are also included in the Master Health Check-up packages offered by Corporate Health Services Wing of the hospital. Individualised and group Yoga therapy sessions are being conducted for various medical conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, musculoskeletal and psychiatric disorders with excellent feedback from participants. Yoga therapy and lifestyle consultations are offered daily as part of Complete Cardiac Care and Deluxe Screening packages of Master Heath Check-up in the Corporate Services Wing of the hospital. Month Male Female Total January 90 74 164 February 100 93 193 March 153 179 332 Total ( Jan-Mar 2014) 689

Yoga Education Inauguration of the Post Graduate Diploma in Yoga Therapy

Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust

(Admin) Prof S Krishnan, and the Registrar Prof AR Srinivasan. Holistic health, integrative treatment and mind–body medicine are now buzz words. Integrating Yoga with modern medicine will enable us to produce holistic physicians for health delivery of tomorrow as integrative medicine becomes popular. This two semester (480 hr) part time course aims to produce qualified Yoga therapists competent to impart a scientifically sound Yoga therapy programme for patients of different conditions. Medical and paramedical professionals can benefit from this course by upgrading their knowledge base through Yoga therapy modalities thus strengthening their clinical skills in a holistic manner. They will be empowered to facilitate health and healing in their patients though the prevention, management and rehabilitation of various stress-induced lifestyle disorders. Students will be exposed to the philosophy, psychology and scientific basis of Yoga as a complementary and integrative therapy. They will also be motivated to take it up as a healthy lifestyle, thus producing positive health that will benefit both themselves as well as their patients.

20th International Yoga Festival 2014

The CYTER team of Prof Madanmohan (Director), Dr Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani (Deputy Director) and Smt. Meena Ramanathan (Coordinator - cum- Yoga therapist) presented an invited workshop on Yoga therapy at the 20th International Yoga Festival - January 4-7th

A small but significant step was taken on the 30th January 2014 with the inaugural of the Post Graduate Diploma in Yoga Therapy (PGDYT) course at the CYTER in the Mahatma Gandhi Medical College. The course was officially inaugurated ceremonially by Dr Madanmohan, Director CYTER and then faculty members and the six students of PGDYT course received blessings of the Vice chancellor Prof KR Sethuraman, Dean (PG Studies &Research) Prof N Ananthakrishnan, Dean

2014, organized by Department of Tourism, Government of Puducherry at Gandhi Tidal. The workshop was well appreciated by the participants who evidenced interest in CYTER activities. CYTER received wide publicity through coverage in national editions of ‘The Times of India’ newspaper as well as the local vernacular press. Dr Ananda, Deputy Director CYTER was given a Special Award by Shri P Rajavelu, Hon Tourism Minister in SBVU u CIDRF u MGMCRI u SSSMCRI u IGIDS u KGNC Volume 8 Issue 1 Jan - Mar 2014

23 recognition of his valuable contribution to the cause of Yoga in Pondicherry.

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motivate nursing students. A group of students from Paul’s Nursing College and new nursing recruits of MGMC&RI attended orientation sessions at CYTER in January and February 2014. • Orientation sessions were organized for 25 students of PGDYE course of Pondicherry University Community College and they participated in Yoga therapy sessions at CYTER on Feb 15, 2014.

Community Outreach Programmes

Yoga For Medicos And Nursing Students

• MCI has recommended inclusion of Yoga in the MBBS curriculum and hence introductory Yoga sessions were conducted by CYTER faculty for 150 students of 1st MBBS at MGMCRI on 27th and 28th January. The lectures and interactive lecture demonstration sessions were conducted by Dr Madanmohan, Dr Ananda and Smt Meena.

CYTER aims to take the message of yoga to as many as possible in our society and to this effect • Mrs. Meena gave a special invited presentation on “Yoga for paediatricians” during the CME organised by Pondy Paediatric Forum at Hotel Annamalai International on 2nd February 2014. The interactive session was well received by the paediatricians of Pondicherry and they were motivated to refer patients to CYTER as well as undertake Yoga practices for their own health. • Dr Ananda was invited to give an interactive lecturedemonstration on “Yoga for health” for senior school teachers of Pondicherry on Feb 26th and 28th at State Training Centre, Directorate of School Education, Govt of Pondicherry. All participants expressed their interest in Yoga and were invited to benefit from CYTER facilities in future. • On 7th March 2014, Smt. Meena gave a special presentation on “Yoga for women” at the VCRC, Pondicherry, during the International Women’s Day celebrations.

• CYTER has been conducting Yoga sessions on a regular basis for students of the Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College with excellent co-operation of the authorities. Orientation visits have been organized to

• 12 special children from SADAY School in Pondicherry visited CYTER and participated in a special programme conducted for them on 20th February 2014. The session was guided by Mrs. Meena who is conducting regular Yoga therapy sessions for them at SADAY for the past 10 years on a voluntary basis. SBVU u CIDRF u MGMCRI u SSSMCRI u IGIDS u KGNC Volume 8 Issue 1 Jan - Mar 2014


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Directors of Integrative Yoga Therapy (USABrazil) Visit Cyter

• Smt Meena directed a special demonstration by the SADAY students at Gandhi Tidal on 23rd March as part of the Women’s day celebration of ARUMAI rehabilitation organization.

Awards For Deputy Director Cyter

Yogacharya Dr Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani, Deputy Director of CYTER was awarded School Psychology: Best Performance Award 2013 by the Indian School Psychology Association (InSPA) during its 3rd National Conference on School Psychology Services to Multiple Disabled Children, held 22-24 November 2013 at NIEPMD, Muttukadu, Tamil Nadu, India.

Dr Ananda also received the BIODIVERSITY AWARD 2014 from Auroville at the ARANYA Forest and Sanctuary on 21st March 2014. He received the award for excellence in spreading the awareness of nature and culture internationally through his organisation Yoganjali Natyalayam, the premier institution for Yoga and Indian Culture functioning in Pondicherry for 21 years. The award was presented by Shri N Balabaskar IAS, Secretary Auroville Foundation in presence of Ms Aster Patel and Kavignar R Meenakshi.

CYTER had a special visit from Joseph and Lilian Le Page, Directors of Integrative Yoga Therapy (IYT) in the USA and Enchanted Mountain Yoga Center in Brazill who are in the process of making a video series on approaches to the teaching and practice of Yoga therapy in India. They were accompanied by their student and photographer Shanti Mendola. IYT was founded in 1993 by Joseph Le Page, a Yoga teacher in the Kripalu tradition and body-worker whose special focus is energy healing. They are pioneer in training Yoga professionals who can bring the ancient insights of Yoga into mainstream wellness programs as their programs are based on a vision of health as a unity of body, mind and spirit. They visited MGMCRI on Feb 20th 2014 and interviewed the Vice Chancellor Dr KR Sethuraman, the Dean (PG & Research) Dr N Ananthakrishnan and Director CYTER Dr Madanmohan. They witnessed the patient care activities of CYTER and also the educational aspects of the PG Diploma in Yoga Therapy. They participated in a special class for children from the SADAY Special School conducted by Smt. Meena Ramanathan.

Yoga Research

Numerous pilot studies have been completed and major research studies are being planned under guidance of Dr. Madanmohan. Dr Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani was Guest Editor for the “Yoga and Lifestyle Disorders” section SBVU u CIDRF u MGMCRI u SSSMCRI u IGIDS u KGNC Volume 8 Issue 1 Jan - Mar 2014

25 in a special issue on Complementary and Alternative Medicine of the Annals of SBV ( July-December) 2013. A. Published papers and articles during this quarter (n=11): 1. Madanmohan. Integrating yoga and modern medicine. Annals of SBV 2013; 2 (2): 7. 2. Madanmohan. Yog for healthy lifestyle. Annals of SBV 2013; 2 (2): 20-23. 3. Bhavanani AB. Psychosomatic mechanisms of yoga. Annals of SBV 2013; 2 (2): 27-31. 4. Bhavanani AB. Yoga practices for prevention and management of lifestyle disorders. Annals of SBV 2013; 2 (2): 32-40. 5. Bhavanani AB, Ramanathan M, Madanmohan. Immediate effect of alternate nostril breathing on cardiovascular parameters and reaction time. Online International Interdisciplinary Research Journal 2014; 4; (Special Issue): 297-302. 6. Bhavanani AB, Madanmohan, Meena Ramanathan, Srinivasan AR. Yoga improves psychophysical health of nursing students. Souvenir of the National Yoga Week 2014. MDNIY, New Delhi, Feb 2014. Pg 6570. 7. Bhavanani AB. Yoga clinical roundup: selected treatment options for depression. Alternative and Complementary Therapies 2014; 20: 54-55. 8. Madanmohan. Yoga for youth. Souvenir of the National Yoga Week 2014. MDNIY, New Delhi, Feb 2014. Pg 52. 9. Sharma VK, Raja Jeyakumar M, Velkumary S, Subramanian SK, Bhavanani AB, Madanmohan, Sahai A, Dinesh T. Effect of fast and slow pranayama practice on cognitive functions in healthy volunteers. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research 2014; 8: 10-13. 10. Bhavanani AB. Yogic perspectives on mental health. International Light 2014. Jan-Mar: 14-17. 11. Bhavanani AB. Introducing integral yoga education for the youth. Souvenir of the National Yoga Week 2014. MDNIY, New Delhi, Feb 2014. Pg 84.

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students. Bhavanani AB, Madanmohan, Meena Ramanathan, Srinivasan AR. Abstracts of the National Yoga Week 2014. MDNIY, New Delhi, Feb 2014. Pg 21. 4. Introducing integral yoga education for the youth. Bhavanani AB. Abstracts of the National Yoga Week 2014. MDNIY, New Delhi, Feb 2014. Pg 22. C. Ongoing research projects (n=4): 1. Effect of yoga training on cardiorespiratory health in obese subjects. Proposal submitted to CCRYN, Dept of AYUSH, Ministry of Health & FW, Govt of India after clearance from IHEC. 2. Effect of 12 week yoga training on cardiorespiratory, neurological and psychological parameters in a geriatric population. Proposal submitted to IHEC. 3. Intra ocular pressure variations in forward bending yoga postures. Proposal submitted to IHEC. 4. Effects of tratak and bhramari pranayama (yogic eye care module) on ocular muscle balance and accommodation in computer vision syndrome. Proposal submitted to IHEC.

Centre for Music Therapy Education and Research(CMTER)

The Department of Music Therapy functions as Centre for Music Therapy Education and Research. Dr. Sumathy Sundar, Consultant has been appointed as its Head and the adjunct faculties appointed from MGMC &RI are Dr. B. Sivaprakash, Dr. Vellore A R Srinivasan, Dr. S. Srirangarajan and Dr. R.Sobana Activities at CMTER:

On 31.01.2014, the new premise for CMTER was inaugurated by the Vice Chancellor. The Dean (Research and Post graduate Studies), the Dean (Administration) and the Registrar were also present. A Drum Circle was conducted for burnout among doctors of MGMC &RI. All the doctors present were screened for Burnout and

B. Published abstracts (n=4): 1. Effect of 12 weeks of pranayama training on basal physiological parameters in young, healthy volunteers. Dinesh T, Gaur G S, Sharma V K, Bhavanani AB, Harichandra Kumar KT. Poster No. A74. APPICON 2013. 2. Yoga for youth. Madanmohan. Abstracts of the National Yoga Week 2014. MDNIY, New Delhi, Feb 2014. Pg 6. 3. Yoga improves psychophysical health of nursing SBVU u CIDRF u MGMCRI u SSSMCRI u IGIDS u KGNC Volume 8 Issue 1 Jan - Mar 2014

26 participated in the Drum Circle. Dr. Sumathy Sundar highlighted the benefits of participating in a Drum Circle which included de-stressing, alleviating anxiety, enhancing mood and relaxation, increasing performance and team spirit.

On 12.02.2014, CMTER organized a stress management program for hospital staff. The program trained the participants to relax and engaged them musically for about an hour by making them use a variety of melodic and rhythmic musical instruments. Two Post Graduate Diploma in Music Therapy Students Mrs. Bhuvaneswari Ramesh and Ms. Priyanka B Dixit from Chennai School of Music Therapy joined CMTER for Internship training under the guidance of Dr. Sumathy Sundar. Clinical music therapy services are regularly rendered at the centre on all the days from Monday to Friday from 10 am to 2 pm on referral from clinicians since Jan 2014.

On going research project

• A Study on the effects of music in anxiety in patients posted for Upper GI Endoscopy • Effects of listening to music on the perception of pain and cervical dilation during the latent phase of labor • Effect of Music Therapy on Venepuncture in neonates

Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust

Sundar and the adjunct faculty from MGMC&RI, Dr. Sivaprakash, Department of Psychiatry, Dr. Vellore AR Srinivasan, Department of Biochemistry, Dr. S. Srirangarajan, Department of Microbiology and Dr. Sobana .R from Department of Physiology will train the participants on clinical foundations.


Medical Education Unit, MGMCRI.

The Interns Orientation program for the batch 2009 was held on 10.01.2013 and 11.01.2013, at 7th floor I block, MGMCRI Campus. The program was meant for 98 interns, passed out in December 2013. Nine students were absent. Aim of the program was to familiarize new interns with their tasks in the work places which include wards, OPD, emergency room and community. The objectives of

Post Graduate Diploma in Music Therapy

The first Post Graduate Diploma in Music Therapy as a medical course in India has been introduced by the Centre for Music Therapy Education and Research, MGMC & RI on March 25.03.2014. This is an important mile stone in the development of music therapy as a clinical profession and academic discipline in the country. MGMCRI is the first university to have introduced this innovative course as there are only a few courses available right now through private institutions. The students will be trained by the Head of the Centre Dr. Sumathy SBVU u CIDRF u MGMCRI u SSSMCRI u IGIDS u KGNC Volume 8 Issue 1 Jan - Mar 2014


the program was to enable the interns appreciate need for developing good communication skills, both verbal and written, be aware of the psychosocial needs of the patients, appreciate the principles in rational drug therapy, develop and refine the skills of requisitions for diagnostic tests, appropriate techniques for collection and transport of samples for laboratory test, ethical issues involved in patient care, tackle common medico-legal issue , identify their role in a multidisciplinary team , develop a sense of belonging to the institute and stress on their responsibility and accountability towards patient care, how to deal with the medical representatives.

The program was structured with interactive lectures, allotment of group task, role play by students and faculty and discussion of ethical and medico-legal case scenarios. Evaluation of the program was done by using a feedback questionnaire. It was a collaborative effort of dedicated senior faculty from the institute which includes Dr.K.R.Sethuraman Vice-Chancellor, Dr. S. Krishnan, Dean Administration, Dr. N Ananthakrishnan, Dean PG Studies and Research , Dr. K.A.Narayan Vice Principal, Prof & Head Community Medicine, Dr.Seetesh Ghose Coordinator MEU , Prof. & Head OG, Dr.M.Ravisankar, Prof & Head Anaesthesiology and Critical Care Unit, Dr.S.Srinivasan, Professor & Head Pediatrics, Dr.D. Gunasekharan, Professor Pediatrics, Dr.Seetha.K.S, Prof.

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& Head Microbiology, Dr.Dhananjay Kotesthane,Prof. & Head Pathology, Dr.TirouAroul, Prof.& Head Surgery, Dr.S,Robinson Smile, Professor , Dr.V.N. Mahalakshmi Professor of Pediatrics Surgery, Dr. B Sivaprakash Professor of Psychiatry, Dr.Satish Kumar, Prof. & Head, FMT, Dr.NirmalCoumare, Medical Superintendent & Professor of ENT, Dr. M Hannifa, Professor of Medicine, Dr.Partha Nandi, Assoc. Professor, Community Medicine, Dr.Kingshuk Lagon, Professor, Pharmacology and Dr. Lakshmana Perumal, RMO. At the end of the program Dr.K.R.Sethuraman , Vice-chancellor , Sri BalajiVidhyapeeth addressed and appraised the interns about their responsibilities. He also gave away the participation certificates.The program was conducted by the Coordinator of Medical Education Unit, Dr.Seetesh Ghose.

Patient care

Insurance/Claim Department

Team from TNHSP regarding TNCMCHIS scheme visited our hospital on 11.04.2014, they visited all ICU’s, wards, OT theatre and enquired about the diagnostic procedure referrals from Government hospital. They met the Deputy Director and conveyed their wishes for the successful running of TNCMCHIS scheme iat MGMCRI. The department empanels star Health & Allied Insurance Co Ltd for OP diagnostic treatment for SBVU u CIDRF u MGMCRI u SSSMCRI u IGIDS u KGNC Volume 8 Issue 1 Jan - Mar 2014

28 star beneficiaries. Many more insurance companies such as Vidal health ltd, Spurthi Meditech ltd are likely to be empanelled during the coming months.

A Medical Focus - Department of Pathology

Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust

(P57 –is a cell cycle inhibitor). 2. Genetic analysis : KARYOTYPE, FISHFlourescence In Situ Hybridization, PLOIDY by FLOW CYTOMETRY and GENOTYPING by Short Tandem Repeat (STR ). P57 : is a cell cycle inhibitor, strongly paternally imprinted maternally expressed gene and expression is from the maternal allele. In Complete mole - Villous stromal cells of the cytotrophoblst are entirely p57 negative – maternally derived decidual cells are p57 positive and hence “DADDY’S LITTLE GIRLS”. In Partial mole - Villous stromal cells of cytotrophoblast are p57 positive. While IHC can clinch the issue of complete mole versus partial mole but Partial mole versus non molar (early/ hydropic abortion) nonmolar genetic abnormalities with villous morphology , trisomies.

Complete Mole or Partial Hydatidiform Mole - A Diagnostic Challenge with Focus on Immunohistochemistry. - Koteeswaran G, Shanmugaswamy K, Kotasthane DS It is a frequent request in cases of abortion to differentiate complete or partial mole. A complete mole (true mole) is recognizable macroscopically as ‘bunch of grapes’ usually in the second trimester of pregnancy. In partial mole there is an abnormal placenta and some foetal parts development. Microscopically in both conditions, if classical features are presents there is no problem in diagnosis. But early trimester abortion do not presents with classical histopathological picture. In modern clinical practice most of the patients were diagnosed incidentally by Histopathological examination of the products of conception or early USG screening in first trimester of pregnancy and evaluation of serum Beta hcg levels. In few cases of molar pregnancy the histopathological features tend to overlap apart from intra observer variability, but it is essential to identify correctly. These two histologically distinct entities have different percentage of risks for persistent gestational trophoblastic disease. • 15 - 20 % for Complete mole • 0.5 -5 % for Partial mole Refine Clinical Management Contraception and serial hcg level ( 6- 12 months for CHM but not for PHM ). Tools to Differentiate Complete and Partial Mole: In correlation with morphology by Histopathological examination Ancillary Testing 1.Protein analysis - P57 (IHC ) Immunohistochemistry.

Fig-1: c. PARTIAL MOLE showing P57 positivity

Fig-2: COMPLETE MOLE shows villi with circumferential trophoblastic proliferation SBVU u CIDRF u MGMCRI u SSSMCRI u IGIDS u KGNC Volume 8 Issue 1 Jan - Mar 2014


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Fig-3: COMPLETE MOLE showing P57 negativity.


Genetic studies can reveal as: COMPLETE MOLE - Androgenic diploidy with two paternal and no maternal chromosomes. PARTIAL MOLE - Diandric diploidy with two paternal and one maternal chromosomes. NON MOLAR- Biparental diploidy with one maternal and one paternal chromosomes. Summary: In view of early study of terminated pregnancies and missed abortion to avoid erroneous labelling of types of molar pregnancy in problem cases – Immunohistochemistry is required in relevant cases and genetic tool, for research purposes. Reference: Combination of immunohistochemistry and ploidy analysis to assist histopathological diagnosis of molar disease. Clon Med Pathol- 2008.

Faculty Achievements and Awards

Oration Medellion

Prof.S.Krishnan, Dean (Administration), MGMCRI was awarded with “Dr.A.S.Thambiah Oration Medellion” for his oration titled, “Skin and Beyond Skin - A Dermatologist’s Perspective” at Madras Medical College, on 02.01.2014 under the presidency of the Dean, MMC, Chennai and in the presence of Prof.Dr.Patrick Yesudian, Emeritus Professor of Dermatology, Tamil Nadu Dr.M.G.R Medical University.

International award

Mrs. Uma.A.N, Asst. Prof in Medical Genetics, Genetic Unit, Dept. of Anatomy, was awarded amongst 141 participant the first best poster presentation titled, ‘Cytogenetic Study and Treatment on Premalignant Oral Cancer Patient using Chyawanprash Awaleha’ at the First International Congress of Society for Ethnopharmacology- ISCE 2014 based on the theme “Traditional Medicine : Present and Future Prospects” organized by Sri Ramachandra University, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India in association with Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India held from 07.03.2014 to 09.03.2014.


Dr. Seetesh Ghose, Professor & Head, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology was awarded Fellowship by Indian College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at the 54th AICOG, Patna Convocation, held on 04.02.2014 SBVU u CIDRF u MGMCRI u SSSMCRI u IGIDS u KGNC Volume 8 Issue 1 Jan - Mar 2014


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The Dawn of New Chapters Appointments

Prof.Reddi Rani.P did her UG at Kurnool Medical College , Andhra Pradesh, DGO at CMC Vellore ( 1976) , MD (Ob & Gy) at JIPMER and worked in JIPMER as a faculty for 33years before joining here at MGMCRI as a Professor in the department of Ob & Gy on 01.02.2014

Name Designation Department Date of Joining Dr. Sujitha.K CMO Casualty 02.01.2014 Dr.Balasubramanian.A Asso Professor Surgical Oncology 20.01.2014 Dr.Dhanamalini.S Jr. Resident Nephrology 21.01.2014 Dr.Pramod Kumar.G.N Asso Professor Forensic Medicine 24.01.2014 Dr.Kanakala Bhairava Swamy Sr. Resident Pulmonary Medicine 27.01.2014 Dr.Nithya.S Jr. Resident Paediatric Surgery 30.01.2014 Dr. Nandhini.K Jr. Resident Neuro Surgery 01.02.2014 Dr.Manonmani.S Dy. Registrar University 01.02.2014 Dr.Sakthi Suganya.S.T Asst. Professor Gen. Medicine 03.02.2014 Dr.Ariganesh.C Asst. Professor DVL 10.02.2014 Dr.Yeswini.N CMO Casualty 12.02.2014 Dr.Geetha.J Sr. Resident Paediatrics 19.02.2014 Dr.Melody.A Jr. Resident Plastic Surgery 24.02.2014 Dr.Bhanu Priya.T CMO Casualty 24.02.2014 Dr. Gokul Anand.M Asst. Professor Orthopaedics 07.03.2014 Dr. Deepan Viswanathan.B Jr. Resident Neuro Surgery 13.03.2014 Dr. Booma.D Jr. Resident MHC 14.03.2014 Dr. Mohamed Sajeed CMO Casualty 20.03.2014 Dr. Kumili Nageswara Rao Chief Medical Officer RHTC 27.03.2014 Dr. Vasanth Kumar.V.S Asst. Professor Ophthalmology 28.03.2014


Dr.Indu.C - Jr.Resident Urology has been promoted as Sr. Resident. Dr.Sivashanmugam.T – Associate Professor Anaesthesiology has been promoted as Professor. Dr.Puskar Shyam Chowdhury – Assistant Professor Urology has been promoted as Associate Professor. Dr. Niranjan.G - Asst Prof Biochemistry has been promoted as Associate Professor. Dr. Nandakumar.R – Asso Prof Orthopaedics has been promoted as Professor. Dr.Amirtha Ganesh.B - Asso Prof Cardiology has been promoted as Professor.

We congratulate all the faculty members on their appointments and promotion.

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Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust

Out Reach Services

Department of Marketing [Health care services]

The main focus of the department of Marketing [Health care services] of MGMC&RI is patient services & Care. The team led by Dr.S.Ravichandran - Deputy Director, Department of Marketing had conducted many free health camps, Health awareness programs, corporate camps, Promotional activities, Corporate tie-ups & etc..

Free Medical Camps

For the month of January to February, 2014 the patients were the beneficiaries out of whom 74 patients were referred to MGMC & RI for master health check up & for further evaluation. On 21.01.2014 & 31.01.2014, free health screening camp was organized at Gramavidiyal, where 541 were the beneficiaries out of whom 103 patients were referred to MGMC & RI for further evaluation & treatment. On 30.01.2014, free health mega camp was organized at Reliance foundation, Panruti, where 385 patients were the beneficiaries out of whom 62 patients were referred to MGMC & RI for further evaluation & treatment.

department of marketing [Health care services] had conducted 35 medical camps in and around Pondicherry district. January: On 05.01.2014, free health check up camp was organized at Nalamudan Cuddalore and Nalamudan Puduvai, where 280 patients were the beneficiaries out of whom 75 patients were referred to MGMC & RI for master health check up. On 10.01.2014 & 11.01.2014, free health camp was organized at MTS company, Puducherry, where 149

February: On 02.02.2014, free medical camp was organized at Lions Club, Thittakudi, where 287 patient were the beneficiaries out of whom 53 Patient’s were referred to MGMC & RI for further evaluation & treatment. On 05.02.2014 & 12.02.2014, free medical camp was organized at Krishnasamy foundation, Cuddalore, where 320 children were the beneficiaries out of whom 37 children were referred to MGMC & RI for evaluation & treatment. On 09.02.2014, free medical camp was organized

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at Lions Club, Cuddalore, where 110 patients were the beneficiaries out of whom 76 children were referred to MGMC & RI for further evaluation & treatment. On 15.02.2014, free medical camp was organized at Gramavidiyal, Panruti & Chidambaram, where 934

MGMC & RI for further evaluation & treatment. On 22.02.2014, free medical camp was organized at CM birthday mega camp, Villupuram where 900 patients were the beneficiaries out of whom 135 patients were referred to MGMC & RI for further evaluation & treatment. On 23.02.2014, free medical camp was organized at Free Cardiac camp, Cuddalore, where 175 patients were the beneficiaries out of whom 36 patients were referred to MGMC & RI for further evaluation & treatment. On 24.02.2014, free medical camp was organized at CM birthday camp, Bhuvanagiri, where 320 patients were the beneficiaries out of whom 72 patients were referred to MGMC & RI for further evaluation & treatment. On 28.02.2014, free medical camp was organized at Free Health, Vasavankuppam, where 900 patients were the beneficiaries out of whom 135 patients were referred to MGMC & RI for further evaluation & treatment.

patients were the beneficiaries out of whom 151 patients were referred to MGMC & RI for further evaluation & treatment. On 17.02.2014 medical camp was companied with Sharana foundation, Puducherry where 82 patients were the beneficiaries out of whom 23 patients were referred to MGMC & RI for further evaluation & treatment. On 16.02.2014, free health check up camp was organized Nalamudan Cuddalore, where 156 patients were the beneficiaries out of whom 53 patients were referred to MGMC & RI for master health check up. On 19.02.2014 medical camp was companied with MGMCRI – MUNA Hospital, Parangipettai where 420 patients were the beneficiaries out of whom 97 patients were referred to MGMC & RI for further evaluation & treatment. On 20.02.2014, free medical camp was organized at Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu Dr.J.Jayalalitha (CM) birthday camp, Cuddalore, where 175 patients were the beneficiaries out of whom 36 patients were referred to

March: On 01.03.2014, free medical camp was organized at Sharana Foundation, Angalakuppam where 167 patients were the beneficiaries out of whom 34 patients were referred to MGMC & RI for further evaluation & treatment. On 01.03.201, 08.03.2014, 15.03.2014, 22.03.2014 & 29.03.2014 free corporate clinic was organized at MGMCRI – MUNA Hospital, Parangipettai, where 231 patients were the beneficiaries out of whom 35 patients were referred to MGMC & RI for further evaluation, treatment and master health check up. On 08.03.2014, free health mega camp was organized at Indian Bank Zonal Office, Puducherry, where 172 patients were the beneficiaries out of whom 42 patients

were referred to MGMC & RI for further evaluation & treatment. On 15.03.2014 free health mega camp was organized at Sirbigal Nala Sangam, Koonichampattu, Puducherry, where 203 patients were the beneficiaries out of whom SBVU u CIDRF u MGMCRI u SSSMCRI u IGIDS u KGNC Volume 8 Issue 1 Jan - Mar 2014

33 34 patients were referred to MGMC & RI for further evaluation & treatment. On 15.03.2014 free health mega camp was organized at Rotary Club, Puducherry, where 196 patients were the beneficiaries out of whom 27 patients were referred to MGMC & RI for further evaluation & treatment. On 29.03.2014, free health mega camp was organized at Lions Club, Thirukovilor, where 234 patients were the beneficiaries out of whom 76 patients were referred to MGMC & RI for further evaluation & treatment.

CME Program

On 01.2014, a Mega CME program was organized by the Department of Marketing [Health care services] – Deputy Director, in collaboration with IMA – Puducherry & Cuddalore. The CME program was conducted at GRT Sunway were Dr.K.R.Sethuraman, Vice chancellor, SBV university, Dr.S.Ravichandran, Asso.Prof, Dept. of. Ortho/Deputy Director Hospital services, Dr.Nirmal Coumare, Asso.Prof, Dept.of.ENT/ Medical Superintendent, Dr.Arun Prasath, Asst. Prof, Dept.of. Cardiology, Dr.Krishnagopal, Prof & HOD, Dept.of.Ortho, Dr.Pratheesh Ravindran, Dept. of.Neurosurgery, Dr.Hemachandar, Dept.of.Nephrology, Dr.Gopal Dept.of.CTVS, Dr.Chandrasekar, Dept. of.Ortho & Dr.Pushkar, Dept.of.Urology spoke to the doctors of about 117 peoples.

TIE – Ups

The Memorandum of Understanding was entered into at Puducherry on 22nd February 2014 between, Jwala Home for Mentally Challenged, Ariyankuppam, Pondicherry, and Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute, Pillayarkuppam, Pondicherry - 607 402) represented by The Deputy Director – Hospital Services. Jwala Home Ariyankuppam, Pondicherry, approached and requested Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute, Pillayarkuppam, Pondicherry - 607 402 to provide medical facilities for the Children and employees of the JWALA HOME. The Memorandum of Understanding was entered into at Puducherry on 22nd March 2014 between., Dhanvantri Institute of Mental Health of Mother Trust, Tindivanam., and Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute, Pillayarkuppam, Pondicherry 607 402) represented by The Deputy Director – Hospital Services. Mother Trust, approached and requested Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute, Pillayarkuppam, Pondicherry - 607 402 to provide medical facilities for their patient and employees of the MOTHER TRUST.

Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust

The Memorandum of Understanding was entered into at Puducherry on 22nd February 2014 between., St.Mary’s Home, Cuddalore., and Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute, Pillayarkuppam, Pondicherry - 607 402) represented by The Deputy Director – Hospital Services. St.Mary’s Home, Cuddalore, approached and requested Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute, Pillayarkuppam, Pondicherry - 607 402 to provide medical facilities for their Home people of ST.MARY’S HOME. The Memorandum of Understanding was entered into at Puducherry on this 22nd February 2014 between, Lion’s Club, Cuddalore., Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute, Pillayarkuppam, Pondicherry - 607 402) represented by The Deputy Director – Hospital Services.Whereas, LION’S CLUB, Cuddalore., approached and requested Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute, Pillayarkuppam, Pondicherry - 607 402 to provide medical facilities for needed village areas. Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute, accepted the offer of LION’S CLUB, and agreed to provide necessary health needs to their needed people. The Memorandum of Understanding was entered into at Puducherry on this 22nd March 2014 between, Deaf Enabled Foundation [DEF], Pondicherry – 605 011, and Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute, Pillayarkuppam, Pondicherry - 607 402) represented by The Deputy Director - MGMCRI. Deaf Enabled Foundation [DEF], PONDICHERRY – 605 011., approached and requested Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute to provide medical facilities for the Members and employees of the DEF.

Department of Community Medicine Health Education Sessions:

A health awareness and health education programme was conducted at Anganwadi center, Seliamedu on 11th February, 2014 which was organized by Dr. Kanagarajan, Assistant Professor, Community Medicine and conducted by Dr. Krithiga S, Postgraduate with support from interns posted at RHTC, Seliamedu, Lab technician and ANMs. Participants included approximately 20 ANC and PNC mothers including their children. Clinical examination including haemoglobin estimation was done for all the ANC and PNC mothers at the RHTC. A health education session was also conducted with focus on antenatal advice, diet during antenatal and postnatal period, danger signs during pregnancy and SBVU u CIDRF u MGMCRI u SSSMCRI u IGIDS u KGNC Volume 8 Issue 1 Jan - Mar 2014


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Department of Pulmonary medicine World TB day

prevention of childhood diarrhea. A health awareness and health education programme was conducted at Anganwadi centre, Ariyankuppam on 03.03.2014 which was organized by Dr. Krithiga S, Postgraduate, Community Medicine with support from

On the occasion of World TB day which is being commemorated every year on 24th of March, the Department of Pulmonary medicine conducted a Patient awareness health camp on 24.03.2014 at the MRD Premises. A video show on Tuberculosis was also shown to the public and patients. On the occasion of ‘World TB day – 2014’, a quiz competition was organized for 6th semester MBBS students on 24.03.2014 and 25.03.2014. Cash prizes were given for those who secured the first three places.

interns and ANMs posted at UHTC, Ariyankuppam. Participants included ANC, PNC mothers and under five children. Clinical examination of all the 32 participants was conducted. A health education session was also conducted with focus on risk factors and prevention of hypertension, prevention of anaemia and prevention of childhood diarrhoea. SBVU u CIDRF u MGMCRI u SSSMCRI u IGIDS u KGNC Volume 8 Issue 1 Jan - Mar 2014


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Scholars in the Making

Students Curricular Activities M Ch News

Dr. Deepak David, Second year M Ch, Department of Urology presented a paper titled ‘A database analysis of risk factors of defaulters in DJ Stent removal’ at USICON 2014 National Conference at Delhi on 31.01.14 and at Pondicherry Renal Sciences Society meet on 26.01.14. Dr. Brahadeesh, First year M Ch, Department of Urology, presented a paper titled ‘Non-Surgical management of a high grade renal injury in a hemodynamically unstable patient – A case report’ - at Pondicherry Renal Sciences Society meet on 26.01.14. Dr. Srinivasan G, Final Year M Ch, Department of Urology attended Reconstructive Urology workshop at Kulkarni Endo-Surgical Institute, Pune between 18.02.14 and 19.02.14.

PG News Scientific Presentations

Shanmugapathy M, Post Graduate, Department of Surgery presented a paper titled” Long segment bowel stricture, a diagnostic dilemma” at Gut Club, Pondicherry, January, 2014. The Postgraduates, Department of Pharmacology, Dr. Israel Raja Johnley.I presented an oral paper, entitled “Evaluation of antidiabetic effect of Ocimum sanctum in type 2 diabetes patient”; Dr.Femijas M.P. presented a poster entitled “Evaluation of hepatoprotective effect of curculigoorchiodes on ccl4 induced liver disease in rats”; Dr.Velvizhy.R presented a poster entitled “Evaluation of antioxidant effect of oral beta carotene and topical glycopene on burns wound healing in rats”; Dr.Barathane.D presented a poster entitled “Evaluation of antioxidant properties of hydroalcoholic extract of cultures from Arthropiraplatensis using in-vitro techniques”; Dr.Sumina.S presented a poster entitled “Evaluation of anxiolytic effect of ethanolic extract of Ficushispida leaf in wistar rats”; Dr.Jervin Mano presented a poster entitled “Evaluation of hepatoprotective activity of ethanolic extract of Pavettaindica against paracetamol induced liver toxicity” and Dr.Saranya.R presented a poster entitled “Antiinflammatory and gastroprotective property of aqueous extract of Glycyrrhizaglabra root in wistar albino rats” at the 1st International congress of the society for Ethnopharmacology at Sri Ramachandra University, Chennai between 07.03.2014 and 08.03.2014. Dr. Ramya MR, Postgraduate, Community Medicine presented a paper titled ‘Body Mass Index: Does it

accurately assess risk of lifestyle diseases in South Indian Adult population?’ at National Conference-ACMECON 2014 organized by Centre for Medical Research and Non Communicable Diseases at Academy of Medical Sciences, Kannur, Kerala on 09.02.2014. Dr. Krithiga S, Dr. Hema priya, Postgraduates, Community Medicine presented posters titled ‘Geriatric health in India - Do we have what we need’ and ‘Over on ACCORD-ASHWINI community based health insurance scheme in Nilgris - A worth emulating’ respectively at the International seminar on Healthcare Management at SRM Medical College, Chennai held between 10.01.2014 and 11.01.2014. Dr. Fredrick S, Postgraduate, Community Medicine presented a paper titled ‘Utility of a journal as a tool for framing PBL exercises’ at International seminar on Healthcare Management at SRM Medical College, Chennai held between 10.01.2014 and 11.01.2014. The following post graduates from the department of Community Medicine presented papers/posters at 58th annual National Conference of the Indian Public Health Association (IPHA) held at SV Medical College, Tirupati between 22.01.2014 to 24.01.2014. Dr. Krithiga S, presented a paper titled, ‘A Study to assess learning style preferences among first year medical students in Pondicherry’, Dr. Hema priya, presented a paper titled ‘Factors influencing Weekly Iron Folic Acid Supplementation Programme (WIFS) among school children: Where to focus our attention?, Dr. Vijayalakshmi S, presented a poster titled ‘A Goal Unrealised: Hand hygiene compliance - A web based survey’, Dr. Rajkumar S, presented a paper titled ‘Impact of maternal body mass index on pregnancy outcome in rural Puducherry’ and Dr. Surendar R, presented a paper titled ‘Evaluation of Revised National Tuberculosis Control Programme in rural Puducherry’ Dr. Ramkumar S, Postgraduate, Community Medicine presented for approval of a research study titled ‘Health related quality of life among tuberculosis patients under RNTCP in rural and urban Puducherry’ while Dr. Surendar S, Postgraduate, Community Medicine presented for funding approval of a research study titled ‘Evaluation of Revised National Tuberculosis Control Programme in rural Puducherry’ at meet jointly conducted by Puducherry State RNTCP OR Committee and Dept. of Pulmonary Medicine, MGMC & RI, Puducherry on 14.03.2014. Kabeer KK, Post Graduate, Department of Surgery presented papers titled,” An unusual complication of esophageal stenting for corrosive acid poisoning at Gut SBVU u CIDRF u MGMCRI u SSSMCRI u IGIDS u KGNC Volume 8 Issue 1 Jan - Mar 2014

36 Club, Pondicherry, November, 2013 and “Long segment bowel stricture, a diagnostic dilemma” at KSI-ASICON, Manipal, Feb.2014. Dr. Varunn.M.D, Postgraduate Department of Pulmonary Medicine, presented a research proposal ‘Diagnostic accuracy of combing cytomorphology with PCR in Tuberculous Lymphadenitis’ at state conference on ‘RNTCP Operational Research’ held on 14/03/2014 at Mahatma Gandhi Medical College & Research Institute, Pondicherry.

Participation in Academic/Scientific Events

Dr.Chinmayee, Dr.Maithreyee, Dr.Vishnu, Postgraduates, Department of Ophthalmology attended CME on “Cataract” on 05.01.14 at Aravind Eye Hospital, Pondicherry. Dr.Nancy, Dr.Maithreyee, Dr.Swathi, Postgraduates, Department of Ophthalmology, attended a workshop on “Macular diseases” on 26.01.14 at JIPMER, Pondicherry. Dr. Anup John Thomas, Final year PG, Dr. Vijoo Anto Prabhu, Final year PG, Dr. Chandru, Final year PG, Dr. Arun, 2nd year PG, Dr. Varghese Mathew, 2nd year PG, Dept of pediatrics attended “Neonatal Resuscitation Program” Kovai Medical Centre, Coimbatore held on 09.02.14. Dr.Chinmayee, Dr.Vishnu, Post graduates, Department of Ophthalmology, participated in the annual conference of the AIOS between 06.02.14 and 09.02.14 at Agra. Dr. Prem B, Dr. Vishnu Priya H, Postgraduates, Dept. of Physiology attended the Postgraduate Integrated Practical Series – I -2014 conducted by the Dept. of Physiology & Dept. of Medical Education, Meenakshi Medical College Hospital & Research Institute, Kanchipuram on 07.03.14 and 8.03.14. Dr. Israel Raja Johnley.I, Dr. Femijas M.P, Postgraduates, Department of Pharmacology attended RNTCP state conference on ‘Operational Research’ March 2014 held at MGMCRI. Dr. Vineeth Alexander, Dr. Varghese Louis, Dr. Varunn.M.D, Dr. Roshan Kumar.M, Dr.Muhamed Kamaludeen.M.M ,Postgraduates Department of Pulmonary Medicine, attended the Pondicherry Chest society meeting on 09.02.2014 – ‘Latest Modalities in Management of COPD’. Dr. N.Sandeep Krishna, Dr. P.Jagadeesh Kumar, Dr. Varghese Louis Post Graduates, Department of Pulmonary Medicine attended Ramachandra Rapid Review in Respiratory Medicine (RRRR 2014) held at Chennai on 15.02.2014 and 16.02.2014. Dr. Vineeth Alexander, Dr. Varghese Louis, Dr. Varunn.M.D, Dr. Roshan Kumar.M, Dr.Muhamed

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Kamaludeen.M.M ,Postgraduates Department of Pulmonary Medicine, attended a state conference on ‘RNTCP Operational Research’ on 14.03.2014 at Mahatma Gandhi Medical College & Research Institute, Pondicherry. Dr. Krithiga S, Postgraduate, Community Medicine attended a workshop on ‘Clinical Research Methodology and Biostatistics’ conducted by National Institute for Research in Tuberculosis, Chennai between 13.03.2014 and 15.03.2014. Postgraduates from Community Medicine attended state level conference on ‘RNTCP Operational Research - The way Forward’ conducted by Puducherry RNTCP OR Committee and Dept. of Pulmonary Medicine, MGMC & RI, Puducherry on 14 March 2014.

UG News

Ms. Dharani Kalyanasundaram, 2nd MBBS, V Semester presented an oral paper of her ICMR project entitled “A study on polypharmacy and drug interactions among elderly patients admitted in Department of Medicine of a tertiary care hospital in Puducherry”, under the guidance of Dr. Kartik J Salwe and Mr. Visakan, 2nd MBBS, V Semester presented a poster of his ICMR project entitled “Evaluation of effect of antiepileptic drugs on serum lipid profile among young adults with epilepsy in a tertiary care hospital in Pondicherry” under the guidance of Prof.K.Manimekalai at International UG medical conference Phoenix 2014 held at AJ Institute of Medical Science, Mangalore.

Students Extra/ Co curricular Activities

A student seminar was conducted by the Dept. of Physiology on ‘Cardiovascular System’ for I MBBS. 7 students spoke on various topics. It went well and the student’s response and feedback were good and encouraging. Mr. Ashwin Shyam, Mr. Sakthivel, Mr. Aditya Yadav, I year MBBS students attended “HORMANIA” 2014 a CME and intercollegiate quiz program for undergraduates on 29.03.14 organized by Dept. of Physiology, Government Dharmapuri Medical College. Dr.Jeevaraj.G, 1st Year Post graduate, Dept.of Pathology, participated as a guitarist in MGMC BAND, in AURA 2014 intercollegiate meet, conducted on 21st of March 2014, at Pondicherry Institute of Medical Sciences, Pondicherry. A team of 3 undergraduate students from 7th semester under the guidance of Dr. Rajkumar Patil, Professor, Community Medicine participated and SBVU u CIDRF u MGMCRI u SSSMCRI u IGIDS u KGNC Volume 8 Issue 1 Jan - Mar 2014


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secured third position in the intercollege state level quiz competition organized by Department of Health, Govt. of Puducherry at Govt. Maternity and Child Hospital, Puducherry on 02.02.2014.

Alumni of MGMC&RI

Dr.C.Ariganesh, an alumni of MGMC&RI (3rd batch), completed post-graduation in PGIMER, Chandigarh and joined as Assistant Professor in Department of DVL, MGMC&RI on 10.02.2014. He is the 3rd Alumni joining department of DVL.

Other Highlights

Republic Day Celebrations 2014

The 65th Republic Day of Mother India was celebrated at Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth on 26th January 2014 with patriotic vigour. The Vice Chancellor of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth, Prof.K.R.Sethuraman hoisted the nation‘s tricolor flag Earlier in a colorful function organized by Management, the Vice- Chancellor recalled the pain and struggle underwent by the freedom fighters to receive freedom from the English and India becoming a republic. He also wanted to staff to work together in making our institute achieve its goals. The Vice Chancellor was accompanied by Dean (Administration), Principal from IGIDS, Prinicpal from KGNC and Controller of Examinations for hosting the flag. Students of Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute, Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences and Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College sung patriotic songs and delivered thought kindling speech. The parade and the salutation of the Nation’s tricolour flag added stimulation to the ceremony. Our Chief Security officer Shri. Athiveerasenan.K had identified two security

personnel Shri. Pugazhandi and Shri. Nagaian to receive the award for serving the institution with sincerity.The function was well attended by the students, staff nurse , faculty, administrative staff of MGMCRI, IGIDS, KGNC and by the Management staff.

Employees Welfare Day Celebrations:

Employee’s welfare day celebration for the second consecutive year was celebrated on 15th February 2014 at ADR Mahal, Kanniyakoil, Puducherry. As a Good Will gesture, respected Chairman, Shri M.K. Rajagopalan, agreed for celebrating the employees welfare day for all the non-teaching staff of MGMCRI, IGIDS, KGNC. Earlier respected Chairman, Shri. M.K. Rajagopalan was well received by the staff, union leaders and members with crackers and a huge garland. Medical superintendent of MGMCRI, Prof. Nirmal Coumare welcomed the gathering with a speech of smile inviting all for the SBVU u CIDRF u MGMCRI u SSSMCRI u IGIDS u KGNC Volume 8 Issue 1 Jan - Mar 2014


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function. Following this, Prof.N.Ananthakrishnan, Dean–Research & PG Studies, Prof.S.Krishnan, Dean – Administration MGMCRI and Dr.S.Ravichandran, Deputy Director of Health Services of MGMCRI felicitated the gathering. In his well appreciated and well received speech, the Chairman thanked all the non – teaching staff and their unions for coming together and working for the betterment of the Institution. He said that time has come to sort issues pertaining to welfare measures such that the management as well as the employees grow. He expressed his views that management is ready for various welfare measures for the employees in the days to come. Employees of MGMCRI, IGIDS and KGNC who were selected personally by the Chairman for their regularity, sincerity in their work were honoured by Chairman with memento and a cash award of Rs.5000/- for employee. The honoured employees were Saraswathi M - Attender , Nagarajan J – Attender, Thandapani T – Attender, Rajaraman A – Clerk, Panneer Selvam T.K – Supervisor, Hemalatha K – Technician, Devanathan V – Plumber, Balachandiran B – Electrician, and Amsaraj J – Manager Accounts. Apart from the this the Chairman also gave away the pay arrear for the increase made in the employees salary. All the staff unions participated in the celebrations and thanked the chairman with shawls and bouquets. The programme was followed by light Music show by Malaysia famous Vanavil orchestra. The programme was well attended by the non – teaching staff, faculty, Heads of the department, administrative staff of MGMCRI, IGIDS, KGNC and the Management staff. Sr.Personnel Manager, Shri.Balamukundan.S who is the liaison between the management and the employees thanked the Chairman for the welfare measures for the employees, the employees for participating in the celebrations and also for creating a good working atmosphere at the Institute. Shri. Balamukundan.S also laid down his special thanks to all the members of various committees, Management staff and to Mrs. Asha Suresh Babu, Personal secretary to Chairman for the success of the programme.

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Employing Transgenders at Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth

Transgender, the third genders are facing lot of stigma in their social as well as personal life. As a positive approach to reduce the stigma attached to transgenders, Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth came forward to offer employment opportunities for them. In this regard, as a first phase move, three transgenders have already been appointed at Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute.

One of them have been appointed as patient counselor in Obstetrics and Gynecology department, the other as floor In charge for Ground floor, hospital block and the third person have been appointed as an Executive in I Block of hospital block annex. The Management is also planning to accommodate more number of eligible transgenders in different areas of the hospital so as to bring them out from the social stigma.

Award winning Transgender

K Sheethal, Executive in I Block of hospital , MGMCRI & Transgender Right Actives, SCOHD SOCIETY, Pondicherry got an award, “Community Empowerment of Trans -2014” from the transgender organization “Born to Win” held at Chennai from Mrs. Lakshmi Ramakrishnan (Zee TV Anchorer) and Mrs.Sudha Ramalingam (Human Right Activist) for her exemplary work fighting for the rights of transgenders.

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A report on Women’s day celebration at SBV

The need for promulgating SAKSHAM:

At the behest of Prof.Ved Prakash, the Hon’ble Chairman of UGC, a task force was set up to review the measures for ensuring the safety of women on campuses. The task force also looked into various need based issues including gender sensitization and these recommendations would be adopted in letter and spirit. Equity and gender justice are top issues that need to be essentially addressed with an objective perspective. Close on the heels of the dastardly incident of gang rape that took place on the dark day, viz., Dec.16th, 2012, in the capital city of India, an urgent need was felt to help create public awareness about the nature and extent of sexual violence and more specifically that targeted towards the students. Open for a and comprehensive questionnaire based surveys culminated in the need of the hour—GENDER SENSITISATION. This has to permeate in all educational institutions and holds good for all sections of the community. The Vishaka guidelines and Justice Verma committee report assume immediate relevance in this context. The main concern centres around ensuring safety to women and it is needless to emphasise that it is a matter of top priority. In the light of this, the theme proposed by UGC, viz., SAKSHAM meaning ensuring safety for women is quite appropriate.

Women empowerment at Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth (We @ SBV) and Women’s day celebrations:

Women empowerment at Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth organized an educative and elegant programme on the 8th of March 2014, commemorating WOMEN’s DAY. This was a fitting tribute aimed at highlighting Women safety and Gender sensitisation on campuses. Following a soul stirring invocation rendered by Ms. Ranjani, an undergraduate student of dental surgery, Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences, a formal welcome was accorded by Dr. Sunita Samal, Associate Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Mahatma Gandhi Medical College & Research Institute. Light which symbolizes hope and goodwill was given its due place as dignitaries on stage lighted the traditional lamp. Prof. N.Ananthakrishnan, the Dean of PG studies and Research, Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth made a fervent appeal to approve of women safety and gender sensitization unconditionally and expressed hope that the concept of women empowerment would be given appropriate priority and solidarity, be it in the domestic scenario or workplace. The highlight of the meet was a panel symposium SBVU u CIDRF u MGMCRI u SSSMCRI u IGIDS u KGNC Volume 8 Issue 1 Jan - Mar 2014

40 conducted in the realms of women safety. Learned panellists spoke at length on safety of women and their presentations were interspersed with relevant statistics and figures. The panel discussion brought forth yet again the gist of the earlier talk made by Prof. Ananthakrishnan that greater awareness on the violence confronted by women is becoming more pronounced in the present era. The panellists eulogised the efforts of UGC for having motivated Universities and campuses towards SAKSHAM. The panel discussion was effectively moderated by Prof. V.N.Mahalakshmi, the Controller of Examinations, Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth. Dr.Jothi Clara Michael, Director of Nursing, Global hospitals, Chennai, elaborated on the safety of women in workspace. She underlined the ABC of safety in workspace - Always Be Careful. Ms. Sunandhini, Legal Consultant, Cuddalore, cited three important watchwords, CONFIDENCE, RAISE YOUR VOICE and SEEK HELP. Ms. Sunandhini told the mammoth gathering that women empowerment in the third world is fast gathering momentum and it is this awareness that would help approve of the theme SAKSHAM. Dr. Vany Adithan, Professor, Govt. Law College,

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Vidyapeeth, Dr. Sudha Rao ( Prof. of Anatomy) and Dr. Selvasundari ( Prof. of Ophthalmology) were honoured by bestowing upon them the prestigious “Lifetime Achievement awards”.

The debate on “women empowerment ..a myth or fact” evinced keen interest among the discerning audience. Pondicherry made a succinct presentation that focussed on women’s rights and empowerment. She told the gathering that women should necessarily be conscious of the values and rights. Dr. R. Jaganmohan, Head Dept of Medical Informatics and IT, Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth spoke on women and cyberspace. Cyberspace, despite its own virtues in knowledge dissemination is also implicated in the abetment of crimes against women. Dr. Jaganmohan advised authentication, safety rules and judicial thinking while entering into the cyberspace. Help boxes were installed at vantage points in the University and the esteemed Vice-Chancellor of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth, Prof. K.R.Sethuraman dedicated the initiative. Prof. Sethuraman also gave a brief but well received talk wherein he drew the attention of the audience to the holistic approach to Women empowerment. Two distinguished lady faculty members of Sri Balaji

The impressive function came to an end with a vote of thanks rendered by Mrs. Rajeswari, Associate Professor of Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College. The women’s day celebration at Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth was thus marked by grandeur, though the whole programme was conducted in a meaningful and austere SBVU u CIDRF u MGMCRI u SSSMCRI u IGIDS u KGNC Volume 8 Issue 1 Jan - Mar 2014


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manner befitting the ethos of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth. Mention must be made of the excellent arrangements that were personally supervised by Prof. V.N. Mahalakshmi, COE, SBV and Mrs. Asha Suresh Babu, PS to Chairman. The entire meet has carved a niche for itself and hopefully would usher in fresh and newer hopes for women safety and women empowerment.

New equipments and Instruments

Department Of Ophthalmology

A new operating microscope Takagi OM -8 was installed in the Ophthalmology operating theatre and the Ophthal OPD was equipped with 2 new Indirect Ophthalmoscopes & 2 new slit lamps.

Staff Nurses of mgmc&ri To acquire knowledge, one must study; but to acquire wisdom, one must observe. - Marilyn Vos Savant “Safe Injection Practices”- top priority: On 03.01.2014, Audit on “Safe Injection Practices”- based on recommended injection practices for patient safety (CDC) was presented in the medical audit meeting by Mrs. J. Deepa, Nurse Educator. In collaboration with University of Wisconsin, Oshkosh, USA, Global Health City, conducted 3rd International Nursing Conference, on 04.01.2014. Theme: “Cost Containment: Significant Role of a Nurse” at Chennai. In view of this conference, four candidates namely J. Deepa (Nurse Educator), Mrs. Therasa (Asst. Nursing Superintendent), Mr. Kingsle Kishore Coumar (Dept Chief Nurse) and Ms. Suguna (Incharge Nurse) were deputed to attend the same.

“The Life of a mother is the life of a child”: On 08.01.2014, ‘Care of pregnant woman with Eclampsia’ a paper presentation was made by Mrs. J. Deepa, Nurse Educator, for the staff nurses. At the end of the session, nursing superintendent, Mrs. Amir Alikhan Asmath, issued certificate of participation to all the staff nurses (“Disinfection and Sterilization” and “Fast Hugs Bid Faith”). On 22.01.2014, in co-ordination with Bio-shields, Mr. Shbu Abraham, District Manager & Mr. Vijayakumar,

sales officer presented a topic on “Disinfection & Sterilization”. On 23.01.2014 and 24.01.2014, Vinayaka Missions College of Nursing, Puducherry, conducted a National Conference-2014 on “Inter Disciplinary Education for Collaborative Practice- Way to maximize the Quality of client care”. Seven staff nurses attended THE conference as delegates. On 20.01.2014 and 30.01.2014, JIPMER, conducted State level Conference on “Improving communication in Patient Care Encounters”, organized by the Dept of Nursing Services in association with college of nursing. In view of this, two staff nurses were deputed to attend the conference. JIPMER conducted GFATM training for three days SBVU u CIDRF u MGMCRI u SSSMCRI u IGIDS u KGNC Volume 8 Issue 1 Jan - Mar 2014

42 in a month, from December to February on HIV/AIDS at college of nursing, Puducherry. In view of this program three ANM’s were deputed namely Ms.Usha, Ms.Ambiga & Ms.Vasanthi to attend the training program. Good communication helps to build a therapeutic relationship: this was emphasized by Mrs. J. Deepa, Nurse Educator, during her paper presentation on 05.02.2014 regarding “Therapeutic communication” for the staff nurses. Dept of Emergency medicine organized a panel discussion on “Medical certification of cause of death” on 06.02.2014 between 2.30 p.m to 4 p.m. Mrs. J. Deepa (Nurse Educator), Mrs. Therasa (Asst. Nursing Superintendent) & Nursing Supervisors namely Mrs. Prasanna, Mrs. Sasiregai and Ms. Esther, attended the panel discussion. From 03.02.2014 to 07.02.2014, Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College conducted a In- service training on ATM (AIDS/Tuberculosis/ Malaria) for the staff nurses. In view of this training program, ten staff nurses were deputed from 8.30 a.m-12.30 p.m for 5 days. At the end of the training program post- test was conducted and certificate was issued for the candidates. It is bad enough that people are dying of AIDS, but no one should die of ignorance: this was emphasized on 12.02.2014, by Mrs. Arivukkarasi. S, Infection Control Nurse during her paper presentation titled, “HIV/AIDS: Indian Scenario on prevalence and control strategies”.

Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust

Anaemia is neither normal nor harmless and may have far- reaching effects: On 26.02.2014 Ms.Malarkodi Tagore (staff nurse) presented a paper on the topic on “Anaemia” for the staff nurses. Before the session,

Nursing Superintendent Mrs. Amir Alikhan Asmath, emphasized the need for ward maintenance, cleanliness and maintenance of register. Pooja for the renovated dialysis unit situated in the second floor of MGMC&RI was held on 21.03.2014. Dr. Narayanan.K (Prof and Head), Dept of Nephrology, Dr. Hemachandar, (Asst. Prof ), Mrs. Amir Alikhan Asmath, Nursing Superintendent, Dr. Dhanamalini, Mrs. J. Deepa, Nurse Educator and Mr. Kingsle Kishore Coumar, Dept Chief Nurse took part in the Pooja function.

The best oral care helps in the prevention of Hospital acquired Pneumonia: on 19/2/14, Dr. Sameer Jahagirdar. M, Assistant Professor and I.C.U incharge (Dept of Anesthesiology) presented a topic on “Road care to HAP and VAP-neglecting oral care” in co-ordination with Kimberly-Clark health care. At the end of the session, Mr. M. Ramesh Krishnan., Clinical Sales Associate, demonstrated the oral care of their product. At the end of the session post-test was conducted for the staff nurses. SBVU u CIDRF u MGMCRI u SSSMCRI u IGIDS u KGNC Volume 8 Issue 1 Jan - Mar 2014


Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust

Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute

Research and Scholarship Publications

Saurabh Ram Bihari Lal Shrivastava, Prateek Saurabh Shrivastava,Jegadeesh Ramasamy.Integrated management of childhood illness: Bringing treatment closer to home. Progress in Health Sciences. 2013;3(2):187-189. Saurabh Ram Bihari Lal Shrivastava, Prateek Saurabh Shrivastava, Jegadeesh Ramasamy. Public health measures to fight counterfeit medicine market. International Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2014;5(3):370-371. Saurabh Ram Bihari Lal Shrivastava, Prateek Saurabh Shrivastava, Jegadeesh Ramasamy.. Oral Cancer in developing countries: The time to act is upon us. Iranian Journal of Cancer Prevention. 2014;7(1):58-59. Saurabh Ram Bihari Lal Shrivastava, Prateek Saurabh Shrivastava, Jegadeesh Ramasamy. Childhood obesity: A determinant of adolescent and adult hypertension. International Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2014;5(3 Suppl):S71-72. Saurabh Ram Bihari Lal Shrivastava, Prateek Saurabh Shrivastava, Jegadeesh Ramasamy. Utility of syndromic approach in management of sexually transmitted infections: Public health perspective. Journal of Coastal Life Medicine. 2014;2(1):7-13. Saurabh Ram Bihari Lal Shrivastava, Prateek Saurabh Shrivastava, Jegadeesh Ramasamy. Vasectomy: An underused contraceptive technique. Progress in Health Sciences. 2013;3(2):190-192. Saurabh Ram Bihari Lal Shrivastava, Prateek Saurabh Shrivastava, Jegadeesh Ramasamy. Fostering directly observed treatment in tuberculosis: A program manager’s perspective. International Journal of Health Policy and Management. 2014;2(1):51-52. Saurabh Ram Bihari Lal Shrivastava, Prateek Saurabh Shrivastava, Jegadeesh Ramasamy. Unmet need for family planning in developing countries: Challenges and solutions. International Journal of Gynecological and Obstetrical Research. 2013;1(2):84-87. Saurabh Ram Bihari Lal Shrivastava, Prateek Saurabh Shrivastava, Jegadeesh Ramasamy.. Growth Chart: Passport to child health care in low-resource settings. Healthcare in Low-resource Settings. 2014;2(1):1785. Saurabh Ram Bihari Lal Shrivastava, Prateek Saurabh Shrivastava, Jegadeesh Ramasamy.. Problem based learning: Constructivism in medical education. Education for Health. 2013;26(3):197-198. Saurabh Ram Bihari Lal Shrivastava, Prateek Saurabh Shrivastava, Jegadeesh Ramasamy.. Exploring the role of drug resistant tuberculosis centre in the programmatic

management: An Indian perspective. MRIMS Journal of Health Sciences. 2013;1(2):64-65. Saurabh Ram Bihari Lal Shrivastava, Prateek Saurabh Shrivastava, Jegadeesh Ramasamy. Modifications in the Revised National Tuberculosis Control Program to achieve universal access to tuberculosis care. CHRISMED Journal of Health and Research. 2014;1(1):45-47. Saurabh Ram Bihari Lal Shrivastava, Prateek Saurabh Shrivastava, Jegadeesh Ramasamy. Global plan for the decade of action for road safety: Expectations from developing nations. Saudi Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences. 2014;2(1):57-58. Saurabh Ram Bihari Lal Shrivastava, Prateek Saurabh Shrivastava, Jegadeesh Ramasamy. Diet survey: A tool for comprehensive nutritional assessment. International Journal of Medical Research. 2013;1(4):31-32. Saurabh Ram Bihari Lal Shrivastava, Prateek Saurabh Shrivastava, Jegadeesh Ramasamy. Differently abled children striving to lead a normal life - What policy makers can do? Global Journal of Medical Research. 2014;14(1):7-9. Saurabh Ram Bihari Lal Shrivastava, Prateek Saurabh Shrivastava, Jegadeesh Ramasamy. Effective feedback: An indispensable tool for improvement in quality of medical education. Journal of Pedagogic development. 2014;4(1):12-20. Saurabh Ram Bihari Lal Shrivastava, Prateek Saurabh Shrivastava, Jegadeesh Ramasamy.. Offering a ray of hope for the mentally-ill and differently-abled individuals. Turkish Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care. 2014;8(1):1-2. Raja Danasekaran, Geetha Mani, Kalaivani Annadurai, Jegadeesh Ramasamy. MERS-CoV: An emerging public health threat. Bali Medical Journal. 2014;3(1):1-2. Raja Danasekaran, Geetha Mani, Kalaivani Annadurai. Mercury free healthcare by 2020: Time for action. Online Journal of Health and Allied Sciences. 2014;12(4):16. Geetha Mani. Prevalence of reproductive tract infections among rural married women in Tamil Nadu, India: A community based study. Journal of Pioneer Medical Sciences. 2014;4(1):18-24. Geetha Mani, Kalaivani Annadurai, Raja Danasekaran. Awareness regarding cervical cancer and preventive practices among rural married women of Kancheepuram district, Tamil Nadu. Journal of Comprehensive Health. 2014;2(1):42-48. Geetha Mani, Raja Danasekaran, Jegadeesh Ramasamy. Andragogy in clinical medicine: implications for medical educators. Medical Science. 2014;2(1):77-79. Kalaivani Annadurai, Raja Danasekaran, Geetha SBVU u CIDRF u MGMCRI u SSSMCRI u IGIDS u KGNC Volume 8 Issue 1 Jan - Mar 2014

44 Mani, JegadeeshRamasamy. Desmotology: A black hole in health care. Iranian Journal of Public Health. 2014;43(3):383-384. Kalaivani Annadurai, Geetha Mani, Raja Danasekaran. Tobacco usage among males in rural Tamil Nadu, India: A cross-sectional study. International Journal of Medical Students. 2014;2(1):15-18. Kalaivani Annadurai, Raja Danasekaran, Geetha Mani. Knowledge, attitude and practices on anti-tobacco measures imposed under the Cigarette and other tobacco products act among adult males in rural areas of Tamil Nadu. Healthcare in Low Resource Settings. 2014;2:1883. Manimaran D, Karthikeyan TM, Dost Mohamed Khan. Encysted Spermatic Cord Hydrocele in a 60-yearold, Mimicking Incarcerated Inguinal Hernia: A Case Report - Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2014 Feb, Vol-8(2):153-154. Manimaran D, Karthikeyan TM, Dost Mohamed Khan, Thulasiraman R. Follicular Variant of Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma: Cytological Indicators of Diagnostic Value. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2014 Mar, Vol-8(3): 46-48

Academic Activities

Presentations in Academic/Scientific Events

Ms. Hemapriya, MBBS student (ICMR STS-2014) presented a paper titled, “Eye as an index of the Mind - A meta analysis of ocular indicators of psychoactive substance abuse” at the International conference, IMALE-2014, GOA held on 26.02.2014 under the guidance of Dr.Shruti P Hegde. Asst Professor, Dept of Ophthalmology.Department of Pathology The Department of Pathology contributed 2 interesting cases for the cytology CME program held at MMC, Chennai on 29.03.2014. It was attended by postgraduate students along with Dr.Manimaran, Associate Professor as the resource person. Dr. Hemanathan, PG, presented the case titled, “Mucinous Carcinoma of Breast” and Dr. Ishwarya presented the cytology case titled, “Medullary Carcinoma of Breast”

Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust

Participations in Academic/Scientific Events

Dr.S.SwayamJothi, Prof & HOD, Department of Anatomy attended a CME on ‘An update on Type II Diabetes” by Dr.Sarma and CME ON ‘Treatment of Hypertension’ by Dr.Sarma at Kaveri hospital, Chennai on 19.01.14 and 18.02.14 respectively. Dr. SwayamJothi.S, Prof & HOD, Department of Anatomy attended CME on “Understanding topical steroids and oral anti histamines usage for general practitioners” by Dr.JayakarT homas, Dr. Dinesh Kumar, Dr. Parimalam Kumar at Savera Hotel, Chennai and “Basics of ECG” at Kaveri Hospital by Dr.Sarma on 16.03.14. She also attended a CME on “DVT” by Dr.Sarma at Savera Hotel, Chennai on 22.03.14. Mr.Hemanth Kommuru, Tutor in Anatomy attended the workshop on Fundamentals of Biostatistics, Principles of Epidemiology and SPSS at CMC Vellore from 17.03.14 to 21.03.14. Dr.SwayamJothi, Prof & HOD, Department of Anatomy attended CME on Diagnosis and management of Lymph adenopathy by Dr. Lakshmi Narayanan, Role of Pathologist in evaluation of Lymph adenopathy by Dr. M.P. Kanchana and Understanding Target Treatment by Dr. Joseph Francis Dominic organized by IMA at Hotel Benz Park on 30.03.14.She also attended a CME on Carcinoma of Breast by Dr. C.M.K.Reddy at Halsted surgical clinic, Chennai conducted by TAMPA on 30.03.14 Dr. K. Mani, Asst. Prof of Anatomy attended a three day work shop on Data Management and Biostatistics for Health care Professionals from 04.03.14 to 06.03.14 at St. John’s Medical College, Bangalore. Prof.S.N.Mothilal, Professor and HOD, & Dr.T.Sundararajan, Assistant Professor, Department of Orthopaedic attended, Annual Conference of Indian Orthopaedic Association, held in December 2013 at Agra. Dr.T.Sundararajan, Assistant Professor, Department of Orthopaedic attended the Annual Conference of Paediatric Orthopaedic Society of India, held in January SBVU u CIDRF u MGMCRI u SSSMCRI u IGIDS u KGNC Volume 8 Issue 1 Jan - Mar 2014

45 2014 at Chennai. Prof S.N.Mothilal, Professor and HOD of Orthopaedic , Dr.A.Jamal Mohammed, Associate Professor of Orthopaedic, Dr.T.Sundararajan, Assistant Professor of Orthopaedic, Dr.J.JayaPrasad, Assistant Professor of Orthopaedic, Dr.F.Abdul Khader, Assistant Professor of Orthopaedic, Dr.V.Sarthy, Senior Resident, Department of Orthopaedic attended Tamil Nadu Orthopaedic society Annual Conference held in February 2014, at Chennai. Dr.V.Sarthy, Senior Resident, Department of Orthopaedic attended AO Trauma Course on “Basic Principles of fracture management”, held in February 2014, at Coimbatore. Dr.V.Sarthy, Senior Resident, Department of Orthopaedic attended “Instructional Course on Restorative and Reconstructive Surgery, with Ilizarov Fixator” held in February, at MMC Chennai. Dr.Rama Rao Mannam, Professor, Department of Psychiatry attended the annual conference of Indian Psychiatric society, held in January at Pune.

Medical Education Unit

The Fourth Basic Workshop in Medical Education Technology was conducted in Sri Sathya Sai Medical College from25.02.2014 to 27.02.2014.The programme was conducted for three days in SSSMC& RI for 20 faculties, in the presence of the Observer from the Regional center, CMC Vellore, as per MCI norms. It had a combination of 4 Professors, 5 Associate Professors and 11 Assistant professors. They were selected from the different disciplines of the Medical College departments. On all the three days the programme was observed by Dr. Shanthidani Minz, Professor, Community Medicine of Christian Medical College Vellore, as the observer from the regional centre.The Resource persons were Dr. T.R. Gopalan- convener, Dr.Karthika JayakumarCo ordinator, Dr. Swayam Jothi, Dr. Pravir Bhodka, Dr.Venkatadiri, Dr.Pradeep Shukla, Dr.Narasimha Rao, Dr. Thenral & Dr.Manimaran.

Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust

Outreach Programmes

WORLD TUBERCULOSIS DAY – 24.03.2014 Theme : Reach the three million: A TB test, treatment and cure for all

The Department of Community Medicine and Pulmonary Medicine in collaboration have observed World TB Day in order to spread awareness about Tuberculosis among the undergraduate medical students and faculties of the medical college. The sensitization session was attended by Dr. T. R. Gopalan, Dean; Head of Departments from Pulmonary Medicine (Dr. Sundaramoorthy), Microbiology (Dr. Karthika), Physiology (Dr. Rao), Anatomy (Dr. Swayam jyothi), Biochemistry (Dr. Balaji), Pharmacology (Dr. Venkatadri) and faculties from different clinical, para-clinical and pre-clinical departments. The target audiences were the undergraduate students from sixth and seventh semester students. The program comprised of a poster competition for the nursing staffs and a skit competition for the students of 6th and 7th semester. Seven areas of interests have been identified by the faculties of Community Medicine (Diagnosis of TB, Clinical features, DOTS, Prevention of TB, TB-HIV & DM, MDR / XDR / XXDR TB, and World TB Day Theme-2014), and students / nursing staff were guided accordingly. The skit was well received by the audience and was certainly a thought provoking session for the audience. A panel of judges was constituted to assess both posters and debate separately and winners for each event were suitably rewarded at the end. In addition, the faculties of Department of Community Medicine have selected best performer of the day – Gowtham N and Anusha R from the sixth semester. The awards were sponsored by Dr. Sundaramoorthy. Rural Health Training Centre – Sembakkam : World TB Day was observed in the RHTC, Sembakkam on 28.03.2014 to create awareness about tuberculosis among the residents of the village. Dr. Saurabh Shrivastava, SBVU u CIDRF u MGMCRI u SSSMCRI u IGIDS u KGNC Volume 8 Issue 1 Jan - Mar 2014


Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust

Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine and Dr. Hariharsudan, Medical Officer was present for the celebration. A health talk was given by the CRRIs using posters and a small clip was shown to the beneficiaries to enhance their knowledge about symptoms and treatment of TB.


On the eve of National Oral Health Day, Dr.Kalaivani, Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine along with CRRIs conducted an awareness campaign at Mullipakkam camp for Government primary school children, Mullipakkam. They imparted health education regarding oral health and the importance of practicing good oral hygiene.

World Cancer Day

(07.02.14 – Sembakkam RHTC & 10.02.14 – Thiruporur UHTC) Department of Community Medicine observed World Cancer Day, based on the theme “Debunking the myths” in RHTC, Sembakkam and UHTC, Thiruporur. Dr. Raja, Dr. Geetha and Dr. Kalaivani, Assistant Professors of Community Medicine Department with CRRIs, imparted health education to patients on various types of cancers through posters, videos and health talks followed by discussion on various issues related to cancer.

SBVU u CIDRF u MGMCRI u SSSMCRI u IGIDS u KGNC Volume 8 Issue 1 Jan - Mar 2014

47 25th Week Celebration of Medical Service at Guduvanchery Camp

To acknowledge the continuous medical services being done by our college for the past 25 weeks in Guduvancherry, Lions Club of Nandivaram Guduvanchery had arranged for a function on 4th March 2014. The function was attended by Dr. Ponnu Rajeswari (RMO), Dr. Mohanambal, Professor of OBGY, Prof. Balasubramaniam, Gen Medicine & Dr. Raja, AsProfessor, Community Medicine. On that day, a special camp was

Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust

conducted and 110 patients were benefitted.

Blood Donation Camp

The blood bank of Shri Sathya Sai Medical College & Research Institute conducted a blood donation camp on 08.02.2014 at Tiruporur High School , on behalf of Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu’, Dr. J.Jayalalitha’s Birthday. They collected around 40 blood bags. 20 medical students from the college also voluntarily donated blood for the same at Chennai.

The Dawn of New Chapters New Appointments

Name Designation Department Date of Joining Dr.Sudha Rani Michael Asst Prof Biochemistry 02.01.2014 Dr.Vinod Asst Prof Anesthesia 03.01.2014 Dr.Gopi Asst Prof Physiology 10.01.2014 Dr.Ravi Chandran Asst Prof Gen Surgery 11.01.2014 Dr.Muniyappan Professor Gen Surgery 17.01.2014 Dr.Deepa Assoc. Prof Gen Surgery 28.01.2014 Dr.Guru Bharath Assoc. Prof Radiology 13.02.2014 Dr.Sashi Walling Asst Prof Gen Surgery 28.02.2014


Mr Rajeswara Rao .N Tutor has been promoted as Assistant Professor of Anatomy on 27.01.2014

We congratulate all the faculty members on their appointments and promotion.

SBVU u CIDRF u MGMCRI u SSSMCRI u IGIDS u KGNC Volume 8 Issue 1 Jan - Mar 2014


Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust

Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences

Faculty Highlights Research And Scholarship

Hanumanth S, U S Krishna Nayak. Treatment of Class II in adolescent by Forsus FRD. Annals of Dental Specialty 2014; 2(1): 17-20 Candamourty R, Narayanan V, Baig M F, Muthusekar M R, Jain MK, Babu RM. Treatment modalities in zygomatic complex fractures: A prospective short clinical study. Dent Med Res 2013;1:13-22. Anitha K, Kumar S, Babu MR, Candamourty R, Thirumurugan. Immediate implants in anterior maxillary alveolus. J Nat SciBiol Med 2014;5:82-9. Santha Devy. Cytomorphometric analysis of exfoliated cells in Oral Lichen Planus. Cytojournal 2014;11:3.

Academic Initiatives Awards

Dr. Ramesh. C, Prof & Head, Dept of OMFS, has been awarded as Profile of the month in recognition of contribution to dental profession and community by IDA. Dr.Manikandan R Reader, Department of Cons &Endo Awarded Doctor Of Philosophy (Ph.D) by Rajiv Gandhi University of health sciences, Karnataka, in Conservative Dentistry Under Dental Faculty in

the examination held during march 2014, The title of his thesis, “A Comparative Evaluation of Irrigation Regimens on Enterococcus Faecalis Within Root Canals –An In Vitro Study “under the guidance of Prof. Mithra. N. Hegde, Senior Professor and Head of the Department, Department of Conservative Dentistry And Endodontics, A.B Shetty Memorial Institute of Dental Science, Mangalore.

Guest Lectures

Dr.Carounanidy Usha, Principal, IGIDS, Dept. of Cons & Endo delivered Guest lecture on “Case

Discussion”, in “Finish Line 2014” at Sri Ramachandra Dental College and Hospital, Chennai, on 29.01.14 Dr.Sathyanarayanan, Prof & Head, Dept. of Cons & Endo delivered Guest lecture on “Inlay”, in “Finish Line 2014” at Sri Ramachandra Dental College and Hospital, Chennai, on 29.01.14. Dr Nandakumar A, Prof and Head, Dept of Orthodontics gave a guest lecture titled “Practice Management” at IOS meet, Chennai on 16.02.14.

Participation in Conferences/CDE

Dr. Ramesh. C, Prof & Head, Dept of OMFS, Dr. Shivasakthy M, reader, Dept of Prosthodontics, Dr. Sanguida. A, Dr. Suganya.M & Dr. Premalatha. S, Senior Lecturers, Dept. of Pediatric & Preventive Dentistry attended the CDE programme titled “CID in Research “conducted by the Dept. of Public Health Dentistry, IGIDS in association with IAPHE, TN Chapter & SAF – IGIDS on 4.01.14 at Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences. Dr. Ramesh. C, Prof & Head, Dr. Neil dominic. M and Dr. Balaji T.S, Senior lecturers, Dept of OMFS, Participated in Vinsurge’14 held at Yercaud, Salem conducted by Vinayaka Mission’s Dental College between 04.01.14 and 05.01.14 Dr. Shivasakthy M, Reader, Dept of Prosthodontics, participated in the The First National Level Prosthodontic Forum For Undergraduates, PROFORM 2014 at Shree balaji dental college & hospital, Pallikaranai, Chennai on 12.02.14 Dr. Viswanath Rangdhol Prof. & Head Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology , was one of the Panellist in the Panel Discussion for the cases operated under Tumor oard in the Oral Surgon’s day program held on 13.02.2014 conducted by the Department of Oral and Maxillo Facial Surgery Dr. Viswanath Rangdhol Prof. & Head, Dr. Jeelani Reader and Dr. Sitra Reader from the Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology attended workshop on OSCE,Objectivising and Restructuring practical / clinical / oral examination, jointly organised by the office of the COE+IQAC+MEU held on 13.02.2014 at MGMC&RI Dr. Ramesh. V, Senior lecturer, Dept. of Pediatric & Preventive Dentistry attended the CDE programme on “Rotary endodontics – Pain Free Endodontics” conducted by IDA Tanjore Branch in February 2014 at Kumbakonam. Dr Nandakumar A, Prof and Head, Dept of Orthodontics attended the 18th IOS PG Convention at Subharti Dental College, Meerut between 27.02.14 and SBVU u CIDRF u MGMCRI u SSSMCRI u IGIDS u KGNC Volume 8 Issue 1 Jan - Mar 2014

49 03.03.14. Dr.Srinivasan, Prof, Dept of Prosthodontics attended Peer viewers and Research methodology workshop conducted by Indian Prosthodontic Society on 01.03.14 and 02.03.14 Dr. Ramesh. C, Prof & Head and Dr. Balaji T.S, Senior lecturer, Dept of OMFS, participated in the CME program on surgicaltechniques in the management of oral cancer at Cancer institute (W.I.A), Chennai on 09.03.14. Dr. Sanguida. A , Senior lecturer, Dept. of Pediatric & Preventive Dentistry attended the CDE programme on “Sterilization & Infection Control in Dental Clinics”, “Composites – Essentials” & Legal issues in Dentistry “conducted by the IDA, Puducherry Branch on 09.03.14 Dr. Neil Dominic. M, Senior lecturer, Dept. of OMFS, participated in 7th International Conference DSWAI held at Goa between 28.03.14 and 29.03.14.

Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust

and Maxillofacial Surgery on Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon’s day on 13.02.14. Dr M. Senthil, Reader, has been elected as the Executive Committee member of the Indian Association of Public Health Dentistry. Dr. Sanguida, senior lecturer, Dept of Pedodontics, has been elected as the Convener of CDE programs of Indian Dental Association, Puducherry branch Dr. Shivasakthy M, Reader, Dept of Prosthodontics and her team won the debate on Women empowerment on Womens day celebration of SBV on 08.03.14.


Dr. G. Sitra, Reader, Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology, participated as resource person in a live

Activities Of Scientific & Academic Forum 04.01.14 - CID in Research

TV show broadcast by the Right Channel, Puducherry on 22.01.2014 and gave solutions to the dental problems of the patients over the telephone, she also stressed on the importance of maintenance of good oral hygiene for maintaining systemic health. Dr. Ramesh. C, Prof & Head, Dept of OMFS, participated as a resource person in an hour live TV show in Right Channel on Creating Awareness of Oral

The Department of Public Health Dentistry in association with Indian Association of Public Health Dentistry, TN Chapter and Scientific & Academic Forum, IGIDS has organized a one day CDE program titled, “CID in Research” on 04.01.14. In this program, four eminent speakers Dr. Sathyanarayanan - Critical Appraisal of Journal; Dr. Sunayna Manipal - Role of Bio-

statics in scientific literature; Dr. Srisakthi - Importance of sample size in research & Dr. Ganesh - Systematic review & Meta analysis had shared their knowledge on the respective topics with 111 registered delicates from 18 dental colleges of Tamilnadu & Pondicherry, the delicates were Post Graduates, Under Graduates SBVU u CIDRF u MGMCRI u SSSMCRI u IGIDS u KGNC Volume 8 Issue 1 Jan - Mar 2014


Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust

who attended the series of lectures on ‘Training in pedagogy for dental health professional trainers’.

30.01.14 - Lecture on Hypnotherapy

The Scientific and Academic Forum organized a guest lecture on hypnotherapy titled “Empowering Yourself-

and Staffs. The CDE program was inaugurated by the Chief Guest, Honourable Vice Chancellor, Dr. K.R.Sethuraman of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth University. The inauguration was presided over by Dr. Carounanidy Usha, Principal, IGIDS; Dr. M.B.Ashwath Narayanan, Hon. Gen. Secretary, IAPHD Head office & Dr. Joseph John, President, IAPHD, TN chapter. At the end of the program, there was an Annual General Body Meeting of IAPHD, TN chapter, in that new office bearers for the year 2014 were selected and taken charge of the office. The entire proceedings of the CDE program along with the feedbacks given by the participants were documented as PPT / Video.

17.01.14 - Faculty development program

The 15th faculty development program of the

Health Professional Faculty Development Unit of SBV was conducted on 17.01.14. Broken Square, a team game was conducted by Prof. N.Ananthakrishnan. Prof. K.R.Sethuraman lectured on ‘Types & process of curriculum development’ & Prof. K.A.Narayan lectured on ‘Review of BDS Curriculum’.

25.01.14 – Post test of the Faculty development program

A post test was conducted on 25.01.14 for the faculty

Hypnotherapy Awareness Talk” on 30.01.14. The guest speakers were Miss.Chithra Muthukrishnan & Miss. Sandhya Teresa Joseph from Hypnotherapy School of India. All clinical students, Interns, Post graduates and faculty actively participated in the program.

01.02.2014 – New SAF team

The new team of office bearers for the year 2014-15 took charge. The office bearers include, Chief advisorDr CarounanidyUsha; Immediate past presidentDr Ramesh.C; Vice Presidents- Dr Senthil.M; Dr Manoharan.P; Dr Sanguida. Secretary- Dr.Vandana.S. Joint-SecretaryDr Varsha.M; Treasurer-Dr

Vidyalakshmi N; Joint treasurer- Dr John Baliah; Executive members- Dr Vezhavendan.N, Dr Suresh.V, Dr Anitha K, Dr Premalatha, Dr Mohammed Ali, Dr Yuvaraj, Dr Shivashankari T, Dr Ramu A, Dr DilipKumar.S

05.02.14 - Felicitation & certification program of the Faculty development program SBVU u CIDRF u MGMCRI u SSSMCRI u IGIDS u KGNC Volume 8 Issue 1 Jan - Mar 2014


The SBV Academy for Health Professions Education & Academic Development (SBV AHEAD) successfully conducted the “Training of Trainer” (TOT) program on “Educational Science & Technology for Dental Health Professionals” for the faculty of IGIDS from May 2013 to January 2014. The eight month session ended with a felicitation and certification program conducted on 5th February 2014. Prof. Carounanidy Usha, Principal, IGIDS thanked the resource faculty, Prof. K.R.Sethuraman, Vice Chancellor, SBV, Prof. N.Ananthakrishnan, Dean PG studies & Research, Prof. K.A.Narayan, Principal, MGMCRI, Prof. Mahalakshmi, Controller of Examinations & Prof. Seethesh Gosh, Medical Education Unit & presented them with mementos. Prof.K.R.Sethuraman urged the faculty to continue to make efforts to improve their knowledge in teaching and this was followed by a review on the post test marks and program feedback analysis. Certificates of participation were distributed to the faculty by the resource persons. Ten staffs were interested in joining as core committee members of the Dental Education Unit. The core committee members of the Dental Education Unit are Prof. Carounanidy Usha, Prof. Saravanakumar. R, Prof. Manoharan. P.S, Prof. Srinivasan. J, Dr. Senthil.M, Dr. Pratheba, Dr. Shivasakthy, Dr. Bindu Meera John, Dr.Sanguida and Dr. Jananni.

13.02.2014 - Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon’s Day.

The department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery in

Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust

association with the Scientific and Academic Forum of IGIDS celebrated the 2nd Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon’s day on 13th February, 2014. Four activities were planned for the day: Lecture on “Progression of oral and maxillofacial surgery”; Lecture on “Overview of oral and maxillofacial surgery”; Presentation of cases operated under tumour board followed by panel discussion of an interesting case operated under tumour board. Dr SenthilMurugan Oral and Maxillofacial surgeon specialized in microvascular

reconstruction , SRM dental college delivered a guest lecture on “Progression of oral and maxillofacial surgery” this was followed by a lecture on “Overview of oral and maxillofacial surgery” by Dr Balasubramaniam, Associate Professor, Surgical oncologist, MGMCRI. This was followed by an interesting case presentations operated by tumour board and panel discussion by five panelists namely Dr SenthilMurugan, Dr Balasubramaniam, Dr Ramesh, Prof & Head, Department of Oral Surgery, Dr Vishwanath, Prof & Head Department of Oral medicine and Radiology, Dr Vezhavendhan, Reader, Department of Oral pathology. The panel discussion was moderated by Dr Yuvraj, Reader, Department of Oral Surgery.

28.02.2014- National Science Day

The Scientific and Academic Forum of IGIDS celebrated National Science Day on 28th February 2014, commemorating discovery of the Raman Effect by the Noble Laureate Sir CV Raman. Forenoon: The forenoon session started with the SBVU u CIDRF u MGMCRI u SSSMCRI u IGIDS u KGNC Volume 8 Issue 1 Jan - Mar 2014


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quiz for the clinical students and treasure hunt for all the batches including staff was conducted in the dental college campus. The quiz masters were Dr Sivaramakrishnan and Dr Janani. Prizes were distributed for all the events.

4.3.14-Debate on Women’s Empowerment – Myth/Reality

Scientific and academic forum IGIDS conducted an internal debate as a part of selection for the final debate to be held on Womens Day. Dr Ambujam, Professor and Head, Dept of Dermatology, Indira Gandhi medical

following events: Skill based competition, table clinic ,debate competition ,quiz ,treasure hunt, picture quiz. Skill based competitions were conducted in seven departments. Table clinic for students and PG was held in the Preclinical Prosthodontics lab where students exhibited their innovative ideas were judged by Dr M. Senthil. Debate competition on the topic –“Examinations are an integral part of learning process” was held

college was invited to moderate the session along with Principal IGIDS Dr CarounanidyUsha. The team which spoke for “Women’s empowerment is a myth” was Dr Shivasakthy (team leader), Dr Rajeshwari, Dr.Ilankumaran, Dr Balaji, Dr Somu Ghoshal and Ms Vijaya Shanthi and the team which spoke for “Women’s empowerment is a reality” was Dr Saravanakumar (team leader) , Ms Sheba Thomas, Ms Rajeshwari, Ms Ramya, Mr Prasanna and Ms Beena. The team which spoke “Women’s empowerment is a myth” won the debate. Dr. Shivasakthy and Dr. Rajeshwari represented IGIDS for the final debate held on Women’s day at MGMC&RI.

08.03.14 – Womens day

in the MGMC&RI. The participants participated enthusiastically. Prizes were distributed for the skill based competition and debate. Afternoon: Picture quiz for the pre clinical students,

On the occasion of International Women’s Day on 8th March 2014, Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences conducted Rangoli competition for all faculty, students & non-teaching staff of IGIDS & a “Best

SBVU u CIDRF u MGMCRI u SSSMCRI u IGIDS u KGNC Volume 8 Issue 1 Jan - Mar 2014

53 room” competition for the students of ladies hostel. The rangoli competition was judged by Dr. Anitha. K, Reader, Dept. of Periodontology, IGIDS. The winners of rangoli competition were; Group A: 1ST prize- Mrs. Mythili & Mrs. Bharathi, non teaching staff ; 2nd prize – Miss. Jayanthi & Mrs. Hema, Staff Nurses; Group B: 1st prize – Dr. Megalaa & Dr. Nivedha, Post graduates, 2nd prize – Dr. Shyamala & Dr. Beena, Post graduates & Consolation prize- Miss. Anitha & Miss. Josephine, Under Graduates. The ‘Best room” competition was judged by Mrs. Amir Alikahn Asmath, Nursing Superintendent, MGMCRI. The winners were: 1st prize - Miss. Anija . R & Miss. Ann Sara George; 2nd prize – Miss. Rincy Philomine & Miss. Tintu Raj; 3rd prize – Miss. Shreya & Miss. Anusha.

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Smile Kraft, Bangalore discussed in detail the various job oppurtunities available for dental graduates in foreign countries and provided many useful links and website to those universities. Dr Carounanidy Usha, Principal, IGIDS gave a motivational talk to the interns and concluded the session.

21.3.14- First Clinical Society Meeting

The Scientific and Academic Forum of IGIDS conducted the first clinical society to discuss interesting cases and research studies. The session began with the collaring of the President of SAF, Dr. Saravanakumar by the secretary of SAF, Dr. Vandana. They were four presentations from the department of Oral Medicine

19.03.14 - Interns Orientation Day Program

The Scientific and Academic Forum of IGIDS conducted Interns orientation program for the new batch of interns. The program was held from 2-4pm at MGMC&RI lecture hall. It consisted of three guest

lectures. First, Guest lecture by Mrs Vidya from Azimuth medical transcription company, spoke on the scope of medical transcription and job oppurtunities to dental graduates in medical transcription after completing their degree. Followed by Dr Pavan Baldava MDS Director, Smile Kraft, Hyderabad discussed the various avenues available for dental graduates and their scope. He also stressed on many ways for entrance preparation to join post graduate courses. Lastly, Dr Siddharth, Director,

and Radiology: Aggressive odontogenic tumour - A case report and review by Dr Lakshman, 1st year PG; Mid facial paresthesia – A diagnostic dilemma by Dr Shwetha, 2nd year PG; A case control study to detect the extent of DNA damage in erosive, erythematous oral lichen planus and lichenoid reaction using COMET assay by Dr Madhulika, 2nd year PG; Prevalence of temporomandibular disorders among the B.D.S students of IGIDS – A cross sectional study by Dr Kayalvizhi, 2nd year PG. Questions from audience were answered by the presenters and moderated by the chairperson. The session was chaired by Dr. Saravanakumar.

22.03.14 – SCOPE’ 14

Student clinician Orientation Program’14 was held on 22.03.14 for third year students of 2011 -12 supplementary batch. The CRRI batch and third year students were part of the audience. The program

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started with a prayer song and followed by the welcome speech by Student Council President, Agathian.R. The Introduction speech was given by Dr.P.S.Manoharan, the Student Advisor. Badging ceremony was initiated by Dr.Carounanidy Usha, Principal, IGIDS for the class representative on the Dias consequently all the remaining 27 students were badged simultaneously by CRRI students. The Hippocratic Oath was taken by the students after Dr.Ramesh, Vice Principal (Admin). The gathering was addressed by Dr. Carounanidy Usha, Principal on “How White the Coat Should be” and Dr.Saravana Kumar, Vice Principal (Acad) on “Scope”.

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129; No. of Male patients: 83; No. of female patients: 46. One another activity, “I respect my oral health” conducted where General public and traders had participated. They had answered a set of question relating their respect & attitude towards oral health and oral clinical examination has been done to match their claim. The best respecting individual were identified and rewarded with certificate

Leadership Transitions Appointments

Dr. R. Ashwanth Chandran, Tutor, Department of OMFS – 07.03.14. Dr. Narayane, Tutor, Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology – 12.03.14 Dr. Ishwarya, Tutor, Dept of Orthodontics – 13.03.14 Dr.Keerthana.c, Tutor, Dept of oral pathology– 14.03.14 The Chronicle team accords a warm welcome to the newly joined faculty.


Dr. Suresh. V has been promoted as Professor, Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery with effect from 01.01.2014. The Chronicle team congratulates the faculty on his promotion.

Outreach Programs

and a gift. Number of traders participated – 172; Number of Prize Winners- 50. The third activity of the event was “Best tooth brushing demonstrator”. General public and traders participate in this activity. They demonstrated the brushing method they are currently applying followed by another round of demonstration after tooth brushing demo is give using model. Best demonstrator was identified and rewarded with the certificate & gift. Total number of participants – 32; Total Number of prize winners -29 Program II: Oral Health awareness quiz competition was conducted at 2.30 pm at Subramaniya Padai Achi Government High School, Koravelimedu, Puducherry.

06.03.14 World Dentist Day

The Dept of Public Health Dentistry in association with IDA, Puducherry commemorated World dentist day on 06.03.14. The programs conducted include Program I: Oral health awareness Road show at Kirumampakkam bus stand, Puducherry between 9.30 am to 3.30 pm on 06.03.14. In this activity all the general public was given free dental consultation and referred to the dental hospital for treatments. Total No. of General public; Screened: SBVU u CIDRF u MGMCRI u SSSMCRI u IGIDS u KGNC Volume 8 Issue 1 Jan - Mar 2014

55 In this quiz competition 9th and 11th Std Students participated and they answered a 15 itemed MCQ questions on Oral Health & Hygiene Awareness. Total No. of students – 145

Student And Alumni Activities – Curricular 14.03.14 SEA

Skill Enhancement for Alumni (SEA), a hand on training program in “Rotary Endodontics” was conducted between 14.03.14 &15.03.14 and 29.03.14 for the ALUMNI’S of IGIDS. The first two days of the program

consisted of lectures and hand on training in fully simulated typhodont. After two weeks of self directed and guided learning, the participants carried out the treatment under guidance on patients in the Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics, the Training faculties were Dr.Sathyanarayanan, Prof & Head and Dr.Carounanidy Usha, Principal, IGIDS, The program arrangement were made by the faculty of Conservative dentistry and Endodontics.

PG NEWS Awards

Dr. V.L. Lakshman, I year postgraduate student Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology won the Best Paper award for the paper titled – Ameloblastic Fibrosarcoma – A Review and Case Report in 12th national Triple O Symposium, Udaipur between

Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust

09.03.2014 to 11.03.14. Dr. E. Lakshmi Priya, I year postgraduate student Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology won the Best Paper award for the paper titled – Uncovering Hidden Malignancy Paraneoplastic Syndrome – A Review in 12th national Triple O Symposium, Udaipur between 09.03.14 to 11.03.14.

Presentation/ participation in Conferences

Dr.Soumo Ghoshal, Dr.Balaji and Dr.Ilangkumaran, Postgraduate students, Dept of Prosthodontics, Dr. Eldho Babu , Dr. Jerin Kurian , Dr. D. Nivedha , 1st year Post Graduates, Dept. of Pediatric & Preventive Dentistry attended the CDE programme titled “CID in Research “conducted by the Dept. of Public Health Dentistry, IGIDS in association with IAPHE, TN Chapter & SAF – IGIDS on 04.01.14 at Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences. Dr. Megalaa N., Dr. Vivek K, Dr. CH.R. Arun Kanth, 2nd Year Post Graduates & Dr. Eldho Babu , Dr. Jerin Kurian , Dr. D. Nivedha 1st year Post Graduates, Dept. of Pediatric & Preventive Dentistry attended the 11th PEDO PG convention conducted by the Indian Society of Pedodontics & Preventive Dentistry from 9.2.14 to 11.2.14 at Chandigarh & presented the following posters. Always Unique, Totally Interesting, Sometimes Mysterious- Dr. CH.R. Arun Kanth; Have you ever thought???- Dr. Vivek K; Mint leaves v/s mutans countDr. Megalaa N;Flourishing of Flouride- Dr. Eldho Babu; ICON- Dr. Jerin Kurian; Xylitol Wipes – An Adjunct To Caries Control In Infants And Toddlers- Dr. D. Nivedha. Dr.Aparna K.Sanath and Dr.Saravana Kumar II yr Post graduates, Dept of oral pathology has attended peripheral postings at Kidwai Memorial Hospital, Bangalore from 01.02.14 to 28.02.14. Dr Rajab Ali, II yr Postgraduate, Dept of Orthodontics presented a table clinic titled “The Bout”, at 18th IOS PG Convention at Subharti Dental College, Meerut between 27.02.14 and 03.03.14 Dr Pratik S Dagha, II yr Postgraduate, Dept of Orthodontics presented a table clinic titled “Movement vs. Moment”, at 18th IOS PG Convention at Subharti Dental College, Meerut between 27.02.14 and 03.03.14 Dr Rojesh V S,II yr Postgraduate, Dept of Orthodontics presented a poster titled “Unity in Diversity( A bite force USG study)” and received the 3rd best poster award at 18th IOS PG Convention at Subharti Dental College, Meerut between 27.02.14 and 03.03.14 Dr Dhivya Kanya S , I yr Postgraduate, Dept of Orthodontics presented a poster titled “Line of complication”, at 18th IOS PG Convention at Subharti Dental College, Meerut between 27.02.14 and 03.03.14 SBVU u CIDRF u MGMCRI u SSSMCRI u IGIDS u KGNC Volume 8 Issue 1 Jan - Mar 2014

56 Dr Naga Keerthi , I yr Postgraduate, Dept of Orthodontics presented a poster titled “Tongue twister”, at 18th IOS PG Convention at Subharti Dental College, Meerut between 27.02.14 and 03.03.14 Dr Jauhar P M, I yr Postgraduate, Dept of Orthodontics presented a table clinic titled “Orthodontic Kaleidoscope (light transmittance study)” and received the 2nd best table clinic award at 18th IOS PG Convention at Subharti Dental College, Meerut between 27.02.14 and 03.03.14 Dr Rajab Ali, Dr Pratik S Dagha, Dr Rojesh V S, Dr Dhivya Kanya S, Dr Jauhar P M, Dr Naga Keerthi V, Post Graduates, Dept of Orthodontics attended 18th IOS PG Convention at Subharti Dental College, Meerut between 27.02.14 and 03.03.14 Dr E.Gayathri Priyadharshini, II yr Postgraduate, Dept of Periodontics presented a paper titled Periodontal screening and recording (PSR) versus Traditional Clinical Examination in the evaluation of Periodontal status, at 13th ISP PG Convention at AB Shetty dental college, Mangalore between 1.03.14 and 3.03.14. Dr. A Raghu Raaman , II yr Postgraduate, Dept of Periodontics presented a paper titled Gingival pigmentation classification using image J analysis at 13th ISP PG Convention at AB Shetty dental college, Mangalore between 1.03.14 and 3.03.14. Dr. V. Aravindh raaj,II yr Postgraduate, Dept of Periodontics presented a paper titled An insight into Knowledge awareness and attitude of oral health among Diabetic Patients ¬An Questionnaire study at 13th ISP PG Convention at AB Shetty dental college, Mangalore between 1.03.14 and 3.03.14. Dr. P. Shiva Santhosh, I year postgraduate student Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology presented the paper titled – Diabetes mellitus, Oral Submucous Fibrosis, Serum Copper and Zinc – An Insight in 12th national Triple O Symposium, Udaipur between 09.03.14 to 11.03.14. Dr.Viswanathan, Postgraduate student, Dept of Prosthodontics presented a paper on “Fabrication of ceramic prosthesis using CAD CAM technologies in dentistry” at CONCERT ‘14 held at Anna University,Chennai on 12.03.14 Dr. V.L. Lakshman, Dr. E. B. Kayalvizhi, Dr.Madhulika and Dr. Swetha Paulose postgraduates, Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology presented paper in the first Clinical Society meeting conducted by SAF, IGIDS held on 21.03.14 Dr. V.L. Lakshman I year postgraduate student Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology presented a paper titled – Aggressive Odontogenic Odontogenic Tumor – A Review and Case Report in the first Clinical Society meeting conducted by SAF, IGIDS held on

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21.03.14 Dr. E. B. Kayalvizhi II year postgraduate student Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology presented the paper titled – Prevalence of Temporomandibular Disorder among BDS students of IGIDS Puducherry – A cross sectional study in the first Clinical Society meeting conducted by SAF, IGIDS held on 21.03.14 Dr. Madhulika, II year postgraduate student Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology presented the paper titled – A Case Control study to detect the extent of DNA damage in Erosive erythmatous Oral Lichen Planus & Oral Lichenoid Reaction using COMET Assay in the first Clinical Society meeting conducted by SAF, IGIDS held on 21.03.14 Dr. Swetha Paulose, II year postgraduate student Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology presented the paper titled – Mid Facial Parasthesia – A Diagnostic Dilemma in the first Clinical Society meeting conducted by SAF, IGIDS held on 21.03.14

UG News

Veena Vijaya Mohan, CRRI won 2nd place in Essay Competition (Title - Treatment of orthodontic problems in pre-adolescent children’) organised by Dept of Orthodontics, Adi Parasakthi Dental college, Melmarvathur on 28.01.14 K.G.Sriraam of final BDS participated in 18 th DENTSPLY-Ida Student Clinician Research Program Held At Hyderabad On 20.02.14 - table clinic competition with his innovative and indigeous equipment “Infra Red Activated Automatic Dispensing of Dental Materials” guided by Dr.Sathyanarayanan.R

7th International Dental Students and 1st Dental Surgeons Congress

Twenty students (III BDS- 17, IV BDS-1 and Interns- 2) attended & presented posters & papers in the 7th International Dental Students and 1st Dental Surgeons Congress, organized By Dental Students Welfare Association of India (DSWAI) and Dental SBVU u CIDRF u MGMCRI u SSSMCRI u IGIDS u KGNC Volume 8 Issue 1 Jan - Mar 2014


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Extra / Co-Curricular

Dr.Rajeswari.A, Post graduate, Dept of Cons &Endoparticipated in pre-liminary debate titled on Women Empowerment –A Myth or Reality on the account of women day’s celebration and was selected from IGIDS (4.3.2014) to participate in the grand finale in SBV (8.3.2014) Surgeons Association of India (DSAI) at Kala Academy, Panaji, Goa on 28th& 29th March, 2014. Paper presentations: Dental Implant Abutments-An Integrative Review - Anupama Mukundan, CRRI; Digital Prosthodontics - Sriraam, IV BDS; Simple tools to facilitate communication in dental esthetics - Aancy Abraham, III BDS; Anticariogenicity of trachyspermum ammi seedsan antimicrobial in-vitro study - Abhinaya, III BDS; Bye! Bye Gummy smile by Preethi, III BDS; Bone scaffolding ceramics -Nandhini, III BDS; Scar free frenectomy Rajeshwari, III BDS; Amelanotic melanoma- case report on a rare entity - Sheba Thomas, IIIBDS; Management of pathologies related to maxillary sinus- a report of 2 cases - Theertha, III BDS; Caries Management by Risk Assessment- a report of comprehensive management-

12.02.14 PROFORM 2014

The first national level prothodontic forum for undergraduates, PROFORM 2014 was held by, The Department of Prosthodontics at, Shree Balaji Dental College & Hospital, Pallikaranai, Chennai. The event was hosted for undergraduates as a platform for igniting their academic potential and to enhance their clinical acumen by conducting various programs like, essay competition; paper presentation; e-poster presentation; innovate and create competition, on 12.02.14. Rene selestina, III BDS

got the best paper award for the paper titled,“Engineering Removable partial dentures”. A team of I BDS Vidhya N, Srinithi and Vancy Merlin participated in Innovate & Create and Tamizhthendral, III BDS participated in Essay competition. Ailin, III BDS; Building contact in composite resin restoration- a technical report - Kevin Ruther, III BDS; Double papilla flap technique- case series - Jyothilakshmi, III BDS; Pink smiles- a case series on depigmentationAnkita , III BDS; Inadequate interocclusal space in implant- Gayathri, III BDS; ECR route in dentistry - Vijimol, III BDS; Dental implant impressions- a pragmatic view- Gopika , III BDS. Poster presentations: Orbital floor reconstruction- a case report – Darshith , CRRI; An insight into Pediatric dental emergencies Arya, III BDS; Staining capacity of nanohybrid resin based composite with hybrid composite to indian food habits- a comparative in-vitro study - Johncy, III BDS; Oral health express - Meenu, III BDS

College Day Report - IGnite ‘14 LOQUENTIA’14

IGnite’14 the culturals of Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences was proposed on 06.03.14 by Principal to the Student Council. As the part of the cultural event, the loquentia’14 literary events and the dextrix’14 Fine Arts was planned and the events are scheduled from 10.3.14

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to 18.3.14 for all the Students includes pg’s and staffs. The Loquentia’14 was conducted by Shilpa, the Editorial Secretary of Student Council and she was guided by Dr.V.Shanthi, the literary advisor. The List of Events are Word shake, Letter Challenge, Subseque, Sudoku, Greeting Card Designing, Poetry Writing, Pictionary, Tom Dick And Harry, Connection, Quiz.


The Dextrix ‘14 was conducted by Sindhu, the Fine Arts Secretary of Student Council and she was guided by Dr.David Livingstone, the Fine Arts advisor. The List of Events are Mehendi, Face Painting, Cookery, Pencil Sketching, Rangoli, Sudoku, Microart, Bridal Makeup, T-Shirt Designing, Nail Art.


The annual sports meet was held on 23.03.14 and 24.03.14. The finals of all the team events were conducted on the 23.03.14 March from 8.00 am onwards with the official prayer song at 9.00 am. All the batches were assembled in the ground for the inauguration with their

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respective batch flag for flag hoisting. The flag was hoisted by the principal Dr.Carounanidy Usha. Doves were set free as a symbol of peace and the meet was declared open by letting the balloons in the sky. The principal then ignited the torch and handed it over to the sports secretary and to the respective batch representatives; finally the podium was lit by the joint sports secretary. The oath taking ceremony was held to emphasize the spirit of sportsmanship. The events began with 100m dash for men’s which was started by the Principal. The following track and field events were conducted 100 mts,

200 mts, 400mts, 1500mts, 4x100mts, short put, Relay. The valedictory function happened in the evening 5.30 pm. Medals for the sports events are given to the students by Principal, Dr.Carounanidy Usha and Dr.Ramesh, Vice Principal.

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Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust

Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College

Faculty Highlights Academic Initiatives Scientific Presentation:

Dr. Kamalam S, Principal / Nursing Director KGNC and Head of Community Health Nursing Department was a resource person at the Regional Conference on Disaster Management organized by Paul’s College of Nursing on 27.03.2014. She gave a lecture on “Public Health in Emergencies”. Dr. Kamalam S, Principal / Nursing Director KGNC and Head of Community Health Nursing Department was a resource person at the State Level Conference organized by PIMS College of Nursing, Puducherry on 29-3-2014. She enlightened the group on“Formulation of Clinical Objectives” which received a huge applause from the beneficiaries.

Participation in scientific event.

Mrs.Barkavi, and Ms.Jhansi, Sr.Nursing Tutors, Department of Nursing Foundation, Mrs.Suganya, Asst. Lecturer, Dept.of Medical Surgical Nursing, Ms.Sonia,M Asst. Lecturer, Dept.of Community Health Nursing attended a national conference on “Inter Disciplinary Education for Collaborative Practice-Nursing Ways to Maximize the Quality of Client Care” organized by AVMC&H, College of Nursing, Puducherry, on 23.012014 & 24.01.2014. Mrs.Rajeswari. S, Asso. Prof, Dept of Child Health Nursing, Mrs.Sugunamary.D, Mrs.Elavarasi. R, Mrs. Aruna Devi. M, Lecturers, Dept of Community Health Nursing, Mrs.Rumasanthini. K, Lecturer Dept of Medical Surgical Nursing attended a state level conference on “Operational Research – The Way Forward” organized by RNTCP at MGMC &RI on 14.03.2014. Mrs.Barkavi. V, Sr.Nursing Tutor, Department of Nursing Foundation, Mrs.Janifer Xavier Albertina. J Asst. Lecturer, Dept.of Medical Surgical Nursing ,Mr. Nithiyanandam. T, Asst. Lecturer , Dept.of Mental Health Nursing attended a CNE( Workshop) on “Clinical Performance Appraisal” organized by College of Nursing PIMS, on 29.03.2014.

Scientific and Academic Forum

The Department of Child Health Nursing organized Scientific Academic and Forum on 31.1.14 focussing on National Health programs related to children. A quiz program was conducted in this regard and III &IV yr B. Sc (N) students enthusiastically participated and won

the prizes. Dr. Jayamohandoss, CMO, Industrial Medical Officer, NLC, Neyveli was the guest speaker of the day. He gave an enlightening talk on “Nutritional programs in India”. He threw light on the importance of providing a nutritional diet to to new born and infants. Ms. B. Sahana III year B.Sc(N) student presented a case report on Nephrotic Syndrome which sought the attention of the gathering.


Teaching - Learning

Ms.Rumasanthini. K, Lecturer Dept of Medical Surgical Nursing, was deputed by INC& NACO as GFATM Trainer For Nurses From Government and Private Institution on HIV/AIDS at St Xavier College Of Nursing, Nagercoil from 9.1.14 to 11.1.14. She was also deputed for the same purpose to train the nurses at JIPMER, college of nursing which is a sub-sub recipient of GFATM, Puducherry from 17.2.14 to 19.2.14. Mr.Vijayaraj. R, Lecturer, Dept of Medical Surgical Nursing was Deputed by INC& NACO as GFATM Trainer for Nurses on HIV/AIDS at JIPMER, college of nursing (sub-sub recipient of GFATM), Puducherry from 20.1.14 to 22.1.14.

Career Guidance Programme

Career guidance programme was organized on 03.03.2014 under the guidance of our respected Principal/ Director of Nursing Dr. S. Kamalam, Mr. Bernard Ryder, International Educational Consultant from United Kingdomgave a broad outlook on “Global career opportunities for higher education in Nursing in United Kingdom”. Students actively participated in the programme and gained an insight on the above and clarified their doubts.

Literary Club

A spark of light is enough to set the forest on fire. To kindle this spark of thoughts and ideas in the young SBVU u CIDRF u MGMCRI u SSSMCRI u IGIDS u KGNC Volume 8 Issue 1 Jan - Mar 2014

60 minds of Kasturbians Literary Club of KGNC and Women’s Cell jointly organized a Debate on “Women’s Empowerment – A Myth Or Reality”. 12 students from I, II and III year B.Sc.(N) actively participated in the competition. The Debate was moderated by Mrs. Uma.A.N Associate Professor in Genetics, Department of Anatomy, MGMC&RI. Mr.Surendiran, III yr BSc (N) from Myth team and Mr. Subramanian from reality team were applauded. The Debate was concluded as 60% a myth and 40% a reality.

Journal Club

The following faculty presented the following topics in the journal club of KGNC. On 08.02.2014 Ms.Ezhilarasi spoke on ‘Stem Cell Therapy’ and Ms.Ilavarasi on‘Myths on which Gender you are Carrying?’ On 28.03.2014, Ms. Indira Priyadarshini spoke on ‘Zinc Another Vital Nutrient’ and Ms. Sonia on Menke’s Kinke’s Syndrome.

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on 17.01.2014 in Fraternal Life Service Home (FLSH), Ousteri, Puducherry. All aspects of stress management were brought forth in a theatrical performance. Various cultural activities like songs, solo dance, group dance & story telling were also conducted for the mentally ill patients. The patients were entertained and the prizes were awarded to the winners. A symposium on “Prevention of Suicide” was organised on 24.01.2014 by III Year B.Sc (N) students. They gave expound knowledge about suicidal preventive measures to the mentally challenged patients. The students provided a holistic care to the patients in Sacred Heart Hospital, Payankulam, Kerala during their clinical posting from 01.02.14 to 28.03.14. Occupational therapy was conducted to the mentally ill and de-addicts. Activities like cover making, flower vase making, file making etc., was taught to them which was very beneficial to the patients


Mrs. Sonia, Asst. Lecturer, Dept. of Community Health Nursing joined KGNC on 06.01.14

Out Reach Activities

Creating a World of Compassion for the Mentally Ill

The Department of Mental Health Nursing organised a role play on “Stress Management” by III Year B.Sc (N)

Intensified Pulse polio campaign

As a part of Community Health service, B.Sc(N) II year students of KGNC actively participated in the Pulse polio campaign 1st phase on 19.01.14. Students were divided into small groups & rendered their services in

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Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust

Women’s Day celebration-women cell

In commemoration of the International Women’s Day celebration on 8th March, the Women Cell of KGNC organized debate, painting competition and rally for nursing students. The topic for the debate and painting competitions was Women empowerment- A Myth or Reality and Ensuring the safety of women respectively.

Kirumampakkam PHC. 10 booths were covered by this PHC. They immunized nearly 2219 under five children in the area. Students were guided by Ms. Rekha, Asst Lecturer & the PHN Ms. Sumathi.

International Women’s Day Mr. Krishnamoorthy IV yrB.Sc (N) student bagged the 3rd prize for painting competition. Mr. Surender III YrB. Sc (N) and Mr. Subramani IV yr B.Sc (N) students from KGNC participated in the debate that was conducted on 8th March 2014. All Faculty members participated in Women’s day celebration which was organized by We @ SBV in the VII floor I block, MGMC & RI.

The Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology nursing celebrated international women’s day on 11.03.2014 between 10:00 am – 12:30 pm at Pillaiyarkuppam village, Puducherry. Our final year B.Sc (Nursing) students participated in the role play on “Menopause and its Management” and also they gave Health Talk regarding screening of cervical cancer, with the use of slide projection. Nearly 40 women attended the programme. The group members actively participated in this programme.

Women’s Day Rally

Department of Family welfare services, Govt of Puducherry conducted rally on 8.3.14 that focused on the SBVU u CIDRF u MGMCRI u SSSMCRI u IGIDS u KGNC Volume 8 Issue 1 Jan - Mar 2014

62 theme “Safety of Women” at Gandhi Thidal, Puducherry. 1st year B. Sc (N) students and Ms. Sujatha, Asst Lecturer took part in the rally, and raised their voices towards the safety of women.

World Tuberculosis Day

Department of Community Health Nursing commemorated World Tuberculosis Day in Kirumampakkam Primary Health centre on 25.03.14. In this program they have done the role play and Health talk on the theme “Importance of DOTS”. Nearly 30 TB positive cases in that area were benefited by this programme.

NSS Special Camp

NSS volunteers of KGNC unit organized a special camp on the theme “Maternal and Child Care” in adopted village Pillayarkuppam from 24.01.14 to 30.01.14. During the camp they involved in various activities such as survey on basic sanitation facilities, well baby clinic, anti plastic awareness rally, Health Education for antenatal and mothers of under five children, Nutritional exhibition for school children etc.,

Students Accomplishments Curricular

PGNews Ms. Lintu Francis, IIyear, MSc(N) secured first place

Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust

(excellent grade) in the evaluation test conducted by Athma Institute of Mental Health and Social Sciences and Research Foundation, Tiruchirapalli during her period of training from 01.03.14 to 31.3.14. Adding Glory to KGNC: Ms. Lintu Francis, IIyear MSc (N) secured a position among the Top Twenty Five articles in the National Article Writing Competition 2013 organised by the Health Care Management, Post Graduate Program and Goa Institute Of Management. Congrats!

Co-curricular Laurels to KGNC

Mr. Mahesh, III Year BSc(N) won the Chancellor’s gold medal and Ms. Umarani III Year BSc(N) bagged the bronze medal for poster competition on Importance of Education held in MGMC&RI in commemoration of National Education Day. They were honoured by our Vice Chancellor, SBV University, Prof. K.R .Sethuraman and Prof.Dr. Ananathakrishnan, Dean, PG studies, MGMCRI on 11.11.13.


Our B.sc (Nursing) students of KGNC participated in AURA 2014 which was organized by PIMS between 19.03.14 and 22.03.14. Students enthusiastically participated in Culturals, literary and Sports events. Ms. Christy. F and Harish Mohan from final year won the 1st and 2nd prize in Tatoo art respectively. Ms. Gayathri from final year, bagged 2nd prize in Junk Art. Ms. Gowri from 3rd year bagged 3rd prize in Long Jump. Congrats!


“It is the quality of our work which will please God and not the quantity”-Mahatma Gandhi KGNC has restarted its mission in 2014 to work for SBVU u CIDRF u MGMCRI u SSSMCRI u IGIDS u KGNC Volume 8 Issue 1 Jan - Mar 2014

63 the improvement of quality of nursing in all dimensions. The following activities were carried out in this quarter.

Symposium on Research Methodology

KGNC IQAC unit organized a symposium on research methodology for M.Sc (N) I year & II Year students P.B.B.Sc (N) II Year students B.Sc (N) IV Year Students & all faculty of KGNC on 10.01.14 & 11.01.14 from 9.00 am to 4.30 pm at 1st Floor Lecture Hall Objectives: To provide basic knowledge in research methodology and to improve the quality of nursing research by providing clarity of the context to the student researchers and junior faculty to proceed further in nursing research activities. The symposium opened up with the college anthem. Prof. Annie Annal. M, KGNC welcomed the gathering followed by the introductory message delivered by Dr. S. Kamalam, Principal, KGNC. The programme proceeded with 4 sessions covering all aspects of research methodology. At the end of the programme post test and feedback was obtained from the students. The students express their need to conduct further such programmes in future.

Inservice Training Programme on HIV/ AIDS

KGNC IQAC unit in association with department of Community Health Nursing organized an in-service training programme on HIV/ AIDS on 03.02.2014 to 07.02.2014 wherein 10 Staff Nurses from MGMC & RI and Faculty of KGNC were the beneficiaries

The main objective of the programme was to provide indepth knowledge on HIV/AIDS and prevention of infection to self; To provide adequate information to render quality care for patients infected with HIV; To create an awareness on the services rendered by NACO for patients with HIV infection. The programme was inaugurated by Dr. S. Kamalam, Principal, KGNC. The 5 days session was handled by Ms. Rumashanthini. K and Mr. Vijayaraj. R, Dept of Medical Surgical Nursing who are certified trainers of GFATM (Global Fund for AIDS Tuberculosis and Malaria) sponsored by Indian Nursing Council and NACO. The participants were very

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active and enthusiastic in receiving the information and taking part in skill session. After the end of the session, Principal, KGNC gave the valedictory message and distributed certificates to all participants. A post test was conducted on 07.02.2014 as a feedback of training programme. Most of the candidates have done well. The overall feedback about the in-service training programme was graded as excellent.

Workshop on “Setting the Qualitative Question Papers in Nursing”

KGNC in collaboration with SBV, IQAC &Medical Education Unit organized the Workshop on “Setting The Qualitative Question Papers In Nursing” on

01.03.2014 at the 1st Floor Lecture Hall, KGNC. Principal, Vice-principal, all faculty of KGNC (including non-nursing Faculty), HODs of Dept of Pathology, Pharmacology, Psychology, Genetics & English were the beneficiaries. The programme commenced by 9.30 am with by lighting of kuthuvillaku by the dignitaries, Prof. K. R. Sethuraman, Vice-Chancellor, SBV Prof. K. A. Narayan, Vice-Principal, MGMC & RI Dr. V. N. Mahalakshmi, Controller of Examinations, SBV, Dr. S. Kamalam, Principal, KGNC. The programme began with an Introductory session on need for the workshop set induction by Dr. S. Kamalam. The faculty of KGNC enacted a role play on COE’s Dilemma. Prof. Sumathy. P and Mrs. Kripa Angeline from KGNC gave a talk on “Tips & Tricks for setting effective LAQ’s, SAQ’s,VSAQ’s”. Prof. K.A. Narayan, Vice-Principal, MGMC & RI gave a brief talk on Blueprint of the question paper followed by Dr. V. N. Mahalakshmi, COE, SBV who gave a speech on “Checklist and validation of the question bank introduction of the new pattern question paper”. All the session was very interactive and doubts were clarified on the concept. Vote of thanks was delivered by Mrs. Gerald Roseline. Asst. Prof, M, KGNC. Proposed Events: KGNC-IQAC unit in association with department of Medical Surgical Nursing has a proposal to organize a workshop on “Hemodynamic monitoring in critical care units” for students and faculty, KGNC SBVU u CIDRF u MGMCRI u SSSMCRI u IGIDS u KGNC Volume 8 Issue 1 Jan - Mar 2014



Editorial Board Editor-In-Chief Prof. Seetesh Ghose

Executive Editors Ms. UMA A N Dr. SHIVASAKTHY M

Design & Layout Mr. GEORGE FERNANDEZ



Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth University Central Inter-Disciplinary Research Facility Mahatma Gandhi Medical College & Research Institute Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College Pillayarkuppam, Puducherry- 605 402

Shri Sathya Sai Medical College & Research Institute Nellikuppam, kancheepuram Dist., Tamil Nadu - 603 108. E.mail : chronicle@mgmcri.ac.in - Visit The Chronicle Online at http://www.sbvu.ac.in

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